#what can i say I'm a sucker for forbidden love
gcslingss · 2 days
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hey, everyone!
I hit a 100 followers a few days ago, and I just want to say, I am so grateful, and so thankful to all of you! I'm glad I was able to entertain you with my writing and little rants haha <3
so, as this is a pretty special milestone for me, I'm gonna be writing fics, ficlets and drabbles for all ryan gosling characters based off a few prompt lists that i will link below. THIS IS FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY.
you can give me a combination of prompts from the same list, or from multiple lists, or just one from one list for any goose - its all upto you, and what you're looking for!
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before i get to the prompts lists, I'd just like to thank a few friends on here - so, for my moots!
@bisexualcoltseavers you, shannon, are amazing, so cool (in ken's words), and I am so glad i became friends with you on here. Literally an amazing writer, and you made me such a sucker for colt x ken, no joke. I love hearing your little drabbles everyday and reacting in anguish TO ALL THAT ANGST so much, its such an important part of my day nowadays. thank you for being my friend <3
@hollandstrophyhusband SASCHA. one of the coolest people I've met on here. I think you're a bloody good writer, and all your 'shenanigans' are such a delight to read. you're so careful with character dynamics and make almost EVERYTHING work, and feel super enjoyable. you're also a great person, and I'm glad to be friends with you.
@officer-kd6 my dear val - we ended up becoming friends over a bunch of texts in the god forbidden chats of tumblr, and I'm honestly so glad, because you're so cool, and I love talking to you about anything. I'm so thankful for your interest in my shitty drafts, and I PROMISE that I'll give you the fic you've been asking for soon. ILYSM <3
@cherries-in-wine MY FAVE GIRBLOGGER. you're so pretty, both inside and out, and I really wanna meet you irl one day and rant about whatever we wanna talk about. I absolutely love ur little posts, little vents - your presence on my blog is something I am so thankful for. so thanks for being my friend, aditi <3
and my newer moots that i wanna get closer to (or ur on discord and ill js text u a little letter there): @zsuo @asyrafey @chihuahuamations @flowersomgravee @demon-dai @laff-nelson
thank you to all of you <3
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01. non-verbal angst prompts
02. angry confessions
03. love confessions
04. two-word sentence starters
credits to @poohsources @dumplingsjinson for the prompts :)
please send me all your requests, and I'll try my best to update and post asap - sort of got exams going on, but I will respond and post to your requests for sure! please do send me, I'm so excited to write for y'all <333
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toastedjeans · 6 months
Okay but imagine Caine as the demon of lust trying to seduce Kinger, an angel.
Caine was usually always successful with his temptations, and has even corrupted a few angels before, but Kinger is different. Kinger is way too nice, and way too oblivious, and way too pure, and Caine just can't seduce him no matter what he tries. But he is up for the challenge. And he tries over and over and over again, but nothing seems to work.
And as fate would have it, Caine realizes that he's fallen in love with Kinger. Which shouldn't be possible at all. And then they're both conflicted cause angels and demons shouldn't love each other, but here they are.
And then Kinger is the one seducing Caine-
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fancy--that · 1 year
Are there any AU scenarious you really wanna write (or read)?
cowboy au.
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arminsumi · 8 months
hii!! hru?? i hope ur doing finee!! :))
so i have a request 😭😭 imagine olden times gojo satoru x reader, reader comes from the lower class poor family and gojo is the higher rich class 🤩🤩 gojo and reader go to school together and gojo is rlly known and popular in school so reader gets curious and tries to talk/start a conversation with him!! then they become friends but they eventually both develop feelings for eachother 😭😭 but because of their differences they cant get together/love eachother and gojo's parents dont rlly support gojo marrying a poor girl and want him to marry someone with a high status!! (u can make gojo have a future arranged marriage if u want, i jus need an angsty fluff fic 😭)
✎ runaway lovers
💗 さとる
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note : i found this buried deep in the drafts !! :( i'm late but i wrote this in one go and it was so fun, i got so absorbed into the story... ugh i'm a sucker for olden day gojo stuff. one of my fav posts was that hanahaki gojo fic. anyways!! aaa i swooned a bit at the part he says "i will always find my way hom and she is my home" 🥹
content : one day at school, those six eyes catch you spying through the gap in the door, and from that moment on gojo satoru grows fascinated with you. he just has to introduce himself to you. he doesn't care about the whispers around him and just falls right in love. unfortunately, his parents frown upon you two being together, and they try their best to pry the two of you apart.
warnings : fem reader, angsty fluffy, misunderstandings, gojo gets put into an arranged marriage, forbidden romance trope
playme : you're in love
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"gojo satoru...?" you question curiously.
your friend nods, starry-eyed. "you know, from the gojo clan? oh, he's so... he's just... you can't even envision how good-looking he is; you just have to see him with your own eyes. come on."
"alright..." you chuckle, letting her lead you down the corridors. she trips clumsily on the way.
the two of you peer into the senior student's class. you whisper under your breath to her, "which one is he? there's so many people in the room... and i can barely see."
"just search the room. you'll know him when you see him. he stands out." your friend whispers excitedly.
your eyes look searchingly. and then they land on a head of snow-white hair; there's a boy, two years your senior, sitting upright like a stick and clad in a blue-toned kimono with an endearingly simple pattern on it — but you're not fooled, that's the highest quality silk. a clan crest stares at you, as his back faces you.
You peer through this slit in the door.
you're staring at him like you're spellbound. and... those hyper-attentive six eyes catch onto you right away.
gojo curiously peers behind him over his shoulder. when you see his face, it immediately makes sense why your friend — like so many other girls in this school — is completely taken by him.
and he... he's taken by you, the instant the two of you make electric eye contact. you look away as if singed by spilled boiling tea.
gojo's heart thumps in his chest.
who was that, just now, peering through the slit in the door? she was...
"good-looking, isn't he?" your friend smugly nudges your shoulder as the two of you scamper away like mice, escaping outside.
gojo's class concludes moments after catching you spying through the slit in the shoji door, so he quickly makes a path to follow after you as you escape to the taiko bashi bridge with your friend as if you're two criminals.
and he ends up eavesdropping on your conversation at a prime moment.
"...he looked like an angel..." you say in awe. his heart flutters and he widens his eyes, straining his ears to hear more but the bush of flowers is fluttering so loudly in the wind that it makes it difficult. so much for six eyes... what he wishes he had right now is six ears.
he picks up fragments of your voice. it gives him... butterflies, for the first time he understands what it means to have butterflies in one's stomach.
"...ah, don't tease me...!"
he blinks his pretty eyes and listens to you.
"...i can't possibly introduce myself to him...he's not just my senior...he's the prodigal son of the gojo clan..."
his heart... does something. a smug look forms on his face.
well... if she can't find the courage to introduce herself to me, then i'll introduce myself to her.
and so he does. when his best friend accompanies him on a gliding exit walk along the bridge, he stops by you and...
he bows deeply, like you're a very important person. but you're not, you're a commoner in most eyes at this school... and yet he doesn't treat you as such. it even takes his best friend, suguru, by surprise because he knows satoru to usually be a bit pompous.
electric eye contact is made between you and satoru when the two of you rise from your greeting bows.
"have we met before?" he begins smoothly, "your face reminds me of a girl i met in a dream."
your throaty stutter endears him, but makes his best friend snicker.
"satoru... don't go around flirting with monkeys." he says meanly.
for the first time, satoru ignores something that his best friend says. a reality-shattering moment, really, suguru widens his eyes as satoru asks; "what's your name...?" as if he's desperate and determined to know it.
and that's where it all begins. on the taiko bashi bridge. one spring.
it doesn't take long for his parents to find out that he's conversing with a commoner, and they put a stop to it immediately. not only because of your status... but because they don't want him to be "distracted". he needs to keep a "narrow focus" on his studies. and... they refuse to let some commoner mingle romantically with their precious prodigal son.
girls snicker in secret about you. rumors spread that you forwardly introduced yourself to gojo.
"i heard that she chased after gojo-senpai and desperately tried to introduce herself to him. she's obsessed with him or something, it's really pathetic!"
speak of the devil... no no, he's an angel like you said... satoru appears. not a word slipped by him. it makes his blood surge, is stomach twist; they had some nerve. he wants to cuss them out, be improper and raw and visceral. but he refrains. because consequences.
"i'll have to correct you two," satoru's sudden appearance shocks them out of their bodies. that voice is chilling. "it was actually me who initiated that introduction on the bridge. she was too lovely to ignore..."
oh, satoru... why did you choose the word 'lovely'? now rumors begin to circulate the school that you two are dating. they rapidly make their way to his parent's ears, and while his father may be lax on his lectures, his mother is strict.
she parts the two of you. cleaves your budding friendship. rips the two of you like paper, refusing to let her son be tainted or distracted by someone like you.
but does he listen to his mother's orders to never speak to you? no. he sneaks out to meet you after school. he squeezes in through your window at night with a toothy grin. he secretly invites you to his birthday parties ("where has the birthday boy run off to...?"). he holds your hand when no one is looking.
and he cups your cheeks and leans in for forbidden little kisses when it's just you and him in the vacant school corridor.
your faces melt like butter against each other. it makes his heart lurch to have a forbidden fruit touching his lips like this... it makes him feel weak, which is just laughably ironic. so weak, that he wants to take a bite... even if it puts both the reputation of him and his family in jeopardy.
there's a sad twinge in his chest when he thinks about how you and him are forced to keep your love secret.
"i'm sorry that... i can't show off something as beautiful as you without getting the both of us in trouble. i wish we could kiss right in front of the whole world's face." he admits in a soft murmur.
it's simple, these sad times. but then the future comes and delivers despairing news on gojo.
one day, while having tea with his mom and dad, they tell him that a marriage between him and another woman is being considered.
he violently jumps up from the table. a teacup shatters on the floor.
"huh...?" his shock and surprise slowly morphs into pure anger, "like hell! you can't j-just spring this on me. i refuse to be married to anyone except y/n—"
"—that commoner? you... still speak with her?"
his face drops. oh, shit... now he's given it all away.
and what a consequence he faces. locked into his room, like some funny version of rapunzel. he paces around, mind racing and heart palpitating.
his contact with you is cut off in the most brutal of ways.
his mother comes to you, and tells you with a convincingly icy lie;
"gojo is too kind to tell you himself... so he asked me to inform you instead; he never wants you to see him again. his heart has found a wife, and he doesn't want you to seduce him away."
you remember choking up and sputtering broken sobs at this reveal.
he couldn't tell you from himself... ah... did those kisses mean nothing? am i the other woman?
gojo doesn't know why you avoid him so violently the next time he sees you at school.
"hey — wait. can i talk to you? it's important." he asks.
you give him a bitter look. "i'd rather we not. i don't fancy being the other woman in your life..."
you confuse him. and he blinks at you astoundedly. what caused this? he's a smart boy, he tries to figure it out. but it leads to long nights of brooding in his futon, body sinking deep into the plush until he feels like gravity is accelerating on him alone. but it's just his thoughts. he tosses and turns.
he doesn't give up his determination, though. he will find out what deterred you from him...
oh but when he figures it out, through suguru's admittance, he bursts in through his mother's tea ceremony one day and confronts her with the rage of a dragon. right in front of guests. completely embarrassing her.
"you told her! you lied to her? do you think you can keep us separate forever? — NO. I WILL ALWAYS FIND MY WAY BACK HOME. AND SHE IS MY HOME!"
his yell is so piercing and raw that it makes his mother drop into her seat. the guests have mixed looks.
the backlash he receives for lashing out and denouncing his arranged marriage is severe. the scowling looks he receives are not nearly as bad as the ones you receive. unkind words is putting it lightly; the whole village and school turns against you. they still view gojo as the star child of his clan, but now as a star that has strayed from its rightful place in the sky.
he meets with you in secret. what begins as a tearful explanation and angsty bunch of confessions to hidden truths, turns into a steamy make out.
gojo needs your kisses like he needs air, like he needs water, like he needs food. you're his essential, he tells you that;
"my vitals would fail if you left, as if i would be stabbed."
he mutters against your lips other things... and then cries with you. it hurts to see such a pretty boy cry.
"satoru..." you begin soothingly.
he presses his forehead against yours. tear drops roll off his cheeks and splatter against your face.
he draws out your name. the wind stills. there's a long silence.
"...run away with me..." he murmurs. "please, let's leave this place behind... and start a family somewhere no one knows our names."
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© arminsumi 2023
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ravennaortiz · 4 months
Okay I have another request. This time it's for Jax. I have a list of prompts for him.
7. Stay away from my sister. (I'm thinking maybe possibly an au cross over.)
13. I promise.
17. I love you.
15. Are you gonna kiss me or not?
21. Like what you see?
27. What if someone sees?
25. Don't act shy now.
Hey! Ohhh I like these prompts for Jax and I agree with the crossover idea! In fact I think I know exactly which hot temper Mayan to pair him with! Lets see what kind of magic I can work up for ya. I do see some smut so. As always 18+.
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Prince Charming
Jax took the punch to his jaw like a champ. He knew it was deserved after what had transpired the last few weeks. In his effort to bring a peace between the Sons and Mayans he had fallen head over heels for you. Unfortunately for him you were seen as Mayan royalty and off limits . Jax had ignored every warning as all he could think about was tasting the forbidden fruit that was you.
"Its fine" he stated as he stood up waving Chibs and Tig back as he met the gaze of your brother. Smirking Jax rubbed his jaw. "Nice sucker punch" he remarked making the younger man bristle as he stepped closer pushing his forehead to Jaxs. "Are you gonna kiss me or what Guero? I mean your sisters a bit of a freak but I can't imagine she would be down for this" joked Jax trying to ease the tension in the room.
"Stay away from my sister" growled Guero as he shoved Jax backwards. "Or else" he added before going to turn away. "I can't do that man. Shes a drug and I'm an addict" replied Jax with a shrug.
"Jesus Jax. What did you say?" you murmured as you stepped up on the porch of the Mayans clubhouse. Angel had called you and told you their had been a scuffle between Jax and your brother. He hadn't wanted you to be shocked when you arrived to the party. "I told him you were very pretty I promise" joked Jax making you roll your eyes as you stared down at him on the bench.
You sighed as you shook your head before shooting him a small smile. "I love you but your such a bad liar. I told you not to tease him" you replied as you crossed your arms. Jax chuckled but his attention was on the way your nipple rings poked out of the skin tight dress you were wearing. "So are you gonna kiss me or not? Make my boo boos better?" he questioned as he let his eyes roam your body.
"I think you should kiss me. I had to rush out the door so fast I couldn't finish getting ready" you replied as you placed a hand on your hip. "Jax moved his hands to your hips and pulled you closer before planting a kiss on your covered navel. The feel of his lips through the fabric sent shivers down your spine. You felt Jax groan into your stomach as his hands moved under the fabric of your dress.
"Let me see what you didn't get a chance to put on babe" commanded Jax his icy eyes igniting a fire over every fiber of your being. Grinning you stepped back checking to make sure you were alone before pulling the hem of your dress up and giving him a quick spin. The cool night air on your bare skin felt like sweet sin. Giggling as you pulled your dress back down you sent him a smirk as you watched him move his hand to his belt.
"Like what you see?" you inquired as you moved back to him. "I sure do" murmured Jax as he pulled you down on his lap making you straddle him. You moaned as you felt his hands slide up the back of your thighs to your ass and his teeth gently nipped at your nipple piercing through the fabric of your dress. Jax continued his assault on your body as you rocked your hips against his growing erection that tented his jeans.
"I'm close Jax" you moaned into his neck after a few moments. "Need to be in you babe. Need you to cum on my cock" mumbled Jax as he lifted you up some breaking the contact you had. "What if someone see us? " you whispered as you bit your lip nervously as he worked on removing his cock from the prison of his pants. "It'll look like were just having a heated make out. Also I doubt anyone would care" replied Jax as he watched your eyes move to the hand stroking his cock.
"Don't act shy now. Not like this isn't the first public fuck we've had" replied Jax with a smirk as you let him position you back over his cock. You moaned as you felt the head of his cock slip through your slick folds. Jax groaned as he felt you sink onto his hard cock your soft walls gripping him tightly. Jax held you in place as he pistioned his hips up into you. Barely leaving you giving you deep fast strokes that had you seeing stars before tipping over the edge himself within a couple minutes." I love you so much" panted Jax as he kept your firmly planted on his softening cock as he kissed your neck. "Lets get home for round two" you replied feeling him grin into your neck.
