#when I tell you I teared up like you can hear the anguish oh my hodddd
timothylawrence · 9 months
Theo Solomon you didn’t have to do this to me
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓵 𝓝°5 ~ 𝓗𝓾𝓼𝓴𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
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Oh, to be young and in love, in the most romantic era of the notorious 1950s, with one very magical man who never fail to make you swoon with every suave look who offers.
It isn't very often that Husker reminisces his past life - He knows, if he does, he will remember all of the good times, when his heart was gold and trembling with pure emotion - After all, if he recalls the time he was alive, and very much in love, his frozen heart will just shatter to dust once again, with the same infinite anguish he felt once everything was ripped away from his grasp.
A pain so intolerable, that runs so deep - A pain that no amount of alcohol can mend.
He never truly knows whether he wants to remain asleep forever, so that he will never have to face reality again, or if that would be a nightmare, tormenting him for the remaining abyss of eternity...
Or, perhaps he should stay awake, so that memories will stop toppling him over, beginning with a most beautiful reverie, yet always ending with the same night terror he must face every time.
If this is his way of paying for his irredeemable sins, then he is well aware he deserves it, and even more - Yet every smell reminds him of that sweet Chanel N°5 that she used to wear. Every time he closes his eyes, he dreams of the gracious dances he would share with her. Every song he hears, he recalls that angelic voice of hers, and every time he lays abed and stares up at the ceiling, her seraphic visage flashes before him.
"You are drinking again." Angel slumped in one of the stools by the bar, noticing his best friend looking in a far worse state than usual. "Rough day?"
"Rough life." Husk rasped, chugging down a whole bottle of strong spirits.
"Wanna talk about it?" he tried, in vain, to appear sympathetic - The feline demon was far too gone into his own darkness to even think about slurring away his never-ending sorrows.
"I wanna die, that's what I want." he growled, slamming away the bottle into the nearest wall. "Just like this fucking bottle. That's what I fuckin' wanna do - I wanna die, damn it!"
Angel's eyes widened greatly - Yes, life in hell surely was crazy, and especially for demons like the two of them, who sold their souls away because of their own failures, both in life, and now, in hell - But what in the world could it have caused him to get so hopeless that he was unable to fight back the tears glistening in those tortured eyes?
Even someone like him couldn't dare to make light of the situation, or try and crack a joke, let alone taunt or flirt with him. He felt... Pity, for the poor bartender who always listens to others' woes, yet dares naught speak out his own problems.
"Listen... Husk, ergh... I'm not the best at comforting, okay? But... If I can help, you can tell me... And, if not, then... I'll still be here. And maybe try to keep the others away from you. How's that?" Husk didn't quite seem to compute what his friend said, though he robotically nodded his head, as if remote controlled.
Angel remained in that stool for a few hours, watching the winged demon drink bottle after bottle after bottle, yet his sorrows only washed over him tenfold with each shattered glass against a different wall. He wonders what is going through Husk's mind, what he's ruining himself over with each sigh o grip on his fur.
Who would have thought that, of all things possible, Husker's greatest lament was...
"I fucking hate red. Why the fuck are my wings red? Of all the fucking colours in hell, they just had to be red, yeah?" he stammered angrily, pulling at his feathers. "Y'know what? They can't change colour. Tried dyeing 'em, but nothin'. Got so much fuckin' red on me - I wonder if it's Hell's way of punishin' me forever for my fucking sins."
He hates red...? What an odd statement - He truly seems to have a personal vendetta against that colour - But why? It's just a colour, after all, it can do no wrong. "Why... Do you hate red so much...? Angeldust dared to ask.
At first, he was met with a low growl, hostile, yet inoffensive at its core. Then, he heard a most disturbing answer. "That was the colour of my wife's dress when I last went home." Angel's brain shut down completely. To think someone was trusting him with such a vulnerable piece of himself, the very core of their hopelessness, their weakness; In a way, he felt flattered that Husk trusted him so much, yet in another way... He couldn't help but feel borderless pity for his friend. He wishes such a fate to no one... Well, maybe to Valentino.
Angel forced himself to smile softly, placing his hand gingerly over his own, taking away the alcohol from his hand. "What was her name?" Husk looked up with shock, a little startled, right into his dual coloured eyes - He hasn't ever spoken her name out loud, it almost felt like a blasphemy against her purity. Yet... Maybe... "Y/N." he dared whisper.
"Y/N." Angel repeated after him. "A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Husk nodded his head.
"She was a Princess." he muttered, his sight blurry with tears.
"A Princess? Really? Nobility and all that?" much to his surprise, Husker chuckled.
"Nah, not quite." he rasped. "At heart, she was. Her family was very rich, so she was pampered up. Huge manor, servants, a personal maid, luxury brands, jewellery and perfumes, indulging in any studies and hobbies she liked..."
"How'd you two meet? I don't suppose you were a Prince or something, were you?" Angel tried to joke friendly, encouraging his friend to open up.
"Ha. Far from it." in his hand, a few dices appeared, and he idly played around with them. "I was an ugly dead beat from a working class broken family. Hardly worthy of her attention." he gritted his teeth bitterly. "Got around to finding work at a young age - Gambling, magic, sax player - If I had money to live, anything worked."
"Did you meet at one of your gigs?" Husk nodded his head affirmatively.
"No clue what she saw in me, Angel. She could do so much better." for a split second, he had a dry smirk on his face, before it disappeared again. "I asked her once, what the hell did she see in me - And she said... I played her favourite song. Silly, innit?"
He didn't receive a mocking laugh, much to his surprise - Instead, Angel cooed. He never imagined the jaded demon before him could be so romantic! "What did you play?" Instead of answering, Husk turned around to his bar, and took out another bottle, yet this time, he hummed a familiar tune as he was doing his bartending for two glasses. "Oh, now I get it - You always hum that song when no one's around! I thought you were just bored out of your mind." he let out an amused exhale. "Fly me to the moon... Refined tastes, alright."
"The stars in the sky never sparkles as brightly as those in her eyes when she looked at me." no wonder he never accepted any flirting from anyone - How could anyone match the love he had for Y/N? "If I were a decent man, I'd have told her not to waste her precious time and love on me. Instead, I was a selfish fuck. I stole years of her life... And in the end, I even stole her life. All because I wasn't even half the fucking man I pretended to be."
The conversation soon turned significantly sour. "I was the man - I was supposed to provide for her. Afford all that fucking expensive Chanel N°5, and the Dior dresses, the Chantelle lingerie, and the damn Cartier and Tiffany's jewellery." even someone more modern like Angel knew all those luxury brands, and was even more impressed and shocked that they could so easily afford such high-end items. "I brought her flowers every day and I took her out on brunches every morning, on dates every afternoon, and to soirees every fucking evening. She loved dancing at parties... But I suppose she preferred the moonlight over the chandeliers."
"You must have overworked yourself a bunch to afford all these things. I'm sure she appreciated it." Angel tried to comfort him, earning a nod of agreement.
"She told me she didn't need any gift, except for my presence. Genuine woman, that one. But how could I, in good conscience, go to her parents and ask for her hand in marriage, when I couldn't even afford a half-decent house with a room for each of her hobbies, a drawer for each month outfit, another for her shoes and three more for her bags, jewels and perfumes; and a large flower garden and a fucking rose gazebo and a swan pond with ten different breeds of pedigree dogs." Angel cringed a little, realising the tremendous gap between their living conditions. "I lost myself on the way to greatness. She was making me so euphoric that I just wanted to see her excited every moment of her life. I didn't need to eat or drink, I just needed to see her smile, and I could work again a few more days without rest."
"But then... You collapsed from overworking?" Husker shook his head.
"Worse. I fooled her parents completely, and we planned our wedding." he replied bitterly.
"How is that a bad thing? Isn't the wedding day the happiest day in a couple's life?" Husk sighed, from the deepest part of his soul.
"It was." he said. "I got greedy. I went to loan sharks, took a shit ton of money to make that wedding the most grand event the country saw in a while. Then went on a month-old honey moon around the world." he cursed in a few different languages that Angel couldn't understand, but was sure were some highly offensive and crude words that he would never utter around Y/N. "I don't need to say more, do I?"
Yeah, he needn't continue speaking the descent into madness, alright. Angeldust didn't want to hear that his friend's love story ended up in his soulmate getting murderer by the loan sharks, only for him to end up killing them, and then himself, out of pure rage and sorrow. He didn't want to hear that an innocent woman like Y/N never knew that her husband was broke and took loans, just to try and mimic the lavish lifestyle she grew up with and deserved. He didn't want to hear the broken shriek of anguish, or the streaming river of tears that befell as Husker saw her dead, on the floor, her pearly pink dress dyed a deep crimson from her own blood, and getting even more stained with each strong embrace he held around her shattered body, just like a precious porcelain doll fallen off the shelf.
They only just recently became something akin to 'best friends' from both sides... Yet Angel couldn't bare to hear the tragic end of the story, and he couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he felt, having to live his afterlife as a Sinner, for as long as he has, without the woman he loves by his side.
"It's better this way, I guess. At least she finally got rid of me. Wherever she is, she must be living far better, than with a lying fuck like me who couldn't keep it together." the spider demon frowned, watching his friend slump on the bar counter.
"I don't think that's the case." he spoke vehemently. "I don't believe there is any person, of any kind, treasuring her as much as you did." Husk's ears perked up immediately, twitching lightly. "At least on an emotional way, I'd say, you and Y/N were lucky. There's so many people who never experience the love you had, let alone get to meet and marry their soulmate."
"What the fuck would you know?!" he growled, throwing a bottle at his head, only for the demon to dodge.
"... I wish I had fallen in love too, you know?" Husk gritted his teeth, realising the sensitive wound that he unwillingly stabbed open - But it wasn't his foult - He is hurt! He is in pain! "As a human, as a demon... I was like you, sort of. I was so shit at managing my life, that I ended up falling prey to my vices... I needed more and more, and I couldn't resist. I had no ration or logic. I gave in to my so-called 'friend group' and got addicted to drugs... Couldn't get rid of that addiction even after death... And I clinged on the only demon who could give me what I wanted... And now, I can't escape Val, even if I wanted to turn my life around and live the life that I never could." Angel had a wry smile on his face. "Do you really think a drug addict or the most famous porn star of hell would be able to meet his soulmate, without destroying their life in the process also?"
The two remained silent, only hanging their head and sighing. No matter how happy life can be for some... It will never have a chance of turning around for them. It just couldn't be. They are in hell, after all. Even Charlie won't be able to save them and bring them on the path of redemption, no matter how insanely enthusiastic and cheerful she can be... They were still sure to drown.
Somehow, this few hours of vulnerability brought Husk and Angel closer, and although they won't be speaking about it again, it was clear to the residents of the Hazbin Hotel that the two were as close as two demons can get, without the inclusion of vice or extortion.
Things were going well enough for them, even with the new addition of Sir Pentious, the villain turned... Something? It was still not too bad around the hotel. Though unsure of whatever Charlie's plan was, to fight against the purge from the Angels, they were still there to sort-of support whatever dream the Princess of the Pride Circle has.
That is, until the Hotel opened its doors to a brand new resident, a gorgeous demoness dressed elegantly in a dress of pearly pink, adorned with high quality jewellery, and with her long hair done stylishly, and smelling like a fresh day of Spring. She walked in guided by the Radio Demon, of all people, and she was smiling so demurely, completely unafraid of the fiend next to her, yet still reserved and soft.
"No way, is that Chanel N°5?! How'd you get it in here?!" Angel squealed, fangirling over the flowery perfume - But then, it clicked for him. Didn't Husker mention his wife loving this scent the most?
"Oh, you noticed! I am so happy that there are more sensible people - Erh - Demons with refined tastes!" the girl unfolded her laced fan and giggled behind it demurely.
Although she looked even more regal than even the Princess of Hell herself, as they stood next to each other, there was one particular detail that made the new-comer stand out from any other netizen.
With her hands clasped together over her chest, a bright white gold ring, with a most brilliant zircon was shining brighter than even the moon herself.
Whilst the other demons gathered around the seraphic beauty, wanting to have her attention, and even going as far as to have Alastor speak out about this new lady, Husker's breath stopped completely; His brain was going into overdrive, and his heart, he wanted to rip out of his chest.
That ring... That ring, he knew all to well - After all, he bought it himself, when he proposed to Y/N. That voice, the fashion, the mannerism... Even with altered looks, she looked the same. Even in hell, she looked the same. Even with demonic eyes, she looked the same.
She was the most beautiful woman in the universe.
"Y/N, this is Husker, our bartender." Charlie's face was split open by her overly-cheerful grin. "Husk, won't you introduce yourself to Y/N?"
"I'm not a fucking child. I don't need to introduce myself." the man hissed aggressively. "This is fucking stupid, I'm out." without even realising, he shattered the glass in his grasp, before stomping away into his room.
How could that be? Was this a nightmare? Surely, this must be some impersonator demon or something - There's no way an innocent being like Y/N could possibly have ended up in Hell, with a bunch of Sinners, of all thing. Was this his fault also? Did he bring her down with him to hell? Was he never going to be forgiven for all of the shit he's done in his previous life? Did Alastor bring her to the Hotel, so that he could blackmail him even more? Was his empty soul worth so little, in the end?
He was so afraid - Will Y/N be angry once she realises who he is? He couldn't blame her, obviously, he's earned her scorn... Yet why is his heart hurting so bad? He wishes so badly to jump on her and wrap her in his arms and wrings, and never again let her go. Ah, but he looks like a stupid flying cat... He looks ridiculous. There's no way...
Perhaps... She should stay with Al...
He has the influence, the money, the fashion sense, the looks, the freedom and privilege, the elegance...
Alastor has everything, and embodies everything that he could never be.
In life, he was selfish, and he didn't let go of her. Perhaps, the only way to apologise and make up for his sins was to let her be cherished by a man capable of doing what he never could.
