#well it was more like. the name of the special abilities. yeah
t4tbedehopmar · 1 year
trying to remember those silly littol titles the neo champions had.......
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demonpiratehuntress · 5 months
Hii this might be an odd request. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like to write.
You know, straw hats have doctor, cook, swardsman, navigator,... Can you add another one who do mathematical, physics and chemistry stuff? If you can please make her a female.
She is not a genius. More like an average person. But she tries so hard. Sometime get lazy and unproductive too.
And if you can please make it a Ace x reader fic.
Thank you.
sure thing! :) it's not very long, because I don't know what else they can do in terms of those things, but i hope you still enjoy it! sorry for the wait!
taglist - @kabloswrld
someone's gotta do it
Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader
summary - the ask above
warnings - none
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The Straw Hat crew wasn't very big, but it was certainly diverse. You guys had everything ranging from a navigator to a musician, so there were a lot of areas of expertise that were covered. All except for three, you supposed, which was constantly the downfall of the crew in certain situations.
A mathematician was needed, a chemist was needed and a physicist was needed.
You weren't exactly an expert in any of those areas, but you were doing your best to try and make up for those losses. You were doing your best to fill in those roles where absolutely necessary, so it wouldn't cost the crew as much anymore.
You had lots of duties to fill in these areas. You studied the log pose to determine exactly how it worked, marveling at the discovery of geomagnetism and excitedly explaining to the crew how it worked. This helped to better understand navigation in the Grand Line, and you felt useful providing that knowledge.
These duties also included setting a budget for the crew's spending on groceries and necessities, as you had to add up and subtract things you needed and things you didn't. Sometimes it was a hassle, because Luffy kept trying to add things that you absolutely did not need or even want.
"But it looks cool!"
"Luffy! Do you know how far that'll set us back in terms of berries!" You cried in exasperation, knocking your captain on the head. Oh no, you were starting to sound like Nami.
Speaking of Nami, you could also help her with her charts and her navigation. With mathematics, you could assist in charting courses that you've been on, and calculate the exact speed and distance the Sunny would require to get to certain places or away from danger. It was quite useful for that, as you could also determine how long it would take to get to a certain destination. Well, to the best of your ability seeing as this was the Grand Line after all.
"She's new."
An unfamiliar voice met your ears when you stepped out of your room to find the others out on deck, surrounding an unfamiliar man. He looked a bit like Luffy, but with freckles on his cheeks and a cowboy hat on his head.
That and he was shirtless.
You tried your hardest not to stare, blushing madly as you immediately thought that this was a really attractive man. You didn't know who he was, but you were attracted to him.
"Our mathem-mathe-maps?" Luffy tried, unable to pronounce the word.
You giggled and stepped forward, holding out your hand, "I'm (Name), the newest member. I do all the mathematics, physics and chemistry around here. Or, at least, I try my best."
The man grinned and shook your hand, "Nice to meet you! I'm Ace, Luffy's brother."
Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped, "Luffy's...brother?!"
Ace didn't seem offended, instead he laughed at your reaction, "Yeah, we get that a lot." He got Luffy in a headlock and ruffled his hair. "It's always hard to believe this little idiot is my younger brother, since I'm so charming and intelligent."
You giggled at his words, then even more so when the crew all disagreed with the second trait he mentioned.
Ace stuck around for a few days, wanting to spend some time with his little brother now that Luffy was a bigshot pirate with a big bounty and a special crew. But instead of hanging at his brother's side, Ace was curious about you. He thought you were cute, so he tried to spend some time around you, and you fell victim to his charms and his flirting.
"So, whatcha working on?" The commander grinned, leaning against your desk as you wrote down a few formulas for different chemicals.
"Hmm?" You glanced up, then blushed and quickly looked down. "Oh, nothing. I was just trying to find out how different chemicals and substances react with each other, in case we ever come across some weird devil fruit power or a chemical environment."
"And? Anything interesting?" He prompted, still smiling.
You sighed and shook your head, "Nothing useful. I'm kind of getting bored and I don't really want to read more."
He laughed then, standing up straight and holding out his hand, "Then come with me. And you can tell me about navigation using the stars."
You blushed again but accepted his offer, taking his hand and following him out. The two of you lay on the grass and stared at the sky, as you explained how sailors could locate the positions of islands or navigate where they needed to go using certain constellations and stars. He listened intently, not usually interested in this stuff but eager to hear you talk. He liked your voice, and he thought it was refreshing to see someone talking animatedly about something other than treasure or the One Piece.
"That's interesting," he spoke when you were done, "My brother's lucky to have someone so smart on his crew."
"Oh I'm not that smart," you turned red and shook your head, "I just try, that's all. Most of the time I don't even do anything and I just lay and watch the sky. It's hard to be motivated sometimes."
He studied your face as you said this, then grinned again, "Well, everyone gets lazy and unproductive sometimes. The good thing is that you're trying."
His words reassured you, and you smiled at the thought that he was impressed by you. You glanced at him quickly, then looked back at the sky and felt your heartbeat quicken.
"Someone's gotta do it."
He laughed at that, and turned to face you, "I like you. You're a refreshing change of pace in the world of pirates. No one usually cares about what you do, so it's nice to see you care."
Your cheeks warmed up at that, "I just don't want it impacting my crew, that's all. Sometimes we get let down by not knowing this stuff. I just want to protect my crew from that."
"A noble cause," he agreed.
You snorted, "Since when is anything pirates do noble?"
And the two of you laughed and joked around there under the star-filled sky, and suddenly you didn't feel so ridiculous about wanting to specialise in those topics that pirates generally never used.
Maybe you could also do it for you.
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a/n - so, um, i dont even know if i got this right so im SO sorry if i didn't! i wasn't really sure how to go about it, so im really really sorry if it's disappointing. i tried, though!
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batwritings · 5 months
Words of Affirmation
I saw a tiktok from someone named ColonelCakez as König and their caption read how to some, König is a character in a video game. But to them and many others, he's a comfort. I got to thinking about my own mental state, how down I've been about recent events in my personal life and how I'd love to hear comforting words from these characters that hold such a special place to me and many more. So here are a few words from CoD characters that you may need to hear. I may do one for Obey Me and even the DSMP if people want it. :) Please remember how special and loved you really are. Enjoy!
Simon "Ghost" Riley "Are you going to spend all your time moping or are you going to do something about it?" You look up to Ghost who slowly sits on the steps beside you, his more casual mask loose on his face. "I...don't know how," you mumble, watching the rain fall to the ground. "But you know there's something you can do. Pick a spot, the easiest spot, and start there."
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish "Easy mate, take a breather," Soap tells you, both hands firm on your shoulders. "Now look at me. It's not all gonna get fixed right now. But it will. The world's not going to explode from a few mistakes. Take my word on that one aye?"
John Price "Quite bottling it up," Price's voice is soft, a fatherly hand on your head. "The more you bottle, the worse the aftermath will be. Let it out yeah?" He holds you firmly as you cry into his shoulder.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick "I know what it's like to feel like the world is falling around you, away from you," Gaz says quietly, sitting next to you in the barracks. "But only if you let it. You have the strength to break your fall and get back on your feet. I've seen you do it before, you can do it again."
König "You need to give yourself more credit meine liebe," König kneels in front of you, holding your hands with such tenderness. "You are doing the best you can with what life has handed you. Do not listen to their opinions; they don't know you. Put on your ear protection and keep doing your best."
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin "I know personally how hard it can be when you feel trapped, like the world is against you," Horangi's voice is warm and soft as he holds you against his chest. "But you have claws. You have the ability to fight back and take your life back. Fight for it."
Nikolai "Come now my friend," The pilot says with a knowing smile. "You have not failed. Only needed to stop for repairs. When life hits you and turns your perspective upside down, you need only turn it back around. It is not impossible, you've seen how I do it." He smacks his helicopter a few times, making you crack a smile.
Nikto "We know all too well what it is like to feel like you are alone, that you have nothing. That you are nothing," Nikto tells you, leaning in the doorway to your room. "Sometimes you have to learn that it's okay to trust others and let them in again. They aren't going to hurt you as badly as your mind is making you think."
Sebastian Krueger "Having people leave hurts, especially when it's outside our control," Krueger sighs, lifting the netting to take a drag from his cigarette. As he blows out a puff of smoke, he continues. "But forcing yourself into a life of isolation is worse. There will always be opportunities to patch the damage to your heart."
Philip Graves "Turn that frown upside down sunshine," Graves tells you with a pat on the back. "Neither of us are going anywhere till the job gets done. And trust me, it'll get done just fine."
Alejandro Vargas "Don't look so down cariño," Alejandro tips your chin up to look at him as he gives you his signature sharp-toothed grin. "Los Vaqueros have your back. You can rely on us; you're not alone."
Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra "Hey what's wrong amor?" Rudy questions, holding your face gently. "It's all going to be okay. We're going to figure things out one step at a time okay? You and me." He puts a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. "Promise."
Valeria Garza "Come on chiquito/a, let's get you up," Valeria helps you to your feet, brushing dirt and dust off your pants and shirt. "Try again yeah? You think I took the title of El Sin Nombre without falling off the bull a few times? You can do this."
Kate Laswell "Everyone makes mistakes, I'm certainly no exception," Laswell puts her hand on your shoulder. "I've seen you do this before, I know you can do it again. Go prove them wrong, take no prisoners."
Alex Keller "I've been through my fair share...and you see what happened because of that," Alex points to his prosthetic before standing and you watch it support his weight. "But that was only one part of who I am. I'm a hell of a lot more than that, and I know you are too."
Farah Karim "I know what it feels like to have the weight of the world on your shoulders, like everything is riding on your success," the resistance leader tells you. The rising sun paints her in an ethereal light as she smiles at you. "It is always important to remember who is in your corner, and who will turn their back on you when the war is over. Remember how to trust but not make yourself vulnerable. Guard, but don't push away those who would help you."
Keegan P. Russ "Choices are never easy, especially when you don't know the right ones to make," Keegan puts his mask back on as he approaches you, knocking his forehead into your oh so gently. "Whatever choice you make will be the right one for you kid. Don't second guess yourself so much, you know yourself and your situation better than that."
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somanyratsinthewalls · 8 months
Kinktober Special Part 2
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Mo’s Kinktober Special
The Crew’s Whore (Part 2) (+18)
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your power fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great skill. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy. 
Pairing: Franky x afab!reader
WC: 3100 I'm so sorry
TW: IS THIS A SAFE SPACE?!?! Banging a robot, alcohol consumption oral sex (m receiving), vaginal sex, crying, forced orgasm? face shot, heavy use of pet names, cringe, his body is a sex toy idk, cringe, so much cringe, please forgive me I love him, idc
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
Robo-boning uder the cut:
Chapter 2: The Cyborg
It was a breezy evening aboard the Sunny as you sipped from your wine glass while leaning forward against the railing of the deck. Sanji had once again prepared the crew a fantastic meal and you felt full and comfortable with the cool sea wind blowing through your hair. It was late, most of the crew had returned to their quarters. Zoro was up in his crows nest dojo having a late night workout, Franky had returned to his workshop to fiddle with some new cannon technology, Luffy was in a food coma and snoring loudly laid up against the mast, and even Sanji had finished dishes with Robin’s help and excused himself to bed. Robin was always so helpful with the dishes with her Devil Fruit powers and all. 
You were alone out here with only the sounds of the waves crashing against the hull and your captain’s aggressive snoring. You thought about how you missed your old life, but also how happy you were with the Straw Hats. You loved your job at the brothel and it certainly was less dangerous… but this new life? It was… exhilarating. You loved it. 
*I think I need something stronger* you thought to yourself…
You looked at your empty wine glass and walked into the galley for something more exciting. It was spotlessly clean and empty. You opened up the liquor cabinet and perused your options. Vodka, tequila, gin, rum.. hmm… 
*It’s a pirate’s life for me, I guess.* You giggled and grabbed the bottle of spiced rum off the shelf. You realized that taking it straight from the bottle was a little barbaric for a late night solo cocktail and went to the fridge for a mixer. Orange juice, mineral water, nothing suitable to mix with rum. You wracked your brain, what would go well with rum?  A lightbulb went off in your brain, there’s an obvious choice. Cola! 
Rum and cola went together like peanut butter and jelly, like pancakes and syrup, like tea and honey. Your mouth watered at the prospect of a tasty drink… You knew there wasn’t any cola in the kitchen, but you knew exactly where it was. You filled a glass from the cabinet with ice and held it in one hand and the bottle of rum in the other. You pushed past the swinging galley door towards the hallway that went to the center of the ship. You skipped down a flight of stairs until you reached a wooden door marked with blue cartoonish stars. Blue lettering adorned the top of the doorway reading ‘Franky House.’ 
*So nostalgic of him* you chuckled to yourself before knocking twice. 
