#v: Other People's Heartache
yuutaok · 2 months
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⊹ ‧₊˚✿ Spring Leaves, But I Never Will
Yuuta Okkotsu x Reader
In the eerie mountain forest, you seek to find what is missing. Lost and disoriented, you encounter a mysterious boy with eyes like the dead, his presence is captivating. With a gentle hand, he beckons you, and you follow.
⊹ ‧₊˚✿ Word Count: ~4.4K
⊹ ‧₊˚✿ Content Warnings: 18+ MDNI (Minors Do Not Interact), P in V, AFAB! Reader, prone bone, unprotected sex, creampies, posessiveness, supernatural/paranormal stuff happens, open-ended ending, Reader is lost in a forest and meets Yuuta, Yuuta is a freak
⊹ ‧₊˚✿ Author's note: Hiii I am back with a vengeance. Belated birthday fic for Yuuta ♡ Life exploded me so I never got the chance to finish until now. Also, I would like to thank Sen (@/ banjjakz) for inspiring some of the horror aspects of this <3 They have such a lovely way of writing such mysterious horror that I deeply wanted to try my hand at, so please go read their Yuuta fics bc they are sooooo delicious ok I'll stop swooning now byeeeeee
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Lost amidst the dense, foreboding forests of the mountains, you trudged forward, the fading sunlight casting long shadows across the winding trail. Your heart felt heavy with the weight of recent events, the memory of your painful breakup still fresh in your mind. It had only been a couple of days, of course your heart would still hurt and your hands would still shake. And still, the need to escape, to clear your head and find solace amidst the solitude of nature, had driven you to embark on this day-hike alone.
The townsfolk often whispered about this mountain as a haunt for the heartbroken.
And so, here you were.
The hike was pleasant. You took the time to leisurely look at every interesting formed rock or beautiful sprouting flower that you had stumbled upon. Spring had just begun and it felt nice to be in the calm serenity of nature. You took care to not stray too far from the beaten path but still found your way crunching through the trees to look at specimens that caught your eye. It was a great way to get your mind off of things, to forget about life for just a moment.
But now, as the sky darkened and the woods grew eerily silent around you, regret gnawed at the edges of your resolve. Perhaps venturing into the wilderness alone had been a mistake, a reckless act born of heartache. Panic tightened its grip on your chest as you realized that dusk was fast approaching, and you had yet to find your way back to civilization.
With each step you took through the dense undergrowth of the forest, the sense of urgency weighed heavy on your shoulders. Nervously, you glanced at the sky, watching as the sun dipped lower and lower, casting long shadows that danced ominously through the trees. Hope flickered like a dying flame within you, faltering as the daylight waned faster than anticipated.
Your mind wandered to the rumors that had long circulated about the mountain, tales of heartbroken souls seeking solace among the towering trees, only to vanish without a trace.
It was said that the forest held secrets whispered confessions etched into the bark of the old oak trees, and love letters left behind by those who had come seeking solace from their pain. But these were not ordinary declarations of affection; they were haunting, twisted reflections of despair, each word filled with grief, obsession, and heartbreak. You have heard people say that love is the worst curse of all.
Some claimed to have heard mournful voices echoing through the woods, the ghostly whispers of lovers calling out into the darkness, their cries fading into gusts of wind and rustling leaves. Others spoke of strange symbols carved into the earth, cryptic messages left behind by those who had succumbed to the forest's embrace.
You still had decided to come, despite the unsubstantiated rumors that were whispered by the old grannies in the surrounding town. You’d be damned if you suffocated under the weight of your heartache. But as you delved deeper and deeper into the forest, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched— honestly, maybe the old ladies knew something you didn’t.
Panic clawed at the edges of your mind, threatening to consume you whole. Desperate, you called out into the silent woods, your voice echoing into the vast expanse of darkness that surrounded you, “Hello…? Is anybody out there? Can anyone hear me?”
But the only response was the feeling of eyes on the back of your head and the haunting whisper of the wind through the branches, carrying with it a sense of desolation that chilled you to the bone.
With each passing moment, the forest seemed to close in around you, its shadows stretching like grasping fingers eager to ensnare their prey. You were never quite fond of the dark.
Heart pounding, you broke into a run, stumbling through the underbrush in a frantic search for anything familiar. Each rustle of leaves and snap of twigs beneath your feet sent a jolt of fear coursing through your veins, your breaths coming in ragged gasps as you raced against the encroaching darkness.
And then, just as panic threatened to consume you whole, you burst through a thicket of bushes, only to collide with an unexpected figure standing in your path. The air left your lungs as you fell flat on your ass.
You looked up at what, or who, you had just crashed head-on into.
It was a boy, his dark eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity as he regarded you with an enigmatic smile, despite you just pummeling into him with your full force. The shock of the encounter left you speechless, frozen in place as the realization dawned that you were not alone in the woods after all.
You made eye contact with the stranger, and a chill swept through the air, sending a shiver down your spine. His dark hair fell in tousled waves, framing his pale face in an unsettling contrast. His tired eyes bore into you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. A curtain of bangs parted across his forehead, framing his features in a shadowy veil. His lips twisted into a smile and held a hint of something that lurked just beneath the surface.
There was an undeniable aura of unease that surrounded the boy, a sense of foreboding that lingered in the air like a haunting melody. As he extended a hand towards you, offering salvation in the darkness, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something deeply unsettling about him.
"Are you lost?" he asked, his voice low and soothing. "It's dangerous to be out here alone at night. I can lead you to safety."
You looked up at the stranger incredulously, as if you would be dumb enough to follow a stranger you met out in the woods!
Sending your apprehension, the raven-haired boy smiles kindly, “I promise, I don’t bite. Please, it’s getting late and I don’t think I could live with myself if I left you out here by yourself.”
Weighing out your options, you realized that maybe this was your best choice. It’s either that or freezing out in the woods, or better yet being eaten by some wild animal that you hardly can find yourself against.
You looked around, dazed. With darkness closing in around you and no other options in sight, you accepted his offer.
“Alright,” you sighed. “But please don’t try anything, I’ve been told I have a killer right hook.”
He looks at you, obviously amused, “Of course, I’ll be on my best behavior.”
And begrudgingly you had to admit, despite everything in your body screaming for you to keep running, you felt completely and utterly relieved to see him.
As you followed the raven-haired boy deeper into the woods, the sense of unease only intensified, wrapping around you like a suffocating cloak. "Where are we going?" you finally asked, your voice trembling slightly with apprehension.
His dark eyes flickered with an unreadable emotion as he turned to face you, his expression guarded yet strangely calm. "To my cabin," he replied, his voice low and steady. "It's not far from here. You'll be safe there for the night. You can rest for as long as you need to."
Though his words offered reassurance, there was a lingering doubt in the back of your mind. You had heard stories of people disappearing in these woods, never to be seen again, and the thought sent a chill down your spine.
There was something about the dark-haired man that unsettled you, something that whispered of hidden dangers lurking beneath his calm exterior. And even so, something about him drew you in, made you feel so immediately safe with him.
"Who are you?" you pressed, your voice wavering with a mix of fear and curiosity. "And why were you out here alone?"
Yuuta hesitated for a moment as if weighing his words carefully. "My name is Yuuta Okkotsu," he said finally, his gaze meeting yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. "I live in the woods, away from civilization. As for why I was out here...let's just say I have my reasons."
His cryptic response only fueled your apprehension, but as the darkness closed in around you and the sound of rustling leaves filled the air, you realized that you had little choice but to trust him, at least for now. With a nod of reluctant acceptance, you followed Yuuta deeper into the woods, praying that you had not just made a grave mistake.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
His cabin appeared suddenly, a rustic structure nestled amidst the towering trees, its windows glowing with the warm light of a fire within.
"I don't usually invite strangers into my home," Yuuta admitted, his gaze lingering on you with a mix of curiosity and something you couldn’t quite place your finger on. "But I can't leave you out here alone. You're welcome to stay until morning." Though grateful for his offer of shelter, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over you like a shroud.
There was something about Yuuta's demeanor, a subtle intensity in his gaze, that sent shivers down your spine.
You stepped into Yuuta's cabin, grateful for the warmth and shelter it offered. The cozy interior enveloped you in a comforting embrace, dispelling some of the tension that had gripped you since your encounter in the woods. It was humorous actually, how warm the cabin felt in comparison to the uneasiness its owner gave you.
“Home sweet home,” Yuuta said as he took your coat and nodded his head for you to follow him.
Yuuta wasted no time in playing the role of a gracious host, offering you a change of clothes and access to his shower. His bathroom was neat, he didn’t have much, just the basics, but it was still appreciated nonetheless.
As the hot water washed away the dirt and grime of the forest, you felt a sense of relaxation seeping into your bones, soothing the frayed edges of your nerves.
Emerging from the shower feeling refreshed and revitalized. You found Yuuta busy in the kitchen, a delicious aroma of spices and savory delights wafting through the air.
As you peered over his shoulder, you caught a glimpse of the bubbling pot on the stove, filled with rich, fragrant curry. The sight stirred memories of comforting meals shared with loved ones, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. "That smells amazing," you murmured, your mouth watering at the thought of indulging in the hearty dish.
Yuuta glanced up from his cooking, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "It's just a simple curry," he said modestly, though there was a hint of pride in his voice. "But I find that simple comforts are often the most satisfying."
You offered to help, eager to contribute to the meal in some way, but Yuuta shook his head gently. "No need to trouble yourself," he insisted, his gaze softening as he gestured for you to take a seat at the table. "Relax and settle down. I'll take care of everything."
Though you hesitated for a moment, the warmth of Yuuta's demeanor and the promise of a delicious meal were too enticing to resist. With a grateful smile, you sank into a chair, content to watch as Yuuta worked his culinary magic, the comforting rhythm of his movements lulling you into a sense of peace and contentment.
As you settled into Yuuta's cabin, you couldn't help but take in your surroundings with a sense of curiosity. The interior was simple yet cozy, with polished wooden floors that creaked softly underfoot and walls adorned with faded photographs and intricate tapestries.
The cabin had a rustic charm to it, its bare furnishings lending an air of simplicity to the space. Yet, despite its minimalistic design, everything seemed meticulously arranged, each item in its rightful place. There was a sense of order and precision that spoke to Yuuta's meticulous nature, a trait that you found oddly comforting.
On the shelves lining the walls, you noticed an eclectic array of books, their well-worn spines bearing the marks of countless readings. From classic literature to obscure texts on folklore and mysticism, the collection spoke of a curious mind.
Nearby, a shelf displayed a collection of handmade erasers, their vibrant colors and whimsical shapes. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of these charming little creatures. There was a sense of warmth and homeliness to Yuuta's cabin that made you feel strangely at ease. It was as if the space itself radiated a sense of comfort and belonging, welcoming you with open arms into its cozy embrace.
Before you knew it, the food was done and Yuuta served you a steaming plate.
“Thank you for the meal,” you said, nervous.
“It’s my pleasure,” Yuuta replied.
With the two of you sitting down to eat, you found yourself opening up to Yuuta in a way you hadn't expected. You told him about your recent breakup, the pain and heartache that had driven you to seek solace in the wilderness.
Yuuta listened attentively, his dark eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that surprised you. "It's dangerous to be out in the woods alone," he said softly, his voice tinged with a note of concern. "Who knows what evils could be lurking in the darkness? I'm glad I found you when I did." A chill ran down your spine.
Though he had shown you nothing but kindness, you couldn’t quite shake the feeling of anxiety that crept up around Yuuta's presence. He was good company, however, and you worked hard to ignore the way your hands clammed up and each hair on your skin stood up when he leaned in closer to speak with you. You chalked it up to your nerves.
The two of you continued to converse, him asking you more about your life and you asking about his. As Yuuta shared snippets of his past, you found yourself drawn to him in a way you couldn't quite explain. There was a sort of charm to him, an undeniable allure. Despite the lingering doubts that were dancing in the back of your mind, you couldn't deny the attraction you had towards him. You felt like a moth catching fire as it approached an open flame.
With a sigh, Yuuta leaned back against the cushions, his gaze drifting to the dancing flames of his fireplace as if lost in thought. "You know," he begins, his voice a low, melodic murmur that sends shivers down your spine, "I wasn't always a hermit living in the woods." His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken sorrow.
"What happened?" you ventured softly, your voice barely more than a whisper, to not disturb the mood.
Yuuta's gaze flickered to yours, a hint of sadness lurking in the depths of his dark eyes. "I used to live in the city, surrounded by noise and chaos," he admitted, his words tinged with bitterness. "But... I lost someone very dear to me." His voice trailed off, grief etched into the lines of his face.
"She was my childhood sweetheart," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper as if speaking the words aloud pains him. "We were inseparable, bound together by pure, untainted, love.”
A heavy silence fell between you, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the soft rustle of the wind outside. "She was taken from me," Yuuta murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "And I... I couldn't bear to stay in that world any longer."
As he spoke, you sensed the weight of his sorrow pressing down on him, a burden too heavy for one mere person to bear alone. "I tried to move on, to forget her and the pain of losing her," Yuuta admitted, his voice raw with emotion. "But no matter how hard I tried, I could never escape the memories of our time together."
“So I left," he confessed, "I left everything behind and retreated into the solitude of the forest, hoping to find something to fill the hole in my heart.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his sorrow, and you could not help but feel a surge of empathy for the man before you. At that moment, you realize that Yuuta and you are not so different after all, both haunted by heartbreak, seeking solace in the expanse of trees. In his eyes, you saw a reflection of your desires, a longing for connection and understanding.
But even as your heart yearned to unravel the secrets hidden within Yuuta’s dark and mangled heart, a sense of unease lingered at the edges of your consciousness. There was still something unsettling about the way the shadows seemed to dance around him, as if alive with an energy of their own. Something you couldn’t quite put your finger on…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As the night stretched on, the air thick with a palpable tension, you felt a strange sense of drowsiness wash over you. Your eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion as you let out a quiet yawn.
With a soft smile, Yuuta reached out to you. His was touch gentle, yet firm, possessive even. You felt yourself lean into his touch as if he weaved an invisible spell around you.
"You look tired," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody that seemed to echo with the whispers of the forest itself. "Come with me, let me take care of you."
His words washed over you like a warm embrace, dispelling the last glimmers of doubt and fear as you allow yourself to be guided by his steady hand. With a silent nod, you allowed Yuuta to lead you to the bedroom, the warmth of his presence enveloping you like a protective shield as you sank into the soft embrace of the bed.
The room was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains, casting shadows across the walls like dancing spirits. He leaned over you, his body flush against yours, his hand steady and reassuring against your skin.
As you lay there, the haze of drowsiness clouding your senses, you felt Yuuta begin to pull away. You grasped at the hem of his shirt, silently begging him not to go.
His features were veiled by the shroud of night, his smile, though unseen, seemed to materialize in the darkness. With a gentle pull, you drew him down to lay beside you.
"Do you want me to stay?" Yuuta's voice, a soft murmur, caressed your ear as his head nestled against your shoulder.
"Yes," you found yourself pleading, the words slipping from your lips in a whispered plea. "Don't leave."
Yuuta's lips brushed gently against your neck, his touch tender yet possessive. "I won’t,” he murmured, “I won’t ever leave,” his voice a velvet whisper that sent shivers down your spine. “I’ll keep you safe, I promise,”
In your sleepy state, you found yourself melting into his touch. Yuuta's kisses trailed a path of fire along your skin. Each kiss was a feather-light caress that seeped into each layer of your skin, burning you from the inside out.
Slowly, he moved up your neck, his lips leaving a trail of warmth in their wake as he explored every inch of your skin with adoration.
As Yuuta's lips found their way to your jaw, you felt yourself melting into his embrace, lost in the dizzying whirlwind that you now understood as Yuuta Okkotsu.
His movements were calm and deliberate, his touch gentle yet commanding as he explored every curve and contour of your body with dedicated devotion. Each touch left you yearning for more. You would die if it meant you could feel this loved forever.
Soon enough, Yuuta’s lips found yours, his kisses both tender and possessive, his passion evident in the way he claimed your lips.
As his lips danced with yours, you found yourself with the thought of never being apart from him. It filled you with a sense of completion. You could feel the depth of his devotion. Could he feel yours?
As if to answer your question, Yuuta’s touch became more urgent, his hands roaming over your body with a ravenous hunger. You felt happy that you could be consumed so ardently, that you found yourself secretly hoping that you at least tasted good.
Breaking out of your thoughts, you realized Yuuta was removing your borrowed clothes bit by bit. He made sure you were left in your panties.
His strong hands moved to caress your bare skin, his fingers leaving imprints on your body. Yuuta’s nails and grip dug into your skin as he kissed you. His hands moved to explore every curve and contour of your body with a reverence that bordered on worship. You wondered if he was trying to memorize every inch of you.
You leaned up to deepen the kiss, which only furthered Yuuta’s excitement. His lips moved hungrily against yours, his touch seeming eager, desperate, or perhaps so incredibly lonely, even.
Yuuta’s wet kisses left you dizzy, your senses were overwhelmed by him. Noticing the strain between his legs, you reached your hands down to unbutton his pants & paw at his boxers. Yuuta obliged by tossing them off to the side with your lost articles of clothing.
You moved to guide his hips to meet yours. With him between your legs, you moved to grind against him. You both gasped as his hard member pressed against your soaked panties.
You look up to see his reaction but notice something in Yuuta’s eyes become dark. His grip on your hips became tighter as his nails dug crescents into your soft skin.
Yuuta took this moment to grind himself deeper into you, his cock sliding between the lips of your pussy soaked panties. You let out a wanton moan, grinding back against him, desperate for any form of friction or release. You felt his cock rub against your swollen clit, moving back and forth in a way that left you crying out for more.
As Yuuta continued to tease you, he paused for a moment, his breath warm against your ear as he spoke in a low voice, "Do you want this?”
You shivered, a chill running down your spine.
With a hitched breath, you nodded.
“Will you be mine?" He asked, his eyes peering deep and dark into your own. You felt like he could see right into you like he was clawing his way into your soul to make a home in it.
You were okay with that.
You nodded again, “Yes, I’ll always be yours.”
With a glassy darkness in his eyes, he flipped you over onto your stomach, his movements rough and commanding as he positioned himself behind you. He tsk’ed as he ripped your ruined panties off, throwing off into the darkness of the room.
Well, you didn’t need those, anyway.
You could feel the heat of his breath against your ear as he whispered, “I’ll make it so you can’t ever think to leave,” sending shivers down your spine.
Yuuta trailed hot kisses along your skin as he positioned himself above you. With a low moan, he pressed himself against you, the throbbing hardness of his member seeking entrance to your dripping heat.
And then, with a thrust, he entered you. Yuuta’s hands gripped your ass as he slowly sunk his hard length into your wet core. You sucked in a breath, a wave of pleasure crashing over you as he filled your pussy completely. He was big. So much bigger than you anticipated.
‘We fit together perfectly’, you thought to yourself.
His pace was slow, with him getting used to the tightness of your cunt. You looked up at him with adoration as he leaned over your shoulder to give you a sloppy open-mouthed kiss. A trail of saliva left between your lips when you parted.
Yuuta’s spent no extra moment finding his stride, his movements becoming rough and unyielding as he fucks you with such devoted reverence. You’re helpless. All you could do was beg for more as you gulped in the air.
It’s obscene, the way he makes you moan. You’re powerless to fight against the way he makes your heart skip and your stomach churn. You feel on fire like he’s burning you to a crisp of ash and dust only to resurrect you again if only to just keep fucking you.
Yuuta’s movements become more urgent and the tension between you reaches its peak. With each thrust, you feel yourself teetering on the edge of ecstasy, your senses overwhelmed by Yuuta.
Suddenly, you feel a surge of pleasure coursing through your veins, your body convulsing with the intensity of your release. With a cry, you shatter into a million pieces, the only thing able to leave your mouth is the chant of, “Yuuta-- Ah, Yuuta, Yuuta.”
“I’m here,” he replies, voice strained feeling your pussy tighten around his cock, “I’m right here.” Feeling the wetness and tightness of your cum triggers Yuuta’s climax, and with a stifled moan, he follows suit, pouring his hot cum into you.
Yuuta pulls you into his arms, his leaky cock still hard inside of you. Your dark-haired lover kisses your temple and leaves sweet whispers across the sweat of your skin. He holds you close, entwining you into him as your eyelids get heavy and you feel sleep take over your spent body.
You feel loved.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In your dreams, you find yourself lost in a labyrinth of shadows, the air thick with the scent of decay. Whispers echo through the darkness, taunting you with half-formed promises and cryptic warnings.
You stumble through the endless maze, searching for an escape, but the shadows seem to shift and twist, leading you further into the depths of your despair.
And then, just when you think you can bear it no longer, you see him. Yuuta stands before you, his dark eyes looking into yours as he reaches out to you with a hand shrouded in darkness.
He whispers something, you don’t understand. But you still reach out, taking his hand into yours.
You awaken with a start, the echoes of your nightmare still lingering in the recesses of your mind.
Heart pounding, you sit up in bed, the room bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains.
Yuuta is gone, but his warmth remains.
A sense of foreboding settles over you like a shroud.
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mrsevans90 · 7 months
Double Life
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Summary: Charlotte has gone on a few dates with a journalist named Clark Kent and she really feels like she’s falling for him. She has noticed some odd behavior from him every once in a while, but the worst part is not knowing if he’s truly interested in her. Why won’t he make a move? Is he just taking things extremely slow? Are her feelings for him unrequited? She finds the answers to all of her questions in the most embarrassing way imaginable. 
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman x Female Reader Charlotte
Brief mention of Bruce Wayne x Female Reader
Word Count: 5,060 
Warnings: SMUT; masturbation, voyeur, oral (f), oral (m), squirting, cum swallowing, fingering, P in V intercourse, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), dirty talk, rough sex, language.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d
A/N: This story came to me in a dream and I woke up and immediately typed the idea in my notes section of my phone. This is my very FIRST attempt at writing anything on Tumblr so all I ask is please be kind and if you love it then please comment and REPOST! Thank you for reading! 
I woke up early Saturday morning. It seems impossible to sleep in now that I’ve become so used to being at the office by 8 am every morning. I feel a bit jittery after my date last night and am thankful for the wine that I consumed being the only reason I even was able to fall asleep. I lay in bed as my thoughts run wild. I know I should be getting out of bed and going for a run in an attempt to get rid of this pent-up energy, but glancing towards my bedroom window shows a dreary overcast day with a potential for rain. I toss and turn trying to find a comfortable position while my brain races thinking of last night. A handsome and often quiet man named Clark Kent had taken me on our fifth date. He was absolutely gorgeous, well dressed with his hair combed back, strong jaw with dimpled chin and black framed glasses. His incredible physique and handsome features are only partially what attracts me to him. His generous and mild-mannered personality and intelligence were a huge turn on. The attraction I feel for Clark is more than I ever remember feeling for a man before. My dating life since getting cheated on by my long-term high school boyfriend has been very short lived which I was fine with until now. I feel like I’ve continually held men at arm’s length, settling for a few one-night stands but nothing more in an attempt to spare my heart from more heartache. I realized after our third date that I wanted more with Clark and that he was worth the risk but I honestly am not sure how he feels about me. Yes, he’s continued to ask me on dates; taking me to dinner several times and even to a movie, yet he hasn’t made any more advances other than holding my hand and a cordial peck on the cheek. He walks me to my door after each date and ends our evening with a hug, kiss on the cheek and a goodnight. After our fourth date, I asked him if he’d like to come inside, however, he politely declined. I’m going out of my mind trying to figure out if he’s even interested but I haven’t built up the courage to ask him yet. I doubt I would even get the chance after I essentially stuck my foot in my mouth on the walk home from dinner with him last night. 
*Flashback to last night*
We walked past a storefront near my apartment that was advertising superman shirts for children and I commented how cute they were. I had noticed over the past month, that Clark was very quiet anytime I mentioned the famous Superman around him. Why couldn’t I just take the hint that he was uncomfortable?
“You know, you look an awful lot like Superman. I bet if you dressed as him for your work Halloween party, people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in you both!” I said with a smile that quickly went away when I noticed him flinch.
Unfortunately, I didn’t stop my nervous rambling there. In my attempt to lighten the mood, I said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that you actually are Superman! Ha ha! Do you have a secret identity you’re keeping from me, Clark?” I said with a wink. 
When I looked at Clark he seemed withdrawn and somewhat nervous. 
“No, no. I’m certainly not that interesting.” Clark quickly responded while looking at his feet as we walked into my apartment building.
“I’ve enjoyed tonight but I have to get going. I have, um… I have an early start in the morning attempting to interview people in Gotham City about the latest crime statistics.” Clark told me before I could even invite him inside. He seemed fidgety and awkward as he kept glancing anywhere but at my eyes.
“On a Saturday?” I ask and he quickly nodded while avoiding eye contact with me.
“Good journalism never takes a day off.” He said with an embarrassed smile. 
“I could possibly help. I have Bruce Wayne’s contact information if you’d like it. I’m sure he could be an interesting person to interview for your article.”
“You do? Why? I mean, how do you know him?” He responded with an arched eyebrow as he finally made eye contact with me for the first time in the past few minutes.
“Well, almost two months ago I met him at a charity gala for the Children’s hospital. He came over and spoke to me for a bit before he asked me on a date. It was the day after you asked me if I would go to dinner with you so I politely turned him down. He gave me his business card in case I changed my mind.” I responded quickly. Why does this feel so awkward? I didn’t do anything wrong but I still feel like he’s disappointed.
“I’m sure it’s on my desk in the apartment, if you’d like to come inside?” I ask as a last stitch effort to see if I had completely ruined this date.
“No, no that’s not necessary…Thank you, I appreciate the offer though. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” Clark asked with his typical kiss on the cheek. 
“Oh…okay. Goodnight Clark.”
“Goodnight Charlotte.” He responded before turning and beelining for the exit. 
“Way to go, Char. Could you be any more of a dumbass?” I quietly said to myself as I closed my apartment door and went to get ready for bed.
