#what is it about the silmarillion that makes me want to write horror?
thescrapwitch · 2 months
Tidbit Tuesday
Thank you for the tag @thelordofgifs! Right now I'm focused on trying to get my Feanorian Week fics all done on time. However, a sudden snowstorm on the first day of spring (ah the joys of living in Canada) and a lovely comment reminded me how much I love writing Silm-fics with horror elements. So have a little sneak peak of a dark fairytale-ish one-shot my brain's been cooking:
At night, Maglor tossed and turned.
Listen, it whispered. Can you hear me dreaming beneath you? My lips kiss the bottom of your feet. My mouth aches to taste your flesh. My teeth are waiting for you. Listen, oh singer of the shining lands, sweet voiced prince with bloody hands. I am hungry, so hungry. You of all others here know what it is like to be possessed by hunger. Will you feed me? Will you give me what I want?
Maglor sat up, sweating, shivering from a fear he could not name. He pressed his hands against his ears. The whispers in his dreams did not fade upon waking. They continued to mutter, to claw at him. Hungry, hungry, I am so hungry.
He reached out. He needed to feel the soft breathing of the twins, to know that both Elros and Elrond were safe.
No one else was in the bed with him.
Tagging: @dreamingthroughthenoise @lordgrimwing @echo-bleu @sallysavestheday @camille-lachenille @leucisticpuffin and whoever else wants to join in! No pressure, of course :)
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palmviolet · 23 days
top 5 books you've ever read (no genre distinction)
LOVE this question. spent a whole day stewing over it. i'm afraid i'm experiencing heavy recency bias here and there will also have to be some honourable mentions. but let's go (in no particular order)
brokeback mountain by annie proulx. now. when i tell you i could talk about this story (later published as its own book, originally published in the new yorker sans prologue (which was deliberate, thank you, wikipedia, i have Been to the Archives and i Know) and then published in the collection close range) for literal hours, i mean it. i wrote a prize-winning essay on it during my masters, examining its drafting process and what that process itself implies about queer temporality and the value of the unsaid against the great big american myths of rural frontier masculinity that don't match up to a modern world (or any world at all). if anyone wants a more detailed post on this i would Love to talk about it more. but for now, please go read this book. it's utterly transformative and maybe the best queer work of fiction i've ever read.
house of leaves by mark z. danielewski. EXTREMELY different vibe from proulx, oh boy. this is where i out myself as a postmodernist with a great enthusiasm for the big 'bros' of the scene - pynchon, delillo, later franzen and foster wallace. house of leaves is really a post-postmodern work, which is my favourite sort (i suppose a recent example would be no one is talking about this by patricia lockwood) in that its examination of literary artifice and the unreality of the world leads not towards ironic futility but to something even approaching optimism, ie. the new sincerity. this is not to say that house of leaves is a feel good work, oh no. oh boy. it's absolutely bonkers and utterly compelling, and you get a lot of weird looks when you have to use your phone camera as a mirror to understand bits of it on a packed flight into jfk. it combines two of my favourite things: postmodernism and horror. it's perfect.
in the dream house by carmen maria machado. i wrote my master's dissertation on this and it's utterly beautiful. it interacts with fiction and genre in a transformative way — and i use that in the OTW sense, the henry jenkins participatory culture sense, yes i did essentially write my masters dissertation about fanfic. machado's memoir is so interesting as a work of resistance to and celebration of genre — the media that has erased her as a queer woman suffering domestic violence, the media that she loves.
slaughterhouse five by kurt vonnegut. yes, there had to be another postmodernist on this list. i've read a lot of his work now and it's always brilliant, but this is his most famous for a reason. engages with war, temporality, and nihilism in such a moving and memorable way. there's a reason a vonnegut reference (so it goes) creeps into everything i write
lolita by vladimir nabokov. yeah, i'm including the Discourse Book. please feel free to unfollow me. a lot of eloquent writing already exists out there on why this novel is genius, so i'll settle on saying as a technical achievement it's utterly insurmountable, as an indictment of american consumer culture it's unparalleled, and as a moral object it makes a lot of people very uncomfortable, which means it's working.
you have no idea how close i was to putting infinite jest on this list. but you asked for the best books i've ever read, not my favourites... and infinite jest is ridiculously flawed. so.
honourable mentions go to: the grapes of wrath (john steinbeck), nevada (imogen binnie), the silmarillion (tolkien), and catch 22 (joseph heller).
thank you for the ask!
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I didn’t want to derail this excellent post, but reading it made me want to put my own (not-yet-fully formed) take on the oath out there. The feather summarizes the silmarillion podcast described oaths as “writing an if-then-clause into the universe” and that phrase has been living rent free in my head and powering my headcanons. So in the case of the Oath of Feanor, what I think it does is add an if-then-clause to the Song, meaning that if someone has a silmaril and they CAN get to them, they will try and get it back, by force if necessary.
Note that I said “will” not “have to”. It’s not merely an obligation, it’s something that’s going to happen whatever they do. It also doesn’t turn them into puppets, though, they still have some agency - but the oath becomes part of the general conditions under which they can make choices. The metaphor I’ve been trying out in my head is forces of nature, like the weather. Rain doesn’t take away your free will obviously - you can make all sorts of choices if it’s raining! But these choices don’t include sitting on dry grass outside and letting the sun warm your face. You simply can’t do that when it’s raining. Similarly, the sons of Feanor have choices after swearing the oath. But these choices do not include leaving someone in peace who holds a silmaril.
(DELAYING an attack is clearly possible - they waited for years before attacking Sirion, and they were capable of being strategic about when to mount a direct attack on Morgoth - clearly the oath doesn’t make them run mindlessly into whoever holds a silmaril with a weapon. that doesn’t mean they were able to ignore Morgoth, or that the kinslayings were a willing choice!)
(Please join me in imagining the horror of that. Knowing that you have choices, but whatever choice you make will lead you into slaughtering innocents unless they give you the silmaril, which they’re not going to do because they don’t have a single reason to believe anything you say ... what I think happened in the case of the third kinslaying is that Maedhros despaired of ever being able to prevent that outcome and chose to get it over with (his brothers probably got to that point before he did))
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veliseraptor · 6 months
November Reading Recap
Banewreaker and Godslayer by Jacqueline Carey. Absolutely fascinating series, I want to dig into it with a shovel. Can't recommend it.
For one thing it contains one of the possibly most differently, weirdly racist depictions of brown people that I've read in a fantasy book recently (somewhat reminiscent of Aboriginal Australian stereotypes who exist because their ancestors were "burnt" that color as collateral damage in a battle of gods); it's decent in terms of writing quality but nothing terribly exceptional, and it's riffing as nakedly on Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion as Escape From the Bloodkeep was. Which is what makes it so fascinating to me - the way that it's looking at the same story (more or less) from the perspective of the god designated evil and his minions, and what it's doing with that - but again, while I want to excavate it and pick it apart, I wouldn't tell anybody to read it unless they were morbidly curious about it.
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. I saw a lot of raving about this book and was really excited about it, but ended up feeling kind of...not let down, it was a solid three star book, but I didn't like it as much as I hoped. Part of that is probably because I was in it for horror and it ended up feeling pretty light on the horror - heavier on the film history, which is fine, but Siren Queen did that part better. It was fine, I wouldn't not recommend it to someone who expressed interest in it, but I wouldn't particularly include it in my stand outs of the year either.
