#we work on including people who are literally always excluded
thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
-New game in development on Kickstarter, has already reached $1.1 million in funding
-Super excited because it's a solarpunk life sim that looks absolutely adorable and is supposed to have a ton of customization. The devs seemed to be putting a lot of thought and care into all the designs and technology, and are sustainability professionals themselves.
I join the discord, I want to see if they are going to add wheelchairs as I didn't see anything on the ks page about it, I search it. A ton of people have mentioned wheelchairs, but this is the response from the devs
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I don't care that it's hard. It should have been considered before the animations were done. They've mentioned having an NPC in a wheelchair but that's not enough. I'm tired of us being treated like afterthoughts. I'm tired of seeing all these solarpunk life sims that are highly funded just...forgetting or not caring about us. I'm tired of my heart breaking because I can't play these games as my true self. I'm tired of being reminded again and again that the sustainability movement at large does not care about us.
This was my response
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They've been very open to putting in rep for other disabilities, which only makes my heart hurt more of what could have been.
The game is Loftia. I was going to donate because I love these kind of projects...but I don't think I can now.
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misscammiedawn · 4 months
Hypnosis and Dissociative Disorders
I've been meaning to write this since Charmed.
I shall not point fingers or name names but during Charmed 2024 there was a 101 class that taught that it was unsafe to play with those who dissociate as part of a mental illness. The graphic, which I'll paste below, used the word "Can't".
I wanted to speak to that.
Hypnosis has several different definitions. One could go to a hypnosis event and ask every presenter "define hypnosis in a single sentence" and get a different answer every class, likely a few may even contradict.
One such definition I could use is "Hypnosis is an altered state where a hypnotee is lead to a suggestible state where the hypnotee is dissociated from their conscious thinking." though one could say it is "an altered state that leads to breakdown in critical thinking and a heightened state of suggestibility" or you could start talking about the unconscious or subconscious mind.
Fact is, there's a lot of theory work at play and the language we use to shape the concepts isn't as important as understanding the concepts.
Dissociation is a natural part of hypnosis. It's also a natural part of existing. In much pre-talk patter we as hypnotists tend to ask an introduction level hypnotee to think about their experiences with time dilation, with highway hypnosis, with spacing out, with walking into a room and forgetting why you came in there.
Things so normal that as part of rapport, a hypnotist tends to assume the hypnotee can latch on to one of the concepts.
Dissociation is a spectrum. Literally. Within psychology the DES-II tool grades dissociation experiences on a scale, hence the acronym.
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Graphic source
When people, including myself at times, describe dissociative disorders they tend to be referring to disorders that focus on dissociation as their main symptom. Depersonalization, Derealization and of course Dissociative Identity Disorder. Over the course of my life I have been diagnosed with all three.
But the scale includes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, both complex and standard. Complex simply refers to a level of trauma that has been ongoing long enough that it is not a single memory or incident that triggers the symptoms.
According to the American Psychiatric Association one in eleven people will be diagnosed with PTSD at some point in their life with 3.5m diagnosed per year in the USA.
Which is to say that dissociating as part of an illness includes 8% of the population. Does that mean 8% of all potential hypnotees are too dangerous to play with?
...the answer is not a clear cut, "no". There is some elevated danger. But rather than teaching people not to play with those who live with these experiences, perhaps we can teach why there should be heightened caution and then allow people to navigate together.
We should always strive to educate and provide tools. When you tell a person they can't do something then they'll just do it without understanding why they aren't supposed to or, worse, predators will find those who were excluded from safer spaces. Harm is not reduced, an educator just gets to walk away from the harm with a simple "I said they shouldn't".
And plus, I said 8% of the general population...
Within hypnosis circles I assure you it is far higher when one factors in that multiple studies have supplied evidence that hypnotic susceptibility increases along with dissociative capacity.
Suffice to say, from utilizing hypnotic susceptibility tests (HGSHS) and dissociative tests (SDD and DES) the more a person dissociates, the more susceptible to hypnosis they are.
The human mind uses dissociation as a way of coping with physical and emotional pain, among other necessary inner needs, and so a person suffering from a mental illness that features dissociation becomes a naturally gifted hypnotee. It's a matter of practicing a skill constantly without realizing that they are refining something useful. Wax-On/Wax-Off.
This leads to a number of safety concerns. We've typed on serious concerns such as altering sense of identity and derealization attacks from lack of grounding. This is a topic near and dear to our heart as we acknowledge that we needed to gain an education in how to safely consent to hypnosis play and failing to do so in the past caused harm to ourselves and to those we played with.
So here's a list of potential dangers in playing with those who are further along the dissociative spectrum, how to mitigate those dangers and create a space where everyone can play safely.
I'll focus on hypnotees with dissociative experiences for the most part as the relationship between dissociation and hypnosis is primarily a concern while the hypnotee is in trance. That having been said I acknowledge that Dom Space connects just as much to the spectrum and an entire new post can be made on the topic of performing hypnosis when you have a dissociative disorder.
Heaven knows it is a topic I study feverishly to maintain safety for myself and those who entrust their mind to my care.
So... with that said, let's talk about the dangers.
This is likely the most common concept that comes up when thinking of the relationship between PTSD and hypnosis. An abreaction is the moment a hypnosis session or scene goes off the rails because the hypnotee is actively reacting to a trauma trigger while they are in a suggestible state. Their Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn impulse may be triggered and cause a physical or emotional reaction which was not part of the negotiated/planned scene.
This could be a cut and dry example of "and think about all the times you've been hypnotized right there on that sofa" causing a hypnotee to follow the suggestion and regress in memory to a time before a bad break-up when their former partner hypnotized them on the sofa they are currently on.
It could be an abstract example like "imagining yourself in a field of flowers and breathing in, noting how lovely the scent is, like the most beautiful perfume." causing sense memory to trigger the scent of a perfume that was in the air during a traumatic moment of their life that instantly flips the switch in their mind to go into F/F/F/F mode.
Likely any given hypnotist will experience this at some point in their life. The first example is one that any person could experience. Hypnosis naturally draws upon associations and when you create an association in the present to a negative emotion in the past you will summon it into the present.
With the second example, that association is already there and it was activated during the scene. The source of the abreaction. I avoid using the word "Trigger" both because of shitty internet discourse in the 2010s and because the term is used for other things in hypnosis, but that is what it is. A sense, a memory, an association which causes the source of trauma to intrude upon the present. The danger that the hypnotee experiences in these moments is very real.
Typically when I discuss these topics I put a disclaimer and emphasize how present the traumatic experience is. My hope is that anyone who is interested in hypnosis knows full well how true and powerful inner experiences are. If you doubt that then I sincerely do not know why you are in this community to begin with.
How to prevent an abreaction is important but should never be learned at the expense of learning how to handle an abreaction. Prevention is about disclosing during negotiation, asking the hypnotee to volunteer anything which may activate a negative reaction or simply what topics to avoid. Phobias are common enough examples of things that a hypnotist should know before working.
But disclosing every part of a trance or scene during the early phases of a hypnotic relationship is essential too. This way the hypnotee does not get surprised by anything propping up during play and they can measure their expected reactions before going into a suggestible state.
But if, despite caution, something does happen? What then?
Noting that every abreaction manifests specific to the person, their situation, their emotional state and how the scene caused it to happen. The first thing the hypnotist needs to do is not overreact. Over-correcting is an easy mistake to make in the moment but it will lead to an overall negative outcome.
Assess the situation and try to recognize what is happening. I had mentioned that the reflex is "Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn" this can be obvious like thrashing or ejecting out of trance instantly. It could be something harder to notice like locking up and becoming unresponsive or emotionally regressing to a terrified state.
If the hypnotee is still in trance then do your best to offer comfort and grounding. Remind them what is happening, remind them that they are safe, perform some grounding exercises such as box breathing (breathe in, hold, exhale for a number of seconds).
Touch is a case by case situation here. I know if I were having an emotional flashback to an assault then being touched would launch me further into abreaction territory. If you believe holding a hand would be beneficial then at the very least communicate it "I'm here, I'm going to take your hand, everything's safe, I'm here."
Over distance you should communicate this via modality. "I'm here, just listen to my voice, focus on the sounds in the room, I'm not going anywhere" for an audio example, "Just feel the blanket beneath you, you can brush your fingers against it if you need" for touch based.
The idea is to use emotional comfort, sensory grounding and patience to bring the hypnotee gently out of the moment.
Then apply aftercare and discuss what happened, what could be improved, what the hypnotee needs and acknowledge that the stress of these moments impacts the hypnotist too. Leave room for the hypnotist to recover as much as the hypnotee.
Decide together if this will end the session or not. Do not cut off on principal. If someone is conditioned to believe that displaying their negative reactions will lead to play stopping then they will hide those reactions. Accept that they happen. Learn how to grow together and incorporate care, comfort and safety into every scene.
Spontaneous Hypnotic Amnesia
One danger for those who suffer dissociative disorders is that their brains are very good at editing information. The further down the spectrum one is, the more adept their mind is at naturally pushing away things that they do not wish to think about nor have the capacity to integrate.
One categorization of dissociation is a failure for the brain to integrate information and experience. It is the cause of time dilation, it is why critical thinking is bypassed and it is why those further on the dissociative spectrum are able to compartmentalize their experiences so effortlessly that they can maintain dissociated personalities.
Where most people who practice hypnosis typically have to study how to achieve post-hypnotic amnesia, those who begin working with hypnosis with patholigized dissociative experiences may need to learn how not to experience it. I include this as I have spoken to multiple people who have lived this reality and it is something we ourselves experienced in the past.
Should a newer hypnotee show signs that they are not remembering what is happening during trance, it is a good practice to train them on how to retain information. Hypnotee Agency is a skill that one develops and allowing them the knowledge that they can chose to retain the information during a trance is as important as reinforcing how easy and normal it is to forget when that is a negotiated part of the scene.
All it takes to be safe here is to just remind them that if they wish to and find it enjoyable to do so, they may retain the information from this trance.
Nothing more complicated than that.
Derealization is a common experience within dissociation that is actually lower on the dissociative spectrum than PTSD. It is when you do not feel attached to your present experiences in real time.
A common version of this is "Deja Vu" which is a sensation where you are having difficulty integrating your present experience because it "feels" like you've already experienced it.
It can manifest in many other ways, however the commonality is that the person experiencing this knows that it's abnormal. When a person is disconnected from their surroundings like this they may experience a barrier between themselves and the world, they may have a distorted sense of time and they may become physically unresponsive and withdrawn.
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Source: Mayo Clinic
The best way to handle this is to make sure that grounding always includes a thorough count-up that lets a person feel both in their body (this will help with depersonalization too) and aware of their surroundings. Ensuring both debriefing and aftercare focus on keeping reality in the room is important when someone's sense of what is real can drift.
For that reason it's a good idea to try and reinforce those ideas of what is real and save them in a little box that can be stored away if there are ever any reality altering suggestions in play, that way retrieving and unpacking that box can just be a natural part of the post-scene.
I linked it earlier, but my post on the topic can be found here.
Depersonalization/Altered States of Identity
Ah, our favorite soapbox.
Much like derealization, depersonalization is a symptom that is lower on the scale than PTSD and is actively invoked during inductions such as the Bandler which turns a handshake into the hypnotee starring at their hand and having the sensation of the hand distanced from their mind. Literally dissociating the hand from your body and using that sensation to build a trance.
It's a good induction. All forms of dissociation are not bad things. That is something I want to make sure an audience fully understands. This post is here to destigmatize, particularly when a 101 class was teaching stigma.
Depersonalization is a disconnection from one's sense of self. These are the moments when one feels like they are not the ones living through a moment, they are experiencing themselves from an outside perspective.
Once again, things that are utilized heavily in induction patter.
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Source: Mayo Clinic
The derealization advice works well in this case, particularly the idea of creating a "back-up" to restore carefully at the end of a scene.
The big difference though is that depersonalization as a natural thing that those with dissociative disorders do can lead to some bleed when doing suggestions which alter a person's sense of self. I highly recommend an optional suggestion or affirmation that can help a hypnotee ground themselves. That may be too close to therapy for many though.
The hard part about being safe with depersonalization symptoms is that they are typically things that we actively engage with during hypnosis. I guarantee at least one person read "Feeling like a robot or that you're not in control of what you say or how you move." and thought of that as an absolute win.
This is where a bit of negotiation and hypnotee agency comes into play. Reality needs to be kept in the room during all hypnosis. Diving into ego-death or erasing reality may be tempting, especially for those who aren't particularly fond of reality or themselves, but it is too dangerous to surrender those things.
My definitive post on the topic has more information.
Though while I'm talking about altered personalities, I want to make something clear which I did not type about much in my Personality Play post...