“What’s up?” You hear Franky’s booming voice from the other side of the door. You opened the door and sidled in with your glass and bottle in hand. 
“Oh heyyy pretty thing, what are you doing up at this hour?” Franky turned on his stool next to his workbench to look at you. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” You smiled at him as you strode confidently towards the fridge you spotted in the corner of his room. “Fancied myself a rum and cola, figured you’d be the guy to call about finding a bottle of cola around here.” 
“Yeah babe! Mi cola es su cola!” He flashed you a winning smile before he turned back towards his work bench and continued fiddling with whatever gadget he was working on before your intrusion. You grabbed a bottle of brown syrupy liquid from the fridge and brought it over to him. You said nothing, just pointed the head of the bottle in his direction. He barely looked up as he reached his large hard out and popped the cap off of the bottle for you. You smiled. 
“Thanks, handsome.” 
You returned to the desk in the middle of the room where you had set your rum and glass, setting the cola down. You picked up the rum and poured a GENEROUS amount over the ice. You topped it off with the freshly popped cola and brought the glass to your lips. Holy shit you over did it with the rum but damn, that’s good. You took a few more sips and let out a big sigh. 
“Rough day, sweet cheeks?” Franky laughed after hearing your exasperated sigh. 
“Hmm.. I guess. Just feeling a bit nostalgic is all.”
Franky’s hands continued to manipulate the mechanical item on his work bench.
“Yeah I get it. It happened to all of us, ya have this whole life and then all of a sudden you’re a pirate. It’s super weird. You’ll get used to it, y/n, we all do. We can talk about it, if ya like.” He doesn’t turn around. He had always been so good at expressing his emotions, such a tender and kind soul. He knew how you felt, and wanted you to feel heard. 
*Such a sweet heart for a robot* you thought to yourself. But he wasn’t a robot, he was still a man. Sure, his body was more metal than flesh at this point, but it didn’t take away from what a gentle spirit he had. You started to wonder what other human instincts he had left… 
“Honestly Frank? I’m kind of trying not to think about it. What are you working on?” You walk over to his work bench and lean up next to him, against the table backwards, able to see the item on the table but facing his body. 
“Oh this? Nothing totally crazy, just something I was thinking about for my forearm cannon. You see this part here…” He was excitedly telling you about his work, clearly passionate about his science. You nod and give him “hmm”’s here and there. You pour another strong drink and bring it back over to Franky’s work bench. You set the glass in front of him.
“I can’t be the only one indulging tonight, right?” You say seductively as you slide the glass towards his massive chest. 
“Well little lady, I’m usually a cola purist, but I guess one drink won’t hurt.” Franky grabs the glass in his large hand and slams the drink in one gulp. He hisses out, not prepared for how strong you made the cocktail. 
“My god girl, you’re trying to get me drunk?!”
You laugh out loud and pour yourself another drink. 
“No no, just trying to get more comfortable!” You laugh again. “Now tell me more about this hydraulic, fusion combustion, thingy again…” 
You say this as you set yourself down on Franky’s wide lap, drink in hand. 
“Okay so if you can see this piece right here…” Franky continued explaining his latest project to you as you became distracted by his handsome features. He had a strong, chilled jaw, defined abs, incredible thighs and you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to his swim briefs. Was it still real? Did he have anything or was he like a doll?
You let your thoughts get the better of you and you set your glass down on the workbench. You slid to your knees in between Franky’s spread legs and let your head rest on his thigh. 
“WoAAhhh sweet thing, something else on your mind?” He dropped what he was working on and lifted his sunglasses onto his head as he looked down at you. He leaned back. You giggled up at him while stroking his crotch slowly. 
“mmmm yes. How could I not wonder? I’ve thought about it so much. Never had someone like you before…” You drew your face closer to the growing bulge in his swim briefs as you palm him. 
“Are you sure? How much do you want it? It might be too much for ya, doll face…” Franky puts his large palm on the side of your face, seemingly a bit concerned. 
“I want it. I can take it, please show me.” Your fingers worked at the hem of his tight black speedo before he helped you bring it down to his ankles. You pull them all the way off and return to your kneeled position between his legs. 
His cock was so gorgeous. It had to be real. It was so long, thinner than you’d like, but the length was truly impressive. The base was decorated with tufts of blue hair. 
“Is this good for ya, babe? Tell me what ya like and I can make it happen." Franky stroked your hair as you were staring at his cock from between his knees. 
“What?” You didn’t know what he was talking about. Was he that confident in his sexual abilities? You felt your cunt clench in anticipation. 
“No, this," He nods his head down at his erect cock. "I can make it anything you want. Too big?” You stared up at him with wide eyes. 
“Want bigger? Maybe you’re a little size queen?” Franky smirked at you with those last words. 
“No no,” You stuttered out. “Could you… could you maybe make it a little… thicker?” You were so embarrassed, you felt so silly asking for this man to change up his own cock for you. 
“Of course doll, if you want to be stretched out real good, who am I to deny you?” Franky smiled as he pressed his metal nose. 
You stared at his erect penis as it became girthier right before your eyes. 
“No way…” You gasped quietly to yourself. 
“Yes way baby! You really thought I would rebuild my own body and not give myself an incredible dick?” He grinned down at you between his legs. “Now… where were we?”
You felt his hand gently push the back of your head towards his newly engorged cock. You were snapped out of your stupor and grabbed the thick length with both hands and began to pump it slowly. 
“Perfect….” Franky cooed at you as you stroked him. 
You leaned forward and took his tip into your mouth. He groaned loudly. You knew he would be loud, he always is, why would now be any different?
You gradually took more and more of his cock into your mouth and bobbed your head up and down. With each pull backwards you slurped and dragged your tongue across the bulbous head of his dick. 
“Fuck, shit, just like that…” He tried so hard not to ram his hips into your face, knowing it would scare you off. His body was too strong. 
“Shit baby… You’re way too good at this… get up here and let me stuff you.” 
Once again your pussy squeezed around nothing, pushing out a drip of your arousal. Franky leaned down and grabbed your hips to pull you upward. 
In a moment you were on your back on Franky’s workbench, his projects swept to the the floor with one brush of his huge forearm. He was man handling your body to pull all your clothes off of you. You lay back down on the table, now fully bare in front of him.
“Franky, fuck me. Please. I want it.” 
He hovered over you, massive body eclipsing yours. 
“And you’re sure? I told you it might be too much… Once I start… well it can just be a lot for someone who isn't used to it.” Franky asked you for the last time, making sure you knew what you were getting into. 
“Yes, Frank. I’m so sure.” 
He pushed you down forcefully, but you protested by rising to your elbows and catching his lips in a wet kiss. He accepted your kiss and forced his tongue past your spit covered lips. You groaned at his dominance, such a change from how you were used to being with your other lovers. 
After making out for several moments, you whined a bit too loudly when he pinched at your nipple. 
“Okay okay needy girl, I’ll give you what you want now. But don’t say I didn’t warn you…” 
He pushes your thighs up with one hand as he lines his perfect cock up with your sopping hole with the other. He squeezes himself in slowly. 
“Holy FUCK, my GOD Franky…!” You shout out as he sinks balls deep inside of you, having you in a mating press with one hand due to his large stature. 
“Oh pretty lady, we haven’t even started.” He begin to pull out and shove himself back into your cunt, slick coating his cock more and more with each thrust. You slammed your eyes shut in pleasure, his dick was hitting all the perfect spots inside of you almost like it was made perfectly to fit your body… oh wait… it was. 
All of a sudden you felt a new sensation along with his heft length splitting you open. Was he… vibrating? Your neck snapped up and your eyes shot open to meet his above you. 
“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Had to add something for the ladies pleasure, right?”
“FRANKY!” Your body lurched forward and grabbed his biceps. You had never felt anything like this before. It’s like your body was lit up by electricity. The smooth drag of his vibrating cock against your g-spot was complete sensory overload. 
Franky chuckled. He continued railing into your tiny body, chasing his own pleasure, not worried that you’d reach yours. 
“Frank I’m going to-!” You yelped as your body tumbled over the edge in pleasure. It was the most intense orgasm you’ve ever experienced. Your spasming cunt pushed out your release all over your lovers abdomen and legs.
“Wow doll face, I never thought you’d be a squirter!” Franky laughed over you as he drilled his hips into yours further, not concerned about your recovery from your intense orgasm. Your body was limp in his hold now, not able to produce any sort of coherent phrase. 
“Franky wait, I feel like-Ah!“ 
You were cumming again. It was only a few moments after your last orgasm and your center was  squeezing and creaming on Franky’s thick robotic cock again. You had lost full control over your body, it was like nothing you’d ever experienced. You screamed. You had no idea what words you were trying to scream, but you screamed. 
“You like that, huh baby? How about one more for me? I think you can do it, right?” Tears streamed down your face as you laid on his workbench, boneless. Your cunt was throbbing in both pain and pleasure. You were being thrust into so forcefully that your body slid back and forth on the table, your breasts basically hitting you in the chin as they bounced so aggressively. 
“Mmmm.. Hmm. FUCK! Yes I can do it, I can take it!” You felt drunk on pleasure, barely able to keep your eyes focused. The sensations in your pussy were unlike anything you’d ever experienced. As your cyborg lover pounded into you at an impossible speed, you felt the familiar wave of pressure bubble up from your center, but this time far more intense than the others. 
“There it is baby, I can feel it, I knew you could do it for me sweet thing.” He coaxed you into tipping over the edge. Your back arched and you shrieked up at him. You vision went completely white for a moment as you felt your massive release splattering against Franky’s thighs and cock. Wet, sloppy noises filled the room as you felt your cunt start to tingle with numbness and overstimulation, 
“Can’t… it’s too much!”  You whine loudly at him as you make a feeble attempt to push at his abs, not entirely sure what you wanted yet. 
“That’s just fine doll face, I’ve got something else in mind anyway.” He flashes you a huge grin before grabbing you around your ribs and setting you down on your knees on the floor in front of him.
“Open wide, pretty lady!” He held your hair in a makeshift ponytail with one hand and stroked his massive cock in front of your face with the other. 
Obviously after 3 earth-shattering orgasms you were putty in his large hands. You stick your tongue out and look up at him. After seeing the makeup smeared on your face from spit and sweat and tears, there was no way he could hold back any longer. 
“Fuuuuuuuck…!” He groaned out as he painted your eager, wrecked face with simply so much cum. It dripped off your cheeks and your chin as you happily kept your mouth open for him. He finally finishes his release and taps his cock on your tongue, so you can taste the last bit. 
“Shit you look so super like this!” Franky beamed down at you covered in his thick cum. You grin back up at him, delirious from exhaustion, cum dribbling down your neck. “But I guess I can’t leave ya like that huh?” He grabbed a clean rag from a drawer in his workbench and started wiping his seed off your face, you were so exhausted your eyes fell closed and you held your head in his free hand. 
“Hold on hold on doll, I’m almost done then I’ll put ya to bed.” Franky finished cleaning your face and picked up up off your knees and set you down on his bed. He tucked you in and went to put back on the little clothing he had on in the first place. He moved towards the door of his room. 
“Well thanks for the break, little lady! I have a repair I need to finish up on the deck tonight, but you get some rest.” Franky says from over his shoulder on the way out to the rest of the ship. You close your eyes and relax your bruised and exhausted body into Franky’s mattress. 
"Hey, if you’re feeling up to it when I get back, we can have a round 2! You haven’t even seen half the super stuff I can do, I just went easy on you!” He shouted as he left the room with his toolbox and the door closed behind him. 
Your eyes snapped open.
a/n I again, am so sorry lol but Franky needs more love. Justice for Franky Fuckers.
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queer-reader-07 · 3 months
a love letter to trans romance
because i can't be normal about media and i'm making it y'all's problems
hi hello and welcome to my mildly unhinged ramblings about love and gender. this post comes to you in three sections, enjoy <3
t4t romance novels made me believe in love again
the first romance book i ever read was The Feeling of Falling in Love by Mason Deaver. TFOFIL is a t4t (trans for trans) romance that follows a teenage trans boy, Neil Kearney, and a figuring-out-their-gender teen, Wyatt Fowler, as they get themselves wrapped up in peak YA romcom shenaniganary and eventually fall in love. cute, right? just a fun little romcom, not much more to it?
yeah well that's what i thought going in, but coming out of that book i was in tears. tears because i'd never read a story about trans love before. tears because at that point in my life i'd never allowed myself to fully claim the word "trans." tears because Wyatt made me feel so seen and so real.
there's this one scene where Wyatt is talking to Neil and they describe themself as being the kind of person who sometimes wants to wear makeup and dresses, but other times they like their body hair and scruffy beard. and i just remember nodding along and then absolutely melting because Neil takes it in stride, he comforts Wyatt and let's them know that they don't need to have it figured out just yet. Neil makes it clear that he's there, and that Wyatt doesn't need to come out to anyone unless they're ready.