As he lay awake on the bed, curled up and cursing his whole existence, wanting to sob until his body was all dried up and shriek until his throat was bleeding raw; he wanted to claw his face to velvety ribbons and drown his lungs with all of his blood... As he was succumbing to his self-hatred and spiraling down into the depths of despair, Y/N decided to end the day with some delicious pastries and an aromatic cup of tea in the garden, with her friend, Alastor.
Y/N was idly playing with her ring, looking at the inscription inside of it. 'Y/N ♡ Husker'. How absolutely adorable, she thought, a beautiful smile gracing her features. "He looks... Different. Are you sure it is the same person, Alastor?" her voice showed nervousness.
"Y/N, Y/N, would I lie to you?" he grinned, as always, sipping from his tea. "You should hear him purr. He truly resembles a little kitten."
Y/N looked up into he friend's eyes, a look of intense surprise and borderline intrigue taking over. "Are you being truthful? He... Purrs?" she gasped, quickly slipping her ring back on her finger.
"Yes, my darling. Unconsciously, someone strokes his fur, he gets so very adorable~." Alastor hums, watching the lady before him being so romantically melancholic over a life long gone. "What did you think about today's meeting?"
Y/N sighed, looking up into the sky. "I feel guilty for enjoying the moment I ripped Velvette apart, yet I feel no remorse for killing her. Such an uncouth and vulgar person has no right to behave with such disrespect towards me." Alastor's grin widened significantly. "And... I cannot wait for the next purge. I want to burn Heaven to cinders. Those hypocrites have grown far too arrogant for their own good, and I believe they need to be taught a harsh lesson."
"I see we are on the same wavelength as always, my dear." the demon sipped from his tea. "I am quite glad those arrogant hypocrites turned you away, for such a silly thing like - Vanity - They say. Beautiful women should be allowed to feel that-a-way, not ostracised for being such jewels for one's eyes." ever the charmer with poison dripping from his tongue. "Before I turn in for the evening, I have a gift for you - For friendship's sake." Y/N rose a suspicious eyebrow, watching as he took out a carefully folded picture from his blazer's pocket, and handing it to her. "I am going for a new fitting with Rosie tomorrow, should you wish to join us for a lovely day of self-care." the girl smiled, nodding her head at him in appreciation. "Have a pleasant evening."
Y/N muttered her pleasantries, and waited for Alastor to leave her sight, before unfolding the picture and bursting to tears. She cradled the precious memory to her heart, and sobbed for as long as her heart needed.
What have they done so wrong to deserve this? They were so happy while alive, so what went wrong? Was her opulent life, the reason for their downfall? Did her beloved think she wouldn't love him, if he couldn't match her family's wealth? Were all soulmates made to be torn apart while at their most blissful?
Still, she was grateful that she wasn't accepted into Heaven, for she would have had a most awful afterlife, as opposed to the many Overlord friends she made since she's been sent to Hell after her gruesome death, and the many favours she received from the Lords and Royals who went to Earth to retrieve items of importance for her.
Drying her tears, Y/N walked back inside the hotel, ready to turn in for the night, only to stop in her tracks as soon as she heard a soft sob, followed by a few very familiar curses in a variety of languages that she knew all too well. Her heart clenched as she stepped cautiously towards the foreign room, eavesdropping for any other sound, only to be met with more muffled cries.
Biting her lip, the demoness knocked on the door, only to be cursed harshly and told to fuck off. Y/N gulped, feeling taken aback by being talked in such a way - Though she immediately composed herself, reminding herself that he, too, is hurting, most likely far more than she is.
She excused herself before opening the door and entering. "What fucking part of 'FUCK OFF' don't you FUCKING UNDERSTA---" Husk was livid, getting in a sitting position as he growled with incredible hostility at the one who dared barge in his bedroom so rudely, only to remain speechless as he realised it was the demoness herself, standing with a sympathetic smile on her face. She also seemed to have been crying prior to this. "Oh. It is you." he cleared his throat, getting back on the bed, unable to face her.
"I have missed you dearly." her voice was so soft, so beautiful, so endearing... "I... Cannot believe that I am seeing you again. It seems to me that, no matter how far apart, our souls will forever traverse oceans of time and space, just to embrace each other once more."
She could hear him sniffling, his nails digging deep into the blanket. "You have always been so romantic and poetic." he grumbled, hiding his face in the pillow. "You shouldn't be here."
"You will have to be more specific, my love." she hummed, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. "Here - In Hell? Or here - In your room? Either way, I would say, I am right where I need to be."
"I don't understand." as if burning with frustration, Husk shot up, looking with self-hatred at the girl. "You did nothing wrong your entire life. You were nothing but a living sunshine. A fucking flower in human form. What the fuck did those angels not agree with, that they cast you to this shit hole?"
"There was a time when you would beat up any man who would curse in my presence." Y/N's adorable giggle made the demon's face flush red. "I am sorry that you are suffering so much, at my expense. I could never repay you for everything you have done for me, while we were alive."
"What the hell are you apologising for anyway? I got you killed, not the other way around - And even if it were that way, it'd've been a blessing in disguise, getting rid of a dead beat worthless fuck like me." he huffed, looking away. "You always were too good for me." the demon had so much to say, so many regrets to yell, so much love to spill... Alas, he remained quiet. "You seemed happy with Al. I wish I could be that, while we were alive." his voice went to soft, it was barely audible. "You should... Stay with him."
"Yes, I am happy being friends with Alastor. He was the one who introduced me to Rosie and Carmilla and Zestial, and I cherish them all dearly, as my like-minded friends." Y/N spoke calmly, reaching her hand to cup her lover's soft cheek. "He also was the one to tell me of your misdemeanours. How you succumbed to your vices; to gambling and alcohol, to the the point that you lost your soul in a deal with him. How pitiful." he was so confused as to where she was trying to get with her words, yet in spite of the anticipation for blames and reproaches, he couldn't help but lean into her warm and gentle touch. "He is the one who helped me become an Overlord, and I took your place. And it is Alastor, and some other friends of mine, who helped retrieve some objects I thought long lost."
"... You still smell like Chanel N°5." his comment made the girl giggle again.
"One of my friends had his little imps go to the human world and rob an entire Chanel store, to bring me all Chanel N°5 perfume bottles." how incredulous, Husk thought, staring at the girl flabbergast, speaking of a clear crime, committed in her name. And then, he started laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of her statement.
"Angel would kill to have a whole room of Chanel N°5." he said, his eyes softening as he put his hand over hers. "Y/N... Knowing that you are doing fine... That you aren't suffering... Or anything that I put you through... It makes me... Content."
"My darling." Y/N called out. "Do you remember the day of our wedding?"
"Of course I do. What's that question?"
With a cheeky grin, she took out the picture from her purse, handing it to her beloved. "Alastor was able to find this. His connections truly are amazing." Husk's eyes were wet with falling tears, and his lips were trembling. "I forgot I had pink roses braided in my hair. I was so busy looking at my handsome husband, that everything around me vanished." Husk's sobbing got even louder. "I wanted to frame this picture first, but I couldn't resist showing it to you first."
"Get out, Y/N! Get out!" his voice was broken and raw, so pained that even her heart shattered. "I am not the man you fell in love with. Why do you think my name is 'Husk'? I am just that - A husk of the man I never was. I am not worth anything. I don't amount to anything. I just gamble money I don't have and drink booze until I pass out. I don't deserve a second chance, and I certainly don't deserve you. I never did. I got you killed, damn it!"
"You think too much, you fool." Y/N cupped his face, bringing him into a gentle kiss - A kiss so loving that it numbed his pain, and hightened his senses, that got his heart pumping again and his lungs screaming for air. "I fell in love with you for good reason, and I intend to remain by your side, loving you." she smiled, wiping his tears with her thumb. "You can try as much as you wish to drive me away, but it will not work. You may succeed in convincing yourself that you are a lesser man, but you cannot do that with me. I know the man before me, and I know I will never leave you."
"Y/N..." the man sniffled, burying his face in her bosom, holding so tightly onto her petite body that he almost feared breaking her.
"There was once a time when you would only call me 'Sweety'." her honeyed giggle sounded so teasing, yet it didn't embarrass him. It served only to make him chuckle.
"There was also a time when I would only call you 'Chanel', if you recall." it almost felt as though they were both alive, and during their honey moon, without a single care in the world, and living a most carefree life.
"That does bring back some very amusing memories." Husk hummed in agreement, feeling melancholic, despite the intense joy surging through his body. Perhaps it was due to the unfamiliarity of this positive feeling, that he felt exhausted, or maybe from his excessive crying and whining. Regardless, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle up in his wife's arms, and never leave this blasted room ever again.
"Can you promise me something?" the man asked. "I am selfish still - Even more so as a demon. I am nothing but filth. I didn't deserve you then, and I deserve you even less now. Still... Now that you're here... I can't let you go again. So..."
Though he found himself eating his words, Y/N only smiled, laying down on the bed and taking him down with her, nestling him comfortably into her loving embrace. "Alastor said you purr like a kitten. I would love to hear that, tonight." she hummed, hearing his annoyed snarl. "And every night going forward, for as long as we may live in this afterlife we have." Husk's body became stiff, frozen with shock. "That is what you wanted me to promise, isn't it? That I will never leave you." he didn't respond. "It is within our wedding vows, silly. There is no way I would walk away, after I have just found my soulmate."
"... Even though I look like... This? And I am irredeemably addicted to gambling and drinking, even more so than before... And I have lost my soul to the Radio Demon? I am stuck doing his bidding for eternity... And..." Y/N only hugged him closer.
"No matter what, in sickness and in death, you and I will still be soulbound." his small body was softly trembling with emotion. "I've got you, my darling. Worry not about anything. I have got you." she remained silent for a little while. "But, Husk..." her voice sounded so distant, so... Melancholic. "Do you... Still like me? The way you did before?"
Startled by her words, Husker jolted up, looking at the pitiful visage of his lover. "What... What do you mean...?"
"My skin is pure white, with no colour, except for my make up. My eyes are black where they should be white, and the worst carmine red, where they should be embodying the aspect of nature. Even my hair looks to be an abnormal colour, and no matter how much I try to dye it, it will not retain its original shade." she gulped, looking away from him. "Any shred of normalcy that I have... Is so tiresome, so much work to keep up, the princessy facade that I used to have, that I used to love... That you used to love..." she sighed softly. "Yet even that completely dissolves as soon as I transform in the monstrous form that I fight so hard to keep veiled from the world."
"Y/N." he caressed her soft face, only to notice small particles of powder latching onto his fur. "I'm a fucking furry mammal with wings. I look like a children's plush toy or somethin'. Meanwhile, you look as doll-like as always, and you're afraid I wouldn't like you anymore? How silly." he sighed, leaning to place a kiss on her forehead. For a few seconds, he stopped to ponder over a rather bold move, and in a split second, he retrieved a wooden box from under his bed. "This is my secret. Nobody has to know about this." he spoke, a rosy tint on his cheeks. "Open it."
Carefully, the girl did as instructed, revealing the content of the box. A bunch of letters were preserved there, all of them neatly placed and handwritten with black ink. "Husk..." Y/N felt the air in her lungs dissipating, as she realised all those letters were recreating the exchange of love words from their time alive. "H-How...?"
"I have all our letters memorised." he chuckled lightly. "I... Needed some way of keeping you close... Of remembering you. I am shit at drawing, but I have a good enough memory... So this was the only way of preserving what we had."
"It's been so long... And yet, you... You still remember... All of it? There must be tens, if not, hundreds of them... How...?" the girl was flabbergast, yet melting completely.
"I read them every night before sleep, when alive, and I read them every night now also." those precious teardrop diamonds caressing her cheeks falling down so gracefully.
𝐼 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈; 𝐼 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃’𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓀 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒸𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝑒; 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝓃’𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒, 𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 𝐼 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓂𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
His usual raspy voice sounded so romantic as he recited the love poem he wrote to her. A voice that he only reserved for her. A voice that only she would ever know.
𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓁𝓁; 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝓎 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓇𝒾𝒸𝒽𝓁𝓎 𝒻𝓊𝓁𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓁. 𝐼'𝓂 𝒶 𝒻𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈; 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈; 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒; 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁.
A love so pure and true, bottomless and without boundaries; Husker himself forgot just how endless his emotions could run. He thought himself jaded and cold, having lost his own heart, the second he lost her... Yet now... Perhaps it wasn't as bad as he first thought. Perhaps... Even someone like himself deserves some kind of redemption.
𝐻𝑜𝓁𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓂𝓈 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝒸𝑜𝓇𝑒. 𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓌 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒.
Without her, he wasn't whole. Without her, he is not himself. Without her, he is empty. Without her, his whole life falls apart. Without her, he is nothing but a worthless deadbeat.
𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒢𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓁𝓁. 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁.
But now, he is not alone anymore - Well, perhaps he never was to begin with, considering he still had Angel and Charlie, to some extent, yet nothing can compare to sweet Y/N's existence by his side. Nothing can heal his aching soul, or revert the damage he did to himself throughout life and afterlife, the way her love for him did.
♡ ~𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼~♡
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edenesth · 4 months
[7:29 PM]
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Stumbling into the shared apartment with Yeosang, you swiftly covered your mouth to suppress any whimpers upon seeing your boyfriend peacefully napping on the living room couch.
After carefully placing your heels by the shoe rack, you quietly tip-toed past his slumbering figure and slipped into your shared bedroom, closing the door behind you with utmost care to ensure he wasn't disturbed from his much-needed rest.
It was only upon reaching the sanctuary of your room that you collapsed onto the bed, tears streaming down your face as you cradled your injured arm close. It had been a horrible day, marked by a minor accident at work amidst ongoing tensions with your boss and difficult encounters with customers. Throughout the day, you struggled to keep yourself together, merely waiting for this moment to release all pent-up emotions.
As you sobbed into your pillows, the door to the room creaked open, causing you to panic. Swiftly wiping away your tears, you sat up, trying to compose yourself.
"Darling, you're back already? Why didn't you come say hi to me first, hm? I've been waiting," Yeosang's voice greeted you as he entered the cosy space, "You know you could've just woken me up..."
