2n2n · 10 months
a stinky post! smelly…. it's a little rough lately with, IRL stresses and you know whats a good distraction in specifically this circumstance ... being fake mad at fake things that are unimportant ... !
It's fun to think about the manga in any way.... (:
I feel like some dumb takes really live inside of you forever (which is why I do not look at much), as just so pants on head stupid … During the Hakubo/Sumire arc there were 100000 dumb takes, but among them was someone trying to assert the manga's theme was … abuse … (and you know in what way this was meant, in the same hamfisted way any young person talks right now) ... using benchmarks like, Mitsuba was bullied, Teru is abused, Amane was abused, Sumire is abused… but it's like, it didn't think whatsoever about every SINGLE instance of which there is 'abuse' and how characters feel about it, actually … if it was 'about abuse', it would do such a laughable job of it, and it would, half the time, be saying… the worst thing possible, which would be something like: true love forgives everything, including abuse; or, staying through abuse is something you can do to prove your devotion, or to endure in honor of someone else, or a virtue you stand for. There is a lot of suffering in JSHK, but people aren't typically surviving it and then applying it in a way you'd want to replicate. It's romantic in the more symbolic and extreme vein. I mean. Romantic in the vein of… a shinjuu… stay with me, here!
More BROADLY, individuals suffer from STRICTURES, and this is actually what harms Amane, Sumire/Hakubo, Teru, Mitsuba ... (and what harmed in Snow White and MDLD! the INSTITUTIONS of the church, and the royal families; tradition and virtues perpetuated on trapped people) RULES, collectivism, keeping your head down and behaving, serving a greater purpose (as a sacrifice, as a son of a legacy, as a mystery); often individuals hurting each other is forgiven and understood, or even appreciated... ? The things you endure in honor of some capital, in the idea of 'goodness', those are the sufferings ... the things you tell yourself to endure in honor of who you love, might be foolish, might be tied up in that, but they are presented in contrast. Teru does not do what he does, for the town. He loves his family brocon.
There is more to be said about love, endurance, devotion, loyalty, and in fact, all of those in the face of abuse; literally the opposite to what someone was trying to get at … Amane will forgive everything that is done to him, even if it makes no sense, if it's not justified, if it is something nobody else would or could or should forgive. He isn't STUPID for that, he's NOBLE! You couldn't get more poignant than Aoi STABBING AKANE, and him enduring it, swearing to still love her, even at her worst. Continuing to crawl towards her, refusing to let her get away. Amane can KNOCK NENE OUT, gaslight her, he can kill her friend-- under any definition, he is abusive to her, isn't he? She'll chase him down, every time. Even on a good day, he's touching her without consent, her verbally telling him to stop or shoving him off of her. But Nene-chan's role is to understand why, to forgive his transgressions upon her, and deep down, to like how he treats her. You just can't impose an anti-harm virtue in that, it prioritizes love.
For all the weardown methods in this manga (HanaNene, NatsuSaku, HakuMire, AkaneAoi....), you'd be insane to assert it has an anti-abuse message… or even really cares about that as a cautionary tale ... you can't keep looking at major long-built-up-to events as flops or mistakes or sudden, predictable creepiness out of left field, in contrast to your idea of virtue as if it otherwise maintains it.
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Even with Mitsuba, you'd be crazy to think we're trying to 'say something about abuse', when Kou himself bullies Mitsuba… Kou's even quite rough, throwing rocks at him, and so recently, violently wrestling him. He'll call him stupid while doing it all! He'll call Mitsuba's suicidal urges STUPID! In what way isn't that 'abuse', if we compare it to anyone else arbitrarily held up to scrutiny? Where do we draw the line, you know? Shouldn't it never be a gag or bit or silly, if we want to coherently deliver a message of some artistic import to the author? Are AidaIro wanton?
It's like people notice "people get hurt", relationships are twisted, and then automatically assume "so the message probably is one that moralizes upon that".
What of how Sakura dehumanizes Natsuhiko, and how much he loves her anyway? She hits him, she declares he deserves no recognition. Does he 'deserve' it, for being a pest to her? I guess the argument is often that Tsukasa 'deserved' to die … does , Mitsuba 'deserve it' when he is bullied by Kou? ? Does Nene-chan 'deserve it' when Amane removes her autonomy ? if we start thinking about 'deserving misery', why doesn't Amane deserve the agony he's been trapped in? He definitely feels he deserves it. I suppose Hakubo deserved his end for his life of slavery, due to how he didn't fight it hard enough, or feel bad enough ?
You have everything from severe situations where characters, in pure love, endure anything, and you have comedic situations where you're not meant to take the slapstick seriously, and you have people sortof wantonly deciding that, well, the way Tsukasa acts, is abusive, but, then, Kou, isn't, for arbitrary reasons, not even following the guideline of how something is framed. Nene-chan can like, hit Amane. He can knock her out. Whether or not that's a problem to a rube is a toss-up (and usually, just if they like Amane, or like Nene. and usually, Nene's flaw to people is being boring, really :p).
But if you get hooked on the idea of the 'theme' being something like this, this relationship harm abuse thing, the story looks haphazard and meaningless and renegade. And then people get frustrated by headers where Tsukasa is a funny little mascot blowing bubbles and painting Mokke in chocolate … because it's disorienting, in THAT context. In the context of a story trying to unpack abuse, and take it seriously, Tsukasa's depiction becomes backwards, annoying, confusing. It's like AidaIro-sensei aren't taking their own story seriously! It's like they just want to pander to fans (what, on an unpaid for completely by her own volition banner, a thing with Aida-sensei used to playfully do for her and Iro-sensei's blog when they were teens together? Before even being employed at all?)
but you know,
In the context, "Tsukasa is someone still worth loving", all that depiction makes sense. Of course, you're meant to find him precious. You're waiting to understand why he is Amane's yorishiro. You're waiting to understand why he looks at him like this… even after everything.