*Present Day*
As I continue to lay in bed I begin thinking about Clark and think about how large and strong his hand was as he cradled my small one in his while we walked to the restaurant. The veins in his muscular arms, and his strong, sharp jaw. My arousal begins to dampen my panties which I quickly remove and lay back in only my white tank top. Guess this will be the only sexual relief I will be getting for a long time. I thought to myself as I reach for the vibrator in my nightstand and begin pleasuring myself. After only a few minutes, I have kicked off my covers as my body begins to glisten with perspiration, and begin pleading for my orgasm to arrive. My eyes clamped shut, I imagine Clark’s large, strong chest against my own, his arms on either side of my head as he pumps what I can only imagine is a perfect and large cock into my warmth. I imagine his beautiful blue eyes staring into my own as he presses kisses to my body and sucks on my neck.
“Clark! Please, please, please, Clark! Ugh! I need you!” I say verbally as I continue to spur myself on in this filthy fantasy. 
Across town I am scrambling some eggs on the stove as I think about last night. Had Charlotte actually figured out my secret? Something the rest of the world seemed oblivious too? Or was she just joking and truly unaware? I had to deny it even though she was absolutely correct. I cringed as I began thinking about Bruce hitting on her. It’s not shocking since she’s possibly the most naturally stunning, intelligent, and interesting woman I have ever met. I believe I made it clear with him on the phone after I came home last night to stay away from my girl. I know she’s not technically mine, or a possession to own, but I have more claim to her heart than Bruce and I won’t allow him to interfere. Before I even realize it, I have squeezed a hand shaped imprint around the flimsy handle of the pan I was using.
“Damnit!” I mutter to myself.
I feel like Charlotte is getting impatient with me. It’s obvious that she wants more but how do I handle a relationship with someone I can’t be fully honest with. I want to tell her, I want her to fully know me but I feel like I can’t. I think back to how Lois was used essentially as bait when we were dating. The paranoia and pressure of being Superman’s personal kryptonite and obvious weakness was too much for both of us. Now, she was happily engaged to an engineer in the city. I’m delighted for her, she deserves true happiness yet I wonder if I’ll ever get to experience the same. I couldn’t stop myself from asking Charlotte on a date. The moment I saw her walking into the office next to me, I was lovestruck. Her long blonde hair, tight but professional dress with heels and most importantly crystal blue eyes. She was independent and driven as the head of marketing for her department. Yet, she still had this kindness about her as I watched her enter her building and the front desk guard hug her while thanking her for the toys she had sent home for his young children. She smiled genuinely and made him promise to bring his wife and children for a visit soon. God how I wanted every bit of her. I wanted her body, her mind, her future. The fourth time I saw her, I couldn’t help myself as I made my way towards her and “accidentally” bumped into her. We began a conversation and I was hooked. Before I could even think about the potential consequences, I was asking her to dinner. My cock ached as I thought about her in the shower last night after our date. Hell, I may be an alien but I still have sexual urges. She smelled and looked so beautiful. I could imagine her breasts pressed against my body. I daydreamt about the softness of her lips and the sounds she might make as I slowly took her apart. It has been almost impossible to turn down her invitations to join her in her apartment. I haven’t even allowed myself to kiss her because I’m scared to go any further and get more attached only to have her walk away if she finds out my secret. Was this self-preservation or just stupidity? I’m jolted out of my thoughts as I hear her voice louder than all the others noises going on around me thanks to my super hearing. I listen carefully as I hear her calling my name.
“Clark! Please, please, please, Clark! I need you!” 
I hear her whine and she sounds as if she is out of breath. Without thinking I jump into my Superman suit and bolt out of the window straight into the sky headed towards Charlotte’s apartment. As I get closer, I can hear her whimper along with her accelerated heartrate and I panic thinking she’s in trouble. I reach her unlocked window and slide it open before flying in. Her apartment smells just like her, floral and clean. I focus on her heartbeat and the quiet buzzing sound that I originally thought was coming from the apartment below hers. As soon as I open the door I smell her arousal at the same moment I watch her reach her climax with her eyes clamped shut. 
“Yes, baby!” She cries out. Her legs are parted as she holds a small purple vibrator against her clit and I can see and smell how turned on she is as her pussy glistens with her want. Her breasts are barely contained in a thin white tank top as they heave up and down while she breathes through her orgasm.
Fuck! I’m such a pervert. I need to get out of here before she sees me!
I can’t help but stare at her as she’s laying there twitching from her euphoria. I reach for the door to carefully close it before I realize I wasn’t quick enough.
“Oh my god!” She shouts as she pulls the covers over her body to cover her modesty. Her face blushing profusely as she stares at me.
I back up quickly with my hands in front of me until my back hits her hallway wall. “I’m so sorry. I heard you calling for me and I thought you were in pain. I swear I didn’t mean to walk in on you!” I blurt out quickly not even realizing my own mistake. Charlotte just stares at me with a shocked and bewildered look on her face.
“I’ll go, truly I’m so sorry about this, Ma’am.” I say with my eyes directed at the floor as I pray my rock-hard erection isn’t as obvious as it feels in my form fitting suit. Right as I turn to run back towards the window I hear her again.
“Wait! Please wait!”
Her eyes are wide as she slowly begins to smirk as I turn back around to face her, my eyes still drawn to the floor.
“I didn’t call out for Superman. I called out for Clark.” She says and I glance up at her with wide eyes as saucers as I realize that I had just outed my own secret. My cheeks blush and I can’t put together a single thought to respond to what she just said.
We stare at each other for what feels like minutes even though it’s only just a few seconds.
“I knew I was onto something. You’re always MIA around when Superman is on the news fighting crime, and you stiffen up anytime I mention him. You also had to leave early because of a “family emergency” on our third date but seemed confused later when I asked you if everything with your family was okay. That was the same night that serial killer was brought to the police station by Superman in Gotham. I…I hope you know that I won’t ever tell anyone, Clark. I thought you knew that you could trust me.” She says and I step towards her while remaining a safe distance.
“I’m…I’m so sorry, Charlotte. I didn’t mean to lie to you. I do trust you but I’ve had to keep this secret my entire life. I was scared at how easily you caught on. I always knew you were intelligent but I was hoping I could still keep you off of the scent of my deception.” 
“It was really just a theory, but obviously this is my confirmation. Since I’m already more than embarrassed after what you just saw, I guess I really have nothing to lose if I just go ahead and ask you.”
“I’m listening.” I say as I hear her heartrate begin to increase steadily.
“Is this why you’ve held back from me? Or are you even interested in dating me? I’m absolutely fine with taking things slow if that’s what you want. I can’t help my old insecurities that make me wonder if you’re even attracted to me and are serious about taking things further with us.” She says with the sweetest innocence and I can’t help but walk towards her and reach out to stroke her cheek. She pulls for me to sit down beside her and I can’t resist.
“I am absolutely interested in dating you, sweetheart. If you only knew how infatuated I am with you, it might frighten you. You are my dream girl, the one I think about each night, and the one person I feel like truly sees to my soul, even when you only knew half of my identity. I see a future for us, Charlotte, which is why I was scared. I was scared that you would run if you found out who I am. I was scared you then might only be interested in me because I’m Superman. Simple Clark just can’t compete with all of the Superman fanfare. What scares me the most is that you could be used as a pawn by dangerous people. I can’t fathom putting you in harm's way. People could come after me and find you to use against me. Being Superman ruined my last and only real relationship so I guess I felt that if I kept ours in limbo, I could still have the time I crave with you while also not losing you. I was afraid to let you in because of my own fears. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. I can’t even begin to tell you how hard it was to not kiss you during our dates or come into your apartment when you invited me. I’m so sorry if I made you feel anything other than absolutely adored. I’m out of my element and have no idea what I’m doing.” Clark says the last part with an embarrassed chuckle.
“Clark, I understand your fears and your sense of self-preservation. I do it too. I often feel like I’ve built the walls around my heart too high in order to protect myself from heartache but each moment I’ve spent with you seems to lower them. I see a potential future with you too which is terrifying and exhilarating all at once because I don’t want to be heartbroken again. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you are worth the risk.  I’m not afraid of you, or being with you. I’m not going anywhere. I want you in any and every form and I won’t run away. You are the only person that has made me feel alive again in years.”
Clark smiles triumphantly before leaning down and kissing Charlotte passionately. After kissing her for several minutes, she slowly pulls back to catch her breath.
“So, you’ve seen mine… When do I get to see yours? Fair is fair.” Charlotte looks up at me sultrily as she runs her hands up and down my arms.
“Are you certain that is what you want?” I smirk as I arch my eyebrow at her.
She nods as she sits up on her knees and drops the blanket that was covering her body only clad in a thin white tank top. 
“Only if you want too.” She seductively bites her lip as she trails her fingers down my torso and gently cups my bulge that is swelling indecently against my tight suit. 
“Holy shit!” She murmurs quietly as she presses against my engorged erection and I can’t help but chuckle.
Before I even think I’m unzipping and tugging my suit off of my body at super speed before leaning over her and ripping her tank top from her torso. She squeals in excitement as I lean over her pressing our hot naked bodies against each other while pulling her into a zealous kiss.  
“You don’t know how long I’ve fantasized about having you like this, Lottie. I’ve wanted you to be mine from the moment I saw you.” I say as I touch all over her beautiful body.
“Ditto, which you obviously know since you got a front row seat to my indecent fantasies about you.” She says with a little giggle as I begin kissing down her torso after having already sucked on her pert breasts.
I make my way down her body as I become face to face with her hot, dripping core. I smell the sweet arousal coming from her and when I look up at her for permission she quickly nods as she reaches to caress my cheek. I smirk at her before I begin feasting on her sweet petals and sucking on her clit. 
“Oh my god, Clark!” She almost yells while her hands tug against my hair as she begins gyrating her hips to increase the pleasure she is receiving from my mouth. I continue for a few minutes as I feel her begin to stiffen from her orgasm. I continue to lick her gently through her orgasm but decide that I’m not finished with her yet. I want to give her an orgasm so earth shattering that she squirts her arousal all over my face. She shouts as I shove my finger into her opening, quickly followed by a second one. I curl my fingers and search for her g-spot. 
I know quickly that I’ve found it when her back arches off of the bed and she yells, “Fuck! Clark! Right there!” 
I begin shoving my fingers against the soft spongey spot while my tongue continues to flick over her clit. 
“I think I’m gonna… oh shit Clark! This feels different! Oh my god!” She squeals as her body arches off of the bed and she begins to squirt. The sounds of her squelching and dripping are lewd as I continue to work her through it. Her body almost convulses around my assault and I preen at her filthy moans. I am doing everything to keep from blowing my load on her bed. I watch as Charlotte’s whole body quickly becomes jelly-like as her muscles relax and I lightly kiss her thighs. 
“That was beautiful, baby.” I say as I press small kisses on her hips and abdomen.
“Did I? Oh my god, Clark. Did I just squirt?” She asks as her cheeks are beet red.
“You sure did baby. Soaked my face and almost made me blow my load. Did it feel good?”
“Yes, but I’m so embarrassed. I’m so sor...” She began to say before I quickly cut her off with a kiss. 
“Don’t you ever apologize for that sweetheart. That was a pure masterpiece and I hope I’ll get you to do it again at some point. I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on.” I admit before kissing her again.
“Now it’s your turn.” She smiles as she attempts to push me to the bed. It’s like a kitten trying to push a lion over which makes me grin before I quickly concede and lay on my back. 
“Babygirl, you don’t have too. I’m just happy to give you pleasure.” I tell her.
“Oh no, Mr. Kent. I’m not missing an opportunity to taste you.” Charlotte says as she begins moving down my body. I can barely lay still once she reaches my manhood and I feel her warm breath where I need her most. I groan as I take in the sight of her tiny hand wrapping around my girth as she begins to kitten lick along my length. I groan as she looks at me doe eyed before she takes me in her mouth. She has the mouth of a goddess and I’m already close before she even adds her tiny hand to pump what wouldn’t fit. I reach down and grab her long beautiful hair into a makeshift ponytail so I can watch her. I feel her tiny hand begin pulsing around my balls and groan loudly. I can’t help myself as I watch her steady herself before taking my entire length to her throat. She gags as her nose reaches my skin and she slightly pulls off before doing it again. Saliva is dripping from her chin as she continues working my cock.
“Babygirl, I’m gonna cum. You need to...fuck… stop if you don’t want it in your mouth.” 
She moans around my length as she doubles her effort and the vibrations feel heavenly. That’s all it took for me to reach my high and explode down her throat.
My body shivers in aftershocks due to the oversensitivity as Y/N continues to suck around the head of my cock and massage my balls. I look down and see that she’s swallowed everything and is smiling brightly at me. I reach down and pull her up my body as I immediately begin kissing her breathless. 
“Darling, that was incredible. Thank you.” I smile at her before I kiss down her neck. 
My mind is empty of every thought due to the alarm bells and “OMG THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING” screaming repeatedly in my head. I’m trying my best to play it off, but my fantasy is coming true and it’s even better than I ever could have imagined. Clark is not only the best kisser I’ve ever experienced, but he has the body of a Greek God. Well, in this case, he has a body of a superhero. I’ve been doing my best not to sound needy but heavens, I need him inside of me.
“Clark” I say as he continues to press gentle kisses behind my ear and the column of my neck.
“Yes angel?” 
“Please tell me I don’t have to wait long for you to be inside of me. I need you.”
He smirks above me as I feel his rigid cock against my abdomen. It didn’t go soft after his orgasm. “You want me right now?” I nod enthusiastically. 
“Spread your legs for me sweetheart. Take what you want.” Clark says huskily in my ear. For a man who seemed so reserved and shy, he has all of the confidence in the world when it comes to the bedroom. As he should!
I smile wildly as his chest vibrates against my own with a low growl as I reach his hard length and pump him a few times against my slick before pressing him to my entrance.
“Oh my god!”
We both speak simultaneously as he seats himself fully inside of me. It feels like he is reaching my lungs as he gives me a moment to adjust around his ginormous cock.
“God, Clark! You’re huge!” 
“Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” Clark frets even though he hasn’t moved inside of me.
“Fuck no!” I respond almost breathlessly as I wrap my hands around his biceps tightly. 
“I’ve just never been with someone as big as you. I’m okay. You can move now.”
Clark carefully pulls almost completely out of me before gently sliding all the way back in. 
“Baby girl, you are so tight and warm. You feel incredible.” He says as he starts building up a gentle rhythm. 
“You won’t break me, baby. You can go harder.” 
“I could if I’m not careful, Sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I will tell you if it starts to hurt, I swear. Relax, baby.” I say before kissing him enthusiastically. He reaches and cups my tits in his hands, massaging them gently.
Clark watches me carefully before taking a breath and slamming into me roughly. His pubic bone slamming into my clit making me shriek with the sensation.
“How’s that for harder?” He whispers.
“Oh, fuck yes, baby! Just like that! You feel so good inside of me.” I whine as my hands scratch down his back without even making a mark on his strong impenetrable skin.
“That’s right, sweet girl. I can tell you’re close. Come all over my cock. Squeeze me.” He says as my body begins milking him. 
“CLARK!” I shout.
“Call me Kal, baby. When I’m balls deep inside this sweet pussy, I want you to call me Kal.” He says with the most shit eating grin while never slowing his pace.
“Oh my god, Kal!” I moan just before my eyes roll back and I instantly come all over him.
“Fuck yes, this is the tightest little pussy in the world. So beautiful and wet and snug around me.” He grunts as he continues to slam into me. Before I realize it, he’s sitting me up in his lap so that our chests are against each other and my legs are wrapped around his waist. Clark grabs the back of my neck to press himself even closer to me as I brace my hands on his shoulders. 
“Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly become more beautiful….” Clark whispers into my ear as he grabs my ass to help me move on top of him.
“Watching your gorgeous body tremble in ecstasy is the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen, Angel.”
Clark plants his feet against the floor and begins wildly thrusting as I rotate my hips in his lap. His hands are most likely leaving bruises on my hips but I don’t even care.
“I want you to come inside of me, baby. I need to feel you fill me up. I’m on the pill. Please?” I speak against his ear between his heavy thrusts into me and clench down on him at his responding moan. What has gotten into me? I’ve never let a man come inside of me. This isn’t just any man though, and I am absolutely feral for him.
“Only if you come with me.” He grunts.
“I can’t… it’s too much.” I tell him as my body shakes against him.
“Yes, you can, baby.” He reaches between us and presses his thumb on my clit. I cry out from overstimulation but realize I’m almost there.
“Kal, right there! I’m so close!”
“Come baby. Soak me.” He says as he continues to pleasure me and a moment later I have the most blinding orgasm of my life. I swear that I feel like I am floating as I hear Clark grunt and release a deep baritone moan as his warm come coats my inner walls. My body is shaking with tingles to all of my extremities as I am encased in pure bliss. When I finally somewhat come to, I realize I wasn’t just floating from my orgasm, Clark and I were actually floating above my bed. Clark’s head is resting on the junction of my neck and shoulder when I quickly press closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck to keep from falling.
Clark chuckles as he gently sets us down on the bed. “I guess you would’ve found out my secret eventually. I just came so hard that I literally levitated.” 
I giggle and press my lips to his. “I didn’t freak you out, did I?”
“Not at all. I think it’s really cool that you are Superman, Kal;” I say as I stroke a curl that has fallen onto his forehead. “but the man that I have been falling in love with is Clark. He is all I need. The rest is just a bonus. If you’ll have me of course.”
Clark rests his forehead against my own as he gives me the most panty dropping smile. “You don’t know how much that means to me, sweetheart. Will you be my girl?”
“I would love nothing more.” I respond with a sweet kiss. The rest of the weekend is spent wrapped in each other.
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
Eddie Munson x Reader (Angst)
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| Eddie Munson Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: All of Eddie Munson's dreams come true when Corroded Coffin finally catches their big break. But once the record deal is signed, the executives take control of their images, lives and their relationships.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Author Note: Afab reader, they/them pronouns. Angst with a Happy Ending. Rockstar!Eddie AU where record labels have old Hollywood like control of their artists lives.
CW: Controlling behavior from record label; social alcohol use; secret relationship; mentions of cheating but no actual cheating; smut (kissing, fingering, blowjob, tit job, p in v, slight exhibitionism); consensual non-con photos taken by paparazzi.
Word Count: 12,937
Eddie Munson Taglist: @eddie-swhore
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Life is a bit complicated when you are the secret girlfriend of a rockstar. While it certainly comes with a lot of benefits, and the lifestyle it provided was beyond anything in your wildest dreams, it came at the steep price of some heartache and emotional discomfort.
Though, in all honesty, “secret” was purely a subjective word at this point. The rest of the band knew. All of their people knew. The record label knew. The touring crew knew. His wife knew. All of her people knew. Anyone that needed to know knew.
The general public, on the other hand, did not know, which is how you found yourself the mistress of your high school sweetheart.
How exactly did this happen, you ask?
Now that certainly is quite a story.
Once Eddie’s name had been cleared of all murder charges, the members of Corroded Coffin made getting the hell out of Hawkins their number one priority. It took a little over a year once the last member graduated from high school, but the band was finally able to make the move together to Indianapolis. They shared a small, one room apartment since it was all they could afford and set out to make a name for themselves.
Like most bands, Corroded Coffin was discovered purely by chance. After a couple years of playing in bars around the city, one of their shows was seen by an agent from Los Angeles, who happened in town for a wedding and took a break from family to relax to some local music. That’s how the band met Joe, the man who would become their manager and who would help catapult them to success.
With Joe’s help, they got a demo recorded and then Joe managed to get one of their songs on the radio. It took off, giving the band quite a bit of local popularity. After yet another move, this time to LA, they once again started over fresh, but soon Joe had them playing regular gigs around the city. It was only a matter of time before they were signed to a label and their demo re-recorded to be released as their first studio album.
It was shortly after this, when the band began to rise in popularity, that they realized how little the music industry actually dealt with music. Creating and maintaining an image was the largest priority.
And the image they had, as it turns out, was metal as hell right out the gate.
Four childhood friends from a small town in Indiana that were bullied for being outcasts. They lost three, almost four, classmates to serial killer Henry Creel. Front man, Eddie Munson, was initially accused of the murders due to being a metalhead loner but was eventually cleared on all charges. They survived a devastating earthquake that nearly destroyed their hometown but destroyed their homes. The front man himself then spent months recovering from a physical assault that nearly killed him and left prominent scars on his body. Through it all, they stuck together.
Everything about their story, particularly Eddie’s, was absolute perfection. It paired beautifully with their music and lyrics, with Eddie’s descriptions of bats in an upside down being seen as a metaphor for bullies terrorizing their victims.
It was all perfect except for one tiny detail.
“Absolutely fucking not!” Eddie yelled, jumping to his feet so fast the chair nearly toppled backwards. “Whoever thought of that one can shove it up their ass!”
It been a casual, relaxed Monday morning up until that point. Everyone was well rested coming off the weekend. It had been quiet one, giving you all some much needed time off. The majority of it you and Eddie spent at home. Despite the fact you two went everywhere and did everything together, you never grew tired of each other’s company.
However, everyone went from relaxed to angry in two seconds once Joe told them what the executives at the label had suggested for Eddie to give himself an edger image.
“Eddie, let’s just-“ Joe started to say, slowly rising to his feet behind his desk, his hands making a settle down gesture.
“Let’s just what?” Gareth interrupted, looking as furious as Eddie, but still sitting down.
“Let’s just talk about this calmly,” Joe said. “I wasn’t saying I-“
“There’s nothing to talk about!” Jeff interrupted now, also angry looking.
“Right!” Nick yelled, jumping to his feet. “We’re not going to ditch Y/N and leave them behind for no good fucking reason!”
But in the minds of the label executives, they had a very good reason for suggesting this.
It was all about image. Single front men drew more attention, they said, especially when they looked like Eddie. He was someone every guy wanted to be, and every woman wanted to fuck, which would result in higher popularity in both market segments. Plus, with everything Eddie had been through, they wanted him to project himself as a lonely bad boy, but one who had a different girl on his arm every night.
Apparently, being with someone for fourteen years wasn’t very metal, nor did it mesh with the image of young, rock n’ roll promiscuity they felt Eddie should portray as his lifestyle.
Obviously, this upset you all. After so many years of leaning on each other, you all were a family now. You might as well have been in the band yourself with how close you all were.
You had been around even before Corroded Coffin, when it was just you and Eddie, two middle schoolers who fell deeply in love on the first day of school. You were there for the founding, and you were technically their very first manager even before Joe. You had worked your ass off promoting them as best you could, first at the school then the bars around Hawkins. You went with them to Indianapolis, lived in the shitty apartment with them, and dealt with just as many asshole bar owners to get them on stage time, if not more.
And then you did it all over again without complaint when they set up shop in LA, only under the helpful guiding eye of Joe. It had been a long and crazy road for the five of you, but you got through it all supporting each other.
You belonged here with them, and they knew it as well as you did. They weren’t about to just leave you behind, nor would you have let them. Not now, not ever, and certainly not just a few weeks before their first major tour as an opening act. The tour was kicking off in Seattle, hometown of the headliners. You were going to see the country with them if they had anything to say about it.
“Guys!” Joe barked, finally having to raise his voice to get their attention again. “I don’t agree with it either!”
That got them to simmer down enough that he was able to continue uninterrupted.
“Kid, I get it,” he said, putting his hands on the desk to lean over and make eye contact with the wrecked front man. “Believe me, I get it. Valerie and I hit thirty-five years next week. Coral anniversary. I still have no fucking clue what to get her. But I do know one thing.” Joe pointed one finger at Eddie. “I wouldn’t give her up either on any man’s word either.”
Joe sat back down, then made a gesture for them to do the same. Nick obliged with a heavy sigh, but Eddie came to stand behind your chair, his ringed hands resting on your shoulders. Joe pulled his glasses off to rub the bridge of his nose for a moment.
“It was only a suggestion,” he said as he put his glasses back on. “Nothing has been passed down as Word from God yet. Yet.” He held up a finger as he said the second yet. “But some of the big guys see potential in this storyline for you, which means they see money in it for them.”
“So, what are you saying?” Eddie asked with a tight voice, his hands squeezing your shoulders.
“I’m saying, now that the idea has been brought up, it’s not likely to go away,” Joe said, then leaned back in his chair. “And, judging by how excited they seem about this one, I’m guessing the order to actually sever ties with Y/N will come down soon. They’ll want time for the word about Corroded Coffin’s newly single front man to get around before the tour starts.”
Everyone quietly stared at him, speechless.
“That quick, eh?” you said, finally breaking the silence. Joe nodded regretfully. In an attempt to lighten the mood, you looked up at Eddie with a half grin. “Babe, most guys would kill for this chance. You might want to think it over a little more carefully.”
Joe was the only one to laugh, but he quickly turned it into a cough at the glare he got from Eddie.
The glare softened before it was turned on you, but you still got glared at regardless.
“This isn’t funny, Precious,” he said, and you could see it in his eyes that he was close to panic. “They’re fools if they think I would discard you so easily into the fires of Mount Doom.”
One thing you learned about Eddie Munson a long time ago is, when he’s under a lot of stress, be it from the chord of a song being difficult to having to hide at Skull Rock wanted for murder, he starts making Lord of the Rings references about the situation.
You reached up to rest one hand on top of his and gave it a soft squeeze. Eddie quickly wound his fingers through yours so you were holding hands.
“You’ve gotta admit though,” you said, smiling reassuringly. “Those assholes do have a point, babe. Most guys don’t get into this business while attached. They live a rowdy life and never settle down until they either marry a porn star or marry the mistress they cheated on their first wife with.”
As you spoke, Eddie’s face became a mask of abject horror. He quickly came around to drop to his knees in front of your chair and took your face in his hands.
“Sweetheart, please tell me we’re not splitting up right now,” he whispered, looking near tears.
“We’re not,” you said firmly, taking his face in your hands. “Absolutely fucking not. I just said they have a good point.”
Relief washed over his face, and he wrapped you in his arms. After you exchanged a tight hug, Joe cleared his throat so your attention would come back to him.
“Now, as I was about to say before you all started yelling at me,” he said, pausing to give them a fatherly glare before continuing. “There is an alternative, but it will require a lot of discretion from you two lovebirds.”
