#we're so good at this y'all
ketchup-monthly · 2 years
Lanternfam’s favorite scary/Halloween movies:
with help by the lovely @space-specs
Hal- Rocky Horror Picture Show (he has a Dr Frank-N-Furter costume somewhere in his closet that he plans to wear for some League Halloween party)(specs and i are hardcore projecting genderfluid Hal hcs onto this)(he also knows how to dance the Time Warp)
Guy- Halloween (he is mad about the reboot and how the lighting has made the movie kinda worse. like he has no problem with the fact that they're making the new movie, and he isn't into how movies are really directed in any way, but even he is mad about the lighting)
John- Beetlejuice (it's a classic and Michael Keaton and the rest of the all-star cast do so well in it. he is also a fan of the musical)
Kyle- Coraline (the art style is so good and he definitely was terrified of it until he watched it and then he was fine with it. he definitely uses it to scare the senior lanterns tho)(dude it fucked me up. he'd be all over that -ketchup)
Jess- Casper (she liked it as a kid because it was about a connection that she wanted when she was younger that she didn't really have. plus it's a really sweet movie)(note: neither of us have seen it)
Simon- Paranorman (it's a good movie about seeing the truth of people, more than just what you see on the outside or in your expectations about them. and the art style is really unique and good and yeah. vibes, man)
Jo- Train to Busan (it's got a lot of complex messages in it and yeah. zombie apocalypse movies scary)
Keli- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (it fits. no i will not elaborate. -ketchup)
Alan- Young Frankenstein ("it has Gene Wilder in it, and gay people like Gene Wilder, right? i mean, i'm gay, and i like Gene Wilder. Gene Wilder is for the gays and i said so" -specs)(let the record state that ketchup also loves this movie and also really freaking loves Alan Scott and approves wholeheartedly)
Carol- Hocus Pocus (she dressed up as one of the Sanderson Sisters for Halloween last year)("she is a Sanderson sisters fan, and i mean in the bisexual way" -specs)
Kilowog- Little Shop of Horrors (he would get a kick out of the giant man-eating plant and the protagonist just being a little guy(tm))(plus the songs are really catchy and when Hal and Guy showed it to him, both of them were singing and quoting along, so its a movie that holds a special place in his heart)
Razer- Addams Family Values (he appreciates Wednesday's homicidal tendencies a lot. also his family is a little kooky, and the Addams family is a little kooky and crazy and he likes it)("...so basically, what i’m saying, is that Razer is a Wednesday Addams kinnie" -specs)
Thaal- The Blair Witch Project (he fell victim to its trappings and he thinks that it's real. he keeps trying to convince Hal to go ghost hunting with him. Hal keeps refusing and telling him that ghosts probably don't exist but Thaal refuses to listen.)
B'dg- Over The Hedge (the Verminator is scary.)
Helen- Halloweentown ("its the closest Disney gets to weirdgirl-core, and that’s her vibe" -specs)("yes Helen is not a lantern but she IS in the lanternfam and deserves to be. fite me" -ketchup)
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flintbian · 10 months
There's a disabled angel in good omens 🥺
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inafever · 10 months
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gojosbf · 2 months
if i had a nickel for each time jjk, bsd and mha fandoms collectively were losing their minds in a span of 2-4 days i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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babbimetal · 3 months
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lagosbratzdoll · 8 months
On Daenerys, Colonisation and Race Discourse within the ASOIAF Fandom
This has been on my mind for a good long while and honestly, as much as I would like to leave discourse in the pits, it has been bugging me intermittently over the past few weeks.
Far too many of you get on here and call people who like the fictional dragon-riding family, neo-Nazis and that sentiment is so prevalent, that white people feel comfortable telling me a black woman that I am a neo-Nazi for rooting for Daenerys Targaryen. I am upholding neo-Nazi power fantasies for wanting to see a little girl live at the end of a story. I am a neo-Nazi for wanting to see the rape survivor have the family she aches for and children with the man (or men) she loves.