This is a topic on its own which could take on an entire post to itself. I may yet write it. If anyone has read our Madison and Belladonna stories they would know that they are written entirely based upon the life lessons Daja and I have been learning while I began therapy and was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Many of my lessons for how to safely play with plural systems are mixed in with the fiction.
When I say Plural I mean to refer to those who have multiple dissociated personalities, along with circumstances such as dissociative barriers.
There are as many displays of plurality as there are people who experience it. Every system is different. No two people are not on fire (awww).
So with that said, any play on either side of the watch is going to be lead with self-advocating. A hypnotic relationship involving a system (or more than one, even) will need a level of disclosure. Not just that a system exists but how that system manifests. What patterns are known regarding switches, what best works when an unexpected switch occurs, what levels of dissociative barriers exist between alters/parts, what terminology is preferred...
Wait, that's a lot to throw at once.
Our version of plurality is based upon Dissociative Identity Disorder. Which is to say that my system, originating via complex PTSD during childhood, used to have firm dissociative barriers between one another. This meant that, prior to diagnosis, you could have an emotionally charged conversation with me, Dawn, and then the next day Cammie will wake up and depending on the level of dissociation (typically but not always linked to stress or proximity to trauma triggers) will either not remember what happened during that conversation or will not carry the emotions that I had experienced. "Not remembering" can simply be "won't think about"
As I said, it's quite subjective. But the conceit is that with those on the DID spectrum will have a complete disconnect between parts/alters.
For those with less dissociation, but still experience plurality, they may not have amnesia or barriers between parts, allowing themselves to communicate with one another actively.
Within psychological communities there is eternal debate on all of these experiences and one of the more poignant debates is that the difference between DID and OSDD seems to just be a level of severity and that treatment and therapy tactics tend to move DID patients into the OSDD box and so they shouldn't be labeled as separate disorders.
These rules on amnesia, inner communication and emotional consistency between parts typically apply outside of disorders. I do not wish to engage in syscourse. But as above when I mentioned abreactions, those who practice with hypnosis know how capable a mind is to create hypnotically induced personalities. There are experiences outside of the DSM-V and that really shouldn't be a controversial statement.
A switch is when one part/alter trades out for another. The reasons are hyper specific to every system and cannot really be predicted without knowing their circumstances intimately. For instance the scent of lavender will draw me out without fail.
These can happen without warning and during hypnosis. Being cautious about body language, tone of voice and sudden changes in mood are the best you can do without guidance from the one with lived experience.
I'd also cautiously warn to end a scene and check in if there is an unexpected switch and there's no negotiated playbook on what to do in case of a switch.
The first Madison and Belladonna story tells the story of that very circumstance because that happened in my real life.
For safety it is best to try and communicate with the entire system over how to approach any aspect of hypnosis play. Exploring is a collaborative action and it can be a rewarding experience to find what works and what doesn't work. But it does take time.
For some basic "until I know better" rules, I'd say NEVER FORCE A SWITCH is a fairly basic rule, though. Also do not assume consent for a specific part/alter counts as consent for the whole system.
There is so much to say on this topic and I will likely revisit it at another point, but much of the safety tied up with DID and identity based dissociative disorders boils down to the fact that you are negotiating consent for a group and that you cannot always guarantee that the hypnotee at the start of a scene will always be present during the entire scene.
To that, I say treat switches like an abreaction, display acceptance and curiosity and don't get too hung up on the circumstances.
At the end of the day plural folx are just people too, just not person.
So... why did I write all this, anyway?
A lovely friend of mine recently joked that Charmed 2024 was the "Year of Plurality" and in a way they were right. I've been attending the event since 2020 and where my first had been a humble little class of 8 or so people on a Sunday afternoon ran by Vulpes Automata (Vulpes teaches the same class at Plural Positivity, albeit without the hypnosis content, a recording is hosted here) this year's event included many systems declaring themselves as such on their badge, both an in-person and online unconference that stretched beyond the time limits put in place and were feverishly well attended.
It has done my heart so good to see the safety and community growing and becoming more accepting.
It reminds me of the community's slow growth to accepting and embracing the transgender community in the mid-2010s.
Which is why I wish to be firm about trying to stop bad ideas from taking root in how we teach on these topics.
Some may remember that in the 2000s, respectable resources teaching hypnokink used to state firmly to "confirm biological sex" with any potential play partner. Said material has been revised. Times change and communities grow.
So when I see this teaching graphic saying that those who dissociate as part of a mental illness "Can't" be hypnotized, due to safety concerns? I get worried.
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It was being used in a 101 class at the very same Charmed event that I am praising for having such good acceptance of plural experiences?
I lived this once as a closeted transgender woman. I don't want to live it again with our DID.
And I remember that "never play with anyone who has a mental illness" used to be taught in the same resources that once said to disclose one's "biological sex". People have taught this in classes and been approached by someone who had a mental illness and told how ignorant it was to teach that they could not be played with.
We, as a community, can do better.
I'd rather a 3 hour 101 become a 4 hour 101 and teach this material than to dismiss those who are the most vulnerable and susceptible and have them seek their trances from those who do not have reservations about safety and ethics.
Thank you for reading. I know this was a big soap box.
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aicedcoffeeandtea · 5 months
question for the culture of the ellie x reader community that i’m genuinely trying to understand but also having an even harder time wrapping my head around… and don’t fight me bc i know how this community loves to fight about everything!
in fics where the reader has a second love interest outside of ellie (excluding the ellie x reader x abby or ellie x reader x dina fics), why is the love interest always a man?
i myself have written a fic where reader was a lesbian that had an ex-boyfriend but only because it took place in the 80s and because it was actually relevant to the plot. and even then, i still made sure to tag that there would be references to reader being with a man in the past so that if anybody did read my story, they were doing it on their own discretion.
in a lot of the kinds of fics i’m talking about though, the reader being with a man could literally be swapped out with reader being with a woman and it would not change the story at all. but for some reason the default is 9/10 of the time, a man. it honestly wouldn’t even be that bad for me if 1) people tagged their works better and 2) if this didn’t happen so often.
this is a wlw space, where the common denominator that we all share is that we are attracted to women and non-men regardless of our specific sexualities. therefore, why is there a constant need to still include men in sapphic spaces? when you make reader be in a relationship with a man or have reader cheat on their male partner/love interest with ellie, you are automatically excluding those of us who are not attracted to men. plus, always having a lesbian, even more specifically a masc lesbian competing with a man puts a very strange taste in my mouth that i don’t think i can articulate the way i want to, but i feel like you can understand where im getting at here. i’m not even masc, im a hyper femme lesbian and it still rubs me off the wrong way, especially because most of this also only happens when it’s a fem reader, and the guy they’re with is always masculine.
and i’m sorry but im just gonna say it: ellie getting jealous of reader being with a man? yawn. boring. overdone. overused. predictable. trope ive seen way too many times. ellie getting jealous of reader being with a woman? im sat. adds spice. adds flavor. give me that shit.
if you disagree, that’s fine. we could (like civil adults) talk about it. i’m usually not the type to police people on what kinds of fics they write so i was very hesitant to even post this because i’m actually pro write whatever tf you want. but i definitely feel like it’s something that people do need to be more mindful of, so i guess i’m just asking people to do that, or at the very least can we tag our fics better so that i as a lesbian don’t waste my time reading the millionth fic where reader has both a masc lesbian and a man fighting for their affections? thanks, love yall. 🫶🏾
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no-song-so-sweet · 29 days
I want to talk about Harry Potter.
Well. Sort of. I want to talk about Harry Potter in a roundabout way, in that, I want to talk about the reaction my friend group had when shit started really going down with That Bitch Rowling.
Because Rowling is a horrible person. She’s a TERF, a denier of Nazi Crimes, homophobic, anti-Semitic, the list goes on and on (and most recently, has been attacking a trans soccer manager, if my dash is to be believed? Somehow, she just seems more cartoonishly evil with each passing day). But this isn’t about That Bitch Rowling, not really. Or if it is, she’s merely a footnote in the story.
Harry Potter was, and I think this is true for many of us, a large part of my childhood. While the writing may be mediocre at best, it was wildly influential. I didn’t know a single kid that wasn’t hoping for a letter to Hogwarts. It was a Big Deal for a lot of people, and that included my friend group. My friend group, which is made up of members of the LGBTQ+ community. My friend group, which includes a young lady who we didn’t always know was a lady. I’m sure you can see where this might be going.
The day I got a tear filled phone call about That Bitch Rowling was, frankly, heartbreaking. She was mad because a woman she had respected up until now didn’t respect her. She wanted to get rid of her copies of the books, but didn’t want to donate them. I never want to hear her cry like that again. So I made a decision.
I told her to hold onto her books for just a little while longer. I phoned the group. I figured out when everyone could get together for a weekend, and when I had hammered out dates, I packed up my car, and drove the six hundred miles back to my childhood home.
In the passenger’s seat, was my set of Harry Potter books.
Excluding my trans friend, there were seven of us. I had made a plan, and my father had the space to enact it - I grew up on acres of land; complete with 200 year old oak tree, creek in the woods in the backyard, and a massive fire pit.
Nostalgia and youth, I find, paint everything with a rose tinted hue; if Rowling had just kept her mouth shut, I’m sure many of us would have looked back on the Harry Potter series with some amount of shame. But I don’t think it would have suffered the sort of fall from grace that led us to this point.
The fire pit is important for several reasons. For example, it had been the popular gathering place for my friend group of literal decades at this point. Small towns mean that you know everyone from a very early age. We lived right beside the woods, so we used the fire pit to burn the leaves, and the branches storms took down, of which there were many. And when the first six of my friends rolled down the half mile driveway that day, I had already collect enough wood to get a decent fire going.
Six of my friends. We told the seventh a later time. We wanted to be prepared, and anyway, we all had the same cargo (six sets of seven books joined mine on a rickety folding table). I put them to work collecting more firewood (is it really a good bonfire if you’re not risking setting the barn on fire?).
By the time our last member rolled up, I had a fire going.
She had her set of those damn books too.
(There is a visceral grief that comes from being let down by your childhood heroes, and I fully believe that That Bitch Rowling embodies the phrase “never meet your heroes,” because folks, as a general rule, I am not a fan of burning books. But I was prepared to make an exception.)
We burned our copies of the Harry Potter books that day, all eight of us. They were well read, beaten to hell and back, with cracked spines, and dents in corners, and pieces of the pages missing where we had bent down the corners one too many times. And I won’t lie to anyone. We cried. Tears of sorrow and rage, for the piece of our childhood that we were choosing to give up, because to keep it would be to disrespect the woman we had known and loved for longer than we’d ever had those books.
Letting go sucked. But it was the right thing to do.
When they were gone, we put out the fire, went inside, and built the pillow fort of our dreams. We marathoned Star Wars, and ordered too many pizzas, and had way too much soda. We fell asleep playing Risk, because that’s what our friend choose, and in the morning, I made waffles with chocolate chips and too much maple syrup.
I wanted to talk about this, not just because this is a fond memory for me (even though it is), but because one of my coworkers confessed to me that they hated Rowling, and everything she stood for, and they refused to have anything else to do with the Harry Potter franchise, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to get rid of the books.
I said I was happy to host another book burning.
But I wanted to write this down because I know that sometimes it’s hard to take that final step, to leave behind that last thing. So for anyone who needs to hear it, it’s okay to grieve the things we loose when we grow up. Letting go can be hard, but I promise you’ll end up better off. It’s been awhile since things really went downhill, but I maintain that, in this case, death of the author is nonexistent, and it is better to have loved and then lost, than to hold on too tight.
Don’t hurt yourself on the shattered remains of your childhood magic.
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
hey i saw the post about your cousin's bar mitzvah, and well first of all congrats to her. but also uh one thing you mentioned made me curious- what *am* i supposed to do should i find a dead body on the side of the road, if it's no problem for me to ask? not to worry you or anything like that but i guess it'd be useful to know if i pass a car crash on a road trip again.
Ah! What a good ask!!!! I see you committing to the act of learning more about Judaism as an act of allyship, and I appreciate you! Thanks so much for taking an interest.
Obligatory disclaimer: I’m not a biblical scholar or a Talmudic expert. I’m just a Jew who likes being a Jew.
So my Torah portion was in Leviticus. For those who don’t know, Leviticus and Numbers are often considered the doldrums of Torah books. It’s not where a lot of the well-known exciting parts happen. Those books generally contain a lot of lists of rules and mitzvot.
But this is actually why I like the way Judaism reads the whole Torah in order. It forces us to confront the “boring” stuff. And in so doing, we have to think harder about why that stuff is included in our books.
So that’s why my assigned portion was interesting to me.
The actual text basically says “don’t touch dead bodies.” But I remember reading the Talmudic scholarship which was especially interesting because its focus was to elaborate on all the exceptions and then talked about the importance of doing good deeds without a reward and not punishing those who need to do things like touch dead bodies.
