#when she started showing signs of repressed sadness
artistic-intrxvert · 2 years
Hello! Now I'm curious because I'm clingy-
How do you think Tsukasa and Hanako would be with a S/O who's really clingy? Like, constantly holding their hand, only pausing to do something then right back to holding their hand. Overall just really physically affectionate
If you would like to add a little ✨spice✨, what would they do if their S/O is really clingy and loving but represses it because they're terrified of hurting the bois? Like genuinely wants to just latch onto them in the hall while walking to their next class but they don't because ✨anxiety✨
Hello again👀 I am super excited about this one because I am like this haha- I hope i got everything right! Let me know if I didn't. Enjoy! :D
Warnings: none!
Proofread: yep!
Prompt: Hanako and Tsukasa who has a S/O who's really clingy
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Oh boy
Can and will tease the living crap out of you and I hope you don't mind that because if so, start getting used to it!
He loves that you constantly try to hold his hand or always wanting hugs or other physical affection
He finds it adorable!!
If you want the affection, he will provide! But with teasing, of course
If you are holding his hand for a while and let go to go grab something, he will understand but might pout a little bit
Once you come back and hold his hand again, he will tease you saying something like "I knew you would come back. You are just so clingy, aren't you (Name)?"
If you are ever shy because you think that you will hurt or annoy him, he will cup your face and tell you that you can never annoy him and give a peck on the forehead
Walking to class and you want a hug but to shy to ask for it? Boom, he's clinging onto you the whole time
Want cuddles while your in class? He's got you covered
What Hanako will never admit is that one time he teared up over the fact that you cared so much about him that you wanted to constantly hold him
You walked in and asked him what's wrong and gave him an affirming hug
He broke down more
Overall, he's going to tease the living daylights out of you but thinks it is the sweetest thing! And if you ever have to think twice about doing it, he can and will constantly remind you with kisses <3
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Tsukasa will also tease you! Maybe not as much as Hanako but he will still give you a little tease
Most often times he will give you hugs and whenever you return them he just
Pikachu face
Will hug you tighter and if you hug him tighter back, will start leaving kisses all over your face
He's so excited that he has someone that's as clingy as he is!
If you ever let go of his hand to go grab something he will feel sad and upset. He will most likely pout
But when you come back and start holding his hand again he will forget that he was pouting and just latch himself back onto you
If you are ever shy about giving affection because he might be annoyed or get upset with you, he will stare you down with those dark eyes he has and says very firmly, "You can never annoy me, (Name). You know that, right?"
Sakura is just
Exhausted at this point
Somebody start paying her- she deserves it-
If you are walking to class and want affection but are too scared to ask
Don't even show signs of it, he's constantly clinging to you so I don't think you'd have this problem!
All in all Tsukasa is just as if not more clingy and will occasionally tease you but most likely not. If you ever doubt whether you should give him affection or not, dark eyes will assure you <3
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qtubbo · 3 months
I don’t think Sunny’s rabbit is some strange otherworldly entity, I think it’s a childish representation of her negative feelings towards the isolation they feel with just Tubbo. Sunny doesn’t like feeling things they deem “bad”, such as anger, sadness, jealousy, ect. Both something due to personal pre-island issues and how they were seen as too much for Tallulah, along with people calling/treating her as aggressive and too bold. When it came down to physical defense, Sunny gained Moon, and whether you believe he’s something Sunny uses intentionally to excuse their perceived flaws or an alter. Moon protects Sunny, he’s not very aggressive but he’s still willing to retaliate and he’s all the things Sunny doesn’t like.
After the reset Sunny became more anxious of their relationship with Tubbo, feeling overly isolated because unlike other eggs Sunny can’t follow and only has one other trusted kinda Guardian, Fit, to stay with. Sunny was often talking about how scared they felt about Tubbo leaving her, how upset they felt with Tubbo’s attitude towards death along with the isolation she felt from how all other adults ignoring the signs. That’s when the Bunny showed up, that’s when they started talking about having a secret friend, designed for one thing to protect them.
Sunny likes having the bunny as a friend, someone to talk to because to her the plushie fully can speak. Sunny felt alone and now they have a friend that won’t leave her side, that will go all the way out to the ocean monument to see Pa with her. Sunny keeps the bunny in a literal secret box, and today she showed how the rabbit is directly aggressive towards Tubbo. Feeling that he failed Sunny, the Bunny states what happened Tubbo promised to stay for Sunny, and then he left, Sunny feels abandoned but she won’t let themself show that. The Bunny takes the form of Sunny’s more intrusive negative thoughts towards Tubbo, he failed her, he lied, she’s alone.
Summary: Bunny is a representation of Sunny’s negative emotions formed from repression, rather than magic. Disclaimer could be wrong, also I wrote this in one take so…
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sorryseraphim · 3 months
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It took him a few weeks to visit this particular area of his gallery after wallowing from grief. After he had himself elevated the title of Lord, he didn’t immediately make haste in moving his items to Wyrm’s Crossing; it felt lonely and empty, knowing he wouldn’t be able to share it with Helene. Her sudden disappearance brought back terrible memories of his past, the feeling of abandonment and fear, but mostly sadness threatening to devour him whole.
As he stood there, pulling the covers off an unfinished canvas, her words echoed in the back of his head, vividly remembering how her eyes thinned staring at him; for a moment, Enver thought she would refuse again to his request despite her already sitting behind the canvas. The painter sat quietly behind them, waiting for his signal to start with the painting, pretending to prepare the colors in his palette as Enver assured Helene; he was fully aware that she wouldn’t agree to have herself painted; after all, being the high priestess and leader of a murder cult requires privacy. 
“Just the one. I won’t pose for any portraits or nonsense again.”
Soothing her shoulders as he gazed upon her, he spoke softly. “Just one. I promise.” 
“Fine. Do I need to do anything?” He remembered her asking, a smile creeping up his face as she started narrating how when she received word from Enver about an “urgent” matter that morning, she came running to his estate to heed his call. He remembers walking back to the painter’s side, who is now holding a brush, its tip wet with paint the color of pearl, just right to represent her pale skin.
“Just sit down straight. Straighten your back as if you’re about to attack me.” He replied playfully, making her smile a little. Her repressed smiles, which he particularly cherished the most, meant she was genuinely amused but too stubborn to admit. The memory of his eyes drifting from the painter's fluid strokes back to her sitting stoically, legs crossed, face unmoving in front of him brought another rush of pain across his chest. 
“Helene, look at me.” He remembered calling her attention when her gaze drifted miles away, staring at nothing momentarily. Blinking rapidly as she focused back on his face, an exchange of smiles and sighs filled the room until the painter finished her bust.  He should have known those were signs of distress on her part. She had addressed a few times then that she could feel her gut stirring to an “unknown threat” dawning upon her that she was yet to discern. He had brushed it off then, and now regret flooded his insides, drowning him with the memory of her last day.
The way she stood beside the painter after, eyeing the portrait’s finished portion of her face, crept to him once more. How her brows furrowed, and her lips pursed, slowly curling into a smile washing over him. 
“You need to add more freckles. I think.” Helene said, looking at him, ignoring the painter’s shaky hands as she stood close to him. 
“It’s not yet finished. You really need to work on your patience.” Enver replied with a smile, crossing his arms in front of him as he watched her walk up to him. Her heels echo in the quiet of the room. 
“What is this portrait even for? You never told me.” He remembers her asking quickly, just a hint of suspicion and amusement with his sudden request. 
“You’ll soon see. For now, you have my immense gratitude. You can go back to your duties.” He smiled reassuringly at her, a hand reaching out to hers, kissing it gently before she left. 
Now that the memory finished flooding back, feeling defeated as he stared blankly at the unfinished portrait, so were the many things he regretted not telling her. He should have told her how he cherished her loving touches as they lay at night after a moment of passion. How her laughter filled his chest with joy, he couldn’t remember ever having. And, of course, she always had a way of showing her unyielding passion for him, if not with words. 
It will never be finished, he thought as he draped the covers back. How will it ever be finished? The lady in the canvas will never have the chance to wear the white dress he had dreamed of seeing. Nor would he hear the vows spoken in front of a cleric, promises they had only said to one another between the sheets and in secret to bind them for eternity officially. 
Enver’s heart will never be complete. So is the wedding portrait he kept in the darkest part of his gallery.  
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pusangkambing · 9 months
Saw a tweet annoyed the hell out of me but for the love of god qjaiden isnt leaving or "closing the book" on bobby fields. Girl says she's going to start lying but apparently now is the time to take her words at face value
She's been lying to herself for a much longer time than she has been lying to other people. No she's not over bobby fields, no shes not over bobby's death, she lied to qBaghs about it because Baghera is one of the only people that knows about it. She is lying to qbaghera because she's afraid she might become suspicious too. She has no plans on leaving. Literally a day before she said Bobby fields would be her main base but she would need a different house because she cant keep saying she doesnt have one when people ask.
She has not moved on, she has never ever allowed herself to fully processed her grief. Think back to when she first showed bobby fields to qroier, constantly telling him that they can be like how they used to, that, there, they can never be sad. That they can keep living that memory of bobby forever. Go back when she first showed it to qfoolish. Leo was so concerned about it because she too clocked in how qjaiden never ever lets herselft get sad ever. She asks her tia if she's okay with a sign, qjaiden reads and quietly tells her "yes. im fine" then breaks the sign herself. She, as far as i know, has never broken a sign from the eggs ever until then, but the fact that she broke the sign herself speaks volumes of how much she's repressing her emotions. She is bottling up all her grief over bobby, never truly letting them out so she can forever cling to only happy memories of her dead son. Think back to when she first showed qcellbit, when cellbit asked her where she got the flowers (the cyan ones, bobby's flowers), she immediately changed the subject, never fully answering his question. She does not let herself think of the day when Bobby died, she refuses to touch it, she understands that he's dead but she can never confront the memory of when he actually died, and with the way shes going, it doesnt look like she ever will.
So no she has not moved on, she is not closing the book, the thorns of the roses of bobby fields cling to her very being, the vines wrapping themselves around her heart. When she speaks to others about moving on,
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
Fly Away: Pt. 5
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Pairing: Young!Aemond x Young!Velaryon!Reader | Side pairing: Rhaenyra x Alicent, Aegon x Helaena
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Au: friends to lovers, childhood love, incest (duh), slight homophobia expressed, repressed feelings, mutual pining, teenage runaways, mentions of bullying, arrange marriages
Word Count: 7k
Summary: Young love overcomes all in a family full of broken bonds and broken hearts. When Princess Y/N Velaryon and Prince Aemond Targaryen are discovered missing from their beds, their mothers must come together to find them. The search might do more for their families than a mere marriage pact can. 
A/N: want to clarify now that we stick with young!Aemond throughout the story. Ewan’s Aemond comes in at the very end. This is mainly done starting a bit before The Princess and the Queen and a little bit after the events at Driftmark. I do pull some scenes from the show, but it remains relatively loose throughout. Want to also point out that The Dance doesn’t happen in this universe, so...happy ending expected, because we need more of those.  
Previous Chapter < | > Next Chapter 
Taglist:  @yitish,  @imjustboredso, @discowizard88, @mddieeunson, @caramelcandescence, @bookwhoresthings, @astrumark, @ophelialaufey​
She’d finished writing to Lady Jeyne Arryn when your lady-in-waiting entered her chambers. She’d hoped to persuade a betrothal between you and Eldric, one of Lady Jeyne’s younger brothers. The boy is a bit younger than you, but he was an Arryn of the Vale. An alliance between House Velaryon and House Arryn will be beneficial to both sides. The fair-haired girl waited for her to sign and seal her letter before speaking. 
“Forgive me for the interruption, Your Grace,” the girl bowed, “But Princess Y/N was not in her bed this morning.”
Rhaenyra smiled softly. This was not the first time a maid informed her that your bed was empty. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” Rhaenyra said, grabbing another slip of paper, “She must’ve gone for an early morning flight, Helen. She loves riding Starshine in the morning.”
“Yes, Your Grace, but she missed her morning meal as well.”
“She can eat when she comes back.” 
You always came back. Rhaenyra dismissed Helen, then returned to writing the second marriage proposal: to Lord Rickon Stark. He had a son, Cregan, who was roughly your age. House Stark are a noble house and Wardens of the North; you will do well there. She hoped. Rhaenyra knew you had not fully forgiven her or Alicent for breaking the betrothal. She noticed the bouts of sadness you’d have during meals, particularly if they served a dish that reminded you of Aemond. She’d taken a look at your drawings when you didn’t see, and saw that a fair few were of Aemond and Vhagar. Rhaenyra knew what heartache looked like, and she certainly knew how it sounded. She’d forever feel guilty breaking her own daughter’s heart, but the pain would pass with time. You’ll come to see that, in the long run, retracting the pact benefited everyone involved. 
Perhaps you’ll like Rickon’s son, and forget all about Aemond. 
Rhaenyra wrote to Lord Stark, as well as Lords Tully and Manderly. All had sons who would make fine suitors for her only daughter. When she finished, about half past one, she left her chambers for the training yard. She spotted Luke and Jace being trained by the master-at-arms, heeding his instructions and executing them as told. Rhaenyra could never shake the very slight pang in her chest each time she looked at them. They reminded her too much of their father, of Harwin. Especially Jace, who already had his mane of brown curls and nose. Watching them swing swords at straw dummies, she stood on the balcony overhead and looked on quietly. The rumors of their births cannot reach her in these high walls; the whispers and murmurs could not touch them here. Yet, they’d come all the same that night at Drift Mark. Seeing them now, she thought of the insult that resulted in so much bad blood. She regretted now what she’d said about Aemond; suggesting he be questioned rather than cared for. She’d been concerned for her own sons, who’d been attacked, and the dangerous rumors that floated in the room. But, then Rhaenyra imagined how Alicent must’ve been feeling seeing her son maimed. 
Rhaenyra knew her temper. She would’ve picked up that knife too, were she in Alicent’s position.
She’d ordered a bowl of grapes, cheese and wine while she watched over them. Sipping from her wine cup, she’d been clapping for Luke’s strong sword swing when Septa Sarisa appeared. An older woman with a narrow nose, thin lips, and dark eyes, she wore the gray robes of the female clergy. 
“Septa Sarisa,” she said, “How can I help you?”
“I’m afraid it is your daughter, Your Grace,” she replied. “She did not show up for her lessons after breakfast this morning. I spoke to Helen, and the girl says she has not seen her.”
“That’s odd,” Rhaenyra’s brow furrowed, “Y/N isn’t known to skip lessons.” 
“Could she possibly still be flying, Your Grace?”
“Hm, possibly.” 
She looked over the balcony railing and called to her sons, “Boys, have either of you seen your sister?” When they both shook their heads, she turned back to Septa Sarisa, “Perhaps she is flying still. I am sure she’ll turn up, Septa, and when she does I’ll send her to you.”
“Thank you, Your Grace.” 
Rhaenyra planned on having a serious talk with you when you finally returned.  
“I have already spoken with Lords Tyrell and Baratheon. They’ve all accepted a possible betrothal for the young prince.” 
Alicent sat on her husband’s left as she told the council her plans for Aemond. Ever since she broke the betrothal between Targaryen and Velaryon, she’d reached out to other noble houses. It saddened her every time she came to see her son, see the eyepatch covering his wound, and know he’ll never be the same. She’d seen him struggle at the dinner table, trying his best not to knock anything over and the neck pains he’d have from twisting his head so much. Maester Orwyle told her he’d eventually learn to cope with his disability, but her heart broke regardless. Aemond. Her sensitive, shy boy who’d only wanted to have a dragon like a “true” Targaryen. What hurt most that night was the realization. 
The realization that her husband, father of her children, will never care for them. His son became permanently damaged, and he did nothing. He cared more about what people said of Rhaenyra’s bastards than what they’d done to her son. Aemond only protected himself against children who’d attacked him first. Her husband did not give a single word of comfort or concern. He’d questioned Aemond, who’d lied to protect her. The only version of the story he’d accepted was the one that Rhaenyra’s sons told him. 
How could she let him marry the sister of such boys? 
“A marriage with House Tyrell can ensure resources are plentiful,” her father said to her. “The Tyrell’s supply a majority of their crops to Westeros; each year. We can use this match to make sure citizens of King’s Landing do not go hungry. Lord Tyrell’s daughter is a lovely maiden.”
“Lord Baratheon,” Lord Beesebury, Master of Coin, spoke up with a quavering voice, “Has four daughters. Two of them are Prince Aemond’s age, but the others are a bit older and have flowered. An alliance with House Baratheon will ensure we have their support should we ever see a time of war.”
“Let us hope it never comes to that,” Viserys said from his seat at the head of the table. 
Alicent did not know how to tell him that the day might come. Rhaenyra will become queen one day, and her stomach churned knowing what that could mean. The men of this world would rather tear it down than have a woman ascend the Iron Throne. She did not doubt Rhaenyra’s abilities; she never would even now. But, with her uncle Daemon at her side and her possible Hand one day, things may become difficult. He will no doubt influence her to murder Alicent’s children, since their claims challenge Rhaenyra’s. Alicent could not let that happen. 