Remnants of Filth vol. 2 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou. Meatbun knows how to do (a) suffering and (b) fucked up relationships, and while this book's relationship isn't fucked up in quite the same "tailored perfectly to my interests" ways that 2ha was, it's pretty damn good. Very excited to see where this one goes.
Evidence of Things Seen: True Crime in an Era of Reckoning edited by Sarah Weinman. I was hoping for a little more from this than I got. It's pretty much just a collection of essays previously published online that come at true crime sometimes from a little more cautious/critical lens, but not in the way that I was hoping they would. I guess I was hoping for something that would be a more meta-examination of the genre and the issues it has, a little more introspective, but ultimately most of the essays were relatively straightforward true crime essays, just a little more thoughtful and with an eye toward a broader spectrum of stories than the "traditional" true crime stories. Not a bad collection, just not what I was hoping for/looking to read.
Was extremely funny to run into a surprise Michael Hobbes article that was very familiar from an episode of You're Wrong About, though.
The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates. I enjoyed this one a bit less than the other Darcy Coates books I've read, but that's less its fault as a whole as it is "made use of loaded psychiatric language that I've grown increasingly uncomfortable with in reference to its villain" and I was just not totally on board with that. So I think as far as Darcy Coates books go it's probably my third favorite of three, but I still wouldn't not recommend it as a whole. It was certainly scary, and kept me reading the way that all her books have so far because I needed to know what was going to happen.
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enriquez. Sometimes I read a book and I'm like "I'm not sure I can say 'I liked this' but it sure did something to my brain and I think the something was positive, I want someone else to read this so I can talk to them about it" and that's why I'm giving this book to one of my sisters, because hopefully she will read it and then we can talk about it.
It was definitely a good book! It was a very good book. But saying "I liked it" feels sort of anodyne and quaint as a way of describing how I feel about it. It sort of reminds me of House of Leaves that way, which I guess is a recommendation in and of itself.
If anybody else reads this book please tell me what you think, I would like to discuss it with someone.
I'm currently reading Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky (so far a winner, as everything of his I've read has been), but I'm looking forward to trying to dip my toes back into some nonfiction with The Underworld by Susan Casey and Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner's Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause. Also need to read He, She, and It by Marge Piercy for my sci-fi book club. Other than that, I have a pretty open mind for what December's going to look like; since I'm going to my parents' house at the end of it I'll probably pick up something long-gone-unread from my old shelves there, which is always fun.
But I'm also considering making this the month I do my The Last Unicorn reread. We'll see how things play out.
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flo-nelja · 5 months
AO3 Meme
I've been tagged by @vampirenaomi, thank you!
If you want to do it, tagging @allen-kunekune, @anysin, @mnemosynelethe, @calimera62, @andersssandrew
1 How many works do you have on AO3?
Most of them are very short.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
2253582. It's a lot.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Your God will be my God (Jon/Martin, 924 Kudos)
Watchful (Jon/Martin, 552 Kudos)
The flower and the fairy (Original smut, 499 Kudos)
Only in a dream we are as one (Jon/Martin, 458 Kudos)
Spin their webs in the depth of our brains (Jon/Martin, 451 Kudos)
Damn, there was a time when TMA was popular. :D
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, always. I don't get that many, it's easy.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oooh, there is competition! Looking at the fics I've tagged "Bad ending" rather than all of them.
Pain and revenge is a dark rapefic, On the edge is about the characters turning evil, Le destin ne recule pas is about a desperate and failed attempt to prevent the Ragnarök, by the villains even.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Same, looking at the tags
L'ennemi intérieur was a longfic with dark parts but a happy ending for Stan and Ford
7. Do you write crossovers?
Rarely, compared to the total number of fics, but it happens! I had this series of Flander's Company crack crossovers.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes but not recently and not on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. And it's... mostly dark smut, to be fair. Unhealthy relationships, noncon, supernatural horror tropes.
I must have a few happy smut fics here, but not that many.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Some by myself but it doesn't count, exist in bilingual, French and English. But I also had fics translated by another person, a few times.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, there's a fic a friend abandoned and let me do things with with the parts, and there's this RP adaptated
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
It's so hard! To remember the intensity of past shipping feelings! But then I will use an objective metric: the number of fics.
It's Bill/Ford from Gravity Falls. Not a surprise, this one has sooo many of the tropes that make me weak. Betrayal and science nerdery and deals with the devil and all.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My Silmarillion fic from the PoV of the villains, Les Ténèbres sur nous
15. What are your writing strengths?
For fanfic, I'm usually good at seeing the hidden implications of canon details.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm so bad at surprises and plot twists, at walking the line between "everyone must have understood this" (I'm wrong) and "no one could understand this" (I'm wrong)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
The whole dialogue, no, unless it's a bilingual bonus that we're meant not to understand (and/or the character does this in canon)
An intranslatable word from time to time, Japanese honorific... it depends. Sometimes it sounds weird, sometimes it sounds weird not doing it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Writing my own stories about other people's characters before I knew what fanfic was: Brer Rabbit when I was a kid.
IIRC the first fic I wrote knowing what fandom was, was a Ruroni Kenshin fic. Discovering the world of fic made me realize that I could write even if my style wasn't perfect.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I have hundreds of fandoms and plan to write a lot more, but in immediate plans, maybe something about the Hilda cartoon.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Ouch hard to decide again. I often rec Les enfants de l'acide because it's a fandom everyone knows, Vestiges de l'ordure et de la lumière because it's one of the best horror/dark humor smuts I wrote, channeling the original almost, I showed it to my grandfather even.
For my personal fave, it must me one of my BillFord fics, maybe De l'autre côté de l'éternité
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2022 Writer Year-in-Review
Thanks for tagging me, @radiowrites! :D
I decided to answer both sets of questions :D Under the cut because this is looooong:
Total Number of Completed Works: 5 (one novel, two short stories and two novellas... Well, one of the novellas is book one of Like Snow on Hungry Graves, but it isn’t long enough to be called a novel)
Total Number of WIPs Worked on This Year: 10
WIPs Neglected This Year: 3. 1 already written and not yet edited (Death and the Emperor) and 2 that I didn’t get around to starting (The Sun Sets at Dawn and Death Waits for Some Men).
Fandoms I’ve Written In: I haven’t written any fanfiction this year, but previously I’ve written for The Silmarillion/The Hobbit/LOTR, Thor/The Avengers, How to Train Your Dragon (I need to continue that series...), and The Prisoner of Zenda.
Looking Back, Did You Write More Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?: Less. I expected to finish Totentanz, but I ran out of inspiration ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?: I started a WIP with an extended prologue (Like Snow on Hungry Graves) and I wrote a horror novella where I killed off the entire cast (Gracemeadow Manor), neither of which I’d done before.
Do You Have Any Writing Goals For The New Year?: Yep! I listed them here :D
Biggest Disappointment: I hoped to finish Totentanz and start the third book in the Death series. Didn’t get to do either :(
Biggest Surprise: I managed to keep to my original plan for Gracemeadow Manor in spite of the characters’ best efforts to run away with the story.