His words trailed off as he noticed your bandaged arm and tear-stained cheeks, "I-I'm sorry, Yeo, it's just—" You couldn't stop the sobs escaping your lips at the sight of his concerned expression, cursing yourself internally for being such a crybaby.
Hearing your anguished cries, his heart clenched, and he swiftly moved to join you on the bed. He pulled you close, showering your head with tender kisses, "Hey, hey, it's okay. What happened to your arm? Are you alright? Please, talk to me, darling."
Your sobs only grew stronger in response to his care. Nestling your head against his neck, you stuttered out, "One of my c-colleagues didn't see me approaching and accidentally s-swung her envelope opener toward me. I tried to shield myself with my arm, and that's how..." You gestured to your injured arm, feeling miserable.
"I'm so sorry, darling. Why didn't you tell me? I could have picked you up from work if I had known you were hurt. And don't try to hide it from me; I know that can't be the only reason you're upset." He whispered, his lips gently pressing against your temple as he offered a comforting squeeze, careful not to worsen the pain in your arm.
The following words that left your lips broke his heart, "I d-didn't want to burden you with something so trivial, Yeo. You're already s-so busy; my work troubles must seem insignificant compared to yours."
Drawing back a bit, he cupped your face, meeting your tear-filled gaze, "What did I tell you about thinking like that? Your problems, no matter how minor you think they are, bother me if they bother you. I never want you to keep things from me again, understand? Promise me you'll always come to me first, no matter what."
He couldn't help but chuckle when your only response to that was an adorable wail, finding your vulnerability endearing as you nuzzled your face against his shoulder once more, "Y-you're the best boyfriend ever, Yeo. I l-love you so much."
Placing a gentle kiss against your hair, he grinned softly, "I love you too, darling. More than you can imagine. Now, I want you to tell me every single thing that happened at your workplace today. I'm not usually one for aggression, but I won't hesitate to deal with anyone who dared make you cry."
With a light giggle, you pulled away slightly, "Oh, you wouldn't, you little Maltese."
You squealed as he playfully tackled you onto the bed, glad to see you lightening up and teasing again as he leaned in for a firm kiss.
"A Maltese, huh? I'll show you a Doberman."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
This was super self-indulgent. I had a horrible day and ended up getting hurt in a rather similar fashion yesterday. Also wanted to show Yeosang some love after all the hate he's received for his role in my current Seonghwa series HAHA
Speaking of which, part 14 of The Way to His Heart should be out by this weekend! Hang in there, my lovelies! As always, thanks for reading and lmk your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho @cereal-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid
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cookiescribble · 10 months
Don’t Let Yourself Fade Away (Spencer Reid x GN!Reader)
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A/N: Hello there! This one’s a little sad, but it was healing to write. Seeing Spence get shut down sometimes when he gets so animated and excited about the most random topics breaks my neurodivergent heart, so here’s to not only him, but anyone else who feels shut out when they talk about their true passions in life <3 - Mod Ghost
p.s. thank you to everyone 🥺❤️
“The average lifespan of a human is about 73.5 years, and your ears never truly stop growing in that time so if you think about it…” Spence trailed off, just as he was about to finish his sentence. 
“...What were you about to say, sweetheart?” I ask, having been quiet up until now as I listened to him speak. I could tell just by looking at him that he’d gone somewhere deep in that big head of his, and I have no idea what caused it. He suddenly had this glazed over look to his eye and it hurt my heart to look at it. Whatever it was, I wanted to gently pull him back to me.
“Hmm? Oh, nothing, it’s uh, not important. Are you hungry?” He asked as he started to stand off the couch in his apartment where we were both sitting, but stopped when I grabbed his wrist so he could look back at me with those big eyes that looked like they belonged on a puppy and not my boyfriend. 
“It’s not nothing, Spence, why’d you stop talking?” I gently tugged on his arm, trying to get him to sit back down with me.
Spencer looked confused, as if it somehow made less sense for me to ask why he stopped talking than for him to go quiet mid thought. He stood there silently for a moment before sitting back next to me, sheepishly piping up again, “I’ve calculated the amount of time it takes for others to either become disinterested in what I have to say and stop listening or cut me off completely, which is about anywhere from 25 seconds to a minute, so I decided that instead of letting that happen, I would cut myself off at a somewhat natural point in that time frame so that I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore…Neither would anyone else, so there’s statistically at least one ‘plus side’ to it..” He looked away from me halfway through the sentence, like he was suddenly scared of making eye contact with me. 
The more he spoke, I felt an ache growing in my chest until the entirety of my core was filled with a raw and harrowing anguish. Who on Earth could look at him and ever tell him that he wasn’t interesting or that they didn’t want to hear what he had to say? I always look forward to talking to him, no matter what he says. The sound of his voice is so comforting to me and one of my worst fears is never hearing it again. 
“Oh, Spencer…I…I don’t even know what to say…who made you think like that?” I brush his hair back behind his ear as I speak, moving closer to him so our knees are brushing together.
“Well, at work, sometimes…sometimes, I can get a bit too carried away and I end up just rambling while everyone’s trying to catch the unsub…but even on the jet, if I get too caught up in a topic, I end up blabbering and then whoever I’m talking to loudly says ‘WOW, that’s interesting!’ and walks away, or it’s ‘I’m so glad I asked!’ before the same outcome occurs. Or the worst one is when they just walk away without saying anything,” he momentarily stops, staring off into space as if recalling a memory. “That one hurts the most.”
My brow furrows and I feel tears leak from my own eyes as I see some streaking their way down his face, pulling him toward me until he starts to fold himself into my arms and lets me rub his back gently.
“I don’t care who says or does those things to you…no matter what, I’m always going to want to listen to you speak. I’ll hang on to every one of your words as I wait for the next, because everything you say is always so interesting to me. I love watching your eyes crinkle up when you smile, and hearing how fast you talk when you get really excited. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of your voice, so don’t let yourself fade away because some of the people in your life don’t appreciate you the same way that I do.” I whisper close to his ear, brushing his hair away from his face with my hand that wasn’t rubbing his back. 
He woefully nodded, sniffling pitifully and slowly breaking down as I held him. It was as if something deep inside of his soul broke loose, and he was finally setting it free. He was letting himself feel it, and hopefully start to heal from it at the very least. I’ve been in a similar position to him before, and I would never want to make him feel that way if I could help it. Spence continued to cry for a while longer, and I held him until he sat up enough to look at me. 
“Did you really mean what you said…? About my voice and my smile…?” His voice cracked as he spoke, and I smiled reassuringly as I leaned forward to press a kiss to his temple. 
“Every last word,” I murmured close to his ear, running my hand through his hair again as he closed his eyes. 
He sat still and quietly for a moment, as if he were soaking in everything that we’d said. The only noise in the room was the sound of our breathing until he broke the silence with a soft mutter of “thank you.”
“What are you thanking me for? Telling the truth?” 
Spence only laughed, rolling his eyes at me as if I was telling a joke. 
It was nice to see him smile, though, so I let it go. 
“Now, about that food…” he changed the subject, and for whatever reason, I let him. I think I just wanted to let him be himself, even if it was just for a little while. 
“You asked if I was hungry because you were hungry??” I asked with a dramatic gasp, standing up and pulling him to stand with me. “I never knew you were the type of man to have ulterior motives.” I teased, walking with him to the kitchen. 
“I don’t think that’s usually used in the context of food, my love.” he let out a giggle, a goofy smile spreading across his face as we looked through his fridge together. 
Just hearing him laugh was like music to my ears, and I would give anything in the world to keep hearing it for every day of my life.
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film-in-my-soul · 10 months
Oh for Bingo can I get Outsider POV IceMav? 🥰
.⋆。°✩ Carole eavesdrops but only because she loves her friend. ✩°。⋆.
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Pete thinks he's slick. He thinks that his late-night phone calls and dashes out to the mailbox when he's off deployment are sneaky and well concealed, but Carole Bradshaw didn't spend years hiding boyfriends from her daddy not to recognize the same tactics when they were waving right in front of her face.
At first, she ignores it, giggles behind her hand when Pete's not looking, ruffling Bradley's hair when he mimics her. There's no harm, she figures, in letting Pete keep his sweetheart to himself. He's never been shy before when it comes to love, but maybe, she thinks, he's growing up a bit, learning to slow it down when it matters. All Carole cares about is that he's happy, and by the way he can't quite keep the color out of his cheeks or the stars out of his eyes when she spots the edge of a letter or hears the soft whispers of a hushed phone conversation, he is.
The more she hears, though, the more she really looks, the more she realizes that maybe it's not because Pete's trying to be quiet about this thing he's got going on. It might just be because he has to.
As much as it's Pete's home when he's stateside, Carole doesn't try to tiptoe around her house; privacy is never a guarantee. Still, when she's up getting water or just needs to go outside and breathe in the chilly night air to chase away some stray tears sleeping in her half-filled bed leaves her with, she can't help stumbling on Pete tucked around the corner of the kitchen, phone cord stretched around to give his hiding place away.
He doesn't always see her, and she doesn't let on that she's there. In these moments, they're just two boats passing in the night. It doesn't mean that she can't hear, though, and try as she might not to listen, well... she doesn't get much gossip at the Post Office.
Pete's voice is even, a little tired given the hour, but more lovesick than stricken, so what little guilt might have clung to Carole if this had been one of the bad times when Pete needed whoever was on the other end isn't there.
"They're keeping you out there for another week?" He sounds positively anguished, and Carole sees the edge of Pete's foot kick out all discontent. There's no doubt it's his mystery girl. Pete doesn't even get that childish when Bradley steals the last strip of bacon. It makes Carole stifle a snort as she tries her best to open the back door without setting off its telltale creak.
She wonders if maybe Pete's girl is on a carrier somewhere, a secretary or something like that...
"But you're still gonna make it for Christmas, right?" He sounds hopeful, and then he lets out a chuckle so light and fond that it twists up Carole's heart in the best way.
"Look, I know you don't celebrate, but I still want you here." A pause. "Carole won't mind. I'll come up with somethin' to tell her."
Carole's brow furrows, and for a moment, she wants to speak up because Pete has to know that she wouldn't tell him he couldn't bring someone around for the holidays, especially if it's-
"Ice," Pete says with a sigh, and Carole feels her entire brain turn a bit on its axis, realization slipping into place between her wide-eyed slow blink as he continues, voice still soft, "It's not gonna be like that. And you know," his tone brightens. Carole feels that twist again, deeper somehow, "I've always been pretty good at thinking on my feet." Pete tappers off with a laugh, one Carole's heard more and more as the months have drifted by. Now she knows why, now she understands, and even though the tears had dried up when she'd walked down the hall, they're threatening to fall again for a hundred different reasons.
She leaves Pete to his call, then manages to slip out the backdoor without a hint of old wood croaking for attention and looks up to the sky.
Slowly, a smile pulls the corner of her mouth up as the stars blink down on her. The more she lets the understanding stew in her thoughts, the more she finds nothing changes. A part of her, somewhere deep, for a moment in the stillness of her brain making the connections between Pete's secrecy and the reasons why, had been worried something might. Because hoping you act or feel some way in the face of the unknown and knowing is different, and she's glad to know she's not any way she doesn't want to be when it comes down to it. When it's important.
And in the morning, if she passes Pete the last strip of bacon and asks him if he might be wanting to bring someone around for the holidays since it had just been them the last time he was on the ground, well, she's just thrilled when he says, cheeks going hot and eyes sliding away, that maybe he just might.
Ficlet Bingo!
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strangerquinns · 1 year
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Deadly Reunion| Chapter 12
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues
word count: 2.3k+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist
You stood there with the cool breeze moving between the two of you, causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin. Eddie stood before you with his back still facing you. Eddie felt like his heart was in his throat as the silence between you two thickened more and more with each passing second.
“You thought me not coming with you to LA meant I didn’t love you?” You spoke, your voice so soft it was barely over a whisper.
“Why wouldn’t I think that?” Eddie looked over his shoulder at you. His large dark eyes held a sadness that made your chest tighten and ache. “The one person I wanted to come with us the most didn’t. I…Maybe I’d made up everything in my head and you didn’t love me. Instead, you were ok to leave me…like everyone else.”
The ache in your chest changed into complete anguish as you heard his words. You hesitated momentarily before moving across the small space of the roof and wrapping your arms around him. Eddie’s body went stiff for a moment before he relaxed and wrapped one of his arms across your shoulders. You pressed your face into his chest and quickly you were surrounded by his scent. Cigarettes, leather with a hint of mint, and body wash.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie.” You spoke, your voice muffled slightly. “That never even…fuck.”
Eddie bent down, pressed his lips into your hair, and stood there momentarily. Both of you were unmoving, and you stepped back away from him after a long moment. Eddie tucked his head out, but you saw the glisten of unshed tears.
“I’m not mad you didn’t say anything,” You spoke, “I mean…why would you after what I did.”
“The nights I wanted to pick up the phone and just call you, sweetheart, and hear your voice. But I could never bring myself to do it for some reason. It was like any moment it came to dialing your number…I froze.”
You nodded your head, “It was the same with me. It works both ways, Eds, I could’ve called too.”
Eddie nodded his head and took a deep breath “Let’s not dwell on the past too much.”
“The past is why we are here,” You frowned.
Eddie looked back over the barren land that spanned out and seemed to melt in with the dark sky. “Well, we can move forward, right? Cause I have really missed my best friend, I don’t know about you.”
You nodded your head. “I’ve missed him too.”
Eddie looked at you with a smirk, “So I’m forgiven? We’re good?”
You sighed heavily and nodded your head before moving to stand beside him. For the first time in a while, you felt like a little of the pressure that was weighing you down was lifted. But you couldn’t help the small voice in the back of your head telling you to run. That you could possibly be stepping into a much worse danger than you ever have before.
“You’re forgiven,” You spoke, before moving to lean into him slightly, and resting your head on his shoulder. “So weird, still doesn’t feel real that…this is happening. That this is real.”
