#violet sign
theextendedzodiacas · 3 months
What would Aquago horns look like?
great question! here's some ideas:
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poffim · 4 months
Ukulele pichu :)
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So nostalgic I loved this game ;0;
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juustozzi · 4 months
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full of anxiety & ready to blow
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wlwcatalogue · 11 months
Yuri Subtext (?) Anime List
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A supplement to my earlier yuri anime masterlist, this list covers anime which aren’t marketed as yuri but which prominently feature F/F pairs, whether canonical or subtext! Since subtext is so subjective, this post only includes series which I’ve actually watched, and so is by no means intended to be comprehensive.
Also, since the above description would not cover certain series with well-known yuri pairings, I've also included a few "bonus rounds" for the curious (although these are still limited to series I have watched).
At-a-glance list:
Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997)
NOIR (26 episodes, 2001)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011)
Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002)
.hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002)
Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (24 episodes, 2022)
Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010)
Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016)
Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019)
Canaan (13 episodes, 2009)
Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008)
Bonus rounds:
Sailor Moon S3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext)
Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon)
Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon)
Summaries under the cut!
1. Revolutionary Girl Utena (39 episodes + 1 movie, 1997) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Copied from the Yuri Anime Masterlist post, since technically it wasn’t marketed as yuri)
When she was a child, Tenjou Utena (Kawakami Tomoko) was saved by a passerby prince, so she decided that she too wanted to become a prince as an adult. Fast forward to high school, and she hasn’t forgotten that conviction: Utena gets sucked into a series of duels while trying to protect her best friend’s honour. After winning the first duel, she becomes ‘engaged’ to the eccentric “Rose Bride” Himemiya Anthy (Fuchizaki Yuriko), and the two start living together in the same dormitory.
First things first: there are a million content warnings for this series, including implied rape, sexual assault, incest, and homophobia. Although the issues are handled well (in my opinion), it does go to very dark places, so those wanting a light, fun anime to unwind to should look elsewhere. Second, this series is very much a psychological drama utilising the episodic duels as a way of hone in on Utena’s opponents and their stories, so Utena and Anthy’s relationship – though important – is definitely not the focus of the anime. Third, the TV series is limited to hinting at the romantic relationship between Utena and Anthy, not to mention that they spend most of the series being little more than acquaintances rather than actual friends. The movie Adolescence (which can be taken as a retelling or sequel, depending on your perspective) is much more explicit on this front, but also suffers from a significantly shorter runtime and a much more opaque approach to storytelling.
That being said! If you’re okay with all of the above, this series is pretty much essential. The simplistic premise belies a much more complex and nuanced story about gender roles, sexuality, and human relationships and remains one of the smartest anime ever made, over twenty years on.
2. NOIR (26 episodes, 2001) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The first in anime studio Bee Train’s “girls with guns” trilogy, NOIR follows globetrotting assassin duo Mireille Bouquet (Mitsuishi Kotono) and Yuumura Kirika (Kuwashima Houko) as they partner up to search for Kirika’s missing memories and the truth behind Mireille’s parents’ deaths. The series is pleasingly restrained despite the sensational premise, alternating between “business trips” to far-flung locations and snapshots of the pair’s domestic life in Mireille’s Paris apartment, and devoting more time to the unfolding of the relationship between the prickly Mireille and puppy-like Kirika than to action sequences. I won't say too much due to spoilers, but their relationship numbers among my favorites due to how naturally it is developed throughout and how it is very much at the heart of the series both narratively and thematically.
This is also the first anime soundtrack entirely composed by the legendary Kajiura Yuki, heralding a long collaboration with director Mashimo Kouichi, and her mix of classical and modern sounds provides the perfect accompaniment to NOIR’s atmospheric cityscapes. Also, for fans of Mitsuishi’s work (Sailor Moon! Utena! Evangelion!), I’d say NOIR is a must-watch for her performance alone; her Mireille is brittle and proud, and she brings so much humanity and nuance to the role. In fact, I don’t care if you’re a fan of Mitsuishi or Kajiura or assassins or whatever, please just try the first episode— this anime deserves way more love!