Want more Jax? Click here
Want to make your own request? Click here
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bigbawdy-benzz · 10 months
Mi hermoso bebé
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Pairing: Miles42 x chubby reader!
Tags: @aaliyahwalkshere @sheluvv-jen @missmyluv
Warnings; none that comes to mind
A/N; enjoy this was the most voted, before we get into the headcannons, everybody is beautiful even if you’re thin or thick you’re beautiful, don’t let anybody tell you any less. your perfect just the way you are!!.
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❥ Miles is in love with everything about you, from the way you dress to the way you carry yourself.
❥ Miles who loves touching your rolls, touching you in general he always has his hands on you.
❥ Miles who shows you off but gets jealous when people starting a bit too much.
“I know she fine you can stop looking now”
❥ Miles who helps you when you’re feeling insecure, feeling insecure is forbidden with Miles. He never wants you to feel bad about yourself because you’re beautiful.
“Baby no you’re beautiful cut that shit out, fuck what all them people gotta say mama, they probably unhappy with themselves and have to hate on a bad bitch to get cool points, they aint competin wit you”.
❥ Miles who will kick somebody ass for talking crazy about you or to you he don’t play that shit.
❥ Miles who always has your back.
❥ Miles who helps you eat food when you’re struggling or have a bad relationship with food.
“Baby it’s ok i'm here, I'll sit and eat with you!”
❥ Miles who wants a fashion show every time you buy new clothes or HE buys you new clothes. He’s a sucker to see you prancing around in the clothes he bought you, or that you bought.
“Yess mami gimme a 360”,
❥ Miles who loves seeing you in revealing clothing, the way the clothes hug your body and the way YOU wear them makes him go feral, he just wants to eat you up.
“Ma not gonna lie im boutta bu-”
❥ Miles who falls asleep on your stomach, chest, or butt.
“It's so comfy don’t move”
❥ Miles who loves slapping your ass whenever it feels convienent
“What it's fat what you want me to do?”
“Not hit it so hard”
“Okay im sorry ma” He says casually grabbing it giving you a smile. 😁
❥ Miles who buys you anything you want your his princess, speaking of princesses MAJORRRRR princess treatment!!
“pick up what you want princess, lemme give you some princess treatment”.
❥ Miles who is your number 1 supporter anything you do Miles is clapping is his hands rooting for you. You dance at every practice and competition, You cheer at every game, You play sports at every tournament, You make jewelry promoting it in any way possible, You do hair telling ppl they need their hair done REAL BAD.
❥ Miles who makes you feel comfortable around his family when you first meet them, you didn’t want to eat in front of them or even go get your own plate in front of his family because you thought they were gonna judge you, (They aren't like that).
“Bebé deja de pensar así (Baby stop thinking like that), its okay go get some food I will come with you they aren’t gonna judge you and if they do I got you”
❥ Miles who loves you with his whole being and lets you know that, you’re perfect in every way and you don’t need to change yourself for anybody, not even him.
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wikitpowers · 6 months
blackstairs is such an amazing ship idc what anyone says (still mind-blowing that someone can dislike them fr wtf)
i'm a SUCKER for friends-to-lovers (more like parabatai-to-lovers in this case, but u know what i mean...) and i love that trope so badly and it fit them so well ahhhh
and the slow burn and mutual pining just made their relationship even more intense and interesting (not to mention the forbidden romance hello?!?)
every single scene of theirs is immaculate idfc
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artists: @oblivionsdream, @ella_j.osse, @gatovtina + @polarts_
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xzhdjsj · 2 months
Ranking Sakuverse Characters!
I've seen a couple of these on my feed and thought I'd give it a try :))
- Zaros
I honestly don't know how he made his way to the top. When he was first let out of saku's basement, I raved about how much of an asshole he is and that I'd never like him but uhhh that didn’t quite age well did it?🤡 I also LOVEEEEEE fantasy settings so he definitely has my attention there.
- Andrew
Would've been number 1 if it wasn't for that menace of a man (seriously help me) Andrew was the first character I was introduced to and I love him too damn much. Forbidden romance always had me running laps and the way this man speaks AGHEHWJEJWJKSWKKWKSKW ACCENT>>>
- Xanthus
He's a vampire and I. LOVE. VAMPIRES. (No, I have not seen Twilight tho) Like come over here and take all my blood idc (I have iron deficiency💀) But on a serious note Xanthus is such a cool character and his story is a genius concept! Can't wait to see him beat Audric's ass🙏
- Isaac
Pookie wookie Isaac! I loved the slowburn of his story and I really enjoyed his chatacter development. He's so thoughtful and sweet too🥹 Deserves all the kisses!
- Jonah
As everyone has been saying GAMER BOY GAMER BOY GAMER BOY GAMER BOY +he gives me huge malewife energy! Need I say more?
- Elias
Another gamer boy, only partially but it counts! I especially enjoyed when he forced batista to call him pretty😭 like yes baby you are pretty DEMAND TO BE CALLED A PRETTY BOY! I also loveee his ear piercings! He's one of the reasons I got some myself🤭
- Kayson
Oh I love this idiot, he's another character that gives me malewife vibes. He's so supportive and sweet! Everyone deserves a Kayson in their life!
- Dontis
I didn't expect him to be this far down on my list😭 Dontis is quite the character. He's unique and I definitely feel his charm radiating through my screen. (He better make it out alive or I'm going to start a war) Oh and also accent>>> (Can you tell I'm a sucker for accents?)
- Rowan
GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOY. He's so damn sweet and I can't wait to see how his story progresses!
- Asirel
I spell this man's name wrong on a regular (Azirel/ Asriel) so if you've seen that look the other way pookie.
His motives and his relationship with pet is interesting and I wanna see what happens next!
- Cevyk
Just a silly, goofy guy (not really) The skin peeling caught me off guard but I think its very creative. I mean he's a demon what were we expecting when we sold our soul😭 This is another story I can't wait to see develop in the future!
- Alex
No. Absolutely not🧍‍♀️ I loved him at first but god that whole argument to break-up segment really freaking hurt me. So now his dumbass at the bottom
Tried to watch Luca vids but his voice reminds me of someone I used to know😭 I got war flashbacks and quit💀 but he seems like a cutie patootie!
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thestoryden · 2 years
hi love, are you taking requests for jace? I wanted to ask for a forbidden love, with a little jealousy and anguish. I'm a sucker for that
Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Death
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Another one for the Jace fans. Thank you for the request. This was originally a drabble, but it got a bit long, we should be back to regularly scheduled programing soon. Thank you for reading, much love.
Masterlist / Taglist / Request: Open
Betrothed to Another
You shiver as the cool evening air sets over the tourney. You chew your bottom lip as you scan the line up of knights. That is when you spot the sea green heraldry of house Velaryon. You know who it is by his size and height, but also by his distinctive dark hair, Jacaerys Velaryon. What he lacks in Velaryon features though is made up by titles. He is the future heir, and by extension future king. There is nothing more you want than to be with him. His status holds promise, but you are much more interested in getting to know him.
A firm squeeze of your hand brings you back to reality. Aemond smiles at you, but behind it is a creeping rage. It is always stirring, preparing to strike.
“Are you done staring at my nephew?” Aemond questions.
Your face burns with embarrassment, “You shouldn’t call him that you are only a few years apart, it sounds strange.”
Aemond rolls his eye, “Everything is strange in my family, if you wanted to be with him so badly, maybe your house should have chosen their side.”
You try to shrink back into your coat. Aemond speaks as though you had any choice in the matter. The opening announcements are made, and you try your best to blend in with your chair in the hopes Aemond will not pester you further.
The first set of rounds is almost halfway over when you decide to make a break for it. You can not stand being under Aemond’s watchful gaze for any longer. You get up and gather your coat.
“Where are you going, my love.” Aemond says, irritation hinting at the edge of his voice.
You breathe in sharply, “I wanted to grab some food from the kitchen tent.”
“Very well,” Aemond says as he waves you off.
You excitedly leave the stands and make your way to the kitchen tent. It had not been your original intention to go there, but you figure that Aemond may watch you from the stands. You walk briskly past many knights, squires, and servants, till you find yourself in a very hot and very busy tent. There is lots of shouting and mountains of food.
One of the servants spots you, “How may we help ya, milady?”
“I am looking for a knight.” You say sheepishly.
“Well, ya won’t find him here. Why not try in the stables near the forest.” They say with a wink.
You weave through the tent and come out the other side. You look to the stands to make sure Aemond can not see you from here, and then put the hood of your coat over your head. You scurry over to the stables when you see a bit of a sea green cloak disappear into the forest. You chase after it in the fleeting light.  
You investigate the forest and a little way in you can see Jacaerys leaning up against a tree. You smile as you walk closer, you open your mouth to say something. He instantly puts his finger to his lips, signally for you to be quiet. He puts out his other hand out and you except it. He leads you through the tree deeper and deeper into the forest. When you finally come to a small clearing the twilight is waning to darkness. He twirls you into his arms and hold you tight. Your face falls just in the crook of his neck, you snuggle closer.
You sigh, “Jace, we can’t keep doing this.”
“What do you mean?” Jacaerys ask, “Have you been caught?”
“No, but Aemond, he suspects us of something.” You hold Jacaerys tighter, “And we are meant to marry at the end of the tourney.”
Jacaerys brushes his hand over your face. You look up at him.
“I do not wish for you to marry him.” Jacaerys says bitterly, “You are mine, and mine alone.”
“I wish that were true.” You say.
“Just be mine in this moment than.” He asks softly.
You push yourself up on to your tiptoes to kiss him. He returns it with fevered hunger. His hands find purchase on your waist, and he brings you in closer, but the force of it is too much and causes your kiss to break.
“My apologies, my Lady, I did not mean to make you lose your footing.” He says with a laugh.
You can not help but giggle at his jest. A rustling comes from the leaves. You press yourself to Jacaerys as though he is your only lifeline. You chew your lip pensively, scanning the tree line for a creature.
“It was only a deer my love,” Jacaerys tries to comfort you.
That is when he appears. Aemond emerges from the forest. He moves like a snake ready to attack.
He draws his sword, “You dare disgrace my Lady, bastard.”
Aemond grabs you by the back of your coat and throws you to the ground.
“You would do best to stay out of this, dearest.” Aemond seethes.
He is on the attack and Jacaerys is struggling to unsheathe his blade. He finally gets it free after dodging numerous attacks from Aemond. He begins to parry Aemond’s attacks, but Aemond is relentless in his blows. Jacaerys blocks again, but this time it is too wide, and he cannot block the next hit. It sends him reeling, he is on his back when Aemond strikes. He drives his sword through Jacaerys’ stomach then pulls it free. Red blood drips from his blade. Jacaerys reaches out for you. You rush to his side.
You cling to Jacaerys, “I love you in this life and the next, and I will always find you, my love.”
He coughs and blood paints a shadow on his lips. He holds his side as you lace your arms around him.
Jacaerys turns to look upon your face. “The stranger takes me gently my love, only letting me leave when I am in your arms is the greatest mercy.”
Taglist: @sinlist @isabel2you @cedricsleftelbow @groovyponypatrollamp @ofherscarlettwitchways @aprilsimonsstuff @tnu-ree @pinkydevil16 @guijh103 @severewobblerlightdragon @thegirlnextdoorssister @thanyatargaryen @zgzgzh @fultimefangirl @esposadomd @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @missusnora @eonnyx @winxschester @icarusignite @too-strong-to-lose
419 notes · View notes
ahungeringknife · 8 months
365: May 1-2
Malik collided with someone in the hall so hard if they weren't six inches shorter than him he would have fallen over. Instead the boy not looking where he was going fell onto his ass. "Watch where you're fucking goi- oh, Kadar," Malik looked down at his little brother sprawled on the floor all heat seeping out of his voice in an instant.
"Little kids aren't allowed in this part of the fortress," Malik's friend Jummal said. Malik rolled his eyes. That wasn't true but Jummal was fucking annoying.
Kadar grunted as he picked himself and dusted off his down gray tunic. "I'm fine," he chirped, voice still high.
"What are you doing here?" Malik asked, just barely refraining from folding his arms. "You shouldn't be down here." The lower dungeons weren't forbidden or anything but it really wasn't a place for a thirteen year old. Malik was down here with Jummal for some more... intense training for the older boys. Stuff to toughen your stomach. At least they'd run into him, literally, near the stairs.
"I know. But I wanted to show you something," and Malik nearly popped a blood vessel when his brother started trying to take off his pants.
"NOPE," and he grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and dragged him out of the dungeon. Jammal laughed after him. "Shut up Jummal," Malik snapped over his shoulder.
"It's not anything weird," Kadar complained.
"Yeah okay ya freaks," Jummal called.
Malik still had a knife on him and at the top of stairs he grabbed one and threw it down towards Jummal who even laughing dodged out of the way. "My mark just came in. It's not weird," Kadar stuck his tongue out at Jummal.
"Keep walking," Malik growled and shoved Kadar away from the dungeon.
"See you at dinner, Mal," Jummal called after him, still snickering.
"Can you not embarrass me in front of my friends for five fucking seconds?" Malik asked Kadar sharply once they were around the corner. Malik loved his little brother but he was so annoying sometimes and there was nothing like having a little brother doing something embarrassing in front of your friends to make you lose all credibility you had.
"Sorry," Kadar said sheepishly looking up at Malik under his lashes with his big blue puppy dog eyes.
Malik sighed and rolled his eyes. But Allah he was such a sucker and couldn't stay mad at him forever. "Okay, lets see it," he said knowing this would get Kadar to not bother him about it again.
Kadar perked up and thankfully didn't take his pants off completely just enough to pull down the side to show his pale thigh. "See, see," he said excitedly. Soul marks came in when people hit puberty and their bodies started to change. They were often cryptic imagery that depicted one's soul mate. Kadar's was as vague and cryptic as any Malik had seen being black and sort of generically pretty wild flowers with a piece of intricate basket weaving flowing through it. If and when he found his match the mark would burst into color but for now it was all black and gray tones. "I woke up and there it was. I'm a man now," he said.
Malik scoffed. "I'd say you're not," he said.
"I am so," Kadar pulled his pants back up properly.
"Once your voice doesn't sound like this," Malik pitched his voice way up, higher than Kadar's childish voice, it cracked a little, "then maybe." Kadar laughed at Malik's imitation. "You got a long way to go," he dropped down to his normal pitch and ruffled his brother's hair. "Don't be in such a rush."
Kadar pouted at him. "I guess. You ever going to show me yours?" he asked.
"Nah, it's stupid," Malik said and started propelling Kadar towards the dining hall for dinner. Malik didn't like showing his. It was big though, took up his entire left flank. Sometimes when he got especially sweaty you could see the dark mark through his shirt.
"Aww, don't say that. I bet it's really pretty and that's why you don't like it," Kadar teased him, sticking his tongue out at him. "My brother's got tulips all over him doesn't he."
Malik rolled his eyes at Kadar practically dancing around in front of him. "As if," he said. But there were some tulips. Red like fresh blood.
"Then it's absolutely some cute little animals," Kadar snickered. "Like a bunny or little fawns," Kadar continued as they entered the dining hall. "Or a sweet little kitten-
"Yeah yeah shut up," Malik shoved him down onto the bench at the table. Kadar giggled.
"So what's the damage?" Jummal asked across from Malik.
"Wildflowers and baskets. He's going to find a nice boring girl-
"Hey! She won't be boring. She's going to be so cool and interesting. Just you wait," Kadar insisted. Then he scowled at Jummal. "What's yours anyway?"
"Some bread," Jummal only smiled when he talked about it and he did now. "I love bread."
"I swear your soul mate is just going to be the next loaf for dinner," Malik groused, making Jummal laugh.
Kadar turned to his other side, "What about you?" he asked a boy between his and Malik's age. Malik was helping himself to dinner, using a fresh pita to shovel meat and pilaf into his mouth.
"It's a dove," he said, also beaming. Kadar asked a few of the others at the table while Malik ate. The kid barely even noticed dinner or that Malik was putting food on his plate.
"What are you guys talking about?" and Malik only looked when Altair came and sat on his other side, their thighs briefly brushing together as he took a seat on the bench.
Malik swallowed hard to say, "Kadar's soul mark came in."
"Ah," and that was all Altair said, reaching across the table for things to stuff into an opened pita to make a kebab: lamb, vegetables and a bright red oil sauce Malik knew was hot enough to burn his mouth.
"What about you, Altair?" Kadar asked.
