#was a ''​f/o would never treat me like this'' and ''this is why i need my f/o to cope'' moment
ejtheoneandonly · 2 days
COMFORTING THEM AT THEIR WORST (or some sh*t I thought of at 3am)
Feat. Some Windbreaker characters that come in my mind
Haruka Sakura.
Haruka was bruised and normally, you would treat his wounds, he never admits it but L O V E S when you are the one doing it, as he consider your touches to be one of the most warm he has encountered in his whole life, you can even see it in his eyes, he is so mellow. When you try to talk to him about his day (before the brawl, of course) he remains strangely quiet, as if he is reflecting about something, you tilt your head "Haru-kun?", his eyes turned to you "what?" He coldly said...
"Is there something wrong?"
"Nah, nothing at all, why you keep asking?"
"Because it seems like you're going through something, do you want to talk about it?"
When you're done with your job, you both go sit somewhere outside, Sakura's face seems still at unease. You decide to try talk him out one more time
"Oh for f*cks sake what?!"
"How did you just talk to me..?"
"I said I'm fine! I don't need anything now!"
"If you say you're fine with that face that means you are not necessarily fine, you don't have to carry everything alone you know?"
"Ugh!" The bi-colored boy stood and groaned "I am not telling you I feel terrible just because you say-...so..." he said it himself. "And?" You were curious to hear the story. "..." Sakura grabbed his head and fell into the ground "Goddammit!!! Why can't I just feel to fit in no matter what I do!!! If I am not strong I am nothing! I really have no other things to offer!! I...I..." His voice was breaking and you didn't think twice before embracing him "You need to be patient, from what I've seen, things have been going very well in Furin for you, and you seem to have fun, I'm pretty sure your peers have already accepted you, or else, who are Nirei and Suo to you?"
Sakura is hesitant, but at the same time...he doesn't want to let you go.
Akihiko Nirei
You and Nirei were in a date, you were walking on the streets, admiring every single thing while you also see the yellow fluffball taking notes of the things you 'wow' at. Today was pretty nice, you bought some food, drinks and took some photos. The thing happened when he was walking you home, it was dusk time and some criminals arrived, threatening to harm you both, Nirei, wanting to be your hero, decided to face them himself but got outnumbered, fortunately, you knew how to fight, so you decided to help him. You both won, they left, you both went to your home, checking if there were any severe injuries. Suddenly, the yellow fluffball wailed.
"Oh no, what happened? Do your injuries hurt?" Your voice sounded so sweet and attentive, you were always like this, main reason he fell in love with you.
"It's just..." *sob* "Just..."
"You can tell me anything."
"I'm tired of being useless, I always wonder, how did I even get to enter Furin if I don't even know how to fight! Even if Suo-san trained me, I will still never be as cool as him or Sakura-san! I am so useless!! I am so useless!!" Nirei was 😭
"No! Don't say that! I love you just how you are! I chose you for you, I could have chosen Sakura or Suo as you say but no, want to know why I chose you?" You said getting closer to him
"🥺?" He looked to your direction
You kissed him in the cheek "Because you always have good intentions, even in the things you are not good at, you always give it all and that's what made me fall in love with you, you are the strongest in my eyes and heart, and always will"
Nirei just kept crying (lol) but it was okay, crybaby and all you still loved him.
Hayato Suo
Hayato Suo is someone who you rarely see sad, this patched person always kept in control of his emotions and thoughts, you were always certain he always had everything under control, but what would happen if those restraints...
You and the patched guy were drinking tea at a chinese market, both enjoying the view as you enjoyed each other's company, even if you didn't spoke much, the silence was already good enough, but you decided to now check on him, you could feel it, there was stuff he has hiding, you sensed his mind was in a tempest, an unpredictable force that could break out at any moment. Hayato Suo is very good at hiding his emotions to the point it's scary, you will never know what's going on with him, unless he wants to tell you...
At last, you decide to break silence "Suo?"
He turned at you, with a tiny grin "yes?"
"I...have feeling you...you um..." You were sometimes scared that he might take your words the wrong way or worse, that a possible argument arised, but decided to take the risks. The chinese presenting guy blinked "anything you need to say?" He said as he finished his tea.
"You are going through something terrible right now and as much as you want to avoid it I know! I just know it! And I don't care if you say 'I'm fine', I know you're not but let me tell you, whatever you are going through, let me be there for you! As complex as it may be I will do until my last breath to-" You were passionately pronouncing those words you did cause a scene at the market, everyone was now staring at you "...sorry" you sat down again. He chuckled "your passion and dedication towards me is so admirable but..." his aura abruptly changed to a darker one "even if I told you, you would never be able to handle it, this is something very personal of me and I kindly beg you to leave it..."
You were speechless but mainly concerned, of course you never feared he attacked you, you knew he could never but the situation of right now, left you thinking, if he even trusted you enough, maybe not yet...
In the end, you both walked away from that place, you hoped one day, Hayato Suo would trust you and let himself be as vulnerable as ever, so you could be there for him with no doubt...
Forgive if this looks ooc, oh God T-T, also, to the 3 people that read this, you deserve the whole world ⚘️)) if you want another part then say so, I guess.
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gideongrovel · 6 months
I'm sure there are post like this already, but i wanna say it anyways,,,, you are ALWAYS a top priority to your F/O!!! To your platonic, familiar, romantic, ect. Your F/O will always make sure your feelings are acknowledging, and that your thoughts are heard! They value you so much, and never want you to feel less than, or that you're irrelevant! They would never do anything to make you feel unloved!!
P//roship DNI
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sl0t4matt · 1 month
Marc Guiu and reader making up after an argument pls
m. guiu | into it
ik hector doesn’t have his license yet but here he does ok?! also sorry i got carried away and wrote smut :o
warnings: toxic relationship, smut, not proof read
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“are you actually fucking kidding me, marc?” you scoff, grabbing your things ready to leave. you were sick of his shit. sick of him taking his anger out on you when you did nothing but support and be there for him. how could be so mean? you understand that him loosing a game would get him upset, but making it seem like it’s your fault, when he should’ve been the one to kick the ball in the net is just not fair.
“yeah run away, like you always do when it gets tough.” he walks after you, shrugging his shoulders. “marc, don’t you take your shit out on me, because the both of us know it’s literally not on me you can’t kick a ball.” you shake your head, clearly having enough of your boyfriends whining. “fuck you can be such a-.” he stops himself before saying something stupid. “yeah, no we’re done. don’t even try to call me because i won’t come back. i mean it this time.”
you walk out the house, catching marc’s sister on the way. “hey, what happened, i heard yelling, are you guys okay?” she gives you an concerned look, probably noticing the tears that have been building up in the corner of your eyes.
before you completely break down in front of her, you decide to give her a nod, before leaving. you couldn’t believe marc. he has gotten mad about his team losing many times, but it has never been this bad. sure you would fight, it’s just something that was part of your relationship, but maybe that isn’t so normal after all.
you were both toxic playing stupid games with each other like how to make the other jealous. you loved it, the fights, the trouble. it’s what kept your relationship entertaining, but now you weren’t so sure anymore.
just fucking great! now you have to walk home. you go to walk on the other side of the street, when you suddenly hear a honk, making you jump. you turn to see hectors car stopping beside you. “shit, you scared me! what the hell are you doing here.” you sigh, shaking your head. “came to take you home.” he answers. “i’m f-.” “just get in the damn car, y/n.” hector interrupts you. you roll your eyes, walking to the passenger seat.
you wouldn’t have needed him to drive you if it wasn’t so dark out. “did marc tell you to drive me?” you ask, looking over at him. he doesn’t reply, instead he keeps looking at the road not giving a reaction, so you must take his silence as an answer. “what happened?” you can’t help but scoff. “as if marc didn’t tell you already.” he shakes his head. “he didn’t. he just told me he fucked up again and that i should pick you up.”
“we’ll at least he knows he did.” you breathe out a laugh. “seriously, what happened?” he repeats. “he’s just bitching about the lose of the game and literally behaves like a child, acting like it’s my fault. he also almost called me a bitch… so told him we’re done.” hectors eyes widen, looking like they are about to pop out. “wait what? you broke up with him, like for real this time.”
you giggle, nodding. “i’m just done with all the fights, you know.” you look out the window watching the peaceful road, with almost no cars to be seen. “but you guys love it.” he furrows. “i’m just tired lf it, you know?” he nods. “that’s fair, he’s dumb for treating you like that.” hector says, before shutting the motor down, because you arrived home. “what are you doing right now?” you ask hector, since you guys haven’t talked much previously. “nothing, why?” you smirk. “you have to stay with me! we haven’t had our gossip sessions in so long.” you nudge him. “yeah, if that makes you feel better.” he smiles shrugging. “definitely. god, there’s so much tea!!” you walk over to your house
“i still love him, even if he does stupid shit like that you know.” you tell hector, while stuffing the chips in your mouth. you would probably die if anyone saw you like this, but it’s only hector, he’s seen you your worst times. even though he’s marc’s best friend, he never told him anything when you would talk about him. that’s why you can talk so openly with him about anything, he just won’t tell anyone. “then why don’t you get back with him?” hector asks. a knock on the door cuts in your conversation. “y/n?” you hear marc’s voice, making hectors mouth drop in a gasp.
shit, this looks so wrong right now, with hector laying in your bed as well as yourself. you walk over to the door, opening it a tiny bit to see his sad looking face. he genuinely looks like he’s sorry. you look back to hector that sits dumbfound in your bed. “who’s in there?” marc asks. you shake your head. “no one.” you answer way too quick. he pushes open your door, revealing hector that is sat on your bed. you look him in the eyes to see an hint of reaction, but he doesn’t show any.
“why is he here?” marc asks, way too calm, it’s almost scaring you. “we just talked.” you say your eyes meeting with the ground, mentally preparing yourself for the yelling. “okay.” he just nods. you look up at him, a furrow on your face. have you heard that right? “can i talk to you..alone?” marc scratches the back of his head, nervously. you nod following him out.
“did you fuck him?” woah straight to it marc! also what the fuck? “what the fuck, no!” you exclaim. “okay.” he nods. “marc, can you explain yourself other than replying with an “okay”. why are you here?” he just keeps head low. he almost looks like.. he’s intimidated by you.
“i wanted to apologise.” he finally looks at you. suddenly hector comes out of your room. he points to the door awkwardly, mentioning he’s gonna leave. you give him a smile before looking back at marc.
“marc..” you start. “no please, don’t say anything, just hear me out. i shouldn’t have talked to you the way that i did. it was stupid of me to take everything out on you, because you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and i would never want you to feel guilty of something that i did. i understand that you probably never wanna talk to me again, but i just need to make sure that despite what i said, you know that i love you.” something in the way he’s saying it makes you believe him, but you’re not sure if you can forgive him so soon.
but fuck, he has no right to look this good right now, you’re supposed to be mad at him! his lips plump and red from the way he’s been biting on them nervously, his biceps broad and strong as he crosses his arms and his eyes looking lowly down on you. how can you be mad at him, when he looks like that? “you’re on probation, i guess.” marc’s eyes light up. “what’s that supposed to mean? please. are you ever going to forgive me?” he asks, needing to know. “like i said, you’re on probation.” you reply, getting closer to him. “that isn’t a yes, y/n. do i need to get on my knees and beg for you?” you can’t help but smirk. “getting on your knees wouldn’t be such a bad idea, actually.”
“fucking hell, well we can always make that happen.” his hand makes its way to your waist, pulling you onto him. in a matter of seconds his lips are on your’s. he tightens his hands on your waist and runs the other up your back, pressing you harder into his chest. your hands move in his hair, pulling him closer, if that’s even possible. he parts your lips with his tongue, to deepen the kiss. his hand on your waist loosens and trails down the side of your body, until he turns it to grab your ass. he lets out a low groan, bringing his other hand also down on your ass. you pull on his bottom lip slightly, making him smile in the kiss before reconnecting them again.
he squeezes your butt, muttering a quick “jump.” before picking you up and carrying you to your bed. he sits down, your legs each spread as you straddle him. he grips your hips, moving them back and forth so you’ll grind on him.
he groans as you feel his dick twitching under your cunt. he unbuttons his pants, making you slide your hand in them to feel his hard and veiny dick. you always forget how big he is.
he groans, taking your hand out of his boxers. “i want to make you feel good.” can he get any hotter? you smile at him, while dropping beside him on the bed. he lifts your arms before taking off your top and throwing it on the ground. he begins sucking and kissing your neck, most likely in order to cause hicky’s so everyone knows who you belong to, but it feels too good right now, to care about. his hand slides down to your loose pyjama shorts, touching your clit. you let out a whimper. you forgot how well he knew what you liked. “you look so good, ma.” he says now kissing your tits, sucking on them like a newborn.
his mouth moves back on your’s, when he slides his cold fingers into your shorts, forming goosebumps on your skin. he immediately finds your hole pushing his fingers inside of you without an warning. he keeps stretching your walls, causing you to moan in his mouth. you part your mouth in the kiss, marc taking the opportunity to bite on your button lip, tasting your cherry flavoured lipgloss. he plumps his fingers in and out of you, whispering sweet words in your ear, in order to show his love for you.
his mouth moves from your face, down to your body, where you need him the most. he starts eating you out like his live depends on it licking and sucking in all your juices. you push his head deeper in your cunt, needing to feel him deeper. “marc i need your dick, please.” you moan. he looks up to you, eyes glistening, having waited for you to say that. as soon as the words left your mouth, he instantly turns you around, having your face meet with the pillow. he pulls your pants down, following with his own. you turn your head to watch him pull out his dick. lord, you’re not sure if you’re ever going to get used to his size.
he stretches your cunt as he slides into you, having you bite in the pillow in order to not let embarrassing sounds out of you. he fills you up moving, his dick in and out of you. your eyes almost fall to the back of your head, from rolling them as he fucks into you relentlessly. “fuck, so tight, ma.” he groans. you move your ass up, for yourself to feel him deeper, according to the fact he isn’t fully in you yet. “fuck, y/n. if you do that one more time i’m gonna come.” he curses.
he buries his dick deeper inside of you, his balls hitting your butt, making you whine of pleasure. he spanks your ass, fastening his peace. “marc!” you cry, as you feel him hitting your g spot. he moves rapidly, squeezing your waist. your legs begin shaking, signalling marc that, you’re gonna come. “do it.” he demands. with a cry, you cum around his cock, making him twist inside of you and pull out, coming on your belly.
he breathes heavily, his sweaty chest rising and falling with each breathe he takes. “fuck.” he mutters before getting up to take a towel from your bathroom. you look on your cum covered stomach, then back at marc that’s coming back with the towel. he smiles slightly, as he wipes it all off of you. “how are you?” he goes to lay beside you, his arms naturally finding their way to your waist, hugging you. “for a person that won’t be able to walk for the next hours, i’m doing great actually.” he laughs, pecking your shoulder.
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blingblong55 · 7 months
Matilda- Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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Photo creds:@ave661^
Based on a request:
Ghost finding out his s/o has a bad family, who she doesn’t keep in contact with but talks shit about and is like. Pretty open about how fucking awful her past was? if it’s too much I get it but like- I used to love your angst posts :3 they were so yummy! --- F!Reader, 18+, angst, comfort, family issues/trauma, mentions of SA/rape, mentions of eating disorders, toxic!family, mentions of child abuse, so...trigger warning!! ---
A/N: this is me trauma dumping so I'm sorry if it isn't perfect
Simon knew, he knew well that you weren't so open to starting a family with him for reasons he knew best to respect. But, one day, without him even realising he asked the question, you sat down and told him the story your teary eyes held for so long. As he listened to you explain the stories, he noticed how he wasn't speaking to his wife but to the little girl, his wife once was. The one who was left in a cruel world to people who shouldn't have had kids. "So, they...abused you?" He carefully asked and when he noticed you pause, he knew the answer you didn't. "I...I don't think so," your soft words spoke. 
Nothing about the way you were treated seemed especially alarming 'til now
"What I know is that they were mean, evil to me. I was a kid...how was I to know right from wrong so easily?" You held his hand, support you failed to have as a child. Then, you told him the story of a young R/N. "I don't remember the exact age, but I could've been 5 through 8. I was there, he took me to his room, I thought we were going to play and he said we would so would I have known, you know?" Your innocent voice spoke the fear he held. "I don't remember much of that day but in glimpses, if I look too deep, I can see his hands between my thighs, and how he...well...you know," you couldn't explain, it was like a knot in your throat prevented to cause your heart more harm. "And you didn't tell your parents?" His voice is soft. You shake your head, "No, I...as a kid, they never believed what I said," you chuckle out of coping with it all.
"There was one time when my older sister tried to suffocate me, I didn't do anything to deserve it, all I did was watch cartoons and she annoyed me but I knew best and didn't feed into what she wanted from me." You pause and wipe some tears away. Your gaze never fell on his, afraid to break down too easily if you stared at the man who became home to you so long ago. He was that, he was comfort and home and you knew that if you stole one glance, you would be sobbing the stories. Your hand held his tighter, he knew well it was for comfort. "She pressed the pillow tight on my head, I was sick and my stupid lungs couldn't take the fact I had pneumonia, so of course killing me would be easier," you chuckle again. His gaze never left your delicate face and even he had to admit he cried as you told him these stories. 
After a long sigh and pause you continue, "I somehow pushed her off me and ran to my parent's room, knocked loud and when my dad opened the door I swore I finally felt safe until I didn't," You know he was ready to ask why but you just laid your head on his shoulder. Looking off into the distance you continued, "My sister told them I pushed her, told her that I hated her, which is not true because hate is strong and she is my sister," you shake your head. "I cried when they didn't believe me, and had a panic attack in their room. and when I backed into a corner as my mother and father yelled at me...that's when they took my sister to the hallway and my mother stayed with me, she tried to hug me but I didn't need none of that...not from her." His hand rubbed your arm, knowing what you needed from him. You wipe some tears away, your breathing hitches and he wraps both arms around you. "I didn't hurt her Simon, I swear I didn't but no one believes me, no one," you whisper the last part. "I know you didn't, my love," he kisses your head and continues to rub your arm. 