Mason Deaver has another t4t romance, Okay, Cupid. and that similarly had me in my feels because there is something so special about finding people who embrace you for all that you are.
every t4t romance I've read has one thing in common, the fact that the love interests do not love each despite the other's transness. their transness is not an obstacle to love or to attraction or to adoration, it is an object of it. their transness is something to be admired and to be loved and to be cared for. it is not something the other has to "get over."
reading The Feeling of Falling in Love was the first time i ever thought to myself "maybe, just maybe, i can call myself trans and still be loved." because up until that point i hadn't let myself accept that i was some flavor of trans. up until that point i'd said "not cis" without ever saying trans because i was so scared my being trans would make me unlovable. t4t romance books showed me how wrong i was. they showed me that my ability to be loved was not dependent on my girlhood.
ha you thought i could write something this long on tumblr and NOT mention good omens? think again bestie
i have held a trans reading of crowley since i read the book and the show only solidified it for me. crowley canonically plays with gender.
he's dressed femme during the crucifixion scene, his modern look is a mix of men's and women's pieces, his hair is a Whole Thing in and of itself. i could go on but i digress.
but it's not just the way he plays with gender that informs my trans reading of him. it's also how his character arc can very easily be read as an allegory for transness.
an angel who falls (a girl who isn't a girl anymore)
a fallen angel turned demon (a girl who is a boy now)
a demon who isn't really a demon anymore (a used to be girl, a thought to be boy, is now nonbinary)
girl = angel and boy = demon is entirely arbitrary in this please don't read into it
now, you may be thinking "A how in god's name does this apply to trans romance?" to which i say, aziraphale falls in love with every version of crowley. aziraphale beams heart eyes at angel!crowley before the beginning and loves crowley as a demon for millennia and is so deeply and unabashedly in love with crowley in his not-quite-demon form of s2.
aziraphale loves all the versions of crowley because crowley's angel or demon-ness (gender) is not the reason aziraphale loves crowley. aziraphale doesn't love crowley because he's a demon or because he used to be an angel, aziraphale loves crowley because it's crowley. crowley in whatever clothes he chooses to where, crowley with whatever hairstyle he's fancying at the moment, crowley as he inhabits the shades of grey just a little more.
to me, that is so easy to read as a trans love story. you could argue it's t4t depending on how you read aziraphale, but to me, it's at the very least a love story between a mostly-demon who gets down to some gender fuckery and an angel who loves him very much.
fuck it let's talk about fanfiction
i don't think i could make this post without mentioning @ineffabildaddy's fic I'm Beginning to See the Light.
i have a complicated relationship with my body. i don't plan to ever medically transition because i don't want to make any permanent changes to my body. but there are days where all i want is to have a flat chest and hips that are flush with the rest of my body but instead i'm stuck with tits and an hourglass figure cis people always seem to focus on.
i don't hate my body, but the idea that anyone could look at it and not just see A Woman is beyond me. i walk through life being perceived as a very feminine woman even on the days that i feel the most androgynous. the idea that a lover could look at my body and still see me for who i am feels like a dream that could never happen.
and IBTSTL slapped me (lovingly) across the face with the message that, actually, i can be loved as my whole self and that there are people out there who don't look at me and see A Woman and those people don't love me any less. IBTSTL made me feel safe in my trans body because it said "you are worthy of love and adoration because your transness is not something to get past it is something to admire. it is something to love."
i think the point i'm trying to make here is this: trans love stories are so special to me. they've been so vital in my own journey to love and accept myself. they're the reason i can imagine myself maybe having romantic love in the future.
representation matters, it can quite literally change your life.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Elita One's twin sister with SG Blackarachnia's personality reuniting with Optimus Prime
SFW, Angst, some hurt, some comfort, Cybertronian (Techno Organic) reader
part 1
While Buddy had made a name for herself amongst the Decepticons, the three Autobots who made it back to Cybertron took a different turn.
Optimus wracked with guilt, took the fall for the entire situation
He was stripped from the academy and placed on spacebridge repairs. Filled with guilt over loosing his best friend which was another factor in his ability to make decisions.
He would constantly play the scene over and over again in his mind think of all the ‘what if’s’ and ‘should haves’.
Elita One and Sentinel only continued on their training and made it to the Elite Guard.
Sentinel held much resentment and anger whenever Buddy was mentioned. He missed his friend dearly but his anger was placed squarely on Optimus and would remain until then.
Elita for some time was a hollow shell of the bot she used to be
She couldn’t stop thinking about her final moments with Buddy and her last actions.
Buddy’s last actions to save her twin.
Buddy chose her life over herself.
Elita eventually pushed down the feelings and began focusing on the Guard to cope with the loss.
Time skip of Team Prime being on Earth
Buddy knew of the existence of the Autobots on Earth. She knew well that Optimus was their leader. Despite a part of her being proud of her friend leading a team, and leading them well in battle, she didn’t want to see him. Maybe in the future, but now, she wasn’t ready to ‘face the music’ as the locals said.
Anyways she had other problems to worry about.
The makeshift med bay was running low on steel. With the number of injuries everyone was getting was running the reserves dry. So, it was time to go scavenging for more materials.
“Where are you going?”--Megatron
“A steel run. Nothing special my lord.”--Buddy
“I can send Lugnut or Blitzwing to get the steel. You don’t need to go out of the base. You’re needed here on base as our medic.”--Megatron
“Blitzwing is in the medbay and needs the steel along with everyone else on base. Without him, Lugnut is most likely to bring the steel in so many pieces they will look like rust. I’m useless here. I know a place where I can get enough steel to get in and out of there quickly.”--Buddy
“Do not say that.”--Megatron
“Don’t worry my Lord. It’s by the docks and should be fairly quick to get everything. Though I should probably stop saying tht it will be easy so I don’t jinx it—”--Buddy
“Not that. You called yourself useless. You are many things but useless is not one of them.”--Megatron
“… And what do you mean by that my Lord?”--Buddy
“I mean—”--Megatron
“Lord Megatron! Hothead started a fight with Lugnut—”--Starscream
“…”—Starscream, Megatron, and Buddy
“I believe that is my cue to leave. Good luck with the clean up!”--Buddy
Buddy made it to the docks and began digging around for any spare beams. She didn’t like dealing with humans too much and causing too much trouble. They have their own lives and troubles to worry about, they don’t need her on the list too.
“Finally! The last beam and I’m outta here!”--Buddy
Buddy looks down to see Sari standing there looking up at her.
“I just had to jinx it…”—Buddy
Sari didn’t know what to do.
She was just trick or treating with Bumblebee and Bulkhead when she heard some noise coming from one of the warehouses nearby and gave the guys a bit of a slip as she went ahead to investigate.
Sari and Buddy were just looking at each other for a bit.
“Umm… hello?”--Buddy
“What’s your name?”--Sari
“Oh? My name is Buddy. I know I look a little scary but, I’m not going to hurt you.”--Buddy
“Yeah, I can tell. You don’t look threatening or anything. Weird looking from the other Bots’ but definitely not scary.”--Sari
“Nope! Sure, some things look kind of weird but not scary. What are you doing with those steel beams? You’re not stealing them are you?”--Sari
“…In my defense I’m taking from the pile that ordered more than what they needed. I need them for my med kits.”--Buddy
“Oh! You should talk to Ratchet about those! Hey, You can come with me!”--Sari
“I’m sorry…”--Buddy
“I’m Sari.”--Sari
“Oh? Peculiar little name… it suites you.”--Buddy
“Thanks—you’re a Decepticon!?”--Sari
“Yes I am but—”--Buddy
“This night keeps getting better…”--Buddy
That was when Bumblebee and Bulkhead entered.
Buddy was immediately on edge sizing up her potential enemies. She really didn’t want to use her ‘gift’ if she didn’t need to.
Buddy tried explaining to the bots that she didn’t want to fight them.
But apparently, they did.
“Reach for the sky Decepticreep!”--Bumblebee
“Listen, I’m not here for a fight—”--Bulkhead
“To bad! This is for trying to hurt Sari!”--Bulkhead
“I didn’t even—WOAH!”--Buddy
“Bulkhead! Bumblebee!”--Sari
“Don’t worry Sari get Prime online and tell him we got a rouge Con.”--Bumblebee
“That’s my cue to leave. Bye Sari! See ya later boys!”--Buddy
“Oh no you don’t”--Bulkhead
Buddy dodged and ducked all of the boys attacks the best she could while handling the beams on her back. She was about to web herself away to the skylight when the big one, Bulkhead she thinks the name was, hit one of the support beams on the warehouse causing a huge chunk on the ceiling to fall straight onto Sari.
“SARI!”—Bumblebee and Bulkhead
Buddy webbing Sari and booking it.
“Hey! Let me go!”--Sari
“GET BACK HERE!”--Bulkhead
“This wasn’t the plan! This wasn’t the plan! This wasn’t the plan!”—Buddy
Now Buddy did plan on putting the human down as soon as she was out of the warehouse, but apparently the boys weren’t going to let Buddy stop. And there was no way that Buddy was going to let the little one down in a potentially dangerous area.
“Put Me Down!”--Sari
“You want me to put you down here midair over your cities busy streets?!”--Buddy
“Well not here, here.”--Sari
“When I see a safe spot I’ll drop you off so you can go on with your life, but right now your safest option is with me kid.”--Buddy
“Tell that to them! It looks like your kidnapping me!”--Sari
“I know it does kid! I know!”--Buddy
Buddy was swinging her way above the roofs of the giant buildings when she felt something huge force ram into her side causing her to tumble down on the roof below.
She made sure that Sari was tucked away safely so the fall would hurt her.
“You okay kid?”--Buddy
“Yeah… you’re pretty nice for a Con.”--Sari
“Servos where I can see them!”--Optimus
“Let the human go and get up slowly Decepticon.”--Optimus
There in all his glory was Optimus with his axe in his servos and wearing a determined look on his faceplate.
Slowly Buddy placed Sari down on the ground as she sent a sos message to any Con nearby to pick her up. Apparently, she stood up too quickly because the axe was coming closer and closer.
Buddy wanted to scream and yell that Optimus that it was her. She wanted to say something, anything, but her voice box didn’t seem to work too choked up with emotions that were buried and painful flashbacks.
She did her best to evade every strike which as it turned out not to be too hard. Optimus was always one to copy his fighting moves directly from the textbooks.
Sari did try to explain the situation to Prime but it didn’t help the way she phrased some of the things.
And the fact that he didn’t know who she was. To him, she was simply a weirdly colored Con that was stealing from a human business.
Then next thing Buddy knew she was on the ground with Optimus above her ready to strike, a strike to wound not kill, something Buddy was thankful for.
But that’s when Buddy’s voice box decided to work as a last effort way to stop him.
“Times up Decepticon!”--Optimus
“Optimus Stop!”--Buddy
The axe was a couple of inches from her when it stopped.
Optimus paused a bit, giving Buddy enough time to roll out of his grasp and putting some space between the two.
“How do you know my name?”--Optimus
“…I’d be a pretty crummy friend if I didn’t know my best friends name.”--Buddy
“Hey Prime.”--Buddy
“But how? You weren’t… your signal… we looked for you—”--Optimus
“Apparently you didn’t look hard enough Prime. Those spiders found me quicker than you three did. And now… and now that doesn’t matter anymore.”--Buddy
“We searched for you Buddy! The scans didn’t read anything—”--Optimus
“Prime drop it.”--Buddy
Wait, your part organic now—”--Optimus
“Optimus stop it.”--Buddy
“That’s why the scanners didn’t read that you were still there! We have to tell—”--Optimus
“We are not telling anyone about anything!”--Buddy
“What?! What about Sentinel? Do you think he doesn’t deserve the right to know what happened to you? What about Elit—”--Optimus
“I’m not heading to Cybertron so they can just dissect me on a cold lab table.”--Buddy
“We won’t let that happen Buddy. I won’t let that happen to you. I promise that.”--Optimus
“Don’t do that Prime.”--Buddy
“Don’t do what?”--Optimus
“Don’t make promises that you can’t keep.”--Buddy
“And what have you go back to the Decepticons?”--Optimus
Buddy needed to leave.
Buddy had never been more overjoyed to hear Lugnut’s engines than what she did at that moment. Before the Prime could ask any more questions Buddy swung her webs at the aircraft as it took her away from the roof tops below.
She climbed into the open back and closed it shut.
“How did the mission go? You pressed the sos for air support I assumed you found more steel—”--Lugnut
“Lugnut… Just… just get us back to the base…”--Buddy
“… Should I alert Lord Megatron of our arrival?”--Lugnut
“…Sure, Big guy. You do that.”—Buddy
When they arrived to the base Buddy still didn’t want to get out. She doesn’t want to face everyone else, not now.
