#we're all for MC showing others just how strong they are >:)
inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
this may not be exactly your kinda thing, but i'll throw this in your askbox just in case, for the 2.7k+ follower event~
may i have,,, 🌚 but with mc as the focus, and satan in the background. i just want... mc getting. a littol angwy. a littol evil.
satan is so proud of you but you - you can't believe you did this, this is crazy, no, really - but he insists, it's fine, it's fine...
come on now, you didn't expect to make pacts with seven demons and come out unscathed, did you?
Apologies for how late this is!!! Thank you for your patience. :')
Now, this isn't quite your request, only in that we like to write MCs that are open to the darker side of things...but hopefully this still kinda works for what you were looking for!
"I want to release the darkest side of me." - Satan/MC
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You hadn’t meant for it to go this far. 
That’s what you keep telling yourself, fingers curled inward so tightly that nails dig into the skin of your palms. You can still feel it – the power that lies just beneath your skin, the power that has sunk deep into your bones. So easily can it rip through the sinews, so easily can you be consumed. 
It was a skill you had to learn, this control. You were no mere human, after all, but a sorcerer powerful enough to rival and even surpass Solomon the Wise himself. A human who had quite remarkably made pacts with the seven rulers of Hell, seven of the most powerful creatures in existence. A human who, with one simple command, could bring all seven of them to their knees at once – all without breaking a sweat. 
So why did these lesser demons think they could best you? Taunt you? Harm you? 
Foolish bastards, you think. Pathetic.  
And this wrath, fire at your fingertips, is a rage that brings out its Avatar’s sharp and menacing grin as he watches you from the shadows. Eyes of viridian glowing in delight, he slowly brings himself to your side, steps echoing against stone. 
“Well, MC. That was quite a show. I didn’t even need to step in.” He whispers into your ear, hovering just over your shoulder. “...How are you feeling?” 
“Fantastic.” The word slips through your lips without second thought. “I didn’t even realize you were here.”
“Oh, I only showed up a few moments ago. I felt a strong emotional pull through our pact and thought you might be in danger – but obviously, you handled yourself quite well.” He surveys the scene before you with a hum of approval. There, amid broken furniture and ash-covered walls, were the mangled bodies of three demons. Not quite dead, but a far cry from good health. 
“I’m…not quite sure what happened.” It starts to dissipate, that flame and fury that had set your chest ablaze. “The rage just took over at one point and I couldn’t help but use my magic to get them to leave me alone.” You close your eyes, telling yourself to breathe. “All I could think about was wiping those smiles off of their faces and breaking their hands for trying to touch me.” 
“And you’ve done just that. An excellent job, I have to say.” He cannot hide the glee in his voice, the satisfaction he gets from feeding off of your wrathful outburst. But then, his smile falters. “...Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
“I’m fine, I think.” Slowly opening your eyes, you look down at your hands. Traces of blood and soot cover your skin. “You know, it’s been strange, ever since I’ve unlocked my magical ability and learned to tap into my power. Your power.” Flexing your fingers, you turn to fix your gaze on Satan. “It’s been overwhelming, having to learn so much in such a short amount of time. And there are times I want to release the darkest side of me, all of the parts of me I’ve forced deep down inside to be a good person, a good human. It’s tempting. To just … let go.”
“You’re in the Devildom, love.” Satan smirks, bringing himself to stand in front of you. A hand goes to cup your chin, his gaze intense as he looks deep into your eyes. “You’re allowed to let go sometimes. I encourage you to.”
“Well, of course you do.” A lighthearted scoff, you slightly shake your head with a smile. “But, how the hell am I going to explain this to Diavolo?”
“You won’t.” Satan places a light kiss on your cheek before releasing your jaw. Now with an arm around you, he leads you out of the room with a smug grin, throwing one last glance to your victims with delight. 
“Leave it all to me.”
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
Witchy Requests: The Reality of Summoning a Demon Lord
Contents: Violence and demons being demonic
Summoning Lucifer
First off, this is not even remotely easy to do.
Lucifer does not get summoned away very often because it takes a witch at least comparable to Solomon's skill to pull it off. Of the small handful of people who can, only a couple are crazy enough to try (so he already knows them all by name).
Not only is this hard to do logistically, Lucifer also HATES being summoned with a burning passion. It messes up his schedule, gives him a pounding headache, and it's pretty humiliating to be ordered about like a dog on a lead.
Anyone summoning Lucifer has put some seriously strong spells in place to keep him in check. It'll take more than a salt circle to stay protected because he'll just blow that crap away with his wings.
It's well known that he will attack the second that the caster gives him the opportunity. Even so much as looking away could leave enough of an opening for him to fry them to a crisp. Extra potent magic chains and bindings are about the only things that ensure safety....
Deals with Lucifer are extremely costly due to how pissed he is just being there. He doesn't stop at their soul. Depending on the day, he could ask for any number of other sacrifices before he so much as lifts a finger. A person summoning Lucifer must be prepared to lose almost everything...
That said, he always fulfills his contracts to the letter and employs very little trickery. If the agreement was unclear, then that's on the summoner. Not him. They get exactly what they asked for.
There was a rumor going around for a time that if Lucifer was summoned with classical music in background, he'd be easier to deal with. Unfortunately, a naive young witch gave it a try and found out that "easier to deal with" Lucifer is still willing take off a hand or two no matter how sophisticated the room sounds.
Solomon has only managed to summon him twice. The first time was in a bid for a pact (which ended in a very wrecked office) and the second was an attempt to ask the questions about Michael that Simeon refused to answer (he let him go pretty quickly after receiving a death glare that would have turned his hair white if it weren't so silvery already).
Summoning Mammon
So like. It's pretty easy to do, but it ain't cheap.
Mammon only shows up if the caster can offer up some serious wealth in return. We're talking sprinkling the summoning circle in gold coins and Rolex watches to make it happen. They don't get to keep any of it, either. He's taking that as the "entrance fee."
Though he's generally a pretty safe summon, Mammon's motivations are directly tied to how much wealth he's gonna make off of their time together. Bribes aren't just encouraged, they're expected, and he gets pissed off if they think he'll do any work for free.
Since he encompasses the sphere of Greed, he sees a lot of witches and the like who summon him for a bit of luck or to increase their chances of acquiring ill-gotten gains. He usually demands a cut of whatever they manage to get from his help, on top of what it already took for him to play ball to begin with.
The only witches who get to skip his exorbitant prices are, unfortunately, the ones whom he already owes money to and it is degrading to say the least... He tries to keep MC out of that as much as possible and he'll straight up toss anyone who brings it up.
There's an urban legend around witching circles that of you can get Mammon to kiss a Grimm and give it to you, you'll have good fortune for an entire year. He doesn't really believe it himself but he still gave one to MC, just in case.
Solomon hasn't ever tried to summon Mammon, though he knows that he could very easily. He's not too tied to wealth or material possessions, so he's never needed his assistance to start with. If he ever summons him now, it's usually just to ask how MC is doing since the two are so close.
Summoning Levi
Often more trouble than it's worth...
Summoning Levi is really only useful for a VERY small handful of problems, nearly all of which concerning the Devil's Sea in some way. He's the only brother with any jurisdiction over it, much less the ability to talk to fish.
The issue is that Levi hates being summoned just as much as Lucifer. It drags him right out of his comfort zone and puts him a space where he feels like he's being judged for how useless he is... Thus, he'll spend the whole time sulking, irritated, and hissing to be left alone.
Levi has to be spoken to with extreme care because setting him off could result in the caster getting crushed by all 200 tons of Lotan then swept away in the flood that comes after.
Those who can appease him with video games and anime fair better, not by much because he gets even more irritated if they get details the wrong or seem like a "fake fan" (yes, unfortunately he gatekeeps 🥲). Only the most otaku of witches are safe from his temper.
In truth, main reason that anyone summons Levi anymore is for nautical travel through the Devil's Sea. The dude is like a living compass with precise latitude and longitudinal coordinates built into his DNA. But asking for that is also a one way ticket to meet Admiral Levi who is even WORSE to be around than the Otaku version...
The first time Solomon summoned Levi, they actually got along pretty well (largely thanks to Solomon's equally copious knowledge of TSL). He was only looking for the scales of a specific sea monster, but the two ended up chatting for a while. He thought that he could have made a pact with him right then and there, but Levi asked if he liked The Magical Ruri Hana and his answer to THAT shut things down instantly...
Summoning Satan
Practically the OG demon to summon despite being around for the least amount of time.
Satan is one of the easier brothers to summon because he spent a few centuries spreading around just how to do so in the human world. He wanted an excuse to leave the House and piss off Lucifer by fucking with humanity. Architect of the Satanic Panic right here.
I suppose you could say that in his younger years, Satan was something akin to a rockstar in witching terms. Even non-witches knew of him, just not a lot of the accurate details.
Satan was really the "ground zero" for humanity's pop culture surrounding demons. He used to use it as a chance to let loose from Lucifer's constant pressure, so he played up the persona of the "charming, charismatic bad boy with a homicidal mean-streak" beautifully.
You would also have to be a lawyer if you wanted to make a solid contract with him. He was wicked smart even back then and put it good use by tormenting the humans more. That classic phrase, "Deal with the Devil" came from the amount of times he'd gleefully screw someone over.
Since then, he's calmed down considerably and is even a little embarrassed about his old persona if anyone brings it up. He's much more refined in his modern day dealings, though he'll still make a nasty deal or two just to keep the humans on their toes.