"I believe you, I'll always believe you before anyone else," he reminds you. "I...my mother gave me water and sent me to my room, told me to just sleep it off," you stop and cry. "Oh my love," he whispers and carries you onto his lap. The pouty frown broke his heart more and more. The cosy home he and you made for the years of your life, warming up his belief that slowly, he will replace all those bad years. The fireplace radiates heat on the snowy winter day. "In this world, I'll always believe you, no matter what, okay, my love?" He looks down and you nod. "That's my girl," he says and places a blanket over you both. "Do you want to continue, my love?" He asks, rubbing your back with his warm touch. 
"I do," your voice is small. It was best to open about this and then burn it and let the ashes fly away than to keep it locked in for eyes to see. "I...as I grew up, I knew I had no place in that house. My mother shamed me for my body, and so did everyone in my family." Your head nuzzling onto his chest like a cat finding comfort. "So, I starved myself to be the perfect daughter. I did try to be perfect, I tried to get an I love you, a simple smile or hug." He nods, understanding where you came from. "One time, my mother grabbed my stomach, she told me I was fat and looking back at how I was at that age, I...I was healthy, nothing was ever wrong with me, nothing," you repeat in a whisper. 
After a long time of comfortable silence, you speak again. "As I grew older, they made me feel terrible about all of me, how I dressed, if I did my makeup, my hair, my body, the stretch marks that decorated my body, all of it and even I wasn't allowed to have one bad day, not one." He shook his head and in that instant, he understood why all those years of loving you, you always avoided starting a family conversation. You were afraid to be like them, to persist in a cycle of never-ending trauma. He knew you loved him, he knew how much you yearned to be a mum, to watch him and you become parents and do foolish things for and with your child. 
"I never understood why I was so insecure over my thighs or why I hated when people touched them, but as I grew older and noticed that I was...you know... I..um.." You could never be admitted, never say you were raped as a child, not when you were scared to acknowledge it again. "I know love," he responds so you don't torture your heart anymore. "But...when I realised what happened to me, that's when it all hit me and there was a time in my young life that I knew I would never forget," you kept holding onto his torso. "It hadn't been long after what that...person...did to me when my mum and sisters pinned me to the ground, they knew then that I disliked people touching my thighs so they pinned me to the ground and touched them," you shake your head, trying to forget the moment. "They...th-they touched my body as I cried and begged for them to stop and not once did anyone stop or help me. My father walked by and he...he just laughed and kept walking...how...how can you do that?" You cried. "How can a parent do that? I was a kid, Simon...a child," you broke down. 
"And don't get me started on why I felt like Christmas was just not a happy holiday anymore." Your mind went to a past Christmas, your family yelling, your father accused of his cheating, never denying, just lying and yelling at your mother. You hid in a closet, grabbed headphones and played music loudly. Hours passed and your mother saw fear within her eyes as she cried to you, why can he love me? she asked as she cried, you played strong. Your father drove away, leaving his family scared and cornered in a bathroom, crying as they listened to stories. 
"My dad used to hit me, well, my entire family really," you confessed. His eyes widened, he knew they were bad, but not this bad. "My dad had a belt he used to hit me with, my mother and sisters used to watch. One time, they added more fuel to the fire as they told him more lies to get me into more trouble, part of me thinks they loved to watch me cry and get hit." You so innocently say, "When I was a kid and even as I grew older, my mum and dad would hit me and tell me they did it because they loved me." He shook his head, "Never...never in your life do you dare think that way. If I even dare to lift my hand at you, you leave me, my love. Because no matter how much you or I love the other, abuse doesn't equal love," he cups your face. You nod. 
You learned one thing from Simon as he listened, that he was calm after the bad storm. He had his troubles, yes, but never would he be like them. He and you healed the other after all those years of a bad life you lived. You and him, sunshine to the other even in the darkest of the night. He has become light and a new beginning. Family. And as you admire the soul who can tell which smiles you are faking, you know that the little girl in you is finally safe. She has packed her dolls and sweater, moved to the countryside, grew up and fell in love with a man. A man who is home, a man who became the grown-up little R/N runs to when scared. For he is home, he is light and he is love. He is your man, your safe place and the one you find comfort in. 
I don't believe that time will change your mind In other words I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go
"No more," he told you, you looked up at him in confusion. "No more?" you asked and he shook his head. "From this day on, you are not their blood, you are a Riley, you are R/N Riley and never will you be associated with them." He cupped your face. His tone was stern as he tried to make you listen to him. "They are not family, my love. They are strangers you lived with. And me...I am your family, we don't need another shit Christmas, we can...hm...we can have dinner here, or maybe get takeout and watch your favourite movies all day and night. Hey, who knows, maybe that Santa Clause man will come in the night as we sleep and hopefully you've been nice my love because I want him to bring you some good gifts," he chuckles as he cups your delicate face. You laugh a little, "Hey, look who's back, that cute laugh of yours my love," he kisses your lips and pulls you to him, closer than you already were. 
You can start a family who will always show you love You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
In this lifetime, you will learn many things and you will meet many people. Most of which will come and go. Those who stay, you may ask? Well, they become a family, maybe not a biological one but it's not blood that relates two strangers. It's memories, it's understanding, growing, living and loving. Family is him, family is the old lady or that professor you bonded with. Family is people who make you feel safe and at home. For if you are lucky, in this life you will find your Simon Riley. The person who wraps you in a warm blanket and loves you a little more when you hate the reflection in the mirror. And if you get even luckier, you will find that not only will it be Simon Riley who heals your old wounds and covers them in kisses and caresses. You will find yourself, maybe in ten years, getting covered in glitter, mud, and stickers and having the walls of your home drawn on by Simon's child. The love child that was created on a warm Christmas morning. The same one that wakes you up at six in the morning to go and see what the big red man brought them for Christmas. 
And if you are lucky enough, you will find peace. The same one you looked for since age 5, the same one you cried for throughout the years. Maybe it won't come this year, but if you are patient enough, you will find it and when you do, appreciate it because you cried for it many moons ago.
You don't have to be sorry, no
A/N: the tears I shed as I wrote this made a river. Anyway, thank you for letting me dump years of trauma with this one, love you all <3
@ghostslillady @liyanahelena @sans-chara @siwwayouu @allaboutirem0 @just3rowsing @mothcelestial @blankk3
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crappymixtape · 15 days
tangled • part one
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❝ all you’ve known your entire life is in the inside of your tower – the brick walls covered in your murals skating around you in a semi-perfect circle, the view from the very top one that would take anyone’s breath away, but how could it be beautiful when you could never leave? that is, until an unexpected someone happens upon your hidden tower and offers you a chance to escape | (  3.2k, tangled AU • fluff, angst, strangers to lovers, steve x you, steve x reader )
S E T M E F R E E, O H I P R A Y 🎶 cowboy take me away, fireswimmer
You were up with the birds, awake as fingers of sunlight slipped through your window and fanned out over the quilt you’d stitched together during the winter months. Spring was coming to an end and the days were growing warmer, enough to probably not need your quilt any longer, and when you stepped out of bed onto the cobblestone floor you felt a buzz of inspiration zip through you.
Maybe it was the way the sun crept through your window or maybe it was the sound of the waterfall rushing just outside the tower, but you wanted so badly to run your fingers through the grass. Hear the way the breeze blew through the trees. Dip your toes in the water and look at the details of a petal up close and–
“Rapunzel! Let down your hair!”
Mother’s voice drifted up from the bottom of the tower and you felt your heart hammer in your chest. You’d never asked her to leave the tower before, hadn’t asked her for much honestly, but with your birthday coming up maybe she would make an exception.
Every year, on the eve of your birthday, lights would illuminate the sky. Dancing and swirling among the stars and drifting beneath the moon. Beautiful and sparkling and it happened every single year. Why? You were dying to find out. They weren’t far from the tower, surely she would entertain your request. After all, it was your birthday.
“Rapunzel! I’m not getting any younger down here!”
“Coming, Mother!” you called back and tossed your long, shiny locks up over the hook spun into the roof of the tower. They cascaded down the wall and landed in a spun pile at her feet.
Pulling and pulling and pulling, Mother ascended up to the window inch by inch until she stepped up onto the ledge and into your circular room, “Good morning, dear.”
“Morning, Mother.”
“It’s time to brush your hair dear. I saw on the way up, you’ve got twigs tangled up in the ends. Hardly a way to treat such beautiful locks, my goodness. What do you do all day? Tsk. Just another reason for me to keep you here, you can’t even manage to properly care for yourself.”
A pang of shame hit you square in the chest and you wrapped your arms around your torso, making yourself smaller. Unseen. Unheard.
“Sit,” Mother said pulling up a stool and you did as you were told, sitting on the small surface as she took the chair behind you, brush in hand. “Now sing me our song. You know how much I love it,” she demanded, not asked, and you did as you always did…
Flower, gleam and glow, Let your power shine, Make the clock reverse, Bring back what once was mine.
Heal what has been hurt, Change the fates' design, Save what has been lost, Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.
“That’s my girl,” Mother appraised, running the brush through the ends of your hair and pulling too hard at the end, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“Mother…” you started, hesitant, reluctant. Should you ask? She seemed in as good a mood as ever.
“What is it?” she snapped, short. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, but something in you pushed. Please, please ask. If you don’t ask we won’t ever know. And you had to know.
“I was thinking–”
“Never a good thing,” Mother teased meanly and you bit your bottom lip between your teeth. Nerves swelling in your chest.
“I was just thinking...tomorrow is my birthday and well–well, there’s something I was hoping we might be able to do.”
Mother hummed in her throat, a sharp thing that held irritation, like you were a pest she couldn’t rid herself of. “And? Rapunzel come now, speak up!”
“And–and I was wondering if you might take me to see the lights at the castle. They’re there every year on my birthday! They can’t be stars…I’ve charted them all and I just…I want to see what they are–”
“The lights?” Mother started to laugh. “The lights? Rapunzel you must be joking.”
“No, I’m not…I’m not joking, Mother I really do want–”
“Truly, how could you think I would just take you–”
“Mother, it’s what I really want! I just want to see the lights!” you shouted, but as soon as the words left your lips you clamped your hands over your mouth. Afraid of what you’d just done.
Mother narrowed her eyes at you, lips firmed into a twisted line, angry and her patience evaporated as she took a step toward you and you shrank again.
“You will never raise your voice at me like that again, is that clear?”
“Yes, Mother.”
Her voice notched up in volume as she stepped closer to you.
“And I don’t ever want to hear about those lights again, is that clear!”
She was closer still, breath heated and harsh against your cheek.
“Yes, Mother.”
Towering over you, Mother took you by the wrist and roughly pulled you up to her face so that you were inches away, the heat of her words spilling and burning and wicked, “And you will absolutely NEVER, EVER be leaving this tower! Is that clear??”
When you spoke for the final time your voice cracked, tears streaming down your cheeks, chest burning with embarrassment and shame and regret. “Yes, Mother.”
Letting go of your wrist, Mother sighed and sank back into her chair, eyes closed and fingers pinching her the bridge of her nose.
“Ugh, now I’m the bad guy.”
You sniffed, wiping your eyes hastily with the backs of your hands, trying and scrambling to regain your composure. Afraid to push her even the tiniest bit further. You wished you’d never asked, wished you kept your thoughts to yourself. The lights, your birthday, all of it. Wished you could take it all back.
Clearing your throat you sat back on your stool, curled into yourself as you peered up at Mother sitting her in chair. Impatient. Bothered. Exasperated.
“Mother…” you started tentatively, “I know what I want for my birthday now.”
“And what’s that?” she sighed.
“New paint? The kind made from the shells you once brought me.”
She fixed you with a look, the way you might regard a dog begging for scraps, “Well, now that is a long journey, Rapunzel.”
“Please? I promise not to ask about the lights again,” pressing your hands together you tried to look sorry, thankful, grateful, please.
Mother sighed again, but you held onto hope. “Oh, alright,” she conceded, standing from her chair to gather her things. Surely you couldn't do much damage over a few days. “I’ll be back in three days time. Are you sure you’ll be able to manage without me?” she asked.
You gave her a small smile, “Yes, mother. I’ll be fine.”
“You know I love you,” your mother said, a tight smile pulling at her lips.
“Yes, mother. I love you too,” you murmured.
“I’ll see you a bit, my flower!”
And with that you watched as she descended the tower, your hair in her hands sliding down, down, down to the grass below and off into the open, free, world you wanted so badly to explore, only to stand at your window while Mother disappeared into the vines draped at the edge of the meadow and into…well, unlike you, where ever she wished to go.
Unbeknownst to you, the path to your freedom lay in the hands of a man just on the other side of the very vines Mother had just stepped through. Well…technically he was a man, but really more boy in the way he held himself. And carried conversation. And continually found himself in trouble because of his inflated ego, but a man nonetheless, holding your freedom.
Flynn Rider, a rogue, a thief, a ruffian. Just over six feet tall with sweeps of dark brown hair, skin like it held all of summer and the sun beneath it, eyes like burnt sugar and dotted in freckles and apparently much faster than he looked.
“Sorry, boys, gotta go!”
Flynn crashed through the line of shrubs he’d just hurled himself into and fell out the other side, scrambling to find his footing. He was probably going to regret the decision he’d just made, but that would be a problem for future Flynn Rider.
Patting the satchel at his side he peeked into make sure the contents were still intact and at the sound of thundering hooves picked his pace back up, sprinting through the woods.
It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight, rays of sun shining through canopy and dappling the forest floor with warm sunlight. It would have been even more beautiful if Flynn wasn’t being chased by the King’s guard, but he supposed it was the only option when you’d stolen the crown of the missing princess.
Chest heaving with the effort, he pushed his legs to go faster. Sprinting over fallen logs and thick brambles, wincing but not stopping as they pulled and slashed at the thin fabric of his tunic. He had to find cover before he ran out of breath or else he’d face the gallows.
It wasn’t that he was a bad guy. He wasn’t murderous or wanted for treason or anything. In fact, he wanted to be done with this life on the run and so he hoped this might be his ticket out. Hawk the lost princess’ tiara and hop a boat to somewhere far, far away.
His lungs started to burn as he sucked in air, sidestepping a particularly nasty blackberry bush and earning a scratch across his cheek. “Damn,” he hissed, wincing at the pinch of pain. He could hear the guards closing in behind him, the captain giving orders to his men to split up and Flynn knew his time grew short.
An arrow grazed past his ear as his slammed into a tree, the tip sinking into the bark just inches from his hands.
Too close.
“A promotion to which ever of you idiots catches, Rider!” the captain shouted and it pushed Flynn into another sprint.
Step over step over step, out of the thick stand of trees and into a wide field of wheat. The shhh shhh shhh of the grass against his trousers hissing as he stumbled once on a dirt clod and again on a molehill until the third time he wasn’t so lucky.
The toe of his boot caught on a rock dug into the dirt, sending him flying forward and over the edge of an embankment. Tumbling head over heels down, down, down and hitting the bottom with a heavy THUD!
“Sir! We’ve lost him!”
“What d’you mean you’ve lost him??”
“I–I’m not sure, sir. We–we’ve lost visual.”
“Bloody useless–if you lot can’t find him, then I’ll do it myself!!”
Groaning, Flynn pushed himself up from where he’d landed and blinked away the knock to the head he’d just earned for running through a damn field. Voices carried down the embankment and he could hear the King’s guard scuttling about back up the hill – they didn’t know where he was.
Scrambling back up onto his feet, Flynn quickly checked to make sure the tiara was still in place before frantically looking for an out. He had a moment’s cover while they tried to find him back up at the top, but surely they’d see the bent wheat stalks at some point. The bottom of the gully was more of the same, thick brush and brambles and trees and…vines? All drooping down just above the ground at the same angle and blowing just ever so in the breeze.
Brows knitted together he pushed a hand to them and stumbled forward a bit when his hand fell through them, not solid. So he pushed further still, watching as his arm disappeared further and further until he was completely concealed.
“Sir! We found something!”
Sucking in a gasp, Flynn pressed himself against the rock of the tunnel he’d just discovered and held his breath. The King’s guard tramped down the hill and trotted right past his hiding spot, their shadows dancing across the vines as they concealed him out of sight.
“He’s here somewhere, keep looking!”
The sound of hooves slowly disappeared and when quiet flooded back in, Flynn could hear the sound of a…river? A waterfall? Birds and a soft breeze across his skin…taking a few steps toward the bright light at the other end of the tunnel Flynn shielded his eyes in the crook of his arm and walked out into the most beautiful place he’d ever seen.
A waterfall cascaded down a cliff at the far edge of the little valley he’d wandered into, crashing into the rocks below and fanning out into a river that wound its way through the ground and past his feet. All manner of birds chirped and sang as they flew through the cloudless sky, landing peacefully in the trees. And there, just in the very center, a tower made of brick and cobblestones with a thatched roof, a chimney and windows all around but…no way up?
He knew he couldn’t stay idle, even if he was out of sight for now, surely the King’s guard would find him. Taking one quick loop around the tower, there was still no door in sight, so snatching the pair of daggers from the belt at his waist he stabbed one between the bricks high above his head and pulled to test his weight. When it held he found his footing and drove the second dagger in and arm over arm began to climb up to the largest window.
His biceps were burning, his shoulders on fire. There were a few times Flynn even thought he would surely fall to his death, but slowly he made it up, up, up and when he finally fell through the window gasping for breath, he prayed to whatever gods there may be that he might find a bed at the top of the bloody tower. Stealing a crown, outsmarting two idiot thugs and then running from the King’s guard was no easy feat and he could feel exhaustion in his very bones.