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Thinking about love, first and foremost, we understand why someone should adore Sakura, even as she threatens to destroy the world. Someone who would let her hurt them, any day, every day, and still see her as cute, caring, shy, lonely. What she really is.
We can understand why, even if Kou is stupid and violent, even if he can't express anything well, even if he lashes out with insults, someone should still want to give him a chance to help them.
We can understand why Akane can be rejected by Aoi over and over and over again, why he would forgive being stabbed through the body, why he would still want to kiss Aoi, even after she insists he stop loving her already.
We can understand why Sumire was never afraid of Hakubo's Oni nature, and could never hate him; not even after 100 years of quiet, imprisoned abandonment.
Characters really do feel devotion in… DANGEROUS excess, to BAD FOR THEM or BAD FOR OTHERS extremes (which sometimes, others comment on as absurd!!), maybe, most relevantly, this is true for our TITLE CHARACTER, who PARTOOK OF A LOVER'S SUICIDE. Perhaps it is DANGEROUS to love and be loved by Amane, perhaps it was DANGEROUS to love Tsukasa! Perhaps it is more dangerous than anything, for Nene-chan to dig deeper and deeper, when Amane wants to hide it all from her!
Should all of these people still love eachother? Should they wrestle themselves away, with some sense? It's too bad ... they simply will. Is it tragic that they stay, or is it beautiful? What does the story think?
All things told, just your boyfriend refusing to give you the details of his criminal record is not good….
Amane is surely scared he could not have Nene-chan's love any longer if she saw him fully.
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But should we want her to run away from the full weight of it? Of course not … however bad it is, we can have faith Nene-chan could, and would, still love him. Even if it was stupid to. Even if nobody else would love him. Even if there's no sane way to justify loving him.
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It is a little wild to me the situations of institutions and legacies of power, tradition, is just not perceived, either. Even though I think that is far more socially relevant and engaging a message even for the western audience ... More often these romanticized individual relationships are niggled and nitpicked to hell and back, as the Big Nasty Thing, but the greater shape of the Minamoto family, the institution trapping the Mysteries, the belief systems about Kaii and Human, the very conceit of social credit represented in rumors perpetuating expectations of harm and changing people into monsters, is just not seen as the actual 'Big Bad'. What hurts anyone? What forces someone to make a bad decision? All these trapped animals, poked in their cages ... what a misnomer, to watch the animals hurt eachother, and say, "that one is bad, and deserves to be killed to make the other animals safe". It's sweet that for all the biting and clawing eachother, the animals lick eachother's wounds.
I heard there is someone out here trying to break cages...
Anyway... as I mentioned a couple times ... It's not as if I think the writing is without a meaningful message, or as if it's only jerkoff fodder yandere soup for the SIMP's soul. You can think of rumors as representing expectations, stereotypes, prejudice-- perpetuation of belief, superstition creating paranoia, hysteria, harm… the Minamoto+Nagisa families as expressing how history is obfuscated and rewritten towards a chosen narrative, how something as noble as seeking control and safety can justify individual harm, how individual lives and freedom become nothing but collateral or fodder in pursuit of collective security (fascism, if you wanna go there... or just anti-collectivism if you wanna be less intense). The broader concept that seeking to protect something may provoke the destruction of autonomy. "You can't do anything, so it's better to forget, and be happy" is repeated constantly (and argued AGAINST!) too...
It's just never going to be a narrative in support of punishment, banishment, 'bad people do bad things' ... or else our title character would not be an imprisoned criminal, who hates himself.
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dreamerking27 · 9 months
Freeze prep for wip game
Metaion issues: power cells weardown. He is solar-powered but the batteries can't hold much of a charge anymore so he's unable to do anything at night or on overcast days. Coming to this city is important both because of the reflective design which means he can still get some charge at night AND because Jason thinks the human healers can help; Jason doesn't really know how different Metaion is on the inside.
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babyawacs · 1 year
‎#independent (#notmywar) #on #ukraine #tactics .@us_stratcom .@ro satom @msc .@msc @bbcradio4 .@pacificcommand .@france24 .@sipri @sip ri @nato .@nato @otan .@otan @bundeswehrinfo @nato @otan @bundesweh rinfo @pacificcommand .@pacificsubs .@us_stratcom @iafsite .@msc @osce .@osce .@ksce .@us_stratcom .@iaeaorg @us_stratcom #potus #vp hav enot understood that itis allout allin vastland weak but allin allout war against ukraine while the focus is china afew rpg s and a dozen mbt s a dozen artillery would .... stop the early part of themess but not the war engine started and runnning #keypoint ifindit remarka ble if ukraine didnot master the target goal of averting russias a b i l i t y tofight letalone the basics of concentrationof firepower with supercharging survivability and effectivity with sensors and deni al of sensors. inthelongrun requiring heavy effective(survivable)ca s but r u s s i a likely mastered it while west games for conquest of an agricultural colonymmmmmmmmmmm costeffectively and weardown russ i enough allalong stayfree with the brits and jointhe eu with the brits
‎#independent (#notmywar) #on #ukraine #tactics .@us_stratcom .@rosatom @msc .@msc @bbcradio4 .@pacificcommand .@france24 .@sipri @sipri @nato .@nato @otan .@otan @bundeswehrinfo @nato @otan @bundeswehrinfo @pacificcommand .@pacificsubs .@us_stratcom @iafsite .@msc @osce .@osce .@ksce .@us_stratcom .@iaeaorg @us_stratcom #potus #vp havenot understood that itis allout allin vastland weak but allin…
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britnxyspears · 3 years
I think this is the first time in my life where I've had a mental breakdown about every other day. It feels more like a mental weardown.