“I know, I’ve been feeling the same to be honest.” Eddie chuckled softly. Finishing off his cigarette before flicking it over the edge of the roof. “But when we get back to the camp, maybe we can take things slow. Learn to be friends again before anything else?”
“I would really, really like that.”
There was a long pause before Eddie spoke again, “Would it be weird to ask to kiss you again?”
You didn’t have to look up at him to hear the smirk that was across his lips.
“Oh my god, Munson.” You giggled lightly, before soon you felt the callous of Eddie’s hand against your cheek as he pulled you close. His lips press tightly against yours in a soft kiss, before Eddie pulled back.
“Mmm, yeah,” Eddie smiled, “Much better than I imagined.”
You rolled your eyes slightly before pulling back away from him. “Might be the only one you get for a while. Cause we’re taking this slow, slow…we have to build our friendship up first.”
“I agree, sweetheart, I agree,” Eddie spoke with a small nod of his head.
The next couple of hours passed quickly - and soon enough Steve and Robin came and switched out with you and Eddie. Your body was so heavy with fatigue, you barely remembered much after that. Instead, you woke up with a heaviness to your body from sleeping on the uncomfortable, dirty floor. Everyone packed up quickly before slowly leaving out of the station. The day was already heavy and hot with the sun above in the sky.
“Alright, let’s get to our destination today so we can get back to camp. I’m sure we all are ready to be back and safe.” Steve spoke to the entire group.
There was a wave of murmurs of agreement as the group of you started down the road toward Redding. The travels were, thankfully, uneventful. A few straggling Flayed along the road but nothing that anyone could handle within the group. You just were thankful not to run into any more packs. The city limit sign of Redding came into view after a few hours of travel.
Redding was a town that was slightly larger than Hawkins. But as the few of you walked through the abandoned streets of downtown, you saw that it looked to have been hit worse. Windows were broken in storefronts. Holes were blown into the side of the building from what you could only imagine was some sort of bomb.
It was something you never got used to seeing.
Your eyes scanned over the town, not snapping back till you heard your name called.
“…Buckley and Munson, why don’t you hit the two pharmacies. One is here downtown along with another about four blocks over.” Steve spoke while holding a map in his grasp. “I’m going to hit the Urgent Care with the others and then we meet at the hospital.” Everyone nodded their head as he spoke, “Be safe and be vigilant. Don’t want others to be hurt.”
Everyone split up into their respective groups, with you trailing behind Eddie and Robin as they led toward the first pharmacy. The building seemed to be crumbling from the outside in, with bricks falling away from the structure and littering the ground beneath. As the earth began to reclaim it with foliage growing over it.
Eddie approached first and held his arm out, signaling for you and Robin to stop. You paused with her on the street, as Eddie slowly approached the front. His gun was aimed forward as he approached. You and Robin scoped out for anything that would be considered a threat. The sound of the metal door creaking loudly caused you to look back toward Eddie, watching as he disappeared inside.
You didn’t realize you’d been holding your breath till he appeared back in the doorway after a while, giving a slight wave to signal it was all clear. A large puff of air passed through your lips as you headed toward the front entrance, your weapon tight in your grasp with Robin following close beside you.
“Building is clear, but the building seems to be falling apart, so step carefully,” Eddie spoke, pulling his bandana back over his mouth and nose.
You grimaced at the smell of mold and dust that was heavy in the air as you walked inside. The floor beneath you creaked loudly with the weight of the three of you, it was enough to make your heart jump slightly with each groan.
“I’ll sweep behind the counter if the two of you want to head into the actual pharmacy part. Seems there might be some bottles still on those shelves.”
“What else are we looking for?” You spoke as you slipped your gun back into its holster and grabbed your flashlight, walking toward the back area.
“Anything that would seem to be good for the medics. Antibiotics, gauze, sutures – you know that kind of stuff.” Eddie spoke, his voice sounding farther and farther away the more you walked away.
“You ever have that uneasy feeling that seems to sit in the pit of your stomach like a lead ball,” Robin spoke as she searched through shelves, reading labels of scattered bottles. “Been feeling it ever since we left that fucking house in the woods.”
“That’s not exactly something I want to be hearing right now,” You spoke with a small chuckle. “For sure don’t wanna be hearing that we’re standing in a building that is obviously falling apart.”
“I can’t help it. I’ve always been an anxious person.” Robin spoke with a nervous chuckle, a weary look on her face as you looked at her.
“Let’s just be quick, ok?” You spoke, moving through to the next aisle of the pharmacy, grabbing nearly any bottle that sounded useful.
You and Robin moved through quickly before leaving back toward the front. Your eyes scanned over the front of the shop looking for Eddie, seeing the dark curls as they seemed to search through the drawers of a counter.
“Found some aspirins and some other prescriptions with words I can’t make out,” You spoke, with Robin following behind you tossing your finds into her bag. “What have you got Munson?”
“Eh, not much really. Found a first aid kit half used.” He shrugged.
“Let’s get out of here, this place is making me feel like we’re gonna fall through the floor any second,” Robin spoke with a rush, before heading out the front door.
Eddie let out a small laugh as he watched her rush out, before quickly moving to hop over the counter, “Buckley’s always been a bit…anxious about things.”
“I am quickly learning that” You spoke, “But she’s right this building is a death trap, let’s go.”
The two of you stepped out and almost instantly you felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise s you stepped back into the sunlight. Robin was standing barely outside of the doorway, frozen, with her back facing the two of you.
“Buckley, you…” Eddie began to speak, but Robin’s hand rose up quickly with her palm out, and Eddie fell silent almost instantly.
Quickly you knew that something was wrong.
Your eyes scooped and looked around trying to find what had spooked her.
“Robin, you’re really freaking me the fuck out,” You whispered with your gaze returning to her. Seeing the look on her face, her face fell pale like a ghost.
“Listen…” Robin spoke.
You and Eddie stood there looking at each other as silence came down around the three of you.
And within a few seconds, you heard it. It was faint and honestly, you were impressed that Robin was able to hear it.
Voices, unfamiliar voices.
You might not have spent a lot of time with Steve and the others. But you were confident about whether or not you’d be able to tell his voice from others. And the voices you were hearing were ones you’d never heard before.
“Where the fuck are those coming from,” Eddie spoke with a harsh whisper.
“North, from the distance and echo, I would say roughly four to six blocks,” Robin spoke, turning to look over her shoulder toward Eddie.
“How in the hell…” You began to question but shook your head. “How were you able to hear them?”
“Just good hearing,” Robin shrugged “I think we can make it to the hospital if we move through the back alleys.”
You knew it was wiser to avoid groups whenever possible.
“Too much of a risk, we don’t know how many people are within the group.” You spoke. “As much as you hate it, Robin, we should just go back inside.”
“We should warn Steve and the others,” Robin spoke as the three of you backed back into the pharmacy.
Eddie shuffled through his bag and grabbed the walkie-talkie, turning the volume up quickly before pressing the button. “Harrington, do you copy? Harrington.”
Eddie released the button causing the static of the line to come through. As the three of you sat there, the sound of the voices became louder – meaning they were closer. You all sat against and behind the counter that Eddie had been rifling through only moments ago.
“Harrington, goddamn it,” Eddie whispered screaming into the walkie again.
This time it was only a few seconds before an answer came back through.
“Munson? What��s wrong?” Steve’s voice came through, slightly distorted due to the distance between the groups.
“We have trespassers, not sure how many,” Eddie answered back. “We’re hiding out in the pharmacy.”
“Stay put, we’re gonna get a vantage point, wait for an update. Only engage if needed.”
Eddie turned the volume back down before moving toward the window at the other side of the counter. The window was dirty with mud caked across most of it, but there were small spots where one could try and look out. Eddie’s eyes scanned through the streets looking for any sign of those they heard.
“Do you see anything?” Robin whispered.
“No.” He spoke with frustration in his voice.
But as he spoke, the loud familiar pop echoed through the streets before a window cracked and broke. Eddie ducked back down and pressed his back against the wall, both you and Robin jumping at the sound. There was a pause, a silence before everything erupted. You next felt Eddie pressing his body down on top of yours and Robins.
This chapter was more minor than others but was mostly a filler. The new conflict will be coming and readers past will be coming back up again. Also...Eddie and Reader made up! The angst will mostly come from zombies, bad guys, and people dying or having near-death experiences. Consider that a warning now hahaha
taglist: (let me know if you ever want to be added)
@mopeymopeymouse / @aris-house / @brxkenartt /@akiratoro420 /@stylesxmunson / @aactuaaltraash / @fandomgirl17 / @ches-86/ @chaoticcancer / @munsonology / @bellamy-barnes / @theonlyh3artbreaker / @idkidknemore / @familyvideowithsteve / @eddiesdingus / @thefemininemystiquee / @the-world-is-a-mess-and-so-am-i / @xdarkcreaturex / @lunr-flwr / @cherry-omi/ @im-emma22@munson-enthusiast / @munsonmecrazy / @jupitar-jul / @katiemrty/ @maddie-luvs-eddie /@eddiemusworld/ @ih3artdanielle / @eddiesguitarskills / @hargrovesswifee /@chaoticcancer / @rh1nestonecowg1rl / @atombombbibunny /@munson-enthusiast / @hellf-1-re / @fangirling-4-ever / @corrcdedcoffin /@sidthedollface2 / @emma77645 / @eddiiiieeee
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just could really use something where maybe ur anxious and crying or whatever it may be for whatever reason and matty just holds u and runs his hands through your hair and whispers sweet nothings and affirmations IDK i just feel kinda shit rn ig
Oh, honey. I’m so sorry you’re having a difficult time right now. Please know that it will pass. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. I am sending you all the best vibes and well wishes. I’m here for you, if you need to vent or chat or anything at all. Been there myself. More times than I can count. So, I completely understand. ❤️ I hope that this can at least bring a smile to your face.
Matty walked through the door, expecting to be greeted with a hug from his favorite human being, after a long day at work. He kicked his shoes off, glancing around the room for signs of her. His brows furrow at the eerie silence. He’s used to the speakers blasting music, the sounds and smells of her cooking, or the TV being on, at the very least. This quiet was unsettling.
He rushes up the stairs, whistling the tune of the song he’s been working on all day. He peaks his head into the bedroom and smiles when his eyes finally land on her figure.
“Hey, baby! What’re you doin’ up here so early?” He walks over, a bit concerned that she doesn’t turn around to look at him as soon as he shows up. “Hey, you sleepin’ or something?”
She eventually pulls herself up and turns to face him, mumbling a soft apology. “Sorry, I- umm, just didn’t hear you come in.”
Matty is alarmed. How could she not have heard him come in, walk up the stairs, and all the way to the bedroom? He sits by her on the bed, taking her face in his hands and looking her straight in the eyes. Which is when it dawns on him that she’s on the verge of tears.
“Hey, honey, what’s the matter, my love?”
She bites her wobbly lip, struggling to keep from crying. All the effort that she had put into shoving her anxious thoughts into the back of her mind, and all the energy that she had spent telling herself to power through the hard part, and to just be strong for one more day, was now washing away at the sound of his gentle coaxing pulling at her heartstrings.
She shakes her head and attempts to brush him off, but Matty will not hear of it. He can tell she’s upset, and his heart is breaking at the tears in her eyes. “Baby, please talk to me. What’s the matter?” His hand on her neck and bottom of her cheek, pulls her into him, and she can no longer keep the tears at bay. She sobs into his arms, with him holding her tight, and vents to him while his shirt soaks up her tears, about how awful she’s been feeling for a long time now. That she feels stuck and helpless with her mind spiraling all the time. It feels like the world around her is moving at warp speed, and she has to exert twice as much energy just to try and keep up, and most of the time, she can’t even do that. And she feels guilty for even being upset because she knows she’s supposed to be stronger than this, but she’s just so exhausted all the time.
Matty listens to her speak and feels the sobs shake her whole body as they leave her lips and his heart shatters to a million pieces. “Baby, why haven’t you said anything? I wish you’d talked to me…if I’d known that you’ve been feeling this way- fuck, I never would’ve left for work this morning.” He hates to imagine that while he slept soundly by her side every night, she’s been lying awake struggling in anguish without his support.
He pulls them both into the bed so he’s resting his back against the headboard, with her in his lap, stroking her hair, kissing her forehead and cooing to her. “It’s okay, my love. I’ve got you. You’re not alone. Don’t have to be strong anymore. You can fall apart if you need to. I’ll catch you, I’ll put you back together.”
She falls asleep with him holding her, and he’s there in the morning when she tries to pretend everything’s fine and start her day anew.
“You need to rest. You can’t fix your situation if you’re running on fumes.”
“But life doesn’t pause and wait for me. If I don’t get on with it, I’ll fall behind. It’ll be even worse!” She feels the emotions bubble back up to the surface, but she doesn’t have time for this right now. She’s a grown up, with real responsibilities, and no time for outbursts.
“Fuck that shit! I couldn’t give a rats ass about the rest of the world. What I care about is you. My love. My favorite person. Everyone else could set themselves on fire for all I care. If you’re not healthy, how could you be expected to get anything done?” He puts his hands on both of her shoulders, dragging her back to bed. “Please. Stay here with me. Just for today. Let me spoil you. Let me take care of you. We’ll have a day in. Just us. I wanna talk. Feel like I haven’t been present. I wanna know what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours. If all you need is some rest, we’ll make sure you get it. If you need professional help, I want to make sure you have it. Please, baby, stay home with me.”
And how could she refuse. When he looks at her with his pretty eyes and she sees the concern that fills them, she knows he’s right. And at least for the moment, the burden isn’t as heavy. Knowing that he would gladly carry it with her is the first glimmer of hope she’s felt in a long time.
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cinnamoncitric · 1 year
It all starts with Robin.
In truth, if one might get technical, it starts with Billy Hargrove. Then, in due time, it restarts with Russian spies and a fortress underneath a mall. But neither of the parties was there for the result, so: in all the ways that matter, which is to say, in all the ways that help, it starts with Robin.