Heaving himself up off the cobblestone floor he loosed a heavy sigh of relief and pushed his hair from his eyes.
“Gods, finally. Alone at last.”
And then with a very loud CLANG! everything went black.
There was a man.
In your tower.
In your room.
How he’d made it all the way to the top of the tower without the aide of your hair was beyond you, but as you peeked out at him from behind your mannequin you couldn’t help the tiny pang of guilt in your chest. Maybe you didn’t have to hit him with your frying pan, but it was too late for that now.
You’d never seen one before, only knew what Mother told you: dark, beady eyes and sharp fangs, gnarled hands to snatch you with and kidnap you away into the night.
Stepping out from your hiding place you took a tiny step forward, the smallest step, and poked him with the handle of your pan.
“HEY!” you shouted, but he didn’t move. “Oh, gods…” Did you kill him?
Another few steps and your bare toes nearly brushed his arm. Slowly extending the pan again you turned his head with the handle and nudged his lip, but in place of scary fangs were teeth. Just like yours. Bending down carefully you lifted a hand to his face and hesitated, waiting for something to happen, but his steady breaths continued to fall and his eyes remained shut.
A cut chased across his cheek, the tiniest streak of blood along with it, and your brow furrowed with worry. Did it hurt?
You ghosted your hand over his, just as normal as ever though a bit rough and maybe a little dirty, but wide and warm. Not gnarled. Not scary. You wondered at what it would feel like to hold it, yours so small and his so big.
Slowly, gently, your fingers trailed through the sweep of brown hair covering his face and brushed it aside to reveal mole dotted skin, warm and golden like summer and he’s beautiful. The most wonderful thing you’ve ever laid eyes on and you want to see more and–
You instantly regretted hitting him again, but what were you supposed to do? He opened his eyes and began to stir and what if he’d jumped up to grab you?
A groan escapes your lips and you rough your hands over your face, you still have a man in your tower. What to do, what to do. As you took stock of your modest surroundings there wasn't much to work with. Your mannequin, a small stove, things for baking and sewing and painting, your bed, your closet–
Your closet!
Blowing a puff of air between your lips, you bent down and grabbed hold of his feet and pulled a little. When he didn't stir you pulled again. A little more, a little further, a little further and further and straining, struggling almost dropping him, you shoved him into the wardrobe and slammed the doors shut, propping the handles closed with a chair.
“Oh! Oh! I did it!” you squealed, sweat clinging to your brow, giving a little jump of excitement. “I did it!! I’ve got a person in my closet. I’ve got a person in my closet…I’ve got a person in my closet! Mother thinks I’m too weak to handle myself, huh? Well, we’ll just see about that!”
And as you took a victory lap around the room your eyes caught something on the floor. A bag you hadn’t seen before and as it fell open, the contents inside flickered in the light as it came through the cracks in the roof.
Picking up the satchel you pulled back the flap and found something even more beautiful than the man you’d just shoved into your closet.
Gold. Purples and pinks and turquoises and glittering in the sunlight and as you carefully picked it up, you were surprised at how heavy it was. Eyes narrowing, you hold it closer to look at the intricate way the gold pieces twist around the jewels and gems, securing them in place and creating little flowers along the sides.
A smile flickers at the corners of your lips. It looks just like the pictures from your fairytale books. The kind of thing only a princess would wear. Laughing softly you step in front of your mirror and hesitantly hold it up over your head. Just for a moment. Just to see what it would look like…
Slowly, softly you lowered it and let it settle upon your head and a flash of light strikes you. A memory, bright and sharp and vivid. A spinning sun hanging overhead. The most lovely laughter, like music, like a song. A warm embrace. A lullaby.
Sounds from the closet and you nearly fling the crown to the ground. How foolish of you to let you guard down. How could you forget? You could hear Mother scolding you, telling you how stupid you were, how you could have been kidnapped or killed.
Heart hammering against your ribs your eyes settle back on the closet as it bangs again.
Your guest was awake.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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dark-and-kawaii · 3 months
Rolan x F!Reader/Tav
⋆˙⟡♡ 18+ Dark Content
⋆˙⟡♡ Summary/Request: So could I request some Rolan noncon? Like maybe reader is a human Fem tav who is also under apprentice ship. Rolan is getting abused and he's getting where he needs to take his rustrations out on something and there is sweet little reader always so nice and helpful to him.
⋆˙⟡♡ Notes: I really enjoyed receiving this request and I’m so sorry it took forever to post!!! I hope you’re still here and end up loving it xoxo
⋆˙⟡♡ NSFW | Noncon/Dubcom | Hurt/Comfort | Angst | Ao3
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It was supposed to be just another day for you, organize the books in the tower, test some potions, doing as Lorrokan says. But today, unbeknownst to you, barriers are to be shattered, and boundaries would cease to exist…
Rolan watched as you diligently put away books and tidied up the shelves. The weight of his frustrations bore down upon him, fueled by the abuse he endured from both his and your mentor, Lorroakan. His bruised eyes fixated on you, your innocent demeanor and kind nature serving as a stark contrast to the darkness that began to consume him…
You were much smaller than he, probably weaker too. No, he knew you were weak, the only reason you were even here was simply because Lorroakan liked the way your clothing hugged your hips… And you were so eager to please him, Rolan thought. But that is what made you weak. And Rolan was tired of feeling weak.
As the clock ticked closer to night's embrace, the tower grew eerily quiet, the only sounds being the soft rustling of pages and the occasional creak of the old wooden floorboards from you both staying late. Rolan's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, torn between the wanting of releasing the anger inside him and the guilt that gnawed at his conscience.
Unable to resist any longer, Rolan approached you, "Pardon, if you don’t mind. I need your assistance with something," he said, his voice soft yet commanding. His eyes bore into yours, and it did nothing but make you feel uneasy.
"O-oh? Rolan, I- uhm, what is it you need help with?” you stammered, taken back by his sudden close proximity.
"Lorroakan, he's been a bit rough with me lately, and I could really use a healing scroll..." his words filled with deceit unbeknownst to you.
You smiled and nodded, "Oh, of course! There’s plenty of those scrolls to spare! Lorroakan must be training you hard-," and so, you raised your hand to cast the spell, but before you could utter a word, Rolan's hands grabbed a hold of your wrists and pushed you against the bookcase, knocking over stacks of books and parchments.
"Rolan!? What are you-!"
He hovered over you, a crazed look in his eye as he held your arms firmly above your head, "You're so much weaker than I." His knee pushed against your inner thigh, “and yet-“ spreading them apart and giving him room to move closer to you, “he never raises his hands to you.”
"P-please, stop," you begged, but it fell on deaf ears as Rolan ignored your pleas.
"I’m so sick," his hands began to roam over your chest, “So sick of being the outcast-“ squeezing your breasts, tweaking your nipples through the embroidered fabric, “sick of being the only one he treats this way."
You whimpered and struggled beneath him, trying to get away, but your efforts proved futile, he was so much stronger than you.
"Wh-why only me?!" Rolan’s voice cracked, the dam holding his emotions at bay finally broke. He leaned in closer, his lips hovering just above yours, his body quivering with rage and sorrow, his eyes brimming with tears, "Why only me?!" He began to press himself into you further, his hardened member pressing against your groin…
"You're so much better than I am... You're not broken like me." Rolan whispered, his tears falling and hitting your cheeks. He was shaking now, his breaths came out short and fast. He couldn't control himself anymore, all the years of pent-up frustration came pouring out as his anger and pain fueled his actions.
"I can't take it anymore. I can't. I can't..." He repeated over and over, his grip on you tightening just before he tossed you to the ground with him
"Please, please don't do this," you cried, "I-I don't want this. P-please, Rolan! Y-you’re so much better than he or-“
Rolan pulled your sorceress robe up, exposing your lower half, "Hush!" he growled.
His eyes trailed over your golden laced panties. "Does he see these? Is that why he doesn’t abuse you with his vile hands?"
"Wh- what!?" Your body shook as his hand snaked underneath the delicate fabric, “n’ this- this isn’t like you!”
"Nothing is wrong with me. You just don't understand," his fingers pressed against your clit, slowly rubbing in circular motions. Your body responded involuntarily, betraying you. A small whimper escaping from your lips.
"There's nothing wrong with me!" Rolan insisted as he pushed you his fingers inside you, "There's nothing wrong with me." he repeated.
"P-please, Rolan... D-don't-" You gasped as you felt a rush of pleasure. You tried to push him away but the sudden feeling was so overwhelming as he began to curl his sharp talons inside you. Despite it all, the tiefling was careful enough not to damage your insides.
You felt a rush of hot pleasure coursing through you. "S-stop," you breathed. He slipped yet another finger inside, pumping them in and out, curling and uncurling them. Your breath hitched and you moaned, your back arching into his touch. "P-please! Please s-s-top! Ah!"
Your mind was swimming with pleasure, drowning out your common sense. This was wrong! This wasn't like him! Your eyes began to water, unable to comprehend the situation. He was mad, driven to the brink of insanity, and now he was taking it out on you.
Rolan removed his fingers from your slippery pussy, a trail of your fluids clinging to them and a thin string connecting the two.
You were panting your hand covering your flushed face. Tears streaming down your face as you shook. You hear him free himself from his confines and could feel him tear away your panties, the only barrier between his cock and your innocence. His stomach churned, he hated himself for this but he couldn’t stop. His breathing quickened as he pressed himself against your entrance, his hand gripping his cock tightly...
"St-stop… please… Y-you don’t want t-to do this, R-Rolan…” You pleaded again, your voice cracking as tears tainted your visage, but it was no use, his mind was made up.
"I can't. I can't, I can't, I’m so sorry-,” Rolan muttered, his voice barely audible as his cock forced its way into you, stretching you beyond your limits. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t wondered how a tieflings cock would feel, you just didn’t expect it to be so long and girthy… It was even ribbed and had a slight curve to it.
Rolan pulled his cock back until your pussy gripped it tightly by the head, he waited for a second and then put all his weight behind the next thrust. He gripped your throat tightly, forcing your back to arch and pushing his cock as deep as it would go. He didn't wait for you to adjust to him, instead, he began to pound his cock deep into your womb, his balls slapping against your ass.
He grunted and moaned as his body took over, his primal urges controlling him. You screamed and sobbed, clawing at his hand around your throat.
"Ngh! Rolan!!! Plea- ahh! St-stop," you cried, tears streaming down your face.
But Rolan was unrelenting, he fucked you mercilessly, “Gh’ Tell me- Tell me I’m not worthless!” his thrusts gaining in speed as he slammed into you again and again.
He pulled out at an agonizing slow face, making sure you could feel every bump and ridge on his thick cock before pushing back in, hard enough that it knocked the wind out of your lungs
"I-I-, Rolan, ple-pleeaseee- Ahh~" You screams began to twist into reluctant moans as his cock rubbed against your inner walls. Your eyes fluttered open to look at the monster that had you pinned in the tower's library, but what you saw tore at your very being. Rolan's eyes were glazed over, his pupils shrunken as he stared blankly at you, tears fell from his cheeks onto yours as he continued his assault.
"R-Rolan?” You whispered, trying to get his attention, but to no avail. He was gone, his body moving on its own accord, his mind somewhere else entirely. You reached up and cupped his cheek, brushing away his tears, "I-im so sorr- ngh’!”
Rolan grabbed your wrists, pulling your arms up above your head, his grip tight enough to leave marks.
"Don't touch me!" he spat, "I'm not worth any pity."
Your mind raced with all the possible things you could say, but what came out was a choked sob. He had endured so much… You only wish you knew sooner… Wrapping your legs around him, you brought his body closer to yours…
Rolan's body shuddered, his breathing labored as his cock twitched inside you, "I-I'm so close- I'm so close, please," his thrusts becoming erratic as his cock plunged into you.
Your mind began to focus on the pleasure that crept upon you, your eyes tightly shutting as you came, squirting on his cock, the tiniest puddle pooling beneath you...
"N-not inside!” You tried to wiggle free from him, but his weight pinned you to the ground, his nails digging into your skin.
But it was too late, the moment your eyes locked with his, the floodgates opened and your womb was filled with his seed. His hips stilled and his cock pulsed with each new burst. Your body convulsed with pleasure as his cock emptied inside of you. You hated yourself for cumming, hated that he was the one to bring you to your climax like this, hated that he made you feel this way in this moment… But a twisted part of you was glad it was you who was the one…
Rolan was kind, gentle, even considerate at times… You felt guilty that you sowed Lorroakan to corrupt and break such a soul…
“Oh Gods," he groaned, his voice thick with shame.
Rolan's hands stayed firm on you, his body pressing into you as his head rested on your shoulder, his breathing ragged, his eyes closed as his tears soaked your shirt.
"I-I'm sorry, (y/n)," he whimpered, "I am so sorry."
His words stung, and yet despite what transpired, your arms reached up to wrap around him, pulling him even closer.
"Shh, Rolan, please- just, just stop."
Rolan's eyes went wide and his body tensed up, his arms and legs trembling. "Oh Gods, what have I done?”
"You’re not worthless, I promise…” You whispered.
The tower was silent once more, the only sounds that could be heard were Rolan’s sobs. His tears running down your neck, his cock still buried inside you…
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buckybarnesb-tch · 11 months
The Solitary Omega -Klaus M.
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This is one of my fav stories from my Wattpad so I thought I would post it on her for everyone
Warning:Daddy Kink, a/b/o dynamics, Alpha and Omega behaviors of my own design in some parts, smut (but that’s why you’re here so enjoy it🤣)
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Vampires find their mates by scent like everyone else in the world, however there are no Omega vampires currently in existence, the last one having been 600 years ago and only existing, as far as anyone could tell, for a few weeks.  Vampires aren't attracted to Omega scents, most vampires are Alphas, very rarely scenting their mates in a Beta because very few vampires are submissive in any sense of the word.  Vampires want and need strong mates, craving the attention of another Alpha unlike humans where Alphas rarely mate with other Alphas, Alphas and Betas are the most common, making up about 92% of all mated pairs.  Alphas and Omegas make up about 7.5% of the rest leaving not even one percent to Alphas and Alphas.
As a human Klaus had always been attracted to Omegas, such as Tatia, however after the change they didn't smell appealing to him anymore and he didn't take them as a meal or a bed partner.  1000 years he spent no longer attracted to Omegas and to be honest, he missed them, their soft skin and sweet smell being everything he ever wanted, a mate to marry and bed, fill up with his pups and start a family, a family he could treat better than his had been in his life.  However as the years slowly went on it seemed less and less likely he would ever like ones smell again until after his first 100 years he gave up on the idea all together.  None of the Originals had ever met an Omega vampire, no one ever dumb enough to change one, until Mystic Falls that is.
The family had been undaggered and they were planning a ball, each writing their own invitations to whoever they wanted there for whatever reason.  He recognized all of the names until Elijah wrote a new one on the card, 'Y/Full/N'.  "Who is that brother?"
Elijah looked shocked.  "You've been here all this time and never met the Omega vampire?"  That sentence alone stunned him to silence, along with both Kol and Rebekah.  "Damon's friend, Y/n, well Y/F/n but she prefers Y/n.  I don't know how she was turned but she's lovely and very sweet, can't be more than a few vampire years old.  She undaggered me in the basement of the boarding house because she thought it was 'unfair' what Damon had done to me."  He chuckled.  "She still doesn't smell appealing however I'm not adverse to the scent either.  It's calming in a way, she's a very nice girl and I would like her to join the festivities.  You are all to leave her alone, she's my guest."  They nodded, all intrigued instantly.  "I mean it Kol."  Kol had been known to play with Omegas before but he shrugged, holding his hands up in defense.
"I'll be good."
"I actually find myself excited to meet her.  I'm intrigued."  Klaus admitted to his brother as they pulled up to the apartment complex on the edge of town, walking up to the door he knew was hers when Klaus smelled something mouth watering.  "What is that?"  He asked when Elijah knocked.
"What is that sme-"  he was cut off by the door opening and being overtaken by the most amazingly warm, delicious scent he had ever smelled.  A shudder rushed over his body as the hair on his arms stood up and he couldn't help but inhale it for as long as he could.
"Elijah?  To what do I own this pleasure?"  She didn't seem thrilled to see him, but not put off either and Klaus found himself happy at the fact that she wasn't afraid of them.
"I wanted to request your attendance at our families ball, most of the town is invited but I wanted to make sure you knew you were my personal guest."  She seemed stunned, taking the invitation before looking back at them.
"Thank you, that's very sweet but I would have nothing to wear."  Klaus noticed her nostrils flare and she looked at him as they did, her eyes darkening and he felt a swell of pride at the fact that she clearly loved his scent as well.
"I will make sure you have a dress love, if I can make that happen...will you save me a dance?"  Again, shock filled her eyes but she couldn't hide her smile.
"I suppose I could do that, so long as you promise to be well behaved Mr. Mikaelson."  He bowed, holding out his hand and she took it, allowing him to kiss hers.
"I shall be on my best behavior, you have my word."  She smiled, taking her hand back.
"Then I would be happy to save you one dance.  Just one."  He couldn't help his amusement at her warning.
"By the end, you will want to dance the night away in my arms my dear."  She rolled her eyes, retreating back inside.
"Thank you for the invitation.  I guess I'll see you there, by the way, I'm not a conventional Omega.  I don't wear pink."  She smirked, closing the door and leaving him to laugh on his way back to the car.
"What was that about?!"  Elijah demanded as he shut his door, not liking his brother going against what he had said and teasing the girl who he had only ever seen be kind to everyone, including himself which if you're a Mikaelson, you know is rare when someone knows who you are.