Then, those same people go on spiels about how the systemic erasure of those who sing the song of the earth and other old races is not colonialism. That their removal from their home is not displacement but an agreement between two equal parties. The fact that the only place where those who sing the song of the earth exist in the present timeline is north of the wall, surrounded by the bones of their dead, is not a travesty. That the expulsion of the old races from their home isn't that bad and should not be condemned. 
Instead, people argue, completely seriously, that the harm that the First Men and Andals have caused is centuries in the past, so essentially the slate has been wiped clean. The logical leaps that are required to arrive at such a boneheaded conclusion are truly mind-boggling, and those who make such arguments are not good people. 
I am unsure how one could read those books and come away with the impression that the old races do not mourn the loss of their home. I am unsure how one could read The Last of the Giants[1] and Ygritte’s reaction to both the song and Jon’s dismissal of the ethnic cleansing of the giants then believe that the old races and the free folk have moved past their displacement. 
In Westeros, from the Wall to the broken arm of Dorne, they all speak one language despite the fact they are all different ethnicities and they all landed on the shores at different times. That is not the case in Essos, we have been introduced to at least six languages and in A Dance with Dragons, Tyrion notes that the Valyrian spoken in the Free Cities has evolved into nine distinct dialects, and they are well on their way to becoming different languages.
How would a continent as large and diverse as Westeros maintain its hegemony over the people if not for forced assimilation, discriminatory practices and violence? The brutal repression required to keep one house in power for thousands of years is nothing to sniff at. The suppression required to keep the vast majority of Westeros worshipping one (or seven) gods. The systems in place ensure that language does not grow or evolve amongst the highborns at least.
Centuries before Aegon's Landing the maesters were the definitive educational authority and even now centuries after, nothing has changed. The grey rats still decide who learns what and when they learn it. There's one in every highborn home, all correspondence passes through them, they are the healers and the councillors.
The circular logic gets even more blockheaded when you factor in the fact that Daenerys is far from the only white character in the books. She is not the only character who wishes for home. She is not the only character who draws strength from her ancestors, her bloodline and her magical creatures. 
Cersei draws strength from her family’s iconography, and the Stark children (Jon included) all draw strength from their direwolves, their home and their blood. Sansa, Arya and Bran wish to return home and their home was built on the indiscriminate murder and displacement of the indigenous peoples. Their home is built on centuries of rape, murder, exclusionary practices and sexual slavery. 
However, if we give the nonsensical argument that time erases crimes air; the Starks, Lannisters and Tullys are warring to settle personal grievances in the present timeline. As a consequence of that war, thousands (a modest guesstimate) of small folk, minor nobles and even some major ones have been raped, tortured, maimed and killed.
Despite all this, no one writes meta after meta about how Sansa and her siblings must surely die for justice to be had for those who sing the song of the earth, the free folk, the giants and all the old races that fled beyond the wall.  
People write meta about Cersei and how she must die, but those are typically more misogynistic nature. They typically argue that she must die not for the “crime” of being Lannister, but for the “crime” of being Cersei and “ruining” Jamie. 
I would not mind criticisms of Dany and her peace-focused approach to ending slavery because the approach is naïve and she gives the slavers far too much ground. However, she is learning, growing and self-critiquing. At the end of A Dance with Dragons, she has decided to embrace fire and blood, her knight is breaking the false peace which is a necessary step forward.
What I find offensive is people saying that she should have planned better before she abolished slavery. And that the death, violence, and sickness that arises from her quest to eradicate slavery is somehow worse than the death, violence, and sickness that already existed in Slaver’s Bay. 
This argument often downplays the horrific conditions and suffering that exist(ed) under the slave system in Slaver's Bay. Such arguments are often in poor taste and prioritise the lives and comforts of the slavers more than the people they have enslaved.
I would not mind criticisms of Dany if people applied that same critique even-handedly. The same people who believe that Jon and Bran have done much to rectify the evil that their ancestors perpetuated believe that Dany has not done anything to right the wrongs of her ethnic kin. They praise them for the non-existent steps that they have taken, but in the same breath, they condemn Dany for not being able to immediately end the plague that is slavery. 