"Hmm?" Altair had already forgotten (or more like didn't care) what Kadar had been talking about.
"What's your mark?"
"A princess stabbing a dragon in the mouth," Altair said.
"Bullshit," Jummal rolled his eyes. "You told me last year it was a pigeon."
"He did? He told me it was a bunch of saffron flowers." Malik kept his eyes down at his food while several of their friends all said what Altair had told them what his mark was and they were all contradictory.
"So what is it?" Kadar asked once they'd settled down. Altair had his mouth full of kebab and just shrugged. "No fair," Kadar complained.
"Not for you, kid," was all Altair said.
"Lame," Kadar insisted.
"Yeah sure. Now eat your dinner or your balls are never going to drop and you'll be a scrawny shit forever," Malik said and everyone around him laughed to Kadar's squawk of outrage.
Malik looked himself in the mirror and brought the knife up to his face. He always pulled a face while shaving and tonight was no different. The shiny copper mirror was smooth enough to not completely distort his face. Only years of training stopped him from jumping when a pair of hands slid against his naked sides and around his chest. "Want some help?" Altair asked, voice soft, near his ear.
"It's just a touch up, I'm fine," Malik said but had taken Altair up on the offer before when he'd let it get a bit longer. He didn't really trust anyone else but Altair with a knife that close to his throat.
"Mmm," was all Altair said and his thumb gently stroked one of the red tulips that were part of Malik's mark.
"Almost believed the princess and dragon one at dinner," Malik said as he scraped the knife against his jaw.
Altair made a noise of amusement against his naked shoulder. "It's a good one. Some people even believe it," Altair said. Malik's skin twitched as Altair traced the insane depiction of Baʿal Šāmīn on his flank. Malik knew every line and curve of his mark and he knew Altair did too. Malik had read just about half the fortress' library looking for reference for what the fuck had appeared on his body years ago. Baʿal Šāmīn was an old god, maybe some bedouins still worshiped him?, and his domain was the sky. He was wrapped in white linens and armor seated on the ground with a sword across his lap and holding out a hand. His sword had the pommel of an eagle's head, his armor styled from normal overlapping mail almost to that of feathers, white, tawny, and a dull gray red. Red tulips rained down from his outstretched left hand like pouring blood. When he'd first seen Baʿal Šāmīn he'd been a stranger but since it'd come into color it wore Altair's face. As a young teen he'd been beyond confused by this man on his flank. But he'd gotten over it. Because it was such a wild mark and also in color he didn't show it to people. He'd been so mad when it'd first come into color too.
"Next time you should say it's just a river of blood," Malik said with a grin and Altair snorted into his shoulder. He paused to see if Altair would jostle him.
"That's just as believable," Altair said still lightly running his fingers over Baʿal Šāmīn and his red tulips. "Should Kadar be as worried as you were?"
"No unlike me Kadar's sane and clearly likes women," Malik said as he finished his touch up. He was trying to grow out the beard a bit but it just seemed a fool's errand. At least he could grow facial hair. Half of the boys in their training year were still peach faced babies; Altair being one of them.
"Ah. Too bad for him," Altair shrugged and the hair on the back of Malik's neck stood on end when Altair nuzzled him there.
Malik took a damp cloth and wiped the soap residue off his cheeks and neck. "Okay. I'm done. I can see you're being needy."
"Me? No. Never," Altair said with a voice that anyone else would clock as resentment but Malik heard as sarcasm.
Malik put the mirror back into his bag of shaving gear and cleaned the knife, stowing that away as well. Then Malik lightly pushed Altair's hands off him so he could moved around. Altair was his shadow as he went and sat on his bed, grabbing his shirt he's thrown there to pull on. "Hey now," Malik said when Altair grabbed his hands before he could put it on his shirt.
"You look better like this," Altair said and sat across his lap.
"Don't flatter me," Malik said.
"That's basically my job. So I will," Altair's mouth curled into a smirk. "Not like you're going to have a wife for that," and he pushed Malik down onto the bed, still holding his wrists.
"Gross," Malik said and that made him smile while Altair chuckled. Altair leaned down and kissed him and that was nice. It'd been a not so great day conditioning not to throw up around gore and death down in the dungeons but kissing his soul mate made it better.
Malik yanked one of his hands free to undo the belt around Altair's waist. Altair helped him pull the shirt out of his pants, his breath hot against Malik's face, and Malik put his hand up Altair's shirt. He didn't have to see Altair's mark to know exactly where it was and what it looked like. It was simply a sword that ran all the way down his chest, the point ending just above his groin, the hand guard fanning out under his chest and a intricate pommel in the shape of an eagle's head. It looked just like the sword Baʿal Šāmīn held in his own hand on Malik's flank. Altair never wore low collared shirts but if he did you could see the handle of the sword sticking out of his sternum, nesting against his collar bone.
Malik drew his hand up the length of Altair's mark and the other boy groaned softly against Malik's mouth when Malik fit his hand around Altair's neck like he was grasping the hilt of the sword. Far more gently than he ever would normally. His hand lingered there while his kissed Altair's warm mouth before sliding off his neck and back down his chest. Altair's breath was ragged by the time he pulled his hand out of his shirt, barely still kissing him.
"You're such a freak, Altair," Malik teased him.
"Shut the fuck up," Altair gasped and Malik snickered. "You're the one who literally has my face on your mark." That made Malik laugh louder. Yeah. That was true. It was pretty fucking weird.
"Yeah because that does nothing for your ego at all," Malik smirked.
"Better than you getting off to the fact that your last name is literally on my entire chest, freak," he said it right back and stuck out his tongue briefly.
"Keep it up and it'll be the only part of me on your chest tonight," and Altair shoved his hand over Malik's mouth, absolutely red faced. Malik just grinned against his palm. Sucker. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that Altair was hard as a fucking rock sitting on him after putting his hand around his neck.
"You are such a shit," Altair hissed, face still burning. Malik thought it was cute how flustered he got. Malik said something against his palm but it came out as just noise. "Sorry what was that?" Altair asked, not moving his hand. Malik said it again. "Sorry I can't hear you when your mouth is full." Malik just rolled his eyes.
Altair removed his hand a moment later. "I said 'yeah but you love that I'm a shit'," Malik said smugly.
It didn't linger long at the soft look Altair gave him. "Yeah. I guess so," he said quietly and leaned down, kissing Malik again, this time far more gently and it gave Malik goosebumps. "I do love you," Altair said as a secret against his lips. Like every time Altair said it a thrill went down Malik's spine. It was pretty exciting after all, finding your soul mate so young; even if you were both shitty teenagers. And sometimes Malik just wanted to kill him but just because it was meant to be didn't mean you didn't still have to try for it and Altair could be so fucking annoying. Their marks had almost broken after they'd become colored, both pissed off at who'd colored their marks.
But that was years ago. They'd figured it out. They'd figured... this out. And Malik wouldn't want it any other way really.
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banananuttrash · 1 year
I love your page! It’s amazing! Could you write something with Cobras older sister dating Ice? He doesn’t know and when he sees them together they get into a fight about why she’s with Ice and they get jump and the sister shows why she’s a badass and doesn’t need her brother looking out for her (even though she’s happy he does)
Oh Boy
Prompt: When your brother’s enemy is your secret boyfriend, it only makes sense that when your brother finds out, he's furious. However, you make sure to show him that you don't need protecting.
Warnings: fluff, make out, fighting
Request: Yes
Pairing: Ice x Female Reader ; Cobra x Older Sister Reader
Word count: 2k
Notes: Omg thank you for the compliment! Also, three things: 1) I always try to include GIFs with these, but I didn't find any good ones for Ice. 2) I don't think I can write fight scenes, but I tried my best. 3) I debated on whether or not to write this because I am not the biggest fan of the Mighty Warriors. Like I didn't like them throughout the movies AT ALL 😆. I would literally diss them so bad while they came on my screen (sorry not sorry). However, I did enjoy this prompt, and I'm a sucker for forbidden romances.
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As you finish getting ready for your date, you knock on your younger brother’s door, “Hey Junpei, I’ll be out for the day. I won’t be out too late and you shouldn’t be either. I was able to cook breakfast, so it's on the table for you. See you later."
As you put on your shoes and start to head out, you see your brother come out of his room and look like he literally just woke up. He yawns and asks, "Where are you going so early?"
"There's just a couple of things that I have to get done and some errands that I have to run. I should be back before dinner. If not, head to Itokan and have dinner there.” You don’t look him in the eyes as you respond to him. You hate having to lie to him, but there is no way that he could know where you were really going.
Since he’s still half-asleep, he does not question it as he sits down at the table and gives thanks for the food. Before leaving, you go to him quickly, rub his hair and he glares back at you before you say goodbye.
About an hour later, you find yourself in front of the park where you are meeting your boyfriend. Once you see him, a smile forms on your face, “Ice!”
He turns toward you, and walks to you with a smile on his face, “Hey, glad you could make it.”
You put your arm through his and hold his hand, “I was able to leave before Cobra was fully awake, so he didn’t ask too many questions.”
Even though you really hate keeping it a secret from Cobra, you can only imagine what would happen and how he would feel towards you dating the leader of the Mighty Warriors. Especially when they have fought each other before.
There were a couple of times before when you had seen Ice and were not his biggest fan. After he met you, he would ask you out on a date and he would say that the two of you would be good for each other. You would turn him down constantly, and one day you told him you were sick of it. After that day, he backed off. There was a two-week period where you had no contact with him, and you started to realize that you missed him. So, you went to his club and sought him out. Very bashfully, you asked him if he was still interested, you would go on a date with him, and he was.
Flashforward to now, you and Ice have been dating for a few months and have done a pretty good job of keeping it a secret so far.
“What do you have planned?” you ask cheerfully.
“You’ll see,” he responds.
You two have a great time on your date. Ice takes you to the batting cages, which he knows you love, and then takes you on a picnic near the lakeside for lunch. He then takes you kayaking out of Chikuni City, which was one of the best experiences of your life, and then takes you to a restaurant for dinner.
When you arrive at the restaurant, you are a little self-conscious at first because it seems that the restaurant is very fancy. Before you go in, you pull Ice by the hand and say, “Ice, I don’t think I’m dressed well enough to go in there.”
He lets out a chuckle and leans in to kiss your forehead, “You’re fine babe. No one’s going to notice.” He pulls you inside and they sit you two down at a table. Turns out Ice had already made a reservation beforehand.
When you sit down, you send a quick text to Cobra that you won’t be making it for dinner and that you’ll try not to be home late. As you both start looking at the menu, you feel blood drain from your face as you start looking at the prices. You have enough money to sustain yourself and to pay, but you would never willingly pay this much at a restaurant. Your thoughts must have been readable on your face because Ice starts to laugh to himself.
“Oi, why are you laughing?” You stare at him in all seriousness.
He smiles at you and takes hold of your hand, “I love how you wear your expressions on your face. I can always tell what you’re thinking.” You blush a little before he pulls his hand away and looks back at the menu, then says, “Don’t worry about anything, this is my treat.”
“Butts are for sitting.” You roll your eyes at him and continue looking over the menu.
Dinner goes by quicker than you want it to, and with a blink of an eye it’s time for you to head off back home. Even though it’s kind of risky, Ice offers to ride home with you and you agree. The sun is starting to go down, and there aren’t really a lot of people out on the streets. As you both exit out of the taxi, he closes the door behind you and then grabs a hold of your hand and starts walking you home.
When you start getting near your home, you pull him into an alley nearby. You notice the confused look on his face and before he can get any words out, you put your arms around his neck and plant a kiss on his lips.
You pull back and smile up at him, “Thank you. I had a great time today.”
Ice’s eyes darken for a little bit before he puts his arms around your waist and places a kiss right back on your lips. The kiss starts slow, but it quickly gets heated. Your arms tighten around his neck and his on your waist. You try to pull back but in between kisses you manage to say, “We should… stop… before… someone… catches us.”
Ice lets out a deep laugh and against your lips he says, “Okay. I’ll stop when you do.”
You pull his lips back to yours and jump to wrap your legs around him. As you do that, he pushes you both backwards until a wall hits your back. Your lips went completely in sync with his. You felt Ice tighten his grip on your thighs and pushed you into the wall a little harder. Ice lets out a small moan. He bites one of your lips and you let out a small moan. As you open your mouth, Ice takes the opportunity of slipping his tongue into your mouth.
You two are at it for a couple more seconds, but before it gets any further, you pull back and, out of breath, say, “I should go. My brother is probably waiting for me.”
Ice gives a small pout before slowly releasing you and letting you put your legs on the floor. You both make your way back to the main road and you say, "Go home. I'll be fine getting home from here. I don't want to meet anyone unexpectedly."
Ice smiles and nods. He pecks your lips. says goodbye, and you both walk off. As you make your way back home, you hear a familiar voice say, "Y/N?"
You turn and see your brother staring at you. You give him a smile and go to greet him, but something in his expression makes you stop. He is looking at you in disbelief and your mind immediately goes to the worst-case scenario. "I can-"
"Ice! Y/N, out of all the guys in the world? Please tell me you're joking?" He says, still looking at you in disbelief.
You close your fists and feel yourself tense. Looking at Cobra in the eyes, you say, "No, this is not a joke. When two people like each other, they decide to date. Ice and I happen to like-"
"Don't give me that crap! He's dangerous Y/N! You shouldn't be seeing that guy at all!" He starts raising his voice and you feel your body start to get a bit warmer in anger.
"Junpei! I know that you're trying to protect me, but I am old enough to make my own choices. That means that I'm old enough to date whoever I please. For Pete's sake, I'm your older sister, I'm supposed to be protecting you," you try to say as calmly as possible. 
Before Cobra says anything to you, you notice that there are several guys that start to circle their way around you and Cobra. He notices it as well.
One of them stands forward and says, "Look at this. Cobra, the one and only leader of the Hoodlum Squad." The man looks at you up and down before continuing, "And you must be the sister. My, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"
Already agitated from the conversation with your brother, this random thug is not helping the situation whatsoever, so you do the most reasonable thing you can do, and you deck the man in the face.
"Oi, can't you see I'm having a conversation with my brother? How dare you intervene?" you say gritting your teeth, while looking at the man that you just punched who is lying on the floor.
Somewhere next to you, you hear your brother whispering, “Oh boy, here we go.”
The rest of the men start to attack both you and Cobra. Your argument with him already has your blood pumping. You haven’t been in a fight for a while, so this is very exciting for you.
Another man runs up to you and you notice that he is going to hit you. You quickly duck and punch him with all your force in his abdomen. He falls down to the ground holding his stomach area. He tries to get back up but you grab him by the shoulders and slam your knee towards his chest. He falls back to the group and is trying to catch his breath. You know that he won’t get up for a bit.
Another one came behind you and grabbed you by the waist. You quickly jump and throw all your weight backwards, which lands both of you on the floor. When his grip on your waist loosens a little, you elbow him in the stomach and get out of his grip. For good measure, you give him another blow to the stomach, which leaves him lying there on the floor.
You look to your left and see that Cobra has already beaten the other half of the group of men. All of the men then start to slowly get up and run away. Cowards.
Knowing you still have one good punch left in you, you walk up to your brother and deck him in the face.
When he turns towards you, he looks at you in shock.
You look at him sheepishly and say, “Sorry, I had to get that last one out. Also, that is why you shouldn’t anger me.”
Cobra looks down towards the ground and you can tell what he’s thinking. You take a deep breath, grab his cheeks and make him face you and look at you before whispering, “I know you care. I know you want to protect me. I’m happy and grateful that you do. But, Junpei, you gotta trust me. This thing I have with Ice, I like it, it’s good for me. We’re good for each other.”
You can see and feel Cobra’s jaw tensing. After what feels like forever, Cobra takes your hands and pulls them from his face. He looks back down and whispers, “If he breaks your heart, I’ll kill him.”
You laugh at him, and he looks up at you. When he does, you say, “That’s fair.”
You both start to walk home together, and before you both walk into your house, Cobra whispers, “Also, please don’t make out in any other alleys. I don’t need to see a guy having you pressed up against a wall.”
You burst out laughing as you both walk into your home.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
omg !! your mando!baku thoughts i'm—
living for this au ! 🥺 so cute and such opportunities for angst 👀 drama 👀 forbidden romance 👀 pining !! i yearn for him goodbye akfhsidbbw
ty for sharing !! just wanted to stop by and say that i am in love with this concept 🥺
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okay not even joking this literally is me right now because the absolute talent behind one of the best bakugo works and you take me the way I am messages ME?!
