#and tuesday i will also survive uni
i’m the sleepiest girl in the world
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sevicia · 5 months
also like two weeks ago I got an email from the uni I'll be attenting in March and it was like "come have a tour and find out more about what classes will be like!" and I signed up cause when I entered my previous uni that I got kicked out of because of my horrible grades I never did any activity to like. familiarize myself w/ anything ever. & I was like well I should go this time! and it's on Tuesday and I am not fucking kidding when I say my stomach dropped the second I realized it's literally Sunday. like oh FUCK I actually have to do that. & it sucks cause if I had to do it in like, the 1st semester of 2023 when I was still regularly going to uni I would've been like "whatever I'll survive" but NOW after going the past 6 months only ever seeing people my age in the form of my friends that I've had for 8 years and not seeing them very often at all I'm literally like. I'm genuinely gonna fucking die out there. It's so over.
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shakespearerants · 1 year
> be me
> feeling guilty af all weekend bc I'm traipsing around in the alps instead of doing uni stuff
> completely fucking exhausted from all the traipsing around but I'll be home in the evening yay!
> my friend is even driving me 3 hours to the train station so I don't have to spend all day at the mercy of the deutsche bahn
> other friends train gets cancelled. also the next train
> fuck it were all driving four hours to another train station I'll have to spend an hour more at the mercy of the deutsche bahn but whatever. It's just a train ride
> autobahn is not open at a critical point on the route
> now we have to drive up and down a whole fucking mountain with literal snow still on top of it
> tf when u get a migraine from 500m difference and now it's 2 000m in 20 mins up AND down
> somehow survive this
> arrive at train station
> get out of car
> it is 33° C
> when we got into the car it was 12° C
> train won't arrive
> train arrives almost half hour late and full to the point where we're asked not to board
> almost pass out from heat stress just standing there
> call my friend to plz come pick me up and can I stay the night
> she says of course but now I won't get home today
> supposed to be even hotter tomorrow so either I drive at night or I'm not getting home till Tuesday
Am on the verge of a mental breakdown
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memento-morri-writes · 8 months
Hi, Morri! How are you doing? Have you been working on any specific project lately? Have you read/watched/played anything interesting lately? Had any cool DnD sessions? Has something inspired your writing?
ROSE, HI!!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU? I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!!!! Have you watched or read anything interesting lately? Had anything inspire your writing? I hope school is going decently well!
Okay, sorry. Enough with the caps. I just have too much energy, lmao.
I'm doing good!! I survived another week of classes, so that's great. Now I don't have to worry about school until Monday. I do have a physics test next week, unfortunately. But at least after that we have Fall Break, and I get a 5-day weekend. (Friday-Tuesday.)
the rest of this is going under the cut, because I wrote an essay.
I haven't been working on much writing lately, so I've mostly been working on developing dnd characters. My one group is switching campaigns, so I needed to come up with a new character. She's a Fire Genasi Barbarian (path of the storm herald), and they're super badass. They fight with a quarterstaff instead of a regular barbarian weapon for uh... Secret Lore Reasons, and I love her dearly.
Last weekend I finally got my shit together and watched all three of the Lord of the Rings movies. My only regret is that I didn't watch the extended editions. :'( But that's a project for another time!!! Other than that, I've been slowly working my way through Baldur's Gate 3 and having a great time. I haven't done any reading recently, as I don't have any books with me and uni, but I have 3 or 4 books waiting for me when I go home for Fall Break, and two of them are written by people on writeblr!!!
DnD... where to begin... First off, all of my sessions are amazing and awesome, so it's hard to know where to start. But Rook has been starting to deal with his trauma regarding Captain Wolf, and the party has been pretty supportive! (There's a lot of trust issues going on right now, though, hahaha.) He got told about someone who beat Wolf in a duel, and he's determined to find him now. But that won't be for a WHILE yet. Our other campaign is getting ended and replaced, but Asola was having an interesting time. The party started interrogating her about her past. They meant well, and they wanted to help her get to the bottom of the whole "randomly started burning with holy light and then passed out" thing, but they ended up giving her a bit of an identity crisis by implying that she's not human and/or that her parents aren't actually her parents. (She isn't human, but her parents are actually her parents.) The 16 year-old ended up reading her mind, and seeing some of her most personal memories. Which led to the party having a very, very extended conversation with him about boundaries. (Sola told him that "No one deserves anything [just because they exist or say so]." talking about the fact that love and respect is something that people have to earn and deserve, not just be given by virtue of existing. I'd say for a girl with -1 wisdom, she's pretty wise.) We also found a magic flower that can reincarnate someone, and we put it in a rusty bucket, which we put inside our magic cat. (No, that's not a typo. I do mean cat.)
As for inspiring my writing, well, yeah. I'm always getting inspiration all the time. Karlach from bg3 was an unintentional inspiration for my new dnd character, Cyra. After watching LOTR, I'm eager to write some high-fantasy shenanigans. Playing DnD makes me more and more eager to someday write High Fantasy WIP, assuming that I can get it right.
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PCPWeek Day 3 - Scars
Read it on Ao3
⚠️ Warnings: yandere, kidnapping
It took until the fourth one to connect the dots. Hearing his mother's voice, calling him to go to the living room, to watch the news…
Hearing the news reporter saying, "Another student went missing from Stony Brook University. Tom Payne, 18, is suspected to be gone since Tuesday. He was the fourth student to go missing in this university, and up until now authorities are still trying to catch the perpetrator…"
It all clicked.
Tom Payne, 18, majoring in marine biology, silver medal swimmer-
The guy, who asked him out on a date, then before they could have agreed on a day that was working for the both of them, ghosted him.
No. Not ghosted him. He went missing.
Just like Kate Spencer, James Reed and Anne Bancroft did, soon after they told him they were attracted to him, and wanted to date him.
The common point between these seemingly very different people was - besides all being SUNY students -, him.
Of course, there could have been another common factor, or it could have been a weird coincidence, but as a demigod, he was too attuned to this kind of weirdness that he knew he was right. Once again something bad was happening, and he, Percy Jackson was in the middle of it.
The ring of his monster-proof cell phone brought him back to reality. The news was over, but his mother was sending him anxious looks from the kitchen. She also suspected something weird was happening, weirder than four college kids' random disappearances, and ever since he was the missing person the news was talking about, she took things even more seriously.
"Hey, I just heard. Are you okay? You weren't attacked right?" The worried voice of Nico warmed his heart, never getting quite used to the fact that now they had a working, close relationship. He noticed his mother perking up, obviously hearing Nico through the phone, ready to hear if they knew something more than the media. If it was god-related. Well, and because she had a soft spot for Nico. She liked his friends well enough, but she never failed to make it clear that gods didn't have DNS, so they weren't really cousins.
Percy could barely hide his blush, just by thinking about it. His mom was right, and Percy wouldn't have cared about it either, but the 'You are not my type' still resonated in his ears. There was no point in wishing for more.
Maybe for the better, because if what Percy suspected was true - Nico might have also been in danger if the perpetrator knew about him.
"Yes, no, I'm fine. Just… poor Tom. He was such a good guy," he sighed. He might not have felt anything for him, just wanting to date him because he felt like he should, but he liked him. They were both on the swim team, all of their classes were together, and they were on friendly terms. It was hard to imagine him gone. Dead, probably.
With demigods, there was always an underlying threat in their lives. If they went outside of Camp Half-Blood, or New Rome, there was a chance they would never get back. But with mortals? With mortals, Percy never really expected to be the one surviving their friendships. And now he lived through four. He wasn't kidding himself that they were alive.
"Did you know him?" Nico asked, something strange resonating in his voice.
"Yeah… I… I knew all of them. I was the closest to him, though," Percy confessed. Sally stopped at the vegetable chopping, staring at him with concern, horror on her face.
"What? Percy!" She shouted, as did Nico. "What do you mean? You never mentioned that you knew them," she demanded.
"I didn't connect it before. I mean, I know a lot of people in the uni, with the classes, swimming team, volunteer work, and the study groups, so I didn't find it odd. But… Okay, so, all of the four of them had confessed to me not long before they went missing."
It was so silent that they could have heard it even if a pin dropped.
"Oh, gods," his mother sobbed.
"Did they?" Nico whispered, something dark in his voice, but before Percy could question the strange comment, Nico stated what the three of them were thinking about. "So it might have connected to you. Fuck."
"Yeah… my thoughts exactly."
"Okay, listen to me," Nico said. "Don't try to find them, okay? Don't go around, trying to find clues, or don't talk to people. Preferably, don't even go outside, or just come back to camp…" Before he could finish it, Percy cut him off.
"I'm not going to sit on my ass and do nothing while my friends are going missing!"
"Perseus Jackson!" His mother shouted, slamming the knife down on the counter. "This is the matter for the police! Whoever did this, might be coming for you, and while I can't do anything against the whims of gods, mortal matters are different!"
"Listen to your mother, you can't do anything about this. Do you want me to visit you? Maybe if I…"
"NO!" Percy shouted before Nico could finish his offer.
"Ah," the son of Hades breathed, and Percy knew by the sound of that little noise that he hurt the other.
"No, it's not because I don't want to see you! It's just… if whoever is doing this is targeting my friends, people who are close to me, I don't want to paint a bullseye on your back!" Percy explained, and Sally nodded. Of course, she understood.
"Percy…" Nico started, but then sighed and continued differently. "Okay. But please, don't do anything stupid. Don't try to play detective. Monsters may be scared of you by now, but humans don't know you. I don't want you to get hurt. Promise me, you won't do anything."