Since Corroded Coffin didn’t have much media attention outside of local music papers, you were still an unknown name in the scene. Local places knew you as Eddie’s girl. In interviews, if relationships ever came up, Eddie had only referred to you as “my girl” instead of by name. You certainly weren’t in any of the official photos the band had done. You could fade into the background easily and go unnoticed.
Based on Joe’s suggestion, which was immediately approved by the guys before you could get a word in edgewise, you went from Eddie’s longtime sweetheart to his personal assistant. That was actually the next matter on the agenda anyway since Eddie was the only member of the band without one and he needed to get the hiring done soon before the tour started.
Two birds, one stone, as they say.
“Wait, wait, wait!” you protested as the guys were taking turns high giving Joe for his ingenuity. “I’ve never been a personal assistant before! I’m not going to know what the hell I’m doing!”
“You’ll be fine,” Joe said, turning to you with a warm smile. “Trust me, my dear, I’ve had many personal assistants over the years and I’m quite sure none of them knew what they were doing either.”
Fortunately, Gareth’s personal assistant, Lucy, did know what she was doing. She was able to give you a crash course in the weeks leading up to the tour so you would know what the typical day of a personal assistant is like before you were throw into it.
While you took to your new responsibilities with ease and spent just as much time with Eddie day to day as you did before, the change in your status didn’t really become apparent until after you had left the home comforts of LA.
Two nights before the first concert of the tour, the headliners wanted to give everyone a proper welcome to Seattle by treating the bands to a night on the town. Since It was their first ever tour as the main act, they were in the mood to party. Band members, their entourages, and dates only.
Since it would look a little odd for Eddie to be the only one showing up with his personal assistant as a date, you had to break the news to him that you weren’t going. This resulted in you having to nearly force him into going since staying in with his personal assistant rather than partying with a famous band would look even odder.
While you were just as upset as Eddie, you didn’t let it show. He could tell. You knew he could tell. But keeping a brave face kept his cracks from showing. He could keep it together if you could, and that’s exactly what you did. You helped him get ready and shared the elevator down with the band until it reached the floor your room was on. All of the boys were sad you wouldn’t be joining and hugged you before you exited. With nothing left to do today, your plan was to raid the mini fridge and cry.
You were well into your second tiny bottle of vodka when a frantic knocking at the door to your room nearly gave you a heart attack. Then your mind immediately went to Eddie. Thinking he had changed his mind about staying, you rushed to the door, not sure if you were about to hug him or yell at him.
Instead, you found a very breathless Lucy standing outside.
“Here,” she said, thrusting several shopping bags into your arms. “Change into that and get your ass down to the hotel bar pronto.”
You blinked several times, looking from Lucy to the bag then back to Lucy.
“What’s going o-“
“No time to explain, just do it!” she hissed urgently, then retired to her room across from yours.
Twenty minutes later, as you stepped out of the elevator into the hotel lobby, you immediately regretted your decision to play along with whatever Lucy had planned.
Inside the bag had been an outfit that made it easier for you to blend in among the groupies scattered about the lobby. It was tight in all the right places, layered everywhere else just right to smooth everything out as it hugged close your body and pushed everything up to just the right angles. When paired with the high-quality black wig you found one of the other bags, you hardly recognized yourself. While it was far from your normal style, while in the privacy of your room, even you had to admit that you looked damn good. Feeling bold, you added some dark makeup, the jacket from the final bag and a pair of your own shoes to top everything off.
It was easy to feel confident while in your room, and even while on the way downstairs, but now as several patrons in the lobby looked you over, appraising you, you felt exposed and extremely uncomfortable.
You swallowed nervously, took a deep breath to calm yourself, and then did your best to ignore any leering stares as you headed for the hotel bar just as Lucy instructed.
A loud cacophony of voices and laughter hit your ears as soon as you walked in. The place was packed. You hadn’t realized this was where the bands would be gathering to meet up. It looked like they were still waiting on a few people, so they were having a few drinks as they waited to set off.
As you made your way over to sit at the bar itself, you glanced around the room. It didn’t take you long to spot Corroded Coffin. You couldn’t help but smile seeing them. Three of the guys seemed to have already found a companion for the night, while Eddie sat there playing with his rings and looking like he’d rather be anywhere else right now. It almost made you laugh how sullen he looked, but you kept your cool as you took a seat. Since Lucy hadn’t given you any other instructions, you ordered yourself a drink.
Fortunately, you didn’t have to wait around long to figure out what scheme Lucy had been a part of. Not long after you began sipping your drink, you were fetched from the bar by Garth’s bodyguard and lead to the Corroded Coffin table.
Gareth grinned at you as he watched your approach. The glimmer he had in his eye told you this had been his plan rather than Lucy’s.
“Good evening, miss,” Gareth said to you as you stopped at their table. “I couldn’t help but notice you sitting at the bar all alone. Are expecting company this evening?”
You shook your head, desperately trying to keep a straight face.
Gareth straightened up brightly, then winked at the redhead sitting with him, who giggled.
Sometime between high school and now, Gareth had become quite charming with the ladies. Granted, he wasn’t trying at all that hard with you, just enough to sell the ruse, but whatever he had said to the young woman earlier clearly still had her under his spell.
“Wonderful!” he said, then gestured extravagantly to Eddie. “My friend here also happens to be without company for the evening. We’re about to head out to dinner, but it doesn’t feel right for him to be here alone. Would you care to join him?”
You finally let your gaze slide around the table, taking in the happy grins of Jeff and Nick, before letting your gaze land on Eddie.
And you almost lost your shit laughing.
He was now sitting with his eyes closed, his facial expression a mix of annoyance and resignation, as if he were now mentally preparing himself for a long evening with unwanted companionship.
“Hmm, I’m not so sure,” you said, keeping your gaze on Eddie and tilting your head at him. “Your friend sure doesn’t look like he wants my company.”
At the sound of your voice, Eddie’s eyes shot open, and he looked up at you in confusion. It took a moment for him to register what he was seeing. His jaw dropped as realization set in.
“Pfft, that’s just his normal face,” Gareth said, making all the girls at the table laugh, and you looked back over to see him wave his hand through the air in a gesture of dismissal. “I’m sure he’d love to have your company.” He looked over at the front man with a grin. “Wouldn’t you, Eddie?”
Despite the verbal cue from Gareth, Eddie just continued to stare at you until the blonde sitting between him and Jeff finally elbowed him in the ribs.
“Oh, y-yeah,” Eddie murmured, jumping out of the booth. He cleared his throat then stepped aside, gesturing to the seat with a bow. “It’d be an honor if you would grace me with your presence, m’lady.”
The other women at table giggled at Eddie as you lowered yourself into the booth, but as you scooted over to make room for Eddie, the brunette at Nick’s side started to pout.
“Aww,” she said, winking at you. “I was just about to say, if he didn’t want your company, we certainly wouldn’t mind a third.” She looked up at Nick and winked at him. “Would we, Nicky?”
Nick nearly choked on his drink, eyes slightly widening in horror at the idea of a threesome with the girl he thought of like a sister.
“N-nah,” he said, fumbling his words for a second before thinking of a good response. “I’m a one-woman man and, baby, you’re all I need tonight.”
It was a good recovery. Nick’s words had brunette giggling and blushing. You couldn’t help but grin yourself, remembering back when Nick used to be a stammering fool around the other sex instead of the smooth talker he was now.
You couldn’t help but wonder right then where the time had gone.
As soon as Eddie was seated next to you, he wasted no time before throwing his arm over your shoulders and pulling you close. A round of introductions began, where you then pretended to not know anyone at the table.
It didn’t take long for the guys to return their attention back to their respective ladies, leaving you and Eddie in your own little bubble at the end of the table.
“Getting a bit handsy aren’t we?” you couldn’t help but giggle as he leaned in to nuzzle your ear, keeping your tone soft enough only he could hear you. “After all, we only just met, like, five seconds ago.”
Your hand slid over into his lap to softly squeeze his thigh as you spoke. Eddie sucked his breath in through his teeth, then you felt him grin against your ear.
“Well, they do say the front man of Corroded Coffin is a bit of a whore,” he said to you softly, then took ahold of your chin with his free hand and turned your head gently so you were looking at him. “And I’d say that makes me your whore, now, doesn’t it?”
Much later that night, when Eddie brought the raven-haired woman back to the hotel, he made sure everyone in the surrounding rooms heard exactly how much of a whore he was for you.
That was how things continued for most nights on the tour, with you being snuck along to parties as Eddie’s piece of ass for the night. While this wasn’t what either of you had pictured when dreaming of your life together once he made it big, Eddie didn’t care so long as you could be by his side. No matter how you were dressed, now he actually had the money to the queen you always were to him. The whole crew figured out the scheme halfway into the tour schedule, but they pretended not to for plausible deniability’s sake.
The record label wasn’t exactly happy with Eddie’s interpretation of their desires but couldn’t exactly say it wasn’t effective. The front man of Corroded Coffin was projecting exactly the image they wanted; a hard partying bad boy who had his pick of women every night. Who cared if it was the same woman in a wig? So long as Eddie kept playing it up, and your true identity went undetected, they had to let it go.
That was until they were in the studio working on their next album and Eddie unknowingly opened the door for them to finally step in.
A couple months had passed since that first tour successfully wrapped up. Corroded Coffin was enjoying more fame and publicity, but despite the happy, smiling personas the guys wore in public, they were all varying degrees of miserable. It was hard to be happy when they had little to no control over their lives.
On the day they signed with their record deal with the label, Nick made the joke that they were signing their souls away. It turned out to be a very prophetic statement. While Eddie received the brunt of it being the front man, life wasn’t much better for the rest of the band. None of them really had a say in major life decisions anymore. Even potential relationships had to be approved by label executives first.
While everyone was upset about it, there was no one more upset than Eddie. By signing his soul away, he felt like he had inadvertently signed yours away as well.
A few months after they began working on the album, the next big story in entertainment news broke. An actor just had a baby with his former personal assistant. This was the same personal assistant he was caught having an affair with the year before via telephoto lens.
While it wasn’t exactly the same situation, it inspired Eddie. Now that Corroded Coffin had started attending more publicity events, he wanted things to go back to normal with you two. He missed being able to be free with his affection for you. He had Joe pitch the idea to the label that involved him starting to publicly date his own personal assistant. It shouldn’t cause a stir like the actor did because he was single, Joe reasoned on Eddie’s behalf. They could restart their relationship over in the public eye. No one would be any wiser. Pretending to be a new couple wouldn’t be hard since the guys often teased you both about how your honeymoon period was still going on.
While the label executives did agree it was time for Eddie to start settling down and have a regular date on his arm, they had different ideas as to who would be his girl.
Eddie was then informed he would be entering an arranged relationship with someone of their choosing. However, they wouldn’t be dating for long. Not due to a breakup, but because they would be married within the next two months. It was an arrangement that would be beneficial for everyone, the executives reassured.
For his future bride, they had chosen adult actress and dancer Deandra Day. She had starred in the two most recent Corroded Coffin videos and had recently began dancing live at their local shows. The new storyline the label had in mind for Eddie was the bad boy that finally met the right woman and settled down.
And, with that, they expressly stated that Eddie was now a one-woman man effectively immediately. His public persona was to now be a man deeply in love with his wife. There were to be no more one-night stands with women from hotel bars.
The news hit hard, for both you and Eddie.
Marriage was one of the things you two had always put off for later. Mainly it had been Eddie who wanted to wait, wanting to put on a grand spectacle when it finally did happen. He had known on the very first day of sixth grade when you gave him your extra pencil that he was going to marry you. He had told you as much right then and he could still remember how baffled you initially looked after that statement. But then you grinned and said okay, the memory of voice right then could still make Eddie’s heart skip a beat.
Eddie still wanted to marry you just as much now as he did when he was twelve years old. The idea of marrying anyone else completely shattered him.
They were leaving you with your duties as his personal assistant, but little else. Your position ensured you would still be there backstage at concerts, interviews, on tours and on location during shoots. That was it. The after parties, fancy dinners, VIP sections, limo tours of cities, everything else was cut off to you now. You would have to stand back and watch as another woman took your rightful place.
While you were just as upset as Eddie about it, you weren’t exactly surprised. The executives didn’t like it when their artists outsmarted them. And you had been warned that they held grudges. Joe had long suspected the label would eventually make a play to get rid of you again in order to mold Eddie into the artist they wanted him to be. As much as Joe had tried to prepare you for it, that didn’t stop it from hurting when finally happened.
Ironically, the one redeeming quality in the whole situation was actually Eddie’s wife to be. The label had unknowingly given the both of you a huge boon in choosing Deandra for this new role.
Deandra had no interest in an intimate connection with Eddie. For her, the marriage was purely a business arrangement to further her career goals. After being in the adult industry for so long, she was interested in branching out into music. While she was a talented singer, getting a foot in the door was hard for anyone just starting out, no matter their fame in other form of entertainment. The music industry was very competitive, and one that had a lot of turnover. Deandra didn’t want to be a one hit wonder or have one good album then fade into the background. She actually wanted to have a long-term career. This marriage to Eddie would open the doors she needed in order to be successful much faster than they would normally open for her. Her commitment to the label only required the marriage to last for a minimum two years with the option to renew, which she had no intention of doing.
While on the surface it seemed like there was nothing in this for Eddie aside from having a beautiful actress on his arm, that couldn’t have been further from the truth. The evenings spent on Eddie’s arm may have ended for you, but the appearance of a steady relationship opened other avenues for you to be together.
There was no need to recruit Deandra into your conspiracy. She identified the relationship after Eddie introduced you at the very first video shoot simply by the way he did it.
“He introduced you the way any man should introduce his wife,” she explained after asking them directly how long they’d been together. “And most men I’ve met don’t even introduce their own wives with that much reverence, much less their personal assistants.”
With her being in your corner, your time with Eddie actually increased after the wedding. Since the record label had no control over Deandra or her schedule, outside of her contractual appearances with Eddie, she was rarely around. Since a majority of her work in adult movies was based in the San Francisco area, she had no intention of ever selling her house to permanently move to Los Angeles. When the studio prodded at Eddie to finally purchase a house with his wife, Deandra made sure she was shooting out of town and busy with projects for other clients. You were officially sent by Deandra in her stead to give you and Eddie the opportunity to finally pick out your dream home together without the prying eyes of the label.
It ended up being way easier for a member of staff to sneak you in and out of the house everyday than it was pretending you were a groupie. The modest mansion just off the beach in Malibu had a six-car garage, two of which were always empty. All you had to do was lay down in the backseat of a car with heavily tinted windows, until they pulled inside and the doors closed. No one was ever the wiser.
Once you were inside, you and Eddie could do as you pleased. The decorator had ensured the place was outfitted with heavy duty blinds and drapes, an oddity for a mansion with such an amazing view of the ocean, but it ensured total privacy. You could be yourselves, even on the rare times Deandra stayed in Malibu. But it was easy to keep to yourselves, Deandra had her own room while you and Eddie had the master bedroom.
The end date of the arranged marriage came while Corroded Coffin was back in the studio working on their fifth album. The joint statement announcing Eddie and Deandra’s separation had been drafted by the label and Deandra’s PR team. The announcement would coincide with the album’s release to garner publicity. From adult movies to music, this was a common marketing tool many entertainers used to drum up publicity for new releases. Sad news such as a divorce always brought in sympathy dollars.
With the popularity of Corroded Coffin at an all-time high, the label executives had been in good spirits about the band for a while. They had started loosening the reins some with its members, allowing them more freedoms in their personal relationships. Joe felt confident that so long as the album succeeded as well as they’d hoped, and the divorce went smoothly, that Eddie would be able to enjoy that same freedom as well.
But just as you began to see light at the end of the tunnel, it winked out of existence.
A former disgruntled employee spoke to a tabloid about the suspiciously close relationship between the married front man of Corroded Coffin and his personal assistant. They provided firsthand accounts of witnessing suspicious behavior that occurred between the two of you.
While the source remained anonymous, everyone suspected an aide that Jeff had recently hired and then almost immediately fired after catching him stealing his fiancés jewelry. The incidents described in the interview were fairly recent, and the former aide was the only unknown among those present for them.
Luckily for the label, the editor of the tabloid who purchased the story owed one of the executives a favor and gave him a call as soon as they had bought the rights to the story. An arrangement was worked out for the label to purchase the story, and it was swiftly buried.
Unluckily for you, the label was angry. While they were willing to tolerate some controversy and scandal generated by their artists, they did not abide major scandals like adultery.
As of that day, you were barred from all properties owned or affiliated with the label. You were also barred from any concert or event sponsored by the label. On top of that, Eddie was told not to enter into any relationships once the divorce was announced because once it was final, they would have someone new already lined up for him. This time, they expected him to be a truly devoted husband and even possibly start a family with his new wife.
It was a complete disaster.
The only time you had with each other now was at home. As much as the label wanted to, they couldn’t control what went on inside the privacy of Eddie’s house, and you technically lived there. In retaliation, they started booking him for more event appearances. publicity appearances and after party appearances, keeping him away from home as much as possible. When he was at home, he was exhausted, and you let him rest as much as possible.
With the new album fixing to be released, a new tour was already being planned. It was to be Corroded Coffins first tour as the only headliner, with their opening act. But it was hard for anyone to be excited knowing you’d effectively be a prisoner on the tour bus unable to enjoy it with them. You wouldn’t be able to leave while at the venues since the tour was label sponsored. Most of the hotels they would be staying at were label affiliated, which ensured you couldn’t set foot on the properties.
Even though the story about Eddie and his personal assistant never broke, whispers overheard at the tabloid office alerted some paparazzi to a potential story regarding Corroded Coffin’s front man. No one knew specifics, of course, just that there were some rumors that Eddie Munson might be cheating on his wife. But paparazzi don’t need specifics to latch onto a lead. The house was now under constant watch, and you and Eddie both were constantly followed. As production on the album grew closer to wrapping, it began to get extremely hard for you to slip to and from your own home unnoticed.
After several miserable weeks, Deandra approached both you and Eddie with an idea.
It was a bold idea. A daring, not to mention extremely provocative, idea. But it was an idea that, if executed correctly, could be just the ticket to the freedom you all so desperately needed. But while it was you and Eddie that would be exposing yourselves to major controversy and possible public humiliation, you weren’t the only three people that would be affected by it. You sought out the rest of the band and they gave their blessing. With Joe, you two decided it was better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.
It was all up to you and Eddie now.
Using the labels own marketing tactics against them, the three of you decided the best time to enact the plan would be the night after the new album released. The label was sitting on the joint statement regarding the divorce for at least another week, giving the album time to naturally rise up the charts before giving it that sympathy boost.
There was also a second reason for choosing that particular night. While Deandra had been in town for a couple of weeks, that particular evening she would be out for most it. After heading to dinner with her normal entourage, she would then be spending the rest of the evening MCing an event at a local club. With the after party that was to follow, Deandra didn’t expect to be home until close to sunup the next day. It wouldn’t look weird for Eddie to stay at home since they rarely attended anything together save for award shows. Deandra felt like the plan would have a better effect if she were just merely out of the house for the night rather than in another city for several days, if not weeks. It made the whole thing more taboo, in her opinion.
When the night in question finally came around, your nerves kicked up. The finality of it all was starting to sink in. After tonight, there would be no way to hide anymore, no way to blend in with the crowd. You and Eddie both were about to be put at the mercy of public opinion and let the fans decide your ultimate fate out here in California.
Once Deandra had left to head out for dinner, and a suitably long enough time had passed, it was time. Eddie got everything ready while you got changed.
The backyard of your home wasn’t large by mansion standards, but it was far from small by normal standards. It was wider than it was long, holding a rectangle shaped pool with a built-in hot tub on the side closest to the house. Even with that space taken up, there was still room for a small yard complete with privacy fence on one side of the pool, and an outdoor cooking space on the other side. The view below took in the beach and beyond that the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
As the sun lowered past the midpoint of the horizon, the outdoor lights in this little backyard paradise automatically came on. While there were bright security lights at the front and sides of the house, back here the lighting was soft rather than bright, programmed with quiet relaxation in mind. Clear garden lights hung underneath the porch, illuminating the sitting area and hot tub with a gentle glow. Dimly lit solar lamps lined the pool area with enough light to watch your step. The pool itself was lit from within, the water glowing with a soft illumination. There were a few lights dotting along the structure of the house to add lighting to the house itself.
It was your quiet paradise that Eddie helped you find but had been unable to fully enjoy.
Until tonight, at least.
Once you heard the outside speakers begin to softly play some newer music that you both liked, you knew it was time. You made your way downstairs, wearing the bikini Deandra had bought for you earlier that week, your heart pounding the whole way. Every time you caught sight of yourself in a mirror, you couldn’t help but pause to gawk.
While it wasn’t so far away from your normal style that it looked completely out of place on you, it certainly displayed a lot more skin than you were normally willing to show. It fit you well though, the thin fabric hugging your body comfortably tight. Whoever designed it had both sex appeal and wearability in mind.
After a few stops just to stare at yourself, you finally made it to the dark kitchen and then the sliding door leading to the backyard. Looking out, you could see Eddie had already settled himself into the hot tub, his hair wet now and plastered back on his head. He was in a relaxed posed; both arms up behind him on the edge of the hot tub, with his head tilted back and eyes closed.
Your gaze shifted over to your yard, then let your eyes drift slightly beyond it to the vine covered fence. Somewhere in that area hidden by vines and shadows, you knew two of the slats in the fence had been cut from the outside. The hole this left could easily accommodate a wide-angle camera lens. It was a fairly recent vandalism, done within the last few weeks when the paparazzi really began staking out the house. And you knew with as many people that had been caught spying on the house in that same time period, it was likely that the hole was always manned.
Normally, this gross violation of privacy would have severely angered you, but now it had the opportunity to work in your favor. Whoever was currently behind the peep hole would be getting a clear view of everything that was about to happen.
You took a deep breath, tried to calm yourself one last time, and stepped out the door.
Eddie didn’t hear the door when you opened it, too lost in this peaceful moment of solitude. However, he did hear the soft click of it shutting over the low music and soft hum of the jets and lifted his head to turn towards you. It took a second for the image he was seeing to translate in his brain, but when it did, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
No matter how many times over the years that Eddie saw you naked or in something he thought was sexy, he always behaved like it was the first time.
“Goddamn babe,” he called out breathlessly, arms coming down from the edge of the hot tub so he could lean forward, forearms on his knees, as he carefully watched your approach.
You took your time as you made your way over to the hot tub, your eyes taking him in as much as he was you. The heat of water made his skin flushed, which when paired with the intense gaze he was giving you made him look almost feral.
A cool breeze blew in off the ocean just as reached the hot tub. With only the bikini covering you, goosebumps slightly rose up on your skin and you felt your nipples hardening at the temperature change. The thin fabric covering your tits did nothing to hide this, and you saw Eddie’s gaze dip down to your chest.
As you stepped down into the water, you watched his eyes darken as he took you in again now that you were at close range.
“Deandra did good, I take it?” you asked, making your way down the rest of the steps until you were standing on the bottom.
Eddie’s head rapidly bobbed up and down.
“My soon to be ex-wife has excellent taste,” he said, his tongue running over his bottom lip as his face started to grow more flushed.
Right as you started to lower yourself into the water to take the seat across from Eddie, he lifted one arm up and extended his hand out to you. You took a couple steps forward, closing the distance to accept the gesture by placing your hand in his. With a gentle tug on your arm, he pulled you into his lap, his free hand resting on your waist to help steady you as you positioned yourself to straddle his thighs.
“Hi there,” you said with a coy smile, your hands resting on his shoulders. “Come here often?”
“Not exactly here, per say,” Eddie replied with a chuckle as his hands rested comfortably on your hips, his head tilting back up to look at you. “But I hope that changes soon.”
With a smile, you leaned down to kiss him passionately. His response was immediate with no hesitation, his lips latching onto yours to return your intensity with his own. As your tongues met just inside his lips, Eddie slid one hand up your back, traveling upwards until it finally came to a rest on the back of your neck. He held onto you tightly, his remaining hand pulling at your hip to slide you forward in his lap.
With your bodies now so close together, chest to chest, you gave your hips a gentle roll against him. Eddie softly groaned into your mouth, his hips slightly thrusting upwards to match your movement.
Then he broke away from you just enough so he could speak, his eyes gazing up into yours.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” he asked you, voice low and soft enough it couldn’t be heard by anyone else but you. “It’s not too late to back out.”
You shook your head.
“It is,” you said, lightly running your nails down the back of his neck. “They’ve got photos of us kissing now at least.”
Eddie studied your face, as if looking for any sign of hesitation, then nodded before returning his lips to yours.
It was a lot easier to let go and forget about your audience than you would’ve thought. But as Eddie’s lips moved downwards towards your neck, and then started sucking on that one spot just below your ear, everything around the hot tub just faded away.
You moaned softly, head tilting back as your hips pushed forward into his impulsively. A soft grunt left Eddie, his ass bucking up slightly at the feeling. You hadn’t done it very hard, just enough for him to feel you rub against his hardening length. But it was enough to spur him on.
The hand on your hip slipped down slightly to rest on your ass. Squeezing it tightly, Eddie pulled your hips forward again as he thrust his own towards you. You moaned softly into his mouth, helping him out by rocking your hips down into his thrusts. He stopped pulling at you when he realized you were matching the movements, instead holding onto you firmly as bucked up into you harder. His motions were rough enough to make your body jar upwards on his lap. You both swallowed each other’s moans, the thin fabric of your respective swimsuits doing little to dull the sensations of you grinding against each other.
Your hands slid down his back, raking his skin with your nails as they went. It wasn’t a hard scratch, but not a light one either, making Eddie hiss softly, his hips thrusting hard against you at the feeling.
Eddie’s lips traveled lower on your neck, down to your collarbone. There he started kissing and nibbling his way all the way across your chest, taking particular care to bite at the hallow of your throat. The feeling of his teeth bearing down on the delicate tendons just under the skin made you gasp, almost yelp even. You could feel Eddie’s lips twist upwards in a grin against your chest.
