bu----10 · 3 months
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
sunkissed || l.sk x reader
Summary: more like sunburned. on vacation with seokmin you lay out on the beach for a little too long, making for a very interesting night.
Warnings: swearing, smut
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sun was absolutely blinding and even though you were wearing sunglasses you couldn’t see anything. You knew your boyfriend was still stretched out in a lounge chair under the umbrella behind you, though, because you could hear him humming along to the music streaming from his phone, and that was all that mattered. 
Last time you’d been able to see him he had been hiding a copy of his new Excalibur script behind a book and feigning reading. The two of you had agreed to a no work on vacation rule, and he’d been the first to break it, but you could tell he was just so excited about his new project that you let it slide.
It was your first vacation with Seokmin, and so far it had been wonderful. You’d checked in yesterday and done a little bit of the touristy thing, but today you were content to lie on the beach for hours with no intention of moving. 
The sound of the crashing waves had lulled you to sleep a couple of times already, and you knew Seokmin would make fun of you for it later, but with the salty breeze and warm sand beneath you, you couldn’t help it. 
The water was spotted with some swimmers and surfers, but the beach itself wasn’t very crowded. You and Seokmin had planned your trip so that you’d just miss the summer break rush so everything could be a little more peaceful. 
You were pulled out of your half sleep when Seokmin’s humming stopped. You opened your eyes and tried to blink away the spots dancing at the edges of your vision when a weight dropped on top of you. You smirked as familiar lips planted a kiss to your cheek and tried to squirm away, but he had you pinned.
“Almost ready to go back up to the room, baby?” he murmured in your ear.
You nodded, and managed to twist your body underneath Seokmin to look up at him. Your eyes finally adjusted and you grinned lazily at the sight before you. His fair hair framed by the golden sunset behind him, brown eyes more dazzling than anything you’d ever seen, faint freckles starting to show on his cheeks from the sun. You consider yourself lucky that you didn’t need to leave home to see such a beautiful view.
You hadn’t been keeping track of the time, but now that you saw the sun setting over the water you realized how long you and Seokmin had been sitting out there.
“Are you hungry? Let’s get something to eat, babe.” 
“I could eat.”
“So could I,” he whispered breathily, sending a shiver down your spine despite the heat. 
You’d been teasing each other with the clichés all day: being a little more thorough than necessary with rubbing sunscreen on each other, you untying the back of your bikini to sunbathe, Seokmin running into the water for point two seconds just so you could see him soaking wet and admire the way the water glistened on his body. You were on vacation, and the hotel room was beautiful. It had tub on the balcony and a breathtaking view of the blue-roofed villas cascading down the cliffs as well as the water.
However, the bed had yet to be broken in, both of you had been exhausted after exploring Akrotiri and Pyrgos, but it was something you planned to remedy tonight. 
You followed Seokmin up to the room where you both got ready for dinner at a restaurant a friend had recommended to you. You wore a short, white, linen dress and Seokmin wore a similar white button-up that he left the top buttons undone on, so that he could show off his tan.
Dinner was much like the afternoon. The details were blurry, but there was a lot of alcohol and a lot of back and forth. By sheer luck the host had seated you at a tiny booth in the back of the restaurant where you could still see the cliffs, but also sit smushed next to each other. Seokmin kept one hand on your knee throughout the meal, and if asked later, he would deny moving it any further, but you recounted the events very differently. At one point, your lips were moving in a whisper against his ear and the base of his neck and you swore Seokmin’s grip on your leg got so tight you thought you might lose circulation. 
“You want dessert, baby?” he asked when the waiter approached your table with the shiny silver menus.
“I’m good,” you managed to say, slowly, but steadily. “You?”
“What I want isn’t on the menu,” he replied in the same tone, looking directly into your eyes, ignoring how the waiter in front of your table pursed his lips.
He’d probably heard that line a thousand times, especially working in a vacation spot like this. His eyes screamed ‘just fucking say you want to eat her out and go’ but for what it was worth, the line worked on you.
“So I’ll bring the check then?” he asked when neither of you addressed him. 
“Oh, yes please. Thanks.”
After fumbling with the key and stumbling into the room, you were beyond ready to be fucked senseless when Seokmin slapped your ass cheekily, making you cry out in pain.
“Ow, Seok,” you bit out, putting your hand where his had just been. 
His face contorted with concern. “I’m so sorry, y/n! I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay,” you said, smoothing your dress out over your body.
“Are you okay?”
He leaned back against the dresser, arms crossed, watching you with pain in his eyes. You knew how bad he felt about hurting you, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. Usually, there was pain mixed with pleasure, but this time was different. You could still feel the sting on your skin. Hesitantly, you lifted the edge of your dress and saw the unmistakable tint of a sunburn all down the back of your legs, complete with a still fading mark of a handprint on your ass.
Seokmin gasped. “Y/n.”
“What the fuck?”
“Baby, I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” he apologized again.
“Neither did I,” you groaned, squinting your eyes down at your body.
“You put on sunscreen didn’t you?” he asked and you had to bite your tongue before you snapped at him. 
“Of course I did!”
“Did you reapply?”
“Yeah, once I think.”
He didn’t say anything, but you knew he was judging you. “Here, I think we have some aloe,” Seokmin said and disappeared into the bathroom. He emerged moments later with the signature bottle of green gel in hand. 
“Take your dress off, baby,” he instructed and carefully helped you lift your dress over your head, careful not to let the fabric touch your body.
With a sigh, you threw yourself on the bed on your stomach, only smiling when you heard Seokmin’s little chuckle from behind you. You felt the weight shift on the bed as he climbed up next to you, and sat cross legged beside you. He pushed some of the hair out of your face with a soft grin and popped the cap on the bottle of aloe. 
You could tell he was trying his best not to come off as deflated, but you understood. You were disappointed too. You had been looking forward to getting good dick all day, and now every time you moved pain rippled through your body.
“This might be a bit cold,” Seokmin said as a disclaimer before rubbing the first bit of aloe onto your skin.
You sighed with relief as the gel instantly cooled your skin on impact. Seokmin was careful to rub it in gently, applying just enough so you wouldn’t be sticky later. He started with your calves and worked his way up, and you began to feel progressively better. 
Once he reached your thighs you fought the urge to clench them together. You knew it wasn’t the time, but your body didn’t, and your boyfriend’s fingers on your inner thighs was basically code for it. All of the feelings from the beginning of the night came rushing back and his fingers were just so close to where you wanted them. You had to actively fight the urge to moan. 
“Fuck, y/n,” he cleared his throat awkwardly as he continued to massage aloe onto your ass. “Are you, uh, wet?”
You only nodded in response, still not trusting yourself to open your mouth. 
“Do you want me to...” he trailed off, but you got the idea.
“God yes,” you sighed out and let the tension evaporate from your body as you felt Seokmin’s fingers work their way back down to your thighs, right where they had been. He was just about to give you what you wanted when you stopped him. “Wait,” you said, grabbing his wrist and he froze, afraid he had done something wrong. “Use your other hand,” you held up his right hand, covered with green goo for him to see. “I have a feeling aloe in my vagina won’t end well.”
He laughed and leaned down to kiss you. “Of course, whatever you want, baby.”
He started his ministrations again, continuing to rub aloe on your body with his right hand while he began to work two fingers inside of you. You moaned out, louder than expected at the combined relief from the gel and the pleasure from his fingers inside you. 
“Feel good?”
“So good, Seok, baby,” you breathed.
“Let me hear you,” he encouraged, inserting another finger. You gasped in response and felt your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Fuck, y/n, you’re so good for me,” Seokmin praised eliciting another moan from you.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer, teetering on the edge, but it wasn’t quite enough. “Seokmin,” you pleaded and looked back at him, catching him licking his lips, eyes filled with lust in the dim lighting, making you swear. “Fuck, Seok, please.”
“Hm?” he asked, ripping his attention from between your legs and meeting your eyes.
“Fuck, I need more,” you gasped. “I need you.”
“Don’t worry, angel,” he said in a raspy voice with a glint in his eye and a smirk pulling at his lips, “I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
i didn’t go too in depth about what he sunburn looks like on the reader because…well, it’s different for everyone. like it’s a fucking tossup whether I’ll get sunburned or not because i’m hapa lol anyway lmk what you think I always appreciate feedback!!
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tangledinmdzs · 3 years
you over me - mdzs character hcs
(more) mdzs characters reacting to you being poisoned
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Wen Ning + Wen Qing
when Wen Ning bursts into the medical study with “jie! jie!” on his lips,
Wen Qing expects, a cut or some bruises at most
what she doesn’t expect is Wen Ning running up with you in his arms, 
in pain, 
breathing shallowly
“jie, y/n’s hurt, jie, i don’t know what to do,” Wen Ning hiccups out, on the brink of tears
Wen Qing is quickly by her brother’s side, eyes on you
she grabs one of your wrists from where it’s hidden between you and Wen Ning, feeling the sluggish rate of your pulse
“put y/n on that cot over there,”
Wen Qing is all terse and concise commands when she parts with her brother, quickly searching for some extra herbs as Wen Ning moves over to the empty cot to place you down
she is quick to return to your side
when she sits down at your bedside, her doctor side takes over, hands moving, thoughts and remedies blending together 
Wen Ning looks on from the side, feeling helpless,
he watches with bated breath, and his short wait pays off when Wen Qing leans back, her brow easing slightly when she figures out a diagnosis
“deadly nightshade...” Wen Qing announces, looking over to her brother who only returns with a confused look
“y/n is exhibiting the same symptoms as people who have consumed the poison of the plant. not lethal if you get treated quickly at the onset, which you did” Wen Qing explains,
she places a reassuring hand on her younger brother, calming his shaking knee
Wen Qing turns back to you, fixing up a small neutral toxin from the herbs that she had brought from before, to give some time to hold the poison off while she makes the antidote
“jie” Wen Ning’s voice is solemn
Wen Qing hums gently at her brother
“someone tried to poison y/n”
Wen Qing’s hand stills in the midst of grinding the herbs together
she is not surprised as much as she is worried
you were the sole heir of a small but prominent sect from the mainland
and as your sect began to climb on the levels and make a name for itself; you were becoming more and more of a target among the greedy and evil
 you had come to visit the Wens for a bit of peace from the latest big conference held at your home
yet it seems that even that much couldn’t be granted
the cultivation world had always been harsh
but you were their friend
and you were so so young, younger than Wen Ning
Wen Qing takes in a deep breath and continues to methodically grind the needed herbs at your bedside
sitting nearby, Wen Ning take your hand in his,
a small comfort against all odds
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Jiang Cheng
Jiang Cheng’s eyes widen when you lean to the side, spitting out a mouthful of blood
you’re barely phased, wiping it with the back of your hand, and reaching for your sword again
he barely has time to grab you when you attempt to run out straight at the demon in the middle of the forest,
“stop, y/n, you’ve been poisoned,” Jiang Cheng warns you, his breath warm at the side of your face
you huff an amused laugh at him, making to shrug his hands off
it stays stubbornly on your shoulders
“don’t worry, i don’t die easily Sect Leader,” you reassure him, 
Jiang Cheng’s always hated how lightly you valued your life, 
it reminded him too much of someone he knew
he didn’t want you to end up with the same fate,
“Jiang Wanyin, move your hand, let me aid the cultivators,” you spit out at him, 
you only ever use his name when you’re really annoyed with him, 
but Jiang Cheng can’t heed your words,
not when he sees your blood stained at the edge of your lips
or the hazy look that setting into your eyes,
“the more you move the faster the poison spreads-”
“it’s okay-”
“no it’s not, y/n-”
“the safety of our sect and juniors is more important!” you shout at him, for the first time 
Jiang Cheng stares at you
it’s been a while since the last time someone had spoken up to him,
but it doesn’t change anything 
“stop moving or i’m locking your meridians,” Jiang Cheng tells you
and you don’t quite believe that he would go that extent 
so you struggle against him a little bit
and that’s all it takes
the sect leader stays true to his word,
in a blink of an eye he’s immobilized you
while that stops you from moving, it doesn’t aid with holding the poison back from spreading further in your body
and because you can’t protest, Jiang Cheng scoops you up and runs away from the danger with you in his arms
his priority above all, to save you first
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian takes in a deep breath, looking down at your sleeping form in his lap,
your bandaged wrist is warm 
from the open cut there, 
one that he’d had to make to suck out the poison from your blood stream, 
Wei Wuxian’s lips are tinged red and black, from the dark bad blood that had caused your erratic breathing all those hours before 
but now,
Wei Wuxian stares at you again, lets out a sigh,
your face is peaceful, profile shaded in orange from the fire that you both are sharing 
luckily, the night hunt had been a success, 
even when it had not looked that way at first 
luckily, you were not hurt
anymore than you already were
“Wei Wuxian,” 
it’s just a whisper of his name, but it has him quickly wiping the remnants of blood with the back of his hand as he watches you open your eyes again,
“there you are, princess,” Wei Wuxian quibs, though as your vision focuses you notice the shininess of his eyes,
you blink at him, take in a soft breath, 
“you’re okay?” you ask, 
and your question makes him want to tear his heart in half, 
“of course i am. but you, you could’ve-”
Wei Wuxian can’t find himself finishing the rest of the sentence, subconsciously tightening his hold around your wrist,
at his reaction you blink slowly at him, letting out a gentle huff 
suddenly Wei Wuxian feels his breath stuttering when your eyes flutter close again,
“y/n,” Wei Wuxian calls out, his hand cupping your face as your head lulls into his stomach,
you blink your eyes open for a moment, then tilt your head to rest against his stomach, comfortable
“i’m just sleepy, i promise,” you say softly, eyes already falling close
“let me sleep,” you mumble, and Wei Wuxian huffs out a sigh, a mixture of exasperation and relief
though as you drift off to the crackling of the fire wood, you feel a warm hand pat your head, and another intwine with your fingers,
holding you close 
you fall asleep with a smile on your face
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
continuation of the magician story please? I want villain to be escape and be happy 😭
Thanks so much for the ask! This may not exactly have them being happy but...
I can write some actual comfort too if you want ^^ Just lmk
Continued from here.
CW//Dehumanization, pet whump, collars, referred to as a dog, cages, dog kennels, mitt cuffs, muzzles, bit gags, conditioning, past torture, threats of torture, claustrophobia, ice baths
The moment Hero let go of their collar, Villain dropped to the floor like a stone.
The smell alone was enough to turn their stomach. The scent they'd been so free of for so long. On trembling limbs, they struggled to their hands and knees-
Only to be forced back down by a boot upon their spine. A familiar boot.
Trainer let out a sharp sigh.
"Now, what did your doggy do this time?"
"You want to tell them, Villain?"
"No, don't let them talk. They'll start getting ideas."
"Fair." Venom dripped immutably from Hero's tongue. "While they were performing, Villain here decided to use their powers to take off their muzzle. Then they tried to hide it from me. I don't doubt that they had some plan for when they got back to their cell."
The boot's steel toe drove itself between Villain's shoulder blades, tearing a whimper from their throat.
"Is that right? I thought they were through with that phase."
"As did I."
"I hope you're intending to drop them off for an extended continuation of their residential training."