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anteroom-of-death · 4 years
One day I will write about what The Master as a representation of Autism and the weardown of masking it in neurotypical society (his descent into madness over regenerations) and how I can find myself and my stims/actions in each one.
And how, despite the fact that I am deeply attracted to all the incarnations of this character and the actors who've played them, I feel like even though he's a baddie: i get why and can rationalize their behavior due to years of rage Ive but up at a world where the adults often have been cruel or indifferent for my tryings to be alltistic....
The Master is Good Rep and I Cried So Much Over the Fact that the Latest version of him acts like me and even has how people say my facial expressions go..
I will elaborate master by master when I have the spoons
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userlander · 4 years
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Good Question!
As with any Pokemon, if you’re looking to raise a championship-tier partner, you’ll need to start with their first evolution! Pokemon reared from youth by a single Trainer tend to be far more obedient- and battle ready- than those who are captured in the wild at a later stage. Grimmsnarl is no exception to this- so let’s begin with Impidimp!
 Let’s say you’re aiming for a Dual Screen Grimmsnarl [a popular competetive option]- so, you mosey on down to a reputable Fairy-type breeder and ask if they’ve any Impidimp up for sale- how will you know you’re getting one that’s good for battle when they’re so small and...well....dimpy?
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There’s a few things you’ll want to look for!
-Straight, healthy fangs. No chips or weardown on their enamel. Their canines should be, roughly, two inches in length and even on both sides. [High Atk. IV]
-Decent musculature. A young Impidimp should have some athleticism- if an imp seems lethargic, or it tires out easier than others, that’s a sign you should skip it and keep looking.  [High Speed IV]
-Pointed ears that don’t droop or sag. An Impidimp should have perky ears free of debris or grime- the species is notoriously prone to ear infections so it’s best to avoid purchasing Imps that show early signs of possible issues. [High HP IV]
-A penchant for pranks. While you don’t want an Impidimp that’s truly unruly, you’ll want one that’s creative and crafty- that little spark of intelligence will help them later in life with moves like Light Screen and Reflect, which take a fair amount of concentration to uphold in tough battles. [Prankster Ability]
And most importantly!
-A good disposition. I cannot STRESS how vital it is to select an Impidimp with a nature that’s compatible with human handling. Some Imps are simply unsuitable for battling- it’s not a fault of their own, of course, but aggressive or lazy Imps should be avoided! Make sure the Imp that interests you is willing to take commands- or at least, has the ability to learn! [Beneficial Nature]
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So you take your Impidimp home- now what?
Well- It’s up to you on how your Pokemon turns out!
Since we’re going for a Dual Screen Grimmsnarl, we’ll want to train our Impidimp to maximize their reflexes and endurance.
Rookidee and Skwovet are good low-level, common opponents for your Impidimp to fight against to help get them into the hang of battling. Rookidee is a speedy opponent, and Skwovets are durable little things that your Impidimp can learn a lesson or two from!
Remember to take breaks liberally- you don’t want to overwork your Pokemon! They’re young and still learning, and battling should be a positive experience. Keep your Impidimp from fainting, and always carry an array of potions and bandages at all times. When they’re successful in a fight, give them some praise! They work hard for you, after all.  
As they grow older, you’ll want to slowly introduce them to the rest of your team! Morgrems especially need socialization- they tend to take after the biggest and most powerful member of a team, out of respect, so be sure to talk to your other Pokemon about their new companion ahead of time!
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After that, all it takes is steady handling! Keep their diet proper, exercise up, and take them for their regular health checks- soon enough you’ll have your own championship Grimmsnarl!
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[Now, if you’re wanting other information on how to keep your Grimmsnarl healthy and happy, feel free to ask that!]
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It is a process by which local sea level rise, string wave action and coastal flooding weardown or carry awat rocks, soils, and or sands along the coast. The combination of storm surge at hight tide with additon effect from strong qaves conditions commonly associated with landfalling tropical storms.
Erosion rate and potential impacts are highly located. Sea level rise will cause an increase in coastal erosion and the human response will be critical, if people choose to buiild hard structures in an attempt to keep the shoreline position stable, we wilk use beach area due to scour. Increases in storm frequency and intensity in the future will also cause increased coastal erosion.
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Impacts of coastal erosion
Loss of habitat/ beach and landscape quality
Loss of buoldings, infrastructure, facilities such as roads and power lines
For settlements and infrastructure this is likely to result in damage to and loss infrastructure
For ecosystem, sea level rise may lead to loss of salinization of soils may cause changes to the distribution of plants and animals.
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Why I choose this environmental issue?
I choose this environmental issue to inform to all the bad efects of coastal erosion to everyone especially that coastal zone have been shown to be extremely important for the development of society.
I want to give a clear understanding about what is all about coastal erosion that will surely help to save the world because coastal erosion is a big threat to human settlements, harbors, coastal recreation areas, wetlands etc.
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Dark Stars {Part 9}
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*Loki x OFC*
Part: 9/10
Words: 3k
Warnings: nudity, teasing, no smut tho
Summary: ~Loki could just let her die here and now. His problems would be solved and he could go back to his usual ways. But then he would forever be left with an unsolved mystery and he hated the prospect of that even more than the fear of what would happen if she lived.~
A story of what happens when Loki stumbles upon someone who is like him in every way. Only better. Oh, and they just happen save Asgard too.