3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 episodes, 2011) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica opens with ordinary middle school girl Kaname Madoka (Yuuki Aoi) standing in the ruins of her hometown, watching as a lone girl struggles to defend what remains of the city against a much more powerful enemy. A little rabbit-like creature informs Madoka that the girl is sure to lose without her help, and so Madoka decides to become a magical girl right then and there— at which point she wakes up and dismisses it as a strange nightmare. But then that very day, her school receives a new transfer student who looks just like that mysterious girl, and she also finds a hurt animal that closely resembles the rabbit-like creature from her dream. Madoka is then faced with certain questions: do magical girls actually exist, and will she become one herself?
Since Madoka Magica was all the rage back in the early 2010s, I don’t think it too much of a spoiler to say that the cheery first three episodes hide a dark, gritty story which uses the concept of magical girls to explore the tumultuousness of adolescence. The queer subtext only comes in at the end but tight plotting and inventive presentation make this show a quick watch— and if you’re the type who likes queerness in fiction to be intense, world-shakingly significant, and a wee bit problematic, the payoff should be more than enough. A word of warning: there is a movie sequel called Rebellion, but if you’re happy with the ending of the anime, it’s best not to watch it (although I love the movie, myself).
Side note: I won’t go into it too much due to spoilers but if you liked Madoka Magica you might want to check out Serial Experiments Lain – even if most of it is utterly incomprehensible (as it was to me), it’s worth watching until the very end (wink). Also, for the rare fan of Rebellion, Adolescence of Utena is a must-watch if you haven’t checked it out already; so much can be said about its conceptual and aesthetic influences on Rebellion!
4. Haibane Renmei (13 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: slight spoilers about the tone and overall themes of the show – but I think it’s necessary for the purpose of writing a more representative summary.)
Written by ABe Yoshitoshi – character designer of cult classic anime Serial Experiments Lain and author of the very unfinished manga which this show adapts and significantly develops – Haibane Renmei starts off as a light-fantasy slice-of-life anime following freshly-arrived Rakka (Hirohashi Ryou) as she searches for a suitable job in the town of Glie, before transforming into a nuanced exploration of grief and depression about halfway through. To say more would be really too spoilery, but I just want to say that this has probably the most grounded and sensitive depiction of depression I have seen in an anime; it shows that sometimes people struggle even if everyone around them is kind and supportive, but remains hopeful about the healing power of time and understanding. The subtext is between the protagonist and Reki (Noda Junko), the first person she meets, who also helps her get acclimatised to her new life in Glie. Again, I won’t say more, but their relationship really is wonderful. That being said, this show does touch upon suicide and suicidal ideation in the course of discussing these themes, so please steer clear if that is something you are wary of.
5. .hack//SIGN (26 episodes, 2002) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A standalone spinoff of the .hack PS2 games, this show was the most well-known anime about players getting trapped inside a multiplayer game before Sword Art Online’s arrival in 2012 (ironically, Kajiura Yuki composed the music for both). Rather than being an action-adventure story about a heroic protagonist trying to find a way back to the real world, SIGN stands out as an introspective piece, far more interested in the psychology of those who play online games and the issues of human connection and identity. In fact, the female protagonist is all too happy to remain within the MMORPG as male player-avatar Tsukasa (Saiga Mitsuki) after becoming unable to log out; the story is more about how the player grows to accept the real world with the help of the other players she meets, rather than about figuring out the exit route.
On the F/F side, some way into the series, Tsukasa makes an instant connection with fellow player-character Subaru (Nazuka Kaori) and they soon start spending a lot of time together. I really love their scenes together; the series' masterful use of body language, framing, and music all comes together to create these beautifully tender moments of intimacy. Although there’s no kiss scene nor explicit discussion of dating etc., a lot of the other characters talk about their relationship and perceive it as being romantic, to the point where one gets homophobically “worried” about Subaru when they find out that the player controlling male avatar Tsukasa is female. Tsukasa and Subaru's relationship becomes a lynchpin for both characters' development, and in general is used to illustrate the series' underlying themes in a thoughtful and heartwarming way.