Satan's fondness for cats is the reason why cats got tied to witchcraft in media. It was common knowledge that if you summoned him with a cat present, then he would be too distracted to give you a bad deal. Ever since then, it just stuck.
Solomon's true first interaction with Satan was when he summoned him one day to get some advice about making a pact with Lucifer... It was one of his worst ideas to date and he still has the mended ribs to show for it.
Summoning Asmo
Very easy with low risk... for the most part.
Asmo LOVES getting summoned out by witches. It feeds his ego something fierce. So he never makes it all that hard to do, however...
Those who summon Asmo quickly learn that it cannot be a one-time thing. Or if it is, it better fucking stay that way.
Asmo ties a lot of self-worth to how "in demand" he is, so after a witch summons him, he'll keep a tally on how long it takes for them to summon him again.
If they do so quickly and regularly? No issues. He couldn’t be happier! If they take too long between summons though...?
Fury. He'll come at them laying curse after curse because how DARE they forget about him like that!! And after, uh... whatever he did to help them out, no less!
Most witches just preemptively make a pact with him since they know that calling on Asmo is more like an ongoing relationship than a simple business transaction.
Ironically, despite the fact that Asmo wants to be summoned so badly, he is incredibly picky about the kinds of work he'll do. He won't do anything that could ruin his manicures, mess up his hair, strain his muscles, dirty his skin, cause a breakout, make him frown-
All of this absolutely stems from that time he was summoned by Solomon and tricked into doing hard labor to build his Temple. You live and learn, then throw the people who treat you poorly into the desert as punishment. Or something like that.
Summoning Beel
A very unwise decision unless you have the resources of a sultan.
Beel isn't exactly hostile by default, if anything he's very easy going all things considered. It's just that his stomach does a lot of the talking in contract arrangements...
After summoning Beel, the caster has to try and keep him fed at all costs. If he's eating, he's docile and easily negotiable. If he's hungry, he will eat them without hesitation. He's just going to go for the most filling thing in the room and, unfortunately, that tends to be the human in front of him.
As long as they have ten or so caterers on speed dial, deals with Beel are very straightforward. He's refreshingly forthright compared to the rest.
Sure, the first thing he usually asks for is permission to eat them, but he can be easily dissuaded by offering up something else to fill his stomach in their place. He's not bloodthirsty, just hungry.
For a short time, it was theorized that summoning both twins at the same time would make their interactions more safe, but that was quickly canned when it was discovered that Belphie would encourage Beel to eat whomever brought them there... He was not a good influence at all.
Solomon did actually try to summon Beel once thinking that he made enough food to keep him satisfied for a talk. Beel didn't even get three bites into his tuna salad before he lost consciousness... When he woke back up in HoL, he didn't have any memory of it and Solomon tactically decided to never mention it again so he could avoid future arguments.
Summoning Belphie
Blacklisted. Not allowed.
For centuries before MC showed up, Belphie was considered one of the most dangerous demons for a human witch to summon. Full stop. Even worse than Lucifer. The guy's bloodlust was unreal.
How exactly was the weakest brother considered the most deadly to interact with, you ask? Cold, hard manipulation.
Belphegor knows he's considered the weakest. He knows that he doesn't look like much of a threat. He even knows how to play into that "sleepy and harmless baby brother" image that he's spent so damn long building up.
Belphie is even better at persuasion than Satan. He can make whoever summons him feel silly, no, embarrassed for ever thinking he was a threat, then attack them when their guard was down.
Even if they keep him contained, his contracts are notoriously filled with wordplay and deceit. At best, he'll twist the terms around so he doesn't actually have to do anything. At worst, it'll become a death warrant with more than just their life on the line...
All of this, of course, was Belphie back when he still hated humans. But even after settling down with MC, he's in no rush to go correcting any records. He quite likes having his nap days uninterrupted, thank you.
One of the most horrifying rumors about summoning Belphegor is that if you sleep afterwards without fully sanctifying the room, he'll possess you in your sleep. There are still witches to this day who travel to the Devildom with sage in their pockets just in case they see him and need to start cleansing the area immediately.
Much like Mammon, Solomon has also never tried to summon Belphie. Sure, he can be somewhat unscrupulous, but even the witty sorcerer knows when the risk outweighs the reward.
Summoning Diavolo
Really only possible in theory because there has never been a successful attempt.
No one is very sure why all attempts to summon the Demon Prince crash and burn so easily. Solomon himself as spent centuries trying to work out the logistics.
Is there just no sacrifice comparable enough to bring out a being of his magnitude?
Are the sigils and chants required so ancient and esoteric that they've long been forgotten by mortal minds?
Do the summoning circles work but Diavolo, by the nature of his power and authority, just "opts out" of showing up if he feels like it?
Solomon has tried summoning Dia numerous times and every attempt has left him with nothing but wasted materials and broken dreams. This is basically his white whale. Don't bring it up or he'll get pouty.
Summoning Barbatos
Another unwise decision that leaves many with nightmares years later.
Barbatos is an... interesting case to summon. Like Lucifer, the caster has to be incredibly talented. Though unlike Lucifer, Barbatos doesn't react with such upfront vitriol.
To be clear, he is NOT happy. He is NEVER happy to be called away so suddenly from his lord. But it comes across more like a frigid aura of contempt and malice than the white hot hostility of all the others.
Put simply, it just feels like you royally fucked up in ways you can't even process.
The most unnerving thing about accepting a contract with Barbatos is that he will always agree to whatever is asked for with no complaint, but he'll never say what he wants in return.
The terms of all demonic contracts are that whatever is asked must be balanced by an equal sacrifice, but since Barbs NEVER identifies what he plans on taking, it leaves the caster to wonder what they've loss...
Every bad event from then on gets overanalyzed to the point of paranoia where the caster victim tries to identify if their debt has finally been paid or if he may still come to them one day and demand what he's owed...
Solomon doesn't know it, but a popular theory among his peers is that what Barbs took in exchange for their pact was his mortality in hopes that the centuries of loss and isolation would make him go insane. It's a silly little rumor, but it does still make Barbs chuckle whenever he hears it...
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Welcome back!!! :) We all missed you
Could you please write one in which MC is an animagus and the characters react to them transforming?
Thank you so much and take it easy 😁
A/N: since no animal was specified, we're going with the classic kitty cat :3
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MC finally did it! After months of prep, and some good luck, they completed the animagus ritual....only to become a silver tabby. Not as epic as they would have hoped, but still cool. They needed to show their friends IMMEDIATELY.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "Well aren't you adorable." He chuckles as he kneels down to pet MC. "I'm not surprised you became an animagus. I'm just disappointed you didn't ask me to become one with you." He picks up MC and carries them off. "Now I have a perfectly valid excuse to call you Kitten."
OMINIS GAUNT: "You know, I don't find it funny when you tell me you want to SHOW me something. My wand has its limits." He huffs and waits for MC to do whatever they were so eager to do. His eyebrows rise in shock. One moment he detects a person, the next, a small animal. "What in Merlin's name? You're an animagus??" He hears MC meow and rub against his leg, just like the castle cats. He smiles a little and reaches down to pet MC. "Whatever will we do with you?"
ANNE SALLOW: "Oh, not fair! I was going to go through with the ritual myself but the blasted mandrake leaf wouldn't stay put. Even so..." She picks up MC and cradles then in her arms. "Since you're here. You can be my lap warmer while I study transfiguration."
IMELDA REYES: "You're as mad as I thought. You risked your life to become an animagus, only to become a cat? I'd get my money back if I were you." She watches MC flop over and make some air biscuits with the biggest eyes. "...I see your point."
NATSAI ONAI: She has stars in her eyes and immediately changes in her gazelle form. She and MC dance around each other happily and run down the corridors to cause some havoc. It was entirely worth the detention.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Brilliant!" He watches in awe as MC transforms and starts purring against him. He picks them up and puts them on his shoulder. "Let's go raid Professor Sharp's storage room. He'll never suspect a cat." He now has a new mantra: Gain kitty, do crime.
LEANDER PREWETT: He looks around to see if anyone saw what MC just did. He leans down and harshly whispers to them. "You do realize that ritual is against the rules here right!? It's so dangerous! You could have died! Let alone the fact that you aren't registered. You could get in serious trouble if you're caught." MC flattens their ears and growls, he puts his hands up defensively. "I won't tell, but be more careful. I'm serious."
AMIT THAKKAR: "By the stars, that's incredible! Was the ritual as hard as it sounds? How many times did you attempt it? Was it difficult to actually keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for 30 days? These are questions I must know that answers to." MC just meows at him. "Oh...right."
EVERETT CLOPTON: "Whoa! That's amazing! Could you always do that?" He kneels down to scratch MC under the chin. "Hey, I need a favor." He grins devilishly and points at a distant group of students. "See the tall one? I need you to scratch the hell out of his legs. No questions. I'll pay."
POPPY SWEETING: She nearly screams from how cute MC's cat form is. She immediately scoops up MC and cuddles them close to her chest. "Please, for the love of Merlin and all magic, let me put little hats on you. My grandma knits all sorts of little hats and sweaters for her cats and I just KNOW they would look adorable on you." MC is locked in her arms. There is no escape.
ELAZAR FIG: "Extraordinary!" He was sitting at his desk when MC came in to show him their new trick. MC jumped onto his desk as a cat and slowly blinks at him. He reaches forward and gently pets their head. "I've always known you were capable of strong magic, and I'm glad you trust me enough to show me this, but do be cautious. Being an unregistered animagus is a big deal to some in the Ministry. Tread carefully. For now, you're welcome to nap on my desk."