A.N.: To celebrate over 1000 people following me (how insane is that?!), I decided to share the newly edited version of the very first Loki fanfiction I ever wrote! Enjoy the mischief 💚
All Parts can be found on my Masterlist!
"Oh yes!" Ivy grinned. "We found the man who poisoned the city... A council member seeking revenge for his own miserable existence. He's down in the water supply system with a few of his creepy plants, and you really might want to clean that up before any of the poisoned water gets into the wrong tunnels. And you might also want to make sure there are no poisoned foods left in the palace or the city."
"What? The man's still down there? Alone?!" Thor asked in confusion, staring first at Ivy, then at Loki.
"Yeah, but he's dead, so… no need to worry about that." Ivy shrugged. "Just tell the guards to clean that mess up and you're good to go."
"I didn't think you'd get the issue sorted out this fast, really, I'm impressed. But I'm not your personal palace servant!" Thor put his arms into his sides with a frown. "You can't come here every day to tell me what to do!"
"Yeah, I'm also quite disappointed that it didn't take us longer to find him… I was hoping for a spectacular chase, an exciting adventure… while all we got was a mere 'meh'. But at least now there won't be any more people dying, so that's nice. You're welcome!" Ivy smirked to herself, and Loki chuckled.
Thor on the other hand only sighed. "Maybe if I tell father about this incident and polish it up a little in the dramatics, he might let my brother return to the palace."
"Who said I want to come back?" Loki rose his eyebrows at Thor in question, unimpressed by the thunderer's attempt to right wrongs that weren't his own.
"Oh come on, I can hardly imagine that you enjoy living down in the streets! I will talk to our father about the issue and then I will speak with you again. We shall meet tomorrow at sunset, far back in the palace gardens." Thor smiled to himself, obviously very content with his idea.
"I'm only coming back if Ivy can come with me." Loki said calmly. "Either that, or this will be the very last you see of us."
With that, Loki had taken hold of Ivy's arm and they once more disappeared in an instant, leaving Thor alone on his grand balcony.
Thor sighed to himself once they were gone. He had always wanted for Loki to find someone who loved him dearly and truthfully, but now he wasn't so sure of that concept anymore. They would either heal each other from their bitterness, from their brokenness, or together they would be the end of everything Thor believed to know.
"So… Going back to the palace, huh?" Ivy asked in a stained voice once they had reached the secret opening and walked over to their spot with the still dirty blankets. However, Ivy didn't feel like sitting, or resting in any way… She felt gross and bruised and thus only leaned against the cold stone wall as she came to stand next to their provisional camp.
"Don't you think a real bed would be more comfortable than freezing on a blanket every night?" Loki asked with a small laugh. "It's only going to get colder and wetter as the year passes."
"Well, I have never before minded the weather." Ivy commented with an indifferent shrug. "And right now it's still warm and comfortable… We could stay here, you know… And try to make it work." She started rubbing her face, noticing how the sweat and the dirt of the streets still lingered on her body like a second skin that clung to her physique like it clung to her mind. In addition the obvious weardowns, she still felt the gross man's hands on her skin, even if he had barely gotten the chance to touch her at all. Still, unwanted touch brought back unpleasant memories.
"This place… It's not enough. Not right now, and definitely not for an eternity." Loki spoke quietly, looking into Ivy's eyes with such positive determination that it confused her more than it pained her.
"If you think like that, then maybe I'm not enough for you either." Ivy replied calmly, but the sadness in her voice was cold and bitter like a veil of venom. She turned to look away, avoiding his eyes for she didn't want to see pity yet again, nor whatever else he had meant to say. No, Ivy was too tired to deal with his shifts of mind. If he was pulling back again now, after everything, she wouldn't stop him. Not again.
Loki on the other hand placed a gentle finger under her chin, making her look back up at him. "I think you misunderstand my words…" He leaned his head down so his forehead was touching the top of hers, his voice only a breath. "I think this place is not enough for you… I want to give you so much more than this… I want to give you everything."
Ivy's eyes fluttered shut as she tried to calm her breathing, heart echoing in her ears like thunder. "Why would you say that? I'm not like you, I don't yearn for grandness… or for a palace. I was raised on the streets, I've lived on the streets my whole life and that's also where I will die. I have no right to ask for everything. Nor do I deserve it."
Loki lifted a hand, pushing a strand of hair out of her face in a movement so tender it made her heart sigh. "You deserve it more than anybody else." His hand went from caressing her cheek, slowly trailing down to her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps on her delicate skin.
"How could I possibly go back to the palace with you in the knowledge of how they treated you? I saw what you saw… I felt what they made you feel. If they think you're a monster, what will they think of me? Who am I, Loki, to keep them from hurting you yet again?"
"You are my queen." He replied easily, as if speaking a universal truth. "And I am your humble servant."
It didn't take any more words for Ivy to realize that she would never in her life love something as much as she loved Loki. Not freedom, not being right… not anything.
She brought her hands up to his cheeks and pulled him against her until their lips touched at last, for a kiss so gentle it made her heart flutter and her skin tingle as if under electricity. And Loki kissed her back, softly at first, but slowly all the affection, the passion and the desperation his heart had harbored deepened the kiss to become of such an intensity it made Ivy hold onto him as the only solid thing in a crazy spinning world. The feeling of his chilled lips moving against hers cleared her mind from every worry the world had to offer and every sorrow that was left within her from the past or present. There was only a future in this kiss, a promise of light.
A small moan escaped her lips and she pressed her body against his as tightly as possible, desperate for his touch, for closeness, for comfort.
But Loki pulled away, only a few inches, to look into her darkened eyes. "This is not the right time, my love…"
"Huh?" Ivy stared at him, through a haze of emotions, frustrated at the loss of his lips on her own.