“My lords, Your Grace,” Lord Tyland, Master of Ships, called for their attention, “House Lannister controls all the gold coins in Westeros. Our gold mines are endless and bountiful. May I propose a union between House Lannister and House Targaryen? My brother, Jason, has a daughter close to Prince Aemond’s age.”
Simply speaking about Aemond’s betrothals gave her a headache. Aemond’s recent injury resulted in his sudden spike in temper. He glared at her whenever she mentioned him marrying another girl. She knew he’d grown to love Princess Y/N, and that he’d possibly never love anyone else. Alicent sometimes scoffed when he proclaimed this out loud. He is a boy. He knows nothing of love or romance. She knew, with time, Aemond will eventually forget about you and do his duty to his family. How could he love the girl who’s family permanently damaged him? True, you had not swung the blade, but your brother had. Things would be more complicated if the marriage went forward as planned. This decision is easier for everyone involved. 
“A fine suggestion,” her husband said with a smile. “I heard your niece is something to be envied in Casterly Rock.”
Lord Tyland smiled proudly, “She most certainly is.”
Beauty was one thing, but what about her personality? Was she kind? Generous? Creative or imaginative like Aemond? She’d no doubt be terrified by Vhagar, whom Aemond adored and visited daily. Would Lady Lannister be a good companion for her lonely boy? She hoped so. 
The council meeting ended with Alicent telling Lord Tyland she’d consider his offer. She truly would consider it. Aemond is approaching manhood soon, and will need to marry eventually. She left the council chambers, and decided to go look for him. However, she’d gotten a few steps before Maester Hunt came towards her. 
“Your Grace,” the old maester said to her, “Forgive me but I’m afraid I have urgent news.”
“What’s happened? Is it Aemond?” 
“Partially. I’d gone to Prince Aemond’s quarters to examine his eye, but the boy was not there. I spoke with the maids, and they said his bed was empty this morning.”
“Hm,” she hummed, taking a moment to think, “Aemond wouldn’t miss a treatment. He told me just last night his eye hurt him deeply.” She recalled how the boy nearly cried from the pain in his eye. She’d given him tea to calm him, then kissed him goodnight. “I’ll see where he has gotten off to. He is most likely in the library with his tutor. I will tell him to see you when he is finished.”
“Yes, Your Grace.”
Alicent changed course and walked towards the library. Aemond might’ve gone to return books he’d borrowed and pick up new ones. When she arrived, she fully expected to find her children sitting with Maester Crowlin and learning about the histories and cultures of Westeros. Instead, she only found Helaena and Aegon. Aegon, who sat with his head in his hand and eyes half open, no doubt nursed a hangover. Helaena paid attention, however, scribbling down notes and listening intently. The seat between them, Aemond’s seat, remained empty. 
“Ah, Your Grace,” Maester Crowlin, a middle-aged man with thinning brown hair, greeted her with a smile. “I was just teaching the Prince and Princess about the houses of The Reach.”
“That’s wonderful, Maester,” she replied politely. She looked to Helaena and Aegon, who snapped awake at the sound of her voice. “Where is your brother?”
“I don’t know,” Helaena replied. 
“How should I know?” Aegon replied, irritably. 
“You should know because you’re the one who was meant to watch him,” she said sharply. “You know things have not been easy since his injury. He needs to be watched.”
“He can do things himself now,” Aegon dismissed. “If he needs so much observation, why not leave him with a guard?”
“Did something happen to Aemond, Mother?” Helaena asked, ignoring Aegon. 
“I hope not. Maester Hunt said he wasn’t in his room, and he needs to have his eye examined.”
“What’s there to examine? He’s already lost it.”
“Aegon!” she snapped, “He is your younger brother. Show a bit of concern.”
“Mother,” Aegon sat up in his seat and faced her. Out of all her children, Aegon resembled her the most. They shared the same nose and face shape. Her father said had he been born with brown hair, he’d be a spitting image of her brother, Gwayne. “Aemond probably snuck out of the palace early this morning and went to the Dragonpit to see Vhagar. Yes, yes, yes, I know he’s supposed to go with me or Helaena, but you know he likes to do things by himself. He’s been especially annoying about it since his accident. I’m sure wherever Aemond is, he’s fine.” When she appeared dissatisfied, he closed his book and groaned, “I’ll go to the Dragonpit and see if he’s there.” 
“I’ll go with you,” Helaena said, closing her own book and standing with him. 
“You don’t have to,” Aegon replied. “I can go by myself.”
“Aemond is my brother as well,” she said. “I want to see if he is alright.”
“Ugh, you women,” Aegon rolled his eyes, “Aemond’s fine. You’ll see.”
Alicent allowed her children to leave. Aegon might be a little reluctant at times, but she’d noticed a very slight change in his behavior towards Aemond. Perhaps he felt guilty for not protecting his brother. Perhaps he realized his constant bullying and teasing caused his younger brother to seek out the largest dragon and claim it as his own, resulting in the fight at Driftmark. She reassured herself that they’d find him. They had to. Where else could he have gone?
This was stupid. Aegon sat beside Helaena in the wheelhouse taking them through the city. He’d prefer to have gone alone, since then he can sneak into a tavern for a drink before continuing to the Dragonpit on the hill. Helaena is too soft for the city. She’s too gentle and delicate. Aegon knew the streets of King’s Landing like the back of his hand; if Aemond snuck off somewhere outside the Dragonpit, Aegon could venture alone to find him. Of course, he said none of this to his mother. She already disapproved of his lifestyle; he’d give her no more reasons to scold him. 
“Do you really think he is alright?” Helaena asked him. 
“Yes. He’s probably with Vhagar right now, talking to her or stroking her.”
Aemond loved dragons. He knew everything about them, and wanted one for as long as Aegon could remember. When he claimed Vhagar, Aegon admitted he’d been impressed. He never expected that from him. Vhagar is old, battle-worn, and too large for the world. Only the bravest of riders could’ve claimed her, since it is the dragon who chooses really. It made him realize that Aemond might not be as big of a twat as he’d once thought. Unfortunately, due to his injury, Aemond could not fly Vhagar right away. The Dragon Keepers heavily advised against it, since he needs to adjust to his new vision before doing so. Aegon managed to feel a drop of pity. He knew when he bonded with Sunfyre, he’d wanted to ride the dragon immediately. 
“Things have not been easy for him,” she continued, “Since he lost his sight.”
“He is not blind. He has one eye left.”
“But he still has difficulty regardless. What if he flew Vhagar?”
“He’s not supposed to.”
“When has that stopped Aemond from doing anything?”
He nodded. He supposed his sister was right. He looked over at her, seeing the worry on her face. They’d been married a few months now, and he still had not taken her maidenhead. He couldn’t find it in himself to do it. He didn’t particularly like Helaena in that manner. They share nothing in common. She’d be better suited to Aemond, but his mother insisted on the betrothal. Targaryens have wed brother-to-sister for centuries; it only made sense for the eldest boy to marry his younger sister for blood purity. Aegon honestly tried, but he’d drunk too much at the wedding feast and could not perform his duty. It’d upset his mother considerably. He scanned briefly over her soft features, her dreamy violet eyes and long mane of silver hair. She is not ugly; in fact, quite the opposite. He realized this is one of the few times she spoke to him normally. Usually, she’s spitting out riddles and nonsense he couldn’t decipher. But, that wasn’t important. 
“The Dragon Keepers will have stopped him. They know he cannot fly.”
The wheelhouse went throughout the city until they reached the large doors of The Dragonpit. A tall and wide fortress, Aegon knew down below were tunnels and caves where the dragons lived. The high domed ceiling brought in rays of light inside the dimly lit space. Helaena walked behind him as he approached the doors. Any minute now, they’ll see Aemond with Vhagar, bring him back to the castle, and his mother will be relieved. One of the older Dragon Keepers approached him when he walked into the center of the room. 
“My Prince, welcome. Have you come to see Sunfyre?” he asked in High Valyrian. 
“No. We have come to look for Aemond. He was not in his bed this morning, and our mother is concerned. Is he here?”
“No,” he shook his head. “Prince Aemond has not been here at all today.” 
“Are you certain?” Helaena interrupted. “Our mother deeply worries for him.”
“I am certain, Princess. If Prince Aemond had arrived, we would have known.”
A sense of dread filled the bottom of Aegon’s stomach. “Is Vhagar here?” 
“Vhagar is too big for the caves,” he said. “She often becomes hostile and irritated when left in the caves for too long, so a keeper must have let her out for a flight. But, I assure you, Prince Aemond is not here.” 
“Let us check the caves,” Aegon told him. “He might have broken in when nobody noticed him.”
“I believe that is impossible. We have Keepers patrolling day and night.”
“Aemond is intelligent. He would know how to avoid detection.”
Unable to argue further, the aged Keeper went to round up others for a search party. Aegon could not go back without him. If he did, his mother would assume he hadn’t truly bothered or did not care enough to try. He’d tell her that she was wrong, but she’d never believe him. His mother often thought the worst of him. He did whatever she asked; he defended her whenever anyone spoke ill of her, and stood at her side. Still, she continued to scold and berate him. Nothing he did mattered. So, he must come back with Aemond. He needed to prove that he could do something worthwhile. 
Helaena followed him into the tunnels, each sibling carrying a torch as they walked through. The thick smell of dragons hung in the air, being blown through by gusts of air. Aegon passed each iron door, taking care to mind his steps, and hoped he’d find Aemond somewhere. 
“How do you speak High Valyrian so fluently?” Helaena asked him. 
“What?” he looked at her, surprised by the sudden question. 
“Valyrian. You speak it well. How? You hardly pay attention in lessons, but you speak it just as well as Aemond.”
Pink filled Aegon’s cheeks, but he hid them by facing forward. “I…” his stomach churned thinking about it, “I guess I picked it up quickly.”
Not completely truthful. Aegon studied High Valyrian, the language of his ancestors, in hopes of impressing his father. He knew about his father’s fascination with Old Valyria, and thought if he learned it quick enough, he might receive some sort of praise. Instead, his father simply acknowledged it. It’d been the only time Aegon showed any interests in his studies, and his father did not care. Aegon always thought he’d been the only one Viserys disliked. Aemond and Helaena stuck more to Targaryen traditions than he did. They did not disappoint anyone like he did. But, when Aemond lost his eye and his father’s true favoritism showed, he realized it was not only him. His father did not care about any of them. He did not like them. They are not offspring from his first wife, the beloved Queen Aemma, so they aren’t important. 
Aegon learned that night that his mother, sister and brother were all he had left. 
“You speak it very well,” she said, getting closer behind him. 
“Thank you.”
Aegon noticed, as they walked, they were alone. Usually, they are surrounded by people, and Aegon has an excuse to avoid her. But right now, in the empty tunnels and caves, it was only them. He gulped, smelling a hint of her perfume in the air. 
“I don’t think Aemond is here,” she told him. “We would have found him by now.”
He conceded. She was right. “Wonderful,” he sighed, “What am I supposed to tell Mother? That I failed to do the one thing she expected of me….again?”
“This isn’t a failure,” Helaena reasoned. 
“We came here to find Aemond. We didn’t find Aemond. I’d consider that a failure, wouldn’t you?”
“Well,” she hesitated, following him as he started his way back, “Perhaps he’s somewhere else in the city. He could’ve tried to come here on his own and gotten lost. We can go into the city to find him.”
He snorted, “You going into King’s Landing?”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re too…”
“‘Too’ what?”
He heard the firmness in her soft tone. “There are places in the city that noblewomen like you shouldn’t go to,” he said. “It’s better if I go on my own. Maybe send the City Watch to look for him. But you, Sister, must go back to the keep. You can tell Mother that I went to find him.”
Maybe then she’ll be happy with him for once. 
Alicent spent most of her afternoon waiting for Aegon and Helaena to return. She hoped with Helaena by his side, Aegon may actually stay on task and not be distracted. It is usually a gamble sending Aegon to do anything, since he normally came back without having done it. Sitting in her apartment, she found it difficult to eat or focus on anything else. She tried busying herself with her daily tasks: figuring out more marriage proposals, joining prayer at the palace sept, and tending to her household. She hoped if she kept her mind occupied, time would pass quickly and she’d have Aemond home soon. Yet, as the hours went on, she’d yet to receive word from Aegon or Helaena. She immediately felt guilty for asking them to go. She should have sent Ser Criston with them, but she’d tasked him with having the Kingsguard search the castle. Aemond could have easily gone down into the dungeons or be holed up somewhere else. She prayed they found him soon. 
She’d been staring off into her fireplace, twirling her necklace between her fingers absentmindedly, when the door opened. She spotted Helaena first, her breath catching in her throat. 
“Helaena,” she moved over to her, clasping both her daughter’s hands, “Have you found him?”
“I’m afraid not, Mother,” she said sadly. “The Dragon Keepers say they did not see him, and he was not in any of the dragon dens. Aegon went with the City Watch to look for him.”
“Aegon? Aegon is still searching?” she asked in disbelief. 
“Yes,” she nodded. “He said Aemond might have gotten lost in the city, and he knows it better than me. He ordered the commander to have his men look for him, while he went on ahead to Flea Bottom.”
Alicent groaned. King’s Landing is a hub of distractions for her son. She knew he’d eventually stop looking, find a brothel or tavern, and drink the night away. He’d come stumbling back, drunk and absent his brother still. She plopped down onto her couch, poured herself a glass of wine, and drank. If Aemond is in the city, she hated to think of what might befall him. He might be mugged or assaulted. He might be murdered. She pictured a group of men hauling her son away, and trembled. Tears started to well in her eyes, while Helaena looked uncertain of what to do. Helaena. So sweet and kind, yet so unsure of certain social customs. She might have been a good match for Aemond, but Alicent wanted so badly to avoid her marrying Jace, she gave her to Aegon. She gazed outside to see the sun still in the sky. It is not too late. Aemond might come back on his own. 
He was always the clever one. 
“Your Grace,” Ser Criston appeared next, giving her a bow when addressing her. 
“Ser Criston,” she breathed, putting her cup down to walk over to him, “Have you found him?”
“I’m afraid not, My Queen,” he replied apologetically. “We searched the entire keep and found no sign of Prince Aemond.” 
She groaned in despair. “Where could he have gone?” she asked him, her composure starting to slip. “Aemond is not one to stray away from home. He never leaves the Keep except for the Dragonpit. Why would he leave and not tell me?” 
She paced. Her nerves refused to let her sit any longer. Briefly, she thought of Rhaenyra, who’d tell her to breathe deeply and bring back her focus. She’d felt it slipping so often these days. Losing Aemond had only worsened the anxiety in her bones. She suddenly started picking at her nail beds, but immediately stopped herself. 
“The Prince will be found, Your Grace,” Ser Criston said gently. “Prince Aemond is a smart and capable young man. I’m sure wherever he is, he is safe.”
“We do not know that,” she cried. “We do not know because he is not here. He…” she breathed deeply again, “He must be so frightened.”
“He is fine,” Ser Criston reached for her, and brought her over to sit. “Hopefully, Prince Aegon will return with good news.”
“Or drunk.”
“Aegon would not drink now,” he insisted. “Not when his brother is missing.”
“You do not know Aegon.”
“I know that he cares for his little brother,” he said, “And you and Helaena. You are all he has. I trust Prince Aegon is doing his best to find Aemond right now. We must practice patience and wait for news.”
She’d done her waiting. Far too much of it. She would not be satisfied until her son came home. 
Rhaenyra stood on her balcony overlooking the ocean. Her eyes stared right at the darkening clouds ahead of her. Rays of yellow and orange broke through the thinner clouds, while night time began overcoming them. Nobody saw you all day. Septa Sarisa said you never showed up for any of your lessons. Maester Gerardys said you hadn’t visited him today. Jace and Luke said they had not seen you either. She’d sent the household guard to search throughout the castle, but no sign of you was found. Rhaenyra could not help imagining the worst. 
You’d run away. 
“Rhaenyra?” she heard Laenor call gently behind her. 
“The sun is almost going down,” she told him, sniffing back worried tears. “She always comes home before sundown. She doesn’t like flying at night. She says it’s harder to see.” 
“I’m sure she’ll be home soon,” he comforted, putting his hands on her shoulders. “You know our little dove. She gets carried away when she rides.”
“She does love her adventures.”
It was true. It wasn’t uncommon of you to take long trips, and come back with treasures or stories for your brothers. Lords and ladies often spoke of seeing Starshine soaring through the skies above them or the young princess showing up at their doorsteps with her dragon. They commented that you were a courteous guest, who never overstayed her welcome. You liked being free in a world where you’re given so little of it. Rhaenyra never scolded you. Westeros may one day become yours; you should know its people. But, you always came home. That was the one thread of hope she clung on to. 
Laenor saw the concern, and said, “If she is not home in an hour, I will send men into the village to look for her. She might have lost track of the time in a pub or a pot shop there.”
You didn’t drink. You are far too young for ale or wine. But, you did enjoy the songs, the people, and the stories. She knew you talked to certain people in the small village below. It was another freedom Rhaenyra let you explore at your leisure. Her father let her have those small bits, so she let you have them as well. Rhaenyra consented to this, and decided she’d dress for dinner. Her lady-in-waiting helping her, she imagined where you might be right now. She smiled thinking of you sitting on a bartop in your riding leathers, listening to a bard play a raunchy song you’re too young to understand. You’ll be talking with the barmaids or the barman, asking curious questions about commoners’ lives. You might find a group of sailors who recognized you, who’d tell you stories from across The Narrow Sea. If anything, with the Gods’ favor, you might’ve run into a man from Driftmark, who will bring you to Dragonstone safely. 