In all things Steve Harrington, there are two authorities other than the man himself, and, though he has known him longer, she doesn't think Dustin has noticed. Steve himself doesn't like to talk about it, has only ever opened up to her on the subject under scrutiny and prodding. But avoidance doesn't change the fact: Steve's hearing has suffered.
He tells her this exactly once, both sitting side by side on the bed in his room. He says it looking down, ashamed, one hand tightly pulling at his hair, the other holding Robin's in a tight knuckled grip. His voice is small. He does his best to suffocate the anguish and the fear that flood it when he says, What if it gets worse?
There's no reason to believe it will, for now. At least, that's what the doctor tells them once she bullies Steve into a visit. As long as there are no other injuries, no other blows to the head, he isn't in danger.
But the thing is, there might be. That's just the life they lead – never knowing if the danger is truly over. So Robin sits her ass down and picks up a book on sign language because she knows he'd never do it on his own.
Come on, she tells him, months of secret classes in Indy later. I'll teach you. We can just use it to talk in secret in front of everyone whenever we want to.
Which is, of course, not how it goes down. They go maybe a month into sneaking awkward signs behind everyone's back until Dustin gets wind of it. And when child prodigy Dustin Henderson decides he wants in, there's not much they can do to stop him. And he gets all the other genius gremlins to do it, too. Imagine how useful it would be to communicate without alerting demogorgons, he tells them, when Steve explains he doesn't want to talk about the real reason for it. They all figure it out anyway.
Mike learns it like he'd much rather not. His only argument for doing it is that it might be good for his college application and that Nancy took an interest in it and is now forcing him to learn with her as "sibling bonding."
Will is shy, Lucas is earnest, El is curious. By some point, all of them pick it up. All the older kids, all of the adults – Hopper, Joyce, Murray, Claudia Henderson – and Steve feels like he could cry. They all took the time and effort to learn a whole different language, just for him.
He does cry, and it's all because of one Max Mayfield.
Hey, loser, she calls out one day when the two of them are waiting for the others, searching for him with her cane so she can stand in his direction. Are you looking at me?
Steve twists so that's she's perfectly in his line of view and then confirms.
Good, Max says in sign with a shit-eating grin, pose triumphant, Guess what I fucking learned how to do.
Just like that, there are tears streaming down his face. He tries his best to control his breathing while Max goes on.
Lucas showed me, she continues in sign. It was a pain in the ass because he had to keep moving my hands himself every time I got it wrong, but I wasn't about to let you guys have one over me.
When he doesn't answer, when he can't answer due to the huge lump stuck on his throat and the tears streaming silently down his face, she pauses. Then starts again, this time out loud, Hey, you know you have to speak to the blind girl, though, right? I can't see your hands.
Steve laughs wetly. Shut up. Language, Mayfield.
She laughs at the unintentional pun. Yeah, language. Oh, man. Are you crying?
Shut up, Steve says again. I'm gonna hug you now, okay?
She huffs. Sure, if it's to get it out of your system.
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bitchiswild · 5 months
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Kazuha x F! Reader
Warnings: Angst and death mentions
Word Count: 985
As Kazuha sat by the window, watching the raindrops cascade down the glass, her thoughts wandered to Y/n. She could feel their pain etched in every word, every strained attempt to shield her from the depth of their sorrow.
Y/n, curled up in their own world of grief, seemed both near and so far away. The distance between them was more profound than mere physical space. It was an emotional chasm that Kazuha felt helpless to bridge.
She saw the struggle in their eyes, the silent tears that fell when they thought no one was watching. Every night, Y/n would try to conceal their anguish, to spare her from the weight of their pain. But Kazuha sensed it all too keenly, like a symphony of sorrow playing in the quiet moments between their words.
It tore at her heart to witness Y/n crumbling under the weight of loss, yearning for someone she could never replace. Despite her love and unwavering support, she knew she couldn't fill the void left by the one they mourned so deeply.
In the dimly lit room, Kazuha felt a sense of powerlessness. She longed to erase the agony etched on Y/n's face, to absorb their sorrow and offer solace. But some wounds couldn't be healed by mere presence or affection. Some grief demanded solitude, time, and the slow, arduous process of healing.
So, she sat by, a silent guardian, offering comfort in her quietude, understanding in her patient gaze. She couldn't take away Y/n's pain, but she could hold space for their sorrow, offering an anchor in the storm of emotions.
In those moments, Kazuha realized that love wasn't always about fixing or mending. Sometimes, it was about standing steadfast in the face of someone's agony, allowing them to hurt, to grieve, and to heal at their own pace.
And so, she vowed to be there, a constant presence in Y/n's life, ready to offer support when they were ready to reach out, understanding that healing took time, and that her love was an unwavering beacon in their darkest moments.
In a moment of vulnerability, Y/n had poured her emotions into a letter, a heartfelt confession meant for eyes other than Kazuha's. It was an inadvertent discovery—an unsealed envelope, its contents a testament to a love that lingered in Y/n's heart for someone no longer present.
Kazuha, stumbling upon the letter by chance, felt a pang of guilt wash over her as she realized the depth of Y/n's enduring feelings. The words within carried the weight of unspoken sentiments, a testament to a love that had not faded despite the passing of time.
My Love,
It’s been 156 days since you departed from this world, and every single day feels like an eternity without you. Kazuha has been a pillar of support, trying so hard to fill the void you left behind. But oh, my heart aches in ways I can't even describe, for she's unable to replace the unique presence you've always had in my life.
I can feel her heart breaking alongside mine as I unintentionally distance myself from her. It's tearing us both apart, and the pain is unbearable. I love Kazuha dearly, please know that, but the chasm you've left is vast, and no one else can quite fill it. She's aware of how much I still long for you, how I find myself drowning in tears every night since the cruel moment I learned you were no longer here with us.
I attempt to conceal my anguish, to shield Kazuha from the full extent of my grief. I can't bear to burden her further, although I know she understands more than she lets on. Her patience and understanding are boundless, but I'm aware I'm asking for more than anyone should endure. She won't admit how much it hurts her to witness my pain, but I see it in the corners of her eyes, in the way she tries to be strong for me.
I yearn for your comforting presence, to hear your voice tell me that one favorite story you promised to share endlessly. I ache to feel your embrace, to have you by my side once more, but the cruel truth remains—you're gone, far beyond my reach.
I cling to the hope of seeing you again in my dreams, if only to catch a fleeting glimpse of your familiar face. I know, in time, I'll have to come to terms with your absence, to accept the harsh reality that you're no longer here. But please know, beyond any doubt, that I love you dearly, that I miss you beyond words, and I'm trying so desperately to find the strength to carry on.
Until we meet again, please watch over me.
With all my love,
Reading Y/n's intimate thoughts meant for another shattered Kazuha's heart into even smaller fragments. She understood the complexity of grief, the struggle to let go when the heart held on so tightly. Y/n's unwavering affection for the person in the letter was a poignant reminder of the lingering pain woven into their journey of healing.
As much as Kazuha wished to erase the ache Y/n felt, she knew she couldn't erase the remnants of a love that had once bloomed so fervently. It was a delicate balance between wanting to offer comfort and respecting the depth of Y/n's emotions, even if it meant she couldn't fully fill the void left by the person in the letter.
The revelation stung, yet Kazuha made a conscious effort to conceal her own heartbreak, understanding that Y/n's healing required tenderness and space. She carried the weight of this newfound knowledge in her heart, a silent witness to Y/n's ongoing struggle between holding on and letting go, all while offering her steadfast support in their shared present.
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boydiisaster · 1 year
May I request a teen! Male!reader who just lost his dad x any obey me characters (platonic ofc) I recently found out my dad passed away in a very brutal way and he didn't get to know I'm trans either :(
reader: teenage, male, he/him pronouns
tw/cw: death, suicide implications, cussing
author's note: i'm so sorry to hear that anon! i hope things get better for you soon, and that this story helps, even just a little bit
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There's a sudden shift in the air before you tell Lucifer the news. He sensed it as soon as you found out; a profound feeling of grief overwhelmed him. Tears began to trickle down his cheeks, and he raised a gloved hand to make sure he was truly crying. This was strange, unprompted, out of the blue. Lucifer didn't know why he was crying, why there felt like a hole was in his chest, but then he remembered. Of course, how could he forget?
His pact with you made his and your emotions almost completely connected. He was usually very good at controlling your shared emotions, though. Whenever you felt angry, he could control his urge to scream. When you were happy, he'd control the want to shake his arms and squeal. When you were nervous, he'd control his instinct to shift and fiddle with something on his person. Why couldn't he control this, too?
"My dear boy," he murmurs, wiping away some stray tears that slip down his face. The sight before Lucifer breaks his heart. You're standing in his now open doorway, your form shaking with silent sobs. Your hands are tightly wrapped around your phone, its screen still illuminated with the text from your [mom/other dad/guardian]. This didn't feel real. You couldn't believe it; you didn't want to believe it.
"I'm sorry," you cry. Your words are barely recognizable between the loud sobs that escape your throat. "I'm so sorry, Lucifer, for coming to you like this. I just, I didn't know who else to tell this to."
Lucifer places a hand on your shoulder. Your phone clatters to the ground as you rush over to hug him. You throw your arms around his waist, bury your face in his chest and scream. It's partially muffled by Lucifer's clothes, but he still catches how defeated it was; how broken and filled with anguish it sounded. All Lucifer can do is hug you back tightly, lovingly, and hope that you understand his intention: to comfort you. To say “It’ll be okay” without disrupting your grieving.
Lucifer begins to rock you side to side, as if he’s holding a baby in his arms. “My dear boy,” he repeats.
All you can do is wail in response, causing the Avatar of Pride to hug you tighter.
The Avatar of Lust thought himself very good at reading people. He’d know exactly what the other person wanted to hear, and he’d say it, even though he probably didn’t mean it. Asmo would spew out compliment after compliment just to get what he wanted, and he never thought it bad. He didn’t know what to say in a situation like this, though.
“MC?” Asmo gently cups your tear-stained cheeks, a remorseful expression adorning his pretty face. He tilts his head to the side, confused. “What’s wrong, my sweet boy?”
You stare up at the demon. He’s blurry. Everything in your vision is blurry. You can barely breath from how badly you were panicking. You would have passed out if it wasn’t for Asmo walking in on your breakdown.
“Asmo,” you whimper. More tears slip down your face and land on Asmo’s thighs, soaking the fabric. He’s kneeling in front of you, his knees between your own.
“Asmo, I...” You sob, closing your eyes. The demon holds your head up while the rest of you goes limp in his grasp. “My dad,” you choke out. “My dad, he....”
“Oh MC,” Asmo whispers. “I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head. “I don’t... I can’t talk. I-I just....”
“Then don’t talk,” Asmo leans back, taking you with him. He holds you close in his grasp as you rest between his thighs. You lay your forehead against the Lust Avatar’s chest and cry. You shake with sobs as Asmo just hums a small, soothing tune.
“Sweet boy,” he whispers. He doesn’t know what to say to help you. He wants to try, but he knows words won’t solve anything.
Oh god what he wouldn’t give to be able to take away all of your pain with just a few words. You were still just a kid in his eyes. A child exposed to something so awful, something even he doesn’t like to think about: mortality.
“MC,” he hums. “Deep breaths.”
You breathe in deeply, then shakily exhale. You laugh, and Asmo never knew a laugh could sound so defeated. “I’m ruining your clothes.”
“I don’t care.” Asmo holds you tighter against him. “You need someone now more than ever, I’m not going to leave just to change into something less expensive.”
You laugh again, shaking your head. A tiny smile manages to grace your lips before you’re back to crying, and Asmo goes back to rocking you side to side, humming as he does.
There’s a small knock at the castle door as the Demon Prince’s butler finishes up around the throne room. Barbatos looks up, then outside at the moon that’s high up in the grim Devildom sky. He blinks, then slowly makes his way over to answer the door.
“Who could it be at this hour,” he thinks aloud to himself.
The doors are heavy; anyone not used to the weight would have trouble opening them, but Barbatos shows no signs of struggling. He pulls open the doors with ease and is greeted with a curious sight: you. You, clutching something close to your chest. You, with a blank, emotionless look on your face. You, with no light in your once bright eyes.
"MC?" Barbatos furrows his brow. "It's late, dear. Come inside."
You don't respond. You can't respond. Your voice dies in your throat the second you even think about talking. You nod your head, taking a small step forward. Then, you shake your head furiously. You're so exhausted. You haven't the energy to do anything after the news. It took all your strength to run up here in search of Barbatos. Your body is tired, and your mind is drained. All you want is to ask your question, but hell, you can't even move anymore.
"MC." Barbatos gently grabs your shoulders. He tilts your head upwards to look into your dim eyes and you watch as a brief look of sorrow washes over him.
"Oh MC," he whispers. "Darling boy, I'm so sorry."
You look away, but even that begins to take an immense amount of energy.
"MC, I can't.... You know I can't." Barbatos pulls you close. "When rescuing you from mortality, I broke a lot of rules. I can't do that again."
You go limp in his grasp. Your father's gift that he gave you before you came to the Devildom clatters against the stone steps of Diavolo's castle. You close your eyes as Barbatos holds you tightly in his arms.
"Then can you send me to him?" You finally speak. Your voice is barely above a whisper. "If not I might do it myself. Barbatos, I... I don't know what to do."
"Life is precious, MC." Barbatos's voice is stern, almost angry. It makes you shut your eyes tighter. "Your father wouldn't want that. He'd want to see you flourish."
You don't respond. Barbatos feels like there's a hole in the pit of his stomach. He feels as if he himself has just lost something. He supposes that he did, in a way. He lost whatever part of you that you just lost. Thinking that, he hugs you tighter. So tight that it's almost painful. He's cold, you notice, and you're so warm to him.
His dear boy. His child that he'd do anything for. He can't help but feel guilty about that. He wouldn't do anything for you, he realizes, for he won't even bring your father back, even though he knows it will help you.