Percy didn't want to lie, not to her mother, not to Nico.
But he said, "Okay. I promise."
He was a lying liar who lied.
He did something stupid, obviously.
He went to look after clues, obviously.
He got into trouble, obviously. Just not into the trouble he was expecting. It was… he was not sure what he was expecting, but it was definitely something human, something ordinary, something that he could fight off alone-
It was not that.
"You sure it's… he might… the gods?" Snippets of conversation caught his ears as he drifted in and out of consciousness. He was trying to remember what happened after he reconstructed what happened to Tom on the day he disappeared, but it was hard to get a good grasp on his memories.
Heavy eyelids fluttering, he could only catch blurry glimpses of the place he was and the people he was with, but everything felt fami-
Oh, gods.
His heart lurched in his chest, the world turned around in front of him. It was not happening. He felt like he was floating, but his limbs felt like granite, too heavy, too rigid. Budging them even for an inch was too much work, too difficult. Everything felt dream-like, surreal, like a fantasy, but he knew it was real.
The prick of a needle, the little scar it left on his skin was real.
They were real.
"Percy! Ah, finally you are awake!" Drew beamed, caressing his tangled hair, and Percy let her. If he'd had enough energy, he would have snorted - it's not like he had the strength to even move his head, what else could have he done then let her?
"Perce?" Nico appeared in his vision. "How are you feeling? The drug we used should have dampened your powers, but if you feel sick, we can give you something to counter the side effects." The son of Hades cupped Percy's face, and he let it. He let everything. The drug's effects were wearing off, but the powerlessness wasn't because of that. He, himself, felt bereft, useless.
"Shh, it's okay. You are safe with us. We are not a threat to you, we just had to make sure you don't get into any troubles," Nico explained. "You broke your promise to me," he sighed, disappointed and betrayed, and Percy was thrown back to the time when he had to tell a cute little child that his sister was dead, that he couldn't keep his promise.
"I'm sorry," he whined.
"Oh, Perce… It's okay. It's okay, we got you now. From now on, we will take care of you!"
"Of course, we will!" Drew chimed in. The two of them were caressing him, gently, lovingly, nothing like how they must have dealt with the four college kids. But their eyes were devouring him, burning him alive. "We tried to do it from the shadows, but we should have expected that you would get into trouble without us. We know you, it's not your fault that you wanted to be the big hero we all know you are." She said all of it with complete sincerity, the usual contempt on her face gone, only fondness shown. Blood rushed to his face, and he felt he was the worst person in this world. They killed at least four people, and kidnapped him-
Yet he still wanted their approval. Their attention.
Their love.
He always felt something for Nico, something unexplainable attraction, something that went beyond friendship, kinship, everything. And since Nico and Drew became almost inseparable - after almost a year of passive-aggressivity -, he started to become so fond of her too. She was bitchy and sometimes cruel, sure, but also honest and dependable. She was nothing like Piper painted her to be; she was just broken. Just like Nico.
Just like Percy.
Maybe that was why it seemed obvious now...
"She is right, we'll be so good for you," Nico said, mindlessly drawing figures on Percy's chest. "Will you let us love you? Take care of you? Adore you and spoil you?"
Percy swallowed, hard, a sound stuck in his throat. He wanted to protest, he wanted to deny, he wanted to run away-
But he nodded. He was selfish.
But that was okay. After all, they all deserved to be selfish.
Heat filled him, unbearable heat that could only be quenched by their touches.
"Yes," he moaned. "Yes, please."
"It's going to be so much fun!" Drew smiled with too many teeth. It should have been threatening, but all he could feel was affection for her, for her fierceness, for these two crazy people he loved so much.
He felt like Alice, jumping into the hole after the curious little white bunny who offered something new, something exciting. And like Alice, he didn't care about the possible dangers - he threw himself into the hole, bravely, gladly.
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onlyswan · 24 days
Woahhh your last drabble 🥺😭😭❤️‍🩹 That was sooo beautiful, at the end I almost wanted to join jk in the bathroom to cry a little....
Jealous oc is so funny lol but don't we all relate a little 🤭 I wanna give them a big hug thoo, their heart it's too soft (but also strong in many ways) for this world!
And jk's mom 🥺🥺🥺 saying she missed her baby too 🥺🥺🥺 I'm so happy that oc finally has someone they can trust and who can be so understanding, besides jk - and damn right he feeds his baby well 💝
-“you love me and you never let me forget that.” - yea so for the 19376708 time, I WANT WHATEVER THEY HAVE PLSSS
But then again, if someone were to say that to me, or make me feel this way idk how I'd survive 🤧
Thank you for your work, Art!!!!! I LOVE YOU I LOVE I LOVE YOUUU and I hope your taking care of yourself , you know, after your finals! So everything went well right? 🥹 Is life also getting busier for you? I can imagine... but we have to keep going right..
And god I miss the tannies so muchhhh 😭😭 I sometimes find stuff I used to watch a lot in my baby army days and it makes me so nostalgic.. like I just wanna feel that happy again, without having anything else to worry about 😔
BABYYYY i missed you!!! thank you so much 🥹🩵
hehe it was so fun writing jealous oc too 🤭 the strongest soldier fr six years of having the hottest bf on earth… can u even imagine the amount of ppl manifesting him to be theirs omfg . ANYWAYS
oc being everybody’s baby just as they should be <333
But then again, if someone were to say that to me, or make me feel this way idk how I'd survive 🤧
oh you’d survive… (sighs wistfully) you’d want nothing more but to survive
NOOOOO WHY R U BEING SO CUTE I WILL CRY 😭😭😭 i love love love you more than you can imagine!!!! 💕 and yes i’m trying to catch up on all the sleep that i didn’t get for yk… the past year… my life has been wildly different since i started uni i love and hate it at the same time 😭 even though you’re busy keeping going i hope you never forget to take care of yourself and do things that make you happy 🫂<3
me too :( you know what used to be my favorite day of the week? tuesdays! i miss run bts tuesdays! 😭 i always had a reason to push through because i got to hang out with my seven bffs and laugh together :( i miss them so much
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kittysabrina · 1 year
little life update #2
I need plants. It's almost back to school after a very long weekend and I must say I've taken this an opportunity to rest very well. I had requirements piling up on me and I haven't started a thing which is not good but also not bad at the same time. It isn't good cos I'm running out of time to finish them, we'll get back to uni in Tuesday. And it isn't bad either because I was able to have more "ME" time and I know after this long-weekend, I wouldn't rest properly since its midterms, so sleepless nights are waving at me again. (sobbing)
This long-weekend made me re-watch twice in a week my all-time favorite movie, the World War Z; starring Brad Pitt. Weird, right? Why would I have a zombie-film as my favorite movie? Simply because I love the plot, especially the resolution. Where Gerry (Pitt) discovered that they can use deadly pathogens like typhus, SARS; not as a vaccine but as a camouflage to the zekes. This movie tried to differentiate itself from other zombie-films by being a more serious and smart film that focused on finding a cure rather than just simply surviving. I've watch this for like a number of times. I will surely scream if it will have a sequel but I don't think it will and that's good too. Anyways, I also watched The Fast Saga series, starting from Fast 4 to Fate and Furious 8. I decided to watch them after seeing a glimpse of the Fast X that will be showing this May, perfect for my birthday. Not to mention the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will also be released in the same month. Other movies that I watched was NOPE, (7/10) I was amazed by its foreshadowing because I didn't see it coming. 2037 (9/10) This had me traumatized and crying the whole time! It was traumatizing because the lead was raped, and it terrified me. I couldn't imagine myself in that kind of situation but I felt it. I felt the trauma, the horror, how scared she was. And now I'm scared of going out all by myself late at night which I normally do before. The fact that she also got sentenced for murdering her rapist which is clearly was a self-defense. The law is so un-law-ing in this movie, imagine the injustice. Wrath of Man (10/10) This one's a re-watch, I love how intimidating Jason Statham was in this movie. I also love how the revenge went just smoothly and simply, which is more satisfying for me. I also started watching Duty After School cos its all over my feed and I want to give it a try just like All of Us Are Dead. Lastly for my little update! I learned chess and was able to improve this week. Thanks for my tutor, I love you. Because last time I played in an easy-level, I couldn't even beat the CPU. I felt really dumb. But right now, it's a piece of a cake. Chess helped me realize how I make bad decisions so much and how dumb I was. Just like how my friends would describe me and why they hate me. Which is why I learned how to play it. Simply for character development. I felt like I'm neglecting my time with Qur'an. I started memorizing Surah Al-Mulk and I only got to memorize its first 10 verses. I want to memorize the whole, but I lack Tajweed. But it's okay, I will learn the right way to read it someday. That's all for my update for this week.
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itsrottenwork · 2 years
Hi mj!! Secret Santa here!! Hope your Tuesday is going/has gone well so far!!✨
Oh, my!! Well, I bid you good luck on the rest of this semester then!! What are you studying? I just graduated in 2021 with a bachelors in Art Therapy with a sculpture minor!! Been trying to conjure up plans to obtain my masters, but that’s not in the cards just yet!! We’ll see what the future holds though!! 😅
That’s nice that you learned how to crochet since you were younger!! That’s the advantage you have lol!! It definitely takes muscle memory to understand how to hold the needles and when to do the loops lol!! I’m gonna do my best to try and pick up the skill again!! Can’t promise it will go well lol!!