Rhaenyra arrived for dinner, and saw Jace and Luke sitting with Laenor. She’d fed Joffrey already, and left him to sleep in his cradle. Her eyes swept over the table over and over as if she might’ve missed you somewhere. 
“Y/N-” she began to say but Laenor stopped her. 
“I sent men into the village,” he said. “They’ll come back with her, I’m sure of it.” 
“Mother,” Luke spoke when she sat down, “Did Y/N run away?”
“Of course not,” she assured him. “Why would your sister run away? Her home and her family are here.”
“She cried a lot when you told her she wouldn’t marry Aemond,” he replied, sticking his fork into a thick slice of beef. He tried cutting it on his own, but Laenor came to his aid. “What if she ran away to King’s Landing?”
“Your sister wouldn’t do that. She’s most likely in the village, like your father said.”
“What if she’s not?”
This question came from Jace. She saw the sullenness in his face, and frowned. “She is. Don’t worry about your sister,” she said to them, “She’s a strong girl. She can handle herself.”
Rhaenyra forced herself to swallow her own words. You might be a girl, but you are strong. You ride the fastest dragon of the clan; the Dragon Keepers told her a rider needs a specific kind of strength for that. You stand up and face things, rather than sit down and take them. If you are lost somewhere, you will make your way back home. Rhaenyra told herself if you did not appear by morning, she’ll take Syrax and look for you herself. She distracted herself with her husband and sons, anxiously awaiting news from one of the guards in the village. It wasn’t like you to be so late. 
They didn’t find him. Aegon returned to her as the night grew darker, sweaty with his hair tied from his face, stinking of the city, and without Aemond. Her stomach dropped. She thought she might be sick. Alicent plopped back onto her couch, no longer interested in the food on the table nearby. One plate was picked at, while the other untouched. She had the cook make Aemond’s favorite dinner, as if the Gods might bring him back to her if she did this. Her father stood nearby, silent and concerned as she wept. 
“I will have the men keep looking,” he told her, putting an arm around her shoulders. “Aemond cannot have gone far. Even if he did, he’d come home soon. He’s a good boy.”
Yes, a good boy. Her good boy. Her son. Images of Aemond in various disastrous scenarios filled her head, and she stopped herself from sobbing. Aemond’s disability only made things worse. The world did not build itself for a boy missing an eye, and it will not adjust either. 
“He must be in so much pain, Father,” she wept, tears watering her eyes, “His eye…It pains him so…How is he going to manage without his medicine? He must be suffering so much.” 
“Aemond is fine,” he assured her again. “Alicent,” he turned her to face him, “Aemond is a strong, smart, capable boy. He will come home.”
“Aemond’s not dim-witted,” Aegon chimed in. When they looked at him, he continued, “I mean to say that he will not go into situations blindly. He’s cautious.”
“I will send word to lords nearby,” her father told her, standing up, “And tell them to keep an eye out for the prince.”
“Psh, tell them to search the skies, if they must,” Aegon scoffed. “Aemond wouldn’t go anywhere without Vhagar.” 
“The Dragon Keepers told you nothing of the beast?” Her father asked him. 
“Only that she doesn’t fit in the dragonpit, so they release her from time to time. They say she most likely was let out by a keeper…” 
Her father studied her son, “And you believe differently?”
“I think Aemond snuck out of the keep sometime during the night when the rest of us slept,” he began, “And made his way to the dragonpit. King’s Landing at midnight is the perfect time for a prince to go walking about without being noticed, and Aemond is short. He can easily be overlooked. He cannot get into the dragonpit without alerting anyone, so he must’ve waited until they released Vhagar. Then it is a matter of waiting for her to land. Aemond calls her when he needs her, and she obeys.”
Alicent looked upon him in surprise. Aegon is often fully in his cups by night time, so he isn’t much use to anyone. She’d fully expected to hear he’d lost himself in a pleasure house or a tavern, but he’d come to give his report himself, fully sober. It comforted her that even if he pretended otherwise, Aegon did care in his own way. She loved that about him. 
“Are you saying he’s run away?” her father asked him. 
“It is a possibility. Otherwise, where is he and why has he not come home? Aemond would have at least left a note or given worse of his whereabouts to not upset Mother,” he answered. He watched both of them for a moment and said, “I’ll take Sunfyre and go searching in the morning.”
“Aegon, that is not my wish,” she stood up and walked to him. “If something ill has befallen your brother, I do not wish for it to happen to you.”
“I will be fine, Mother. I know the city and the lands around it,” he then gave a reassuring smile, “I pay attention in lessons occasionally.”
She gave him a soft smile, caressing his cheek. Moments like this were rare and few in between, but she cherished each one. Her eldest. Her wildest, most reckless child. The boy who is prone to distractions, libations, and indulgences. She kissed his cheek, then released him. 
“I will go with him,” said Helaena, who’d stopped sewing to speak. 
“You do not-” Aegon began but was quickly cut off by Helaena.
“-I will,” she said firmly, staring at Aegon. “Aemond needs all of us, not just you.” 
Yes, he needed them all. 
She’s majestic. Aemond could not think of any other word; it fit her perfectly. Laying in the grass outside the little shack, a blanket of darkness went over the sky so it was dotted with stars. Aemond rarely saw the stars in King’s Landing; the city lights and tall towers blotted them out. Yet, here in this quiet island devoid of people, he saw every single one. He enjoyed connecting them together to make his own constellations and shapes. Then, he realized he’ll only ever see half the sky again. 
“Do you think anyone is worried about us?” you asked him. 
“I’m sure my mother is,” he answered. “She has been very…suffocating lately. She made Helaena and Aegon watch over me all the time; she never lets me out of her sight and is always fussing over me.”
“She only cares about you.”
“But it becomes bothersome,” he replied. “Your mother must be worried about you too.”
“She will be, I suspect.” You both sat in silence for a while, then you asked, “Aemond?”
“Do you think they’ll ever find us?”
Aemond would rather imagine anything else. Their little island is not too far from Driftmark, he knew. It’s possible a passing ship might see Vhagar or Starshine flying around and tell Lord Corlys, your grandfather. He knew both your families will find you soon. It was honestly only a matter of time. His hand grasped yours absentmindedly. 
“It’s possible,” he said, not wanting to lie to you. Aemond wished he could; he wanted you to be in the here and now with him, not in the miserable future. “I hope they never do. My mother wants to betroth me to someone else.” If he never went back, then he couldn’t marry another girl. “She told me she’s found girls she thinks will suit me well.” He turned to see your stony face, eyes flared slightly with jealousy. “But, I don’t like any of them. Truthfully. I’ve never met any of them before.”
“What if she marries you to Floris Baratheon?”
“Who’s that?”
“One of Lord Borros’s daughters. She’s said to be very pretty.”
“My mother could marry me to the prettiest girl in the world, and I still wouldn’t like her as much.”
This made you smile softly, turning your head to look at his. He loved how your eyes glimmered when you looked at him. It made such a difference from those he received at home. 
At home, people turned their heads whenever he walked past. Even if he wore his eyepatch, they knew what laid underneath it and it disgusted them. His mother told him wearing the patch will protect his socket from any further damage, but he knew the real reason. Such a hideous scar churned the stomachs of most proper ladies. They saw his injury and looked away, pretending not to notice the wound starting above his brow and down to his cheek. What girl would want to marry him when he was missing parts? An important part, he might add. It made living so much harder. All the skills he’d learned from Ser Criston with both eyes, he must relearn with only one. Ser Criston, thankfully, is an understanding teacher, who has taught him new maneuvers and techniques to use against well-visioned opponents. 
He’d begun to ask if you wanted a cinnamon bread he’d brought with him before a stabbing pain came to his eye. Aemond bolted upright, cupping the pain surging in his socket. It throbbed. It ached. He gritted his teeth. He ripped off his eyepatch and put his palm to the wound. They’d taken the stitches off already, removing the eyelid since he no longer needed it, so the socket remained empty. He growled through his pain, hardly hearing anything you said. His normal eye started to tear up. No. No, you can’t see him cry. You can’t see him like this. Quickly, he ran away towards the trees. He heard you calling after him, but he continued running. The forest was darker at night, so he couldn't see with his regular eye. 
“Aemond, wait!” he heard your voice echo through the forest. “Please, wait! Aemond, it’s not safe-”
He hadn’t seen the tree. Aemond charged right into the trunk on his left side, the force knocking him onto his back and making his shoulder burn. He had not dislodged it, but the pain still burned. Aemond curled into a ball on the ground, clutching his eye and weeping. He heard your footsteps disturbing the twigs and leaves on the ground until you knelt beside him. 
“Aemond,” you said softly, persuading him to sit up. He heard you uncork a bottle, “Drink this, please. It’ll help you feel better.”
Milk of the poppy. He’d stolen it from the maester’s stores before he left, but he hoped not to need it. Aemond sat up shakily, gingerly taking the bottle and sipping it. The herbal milk thickly coated his tongue, yet he still drank it. In a few minutes, his pain would subside, but the throbbing pain of his socket continued to plague him. 
“I’m…I’m sorry,” he said to you, drawing his knees to his chin and not looking at you. “It…It still hurts sometimes.”
“I’m so sorry, Aemond,” he felt your delicate fingers brush through his hair. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” 
“It’s not your fault.”
“But, it’s my family’s fault you’re suffering this way now.”
Aemond thought about that night. He’d felt so confident; he’d finally claimed his dragon, and you’d be in love with him for sure. Aemond remembered thinking he might kiss you the next time he saw you. Then, your brothers and cousins ruined it. They’d attacked him when all he’d done was claim a dragon. The other riders taunted him for not having one. He thought it only made sense to have that same behavior. Why was it alright for them to bully him, but not for him to bully others? They’d maimed him, and never said they were sorry. His own father did not care. 
“Here,” you handed him his eyepatch, “You dropped this.”
“Thank you.”
He turned his head and placed it back on his head. He didn’t want you to see it. If you saw it, you’d be disgusted with him and leave. Aemond already hated seeing the wound itself in mirrors; he hated imagining your face when you did. 
Slowly, you and Aemond walked back to the house. You let him rest on the bed rolls that replaced the bug-infested straw mattress, while you made a fire in the hearth. Soon, warm light spilled from the fireplace and filled a part of the house. Aemond wondered how people lived in such small houses. You suspected a family once lived here, since you’d found broken toys behind a divider with a rotting bassinet. The back door led to a small campfire with a spit hanging over it, a rack for hanging animal skins implied that they must’ve hunted for their food. It must’ve been a simple living. People in King’s Landing navigated dangerous back alleys and streets, while people on this island lived quiet lives. Seeing you standing by the firelight, he realized he might like living this way. No servants whispering and spying on him. No fretful mother or indifferent father. He could live this way with you for as long as he could. 
“Is it better?” you asked carefully, coming towards the bed. 
“A bit,” he said. 
You’d gone behind the wooden divider to change into your nightgown, a long dress that ended at your ankles. A cool breeze blew in through the open windows, combatting the warmth of the fire. Aemond’s cheeks grew hot when you slipped underneath the blankets faintly smelled of dragon; he remained on top to avoid your bodies touching. You still snuggled close to him, the closest your body has ever been to his. 
“Isn’t it uncomfortable?” you asked. “Wearing the patch to sleep?”
“No,” he fibbed. He normally didn’t wear it to bed, but his stomach tightened taking it off in front of you. 
“You don’t have to hide it from me.” The words broke the silence that’d grown between you. He caught you gazing at the patch. “I won’t think any less of you for it.” 
When he did not respond, you gingerly reached forward. His entire body stiffened as you gently removed the patch. He sensed the gasp you withheld. An empty hole remained where his eye once was; the dark, scarred tissue around the socket made for an unpleasant sight. It disgusted him sometimes. The heat of tears rushed up his neck to his face, causing him to bury it in the pillow. He wished you’d never removed it. 
“I’m a monster,” he sniffled, not looking at you. “You wish to marry a monster.”
“You’re not a monster, Aemond. You’re strong and brave and smart. Very smart and very brave.” 
“Please, do not lie to me.”
“I never have,” you insisted, scooting towards him. The warmth of your body under the thin sheet spread over his own. “Aemond,” you slipped your hand under his cheek so he looked at you, “You’re the only one out of all of us who approached Vhagar…Vhagar, the oldest and mightest dragon of them all. You bonded with her because…because she sensed your courage and strength. Vhagar is too big for the dragonpit, so I think she’s sort of gotten used to being alone. When you approached her, she might have seen that you were lonely too, and wanted you as her rider.” Your thumb wiped the tear going down his temple, “I do not care if you’re whole or not, I still am…fond of you.”
‘Fond’. You’re ‘fond’ of him. You’d never love him; not now that he’d lost his eye. It’ll keep you from loving him completely. Every dream he had of you suddenly vanished, and he cried again. The thoughts he once envisioned of you two being like Jaeheryes and Alysanne would forever remain daydreams. How could you possibly love him when he looked like this? He blamed your brothers. They’d attacked him, and were never punished. They didn’t want him to marry you, so they took his eye. Now, the words ‘I love you, Aemond’ will never fall from your lips. 
You put your arms around him as he laid on his back, the sheet still separating you, and you let him cry. He forced himself to keep them quiet, but his shaking body gave him away. Neither of you said anything, yet your gentle squeeze of assurance soon quieted him. Finally, the medicine started working its magic, and he soon fell to sleep beside you. 
A/N: Awww, poor Aemond! Poor everybody really. These kids really have everyone worried, but they only want to be together <3 I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so I hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading, as always.
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bengiyo · 11 months
Be My Favorite Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week, this show put me on my back foot when it asked me to be kind. So much of last week was about people choosing to be kinder to one another and that choice paying forward for the recipient. Kawi is building a genuine friendship with Pear. Pisaeng went to a gay club for the first time and saw Max. Max read the baby gay for being self-centered, but then softened it with good advice. Kwan encouraged Not to give Kawi just a little bit of encouragement after asking him to sign the book she had already panned. They subverted the rooftop confession by having Kawi gently turn Pisaeng down. Kawi actually sang and now is part of a band. I’m actually invested in this show now. Was not expecting that.
Hey, Kawi’s smiles are starting to look genuine.
It’s sad that this is probably the first time Kawi ever expressed his worries about his dad.
I know we better save Kawi’s dad’s life. Kob Songsit is one of the most reliable BL dads.
I like that Max is a prickly queer. You gotta establish boundaries with baby gays because they can glomp on way too hard.
Oh. I see. Pisaeng’s family isn’t just rich, they’re “comfortable.” Curious how Max will feel about Pisaeng having a complicated relationship with his mom, or the reveal that anyone with that level of wealth is involved in crimes.
Pear’s house was used in Dark Blue Kiss and Bakery Boys I’m pretty sure.
I am having a lot of feelings about this scene with Pear asking her dad to help Kawi’s. I’m sick, and one of my friends reached out to his doctor parents to get me into care. I don’t think I’d be alive without their help.
Oh, Kawi. Now is the time to be strong and tank the embarrassment. It isn’t bad that Pear knew what you wanted to ask. It’s actually good that Pisaeng told her. She was there as an advocate with you. The mission is your dad’s health, not your ego.
Okay, I do like this show finally acknowledging that all these arguments people have are so loud that other people definitely know what they’re saying. I love Max.
Max is speaking my thoughts. I will let him write the rest of this post.
“I will not apologize for doing what I thought was best to help you with a serious problem. However you feel about it, I will accept it,” is really something I think we could use more of in the West. I feel like we as Americans are obsessed with ‘winning the conversation’ as a concept, and I think it makes us inherently combative.
This Kawi reveal about the source of his anger is giving, “I’m angry at myself.”
Not sure where I sit on Pear and Not as a pairing.
I get how repressed Kawi is and everything, but don’t kiss a man who has confessed to you while you’re drunk. There’s no turning back now. And then he falls asleep! This messy spaghetti ass boy!
Pisaeng going from an emotionally-complicated queer encounter directly into a closeted conversation with his mom as he has to figure out in the morning how to explain Kawi’s presence is giving me intense emotional flashbacks.
Okay, this show broke me. Pisaeng is not stupid. Pisaeng has always known who he is. His mother manipulated him deep into the closet when he was 15, and he knows it. His mom is using his own community against him. Some of you may be shocked that his mom has gay people turning on each other, but there is a long history of the police infiltrating gay spaces and threatening people convictions to turn them into informants. This is the sickest thing I think we’ve seen in a long time from GMMTV. I am deeply appalled. I will have to blog about this because this is so evil. The weaponization of our own community into surveilling and reporting on each other makes me so angry. That she is also publicly progressive enough that a person like Max admires her also infuriates me.
Nevermind. Fuck Not. Why is he speculating about Kawi’s sexuality to Pear? This is not how you flirt.
Ah, we’re back to the time travel portion of the plot. I’m curious what Pisaeng does with this knowledge.
I like Pisaeng. Despite everything going on, he’s still focused on the important thing: Kawi’s dad.
I do think it was important for Kawi to speak directly to Pear’s dad about getting help for his father, and not letting it just be a favor Pear begged for.