Even with their chest compressed as it was, Villain still managed to gulp.
The relief flooded their veins strongly enough that, for a moment, it replaced their terror.
"No, I don't think that will be necessary this time." Hero continued. "I'm hoping that this is just a momentary slip. A quick reminder should do, for now."
"You're certain?"
"For now. I'd prefer for them to still be in performing condition. Though, if this happens again..."
"I would recommend at least a few weeks in my care, in that case."
"I agree. If there's a repeat of this behavior, I'll bring them right back."
"Good. They'll be ready to perform for you in no time."
"Thank you, Trainer." Hero dipped their head. With a quick, side-eyed glance at their captive, they turned to leave.
The boot on Villain's back was relieved, only momentarily-- returning a split second later to strike them in the side, forcing them to roll onto their back. With trembling eyes, they gazed upwards, the figure looming over them blocking out the light.
"I'll need to get ready, then." Trainer bemoaned. "And I was so busy, today..."
As though plucking litter from the sidewalk, they knelt down, yanking Villain upwards by their collar. They hacked against their squeezed windpipe, but struggled to obey, scrambling to their feet.
The kennels.
Villain had hoped they'd never step foot back in the kennels.
The room was nothing if not barren-- concrete walls, floor, and ceiling all reflecting the same sterile lights. Yet, at the same time, it was immaculately clean. Symmetrical countertops and sinks sat on either side, while, against the back, the kennels themselves were polished to shine.
There were about a dozen of them, stacked two high and rendered of stainless steel. The bars making up the kennel doors were closely spaced, yet, between them, canine faces could be made out, peering with curious eyes. A few let toys drop from their mouths to better taste the intruder's scent.
Still holding tight to their collar, Trainer dragged Villain towards the cages.
"Come on, now. You know which one's yours."
They dug their feet into the smooth concrete floor, a low growl sounding in their throat, though it came out strangled.
"Damn." Trainer grunted. "You are getting bad. I should've tried to talk them into letting me keep you a week... Eh, whatever."
Despite Villain's struggling, even at their full strength, undrained by stage lights and shouting, they would be no match for their trainer. Dragging them forth with one hand, they swung open a cage door with the other, practically throwing them within one of the bottom-row kennels.
They stumbled, throwing their unsteady form in a desperate attempt to escape the kennel's confines, but there was no chance to it. The barred door was slammed an inch from their nose-- secured just as quickly with a padlock and a practiced movement of the hand.
The light that managed to penetrate the bars was quickly extinguished- a blanket draped atop and pinned in place.
"I'll be back." Trainer's voice began to fade as they moved. "How about you think about what you did to land yourself here."
A door closed, and, like that, Villain was alone.
Alone in their kennel.
No. Not theirs. Humans didn't have kennels, and they were a human fucking being.
Not that they were treated as a dog. The dogs were treated far better. They got blankets and beds on the few square feet they called home. Villain had only chilled steel, and a blanket over their cage.
They weren't scared. Of course they weren't scared. There was nothing to be afraid of. It was just a cage, a tiny little box where their spine was crushed against one side, and their limbs against the other. A box where there was no air to breathe, no light to see, only darkness and tightness and no room and no space and dark and dark and dark.
There was nothing to be afraid of. That wasn't why they scrambled to their hands and knees, why they slammed their mitted hands against the barred door, why they screamed and howled against their bit gag.
They were just letting Trainer know that they weren't afraid.
Not afraid of the cold, or the dark, or the squeeze. Certainly not afraid of whatever their trainer was preparing, just out of their sight.
Hero had said to keep them in performing condition, right? So, what could they really do? Not the whip or the pliers, but...
But the stress positions didn't leave marks, nor did the blow dryer, pressed right against their skin until they screamed.
They were shaking because they were furious. Not scared. Villains didn't get scared.
By the time Trainer returned, Villain's trembling had already begun to make their muscles ache something awful, not that that stopped it. As the blanket was ripped from their kennel door, they shoved their face against the cage's steel floor-- refusing to show their tears.
Tears of rage. Tears of rage.
Like a child at a fishtank, Trainer ran their fingers along the bars. When they spoke, there was nothing in their voice that resembled fury. Instead, their tone was calculating. Staring at their captive as though they were solving a math problem.
"You know why I do this, don't you?"
They paused, as though Villain could reply.
"You see, with dogs, training... training is somewhat of a misnomer. Dogs seek to please their owners. When they misbehave, it is because they do not understand what behavior is expected of them. They are dogs. They cannot speak, they cannot understand. Training a dog is about remedying this issue. About learning to communicate across the species divide.
Once they understand what is needed from them, then there is no more misbehavior.
But you, you are not a dog. Now, you are certainly not a human, you forfeited that title long ago. But you are smarter than a dog. You understand when I speak, even if you threw away your own voice. You know exactly what is expected of you.
And, yet, you misbehave.
Because that is not what is wrong with you. There is no communication barrier between hero and villain. No, what you lack is the base desire all dogs have.
You lack the desire to please. That is what must be trained into you. And if that desire cannot be borne from respect, then it will be carved from fear.
Now, you are going to show me just how well you can obey-- or I will have your stay here extended until, when I take out that gag, you bark. Got that?"
Villain's gaze trembled. Trainer slammed their hand against the bars, sending a shockwave through the kennel.
"Mhm! Mhm!" They hummed frantically, nodding.
"Good. Now, good dogs don't need to be dragged. Heel."
The padlock clicked as it was undone, followed by the barred door swinging open. On legs that were, paradoxically, cramping and trembling all at once, Villain crawled out, feeling a faux-affectionate hand card through their hair.
"What you need is to see the groomer." Trainer commented as Villain stood to their feet. "Come on, now."
Their eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for what device would be used against them. Yet, the whip hung in its place, unmoving, as did the shackles that would be used to contort them until they sobbed.
"Look forward." A sharp hand on their chin redirected their eye line, refocusing their gaze on what was before them.
A door.
There were only two doors, in the kennels. The exit...
And the bathroom door. Villain had learned to fear the two equally.
As the door to the restroom was swung open, cold wafted out like a solid thing. Shaking like a leaf, they were led inside, noting with a fluttering heart that the blow dryer was unplugged.
No. What was planned for them was not the agony of heat.
Villain's gaze landed on the bathtub.
The tub was filled to the brim with water in different form-- cubes of ice, nearly spilling over the porcelain rim. All at once, the air conditioning seemed to penetrate their thin prisoner's uniform even more sharply.
"Part of obedience is obeying when you don't want to. It's either this, or I get out the clothes iron."
Villain gulped, fingers curling, though stopped from balling to fists by the padding inside their mitts.
It would be far from the worst pain they'd been subjected to. No, by comparison, it was a mercy. And yet, the idea of doing it to themself...
No. No, no, no! They were not a dog, they were not anyone's pet. They didn't follow orders. They didn't bring harm upon themself just because some asshole told them to!
Their spine straightened as they shook-- this time, it was out of rage. There was no lie to that fact.
"First, though." Trainer continued. As they raised their hands, Villain couldn't help but flinch. "We need to get these off. I doubt your owner wants them soaked. They're copping out by using them, anyways. A well-trained dog doesn't need a muzzle."
It took every ounce of willpower that remained in their chest to not slam the trainer up against a wall. Even the ghosting of hands over their skin made them want to scream.
Nobody touched Villain.
Yet, they stayed still as fingers swiftly worked on their muzzle's buckle. Bloodflow returned to their face as the device was slipped off and placed aside, followed by their collar, slipped off their neck, leaving a tan line where it had sat for so long.
As soon as the dam was removed, their power flowed like a waterfall.
Blood, too, returned to their compressed tongue as their bit was pried from their abused mouth. For the first time in so long, they closed their mouth, and had no metal preventing their teeth from clacking together.
Trainer's hands trailed down their arms, to their wrists- but stalled.
"Those are probably waterproof. Besides, training you not to use your hands in the first place was a nightmare."
With their work done, the trainer stepped back, leaning against the bathroom counter.
"Alright, doggy. In the bath."
Villain's bare toes curled into the tile and grout. With shaking steps, they advanced, feeling the frigid chill that seemed to waft off of the tub like dragon's breath.
For a long moment, they stood, staring at the thousand ice cubes, shimmering with frozen glare. They could practically feel the effects already, the heat torn from every cell in their body.
Trainer straightened themself, moving forward.
"Good dogs don't hesitate."
Even without the collar, their trainer had no issue finding purchase on Villain's neck, well enough to send them careening forward. Their hip struck porcelain as they were sent flying, sailing to arctic depths.
The shock hit, all at once, worse than even their twisted nightmares could ever hope to concoct.
Yet, instead of tearing their energy away, the ice bath flooded their veins with red-hot adrenaline.
Like an osprey bursting from the sea, Villain leapt-- twisting about until they were upright, before launching themself out, water spraying from soaked hair and clothes and blue-hued skin in a dazzling flash. The back of Trainer's head cracked against the tile floor as they were sent crashing, tackled by their own canine.
"Stop! Right now! Stay still! Good dogs do not-
But Villain did not stay still. Shivering uncontrollably, they limped to the other side of the bathroom, clutching a bruised shoulder as they turned.
"Villains don't listen to heroes." A frission wracked their body like a sob. They couldn't feel their fingers. "Next time you see me, it'll be when I'm burning your city to the ground."
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
word count : 1.8k
there shouldn’t be any harm in checking on tooru and his injured knee.
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀everyday was like going in circles and yet never knowing what the destination is supposed to be. each day seemed to be nothing more than a loophole chains of events, only to restart back at square one tomorrow. this investigation of yours was getting nowhere, and your hope of remembering anything was becoming more of a fever dream than an actual possibility.
⠀demanding hajime to tell you everything wouldn't work, he could out-stubborn you at any given time. makki and mattsun were no longer willing to tell you a thing, for fear they'd get the iron fisted beatdown of a century from their third year peer. oikawa didn't seem like much of an option either, especially with hajime's strange request to stay away from him at all times.
⠀with nothing else to think about, your new subject of thought was that fateful conversation in the gym not so long ago. not really a conversation; truly, more like a one sided rant to someone you hardly even knew. as far as you knew, you were probably strangers with tooru oikawa before the accident. iwa still had yet to explain the conflict between him and his fellow volleyball player, and you were honestly believing that he was never planning to.
⠀you had seen him walk in with crutches the following day, absolutely distraught that his injury was that bad. you had seen the brace on his knee as he practiced serving in the gym, but you never knew how bad his knee was until you broke his line of concentration. you couldn't even go and check on him, with iwaizumi sitting right there. no one knew how or why he walked in with crutches, and he never explained why, either. you wanted to stand up on stage and tell everyone yourself to hold yourself accountable for being the cause behind his unfortunate incident.
⠀"i'm staying after school today, hajime." a more spontaneous decision was made minutes before the last bell of the day rang, causing your friend to look at you strangely. he didn't seem suspicious of you, but he certainly had questions.
⠀"do you want me to stay behind with you?" he asked, his lips pursed as you looked at the clock. there was a hope in the back of your mind, a silent plea that he would be there today as well. the odds were low with the circumstances that you had caused yesterday, but there was no harm in trying. if not in the gym, he could possibly spend his time somewhere else?
⠀"no, you can go home." you shook your head as you turned back to him, keeping a straight face as to not sound strange. "you can walk me tomorrow, and we can even go out to eat. my favorite place, of course." you grinned, lightening the mood with a playful punch to his shoulder. "how's that sound?"
⠀chuckling to himself with a shrug, he soon nodded his head. "alright, deal. i'll pay." your eyes widened at his reaction, opening your mouth to retaliate but he shushed you. "i won't take no for an answer, you know how i am."
⠀"yeah, i know." rolling your eyes with a smile of your own, you breathed a sigh of relief. even if things have been strange, hajime was still your friend. you were thankful of how eager he was to help you and stand at your side at the drop of a hat. he was a handful at times, but you were thankful for him. "i'm surprised you're not broke because of me at this point."
⠀"nah. you're pretty satisfied with easy things anyway." you scoffed and turned away, earning a bigger laugh from iwaizumi. "i'm kidding. but i'm still paying tomorrow."
⠀"fine." just as you replied, the bell rang throughout the school, indicating the students that their last class of the day had come to a close. your heart leaped as you stood up, picking up your books and supplies almost too excitedly. you stopped yourself and secretly hoped that he would stay around the school.
⠀"y/n." you felt a hand around your wrist as you left the classroom, turning around to see iwaizumi hesitating to speak further, yet his grip unwavering.
⠀"i'm sorry." you creased your eyebrows in confusion, watching intently as his eyes refused to look into yours. "i know... i've been a pain your ass. this whole car incident, i can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you." you weren't sure where this was going, so you chose to stay silent. "i just want you to know that i haven't been able to make your life easier, but i promise from now on, it won't be that way."
⠀your jaw clenched. the only thing you wanted to accompany such an apology is an explanation and full story of what you've been wanting since you gathered your senses. "i see," you muttered, nodding your head slowly. "thank you, hajime."
⠀"i'll treat you right, okay? i swear on my life." once he loosened his hold, you pulled your wrist away and nodded again steely, pressing your lips upwards into a soft, half-hearted smile. even with such sincere, sweet words, he still refused to tell you anything. "you can trust me."
⠀"i know, hajime. i trust you." you nodded your head, waving goodbye to him before turning the corner, beginning your search around aoba johsai for the one person you want to talk to. why did you want to talk to him? he looked so uncomfortable with you around, you almost felt guilty for even stepping near him. did you bully him in the past? did you two hate each other in the past?
⠀trying your luck, you braved a deep breath and made your way back into the gym, no plan in mind as you closed your eyes upon reaching the doorway that made way into the large gym, disappointed that you heard no sounds while you blocked your own vision.
⠀you were expecting to be met with a wave of more disappointment, until a startled voice broke the silence. "y/n?"
⠀your eyes shot open in surprise. you almost revealed your relief with a smile. right in front of you stood oikawa, leaning on a crutch supporting his injured knee. he was surprised as you were that you were entering the gym, but expressed it in a different way. "what are you doing here?" he followed up, his arm stiffening to support his weight to stand up straighter.
⠀you didn't realize how awkward this meeting would be until you stood face to face with him right here. there was no point in sugar coating it, you were already there, and he was right in front of you. "i was looking for you," you replied, standing up a little straighter yourself. "i wanted to know how you've been doing. seeing your crutches, you must've been hurt pretty bad." you bowed. "i'm sorry."
⠀"this? it's nothing. i'm on crutches at least once a month." looking back up at him, oikawa shook his head and looked away, using his free hand to scratch the back of his neck. "my knee has been pretty messed up for quite sometime now, it's no big deal. don't blame yourself over it. i was bound to hurt myself again, anyway."
⠀"then why don't you take a break?" it seemed quite obvious to you that the only remedy for these types of injuries was a hiatus and a time period to recuperate to not only heal your injuries, but to give some time to relax as well. "you should prioritize your well being."
⠀you watched the third year tense, his breath caught in his throat as he shook his head immediately, his eyes now going to the ground instead of at you. "i wish it were that easy," he mumbled. "maybe if i had the natural talent to take a breather, i would give myself a break. but i'm not naturally talented. i'm a setback, if anything."