"You didn't smell that?"  Elijah shrugged.  "She smells fantastic.  No...outstanding.  No...sensational!  I've never smelled an Omega like that, not even Tatia smelled like that, she's...wow..."  He sank back into his seat as Elijah began driving again.
"I don't think I've ever seen you like this.  Y/n's a sweet girl Niklaus, and she deserves more than your little one night Hump-N-Dumps."  The hybrid nodded his head quickly.
"You're right, she does.  She deserves everything...and I will give it to her!  Starting with the dress!  It has to be perfect...and I think I have just the one in mind."  Elijah rolled his eyes, driving closer to town and making Klaus look around.  "Where are we going?"
"To drop off your invitation for Miss. Forbes."
"No.  There's no time.  Forget Caroline, home!  We have to go home!"  He insisted and the look on Elijah's face was a mix of shock and genuine concern now, the last thing he ever expected was his brother to give up on Caroline for Y/n.
They went home and Klaus was out of the car quickly, running to the attic where much of the old clothes they had were kept, he came back down with a large box 10 minutes later, holding what Elijah assumed was a dress.
"I'll be back!"  He shouted and Elijah looked back to Kol, Finn, and Rebekah. 
"I'm telling you, this is either the moment of his redemption, or the moment of his demise, I'm not sure which.  Let's just hope Miss. Y/L/n doesn't treat him like Miss. Forbes did or were all in trouble."  They all knew Elijah was right.  Klaus had been infatuated with a women only a handful of times in his life but something about the look on his face was different this time and they all noticed it.  Even with Caroline there was a certain level of cockiness to their brother but the way Elijah had explained him looking at Y/n...they were all more than a little concerned.
Y/n's POV
Another knock on the door startled me and I had just jumped out of the shower making me pull on a pair of sweat pants and a tank top with nothing underneath.  "Hold On!"  I shook my wet hair out and yanked the door open to see Klaus again, this time with a large box in his hands.
"Hello Kitten."
"Hi."  It took me a second for the 'Kitten' to register but when it did I couldn't stop the blush that overtook my cheeks.  "I-I thought the ball wasn't until tomorrow-"
"It isn't, I just...I wanted to make sure you had the dress.  I knew I had the perfect one for you."  He handed it to me and I was touched but also skeptical, knowing everything I've been told about him.
"Thank you...if I open this and it's a short skirted, low cut thing that shows everything I have I'm going to slap you."  I informed him and he looked stunned.
"Of course not!  I would never do you the dishonor...not in public at least, I would never want anyone but me to see you in such a way.  I would like that to be for my eyes only."  I giggled at what I thought was his attempt at a joke before I saw he was serious.  "I'm interested in you, I can't believe I haven't met you before now and I intend to make my feelings clear.  I know you probably wouldn't accept being my date to the ball so I won't ask and upset you, but I haven't smelled an Omega who's scent was anywhere near as breathtaking as yours since I was a human and honestly, I believe ever."
I was stunned by his admission.  "That's sweet Klaus.  It would be sweeter if I didn't know you were already trying to get into Caroline's pants-"  he cut me off as I set the box on the table beside me.
"Caroline isn't invited to the ball."  My head snapped up to look at him quickly, shocked, knowing how insistent he had been for her to give him a chance, her having made me listen to several hours of her complaining about his advances.  Honestly it was just annoying to hear a beautiful girl talk non-stop about how a sexy vampire being infatuated with her was somehow an inconvenience.  "She said no to me for the last time so I'm letting Tyler go when I leave here and she's free to enjoy him.  If she's determined to be with a cheating asshole who am I to stand in the way, and before you say it, this isn't me rebounding onto you or whatever humans say now a days.  I would really like to get to know you.  Not just take you to bed (although I admit that will be on my mind as my most prominent fantasy from now on) but get to know you.  I want to know who Y/F/n is, your hopes and dreams, your likes and dislikes, hobbies and favorite foods.  I want to take you to expensive dinners and on fun day trips, spend an ungodly amount of time with you until people are so fed up by how cute we are that they can't stand to be around us anymore...I want to say I want to fall in love with you but I think that ship sailed the moment you looked at me with those gorgeous Y/EC eyes.  I will wait however long I must for you to give me whatever kind of chance you are willing, however I will start with one dance tomorrow night in this dress, with this on."  He handed me a smaller box and I took it, his warm fingers touching mine for the first time and making my skin tingle.  "This is yours now, your personal vervain filled necklace that I hope you never want to take off, it's been mine for a while and I'd really like you to have it...love to see you wearing it...I hope to see you tomorrow night love."  He took my hand and kissed it, before retreating and disappearing just before I shut the door.
I was absolutely floored as I opened the dress box, it was like he knew exactly what I would want to wear and gave it to me.  I then opened the smaller box he gave me and it was the necklace.
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It looked old, very old and given his ancestry as well as how serious he seemed about it I assumed this necklace was a big deal to him, the feeling it gave me being enough to tell me that wearing this would be a promise to give him a chance, a real chance as my Alpha.  I set it on my bedside table and relaxed with some Game of Thrones for the rest of the night, looking over at the necklace every few minutes unable to get it out of my head before sighing and taking my time to get it over my head, settling it on my chest and something about it just feeling right.
I took my time getting ready the next evening, calling an Uber and getting a ride to the house about 15 minutes late, not wanting to arrive right on time.  Everyone seemed to already be inside when I got out of the Uber and I took a deep breath, walking in and quickly being handed a glass of champagne.  "Thank you."  The boy nodded and I looked around, walking through the ball room and the bar in aww of the house.  "Damn...how do people afford this shit?"  I mumbled to myself.
"Years of saving money."  I gasped, jumping and turning around as I heard a voice in my ear, seeing Klaus standing behind me.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry.  That was rude, I didn't mean-"
"Not rude at all.  I know I'm more well off than most, though I think it balances out considering I used to live in a one room hut with a dirt floor and 5 siblings." 
"That sounds awful...but also sort of fun.  I never had siblings, always felt like I missed out."
"There's positives and negatives.  Don't tell them but I wouldn't give them up for anything."  I nodded.
"I can tell how much you love your family, I think it's very sweet...misguided in some of the things you've done maybe, but loving.  Thank you for the dress, it's perfect.  I'm in love with it!  I think I took like, 200 pictures of myself tonight."  The smile on his face was well worth it.
"I'm glad, I was worried you wouldn't like it, it would be too dark-"
"Nothing is too dark for me.  I wear black 99% of my life, I just feel the most comfortable in it."  I finished the glass of champagne as I looked him over.  "You clean up nice, really nice, love the hair."  I giggled at seeing it slicked back.
"Are you making fun of me, Kitten?"  I gasped dramatically.
"I would never!"  He took the empty glass from my hand, placing it on a waiters tray before holding out his arm for me to take.
"Let me get you a drink, I'd like to show you something if I may."  I shrugged as he led me to the bar, the bartender dropping everything to serve him first.  "Bourbon and, what would you like sweet girl?"  I blushed at the nickname before looking up at the man.
"Long Island?"  He nodded and Klaus looked down at me as his bourbon was placed on the counter.
"You like fruity drinks?  I don't know why I didn't expect that."  I shrugged.
"My friends dad taught me to drink, he says you can't be an Omega and not know how to hold liquor in this day and age, too dangerous.  I can handle just about anything, though you never have to worry about me stealing your bourbon."  I told him, wrinkling my nose and he chuckled.  "If I was going to drink something it would probably be some kind of whiskey, I like fireball.  I just prefer things that don't taste like paint thinner if I can help it, taste better and get drunk faster, win win on the cocktails.  Though I don't need to be smashed tonight so this will be the last for a while I think."
"We'll get you some water later?"  He teased and I shoved him with my shoulder as he handed me my drink and took his own, leading me away from the crowd and through a door, up the back staircase.
"Are you going to murder me?"  I joked and he leaned close, sniffing my neck, growling.
"Maybe I am."  He was teasing me and I couldn't hide the chill that ran up my spine, making him smile.
"I think you have a lovely smile."  His smirk returned as I said this and I shook my head.   "Not smirk, smile.  A real smile, you don't do it a lot but I'm assuming you do it a lot with me compared to other people.  It makes your eyes light up."  I looked up at him as we stopped outside a door and he looked down at me, shocked.  "You have really pretty eyes."  I admitted and I could see a faint blush on his face.
"You do as well, they're a deep, amazing green that I could get lost in for hours if you will let me someday.  I also love this cute little button nose."  He teased, running his finger down the bridge of my nose.  "Perfect cheek bones...lovely red lips that I-Uh...anyway!"  He cut himself off.  "I want to show you a painting I did last night.  I just couldn't sleep until I got it out."  Klaus opened the door, taking my hand this time and pulling me inside, leading me over to the fire place and looking up at the painting over the mantle...it was me...or at least I think it was.  I definitely don't see myself like that, I'm beautiful.  It's so bright and well proportioned, I could never in my wildest dreams do anything like this.
"Klaus...this is...this is amazing!  Wow, I...just...wow!"  I moved to the bed beside us and sat on the edge, looking up at it, sipping the last of my drink and putting the glass on the table.
"I would like to draw you naked next."  He teased, sitting beside me and looking up at the painting.  "I'm not being forward, I promise, I really am interested in you.  I know it's only been a day but...I can't get you out of my head.  I would like you to be my Omega, I'm sure you get that all the time from Asshole Alphas that think they can just decide that you're theirs but I...I want you to choose me.  I want you to want me, want to be with me, want me to touch you and care for you and love you.  I understand though if everyone has scared you off of me too much, I just hope that's not the case."  He was right, people had tried to scare me when talking about Klaus, Damon and Stefan mostly, then Elena, once again pretending that everyone's lives revolve around her when in fact the only reason Klaus needed her was that she is a doppelgänger, not because she's just so amazing!  Lastly Caroline, who, like I said, would rant to anyone who would listen about the struggles of having a sexy, rich, hybrid artist fawn over her and shower her in gifts and wonderful drawings.  I sighed, getting up my nerve and standing, walking passed him and hearing him sigh as I shut the door, locking it.  He seemed to think I had left and I was quiet as possible when I unzipped the dress, watching him gulp the rest of his drink while I dropped the dress to the floor, sliding onto the bed and laying my head on the pillows.  He didn't seem to have noticed me before he stood up and turned to go to the door, seeing my dress on the floor, freezing before turning his head and looking to find me laid out on his pillows in my bra and panties.  "Holy fuck."  He breathed out and I giggled.
"Are you planning to draw me or what?  It's not exactly naked but-"
"You're perfect!"  He cut me off, jumping to grab his sketch book and sitting at the bottom of the bed.
"How do you want me?"  His eyes widened at my phrasing and I saw him try and discreetly adjust himself in his pants as he crept closer, lifting my hand over my head before turning the other one up and just as he was about to adjust my hips he stopped and looked at me, asking permission with his eyes and I found it sweet, making me nod.
"If anyone else ever sees this Klaus I swear to God-"
"I'll gouge their eyes out with a rusty spoon.  No one will ever look at you like this and live to tell the tale again...and this...this means what I hope it does?  That you want to be mine...that you'll let me be your Alpha?  Treat you the way you deserve?"  I smiled, nodding again and he moved his hands to shift my body into a better position for how he wanted to sketch me.
"Don't really know what you mean by the way I deserve but...I would like to call you Alpha."  I answered and it seemed to be enough.
"I want you to only call me Alpha...or Daddy."  He spoke as he began his sketching, causing me to purr at the idea and him to need to adjust himself again.
"Are you going to be able to go back to the party with that?"  I questioned, looking at the bulge in his pants and he chuckled.
"I'll be okay once I go to the bathroom."  I rolled my eyes but stayed still while he worked and I loved the intensity in his eyes as he drew me.
We were in there for about a half hour before he finished and once again I was breathtaking.  "I just work with what you give me."  He helped me back into the dress and led me back down the stairs to the party just as they were giving a toast.  He stopped me at the bottom of the stairs and joined his family as Elijah spoke, taking a champagne glass as I did and drinking.  I walked to the bar while Klaus spoke to Elijah about something before feeling a hand on my arm and turning to see Caroline.
"Where have you been Y/n?"
"Nowhere."  I took my drink and tried to walk around her but she stopped me again.
"Klaus didn't invite me to this himself, I had to come as someone's date, do you know why?"  I shrugged.  "Because he asked you."
"I think technically Elijah asked me, that's who my invitation was from anyway, but yes, he finally decided to let you be happy with Tyler like you wanted.  Go enjoy him. Have fun, be free of the man you called a nuisance."  She glared at me, taking her own drink.
"I wanted to have Tyler and enjoy being chased by a hot hybrid, until you."  I didn't know how to respond to that.
"You always said you hated his annoying advances, and how am I to control who he chases?"
"Turn him down!"
"Cause that worked so well for you?"
"Tell him to leave you alone, you don't like him, he should go back to chasing me, he'll listen.  I'm sure he misses me."  I rolled my eyes, turning to walk away.  "Don't walk away from me!"  She demanded, grabbing my hair and pulling me back, making me growl, grabbing her hand and pulling it away, breaking several fingers in my grasp.
"Don't forget how much older than you I am, I'm not fighting you for Klaus, he's already mine.  He stopped compelling Tyler and he's free to be with you now, be happy and stay away from me."
"Ladies?  Everything alright here?"  I heard my Alphas voice and it calms me like nothing else, even this fast after just accepting being his Omega.
"Yes Alpha, all okay here.  Caroline was just telling me how grateful she is to you for releasing Tyler."  Her glare became even stronger as she heard what I called him and he knew it was a lie but went with it.
"You're welcome Caroline.  I realized you were right, you and I never would have worked.  Is he here with you?"  She shook her head and I knew I had seen Tyler here.
"Is...is he with someone else?"  I couldn't stop myself from asking and her eye twitched slightly.  "Oh god Care, I'm so sorry!"
"If you're sorry you'll do what I asked."  She told me and I laughed.
"I'm sorry you got dumped but that doesn't mean I'm giving you my Alpha just because the option you liked better is gone.  He's a person, not some toy you can put down and pick up whenever you want to play with him, you treated Klaus like shit, I'm not going to make that mistake.  I'll treat my Alpha like the king that he is."  I told her, reaching up and brushing my fingers down his jaw, loving the happiness in his eyes as I did.
"My sweet girl."  He rumbled happily in his chest, kissing my forehead.  The next thing I knew I was covered in what I'm assuming was champagne as Caroline threw her drink on me and I rolled my eyes in exasperation.
"I liked this dress Care, that was a mistake."  She scoffed, about to say something snotty when I reached my hand up and drilled my fist straight into her face.  I got 4 punches in before my Alpha finally stopped me, everyone in the bar area, which thankfully was only about 10 people, were now staring at us in shock, her face now gushing blood all over her dress as I had very clearly broken more than just her nose.  "You know I hit like a man Care, I don't throw bitch punches!  Shouldn't have thrown your drink on me!"  Klaus began carrying me to the back door to get us out of here.  "Stay away from my Alpha!  Next time I'll break every bone you have!"  I shouted before he finally shut the door and hauled me into the kitchen where no one was allowed and back up to the top of the stairwell.
"That was uncalled for Y/n...but thank you."
"I get that you're kind of a dick but that's no reason to treat you like trash, you're not trash. Been nothing but nice to me..." I nuzzled into his neck and he held me tightly to his chest despite the champagne all over me. "I need a shower...I should go home." I admitted and he whined sadly. "I don't want to either but I don't have any clothes with me, just my clutch that I left in your room-"
"Borrow something of mine to sleep in, shower and stay here tonight. We'll abandon the rest of the party, substitute the dance you promised for some cuddling?" I considered it for a moment before sighing, knowing I was going to say yes.
"Okay Alpha, I'll spend the night. Just get me out of this, I'm starting to feel sticky." He lifted me up, blurring to his room and shutting the door behind him, setting me on the bathroom floor. He leaned down to turn on the water and I quickly dropped the dress, bra unhooking along with it and panties coming down as he set the water to a good temperature.
"Alright, that should be good. Leave your clothes and I'll take them when I leave something you can sleep in on the coun-" he cut himself off as he turned to see me now completely naked.
"Or, you could go get me the clothes, throw those into the hamper and join me in the shower, I think you have some champagne on you too, better safe than sorry, don't you think?" I pulled him close to me, hand on the back of his neck as I pulled him to my level, noses brushing, lips so very close and I noticed his breathing quicken. "My Alpha. Mine." I growled and he groaned, prompting me to connect our lips roughly. His hands found my waist and he pulled me close, trailing them down to my ass where he squeezed firmly causing me to moan against his lips. He used that to his advantage, shoving his tongue between my them and exploring my mouth almost obsessively, as if he expected me to stop him any minute, which I did as I shivered with a chill.
"You're cold. Get in the shower, I'll be right there. Is a shirt and boxers enough or do you need more cause I can snatch something from Rebekah-"
"It's fine Alpha, just hurry up." His eyes trailed over my body as he backed out of the room, rushing quickly to his dresser as I stepped into his shower which was an amazing shower that very clearly had heated floors and a marble seat just out of the water. The shower head was rectangular, about 2 feet long in the very large space and directly over head. The glass wall of the shower was charcoal, not completely clear glass which I loved and the walls seemed to be black quartz or something, his bathroom being overall dark but still light enough that it was inviting and I was instantly in love with it, even the water pressure being perfect. "Getting lonely!" I called out as he took too long.
"You're very distracting. Sorry." He admitted and I turned my head to see him shirtless and leaning against the counter, my dress was gone and instead there were 2 sets of clothes on the sinks. I leaned my head back under the water, turning my body around so he could now see the front of me, my nipples hard at the idea of being watched by him for who knows how long and I could feel my pussy was soaked while he just continued watching me.
"How long is my Daddy going to stand there watching?" He growled, eyes shining yellow as I called him that for the first time.