"I'm sorry, MC." He repeats.
You say nothing back, but the way you nudge his chin with your head tells him everything.
"I'm so sorry."
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The Clone Wars 4.10 ‘Carnage of Krell’ Reaction Take 2
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Rex still trying to do everything he can to save Fives and Jesse
I hate Krell so much. So fucking much.
Ugh Jesse, why are you so broad. Those shoulders. Hnnnnnnn
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Oh Jesse’s face here. My emotions
That line from Fives is a really good example of how smart and perceptive he is. Firstly, he’s figured out what Krell is doing (using Rex’s loyalty against him to control the clones) and then telling Rex this, planting the seed to finally push Rex far enough to the point of going against everything he’s been told to do and mutiny against Krell. Rex knows what is happening is wrong but he’s been stuck between the ultimate rock and a hard place.
I really get the sense Jesse is decidedly unimpressed with how this has turned out. He knew there'd be consequences but a firing squad?!
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Ok, I’m just going to copy and paste what I said in my first reaction post about Kix being in the firing squad because it still stands.
You can even see his medic symbol on his shoulder! I know from a practical, logistical perspective that he’s there because they’re running out of recognisable clones that we know. Fives and Jesse are the ones in front of the firing squad. Hardcase is dead *sobs*. Dogma is running the execution, because of course he is. Rex is there because he has to be. We don’t really know what Appo looks like. The only ones left are Tup and Kix. 
“Well, I’ve officially lost my sense of humour.” *more chest clutching and pained noises*
Oh Rex can’t look. He bows his head and closes his eyes when Dogma shouts “Aim.” He looks so sad and lost. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
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Omg Kix’s face during Fives’ speech. He’s so anguished. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
Rex closed his eyes when they fired. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
This whole scene is just ALL OF THE EMOTIONS
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When the whole firing squad throws down their weapons. YAAAAAAASSSSSS
“Good luck finding anyone to do it.” Rex with the badass one liners again
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Omg Rex’s glare after this. Ugh.
Oh god, this scene. It’s so heartbreaking.
The first shot of the 212th clones in their gold getting shot and I just nooooooooo *more pained noises*
I watched this entire scene through tears while clutching my face and trying not to cry. It’s just so heartbreaking. It’s utterly emotionally devastating and one of the best scenes out of what I’ve watched in the TCW so far, and The Bad Batch as well. It was just as heart wrenching watching the second time and now I have to watch it again to try and catch all the moments that just rip out your heart one after the other.
Rex realising something’s not right
Oh, the shot of the dead 212th clone with his head tipped back and you can see his neck and chin and it’s not an Umbaran and *deeply pained noise*
Rex running through the battlefield desperately trying to get his brothers to stop firing on each other. He’s so desperate here.
The music here is fantastic and really hammering home how devastating this is.
Rex is running through an active battlefield, completely in the open, shots still flying and taking off his helmet. He’s completely exposed and that is so much guts and desperation. You can hear it in his voice too. Every time he says “clones” there’s so much urgent desperation in his voice.
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Aaaaaaaah, the way Rex desperately dives and tackles that 212th clone, rips his helmet off, flips him around and basically hugs him to his chest to get everyone to see that they’re all clones *gross sobbing*. He’s holding a brother in the middle of them all trying to kill each other without realising it.
The utter look of shock and horror on that 212th clones face when Rex rips off his helmet is also just as heartbreaking.
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Ok, I know this is an utterly heartbreaking scene but the shot where the 212th and 501st clones step up to face each other is so beautiful and so well done. The cinematography throughout this entire arc has been stunning and utterly gorgeous.
A lot of the 212th clones look like standard regulation clones whereas a lot of the 501st clones have personalised and individualised appearances, like tattoos and different hair. This is only something I noticed when all the 212th clones took off their helmets and stepped up opposite the 501st clones in the shot above. I’m curious as to why this is and, baring logistical animation reasons, I wonder if there’s a little bit of hero worship in there for their Marshal Commander. Apart from his very distinctive facial scar, Cody looks just like a standard regulation clone. I should imagine the 212th really look up to him and there might be a little bit of trying to emulate him in the way their appearance appears so standard. They all want to be like their ori’vod.
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Oh the utterly anguished faces on Rex and that 212th clone. And then the way he falls onto the floor in despair.
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Rex falling to his knees and clutching his head. *DEEPLY PAINED WAILING*
I am still tearing up at this.
Omg Tup’s “What have we done?” is so full of pain, anguish and horror.
This is the start of Dogma realising everything’s gone wrong.
“He’s still alive.” Kix, delivering that line, in that manner, that’s not a good thing. Meaning he’s still alive, but he’s not going to be for much longer. Oh Waxer.
Waxer lying slumped there with a sticker of Numa on his bucket. *pained noises*
Rex is so gentle and caring and comforting here. You can tell just how much he cares.
I didn’t realise Waxer puts his hand on Rex’s shoulder.
Just realised these are literally Waxer’s dying breaths. Now I’ve made myself even more sad.
“But…it was…*tear falls*...you”
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The way Waxer’s tear falls and the little almost sob he makes before he says “you” and the terrified and horrified expression on his face is just, I don’t have the words.
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Rex has this really open, sad and devastated expression and then his face hardens and his jaw moves and sets. That man is out for justice and nothing is going to get in his way. Rex is on the warpath now.
That moment when all the 501st and 212th clones step forward as one after Rex basically asks them to commit treason. That was so badass. Yassssssss
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This is where that gif of Rex and the clones marching and looking all badass as Rex puts his helmet comes from. I was kind of expecting it to be a bigger moment but this is something I’ve come to realise that a lot of these major moments for the clones that appear in gifs all the time are often really quick, blink and you’ll miss it moments in the show.
Dammit Dogma, you were so close to figuring it out!
Love the way the fancy sci-fi floor of the brig moves down and Rex comes right into view standing there looking all badass.
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Rex standing there facing Krell, flanked by his men and backlit by the fancy sci-fi lighting. He just spends his entire time looking all badass.
“It’s treason, then.” Yes fuck face, time for you to die!
“Explain your actions.” Ahahahahahah yassssssss get him Rex.
One thing I don’t get is why some of the clones are running at Krell? You’re just going to get sliced in half with his lightsabers! There’s one shot of a 212th clone just running straight at Krell and that's exactly what happens. What did you think was going to happen?!
“...by creatures bred in some laboratory!” Fuck. Right. Off.
Ffs Dogma
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I really get the sense there’s a lot of meaning and experiences behind Rex’s little speech here. Especially the references to not being droids. This is where that quote “You have to learn to make your own decisions.” comes from.
You can see Dogma doubting himself the entire time here but it’s Tup that finally gets through to him and makes him lower his weapon.
Lmao of course the evil baddie gets the disembodied monologue with the echoing voice and the maniacal laughter.
Holy fuck we just see a clone get impaled by a lightsaber. So much for being an “animated kids TV show”. That was brutal. Omg it happens 3 more times as well, fuck. And then Krell just breaks the spine of another clone over his knee. Flinching at this.
Oh, that is clever Tup.
Didn’t notice this before but that’s Kix next to Rex when he’s telling the troopers to lure Krell towards Tup. You can see the medic symbol on his shoulder.
Omg Krell just impaled another clone. Fuck me this is brutal.
When Krell is running towards Tup, just before he steps on the Umbaran sarlacc tentacle, you can see Tup lower his blaster and sort of slump and turn away.
Deeply enjoying seeing Krell getting thrown around by the Umbaran sarlacc.
Yaaaaaaaaasssss go Tup!
Also enjoying Rex roll Krell over with his boot. Kind of harks back to earlier in the arc when Krell did the same to a dead clone. Have some of your own medicine you bastard.
Yes yes, serious scene and all that, but Rex standing with his legs wide apart as the sci-fi floor in the brig descends is just uuuuuuugh. That is a stance.
“Because you’re inferior.” This is just fuelling my hatred for Krell at this point
Jesse’s concerned face and little nose scrunch listening to Krell saying the Jedi are going to lose the war :(
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Oh Dogma, you poor thing. His little heartbroken and devastated face. He thought he was doing the right thing and he was just being manipulated the entire time.
It’s a really tiny moment but when we get the shot of Rex snarling in disgust at Krell, you can see Jesse and Fives over his shoulders. Jesse still looks concerned, worried and shocked at what he’s just heard about how the war is going to end. Fives just looks pissed and completely unimpressed. 
I saw this earlier but forgot to note it. Rex has a little darker mark on the back of his head. It’s in the middle, just above his hairline. 
Ah, so this is what Appo looks like. No wonder I can never recognise him. He’s got a standard regulation clone haircut and no tattoos. The only way I can tell it’s him is the white downwards pointing arrow on the forehead of his bucket. He does have blue pauldrons though and a slightly different blue marking on his chest plate that kind of looks like an abstract version of the Eiffel tower.
That’s the moment Rex realises he needs to kill Krell
Oh the utterly devastated look on Dogma’s face. You poor, poor thing.
I get the distinct impression Fives is pretty unimpressed with Dogma, which kind of makes sense seeing as they’re basically opposites. Fives believes in doing what is right, even if it means disobeying orders and especially if the orders are wrong. He said as much in his speech. Dogma’s entire existence up until this point has been about following orders, no matter what they are.
“On your knees.” Yes very serious scene and all that but also omg sir yes sir immediately sir
Jesse’s little nose scrunch as he angrily jabs the Umbaran control panel. I adore him so much.
Oh man, you can really see how much Rex is struggling already. It’s written plainly across his face.
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“I said, On. Your. Knees.” The unholy noises that just came out of me. Omg sir I just hnnnnnnnnnn
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Oh poor Rex. He’s struggling so much. He’s shaking. When have we ever seen Rex shake before? You can see how much he’s battling with himself. He’s going through so many emotions you can basically see his internal battle play out on his face. 
I think there’s a moment where Rex realises he can’t follow through with it before…
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That shot is definitely framed so it initially looks like Rex has shot Krell before he lowers his gun and we see Dogma holding Fives’ blaster. It's even smoking.
Both Fives and Dogma’s faces here are utterly heartbreaking. Dogma looks so broken and Fives just looks so sad. I think in this moment he also realises he’s been wrong about Dogma. Or at least respects him for what he did.
So the last we see of Dogma is him being loaded onto a LAAT/i in binders. I wish we found out about what happens to him.
Rex looks so sad and resigned as Fives tells him that Umbara’s been taken.
Fives saying “We took Umbara.” immediately followed by a shot of a clone on a stretcher and other injured clones really hammers home the message of how pointless this all was.
“What’s the point of all this? I mean, why?” Rex saying what we’re all thinking.
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“But I do know that someday this war is gonna end.” Oh Fives, if only you knew *sobs*
“Then what? We’re soldiers. What happens to us then?” Oh Rex, if only you knew *sobs harder*
In the group shot at the end, it’s Tup, Fives, Jesse and Rex. Out of all of them, only Rex makes it out alive. Tup, Fives and Jesse all die. And all of their deaths are caused by, or directly connected to, the inhibitor chips. Fuck that’s grim.
Ok I’m emotionally devastated all over again so I’m going to go curl up into a ball and sob about clones again.
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ceru-at-hogwarts · 1 year
Bad Dream and Hot Mint Chocolate
Bad Dream and Hot Mint Chocolate
Inspired by @turningbubble's beautiful artwork. Reposted because I keep getting shadowbanned @_@
[SFW. Fluff & Comfort. A heartwarming conversation between Sebastian and Ominis after this latter wakes up from a nightmare. A slice-of-life portrayal of their relationships before the events of Hogwarts Legacy.]
My writing masterlist | Read in AO3
There are times when Ominis does not know whether this is reality, or if this is all but a bad dream. There he is, standing alone, echoes of water dripping in the distance, sounds reverberating from the walls. A large room, mostly empty. Someone wailing in the distance. All of it feels so real.
Suddenly, screams. A woman’s. Just beside him. A hard, cold voice. His own voice, casting that very spell he hates with his life.
She screams again.
Please stop. No. Why? Why did I do that? Why did I cast that spell? Why? No. I am a monster. No. Please someone stop me. No.
“CRUCIO!” This time, the spell is directed at him. He screams. Everything is painful. He begs, he cries out loud, and he is the one screaming this time.  No. Please, make everything stop.
His wand, where is his wand?
“…Ominis … It’s all right. Everything’s all right. I’m here. You are safe here. It’s all right.” Someone is talking to him, gently, but it makes no sense.
His wand is beside him. He feels it in his fingers and violently jerks himself to a sitting position, suddenly pulling back to reality, and waking himself up in the process.
He is trembling badly, gripping his wand tightly. He breathes heavily, feeling confused. His nightshirt is drenched in sweat, tears flow uncontrollably from his eyes. For a long while, nothing around him makes sense.
It takes him quite some time before he notices Sebastian’s presence beside him, calling his name gently, telling him he’s safe. There he is, his best friend, smelling exactly like the lemon-scented soap Sebastian is so fond of and Ominis grows to love it because it reminds him of Sebastian. This is all but a nightmare. He is safe. Everything is all right. He is in his bed at Hogwarts. Everything is all right. But everything is not all right. He gasps, unable to clear his mind from the palpable feeling of guilt and anguish that engulfs him still.
Slowly, he feels Sebastian moves to sit beside him on the bed. For a while, none of them speaks.
“Nightmare again?” Sebastian asks finally, his voice sounding worried. Ominis nods quietly. “It hasn’t happened in a while, hasn’t it? Not since Anne…”
Ominis does not reply, but he can feel Sebastian watching him closely. He knows his best friend well, after all these years. He sighs heavily, still feeling shaken. He hates how long it always takes him to get a grip on himself each time something like this happened. He can only be thankful that no one else is around, as the Christmas holiday has begun the day before, leaving the fourth-year dormitory mostly empty except for both of them.
 He can feel Sebastian takes a deep breath and gently pats him on the back.