Blitzwing is the one who carries Buddy out and goes to the medbay.
Starscream grabs the rest of the steel beams and heads to the medbay.
Lugnut transformed to get Megatron.
“Lord Megatron!”--Lugnut
“Yes Lugnut. Did Buddy return from the mission?”--Megatron
“Yes, a successful mission, but she did have a run in with some of the Autobots.”--Lugnut
“She what?”--Megatron
“She had a run in with some of the Autobots Lord Megatron—Lord Megatron?!”--Lugnut
Megatron hurrying to the medbay.
Blitzwing sets Buddy on the med slab and starts inspecting for any injuries as Starscream was complaining about putting the steel in its correct place.
“Boys, I’m fine.”--Buddy
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him.”--Starscream
“Icy, really this isn’t necessary. Anyways you’re the one who needs the patch job.”--Buddy
“Something clearly happened. You didn’t want to get out of Lugnut.”--Icy
“And that never happens!”--Hothead
“Were you playing peek-a-boo!”--Random
“Its just been a long day that’s all.”--Buddy
Enter Megatron
“Leave us.”—Megatron
Once everyone had left the room, Megatron sat down beside Buddy. A silence fell over them. After a bit, he asked what happened.
Buddy couldn’t hold it in. She told him almost everything that happened, Buddy still refused to give away the names of the Bots and Sari.
This irked him a bit, but at least Buddy was talking to him. He stayed next to Buddy as she told the rest of the story. Buddy tried hard to keep the coolant from spilling in front of Megatron. That was one of the last things she wanted to do.
They spilled when Megatron gently placed his servo on her shoulder and rubbed it softly. Megatron, the mighty Decepticon war lord, who had faced Death head on in the battlefield against all odds, held Buddy close to his chassis as she cried and trembled.
He promised to teach those who wronged his… friend? Whoever wronged Buddy a lesson. After all pain was a powerful teacher, and he intended on making them wise.
Meanwhile with Optimus.
Once he came back to the plant with Sari and Bumblebee and Bulkhead, he went straight to his room.
“What’s with Boss-bot?”--Bumblebee
“Don’t know?”--Bulkhead
“I think it has something to do with the new Con.”--Sari
He couldn’t believe it.
Buddy was alive!
Buddy was alive.
Buddy was a con.
A con…
And this was all his fault.
As soon as he’d get communication with Cybertron, he needed to get in contact with Elita and Sentinel.
The only thing he could do now was hope that he would cross paths with Buddy again and ask more questions on what happened to her.
And apologize to his best friend.
The friend he left behind.
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roosterforme · 1 year
I'm So Hot For You | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley makes you some homemade hot sauce to show his love and appreciation for you being his sexy nurse.
Warnings: Fluff
Length: 1600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! (But it can be read on its own) Check my masterlist in my profile for the reading order!
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After spending weeks and countless hours helping Bradley heal after he had been injured, you really deserved something special. 
And now that you were going to be his wife, Bradley thought you deserved everything. But the one thing he knew you would love that he thought he could give you, was your very own homemade hot sauce. 
"Why are we here?" Jake asked him for the tenth time as he and Bradley donned matching aprons that said San Diego Community College across the front. 
"To make hot sauce, dumbass."
"Yes, I understand that much, but why are we here? I don't see why you didn't just bring Angel with you."
"It's supposed to be a surprise. You do know what a surprise is, correct?" Bradley asked him, like he was talking to a very small child. "Now put your gloves on so you don't burn your eyes later."
Jake scoffed at him as the instructor introduced herself to the class, and both Bradley and Jake settled onto the stools behind their workstation. 
"Hi everyone! My name is Miss Mabel, and I will be your teacher for today," said a very kind looking older woman. Bradley sat up straight on his stool, ready to make a treat that you would love. "It's so nice to see so many couples here. This is a great relationship building exercise."
Jake turned and glared at Bradley. "Couples? Relationship? What did you bring me to, Bradshaw?!" 
"I..... oh, shit," Bradley muttered, but Miss Mabel was already talking about different kinds of hot peppers, and Bradley really wanted to take good notes. He started scribbling down everything she was telling them. 
After Miss Mabel got everyone started on instructions, she started to walk around the room and help each pair individually. 
"You should have brought your future wife to couples cooking class, Bradshaw," Jake said, sorting the peppers by scoville heat units. 
"Can you just cooperate and help me, please?" Bradley begged, getting out a set of knives and cutting boards. "You know I can't do this right by myself."
Jake sighed deeply. "It amazes me that you manage to get through the day. Fine, I'll help," he agreed, handing Bradley the peppers in order of hotness to cut up. 
"Gentlemen, how are we making out over here?" Miss Mabel asked when she stopped at their table. 
Jake just shook his head. "Not sure, Miss Mabel. He's kind of a lost cause in the kitchen, but he's demanding that he takes the lead on this one." Jake held his hands up in surrender.
"I just wanted it to be special," Bradley grunted, dicing up a habanero pepper. "Can't I try to make something special for the person I love?" 
Miss Mabel just smiled at them. "Cooking for your significant other is always a gift from the heart."
"Yeah, well... he's being so grouchy about this. He keeps saying he just needs it to be perfect," Jake told her. Then in a hushed voice, he added, "But between you and me, Miss Mabel, his creativity outweighs his ability. And then he gets very snarky when things don't go as planned."
"If I get grouchy, it's usually always your fault," Bradley told Jake as he added an array of peppers to the blender. 
"You two seem like polar opposites! How long have you known each other?"
"Too long," Bradley grunted at the same time as Jake said, "Twelve years, Ma'am."
Bradley watched Jake measure out some vinegar and add it to the blender as he chattered along with Miss Mabel. 
"That's a long time," Miss Mabel noted. "You two seem to need to work on your communication with each other. I would definitely recommend more of my classes as a fun way to help you with that."
"Thanks. We'll definitely consider it," Jake told her with a wink before she moved to the next table. 
Bradley glared at him. "Will you stop fucking around?"
Jake just started cracking up. "She thinks we're in a relationship. With each other."
"Yeah. I caught that," Bradley said, shaking his head. "Now how much vinegar did you add? A teaspoon or a tablespoon?"
"Could you imagine a world in which I would slum it with you, Bradshaw? Hilarious," Jake drawled, settling back onto his stool.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "I would never date you. You are insufferable and irritating. That's probably why my fiancée turned you down. Now, did you add a teaspoon or a tablespoon?"
"Um, the little one," Jake replied, looking unsure of himself. 
Bradley tipped his head back and counted to five before looking at Jake again. "Bringing you here was a terrible idea."
"Yeah, mainly because it's for couples, but also because I am no better in the kitchen than you are."
When it was time to sample the sauces, Miss Mabel deemed Bradley and Jake's batch 'nearly inedible' and told them they should 'work on communicating and listening to one another'.
When they left the classroom, Jake checked his phone, completely unfazed by the epic failure. "Wanna stop at the Hard Deck?"
Bradley scowled. "No, I don't want to stop at the Hard Deck! I'm taking my jar of nasty hot sauce home and telling her you ruined it."
Jake just shrugged. "She's going to think it's funny."
When Bradley got home, you were just walking up the sidewalk with Tramp on his leash. 
"Look! It's Daddy!" you told Tramp as he pulled you along to get to Bradley faster. "Did you have fun with Jake?" you asked Bradley as he scooped Tramp into his arms. 
"No," he told you, placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"Where did you guys go, anyway?"
Bradley followed you and Tramp into the house, smiling as the sunlight hit your engagement ring. 
"Baby Girl, I just wanted to do something nice for you, but I made this for you instead," he said, holding out the jar of hot sauce to you. 
"What is it?" you asked, eyeing it skeptically. Even Bradley found the shade of orangish-green to be off putting, and he would eat pretty much anything. 
"Hot sauce."
"Hot sauce?! You made me hot sauce?" you asked, your eyes filled with love as you flung your arms around him. "I love it!"
"Well...." Bradley said while cringing. "Maybe you should taste it before you say that...."
He watched you dip a spoon into the jar, and the look of pure delight on your face turned to one of panic as the sauce touched your tongue. "What the fuck is in this?" you asked, coughing and gagging. Bradley watched you head for the sink, and he tried to suppress a laugh, but he couldn't. "It tastes like sour, evil vinegar."
"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. I know it's disgusting. I tried my best. But the teacher thought Jake and I were a couple, and it was a disaster." He poured you a glass of milk and wiped the tears from your eyes with his thumbs. 
"Wait, what?" you asked, and Bradley told you the entire story. By the end of it, you were cracking up. "Oh, that's hilarious, Roo. I've got to text Jake."
"He said you would think the whole thing was funny. And I guess that's just one reason why I'm marrying you. Because you don't think I'm a complete disaster even when I am."
You looked up from your phone. "Bradley. You're never a disaster."
He shrugged and you wrapped your arms around him again. "I just wanted to surprise you with something you would like, Sweetheart. You were so good to me when I was healing, always making me food and taking care of everything around here."
You looked up at him and smiled. "I think going with Jake was probably your first mistake. We can try to make a hot sauce here. Together. If you want to."
"I took notes. Miss Mabel was actually very thorough."
Bradley watched you skim through his notebook before you grabbed your car keys. "Let's go to the farmer's market before it closes and buy peppers."
You seemed to know what you were doing, so Bradley held your hand and carried everything for you. 
"These are the little green peppers in my favorite hot sauce. Should we add them to ours?" you asked, pointing out some kind of pepper Bradley never heard of. 
"Definitely, Sweetheart." He watched as you picked out a few more. When you got back home to your kitchen, he felt perfectly at ease as you read Miss Mabel's instructions out loud and put him to work. 
Being around you was easy for Bradley in a way he had never experienced before. You laughed as he cut up the peppers and told you more about Miss Mabel's class. 
"We should go to a Miss Mabel class together," you told him. "Jake can just fuck off, he's not allowed to be in a relationship with you."
Bradley laughed and agreed, and while you blended everything together, he signed the two of you up for a salsa making class at the college. 
"Want to try the first bite?" you asked, offering the spoon to Bradley. He took a small taste, and it was good. Great, even. 
"Incredible," he said, and you grinned when you tried it. 
"It's perfect," you agreed, and Bradley played with your hair and kissed your neck as you made them eggs covered in homemade hot sauce for dinner. 
Just a fluffy little moment between these two (and Jake)! One more one-shot and then we dig into another series with these two if you can believe it....
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honeybeebytheseaa · 4 months
My Grandkid HC’s
Lesbian. I’m sorry I just can’t see her being into guys it just doesn’t work in my brain.
Also trans of the gender (mtf)
Since she’s dropped her perfect persona, Isabela has been pulling pranks, ESPECIALLY on known little shit head Camilo. He doesn’t know whether to be proud or extremely annoyed.
Can’t cook or bake she’ll set the kitchen aflame
Always walks barefoot on the grass
Has names for most of her plants, especially the cacti
Doesn’t really involve herself in farmers work unless there is an emergency.
Developed a skill for gardening without her gift, and continues to do so even once she’s gotten it back. There’s something special about watching plants grow over time.
She still makes bouquets for events, but they’ve lost their conservative look for something more ‘Isabela’
Unlike most of her family she doesn’t mind bugs (unless they are in her room)
Very high pain tolerance. Likely due to smiling all day and cacti thorns.
She still likes pastel colors but they aren’t high on her list of favorite colors, so she opts for darker colors when choosing cloths.
She used to bite people as a kid
Has conflicting feelings on animals because on one hand yeah they are cute on the other she has to shoo them away from eating her plants every other week
Has a large man eating plant named ‘Rosita’
Sometimes she’ll take whatever is in Mirabel’s hand, put it on a high shelf she cannot reach, and walk away.
Can actually be scarier then Luisa believe it or not
SNORES SO LOUDLY the only person who can handle it is her gf
Not big on physical affection and often uses gift giving as her way of showing love (platonically and romantically)
Incredible musician who could basically play any instrument you hand her
She sings lullabies to the younger family members
Personally I imagine her as the only straight grandkid but obvi she is supportive of lgbtq+ since half her family is apart of it
She wouldn’t come out of her room when she first got her gift, but her parents and a very supportive Isabela eventually coaxed her out
She has headphones painted red and gold by Mirabel
autism (vine boom sound effect)
As much as she loves Isabela and appreciates all of Luisa’s hardwork; out of her cousins her and Mira get along the best.
Speaking of that Isabela and Dolores’s relationship, much like Camilo and Mirabel’s, soured as the pressure to uphold the family name increased. Before the magic disappeared they basically ignored each other, but began to reconcile during the rebuild and became close again.