The point of the text isn’t to condemn people who are doing the “forbidden” thing without any cause. The text outlines a lot of rules (many of which are not relevant anymore) and, frankly excessive punishments for breaking the rules.
But Judaism doesn’t end at the literal text. Talmud (rabbinical interpretation) is equally important.
My take on the material was this:
There are some things that, on the whole, we shouldn’t do. We shouldn’t touch dead bodies. We shouldn’t come to synagogue when we are sick. We shouldn’t cheat on our spouses. Etc.
But sometimes, you do need to break the rules. And for some things, someone must always break the rules. There must be someone in any community whose job it is to touch dead bodies. Someone must bury the dead. At the very least.
For people in that position, it is so vitally important that we do not throw the literal text in their face. It is important that we do not condemn them or shun them or otherwise exclude them from our community. Judaism is about community. And you cannot have a community that is based upon excluding people who do essential jobs. Rather, thank them. Because they are doing a good thing with no inherent reward. Quite the opposite. Those people should be celebrated. They take on the hard work knowing it carries risk of exclusion and judgment, but they do it anyway. Because it’s right.
Back in the day, if you saw a dead body on the side of the road and no one seemed available to bury it? Bury it. Give that fallen soul dignity. Then pray about it. Physically and emotionally wash the sin* away. (*sin in Judaism is not the same as the Christian idea of sin. Sin is more akin to an “oops” or “missing the mark.”) And take pleasure in doing something good for humanity and knowing that nobody else had to take on that sin for you.
So, nowadays, if you see a dead body on the side of the road? Call the person whose job it is to deal with that. And thank them for doing this very emotionally difficult work. Welcome that person into your community. Be kind to them. It matters. Because there is no community at all without them and people like them.
And in general? The more broad lesson to this is to of course be kind to people who do unglamorous but necessary work. And to take on that unglamorous work ourselves when necessary. That’s how we keep our community functional and healthy. Do good deeds without expecting a reward. Do what’s right even when you expect a bad outcome. Do good and right things for their own sake, because that’s what we exist to do. Create goodness in the world. The reward is the better world we create.
Thanks for asking @clawdia-houyhnhnm
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starrylayle · 2 years
Soman’s failed POC and Queer rep in the SGE saga — And why criticism is essential to the movie (franchise)
Before I start though, I’d like to say that if you have any argument about forced representation, dni. I don’t give a shit that ur faves aren’t white anymore — and please stop fucking harassing Soman and the cast about this non-issue.
Now onto the racial criticism of Soman’s work, which I don’t see talked enough about.
Being a person of colour does not mean you are exempt from racial criticism. I’m sure this is known by now, but in the books, literally everyone is white. Like EVERYONE. And not only that, the beauty standards he portrays and tries to critique (but then fails miserably at unfortunately) are so Eurocentric it’s quite disheartening actually - pale skin, small noses, coloured eyes, etc. The themes are also quite Eurocentric as well — if you had told me that the books were written by a white author, I would believe you.
Now, I’ve always given him the benefit of the doubt here, considering he was writing a middle grade series as a marginalised author, which was a lot more difficult at the time, and because he does genuinely try to improve his POC rep in the later books (even if that does include retconning character’s previous descriptions lol). In that same vein, the cast is also noticeably more diverse, and I truly applaud Soman for that. However, he has not said anything in regards to the racism the cast have been getting, which considering his influence on the fandom, would have been much appreciated. (The only casting choice he actually spent some time defending was brunette Tedros 💀💀 — like mate, get your priorities together!). Also, since whiteness is quite intrinsic to the core themes of the story (I’ll make a separate post on that later), I worry that the movie will unintentionally be pushing it. And if that’s the case, people should be allowed to critique this (hypothetical) poor depiction of race, without it being considered racist. (As previously mentioned — this excludes those fucking weirdos who just hate on the cast coz their faves aren’t white anymore 🙄🙄)
Ok so, in regards to the queer-coding/queer-baiting:
Just like being a POC doesn’t mean u can’t have internalised racism, being queer doesn’t mean u can’t have internalised homophobia, especially to other members of the community. I don’t know why exactly Soman struggles with writing queer rep so much (I mean I can understand in 2013 — but now plenty of middle grade books include queer characters), but he barely has any canon gay rep.
Tristan/Yara, who is not even specified whether they are gay or trans, is one of the first characters to die, with absolutely no resolution to their arc whatsoever - and their queerness is never mentioned again. The next confirmed queer couple are two backgrounder guys who barely have any significance to the story. The couple after that are two evil white boys, who are only confirmed to be queer after they both die. They are are the only relevant gay characters at this point — yet ofc they’re dead, white and evil. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were other (good) queer characters, but since that is not the case, it just comes off as rather… icky.
Now notice how all these couples, as poorly written as they are, are all (white) gay men? There are hints that Hester and anadil might be in a relationship, but it’s never explicitly confirmed.
In addition, sophie and Agatha are explicitly queer coded — (I made a post about it on my acc for anyone’s interested) — they even kiss!! Of course people are going to be mad that they were baited into a relationship that ended up being incesteous! Especially, ESP, considering that Agatha is now a Black girl in this adaptation. We barely see any white canon wlw couples in media — Black sapphics are almost unheard of in the mainstream, especially as leads. first kill, one show that featured a Lesbian Black girl lead (a Dark-skinned one at that!)— got cancelled. And this happens all the time. Lesbians/sapphics, esp sapphics of colour, ESP Balck sapphics are barely given any time of day in our media in favour of centring gay white men in queer narratives, and thus they have every right to be upset at the queer baiting.
I’m not Black, but as a queer woman of colour, Agatha’s character has always been very special to me. I’ve always thought she should be a POC considering how different her and her mum are from the rest of her cookie-cutter village, and queer because she did not fit into conventional notions of femininity. It would be so awesome to see Agatha, a queer woman of colour, as the lead in a high-budget fantasy series. But alas, that is too many marginalised identities for the general audience.
Not only that, the twin reveal was just plain bad writing. It had absolutely no bearing at the story whatsoever and is never mentioned again. It was just done purely for shock value, and for that, I will absolutely critique Soman.
I know that this discourse is tired and worn out — and understandably so, it’s been years. However, now that this movie is approaching mainstream — At worst, this queer baiting can already add to the whole ‘lesbian relationships aren’t serious’ and other terrible stereotypes. At best, it deprives sapphics of much needed representation in mainstream fantasy films.
Remember, unlike with the books, we as fans have the power to influence the story. If the creators see how unpopular the twist is with the public, they can probably change it. We can make a difference! Btw, this doesn’t mean sophie and Agatha should be endgame — I’d like for them to be in a short term relationship and be confirmed as canonically queer — Tagatha can still be the end couple! (Not hophie tho, coz sophie is a lesbian and I despise Hort lol).
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this-is-exorsexism · 3 months
here's the thing:
exorsexism functions differently than antitransmasculinity and transmisogyny, which is why binary trans people do have privilege over nonbinary people.
exorsexism is based on identity and not/hardly about how you are seen by society. this is because the gender binary has been created to exclude nonbinary genders/gender identities. the gender binary positions two valid options when it comes to gender: (exclusively, fully and always) male and (exclusively, fully and always) female. the gender binary is not about gender roles, as there are plenty GNC men and women whose identity comfortably fits into those categories - gender expression doesn't equal gender. the gender binary is also not the same as cissexism or cisnormativity, as many trans people comfortably fit into one of the two aforementioned options. nonbinaryhood is about identity and realising you're a man after falsely believing you were a woman before is not the same thing. in hindsight, a lot of trans people, binary or nonbinary, actually do realise that they were their gender/gender identity all along. the gendef binary is also not the sams as gender oppositionism (the idea that men and women are exact opposites from one another), as many people who defy that logic comfortably fit into a binary gender. the term exorsexism was coined to refer to an identity-based oppression because that's simply how the gender binary works. there are some people who may be - as much as i hate this term - "collateral damage" of systemic exorsexism (such as binary people using they/them pronouns). but they don't experience exorsexism the way nonbinary people do. nonbinary people are the core target of exorsexism, and the only people who are systemically affected by it. it is quite literally impossible for exorsexism to be about anything else than identity, because in s society that barely recognises nonbinary people, let alone as any sort of comprehensive group, it's basically impossible to exist and be mistaken for nonbinary.
transmisogyny and antitransmasculinity however very much are based on how society sees us. claiming manhood/womanhood or masculinity/femininity when it's "not ours" or being seen as doing so or being seen as "moving away from womanhood/manhood" and many more arr all things that lead to people being subjected to antitransmasculinity or transmisogyny. this is why transmisogyny is not exclusive to transfems and antitransmasculinity is not exclusive to transmascs, but rather they are experienced by transfems and transfeminised people (i.e. people who are regularly seen as transfem), and transmascs and transmasculinised people (i.e. people who are regularly seen as transmasc). transmascs can be transfeminised, transfems can be transmasculinised, nonbinary people can be either, intersex people can be both. it really depends on how an individual is perceived by the world which may vary from person to person because bodies are different. especially as trans and intersex people are often perceived to occupy some sort of visual, physical middle ground of gender expression, it's highly subjective whether a cis person perceives us as transmasc or transfem. we may experience antitransmasculinity and transmisogyny both in the same day, looking the exact same but being perceived by different people. this is especially true for non-cis-passing and GNC trans people. and because they're both based on perception, people like (perisex) afab demigirls or (perisex) amab nonbinary guys absolutely need to be included in those discussions as well, because they're still seen as moving away from cis manhood/womanhood, and, due to exorsexist ideas, often assumed to be moving towards the other binary gender. there's some "collateral damage" here too, where some cis perisex people are seen as transmasc or transfem, but never to the extent or as frequently as trans and intersex people.
experience of transmisogyny and antitransmasculinity are also different depending on your identity though. i know that my experience with antitransmasculinity is different from transmascs and trans men as someone who doesn't identify as either, and i know that my experience with transmisogyny is different from transfems and trans women as someone who doesn't identify as either. not just because people who transmasculinise or transfeminise me are misgendering me and erasing me, but also because it just feels different to be mistreated for your actual identity rather than a constant misperception of who and what you are, because at least i have somewhat of a chance to brush certain things off because i don't actually identify as masculine/feminine or male/female.
it's also important to note that neither-transmasc-nor-transfem nonbinary people being subjected to antitransmasculinity, transmisogyny or even both is rooted in exorsexism and the erasure of nonbinary gender identities, because we're always effectively misgendered in being transmasculinised or transfeminised when we're not, because people think if we're "moving away" from our AGAB, we must be moving towards the other binary gender because there are only two options.
now you might be thinking: what about binary trans people who experience both transmisogyny and antitransmasculinity, who are discriminated against for being seen as "in between"?
let me introduce you to misandrogyny, the hatred of androgyny and people perceived as androgynous, regardless of their actual identity. misandrogyny affects all kinds of trans people across the board, as well as many intersex people.
exorsexism functions in similar ways to bimisia: both are based on not fitting a binary, either the gender binary or the gay/straight binary, both are based on supposedly occupying some kind of middle ground between the two that's seen as not real, both nonbinary and mspec people are seen as not trans/gay enough while still experiencing the full blast of transmisia and homomisia, both exorsexism and bimisia are deemed not real and seen as "misdirected transmisia/homomisia", both are mainly identity-based and rarely on other factors, both nonbinary and mspec people face significant erasure and misgendering/mislabelling, both identities are seen as a phase and a stepping stone towards "the real deal" and so much more. and the conversations around exorsexism and bimisia also sort of mirror each other, with mono gays refusing to acknowledge that being mono and not experiencing bimisia is a privilege, and binary trans people refusing to acknowledge that being binary and not experiencing exorsexism is a privilege and both groups complaining about supposedly being lumped in with straight/cis oppressors. both exorsexism and bimisia are erased because people think nonbinary people are only oppressed for not being cis and mspec people are only oppressed for not being straight, when we are specifically oppressed for being nonbinary or mspec on top of being (seen as) gay or trans. both identities are seen as "only queer because they're not cis/straight" while the inherent queerness of not being binary and being attracted to multiple genders is erased and our identities are flattened to conform with binaries as much as possible. both exorsexism and bimisia are identity-based because there's always this idea that if we simply stopped insisting to be nonbinary or mspec, no one would actually mistreat us. we are mistreated because we disrupt binaries and assert an identity outside of it. both nonbinary and mspec identity is seen as inherently more of an ideological choice than being binary trans or mono gay is. binary trans and mono gay identities are seen as inherently more genuine whereas nonbinaryhood and mspecness are seen as people just trying to be "extra".
and i would like to explicitly state that when i talk about privilege here, it's not the same as actually having the power to oppress, i am merely talking about the privilege of not experiencing a certain kind of oppression, and to be taken more seriously etc. binary trans people don't have power to oppress nonbinary people, but they do have the privilege of not experiencing exorsexism, they do have the privilege of cis people being more likely to listen to them, so it's important to acknowledge that privilege so that you can use it responsibly to be an ally to your nonbinary siblings and not do a Buck Angel on us.
