#v; the story never ends ( riverdale season 2 )
layeredserpent-blog · 6 years
The young Jones had been cooped up in his hospital bed the last few days, ever since the beat down from the Ghoulies, much to his dismay. But with the injuries he had, the nurses had told him he was lucky to be standing on his own two feet so alas, he caved. That and he was sure FP would probably give him an ass kicking if he did anything else then get himself better. It had mainly been FP or Betty in his room, the occasional visit from Archie and Veronica together, or even Mr Andrews which he didn’t expect in a time like how things were with the election going on. So to see Veronica come in alone to visit was a bit of a surprise.
 “Hey...” He called over softly, adjusting himself up in his hospital bed as she came through the door. “Surprised to see you here. Archie not join you this time?” 
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emo00skid · 3 years
Probably the last riverdale post I’d ramble about bcs the show has gone to shit it doesn’t deserve my time anymore.
So despite the trainwreck of a storyline and wtf musical moments, the ships??
Riverdale managed to create the most powerful gangster bitch power gay couple choni in 4 seasons and destroyed it in a few eps. Not only they broke them up, they made toni and?? Fangs??? Together??? Like. Make it make sense??? Try. You cant. You took 2 perfectly fine gay couples, broke em up, and paired them?? Together?? Making them. Un. Gay?? Idk. Im confused af. But mostly mad bout choni.
Then the whole barchie vs bughead fiasco. So idgaf if the writers wanna end it with a sweet comic book barchie. But can they fucking write it better? Archie is a dipshit who goes back to betty everytime he cant get veronica? He never even liked her until she wasn’t available?? And now that v left him bcs he was a fucking shit boyfriend who treated her like a sexy housewife after he refused to give her anything till she divorces her husband and then he goes back to betty? Like???
And fine you wanna destroy a 4 year canon ship bughead? Fine. At least do it properly. Or at least give the characters some respect?? They broke up on bad terms with jug being high af. So. Now. What? They NEVER spoke about it. There’s no closure?? Jug never says sorry? Betty fucking appeared in his head and saved him and??? That was never mentioned of? We just see that shot in his head and then poof move on to the new girl??? Not even a simple mention about how much they meant to each other or like a recognition or anything?? Not even a “I appreciate you and im sorry for how we ended things” and them like. Being friends? Again? On good terms? After all the shit they went through together???? This is fucking stalia all over again fuck this shit (yes teen wolf fam im quoting you bcs im that stydia fan who got mad at the stupid stalia breakup)
I hate how the girls are treated in the show by dickwads who never learn how to speak their feelings and converse like fucking adults.
This show has gone shit, more than just the musical disasters. I’m done.
To writers: sometimes shows get dragged on too long that even you didnt expect it to and it fucking shows. Yall are dicks for destroying a perfectly good show bcs you’re lazy to think aside from stupid musicals and switching ships. If you’re only writing for money to drag the story, stop it pls. Its insulting.
Ps: im sorry to sabrina for being dragged into this shitshow
Pps: this was very long im sorry
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barchidale · 3 years
It’s interesting how Betty and Archie’s trauma are about similar life-or-death traumatic experiences (Archie’s war PTSD and Betty’s kidnapping) but Jughead and Veronica’s trauma are all about their failed relationships. And before you mention The Accident, the real meat behind that backstory isn’t Veronica being traumatized by a NDE. It’s all about her crappy marriage. 
I’m not gonna talk much about Jughead because his “trauma” storyline is just starting. I also don’t care for Jughead but I know no matter what happens, his storyline will be the core four story handled with the most care. It’s that trademark riverdale favoritism. Also, I don’t want to speculate about future storylines anymore. What we do know is that Jughead is fantasizing about an apology that never happened. An apology that Betty could never mean considering she had no regards for Jughead in the time jump when she f*cked Archie and wanted to keep doing it until Archie mentioned his feelings for Veronica. But it will be interesting to see if the writers are itching to bring b*ghead back together as quickly and they did v*rchie, because right now v*rchie don’t look too good anymore! 
So let’s talk about Veronica, because I actually care about her. 
It's now canon that Veronica is stuck in a pattern where she makes excuses for men who treat her like garbage, and willingly chooses to ignore the red flags even if she’s aware of them, because she has a skewed idea of love stemming from her relationship with her father. 
Once with Archie when Barchie cheated: She doesn’t ask him what the kiss meant. She doesn’t ask if he still loves her. She doesn’t get angry at him. No she cries in his arms instead when he’s the reason she’s crying. Worse, she puts herself in a situation where she’s forced to play girlfriend with him to protect Betty. It’s all very very ridiculous. 
Twice with Archie when he told her he was hooking up with the girl he cheated with: She doesn’t ask why, how or when. In fact, she cared more when they kissed in season 2 but once again, she doesn’t let him define his relationship with Betty because she does it for him. She doesn’t even second guess her decision to get back to Archie when Betty is the reason their previous relationship ended. The past is very much the present.
Thrice when she cheated on Archie with Chad. 5x10 had Veronica look Chad straight in the eyes and she asked him if he wanted to murder her just so he could be with her forever. That’s grim. It doesn’t even matter if it’s true, she believed he was capable of it while she was slow dancing in his arms. He froze her accounts to force her to come back to him and the next episode, she was introducing Chad to her friends and being all lovey dovey in the high school lounge. She’s not in denial about Chad, that’s why she wants to divorce him. So it’s even more baffling that she chooses to kiss him and spend the night with him for “closure”, like she did with Archie before the time jump.
Just to be clear I’m not saying her relationship with Archie is nearly as bad as her marriage with Chad in terms of toxicity but here’s the thing... Just like Betty’s betrayal led to Jughead having a toxic on-and-off relationship with Jessica, I think Archie’s cheating has been a catalyst for Veronica falling into a bigger trap with Chad. 
Why is she still pulled towards men who don’t treat her right? Hiram. I was hopeful in the graduation episode but it’s the same old shit. She hasn’t changed because the writers don’t let her be free of him. If this season doesn't end with her in therapy and single, then the writers will have failed her, as well as her fans v*rchie fans who keep making excuses for the writers. 
There’s a real possibility it will be never acknowledged that Veronica’s reaction towards barchie pre or post time jump was a disservice to her character, especially in contrast with Jughead’s. If they want to keep the varchie thing going all season then so be it. It would only confirm what we already know: v*rchie is just a security blanket for b*ghead.
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joneswuzhere · 3 years
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hello join me in thinking about some books and authors that are, or might be, part of s5′s intertextuality
5.10 in particular offered specific shout outs, and also u know i’m always wondering what might be ahead so i have some ideas on that:
- first, as mentioned in a previous ask post, i know i wasn’t alone in keeping an eye out for 5.10 parallels to the lost weekend (1945) the film that gave episode 1.10 its name and several themes - or to the 1944 book by charles r jackson which the film is based on
- s5 has not been shy about revisiting earlier seasons, especially s1. altho i feel that 1.10′s parallels to the lost weekend centered characters other than jughead (mostly betty), a 1.10-5.10 connection involving jughead and themes from jackson’s story (addiction, writers block, self reflection) seemed v possible if not inevitable
- but like,, , for a hot minute after the ep, i was really stumped on understanding how anything from the book or film could apply, even tho the pieces were almost all there
- jackson’s protagonist don birnam goes thru and comes out the other side of a harrowing days-long drinking binge that could be compared to jughead’s one-night hallucinogenic writing retreat
- but jughead is struggling primarily with traumatic memories, not addiction and self control like birnam. and tho drinking activates birnam’s creativity, it paralyzes his writing as he gets lost in fantasies; he’s never published anything. jughead’s drug trip recreates circumstances that already helped him write one successful book. even the rat that startles him mid-high doesn’t line up with birnam’s withdrawal vision of a dying mouse, symbolic of his horror at his own self-destruction thru alcohol
- and maybe the most visible discordance: in the film there’s a romantic motif around a typewriter. first it’s an object of shame; birnam’s failure to write, tied up with his drinking, makes him flee his relationship. he tries to pawn the typewriter for booze money and finally a gun when shooting himself feels easier than getting sober. but with the help of relentless encouragement from girlfriend helen, he quits drinking, commits to her, and focuses on typing out the story he’s dreamt of writing. rd goes so far to avoid setting any comparable scenario that jughead has brought a wholeass printer into the bunker so there can still be a physical manuscript to cover in blood by the end, even without his own typewriter. the subtle detail of his laptop bg image is a little less noticeable than his avoidance of betty’s gift
- tabitha might be closer to a parallel than jughead is, but she’s still no helen. both refuse to take advantage of the inebriated men in their care, but birnam takes advantage of helen, financially and emotionally. jughead refused a loan from the tate family and now has resolved to deal with his shit before he considers a relationship with tabitha. instead of helen’s relentless and unwelcomed attempts to get birnam sober, tabitha reluctantly agrees to help jughead trip safely bondage escape notwithstanding. she even helps him get the drugs.
- whatever potentials exist for parallels to jackson’s story, they were not explored for this episode. ok so why tf am i even talking about this? what was there instead?
-  i have arrived at the point
- s5 has been revisiting s1, not directly but with a twist. and jughead’s agent samm pansky is back. u may recall, pansky is named for sam lansky
- jughead’s trip-thru-trauma is a story device tapped straight from lansky’s book ‘broken people’
- lansky is like if a millenial john rechy wrote extremely LA-flavored meta but just about himself no jk very like a modern successor to charles r jackson. both play with the boundary between memoir and fiction. lansky is gay; jackson wrote his lost weekend counterpart as closeted and remained closeted himself until only a few years before his death. both write with emotional clarity and self-scrutiny on the experiences of addiction, sobriety, and the surrounding issues of shame and self worth
- i feel like a fool bc after this ep i had been thinking about de quincey and his early writings on addiction (c.1800s), but i failed to carry the thought in the other direction, to contemporary writers in the genre, to make this connection sooner
- lansky’s second book, broken people, follows narrator ‘sam’, mid-20s, super depressed, hastled by his agent to write a decent follow-up to his first book, but too busy struggling with his self-worth and baggage from several past relationships. desperate, he takes up an offer to visit a new age shaman who promises to fix everything wrong with him in a matter of days. not to over simplify it but he literally spends a weekend doing psychedelics and hallucinating about his exes. jughead took note
- unless u want me to hurl myself into yet another dissertation about queer jughead, i think his parallel to sam - who, unlike jughead, has considerable financial privilege and whose anxieties center on body dysmorphia, hiv scares, and his own self-centeredness - pretty much ends there
- But,, the gist of the book could not be more harmonius with a major theme shared by the 2 films that inform the actual hallucination part of jughead’s bunker scene: mentally reframing past relationships to get closure + confronting trauma head-on in order to move forward
- so that’s neat. what other book and author stuff was in 5.10?
- stephen king and raymond carver get name dropped. i’m passingly familiar with them both but u bet i just skimmed their wiki bios in case anything relevant jumped out
- like jughead, carver was a student (later a lecturer) at the iowa writers workshop. also the son of an alcoholic and one himself
- i recall carver’s ‘what we talk about when we talk about love’ is what jughead was reading in 2.14 ‘the hills have eyes’ after he finds out about the first time betty kissed archie (at that time he does not respond as would any of carver’s characters)
- this collection of carver stories deals especially with infidelity, failings of communication, and the complexities and destructiveness of love. to unashamedly quote the resource that is course hero, ‘carver renders love as an experience that is inherently violent bc it produces psychic and emotional wounds.’ very fun to wonder about the significance of this collection within the s2 episode and in jughead’s thoughts. and maybe now in the context of the s5 state of relationships. or, at least, the state of jughead’s writing as seen by his agent
- anyway pansky doesn’t want carver, he wants stephen king
- i have too much to say about gerald’s game in 5.10, that’s getting its own post someday soon
- lol wait king’s wife is named tabitha uhhh king’s wiki reminded me of his childhood experience that possibly inspired his short story ‘the body’ (+1986 movie ‘stand by me’) when he ‘apparently witnessed one of his friends being struck and killed by a train tho he has no memory of the event’
- no mention of that in this rd episode but memories of a train could be interesting to consider with the imagery that intrudes on jughead’s hallucination. i still feel like it was a truck but the lights and sounds he experiences may be a train
- ok now we’re in the speculation part of today’s segment
- if jughead’s traumatic memory involves trains, then it’s possible this plot will take influence from la bête humaine <- this 1938 movie is based on the 1890 novel by french writer émile zola. this story deals with alcoholism and possessive jealousy in relationships, sometimes leading to murder. huh, kind of like carver. zola def comes down on the nature side of the nature-vs-nuture bad seed question (tho i should say he approaches this with great or maybe just v french compassion). also i can’t tell if this is me reaching but, something about la bête humaine reminds me of king’s ‘secret window’ which we’ve observed to be at least a style influence on jughead post time jump
- but wow a late-19th century french writer would be a random thing to drop into this season, right? then again zola also wrote about miners, which we’ve learned are an important part of this town’s history + whatever hiram is up to this time.  and most notably, zola wrote ‘j’accuse...!’ an open letter in defense of a soldier falsely accused and unlawfully jailed for treason: alfred dreyfus. archie’s recent army trouble comes to mind.
- since the introduction of old man dreyfuss (plausibly Just a nod to close encounters actor richard dreyfuss, but also when is anything in this show Just one thing) i’ve been wondering if these little things could add up to a season-long reference to zola’s writings. but i had doubts and didn’t want to speak on it too soon bc, u know, it’s weird but is it weird enough for riverdale??