"You deserve so much more than a quick makeout on the dusty ground... You deserve to be worshiped like the goddess you are."
"I deserve you!" Ivy pouted a little, poking him in the chest with her index finger. "And I didn't think you'd be the 'taking it slow' kind of person…" She winked at him, teasing, knowing exactly how to push his buttons by now.
Loki let out a short laugh, followed by a humored smirk. "Ivy, I think you know exactly what kind of person I am. And you know that I'm not as shallow as this." The seductiveness in his voice, the way he towered over her, his eyes so dark and intense that his mere gaze on her made Ivy press her back into the stone wall behind her for support. It really wasn't fair that he was getting to play with her... But two could play at this game.
In an instant, she grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and switched their position around, pressing his back against the stone wall with her entire body weight. Sure, he probably could've freed himself, but it was the gesture that counted after all.
Loki's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise and amusement, and Ivy could've sworn they darkened even more. Hiding her grin behind another smirk, she let her hands slowly wander down from his collar, fingers brushing against his neck, over his chest, and down to the hem of his biting, tracing it with one single finger. But then she stopped abruptly, taking an entire step backwards, and thus breaking every physical contact, but not once their locked gaze.
Now it was Loki's turn to protest, at least with his eyes, for surely begging, or pouting, he deemed below his pride. And still, Ivy could tell how much their little game was affecting him, and how pissed he was at her for pulling back. But that was what payback is all about, after all.
"I think I should really get cleaned up now, if you don't mind…" She grinned at him and sauntered over to the pool, first kicking off her boots, then dropping her jacket, pants following, until she stood at the edge of the water in nothing but his shirt. For a short moment that grew longer and longer in accordance with the stretching shadows on the grass, she hesitated. And waited. The sun was gone by now, and the light breeze made her shiver involuntarily, but also sobered her mind from her pressing need for his touch. Sure, she still craved his physical affection as much as the comfort of his mere presence, but that would also mean having to reveal her body with all its flaws and scars. It wasn't like she was ashamed or shy of herself, but she didn't want him to think she was a weak for having gotten beat up so many times over… a fragile object, a doll shattered and put back together. There had been quite a few times already when people had seen her naked, but it had always been without her consent. And the memory of all those times she had been touched or hurt for the pleasure of others didn't just vanish because someone, for once, was good for her, to her.
Ivy felt ridiculous for even thinking about it; Loki was the first person who ever truly cared about her. He would never hurt her like that nor consciously act in a way that was uncomfortable to her. She smiled at the thought. He was a much nicer person than he believed himself to be.
"May I join?" Loki asked then, his voice coming from so close behind her all of a sudden that it made her jump a little.
He could tell the mood had shifted with every item of clothing she had lost, and by merely looking at her now, shivering and waiting, he knew that this was not the time nor the place indeed.
"I can leave if you want to clean yourself." He said gently, as she turned around to face him.
Ivy wrapped her arms around her still mostly covered body and observed Loki's face for a moment. He didn't look angry, or disappointed or anything that would've made her feel guilty for pulling back now. There was only understanding and sincere worry in his eyes. Love, even.
"No." Ivy heard herself say before her mind caught on. "Don't leave."
"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, my love…" He said and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Whatever it is you wish for me to do, I will."
"Undress." Ivy commanded in a quiet, yet determined voice. "Without magic."
Loki lifted his eyebrows in surprise, but obeyed without another comment. He didn't try to make it any kind of seductive, or even longer than necessary… he simply took the pieces of clothing off one by one and discarded them on the ground.
Ivy watched intently, her eyes never leaving his until he was completely bare, and obviously still comfortable under his burning gaze. Only then she dared to truly look at him, taking in every inch of his being, tracing his skin with her eyes as she wished to let her hands do.
"No deceptions..." She said quietly, her voice hoarse. Loki sighed slightly, turning his back to her before doing as he was told and dropping every magic he had used to disguise the scars and wounds he had collected over the last centuries. He couldn't see her face, but he could hear a slight gasp.
To Ivy's eye, he was marvelous, in every aspect of his being. Not flawless, but perfect in a different way, a better way.
"I know… It happens when one steps onto a lot of people's feet. Which I happen to do quite often honestly." He said with a small and breathy laugh, turning back around towards Ivy, only to find her smiling almost affectionately.
"Am I that funny?" He asked, trying not to let on how insecure he truly felt about showing her the imprints his past had left on his body. It wasn't anything he had ever considered doing, as he himself felt repulsed by the many scars on his body, as he did by the ones left on his soul.
"No, you're not funny. At least not right now. I'm only very glad that you let me see." She smiled as she dropped her hands to her side, relaxing visibly under his insecure yet intent gaze.
"Well, I hardly had a choice, did I?" He chuckled, a little calmer now about his lack of covering magic, and still completely at ease with his lack of clothing. "You told me to undress and here I am now, bare to my soul and at your very mercy."
"I think I should return the favor." Ivy said in a breath and carefully pulled the shirt over her head, still reluctant to move too harshly after being pierced by a blade like a damn roast. Carelessly she dropped the piece of fabric to the ground, then turned to the side, showing him her own scars on her back and her ribcage. "See? You're not the only one."
Loki's eyes were fixed on her, taking in the beauty that was her body in the rapidly fading daylight. It pained him to see that once she had been hurt like this, but it also made him realize over and over again how strong she was for still being here, with him, with trust that he wouldn't hurt her yet again. Maybe she was stronger than him even.
Ivy enjoyed his gaze on her, despite her insecurities, and the look of absolute awe in his eyes made her feel all tingly once again and a lot more certain about her next words.