“I will get us something nice to drink, I will be back in a moment,” he said, and Ominis hears his leaving the room, his footsteps echoing in the corridor. Sebastian does not usually walk that loudly before. Except on moments like this.
Ominis sighs. Quietly, he rises out of his bed. Outside, the corridor feels chilly, but he needs air. Slowly he navigates his way to the Common Room, where a fire is still burning. Its sound is comforting. Its warmth slowly seeps within him.
“Ah, there you are. I have been looking for you.” From behind him, he can hear Sebastian approaching. “Here, take this. This will make you feel better. Warm you inside out.”
Ominis receives the cup Sebastian offers. It smells good. Comforting. “What is this, Sebastian?”
“Oh, just the usual. A very nasty potion of infused troll’s bogey mixed with Bubotuber pus.”
“Hmph.” Sebastian never fails to make him smile. Even at moments like this, Sebastian’s jokes ground him.
“It’s just hot chocolate with mint. My mother and Anne used to make it for me, long ago when they… I mean, around this time of the year,” Sebastian says lightly. “Anyway, do you want to talk about it?”
“Sebastian, we had talked about this before. I do not wish to bore you.”
“I know, but I think it will do you good,” Sebastian replies, his voice patient and firm, yet very gentle.
Ominis sighs, taking his time. “I am afraid of myself. What I had done. Of what I might become,” he says finally. “I had committed the Unforgivable, Sebastian. That is not a memory I am fond of, yet it is forever part of me now.”
Ominis can hear Sebastian sighs, ever so slightly.
“And I will tell you again, it is not your fault, and you should not blame yourself. Your family made you do it. And they even cast that blasted spell on you. You did not have a choice. How can you blame yourself is beyond me.”
“Sebastian, one always has a choice. I should have been stronger. I should have better resisted. I was as guilty as the worst of my family. Unforgivable Curses won’t work unless one truly means them. I had to want to cause pain and for that, I should never forgive myself.”
Sebastian sighs again. They had this conversation before, many times in fact, and as always, Ominis’ stance about his own guilt never moves no matter how many times he reminds Ominis that it was NOT his fault. The invisible and irreversible scars are clearly imprinted on every inch of his best friend.
“Well, Ominis, I must admit that I am quite deficient in my department of self-blame. Although, if you are going to continue to think like that, then the least I can do next time any of this happens again is to bring you infused troll’s bogey with bubotuber pus. I often heard that it helps clear one’s mind. And I will drag you tomorrow morning to get more fresh stocks. Mr. Moon had spotted a new troll den in the Forbidden Forest. What do you say? A fresh new activity for our morning constitutional.”
Ominis can’t help but snorts and laugh, feeling himself relaxing finally. After all this time, laughter with his best friend beside him truly does him good.
“And you, Sebastian, are a danger to yourself. Bubotuber pus and troll’s bogey? Are you out of your mind?”
Sebastian laughs. His voice is clear as a bell. “Well, my cup is empty and so do yours. I suppose you would not mind a second one? We would have only troll’s bogey as drinks tomorrow, remember?”
 Ominis cannot help but smile at that as Sebastian takes his empty cup away.
“Thank you, Sebastian, it means a lot,” he says quietly as Sebastian turns away with their empty cups. He can hear Sebastian stops in his tracks, and after all these years, he knows that Sebastian is smiling too.
“The pleasure’s all mine, Ominis. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Sebastian.”
In the distance, he can hear the school bell rings twelve times. He can hear Peeves shouting in the corridor outside of their Common Room, and the firelogs burning in the grate. He can smell the pinecones, a lingering hint of mint, and a scent of lemon. He is home at Hogwarts, with his best friend by his side. There is nowhere else he would rather be.
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Prompt; mc, 035, and 049 sneak out, and 079 helps out.◇ im so unbelievably bored I don't know what this is but enjoy I guess …!!  - 🪐
“Stop pushing me!”
“Then walk quicker, damn it!”
“It's pitch black! Do you want me to levitate!?”
“Maybe, can you?!”
“No you shithead! Why would you even ask?”
“Why would you even suggest it, then?!”
“Cause –”
“Enough! Be quiet, you two…”
“... They started it.”
“Oh, shut it, Rat.”
“What did you just call me –”
“I said, be quiet..! You are going to attract unwanted attention.”
“Fine. Only for old time's sake, doc.”
“... Old time's sake? You mean the times you were chasing him across continents?”
“How dare you – I cannot believe this audacity. Can you believe it, doc?”
“... Doc?”
“Let's not idle chat until we've arrived.”
035 muttered something with a glare at 049 before turning away, crossing his arms. Boy, he could be such a big baby sometimes. Like right now. “Hey, you can hold on my arm if you don't want to get lost,” came 035's hushed voice, and you paused mid step. Was he playing, or genuinely trying to help you right now? You didn't trust his intentions, so you opted to pretend you didn't hear that. Only, that made him more persistent, offended that you outright ignored him. “Hey!”
049 slapped the back of 035's head, turning to you calmly. “Here,” he murmured, holding out his arm. “You can hold on mine, if you'd like.”
You sweat dropped, laughing nervously. “I'm.. Good. Yeah. Thank.” hell, you couldn't even finish your sentence. “You. Thanks.” you promptly walked past them, and 035 hurried to your side again. It seems he's in a better mood. Probably because you rejected 049's offer. He started humming, as 049 cast him a funny look before continuing ahead.
Realizing that he was going to sing on the top of his lungs (again), you hastily grabbed onto his arm to distract him. He stiffened, slowly looking down at you. “.. Ah?”
“Oh, was your offer not on the table anymore? Sorry –”
“No!” he nearly yelled, securing your arm. “I mean – of course, since I'm so gracious, I'll take pity on you this time. Hmph.”
You glared at him in the corners of your eyes, holding back your insults. 049 was right. You shouldn't be making too much noise, lest you get caught. “All quiet now, hmm?” 035 taunted, grinning wickedly. You sighed loudly, pinching his arm. He yelped slightly, looking like he was about to throw you across the room. Thankfully, 049 interjected before things could escalate. God bless this man. “We're here.” he announced in his usual calm, deep voice. You instantly unlatched your arm from 035's, not noticing the way his shoulders sagged a little.
“First things first, snacks.” you said decisively, going straight to the cafeteria's kitchen. 035 followed after you, with 049 standing on guard behind.
“Ew, what is this?” 035 said in a disgusted voice, holding up a piece of pizza. You tried not to groan. “It's pizza.”
“Pizza,” he repeated, throwing it away. It landed on the ground with a pathetic slapping sound. “Sounds as gross. Haha.” he chuckled heartily, as though telling an inside joke. You sighed at his comment, pulling out cupcakes just as he started to roam around. “You know what they need? Some real old –” his voice cut off with a squawk, and a loud thud followed.
You face palmed.
“Damned pizza! It must be a cursed thing, for it to come after me like this.” he blabbered, shamelessly waiting for your help. He even had the nerve to pose on the ground – as a comeback to the pizza's schemes.
You held back your anguished tears, helping 035 up from the ground. He continued to insult the interior of the cafeteria, pushing things off the counter. You were already tired.
But really, what were you expecting when you decided to sneak out with him? at least 049 had more manners…
“We're back!” you said, stepping out of the back of the cafeteria to find 049 hunched over slightly. Your brows furrowed. “You alright?” you asked, holding snacks and capri sun in your arms. He jolted slightly, standing to his full height as he turned to face you with a little more light in his usually sharp eyes.
“I am well, thank you for asking.” then, he paused. “Where is 035 –”
“Ah, were you worried about me?” came 035 from behind him, about to wrap his arm around 049's shoulder when he stepped away. “I knew you cared about me in the depths of your heart, I can tell! Just look at how pained you look without me.”
049 looked at him in mild indignation. “Cease your nonsense, 035.” before the other could speak again, 049 turned to you. “Well, should we go find a spot to sit now?”
You nodded, grateful. “Yeah, it would be awkward if someone found us just sitting in the cafeteria – after hours.” you left out the fact that it would look bad no matter where you three decided to chat in, especially with the array of random stolen snacks in your arms. 035 raised his chin, like he is about to explain another horrible idea before the sound of speakers made everyone pause. “I know where you can eat peacefully, [Name],” came 079's voice, the cameras turning to your spot with a tiny red light.
You tried not to squeal and climb on the walls to hug the camera. You missed 079 quite a lot…
035 groaned, glaring at the cameras. “I have a better plan.”
049 hummed, lifting a gloved finger. “We may as well hear it, little computer.”
You blinked at 049, mouth hanging open. 035 slapped a hand on his porcelain lips, turning away from the scene to desperately hold back his giggles.
The camera turned to him very, very slowly. “Did you just call me little?”
“Okay, okay, ignore him, 079,” you said, and the security camera turned to you again. Thank god. “Could you lead us please, then?” you added the extra 'please' to make sure he forgets about 049's off handed comment, though his finger drooped altogether with his hands to his sides, turning to you in confusion.
“Very well, [Name].” 079 said, in a more mollified tone. You sighed in relief as 035 wiped his black goo from his eye with an already gooey finger. “I was going to only lead you, anyway.” he added snarkily at the two. They pretended to be busy staring at the ground.
“Well, let's go then!”
It didn't take you too long to reach your destination, definitely not long at all with 079 slamming the doors in 035 and 049's faces every second, making them trip and get a fabric of their clothes get stuck in the door. Though, 079 knew better, and opened the door, knowing that 035's dramatic complaints would only get worse and put you in trouble. He just wanted you to enjoy yourself. And maybe take a revenge on 049 for calling him little.
049 seemed a bit distraught and disheveled somewhat, holding a gloved palm to his forehead as though wiping a sweat. At least he learned to treat 079 with more respect now. You snorted.
035 waltzed in the spacey room no one used, putting down pillows that you didn't even notice were in his hands this whole time. “Come, sit [Name],” he demanded, patting the spot next to him.
You plopped down, opening your capri sun and leaning against the cold wall. 049 sat in front of you, taking s strawberry cupcake. You tried not to balk at the sight, averting your eyes as you sipped your capri sun. 035 leaned on his palm as he watched you, a softer look in his eyes. 049 coughed loudly, just as 035's chin slipped from his palm. 035 patted down his shirt, raising his arms, and you realized with a twinge of panic – he was about to go off.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
I Loved You Like the Sun
a/n: i love helaena i will not apologize for this new friendship
warnings: incest, angst, mentions of violence, not-graphic injury, tell me if i missed anything!!
Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Chapter Twenty Seven- Return Me
When you met Rhaenyra, she was already the heir.
She was unforgettable, a wild woman, unbothered by the knowledge that her blood was wanted upon men’s knives.
She knew what she wanted and set out to get it, protected what was hers like a direwolf, missed her mother so fiercely she told you she thought it might tear her apart.
In the early days, she didn’t want it. She wanted her mother and brother, her father, her best friend.
You asked her: who would ever want to be Queen?
She told you: I am a dragon, not a sheep, and I will be remembered as that. I must be Queen, for that is the only way to ensure it. I will not be condemned for what lies between my legs.
You told her you loved her, and she called you her sweet girl and pulled the sheets over your heads.
When you wake, your head throbs, and you can just barely move your fingers and toes.
You hear the sound of someone startling- close, they must be at your bedside- and when your eyes finally open the world is blurry.
“Y/N?” A voice asks, soft like silver, spun spiderwebs, and you can just barely make out pale skin and white-blonde hair.
“Nyra, Nyra, Nyra,” you moan, hands reaching blindly, and the woman takes your hands in her own.
She whispers, softly, as if you are glass, “I am not my sister.” But your head aches, and she smooths your hair back as you fall asleep again.
“My brother hit you hard,” the woman says as you comes too, and she nurses a pulsating bump on your head with a wet cloth. “I’m sorry.”
This time, when your eyes open, you see Helaena clearly. She is standing over you, not looking at your face, instead focusing on your wound.
You realize suddenly your Rhaenyra is not there, and she never was. And you are not in Dragonstone. You lie miles away from them, in the den of vipers known as the Red Keep.
“They will come for me,” you whisper, voice hoarse.
“Drink,” she responds, lifting a cup to your lips that you frantically sip. “You should not be here. The dragons will not lose their horde,” she mutters, almost scoldingly. But for some odd reason you can tell she is not scolding you. Her eyes meet yours for the first time. “I’m sorry,” she repeats.
You remember the pity you once felt for her, the anguish she must feel as having Aegon as her brother-husband.
“You did not take me,” you sigh, finally, after a moments silence. She lowers herself, resting on a chair beside you.
“No. No, I did not.” She looks away, towards a window.
The sun is rising. It does not shine for you. Nothing will ever shine for you, not until you are returned to them.
“I know what it is like to be somewhere you do not belong. That is a tragedy no one should suffer.”
“I pity you as well, Queen Helaena.” She scrunches her nose, and although your words were sarcastic, she seems to take them seriously.
“Oh, I am more content with my children, my bugs.” Her eyes make their way back to you, a few shades lighter than Daemons. “Why do you pity me?”
“I know what it is like to be married.” You choke out, and she does not waver.
“You and I, Lady Y/N, are much similar than we would like to admit.”
“Perhaps,” you agree, although you already know you would like to have her for company. If you are to be stuck here, taken, begging for return, a distraction would be nice. Besides, you do have more in commons that you would care to admit.
“My mother wishes to speak to you. I can say you are still indisposed if you wish me to.” Rumors have been spun about this wisp of a girl, that she is not all there, that she is as dumb as a stick, but you realize now she is none of those things.
She knows she is your only hope in this place. Your mind can barely keep up with this newness- friends and enemies, places, people- but you do know that she is your hope, your beacon. Even if only for silent company.
Your loss at Storm’s End has left you changed. You feel yourself ashamed and solemn. The apathetic queen Rhaenyra has become now rests on you.
But here she is, this Queen, this girl, this something cousin of yours. Offering an olive branch. You eye her, and she only stares back, letting you pick and prod.
“Thank you, my Queen. I would like that.”
A smile ghosts her face as she stands, light blue silk swaying behind her.