- however,,,
- (come on, u knew where i was going with this)
- a24′s film zola just came out. absolutely no relation to the french writer, it’s not based on a book but an insane and explicit twitter thread by aziah ‘zola’ wells about stripping and? human trafficking?? this feels ripe for rd even outside the potentials here for the lonely highway/missing girls plot.
- that would add up to a combination of homage that feels natural to this show
- anyway pls understand i’m just having fun speculating, most of this is based on nothing more concrete than the torturous mental tendril ras has hooked into my skull pls let go ras pls let go
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afterglowlws · 4 years
I know that despite Supergirl ending next season, a lot of us will probably still stick around for a long time. But over time we will find new interests to latch on to, so I thought it would be a good idea to highlight some sapphic ships/shows that are actually very respectful to their LGBT audience. A lot of these shows are fighting for more seasons, so check them out! They’re full of amazing cast and crew who do a lot for the community!
Motherland: Fort Salem: This show is about witches, and the gender reversal of female witches being drafted to the war upon turning 18. It encourages challenging gender roles, open and fluid sexuality, female empowerment through sexuality, and so much more. The best part is that Raelle and Scylla are the main couple and get amazing screen time! So much of the story revolves around their relationship.
Atypical: This show revolves around Sam, an autistic teen, and his family. Sam has an older sister named Casey who loves to give him a hard time. She starts out getting a boyfriend in season 1, but by season 2 she meets her new best friend Izzie and starts to question everything. By season 3, they’re a couple! It’s an amazing slow burn. They have one more season coming out on Netflix in 2021.
Teenage Bounty Hunters: This show centers around a set of twins named Sterling and Blair who go to an elite southern (and religious) high school. They find themselves taking up the unlikely career of bounty hunting. As if juggling all that wasn’t enough, Sterling finds herself catching feelings for her ex-frenemy April. They must now navigate that journey in a place that they don’t feel will be very accepting, so lots of angst ensues!
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: If you’ve seen The Arrow then you know Sara Lances long and tragic backstory. She now leads a team of time traveling superhero’s called the Legends. The show starts out more serious, but over time becomes really silly, fun, and crazy. Sara becomes captain of the time ship and proceeds to hook up with random women throughout history. Until season 3 when she meets Ava, who becomes her girlfriend. They’re the main couple and you get to see a real and natural progression of their relationship.
Legacies: This series is the spin-off of The Originals, which is the spinoff of The Vampire Diaries (you shouldn’t really be confused if you didn’t watch those first though). It revolves around the children of TO and TVD characters, they go to a school for the supernatural and each week there is always a new monster for them to fight. One of the main characters, Josie, is bisexual. The show kicks off showing drama between Josie and her ex girlfriend Penelope. Penelope did leave the show, but last season they teased a possible romance between Josie and Jade (a new character).
Wynonna Earp: This show is about Wynonna and Waverly, the grandchildren of the famous gunslinger Wyatt Earp. You don’t have to be a history buff or even into the Wild West type genre to fall in love with this show. Waverly starts out with a boyfriend, but one visit from a ginger cop (Nicole) has her questioning everything. They become the main (and at times only) couple on the show, and it’s actually the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. The actresses are both queer in real life and the cast is made up of amazing actors and crew members who love the LGBT community. So out of all shows to support, this is the one!! They’re fighting for a fifth season! #FiveForWynonna
Riverdale: I don’t think I have to explain that Riverdale is essentially just a bunch of oversexualized and traumatized high schoolers who very much need therapy. It’s a shitshow at this point. But one of the main couples, Cheryl and Toni, are actually very cute. The actresses are best friends in real life so it translates really well on screen. Their journey starts in season 2.
The Bold Type: This show revolves around a trio of best friends Kat, Sutton, and Jane who all work for a womens magazine. You get to see very strong and empowered women navigate their way through love, life, and their careers. Kat meets Adena, and quickly realizes she likes women. So she must go on a journey of realization and acceptance that is very relatable for a lot of WLW audiences, as both women are WOC.
Killing Eve: If you aren’t watching this already, watch it now!! The show revolves around a cat and mouse game between two women, Villanelle and Eve. Villanelle is a psychopathic Russian assassin with a tragic backstory. And Eve works for British Intelligence and lives a seemingly, nauseatingly boring life married to a bland white man. But the catch? She’s into female assassins. Both V & E become weirdly obsessed with each other very quickly, and it turns Eve’s entire life upside down as she starts to realize her feelings for Villanelle. Their relationship is so intoxicating to watch.
Euphoria: This show is not for the weak of heart. I can’t explain much without giving huge spoilers, but it tackles a lot of super heavy issues so read up on the trigger warnings first, especially if you’re sensitive to things like pedophilia, rape, drugs, bullying, etc. The main character Rue develops feelings for her new best friend Jules, and a lot of drama follows. The end of the season left it very unclear as to whether they will be endgame or not. So be warned with this one.
Dickinson: This show is about the famous poet Emily Dickinson, so it’s set in the 1800’s. It shows Emily’s struggle of dealing with a patriarchal world where she is not allowed to be herself. She fell in love with her best friend Sue, who is supposed to marry her brother out of necessity. It’s heart wrenching to watch Emily and Sue navigate that situation, so get your tissues ready! And beware it’s possible they won’t be endgame, as it is set in a very unacepting time period. But I could be very wrong. It’s been renewed for a season 2, so we’ll see!
If you want everything Supergirl would never give us.. Killing Eve, Wynonna Earp, and Motherland Fort Salem are exactly what you’re looking for. It’s full of cast and crew who embrace the community and give amazing representation. This list just highlights the ones I’m currently into so please add on more if you know of any!!
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darcyolsson · 3 years
ok i know we JUST learned about the tv adaption, but what are your thoughts ! what do you think it'll look like in your ideal world? what do you think it'll come out like irl? part of me can't help but think that, for all heartstopper is v heartwarming and sweet, netflix would try to make it a really gritty teen drama woth dark academia vibes or smth 😭
because alice is writing it, i’m pretty confident it wont be a riverdale-esque dark story!! she’s been so super careful to keep heartstopper upbeat, i don’t think she has it in her to make the show all dark and gritty, lol. i have honestly never had this much faith in an adaptation in my life!!
i definitely think it will turn out be something similar to skam, in terms of production. if you go to the heartstopper tv instagram account you can see it’s following a bunch of social media accounts with names of the characters, so i’m guessing we’ll get some sort of actual posts made by the characters (although i don’t really see how a netflix show, which are usually released by the season rather than the episode, could be as immersive as skam was)
i definitely think the story will change, though! all adaptations change pacing/story elements because a well-written novel isn’t a well-written show. i think it’ll be long episodes (40 mins-1 hr) and i think the pacing will be slightly different- elle, tara and darcy will probably be introduced far earlier in the story than they are now, otherwise i don’t really see how they would end up being major characters in an 8-episode arc. i’m guessing it’ll be mostly based on chapter 1, 2 and 3. (aka first kiss and maybe some coming out, but no paris and no mental health stuff just yet)
i don’t really have an ideal vision for it! i almost always like adaptations because they’re a different take on a story i already love. the only thing i could ever wish for is that we get to see tori even if it’s just for a second. i also hope to see plenty of dogs. also the flashmob scene
HOWEVER, i had a dream about the adaptation tonight, so i guess that’s how my subconcious envisioned it: it was an animated show where everyone looked completely different EXCEPT for elle. nick had long hair i think? also, tori and aled weren’t there, but becky from solitaire was a major character. i have no idea what any of that means.
tl;dr i think it’s gonna be upbeat because i would trust alice oseman with my life & i can’t wait for the emotional support webcomic that dragged me through high school to be turned into an emotional support tv show that will drag some other kid through high school
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davidboreanaz · 3 years
i felt like making this post bc too many people are doubting varchie and bughead.
sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes
i’ll start with varchie bc they’re my babies, but i just wanna ask you guys to believe in our ship. who was there for archie when fred was shot? veronica. who was there for archie when fred died? veronica. who was there when veronica was spiralling in season 4? archie. who was there in season 1 when veronica was terrified of her own father? archie. i could go into so much more detail but i think that’s all i have to say on that. every time archie has had something bad happen, he never went to betty, instead, the majority of the time, he went to veronica. it’s the same as this season. archie needed help, so he went to veronica, even tho he and betty were doing what they were doing, and it’s the same for betty. where was archie when she was searching for her presumed dead sister? they’re friends yes, but they don’t care about each other’s problems and i really don’t understand how that makes them endgame. people are saying that archie was ooc this episode bc he told both v & b the truth. THIS IS ARCHIE! in season 2, archie told the truth, in season 4 he didn’t, and in season 5, he did. that makes season 4 the season that archie was ooc. even when he was going through the shit he was going through from 4.18 onwards, he still didn’t tell betty about it. archie and betty barely have a friendship, so why would they want to be something more? 5.08 showed that archie would rather be miserable and pining for veronica, than to be with betty (knowing he could never feel what he feels for veronica, with betty) i truly don’t understand how they could turn this around to ba. when archie broke things off with betty, (or when they mutually did so) he didn’t know that veronica was coming to tell him about chad, so that boy was going to be alone and wait for veronica. there’s no epic love story, there’s no slowburn. riverdale doesn’t do slowburn. ba are barely friends and y’all need to remember that. archie pined for VERONICA for 7 years, not betty.
now onto bughead. i don’t have as much to say bc i covered a lot of it in the varchie section, but I can say that jughead is going through a really hard time. obviously, we don’t know exactly what that is yet, and i’m hoping we’re going to find out about everybody’s trauma, but betty and jughead will always been drawn together and there’s no way betty will find out about what jughead is going through, and not want to help him. whether that’s emotional support or even just sleuthing together. we can already see that the writers are beginning to build them up, and the first step to that was to remove ba from the situation, and that has happened. do i think tabitha will be an obstacle? no. because if they wanted to do it, they would have by now. again, riverdale doesn’t do slowburn. now remember, ba was always a threat to jughead, and that’s why he took the news of their cheating harder than veronica did. bh didn’t end on good terms like va did, and i think that’s why it’s harder for them to rebuild what they had, but they will. we just have to be patient and remember that if the writers wanted ba to be endgame, they wouldn’t have done it way sooner than season 5, and during the four episodes that ba were fucking, it would have become more.
please try not to worry and just enjoy watching the bugvarchie endgames 😌
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go-ldy · 4 years
Hi! Your Riverdale thoughts are always fun to read, so I thought I would drop by and ask one. What are some platonic betty pairings you wish the show would explore?
Ooh, thanks for this question, my dear! This is something I think about a lot because this show underserves its platonic relationships.
1). Betty & Veronica - We were promised B & V being a team you can believe in back in season 1 and the show has so far mostly failed to deliver on that promise. I appreciate that the Veronica/Betty/Archie triangle was (mostly) ditched, and that we have not had to endure Betty and Veronica fighting each other over him. I believe these two love each other. I feel that love more from Veronica’s end tbh in that I really believe that Betty is Veronica’s favourite person on this planet. Unfortunately, the last few seasons, we have not seen them interact much unless Betty needs Veronica’s help with something. I liked some of their season 2 material like when Betty drove Veronica away at the Black Hood’s bequest and then they reconciled. The episode where they investigated Sheriff Keller for being a serial killer / having an affair was a sheer delight. But aside from that, it has never felt like Veronica-and-Betty have an arc. The show could even play around with the idea that their friendship has become one-sided. Why not delve into that? Explore how Veronica might feel sidelined by Betty being more focused on Jughead, Stonewall Prep, Charles, youth FBI etc etc. while Veronica is struggling to cope with her dad’s illness. They could have had a big emotional storyline. Lili and Cami have great chemistry and would kill it. It is too bad their interactions are so infrequent.
2). Betty & Jellybean - We are robbed on this one! I have so many questions for what this relationship could look like. Sisterly? Friendly? Is Jellybean a little suspicious of Betty and then warms up to her? Are they a little competitive for Jughead’s affections? But we know none of these things because they have interacted a total of about two times in season 4 and none of those interactions were meaningful. I sigh.
3). Betty & Archie - YES REALLY. I DO WHAT I WANT. I love childhood friendship stories. The problem with Betty and Archie is that we are supposed to feel this weight of history and nostalgia and past with them, but it’s hard to believe in that history because we so rarely see them interacting.  I actually think there are interesting ways the writers could have explored the idea of Betty and Archie that would have been way better than what they did. What if Betty and Archie had grown closer during season 4 while Jughead was away at boarding school and Veronica was making rum? I could see how their SOs could have grown jealous and suspicious, forcing Betty and Archie to confront if there is anything more between them than just friendship - and ultimately realizing that any “romance” was the weight of expectations, and while they love each other deeply, it is as friends. That could have been a good story!
4). Betty & Glady Jones - I wanted them to interact so badly during the Gladys arc. I had the impression that Gladys disproved of Betty and I found this so interesting. Because Betty reminds Gladys of Alice who Gladys always knew she was in competition with for FP’s affections? Because Betty gives off the vibe of the perfect girl next-door and therefore too soft for her son? Because Betty is the daughter of a serial killer? I wanted to see them clash! And Jughead to be caught in the middle (but not really because Jughead is Team Betty through and though lol) And of course for Glady to grudgingly accept and approve of Betty in the end. Missed opportunity and I am forever bitter.