"I still wanna bath, so…" She said and held out a hand to him. "Join me?"
With a huge smile he took her hand and followed her into the freezing cold water, yet again surprised that Ivy didn't even flinch as the coldness met her heated skin. Oh, she definitely was stronger than him…
It took a few seconds before Ivy's body adjusted to the cold, but then she let go of Loki's hand and let herself fall backwards into the dark water.
The cold numbed her body just enough for it to still be bearable, and the sheer darkness and quiet around her made her smile. Being underwater was such a calming sensation… like a darkness, but without the pain. Ivy stayed like that for as long as she could, before coming back up for air at last.
"For a moment I thought you wanted to drown yourself." Loki chuckled from a few feet away.
"Nah, not today. Maybe later." She winked at him, slowly starting to rub the dirt off her skin with a sigh. This wasn't as luxurious as Loki's bathroom, but it still felt heavenly.
Finally she sighed once more in contentment when she was clean and the feeling of foreign hands was gone from her body. Once more she leaned backwards into the water, her body curving while she smoothed out her hair in an attempted to untangle it somehow. Then, having more or less succeeded, she moved through the water to stand in front of Loki. His hair was hanging around his face in wet strands and the water droplets on his skin glistened in the moonlight like he was some ancient sea creature. It looked so breathtakingly beautiful that it was almost cheesy to a certain extent. But Ivy had to smile nonetheless.
"Do you feel better now, my sweet?" Loki asked quietly, and for an answer, Ivy gently placed a hand in his neck and pulled him down into a soft kiss, which he returned just as lightly, while his hand reached around her waist, pulling her flush against his body.
"Tell me if you want me to stop." He whispered and his lips left hers, breathing kisses light as feathers down her jaw to her neck, nibbling at the soft skin while his one hand remained on her back, holding her tightly against him, leaving the other to explore the wonders of her ravishing body.
Ivy's fingers entangled in his hair on their own account, and his name spilled from her lips like a prayer as he moved to caress not only her body, but also her soul.
@vodka-and-some-sass @t-sunnyside @lokis-high-priestess
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Aaah this is the second to last part already! It's probably not the best steamy stuff I've written (it's definitely not), but yeah... Hope you enjoyed this nonetheless! 😊🥰
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talesandfluff · 4 years
Your posts made me watch the lego batman movie and aldkgjalsljfhsak I love it so much!!! It's the only thing that I've watched that I've genuinely liked on netflix
honestly I had a GREAT time! I’d already loved the Lego movie itself, the story is really really nice but the VISUALS! like omg it so looks like little legos! with the scratch marks and weardown and everything, it’s sooooo well made!
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cosmik-homo · 4 years
I know basically every writer has their own phrases they tend to use a lot and it's valid and natural and I hate it when people make big deals about these kinds of descriptions but really, in very good faith, after this much Gnashing Of Teeth Victor Frankenstein must have some kind of Dental weardown, right?
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2n2n · 2 years
2n-2n-sama, please give us a Sakura and Tsukasa analysis
Sure!! Wow, I've become -sama too....
Mostly, I'll have to ponder about them openly... there's much we don't know. So let's just consider what has the potential to be true! And that which we can infer.
Unlike Hanako and Nene, we don't know that Sakura and Tsukasa met only recently. They could have begun developing their relationship even a decade or more ago. While Hanako and Nene are limited by Nene's lifespan, her attending the school at all, etc, Tsukasa and Sakura have seemingly existed at the outskirts of the Mysteries for a long, long time. Tsukasa has been a yorishiro for ?almost 50 years likely ? and Sakura has been trapped in the school for over 100. When did they start talking? It could be at any point.
Whatever the case, at the start of this manga, Sakura and Tsukasa appear to have more familiarity and casual demeanor than Hanako and Nene do. It could be Tsukasa's nature, but ah... there's just such a freeness mutually. This feels like a longer-existing bond.
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Tsukasa does not keep such deep secrets, unlike Hanako. Tsukasa is not ashamed of his past, or hiding from love for Amane. Unlike Nene, who is being drip-fed information by people who knew Amane, behind his back, such as Tsukasa and Tsuchigomori, Tsukasa is happy to directly tell Sakura about his twin, and all of his love for him.
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there's no surprise when Amane comes up! Of course.... only Nene is surprised to learn of the twins history.
We know Tsukasa began this series incredibly weak, unable to manifest outside of a boundary (the broadcast room?). Unlike Hanako and Nene, where Hanako is an intimidating and powerful, imposing, impressive figure-- leader of the mysteries, the prestige!-- Tsukasa begins his dynamic with Sakura, as something that needs her help. ...presumably, she needs his help, too. Neither of them are at an advantage.
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This is an amount of placing trust in another that Hanako doesn't easily do, himself.... we've never seen Nene so comfortably wield Koku-joudai, either. Sakura seems to be granted more shared control, early on. I assume Hanako doesn't want to grant Nene anything like this..... since he's more keen to surprise her with his powers, in order to maintain an advantage.
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Sakura willingly helped with providing the disadvantaged Tsukasa with what he needed, in order to enable him to hold the power he has now. As a result, I'd say the power dynamic is surprisingly willing. Sakura is now under the command of her master....
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.... but that's something she, perhaps step by step, accepted, agreed to. The Tsukasa only just a week or so ago had so little capability.... Seemingly, it's only after he has a few yorishiro under his belt that he has meaningful power over her. Sakura also presumably understands kaii, and the mysteries, baseline, as, at the very least, some sort of overseer of them... unlike Nene, who is only told that which Hanako feels she needs to know. Sakura and Tsukasa have more uh, informed consent, for lack of a better phrase, haha. Nene is very out of her depth with Hanako... but Sakura knows this world well.