Blue and purple truly are such cozy colors!! I agree 100% about autumn being the best season!! Especially that transitional period where it’s not warm enough to wear shorts anymore, but also not too cold that you have to wear multiple layers!! Oooooo plants!! What kind of plants do you have?! Two or three summers ago, I started to grow/take care of some succulents and cacti!! Due to the ever-changing climate, not many of them survived except for my cacti! They’ve been going two years strong, even through the harshest weather!! Lol. Mexican food really is the way to go!! Honestly, any Latin American food is the way to go, in my eyes!! Right behind it for me has to be Italian cuisine!! You studied in Northern Ireland? Love that for you!! Did you visit any particular place while you were there? In the beginning of 2020, I studied abroad in Florence for 2 months before the pandemic hit! While I was homesick a lot of the time, I truly did love my time there!! One of these days I’ll have to go back!!
More Speed Round Questions!! Do you have a piece of comfort clothing/shoes that you love to wear? Have you been to any concerts this year? If so, who did you see? Favorite TV Show/Movie you’ve seen this year? What’s your favorite candle scent? Mine has to be anything with pumpkin/cranberry lol. 🎄✨
thank you!! I'm finished with classes now, but we've got lots of essays due after the winter break, and I've got an exam which I hate. but it's nice that the classes are out of the way now. I study politics and communication, but wow art therapy sounds really really cool!! I didn't even know that was something you could get a degree in. I have friends who did art degrees and are looking at grad school, and they say it's much more common to take some time off in between to build your portfolio and whatnot, rather than going straight into it, so don't worry, you've got time 😊
just the way things have worked out for me, I've had a different plant pretty much every year of uni, either stealing one of my mom's or gifting it back to her at the end of the year haha. right now I have five little succulents, they're doing alright but I don't think they're doing as well as the ones I had last year, I had a better pot for them and the space was better. I was in belfast when I studied abroad (the first time) but I travelled around a bit while I was there so I saw lots of different parts of northern ireland. I also went to venice to see the biennale in 2019, but that was the only european travel I did that semester. that's so cool that you were in florence, it's such a lovely city!! but what a rough time to be there, I know things were pretty bad in italy earlier than most places (I was in australia at the time, so we were sheltered from it for much longer). I hope you're able to go back and enjoy it more!!
speed round answers!!
comfort clothes: I have a necklace and two rings that I always wear that each mean a lot to me, but if we're talking comforting, my friend gave me these jingle bell reindeer antlers a few years back and something about jingling around makes it hard to feel down so yeah regardless of the season I'll wear those if I'm in a bad mood
concerts: I haven't seen any this year!! I debated getting tickets to one, but I couldn't get them, and honestly crowded spaces are not the vibe anymore
favorite show/movie this year: why is it I've forgotten everything I've watched this year now you've asked me that? I watched a lot more youtube/streamers than traditional shows/films
favorite candle scent: specifically candles? something cinnamon spices that makes the house all cozy
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Guess who just signed their lease for their room in Denmark! Yes, that’s right, it’s me. I really hope I have done the right thing the right way here. The contract and most other documents were in Danish and it’s really weird to sign a contract you merely hope you understood correctly, aaaaaah. 
I was rather confused they sent me the contract, as I was only fifth in the queue, but it turns out, I should have kept an eye on the deposit they wanted - nearly 2,500€! Do they fear I steal the golden toilet seat? I only want to rent the flat, not buy it! I thought this would break the deal, but thank god for my parents, who sent me the money, which naturally they want back afterwards. Better start saving already, because I am not half as optimistic as them that they will pay me back the whole deposit. 
The rooms are rather small, although I have seen smaller and often worse shaped rooms, but there is a lot of common area which everyone is liable for. It can be great, but it can also go horribly wrong, depending on the people. I’ll see.
As the lease starts from 15th July, I played with the thought of writing my bachelor’s thesis there, but then, I would probably just hang out at the beach, so that’s probably not such a good idea...
Naturally, I didn’t manage to do much today for the seminar presentation today, just like yesterday. At least I tried present every part. Even though that was a catastrophe, I know now in which order I want the parts and where I need to do better. Still, I think there are three(!) proofs missing. Noooo! Also, I completely forgot she wanted me to send her the contents of my presentation (so she can tell me whether it’s too much (or in my case: not enough)), and probably she wants them on Friday, which is, like, today. Oups. 
Quick list of likes: - my parents!  - probably rented a decent flat in Denmark now! - the girls only ride I went to yesterday (which was weird, because femaly only events are not my thing and I have never been to one, but also very nice, because the speed was rather low and enjoyable. It was also weird, because I was the youngest, but not by that much and in the beer garden afterwards they started talking about marriage; I felt very young since I couldn’t contribute anything and at the same time rather old as I was now in such a group of women. I might be too tipsy to make much sense...) - the incredibly short week in uni, never had a week with only three lectures before! Everyone seems to be on a conference now, very practical! - Tuesday! Then, I will have survived Monday’s presentation... 
Detailed to-do list: O talk through presentation and find out how to connect everything, stop the time O send contents to supervisor O work out and write down the needed proofs O tex the proofs O talk through once more, stop time for every part O print out the handout with extra spaces for connectors, examples etc. O write down connectors, examples etc. O practice presentation from beginning till ending completely - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O short track: practice looking confident and speaking slowly and just translate/copy down her proofs
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maria-akira · 3 years
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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bondsmagii · 2 years
what's up ratthew! I remember reading about your posts about your university days and wanted to know if you have any tips for surviving uni. I'll be starting my three years of soc communications and am absolutely shitting myself at the thought but also so so happy.
holy FUCK man congrats first of all but I'm gonna be honest with you... I am probably not the best role model for uni life 😂 I had a miserable time at uni, and to be honest I'm trying to get myself back into uni so I can do another degree and actually have fun with it/work to my own standards this time. it was a total washout and while I have some good memories I ovwrwhelmingly suffered and died over and over every day for four years so like... 😬 you know?
anyway that disclaimer aside I do have some tips I've picked up, though a few might be a little niche thanks to the circumstances I picked them up in.
first of all: please let go of any expectations. there's a whole culture around what Uni Is Supposed To Be Like and let me tell you what... you come down hard with a bump if you're not prepared to do some romanticising. that's not to say there won't be moments, but try to have realistic expectations.
meet any housemates/roommates as soon as possible. get talking to them. try to go out for drinks or food together during the first week. you don't have to be best friends but you are going to be living together for a year so you might as well try to get along.
if your housemates turn out to be dicks don't take any shit. like obviously don't cause any trouble that you don't want to deal with but also don't let them dictate how the whole house goes. see above point. you only have to put up with them for a year. you can be a little evil, as a treat.
get involved with some clubs and societies. hands down all my best uni memories are because of the clubs I was in. it's some good craic and if you ever get on any administrative level it looks good when you apply for jobs/further education.
try to keep some sort of schedule, even if it's "study [x] for two hours every Tuesday" or whatever. doing a little bit of something throughout the term is way better than cramming at the end, trust me.
use the uni resources. make bold and constant use of the library, online collections, etc. you are paying for that shit so get your money's worth.
don't book any classes before 10am. you won't go. it's not physically possible. (if anyone reading this managed this feat, no you didn't and also I'm denouncing you before the committee for bourgeoise depravities.)
please god do you readings before classes. you might think you'll get away with it and maybe you will, at first, but one day EVERYONE is going to have the same "well everyone else will have done it so I can just coast" thought and all 12 of you will not do the reading and your tutor will tell you there's no point in continuing and send you all home and you'd think unplanned time off would be a treat but in fact the shame will be excruciating. just do the reading.
budget well for food but don't think you have to eat like shit all the time. you need good food to concentrate and to be happy so make sure you're not living on instant noodles plain every single day. bulk cook nice things, make time to cook, have a treat every now and then, whatever works. just don't buy into the myth that all students have to put utter crap in their bodies.
go a bit nuts. uni is a fantastic time for trying out new everything: names, aesthetics, hobbies, interests, outlooks, etc. embrace it. it's a lot of fun and lots of people are doing it, so the energy is wild.
if you hear anything strange calling your name from the forest behind your house, just leave it. (this may be specific to me.)
romanticise the shit out of whatever you want tbh
again, don't forget to have fun and go nuts. sincerely. uni is made for going a bit nuts.
try to do some studying every so often but as my degree proves, this is optional.
have fun and good luck!
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sevicia · 5 months
I 🩷 whining & bitching & moaning
yk how yesterday I was the one who ended up giving Mila the pill? well my sister's awake now and decided she was gonna do it (didn't even ask me) while I handed her treats and it took a bunch of tries too. & I don't think I would've gotten it 1st try either, but I know exactly how it goes when I wanna do something she doesn't think I'm capable of: she just doesn't let me do it. it's happened time & time again so I didn't even ask this time cause literally what's the point .....
everyone in my house constantly infantilizes me and genuinely seems to believe I can't do anything by myself. I'm going to a thing from uni about 1st year students (such as me) familiarizing themselves w/ the school campus & other introductory activities on Tuesday & my mom really anxiously told me we (her & I) should try to go to uni before that just so I'd know how to get there, when the route I have to take is literally just home -> bus stop -> metro -> get off -> walk 5 min in a straight line. I told her no, that I would be fine just getting there by myself on Tuesday and she reluctantly agreed.