It is perfectly alright to not like fictional characters, no law requires you to like certain fictional characters over others. However, what is not right is making broad accusations about those who do, it is beyond the pale. It is disgusting, and annoying, and trivialises real-world issues to score cheap points against fictional characters.
Equating the survival of a teenage survivor to the restoration of a fascist house or neo-Nazi power fantasy when such designations do not exist in the world of ice and fire is strange behaviour. Saying that the teenage survivor will eventually be manipulated and raped (again) before ending up dead on her manipulator's blade is also strange behaviour. 
Dismissing the horrors of colonialism, especially when the text shows you that the involved parties are still affected by it, is not normal and often veers into real-world imperialism apologia. While criticism and analysis of characters and their actions are valid and even encouraged, it is essential that we do not resort to sweeping generalisations about other people and that we keep criticisms of characters grounded in the text. 
Ooooooh, I am the last of the giants, my people are gone from the earth.
The last of the great mountain giants, who ruled all the world at my birth
Oh, the smallfolk have stolen my forests, they’ve stolen my rivers and hills.
And they’ve built a great wall through my valleys, and fished all the fish from my rills
In stone halls they burn their great fires, in stone halls they forge their sharp spears.
Whilst I walk alone in the mountains, with no true companion but tears.
They hunt me with dogs in the daylight, they hunt me with torches by night.
For these men who are small can never stand tall, whilst giants still walk in the light.
Oooooooh, I am the LAST of the giants, so learn well the words of my song.
For when I am gone the singing will fade, and the silence shall last long and long.
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turkwriter · 7 months
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, didn't check in on them or express sympathy in any way on 10/07: Huh.
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, went out and celebrated in the streets on 10/08: Huh!
Jews when their friends, both IRL and online, are now posting stuff from/about INN and JVP, going "Look how good THESE Jews are!": H U H !!!
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journeytodrawiii · 4 months
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POV: Both you and your girlfriend are obsessed with Good Omens and literally cannot stop.
I love her very very much. We had an amazing conversation through text that lasted like... over four hours. These are just some little funny moments I wanted to pick out of it. Also yes, my WhatsApp background is a drawing she made of us as Aziraphale and Crowley. We decided to draw each other as the Ineffable Spouses JUST before we got together. I drew myself as Azi and her as Crowley and she did it the other way around. Again, I state, I love her.
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
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he's listening to Xor infodump about computers
for the uninitiated, Nova belongs to ✨ moi ✨ and Xor belongs to @snailsnaps
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spaceratprodigy · 7 months
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[ 😇 ] — doodle dump from priv
just some smaller things while I have fun w friends and find my groove again :]
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if dorian didn't show up, do you think louis would have shot minnie?
I do. I know some people think either he wouldn't have or he would've missed so that's why the writers had him shoot Dorian instead, but mmmmmm no, I don't personally think so. I like to think that if he had taken the shot, his shaky hands would've caused him to shoot her fatally.
Mostly because I'm already so normal about the fact that of the Ericson crew, Marlon and Louis are the only ones with a body count. Well, that we know of, but shown to us in the game, at least. Plus, we know it's Louis' first kill.
Like yeah, Clementine and AJ become part of the crew and they have bigger body counts, and if we're counting indirect kills caused by actions, then Tenn has a count... and I guess everyone has blood on their hands for blowing up the boat... but I'm talking about killed directly with a weapon like....... I lied, I'm not normal about that at all, Louis and Marlon are the ones who have killed someone in Louis' route. I'm also not normal about the fact that Louis kills Dorian and then even as he's clearly in shock, he tries to go with Clementine to get AJ, and then later on when they talk about it, he says it feels like bile but not quite and he's glad he has it in him to do it.... listen, listen, listen... I'm obsessed with that.
Anyway, so if Louis shot Minerva, I think he would've accidentally killed her and can you imagine? He's already enough of a mess after killing the woman who pinned him down and tried to cut his finger off [or succeeded] but he knew Minerva, they were friends before the twins were taken. Even Violet couldn't kill her even though that would've been the smarter thing to do, and we know thanks to meta knowledge that killing her would've saved lives, but Violet couldn't, and I don't think Louis would intentionally either.