6. Read or Die / R.O.D. the TV (26 episodes, 2003) Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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A spinoff of the Read or Die series which takes more from espionage thrillers and Hong Kong action flicks than shounen anime, R.O.D. the TV takes the unusual approach of starting with its main character - elite paper-maniuplating superspy Yomiko Readman (Miura Rieko) - being nowhere to be seen after burning down the British Library in a dramatic resignation announcement. Instead of focusing on her, or the spy agencies clashing in her absence, the story instead follows her friend Sumiregawa Nenene (Yukino Satsuki), who joins up with a trio of sisters with paper-manipulating powers and criminal connections in her quest to find out what happened to Yomiko. The queerness is mainly implied through Nenene's focus on Yomiko, which is unrequited and sadly fizzles out narratively speaking in the back half. Unfortunately, this is coupled with an increased focus on more heteronormative topics, such as Yomiko's grief over her dead male lover, and the child one of the characters had with the villain of the OVA. That being said, I also want to shout out this series' surprisingly earnest depiction of budding queerness in a young (like, elementary-school young) side character - something that is rare in fiction even now.
7. Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (24 episodes, 2022) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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The most recent entry on this list by far (the final episode aired just a day ago at time of writing), The Witch from Mercury initially seems to forgo the Gundam franchise’s usual grand scale, being set in an academy run by the corporate giant Benerit Group. Main character and new student Suletta Mercury (Ichinose Kana) - the franchise’s first female protagonist since its beginnings in 1979 - accidentally bumbles her way into fighting a mecha duel, and, when she wins, is shocked to find that she is now engaged to the sole heiress of that self-same corporate giant, her classmate Miorine Rembran (Lynn). So far so Utena, but after the first episode, things start to diverge significantly: though the duels continue, the focus shifts to how big-picture tensions such as the manoeuvring within the Benerit Group and the conflict between the space colonisers and people on Earth play out within the student body, and how the arrival of Suletta and her mysteriously cutting-edge mecha start to shake up the status quo… until things come to an explosive head.
For those who curious about G-Witch due to Suletta and Miorine, but who wouldn’t normally be interested in Gundam or space operas, I’ll just say that if the hype has led you to expect a big queer romance where Suletta and Miorine shout their love from the rooftops, well, that’s not how it goes. It’s a mecha anime first and foremost, after all! But lower your expectations and you may be pleasantly surprised. Season 1 offers plenty to enjoy in terms of Suletta’s earnest attempts to be a good “bridegroom” and the tsundere Miorine’s bouts of jealousy over Suletta. And while their relationship takes a bit of a back seat in Season 2 due to there being So Much going on, it remains one of the key elements of the series and their scenes together are the emotional peaks of the season.
Side note: Some might criticise Gundam for taking so long to have a female main character, but let’s not forget about how the even older Ultraman (1966), Kamen Rider (1971), and Super Sentai (1975) franchises still have not had a single mainline series featuring a female protagonist… Come on guys, I’m dying for a female-led Kamen Rider over here!
8. Black Rock Shooter (8 episodes, 2010) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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One of the two anime inspired by the Hatsune Miku song of the same name, this Okada Mari-penned series hones in on the passionate friendships and jealousies of a group of middle-school girls. In a twist that feels informed by the psychological allegory of the popular Persona games, this interpersonal drama plays out in the surreal battle world of the music video, with the titular Black Rock Shooter being the main character’s alter-ego. Of particular interest is the first half’s focus on the blossoming friendship between protagonist Kuroi Mato (Hanazawa Kana) and her shy classmate Takanashi Yomi (Sawashiro Miyuki), which has strong overtones of two girls developing crushes on each other – it doesn’t go smoothly, but hey, that’s life.
