#what if i cancelled my plans for tonight and went back to sleep and then i’d have all afternoon and all evening to do the study i need to do
i’m the sleepiest girl in the world
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christhopersturniolo · 3 months
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summary: you had some plans with your boyfriend matt for the weekend, but something unexpected happens, and you have to babysit your little sister.
notes: this is my second time ever writing a fanfic (go read my first one) and english isn't my first language, it's probably not very detailed and there might be some mistakes, but I hope you enjoy it! all ears to feedbacks, l'd love to know what you think!
warnings: cussing, fluff
I sigh “And why can’t you take her with you?” I say taking my eyes out of the screen and looking at my mom.
“How long will it take for you to understand that your dad is on a business trip and i’m going on one as well?” She answers walking from a side to another, packing some of her things. “I can’t take her with me, even if I wanted to.”
"But mom-" I start, only to be cut off.
"No buts, Y/n.” She interrupts, her tone firm. “I’m being serious." She looks straight into my eyes "It's what I'm telling you, you'll have to stay with your sister. I won't be paying for a babysitter while you're here with your ass in the couch. You are almost 18, you can very well take care of her, it’s only for the weekend.”
“But I told you I have plans with Matt!” I exclaim, leaning my head back on the headrest of the couch in annoyance.
My mom is about to reply when we hear the sound of my 3 year old little sister's footsteps coming from her room, followed by her little giggles.
We automatically get silent about this topic. I take a deep breath, reminding myself she's not the problem, she's just a child caught up in our adult issues. Bella is not the problem.
Don't get me wrong, I do love my sister, but it's a bit overwhelming to adjust having a sibling after being the only child for years. And with my mom's age, it's unexpected, to say the least.
Today is the day that my mom is going to her ‘super important business trip’, and also the day Im supposed to have a date with Matt.
After my mother left at 7am, Bella and I found ourselves up earlier than usual. We already had breakfast, so now, we don’t really have anything to do. We go to the living room, watch some TV.
Bella sits on the couch next to me and chooses the channel. After some good ten minutes, I look at my right to check on her, and she’s completely asleep, what makes me smile.
Until I realize that I didn’t canceled my dinner with Matt.
Shit, I completely forgot to talk with Matt! Fuck!
I get up and I go over to my bedroom, getting my phone and calling him. He takes some seconds to answer the call.
“Babe? Sorry, did I wake you up?” I ask, hoping the answer would be ‘no’.
“No, No, No..” He says with his husky morning voice, he definitely just woke up. “But why are you calling this early? Is something wrong?” I could feel myself getting fucking soaked as he talks, sorry, but his voice in the morning? I can’t take it.
I take a deep breath, trying to think straight. "Um, yeah.. Actually, my mom went out for the weekend, and I have to babysit my sister.. I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the dinner we had planned tonight”
“Oh” A simple response, What does that even mean? He probably hates me now.
"I know you already made the reservation, and I was super excited, I swear," I start saying nothing with nothing, feeling guilty for ruining our plans. "But then my mom told me she had this thing and..."
Before I could finish apologizing, Matt cuts me, understanding. "No babe, that's fine. Don't worry. Maybe we can do something else? With your sister? I have stuff to do all day, but I’m free at night, maybe we can have a sleepover or something?”
I sigh in relief “Yeah sure, that sounds great, I will talk about It with Bella”
“Alright call me later sweetheart, love you, bye” He ends the call and I go back to the living room, getting back on my place.
Bella is still peaceful sleeping on the couch. Not wanting to disturb her, I cover her with a blanket, but my actions unfortunately wake her up, blinking her sleepy eyes open. A small yawn escapes her lips, and she looks at me with a drowsy smile.
"Hey, sleepyhead" I whisper, gently brushing a piece of hair from her face. "Did you have a nice nap?" Bella nods, rubbing her eyes with tiny hands. "Mhm" she murmurs, snuggling deeper into the blanket.
I think about a way to tell her that Matt is coming over before she could fall back asleep “So.. do you remember my boyfriend, Matt?" Bella blinks, her sleepy expression turning curious. "Mm-hmm" she mumbles again, nodding slowly.
“What if.. He came over to a super fun sleepover with us today?” I say trying to sound extra excited to convince her.
Bella's eyes light up with excitement at the mention of a sleepover. "Yeah!" She exclaims, her drowsiness quickly dissipating. "Matt is funny!" Her sentence makes me chuckle “Oh he is?” She nods giggling, It doesn't even look like she just woke up.
The rest of the day, she doesn’t stop talking about Matt.
“Then- Then will Matt play games with me?”
“And can we watch frozen? I think Matt will like it”
Over and over, she’s more excited than me. But I mean, I can’t blame her, It’s Matt over all.
Around 8pm, Matt rings on the doorbell. I go over to the front door, Bella follows me, getting behind my left leg. I open the door and I see my boyfriend with two bouquets of flowers, a big one, and a small one.
“Hey love” He leans for a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, then he hands me the bouquet “This is for you”
A smile appears across my face, I chuckle “Thank you so much.. You really didn’t had to” I say looking at my favorite flowers.
“No that’s fine, don’t worry” Matt returns the smile, his eyes lighting up as he sees Bella peeking out shyly from behind me. "Hey, Bella" he says warmly, crouching down to her level. "I also brought these for you, little princess" he says, offering her the smaller bouquet with a gentle smile.
Bella looks at me, seeing Bella's hesitation, I give her a soft nod, silently urging her to accept the flowers from Matt. With a shy smile, Bella reaches out and takes the bouquet from him, still with one hand around my leg.
“What do we say Bella?” I place my hand on the top of her head, caressing her hair.
“Thank you Matt” She says still shy.
"You're welcome, Belly" He responds getting up, his voice gentle and kind.
Some hours after playing some board games and talking, Bella decided to go get her toys.
She returns carrying a bunch of dolls and stuffed animals, then she settles onto the carpet in front of us and places everything there. “Matt come play with me!” She says excited with some barbie’s in her small hands.
He gets up from the couch, and sits down next to Bella on the floor “Alright so what doll am I?” Bella looks around “Hmmm..” She grabs a really bad looking doll, marker-covered, and hands it to Matt. I automatically start laughing uncontrollably, Matt matches the energy.
I am just watching as they play, Bella makes Matt use a girly voice, what just makes everything ten times better for my entertainment.
After Bella got tired of playing with her toys, she made us watch frozen, it’s her favorite movie, this is probably her fifth time watching it. I sit on the left side of the couch, Matt on the middle and my sister next to him. Some 30 minutes after the movie started, Bella is already with her head on Matt’s lap, sleeping like a little angel, as Matt gently strokes her hair and she snuggles closer to him.
His eyes meet mine, seeing me watching him, he smiles “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing” With a soft smile, I rest my head on Matt's shoulder “You just look so cute taking care of kids” He chuckles and leaves a kiss on the top of my head.
this actually sucked, i’m so bad at doing cute scenes, this def wasn’t what I had in mind lol, maybe i will delete it later.
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paddockbunny · 11 months
List B + [Necklace]+ Fernando Alonso
“I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck not because he owns me but cuz he really knows me, which is more than they can say”
The Present
Summary : You thought you would have to spend your special day alone. So when your boyfriend surprises you more than once, you have to show him how much it means to you. Rating : 18+ Pairing : Fernando Alonso x Reader Word Count : 2,221 ONE SHOT Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, adult language, PinV sex, unprotected sex, implied age gap but not explicitly stated Images : curated from Pintrest
List : List B. Prompt : Necklace - sender fastens a necklace around receiver’s neck, leaning in close to do so.
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You had spent the whole day out doing things to avoid the fact you were spending your birthday alone. Fernando’s flight had been cancelled so he hadn’t been able to get home this morning like the pair of you expected. The next flight home hadn’t been until this afternoon either which meant he wouldn’t be home for another 12 hours yet.
You poured yourself a glass of your favourite wine and decided to go run a bath. If you were going to be home alone on what was supposed to be your special day, then you were at least going to have a nice relaxing time doing things you loved. After turning on the faucet, sprinkling in some soothing bath salts and lavender scented bubble bath you let the water run so the temperature of the water was nice at hot. While the roll top bath (the very one Fernando had actually installed for you on your last birthday as a surprise) began to slowly fill you went back through to fetch a fresh silk chemise from the drawer in the bedroom. You never wore anything to bed, not usually. There wasn’t much point when sleeping beside Fernando. Other than the fact the pair of you had sex like teenagers, he tended to run hot so cuddling into him was like holding on to a furnace. Tonight however, as you were solo, you decided to fling something on to feel a little special.
While rubbing your coconut scented body lotion into your calves you phone pinged on the marble counter top. The screen illuminated with Fernando’s name and you grabbed it quickly.
Good news, should arrive home earlier than planned. I’m sorry it’s still a day late corazón x
Ok, mi amor. Just hurry home x
I promise I will make it up to you x
Just being here will be enough x
You ached to feel Fernando’s arms around you. You longed to feel his hands on your skin or running through your hair. You desperately yearned to have him here kissing you because nobody kissed as good as Fernando did.
Grabbing your phone and your nearly empty glass of wine you padded from the bathroom, through the bedroom and out down the stairs to go refill your glass. You had the whole evening to kill and no idea on how to do it. But wine was a very good start at least. You turned down the corridor and toward the kitchen but something caught your eye. Fernando’s car was sitting in the driveway.“Surprise!”
A scream loud enough to wake the dead left your body but the sudden shock and alarm was immediately replaced by utter excitement and sheer happiness. “Corazón….” Fernando’s arms went around you tightly as you practically leapt into them. “How did you get here?” You asked when it dawned on you that he had to have already landed at the airport when he was texting you after you got out of the bath. He knew all along he was going to come surprise you. “Max.” Of course. The champion has a jet. It was very kind of him to offer the boyfriend you were tightly holding on to a lift home so he could make it home in time. Which, as he pulled back and gently caressed your cheek he wished you a happy birthday before placing his lips to yours tenderly. Fuelled by genuine shock, pure happiness and a little bit of lust your hands pushed through his hair and hungrily leaned into the kiss. Fernando took your hint and you felt his grip on your sides tighten. You groaned straight into his mouth when his tongue danced along yours. “Wait…wait…” Fernando stopped you, halted your actions when your hand travelled down toward his jeans. “Don’t you want your present?” “That IS my present.” You glanced down to where you were heading before he stopped you. The action o only made him laugh as his hands left your body and he turned to go to his bag. Watching him you wondered what he could have possibly brought you back from a race weekend. The thought of some silly little gift from the airport passed through your brain before wondering if it was going to be more of a gaffe gift and he was going to give you some Aston Martin merch. But your eyes couldn’t help but widen when you saw the distinct shape of a jewellery box.
Fernando turned and apologised for having not wrapped your gift but as he held it out for you to take you couldn��t care less if it were covered in some pointless paper. You took the black velvet from his hands and into your own as is eyes remained on yours. His smile broadened and he encouraged you to open the lid to your gift. Excitement buzzed throughout your body but you controlled it long enough to slowly push up the lid on the square box. And you had to try even harder to control it once you finally saw exactly what was inside.
“Fer” The diamonds shone bright in the darkness of the room. A single row of stunning multi cut diamonds set in silver. It was the most exquisite thing you had ever seen and nowhere near what he should have been spending on you but he loved spoiling you. Words failed to come to your head. You couldn’t think of a single way to say thank-you for a gift that took your breath away even though you tried. Your fingers ghosted across the ice like gems.
“Let me put it on you.” He took the box, lifted the line of diamonds from its home and motioned for you to turn around so he could place them upon your neck. You did as Fernando wished. You turned, lifting your hair out of the way for him as you did so. The precious stones delicately slid across your skin as they were placed upon your neck. Fernando’s hot breath caressed the sensitive flesh behind your ear as he clipped the clasp in place. Your throat tightened as a lump formed in it. You felt rather emotional knowing such a work of art now belonged to you. Then you felt Fernando’s lips press against your bare shoulder and you realised how you could thank him.
You turned, hands going back to his shoulders, as you looked into his eyes. God, how you loved Fernando’s eyes. They were the colour of freshly brewed coffee and the way the soft glowing light hit them they practically shone. Eyes locked together, you stepped backward away from him. One step, two, three, enough so that he could see all of you as you pulled down the straps of your chemise. It met no resistance as it fell straight down to the floor and pooled at your feet. Fernando broke eye contact to slowly cast his gaze upon your naked body before him. “Make love to me in them, Fer”
Fernando didn’t need to be told twice. Within seconds of your request he had you in his arms and his mouth upon yours. His kiss was feverish and hungry. Triple headers were tough on your man but they were equally as tough on you. You craved him and you knew how badly he craved you. The second Fernando tugged on your hair and your body crumpled against him you felt just how badly he needed you. So it was no surprise when his hands trailed down your sides, down your butt and to your thighs. He lifted you up, clean off the floor, and pulled both your legs around his waist in a display of pure strength. What was even more impressive was how he effortlessly carried you upstairs to your bedroom without even breaking the feverish kiss the pair of you were locked in.
When you were finally there, Fernando let go of you and dumped you straight on to the bed behind you, just like he had done so many times before. The small delighted squeal that left your lips only served to encourage him. He pulled off his dark green team polo and chucked it away from himself. His tanned skin looked like caramel and you so desperately wanted a taste. You sat up and reached your hands out to help him remove the dark trousers but he playfully swatted your hands away. “You never let me remove yours” He mockingly scoffed but you knew he was only trying to be mischievous. Fernando rid himself of the remainder of his clothing promptly. There wasn’t any time for patience. Not now. Not when you were naked before him and growing increasingly more and more hungry by the second. You laid back and pulled your legs up slightly and let them fall apart. You knew how much Fernando loved seeing how wet you got for him. He loved seeing your slick wet folds awaiting him. And he was cocky about the fact he did’t even need to touch you, you were always so wet for him. He made a guttural moan when he saw you eagerly awaiting him. And you practically mimicked it right back when he was finally free and you saw how hard he was for you.
Fernando’s hands made their way up your legs as he crawled on top of your body. His lips colliding with different parts of your skin as he went. He kissed your hip softly, ghosted his tongue up your stomach, enveloped the soft peak of your nipple in his mouth as you arched your back in delight. “These diamonds are beautiful. But not as beautiful as you.” He tells you lazily as he settles between your thighs. You didn’t have time to answer him. He ran himself up and down your folds before he finally gave you what you wanted most, himself.
Fernando buried himself inside you. Every beautiful thrust was more powerful than the last and you never failed to adore the delicious fullness you felt while he fucked you. But tonight he wasn’t fucking you. No tonight he was taking his time. Every roll of his hips was deliberate. He made sure to make you feel his love and how much he adored you. Your fingers wound through his dark hair and you brought his full lips to yours. Moaning straight into them as he angled himself just right. Hitting the sweet spot inside you repeatedly. His name fell from your lips as your own collided as it flowed from him.
You were close to the edge. Dangerously close to tipping straight into the land of pure pleasure. Fernando always took you there. He knew every single sign that you were ready for the high and used it to his advantage. He spoke words into your ear; “I love you”, “let go for me”, “I can feel how close you are”
And he wasn’t wrong. Only moments later Fernando took you there. You felt like you were flying you were that euphoric. The orgasm was deep, powerful. It was almost as if your body was exploding for him. Fernando kept his pace up as you tightened and pulsed around him. His body practically begged yours to release him. His breathy, low, mumbled moans gave away how close he was himself. You clutched on to his strong muscular shoulders as finally, you felt him come undone inside of you.