(also so ok I’m a big reader on ao3 especially for bnha fic so at first it didn’t hit me that you wrote it and then for a split second I was like “wait why does their name sound familiar- OH MY GOD??” So FORGIVE ME IM SORRY!!)
But lovely Willow oh my goodness… I really can’t explain how bright my entire being feels seeing your message I can’t thank you enough for dropping in to send something because I am just 🥹 and probably will be like all day
But yes TEAM MANDO BAKU!! AHHHHH 😭 he really does fit the role so well doesn’t he? Our chaotic angel queen @ofmermaidstories mentioned him with a certain green baby and my brain malfunctioned because he’d be such a sucker for foundlings
And okay…Honestly 👀 depending on how the current season of the mandalorian ends I might just take the jump and write him to deal with the pain™️ LMAO
For now I knew I had to leave you with something because you are as sweet as can be and i wish I could put into words and explain how much your message means to me so this will have to do, thank you 💐
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The two of you would be stuck in the cave for a while.
“What happened to your damn shitty sorcerer powers huh? Can’t you move the dumb rocks?” Bakugo’s snarled modulated voice cuts through your thoughts and you sigh exhausted already.
You knew about his list of accolades.
One of the strongest mandalorain clan leaders that helped liberate their home planet of Mandalore. A war hero notorious for using not just a jet pack but also specially crafted beskar gauntlets that helped him fire cannon like explosions from his fists. He’s a smart strategist and commander, has earned the respect of the Jedi council for willing to work with your kind.
But he makes you want to pound on his metal helmet head with your lightsaber until it knocks some sense into him.
“It’s sometimes not as simple as moving rocks. I have to save my energy just in case those troopers come back.” You reply sharply. “Besides we both sent out distress signals, someone will come. We just have to wait.”
“Maybe you just can’t move the rocks.” It’s said so casually as Bakugo tries to survey the blocked off exit. The most childish thought rises in you to use his metal body to dig out of the rocks like an awful shovel.
So you breathe- inhale, exhale.
Thankfully the caverns glow from the tiny insects living in the rocks. It’s enough light that you can rummage through the ration packs in your bag.
“Come on,” you offer. “We need to eat something.”
“No.” Bakugo replies gruff. “We could be here a while. Can’t eat all that now.”
He’s right. You’re not telling him that of course. So instead you set your pack back down, close your eyes and try to mediate. But his awfully loud boots stomping around, crunching on every possible rock, makes your face scrunch frustrated. You try to plug up the annoyance leaking in fast.
“Relax.” You say to him or mainly to yourself.
Bakugo scoffs. Your eyes peak open to possibly glare at him. But his back is to you. The obsidian coated beskar he proudly wears is something striking. You even admire the beauty. You also notice you’ve been admiring his broad shoulders that seem to be even broader now with his hands on his hips. You shut your eyes fast.
You’re a knight. You’ve fought wars, survived training to become carved into a harbor of good and peace. You are a lightening rod for the force. You can’t falter, can’t waver.
Your stomach suddenly growls so loud that your eyes snap open horrified.
Bakugo’s helmed face even whips towards you.
“Was that your stomach? Are you part rancor or something because I had my damn suspicions…”
You almost scream at him. You think the force itself might be giggle behind your back.
Embarrassment chokes your mind as you sputter to even think of something. Until the warrior sighs. Bakugo pulls something from one of the pouches attached to his belt.
More ration packs.
“Don’t eat ‘em all.”
You glare hard at him. He knew you had your own. But, you offer him a quiet thanks. As you munch on the bland protein cube you realize-
“You need to eat too.” You tell the warrior.
A moment passes.
“I’ll be fine.” A fast simple reply from him.
“You said it yourself, we don’t know how long we’ll be in here so you need to eat something.”
“And I’ll cross that fucking bridge when if we get there.”
As if the force itself decided to give you a respite, his stomach growls even louder than yours.
It childish and comedic and you can’t even believe the timing. You can’t help it. You bust out laughing. It’s moments like this that remind you this grouchy feral lothcat of a man is in fact someone true and human beneath the helmet. (Or at least you believe he’s human. Your mind wanders about what he looks like beneath the helmet more than you ever will admit out loud.)
“Eat you idiot!” You laugh but a part of you is already terrified that you momentarily just sounded like him.
Something shifts in the air though, faint but heavy enough to notice. Bakugo goes quiet and everything stills alongside him.
“I can’t. Not yet…not here at least.” Oh.
The helmet.
“Look,” you begin solemn, composed. “I swear on my honor as a Jedi Knight you can trust me-“
“Like hell-” he snaps interrupting you first
“Fine!” But you fire back just as fast interjecting. “Starve I guess!”
The words are sharp. You even hate the taste of them, a poisonous bile still lingering in your mouth. Regret already floods you, a wild drowning current. If the council had heard you they would have been disappointed. You’re disappointed in you. You need to be calm, leveled headed. But you know you’re frustrated, tired and…and you hate the strange feeling that’s been crawling on your skin, growing a festering heat, ever since you met this damn menace. So you sigh, defeated and small.
“I’m sorry. Your creed is important, I understand that and I shouldn’t have said what I said.”
He doesn’t reply, doesn’t say a word. The silence, his silence, you discover is actually worse than any of his worst outbursts.
So you break the thick tensioned soaked air first.
“…if it helps… I have an idea.”
You move to the ground close to him. Then sit down turning your back to him.
“We sit back to back. You’ll sense me moving if I try to turn around, which I promise I won’t. But this way you can eat, even have some water and we can just…just rest.”
You can’t see his eyes even as you stare earnest and even a bit exhausted at him. The mandalorian warrior sighs.
“Fucking fine…but if you dare move I’m setting you on fire.”
“Fair enough.”
The moment Bakugo moves, settles against you back to back, your heart jumps an dizzying spin worthy of a star fighter.
You have never been this close to him, ever.
You’re surprised he actually settled fully pressed against you. His back is solid. The beskar armor is not as cold as you believed it to be, even through your robes. The flickering thought of the differences between your form and his makes your throat get tight as you swallow back something clogging your throat.
A gentle hiss of a noise comes. It gently cracks the air and out of instinct, out of panic, you close your eyes.
In and out, you steady your breathing, focus your thoughts to be mindful of the force. However, even as hard as you try, you wonder so deeply about what he looks like.
“Thanks…ya damn shitty Jedi.”
Then his voice, Bakugo’s actual voice unmodulated, clear and even more rough than you imagined, floats in the air. It gets snagged in your heart.
You squeeze your closed eyes tighter.
During the trials to become a knight, your mentors explained repeatedly that the oath, this path, would be difficult. The temptations would be many and they would be strong. You were taught so many ways to fight and be victorious. But you now fear how hard it might be to fight against the temptation growing in you. Because how are you to win against a warrior considered one of the greatest in the galaxy…
Because you realize slowly, then all at once-
Why did you not just offer to close your eyes? Why was your first instinct to offer sitting as close to him as you could?
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blorbocedes · 2 years
galex + snap out of it : )
"Don't marry her." Alex says, feet on the sofa, a stripe of his stomach visible from where he'd untucked his white rehearsal dinner shirt, looking up at the ceiling.
George freezes from where he was pre-ironing his slacks, so the staff could give it a fresh press in the morning. "Sorry, what?"
"Don't marry her. We both know you don't want to." Alex says rather matter-of-factly, still staring at the ceiling.
"I thought the groom was supposed to get cold feet. Nice of you to assume that responsibility too." George jokes trying to be casual, but his hand is still holding the iron facing up, tense all over.
"Jury's still out on whether you even like women. I know you're looking forward to being a minor Earl by marriage or whatever, but otherwise you'll be miserable. 5 years, tops. So, let's cut the losses. Don't go ahead tomorrow." Alex's voice is the same dispassionate bluntness with which he'd break up with countless girlfriends, boyfriends, the implied 'it's not me, it's you.' He never directs it to George. George lives the security no matter how many hearts Alex breaks, his remains intact. Best mates privilege. He's still not fucking looking at him.
"What are you on about, Albon?" George forces himself to sound calm, resting the iron on its stand before he burns something. "Had too much brandy with the uncles? Projecting your own fear of commitment, yeah?"
Also. It's not important when faced with accusations he's not even into his future wife, but he's marrying into being a minor Duke, thank you very much.
That makes Alex sit up, look squarely at George. They both know how to get under each other's skin.
"You don't love her. You love me. And nothing's going to change between us, except you in your eternal misery might pop out a kid or two to be 'pragmatic.'" Alex rolls his eyes. "So I am asking you to reconsider."
You love me. They don't -- they don't really say that to each other. They know it, in the way Alex tags along to his family vacations, the way girlfriends would enter and exit his life but the only constant is George. It's like getting sucker punched, hearing it out loud, letting the forbidden words pierce the air, and they can't be taken back.
"Why in the world would you say this now? You -- we went ring shopping together! And you say this to me now, the night before I'm about to get married?!"
Alex sighs. He looks at him pityingly, those handsome almond eyes looking at him like he's missing something incredibly obvious and it twists something inside George. George had shown every cut of diamond to Alex and every band size. They had toured and tasted wineries together. And Alex had been completely neutral about it all, only a grimace when she'd join them for dinner. Then he started bringing his own date along, so they could make it a couples' thing.
"George. You wanted to be an architect. You wanted to design the next Bank of England. You're an IP lawyer."
"What's that got to with anything?"
"Because you will do anything once it's expected of you. I didn't want to have to say it to you. This entire year, I thought, any day now he's gonna realise it. When we fucked at your stag do, surely. You Googled what to write in your vows, mate! And I realized after tonight, no, you're actually going to do it tomorrow, sign yourself to this -- this mental nuclear conjugal fantasy cause Heaven forbid, you don't live up to being mummy and daddy's perfect little checklist. So you've forced my hand here, Georgie. And now I'm asking. Do it for me doing it for you."
Alex gets up and takes both of George's hands in his, who stands frozen, looking at him beseechingly; the gentleness Alex can be with him when no one else is around. George swallows on nothing, his eyes prickling already, thinking, Don't make me choose. Don't you dare.
"I booked your honeymoon. I still have your passport details. There's two tickets to Bali for tomorrow. We don't have to look back. Let the dust settle here, we'll be thousands of miles away." Alex looks at him with so much hope, and this close -- he can smell his cologne, it's something expensive George got him for his birthday, when they're standing this close the few cm Alex has on him in height is visible, makes George feel small for once.
There's probably a wedding caterer somewhere in the kitchens with a cake with his name and a statuette figure of a bride and groom on it. A tasteful 120 guest-list including family, important acquaintances, minor royalty have all arrived, flown in to be here. A years' worth planning, arguments over eggshell or pearl napkins, periwinkle or daisies in the bouquet, an actual six piece orchestral band because the bride's family is too good for DJs, the multiple photoshoots in cardigans and fake laughter to really sell their joint personal branding of upper class but down to Earth, completely in love but not over the top about it, a fitting match of young professionals but also from well-bred families. George's wedding isn't about him, it's about being the social event of the season, with his parents front and centre. Compared to years of law school, all he has to do is walk down an aisle tomorrow to make them proud.
He shakes Alex's hands off as if the touch were scalding.
"This is. This is wildly presumptuous of you, Alexander. And it is bloody disrespectful and borderline delusional to think I'm just gonna walk out on our families because you, what? You think that this is some wild romantic gesture? I'm just supposed to drop everything and run away with you? Don't fucking say you're doing it for me like some king of altruism. It's selfish, that's what it is. My great grandmother flew in for this! Jesus, Alex. You're scared because I'm doing the mature, adult thing here and you're scared I won't need you as much. You need to grow up."
This time, George is the one who can't bear to look at Alex anymore. He's scared his resolve will break if he does. He holds his breath, stands as dignified as he can with his righteousness, nose upturned. Alex stares at his side profile for a second before shaking his head and places something on the ironing board before leaving.
It's the velvet ring box.
George breathes out shakily, blinking the tears pooled in his eyelashes.
On the morning of the spring wedding of the season, the sun is shining, the pigeons are shooed as explicitly requested in the groom's itinerary, staff runs about making sure everything is perfect, every errant flower petal on the aisle is carefully placed, the suit jacket and shirt and slacks all ironed and delivered to an empty room.
George has never flown economy before. There's a baby crying and the growing irritation at the corner of forehead that would grow into a tension headache was distracting him from the obvious repercussions of what he is doing, the most impulsive and reckless decision of his life. His leg is tapping in the too small legroom, flimsy seatbelt loose around his waist -- did economy seatbelts even save lives? Alex's elbow nudges against his, grounding him, 30,000 ft in the air. He smiles at him, shakes no at the offer of the packeted nuts, and tries to keep the sinking feeling at bay, lacing their fingers together.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
You’re writing is so amazing, literally love everything you put out!! Do you have any romance book recommendations?!? Literally anything, I fully trust your judgement lol😌
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Omigosh! First, thank you so much for the compliment. Second, I got you.
*whips out Kindle*
I've broken it down into categories. Here we go:
Contemporary Line of Duty Series, Tessa Bailey - If I want something quick, down, and dirty I reach for her. I recommend starting with her Line of Duty Series, which features the most delicious rough and tumble cops finding love.
The Coppersmith Farmhouse, Devney Perry - I adore this small town, enemy-to-lovers romance featuring a single mother and the local sheriff. Sheriff Jess can be an ass, but he grovels well. The Game Maker Series, Kresley Cole - Centers around three Russian brothers who have ties to the mafia. While each man is different and beautifully broken in his own way, they all believe in taking what they want. And once one of the Sevastyan's have set their sights on you, they will not take no for an answer. They're also not opposed to kidnapping either. The Italian, T.L. Swan - What happens when a summer fling ends up being so much more than that? This romance tells the story of an Italian mafia boss and his forbidden love with an Australian tourist. There's sex, angst, danger and so much more.
Historical *Outlander Series, Diana Gabaldon - Claire and Jamie's love literally transcends both time and space. This series contains an amazing romance, well researched historical descriptions, elements of magic, and so much more.
Paranormal The Psy Changeling Series, Nalini Singh - If you love stories about shifters and people with psychic abilities then I totally recommend checking out this series. Slave to Sensation is the first book, and premise goes something like: the ruling Psy prefer to exist in a world devoid of feelings and emotions, but what happens when one of their own finds herself craving something only Lucas Hunter, the alpha of the Dark River Shifters, can provide? *The Guild Hunter Series, Nalini Singh - Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but with Angels. This series is amazing and the love story between Raphael (the Archangel of New York) and his precious mortal, Elena (who is a badass in her own right). The world building is fantastic, the romance is hot, and each book only gets better. And believe me when I say, these are not your grandmother's angels. I also love the fact that you get to watch their relationship grow and evolve across multiple books. *The Night Huntress Series, Jeaniene Frost - Also has a Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe, except the heroine is actually half-vampire herself. Bones, her eventual love interest, reminds me of Spike. Just a little bit. And just like the previous series, their romance spans multiple books. Also the love scenes are fabulous. *The Fever Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you love reading about heroines trying to solve mysterious disappearances, the Seelie and Unseelie Fae, and a delicious Alpha Male that could just easily rip you apart as well as fuck you - I'm looking at you, Jericho Barrons - then check this out. This series requires a little commitment because the romance, while hinted at, doesn't start until you're a couple of books in. But it's so worth it because you're rewarded with a territorial, possessive, darkly handsome anti-hero. *The Highlander Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you're a sucker for men in kilts, ancient curses, time travel, and drop-dead-sexy highlanders who fall hard for their modern day mates then please read. Also, some of these heroes go on to appear in the Fever Series as well. Immortals After Dark Series, Kresley Cole - Another great one This one features characters from every corner of the lore. I'm talking vampires, witches, valkyries, berserkers, demons, werewolves, succubi, and more. The men are swoon worthy and the women are badass. But what I especially love is the creativity and humor she manages to weave throughout her stories. She uses the fated mates trope quite a bit, which I love. However, what makes it great is that a lot of times the men show up like: "You belong to me now. I'm ready to take you to home" and their brides-to-be are like "Fuck off. Come any closer and I will stab you/shoot you/light you on fire". And what's more...they absolutely follow-thru. Those heroes have to earn their women. Oh, and the sexy times are good and spicy.
Hope this helps! If you or anyone else decides to read a book from this list, please let me know what you think!
*Indicates Book Boyfriend
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Good Vibrations - also on AO3
So, Anarchy in the Arena is already batshit crazy, right? So how could the Elite, known lunatics, and BCC, known BDSM enthusiasts, make it more out of control? Vibrators.