+ a few days ago I overhead my dad talking about gifting me some money for some reason I'm not sure about, and my sister very seriously told him to just give it to our mom instead so she'd manage it for me, and he agreed. Her argument was that I'd just spend it too quickly which I understand cause I did that all the time when I was in highschool. Which was 3 years ago.
IDK like even when I try to do something I'm usually not capable of doing (mainly cooking), I'll ask a bunch of questions to make sure I'm doing it right to the point they get annoyed w/ me & just do it themselves like "you're too nervous just be more confident and do it already" meanwhile whenever I did things "confidently" in the past I always managed to fuck them up somehow and then get treated like I'm stupid and no one has made the connection that maybe when you constantly tell someone they're stupid while they're trying something new, they'll just stop trying .... ? because they don't want to be called stupid .... ?
It's also made me actually really adverse to try anything by myself cause I find I start thinking "someone else's gonna do it and even if I tried I'd just make it worse", but I don't feel that way when I'm home alone / away from home, it's literally just when I know I'm being judged by people who know me and are around me all the time
& when I manage to get something right I sometimes get praised but most of the time it's just "well you should've been able to do that a long time ago!" and like I know that it's true and that I'm not a dog that should get a treat for every new trick he learns but I just don't want it to be dismissed like that yk .... like just tell me "good job" or smth
I also think getting treated like a child all the time really makes my perception of myself as inherently unattractive / underisable a lot worse because I've just started to believe that everyone sees me as a kid so no one in their right mind would ever be attracted to me ykwim ? the fact that I'm relatively short doesn't help either
the way I get treated like a stupid child while also having adult expectations put on me is always so confusing, like I'm being pulled in 10 different directions and I enjoy none of them
+ I feel like even MORE of a brat for even complaining about this in the first place cause I've heard people say "man I WISH I had someone who did everything for me" and it just makes me feel horrible bc maybe I should be grateful that they care & worry about me so much and I'm just whining over nothing again
"how are you gonna survive when I'm gone ?!?!" from my mom and "you'll literally just die the second you move out" from my sister and "don't even try, it's too dangerous" from my dad and I just keep quiet because I can't even prove them wrong because they're not wrong. I CAN'T do anything by myself and I AM slow at everything (which is just me trying to avoid calling myself stupid) and I AM lazy and have no common sense.
maybe this is the reason most of my daydreams consist of me being like 30 and living on my own lol
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shakespearerants · 6 months
Vladis no good, very bad, absolutely terrible week before christmas so far:
Saturday: Presentation for Uni at 9 am. Return home with the mother of all migraines at 4 pm and discover that the WiFi is down. @perchingowl kindly confirms that I am, indeed, fucked and will likely have to buy a new router. Spend all of the regular Stammtisch being a grumpy bitch and bringing the mood down.
Sunday: Extremely unprepared for second day of Uni stuff bc my printer also works via WiFi and I couldn't print my material. Come back in the afternoon, immediately discover that dryer is fucked and now have to somehow hang 4 fitted sheets up to dry in my 36 m2 dorm room. Meet with friends I haven't seen for months for cookies and mulled wine and start missing them 1 000 % more when they leave. Keep myself from crying by reminding myself that best friend is arriving wednesday for a 3 day visit.
Monday: Get extremely triggered at Uni and spend the rest of the day thinking everyone there hates me. Have a dizzy spell that keeps me from doing the shopping for the week. Stave off impending mental breakdown by planning besties trip. I run out of mobile data before my voice memo loads. My dad asks me if I could buy a carp for christmas and transport it home, over 500 km and a very very conservative estimate of 5 hours train ride. Spend over 70 Euros at the foto shop and thus can't afford any christmas presents for the people who regularly send me gifts 'just because', almost moved to tears over this injustice.
Tuesday: Try to survive without any internet, apart from the dial-up-speed shit I can scrape together with my laptop connected to the LAN cable. Go to Uni, mood improves significantly because CERAMICS. Do the shop I wanted to do yesterday despite The Dizzies returning on an empty stomach. Come back home and check my phone before going to the kitchen to warm up my microwave fries.
Bestie has COVID.
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leckied-archive · 7 years
I have uni again tomorrow and Tuesday, and I’m nowhere near ready for any of what we’re doing this week, so I have no idea how I’ll even wing things.
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Connecting Flights
For @trainingprompttuesday and @petalstosarah happy Tuesday, I loved this prompt (obviously I wrote so much), I feel like this just made the best meet cute for Hermione and Ron!
Can also read on Ao3
Hermione cursed as she tried to fit her suitcase into the overhead bin of the airplane. She had just ran all the way across the airport in twenty minutes to get to her next flight, it would the last time she ever got on back to back flights like this.
Part of her was excited, she had been ready to come home a few weeks after leaving cold and dreary London for her abroad course in Australia. A whole year away from everything she had known, studying law and researching their political landscape. It had been interesting to say the least, but she missed her family and her friends, she missed her favorite coffee shop and flirting with the cute barista. Hell, she even missed her roommates coming home drunk in the middle of the night and playing their music as loud as they thought they could get away with.
She missed her own little part of London that was her home.
Hermione walked down the length of the plane, looking for her seat while also trying not to hit anyone with her laptop bag and purse. She wished that she had gone home for Christmas, she’d had the two weeks off while the government was closed, but had decided to stay away because part of her knew that she wouldn’t go back if she came home early.
She fell down into her seat with a small sigh, she had known that wearing flip-flops was a bad idea, but it had helped her get through TSA so quickly and all her other shoes were heels. Her flip-flops had seen better days, she had only packed them on a whim as she never had much used for them in England, but she had worn them every day in Australia, even if it was just so she didn’t have to wear her heels around the office.
Her officemates had joked about knowing wherever she was by the slip-slap of her shoes, much better than the click-clack of everyone else. It was a story that Hermione knew for a fact that her friend Harry would think was hilarious. He and his fiancée, Ginny, were picking Hermione up from the airport when she finally landed, apparently Ginny’s brother was flying in from a connection in Athens’s too.
Hermione listened carefully to the safety briefing by the flight attendants before they took off. She was exhausted, she had barely slept on her first plane ride that morning, and being up in the air again just made her feel even more exhausted.
She had just taken out her laptop and put in her earphones when the man in the seat next to her stood up.
“’cuse me.”
Hermione sighed and let him pass through, briefly taking note of him. He was incredibly tall, with short red hair, pale and freckly skin, and Hermione couldn’t help but peak over her shoulder to stare at his arse as he walked down the plane to the bathrooms.
In the dark reflection of her laptop screen, Hermione quickly took in the bags under her eyes and the lack of makeup on her dark skin. Her skin was clear for once, and she found some lipstick in her purse along with an old eyeliner pencil. Her hair was nearly unmanageable on a good day, but Hermione found a hairband and quickly put it on as the seatbelt sign came on again.
“Everyone please return to your seat, we are experiencing some turbulence as we move through a storm system.”
“Oof, I’m so sorry.”
Hermione stared at the man, all six foot something of him that fell into her lap as the plane suddenly shook. Hermione felt her face grow warm, as he quickly scrambled to his feet and got into his own seat.
“I’m Hermione, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Ron Weasley, I’m sorry I fell on top of you.”
~Two Hours Later~
Hermione smiled to herself as she picked up her second suitcase from baggage claim, she had three missed calls from Harry, but it was worth it as she got to flirt a little bit more with Ron. He was coming home as his little sister and childhood best friend were getting married and he was to be part of the wedding party. He had also been abroad for university, but the details had been hard to get out of him. Ron had been so much more interested in Hermione’s work, only giving a few small details to his own life and family.
On several different parts of their journey they had accidentally held hands, and on the last bit of turbulence Hermione hadn’t let go until they had finally landed. Ron, being the gentleman that he was, had even helped her get her suitcase down from the overhead bin and walked her to baggage claim.
“I just got my bags Harry,” Hermione hissed into her phone as she walked out to the pickup area. “Oh I see you!”
Hermione felt herself smile as she ran over to the small dark car and her best friend from uni. She had met Harry at Freshman orientation, they had several classes together and just clicked. They had survived parties, midterms, football tryouts (for Harry), trivia team tryouts (for Hermione), horrible first dates, and even embarrassing family visits (the most memorable one being Harry’s uncles caught together in one of the bathrooms). They had been there for each other through all of the good and the bad, and Hermione had been proud of Harry when they graduated, even as he went on to work in sports marketing and Hermione went on to law school.
Six years later, they were still best friends, they still talked everyday even if it was just through text messages and emails, and Hermione was to be in the wedding party when he got married to Ginny. Hermione was excited to say the least, and coming back to London now couldn’t have been better timing.
“Hey there Granger,” said Harry as he held his arms out to her, Hermione rolled her eyes and hugged him tightly. She couldn’t believe that she was home, that she was finally home with the people that she loved. “Missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” whispered Hermione, wiping at her eyes as Harry let go of her and picked up her suitcases.
“You’re going to love Ginny, and her brother Ron, they’re great,” said Harry as Hermione watched him carefully put her things in the boot of his car. “They’re already in the car.”
Hermione nodded, faintly aware that she was going to need to perform for the next few hours until she could finally go to sleep. She had to stay awake until at least eight, so she could adjust back into the time zone. But part of her had hoped that she could fall asleep in the back of the car, like the time Harry had taken her home to Godric’s Hallow for Easter holidays their second year of uni.
“Oh,” said Ron from the plane, as Hermione climbed into the back seat beside him. He looked a bit cramped in the tiny car, his long legs almost pressed to his chest. “It’s you again.”