As he continued to make his way across, the hand on your ass slid lower, caressing down over the curve of the cheek until it was under you. His arm slid under your thighs and lifted you a little. This now put your chest at Eddie’s eye level, and he immediately dove forward for your tits. Holding you there, his lips latched onto one through the fabric of your bikini top. As his tongue swirled around one of your nipples, his free hand slid around from your neck to roughly grasp your breast from underneath.
“Mmm,” you moaned softly, as your back arched forward towards him.
One of your hands went to the back of his neck, steadying yourself as you pushed yourself back down to resume grinding against him. A loud groan erupted from Eddie, his hips thrusting up as he bit down on your nipple, making you gasp. He slowly pulled away, still holding it in his teeth for a second before letting go.
“Now that wasn’t very nice, Princess,” he growled softly, but you could hear the playfulness in his voice.
“You don’t love me because I’m nice,” you said, smirking as you brushed your lips over his.
You felt him smile against your mouth and you softly ran the tip of your tongue over his bottom hip. Eddie shivered at the feeling.
“Good point,” he said softly, his hands moving to rest on your lower back. “But remember, sweetheart, I’m not particularly nice either.”
Eddie quickly brought one hand around to slide it between your bodies, pushing it down between your legs. He began rubbing his open hand back and forth over your mound, his palm gently pressing against your clit with each pass up. Your moaned softly, arching your chest forward, and Eddie slid the hand on your back further upwards to the rest between your shoulder blades. His fingers drifted apart with each pass, letting two fingers lay on either side of your slit to rub outer lips, while he pressed his middle finger down to rub between them.
With each pass of his finger, he stopped just shy of your clit, passing just close enough you could feel how close it, but not quite touching where you most wanted him to. Not until a soft whimper left your lips and your legs started to twitch did he finally oblige and give you want you wanted. He pulled his hand forward, drawing his middle finger up along your slit until he could slowly circle the tip around the sensitive nub.
The combination of the light pressure and the slick material of the bikini rubbing against your most tender areas soon had you quivering in his arms. Unconsciously, your hips started to move in small circles in tandem with the circles Eddie was making on around your clit. It added a new sensation, making his finger alternate between firm and featherlight pressure, teasing you one second then pleasuring you the next.
Your head tilted back again, eyes closed, and Eddie’s lips soon found the side of your neck. When your moans started to grow louder, he moved away from your clit to push his hand back between your legs. He wiggled his fingers past the edge of your bikini to push it aside and sink his middle finger all the way into you.
“Eddie, god,” you moaned, your nails digging into his back, as he slowly started to finger you. “Always feel so good.”
“Yeah?” he asked against your neck, and you nodded as his tongue traced over the purpling skin under his lips. “Love it when you call me your god.”
You moaned in response as he added his ring finger next to his middle and curled them both upwards, hitting just that right spot. Crying out loudly with your head thrown back, you held onto him tightly as your hips thrust forward against his hand. This pushed his fingers deeper and made you gasp.
When he started pushing the heel of his hand against your clit, grinding into it with every inward thrust of his fingers, it didn’t take long for you to come undone. Clenching around his fingers like a vice, you completely let go, screaming Eddie’s name along with incoherent praise.
Eddie continued to finger you through your orgasm, gradually slowing down as you came down from your high. When your moans softened into whimpers and you began squirming, he finally pulled his hand away, only to begin opening the front of his swim trunks.
As you shifted your hips back a bit to give him more room, some advice Deandra had given you came floating up in your memory.
“Remember, make it really good,” she had said. “And make it so damn dirty they’ve got no choice but to go straight to print, no matter how many favors they owe.”
In this brief moment of clarity, you realized that, yes, while this all had been very enjoyable so far, it was rather vanilla compared to what you were used to. It seemed like Eddie was holding back, either from his own nerves or his worries for how you were really doing with all this. He was going to need to get over his hesitation quickly if they really wanted to make headlines.
“Eddie? Baby?” you said softly, dragging the tips of your nails across his upper back. He grunted in response just as you felt his cock come free of his swim trunks. “I don’t think you fingering me and then me riding you with all the good stuff under water is going to cut it.”
Eddie paused for a second, then pulled back a bit to look at you, a mischievous grin on his lips.
“What do you have in mind, Princess?” he asked.
You inclined your head upwards towards the edge of the hot tub.
“Why don’t you hop up there, and I’ll show you,” you said, leaning in for a moment to flick your tongue over his lips.
You pulled yourself out of Eddie’s lap and he lifted himself out of the hot tub to sit right at the edge, his feet resting in the seat. As he did this, you briefly submerged yourself under water, getting yourself completely wet. Eddie watched as you resurfaced, leaning back on one hand, and lazily stroking his cock as you wiped the water out of your face.
It was quite the sight to open your eyes to and you couldn’t help but pause to watch for a few seconds. His grin got even bigger, watching your eyes move up and down in time with his hand and your lips open slightly.
Then you came forward to kneel between his legs on the seat he just vacated. One hand immediately went to his cock to bat his hand away, wrapping your fingers around his hard shaft in their stead. Kissing along his chest, you started working his cock with your hand. You kept a slow pace until your lips were at the base of his shaft, where you then ran your tongue down his full length.
Eddie’s legs twitched and he muttered a soft curse. You shifted your gaze up to see a soft look on his face despite how intently he was watching you. You paused, quirking a brow at him. He brought his other hand over to rest it on your shoulder, giving it a soft, reassuring squeeze before sliding over to the back of your neck. With that last check in complete and permission to continue given, you turned your attention fully to his cock.
After slowly circling your tongue around the tip several times, you took the head of his cock into your mouth. Eddie started to let out a deep groan at the feeling of the warmth and wetness enveloping him, but it changed to a cry of surprise and pleasure as you hollowed out your cheeks to apply a deep suction.
“Fuck!” Eddie cried, his hand letting go of your neck to grip a handful of your hair instead. “S-shit, babe. That’s it. That’s my girl. You know how I like it.”
Indeed, you did, and you needed no further encouragement. You started bobbing your mouth up and down in just the head of his cock, keeping up with the slow rhythm of your hand stroking his shaft. Another low moan left Eddie, and you felt his fingers flexing in your hair. He wasn’t pushing or pulling at you yet, merely holding onto you.
As you increased the speed of your hand, you lowered your mouth down on him a little more with each downstroke. Already you could taste his precum, the tip of his cock leaking on your tongue and coating the roof of your mouth.
Once his cock was halfway in your mouth, you moved your hand away from his shaft and took the rest down your throat in one fast motion.
Eddie gasped loudly, and when you looked up you could see him staring at you in awe, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head.
“H-Holy s-shit,” he groaned before pinching his eyes closed and tilting his head back as his entire body shuddered.
You set a slow and steady rhythm, sliding all but the tip of his cock out of your mouth before taking it all back in again. The sounds Eddie made every time he felt your throat around his cock made your core throb.
After taking him down your throat a couple more times, Eddie’s moans became whimpers, and his hips began to twitch upwards. When that happened, you slid his cock from your mouth, your hand returning to stroke his shaft.
“Wanna do something really dirty?” you asked, batting your eyes up at him before flicking your tongue over the tip of his cock.
Eddie shivered and gasped, his eyes heavy lidded and dilated as he watched you.
“Maybe,” he said, brushing some hair away that had fallen in your face. “What were you thinking abo-“
The sudden halt in his speech was caused by you leaning up towards him just enough that the head of his cock nestled between your tits. You then angled yourself so that the length of his shaft was laying between them.
“Oh f-fuck yes,” he finally said, arching his hips up a little to thrust his wet cock upwards between your tits.
With a smile, you brought your free hand up to the bottom of your bikini top. You pulled it away from your chest just enough that you could easily slip his cock underneath. The new sensation of the wet fabric against one side of his cock and your smooth, warm skin on the other made Eddie groan. It seemed like he didn’t know what to do with his hand suddenly as he watched you with wide eyes, so he moved it behind him to lean on as well.
Shifting your body a little bit more, you got into a better position so it would be a smooth glide. You moved his cock a little bit then tilted your head down, taking a second to gather all the saliva in your mouth to spit it down between your tits and his cock. A stream of curses left Eddie’s mouth as he watched you do it again a moment later, this time directly on to his cock.
“Fucking hell,” he panted, legs twitching as you pushed your tits closer together with your arms, pushing them closer around his cock. “Always so fucking filthy for me, baby, fuck.”
It wasn’t the first time you’d let him fuck your tits. After nearly twenty years together, fifteen of which as lovers, there was very little you two hadn’t done together in bed. But it was one of those things that didn’t happen often, so when it did, Eddie went mad.
And, after fifteen years as lovers, you knew exactly what buttons were left to push before Eddie went absolutely berserk.
“Like that, baby?” you asked, moving your body so he cock began to glide easily between your tits at a steady pace.
“Fuck, baby, I fucking love it,” he groaned deeply.
Eddie’s ass was starting to buck up off the tiled edge of the hot tub. His breathing was becoming erratic, his cheeks turning red as he tried to hold onto himself for as long as he could. Your skin was smeared with precum as it leaked down his shaft. When you looked down and saw this, you paused temporarily and opened your mouth, letting him thrust the head of his cock past your lips so you could gently suck on it, cleaning it off. Eddie gasped loudly at the feel of your mouth around him again and you felt his whole-body twitch.
Suddenly, he completely stopped moving and leaned forward, taking ahold of both of your shoulders in order to push you away, his cock slipping free of your bikini top. You didn’t have time to say anything before he had jumped back in the hot tub with you. He took ahold of you then spun you around, pushing you to the edge of the hot tub so you were bent over it.
While there wasn’t much sense left in Eddie, there was enough to make him be careful of how he angled your body. He made sure to position you in such a way that nothing of yours could be seen or photographed by outside parties. That was his one stipulation to agreeing to this. He didn’t care who saw what of his, but the Full Y/N Experience, as he put it, was for his eyes only.
Once he had the angle right, where a semi side profile of your bodies could be seen, along with a left clear view of your faces, Eddie pulled your bikini bottoms to the side and held them open. Using his free hand, he lined himself up with your entrance and then pushed the head of his cock into you.
You moaned loudly, your hands gripping the side of the hot tub as both of his came up to grip onto your ass cheeks. He lifted them slightly and spread them, watching as he slowly sheathed himself deep inside your aching cunt. The feeling of him bottoming out made your legs tremble, a long moan leaving your throat at the feeling of him being so deep in you.
Eddie gave a couple of slow rolls of his hips, allowing you to properly feel his full length dragging through you. Low, deep moans left your throat, the slow pace making you want more. Soon though, he began to pick up the pace until he was finally slamming himself into you fast and hard.
“Fuck, Eddie!” you screamed, squeezing your eyes closed.
All you could do was hold onto the edge of the hot tub for dear life as he pounded into you from behind. He slid his hands up from your ass to take hold of your waist. He started pulling you backwards into each thrust, the force making you both gasp and moan together. The head of his cock pushed even deep inside you, hitting all your most sensitive inner areas. It wasn’t long before you could feel the coil inside you close to snapping.
“G-gonna cum,” you managed to gasp out.
Your words made Eddie’s thrusting slightly stutter, but not for long. He slid one hand down from your waist back between your legs, his fingers seeking out your clit to circle around it.
“M’close too,” he groaned out as your inner walls twitched around him when he swept the pad of his finger directly over your clit. “Want you to cum around me.”
With three more thrusts, Eddie’s wish came true, and your cunt clamped down around him as you came. The orgasm washed over your body hard, making your legs shake and your knees start to buckle. You screamed, crying out curses and his name in an incoherent mess of words.
The hand on your shoulder left it to grab a handful of your hair, pulling your head back and causing your chest to arch outwards. This also caused your hips to lift, giving Eddie a better angle to fuck straight into you.
He fucked you through your orgasm and wasn’t too far behind you. His thrusting was already growing harder and erratic as you were coming down from your high. The steady grip of your inner walls coaxed him along, and after a few more of those hard, deep thrusts, Eddie began to shoot his cum deep inside you.
“F-fuck!” he cried as his lower body slightly spasmed, the hand on your waist gripping you hard. “That’s it, fuck! Such a good girl for me, Y/N, fuck!”
The stream of cursing and praise that left Eddie’s mouth next was almost unintelligible as yours as he kept fucking you through his orgasm. His hips gradually slowed until he finally came to a stop, leaving his cock still buried in you.
You both were panting, exhausted messes. It took several moments before Eddie could even move in order to pull out of you. You whimpered at the loss of contact when he finally did, the motion making your legs tremble again. After tucking himself into his trunks, he helped you stand up and fix your bottoms, before dropping into seat you just fucked on. He pulled you down into his lap across his thighs, sitting there contently with your arms wrapped around each other.
It took a while before either of you felt like moving, supremely happy to just sit there together. You spoke softly about trivial things, exchanging soft kisses and caresses until the timer on the hot tub went down to zero and it shut itself off. That was your cue to finally go inside. After drying yourselves, the two of you went inside to shower then get ready for bed, both exhausted. Just before you went to sleep, Eddie wondered aloud to you about how long it would take for the photos to get out.
That question was answered barely two days later. Shortly after the nationally aired morning shows began for the day, you and Eddie were woken up by a phone call from Joe, telling you both to get down to his office as soon as possible. The label wanted the band and you assembled for a conference call with the executives.
About an hour later, once you all were assembled around Joe’s desk, he dialed into the labels conference room as he was instructed.
The phone call as brief as possible.
It hadn’t taken long for the photos to be picked up by a major tabloid. While the story hadn’t hit the printers yet, legitimate news outlets caught wind of the story and had already validated its legitimacy. There had only been short blurbs about it so far during the entertainment news, but everyone knew it wasn’t going to take long for the photos to be everywhere.
They were informed that Corroded Coffin’s contract with the label was terminated effective immediately with the upcoming tour cancelled.
They cited a morality clause in one of the subsections of their contract stating any behavior considered immoral or reprehensible by the label from any member of the band would be grounds for label to terminate their agreement with the band as a whole. Since the statement announcing Eddie and Deandra’s pending divorce hadn’t gone public yet, it was a clear-cut case of adultery. There was absolutely no way for the label to spin it into anything else and that created a big problem for the executives.
While they had no interest in continuing their relationship with Corroded Coffin, they assured the band they would not be put their names on any blacklists so that they may find another label to take them on during this next phase of their careers. They predicted that Corroded Coffin would have no trouble finding someone to quickly sign them on.
After wishing everyone well, and reminding you all that your NDAs still wouldn’t expire for years to come, the executives ended the call.
You all listened to the dial tone coming through the speaker phone for a few seconds before Joe finally hit the button to hang up.
Then the guys cheered with joy.
A tremendous feeling of relief washed over everyone in that office. Even Joe, while he didn’t fully approve of you and Eddie’s methods, definitely appreciated the outcome . He was happy to finally have the label out of his hair, too.
While none of you knew whether or not to believe the label executives at first, they held true to their word and did not blacklist the band in the industry. It didn’t take long before other labels started reaching out to Joe, interested in signing them. However, most of the labels he met with were offering deals way too similar to the one the guys just got out of. This time, they wanted to be much more careful. Since they actually had the clout now to be choosier, Joe put potential labels through far more scrutiny on their behalf.
In the meantime, Joe made sure they continued to work and perform, but things were much different now than before. The bigger venues were hard to book without the backing of a label, and the dive bars they started out in were too big of a security risk thanks to their fame. All that really left was the festival circuit and special appearances. But none of you minded though. Every show was much more relaxed than their previous concerts with the label had been, and definitely not as frantic and stressful as touring. The slower pace allowed them to begin recovering from the burnout their old label had pushed them into. Soon they were enjoying performing again. Even the writer’s block Eddie and Gareth had been experiencing started to lift, allowing them to write music again.
It really didn’t take that long to get a new record deal. Not in comparison to how long it took them to get their first deal, at any rate. The wait was worth it though.
A smaller label eventually contacted Joe, interested in signing Corroded Coffin. At first, he was leery of their interest. The label was relatively new, having only been founded within the last five years. They had a handful of artists signed, but none of them particularly famous outside of niche audiences. However, the label desperately wanted to sign them. Corroded Coffin would be their biggest act signed to date and would certainly start to make a name for the label. The label then extended the most generous offer the guys had received so far, allowing them total control over their careers and lives. It was an offer they couldn’t refuse.
Once they were signed, they immediately went into the studio to start recording the new material they all had been working on. Since they had gotten inspired in recent months, there ended up being way more music than they needed for an album. Rather than forcing them to pair it down, the label encouraged them to spread their creative wings and try something new.
This led to the release of a double disc album, “Destruction & Resurrection.” Most of the songs were veiled references to the hell their previous label put them through (Destruction) and taking back control of their lives and careers in the aftermath (Resurrection). It did very well among old fans and new. It rose through the charts quickly after release and soon they went on a very successful tour to promote it.
The difference between the old tours and this new one was obvious from the start. It was much more laid back, and not as hectic with so many guidelines the old label had them follow. They were finally able to enjoy the spotlight, enjoy being on stage together and enjoy all the benefits years of demanding work had yielded without someone else pulling the strings.
Not only that, you and Eddie weren’t having to sneak around in the shadows anymore. Since your relationship had remained public ever since the photos of you two in the hot tub made the news, you never left his side now except for when he was on stage.
But living life in the public eye wasn’t without its drawbacks, especially after a scandal of that magnitude.
The photos of you and Eddie had broken during the fast rise in popularity of internet being used as a way to connect with other people sharing similar interests. Among the discussions you saw about the band, the scandal was wildly talked about. Eddie’s name was once again tarnished for something he didn’t do, but this time you were taking the brunt of the blame. Most people had less than favorable opinions about you. People called you a home wrecker at best and a trailer trash slut at worse. You tried to not let it bother you, tried to not let it get under your skin, but it did at times. With the NDAs still in effect, you were forced to grin and bear it.
Once the latest tour wrapped up, with the labels blessing, Corroded Coffin took an extended break. They weren’t broken up by any means, but like all bands that stay together long term, they had all reached the point where they wanted to live their own separate lives. They wanted to stretch their wings out, rediscover themselves and learn what makes them tick. After so many years of working and traveling together, it was time.
Nick more or less retired from the public eye during this time. He and his wife had their first of four children together shortly after the tour concluded, and he wanted to spend as much time with them as he could.
Outside of having families themselves, Gareth and Jeff started a new project in order to experiment with the nu metal sound that had really become popular. It was fairly successful, featuring both Eddie and Nick on several of the songs.
Eddie and you led a pretty quiet life. Now that you weren’t forced to be shut ins in order to be together, you discovered now you preferred being at home together rather than going out. Outside of the occasional vacation with friends and family, you two spent most of your time at home. Though, one of those vacations did land you two on the front page of the tabloids again when you two were spotted vacationing in the Maldives with Deandra and her fiancée.
When the early 2000’s rolled around, the guys of Corroded Coffin were starting to feel a bit restless. The itch to write and perform together again was creeping in, and they started to talk about if it was time to start working a new album.
Fate decided to step in and give them the nudge they needed.
The producers of a popular horror movie series wanted to use a couple of Corroded Coffin’s songs in the latest movie. They were also asked if they would also write and record a brand-new song for the soundtrack. Since Eddie, you and Jeff were fans of the series, the band happily agreed.
While the movie itself ended up being one of the weaker installments of the series, it still did well enough at the box office to assure another installment. The soundtrack was highly praised and relaunched the name Corroded Coffin to a whole new generation of fans. They went back into the studio to record again.
The success of their following album led to them being approached by VH1 executives with an offer. They wanted to do an episode of Behind the Music on Corroded Coffin detailing their rise to fame, the scandal that resulted in their expulsion from their first label, their reinvention under the new label and the lives they lead now. The offer was thrilling, and everyone readily agreed. There was very little haggling over the script and the questions, which seemed a little odd at first to the producers. Usually there is always something the guests didn’t want to talk about, but everyone seemed perfectly willing to bare it all.
What the producers of VH1 didn’t realize was, all of the NDAs the group signed with the first label had expired the prior year. You and Eddie were done lying and gave everyone your blessing to tell the real story.
It didn’t take long for before VH1 realized what a goldmine they had. As the story unfolded, the entire structure of the episode changed. Instead of presenting them as former hard partying rockers that got knocked down several pegs by the front man’s scandalous love affair, they were presented as a band held prisoner by a former label that controlled everything from to who they dated and what they wore. Everyone interviewed for the episode confirmed every bit of the story, from Joe’s widow Valerie and Diandra herself, to Eddie’s longtime friends Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson.
Corroded Coffin’s episode of Behind the Music shocked the music world. While everyone was moved by what all the guys went through, hearing about what happened to you and Eddie broke hearts.
As it turns out, the men in suits at that first label had been wrong.
Everyone on the internet agreed. Eddie Munson being with his high school sweetheart for over twenty years, not to mention the lengths that you two went to finally be together, was very fucking metal.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 5 months
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SUMMARY : technically part two of demonology and heartache (which I haven’t posted, yet). an au in which dean is a priest and the reader is a demon with an obsession to corrupt him. 
PAIRING : priest!dean winchester x demon!reader (f.)
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), angst, voyeurism, smut, p in v, masturbation, corruption kink, priest kink, blasphemy, defiling a church, jealousy
A/N : falling in reverse song title. @spnkinkevents : #12daysofspnkinkmas2023 — voyeurism and priest kink. no spoilers for the fic I haven’t posted. @jacklesversebingo card square — voyeurism. this is… uh… I’m going to hell XXXX
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Dean attempted to act as if she didn’t affect him. He felt so guilty, he wouldn’t even dare confess to his superiors what he’d done or tell them that the new nun they brought to the church was in fact an ancient demon. 
The truth was, she hadn’t harmed anyone physically. But he had a feeling it was her that influenced the strange closeness between Sister Perlamaria and Sister Arelys. And the scent of cigarettes and alcohol that billowed from Father Calvo’s breath. And the dirty dreams he’s been having every night, more frequently than before, always with her. 
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to come clean about her to someone who could do something about her subtle corruption within the church, the defilement of all that was once in everyone in the church.
Dean wondered what she told the people who came by and how she so easily managed to make people believe her, how she convinced them to do as she suggested, not even having to lift a finger to get what she wanted. 
Well, that was the case for everyone else except him. For him, she made him dream about her, fantasies of doing things to her, and of her doing things to him. And when he was under her spell—which really wasn’t a spell at all, but rather his lust and desire for carnality—she pounced on him. And now, he was hers. 
He struggled to keep her promiscuous behaviour to a minimum, it was difficult to control her at all—and it was arousing all together, unfortunately for him. He couldn’t resist her and eventually, the dreams ended, but his desire for her was undying. She was truly wicked, burrowing into him and planting seeds that would grow of their own accord.
His desire for her bloomed on its own within him, a few intimate touches, sultry glances, and seductive words sent in his direction were enough to keep those flowers from withering away. They were more like weeds than flowers, he wanted to get rid of his desire, but he couldn’t. They invaded all that he was. 
But it was a nice feeling that made him… free. He didn’t want to stop, not after getting a taste of her sinful lips, not after getting his hands on her soft body, not after she slept with him. 
He walked to her room again, like he did every night. Sometimes she was nowhere to be found. Other times she’d be asleep. Or she’d read the Bible mockingly, marking the text and correcting the stories. If he was lucky, he’d catch her touching herself, moaning his name as she climaxed on her fingers. 
He was too much of a coward to enter her room. He knew that she knew he watched her when she touched herself. He wasn’t brave enough to enter her room to bury himself inside the warmth of her body. Instead he returned to his room to finish the job with his own hand.
Today, he was too tired to sneak around and add to the guilt that already weighed him down. As exhilarating as it was to be with her and to see her every once in a while, as a break from what his father wanted him to do. Dean just wanted to give in completely to something he wanted, to something new.
He didn’t know what to expect, but he knew it was not a coincidence that the doors were shutting by themselves as he made his way back to his room. A shiver ran down his spine, prickling his skin so his hairs stood on end, but there were no windows open. He knew it was her.
He got to his room, but the door didn’t budge. He sighed tiredly, but a smile tugged at his lips despite how wrong it felt to walk away from his room with a spark of thrill in his blood. 
He followed the chill around the cathedral, allowing self-shutting doors to take him wherever he knew Y/n was guiding him. 
Eventually, he made his way to the nave. The moonlight poured through stained glass, onto the walls and floor. Dean didn’t have to look around for her because he could hear her pleasuring herself, and straight across, on the altar, was her. 
Naked. His breath caught in his throat. He felt… offended. Afraid. Aroused. 
He froze where he stood, having a clear view of her skin and her body. Her hand moved between her legs, her other cupped her breast, and she arched her back off the hard flat surface of the altar. 
He wasn’t sure if it was all a show for him. Or if she wanted to get caught on purpose. He also thought of the possibility that she may even be trying to tempt the other Sisters or Fathers, the way she had with him. 
The dreams of carnal love-making ended. The escapes from her quarters into his to enact his fantasies had lessened. He didn’t know if she was bored of him and was moving on to a new victim or if she was teasing him, testing him. 
He was jealous, he could feel the heat rise up his face at the thought of her interest moving away from him to someone else. She was a demon, afterall, she had no loyalties to anyone, no conscience or care for the concept of monogamy. He couldn’t believe he had feelings for her, as if she would do the same. He knew she didn’t, she would never reciprocate, she couldn’t, but he couldn’t stop himself.
He stepped closer to her, his stomach fluttering, his heart palpitating… He felt hot all over, jealous, angry, so many emotions—including lust. His hands shook and walking felt uncomfortable from how erect he was within the confines of his black dress pants.
She was taking longer than normal to get off, smoothing her hands over her soft, fleshy body. Laying herself out completely over the decorated altar, staring up at the crucifix defiantly when her hand travelled back down between her legs. 
Dean wondered if she’d done it before, if she did it always. He knew nothing about her, except for the taste of her mouth and her pussy, the texture of her skin, her lips, and her warmth deep within… a warmth that simply did not reach her eyes, it was only lust in disguise. 
Her head rolled to the side, eyes closed, brows furrowed in concentration, pants and moans echoing through the wooden walls. Her eyes fluttered open when one of his feet dragged loudly across the floor, and she lifted her head to see the intruder, a mischievous smirk growing on her face.