Most Popular Story Of The Year: Umm... I don’t get many comments on my stories so I don’t know how to measure this... I’ll go with The Power and the Glory, because it got shortlisted for the Watty awards.
What’s Your Own Favourite Story Of The Year?: A tie between Like Snow on Hungry Graves and Gracemeadow Manor.
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: All of them :P But if I have to pick just one, Totentanz. A lot of readers on Critique Circle complained that the “protagonists” are bad people. That’s the point.
Most Fun Story To Write: A Strange Event on Old Junction Road. It was great fun to write a mystery that never gets solved, though I suspect readers might disagree :P
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Between Haliran in TPATG, Ketevan in LSOHG, and now Rachael in The Unfortunate Moth, I’m begging to realise my abusive teacher did more damage than I knew. It’s been 15+ years since I left that school but when I set out to make a really revolting character I automatically make them an older woman emotionally abusing a much younger person. I didn’t pick up on it with Haliran and Ketevan because they’re worse than my teacher ever was, but the more I write about Rachael the more I realise she’s a dead ringer for her.
My Favourite Part Of Fandom This Year: The snarky reactions to Persuasion and Rings of Power. “I’m all agony and no hope” has become my favourite way to describe a bad adaptation.
Tagging @eccaiia, @jessica-writes22, @pluttskutt, @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables, @primroseprime2019, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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sallysavestheday · 1 year
For my bored friend.
As a reader, I know your work quite well. It often causes a strong emotional reaction, whether it be sad or happy. But what do you like to read? Are there times of year, a mood, anything that influences what you want to read?
From the world of Tolkien, has there ever been a character you wished to include in a story, but the story wouldn't come to you?
Are you truly never revisiting The Flower and the Fountain? (Asking for a friend 😊)
If you had to write a story of a rare pair, who would it be?
As a reader, do you have a favorite scene/event in The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and/or The LoTR?
Post vacation workdays are never fun. As you know, this too shall pass.
One more for today, while I wait for the chicken to stew :). Thanks for these questions!
I love a good nonfiction read. Science or nature writing that has a lyrical tone delights me, and I enjoy memoir, particularly if there is some through-line about food. I love reading about other people's meals. I have spent much of my adult life bouncing around the world for work, but there are still plenty of places I haven't been, so I also look for memoir or travel writing that expresses a deep knowledge of and love for places and people who on the surface are very different from myself but underneath can be familiarly known. Which is an easy glide to fanfiction, isn't it? The strange made familiar and the recognition of self in a tale? And in my darkest moods, I return to the classics of my childhood. There's nothing like a well-written children's book to set your heart aright.
Reluctant Tolkien characters include Angrod, who must have some depths I have yet to discover; Faramir, who keeps teasing me but won't actually come out to play; and Finwë himself, the OG Problematic Spouse and Parent. I'd like to write him, because I enjoy digging into the meatiness of parenting, but I can't quite get my mind around him yet.
You will notice that I have not checked the "complete" box on The Flower and The Fountain! I don't plan to write any more post-Gondolin ficlets for them, but there are plenty of First Age moments remaining to be explored. They stand up and wave when they want to be written, never fear.
Taking rarepair suggestions...any you have particularly in mind? Egalmoth and Rog, my darlings, were your idea, and I am still very pleased with how that turned out.
Favorite scenes, hm. The mostly-reconstituted Fellowship resting at Isengard (such tenderness and peace and playfulness in between moments of horror); Fëanor's call to depart Aman (the language!! it makes me want to stand up and go, myself); the Nirnaeth (Aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári, utúlie'n aurë!...and they trod his banners into the mire of his blood, ow ow ow); any and all scenes in which hobbits cook (I said I loved other people's meals!).
Thank you again for the ask. I am much better fortified to face the wave of reviewing and editing tomorrow. :)
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(No?) Annatar in Rings of Power
I've now seen the first three episodes of Rings of Power and I have thoughts (and worries) regarding the Eregion storyline, the main worry being that they might (and I emphasize might) jump over much of the Annatar portion of the Eregion storyline entirely. I don't necessarily mean not have Sauron involved in the forging of the Rings--I don't think that's likely at all--but rather, not SHOW his infiltration of Eregion and the Gwaith-i-Mirdain and seduction of Celebrimbor, or only show the tail end of it.
Obviously, this has spoilers, so be warned.
While we are still very early in the series, I see some clues as well as a couple reasons for why they might want to make that choice (as much as I hope they don't).
First, there's Celebrimbor's conspicuous requirement in episode 1 that his new fancy forge that needs to be "as hot as dragon's fire and pure as starlight" be built by spring. This seems a pretty unusual requirement for en elf. What is driving this? Is there someone requesting this? Someone with less patience? Someone with lots of continent-wide ongoing plots? Perhaps Annatar has already *been* to Eregion prior to this.
The next is the greater POV focus on Elrond rather than Celebrimbor in the narrative thus far, particularly his relationship with the dwarves. That focus doesn't necessarily mean we won't get more story told from Celebrimbor's perspective later or that his relationship with Narvi won't happen—there are supposedly going to be five seasons after all. I also think it's to be expected that Elrond will have more focus in this series than writings about the Second Age give him, simply because he is one of only a handful of characters who bridge the gap between this show and The Lord of the Rings and specifically the PJ films. As much as the show cannot directly reference the films, it is certainly drawing inspiration from them, especially in regards to the early casting choices for Galadriel, Elrond, and Gil-Galad (Will Poulter, who was originally cast as Elrond, I believe, looks stunningly like a young Hugo Weaving). But Elrond's focus has already been strongly tied to the Eregion plot and I wonder if that means we will be seeing the events in Eregion play out from his perspective, a perspective that may not include encountering Annatar in this adaptation.
Then there is the apparent push in the show to keep us guessing about who among the OCs might be Sauron. Now, I get this choice, and honestly I LIKE it. It adds a layer of mystery and horror that both those familiar and not familiar with the Second Age can enjoy, and that layer of mystery is one that might be hard to come by if Annatar just shows up from the beginning. For those who know the story—be it from the Appendices or from reading The Silmarillion, UT, or any other works—the minute Annatar (or anyone new bearing gifts of knowledge) shows up in Eregion, they're going to be tipped off. And that can be done well; that can be done very well: (some of) us knowing things Celebrimbor doesn't can work deliciously from a dramatic perspective. But that's not the same kind of mystery and horror that comes from no one knowing if they've seen Sauron yet.
Part of Sauron's power, narratively, in LotR is the duality of his physical absence but narrative presence. That is what generates so much of the really effective horror in the novel. Can He see me? Or can He not? It's a magnificent device, but Annatar can't quite work that way. Now, he doesn't NEED to work that way, he can still be effective as he is, but I wouldn't be surprised if a desire to imitate the LotR formula isn't at work here, and once "Annatar" shows up, the Sauron box is opened. We're no longer in the mystery. His Schoedinger-like superposition is no more, the wave function has collapsed, and we know who he is (whether the characters do or not). I wonder (and worry) that the show may be more invested in that mystery than the Annatar storyline. They could attempt to do both the Annatar story *and* the "Sauron is someone else" story, but that would require a lot of literal footwork by these characters. It would be amazing, but I don't know if they can pull it off.