5). Kevin & Betty - This friendship is chronically underserved. I feel more emotional connection to the Gladys and Betty relationship - which literally never even happened - than I do to Betty and Kevin who are supposedly best friends. How did these two meet? What do they have in common? Why are they friends? The most meaningful interaction between them I can recall in four seasons is when Betty was like “stop cruising for men in the woods, there is a serial killer out there and it is super dangerous” and Kevin was all “stop slut shaming me” like Betty was the bad guy. NOT GREAT but still, I would be up for more resentment from Kevin over how he perceives Betty’s romantic relationships as being easier than his own.  It’s interesting to me how in so many AU Bughead fics, Archie and Veronica are always present as Betty’s friends, and sometimes Cheryl and Reggie, but never poor Kevin. I suppose part of it is because Kevin is himself so poorly developed as a character that it is hard to give much weight to any of his relationships.  
ALL OF THIS SAID, I do give the writers props for giving me Donna & Betty though, one of my absolute favourite dynamics to come out of this show.
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4x15 Chapter Seventy-Two: To Die For
Jughead died as he lived:
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The world’s most dramatic bitch.
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But that’s okay, because his plan hinges on everyone else in Riverdale being just as messy—and it works!
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We finally reach the flash forward we witnessed in 410: the cropped red trousers, the stripe-y Juliet puff shoulders.
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I’m not even gonna get into the waste of public resources (search parties, forensics, all of this costs money), I’m just gonna wave my hands and shrug, it’s Riverdale, etc. 
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One, this shot is really well set-up (the mirror fracture? Nice), and two, appears to have been filmed on a potato.
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Two potatoes. 
Three if you include Kevin, whose exposition-delivery work in this episode is especially thankless.
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One of Betty’s two most-utilized purses this season, which are actually the same purse with slightly different stylings. This one is the simpler of the two.
The peacoat we’ve also seen a few times. 
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Cousin Cheryl puts Cousin Betty on suicide watch. It’s a lot. 
So much of the core four’s plan hinges on other people. This is pure Scooby Doo logic. Let’s not dwell.
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I repeat, for like the 89th time, this show hasn’t taken set dec photos since season one. 
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The raccoon eyes!
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We’ve literally seen all of this before, so I won’t repeat myself.
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Well, spoke too soon.
This sweater-of-much-debate first popped up in a flash forward at the end of 405 and then once more in 408. We’re really getting to the end of these flash forwards now, it would seem. 
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Do you think Betty and Jug got into some felon role-play after all this was over?
You know what, never mind, never mind. 
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This shirt looks a lot like one Betty wore in 105. Maybe they’re the same, maybe they’re not. There’s a lot of season one touches in this ep. 
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Initiate phase 2 of the plan, I guess: let’s plan a funeral. 
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Stripe-y ribbed turtleneck and a suede mini. This outfit will come up again, we’ll talk about it then. 
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Throughout this episode, we see a lot of different characters wear touches of tartan. It’s not the first time we’ve seen most of these people wear tartan or some kind of check print detail (yes, even Hiram)—but here it sort of reads as their tribute to Jughead. 
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Veronica’s collar.
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Hiram’s shirt.
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Archie’s tie.
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FP goes for a glen plaid suit and a windowpane tie, the extra is clearly genetic.
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Betty’s funeral attire is very classically Betty—sheer, swiss-dot puff sleeves, and A-line cut to the dress. Her hair is notably down, like the first time we saw her at a funeral. 
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A lot of people argue that Betty wears what looks like a J+B necklace in Jug’s dream opening to 222. I always thought that was her B pendant necklace, but idk anymore—I could be convinced given its showing here. 
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(Jellybean’s tights.) 
Peep Betty’s pointy-toe kitten heels, with the little metallic embellishments. 
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Does Riverdale have a very active amateur theatrical society? Everyone’s really bringing their A game here.
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Betty reads an excerpt from Arthur Conan Doyle’s story “The Final Problem,” which...girl.
To keep it brief (ha), Conan Doyle intended “The Final Problem” to be the last Sherlock Holmes story—which he tried to ensure by killing off his hero. 
But then fans got mad at him and after a while of that, his hero rose from the dead in “The Adventure of the Empty House.”
What a way to telegraph, Elizabeth. 
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(Jellybean’s jellybean necklace!!)
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(There’s nothing so enjoyable as hearing Ms. Reinhart call someone a bitch in that Midwestern twang. Truly, a delight.) 
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Anyway. People still have doubts about Jug’s life-status. 
Initiate phase 3: the nuclear option. 
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I really can’t tell if this ribbed long-sleeve turtleneck is a pale pink or an oatmeal, and that frustrates me. If it’s pink, well then Betty’s wearing pink and a rusty red-ish color—meaning the next phase of this master plan is underway, and it involves Cheryl being Riverdale’s other resident chief messy bitch:
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Pink and red—as we’ve discussed several times before—are Betty’s Archie colors. 
They’re not always a symbol of a romantic connection, but that’s defo the weight costuming is trying to impart here. 
At this point, we (technically) don’t know that Jughead isn’t dead. Using this motif in this moment is just another way of trying to convince the audience that the act everyone is putting on here is real—both the internal audience within the show (RHS, the town-at-large, but more specifically the Stonewall group), and the external one (us).
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Visually there’s also almost too much going on with this shirt. Contrasting patterns, contrast v-neck, Juliet puffs on the sleeves. It’s a lot, it’s visually confusing in a way that mirrors the actual plot machinations of the story. Her mental state is stressed. 
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I include it for the boots and the skinny jeans, which are very season one-esque. Don’t @ me. 
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A moment for Veronica’s knit. 
Betty wore this very shirt, in another coloring, in 318! I like to think of this as another little costuming easter egg, that it suggests B & V are secretly on the same team here—and after all, they are. 
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Same purse from earlier in the ep, and a jacket that first debuted in season 3. 
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That’s the face of a girl on a mission.
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We know. 
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Boyfriend’s S shirt. 
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...consider how tame that fake kiss above is in light of this message.
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Pour one out for the sex bunker of death!! 
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What favor did Betty do for Archie such that she is owed a milkshake? Give me friendship shit!!!
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Visually, this is an intentional throwback to episode 102, in which Archie tries to apologetically text Betty after telling her he’ll never love her, only to be shut down.
The yellow shirt, the ballet bun, the shorts, the same gd teal phone case. It’s all intentional.
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We haven’t seen Betty and Archie interact much this season between the time Fred died and...basically this plot. So these itty bitty crumbs are what’s supposed to make us believe all the shit that goes down several eps from now, but we’ll cross that (very dumb) bridge when we get to it. 
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The cable-knit is kind of season one throwback, too.
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On the right her earring looks like a heart with an arrow through it, but idk idk. 
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Her kicks are the same she wore in 403. 
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I could say I’m including this here because she’s wearing plaid, it’s in honor of Jug, blah blah—but honestly it’s just cause she looks gorg here. That’s all.
Summary: T e n outfits, ten. That includes two we’ve seen previously in flash forwards, two sets of pajamas, and one instance of boyfriend-wear. 
Is Betty a River Vixen??: ...only in Jug’s Stonewall spank bank. Also, isn’t the season over? Football ended. It’s fake murder season now. 
Backpack 2.0?: Mhm.
The floggingink Memorial Peter Pan Collar Count: with all the season 1 shit being thrown at us, you’d expect it, wouldn’t you? But no. 
Best outfit: I’m into the funeral look I think! 
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thatiranianphantom · 4 years
how differently people treat archie & betty in regards to the cheating really doesn’t sit right w me. a lot of people excuse archie as confused whereas betty gets a lot of the backlash w people wanting physical violence between her & v & wanting betty to have 0 friends lmao
2/2 they’re either equal to me on some days bc i tend to not think of rvd as of late (a win for me!) or i prefer betty bc really i always have bc i’m not the biggest archie fan, plus to me she tried to and wanted to stop it so it just gives her a tad of an edge but just my opinion
You know, I am with you on the double standard, anon. I tend to see the opposite on my dash - an insane amount of Archie hate and people excusing Betty. I have, however, seen both. I think it is really important to keep a few things in mind:
1. Actors are not their characters and they have no creative control. That means it really doesn’t matter what KJ or Lili ship, they get next to no input on their character’s decisions. 
2. The women in this show are, generally speaking, written by men. They exist, in so many ways, as a male fantasy. I got really annoyed during my rewatch roundabout the third episode, when they tried to do this whole “men treat us as objects and it’s wrong” plotline. Frankly, it’s a plotline Riverdale doesn’t have any right to do. Betty’s very first scene was her in a bra, and she’s canonically 15. If the show does do a cheating plotline, it will be ostensibly from Betty’s perspective, but written by a man. That makes a huge difference. 
3. The men on Riverdale are writer self-inserts. I can’t stress that enough. Ted has actually admitted this in as many words. Jughead is wronged because Ted feels wronged by women. Jughead is a handsome (eh), talented person with a large circle of friends and (the show is convinced) a talent for writing because that’s Ted’s self insert. His girl gets taken by the all-American, fit, handsome (god I hate this) guy because that’s something Ted views as what would happen to a guy like him. Betty’s behaviour has no complexity, because it’s written through the lens of an adult man. Whether or not a man wrote these specific scenes that are so anti-Betty, the show is entirely conceptualized as a male-gaze thirst trap, and all its characters act accordingly. 
4. The show cares very little about relationship complexities, and I am not just talking about the Bughead vs. Barchie. I am talking about the intricacies of friendship, too. Veronica was willing to drink poison for Betty. The show is great at big gestures like that, but absolutely useless in the small scenes that would act as narrative scaffolding for this. The fact that this would ruin the friendships of the main characters was treated as very much an afterthought, when the show wants us to believe these characters are important to each other. 
5. The show gave us no thoughts from Archie’s perspective. I have long thought of Archie as a character who acts before thinking. That’s carried him through four years. It is not inconceivable that Archie would impulsively act on his “feelings” for Betty with no regard for the consequences. But we have no background on what motivated Archie in this particular instance. They never took the time to give us this situation from his perspective, and it would have been SO easy to write more narrative scaffolding on this from Archie’s perspective. Veronica was busy this season. Perhaps her and Archie drifted a bit apart because of it. Maybe Archie finally began to realize how different he and Veronica are, and because Jughead was also holding a plotline mostly independent of Betty in the beginning of this season, it would have been easy to have them spend a bit more time together. That would have been narrative scaffolding if they were going the whole “nostalgia” route. But we never received any indication that Veronica and Archie were starting to drift. This entire plotline was the cheapest way to create end-of-season drama from writers who can’t properly create story structure. 
6. The Betty and Archie of 4x17 and 4x18 bear little to no resemblance to the Betty and Archie of the rest of the show. 
All this to say, despite the length of this, I really don’t spend much time on it, anon. We know the writers are terrible at their jobs. I’m going to close this off with this quote which I think sums it up perfectly:
“...where it concerns Riverdale, there is no evidence to suggest that the writers have ever been adept at their jobs. Riverdale has always been a show that makes sh*t up as it goes along, aborts arcs whenever it feels like it (where’s Betty’s brother and Chic?), and has no problem with disconnecting from reality when it writes itself into a corner. Riverdale is primarily a vehicle to serve KJ Apa’s abs and lingering close-ups on the thighs of the female cast members.”
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daehgub-bughead · 3 years
I hope I'm not bothering you, so feel free to ignore this, but I yearn to know: if you had full creative control of the show, how would you run season 5? You can pick and choose whatever leaks you want to include.
So it's better late than never. Seriously for don't answer before and make you wait I didn't forget it I just this was more difficult than I expected every time I saw the white page on my computer I didn't felt the inspiration or have the energy to do it but it's 3 am, I can't sleep sooooo
let's started:
*jughead won't be alcoholic *Veronica isn't married *that awful song doesn't exist, that dint happen was just a collective nightmare instead veronica sings "I kissed a girl" to betty bcs I want to. * maybe is unpopular but I'm not excited for the idea of all working on the high school post-time jump give me glee flashbacks and I hate it. * I will ignore all the new interviews, stills, spoilers. I choose delusion. * I use the phrase "rebuild the truth" a lot Even when I hate it I will give more priority to the cheating storyline and the arcs of the characters how this will affect not only their relationship romantic/friendship. I would put a really heart-heart conversation between Jarchie, Beronica, and Barchie; Ba comes clear apologizing bcs they make a mistake and being sincere with JV. Talking about Ba I dig more into their thinking, motivations, and feelings for both, Give to Archie his point of view and give MORE priority to the core 4 trauma and how they deal with it. And then try to figure out how it could move the plot of the mystery like maybe when Jughead finds out about the kiss he tries to distract himself and go more into the mystery as we see before. Archie's having the things clear in the end but Veronica choosing herself first and deciding that break up would be the best even when it would hurt both. I would show a bit of their life's out on Riverdale Just to the end of the episode, there's some reason everybody comes back to the town probably related to the death (I still think that pops will die). Veronica would be a successful businesswoman, she is an icon in New York and dates a beautiful woman called Rebbeca but when veronica decides to come back to RVD they break up, bcs Rebecca wants to take a time to work on herself, and Veronica comebacks to Riverdale to take control again of pops and start to work with Tabitha remodeling pops maybe and maybe try to become it a franchise. I'm not sure what I would do with Archie but the writers either, so I'll keep the firefighter storyline but he would use a shirt all the time bcs I'm tired of seeing KJ on shirtless (at this point is every man of this show) also he will take total control of Fred's construction company. Veronica contracts Fred's company and varied start to spend more and more time together and try to be just friends while finding their way back to each other and obviously angsty, pining, longing maybe a bit more of angsty and Pining Archie fight for V love. I'll give Toni the screentime that she deserves and let her shine for herself I would like that the show makes justice to the choni/Toni storyline this season but I learn don't get my hope up with this show focusing on the Toni family and her backstory more and making her an individual character again. I'll love to see more musicals moments Vannesa and drew singing together, and Toni and fangs being on a band give to me now. I think first I will talk about ba and then about betty. Love triangle: No más eso no sirve. So I will end with that before time jump they will still felt guilty and regretful for hurt JV and lose them. Archie always be the boy that betty dreamed of for too long and Bettys will always have on Archies heart also they don't idealize each other anymore but still, they will love each other but in a different way.I'm not against the show exploring new relationships and least to betty dating someone else I always expected that the writers will explore ba at some point, I just expected something different, so I'm not against ba dating post time jump for any reason that the writers could think but the thing I would do its ba talking about their feelings for one another, discussing how to live could've been if he never rejected her (not so much bcs Jason was already death, anyways) make a what-if episode/ or an Au episode where Archie don't reject betty but ultimately in that episode it is shown that they are better off as friends & that the road not taken still would lead to bugvarchie.