You stayed connected, entwined even after he pulled out and rolled off to the bed beside you. His hand splayed over your stomach first before working up to rest on your chest. Watching him you realised he was staring at the gift he had given you. The one that led you here, to bed, in a orgasmic basked high
“What are you thinking?” You asked plainly before smoothing out his hair. God you loved his hair. It was so full and soft. It felt like silk under your fingertips. But you loved how little strands had begun to lighten, turn grey. It always reminded you of how safe you felt with him. He was a man, a real man, who loved nothing more than taking care of you. You were nearly lost in the thought of how much you loved being in love with Fernando when he finally admitted what was on his mind. “What you will let me do to you if I buy you the matching earrings.” His words made you laugh. They couldn’t not. The juxtaposition between you lying half in his arms thinking about how much you were in love with him and him hungry for more, still thinking about sex with you, pretty much summed the pair of you up. It was why you worked.
“Well, I haven’t thanked you yet for managing to get home today and surprising me.” You ran your fingertip along the diamonds that sat upon your neck so delicately before pushing him backward so he was flat on the mattress. He laughed smugly as his hands ran up and down your thighs after you straddled him. He had made love to you. But now, you were going to fuck him, exactly how he liked.
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scekrex · 3 months
Ooh, babes! I've got another idea!
How about Adam and reader who love to sleep in late, but one time the reader is moving so much in his sleep that he accidentally wrapped himself up in the blanket, obviously hogging it all to himself after stealing it, like a burrito and somehow managed to atthe same time kick Adam off the bed which woke him up so quickly, wondering what the fuck just happened, looking around the room and looking at reader, cussing him out and trying to wake him up, grumbling that he got violently pushed off the bed by his boyfriend, demanding retribution and the reader just casually, not giving two flying fucks, just grumbling out that he will let Adam top that night 😂
I just think it would be extremely hilarious 😂
Just woke up but fuck it, Adam x reader is too important to keep ya waiting (and motivation is kicking in so I gotta use it before it's gone again)
Hidden in the sheets
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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With someone as important as Adam as your boyfriend, sleeping in was a rare thing and yet both of you loved it, honestly who didn't?
Adam had told you often that you were moving a lot in your sleep, that resulted in sleepy, lazy morning sex more than just one time, however it was nothing he ever truly complained about. Well, that was until that one day.
You both were able to sleep in, you had taken the day off, had canceled all plans because you wanted to stay inside with Adam for as long as possible, Adam had managed to move his appointment with Sera from morning to evening which gave you two a lot of time together.
The first man had already noticed that you squirmed and twitched a little more than usual nights when you fell asleep before he was even able to reach the bed. He didn't pay any mind to it though, got into bed with you and fell asleep eventually.
What he hadn't expected was to wake up in pain on the wooden floor of the bedroom. The taller one grunted as he got up, holding his back in pain. “Hey, shithead,” he said loudly in order to wake you up, but fuck, it was hard to figure out where exactly your face was. His hand came up to where he suspected your shoulder to be and shook you lightly.
The blanket that was big enough for the two of you was fully wrapped around you, the only thing Adam was able to see were your toes. Your face, or rather your entire head, was covered by the blanket, if he would've picked you up like that, you wouldn't have been able to do shit about it. But he wasn't in the mood for that, he simply wanted to go back to sleep, the first man was tired after all.
You showed no reaction to his words or his actions, so he sat down on the bed and leaned in closer to where he thought your face was, “Don’t fucking kick me out of the bed and act like you're fully asleep.” Well, what Adam didn't know was that you weren't acting, you were actually still fast asleep. The brunette saw your wings twitching underneath the blanket and sighed, realizing you probably didn't choose the situation you were in. God have mercy, you were truly a mess in every way possible, weren't you? But he liked you as a mess, you were his mess after all.
So he slowly untangled you, covered both you and him with the warm, soft fabric and went back to laying down beside you. “You’re gonna make that up for me babes, I hope you fucking know that. Can't just kick me outta the bed and expect to get away with it,” he whispered in your ear and that got you to wake up, at least enough to process his words and respond “I got hurt, you hear that? My fucking back hurts, what if it's permanent?” You snorted, clearly amused by his words and responded, “Yeah, whatever, I'll let you top tonight when you come back from your meeting with Sera,” you mumbled into the blanket before you rolled over to cuddle up against Adam's chest.
The brunette simply stared out of the window, perplexed with how easy you simply gave him the control for that evening. Eventually he wrapped his arms around you, followed by his wings. He heard a small sigh that escaped you and felt the hot breath on his skin.
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lambertdiary · 8 months
Same Mistakes
Anon requested: Dalton cheats on reader and she doesn't know but she notices their relationship is coming to an end cause he's acting weird and distant, then when she finds out and confronts him about it he begs her to stay.
A/N: As we all know I'm stupid and now my inbox is gone, but I started working on this request before I deleted it and I'm like 85% sure that's what the request said. If this is your request please let me know if this is what you wanted!! Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it!!
Word Count: 5.2k+
Warnings: angst, cheating, language, heated arguments, brief mentions of sex
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She had a bad feeling but she was too scared to look into it, terrified she would be right. 
Truth is, she started feeling like that just a few weeks ago, when she went back to Dalton’s dorm to surprise him with lunch and found an empty room and the bed unmade from somebody sleeping on it. Any other day that would’ve been completely normal, but she had stayed with him the night before and made the bed as soon as they both got up to get ready for class, leaving a perfectly made bed for them to come back to. 
Before that day, she would’ve never in a million years thought that Dalton would cheat on her. He had always been so loving and caring, even before they started dating, and once they became a thing he would constantly remind her how much he loved her, and on special days he was the most romantic person ever, and she always thought that she would spend the rest of her life with him, but now… she didn’t wanna think about it, but she couldn’t bury the thought of him with someone else after it crossed her mind briefly while looking at the messy bed.
Later that day she asked him about it, trying hard not to sound like she was accusing him of something, but his excuse just made her feel worse, her suspicions growing.
“What do you mean?” He asked as he inspected his bed, unsure of what was wrong with it. 
“Well, you know, I made the bed this morning before we left, remember?”
“Oh, uh- yeah, I came back to- to take a nap” He stuttered, not even looking at her. 
But it kept happening, a few more times.
Things started to change after that. He cancelled on the plans they had, he suddenly was too busy every afternoon and her presence might be a distraction, he was so tired at night he didn’t have the energy for anything and he even asked her to go back to sleep in her own dorm, claiming the beds were too small to comfortably fit two people, even though they were used to sleeping together.
Long story short he was distant, he was never around anymore and even when he was, she felt like she was missing him. He was just… different, and she was beating herself up wondering what had changed.
He on the other hand didn’t miss her, seeing he didn’t make an effort anymore and he could go days without answering a text or returning a call, ​​and it was not because Y/N took a long time to reply, she would always respond in a heartbeat if it was him. If it weren’t for her visiting his dorm every now and then to make sure he was doing okay, they wouldn’t talk to each other at all.
But today she was feeling hopeful. It was their anniversary and they had a date night planned, a date he didn’t cancel, so she took the entire afternoon to do her nails, her hair and pick a beautiful dress to wear. Her makeup took her a while but she still managed to be ready on time, so she made her way to his dorm, her palms sweating when she knocked on the door.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Was the first thing he asked, wiping her smile off of her face.
“I thought we would go out tonight” She replied, looking down at her hands to hide her disappointment.
“Oh- I guess I forgot to tell you but I remembered I have an important project for tomorrow, so I’m not gonna make it” The door was barely open and he was standing where the crack was, blocking his room as he held the door with a strong grip.
“Okay” Her voice was so faint she barely heard it herself “Do you need help? I could stay here for a couple of hours”
“No, don’t worry about it. I think it’s better if you leave”
Tears pricked her eyes, swallowing the small lump forming in her throat “Why?”
“Well, I’m busy with schoolwork and you can’t really help me with an art project, can you?”
She shook her head slowly “I guess I’m leaving then”
The tears she had been holding started to fall as soon as she turned around, she could feel her mascara clumping on her eyelashes and forming black streaks down her cheeks, ruining the contour and highlight she applied in hopes of impressing her boyfriend. She ran upstairs, knocking on Chris’ door desperately. 
“Oh my god, Y/N. Are you okay?” Chris asked her when she saw the mascara tears.
She shook her head as she entered the room, small whimpers leaving her lips as she tried to stop the crying.
“What happened?” Chris took her hand and guided her to her bed.
“What about Dalton?”
“I think he’s cheating on me” She had never said that out loud, and saying it broke her heart even more “I wish I was crazy but the signs… I know he is”
“I’m not trying to defend him or anything, but what makes you think that?”
“Everything, Chris. He has been acting so… distant. Ever since-” She stopped herself. She never told anyone his relationship with Dalton wasn’t doing so well, making up excuses to cover his. She just wanted to hold on to everyone else thinking they were a perfect couple.
“What? Have you guys been fighting?”
Y/N took a deep breath before saying “Remember the last night I stayed over at his dorm?” She nodded in response “Well, later that day I went back to surprise him with lunch, but he wasn’t there and the bed was a complete mess, and you know I always make the bed when I wake up. He said he went back to take a nap but you know Dalton, he has a hard time sleeping and when he does sleep it’s never during the day”
Chris didn’t know what to say, she wanted to comfort her but she didn’t know how “And he’s been acting weird since then?”
Y/N nodded, wiping her tears “Yeah, he’s been pushing me away since that day. Telling me he doesn’t have time to hang out, which I understand but not even answering a couple of texts? And cancelling every date we had planned?”
“Is that what happened today? I thought it was your anniversary”
“It is” She was nibbling on her lip profusely, looking up so tears would stop falling “I don’t know what I’m gonna do”
“Have you told him how you feel?” Y/N shook her head, she hated confrontation and she was hoping she didn’t have to do that “I think you should go talk to him”
“Right now?”
“If not now then when? You say you’ve been feeling like something’s off for a while but you haven’t said anything to him”
“I don’t know Chris-”
“If he is cheating on you then you need to break up with him, you don’t deserve to be in that situation and you deserve to know the truth”
Y/N inhaled as she considered what Chris just said. She was right, but she wasn’t ready yet “I really want to know, but I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Because what if he is?” Tears started rolling down her face again, Chris hugging her tight as soon as it happened “I love him and… I just want things to go back to normal”
“I know you do, but believe me, it’s better if you know”
Y/N stayed there for a while. She decided to go talk to him, but she needed to put herself back together before confronting him. Chris helped her to wash her face and fix her hair, comforting her and offering to stay with her once they were done talking. Y/N accepted, she didn’t want to be alone, she knew it’d be a long night.
Once she felt better, she went downstairs, repeating in her head everything she wanted to tell him. She knocked loudly, and didn’t stop until he opened. He looked annoyed, and she stormed into his room as soon as he opened the door.
“What are you doing?”
“We need to talk”
“About what?” 
She blinked at him twice, did he not think they needed to talk? “About us, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
Okay, now she was mad “Dalton, you have been ignoring me for days, and I understand if you’re busy but it doesn’t explain you pushing me away at all times”
“I’m sorry if you feel that way”
There was a moment of silence, both of them staring at each other as she tried to remember the questions she was supposed to ask, but none of them seemed to make sense now that she was standing in front of him “That’s all you’re gonna say?”
“What do you want me to say?” 
“How about you tell me exactly what’s going on”
They were both raising their voices, but Dalton especially “I told you already, I’ve been busy with projects-”
“I could’ve stayed here with you, like we have done before”
“But why would you want to stay?”
“To keep you company, maybe?” 
“But all you do is lay on my bed while I try to paint”
“Dalton, do you know how many afternoons I’ve stayed here with you just so we can spend some time together? And you don’t even care anymore, you didn’t even cared to say thank you”
“I never asked you to stay,” He mumbled.
She scoffed before shaking her head “I wanted to, you know I worry about you when you work on a project for too long, you tend to overwork yourself-”
“I. Never. Asked. You. To. Stay” He interrupted her, his tone punctuated with each word “I would’ve been fine without you, I don’t need you in my hair at all times” His eyes hardened, his mouth opening to speak again “Don’t you have better things to do?”
“I just- I guess I thought you liked to be with me”
“I do, but you don’t have to be so clingy all the time”
She didn’t say anything, hoping she heard it wrong or that he’d apologise, but he didn’t “What?”
“You know, we do everything together and-”
“No, we used to do things together, not everything” She corrected him.
He took a deep breath, as if he was done dealing with her “Right. Look, I’m tired, we can talk tomorrow”
Y/N nodded, holding back the tears as she walked towards the door “Happy anniversary” She said before slamming it closed, running back to Chris’ room.
Dalton sat on his bed with his head between his hands for a moment, how could he forget? He took a deep breath as he got up, looking for a ribbon and a canvas he hadn’t touched in who knows how long. 
He made his way to Chris’ dorm, he was sure that’s where Y/N was, and knocked on the door a couple of times before saying “Baby, I’m sorry. I was caught up in schoolwork and I didn’t realise what day it was” But he got no response “Y/N please, I know you’re here, will you please talk to me?” “Go away, Dalton” Chris was the one to yell, making Dalton realise he would not be able to fix it, not tonight anyway. 
“Okay, I’m leaving this here, I- I love you”
Y/N skipped school the next day, her sore eyes and pounding headache being the only things she could think about. Well, that and Dalton.
She was staring at the portrait of them, the portrait he painted for their one year anniversary they were supposed to celebrate the day before. It looked… unfinished, like he didn’t even care enough to finish it but the paint wasn’t fresh, so she was wondering how long ago he stopped working on it.
The days after that were rough, long nights of wondering what she could have possibly done wrong, but even then she didn’t talk to Dalton. He tried to, a couple of times, but she needed a little bit of time.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
Everyone went home for thanksgiving, but she couldn’t afford to travel across the country and back so she decided to stay on campus. She wasn’t planning on going home anyway, she had made plans to go with Dalton to meet his parents and siblings and spend thanksgiving with his family, but obviously that wasn’t happening anymore.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Chris asked as she put down her suitcase.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me” Y/N gave her a reassuring smile before hugging her “Have fun, I’ll miss you”
“You could come with me, you know? My parents love you”
“I know” She replied as she pulled away “But I need to catch up on all the classes I skipped”
“Okay. Well, I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be back in a few days”
They hugged one more time, Chris letting her know she could call her if anything happened. Y/N was thankful for Chris, she really was, but sometimes crying alone did more for her than having someone telling her ‘everything's gonna be okay’, she was tired of hearing that.
Hours later she found herself catching up on her homework for three different classes. It wasn’t really that much of a workload and she didn’t need to stay up all night to do that, but she was going to anyway. Perhaps she wanted to be productive, or maybe that was her trying to occupy her mind from the possibility of her boyfriend cheating on her.
She looked at the clock, it was 11:30 PM. She sighed, scribbling the answer after reading the question on her laptop, her eyes sore from staring at it for too long, when a text message interrupted her.
Unknown: Attachment 1: Image Unknown: I heard they have been at it for a while
That text message induced such a great shock on her tired, worn out body, tears falling down her face as soon as she read it. She didn’t wanna open it, but her curious mind was stronger.
Tapping on the notification, she prepared herself mentally to confirm her suspicions. And they were confirmed.
Her vision was blurry from the tears, but she was able to see Dalton standing at the bottom of the stairs in the art building, and he was with someone else, except she couldn’t see who it was, the big jacket and a beanie protecting her identity. He was smiling down at her, eyes full of… love? Those blue eyes she thought he reserved for her only, but clearly she was wrong. His big hands were around her waist as hers went around his neck, and his lips were stained with lipstick.
She broke down crying, curled up on her bed as she wore one of Dalton’s hoodies that still smelled like him. She now knew what the truth was, but she didn’t want to accept it. What happened to them? When did he stop loving her?
It was like her heart was ripped from her chest, all that time they spent together down the drain like it was nothing, like it all meant nothing to him.
She didn’t know for how long she cried the night before, but it was now 1 PM and she was just waking up, so she probably cried for hours. There was nothing left she could do to save her relationship so she made up her mind to break up with him as soon as he came back to campus.
Y/N: We need to talk, just let me know when you’re here
The message was left unanswered, as usual. She rolled her eyes and put her phone down, returning to her facetime call with Chris.