Then there's the queer issue.
How afraid is the show to allow viewers even a whiff of the homoerotic in the Annatar/Celebrimbor relationship? What better way to avoid that reading if they are worried about it AND keep their Sauron-box closed than to simply NOT SHOW the details of the Ring forging (or at least who is involved in it until later)?
I can see it playing out this way in the show: Celebrimbor starts acting strangely. Elrond, who has been helping him build a workforce but not been privy to the finer details, finally gets out of him why: Celebrimbor hadn't told anyone this, but he had been working in Eregion on his project with someone else in secret. This someone else offered him and his best craftsmen wonderful secrets about the nature of creation. But because Celebrimbor was worried about whether the High King would give him permission if he met this person (Gil Galad does seem to have a lot more authority in this show than I would have ever given to him) he hadn't revealed what was going on.
I won't like this. I will be very upset if anything like this happens. But I'm also already dissatisfied with how the lack of events prior to the Second Age has colored (or rather, de-colored) how all these characters are viewed, particularly Celebrimbor, who sits at an intersection of many conflicts with wounds that are almost certainly still open.
Celebrimbor is not JUST a great smith descended from a "greater" one. It's the tension and struggle between his grandfather's unmatched skill and his family's penchant for murder that gives Celebrimbor's ambitions during the forging of the Rings so much emotional and thematic weight.
Here's hoping I'm wrong.
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Final Works: Writing part 3
(link to stats and masterlist)
some works NSFW/18+; some text in summaries and tags will also be NSFW.
AO3 collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FinishWhatYouStarted2023 
That one memorable incident with the potato clock and the science museum by Ennael, LetoLeGaosaure
Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You - Fluff, Humor, Science - Rated G - "Rhyme really doesn't lose any time. Neku, on the other hand, does lose Rhyme. Joshua helps with one thing, but it could be argued that he seriously doesn't help overall. As usual."
Tastes Like Strawberry Cream by seles
NSFW - Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan - Hange Zoë/Reader - Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, Wall Sex, Semi-Public Sex - Rated E - " "I need you," you blurted out, emphasizing the desire by sliding your foot alongside the inside of their leg. "We're in public, dear," Hange reminded you with wide eyes and red growing across their cheeks. "Hasn't stopped you before." Hange rolled their eyes playfully. Dismissively. "Isn't it your kink anyway?" Dropping your voice into a deep whisper, you purred, "Fuck me, Hange." "
Beware The Boes! by Ginneke
Tumblr post  - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Link & Tatl (Legend of Zelda) - Mild Horror, Canon-Typical Violence, Zinefic, Tatl POV, Playing with monster lore - Rated T "The only scary thing about Boes is not knowing when they're there. Right? Right. Tatl would like to think so… -- Written for the Faces of Evil zine, vol. 7: The Small."
To Catch the Wind by ForestWren
tumblr post - The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien - Background Fëanor Curufinwë/Nerdanel - Character Study - Rated G "In which Fëanáro begins to invent the Tengwar."
It's Just Like Falling Snow (I am Above You, and I Love You) by ForestWren
tumblr post - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Andor (TV) - Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Maarva Andor & Cassian Andor, Cassian Andor & His Various Friends and Family - Major Character Death (tagged as a warning), Found Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Fix-It of Sorts, Fluff, Afterlife - Rated G "Cassian dies. What comes next is far less lonely than he expects."
Let's be called 'Romeo and Juliet' by sasuhina_gal
Naruto - Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Sasuke - Modern Royalty, Inspired by Romeo and Juliet, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Real Feelings - Rated T "It's the story that shook the country of Konoha. It stunned, it amazed, it made the king so incredibly happy. The Heiress of the Hyuuga Family and Second son of the Uchiha family had fallen in love! But it was just a trick to annoy their families. Isn't it?"
Who wouldn't want Hollows and Shinigami living in harmony? Right? by Mysticalbeingwithuntoldpowers
Tumblr post - Bleach (Anime & Manga) - Roka Paramia/Tessai Tsukabishi, Aizen Sousuke/Kurosaki Ichigo - Soul King Kurosaki Ichigo, Mystery, Established Relationship Ichigo/Sousuke, Politics - Rated G “Roka Paramia, ambassador for Queen Harribel, was determined to make her speech in front of Central a successful one, a lot depended on her. Unfortunately, even the best laid plan can't predict everything. How dare someone interrupted the most crucial moment of the peace talks with an anonymous laser beam to her face. And why did the King saddled her with an overprotective seven foot giant that was way too perceptive for her own good?”
Flowers from your Beloathed by Ginneke
tumblr post - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Link/Revali - Pre-Calamity, Cultural Differences, Flower Language, Misunderstandings, Crack Treated Seriously, Very Mild Innuendo, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Injuries - Rated T "Revali starts finding flowers from an unwanted admirer — or the country’s most inept assassin. With Urbosa’s help, he’ll never figure out what’s going on. Meanwhile, Link is put in charge of figuring out exactly where the tokens | threats keep coming from…"
Hypotenuse by LetoLeGaosaure
NSFW - Lobotomy Corporation (Video Game) - Benjamin/Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation), Ayin/Benjamin/Carmen (Lobotomy Corporation) (two thirds of this are one-sided) - Friends With Benefits, Pining, One-Sided Relationship, Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Sexual Roleplay, Roleplayed Polyamory, Anal Fingering, Penis In Vagina Sex - Rated E "Benjamin never thought he'd get close to Carmen like this. Well, of course everyone was friends with Carmen. But… this was… something else. And the most ironic part in all of this was that it was entirely Ayin's fault, and he was totally clueless. Of course."
Run to you by sasuhina_gal
NSFW, CW: Sibling Incest - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) - Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Shinsou Hitoshi, Mentioned Enji/Keigo - Mutual Pining, One-Sided Attraction, suggested voyeurism, Aizawa and Shinso are brothers, Alternate Universe - College/University - Rated M "Touya and Shouta, roommates in college, share something in common, their love for their little brothers. They know they'll live in self-disgust, never expecting it to go anywhere, but they'll realise there's a reason their their brother's safe space."
(part 1)(part 2)
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thescrapwitch · 27 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @grey-gazania and @dreamingthroughthenoise for tagging me! Sorry for the very late reply!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Currently, I have 63 works, though a few of them are on-going multichapter ones. If I narrowed it down to only complete fics, it would be 58. 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
501,530 words!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently the Silmarillion has me in a chokehold and I am having SO MUCH FUN putting tragic elves into all sorts of situations. There’s a lot of free space and flexibility in its canon which is fun to play around in, and so many AU possibilities. Before that I wrote for Linked Universe/Legend of Zelda, which had a large cast of characters whose found family/friendship dynamics had me hooked. 
(we shall not speak of what I wrote during my Fanficion.net days, back when I was very small and very terrible at writing 😛)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Looking at all my fics, my Linked Universe ones have the most: Rescue Mission, Malevolence, Bad Joke, Untitled Goose Fic, and Weatherworn Heart. 