⠀"nonsense!” you shook your head quickly, the words coming out of his mouth sounding like nothing but complete lies. "you're amazing! from what i witnessed yesterday, you're an amazing volleyball player." you paused for a second. "you played with hajime, right? what was your position?"
⠀"setter." the brunet's voice lowered. "actually, i was the captain of the team."
⠀"no way!" your eyes were practically sparkling at this point. "and you dare say you're not naturally gifted?" you placed your hands on your hips in disbelief. "i refuse to believe it."
⠀"oh, you should believe it, alright..." tooru began clenching his jaw, but you were too marveled to notice.
⠀"and i was the manager, so we must've definitely known each other before my accident!" you nodded matter-of-factly to answer your own question. "to think i can't remember anything you did as captain for the team... your teammates were definitely in great hands, i can just feel it! you - "
⠀"for the love of god, could you please get out of the way?" you stopped speaking the moment oikawa raised his voice, taking a step back instinctively. "y/n, i'm trying to get out of the gym, but i can't with you in the way. could you please move?"
⠀your pulse spiked in your system, the humiliation rushing to your cheeks faster than the blink of an eye. your legs moved mechanically to the side, your breathing uneasy as you locked your eyes to the floor, rendered speechless. this feeling was... all too familiar. you didn't like it. just thinking about it made your chest constrict a little bit. was this deja vu?
⠀it couldn't be, not when it was this effective.
⠀you heard oikawa curse under his breath, but you made no effort to look back up as the panic rose in his voice. "shit, y/n, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to snap at you like that. it's just that i get annoyed when i can't practice, i get impatient. but by no means do i blame you for my knee! you're right, i shouldn't push myself, i should take a breather. i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry."
⠀by the time you looked up, oikawa looked like he was about to gush waterfalls out of his eyes at any given moment; the atmosphere between the two of you flipped completely, and your energy had long depleted. "no, i should be the one to apologize. i got ahead of myself, i didn't let you talk... again." moving your arms to cross awkwardly, the world seemed to mock your stupidity before backing up more from him. "i actually should probably get going now. again, i'm sorry about your knee. i'll probably be apologizing for it until you're off the crutches. see you around."
⠀you gave oikawa no time to reply as you hastily power walked your way out of seijoh, feeling suffocated as you made your way home, the deja vu eating you up as you continued to tread quickly. it couldn't be deja vu, there was no way.
⠀something in his tone of voice triggered something deeper than what your amnesia could cover. you had felt this way before. out of anything you could've recalled first, it was just your luck it had to be this.
⠀what was your relationship to oikawa before the accident, anyway?
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a/n : honestly i have nothing to say, so look out for part 13 soon!
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rogueonestan · 3 years
no good day
word count: 4k
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x reader
summary: when everything seems to be going against you, din knows the exact thing that you need
Today was not your day. 
Looking down at the datapad in your hands, you feel like everything around you has stopped- like somehow time put everything on hold just for you. Rereading the message that’s on the screen, your hands begin to shake violently as you try to process what you just read. You’re so wrapped in your thoughts that you don’t notice the loud bang that echoes in the hull of the ship as your hands lose their grip on the datapad. 
Short gasps leave your lips as your heart rate increases rapidly. You just found out that a friend from your homeworld is severely ill and there’s not much that can be done about it; you’re on the opposite side of the galaxy and it’s been so long since you’ve seen them. You try not to let the pessimistic thoughts take control but you can’t help it. Your immediate reaction to receiving this news was to blame yourself. Maybe if you were there, you could do something. Maybe you could’ve done something to prevent this from happening. The logical side of your brain knows these thoughts aren’t true; there isn’t anything you can do or could have done to prevent this from happening. You can’t help but think about it. The thoughts become so overwhelming for you that you have to balance yourself on a few nearby boxes that’s in the cargo hold. Even with your death-like grip on one of the boxes, your legs tremble as the news repeats itself in your head and you eventually collapse to the ground. 
Bringing your knees to your chest, you finally allow yourself to let all of your emotions out as the events of your day flood your mind. 
Today was not your day. 
It all began when Din decided to leave you alone with the kid on the Crest as he made a supply run at the local marketplace, claiming it was for safety reasons. He was always telling you how dangerous it was getting for the three of you to be seen traveling together, especially with more and more hunters trying to locate the little one. You’re more than happy to watch the child while Din is away, but you wish you could too experience the various cultures of the different planets that you’ve been traveling to recently. 
The little one immediately woke up from his nap when Din left, and since then, it seems like everything went awry. You try to put the little one back to sleep, but he refused when he realized that his protector was no longer on the ship. The first out of your many frustrations you would experience that day.
Realizing that the little one wouldn’t go back to sleep, you decided to make good use of your time by doing small repairs on the Crest, but even that went bad. It’s not that you don’t know how to fix things, you do, it’s just luck was not on your side. You were messing with a few wires on a panel when suddenly shocks filled your body as you yelped out in pain. The jolt of electricity immediately flowing through your veins as your frustrations continued to increase. Today was not your day.
Realizing that you probably weren’t going to finish the repairs before you lost your mind, you decided to take a short break. You decided to fix yourself and the little one some food. Cooking usually relaxes you because it helps you take your mind off of the hectic that has been in your life recently, but luck was not on your side today. While you were cooking, you noticed the little one was sitting on the floor nearby and was playing with a few tools that you had left on the ground earlier. The sight itself boosted your spirits, maybe your luck was beginning to turn around, you thought to yourself, but you had to know it was too good to be true. After you turned your attention away from the little one to look at the food you’re cooking, you suddenly hear loud noises coming from behind you. 
Turning around, you find the little one has made his way towards his sleeping area and has opened the locker that holds all of Din’s weapons. The sight itself is scary, but you see the little one is inching closer and closer to the cabinet, slowly reaching out to touch one of the weapons. Adrenaline enters your body as you fear the worst. You immediately make your way towards the baby, scooping him up in your arms as you close the door to the locker. A horrible scream fills the hull as the little one becomes fussy in your arms, obviously upset that you interrupted whatever he was doing, but you’re just relieved you were able to prevent something awful from happening. 
Your attention is focused solely on the child and trying to console him that you don’t notice the scent of food burning at first. With smoke in the air, your attention is forced back to reality as your frustrations only continue to rise. It seems like you can’t do anything right. You make sure the little one is secure in your arms as you try to remedy the meal, but it’s no use. No matter what you do, nothing helps, a fruitless attempt. Closing your eyes in pure frustration, you try to focus on your breathing and not let your emotions get the best of you, for the sake of the child. All you want to do right is to scream, yell, do anything to get your anger out, but you know lashing out will do nothing; it’ll only scare the baby that’s currently in your arms. Bouncing him lightly, you continue your efforts to comfort him, maybe even try to make him fall asleep, and somehow the galaxy grants you this wish. Maybe the tides are finally shifting your way, but you had to know, today was not your day.
Once you were successfully able to lure the baby to sleep, you gently put him in his sleeping quarters and you were finally able to relax. You were currently trying to clean out the pan that had the burnt food in it when you suddenly hear a small ping noise come from your datapad that’s currently resting on one of the boxes in the cargo hold. You stop with what you’re doing and make your way towards the cargo hold. A smile immediately makes a way to your face once you realize that you just received a message from an old friend of yours from your homeworld, someone you haven’t heard from in a while. You thought it was going to be good news but luck has not been on your side because today was not your day.
Reading the message, your heart immediately drops to your stomach, a soft gasp escaping from your lips. Shock fills your body as you reread the message multiple times, ensuring that you’re reading it correctly. In the message, a friend from your home village describes how another dear friend of yours, one of your closest in the entire galaxy, has unexpectedly turned ill and no one knows of their fate. No one knows of how they got the illness or even what it is, the local healer cannot figure out what is wrong with them or how serious it is, but by the details in the message, you figure they don’t have much time left. Guilt immediately claws its way inside of you, somehow blaming you saying it’s your fault. Maybe you could’ve done something. Maybe you could’ve done something to prevent this. 
No. There’s nothing you could’ve done to stop this. Shaking the thoughts from your head, you try to get a grip on yourself but it’s too late. The overwhelming thoughts just won’t stop swarming your mind. Holding the datapad in your hands gets harder and harder as they begin to tremble. The datapad eventually falls from your grip at one point as your entire body begins to shake, your legs beginning to act similar to one of a newborn animal. Maybe this was just the tip of the iceberg, but you lose complete control over your body as your legs buckle beneath you, sending you to the ground. Your breathing becomes uneven, your heart rate increases as more and more panic fills your body, and you can’t seem to get a grip of anything. No matter how hard you try, you can’t calm yourself; not your body, not your mind, nothing. It’s like the outside world is put on pause as everything comes crashing down around you. There’s absolutely nothing you can do, so you finally allow all of the suppressed emotions to come out. 
The tears won’t stop flowing down your cheeks, your breath hitches in your throat as you sob. You try your best to contain the sounds coming from your mouth to avoid waking the baby, but you couldn’t even notice if you did if you tried. Everything just feels like it’s crumbling around you.
During the midst of this, Din has finally made his way back to the Crest where he was looking forward to surprising you with something he found at one of the shops, but once he stepped foot inside the ship, he saw a sight he did not expect. When he returned, he thought he would find you playing with the little one, or trying to put him down for a nap, anything else besides what was happening right before his eyes. The sight of you burying your head into your hands, muffling your cries, breaks his heart. His first instinct is to wrap his arms around you and tell you that everything will be okay, but he isn’t sure if that’s what you need right now. 
So instead, he gently places the sack of purchases he returned with on the ground and slowly approaches you, making sure not to startle you. Kneeling beside you, he tries his best to not startle you with his presence. He only makes his appearance known by softly placing a hand on the calf of your leg. 
The soft pressure on your leg brings you back to reality. Looking up, the first thing in your line of vision is Din. Relief fills your body temporarily at the sight of him, you’re always worried whenever he leaves you alone because you worry that one day he may not come back. You soon realize that you probably look like an absolute mess, you immediately straighten up your back, wiping away any tears that have made their way down your face. You’re not sure why, but your first reaction is to hide the fact that you were crying. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to burden Din with your own problems, he already deals enough as it is, the least thing he needs is for more to be added to his plate.
“What happened?” Din asks, breaking the silence.
“No-it’s, uh, nothing.” You reply quickly, shaking your head at him as more tears threaten to spill. You know shutting him out will do no good, but you can’t bring him any more stress. He already deals with enough on a daily basis.
Din doesn’t say anything in response. He sees how obviously distraught you are and he doesn’t want you to push you or make you uncomfortable in any way. And that’s one of the things that you admire so much about him; he never makes you feel obligated to do anything and his actions always speak louder than words. Rather than letting meaningless words linger in the air, he lets his actions speak louder than words. Rather than saying empty words of comfort, Din lets you know he’s here for you by his touch never leaving your side. 
The feeling of his hand on your calf brings a sense of warmth throughout your body. You’re not sure how, but Din is always able to bring you a sense of comfort, even just by his touch. He doesn’t have to say anything to show you how much he cares for you. 
The two of you continue to sit there in the hull for Maker knows how long. The tears no longer are running down your face, but rather are replaced with deep breaths. There’s a heavy feeling in your chest but just knowing that Din is patiently waiting for you to open up lifts a tiny weight off of your chest. 
While he’s still in his kneeled position and patiently waiting, Din finds the datapad on the floor next to you and discovers what has upset you so much. He opens his mouth to offer some kind words, but decides against it and continues to comfort you through his touch. 
Letting his actions speak his words, Din opts to squeeze the calf of your leg, silently showing his support for you. The feeling of his gloved thumb gently rubbing itself against your leg brings the feeling of comfort that you need in order to calm your mind that you so desperately need. 
Once you’re able to fully gather your thoughts, your voice fills the void, “it’s all my fault.”
“It’s my fault. They’re sick and I can’t do anything to help them,” You say as you know he’s read what was on the datapad, “maybe if I were there, I could’ve helped somehow. Maybe I could’ve stopped it from happening, maybe-“
“There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
“There’s nothing you could’ve done.” He reiterates, “Nothing would have changed if you had been there.”
“You don’t know that.” 
“Because you said it yourself; no matter if you were there or not, there is nothing you could have done to stop it.”
No matter how much you wish to convince otherwise, you know that Din is right. Nodding your head in agreement, you finally let his words sink in. There’s nothing you could have done to stop it. The words keep replaying in your head. 
“It’s just-“ You begin, hesitating about whether you should vocalize your thought, fearing that
Din will judge you for some reason, “I know nothing would be different, but I can’t help but think that everything could’ve been different. If I had been there instead of here, could I have made a difference? I mean- how are we making things any better for him?”
Din freezes in his place from across from you, the only response you get from him is a slight tilt of his helmet, obviously confused, “‘Him?’” 
“Him?” You repeat the question you were just asked, “I said ‘them.’”
“No, you said ‘him.’ You asked, ‘how are we making things better for him?’”
“I did?” He nods his head at you. You’re not sure of how to respond to that, so a soft ‘oh’ escapes from your lips as you contemplate on your slip up.
Grabbing his hand with yours, he squeezes it in assurance, “what’s really bothering you?” 
You’re not sure of how to respond to his question because you aren’t sure. You thought the sudden news of your friend was the reason why everything suddenly began shattering around you but your slip up says something entirely different, like your true fears are beginning to make their way to the surface, “I- I don’t know.” You admit honestly, “I thought at first it was just everything that happened today but- I don’t know.”
Din knows there’s something else that you want to say, that you’re still holding back, but it’s almost like you’re afraid to. Wordlessly encouraging you to speak freely, he squeezes your conjoined hands as he waits patiently for you to continue, “how do we know we’re doing the right thing?”
“For the kid?” You nod your head at him.
“I mean- we’ve only put more danger in his life since we’ve taken him in. How are we helping him?”
“Would you rather that we didn’t?”
“No! No, no, of course not.” You immediately dismiss the mere idea of letting the kid in their arms back on Nevarro, “but how could we possibly be making his life any better as we travel from planet to planet in hopes of finding him a better life? We’re supposed to keep him safe but we can’t do that with so many people tracking and following us.”
“He’s safer with us than he would ever be with them.”
“I know that,” You begin, not denying that even with your dangerous lifestyle, the child is in much better hands with the Mandalorian than he ever would be with the remnants of the Empire, “but it just seems like we haven’t done anything, that we’re not making a difference at all.”
“I know how you feel, but with each place we visit is one step closer finding the sanctuary he needs.” He begins, “without our help, the kid will never be safe. It may not seem like it, but we’ll find him a better life, one where he doesn’t need to hide, where he can be free.”
You let his words sink into you. This topic obviously has been on his mind as of late as well and it puts you at ease to know that you’re not alone in this, “do you really think we’re his best choice?” Your voice asks just above a whisper, almost afraid to speak the words out loud.
“I do.” He confirms as he nods his head.
Silence fills the air as you take in his words. Even with his words of reassurance still lingering in your head, the doubt is still there.