9. Izetta: The Last Witch (12 episodes, 2016) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Set during what is basically World War 2, Izetta: The Last Witch asks the daring question of “What if a small European country about to be invaded by alternate-history Nazi Germany could fight back with magic… and what if it was (subtextually) yuri?” The show follows politically-minded princess Finé as she and her best friend (read: girlfriend) Izetta think up ways to leverage the latter’s witchy gifts to save the country from invasion – a rare case of a military anime where female characters are significantly involved at the strategic stage. Those who enjoy the classic princess-and-knight trope may find something to like as long as they are fine with Finé and Izetta not having much relationship development (as their dynamic is established from the start) and them not having many one-on-one scenes together (as the series’ main focus is on the political manoeuvring). Note that this show is also pretty heavy on the fanservice – IIRC there was at least one moment of egregious sexualisation per episode.
Side note: those who like Izetta may also want to check out Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing, a female-focused dieselpunk anime with a lot of military strategizing and a very cool world setting, though Izetta is better-paced and the main relationship is much more plot-significant. (That being said I do like the relationship between Fam side characters Tatiana and Alistair… Tatiana is probably the adult character with the most screentime in Fam, being the main characters’ commanding officer, and although it’s very background, she has this cutely settled dynamic with former piloting partner turned wife right-hand woman Alistair.)
10. Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (movie, 2019) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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(Note: this entry’s a slightly weird one, it only covers the first 40 minutes of this movie due to it being basically two episodic stories smushed together into a single package, and only the earlier story is relevant to this list.)
In this standalone spinoff of the Violet Evergarden anime series – itself an adaptation of the light novel series by Akatsuki Kana – the titular protagonist Violet (Ishikawa Yui) takes a break from ghostwriting letters to serve as companion to aloof young noblewoman Isabella York (Kotobuki Minako) in her last months of finishing school. The story is a quiet coming-of-age tale focusing on how the kind (and rather dashing!) Violet helps Isabella to open up, or, in simpler terms, it’s fodder for butler-and-lady fans. Don’t get your hopes up too much, though: Violet learning about her romantic feelings for her deceased male superior is one of the main throughlines of the anime, and this (half of the) movie also ends with a heterosexual arranged marriage for Isabella. That being said, this movie is really a feast for the eyes, its historical-fantasy setting being brought out with beautiful backgrounds and detailed linework, so it’s worth checking out if you don’t mind the very Class S narrative.
Side note: if you want F/F butler-and-lady or princess-and-knight vibes I would really recommend watching Fate/Zero for Saber and Irisviel – yes Irisviel is already married to one of the (male) main characters and yes Saber is absolutely the main love interest for the famously-straight Fate/stay night, but their dynamic is really good and Saber gets to wear a stylish suit and be all chivalrous to a woman… Please watch the third episode of season 1 at least…
11. Canaan (13 episodes, 2009) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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There’s quite a lot going on in Canaan – perhaps unsurprisingly so for a spinoff of the FMV visual novel 428: Shibuya Scramble, which is famous for its intertwined storylines – but in true action-movie blockbuster style, all you really need to know is that the titular mercenary Canaan (Sawashiro Miyuki) is on a hunt for her mentor’s protégé-turned-murderer, and a lot of flashy fighting is involved. Also, there's no need to worry if you haven't played the original game, as Canaan is pretty much a standalone work and all of the significant characters are original to the anime. Yuri-minded viewers may enjoy her clashes with the villain Alphard (Sakamoto Maaya), but the main source of F/F subtext is her relationship with the young photographer Maria (Nanjo Yoshino), for whom she cares deeply and must rescue on multiple occasions. However, do be warned that the one canonically queer character in the show – Alphard’s subordinate Liang Qi (Tanaka Rie), who is fixated on her boss – is handled very badly, being portrayed as a raving predatory lesbian who is mocked, rejected, and finally killed by the object of her affections. Canaan and Maria’s relationship is also framed very definitively as friendship by the end of the series, although they don’t get paired off with male characters. IIRC there’s also some fanservice but I can’t remember the details as it was a long time ago, sorry.