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I adore comments and go back and reread them often, so I try to at least say thank you to people who’ve left one after reading my fics. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is a tough one! I have a few Hurt/No Comfort ones (all focusing on poor Maedhros). I’ll go with Despair Like Poison, in which I find a way to make the beginning of the Silmarillion EVEN WORSE. Its based on a Tumblr post I made (which I now can't find????), and I might continue it, once I figure out exactly how dark/angsty I want it to get!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Rest for the Weary and the Damned, the final fic in the main storyline for my Maglor is an Eldritch Horror series. After many problems, everyone gets to be together and live happily ever after, including everyone’s favorite eldritch monster.  
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but I don’t tend to write a lot of romance/ship-focused fics, so that could be why.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, not my thing to write. 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers aren’t really my thing to write either. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! It's always such an honor when someone asks if they can translate my fic. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, though I do get a lot of inspiration from comments and side-discussions. Untitled Goose Fic happened because of a Discord discussion, and Trial of Crablor Feanorion was written because of a commentor’s remark about animal trials.  
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Silvergifting can be so much fun and so messed up and I love writing it. 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My poor Legend of Zelda 1920s AU fic is crying at me from the depths of my WIP pile. I am so sorry. One day, maybe, I will return to it, but I have so many other things that I want to write…
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, story structure, and weird stuff. Eldritch monsters, sentient houses that speak to you in nightmares, crabs who were once elves, dreamy-not-entirely-sane narration; those I feel like I can do well. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description! Specifically, description used to set up a place, to make the world around the characters feel more textured and real. I am trying to get better at it. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have enough typos writing in English, I do not have the confidence to try and write in anything else. The Tolkien fandom has a lot of languages and I’m always in awe of the people who can include them so well into their work.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Megaman.EXE, way way back in the early days of Fanfiction.net, all of which has now been thankfully eaten by the internet. 
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I say it every time someone asks, but it has to be The Haunting of Imladris. That fic was a gift: it gave me a world to flesh out for my eldritch!Maglor series, it gave me confidence to write horror (which I’d never done before) and it gave me Lindir. I will always adore and be grateful to it.
Tagging: @camille-lachenille @thelordofgifs @searchingforserendipity25 @sallysavestheday @lordgrimwing @eilinelsghost @chthonion @gardensofthemoon and anyone else who wants to join in!
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unolvrs · 2 years
some upcoming fics sneekpeak 👀 please
i have lots of upcoming ones but i really hope to finish froggie before putting out another full-length fanfic but here they are mwah:
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❝ untitled, sukuna/reader
Set in the Heian Period when Curses roamed freely, when Sorcerers were Onmyōji, when the King of Curses slaughtered as he wished. A lady of the high court flees and offers her life in the mountains of the Hida Province where Ryōmen Sukuna awaits. History is cemented, but that is all it is. History.
4th installment to “for all that it is worth” so if you ask me if it’s angst, yes, of course it is angst smh. ya’ll should know that by now. will be posted when sunday without god’s last chapter is out.
i need to do lots of research about the heian period for this because i really, really want to expand more about the heian period and i want it to be set during that time. i just know it’s going to be exciting to write.
probably m-rated but like abalone, it’s not going to be super-duper explicit because i can’t write nsfw without making it angsty and dramatic.
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❝  untitled, kny / jjk
Red-soaked and bathed under the moon, Itadori Yūji finds himself accused for a sin he did not commit. The Curse disappears but the uniformed boy remains firm in his accusation, a finger to Itadori and a hand around a blade. The first thing Kugisaki Nobara and Fushiguro Megumi do is grab Itadori and run.
the promised kny / jjk fic that will actually have the main trio together which is good. great, even! that is until itadori goes from “you’re sukuna” to “you’re a demon”. 
i just thought kny and jjk were pretty easy to write together and since kny has an ending, it’s definitely easier to manoeuvre it around. i have no idea how this will go aside from the source of the dilemma so it’s definitely still in the process of being planned out. anyway: will be posted on the last chapter of froggie!
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❝  worm in an apple, lotr
The snake upon a tree, the good in the bad, the thunderstorm in the clear skies, the dead among the living, the rot in a fruit, the worm in an apple. She is rotting, skin peeling from muscle, bone crackling under pressure, and yet, she still does not die. (Or: a young, young girl ends up in Middle Earth and dies hours upon arrival and breathes once more seconds later. Not even the Halls of Mandos will accept a worm in an apple.)
anticipated tags: body horror, mental instability, mentions and depictions of su!cde, dead dove: do not eat, tba.
this is my way of coping with thinking i’m still 16 because of covid. (i’m 18.)
very much inspired by ajin but because i want this to be really realistic, no black ghosts. just get injured > die > revive good as new. i wanted to write body horror and some lotr realism because honestly, i know that i will never survive that place. like, impossible. a screenshot from a friend and i’s conversation about this. yellows are translated and red is for privacy.
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yes, i talk like a teenage conyo boy from bgc... yes im afraid of tall men
this will be probably set during... i’m not sure? but i want it to be probably during the kinslaying? fall of gondolin? because worldbuilding yk i love worldbuilding. but maybe during the hobbit...? i’m leaning more to the silmarillion because there’s not enough silmarillion fics.
will be posted on my next mass update featuring: sunday and froggie! no today, i, too yet srry
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but uno what about kill the goose SHHHH im 1k words in
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galadhremmin · 3 years
The whole Fëanor-Fingolfin-Finwë drama has so often seemed ever so slightly out of place to me... It’s not that I can’t come up with ways to make it make sense; a bit of worldbuilding is not that hard (and very fun). But still, that was my first impression when I read the Silmarillion; there’s drama about heirs in a society where no one dies. They react to Finwë's death in a way that makes less sense in a world where there must already have been people returned to life who died in Middle Earth.  Míriel is the first to die in Valinor and Finwë is the first to be slain there, but they're not the first elves to die at all (sidenote: how utterly jarring must rebirth in Treelit Valinor have been for recently deceased Avari! At least the Doriath elves had gotten used to Melian. I still want to write about an Avarin elf trying to adjust to complete cultural displacement, sudden bright treelight after long darkness).
But then of course Fëanor's experience with Míriel's death, probably as a child being told her state was not permanent before it was made so -- would not inspire trust in Finwë's return at all. He reacts to Finwë’s death with all the grief of permanent death because that is likely what he believes it to be. He doesn't trust the Valar anyway, and Finwë himself had opposed them in coming with Fëanor to Formenos. Also, in at least one version there is a line about Fingolfin being rumoured to threaten the authority of both Feanor and Finwe, while supporting the Valar. “ they grew proud and jealous each of his right, and his possessions. [...] Whispers came to Feanor that Fingolfin and his sons Turgon and Fingon were plotting to usurp the leadership of Finwe and of the eldest house of Feanor, and to supplant them by the leave of the Valar” and of course there’s Finwe’s “ ‘While the ban lasts upon Fëanor my son, that he may not go to Tirion, I hold myself unkinged, and I will not meet my people.”  So Fëanor’s (wholly Melkor inspired?) distrust of the Valar’s willingness to return  Finwë to life is probably fairly strong! After all his father also positioned himself as against their authority over the elves.   And then of course Finwë never does return to life, and Miriel never comes back among the living though she lives. All the evidence we get of this being consensual is the Statute-- but who wrote that? Were there any elvish witnesses to confirm that Finwe in fact agreed to stay in Mandos forever?