"As long as I want Kitten, can't I just enjoy the sight of my Omega?" The emphasis he put on that was possessive and to anyone but an Omega might be scary but I adored it, loving and craving someone wanting me so terribly.
"Hmm, guess I'm going to have to get myself off, huh?" I trailed my hands from my hair where they were brushing through in the water, over my chest and squeezing my breasts lightly before slowly turning back around and away from him as one hand stayed on my tit and the other tailed down to my pussy.
"Y/n, turn around." He warned and I threw my head back, gasping at the feeling of my fingers on my clit. "Omega! Now! Don't be naughty our first night together, Daddy knows you're a good little girl. I just want to watch you for a moment, why are you denying your Alpha?" I whimpered at the thought, my Omega brain now set on the fact that this man is my Alpha, this man is going to be my mate and even unbonded all I want to do is please him, making me turn back around and him groan as he sees my 2 fingers on my clit, rubbing slowly. "Such a fucking tease Y/n." He growled, palming over his length, now hard under his boxers and suit pants.
"You too. Want you Alpha, please? I'm so wet for you!" My eyes had closed at some point but they snapped open as I heard his belt clatter and he quickly unbuttoned them, letting them and his boxers fall around his ankles, kicking them off and hopping into the shower beside me. I reached my hands out for him and he took them, placing them onto his shoulders, pulling my body flush against his so I felt his cock against my lower belly as he wrapped his arm around my back, the other hand grabbing my chin and turning it to face up at him as he leaned down, pressing our lips together again.
"All mine sweet girl, all mine. I'll never get tired of saying it. Mine!" I whimpered, nails digging into his back as his hips rocked against my body, cock rubbing against my damp skin to gain some friction.
I opened my eyes, looking up at him and grabbing his hips to make him stop, his eyes quickly looking down at me. "Mine." I stated, nothing else, just one word.
"Yours, all yours little wolf-"
"If she comes near you again you tell me and I'll kill her. Don't want her to even look at you, you understand?" I questioned and he smirked.
"I have myself a jealous little thing, don't I-"
"She doesn't care for relationships or mating, she has no respect. She would touch you, no one will ever touch you besides me again." He looked stunned, whether it was by my attitude or the fact that he was only going to be with me for eternity I didn't know. "If that's not what you want, let me go now-" the growl that escaped him was vicious as he grabbed ahold of my hips, pinning me to the wall.
"You think I did all this only to use you once?! You're mine Omega! All fucking mine! No one else will ever touch you again, my hands, my tongue, my cock-"
"No one will ever touch you again either. Can you live with that?" He snorted, smiling and nodding.
"Of course Y/n. I want you to be my mate. If she ever even bats her eyelashes at me suggestively I promise I will tell you. Now, no more talk of Caroline, let me have you. All mine pretty girl, All Fucking Mine!" He grabbed ahold of my waist, lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips, snuggling close and pressing my lips to his as he guided his cock to my entrance, wasting no time in waiting to have and mark me after this incident, needing us both to be sure that no one else would ever come between us again, needing to mark each other so no one could ever steal our mate again.  "Fuck!  So tight Omega, so fucking perfect for me!"  He groaned, needing to take it slowly until he bottomed out so as not to hurt me.
"Alpha!  So big Alpha, stretching me so good!  Never...so big..."  I whimpered at the pain though I was enjoying it as well and he could clearly see that as he pulled back from my neck to look at my face.
"All mine, my tight, little pussy!  Gonna mark you up so good no one will ever even be able to imagine fucking you without seeing my face.  Tell me...tell me I can move?"  I took a deep breath before nodding and he pulled back, easing his cock back into me before doing it once more and slamming home the third time.
"Fuck!  Oh My God Daddy!"  I used the wall behind me as leverage to hump my hips into him, my legs tightly wrapped around his waist.
"Daddy's here sweet girl, all Daddy's."  I honestly don't understand how he hasn't put a hole in the wall behind me yet but I wasn't about to complain, never having been fucked quite like this in my life.
"Daddy!  So good!  Never been so good!"  The rumble that came from his chest was a pleased sound, clearly he was very happy to know he made me feel so good where other Alpha's failed.  He pulled me closer, if at all possible, turning and sitting on the shower seat so that he could thrust up into me, slamming his cock into me even harder and making me cry out in a mixture of mild pain and intense pleasure.  "Da-ddy!  Don't st-op!  Never Stop!  Want you to fuck me forever!"  I felt tears leak from the corners of my eyes as my lower belly tightened, a feeling I had only ever given myself in the past.  "Oh...oh shit...Alpha...I...I need-"
"I know Omega, Daddy knows what you need.  Your Alpha will always give you everything you need, my pretty little Kitten.  Cum for me Y/n, cum all over your Alphas cock, cum for me while I mark this perfect little neck-"
"Daddy!  Oh Daddy!"  I couldn't stop the squeal that came from my throat as my pussy constricted around him, the tension in my tummy finally becoming too much as my fangs dug into his neck.
"There's my girl, so good for me, such a perfect little princess, cumming so good for her Alpha.  Fuck...so tight around me, so close I-"  I scratched my nails up his shoulders and squeezed my pussy as tightly as I could before feeling him finish, heat spreading through me as he came, quite a lot it seemed, stilling inside of me and burying his face into my neck.  His fangs digging into my neck was the next thing I noticed, feeling the burn of his venom spreading through me though it didn't hurt, at least not right away. 
As I felt truly finished with injecting my venom I released his throat, relishing in the feeling of the pleasurable heat inside of me and my mates skin pressed all over mine just a second before the venom in my neck began to burn.  I could tell he was still pumping me full of venom and cum so I stayed still, ignoring the pain for as long as I could, my nails digging into his skin again though this time out of genuine pain as the burning got worse, now spreading through my veins. 
As a vampire, half of his venom is toxic to me, though the vampire in him as well as his werewolf half needed to mark me desperately, and as his Omega it's all I wanted, needing to mark my Alpha as well.  It would be perfectly fine as long as he heals the negative effects the werewolf part of the venom could have on my body though it would be days before I was in any real trouble.  I underestimated how badly the venom spreading would hurt though, just wanting my Alpha to be able to enjoy this moment that he's been waiting for, for over 1000 years.  Unable to hide it any longer I accidentally let out a pain filled whimper and he seemed to snap back to reality, pulling his fangs away and looking down into my eyes.  The pain eased as he released me and I smiled up at him, kissing my Alpha and hearing that happy rumble in his chest, starting to purr for him but not being able to hold it very long, trying again for only a second and making him pull back from the kiss to look at me, concerned.  "Omega?"  I whimpered and he looked over me slightly before seeing the black veins spreading from the mateing mark he had delivered me.  "Oh God, I'm so sorry!"  I shook my head as he bit into his wrist and pushed it between my lips.  "I didn't even think about that!  My venom is toxic to you...I can't even mark you without hurting you..."
"No!"  I whined as I felt the pain disappear.  "Loved it Alpha, didn't start hurting right away.  Just need to drink when you mark me from now on, I didn't think about it either.  Next time I'll take some of your blood and it won't hurt me a bit."  I reached my hands up to his face and pulled him close to kiss me again.
"Promise me?  Don't let me hurt you-"  I shook my head.
"Loved it Daddy, didn't start hurting for almost 10 seconds.  Just gotta drink from now on, please don't stop?  Need you to mark me Alpha!  Need it!"
"No, no, Shh.  Of course I'm going to mark you sweet girl, nothing will stop me!  Daddy will never deny his Omega his mark, I promise.  Don't worry, all mine."  He leaned back in, pressing his lips to his mark and giving me a chill straight down my spine. 
"Snuggle Alpha?"  I questioned, my eyes feeling drowsy as my glands began the job of settling his scent all through my bloodstream and body, adjusting to my new mated status which was a bit of a stressful thing on an Omegas body.  Settling an Alphas scent takes some time which is why most newly mated pairs don't emerge from their nest again for several days.
He seemed to be able to tell right away, nuzzling into my neck and kissing over his mark.  "Of course sweet girl, Alpha will always snuggle you-"
"Always?  Love snuggles Alpha."  He nodded, pressing his lips to mine.
"Always.  My precious girl will never be deprived of her Alphas warm arms wrapped around her."  He shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a black towel around me to keep me warm as he quickly dried himself off and pulled on his boxers, caressing me with the towel quite thoroughly until I was dry enough to put the boxers on as well as the Henley shirt.  He wrapped my hair up in a bun so I could deal with it later and hoisted me back into his arms, blurring us to his bed and snuggling me to his chest.  We spent quite a bit of time just snuggled like that until there was a knock on his door making my Alpha sigh, kissing my head and jumping up.  "What can I help you with brother?"  He questioned as he opened the door to find, I'm assuming, Elijah.
"You left in the middle of the party brother and it smells like sex in here.  Don't you dare tell me you brought someone up here when you're meant to be 'woo'ing Y/n!  I told you, she's a sweet girl and she deserves more than half your attention or a one night Fuck!  I swear to everything that is holy Niklaus, I-"
"It's okay Elijah...I think I'm going to be here for a while."  I spoke up, sitting up in the bed as Nik moved enough for Elijah to see me.
"Oh...that was fast.  Much faster than I anticipated..."  he stopped himself, pushing passed his brother and appearing beside me, tilting my head to bear my throat which made me whimper and Nik snarl quite loudly.  "I'm sorry, that was rude of me, I just-"
"She’s not settled yet brother,she needs to sleep if you don't mind."  He pulled his hands away, stepping back.
"My apologies Y/n, I would never...um...we can talk another time then."  I nodded, scootching away from the suited man.  “Damon snapped Kol’s neck-"
"What?!"  Nik growled and I whined.  He was suddenly by my side again, kissing my head to relax me.
"I don't know much but they seem to have made each other upset.  Everyone has left, mother seemed to have enjoyed herself."  I flinched slightly and Nik looked down at me.
"What was that?"  I shook my head.
"Nothing.  I don't want anything to do with it, just like I told Damon...please leave me out of it?"  I begged, not wanting anything to do with their clearly corrupt mother.
"Do with what Omega?"  I bit my lip to stop from saying anything.  "Omega..."  he warned and I sighed.
"Your mother wanted to talk to Elena tonight about something important.  She thinks your mom still wants to kill you but she wasn't sure exactly what she wanted.  She was supposed to meet her tonight, I don't know anything else.  I don't want to know, I don't Alpha."  He looked at Elijah, seeming to have a silent conversation.
"We can talk tomorrow about it, don't you worry sweet girl, you won't be dragged into anything anymore.  I'll come see you in the morning brother.  My Omega needs to sleep."
"Of course.  Good night little one."  I waved to my suited friend.
"Night night Eli."  He shut the door behind him and Nik snuggled back into me.
"You sleep my love.  We will spend the whole day together tomorrow, and you will feel all better."
"Yes Alpha.  All better."  I mumbled, my eyes drifting shut and my body giving way to sleep.
'Where did you go last night?  Caroline said you are dating Klaus now?!'  The text from Damon was what woke me up, Nik still asleep wrapped around me as I grabbed my phone from the clutch on his bed side table.
'I don't know what she's on about but I went home.  I had enough to drink and she got snappy because Tyler was with another girl.  Why?  Is something going on again?'
I looked back at Nik, brushing my fingers through his hair and kissing his nose as he began moving.  "Good morning."  I whispered and he smiled, opening his eyes to see me.
"Best morning.  The best morning I've ever had in 1000 years of life, waking up with my Omega in my arms for the first time.  I love you."  He pressed his lips to mine just as my phone dinged again.
"I love you too Alpha.  You're going to wake up with me in your arms for the rest of forever.  Enjoy it."  I looked back at my phone, opening the messages and knowing I couldn't not tell Nik about this instantly.
'Esther is using Elena's blood to help bind her children together and kill them.  The usual in this town I think.'
"Daddy?  I need you to promise me that if I show you something you're not going to get angry.  I need you to remember our bond is still settling and I need a calm environment and a loving mate."  He looked startled by this.
"I would never upset you, especially not now, and you're always safe with me.  Why, what's wrong?"  I handed him the phone and let him read the texts.  "Sweet girl, I'm going to borrow this for a moment to show my brother.  You wait right here, nice and calm, nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about." He said all that but rushed from the room rather quickly making me sigh before seeing Kol walk passed the room, glancing in and seeing me.
"Hello...who are you?" His smirk showed all his teeth in a threatening way making me pull the blankets closer.
"Your brothers Omega." Was my answer and he held his hands up as if to show me he was unarmed.
"Congratulations. Niklaus has always wanted an Omega. I'm surprised one was finally stupid enough to give him the time of day." I hissed at that, baring my teeth this time, making him smile. "Where did Nik run off to, leaving his settling Omega?"
"To tell Elijah that your mother is trying to kill you." His face fell at that before sighing.
"I knew it. I knew her loving us was too good to be true, I can't believe I..." he sighed and I could see the hurt on his face, making me take his hand to comfort him. He looked up at me, considering me for a moment before smiling a little. "Thank you. You're a sweet Omega. Nik got himself a good one it seems. I actually thought she might be serious this time, I...I feel stupid." I shook my head quickly.
"No matter how old you are she's your mom. The fact that she's trying to hurt you is unnatural and monstrous, don't feel badly sweetie." I pulled him close and he laid down, head now on my lap as I ran fingers through his hair.
"Can I stay here until Nik comes back?" I considered it and seeing as he wasn't being threatening I nodded, patting the bed beside me, him crawling up and snuggling into me, head on my chest, wrapping the blankets around me but staying on top of them himself which I found kind. I ran my fingers through his hair as he snuggled into me, enjoying whatever kind of comfort he was getting from me right now.
We stayed that way silently for about 20 minutes and just when I was drifting back off to sleep Nik walked back in. "Thank you for being patient my love, I...KOL!" We both jumped, him having startled both of us from a half sleep making me whine loudly. "No, no. Calm down my sweet, it's alright. Kol, what are you doing." He was trying very hard not to snap and growl at him and I very much appreciated his trying.
"Nothing! Your Omega is very comforting, I like her Nik. You picked a good one. She gives me head scratches."
"Kol, I'm trying very hard right now, you see that don't you? Very hard not to kill you."
"No killing. Go Kol, we can hang out sometime I'm not so newly mated, okay?" He looked over at me and nodded, jumping over me out of the bed.
"Thanks Y/n...you're not so bad."
"Thanks?" He shut the door behind him and Klaus took his place as soon as he was gone.
"What was that?"
"I told him about your mom and...it really upset him. I guess he tried to convince himself she was being real this time. It's natural. No matter how old you are there will always be a part of you that just wants your mom, and your mom is kind of a cunt it seems so that really does a number on you I'm sure." He nodded and I kissed his head, holding him to my chest to snuggle and go back to sleep before the door burst open again. "I'm going to have to go home to get some sleep in this fucking house!"
"What is this I hear about you saying our mother wants us dead?!" Rebekah was now in the room, hissing angrily and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm leaving."
"No! No you're not my love, lay down. No one else will come in, I promise. Out Rebekah! Sleep pretty girl, Alpha will be right back." I sighed, laying back down as he forced her out.
"Alpha? Are you kidding me?" He shoved her violently before shutting the door and that's the last I heard for a while until the door opened again and I saw Finn.
"Is the whole Mikaelson family going to pay a visit today?" I was immediately nervous when he closed the door behind him, making me move away.
"I never actually thought an Omega would get into bed with my devil brother. You know it's why he really daggered me don't you? Because I told him such?"
"Well I don't think he's the devil. I mean, he's a Dick, but not the devil, and he's nothing but good and kind to me. Finn...you're scaring me, p-please? Please leave?" I felt tears well up in my eyes as he stepped closer anyway.
"Why does my little brother, the worst of us all, get to be happy when my Sage is dead and I have to live alone? Answer me that little Omega, hmm?" I was instantly confused by that as I finally jumped from the opposite side of the bed.
"Sage? The girl that taught Damon to be a vampire? The red head? She's not dead!" He glared as I said it, appearing in front of me instantly and grabbing my throat tightly, holding me against the wall.
"Don't you lie to me! My mother told me that she was gone-"
"Mother...lie...wants...dead..." I choked as well as I could with his tight grip.
"What?" He released me and I fell to the floor instantly.
"ALPHA!" I screamed as loudly as I could, shoving the bedside table out and hiding behind it.
"Is she really alive? Really?" I nodded, cowering away as he looked at me but stopped coming closer, standing with a shocked look on his face as the door was thrown open violently and suddenly my Alpha was growling at Finn angrily.
"What are you doing?!"
"Nothing I...I'm so sorry little one...thank you..." he was gone instantly and Nik was in front of me looking very sorry.
"I'm so sorry love. My first day as your Alpha and I'm rubbish at it...come, let's get you comfortable. No one else will come in, I will make sure of it. Trust me?" He held his hands out and I paused but took them, allowing him to settle me into bed before he went back to the door. "The Next Person Who Enters This Room Without My Permission Will Get Their Throat Ripped Out! UNDERSTAND?!" I heard a few scattered 'yes'' before he was gone again making me whine, returning 10 seconds later. "I'm having breakfast made for us my love. They will knock and leave it by the door for us so you don't have to see anyone else. I'm so sorry pretty girl. So sorry." I nuzzled back into my Alphas neck and let him hold me, only wanting his comfort after everything that had just happened. "Nap until the food comes, we'll eat and watch a movie, then I'll scent you again. That should help. Relax." He was petting my head as he made that familiar rumbling sound in his chest that calmed me, sending me right off back to sleep in his arms.  I didn't wake back up until there was a light knock on the door and Nik jumped up, getting the tray from the maid who didn't even try to come in.  "Hungry Kitten?"  I nodded and he kissed my head, taking the top off of the tray and revealing 2 omelets, a plate of sausage, a plate of toast, and a plate of bacon.  "Eat baby, you're safe.  I promise, nothing is going to harm you again.  I don't care if it's Elijah himself, if someone comes through that door their neck is getting snapped.  Safe to eat."  He kissed my forehead again and turned on the tv. He wrapped himself around me and I ended up feeding him as he rubbed himself over my skin, scenting me.