She spread her legs further apart, her fingers moving quickly against her clit, fingers plunging inside her pussy faster as he stood frozen in place. His lungs tightened as she stared into his eyes just a few feet away from him, her moans getting louder and needier. 
He was breathless and his legs felt like he was walking through tar, but he was still able to rush over to her, and slap a hand over her mouth to silence the lewd sounds she was making. His presence only seemed to spur her, she stared up into his eyes shamelessly, and he did the same for a few moments before looking away. 
His gaze slowly trailed down to her breasts as she arched further off the flat surface. He traced the curve of her waist with his green eyes, captivated by her arousing beauty. He felt her tongue against his palm and her teeth, and he stared back up at her lecherously, breathing heavily as she moaned his name against his palm.
He pushed her thighs apart and stared obscenely as she fingered herself and rubbed her clit, her thighs and fingers soaked in her excitement. He held his hand tightly to her mouth to continue muffling the hot sounds she was making, and brought his other hand down to keep her thighs apart, holding her leg bruisingly onto the altar, until she fell apart on her own fingers.
She cried into his hand, worshipping his name as she writhed and shook. Her eyes pierced his, shining with desire—and what he thought was reverence. 
When he released her, Dean tilted his head at her. She relaxed, catching her breath while staring up at him, her lust devouring him whole. 
“Do you always do this here?” He asked her, shoving his coat off his shoulders. She read the situation wrong, and excitedly reached for his belt to unbuckle it as she shook her head at him. “Don’t,” he implored quietly, placing his coat over her shoulders.
“Please,” she whispered, releasing him nonetheless. She leaned back on her arms and watched him, her eyes begging him to take her where she was. 
“I can’t,” Dean murmured, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. She breathed in and kissed him back, taking his hands to rest them on her warm hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning backwards until he was leaning over her. “My room,” he mumbled against her lips, but she pulled away to scowl playfully.
“You don’t have to take your clothes off,” she smiled cheekily, shrugging his coat off her shoulders. He stared down at her body and inhaled sharply, squeezing her hips. “It’s actually hotter if you leave it on, Father,” she teased, tugging his belt to encourage him, but she didn’t remove it. 
“You still want me?” He asked, kissing her shoulder. She pulled away and gazed up at him for a few seconds, confused by his question.  
“Yes…?” She started to unbuckle his belt slowly, waiting for him to stop her if he didn’t want her to go further. “Why are you asking?” She asked anyway, gasping when she felt two fingers push into her, her stomach fluttering. 
“I like the attention you give me,” he confessed as she worked his pants off faster. 
“Well…” she began thoughtfully, “you’re the most interesting person here.” Dean hummed in approval of her answer and slipped his fingers out of her to wrap them around his cock, teasing her wet slit like she’d taught him.
The word “good,” rumbled hotly through him and he pushed into her wet entrance, then grabbed her thighs to pull her to the edge of the table. Fully sheathed inside her, they both moaned quietly, her legs bending at the knees so she could press them into his sides, holding him close.
“There’s nothing good about my interest in you, Dean,” she purred sensuously, her fingers curling around the back of his neck, slipping through his soft hair. She pulled him down and kissed him, gratified by the arousal burning furiously in his green eyes like a forest on fire.
That look in his eyes was why she did this. Deep down, there was a purity in his soul she could never defile, not like she had done to everyone and everything in this church. The light within him burned so brightly, it could not be easily extinguished, and that was an exciting challenge she didn’t mind failing. 
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joeys-babe · 5 months
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As an Ohioan born and raised, you knew the name Joe Burrow. You had connections too.
Your dad coached for the Ohio University football team at the same time as Jimmy Burrow, Joe’s father.
It wouldn't be till years later, in mid-2022, that you would first meet Joe.
You two would meet at a family dinner that your families had together. Your dad and Jimmy wanted to catch up, along with introducing each other to their families, and Joe was the only one of Jimmy’s three boys who was able to make it.
You would be a liar if you said he wasn't attractive because he was, but you were too nervous to approach him.
Who wouldn't be? He was having an insane career in the NFL with the Cincinnati Bengals, and he was just oddly intimidating.
Throughout the dinner hosted in your parent's backyard, you found yourself in a secluded corner by yourself when Joe walked over and sat next to you.
It was almost insane how you two immediately hit it off. The more you guys talked the more you realized Joe was a normal guy, just had a known name.
He was very sweet actually, and surprisingly flirty. You were aware of the fact that he had just gotten out of a relationship so you held back from seriously flirting, but later that night before he left he'd ask you something you'd never forget.
“Could I maybe get your number? I had a lot of fun with you tonight, and stop me if I'm misreading things, but would you like to go to dinner sometime?”
You assured him that he wasn't misreading anything and exchanged numbers.
A week later you guys would go to dinner, which led to a date, and another, and another, till Joe finally asked you to be his girlfriend on December 20th, 2022.
There were a few obstacles you two would have to learn to overcome. One of those things is having to be long-distance. You were still in college at OU in Athens and Joe was in Cincinnati.
You had your doubts that it would work, but Joe deserved a chance from you.
Another obstacle was how people preserved your relationship because of your age gap. When you guys started dating, you were nineteen, and Joe was twenty-six. You and Joe didn't care though, because it didn't impact your relationship directly.
These imagines follow you and Joe through dealing with the many obstacles your relationship has to overcome, but you wouldn't want to do it with anybody else.
Call It What You Want
Let It Snow*
Holly Jolly Christmas / Merry Christmas, Goofball
Already Gone
She's Gone
Wish You Were Here
Heartache Tonight
What Is Life
Got My Mind Set on You / Against the Wind
Try and Love Again
New Kid in Town
Gentle On My Mind / This Night Won't Last Forever / I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Runaway / Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
(Holly Jolly Christmas / Merry Christmas, Goofball)
Life in the Fast Lane* / Oh! Darling*
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
the tyrant (v)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 4,150
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: old time period, mention of arranged marriage, polygamous marriages, slow-burn yandere, power imbalances, peer pressure, gaslighting, mention of manipulation, dark content, slight-NSFW (tw: non-con), MDI, Dickuna, please read at your own discretion
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you were the apple of Sukuna's eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you."
𝐚/𝐧: holy crap, I've been bugging and got writer's block from this for the longest time. But it is done at last; been trying to angle where I should go from here. Since I barely wrote any nsfw or anything remotely related to that, I hope this doesn't get flagged cuz I would deadass scream. Btw, thank you to those that waited for so long when I went into my MIA mode 🥲❤️. Likes, comments, and reblogs are helpful too, and have a nice day lovelies! 🥳 (pls lemme know in the "comment" section below for tagging.)
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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After the incident, you told Sukuna that he wouldn't stifle you. As for Suguru's situation, you couldn't make an explicit assumption; for all you know, it was a warning to you both. Suguru is your faraway dream, and you were his too. Another part you know is that killing Suguru would be like child's play, but it wouldn't look good on Sukuna unless he starts undermining Suguru with hidden intentions. You don't wish for Suguru to be harmed in any way; even the thought of it sends your heart lurching in heartache.
You shift under your seat as the cold air bites your face. It was early in the morning when Sukuna had taken you out for a morning hunt. Everything was set up the previous day before. Sukuna had even invited a handful of Lords to hunt with him, to form connections. He also thought it would be good for you as you have locked yourself away in your room for days after the banquet; he thinks it's childish whenever you would do that to avoid his confronting nature. You could care less about what he feels at this point.
Fiddling with your bangle inside the muff, you twist and turn the familiar jeweled gift. Then there's your Aunt; the pressure from her was also getting to you. Selfish is the best word to describe her; a bitter feeling of resentment starts to form within your chest as you have come to accept the view you have of her. Your Aunt Setsuko and Sukuna aren't that much of a discrepancy; both set out to use people as they see fit in their agenda.
Your attention was brought back when the sound of horses' hooves and men urging their steed to go faster descended from the hills. A jackal was running rapidly, with hounds chasing after their tail. An arrow whizz past and almost hits the animal as it sidesteps to the side to avoid it. Sukuna was leading, riding the red steed that dashes across the dewy and chilly plain. Sukuna raises the bow with steady arms and hands, his uncanny eyes trained on the animal before releasing the string. The arrow hits the jackal as it staggers forward, rolling a few times against the ground as the hounds pounce to keep it dead and still.
Everyone congratulates Sukuna for being keen eyes as they all slow their horses down to an ambling pace. Servants quickly swept the hounds aside and picked up the now-dead animal, and hurried off to deal with it. Sukuna basked in the attention he was given, accepting them before brushing off the other minor and major lords. He pulls the rein of the horse in your tent's direction.
Rising from your seat, two maids appeared to assist you by holding your forearms as you carefully stepped off the heated coal pots placed underneath your feet to keep them warm. Seiin, the firey steed notice you and picks up its speed to hurry on over. The horse was a gift for your congratulatory wedding from your clan. Seiin was only one of the few red steeds born and raised on your farm; considering it's a scarce breed, Seiin was above average from a normal war horse. They were a total upgrade. It could outpace any horse for hours, and its stamina was limitless since it brought Sukuna's never-ending winning of conquering lands and people alike. You almost forgot that each clan member ran a different course for bribery. Your father used to run a ranch for breeding war horses (now it falls to you). Once your wedding with Sukuna happened, your Aunt deliberately solidified the pact and decided to trade the horses for power without consulting with you first.
When Seiin was near enough, Sukuna hopped off the horse. Seiin snorted as it impatiently wanted you to pet its snout and brush its dark red hair. You pull out a hand from the muff and caress a pointer to the length of Seiin's nose; they nuzzle their face closer. The equine sure is spoiled. You don't remember them being this double in size and height.
"Took a long time to get this steed to obey me," Sukuna starts, and you only pay attention to him for a fraction with your eyes before flicking them away to the horse again. The story of how Sukuna gets Seiin was funny; it almost made you think that the War Demon couldn't tame a beast. Seiin was probably secretly a mule in disguise; they hated any rider or person who attempted to claim them; they're more familiar with you out of everyone. When Seiin was presented to Sukuna, it was on sight for the horse to run him over and stomp its hooves on the ground to scare off Sukuna. It was futile since Sukuna was a person who loved challenges, and Seiin happened to present them to him.
All it took was a lot of being tied to the pole, brushed, fed, and given lots of freedom to stretch its legs daily, which spoiled the horse. Then it got its owner's temper, too; Seiin was Sukuna's pride.
"You have been in your room for a few weeks; what's so crucial that you have forbidden me? Is Suguru that important?" You slightly glare, "Also, that brat took longer to leave than usual." You could tell that Sukuna was trying to get a rise out of you, a bait for you to take. If you have taken it, it will bring endless hours to get him off your back. He moves fast with assumptions, and it's scarily accurate, too, with how he gathered information.
Turning away from Sukuna, you pat Seiin a few times, then return to your tent.
The reason why you have spent more time in your room is for a reason; you can't rely on anyone anymore. Not your Aunt Setsuko, who seems ready to abandon you if your final strike occurs, and you have to admit, the advantage of having Sukuna's affection starts to wear you thin. The harem is relentless in trying to remove you, and if that happens, then you're easily disposable. But they couldn't do that. It was known multiple times if you were gone, then the deal with both families would fall through, and trade would also cease to exist.
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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Yumi asks warily as you settle on wearing a man's clothes. You use the excuse of doing your charity work to go out for something you've been planning to do.
"If I don't do it now, when will I ever will? I didn't use all that time in my room reading and teaching me about politics and finances." Telling Yumi she couldn't argue back, not when concern always seems to paint her face these days. "Stall as long as you can," you order, adjusting the male hakama; you try to give off the air and posture of a man. "I'll try to be back before sundown."
Sliding the door open, Yuichi was outside; arms crossed as he awaited you.
You nudge with your head for him to follow you. When you both were outside the small rented compound you use for charity work, Yuichi cast you aside glance, "You told me to scout the area and ask for any willing participants if they're going to give up their property to you, and I found a few."
"You work fast," you inquire with a small smile, and Yuichi huffs his chest, proud of his work. "No spear today?" Yuichi never goes anywhere without his weapon, and today is a rare day.
"No need to for today, and I wanted to ask why you need an inn out of all places." The young man scratches his head behind you, "I mean, with your wealth and power, you could easily build or buy a better one."
You chuckle a bit, "My father used to tell me something interesting when I was a child, and today, I decided to put it to the test," looking at Yuichi, who peers down at you with curious eyes. "Are you familiar with how business people work?" Yuichi turned away, even more confused, as he wasn't well-versed or educated in an area that wasn't his expertise. "You know how when a robber or criminal is going to rob you, they always announce it and hold a weapon against you?" The man nodded, "But when it comes to business people, they'll steal it right before you without saying many things, even if you do or don't realize."
Yuichi: "So you're saying you're going to steal?"
You: "Do you consider being persuasive with words stealing?"
Yuichi: "I mean, it is under the pretense, so kind of, I guess?"
You laugh, "I'm going to make them give it to me; if not, I can always gamble it."
Yuichi did a double take, "You're scary when you want to be." The man didn't expect this from you, but he felt you change a little. Yuichi often spends time with you helping those who are in need, and seeing you taking charge of something for real is uncalled.
The both of you walk a bit further until you've reached a run-down inn. Seeing the worn-out sign of the inn's name hanging up at the entrance tells you how long it was in business. Stepping inside the inn, you could see the wooden beams and pillars were also worn out. There were chips here and there, and even the tables and chairs were old.
"Hello? Anyone?" Yuichi calls out into the empty room before someone emerges from the back. You assume it was the owner. They're in their mid-fifties when you could spot specks of grey in their dark hair and fine lines marring their tan face. The owner's eyes speak of years of hardship in this world. "You remember when I said I would bring a friend, right?"
"Go away; the place is not for sale." The owner motioned his arms to shoo you and Yuichi away.
"Business is not good, I'm assuming?" You question the owner while your eyes still trace around and find no soul or customer in the room.
"It is doing good, just that you're in the way." The owner bites back. He grabs a nearby broom and kicks your foot out of the way with it, and sweeps the front and entrance.
Yuichi leans over to you and whispers in your ear while his eyes linger on the old man, "How about we just go look at the other ones?"
Clicking your tongue, you brush him off, "Sir," you turn around to meet the older man with a smile and try to present an air of friendliness. "How about a game?" You're just going straight for the jugular at this point; no need to play coy, yet, with a stubborn man.
"Game? I don't have time for that," refusing you, you held your smile.
"Well, if you win, I won't bother you again, and it would be a shame if this place were to shut down. I could tell a lot of history and time were poured into this place. Not many know how to run an inn, let alone for more than several generations." Your words seem to catch their ears as you swipe a finger across a table, seeing grey coating your fingertip. "Also heard that if you fail to pay this month's rent, you'll be evicted." Innocently smiling, you could see the older man fuming, "Competition is sure rough around these parts, isn't it?"
Old man: "Who are you?"
You: "A buyer. A renter, of course."
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"You know a lot more than you let on," The man-trained eyes pierced your own; he couldn't read your orbs. "Then I'll entertain you as long as you're out of my hair."
Conversing with the man, you and he repeatedly placed the black-and-white pieces of smooth small stones on the board until it was nearly filled. Yuichi, who was watching from the side with his eyes zoning onto the Go board, then it flicked back and forth in between you and the older man.
"Ah! I give up! Name your price," the owner fickled out and grabbed a nearby heated pot, and poured himself a drink. He was trying to calm that irregular heart of his that could lead to a potential heart attack.
You trace the board and see how the majority of your white pieces were constantly surrounding and consuming his black pieces. The man was already defeated ten different times, but you just prolonged it. You must thank Sukuna for teaching you (not like you're ever going to) if he wasn't pestering you when he had nothing else to do. The game Go was introduced to Sukuna by the Chinese who came to do trading, and Sukuna, who has a penchant for mind-stimulating things, didn't hesitate to take it. The man didn't regret it; if not, he put all his war tactics and strategies onto that board when playing against the Chinese traders and conquering them as if it was a real battle.
"I won't directly buy the place; if renting would suffice you. You would still be the owner, but co-owner, at least." The man was about to speak up, but you raised a hand, saying you're not done. "I'm looking into putting interest and investing," standing up from your seat, you examine many things in the room. "But to do that, we need to start working from the bottom and up. We are not going to get rid of everything, but we could still keep the rustic feeling this place have. This place needs major improvement."
After going over things with them, you could tell that they were much more relaxed, not by a lot, although.
"I won't always be able to come and check up on this place; I'll be sending-" patting Yuichi's chest with a few hits; he didn't expect that, "-this guy in my stead along with a letter of instructions of how to keep this place afloat. I'll also desire a report from you too, sir."
"Taiju. Taiju Mori." Finally introduced himself, and you nodded in acknowledgment.
"As your employer, Seijuro Hajime, it's nice meeting you," telling him your alias, you headed off with Yuichi.
Once you're at a distance, Yuichi stops in front of you. "Now I'm your messenger?" He asks in disbelief when pointing at himself, as he can't believe all the roles you're giving him. "You know I am-"
Cutting Yuichi off, you told him, "You're being paid for your hard work with free lodging at the inn, also with the all-you-can-eat-and-drink too."
Yuichi: "Sold."
You laugh, and that shuts him up quickly. Before you can enjoy your outing more, the shadow becomes longer and darker, with the night coming faster along the chilly winds. The burnt orange sky is cast above the horizon with the setting sun. Patrol guards were roaming out in the streets now to switch their routines. "We have to hurry back." Around this time is when Sukuna usually sends guards from the castle to escort you back home too.
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Sukuna has just come back from one of his concubine's rooms. For they have just successfully given birth to his child, he was there to name them. Roaming the hall, he noticed that your quarter was quiet when he came across, "Has Lady (Name) not home yet?" The surrounding servants and guards shook their heads rapidly, indicating a 'no' as they were afraid to look him in the eyes.
It wasn't until you came into view the retainers finally let out a sigh of relief. "My Lady!" They shout in unison, one after another. You try not to let your discomfort and hostility show when you spot Sukuna, and the man notices how your eyes seem to harden. He smiles at that.
"You came back later than usual (Name)," Sukuna then waved a hand, "you all are dismissed; I wish to be alone with my wife." All the servants nodded once and single-file out of your quarter to idle on another job or chore, waiting for them. Yumi was the last one to leave. "I've missed you ever since you left me this morning at the hunting ground," he proclaimed, taking long strides to reach you, and you steel yourself when Sukuna suddenly wrapped his arms around you. "Be a dear and entertain me tonight, would you?"
Ripping yourself from his hold, your eyes quiver with rage. "I'm not your womb breeder nor your cunt warmer," sneering at him, Sukuna let out a breathy laugh.
"I thought you had lost your fire for a moment," he moves a hand to caress your face you slap it away harshly.
You: "Don't touch me."
Sukuna's displeasure was partially showing, and before you could react any further, he held both sides of your face, "I've been very patient with you." Rapid as lightning, he brought his lips onto yours, and your eyes widened in surprise. You are tugging and trying to pull yourself away from him, but he grips your face even tighter than before. The taste of lingering sweet and bitter alcohol from Sukuna's tongue attaches to your tongue too. Both yours and his feet were awkwardly dancing around to find proper footing as you swerved and hit a wall. Sukuna takes the leisure of your gasping moment, the need for air to implore more of your cavern as he trails one hand down your face, then it once again snakes around your waist.
Pulling you close as possible, he grips the obi sash. "I'm not going to take a no from you," he spoke in between the kisses, and he hoisted you by the waist and quickly took you to your room with you protesting and screaming obscenities at him.
Your people rounded the corner, popping their heads to see just in time for the outer layer of Sukuna's hakama floating through the air before it was cut off by your door slamming shut and echoing in the hallways. They had never seen Sukuna act like this before; for all they knew, it was always being sweet towards you, but seeing how rambunctious their master was made everyone's mouths open in disbelief.
Around the same time, it was time for the evening lunch for everyone. With your and Sukuna's empty seat, Eisha asks a nearby manservant, "Where is the Lord and Lady (Name)?"
The manservant was hesitant to say anything as they opened their mouth a few times before uttering a sentence. "T-The Lord and Lady (Name) won't be dining tonight." Eisha raised her brow, and the man inch closer until he was whispering to her what was going on, and Eisha balled her fists. Fits of jealousy and anger slowly drown her. Masking her face with a look of understanding, she dismisses him, and they quickly wait on the sideline.
"Everyone, it seems like we will be dining without Lord Sukuna and Lady (Name)." A murmur of slight groans and agitation filled the air. Eisha picked up her pair of chopsticks, and the rest followed suit.
Back to you...after a few hours
Sukuna pinned you beneath him; his callous hand had both your wrists bound above your head while one tightly gripped your sweltering hip. Your face was flushed, and your chest was heaving out of breath, but you were stubborn in not making any noises. Sukuna, although successfully tearing one or two or more out of you. You were quick to shut up by biting your lips until you felt they were bleeding.
Sweat trickled down his body and dropped onto yours as he felt another one coming close, and so did yours; Sukuna lost track of time when the sun disappeared, and the full moon rose high in the night sky.
Rutting into you like you both were the only ones in the world, Sukuna tried to prolong the upcoming orgasm as long as possible, but it was inevitable. The fire in your belly was about to erupt again, and you knew. Trying to squirm away, Sukuna grunts out for you to stay still as he tries to chase after his high and make yours come along with his when he starts to pace himself faster.
You hate it when he keeps brushing your sensitive spot, abusing it to no end, and your sanity waning each time. So you turn your head to the side to hide. He already attained it with his fingers to prepare you, and now he is plowing you like an open field in different ways.
Sukuna suddenly stutters his hip forward to meet yours, and you yelp when your thighs tense up and enclose his well-defined waistline. He lets out a throaty and breathy groan when finally filling you up again with your walls gripping his shaft.
Letting go of your wrists, Sukuna stilled for a moment before getting off you and seeing how soiled the futon was from the love-making. You had your eyes close; brows pinched together. Whether it was from trying to regain yourself or you being angry for letting this happen, Sukuna saw how your emotions were all over the place—the aftermath of all.
He combed a hand through his slick, drenched hair; the scent of two body that was once conjoined still permeates through the atmosphere. "Grab me and Lady (Name) some refreshments," Sukuna demands, many feet shifting outside the screen door; after a rendezvous, he feels an appetite for his pipe too.
"Get out," you speak up, voice rather tired.
"Not until you're properly taken care of," Sukuna threw your nagujaban on top of you before grabbing and wearing his own.
"My Lord," a muffled voice was heard outside, and Sukuna went to slide the door a fraction. He grabs the refreshments and uses his frame to block out any onlookers before closing the door with a snap shut.
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You viciously avoided Sukuna to prevent yourself from doing something stupid like wringing his neck or poisoning his food. To keep yourself busy, you had often gone out more and kept tabs on the inn as it made progress on attracting more customers and former locals.
You were thinking about improving the inn more until an ingratiating voice appeared behind you.
"Ah, I thought it was Concubine Sei, but it's only you, Lady (Name)," you turn around to meet the lavender eyes of Concubine Sena, who is holding a newborn in her arms with a sardonic grin. She hushes the squirming child and pats its bottom. "Don't know why Lord Sukuna kept you around when you can't produce him an heir. I'm starting to think that you're a barren woman."
You only chide with a side smirk. Out of all the concubines who would talk back to you is Concubine Sena. "I'm glad you finally developed awareness or critical thinking; tell me something I don't know." That wipe off the smirk from his face quickly. "I was almost worried for a second if you're going to be like me, childless too, but fate had decided to bestow you a second child."
Sena: "What are you inquiring about? Are you cursing my child? Lord Sukuna would hear from me about you cursing my son!"
Sniggering at her with a laugh, you brought up a hand to hide the laughter before continuing, "I wasn't going to stoop this low, but I'll say it since I'm feeling petty and far from my acting like a (Surname) clanswoman," taking a step closer to her until she feels threatened, Sena held her son tightly and close to her chest. "Hope that your child here lives passed three moons, unlike your first one, don't want history to repeat itself since your Hanamiya women are reputable for bad luck."
"How dare you!" Sena seeth out, "Servants! Held down this woman and slapped her foul mouth!" A few made advances, but you cut it short.
"Touch me and see what happens when Lord Sukuna finds out." They all stumble in their steps and refuse to take another out of fear, "I may not share the same affections he has for me, but I am very much favor unlike you." Then your face changes instantly, cold and calculating. "How long have you been wanting him but still haven't got it? We both arrived and married Sukuna at the same time at the tender age of eighteen, and his eyes are always on me." Feigning a sad expression, you place a hand on your chest, depicting a wound over your heart. "How sad you'll always come second to me."
Sometimes you don't like using Sukuna's name aimlessly like this, but it's worth it to make them or anyone like Sena back off.
After all, you have elsewhere to be and time better spent on.
Taglist: @sukunasobject @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy @pinkrose1422 @skepticalleo @please-help-therapy-needed @whatsonthemirror @krispsprite @loser-alert @saturnknows @samidrc @littlemochi @akigoat @mxghostbee @rose4958 @shadowywizardarcade @huicitawrites @baji-keisukes-wife @choso-wifey @jovialeggsbailiffsoul @sanderaen @peonnnny @tiredlattes @waytomanyhusbands @whatamidoing89 @utena-akashiya @outrofenty @welcometodemonschoolfan @im-a-killer-queen
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ambrosiagourmet · 4 months
falin for the ask meme? :3c
First impression
oh. OH. So this is what people mean when they say a character is "haunting the narrative".
Impression now
Hello, character I relate to a little too much!!
I really, really love Falin. To be honest, there was a point in the story where I got kind of frustrated with how she was portrayed - it got a little TOO 'haunting the narrative' for my taste, if that makes any sense. She was a little too much of an idea instead of like, a Whole Actual Person.
But I came around by the end! I think the finale does really really well by her.
I honestly sometimes am not sure how much of My Take on Falin is actually intended, but I LOVE the idea of her as a person who doesn't know how to take up space of her own. I have to carefully balance my read on her kindness because I don't want to treat it as ALL motivated by like trauma & repression, but I do think that a lot of her character is informed by that. I don't think she's very good at being selfish, or tolerating other people's pain.