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chokohen · 1 month
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Hi! I’m Cho! I’ve been roleplaying and writing fanfiction for about eight years now! I took a two-year break from roleplay because I got busy, but now I intend to get back into the groove. I really miss roleplaying and hyper-fixating on original characters with others, so I hope to find that again making this post to scout partners ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹!
Cho ⁞ He/him ⁞ 18
All art by Takeshi Obata
Roleplay Status: Open
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FYI: I will not roleplay with anyone who is a minor or under 18!
I⎯ HOW TO CONTACT ME: I roleplay exclusively on Discord, so please contact me @y2kkoko. My name is char on there, which you can also call me. You can also contact me here if you want to roleplay, however, we will take it to Discord after our initial introduction. So, you definitely need Discord to roleplay with me. If you have any further questions, you either ask under this post or click the “Ask me Anything!” on my profile!
II⎯ LITERACY LEVEL: I’ve always been literate throughout the years I’ve roleplayed. Though, as of recently, I’ve been an advanced-literate to novella roleplayer. I find it much more enjoyable being advanced-literate. I like writing detailed and lengthy replies with more than five paragraphs. Usually, my replies range from 1000-2000 words per response, so please be okay with that. I’m detail-oriented in my prose. I enjoy describing emotions and details of the environment/setting. I’ll be sure to leave an example of my writing style at the end of the post ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧!
III⎯ VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: I don’t take this so seriously. I’m not a pro editor, but please keep your typos to a minimum. Sometimes if there are too many typos in one sentence it becomes very hard to read. As for grammar, I don’t notice any minor grammar mistakes—to this day I don’t know how a semicolon works. I’d also like to consider a lot of people on here don't have English as their first language, so I understand.
IV⎯OC CRITERIA: I’m not very picky when it comes to original characters, as long as they’re interesting and intriguing. I, myself, draw, so two out of the three of my original characters I drew. However, face claims are completely fine if they are real people, anime or art (that is credited and/or granted permission via the artist).
V⎯THEMES & GENRES: Like previously mentioned, I’m not a picky guy, so a lot of genres I’m open to roleplay. However, I do have a few I specifically love. I like romance, science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy *looks around awkwardly* and smut—ANYWAYS! When it comes to historical fiction, I’m not educate on every historical event or past-time in the world, so obviously there’s limits to what I can and can’t roleplay.
As for themes, I’m an avid enjoyer of angst, especially hurt/comfort. I’m fine with dark themes such as drug abuse and violence. However, I will not roleplay anything that’s under the umbrella of sexual assault, such as pedophelia and sexual coercion. I’m fine with sexual assault being mentioned in your character’s backstory, but that’s as far as it can go.
Though, for NSFW, I don’t know what I don’t and do like, so please communicate to me what you plan on doing if we ever roleplay smut.
VI⎯ PLOTTING: I never have plots in mind, but I do have an old stack of plots buried somewhere in my Google Docs. Though, I’m good at making them and being a helping hand according to my previous roleplay partners. With that being said, I don’t want to make a plot where I’m the only one constructing the storyline. Roleplay isn’t a one-sided effort, so, please, put mutual effort into creating and writing the scenes.
VII⎯ PAIRING CRITERIA: I don’t limit myself to any relationship dynamic, but most of and probably all of my roleplay experience is with lgbtq pairings. This includes mlm, wlw and anything under that umbrella. I don’t exclude those who are non-binary or gender non-conforming (e.g. gender fluid and two-spirit people). Since I’m a gay guy, I’ve mostly roleplayed mlm. However, even though I’ve barely roleplayed wlw, I’ve written a lot of wlw short stories and read and watched alot of wlw fiction so I’m not uneducated in that manner!
Further clarification of what I pairings I can do:
man loves man (mlm)
trans man/transmasc loves man (mlm)
non-binary/gender non-conforming loves man (nblm)
woman loves woman (wlw)
nonbinary/gender non-conforming loves nonbinary/gender non-conforming (nblnb)
trans woman/transfemme loves woman (wlw)
nonbinary/gender non-conforming loves w (nblw)
man loves woman (mlw; inexperienced)
pretty much anything.
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I⎯ JUJUTSU KAISEN: I’ve been a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen since 2021, so I know quite a lot about it. Unfortunately, I’m not completely caught up to the manga. From what I remember, I read up to chapter 210. However, I know all the spoilers and the current plot in the recent chapters either from leaks or from online gossip! I’m a huge SatoSugu shipper, and Geto is one of my all-time favourite characters! I also like Itadori and Choso ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
II⎯ HELL’S PARADISE: JIGOKURAKU: I have only watched season one of Hell’s Paradise and only read some of the manga. However, I’m up to roleplaying any of the plot of season one (as of the time I’m posting this: May 7th, 2024). My favourite characters are the Tensen (I’m sorry, I have a love for villains), Sagiri and Yuzuriha!
III⎯ TOKYO REVENGERS: Oh, I love Tokyo Revengers so much ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧! I’ve been a fan of TR since 2021, and despite the fact the manga is finished I still obsess over it to this day. My all-time favourite character is Koko, and I love him so much. I really love Inukoko, so if anyone sees this post and is both a Tokyo Revengers fan and loves Inupi x Koko, please hit me up. I’m begging to roleplay Koko in any situation possible.
IV⎯ GOKURAKUGAI/GOKURAKU DISTRICT: This manga is fairly new, but I’m in love with the plot right now, along with the art style and character designs. I’m free to play any character from this manga! My favourite from Gokurakugai is Yomi (the hot evil guy with white hair).
V⎯ CHAINSAW MAN: I’m caught up with Chainsaw Man, both part one and part two. However, I’m only like a chapter or two behind in part two. My favourites from this series is Reze, Denji, Quanxi, Makima and Aki. I love RezeDenji a lot. Lastly, I’m completely fine with playing any of the character’s I listed prior.
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I⎯ TIME ZONE: My time zone is Easter Standard Time or EST/EDT. Please be at least an hour to three hours away from my time. I feel it’s really hard to roleplay with people who are five to six hours ahead of me, and let’s not even fathom how hard it would be to roleplay with someone 12 hours ahead of me. With that being said, my activity time during the week is much less than during the weekend. I am definitely active on the weekend unless I have a huge assignment or project due. I have to warn you that a few of those will come up, so I will go inactive for a few days.
II⎯ COMMUNICATION: With that being said, communication is key to keeping my future/our partnership together. I do like talking a lot out of the roleplay, discussing storyline ideas, making jokes and being compatible with my partners. Furthermore, I will tell you if I have a huge project or assignment due, or if exam season is coming up. Please do the same if you’re busy and tell me in case you can’t reply. As of now, I believe my replies will take 2-3 days, though when there’s a lot of homework I might not be able to reply until the weekend. However, I will try to talk to you OOC in the meantime!
Once again, please contact me if you read through these rules and think we are compatible! You can either DM me on here or DM me on discord @y2kkoko
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Sissi and Laura -- the Same kind of Weird Besties
And this is my final post for my Code Lyoko friendship pairs series! The idea of pairing Sissi and Laura wasn't there in my mind initially, but as I got around to writing Aelita's and William's, I thought, "Why not Sissi and Laura?"
I hope you enjoy!
PS - I wasn't able to find pictures of Laura and Sissi because they literally have no interactions in the show, and I didn't want to use others' images, so you can google up images to look at while you read this, I guess.
Meanwhile, here are my other links!
Code Lyoko Masterlist
Friendship Headcannons for:
- Odd and Yumi-
Aelita and William-
Jeremie and Ulrich
Also check out Headcannons - Code Lyoko since I may use content about Sissi and Laura from those batch of headcannons for this!
(Note -- if links are not accessible, navigate to my blog to find my main masterlist from where you can navigate through everything!)
Sissi and Laura are very different people on the surface -- or so we think.
Listen! Both Sissi and Laura wanted to be a part of the Lyoko gang.
Both of them had an affinity and a rivalry with two members of the group (Sissi has an affinity for Ulrich and thus rivals with Yumi, and with Laura, its Jeremie ad Aelita).
Though I think Laura is bi with a greater romantic attraction towards those who identify as female (these are just my thoughts).
So, in evolution, Sissi is portrayed as a blonde. I fully stand by this, though I think its more likely that she dyed her hair for fun, rather than permanently.
In between where the original series stopped and when evolution began, Sissi must've had a maturing phase, where, after hanging out with the group like a normal person, she grew out of her insecurities regarding Ulrich and grew into her own person.
I think part of that growth was the need for a makeover, so she dyed her hair blonde and gave herself a new look.
And doesn't really pester the others as much anymore.
I also think that after the Lyoko intrigue faded away, and after the first time they shut down the Supercomputer and after Sissi kinda sorta hung out with the gang, she realized they weren't as cool as she thought they'd be (something like how you think a certain state of life is greater than it actually is, but when you get to it, you're bored) and that's when she sorta grew into her own person.
Now, Laura is highly intelligent and she figured out a way to specifically exclude herself from the Return to the Past program. Remember, Jeremie had to literally cut-copy-paste whatever program Franz Hopper had written down in the supercomputer to execute it, and Laura figured out how to modify the damn program with just a few minutes (max two hours) of system time!
But Laura lacks in empathy and emotional intelligence sometimes (somewhat similar to Sissi), because she has always just wanted to be included in something.
Push comes to shove, and evolution happens, and Laura is kicked out of the group because Jeremie and Aelita figured out how to make Return to the Past work for Laura again.
You would think that's how Sissi and Laura become friends, but nope.
Sissi would have already seen Laura for who she was -- someone who used to be exactly like her -- while she was slightly integrated into the group.
I think she'd have a soft pity-laugh to herself, because she understands that the Lyoko warriors are always exclusive to each other, and trying to mesh into that is tiring. You always get pushed out anyway.
But obviously, the real Return to the Past happens, and even Sissi forgets she was feeling those feelings for her.
However, Laura's memories would be really really altered and she'd have some time figuring out whether she was hallucinating or having deja vu with the gang, you know? You can't tell me that a Return to the Past specifically catered to erasing Laura's memories can't have specific side-effects for her.
I think she might end up at the infirmary for something while Sissi also happens to be there.
Then Sissi opens up about how she'd always try to find out more about the gang, only for it to be totally stupid stuff. And once she actually got to know them, she figured out that they were an acquired taste.
Sissi: Headache?
Laura: Kinda, yeah. I've been having a lot of migraines lately.
Sissi: Weren't you with Jeremy and his friends?
Laura: Belpois? It's... actually weird. I haven't spoken to them too much, but I feel like I already know them, though I can't quite seem to put it into words. It's weird.
Sissi: Oh yeah. I get that vibe from them too. Most of the time. Ulrich's like that, you know -- some days I feel like he and I have something unsaid in our friendship, and the next day, he's a total mystery.
Laura: Strange.
Sissi: Very strange.
They definitely bond over their weird dislike over the Lyoko gang.
Sissi: It all started even before, but it intensified after Odd's cousin Aelita showed up.
Laura: The one with the pink hair? I think she's kinda cute Laura is definitely bi and I think she definitely thinks Aelita is cute.
Sissi: Please, there are a few unwritten rules at Kadic. One, I'm the best. Two, every girl goes through Della Robbia at some point. Three, Jim would rather not talk about anything that happened to him before Kadic, and Four, Jeremie and Aelita are meant to be. Heck, I don't even like them that much but I never mess with either one or the other goes feral.
They're the kind of besties who bond over bitching.
Laura: You used to like Stern? He's not even that attractive!
Sissi: You have to admit, he's a little cute.
Laura: No. If anyone's good-looking there, it's Dunbar.
Sissi: The pretend-emo who's eternally in love with Ishiyama? Seriously?
Laura: He's tall!
Sissi brings out Laura's inner petty-feminine energy (in a good way) and Laura helps ground Sissi sometimes.
So even though they never saw each other coming, they became the unlikeliest of best friends because they just get each other.
Laura: We should form our own gang.
Sissi: No, they're all too dumb for me and too normal for you.
Laura: You realize you just classified yourself as not normal?
Sissi: Of course! I'm extraordinary.
Laura: *laugh* You have a point.
Sissi: AND smart! See, Laura, we lucked out and now we're best friends.
Laura: We're best friends? How sweet of you.
Sissi: Yeah, I think we're the same kind of weird.
Odd: Who would've thought Sissi and Laura would end up best buds?