12. Ga-Rei: Zero (12 episodes, 2008) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Back in the old days, I had heard this show talked about in the same breath as yuri classics such as Kannazuki no Miko and Mai-Hime, and, well, like those series it comes with significant caveats (though thankfully there is no sexual assault). Although it’s a prequel to the Ga-Rei manga by Segawa Hajime, the anime is basically standalone and focuses on original characters Kagura (Chihara Minori) and Yomi (Mizuhara Kaoru), the latter of whom welcomes protagonist Kagura into her family and demon-hunting squad, only to leave the team in a devastating betrayal. After the explosive opening, the series jumps back to explore the events leading up to that point; fans of director Aoki Ei’s work on Fate/Zero should note that the dark tone disappears in the third episode and never quite comes back even when things get serious. Viewers should also keep their F/F expectations in check, since despite the premise I would say the series is more plot- than character-focused, and on top of that a significant amount of time is devoted to Yomi’s relationship with her male fiancé (Yomi and Kagura have more screentime together, but there’s not much development whereas Yomi and her fiancé are given a whole romantic arc). There is one very fanservicey scene between Kagura and Yomi in a car early on (in episode 3?) which viewers may want to skip, but IIRC it’s an outlier and the rest of the series is nowhere near as bad.
Bonus Rounds
1. Sailor Moon S / Season 3 (38 episodes, 1994) (subtext) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Possibly the most widely-known F/F couple in anime, Haruka and Michiru (Ogata Megumi and Katsuki Masako, respectively), make their first appearance in episode 3 of the third season as mysterious newcomers who refuse to work alongside the Sailor Senshi. Apart from being consistently framed as an ideal couple throughout (they practically cruise to victory in a couple’s contest in episode 5 of S3), they also get some juicy narrative moments, being the main subject of the excellent episodes 17 and 21 – the latter being the mid-season climax. They return in S5 but I haven’t watched that season yet.
Side note: Utena fans may be particularly interested to hear that the aforementioned Haruka-and-Michiru-centric episodes 17 and 21 are helmed by key Utena creatives. Both were written by Enokido Yoji, Utena's lead scriptwriter, while episode 17 was directed by Igarashi Takuya (who storyboarded 5 Utena episodes) and episode 21 was directed by Utena director Ikuhara Kunihiko himself.
2. Mai-Hime (26 episodes, 2004) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Way back when, Mai-Hime was very popular among yuri fans for including a canonically queer female character who was in love with another female character… even though, like in Kannazuki no Miko which was broadcast the same year, she commits sexual assault against her. For those still curious, Mai-Hime starts out as a quirky fighting-monsters-and-going to school anime but turns into a battle royale where characters fight each other using robots – the twist being that the robots symbolise their love for the person most precious to them, and if destroyed, that person will die. The queer storyline comes in only in the last quarter or so, but is compellingly told and at least the queer character isn’t quite as maniacal or otherwise demonised compared to some others (looking at you, Liang Qi in Canaan). It's a fun reveal, so I won't spoil it here even if you're likely to have heard of it already.
3. Psycho-Pass (41 episodes + 3 movies, 2012) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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Psycho-Pass is set in a dystopian world where people are rated on their criminal tendencies; the main characters’ job as police officers is to arrest those whose tendencies exceed a certain level. The F/F is canon but very, very background; one of the surprise twists of the finale is that forensics expert Karanomori Shion (Sawashiro Miyuki), whose appearance screams “sexy doctor character” but is played with surprising warmth by Sawashiro, is actually in a relationship with seemingly aloof field officer Kunizuka Yayoi (Itou Shizuka). I only watched the first season and so can’t comment on the rest, but apparently they are still in a relationship in the third season.
4. My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (24 episodes + movie, 2020) (canon) - Anime News Network | MyAnimeList
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An adaptation of Yamaguchi Satoru’s popular light novel series, this show headed the wave of reincarnated-villainess isekai, focusing on the bumbling Catarina Claes (Uchida Maaya) – in actuality an otaku who has been reincarnated into an otome game – as she tries desperately to remove her character’s image as a villainess and thereby inadvertently attracts the attentions of many a suitor. Among this reverse harem are three female characters Maria Campbell (Hayami Saori), Mary Hunt (Okasaki Miho), and Sophia Ascart (Minase Inori).