I think Tsukasa earnestly trusts Sakura, and Sakura as well places a lot of trust into him. It is unique for two people to not fathom betrayal in the other.
So, I can see why she's unflinching in moments such as this. She walked herself here. Tsukasa was not cast upon her. Everything is according to an agreement. She handed these reigns to Tsukasa, in exchange for her eventual freedom.
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...... however... personally speaking, I can't read anything resembling romantic interest between the two of them. I was really amused by the quiz revealing to us that Sakura's taste is aligned to dogs. Cats are not her type....
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hmmm... but a dog ...~?
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along the comical weardown method in this manga and, more seriously speaking, the themes of endurance in love, Natsuhiko and Sakura are simply inevitable, and it will be Natsuhiko's nature which perhaps can finally stir in Sakura another echelon of wish. I don't think Tsukasa is capable of stirring more than the initial desire for escape... I don't think he can stir a desire for more. In the same way Nene is necessary for stirring more ambitious desires out of Amane. Tsukasa happily works with other's influence.
... and of course, Tsukasa only truly concerns himself with Amane. As Tsukasa is sortof stunted around his age 4 self.... I don't really think he craves or seeks a romantic relationship anywhere meaningfully, as much as he's just childishly interested in kissing. I mean, I don't think he'd say no to anything if it was wanted of him.... he'd probably just find it funny and interesting and see it like a sort of game or playing, if it was anyone other than Amane. I mostly don't think exclusivity as a concept applies to Tsukasa, or the more serious connotations of commitment. But I don't see Sakura remotely wanting to, wwwww, even if Tsukasa would obviously be 'HAHA SURE' about it.
But I think that's interesting-- that Sakura and Tsukasa have their mutual agreement to achieve their goals, with the understanding they will sortof 'go their separate ways' at the end of this all.
If Sakura in some way monitors the 7 mysteries on the sidelines, perhaps as a forgotten aspect of them, or something, maybe it's possible that she found Tsukasa alone in the deepest recesses of Hanako's ill-visited boundary. What sort of Tsukasa might Sakura have first met....? One that cannot even venture out of a boundary. What stories did the two share? Why did Sakura share her wish with Tsukasa-- what did Tsukasa say to her, to make her dream about a wish? Sakura thinks of Tsukasa as childish, but pure of heart and ultimately kind, even if crude.... maybe that is just the sort of nature she needed, to come out of her shell... an unintimidating little boy to make her think differently. What use would there be, in a cold, aloof demeanor, around someone like Tsukasa, who simply says whatever he feels, and acts on whatever impulse he's got?
I like to think Sakura and Tsukasa met at a similar point in their mental states... maybe, maybe resigned to their fates, their seemingly permanent isolation? Accepting of their station? Shouganai-ne..... How long have we been having tea parties together? Waaah, so much to wonder~ I think there's a lot of sentimental possibility, and it has the potential to make everyone cry about them both.....
I think they are lucky to have found one another!
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schizo-friend-ick · 4 years
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babyawacs · 10 months
#independent #notmywar #on #surviveability #effectivity #of #f16 .@nato @otan .@us_stratcom .@ukraine .@rosatom @bbc_whys .@haaretzcom @israel .@peace @peace depends on russian count ermeasures ukraine f16 need e x t r a details for survivability effectivity (againstwhat) besides sortierate groundsupport # keypoint proliferated aesa s are basis but detail: stealth detec tion optimised iir + l i d a  r : 4thgen inthis: uhoh itlead s to battletactics of range not only lidar paint and jammerpod bu t at which range effectivity of which munitions carried out s ead covered trike packages in which battle tactics other than f reehunt and dogfight anticipations with hotas twin engine hit and run airframes depends on airframe and payload incontrary depe nd on the effectivity of ownsystems too at which point the up per hand comparative advantage per battle tactic s but the basis without details extra blunt quickly without effectivity quick weardown no replace inert quickly to change iniative and dynamics
#independent #notmywar #on #surviveability #effectivity #of #f16 .@nato @otan .@us_stratcom .@ukraine .@rosatom @bbc_whys .@haaretzcom @israel .@peace @peace depends on russian countermeasures ukraine f16 need e x t r a details for survivability effectivity (againstwhat) besides sortierate groundsupport #keypoint proliferated aesa s are basis but detail: stealth detection optimised iir + l i d a…
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miquela-motionblur · 7 years
A woman is talking to death - Judy Grahn
Pt. I Testimony in trials that never got heard my lovers teeth are white geese flying above me my lovers muscles are rope ladders under my hands we were driving home slow my lover and I, across the long Bay Bridge, one February midnight, when midway over in the far left lane, I saw a strange scene: one small young man standing by the rail, and in the lane itself, parked straight across as if it could stop anything, a large young man upon a stalled motorcycle, perfectly relaxed as if he’d stopped at a hamburger stand; he was wearing a peacoat and levis, and he had his head back, roaring, you could almost hear the laugh, it was so real. “Look at that fool,” I said, “in the middle of the bridge like that,” a very womanly remark. Then we heard the meaning of the noise of metal on a concrete bridge at 50 miles an hour, and the far left lane filled up with a big car that had a motorcycle jammed on its front bumper, like the whole thing would explode, the friction sparks shot up bright orange for many feet into the air, and the racket still sets my teeth on edge. When the car stopped we stopped parallel and Wendy headed for the callbox while I ducked across those 6 lanes like a mouse in the bowling alley. “Are you hurt?” I said, the middle-aged driver had the greyest black face, “I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t stop, what happened?” Then I remembered. “Somebody,” I said, “was on the motorcycle.” I ran back, one block? two blocks? the space for walking on the bridge