Jeremie: Yeah, it's a bit shocking.
Aelita: I think it's nice. It's definitely poetic.
Ulrich: I can see that, kind of. Sissi was obsessed with me, Laura was obsessed with Jeremie. I think they just need someone obsessed with Odd for a trio. And probably someone obsessed with William too, though I can't think of any reason why.
William: I thought we're friends now, Ulrich?
Ulrich: I mean, mad respect for you, but rivalry is kind of our thing.
Yumi: Thank god you aren't incharge of maturity in this group.
Ulrich: Of course. That's all Odd.
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nwarrior777 · 8 months
another life blogging thoughts. it starts with me thinking about changing my username, but its much more than that. pls sorry if i write smth not clearly i really not in perfect mind condition
tw: life crisis, identity crisis, sad thoughts, stream of thoughts
advice ONLY if you have something really similar. support commentary is encouraged but only if they are specific (like "giving you some cookies!!! or giving you yellow blanket!! or "sending you a frog meme" etc etc)
iiii think i maybe want to change my username. is this a fckin middle crisis they were talking about.
like. nwarrior was ment that i am fighting against stereotypes against shitty normis Norms, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia etc etc and shit and etc, to society, to myself. and like my fight is my art. buuut
last time i think more about that. i dont want it to be fight. like. i don't want it to prove something to these fuckers who do this awful evil things to us. why would i care about them? they will not stop doing their shit because i drew bodypositive art. but. then i draw representative art my followers will feel happy (i mean, i read comments so i can assume you do).
so i don't want to make a point of my representative art on fighting. it's not about showing evil guys that they are (shock!) evil, i want focus of my work to be on. spreading warm and positive and giving positive emotions. i mean, it doesn't change anything in my content itself, but more. of my attitude to it? i just always thought about it as my little contribution in an endless fight for our rights? but like.
as i said long ago, we, oppressed people, are always were are and will be the winners because we have the most great power of life itself - love. and oppressors can't steal it and it's so, so powerful. stealing is their trademark, but Love. you can't steal Love and make it into something bad. it's Love. they can lie, try to fake it, try to buy it. yk it's so funny, i just realize. they think they can do everything but they can't do the only thing in life that really matters (and no, i am not excluding aroace people from narrative here, Love is like. is something more here than sex or dating, try to understand me pls.)
so yeah i... i am sitting here and thinking that it's something more than a fight. it's a strange fight if we already have a winner but looser don't know about it and think that he is on the top and treats a winner like shit and a winner constantly need to prove that little fucker that prize is in their hands and looser think that prize is something different.
and so, yeah, i know that it is in fact a fight and we are fighting for our rights. but i am so tired of fighting. i recently figured out that i need to fight myself a g a i n because i thought i was much better at being good person, but no. i mean i have some progress but turned out i am so so so not enough and i am crying and have that thing in trout first time since idk then. and i thought, omg, do i have to fight myself again, like, feeling literally like i stubbing my heart (for people just thinking "lol that heart bit that edgy lol" - yeah, edgy, can i be """edgy"""" in my mental breakdown middle life crisis fckin letter feelings which i type without script, okay thanks!)
and i thought like.... maybe i can make something more
my trademark was a sword, like, warrior.... but now i am thinking more about... something warm. a cup of tea, spreading through your body, flower, fire. something like this? it would be nice like.... and it's really more helpfull to use to urself symbols of cup of tea and flowers and warmth then a sword. it's so much more calming and comforting.... yeah... i think i will think about it
my sword is like a toothpick to that evil voide around. my sword against that void in me - it's big damage. but. if i will give someone, including me, a nice warm cup of chamomile tea... the world will really become better.
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thebatbites · 9 months
disclaimer: i have no genuine hatred/contempt for jess or jason! i am just very, very angry!
i hate how every guy in mystreet is obsessed with aphmau. like it pisses me off SO much. like okay. i get garroth, laurence, and aaron because you know THEY WERE HER LOVE INTERESTS IN MCD but dante??? travis???? brendan (for the literal slightest bit that he was here)??? three people who did not show any romantic interest her besides small (insignificant) crushes, that didnt go beyond playful flirtation and/or quick things that dont go deeper beyond surface level.
and i know mystreet was written in tandem with pdh but it doesnt make sense that they would include a wholesome friendship with travis and aphmau and then turn around and have them turn around to be strangers and travis flirting with her because he has an interest to her (but does... but does he actually??? or does he just like her because shes pretty like???)
thats why i like zanemau (as i will ramble abt in another post) so much because i was rooting so HARD for zane because he does flirt with her occasionally but its always backed up with a joke and he never showed any romantic interest for her. HE BECAME HER FRIEND FIRST. HE BECAME HER FRIEND FIRST. HE BECAME HER. FRIEND. FIRST.
and ofc im going to have the whole group genuinely become friends first but in mystreet it PISSES me off
and on top of that, they treat her like a prize to be won. which makes me mad because their mcd counterparts would. NEVER.
ive never talked about it here but all of the guys (excluding zane and vylad) took the biggest brunt of the character assassination tirade that jason (jason. not jess. jason. i have a firm belief that jason was a bigger contributor to mystreet than jess) went on to reduce all of the characters to cheap knockoffs and unfunny flat, static characters. while their mcd characterizations werent perfect, theyre LEAPS and BOUNDS better than their mystreet variations
and you want to know why? because they probably sat there and looked at the original version of mystreet (and mcd season 2) and said "damn, aaron is a fucking boring character" because he IS. compared to the vast majority of the characters in mystreet and mcd, aaron is largely uninteresting! in mystreet he has no real motivations. no drive, no friends, no job (that we hear about) and we never see aaron and aphmau hang out UNLESS its a scene where garroth and laurence over-fucking-react to aphmau having friends (oh god forbid the woman have male friends!) and sure he has the ultima thing going for him but we never even start hearing about that until mystreet season 3 (and pdh season 2)
and in mcd hes even worse! hes just some (probably musty) dude who came out of nowhere and saved aphmau from werewolves and has a vendetta against zane (surprise surprise, look around fucko! you arent alone, the entirety of rua'an has an axe to grind against the fucker!! get in fucking line!!). hes even LESS interesting than mcd aaron because he legit has NOTHING GOING FOR HIM. he never even made conversation with aphmau unless she was being a damsel or they were alone!!
you know doki doki literature club? when monika starts fucking around with the character files and pumped all of the girl's worst, most undesirable traits to max to make herself appear more likeable to the mc? i imagine that was jason's idea to make the boys look terrible and aaron look like a hero.
also side note: the fact that jason looks nothing like aaron weirds me the fuck out. like aphmau is obviously jess' self insert with similar hair, skin, and eye color but aaron looks nothing like jason aside the color of their fucking eyes. wack.
anyway thats it. sorry its taking me so long to update any of this, ive been trying to you know do this whole "self care" shit. its been working really well but ive been spending less time online as a result! but im working on my notes and im trying to figure out how i want to write this out! i dont have the time to write a comic book but i was thinking about writing and posting it on ao3!!! what do you think?
anyway, thats all for now. toodles!
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zupawama · 2 years
this might be a controversial take but: so long as it’s done without insinuating whatsoever that THIS is what makes u a woman, or that it’s some defining trait of womanhood, or done with intent to try and forcibly include anyone that doesn’t want to be included (i.e. trans guys)... i literally don’t care abt cis feminists talking abt their cunts and periods in their own spaces, and choosing to try and be positive abt them, or whatever. like i don’t. there’s nothing inherently wrong with it when it’s not transphobic, or being upheld as the “ultimate pillar of womanhood”. i’m by no means a cis woman (i’m genderfuck and multiple diff things at once) --- but i know that, growing up experiencing periods and whatnot, there was a constant, never ending feeling of shame i was forced to suffer through, which oftentimes meant i couldn’t even talk about something weird going on that was related to that aspect of my health because i’d learned to shove it down. at times i was outright bullied for it. it did NOT have a good impact on my growing brain. if an individual cis woman decides (not because she wants to exclude anyone/include people that don’t want to be included) to talk about her cunt/period/etc in a more positive light, i think we should just let that be. like, ALWAYS be on the look out for T**FS and gender exclusionists, but otherwise. who cares. i had an ex-friend that frankly thought any cis woman willing to talk about her period or genitalia in a light that wasn’t strictly neutral or outright negative was an automatic T**F, and i hate to say it, but that’s not how it works. T**Fhood is a whole ideology. and a shit one at that, but not the point
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disast3rtransp0rt · 2 years
religious trauma and star wars discourse: an inside perspective
I see a lot of posts like “You can’t blame the Jedi for Anakin’s downfall! They did everything they could for him and he chose to be fucking stupid!”
And sure, yeah, I see your point. But not everyone has read the novelizations and not everyone will (myself included) for one reason or another, and their opinions are based solely on the text and subtext provided by the films. 
So consider this perspective from someone who was raised in a strict Evangelical household and is still working through a lot of religious trauma: Anakin Falls because he feels trapped by the Order and their expectations, which is a nuanced and complicated issue depending on which textual source we decide to pull from. 
Anakin Skywalker was a little boy who’d been freed from slavery by a Jedi Knight, a group of warriors and protectors that he looked up to. That same Knight was then threatened with eviction from the Order for helping rescue, just so we don’t forget, a literal child slave. Of course Anakin’s going to feel indebted to Qui-Gon and to the Order for letting them both stay (and then additionally for letting Obi-Wan train him after Qui-Gon’s death). 
He sees everything transactionally. That’s how he was raised. No matter how much meditation you do, some of the Council were right: He was too old to let that shit go. And there wasn’t enough time in his teenage years to process it properly before the Clone Wars began.
He has to step up to the plate and become the Hero With No Fear. He’s the Chosen One, the son of the Force. His body isn’t entirely his anymore, because it’s been commodified and claimed by the Jedi Order (whether or not they realize or acknowledge it). 
So, as someone who was raised to identify hardcore with the ideology that sex = gender (which I no longer subscribe to at all), I was treated very differently from my brothers as a kid. I was always in the kitchen, always watching the babies, always cleaning the dishes etc. 
But high value was placed on my usefulness as a “nurturer”, so I felt validated. This was good work. I was doing something helpful. I was being good in the way the people surrounding me expected. Until I got old enough to understand how exploitative and shitty Evangelicalism is and got the fuck away. 
Can you see how I might relate to Anakin, then? How it might be hard to have incredible pressure placed on you to serve serve serve all the time, even though you were supposed to be free from that? No time to breathe, rules that dictate private areas of one’s life... Kinda like his childhood but just a little bit different.
Of course he’s going to want to rebel, but that guilt and that debt is so deep under his skin that he can’t shake it. Can’t let it go. If he’d been able to sit down and process the issues he faced as a child, without fighting a war as a slightly larger child, then maybe... I don’t know. Maybe he wouldn’t have Fallen. 
Maybe he simply would have said his thanks, said his goodbyes, and left to raise his children with his wife. 
But I was lucky enough to escape to college and outgrow the idea that my body would always be some kind of bargaining chip. I let go of the ideology I’d been raised with because there was space enough to work through my childhood bullshit. Anakin doesn’t have that luxury in canon. He’s got shit to do.
And as someone who still has issues eating dinner before my boyfriend after almost 6 years of therapy and a ton of self-discovery, that guilt-and-debt feeling I mentioned can hit hard. And it’s tough to get rid of. I’m still working on that at age 26. 
So yeah, I don’t particularly care for the Jedi Order. 
I don’t care that other people do like them, of course. I know it’s all just fiction and these are a bunch of made up dudes in costumes running around a set. It’s just been tough to read a lot of these posts that are so pro-Jedi from a context that I do not have or wish to have (the novels) and feel excluded or invalidated.
Thank you for coming to my literary analysis. 
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thanatasia · 2 years
Great Con-Junction 2022
This past weekend was very busy but a lot of fun!
It was so nice to be able to be in the same room as so many people who made TDC:AoR and the original TDC film. So much so that it was a bit overwhelming lol
I believe my rambling became the star of the show when talking to fellow artists and people involved with the film and series. My best friend @yellowtribalwolf and I were lucky to get tickets to the lot party and tour. I'll share this gem because I've got this song stuck in my head. Maybe I'll share some more photos. Maybe stuff from the Henson Lot and Creature Shop
I was so lucky enough to meet @sifanjewel and I was so so much fun talking with you and going to different panels and the workshop! I still can't believe we got to hang out out there lol
One of those panels was a quiz where whoever got the last question right would win a Stone-in-the-wood prop- my head heard a question related to the Trial by Stone Podcast where they spoke with one of the writers who spoke of a scraped scene where there was going to be a fight on Rek'yr's Sandskimmer with SkekMal. This scene was replaced with Seladon's Gothic transformation. In my head I heard, flight and Seladon and- got the question wrong. The funny thing is they gave me a second chance, I got tongue tied and almost said; Flight of Passage 🤣 I was close to owning a prop but it's a funny story I'll get a kick out of lol
I got to meet Beccy Henderson! She said my Elf/Gelfling outfit was lovely. She also recognized my artwork because I gave her a Stonegrot sticker. I felt so happy! I will die happy getting complimented by her. I even got an autograph from her...but my dad who also went along but explored on his own lost my autograph before my friend and I got to the Henson Lot party
Gelfling are TINY! I always knew they were small but they are literally the height of a young child lol
I couldn't take pictures but while at the Creature Shop I saw the SkekTek prototype puppet used for the initial idea of puppet Skeksis and CGI Gelflings. There was also a Podling head sculpt that was nicknamed, Stoned, I thought that was hilarious.