One thing that I love about the s1 is that in a way or another everybody was involved in the mystery the core 6 with Toni and the serpents could be a good way to get information. One of the points of the season will be the redemption and the rebuild of the seasons so I will go to a semi-slow-burn with the friendships of the shows, I never feel what I supposed to feel for Jarchie but one of the things that I love about some fics saw the rebuild of beronica friendship so I would put so much effort on that and put more moments when we could appreciate the friendship of the core 4 to make it feel more genuine.  Veronica will forgive Betty when seeing how much betty misses her and try to fix the things between them.
As a lot of people do I think that bughead won't break up pre-time jump, Jughead will forgive betty and they will try a long-distance relationship I would like to say that they will leave the cheating behind we would see them being happy and walking to the sunset and live happily ever after but a cheating storyline for them breaking up for the distance doesn't feel good to me so the cheating will affect their relationship and they will try to get over it but it will be a little factor+ the distance and all the responsibilities that have on the university combined make them realize that the timing isn't right, time apart for growing individually, met other people, so they talk about and decide that break up is the best and have a friendly break up.
I think that betty would meet a lot of people some serious relationships other not so serious she will meet some idiots sadly wemet some idiots (that she later will tell veronica and they would laugh together about the looser that stood up Betty and didn't see her on that beautiful readdress) and some really nice guys, Charmings that will care about her and he will want her but sadly the things won't work out. Betty being an FBI agent I'm in, betty being a full badass I'm in, her struggling to follow the rules of the FBI I'm in that's the betty that we love. I have not problems with our favs having difficult times I would keep him having writers' block but not one hit writer I will go to him having problems to find the inspiration to write the end of the story that he starts a long time ago. And for Jessica even when I would like to see jealous betty it seems that every relationship at the beginning of the time jump its borrow time and that's unfair for her so they will be together like 2 or 3 eps max, I think Jughead will love her but on a different way that he loves betty and their relationship seems that isn't on a good moment since the beginning so betty being again on jughead life will be just little factor on their relationship I would put betty investigating the disappearance of Polly and jughead with the Mothman they investigating in different paths until the next episode to see that their investigation is related and start to work together. I'm here to see bughead being single for a time, see their relationships as friends then I will go to the undercover/fake dating/kissing for a cover route I will go for angst, the pining, jealousy, Longing looks, and denial of their feelings and there would be conflict both being scare pf their feelings, let the walls that the build after years being apart down until they can hide the fact that never stop loving to each other. Also, I add this of last moment while we explore bughead future I would show more about bughead backstory, go more into their friendship and pre-pilot relationship, they reading together young Jughead pining for young betty I'm a sucker for that.
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layeredserpent-blog · 6 years
continued from here  because someone is hurting me | @vaintoned 
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“---You don’t get it, Betty. Everyone who has ever tried to care about me, always leaves me. People don’t do that to people they so apparently love.” The view Jughead had about himself was actually quite depressing. He had always felt so alone, all the time. Sure, there was small moments of solace he could find in the little things, but they were only small moments. FP had left him once before, so had his mother and his sister, Archie and him were distant. The people he had that he could rely on were seemingly always growing slimmer. And as much as he didn’t want to face that reality, it was what was happening to him. As much as he didn’t want it to happen, a part of him was just waiting for the day Betty decided to up and leave him too. “I love you, I do. But with my track record I’m just waiting for the day something happens and you’re not here anymore.”
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sublimateradiate · 4 years
Four Seasons of Buildup!
I can’t believe some people are saying there wasn’t buildup to the return of the triangle???. Riverdale has been planting impossible to miss seeds in every season! Look at my evidence and I dare you to disagree that you can’t see those deep feelings or their chemistry:
First, we have Betty:
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I’m sorry, but this is the look of a girl in love. The kiss makes it obvious as you can clearly see Betty’s lips chasing for more. But there’s tons of other evidence:
Catching Veronica in a hug as she falls, weeping, to comfort her about her family.
“Show me your moves”
Confesses to Veronica about important things before her boyfriend, including that the black hood made her break off their relationship, and that Jughead’s mom was a drug dealer.
“I'll never forgive myself for what I did, V”
When asked to pick her “closest companion” immediately picks Veronica
Betty’s smile after mentioning her kiss with Veronica to Jughead
Season 2 musical, where Betty sings Veronica a love ballad about how wonderful Veronica is, culminating with them dancing together and Betty spinning her.
Veronica is even more obvious:
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Is this the look of a friend, or something more? There is nothing platonic about that look.
She calls Betty “my girl”
Buys her a giant bouquet of roses when they fight
Immediately lends her money to save her mother from the Farm
Veronica “adjusting” Betty’s Vixens outfit for her
Calls Betty her “destiny” hot and smart, and the “train that was heading to the rest of my life” all within a few days of meeting her.
Helps Betty cover up a “murder”
"I’ll follow her to the ends of the earth"
The jealous look on her face when Jughead puts his arm around Betty for the first time
Immediately offers her house to host a baby shower, knowing how stressed Betty has been about her sister.
The way she looks at Betty when she emerges in her outfit to take down Chuck
(To refresh your memory..
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And then, there’s all the evidence that they love each other:
They’re a “matching set”
Veronica kisses her after knowing her tor a day, Betty doesn’t mind
Lots of holding hands, hugging, and heads on shoulders.
Everyone calls them B&V, like they’re a unit
Veronica’s sister automatically assumes they’re a couple
Swearing that “no boy” will ever come between them again.
A literal, mutual confession of love in season 3.
Literally willing to die for each other, fighting over who gets to drink deadly poison. (Again, in 3x22)
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Not to mention, they have a long history in the comics, and it wouldn’t be fair or true to the source material to ignore that!
625 total issues of their shared comic, “Betty & Veronica”, since 1950
This isn’t counting their new series, which started in 2016 and is still running, or all the comics that feature them together heavily, like Vixens.
Literally shared a romantic kiss in Archie vs. Predator.
I’d like to commend the Riverdale writers for being so brave, and managing to follow up on all the numerous hints of Beronica they’ve showed on Riverdale, instead of just constantly queerbaiting them to the audience. There’s no other couple on the show they’ve been setting up and continually hinting at since season 1! I love how they’ve managed to use a classic plotline from the comics and turned it on it’s head, making it fresh and new.  I mean, I do feel sorry for their boyfriends, because I did really like Bughead and Varchie, but if they’re going to *have* to split them up, this manages to be pretty much the best reason they could have chosen- a twist that is full of drama but is also progressive and unique, and can be used to tell a complicated, heartfelt story of female agency, relationships, exploring your sexuality, and of a strong, loving bond between 2 women.  We’re so lucky to have such wonderful writers on the show. 🥲
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shadowsndaisies · 5 years
Carrie: The Musical
a/n: okay so kind of excited for this one! this is my first Riverdale piece, and in honor of the 2nd musical episode, I just watched. I wrote this for Carrie from last year, and I’m planning to do another one based off of Heathers now that we’ve seen that beautiful fit. This piece is broken in sections as you’ll see, be aware of the warnings before you read!
Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea (kinda)
WC:  4297
Synopsis: Carrie episode from season 2 re-write
WARNINGS: character death, panic/anxiety attack (more so at the very end)
Pre-Show: Rehearsals Begin
“I can’t believe you’re doing the musical,” Sweet Pea grumbled as you got off your bike.
“Good morning to you too, Pea,” you sighed.
“First Topaz ditches us because of the Blossom chick, then Fangs dips because of Keller, Jughead joined yesterday, and now you, what the hell am I supposed to do?” SP ranted and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“First off I’m not actually performing and neither is Fangs and secondly you could always join the production,” you offer as the two of you enter Riverdale High.
Sweet Pea scoffed at that, “please tell me you’re joking,” he added a deadpan as his eyes slid to you.
“Not exactly, Pea, if we’re all in the musical, don’t you think you should probably come to see why?” you say as the two of you approach your locker.
“Hell no,” he stated simply, crossing his arms and leaning down to be closer to your eye level.
“Okay, well, enjoy being on your own for a bit Pea, because the rest of us have rehearsals today, I’ll see you later,” you nodded, after exchanging your books.
You tap Pea’s shoulder twice before walking away, shaking your head as his grumbles about enjoying the time off would suit him just fine.
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After class you found yourself sitting in the circle with the rest of the main cast Kevin was giving a basic intro when Fangs finally showed, he slid into the circle between you and Kevin.
“Nice of you to show Fogarty,” you whispered to him, a playful look on your face.
“I’m a busy man, (y/n) you know that,” he winked slinging his arm on the back of your chair causing you to chuckle softly and shake your head.
You would’ve continued your conversation too if Cheryl hadn’t begun to sing. You had to give the redhead props, as she sang Carrie you could totally see her embodying the role of Carrie White. Although when she was done the smile that had come to your lips during her performance disappeared as soon as the thud that sounded with the falling of the sandbag was heard. You had physically jumped and Fangs’ arms had instinctively gone to pull you back, just in case.
Sweet Pea and Fangs were the same in that sense, the two of them had consistently been putting themselves in the line of danger to save you for years. A fight breaks out, the boys immediately push you behind them or one of them gets you out. For Fangs the reasoning was easy, he was your best friend, the flirting was all for fun and just a part of both of your natural natures. With Pea, the relationship was a bit different as often times he got a little too protective but at the same time would never give the honest answer, he was one of your closest friends and god were you grateful for him.
When rehearsals ended, shortly after the Cheryl and the sandbag fiasco Fangs walked you back outside to your bike, except when you got there you saw Sweet Pea waiting, leaning against his own Harley.
“Hey Sweets, what are you doing here?” you asked slowly as you and Fangs approached your bikes.
“Fangs texted me about the sandbag,” he stated and you rolled your eyes before glaring at your other friend.
“Seriously? I wasn’t even close to it, Cheryl’s the one who could’ve gotten hurt. Hell, I’m not even actually in the musical, I’m helping with costumes and filling in as an ensemble dancer and voice,” you clarify.
“Dead, she could’ve gotten dead,” Fangs argued.
“You’re not helping, Fogarty,” you squint at him.
“From now on, if you’re going to insist on doing this stupid musical because it is stupid, then I’m there, every time,” Sweet Pea decided.
“Fangs is going to be there constantly, and I don’t need a babysitter, I’m a big girl, Pea,” you attempted to object.
“You know this doesn’t really seem like you need me for this argument, so I'm just going to head out, I’ll see you guys back at Sunnyside,” Fangs managed to get out as you glared at Pea and he stared back.
It was once the roar of Fangs bike could no longer be heard did Sweet Pea speak up, “I know you’re a big girl, okay. Trust me I’m well aware, but here’s how it’s going to go down, I’m going to be there, end of story,” he stated.
You couldn’t help but scoff, “look Sweet Pea, I’m grateful for the fact that I have you and Fangs always looking out for me, but this time I have to say no. If something’s going on we’ll figure it out, okay? I’ve got Jughead and Toni and Fangs all in the musical. Not to mention I’m actually friends with Betty and Archie and Cheryl and pretty much everyone else, if anything happens I’m protected. And you’ll be the first to know. But you gotta give me space this time,” you sigh before starting your engine, revving it so that Sweet Pea wouldn’t be able to get another word in.
Act 1: B & V
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Days began to go by without another incident, Jughead told you he’s looking into the whole sandbag incident and that he’s got his eyes open,  Cheryl and Josie seemed to have made up, or gotten to the in the works stage of the process and your costume game was going strong, so was your ensemble voice. However, the tension between Veronica and Betty was beginning to become even more palpable. Though things did come to a peak during Veronica’s The World According to Chris number.
“Okay, Veronica I am obsessed with everything that just happened,” Kevin praised as those of us, not in the number clapped from our seats in the audience.
“Thank you,” Veronica smiled, her hands clasped together and a gleeful smile splayed on her lips, “it helps to be off-book and in full costume,” Veronica sent you a silent thank you which caused you to smile back.
The dry laugh from Betty drew all of your attention though, “don’t be so modest. You are the literal embodiment of Chris,” she began and you couldn’t help but send Jughead who was a few seats to your left a look of worry. “Never had a role been so perfectly type-cast.”