- No I’m not saying Tolkien intended this reading at all-- I’m fairly sure he did not! But there is a great opportunity for a dystopian/horror fic where Finwë is in fact imprisoned in Mandos for political reasons here, I think. I might take it. :)
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I keep thinking about Silmarillion, and I was wondering : what do you think of Fëanor ?
I don’t know exactly how it should be seen...
Ooh, Fëanor. Gosh, okay, let me change the channel in my brain.
Fëanor is, at heart, a Capitalist Inventor. He's Dark Tony Stark. He creates endless things for the world to use, but what truly drives him is the bone-deep belief that he and his chosen ones deserve his most prized possessions more than anyone else. And he's willing to kill anyone on both sides to get them back. He swears an oath to fight until he gets what he wants, and thus seals the doom of untold thousands he'll never even meet.
That's an antagonist. Which is not the same thing as a villain. But Fëanor is very much an experience to be survived - or not - rather than any kind of ally. Much of what he does in the Silmarillion is imbalanced, driven by emotions he doesn't seem willing or able to control. And because he's an elf among elves, and they all live a very very long time, the effects of his choices carry forward for thousands of years. This one dude got a lot of people killed, directly and indirectly, including his whole family. For an elf was supposed to love the stars, he wasn't very stellar. Our Man in Valinor was way more into fire.
The part that bothers me about his character - and this is a modern take looking back at JRR Tolkien and his world in the last millennium - is that Fëanor is born this way. He is flawed from birth, and he's just Like That, forever. No chance to change, no encouragement to be different, to be softer, to be better, to corral his spirit of fire into something more light than heat. He's just dangerous chaos from start to finish. He comes into the world sucking his mother's spirit dry so she dies, he lives his life disagreeing with everyone around him except his sons, and he goes out encouraging those sons to hold to their unholy oath to retrieve the Silmarils or die trying. Which they do - the "die trying" part, anyway.
He's a piece of work.
He was also a brilliant, god-tier craftsman. I guess that's what happens when you study under the Vala Aulë himself, who literally shaped the physical world into existence.
He created the Silmarils, capturing the combined light of the Two Trees into three brilliant gemstones in a way no one ever did before or since.
He crafted the palantíri, which not even Sauron could replicate later.
He invented Tengwar script, which is the swirly elven writing we all associate with Middle-Earth.
He crafted the mysterious Feanorian lamps, which are crystals that emit blue light and cannot be doused.
He was constantly thinking up new ideas and crafting them. Eru only knows what he made that has been lost. You'll notice none of these things he made are swords. Yet he led an attack against the Teleri on his way out of Valinor, and the Teleri defended themselves, so I kind of assume he was also a weaponsmith, trying out new ideas in metal form if nothing else.
Brilliant and misguided, a flawed juggernaut, destined to drag the entire world and countless lives off course. The earlier these characters show up in the timeline, the more destructive chaos they end up causing.
I do not like Fëanor. He's a White Guy, doing as he pleases with no thought for the consequences, to himself, to those of his family he actually likes, or to anyone else. He holds enough privilege and power that people keep following him into disaster, and then he just goes and does it again, without learning a damn thing from his imbalanced approach. He even dies thinking he did nothing wrong ever in his life. Like... Bitch.
Having power is no guarantee that you deserve power, and Fëanor is a prime example of why.
This has nothing to do with the objects he made. Those are just tools, free to be taken and used for good or evil, as the palantíri were, and as every message ever written in Tengwar was. Would the world have been better off without the Silmarils at all, or the palantíri? Would a different language script have somehow altered the world for the better? Since it's fiction, we could just decide that Yes, Yes It Would, or No Actually Not.
What's not fictional is my distaste for presumptuous assholes with a bit of power but no self-awareness, because I've already met too many of them who weren't fictional, either.
You want my unvarnished opinion of Fëanor? He's a billionaire. And I'm glad he got eaten. It wasn't nearly soon enough.
Eat your billionaires before they get all crusty, kids. They taste best fresh and plump. Nom nom.
Still here? Oh, then it's time to compare Fëanor to TDP! Because as much as I despise him, he makes for excellent storytelling angst and conflict, and vicarious conflict is how we learn to avoid it in our real lives - if we're paying attention.
I've said before that I'd like to see some kind of Oath of Fëanor effect in TDP. The absolute horror at seeing good characters get yoinked into bad deeds just because they promised? Ahahaha, horrible, thank you, I'll have some more. If the Moonshadow assassins have something like that behind those creepy binding ribbons, I'm gonna be cackling in between my tears, fam.
But Fëanor himself? Oh, do you see, that's Aaravos! He's even got that craftsman side, since he made the relic staff, and boy is it swirly.
(Does that make Ethari a Celebrimbor type, separating himself from the dark deeds of his forebears yet still massively talented, creating amazing magical devices?)
Aaravos is the main villain of TDP, as far as we've been told. He's crafty, in both senses of the word. Did he have some angsty complex family life with half-siblings and a mother who died because she birthed him? Maybe. Stars can be born from the detritus of other stars that exploded and died, so there's a sciencey metaphor there already.
Of interest: Fëanor had seven sons, and the world of TDP has seven kinds of magic. Aaravos created at least one of them. Did he create primal magics too, from the deep magic that came before? Might there be some kind of oath involved there, with the first elves to wield differentiated magic?
How about those primal stones that look like palantíri? How many of those did Aaravos craft? Can he use one from his library to spy on people who have them or something? That would mean he could already know a ton about Viren even before he came to the Storm Spire and stole the mirror. Woah.
What about a Silmaril equivalent? Are there especially glorious magical gemstones in Xadia? Did Aaravos wear them in his crown and now he's mister Grumpy Glam without them?
Did he create the original runes that diverged into all the elven languages? With his sloppy handwriting? Heh, the other elves must've been very patient.
You know... Aaravos has been called a Promethean figure, gifting humans with knowledge and skill they didn't have. But that gift was the gift of fire. A tool. A tool employed by craftsmen.
Fëanor literally means "Spirit of Fire."
In the end, Fëanor was consumed by his own spirit. He never learned to vibe with it, and it destroyed him and many others. Sounds a lot like dark magic.
Maybe the real Oath of Fëanor in TDP is one you have to speak backwards.
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viola-ophelia · 3 years
Hi! Can I get a harry potter, lord of the rings and silmarillion ship please? I'm okay with being shipped with any gender. I'm a Hufflepuff. I have short dark hair and dark eyes. I'd say I'm an open-minded, determined and curious person. I'm loyal to my friends and always there if someone needs me. I like making witty and sarcastic remarks and making others laugh. I have minor social anxiety and I often need my alone time to relax. I love animals and my dream is to work at an animal shelter one day. My love language is spending quality time and physical affection, like holding hands, or cuddling. I like going shopping, I often wear jewelry, play video games and sometimes I write. I enjoy exploring abandoned places and I'm very interested in anything mysterious, horror, or fantasy related so I'm quite adventurous. Thank you!
hey, thanks for the ask!
for harry potter (golden trio era), i ship you with neville longbottom!