That balance of 'very kind, but not always for the right reasons' is a quiet tragedy that is very relatable. I really like to think she can start to heal and move on from some of that in post-canon.
Favorite moment
Teef smile Falin is so so dear to me. Most authentic Falin smile of the whole manga I knew in my heart that she was going to have room to grow and find herself and love herself as soon as I saw this panel v
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Idea for a story
I have been noodling on Falin/Rin and I think it could be a REALLY fun dynamic. Both have suffered from similar 'rejected because of magic stigma' traumas. Both repress their feelings, but Falin becomes exceedingly soft and Rin becomes exceedingly hard. Rin doesn't like magic schools and Falin studied at one but also did so in a really unconventional way. There's a lot of fun contrasts to mine here!!
So I'd love some kind of AU that ends up with them stuck together deep in the dungeon having to work together would be very good!! Force them to adventure together and see what happens!!!!
Unpopular opinion
She's not perfect, and not all of the traits people admire in Falin are entirely healthy for her.
(idk how unpopular this really is, but I don't feel like I've seen it talked about much?)
Favorite relationship
Definitely her and Laios. God. The siblings of all time. The way they have supported each other through so much trauma and heartache, but also have been sources of pain for each other. The way they are constantly working to repair the things that have been broken for and between them. Ough.
Favorite headcanon
Not so much headcanon as "extended material canon" but I love that she squints so much because she's nearsighted. Get that girl some glasses T.T
Oh also I'm a soft butch Falin truther. Marcille can't keep us silent forever. We know the truth!!! She is meant to have short fluffy hair and wear big soft cable knit sweaters and embrace women in her big warm arms. #justiceforbutchfalinlooks
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bethanysnow · 7 months
Prt 1.
Bang Chan X Plus Size Reader. Fluff mild angst. Slow burn?
The news broke that V from BTS's stalker was apprehended. The fact that someone got so close sent shock waves through the major companies to up security. Guards for even the groups that didn't have a major following, it felt incredibly necessary. Keeping the artists behind closed doors like hamsters in wheels and a very colorful and elaborate cage. The studio Stray Kids though did the majority of their work for their latest mixtape was across the street from a cafe. The road was mainly foot traffic and standing there on the concrete pavement was a woman with a guitar.
A foreigner. As divisive as that word is in South Korea, that's what she was...singing in English songs from a while back. Breakeven by The Script, Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. This heartache verbalized in the cry of the street. She bowed quietly with the smallest smile if people tipped her, that's at least what Chan noticed from his tower. Yes, the great tower of the unmarked building in the middle of the city. No one knew he was there, nor what the building was. Everyone below him just too busy with their own day to notice. He was grateful for that, but he found himself wanting to be amongst the people. Be there, go grocery shopping, go to a cafe. Exist in the cosmos of the cosmopolitin. So, looking out of the window of the studio he watched this woman. Living vicariously through her. He could hear her if he tried really hard with the window open, but most of the time it was when he snuck into the building he could hear.
Felix was setting down his things in a chair before seeing his friend deep in thought, not moving a muscle, just looking out the window. Walking beside him the blonde followed his eyeline to the girl.
"You know you can go say hi-"
Chan jumped not noticing the new presence slamming his hand over his heart. "Ah!-oh, hi...I dunno what you're talking about..." Brushing the comment off. Felix just raised a brow.
"You stand here and what...stare at her? Man, that's creepy- you wear a mask and a hat and go over. Say Hello"
Chan just shrugged. That was the thing with Bang Chan. With his life experience, the thing he never wanted was to be hurt like he was in the past. To suffer again the things he did getting here. There of course are other things, but when you are in this life it's far easier to make up stories about the driver, the barista, or grocery delivery person? Then to actually...know them. For then they could leave and you would be left alone. Parasocial relationships go both ways remember? So Chan for the first time in a while has had the time to look at the same girl and imagine. Imagine her life, why was she in Korea? Why did she always sing sad songs? Maybe she was a student and this is how she made extra money, or was stranded here and needed to find funds for a plane back home. Or just she liked singing.
So many questions and thoughts and contemplations on the idea of a person, a person he didn't know. While he and Felix went actually into the studio to work he couldn't get her off his mind.
Y/n though was very busy at work. It was hard to get people to notice you when you're in a larger body. At least notice you for the right reasons, notice the voice, the talent (as if). Southeast Asia had the beauty standard of a pin and people paid millions of dollars to fit it. The clothes, the almost infantilization of women? 'Cutesy' shit that made her skin crawl, she could dress like an idol, speak the language fluently, get her hair done at those fancy salons that give you tea; wouldn't be enough. So Y/n decided not to participate. She would sing, play guitar, and let that be the reason she was content. Be understood and heard through music. A couple months out of the year she visited a cousin who lived in Busan for work. Taking a week or so to visit Seoul it was her mission to live. Experience everything she could. That included what she normally did back home, just...here. Where Y/n would sing in front of a Starbucks or a dunkin, or dutch bros really whatever mall adjacent location would allow her to get a set in. Finding a cafe who agreed to let her perform on their property she set up. She just knew this wasn't a hot spot for tourism so felt comfortable in her ignorance if someone made comments she wouldn't super be able to understand them.
So she sang. Song after song not noticing at all the peering eyes from the man a floor above her.
Where Chris was watching. Dreaming of what she sounded like when she laughed, if she had a boyfriend or if he really should say hi to her...fate would have to decide as the rest of 3racha filed into the studio.
And so.....fate did decide.
~too be continued
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azurelyy · 2 years
Rain Rendezvous ☁️
Literally nobody asked for this but I had to get it out to the universe. I really hope ya’ll enjoy! 
Pairing: Sasuke x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of adult content, minor NSFW hints, soft sasuke, minor heartache, comfort fic, slow burn
Word Count: 6.5k 
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Sasuke cursed under his breath as he ran along the muddied, contorted path. The field surrounding him was pitch black, the only illumination coming from the chaotic bursts of lightning in the distance, showing that this long forgotten path was leading him to one of the smallest villages he had ever seen.
Can you even call this a village? He wondered as he made his way past the first few, wooden houses and stood underneath a small awning. His dark hair dripped down his shoulders, his clothes fully soaked through, as he continued to watch the heavy downpour in front of him. His teeth began to chatter as he observed his surroundings; the village was small, maybe occupying one hundred civilians, if that. The houses were made of stone and wood, a cute likeness all throughout their exteriors, mirroring each other in design. They looked very much like the gingerbread houses he used to make with Itachi during the holidays, but sized-up so that actual people could live in them.
He saw small gnomes line up the dirt pathways leading to the front doors of the homes - why so many gnomes? - noticed each house had adorable gardens out front, some with flowers and some with various vegetables or fruits. One house way at the end of the village had a beautiful cherry blossom tree, fully in bloom this time of year, the rose-colored leaves swirling violently in the harsh winds of the storm. 
Sasuke noted that the cherry blossom house had its front porch light on, the only flicker of humanity he could see throughout the entirety of the village. Desperate for relief from the pelting raindrops, he made his way towards the guiding light. One night, he thought. What would be so bad about asking for help for one night?
He could tell from the size of the village that it was very unlikely any of its inhabitants knew anything about the shinobi world or its politics. He doubted that they even had shinobi come through here at all, with how far from the outside world it seemed. Sasuke himself barely noticed the twisting, camouflaged dirt pathway that led him here. If not for the rainstorm - his survival instinct kicking into full gear, his sharingan allowing him to take note of the slightly worn out grass - he never would have been able to follow it the whole way, through the small creeks and brush, until he ended up here in this hovel of a town.
He ran up the little three-stepped staircase, nearly toppling its welcoming gnome on his way up, and was busy adjusting the annoying creature back into place when the front door creaked open ever so slowly. The warm light illuminated him through the crack in the door and he felt like he had been caught red-handed, realizing he probably looked like a complete loser as he used his foot to try and steady the gnome back into place, grumbling incessantly. Sasuke straightened and cleared his throat lightly, trying to look as unimposing as possible. 
“Uh, ‘scuse me,” He mumbled, “But I got caught in the storm. Would you happen to know of an inn nearby?”
The door closed in his face gently, making his heart cave inward. He couldn’t blame them for rejecting him and he was thankful they did so kindly; if he were in their position, seeing some sopping freak playing with his cute welcome home gnome, he would have slammed the door violently in their face and laughed. He heard a small rusting of chains and the door opened again, this time fully, revealing an angel.
You stood before him and he felt his breath catch in his throat. You looked at him suspiciously, your eyebrows knitted downward, creating a small ‘v’ in the middle of your forehead. Sasuke felt the urge to grab your face and kiss your forehead to make the lines go away. Small little sparks made their way up his throat from his belly as his jaw strung taut and his eyes darkened; every muscle that roped his shoulder inadvertently tightened. He cleared his throat aggressively and focused on your chin, afraid to make eye contact.
“There’s no inn here,” Your voice crashed over him like the ocean; a smooth vibrato that he felt could easily lull him into a deep slumber. “But…” 
Sasuke noticed you examining him out of the corner of his eye. That’s right, he thought, I’m just a normal guy. No deadly shinobi who is trying to redeem himself here. 
He glanced over at you and watched your face take on a caring expression. Big mistake. He felt as though something hammered right into his guts as blood flowed all the way to his groin. Shit. You moved aside, creating a space for him to enter, and he whispered a thank you as he passed through the entryway. 
“I have a spare room,” You told him as he stepped into the cozy interior of your home. His body immediately warmed up as he stood in the entryway, not wanting to go in any farther for fear of damaging the beautiful mahogany hardwood floors. A small pool of rainwater began forming around him as his hair continued to drip onto your floor. You handed him a cute, pastel blue towel and as your fingers grazed his he felt a tiny pop of electricity almost short-circuit his brain.
Sasuke looked up at you but you didn’t seem to notice. Thinking he imagined it, he started drying off his hair, shaking out the water from his black locks. The sound of your giggle made him stop abruptly and look over at you. You had your hands clasped behind your back, a cute smile formed over your beautiful mouth. Sasuke turned to look at the ceiling, not wanting to stare.
“It’s fine,” You took a step closer to him, causing him to push his back against the door. “Follow me. I really needed to mop anyway.” 
So he did. He followed you into the smallest bathroom he had ever seen; the walls were light blue with oranges and small, white flowers painted all around them. There was a single shower stall, a toilet, but no sink. Sasuke was perplexed. He looked at you and you merely hummed lightly, pointing to a little out cove to the left, where Sasuke saw the sink and a pile of clothes. 
“I hope they’ll fit,” You studied him thoroughly, “It’s hard to tell when you’re all wet like that.” You smiled brightly at him and he thought his heart was going to explode from his burning desire to touch you. Sasuke had never experienced these feelings before and he realized he didn’t know what to do. Scream? That seemed like it might be scary. Punch the wall? Also scary. He sighed in exasperation and decided instead to wrap the towel around his shoulders violently, gripping the edges with white knuckles and digging his fingernails into the plush fabric. That helped for a second, until you began trying to squeeze past him, your breasts pushing up against his chest. Fuck.
“I, um,” Was all Sasuke was able to say.
“Sorry, it’s rather cramped. Not meant for two people, obviously,” You said as you managed to push your way past him. “Take as long as you need. Do you drink tea?”
He nodded.
“Great! I’ll have some ready. Do you want sugar or anything?” He shook his head. “Okay!” 
You closed the door and Sasuke felt himself shiver lightly in the absence of you. He stared at the door for a few moments before shaking his head lightly, smiling to himself. What a strange girl.
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You heard the shower turn on and grabbed the nearest pillow from your couch and proceeded to scream into it, loudly. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! There was a hot man in your shower. Naked, in your shower. You plopped the pillow back onto the couch with a dull thud and ran over to the mirror hanging above your little sink, adjusting your hair and smoothing down your clothes. 
Don’t freak out, you thought. It had been a very long time since you had anyone other than yourself in your shower, let alone a guy. Let alone a really attractive guy. You shook the thought from your head as you began boiling the kettle on your stove. When you heard the faint rustling of footsteps outside your door, you definitely were not expecting to open it to see… him. With his lovely dark hair, his mysterious black eyes, his soaked through clothes that clung onto his slender yet athletic body. 
The kettle began squealing, alarming you out of your lewd thoughts. You placed the tea bags into the mugs and absent-mindedly poured the water overtop of them, watching the tea paint the water light brown. I hope he likes chai, you thought. 
The shower water stopped running as you placed the mugs onto your small dining room table. You put sugar cubes and creamer out, just in case, as he emerged from the bathroom, the towel wrapped around his waist and fully exposing his bare chest to you. You were thankful you had already placed the mugs down or you were certain they would have crashed to the floor at that very moment as you allowed your eyes to slowly wander across his body. Your face grew hot at the site of his still wet hair, his now very visible abs peeking out from under the towel, his muscular forearms and biceps that you desperately wanted to have wrapped around you; he grabbed the clothes you left for him on the sink before glancing at you from behind his hair, his midnight eyes locking onto your own. 
The air around you felt stiff as you saw his cheeks flush a light pink as he stumbled back into the bathroom and quickly shut the door. You pressed your thighs together tightly as you looked down at the table, trying to pretend like this was completely normal. Oh god, you thought, I hope I didn’t make him uncomfortable. 
He emerged again, this time, thankfully, fully clothed. The long-sleeved black shirt fit him perfectly, showcasing his taut muscles. His dark features were brought out in the light from the fireplace, golden hues flickering over him making him appear like a Greek God. You wanted him to destroy you. He sauntered over to you carrying his wet clothes in his arms and you jumped up enthusiastically, your daze broken.
“Oh! I’m sorry,” You fumbled to take the clothes from him, “I’ve got it!” You placed them in the dirty laundry basket in the kitchen, then turned back to give him a small smile. You gestured towards the tea and he took a seat.
“I know you said no sugar, but I had some lying around, so I figured ‘why not?’,” You laughed awkwardly. He was staring at you like you were growing flowers out of your ears and you suddenly felt self-conscious. You wrapped your oversized robe around yourself tightly and leaned against the countertop. 
“Thank you.” He was so polite, and calm. You wanted to ask him a million questions but you were afraid that your gawking at him as though he were a piece of art displayed in a gallery earlier freaked him out, so you opted not to push it. Although, he is a stranger… And he’s in your house. Surely, you were able to offer each other some formalities, right?
You blurted your name out to him and he just continued to stare at you as he blew on the tea, the steam from the mug wafting into the air slowly. His presence left you utterly useless; made you blubber like an idiot. You felt like you wanted to cry just due to his extreme storm-like qualities alone, until you heard him repeat your name, slowly. He emphasized each vowel as though he were learning them for the first time, and then he smirked. Just barely, and only for a moment, before he went back to his typical, stoic gaze.
“Sasuke,” Was all he offered you in return. 
“Hi, Sasuke,” You took the opportunity to sit across from him and you extended out your hand. He continued to look at you.
“Hi,” He placed the mug down and finally shook your hand, quickly, his touch barely there, before he moved his hand back to the mug. You shivered when his hand left yours, a freezing sensation working its way along your spine and into your shoulder muscles. He quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Cold?” He asked.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” You blurted the question out and immediately gasped, covering your mouth. “I’m sorry! I just mean… You’re just…”
He let out a breath that sounded almost like a chuckle. “I’m not really around people much anymore,” He shrugged. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” You insisted, “That was rude. You’re my guest, I shouldn’t say stuff like that.” 
A silence filled the room then, but it was surprisingly not uncomfortable. It was the kind of silence you were used to sitting in with your parent - when you were both watching television, or after a big holiday meal - a silence that made you feel warm and at peace. Sasuke picked up the cream and put in the smallest amount possible, then smiled at you. Your heart melted in your chest; he was absolutely gorgeous. You turned away, feeling embarrassed suddenly. You kept reminding yourself to breathe as the room around you grew increasingly more stuffy every second.
“Did you paint those?” His voice was silky as he pointed towards your bathroom. You realized he meant the oranges and flowers that adorned the walls.
“Oh, yes,” You breathed.
“Beautiful,” He said. He was staring directly into your soul and you felt like you were burning alive. This man would be the death of you.
“You’re not, like, a scary murderer, right?” You asked teasingly. His eyes widened and his shoulders tensed up. He put the mug down hastily and pushed away from the table, walking towards the living room.
“Sasuke?” You felt a lump form in your throat, anxiety bubbling beneath the surface of your skin.  Sasuke looked at you and you swore his eyes had transformed from black to a dark shade of gray. He gave you a look of immeasurable pain as his shoulders slumped down and he formed his mouth into a tight line. 
“No,” He said, curtly. “I’m sorry. I’m tired.” He held the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh. “I’ll be out of here before dawn. You won’t see me again.” 
His words echoed around your mind, breaking you into a million pieces. You placed your hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense up beneath your touch and pull away, just slightly. You wrapped the robe even more tightly around you, fighting the urge to touch him again.
“I didn’t mean-” He began pacing and you felt tears well in your eyes. So stupid. “I was kidding, Sasuke. I’m sorry.” 
He stopped pacing and rested his hand flat against the wall, letting his forehead fall to the wall with a gentle thud. You felt guilty for making him feel this way. Not wanting to startle him, you backed into the wall opposite him and watched as he soothed himself out of his trance. You knew it was inevitable he would have to leave, but you at least wanted to see him off. To say goodbye. 
You racked your brain for an idea of how to get him to stick around, feeling evil about utilizing his moment of obvious vulnerability against him. You knew if you asked him now, he wouldn’t be able to get out of it. It was so genius that you wanted to jump for joy, but instead, you said “Honestly, I was hoping that maybe you could help me with something before you left…” 
You glanced at him through your fluttering eyelashes, putting on your best doe-eyed look. God, you were desperate. He still hadn’t turned around from the wall, his fist now clenched so tightly that you thought his nails might cut through his own skin. His head turned lightly, still not enough to look at you.
“Help?” He asked.
You sighed. “Yes, well, it’s sort of embarrassing but I was hoping that since I am being so generous and offering you my home that maybe you could do some chores for me before you left.”
He turned around fully then, crossing his arms, and you thought you saw his lips give a ghost of an upwards twitch. “Chores?” You merely smiled in response as you walked over and peered up at him. He groaned, playfully. Playfully? You gulped.
“What kind of chores?” His voice was gentle and deep.
You delicately grabbed his hand, feeling the heat warm you to your core. He didn’t pull away this time. “Let’s get you to bed first. We’ll discuss that in the morning.”
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“You’re not joking?” Sasuke asked, taking in the sight of the overgrown garden. It was a nicely sized area, with lots of pretty flowers and small plants scattered around the land. It was probably at least a few hours worth of work, based on looks alone. He turned to you and saw you shake your head lightly, a small giggle escaping your lips. 
He sighed. “So, this is-”
“I promise,” You interjected, “This is a big help. Weeds are one of the most deadly creatures you’ve had to face. They kill thousands every year.” 
Sasuke felt like a kunai had just stabbed into his heart. God, you were so cute. 
He turned his nose upwards to conceal his smirk. “No time to waste, I suppose.” 
He walked over to the wheelbarrow and began pushing it around, digging up weeds and placing them into it along the way. The sky was still cloudy and gray, but the storm had finally moved on to annoy someone else for the time being. It did feel like it would rain again, but Sasuke was hoping it would be a gentle sprinkle. It wouldn’t be for another few hours, he guessed, and he was hoping he’d be able to find a quiet cave to rest in for the night before it started up again. 
Last night, after you had practically tucked him into bed and provided him multiple glasses of water, he barely slept at all. It wasn’t because he was uncomfortable - quite the opposite; the bed was soft and cocooned him perfectly, the blankets smelling of peaches - but he was stressed all night, thoughts of you flashing in his mind. Thoughts of what your soft lips would feel like on his, of how he wanted to run his slender fingers through your hair and tug on it, of what his name would sound like coming out of your pretty mouth as he nipped at the skin of your inner thighs with his teeth. 
“Sasuke!” He nearly jolted out of his skin as he turned to look at you. “It’s over here, okay?” He saw you pointing towards a glass of water and smirked, realizing you had probably just had a whole conversation with him that he would never remember since he was lost in his own lewd thoughts. This girl is such a chatterbox.
“Yeah,” He replied, his voice thick with lust. 
You gave him a peace sign before plopping an adorable straw hat onto your head as you began trudging through the garden, watering your flowers. Sasuke watched you for a while, getting distracted by the sway of your hips, the way you ran your fingers over the flowers gently so as to not break them. You were wearing a yellow flowy, long dress that went down to the middle of your calves with brown boots and Sasuke kept thinking about how he wanted to rip the dress off you like an animal.
He turned away quickly, shocked by his immature thoughts. What was he supposed to do? Did you feel the same? Surely not. This was unlike anything he had ever felt before, but he knew what he was feeling was wrong; this was no way to look at another human being, as though they were a pound of flesh just waiting to be eaten. Shame rippled its way throughout Sasuke’s body as he tore the weeds up with ferocity, ripping apart their stems and watching as the leaves toppled limply to the ground. 
You worked together in silence for a while, and Sasuke noticed the sky was beginning to get even darker. No sunlight shone through the heavy clouds and he was starting to panic. He wanted to stay with you, he did, but the thought of another night here wasn’t something he was sure he could handle. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to keep himself away from you. He imagined what he might try and do: dig his nails into every part of his skin leaving white marks all over his body, bite his lip until he drew blood, and possibly even do jumping jacks until he passed out. None of those things appealed to him the way you did and he let out a quiet groan.
Sasuke had never had much luck with karma, and times like these made him remember just that, as rain started slowly making its way down from the sky above. It started out light, lazily toppling onto his head before rushing out from the clouds like a shooting star. You were just behind him and had tried to run inside but you fell butt first into the mud. Not thinking, Sasuke scooped you up and ran back to the porch. And now he was muddy. And so were you. And your bathroom was small. Oh, fuck.
Your body was warm in his arms, fitted to him like a jigsaw piece. Your eyes were sparkling with amusement and joy as you looked up at him, and he felt like he was going to melt right in front of you. How did you keep making him feel like that?
“Sasuke, you-” Your voice was soft amidst the pouring rain, faint to his ears. “I’m sorry. I’m so clumsy.” 
“It’s nothing,” He said, smiling down at you.
“Well,” You trailed off and Sasuke felt his palms grow sticky, either from sweat or rain, he hadn’t decided. “I haven’t had a chance to wash your old clothes yet, and those were the only spare ones I had…” You poked his chest and it felt like your finger was made of fire. 
“Oh,” He said. He tightened his grip around you, not wanting to put you down yet. “I can stay out here, while you…” He felt his face heat up at the thought of you showering and he wasn’t able to finish his sentence, turning his nose up towards the sky abruptly.
“It might be awhile, unfortunately,” You said. “The clothes! I mean, of course, not my…um…” 
Sasuke felt himself smile. “I don’t mind.” 
You poked his forehead in the same way Itachi always used to and he couldn’t contain his wide-toothed grin as he looked down at you. 
“Good,” You replied. 
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“Do you like the rain?” You asked. 
Sasuke ran his fingers in circles absentmindedly over the robe you provided him and shook his head, remembering his fight with Naruto at the waterfall. He had won, just barely, and was looking down on his friend's face, watching the rain drops fall from his nose onto Naruto’s headband. He was glad that he had turned away, that he hadn’t succumbed into his darkest desires. He frowned and felt your soft touch against his wet hair, your fingers twisting their way through it and brushing onto his scalp. He gulped. 
You hummed. “I do.”
“Why?” He asked. Your nails felt smooth on his head and made his spine tingle at your contact.
“Because,” You said airily, “The rain is what brought you to me.”
Sasuke’s heart felt as though it had grown double in size as he whipped his head back to look at you, dumbfounded. No one had ever said something like that to him. Your legs were tucked under your body and you were sprawled out lazily, your head against the back of the couch and your hands twisted into his hair. Your hair was frizzy after letting it air dry after your shower; your curves pulling Sasuke toward you like a strange siren’s song. He wanted you like he had never wanted before, yearned for you so deeply and desperately. 
“I should go,” Sasuke said, his voice cracking with pain. He didn’t want to leave - he wanted to stay here forever, tucked away in your weird little town with its excessive gnomes and holiday homes - but he knew that if he stayed he would be putting you in danger. You made him feel like he was going insane, like he was slowly descending down a dark, spiral staircase that would bring him nothing but pain and suffering. It was what he deserved, after what he did. He knew it - that the Karma Police had found him and were trying to ensnare him in deep-rooted misery for all eternity - but he wouldn’t allow it. He would never hurt you. Ever. Even if it meant leaving you.
“Go?” You moved your hands from his hair and he wanted to moan in annoyance. “You can’t leave now, it’s raining cats and dogs out there!” 
Oh, how he wanted to make a snide remark about that. Not the time. “I have things I need to do,” He said sternly.
“Sasuke-” You reached for him and he swatted your hand away.
“Thank you for your kindness,” He stood up and walked towards the door. He felt the air around him shift and knew you were standing behind him. He stalled. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back as you pulled him closer to you. He could smell your peach perfume and it reminded him of walking along the streets of Konoha with his mom and Itachi, attending the spring festival as the cherry blossoms swirled and danced around the air. His heart skipped a beat as he went to shake you away, making him shudder. His hands twitched, his eyes filled with hot tears, and he slowly dropped his hand from the doorknob and let it fall to his side. 
Sasuke clenched his fists in a futile bid to suppress his pulse racing madly. She’s just a girl. A girl who was making his heart do summersaults due to her damnable presence just because she was holding onto him with an impossibly tender touch and causing all the blood from his brain to come rushing straight to his pants. But still, just a girl.
He opened his mouth, trying to speak, before quickly shutting it again because he realized his brain had definitely turned into goo. Sasuke shook you off him, making you gasp and stride back a few paces. I can’t take any more of this, he thought.
“Do you really want to leave that badly?” Sasuke could hear the hurt in your voice and he wanted to spin around and crash his lips onto yours; wanted to pin you against the wall and ravish every inch of your body while you sputtered out his name like an idiot. He was pure adrenaline; his brain fully replaced by impulse and desire, turning him into a monster that thrived on only instinct and hormones. Do NOT go there, Uchiha. Abort mission. 
