#vld veronica
cluelesslesbian · 2 years
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domestic veracxa where they can finally relax enough to sleep in without a care in the world?? yeah <3
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nvlanc · 3 months
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very very long overdue veracxa post done for Queens of the Night: A Veracxa Zine
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mushed-kid · 5 months
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voltron as textposts etc. 2
(i’m making even more rn so they will be posted later!)
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pidges-lost-robot · 2 months
Fucking side plot that gets flashbacked to throughout the shows run (instead of just like season 7) where its revealed that Adam finally recognised who Pidge was and before she got away to the roof, he let her know he was gonna contact her mother so she knew where her kid was and in the process of this ends up informing Iverson but before they can do anything, Shiro crash lands and the pilot episode takes place and the garrison trio go missing and we watch on Earth as Adam, Veronica, Colleen and the MFE pilots work to try and discover all that Keith and Pidge discovered before the first episode and to find out what happened to them and maybe try to get them back.
I want the stakes on earth to exist throughout, an ecosystem of the Garrison to exist that the trio are aware of and interact with before they leave, so we get a better idea of the people left back on Earth and what they're doing. I wanna know their families like they do. It doesn't have to be that I get a full on list for them all but like I just want there to be this existing world they come from cause as much as I actually can't fault the first episode on a huge amount, this is one of those things cause if I was rewriting it to have the lions discovered throughout season 1, I'd need that time for something and it's something the show lacks anyway
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i think about the McClain’s siblings so much it’s not funny anymore
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(from left to right : 17yo Luis, 13yo Veronica, 7yo Rachel, 7yo Lance, 16yo Marco) this is not canon backstory, it is for the fanfic thingy i’m working on
(i also have an instagram now wow : purplina_drawing.book)
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nightmare727 · 1 year
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Fuck you *queers your voltron characters*
Hi. Here are my queer headcanons for voltron characters in no particular order. These are purely vibes based I mostly have no logic
Lance: bisexual - trans man - he/him
Keith: gay - trans man - he/him
Pidge: aroace - non-binary or genderfluid I can't pick - any pronouns? Either that or mirror pronouns
Hunk: panromantic asexual - cis man - he/him
Shiro: gay (obviously) - cis man - he/they
I have many thoughts about sexuality/gender hcs for literally any aliens because of how labels transfer over etc etc also in my heart Altea didnt have the emphasis on labels and other junk like we do. So any queer hcs for aliens are just the closest to what I think theyd be, and if they're altean theyre unlabelled but I used what I'd choose if I had to assign labels based on what fits best
Allura - pansexual - demigirl - she/her
Coran - bisexual/pansexual - transmasc - he/him
Lotor <3: gay - transmasc/demiboy - he/they/it
Acxa: lesbian - non-binary - she/her
Veronica - bisexual - cis woman - she/her
Also, Acxa and Veronica are dating, and that's on that
Uhh yeah thats it for now. Maybe I'll post more later idk just had to get these out of my system
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crioh-freeze · 3 months
What if Lance puts all of his trinkets into a special box that he hides, so if someone were to ever break in, they couldn't find said box.
One day, Veronica finds Lance and crew in space, and after all the crying and REALLY quick catching up, Lance's face brightens up all of a sudden, and he bolts off yelling "Ome second!!" As he sprints down the hall.
When he gets back, box in hand (no one else has seen this, Keith has only heard about this box), he opens it and explains where exactly each and every item in the box came from and why he chose it specifically. He explains this to Veronica, who very swiftly realizes he got it from her.
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discordiansamba · 3 months
chapter seventeen of flicker is done!