Continuing from the Creature Shop tour I saw a prop used for the deleted scene of the Emperor's Funeral in the original film, as well as Crawlies. I think everyone who watched the TDC documentary that's included in the bonus features of the DVD knows the Crawlies were basically wind-up toys; I couldn't tell what they were beforehand but they were very flakey and delicate
My friend and I got to puppeteer an animal tail. It was both weird but mesmerizing seeing it move to how you moved the handles
I got my artwork reviewed by TOBY FROUD?!?! I wish I had original art but 1) I haven't completed any 2) most of whatever original art I make is depressing. Regardless, he said my art was, "very lovely" and that I should consider storyboarding
I wanna make another post regarding the drawing workshop with the amazing artist, Cory Godbey. That Mystic I drew came out pretty good...profile views are all we'll see from me. Hearing his input about his experience in art and getting work was very informative. He has a nice calming voice which made the workshop relaxing. My only criticism of the workshop is that it was a paid activity but the event organizers didn't provide paper and pencils. Excluding that it was a great class!
Lisa Maxwell had a fun time talking to my best friend and I because we share the same name but there's one letter in our names that are spelled different. She called us, Clever Girls and I will die happy being complimented by her
A buddy of mine couldn't attend so while passing her art to Stephen Garlick (Jen), Lisa Maxwell (Kira) and Victor Yerrid (Hup), I had some sweet conversations. I even got a picture with Stephen Garlick. Victor Yerrid said my online name was really cool. Again, I will die happy getting complimented for my interesting art name.
I got to meet @feusus , @candythemew and another artist named R0b0crazylady (IG, please correct me if she does have a Tumblr) at their art tables. It's still surreal I got to have conversations with you all. Albeit I was rambling way too much (or maybe I'm too hard on myself) I hope you all had made a great profit. Tbh I think I was more excited matching faces to online profile pictures. You all are very sweet people and I'm so happy to have met you
TDC museum they installed was lovely! SkekSil and SkekOk were there in all their Skeksis glory. Which surprised me- mostly SkekSil I did not expect to see him. If we include the lot party I met my sister's favorite Skeksis, SkekEkt.
At the end I had gotten a picture with Lisa and Cheryl Henson. Mostly for my mom's sake because she would've figurativly killed me if I didn't. I also wanted to, I mean now I can say I got to meet the daughters of Jim Henson who helped keep TDC alive and helped get AoR running
The ending ceremony was an experience. Reciting the Gelfling prophecy was a fantastic end to a great TDC convention. I truly hope there is something again in celebration for AoR
I could probably write more but I'm drawing a blank, and maybe I'm rambling lol
Idk if Thames Con has a Tumblr but thank you for setting this event up. Thank you Trial by Stone Podcast for the coverage and amazing episodes to your Podcast, I was too shy to say hello lol
My only regret is not mingling/networking during the Henson Lot party. I had gotten about 3 hrs of sleep the night prior because I was excited like a child on Christmas Eve. So by 8pm I was getting sleepy lol
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numbugwritingblog · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Timeline
Sonic the Hedgehog Timeline 2.0
With the release of Sonic Frontiers, I decided that I’d go and revamp an old timeline I made all the way back in 2019, a whole three years ago. It is worth noting that this was written before Sonic Frontiers was released, so despite my best attempts any errors regarding Frontiers will be a direct result of that fact.
While Sonic Frontiers did leak, and information detailed from those leaks were used for the timeline, this timeline will not feature any spoilers from Sonic Frontiers itself, so feel free to read through the timeline if you are worried about spoilering yourself.
Some important notes before we begin.
Note 1: The following games are considered non-canon, and information detailed within will not be considered as a result:
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine: explicitly sets itself in the “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” canon.
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball (both versions): is part of the US Sonic canon, which was discontinued starting with Sonic Adventure’s release. This includes details such as Dr. Robotnik’s design, the setting’s name of Mobius, and the appearance of characters introduced in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series (known as Sonic SatAM), such as Sally Acorn. Also there’s 16 Chaos Emeralds lol.
Sonic the Fighters: The addition of an 8th Chaos Emerald contradicts information established as early as Sonic 3.
A majority of the games for the “Sonic Cafe” service from 2001 to 2007, due to lacking any kind of plot associated with them.
Sonic X (Leapster): … Obviously. Even beyond that, it explicitly sets itself in the “Sonic X” continuity.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: … The entire sub-franchise, obviously.
Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood: between research issues, an unresolved cliffhanger ending, being the target of a cold legal case in real life, and being confirmed non-canon in the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclospeedia, this game being considered non-canon is just a result of a lot of factors piling up.
Any of the Sonic Boom Games, due to being part of the Sonic Boom continuity.
Any media that doesn’t have any kind of plot will be excluded, as, put simply, there’s nothing to add in the first place.
Note 2: This timeline uses a cameo in Sonic Generations (specifically, Mighty and Ray being listed as “missing since 1993”) as a basis for the dating system, which is otherwise completely arbitrary. A cameo is a weak argument, but it will be used anyways due to lack of a contradiction.
Note 3: The ages of all characters operate under the assumption that it is accurate as of Sonic Adventure. This is done due to the ageless nature of characters making it hard to get a true accurate measure of the timeline, as the characters are treated as always being the same age no matter how much time passes by, including literal birthdays. This also makes every character’s relative age the same.
Note 4: This timeline is constructed using the current Sonic the Hedgehog canon, which prior to Sonic Adventure was Japan only canon. As a result, classic entries will exclusively use their Japanese versions for information, and entries from Adventure onwards will show bias towards the language that the game’s narrative was written in.
Note 5: Time travel usually doesn’t allow for changes to the timeline. However, sometimes this isn’t the case and will instead create a new timeline, where both timelines will continue to exist. Things that erase time (such as the Time Eater or Solaris) will not create a new timeline, instead altering the current one. As such, I will only detail alternate timelines if explicitly shown to us.
Note 6: Occam’s Razor will be applied in this timeline for simplicity’s sake, meaning that release order will be the default consideration, and alterations are only made if release order doesn’t work for one reason or another.
Note 7: due to inconsistencies between people who have written for Sonic games, developed Sonic games, and literal figureheads in Sonic Team, alongside the behind-the-scenes policy of the franchise canon being in a constant state of flux, this timeline will exclusively include sources from the media and miscellaneous documents, no statements from Sonic Team, Takashi Iizuka, Ian Flynn, or the like will be used. (The most notable inconsistency being the literal decade where Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic Team, insisted that the franchise was actually set on Two Worlds despite there being a large amount of contradictions to that very claim) Source
Note 8: sometimes I use the lunar cycle to determine the timeframe of a particular game. While technically I could use this to work out the time of many Sonic games by syncing the moon appearances up to the timeline, I have chosen not to do this for one major reason: the moon is incredibly inconsistent. Half of it was blasted off, only to be forgotten in the next game, blasted again with no damage done to it, and occasionally there’s just straight up two of them instead of one. So I’ve only treated it as reliable within the context of individual games, and not game to game.
Sources on the two moons:
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Anything that warrants further elaboration will be detailed when it becomes relevant.
Unknown Time Period
Illumina created the Precioustone out of a piece of herself, which created Maginaryworld
Circa 4,540,000,000 BCE (assuming that Earth came into being at the same time)
The planet came into being. Light Gaia and Dark Gaia also came into being, hypothesised to be a result of the planet’s will itself. The two would frequently clash over the millions of years of the planet’s lifetime.
Circa 1,000,000,000 BCE
The jungle known as Meta Junglira first came into being.
Circa 18,000 BCE (likely earlier)
(Sonic Frontiers spoilers, go play the game yourself to learn what happened)
Light Gaia and Dark Gaia have their second most recent clash over the planet, dubbed the Time of Awakening.
The Gaia Manuscripts are created in the interim, detailing various facts like the gaia temples, the Chaos Emeralds, and Dark Gaia. Light Gaia is almost completely unrecognised.
Unknown Time Period
The residents of Westside Island discover the Chaos Emeralds, and use them to develop their civilization and achieve prosperity. However, when they began to abuse their power, their prosperity vanished overnight.
Sources 1, 2, 3.
Translated source
[Officially Unofficial information] The tribes of Be’en and Kalow were eagerly waiting their lands unifying into one, their tribes planning on uniting into one as a result. But when Little Planet appeared over Kalow’s Never Lake for the first time, the two tribes descended into war. Eventually discovering the Time Stones on Little Planet, both tribes used them and ended up wiping each other out from time. The two islands then met and merged into one.
[Officially Unofficial information] When future settlers landed on the land, it was named Mirage Island, sensing the remnants of what once remained.
Circa 9,000 BCE (assuming that Plato’s telling of Atlantis is the same as in real life)
The continent of Atlantis sinks into the ocean
Circa 2,000 BCE
Gizoid is created by the 4th Great Civilisation as the ultimate weapon of war (Gizoid meaning “all”, a nod to its copying skills). However, with all 7 Chaos Emeralds Gizoid wound up destroying the 4th Great Civilisation before becoming inactive.
Circa 1,894 BCE (assuming that the Babylonians arrival on Earth is equivalent to the real life formation of the Old Babylonian Empire)
The ancient Babylonians ended up crashing their space station onto Earth after forced ejection of their power source. Over time, their technology was integrated with the locals of the planet, eventually fading into myth and legend.
Circa 1,000 BCE (likely earlier)
Sonic Comic (Sonic Channel) Act 24: Hide and Seek
The Knuckles Clan, led by chief Pachacamac, mounted an assault against the Chaos Emerald shrine, despite the protest of the chief’s pacifist daughter, Tikal.
The guardian of the Master Emerald, Chaos, is enraged at the attack on the innocent chao surrounding the shrine, and absorbs the 7 Chaos Emeralds and deals heavy damage to the Knuckles Clan, to such an extreme that the echidna population will die out in 3,000 years. Tikal sacrifices herself to seal herself and Chaos within the Master Emerald.
After the incident, the remaining Echidnas rise the island up into the sky, forming Angel Island.
First known appearance of the Master Emerald
Source for the date (in Japanese only)
Source for the date (translated)
Circa 1 BCE (likely earlier)
Black Doom’s earliest known appearance, where he hid a Black Arms fleet within a desert in an unknown location on the planet.
Circa 476 CE (likely earlier)
The sceptre of darkness was researched and understood well enough to have been recorded down, including how to create it.
“When black flame lights the Candle of Darkness and the priest’s prayers are answered, the dark seal will be no more, and so shall emerge the power.”
Circa 499 CE
The first ever Soleanna Water Target Tournament is held.
Circa 800 CE
Alf Layla, arabic for “The Thousand Nights”, was made in Arabic, out of a collection of various different stories (going off of the probable real life origin of the One Thousand and One Nights). Later adaptations would ultimately add new stories or change existing ones, including Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, eventually resulting in one named Alf-Layla wa-Layla, arabic for The One Thousand and One Nights.
961-962 CE
Master Zik is born
Circa 1136 CE
Historia Regnum Britaniae (History of the Kings of Britain) was made in medieval English (going off of the real life origin of King Arthur). Later adaptations would expand to the world and the lore, including the character of Sir Lancelot, eventually resulting in one named King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
1849-1850 CE
Zavok is born
1864-1865 CE
Zomom is born
1870-1871 CE
Zazz is born
1877-1878 CE
Zeena is born
Circa 1880 CE
Professor Gerald Robotnik is born
1885-1886 CE
Zor is born
Circa 1900-1940
Professor Gerald invents the world’s first space colony, codenamed ARK.
Professor Gerald discovers the Ifrit sealed in another universe (which I will refer to as the Ifrit Dimension)
Gerald invents the Heal Unit
Gerald invents Chaos Drives
Eric is born
Circa 1930 CE
Maria Robotnik is born
Circa 1930 CE (possibly 1931)
Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik is born
Circa 1940 CE
Professor Gerald discovers the Gizoid in an old warehouse, and begins studying it, learning of its basic capabilities and hypothesises that it destroyed the Fourth Great Civilisation.