“Oh no…” you mumbled a hand already coming up to pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Betty…” Archie began but stopped himself when Veronica raised her hand, you also didn't miss the sigh that Kevin let out, one very similar to the one you let out as everyone straightened in their seats, the drama something they craved.
“What was that, Betty?” Veronica asked, walking closer to the girl who was once her best friend.
“I mean, think about it,” Betty began again, her tone flat as if this were boring her and were completely obvious. “Spoiled rich girl, check. Major daddy issues, check. Bad to the bone, trying to control everyone around her, including her boyfriend and best friend, check, check, check,” Betty finished taking a few steps closer to Veronica as well.
Fangs let out a sigh before turning to you, your fingers still pinching the bridge of your nose, trying to fight an oncoming headache.
“What do we do?” Fangs mouthed, looking straight at you.
“Nothing,” you shook your head and mouthed back, this was one argument where you all had to keep your mouths shut until there was more information.
Intermission #1: a conversation
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“Yo, Red,” I need to talk to you,” you shouted through the halls of Riverdale High School when spotted the familiar flob of red hair by his locker.
“Hey, (y/n), what’s up?” Archie nodded, switching out some of his books.
“How are Veronica and Betty? I mean I like them, really I do, but the tension with the musical, and the incident that happened after the Chris number, I’m a little worried,” you explained.
“Don’t worry about it, they’re sorting it out, but trust me, it’s getting better,” he promised before shutting his locker and reattaching the lock. “All you need to focus on is making sure that we look like we’re from Carrie, yeah?” he nodded before walking away.
“Sure thing, Andrews,” you sighed before heading off to your next class as well.
Act 2: Cheryl Blossom
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Some more time went by and the cast was becoming stronger and stronger and then Kevin got another note, of course, you weren’t supposed to know. But you were a Serpent and that meant you and Jughead were family. When Kevin decided to talk to Cheryl things turned out very different than how you all were expecting them too.
“Due to some unforeseen circumstances...” Kevin began, clearly upset. Fangs had moved his hand to hold Kevin’s shoulder soothingly, though, Kevin had pushed it away. “...Cheryl will no longer be playing the role of Carrie White,” your eyes widened.
Sure Cheryl was being targeted but Cherry Bombshell never backs down from a fight, ever. Clearly, you weren’t the only one to be surprised as everybody immediately began asking “What?” and “Why?”. As your eyes danced around looking carefully at everyone sitting in the circle they couldn’t help but fixate on Ethel Muggs for a moment, she seemed to be fighting a proud little smirk and failing.
“Let’s just say Penelope Blossom isn’t much of a stage mom,” Kevin announced to everyone before leaning towards Toni, she was sitting on the other side of you while Fangs was to your right.
Toni gave a quick nod before grabbing her stuff and walking away, you shared another look with Fangs, there was some weird shit going down in this musical.
“In the meantime, Cheryl’s understudy will assume the role,” Kevin concluded with a curt nod.
“Understudy?” Ethel asked the smirk had been wiped away by the new information.
“I appointed one after the sandbag incident,” Kevin explained and your eyes narrowed on Ethel as she let out what seemed like an irritated sigh, “Midge Klump.”
Applause erupted from all of us as our attention went to Midge who’s smile brightened and cheeks flushed just enough for us to notice.
Intermission #2: Sweet Pea Returns
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“Fangs mentioned things have been getting kind of intense over at the musical,” Sweet Pea noted as casually as he could while the two of you were playing a game of pool in the nearly empty Whyte Wyrm.
“Yeah, figured you must be the soul that Fogarty cries his sweet little heart out to,” you snorted, taking a sip of your water and lining up for your shot.
“Just wanted to check in, see how you were doing,” he continued.
Your eyes squinted slightly as you adjusted your angle before taking your shot, another of the striped balls landing in a hole, a smile on your lips you turned back to your giant of a friend. “Careful Sweets, almost sounds like you care,” you laugh.
You were about to place your hand down to continue your turn but Sweets pulled you back by your wrist, forcing you to turn to him, “Damn straight I care, you tell me what’s going on,” he said seriously, eyebrows furrowed, gaze focused on yours.
And your mouth went dry, suddenly all words taken from you, the look on his face was serious, deadly serious.
“Fangs told you about the second note, didn’t he?” you whispered, you were just so close, a whisper was all you needed.
“You tell me, okay,” he repeated, his voice still low and still serious.
Your hand came up to grab the one he had on your other wrist, “I promise, Sweets. I’ll tell you,” you nodded and he let you go.
“Good, now finish your shot so I can mop the floor with you,” he said, clearing his throat, and that soft look, one that almost looked like fear was gone, and his normal hardened by the world facade was back.
“It’s not nice to tell lies,” you shot back, sparing him another careful glance before turning back to the table.
Act 3: The Cooper Drama
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As soon as we started working with Midge as Carrie we had to do a full breakdown of the new dynamic, so we finally let Alice Cooper take the stage, it was going really well and then Betty’s name slipped her mouth. Your head dropped at the realization of what was coming next, Fang's hand came down on my shoulders, his thumb rubbing slightly soothing circles into the blade.
“Mom?” Betty’s voice was soft as she called out to her mother after the older Cooper finished her lines form the song.
“Don’t leave me, Betty,” Alice begged, a soft hiccup in between. “Don’t leave me like all the others,” she added before rushing off stage, Betty got up and followed right after her.
“Am I directing a train wreck?” Kevin asked and that caused me to sit up straight. Fangs shrugged his shoulders before lifting a cup. “And where’s my tea?” Kevin added causing Fangs’ arm to freeze.
“Alright that’s enough drama for me, I’m heading home. Fangs, you good or you need a ride?” you asked standing up and grabbing your bag.
“Rehearsals aren’t done yet!” Kevin interjected.
“Guess it’s a good thing I’m not on stage then,” you sighed, offering the group a peace sign before walking out of the auditorium and to your bike.
Intermission #3: your interview
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“Why are we in the music room, Jones?” you asked, a bored expression over your face as you sat down on one of the stools.
“It’s your turn for confession,” Jughead jokes.
“Bless me, father, for I have sinned,” you shot back sarcastically.
“No, but really, this is your time to talk about what it’s been like working behind the scenes and with the cast,” Jughead prodded.
“Kevin’s my friend Jughead. And he asked me to help with costumes. I agreed. The cast is just more of my friends, so it’s been cool. I mean I’m not really one for people’s drama so that’s been a bit much but I don’t know. Fangs is breathing down my neck constantly because Sweet Pea’s doing the same to him. Oh! I just finished the digital file for the program mock-up, I sent it to Kevin so he could make some final adjustments before sending them to print,” you offer.
“This is lame, you know that? You’re giving me lame stuff to film, boo,” Jughead shook his head and you laughed.
“Sorry, my life isn’t some telenovela-like some of our other friends,” you scoff.
“Such a shame too, you could’ve been a star, kid, a star,” jughead trailed with a slight accent, causing you to roll your eyes.
“You’re something else, Jones, you know that?” you laugh as the bell rings.
Act 4: The Show Begins
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On the night of the show, I arrived with a bag in hand, inside was my best dress. I wasn’t going on stage but I had been a lot of help and so Kevin had asked me to dress nice. When I walked into the dressing rooms everyone was preparing themselves.
As the curtain call drew closer and closer I had already changed and now was running around to make sure everyone looked perfect. We were all singing You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet as we went.
“You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night you'll never forget. You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget,” everyone was singing
“This will be just great,” Archie sang before I pulled him away from Veronica and to his costume.
“Oh, my life is gonna take flight. Can't wait till Saturday night, yeah…”
Sheriff Keller came in to take a picture of Kevin, and then they ushered you into the photo too.
“Eighty bucks for a tux?” Kevin sang the next line, gesturing to his own clothes, causing me to laugh.
“Damn, we better get laid,” Moose cut in.
“You've been prayin' for that since the seventh grade,” you sang back causing Moose to snort in return.
“It's the least we deserve after everything we've paid,” Alice added from where she was curling her hair.
“Got the food,” Archie.
“Got the drinks,” Chuck.
“Got the limo for ten,” Veronica.
“And we won't get a chance like this again,” everyone.
“We'll be leaving as boys but we're coming home as men,” boys.
“This will be just great! Yeah, my life is gonna take flight,” Chuck.
“Can't wait till Saturday night,” Ethel.
I walked out into the hall to hand costumes out to everyone as they passed.
Toni came first, “You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget.”
Then the rest, “You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget. You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget. You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget. You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget. You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never, no, never, we'll never forget. A night we'll never forget,” then they were ready.
Intermission #4: 10 minutes til places
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“Ten minutes till places! Where is Fangs?” Kevin announced before looking to you.
“I don’t know, Kevin. I’ve been trying to find him myself,” you shook your head.
Sweet Pea hadn’t told you if he was coming tonight but you knew Fangs would know.
“Okay, you know what? You!” Kevin pointed at one of the many co-stage managers he had gotten to help with the musical, “give (y/n) your headset. I need to be able to talk to her in case we have a costume malfunction.”
The girl handed it to you with a smile before walking away to help finish final touches.
“Why’d you really give it to me?” You asked, your friend as you adjusted the headset.
“Keep your eyes open, I’ve got this queasy feeling,” he mumbled before walking away.
“(Y/n)!” Jughead called out to you from where he was behind the camera.
“Yeah, what’s up, Jughead?” you asked.
“When we find Fangs, stick with him, okay? Or find Sweet Pea and sit with him,” Jughead told you.
“Jug! Are you serious? I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” you grumbled before walking away.
Not even five minutes passed before you saw Jughead again, this time he was being thrown out of Ethel’s dressing room, “Really, Jones?” you asked.
“I think Ethel’s the one who wrote the notes, sounded like a guilty conscious to me,” Jughead responded, turning the camera towards me, and then to the side again, “Hey Moose!”
“Out of my way, Jones,” Moose spit back, a hand to Jughead’s chest for good measure.
Your eyes met Jug’s over the top of the camera, you were vaguely aware that he was filming you again, “What is going on with this musical, man?” you muttered.
“Something, diabolical,” Jughead answered, squinting his eyes slightly as he looked after the direction in which Moose had gone.
Act 5: The Final Act
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The musical had been going well, you were sitting next to Jughead and Kevin in the middle of the front row, watching Alice Cooper sing before it all went to hell.
“All right, Carrietta, it’s time to come out of your closet,” Alice announced and the stagehands took their queue to raise the closet set.
We were supposed to see Midge, on her knees and she should’ve been singing, instead, your hands began to sweat and your heart began to move much more rapidly and you felt something sour rise up your throat. Midge was on stage, but not how it should’ve been.
“Uh, Kevin, did you reblock this scene? Why isn’t she on her knees singing?” Cheryl’s voice had an edge to it, the same edge that had made it slightly more difficult for you to breath.
Kevin could only stutter and my hand came up over my mouth, the feeling as if I were about to cry, or faint, or vomit all swirling through me. Because on stage was Midge, she was on the wall, suspended in place by multiple daggers in her body and around her, was bloody letters, “I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD ALL THOSE WHO ESCAPED ME BEFORE WILL DIE... B.H.”
“Oh god, no,” you muttered.
“I don’t think that’s part of the show,” Jughead murmured.
“Oh my god,” Kevin was finally able to spit some words out.
“Somebody should help her, for god's sake help her!” Cheryl screamed, and that caused Alice to turn around.
When Alice Cooper let out a scream of pure fear everyone began to move, but you were frozen the panic of the situation was getting to you, everyone seemed to close and the room felt like there wasn’t enough air and everything was too loud.
“(Y/n)!” Jughead shouted from where he was beside you.
“I-I can-can’t-” you shook your head violently and your body began to shake.
You were so focused on how your hands were shaking you didn’t realize when someone else came to stand before you, allowing Jughead to go run after his girlfriend.
“(Y/n),” his voice was stern and low and had an edge to it that made you look up.
There was Sweet Pea, he was staring at you so carefully but also with what looked like relief, then he notices your hands.
“Hey, just breath, okay, you’re going to be fine,” he attempted to soothe.
“Fine!” you shot back between ragged breaths. “She-she’s dead…” you tried to gasp for air and then Sweet Pea made a decision, he slipped his arms around you from where you were sitting, and with a small grunt lifted you into his arms.
His giant stature allowed him to move through the crowd relatively easily and he didn’t stop until he got you outside.
“Hey, I’ve got you, you’re going to be okay” he whispered a few minutes after he had set you on one of the picnic tables outside in the back, it was quieter there and the cold air helped to get you to calm down, his arms were on both sides of you and then you were hugging him.
He froze this time, surprised at how you had basically latched your arms around him, but his arms moved to wrap around you, and he squeezed you just enough to remind you he was here.
“You’re freezing,” he noted, his voice a soft whisper, just like it was that day at the Wyrm. He pulled away from you for a moment to slip his jacket off, he was wearing the leather one today, and then it was enveloping you.
“C’mon let’s get you home,” he said softly.
“I don’t want to go home, Pea. I don’t want to go back to an empty trailer, not tonight,” you whispered.
“Then you’ll come to mine, I told you I’m not letting you out of my sight,” he nodded, offering you his hand.
You nodded before grabbing it.
The Curtain Call
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You were sitting on Sweet Pea’s bed, staring at a picture on the wall.
“That was a good day,” Sweet Pea said, his voice soft as he set some stuff to the side of you on the bed.
You didn’t respond and your hands were tucked under your legs to keep them from shaking.