You know that trying to find a home for the little one by traveling all around the galaxy is his best hope, but you still worry that it isn’t enough, like all of your attempts are in vain. Even with all of the leads you’ve received and followed through, hunters still have been able to find you and attempt to take their bounty. When days like those happen, it feels like you haven’t made any progress so far. 
These constant thoughts continue to swarm your mind. You try to remind yourself of Din’s words, but it’s hard to when your doubt easily overpowers his words. The constant what if’s from earlier make their comeback. What if you’re not doing enough? What if there’s another way? What if you’re just slowing your partner down by your insecurities? What if? What if? What if? It seems as if the doubts never stop. 
With these thoughts on your mind, you don’t notice how Din looks at you in concern as he sees the expression on your face: your eyebrows furrowed, your lips pierced, your eyes lazily focusing on an object that’s in your line of sight. Even with his attempt to help ease your worries, he notices how it hasn’t helped much. You aren’t crying anymore, yes, but he still wishes he knew how he could help you properly. Out of the blue, he suddenly remembers about the gift that he bought for you earlier.
When Din was doing one of his usual supply runs earlier in the day, he was beginning to head back to the Crest when he noticed that one of the stands at the marketplace was selling a plethora of beautiful and colorful bouquets of flowers. His mind immediately went to you because of your admiration for nature whenever you get the chance to, so he knew that he just had to get them for you.
Once he purchased them and was heading back to you and the child, he could imagine the smile on your face as he offered them to you. The mere thought of you smiling at his actions made a smile appear underneath his visor. His pace is already increasing as he looks forward to seeing your reaction. 
However, when he made his return back to the Crest, he found you on the ground, crying, and immediately wanted to know what was upsetting you greatly. He disregarded his purchases and went to comfort you in any way he can. 
Remembering about the purchase that made him so excited earlier, he temporarily leaves your side to go retrieve the bundle of flowers, hoping it’ll boost your spirits, even just a little. 
When he returns back to your side, he takes notice of how you didn’t realize of his short absence. Now sitting by your side, one of his gloved hands interwines with yours, gently squeezing it, and brings you out of your daze. Looking down at your now intertwined hands, the sight itself already brings a small smile on your face, the sensation of leather against your palms always brings a feeling that you can’t quite place. Security? Comfort? You’re not sure but it’s a feeling that you’ll never grow tired of. 
When you finally turn your head to look at his visor, the first thing you notice is the beautiful set of flowers in his hand. The sight of them already beginning to lift your spirits and the small smile on your face begins to grow. You open your mouth to say something but Din beats you to it.
“I just- I was making my way to you when I saw them and- and I thought of you.” You notice how vulnerable and scary this confession must be for Din. Butterflies form in your stomach, the smile on your face only increasing in size as you try to form what you’re feeling into words, but the only words that come out are, “they’re beautiful, Din.”
“You like them?”
“I do, thank you.” You reassure him with a squeeze of his hand. You let your fingertips of your free hand graze against the petals that are blue and purple in color, the scent already bringing calmness to your body as you bring the bundle close to your face. You want to say more to Din, telling him of how much this gesture means to you, but you can’t seem to bring your thoughts into words. But somehow, Din just knows, like you two have an unspoken understanding of each other.
“You just do so much for us and I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. I couldn’t have done this without you-“ Din begins.
“You would’ve done fine without me.”
“No.” He assures strongly, “without you, I wouldn’t have been able to make it this far. Even when times are dark, you always see the light. You make it all worthwhile.”
Hearing his words immediately brings tears to your eyes. You know that even though this journey you’re currently on with the two people you care about the most in the entire galaxy is tough, you wouldn’t trade it for anything in all of the worlds you’ve traveled to. With the endless leads you’ve been following, the long nights consist of you worrying about what comes next, you wouldn’t want to go on this journey with anyone else. The journey has been a long one, but you know it’ll be worth it in the end. 
The more you admire the bouquet of flowers in your hands, the fewer doubtful thoughts linger in your head. The fears that kept reminding you of how incompetent you’ve been on this journey are now replaced with thoughts of the admiration you have for your partner.
Placing your head on his shoulder, a sense of serenity fills your veins. These past few months have been taking a toll on you lately, but having these quiet moments with Din make it all worthwhile.
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living-with-pmd · 3 years
11 Women With PMDD Share What It's Really Like
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is the evil cousin of PMS. They share the same types of symptoms—moodiness, increased hunger, cravings, fatigue, cramps, pain, brain fog, and depression, among others—but for PMDD sufferers, those symptoms get so bad they can cripple a woman's ability to lead a normal life.  
While up to 85 percent of women get PMS, according to the US Department of Health, only about 5 percent of women experience PMDD, according to the American Journal of Psychiatry.
We asked women with PMDD what it's really like living with the disorder. Here are their stories:
"I was diagnosed with PMDD last summer. Six months prior to my diagnosis, I started taking a certain birth control and soon every month I was experiencing severe PMS issues. I am a generally happy person, but during those few days I was someone entirely different. I was extremely depressed and anxious, having much more frequent panic attacks, and was super sensitive and lonely. I was even suicidal, which was terrifying. And the worst part was I was convinced that I had always been this miserable, and that I would always be this miserable, and it was never going to change. It felt as if someone had completely burned out the light in me and all happiness and joy and hope was gone. I didn't make the connection that it was related to my period but thankfully a close friend did. I have since switched birth control, which helped a lot, and increased the dosage of my anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. Most importantly, I am aware of the way I feel those few days so I know to expect it, and I can logically remind myself that I will stop feeling that way soon. Looking back, I realize that I've probably always had pretty bad PMS or PMDD. The birth control worsened it but it was also causing a lot of issues I wasn't aware of previously as well." —Katherine H., 22, Edmonds, WA
"PMDD is out of control. I cry really easily for about a week. My biggest issue is that I am convinced that I am failing at everything—being a wife, a mom, work projects, fitness, my whole life! And even though it feels so real I constantly have to question if my feelings are valid or if they are amplified by my cycle. I just set an alert in my phone to remind me to consider my hormones the next time I feel that way." —Krysten B., 32, Toronto, CA
"A week before my period, I become a complete psycho, completely unlike myself. I'm tearful, want to eat everything that's sweet or salty, have absolutely no tolerance for anything other than perfection, and prefer to be left completely alone. I already take an antidepressant but my PMDD was a complete nightmare so my doctor gave me Prozac to take for just 10 days a month. Basically, I start it when I start to get that irrational feeling and keeping taking it until my period starts. And that's just the emotional stuff. On the physical side, I have debilitating cramps, backaches, and headaches that last for days. Yep. I'm a peach." —Kristen L., 40, Knoxville, TN
"In the past, PMDD almost made me suicidal and totally broke my spirit. Yes it wasthat bad. Every month. Eventually I got tired of being a 'crazy PMS woman' and decided I needed to fix this. Since I don't like to take pharmaceuticals, I branched out to homeopathic remedies and I discovered St. John's Wort and essential oils, especially clary sage and Doterra Calm-Its. It's a lot better now but I still have my hard days." —Amy S., 43, Zebulon, NC
"My PMDD got so bad I had to go to a psychiatrist and be put on Prozac along with another antidepressant I was already taking. I was a mess—anxious, crying randomly over the smallest thing, and eating everything in sight. One example is someone made a YouTube mashup of the Age of Ultron trailers with Pinocchio footage and the 'I've got no strings on me' song and that wrecked me for weeks. Every time I thought about scenes from Pinocchio I would start panicking and crying at my work desk. It's been a few years and I'm better now. I'm off birth control and weening myself off the Prozac. I notice a week before my period I will sob during any sad part in a movie or book I'm reading, and a day or two before, I notice I'm more likely to be anxious." —Kate W., 36, Alaska
"This has impacted my ability to work effectively. My pet peeve is when people say 'it must be close to your time of the month' when they simply don't like what I'm saying. I have run into that problem a lot at previous jobs and it makes it really hard to be taken seriously. It's bullshit because my feelings are valid regardless and also PMDD is not a joke. I am so lucky now to have a male boss who understands but it wasn't always that way. I have also have found a lot of relief with naturopathic and herbal remedies." —Amalia F., 28, Vancouver, Canada
"My PMS was tolerable until my second child was born and then everything went off the rails. I'd be looking forward to plans with others, happy, and then about 10 to 14 days before my flow would start, my mood would turn on a dime. I'd be horrible—crying, screaming that ~nobody understands~, just so much emotional pain. I'd basically lock myself up in the bedroom for a full day to cry, get angry, and feel sorry for myself. It took three doctors before I finally found one who would listen to me before I was finally diagnosed with PMDD. I took Prozac for three years for it but it made me feel numb, like a zombie and not like myself. So I quit and my family just deals with me now. As I've gotten closer to menopause the PMDD is not as bad, but can be very unpredictable due to hormonal swings from perimenopause. The worst part now is I feel like my friendships have suffered. I always seem to have episodes around major holidays and events and I end up bumming everyone out if I do show up so I end up staying home a lot." —Colleen T., 50, St. Paul, MN
"I'm overly emotional for the week before my period. Saying that makes it sound like it's not that bad but I get so distraught that my fiance has actually scheduled it in his phone as 'blood sport' to remind himself what's coming. I'm thankful that he's patient because I also feel like everyone hates me that week, too." —Kenlie T., 36, New Orleans, LA
"All month long I'm fine and feel even and calm and then suddenly, the week before my period, I can't handle even the tiniest little thing. My irritability goes through the roof (which is not great since I have a 5-year-old) and I feel like I have no friends. It really makes me sad." —Jessica S., 28, Broomfield, CO
"I know my period is coming because all of a sudden all of my joints hurt, especially my knees and ankles. I also get crazy gnarly cramps and once I even had a cyst that ruptured while I was on a date and the guy had to take me to the hospital! It was so embarrassing. Thankfully my husband now is very understanding when this time rolls around each month. The worst part is people who just think I make this stuff up. Some months are better than others and sometimes the pain is completely debilitating! My emotions are also a rollercoaster. Anytime I see something cute or inspiring, I burst into tears." —Ivie C., 21, Rexburg, ID
"My PMDD manifests in both mental and physical symptoms. From the time I got my period at age 12, I've had extreme cramps and heavy bleeding. I'd leak at school through a super maxi pad every class so I'd tie sweatshirts around my waist and have to scrub my clothes when I got home. It was super humiliating. I'd have to take six to eight ibuprofen at a time to deal with cramps, and if I didn't I'd end up on the floor sweating like I had the flu. Sometimes I'd even throw up. This meant I ended up spending a lot of time sick in bathrooms and knew where every restroom was at all times. Birth control helped manage the PMDD and other issues, but as soon as I was done having kids, I had a hysterectomy. That was the best thing I've ever done." —Mandy P., 39, Mendon, UT
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krabmeat · 3 years
𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜: Wilbur Soot
𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: he/him
𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: physical pain descriptions, paranoia, overdose, hospitalization, alarms, descriptions of hallucinations
𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎:
this is the 2nd part to my 7 part series of making all of the songs from YCGMA into short stories! this one is for saline solution, hope ya like it! :]
One, two, three and four
The seconds tick by on the clock in my workroom. The sound sensitive LED border of the clock lights up whenever I cough. I find it hard to breathe, the wheezes between breaths are loud, so I take a puff of my inhaler sitting on my desk next to my pc. It’s been difficult to walk lately, I’ve made a steady recovery but my legs sometimes feel like the pores are being replaced with lead- heavy and cold. Despite this though, I make my way over to my bedroom. My roommate isn’t home yet, despite how late it is. The walls of the hallway echo my footsteps, the pain I’m in not reflecting with the sounds. ‘I need to take my meds…’ My room, surprisingly not as messy as I thought. Clothes here and there, an undone bed, but overall everything is where it should be. My legs shuffle into the bathroom connected to my room, locating my paracetamol and prozac.  Click, click!
I think this time I'm dying
I open the paracetamol with ease, it hypnotizes me. Quickly opening the prozac, my breath becomes jagged- confused. Water flows after the pills, hindering the struggle it would have been, but I feel the same. Panicked and afraid. What's wrong with me? Do I need more? Is there something else? I'm scared, pissed off and lonely- ‘I'm overthinking this.’  But am I? Nonetheless, nothings happening. My legs still feel like hell, and the cold invisible hand is pinching the skin behind my neck, but when I claw at it nothings there. My eyes distantly shift to the pill bottles on the counter. I can feel myself trying to look elsewhere, but my general focus is on the pills. I need more.
I'm not melodramatic
Just 1 more of each should do. Just to be safe. I'm just being safe! 
I'm just pragmatic beyond any reasoning 
Better safe than sorry, right? I take another drink of water and wait for the relief to set in, but it never does. My legs are aching even more and the fact that there's no effects is just making me panic more. What's wrong with me? Why isn't it setting in fast enough-?!
For thinking I've got f*cking rabies or something.
More. I need more. Maybe that's the problem, I'm just not taking a high enough dosage! I look down at each of the bottles, reading the label for the prescription. “Take 2 per day when symptoms arise. Contact your psychiatrist if a higher dosage is needed” ‘I know what I'm doing.’  There's something wrong with me, I can't bother contacting anyone. I need relief now. Out of impulse, I down both of the bottles and drink more water to allow the pills to travel with ease. Then, I just wait. 
I think this time I'm dying
Pain shoots up from my stomach and sprouts to my head like a sapling. The room morphs and shifts and scrunches up like clay. Am I in a dream? I look down at my hands to pinch myself, shaking, blurry and full of vibrant colors.   
I think this time I'm dying.
I think I've lost my mind. 
The world morphs and moves without my eyes permission. My stomach hurts more than my legs do. The reflection in the mirror, a pale, sad and confused blur. The pain isn't going away, it's growing worse and worse. Pins and needles pricking and scraping along the inside of my abdomen, there's millions of them. Every deep breath I take is a dulled stab into my chest. Was the original concern as big as I've made it now?
Blurring the fact and the fictions
Everything is so unreal. Why did I do this again? Where am I? My memory becomes a flickering bulb, dying out from being strained of its power. My concept of time and object permanence is foggy, but that's how I know something is wrong. But what? Am I blowing things out of proportion or is this bigger than a prescription?
While simultaneously fixing myself up with a girl named panadol.
I looked down at the empty paracetamol bottle, I did the right thing- right? My intentions feel like they've been beaten and whipped with a fork, scrambled and confused with each other. But I did what I did, it still hurts though. A pang of regret stabs at my throat for a second, but the desire for relief overrides it.
Bite the tablet, elixir
The elixir! My hands swiftly open the cabinet again, desperate for elixir. I quickly find, it- half a bottle of elixir should do. As quickly as I found the bottle, I downed half of it and quickly drank more freezing cold water from the sink.
Disintegrate, mouths a mixer
That's 3 different types of pills. 3 different remedies! I'll be alright now, right? I should be, but I can't stand steadily anymore. My arms are violently shaking and my legs are about to drop. The sight is horrifying, everything is flickering from absolute darkness to furniture and walls melting like an ice cube. Am I blinking? I can't tell.