“Do you know who that is?”
“No, sorry” 
Y/N sighed as she sipped her hot coffee “What about the number? Do you know who sent the picture?”
“What’s the number? Maybe I can ask around to see if any of my friends know”
Y/N sent her the phone number, along with the picture of Dalton and the other girl “Thanks. Don’t show anyone that picture thought, I’m already embarrassed as it is”
“Embarrassed? Y/N, he should be the embarrassed one, you didn’t do anything wrong”
“Maybe I did-”
“Y/N no, stop doing that to yourself. We both know it’s not your fault”
She nodded “I can’t help it. I just don’t understand”
“Understand what?”
“Was I not enough? Why did he need to find someone else?”
Chris hated to see Y/N going through that, how she felt like she was not enough or that it all ended because of her, and she hated Dalton for causing all of that “I know it’s hard right now, but I promise you’ll understand that none of this is your fault. Y/N you’re amazing, and he’s an idiot for not realising”
Talking to Chris made her feel better, but all those terrible emotions came back whenever she looked at the picture again, a million questions in her mind. How long has he been doing this? Who is she? Does he still love me? What did I do wrong?
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
A couple of days later Dalton finally answered her.
Dalton: Just got back, I’m in my dorm
Her heart sank at the notification, she didn’t want to talk to him, she didn’t want things to be over. There was still a part of her that hoped everything was just a misunderstanding, hoping he wasn’t cheating on her and she was just a friend. But deep down she knew the truth, and the possibility of it being a mix-up was down to zero, and after he made it clear that he didn’t wanna be in a relationship with her anymore, she decided to fulfil his wishes.
It was a long walk to his dorm, the cold weather bothering her more than usual but she still was slow, dreading the conversation she knew was about to happen.
She took a deep breath before knocking on the door, Dalton opening it almost right away.
“Hey” He said faintly, worried he got caught.
“Hi” She entered the room and looked around. She had been there a million times, and so many of those times were special little moments they shared together, but right now it felt like she was disconnected from the space “How was your break?”
“It was good. I’m tired but it was good” He tried to give her a smile, but stopped when he noticed her stare full of fury “What did you want to talk about?”
Seriously? “I’m breaking up with you” Her voice was weak, but she did not dare let a tear slip past her waterline, he didn’t deserve to see her cry. 
“What?” The shock in his eyes looked so real that Y/N almost believed him “Why?”
“Did you really just ask that?”
“So that’s it? We’re over?”
“Dalton, come on, we’ve been over for a while” She stepped closer to him, pain and anger written all over her face as the tears struggled to stay on her eyes “We didn’t even feel like a couple anymore, Dalton, you forgot our anniversary, and that day you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me. And to think I planned a beautiful night for us and bought you an expensive gift. Do you have any idea how stupid I felt?” 
“I didn’t know you were feeling like that”
“Of course not, when have you ever listened to me anyway?”
Dalton rolled his eyes “Okay, I understand but we don’t have to break up, I already explained what happened that day, I was busy and completely lost track of time”
“And I guess she doesn’t have anything to do with this?” Y/N showed him the picture, his demeanour changing immediately.
“Y/N I- I’m sorry, baby I’m so sorry” His eyes and his voice softened as he tried to reach for her, but she turned around and wiped the tears that left her eyes, a million questions flooding her mind.
“So it’s true” She was just confirming to herself what she already knew. Anger and pain washed over her body. Why her? Why her when she’s been nothing but perfect to the man she loved the most?
“Baby, I can explain” 
Y/N turned around to face him again “Who is she?” He shook his head, his eyes begging her not to make him say it while hers watered “Who is she?” She repeated.
“You don’t wanna know”
“Why? Cause I might find out you’re cheating?”
A few tears started to roll down his face, his hands desperate to hold hers “I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Cause you’re gonna hate me even more” Y/N stared at him, even more tears falling as she tried to think who the girl could be. 
“Did you two- did you sleep with her?” His nod was barely perceptible, if she didn’t already know the answer she would’ve missed it. Maybe he was right, maybe it’d be better if she didn’t know. 
“I’m sorry, baby I’m so sorry”
“Stop it”
“I know I fucked up but she doesn’t mean anything to me, I swear”
“Shut up, Dalton. I just… I don’t understand”
“Let me explain-”
“And I don’t care how many times you apologise, how do you expect me to forgive you?” She took a couple of steps back, trying to figure out what caused him to do such a thing “Even if we stayed together and got married and started a family, how can I ever look at you and not think about that?”
“Baby I want all of that, I want the rest of my life with you, like we talked”
“That was before you ruined everything”
“I know what i did is wrong-”
“But we can work this out”
“What? No, Dalton, stop”
“Just give me another chance, please”
“Is that why you've been so distant, huh? Was she here on our anniversary?” Dalton didn’t say anything, and the flashes from Dalton’s knuckles turning white from holding the door closed that night creeped her mind. Her heart ached so much that every time she breathed deeply, it was scorching her to the core “How could you do that?”
“I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry”
“Stop apologising”
“You know I didn’t mean it”
“Just stop… god”
“Y/N just hear me out, I swear it only happened once”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I know that’s not true. Do you know how many times I came to an unmade bed? And how many excuses you made?” He stayed silent “I don’t care how many times it happened, you still did it and nothing is gonna change that”
“I know”
“You’ve been hurt before, right? What if I was the one cheating, would you just forget it ever happened and come back to me?” Once again, he didn’t say anything “Of course you wouldn’t. Dalton, how could I ever forget what you did? Or everything you said to me when we were fighting, and the fact that you lied and- and cheated-”
“But you came all the way here”
“Because I care, and you… you never cared, you never tried-”
“I care, I care so much. Baby please, you have to believe me” He tried to reach out to her, but she pushed his hand away.
“No you don’t, and if I’m here it’s because i know after this we’ll never see each other again, we’ll never talk again and this just has to end”
“But I don’t want it to end”
“Well, you ended it when you cheated on me”
He stared at her for a moment before saying “But… I want you, she didn’t mean anything to me” He approached her again, his hope growing a little when she didn’t stop him. He put a strand of hair behind her ear, softly brushing her cheek “I know I fucked up but I can’t go on without you, I just can’t”
“Well you have, countless times while I was left in the dark wondering if I had done something wrong, crying myself to sleep when I couldn’t get a hold of you, Dalton, and in the meantime you were with her”
“I’m sorry-”
“And you have the nerve to say all that shit to me, acting like I was suffocating you, when in reality I was trying to save us!” She pushed him away.
“I’m so sorry”
“No, you’re not”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, please let’s talk about it”
“Fine, let’s talk about it. Was she worth it?” He shook his head, ready to leave his pride behind as he kneeled in front of her as he grabbed one of her hands “What are you doing? Stop”
“I promise it was an accident, it won’t happen again”
“An accident? Dalton, are you hearing yourself right now?”
“Please, don’t let me go” The grip on her hand tightened, pulling her closer to him.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” 
“No. I don’t want anyone else, I want you, Y/N”
“You don’t have to worry about me anymore”
“But everything I said… I meant it, I love you Y/N and every second we’ve been together has meant everything to me, baby you have to understand”
“I’m not lying, you know I’m not” She pushed his hand away, rolling her eyes when another tear rolled down his face “I know I don’t deserve it but please… just one more chance and I can fix this”
“Give you a chance? I gave you a chance when I believed your excuses, when I forgave you for cancelling every date we had planned, when I tried to understand why you locked me out and when I almost forgave you for forgetting our anniversary, I gave you so many fucking chances!”
“But I swear it wasn’t like that, she meant nothing.”
“You’re unbelievable… god, what are you saying?”
“Just think about how great we are together” He said, trying to hold her torso, but once again she stopped him. 
“Dalton, stop that”
“We’re a great team, aren’t we? We understand each other so well, we know each other better than anyone else, god, I’ll do anything, I swear”
“No, it’s not gonna work”
“Yes it will, and I’ll make sure of that”
“No” She was having a hard time blocking out how much love she still had for him, but she wasn’t forgiving him, there was no way.
“I swear I don’t want anyone else” He held her hands and started kissing them, his lips giving her a sense of home that she missed “Y/N please, I love you” 
“I know” Her response was weak as she started crying again.
“You know I love you and I would do anything for you” He continued kissing her, a few tears falling on her hands “Do you still love me?”
“I love you… oh god” She released one of her hands from Dalton’s grip, squeezing her eyes shut and covering her face.
“See? It will work, we will make it work” Y/N shook her head, she was feeling stupid for almost falling for that “Baby look at me, everything’s gonna be alright. Just think about how great we’re together”
“Who is she?” She dared to repeat the question as she looked at him again.
Silence filled the room for a moment, his voice barely above a whispered when he finally answered “Annie”
Annie, her roommate Annie. She was in Dalton's art class, and she was the reason they met when Annie introduced them one day after their art class. She felt betrayed on a whole new level, not only by Dalton but by her too. They were friends, they had been roommates since day one so they were close, how could she do that? And these past weeks when she had been mourning her relationship, she was there the whole time and she knew exactly what was happening.
“How long?”
She was getting annoyed at how long it was taking him to answer her questions “The day we went to town… I walked with her to your dorm after our class to pick you up but you weren’t there yet”
“So you did it in my room?” It wasn’t really a question, and she felt even more disgusted at the thought of them in her own room.
“It was one moment of weakness”
“One moment of weakness?” He nodded, his hands now holding on to her hips “But it didn't stop there, did it?”
“I’m sorry”
She swiped the tears away to her temples “What does she give you that I can't?”
Dalton shook his head quickly “Nothing, you’re everything I could ever ask for”
“Then why did you do that?”
He didn’t have an answer, he didn’t really know how it happened or why it kept going, but he couldn’t deny he was enjoying it before he got caught “I don’t know” He whispered.
“Do you love her?”
“No, of course not. I love you” He was holding her tighter, convinced that if he held her long enough she’d want to stay.
“Oh my god, I’m so stupid”
“You know it didn’t mean anything, it was a mistake-”
“Get your hands off me, I’m leaving” She said as she tried to free herself.
“Baby, please don’t leave, you have to hear me out”
“Dalton let go, I don’t wanna be here” Her words struggled to come out from how much she was crying. 
“Please no, I don’t wanna let you go” He looked up at her, his eyes begging for forgiveness “Let’s just talk about it, yeah? Let me explain”
“Save it Dalton, it’s over” 
“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. This is obviously my fault but I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to stay” She finally freed herself, and her only goal was to go back to her room. She turned around and headed to the door, his hand tried to come to stop her, but she flinched away. Y/N could hear him spittin nonsense, but she was drowning out his words ��Baby please, I love you”
She turned around to face him one last time, spotting Dalton still on his knees in the middle of his room “So you’ve said, but how can you hurt someone you claim to love so much?” He was about to say something, but she didn’t wanna hear it “There’s nothing you can do to get me to stay, you threw everything away”
“I know, my love, but-”
“I’m gonna leave and you’re gonna stay here, just… leave me alone, I don’t ever wanna see you again”
Y/N exited the room, leaving Dalton alone and a complete mess. He regretted what he did, and he wanted to think that if she would just give him a chance to explain she’d forgive him. But he knew that would never be the case, and that his mistake was bigger than any apology, she was right to leave him.
He stared at the door for too long, taking in every emotion he was feeling: remorse, anger, pain, agony… he just felt like life was being sucked out of his body because he ruined the most important part of it, and there’s no one to blame but himself.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
A Night Together
Summary: You accidentally spend an evening alone with Hotch and things go rather well.
Warnings: Some drinking, fluff🤭, mentions of cats and cat allergies, kissing.
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: I suck at titles and I know it sounds smutty but I promise it's not a smut fic lmfao. This has been in my drafts for so long now and I finally finished it. Please let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is great!
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"Hey what if everyone came over to my place tonight? We could make something for dinner, play games, and have a few drinks?" You suggested to the team.
They all agreed to a set time and seemed excited for what was to come.
"Great! I'll go ask Hotch real quick." You said and walked to his office. He had mentioned earlier in the day that Jack would be staying with his friend so you knew that if he did want to come you wouldn't be pulling him away from time with his son. You knocked on the door and heard a muffled "Come in." You opened it and stood in the doorway.
"Hey Hotch, I just asked the team if they wanted to come over later for dinner and drinks along with a few games. I was wondering if you would like to come as well?" You said the last part with hope because you really did want him over too. Honestly you had a bit of a crush on your boss. Which of course you knew was inappropriate and unprofessional but you couldn't help it.
"That sounds great y/n. What time should I be there?"
"Around 6:00 if that works for you. That's when everyone else said they would arrive." You said with a smile.
"6:00 is perfect." He smiled making yours become slightly bigger before you turned and went back to the rest of the team.
"Hotch said he will be there too." You announced.
They all looked to you and then back to each other. You could tell they were up to something.
"Oh sweetness I totally forgot that I have plans tonight. I'll pop by another time okay?" Derek said. "Uh. Yeah okay. That's fine." You replied and he gave you a smile.
"Wait don't you have a cat? I'm allergic to cats." Spencer told you. "Spencer since when are you allergic to cats?" You knew something was going on. "I don't know. I guess since I was born?" He said going back to reading a file. "Okay so you and Morgan won't be there. Anyone else that won't be coming over?"
"You know, I'm actually somewhat allergic to cats too."
"Emily what the hell are you talking about? You have a cat!" Okay this was definitely getting weird you thought.
"Yeah well I have been having some problems lately." She said.
"Actually, nevermind. We won't hang out at my place tonight. We can do something somewhere else another time. This way none of you have to randomly become allergic to cats." You said rolling your eyes slightly and going back to your desk. They all smirked slightly as they went back to their work.
You were out of there after about an hour of going through different files. Just ready to go home and have a quiet evening alone since the plans you had were now cancelled.
When you got home the cat was sleeping peacefully in the small bed you had bought for it. You put on your favourite film and got changed into some pajamas for your night in. It was around six o'clock when you heard a knock on your door. You stood up walked to your door confused because no one was supposed to be here. When you opened it you were greeted with your boss smiling at you. He looked over you shoulder, then back to you with a frown noticing no one else was there and that you were in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
"Hotch? Why are you here?" You asked him confused because the hang out was called off. "I thought you said to be here at six? Did I hear you wrong?" His brows furrowed. Then realisation hit you. You never told him not to come. "You heard me right I just forgot to tell you that we cancelled because three of them bailed basically simultaneously. I said we could go out some other time but I just completely forgot you weren't aware of what happened. I'm sorry you came all the way here Hotch." You explained. "Oh. It's fine you don't need to apologise. In fact I'm sorry that it didn't work out." He said frowning even more. He seemed incredibly disappointed.
Then you thought, maybe he could stay. It may be sort of awkward but just the two of you for the evening sounded rather nice. Plus you still felt bad that he drove all the way here expecting dinner and drinks only to find out that he would be eating alone since Jack was staying with his friend tonight.
"Actually Hotch, what if we still eat dinner and all that? We can still have fun without the others right? I've got some games and we can watch television or something! Only if you want to though." You suggested.
It was entirely possible that having dinner and drinks with him alone wasn't the best idea when it came to keeping things professional between you and Hotch but you didn't really think about that when you made this suggestion.
"Sounds like a great idea to me y/n." He smiled again. You stood there for a moment admiring him in his black polo shirt before you remembered that you hadn't invited him in and that he was just standing outside your home. You stepped to the side so he could come in. He did so and looked around a little from where he was standing, not wanting to just start walking around your place because he wanted to be polite.
"Make yourself comfortable. I was going to make something to eat but if you just want to order in we can do that." You told him after closing the door.
"It's up to you really."
"Making dinner here could be fun. How does pasta sound?"
He smiled. "That sounds perfect."
Smiling back you made your way past him and into the kitchen to grab the ingredients. He followed behind you.