"Wanna stay like this forever Alpha." I admitted and he stopped his movements, kissing my head and turning me to see him.
"Then we will, we'll stay in this room, have our meals brought to us on silver platters, do nothing but snuggle, eat, sleep and mate for the rest of our existence." His teasing made me giggle as I leaned against him, laying back down to sleep again and he continued. "No more mother, or Salvatore's, or pesky annoying siblings, just mated bliss forever, all for you my lovely Y/n." He kissed my shoulder as I drifted off again. I knew there would be problems to be dealt with tomorrow and the next day and probably the next day but for now I would relax and just enjoy this contentment, the beginning of a long and happy life with my Alpha.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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reashot · 10 months
We're Just Shower Buddies, that's all...
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Jaune: *whistling in the shower* 🎶
Ruby: Hi there shower Bud! Room for one more?
Jaune: For you Ruby, of course. Come on in the water is warm.
Ruby: Yay! *Glomp*
Jaune: Hey, what's gotten into you? You being extra clingy right now.
Ruby: That's because something really good just happened to me.
Jaune: You do? That's great. Tell me all about it Rubes?
Ruby: Well guess what? I asked Weiss out on a date and she said yes!
Jaune: Oh My Oum!!! That is good! Heck it's Great even! We should go out and celebrate! *Tightly embrace Ruby*
Ruby: Yeah! Where do you think we should go?
Jaune: Well, where do you want to go?
Ruby: Wait you're asking me. Oh geez, I don't know where do you like to go?
Jaune: Oh, you want me to choose... Well how about we go to that firearms show you been wanting to go to?
Ruby: Really!.... Uh, I mean. Can we go somewhere else?
Jaune: But why. I thought you been dying to go there?
Ruby: Yeah... But that's where I want to go. I like guns but you don't. I want you to have fun too. I want for the both of us to have fun together.
Jaune: Ruby you don't have to force yourself not to have fun on my account. I'm happy with whatever you choose.
Ruby: And that's why I want us to go place we both can enjoy. Jaune you would be "happy" with anything I choose. But its not okay Jaune. You need to be selfish once in a while and put your happiness first. On this issue I'm putting my foot down.
Jaune: Really? Okay fine... Let me think. Well, There is an amusement park where I been wanting to go for some time. Do you want to go there with me?
Ruby: Oh! You mean the brand new Montyland amusement park. 🎡🎠🎢 Oh My Oum! That's the same place where Weiss is asking me out on a date too.
Jaune: Wow. What a coincidence... I guess it's true that great mind does think alike after all.
Ruby: *giggle* Why Jaune. I think all these hot shower is starting to get inside your head. Cause I'm pretty sure you're full of hot air right now.
Jaune: And I guess it's true that a genius is never appreciated in their lifetime... 💡Hey Ruby. I just had an idea. Why don't we treat our celebration as pre-date for your real date with Weiss?
Ruby: *gasp* You mean like a practice date?
Jaune: Yes. That way you will be prepared on your first date with Weiss.
Ruby: Ah. You really are a genius Jaune. *presses her soft chest on Jaune's hard one*
Jaune: What's wrong?
Ruby: Jaune, have you been working out?
Jaune: I see you finally noticed it. I been working out with Pyrrha for a while now. And the result you can see for yourself.
Ruby: Wow. I can tell. Look at how fit you are right now.
Jaune: Let see Weiss call me a noodle boy now. 💪
Ruby: You still a dork you know. No matter how much of hunky beefcake you are right now nothing is ever gonna change that.
Jaune: Okay. That's it Ruby you've awaken the dragon. *nibble on Ruby's neck*
Ruby: N-no.... S-stop it... You big j-jerk... Aahhh! (Inaudible moan)
Jaune: So ready to apologize yet?
Ruby: *gasping for air* O-okay, okay I give. I apologize. Jeez, you jerk I was only kidding.
Jaune: I'm only kidding too Ruby. Learn to take a joke why don'tcha *giggle*
Ruby: *playfully punch Jaune in his hard chest* N-O-T F-U-N-N-Y.
Jaune: Okay I'm sorry too... *hug Ruby*
Ruby: *whisper in his ear* Jaune now that I finally asked Weiss out when are you going to ask Pyrrha out?
Jaune: M-me. A-asking Pyrrha out. I-I don't know whatchu talking about?
Ruby: Oh, for crying out loud. Jaune I know you have a crush on Pyrrha.
Jaune: You knew! A-anyway I can't just ask her out, okay. She's clearly way over my league. And if I do what if she said no?
Ruby: Jaune Arc! If I can ask Weiss out on a date. A girl that's clearly way-way out of my league. You can definitely ask Pyrrha out. And Jaune trust me on this she clearly have a crush on you too. She will definitely say yes if you ask her out.
Jaune: R-really? *shakes head* L-look we better get back on track, okay? We can deal with my dating life later. For now it's all about your date with Weiss.
Ruby: Speaking of Weiss... D-do you think she's gonna kiss me on the first date?
Jaune: A kiss with Weiss I don't know Ruby, but isn't it a good thing?
Ruby: But what if I messed up? I mean it's not unheard of that a great date can be ruined by a bad kiss... D-do you think we need to add a kissing practice on our not date?
Jaune: As much as I would like to help you. I have to say no on that... I mean the entire point of a first kiss is that you supposed to be bad at it. So don't worry too much about it Ruby. I bet you'll do "great" on your first kiss.
Ruby: I-I just want the entire thing to be perfect...
Jaune: That's what our practice date are for... And Ruby this might not count as a practice kiss... *tenderly kiss Ruby's forehead*
Ruby: *blush* You sly! Oh Jaune, you are so lucky that we're friend. If you kiss any other girl like this she might get the wrong idea.
Jaune: He, he... That's why I kiss you. And enough talking about date for now. I'll help you wash your body. Here, let me lather your body first. Now, turn around Ruby I'll do your back.
Ruby: Okay... *moan*
Jaune: C'mon Ruby why do you always making that sound every time I do this?
Ruby: I-I don't know why. It just felt so good that I automatically make that noise, when you touch me.
Jaune: Well thank you for the great review, Rubes. But it's distracting when you made noises like that. Now let me do your front...
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The sound of soap slapping and rubbing accompanied by the sounds of Ruby's moaning starts to envelop and fill the shower room. Not realizing that someone has been there overhearing them this entire time.
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If anyone asking they're not doing what you think they are doing... They're just really good friend that's all.
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pinejayy · 11 months
Please don’t leave (Hantengu Clones x F!Reader) Angst
summary: the clones leave for a mission and the reader has a bad feeling, they assure everything is going to be okay but at the end they never return back
trigger warning: angst, character death mention, crying
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As the Clones were getting ready to leave for a mission you couldn’t help but frown slightly as you were getting a bad gut feeling that something bad was going to happen to them. As you watched get ready you couldn’t help but try to stall them so they wouldn’t leave.
“Come on guys, do you really have to go?” You whisper softly, tugging on Sekido’s sleeve. Which earned you a harsh look from him. You pulled your hand away looking down.
“What’s wrong with you Y/N , you’re acting more clingy than usual?” Sekido said harshly, you frowned and looked away whispering a “Sorry.” Making the red eyed Demon frown, he sighed out and spoke once again. “I’m sorry Doll, but what’s wrong.”
“Do you guys have to really all go? I have a bad gut feeling…I feel like something bad is gonna happen.” You say, rubbing your arm as you look down. The four Demons looked at you. “I feel like something bad is going to happen to you guys..”
“Hey don’t worry about us Princess!” Karaku said, as he walked next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist, bringing you close to his body. “We’ll be back in no time.”
“Yeah and when we come back! We’ll treat you to a nice massage. Or a warm bath.” Urogi said with a huge grin across his face. Aizetsu smiled and nodded softly. “Yeah, we’ll treat you so well. Don’t worry about us.”
You look down and just nodded as they spoke, you wanted to cry so badly but you didn’t want to upset them. Maybe one of them could stay behind and with you. “Maybe one of you guys could stay behind? That would make me feel better.”
“I’m sorry Y/N, but all four of us need to go.” Sekido said, frowning and shaking his head. He didn’t understand why you were acting like this. You never acted like this whenever they all left you alone if they were needed on a mission. “You can suck it up for a few hours without us okay.."
"But-" You began saying before you were cut off by Sekido snapping at you. "NO BUTS!"
Making you tear up, looking away from him. "Hey come Sekido don't yell at her you're making her upset." Aizetsu said, he pulled you away from Karaku's grip and hugging you, you whimper and hug him back. "Shh it's okay Love, but Sekido is right. We all have to go. But I assure you we'll be back before the sun comes out."
You just nodded, and smiled at the demon. As they were getting ready you just stood there watching. And before they could walk out of the door they all have you a hug and a goodbye kiss.
Sekido gave you a side hug, and he placed a quick and harsh kiss on your lips, Karaku wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug and he gave a passionate kiss on your lips. Urogi gave you a big hug with his wings also wrapping around you, and he gave you a big kiss. And Aizetsu was the last one to give you a hug, he gave you a gentle hug and a sweet gentle kiss.
"Don't worry about us, we'll be back. Nothing can hurt us, afterall we are Upper Moon 4...so please don't cry."
"We will back, don't keep on waiting for us.."
"Please make sure to sleep love, we'll be back soon."
"Don't have too much fun without us!!"
"We love you Y/N!"
And once they were done saying their goodbyes they left you alone, as you stood there alone you couldn't help but feel tears stream down your face. That bad gut feeling was back, it felt like you wanted to throw up. You just hope that they'll return soon.
As the Clones made their way to the mission they were sent off too, they couldn't help but think about you, they didn't understand why you were acting so odd. But little did they know that they weren't going to see you again...
As you waited for them to return back you couldn't help but feel sleepy, maybe they were right. Maybe you were overreacting for nothing. You walked over to your bedroom and laid on the bed, soon after you started to drift to sleep.
As the Clones made their way to their mission they couldn't help but feel helpless with these Demon Slayers they were fighting. The Demon Slayers were giving them all trouble, even with four Demons they were struggling. Maybe you were right...maybe they shouldn't have gone here. And little by little each clone came to their end. Slowly dying and fading away from life. They wished they could say goodbye to you but sadly they couldn't, and as they lay there slowly dying they couldn't help but let out a few tears.
"I'll miss you Y/N, I love you so much.."
"Please, don't forget about me Y/N, I love you.."
"Oh no, Y/N please I want to see you one last time...I love you.."
"My dear sweet Y/N, please remember to care of yourself. I love you.."
And with their last thoughts about you everything went black for them, they were truly gone for good.
A few hours have passed by and the house was dead silent. You were still sleeping on the bed. Slowly you began to wake up, you yawned and sat up rubbing your sleepy eyes. As you sat there you look at your window that was in your room and saw that it was still night time. How odd the house was dead quite, you thought that they would have already returned from their mission. You stood up and walk towards the window and look outside. And from a distance you could tell that the sun would rise up soon.
You began to get worried about them, you began to pace around the house. And as time passed by the sun was getting close to rise. "Oh no! Where are they!" You cry out, tears streaming down your face. You began to shake slightly, you ran outside. Looking at the sky, the sun was almost out, the clones had a little more time before the sun gets them. And that horrible gut feeling was back...you fell onto your knees and you began to cry. "What if something happened to them?"
And slowly the sun started to rise, the sun rays hitting your soft skin. Looking up and seeing the sun starting to rise you couldn't help but feel empty, they didn't return...wiping your tears away. "They promised they'll would return..."
As you sat on the ground for a few minutes, you felt dead...they were truly gone...you clenched your fist and hissed to yourself. "Those Stupid Demon Slayers.."
As you stood up you walked back into your home, and once you were inside you grabbed an item from them and you walked to your room and laid on the bed holding the items of theirs. Laying on the bed crying, you held onto the items. Crying softly hoping they would come back to you, but sadly they didn't.
You were truly alone now, those pesky Demon Slayers are going to pay...as you cried yourself to sleep you rubbed your stomach you wanted to surprise them, you wanted to tell them that you were holding onto their baby...oh how sad. Those rotten Slayers...not only they took your four lovers away but they left you alone with a baby growing inside of you...
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charliehoennam · 22 days
hero's homestead
A/N: just a lil blurb I've had stuck on my mind and had to frigging get out since watching Road House
Pairing: Elwood Dalton x f!reader
Warnings: physical injuries, jealousy, kissing, mentions of grief and death
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Growing up in Glass Key made your face quite familiar around these parts. Everyone knew you, not because you were popular or from a rich family. Lord knows you wish you were.
But because the island was just so small, like a little fishbowl with too many sharks circling around their prey, everyone knew each other around here. However, the small island was full of a strong sense of community.
Your friendship with Charlie started while you were in high school. You were just a freshman and Charlie was six when Stephen and his wife would very often ask you to baby-sit.
Saying no to them was nearly impossible. Not only did they pay you well, but they always offered you a ride home and made you sure you had dinner before leaving. They really treated you like you were part of the family and helping one another in the community was just so normal.
They always treated you with welcoming kindness and respect so, if there was anything you could do to help them, you did it. Aside from baby-sitting Charlie, this included working at their book store.
You were around there most of the time. If you weren't at home or at school, you were at Glass Books.
As you got older, you started to spend less and less time there in order to focus on your own personal and professional life.
That didn't mean you were never around anymore. You still made your frequent stop to buy the new read of the week.
"Why don't you just get all the books you want for the month, so you don't have to keep coming back?" Charlie questioned genuinely curious.
"Nah, I like coming here. I like the service. And besides, you'd miss me too much, kid" you chuckled watching the young teenage ring your book up at the register.
When Stephen told you about his wife's illness, it really took you by surprise. She could've easily been voted the happiest woman of Glass Key. The aura she possessed could make the dullest room become the brightest. Her sense of humor would have even the most no-nonsense person cracking a smile. She was an amazing woman and a motherly figure to most.
The entire community mourned her loss. The blue sky and the tropical environment wasn't enough to brighten the day for your neighborhood's residents. The heavy rains that followed that entire week led you to believe that even the island was weeping for her absence.
Between medical expenses, funeral costs and a growing teenager, Stephen had to learn to be a single father quite fast. And that meant working a full-time job to make end's meet.
He asked you to help out with the store and you happily agreed. Glass Books was his wife's dream. She loved spending her days there, in the cozy little bookstore she'd built with the love of her life.
Although you know Stephen has a lot on his plate, you can't help but wonder if he wants to avoid the store and her memory altogether.
You refused to accept money for it, knowing the shop didn't make so much money. Even so, Stephen would still transfer you a small amount whenever he could and would often bring you breakfast, lunch or dinner because he felt it was the least he could do.
All you wanted to do was help.
He was more than grateful, especially when he saw how you could make Charlie laugh by putting on music and dancing in the middle of the store with her.
He could see her slipping into a dark place after the death of her mother. Dealing with his own pain, he did his best. But, you were the best friend she needed. A feminine figure she could go to talk about more embarrassing situations or just to get her mind off of the loss.
Gradually, it seemed like their small family was beginning to heal. Although the loss was a still a fresh wound, and Stephen would often find Charlie clutching a small portrait of her mother asleep in bed, they were managing to keep the pain at bay.
You understand how important this store to them. It represents so much more than being just a simple local book store. It represents her.
The store was just as special to you as it was to Charlie and Stephen.
It had always been your refuge, but now, it was always the place where you met him.
Charlie, with her overly friendly nature that she inherited from her mother, struck up a conversation with the then stranger just outside the bookstore.
Her overprotective father was soon outside within seconds. Although the friendly streak ran deep within him too, he knew these parts were full of men with bad intentions.
Once he realized the stranger wasn't from around, he felt a little more at ease.
Although you remained inside the shop, you could overhear their conversation as you inched towards the door and opened it to stand in the doorway, eyeing the stranger with caution.
Stephen was surprised to know he'd come out of town to work at the Road House. To be honest, neither of you expected him to last very long. At that place, security never does.
The bouncer turnover never ceased with the riots that broke out there almost every night. So, you didn't bother getting your hopes up.
However, Dalton kept coming back. Every other day, he came in with the excuse of using the computer or buying a book just to strike up a conversation with you and lay down his flirtatious charm.
Charlie was the first to notice he would always come around when you were there and, if you weren't, he'd always make sure to ask when you were.
She had quite a bit of fun poking fun at you, telling you he had a crush on you or mocking the unconscious change in your voice you had when talking to him.
It didn't long take for feelings to develop between you and him. There was no doubt in either of you. Although unspoken, the magnetic attraction was undeniably present.
Some of those talks were deep and you felt you could confide in him to share things you hadn't shared with anyone at all. He, in turn, told you about the night on the train tracks and how the last fight he had in the ring haunted him every night.
There was no denying the bond you were forming. However, the rumors that were spreading around the island about the closeness between Ellie and him made you hesitant to make the first move.
When you casually brought it up into conversation, he shook his head and told you it wasn't anything serious and that she'd took him on a date once. You wanted to ask him if he had feelings for her, but that would be too much.
"So what's the deal with you and Dalton?" Charlie curiously asked, having picked up on the constant courtship that you two refused to act on.
"There is no deal. We're just friends. Hardly that."
"I may be young, but I'm no fool. I know there's something going on between you two."
"Sorry to disappoint you, kid, but there isn't. Besides, I hear he's got a sort of a girlfriend" you replied without looking up at her from the book in your hand.