I think I've lost my mind
I can't handle this. Am I in mild pain or are things dire? I want the pain I had before, less overwhelming. I have no control anymore. The front door opening and closing shut was barely audible for my ears. “Wil? Sorry I came home so late, I had a client come further into the day.”  My legs give in, and a loud THUMP rumbles through the house as I fall onto the tiled floor of the bathroom. I feel the satisfaction of my eyes rolling into my head as my eyelids stay confused on whether or not to close or to stick open to stay alert. “Wil?! Wilbur are you alright?!”  Her footsteps rush to my room and into the bathroom to see my frail and hurt body on the ground with the pill bottles strewn on the counter.
I think I've lost my mind.
“WILBUR!!”  She rushes to my side and drops to her knees. Her shout was so loud, it made me snap back into the present. After checking my pulse and checking if I'm still breathing, she frantically digs through her coat pocket and dials 999. 
If I could just break one more night
I can hear my roommate crying distantly after hanging up and putting away her phone. I don't understand...why do I need an ambulance? I was helping myself, wasn't I? 
Maybe I could wake up and feel alright.
I could have gotten past on my own if she hadn't found me. I would have been just fine. I'm tired, just in general. 
I optimistically set my alarm clock time
I had something to do today? I forgot. I can hear my alarm clock from my bedside table blaring at me, screaming at me to get up. There was a subtle jolt of excitement that shot up my neck, or was it anxiety? Fear? Adrenaline? Denial?
Serves only to mock me with flashing lights.
The sound seems to go on for longer, despite my roommate rushing to turn it off. Its turned off, but I can still hear the sound of it echoing through the room, bouncing into my ears. My hands raise to cover my ears, but the sound just gets louder and louder. I haven't gotten up yet.
I think I've made my choice
Everything is jumping around slightly, the paramedics in the ambulance looming over me, reaching for tubes and clear pouches. I feel something warm on my right hand, my roommate is sitting there with my hand in hers while trying to keep herself together.  “Don’t worry Wil, they're gonna fix you up and you'll be just fine...!”  She says it like she’s trying to reassure herself more than me- she's more worried about me then I am for myself. One of the paramedics sitting next to her speak up with a clipboard in hand. “You said he overdosed?” “Yes, I came home from work and there was a loud thud from his bathroom. I ran over and he was barely conscious on the floor with pill bottles all around…”
I’m a deceased playing victim
I...I overdosed?  How did I not notice? No no, there was something wrong with me, that's why I took so many! But...was I wrong? I was just scared! I didn’t know that this would happen, its not my fault!
Slip the face, slip the victory.
I can't run away from myself, I’m my own shadow. I was scared. I am scared. This is all my fault. I took the pills, no one forced me to. It was me who did this. But, I’m not too angry with myself. Despite my impulsive actions, I don't hate the situation I've thrown myself into. 
I think I’ve made my choice
If I don't make it out of this, I won't be disappointed. If I do, then that's alright too. I dug myself into this, so don't I deserve to suffer the consequences?
Sit secluded in hatred
I’m such a bother to her, this is the second time she's had to deal with me like this. The hospital probably hates me, but I won't bother to apologize. I meant what I did both this and the last time I was sent there, they shouldn't be helping me. But I’m not suicidal, I insist.
Void the plans friends are making.
I shouldn't have set my alarm. I would have stayed asleep, made things less stressful. Why did I even set my alarm? Nothing special was happening today, I don't have plans with anyone and the only thing I was supposed to do today is work, and that's later in the day. Most of my friends don't even like me that much, they don't invite me to places or acknowledge me so can I even consider them friends? The only person who even tries to pay attention to me is…is…
I think I've found my voice
“I...I’m..-” My roommate quickly looks down at me when she hears me speak. Her eyes show it all, shocked and relieved. Her skin is still puffy and red around her eyes, but she doesn't bother to hide it. “Thank the lord your alright...what were you thinking?!”  She speaks in a hushed tone, intending to not startle or overwhelm me more than I already am. She doesn't deserve this, my paranoia and issues aren't hers. “I’m...I’m sorry..” I hear my voice for the first time in a while, it's gravely and dry. She looks down at me and her features seem to have softened.  “We're almost at the hospital, you're gonna be alright.”
I'm a leech sucking blood bags
I've been living off of her this entire time. My hardships were always nonexistent, weren't they? All of my tolls were never mine to begin with, her generosity is what she replaced it with. And this is what I'm giving her, more and more to deal with. But she doesn't have to, right? It's her choice, it's her fault. I'm not guilty.
Taste defeat, it's a sandbag
As soon as the vehicle stopped, I was urgently rolled out the back and rushed into a hospital room. I can hear the doctors and nurses arguing back and forth rapidly, one after the other.
Saline solution
I hear from the wad of voices.  Hm, so they're desperate as well it seems… My mind decides not to bother with their procedures, instead I just leave it all to them. It won't be on my hands if they fail after all, right? 
Saline solutions to all your
A set of doctors rush into my hospital room while a nurse rolls in a cart filled with who knows what for me. IV tubes are hooked up to a hanging pouch and attached to my arms.
Saline solution to all your
My eyes are squinted from the obnoxiously bright lights scattered in the hospital, the white walls making me develop more of a headache. My head flops to the left, seeing my roommate outside the window in the hallway. She's pacing around frantically with her phone up to her ear. I then turn my head to the right to see a slightly foggy pouch of saline hanging above me, the IV tubes connecting the liquid to my internal damage.
Saline solution to all your…
One of the doctors helps me drink a small amount of the saline solution and then hands me a small trash can. My stomach is crying and screaming in pain and mercy. Tears prick the corners of my eyes from the guttural pain, but it'll be out of my system soon.
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lediinh · 3 years
Majority of the time Nalia stays quiet because she knows that once she tells her parents, they would think it’s sereve and take her to the doctors. The doctor is her least favorite to be so she tries to avoid it as much as possible.
Nalia specifically drinks ginger ale to help her reduce the sickness, then she would try to sleep her days away with the use of NyQuil day and night time version.
Nalia’s go to pain relief is sleep. She will literally sleep her day away if she can, but when it winds down to medications, she usually goes for over the counter medication to avoid the doctors. She says the doctor gives her anxiety. She feels that NyQuil or even Dayquil can solve a lot of problems, such as, headache, cold, or even running nose. It is an all in one product that she feels is so convenient. She prefers a warmer room because she feels like it brings her more comfort when she’s trying to sleep to relieve her pain.
Her healing strategies come from her family and even local content. These strategies are well known and basically is everyone’s go to remedy. Now as far as notifying her parents that she is sick, some other kids might prefer to tell their parents instead of just pushing it through. For example, like me, I run to my parents the first thing especially during these times to avoid any spreading of sickness if things do come out worst.
Her healing strategies aren’t guided by any restraints because she’ll just use or do whatever it is recommended or necessary.
Nalia sickness starts to kick in once she doesn’t dress like the weather. Nalia is a homebody person but once she steps outside, it’s usually for events or even a quick run. Now for events, you know how girls get. They dress for the occasion. It's basically F the weather! She’ll wear some shorts and knee high boots and a hoodie? and it can be 39 degrees outside. These girls will step for the weather. In order for Nalia to reduce the chances of getting sick, she started to wear a trench coat for her dressy occasions so she can have a thick fur layer over top of what she has on. During this covid season, everyone’s afraid of the germs. She often washes your hands & uses hand sanitizer. She also reduces the hugs she gives out & keeps her mask on even if it’s around her loved ones.
When Nalia is sick, she will stay home and not step foot outside. She will always reduce the chances of seeing her friends, for example, she didn’t want to come see me when she came home from college because she was very ill when I didn’t even mind! She also keep her mask on because germs spread very quickly according to her
Nalia says that she hates getting sick, especially the fact that the majority of the time she stays inside the house. Getting sick as a person feels like it’s normal to her because everyone has their days. She personally knows that her cold starts to kick in the majority of the time due to the weather and her fashion style during the weather. For diarrhea, she believes that she was eating things she wasn’t supposed to. For STD, that’s sexually active activities that she doesn’t take part in so she doesn’t ever think about that, but if she was to ever experience that she said that it will make her feel very dirty with herself because she wasn’t careful with who she did things with.
Social causes of Nalia’s illnesses is like a 50% chance. She feels like it may take part in her sickness but the main cause comes from her responsibility. If she dresses properly she wouldn’t experience colds. Now for stomachaches, she believes that it can be lack of food inspection & preparation. This girl is a brat she doesn’t blame things on herself, she’ll blame it on everyone else. Stigma about the illness doesn’t keep her from seeking the treatment, neither does the cost of the treatment. She just doesn’t like being around people so she doesn’t want to leave the house unless it’s very very urgent or severe.
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
hi! can i ask for a scenario where Suga & kuroo taking care of their s/o 's who are in their period & have really bad cramps & pain? with fluffy ending pls thank you
A/N: ah yes, satan’s waterfall, we all know what that’s like
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word count: 1189
warnings: cramps from the monthly cycle of hell
Sugawara Kōshi
You had probably read the same sentence fifteen times.
Emperor Taisho, who had been announced to have pneumonia a few days prior, ended his regime when he had a heart attack on December 1926.
At least you knew which question you were certain to get full marks on.
It wasn’t like you could help it, though. The throbbing was unbearable at this point; the sharp, crushing blades of your pulsing walls seared through your very skin. An acidic flavor travelled up your throat, but you forced it back down, intent on not tainting the well-maintained tatami flooring.
“Y/N-chan, you’ve been adjusting your seating for a while now, are you sure you’re alright?”
Right. You were here at your boyfriend’s house to study. Any grievance out of your mouth would probably cause Sugawara inconvenience.
Shifting your legs under you again, you gave him a wide grin, “Don’t worry about me, it’s just some period cramps. I’m used to—”
Rising from the floor faster than you could gasp, Sugawara bolted out of his room in a blur of silver hair. Not even a blink later, he returned with a shoebox wrapped in a dainty lace fabric tucked under his left arm.
“Step one of the Sugawara Household Menstrual Cramp Relief Procedure! Don’t worry, Y/N-chan! My mom’s raised me and my dad to undergo this procedure for her when necessary,” he bellowed from the entrance of his room, putting you out of your trance.
Gingerly placing the box on the floor next to your knees, he pulled out an orange packet, big enough to fit just a portion of your palms. Offering the remedy to you with a small bow, he roared again.
“Heat packs for the abdomen!”
“A-ah, alright, thank you,” slipping the warm pack under your shirt, you felt yourself felt melt into the warmth the small package of heating gel embraced you with.
As you indulged yourself in the tenderness of the spreading comfort on your stomach, you hadn’t noticed Sugawara had pulled another remedy out of his wondrous box.
“Step two!” he barked, hurriedly rummaging into the box again to pull out a rabbit-patterned mug. “Chamomile tea to reduce throbbing!”
You awkwardly watched him pour warm tea from a thermos he had fished out a few moments prior into the adorned mug. The curling clouds of steam smelled enticingly comforting, especially when he placed it in your hands for you to savor yourself.
The maple brown liquid gushed lightly down your throat and the ends of your lips quirked upwards naturally. The tea tasted like him. Sweet, loving and welcoming. You began to wonder if you could ask for seconds.
“It’s really delicious, Koushi!”
“Step three!”
“Eh?! You’re not done yet?”
As much as you enjoyed the homely service he was doing, you couldn’t help but feel guilty for making him go all the trouble. In his own home too…
You were about to halt him from taking out anything else from that magical shoebox of his when you felt a pair of arms circle its way snugly around your torso. Sugawara nestled his head into the junction of your shoulder, the long tufts of his hair catching the light of the room. You felt a slight tickle when he finally spoke into your skin.
“Love. Lots of it.”
Kuroo Tetsurō
“What’s with that constipated face? You need to take a shit or something?”
“Rude, Tetsurou!”
As you accentuated the last syllable of his name, you couldn’t help but to wince as yet another wave of soreness engulfed your lower region. Afraid that your legs would buckle from the monstrous severity of the squeezing, your hands immediately reached out to grab whatever was nearest to you.
When that nearest object spoke with a long-drawn “eeeh?”, you know you had made a mistake you’d likely regret.
“That time of the month again?” Kuroo sneered, nudging you with the arm you were clutching with dear life. Oh, you were definitely regretting it now. “You know, they say people with severe menstrual cramps don’t eat enough green, leafy vegetables.”
You only scowled in response. “Shut up and take me to the nurse’s office. I need to lie down.”
“Of course, Grandma.”
“Hurry up!”
Despite the constant jeering he pestered you with, you had a hunch that Kuroo was genuinely worried about your state. It was simply his habit of being expressively dishonest. That itself made you wonder about the things he had trouble telling you.
Sliding the door to the office open, Kuroo trumpeted, “’Scuse us, Mitsuda-sensei.”
“She’s not here,” you muttered as you scanned the room for the poorly dressed school nurse.
“Alright then, I guess she won’t mind one of her students lying down for a bit,” a large hand found comfort on your back, urging you to one of the rickety looking infirmary beds.
You looked at him incredulously, “Shouldn’t we tell Mitsuda-sensei first? I don’t think she’ll appreciate anyone rolling around in one of her beds without permission.”
“Weren’t you complaining about your cramps just a few moments ago?” Kuroo wasn’t scolding you, but you damn felt like he was. “Lie down, Y/N.”
Kuroo didn’t get serious. He never got serious. There were rare, certain moments where he did get poker-faced about something and this was one of those moments. You didn’t even think of declining when the spasms returned, especially with the hard glare your boyfriend was giving you.
Positioning yourself comfortably on the plush crib, you sighed when ache faded away as soon as your back hit the mattress. This was nice. Real nice. You didn’t even feel your eyes slowly fluttering close. When was the last time you took a long, nice nap? Would it be possible to sleep for a few minutes in the nurse’s office?
You were reaches away from drifting into your drowsiness when a low grumble resounded deep within your stomach.
“Stomach cramps? Are you sure you’re not just hungry?” he teased again, bringing a stool next to the crib to observe your flushed face.
Rummaging for something from within his blazer pocket, he cracked a small smile when his lithe fingers wrapped around a certain block of packaging. Pulling the chocolate bar out for you to see, you almost let a drop of drool slip from the edge of your open mouth as you watched him gingerly rip open the printed plastic and broke the treat in half.
“Let’s share,” he stated, holding out one half to you.
Taking the piece from his hand, you softly mumbled, face still red, “It is stomach cramps though…”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, biting down harshly on two squares of chocolate. “That’s why I’m feeding you. You want to feel better soon, right?”
“You’re the best, Tetsurou…”
It was only for a fleeting moment, but you swore with every other fibre in your body that wasn’t aching, that your boyfriend—the ever unimpressed Kuroo Tetsurou—was blushing.
And your heart swelled tenfold.
“Hey! What did I tell you guys about eating in my office!”
You felt an oncoming headache return the moment your eyes fell on the disheveled nurse.
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Dark Paradise
Dark Paradise 
Clark Kent x Reader
Song fic inspired by Lana Del Rey’s Dark Paradise
Author: Sadghostofgarbage
Warnings: Angst, grief, depression, mentions of death, also one swear.