Hermione felt herself blush, taking in the whole situation. Harry’s childhood best friend was Ron, and his little sister Ginny was Harry’s fiancée, and Hermione was Harry’s best friend from uni.
It felt almost like a set up.
“You two have met?” asked Ginny as she pulled out into traffic, Hermione just barely clipping herself into her seat belt.
“He fell on my lap on the plane ride here,” said Hermione, taking in the little she could see of Ginny, despite knowing what she looked like from the photos Harry had sent her. Hermione knew that they met because Ginny was one the players on one of the teams Harry worked for. They’re courtship had been renewed, they had dated for a very brief period in secondary, before breaking up when Harry moved to London for uni.
“Well it seemed to work as you asked me for my number,” said Ron, and Hermione felt herself smile as Harry turned around in his seat to stare at Hermione. She wasn’t known for being bold when it came to asking others out, the few relationships and dates that she had in uni had all been initiated by the person asking her out. She just never thought that far in the future, she wasn’t much of a romantic, at least not like Harry was.
“Wait,” said Ginny, looking at them in the rearview mirror, “you sat next to each other on the plane and you didn’t tell me Ron? We sat here and you didn’t even mention it?”
“I didn’t know that she was Granger,” said Ron, and Hermione felt him grab her hand as Ginny slammed on the breaks the light in front of them turned yellow. “Maybe if someone told me that her name was Hermione it would be different.”
Ginny let out a loud sigh and Hermione smiled to herself. Strangely enough, this felt like the time Harry had tried to set Hermione up with his roommate Neville. It hadn’t worked out, though Hermione and Neville were still great friends even now, he was even going to be part of the wedding party.
“Alright sure, my bad,” said Harry, but Hermione could hear the familiar cocky tone in his voice he got when he was too happy about something working out the way wanted it to. “Sorry Ron.”
“Thanks,” said Ron, squeezing Hermione’s hand softly and meeting her eyes in the backseat.
For some reason, Hermione couldn’t make herself feel upset at all. In fact, her return to London seemed like the absolute best thing in the world.
She didn’t even feel tired anymore.
~Two Years Later~
Hermione smiled in the mirror over her bathroom sink.
She looked the same as she had two years ago, at least for the most part. Her long curly dark hair was still as unmanageable as always, her dark brown eyes still had bags under them, her skin was surprisingly clear for once, and she wasn’t wearing much makeup. She was wearing her trusted flip-flops and a sundress, her engagement ring and wedding band glittered on her left hand, she was going to a baby shower today.
She was seven months along, her daughter was due in a little less than eight weeks, and she was excited to take this next step. Everything had been easy in the last two years, she and Ron had just clicked.
There was no awkward phase after he had fallen into her lap on the plane ride that took them home. Dating had come easy, especially as they both were staying with Harry and Ginny until they got on their feet again. Moving in together had just happened, both of them deciding that they mind as well because they were dating and getting two flats just seemed stupid when they only wanted to spend time together.
Ron had proposed six months after they had met, and even though Hermione knew it was insane, she said yes.
It was so strange and out of character for her, she wasn’t one who didn’t think things through. But Ron made it easy, he was funny and smart and charming, he looked at her as if she was both the sun and the moon, he never tried to sell himself to Hermione, he was just himself and that was enough. He was caring and kind and made her smile on bad days and made her giggle until she was peeing herself on good days, he brought her lunch almost every day and made them dinner most nights. And he never got upset when she had to stay late in the office for work.
He loved her and that was enough, it would always be enough.
He got along with her parents, and Hermione felt like a Weasley after meeting the whole family at Harry and Ginny’s rehearsal dinner. She didn’t have any siblings, Harry being the closest thing to a sibling to her, but now she had five older brothers and one little sister in Ron’s siblings, not including their spouses.
Getting married to Ron had been easy, they got married in her family’s church and had the reception at Ron’s parent’s house. It had been everything she could’ve ever wanted, and in just eight weeks she would have her and Ron’s first baby.
“’Mione,” said Ron, appearing in the bathroom doorway, his red hair longer than she had ever seen it, but his warm smile the same as the day they had met. “We have to go before we miss the whole thing.”
Hermione rolled her eyes and rubbed her stomach as their daughter kicked her. They had decided on the name Roslyn Eleanora, or Rose for short after Hermione’s grandmother on her mother’s side. They were going to name their baby Hugo Charles after Ron’s favorite brother if they were having a boy, but Hermione reminded Ron that this wouldn’t be their last baby.
“We’ve been late to more important things than a baby shower Ron.”
“And Harry and Ginny still hold their wedding and James’ christening over our heads, Hermione.”
Hermione smiled and reached for Ron’s hand, placing it on her stomach before leaning forward and kissing him softly. She had never been happier to have a stranger fall into lap.
Though, of course, she never imagined that she would’ve married him fifteen months later.
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in which you study in a different country and meet someone along the way.  
hi lovelies! this is my fic for miss olivia’s @bfharry​ boyfriendathon! i’ve had this concept for a year now, and i’m so happy i was finally able to write it!
thank you to @bopbopstyles​ @stellarboystyles & @avhrodite​ for beta-ing! <3
enjoy 7.5k words of friends to lovers & uni!harry & boyfriend!harry !! also the story is supposed to go semi-fast since it is mostly flashbacks, the sparkly breaks will tell you when the flashbacks start and end! 
i’ve made a playlist for this fic! if anyone would like to listen while reading click here
please please leave feedback! super excited for this because it’s probably a fav of mine and i’m really proud of it, so i would love to know what you think! a reblog, comment, and/or ask would mean a lot! <3
The birds were chirping and the sun was beaming on you, leaving a glow to your skin that had shined ever so brightly, giving you a healthy and lovely tint to your skin. It was a lovely day that there was not an ounce of complaint in your mind because of the beautiful weather Mother Nature decided to provide you with, knowing that you hadn’t gotten perfect weather for the past few weeks. The trees and grass were as green as ever as slight wind rustled between the leaves, making the sound of the crisp leaves loud. 
It was a moment like this where you felt so happy and grateful to be in a beautiful city; that you had made the right decision. The London view and atmosphere does not compare to any other place in the world, aside from the fact that you haven’t been to many places in your life. But you’re a bit biased on your opinion because London graced you with your boyfriend, Harry. You remembered the first time you came to London just two years ago, and you never imagined how your life had planned out until this very moment. 
You had stepped on the plane with nervous thoughts running through your head. It was the first time you ever rode a plane, and your destination was hours away, practically a full day. It was a major step, and you probably should’ve thought it through; maybe traveling to the next state, but to travel to another country was a big step for you. 
It wasn’t a vacation, more like, school in a different country for a few months. You had decided to study abroad when you were in high school, wanting to get away from home and also learning in a brand new place without the toxicity hanging onto your foot as you try walking away. It had taken a while to finally study abroad because the requirements of you needing to finish your first year of college before you could study in the fall. 
Your family hadn’t taken it well, but you decided that there was nothing you could do to stop them. You were going to pay for the trip and your expenses all on your own. It definitely helped that you got a scholarship to go to university in the first place, and lucky enough to live on campus away from home.
You were sad that they didn’t feel an ounce of happiness for you, and you had asked your cousin to take you to the airport, being the only person to bid you goodbye. The feeling was overbearing and overwhelming, making your heart sink but at the same time feel full with sadness. At the time, you had felt like everything was holding you back and you just wanted to get away. 
A new start was needed. 
It was August when you traveled alone to London. Anxiety was boiling in your throat as you craved the need to hold onto something as the ride was quite bumpy, making you sweat and shake. But you survived, and you were at your new home. At least for the next 4 months. 
It wasn’t a hard decision to decide to study abroad, but you really hoped you met good people and made friends. It had always been a struggle making and keeping a good batch of people in your life. You had thought it was easy to make friends during your time in London; no one knows you and they don’t know your insecurities. So, you thought it was going to be easy.
And luckily, you were right. 
You had met your three best girl friends, all that you had shared a small place with. The common room had held so many memories between the four of you, and you felt so immensely grateful for them. Late night talks and laughs while drinking wine and eating snacks were some of your best memories. You had missed the common room greatly. 
One night, Tanya had suggested a night out on their first week there, “let’s all go out with the guys tonight! I already met Peter, and we talked about going out, so we could introduce you to everyone!” 
The girls and guys were stoked for the most part, and you were excited too, but also nervous, hoping the guys had found something interesting about you. 
And that was the night you met Harry. 
Some of the students that went to university in London shared a dorm with the abroad students until they left. Half were in the art program and the other half was the journalism program. Two of the girls in your dorm, Donna and Sophie, were in the journalism class, and you and Tanya were in the art one. You had wished everyone was in the same class, but that made get togethers and dinners at night way more fun because it had felt like everyone had so much to catch up on, and the fun was at the highest level. 
You had seen Harry approximately twice within your first week, but it was merely just from passing. But that night was the first proper night you hung out with him and everyone else. 
You couldn’t deny that he was insanely attractive. Just at first glance he had that sort of charm to him that was irresistible and alluring, wanting more after he was done talking. He was a bit on the quiet side when you met him, but learned that he started getting louder and talkative once you warmed up to him. He was outgoing and fun, the life of the party once he had a drink or two in his system, and when he does have some liquid courage, he gets cuddly and affectionate. 
“Do you want another drink?” He asked in his buzzed state. 
“I think I’m okay right now, and who’s going to take care of you when you keep having more?” You teased. It was definitely the alcohol talking because you would have never voluntarily teased someone like that. 