Her room is sound proof (I know people say otherwise idc she needs a BREAK) but during the night she’ll sometimes open her window since it’s much quieter
I do believe she has SOME control over her gift, and in order to hear very far she has to hold a hand against her ear. When she isn’t, things are amplified but not unbearable. She’s kinda just gotten used to it.
Dolores love language is, unsurprisingly, words of affirmation.
If she gets stressed and doesn’t have access to her headphones, she’ll listen for the nearest family members voice (Ex: her fathers laugh, her mothers ranting, Camilo’s jokes, Antonio communicating with his animals)
Gets in on Isabela’s pranks now and again. She is mostly polite but has a devious side, especially with her cousins and siblings.
I still adhere to the concept Luisa has some sort of ‘calm’ room. Wether it be an amusement park or a sauna she deserves to have somewhere to destress
Has a pile of stuffed animals, each with different names
She actually does enjoy doing chores and being active, but struggles to find a stopping point and not overwork herself
She’s more then just brawn, and was always a sharp academic when she was in school
Women enjoyer women enjoyer
VERY physically affectionate she’s giving everyone hugs and crushing their bones
Her and Camilo get along very well after Casita’s rebuild. She likes his energy and ability to let loose, and Camilo respects all the work she does around the Encanto. They mesh well.
When she first got her gift she accidentally broke her dads hand
Her father used to teach her piano, though she sorta fell out of it the older she got. Since casita’s rebuild she’s picked it back up as a hobby.
A big animal person, second to Antonio. She likes patting the donkeys on the head if she gets the chance
Has a hard time sitting down to eat because she’s always getting ready to move
If you give her anything she’ll begin sobbing and thanking you (birthdays and Christmas are rough)
She puts the younger kids if air jail if she has to
She originally struggled to control her gift, and that made her scared to touch anyone in fear she’d hurt them. But Pepa helped Luisa find ways to control the strength as she had to learn with her weather
After she lost her gift she kept trying to move the church as a force of habit
Reads a lot of fantasy novels
Helps Antonio wrangle his animals
(This will be more brief as I have a whole post of HC’s for this mf)
Gay and trans can’t change my mind
Despite always being hungry he cannot stomach fish. Some other seafoods are fine but the smell of fish makes him ill.
Won’t say this out loud: he is kinda legitimately afraid of Isabela ever since he’s become the target of her pranks. No one knows true fear until you realize you are caught in a Isabela prank.
Camilo’s love language is a lot of things, but quality time is high up on his list as he likes living in the moment.
Is a very good artist but gets embarrassed when people try to look at his work
Despite being a stick he is surprisingly strong.
Him and Mirabel used to be close but sort lost that connection the older they got, and even began to fight and butt heads. I like to think they do eventually become close, but it takes a lot of conversation and time.
adhd and autism (vine boom sound effect)
used to bite people as a kid
He likes reading plays and will space out for hours thinking how something translates on a stage
Sometimes he stands in front of a mirror and goes ‘why why why why why why why w
The silly!!!
Like Isabela: gift giving is her way of showing affection. She loves hand crafting gifts.
This is depressing but when she didn’t get her gift she drew a door on her wall hoping the magic would make it real
Once no one would wake up so she poured water on Camilo’s head and he screamed so loud it woke everyone else up
Mirabel looks extremely innocent but will literally try to stab anyone who bothers her with her sewing needle
She used to write simple picture books for Antonio when they roomed together
She DEF got her own room during the rebuild. Like imagine saving the miracle and your family is just like “anyway go back to the baby room lol” they wouldn’t do that to her
Bisexual icon love to see it
Has zero rizz I’m sorry queen but like she’s a girl failure by heart
Is a bit of old woman and can’t stay up too late without getting tired but in turn wakes up extremely early.
Not the best academic but obviously still very smart.
She’s an empath so if you begin crying she’ll start crying too she can’t help it
Is blinder than a bat if you take her glasses away she cannot see SHIT
Don’t have too much on him since he is still a baby but I have a few!
His favorite animal is the jaguar! Hence the plushie and his closeness to Parce
He likes matching animals to people, and even has a few animals named after his family.
Animals often tend to just kinda… follow him. If he goes for a walk he might came back with some new friends.
I do think he’s a vegetarian. Maybe not a vegan but eating meat is not easy for him.
He doesn’t always go to his parents if he has nightmares, and will rotate between Dolores, Mirabel, and Camilo.
Kicks in his sleep
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sinfulsalutations · 10 months
Uuuuh yeah hi. Could I get a number 10 with a side of Wolffe please?
Huge congratulations on such a big milestone! You’re such a talented writer and you deserve every follower and many more 💜 (from @wings-and-beskar 💜)
➼ ɴᴏᴜʀ'ꜱ 500 ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
⋆ ★ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ!! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰʏ ᴡᴏʟꜰꜰᴇ ɢᴀʀʙᴀɢᴇ
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➼ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ☆ 547
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Despite Wolffe possessing the ability to express his emotions (you’ve bore witness whenever he’s forced to work alongside those he sees as incompetent), he remains stoic and subdued off of a battlefield. 
You end up doing most of the talking when you’re together, rambling on about whatever shenanigan one of your patients got into today. Yesterday, it was Boost not paying attention to the space in front of him and bonking his head on a metal beam. Today, it’s Warthog twisting his ankle in the wrong direction.
“I swear, you’d think he wasn’t professionally trained and groomed for war like the rest of his brothers,” You kid playfully, striding to and fro each corner of your room as you clean up for the night. Wolffe sits there, cleaning his chest armor placed over his lap and watching you blather on.  “Poor guy kept falling in and out of sleep, and every time he woke up he thought I was someone named ‘Palma’... It was strange.” 
You laugh as you finish your sentence, shaking your head and closing the drawer, turning to see Wolffe’s soft expression. It really is strange, how he just… keeps so quiet in your company, perfectly content with just watching your beamy looks while you animatedly retell stories.
Tragically, you have little filter and say exactly that.
“You don’t talk much.”
Wolffe blinks, though he doesn’t seem to be very surprised at the revelation. He knows, you realize, as he looks down at his armor and continues scrubbing nonchalantly.
He responds after a long moment of letting you stare dumbfounded.
“I just really like listening to you, that’s all.”
A warmth rapidly spreads from your chest to your cheeks; you’re suddenly embarrassed, though oddly touched at the words. You’re not used to people actually enjoying your nonsense tangents, and to hear it from someone like Wolffe is something new entirely. You clear your throat and look away, trying to hide your blush.
“Well, I’m glad to keep you entertained,” you reply as casually as possible. “Though…” You shift in his direction. “It’s not fair if I’m the only one doing the talking. I want to know more about you too.”
Wolffe looks up at you, his amber and white eyes meeting yours, and a jolt of electricity shoots through you. There’s something so intense about his gaze, and despite being just one copy of millions, you’ve never seen eyes quite like his.
“I’m not very interesting,” He tells you, a little too neutral for your liking. “Just a soldier doing his duty.”
You scoff, tilting your head away before meeting his gaze again with an unbelieving glint in your eye.
“Trust me, I’ve worked with so many of you,” You explain, slowly turning away as you begin having trouble staring at him for so long. “All of you are different and unique in your own ways. You too. I’m sure there’s something special to love.”
The words spill out before you can contain them, but it’s hard to stay hung up on it when you’re usually so vocal. You turn back just to catch a glimpse of a lovely, barely-there grin on his stern face.
“Would you like to have dinner with me, Doc?” Wolffe then asks. 
Your smile is piercing.
“I would, Commander.”
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tags: @starstofillmydream @pb-jellybeans @corrieguards @ladytano420 @jediknightjana @sleepycreativewriter @shinyshayminflower @secondaryrealm @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @dukeoftheblackstar @kimiheartblade @followthepurrgil @wolffegirlsunite @star-burned @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @aconstructofamind @padawancat97 @littlemissmanga @starqueensthings @anxiouspineapple99 @freesia-writes @wings-and-beskar @clio3kantarella @secretthegriffin @idontgetanysleep
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sunshades · 6 months
grief in the city, or "how many days off will i get when my lover dies of consumption next march"
Expanding from this post (@puffles HI) or mostly just trying to write it out in a readable fashion. (lor spoilers ahead yeehaw 📚)
Just been thinking. Death in the pmverse city. It's not something you're really allowed to get personal with. But some people just can't help it.
In lobocorp we get a look at what it's like from the inside of a corporation, and like yeah the entire story is about it, but to me Yesod's parts more than anyone else's showcase this feeling.
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(Yesod core suppression dialogue)
The question of detachment comes up pretty often, and he points out Malkuth's as the ideal behavior to cope with it- forgetting you're dealing with humans as much as you can. Through his arc in lobocorp he struggles with it, this idea that it can all be fine if he stops thinking of the others as having a face, a name, and most importantly (for him) a body. Of course a strategy like that stops working as soon as one remembers, as one gets closer. That is one of the main themes of lor.
We're introduced to Xiao midway through the game, and her story unfolds as we start to learn about Roland's. The way she describes herself is similar to how A talks about Yesod, though Xiao doesn't feel special for it. The softness of her (at the time) coworker Lowell confounds her.
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(Xiao's key page)
Then the invitation reaches her, and therefore the news of Lowell's death, and this changes. Her reaction is intense, she describes it vividly. And it feels... kind of natural considering the martial culture of her workplace? Specifically for an Association whose mechanics literally run off emotion levels.
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(Liu S1 reception)
But we immediately see that no, to everyone else this seems like an overreaction to losing a partner. We see it from Chun's reaction, then Angela's, who suggests she simply finds a substitute for Lowell, and Roland himself is surprised by it: he muses about the Light influencing the people of the City: this is such a strange thing it gets compared to the goddamn Distortion! When we take a look at Lowell's own book it seems to confirm that out of the two he's always been the one with the more unconventional mindset.
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(Lowell's key page)
It's not groundbreaking to say one should care about their partner, but it feels like in the City this isn't really the case? It feels like having someone you cherish becomes something of a nuisance as it can interfere with a Fixer's ability to... well, work. Roland, though affected for obvious reasons, tells Angela about it briefly enough, and it seems it's not particularly noteworthy, having romantic entanglements but also losing them pretty quickly. It's something that happens, that you're supposed to deal with easily enough, and go back to work.
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(Liu S2 second reception)
Instead Xiao's feelings lead her to do the direct opposite; it's noteworthy that before her reception she resigns from the Association, and immediately justifies herself to her subordinates by letting them know this shouldn't affect their careers. It's worth noting that Roland's story is marked by a similar situation, once he's exposed in his revenge quest, he loses his Color title as well as his Fixer grade. In both situations we find that the question of how to deal with Survival (being a survivor to the person you love) can't escape from the problem of Survival (how to make a living). The death of another puts you in actual danger if you actually care about them.
In light of this, Lowell's hopes and promises for Xiao read differently. His apparent softness and sensitivity reveals itself as something he can handle very rationally; aware of how deeply their feelings run, he asks her to vow to always watch over herself.
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(Liu S1 reception)
Instead Xiao, and we later learn about Roland, embrace the horror of what's happened to them, and show us what it's like to go into the deep end of this grief; it's a deviation from what we might consider normal or #HEALTHY, but it's also a display of feeling that usually people of the City just... don't allow themselves to have. I don't wanna ramble about this too long, but since limbus vaguely uses the Divine Comedy as a source, in Dante terms I would say: while Xiao and Roland commit sins of excess of love, letting their anger over their loved ones take them over, the people of the City in general commit the sin of sloth, "laziness of the heart", it's people who refuse to let any kind of attachment in their heart, because it's simply easier not to deal with them. Roland's arc touches on it quite often.
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(Natural Sciences realization)
Though Roland does eventually turn out to be, well. A big deal, a lot of his behavior in the library is supposed to show him as a kind of everyman of the City. In moments where he talks like this, he's expressing what it actually feels like for most people to live in there. This heavily contrasts with Xiao's own beliefs, the ones she develops through her love, and that leads to her EGO manifestation.
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(Liu S1 reception)
By the end we also know that the truth is Roland's own mindset isn't quite the one he tries to preach ("that's that and this is this"), but the grief over the loss of Angelica, and more generally the pain for the life he's always had, still weighs so heavy on him he isn't able to just start again- he doesn't want to! As the stories goes on and he faces the horrors of the City together with Angela, even this facade of "sloth" fades away, and his actual feelings start to show, the love and the anger and all of the grief- he starts to resonate with the abnos as Angela did, a similar experience to distorting.
While Roland has a lot of interesting dialogue, it'd take a whole other post to talk about it (I'm sure someone smarter has done it already) so for the purposes of this and to keep on topic I only wanna talk about a little bit that Xiao doesn't touch on, and that feels relevant with the perspective of canto VI.