My dudes Batman vs Superman kills me everytime I watch it but I love Clark too much, someone help me. This takes place after BvS. end note; wow I did not expect this to turn out this way at all.
All my friends tell me I should move on I'm lying in the ocean, singing your song Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah That's how you sang it Loving you forever can't be wrong Even though you're not here, won't move on Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah That's how we played it
The water lapped softly against her skin, the salty brine of the ocean permeated her nose and tongue. Hot rays of sun warmed her face but couldn't take the icy chill from her heart. One year, had it really been only a year? It had felt like an eternity, the bitter emptiness of her, their, home had fucked with her mind and stretched time into endless days and impossibly longer nights. That is why she was here. The ocean was supposed to help her get her mind away from there, away from him. At least that's what her friends said, they thought she should start trying to move on; that she had spent enough time grieving, she didn’t think she would ever get over him. 
And there's no remedy for memory Your face is like a melody It won't leave my head Your soul is haunting me And telling me that everything is fine But I wish I was dead
Every time I close my eyes It's like a dark paradise No one compares to you I'm scared that you Won't be waiting on the other side Every time I close my eyes It's like a dark paradise No one compares to you I'm scared that you Won't be waiting on the other side
He was always there, she caught glimpses of him around every corner. Every face she passed was his. In the mirror his blue eyes held her gaze and his lips whispered sweet nothings into her hair. Screaming out in agony, tears blinding her eyes she collapsed onto her knees and begged the universe to take her to him; the world isn’t worth it if you’re not by my side. She couldn’t sleep, she couldn’t breathe; she would never see him again. Facing the empty side of the bed, sobbing quietly, terrorizing intrusive thoughts cloud her mind, has death robbed him of his memory of me? 
All my friends ask me why I stay strong Tell 'em when you find true love, it lives on Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah That's why I stay here
The photographs on the walls mocked her, his smile was seared into her mind and she couldn’t let go. The smile she wore in the picture with him was her prison, holding in and hiding the cracking of her soul. On the outside she was strong, she had to be. For Martha.  For him. Her friends didn’t notice, couldn’t see the pain behind her mask. No she had to be strong. 
And there's no remedy for memory Your face is like a melody It won't leave my head Your soul is haunting me And telling me that everything is fine But I wish I was dead
Every time I close my eyes It's like a dark paradise No one compares to you I'm scared that you Won't be waiting on the other side Every time I close my eyes It's like a dark paradise No one compares to you But there's no you Except in my dreams tonight
Oh-oh-oh-oh, ah-ha-ha-ha I don't wanna wake up from this tonight Oh-oh-oh-oh, ah-ha-ha-ha I don't wanna wake up from this tonight
There's no relief I see you in my sleep And everybody's rushing me But I can feel you touching me There's no release I feel you in my dreams Telling me I'm fine
She couldn’t escape him, not that she wanted to, his voice played like a broken record in her ears. The hard lines of his muscles still squeezed the breath from her lungs. Wake up. Hands still pulled at her hair and bruised her hips.  It’s not real. Ripe scents of the earth and freshly printed newspaper lingered in the air. You need to stop. She could still taste the coffee on his lips. Move on. She was drowning in him. 
He’s dead.
Nothing she did would make him go away. Stay please. He came to her in her dreams, and now he found his way into her waking life, was she losing her mind? 
Every time I close my eyes It's like a dark paradise No one compares to you I'm scared that you Won't be waiting on the other side (So tell me) Every time I close my eyes It's like a dark paradise No one compares to you But there's no you Except in my dreams tonight
Oh-oh-oh-oh, ah-ha-ha-ha I don't wanna wake up from this tonight Oh-oh-oh-oh, ah-ha-ha-ha I don't wanna wake up from this tonight
She could no longer tell dreams apart from reality, he was her reality. He was all she needed. Crawling into bed she curls into her lovers arms and falls asleep looking into his blue eyes.
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You’re all I need (the air I breathe)
eight - in which Stella is more than the rebound 
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love-at-first-sight, falling-too-fast, uni au that will make your heart ache (in a good way)
catch up here
Stella thought that a weekend away from Niall would have calmed her down. Instead, all of her feelings rushed back in earnest, watching him sit down at the dining hall across from her. 
“Hey,” he said, a smile on his face. “You’re eating alone?
“No louis and Veda are...” she trailed off, looking over her shoulder. “They’re getting their food.” 
“How was your weekend home?” Niall asked, shrugging his book bag off of his shoulders. 
“Uh it was good,�� she chuckled, rubbing her forehead. 
Aside from the part where they got so high, Stella could have sworn she talked to god. And the throwing up part. And the waking up with the pounding headache, confusion, and immediate regret. 
“That’s good,” Niall chuckled  “you got high didn’t you.”
“Very,” Stella nodded, poking at the pasta on her plate. “Regretfully high. Maybe even devastatingly high.”
“Celebrated 19 the right way,” Niall mused. 
Louis and Veda joined them just a few minutes later. Veda was grumbling about the food they were served and Louis was doing his very best to ignore her. 
“How’s come we pay all this money and we can’t even get a decent meal,” Veda grumbled. 
If Stella and her were alone, she’d press her until she said what was actually the matter. They weren’t, though, so she just watched her disgruntled behavior wordlessly hoping that no one would mention it. 
No one did. Louis exchanged glances with Stella. Niall was oblivious, eating his food as if nothing was wrong. Stella wondered how he couldn’t tell, the way Veda was angrily eating her green beans. Or the way she scowled at him. Oblivious.  
Stella wished she could be oblivious for a day. Instead she was hyper aware of every little thing. Every slight change of voice, eyebrow crinkle. She could notice it all. 
And then Stella wondered if Niall could tell she was a bit off kilter since she’d gotten back from Doncaster. Niall did notice, though as they did homework later that night. 
“Are ya alright?” Niall asked, a lilt to his voice that made Stella want to forget all of the weird feelings she was having. 
“Yeah...” Stella trailed off, propping her knees up on the table. “Just tired, I think.”
“Okay,” Niall answered slowly. “You’d tell me if something happened at home, wouldn’t you?” 
Stella’s instinct was to reassure him, so she did, sitting up. “Nothing happened at home,” she’d said, twirling her pen between her fingers in a way that would surely give her away. 
“Are you sure because...” he trailed off. “It feels like you’re upset with me or something” 
“I’m not upset with you,” Stella assured him, dropping her pen into her lap. She rubbed her forehead, sighing. “I just don’t know, Niall.”
“You don’t know what?” Niall asked, eyebrows furrowing as he looked at her. 
“I just don’t know how you can get out of a three year relationship and already start kissing the first uni girl you see,” Stella rushed out, looking up at him. 
“What do you mean?” Niall asked, eyebrows furrowing even more as he thought about what she’d just said. 
“Isn’t there like a grieving process? Sadness or something,” she emphasized. 
“There is,” Niall nodded. “There is a grieving process when you’ve lost something, but Stella,” he chuckled. “I didn’t lose anything.” 
“You just feel absolutely nothing for Nadia?” Stella asked, eyebrows raising. 
“I mean...” he trailed off, shrugging. “No I don’t feel anything. D-do you want me to feel something for her?”
“I mean no,” Stella shook her head. “But what does that say about you? How quickly you moved on.”
“I don’t know,” Niall shook his head. “I don’t care what it says about me either. Do you?” 
“I don’t know,” Stella shrugged. 
Niall ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a sigh, “Stella, don’t tell me you think you’re a rebound.”
“I don’t think that,” Stella argued petulantly. She sighed. “Maybe a little.” 
“Rebounds are for people that don’t know who the fuck they are or what they want,” Niall answered her, shaking his head. “Is it so hard to believe that I actually really like you?”
Stella didn’t answer him. Instead she kept her eyes glued on the book in her lap. A page from Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. She’d reread it ten times and still couldn’t think about anything but the nagging feeling she had in her belly. 
After a moment, Niall asked, “do you need reassurance?” 
It was painful to ask for that, Stella thought, drawing her eyes up at him. She felt like she could cry. She really was tired, exhausted after the weekend she had, exhausted after spending that whole weekend thinking about Niall. She wished he was there with her, getting high with Louis and her, talking to her mother, meeting Ludo’s date. All of it she wished so desperately that he’d been there. 
“Stella,” Niall murmured hand smoothing over her sweatpant clad thigh. “Y’know you actually have to talk to me.” 
“I don’t know,” Stella finally mumbled, shaking her head. 
“Is there anything you do know?” Niall asked, voice soft enough to make the knot in her throat slip away. 
“I wish you came to Doncaster with us,” Stella murmured, winding her fingers into her t-shirt. 
“I wish that too,” he admitted. “But there will be other opportunities.” 
“Will there?” Stella urged, lifting her head to look at him. 
“Yes,” Niall emphasized with a laugh. He pulled her jittery fingers from her shirt, sliding them into his. “Do you think something bad is gonna happen?” 
“Maybe,” Stella mumbled, unable to find the same humor he’d found. 
“Nothing bad will happen as long as I can help it,” Niall told her, brushing his thumb over her knuckles. “And sitting here worrying about it is wasting precious time.” 
Stella gave him a look like it wasn’t the right thing to say. Niall rolled his eyes at her, sighing, “Stella, you have to read 200 pages by the morning. I’d say that’s precious time being wasted.” 
“I don’t want to read this anymore,” Stella said, closing the book. 
“Well what do you want to do?” Niall asked, eyeing her skeptically.
“I don’t know,” Stella answered, sounding frustrated. 
“Look at me, would ya?” Niall asked, frustrated right back. 
“Why?” She mumbled, eyes now glued on the cover of the book. 
“I said look at me,” he repeated sternly, in a voice that made Stella look at him. Eyes wide and sorrowful in a way that only confusion could manage to do. “You have to cut this out.” 
Stella gave him another look because that wasn’t the right thing to say either. Niall rolled his eyes at her, tilting her chin up, “I mean it. Cut it out. I didn’t do anything,” he urged, searching her eyes. “Everything you’re upset about is in your head. It’s not real.” 
Stella wanted to argue that it was real, except for the first time since she’d seen Niall, she wanted to kiss him. Like really kiss him, the way he did on her birthday with tongue and teeth and hands that wandered. 
“Say okay,” Niall commanded when she didn’t respond. 
“Okay,” Stella said, eyelashes fluttering. “Are you going to kiss me?” 
“If you want me to,” he answered, his hand sliding from her chin to the curve of her jaw until his fingers pressed against the hollow of her neck.
“I do,” Stella managed to get out. 
Niall leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips. It was a moment of relief all over again. Stella’s eyes fell shut and she let out a sigh against his lips. The lingering kiss morphed into one of desperation as Niall pulled her closer. 
The angle was awkward, a strain on her neck. Stella did the only thing she could think of. She all but pushed herself onto him, fingers curling into his t-shirt. At some point the motion set them off balance and the kiss ended just as Niall gripped her hips to save from falling off the futon. 
“Easy,” Niall murmured, lips spreading into a smile. 
Stella felt herself begin to smile as she straddled him properly. And that was the Stella he loved to see, shining eyes and flushed cheeks, “there she is,” Niall murmured, pushing his fingers through her hair. “Stel, I missed your smile. I haven’t seen it in days.” 
It felt like she hadn’t smiled in days either, but there she was, cheeks beginning to ache. Niall’s hands slid over her bum, pulling her closer, impossibly so. He kissed her again, far too innocent for someone that had a hold of her so tightly. Niall had a way of getting Stella to take the lead. He’d give her the very least until she had no choice but to kiss him fervently, fingers tugging at his hair until he groaned against her lips. 
Stella found herself to be a little too good at taking control of him. The desire pooled in her belly as they kissed until the ache between her legs became too much and she had to pull away, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, “easy,” she said as if this whole thing wasn’t her doing. 
“I’m trying,” Niall breathed, fingers sliding under her shirt to press against her back. “Unfair when you pull my hair. I think you do it on purpose.” 
Stella gave him a smile, her best innocent smile. Who would believe that of Stella? Probably only Niall. He was eager to keep that secret for her, though. 
taglist: @niallsguitarsthings​ @exoticniall​ @jadore-lamer​ @nannav47​ @coconutdawn​ @stayclose-holdsteady​ @my0nly-remedy​
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n3rdybird · 4 years
The Serpent Ch 1
Written for @tilltheendwilliwrite​‘s 7.7k Celebration/Covid Sucks Challenge.  My prompt was this image.
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Not gonna lie, this got away from me a bit, and looks like it might flesh out into several chapters.  Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Blood/Battle/Curse words
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The singing of swords echoed through the trees. Ivar and his men mowed down English soldiers with relish, screaming their victory. Ivar, atop his chariot, pounded his axe against the woodside, eager for more. The wood bridge was no-man’s land as both sides rushed each other, dying over the water. Ivar urged his horse forward, his blood pounding with every Englishman slain. Out of nowhere, a sword caught his arm, causing his grip on his horse's reins to falter. The horse panicked, causing the cart to careen sideways on the rickety bridge. The chariot slammed into the side of the bridge, sending Ivar over the edge. He had but a moment to see the clouded sky overhead, before falling into the churning river.
The calm quiet of the glade was an illusion. The plush green moss underfoot, the soft rushing of the river, the clear blue sky. By all accounts, it was a peaceful day. But the muddied red river and corpses along the banks betrayed that notion.
 A lone figure picked through the woods, a piebald horse trailing after her a few paces behind. She laughed as the horse would pause to chomp at the occasional green leaf. The horse would toss his head, annoyed, when she would urge him forward with a click of her tongue. He would take his revenge by nibbling at her chestnut brown hair in defiance. Legs encased in sturdy leather leggings, her torso covered by a thick band topped with animal fur. Her boots were soft and pliant; she didn't make a sound as she scanned the grounds for various plants.
 She paused when coming upon the bloody scene. She hitched her herb basket higher up on her back before squatting to inspect the closest body. The chain mail and metalwork of his armor pointed to a soldier of Lord Aldrich. She curled her lip in distaste; she had run-ins with his men before. Her family was not welcome to the ‘civilized’ English. She scavenged his corpse, searching for anything of use. When she found nothing, she moved on to the next. The leather armor was similar to what her people wore but thicker and heavy with metal studs. These men were not her kin, nor Alrich’s. They were someone new.
 While towns did not appeal to her, they were a great source of news. She heard the whispers of the elders, as they discussed the possible allies or enemies. Northmen, they were called. The heathen monsters from across the sea; known for pillaging, killing, wearing their enemies blood like warpaint. Something most parents would tell children to frighten them to stay close to home. Much like the tales that surrounded her kin. But this scene proved they were human and bled, like all men.
 She made her way to each of the bodies, picking over each one. She found very little, refusing to take any of the adornments of the unknown warriors. If they were fighting with her clan’s enemies, they deserved the courtesy of not being picked over like carrion. She found a dagger tucked into a waterlogged belt. It was well made and would be easy for her to wield. She stood and brushed off her knees, not wanting to linger when a groan caught her attention. Brandishing the purloined knife, her eyes darted around to find the source.
