#what should i tag anon hate as
rina was always gonna be the second choice, and was only made canon because olivia left, cope with that, their story was embarassing and they had been building up to ej and gina forever <3 everyone watching was disappointed except a tiny percentage
ok cool finally got my first round of anon hate from the losing side of the fandom and it only took approximately three weeks! i honestly thought it'd be sooner. so thank you for letting me reach a milestone, even if it's a little overdue.
so anyways, why is it that it's been almost 4 whole years and none of you can stick to one narrative? first it's "rina was never romantic" and their first prominent interaction on the show was supposed to end with a full on kiss. then it's "rina was just a plot device for r*ni" and despite several interviews dating back to december 2019 from the creator of the show himself stating otherwise, continuously reiterating that the car scene changed the trajectory of the show and when speaking about r*ni early on, he wanted to start a dialogue about how not all high school relationships last and that he wanted to depict breakups in a realistic way. all of the signs for r*ni's imminent failure were present. you were just choosing to ignore it because you were so threatened by a ship you wanted so badly to just be a plot device. and when you were rightfully proven wrong, you started shaking and panicking all because you were naive enough to think a season 1 endgame was supposed to determine the entire fate of the show.
i've already gotten more than enough into the fact that even if olivia had remained on the show, choosing to live in delusion by thinking that rina wouldn't have even been explored at the slightest when they were the only couple in the show to have unfinished business makes me think you either don't have much experience watching shows with similar character arcs, or you were just watching it with your eyes closed. tim envisioned the show to have about 5 to 7 seasons and you're genuinely convinced that rina would only remain a season 1 plot device. even seeing how they had to physically cut off their interactions in the later half of season 2 just for it to make sense for gina to pursue someone else, there's no way you thought that the characters that actually have the build up you're pretending p*rtwell had weren't ever going to address all of their history together, which has even been referenced in the show's universe on multiple occasions.
speaking of p*rtwell, if the "build up" in question was ej constantly mentioning how much older he was than her, shutting her down and blaming her for his relationship failing (something else that would end up paralleling their romantic relationship to no one's surprise but your own), and then having one moment of petting the dog by doing something mildly nice for her and we're all supposed to reward him for it as if he wouldn't later practically abandon her once their relationship made it to the next level, and all of that was supposed to be something that's not embarrassing, i'd take rina's build up any day than the mess that was.
notice how you can't find a single interview from season 1, the only season that was written before they had ANY audience to please, where tim mentions anything about ej and gina's relationship being vital to the show. there was a very clear difference between the relationship between ricky and gina and gina and ej. every season has shown this so far. all of the hoops they had to go through in order to attempt to justify their relationships outside of each other has shown this. i can't even be convinced you like either of the characters that much if you wanted them to end up with their season 1 or 2 endgames. you're advocating for the opposite of growth. and that's more embarrassing than crying over a dead and rotting ship almost an entire month after the show ended.
funnily enough, you claiming that only a tiny percentage enjoyed the show's ending actually makes me feel more confident and happy that my ship will continue to beat the fan service allegations even though there's actually nothing wrong with fan service if you're the fan being serviced. i haven't seen this outrage you speak of. even rina's rendition of can i have this dance has been excellently received in a way that even i as a fan didn't expect from the general public. the season in general has been praised for how it's handled certain topics, the growth the characters displayed, the more grounded soundtrack that was a refresher in comparison to previous seasons, the cinematography, and it remains one of the highest rated seasons for a reason.
eventually you're going to have to accept that you're only convinced that everyone is bitter, despite them having close to two years to cope with their mid-tier ships failing, because the crowd of losers you follow have been moping and complaining about their ships not working out because they ignored every warning sign no matter how much it was pushed in front of your faces. once you take those blinders off and even shift your focus outside of rinas getting the last laugh as we should, you'd realize that this season was one of their strongest because they stuck to their roots while also improving upon the things that were introduced in earlier seasons while they were still finding their footing. things weren't perfect because they never were, but i don't even see how you can watch the final performance of the show and think something negative about it.
most of you were retired nini stans who decided that you would vow to stop hating ej as long as he took gina out of the equation of ricky's life, which is 90% of the reason he has so many shooters now. even he had a satisfying ending, and you still can't find a way to cope with it and his new relationship with val because you want him to continue dating a high school junior he paid 0 attention to instead of furthering his studies in college. you don't even like nini that much anymore if you're disappointed over her no longer being with the same boy she used to feel trapped by. you're doing all of this because you were bitter that across four seasons, characters didn't remain frozen in the same place that they were in the very first season. and that's probably the most embarrassing thing of them all.