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gojosbf · 3 months
why do you think that female char are no longer well written on jjk? /genq (i am caught up with the manga so don't worry about spoilers)
SPOILERS AHEAD!!! for me all of this began with nobara's death and it went downhill from there, now see I understand it might've been important to give yuuji motivation etc but when a roach naoya get's to survive again and again after getting killed but there is no hope for nobara who was one touch kill and had chances of survival but doesn't purely for shock factor, it doesn't sit right with me.
Okay, ignore even that maybe it's my attachment to the character talking so let's talk about other female characters: most of the fandom forgets momo exists that's how useless he made her, she suffered no serious damage (not as far as I remember) and her only active role was in kyoto goodwill arc and an appearance in shibuya we barely see her after that.
Gege treats female characters as a catalyst for mcs, either they're completely useless or get killed off or even if they're powerful enough they're barely mentioned or shown doing something useful.
Example for catalyst: We literally never really see Utahime in action except in Shinjuku Battle to boost Gojo's ct. Like really? That's your semi grade 1 sorcerer and all throughout the manga that was her only role?
Example for completely useless: I already talked about momo, lets about miwa okay, she put her everything to that one swing post-shibuya against kenjaku only for him to deflect it with his bare hands and what about her after that? Nothing!! She gave up everything and now she cannot do anything, just another cheap tactic to get rid of another useful character.
Example for killed: Listen I will accept Mai's death because it served the purpose and was one of the most impressive parts but other than that? Yuki Tsukumo, the special grade, the star plasma that rejected even tengen and cornered kenjaku, her death was so anticlimactic and unsatisfactory, she was practically winning but apparently "a miscalculation" caused her death, listen I like a shocking plot twist and death but that seemed like nothing but an excuse to get rid of another strong female character because gege had no idea how he'd use her in future.
More example for catalyst: Tsumiki and Yorozu (aka the same body but!) she was such a driving force for Megumi but after Culling Game arc hit we got a tease of her (or them) and that provided more motivation for megumi to fix things to work harder to bring his sister back but instead of seeing more of her gege killed her off after sukuna took over megumi's body because her purpose was served!! Done. She was there as long as she could be used as a beacon of hope for our poor boy.
Example of if powerful then they're barely shown: Shoko and Mei Mei, we know both of them are quite capable, they've proved their worth and aside from the fact that Mei Mei is a fucking pedophile she's still a great sorcerer but now she doesn't care about sorcerers and henceforth isn't present/doesn't provide much or any help at all other than the telecast. Shoko on the other hand, we're supposed to believe that her using rct is special and she's one of the most important characters mind you she's the part of the og trio but we rarely get to see her. Even know (the up to date manga chapters) they keep talking about taking the injured sorcerers to shoko but they never !! show !! her !! in !! action !! Like c'mon she's been working overtime but SOMEHOW gege can't dedicate more than four panels to her?
Now onto Maki, the only one standing, the only female character gege truly utilised gave her one heck of goal and arc and then very conveniently forgot her for next 100 chapters. She's great yes, and gege's finally back to currently giving her the attention she deserves which I am very skeptical about because if he just kills her off in next chapter to make a statement istg...but everytime she's mentioned they HAVE to mention toji, it's almost like she'll never leave his shadow, all her achievements are boiled down to FEMALE TOJI which, don't get me wrong I love toji but she's more than that, she's a monster because she wiped out a whole clan not because she shares same superhuman powers as her predecessor and dare I say she's already surpassed toji at this point.
Let's not forget Uro and Angel/Hana whom gege brought in once for one job and then we all completely forgot about them. (I am mentioning them last because he's done this with many other characters so they're truly not an unique case in that sense)
Returning back to when jjk first was fairly new and we had these panels
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it was hype we thought FINALLY!!!! she doesn't denounce her femininity but isn't used as a fan service material through them either and she's fucking nuts and strong FINALLY!!! only for gege to go well now that you've had the crumbs you're getting neither, not the pretty ones nor the strong ones and even if they're strong I am going to act like they don't exist so have fun!! And that's why I think he's really downgraded.
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i don't think i've ever said this about choices before but wow this really was the ladies' chapter and i for one am thrilled. we didn't get a lot of imtura as usual but what we did get I was very happy with. i've said this before but i'm loving seeing imtura growing more confident (more than she was in book 1, even) and stepping into the leadership role she was always perfect for but never confident enough to really take. of course she was the wraith's captain but i think this is the first time we're seeing imtura really plan in detail what they're going to do, take charge of the group. she's not asking and she's not apologetic but not imposing either, listening to ideas and adjusting accordingly. she's a great leader and it's so nice to see her really grow into that role, especially since her main conflict in book 2 has been about feeling like she's not good enough to be anything other than the brawns. she has 100% been the brains of the team these last few chapters, and she doesn't even seem to realize she's doing it. it's great to see. i'm also liking seeing her slowly repair her dynamic with mal. i've written before about how mal and imtura have always been the only ones who get each other in the group, and how falling out must have been devastating to both of them. and now we're starting to see them slowly fall back into their groove, teasing each other but still with a lot of respect, and slowly starting to get over the hurt they both put on each other. although i wish it was being addressed more directly, i'm still loving it. and of course, their consistent reminders that her most important value is equality - you share the wealth, share the food, take care of each other. that's the kind of leader she is, in direct opposition of her mother who wished to centralize everything and institute hierarchy. imtura is an orc to the bone, free and strong but caring and believing in equality, and i love seeing that being consitently shown these last few chapters. also, her dancing scene was so fucking sweet
valax is simply the love of my life. and we got TWO separate chances to make out with her. the world is a beautiful place. but more than that, we are getting to know her better, and reconcile the valax we first met with the valax we saw at ironbreach. i like how they're not at odds, and although there's the obvious, well, brainwashing aspect, she is violent because she's kind and cares about her people. by which i mean lines like this:
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it's not at all unlike what MC is doing. as much as everyone MC kills or incapacitates or whatever is some faceless rando, they're still essentialy waging war for what they believe in. and i like that. as i've said before, my favorite thing about blades 2 is how it's been unraveling all of the myths from book 1, showing the other side. history is written by the victors and all that, and i think book 2 is really showing how it's important to question those nationalistic myths where everything on your side is good, the other is bad, etc. and valax telling us about how the Light Realm fucked the Shadow Realm over adds to that, which makes valax an important part of the plot not only as a villain or potential love interest but also as an important source of information about the worldbuilding and what the other side is like. at the same time, we got to see her being conflicted - admitting that she's naive, starting to question the state of the army, betraying MC but also apologizing for it - and just overall a complex person/villain. we got more backstory, more of her motivations, more glimpses of Shadow Realm history, truly we got everything from valax this chapter
i also love how her betrayal was not only inevitable but also due to a fundamental flaw in nia's plan: assuming valax would choose self-preservation over completing her mission and helping her people. it'd be a safe bet to make with pretty much anyone else, but we've seen enough of valax to know that it definitely doesn't apply to her - she has never lived for herself, she doesn't exist for herself, and so she was always going to bid her time until she could go through the pain to complete the mission. that might be the most fundamental part of her character, and it is both shown very well and given even more important narrative weight in this scene
and at the risk of sounding like a hater, this was the first chapter where i truly felt like they were going somewhere interesting with nia's arc. i have a lot of sympathy for her book 1 arc - realizing she has been groomed, trying to reclaim her faith - but she still has always kind of felt one dimensional to me. this chapter was the first time we got to see more of nia; we even had it be implied that at least part of her always being cheery and put-together is a facade. more than just turning her back on the temple this is the first time she is turning her back on the shitty parts of what they taught her - that she doesn't matter, that she lives only for the light, that she can't have needs and desires of her own. all in all, she needs catharsis, and if it's the shadow form that gives her that, then cheers! but regardless of how you feel about shadow!nia i think we can agree that it's giving us more and better glimpses into nia as a character who feels a lot of pain and immense pressure to be good while also trying to figure out which parts of her upbringing she needs to unlearn and which she gets to keep, deal with the grief of losing MC and watching her friend group fall apart, and trying to be a rock for them through it all, then immediately dealing with another world-shattering threat while also trying to hide a part of her for a good portion of it. i've seen a lot f people complain about how no one noticed shadow!nia before and MC was forced to keep that secret but i think it's a good analogy to how there are parts of nia that no one sees, that she tried so hard to suppress they were bound to take over her eventually. nia is more than a bubbly born sexy yesterday sweet girl and i'm delighted to see that being acknowledged
so, yeah. the ladies' chapter. loved it
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hello! please rant about the comphet subtext in ddlc. i wanna hear it so bad please please please please please
Hi! I think I've written on this before, but I can't recall when or where, so I'll try and recall as many points as I can!
This'll be a long one, so under the cut!
For starters, let's talk base game. Obviously, all four girls fall for the MC and that's that. However, watching the ways that the other club members interact, it's pretty clear to many players that they have feelings beyond just friendship.
Namely, I sight Natsuki's poems. First off, the poem "Amy Likes Spiders" can be read as Yuri's love of horror (which is how I initially read it when I first played). However, it's also pretty easy to read this as either Natsuki's experience being trans, or being gay. Either way, that makes the entire narrative of the poem make sense, and also explains lines like "I tried not to let her touch me. She likes spiders, so her hands are probably gross." as well as "It doesn't matter if she has other hobbies. It doesn't matter if she keeps it private. It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone.