 As the groan reverberated again, she pinpointed its source to a fallen log. The enormous oak was half-submerged under the river. The tree's limbs acted like a sieve to catch anything in the river’s current. Wedged in the branches was a body. Curiosity winning out against sense, the woman wadded into the water, following the sound. She tossed the debris aside, revealing a young man, pale but breathing. He had blood clotting at his temple and a nasty gash on his shoulder. He wasn’t one of Aldrich’s men that was certain. His braided hair was decorated with beadwork and his armor matching that of the Northmen. She kneeled, the cold water lapping at her thighs, and reached out to trace his brow. He was young, no wrinkles but a few silvery white scars spaced apart on his skin, most likely from battle. He was a handsome sort, and no doubt a person of importance, if his stylized armor was to go by. She was so focused on her appraisal that she didn’t see him move until it was too late.
 Pain shot up her arm, her wrist held in a bruising grip.
 “Hvem er du?” his voice growled out. 
 Although his language was unfamiliar, his gravel-toned voice made her shudder. His forceful tone and his grip were intimidating, but the bright blue eyes staring drew her in. Steeling herself, she wrenched her wrist away and reached for the dagger at her waist. The warrior was quicker and had her dagger against her throat in a flash.
 “Hvem er du!” he yelled, the blade demanding against her skin. He trembled and blinked, his eyes unfocusing. He was weak and close to falling unconscious again.
 She leaned into the blade, the metal cutting her flesh. He stared at the blood trickling down her next, before bringing his piercing blue eyes back to hers.
 “Elda,” she introduced, taking the knife from his weakening grip and putting his hand on her chest.
 “Ivar,” he mumbled before his head lolled forward. Elda stood up, tucking the knife back into her waistband. He was strong, that was certain. And if half of his men were as strong as he, perhaps her family’s future would not be so bleak. Decision made, she whistled, and her horse plodded closer, whinnying at his owner.
 “Come closer Paega, you coward. I’m not carrying this man back to the hut alone.” He tossed his mane and snorted.
 “Fine,” she huffed, hefting Ivar as well as she was able. He was heavier than she expected, his upper body strong under his leathers. She clicked her tongue at her horse, and he kneeled, allowing Elda to drape the man over his back. Paega straightened up, dancing a bit in place to get used to the weight on his back.
 “Come on now boy, let’s get back home.”
 The trek back to her camp took Elda longer than anticipated. While Paega had a smooth gait, picking through the woods caused the rouncey to stumble at times. She tried to take it slow so as to not aggravate the Northman’s injuries. She would be disappointed if he died after the trouble of getting him out of the river.
 Elda crested a hill and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of her camp. The wood and thatched roof were modest, but it was hers. The small hut was nestled in a glade surrounded by rocky outcroppings. It had some supplies and a lean-to barn for Paega. The hut itself was sparse, a single room with only one wall. But it was enough for her when she was away from home and needed a safe refuge.
 The young woman was able to get Ivar inside with some effort, with Paega all but dumping the Northman onto the wood. After his victorious delivery, the chestnut horse busied himself with a bucket of hay.
 The brunette stretched, her back sore from hauling the unconscious man across her threshold. For now, Ivar lay on a bedroll fashioned from furs. Elda collected supplies, herbs, and clean linen dressings and a bowl of water. She arranged them next to the bedroll. The next step would be to undress him. Elda knelt next to his prone form, her fingers attempting to undo all the buckles and straps. She eyed the strange metal skeleton encasing his legs but passed on trying to figure it out. His shoulder was the priority. Each layer she set aside until skin slick with blood revealed itself.
 Ivar wasn’t the first man or boy she’d seen shirtless. Her skills as a healer had her seeing many people at stages of undress. Ivar was no boy. His upper body was all sinewy muscles and scattered scars. Elda allowed herself a moment to gaze at the ink adorning his shoulders, wondering what deeds he had completed to earn them or if he had more. Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the gash on his arm. It spanned his bicep to his shoulder, deep, but not fatal. The blood loss combined with the cold water of the river led to his current state. She cleaned the wound, first with water to wash away any dirt, and then again with an herbal rinse. If it was painful, only the slightest twitch from her charge betrayed that. Needle and thread in hand, she closed the angry wound with even, small stitches. It would scar, but what was another in his already impressive collection. Ivar grunted in his delirium and opened his eyes.
 He panicked sluggishly, attempting to push Elda away.
 “Stop Ivar,” she chided, pushing his arm back down with a firm hand. Even in his state, he was almost strong enough to toss her aside. Elda braced his head and brought an earthenware bowl to his lips, water for his parched mouth. He slurped at the bowl, causing him to cough when he took too much. She pulled the bowl from his mouth, even though he groaned in disappointment.
 A poultice was next, fresh cloth steeped in warm water and herbs. Goldenrod to stop the bleeding. Garlic to prevent infection. Feverfew to keep him from falling to fever. With the remedy placed on his arm, and then wrapped tight, Elda turned her trained eyes on the rest of him. The gash on his temple was superficial but she cleaned and treated it nonetheless. Ivar watched her through half-lidded eyes, not trusting Elda. She didn’t see any more wounds aside from a few scrapes and bruises on his top half, so she reached for his legs.
 “No!” he half roared/half slurred, sitting up to push her hands away. Elda jerked at his outburst, knocking over her bowl. The bloody water splashed across the wood, soaking into the furs. She cursed and stood up.
 “Ungrateful ass!” Elda couldn’t help the irritation coloring her tone. She gathered her supplies as Ivar groaned, clutching his shoulder.
 “Lay still, else you will undo all of my hard work. And I refuse to stitch you up again,” she said, pushing the stubborn warrior back down. He grunted but allowed Elda to arrange the bedding.
 Within moments, Ivar seemed to either fall asleep or unconscious. To be fair, she normally wouldn’t care, he wasn't one of her people. But the elders had a vested interest in the Northmen. After all, the enemy of their enemy is their friend. Or at least their potential ally. She stood and walked to Paega who had finished his meal and nibbled at her pants looking for more.
 She laughed, feeling some of the tension leave her shoulders. Paega was a gift from her father when he realized he couldn't stop her wandering. A sure-footed horse to help her escape should she run into trouble. Over the years, Paega had become her constant companion, seeming to know what she was feeling.
 “Is this a foolish idea sweet boy?” she asked the horse, who nickered in response. Elda stroked his nose, the velvety skin of his nose soft against her hands.
 Now all she had to do was get her charge to Valkwind without running into Lord Alrich’s men. Or any Northmen who might take offense to her holding one of their own. She could only hope that he would be less combative once the fog of battle waned.
 Ivar awoke with a start and immediately reached for his weapon, which was not at his side. He was without a shirt and winced when his shoulder pulled. He touched the bandages wrapped around his arm, sniffing the herbal scent wafted from it. The wound was stiff, but not burning with infection. The hovel he was in was little more than a lean-to with a single wall and a raised wooden floor of rough-hewn wood. There were few supplies stashed in boxes or hanging from the roof.
 His legs seemed a bit sore, but that was common. However, his leg braces showed damage. He didn’t remember much after catching the blow to his arm, but he remembered falling into the water. The metal was bent in a few places, snapped in others. Ivar cursed under his breath. He wasn't sure if they would hold if he stood, or if they'd crumble under his weight.
 A movement to his left drew his attention, and he saw a brown and white horse nosing at some of the hanging herbs.
 “Paega!” a feminine voice scolded the horse. A young woman with a pheasant in one hand and a bow around her chest. The horse seemed immune to the chastisement and took a leaf in defiance. The woman grumbled something in a language Ivar didn’t understand but patted the horse's neck. Ivar followed her every move, watching for any sign of aggression. His hands flexed, wishing he had a weapon in his grasp.
 “This north man believes me to be an enemy. Surely he’s noticed I have bandaged his wounds,” she said to the horse, turning her gaze to Ivar. While she was speaking English, her accent betrayed the fact it wasn't her first language.
 “Who are you?” he asked. The woman tilted her head at his use of English and smiled.
 “I am sure that I answered that yesterday, Ivar,” she said, with mirth in her eyes. He frowned at her flippant attitude. Did she know who she was addressing?
 “To remind you, my name is Elda,” she introduced with a little bow. Ivar bristled.  Was she mocking him?
 “Where are my men? Where am I?”
 “The alive ones, I do not know. The dead ones, several leagues to the south. It is where I found you, after all. Half-dead. Gratitude would be appropriate,” Elda said with a nod to his shoulder. She took a seat at the edge of the hut and began plucking the feathers with efficient movements. Instead of thanking her, Ivar huffed and reached for his shirt. He twisted his body to reach it and did not see her eyes widen at the design inked on his back.
 “You will take me back to my camp,” he ordered, pulling the shirt over his head with a wince.
 “I will not,” she retorted, continuing her plucking. “I do not know where your camp is located, nor do I wish to run into Aldrich’s men.”
 At the mention of his enemy, Ivar studied the woman. She didn’t seem like the typical English woman. No long swishing skirts, her hair wasn't coiffed but pulled into a loose braid. He admired the way her leather leggings clung to her hips. Elda reminded him of a shield maiden of his people, but less refined. She wore no gold adornments, her few pieces of jewelry made of polished stones or carved bone.
 “Aldrich is lord of these lands, yet you speak his name with contempt,” he said, zeroing in on the knife at her hip. If he could get it away from her, he could make his way back to his men. He did not relish losing his command to his brothers.
 “Lord of these lands, pah,” she said with disgust. “My people have been here for generations, long before Lord Aldrich deemed it his.” She pulled the last stubborn feathers out with a vicious yank and set the bird down.
 “And who are your people?” he asked with veiled interest.
 She looked amused at the question.
 “My people? If you were to ask our enemies, we are the uncivilized heathens who spurn their ‘God’, commune with nature spirits, and snatch their children to drink their blood.”
 At this Ivar grinned. Such stories were familiar, after all his reputation was similar.
 “Is there truth to the stories?”
 Elda smiled and pulled her knife out of its sheath. She tapped the knife against the pheasant.
 “We don’t drink children’s blood. Why waste the whole child?”
 Ivar laughed at her jape.
 Elda methodically slid the knife through the bird's flesh, pulling the meat from the bones. Ivar had to admit, her knife skills were impressive. He could only imagine what she could do against her enemies, slicing through skin with deft precision.
 She finished butchering the bird and set the knife aside. She stood up and made her way to the small cookfire outside the hut. While Elda focused on skewering the meat to cook, Ivar palmed the knife, tucking it under his sleeve. He couldn’t believe the foolishness of the woman. She had no idea who she was dealing with and her ignorance would be her downfall.
 While she tended to the cookfire, Ivar formulated a plan. He would catch her off guard, and demand she take him back to the battlefield under threat of death. From there, he would be able to find his way back to his camp. He’d take her as a thrall. She had skills as a healer, and she was striking to look at. His brothers would be jealous of his captive.
 Elda’s voice cut into his thoughts.
 “Are you planning to use that knife before or after I finish cooking? I would ask that you wait until after I've eaten.”
 Ivar looked up to see Elda watching him with a knowing grin. He bristled, angry at himself for being caught and for the smug look on her face.
 “You could have killed me the moment my back was turned, yet you did not move from the bedroll. So you are waiting. For what I wonder?”
 She stood up, brushing dirt off her knees.
 “For me to come closer? You would not let me check your legs for injuries. Perhaps you are injured.” Elda watched Ivar for any reaction to her questions. His strange leg armor wasn’t anything she’d seen before.
 “Well, Northman? Are you going to kill me? Steal my horse? Somehow find your way back to your men? Without running into Aldrich’s?” she asked, before holding a skewer just out of Ivar’s reach.
 “Or you can eat, ride with me to my family, and have an ally in these lands?” She approached him and straddled his legs, kneeling on either side of his hips. Her thighs brushed his, as she kept her weight off him. She was so close, that he could drive the knife into her neck with ease. Fearless, he had to give it to her. This woman had more balls than most of his men.
 Ivar clamped down on the irritation that was bubbling up at the gall of the woman. While he did not take orders from anyone, she had a point. This land was unknown to him and he was without the support of his men. It riled him to be exposed like this, armed only with the pilfered knife. And that self-satisfied smile. She knew she was his best option. Even if he did kill her, he wasn’t sure if he could even get on her horse, let alone ride it to find his camp. For now, it would be in his best interest to at least follow the strange woman’s lead. He could always kill her later if he so chose.
 He spun the knife in his hand before tucking it into her belt. He ran his hand along her waist to her arm. His hand circled her wrist and he could feel her heartbeat through her pale skin. It was quick and that fact excited him. Yet as calm she seemed on the surface, she was still nervous. Ivar brought her hand up to his face and took a bite out of the skewered meat. The meat tore easily and juices ran down his chin.
 “How far is it to your family’s land?”
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sapphic-futurist · 4 years
Angst Fill: Avalon Protocol for @stevetonygames​
Extras: Soulmates, Voyeurism, Stark Men are Made of Iron, Please Tell Me Nobody Kissed Me Warnings: MCD ----
“Iron Man, we need you down here,” Steve’s voice is barely audible to his ears over the roar of the battle, but the comms would pick it up. Tony is high above him in the sky, repulsors chopping through hoards of the alien invaders as easily as he’d slice through a ream of paper.