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pocketramblr · 5 months
Absolutely love your writing for all the AU/5 headcanons asks. Can I ask: AU where Rei cheats on Endeavor with All Might? It happens after AM's injury, so she doesn't recognize him, and he ofc doesn't know that she's married in the first place, much less to whom
you make this very difficult for me by giving me a window of 6 and half years for them to have an affair and for every single moment of that window, Rei is institutionalized. how am i supposed to get them to meet, much less take their clothes off. ok. think. there are other fic writers who specialize in this kind of thing, surely. what would they do....
1- ok so. The fire alarm at the hospital goes off. Rei doesn't know if it's a drill or not, but she's been there for seven years and generally does not need a lot of support during something like this like other patients do, so the nurses wave her out and she stands around outside a bit waiting for the fire alarm to stop and them to go back in. (It isn't a drill, they wouldn't have evacuated everyone if it was, but Rei is on the other side of the building and facing away from seeing any smoke) (This smoke is from a villain attack that All Might is taking care of, though he's only got seconds left of his power to use that day. he quickly rushes off, deflating and stumbling out on the other side of the hospital. Where Rei is.)
2- Rei is like "huh that guy doesnt seem to be in good shape" and kinda waves attention at him, and a nurse who's passing out water to patients and keeping an eye on the road gives Toshinori some too, getting more concerned when he dazedly answers that he's All Might and coughs up blood, but the nurse figures he's concussed since he smells of smoke and must have been closer to the fight, and is just reeling from being able to see the number one hero in person. Then they get distracted and wave Toshi to wait nearby, where Rei offers to chill his water and asks if he's alright, if he breathed in any smoke.
3- They chat and then go back into the hospital as it's un-evacuated together, Rei hanging out in the lobby where he sits as the hospital staff focus on getting everyone else back to their rooms. It pays to be low priority sometimes. Eventually she tells him her name is Rei and that she's in room K18, if he ever wants to visit or call. She doesn't get to talk to anyone except doctors, family visitors, or other paitients, and most of them don't stay nearly as long as she does. It's been seven years, and she's very lonely. Toshinori is lonely too, and when he's out of time for a day and feeling useless with nothing to do, he likes to talk to a friend.
4- Rei has been in the hospital for eight years when it gets physical. At that point, Toshinori knows a bit about her family. She has kids, mentions visits from a son and daughter, and then quietly mentioned when her son turned seventeen- her daughter's already twenty. She's been there for so much of their lives. He asks if she's married, and she admits she isn't sure how to file for divorce in a hospital like she is, if she even can, if she wants to because she'd lose custody, if it matters when she's not raising them anyway. He doesn't ask much more, knows there is a dead child and a baby she says isn't safe with her there. Toshinori never called Nana 'mom' to her face while she was alive, and had a reason for it, and has a similar reason for not asking more, not asking for the other names when he gets Fuyumi and Natsuo's. Yes, the doctors and nurses all know Rei has a boyfriend who visits. they don't say anything. who would they even tell, anyway. I debated the humor of reusing the bit from candlelight shoto that Toshi and Rei could have a kid with a fire quirk, but yeah here? Rei ain't getting pregnant, absolutely not.
5- When Natsuo turns eighteen, Rei does actually file for divorce, or at least tries to get the ball rolling on that. Toshinori's trusted her that her marriage is over in all but name, but he's more at ease with it ended fully. Fuyumi is crushed but burying it all deep inside. Natsuo is like 'what are you talking about. divorce is the most normal possible outcome here.' But anyway, Rei also begins to bring up being discharged- something she never bothered with earlier, when it seemed like she'd never be able to go home while Shoto was there, and never would want to go back anyway. (Her parents are absolutely not an option either so where would she go once discharged? the hospital was her only security.) Toshinori then tells her at this point about his diagnosis, that he's supposed to be terminal, in a way. He doesn't have a lot of time he can give her. Rei says that's ok, she'll take what she can get. She moves in. Fuyumi still goes out to eat with her once a week, though Rei doesn't say she's moved in with a boyfriend, just says she's in a safe place and it's not Fuyumi's job to worry about it, please, let her do that, relax, be her daughter instead of a mother. Natsuo adds her to his cellphone plan and gets her one. Rei doesn't tell Toshinori her ex's identity. Toshinori doesn't tell her about OfA, though she does know he's mentoring a student for heroics and is very proud of him. (Toshinori is a secretary at Might Tower, he's a great mentor. Oh huh, he got a job position at UA at the same time as All Might, she wonders if they carpool.)