It's gross. She's gross. The world is better off without spider lovers."
Seems pretty clear, right? These lines may feel intense and out of place with other readings, but when you imagine Natsuki being outed to her shit friends as gay, or trans, it all starts to make sense.
Have you ever read the poem "I'll Be Your Beach"? Because it's gay as all hell!
We're led to assume that the romantic poems Natsuki and Yuri write are about the MC, but that would be odd to imagine when reading this poem. Natsuki writes about "your heavy thoughts", "your insecurities", and "your memories" and ends by saying "You'll learn to love yourself again." When, exactly, did the MC express any of these sentiments? Let alone to Natsuki?? But I think it would be pretty easy to connect all of these points to another girl: Yuri.
It's easy to see some strong subtext here for gay Natsuki (and maybe trans too, if you wanna see that). But when we break into the Side Stories, this is where it gets real interesting...
MC is not there. The Side Stories are purely scenes to read through to watch the Literature Club form for the first time as all the girls meet each other and get to know one another. Because of this, we get to see more of them and their feelings toward each other than we could have ever dreamed of in the base game!
Without giving too many spoilers for some of the best scenes in the entire game: the Side Stories are pretty gay. It's nearly impossible to ignore. These girls are clearly imagining each other as more than just friends, are going through some feelings. Each pairing even gets their own spotlight, and we see how each and every one of them has some interest in each other, which is a stark difference from the base game.
The main difference? MC is not there.
The base game has a lot of themes surrounding control, reality, and choices (or the lack thereof). Not only are all the girls destined (or "programmed") to fall in love with MC, it can't be avoided, even by Monika, who wasn't meant to have a route at all. They were already playing with the ideas of fate, and programming, and free will, but what happens when you remove the object that decided their fate?
Well, when we removed MC from the scenario altogether, we see the girls happier, getting along better, and showing interest in one another that we only got in subtext in the base game. To me, this leads to another theme of choice and control: compulsive heterosexuality. If part of the "generic dating sim" frame of their reality is forcing them to express interest in the male protagonist, even if they couldn't care less and really are interested in each other, that's the same themes but on a whole new level.
Left to their own devices, the girls are happy and expressing interest in one another. In the "game" they are forced to play roles in, we see their problems exacerbate, their situation spiraling, as they all desperately cling to the MC as the object of their affection. Seems pretty comphet to me.
Thank you sooo much for this ask! It's been a while since I wrote a long post like this! :D Speaking outside of my own trans/gay perspective, it seems pretty hard to imagine any other future for these girls in light of the Side Stories. And to that extent, I think the Side Stories gives us a window into a happier world; one where they are all free to grow and thrive as who they are, regardless of what that means for each of them! I think that's only further fueled this wonderful fandom: seeing them happy.
and gay.
Thanks again for the ask~!
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mobumi · 4 months
I have to admit that I'm kinda disappointed in Bucchigiri so far, but at the same time I want to see more 'cause the setting and the designs are really cool. Even the story could be interesting if it's done right. I've seen all the discourse with Arajin and as much as I love my boy Matakara I've realized something.
Matakara and Arajin are actually very similar but Matakara is just done better. Let me explain.
Arajin's goal: lose his virginity
Matakara's goal: become a Honkibito
Arajin's obsession: Mahoro/ girls
Matakara's obsession: Arajin/ become Honki people with him
Mahoro shows no interest in Arajin, broke his love stone but Arajin still believes he has a chance. Meanwhile, Arajin avoids Marakara, rejects him and still Matakara believes in him and holds on to his stone.
They both don't let go and pursue the person they like in some ways.
Matakara is as obsessive as Arajin, but his character is more fleshed out. He has a social circle with good friends. We have a backstory with his brother, so there's someone important to him other than Arajin.
He doesn't only use his strength for selfish reasons like Arajin but to protect his friends or the Minato Kai gang.
There's mystery surrounding the shadow in his room, we don't know what will happen to him. That gives the audience some anticipation and keeps its interest in the character and his potential.
I don't think people don't like Arajin because he's flawed. Matakara as sweet as he is has flaws too and other characters on the show as well. Sen'ya for example is shady af and doesn't tell Arajin everything and keeps stuff from him, so not everyone is a saint. And it's not because of bad writing or anything, it's just the way it was intended to be.
The intent here is to subvert expectations. I was surprised at first that it didn't go the way I thought. First, the harem trope is completely different from what we're used to.
- The mc pursues a girl but mostly men are after him, every gang leader wants him on their team because they think he's really strong. So they completely change what people expect of the harem genre.
- Mahoro is not the typical cute and innocent girl the mc usually falls for. She's ruthless, a brocon and doesn't hesitate to manipulate people to get what she wants. That makes her interesting because she's really not what she seems and is similar to Arajin and Matakara (her obsession with her brother)
- Arajin is not the typical shonen prota with big morals or big dreams (the "I want to become xx" type of hero), he doesn't want to be strong or anything significant other than losing his virginity like a normal teenager, and that's the joke. You expected something else? No, we get a pathetic mc who's most likely going to surprise us again just to break our expectations.
We're not supposed to root for Arajin, I think he is a tool to tell a delinquent story in a new kind of way. His character is annoying but I think it's on purpose and he's going to be useful somehow. How? Idk time will tell.
The process is not enjoyable right now and that's fine that people feel that way, but I think it's going to make sense at one point or another as to why Arajin acts like that.
I've seen some people not understanding all the criticism he gets, but I think it's fair criticism, judging that Arajin is not the type of character you would root for. While we know he's going to change it still seems like a long way, especially when you just don't care about the mc or you don't find him interesting in any way. That got me thinking that this is exactly how we're supposed to feel about him, at least for now. Arajin's not supposed to be a likable character so I'd say it's working. it's all fine because for once it's different, this is not what we expect of a shonen protagonist, so it's interesting.
I've also seen people say that Arajin has some development and I'm not sure about that. Sure, as the story progresses and he's getting more and more in a mess, Arajin's reactions have more range, there are some elements here and there that show us he cares about some things. But his attitude remains the same. And I think something bigger has to happen for him to actually break out of his character.
We've seen how he reacted to Akutaro's speech about Mahoro. It demonstrates that he can get mad for someone else, but he left Matakara tied up in a basement and doesn't get mad for him at all. We have a whole flashback with him feeling guilty for leaving Matakara and he has no remorse doing it again because he's not his priority. Something bad is going to happen so Arajin will finally snap out of it and pay attention to Matakara and realize his behavior was not okay. I hope that's the course of action at least or I'll be really disappointed. Arajin is not a good mc and that's cool, it's not groundbreaking but different. That being said, it has to mean something in the story and I haven't seen that yet.
So yeah, I'm not giving up on this anime and I'm looking forward to see how the story will unfold!
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xinimartsy · 7 months
It’s a mobile game made for the Japanese audience not foreigners. They will never make Belle or any of their MCs change and be strong. It is different with Switch games where MCs might be that way. You should look for games made by Americans or something because it will never change, it is just a cultural difference
Oh, I know, anon. While I do complain about little things that make me feel iffy, I greatly enjoy the games and believe me, I do not expect astounding writing from a mobile game. The game is harmless fun and so are my critics towards it.
Though I do disagree on the front that it's a cultural difference and more of a general genre thing, because there are plenty of ocidental visual novels in which MC falls in the same damsel in distress category, while we can see from anime, manga and dramas that Japan is no stranger to strong female characters.
Mai herself, from Cybird's Ikemen Sengoku, for example, she insisted in working on her craft and making her own money despite Nobunaga guaranteeing her easygoing life, in most routes she picked up some skill from her suitor, she learned medicine from Ieyasu in several routes, learned how to ride a horse, learned negotiation in Mitsuhide's route, she even rode a horse into the battlefield to butt heads with an unhinged Kenshin in one of his routes. Yes, she had to be saved several times, but they never made her look inappropriately clueless (there were things that were logical that she didn't know and things that she knew, like everyone else), she never paled in comparison to her suitors and was always witty within her own capabilities. She never had to master the blade or become stronger or smarter than the warlords to be strong, she brought her own qualities to the negotiation table, and at least I hardly ever felt helpless or like the MC was unbearable while playing, actually, she's my favorite specially cus of her snark hehe
Emma is not all bad, tho, I think it very much depends on the route. In Clavis' route, I particularly find Emma delightful, because since they want to portrait Clavis as being, well, eccentric, they gave his Emma a more grounded personality to contrast his, while making her brave and adventurous enough to keep up with Clavis' bullshit. They exaggerated aspects from the character to emphasize the other, which in this case works, Clavis' weirdness vs Emma's common sense and their willingness to meet halfway through for each other.
But that same tool doesn't work in routes such as Jin and Chev. In Jin's route they wanted to emphasize his maturity as an older man who fooled around a lot, so they made Emma uncharacteristically innocent and almost childish. And in Chev's, they spent half of the word count telling us that Chevalier was a genius instead of showing us, and whenever they did show it, that was done by dumbing everyone, SPECIALLY Emma, down as to emphasize his geniality, making characters uncharacteristically dumb, not understanding basic concepts that they should very much understand, only so Chevalier could basically spell it out for them, call us "fools" and have everyone in game in awe of his geniality while us as the player feel unsatisfied cus, duh, that was the logical answer, are all these characters really THIS dumb?