“Well, we have a few people in our group.” It had made your heart flutter when he said ‘our.’ You had never had a group of friends to call yours, and although it was only the first week, you had known they were going to be a group of special people close to your heart. 
“Our friend group is also drunk off their asses, so I think there needs to be a responsible person right now, and that is me,” you put your hands under your chin and started fluttering your eyes innocently. Harry thought you were the most charming and sweetest girl he’s ever met, and it had only been a week. 
“Okay, whatever you say, missy,” he teased. You held back your big smile, corners of your lips turned up. 
“Go get your drink. I’ll wait here,” you pushed his shoulder slightly towards the bar with a chuckle. 
“Ooh, bossy. I like it,” he said with a wink before he headed towards the bar. You were lucky that he had already left to get a drink, or else he would’ve seen your face turn into a light red shade, flustered from his actions.  
As the night went on, Harry had practically clung onto you when he was buzzed, and never let you go until everyone walked back to the dorms. 
“No, don’t wanna leave ya,” he whined a bit when you tried handing him off to his friend. “Nooo, don’t make me go with him,” he pouted as if he was a child. You had gigged, thinking he was the absolute cutest when he was drunk (and not drunk) as he clung onto you until you physically had to put him in his bed.
His arms were still tight around you, your body was laying slightly on top of him. Lazy smiles and droopy eyes were made at you, causing you to chuckle. 
“Mmm. Hello,” he said with a giggle. 
“Hi. You okay?” 
“Yup. Perfect. You know...you’re very pretty,” he says as he smiled. Although he was drunk, Harry was telling the truth. 
“Thank you.” And although he was drunk, it still made you smile. 
“Mhm…” he mumbled in response. The silence between you two was enough to lull him to sleep; arms were still around you. 
“Goodnight, Harry,” you said against his forehead, giving him a small kiss as you tried your best to slip out of his hold. 
That moment had changed everything. 
The two of you had gotten closer after that night. The next day, you bumped into him in the lobby of the building and he asked if you wanted to walk to class with him. 
You laughed about it with him as you walked, “you were so cute last night.” 
“Yeah, M’sorry about that. I get like that when m’drunk,” he shyly said. 
“No need to apologize. I’m glad you had fun,” you said with a smile. He had smiled back at you as he felt the butterflies in his stomach flutter around. 
You and Harry spent almost everyday after class together or in between classes for a quick bite to eat. There was a usual coffee shop near the building that you would always meet each other at on Mondays and Wednesdays. On Tuesday, you two would walk together to a fish n’ chips spot for lunch. On Thursdays, it was a sandwich shop. Fridays you saved your outings for that night as everyone got together on Fridays. 
“We could make this our thing, y’know?” Harry suggested. 
“Fish n’ Chips Tuesdays?” You beamed at him. 
“Yeah, and coffee shop Mondays and Wednesdays, and sandwich shop Thursdays,” he was quite nervous getting that out, but he managed to do it with a smile. 
“That would be nice. Don't you think you would get tired of me?” You teased him, raising your eyebrow as you took a handful of fries and shoving them in your mouth. You hadn’t realized, at the time, how unattractive you might’ve looked, but Harry couldn’t help but smile and fall deeper. 
And he never got tired of you. 
Aside from having lunch and coffee everyday together, you had taken him to art museums. He wasn’t horrible at trying to interpret art, but looking at you beside him as you gazed at the art above yourself was something that he was fond of. He smiled every time you got lost in the art as you studied it, passionately looking up, trying to figure out what each piece means to you. It was admirable, really. 
“You’re gonna be up there one day, watch,” he had whispered to you as you were in a daze. You chuckled as you looked at him, seeing if he was messing around. He wasn't though. He had seen your paintings and sketches, and thought that you deserved to be hung up high in the gallery. 
“You’re sweet,” you smiled and he put his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to his side. The affection had made you blush, thinking how you were falling for your best friend. 
After two months into studying abroad, you felt the happiest you’ve ever been. Aside from the constant moving around and trying your best to explore every part of the city, you felt like you belonged there. All those years living, you felt like you weren’t truly living, and being in London was possibly one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. 
You felt at peace. You were calm, and genuinely happy. Your head wasn’t racing like it was back in your hometown, and you weren’t anxiously looking over your shoulder, realizing that no one really is after you. 
The group decided to take a trip to Paris for the day, and the rest of the days would be spent hitting up a city or two. Everyone had the week off; a bit like spring break as you finished the first half of studying abroad. Everyone was super excited, and you haven’t been to Paris before so it was going to be a new place that you could check off from your list with your favorite people. 
It was a two and a half hour train ride from London to Paris, so you had loaded up a two hour playlist for the ride. 
At the time, it seemed like everyone knew that you were crushing on Harry, except Harry himself. When everyone boarded, the only seat empty was the one next to him. You weren’t mad, in fact, you were thrilled that the seat next to him was vacant. When you sat next to him, his eyes beamed, glad to see you, and you looked over at your friends as they gave you that teasing eye look while you rolled your eyes. 
“Anyone sitting here?” You asked and he shook his head no, giving you a small smile to sit down.
Everyone was still tired, considering it was 7 in the morning, and the group wanted to stay in Paris for the entire day. You yawned and Harry looked at you, giving you a soft smile. You grabbed your earphones out of your purse, handing one earphone to him and placing the other in your ear. In that moment, Harry was so happy as you two listened to Frank Sinatra on the way to Paris, placing your head on your shoulder and his on your head as Frank lulled you both into a nap before your adventure together. 
The entire day was eventful, but exhausting. With everyone on their feet, they were all ready to crash and luckily it was nearing sunset before the last train of the day. 
The last touristy place was the famous Eiffel Tower. Everyone had decided to get some wine and snacks as the whole group sat on a big blanket in the grass area in front of the Eiffel Tower. The sun was slowly setting and the guys were playing with a soccer ball, passing it around as the girls drank and talked; music playing from the speaker Sophie had brought with her.
 You took a mental picture of the scene around you; the people, atmosphere, and the feeling. And you had softly smiled, thinking these are the people in your life that are going to be in your life forever. Despite the fact that half of you had to go separate ways, there was a certainty in your head that everyone will always end up back together again. 
The sun had fully set and the lights on the Eiffel Tower had turned on as it started twinkling, lighting up Paris since the sun had gone tired. The guys were getting tired as well, so they sat with the girls. Harry was on your right side, arm behind your back but he didn’t touch you as it rested on the blanket and he leaned on it. 
“Dance with me,” he whispered ever so softly in your ear. You turned towards him and he smiled. 
“Right now?” 
“Yes, right now. Please, dance with me,” he pleaded and you nodded. He had immediately gotten up and helped you up. 
‘A Sunday Kind of Love’ by Etta James began playing softly as you and Harry swayed. Your arms were around his neck and his were around your waist. Chests pressed together as you had felt his heartbeat that pounded through his chest that gladly traveled to your chest, making your heart beat in sync with his.
It was silent between you two. There were no outside noises interrupting your bubble as you two ignored the eyes your friends were giving you. It was just you and Harry, the music, and the Eiffel Tower that captured your love and kept it for memory sake as you swayed under the moonlight. 
Harry had pulled away from you, looking so intently in your eyes, fondness gleamed out of them.
“Be mine,” he said softly. “I’m fallin’ for you, and I’m fallin’ hard. Please be mine already?” You were about ready to cry in that moment, but tears glossed your eyes.
You nodded and he beamed, “Only if you agree to be mine as well because I’m falling for you too,” you added. 
Harry immediately nodded, “I’ve been yours…this whole time.”
“Yes, darling?” The pet name had come unexpected, but you loved it nonetheless. 
“Kiss me.”
He took your face in his hands, brushing away the strands of hair that had covered your pretty eyes before capturing your lips with his. The molded between your lips and his was perfect, like they were meant to be kissing Harry’s. Your hold on him grew tighter as your tongues touched for the first time. It sent shivers down your spine and made the hairs on the back of your neck rise. 
It was a moment that would never leave your mind and you two would cherish it forever. 
It had been two weeks since the group arrived back to London from Paris. Two weeks since the best day of your life, and you and Harry were attached at the hip and at the heart. It had been so easy to be around him, and you couldn’t believe he was your boyfriend. Your boyfriend.
You’ve been falling for him ever since the day you went out with everyone for the first time and clung onto you like a koala. But you were glad to be that tree for him that night. 
The regular dates hadn’t stopped. You two acted the same around each other, and that was because of the friendship before the relationship. And you were able to hold his hand while walking down the street and kiss him against the wall of an alley.
It was the third month of school, and everyone was swamped in midterm studies. The amount of stress everyone had was enough for an entire school year because of how fast paced the program was. 
It neared eleven at night in the boys’ dorm. Everyone’s heads were in their books or typing on their laptop, papers scattered around them. For the art program, you had to visit various museums and look for a painting that defined the meaning of Impressionism art along with a 2,000 words that went along with the painting. 
Multiple yawns passed through the room, and everyone was exhausted. 
“Alright, I’m done for the night. Can’t do anymore studying,” Tanya said as she started packing her things up loosely. 
“Yeah, think we should call it a night,” Cade suggested. 
A series of ‘goodlucks’ and hugs went around the room as everyone packed their things up, and the girls went off to the dorm as you were still packing, wanting a minute alone with Harry. 
“Stay the night?” He had suggested, and you turned around and stopped fixing your things. 
“You want me to?” 