I’m so glad Kawi went to Pear as well to apologize for running out on her. She’s incredibly understanding and I hope she finds happiness and fulfillment.
I often talk a lot about the relationship with gay boys and their moms, but I also have strong feeling about boys and their fathers. Kawi admitting that he feels no need to improve himself if his dad won’t get to see it hits me to my core. I love my dad. He and I get along great. I need to call him later today once I watch Strange New Worlds. I get this.
I don’t mind Pisaeng letting Kawi know he’s willing to wait for him to sort his feelings.
I am going to have to write a separate post at some point this weekend. I am not in the read headspace now to talk about the rage flowing through my veins right now at a businesswoman with political ambitions gaslighting her own son into staying in the closet, and then using her own queer employees to surveil him. For those of you new to marginalized spaces, enforcement organizations have infiltrated our spaces forever and turned our own people against us. This was especially easy queer spaces because white men were threatened with losing access to whiteness. I cannot overstate how evil this is and how unexpected it is for me to have a GMMTV show NOT from Golf going directly into this.
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TPoH Theory: Negative represents the repressed feelings of RGB
Yes i come here with another one of these.
If these themes trigger or upset you, i recommend to stop reading this post.
So, this one will be more speculative than the last one, so don't expect a lot of evidence this time (And also Negative has only appeared two times so it's not like there's a lot of solid evidence at all)
Let's begin.
The first thing that can kinda be a clue is his name, Negative, RGB shows a lot of color, not just on his screen but on his clothes and the personality that he shows to other people, making Negative an opposite version of him not only because he's literally grayscale, but on the fact that it is how RGB truly feels, without color, full of fear (hence the color black) sadness and shame of himself for not being a better person.
This is also why i think that his only way of appearing is when someone drops tears on him, the tears trigger RGB's sadness caused by a possible depression, and thus, Negative appears.
As of why he protects Hero and fights for himself, since this is the world of make believe, i like to imagine that this is what RGB wants to be, he wants to protect Hero as much as he can because he grew attached to her and feels bad for the fact of taking her life away at such a short age, but due to him being someone who doesn't like to show his emotions, (and also a coward) he just represses it, to make himself believe that he's not getting attached and overprotective for the child he abducted.
Having these emotions so present got to the point of creating another version of himself based on these feelings, making Negative the one who saves the child when danger is near.
For the blue flowers, doing some research i found these three meanings that kinda match with my interpretation of Negative:
-Mystery and attaining the impossible
-New beginnings
As of now, Negative is still a mysterious character from who we don't know much about, so that part fits, and the other two, i personally interpret those represent that RGB thinks that he can never change and become the protector that Hero needs, that he will never be a good person in general, that he can never start again.
The gold on the thorns is tricky tho, i found that it represents succes, achievement and triumph, so it might be like a ''I know you can do this'' type of sign.
The last thing is small, but i still want to mention it, and its the fact that RGB is not conscious of Negative's existence, everytime Hero asks him about Negative he doesn't know what she's talking about. This is quite common on people in real life, who don't even know that they have a disorder or a mental condition until way later in their lives.
As of now- i'll leave it there, apologies if this theory is not as good as the other one, i just wanted to share it and stop bothering my irl friend with it-
Mazapán si lees esto perdón por fregarte con mis delirios de británicos con teles por cabeza y sus pedos mentales neta si perdón-
With that said, by e.
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outsidereveries · 4 months
as i looked out tonight about what i've guessed and what i didn't, regarding this specific prediction/reading i would like to change my interpretation of the cards that fell out as if i edit the post, the date will automatically change and i really don't want to do this shit, so this might be better at this point.
it's about this one on curiouscat. as you might've seen, trump is indeed more supported than ever, even by me. although i did felt at that time robert f. kennedy jr. stronger than trump, my interpretation got wrong with the time that passed. so, let's re-do this spread:
queen of swords, the lovers, 5 of cups, queen of cups, the hierophant rx • knight of pentacles
if i have to look for donald j. trump, he's possibly the bottom card (as his vedic sign is taurus, not gemini; if i see the people by their tropical sign, then trump would be the queen of swords and kennedy would be the knight, which also makes sense or if kennedy was never there, then tucker carlson is the one who might be in the energy of the knight of pentacles because of the impact he has as he publicly supports trump in a way or another.. like he's saying it but he's not repeating it multiple times). trump's the one who's in control of making america great again, like he said back in 2016 and it looks like only he can do it as of now. the confirmation card? the reversed hierophant. trump is the bold one right now as everyone is trying to sue him for various reasons (and i am saying it from the repressing outlook, not from that point of view that it might be deserved and etc. and etc.).
regarding the rest of the cards, trump isn't relying on anyone and he is actually independent regarding his actions and words (queen of swords). that seems to be the reason why the medias whose freedom of speech is limited don't want to talk about it, because they just cannot to do it so and i do see repression in a way or another.
the lovers is a warning of that trump should rely on his closest people and only on them if something happens. although we've seen some people have tried to sue trump for ... roughly intimate things as i would prefer to censor myself at the moment, the card can indicate "stab in the back" moment/s, especially in career-related readings. 5 of cups is seemingly confirming this thought as it shows dissapointments and basically sad situations that haven't turned out to trump's favor.
and finally, queen of cups seems to be the emotionally mature side to the things surround trump's president journey. therefore, that might be why i thought americans would prefer someone else. as much as i wouldn't thought much about it at first because i simply wasn't aware of the occuring situation towards usa and americans, nowadays i am aware that i made a mistake. so that's why i am fixing myself.
however, i do see 2 alternative situations that might proved themselves in the recent days:
queen of swords - the lovers - 5 of cups: the main reason why this might be occuring is about the 6th january 2021 protests. this time i really tried to do my research about nikki haley's chart and all that shit - regarding that, she's total chaos, and i've only seen similar chart as hers only once. she doesn't have a stable stellium ffs (personally i count from 3 planets and up as a one)! from what i've searched, she worked for trump and supported him when he was the president. however, before and after that is ... i wouldn't say suspicious, but it is definitely controversial on its own. the queen in my opinion is nikki and the reason behind it is completely "nothing personal, just business" thing. it seems like she disliked him from the start and from what i see, donald has tried to win her side, but it's just not working. haley's just the wrong person!!
queen of cups - the hierophant rx: vivek ramaswamy. visibly in his tropical chart, he has mc in scorpio, venus in cancer, pluto and saturm in scorpio, 8th house stellium and uranus in 12th house. vedic-wise his sun would be in cancer too, and even with the reversed hierophant, his intentions seem to be good. i do see that ramaswamy did 180 with him giving up on the local presidental elections not because is on ramaswamy's favor but he geniunely is on trump's side. personally trump shouldn't fuck this up as vivek might actually believe trump is right, like for real. i do see that ramaswamy might've tried to be the candidate not because he wanted to but because of the experience as he's still young (i am unaware how experienced he is, sorry).
therefore.. the chances of trump winning seem to be high with some hardships as of now. 5 of cups can be related to the americans being dissapointed of the current government too.
as i wouldn't prefer to make more assumptions, with the recent events i'd really like to do a separate reading about the usa's president candidates as i did felt trump in the past month-two but i didn't felt biden but it'll take me some time. i'll try to be as fast as possible, i think so. thanks for reading :)
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matan4il · 2 years
You know what's interesting and please correct me if I'm wrong because I'm trying to remember the pattern..
But Eddie's first panic attack (though not obvious) was with a Buck look alike next to Buck then he like grabs his shoulder and grounds himself.
Then full on goes down when someone assumes Anna is his wife in the suit store.
Then the third time is in front of Buck.
I really hope they address this if/when they go Canon because if he's working through repressed feelings that's like tragic sad. The first was related to Buck but pulled himself together because of Buck. The second his anchor isn't there (and he can't see Chris) so he just looses it. But the third if this is a repressed man he must have felt so much sadness but also guilt because it was in front of Buck whom he loves.
Because it's clear in that moment Anna and Buck don't have alot interaction. She's never even been there. Buck says thought it was going great meaning Eddie was probably like oh fine after he picks Chris up after a date ext. He probably doesn't really ever confront the 2 of them together in one place
I just hope we get more of Eddie's trauma therapy next season because I always felt like he was walking 2 different therapy paths. His PTSD side vs his sexuality side.
Hi Nonnie! :D You’re very close! The first one was in the store with Ana. No Buck around, full panic attack. Second one was on the call, Eddie started to go into an attack, but managed to snap out of it, when Buck was in his vicinity but not in his direct line of sight, and he touches Buck’s shoulder after the worst of it is over, then the last one is when they’re having a personal conversation with Ana, Chris and Ravi being there, being off call Buck is fully present and Eddie runs away from Ana before he really starts having the attack, he just has the preliminary signs and he flees.
My personal guess would be that the pattern is Buck being a calming influence on Eddie. I’m not sure they will address the panic attacks specifically if Buddie goes canon, but I do think that if they do, then no matter what, the show will acknowledge that Buck does have this effect on Eddie, it’s especially undeniable after 513 and 514, when Buck is the one who helps Eddie calm down after his breakdown, gets him to properly talk (even with the breakdown, Eddie could have shut down and not shared anything with Buck) and of course showing him Charlie at the equine therapy session, where you can clearly see that for the first time since the start of the season, Eddie feels real hope that things can be better for him. That’s Buck’s doing.
There’s more than one way to write Buddie going canon. I do think the ‘repressed Eddie’ storyline can make a lot of sense and be wonderful to explore. There’s also other possibilities, like ‘I never fell for anyone before you, I wasn’t repressing my feelings, I fully felt then, I just didn’t understand what they meant.’ And I might be a bit partial to that one ‘coz that was my own story as a young queer, falling in love for the first time. But whatever path the show takes, I’m here for it, and I know 911 will Buddie going canon justice! ;)
I hope I managed to answer this, and that you have a great day, lovely! And here is my ask tag! xoxox
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directtrust · 2 years
Mercy black legend
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In part, Raúl’s difficulties in these years had to do with extensive transformations in Argentine society – economic depression, a military coup, intensified police repression, and the renewed vigor of eugenics and scientific racism. But this chapter tells that story very differently. Between 19, Raúl’s trajectory as revealed by the archival record converges, in many important details, with the denigrating tales that took shape around him. “Deaths” shows how the defamatory stories about Raúl’s decline and death, circulating since the 1930s in the press and popular culture, sped him to the sad ends storytellers envisioned for him. In this sense, storytellers merely conscripted Raúl into the broader narratives of always-impending (but never quite complete) Black disappearance that had circulated since his grandparents’ day. His death was permanently useful to tell and retell as part of a tragicomedy about the foolishness of persisting in being a Black person in a country that had outgrown them (or, in its great wisdom, had arranged never to have any). So enthusiastic are they about ushering Raúl to his end that they begin to declare him dying or dead decades before his actual demise in 1955. Storytellers linger with relish over their accounts of his descent, after 1930, into poverty, illness, homelessness, alcoholism, police detention, and finally madness, institutionalization, and death. Plenty of effort's been made over the years to find out who Bloody Mary is really supposed to be - she's accused Salem witch Mary Worth, blood-bather Elizabeth Bathory, viciously anti-Protestant Queen Mary, or any other number of women - but in the end, it doesn't matter.Raúl’s decline and disappearance constitute the sadistic climax of the posthumous stories. As you may have learned in childhood, supposedly if you stand in a dark room, look into a mirror and say 'Bloody Mary' a certain number of times, she'll appear in the mirror in front of you, sometimes covered in blood, occasionally to tell you about the future. Modern tales of Bloody Mary, Slender Man, and other creepy creatures popping up on internet message boards and at slumber parties extend age-old folklore traditions to modern times. Also per AP, Morgan Geyser pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the maximum 40-years-to-life in an institution. The girls told authorities that wanted to "sacrifice" their friend to become "proxies" for Slender Man, an internet legend, and would be taken away to his haunted mansion once they did so.Īnissa Weier pleaded guilty but asserted that her mental illness meant that she was not responsible for her actions, per Associated Press, and in 2017 was sentenced to be hospitalized for 25 years to life from the date of the crime, keeping her institutionalized until at least age 37. According to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, in 2014, two 12 year-old girls were arrested and charged as adults for "attempted first-degree intentional homicide" after their friend was found to have been stabbed multiple times.
The events that kick off the movie and haunt Marina do closely resemble a shocking attack reportedly inspired by another shadowy benefactor. Mercy Black is as real as you believe her to be. When her nephew starts asking about Mercy Black and showing the same signs of curiosity and belief Marina had at his age, she's determined to put a stop to it once and for all. Eerie events happen around the house, and Marina begins questioning her own sanity. Stories, creepypasta, and worst of all, copycat crimes, are plastered all over the internet. Moving back in with her sister, she learns that "Mercy Black" went viral in the world while she was away. Years later, her psychologist (Janeane Garofalo) believes that Marina's ready to rejoin the world, but Marina isn't so sure. By doing so, they believed she would become flesh and solve their problems, but Marina was more hesitant than her friend. The film follows Marina (Daniella Pineda), a young woman committed to a mental institution after she and a friend lured a classmate to the woods and attempted to sacrifice her to "Mercy Black," a mythical character made up for the film. The film may remind you of real instances where where fictional characters inspired believers to act in their name, but is Mercy Black based on a true story? The horror movie's focus is more on the insidiousness of creatures like Slender Man and Bloody Mary infiltrating popular culture and the effects that that can have. "Do you know Mercy? Do you know her name? She'll take away your hurt if you promise her your pain." That's the refrain opening Mercy Black, a new horror film from Blood Fest director Owen Egerton that arrived on Netflix this Sunday.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
So glad ur back the jemily nation truly owes you a lot for all the content youve put out there. Taking this time to thank you for (for ur fics especially, they are so well written and thought out) and to appreciate you(i honestly come back to ur masterlist of all jemily things bc its so organized so helpful so thank you thank you)!! I hope the time in between making contents got you well rested and inspired for more bc i cannot wait to see them and support u hahaha. Anyways since ur looking for prompts i got here a list of VERY sad and emo ideas bc i love suffering and hurty/angsty jemily is top tier. Do what you will with them ONLY if youre up to it hahah thank you nevertheless. Much love <333
“What’s the point of trying if it just proves that I’ll never be good enough?” (maybe like em trying to out-battle will and being a lil jealous and jj as repressed as she is keeps getting swayed by will)
“I don’t expect a happy ending. I just want an ending.”(oof this is giving very unrequited love)
“It sucks. Because I want to hate you, but I can’t.”(this one maybe set in jj and wills wedding? a very angry and miserably emily who is hopelessly in love ouch)
“You’re right: I’m a liar. But you can believe me, just this one time.”(aka jj broke emilys heart a million different ways and that one time she tries to fix it but emily is just so tired and broken or idk)
Maybe a very dark multi-chap series will come out of this or a lil oneshot, either way its all up to you!
This is beyond humbling. You literally brought me to tears. This reply will probably be long and rambling but I want you to understand how meaningful this message is.
I have been screaming into the void of the internet since I was about 14 years old (20 years ago!!!). I started with Livejournal when it was still in beta. It was before Facebook. It was before pretty much anything mainstream, in terms of social media. I came out as gay when I was 15. I lived in a small, extremely religious, rural town in Texas and being gay was the most isolating experience. So I took to the internet and I met other people like me. I got introduced to fanfic and fandom and found my people. Finding community online was the first time I didn’t feel alone in the world and it was the first time I reconsidered ending my life. It was the first spark I experienced of ‘it gets better’ — of hope, that my life could be fulfilling and lovely and soft.
I had been watching Criminal Minds since my senior year of high school when it first came out but honestly, I had never thought much about it having a fandom. It just didn’t seem like that type of show to me. But when I started using tumblr regularly in about 2014 (so CM was in about S7?), I just happened across a gif set that was the scene from ‘Children of the Dark’ about ‘You…kids…I could see it’ and it changed the ENTIRE course of my life.
It was as if I was suddenly noticing the most obvious thing ever. Jemily was SO clear all of a sudden. I was staying with my best friends the night this happened and I asked them where they read fanfic. I signed up to AO3 that night and found at that point, there were only 82 Jemily fics.
I started with the trailblazing fic that honestly built the foundation for this ship. ‘Take my hand and show me the way’ by MJDuncan (@mjduncan)
I read the entire thing (both parts) STRAIGHT through over 18 hours. No sleep, no breaks. I just read it and it was like I had found the good gospel.
I became a 100% Criminal Minds/Jemily blog immediately after. And I started writing fic for them.
In one year (2014-2015), the Jemily AO3 tag had gone from 82 to DOUBLE that and about 70% of the new ones were mine, with my bestie (@otahkoapisiakii ) contributing tons too. (We actually met through being Jemily fic authors and we’re still besties today!)
I used my writing to process some of the most traumatic years of my life and I was naturally drawn to writing angsty/sad fics because at that point in my life, I didn’t believe in happy endings. I couldn’t, due to what was going on for me — I didn’t have any hope for a happy ending for myself so I def couldn’t see it in my fic. So I decided to, instead, write messy, emotional fics because that is part of humanity. The real world is rarely happy endings. Real life is messy and awful and hard and traumatic and I don’t think we get to see that in media a lot and I think when media avoids these hardships — it can make people feel alone and isolated. Because it’s so easy to think you are the only one going through something when there’s no media that reflects your experiences. Does that make sense?