“I got some clothes for you to change into,” he continued, but your eyes stayed focused on the photo. “(Y/n).... C'mon, work with me, tell me something,” he asked and you slowly turned to him.
He sighed and grabbed a wipe as he took in your disheveled face, makeup smudged and streaked over your face. “C’mere,” he said as he tilted your face up to him, tucking your hair back and slowly wiping at your face.
Your lips parted as he swiped the wipe by your chin, “I’m terrified,” you admit to him, voice cracking.
Sweet Pea kept one hand gently on your face as he threw the wipe into the trash bin, “Nothing’s going to happen to you, while I’m here, okay? I’ve got you. All the serpents do,” he promised, but it did little to soothe your nerves.
“That’s not the reason,” you breathed as one of your shaky hands came up to grip onto Pea’s wrist.
He stays silent, eyes flicking to yours as he grabbed your scrunchie from your wrist, his hands moving to your hair.
“I’m terrified for who’s next,” you continued and your eyes watered. “I don’t want to watch another person die.”
He tied your hair in a half bun and swept a few of your baby hairs from your face before crouching down to be eye level with you, “They’re gonna get this guy,” he said seriously.
“You don’t know that,” your voice cracked as you met his eyes.
“I don’t have to. Because what I do know, is that no one is going to touch you, because I’m here, always,” he reminded. “Here, these should sort of fit, get comfy, we can watch a movie or something,” he nodded to the clothes on the bed.
He walked out to go and change himself and carefully you unzipped your dress and changed into the black boxer shorts and grey t-shirt he had left for you.
When he came back he laid on his bed and you fell in beside him. With one arm over your waist, he started the movie. You fell asleep before the halfway mark, and his grip on you tightened slightly. There was no way in hell he was going to just let you go.
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massmurdera · 4 years
Super fun list/idea I look forward to. I love end-of-year lists and even end of decade lists and checking to see what I missed or completely forgot about.
Some stuff I didn’t like, am lukewarm about. But most is right on and worth checking out.
Glad they added: the Bodega Boys soundboard (Desus and Mero). Some segments on Desus and Mero this year were the funniest things I watched...Ryen Russillo’s ‘Worst Year ever’ segment. Forgot about that one. Relatable.
Things I’d add to the list... Limited series that are really good (in order): When They See Us (particularly Jharrell Jerome’); Unbelievable; Chernobyl; the Loudest Voice; Mrs Fletcher
Late add: ‘Don’t Fuck with Cats: the Hunt for the Internet Cat Killer’ Still need to check out: ‘Fosse/Verdon’; ‘Looking for Alaska’; ‘Good Omens’
Late Night: ‘Desus and Mero’-kind of mentioned with the Bodega Boys soundboard. Some segments were the hardest I’ve laughed this year. Maybe the ad for the South Carolina sheriff was the best moment? And the hilarious game show moment with Jimmy Fallon/Charlize Theron and the Taylor Swift ‘long back’ moment that got them death threats from Swift fans.
Without fail, I introduce anybody to Desus and Mero or even just Mero’s laugh-and they will enjoy it. They are so naturally funny/likable and got great chemistry/riffing.
TV Series: ‘Sex Education’. Some ‘Derry Girls’. Moments: Sydney Sweeney’s boobies on ‘Euphoria’. That show is pretty ridiculous/dumb at times and basically feels like a hysterically paranoid made-up nightmare of what high school is like. But it has good female performances you can’t look away from. The dudes? not so much. Documentaries (no order): ‘the Ted Bundy Tapes’, ‘Finding Neverland’ (Michael Jackson sexual abuse of kids); ‘I Love You Now Die’ (local in Massachusetts with inducing someone to commit suicide case), ‘‘‘the Inventor’ (Theranos) ‘American Factory’; ‘Knocking Down the House’ (AOC)
Enjoyed a lot of these to varying degrees. Heard the Maradona doc was good.
Comedy Specials:  -Bill Burr-’Paper Tiger’-favorite stand-up comic. Particularly his bit 54 minutes in. I still think he’s left out his best bits 3 specials in a row now (the anti respecting the troops makes sense as to why he left it out/didn’t land in London and why) -Gary Gulman-’the Great Depresh’-doc didn’t totally work for me, but there’s some great moments from a comic I’ve always liked/didn’t know what he was going through. -Dave Chappelle -got a lot of flack, but it was still funny. -Mike Birbiglia-’the New One’-comic from my town (Shrewsbury MA). He does ready-made Broadway/Off-Broadway one-man acts (not so much comedy specials). He’s not a favorite comic in that I don’t think he’s as naturally or consistently funny as a lot of the guys I like on podcasts; that’s not his forte. But if he has an act, he’ll deliver and usually get better with it. -Anthony Jeselnik-’Fire in the Maternity Ward’ Comedy album -Joe DeRosa-’I Go To Atlanta All the Time’ -may not pop into my head as a favorite comic, but he reliably releases some of my favorite comedy albums.
Podcasts -’the Dollop’: ‘Ronald Reagan part 1 & 2′ with Patton Oswalt. Lot of episodes are hit-or-miss, but when it’s on? It’s damn good/funny/unbelievable. I wish they had a comedy production studios for Dollop movies/TV/shorts.
I listen to an ungodly amount of podcasts, but I can’t think of standout moments/episodes beyond the above one. I think Frotcast will release a Best of the year oepisode soon and it might deliver.
Internet moments -the short/angry Bagel Boss guy losing his shit (and other videos of the guy being a douche) -Megan McCain being dunked on. Probably ‘You were at my wedding denise’ was the highlight but it was never-ending from an all-time dumb person/faildaughter of a shitty politician. You could probably also add other shitty Republicans/conservative thinkers. Getting shit on online and losing the culture wars forever and always is the least/best we can do in these shit times. They will never have that and it irks them no matter how much they say it doesn’t. That’s history and being on the wrong side. SNL -Adam Sandler’s SNL comeback/tribute to Chris Farley. He did it on his really good Netflix comedy special but was more touching here and a genuine moment.
SNL mostly sucks and I hate-watch it. Has a collection of funny people but they fail to do anything with it.
Need to check out: Uncut Gems; Little Women; Star Wars; end of ‘Legion’ (4 episodes behind/wasn't enjoying the last season and a half. The final ‘Mr Robot’. episode on Sunday. 1 episode into ‘the Witcher’ and so far it’s pretty stupid and Henry Cavill’s voice is unintentionally funny. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY PERSONAL FAVES.... TV: Succession/Fleabag/Watchmen DISAPPOINTING ALL-TIME GREAT END: Game of Thrones GREAT: When They See Us; Unbelievable; Chernobyl VERY GOOD/HIGH HIGHS: Barry; Brockmire; Derry Girls; Euphoria; Pen15; Sex Education FAVORITE SHOWS I LOVE BUT NOT TOTALLY STANDOUT SEASONS: Big Mouth; Rick and Morty; Veep OKAY: Dark; Russian Doll HALF-WATCH/MEH: All-American; Emergence; Jack Ryan; Living With Yourself; the Mandalorian; Stumptown; True Detective; Warrior NOT GOOD BUT I WATCH: Shameless ONCE GREAT NOW MIGHT NEED TO END: GLOW; Killing Eve; Luther; Stranger Things NOT VERY GOOD/ENDED: Big Little Lies; Silicon Valley GAVE UP ON: Riverdale
STILL NEED TO CHECK OUT/CATCH UP BUT ARE GOOD/QUALITY: Bosch; Broad City; Brooklyn 99; Catastrophe; Expanse; Good Place; It’s Always Sunny; Letterkenny; Other Two; Ramy; Schitt’s Creek MOVIE:  TOP TIER FAVORITES: 1) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 2) Uncut Gems SECOND TIER FAVES: 3) Little Women 4) Knives Out 5) Midsommer 6) Parasite 7) Marriage Story THIRD TIER: 8) John Wick III 9) the Irishman 10) Us 11) Shazam! UNDERRATED: 12) Ready or Not
ABSOLUTE FAVORITE DOCS: the two Fyre Festival docs; American Factory SOLID: Breaking Bad: El Camino; Dolemite is My Name; Longshot; the Two Popes OKAY: the Amazing Jonathan; Avengers: Endgame; Spiderman: Far From Home; Fighting With My Family; Hustlers; Knocking Down the House LOW EXPECTATIONS HIGH REWARD BUT TOTALLY DUMB: 6 Underground; Between Two Ferns: the Movie NOT TOTALLY MY THING BUT IMPRESSIVE: Ad Astra; High Flying Bird HALF-WATCH RENTAL: Always Be My Maybe; Good Boys; Hobbes & Shaw; the Report DISAPPOINTING: Toy Story 4; Triple Frontier DIDN’T LIKE/OVERHYPED: Booksmart; the Farewell; Under the Silver Lake BAD: the Laundromat; Let It Snow; Noel
HAVE YET TO SEE: Apollo 11; Art of Self-Defense; Beach Bum; Ford v Ferrari; Honey Boy; It 2; the Lighthouse; Rocketman; the Souvenir; Star Wars; Transit
LIVE SHOW: Brian Fallon at City Winery solo acoustic. Was 75% banter from a dude filled with nerves. Felt like a funny ‘Unplugged’ with pretty sad songs inbetween.
Comics Come Home was good (Robert Kelly; Bill Burr, John Mulaney, Pete Holmes, etc) MUSIC-Menzingers Late Pass: Spanish Love Songs
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harris-coopers · 6 years
The Sprousehart Timeline
Or the Story of how we went from  🐈 to  🐺. 
So here it is! This runs from 2016 to Today. It has pictures but videos are linked. Huge thanks to @emmalrb @forsythpendleton and @sprousehartinvestigation for the help. This was 30 pages so be warned it’s really long! - Rose
-          Casting is announced for ‘Archie Comics remake’ Aka Riverdale. Lili and Cole are cast as Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones respectively.
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March 21st
-          The cast have dinner to celebrate one week of filming Riverdale
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June 5th
-          Lili goes to the beach with Cole and Dylan
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-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUSfYSKYKWY
July 22nd-25th
-          The cast go to comic con. Lots of looks and the infamous hug video.
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July 27th
-          Cole and Lili hang out with Debby at her place in LA.
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-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=xZHJi8VZSgc
August 4th
-          Lili wishes Cole a happy birthday
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September 22nd
-          Roberto posts this picture. Filming for season two has resumed.
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Sometime in October
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January 8th
-          Golden Globes: Lili is reportedly sitting in Cole’s lap.
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January 27th
-          The cast watch Lili and Camila on Seth Meyers
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiADYuyUuDw
Febuary 6th
-          Madelaine does a livestream. Lili disappears halfway through and Mads claims she’s ‘doing laundry’ whilst looking somewhat distracted, and when a fan asks to be shown around, Madelaine looks off of the camera (seemingly at someone) ‘You know I would but it’s a little dirty right now… Yeah. Dirty”
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjlL-PdQIQI&t=15
Febuary 13th
-          Run in with a fan whilst out in Vancouver
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Febuary 23rd
-          Hanging out with Debbie Ryan and Mad Hill after a live tweet session
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Febuary 25th
-          Madchen posts a picture of them at an Archie Comics art show
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Febuary 26th
-          Watching the Oscars at Debbies
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvZUwBunDig
March 6th
-          They take a nature adventure together
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March 16th
-          Lili comes back from filming a movie and the two take a trip together
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpnXy-51-iI
March 17th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story from the same field from a few days before
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March 18th
-          Cat sitting Debby Ryan’s cats at her place.
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March 19th
-          Both respectively posted the pictures of Lili in the flower field.
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March 30th
-          Livestream with Lili and Camila, Cole joins towards the end and they seemingly forget that they are on live (it basically becomes the Lili and Cole show)
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2QopGkT5rI&t=782s
April 1st
-          Wondercon with all the infamous interviews, the looks and the jokes.
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KKYYPj4eg0&t=1s
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loHQbxR3DNU
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBGe89llmfg
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bupIy9_W2mE&t=91s
April 2nd
-          They have a breakfast date together. Cole is in the same clothes from Wondercon
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-          The cast hang out for a pool day at Skeet’s.
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April 3rd
-          They fly to Mexico together for the Riverdale promotion.
April 7th
-          Cast do a photoshoot in mexico.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/159318225796/betty-and-jughead-bts-vid-of-shoot-with
April 8th
-          The cast explore Mexico together and Cole and Lili matched outfits.
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April 9th
-          The cast explored Mexico a little and Lili and Cole seemingly went on their own adventure
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April 11th
-          Cole uploads bts pictures of Lili from behind the scenes of Riverdale season 1. Aka the Lili Reinhart Slideshow.
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-          http://betty-and-jughead.tumblr.com/post/159466991892/thank-you-cole-sprouse-for-blessing-us-with-these
April 15th
-          The Riverdale cast attend Coachella together.
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-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/159644335946
April 17th
-          Cast video from Mexico, Interviewer asks “Who has the most secrets?” Everyone else responds with “Cole” and Lili responds with “I feel like if you ask Cole anything, he’ll tell you”
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxV5_fSmdBk
April 20th
-          Lili and Cole went on a road trip to the Antelope Valley Poppy fields after Lili posts on Instagram stories.