+1- OK THE REVEAL so the reveal is. Toshinori gets home from the SF. And Rei almost knocks him out by the door, eyes wide and panicked, asking if he's ok, if Shoto's ok. Toshinori is like "... young todoroki? yeah he's alright? i know his fight with young bakugo looked bad but- Rei???" And that's when it all clicks for him, he's having dozens of horrible realizations at once, all while Rei weeps over her youngest. Toshinori's been a hero for a very, very long time. He's felt hopeless, before. But even then, he's known what needs to be done, he just isn't able to do it. But now? he's at a complete loss with no idea what he should do.
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laanonlovestrash · 8 months
Blush Blush appears to have taken over my brain so i figured i might as well draw something for it, so here's Anon cause he's my favorite
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idk how to write his accent, i tried my best ok
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purpurussy · 1 month
can i just say something potentially controversial yet brave for a second
i really do not understand why there is a problem with people posting their little dangender memes 😬 like as long as it's confined to its own corner of tumblr, why is it a problem for people to project onto their fav internet microcelebrity? isn't that what everyone here is doing to some extent at the end of the day?
now if people were tagging him, trying to bring this to his attention, or god forbid confronting him with this stuff in a live setting/m&g or whatever then yeah, that would be deeply inappropriate and crossing a line. but i honestly dont get why it's an issue if youre just saying whatever's in your heart on your little tumblr blog, and dan would have to go out of his way lurking to find these posts.
i think maybe this has to do with me being new in this space again, like i wasn't there during the speculation era of the mid 2010s so maybe that's why i don't get the controversy? i just don't understand why there's now this sort of double standard. like why is it universally considered okay to get excited about a phan hard launch on here, but getting excited about dan talking more openly about gender gets you anon hate? i really don't understand this im sorry it might be because im lacking the history here but idgi.
i think if someone just personally isnt interested in all this stuff that's completely fine! i absolutely understand that for some people it's just not interesting/something that they're not comfortable with. but like it's not hard to curate your experience on this platform. i do not see how any of this is a problem. instead of sending people anon hate perhaps consider that it's not that serious and you can just block/block tags/unfollow and move on <3
personally tho i think it's fun that people are celebrating his "formless blob"-ness and seeing themselves in him. also this is dan and phil tumblr lmao we are all cringe here
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felonsmojis · 4 months
Damn those pride emojis look like ass
Tho all ur emojis do
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catinflight · 3 months
That megaman show from 2018 was trashy as fuck, why not make fan stuff about the actually valid mega man series. Disappointing waste of talent to be honest.
So usually I don't give these type of asks the time of day, because I know the people who send them are practically begging for attention, but
I thought this was alarming and figured I'd give you guys a heads up, they sent one last ask right after I switched off anon asks, so I know who they are, but both thier username and pfp where incredibly inappropriate ( had some nasty slurs i dont want on my page and straight up porn on thier pfp) so yeah, pretty instant block and report
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Ik this is probably a troll and all, but this is just a heads up to my fellow Uber cool fully charged artists out there 😎😎😎✌️✌️ keep on drawing and don't let lil punks like this guy make you feel bad for enjoying less popular media 🗣🗣🗣❗️
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wolfram-but-art · 11 months
Just recently saw your human Archimedes fellow and he’s such a goofy goober I love it. Do you think the mercs ever taught him any of the dance taunts / he picked up and mannerisms from the mercs?