It’s the whole reason why diverse representation is SO important. Not only in terms of race, ability, sexuality, gender, etc but also in terms of sharing lived experiences.
For me to write for 7-12 hours a day, cranking out all of these heartbreaking fics was my way of sharing my experiences through characters who felt like best friends. It was so important to me and honestly, I wouldn’t be alive today without this fandom becoming my special interest when it did.
So all of that was to say: Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that all of my experiences, all of my content, all of my writings that I was shouting into the void…mattered. It all mattered. And it still matters because I get comments like this that remind me that my work is still helping people and engaging to people and important.
When I randomly decided a couple of weeks ago to throw myself back into this fandom and to start WRITING again for the first time since 2015,it was TERRIFYING. I was worried no one would want to read what I wrote because now, there's 2000 Jemily fics and I didn't think anyone would even remember me. But people like you have reminded me that people DO remember and it has been the biggest support as I get back into writing fic.
I think we, as humans, have an innate desire to leave some sort of ‘legacy’. And I think people get too caught up on ideas of what type of legacy is valid. But you don’t have to cure cancer or explore space or be a politician or whatever — sometimes, just sharing your stories so that other people feel seen and get reminded that they’re not alone is SO important as a ‘legacy’.
So thank you anon. You just validated so many doubts I’ve struggled with for so many years of my life. I will cherish this message always and forever. I genuinely,from the bottom of my heart, am grateful you took the time to share these words with me.
Thank you.
(PS - ’m going to reply to your prompts on a second post!)
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heroquills-a · 5 years
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( random realization of the day... maybe because he bottles up and ignores his bad feelings so much thats why sonic is so bad at expressing how he genuinely feels about things and also why he’s bad at catching onto emotional cues )
#🌀 — later guys! i’m outta here! ❪ ooc. ❫#🌀 — i just only have a steadfast heart of gold. ❪ headcanons. ❫#i was just touching up on his bio and yeah actually that kinda makes sense and idk why it took me this long to wrap my head around it#i mean... just looking how he interacted with elise and kinda just encouraged her to smile and look at the positives of things#when she started showing signs of repressed sadness#bc thats all he really understands how to deal with feelings#just internalize and focus on happy#and while sonic can defo be genuinely happy abt stuff and have a genuine positive mood#all that stuff that gets repressed is still kinda under the surface#and a lot of it he doesn't really understand bc he never takes the time to sort through it or deal with it#man say what you want about elise and sonic's relationship i think it's just really interesting bc it draws out an interesting side to sonic#that gets overlooked a lot#so like#when sonic is thrown into a situation where he doesn't understand how to deal with emotionally its just like#:) ??? make joke? joke maybe ? no ?? maybe smile? smile is good. play it cool and casual like normal ?? (:#ofc he's gotten better at handling emotions and stuff !! but yeah its just#intriguing to think about#ive probably already made this connection before but idk lmao#it just ! it always struck me as odd how sonic will appear so unaffected when things get emotional and i think now i realize its#bc he just doesn't know how he's supposed to react otherwise#unless like... he's acting on his own feelings#but then he's just a mess and is all over the place pltbhb
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
harry adores yn with his entire being and i can tell that she loves him just as much but the poor thing is just so scared, and by what you have showed us she has a fair reason to have struggles
Through Hell and Back
warnings: cheating, mentions of domestic violence, this could just be overall triggering if you have experienced trauma or family struggles.
this is a very important blurb to understand dynamic and history of the characters.
PLEASE let me know your thoughts.
Harry’s out at a bachelor party for his friend, Jack, at a noisy bar downtown where there is a mechanical bull and half-naked waitresses.
His phone rings at two-thirty in the morning, he already knows who it is and why she’s calling him so late.
He steps outside the noisy bar, “Hi puppy, y’alright?”
Harry already knew she wasn’t.
Her voice is shaky, “Er, are you still out at the bachelor party?”
If he says yes, she’ll just try to say have fun and was just calling to check in - a lie because she felt like such an inconvenience at all times.
“No, just got home,” He lied smoothly, he could hear her trying to hide a sniffle - she must have had a bad dream.
Every since she started trauma therapy, they’d been getting worse, as she worked through her struggles with a therapist.
“I-I don’t want to g-go in,” YN whimpers as she sits in Harry’s passenger side outside the clinic, “I can’t talk about it.”
“Baby, you need to do this. You need to talk to someone who’s trained to help you, okay? You promised you’d try it f’me,” He hums, rubbing a thumb over her wet cheekbone.
She shakes her head stubbornly, “It’s all going to come back.”
“Yes, it will. Because you didn’t work through it, you repressed it. There is a difference, okay?” Harry’s heart feels like it’s being ripped in two as YN looks like a caged animal.
YN squeezes Harry’s hand so hard it hurts but he doesn’t mind, he can feel her fear being shared through the rough touch.
She wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater, “Please, H. I don’t want to remember.”
He sighs softly, “I would never force you to do something you don’t want to do. If you really want to leave, we can.”
YN searches his eyes, sees his sadness and she knows she has to push through because she loves him so much, “Will you walk me in?”
“Of course, s’fucking proud of you. My strong girl,” Harry praises, kissing the top of her head, and shutting off the car.
He walks her in, watches her as she hesitantly goes back in with her new therapist, and sits in the waiting room for the hour and a half until she comes out.
He does that every week without miss.
Drives her, walks her in, sits in the waiting room, and then drives her home.
She doesn’t usually talk much after the sessions, her eyes swollen and puffy which is a telltale sign she cried during the appointment.
Harry holds her hand on the ride home, sometimes draws her a bath or tucks her in for a nap under his covers.
One day, after therapy, they crawled into his bed together. She hadn’t said one word since she walked out of the office but she looks tiredly at Harry.
Harry frowns, “Why what?”
She hides her face into the fluffy pillow, words mumbled, “Why do you want me? I’m so broken.”
“Hey,” Harry responds loudly, pulling her up and giving her a serious look, “You are not broken. Even if you were, I’d love every broken piece, okay? I want you because I’m so in love with you it doesn’t make sense.”
YN shakes her head, “I don’t deserve you. You-you have to drive me to therapy every week, leave work early, have to make it up the next day.”
And well, his heart breaks a little because she truly believes that.
Harry grips her jaw, gently, “If you need to go to therapy for the rest of your life, I’ll drive you until I’m ninety. I’ll drive you five days a week if you need it.”
He continues,“I don’t deserve you, sweet girl. Strongest, bravest, most resilient person I’ve ever met. You are my soulmate and I believe that wholeheartedly.”
“I want to nap now,” She whispers, crawling back into her shell where she’s safe from the world, from facing her fears.
Harry just stares at her, the girl he’s had a crush on since fourth grade, the girl he’d been in love with since ninth.
When she felt broken, well so did he.
“Mum, I want to do more for her,” Harry cries to his mother one night at dinner after school.
“I know you do, Harry. There is only so much you can do. She has parents tha-“
“Those aren’t parents, mum! You know that!” He shouts angrily, “I need to do more for her. Help her!”
Anne looks at him with a soft, understanding expression, “You’re doing all you can, Harry.”
He was still doing all he can.
“I wa-was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie?” YN acts casual despite the tremor but he won’t call her on it - on the phone at least.
“I’d love to pup, I’ll be over on a tick,” already walking away from the busy bar.
Harry can hear the relief in her voice when she says, “Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
When he uses his key to open the door, she sat on her couch with all the lights in the house on, not one off.
“Oh, pet,” Harry murmurs, all the blinds were drawn shut and he knew she’d already triple checked that the windows were locked - despite the state of the art security system he had installed for her.
“Um, so are we feeling a scary movie or romcom?” She ignores his words, picking up the remote, and pulling up Netflix.
He flicks a couple of the bright lights off until it’s normal dim and he sits next to her on the couch, taking the remote and turning off the television.
“Talk t’me,” Harry coaxes, unraveling her from the heavy weighted blanket, and tugging her into his chest.
“M’fine,” YN lies on a choked whimper.
“Y’safe, you know I’d never let anythin’ happen to you . Please puppy, tell me,” He’s not to manly to beg for her to open up.
He allows her to nuzzle her face into his neck, “He cam-came back an-and he -,” her voice drops, “broke in here and I wo-woke up as he was opening my door.”
Harry holds her for a very long time that night.
With Harry and her therapist’s constant encouragement she’d been able to be more open and up front with Harry - which made him feel unexaplainably proud of her.
Anna almost fucked everything up, all the hard work without even realizing it.
It was nearly three in the morning this time.
Harry was stuck at Anna’s house with her and her friends for a movie night.
He’d gotten up to go to the bathroom when his phone rings.
Anna sees who it is and picks it up, “What do you want? Harry’s busy and doesn’t have time for you right now. You know it’s not all about you, right?”
Then she hangs up, all of her and her friends giggling at how she just treated YN.
Harry is unaware of the call for a few minutes when he gets back until he gets a text from YN.
I’m sorry I bothered you. I am okay. Have fun tonight x
He scrolls through his phone in confusion until he sees the call, he glares over at Anna, “Did you answer my phone?”
She has a cocky look on her face, “Yeah, I told YN that the world doesn’t revolve around her and to leave us alone.”
All the friends are giggling - but that comes to an abrupt halt when Harry stands up, knocking over the little table of drinks with his anger, “Where the fuck did you get the idea that you could touch my phone, let alone answer it?”
All of them are quiet.
He scoffs, “Now all you annoying prats are going shut up? Get the fuck out of my way,” he orders to Anna who’s pouting.
“C’mon, it was a joke. Don’t leave,” She whines, grabbing at Harry’s arm which he instantly rips out of her grip.
“Don’t touch me. I can’t fuckin’ stand you,” He tells her honestly before storming out of her house without a look back at her teary face.
When he arrives at YN’s house, a book is automatically been hurled at the front door when he opens it, then another.
“Hey, puppy, stop tha’. S’just me, you’re okay. S’just me,” He coos, rearming the security system to make her feel better.
She is only in one of his shirts with the company logo on it and soft cotton boy shorts, hair frizzy atop her head.
“Y’have another nightmare?” Harry asks softly, all the lights were on again, every single one.
YN clenches her jaw, “No.”
He hardens his expression too, “I was in the bathroom when she answered that call. As soon as I found out, I came over here. Don’t be sour with me.”
“I didn’t have a nightmare.”
“I know y’bloody lying because your legs are still tremblin’. Now cut the bullshit and talk t’me, we’re not going backwards,” Harry tells her seriously, with all firmness he can muster.
“I love you.”
It takes him aback. YN told him how much she adored him but it was something that didn’t come easy for her.
To hear it flat out, well….he nearly almost melted on the floor into a pile of goop.
“I love you too, puppy.”
She takes a deep breathe, “It’s been that same nightmare, but it’s not really a nightmare? It’s a flashback to…”
YN swallows before she continues, “Remember when….when I ran from my parent’s house to yours and my dad came and found me…”
Harry doesn’t want to remember but he does.
“Harry, he-he just pulled up,” YN cries, peeking out his window, “I don’t want to go home.”
“Harry, he’s screaming at your mum. I have to go.”
“Harry, I have to go before he does something stupid. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Harry, don’t cry. I’ll be fine, he’s just really upset. I’ll just deal with it and it will be over before we know it, okay?”
“I remember,” He wavers like he normally doesn’t, feeling like a helpless sixteen year old again.
It was moments like this were no matter how hard he wanted to be angry or scream at her for making their relationship so difficult, that he couldn’t be.
How could he blame her for her commitment issues?
Why she struggles to trust?
Why she never feels good enough?
“I’m sorry to bring that up-“
“Do not apologize,” Harry interrupts, “I want to know everything you experience or feel no matter how traumatic or upsetting.”
YN despite her own struggles, when she heard Harry say things like that…well she knew full heartedly that he loves her with no conditions.
She knew this was so hard on him, “I am so in love with you, H.”
His eyes automatically soften and he reacts like he’s being praised. His face lights up without him even knowing it does.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was sixteen, thank you for being my person. I appreciate everything you do for me.”
It was something she had been also working on in therapy, expressing gratitude- specifically to Harry.
And it works because Harry actually starts tearing up, eyes watering with emotion, “I love you. I’d walk through hell and back for you.”
He would and he has.
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bestialchorus · 3 years
“The Invisible String” (Falling for Donna Beneviento)- Chapter 2
The head of House Beneviento covers your hand with hers, instinctively making you look at her for a split second from the corner of your eye, before darting your gaze back to the doll on the desk. You pray the glance was more subtle than it felt, you’re not even sure if it was as quick as you imagined it for everything suddenly feels off, as if something uncanny was bleeding into reality. Whatever surrealism you speak of you don’t see, only feel as Donna’s contact continues to linger over your hand, making your anxiety start to rise by the second.
Seconds feel like eons as Donna stays frozen in place, her veil making it impossible to interpret what she could possibly be feeling or thinking.
You follow her lead by trying to keep a neutral face, staying silent as your mind begins to race. To say you were overthinker would be an understatement, you try unpacking everything from the gesture’s meaning to its sudden appearance, and whether or not this was all just a cruel dream. You’ve had daydreams similar to this situation but none that ever felt like this, none that ever felt so…..engulfing.
You feel that flutter in your heart, a flutter from the word you desperately try to avoid day in and day out whenever Donna crossed your mind, hope. You immediately fight back any hope of the woman ever returning your feelings, even the smallest semblance of it. A woman as distinguished as Donna Beneviento would surely never fall for a common painter…..would she? Donna had power, she had wealth, she had talent and passion of the likes you’ve never seen before….she could have anyone she wanted…so why do you find it difficult to come up a platonic explanation for her action right now?
Regardless of the reason, you feel your skin burn under her gentle touch. Even the simple gesture has Donna written all over it; deliberate but not hostile, soft but not limp. You also can’t help but notice how smooth her hand feels against yours, you wonder if it’s the result of an extravagant lotion or if she’s simply this soft.
The ticking from the old clock fills the air as neither of you react.
You decide it best to hide your internal distress, well at least as best as you can. You keep your face as blank as possible as you gently lower your paintbrush down. You stare down at the small doll, assuming it best to allow her the time to properly explain herself, away from the pressure of your gaze. You try your best to focus on how anxious she must also be right now as communication had never come easy for Donna.
Her voice almost doesn’t sound real as you sit in a dream like daze.
“I…what I’m about to say does not put you at risk, Y/N.”
The clock’s sounds are drowned out by your heart beating through your ears, your gaze stays on the unfinished doll.
Despite her concealed face, she turns her head away from you as she continues, her hand never leaving yours. She takes a small pause before continuing.
“I harbor feelings for you, Y/N. But I chose not to tell you for several reasons.”
Your mask instantly falters the second you hear the confession, eyes widening in disbelief and shock. You jerk your head towards her, she catches your incredulous expression from the corner of her eye, still not meeting your gaze. Something begins to flood your system, excitement? Fear? Hope? You’re not entirely sure but it feels as if each of your senses have awakened to an extreme.
“For one, I feared you would never return my feelings...” She ends with a whisper.
The statement makes something in you snap.
“But I do!” You immediately counter, louder than you intended, your tone earnest with a hint of desperation. You mentally chastise yourself for how dramatic the response must have come off.
The raise of your voice finally makes her look at you as she isn’t used to it. Once again, you have no facial indictors to tell you how she’s taken the response. But you realize her hand feels warmer…that must be a good sign, right?
You try to hold back as you feel months of repressed emotions try to take control of your tongue. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm or embarrass her.
“I care deeply for you, mistress…you don’t have to worry about that.” You say softly while instinctively leaning closer to her.
The dollmaker’s face is hidden but you assume she must be taken aback by her feelings being returned; you know you are. She silently processes your words until you suddenly notice her start to mirror your distance, whether by instinct or by choice you can’t tell.
Time starts to melt away as the image of Donna leaning towards you makes you both want to run away and never look away. You use every fibre of courage you have to keep going, you’re eventually close enough to smell the smallest hint of a floral scent, which is strange since normally Donna doesn’t wear perfume.
You’re both just a breath away…when suddenly Donna pulls back at the last second, removing her hand in the process, you instantly miss the contact. At first you wonder if you’ve been too bold, assuming too much but she quickly explains herself.
“No. You don’t understand, I’m not what you think. This veil hides my true nature….and it is unworthy of you. Unworthy of what you should have.” She says with sadness in her voice, tightly holding her hands to her chest while shaking her head. Even with the veil you notice the contempt behind her words, contempt clearly directed towards herself.
You start to frown the more you process her statement.
You feel a sting in your heart as you realize something. The rumours of Donna Beneviento having a monstrous disposition were more than just rumours, for her they actually held some weight. Whether it was an event, a person, or the entirety of her life leading up to this moment- she truly believed she was unworthy of experiencing one of the largest aspects of life, love.
Even if every rumour about her is true you don’t care, for you’ve fallen for the woman with the veil, regardless of what lies beneath it. Donna Beneviento isn’t a scary story, or a title to you but a real woman whom you’ve grown incredibly fond of. You lightly shake your head as you refuse to accept her words.