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April 23rd
-          Cole shares black and white Instagram picture of Lili and Lili shares a similar one in color. Her caption reads ‘Thank you for indulging me’
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-          Cole and Lili on a lunch date spotted by a fan
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/159916118938/oh-my-poor-sprousehart-heart-they-married-i
April 27th
-          Riverdale cast attend Paleyfest 2017
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-          Cole and Lili get asked by MTV about their recent pictures of each other in an interview.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/160098987696/betty-and-jughead-mtv-shared-a-new-interview
May 2017
 May 5th
-           Mads and Lili do a live stream – Cole is in the background and says “just our chemistry baby”
-           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wRmEK_UG3s&t=4s
May 6th
- Lili posts another picture to her Instagram taken by Cole from the antelope valley (Pic)
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 May 12th
-           Riverdale season 1 finale Cole and Lili sit next to each other whilst watching the episode
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 May 15th        
-           Someone mentions Lili’s scientastic video on Cole’s Reddit and Cole responds with “I wish I never mentioned this in an interview she is going to kill me”
May 16th
-           On twitter someone posts a pic of Dylan and Cole as kids and asks which one is Cole and Lili replys with “He is on the Left”
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May 17th
-           Cole, Lili and Mads fly to New York for the CW upfronts Cole puts Lili on his instagram story and Lili puts Cole on her Instagram story.
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 May 18th
-           CW Upfronts numerous pics together pls the interview of Cole discussing his first onscreen love scene “ Lili and I are professionals but I was excited.. it was great”
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-           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfbYCtCaURg
 May 21st
-           Lili uploads a group shot of the girls from the cast on her instagram, Cole comments with the heart eyes emoji 
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May 22nd
-           Lili uploads photos to her tumblr of Cole in the car when they arrived in New York for the upfronts
 May 26th
-           Cole and Lili go out on a breakfast date Lili uploads this to her story but soon deletes it
-           Also spotted by fans on same day
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June 2nd
-           Twitter banter between Cole and Lili about having to sit near to each other at the con – Cole hits back saying “coming from someone who scrambled to get on my flight earlier”
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 June 3rd & 4th
-           Lili and Cole are in Philadelphia for Wizard World con we get multiple moments such as “how did it feel to kiss Cole – Fantastic how bout that” “The dogs because I’m whipped”
- We later learn through tumblr photos and a birthday post that Lili also photographed Cole whilst in Philadelphia
-           Also really cute photo ops of Cole and Lili with their arms around each other
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- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bRLlfQ62ig
 June 10th
-           Game night at Debby’s house footage of Lili’s putting her feet up on Cole’s lap
 June 12th
-           Twitter banter continues with Lili replying to Cole’s stocking over the face picture with multiple emojis  
 June 14th
-           Lili comments on Cole’s Adidas campaign picture on his instagram saying “Yayyyy!”
 June 15th
-           Lili uploads to her IG story ‘bold and brash’ Spongebob episode that she looked up on youtube which is what Cole used to describe Jughead in the May livestream with Cami.
 June 16th  
-           Lili posts instagram story of Cole dancing in her trailer
-            https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/161906307803
-           Twitter banter Cole roasts Lili for getting KJ’s birthday mixed up
 June 21st
-           First table read for season 2 of Riverdale: Cole and Lili are sitting next to each other
 June 23rd
-           Cole and Lili spotted out in Vancouver together by fans
  June 27th  
-           Cole and Lili spotted by fans in the same car together 
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 June 28th
-           Cole is in Lili’s IG story flossing his teeth in the makeup trailer
-            https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/162342325251/lili-via-ig-stories
July 2nd
-          The cast celebrates Canada day together
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July 9th
-          Lili, Cole, Casey and Madelaine went out for breakfast together
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July 13th
-          Cole and fan have an encounter when Cole asks said fan to stop busking while they film their scene.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/162942827736/rarecolesprouse-another-video-of-cole-talking-to
July 20th-July 23rd
-          Riverdale Cast attend comic con. He gives Lili his jacket
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163334288441/prettyshows-comic-con-2017
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163495195696/for-people-who-do-not-believe-you-are-bothering?is_related_post=1
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163469516520/already-the-third-video-here-ig-conrant
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163341488711/bronwynn-riverdale-video-the-cast-gets
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July 29th
-          Cole and Lili go to the movies with her Mum and Sister
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163567229916/quirkyanya-cole-lili-her-mum-and-sis-at-the
July 31st
-          Cast are back to filming
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163628163386/why-its-so-cute
  August 2nd
-          Lili and Cole on a breakfast date
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163727212601/bugheader-i-know-we-should-give-lili-and-cole
August 4th
-          Lili posts a birthday message for Cole to Instagram
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August 5th
-          Cole posts a picture of Lili’s hair
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August 8th
-          Cole posts a picture of Lili in a wheat field
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/163955156496/leaalda-bugheadjones-the-third-mionetrash
August 11th
-          Skeet’s “They have great chemistry” interview
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164073315651/riverdale-star-skeet-ulrich-dishes-on-cole
August 13th
-          Teen choice awards, Lili win’s Choice breakout star and Cole and Lili win Choiceship for bughead.
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August 20th
-          Fan sighting’s in whistler with pictures
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164399085211
August 22nd
-          Fan sighting with (blurry) pictures. They’re with a dog.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164483478086/gershwinn-can-you-believe-coles-so-distracted
August 26th
-          Lili posts a picture of Cole to Instagram stories
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-          Pictures from Antelope Valley surface, ones that Cole has put on his photography portfolio
August 27th
-          The cast all do Karaoke
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/164665522561/sprouseharts-god-listened-to-my-prayers
September 13th
-          Entertainment weekly behind the scenes shoot
-          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ZF6lgw4us
-          Cole’s “It’s very pleasing that people talk about Lili and I in that way” quote
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165310944671/b3tty-jughead-freetimefase-adorebughead
September 16th
-          Taylor’s infamous shoe picture.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165407326356/just-mafe-g-adorebughead
September 17th
-          Cole takes Lili on a hot air balloon for her birthday weekend
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September 18th
-          Lili posts an Instagram story with Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165486724911
September 20th
-          Cole, Casey and Lili out to lunch
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165556469056/gershwinn-amab1060-cole-casey-and-lili-at
September 21st
-          Another food date
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165593745991/mariafernandez4-well-they-have-to-eat-a-few
September 22nd
-          Cole posts a picture of Lili to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165611094446/this-is-pure-omfgggggg
September 26th
-          ‘Make up tutorial’ Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165774345113/they-just-all-together-cami-via-ig-stories
September 27th
-          Lili’s first impression of Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165799704506/perfectingfaith-this-really-attractive-normal
-          Twitter banter between Lili, Cole and Miss Piggy
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165808125721/gershwinn-rubyventure-amab1060-i-am
October 1st
-          Lili and Cole are seen at a grocery store buying baking ingredients. Fan picture and Lili posts to Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/165930324716/gershwinn-gingerheel-juggybetts-domestic
October 5th
-          Lili posts a video of Cole to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166097388559/lili-via-ig-stories-5102017-oh-cole
October 7th
-          Lili and Cole are seen at the airport
-          Lili and Cole are seen in San Francisco
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166163867071/paperlesscrown-deathlydelight-saw-this-on
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166163833521/amab1060-wrightst3-lilis-ig-story-i-hope
October 9th
-          Cole and Lili got out for breakfast (eggs and toast) at 1am
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211835126/quirkyanya-ashsays-bettyscooperr-and-his
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211821046/hotsforbughead-cole-singing-in-the-background
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211845926/quirkyanya-baes-having-breakfastfor-late-dinner
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166211898871/disneygeekgirl71-so-now-theyre-watching
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166235514176/gershwinn-still-enjoying-their-trip-guys
October 10th
-          Lili and Cole arrive back in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166257203336/riverdalesource-lili-reinhart-cole-sprouse
-          Marisol posts a picture of SH in regards to Riverdale
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October 11th
-          Riverdale cast does a livestream without Lili. Fan asks where she is and Cole responds “Lili’s asleep”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166303924751/amab1060-lilis-asleep-oh-my-sh
October 16th
-          Lili and Cole went shopping in new York together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166475384961/amab1060-so-cole-got-new-clothes
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166484636121/carnivalsofsilverfish-the-accidental-gif-i-got
October 17th
-          Cole posts a picture to Instagram of Lili from their San Francisco trip.
-          Lili posts pictures from San Francisco too
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October 18th
-          ET interview is released Lili says this ‘“We get along quite well,” Reinhart said coyly. “We’re doing good.”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166585483046/gershwinn-ohmysprouseheart-this-i-stg-if
October 19th
-          Lili posts two pictures from the San Francisco trip to tumblr
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October 20th
-          Lili posts an Instagram video with Cole and Charles
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166622399306/amab1060-cole-saying-lilis-name-is-my-thing
October 23rd
-          The cast are pumpkin carving together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166700904856/amab1060-theres-a-cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166701147141/inthemoodforchaos-camis-ig-live-101117
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166726950701/gershwinn-jugheadsbean-another-one-your
October 24th
-          New pictures of the cast from the Entertainment weekly shoot are posted
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166749904731/itsbettyandjughead-new-photos-of-the-riverdale
October 25th
-          Cole does an interview with Kelly and Ryan ‘They’re contractually obliged to give me as many kiss scenes as possible”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166780314431/bugheadotp-cole-sprouse-riverdale-complete
October 29th
-          Halloween: Cole is talking about Lili having fomo.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166901771091/quirkyanya-coelsprouse-i-wonder-who-cole-could
October 30th
-          Fan pic of Lili and Cole out and about. She is wearing his jacket
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/166937327316/amab1060-inahologram-how-fucking-adorable-is
November 1st
-          Lili posts a selfie with Cole where they’re both wearing Halloween make up
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-          Marisol does an Instagram live and talks about Lili and Cole “And Lili is waiting for him”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167030966371/bettsxjuggy-confessionsof-riverdale-youre
November 5th
-          The cast are doing karaoke together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167149401416/sprousehart-cole-and-lili-in-ashas-story-are
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167150383451/juggybetts-bless-our-captain-casey-cott
November 6th
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167205825586/bugheadjones-the-third-magnificent
November 7th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story of Lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167250928081/amab1060-cole-loves-a-bearded-angel
November 8th
-          Lili posts a video of Cole to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167276289461/gershwinnlili-did-that-part-iii
November 19th
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
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November 22nd
-          Cole does an interview with People magazine and comments on the relationship
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167780269541/cole-sprouse-on-riverdale-sexiness-lili
November 24th
-          Lili posts another San Francisco picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167846303941/gershwinn-amab1060-daaaaaamn-holy-shitttttt
November 26th
-          More twitter banter
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/167922492286/amab1060-amab1060-dead
December 4th
-          Camila posts an Instagram story including Lili and Cole. HEART EYES
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168203856503/we-blessed-cami-via-ig-stories-4122017
December 5th
-          Lili posts an elf gif to Instagram ‘I’m in love and don’t care who knows it’
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168211468866/omgggggggfffffffgfndjdbsushwvsvhsgggg-what-is
December 6th
-          Lili posts a picture of Cole on Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168250154901/she-also-seems-to-want-to-kill-us-all
December 7th
-          Lili, Cole, Cami and KJ are spotted somewhere in Vancouver.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168295166274/part-1-source-6122017
December 8th
-          Lili posts an Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168330651272/lili-via-ig-stories-8122017
December 9th
-          Lili via IG stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168377507816/lili-via-ig-stories-9122017
 December 11th
-          Cole and Lili with a fan
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168428161986/amab1060-inahologram-cuties-today
December 12th
-          Lili posts a picture to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168488516861/amab1060-holy-hell-this-night-keeps-getting
December 17th
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories about Cole as a child in Friends.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168638260691/lili-via-ig-stories-16122017
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168638252656/lili-via-ig-stories-16122017
December 20th
-          Skeet posts a Happy Holidays picture of Lili, Cole and himself
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/168760946641/quirkyanya-sprousehartlikes-so-fucking
December 29th
-          Lili and Cole were spotted at the airport
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169075740141/bronwynn-colelili
December 30th
-          Lili posts an Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169130256261/rarecolesprouse-theyre-enjoying-the-beach
-          Lili posts an Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169132140261/lavandersunrise-lol
January 1st
-          Lili and Cole in Hawaii
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169208364791/amab1060-hi
-          Lili and Cole in Hawaii with a fan
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169210296976/a92vm-amab1060-hi-again-oh-hey-i-am-dying
January 2nd
-          Lili and Cole in Hawaii with fans
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169213873151/duskyblossom-cuties
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169215565621/om-my-gooood
-          Lili and Cole walking away
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169227516601/quirkyanya-zumpie-from-thecwrivedale-and-i
January 3rd
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169255584536
-          Lili and Camila’s cosmopolitan interview comes out
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169266475521/the-riverdale-actresses-are-cosmos-february-cover
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169266543641/camila-and-lili-on-what-they-think-the-biggest
-          Helicopter tour
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169290541831
 January 4th
-          Insta live is posted mentioning Sprousehart
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169321338021/amab1060-i-found-this-on-instagram-and-thought-it
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169320645601/ultimatecaptainswan-so-romantic
-          Cole posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169326220146/cole-via-ig-stories-4012018
-          Fan photo
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169331872186/new-photo-1012018
January 5th
-          Lili’s cosmopolitan interview comes out
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169362345446/sproushart-my-heart-ahhhhh
-          More sprousehart Hawaii comes out
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169362993696/quirkyanya-gershwinn-amab1060-this-is
-          Hawaii photos come out
Tumblr media
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169363214886/a92vm-quirkyanya-hawaii-magic-source
January 6th
-          Lili and Cole arrive back in Los Angeles
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169397238296/super-madi16-so-i-talked-to-the-guy-who-got-the
January 8th
-          Lili and Cole arrive back in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169461548026/strawberrytrifles-another-picturesss-7118
January 9th
-          Cole interview where Hawaii is mentioned
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169504205251/cole-lili-sprousehart-winonal-bronwynn-it
January 14th
-          Cole and Lili sighting in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169712968181
January 16th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story of Lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169802507428/cole-via-ig-stories-16012018
January 17th
-          Lili does an Instagram live and mentions Cole. “I think Cole’s lucky that he gets to
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169833833917/lili-ig-live-17012018-iconic
January 18th
-          Lili posts a picture to Instagram of herself in Hawaii.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169858123561/ohmysprouseheart-lili-by-cole-on-ig-011818
January 19th
-          Cole posts an Instagram story of Lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169905179021/adorebughead-these-kids
January 21st
-          Casey posts a picture of KJ, Cole and Lili to instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/169950095436/strawberrytrifles-holyshhhhhhhhhttttt
January 31st
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories, videos with Cole on set, doing the box.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334874441/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334890150/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334850535/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334825164/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170334867019/lili-via-ig-stories-30012018
February 2nd
-          Riverdale Instagram story
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170426156516/riverdale-via-ig-stories-2022018
February 4th
-          Lili and Cole via Instagram in whistler
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170484682866/super-madi16-love-this-little-family
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170508174256/cole-via-ig-stories-4022018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170513872931/for-those-who-doubt-in-something
February 6th
-          Lili posts to snapchat. ‘When he calls me hot, even with pimple cream on’
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170598965986/erkay-lilz-she-just-did-that-lili-via-snapchat
February 7th
-          Hart via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170630626366/hart-via-ig-7022018
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170636332596/the-way-he-looks-at-her-though-i-will-never-get
February 8th
-          Hart Denton via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170664537836/a92vm-amab1060-bronwynn-ruverdale-im
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170664864801/a92vm-n0pleasestayhere-wow-i-love-one-1
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170668391356/sunny-and-hart-via-ig-8022018
February 13th
-          Cole and Lili spotted at the airport
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170853277855/rachael-peterson-via-ig-stories-13022018-sh
February 16th
-          Lili via Instagram stories (72 ROSES)
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170962941456/lili-via-ig-stories-16022018
February 17th
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/170999766092/lili-via-ig-stories-17022018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171096469461/strawberrytrifles-whistler-valentine-getaway
February 20th
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171110821326/lili-via-ig-stories-20022018
February 26th
-          Cole posts an Instagram picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171334313846/roothful-isnt-too-hard-to-connect-the-dots
February 28th
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171396835677/lili-via-ig-stories-28022018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171394963766/lili-via-ig-stories-28022018
March 1st
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171404742071/gingerheel-amab1060-lilis-insta-i-see
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171421707951/ashsays-out-with-cole-i-see
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171438399101/jeemyjamz-jeemyjamz-lilireinhart-i-cant
March 10th
-          Lili and Cole out shopping together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171743234881/gershwinn-lili-and-cole-out-and-about-and
-          Lili and Cole out and about in Vancouver
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171753830056/sprouseharts-oh-but-look-who-was-around-for
March 11th
-          Lili and Cole out and about
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171775569651/gershwinn-the-actual-cutest-couple-alive-a
March 15th
-          Madchen via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171962094235/madchen-via-ig-17032018-posted-but-was
March 17th
-          Casey via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171974985531/casey-via-ig-stories-17032018
March 18th
-          Cole via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171988680716
-          Timena via Instagram stories. Cole and Lili dancing together at the wrap party
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/171989568976/tim%C4%93na-apa-via-ig-stories-18032018
March 23rd
-          Cami via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172191212989/cami-via-ig-stories-23032018
March 25th
-          Paleyfest. ‘Lili I’m coming for your man’
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172252221281/imbadwithusernames1-lili-i-am-coming-for-your
-          “Are you guys dating?”