I cannot stress enough how much of a bad idea it is to do ANY OF WHAT'S IN THIS FIC in real life. Don't accidentally involve your friends in your sex stuff without them knowing. Don't - don't use vibrators when you're doing something for work. I just. I can't stress enough that this is a work of chaotic fiction that should NOT BE TAKEN AS REALITY and should never be replicated. Also, heed the tags.
The middle section of the fic is from the perspectives of Matt then Mox of the Anarchy in the Arena match...but way hornier. I spent like 3 hours rewatching the match to find every point where the vibrator thing could have affected their movements. But it's important to note that this is a written retelling of the match.
Without further ado, here we go. I'm ending up on a list for this fic, that's for damned sure.
Part 1: The Buildup
“Oh, Christ. You’re serious.” Matt studies Mox’s face for a minute, trying to figure out where the hell this is coming from. And if he has ears in the Elite hotel rooms, where Matt and Adam had been talking about something like this just the night before. “I knew you were insane, but…”
“It adds another stipulation,” Yuta says, like he needs to explain it further. “We both know you like to up the stakes, right?”
“My brother’s the gambler,” Matt says. He glances over at Adam, who hasn’t moved. “What do you think?”
“If Matt’s doing it, then one of your guys has to do it,” Adam says. He’s firm, steady. Matt loves him for it. “If you really want to up the ante, we have to make it balanced, right?” Matt watches as his grin goes a little dirty. “I say it should be Mox.”
Mox’s jaw drops. “What?!”
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t,” Adam says. He throws an arm around the back of the couch, and Matt settles back into it. “Nobody in here is under the illusion that you’re unfamiliar with it.”
Yuta grins a little bit.
“You, shut up,” Mox says, shoving Yuta’s shoulder with his. “Who controls my remote?”
“Me,” Adam says. “Obviously.” He turns to Matt. “Who do you want to control yours?”
“Wait, we’re doing this?!” Matt asks. Sure, he’s popping a semi over the idea. Sure, he and Adam were just talking about this. But it feels a little overwhelming now that it’s a possibility. “We’re putting vibrators in our asses during Anarchy in the Arena. Just making this clear.”
“You are,” Adam says, stroking Matt’s arm. “And Mox.”
Matt shivers and leans into the touch, because he’s been a sucker for touches like this all his life and that absolutely doesn’t stop for Adam. “I’m only gonna agree if he agrees.”
Mox shrugs. “I mean, sure. Not the first time I’ve had something inside me during a match.” He turns to Yuta and grins. “Remember Forbidden Door last year?”
“Okay, that’s more detail than I need,” Matt mumbles. “You have to swear. I’m not doing this on my own.”
“What, you don’t think your brother wants in?”
Matt wrinkles his nose. “Ew. No, I will not be involving my brother in – in whatever this is.” He curls more into Adam’s side. “Actually, do we have to tell them? I’d rather not tell them.”
“Like, any of them?” Yuta asks. “That feels weird. Like, illegal or something.”
“It’s not,” Mox says. “Even so, you just can’t get caught.” He winks at Matt. “’Less that’s something you like.”
Matt feels himself blush. “Shut up.”
“Oh! I was joking!” Mox leans forward and licks his lips, arms braced on his thighs. “You want us to make you get caught?”
“Mox, please stop trying to seduce my boyfriend when I’m right here,” Adam says. He sounds exhausted, not angry, at least. “It’s my job to fuck him in public, not yours.”
“Oh my god,” Matt mumbles. He has a sudden image of all three of them, in the middle of the ring, going absolutely bananas all over him.
“You’re blushing,” Yuta says. “It’s cute. Can I hold your remote?”
“Can – really?”
Yuta nods.
“I mean, I guess?” Matt says. “This is super weird. Are we really doing this?”
“Only if you’re comfortable with it,” Adam says. “And if you change your mind, it’s off.” He stares down Mox and Yuta. “Right?”
“Yeah, of course,” Mox says, leaning back in his chair. “I’m in it, though. Cowboy over there gets my remote, Yuta over here gets yours, yeah?”
Matt nods. “Yeah, we can do that. Just.” He squirms a little. “We need a safe word.”
“Good, Matty,” Adam says, pressing a kiss to Matt’s temple.
“Ugh, they’re cute,” Mox says. “Yuta, why aren’t we this cute?”
“Because you’re annoying,” Yuta replies. “Mine’s treadmill. I probably won’t need it, though, since I’m not, um.” He grins. “I’m not the one with the vibrator.”
“Scrapbook,” Adam says. “But, same deal.”
Matt and Mox lock eyes, not exactly on purpose.
“Prickly pear,” Mox says, and he doesn’t break eye contact.
“Paisley,” Matt murmurs. “That’s mine.”
Adam leans in and kisses the side of Matt’s head. “So we good?” Adam says.
Yuta nods, head in his phone. “Already have two of them shipping to Vegas. Probably be here tonight.”
“My boy works fast,” Mox says. He pulls Yuta in and rubs his cheek against the top of his head, which seems weird. But it works for them, so Matt won’t judge. “We’ll drop it off at your hotel room when it gets here.”
“Cool,” Adam says, standing up. “When we beat y’alls asses Sunday night, we’ll meet up at the hotel room again, yeah?” He winks, and Matt has to remember he’s supposed to be standing up.
Yuta drops his phone, and Mox starts grinning.
“Interesting,” Mox says. “What’re you offering, Cowboy?”
Adam laughs and grabs Matt’s hand. “You’ll see Sunday night.”
The next day, Matt returns to the hotel room he shares with Adam after a gym session to see a brown box on the doorstep. It’s innocuous enough until he reads the note taped to the top.
Buzz buzz Buck
“Oh, for the love of god,” Matt grumbles. He looks around quickly and grabs the box, using his key to unlock the door.
“Adam,” he says, “Adam, the box is here.”
“Box?” Adam asks. He’s still in bed, glasses on and nose in a book. Matt takes him in for a moment, lets himself remember that this is his again. He sets the book down. “What box?”
Matt tosses the box to him, and watches him read the note.
“Ah,” Adam says. “That box.” He grins. “We should probably make sure it works.”
They’re late to a meeting with Tony, but it’s worth it.
Matt wakes up Sunday morning curled around Adam, head resting on his chest. He nuzzles in, desperate to catch the sleep before it wisps away from him.
“Today’s the day,” he mumbles against Adam’s skin. “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” Adam says. “Are you?”
“Not my first hardcore match, and I got that shoe idea I told you about.”
Adam shifts them so he can look at Matt a little better. “Not exactly what I meant.”
Matt blushes, but he can’t fight his grin. “Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I’m excited.”
Adam leans in and kisses him. “Let’s go kick some Blackpool Bottoms Club ass.”
Part 2: The Match
“Okay,” he says. “It’s – it’s in.” He shifts.
Adam grins at him. “You good?”
Matt wiggles. “I – sort of?” He wiggles again, trying to get used to the vibrator. It’s not even on and already he’s a little disoriented. “Text Mox. Make sure he’s doing his, too.”
“I’m sure that freaky old bastard is,” Adam says, but he texts anyway.
“Hey! He’s younger than me!”
Adam pauses and looks at Matt. “Oh,” he says, a little baffled. “Oh, shit. You’re right.” His grin goes fond. “You’re my freaky old bastard.”
Matt throws a shoe at him, gently, though, and Adam bats it away with ease.
They get their gear in order and make it back to gorilla. Adam bumps the back of Matt’s hand. “You okay, baby?”
Matt nods. “Yeah. Arm’s good, I’m feeling good. Ready to get out there.”
Adam leans in, lips brushing Matt’s ear in a way that makes him incredibly aware of the vibrator suddenly. “Not what I meant.”
“Oh,” Matt says. He’s pretty sure his heart rate just sky rocketed. “Um, yeah. Good. So good.”
Adam laughs and kisses the side of his head. “Let’s go fuck ‘em up, baby.”
“Can you stay? Next to me, I mean?” Matt says it before he can stop it. “I know you usually –”
“Of course,” Adam says. He moves some of Matt’s hair off his shoulder so it falls down his back. “I’m right here. Paisley, right?”
Matt nods. “Paisley.” He wiggles again, hoping it’s dark enough back here that nobody can see him. “But I don’t need it.”
“But if you do,” Adam says, and there’s a bit of stern teacher behind it that makes Matt feel a little fizzy in a way he wasn’t expecting.
“Um. Yeah, yeah. I’ll say it.” With a quick glance around, Matt goes up on his toes and kisses Adam, quickly. “For luck.”
“For luck,” Adam says, an arm still around Matt’s waist.
Justin Roberts introduces them and their music hits, the four of them next to each other. Back where they belong once again.
Adam takes the lead as they make their way up the ramp, but stays just close enough to Matt. Close enough to remind him they’re a team together. He thinks Adam belongs up in the front, like that. Leading the team.
He wants to walk with him, follow him around the ring, but he knows this business well and Adam and Kenny are going around that side. So he’ll go around the front with Nick. The song feels familiar, comforting, and when Matt sees Kenny and Adam singing together, he doesn’t care what happens tonight. He doesn’t care who hurts him, if they lose, if they get their asses whooped. They’re together again. That matters. They’re in the ring, singing together, on the same side in a match. It’s been years.
And then an electric spark zings up his spine, and every thought he’s ever had leaves his mind as the music starts. He looks to see the BCC make their way down two different sets of stairs. Mox and Yuta don’t even have the audacity to be together, the pricks.
“Adam,” Matt says, voice tight. He puts his hand on his back, gripping the leather jacket for stability. “Adam, I – oh, god. Yuta turned it on.”
Adam turns to him, smiling. “You good?”
Matt nods, rolling his shoulder. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” He exhales. “This is gonna be a long night.”
He runs at Claudio, with the thought that, maybe, if he’s far enough from Yuta, the remote will stop working. He’d done his research the night before – the average distance was around 10 meters, but there’s a chance Mox and Yuta are as insane as they look and splurged for a longer range.
Yuta must be feeling particularly bitchy, because all of a sudden the subtle buzz that Matt could almost ignore skyrockets into a strong, rhythmic pulsing. Matt lets out a weird little noise, mouth open, and hopes the camera near them doesn’t catch it.
Claudio hits him in the stomach and the vibrator goes so weird that Matt moans again. Claudio takes the opportunity to throw Matt against a barricade. Claudio seems a little bored, though, and walks away for a second. Matt exhales deeply, braced on the barricade, as the pulsing shifts its pattern and makes his brain start to fuzz again.
“Why did I go for the giant?” Matt whines. He’s getting pummeled within an inch of his life. Before he can process it, the vibration increases as he hits the barricade again. “Oh, god.” He has to pause and lean over, hands on his knees, before he can do anything else. He has the fleeting thought that he hopes Adam is okay, Nick, too, and Kenny, but then the pulsing changes. It’s steady now, normal. He can handle this.
He punches Claudio, who tries to throw him over the barricade. Matt’s backflip is perfect, if he does say so himself, and he grins at Claudio.
“Not this time, buddy,” he laughs.
He pulls off a superkick, the vibrator slows, and he gets a chance to breathe. He’s got the upper hand now, ringside, able to throw Claudio against the side of the ring and get him in a headlock.
He looks up to see Mox. He half wants to know what Mox is thinking, how he feels, what’s going on in that head of his. But then the pulsing in his ass changes again, and all he can do is squeak.
Mox jumps off of the commentator table so that Matt’s forced off of Claudio, but it gives him a second to roll away. Claudio seems otherwise occupied right now, at least, so Matt gets a chance to moan into the floor and shift, trying both to get the vibrator against his prostate and as far from it as possible.
“This was a terrible idea,” he mutters to no one.
Eventually he gets to his feet. Yuta must have turned down the intensity at some point, which is nice. Sort of.
He sees Mox with Kenny in a Figure Four and kicks him directly in the face.
“I hope you’re suffering as much as I am right now,” Matt snipes.
“I think we all are, Matt,” Kenny says. “Get him offa me!”
“Not all suffering in the same way,” Mox says. He makes a weird sound that Matt thinks passes for a moan in Mox’s world. It’s interesting.
Matt gets thrown to the ground, though, and doesn’t get up until something interesting but also evil happens deep within him. The vibrator changes to a wave-like motion, something that feels exactly like how Adam fucks him, and Matt is suddenly very aware he is screwed. He rolls under the ring just in time before his orgasm hits him like a train. He’s lucky, though. He comes without coming, technically, and he’s still rock hard in his gear, but he’s not messy.
The overstimulation is about to kill him when the vibrator settles. He hopes, just a little, that maybe the battery died.
“Fuck,” he whines. He hopes everyone on camera will chalk it up to exertion, with how red his face has got to be.
He rolls out from under the ring and grabs a chair, throwing it as he gets in there. The vibration kicks in again, but it’s a rhythmless, random pulse. It feels like a blessing. The blessing doesn’t last long, though, and the pulsing shifts back to the slow wave, with varying intensity.
“Okay,” Matt squeaks. “Gonna bookmark this one for later.” He leans on the ropes for balance, pretending everything is okay.
He manages to get Claudio pinned against the turnbuckle and turns to see the rest of his team doing the same to their BCC counterparts. He looks over at Adam, who winks at him.
“Not the time,” Matt whimpers. The wave is killing him. In any other scenario, it would be in a good way. But not right now.
Claudio’s face is directly in his crotch, and Matt hopes he can’t tell that Matt’s got a boner hard enough to break bricks.
They stop and gather in the ring for a Superkick Party, but it’s a bad thing. The vibrator shifts to his prostate again, and Matt might die. Setting up for the big jumping spot helps, though, and moves it away.
“Oh, thank god,” Matt mumbles.
“What’s wrong?” Nick asks. “Your arm?”
“Definitely not his arm,” Adam yells.
“Shut up!”
“You all need to shut up,” Kenny hisses.
Matt runs and throws himself at Claudio, who falls to the ground. It feels like a win, until the slow wave vibrations shift to a steady thrumming. It’s different. Unfortunately, different is good. Matt whines again.
“I can do this,” he sighs, walking up the ramp to follow Claudio. “No worse than that tag team titles thing. I can do this.” He punches Claudio a few times, trying to transition some of his energy somewhere else.
Nick follows him. And Matt really hopes Nick doesn’t see it written all over his face.
“You good?” Nick asks as they throw their respective members off the ramp. “You look sweaty.”
“We’re wrestling.”
Nick rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
Matt turns around with Nick as they hear somebody shouting behind them, to see the singer of the Violent Idols…stripping?
“Ah, Matt says. “He’s got a BCC shirt on. Nick?”
“Already ahead of you.”
They superkick him, and the vibration calms down, and Matt can breathe again.
Matt dives off the stage at Danielson, pummeling him to the best of his abilities.
“Get over here,” Matt grumbles. He grabs Yuta on the ramp. “Get ready to die, kid.”
“Oh me?” Yuta asks. “Just fuckin’ wait, pretty boy.”
Matt manages one Northern Lights suplex before the vibration kicks up.
“Oh, god,” Matt moans. “You are the worst.”
Yuta laughs. “Save your breath.”
Matt manages a few suplexes, he loses count pretty fast, but Yuta turns up the vibrator to what feels like the maximum level and Matt’s knees start shaking and he thinks he’s blacking out and – well. There went the suplexes. He gets hit in the back by Claudio.
“You’re a dick,” Matt gasps. “Turn it down, oh my god.”
“Fine,” Yuta says. “For now.”
“What?” Claudio asks.
“You don’t want to –”
Yuta is interrupted by Nick flying over them and colliding with Claudio, which is probably for the best. Matt throws Yuta at Adam, who powerbombs him onto the apron.
“Thank you!” Matt yells across to him.
Adam winks again, which may make Matt’s dick situation worse.
“I’m gonna go fuck up Mox,” Adam says, and Matt watches him get into the ring.
“Give him hell!” Matt yells. He hopes Adam knows exactly what he means.
Matt plans to watch as Kenny and Adam beat the hell out of Mox, but his plans are torn to shreds when Claudio stalks over to him. He hits Matt once, and all Matt can think of is how to get up the stairs, how to get away. He also thinks that, maybe, if he gets up the stairs, he’ll be out of range of the remote. It’ll either keep the remote on this setting, or it’ll turn it off. He hopes for the second one.
When the vibrator turns off at the top of the stares, Matt collapses against the wall.