“Yeah. Think I’ll sleep better with you here and m’all stressed out.” 
“Okay,” you replied back, thinking that you would sleep better with him as well. 
As you two got into bed, Harry had played music on his phone, saying that it had helped him sleep and it was a habit when getting into bed. You noticed that you and Harry had the same love for Frank Sinatra as he hugged you to his chest. 
The two had laid there, not even closing your eyes to try and get some sleep. But rather, staring at the ceiling, running your hands up and down each other’s skin. 
And the moment you had leaned up to give him a kiss, you two couldn’t stop there. 
Hands that roamed your body had made that electrifying feeling stronger, pulling him in for more. The passionate kisses that you two traded had triggered each other’s arousal as he hovered over you. The pull and undressing of each other’s clothes while ‘Strangers in the Night’ played had left you wanting more and more of him. 
“I’ve never done this before. Like any of this,” you whispered. 
“Do you want to continue? We don’t have to if you don’t want to--I’m definitely fine with just kissin’ ya,” he said with a smile, causing you to beam at him being a gentleman. 
“Yes, want this so bad, baby.” You responded quickly, feeling very eager. He smiled in return and continued what he was doing.
He had asked you throughout the experience if you were okay with everything, and when you told him ‘yes please, give it to me’, he made sure he got you ready for him; rubbing your button and fingering you to your high, something you’ve never experienced with another person. 
It was the reassurance that Harry had given for your first time, and the constant questions of making sure if you were okay and if you were comfortable when he slowly pushed into you, trying to make sure he wasn’t being too hard with you because of his hard and big length. 
“So good for me,” he whispered out, kissing your lips. 
“Feels so good,” you had moaned out, never experiencing this type of feeling before. The pleasure had taken over the stinging feeling of your Harry entering you for the first time. You two were connected in a way you’ve never felt before. 
The soft whispers of praises that fell from your lips, and your arousal and orgasm prior that lubricated Harry’s thrusting, had made him feel so many things. He wanted to last for you, he didn't want this moment to end. Scratches in his hair and down his back had encouraged him to continue as you moaned his name in his ear, and he pressed wet kisses to your neck as he grabbed your breast. 
Two strangers in the night who had no idea of each other’s existence just three months ago. They had no clue of what their life was going to become when they met each other. It was the way you looked at each other that he knew you weren’t going to be just a stranger to him. Although he had a bit of alcohol in his system, he knew in his heart that he was going to find that sort of comfort and caring personality when he started talking to you. 
Harry continued to make love to you as the moonlight was seeping through the blinds, like the love that seeped through your veins for each other. He brought you both to your highs, and the only thing that was heard was the hushed moans and groans that came out of your mouths that could signify the love you have for one another.
It was that moment that changed everything. 
The fourth month had approached sooner than you would like. 
You and Harry hadn’t discussed what was going to happen when you had to leave, but you had hoped that you could make long distance work. 
The feelings you had for him were nothing you had ever felt before. It had made you cry out of happiness in random times, but also made you want to scream because of how too good to be true he is. 
He treated you like a queen. Making sure to give you as much love as you could handle, but sometimes a little more because he couldn’t hold it in. 
Throughout the weeks, you had learned so much about him and him, you. You didn’t think there was someone in the world that was so kind and caring; someone who shares similar passions and likes the same things you do. He was an angel sent from above, and you wanted to keep him for as long as possible. 
One night, you two shared your pasts together as you laid in bed together after a session of love making and a few rounds of hard fucking per your request. 
The fear you had inside of you was trickling down with your words when you had told him your insecurities and stories of your family that you wanted to forget. But he took everything so well; never looking at you for your insecurities, but only for your heart. 
“They weren’t very really supportive of me--of what I wanted to do. They just expected me to follow what they wanted, and I didn’t like that…” His hands roamed your skin innocently, comforting you and let you know he was there for you. “I was already miserable there. I didn’t want to be even more miserable doing something I hated. So I went against their demands and they said they weren’t going to pay for anything. But luckily I got a scholarship, and moved away from home.” 
“I’m proud of you for doing that.” You looked up at him as he continued. “It’s admirable to see you chase your dream and do what you want to do, despite being told by parents who don’t support you. You’re strong for that, y’know?” You hadn’t responded; just took in his words of support and comfort. You kissed his chest, leaving soft and wet kisses to his skin. 
It was like you couldn’t get enough of him. The magnetic pull that you had between you had grown, making the force stronger than ever, and you never wanted to leave his side. 
As the last few weeks of studying abroad we’re coming to an end, everyone was focused on finals. There weren’t that many dinners or nights out at that moment, but everyone had time since the people who lived outside of England had a week before they had to pack up and leave. 
One night as Harry was in your room, studying on the bed as you were writing a paper for your final project, he had suggested visiting his hometown. 
“Darling, I have a question,” he perked up. You looked at him and nodded for him to continue. “You could say no and that would be totally fine, but how about we go to my hometown this weekend? We could even study over there. It’s less noisy and it’s not a hussle and bussle kind of town. I just want you to be able to see where I grew up.” 
You smiled, “Sounds nice. Where are we going to stay?” 
“Figured we could stay at my mum’s? She’s got a great backyard, or we could explore and I could take you around,” he said with great hope. Your heart fluttered, Harry wanted you to see where he grew up. He wanted to show you every corner of his hometown. 
“Oh…at your mom’s. Is she going to be there?” The thought of meeting his mother had scared you. You had never met anyone’s parents, and it was the nagging thought in your head telling you that you were going to mess it up. 
“Yeah, but we could get a hotel or something-”
“No! I would love to stay there, and I would love to meet your mom.”
Harry smiled, giving you a kiss to your lips before grabbing his phone and texting his mother.
The train ride to Holmes Chapel was about two and a half hours. 
You suddenly had a fascination with trains as you felt like it kept you calm while you watched different towns and buildings pass by. 
With the speed of the train, it had felt like you were in slow motion. Your eyes tried taking in everything you saw, capturing every moment of what you want to remember. And Harry is in a lot of those images. 
Holmes Chapel was very welcoming and warm. Despite the weather, it was warm. It felt like home. It was a small town and everyone seemed to know the next person, but you loved every part of it because it was where Harry grew up. 
His childhood home was even lovelier. Maybe it was because of the fact that Anne lived there and Harry grew up there, but she was ever so sweet and welcomed you in with open arms. 
She had taken a liking to you immediately, telling you childhood stories of Harry and his sister, Gemma, that only family knew. Harry was ultimately surprised at how quickly Anne opened up to you. He knew his mother was kind, but she kept to herself and didn’t speak when she was uncomfortable, so to see his mother laughing loudly with his also somewhat shy girlfriend, made his heart burst with love. 
Harry had watched them sit at the dining table, sharing stories as he leaned against the kitchen counter as he wore a robe to keep him warm while smiling so big that his jaw physically started to hurt. 
He’d never had felt so loved and had never loved anything like he does with you. It surprised him how fast he fell for you, but it was quite possibly the easiest thing he did. There was no judgement in the relationship. You had kept him grounded and helped him when he was going through a rut when writing. 
The only thing that was bad about the relationship was the distance that will be put between you two when you leave to go back home. He didn’t want this to become a fling, to have a time limit. He knew exactly what he was getting into the day he asked you to be his, and he didn’t want to let go of you. 
And he truly hoped you felt the same. 
Just after you and Harry were back in London after visiting Anne and his hometown, finals had approached rather quickly. You had had a great time spending a little time with his mother, and you think she liked you very much. There were countless conversations and laughs that you will never forget. 
“Can I ask you something sweetheart?” Anne asked. 
“Of course,” you said, and you had been nervous as to what she was going to ask. 
“You mentioned that you were leaving just before the holiday, but I just wanted to ask where that leaves you and Harry. Are you two still going to be together?” A frown had made an appearance on her face, resembling your own. 
“I would like to. We haven’t spoken about it, but I’m sure that conversation will happen soon,” you had answered honestly.
“You still would still want to be with him?” You nodded in response. “That’s great to know. I like you a lot, and Harry has taken quite the liking towards you as well, but I just didn’t know if it was some sort of abroad type of relationship; someone to just keep you company in a new country-”
“No, it’s nothing like that! I know it’s only been almost two months of our relationship, but I love him, and I would never let him go. I didn’t want to study abroad to have a relationship, but he stumbled into my life so unexpectedly and I don’t have plans of letting that kind of love go.” 
Everything you had said was the whole truth. You weren’t expecting a relationship to come out of this, but you’re so immensely happy that it did because Harry walked into your life. Although you hadn’t known him for a very long time, quality overruled quantity. The connection you two had made within the few months meant something deeper than a fling. 
Anne smiled and nodded, like she was appreciating you and her respect for you had increased. The topic was over, and it was onto the next that was followed by laughs. And that entire time you stayed at her house, Anne knew exactly why Harry had fallen in love with you. 
The last week of being in London had come very quickly, and sadness was an understatement. 
The people who were leaving had decided to start packing the things that they didn’t need and weren’t going to use anymore, so they had extra time to spend and go out with everyone because packing your things for four months plus the things you bought wasn’t all that fun. 
It was Monday morning after finals when you had heard your phone buzz on your bedside table. You had groaned as it felt like you had slept for only 30 minutes. You debated on whether to check it in your sleepy state. The buzzing had stopped, making your thoughts turn off, but started back up once again and you figured you should check it. 
Harry was calling you in the early hours of the morning. It was 6 a.m and if it were anyone else, you would ignore it. 