"-to keep an eye on you." As the Admiral left, James dropped his salute and narrowed his eyes. He'd only caught the tail end of what she'd said to Keith, but he didn't think catching the first part would leave him any less confused. What did she mean, she was having someone keep an eye on Keith?
or read from the beginning:
Keith Kogane has always known that his luck was bad. He didn't need anyone to tell him that. But getting mixed up in an alien invasion? Yeah, that was a little worse than he'd anticipated. (or, Keith never becomes a paladin and is around for Sendak's invasion of Earth)
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silentwillowwhisperer · 3 months
Okay do you agree with me that we were severely deprived of Ezor, Zethrid, Axca, and Veronica content? Because they would be the ultimate lesbian squad like
Do not even. Get. Me. Started.
Too late.
(warning: this is a loooooong post.)
My poor girls, they were so perfect! And don't forget Narti (blind lizard gal) because as much as I think Lotor's whole villain arc thingy was dumb, I will NEVER forgive him for killing her. Never ever ever.
I do refer to them as Lotor and the Lesbians in my head, so I think it's pretty clear what I think about them. (Small note: If they were a band that would be their name.)
And Veronica! She was so cool! You know she steals all the girls her brothers bring home. Like, 'Oh you met someone cool at work? I'm just gonna take her off your hands...' Let's be real, if Veronica was not a fictional character, she would be a notorious lady charmer.
And COME ON. Ezor and Zethrid were LITERALLY DATING. I will take NO ARGUEMENTS. Do we not remember that whole episode where Zethrid went berserk on the paladins cuz she thought Ezor was dead?? And how they looked lovingly into each other's eyes? They had an END SCENE together! Well, it wasn't about them, it was that thing about Keith taking over command of the blade but WHAT-EVER. They were 2 feet away from each other because they were inseparable and in. love.
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look at them.
Wait I can do better:
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I'm gonna scream.
And, yeah, they were technically canon but this doesn't count. If Shiro and the dude he married (..Curtis?) get a canon kiss then so do Ezor and Zethrid.
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Before I start my little spiel and Veronica and Acxa, I'm just gonna leave a picture of Narti here for those of you who don't remember her.
She was the one without eyes who could see through the eyes of her cat (honestly so real in a fictional way, love that for her).
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Ringing any bells? Yeah, I cried when she died. (I made a rhyme!)
Veronica and Acxa. They would have been SO CUTE together. And even if they didn't get together, at the very least they should have been best friends. Like the kind of best friends where Acxa is adopted into the McClain family to the point at which she can always be found there just chilling in their house like she owns the place. The kind of best friends that finish each other's sentences and know EVERYTHING about each other. GUYS. This was the VISION.
And you know what? I gonna put a picture of them here in just a sec, but you ALL know what I'm talking about when I say that they had a klance-style bonding moment.
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Do not even try to tell me that they did not have potential. They're making awkward love eyes at each other.
(Also, the limited fanart that exists of them is SO. CUTE.)
Honestly, if the show really wanted to show representation that bad, then why couldn't these ships be real? Adam is great and all that, but if we're going to introduce a queer relationship in the name of representation, then maybe don't kill him off for the sake of drama after only about 5 minutes total screentime.
In fact, Shiro's whole thing was messed up. Yes, I get that he's a queer icon, but why are these things being forced on him? Instead of putting him with another character that also only got 5 minutes of screentime, maybe his end scene could be something like, 'Shiro went and finally got the therapy he deserved' or 'Shiro and Keith spent quality time together now that they were no longer separated' or even, 'Shiro retired from military business and built a comfortable life for himself as a coffee shop owner.'
He. Does. Not. Need. No. Man.
Based on the fact that he still has that Garrison-issued arm, he is still in relations with them in some way. And maybe he quit and just got to keep the arm, but that needed to be specified. Are we forgetting his previous trauma? His periodic flashbacks? The fact that his body was taken over by alien life and used to INJURE HIS YOUNGER BROTHER? The very same brother that he was a role model to?
And maybe we could have kicked Lance's scene out and instead shown him with his family? That would have been a great place to insert Veronica and show them actually bonding like family. Did anyone else find it weird that we got basically no scenes of them interacting in space? With their personalities, they should have been gossiping and having spa days left and right, but there was nothing of the sort.