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neville’s famously known for being a ‘late bloomer’ and not really coming into his own until his seventh year, but the thing about him is that he was always remarkably valuable - others just didn’t look close enough to see it. your relationship has elements of both gryffindor and hufflepuff - neville’s a gryffindor with the loyalty of a hufflepuff, while you’re a hufflepuff with the adventurous spirit of a gryffindor. you both have steadfast loyalty in common, though it’s your sense of humor that neville admires the most, and the fact that you never saw yourself as 'above’ striking up a funny conversation with him, even when he was a clumsy, unpopular first-year. because you’re both down-to-earth, your relationship is grounded in gratefulness, with neither of you ever taking anything for granted - and because you both understand what it’s like to feel socially anxious or awkward, you make sure to shower the other with compassion and patience. after the battle of hogwarts, both of you gain unexpected hero status for your bravery against voldemort and loyalty to harry, and though neville feels self-conscious and a little undeserving of the fame, you’re there to reassure him that nothing’s really changed. 
for LOTR, i ship you with gimli!
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the first thing that draws gimli’s attention to you is definitely your curiosity with abandoned places - as a dwarf who’s immensely proud of his culture, he’s delighted that you wouldn’t hesitate to enter the mines of moria. your love for jewelry and affinity for physical touch are so endearing to him as well, as it reminds him of ancient dwarvish customs! like you, gimli loves to laugh and is fond of making snarky remarks - the two of you could banter for hours on a long journey. we remember gimli for his remarkable loyalty to legolas, but it’s not as often discussed that a big part of his character arc was learning to set aside his pre-conceived notions about elves in order to gain a best friend - which is why i think your open-mindedness would be a huge inspiration to him. with your social anxiety, constantly being around the fellowship can be a little draining at times, but gimli is there by your side whenever you feel stressed, lightening the mood with a few jokes to make you feel more comfortable. your relationship is tight-knit and loving, with the two of you vowing never to leave the other’s side. it takes true bravery to entrust all of yourself to someone else, and that’s a quality you both have in spades!
for the silmarillion, i ship you with aredhel!
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i think the two of you would have the best adventures together, due to your fearlessness and love for exploration! aredhel is known for rebelling against the expectations set on her as a noldor princess - she wanted to pursue her own path in life, and so that’s what she did. she’d be instantly drawn to your fascination with mystery and the unknown, as it’s a curiosity that tugs at her as well - because you’re both so determined yet share a similar mindset, your relationship would be headstrong yet harmonious. aredhel loves your open-mindedness, as it’s such a breath of fresh air compared to the rigidly traditional and at times stifling mentality of her other noldor relatives. you’re both friendly and outspoken, and i could see the two of you making your home in the forest because of your connection to animals and her love for free, open spaces! in the silmarillion, aredhel’s story is steeped in injustice - it’s cruel that her yearning for freedom, the very trait that made her her, led her into eol’s clutches, and we can’t help but wonder how things might have turned out differently. maybe things still would have ended tragically had you been by her side, but the beautiful moments you shared together would have made her sacrifice less in vain. 
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Bfic writing asks
Thank you so much, @samarqqand​!! Reading your answers was great, and now I, uh. Shall expose myself entirely.
how many works do you have on AO3?
86 currently, with 3 drafts and a heap of WIPs.
what’s your total AO3 word count?
     854664. I don’t know if this reflects works that I’ve orphaned (of which there’s 2-3) or not.
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
12 + 1 original work. A lot of my fics are Homestuck (the majority of them, in fact; I’ve been involved with that nightmare the longest), then there’s Tolkien stuff (ofc), Bleach, Good Omens, BNHA, and so on. Other than HS and Tolkien, most of the others only have 1-2 fics.
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14614890 (The Silmarillion)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11429445 (Homestuck)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3702595 (The Hobbit)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3680553 (The Hobbit)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28378251 (Bleach)
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! At least, I do my best to- sometimes I just don’t have the energy for it. But I tend to be extremely chatty when I do, as some of you may know.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, god. I don’t know. I’ve done a couple with major character death, for sure? Okay, more than a couple. There’s plenty. I did an AU of The Road (Homestuck again, sorry), that one hurts. It remains one of the best things I’ve ever written, though.
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Not often. The wildest one is a Star Wars/Song of Achilles FinnPoe crossover. I had a short and intense SW phase after TFA came out. TLJ cured me of it.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I’ve been lucky not to.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
Yes. I prevaricate on it so it also parallels as a character study, or a vehicle for pounding out (ha) relationship dynamics, as it were. The emotional undertones, even in a PWP are far more interesting to me than the actual mechanics.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, no. Someone else had the same idea for something as I did, but they published their fic first, but that doesn’t count. Especially since I’ve never once interacted with said person. I think the fic is on hiatus, actually? No clue.
have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! One of my Bleach fics (to come) will have been done with a co-author, and the top kudos’d fic of mine (https://archiveofourown.org/works/14614890) is technically a collab, as each chapter is written by someone else, and we all did it on a lil tumblr post ages ago.
what’s your all time favorite ship?
Don’t have a favorite, really? I do always come back to Silvergifting, though.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
MAN. Dare I say many of them? I have one for Elwing that I’m trying not to think too hard about. It won’t even be that long, but- bluh. Honestly, some of the fics I have on AO3 are WIPs that just won’t ever be done, especially the Hobbit ones. F in the chat. Hell, some of the shit I had on ff.net in 2013 (shoutout to TVD) is still lying unfinished on my computer somewhere.
what are your writing strengths?
I think my prose is halfway tolerable, and I’ve somehow become kind of good at writing historical fiction couched in like...Regency era/Victorian era language. Go figure. I am also quite good at descriptions, not necessarily of people.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes/action scenes. I struggle a lot with them.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don’t usually do it, but I have no issue with those who do. Especially for folks in the Tolkien fandom- forever amazed at that level of scholarship.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
TECHNICALLY I wrote a Pirates of the Caribbean rip-off fanfic when I was like, eight. But after that? I think The Vampire Diaries. The CW show.
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Hm. I really like the horror Maglor I did (inspired by the very same person who tagged me! Wrinkliest brain around). But I’m going to go with the Ambarussa piece I did for Feanorian week. https://archiveofourown.org/works/30170610 Something happened there, and it was a joy to write, even if it’s rough and unpolished.
If we’re going by fics of mine that I’ve *read* the most, it’d have to be this one https://archiveofourown.org/works/25120744 (Homestuck). I’m the only person who has written for this relationship, I think; I had to make the AO3 tag on my own. It’s terribly self-indulgent, but I like it. I don’t usually reread my fics, this is one of the exceptions.
I don’t know who to tag that hasn’t done this already, so. Let’s see. @ectoobaby and @spacehussy if you desire? @arofili, @findrahil, @lemurious, and like. Whoever wants to but hasn’t yet!
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sweetteaanddragons · 4 years
The Warrior Heir
When writing a crossover with another fandom, it is generally a good idea to pick a fandom that people are reasonably familiar with.
I decided to throw that right out the window because I really wanted to write this, and when it comes to fan fiction, that’s reason enough, even if this turns out to be of interest solely to myself.