“You’re wrong. Even if you are headless under there-“
You notice her tilt her head in response to the comment but not the small smile that also emerges on her face, appreciating how you always seem balance out her melancholic nature.
“It won’t matter to me because…I already think you’re beautiful, Don-mistress.” You quickly correct yourself, still unsure if she’d be comfortable with you referring to her by her first name.
Once again, you miss the warm expression on her face as she addresses your self-correction.
“You’re more than welcome to call me Donna, Y/N. I believe we’re past the point of titles…..”
She looks away as she finishes her sentence, “…I think I’d like hearing you call me Donna.”
For once her veil can’t hide the flustered tone in her voice, you imagine her hands must also be getting warmer again. Unfortunately, Donna is not the only one effected by her confession, your own cheeks now wear a slightly pink colour to them.
But before you can answer her, you notice her hands slowly reaching towards her veil, fingers trembling. The room feels off kilter as you hear the courage in her voice.
“I truly don’t want to lie to you, Y/N. I want you to decide for yourself if this is what you really want….if I’m what you really want.”
You almost try to stop her, not for your sake but to make sure if this is really something she wants to do but you’re too late. Her voice lowers as she finally lifts her veil up.
“…I’ll understand if you never want to come back.”
And just like that, you’re finally face-to-face with Donna Beneviento.
A heavy silence follows as you take in her bare state, completely engrossed by how human and occult she is all at once.
The dollmaker shrinks under your gaze, anxiously rubbing her hands together as she looks at the floor.
At first your eyes can’t help but fall on the mutation over the side of her face. Her right eye is covered with small mounds as visible veins sprout from them; an image akin to eldritch horrors. You now understand how important her veil is to her, how much courage and trust it took for her to show you the flesh that laid beneath it. Anyone else would have run by now, screaming towards the hills of how Mistress Beneviento is as monstrous as the rumours spoke of but not you, for even now- she is anything but monstrous to you.
You take a step closer as you process the rest of her features, your hands moving by themselves as you gently hold her face to study them. The gesture makes her quietly gasp but she doesn’t pull away, she instead focuses on fighting back a blush as she fails to avoid your heavy gaze. You’ve never seen such alabaster skin, it almost glows under the light. But what stands out the most is how her dark hair and eye contrast against it. Without thinking, you lightly push a strand of hair away from her face, lightly grazing her soft skin. Every instinct within Donna is screaming for her to run away while also wishing the moment will never end, no one has ever treated her with such tenderness.
The air surrounding you both feels warmer as you stand just a breath away.
Your eyes finally fall onto the woman’s plush lips, and you can’t help but wonder if they’re as a soft as they look. You look at the woman in complete awe as you process the full picture of the woman you’ve fallen for and as you predicted, you love her all the same, perhaps more.
You feel yourself lean in closer and she mirrors your movement. Neither of you can hear the grandfather clock anymore as you become lost within your personal world.
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
Fly Away: Pt. 4
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Pairing: Young!Aemond x Young!Velaryon!Reader | Side pairing: Rhaenyra x Alicent, Aegon x Helaena
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Au: friends to lovers, childhood love, incest (duh), slight homophobia expressed, repressed feelings, mutual pining, teenage runaways, mentions of bullying, arrange marriages
Word Count: 5k
Summary: Young love overcomes all in a family full of broken bonds and broken hearts. When Princess Y/N Velaryon and Prince Aemond Targaryen are discovered missing from their beds, their mothers must come together to find them. The search might do more for their families than a mere marriage pact can. 
A/N: want to clarify now that we stick with young!Aemond throughout the story. Ewan’s Aemond comes in at the very end. This is mainly done starting a bit before The Princess and the Queen and a little bit after the events at Driftmark. I do pull some scenes from the show, but it remains relatively loose throughout. Want to also point out that The Dance doesn’t happen in this universe, so...happy ending expected, because we need more of those.  
Previous Chapter < Part 3 | Next Chapter > Taglist: @yitish @imjustboredso @mddieeunson​ @discowizard88​
**** You’d been home a week before the maester approached your family in the dining hall. Eating a small breakfast, you spotted Maester Gerardys approaching the table, but did not think much of it. He must’ve received word from somewhere important to give to your mother and father. You went back to your breakfast while you watched Luke and Jace fling bits of bread from across the table at one another. 
“Good morning, Your Grace, My Lord,” you heard him say to your mother and father. “I do not mean to disturb you as you break fast, but I have ravens from King’s Landing.” 
“From my father?” your mother asked him as he approached the table. He handed her the first of the two scrolls. 
You watched your mother read over the slip of paper while the maester walked around the table towards you. By the look on her face, her brow starting to narrow and harden, you knew she’d received bad news. Maester Gerardys walked around the table towards you, and handed you the second paper. 
“Thank you, Maester,” you said. 
When you took it, you saw the red wax seal. Intuition told you who’d written to you, and you didn’t want to read it with your brothers nearby. You lifted your head to see your mother hanging the scroll to your father, then clasping her hands together as if in prayer. Curiosity in you deepened when your father finished reading, and turned back to her, and then to you, and then back at your mother. You sensed something wrong between them. Your brothers remained blissfully ignorant, continuing to eat and talk while your parents sat in silence. Being the eldest is a curse, truly. You picked up on things before your younger siblings did. 
“Y/N,” your mother called you, standing up from the table, “Come with me.”
You tucked your scroll into the pocket of your gown, then obediently followed her through the castle into her private apartment. The balcony gave a view over the oceans beyond the island shores; a soft breeze came into the room, tinged with salt and sunshine. The maids who’d been tidying the room were dismissed immediately. You recognized the signs of anxiousness right away: her eyes not fully meeting yours, and wringing her hands together. 
“Y/N, my little dove,” she began, “There is no good way for me to deliver this news, but…”
Your stomach is knotted. The urge to shake your head started in your neck, but you held it steady. “What is it, Mother?”
“The Queen has commanded your betrothal to Aemond be retracted.”
The news hit your chest like a dagger. All visions of sharing a life with Aemond, raising a family and growing old together vanished in a few words. You gulped down the swelling in your chest, and said, “Wha-what? But, The King…Grandfather said we had to.”
“I guess she must have convinced him.” Your mother saw the sadness starting to tear your eyes, and embraced you. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” she hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head. “I’m so sorry.”
You didn’t understand, yet you did at the same time. “It’s because of Aemond,” you sobbed, “Because of Aemond and what Grandfather didn’t do.” 
This is her revenge: break any form of alliance to the people who maimed her son. You’ll never see Aemond again. The kiss you’d almost shared will never happen. “Tell her I take back everything I said to Aemond,” you cried, “I will be his queen. I will be his wife. I forgive him for what he said and did. Tell her, Mother, please. Tell her.”
“I’m afraid it is too late, Y/N,” she rubbed your back. “The decision has already been made.” She looked down at you, wiping tears from your cheeks, “I know how you feel about Aemond, but this is for the best, you’ll see.” She pushed hair from your face gently, “We’ll find you a nice boy from a good house who will love and admire you.”
“I don’t want a nice boy from a good house,” you replied, “I wanted Aemond.”
She awed and embraced you again. When she believed your sobbing passed, she released you and dismissed you to your quarters. Tears continued blurring your vision all the way to your room, getting cold on your hot cheeks from the wind. Nobody stopped you. Nobody said a word to you. Your disappointment and sadness created a barrier between you and the world. In the safety and privacy of your room, you flung yourself onto your bed. You cried harder into your pillow. You cried and cried until your throat dried up. You’d never felt heartbreak before, not true heartbreak. Yes, you’d cried when one of the dogs in the kennel died. You’d cried when Luke fell and broke his wrist once. But, never like this. The pain sunk deep into your chest, aching and tearing apart your heart. Slowly, you drifted to sleep as the sobbing exhausted you. 
Hours later, when you awoke from sleep, you felt something hard in your pocket. Digging into it, you found the scroll from this morning. You never read it. You thought of throwing it into the fire, and never reading Aemond’s last letter to you. If you don’t read it, then it is not the last. Yet, the desire to keep some piece of the boy who’d taken your heart made you crack the seal open and read it. 
You immediately noticed the blotches of ink faded by water. He’d cried too. 
My mother told me today that I won’t be marrying you. She said you’re not well suited for me. I overheard her and my father arguing over it and she told me later on. This hurts me a lot, because I am very fond of you, Y/N. It has made me regret so many things, such as how our conversation ended. I never meant to upset you, you know I never would. I still wish to write to you, even if my mother’s forbidden it. I know how to use the ravens now without the maester’s help. Please reply with your answer.  If you don’t, please know that you’ll always be a part of me. I don’t believe I have a choice.”
You read the last line over in your head. You regretted reading it, because it’d brought on a fresh river of tears. You read and reread his letter. He said he still wanted to write to you. He didn’t want to let go of you like his family wanted. You didn't like how the conversation ended either; considering this latest news, it’ll be the last words you exchanged in person. You’d been upset about so many things; so much happened that night, and then the conversation you had with Mother made them worse. You’d only tried making him see reason and sense; you tried to make him apologize to your brothers, who are his nephews and soon-to-be brother-in-laws. 
Immediately, you walked over to your writing desk and began scribbling:
My mother told me the news as well. I can’t stop crying. I miss you already, and knowing our last words were angry ones worsens them. I will like it if you continue writing to me. Your letters make me so happy. I think our mothers are upset right now, but that can change. Mayhaps after a bit of time, we could convince them to reinstall the marriage pact. I don’t want to marry anyone else. Please, keep writing to me. I really enjoy your letters and poetry. It makes me happy. 
You’d never written ‘love’ before, yet your hand wrote it at the end. You considered rewriting, but then decided to keep it there. Rolling and sealing the letter closed, you took it to the maester in the rookery to send them. Your heart hung heavy as you watched the raven fly out into the night. 
"...I went riding on Vhagar today early in the morning. I am not supposed to because of my eye, but I did it regardless. My mother will forgive me. The orange and white clouds reminded me of orange cakes. I wish you'd been there to see them…"
"...I rode Starshine this morning as well. I think it's best in the morning. The air is so fresh and clean, though I do get wet from the dew…"
"...The poem you wrote to me is absolutely beautiful, Aemond. I hope you like my painting. It’s my first attempt at people..."
“...I think it’s lovely. Is the boy in the picture meant to be me on Vhagar?”
“...Today’s Aegon’s and Helaena’s wedding day and they’re having a tourney to celebrate. I thought your family might come, but I knew my mother wouldn’t allow it. I do wish I could see you. I miss talking to you in person….”
“...I do as well. I hate that we’re not allowed to see each other at least. I wish they didn’t hate each other, then we could see each other more…”
“...Maester Orwyle has a large map of Westeros and Essos in his study. I saw there’s a small island outside of Driftmark, near Blackwater Bay. I asked him about it, and he said it’d once been a trade stop for ships coming and going from the Free Cities and Westeros before the routes changed. I read books about it. It sounds nice there….”
“...I saw the same island on a map I found in Maester Gerardys’s solar. He told me there used to be a village, but pirates pillaged it and nobody lives there anymore.”
“...I have a plan…” 
“...Fly Starshine east of Dragonstone, you’ll see it there. It’s best to go in the morning before the sun comes up, so nobody sees you…”
“...In a fortnight. I have to prepare things if we’re to stay there…”
You spent days packing the essentials. You snuck bits of food from the kitchens into a sack to take with you. You saddled Starshine for a midnight flight, and packed books for you and Aemond to read; you tucked sheets from the laundress into the saddle bag. You knew close to nothing about the unnamed island, but you tried finding out what you could. Maester Gerardys gave you whatever materials he had on the geography of Westeros and Essos. He found your sudden interest surprising, but not discouraging. He believed a princess should know everything about her kingdom. Thankfully, you convinced him your mother knew about it, so he never told her. 
The fortnight passed, and you and Aemond set a day to meet. After dinner, you hugged your parents goodnight, ruffled Luke’s hair, flicked Jace’s nose because you could, and kissed Joffrey’s head. You didn’t know how long you’d be gone or if you'd ever come back. The idea of being away from the family squabbles and your feuding parents sounded too good to be real. You and Aemond could have your own life away from politics, annoying brothers, and protective mothers. Maybe you two could live as Jaeheryes and Alysanne did.
You waited until the last of your handmaidens left your chambers before starting. Pulling on your riding clothes, you began gathering your possessions to put in a rucksack. You’d have to ride out to where Starshine sat patiently waiting for you, and that in itself would be a mission. If a stableboy or a servant saw you, they’d alert your mother immediately. But, you promised Aemond you’d go, and you wanted to see him. You slung your bag across your shoulders, and tip-toed your way out of your bed chambers. The servants doused out the torches on the walls, so you moved in near darkness through the castle. You hid any time you heard footsteps coming your way. You slunk past occupied rooms, and kept to the shadows of the keep. Finally, you began smelling the salty sea air that blew through Dragonstone’s walls. You walked towards it, and reached the outside courtyard. You waited until you deemed it safe to cross. The horse stables were on the east side of the castle. They had them in case someone needed to go into the village nearby for supplies or to visit. 
You’d ridden horses before. They are far different from dragons, but the overall concept is the same. You found a horse, a chestnut mare with a black mane, already saddled and ready to be ridden. Hiding behind the horse’s stall, you crouched in the darkness as two men walked past you towards the open kitchen doors. The light from the kitchen barely stretched halfway across. Nobody will see you taking off until they hear you. Tying your bags to the horse’s saddle, you mounted the animal who huffed softly. You took hold of the reins, then guided them forward to the open gate. As you rode out, you turned to look over your shoulder. Dragonstone had been your home for a few years now; it became a place of safety and comfort. Your stomach buzzed with nerves at the prospect of leaving it behind for something new. 
But, you would not be going into the adventure alone. You’d have Starshine with you. 
Starshine often rested on a sandy hill near the water. Much like its rider, your dragon enjoyed sleeping to the crashing waves. She also liked eating the animals who strayed near the shore. Your horse neighed and whinied at the approach of the dragon, getting on its hind legs and kicking. This is as far as it will go. You managed to calm it down enough to slide off and grab your bags. Giving the animal a soft pat and an apple, you guided it back the way it’d come before watching it leave. The horse a safe distance away, you trudged through the sand to Starshine. She sensed your presence, lifting her head and looking towards you. 
“Star,” you called in High Valyrian, “We’re going on an adventure.”
She let out a soft huff, smoke leaving her nostrils, and you chuckled. You already saw her wings shudder as if preparing them for flight. You tied your bags to the top of her saddle and tucked some lighter things into your coat pockets. Finally, you climbed onto her with shaky hands and chained yourself to the saddle. You’d have to fly fast. It’s possible someone might have noticed you’re not in your room. Luke sometimes snuck in when he had bad dreams or your handmaiden might come to bring you fresh water. 
Your dragon shot right up into the air, her short wings and slim body making it easier to swiftly move through the sky. You steered her far up into the clouds, so nobody would see the large dragon flying high above, and then kept her steady. Aemond might be there already. According to the map, the island is closer to King’s Landing than Dragonstone. You remembered he’d have to go outside of the city to reach Vhagar, who just barely fit in the dragon pit. What if someone caught him before then? You two never discussed what to do if one of you did not arrive. You mentally kicked yourself for not asking. You’d prepared for everything else. 
Finally, after a few hours, you spotted the island in the distance. It was larger than you expected. You spotted a dilapidated dock stretching from the southern side, and a few structures on top of a hill. Circling around, you searched for any sign of Aemond or Vhagar. The island is large enough for the four of you; you were sure the dragons will find food on their own when hungry. You then spotted a dark figure ahead of you. Even in the clouds, you could not miss Vhagar’s massive size and length. The oldest and largest of the dragons, she overshadowed you and Starshine by several feet. A dragon too large for the world, your mother said once. Your heart leapt with joy knowing who was steering her. You kept checking for signs of other dragons behind him or ships off in the distance, but you saw nothing in the breaking of dawn. 
You both landed on the south side of the island near the docks. Vhagar’s body landed with a thump that shook the trees and vibrated the ground. Starshine landed gracefully a few feet away. For a moment, you worried the two dragons might not like each other and fight to the death for territory. You slid off Starshine, who immediately waddled over to Vhagar as Aemond dismounted her. Starshine, so much smaller and skinnier, approached Vhagar with obvious caution. Your guts twisted seeing the elderly dragon consider her with narrowed eyes, stretching her long neck to give the dragon a sniff. She growled, and you held back a scream. Starshine rightfully stepped a few feet back, and bowed her head. Vhagar kept her eyes on your dragon before suddenly bumping her snout softly into Star’s head. The dragon keepers told you this was how dragons greeted those they respected. Perhaps, in some strange way, Vhagar recognized Starshine’s speed and skill in flight. 
Then you spotted him. His white blond hair stuck out against Vhagar’s body, so much smaller than her. A laugh reached up through your throat, and you let it out in a soft breath. You wanted  to run, but your feet stayed planted in the sand. Seeing Aemond there made everything more real. He began walking towards you, his cloak billowing in the winds behind him. 
"Were you followed?" He called out as he approached. 
"No, I don't think so," you replied. You forced yourself to step forward. "And you?"
"No," he said. "I had to go to the dragon pit. I don't think anyone saw me." 
"Me too."