While the female suitors’ romantic interest in Catarina is generally not undermined or played as a joke, they are not necessarily treated as equally valid options compared to the male suitors - it doesn't feel like Catarina has a real chance of ending up with any of the female characters. I've heard this starts becoming more obvious in S2 (which I haven't watched), which apparently focuses on Catarina's relationship development with one particular male suitor compared to the others. Also, the VN spinoff had 6 routes in total (all 4 male suitors + 2 original male characters) but did not include a single female route, despite being non-canon in nature.
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smokin9-box · 5 months
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peipapicoz · 2 years
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The dog bed and children books in professor's lab seem to suggest that Arven probably spent lots of time in the lab when he was small. From the journals in the research labs we learnt that the professor only started working underground when their research reached certain progress. They even took the picture of young Arven from lab down with them to Area Zero and pinned it in one of the most obvious spot.
Anyway what i am trying to say is the professor definitely loved Arven a lot but Arven was too young to remember the time he spent with his parent and now I feel even more sad for him 😭
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pikatrainer99 · 4 months
Okay, so I see tons of people talking about Kieran being autistic...which I 100% agree with, but...
...Can we talk about Crispin for a minute...?
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This kid also has a lot of traits that make me headcanon him as autistic. First, he has a CLEAR special interest in cooking, particularly spicy stuff (hyposensitvity to spice maybe...? He doesn't seem to be affected much by it at least, even when you make the sandwich that he calls "just pain" he seems much less affected than anyone I know would be anyway). He carries his frying pan EVERYWHERE, which is definitely not a "normal" thing to do (comfort item maybe...?). He uses his frying pan to hide his face at times, and he also likes to move it around like he's cooking something...even though he's not cooking anything at the moment, as well as hold it as tight as he can and shake it in front of him (stims maybe...? And yes, those CAN be stims even though it's not something that you'd typically see as a stim because the repetitive motion for the former can feel good to do and the tight grip of the latter can also feel good...I do the same thing with my hands and I have many stim toys that I put all the pressure I can into and it's a great release of tension...and he does the former when he's excited and the latter when he's upset). He's also hyper-expressive, which is something that autistic people can be. We're not all deadpan, all the time, we can have exaggerated and over the top reactions to things. Before you battle him he also straight up admits that he doesn't get what's going on with the club and wishes everyone would just be direct and say/do what they mean/want. His quote is literally "Gaaah! Everything's getting so complicated! If you wanna say something, just say it! If you wanna do something, just do it!" And then after you beat him he says he loves battles and cooking because they're both so easy to understand, implying that people aren't easy for him to understand. And then after you beat Kieran he says, "Way to go - both of you! That was awesome!" not understanding the severity of the situation and not understanding that Kieran is having a mental breakdown over his loss. Lacey even says, "Oh, honestly, Crispin! Read the room, would you?" and Crispin just looks at her, confused. So he definitely has social difficulties and his people skills aren't the greatest. He is probably the most innocent out of the BB League group too, he just likes to do what he loves and it stresses him out when everything goes downhill with the club BECAUSE he doesn't understand why and just wants it to go back to how things were before all of this. So yeah, while I agree 100% with the headcanon of Kieran being autistic, I think there's also a case to be made for Crispin as well, especially with those social difficulties and wishing people would just be direct.
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scarletdex · 2 months
actually real shit talk. what's your favorite legendary or mythical pokemon and why (no, miraidon/koraidon/terapagos/ogerpon aren't an option)
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I think they're in the care of the current champion of Galar and one of the professor's assistants now, I really wish I could meet them someday!
Still, Aggy and Pon-pon have become so dear to me... I'd still say they're my absolute favorites because of that.
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scarscardsandink · 2 months
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mistylakeee · 5 months
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I think I found the exact moment in Iron Flame when Sawyer caught feelings for Jesinia🙈
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kurooo-is-here · 5 months
Loved the faller reader headcannons and it got me thinking. What if Kieran and faller reader teamed up to pull a few harmless pranks during the few days that the reader was visiting? Also Kieran reacting to the reader's abilities would be interesting, like if they just randomly appeared in front of him.