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(Black Silence "soulmates" reception)
In one of the darkest moments, we get a (can I say it now?) ⛈ HEARTBREAKING ⛈ confession straight from the inside of Roland's mind, the fear that in choosing to move on he'll have abandoned Angelica and all they meant for each other. The "pair of linked souls" is tied on a mechanical level, to beat them you need to disrupt their soul link, a buff they give each other that makes them basically unbeatable- they keep each other alive. Roland's fear, after years of Fixer work, after seeing how little value a person's life has in the eyes of the City, is this: that the second he looks away from Angelica's death and his attempt to avenge it, he'll have forsaken her forever, that their love and life together will lose its meaning.
Only with the help of the librarians and particularly Angela he's able to accept that's not the case, and in the final reception he once again wields her name and her gloves, carrying on her legacy and memory for the sake of the future and the new people he wants to protect.
Finally, I wanna show an incredibly interesting piece of dialogue from Leviathan, between Vergilius and Carmen.
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(Leviathan chapter 18, translation by @/SnakeskinFS on twitter)
Now, Carmen's take on love is... something. Love as she means it is what we know to bring to Distortion, but it is interesting that the actual implication in the world she draws up is what the people of the City need back is contact with one another, understanding. It's also interesting Vergilius calls it a word he's unaccustomed to. Obviously here it doesn't apply strictly to romantic love, but this does check out with how little we get to see City residents... well, loving each other.
Xiao for Lowell, Roland for Angelica, as well as honestly Carmen for herself, her vision for the future, stand out in crowds of cordial coworkers and friends of circumstances, for the strength of their feelings, love in its danger and beauty. The paths they end up following are messy, some very bloody, and done in remembrance of the people they valued above all else. It's the theme of love that entwines so closely with that of death, the question of what you do when you're the one surviving and left behind.
So here's where I think of canto VI- WH is so heavily defined by grief. This is partially tied to its literary influences, partially to the author's own experience, but the story is scarred by the various funerals, each of which changes someone's life, mostly for the worse.
Is this malicious? A little. A little... not? Like in the City, the feeling is that the dead, the memory of them, follow because they love the living. When we get to Cathy's death, she and Heathcliff curse each other back and forth before making peace again, but in the end more than their harshness, what hits the most is the connection, the yearning to be reunited- "I care nothing of your sufferings" is soon followed by "I'm not wishing you greater torment than I have", which leads into the Heartbreaking speech, that we already know will be very relevant in the canto, in which Heathcliff takes her pain as his.
NOW I see readings/speculation around that this will be portrayed as lcb Cathy trying to tie Heathcliff to his past forever/them needing to Kill Her, and metaphorically his affection for her in order for him to move on and become his own person, to which I say: meh? I think that misses part of the point, makes her out to be a plot device instead of a character that, like him, has grown in an awful abusive household, and laments in her deathbed that she wishes things had been different, and that the person she loves could stay with her longer, after circumstances beyond their control have forced them apart.
By the end of it, though we know that in the book it doesn't really turn out like she'd like, Cathy claims she'd rather him remember her words, and her, as harsh and cruel than nurse anger while he lives on, she hates the thought that he should suffer more when she's gone, because she, too, feels his suffering as hers.
To me this last wish she expresses is most reminiscent of what we see of Lowell's request to Xiao, the way it's not fulfilled until the last minute. Xiao doesn't listen and she goes on, fully aware she's betraying the trust he put in her, and that she might be the next to die. Because of this betrayal, her feelings, this excess of love threatens to have the best of her, to make her forget about Lowell and focus only on herself and her anger- the "love of the self" that is the Distortion. Her final reception has her talking back to Carmen's proposal and worldview, detailing the way her bond with Lowell, but also Miris, Chun and all of her men, have been keeping her strong to this point.
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(Xiao reception)
With the awareness her lover is dead and gone, she manages to work through her feelings and gain strength from them, deciding that these bonds, and her memory will keep all of them alive through each other.
SO am I saying this is totally happening to Heathcliff in canto VI. I mean, nah, not necessarily. But considering the similarities he shares with these other stories, and how we've already seen these examples of the theme of grief over a loved one being handled before in the previous games and resulting in these genuinely amazing characters, it's something I think about.
As we're talking about a game adaptation that obviously can't adapt 20 more years of story (and let's be real, shouldn't either. If you want to read WH you can just read WH,) I think that would be a reasonable way for the canto to play out: getting to see one of the sinners genuinely lose it over someone's death in a way none of the others really did, explicitly showing the uniqueness of such intense affection in a place like the City, and then slowly beginning the road to recovery. Much like for Xiao and Roland, this being done not as a result of leaving the past behind, but as a direct result of their love for another, and that of their lover as well as everyone else who cherishes them (Miris, Angela and the librarians- I think we'll soon add the sinners to the list).
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(post core suppression dialogue)
To quote another bit from our bestie Yesod, the hope that grows out of the rot, as the death of another, but as your own wounded self as well.
So to conclude. I think in general, in the context of how we've seen major characters work around their grief in previous games it'd make sense for canto VI to reach a similar conclusion, the death being something that weighs heavily, but doesn't obscure the possibility of a future. Still. Love as something dangerous that has extreme power over us, but as something that lives in us and can't be taken away.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Just a little Henclair one shot with a small side of Steddie
Dustin rolled his shoulders before stepping foot into the drama room. It would be a while before the game started. Actually, before both games started. He knew that Eddie would be the only one here setting up and making final adjustments. Eddie was sprawled out on his throne, looking at his notebook when Dustin cleared his throat.
"Ah, Henderson, you guys find anyone yet?" Eddie asked.
"Well, yes, but I'm hoping we don't have to use her," Dustin said. "I'm making one final plea to postpone the game tonight, Eddie."
"Why should I post pone?" Eddie asked. "Who cares about some dumb laundry basket game?"
"Lucas does!" Dustin snapped, and Eddie looked at him seriously for a moment. Dustin had never raised his voice to him like that. "And they don't have the ability to postpone their game, but you do. I need to be there to support Lucas. No, I want to be there to support Lucas."
"You make it sound as if - ," Eddie said, and then he shook his head. "Sorry, man. Can't postpone. I won't postpone, and if Sinclair really wants to chase after some bullshit dream about becoming one of them, I won't stop him, and neither should you. He has to be the one to make a choice."
"Why can't he choose both? Why does it have to be one or the other?" Dustin asked.
"Because that's the way it is, man! That's how they want it!" Eddie exclaimed and jumped up from the chair.
"Wow, I didn't take you for a person who obeyed the rules of society that are so clearly assbackward, but I guess I was wrong," Dustin said. "You know, Lucas was scared to tell you how much basketball meant to him to bring it up in conversation with this group who is supposed to be much more enlightened than these assholes. He also looked up to you because he didn't want to disappoint you, but more importantly, he didn't want to disappoint himself, and basketball was a thing he needed to explore. He likes playing both games. Why are you putting him into a box?"
Eddie stepped back as if he had been slapped, and suddenly, he looked a lot younger than he had ever seen him.
"Jesus H Christ, it's just a game," Eddie whispered.
"Which one are you referring to there, buddy?" Dustin asked, and then he paused. "If I tell you a secret, can I trust you to keep it?"
"Of course," Eddie said softly.
"Lucas is my boyfriend," Dustin said, and he was pleased to see his eyebrows nearly disappear under all that hair.
"I thought that you were dating a girl named Suzie," Eddie said. "Is she not real?"
"Oh, she's very real and very much my ex-girlfriend. She was very special to me but we couldn't make it work as much as we wanted to. We're still friends, though," Dustin said. "After summer break, after Starcourt and after my break up with Suzie. . .his break up with Max. . . It kind of just happened. We've been dating for months, and I would like to keep doing that. You guys don't have to go to the game, but can you, please, postpone Hellfire for one night so I can support my very handsome boyfriend?"
Eddie stared at him for a moment, giving Dustin pause because he thought for sure that it would win him over. Suddenly, Eddie grinned and bowed low.
"I grant you your request, good sir. Hellfire is indeed postponed but for one night, only," Eddie said, and he stood up to pull Dustin into a tight hug. "Thank you for telling me, and thanks for telling me off. What would you have done if I still said no?"
"Beat the shit out of you with my goddamn hat. I love Lucas," Dustin said, and Eddie laughed.
"Is Lucas okay with you telling me?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, yeah, he's surprised that I haven't blabbed to you yet. Besides, he is the one who told Steve. Well, not told per se, more like got caught up in the moment and kissed me in front of him. Steve spit out his water. It was hilarious," Dustin grinned.
"And he's okay with this?" Eddie asked.
"Of course," Dustin said. "You'd be surprised with what he's cool with. You should get to know him."
"No thanks, I'm good," he scoffed.
"You know, he never was a bullying jock like the others. He always tried to stop - " Dustin started to say.
"I know, I know," Eddie said and paused. "It's just - you know, maybe you're right. Maybe I should get to know him."
They walked out of the drama room together just as the others showed up.
"Hellfire is postponed," he said.
"What?!" Gareth asked. "Is this because of Sinclair? Because if it is, I swear to God - "
"You'll do nothing. Hellfire is postponed because we're all going to show up to support Lucas. Isn't that right, Dustin?" Eddie asked.
"Totally!" Dustin grinned.
"We're going to have to show those assholes that jocks and nerds can be friends," Eddie said. "So, let's do it."
And when they showed up, much to Steve’s surprise, Lucas had the biggest grin on his face. It was really very cute. When they spilled out into the parking, Dustin wanted to throw himself into Lucas's arms and kiss him so badly. He couldn't, though. Steve had seen the look on his face and leaned down to whisper in his ear.
"Alleyway, man, I'll cover you," Steve said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.
Dustin shoved Lucas discreetly into the alleyway while everyone was busy talking about the game to even notice. Steve leaned against the entryway to guard and hide them. Eddie moved to follow. Steve placed a hand on his chest.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked.
"Helping," Eddie said.
"You know?" Steve asked.
"And you're okay with it?" Steve asked.
"I would be a hypocrite," Eddie snorted as he moved closer to Steve to help block the view.
"Oh, yeah, me too," Steve blushed.
Meanwhile, Dustin was pushing Lucas up against the wall and leaning against him, their faces close.
"Those were some serious moves out there, Lucas," Dustin said.
"Oh, yeah. How much are they worth?" Lucas asked.
"At least five kisses," Dustin said.
"Five? Please, they're worth at least ten," Lucas scoffed.
"Ten, you say? I think that can be arranged. I only have a twenty, so I'm going to need some change back," Dustin said.
"Deal," Lucas said and pressed his lips to Dustin's.
Dustin broke the kiss and growled at him. Lucas tilted his head back and laughed.
"What?" Dustin asked.
"I love it when you do that. It's so cute," Lucas replied.
"Yeah," Lucas said and covered his hands over Dustin's. "Is that my bandana on your wrist?"
"Yeah, it looks better on me, don't you think?" Dustin asked.
"It totally does," Lucas said and pulled him in for another kiss.
Their little moment in the alleyway kept them going all the way through the spring break from hell. Now, here they were at Steve's place. The town had been saved, Vecna had been defeated, and not a single member of their group had died. Max, Eddie, and Steve needed some healing to do, but other than that. . .all was well. Dustin and Lucas had officially come out to the group, too. Mike had already guessed, and Robin had been there when Lucas kissed Dustin in front of Steve. Everyone was more than okay with it. Max was still in the hospital, but Eddie and Steve were upstairs healing in the same bed. Although Nancy wondered why they insisted on sharing the same bed when there were plenty of other rooms. Dustin figured that mystery out when he opened the door to bring them some food and found them kissing. They quickly broke away and suddenly looked relieved when they saw it was Dustin.
"Hey," Steve said as he stared at Dustin.
"Hey," Dustin said, grinning wildly at them as he wiggled his eyebrows at them. "What's going on in here?"
"You know exactly what's going on in here," Eddie scowled.
"You should know, Eddie, that I had a jock boyfriend first, so don't be acting like you started something," Dustin said. "I'm glad to know that I could set a good example for you."
"Okay, set the tray down, then exit the room, please," Steve sighed.
"Need me to guard the door for you?" Dustin asked.
Dustin laughed as he moved to exit the room.
"Hey, Dustin!" Eddie called out.
"Thanks, man," Eddie said.
Dustin smiled. He knew exactly what Eddie was thanking him for, and it wasn't the food. Sometimes, people need a wake-up call.
"Anytime," Dustin said.
He moved downstairs to the kitchen where everyone had gathered. He watched Lucas laughing for a moment, and his heart sang out at the sight. Lucas held out his arms, and Dustin didn't waste a moment to snuggle into them. He pressed his ear against his chest, and he let the sound of Lucas's heartbeat soothe him. They were alive.
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digi-lov · 10 months
Digimon & Tamagotchi
Bandai V-Pet Crossovers Part 1 (Part 2)
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In 1996 Bandai and WiZ inc. released the original Tamagotchi. To their surprise, the toy proved to be popular among boys as well, despite it being mostly marketed for girls. And in 1997, as a more targeted approach to this demographic, Digital Monsters was born!