“Harry? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You had mumbled once you answered the phone. Harry chuckled, but also fell deeper in love as you were just as caring as you were awake. 
“Darling, m’fine! M’actually outside of your dorm. I didn’t want to knock and wake everyone else up, but get up. We’re going on an adventure,” he said in a hushed voice, and you practically heard his smile through the phone. 
“Harry…” your eyes were still closed, exhausted from your slumber. 
“Please, baby. You won’t regret it.” 
And you didn’t. You never regretted anything when it came to Harry. 
You had gotten up and dressed warm enough for your adventure, and met Harry outside to which he rewarded you with a hug and kiss, thanking you for putting up with him. 
You both got in Peter’s car that Harry had begged him to take for a little bit, and luckily he agreed because the tube wasn’t running at that time. With Harry’s arm in your lap, you leaned on his arm as you closed your eyes until he took you both to your destination.
It was still a bit dark out, but it was way past the starry night it was a few hours ago. The sun was just about ready to rise, and the early bird got the worm. 
Harry had held your hand as he led you both up to top of the Primrose Hill, showing the beautiful London city. It had taken you both a while to get to the top, due to you being extremely sleepy still and sluggishly holding you both back. Harry had set a blanket down for you two to sit on, and you immediately snuggled into him. 
“Don’t fall asleep on me, darling. We have a sunrise to watch,” he said, leaning his head down and caressing your face. 
“Mmm. Tired,” you grumbled. 
“Please? It’s your last week here,” he said sadly, and you wished you hadn’t complained that you were tired because hearing his tone had almost broke your heart. But that woke you up slightly, realizing that you didn’t want to miss another moment with him. 
The sky had gotten a little lighter, and Harry checked his phone for the time, about 30 minutes till the sun started to rise. 
“Tell me something,” he said. It had been a thing you two did when you started hanging out. It was sort of a confession time; either can say anything you want to say and the other will listen. 
“I’m going to miss you so much that the thought of us not being physically next to each other will hurt so bad,” you confessed. 
“I’m going to miss you too.” 
“Baby, you don’t understand. My heart will completely break once I part ways with you at the airport. I cant handle it, Harry,” your body had completely faced his, and he noticed your eyes were swollen from the lack of sleep and the incoming tears. 
“Hey, I know exactly how you feel. You’re not the only one who gets to feel like that,” he said more seriously. “But we’re gonna get through this, okay? We’ll do everything to make sure we make it together,” he had placed a hand on your cheek. 
“You want this right?” Your insecurities had gotten in the way and you needed reassurance from him, and Harry knew that and didn’t ever complain to give it to you. 
“Of course, baby. Never gave you a reason telling you I didn’t want this, right?” You shook your head, tears had made its way down your face, and Harry had shared the same tears as you. “Then don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine. I’ll make sure of it.” Harry held you to his chest and you both cried in each other’s arms. 
The sunrise was as beautiful as ever that morning, screaming for a new beginning as the sun illuminated the sky into an orange and yellow glow. The new beginning was right in your arms as you held him tighter while tears fell down both of your faces, feeling powerful and stronger together as you two poured every emotion and energy into each other. 
Harry was your sunrise and your sunset. 
You wanted to spend the beginning of every morning with him and have him be the last thing you see before you are pulled into a deep slumber, dreaming of him for hours until you see his face again and make him your reality. 
And you both were going to make it. 
The ride to the airport was long and filled with silence as words weren’t needed at that time; only the hurt because of the love that was so strong that nothing could come between you two. Not even distance. 
You already missed the whole group dearly, and the last dinner with everyone was bittersweet. It was an emotional one as everyone talked about their favorite times and laughed at memories of drunken stories. And at the end, everyone raised a glass. 
“To the best group of friends out there.” 
“To a talented ass group of artists and writers.” 
“To love, laughter, and the pub.” 
“To new beginnings, but never endings.” 
Everyone cried and hugged each other, making the moment last forever, but it was definitely not the last time. 
You slowly walked with Harry, hand in hand as he rolled your luggage, to the area where you both had to part your ways. He had kissed your hand and head multiple times until you stood facing in front of him. 
The embrace you two shared was the most gut wrenching feeling you had ever felt in your life, and it felt like your heart was physically breaking along with Harry’s. 
Your hearts had always been in sync, beating as fast as the other or filling in beats for one another when one of your hearts had skipped a beat. Being without one another would feel like a missing beat in your hearts, and you needed the other to fulfill it.
“This is not goodbye. It’s never going to be goodbye with you, okay?” Harry’s voice croaked and you nodded, too afraid to speak as tears spilled out of your eyes. 
You were breathing deeply, knowing you should go through TSA already as you both were trying to spend every last minute together. 
“Tell me something?” Harry had asked one last time in person. You thought hard about it, wanting to make it the best one he’s ever heard. 
“I love you, baby.” 
He gave you a small and sad smile as more tears formed in his eyes, “I love you too. So much, darling.” 
And then you were off.
Harry had watched you walk away until he couldn’t see you anymore before he had sulked back to his dorm, crying all the way back. He felt empty without you beside him. With spending everyday with each other for the past four months, it had felt like a punch to his chest when you had left. 
When he had gotten back to his room, he noticed a large square board wrapped in festive wrapping paper with an envelope attached to it. 
‘To my lovely Harry, 
Thank you for loving with me, laughing with me, and living with me. You’re the best person I’ve ever come to know, so I hope you enjoy this piece that was dedicated to you (and our group of friends). I’m so grateful you’re the person who has my heart.
I love you and miss you so much. 
Yours forever.
The tears hadn’t stopped since he saw you leave, and they kept on coming as he opened his present.
Sitting in his hands was your final project along with your paper. It was a painting of his hand holding a heart as blood dripped from it. He noticed it was his hand because of the various rings he wore. The London Eye, Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, and the pub were at the aorta as a plane curved from around the heart. The background was painted as an orange and yellow color, symbolizing the sunset. 
Harry sobbed and hugged your painting to his chest, feeling as if it’s the last thing he has of you for a while. He picked up your paper and read the title. 
‘The Power of Being Vulnerable’ 
And so you were sat on a floral blanket, two years later; setting up your lunch, and taking out your sketchbook along with your supplies. You had brought your painting easel, in case it wasn’t going to rain, and you’re glad that you brought it because the weather was just gorgeous enough to paint outside for a while.
Before you went to the park, you had time to make a quick and small charcuterie board that was filled with Brie, prosciutto, crackers, and honey; a snack that would take up your time under the warm sun. 
You started sketching your drawing until you felt a familiar pair of lips against your cheek behind you. 
“Hi, darling,” his raspy voice that had brought you immediate peace said in your ear. You turned your head, and saw the beautiful smile beaming down at you before sitting down and meeting you at eye level, giving you a kiss to your lips. 
“Hi, baby.” 
“Sorry I’m late, quite the line at the sandwich shop, but I got your favorite as always.” You smiled after him, thanking him for waiting in that line and for the food. 
“It’s okay, practically just sat down a few minutes ago, and set everything up.” 
“Okay, good. By the way, you look absolutely beautiful,” he took off his sunglasses to give him a more clear look. You were wearing a dress that complimented your skin tone, making your eyes enticing that he couldn’t help but fall more in love.
“Thank you, my love. You look so handsome,” you complimented back, leaning in to peck his lips. Harry was wearing a plaid button down flannel, black jeans, boots, and a fedora. His hair has grown much longer over the past few years, and you honestly love it. One day, you had told him that he looks like a prince to which you earned a blush. 
“Gonna paint, my darling?” 
“Yeah. Nice weather out today, so definitely going to.” 
“Can’t wait you see what you put together,” Harry smiles, making the dimples that you love so much, pop out. 
You and Harry spent the rest of the day together before it was time to head to dinner with the six other people that had changed your life. It was something simple like sitting on top of the same hill you were at two years ago that made your heart flutter. With his head in your lap as he read a book, occasionally stopping to scratch his head and give him a kiss to his forehead, and you sitting upright painting away as he fed you crackers and cheese, you would have never known this is how your life would turn out. 
You were extremely grateful for the years you were given to be with Harry and your group of friends that you love so dearly. You were a shy girl, scared of being scared, hardly opened up to anyone. 
But that same shy girl blossomed. She blossomed into a beautiful woman who was being praised and treated like the way she should. The man beside her had reminded her every single day that she is a stunning and caring person that deserves the world and more. She eventually started to believe it herself. She began to start seeing herself that way. She woke up and looked in the mirror and started to remind herself that she was beautiful and that she was going to take over the world. 
The affirmations had come from opening herself up to people who genuinely cared about her. Because being vulnerable isn’t bad whatsoever. 
It allowed you to let go of whatever pain there was inside your heart and leaned onto someone so they could hold your pain as well because you finally weren’t alone. You finally had people who loved you and needed you. 
You had opened your heart up all those years ago, and it led you to the best thing that’s ever happened to you. 
With two years of loving each other and two years of long distance, you had opened up your heart to the most special man in the world. The constant tears of missing each other from the other side of the world. The need to feel his touch. The tiring plane rides every four months to visit him, until it was his turn to visit you. The care packages. The long FaceTime chats. They all led to the best hugs when you reunited with Harry. 
You would travel the world and back if it meant Harry was your destination. 
And it was where the world took you that led to your forever. 
feedback is appreciated here! <3 also i would love to take blurbs for this and write more about them, so please let me know what you like to read!
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