is maybe 18 inches, whoever engineered this arrogance. in the dark stiff wind it seemed I would be pushed over the rail, would fall down screaming onto the hard surface of the bay, but I did not. I found the tall young man who thought he owned the bridge, now lying on his stomach, head cradled in his broken arm. He had glasses on, but somewhere he had lost most of his levis, where were they? and his shoes. Two short cuts on his buttocks, and that was the only mark except his thin white seminal tubes were all strung out behind; no child left in him; and he looked asleep. I plucked wildly at his wrist, then put it down; there were two long haired women holding back the traffic just behind me with their bare hands, the machines came down like mad bulls, I was scared, much more than usual, I felt easily squished like the earthworms crawling on a busy sidewalk after the rain; I wanted to leave. And met the driver, walking back. “The guy is dead.” I gripped his hand, the wind was going to blow us off the bridge. “Oh my God,” he said, “haven’t I had enough trouble in my life?” He raised his head, and for a second was enraged and yelling, at the top of the bridge—“I was just driving home!” His head fell down. “My God, and now I’ve killed somebody.” I looked down at my own peacoat and levis, then over at the dead man’s friend, who was bawling and blubbering, what they would call hysteria in a woman. “It isn’t possible” he wailed, but it was possible, it was indeed, accomplished and unfeeling, snoring in its peacoat, and without its levis on. He died laughing: that’s a fact. I had a woman waiting for me, in her car and in the middle of the bridge, I’m frightened, I said. I’m afraid, he said, stay with me, please don’t go, stay with me, be my witness—“No,” I said, “I’ll be your witness—later,” and I took his name and number, “but I can’t stay with you, I’m too frightened of the bridge, besides I have a woman waiting and no license— and no tail lights—“ So I left— as I have left so many of my lovers. we drove home shaking, Wendy’s face greyer than any white person’s I have ever seen. maybe he beat his wife, maybe he once drove taxi, and raped a lover of mine—how to know these things? we do each other in, that’s a fact. who will be my witness? death wastes our time with drunkenness and depression death, who keeps us from our lovers. he had a woman waiting for him, I found out when I called the number days later “Where is he” she said, “he’s disappeared.” “He’ll be all right” I said, “we could have hit the guy as easy as anybody, it wasn’t anybody’s fault, they’ll know that,” women so often say dumb things like that, they teach us to be sweet and reassuring, and say ignorant things, because we dont invent the crime, the punishment, the bridges that same week I looked into the mirror and nobody was there to testify; how clear, an unemployed queer woman makes no witness at all, nobody at all was there for those two questions: what does she do, and who is she married to? I am the woman who stopped on the bridge and this is the man who was there our lovers teeth are white geese flying above us, but we ourselves are easily squished. keep the women small and weak and off the street, and off the bridges, that’s the way, brother one day I will leave you there, as I have left you there before, working for death. we found out later what we left him to. Six big policemen answered the call, all white, and no child in them. they put the driver up against his car and beat the hell out of him. What did you kill that poor kid for? you mutherfucking nigger. that’s a fact. Death only uses violence when there is ant kind of resistance, the rest of the time a slow weardown will do. They took him to 4 different hospitals til they got a drunk test report to fit their case, and held him five days in jail without a phone call. how many lovers have we left. there are as many contradictions to the game, as there are players. a woman is talking to death, though talk is cheap, and life takes a long time to make right. He got a cheesy lawyer who had him cop a plea, 15 to 20 instead of life Did I say life? the arrogant young man who thought he owned the bridge, and fell asleep on it died laughing: that’s a fact. the driver sits out his time off the street somewhere, does he have the most vacant of eyes, will he die laughing?
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upsetzombie · 7 years
I’ll say easily 8/10 times I feed the dogs I watch them till they’re done. Of course whenever I have to go do something, like use the bathroom, suddenly I never ever watch them ever and it’s MY fault that one of the dogs is eating the other dogs food. Not to mention one of the little ones decided to take a crap all over the towel we had laid out in front of their doggy door (it’s been raining). My fault, of course.
I fucking despise my moms boyfriend. There is really no reason for him to talk to me like I’m some idiot. I hate using the word toxic, but that’s all he is. I try again and again to think of the positives, to be the better person, to not let it effect me. But it gets reaaaaal hard dealing with his shit EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Then my Mom chimes in and it doesn’t help at all. Instead of her critiquing his extreme alcohol problems (He doesn’t really drink anything but beer, he gets home and automatically opens one, prob drinks at least 5 a day), or how he goes to work high or how he is working an entry level job at 45 or how he has NEVER been a good/proper father to his daughter or how he buys food that he labels “just for him”.
Oh wait, but he’s like 6′5″ and my Mom feels attracted to him so she’s able to look over his abusive tendencies (she’s just as dysfunctional in the relationship a third of the time though).
Meanwhile I’m going to college despite not wanting to, constantly job hunting (and failing :/), don’t do drugs, don’t drink, go to the gym multiple times a week, do mostly everything that is asked of me... 
Yet I’m the one thats a spoiled brat because I don’t get up from my nap when SHE wants me to. Or how AWFULLY lazy I am for hanging my towel on the edge of my bed instead of on the back of my door. Or how I’m disgusting for eating in my room.
It’s not the end of the world, it just gets tiring. I’m glad there’s no physical abuse, but the mental weardown is real. I’ve been getting violent urges whenever he talks to me because I’m getting tired of being disrespected despite trying my best to keep composure and be respectful back. I’ve realized being respectful back does NOTHING with stupid people.
I could go on and on and on.
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