"Okay we can't let Rossi know that we made pasta without him. He would be very offended and tell us we probably didn't do it right." You laughed. "Yeah it's best we keep this to ourselves." He chuckled. It's probably best to keep this entire night between the two of you. The team would tease you both relentlessly and suggest something definitely happened other than just two good friends hanging out together.
Throughout making your dinner the two of you had some light conversation. Talking about Jack and how he's doing. A little about work but you tried to stay away from that topic since it wasn't generally something fun to talk about. You told him how Emily and Spencer are now allergic to cats and he said the same thing you did about how Emily has Sergio so what she said made no sense. You told him that's what you told her. As you both tried to maneuver around the kitchen you bumped into each other a few times. The first time was filled with apologies but by the fourth time you were both laughing over it.
You had opened a bottle of wine once the food was ready and poured a glass for him and one for yourself. Dinner was mostly silent with a few words here and there.
Once you had cleaned up you told him you could each pick a game to play. Leading him to a closet in the hallway you opened it to reveal many boardgames stacked on top of each other. Yahtzee and Pictionary were the final choices.
"YAHTZEE!" You yelled for the third time that night. The first two had been in the first round of the night which you had won. This was the first one of the second round. "How do you keep doing that?" Aaron asked with fake annoyance. "Oh you didn't know I have special Yahtzee powers huh?" You teased. "No, I did in fact not know that. I guess you learn something new everyday." He said going along with your playfulness.
After beating him four times he decided it was best to switch over to Pictionary.
"More wine?"
"Are you trying to get me drunk Hotchner?"
"No. Definitely not." He smirked.
"Mhm. I bet you're not. Pour me another."
You were both on your third glass of wine. If you kept going you didn't know how you'd be able to draw anything for the next game.
You had both been starting to feel the wine kicking in. About halfway through the third glass.
"Y/n how in the world is that a penguin? It looks like a blob. A blob with eyes. It looks like an alien blob y/n."
"What do you mean? It's obviously a penguin! I don't know how you can't see it."
"Y/n look at it! That is definitely not a penguin!"
You were both laughing incredibly hard at this point. Leaning on each other to keep from falling over. Eventually giving up on the game and deciding to start a movie instead.
Putting a comedy on you both got situated on the sofa with blankets and pillows.
You giggled and talked throughout it. Most of what either of you said was about something the characters did on the screen. You had gotten up to get something to snack on and when you came back you sat down right next to Aaron. Your sides practically glued together. Over the next 20 minutes he had wrapped his arm around you and you had moved your legs on top of his. Looking up at him you saw a big beautiful smile gracing his lips. One that you had actually seen most of the night now that you thought about it. You found yourself completely distracted from the movie staring at his mouth.
Aaron had moved his gaze to you. He saw the way you looked at him when you worked together and he knew how you felt about him. You had never told him but he picked up on it not long after you joined the team. He would be lying through his teeth if he said he didn't feel the same about you. Your feelings for each other had only grown as time passed. He wanted this and he knew you did too but he never acted on it because it would be unprofessional and could cause problems down the line if it didn't work out. Even if it did work out it could cause problems. You were both aware of this so you never pursued those feelings. Not until now.
You both leaned in slowly, giving the other the chance to pull away, but neither of you did. His hand moving to cup your cheek as your lips connected and even if it seems cliché it felt like fireworks went off. You moved in sync. It was like you were meant for each other. And you were.
After a moment you both pulled away pressing your foreheads together.
"I have wanted to do that for a long time." He told you softly.
"Me too Aaron. I've wanted that since the first time I met you."
"This could have consequences in the future y/n. It's unprofessional and could create complications with our job."
"Aaron I don't care about the possible consequences or complications. We both want this and we can make it work. This is something I'm committed to."
"Good. Because I am too."
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gerrystamour · 1 year
run it back (give me five whole minutes)
Rated T | Steddie Week Day 5: Together | 1700 Words | Complete
“Maybe I can come help you?” “No, Eds, you need to sleep tonight. You and Wayne have a lot of driving to do tomorrow, don’t you?” “Yeah, just… we’re not gonna see each other for a week, and we haven’t really seen each other for a couple of days already…” “I know. I’m sorry…” If you're seeing me reposting it, no you aren't. ANYWAY this is my entry for @steddie-week Day 5: Established Relationship & Together CW: Some negative self-talk because I decided to inflict some of my RSD on Steeb.
By the time Steve left work, his entire head was full of static. There was a pounding, pulling feeling just behind his left eye and it felt like his eardrums were ready to rupture with how loud his ears rang. So much had been going on all day, and then some moron knocked over an entire shelf literally five minutes before the store closed.
Steve had been tempted to tidy it up as best as he could and leave a note, but he knew Keith would fire him if he did that. Normally, he wouldn’t really care because cleaning up the mess would normally help settle his mood before he went home to bed.
But he had plans. He had plans and now he had to cancel them to clean up a mess so he didn’t get fired.
The phone call had sucked to make, telling Eddie that he wasn’t going to be able to make it to his place after work.
“Maybe I can come help you?”
“No, Eds, you need to sleep tonight. You and Wayne have a lot of driving to do tomorrow, don’t you?”
“Yeah, just… we’re not gonna see each other for a week, and we haven’t really seen each other for a couple of days already…”
“I know. I’m sorry…”
Eddie had reassured Steve that it was okay, that he understood, that he wasn’t mad. But Steve couldn’t shake the repeating, screaming thoughts that he fucked up big time. That it was a mistake to prioritize his shitty minimum wage job over seeing his boyfriend before he left to visit the few extended family members he and Wayne still spoke to for a week.
Steve was just destined to be a shit boyfriend, apparently.
That thought had to be shut down quickly because he didn’t want to do something embarrassing like cry while he was still within the four walls of Family Video.
So he focused on righting the shelf and reorganizing the videos correctly. A few cases got damaged, so he set those aside with a note for Keith. By the time he finished, it was one in the morning.
There was a chance Eddie was still awake because if Steve knew his boyfriend, he knew the man didn’t have a healthy sleep schedule. But what good would calling him do? Steve already chose work over him, so calling now would just rub that in.
Steve locked up the store and drove home, tears welling up in his eyes and blurring his vision. He fucked up bad and he was going to have to figure out how to fix it fast. Steve kept replaying the distracted way Eddie said he loved him on the phone when they hung-up earlier, which made him think of all the times Nancy said she loved him.
Maybe if he woke up super early the next morning, he could get to Eddie’s trailer before he left, and he could apologize in person and see him? Waking up early after a shift like the one he had and working past one in the morning was a recipe for a migraine, or at least a tension headache from hell, but it would be worth it to make this up to Eddie.
Steve couldn’t lose Eddie over his stupid bullshit.
By the time Steve pulled into the driveway of his house, he was struggling to hold back the tears. He wasn’t normally a crier, just when he was exhausted, in pain, and a bit heartsick all at once. Steve couldn’t stand that about himself, especially in moments like this where it wasn’t even okay for him to be that upset. He fucked up, why was he upset?
Entering his dark, quiet house, Steve quickly locked the front door and tossed his keys at the bowl on the table near the front door before trudging loudly up the stairs without taking off his shoes. He barely cared that his keys missed the bowl entirely and clattered loudly to the floor.
Steve didn’t even notice there was already a set of keys sitting in the bowl.
He didn’t stop until he was in his bathroom, staring at his tear-streaked and miserable face. “Stupid,” he muttered to himself as he started taking off his clothes for a shower. “Worst fucking boyfriend, why does anyone even fucking bother with you?”
Steve jumped, too startled even to shout, and he turned on the intruder with fists ready. He wasn’t prepared to see his boyfriend, sleep-soft and frowning at him.
“Eds?” he asked, confusion blurring with his self-loathing. Why was Eddie here? Shit, he must’ve felt so bad for Steve he came over. Once again, someone else was doing all the fucking emotional work in the relationship, and Eddie had to be up early—
“Don’t talk about my boyfriend like that,” Eddie said firmly, stepping into the bathroom to hold Steve’s face.
“What?” he asked, dazed now that Eddie was standing in his space and touching him.
“You were saying mean shit about my amazing boyfriend, Steve,” Eddie said, and Steve’s expression crumpled.
“Don’t—you don’t have to say that. You’re just being nice—” Steve started, but he was interrupted by Eddie scoffing.
“Sweetheart, when am I ever ‘just being nice’ to anyone?” Eddie asked and Steve couldn’t really argue that. Eddie wasn’t mean, and he wasn’t always forthcoming with talking about his feelings on matters, but he was never nice for the sake of being nice. If he was telling someone something with his words, then that meant something.
“But I didn’t leave work,” Steve said weakly, trying to find the justifications for why he was a terrible boyfriend. “You’re leaving tomorrow and I didn’t leave work to see you.”
“Stevie, that’s your job. You—did I even ask you to leave work?” Eddie asked, bewildered.
“You shouldn’t have to ask me!” Steve said with no small amount of frustration. What wasn’t Eddie understanding about this? Steve wasn’t being attentive, he wasn’t thinking three steps ahead, he wasn’t reading between the lines of Eddie’s questions and requests well enough.
“So if I asked you to leave that huge mess and lose your job, you would’ve?” Eddie asked skeptically, but something must have shown on Steve’s face because Eddie’s expression faltered. “Babe, staying behind at work was fine. I’m not so needy that you should drop everything and come running to comfort me.”
“But you were upset,” Steve insisted, taking a step back out of Eddie’s hands. “You were upset and I didn’t—”
“I was upset because you sounded so miserable on the phone! I wasn’t—fuck, Steve, I’m sorry I made you feel like I was upset with you,” Eddie said, stepping forward to cup Steve’s face again. Then he added, “Yeah, I wanted to see you before I went on the worst fucking trip ever, and yeah I was sad I wouldn’t, but I was mostly sad that you were having such a shitty day.”
“I didn’t even tell you about my day, though,” Steve said, a bit dazed.
“Didn’t have to, sweetheart,” Eddie replied with a sweet smile. “You did your Headache Brewing Sigh after every sentence,” he elaborated after a moment and Steve’s heart ached at being known so deeply.
“You should be sleeping, Eds,” Steve said weakly, stepping forward into Eddie’s embrace.
“I’m not going anymore. I didn’t wanna go in the first place, so I told Wayne I’m staying home,” Eddie replied, and his arms tightened around him when Steve tried to pull away. “Don’t, you beautiful little martyr. I didn’t want to go so I’m not going. There’s nothing more to it, don’t make it about you.”
Steve felt all the fight leave his body, resting his weight more heavily against Eddie with a shaky sigh, his head dropping to Eddie’s shoulder.
“Let’s go to bed, baby,” Eddie cooed, petting his hair, but Steve shook his head.
“I just need to shower first,” he said, and he could feel Eddie nodding.
“Alright, let’s do that, then bed,” Eddie said brightly, stepping back carefully to start taking off his pajamas. When Steve opened his mouth to argue, Eddie held a finger to his lips with a playfully stern expression. “I’m taking care of you tonight, Stevie. It’ll be over quicker if you just let me.”
At that, Steve huffed a tired laugh and rolled his eyes. “Fine,” he grumbled lightly and finished undressing.
The shower took them a long time, Eddie refusing to let Steve do any of the work to wash himself off. Eddie just grabbed each bottle Steve reached for and did everything for him. At one point, Steve let out a sigh that carried a small vocalization at the end, his body finally relaxing under the hot spray of the shower and his boyfriend’s cool hands.
Eddie took that moment to drop a soft, almost distracted kiss to the back of Steve’s shoulder and the tenderness of that tiny gesture broke through something in him. With a shaky inhale, Steve turned around and wrapped his arms around Eddie, burying his face into the junction of his boyfriend’s shoulder and neck with a sigh. There were tears in Steve’s eyes again, but this time they weren’t sad.
When Eddie immediately wrapped his own arms around him, Steve kissed the skin his mouth was closest to before tipping his head back to meet Eddie’s eyes.
“I love you,” Steve confessed so quietly that the shower almost drowned him out.
Eddie heard it though, or read his lips, and his big brown eyes widened a bit. Then a grin split his face and he dropped a kiss onto Steve’s mouth. “I love you, too,” Eddie said without pulling away and Steve pressed closer to deepen the kiss again.
Standing under the steady spray of the shower, they kissed each other slow and sweet, searching even if they knew their ways around each other’s mouths. It was different now that they’d said the word they had both been thinking since the day they first kissed.
Finally, the temperature of the water began to waver and they pulled away from the kiss.
“Holy shit, so there is an end to the Harrington water heater,” Eddie marveled as they quickly finished up and turned the water off.
Once they were tucked into bed, Steve reached across the space between them to pull Eddie into his arms tightly. Eddie laughed as he settled, wrapping himself around Steve and sighing happily.
“I love you,” Steve said again, yawning.
Eddie turned his head where it rested and kissed Steve’s chest. “Love you, too, Stevie.”
I hope you enjoy and please consider reblogging! Taglist! @steddie-there, @patchworkgargoyle, @scarcrossdlvrs, @indigohightide, @steddieas-shegoes, @steve-harringtits, @mylilplanet, @afewproblems, @xenon-demon, @inairbinad, @matchingbatbites
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leeehye · 1 year
Sweet Truth - pt. 1
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Summary ~ Mr. Choi, an arrogant and cold boss, learns the truth when visiting one of his employees house, Y/n. Who is someone he would like to be more close with. Yet the lack of emotions is a great obstacle for him he will have to do a lot to get to her heart.
Warnings ⚠️ ~ FLUFF ☁️, angst, may contain some smut in future parts, language, long (sorry) - enjoy!!
a/n - definitely turning this into a mini series! Yes I love this so much 💕 I TAKE ANY SUGGESTIONS, sorry for bad grammar
You know what’s more exhausting than working almost 10 hours a day and barely getting any sleep? Having a boss like Choi Seungcheol. Honestly! You could ask anybody in the company, everyone hated him. He was so cold and strict along with being a perfectionist. It would be surprising if he remembered your name. He had also earned my hatred, when I joined the company he packed me with work and sent me for coffees every chance he got. This man had an addiction to dark coffee bitter just like him, and not to forget the fact that he underestimated my abilities.
My thoughts were interrupted by the voices of my co-workers as they bowed their heads greeting Mr. Choi, I took the files that I needed him to sign, grabbing my iPad. He walked past the workers so arrogantly didn’t even look at them and into his office. I sighed quietly and went to his door knocking three times before entering slowly closing the door behind me.
He was focused on something on his computer as I got there, I noticed he was checking the company’s finances, and checking the graphs.
“Mr. Choi…I have some requests from other companies for partnerships…and about the products—” I started while setting the folders down on his desk, but he cut me off.
“I heard about the problem with the products…I’m going to need you to stay overtime today…we’ll look at it and try to fix it” he said, starting to look through the folders I gave him.
“Oh…” I said quietly, not realizing that my disappointment was noticeable. He looked up at me and frowned, his eyebrows confused.
“Any problem with that Miss…” he mumbled and I clenched my fist gently.
“Y/n. sir…” I responded helping him out, I already knew he wasn’t going to get my name right.
“And no, no problem at all sir…I’ll just have to cancel my plans tonight,” I said softly “Well I need to go check something and I’ll come back to start working on fixing the problem” I said and he just gave me a cold nod going back to his computer. Forming a thin line with my lips I slightly bowed and left his office.
A few workers had already left and it was past my work hours, so I grabbed my bag and my work things and head back to Mr. Choi’s office. This time I found him standing up with his hands on his desk leaning down revising some papers. I had to admit that Mr. Choi was a pain in the butt at times but that didn’t mean he wasn’t good looking. Small strands of his hair fell on his face, and he had his sleeves rolled up revealing his veiny arms decorated with his expensive watch. I gulped and moved a chair next to his like I always did when we worked together.