Wait, I'm sorry, I got off topic.
Where was I? Oh yeah.
The most talked about example of queerbaiting is always Klance because as main characters, they're in the spotlight, but these closeted lesbians do in fact exist.
Why did we get Allurance but not Ezor and Zethrid? They were SO CLEARLY compatible and they weren't toxic to each other like Allura and Lance. My main argument against that ship is because of Klance, it's because Allura had just lost someone important and rebounded to Lance, and Lance constantly tried to be the rock for her that she wasn't ready to lean on. He finally had what he wanted from day 1, and realized that if he really wanted it to continue, he would have to change in ways he wasn't ready for.
If that kind of relationship gets a kiss, then Ezor and Zethrid should get one too. They spent their whole time on the show supporting and relying on each other.
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"i can fix him" "i can make him worse" what about "i am sorry all i can offer you is a choice and a chance. I hope it is enough" To a character who was never given either choice or a chance before? What about it huh? What about it????
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
parts 1 2
For most of Luis’s life, he’s known walking through the faded purple front door of the house he’s grown up in means he will be assaulted by noise. For so many years, he would even hear the sounds of yelling and banging and general chaos before he even made it up the steps. Several siblings tended to to that, he supposes. His key in the lock meant prepare for a whirlwind of motion and sound, for rapid Spanish and crashing sounds of clumsy people walking into each other and the calamity of home.
He tenses, even now, walking through that front door, reflexively preparing for an onslaught of noise that doesn’t come. Even though he struggled to get the key through the lock with one hand, the other holding a tired Lance, he prepared without realising what he was doing, only to become violently aware of the silence as he kicks the door shut behind him.
He freezes, right there in front of the door, keys and diaper bag clutched in one hand, Lancito gently cradled in the other, head resting on Luis’ shoulder and thumb stuck in his mouth.
It has been months, since his parents…since his parents. A new year has passed. A quiet, silent Christmas, locked in their own rooms. He has walked in with a child in his arms, after stopping at the campus daycare for the first time this semester, no different than what he’s been doing for the entirety of last semester. There is no reason for him to have walked into his home and forgotten, however briefly, how empty and quiet their home has become. (It feels, vaguely, like one of the first crisp days of autumn, stepping out of your house in the early morning and smelling the almost-frosty air, and blinking away the sudden memory of October when you were eight. Like the sudden snap out of your past, the trippy feeling of walking up in the present without realizing how far your nostalgia had driven you out of it. Startling and aching, really, the direct comparison).
Lance makes a whiny noise in the back of his throat, startling Luis into action. He starts to bounce the toddler, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he slips off his shoes and sets the diaper bag by the door.
“I know, I know, baby. Let’s go sit down for a bit.”
Lance is very…clingy.
All of them are, in some way. Rachel has just turned fifteen years old, but Luis wakes up to find her curled up at the foot of his bed more than twice a week, driven out of her room by something she refuses to voice. Marco spends every lunch period situated in the school office, hogging the phone to methodically call the rest of them to make sure they’re alive. Veronica cleans, obsessively, sorting through everyone’s things and scrubbing everything she can get her hands on like she can leave her imprint on them for when she’s not there.
“Yes, yes, I hear you.” Lance whines louder when Luis sets him down on the couch, babbling something nonsensical but stern enough on Luis’s direction that he cracks a smile. “Yeesh, do we need that tone? I’m just putting a movie on.”
He nonetheless tries to hurry things up, lest Lance get too antsy and start to cry. Once Finding Nemo starts playing — and Jesus fuck everyone in the household hates that movie so fucking bad, at this point, but it is the only fucking movie that Lance will watch and that keeps him calm — he scoops the toddler back up, collapsing back on the couch and tucking him under his arm. Lance snuggles into him easily, little elbows digging into Luis’ skin as he settles himself, and let’s put a huge, long sigh once he stills.
Luis snorts. “Stressful day at work, pal?”