A huge virtual pet boom followed and not only did Bandai and Wiz release new versions of Tamagotchi and Digital Monsters, and try multiple v-pets with a variety of styles within the next couple of years, but other companies also tried to bandwagon on the success of these virtual pets!
(Such as Nintendo in 1998 with the Pocket Pikachu-)
While the Tamagotchi was shaped like an egg (jap. tamago) with a crack in its shell where the screen is, the Digital Monster was shaped like a brick cage with bust-open bars! It also featured the ability to connect and battle! Otherwise they both use the same three button layout and similar menu icons. On the Tamagotchi, the toilet icon is portrayed by a duck themed potty, which is also used as the look for the Portable Potty items in many Digimon games.
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Now with how closely these two franchises were developed, there's bound to be more that connects the two, right?
One such thing is Tamagotchimoji and Digimoji/DigiCode!
You can see that the two scripts are basically identical, just stylized differently. While Tamagotchimoji got used sparsely until they stopped using it in 2004 (But had a surprising comeback in one social media post on April 10, 2023?!), Digimoji has been used, and still is being used everywhere in the Digimon franchise! There is also a separate set of characters for the Latin Alphabet.
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[Tamagotchimoji on the left, Digimoji on the right, respective Hiragana above the character]
Just like we know it from the Digimon Franchise, the Tamagotchi also grow through evolutionary stages along a branching path, depending on how well you take care of them! The original line of Tamagotchi as well as Digimon owe their designs to Kenji Watanabe! Generally all Tamagotchi's names end in "-tchi" or "-chi", similar to how Digimon names end in "-mon".
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In these evolution charts, the Tamagotchi and Digimon are arranged by how well they've been taken care of / how good they are, with the top line being the best, and the bottom being the worst.
But that Tamagotchi chart is actually just the international version, which had "Bill" (aka Gaijintchi/Ketotchi) as secret character past the adult stage. Instead the Japanese version featured "Oyajitchi" (jap. oyaji means "old man").
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But wait, doesn't that face look familiar...?
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According to the Digimon Reference Book, Nanimon's true identity is unknown and it in fact came from another dimension, where it was known under the title OYAJI. In order to survive in the new environment of the Digital World, Nanimon had to go through a lot of training and battling.
Nanimon's name is also a play on its bizarre nature. In Japanese, "nanimon" is a casual abbreviation of "nanimono" which means "what (thing)". So, with intonation indicating a question, "nanimonda" can mean both "What are you?" or "I am Nanimon".
This joke is even included directly in Digimon World when the player encounters Nanimon.
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「ん?なにもんだ?!」 "N? Nanimon da?!" “Huh? What are you?!” 「ナニモンだァ!」 "Nanimon da!" “I’m Nanimon!”
Nanimon's nature as an alien to this World is also reflected in his trait in the Card Game being "Invader".
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Nanimon BT6-058 by Kenji Watanabe from BT-06 Booster Double Diamond
So yeah, Nanimon is supposed to be Oyajitchi who came from the Tamagotchi World to the Digital World.
Stay tuned for next friday when we talk about another World connected to the Digital World!
Special thanks to: tamagotchi wiki, gotchi-garden and tamatalk for being great resources!
If you're interested in more Tamagotchi stuff, go check out @tamapalace !
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ystrike1 · 11 months
The Archduke's Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud - By 은려원 (8/10)
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A gradual slow burn yandere and a slavishly devoted stalker are bitter enemies in this story. Their rivalry grows deeper when they fall for the same woman. This is an otome isekai. It would have been a solid 9 if it wasn't, but it is still above average.
She is a painter with magic. Her paintings can take shape and come to life. That's a cool power, but having a special ability can suck. She shows up as a slave in the beginning, because assholes love to collect rare things.
In the original story "Shay" was a dumb stalker who was only interested in drooling over Archduke Lucien. He goes yandere for Shay later....after her body is randomly possessed by a Modern Korean Woman with No Flaws.
The otome isekai part is needlessly complicated and annoying, but yeah.
It's there.
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In the beginning we think Shay was a total loser with no friends who died unloved. Now, in her second new life she is a slave who gets bought by Lucien.
Lucien needs a beautiful, magic wife.
He doesn't want to get married, so he buys Shay to use her as a shield. It's actually a really cruel plan. He's tired of dealing with suitors. He knows Shay will get attacked but that's not his problem.
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Poor Shay.
She spends a whole chapter gushing about her new pretty face.
She acts sassy and then it all becomes clear.
Lucien isn't mean.
It was love at first sight and he doesn’t know.
He dropped big money to make sure nobody would buy her.
He thought her anger and pain on stage was beautiful. He talks about using her but yeah...no...
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Lucien proposes when he figures out that Shay is not affected by his latent magic. He has the blood of the Sun God. It makes him sexually irresistible. Women are creepy around him. Predatory. They steal his hair and they constantly try to break into his home etc.
He's strong.
That's the only reason why he isn't a concubine in a harem somewhere...
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Shay says yes.
Her name is changed to Titania permanently....
Seriously why is this an otome isekai?
She agrees to marry him and protect him with her magic.
They become a good team.
Lucien really likes having normal conversation with somebody who isn't trying to take his pants off.
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There's a horny princess who wears suits.
Kind of yandere...but not she only cares about collecting and controlling beautiful people...actually she's kinda boring moving on.
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The other yandere is Kun. He knew Shay. He loved her BEFORE Shay became Titania. (Hence his yandere behavior feels less...legit)
This sucks.
Imagine with me here.
Story opens.
Shay is an idiot stalker who gets sold off as a slave because everybody hates her. Lucien comes to save her because he knows she isn't affected by his magic. She's just regular crazy obsessed. He tells her to please chill in exchange for cash and she agrees because she's been reduced to a slave. She needs money/the fake marriage to live another day. Shay cruelly leaves Kun behind because she is finally with the man she likes, and he pines over her. He did bad stuff and crimes for her, and she is all he has in this life. Blah blah blah Shay learns to like Lucien as a person, not an object, when they get closer. She realizes that letting Kun fawn over her is bad for his mental health. She apologizes and helps him get a hobby maybe and plot twist Lucien is also a yandere. He's worse than Kun ever was, but he hides it for the sake of her smile. Real marriage. End. Everybody in the trio becomes a better, more well-adjusted human being.
But nope otome isekai I guess.
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Kun's intro is good.
He bested Lucien in combat before.
Both men see each other as a real threat. Lucien can't just snort and kick him out.
Titania has no clue who he is...but Kun says nothing but yandere shit about his love for Shay.
Something happened to make him so obsessed, but the author probably won't explain because...say it with me...
Otome isekai...
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Lucien gradually becomes more jealous.
His thoughts get more unhinged too, and it's fun.
He's a doting yandere, and he doesn’t know it yet. He designs a fine painting room for Titania. He hates it when mere servants gawk at her beauty, and the sight of Kun makes him go quiet with rage.
He's good.
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I really, really like the contrast. These two yanderes are not the same. They have their own charm points. Too bad about the otome isekai plot holes though.
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koilois · 2 years
Two Virgins,
  Peter Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: Smut, sexual content, top! Peter, uses of pet names like 'kitten', popping each other cherry, gentle/rough sex, biting, licking, kissing (ofc), blow-job, basically sex guys..,
i honestly dont see a lot of Peter Maximoff smut, so i thought why not do him first?
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You weren't special, you didn't have a useful ability. Meaning you were needed a lot and didn't get too much attention. Though you didn't mind, everyone described you as Shy, and distant, that's if they knew you.
But Peter, your best friend always described you as amazing, and cheerful, once they got to know you,
The only friend you had was Peter.
You admired him. You did. His self-awareness, his confidence, his gift, his silver hair,
Truth be told you started to grow a huge, small, crush on the fastest man alive. His head pats would make you feel like you were in heaven. Just a touch from that man and you were practically jello. People around you started to notice your change of mood when Peter was next to you.
The only one who didn't notice was.
But that's alright, Peter couldn't like someone like you anyways!
You heard a knock on your room door, you turned your head towards the door as you got up from your bed to open the door.
"H-hello?" You stuttered, opening the door slightly to see Peter. You couldn't help yourself and get excited, Instantly smiling, and swinging the door open. "Yeah?" You raised your voice a little high, everyone was sleeping. Peter. Raised his index finger to your lips, telling you to keep it down. You were going crazy, your eyes looked up at him like a lost puppy.
"Someone's gonna hear us, we're gonna get caught." He warned as he walked in, shutting the door behind him. "So- what brings ya' here Peter?" You asked jumping on your bed and patting the bed silently telling him to take a seat. "Ah, well I wanted to tell you something."
"Look- I know you stole my left other McDon-"
You were interrupted by his lips on yours, you were in shock,
"Look, I like you, and- I maybe shouldn't have kissed you without permission," he rambled, scared that you wouldn't see him fit as a friend, being that he invaded your personal space. He knew how sensitive you were. You didn't say anything. You wanted to but nothing came out. You crawled closer to him, saying nothing, you kissed him again, caressing his jawline. This kiss was deeper, it felt deeper, it felt amazing, he wrapped his arms around your waist making you sit in his lap,
Now it was a heated make-out session.
You pulled away for air, panting, your hands now on his chest. "More. C'mon-" he practically begged. "Anything you want." You slightly moaned, being so needy for any attention from your lover. "Wait- shouldn't we wait? I mean we just confessed our feelings" I mentioned. He shrugged. "It's never too early. Is it?" He shrugged his face getting closer to yours again, lips brushing against each other. "So how far are we going?" He asked, kissing the point of your nose. You were so needy and excited. You wanted him all. All of him, "as far as we can go"
He smiled pulling his shirt off, getting on top of you, and kissing you, not rough, but ever so slightly. His lips were so soft. You felt his stomach, his chest, his collarbones, pulling away from the kiss slowly you took your shirt off, leaving your laced light pink bra on. He practically went wild. You turned away, trying to avoid eye contact, you were so embarrassed
"You're beautiful" he breathed out. He groped your beast, all of this escalated quickly, and it was somewhat overwhelming for you. But you needed him, and he needed you. He unclipped your bra, and before taking it off completely he asked If he could. You nodded your head and so then your bra met the same fate as his shirt.
On the floor.
Groping your breast, you moaned, butterflies in both of the pits of your stomach. You both were practically melting in each other's grasp, he then took your sensitive nipple in his mouth. The other one he has playing with, fiddling the soft bud between his fingers. You couldn't help but moan.
Never felt this sensation before. It felt amazing. Almost too amazing.
Your panties started to be drenched in your natural lube. It started to feel uncomfortable, squeezing your legs to feel some sort of friction between your legs. And it was worked moaning in the process. He noticed what you were doing and stopped what he was doing. He laid you down on the bed- spreading your legs and getting between them. His bigger figure looms over your smaller figure. It was so overwhelming. You almost couldn't believe this was happening. He pulled your skirt down. His eyes never leave yours. He looked at your panties. It was a baby blue color, he could see the damp spot from your wetness. He teased you a bit-- taking his hand and practically palming you through your panties. You took your hands and covered your face with them. "No. Don't do that. You're beautiful, I wanna see your reaction kitten, please. Do that for me" he begged. So desperate to see how good he can make you feel. You did as he asked you, removing your hands from your face, whimpering at the friction he was making you feel. You stopped his movements.
"Let me make you feel good too" you begged. Looking at him, he did so.
You sat up and dragged your hands down his body stopping at his v-line. Kissing under his belly button- just to slightly tease him. He shuddered, looking down at you. You slowly took off his boxers. Being surprised by the length.
This was the first you've ever seen.  The heat between your legs got worse, at the sight your crotch pulsed. You took his dick in your hands. Slowly moving your hand. You licked the tip, admiring your lover's body. Slowly you took him in your mouth. Wrapping your tongue around his length, using your hands to stroke what couldn't fit in your mouth, and you started bobbing your head. He let out a loud moan. Then quickly shut his mouth with his hands. Making him whimper at the pleasure he was feeling.
He took his hands and grabbed your head. You looked up at him. Questioning what he was doing. Your thoughts are interrupted by your hips thrust into your mouth. Saliva ran down his dick and ran down your chin. You gagged as he was down your throat. He whimpered as he pulled out. Not wanting to finish yet. You gasped for air. The lack of air got to you. He looked at your face, saliva running down your mouth, tears running down your eyes, he was practically melting at the sight. "Lay down." He.. demanded?
You did what he said
You laid down. Still out of breath. You were heated, Your whole body was so hot your felt like you were going to have a stroke. He had gotten between your legs taking a deep breath. On his knees- He looked down on you. "Can i- Put it in?" He asked he looked so desperate for your warm hole. Of course. You said yes, He slowly put the tip in.