There wasn’t much conversation in the first 15 minutes, only things I needed clarifications with but that was until my phone turned on revealing a
Text Notification
Vernon 💛
It’s okay sweetie, we can move our date another day!
don’t overwork yourself! ❤️
I had not really taken the message in mind until Mr. Choi spoke, making me widen my eyes.
“Tell your boyfriend that you are busy, remember you need to be professional, you're still at work Miss Y/n” he grunted coldly. I took my phone quickly into my chest slowly.
“No…he isn’t…I mean sorry sir…” I said quickly looking at my phone, putting it on silent, putting it down faced down. I tried to concentrate again until it hit me.
“Miss Y/n.”
He had remembered without me repeating it to him. I looked at him for a few seconds and his head turned to look at me. I’m not joking when I said that we stayed there for a few seconds staring at each other. He cleared his throat and glanced at my iPad.
“what? get back to work” he mumbled.
-minutes later-
Checking the time it read 12 am. Shit. I was so tired and I was afraid of passing out in front of my boss. My eyes started to close but his typing made me come back again.
“Um…sir I think I finished…” I whispered moving my iPad to him covering my mouth hiding a yawn. He hummed and started to revise my work. Silence. His classical music plays in the background. His lights dimmed. Perfect to fall asleep.
My eyes closed again while waiting for him to finish and tell me to go home. He for sure was taking his damn time. My head started to fall slowly to the side, along with my body, my head slowly rested on his shoulder. It was warm and big, of course, and incredibly comfortable.
“Miss Y/n…” I heard far, far away. I hummed softly until I heard it again. Gasping loudly I sat up quickly getting up from my seat.
“Yes sir!” I said quickly pushing my hair back, I started to recall that I had fallen asleep on my boss’s shoulder.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Choi '' I said quickly, starting to rant an apology. He waved his hand gently assuring me multiple times that I didn’t need to worry. I felt a hige wave of embarrassment washing over me.
“I think it’s best if we call it a day huh?” he said in a different voice, it was now his deep voice but now more, friendlier? As much as I wanted to be professional I agreed with him and nodded. I started to pack up my things and so did he.
“Have a goodnight sir…” I said politely bowing and starting to walk out and he came right behind me.
“Wait, why don’t you let me drive you home?” He suggested making my tiredness go away.
“Um…what? Oh no sir…that…that could affect your reputation” I mumbled feeling my cheeks warm up.
He scoffed as we walked out.
“Please, there’s no buses going around at this hour and a taxi is unsafe for a lady like you…at least you can trust me don’t you think?” he said, looking at me. I gripped my bag strap and bit my lower lip taking in mind what he just said.
Was he helping me? I was actually scared to go out alone and of course I trusted him more than a taxi driver or anyone at this hour.
“Um…only this once, thank you…” I said softly following him to his car. I wasn’t surprised but my eyes still went wide seeing his Mercedes g63, it went so well with him I thought and his words replayed in my head, he wasn’t going to let a lady like me go out alone at this hour. That just made him so different from the arrogant boss during the day. No Y/n stop it! He is your boss, you can’t see him any other way!
The car ride was silent except when I told him my address, a few minutes later he parked in front of my house and I sighed tiredly gently rubbing my eyes, stretching slightly, then the door ioening and closing startled me. Mr. Choi had gotten out of the car and opened the door for me.
“Oh…um thanks…thank you…” I said getting out shyly “Well have a goodnight sir—”
“Y/n!” My mom called out coming out of my house. She made her way to us and hugged me before looking at Mr. Choi.
“Oh my my Y/n! He is handsome!” she exclaimed giggling and I froze.
“M-mom…stop…he—” I mumbled.
“He must be a co-worker of yours! Wait! Why don’t you both come in? I made some bibipam, we can also talk about that rude boss that you talk about Y/n!” she yelled, pulling us in.
At that point I wanted the earth to swallow me whole. She kept rambling all the mean things I had said about Seungcheol and I glanced at him, his eyes were slightly wide, but interested in the conversation.
“yes sweetie! You tell me he is such a pain at times and how arrogant he is” she said and I made a face at her.
“mom—” I mumbled, waving my hands to make her stop, but Seungcheol’s hand slowly stopped my hand taking it in his.
“No it’s fine…gone on ma’am…” he whispered, his face didn’t express anger but interest in the conversation, as my eyes darted to our hands. His large hand gently embracing mine, I was so confused.
“Oh you know, it’s Mr. Choi or something, he overworks my little daughter! She works so hard to impress him! What do you think about him, young man?” She asked, setting two bowls with warm soups on the table.
“Well ma’am I think I don’t really pay attention to the boss’s actions…” he said in a gentle tone to my mom as we took a seat and she sat down across from us.
After a few minutes later I was helping my mom clean up, and praying that I don’t get fired. Wiping the table I noticed Mr. Choi looked over the pictures on the shelves, and a thin smile came to my mind. Shaking my head. slightly I went over to him while my mom finished cleaning.
“Nice family” he mumbled, making me look at him.
“Huh? Oh y-yeah thank you sir…what about you I think you’ve lived a wonderful life,” I said smiling softly and he released a soft scoff.
“I wish… my parents divorced and my relationship with my father isn’t that good…I think that’s why I try so hard…” he started still staring at my family photos.
“Oh I’m really sorry sir…I didn’t” I quickly added apologetically.
“It’s fine, sorry I shouldn’t be ranting about my personal life…um I should get going…” he said looking at me before checking his watch, earning a nod from me I followed him outside walking him to his car.
“Um thank you again for giving me a ride home Sir…” I said bowing my head. He gave me a soft smile and responded.
“Call me Seungcheol…” he mumbled. I looked up in shock. “It’s nothing but call me Seungcheol, let’s start from there…” he said, his eyes fixed on me, I could feel my cheeks heating up.
“Oh um start what Mr. Choi? I mean…S-Seungcheol?” I asked shyly and he placed his hands in his pockets.
“Let’s start with me not being a pain in the butt and an arrogant stupid boss…” he said recalling my mom’s words.
“I’m really sorry sir—” I spoke quickly but he beat me to it.
“Don’t be…That way I can see the things that need to be fixed for me to be a good boss and well…impress someone…” he said and he seemed to admire me for a moment. I gently clenched my fist in a soft ball. He slowly opened his mouth looking like he wanted to say something important to me.
His eyes scanned me for a few seconds. I tried to not get my hopes up. The words he said next were so shocking…
To Be Continued…
Part II
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luke-hughes43 · 6 months
request: more of stella cuddling on luke when he’s s doing something and her just cuddled on his lap (maybe doing it when he lives with jack and jack coming home seeing stella cuddled up on luke’s lap asleep and luke just playing games on the tv?
luke’s pov
so tonight, me and the boys are playing nhl online together. keeping up with our tournaments from way back in freshman year. at like 5:30 i get a text from stella;
stella zegras❤️🫶🏻: hey i’m coming over after practice. long day and i don’t have lift in the morning.
me: ok baby. you ok sweet girl?
stella zegras❤️🫶🏻: ya ig. just need you.
me: well i’m here when you get here. jack went out with nico and some of the guys and won’t be back for a bit so it should be quiet.
she didn’t respond so i assume she’s driving. after like 25 minutes, i hear the door open. i’m assuming it’s stella, jack gave her key at the start of the season and told her she’s always welcome. i call out, “stella?”
she comes in and looks so tired and just defeated. i pause the game I’m playing and say, “you ok stel?” she doesn’t say anything and just walks over to me.
i extend a hand and pull her down on to my lap. she instantly settles in my arms and i feel her physically relax.
i carefully pull her hair elastic out to let her hair out knowing that she likes it down. i softly rub her back and kiss her head, “talk to me stel. what’s going on pretty girl?”
“i’m just really tired. i had a really long day and i just need some cuddles.” she mumbles against my chest. I ask, “did you sleep last night?” i don’t get a response so i press a little, “stella, did you sleep last night?”
“i got a few hours. i got distracted writing a paper for one my marketing classes. i have like 3 papers to write this week so i’m sorry that i got carried away writing one of them and was up until like 2 in the morning. are you mad?”
I sigh and say softly, “oh stel. i’m not mad, i just want you to take care of yourself. are you hungry, did you eat?”
she whispers, “yea. i grabbed dinner at school before coming."
"ok. I got you stel. i was gonna be playing chel with the boys and doing like a group facetime with them, do you want me to cancel?"
"no. I just need you to hold me right now."
"I can definitely do that sweet girl. stel, look at me for a sec?" she looks up and I smile. I kiss her softly and say, "I love you."
"I love you too." she says back in a whisper.
I kiss her head and she cuddles right back into me. I rub her back and pull a blanket down to put over her. I start getting ready to FaceTime the boys and play chel with them.
I jump on the call, "what's up boys?"
"sup hughesy?" and similar things are said back from duker, eddy, mark, and samo. Dylan asks, "is that Stella?"
the guys all say hi and I feel her wave at them. we set up our tournament and start playing. after the first game, I feel stella's breathing even out and her body relax even more against me which are the tell tale signs that she's asleep. I smile gratefully that she's getting some sleep.
after a couple hours, we log off. we all have stuff that we need to do, girlfriends to attend too. I decide to just put a movie on, some random one that was on when I shut the game off.
I hear the door open again and quietly yell, "jacky?"
"yea?" he responds. I say back, "k just checking."
he comes in and sees Stella, "hey Stella."
"she's asleep." I say quietly. he drops his voice, "oh. she ok? it's like 9, she's never asleep this early."
"I guess. she texted me at like 5:30 that she was coming by and has been in this position since she got here. I think she fell asleep at like 6:15. she was up until 2 last night writing a paper, and then obviously had lift, class, and practice. just had a long day."
"I can tell. well don't let her sleep on the couch. put her to bed."
"I'm planning on it. I just don't wanna move her. she's so peaceful and beautiful and I don't wanna wake her. she needs the sleep."
"I know but she shouldn't sleep in that position all night."
"yea yea. how's was wherever you were with nico and the guys?"
"good. they were surprised when you didn't come."
"I'll join next time. I'm glad I was home though, Stella really didn't look that good jack. she looked like a shell of herself, going through the motions and just not doing ok. I think she's overworking herself like she did freshman year. I'm worried."
"hey, she'll be ok. she's got you, and a whole team of girls that have her back plus our whole team. she's got a good system. she's gonna be fine. besides, aren't you asking her to move in with you next year?"
"yea, I'm gonna put her to bed. and I'm heading to the rink in the morning to get a workout in after she heads back for class, do you either wanna come with or can I use the car?"
"I'll leave the keys on the counter. wake me in the morning and I'll let you know then."
"ok. night bro." I say. he nods and heads off to his room. I shut the tv off before removing the blanket from Stella and carefully picking her up. she stirs a little but stays asleep. I carefully carry her to my room and get her in bed. she wakes up when I set her down in bed and then pull away. she groans, "no. don't go."
"stel, I'm only going to shut all the lights off and get you some water. I'll be right back baby."
"lukey, stay."
"2 minutes stella." I say and kiss her head. I quickly get her a glass of water in the kitchen and shut all of the light's off. I then go back to my room and join her in bed. she basically latches onto me like a koala as soon as I get in bed. I smile softly and pull her close to me.
"ok stel, I'm right here and not going anywhere. just get some sleep sweet girl. I love you."
I kiss her forehead and hear her mumble against my chest, "I love you too." she basically falls asleep right after that and I'm not far behind her. I'm just glad she's getting some rest. she tends to run herself into the ground and I hate it. at least for tonight I know that she's ok and taking care of herself.
I fall asleep smiling knowing that I get to wake up next to the most beautiful girl in the world and the love of my life.
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
"is that my shirt" with jake please<33
don't play fair, don't be sweet
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pairing- hangman x reader
warnings- one or two sexual innuendos and hangman being hangman so 18+? this is pretty much fluff @justfandomwritings is gonna divorce me i just know it
length- 1.2k
an- welp. as per usual i went the opposite direction the prompt might suggest. this is..very silly and fluffy and idk I’m sorry this took so long (promise y’all I only have one more 500 celly prompt….over a month later)
title from teeth by mallrat
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“You better buy me a new shirt.” Jake’s unsuccessfully fighting a chuckle as he yells to you in the other room.
You roll your eyes as you come back into your bedroom. “I’m sure you can afford another J.Crew button-up, Lieutenant.”
Jake tries not to preen as you drag your eyes up his naked torso. There’s a fire lit in them that has him immediately pulling his phone out to cancel on everyone you’re supposed to be meeting when a black t-shirt with an alligator logo lands on his face.
“Here, wear that.”
“I’m not wearing Payback’s shirt. I can go without until we get to my place.” He tosses it aside flippantly, throwing a wink in your direction. “If you think you can keep your hands to yourself for that long, that is.”
You let out an exasperated huff. “We don’t have time to go by your place first.”
That pulls a smirk from him, as he tugs you back to straddle him on your soft comforter, already running his hands underneath your red dress. “Well, shit, darlin’, guess we can’t go.”
You drag your lips across his collarbone, nipping at his neck and he tries not to shudder.
“It’ll be suspicious if we both bail. You don’t want everyone to figure us out, do you?” You counter once he’s sufficiently distracted, running your fingers through his hair, gently forcing him to meet your eyes.
Your gorgeous, doe eyes that do nothing but get him into trouble.
“They’ll figure it out when I’m making you scream my name in the bathroom because you chose to wear this tease of an outfit,” he quips, long fingers tugging at your short hem.
You level him with an unimpressed look, and he smiles up at you, turning the charm up to eleven.
It’s truly unfortunate that you’re all but immune to his draw after so much time spent sneaking around.
“What about when he sees me wearing it?” Jake whines finally, after realizing you have no plans to give in. He’s very much disinclined to leave this bed for anywhere besides his house that boasts a distinct lack of roommates.
You raise an eyebrow, probably at his petulance. “He’s not coming tonight. Said he had a date.”
Jake remains unconvinced.
“The sooner we go out, the sooner we can go back to your place,” you promise, fingers running across the ridges of his abs invitingly.
“Fine, but you’re not wearing these,” Jake sighs, feigning irritation as he starts dragging lace panties down your hips.
“You’re a menace,” you tell him, blush rising high on your cheeks, but you don’t move to stop his hands.
Jake kisses your cheek in response, nauseating himself a little at the saccharine gesture. He grips your hips a little tighter than necessary to make up for it and is pleased to hear your breath hitch as he manhandles you around his lap.  
At least some of his tricks still work.
“Hangman…what the hell?”
Jake freezes. So much for Payback’s date. “What?”
“Don’t play dumb. Is that my shirt?”
The blonde looks around, ostensibly for an escape route. Why did he stand in the corner?
Not finding one he finally answers, silver tongue failing him at the worst possible moment. “No?”
The other man gives him a look like Jake must be a moron. Jake thinks that might have some merit, considering he’s standing here wearing the stupid shirt.
“How did you get my shirt?”
“You must’ve let me borrow it,” Jake answers, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
Payback looks like he’d sooner believe Jake moonlights as a stripper.
Jake is fucked. He knows he’s fucked.
He knows how the other man got his callsign, knows Payback is going to make him regret his very existence for sleeping with his best friend. He’s the nicest guy ever until you push his limits.
And Jake has pushed well beyond his limits. He basically sped right past them, while flipping Payback off in the process, by doing something Payback asked him not to do.
The only thing Payback has ever explicitly asked him not to do, actually.
Jake’s not used to this, caring what people besides Coyote think. Being a friend.
Gross. He doesn’t like it.
It snuck up on him, this worry about upsetting the people around him, but Jake would honestly rather eject from his jet than deal with the frankly insane look in Payback’s eyes right now.
He’s not quite sure what to do with that feeling.
“Hey Reu, what’s up?” You’re smiling as you appear at his elbow. Jake’s just trying his best not to damn himself further by checking out the way the neckline of your dress dips invitingly. “I thought you weren’t coming tonight.”