Therefore, rather than "cultural differences", I think what we're seeing here is just.... Well, lousy writing.
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neerons · 23 hours
I hope you don't mind me answering you in the Ask section 😅 I find it easier this way, and I think our discussion can be interesting for other fans of MK!
I could be wrong, but from what I remember, Kazuomi already checked his birth certificate and it was written that his "mother" was his birth mother. However, like he said, his father might have falsified the document. So in the end he couldn't know the truth.
Kazuomi never trusted his father, and I kinda understand, because from what we saw, his father was a shady man, a red flag and a bad husband. Also, can we really call him a father when he didn't fulfill his role as one? No wonder Kazuomi didn't like him 😅
Besides, we know that Kazuomi said he doubted that his "mother" was his real mother because he didn't look like her at all. He is a copy of his father, and thanks god it's only the looks, not the personality 🙏
By the way, my first reaction to this information was : "Kazuomi... You know, in fiction it's quite common to see a son who is the spitting image of his dad. So your mother might really be your mom. You don't have to look like your mom for her to be your birth mother. You want an example? Eisuke's genes are so dominant that his 3 sons look exactly like him lol. I know that your father had many mistresses, so I understand your concern, but still..." In the future, if Kazuomi and the MC have a son who look exactly like him, I hope he won't doubt that the MC is the mother of his child 😂
More seriously, yes, it seems Kazuomi also felt betrayed by his mother because she was showing him affection, but only because he's the spitting image of his father. In the VIP room, his younger version says that the love he received might have been false love... It's just his assumption, but we can't deny what he was feeling (he was lonely and wasn't feeling loved). Also, I think the possibility that his mother might not be his "real" mother (birth mother) broke his heart even more. It also broke my heart because he deserves love 🥲 Unfortunately, we don't choose our parents, and not everyone is fit to be parents...
Okay now I'm curious, what is your recurrent thought about his past? It doesn't matter if it turns out to not be accurate. We're here to theorise haha.
As always, thank you for your reply ❤️
(I'll send you a DM for Ikemen Prince! I'll write in French because it'll be easier haha)
Hi again, and no worries 🤗
Indeed, he checked his birth certificate and he saw on it that his mother was stated to be his actual birth mother, but knowing his father, Kazuomi expected that he falsified the document so that Kazuomi wouldn't learn the truth.
Yeah, his father was barely there for him, as he mostly cared for his business... And I agree that the genetics in otome games are usually quite strong 🤣 Eisuke's sons, except for maybe Kaito who looks a bit like MC, all look like him. I find it so funny to have a mini army of the LI as if we didn't see his face enough 😂 But it's cute in the end.
Also, I do often see this line in Kazuomi's VIP room yes! I feel really bad for him. I can't imagine how much he suffered from not feeling loved by his own family.
Thank god he had Zack later. He's probably the father he wished he had in the first place, and Zack made Kazuomi grow so much ❤ He is the Kazuomi Shido he is now thanks to him. I can't wait to see how everything will play out next
My theory about Kazuomi's past
[TW: mentions of potential SA]
Okay so this is meant to be taken with a grain of salt because I might be overthinking this. This is also going to mention triggering topics similar to Kei's story so avoid reading this if you're not comfortable.
This is only a possibility among many other possibilities, so in a way I hope I'm wrong and I most probably am.
I'm going to assume in this theory that Kazuomi's mother is not his actual birth mother to make it a bit less horrible. There were many ingredients of the story that made me reach a recipe darker than I would have liked, to be perfectly honest 😅
So, we have a woman who is probably not even Kazuomi's mother, completely head over heels with her husband, Kazuomi's father.
Sadly, her husband has many mistresses and doesn't "giver her the time of day". He's often out, and when he does come home on rare occasions, he spends time with shady men and still doesn't care about her.
On the other hand, there's Kazuomi, the child her husband (possibly) had with another woman, who looks exactly like her husband. He's young, naive, yearns for attention and consolation, and vulnerable.
Her husband is often away and she has many opportunities to spend time with Kazuomi.
My brain made me reach a potential conclusion that, and I hope it's not true, it's not impossible that this woman used Kazuomi to satisfy her desires since she was longing for her husband.
But then again, my brain sometimes reaches very dark theories so, again, I'm hoping for something different so my heart could be spared. And if I'm honest there are so many other things we could imagine other than this. I feel kind of bad for putting this thought out there 😢
Even if she didn't use him sexually, at least we know she used him as an emotional replacement, so this theory isn't so far from the truth technically speaking.
Anyway, thank you for the ask again!
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castironpride · 1 year
So Gokuluck has a dog theme.
I don’t think I’m bringing you any breaking news by saying this, they do kind of beat you over the head with it. But! What you might not know is that three of the four are based on specific dog breeds! I’d like to talk a little about them and how those breeds relate to their personalities. I’ll even give you a little info about the dogs themselves and their history, because in at least one case it does tie into the character! I don't think I've ever seen anyone specifically talk about this so I wanted to fill that gap in.
A fun detail: all three of them are based on Japanese protected heritage breeds*, their relevant breed shows up in their last name. Almost all of the heritage breeds are some variety of working dog, and to put it delicately they don’t have easy-to-handle personalities. So we’re already starting off entirely on brand.
"hey raz where's yuto" he's busy not having anything in his name that refer to a specific breed (though there's still a reference in there because, you know, Inukai) so we're just assuming he's a generic mutt ok
*This is the closest translation I got in terms of something that has an English equivalent. Basically there's an association in Japan called the Nihon Ken Hozonkai which was formed to promote and protect breeds seen as historically important, and all of these are protected breeds!
Ryoga Tosa: Tosa Inu
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While he uses the MC name Pitbull, his actual namesake is not a pitbull-alike but still a molossiform breed! I couldn’t tell you if the Tosa Inu has what would widely be considered the definitive pitbull breed (American Staffordshire Terrier) in its breed lineage but just by looking I would be very surprised if that were the case, they’re much more on the mastiff end of things.
So, while the other two breeds are hunting dogs, the Tosa Inu has a very different purpose. They’re fighting dogs. In fact, dog fighting rings are still active in some parts of Japan, just quite rare, and you can only do dog fighting with a Tosa (important note: this does not make it morally justifiable for obvious reasons, if I even have to say that.) Japanese dogfights have rules against dogs barking or growling so Tosas rarely make vocalizations.
Well, I wouldn’t say a speech disorder is directly comparable to that but I do think it’s a neat little reference of sorts. The rest is kind of obvious, I think. Ryoga was basically used as an attack dog by the gang that he joined.
Shion Kaida: Kai Ken
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Kai Ken have the reputation of being the easiest to handle out of the heritage breeds. I should note that’s not saying a lot, these are not breeds intended to be companion dogs.
That aside...this is somewhat unusual for a hunting dog, since they need to be independent on some level in order to range outwards from their handler while doing their job. While Kai Ken still are aloof compared to….say, a Labrador, that’s not an entirely fair comparison. They also were primarily used as pack hunters so they’re much more amiable around other dogs than most of the heritage breeds. Seems appropriate for the most relaxed person in the group!
Kai Ken are very visually striking, because all Kai Ken have the brindle mutation! This gives them the appearance of having tiger stripes, to the point that another name for the Kai Ken is “Tora Ken” (lit. tiger dog.) There’s three colors that occur in the breed: red, brown, and black brindle. As far as I know albinism isn’t any more or less common within the breed than it is any other dogs (for the record, some breeds have disproportionate tendencies towards albinism) but hey, his whole deal is he stands out when he doesn’t necessarily want to, right?
Kenta Mikoshiba: Shiba Inu
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Shiba Inu are by a long shot the most famous breed on this, so you might already be aware they have…strong personalities. They’re often described as being almost feline in behavior. They are exceptionally stubborn and have a reputation as being hard to work with.
Well, that sure doesn’t sound like anyone we know. Funny enough what doesn’t fit is like most of the other heritage breeds they aren’t very loud or barky, though this is more a quirk of falling within the general category of “primitive breeds” (sorry for the name, it’s just a term for dogs who are closer to wolves.) Wolves don’t really vocalize much, barking is actually a pup behavior and dogs are in part neotenized wolves, so…yeah! It’s also convenient for humans since it means dogs act as an early warning system for anything they’d see as a threat. Predators, natural disasters, mailmen…
Side note: Shion’s nickname of Shibaken for him is just another name for the breed. I feel like if this came out in 2014 there would be at least one fan translator who would translate it as “Shibe.” I defy you to tell me I’m wrong. Also I can't help but think him being intensely online isn't somehow inspired by Shibas being kind of an internet meme.
And that’s my little mini essay on GokuLuck! I don’t have anything super detailed in me yet on account of the reading Hume that’s taken over my life (help) but I hope that helps you understand them a little better and/or you got a few neat dog facts out of this! :>
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yukidragon · 1 year
Hey Yuki did you see the new character on Patreon? I’m not sure if I should say her name since I don’t wanna share anything from Patreon but I wanted to ask your opinions about her👀 I was thinking she and the other guy could be someone’s parents but I also think those characters aren’t related to Joseph’s family at all.
Ooh, yes, I saw! For those who haven't signed up for the Snaccpop Studios Patreon yet, maybe consider checking it out so you can get a glimpse of this secret character too.
As far as I'm aware, it's alright to discuss things that are posted on patreon, but it's not okay to share the contents of the private posts directly. So no sharing images, direct quotes, etc.