Speaking of Violet, if Louis killed Minerva, I hate to think about what that would've done to Vi. I think she might've actually left at that point, like what was planned before it got changed to her being burned. I don't think she would've attacked Louis over it, though, like yeah she attacked Clementine in the cell but Louis? I don't know, but I don't think so just because it's Louis and he'd be a mess about it anyway.
Though if he did kill her, it would be a neat parallel to draw... y'know, because Louis forgave AJ for killing Marlon even though he was pissed and heartbroken, and Violet was annoyed with him the entire time... but could she ever forgive Louis for killing Minerva? Y'know? We already have a similar parallel with AJ shooting Tenn, but still.
If Clementine killed Minerva in that moment, though, then I could see Violet attacking her since in her eyes, Clem proved her right.
So yeah, I get why they added the Dorian kill to his route. It adds another compelling element to Louis as a character, but we also need Minerva alive for episode 4; Louis can't kill her, he can't miss, and he's not going to stay with her because we need Violet to stay on the boat and him to be on shore for all routes.
#asks#twdg louis#twdg minerva#twdg clementine#twdg violet#twdg marlon#twdg tenn#honestly whenever i see someone say louis is the boring option i'm just like '.......that's your opinion but also how can you say that??'#then again i'm sure other people look at me saying violentine just isn't for me and they say the same thing so y'know... i can't talk haha#also time is such a weird thing because i look at the entire cell scene in louis' route and like... i'm not even mad about violet anymore#like yeah i still don't believe she was brainwashed like i'm sorry y'all only believe that because kent said something about it#not because there's all this evidence toward it in game like vi being pissed at clementine makes sense she doesn't need to be brainwashed#for it to work like her being vulnerable and easily manipulated into submission makes perfect sense especially with minerva there#it's like everyone was pissed that she attacked clementine and people needed a way to excuse it so it's not violet's fault when like...#that's literally what makes it interesting like calm down it's okay if violet is pissed and scared and behaves accordingly#also my controversial opinion of the day that i'll hide here in the tags so maybe people won't find it sksksk but#I personally find the concept of vinerva and the doomed tragedy of it more compelling than anything violentine did#like i'll defend violentine and i do believe it's an important and good ship it's just not my personal favorite#anyway but then the whole thing with lilly and minerva is so good and louis screaming FUCK YOU at minerva?? amazing love it so good#i love when the soft character who never chooses violence is so pissed off that all that anger they have boils to the surface and it's raw#like... he's SO mad he's SO furious he's SOOO UPSET like he wasn't even like this when marlon died or anything like he hit his limit#and then shooting dorian through the mouth while an accident is just well done i love it and i love his reaction of mortification#and apologizing and YET he still tries to go with clementine he's trembling and can barely string together a sentence but he wants to go#he wants to help her he wants to save aj THAT is the gut reaction he has after everything that just went down#'louis isn't loyal or good for clem because of the vote' babe tell me you don't understand any nuance of louis' character without telling m#it's fine IT'S FINE you don't have to agree and i just have to remind myself that it's fine not everyone likes louis we're okay#this drives me crazy in the best way like y'know what? i love the cells scene in louis' route all of it even the stuff i used to rant about#even the stuff that used to piss me off now i'm just like 'no wait past cj was dumb she wasn't looking at it this way aaaaaaaa' sksksks#that was my tag ted talk about the cell scene thank you
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deitycrows · 6 months
Also I do guess since the great fleeing of the Twitter Ghosties happened/ is happening. To solo tumblr Ghosties, from one on twitter. Think of it all happening as the few ghosties on there were always in hiding or walking over egg shells constantly 24/7 in the fandom then Stuff Happened. And we're here now :3