Payback’s gaze flits between the two of you. You clearly have not picked up on the tension settling in the air.
“Seresin,” he says slowly.
“Wait.” Jake holds his hands up, trying to seem less threatening. He steps away from you, as if some distance might help Payback suddenly forget Jake’s seen you naked.
It doesn’t.
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“Hold on!”
“Dead,” Payback threatens. “Six feet under.”
Realization dawns on your face as you remember the shirt, looking like you’re just barely resisting the urge to slap yourself on the forehead. If Jake wasn’t sure Payback was seconds away from smacking him over the head with his beer bottle, it’d make him smile, how adorable you look right now.
Seriously, what is wrong with him. He doesn’t even recognize himself anymore.
Payback’s expression is quickly turning from terrifying to disappointed now that he’s looking at you, and that’s horrifyingly even worse for Jake’s psyche.
“Why couldn’t you go for a nice guy, like Bob?”
Jake’s brow furrows. He knows he doesn’t have the best track record, but he’s trying here, has been since the mission. “Hey, I’m not—”
“Shut up, Hangman,” you and Reuben say simultaneously.
He raises an eyebrow at you, hoping to clearly indicate you’ll be paying for that little comment later. You ignore him, which is pretty much par for the course at this point.
Payback pulls Bob off his stool to stand next to him, the WSO stumbling a little in the process. “Seriously, look how cute he is. This is the kind of guy that’ll treat you right.”
You and Payback glower at each other for a moment before Bob clears his throat.
“Uh,” Bob starts like he’s not sure how to handle this as the only sober, sane one left in the bar. “I’m flattered, Payback, but I don’t think you getting involved is going to keep them from dating.”
Payback deflates, unable to keep his anger burning in the face of sweet, lovable Bob.
“I hope you’re not flying tomorrow,” he tells Jake before stomping to the bar.
You shrug, staring at your friend’s retreating back. “I feel like that could’ve gone worse, honestly.”
Jake can’t help himself, hands already drifting towards your flimsy sundress. “Does that mean we can go to the bathroom now?”
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deandoesthingstome · 11 months
Walk with Me - Ch 6
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Pairing: FBI Agent!Syverson x OFC, Drug Czar!August Walker x OFC
Chapter Summary: Dinner with Francesca and August; plans are revealed.
Chapter Warnings: Light dom/sub behavior, drinking, oral sex (m receiving), implied unprotected p in v sex, fingering, anal sex, implied torture.
Word Count: 3.6K 
Masterlist: For full series Summary and Warnings
Spotify Playlist: The last three songs (16-18) now belong to this chapter.
I knew August was looking for information. He was more agitated than usual and it was apparent he had an idea now that someone had infiltrated his organization. He began to call on me at the most inopportune moments, and I couldn’t tell if he was hoping or not to catch me in a lie. I did hear him trying desperately to convince Mateo his misgivings about me were wrong. I needed to put a stop to any hint of Sy sniffing around, if only to help prove Matteo wrong. August asked about the FBI when we had dinner at his home one evening.
“I’m glad you were able to get free tonight for me, Francesca.”
“August, you know I always come when you call. I’ve had to shuffle a few things around at the gym lately, and they’re starting to get annoyed, but I guess I can always find another studio if I have to.” I took a sip of the wine August had chosen to pair with our meal, tipping my tongue out to catch a small drop of red, drawing his eyes to my lips.
“You know I don’t mean to cause any hardship for you. I wouldn't want to take you away from anywhere else you’d rather be.”
“Now, where else would I rather be, baby, besides right here with you when you want me?”
“Heard from that old ex of yours lately?” August asked, keeping an even voice and betraying with a raised eyebrow only a small hint of the jealousy that I could sense was bubbling beneath the surface.
“Is that where you think I’d rather be? August, you wound me.”
“Francesca. Have you seen him again since he first contacted you?” It was clear August suspected, but I didn’t think he really knew anything. Not now that he’d discovered the guard he had on me had been less than observant on probably more than one occasion. I gave him an answer that I could tell shocked him.
August waited for me to elaborate and I continued almost immediately with barely a hesitation.
“He came by the gym one day. My class was canceled and I was on my way out. He invited me to dinner.” I paused then, and gauged his reaction. I wondered if he could feel me doing so. “I declined, if you care to know.”
“There’s no need to be a brat about it. What night was this?” he asked me.
“It was a day, August. Middle of the day.” When I told him what day it was, he clenched his jaw. “You can call the gym, check the logs. He showed up, worked out, chatted me up, and then I left before him.”
“Alright, but was there a night you didn’t spend at home?”
“Why do you think I spent any night away from the apartment?”
“Maybe you should just answer my questions without any more sass. Or are you looking for something tonight?”
I stared defiantly back at him, because I was. I could see him getting turned on and imagined his dick was probably already hard. It shouldn’t turn him on to have me so disagreeable, but it did. He narrowed his eyes, tilted his head, and waited for my answer. I think it hurt his feelings that I simply carried on with my explanation rather than admitting what I wanted from him.
“The electricity went out in my building one night. I called a friend to see if I could stay over. It was incredibly hot that day and I was never going to be able to sleep without AC. She picked me up and it wasn’t until I got back the next morning that I realized I’d forgotten my phone.”
And then I picked right back up with my insolence.
“But I noticed there were no missed calls or messages from you anyway.” I took another drink, with a devilish smirk on my lips.
“Get up,” he growled at me.
“But I’m not done eating, August.”
“You are. Get up. Now.” August watched as I shoved my chair back and stood. “Now if you want something else to fill that bratty little mouth of yours, why don’t you crawl on over here?”
I saw the pleasure on his face as I sank to my knees before placing my hands on the plush rug beneath the dining table and slowly made my way to him, eyes connected to him the entire time. He turned his seat to face me.
“I am still hungry,” I purred when I reached his lap. “What else did you put on the menu tonight?”
August leaned back in his chair and spread his legs wide as he rested one arm on the table beside him and smoothed the other down his inner thigh.
“Is this one of those meals I have to prepare myself?” I dared to tease and I could see through his pants the way August got even harder as I continued to dish out the attitude.
“It’s practically ready now. You just have to take it out.”
I reached up to unzip his trousers then slipped a hand through the opening of his silk boxer shorts and licked my lips at the sight.
“I have to warn you, I’m particularly ravenous tonight,” I smiled up at him as he drew his hand to my head and pulled me closer.
“It’s a good thing this is all for you then.” 
August pulled my head down and closed his eyes as he struggled not to thrust his hips when my mouth wrapped around him. He simply guided me lower and when I opened for him, the look on his face betrayed the way he relished the feel of the back of my throat and the way I gagged while trying to swallow my saliva around his dick. I looked up at him and he opened his eyes to watch the tears of pleasure spill down my face. I never shied away from choking on his dick and I held my own as he began to bob my head in earnest. I kept my mouth wide open when he finally drew me away from his lap just before he grabbed a hold of his own cock to finish himself. He loved watching his seed drip down my face. I knew it made it so much easier for him to get hard again, especially when I swiped my fingers through his spend and wrapped my lips around them to suck them clean.
In the post orgasmic haze after he’d taken me to bed and defiled me a few more ways, he sat up to ask me a question and I noticed he watched my reaction carefully.
“We’re going on another trip, you and I. We’ll return separately this time. I have something I need to bring into the country and I want you to carry it for me. Will you do that for me?”
With some hesitancy, I agreed. I hoped August would take it as a sign that Matteo was nothing but wrong about me. I needed him to feel I was truly and deeply his and that I was only just now beginning to understand that the club wasn’t his only business. 
I was late to the rendezvous back in the States, but I did arrive with all the cargo still intact. After apologizing profusely, I stayed quiet and demure, presenting an obvious change from my behavior at previous meetings when he didn’t think I had a clue what business was going down. Now I remained meek and a little wide-eyed as I watched him complete his business transaction, trading a portion of the drugs for a few large duffles of cash. 
Later in bed, I broached an earlier subject with what was obviously surprising new information for him.
“August, I have to tell you something,” I said, drawing circles over his chest with my fingertips.
“What is it, love?” 
“I’m worried about you.”
“Worried how?”
“Is what we did this time what you do all the time? Is that what taking care of business is for you?”
“Are you having a hard time calling it what it is, Francesca? Did you think I only bought the drugs you and I used together?”
I sat up to face him. “I always wondered, but I didn’t know until now. And it worries me. I don’t want you to get into trouble.”
“What trouble would I get into? Are you worried about your FBI friend?”
“August, he’s not my friend anymore. Please you have to believe me. But it does worry me. You said there was nothing to worry about, that he had nothing on you. But we’ve just moved a shit ton of illegal drugs into the country. That doesn’t feel like nothing to me.”
“Everything is under control, Francesca. There’s nothing to worry about. Besides, I have plans to get out of that business.”
“Sooner or later?”
“What is with all these questions?”
“It’s just…okay, look. Please don’t be mad. I don’t want you to think I’ve been taking advantage of you. This really did just happen.”
August sat up now himself, as if he was suddenly concerned about the direction this conversation was headed.
“What really just happened, Francesca?”
“It’s honestly perfect timing. It means we could leave here now, leave everything behind and never look back. I have a house now, in Europe, that no one knows about. And enough in a trust fund to keep us set for the rest of our lives together.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” August was becoming agitated. This was new information and I could tell it concerned him that he didn’t know it was a possibility that I wasn’t the down-on-her-luck struggling yoga instructor he thought I was. He must be wondering who had dropped the ball on my background search.
“August, I love you. I don’t want to see you get into trouble. I want us to be together and I don’t think it’s safe here for you any longer. Give the club to someone else and walk away with me.”
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August was now convinced Francesca wasn’t a threat to him, and he wanted the same to be true for the rest of his team, but someone was talking out of school and he needed to find out who. August and Mateo conferred in quiet corners and behind closed doors. Assignments were given to test loyalties, background checks run again to see if any conflicting information would appear. 
Mateo was still not convinced about Francesca, especially knowing she had connections no one uncovered before and he told August it was for the best that he didn’t loosen her security detail. August continued to put her off, every time she brought up getting out of the business and hoped he could eventually convince her to let that go. A second home in Europe would be most welcome, but he was never gonna give up his life and run away. 
A couple weeks later, after even more new information had turned up, August finally had what he needed. He knew who was spying and he knew how he wanted to take care of it. No one would ever expect they’d be taken to Paris to be exposed and taught the ultimate lesson. 
He had Francesca packed and ready to go when security arrived to drive them to the airport. It was a quiet flight, even if August did give in let her suck him off in the first class cabin. He really did have such a hard time denying her when she got down on her knees for him. The pout on her face when he wouldn’t let her climb onto his lap might have broken a weaker man.
When they arrived at the hotel, he watched Francesca unpack as he always did. He loved to watch the surprise on her face each time she pulled a new item from the bag and she was always eager to put his choices on display for him. His impeccable taste never failed him; every last article of clothing and accessories complimented her body in a way he imagined she had never felt before. It was as if the act of choosing her attire was the first stage of foreplay August used when he made love to her. If his fingers couldn’t caress her, the fabric and material would, molding to her body and holding her firm.
He spent the afternoon ravishing Francesca in bed, chasing every high he could get as if it might be the last. He tasted every inch of her body, nipping and tonguing along the curves and lines, dipping into the valleys. He held her down, wrists above her head, strong legs spreading her wide while he worked his fingers deep into her, stretching and stroking and smoothing and coaxing early waves of pleasure from her.
August swallowed her gasps of pleasure and howls for more, his lips crushing hers while his tongue slid in deep beside hers. He flipped her over and hauled her ass into the air, kneading and squeezing and groping as he bent low and pressed his tongue along her slit, tasting all the slick she’d made just for him.
He knew it was for him by the way she cried his name, begged him to relieve her, and pleaded for a final release. She was a mess and he still wasn’t done. With his cock deep in her drenched pussy, he popped his thumb in his mouth and licked some saliva on it so when he pressed it against her tight pucker it slipped in with ease. Francesca backed right into it with no hesitation and he knew he’d be able to get all the way in again tonight. She was absolutely ready and wanting that.
He took some time lubing and loosening her up. He had three fingers in with his cock still pumping and she wasn’t showing any signs of wanting him to stop. When August finally pushed the tip in, he could feel the way she drew him in. God, how she wanted to be fucked in the ass.
He did that for her, or so he told himself. He couldn’t quite admit that even if she hadn’t wanted it tonight, he may have taken her this way sooner or later. It was what gave him the ultimate orgasm and it was only a bonus that she loved it, too. August thought about how it might have been fun to add a man to their bed so she could choke on a dick while getting railed from behind, in either hole. 
Once they were cleaned up and dressed, August ushered Francesca down to the hotel lobby to meet Mateo for the drive to the club.
“August, baby. This isn’t the way to the club,” Francesca commented, glancing out the window.
“And how would you know the way to the club, darling? We’ve never been here together before.” He watched her closely, scanned her face and body for any twitch, any shiver, any tell. As always, he found nothing.
“The GPS says,” she answered, pulling her hand up from beside her and showing him the mapping app that was clearly flashing to recalculate a route. “I always love to see directions. It helps me get used to the city. God, I hope we come back here someday. I always wanted to see Paris. Now that we’re here, I never want to leave.” 
Francesca turned back to peer out the window again and August watched her marvel at the lights and buildings around them. For all her sharp edges, August always found the wonder in her eyes endearing. Though he did find it odd when he realized she had most likely spent time in Europe, though she acted as if everything was brand new each time. When they pulled up to the warehouse, he restrained a small smirk when she commented that it didn’t look like the kind of club that suited her dress. 
That was her way of saying the spot looked haggard and run down and maybe a little beneath them. And of course it was. It was a warehouse. It was most definitely not a club.
August let her enter first, door held like a gentleman before he turned the handle over to Mateo and entered himself. He didn’t bother hiding the lick of his lips as he watched her ass in the tight dress strut forward in front of him. He could tell she was still horny from the afternoon.
August caught her as she stumbled back into him, seemingly to escape the sight in front of her.
“August, what is this?” He could hear her voice break when she asked the question.
“What does it look like darling?” he answered. Something in her answer would hopefully convince Mateo he had been wrong when he pointed a finger at her. August felt differently, partly due to his previous conversations with her and partly due to the very little actual evidence Mateo presented to make his case. August countered with the more obvious details that pointed to the man in the chair. 
“August, you said I had nothing to worry about with you. You said…” she leaned into him, and August thought he detected at least a hint of terror. It would be the first time she’d broken like this before him, though he was sure she barely knew this man sitting before her, beaten unconscious. Will Shaw had hardly ever been around when she was. Maybe a few nights at the club, but always on the periphery.  She didn’t know him, she could only see the state he was in, probably barely hanging on. Of course she’d flinch. This wasn’t the first time he was showing her his hand, but it was a doozy.
“August, please. Did you know what was happening here? You have to help him. You can’t let him die. If you help him, that’ll count for something,” Frankie pleaded with him. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to hurt people.”
“Francesca, you’re a very smart and resourceful woman. I’ve grown extremely fond of you. I want you with me, but you do need to know there is a dark side you haven’t seen yet. Sometimes, people work against me. Sometimes, they are looking out for themselves, trying to take from me more than they deserve. Sometimes, they have a sinister motive. Maybe they want to take my business, run me out of the game.” August walked Francesca cautiously towards Will, keeping a firm grip on her arms. “And sometimes, they want to hurt me. Sometimes they think they have the right to keep me from the work I was destined to do and they try to get me in trouble. Will here was trying to get me into trouble.”
August spun Francesca to face him, searching her eyes for understanding. 
“Francesca, do you think it’s right for someone to pretend to be someone they aren’t? And then to use that subterfuge to ingratiate themselves into my life so they could try to find unflattering details about my work?”
August watched Francesca blink and saw her pupils dilate. The way her iris had let the black overtake it told him what he needed to know: she was scared. It was good enough for him.