I must admit that I did a double-take at the "other guy" part of this ask. I don't think there are two people in the picture, but rather I think it's just one person in two very distinct periods of time in their life... perhaps 40 years apart?
I did see the speculation in the comments that the new character might be Joseph's mom or even a secret daughter, but I personally don't think so. That Sunny Day Jack-themed necklace and hairclip suggests to me that they're probably a fan or a someone who worked for the SunnyTime Crew Show. The fact that they seem to be drawn in two very distinct stages of their life also heavily hints that we're going to see them during two different time periods.
From what we can see, this new character seems to have been bright and cheerful in the past... but is now cynical and jaded in the present. Gee, I wonder what happened to cause such a shift in the perspective of someone with such a strong interest in the SunnyTime Crew Show...
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Either way, I think this new character is someone who might give MC more hints as to what happened 40 years ago during the course of the game's story. It makes me all the more excited to see how things are going to go.
Of course, I could be wrong and this teaser really does have two entirely different characters with only one being named, hahaha. I mean, we really only have a teaser concept art to go from, so your guess is as good as mine at this point. All we can do is just wildly speculate until the team drops more hints that might allow us to connect these dots that they're sprinkling out.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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Honestly i have so much sympathy for Ailette and the way she mischaracterises Tesilid.
like i myself also fixate on certain parts of the story and extrapolate maybe a bit too much - although in my defence i've only read like half the story.
-but the same can kind of be said of Ailette? This Tesilid is having a new, currently-being-written chapter of his life. In fact she kind of has things even worse, because her characterisation of Tesilid is based off OG!Tesilid, but current Tesilid had his life and outlook irreversibly changed when they met aged 10. But they never really interacted enough afterwards for Ailette to realise just how much of an impact she made on him. She hasn't really had a strong reason to rethink her characterisation of him. Not to mention that she first read the book with her middle school reading comprehension, which. Probably coloured her interpretation for the worse, at least a little.
I really wish Ailette would go into more detail about her own experience as a reader, to really see better how she's viewing this world and its people.
Which paragraphs are the ones that she thinks defines Tesilid's character? (Mine is "I'm praying that they'll all fail the test and go home".)
Which are the ones that made her cry? (Mine's "Right... you're on the side of this world.")
Which are her favourite silly Tesilid moments that make her so fond of teasing Tesilid? (iliac bones)
Which are the ones that reverberate in her head and which won't leave her alone? (Mine is "Please... show me some of that petty mercy too.")
I feel like the fun part of these kinds of isekai story is that. Whatever reaction you had towards Tesilid, be it "wow what a cute kid" or "i'm going to cry, i need to wrap him in a blanket where the world can't hurt him anymore" or "actually he should just destroy the world tbh i would support him", she's been there first and has been doing for at least 10 years, she's the OG. And she's super intense about it too. Like she can say "I need to save him because the story dictates it" all she wants, but the way she reacts so intensely and immediately to Tesilid in danger really speaks volumes of how much emotional investment she has in this guy. Like idk if she really rotates him in her head as much as I do - that might be a me problem - but if you rotate a character in your head enough times while fixating on certain moments and not others, you probably would end up with a biased interpretation of the character. Especially if you don't have someone else to bounce ideas off. And this gets worse if you're actually living in the character's world, because characters in stories serve certain narrative functions, so all their actions which get included in the narration are inherently biased towards portraying them in a certain way that serves said narrative function. But humans are a lot messier and more dynamic.
i just. shakes her up and down. love the concept of an isekai protagonist and the OG protagonist that they love so much.
anyway this whole post is a testament to how much Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint changed the way I interpret fiction and especially isekai stories. Not me anthromorphozing Ailette as if she's really a person and fellow fan who exists and isn't a character lmaoo, i'm definitely not having a "we're all fragments of kim dokja" moment, no sir. i definitely didn't subconsciously draw connections between ORV's isekai'd MC and myself and S-Class Heroine's isekai'd MC and our commonalities as readers who rotate the same story in their heads very many times, and suddenly make a realisation that's actually more relevant to ORV than the actual story that prompted all this. one whole year after i last read ORV, because ORV's story is So Much and so monumental that i'm still haunted by it and figuring it out and it lowkey never left my mind, even after a whole year. (please read orv.) like there are a lot of otome isekai stories about isekai'd MCs realising that the people in their lives don't line up with the OG characters, but none of these stories ever made me viscerally realise what it was probably like for kim dokja, because none of them had isekai'd MCs be that unironically obsessed with their OG protags, and more importantly none of them made me constantly rotate the OG protagonist in my head the way S-Class Heroine does. Han Sooyoung was right, you get as much out of a story as you put in to reading it and re-reading it and re-interpreting it. By putting so much time into S-Class Heroine I accidentally made some relevations about the other story that I was always trying to figure out at the back of my mind. Holy shit.
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sketch-guardian · 11 months
We all know that Demya would love it, but what would the classmates think of an MC who expresses affection through nibbling on them? + Mobim and eyes as well! Just very soft nibbles 🤭 I hope they don't think we're trying to eat them 😭
- Isa
Hi Isa! I'm glad to hear from you☺especially because from what I remember from some of your reblogs, I think I read that you were quite busy🙈so I hope you're a bit feeling better now✨
Anyway, I fully agree with you😂but I will still insert Demya's part in the headcanons to make them more complete and hopefully satisfying😌 just to be safe (unfortunately your fears are well founded for some characters, but nothing serious don't worry🙈your idea is quite soft and cute btw💕) in any case, let's start:
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As everyone might expect, Demya would be pleasantly surprised by MC's habit and initially might think that they are just trying to please her by imitating her and reciprocating the gesture, however upon realizing the spontaneity and sincerity of her mate's actions, she would get quite happy and would love to reciprocate the loving nibbles, even if in her case she would have to pay even more attention in trying to be careful, seen her strong canines. Furthermore this fact would satisfy not only Demya's demonic and territorial tendencies, but it would also make her feel closer to MC, because affectionate chomps were a common thing, almost a tradition in her family (when still alive-) and she is used to giving them since she was a very young demon
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Honestly at first Domnra would be quite embarrassed and if it weren't for the fact that it was his partner who nibbled him, then he would also be annoyed by the act itself, perhaps because he would associate it with that little pest that lived with him and Azul for a while (aka Demya-), who used to bite him in moments of anger or hunger. However, with MC's help, he could learn to accept the gesture as a more affectionate and above all painless action, however the his blush on his cheeks would not disappear. As for reciprocating the nibbles, Domnra wouldn't think that would be a good idea, given his serrated teeth
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Its reaction might sadden MC a little, but at first Mobim would fear that MC is either trying to taste it or to eat it directly, nothing personal though, it's just Mobim's shy and fearful nature that would immediately make it imagine the worst scenario possible. However over time, it could get used to the affectionate gesture and let out a few squeaks similar to giggles, most likely because it is sensitive (Mobim is ticklish) and because it is happy with the cuddles and nibbles received. Unfortunately, not having a conventional mouth or teeth, Mobim would be unable to reciprocate the nibbles and would resort to rub its head on MC instead
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In a certain sense Azul literally raised/cared for Demya as a kind of older brother, teaching her the basics of how to behave in public and other important things such as reading, writing and counting, so during that whole period he probably received affectionate nibbles more than once, so in the end he would be quite used to such kind of show of affection and would hardly notice MC's particular habit, he wouldn't mind and he'd just let his lovely star do as they wish. As for reciprocating, Azul would prefer giving kisses and hugs over soft nibbles, but he's one who changes mind pretty fast depending on his mood, so who knows-
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Although Zuri is clever, both from an academic and social point of view, she has never had much experience with relationships, especially during her life as an angel in the Celestial Realm, thus receiving soft nibbles from her beloved, it's likely that her intuition would lead Zuri to think that such gesture is a sign of wanting to undertake more intimate activities...for that reason, she may react a bit abruptly if done in public, because she wouldn't consider such act appropriate. MC would have to explain to her that it's simply their way of showing affection and nothing more. Zuri, although confused by the habit despite being aware that Demya behaves in a similar way, in the end would just accept the gesture as a characteristic trait of MC. She would be willing to try to return the gesture in private, however even if it isn't seen often, Zuri has thin and rather sharp canines, so it would be up to MC to decide if it would be worth a try
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As usual, Odon would remain very calm and despite the slight initial confusion, because they believed that demonstrating affection in that way was typical of animals and demons and not humans, they would allow themselves to be gently nibbled by their dear friend MC, smiling and aware of the fact that even if the human wanted to, they couldn't cause them pain nor leave scars on them accidentally, which Odon would inform MC about to reassure them. The only thing that might surprise MC would be the fact that Odon's skin is as cold as a corpse, there's a reason why they usually wear a sweater and a poncho after all. Odon would kindly refuse to reciprocate the gesture with their teeth, because that would make them uncomfortable, but at MC's request they could show the inside of their mouth, which is not often seen and which would reveal that Odon's tongue is also green like their teeth
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Another category of characters who would think that MC is trying to eat them at first, perhaps due to some kind of survival instinct. they would initially float away, in particular the serious eye (Bob) out of confusion, while the merry eye (Rob) out of playful behavior. With a little help from Odon, the eye-like creatures would eventually be convinced to accept the gesture, even if they would find it a bit strange and would quietly ask MC to be careful not to accidentally bump into their eyeball (not being able to speak, they would try to make themselves understood through gestures or simply through Odon). Depending on which eye-like creature MC interacts with, one might be more likely to show affection than another, but unfortunately either way, they wouldn't be able to nibble back, not having a mouth. They might try to give butterfly kisses, but since they don't have eyelashes, that would be quite difficult
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curio-queries · 4 months
Run BTS: 039 | BTS Golden Bell part 1
Original Air Date: 06 FEB 2018 Episode Length: 22:46 Total Parts: 2 YouTube English Subtitles: Yes Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears
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Synopsis: The guys are broken into two teams and play some games from other variety shows.