The then-current President of the United Federation contacted Professor Gerald Robotnik to develop work on immortality. Gerald initially refuses, believing it to be crossing the limits of man, but upon realising that this research could be used to cure Maria Robotnik’s Neuro Immune Deficiency Disorder (or N.I.D.S.), Gerald agrees to the project. The project would come to be known as Project Shadow, and the target came to be developing the Ultimate Lifeform.
The initial prototype, named the Biolizard, was a promising result at first, achieving growth, healing, and self-replication. But a critical flaw was found as the creature grew beyond expectations, becoming too big to sustain itself and requiring a life support system be attached, and causing a rampage throughout the space colony.
A chance contact with a comet flying by has Gerald making a deal with the leader of the civilisation known as the Black Arms: Black Doom. Black Doom lends some of his blood to assist Gerald in developing the second version of the Ultimate Lifeform. In exchange, the Ultimate Lifeform will deliver the 7 Chaos Emeralds to Black Doom the next time the black comet passes by.
Desperate to avoid his funding being cut prior to completion of Project: Shadow, Gerald hands over his Gizoid project to GUN in order to secure funding. He orders Gizoid to not absorb any dangerous technology, but still fears the repercussions.
The Ultimate Lifeform is complete, but a young child spots Gerald speaking with Black Doom as the Ultimate Lifeform, named Shadow, awakens. Maria befriends Shadow, and the two become close friends. Gerald later learns that Black Doom aims to destroy the planet, and in desperation develops the Eclipse Cannon in order to destroy the comet when it returns.
The Gizoid goes out of control and causes heavy damage to the ARK. Gerald reclaims it and attempts to destroy the machine, but is unsuccessful. He then shifts focus on attempting to reprogram it, putting in code to either pacify it or cause it to self terminate.
The Guardian Units of Nations, or G.U.N., raid the space colony under the pretence of there being an accident, first evacuating personel not associated with Project Shadow over the course of 7 days. They then murdered any and every personnel working on Project Shadow, and evacuated the rest down to the surface, before capturing Professor Gerald and labelling him as responsible for the accident. Maria is murdered, but manages to send Shadow down an escape pod down to Earth.
In complete secrecy, Shadow is captured on Earth and sent to Prison Island, where Gerald successfully finishes a failsafe program in Emerl, using Maria’s last words as the passcode. Overtime, he loses his sanity from grief and attempts to seek revenge on the planet, modifying Shadow’s memories while he’s in status, remotely reprogramming the Eclipse Cannon to collide with Earth if all 7 Chaos Emeralds are installed, and - most impressively - sets it so that his own execution video where he explains his plan gets transmitted to the ARK, stored, and replayed if the plan ever comes to fruition. You know, the video that would need to be recorded as he dies.
Source text (both original and a translation)
Jari-Pekka proposes to his now wife, Ursule
Louie Montaine is born
Circa 1970 CE
Dynamite Dux
Bin goes on to be Bean the Dynamite’s father
Source image
1970 CE
The Chamomile Hotel was first opened up in Apotos/Windmill Isle.
Source: Windmill Isle: Act 2 (daytime) - background visual
1977-1978 CE
Vector the Crocodile is born
1978-1979 CE
Storm the Albatross is born
1979-1980 CE
Big the Cat is born
Rouge the Bat is born
Wave the Swallow is born
1980-1981 CE
Bark the Polar Bear is born
Source image
Princess Elise the Third is born
Source (requires a Flash player or a Flash emulator to view)
1981-1982 CE
Knuckles the Echidna is born on Angel Island
Espio the Chameleon is born
Bean the Dynamite is born
Source image
June 23rd, 1983 CE
Sonic the Hedgehog is born on Christmas Island
Source 1
Source 2
Birthday sources: one, two
1983-1984 CE
Blaze the Cat is born (in another universe that will henceforth be referred informally as the Sol Dimension)
Jet the Hawk is born
September 5th, 1984
The Soleanna New City hotel opens up.
1985-1986 CE
Amy Rose is born
1990 CE
The Duke of Soleanna plans on experimenting with the Flame of Solaris that had been entrusted to his royal family in order to unlock the secrets of time travel and alter time, potentially saving his presumed wife.
A time travelling Elise and Sonic arrive from the destroyed remains of time to blow out the candle, which undoes the damage. Their fate afterwards is unknown.
The 06 timeline will be its own, separate document made in the future.
1989-1990 CE
Miles “Tails” Prower is born on West Side Island
Source 1
Source 2
1990-1991 CE
Marine the Raccoon is born (in the Sol Dimension)
1991-1992 CE
Charmy Bee is born
Cream the Rabbit is born
Circa 1990
Dr. Eggman begins attempting to take over the world, with Sonic stopping him at every attempt.
This period details everything from Sonic the Hedgehog 1 up to Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.
Circa 1993-1995 CE
Sonic becomes friends with Bean the Dynamite and Bark the Polar Bear off-screen. He also met Fang the Sniper off-screen.
May 26th, 1993
Tails Adventure
While Sonic Origins contradicts this game by virtue of implying Tails had never flown before, I’m willing to chalk this up to a minor continuity error rather than outright de-canoninising the game as a result.
May 27th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog (SEGA Genesis/SEGA Mega Drive/SEGA Master System/SEGA Game Gear) (start)
Tails Adventure (epilogue)
May 28th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog (SEGA Genesis/SEGA Mega Drive/SEGA Master System/SEGA Game Gear) (end)
While in the Japanese lore, he has always been known as Dr. Eggman, his canonical surname is still confirmed as Robotnik, and various English productions have still kept his Ivo Robotnik name as canon, as the only holdover from the old US canon.
May 29th, 1993
Sonic Eraser
May 30th, 1993
Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car
May 31st, 1993
Sonic CD (Sonic Origins) (prologue)
Given that Little Planet arrives during this prologue animation, it would need to take place a month before the end of the game, where Little Planet vanishes.
June 28th, 1993
Sonic CD (start)
June 30th, 1993
Sonic CD (end)
July 1st, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SEGA Mega Drive/SEGA Genesis) (prologue)
July 3rd, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Sonic Origins) (prologue)
On Westside Island, he saves Tails from bullies. The fox then decides to follow him, which Sonic silently allows.
July 4th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SEGA Mega Drive/SEGA Genesis) (start)
July 6th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (SEGA Mega Drive/SEGA Genesis) (end)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (prologue)
Source 1 (translated from Japanese)
Source 2 (translated from Japanese) (the information regarding the Chaos Emeralds is an error and/or got retconned)
July 8th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (start)
July 10th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (Sonic story end)
July 11th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (Knuckles story start)
July 13th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (end)
July 14th, 1993
SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter
July 15th, 1993
SegaSonic the Hedgehog
July 16th, 1993
Sonic Chaos (start)
July 17th, 1993
Sonic Chaos (end)
July 18th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit) (start)
July 19th, 1993
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit) (end)
July 20th, 1993
Sonic Drift (start)
July 23rd, 1993
Sonic Drift (end)
July 24th, 1993
Tails�� Skypatrol
July 25th, 1993
Dr. Robotnik sneaks to where Sonic is sleeping and swaps his shoes out for special weighted shoes, made by the Chaos Emeralds, that slow Sonic down.
July 26th, 1993
Sonic Labyrinth
July 27th, 1993
Sonic 3D Blast: Flickies’ Island
July 28th, 1993
Sonic Blast
July 29th, 1993
Sonic runs around in Green Hill (Sonic Generations). Classic Tails is seemingly nearby, so he should be back from his adventure.
Sonic Generations 3DS confirms that classic Sonic was a split timeline after the events of Sonic Generations, meaning that Forces merely confirms that a split timeline is in fact its own universe (supported by Crisis City being erased from time by the Time Eater as well - meaning it would need to still exist to be erased). As such the pre-split events of Sonic Generations would still need to happen.
The classic Sonic split timeline will be made at a later date.
June 1st, 1994
Sonic CD (bad future epilogue)
September 2nd, 1994
Schultz has his first win of what would be a consecutive win streak in the Soleanna car festival.
September 2nd, 1995
Schultz has his second consecutive win in the Soleanna car festival.
This period details everything from Sonic Adventure to Shadow the Hedgehog
In order for Classic Sonic’s appearance to be an indication of age, modern Sonic’s youngest depiction must still be older than even the oldest classic Sonic in order to be consistent with the detail, which necessitates a 3 year timeskip.
April 28th, 1996
Sonic Pocket Adventure (start)
April 29th, 1996
Sonic Pocket Adventure (end)
April 30th, 1996
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (start)
April 31st, 1996
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (end)
May 31st, 1996
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal (start)
June 30th, 1996
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal (end)
I know the timeskip for Episode Metal is strange, but the ending leads directly into Episode 2. Little Planet is present one month a year, and it wasn’t present at the beginning of Episode Metal, so it would need to be at least a month’s worth of time.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 (start)
Source for the months long timeskip (archived from the original on the 27th of May, 2013) 
July 1st, 1996
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 (end)
September 2nd, 1996
Schultz has his third consecutive win in the Soleanna car festival.
1997 CE
June 27th, 1997
Sonic Adventure (start)
While an exact timeframe compared to previous games is never specified, Sonic was said to be gone on a long journey and both Amy and Tails note that it’s been a while since their last adventures, and (in Japanese only) Sonic says the now infamous “long time no see” line to Dr. Eggman.
July 1st, 1997
Sonic Adventure (end)
At an unknown point, Station Square is rebuilt.
July 2nd, 1997
Miles “Tails” Prower is awarded the Chaos Emerald for saving Station Square from a missile attack. I don’t know why, considering just a day later the city was torn apart by a flood from a water monster, but I guess they really appreciate the sentiment.
July 3rd, 1997
Sonic Shuffle
July 4th, 1997
Sonic Adventure 2 (start)
July 6th, 1997
Sonic Adventure 2 (end)
July 7th, 1997
Sonic Advance (start)
July 8th, 1997
Sonic Advance (end)
July 10th, 1997
Sonic Advance (epilogue)
July 11th, 1997
Sonic Advance 2 (start)
July 12th, 1997
Sonic Advance 2 (end)
August 13th, 1997
Sonic Heroes (start)
August 16th, 1997
Sonic Heroes (end)
August 17th, 1997
Sonic Pinball Party
August 18th, 1997
Sonic Jump (2006) (start)
August 19th, 1997
Sonic Jump (2006) (end)
August 20th, 1997
Shadow the Hedgehog (begins)
This game will get its own dedicated timeline later on, due to the sheer complexity in even discovering what is or isn’t canon, apart from the final story.
August 21st, 1997
Shadow the Hedgehog (Final Story)
August 22nd, 1997
Shadow the Hedgehog (Expert Mode)
The true canonicity of this mode is… dubious, but a vast majority of the dialogue should still be seen as valid information given out, both in working out the time span and in giving information for the series and its timeline as a whole. As such, it has all been included as part of the one day.
August 23rd, 1997
Sonic Battle (prologue)
Rouge’s story is said to take place 3 days after this event, which would be consistent with each Story being its own day, so due to a total lack of any means to even check the day this is the best assumption as far as timespan goes.
August 24th, 1997
Sonic Battle (starts)
August 31st, 1997
Sonic Battle (ends)
September 1st, 1997
Sonic Advance 3
September 2nd, 1997
Sonic Panel Puzzle
Eggman is apparently saving Sonic and Tails? Why? This game is lucky that out of character behaviour isn’t an automatic disqualifier for the timeline, otherwise it would literally be the first game removed for that reason.
Schultz has his fourth consecutive win in the Soleanna car festival
September 3rd, 1997
Shadow Shoot
October 25th, 1997
Dr. Eggman forms MeteoTech to plant his robots all over the planet.
September 2nd, 1998
Schultz has his fifth consecutive win in the Soelanna car festival.
This period details everything from Sonic Riders to Sonic Generations
Circa 1999 CE
August 10th, 1999
Sonic Riders (prologue)
August 11th, 1999
Sonic Riders (start)
August 24th, 1999
Sonic Riders (end)
This game starts with a full moon, and ends shortly after a solar eclipse, justifying half a lunar month passing by.
August 25th, 1999
Sonic Riders (Mission Mode) (start)
August 30th, 1999
Sonic Riders (Mission Mode) (end)
August 31st, 1999
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) begins. Due to Sonic 06 ending with the events being undone from the timeline, combined with the game’ focus on time travel, a separate timeline for Sonic 06 will be made instead.
Source 1
Source 2
September 1st, 1999
Sonic Rush (prologue)
September 2nd, 1999
Sonic Rush (begins)
September 3rd, 1999
Sonic Rush (ends)
September 4th, 1999
Sonic the Hedgehog catches a cold (this could be a sarcastic remark from him, but I decided to include it just to be sure)
September 5th, 1999
Sonic & the Secret Rings
September 6th, 1999
Sonic & the Secret Rings (ending)
After the events of this game, Sonic goes on “many adventures” before returning home, hence why the next game takes a little bit to happen.