“No,” He managed to finally reply. Your eyes sparkled with eagerness. This girl is magic; he was convinced now. You were ethereal, something that he knew he didn’t deserve to be able to behold, yet you allowed him to anyway. You let him stay; no, convinced him to stay anyway - despite it all. Sasuke felt like the drumming of his heartbeat could be heard all throughout your stupidly small village, but in that moment, he was content. 
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The first time Sasuke left, you felt your heart shatter into a million pieces. You were both on the couch, sitting in comfortable silence, your head resting on Sasuke’s lap as you continued your re-read of your favorite book. You always liked to read it this time of year, while the air was filled with honey sweet scents and cool breezes that soothed your skin, when you felt him shift his weight, just enough to signal that he wanted to move.
You adjusted for him, leaning your head up lazily, only he didn’t move. He had been at your house for two weeks now, insisting that he would leave when his debt was repaid to you, and finding various things to fix. 
You’re just so clumsy, he would say, so I need to fix this crack in the staircase. Or: I’m surprised this wheelbarrow is still standing, the wheels are so wobbly! The last thing he had fixed was that very afternoon, when he went out to grab some more milk and flour for you (to make him brownies, of course, because what weirdo has never had brownies before?).
“Doesn’t this bother you?” He asked as he continued swinging the door open, closed, open, closed; the little squeaking noise repeating over and over like a melodic flute.
“Hm,” You said, “I never really noticed.”
“It’s annoying,” Was all he said as he exited the house, coming back with milk, flour, and some oil for the door hinges. 
Now, his slender fingers stopped dancing through your hair and the air became thick with anticipation. You closed your book and moved off him, locking your eyes onto his onyx ones. He looked like a storm was raging in his mind and you knew what was coming, knew he was leaving, and you began to cry.
He immediately grabbed you by your shoulders and pulled you into his chest, his hot breath tickling the back of your neck as he whispered to you.
“I’m sorry,” He murmured, “But I need to do this.” He continued holding you for what felt like a lifetime before you were able to put yourself back together, walking swiftly away from him and into the kitchen, where you began meticulously cleaning the counters that didn’t need to be cleaned.
You felt Sasuke’s eyes locked onto you the whole time like a wolf watching its prey. Your stomach was twisted into an ugly knot that you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to untangle, and your eyes continued to spill hot tears down your face as you wept silently. His soft touch on your hand was the only thing that was able to pull you out of your trance. He kissed the top of your head delicately, and you felt crumbling concrete and soot form in the back of your throat. You tried to swallow it but you instead made a deep, guttural noise as you twisted out of his grip and walked towards the front door, opening it, and nearly falling apart again when the little squeak was gone - the last remaining bit of memory you had of him gone with it.
Sasuke had left and come back three times now, with each journey being shorter and shorter than the last. The first time, he was gone a full three months, returning in mid-July on what felt like the hottest day of the year. He stood on your front door step looking absolutely ragged, but you pulled him into a sticky embrace nonetheless, allowing his peppery vanilla scent to ensnare you fully. 
“You came back,” You whispered, over and over again, your voice muffled into his strong chest as he gripped onto you tightly.
He chucked lowly, stroking your hair. “Yeah.”
Now, you sat on your back porch, sipping your morning coffee. Sasuke had left for the fourth time almost two weeks ago. It was early November, the leaves had started to topple to the ground of the earth, painting it all deep mahogany and gold. Your garden had some pumpkins haphazardly growing in it, surrounded by beautiful white and peach mums. The air was cool against your skin, cutting through your cardigan with each gentle breeze. 
The rustling of leaves pulled you out of the fantasyland of your book, and you smelled his familiar cologne before you felt his hand stroke the top of your head gently. You hummed and leaned into him, enjoying the warmth of his body heat.
“Hi again,” You said.
“Hi,” Sasuke sighed.
He followed you into the kitchen and listened to you babble on about what you had been up to while he was away as you made him a cup of tea. His eyes never left your body as you moved. You remembered the first night you met him, and how his intense gaze had made you self-conscious, but now, after knowing him for nearly seven months, it made you feel safe and secure. 
Sasuke touched you every chance he could all day. He followed you from room to room, grazing his hand against your thigh as you cooked dinner, letting his knee rest against yours while you ate together on the couch, leaning his body against yours while you told him the funny stories he missed out on while he was gone. You spent the whole day lounging around your cottage together, chatting him to death. He didn’t seem to mind, but it made you wonder - you told him everything, but he was so quiet around you - why didn’t he tell you anything? Why keep coming back? 
“Sasuke,” You began, startled by your confidence. He hummed as he continued to scatter mums throughout your hair, the stems tickling your scalp. “Can we play a game?”
He stalled his movements and you pictured the bewilderment that was surely on his face. You reached your hand back to grab the mum from him and twisted to face him, tucking the mum behind his ear. His eyes had a curious glint within them as his mouth formed into a tight line, but he didn’t protest.
“Like what?” He asked cautiously.
“Like fifty questions?” You inflected the end of your sentence, giving him a way out if he wanted one.
He drummed his fingers against his thighs before sighing. “So, truth or dare without the dare.” It wasn’t a question.
“Precisely! Unless you want to add dares, because I guess we could-”
He put his finger to your lips. “No dares.” 
Oh god, you really wanted to bite his finger. You puckered your lips instead and he pulled away, eyeing you suspiciously. “I’ll go first,” You offered and he leaned back against the couch, nodding at you to continue.
“Why do you keep coming back?” His eyes widened for a moment and his shoulders tensed up. He sighed and leaned forward again, booping his finger onto the tip of your nose.
“I like it here,” He said nonchalantly. “My turn?”
You grumbled, not really satisfied with his answer and he gave a hearty chuckle. 
“Why do the villagers call you a witch?” Your heart skipped a beat. 
“How did you-”
“You’re not the only person I listen to around here, you know,” He laughed again as you pushed yourself from the floor to stand, arms crossed, looking at him sternly. 
“I-” You hesitated. “I know some ninjutsu. Nothing major.”
He swooped closer to you in the blink of an eye, causing you to gasp lightly. He looked down on you, his expression filled with a teasing amusement that made you want to scream. You balled your hands into fists and went to huff away, but his grip on your cardigan stopped you. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked.
“You didn’t tell me either,” You spat it out without thinking, and his hand fell from you with a thud onto his body. He backed away slightly and the sadness that sometimes finds its way into his gaze was back, unyielding and deep. 
Now it was his turn to echo your question. “How did you know?”
“I’m not stupid. You came from nowhere and you leave to go god-knows-where,” His body was stiff as a board, but you took his hand into yours and held it there like it was your anchor. “Plus, I washed your clothes and found your headband.” You smiled softly and stared at his hand in yours, thinking it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. “It’s okay. I figured you didn’t want to discuss it, and I don’t care. I like you no matter what.”
He stepped closer to you and his finger lifted your chin up, the tips of your noses brushing against each other, his warm breath tickling your cheeks. And then he kissed you. His lips felt like small flames, burning you in the best way; the kiss was gentle, like he was afraid you’d pull away, or that he would break you on contact. Your heart was slamming against your ribcage as your grip on his hand tightened and he grabbed the back of your head, twisting your hair through his slender fingers. 
You intertwined your free hand into his raven hair, the locks soft and smooth, and he pressed his body closer to yours as his tongue licked your bottom lip. Your mouth parted open for him and now you were both breathing heavily, his tongue exploring around your mouth savagely as he picked you up and held your body close to his. 
You felt yourself being pushed against the soft mattress and you gasped as he ran his hands over your thighs, your hips, your stomach, his lips never leaving yours. He had you under his spell, poisoning you with his toxic taste, and you wanted to drink him up forever.
He pulled away slowly, both of you panting furiously, as he traced his fingers lightly over your stomach through your clothes. His touch was white-hot, causing goosebumps to form on your skin like his personal branding mark. His eyes were stormy and dark, drowning you in an endless midnight sea. He kissed your forehead, then your temple, then your cheeks, working his way all down your neck and collarbones, his hands roaming your body hungrily.
“S-Sasuke,” You whispered.
He didn’t reply, giving you three more quick kisses on your neck instead, before he locked his eyes with yours, laying his head in the crook of your neck. 
“I see why they call you a witch now,” His voice was gravel against your skin. “Because you’ve enchanted me.” 
And then he kissed you again, and his kiss told you everything: that he was here, that he was yours, and that he wasn’t going to leave you again.
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Please consider reblogging if you liked it to support my work! If you want more soft Sasuke, please remember to scream at me and let me know what you thought! Part 2 with a lemon might be coming if enough people want it! 😈
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
PAC: What should you be focusing on today? 🐿️
Pick a pile tarot reading - what you should be focusing on today + what you should avoid.
For the hope of a more enjoyable day! ✨
Pile 1-3, left to right
Pick the squirrel that you feel most drawn to! It's okay to choose more than one, you can feel drawn to multiple and read multiple piles.
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Disclaimer: All my readings contain themes of mental and emotional struggles and pains as they strive to comfort those. I don't intend on rubbing you the wrong way and I'm doing this with the hope I can help people feel better, but if it doesn't work I might just not be the right person to comfort you.
Disclaimer: I'm not a mental health professional in any way. Although my tarot readings focus on giving emotional and mental reassurance, I can only give you as much as a friend could give you - encouraging words, friendly advice, a shoulder to cry on or a metaphorical hug. Please take in the information responsibly, and if your mental health is greatly affecting your day to day functions, please consider looking for a professional if possible. I'm afraid I can't be more than a tarot-enthusiastic friend.
Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Take care of yourselves and remember hope is your best friend. 🖤
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Pile 1 - Dale // II of Wands R
From the get go I could see the tiny squirrel figurine was struggling to stay on it's feet, it kept tumbling over - and it happens that the image of II of Wands is a man struggling to stand up and reach the moon with the help of crutches. With that said, I feel you are the type of person who is constantly trying to be a proper human being, dealing every single day with lots of responsibilities and pressure. You gotta do what you gotta do, take care of whom/what you gotta take care of, no matter how difficult it becomes to "walk". However today, you shouldn't be focusing on any of that - throw those responsibilities out the window (to a reasonable degree) and break out of your routine to do something more exciting. Take a risk, put yourself out there, be a child again - try something new that can bring excitement. Or maybe, you could indulge in something childish that brings you joy and excitement as if you've become a kid again. Today, you should focus on excitement and joy instead of gruelling responsibilities of adulthood. 😁
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Pile 2 - Scratte // The World
Scrat spends the entirety of the Ice Age movie franchise chasing after his beloved acorn. It goes so far he's literally moved mountains, put himself in all kinds of dangers and even chased after a female counterpart just to have his acorn. Metaphorically, that acorn could very well represent the human chase for happiness, how we tend to put it on such a pedestal and become restless chasing it. Social expectations tell us happiness comes from doing grand things - good academical results, career, money, success in romance and many other domains. Today, you should avoid this kind of thinking. Don't put happiness on a pedestal. Don't link it to achievement and grandiose. Instead, remember happiness is right here with you, its your friend, your equal. You don't need to bend over backwards for it. It lives in the small things, in your favorite chocolate bar, the smell of your favorite candle, your favorite trinket. Today, pause the feeling of chasing after more and think of all you already have. Tomorrow, you can pick up the fight again and continue running. But for today, remember happiness only runs away from us if we scare it away. So embrace it.
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Pile 3 - Wooden Squirrel // V of Wands R
R means reversed.
Today, you should be focusing on hope and ignoring despair. Something is bothering you, hurting you, and it feels intense. Wether it is sadness, pain, heartache, mental anguish of any kind - it feels absolute. The voices in your head are telling you that this feeling is everything in your life right now, haunting you, taking you over completely and defining your vision of the future. However, know this feeling is in fact, temporary. Whatever is causing you despair does not define you or your future. Whatever it is, it can be overcome, fixed or healed. It doesn't matter if you take the tiniest baby steps, know that you can do this, and this feeling will ultimately pass and it should not hold you hostage. Life has endless possibilities, and for the plain fact that we are alive and breathing, it means we can turn life on its head and make whatever we want out of it. We will put this pain behind us, too. Maybe not today, not tomorrow, your pace of healing is yours to set. But you won't be suffering forever.
©starwell-tarot do not copy or repost
Let me know if it resonated!
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marshmallowprotection · 2 months
The dynamic between Yoosung and Saeran is so interesting to me, not necessarily in a shipping context because depending on which timeline you’re talking about that can be extremely unhealthy, but endings where Yoosung gets recruited into Mint Eye are such an interesting glimpse into his character for me. He’s so desperate for answers about Rika and already has some mistrust in the RFA, mostly V, whereas Saeran knows exactly what happened to Rika and thinks of the RFA as liars, especially V, so it’s easy for Yoosung to be manipulated into joining under the wrong circumstances. Mysmes bad endings in general are extremely interesting to me because we get to see how these characters react when they’re at their worst. Not that I want them to be unhappy, I have and will cry over these endings, but they’re interesting from an analysis and story writing standpoint. I don’t understand the point of romanticizing them when, in my opinion, there’s a much more intriguing conversation to be had about how the characters react to these terrible things happening
I'm not huge on Yooran, either. At least, when it's the confines of Yoosung's Bad Ending. I don't see much hope for SE Saeran and Yoosung, either, but that's because I think Saeran struggles with Yoosung and Jumin as a given due to their proximity to Rika and Jihyun in the past.
He knows neither supports what happened in the end, with nothing but hurt and heartache in knowing what Rika and V did, and that’s not even counting what happened with the gun, but it's hard to be around them knowing that connection. It’s hard to look at Jumin in the eyes knowing he took a life. It’s hard to look at Yoosung knowing that Yoosung will never know the truth about Rika. 
But, that's just how I read into it, and I know most people would rather imagine the secret ending being a place where everyone can bond with Saeran. But, I just don't see him wanting to bond with anyone, I see him wanting to get far away from all of them.
He wants nothing to do with them because why would he want to be around people he stalked for years, why would he want them to be around him knowing that they might only keep him around to humor his twin brother? It's a lot of messy feelings and he would rather avoid that. I digress, but most Yooran content builds ideas from the BE in Yoosung's Route and since I can't stand that, or the characterization that paints SE Saeran out to be sardonic and an asshole, I tend not to read most Yooran stuff, haha.
But, in the confines of Another Story, where we see Yoosung and GE Saeran, I do adore their bond. Yoosung himself confesses he's got a strong sense of attraction and adoration for Saeran, and I get it. Me too, Yoosung. If you're gonna have a crush on someone, he's quite a catch. I do think they have a stronger likelihood of being romantically entangled in that ending then they would in any other ending. 
But, I also think exploring a platonic relationship between them is also interesting. You're right in saying that they have a lot in common and I think a lot of people gloss over that fact sometimes. Yoosung is someone who understands where Saeran's coming from, even if the emotions are messy, because those two have been denied the truth in some way, shape, and form.
It's not hard for them to find a sense of kinship in each other. It's a sense of familiarity they find in one another. Yoosung sees a pain he knows in Saeran’s eyes, and Saeran sees someone who understands how much it hurts to be betrayed by someone you think you knew. I think no matter how you play it, romantic, platonic, or whatever else you see, there is a lot of sincere intrigue to be had in what it's like to put these two characters in a room together.
I wanna see what happens when they talk about the past.
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celestialkth · 9 months
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mourning the loss of your boyfriend's beloved childhood pet, he surprises you with an afternoon that helps to mend your broken heart.
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➵ pairing ; taehyung x fem reader
➵ genre ; fluff
➵ word count ; 2.3K
➵ warnings ; talking of losing a pet , use of affectionate nicknames , some language , they're v in love w each others
➵ author's note ; first drabble that occurs in the mikrokosmos universe ❥ a lovely friend and moot ( @axialitae ) mentioned that i could write drabbles about this couple, then work on their origin fic. so that's what i'm going to do •ᴗ•
i'm excited to write more drabbles about them and introduce them to everyone. i've seen other authors open their inboxes for people to ask their characters questions, and i would love to do that with them. i'll link it below if you'd like to talk with them •ᴗ•
masterlist | series masterlist | chat w the characters
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boyf <3 [4:54]
bad news
miso died
boyf <3 [4:55]
why wld i joke abt tht
that’s not what i meant
boyf <3 [4:58]
can’t believe my duck died an ur bullying me
how are you doing?
boyf <3 [4:59]
im ok. he was old an wasn’t eating. kinda expected it
what abt u, tho
eomma was more concerned abt u
i feel like i’m going to be sick
boyf <3 [5:00]
deep breaths
i’m just so sad
i love miso so much
and now he’s gone
i can’t feed him anymore
or give him kisses
he’s not going to lay in my lap anymore
boyf <3 [5:03]
u were his fac
loved him mom. eomma’s boy
eomma’s boy :(
boyf <3 [5:04]
i was his dad but fuck me ig
thank you. that made me laugh
i’m so sad, tae
time to change my lock screen
to that photo of you and miso
the one i love sm :(
boyf <3 [5:06]
what abt the one of u w him?
noooo. i want you two
my boys <3
boyf <3 [5:07]
i love you, babygirl
i love you too
very, very much <3
Two weeks have passed since losing Miso. A week and a half since Mrs Kim had made the decision to rehome Namjoon’s duck to someone with an entire flock. The first visit to Tae’s house had felt lonely. Your heart aching when you had looked out the back door, hitting hard when realizing there will never be another moment where you can see the duck that had captured your heart.
Never another time where you’ll see him waddle around his enclosure, swimming in his little pond and feasting on his food. No more chances of teasing Tae that he should’ve chosen the name ‘Cow’ instead for Miso’s black and white features. Tae had held you close when you lost it in his room. Quieting you each time you tried to apologize for being so dramatic and telling you that it’s never easy to lose something you love.
Comforting you when you should’ve been comforting him.
He’d been the one to lose his childhood pet. He’d been eight when his parents introduced the idea of getting their sons a pet to help combat the stress of moving to a foreign country and the difficulties of language barriers. But dogs were out of the equation. The high maintenance of providing a good life clashed with their bustling one. And cats didn’t stand a chance for consideration with Mr Kim’s allergy.
The idea of welcoming birds into their home merely falling into their laps on a random afternoon when they’d traveled to the local farming supply store, and Namjoon had been enraptured by the assortment of ducks and chicks for sale.
Miso had been there for Tae through it all. Through his high school graduation, through his romances and heartbreak. Through the heartache that came when Jin and Namjoon moved out to study in prestigious universities in different parts of the country. He’d always been there, and it hurts that now he’s not.
boyf <3 [11:02]
u home?
in my room
boyf <3 [11:06]
im outside
let’s go for a drive pls?
cannot lie. that’s a little concerning
boyf <3 [11:08]
hush. its not bad :|
im trying to be cute n spontaneous 
give me like five minutes to change?
boyf <3 [11:09]
ok :)
He’s scrolling through Twitter when you climb into his front seat. His gentle humming to the unfamiliar song from his Spotify is music to your ears. “Hi, Babe.” Tae closes out of the app, dropping his phone into its designated cup holder before leaning across the console to greet you with a kiss.
“Hi,” you smile, buckling yourself in. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.” Showing that he’s serious about being spontaneous. He’s never been one to do surprises, always spoiling it before he can stop himself. “But it’s a bit of a drive. Would you like a silly little beverage for the ride?”
“Of course.”
The neighborhood is quiet. Despite the picturesque sky and the warm, welcoming sun, there’s not a single soul in sight. It’s the perfect weather for a leisurely adventure.
“You’re very serious about being spontaneous,” you comment. He reaches, his hand finding its favorite place upon your thigh. “You’re usually horrible at keeping secrets.” Tae bursts out laughing. His beautiful smile filling his face. “But I love it. I can’t wait to see what you have planned.”
“Trust me,” he snorts. “I almost blew this one too.”
He stops at a small gas station not too far from your house. Gathering a snack and drink each before piling back into his car to begin the adventure he’s so excited about. Road trips with him are fun. From singing along to your favorite songs, forcing him into duets of songs he pretends to hate, to the ridiculous little comments made that send you both into fits of lighthearted giggles. Even with no clear destination in mind, it doesn’t feel like you’re traveling for long, and after an hour, you arrive.
“An industrial park?” You tease. Pretending you don’t notice the sign for a small trail tucked away in a mess of trees. Tae lunges at you, wrapping you in his arms and lifting you off the ground. “I was joking!” You exclaim through giggles.
“No, not an industrial park, you dingus.” His own laughter mingles with yours, and he sets you back onto the ground. “Hobi was talking about this trail. And I found this. Thought it would be fun to get out and explore.”
And so you do.
Following the paved pathway through winding trees. Gentle sounds of rushing water are distant background noise but loud enough to coax you away. You set out to explore, finding dirt paths and stairs, worn down grass and hills to climb. A beautiful little creek hides amongst it all, and you’ve never felt so carefree.
The path is small. A welcoming swing overlooks a hill that peers down onto the water, but after finding a spider hidden within the webs and Tae’s refusal to kill it, you carry on. Going until the path ends in another parking lot and you start making the trek back.
“This was fun. I’m glad we came.” You swing your hand entwined with his, basking in the different sights and noises that surround you. And Tae beams, proud of himself for a successful day. “I bet there are so many more beautiful places to discover.”
“We’re not done yet,” he promises. And when you return to his car, rather than get into it, Tae drags you along, continuing the walk. Following a sidewalk that runs alongside the creek and leads into a busier part of this small town.
“Now city hall? Are we going to pay our property taxes?”
He heaves a sigh. Trying his hardest to seem annoyed but falling victim to a laugh. “Fine, that one was funny,” Tae admits. “But no, we’re not going to city hall.” The sidewalk ends, a marker points in the direction of where the trail reconnects. And after crossing a small street and passing through another parking lot, you’re back on track. Stumbling upon a small pond.
“This is cute,” you smile. Loving what different treasures are hidden about. Even in the midst of the bustle of small town traffic, the cutest little pond offers peace. “I can’t believe this is here, and that you found it.”
“Wait, there’s more!” Tae reaches for your hand. He drags you along, moving a little faster than before. A small red bridge crosses over the creek, and he doesn’t stop until you’re on the opposite side. “Surprise!”
And tears spring to your eyes. A small flock of ducks. All gathered under the tree for shade from the unforgiving sun. A few stragglers even swim in the water. “Taehyung!” He beckons you into his arms. Holding you close and his sweet laugh is music to your ears. “I can’t believe you!”
“I wanted to surprise you.” His hand wraps around the back of your head. Holding you, comforting you while you sob into his chest. “It’s been so heartbreaking seeing how hard you’ve been taking Miso’s death.”
Your heart floods with warmth. The tears that fall are filled with the love that overflows, and you can’t find the words to describe all that he is to you.
“I love you,” you beam. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you even more.” Tae presses a soft kiss to your head, giving you an affectionate squeeze before slipping from your grasp. “Come on, let’s feed them. There’s a machine over here.” And he drags you back across the bridge towards a large stand where two dispensers are filled with pellets.
“I left my wallet in your car.”
He scoffs, “As if I’ll let you pay. I’ve come prepared.” Tae dips into his front pocket, retrieving a handful of quarters. And with the largest, proudest smile upon his face, he thrusts his hand towards you.
“I’m so spoiled.” But he passes a couple to you, holding the rest securely while the dispenser releases a load of pellets into your awaiting hands. “Come on!” You beam. Leaving Tae being as you race back towards the flock.
But he doesn’t speak. Still watching with a loving smile, he allows you the moment to bask in this happiness.
A couple ducks take interest at what’s in your hands. Inching their way towards you when you toss food in their general direction. Tears of utter bliss threaten to spill, and you lower to your knees when others become curious.
“Tae,” you whisper. He stands off to the right, not wanting to risk scaring them off if he were to come closer. “Look at them. Look at the babies.” He digs for his phone. Memorializing the moment with pictures.
He’s unaware that your heart is on the brink of exploding. From the overwhelming love that resides for your second favorite animal to the immense love that your heart possesses for him and only him. A few tears slip through your lashes, the only way you can express the emotions that bubble inside you.
You’ve never had someone care so much for you. And you’re not sure what you’ve done to deserve this.
Tae’s patient as you continue feeding the ducks. His smile not budging each time you return for pellets, and when his stash of change runs dry, it’s your cue to leave. You walk back to his car hand-in-hand. But you cling to him, your arms wrapped around his. Your head against his bicep, desperate to shower him with your love and affection after all he’d done for you. You’re desperate for him to know how in love with him you are.
“Have fun?” He asks.
But he has no idea. You nod. “Best day ever.” And a small tint of red burns in his face. “I love you so much. Thank you for doing this for me.”
He shrugs, as if it were nothing. But his permanent grin gives him away, how proud he is that he’s come up with this idea. “I’m glad. You deserved this,” he replies, and you heart is not safe. Seconds from combusting. You’re impatient to get back to your house and love on him well into the night.
The drive back is peaceful. Exhausting settling in from the heat, you two ride in comfortable silence. Halfway through the drive, his phone buzzes with a message from his mom. He asks you to answer, sneaking the briefest glance at the screen. And when his phone unlocks, opening to their last conversation, one of the numerous photos he’d taken stares back with a message in Korean that you can’t understand.
“She replied with a heart,” you answer. “And something I don’t understand.” Coming to a stop at a green-light-turned-red, he looks at the screen, nodding but not uttering a word. “What did you tell her?”
He starts to smirk. Leaving you to dread whatever’s going to come from his mouth. “It’s right there,” Tae teases. “You can’t read it?” His laughter fills the car when you groan. Delighted in your reaction as he always is.
“No,” you answer. “I’m trying to learn, but my tutor always get distracted during lessons.”
“Can’t help it. Hearing you speak Korean makes me want to kiss you. Is that such a sin?” He scoffs. “If wanting to kiss your girlfriend is a crime, then lock me away.” The light switches to green, the car in front of you hesitating a second before slowly crossing the intersection.
“Charges dropped. But please tell me what you said? Please, Tae Tae. Pretty please.”
He laughs a little more. “All I said was that you have no idea how happy you make me.” The tips of his ears turn a little red at his admission. But your heart is damn near close to exploding again. “I think she said that she loves us. I’m not sure, I didn’t really read it.” His attention remains focused on the road.