Production: There's a lot of games and explanations, but the edit is so much more relaxed. There's clearly quite a bit of content that got cut out but it doesn't feel like we're missing anything. Great job editors!
Endearment: Jin shines so brightly this episode and he brings the rest of the guys with him. If i knew nothing about their music, I think this episode still would have made me want to learn more about this team.
Winner/Loser: see final part
Best Cheater: None that I noticed but I feel like I just smiled the whole way through this rewatch and I may have missed something.
Member Moments:
RM: RMs impersonation of Hobi during the YesNo game tugs at my heartstrings
JN: Jin absolutely kills it as the host here. He starts off strong with the Yes/No game and then absolutely peaks with the nonsense questions.
YG: Yoongi being more comfortable hosting during the fry pan game
JH: There's just something so great about Hobi being along for the ride on these types of games. He may not know all of the clever little answers, but he's such an integral part of the team.
JM: Another iconic fall by jimin during the fry pan game
V: I honestly am shocked V was the first out at the YesNo game. it seems like he'd be so good at this type of game.
JK: JKs adorable attempt at MC. Maybe if it had been for a different kind of episode, he would have stuck with it but this one definitely wasn't to his strengths to MC.
Bonus Content:  Some great JK moments. i don't know why these episodes appeal to me so much. they're just quietly lovely. (as quiet as any bangtan chaos can be at least)
CQ Rank: 4
(CQ Eval Date: 06 JAN 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 038
Next Episode: 040
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Leon's personality "change" between RE2 & RE4
Disclaimer: I'm not a huge fan of the remakes so I don't really take them as 100% canon. When reading this, understand that I'm taking parts from both the ogs and the remakes, but primarily the og games. (TD;DR is at the bottom of the post)
Something that's been on my mind a lot lately is how we went from heart-on-his-sleeve, genuine RE2 Leon to loud, confident, sassy RE4 Leon.
RE4 got me into resi as a kid and remains my favorite game in the franchise. HOWEVER, it's pretty clear (on first inspection) that RE4 Leon is an outlier in the character's development.
In RE2 we get to see rookie cop Leon. I've seen a lot of people claim that og RE2 Leon doesn't have much of a personality but I'd have to disagree. Its abundantly clear that Leon is incredibly pragmatic, a very quick thinker, quite friendly and seems to be able to work well with just about anyone, he even kneels down to get on people's level. Often it seems more like he was trained as an EMT than a cop.
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He doesn't approach strangers w a gun. He's so sincere and almost gullible in his faith in other people. That's not to say that he's stupid, he doesn't immediately trust people including Ada (although some folks wanna act like Leon is some lost puppy dog with 0 self-preservation skills). In a lot of ways he comes off a lot like a shonen mc despite him being so snarky. If anything, the closest comparisons I can think of are characters like Percy Jackson or early (comics-era) Peter Parker. All genuine, kind, smart people who are also spunky and funny. He stands his ground, voices his opinion, and is driven by duty. Yes, he's logical and level-headed and pleasant/easily digestible but he's definitely a big personality and a strong character. Practical =/= Boring.
I can't say that much of this changes going into RE4. The only real difference is that he's less gullible and sincere which definitely doesn't feel like its coming out of nowhere. He is 6 years older to be fair and while we only know of Operation Javier between the two installments, we know Leon gets sent on other missions... despite none of them being directly connected to BOWs until OJ. He's been trained by the military which is absolutely part of why he's less gullible other than the obvious reasons. And even then, he's so quick to untie Luis, despite not knowing if he's armed or dangerous, doesn't question the medicine Luis gives them, trusts Ada's intel for some reason, and still considers Krauser a good guy.
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Leon was lied to by Ada, who he wanted to protect, and was left feeling used and betrayed. Only to be abandoned by Claire and had to look after the recently orphaned Sherry alone. That, plus the training would make him grow up quick... So what we're left with is the same old snarky, idealistic, but duty-driven Leon who is only a bit more grounded in reality/jaded.
It's also my opinion that all his cheesy one-liners is more than just a way to cope with stress.
Really think about how military training is meant to strip you of personality... It'd make sense that on solo missions he'd finally have the space to let his personality show. He has to hide it so much, ofc he'd be extra when there's no higher-ups to keep him in place. The thing that really hammers it home for me is that he tends to act a lot more serious when there's other agents/military involved. In both Degeneration and Operation Javier, Leon isn't funny. Even in most of Infinite Darkness he keeps his jokes to himself. He's been silly/campy since day one, it's just time and place and RE4 was the right time and place to let his personality shine (especially with all the other big personalities around him).
Leon's personality "change" just seems like a natural progression in response to his environment.
speaking of natural personality changes... I think Krauser and Luis's deaths really messed Leon up. In one day, Leon has to watch so many people die all over again. Innocent villagers slaughtered at his hand. I can imagine that knowing the parasite could be removed and that the villagers were tricked didn't sit easy on his mind either. Like yeah he gets Ashley home but that's one person saved vs the ~1000 that died. Krauser and Luis were important to him in different ways and in the end, things ended up just like Raccoon.
I think that's when it truly starts to set in for Leon that he's just as helpless as everyone else and what he's doing isn't much in the grand scheme of things... Not that he has a choice to stop. It also very easily explains why Leon starts to get more serious as time goes on. Fundamentally, he never really changes the part of him that gets easily attached and cares deeply about the lives of others, but as he ages, it gets harder for him to believe that what he's doing matters since nothing changes.
TD;DR: At the end of the day Leon's personality in RE4 isn't an outlier in his development, but likely of one of the last moments his personality gets to shine without as heavy a burden on his shoulders as he has later in his life. He was been always sassy and kinda campy since day one and him being the way he is in RE4 makes a lot of sense, even though he gets more serious in later installments.
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shane-mc · 1 year
Be With You
A/N: Hi lovely people! My brain is not working for the new chapter of my fan fiction The Punishment so here's a one shot for now. This is a long one and contains smut. It’s my first time to write a smut so bear with me. Hope you all like it.
Warning: Swearing and Sexual Content. 18+
After Hannah has been found, MC never heard from Jake and it's already been 3 months. She decided to move to Duskwood to be near her friends. Everyday, she keeps on waiting for a message from Jake but none. It's killing her. She missed him so much. Despite of this, she remained strong because deep down she knows that he's still alive and safe. She trusts him that he will keep his promise that they will see each other. Even though it broke her heart when Richy's burnt dead body was found inside the mine, she felt happy and relieved that it was not Jake. There's no other dead body found inside the mine and there's no news about a wanted hacker being captured so these give her hope. She believes that one day, Jake will find his way to her. Even though she hasn't seen his face yet nor heard his real voice, she truly loves him and she's willing to wait for him even for a long time.
It was already 1 AM but MC still can't sleep. Jake had been occupying her mind. She kept on reading their last conversation.
Jake: I love you, MC.
MC: I love you too, Jake.
Tears fell down from her eyes. She can't stop herself from crying. She closed their chat and put her phone on the bed side table. "Jake, please come back to me. I miss you so much". She's about to close her eyes to go to sleep when suddenly she received a notification on her phone. She reached for it and when she saw the message, her heart jumped. It was from Jake.
Jake: Hello MC :)
She quickly typed to reply. Her hands were shaking.
MC: Jake! Oh my God you're alive! Why did you just reached out to me now? I'm so worried about you. You don't know how much it kills me everyday waiting for your message.
Jake: I am so sorry MC. I didn't want to worry you but I had to lay low and work hard for my pursuers to lose track on me.
MC: It's okay Jake. I'm so happy to know that you're alive. So are you safe now?
Jake: Yes I am, for now.
MC: We'll see each other here in Duskwood?
Jake: Yes, we will. :)
MC: I missed you so much Jake. See you soon.
Jake: I missed you too MC. You're my source of strength all this time. See you soon. :)
MC was so happy that Jake's back and they'll finally see each other. All the sadness and exhaustion have now been replaced with happiness and excitement. MC drifted off to sleep thinking about their first meeting.
It's already 11 AM when MC woke up. She already took a shower and headed to her kitchen to cook something to eat. Suddenly, she heard her doorbell ring. She went to her door to see who it was. When she opened it, there's a man standing in front dressed in all black. He's wearing a hoodie and a black mask so it's only showing his piercing blue eyes which were looking straight into her. It was Jake.
Jake: Hi MC.
MC: Jake? Is that you?
Jake: Yes, it's me.
MC jumped on to him to hug him. She hugged him like she never want to let go. Jake hugged her back. MC no longer bothered to ask Jake how did he find out where she lives, he's a great hacker for a reason.
MC: Jake, I am so happy that you're finally here.
Jake: Me too MC. I am so happy to finally see you.
They stayed there for a while hugging each other when Jake interrupted their moment.
Jake: Uhm MC, I would love to hug you for as long as I want but we're still outside in front of your apartment.
MC let go from their hug.
MC: Oops sorry, come on in.
Both of them went inside her apartment.
MC: It's still daytime. Is it safe for you?