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
"I'm such an old man fucker🥰"You guys couldn't even handle adult Naruto and Ichigo
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thebirdandhersong · 9 months
well mark that down as situation 2938489 that I don't know how to handle
#i would love advice on this if y'all have any thoughts to share because i know what my parents think and im having trouble sorting it out#i love these three friends of mine but it is really draining to be around them now because all they will talk about is church drama#(re: our old church) and rehashing it all and being Outraged about the horrors etc etc#either that or being downright condescending about protestants/non denominations and acting like it's funny to talk like that all the time#i end up being more angry or resentful or exasperated at the end of our conversations than glad and at peace like i did before#(before all THIS ish happened and the three of them were like okay this is all we're going to talk about now)#i've tried to say in gentle ways (i am simply not capable of this kind of blunt confrontation) that maybe we should not be talking#so uncharitably towards other people especially behind their backs. like. yes bad things happened. we have to acknowledge that.#but continually making jokes and jibes at a priest's expense really rubs me the wrong way especially since i KNOW that he loves us#and in many ways was trying his best in the circumstances. and are we not supposed to be loving our neighbour#and is this not downright slander to keep going on this way esp since it goes on for HOURS at a time#anyway i don't know what to DO because if i keep chatting with them/meeting up with them conversation will be 90% this thing and i Hate It#but on the other hand i feel responsibility towards them because my godson's one of them and another is a friend who is a fairly recent#convert and if i leave them to stew in their own echo chamber i doubt it'll do them good#am i supposed to keep some distance? am i supposed to keep arguing whenever one of them says something unkind or inflammatory?#am i supposed to keep speaking up so that they hear a different perspective? am i supposed to run in the other direction for my own peace o#mind? anyway i am still thinking this over and it stresses me OUT#it used to be fun and life giving to be around these people and now it is so exhausting and seriously alarming in many ways
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dollypopup · 11 months
colin should 'suffer' for penelope
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aka: 5 short reasons why wanting colin to 'suffer' or 'grovel' or whatever other bullshit this fandom keeps pulling is stupid and makes no sense and should have been buried ages ago, how is this still a thing?
1: it sets a terrible and unhealthy dynamic between an endgame couple
especially considering Polin's motif is that of a mirror, if Colin is expected to grovel or suffer for Penelope's affection and forgiveness, it only stands to reason that Penelope then, too, would have to reciprocate. how Penelope treats Colin's ills is setting the precedent for how he's expected to handle her own against him, of which there are many. giving him the cold shoulder, holding what he said over his head and rubbing it in his face, potentially not even explaining why she's upset at him: these are not signs of a mature woman ready for a marriage to ANYONE
2: Colin's slights against Penelope are considerably less harmful than Penelope's against Colin's and it makes no narrative sense for her to be on her high horse about it
'he ruined her prospects' 'he talked about her behind her back' 'he laughed at her' (we don't even know if that one's true, frankly speaking)
but Penelope did the exact same to him and she did so first. Please remember that Penelope is the reason Colin and Marina broke up, and it was her express goal the entire time. Penelope humiliated Colin and Marina both by exposing them publicly (not to mention rubbed the salt into the wound for days afterward). Penelope didn't even think about Colin's feelings because she tried to confess her crush on him immediately after his engagement went poof. Penelope holding Colin accountable for what he said without herself recognizing the ways in which she's hurt him, too, makes her out to be a hella hypocrite
3: it's weirdly catholic on main?