“Oh, thank god,” he mumbles. He doesn’t get many moments of relief, as Claudio grabs him and begins throwing him against the wall. Claudio hauls Matt over his shoulder like it’s nothing, which leads to a dick twitch Matt refuses to investigate in himself, but Matt manages to get himself balanced so he can shove Claudio into the wall.
Matt’s able to keep himself together through the whole fight in concessions. The vibrator, while still definitely there, doesn’t seem to be able to turn back on. While he’s suffering the Giant Swing, he’s glad the bases of vibrators are flared. Otherwise it may have zipped up him so fast nobody would have known what to do.
Claudio hauls him up and Matt pretends it’s not a little fun. His arm doesn’t hurt, at least. They manage to get backstage, where Claudio hauls him up and throws him into the back of somebody’s pickup truck.
“Ow!” he yells.
“Suck it up, Jackson,” Claudio yells back.
Matt tries a superkick, but it doesn’t help as much as he needed it to. On his second one, Claudio catches him and pile drives him directly into the floor of the pickup truck. Matt wails, moans, and has started to miss the vibrator.
Claudio screams something toward the camera, something vaguely European Matt assumes, and leaves Matt.
There’s a few moments where he considers just staying here, in the bed of a stranger’s pickup truck, until the show is over. He doesn’t have to get back out there. He could stay here and wait it out.
And then he remembers his secret weapon.
Matt leaps up and out of the truck, scrambling his way backstage.
“Move!” Matt yells.
“Aren’t you mid-match?”
“Shut up, Cole!”
He skids to a halt in front of Tony.
“Where’s the bag?”
Tony adjusts his headset. “What?”
“Where’s the bag?!”
“Shouldn’t you be out there?” Tony points with his thumb.
“The bag!” Matt gives up and dives under the desk and pulls out the bright orange bag.
“Jesus Christ,” Tony says, sounding resigned. “What is that?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Matt needs help setting up his shoe, about to burn to death on the wires, but he gets it done.
“Okay, bye!”
He runs back out to the ramp, careful not to stand too heavily on his foot. He has to make sure the toe part says off the ground until it collides with somebody’s head. He gets a good look at the ring, where everybody is, what everybody’s doing. Mox and Yuta have Nick in some weird double submission thing, Kenny’s on the ground and might not be moving, and he can’t even see Adam.
He pushes through and gets to Mox. He tries to yell something at Matt, but Matt’s not going to let him.
“Eat this!” he yells, and watches his shoe explode before his eyes. Mox makes a strange yelping noise, and Matt’s entire leg feels electric shocked. He wonders, briefly, if he did something wrong. But he also doesn’t care.
The vibrator kicks on suddenly, and it’s enough to make Matt stumble to the ropes.
Yuta notices him and shoves the remote back in his pocket before going after Matt. Every punch to the back jostles the vibrator, and he will not get through this. Oh god, he won’t get through this. He screams, desperate to get a little control back of himself, and kicks Yuta again.
Matt watches as Adam comes up from nowhere with a beautiful Buckshot, and takes out Yuta. Matt thinks this is it – almost nobody kicks out of the Buckshot – but then Yuta does.
“Jeez,” Matt says. The vibration is low and steady, which is nice in a way. Makes him think he’s not about to get his leg broken or his skull cracked on a turnbuckle. Maybe.
It doesn’t last though, the nice feeling. Claudio gets a hold of him before he can do any real damage to Bryan and throws his shoe into the crowd.
“Those are Spidermans!” Matt yells indignantly.
“It’s a shoe, princess,” Claudio snarls. He grabs Matt’s foot and starts shaking it, then starts to take off his sock.
“What are you doing?!”
Danielson yanks off his sock. Claudio gets yanked away by Kenny, but that’s not enough. He fights the urge to duck and hide when he’s getting wailed on by Yuta and Danielson, but any time he moves, the vibrator shifts to a new and interesting place.
At one point, he collapses over, ass up, and wonders if the audience can see anything. If they can tell.
He manages to stand, only to collide with Mox. In one smooth movement Mox picks him up, turns him, and slams him, feet first into the thumbtacks. Mox may have said something, by Matt can’t even think. Before Matt can even react, Mox grabs him in a Deathrider and slams him to the floor, hooking him for the pin.
He almost can’t kick out in time, the vibrations mixed with the pinpoint agony of his foot, but he does. He immediately regrets it, though, with the way Danielson has his heel in a hook. His head is spinning, passing out from it all threatening, when he sees a sudden whirl of color fly through the air.
Nick slams into Danielson and the ring, then Mox grabs him and drives his face into the thumb tacks. Matt winces. He rolls into the corner of the ring, trying to stay out of the way of Kenny going after Mox, but also away from the eyes of anyone who may see him an easy target, now that he’s got a bare foot. He can do nothing but watch as Adam and Kenny get nailed with busaiku knees. The vibration shifts to something mild, somehow, like Yuta’s trying to find something to mess with him. It gives him a break, at least. Slightly more stable, he manages to get to his feet and scramble to the ring, where BCC is going after his team with hammer and anvil elbows.
He wails on the BCC members to the best of his ability, but Yuta nails him right between the legs, which also sends the vibrator going just that much against his prostate.
Matt makes a strangled noise and falls to his knees, realizing the comfort was due to the vibrator slipping. He’s distracted in the worse way – he’s vulnerable. Before he can do anything, Yuta’s got a hand on his head, tilting his head back by the hair while Mox feeds him thumbtacks. He tells himself he needs to get up, spit them out, but every movement feels like too much. And, as much of an exhibitionist as he is, coming during the middle of a Pay Per View doesn’t seem like something he can handle. His friends will watch that back.
He’s shoved into Claudio and given the uppercut of a lifetime, spitting out tacks that fly everywhere. Yuta grabs him and gives him a German suplex. Matt thinks it might be the last of the energy he has, just to keep breathing, but then a familiar blonde head flies into view. Adam breaks up the pin, and Matt gets a chance to roll over, face down, onto the ring apron.
“Are you okay?” asks a medic.
Matt nods. “I’m good,” he whines. He does roll to the floor, though. Laying down sounds nice right now.
Like it’s television, Matt suddenly sees Hangman leap off the ring post and perfectly execute a moonsault into Claudio. He’ll have to compliment it, later. When he’s less dead.
A very different feeling washes over Matt as he sees somebody – it’s a familiar form, he knows that person, knows that shape – with Don. He knows.
“That’s –”
Before he can scramble to his feet, Takeshita, still in his mask, attacks Kenny. Matt can’t get up in time to stop him.
And Kenny gets pinned.
Kenny gets pinned.
Matt can only stare in disbelief as Nick crawls over to him.
“We lost,” Nick says, almost pathetically. “Matt, we lost.”
“I know, man,” Matt says. The vibrator’s stopped, despite Yuta glaring over at Matt from time to time and fiddling in his pocket. Matt’s best guess is the attempts at the long range connection drained the battery.
“Yeah,” Matt mumbles. “We did.”
BCC showboats like dicks in the ring, until they hop off. Claudio literally points and laughs at Matt and Nick, which feels excessive.
“I think I literally hate them,” Nick says mildly. “Like, I think I would be genuinely cool with fucking them up again.”
Matt shrugs. “I could go for fucking them.”
“Fucking them up.”
“That’s what I said.”
“You good?” Yuta asks, bouncing on his toes. He’s coming in through a different door. Mox thinks it’s cute how worried he is.
“Ready to fuck them up,” Mox says. “So good.”
Yuta fights a smile. “And you’re – good?”
Mox wiggles his butt at him. “Great.”
Yuta squeezes his hand before they both get ready at their own doors.
“This song fuckin’ blows,” Mox mutters to Claudio.
“Of course it does,” Claudio does. “Those idiots chose it.”
When Violent Idols starts, they make their way down the stairs.
Omega runs at him first, but Mox thinks Hangman must be watching him, waiting for him to get in range. He can’t remember how far the remote control works, how much the –  
“Fuck,” Mox says. “Jesus, setting one is – oh, shit.”
Omega runs at him, but Mox catches him around the neck and chokes him. If he focuses on the match, the music, the other men, he can almost ignore the buzzing.
He manages to get an arm around Omega’s neck, but it doesn’t last. Hangman must have kicked up the speed of the vibrator again, because Mox is pretty sure his eyes are crossing.
When Omega throws him into the metal chair, Mox can fucking hear the vibration, and it makes it that much worse.
“I’m gonna kill him,” Mox mumbles. He almost wishes Omega would kick him harder – it would make this easier to manage.
He manages to subdue Omega, at least enough to get out of his reach. He sees Matt, who he hopes is suffering at least as much as he is, with his arms around Claudio’s neck against the ring. In a fit of adrenaline fueled stupidity, he jumps up on the commentator desk and slams into Omega. Hangman must be nearby and watching, because the pulsing shifts to a weird pattern with high intensity.
“Shoulda told Yoots to cheap out on these,” he mutters, as he does his best to choke Omega out.
“What?” Omega gasps.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Claudio gets Omega in the back with a chair, and it feels right. Mox follows him to the floor and gets him in a figure four. Mainly because he thinks laying down will make the vibrator stop turning his brain into jelly.
He’s distracted quickly, though when Matt’s shoe goes right in his face.
They snipe back and forth for a moment, and Mox is almost convinced to tell Kenny what’s going on, just to make things that much more annoying for Matt. Inconvenience him, maybe.
But all of a sudden the vibrations turn off, and he can breathe, and Mox gets himself into the ring. Hangman’s on the floor and Mox thinks about finding the remote and crushing it under his boot, but that feels a little like cheating. The rest of the BCC is in the ring, too. He doesn’t want to rope Claudio and Bryan in on his attempts to seduce Hangman and Matt – that feels a little like workplace harassment.
Omega gets back in the ring and, just as Mox is about to really give it to him, Hangman must have found the remote. The vibrations pulse hard and fast, and Mox can’t help but collapse on all fours, trying to control his breathing.
The chair to his back is a gift, though, as it just barely shifts the vibrator to make it all less intense.
“Thanks, man,” he laughs to Omega.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
The punches to the face are kind of nice. A distraction from the intensity. Hangman must be busy – the strong pulsing doesn’t stop or change.
He and the rest of BCC get rolled to the outside of the ring, and Mox lays on the floor for a minute, trying to regain his bearings.
“You good, Mox?” Yuta asks. Mox looks up to see Yuta looking infuriatingly smug. “Nothing…up your ass?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Mox grumbles.
Yuta still looks smug. “Maybe you. Later.”
They stand up and are immediately pummeled by an Elite member. Omega slams into him and sends him over the commentator desk.
The two of them brawl for long enough that Mox starts to get woozy with the too-many sensations. Mox finds himself in the ring, his vest gone, Omega with weapons in his hands, and wonders if this is how it all ends. Broomed to death by a Weeb in the middle of a wrestling ring, a vibrator in his ass.
Honestly, this time he doesn’t even know what he’s being choked with. He’s not pleased about it, though.
The vibrations stop, briefly. Mox wonders if Hangman is out of range. Mox gathers his energy now to push off the metal object and gets back in this, trading blows with Omega. Piece of cake.
The double clothesline, though. He hits the ground and the vibrator kicks in again, firm and unrelenting. Mox’s vision blurs.
He finds himself, when the vibration changes to something closer to a wave, in the middle of the ring where Hangman and Omega are wailing on him. He muses, in the back of his dazed brain, that in another life this would be his dream scenario.
The vibrator shifts and hits his prostate like a bullet, forcing Mox to double over. It’s right in time, though. Hangman came up with a big boot. It collides with Omega’s face.
Mox laughs at them. “Good one, Hangman.”
“Just for that,” Hangman mutters.
Mox feels the intensity sky rocket, so much that it’s almost gone the other way around to make it tolerable again. He takes out Hangman and rolls out of the ring after Omega. They wail on each other as they beat each other up on the ramp. He wonders if Hangman’s remote is broken, because the vibrator seems to have dropped back down to a low level, a steady, gentle hum.
When he gets to his poker chip, his prized masterpiece of the match, he can’t help but grin. He’s going to throw Omega through that fucking thing, and it’s going to be beautiful. But first, a classic. He sighs with nostalgia as he  pulls out the fork and fists it in his hand. Punching it into Omega’s face feels like how his friends always describe meditating.
Through the violence with Omega, Mox has a strange sense of clarity. Life is easier to focus on without a vibrator going nuts. He wonders if he’s created a new version of caffeine.
It’s all pretty standard, until the vibrator acts up again.
“Yuta,” Mox yells up into the ring. “Hit his hands.���
Yuta looks over at him from where he’s slamming Hangman with a chair,  confused for a second, then rolls his eyes. “Mox, go kill Kenny.”
Eventually Mox ends up back in front of Hangman.
“You’re being a dick,” Mox says, hitting Adam.
Adam laughs a little, even with how exhausted he is. “Yeah?”
Mox sees him fiddle in his pocket and send the vibrator back to the slow waving motion.
“Fuck off,” Mox grumbles, but he hits Hangman again, then goes after Nick. The waving motion is hitting him harder than it needs to be. He can barely focus on fucking up Nick.
He claws his way back into the ring, where he sees the cord and decides to assist Bryan with Hangman.
“I’ll let go if you turn it off,” he says, forgetting Bryan’s there, too.
“You wish!” Hangman yells back.
“I don’t want to know,” Bryan says.
Mox picks Omega next and manages not to stumble when Hangman adjusts the settings. It’s not a pulsing sensation, something that may create a massive problem in him very quickly. He and Yuta send Omega into the barbed wire broom.
Mox grabs Hangman before he can mess with his pockets again, but, worse than the vibrator, Hangman picks him up and gives him a dead eye.
“Asshole,” Mox mutters as he rolls onto the ground. He takes a few seconds to breathe, eyes locked on Hangman’s hand to make sure he doesn’t unexpectedly mess with the remote, then gets himself up. Nick is peacocking around the ring. Mox gives him a lariat as payment.
The vibrator shifts and changes while Mox tries to pin Nick, but he’s focused now. This mild steady vibration isn’t doing anything he’s worried about.
The problem with the Boston Crab, though, Mox realizes a minute or so into it, is things…move. The buzzing speeds up, gets more intense, and Mox may not survive this.
“Yuta,” he mumbles, “Yuta, we’re in danger territory here.”
Yuta laughs a little as he has Nick’s head cranked back. “You safeword, we adjust.”
“How come he gets an effing safe word?” Nick croaks, hardly able to speak through the pain.
“Don’t you ever stop –” He pauses. “Fuck you, Matt!”
Before Mox can even figure out what’s happening, he’s cracked in the forehead by something bright and hot and startling. He yells, not sure what, and blinks to get the stars out of his eyes. In the moments between getting his vision back and getting ready to beat the shit out of Matt, Hangman must get his shit together and shifts the vibrator. Mox wails a little as he rolls off the ring apron and feels the vibrator shift to that strong, pulsing movement. A second later and suddenly it’s at the highest level, and Mox comes dry, which is the one good thing about it. He bites down on his forearm to stifle the moan. He allows himself a moment to get himself together, adjusting the boner that won’t go away. The vibration is going nuts now, but he’s not dying yet, so at least that’s something.
He shakes his head, trying to reset himself. Slowly, he pulls himself up the side of the ring. He sees – well, Matt’s on his knees, which is a pretty sight, so Mox decides to grab the thumbtacks he’d nestled under the ring earlier. Maybe fuck Matt up a little with them.
He pours them on the floor, artfully, he notes, and catches Matt’s foot. He almost laughs. Right into his trap.
Mox hauls Matt up and slams him, feet first, into the pile of thumbtacks.
“Not the only thing getting in you, huh?” he whispers into Matt’s ear.
Matt’s response is to hobble feebly for a few steps, but Mox doesn’t let him go far. He grabs Matt and pulls off a Death Rider, going for the pin. He thinks he’s got it, but Matt manages to kick out. It’s enough to shift the vibrator against his prostate again, and it’s almost unbearable after the orgasm.
“Shit,” he whines.
“You deserve it,” Matt chokes out.
 Mox watches, pleased, as Bryan gets Matt in a heel lock. Serves the brat right. Nick is annoying, though, and breaks up the submission, so Mox drops his head into the thumbtacks. Just for fun.
Things spin out of control, and for a minute Mox has no idea where he is or what he’s doing. All he knows is Omega’s got him and he’s slamming into the ring and rolling off, pain and vibrations coursing through his body as he flops onto the floor.