“Shhhh,” Lance hushes, flailing a hand at Luis’ face area, presumably aiming for his mouth. “Nene. Sh.”
Worryingly, even at fourteen months old, Lance hasn’t really begun to talk. They’ve yet to hear him form any actual words, let alone a real sentence, in either of the languages used around him. But he has several vocalizations for things he wants — nana for food, nene for Nemo, and regular old toddler ‘no’. Lots of ‘n’ sounds. They’re saving up to take him to a specialist, but for now they just try to encourage any sounds he makes that are word-like.
“Okay,” Luis mumbles, kissing Lance’s palm. He hums, distractedly patting Luis’ cheek, eyes trained on the blue of the TV as if it’s the first time he’s seen the movie instead of the three billionth. “I’ll be quiet for Nemo.”
He lets his eyes unfocus on the screen in front of him, mind wandering, slow and lethargic. He can hear the ticking of the clock from the kitchen, almost echoing in how loud it is. It makes him tired, slow; the only time he used to hear it as a kid was on late summer nights, up late, falling asleep on the kitchen table as his mother hummed in the kitchen, making fried plantains with the fruit she’d gotten in the morning market. Lance’s weight is heavy on his side, tired and burnt out as he is, and the ebb and flow of the movie is numbingly familiar, and clock ticks steady. Tick, tick, tick.
“Luis.” He whines, low and rumbly as something pokes his shoulder. “Luis, dorkbrain, get up.”
He groans, louder this time, cracking open one bleary eye. His eyes burn, contacts dried out, but he can make out the blurry outline of his sister, mouth twisted in a half-smile, grease smeared across her nose.
“Get up, doofus. You left the baby unsupervised.”
The words take a moment to register, but he shoots up in panic when they do. He looks frantically around the room, sighing in relief when he finds Lance sitting quietly in the corner, playing with his toy planes. He’s making tiny little crash noises every time he crashes then into each other, walking one of Rachel’s old Polly Pockets across the scene and giggling to himself.
“Jesus H. Christ,” he mutters, dragging a hand down his face as the panic starts to seep from his heart. “You fuckin’ scared me, Ronnie.”
She smirks. “And I’ll be doing it again.”
Luis decides not to tell her about the face grease. He was going to, but now she can suffer for being a dickhead. Maybe she’ll even break out.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
He glances over at Lance again, just to double-check, but he’s still playing happily by himself, so he gets to his feet.
“C’mon,” he says, inclining his head towards the kitchen. “Kids’ll be home soon. Let’s make dinner.”
“Dibs on not doing cooking!” Veronica’s hand flies to her nose, cackling at Luis’ indignance.”
“Hey! Dinner is a shared endeavour! You can’t just dibs on not doing it!”
“Can too, loser! C’mere, Lancey-baby.” She scoops him up, planes and Pollys and all, and lugs him too the kitchen.
“Using the baby to avoid arguments is illegal.”
“Eat my farts, lunch boy.”
“That’s a stupid insult,” Luis mutters to himself, glaring at his sister one last time before turning to the fridge. She ignores him gleefully, picking up a plane and gently crashing it against the one Lance is holding. Instead of any amusement, he looks at her in such comical offense, gobsmacked that his sister would have the audacity to smack around his planes, that the young mechanic’s apprentice bursts out laughing. She hunches over, wheezing, as Lance scolds her in baby-talk.
Rolling his eyes fondly, he turns back to the fridge, finally opening the door and glancing inside.
If his life was a cartoon, there would be tumbleweeds rolling through the white, cooled shelves. That’s how fuckin’ bare it is.
“Well that’s…not good,” Veronica says when Luis fails to say anything.
Luis swallows roughly. “We forgot to budget for fucking groceries this month.”
Veronica hangs her head. “Fuck.” Even little Lance goes quiet, look between them in concern, bottom lip stuck out and trembling. Veronica reaches out a hand and brushes through his hair to comfort him, which kind of works. He abandons his toys to curl into her, thumb back in his mouth.