“Nnn..no, August,” she stammered. “But he’s really hurt. Lemme help him.”
August wasn’t prepared for the way she twisted from his grip, so she was on her knees next to Will before he had a chance to take hold of her again. He watched her touch him tentatively, perhaps checking for a pulse as she pushed his watch out of the way and set her fingers on his wrist. She set a hand on the back of his neck and tilted his head back as she pulled his eyelids gently open to check for any reaction. The way her shoulders relaxed told August Will was still alive.
“Anything you think you can do for him? It’s of no use. Francesca, this is something you need to get comfortable with. I will not allow someone to hurt me. Do you understand?”
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Frankie had been out of pocket and unreachable for weeks now. Syverson knew every move she made, along with August Walker, but the fact that she wouldn’t answer his calls or texts, even on the burner phone number he’d been given made him nervous. Or perhaps frustrated was a better word for it.
He continued to liaise with Director Marshall, usually through Ramos, and continued stacking evidence against Walker even though there was nothing he could do about it for now. His superiors weren’t happy about the fact that another agency was blocking his case, but pressure from even higher up forced them to accept the stalled state of the investigation. 
He spent days in surveillance locations and nights thinking about Frankie in his bed. He had to keep reliving those moments to fend off the visuals of her and August together. What he wouldn’t give to have her next to him again, begging for his touch.
He had signed off on the joint agency paperwork that would allow Frankie back into the country with the dope August was peddling, but he hated how much deeper she was getting with August. She was now openly transporting for him which meant August was placing his trust in her even more than before. 
He also wanted to trust she knew what she was doing, but he feared for her safety, no matter how good of an agent she was. Victoria continued to assure him that Walter had everything under control, but he only wanted to hear it from Frankie’s mouth directly. Apparently, until the CIA was done with their case, that was never gonna happen.
Chapter 7
Everything Henry:  @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @mayloma @kebabgirl67 @fvckinghenrycavill @geralts-yenn  @beck07990  @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato  @liveoncoffeeandflowersss   @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume  @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings  @enchantedbytomandhenry  @omgkatinka  @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @thesaucynomad @just-chirpin @henryownsme
Walk with Me only (I added you if you reblogged or asked and Tumblr would let me): @kingliam2019 @valacircareads @sofiebstar @cardierreh15​ @firstcashheroathlete​ @ylva-syverson​ @sunriserose1023​ @cavilladdict​ @angreav​ @ellethespaceunicorn​ @mis-lil-red​ @peaches1958​ @xhoneyxbeex​ @livisss​  @hangmanscoming​ 
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borathae · 2 months
Sibi my queen regent, I’m back with another request 👭👸 I’m missing MV Yoonkook recently so I was wondering if can we have HCs for them? Smutty or fluffy or angsty just anything my queen regent please 🙏🏾💜
Ah yes my darling anonie is back ehehwhe I’m still loving the nickname ✊🏻😔💜 ALSO YES I’M IN CONSTANT SANGUIS YOONKOOK BRAIN ROT I SHALL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT 👀🤪 all three because I like pain :)
Yoongi has nightmares about losing Kook
you must know that he doesn’t show how much he feels for the younger vampire
but it’s a lot
and he has nightmares about losing him
he tries to protect him in said nightmares
tries to fight whatever is killing his Kook
tries to run faster
or warn him louder
but he never wins, destined to watch his Kookie die
Yoongi wakes up sweaty whenever he dreams of it
and he'll lie there paralysed for a few moments and tears will escape his eyes
he'll be silent, but his chest will be tight and he will be shaking against his will
he refuses to fall back asleep when it happens
so he'll leave bed for a drink
taking it with his trembling hand barely holding the glass
sometimes he'll even leave his wing to get fresh air
whenever he does, he'll linger by Jungkook’s door, trying so hard to listen for him
Yoongi only feels at peace once his breathing meets his ears
one night, Yoongi woke up from an especially brutal nightmare and he went for a walk
he tried to linger by Jungkook’s door again but his breathing never came
and so Yoongi panicked, he panicked so much
he tried opening the locked door, fought for air, tried not to cry again
until a sweet, yet worried voice behind him said "hyungie? What are you doing?"
And Yoongi turned, looked at Jungkook who just came home from a night run
and he felt his knees buckle in relief
"What are you doing, silly boy? Where the fuck were you?" he pressed out and then pulled Jungkook into a tight hug
Kook accepted it, although very confused
"Don’t scare me like that. I thought something happened to you."
"Hyungie, I just went for a run because the night is nice."
"Doesn’t matter, you should have told me. Something could have killed you."
Jungkook laughed because he found his words a little dramatic at first
but then he smelled the distraught and worry on Yoongi and he didn’t laugh anymore
"Hyungie, what’s wrong?"
"Nothing. Just. You’re gonna sleep in my bed tonight. Understood?"
"Sure, yeah. Wait, I need to shower."
"Do it at my place."
and so Kook spent the night with Yoongi
where Yoongi spooned him as tightly as possible and refused to let him go all night
which wasn’t like him at all
but Jungkook didn’t dare to ask for more information because Yoongi smelled so peaceful again
Yoongi never told him of his nightmare and Kook never stressed him for it
but the two vampires had a good sleep that night, cuddling until the morning
also to give you something smutty as well
Jungkook woke up with Yoongi between his legs the next morning
his mouth was warm and soft and so nicely wet
and his big hands roamed the paths of his body tenderly
and Jungkook instantly found himself having to sigh Yoongi’s name
Yoongi didn’t leave the spot until he gave Jungkook not one or two, not even three, but four ecstatic highs
Koon twisted his hair for it and arched his back and by the forth one, he couldn’t even make noises anymore
Yoongi also told him to cancel all plans because he was NOT going to stop after the surprise morning head
by that point, he was delirious and high on Jungkook
his face was halfway contorted into his vampiric face and he lulled his words just a little
Jungkook mirrored his state, giving in to whatever Yoongi wanted even if he was incredibly sensitive between his legs
Yoongi was gentle though, of course he was
listen. This man lost his Kookie in his nightmare the night before and the desperate, lovestruck vampire needed to worship his beloved student like a goddamn king
and he did, trust me that he really really did
Kook definitely didn’t leave Yoongi’s wing thinking that the Creator didn’t want him
Oh no, he knew he fucking knew.
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coleskingdom · 3 months
I Wonder
Adam Page x F reader
For @midwestmade29
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You ran into Page in the hotel lobby, he looked exhausted. You knew he had been having a rough go of it lately, hell more than just lately. You walked up beside him and bumped his hip with yours “ Hey Cowboy” you said a little too cheerily. “Hey You” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, he looked like he hadn’t shaved in days, his hair darker than when he’d take care of himself he must’ve been staying inside more. “ You okay?”you asked hesitantly, he looked like he might shatter if you looked at him the wrong way. “No, but it’s no one’s problem but my own. I’m gonna get going, you have a good night.” he started to walk away. “ Adam, wait let me come with you, or you can come with me. Let’s talk it out, I’ve got a bottle of Blanton’s in my room. I can’t leave you like this. Let’s have steak and whiskey like we used to.” knowing how it was our version of bitching it out but sounded more manly. “ Really?” The tinge of hope in his voice broke my heart. It’d been a few years since we’d been close as life had taken us different directions but found us here tonight.
“Come on, let’s go” I hooked my arm in his, as I led him to the elevator, I hit my floor. “High Floor? You must be doing well these days. “ he said softly “ It’s the hotel points, I got an upgrade.”I felt silly explaining myself. The elevator dinged into the penthouse. We stepped into the living room over looking the city, “ Make yourself at home” I said reaching for my phone texting to cancel my plans. I’d always had a soft spot for him, and I’d do anything for him always have.
I came in carrying the bottle and two glasses, “Neat or Rocks?” I asked, “Neat, it’s too cold to be on the rocks. It also takes the burn out, I need to feel it.” he glanced off looking out the window. I poured two glasses handing him one, sitting down beside him. I put on the Sturgill record I knew he liked on the speakers, the quiet bluegrass the background to ease the silence. “What’s wrong? You can tell me anything there’s nothing that you can’t tell me” I said casually hoping that I wasn’t pushing him too hard. “ I can tell you but you can’t fix it, hell Darlin you can’t fix me.” he finished the glass in a long swallow. I poured him another, “ I can try.” reaching for his hand.
He ran his fingers through his hair, but didn’t move the hand I was holding, “ The thing if it is, I don’t know where it all went wrong. I feel like half the time I’m losing my god damn mind and the rest of the time I’m barely keeping it together. I can’t sleep even though I want to ,haven’t been with a woman or in a relationship in months, my friends are barely there. My best friends and I use that term loosely don’t understand why I’m not happy. The fact that I’m I can’t get the one thing that was taken from me, that thing that broke me back is killing me. I’m a fucking mess.” his voice broke on what sounded like a sob.
“Oh Adam I had no idea” I put my arms around him, pulling him sideways into me, “it’s gonna be okay, we can figure this out.” My arms wrapped around him as his head rested on my chest.
“This is all I have if I’m not good at this what am I good at what am I good for.” his voice raw and cracked. “ You have me Adam, you have me.” I soothed rubbing his back. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you I promise.” Holding him close to me “I can’t ask you do to that, you don’t know what it is to deal with me to deal with all of this. “ I stopped rubbing his back , “Adam look at me”he raised his head “I’m not dealing with you, I’m taking care of you, I’m loving you, and I’m helping you. Hell, maybe you’re even helping me, maybe we are helping each other. “
I leaned forward our foreheads touching, I pulled my head back, and leaned back in kissing him, what started sweet, turned to desperation, as he leaned me back on the couch,his body draping mine before rolling us to the side as the kiss broke. I looked in his green eyes,pushing his hair behind his ear, draping my leg over his hip. “ I’ve wanted to do that for years” I whispered before his mouth found mine again.
We kissed in that way that felt like time stood still. His hand pulled my hip tighter against him, I could feel him begin to harden underneath me, I wasn’t in much better shape as I moved my body against him. A groan fell from his lips. “ Darlin, I could lay here all night kissing you, but I can’t lay on this couch much longer." a flicker of a smile crossed his lips, “ I’ve got a bedroom, that I think you’d be more comfortable in Cowboy.” as I untangled myself from him I almost fell on the floor, I laughed “ Just call me Grace. Damn I thought I had sexy pulled off there for a second.”
Adam sat up, “You’ve always pulled off sexy, you’ve always pulled off out of my league, you’ve always pulled away with a piece of my heart.” I looked at him as he stood to full height a blush covering my full body “Adam, don’t say things you don’t mean, please. I’m a big girl whatever tonight is I’m good with, but please don’t tell me I’m out of your league.” Walking towards the bedroom. “ Darlin, stop and look at me.” I turned around facing him. “have I ever lied to you, you know all of me you always have. I’ve always told you the truth, even when it makes me look like an asshole, the only truth I’ve never told you is that I have feelings for you that I love you. I have for years. I let you leave in Austin because you deserved better, you deserved someone that’d be home, that can give you all the things you ever dreamed of.”
It was in Austin three years ago, on a roof top by the lake, he looked at me that night, like he wanted to say something. I’d kept that picture in my mind the sunset behind him, there was an awkwardness in our good bye that night. I never understood but I knew he was taking the next step in his career and even the best friendships run there course.
“You could’ve asked me what I wanted. You still can?” as a tear fell down my face. “ Darlin what do you want?” his eyes never leaving mine. “ You” as I walked back towards him, this time the kiss was full of passion, the desperation, the longing. He walked me back to the bedroom as we left a trail of clothes in our wake.
He picked me up , and laid me on the bed, before he joined me. Nothing between us as he covered my body with his, he kissed me then kissed down my jaw to where my neck meets my shoulder lingering there when I moaned. He continued his path down my body, taking his time, moving lower as his mouth took in one of my nipples, teasing the other with his calloused palm, shifting slightly to part my legs with his thigh. “ Adam please baby” I begged I could feel myself on his thigh. “You’re so beautiful when you’re underneath me, saying my name. I wanted to..” I cut him off bringing his mouth back to mine running my hands through his hair. He pulled away and I whimpered. Adam repositions him self running his cock through my wetness, preparing himself to finally take me. the longer he teases me before actually sliding in, the more desperate I get for him.
"Adam, please," I beg, lifting my hips to try and force him in myself.
He laughs, the sound coming from deep in his throat. It’s the first genuine laugh I’ve heard from him all night the smile on his face the way his green eyes are focused on me make me desire him more. He circles my clit with the head of his cock once before he finally gives me what I want. He slides in slightly, allowing me time to stretch around him.
I need more of him. My back arches off the bed, and the new position allows him to go even deeper.
He rolls his hips back, pulling out and pushing in. He repeats the motion over and over, picking up the pace each time until his hips are slapping against the backs of my thighs in a quick rhythm.
His pace is punishing in the most euphoric of ways. The moan that falls from Adam’s lips is the sexiest sound I've ever heard. I didn't know a man could moan like that, and it's the hottest thing in the world. I love that our sounds of pleasure fill the room. My nails dig into his back as I try to keep him as close to me as possible.
He can't possibly get any deeper, but I want-need—more from him. I keep one hand on his back and let the other slide up his body until my fingers find the back of his neck. I pull on him, bringing his head down so he can kiss me.He takes the hint immediately, his tongue possessively sliding into my mouth. The swipe of it falls in line with the rhythm of his hips. “It’s time for you to come” his voice is deep and rough, he reaches his hand between our bodies and circles my clit . “Are you close?” my words failing me, “Yes” his lips pressing into my throat, as a moan falls from me as I shatter around him. He thrusts in and out, two more times, the grunt and whimper from his mouth as I feel him. He buries himself into the space between my neck and shoulder. We lay there as our bodies and minds recover. When he removes himself, he heads to the bathroom, and I hear the shower running. He peeks his head around the door frame, “Darlin, are you coming?” I roll out of bed and join him.
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derangedthoughtslay · 10 months
Gojo Satoru x reader  Notes : this is my first x reader writing, so if it sucks, you’ve been warned. Also if you think my writing could be improved, give me some tips. Based off of this post
“We’re still on for tonight right?” you asked your boyfriend as you were fixing dinner.
“What are you talking about?” your boyfriend asked, a confused look on his face. “Our date remember, we haven’t went out in months, you promised you would be able to go,” you said, hoping he hadn’t forgotten again.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I totally forgot and I already made plans with the guys.” You sighed, “so you can’t cancel them, we haven’t gone out in months, months b/n!!” “I’m really sorry but I can’t cancel, all the guys are going!”
You sighed, but then again you were stupid to actually believe you’d go on the date. He’s been canceling your dates for months, for stupid reasons such as hanging out with his friends.
“Fine, we’ll just go out some other time,” you said disappointed.
“ok, bye babe, I’ll be back late by the way,” he said quickly as he ran out the door.
You didn’t wanna just sit there and be lonely so you called Satoru to come over.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you waited for him, you can’t help but think about how he’s always been so perfect, an amazing sorcerer, flirty, funny, childish, sweet, and so very hot. You know you shouldn’t be doing things like this with him, you have a boyfriend after all. But if you compared the two, Satoru was just so much better on so many levels. And it was kinda exiting to have to sneak around.
As you were caught up in your thoughts, you heard the door open. Knowing it’s him, you get up to go greet him.
“Hey y/n!” he says as he goes in for a hug. While you two are hugging, he teasingly squeezes your butt.
You just giggle, this was normal for you two, for Satoru to do such things when your boyfriend wasn’t looking or wasn’t there.
You and him have kinda always been like this, when you first met he was flirting with you non stop and giving you that cocky grin, as if he was every girl’s dream, which he actually was.
He followed you as you went back to the living room, where you had snacks set up and the tv ready to watch you and Satoru’s favorite movie.
You sat cuddled up to each other on the couch as you started the movie and grabbed the blanket off the edge of the couch.
by the time your boyfriend got home, Satoru had already left.