But yours is stuck on him.
“I love you.” His lips curl upward, sneaking a glance before turning back to the road. “I wish there was something stronger than love. Because I more than love you.” Tae peels a hand away from the steering wheel to take yours.. “Do you realize how frustrating it is to look at you and not have any words that can tell you how much you mean to me?”
He nods. “Every single time I look at you,” Tae replies. “But actions speak louder, and I can feel how much you love me in everything you do. I am one lucky man.” You want to throw yourself at him, want to shower him in your endless love and affection. But you settle for a squeeze of his hand. One that you hope he knows means you’re lucky too.
And you pray that he’s yours forever.
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solitaire-sol · 8 months
Sunday Snippet
Thanks to @groundzero-v for the tag! This is a bit from one of two Victorian Prongsfoot AUs in my WIP folder (well, the other might end up Regency, we'll see). This WIP, unlike the other one, is also a Muggle AU.
Sirius paged idly through the letters, the once-pristine stationary yellowed by the passage of time; the flickering firelight hardly made for the clearest illumination, but no matter. He had read those lines often enough to know them by heart, memorizing each stroke of ink, charting the way that the letters began as a neat but childish scrawl and slowly straightened, loops and whorls coming to stand at attention like a line of soldiers. They had started out as nothing more than a child's ramblings, little stories about the woods and the fields around Welspryng Grange and crooked sketches of the view from James' windows, and over time the content of the letters had shifted, easing into open words of fondness and veiled words of love. The last few letters, postmarked after Sirius' departure from England, were pleading and furious and remorseful by turns, until the last letter of them all, which contained only a handful of lines and a final farewell. 'I should have burned them,' Sirius thought, knowing even as he thought it that he could never bring himself to do so. 'I should have let that be the end.' It had been his intention, at the time, overflowing as he'd been with heartache and the righteous outrage of betrayal; Sirius had enough money that he could permanently set up house on the Continent, if he cared to do so, and never set food on England's gloomy shores again. Yes, he should have burned the letters and he should have stayed away, and yet, he had done neither. Perhaps it was some lingering sentiment from the boy who had devoured those silly little stories about chasing rabbits and splashing in brooks, from the youth who had eagerly awaited the end of the holidays and the return to school and to James, from the young man who had pressed those lines to his lips and longed for the chance to bestow such kisses on the hand that had written them. Perhaps it was cruelty, a malice born of a soul-deep wound, that had driven Sirius' return to England and his violent intrusion into James' proper little life. If the latter, then the embers of that bitter fire now burned low, for Sirius could no longer find it within him to take pleasure in his manipulations, and James had changed as well. He no longer resisted Sirius' provocations, but that impossibly honest gaze was no longer clouded with conflicting emotions: The violence of their coupling had diminished, though the vigor had not, and there were times when those clear hazel eyes were laden with such unspoken tenderness that Sirius was forced to look away. Sirius could lie to anyone, except to himself, and Sirius knew that it had never been about revenge, about the petty amusements with which he could so offhandedly ruin other peoples' lives. It had always been about James, about James and Sirius and the innocence that they had lost when the world had intruded into their humble London apartments, when Sirius had believed that the return of the luxuries lost when his family disinherited him would ease their life together, not bring it to an end.
I once again have no idea who to tag it always makes me feel like I'd be bothering people??? so an open invitation, I guess!
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 7 months
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Moodboard by @softhecreator
Don’t Blame My English Blood For This American Heartache
Chapter Six: Take U With Me
AO3 info prologue one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
All my work is 18+.
I try to resist, but the light’s getting low to a glow till you’re touching my lips. I wanna stay when I shouldn’t, wanna go but I wouldn’t, wanna say no but I couldn’t. So meet me in the dark; kiss me in the shadows of every spark.- Marianas Trench, Rhythm of Your Heart 
October, 1984
Hogsmeade, Scotland
The Scottish weather wasn’t too cold yet, and most people got by without any sort of coverings whatsoever, but Sera was a Californian, so she needed something to keep her warm.
She quickly discovered that she very much liked Hogsmeade. It didn’t have the warming charms that the castle did, but it was a cute little village with a bunch of magical stores. Most of the other people there were decked out in that fancy wizarding shit they all wore, but the so-called Muggleborns—what a ridiculous concept, blood purity; as if it mattered—were in regular clothes the way she was. She liked her knee-length black dress; it was fairly low cut and had a little V-shaped thing that she kept closed with a tie, and she wore black leggings, an old pair of Converse, and a long knitted purple sweater.
So yeah, she was protected from the fifty degree weather adequately enough to enjoy a deliciously sweet—and slightly alcoholic—drink at a small bar-slash-inn called The Three Broomsticks. She was listening to her Walkman, humming along to Freddie Mercury singing about how girls with big butts—such as herself, which was nice because, like, how many songs actually praised her body type?—apparently made the world go round. She honestly doubted his claims, but he was Freddie Mercury, so who was she to argue? 
Anyway, point was, she was enjoying her sweet drink, snacking on the magic candy she’d gotten at a place called Honeydukes, and leafing through one of several magical books—mostly romance novels, if she were honest. She’d never had sex and she was curious, alright?—she’d purchased at the local bookstore. It was peaceful.
Until, that is, someone with an irritatingly long body sat down in the chair across from her. She looked up from her book, yanking her headphones down around her neck with a sigh of annoyance.
“What do you want, Regulus?”
He grinned that sickeningly attractive grin of his. “Nobody else who claims to dislike me calls me by my first name, you know.”
She stared at him, nonplussed. “What am I supposed to call you?”
“My surname is the standard.”
Sera pursed her lips. “Your surname is normal. Your first name is weird. I prefer to point out your weirdness.”
He frowned. “My name isn’t unusual in my family.”
“Neither is inbreeding,” she said flatly. “Again: what do you want?”
“To spend time with you, of course,” he said with a grin.
Sera scowled. “No.”
He didn’t seem to hear her. “Did you get my letters?”
Regulus hummed, drumming his fingers on the wood of the table and looking very much like he didn’t believe her. “Pity. I sent you a birthday present.”
Yes, I know. You sent me a fucking family heirloom, you goddamn weirdo.
“What are you wearing to the Christmas ball?”
She stared at him. “I don’t celebrate Christmas.”
He frowned. “You don’t? Why not?”
“I’m Jewish.”
He thought for a few long moments. “Is that a religion?” When she nodded, he hummed, looking at her consideringly. “The Malfoys aren’t religious.”
“My parents converted before I was born,” she explained. “I’m not fluent in Hebrew or anything.”
“I see,” he said slowly, and she wasn’t entirely sure that he did, but whatever. Most people didn’t understand shit about Judaism. After a long moment, he decided, “Well, you don’t need to celebrate Christmas in order to attend the ball.”
She scowled at the thought of the last ball she’d attended. “I don’t particularly want to dance with you again.”
“Why not?” he asked, flagging down a waitress to order a drink of his own.
“Because you’re a dick,” she informed him bluntly.
He snorted. “I do so enjoy your language, you know. Most witches titter and blush during a courtship. You don’t.”
“I don’t know how I’d behave,” she said slowly, “as I have never gotten an offer to be courted from someone I’d actually consider saying yes to.”
“You’re already being courted, darling,” he explained, an amused smile playing at his too-perfect lips.
She sipped her drink. “I don’t understand why you’d want to marry someone who doesn’t even like you.”
He hummed thoughtfully, accepting his drink from the waitress with a smile when it was brought over. “You don’t treat me the way most people of my acquaintance do,” he said slowly, “you’re intelligent and magically gifted. I’m unused to being around witches like you, and I find you fascinating, to be perfectly honest.” After a brief pause, he added, “And you’re exceptionally lovely. As for not liking me, I’m winning you over already.” She glared at him, but before she could say anything, he pointed at her novel and asked, “What are you reading?”
“A book,” she snapped, flushed and prickly with embarrassment at the compliments.
“I can see that,” Regulus drawled. “What kind of book?”
“Let me see.” Before she could object, he snatched it from her hands.
“Hey!” she griped.
Ignoring her, he read for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. “I never would’ve thought you the type!”
“It’s interesting!” she snapped. “I’ve never read magical novels before!”
“So you choose the ones with sex, do you?” He was smirking, the dickhead. “If you’re interested in it, my dear, just say the word—“
“Even if I was, it wouldn’t be with you,” she hissed, her face bright red.
He chuckled again. “All in due time.”
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Regulus showed up on Hogsmeade weekends a lot after that.
One afternoon, they were having a relatively normal conversation when he suddenly asked, “Have you ever been involved with a man before?”
Sera coughed on her own spit. “Gag me with a spoon, what the fuck—“ she sputtered. “That is none of your business.”
He frowned. “I just want to know how to behave with you, that’s all.”
Glaring viciously at him, she crossed her arms and declared, “No, I haven’t. I’ve never met a boy who wasn’t either ugly, stupid, a wastoid, or a super fun combination of the three.”
He looked amused. “A wastoid, hm?”
“Good to know.”
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Okay, so maybe she liked him a teeny tiny bit. Seriously, though, it was only a little. It wasn’t even that big of a deal. People got meaningless crushes all the time, and it honestly wasn’t even her fault. She really, sincerely could not be blamed for wanting to French him just a little. She’d never done it before, and she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And Regulus… Well, he reportedly knew what he was doing. He’d probably be pretty good at it, right?
So being around him was getting kinda awkward for her on account of her rapidly growing attraction to him. She was really trying not to like him, but he was so fucking dreamy, and she’d started noticing things about him and couldn’t seem to stop.
His hair, for example, hung in super soft-looking curls, falling over eyes that looked like the ocean after a storm. His lips were pink and perfectly shaped, and he had the most pronounced jawline and cheekbones she’d ever seen, even in movies. The point was, Regulus made Tom Cruise look unattractive.
To make matters even worse, he’d taken it upon himself to start cursing around her and calling her by her first name, citing “adequate familiarity”, whatever the hell that meant. The way his mouth looked when he formed the syllables of her name, the way ‘fuck’ rolled off his tongue— it shot sparks down her spine. 
He was so fucking sexy, and she really didn’t appreciate him getting all close to her and making her already-made decision to continuously reject him all the more difficult. The horrifying reality was, if he kissed her, she’d probably let him.
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November, 1984
“Where are you going?” Yarrow asked one Saturday evening in November after even most of the seventh years had snuck back into the dorms. Sera zipped up her black dress and turned around, examining the way the leather made her ass look in the mirror. She had fishnets that went up to her thighs and were held up by garters, as well as her favorite pair of black combat boots, which Beo was currently rubbing against. She wasn’t thin or muscular the way most people seemed to find attractive, but it was a Queen concert, and dammit, she was gonna feel good about her appearance for a change.
She waved a hand around her, casting a quick warming charm to stop her from getting cold on the walk off the grounds. Taking out a tube of bright red lipstick, she addressed her friend. “I’m going to a concert.”
“How are you even leaving the school?”
“Uh, doy, I’m sneaking out.” Sera rolled her eyes. “I’ve been turning myself invisible since I was, like, fourteen. It’s whatever.” She applied the lipstick, tapped her lower lip once to charm it so it wouldn’t smudge or fade, and decided she was satisfied.
“Isn’t your beau coming to visit tonight?”
Sera turned slowly towards her friend. “What?”
“Uh, yeah,” Yarrow said, gesturing towards the pile of letters on Sera’s desk that she liked to pretend she’d never read. “He told you in the most recent one he was coming up for a visit. Said if you didn’t meet him, he’d come find you or something. Flitwick probably wouldn’t mind, but I’ve honestly no idea how he could convince Dumbledore.” Yarrow shrugged. “Whatever, I suppose.”
“Fuck,” Sera gasped. “Did he say when he was coming?” 
“No,” Yarrow said, delicately turning a page in the book they were reading.
“Better see if I can beat him, then,” she decided, and off she went.
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Unfortunately, just as she passed the school gate, there was Regulus. 
She’d made herself visible again, which, in retrospect, was a bad idea, but making herself completely invisible was actually pretty difficult.
“Sera?” Regulus frowned, looking her up and down. “What’re you wearing?”
“Go away,” she snapped, irritated. “I’m busy.”
“I don’t understand,” he admitted. “You’ve come like I asked, so—“
“I didn’t know you’d asked,” she told him impatiently. “I have plans.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Plans that require you to sneak out of the castle at night?”
Sera glared up at him sharply. “Yes.”
He tensed, examining her outfit again. “Those are your Muggle clothes, yes?”
She pursed her lips and didn’t respond.
“Are you…” He gulped. “Are you meeting a Muggle boy?”
She stared at him in disbelief. She was so annoyed by his audacity that she sniffed and said, “In a manner of speaking.” Regulus looked so displeased at this that Sera couldn’t help but groan. “I’m going to a concert, you wastoid.”
“Oh.” He instantly relaxed. “I’ll come with you, then.”
She lurched back, though he wasn’t particularly close to her to begin with. “You most certainly will not.”
He hummed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Where are we off to, then?”
She scowled at him, marching past him and away from the school gates to get outside the wards so she could relocate. 
“I don’t have my usual friends,” she snapped. “I last saw these guys a couple years ago, and I can’t go with my friends the way I did back then, and it sucks.”
“You can go with me,” he pointed out. 
“You’ve never even heard their music.” She paused. “Which is so fucking weird, by the way. Literally everyone’s heard Queen.”
“Why don’t you show me, then?” he asked. “I might like it.”
He sounded so hopeful that she just didn’t have it in her to turn him down. And, well… she actually enjoyed spending time with him, even though she’d never tell him that.
“Fine,” she eventually decided. “I just do magic to get in anyway. It won’t be hard to get you in, too.”
He fell into step beside her, his eyes wide. “Really? That’s illegal, you know.”
She shrugged. “All the best things are illegal.”
He looked down at her in bewilderment. “Are you quite certain you’ve never been involved with a man before?” he asked.
She glared up at him wordlessly. Once they were outside the wards, she said, “Shut up and hold still.” With that, she grabbed his arm and transported them off to London.
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Sera charmed everyone who might otherwise get in their way with basic confusion spells, the same way she and Ta had always done. Her non-magic friends never understood how she and Ta got away with everything they did, but nobody ever questioned it. Not when the two of them could get away with damn near anything. 
When Freddie Mercury took the stage, Sera screamed, jumping up and down. 
She admittedly wasn’t paying much attention to Regulus, but he’d been looking at her for most of the show. She actually noticed some when he watched her dance and shake her ass to Fat Bottomed Girls (along with everybody else; it wasn’t like she was particularly special), but other than that, she didn’t think about him much.
Until the last song of the encore, halfway through Somebody To Love, when she had her eyes closed and was singing along with Freddie when he said, “Someday, I’m gonna be free.”
Suddenly, out of nowhere, she was turned around, a hand was in her hair, and lips were on hers.
Sera’s eyes snapped open in shock, but… but Regulus was kissing her. He was kissing her like he was dying.
She was frozen for a moment, and she really should’ve pushed him away, but there was alcohol buzzing in her veins, so she could do nothing but arch into him, clenching her hands in his shirt and trying her best to kiss him back.
Regulus pulled away after what felt like a delicious eternity of his mouth on hers, cupping her cheek with one hand, the other on the small of her back. His eyes were hooded and fixed on her lips, and Sera could only look up at him, breathing heavily and wishing he’d kiss her again.
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They stumbled, giggling, up against the wall of a random building in the city.
“God, Sera,” he groaned into her throat.
She hauled his mouth back to hers wordlessly, winding her arms around his neck. Now that she’d given in, she couldn’t really recall why she’d bothered fighting this to begin with.
“We should— we should talk about this—“ he said between gulps of air.
“God, shut up,” she complained. “Just kiss me.”
“I’m supposed to be a gentleman,” he muttered, mouthing wetly at her throat. “You just make it so fucking difficult in these sexy little outfits. Damn near show me your arse, fuck.” He grabbed her ass then, squeezing it roughly. She took a sharp intake of breath, arching into him, her breasts against his chest. “But we have to talk about this.”
“Ugh,” she grumbled in frustration, shoving him away from her. Her head thunked on the brick wall of the building she was leaning against, and she fixed him with a glare. “What do we have to talk about?”
“Us,” he explained, sounding terribly impatient for reasons that most likely directly related to the large tent in his pants. “I’ve been trying to court you properly for months, and tonight, I— I know I shouldn’t have kissed you. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You are just…” He exhaled, his eyes roving over her form, pausing briefly on where the zipper of her dress revealed her cleavage. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, so I kissed you. Sorry. It wasn’t how I planned to…” He took a deep breath. “Look, Sera, I fancy you. More than I have done anyone so quickly before. I would very much like it if you would seriously give my offer some consideration.”
“Your offer?” she asked, raking a hand through her curls, still dazed by the kiss, the way he’d touched her.
“I’m not proposing,” he said slowly, carefully, “but if this continues, if you allow me to kiss you again, touch you again, I…” He looked down. “If there is no chance of you ever consenting to marry me, tell me now.”
She was silent for a long moment.
She really did have feelings for him, didn’t she? She was falling for the prick. 
Oh, fuck it.
“I dunno how all this courtship stuff works,” she admitted quietly, “but I do like you, Regulus. A lot. Normally, that’d mean, like, dating. Here, I guess it means—“
“An engagement,” he said flatly. “It means an engagement, if your aunt agrees as your Head of Household. It’s generally… expedited in the event of genuine interest between prospective spouses.”
“You said you weren’t proposing,” she pointed out shakily.
“I’m not. But if you allow me to, I’ll court you with that goal in mind.”
“I thought you were just getting to know me,” Sera recalled.
He nodded once. “I was. I’m satisfied. I want you.” She blushed to the roots of her hair at that, but he continued, “If you’ll allow it, I would like to court you properly with the intent of marriage.”
“I mean…” She gulped, anxiously twirling a curl around her finger. “That’s kinda what all dating is, if it’s serious.”
“This is serious,” he informed her, his voice stern. “Do you want me?”
She looked at his feet, the fancy shoes that were somehow spotless despite having just attended a fucking concert. “Y— yeah.”
He cupped her cheek, lifting her face up—up, up, up. Fucking hell, he really was a tall bastard, wasn’t he?—to his. “Agreeing to allow me to properly court you is to agree to marry me, assuming all goes well. Do you agree?”
She looked up at him with wide, nervous eyes. It was just like they were dating, right? He’d just be her boyfriend. That wasn’t a big deal, really. After a moment, she breathed, “Yes.”
He kissed her before the word was fully out of her mouth.
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Yeah, a Queen concert, we’re ignoring what the set list was and the exact date that Queen was in London, okay, cut a bitch some slack and lemme be self indulgent here
Big thanks to @lilmaymayy for betaing!
Tag list:
@ellamaianderson @shika1200 @blackqueenstarseed1 @gatoenlaciudad @esmaada @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @softhecreator @timolaurence @timmymyluv @oddlyenoughiamweird @leecrunchybones @s-we-e-t-t-ea @almostg @leespparker @bubblebuttwade @glizzymcguirex @starberry-cake @camille-1019 @lixzey @shycreationdreamland @gossamer19
To be added, please ask 💗
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mewintheflesh-2 · 10 months
MORE NIGHTSKY MIKEY HEADCANONS AND ALSO (MAINLY) WINONA HEADCANONS (and other related things LMAO. Mostly under the cut. And also mostly about before Nikey lost.)
Winona is the main leader in the rebellion against Nightsky. She’s seen as a symbol of hope and light by most anyone. She hates her ex husband with all fibers of her being and wishes he would return to how he was before Paldea.
She is very lonely and sorrowful but will not show it for the sake of the others who need hope and guidance from her.
She’s pretty much carrying the weight of the world on her back.
She had black hair with gold highlights <3 that was before she left though, she ended up dying her hair white with blue highlights instead. She’s so so so so so so pretty. (More under the cut, ALOT MORE)
Does not want pity from anyone, something she shares in common with Nikey
Would often say Nikey was the sun in her sky back before Nightsky as a form of endearment.
Nikey in the past tended to wear his heart on his sleeve to his detriment. After Paldea he had to learn how to effectively hide his emotions which was very hard for him after so long of just, not even trying to mask anything.
Autism galore. BY THE WAY.
(Joke) after the divorce Winona got together with me instead <3
Winona is very great with children and is concerned about them growing up in the smog covered Earth instead of how they should be.
Food shortages are common and constant due to crops not getting the sun they need. Plants and crops are commonly grown in hidden underground facilities, as ordered by Winona. They’re grown with heat lamps.
As you can imagine oxygen is also low due to trees not getting sun they need, though it’s not as low as it could be since ALOT of oxygen comes from the oceans plants.
Speaking of water, Nikey hoards most of the worlds clean drinking water for his members.
A lot of people resort to joining Nightsky as a desperate resort to trying to live normally again. It’s kind of like one of those war tactics to starve the enemy into giving up. But Winona and her followers are resilient
Also it’s basically a 50/50 of you evolve your eevee into Umbreon or Espeon because you literally CANNOT tell if it’s night or day. This applies to all time sensitive evolutions.
The world is very similar to how the Ultra Megaopolis is (Necrozma’s world, if you’re unaware.), with only artificial light.
The people who still live on the Earth’s surface are called The Sun’s Children. But it might as well be the name of the rebellion. You’re either a child of the sun or you’re with Nikey.
Winona has many of The Sun’s Children’s scientists working for her to help purify undrinkable waters, to help grow sustainable amounts of crops, and to help feed livestock with the plants they need. Anything to build sustainable life on Earth again. (Yes she is working with Archie and Maxie)
Zyguarde fucking hates Nikey, Xerneas hates Nikey, Solgaleo hates him, Lunala hates him, Zacian hates him, Zamazenta hates him, Calyrex hates him, Zarude hates him. The legendary birds hate him (not the galarian ones. Except for Zapdos. Zapdos hates him too.), Mewtwo hates him. Ho-oh and Lugia hate him, Celebi hates him, Groudon and Kyogre hate him but are scared of Rayquaza, Jirachi hates him, Deoxys doesn’t care, Palkia and Dialga are in their own dimensions and are indifferent, same for Arceus and Giratina, the Shaymin hate him, Reshiram hates him, Victini hates him, and Diancie hates him. Most all legendaries fucking hate him LMAO.
Winona may or may not have a woman she has a crush on. It’s one of her colleagues. She’s v pretty and so much better for Winona than Nikey. The woman also kind of has a crush on her too. Did I mention how pretty Winona is?
Winona refuses to wear anything to due with Team Sky (old team sky) even if it was from before the corruption of her ex-husband. Such an intense heartache for what she’s lost, she has a hard time dealing with it. She craves that freedom with all of her heart. She won’t let herself get too into feeling her feelings about it, since she feels she’ll be worse as a leader if she does. People are counting on her. There’s a lot of pressure on her.
She desperately wants to love and to be loved again romantically. It took her awhile to crack open again and allow herself to love people even platonically.
Tossed (fucking threw) her old wedding ring into the ocean. Doesn’t know where it is, doesn’t want to. Also HATES gold and black together on clothes
Also just realized a plot hole in the original Nightsky story. How the fuck did Skydios become shiny. Did Nikey just fuck up the time travel so bad he just went to an alternate reality? Might just add that to the list. This is getting very long so I might make another post for headcanons later!
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flock-from-the-void · 9 months
URL song tag game
Guys I love you so much. I saw this tag game and went "omg sounds cool would be nice if someone maybe tagged me" AND I GOT TAGGED T H R E E TIMES!!
Thank you @digital-chance (here) @writeblr-of-my-own (here) @avocado-frog (here)!!
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
I'm absolutely gonna do this three times lol. Another two below the cut <3
Some Cool Songs Version
F – found & lost – Survive Said The Prophet
O – Oh no! – MARINA
C – Cha Cha Cha – Käärijä
K – Kill the Sun – Motherfolk
F – Full Speed Ahead – Jorge Rivera-Herrans
R – Revenge, And a Little More – Unlike Pluto
O – Ollo – Hans Zimmer
M – Mulan – Lexie Liu
T – Tell It Like It Is – The Arcadian Wild
H – Hameln Wa Donoyounishite Fue Wo Fukunoka – Hello Sleepwalkers
E – Everything Moves – Bronze Radio Return
V – Venus Line – Kohmi Hirose
O – Our Lady of the Underground – Hadestown Original Broadway Cast
I – ivory – TOOBOE
D – Depression Is Here! – Jeremy Blake
16 letters! That's! A lot! Tagging, ofc no pressure!
Other versions below the cut!
Polish Songs Version
F – Fabryka Małp – Lady Pank
L – Lipka – Łysa Góra
O – Otwieram wino (feat. Pezet) – Sidney Polak
C – Czarny chleb i czarna kawa – Strachy Na Lachy
K – Kołysanka dla Nieznajomej – Perfect
F – Fajnie, że jesteś – Wilki
R – Raz po raz (Straszą nas) – Perfect
O – Ogrodu Serce – Daab
M – Minus 10 w Rio – Perfect
T – Trójkąty i Kwadraty – Dawid Podsiadło
H – Hi-Fi – Wanda i Banda
E – Eroll – Wilki
V – Vademecum skauta – Lady Pank
O – Ostatnia Nocka – Yugopolis, Maciek Maleńczuk
I – I nikomu nie wolno się z tego śmiać – Kobranocka
D – Dwa Rzędy Kłów – Jerna
OC Playlists Version
F – Fhear A Bhata (The Boatman) – Silly Wizard
O – Obiata – Jar
C – Cold Kind Hand – The Paper Kites
K – Killer Queen – Queen
F – Fuck This Shit I'm Out – The Theme Song
R – Requiem – Dear Evan Hansen Original Broadway Cast
O – Ode To Our Soldiers (Jinzhumami Zan) – Xu Jiangde
M – Metaphor – The Crane Wives
T – Tip Toes – half•alive
H – Heat Above – Greta Van Fleet
E – Everything Machine – half•alive
V – Vengeance – Killstation
O – One More Heartache – Peter Frampton Band
I – Infinitesimal – Mother Mother
D – Długość Dźwięku Samotności – Myslovitz
Okay, okay, some of them maybe are from my mood playlist for writing. There are, like, four song titles starting with O ever made, I had to get creative.
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