So! This is a crossover that puts the characters of The Silmarillion in the world of The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima. If you haven’t read that, and still want to read this, here’s what you need to know:
There are two kinds of people: The Weir, who have magic, and the Anaweir, who don’t, and who generally have no idea that the Weir exist.
The Weir can be divided into five categories:
Wizards, who are far more powerful than all the rest of the Weir, and who thus, in the true spirit of the more cynical side of human history, seized control and immediately began using the other Weir as slaves. They are divided into two political factions - The Red Rose and the White Rose.
Sorcerers, who create powerful magic artifacts.
Seers, who can see the future, which is theoretically great, except they’re almost always really bad at it.
Enchanters! Who are unnaturally beautiful, unnaturally appealing, and unnaturally persuasive.
And warriors, who arguably get the worst end of the lot, because they can do cool stuff like fight inhumanly well and throw around fireballs and gusts of wind, but they ALSO get thrown into huge gladiator battles to the death until this whole subset of Weir is almost extinct because wizards decided proxy fights were a better way to handle things than huge wars that threatened to destroy the continent. 
If both your parents are a wizard, and all their parents were wizards as far back as anyone can remember, you will certainly be a wizard. If your dad’s a wizard, and your mom’s an enchanter, it’s a coin flip what you’ll turn out to be, and so on.
Now, for anyone who hasn’t stopped reading yet: On to the actual story!
Finwe is a wizard from a long line of wizards. He’s highly positioned among the White Rose party and widely feared for his power. Miriel is - not. 
To be specific, Miriel is a sorcerer. A sorcerer of remarkable power, certainly, but a sorcerer nonetheless. 
That Finwe would dally with her is nothing exceptional; that he married her is scandalous. 
Officially, she dies in childbirth. Unofficially, most people are certain that someone in Finwe’s own party poisoned her just to end the embarrassment. 
If the child had been a wizard, that would have mostly been the end of it, save of course for the gossip. A tidbit this juicy wouldn’t be forgotten for centuries. 
Feanor is not a wizard. He is a sorcerer like his mother, and Finwe still stubbornly refuses to do the sensible thing and get rid of him, either through the Trade or through . . . quieter means. 
Instead, he keeps the child and protects him as vigilantly as a dragon guarding his last remaining treasure. Attempts to convince him otherwise slowly taper off for two reasons: 
One, Finwe remains a wizard of remarkable power, and while his temper is slower than many wizards, once it is roused, he makes a terrifying enemy. 
And two, because keeping Feanor turns out not to be such a terrible investment after all. Feanor is a prodigy. 
Once, a long time ago, all sorcerers had possessed remarkable talent. These days, most are reduced to creating cheap trinkets. 
 Feanor creates items that seem more befitting a legend, and he doesn’t stop doing it. The Silmarils may gain the most fame, but nothing he makes can be dismissed. 
All of these, of course, are given directly to his father, whose armory is starting to look almost as impressive as his native power. 
People stop wondering what Finwe was thinking and start wondering how he knew this was going to happen. 
(Finwe didn’t know. Finwe doesn’t particularly care, except for the fact that people have stopped trying to kill his son. Now they keep trying to kidnap him which is not exactly good, but it’s at least marginally better.) 
Feanor knows exactly how much scorn his father endured for his sake, and he is fiercely, entirely devoted to him. He can’t imagine anything his father could do that he wouldn’t support with all of his being. 
He thinks this right up until his father decides to remarry. 
Indis is beautiful, gracious, and charming. 
She is also a wizard from a lineage even more impeccable than his father’s. 
Feanor hates her with every ounce of his being. 
She’s always very kind to him, but Feanor knows better than to trust that. Lots of people are kind to him. Almost all of them want something from his father, and Indis wants the biggest prize of all. 
But his father marries her despite his protests, and Feanor is careful to walk warily around her after that. 
(He will not eat if Indis gets to the table first. He does not trust food that has been left under her hands unguarded.)
 In a last ditch effort to stop the wedding, he’d gone to consult the best Seer he could find. If she could see something terrible - if she could convince his father - 
Nerdanel can see nothing but vague trouble, and there is always trouble. That will not be enough to convince his father. But he is fascinated by the stones she casts. They are intricately carved, and she confesses that she made them herself. Feanor works more with metal than stone, but he is questioning that decision now, and he returns to her again and again. 
Admittedly, it is not due entirely to his interest in her stonework. 
Nerdanel is hesitant to marry him. She does not want to come more to the attention of the wizards than she already is, but Feanor convinces her that his father can protect her. 
They discover Nerdanel is with child shortly before Indis announces she is also.
Feanor is ecstatic that he has a child on the way. He is also terrified. 
What if his father loves him less now that he has a proper, wizarding child on the way? What if his father cannot protect his child?
 What will his child be?
 Maitimo, it turns out, is a wizard. 
Feanor doesn’t know whether to cheer or scream. Finwe is delighted, and his delight is both welcome and painful. Indis’s congratulations are both entirely sincere and rather insulting. Nolofinwe, of course, is also a wizard, but there was never any doubt about that. 
His son is going to outlive him. His son is going to join the caste of the most vicious, backstabbing, brutal people he knows, excepting, of course, his father. 
His son is going to be safe. 
When Nerdanel gets pregnant again, he doesn’t know what to hope for. Another wizard, forever safe from being sold into torment? A sorcerer he can teach everything to? A seer that, so long as he is not too powerful, might be safely ignored? 
Makalaure, it turns out, is an enchanter. 
Feanor hadn’t even known that was on the table. Nerdanel seems bewildered by his confusion. 
“It’s not like my people were all seers,” she says. “My mother always told me that my father was a sorcerer. I suppose one of his parents might have been an enchanter.” 
She does not speak of what happened to her father. Feanor knows better than to press. 
An enchanter is - Well, an enchanter is the opposite of safe. They are the second most sought after prey for the trade, and what they are used for when they are caught does not bear imagining. 
“You will have to protect your brother,” he tells Maitimo every night, even though his eldest is still too young to properly understand. “You have to.”
Maitimo always nods with solemnity beyond his years, and Feanor can only pray he remembers this. 
He isn’t sure if he’s just imagining the speculative look in Indis’s eyes when she looks at the baby. 
The third time Nerdanel gets pregnant he hopes desperately it is not another enchanter. He loves Makalaure - loves him desperately, and he wouldn’t change him for the world, but he wishes desperately he could change the world for Makalaure. If he has to feel this way on behalf of two children, he thinks he will explode. 
Their third son is not an enchanter. 
He’s a warrior. 
The second Feanor knows, bone deep horror sinks into him. Nerdanel is clutching the baby like someone is already trying to rip him out of her hands to dump him onto the killing fields. 
For a desperate, mindless, moment, Feanor sincerely considers killing the midwife. She is the only one who knows. If they can hide this - 
But there is no hiding this. Not for long. 
Feanor does not kill the midwife. Instead, he pours gold into her hands and begs her to keep it quiet, just for the night. 
It will hold her for now. It will not hold her long. 
He trusts his father. He does. 
He does not trust that his father will be able to hold back the entirety of the White Rose, which has grown increasingly more desperate for warriors. 
By morning, he suspects the midwife will have broken her promise. 
By morning, Feanor and all his family are long gone. 
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