Mox crawls back into the ring just in time for a nice little hammer and anvil moment with the BCC. He gets Nick, which is fine, but then Matt has to show up and get in the way. It works, sort of, but he rolls sideways into the thumbtacks.
Sideways into the thumbtacks.
“Since he likes stuff in his mouth so much,” Mox singsongs. He doesn’t even bother with fanfare, just trusts Yuta to tilt Matt’s head back so he’ll open his mouth and take what he’s given.
Hangman’s taught Matt well.
Mox is a little disappointed he’s not the one to punch Matt in the mouth and send the thumbtacks flying, but he’s not a selfish man and Claudio deserves to have a little fun with Matt. Especially since he won’t get to be part of what happens after.  
Mox is convinced Yuta’s going to get the pin, but then the stupid Cowboy shows up. He half hopes he and Omega are about to kill each other, which would make his job easier, but then they do something. Well, it’s not unlike what he and Bryan do, but it feels way gayer.
“That was fuckin’ gay,” Mox says to Hangman as they go after each other.
“You literally have a vibrator in your ass! Right now!”
Mox shrugs, planning a snippy retort, but Hangman grabs the controller and turns it to that weird intense pulsing thing, and Mox is suddenly unable to do anything.
“Hah,” Adam says. “Who’s gay now?”
“All of us, fuck.”
Hangman takes the opportunity to throw Mox on his back. He accepts it, just for now, and rolls out of the ring, trying to figure out if Hangman increased the intensity or if this is just his reaction to pain in any setting.
By the time he gets himself together and stands up, he can tell Hangman is about to go for a Buckshot on Yuta, and Mox doesn’t care for that shit at all. He yanks Omega out of the ring by the leg, but Omega gets away before Mox can subdue him and gets back into the ring.
He watches, in awe, as Takeshita makes his move. There’s not much he has to do right now. All he has to do is let Yuta do his thing, and Omega’s done.
“Hell yeah,” Mox laughs. That’s his man.
He leaps into the ring, blinking blood out of his eyes, as he checks in with Yuta.
“Hey, baby,” he says, grinning. “Good job.”
“Thanks,” Yuta says, panting. “How are you?”
Mox shrugs. “Came once. Close again, but I’m distracted, so I should be good.”
“I meant the blood on your face.”
“I always have blood on my face.”
He pats Yuta’s side, a job well done, and moves so he can watch Don.
“This is unnecessary,” Mox says to Yuta. “This is about you, baby. Go – I don’t know, be flashy about it.”
Claudio comes up behind Yuta. “I have an idea.”
He scoops Wheeler up on his shoulders, and Mox grins as they do a version of their little crab walk.
His guys. His team.
Their victory.
Part 4: The Aftermath
“I gotta pee!”
“But your foot –”
“I said I have to pee!”
Matt hobbles to the bathroom, the door caught by someone as he tries to slam it shut.
“I said I have to –” He cuts himself off. “Oh, Adam, it was awful.”
“Was it?” Adam asks. He always looks so good covered in blood. He also looks good smirking like an asshole, but Matt doesn’t want to think about that right now. “Are you sure awful’s the right word?” He crowds into Matt, who wants nothing but to be touched.
“You’re being mean.”
“You like it when I’m mean.”
Matt fights a smile. “I really do have to pee.”
“I know,” Adam says. “You probably have to do something else, yeah?”
Matt nods.
“I’m here for moral support,” Adam says, leaning against the door. “Also a bodyguard. Also, my pockets are deeper than yours.” He shrugs. “If you want to take out the vibrator.”
“I’m not sure it’s a want as much as a need,” Matt says.
The vibrator, cleaned in the hottest water possible in the sink with soap as Adam laughs at him in the corner, is taken care of and shoved in Adam’s pocket.
“It was your idea,” Matt says, patting the pocket, “so you get to take care of it.”
“Let’s hope I don’t go through a metal detector.” He winks at Matt. “How horrible it would be if we got caught.”
“Don’t you start that,” Matt says, as firmly as he can muster while feeling both agonizingly empty and overly full with thumbtacks. “Now help me over to medical so I can stop hurting.”
Adam get him where Matt needs to go and keeps an eye on him as they tend to his head wound and examine Matt’s foot.
“Jesus,” Doc says. “What the hell made you want to do this?”
“Me?!” Matt exclaims. “It was Mox’s fault! And the whole stupid BCC’s fault.” He pouts and folds his arms across his chest as the medical team painstakingly pulls the thumbtacks out of his foot. Doc looks like he regrets his question.
“I gotta go get antiseptic,” Doc says, “and away from this conversation.”
“Hey, baby,” Adam says, checking Matt’s foot. “You okay?”
“No,” Matt grumbles. “We lost. Because of that stupid little brat.”
“Technically, it was because of Don.”
“Yeah, him too. Lots of assholes in the ring tonight.”
Adam snorts.
“Shut up!” Matt half wails. He reaches out and yanks Adam down by the arm. “The only reason I’m not dead is I’m pretty sure the battery died. That was miserable.”
“Was it?” Adam says. “I mean. Come on, baby.”
Matt can’t make himself meet Adam’s eyes. “Shut up.”
Adam laughs and presses his lips to the top of Matt’s hair, like he doesn’t care that Matt’s covered in sweat and blood and grease. “How’s your foot?”
“Hurts,” Matt says. “I’m tired.”
Adam rests a hand on his shoulder. “We can go back to the room and sleep,” Adam says, and Matt knows what’s behind his words. “We don’t have to – do anything else.”
Matt does a scan of his body. He doesn’t really need his feet to get railed out of his mind. His mouth is fine after the thumbtack mouth wash, which surprises him.
“I’m good,” Matt says. “I think I – yeah.” He wiggles a little, missing the feeling of something inside him. He has an idea of what could take the vibrator’s spot.
Adam’s smile turns knowing. “Okay. Let’s get patched up and we can, uh. Not go back to the room. Okay?”
Matt nods.
Within the hour, Matt’s got a bandage around his foot, but he can still fit it in a slide, so he considers it a win. The shower wasn’t horrible, either, with his foot stuck outside to keep the bandages dry. Adam, a little butterfly stitch on his forehead and damp curls falling out of his bun, helps him out of the shower and dress.
“Where are you two going?” Nick asks as they make their way to the doors. The bandage makes it look like he’s missing a chunk of hair.
Matt freezes. “We’re gonna go have sex.”
Nick wrinkles his nose. “Ew. Just tell me you’re busy next time. Jeez.” He turns around. “Kenny! They’re being gross. Want to get dinner?”
Kenny nods as he stands up gingerly. “Sure.”
The two of them slowly, but painlessly, make their way out of the venue. Despite his fears, there’s no metal detector to set off the vibrator in Adam’s pocket.
“You think Mox’s vibrator is still going?” Adam asks, face pressed into Matt’s neck.
Matt shakes his head. “Nah. It stops working out of range and the battery’s probably dead, either way.”
Matt watches as Adam – he pouts. He’s pouting.
“What the heck is that?” Matt asks. “What – do you have boo-boo eyes over Mox not still getting messed up by the vibrator?”
Adam scoffs. “They are not boo-boo eyes,” he insists, throwing their bags in the back of the pickup truck he’d rented.
“They are,” Matt says. “They absolutely are. Look!” He turns his phone so Adam can see himself. “Big green boo-boo eyes. Because you’re not still electronically railing Mox.”
“Is this a jealousy thing?” Adam laughs. “Because I can do jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” Matt says, buckling his seat belt. “I got railed electronically by Yuta earlier tonight. I’m pretty pleased.”
Adam bites his lip. “Did you, um. Did you come?”
Matt nods, reliving the moment. “Yeah. Kind of early in the match, actually. There’s this really good wave thing that took me out.” He sighs. “I wanna kill him, but Yuta – he took off that vest and I, uh. I noticed.”
“Right?!” Adam says. He slows to a stop to let a few cars go. “Like, when his torso start looking like – like that?”
Matt thinks for a moment. “You think he’d – do you think he’d want to – to…” He trails off.
Adam laughs, eyes locked on the road. “You want Yuta to fuck you, huh.”
“Where are we meeting them?” Yuta asks. He’s antsy. Mox grabs one of his hands and presses a kiss to bruised knuckles. “Are we still?”
Mox checks his phone to see Hangman’s reply message. “Yeah. See? He said they’d meet us in our suite in a few minutes.”
Yuta grabs Mox’s phone. “Is his contact info a cowboy emoji and the word ‘Bitch’?”
Mox nods. “Yeah. Matt’s in there with that boo-boo bottom eye emoji and the word Bitch.”
Yuta laughs and nuzzles into Mox’s shoulder, shuffling so he’s straddling Mox’s lap. “You’re fucking stupid.”
“I’m fucking you, so that makes you stupid,” Mox says, tilting his head back so Yuta can give him a few more bruises.
“About that,” Yuta says, hands sliding up and under Mox’s shirt. “What if I said I wanted to fuck Matt tonight instead of you?”
Mox hums as Yuta’s fingers tweak at his nipples. “Really.”
“Uh-huh,” Yuta murmurs, lips going to Mox’s neck. “He’s pretty. And I kind of liked making him squirm with that vibrator.”
Mox laughs, arms sliding up the back of Yuta’s shirt. “I like that idea.”
“And I was thinking – maybe Hangman could fuck you wanted.”
“Oh!” Mox says, pulling back to look at Yuta. “Oh, really. You’re not going to get jealous like the time me and Bryan –”
“That was different,” Yuta says, frowning. “Bryan didn’t talk to me about it first. And it wasn’t my idea.”
“So it has to be your idea, huh?” Mox says. He settles his hands on Yuta’s thighs.
“I’d like it to be,” Yuta says. “Would you want to?”
Mox thinks about it. Hangman was mean out there tonight, almost as mean as he was with the Death Match, and Mox kind of wants to see what that looks like in the bedroom. In him.
“Yeah,” Mox says. “Yeah, I’d definitely want to.”
Yuta lights up. “Okay, cool. Yeah, I – let’s ask them to do that.”
The two of them make out lazily for a while, waiting for a knock on the door.
When it comes, Yuta nearly flies off of Mox’s lap.
“Calm down, babe,” Mox laughs. He opens the door to see Matt and Hangman there. Hangman’s got his hand raised for another knock and Matt’s almost behind him, like he’s waiting for Hangman to take control of the situation.
Mox can absolutely work with that.
“Hey,” he says. “What do you two need?”
“Oh, don’t play around,” Hangman says, rolling his eyes. But Mox is pretty sure there’s a smile behind it. He pushes past Mox. “Hey, kid.”
“I’m not a kid.”
“I was the baby of Bullet Club for years,” Hangman says, falling into a chair like he owns the room. “Now you get to suffer.”
“Isn’t it weird that I’m the oldest of all of us?”
They all look at Matt, who looks like he didn’t actually mean to say that out loud.
“I just mean – well, looking at us, Mox and Adam seem like they’d be older, right?”
Mox turns to Hangman. “Your boyfriend has the weirdest dirty talk.”
Hangman scoffs. “You haven’t see how he gets in a shoe store. Once we had sex in the bathrooms because he somehow got turned on by a pair of sneakers.”
“They had Swarovski Golden Goose Super-stars!” Matt yells. “Come on. How would I not pop a boner over that?”
“I would judge him, but I once got hard because a guy hit me in the back with a tennis racket.” Mox shrugs.
“You got a thing for tennis?” Hangman asks. He looks genuinely baffled, which is nice to see.
“No. I got a thing for being hit in the back.”
Hangman nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I see how that’s a thing.” His eyes narrow. “So, like. Did you get a boner when we had our Death Match?”
Mox tries to fight his reaction. “Maybe.”
“Oh, don’t lie, Mox, you had me rail you in the showers right after it was over,” Yuta says.
“Yeah, but he didn’t need to know,” Mox says. “Jesus, Yoots, let me seem more desperate, will you?”
“This does lead into something we should talk about,” Matt says. He’s swinging a leg, balanced on the other. Reminds Mox a bit of a bird, which is weird, because Nick is usually the bird. “Adam and I were talking and, uh. We were wondering…” He trails off and glances at Hangman.
“What my boyfriend is trying to ask is if you two would be cool if Yuta and Matt fucked and Mox, you and me fucked.”
The room is quiet for a minute.
“I mean. Yeah,” Yuta says, nodding from his seat on the bed. “Yeah, absolutely.”
Matt breaks into a sweet smile, something that almost makes Mox forget how fucking annoying he is. “Cool. I mean. No, I mean cool.” Matt almost skips over to Yuta and straddles him without another word.
“Slow down, Matty,” Hangman says, and Mox gets an idea of where this is going. “Wait just a second.”
“Why do I have to slow down?” Matt fights the urge to pout. Yuta’s hands are on his hips and he wants to stay there.
“Yuta, put the vest on again,” Adam says. Matt recognizes that tone. Matt loves that tone.
“Hmm?” Yuta looks confused for a second. Adam beckons to Matt, who walks over to him. Adam hauls Matt into his lap, straddling Adam’s thighs in the huge chair.
“The vest,” Adam repeats. “It looked good on you.”
Yuta turns a charming shade of pink. “Yeah?” He grabs it from his things and pulls it on.
“Yeah,” Adam says. He puts his hands on Matt’s thighs, but doesn’t even look at him. “You got those – what do they call ‘em?”
“Cum gutters,” Matt supplies.
“Cum gutters,” Adam repeats. “You looked incredible tonight.”
Matt watches as Adam talks Yuta into this beautiful blush, the man who was willing to kill hours ago looking sweet and cute, but also devastatingly hot.
“Adam,” Matt says, “I’m gonna go kiss him now.”
“Me?” Yuta asks.
“Duh, you, you’re hot.” Matt says. He stands off of Adam’s lap and walks up to Yuta. “Do you want to kiss me?”
“Yeah, of course.” Yuta looks like a kid with a credit card in a candy shop. “We, uh. Mox and I were talking about this before the two of you got here.” He pauses. Matt thinks he looks a little nervous. “Glad to see we’re on the same page somewhere, yeah?”
Matt leans down and kisses Yuta, trying to make it sweeter than he deserves after the torment Yuta put him through.
“So, Mox,” Adam says, almost too casually. “How was the match for you?”
“Fine,” Mox says. “Vibrator was new, though. Before I’d only used a butt plug during a match.”
“So you’ve done it before,” Adam says. Matt wants to fall entirely into the kiss, but he’s torn between Yuta’s tongue and Adam’s voice. “Interesting. Which setting did you like best?”
“There’s this weird pounding one,” Mox says. “Really intense, yeah? At one point you set it to maximum intensity on that setting and I came.” He laughs. Matt likes the sound of his laugh. “Dry, at least, but. Yeah. That was the best one.”
Matt can’t deal with that. “What?!”
“You disagree?” Adam asks. He looks so smug in the chair. He’s loving this, and Matt’s too horny and dumb to try and resist leaning into it.
“The wave thing – the one where it never really stopped but, like, kind of went in and out of intensity?” Matt makes a motion with his hand that he hopes conveys it. He’s losing sense – Yuta’s hands are on his ass and his lips are on Matt’s neck and there’s a lot going on. “That one’s the best.”
“That sounds about right,” Mox says. “Matty likes it gentle. I like it rough.”
“I do not like it gentle,” Matt huffs. His breath catches when Yuta bites at his neck, hips snapping forward before he can control them.
“Huh,” Yuta says, pulling away. He reaches up to brush Matt’s hair off of his shoulders. “I think he’s telling the truth, Mox. He’s already hard.”
Matt blushes. “I mean, so are you. You can’t say it all insulting like that when you’re hard, too.”
“I have a hot guy in my lap,” Yuta says, squeezing Matt’s ass again. “Of course I’m hard.”
Matt tries not to be too pleased at that.
Yuta stands all of a sudden, grip on Matt’s ass firm and insistent, and Matt’s head spins as Yuta throws him on the giant king bed.
“So,” Yuta says, “Hangman, anything your boy doesn’t like?”
“I am right here,” Matt says, bucking up against Yuta.
“Yeah, but you’re going to say yes to anything,” Yuta says. “You and your stupid exploding shoe.”
“I have a burn on my forehead from that,” Mox adds. He taps his forehead. “That’s the bandage.”
“Can we focus?” Matt almost whines. “I am still very clothed and I hate it.” The other three men laugh and Matt wants to throw a shoe at them. “Oh, shut up.”
Yuta undresses him slowly while Adam and Mox do something in the corner. Matt can’t make himself care – Yuta kisses with meticulous focus, like he’s trying to see if he can get Matt off with his kissing alone. He might.