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172256459781/heytherejones-my-poor-babies-oh-mygod
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172260641776
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172255228011/love-and-music-r-life
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-          Paleyfest snapchat
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172263219756/paperlesscrown-gingerheel-bugheadmyloves
March 30th
-          Lili and Cole (and Matt) arrive in Paris
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172415362826/cole-sprouse-lili-reinhart-arrive-in
March 31st
-          Lili and Cole leave their hotels
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172442559101
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172442579241/idreamyourface-lili-is-with-him-in-the-car
-          Lili and Cole at Rivercon
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172447635516/amab1060-i-cant
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172450951841/people-convention-via-ig-31032018
-          Lili’s chat with fans at Rivercon
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172467408541/sprousehartfetus-gershwinn-jugheadass
April 1st
-          Lili and Cole at Rivercon
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172500233021/lilireinheart-on-twitter-has-coles-face-when-lili
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172500193171/amab1060-lili-and-cole-by-antoine-bice
April 2nd
-          Skeet via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172520545546/skeet-via-ig-stories-2042018
-          Lili and Cole on date night
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172533533456/look
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172552934046/lili-and-cole-in-paris-2042018
-          Lili via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172550884611/lili-via-ig-stories-3042018
April 3rd
-          Pictures in Paris from paparazzi
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172554362861/paris-2042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172554621086/paris-2042018
April 4th
-          Lili and Cole at the airport from paris
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172608493441/lilirenhart-lili-and-cole-at-lax-airport-in-los
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172609787526/lili-and-cole-at-lax-airport-in-los-angeles
April 5th
-          Marisol tweets about Lili and Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172625780021/rarecolesprouse-marisol
April 7th
-          Lili and Madelaine at a Chicago convention
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172694500783/heroes-villains-fan-fest-in-chicago-7042018
April 12
-          Chicago convention question
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172860503586/gershwinn-if-you-could-pick-anybody-to-play
April 14th
-          Lili and Cole are in Mexico together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172929563006/lili-via-ig-stories-14042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172930572229/cole-via-ig-stories-14042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172930454963/cole-via-ig-stories-14042018
April 16th
-          Cole via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/172930454963/cole-via-ig-stories-14042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173005120726/a92vm-first-lili-in-his-instastory-and-then-a
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173016406831/hey
April 17th
-          Lili and Cole post to Instagram pictures from Mexico
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173032456536/lili-via-ig-17042018-mexico-april-2018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173034103101/cole-via-ig-17042018-mexico-april-2018
-          The ‘You’re the fish’
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175186189432/what-does-ur-the-mean-thank-yiu
Tumblr media
April 23rd
-          Lili posts another picture from Mexico to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173228986686/a92vm-proud-boyfriend-and-supporting-friend
April 26th
-          Lili and Cole are together in LA and post stories to instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173340608727/cole-via-ig-stories-26042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173340465387/babes-together-lili-via-ig-stories-26042018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173342388051/amab1060-h4rombutera-on-twitter-26042018
April 28th
-          Lili and Cole post to Instagram stories about oatmeal.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173403702131/murderyoursoul-they-were-truly-made-for-each
-          Lili posts an Instagram story about cuximala
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173410656713/lili-via-ig-stories-29042018
April 30th
-          Lili posts to Instagram another mexico picture
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173457779826
May 7th
-          Lili and Cole attend the Met Gala 2018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173679674036/teen-vogue-via-ig-stories-7052018-so-fucking
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173682468596/lavandersunrise-amab1060-omg
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173683280731
Tumblr media
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173685235591/amab1060-sprouseharts-lili-reinhart-and-cole
May 8th
-          Lili via Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173708305336
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173709240161/a92vm-sprouseharts-lili-reinhart-and-cole
 May 10th
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173758071701/closeyoureyesandbelieve-lili-reinhart-and-cole
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/173754639462/lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173757815716/inahologram-cole-is-not-subtle-at-all
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173757918566/inahologram-new-photos-from-inside-look-at
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173770426996/met-gala-2018
May 15th
-          Vogue posts a picture of Lili and Cole at the Met Gala, taken by Kendall Jenner
Tumblr media
-          Cole posts to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173928313581/cole-via-ig-15052018
-          Lili posts to snapchat
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173933676296/you-should-see-lilis-snapchat-story-she-wrote
May 17th
-          The Riverdale cast at the CW Upfronts
Tumblr media
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173993619846/2018-cw-network-upfront-at-the-london-hotel-on-may
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/173993416711/cole-sprouse-attends-the-2018-cw-network-upfront
-          Lili and Cole at the after party
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174010628931/instaaachris-via-ig-ig-stories-17052018
Tumblr media
May 19th
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174066202111/closeyoureyesandbelieve-lili-reinhart-on-the
-          Lili and Cole at Debby Ryan’s birthday. ( Wasn’t confirmed until later that he was there)
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174073703748/lili-via-ig-stories-19052018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174073757688/lili-via-ig-stories-19052018
-          Cole video
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174103925751/queenserpette-amab1060-i-think-i-do-see-his
May 21st
-          Lili and Cole at a CW photoshoot via Lili’s snapchat
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174119940741/closeyoureyesandbelieve-lili-reinhart-and-cole
May 23rd
-          Lili and Cole via Madelaine’s youtube channel
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174186997461/gershwinn-mr-mrs-sprouse-in-action
May 25th
-          Lili’s Men’s health magazine comes out. “The last man to sweep me off my feet shipped six dozen roses to a hotel for a weekend getaway.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174237040386/tikibabe-hopefully-its-a-little-clearer-and
-          Lili and Cole in New Orleans. Cole is filming Five Feet Apart there.
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174300554302/lili-and-cole-in-new-orleans-may-25th
May 26th
-          Lili posts some bts pictures of Riverdale season 2
Tumblr media
May 28th
-          Lili and Cole out in New Orleans
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174330805896/rachel-lynn-mattews-via-ig-stories-28052018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174331502659/julesdougherty-via-ig-stories-27052018
May 29th
-          Lili posts a picture to Instagram stories of herself wearing Cole’s Jacket.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174370392331/ccshbh-goodbye-productivity-because-lili-just
May 31st
-          Lili posts a picture from the Met Gala to Instagram. She has left NOLA
Tumblr media
June 3rd
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174526938371/sprousehart-x-lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          Cole posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174548573341/cole-via-ig-stories-3062018
June 6th
-          Picture from Lili’s birthday 2017 is released by the hot air balloon company
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174633358611/amab1060-okballooning-on-instagram-from
June 9th
-          KJ on Lili and Cole at Oz Comic con
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174717144357/cole-and-lili-have-a-very-special-relationship
June 10th
-          KJ on Lili and Cole at Oz Comic con
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174739674442/any-bughead-fans-here-are-you-shipping-them-for
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/174772735155/kjs-full-answer-to-what-are-your-thoughts-on
June 14th
-          Fan commenting on Cole’s Camera Duels Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/174878986756/rarecolesprouse-canoeing-in-central-park
June 17th
-          Lili and Austyn talking about Cole via Austyn’s Instagram live
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175007396726/babyourenotalone-here-the-important-part-of-the
June 23rd
-          Lili posts to Instagram a text convo with Cole about Shrek
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175162823476/okay-but-how-many-times-has-lili-send-cole-shrek
Jun 24th
-          Lili and Cole go on a double with Hart and Sonny
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175229019578/we-love-double-dates-lili-via-ig-stories
June 26th
-          Lili does a glamour video and mentions the Met Gala briefly.
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175270216812/this-look-was-one-of-my-favorite-looks-it-was-my
-          A fan posts a picture with Lili and Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175293484406/lavandersunrise-lili-girlyou-look-good
-          Cole via Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175292278361/cole-via-ig-stories-26062018
June 30th
-          More Met Gala content comes out
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175419087054
July 1st
-          More Met Gala content
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175433464151/sprousehart-x-lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175433470311/sprousehart-x-lili-and-cole-at-the-met-gala
-          Lili and Cole in Los Angeles (video made 30th June)
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175449085791/gershwinn-sam-mcilvaine-heres-the-full-vid
July 2nd
-          Lili does an interview with Harpers Bazaar
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175472792426/sprousehart-x-i-dont-act-to-be-famous-she
-          The Riverdale cast does a photoshoot together
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175485947286/clairetastic-via-ig-stories-2072018
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175480900931/cami-via-ig-stories-2072018
July 4th
-          Cole and KJ Are road tripping back to Vancouver for the starts of season 3. KJ posts to Instagram stories with Cole talking to Lili in the background
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175554871820/you-can-hear-lili-in-this-one
July 7th
-          Riverdale cast dinner
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175644014896/gershwinn-robertoaguirresacasa-dinner-with
-          Lili posts to Instagram and Cole comments
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175664755386/cole
July 10th
-          Cole posts to Instagram
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175765916255/cole-via-ig-stories-10072018
-          Lili tweets about it
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175769453896/hes-literally-shitposting-from-the-bathroom-with
July 13th
-          Lili posts to Instagram stories
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175873332676/bugheadlover101-lili-reinhart-vis-ig-story
July 14th
-          Unofficial announcement that Lili will be in a feature film. Cole and her have flown to another part of Canada for this.
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175902356066/gillesdemaistre-via-ig-14072018
July 16th
-          Bts of season 2 episode 8 comes out with Lili and Cole
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175964727011/bts-2x08
July 17th
-          Lili posts a snapchat with Cole and Luke
-          https://sprousehart-x.tumblr.com/post/175983037093/lili-and-cole-and-luke-via-lilis-snapchat
-          CW Comic con promotional shoot is posted
-          https://sprousehartinvestigation.tumblr.com/post/175992039016/sprousehartlikes-cutest-smiley-beans
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