October 11th, 1999
Sonic Rush Adventure (prologue)
October 12th, 1999
Sonic Rush Adventure (start)
October 14th, 1999
Sonic Rush Adventure (end)
October 18th, 1999
Sonic Rush Adventure (epilogue)
October 19th, 1999
Six hours before the start of the game, Dr. Eggman learnt that Eggman Nega was intent on impersonating him, and sent a warning out to Shadow.
Sonic Rivals (start)
October 20th, 1999
Sonic Rivals (end)
Eggman Nega’s appearances in this game and Rush (+Adventure) are inherently contradictory with each other. The only way possible to resolve the disparity is to assume Eggman Nega went through the events out of order, starting with Rivals before moving onto Rush before then taking events in a linear order.
October 21st, 1999
Sonic Rivals 2 (start)
October 22nd, 1999
Sonic Rivals 2 (end)
October 23rd, 1999
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (prologue)
October 24th, 1999
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (starts)
October 25th, 1999
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (ends)
October 26th, 1999
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity (Mission Mode)
The whole mission mode’s framing device is Dr. Eggman gathering data on the Babylon Rogues, Sonic, and his friends, all using a simulator, and therefore tracking the passage of time is inherently unreliable.
April 29th, 2000
Sonic Unleashed (HD/Wii/Mobile) (prologue)
April 30th, 2000
Sonic Unleashed (HD/Wii/Mobile) (start)
A Sonic Unleashed timeline will be made in the future, as this one’s complex primarily due to timezones.
Currently, the timeframe given is based off of the various moon phases presented during the game, and assuming that Sonic’s mandatory progression through the night stages is accurate to those moon phases. It also assumes that missions which must be done at night are done in accordance to those moon phases.
June 23rd, 2000
At some point, Sonic celebrates his birthday with Chip.
Source (translation)
June 27th, 2000
Sonic Unleashed (HD/Wii/Mobile) (end)
June 28th, 2000
Sonic Unleashed (HD/Wii/Mobile) (epilogue)
June 29th, 2000
Sonic no Jigen Ressha
Eggman’s attempting to “rebuild” Eggmanland, and the only time it was ever built was during Sonic Unleashed, placing this game afterwards.
June 29th, 2000
Sonic & the Black Knight (begins)
July 3rd, 2000
Sonic & the Black Knight (end)
July 4th, 2000
Sonic Free Riders
July 5th, 2000
Sonic Colours: the Whisper of Invasion
July 5th, 2002
Sonic Colours: Egg Planet Park
July 6th, 2002
Sonic Colours (Wii, DS, Ultimate) (begins)/Sonic Colours: Rise of the Wisps
While this game does take place in outer space, the amusement park is still connected to Earth via a giant tower, therefore progression in time from the Earth should still be accurate for determining the overall time spent.
July 8th, 2002
Sonic Colours (Wii, DS, Ultimate) (end)
June 23rd, 2003
Sonic Generations (Console/3DS)
As the majority of the game takes place outside of time, visiting events from the past, all that’s relevant for this date is that it’s Sonic’s birthday.
This details the time period from Sonic Lost World to Sonic Frontiers
June 24th, 2003
Sonic Jump (2012)
June 25th, 2003
Sonic Lost World (Wii U/PC, 3DS)
June 28th, 2003
Sonic Lost World (Wii U/PC, 3DS) (end)
June 29, 2003
Sonic Dash S
June 30th, 2003
Sonic Runners (start)
August 13th, 2003
Sonic Runners (end)
August 14th, 2003
Puyo Puyo’s Sky Road
August 15th, 2003
Desert Ruins
August 16th, 2003
Zazz Attacks
October 31st, 2003
Halloween (Sonic Runners event)
2004 CE
April 15th, 2004
Windy Hill in Spring
June 23rd, 2004
Birthday on Windy Hill
June 24th, 2004
Sonic Runners Adventure
June 25th, 2004
Sonic Comic (Sonic Channel) (start)
Yes, I am aware that Sticks is in these comics, but trust me when I say that is less of an issue than I thought
July 18th, 2004
Sonic Comic (Sonic Channel) (end)
July 19th, 2004
Team Sonic Racing (start)
Thanks to TailsTube, this has to take place before Sonic Forces, as this game had already happened but it was not Eggman’s most recent act in his goal of world domination.
The large gap in days can be attributed mainly to many tracks exclusively taking place at specific times of days, alongside accounting for cases where the plot can happen over two different locations.
July 21st, 2004
Team Sonic Racing One-shot
Team Sonic Racing Overdrive
July 29th, 2004
Team Sonic Racing (end)
July 30th, 2004
Sonic Forces: Rise of Infinite (start)
July 31st, 2004
Sonic Forces: Rise of Infinite (end)
August 1st, 2004
Sonic Forces: Episode Shadow (prologue)
October 1st, 2004
Sonic Forces: Episode Shadow/Sonic Forces: Looming Shadow
November 30th, 2004
Sonic Forces: Stress Test
December 1st, 2004
Sonic Forces (prologue)
April 1st, 2005
Sonic Forces (flashback cutscene with the Avatar)
June 1st, 2005
Sonic Forces (start)
June 2nd, 2005
Sonic Forces: Moment of Truth
June 6th, 2005
Sonic Forces (end)
June 7th
OK K.O.! Let’s Meet Sonic!
June 8th, 2005
TailsTube - Teaser
June 15th, 2005
TailsTube #1
June 22nd, 2005
TailsTube #2
December 25th, 2005
Chao In Space
January 2nd, 2006
Sonic Channel (2021 short stories) (start)
These have to take place after TailsTube #2, as they directly follow off of Forces.
January 15th, 2006
Sonic Channel (2021 short stories) (end)
January 16th, 2006
TailsTube #3
Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Convergence
Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence (start)
Given that Knuckles was teleported, it suggests that the difference in time was a result of the distance between Angel Island and the Starfall Islands. Approximating from the sunlight and the moon’s position, they’re likely on near-opposing timezones.
January 17th, 2006
Sonic Frontiers (start)
Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence (end)
???, 2006
Sonic Frontiers (end)
If you’re seeing this, I was unable to figure out an approximate time frame before the end of this adventure. That being said, the real time change between day and night would likely make this task difficult, if not outright impossible.
???, 2006
Sonic Prime
Circa 2100 CE
Dr. Eggman Nega is born 60+ years prior to Silver’s year
Circa 2200 CE
Silver the Hedgehog is born 14 years prior to Silver’s year
Circa 2200 CE - “Silver’s Year”
I don’t know what to put here because there’s a bare minimum of four different futures here: the 06 future, the Rivals to pre-TSR future, the TSR to pre-Forces future, and the Forces future (which we won’t know anything about until Silver arrives from the future once more)
I guess I can cover the non-06 timelines since none of them will warrant their own document.
Timeline 3: Dr. Eggman Nega either invents or steals his special camera, and promptly travels backwards in time. Silver follows back to stop him, preserving the timeline and returning with Dr. Eggman Nega. Dr. Eggman Nega manages to once again escape, prompting Silver to once again stop him, this time returning without (as Eggman Nega was left abandoned in the Ifrit’s dimension circa 200 years ago). Silver routinely leaves, first to check out Eggman’s Intersteller Amusement Park (Sonic Colours), then when the Time Eater was dealing damage to timelines 1, 3, and 4 (Sonic Generations), to stop Eggman from kidnapping animals (Sonic Jump (2012), help Sonic and the crew take the Master Emerald back from Dr. Eggman (Sonic Dash S), and hang out at Sonic’s birthday (Sonic Runners: Birthday on Windy Hill). Then he got an invitation to Dodon Pa’s race taking place 200 years ago, delivered via time travel. For some reason, this visit changes the timeline?
Timeline 4: Silver arrives to learn of a ruined future, but with all of the information contained within either being missing or not making any sense, Silver went back to avert the catastrophe.
Timeline 5: … who knows.
There’s an argument for even more timelines, depending on if Silver’s actions in Rivals 2 are proof of a new timeline or if he’s just worrying about what could be. I haven’t included them as timelines for that reason, but if included they could increase the count even more.
Oh, and don’t forget about Little Planet prior to Eggman taking over (and the officially unofficial war between the tribes of Be’en and Kalow), that could possibly add additional timelines into the mix depending on how the Time Stones’ time travel works.
That’s it, that’s the timeline. Here’s hoping that you’ll be able to enjoy Sonic Frontiers when you get around to playing it!
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violexides · 1 year
to take a more... calm stance on this, i think there are a lot of double standards within the queer community that is largely caused by people becoming so invested within their own personal experiences that they cannot conceptualize the experiences of other people within their community. further i think a natural consequence of forming a community surrounding an aspect of one’s identity that some may argue was inherent to them is that we create a community where certain experiences (Western ones) are centered and other experiences (literally anywhere else) are forgotten-- this is seen in the overriding of certain terms, gatekeeping, etc. 
the reason i have stood as a radical inclusionist and will continue to align myself there is because a lot of exclusionist efforts come from this attempt to either advance the queer community in one way or reduce the problematic aspects of it, but... who are you leaving behind with this? our ancestors, definitely, but more readily forgotten are people literally from anywhere except America and Britain. like. the idea that we are starting these mass discourses over just the terminology when those specific terms aren’t even existent in other language, centering the concept of labels over people’s experiences... how do you expect that to translate? how do you expect that to stand historically? 
and to kind of loop back to the former point, something that i have been raging about for a while (and why i am trying to make this more comprehensive) is the fact that people will talk about the experiences with misandry that queer men have in this community, and then imply within their definition of in-group misandry that queer women are the oppressors. and then queer women will talk about THEIR experiences with misogyny, and then in that casually throw out there that they think gay men benefit under the patriarchy which... isn’t? how the patriarchy works? (more on this later)
like, several facts can coexist. here are a few statements that are all true and very evident within online spaces especially, as that is my audience here, but also throughout the queer community as a whole: 
lesbians who speak about lesbophobia are frequently & automatically assumed to be trans-exclusionary or misandrists, and therefore have their voices spoken over. masculine, or amab, nonbinary people are excluded from nonbinary spaces and seen as a threat. sapphic women (espec butches) are disallowed from speaking sexually about other women as they are then deemed by this to be feeding into the sexualization of women under the patriarchy. gay men are told they are disgusting and perverted for having sexual fantasies about men that veer towards the side of fetish, and thus ostracized. 
these are things that coexist and as a lesbian specifically, i will speak to the fact that recognizing (and being enraged, because i often am) about the misogyny that gay men exhibit within the queer community... doesn’t override the experiences that gay men have when being told their attraction to men is something ‘unfortunate’. (side note: i keep mentioning the patriarchy as something queer men cannot benefit from, which i recognize is somewhat controversial of a take. however, the patriarchy is a system of oppression and not something that inherently champions all men. examples of other people who suffer deeply under the patriarchy, aside from women-- who are the most direct victims, certainly-- include BIPOC men and disabled men. and yes, queer men). 
i could talk about this for a long time but i do genuinely think that the queer community lacks a lot of compassion for the experiences of others. and further i think that the online aspect of the queer community creates some of these difficulties, because some of these experiences are reduced when being actively surrounded by other queer people in real life-- but that is not always a direct possibility for people, especially right now, so it’s still important to consider the issues of the internet community and address them*. also, i think that in some respects the queer community was a little doomed when we began to create these community-wide discourses, because if you look at the people dominating these conversations, it is typically young white people from the US or from Western Europe, and it overrides a lot of the history that other groups have (ex. queer people are downright expected to know about Stonewall. how many of you know the names of any queer activists in South America btw?) 
this isn’t really meant to make people believe in anything in particular. do what you want and i ultimately cannot do much with a somewhat inarticulate and inconclusive post about the subject. i just think it’s important that people know that their experiences, and their identity, are valid and EXTREMELY important. and in that means that the experiences of others, especially people who speak different languages, or people who identify with a different gender, or people who use terms you deem ‘offensive’ -- are important, too. 
TLDR the queer community is all about fighting for our rights and protest but we keep mistaking innocuous queer people who commit the ‘cardinal sin’ of like, not being white anglophones who have your exact identity, as cops. 
*when it comes to activism, which i do not claim that this post is, it is significantly more important to consider the real world implications of these discourses and see how this touches the real life communities first and foremost. again i am just talking in a specifically online lens because there is only so much that i can convey on a tumblr post and the entire reason i was making this was because i got angry about misogyny towards lesbians and couldn’t find any posts that encapsulated that sentiment without also leaning into misandry.
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