Luis opens and closes the fridge three separate times, hoping food will magically appear. When that doesn’t work, he wonders if he can make soup out of ketchup, or something. Add onion skin for flavours.
“We’re not cut out for this, Ron.”
She laughs sharply. “Yeah, no shit.”
She opens her mouth again, and from the look in her face Luis knows she’s about to say something dumb, so he beats her to the punch.
“I’m quitting school,” he blurts.
She blinks in shock. A second later her eyes narrow, and her face goes steely. “Like fucking hell you are.”
Luis sighs. He turns, slightly, reaching over and grabbing Lance from her arms. He bounces him gently, leaning in and blowing raspberries onto his cheek so he doesn’t have to look at Vero.
“My tuition eats up half of our funds,” he says quietly. “And the library job barely puts a dent in it. I can’t…if I don’t have as many hours in school, I can get a job that’ll get me money fast, and I can —”
Before he can finish, and before Veronica can argue, the sound of the lock turning in the front door interrupts them both. There’s no giggling, no banter, no even squabbling as Rachel and Marco walk through the door.
There hasn’t been.
Luis would trade anything to have it back.
“Hi,” Marco says slowly, reading the tension in the room. “Everything…okay?”
Luis smiles tightly. “Fine, buddy. We were just talking.”
Marco’s expression flattens. “I’m not stupid, Luis.”
“I know.” A beat. “It’s just nothing for you to stress about.”
Marco says nothing for a moment, staring at Luis flatly, before he tosses his backpack agains the wall and squares his shoulders.
“We are four and six years younger then you,” he starts. Rachel nods resolutely beside him. “We’ve been — obviously we’re not doing super stellar. I know the fridge is empty. And that you cried over the mortgage last night. And we heard you arguing from outside.”
Luis and Veronica look at each other guiltily.
Rachel stares at them, eyes flat and annoyed, fingers pinching the bridge of her noise. She hasn’t spoken in months, but Luis has learnt to read her unspoken — that’s a bitch, please if he’s ever heard one.
“Stop apologizing for stupid shit,” Marco says for her. “We’re not trying to make you feel guilty. We’re trying to say that we can help.”
“Not your job,” Veronica says immediately. “Your job is graduate highschool and develop your brain.”
“Not a single person here is done developing!” Marco explodes. “All of us are still fucking growing! We lost our fucking parents, all of us, and instead of letting us be a part of the solution you’re blocking us out and treating us like babies!”
“Wanting you to be safe is not babying you,” Luis says shortly.
“Oh, did you read that in one of your parenting books?”
Yes, actually. He did. But he’s annoyed that Marco knows about those, so he pretends he didn’t hear like the mature grownup he is.
“Piss off,” he says, like an adult.
“Yeah,” Veronica agrees. “We’re the adults, and we say cool it with the crazy talk.”
Marco glares harshly at them. Rachel joins him. Lance makes a short, cut-off whine, turning to shove his face in Luis’ neck. His hands come up to pat his back reflexively.
“I quit violin lessons,” Marco says eventually.
Luis’ jaw drops. Veronica joins his indignation.
“What?!” she shouts.
Luis feels like something is wrapped around his throat, choking him. His heartbeat pounds in his ears. The desperate hope he’s been clinging too, the goals to get Marco and Rachel and Vero everywhere they want to go in life, come crashing to the ground around him.
“Julliard,” he says weakly. He can’t force his voice to say anything further.
Marco juts put his chin. “They were two hundred dollars per session. I talked to my tutor. She said…” he trails off slightly, voice getting gravelly, but gathers himself again when Rachel grabs his arm and squeezes. “She wrote a reference letter for me,” he continues softly. “Even though I’m only a junior. And she’s apparently been talking to the admission staff since I first started taking lessons with her. As long as I keep practicing every day, she says I have nothing to worry about. But I’ll have time for a part time job, now. On weekends at least.” He locks eyes with Luis. “Don’t fucking quit school, stupid.“
Luis holds his gaze for several minutes. He wants to contest it all. He wants Marco to take his lessons every day and come back exhilarated, like he always used to. He wants Veronica to focus on building projects in the garage in her free time, instead of picking up hours to blow through her apprenticeship as quickly as possible. He wants to hear Rachel’s voice again. He wants Lance to stop flinching every time things get even playfully tense.