“Oh,” Matt says, arching into the feeling as Yuta pulls his boxers off. “God, finally.”
“Did you come at all?”
Matt almost jumps by how close Adam’s voice is. He turns his head to see Adam on the bed next to him, Mox straddling his hips. They’re both shirtless. Matt wants to take a photo and keep it. “What?”
“During the match,” Adam says. His smile is soft, almost sweet. “Did you come?”
Matt nods, then shouts as Yuta’s mouth engulfs him. Adam’s making him perform. He already knows Matt’s come. Adam wants to make Matt say it. For Mox and Yuta. “God – yes, I – I had to roll under the ring, didn’t want anybody to see.”
Adam pulls him in to kiss him. It’s a little awkward, but Matt’s brain is melting as he falls into Adam’s kiss and gently twitches his hips in Yuta’s mouth.
“You can go harder,” Mox says to Matt.
Yuta pulls off. “Yeah. Go nuts.”
Matt rolls his hips slowly. Yuta takes him down his throat like it’s nothing, and Matt giggles.
“What’s so funny?”
“I’m just thinking of that MMA fight club basement joke Adam made a few months back,” Matt mumbles. “You really do have sex with each other all the time, don’t you.”
“Mostly me and Yuta,” Mox says, and his eyes flutter shut as Adam goes for his belt and presses his palm against the bulge in the front of his jeans. “Fuck – yeah, sometimes Bryan and Claudio get involved, but Yuta gets jealous.”
“I do not!”
Matt whines a little. “Go back…”
“You better not get jealous tonight,” Adam says, a little stern. “Because if you get to fuck Matt then I get to fuck Mox.”
“I’m not – this is an agreement,” Yuta says. “Bryan forgot to ask me last time.”
Matt laughs out loud at that one. “He forgot to ask?!”
“It’s a long story,” Mox says.
Adam flips Mox and presses him to the bed as he pulls his pants all the way off. “Still prickly pear?”
Mox nods. “Yeah, fuck. You can’t leave me naked and just – fuck.”
Matt, next to Mox, recognizes the look on Adam’s face. He’s about to be infuriating and, for once, Matt’s not on the receiving end of it.
“Can I?” Yuta asks, lube in hand.
“Yeah,” Matt says, lifting his feet. He plans to plant them on the bed, but Yuta throws them over his shoulders. “Oh! Oh, okay.”
Yuta grins at him. “Yeah?”
Matt nods. He looks back over at Adam and Mox.
“What if I left?” Adam says. Matt knows this game. “I mean, maybe all I want is to see Matt get fucked. Maybe I’m not jealous.”
Mox frowns. “Wait, what?”
“Yeah,” Adam says, leaning back on his heels. “Yeah, this isn’t a great view of Matt. Maybe I just go back to the chair.”
“What the fuck?” Mox says. “No. Get back here.”
Adam gives up the game and spits in his hand to wrap it around Mox’s cock . “Okay.”
Mox lets out the weirdest sound Matt’s ever heard, but then Yuta’s got a finger dancing around the rim of his hole, and he’s making weird noises, too.
“They’re both loud,” Yuta mumbles.
“Right?!” Adam says. “Jesus.”
Matt opens his mouth to answer, but Yuta slides a finger in him and all he can do is let out an exhale so intense his entire body relaxes. “Oh, that’s better.”
“Missed this, didn’t you?” Yuta says, leaning in to kiss Matt. “Like it better when you’re full, huh?”
Matt’s eyes close as he rolls at Yuta’s finger and catches him in a kiss. When Yuta pulls away, he smiles. “Adam, I like him,” Matt mumbles. “He’s nicer than you.”
“I’m only mean because you like me mean,” Adam says.
“And I could get meaner if you want me to,” Yuta says. To prove it, he slides another finger in, a little less carefully. Matt gasps at it and writhes. “He likes it rough, yeah?”
“Oh, yeah,” Adam says. “Mox, I’m guessing you do too?”
“Get your fuckin’ fingers in me, you piece of shit.”
Adam pauses. “Jesus, fine. God.” Yuta hands Adam the lube. “Rough?”
“Yes, fuck, I’m still kinda open from the vibrator,” Mox says. “It’ll – Christ.”
Matt watches Adam’s face as he sinks his finger (fingers?) into Mox, while he pushes down on Yuta’s. “Rough enough for you, Mox?”
“Jesus, yes.” Mox pushes against it. “More.”
There’s moments where Matt’s just staring at the concentration on Adam’s face as he opens up Mox, where Matt is being somehow tenderly opened up by Yuta. He knows Yuta’s saying something to him, something fascinating, probably, but there’s so much going on he can barely hear it.
“Matt, hello,” Yuta says, and Matt snaps back into it. “Are you ready?”
Matt nods. “Yes. Oh my god, yes.”
“Cool. I thought the dirty talk was too much.” He pulls his fingers up, then slides a condom on and slicks it up with lube.
Matt’s mouth waters. “I wasn’t paying attention,” he says, half pouting. “There was dirty talk?”
“Just told you how glad I am that I’m about to fuck you so you shut up,” Yuta says, still with that smile on his face. “You know.” He glances over at Adam, then back at Matt. “Use Adam’s boytoy.”
Matt makes a weird noise in his chest.
“Too much?” Yuta asks, freezing.
“No,” Adam says, sounding almost bored. “You just hit his degradation kink. Fuckin’ dork loves to be referred to as a toy.”
Yuta laughs. “Alright. Adam, I’m gonna fuck your boyfriend.”
“Yes, please.” Matt’s voice is small, the anticipation stealing all the air from him.
“And I’m gonna fuck yours,” Adam says.
“Jesus, are you two trying to choreograph this?” Mox says. “You two are so fucking irritating. No, all three of you are the – fuck.”
Adam grins down at Matt as he pushes into Mox.
“Oh, he’s like me,” Matt says as Yuta arranges his legs the way Yuta wants them, “you have to fuck him to shut him – oh, god.”
“God, that vibrator got you ready for me, didn’t it?” Adam says, testing some pushes into Mox. Matt feels a little jealous of Mox, but then Yuta moves his hips and Matt is anything but. “God, you feel good.”
Yuta’s not as much of a talker as Adam, which is different, but he’s just as dedicated. He folds Matt almost in half as he fucks him, little grunts falling from his lips as he turns his head to press kisses to Matt’s forehead, shoulder, neck, cheek.
“God, you look pretty bent like that,” Adam says, brow furrowed in concentration. “Matty, you look so good taking Yuta’s cock. Almost as good as with me.”
“Thanks,” Matt gasps. He reaches up to grip at Yuta’s biceps, pressing at a bruise. Yuta hisses.
“Careful with him,” Mox says. His hands are up by the headboard, bracing himself against Adam’s thrusts.
“It’s a – a bruise,” Matt says. He reaches up to grab at the headboard, as it looks like a good idea, and bumps Mox’s hand. Neither of them adjust, just have their pinkies touching. “He’ll – god, oh my god – he’ll be fine.”
“Shut up,” Yuta laughs, a little out of breath. “Jesus, we must be doing something wrong if the two of them can talk.”
Adam grins at him, then down at Mox and Matt. “Alright then.”
Matt’s eyes roll back in his head, which is a shame because he loves seeing Adam get rough like this, hard thrusts sending Matt into oblivion. Except this time it’s not Adam, it’s Yuta, and his cock is different but good, a change but the unrelenting pounding still the same.
He’s still a little sensitive from the vibrator, but it’s good, it’s so good.
“Yuta,” he manages to gasp out, “tou-touch me? Please?”
“Yeah,” Yuta says. He slides a hand between the two of them, and Matt has a second to be impressed he can balance so well on his knees and one hand before Yuta’s hand curls around him. “Yeah, come for me, baby, take it.”
Matt whimpers and then it’s over for him, Adam’s name falling from his lips as he shoots up his chest and rides out the sensation.
“You even say my name when taking another guy’s cock,” Adam says, his voice too sweet for the wet, slapping noises of their bodies in the bed, “so fucking sweet.” He reaches between himself and Mox. “You wanna come, Mox? You gonna come for me, Jon?”
“For Yuta,” Mox says with a shit eating grin, then throws his head back and comes hard.
“Race ya,” Yuta says to Adam. Matt has no idea which of them wins. He’s too tired.
He feels the devastating emptiness again as Yuta pulls out, but there’s satisfaction behind it this time. There was no tease, just a very satisfying conclusion.
He blinks his eyes open to see Adam, head slumped, braced on his hands. He reaches out and rests his fingertips on the top of his hand. “You okay?” Matt asks.
Adam lifts his head. His face is bright red and sweaty, but his eyes gleam and he smiles. “That was a great idea.”
“Yeah?” Yuta says. “I think your boy’s nails fucked me up now worse than anything in the match.”
Matt winces. “Oh. Sorry. I should have asked.”
“No, I loved it!” Yuta says. “Just.” He smiles a little. “It’s noteworthy, is all.”
“Don’t go falling in love with him,” Mox says, arms folded behind his head. “You’re stuck with me.”
Adam and Yuta clumsily change places to lean down and kiss their respective boyfriends, then get up.
“Getting a towel,” they say at the same time. They pause, staring at each other.
“That was weird,” Yuta says. “I don’t want to do that ever again.”
“Noted,” Adam says.
As they get the towels, Matt turns over on his side to look at Mox. “How ya feeling?”
“Match wise, vibrator wise, or sex wise?”
“Either or or.”
Mox sighs. “Good. I won, so that’s better.”
Matt pokes his arm. “You’re lucky I don’t slap that burn I gave you.”
“I’d pay to see you try.”
 Matt is pretty sure he’s about to get into a come-covered slap fight with none other than Jon Moxley, but then Yuta and Hangman come back with damp towels and he’s too focused on Adam’s smile to do anything else.
“So,” Adam says, finishing up and tossing the towel back into the bathroom. “We should do that again sometime.”
Yuta nods. “Maybe after we destroy you guys at Blood and Guts.”
Matt freezes. “I’m sorry, what?”
“You know that’s coming,” Mox says. He’s shuffled so he’s leaning against the headboard, legs splayed. Yuta’s sitting by his feet, messing with his phone. “Right? Like, you four are absolutely going to get so pissed about losing you’ll challenge us again.”
“That’s not what I’m surprised about,” Matt says. “If you think we’ll lose after we already know you can’t play fair, you’re stupid. Kenny’s already in the works of getting our secret weapon.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re looking at Kota, big fuckin’ whoop,” Yuta says.
Matt pulls up a video. “You see that? That’s Kenny’s boyfriend shooting a firework into himself. If he’s that crazy on a good day, how do you think he’s going to treat you after all that’s gone done with Don and Takeshita?”
Yuta, briefly, looks concerned. “Oh.”
Adam laughs. “Yeah, okay, we’ll kill each other later. Can’t we all just bathe in the afterglow without talking work?”
“No!” Mox, Yuta, and Matt say.
Adam groans and rolls off the bed onto the floor. “I’m fucking three of the same person,” he groans.
“Are not!” Matt yells back. “I’m prettier.”
Mini Playlist: Moon - The Cab Inside of You - Hoobastank Desire - Meg Myers Like an Animal - The Donnas
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ultraviolet-ink · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by @aawrightworth, thank you so much for this!! <3
How many works do you have on Ao3? 117, but I have four more on the roster due to @aaholidayrare!
What's your total A03 word count? 427,315 (OH WOW???)
What fandoms do you write for? Ace Attorney/Great Ace Attorney!
What are your top five fics by kudos? 1) Once Upon a Christmas (2019)- NRMT first kiss prompt 2) 12:26 AM (2019)- Forbidden Hospital Scene 3) The Talk (2020)- Greg notices that Baby Miles has a crush 4) Oh Shirt! (2019)- Phoenix can't find his shirt at Miles' place 5) Litigation in the Streets... (2021)- Miles and Phoenix become the subjects of tabloid gossip NGL, I'm not surprised that my top rated fics are NRMT, they're oldies but goodies! I've definitely grown as a writer (not to mention grown UP since these were all written when I was 18-20), but it really is lovely to see that they're still getting love! <3
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? OMGOMGOMGOMG!! Yes!! I love doing it because it lets the commenter know that I've seen their comment, and that I really do appreciate them! No matter how old a fic is, I will comment back as soon as I get that email, haha! In all seriousness, it's my way of giving back a kudos, a sort of "kudos to the reader" if that makes sense. They really do make me smile and I like to print out some of the comments that made me cry happy tears and save them in a scrapbook so that I can read them when writer's block hits me. Also, commenting brought my some of my greatest friends <3
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ohhh DEFINITELY I Dreamed A Dream (2022)!! Not only is the title from the Les Mis song of the same name (where Fantine's life is just absolutely ruined), but I did the one thing I never thought I would be able to do... I KILLED one half of the otp!! It's a RyuuSusa fic, and of course, Major Character Death, proceed with caution!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Oooohhh this is a really hard one since I'm such a sucker for happy endings! I think the one that makes me the happiest now is from The Caterpillar Man (2022). It's a fic I wrote to sort of conceptualize Yujin and Susato's relationship when the former came home from the original study trip, and it takes place over a year and among other tragedies and growth. It's from the perspective of Susato, and I think it's one that still makes me tear up (and I got fanart based on it once!!)
Do you get hate on fics? I've never been John Phoenix'd which is very rude, am I not GOOD enough for you DaKoolGuy?? but in all seriousness, I don't really get hate on specific fics, but because I'm so vocal about a certain pairing (being Ryuu X Susato.... if I'm not supposed to ship, why game make so cute?)
Do you write smut? Not on Ultraviolet_Ink, but I do on Infrared_Quill! Fun fact, Infrared got put on a blacklist when I only had one work, and Ultraviolet wasn't on it, I found it quite funny XD
Do you write crossovers? The Journal of Dr. Yujin Mikotoba (2022-????) is just one giant crossover with ACD canon, and I'm planning on having Raffles and Arsène Lupin making an important appearance in the future! It's very self indulgent XD
Have you ever had a fic stolen? God I hope not
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge, but I do have a blanket statement saying that I am a-okay with a translation of any of my works!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? It's always been in the "omg we should totally do this" phase, but given how I am with my own works, I feel like I would be a nightmare to work with XD
What's your all-time favourite ship? Honestly... It's between HomuMiko and RyuuSusa, especially since that's just what I've been writing recently XD
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? That's a good question that I don't have a single answer for XD I have a notepad full of a WIP list, but I think one that intrigued me when I first started off was this sort of continuation of the JFA 2-4 bad ending, just kind of coming from the ashes and then De Killer eventually kills Phoenix for betraying Matt Engarde (just because of the principle). It's really interesting to think about, but I honestly don't know how I could workshop it, and I remember stopping because It made me too sad haha! If you come across this and like the idea, please feel free to adopt this bunny, no credit needed! I'm not the first person who came up with a continuation of Miracle Never Happen, and I'm sure I won't be the last!
What are your writing strengths? I think I'm getting a lot better at dialogue, especially since I have a very good friend who helps me workshop them through a sort of RP! I would say that I'm also good at making a sort of vibe/ambiance, I know how to dress a scene B-) (Yes I was a theatre kid)
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue is also something I struggle a lot with, but I would say I get into my own head too much, and I over think and try to over explain to cover up "holes" (Cracked.Com owes me reparations for this)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm a linguistics nerd, I love writing dialogue in other languages! I even wrote a fic entirely in Latin because I wanted to practice (Miles et Phoenix Romae Sunt (2021)). That being said, you have to use more than Google Translate, I've studied and majored in Spanish, so I'm confident enough in my own skill to write, but I don't really know German despite English being Germanic! So, while I do use Google Translate to get a base understanding, I try to run it by a native speaker, or at the very least, someone who has studied the language, to see if it makes sense haha. Or don't, I'm not your mom, and we're all just doing this for shits and giggles XD
First fandom you wrote for? ...... Oncest Those journals filled with Oncest have been burned since 2014 in the traditional "middle schoolers host a bonfire at the end of the year" that my friends hosted, and they will never see the light of day XD But then again..... how ba-a-a-ad COULD it have been? Tbh, I do regret getting rid of them, not because they were actually lost Great American Novels, but they were something I created and I could look back on and see how I've grown and what I've just stuck with over the years XD
Favourite fic you've ever written? It's honestly a tossup between The Journal of Yujin Mikotoba and The Caterpillar Man! I just love playing around with the empty playground canon left me haha
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