You finally reached him. Reality came back to you when you saw him up close. He'd grown slightly in the past year. Still the boy you remembered, he now had a leather patch over his missing eye. He saw you looking at it and blushed, turning his head from you. 
"Forgive me," you said suddenly. "I didn't mean to…"
"I know," he replied. 
You stood there awkwardly, trying your hardest not to stare at the patch. You wanted to hug him like you’d done at King’s Landing. You’d missed him, but now your brain went fuzzy from words. "I saw some houses," you said to break the silence. "I don't think anybody lives there, so we can stay in one of those."
"There's a lake here too, so we don't have to worry about water." He nodded to Vhagar, "I brought along some things in case we need them. I even snuck one of Aegon’s wineskins for us to collect water with."
"I packed some food too," you said, showing your bag. You both knelt down in the sand to open both your bags. "And books in case we're bored, and a small kit from Maester Gerardys. I put my blankets in Star's saddle a long time ago, so they might smell like dragon for a while, but they'll be warm, at least."
"I drew a map." He rifled in a pocket and pulled out a scroll he'd tucked inside. Unfurling it, he showed you a roughly drawn map of the island. "The map was worn out, but I could still see the lines, so I copied it. If I'm correct, we're right here." He pointed to a curved part of the drawing, "And the houses you saw are by the hills over here. I reckon if we go there now, we'll be there by day break. We can look in one of the houses and see if there's a hearth to make food." 
"And if not, we have them," you looked over at the two dragons eyeing one another. 
"Though, we'd have to make sure they don't eat it first."
"Let's get going."
Aemond walked ahead of you, bag over his shoulder. The first rays of the day hadn't shone through the trees yet, so you both still walked in half darkness. You'd never gone into the wilderness before. Dragonstone was built into a mountain side, and you only ever went into the village. Only the dragon keepers went out into the mountains to find eggs and hatchlings. You didn't know how well you'd do being so far from home, but you had Aemond with you to help. Seeing the blond boy ahead of you, now using a long branch as a walking stick, gave you a small comfort. Here on this island, there was only you and him. 
“Have you done this before?” you asked him. “Making camp in the woods?”
“I have when I went on hunts with Ser Criston,” he said over his shoulder. “He knows a lot about hunting and camping because he'd traveled with an army once during Dornish excursions."
"I had no idea Ser Criston went into battle."
"Of course he did, that's why he's one of the best swords in the Kingsguard.”
“You know, my mother picked him to be a Kingsguard,” you said, stepping over a fallen branch, “She said The King let her choose a replacement since he’ll be her Kingsguard one day.”
You heard a slight hum come from ahead of you. “What?”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I heard you do that humming you do.”
“I don't ‘hum’.”
“Yes, you do,” you said. You saw the trees becoming sparser the further you walked. The village must be nearby. "Whenever someone says something you find disagreeable, you make that sound."
"I don't make a humming sound," he insisted. 
"Aemond, please."
"Ser Criston became a Kingsguard knight because he is skilled with sword, lance and morningstar," he said to you. "He became a knight because of his skill, not because your mother favored him."
"She saw those qualities and chose him," you replied. "Besides, my mother doesn't show favor to Ser Criston." You who your mother favored, and he’d died. 
You noticed he’d fallen silent. You knew talking about either of your families would be a sore subject for you both. The resentment between “The Greens” and “The Blacks” tenfolded after Aemond’s injury. Neither side seemed to accept their blame and apologize. Your grandsire’s favoritism of your mother over his other children became clearer that night, you realized. He’d cared more about the rumors of your brothers’ births than the damage done to his son. Walking behind Aemond out of the forest, you thought back to Queen Alicent that night. The Queen, a woman with great power and influence, begged her husband to care in front of a bunch of nobles. They watched her tearfully insist he act. Aemond was his son, his blood. How could he allow it to go unpunished or at least unresolved? It was the whole reason they’d broken the marriage pact. 
Finally, you came upon the village. Dilapidated buildings lined a single street, their wooden roofs missing shingles or have holes burned into their thatched roofs. You saw the broken windows where pirates must’ve thrown rocks or torches to destroy the village. Aemond took your hand, a gesture that distracted you a moment, and guided you through the blackened street. Chills went up your spine that had nothing to do with the changing weather; you expected a pirate to jump out to scare you both or a lost villager coming to defend their land. However, when you both reached the town square, you realized you were entirely alone. You explored the various stores, seeing the damage inflicted on each one from the raid. It hurt you to imagine people screaming and crying in terror as intruders killed, raped, and looted their small island town. 
“This town must be hundreds of years old,” Aemond said when they walked into what must’ve been a blacksmith’s shop. He gingerly touched a rusty metal sword that survived the pillaging. “They don’t make swords like this one anymore.” He picked it up, twirled it around quickly through the air, then pointed it. 
“Is it…good?”
“Rusty and hurts my hand,” he said, putting it down. “I have my own,” he told you, unsheathing the sword from its scabbard a bit, “In case we need it.”
“For what?”
“For safety,” he explained. “I brought my bow and arrow too, so I can hunt.”
“You can hunt?”
“Of course,” he snorted. “Someone has to get us food, and you don’t have any weapon training.”
“I could still help. I could go with you to pick fruits they might have here,” you replied, looking at an old shield that’d partially melted in the fire. 
“I’d rather you stayed in our house,” Aemond told you, hand on the pommel of his sword. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Oh please, Aemond,” you dismissed, walking out of the shop back into the square. 
“I mean it, Y/N,” he said, following you. “It can be dangerous.”
“Which is why I should go with you. What if something bad happens to you and I never find you?” 
You could tell he tried finding an argument around this, yet didn’t see one. “Fine,” he nodded. “Besides, I shouldn’t leave you alone either.” 
You spotted a well in the center of town, moving towards it to look inside. You immediately gagged smelling the rancid water at the bottom. No water. You stared around at the other buildings. None of the shops appeared habitable, so you and Aemond went back to the houses. It was an overstatement calling them "houses". They appeared to be shacks, if anything else. You noticed most of them had only one or two rooms, at most, and were full of cobwebs, insects, and weeds. The furniture appeared rickety and bitten by bugs, the wood moldy and rotting. You both considered making camp somewhere else, but then you spotted a shack further off from the rest. 
It sat at the threshold of the forest, a thatched roof and stone walls eroded by time and climate. You and Aemond approached it cautiously. Weeds and vines covered parts of the walls, and the glass windows had been shattered like the rest. The pair of you stood a few feet from the wooden door, then turned to each other. 
"Ready?" Aemond asked. 
"Follow me."
He walked ahead of you to the door, and carefully opened it. The door creaked loudly when pushed, and you saw tiny ants scatter at the movement. The musty smell of dust and moisture hit your noses immediately, causing you to cough. The house was a wide, single room with only one large bed in a corner by the window. The sheets covered in a thick layer of dust, you coughed when you beat your hand to test the mattress. You could tell it had straw inside instead of feathers. Aemond walked to the hearth where he cautiously touched the metal pot hanging from a steel hook. 
Right as he pushed the hanging pot, a large spider appeared. It crawled out of its hiding spot, around the pot, and out of sight again. Aemond used the point of his sword to bring the pot further out. You both jumped to see it hanging on the opposite side. The startled feeling made Aemond whack his sword against the side, killing the animal instantly. 
"There's probably more," he told you, peeking into the cauldron and seeing nothing there. "Be careful."
You found more many-legged habitants as you explored the rest of the space. Mildly, you imagined Helaena loving this place. Aemond and you decided this house was the best of them; you put your belongings inside, and managed to prop up one half of a table on top of a trunk and a crate. If this place will be your home, you might as well make it liveable. 
You wondered if anyone noticed you were gone. 
The sun sat high in the sky by the time you deemed the house habitable. You’d used an old broom to sweep the dust from the floors, while he searched for more insects. He’d removed the straw mattress, shuddering when he felt something crawl within it, and placed the two bed rolls on the wooden bed. It might be hard, but better than waking up with insects and spiders on you. Aemond blushed thinking of tonight when he’d sleep next to you. He insisted he could sleep on the floor, but you told him the floor might be a bad choice. 
“I like it,” you smiled, satisfied with your work. “Maybe I can find some flowers to put on the table. Make it like a real home.”
He smiled at your suggestion. Aemond knew you'd be found eventually. His mother wouldn’t sleep until she saw him again. But, for now, he preferred living in the delusion. A low rumbling from his stomach reminded him of his hunger. 
“I brought food,” you reminded him, going to one of the packs near the fireplace, “I brought potatoes, onions and carrots, a bit of bread with some honey, these berries and nuts I stole from Jace’s room, and leftover sausages from my dinner last night. I couldn’t gather much, but it should be good for a while, right?”
“Yes,” he nodded, sitting at the makeshift table you’d both made, “Do you…cook?”
You hesitated, staring at the bag of food you placed on the table. “Um,” you fiddled with the strap of the bag nervously, “Not really. I’ve never had to before. Do you?”
“I can cook the meat,” he shrugged. “I watched Ser Criston do it a few times.” He somewhat smiled imagining himself by the fire, turning a new kill on a spit, while you chopped vegetables nearby. A proper husband and wife. “We’ll work it out,” he encouraged you, picking up the small sack of berries and nuts. 
He separated small piles for you both while you pulled out one of the books you’d brought. Perhaps you’ll sing for him later or draw a picture. He’d brought a writing tablet and charcoal sticks as a surprise. He’d give it to you later on. Aemond realized, as you started reading out loud, that he liked this. He almost forgot his disfigurement for a while, since you said nothing about it. People at home always gave so much attention to it. Not you. 
He didn’t want to go home. You were his home now. 
A/N: Well, the kids have finally done it. Gosh, how are the Moms gonna react??? Feel free to leave feedback, it’s appreciated as always <3 
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thewildomega · 3 years
Broken but not Shattered Ch7
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Grabbing his money, he decided against his jumper and since it was warm out he even left off his tie but still brought his cloak just incase Y/n got cold. After locking his trunk he made his way up to the Great Hall where he told Y/n he would meet her. Getting there however he didn't see her and furrowed his brows. He was sure he had told her to meet him here at four sharp and it was just that time. Perhaps she was running a bit late or...
Stopping he turned to his left at the sound of her voice and when his eyes met her he felt his breath catch in his throat. She was in a dress... an actual dress. If he was correct it was called a sundress style with thin straps on her shoulders. The black cotton was flowy, ending a little above her knees. Walking closer to her he swallowed hard at the amount of skin the dress allowed him to see.
He was just starring at you, silently. You knew it wasn't what other girls would consider a date worthy dress but your mother had made it for you and it was the best you had. You had hesitated putting it on while getting ready, never thinking you could pull off dresses and as he stood there staring at you, you were becoming even more self conscious. Licking your lips you bit your lip and looked down. "I..is this okay?"
"It is ah.... you are wearing a dress..."
Tilting your head you furrowed your brows a bit... "Well... y..yes you said we were going on a date so I... I thought..." When it all became to much you closed your eyes and turned on heel, "I'm going to go change..."
Hearing this snapped him out of his trance. Quickly grabbing her wrist he pulled her back to him. "No." Licking his lips he looked down at her and watched her look up to him. "I like it... You look beautiful."
Blushing deeply you saw him give you a small smile before he stepped back some and held out his arm for you to take. Returning his smile you felt him lead you out of the school and towards the village. The two of you spent the walk there talking about the upcoming exams, Severus asking you what things you thought you needed to study the most for and promising to practice with you on those things.
Seeing her smiling at him so softly he knit his brows, "What?" When she shook her head he pushed again, "Tell me."
"You are still treating me the same, you are still pushing me to succeed, even knowing what I am."
"Did you think I would not?" he asked with a raised brow.
Shrugging you looked down to the path. "Omegas are thought to be unintelligent. Most don't even think we are capable of having an education."
"Like who?"
Tilting your head you took a deep breath. "Well my grandfather for one. There isn't many people who know about me Sev, other than my parents and brother the only other people in my family that know are my mom's parents, not even my mom's siblings or my cousins know."
"And your grandfather does not approve of your education?"
"No, not really. He's never said it to me per say but I heard him talking about me when me and Flint were eavesdropping." Looking back up and over the land you felt a small clenching in your chest at the memories.  "He's old fashioned anyway, he doesn't think women should work, he hates that my mom helps my dad out at the bar but as for me... an omega... He thinks that I should have been kept at home, that I shouldn't have been allowed to go to school. I think he was partially worried about people finding out and the danger it would put me in and after Ilvermorny it just got worse but..."
"Wait, what happened to you at Ilvermorny?" She had told him before that she had had a problem with one of her teachers but that had been the end of it.
"I couldn't tell you the whole truth before, you understand that right?" Seeing him nod you gave a small grin before your free hand moved to your amulet. "There was a teacher, my Charms professor, Mr. Lyre.... I never really liked him all that much, no one did, he always made people feel uncomfortable..." Scrunching up your nose you shook your head. "Well last year I didn't have this Amulet to help me, I had to take this potion, this horrible, horrible potion."
"What potion?"
"I don't even think it has a name, all I know is that is was made to help repress all of the signs and traits of omegas. It's really old too. It isn't like this though, because this doesn't hurt, this doesn't make me feel like that made me feel." Knowing what he was about to ask you held on tighter to his arm. "Imagine if every time you felt excited or.. or  had a thought or feeling that was just one of your instincts you would instantly have it ripped away. Then you would be left with this emptiness this completely off feeling that made you feel nauseous." Shaking your head you looked away, "I don't even want to think about it, point is it just sucks. There is absolutely nothing good about it other than the fact that no one knows what I am.... not even sure I knew what I was half the time because it made me so delusional. I never took it during summer break or when I was home but when I went to school I had too."
He didn't like knowing his love was subjected to that. "So what happened?"
"In a nut shell he gave me detention because he thought I was faking when the potion was making me feel sick, an it did, all the time. I tried telling him that I needed to go to the medical wing but he wouldn't let me.... I knew it was the potion wearing off, I always got light headed when I needed to take another dose. I can't remember everything, I know I was sitting in his classroom, it was late and he was close, too close. I think I passed out at one point because the next thing I know I was....I was in his private chambers and then... then I was somewhere I didn't even know.. I found out later it was his home."
He felt his whole body turn tense at that, felt a growl rumble in his chest and his teeth clench together.
"I was crying, terrified. He knew what I was and he... he was an alpha. To him I was no longer his student I was an unclaimed omega.... When he went to... I screamed for my dad and I don't know how but he heard me... sensed that I needed him. He showed up and ripped Mr. Lyre off of me. I have never seen my dad like that, he was so enraged. They started fighting and I wanted to help but my dad told me to stay away...."
When she had to stop to take a break he said nothing, only continued holding her arm and watching her face.
"He was going to kill him, Mr. Lyre. He had threw this dust at my dad, right in his eyes and he couldn't see... I heard him begin to use that curse and I panicked."
Seeing her eyes looking down he frowned. There was a clenching in his heart again and he knew she was getting upset, that this was becoming hard. "Y/n..."
You wanted him to know, he was your alpha, the boy you loved, he deserved to know. Glancing around you saw no one  but still pulled him off of the path and over behind some trees. "You remember the other day at breakfast when you saw me light that letter on fire without using my wand, without even speaking?"
"Yes. You used wandless magic... it was amazing..."
Grinning you looked up to him. "Well it's a little more complex than that. Omegas are naturally frailer than both the other classes. Smaller, weaker but not defenseless. You see nature always has a way to try and level the playing field so Omegas have a better connection to certain elements... mine is fire." Holding up your hand you gave one last look around to make sure the both of you were truly alone before creating a ball of fire in your palm.
Looking at the flames in her hand he felt both his eyes go wide. Watching as she closed her hand to disperse the flame he looked up to her and saw her looking sad and guilt riven. Understanding now he opened and closed his mouth, "You... burnt him?" Seeing her nod but keep her eyes down he blinked. "How bad?"
"I was afraid and in pain... Scared. Before I knew what I was doing I had set the whole room on fire. My dad got me out of there and went back to Get Mr. Lyre but it was too late."
She had killed him... She had burnt him alive. Just staring at her he didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say at first.
"I..I didn't mean to.. I never intended for him to die, I just wanted to save my dad...."
Hear how shaky and soft her voice was along with feeling that clenching in his chest and seeing her shoulders curling up he quickly snapped into action. Wrapping his arm around her he pulled her to him and pet the back of her head as she laid her head on his chest. "Shhh. I understand, I know you would never hurt anyone on purpose." Feeling her nuzzle his chest he kissed the top of her head. The knowledge that that man had almost claimed her, that she had almost belonged to another made the alpha in him feel even more territorial.
Kissing her head again he took a deep breath before pulling away, placing his hand on the small of her back. Walking back onto the path he felt her lace her fingers with his and lean into his arm. Glancing down to her he felt the corner of his mouth tug upwards some, that warm feeling in his chest making him sigh softly. Nothing else was said as they made their way to Hogsmeade. She had seemed rather surprised to find out he was taking her to Madam Puddifoot's Tea shop. He himself had never been in the place but he had heard others talking about it being a ideal date spot.
Surprised by his choice you let him lead you to the grey stone building with the pink painted trim. Trying to see inside you saw the windows were all fogged up. Grinning up at him when he opened the door for you both to enter you felt your eyes go a bit wide at the inside of the place. It was so.... pink... frilly.