But there are things he can get, and things he cannot.
“Okay,” he says softly. “Okay.”
Plans will have to change. He graduates in a few months, so long as his final courses go well. The original plan was med school, but that’s obviously no longer an option. Not with everything.
But if Marco can adapt, so can he.
“We’ll work things out,” he says, trying to channel his father’s voice. It must work, somehow, because Veronica smiles in that bitter way of hers, that she does when she remembers.
“Of course we can.”
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maiz-of-light · 2 months
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Veronica McClain as Helena Bertinelli/Huntress
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erithel · 1 year
If veronica hears about the team (especially hunk and pidge) bullying lance, i would like to see her call them out
This is definitely a common theme among the fandom.
I know for a fact that I've gotten previous asks that have a similar tone (but I am way to lazy to go and find them lol).
I think it's a very common thing to want that kind of justice for characters you feel have been wronged. It gives people hope that maybe someone will stand up for people who are being bullied and looked down on in real life, too.
And yet it's really not a trope we see too often in shows or movies.
I think that has to do with the fact that - if this type of outburst is not done correctly - it can make the bullied character seem as if they are not able to stand on their own, or fight their own battles.
Would it have given the audience a sense of justice and satisfaction if Veronica had gone off on the team and everyone else who had belittled her brother? Yeah, in theory.
But with the way the show was canonly handled...
That may have just amplified the showrunner's opinions that Lance was the weakest member of the team.
Honestly the one thing I wish we had seen more of in the show was just actual conversations between the characters.
I would have loved to see Veronica and Lance actually talking with each other. Because then maybe we could have seen Lance opening up and being vulnerable with her, and we could have seen Veronica's anger and outrage channeled into support and love for her brother.
Because if there's one thing I've learned recently, it's that no matter how much you may want to jump in and fix everything, sometimes the best thing for you to do is simply show someone you are there for them. To let them know that they are not alone. To give them the strength to stand up for themself - or to give them the courage to ask for help if they really need it.
This wasn't even a Ted Talk. Um...welcome to my therapy session, I guess.
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allurcat · 2 years
i just think it very dear to think how lance planned keith birthday when they were back in earth and actually knew what day, month and year it was.
keith is born near halloween, so lance made the mini birthday party around that concept and got shiro, pidge, allura, coran, hunk, adam (YES HES ALIVE OK), and veronica together to decorate their apartment all halloweeny and stuff
it wasn’t a surprise party as he knows keith well and he doesn’t like that so keith knew lance was doing a mini thing for him based around halloween but he didn’t expect all the decorations, games food and drinks to be there
keith tries his best not to cry in the whole process as he hasn’t celebrated his birthday ever since his dad passed away when he was 8
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dawn-of-adira · 7 months
This has been on ao3 since July, but I'm fairly new to tumblr and figured I may as well post it over here too
This is my Klance time travel, fake dating, POV outsider fic! Part one of the series. Summary under the cut
“Hunk!” Lance exclaims, kicking off his tangled blankets. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“You fell outta bed, man,” Hunk says sympathetically. “Sounded like you were having a nightmare.”
“No, no!” Lance scrambles to his feet and throws the pile of blankets onto his bed. “Before that! With Honerva, and the Alteans…”
Lance trails off, looking around the room. “Hunk, buddy, where am I?”
Hunk gives up entirely on his homework. “We’re at the Garrison. Where we’ve been for the past few years? You doing alright? You look kinda woozy.”
OR: Lance and Keith are sent back to the beginning before ever knowing how the story ends
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