love isn't about suffering points or penance or guilt and i'm tired of Christianity pervading every damn thing. sorry not sorry, some of us want an actually fulfilling love story
4: y'all are just mad Colin didn't love Penelope back from jump and it's a revenge fantasy
which, fine, that's what fanfic is for, but it's OOC, y'all are aware of that, right? because if he DID want her from the start, we all know that it wouldn't be Polin? why are you shipping a friends to lovers ship if you INSIST that the friends to lovers dynamic is less than? guess what? unreciprocated love is kind of part of the deal. you don't hold a grudge against your friend for not loving you back immediately. Colin shows he cares about Penelope in SO MANY WAYS that somehow are completely invalidated because it isn't meant to be romantic? imma say it: fuck you if you think that way. friendships are important and beautiful and deep and fulfilling with or without romance. Colin sticking his neck out for Penelope to help her family from Jack's scheme? an act of love. Colin sending Penelope letters after her father passed? act of love. Colin telling Penelope she's 'really very good' and holding her hand in appreciation of her coming to talk to him? act of love. if you think those acts of love mean nothing just because he isn't fucking her seven ways to sunday, maybe analyze your own viewpoint of relationships and ship Pen w/ some random stranger who makes heart eyes at her tits from jump
5: it makes Penelope an asshole to her own long term partner
dude, if a friend of mine insisted I crawl on hands and knees to determine whether they want me back in their lives, i don't want to be around that person? so many of these narratives make Penelope a straight up terrible person. if you want your partner to suffer? you probably don't actually like them very much, but Polin is narratively MEANT to be the couple that likes AND loves one another. be real, if your friend ghosted you for months, gave you the cold shoulder when you tried to talk again, treated you like shit (you can't argue that him 'suffering' isn't treating him like shit in some way shape or form) as you tried to apologize, and then you find out that she was the reason you and your ex broke up and she wrote straight up nasty things about your family for YEARS, you would want absolutely nothing to do with that friend. why should Colin be expected to be any different? do these two not deserve a lovely love story built on love and affection and trust and honesty? a healthy happy relationship in which they see one another and appreciate one another for all they are? no? so why do you ship them?
+1: it's oversaturated in this fandom
polin is a fantastic ship. how is THIS their main trope?
find a new fucking idea, PLEASE
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hazel2468 · 2 years
I just had a friend tell me “Well, Jews DO have white privilege- when was the last time you were hatecrimed for being a white Jew? Cops ignore you!” and I had to inform this person that my earliest fucking full memory is my mother and I being harassed by a cop at a park SPECIFICALLY because he looked at her, pegged her for a kike, and then told us that “your kind of people” weren’t welcome at this public park. He then threatened her with arrest, said a few choice words, and ten minutes later mom was explaining to little me that people will hate us because we’re Jews (I’ve posted about this before). I had to inform them that the town I grew up in was SUED for passing laws to purposfully try to keep Jews- and mostly WHITE Jews- out of their public parks and, later, out of the town entirely. And that effort was backed up by wails of “it’s not racism/antisemitism! We’re not RACIST! They’re WHITE! We just don’t want those JEWS here because they’re dirty/welfare users/ disgusting pedophiles”.
Do I pass as white on the street? Hell yes. Is there a sort of fucked up privilege in that, so long as no one knows I’m a Jew, I get treated like any other white woman? Yeah.
But does all of that change the INSTANT someone finds out I’m Jewish? Have I had people instantly begin talking to me and treating me in ways they weren’t literally three seconds prior? Have I had the attitudes of authority figures, including fucking cops, change to hostility the SECOND they have ANY indication that I’m a Jew? Have I experienced everyone from food delivery people to passersby to postal workers give me and my mezzuzah dirty looks? Yes.
It isn’t a fucking “privilege” if that privilege is contingent on you fucking hiding yourself. In the same way that (to draw a personal example here) mspec queers don’t have “straight privilege” when they date someone of what appears to be the opposite gender, Jews do not have “white privilege” when those of us who are perceived as white are conditionally given access to those benefits. Because the SECOND someone finds out we’re Jewish. We’re not white anymore. We’re either, depending on who you ask, non-white non-European pedophilic invaders who want to corrupt Christian America (Qanon), subhuman vermin who are the worst of the worst and a threat to racial white purity (Nazis and white supremacists), or uber privileged more-than-white super-rich oppressors-of-all genocidal assholes who are personally responsible for every atrocity ever committed by the government of a state the size of New Jersey (progressives and Leftists).
Until y’all are capable of understanding that not everything works under the very narrow view of race and religion that America has, until you can understand that it isn’t “you are privileged or you’re not”, until you can understand that telling Jews that we are all white and privileged when we have been and continue to be murdered for LITERALLY not being white is ignorant at BEST and racist antisemitism at worst. Until y’all can actually LISTEN to Jews when we tell you our history, our experiences, what it’s like to be part of a group that has ALWAYS been on the outside- the same shit you (rightly) offer other marginalized groups.
Fuck off.
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