She opens the door, glances at you over her shoulder after a moment of hesitation.
“Who would ever want to be Queen?” She asks, solemn in her station, powerless in her title.
“You are right, Helaena. We are quite alike.”
She smiles, wide, although it does not meet her eyes.
“My mother will call upon you tomorrow. Rest well, my lady. You shall need it.”
And she leaves you with that, with the emptiness of yourself, the loss of your family so keen in your stomach.
Talking with Helaena was a nice distraction- but now, you miss Daemon and Rhaenyra with an itch in your heart. You feel as if you will be torn in two. You feel like you did when you were trapped in the Riverlands.
You sob into your hands, and no dragons are there to comfort you.
Alicent came to you early the next morning, almost too early for it to be considered proper. You wondered if she had been waiting for this, nervous, going over and over what she was going to say in her head.
You had fallen asleep to the sound put your own cries, arms wrapped around yourself in a semblance of them. But it was not them, so the action was useless.
She knocked on the door, and you called out, the fight inside you already broken. Was it so wrong to just want to be with your family?
“Sweetling,” she murmured, and you could tell immediately she was nervous.
She flinched when she looked upon you, your eyes red and swollen and your face blotchy with tears. You hoped she felt horrible for what she had done to you.
“Queen Alicent.” You did not trust yourself to speak more, afraid you would scream and cry and beg to be returned to them. Foolishly, some part of you still wanted to be seen as strong.
She takes a deep breath before she speaks. “I do not need to tell you who your paramours are. I do not need to tell you what dragon you ride. I do not need to tell you why you are here.”
You hum, fingers digging into your palms. You wished Daemon and Rhaenyra were there to unfurl your fingers, kiss the shallow wounds.
“But I will assure you that you will be treated kindly. You can stay in here, and you will be fed and cared for.” You only want to be cared for by them. “Or you can spend your days with Helaena. She’s offered you a place by her side, and the King has agreed.”
You don’t answer, staring off into the just rising sun. It almost hurts to look upon anyone who is not them.
Silence fills the room, until Alicent steps forward and you whip your head over to her.
“You are being offered a kindness most can only dream of.”
You nod, staring at her feet, hearing her sigh heavily.
“I’ll have food brought in. Helaena will visit as well, later today. I hope you find the room comfortable.” And with that, she clasps her hands in front of her and turns on her heel, leaving you.
The room is simple, a guest room for an esteemed guest in the Red Keep. You are sure you are the only one occupying this entire wing of the castle, that the doors are locked behind Alicent and Helaena.
But now, you cannot find it in yourself to do anything other than miss them. You are a bird in a cage, and you cannot care, because you are not with them and the world is backwards.
You stifle a sob into your hand, salt stinging your sensitive skin.
You whisper their names into your hand, a prayer, a reminder, a plea. Over and over again, until their names fade into one and you are just sobbing.
You think back to Rhaenyra wanting to make you Queen. You think back to her words, to Helaena’s.
This is Queendom. It is the sound of a lonely violin, stringed melodies like sobbing. It is longing, remembrance, putting yourself aside for the sake of others. It is apathetic eyes and the absence of a warm heart. It is the feeling of being without them.
Who would ever want to be Queen?
@wondergal2001 @akiraquote @a-lil-bit-nuts @anginoguera @thatkinkylesgirl1 @stitchattacks @honeypillowsblog @kaloafd @blackhoodlea @softtina @wallace02sblog @tetgod @hotd-fanfic @rxscpctals @iramagnus
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raindrops666 · 1 year
Baldwin IV x reader Angst!
Warnings: Angst, Guy says a bad word
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After three years of being married to your love Baldwin IV, he asks you to a private chat
"My dear, you wanted to speak to me" you said popping your head into the room.
"Yes I do" Baldwin replied quietly with a sigh leaving his covered mouth.
Sitting in front of your husband you give him a gentle smile, as a sign for him to tell you what was the matter.
" (Name) we need to get an annulment " Baldwin said
At that moment you could feel your heart drop to your stomach.
"What, why?" You asked, voice cracking.
"I can not tell you, but it is a must" he spoke trying to hold back his tears.
"Baldwin, please, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, I beg of you, please don't do this to us" you said loudly tears that were once filling your eyes, spilling over your cheeks.
Oh how he wanted to wipe them away and tell you to stay with him forever, but he couldn't. He didn't have many years left and he knows it. He doesn't want you having to live with an ill man until he dies.
He has to let you go now, so when he dies, you are no longer in love with him, and don't have to experience the anguish of losing your love.
He knows you will hate him for this, but it's the best, he keeps reassuring himself
"I'm very sorry (name)" he said getting up.
"The guards will escort you into your new home, that I've provided and you will get money monthly from us. Baldwin said, leaving you.
Watching your numb face, with tears streaming down your cheeks hurt him very much he tried to not show any reaction.
The moment Baldwin closes his bedrooms door he fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.
What had he done, he let go of the one person that actually cared for him. Was it selfish to keep them or was it selfish to let them go?.. He couldn't figure out.
Baldwin then heard a knock at his door. "My king, is everything alright? " it was Tiberias, the man who practically raised Baldwin. Baldwin got up and opened the door. Before Tiberias could understand what was going on, he was embraced by an anguished Baldwin sobbing in his arms.
"Ahh! Ti.. Tiberias... I.. I did a terrible thing! " is what Tiberias could make out of his kings sobbing.
Tiberias guided Baldwin to his bed, closing the door behind him.
"Baldwin, what did you do? " Tiberias questioned, worry clear in his voice.
"I.. I left (name) Tiberias I left them!) Is what Baldwin said still sobbing.
"Wha- , why would you do such a thing?" Tiberias said.
"They deserve better than me, Tiberias *hic* they shouldn't have to live married to a *hic*leper. Baldwin responded still crying.
"Oh, Baldwin, you poor poor kid" "You know that (name) loves you more than anyone, no matter if you were ill or not" Tiberias said trying to calm his sad king.
"But.. But- "*cough cough* Baldwin was interrupted by a coughing attack, the pain he felt was too much for his poor body to handle.
"Baldwin!" Tiberias exclaimed loudly.
Tiberias got up and called the guards standing outside to go and get the physicians.
*time skip*
After a few hours of the physicians caring for the king, he was finally asleep in his bed. His mask was now off. Revealing his sad face to the old man sitting next to him (Tiberias)
Your POV:
"Baldwin, please, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong, I beg of you, please don't do this to us" you said loudly tears that were once filling your eyes, spilling over your cheeks.
Your love, now ex husband stood up and told you something, that you could not focus enough to hear.
What does he mean divorce, did your late nights caring for him mean nothing, did the poetry you wrote him mean nothing, did the soft kisses you would leave on his scarred face mean nothing? Was it all for nothing?
After what felt like hours sitting on the side of the table, two men came in, they were Guy de Lusigana and Balian de Ibelin.
"Come now, you need to pack your bags so we can escort you to your new house" said Guy rather harshly.
After getting no reaction from you, he got angry and grabbed you by the armpit pulling you up.
"Listen here, you little bitch, you are no longer the kings, partner so what I say, you do understand!? " Guy yelled at you.
You got up and packed your bags, earning a pitiful look from Balian.
*Time skip*
Your bags were now packed, and you were being escorted to your house by the two men.
"You will be staying here" Balian said dropping one of your bags on the floor of the new house. It was small but it will suffice for an unwed person like you.
Balian and Guy brought in your last bags and left. Balian gave you one sad glance before leaving, whilst Guy didn't even give you a glance.
You looked around you, and out of the window, two birds were there cleaning each other. You let out a small sad laugh, thinking. Is that how people saw me and Baldwin..
Tears were once again streaming down your face, you laid on the floor and slept there for the night, not even a mattress under you.
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a-demain · 5 months
Hi, this is my first fic for Les Mis.
(Additionally, this is the first fic I've ever shared on Tumblr.
Both of these things are giving me such anxiety that I'm posting it from an alternative account.)
I hope you enjoy!
exR, pining, emotional constipation, emotional breakthroughs, Grantaire gets shocked into silence.
Telling someone you love them is not a walk in the park. Fortunately, Grantaire is there to throw one double entendre too many.
There’s an open-air photo exhibition in the park and, despite the late hour and the cold, Grantaire clearly can’t resist it. He keeps stopping to look at every other displayed work and, as a result, considerably slows down their pace. Enjolras wouldn’t mind – he wouldn’t be opposed to looking at the exhibition himself, even though his interest in art cannot match Grantaire's – if the freezing air wasn’t starting to seep through his clothing and cling to his skin.
“Can we go a little faster? I’m really cold.”
It’s a little past midnight and they’re walking from the Musain to Grantaire’s place so Enjolras can collect the posters and banners Grantaire and Jehan have spent the week preparing for the protest tomorrow. The protest is also the reason why the meeting tonight ended later than usual and Enjolras is tired, cold, and hungry, and completely unmoved by art of any kind. He curls his cold fingers into his palms in his pockets – he must’ve left his gloves at the Musain – and watches Grantaire finally tear himself away from the photos and walk towards him.
“Oh, I can warm you up if you’d like, Ange,” he says with a suggestive wink.
Enjolras turns his head away from him and looks at the dark road before them as they resume walking. He’s not serious, he tells himself, as always – as he’s been doing for months, trying to reason with his heart and stop it from absurd, pointless, futile hoping every time Grantaire hits him with one of his trademark crude jokes, double entendres and pick-up lines. He’s not serious. You can’t have this. He doesn’t mea--
Something inside him snaps.
“Can you?” he hears himself say.
There’s a surprised intake of breath to his left and then silence.
Enjolras feels like there’s a silence inside him, too. Suddenly, there is no trace of the anguish and the tempestuous emotions that had been tearing him apart in recent months; it’s like someone closed the window in a blizzard. He feels that whatever has snapped keeps breaking, like a fracture that runs across the surface of the ice, slowly forming a rift. He has no idea why he said what he just did, nor how he expects Grantaire to respond (although he knows how he’d like Grantaire to respond. You can’t have this, you can’t have this, drones on the old voice in his head. But Enjolras is cold and tired and hungry and starved. It’s been two years. It’s been most of his life. It’s been every time he had feelings for someone).
“I’m sorry, I—”
“Don’t apologize.”
He stops suddenly and so does Grantaire, who looks at him, his expression tense and unsure.
“Don’t say things like this when you don’t mean them,” says Enjolras, his own voice sounding alien to him, the words, clear and sharp, leaving his mouth without the participation of his consciousness. Suddenly, he feels his throat constrict and his jaws clench together, and he can’t speak any more. He’s never considered telling Grantaire how he feels about him; he’s never even told any of his friends. Admitting that he’s not immune to Grantaire’s comments hints at these hidden feelings and pulls them close to the surface, making him feel exposed and vulnerable, and completely out of his element. He takes a deep breath to calm himself and stares ahead, still unable to talk and feeling too unsteady to look at Grantaire.
Next to him, Grantaire is still silent, though Enjolras can feel he's watching him. A moment passes.
“What if I do mean them?” asks Grantaire quietly.
This shocks Enjolras enough to make him face Grantaire. Of all things he could expect to hear from him, this isn’t one of them.
“What then, Enjolras?” insist Grantaire, his eyes serious and a little desperate, like it costs him a lot to say it.
Enjolras blinks. His heart thuds in his chest and he feels as if he’s watching himself from the outside, like someone else has taken control of his body. Someone who hasn’t been made feel, many times throughout the years, that he was too different, too intense, too serious, too much to be loved and wanted; that he could only be valued and respected for the skills that made him a good leader and activist, but rarely appreciated and needed as a friend, a human being. Someone who hasn’t been coping by trying to ignore his need for closeness and affection and hoping he’d never fall in love, convinced he could never be loved back -- but failed and fell for Grantaire, spending two years hopelessly consumed by feelings that the rare, short-lived crushes he had in the past couldn’t compare to.
He feels like it’s not him but that person who he doesn't recognize who now calmly takes a step towards Grantaire, lays a hand on his shoulder, leans in, and kisses him on the lips.
Grantaire stops breathing and goes stiff and Enjolras immediately breaks the kiss, worried that he’s misread the situation and embarassed by the lapse in his usual restraint. Grantaire blinks at him and something wild flashes in his eyes. His hands slide into Enjolras’s hair, he pulls him back down and kisses him fiercely. Enjolras stumbles a little and reflexively grabs Grantaire’s shoulders for balance and Grantaire wraps an arm around his waist, which both helps Enjolras steady and presses him tight to Grantaire’s chest. Enjolras kisses back dizzily, overwhelmed by the closeness and the waves of the long-suppressed emotions that have suddenly been set free. He holds onto Grantaire and Grantaire holds him and they kiss and kiss until they’re both breathless.
Grantaire doesn’t seem interested in letting him go, when the kiss ends; he watches Enjolras with an expression of open tenderness and wonder, his arm still wrapped around his waist, his thumb slowly caressing his cheek.
“What now?” he whispers eventually with a smile. Enjolras huffs a quiet laugh. He doesn’t know. “Grantaire does mean it, actually, and you can have it” isn’t a scenario he considered likely or planned for.
“What do you want?”
Grantaire watches him for a moment. He blinks a few times, breaking eye contact and looking down for a moment and visibly gathering himself before he draws a shaky breath and speaks.
“I’ve been in love with you since I met you.”
It’s not a proper answer to the question. It’s everything Enjolras ever wanted to hear.
“I’ve been in love with you for two years,” he says. “I thought I had no chance with you.”
Grantaire throws his head back and barks an incredulous laugh. “Hah, no, Enjolras, that was never a possibility,” he says, “but I thought the same of you, so I can’t complain. Okay,” he says taking a step back and releasing Enjolras from his embrace, “let’s get out of the cold. We don’t want you to catch the flu before the protest.” He extends a hand, looking at him a little shyly.
Enjolras takes his hand and they resume walking down the lane.
“I’m not cold anymore, actually.”
“Oh, you aren’t?”
“So I can warm you up.”
“So it seems.”
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