That night all you could think about was him, yea it was kinda wrong to flirt and let him smack your ass because you had a boyfriend, but you’d kinda fallen for him.
It’s not like you’ve kissed him on the lips or anything, but I mean it was kinda thrilling. To have to be sneaky about everything because you both knew it was wrong.
But your boyfriend wasn’t the best, always bailing on your dates, barely hanging out with you anymore. So it wasn’t really that wrong, and how could you tell him your in love with someone else? You two have been together for two years, it would crush his heart. You thought as you drifted to sleep.
when you woke up, you saw your boyfriend wasn’t in bed, he was probably in the kitchen making himself some breakfast.
You got up to head to the kitchen, but all you found was a note on the table saying he went out for the day.
Sighing, you picked up your phone to text Satoru he could come over.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once Satoru was here you two decided to go out and do something.
Satoru suggested going to eat out at a cafe, which you agreed to.
Once you two reached the cafe, you ordered your drinks and sat down. You two just began talking about random stuff, when one thing led to another you two were on the topic of you and him.
Just talking about how it all felt like such a thrill, when he stopped and just looked at you. “What?” you asked as he stared at you. “Nothing, it’s just your looking extra beautiful right now,” he said as you blushed at his comment. You just admired him, his perfect features, his beautiful blue eyes, his hair, his lips. You leaned in and so did he. When your lips touched you could feel your stomach flutter.
This felt amazing, nothing like you’ve ever felt with your boyfriend now. You pulled away after a few seconds. You could feel the heat in your cheeks.
You two were done with your drinks, so you headed home, while you were walking back he playfully smacked your ass. You just rolled your eyes at this, typical.
You couldn’t wait till you got back home.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ part 2?
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the-likesofus · 2 years
37. "you have plans that don't involve me? since when?" ☺️
Hello lovely!! I apologize, I have no idea if this is what you were asking for but it got away from me a bit and I'm very much in an Eddie-and-Karen-are-Wine-BFFs headspace right now so I had to scratch the itch xx ❤️
Wine (Whine)
Buddie | 9-1-1 on Fox | 1593 words | love confessions, first kiss, wine bffs eddie & karen
Read on AO3
“What do you mean you have plans that don’t involve me? Since when?” Eddie leans back against his kitchen counter with his cell phone pressed to his ear. Buck is laughing at him down the line.
“Since always, Eddie. You’re the one who doesn’t have a social life outside The 118 and Chris.”
“Excuse you, I am plenty social.” Eddie chuffs, glaring at the fridge as if Buck is standing right in front of him. “So what are these grand plans?’
“They’re not that grand.” Buck’s still laughing. “I’m meeting with a friend that I went through the academy with, Shaun. He’s in town for the week and asked if I wanted to get a drink. You know? Catch up.” 
“Right, well you and Shaun have a wonderful time then.” 
“I’ll see you later, Eddie.” Buck chuckles and hangs up. Eddie stares at his empty kitchen for another minute before grabbing his car keys.
“‘Eddie! To what do I owe the pleasure.” Karen asked when she opens her front door to find Eddie standing on The Wilson’s doorstep with a paper bag in one hand. 
“I like wine, you like wine.” He pulls the bottle out for her to see and her eyes widen gleefully as she takes it from him and ushers him into the house. 
“Buck busy tonight?”
Eddie groans as he sits down on her couch. “Can’t I just come see you because I want to?”
“That’s a yes then.”
“Chris is staying at Bobby and Athena’s tonight because Harry is visiting for the school break and yes, Buck is having drinks with some old fire academy buddy. My house was too damn quiet.” 
“Well, lucky for you, I like your company,” Karen says as she deposits the bottle of wine on the coffee table along with two glasses and sinks into the sofa cushions next to Eddie. “Pour away, Pretty Boy.”
Eddie rolls his eyes but does as instructed and passes Karen the first glass before pouring his own. “Where’s Hen?” 
“Also still at Athena’s. She went to drop off Denny and probably got stuck talking.” 
“So you were also–”
“Do not turn this on me, Diaz. She is my wife, I am allowed to mope. What’s your excuse.” She teases.
“Buck is my–!” Eddie stops himself. He doesn’t actually know what Buck is, not anymore. His best friend, of course. His co-parent, more and more recently. But there’s that other third thing that they've been skirting around the edges of for a while now. 
“Mhmm.” Karen pokes Eddie in the shin with her toe and he shuffles away from her as she giggles, her glass is already half empty. “So, what were you and Buck planning to do tonight before he canceled on you?”
“Ah.” Eddie stares. “We didn’t actually have any plans.”
Karen stares at him blankly and Eddie swallows the last of his wine before reaching for the bottle again. He refills his glass halfway and then indicates towards Karen who holds her own empty glass out to him too. 
“So you didn’t have plans. You just expected him to show up at your house anyway?’”
“Well, he’s been sleeping there for the last week.” 
“Where? On your couch?” 
“Ah, not exactly.” 
Karen rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her wine before bursting out into a fit of laughter. “God, you boys are so oddly codependent.”
“We are not codependent.”
“Yes, you are. He has been ‘platonically’ sleeping in your bed. Eddie, you are so in love with him, it’s ridiculous.”
“I’m not–.” 
Karen raises her eyebrow. “Yes, you are.”
“Okay, so maybe I am in love with him. But he’s not–.”
“Yes, he is.” 
Eddie groans, leaning back against the arm of the couch and pressing the palm of his empty hand against the bridge of his nose. “I brought you wine, and this is the thanks I get.”
“It is delicious wine by the way. Did you pick it yourself?”
“No, Athena recommended it a while ago. Karen, that is not the point.”
At that moment the front door opens to reveal Hen and both Eddie and Karen up look to greet her. 
“Baby! You’re home!” Karen cheers as Hen ducks to kiss her on her way in. 
“Hey, Eddie.” Hen smiles and then gestures to Karen's glass and the half-full bottle on the table. “How many has she had?” 
“Only two.” He says.
Hen reaches down and takes Karen’s glass from her. “Probably best to cut her off now then. She already had two with dinner before I left.”
Karen whines but scouts back into Hen’s hold as her wife sits behind her on the couch and winds an arm around Karen’s waist. Hen holds the glass out towards Eddie who fills it for her. She takes a sip and kisses Karen’s shoulder. “So, what crisis are we solving tonight, you two?”
“No crisis,” Eddie says at the same time that Karen pipes up.
“Eddie is sulking because Buck made plans without him tonight.”
“Buck has other friends?” Hen asks.
“That’s what I said!” Eddie responds feeling validated.
“Did you guys have plans tonight?” Hen asks and Eddie can already see where this is going. 
“Not technically.”
“That’s what I said! He just expected him to show up at his house,” Karen exclaims then turns to look back at Hen. “Also, did you know that Buck has been sleeping at Eddie’s house for a week, and not on the couch either?”
Hen turns wide eyes to Eddie, “Did you two finally get your act together?”
“No. And we don’t have an act.” Eddie says indignantly. Hen and Karen both look at him disbelievingly. “Is everyone just waiting for us to start sucking face?”
“Yes!” Karen and Hen shout at the same time and Eddie abandons his glass on the coffee table. He still has to drive home. 
“Eddie,” Hen starts. Her voice is smooth and placating. “I mean this in the nicest way because we do love your visits–especially when you bring wine.”
“Yes, especially then.” Karen pipes in, reaching for the glass in Hen’s hand which she holds just out of her wife’s reach.
“-But please go home and kiss your best friend. This is getting ridiculous.”
Eddie stands up and puts his hands on his hips. “Fine, maybe I will.”
He bids Karen and Hen goodbye, leaving the rest of the wine to them, and drives home. It’s not until he pulls into his driveway–and sees that Buck’s jeep is also parked there and the lights inside the house are on–that he realizes that that might be a harder task than he likes to admit.
He turns off the engine and pulls his phone out of the center console. There is one text displayed on his lock screen and it is from Buck.
Buck 🤓:
hey i jst got home? where are you?
sent 8:13pm | read 8:26pm
Buck is sitting on his couch when he comes in. “Hey! Where have you been?”
“Karen and Hen’s.” Eddie says, shrugging his coat off at the door and hanging it over the back of one of the dining room chairs. “How were your drinks?”
“Yeah, good,” Buck says plainly. “It was nice to see him. He spent the whole hour talking about his wife. She’s in finance apparently.”
“Finance?” Eddie goes into the kitchen and Buck stands up and follows him.
“God, yeah. Can you think of anything more boring?” 
Eddie snorts and goes to pull two beers out of the fridge before changing his mind and reaching for two cans of coke instead. He puts them both on the bench. 
“So, I was thinking we could finish that movie we were watching the other night, the one with the guy that–ah–you know?” Buck suggests as he waves his arms around wildly like he’s playing charades–badly. 
“Yeah, that one! Or we could–” And Eddie kisses him straight on the mouth. Buck freezes and then melts into it in an instant. Eddie sighs against his lips and then pulls away. He watches the way Buck’s eyes turn round like dinner plates and appreciates the soft pink that blooms across his cheekbones.“Or we could do that.” Buck finishes.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, stepping right up against Buck’s chest.
Buck nods quickly. “Yup, definitely that.”
He swoops in and claims Eddie’s lips with more intent than Eddie’s first try had and Eddie sinks into his hold, wrapping his arms around Buck’s neck as he feels Buck’s hands sliding down his sides to rest on his hips. 
“Should we maybe–” Eddie gasps between kisses, “talk about this first.”
“Probably,” Buck says and kisses him again. “What did you want to talk about?”
Eddie’s fingers slide up into Buck’s hair and Buck groans as his nails scratch against his scalp.
“Logistics?” Eddie whines.
“You want to talk logistics?” Buck starts kissing down his neck and Eddie tips his head back to give him room. “Well, logistically I am in love with you. How’s that?”
“Perfect, ditto.”
Buck pulls back with a snigger. “Ditto?”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Yes, ditto. I love you too.”
“Okay. Glad we got that covered. Logistical talk over?” Buck raises a brow at him and Eddie nods and then gasps as Buck scopes him up from beneath his thighs, planting him on the kitchen counter and stepping in between his legs. “May we continue?”
Eddie doesn’t reply, just tugs Buck in by the back of his head and seals their lips together once more. 
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ghostedgrim · 1 year
Borra x Dark Fey soldier pt.1 (I'm struggling with keeping the motivation to make pt 2, does anyone even want a part 2 of this)
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Outside of meetings, training, parties, festivals, and ceremonies, you never see Borra, which is surprising considering how small the Nest it. You only interact with Borra during work, wether it's reports on the Moors or humans, or a rare patrol with him because his partner canceled.
Talking to Borra outside of work seemed unprofessional, not to mention he always seemed busy and you didn't want to bother him. Even on nights you patroled with Borra you didn't talk to him, hiding from fey and humans, often looking after opposite sides of the forest, you couldn't talk to Borra even if you tried. By the end of patrols you where often too tired to speak, and before them Borra is either going over a plan, or too focused on who knows what to hear you.
Tonight was one of those nights, Borra had described where and when to meet throughout the night, the original times and places had to be changed because he and his partner where almost caught the previous night. The first two meetings went without problems, the third you noticed Borra looked drained, the fith however didn't go well. A small group of Aurora's guards nearly spotted Borra and you, you both hid in a small cave, staying there till they left, except the didn't, they decided to rest there for who knows how long, taking turns to keep watch.
Borra sat with his back against the wall in a slouched position, his wings drooping on either side of him his horns nearly touched the ceiling, you sat opposite to him, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head atop them, meer inches from Borra, the cave entrance sat in an upper corner of the cave, Borra covered it with vines. Sitting so close you could see just how tired Borra was.
"You've worked hard enough," you stretched out your legs letting out a slight groan, being so cramped made your body ache, "get some rest, I'll keep watch." Borra gave you a weird look, like you spoke in some mythic language. You pat your thigh, offering for him to use it as a pillow.
"No, that would be inappropriate," Borra shifted turning away from you, resting his shoulder on the wall, "I'm your superior, and what if I'm in a monogamous relationship with someone else, I would disrespect my relationship with my parter".
"Well for one, bullshit, you're not in a relationship, everyone knows that, and two, while you are my superior, I'm being professional. You desperately need rest, it's dangerous if you don't sleep, we happen to be stuck in a cave, so there's no danger for taking a nap, and I'm offering you to use my leg as a pillow to help you sleep. I don't want to carry you home". Borra shot you a glare, but gave in none the less, and begrudgingly laid his head on your thigh, slightly curled, body tense. "Better Borra?"
"Fuck off, and speak of this to no one."
"Stop being so tense, you won't be able to sleep-"
"I said shut up!"
"No, you said 'fuck off," You chuckled slightly.
"Well shut up,"
After what felt like forever, Borra's body finally relaxed and he fell asleep. You took advantage of the moment to admire him, his strong cheekbones, the soft look upon his resting face, the cute way his cheek squished against your thigh, the scars and stretch marks littered across his body, his arms crossed over his chest, the fluff of his wings. You wanted to caress his hair and feathers, but that would be inappropriate, such an act is reserved for lovers or family (chosen and blood), you where neither of those things, and that disappointed you. Borra's arms looked to be cold, so you settled for resting an arm over his shoulder and curled your wings around the both of you.
After what felt like a few hours, you looked through a small hole I'm the vines to see the guards where gone. You chose not to wake Borra, he needed the rest, and you enjoyed the soft moment. Aurora's guards and Maleficent can watch over the Moors tonight.
It was close to sunrise when you finally woke Borra. A gentle nudge was all it took for Borra to sit up, with a groan he made an attempt to stretch only to be soon reminded how small the cave was when his horns scraped the ceiling. You made up a lie claiming the guards left half an hour prior to you waking him, and to your slight surprise he believed you. Borra then leaned over you to look through the vines, you prayed he wouldn't notice your blush, and deemed if safe to leave.
Rather than taking flight after exiting the cave, Borra and you took a long moment to stretch and breathe in the fresh air. A sudden idea popped into your head as energy filled your veins.
"Race ya to the clouds," and you took off into the sky not even checking to see if Borra heard you, he would most likely be pissed, so you didn't want to risk him catching you. The feeling of a hand on your ankle made your soul leave your body, you knew Borra was fast, you just never knew he was that fast. To your surprise Borra looked more excited rather than angry, why he laughed as he raced above you, beating you to the clouds by a feather.
"Last one to the nest has to do 100 push-ups and fly 100 laps around the Nest first thing in the morning," Borra shouted, looking behind him to make sure you heard. You regretted racing him to the clouds, and you now know Borra laughing is not a good thing. You knew would lose, but you share as Hell weren't going down without a fight.
Pt 2
Author's note
I'm sorry this took so long to make, I had a few paragraphs made when my parents suddenly announced their divorce, the first few months of it where calm, but I had lost all my energy to write, eventually I started getting energy to write again, but school and my parents having terrifying loud arguments made it hard, dad kept promising to hang out with me but kept on bailing last second, suddenly my dog, she was 14, couldn't hold down food, for a whole week I had to watch her vomit left and right, on the days my dad was at the house he was no help, merely gave me a hug and walked off as I'm desperately cleaning off 3 spots of throw-up while trying to get ready for school, week comes to an end and Saturday morning she doesn't have the strength to sit up and I was left with no choice to put her down. My fucking dad couldn't even check on me through text or call, until 2 ½ days later he checks on me in person because he happened to be in the area and mom reminded him a third time. Things calm down, Thanksgiving takes place to my surprise everything went okay. Finals come around, I didn't have time. Luckily this holiday break has been good, a hopefully things stay that way for a bit longer.
On another note, the first half of this upcoming year is going to be busy for me. I will work on part 2 as much as I can, I'm also bad at writing confessions so if y'all have any suggestions please feel free to send them in.
On a final note, I hope y'all've had good holidays, and happy new year eve.
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