Jake: Don't worry MC. I'm safe and besides I wanted to just act normal instead of sneaking here at night.
MC: You have a point. Did you eat already? I'm actually just about to cook Chicken Adobo. It's a Filipino dish I learned. It's delicious. You have to try it.
Jake: I actually haven't eaten yet and I would love to try it.
MC: Great! Just sit on the couch while waiting for me.
Jake: Do you need any help?
MC: No, you're my guest so I'll take care of you. Just stay there and relax.
Jake: All right. Thank you MC.
After MC finished cooking their food, she and Jake enjoyed eating. Jake loved it so he ate a lot and MC was so happy. After eating and washing the dishes, they both sat beside each other on the couch. They started to have small talk and enjoyed learning new things about each other. After a while, Jake took his laptop from his backpack and opened it. He checked the location of his pursuers. MC got curious and asked him about what he's doing. Jake went on to explain to MC and showed her things he's using for hacking. MC listened to Jake attentively even though she really didn't understand what he's saying. She admires him talking about his expertise. MC slowly leaned closer to Jake and kissed him on the lips. Jake was shocked with the sudden kiss.
MC: I... I am sorry. I.. I just can't help it. ( MC said embarassed. )
Jake: No, you don't have to apologize. I actually needed that.
Jake looked at her and smiled. MC smiled back after hearing what Jake said.
MC: Me too. Though it's not how I imagined. Remember, in my imagination that I told you, you're the one who kissed me.
Jake: Well, I can always do that later, right?
MC: Right.
Both Jake and MC's face were red. They can't hide how they feel about that kiss.
MC: Jake, will you be okay if I leave you for a while. I just need to buy some things.
Jake: Yes, I will be fine.
MC: I'll be right back.
Jake: All right, be safe.
Jake continued to work on his laptop while waiting for MC.
After an hour, MC's back carrying a few paper bags.
MC: Jake, these are for you. ( MC handed Jake the few paper bags and sat beside him. )
Jake: MC what are these?
MC: Those are hoodies, shirts, and pants. Don't worry, they're all black. Oh I also bought some boxers for you, I'm not sure about your size so hopefully they fit. I thought you might need them during your stay here.
Jake: MC you didn't have to. I... I won't actually be staying for long and... I won't be able to carry them with me.
MC: What do you mean you're not be staying for long? You're... you're going to leave me?
Jake: MC I have to. I can't stay with you for a long time. It's dangerous for you.
MC: Then take me with you!
Jake: No! I'm not going to do that. I won't let you leave your normal life and be on the run with me. You don't deserve that kind of life!
MC: But that's what I want!
Jake: No MC! I won't allow that. You can't!
MC was so hurt and disappointed. She stood up to go to her room.
MC: I'm going to my room to rest. If you're still going to stay, just feel at home.
Jake: MC... MC please talk to me.
MC did not respond and went straight to her room and locked the door. Jake just let her be. He thought he needed to give her some space.
After 2 hours, MC went out from her room all dressed up and wearing a make up. She then proceeded to put on her boots and leather jacket. Jake was confused.
Jake: MC, where are you going?
MC: I'm going to the Aurora bar to get some drinks and enjoy the night.
Jake: Why?
MC: Because I want to, Jake.
Jake: MC please just stay.
MC: No
Jake: Can I at least drop you off there?
MC: No, I'm fine. If you feel hungry, there are still left overs from what we ate earlier, just preheat it in the microwave. Make sure to lock the doors and don't open for anyone.
MC went out and drove her way to the Aurora.
It's already 1 AM but MC's not yet home. Jake was already so worried. He tried to text and call her but she's not answering. He decided to go to the Aurora to look for MC. After walking for a few minutes, he arrived at the Aurora and went inside. It was still full of people and a loud music was playing. Jake looked for MC. He then spotted her dancing so close with a man. When he looked clearly, he realized that it was Phil. He was holding MC's waist while she's swaying her hips along with the music. Phil then stopped her from dancing, he put his hand on her cheek. He leaned to her closer and when he's about to kiss MC, someone grabbed her away from him. Both Phil and MC was shocked. When MC looked at the man who grabbed her, she saw that it was Jake.
Phil: What the fuck man?! What is your problem?
Jake: You are my problem!
Phil: Who the fuck are you to interrupt our moment?
Jake: I am her boyfriend so back off if you don't want me to ruin your life.
Phil: Boyfriend? Really? Is that true MC?
MC did not answer Phil.
MC: Sorry Phil I have to go.
Jake then dragged MC out of the Aurora.
MC: Jake, let me go! You're hurting me!
Jake didn't realize that he had been holding MC's wrist so tight. He let her go.
Jake: Give me your keys.
MC: I can drive.
Jake: You are drunk.
MC: I'm not. I'm still sober.
Jake: Just give me your fucking keys MC!
Jake yelled at MC. She was shocked with his outburst. She gave him her keys and not argue anymore.
After a while, they arrived at MC's apartment. After they both went inside, Jake slammed the door so hard.
MC: What the fuck Jake?! Are you trying to destroy my apartment?!
Jake: What was that MC?!
MC: I don't know what you mean.
Jake: Seriously?! Just because I told you I can't be with you, you went to that womanizer?!
MC: So what Jake?! It's none of your concern!
Jake: Of course it is my concern MC! I promised to protect you!
MC: Protect me?! Protect me Jake?! You're going to fucking leave me!!! So how can you protect me?!
Jake: That's why I'm leaving! To protect you! How many times do I have to tell you that it's dangerous?!
MC: Bullshit Jake! I know it's dangerous! When I got involved with Hannah's case, I know it's dangerous but I still continued because of you! When I allowed myself to fall in love with you, I fucking know it's dangerous! But I don't care! Fuck I'll even follow you to the ends of the earth just to be with you! I don't care leaving and sacrificng my normal life Jake, as long as I'm with the one I love. With you! But I guess I'm the only one who wants that.
MC was so hurt. She had been crying all this time. It breaks Jake’s heart to see MC like this. All he just wanted is to protect her but deep down his heart, he wants her to be with him. MC turned her back to Jake but he grabbed her hand to face him. He quickly held her face and crashed his lips in to hers. He kissed her deeply and full of passion. At first, MC was not able to respond but when she realized what was happening, she kissed him back deeply with the same passion. They moaned into each other’s mouth. Their tongues danced together. MC wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Jake supported her thru her butt. They made their way to the bedroom without breaking the kiss. Jake gently placed MC in the bed. They broke the kiss to gasp for air, their foreheads pressed together.
Jake: Are you sure you want to leave this life and be on the run with me?
MC: I have never been sure so sure about anything in my life except this Jake. So please, please let me be with you.
Jake: If that’s what you want.
MC: I love you Jake.
Jake: I love you too.
Their lips crashed again together kissing each other hard. In between kisses, they tore each other’s clothes until they were both naked. Jake devoured MC’s neck while kneading her breasts with both hands. He kissed his way down and licked and sucked her already hard nipples. MC’s moans became louder. Jake’s other hand found it’s way on her wet pussy. He smiled knowing how she’s so ready for him. He massaged her clit and pushed 2 fingers inside. MC’s breathing became heavier. She loved what Jake was doing to her body. Jake replaced his fingers with his mouth. He licked MC’s wet folds and sucked her clit like it was his dessert. MC couldn’t take it any longer as she orgasmed on Jake’s mouth. He drunk all her juices sucking her dry. “You taste so good MC”. MC pulled Jake back into her mouth tasting her own. She pushed him slowly to change position. Now she’s the one on top. She did the same things Jake did to her. She devoured his neck and kissed her way down until she reached Jake’s erection. She took it with her hand and pumped him slowly. MC started to lick and suck the head making him jerk and moan from pleasure. She took all his erection into her mouth and moved her head up and down. Jake’s breathing became heavier. Before reaching his climax, he pulled MC back to his mouth and kissed her. Jake rolled them over so he’s back on top without breaking the kiss. He stopped when he realized something.
Jake: MC, I did not bring a protection with me.
MC reached thru her bedside table cabinet and took a condom.
MC: Here, use this.
Jake: Wow. Do you usually store condoms with you?
MC: No, I actually just bought it earlier when I went shopping. I expected yours is big so I think I got the right size.
Jake: So, you anticipated this to happen huh?
MC: Of course, and I’m disappointed that you didn’t.
Jake: You have no idea how much I wanted this.
MC: Then fuck me already!
Jake: Patience my love.
Jake tore the pack of condom with his mouth and wrapped it around his cock. He gently put his erection inside MC’s wet pussy. They both gasped when he entered her fully. He started to thrust slowly until he made the pace faster making MC moan wildly. He fucked her fast and hard. The heat started to build up. MC scratched Jake’s back while he’s holding MC’s waist tightly. After a few more thrusts they both reached their climax. Jake pulled out from MC and discarded the condom. He then lied beside her hugging her in a spoon position. Jake placed gentle kisses on MC’s shoulder.
Jake: So, are you ready to start your journey with me?
MC: I am so ready Jake. When do we leave?
Jake: Tomorrow, but don’t worry, we don’t need to be in a hurry. We still have time to repeat this.
MC: I would love that. Good thing I bought a few condoms with me.
Jake: Haha. I fucking love you MC!
MC: I love you too Jake, so much.
They both drifted off to sleep thinking that even though what’s waiting for them will not be easy, they have each other and together they can conquer it all.
A/N: Phew! I squeezed my brain to write this. Hopefully you all enjoyed.
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