"Hello dears, pick any table you like."
Looking to the woman you gave a small grin and a nod before looking back up to Severus.
Inwardly groaning at how crowded it was he looked down to his female and sighed. Leading her over to the back table he heard as some of the other students whispered about the two of them both paid them no mind. They had been dealing with it for months now and while at first he was worried it would drive Y/n away from him, now that she was his claimed mate he no longer felt threatened.
Sitting in the chair when he pulled it out for you, you giggle lightly when his cheeks turned a bit pink at your comment of him being 'ever the gentleman'. Once he was sat in front of you noticed his shoulders still stiff looking and gave a smirk. "Wouldn't this style just look so cute all over a home?" Watching his eyes snap up from the menu to look at you, you managed to keep it together for a few seconds, the look of pure terror and disgust on his face too funny to pass up.
When she started laughing, her hand moving to cover her mouth in an attempt to not interrupt others he knew it had all been a jest and felt himself relax. "Our home will look absolutely nothing like this." he spoke as he looked back to the menu. When she remained quiet he glance back up to see her smiling softly at him before she looked down to her own menu.
'Our home.' The thought made you feel warm inside.
"Do you know what you would like?"
Quickly looking back up when Madam Puddifoot came over to take your order you glanced to Sev and then to her, "Um green tea please."
"And for you dear?"
She had ordered one of the cheapest teas. Licking his lips he looked down to the menu, calculating prices in his head. "Black tea and a slice of lemon cake."  
"Alright luvs it will be right up."
Once they were left alone he reached across to take her hand in his, stroking the back of her hand with this thumb. "You never told me what your parents said... about us."
Tilting your head you grinned softly. "They weren't mad or anything... just kinda shocked... worried I guess."
"So they are okay with... with me?" he asked nervously.
"Well my mom said she is happy you are a Slytherin." you giggled and saw him grin some.
"And your father?" Noticing her biting her lip he felt doubt settling in.
"He.. ah... he had a few choice words that I will not repeat." Noticing him look down you gave his hand a squeeze. "He wants to meet you. They both do."
Snapping his eyes up he saw her serious. "They do?"
Nodding you smiled. "Yea, they invited you to come stay a week this summer.... if you want to that is."
Stunned he just blinked and then smiled. "Yes, that sounds great... so long as your father is not just getting me closer so he can kill me."
Laughing you saw him smile. "I'll be working at the bar of course but you can keep me company... maybe you can make Canyon leave me alone." you said with a roll of your eyes.
"Who is Canyon?"
"My brother's best friend. His little sister, Catalina, or Cat as we call her, is my brother's girlfriend. Don't get me wrong he's not a bad guy, he'd do anything for anyone he's just ahhh.. well you'll see."
Going to question more he snapped his mouth close when their order was being placed before them. Thanking the woman and paying he pushed small plate with the cake on it that she had placed before him across the table to his mate. Seeing her look up to him in confusion he only gave her a small grin and looked down to add cream to his tea, missing the way the Madam Puddifoot smiled at them.
Blinking you looked down to the cake and then up to him. Standing up you saw his eyes snap up and his brows dip. Scooting your chair over so that the two of you could sit beside each other you sat back down. Moving your tea in front of you while the cake plate was moved between you both so you could share you saw him look to you and gave him a small smile that he returned.
When a flash of light went off he stiffened. Seeing the beta woman standing there with a camera he went to question her when she was placing the picture she had taken on the table. With a simple wink she was walking away. Looking back to the picture as it finished developing he saw the both of them, the moving picture showing him looking up to her before the both of them were smiling at each other. Grinning he kissed the top of her head as she laid it on his shoulder. Cutting a piece of the cake with the fork he held it to her mouth.
Running as fast as you could you heard one of the prefects yell for you to stop running but you paid him no mind. The clenching in your chest too strong for you to care about the rules. He needed you, your alpha needed you, you coudl feel it. Hurrying out of the halls and into the courtyard you made your way out into the grounds. Coming up on James and the others you saw them laughing and narrowed your eyes.
"Oh L/n you missed the show I am afraid, Could have saved you the disappointment." James laughed.
"What did you do? What did you do to him?" you growled.
"Well we just wanted to see what it was you saw in Snivellus that's all." Sirius chuckled..
Snapping your head to the right when another group of students started talking you heard them laughing about what James had done and when it finally clicked you felt that fire fill your veins. Without another thought you marched over to James and swung your fist through the air, landing a hard hit to his nose. Instantly your felt something in your hand crack but only bit down on your tongue, refusing to show them any weakness.
"AWHA!" Covering his nose with his hand he landed back on his ass in the grass.
Feeling something wet cover his palm and leak from between his fingers he growled and glared up at the female from his cracked glasses. Pushing himself up to stand he hurried towards her.
"NO! NO! Put me down you asshole!" Thrashing in his hold you kicked your feet and tried wiggling out of his hold as he carried you somewhere.
Seeing his friend walking towards the lake he froze and furrowed his brows. "James... hey wait a minute." Sirius spoke.
"We tried to make you see, tried to give you the easy way out but you just continue to choose that pathetic worm. Well I'm done giving you a chance." The male spoke.
Understanding what he was going to do he felt his body clench up. "James no! Don't!"
Letting out a scream as you were thrown through the air you felt the shock as you landed in the cold water, your hip hitting one of the rocks hard. Shooting up you coughed up what little water had filled your airways and tried to swim towards shore. Grabbing hold of some of the rocks you felt your hand shoot with pain.
Looking down at the female he huffed out. "Go ahead, go to the future death eater but when he turns on you just like he did Evans don't expect us to take you in."  
"W..why the hell would I ever want anything to do with bullies like you. All of you, you call Severus pathetic but you are all the ones that seek out others to put down to make yourselves feel powerful. In my book that makes you the pathetic ones and none of you will ever amount to anything." Watching him raise his wand you braced yourself but nothing ever happened.
"James that's enough. Leave her alone." Sirius told his best friend in a voice that held no waver. Seeing James look to him he kept his stare until finally the male lowered his wand.
"Let her go." James scoffed in a low voice.
"I could say the same thing to you." Sirius countered. Seeing him roll his eyes but walk away he gave the small female in the water one last look, his chest clenching before he turned and walked back to the castle with his friends.
Standing up you tried to wring out your clothes and hair as much as possible Pulling out your wand you found it broken and closed your eyes, "Daddy's gonna kill me." Shoving it back in your pocket you started walking in search of the boy you loved. You wondered what James meant by Severus turning on you like he did Lily?
Finally finding him out by the tree the both of you always sat under you stopped when you heard soft crying coming from him. Rounding the tree you saw him curled up on it's roots, his knees pulled up to his chest with his face buried in his arms. Seeing his shoulders shaking you felt a clenching in your heart and slowly moved closer to him. "Sev?"
Swallowing hard when he heard the soft voice of his mate he kept his face hid away in his arms, not wanting her to see him like this. Pathetic loser. "Go away." When he felt her place a hand on his back he tensed. "I said go away Y/n."
Sitting on your knees in front of him you moved to hug him, trying to keep from getting him wet with your clothes.
"Are you deaf I said go away. I don't want you here."
Stifling your trembling lip at his hurtful words you stayed where you were, refusing to let his words send you away. He didn't mean it, you knew he didn't. He was hurting. They had done this, embarrassed him beyond belief. Made him feel so alone. But he wasn't and you wouldn't allow him to feel that way. No he would always have you and you would show him as much.
When she continued hugging him he felt more sobs break out, his whole body shaking. "Why will you not just leave me alone?"
"Because I love you and I won't ever leave you." Feeling him cry more but not tell you to leave again you kissed his head. Laying your head on his shoulder you just sat there, continuing to hold him, reassure him that you weren't going anywhere. You didn't know how long had passed, your knees were sore but you ignored it.
Sniffling he wiped his eyes before lifting his head some. Peeking up from his arms he saw her own eyes open some to look at him, those alluring blue eyes that he could stare into forever. Swallowing hard he blinked and then closed his eyes when she reached out to brush back his hair. She never seemed bothered by his 'greasy' locks, always touching it whenever she got the chance. "You are wet."
Kissing his temple you hummed.
"Why are you wet?"
"Doesn't matter." you told him with a shake of your head.
Sitting up he noticed she was indeed completely wet, soaked even. "Tell me..."
"I ah... went for a swim."
Growling he saw her shoulders curl up some and took hold of her hand but instantly released it when she let out a pained whimper. Knitting his brows he gently grabbed her hand and brought it in front of her so he coudl see and when he did he frowned. The left side of her right hand was colored in a bruise and the pinky finger knuckle was sitting oddly. It was broken for sure. "What happened?"
Looking away you tried to pull your hand away but he held your wrist in a strong grip.
"I fell..."
"Do. Not. Lie. To. Me." he grit out. "You are wet and your hand is broken, what happened?"
Letting out a deep breath you closed your eyes. "I punched James then he threw me into the lake." you mumbled.
Growling deeply he went to stand but felt her pull him back down.
Quickly nuzzling his neck you held him tightly. You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him and as much as it frightened you, as much as the omega in you wanted to curl up and submit you wouldn't. You didn't want him to get in trouble because of you. "Don't bother with the likes of him. Don't drop to his level." you told your mate in a soft whisper.
Licking his lips he tried to push back these strong feelings inside of him. That Potter had humiliated him, made him so angry he had snapped at his best friend but what was even worse is that he had hurt his Y/n, he had hurt his omega. "I can not just let him get away with harming you."
Kissing his neck you breathed in his scent. "Yes you can because tomorrow it won't matter, tomorrow we are leaving and then it will be just us for a bit. And then in two more years we will be done with him and his heard of jackasses forever. Then it will be just us. Right?"
Taking a deep breath he pet her head. Brushing her wet hair back over her shoulder so he coudl stare at the proof that she was his forever. "Yes. Just us."
Grinning at the sad memory to the end of your fifth year you shivered a bit as the cold invaded your bones. Remembering that week of summer the both of you had had together though made the freezing of your limbs float to the back of your mind. He had been so worried, so nervous when you had taken him to your home. All which was for nothing as he was instantly accepted. Oh so many fond memories of that summer, A summer in which you wished you coudl go back to...
"And your parents know that Severus is coming do they not Y/n?" Dumbledore asked with a raised brow and saw the omega nod with a smile.
"Yes sir."
"Very well then." Leading the two teenagers to the open area he gave them both a smile. "A good summer to you both, we will see you both again soon." Going to turn away he remembered something and stopped. "Ah yes before I forget." Pulling it out of his robes he held the book out, "Here you are Severus. I will see what I else I can find over summer."
Taking the book he gave the headmaster a bow of his head. "Thank you Professor."
"Have a good summer as well sir." you told him. Walking towards the area where Dumbledore had led you both to you looked out to see the portkey there and smiled. Looking back to Severus you saw him looking to the thing with a raised brow. "What?"
"I know they can be anything but I was not expecting a rake."
Shrugging you gave him a grin. "Only thing Daddy had on hand at the time." Making sure your bag was tied tightly you looked to him and smiled, "Ready?"
"I have never traveled by portkey before."
Groaning you took his hand. "It's ah.... well let's just say I will be happy when I can Apparate. Now don't let go of my hand or the rake until we land okay?"  Seeing him nod you reached out to take the rake and saw him do the same thing before the both of you were off.
It felt like there was a hook in his stomach yanking him all around. Feeling his hand on Y/n being tugged as well he tightened his hold. All too soon though they were slamming into the ground and he heard her groan. "That was terrible."
"Agreed." you grumbled. Letting out a heavy sigh you felt Severus pulling you up to stand. Dropping the rake for now you looked around and smiled. You were home.
Looking all around them he saw green hills and mountains in the distance. There were tons of trees and he even noticed what looked to be some sort of water in the distance. Seeing a home a little ways away in a clearing of trees he grinned. Overall he thought it was a beautiful sight, refreshing. "This is your home?"
Nodding you smiled. "Yep, this is it." Pointing to the cabin through the trees you saw him look that way, "That was my dad's parents home and then a little ways down the drive there is where Cat and Canyon's home is."
"Everything is so.... open and fresh feeling." he said and saw her smile. When she offered her hand he took it and walked with her towards her home. The closer he got the more detail he was able to take in. It looked to be of the cabin style with walls made of wood and stone. It wasn't a mansion per say but it was of nice size with a barn in the back along with a small farm from what he could see. "You have animals?"
"Oh yea, chickens and ducks, goats, and pigs... a turkey maybe, if my dad hasn't killed the hateful thing that is. I'll show you around later. Oh wait a..."
Hearing her give a loud whistle he stood beside her and watched as large cat jumped onto the porch railing, the thing had grey colored fur with patches of black and white. "A kneazle. You have a kneazle."
"Mmmhmm. This is Skitz." You told him as your pet quickly moved over beside you to start rubbing up against your hand, asking to be petted. "I've had him since I was five."
Holding his hand out to the cat he heard a low growl come from it and quickly pulled his hand back.
"Um he doesn't really like men all too much, don't take it personally he doesn't even like my dad and he's the one who buys his food."
Hearing a loud banging he snapped his eyes over to the large garden and saw a gnome running around.
"You are supposed to be taking care of that you know?"
Seeing her looking down at the kneazle who only looked to her with a bored expression he chuckled when it finally hopped down to go chase after the pest. Looking at the porch he noticed a swing that had cushions on it. There were painted handprints by the door, one large one at the top that he knew had to be her father's. below that was another big one but smaller than the first, the next two little ones made him smile softly, the thought of a little y/n making it. Watching her open the door he saw her look back to him and hold out her hand. Taking it he walked with her into the home.
The cabin look carried on into the home with wood floors and beams along the ceiling. The outer walls showed the same material from outside, stone and wood logs, while the inner walls looked to be made of plaster and painted a cream color that went well with the other colors of the wood and stone. Seeing as the door entered into the living room he saw a large couch along with a recliner and two end tables that didn't match the coffee table. There was a rug under the furniture and many books lined the shelves along the back wall beside pictures and such.
"Come on I'll give you the tour and then show you where you will be staying."
Nodding he followed her, he found the rest of the home to be just as cozy as the living room. Once he had seen the kitchen, dining room and glanced down the hall to where her parents room was he followed her up the stairs that were built in around the fireplace. Getting to the second floor he saw her point to one room, telling him that was her brother's room.
"This is the second floor bathroom." you told him, pointing to the open door. "You will be staying in here. Sorry it's not that big...."
Walking into the room he found it about the same size as his bedroom back at Spinner's End but more homey looking. The bed looked to be a full size with navy blue bedding. There was a dresser in the corner and a window that looked out over the land. Seeing a door he guessed it went to the closet and grinned as he looked back to her. "It is wonderful. Your entire home is." Seeing her smile he thought of something and knit his brows some. "Where is your room though?"
"Oh it's the next one down after the hall closet." Seeing him raise his brow and turn to walk out into the hall you felt your face heat up. "Wait.... no... Sev you don't need to see my room."
Walking down to the last door on the floor he grabbed the knob and went to open it but was stopped by his female. "I thought you were giving me the tour, does that not include your room dearest?"
"And why is that? Are you hiding something from me?"
"No I just ah... well maybe.... no Severus..."
Wrapping his arm around her he opened the door with his free hand and moved inside the room. Stepping into the room he saw the inner walls painted black with white dots on them, noticing some of them he smiled, constellations. There was a round rug on the floor with a crescent moon on it. The vanity on the right wall he noticed was also painted black with the same starry design on it. Books were stacks here and there on shelves and on the nightstand laid sketch books and a set of charcoals. The bed however was not your normal bed. It was pushed into the back corner of the room and there appeared to be purple and blue sheets of fabric hung up around it to block it off from the rest of the room. There was something else about it as well...
Watching him walk closer to your 'bed' you bit your lip and rubbed your arm, embarrassment and nervousness filling you. Looking down you slowly followed him.
Tilting his head he looked inside the little cave to see many pillows and other blankets lining the outer perimeter of the bed with the center holding a soft silver blanket that looked kind of like fur and a black silk blanket. When he breathed in he was hit with a light scent of what he knew was his omega.
Seeing his brows slightly knit together as he took it all in you breathed in deeply. When he reached inside you felt your body tense. "Sev wait."
There was clear desperation in her voice, not like the embarrassed, playful one before. This time she was serious and he froze. Looking back to her he saw her curled up some, her lip bitten harshly between her teeth. Feeling that off sensation he pulled his hand back and straightened up. "Y/n... what is it?"
Looking back to your sanctuary and then to his chest you took a deep breath. "M...my nest."
"Your... nest?" he questioned and saw her nod but still not look up to him. "I.. I do not unders...." he started but the sound of a door opening made him snap his mouth shut.
".... I told you it wasn't going to work!.... Whatever let's just..."
"Hey is Y/n/n already here?"
"Good question. Y/n?!"
Hearing the deep voice of a male he knew that had to be her father and felt his throat go dry.
Seeing Severus's body tense up you held back your giggle and took his hand. "Coming daddy!" Pulling him towards the door you got up on your tip toes to kiss his cheek, "Relax they are going to love you."
Nodding because he didn't trust his voice he swallowed hard as they started making their way down the stairs.
Tag List: @once-upon-an-imagine​ @dope-shit-bro
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