He’s taken a bad hit a few minutes ago, and for a long moment Steve had held his breath, feeling the sear of pain up his forearm. Underneath his gloves, the soulmark on his left wrist was on fire, a beacon of warning that his soulmate was injured. Tony hadn’t responded to the teams increasingly panicked pleas for confirmation that he was still alive and well, but Steve had breathed a sigh of relief when Tony had rocketed back up into the air and shaken it off. Some minor suit damage, Steve hopes, because though Tony wasn’t able to respond he appeared to be able to pick up what was coming across the comms. Just as requested, Iron Man is blasting towards him, and as seamless as they’d done it months ago in New York, Tony fires his repulsor beam at Steve’s shield and an arc of heat and light sliced through the aliens threatening to overtake Natasha and Clint, fighting back to back a few feet away. “Hey, are you alright?” Steve panted out a breath, eyes roving over the armour. The chest piece was glowing bright, and though there was a massive concave dented into the back of the suit, it didn’t appear to impair Tony’s ability to fly or fight. Tony didn’t respond, the eyes of the Iron Man suit glowing back at him as Tony dodged past Steve and blasted another alien dropping from the sky. “Are your comms down? Tony, hold on, just flip up the face plate for a second—“ “Stark men are made of iron,” Clint interrupts over the comms, “isn’t that what he’s always telling us? He’s fine, Cap, as long as he can hear us. At least we’ll get a break from the comedy special.” Steve snapped a sharp Clint across the comms but shot Tony a sheepish look. “You know I worry, Shellhead.” Tony remains silent, rocketing off into the sky again. The soulmark at Steve’s wrist flares again and a pocket of dread starts to fill in the bottom of Steve’s gut, curling and tightening with nervousness. He’ll be damned if Tony thinks he can skip out of medical after this is all over. If Steve doesn’t give him a once over himself, first. Steve switches to the private line, just for the two of them, racing up the street to where the Hulk is being overrun. Thor is in the sky overheard, Mjolnir flashing against the glint of the sun. They’re almost through. Victory is within reach and Steve can almost taste it. Thor’s got the portal closed; something to do with a malfunction in the bifrost and Steve couldn’t care less, as long as the aliens stop coming. “When we’re done here, I’m taking you home and we’re not leaving for two days,” Steve grunts into the comms as an alien catches him right in the belly, knocking the air from his lungs for a brief moment before it’s beheaded and Steve’s in motion again. “I don’t even know if I can wait that long sweetheart, I might just have to bend you over in front of the whole damned team.” Steve gets a flash from New York, with Tony’s wide, panicked eyes asking him, “please tell me nobody kissed me?” And Steve laughing, confirming that wasn’t the case and then remedying the error after they’d eaten their fill of shawarma. “You’d love that though, wouldn’t you? You’d want them to watch, just so they all know you belong to me. Invite them into our damned bedroom if you could, just so they’d all see, hm?” Steve smiles to himself and the silence that greets him, knowing full well that Tony’s both a sucker for Steve talking filth to him at inopportune times, and his little fantasies of the rest of the team having to watch. Steve... wasn’t quite sure voyeurism was his kink, but it didn’t hurt, playing into Tony’s secret desires with the fight all but over, and an endless stretch of time before them to settle up on said promises later on. As he watches Tony sail through an intricate maneuver of dips and weaves, decimating the airborne aliens above, Steve focuses in on the last remaining squadrons on the ground. In moments that feel like hours, exhausting creeping into his bones, Steve picks them off one by one. Eventually, the fighting stops and the team starts to trickle out from the surrounding blocks, falling into a circle around Steve. “Tony, meet us at the top of Main,” Steve made a sweeping gesture north and watched as Tony blasted forward. Steve scratches at his wrist, the burn licking halfway up his arm. Medical would be on standby and Tony would be looked at first this way. By the time Steve makes it to the makeshift medical tent, it starts to dawn on him that something is wrong. Tony is bent over in a half crouch in the concrete, head bowed down the eyes of the suit signal he’s powered it down. “Tony?” Steve approaches with caution, dread racing down his spine. “Is everything okay? Pop the helmet for me, let’s get you over to medical.” Tony doesn’t move, and the Iron Man suit is unresponsive. “Tony?” Bruce says softly from behind Steve’s shoulder. “Captain,” JARVIS’ lilt is emotionless as he speaks through the helmet, “I regret to inform you that the Avalon Protocol was activated at 16:47 after Sir sustained a significant trauma to the spinal cord. Now that the battle is complete, the protocol will remain active until further arrangements can be made.” “Avalon Protocol?” Natasha asks, already at Steve’s elbow with a hand on his shoulder. “JARVIS? What exactly is the Avalon Protocol? He’s okay, right? He’s unconscious or something? Release the suit I’ll get him to medical.” The suit doesn’t open and there’s a long moment before JARVIS speaks again. Steve knows the exact moment when he steps out of his own body and starts to drift away, numb. “Sir has died, Captain. The Avalon Protocol was established in the event of death during a global catastrophe. It would allow me to take over and pilot the Iron Man suit until the fight had ended, so the team would not be left empty-handed. The battle is complete and thus the protocol remains actively only so far as to allow me to transport Sir to his next location. I am terribly sorry for your loss.” One minute Steve is standing beside Natasha and the next, he’s under water. There’s water in his lungs and he’s drowning. He can’t breathe, he can’t think, and JARVIS is here telling him that Tony is dead when he was just—when Tony was just— Steve doubles over from where he’s collapsed to his knees and retches onto the pavement. Natasha’s trying to wrap an arm around his shoulders but he’s shoving her off, not hearing what she’s saying. What does it matter? What could she possibly have to say to him now? Steve crawls forward, ignoring the refuse that tracks onto his uniform and gets his hands under the chin of the helmet, yanking hard despite the shouts of protest behind him. Tears blur across his vision and he’s near blind when he sees—oh god, Tony. Tony’s face is pale and streaked with blood, head limp against the back of the suit where it cradles him so gently amidst the sheer violence. His eyes are open, staring unfixed beyond Steve’s shoulder so he reaches over with shaking fingers and gently shuts them, trailing down to run his thumb across Tony’s mouth. His beautiful, perfect mouth. A mouth that’s never going to smile or laugh or kiss Steve ever again. “But, you said—“ Steve breaks off with a sob, yanking at his gloves to get his hands on Tony’s face, just one last time before they start pulling him away. His eyes catch on his left wrist, where at some point the burning has stopped and been replaced with... nothing. There’s no sensation, there’s no explosion of red and gold, the firework that once adorned his skin. There’s nothing, because there’s no Tony anymore. Steve’s soulmark is gone. Steve’s soulmate is gone. Too many hands are on him prying him away and he’s just trying to get Tony into his arms. Why can’t they leave him alone? Why won’t the person screaming just shut up. Steve realizes the screaming is him. So, he thinks wildly, this is hysteria.
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Hi for the damie fic requests one where Dani gets turned into a vampire by Viola maybe Iola gets obsessed with Dani for example and Dani and Jamie have to cope with Dani’s new nature.
It happened late one October night.
Dani stayed past her typical bedtime, bonding with her coworkers around the fire. Swapping war stories and heart felt memories as the hours ticked by. Using the night time chill as an excuse to sit closer to Jamie. Nestled against her warm body. Head resting on Jamie’s shoulder while her free hand wandered along the small of her back.
The perfect remedy for a long, exhausting day wrangling two young children.
She lingered behind, hours after Hannah had retired into the house and Jamie and Owen drove home. Cleaning up the abandoned wine bottles and watching the dying embers dance until the fizzle out. Content in the dark, allowing the pleasant undercurrent of the last few hours to fully sink in.
Reflecting on her decision to come here. To leave her former life behind and set up home in Bly. It was the right thing to do, she decided, taking one last celebratory sip of wine and draining the last bottle dry.
The crack of a twig crunching underfoot disturbs the comfortable silence sending a powerful chill along her spine. Dani’s eyes snap from the fire pit towards the sound, spotting a lone figure in the field not ten yards from her. Flowing white dress, worn, tattered, and a little muddy around the hems. The woman glowed. Illuminated from the moonlight, giving her an ethereal aura that suited her pale skin. In the darkness, Dani felt her intense brown eyes fixating on her. Boring into her soul.
That’s the name she goes by. Calling Bly her home. Has been for many years.
Dani found it comforting, for a little while at least. Definitely while she was entranced by this mysterious woman. She couldn’t help it. Her voice soft as velvet, leaving Dani hanging on every word, salivating for more. Drawn closer to her with each word spoken, gravitating towards the enticing stranger like a comet pulled into a mighty planet’s orbit. Headed on a one way collision course.
In hind sight, what came next was… inevitable.
The glimmer emanating off of her polished teeth telling. Twin fangs stark among her devilish grin as she craned her neck an even bigger red flag.
Dani should have run away. That’s the natural instinct when one’s life is in danger.
But she doesn’t…
Sharp pain followed by a woozy feeling comes next as Viola sinks her teeth into the delicate flesh along her neck. Taking her sweet time draining every drop of her life’s blood. Knees unsteady the closer Dani gets to the brink of death. After a few seconds, her energy is zapped completely and she collapses into Viola’s strong arms mere seconds before losing consciousness.
By some miracle, she rouses in the confines of her bedroom an hour before dawn. Smelling the approaching sun rise, somehow. Completely disoriented, head pounding behind heavy eyelids.
Reality doesn’t settle in until dawn arrives.
The soft golden rays peeking through the blinds brightens the room to an offending degree. Her headache intensifies threatening to split her skull in two. She slinks into the shadows, safely shutting the blinds. Breathing a sigh of relief when she is once again enveloped in darkness and the throbbing in her head subsides.
She wanders into the bathroom and splashes water on her face. Yelping in surprise when there is no reflection to greet her in the bathroom mirror above the sink.
Unfortunately, things only got weirder from there.
The smell of food coming from the kitchen turns her stomach sour. A first since moving to Bly. Usually, the heavenly aroma from Owen’s fabulous cooking leaves her mouth watering and not desperately suppressing the urge to retch. As if that wasn’t odd enough, she nearly pricks her own tongue on her incisors which apparently forged into daggers overnight.
It took a solid ten minutes after that for Dani to put it all together.
She was a creature of the night now. Undead with pointy fangs and allergic to sunlight.
More specifically, she was a vampire, like Viola.
It happened and there was nothing she could do to change it now. She would just have to deal with the lack of sunshine that use to warm her skin and make her happy. Accepts she will never lay eyes on her own features again, and live- exist with all the consequences of her new reality.
Especially, the hunger.
Insatiable. Constant. Overwhelming.
It’s the one aspect Dani got the sense she would never get used to.
Killing humans to keep herself going was not in her nature. Human or vampire. The guilt in the premeditative state alone was enough to cripple her. Left alone with these thoughts was too much to bear. So, naturally, she confided in the one person she trusted most.
Sweet, wonderful Jamie. Who believed her right off the bat… well, almost. There was some convincing that involved a show and tell with the mirror to prove she had no reflection which prompted Jamie to dismount the mirror from the wall until she was thoroughly convinced it wasn’t a trick mirror. Followed by Dani sticking her hand in direct sunlight until her skin burst into flames… But after the demonstrations, Jamie was totally on board.
For the most part.
Jamie still flinched when their hands brushed. Startled by her icy skin, making Dani a tad self-conscious. She tried her best to remember to warm her hands over a roaring fire or the stove before linking hands with Jamie. Desperate to ease Jamie into this and make her feel comfortable.
Still, Dani sensed an undercurrent of unease beneath Jamie’s confident façade. One she knows Jamie is conscious of. It almost warms her unbeating heart to witness Jamie going out of her way to help her. Ever the sweet and devoted partner even in this bizarre situation.
Jamie went out of her way to guide Dani through her first hunt. They opted to try wildlife on the manor grounds first before resorting to humans. Small rodents and larger grazing animals mostly. The nourishment kept Dani sated for a time. Curbing the urge to devour the human residents of Bly, and Jamie by extension.
At least becoming a vampire left her strong will and morals intact. She savored the small victory that she was still Dani, the same Dani that Jamie fell for, deep down.
So, yeah Jamie was her savor in life and death. A living saint in so many ways, but warding off her instinct to bite Jamie, to taste her in a such a strongly tempting way, was only one persistent issue.
There was also Viola.
Dani could always feel her.
Watching. Waiting.
She wasn’t sure why, but Viola seemed hell bent on becoming a constant fixture in her afterlife. It was easy to ignore when she wasn’t visible, but that didn’t last very long.
After a few weeks Viola would just… appear. Often when Jamie was fast asleep or not around at all.
Viola just wanted to check in on her, or so she said. Dani didn’t mind, not entirely. There was an undeniable connection between them. Tangible and tethering.
A bond forged from Viola’s first bite, most likely.
Dani confided in Jamie about this too, after a time. When she felt it was safe to do. After Viola swore to everything holy and unholy that she wouldn’t harm a hair on Jamie’s head.
Yet another thing to cope with on the laundry list of oddities that came with being a vampire born from Bly.
Side note, thanks for the prompt anon! I was having crazy writer's block and this helped so much. I hope you enjoyed <3
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Can I request headcanons of Zenitsu’s girlfriend surprising him with a blowjob after he was tired from a mission?
Zenitsu Agatsuma
implied! nsfw
The door violently swung open, rattling the estate even from your shared room. The space in your futon laid empty and lacked its usual warmth. You mentally cursed your luck, forgetting how your lover, Zenitsu, had left for a mission. You were just as precautious as him and had your blade laid next to you. Desperately, you clenched the blade in your hands and wiped the sleep out of your eyes. With another shake of the room, you knew the door had been shut. With such force you wondered if the door had possibly been decimated.
“I’m home…” The familiar voice echoed longingly through the hallway. You released a heavy breath, hands shaking in relief. “I wonder if they’re awake….stupid mission.” He sounded irritated with the way his feet dragged across the wooden floors. Placing the blade back in its sheath, you walked over to open the door to the room. You were greeted by a disheveled and frustrated Zenitsu.
“I’m awake, welcome home.” You offered him your usual warm smile but he didn’t seem to return it. He usually acts like this after difficult missions and lately, he’d been sent on multiple in a row. Never arriving until ungodly hours or at the crack of dawn. Sometimes he’d come home crying into your arms about how annoying a mission had been or would fall asleep at the front entrance. Today though, he seemed angrier more than usual.
“(y/n)-chan,” He drawled our your name in a desperate coo, falling to his knees. “, I can’t do this anymore.” Zenitsu whined at the top of his lungs and desperately held your night wear. This was somewhat usual, the whining of his missions, but his clench on your clothes was similar to a death grip. It pained you to see him in such a state, you weren’t sure what you could possibly do.
“First, lets get you cleaned up and you can tell me all about it.” That’s what he loved about you most, the way you dealed with his childish nature better than anyone, even Tanjiro. It was like you were his miracle.
He dried his eyes and nodded his head as you took his hand in yours, guiding him to sit next to the futon. He began to unbutton his clothes as you walked to a cabinet filled with first aid products. This was a routine thing for you two now. You began to walk back over to him but couldn’t help the flush of heat creeping up your neck. He had some gashes littered over his bare chest and one over his stomach. It wasn’t unusual to see him shirtless, in fact you’d seen it quite often, but tonight felt different. The way his fists clenched over his knees, veins protruding, and the energy he emitted felt different.
You sat directly in front of him and examined, gawked, at his every gash. “And then you wouldn’t believe what happened next!” His yelling broke your slightly impure thinking, had he been talking this whole time?
“What happened, dear?”
Zenitsu continued to ramble on and on for what felt like hours. You wondered if he could feel the way you were slowly patching him up, letting your fingers trail. “It was beyond annoying! Tanjiro and Inosuke never came back for me either! I could kill them.” The end of his sentence caused you to slightly tense, his voice seemed to drop an octave you didn’t know he could reach. Honestly, it made a warmth pool over your entire being with how he huffed over your exposed neck.
Then, it dawned on you what would be the best remedy.
“Zenitsu, you really should let all that tension go.” Your words slurred as your hands trailed up his arms after tying the last bandage. Zenitsu seemed to physically move back from the chills that followed your fingers. Yet his anger didn’t teeter and his veins on his neck were still visible. “I’ll let that tension go by punching each of them in the face.” His voice began to shake, this time it shook from a different tension. He didn’t miss the way you traced every bandage down his chest. He couldn’t miss the way your eyes were cast downward the whole time he spoke, but he didn’t think much of it. “I’ll give them a piece of my mind.” This time his sentences became breathless over your hands meeting between his legs.
“(y/n)-c-chan!” He started to squirm a bit under you and stuttered your name out through gritted teeth. His anger had seemed to wash away and new emotions bloomed over his features. Embarrassment. Shock. Lust. His breathing became ragged as he anitcipated your every move. Zenitsu didn’t dare move, partly out of shock and excitement, as your hands and head moved dangerously close to his clothed region. His eyes nearly burst out of his head the way your breathing warmed his inner thighs.
“Let me relieve you, Zenitsu.”
edit: i just realized you said headcannons eye- i am so sorry, i can redo this if you want ):
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