Can’t be associated with the mercs if you can’t do the kazotsky kick.
rraahahhhH!!!!!! thank you!!! Archie is very much a goober fgysgfe and they most likely would!! at least it seems logical he's learn/see them at one point or another and he definetly picked up the merc's mannerisms (they're mostly verbal mannerisms, such as words in other languages/ sayings (Spy's French cursing, Dell's "darns!" and "dag nubbits!" and even Medic's nervous "aheh"s) he's deffinetly picked up some of Sniper's knife skills and accents from all around the base, seriously he can be talking and you would not be able to tell which accent is the primary one, each word is accented diffferently (Dialectologists hate him!!! see how!!!) he probably (once he's more grown up) also picks up a lot of self soothing behaviours on hs own like playing with his hair (slicking it back, twirling it ect.) or his fethers
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anyways here are a few taunts that i liked (including the new Medic one (with his new cosmetic aswell)) no kazotsky kick tho, i found it's too hard for me to draw, sorry
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natsmagi · 2 months
actually im deleting that one recent response, its late and im tired and while i stand by what i said i feel like i misunderstood the ask too much in my response, which is my bad! and since i misunderstood what was being said it basically nulled the whole point of it
but anyway. my art is not revolutionary, ive never intended for it to come off that way, so im sorry if people got the impression im trying to brag or something. sometimes when i come up with specific features for a character i get excited about it and want to share (just like when i drew keito), but i tend to not really think about how things come across, much less that it could be seen as boastful bc, as was pointed out, im not really doing much in terms of diversity, so it being me boasting didnt even cross my mind. to me im just drawing people and am explaining the thought process behind characteristics, but maybe its better to not point it out? as maybe thatd be more casual and people would care less? i dont know. im autistic so im not the best at this, and i have a tendency to be "too much" in how i act and talk (incase that wasnt already clear). its a bit difficult to navigate but i am doing my best
i will continue doing what i do though, as i feel its less my art and more what i say thats an issue. again though when it comes to speech i dont really know what the right thing to do or say is, so i just speak my mind, but that can easily be misunderstood, so ill try and hold back when it comes to that. if you think i overstep in what i say genuinely feel free to point it out, because again, i struggle with this alot. but please do be patient with me
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 6 months
Are you ready to kill yourself yet
I don't think I'm ever going to consider killing myself, anon. I have quite good mental health and I don't even make those kinds jokes. Anyway if you had to choose between owning infinity flamingos or infinity bunnies which would you choose? I think I'd go with the flamingos simply because they look sillier and the result would be a bright pink universe instead of a brown one, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I've seen your posts about Taekook and I like the way you think. I tend to agree, but I get confused when I see about Jikook. How you think they are different? You talk about "grand gestures", what is that about?
Hi anon!
No need to get confused, although I do understand why you would be. I wrote about Tae and Jk in these posts:
So I won't go into them a lot now (although I could, because... wow :) ). It's also so hard and a bit unfair to really compare friendships or relationships I think. Every friendship is different and has it's own strenths and weaknesses. No two people are the same and therefore no bond between people can be the same. It's like comparing apples to oranges.
Jimin and Jk are friends, they have a very strong bond I believe and are very fond of each other. There's no denying that. Their personalities together make for a very happy, funny, adventurous, relationship (platonic) full of banter. Jimin is also a very flirty person in general. It comes natural to him, he is flirty with a lot of people (disclaimer, this is not a negative thing... being flirty doesn't have to be sexual or romantical at all). Jk is not a natural flirty person (imo). He gets flustered by it easily, but... I think he does appreciate a flirty atmospere. Whenever Jk is flirty (on lives for instance) I always feel it's because he intends to be. While Jimin is more naturally flirty.
I am actually quite sure Jk and Jimin are not in a romantic relationship. I can look at Jikook videos on youtube and still be sure of my believe in Taekook without much effort. I do understand why a lot of people do see sometning there though. Those grand gestures I mentioned are there. It's the touches, the hugs, some comments, handholding, patting each others butts. Those are easily spotted and in general those things are what make you go "side-eye". A lot of fans (especially young ones) take those grand gestures and come to a conclusion right away: Jikook is real. They do not really look beyond what they see. Not to bash anyone, but I feel it takes some experience with actual relationships (doesn't have to be your own, but just real adult relationships around you) to be able to see what is lacking in Jimin and Jk's interactions and why that means they are just friends.
I have looked at a lot of Jikook videos and I see nothing but two friends enjoying teasing each other. Jimin mostly initiates, because he has the natural inclination to be flirty and Jk will allow hugs, some touches and occasional handholding. Jk however, often leans away from the touches and will even try to get out of them (and yes, there is footage showing he doesn't lean away, but in general he will). He will either create space between their heads or keep space between them... he doesn't lean in to get closer. Like this for instance:
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This is something Jk does do with Tae though. He does incline his head towards Tae, he does try to close the space between them (again... in general). He lets Tae get into his personal space easily.