You were both sat in fold-out beach chairs placed in front of the store, enjoying a couple of white cherry slushies, hoping the ice cold drink could soothe the hot, humid weather.
"How do you have a 'sort of girlfriend'? Either she is or isn't."
"Those things are complicated. I guess they're getting to know each other," you shrugged wishing you could avoid the topic.
"Like you guys are?"
"There is nothing going on. Sure, he's cute and funny and all, but he's seeing someone else. He's not interested in me, Charlie."
"So, you are interested in him?"
"It doesn't matter if I am. She's a doctor, she's smart and she's really pretty and drives a nice car. I know I don't stand a chance, so I'd rather not get my hopes up," you rambled, failing to read anything on the page you were stuck on. "Can we please drop this now?"
"Oh my god," she smirked staring at you. "You're jealous."
You scoffed at her ridiculous accusation and shook your head as you closed the book and set it in your lap.
"I am not jealous. I do not get jealous."
"Yes, you are! You totally are!"
"I am not! I just don't want to talk about this anymore, alright? So can we drop it?"
"Alright, alright. Sorry I brought it up."
She couldn't stop smiling as you opened your book to continue reading. Although you weren't her parents, her mind couldn't stop thinking of a way to parent-trap you into getting together.
However, her plans were brought to a halt when Brandt's lackeys invaded the shop just a few days later.
You tried your best to stand your ground and defend the shop along with Stephen. He told you to leave, but you refused.
After the beatdown you both received unwillingly, a fire had been set and the cruel men left. The adrenaline that surged through your bodies was enough to numb the pain in order to get you both quickly back on your feet to put out the fire.
Between the blood loss and the resurfacing pain, the billowing smoke got stronger and stronger. The flames became too strong too quickly and had engulfed the entire wall across the front counter.
Light-headed and dizzy, Stephen tried to save whatever he could from the store. As you rushed back and forth, you realized that the fire had grown too much and swallowed the front entrance.
The heat of it shattered the glass windows. The open air only fueled the fire more. Coughing from the heavy smoke, both you and Stephen got down on the floor to avoid the unbreathable air and attempted to crawl to the back exit.
Everything went dark after that and melded into one huge blur.
You don't remember when you actually blacked out, but you do remember feeling relieved once you heard the fire department's arrival.
The time you spent in the hospital was short - only a couple of days - but it was enough to make you reflect on your life.
An overwhelming sense of regret washed over you as you thought about Dalton.
You'd only known each other for a few weeks, but what if you could've had something special? What if Charlie's jokes were true and he actually ended up to be your soulmate?
She could be wrong too, but the fact that you could've died and never found out if you ever really did stand a chance ate at your mind.
You hadn't fully realized the extent of your attachment until a couple days later.
You show up at the store with a limp from the beatdown you'd received a couple days ago.
Stephan tries to assure you they're fine, that you need to rest and recover, but you argue that you'll go insane if you stay at home with nothing to do, high on pain meds.
Helping the owners clean and salvage whatever they can, Charlie casually mentions that Dalton and left her and her father a suitcase full of money to rebuild the store before he got on a greyhound bus destined to leave Glass Key.
The same regret you'd felt in the hospital strikes you again and secretly consumes you.
You try to play it off and instruct her to not to tell anyone about the money. You barely understand what she said after that. All you can think about for the rest of that morning is that he left and didn't even say goodbye.
When Charlie and her father invite you to get some lunch with them, you politely refuse, opting to stay back and keep yourself busy. You lie and tell them you had a big breakfast beforehand just so they won't worry.
You promised you wouldn't get your hopes up. You knew better than that. Bouncers never last at the Road House. You know this just as well as any of the other residents of Glass Key.
He's gone now.
You just want to be alone for a bit to process it.
The door opens and the bell above it rings as you sweep away at the shattered glass, forcing you to look back over your shoulder.
The sight you see has you frozen in surprise.
His face is impossible to forget. You could never forget those big blue doe eyes, even with the dark skin that circles his right eye.
You groan lightly at the shooting pain from your broken rib as you straighten and turn to face him, holding the broom by your side as you stand next to it.
Dalton closes the glassless door behind him as he greets you with a silent but friendly smile until the cut on your lip and the black eye remind him of the damage he caused.
He doesn't look too different from you. His eye is still a little swollen but mostly black now, his lip busted and the stitches on his eyebrow are all evidence that business has been handled at the Road House.
"So, the Glass Key hero returns" you smile at him, ignoring the sting on your bottom lip. "Charlie said you were riding off into the sunset. You forget something?"
"I'm not a hero and, no, I didn't" he starts, looking around the burned down shop trying to swallow his guilt.
"Changed your mind?"
"Someone kinda changed it for me, actually. A very wise person told me that heroes don't always have to ride off into the sunset. They can stay and make a homestead instead."
Joy bursts within you like fireworks on new years. You try to fight back the smile that creeps onto you lips.
"Thought you weren't a hero."
"I'm not."
You nod biting the inside of your cheek to mask your excitement. You take the second broom that Charlie had been using earlier and left leaning against the wall by the front door.
"This homestead could use a hand" you smile and offer him the broom.
He takes it with a happy grin, feeling finally accepted as if he finally found somewhere he belongs.
"There's, uh, one more thing" he says in a soft voice.
His hand raises to your chin, tilting your head up as he cranes his neck to kiss you in the most tender of ways.
Unable to forget about Ellie, you place a hand on his chest and gently push to stop the kiss.
Dalton's face contorts with confusion. He doesn't notice the breath he's holding, anxiety settling in as he fears that you'll ask him to stop. Maybe he got the wrong signals and you don't like him that way. He'd respect it, if that's the case, but it doesn't mean his heart won't be crushed.
"I thought you were seeing Ellie?"
He blinks slightly surprised. That's not what he had expected to hear, but it makes him kind of happy that you're not asking him to stop.
"She took me on a date and we kissed, but that was it."
"So, you are dating her?"
"What, are you jealous?"
"Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not jealous."
"You sound a little jealous" he smirks.
"I'm not. I just... I don't wanna get my hopes up."
"I'm not dating her," he says gently stroking your bruised cheek. "I told her there's someone else for me, someone that I really wanna date."
He gazes into your eyes as you smile up at him and let him continue his kiss. You let his lips linger on yours and smile when you feel them stretch into a grin.
The cuts on your mouths hurt, but neither of you bother to pull away.
His kiss gradually intensifies. His tongue flicks over your bottom lip, politely asking for entrance. His free hand reaches for your waist as the other sets against your cheek, leaving the broom tucked in his arm.
You let his tongue slip past your defenses. The gentle way his hand cradles your face has you holding onto his strong forearm and the other broom for balance as the room spins around you from his vertiginous kiss.
Your chest presses against his as you moan softly into his mouth. It takes him every ounce of his self-control to not pin you against the wall.
The bell rings again, alerting you both of another's presence so you quickly pull apart, trying to quickly compose yourselves. Your eyes shoot to the door along with Dalton's.
You realize who it is, so he shyly lets his eyes wander around what's left of the store and sweeps the ashy floor.
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Charlie smirks sipping her juice from a straw as she stands in the doorway.
"No, no," you reply nervously as heat pools in your cheeks. "Dalton and I were just, uh, cleaning up."
"Cleaning what? The floor or each other's throats?"
Dalton snickers at her candor, glancing at you until she continues.
"Good to see you're back though. And if you ask me, it's about time."
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
I got love in my tummy and a tiny little pain
Vampire Joel 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️
uh, hehe, well, this is 500 words... x2 :))))
got a little carried away, my love
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Little Pinch
vamp!joel miller x f!reader
warnings | 18+ DUBCON/NONCON-ish, horror themes, smut-adjacent, dark!joel, if this ain't your thing keep it moving
“Thank you again for giving me a ride, really, I could’ve just called an Uber.”
“It’s no problem, honey. Sweet thing like you shouldn’t be running around on her own at this time of night anyways. Never know what kinda trouble might be out there.” The slow drawl of his words eases any tension she feels sitting in the complete stranger’s car. Well, not a complete stranger. She knows his name is Joel, and she knows that he saved her from a very insistent frat guy at the bar she was at, offering her a ride after her friends had ditched her. And she knows that he’s distractingly handsome, strong jaw under salt-and-pepper scruff, dark eyes and wavy hair, and a voice that runs straight down her spine, each word syrupy with his southern twang.
“How old are you?” The question leaves her lips before she can really think about it, immediately mortified that she did, though Joel just chuckles, glancing at her before focusing back on the road.
“Old enough to know how to treat a lady right. That boy didn’t hurt you, did he, honey?” A nervous laugh bubbles up from her throat at his words.
“Oh! N-no, he was just getting a little handsy, that’s all. I’m fine, really. Um, Joel? I don’t think we’re going the right way to my apartment.” If he heard what she said, he gives her no sign of it, keeping his eyes on the road, the glare of headlights casting shadows across his face. 
They drive in silence for a bit longer, nerves running cool skitters across her skin, both urging her to bolt and keeping her stuck still and mute in the passenger seat. But she nearly yelps when he suddenly swings a hard turn into what looks like an empty parking lot, what had been a roller rink sitting dark and crumbling in the distance. He puts the car into park with a sigh before resting both his hands back on the steering wheel, knuckles flexing and tensing, still not looking at her.
“J-Joel? Is something wrong?” When he does finally look at her, his head lolling over on his shoulder, something has changed in his face. Where his eyes had been crinkled with a smile, they’re now dark, almost vacant, his cheeks slack and his mouth in a slight frown, lips parted. And though he still doesn’t say anything, she’s seen enough true crime TV to know that she needs to get the hell out of here now. 
“Where you going, honey?” She claws at the lock on the passenger door, but it won’t budge, panic rising cold and clear in her throat.
“I– Joel, please open the door.” “Can’t do that, honey.”
“Please, I want to leave– I-I don’t want you to drive me anymore, please open the door.” She can feel tears starting to slip down her face and his emotionless stare only makes her cry harder, trying to get as far away from him as he leans over the console, crowding her against the door.
“Now why would you wanna do a thing like that? Don’t you know there’s dangerous people out there? So much safer in here with me, honey.” Yeah fucking right. She’s realizing that the worst thing she can do is piss him off, already noting the tick in his jaw and clench of his fist, and she thinks that maybe if she can keep him calm, get his guard down, she can find a moment to snatch his keys and escape. She takes a shuddering inhale, trying to stifle her tears, a thin, fake smile stretching across her lips.
“O-ok, you’re right. T-thank you for keeping me safe.” She can see the clench of his jaw ease slightly and much to her relief, he sits back in his own seat, keeping his eyes on her.
“Why don’t you come over here and thank me, honey?” Her stomach sinks at that, though she tries to tamp it down, knowing that this could be her opportunity to make a grab for the car keys. She nods, trembling fingers undoing her seatbelt. It feels like she’s watching herself from somewhere just over her shoulder as she crawls over the console, trying not to flinch when Joel’s hands wrap around her waist, guiding her to straddle his lap. 
She gasps when he presses her down over the crotch of his jeans, the obvious hardness there making her shudder as he chuckles at her reaction.
“How about a little kiss, honey?” She obliges him before she can think too hard about it, a quick peck before she pulls away. But judging by the laugh he lets out, it isn’t going to be enough for him.
“Oh, c’mon now. You can do better than that. That ain’t how you kiss them college boys, is it?” The idea is already forming in her head, and she tries for a shy giggle, though it comes out a bit breathless. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him in, licking into his mouth, kissing him for all he’s worth as she lets one arm pull away to reach behind them, fumbling blindly for his car keys. 
When she does grab them, she sighs, though Joel takes that as a good sign, only deepening the kiss more. She just needs to wait for a moment that he pulls away, and she knows she can make a run for it. But before that can happen, she feels something sharp slip across her lower lip, blood going metallic in her mouth as she pulls back from him and brings her other hand to her lips. Sure enough, red stains her fingertips.
“What– what was that?” Joel just grins, his other hand reaching around her back to wrench her wrist around, the harsh squeeze of his fingers making her drop the keys into his open palm.
“Sneaky little thing, ain’t ya? That’s alright, honey. I don’t mind a little sour with the sweet.” Her eyes must be playing tricks on her, because if she didn’t know any better she could swear that his pair of canines glint just a bit sharper in the dim light of the moon. She stills in his hold, unsure what to do now, her stomach twisting when he presses a surprisingly sweet kiss to her throat. But when he drags his teeth over the arc of her neck, she finally realizes that her eyes hadn’t been playing tricks on her.
“Hold still for me, honey. Just gonna feel a little pinch, but I think you’ll like it.”
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cosmitton · 4 months
there’s something magical about a convenience store
Johan Seong X F!Reader (foreigner)
A/N: This is a continuation of my previous Johan story with the same foreign Reader. Again, this one isn’t really romantic since I don’t think Johan would be romantic quickly with someone but it’ll head that way at some point lol. I think this series will be out of order after this so at some points they’ll be further along in their relationships than in others. Also, Danny is in this one and if I’m correct, Johan hadn’t met Daniel in his original body until the more recent chapters, and this again takes place a little after the God Dogs abandoned Johan (I think that was around the 200s chapters?)
Once again, I hope you enjoy and please let me know if anyone’s OOC or anything I need to improve. Thank you! c:
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Warnings: None
Summary: You see the boy from the restaurant again, this time outside of the convenience store that your friend works at. You’re determined to at least get his name this time.
“Oh, hello!”
You look up toward the counter of the convenience store as you enter, smiling at your schoolmate’s roommate where he stands behind the counter.
“Hey, Danny!”
You immediately forget what you were coming here for in the first place, walking up to the counter instead. You always liked Danny since you met him a few months ago when he first moved to Seoul. The convenience store wasn’t too far from your place, and apparently, he and Daniel didn’t live too far away from you, either. Those two were some of the only people not to judge you when they first met you. Despite the fact that you had lived in Korea for longer than you had lived in your birth country, you were still treated as an outsider. The reasons might be different for you and Danny, but the result was the same – neither of you were treated the same as everyone else was.
“How was work?” He smiles up at you, his classwork for online schooling still spread out on the counter.
“Oh, same as always. I have some leftovers for you.” You reach into your bag for some of the food Mr. Terrence gave to you.
“O-oh, no, that’s okay!” Danny waves his hands, trying to deny the gift.
“I wonder why you still try to deny it when you know it never works.” You laugh, placing the container on the counter for him.
He laughs slightly, accepting the gift with a slight bow, “thank you, again.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
The movement of a person outside of the window catches your eye, and you glance for just a moment before looking away. Then you realize you recognize that person. The brunette boy with the dogs!
“Oh, sorry, hold that thought, Danny! I just saw someone I know!” You race to the door before he can reply.
Once you’re outside, you see that Eden and Miro are with him again. “Hey, dog guy!”
The brunette turns around, eyes widened slightly and you realize you might’ve been a bit too excited and yelled too loud. You laugh slightly in embarrassment, stepping a bit closer to where he stopped on the sidewalk. Miro recognizes you, running up to your legs with her tail wagging, sniffing at your shoes. You kneel down to pet her, smiling as she nips at your fingers, before looking back up at the boy. He’s still standing a bit away, Eden shivering again at his side.
“It’s been a little while, huh?”
The boy doesn’t respond, just watches you with Miro. You figure he’s just the quiet type, but you’re determined to get at least one thing from him. You reach into your bag, pulling out the new bag of dog treats you had gotten since last time. You feed Miro first, the boy still watching you silently, then you rise to stand. Searching through your bag again, you pull out the other box of leftovers, stepping forward to hand it to the boy. (Technically, this was supposed to be yours to bring home, but this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.) He eyes you suspiciously once again.
“Did you like the last one? Have another.”
He’s quiet for a moment, before he frowns at you, “why are you doing this? I’m not a charity case.”
“I know,” you shrug, “but I’m not doing this for free. It’s a trade.”
He shifts slightly, as if preparing for you to try something, “trade for what?”
“Your name. I didn’t get it last time, but if you tell me now, I’ll give you this food and we’ll be even.”
“Why do you need to know my name?”
“I don’t need to. I want to know it. This is the second time we’ve met, it only seems right. Besides, it’s not that serious, is it? A name for good food? Seems like a good deal to me.”
He watches you like he always seems to do, always prepared with the expectation of some kind of cruelty. You can’t blame him. You obviously don’t know what he’s been through, but you can guess at some of it just from experience – both in your own life and through people you’ve met before. Finally, he steps forward and takes the box from your hand.
Only a first name, but it’s better than nothing. You don’t really need his last name, anyway – it isn’t important and you’re not going to push him for something so minor.
“Nice to meet you, Johan. Can I give some treats to Eden this time?”
Johan looks down at his other little friend, shivering as always, before looking back to you. He shrugs slightly, “fine.”
You approach slowly, kneeling down a little ways away. You hold out your hand, letting it hang in the air and waiting for Eden to approach you first. It takes him a moment, but he moves toward you cautiously and sniffs at your hand. You wait until he leans away again and pull out a few treats to rest in your palm as you hold it, flat, out toward him. He picks at the treats lightly, but he does take them all in the end. You feel a poke in your side and turn to see Miro again with her nose pressed against you, handing her a few treats as well. You look up at Johan and figure that you’re probably overstaying your welcome.
Rising to stand again, you turn to him, “well, nice seeing you again. I hope we meet again soon.”
He doesn’t respond, but you’re not really expecting anything different at this point. You say goodbye to the puppies, before turning and heading back into the convenience store. You notice that Danny is watching you, and you wonder if he was doing that for the entire interaction. You glance back out of the window to see Johan’s back as he leaves. When you turn back to Danny again, you notice that he looks perturbed.
“What?” You approach the counter.
“How do you know Johan Seong?” His voice is shaky, as if it’s weighed down by some important context that you’re lacking.
“Oh, you know him, too?”