Heheheh, Faller Reader would ABSOLUTELY pull some pranks. This was fun to write >:3c
Kieran x Faller Reader pt. 2
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Considering what the poor boy has been through, I don't know if he's TOO surprised by your abilities. With the knowledge that you passed through an Ultra Wormhole, it makes sense you'd have gained some special abilities like teleportation and walking through walls.
Once the initial shock and amazement is over with, Kieran knows EXACTLY who he's gonna prank first: Carmine.
You teleport into her room while she's away and rearrange her Pokemon plushes and posters little by little. Carmine goes from antsy to INSANE over the next few days, demanding that Kieran is responsible. But he's somehow completely innocent, right? He's been hanging out in the clubroom with the Elite Four, they all saw him there.
Eventually you fess up and tell Carmine it was you, to which she has to hold herself back from nearly exploding in your face about moving her stuff. It gets a good laugh out of you and Kieran for sure though.
You ask her to keep your abilities a secret, with the added benefit that Carmine gets to choose who you prank next. Carmine immediately decides on Drayton.
Since you can walk through walls, you sneak up on him from underneath the floor and untie his cape from his waist when he's not looking. His reaction is priceless, he just looks so dumbfounded and confused. Carmine doubles over laughing-- you've never seen her so happy.
Pranks aside, you sometimes teleport into Kieran's room to hang out with him. He gets lonely quite easily, always yearning to see you again. Looker always scolds you for using your abilities like that, but you honestly couldn't be happier with the way things are right now.
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fafrogke · 13 days
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wait he's innocent it was the rats
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hersurvival · 1 month
Two winter blossoms that signify eternal rest:
Violet and Narcissus
But how is it fair that the way I bow my head
Is interpreted as humility, of being modest
When your head also hangs low?
But you've been grown to accept
You are unlucky, a sign of misfortune
They place me on graves of the innocent,
While you are a portent of death
Nicknamed "heart's-ease,"
A vital part of old love potions, perfumes,
For a flirtatious scent
You have always been a lure, a trap, an end,
Rumored that your gentle fragrance
Is laced with a narcotic effect,
Fatality being imminent
"Where the oxlips and the nodding violets grow.."
"..And the daffodils fill their cups with tears"
We find ourselves together
As your Valentine, I write to you in ink
Created from my petals, my flesh,
To tell you that you are good,
That you are more deserving than this
@nosebleedclub April 20th - Birthday Flowers
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bleaksqueak · 2 months
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Whew look at you go! Had a small problem with aphids a lil while back, but after a whole lot of diligence they were banished. Still have some of the damaged leaves visible but look at all the healthy new growth!
You may be trying to take over my desk, but I couldn’t ask for a better art companion. The moss in the planter is happy with the frequent watering and shade, but the impatiens is trying to devoir the terrarium moss now too
My oxalis is thriving still, too. But it has its own space above me and isn’t trying to reach out and say hello as much.
Okay, this has been your semi annual habitat update. Back to painting.
Also, hello new followers! Thank you for liking my art.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
"#and as a reminder the game gives you no shiny noise or sparkle so. good luck esp if you're color blind" Reading this tag made me remember that one time I came across a video of a blind (completely blind, I mean) streamer who plays Pokemon who found a full-odds shiny in Sword or Shield and knew immediately because of the sound. Like... maybe GameFreak didn't think of it as such but I just love when games lose accessibility features they previously had. /sarcasm
They also removed one-handed controls, so they really felt like fucking over the disabled this gen for some reason. It's also weird because I thought the whole point of the ridiculous tera hats was to help color blind people tell the type, and then they go and do something like this and it's like. what the hell
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snckt · 1 year
bertrand baudelaire receives a handmade tie every father’s day from his children. often made of old silk scarves, the yearly tie would be his favorite for exactly that : one year, until he was gifted a new one.
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