Simply put... Jk isn't a 100% comfortable whith Jimin entering his personal space. I don't mean to imply that Jimin is crossing boundaries here... he is always quick to pull off and I see it more as playfull behavior. The way we let people into our personal space is not black or white... it's better to look at it as something placed on a scale. We let people we trust the most get the closest. I'd say a young child and their parent are a 100%, two strangers at most 10% for instance. Jimin and Jk to me look about 70% while Tae and Jk go up to near 100%.
Another reason for me to believe in Taekook rather than Jikook is the way Vminkook are together. Jimin doesn't care what Tae and Jk do together. While Jk and Tae do care when the other is physically close to someone else. There are some very distinct moments that would not have happened if Jikook were real. All of this:
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but also these:
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All examples of Tae and Jk being couply with Jimin present and having no problem with it.
Most of the stuff i've seen people use for evidence of Jikook is stuff I interpret very differently. It's a lot of playfull banter. Jimin likes to tease Jk, but not with any actual sexual or romantic intent. Jk comforts Jimin a lot, but to me that's as friends not as lovers. The GCF with Jimin in Tokyo is just a friends vacation to me (I ave footage of me and a friend that is very much like that). So, I think people took some grand gestures, made up their minds and started interpretating everything else with an already fixed idea in mind.
It's easy to act out the grand gestures. Anyone can do it. Bodylanguage is something that is hard to fake and hide though. Tae and Jk's bodylanguage with each other has an ease to it that to me Jk and Jimin's just doesn't. I don't want to diminish Jimin and Jk's bond. Friendships are also extremely important relationships. They care for each other and they are fond of each other. I just don't think they are together romantically.
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bitimdrake · 2 years
(re: your tags here)
do you know if any character has ever experienced "pit madness" in canon, or if it was completely fabricated by canon? (i know it's a thing on the cw shows, but i'm pretty sure the jason headcanons came before that)
OKAY it's been twelve years since you sent this, but I'm back to dc brain so let's go.
So if the question you're asking is if a character has ever experienced something that fits the common fanon applied to Jason--an effect referred to as "pit madness" that lasts for years after being dunked in a Lazarus Pit, causes sudden bouts of dissociative rage, and may or may not make eyes glow--the answer is a flat no.
But if the question is if characters have experienced any negative aftereffects of the pit, the answer is yes definitely!! If your story has something that can bring back the dead, it's gotta have drawbacks. (Though on occasion a character will avoid all drawbacks entirely.)
The Lazarus Pit is a magical plot device, so it has a range of effects depending on the story. But they can be divided into three categories, which map to three distinct narrative purposes:
Uncontrollable violence and anger right after being dunked, BUT!!! for minutes at most. A Lazarused not-Bruce gets dunked and then flies back to Gotham in Batman & Robin, and Damian explicitly says that he can't possibly still be under the effects of the pit because it would have long-since faded after an international flight. Cass goes through it in Batgirl, and is snapped out of it in like one minute. Dinah starts canary-crying her head off and nearly killing her friends in Birds of Prey, but she gets knocked out and is totally fine once she wakes up. (narrative usage: for heroes who will soon return to their status quo)
A long-term shift in personality towards, vaguely speaking, something more evil--but specifically after repeated exposure. Ra's's continual usage of the pit is on-and-off theorized as part of the reason he is the way he is. This effect might be referred to as madness by some characters, but, you know, not the angry type of "mad". (narrative usage: for villains)
Extreme awful fringe-effects, typically on bodies that were way too far gone for the pit to be a reliable method of resurrection. It's why Bruce was (at least?) once extremely against his parents being dropped in, because who knows what might have come out. Mr. Freeze used the pit for his wife in Batgirl and she came out a firey rage monster reanimating zombies. Sometimes bad shit happens. (narrative usage: for minor characters who will be quickly dispatched)
The overall outcome is that (a) characters are very nervous about using the pit, because there's a chance it might just turn its victim into a horrible twisted evil version of themself forever, and (b) when that doesn't happen, the victim is pretty much fine after a few minutes.
Just maybe don't make a habit of it.
Jason Todd Addendum: Contrary to popular fanon, Jason never even went through the first option! (Nor, obviously, the third.) He was one of the lucky ones to come out of the pit seemingly normal. The pit never gave him any anger! at all! ever! His anger is 100% homemade!