“O-oh!” Danny stutters, raising his hands as if to wave the thought away, “no, not really. Daniel’s met him before, but I only know what he’s told me. I’ve only seen Johan in passing.”
“Hm,” you shrug lightly, smiling, “well, he’s just a new friend.”
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blackrabbittwst · 9 months
Hello! I'd like to request for Trey, Azul, and Jade with a self-indulgent reader please~ A reader who happily accepts gifts, eats whatever they want, and encourages others to treat themselves just as much! I'm one of these people, and I've never understood people who worry so much. Ex: Ask me if its okay to take something from me, even though I offered it to them. ??? 😂
P.s. I don't mind whatever format you use!
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A/N: Hello! And of course! I’m somewhat similar to this as well so I think it’s so cute! I definitely encourage people to treat themselves (almost to much haha), and these three boys don’t give themselves enough self loving, so they need it!
Synopsis: A self indulgent S/O who happily accepts gifts, eats what they want, and encourages others to treat themselves.
Characters: Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech
Pairings: Trey Clover, x Reader, Azul Ashengrotto x Reader, Jade Leech x Reader
Gender/Pronoun: Gender Neutral
Warning: N/A
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Trey clover
He would love to see your bright smile as you accepted his baked goods! It gives him butterflies in his stomach as he sees you appreciate his hard work. Also, he definitely wants to see your expression when you take a bite. It's his biggest pride and joy to see your expression light up as you hum with approval for how delicious it is.
No matter what he made that day, you would accept it as if it was the best thing you'd received all day, which he always appreciated. He has never needed to use his UM on any food that he gives to you since you love everything he makes! However, whether you know it or not, he would be aware of the foods you dislike so that he can make sure to not use it as an ingredient.
He would be the type to not really give himself a break and he wouldn't understand why you insisted he buy himself a hat every so often or take a break when he had so much to do!
Don't forget that he did spend all his allowance when he was a child so that his little bro could go to a spell driver game. He’s so used to giving things to others but not receiving or treating things to himself.
He would appreciate the concern that you feel like he should treat himself more, but it would take a while for him to fully embrace the concept. It made him feel a little guilty when he could use his resources to make others happy. He's used to keeping the peace and always appeasing others. To be kind to himself is something that doesn't easily occur to him.
Once he is able to accept your gifts and be a little more self-indulgent, he’ll feel a larger sense of self-fulfillment and joy in life that he didn’t realize he needed. He’d be less stressed overall and realize he’s a little more productive while also being more motivated to do tasks he normally would not enjoy.
Azul Ashengrotto
While Azul tends to be a little greedy here and there, he never uses this money for his own material needs. He’s more likely to invest it in the lounge, a deal, a project, or for compensation for something shady lol.
While he likes good things here and there, most of the time he’d have his nose on the grindstone. The workaholic he is will be only focusing on the Monstro Lounge and the numbers for it rather than enjoying the fruits of his labors. So you’d need to convince him to actually use some of his money for himself once and a while. Everyone deserves to treat themselves!
While he loves spoiling you with gifts and buying you all the things you could wish for, you think it’s unfair that only you get to enjoy the results of his hard work. Of course, you’d accept his gifts with joy and happiness, but he deserves to share this happiness with himself too!
However one of the big reasons he loves buying you things is that he loves seeing the look on your face light up when he gives you something. Your eyes basically twinkle like the stars in the sky by how happy and grateful that he would think of you.
Even as you try to coax him to treat himself more, he actually feels guilty using his own money just for himself. He'd rather put it to good use like an investment or something for the lounge. Buying something so frivolous like a new board game, or a coin for his collection seems like a waste when he could use that money for something more productive.
You have to convince him that he doesn't have to spend his money all the time on himself, but he should reward himself for all his hard work with the money he earned. Life is too short to just save all your earnings and never enjoy the fruits of your labor.
He would try to convince you that his investing in the Lounge is treating himself, but you don’t take his loophole as an excuse.
It might be better to just treat him yourself if he gets too stubborn so he can get used to the sensation.
Jade Leech
Especially if you love plant life, happily accepting his gifts would just make his day week. The amount of effort and time he puts into his plants and foraging shows how passionate is is about his hobby, and sharing it with you only makes life so much better.
He loves that you’d appreciate his fascination with mushrooms and accepts his terrarium gifts. He spends hours making sure the terrarium is to your style and aesthetic with the specific flora he specifically foraged from the mountains.
The moment he sees his terrarium flourish in your room, you might notice a big bright smile on his face as he strolls over to it. He wants to make sure his work of art is health and happy just like you, after all.
He used to being mocked by Floyd and Azul for his fascination of mountains, so having some thoroughly enjoy his hobbies is a dream come true.
Out of the Trey and Azul, Jade is most likely to take your encouragement of treating himself. While he works at a brisk and efficient pace, he always seems to prioritize his likes and passion. Like when he has a day off, he always goes out of his way to forage for new things. It would make him super happy if you went along with him. Even if you aren’t fond of the outdoors, he’d be patient and slow down his pace. He’s just ecstatic he can enjoy two things he loves together!
Jade’s cooking skills are just like him, accurate and efficient (especially after seeing him in the culinary crucible). If you try his mushroom dishes and/or dishes he makes with the flora he foraged, it would put him over the moon. Floyd and Azul are tired of his shenanigans and mushrooms that he can’t serve them often at the Lounge, much to his chagrin.
If you don’t love eating mushrooms, it isn’t the end of the world. He might just sneak them in here and there as an experiment. He would make the dish in such a way that non-mushroom lovers would be able tolerate them. Maybe by cutting them up in small bits, or frying them to change their texture (which can be the biggest problem about mushrooms). However, it would mean so much to him if you, a mushroom hater, takes the effort to at least try his mushroom dishes. It really shows that you love him.
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arisuworld · 10 months
1. Strong language (i swear a lot), sarcasm ahead, tough love typa shit. This is meant to be helpful and reassuring but I'm not going to treat y'all like you're made of sugar and talk like I'm from 50 years ago. Deal with it or not.
2. English isn't my first language. So, there can be many grammatical mistakes.
Yes, you read it right. Only you can change your life not your favourite goddess blogger then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ASKING THEM TO MANIFEST FOR YOU? GURLLL REALLY? DO YOU THINK THEY'RE ABOVE YOU? DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LESS OF A GOD JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE NOT ENTERED VOID YET? GURL, you have your whole life ahead you. If you will let some limiting beliefs hold you back from achieving the things you deserve, then that's it. It's done. You're never going to get your desires or desired life and YOU WILL HAVE NO ONE TO BLAME BUT YOURSELVES!!
Now now, do not come for me. I said what I said and I mean it 100%. (And I'll prove it below)
Tell me honestly, why haven't you manifested your desires by now? Why? What's the reason?
So now, who's fault is that? Start taking accountability for your procrastination and lack of persistence. Because if you won't, then you will not be disciplined enough to achieve your desires.
All i want to say is— TIME WON'T STOP FOR YOU! Rather than wasting your time thinking about how others are lucky to enter void at their first try, start affirming and PERSIST IN THEM, BELIEVE IN THEM!! BECAUSE SWEETHEART LISTEN— L I F E G O E S O N ! ! ! STOP WASTING YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS!! AND START WORKING YOUR ASS OFF. and by working, I do not mean to go and start taking action in real life, NO.
1. Make yourself a routine (which is what I'm doing for you right now but anyways). Listen to subliminals or listen to brown, white noise or litteralyyy any music (yes, you can also listen to your favourite song which calms you down). Just anything to calm you down, to relax you, to put you in a good mood.
2. Start AFFIRMING and do not let negative thoughts take over. (Once you start affirming, leave the old story behind because GURRLLL THAT'S NOT YOU ANYMORE!! ALWAYS PERSIST IN THE NEW STORY) You can either do a challenge (like 10k or 20k affirmations) or just affirm robotically for 10 minutes every hour. Saturate your subconscious mind with good and positive affirmations.
3. You can also do the self hypnosis thingy by konniesreality (it's optional)
4. Also, do any meditation or Yoga Nidra at anytime of the day you feel comfortable (It would be better if you do it right before entering void). In my opinion, yoga nidra feels much better (ALSO, DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN ENTER VOID WITH YOGA NIDRA MEDITATION? HEHE) It will clear your mind in minutes. It also relaxes your body. But everyone has different choices, so do whatever feels good for you because that's the major point.
5. At night, set the fucking intention and just go for it.( You can do any method which seems suitable for you) YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE!! TRY TO PUT SOME EFFORTS ONCE IN YOUR LIFE GOD'S SAKE. IT CAN IMPROVE YOUR LIFE OVERALL SO MUCH.
I'm rooting for you baby, I know you can do it. You just need a little hard push and that's what I'm here to do. So listen to your desires and most importantly, listen to yourself. You can do this!!
Good luck y'all <3
{Ps : Idk why but i really love making these rude toxic motivational posts I'm sorry 😭}
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red-dead-do-over246 · 10 months
Hey there! Hope you’re having an amazing day! I wanted to request prompt #108 with Kieran x f!reader!
I think Kieran is treated a lot like he’s helpless but he’s been rolling with outlaws for a long time. I think he’s able to fight, he just chooses not to generally. So I want your take on how he would protect his S/o who, let’s say, is in a life or death situation. Happy ending or not! It’s up to you ❤️
Thank you~!
Hello! I hope you are having a great day as well! I completely agree with you when it comes to Kieran, so I hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it's short!💖
Just a Simple Shopping Trip
You and Kieran go to pick up some more produce for Pearson. However, here in Lemoyne, that's easier said than done.
#108 “When you love something, you protect it.”
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The only reason Kieran got to leave camp is that you were coming with. To "supervise" him per Dutch's words and everyone else's for that matter. And Kieran didn't even understand why they believed he needed to be watched by someone.
He's proved himself and doesn't plan to betray anyone.
Especially you.
Out of all the gang members, you were the one who's treated him the fairest. How could Kieran not want to be around someone so kind? Of course, he's got a soft heart when it comes to others. It was a part of his nature, to be timid and kind. At least, that's what everyone sees in the young man.
"Do you want me to drive?" Kieran asked in that nervous tone of his when you finally came over to the wagon. He was in the middle of tacking up the horses.
"Sure. I'm best to keep guard anyway." You said with a smirk as you stepped up on the wagon. Kieran's eyes followed you as he tried not to take offense to that.
Then he patted the horses and hopped up on the driver's seat before flicking the reins.
"...but they still don't trust me. I didn't need no chaperone." Kieran complained to you as you guys made your way back from Rhodes. The shopping trip went well, everything was accounted for, and you guys got things done, but now was the hard part.
Which was getting home with all your goods.
Kieran was letting some of his feelings and frustrations out while you listened. Truthfully, you were the only one who would let him do this, and you would listen without mockery or scowling. It was another reason he enjoyed being around you.
"Your feelings are validated. I'm sorry, Kieran. I wish I could make people think otherwise." You said with a sad tone, causing his heart to flutter a little.
"It's alright. I'm just glad it was you who came with me. Any of the others would've probably slit my throat and threw me in the ditch." He said, shuddering a little. You laughed a little, despite the truth to his statement, and flustered a little at his words.
"To be honest...they probably would have done the same to me when I first joined the gang." You whispered, subconsciously nudging your shoulder against his.
"What?!" He said in shock. Kieran never knew how you came to join the gang. It was something you never really brought up after you guys got closer. Now he was interested, and you guys still had a bit of a ride to get to camp. You stared ahead at the road, a faraway look in your eyes, like the topic was hard to talk about.
"Hello there!"
A forceful cheery voice interrupted your conversation, and you guys noticed that a group of men on horseback had come to ride beside your wagon. Kieran immediately tensed, thinking the O'Driscolls, but then recognized the Lemoyne Raiders.
Still an unfortunate situation.
"Can we help you?" Your voice was strong and Kieran tightened his grip on the reins to ready for a quick getaway. The Lemoyne Raiders started giving their whole spiel; about how this was their turf, and how you needed to pay up, and blah blah blah.
"We ain't giving you nothing!" You spat at the closest man, who growled at you.
"Get 'em!"
The sound of gunshots and frightened horses entered Kieran's senses, and he barely had control of the wagon as the commotion started. He tried his best to steer and avoid bullets as best as possible, but the horse riders flanking him made that difficult. You had your gun out, and was trying to shoot back, but Kieran's driving made that rather difficult.
Suddenly, one of the men hoped from their horse and into the back of the wagon. Panic overtook Kieran tenfold when said man grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and dragged you back. You kicked, struggled, and cursed at the raider as he put you in a choke hold.
That moment seemed to slow for Kieran.
For a moment, he didn't care about the gang's threats. He didn't care that they didn't seem to care about him. All his fear about all of it went away in that moment. Right now, all he saw was that your life was in danger if he didn't act. And it caused him to do something that he hasn't had to do in a long while.
The man who was holding you soon slumped to the ground with a bullet wound smack-dab in the middle of his chest. Blood was seeping out of it and around your feet. Now time seemed to slow for you as you turned to look from the dead body to the man who just saved your life.
Kieran still had the revolver aimed, smoke coming out of the barrel, as a determined and fiery look came to his face.
He looked like an entirely different man.
The other raiders seemed to be stunned by this as well because they ceased shooting just long enough for you to whip out your gun and finish them off. Once the bodies dropped and the horses ran off, Kieran slowed the wagon, giving you time to crawl back over and sit next to him. Then, since the chaos made you guys run off the path, Kieran took the time driving you guys back in the right direction.
"Thank you...for saving me." You said, your voice barely audible as you looked down at your hands, which were shaking. Sure, you've been in bad situations before, but something about this encounter made you emotional.
Tears began to blur your eyes, but you noticed his hand reach over to grip yours, steadying it.
“When you love something, you protect it.” Kieran told you, his voice not wavering as his hand moved to your back, rubbing it gently as the tears flowed freely now.
"I...I don't know why...I was so scared..." Your lip quivered as you admitted yourself.
"And that's okay..." He told you, repeating what you used to say to him many times over.
The rest of the ride was a comfortable silent. Kieran was comforting you as you broke down from what just happened. You were trying to figure out why this caused a reaction out of you, and then you finally pinned it.
It was Kieran.
You sometimes forget that he was with a bunch of outlaws before this gang. He knew how to shoot, how to kill. However, he was always so gentle with you, with the horses, and generally everyone that you completely forgot what he could be capable of. Seeing that side of him just made you emotional, knowing that he would do anything for you.
It made you love him even more.
When you guys arrived at camp, eyes were on you both as you wiped away your tears. For a second, people thought that Kieran caused your tears and were ready to shoot him right then and there. However, when you guys stepped off, he moved to hug you. You hugged him back tightly, nuzzling your face into his neck as you gripped onto him for dear life. He rubbed your back and whispered sweet things to you.
Arthur came over to grab the supplies, wondering what the hell happened out there. By eavesdropping when he walked by, he heard Kieran say things like "it'll be okay", "they can't get you anymore", and "I will protect you."
The outlaw still didn't have the slightest idea what happened, but he got the insight on one thing that made him feel good.
Kieran was definitely strong enough to keep you safe.
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east-polaris · 5 days
Some thoughts on the last few Magnus Protocol episodes as I’ve just now gotten caught up
- feels rather cruel to have Alice be shaken up by her experience with The Horrors and worried that she’s going to get hurt by interacting with them and then give her a statement about someone who was shaken up by their experience with The Horrors and then died because of their interaction with them
- also return and voice of Ink5oul! Hey girlie!
- the fact that Madame E’s last video was just titled “help” made me giggle at first but then o thought about it more and. This is a person who uses excessive words on everything she says. Her vocabulary is loaded with filler and slang, so for this video to just have a one word title? Yeah you know shits about to go down
-Gwen girlie I hate to agree with Lena but they are Calle externals for a reason
- I am so curious about what’s going on with Celia. Like did she just wake up on a railroad track like an old times super villain put her there?
- And where does Celia keep disappearing to? She missed her date with Sam, she had to run out on her child, what’s going on?
- The statement in 17 is wild I was so confused at the beginning and I’ll be honest I’m still not sure what was happening there
- I know for a fact that people have pointed this out already but Jon and Martin?? In the therapy waiting room? Little Jon and Martin as a treat?? I hope it was them god knows they need the therapy
- this statement reminds me of when Jon said man I wish we had that guy who could take peoples bones out and Melanie said you’ll never guess who were keeping in the basement
- shout out to that housekeeper for getting the hell out of there I respect her for that
- making eye contact while falling down the stairs and breaking all your bones sounds very impressive and also hilarious someone please animate that
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- CELIA HELLO??? Is this conformation that she’s from the other dimension??
- haha jmj error
- I like to imagine that a jmj error happens when Jon Martin and Jonah are arguing about which case to give them
- “no Jonah you can’t give her that one that’s way too similar to what she went through she’ll freak out” “exactly we can watch her fear” “no you elitist prick that’s so rude cut it out or I’ll kill you again”
- why is Celia saying she’s seen Colin?
- Teddy is being so suspicious why is he saying everything like he’s looking from side to side shiftily the whole time
- Lena you can’t call a child an it that’s rude
- unless she knows something that we don’t…
- can’t believe they started to open up to each other and it went horribly wrong
- I don’t think we’ve ever heard Sam like that before, like I couldn’t tell who it was for a second
- actually, i couldn’t confidently tell you that we’ve ever heard someone laugh that hard in the entire podcast
- can you really blame him though? “Monsters are working for our government organization and one of them is Barney.” Wild.
-I do hope he apologizes though cause that wasn’t really cool of him
- Also is that our first f-bomb of the season?
- I think that Georgie might also be from the other dimension. Why else would she be so concerned about the government stalking her? That does beg the question, where is Melanie?
Thank you for listening to me ramble I had a lot on my brain
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