He was already stretching you out. You had only used your fingers, And it's not like your fingers were thick and long- Your whole body tensed up at the pain, as he continued to push in. Halfway in. More tears started to overwhelm your eyes. placing your hands on his shoulder for some comfort, He noticed this and gave you a look, Asking if he could keep doing it, You said nothing but nodded your head yes. He thrust in Knocking the air out of your lungs, letting out a slight pained moan. Now the pain was mixing with pleasure as the man was balls deep inside you.
He whimpered, his eyelids fluttering, trying to keep his eyes open to see your beautiful facial expressions. This might sound mean on Peter's part, but he liked seeing your face as he stretched your poor virgin pussy out. He pulled out with the sight of a little blood. He had popped your cherry, the mixture of natural lube, and your blood sent him on edge. As he started to thrust his hips at a slow but hard paste, Making you scream out, "Peter! Mm.." He had pressed his hand against your mouth not wanting anyone to hear what you two were doing, He leaned down, whispering how good you felt in your neck while also letting out whimpers with each thrust he made. He started to thrust faster, You swore you could feel him in your stomach, it's what it honestly felt like. Your whole body was shaking at the ecstasy he was making you feel. Pleasurable screams and moans were muffled by his hands. "I love you so- much. Hemp" he whispered into your neck, He then bit into your neck which made you wrap your legs around his waist causing him to go even deeper. Your eyes rolled back. This was everything to you. You felt so complete, you felt as if an unknown god has answered your prayers,
He let go of your neck, then sucked on the mark he made with his teeth, His hips moved faster the bed started to creak and make sounds, At this point, he didn't care, "I'm gonna- fuck. M yes- I'm gonna..Oh god baby." He chanted yes's with each every fast and hard thrust. You were practically turning into jelly. You didnt know sex felt this good.  You thought it was heavily overrated. You were completely wrong. After one last hard thrust, he pulled out his load now on your stomach, Your legs Shaked, as your legs unwrapped around his waist and rested on the comfortable bed sheets.
Word count: 1671!
Please like so this reaches out to more people!
Love you! < 3
Requests: still open
Ill be posting lots of content, So follow to get further updates!
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toxooz · 1 year
Do you have a backstory posted for ramsuse? I think he’s an interesting character and you’ve said he used to be human so I’m very curious 🙂
ROIGHT SO i gotta See it with my own eyes so i drew lil illustrations to go with it so letsa go buckle UP yall ALSO tw for like graphic gory description and suicide mention aaand i think thats it OK:
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waay back arooound 1870's I'd say behold a man! Ramsuse was a very well distinguished hunter who also did bounty hunting. Being a big brawny man he had a big brawny horse as well who was named Appocolus, a shire draft horse (the Big Ol honses) and had a wife named Myrna:
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They were happily married for about 5 years, owned a pretty small farm, and took a lot of hunting trips together (most likely sold the skins/ meat along with eggs ect.) but yeah huntin n fishin was one of their favorite activities to do together. They didn't live far from a small town where they did their trading and shopping from and Ramsuse was a pretty well known bounty hunter in the town and even had a small group of other bounty hunters that he would team up with occasionally. Back then, in most towns, it was still a Big Thing for monsters to exist and was often treated as a frankenstien event (light the pitchforks yada yada); but in this part of the overall timeline demons kind of infested some parts of the world (side note obv. that didn't last forever and the majority of demons and that of the like ended up being chased into caves and hidden crevices of the world which is maybe why Mogak had to go into a big ass demon cave community to get that demonic D.) some entire towns could become completely overrun with demons and many caused chaos and ruin among the land, which probably gave a lot of other unrelated monsters a bad rep. hence why they would be ridiculed as well. It was pretty common for demons to be outlaws and outliers, and it was also common practice for humans to capture demons (typically demons who were minding their own business (like Ollie in the cowboy au👀)) and sacrifice them in churches or do mass killings so it was kind of a back and forth rivalry between humans and demons during this time. Granted, while demons and humans were at war, naturally demons are more powerful than humans without any manmade advantage-so side backstory Myrna's parents got killed by a demon in their house when she was a child and she was orphaned for the rest of her adolescence, so she's carried a special kind of bitterness, fear, and hatred towards demons throughout her life.
As their town slowly starting having more and more demonic issues, a certain demon cowboy was a prominent culprit of the reoccurring destruction of the town:
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he had the ability to transform people into demons and his "horse" is basically just another demon that tried to mimic a horse to be able to assist in the bidding of the outlaw (ie: it's ears are actually horns, it's neighs sound more like a donkey and hyena mixed together, ect) He too led a gang that tormented towns and cities, only they were damn near impossible to pin down. Ramsuse was the main tracker for trying to find him and every time he did, the outlaw would slip through the cracks of their dimension which would eventually drive Ramsuse to insanity and intense resentment towards demons and monsters trying to get the outlaw. It got to a point where that's all he wanted to do was try to find and catch the demon, even his own group of bounty hunters opted out and urged Ramsuse to do the same at least for a while, for it was eating away at his soul. Though it was out of love for his wife and their own town, he would leave for days and put off hunting trips that Myrna wanted to go on in order to attempt to capture the outlaw. Until one night he followed a seemingly deliberate trail of clues that led him to a run down cabin out in the middle of nowhere. The demon outlaw was patiently waiting for him when he barged in like a bat out of hell, however Ramuse was having none of it and went straight for his throat upon first look. He mopped the floor with him for a while until those eye flaps on the demons face latched onto the bounty hunters arms (kinda like venom slime stickin to shit) and started searing Ramsuse's flesh off to reveal his new demon skin. It eventually traveled through his entire body as he slowly burned to death, his horns erupting from his head probably feeling like his brains were being squeezed out of his skull, his old teeth being simultaneously pushed out by bigger lion-like teeth, his body getting bigger as his burnt dead skin fell off in bloody sheets to give way to the contorting muscles as the demon outlaw observed in deranged satisfaction
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by the time Ramsuse could come to his senses, the outlaw was long gone. During the physical altercation, outside Appocolus and the demon horse got into it as well. When the draft horse saw that abomination of a horse, every red light went off in his sixth sense and he lunged for it, however it mauled him back and it's teeth essentially had the same burning effect in which Appocolus was doomed to the same fate as his rider.
Ramsuse spent several days trying to track any possible trace of the demon to see if he could somehow be changed back, but he was nowhere to be found. As time went on, desperately trying to find any way to change himself back at this point, dread began to seep into him like rot on a dead carcass as he realized he had no choice but to go back home and face Myrna with this new demonic vessel that he was cursed with.
As he reluctantly arrived at his house, he tried to talk to Myra through the door as a way to prepare her as much as he knew how. He attempted to stay behind the door as long as possible, beating around the bush as to what just happened, but she didn't understand why he was acting this way and only tolerated it so much before she opened the door and upon first glance immediately scrambled for a gun
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Completely overrun with past memories, she refused to believe him and was convinced that a demon Actually killed him and took his form to get to her and was merely feigning his distress just to make her vulnerable. Ramsuse quickly saw her state and decided it was best to just do what she demanded and he fled after she shot at him.
After what happened, that was the final straw that broke the camels back and Myrna took to the town to try and tell people what happened to her husband. Nobody has witnessed anyone being turned into a demon and coming back ( they just knew people vanished or were just straight up dead) and with her being a woman back then, nobody believed her not even Ramsuse's former bounty hunter group. They drew the conclusion that Ramsuse merely found another woman and ran away with her, so Myrna was deemed mentally unstable and was locked up in a facility where she soon died of a fatal self inflicted wound. Ramsuse could only watch all of this happen from afar for he had no idea how to get through to her or to even show his face anywhere ever again as he drowned in grief and self hatred over time. He was cursed to be immortal as he became just a wandering cowboy, doing bounty work in passing towns. He took more heavily toward monster communities, however his bitterness and resentment toward the concept of life itself made both him and his horse extremely vicious and brutal to anyone around him. He would start bar fights regularly and kill more bounties that were strictly wanted alive and then he would kill lawmen if they so much as looked at him wrong he was just a whole ass mess. Appocolus was outcast as well by all horses, both feral and domesticated, so he too became very grudge driven and hostile. He would assist Ramsuse in tormenting and killing anyone they deemed deserving by biting and trampling as well. As the years flew by Ramsuse and Appocolus only had eachother in the world and now that the wild west is almost completely faded out he has a house and barn he made himself out in the middle of nowhere ( like somewhere around Montana or somethin if he was in this world I'd say) he owns thousands upon thousands of acres that he preserves and patrols( to make sure no bitch ass puts a gas station or mcdonalds anywhere PFFT) so theres pretty much a large chunk of the state that is untouched by modern life bc he Will destroy anything by any means necessary so nobody has successfully bought any land. so yeah now hes just a bitter old demon who refuses to move on from his timeline while desperately clings to whats left of his memories and avoids society except for an occasional bar run from a super old bar that's probably been around a while as well :') AIGHT i think i got everything abt his ass 😭 if u bothered to read this far HOPE U ENJOYED!!
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spyxfamilyanalysis · 29 days
Do you think donovan has something to do w project apple? The one that makes Anya can read minds, and if he does do you think he experimented w his children? Or Demetrius is born that weird
Well, I think there might be misunderstanding about the name of the Project. Project Apple is experimented on animals like Bond Forger, to make them useful with special abilities, for Bond's case is predicting the near future. But of course, there are still some limitations: the future can be altered, it is not fixed, as can be seen in Spy x Family episode 13-16, when Anya reading Bond's future predictions and changed it before Twilight was in danger.
And if you are asking what project Anya is experimented, is actually "nameless". Throughout the series and manga, the name of the project is currently unknown, and I, myself, am not sure if the Tatsuya-san will reveal it... Yet somehow, the Internet "said?" that there are the same name? That confused me???
Anyway, this hypothesis about Anya and Donovan has gone wild ever since, so let me explain.
We haven't known much about Demetrius, the only time he appeared was when Damian called him to meet their Father, which can be found in this scene (Chapter 37)
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To know more about chapter 37 -> link (it's not that I'm lazy, this post already analyze full so idk what to add...)
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About the scars, here are my predictions:
Maybe he really is related to the Project, since the mark of the stiches are pretty close to Anya's. And some are suspected that the ornaments on Anya's head could be a way to hide her scars from the experiments, or I think they are literally just accessories for her hair, like when she was small.
About the scientists, some said that after Anya escaped, the only "laboratory rat" managed to survive, they may be working on animals, like Bond, after that, as "hope" for science to save "world peace". And Donovan could be either an experiment like Anya, testing some sort of weird stuff on himself, or someone like the scientists who just got injured from, like idk, being attacked by his "laboratory animals". And I think that the chances of him being injured from war is very low, because he is the one to start war between Ostania and Westalis.
Are there any chances of Demetrius inherit the intelligence from Donovan? I think no. It's definitely not from the crazy ideas of his own father thinking of war, Ostania and Westalis are currently in the period of the Cold war, where there are no need for weapons, yet politicians are in a tense period, with the risk of war breaking out. True that his intelligence might be genetically inherited, but I can assure that both Damian and Demetrius may know nothing about what he was planning. So, uh, yeah, Demetrius is just that weird, and he is an introvert. You can tell how short his lines are when he was on the phone.
Off-and-bonus topic: I am very suspicious about their mother, Melinda. She first appeared officially in chapter 65, and the bus hijack incident of the Red Circus Arc. When Damian spoke about Donovan, her expression changed completely, as if she hated him deeply and want him gone from her sight. This could mean that she might know about what he was hiding, and probably she has an obsession to Damian, her sweet son~(?)
Look, she is so sus for hell sure. >:( But I'm not sure whether or not she is evil? Even Loid is aware of her now...
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Also, take a very close look at the dialogue after the hijack (Chap 75):
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She truly loves Damian, yet what we didn't realize that, his brother, Demetrius was not even mentioned in her interior monologue(?)/ mind. We also know that she calls Damian as a curse...: "I never should have come here... If only he'd died in the hijacking...", "If only I weren't burdened with this child...", "How he disgusts me...". At first when this chapter was out, I read this part and thought "he" that she mentioned was Donovan, and now, re-reading this, she was mentioning Damian. And I have no idea if she cares Demetrius more than Damian, or is it the opposite?
And finally, I bet she is hiding something from Damian... I mean, when Anya was mind-reading her, she was a bit scared. A scary obsession to Damian terrifyingly... maybe something about Donovan and the war between the 2 nations.
Message from the author (me): This is a very interesting topic! After I received your question, it took me several days to give you my answer which I think is most suitable and accurate, I do hope it is the answer you are looking for. Truly sorry for the long-time response, I was working with my final exams, so I can't answer you immediately.
Anyway, thank you for waiting and taking your time reading!🥰🥰🥰
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