However, Talia in Lost Days notes he's disconcertingly cold and uncaring, which could be an indication he's experiencing option two despite only going in once--but that could just easily be explained by trauma. We'll never know for sure.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
I see you responded to my anon without using my anon.
That's cute, but telling of the kind of person you are.
With that being said, I'm sorry about my past few anons telling you to stfu about your interests and calling your takes retarded. Although i stand by my anon that if you're really gonna tell someone to kill themselves because they use the word "retarded" you're probably retarded, i want to tell you that i didn't realize you would take such offense to that word.
Honestly, you look like you're about 4-5 more hate posts from hitting the self delete button, so i just want to tell you that's not my intention. I really do enjoy your art and i really do think you have a lot to share. Me telling you to stfu about your niche interests was just me trying to get back at you. Truthfully i like that you have so much to share, i just felt i was being attacked because when i asked how botw was transphobic you just decided to call me stupid without addressing my question.
But to be honest you give off this energy that you're so sheltered from the real world that you forget that there's more going on in the real world than someone using the r-slur. I just want to point that out because although i know i can't change you, since you think what you're fighting for is truly just, i don't blame you for forgetting about the rest of the world. I just think you have a lot of room to grow. I hope you do grow and change and come to the realization that what you're trying to defend is definitely a priority, but we have a lot more going on.
Sincerely, the professional hater that loves you, and doesn't want to see you fail at identifying what is truly important. I get it though, to you I'm just selfish for implying that what you believe in isn't as important as what i believe in. So I'll just say i hope you do okay out there. Good luck. And stay safe.
im going to be honest i genuinely cannot read this. like idk what the hell this guy is even trying to say and also they're already blocked anyway. but if any of you maybe want to preemptively block to avoid potentially being called slurs for literal weeks in your asks among other harassment, i recommend blocking this FUCKING IDIOT! thank you everyone and have a nice night <3
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megamindsupremacy · 9 months
Sorry I am the og anon. I swear that wasn't supposed to be hate: im a long time "fan" who genuinely thought the idea of the batfam not even being blorbos to you was really funny for some reason and wanted to make a stupid joke. Sorry for the trouble. I swear I don't even like worm this much. PS: I will take your anonhate advice to heart
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Oh hey!! aksjksjd that’s good to hear lol glad to know a) you’re the same person and b) that wasn’t anon hate. Yeah I have a weird personal definition of Blorbo in the sense that Blorbos are the mindspinner characters and everyone else I’m just a reasonable (“reasonable”) amount of enthusiastic about. So definitely easy to think the batfam are my blorbos. That being said you’re right Barbara is the first and in fact the only batfam character to ever touch a computer. She’s the only one who knows what a computer is. She tried to tell Bruce his cybersecurity was shit once and his response was “what’s cybersecurity” and it keeps her up at night wondering if he was fucking with her or not
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runawaymarbles · 2 years
so u think its ok 4 archive.org to host written cp, animal abuse, n' raping the dead fics? tiffani got my vote all the way if i culd vote.
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theorderofthetriad · 1 year
Izzy Hands is an abusive racist piece of shit and being his stan makes you one too. You're not a victim because you choose to stan an angry bitter homophobe and can't stand the heat of getting called out for it. You're just a fucking moron.
You're wasting your time on a "moral crusade" that actually has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with what ship you want to "win," so who is really the "fucking moron" here? I'm just chilling in my own goddamn lane, you're the one veering out of yours to harass people. Is this fun for you? You keep doing this, so it seems that you find some enjoyment in the activity of harassing people.
"I'm not the abuser for sending hateful messages to real people, YOU'RE the abuser for liking a character that's MEAN!!!" yeah sure, you abuser piece of shit. You KNOW that is what abusers do, right? Justify treating people as less than human because they "deserve" it? It's really no fucking surprise that the people who think that Izzy deserved getting his toe cut off are also completely okay with abusing real life people over the anonymity of the internet.
I don't think of myself as a victim because the impact this has had on me has been negligible. But I do very much think of you as an abuser, and I think you well fucking know that's what you are too. "You're not a victim" you doth protest too much.
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as a lesbian with bottom dysphoria i think we should trade. i receive dick you receive pussy. love wins
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anon im so sorry but as much as id love to accept this dick and balls pussy exchange... i'd hope to one day have neither meat nor hole...
my poor unfortunate babygirl ass wants nothing babey!! a clean slate!!
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