#unspeakable Draco
pixie-of-south · 5 months
Harry mooning over Malfoy who dropped by to discuss a case with an auror
Ron : Oi Mate I hope you know to move past this pining and snag a date with Malfoy you gotta start being friendly and compliment him. Atleast stop insulting him and hope he miraculously snogs you.
Harry : Yeah I guess you are right sighs
Few days later
Harry nervously : Malfoy your hair looks good today
Draco : does a series of diagnostic spells I can't find anything wrong with you, did you hit your head on the way somewhere?
Harry still recovering from the unexpected spells : Wth Malfoy flustered stomps away
After 2837473 tries later
Harry : To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you Parkinson?
Pansy : Stop giving me that attitude. I know what you are trying to do, it is quiet pathetic really.
Harry : AND pray tell what is it that I am doing?
Pansy : Trying to woo Draco ofcourse
Harry sputtering : WHAT you are crazy?
Pansy : oh darling now don't go acting all dumb on me, who do you take me for? Anyways I am here to tell you get your head out of your arse and ask him directly instead whatever that is you're doing right now.
Harry : AND why should I listen to anything you say?
Pansy : well I heard Daniel from Department of Games is asking him tonight, he quite a looker is't he?. Do what you what you want to do with that I am leaving now. Ta! Potter.
Later that evening in the ministry atrium
Harry gathering all the courage: Malfoy I want to take you out
Draco : Now Potter I thought we were past the phase of wanting to rip each other's throats evey few days.
Harry : throwing his hands up in frustration THAT'S IT I AM DONE I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. FUCK RON FUCK PARKINSON
Draco : 🧍🏼‍♂️
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tackytigerfic · 1 year
Unfinished Friday
@wolfpants had the genius idea of sharing an excerpt from an abandoned WIP - I did a cheer read on the start of the fic and I can promise all the dron/dronarry fans that they are in for a treat when wolf does finish it!
this is a very fun idea for a post. i just dug through my docs and found SO MANY abandoned fics, why am i like this.
I have absolutely no recollection of this fic - the doc is called Livvy future fic and iirc it's one of three i started and abandoned as gifts for @sitp-recs😂and according to the one note i made, it's based on that tumblr post about Ron being a Seer. It ends mid-sentence 😅 I have to say I really want to read more of this so I might try to remember what I wanted to write and revisit it once my long fic is finished. The premise seems to be that the war is still raging and Draco defects and joins the Order (they are all adults). CW for Draco having been beaten up/injured. it's obvs unedited so apols for any clunkiness or typos
“But I don’t even like him,” Harry says, but Remus frowns at him, more disappointed than disapproving, and Malfoy looks as though he wants to say something rude back, which Harry would actually love. But then Malfoy tightens his lips, all the irritation carefully tweaked and smoothed from his face, a sort of social polite disinterest that reminds Harry of Sirius in Order meetings, and how had he never noticed how alike they look, even down to the matching gleam of candleflame on their long hair, bright and dark like empty mirrors of each other.
“I have options,” is all Malfoy says in reply, but Ron blows a raspberry at that until Percy elbows him, and Hermione says rudely, “Like what? Going on the run and dying at wandpoint within about two days? Because that plan’s been working out well for you so far.”
“Can we please just take a vote?” Kingsley is impatient, and rightly so; he hasn’t slept properly in weeks, probably, like the rest of them. Harry wants to vote no, he really does, but Malfoy starts quietly gathering his cloak around him, face stupid with pride, eyes blacked up and spongey like damaged fruit. It’s spite, mostly, that has Harry scribbling a yes, though in the end it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because the vote to let Malfoy stay passes at twelve in favour, seven against, which is more decisive than even Remus was expecting, judging by the look on his face.
“He can take the back attic,” Sirius says decisively, still the casual master of the house he hates so much, and Kreacher appears with a resentful crack to clear the plates as the others gather themselves to get home before the Floo curfew. 
Harry follows Sirius closely up the stairs, almost treading on the back of his big boots, Malfoy moving almost soundlessly behind them.
“Voila,” Sirius says, and with a sweep of one arm ushers Malfoy into a real letdown of a room, practically Muggle this high up, no heat to speak of, not even a good view, nothing but the dreadful garden and the blank face of the back wall of the house behind.
“This is—” Malfoy starts.
Harry waits, tense, though Sirius just looks amused and almost gleeful, but Malfoy doesn’t finish. He sets his small rucksack down beside the bed, and walks over to the window, throws it up like a challenge, so the room buzzes with the distant sounds of a London night. 
“Thank you,” Malfoy says, and Sirius nods and pads out. Malfoy watches him go, his face abruptly whitening up, like salt or puddled wax.
“You don’t get to be ungrateful about it, you know,” Harry tells him, stung by the look on Malfoy’s face.
“I don’t like you either,” is all Malfoy says, quietly but so viciously that Harry knows he means every word, then Sirius sticks his head back around the door and, seeing Harry’s face, bundles Harry out the door and back down two flights of stairs, where there’s at least a proper fire in the drawing room and the windows don’t rattle in the wind. 
“Congratulations on your trial being overturned, Mr Malfoy,” Minerva says when she sees him, and Malfoy smiles tiredly and tries to push back his damp hair with his gauntleted hand.
Ron’s visions are getting worse, and Harry spends his twenty-sixth birthday preparing to brew Dreamless Sleep with Malfoy, because the new Ministry has reclassified Sopophorous Beans as a restricted product and all the apothecaries are running low. They can Apparate to Peterlee but that’s as close to the wards as they can get without their magical signatures being picked up, and it’s still a two-hour broom flight from there. Malfoy doesn’t even grumble even though it’s the hottest summer in years and by the time they arrive, their travelling cloaks are stuck to their backs with sweat.
“It was a sham,” Harry tells her. “They had no evidence, just a whole load of trumped up charges.”
They both look at him with raised eyebrows, and Harry makes a grateful retreat to the greenhouses where Professor Sprout and Neville have sackfuls of illicit produce waiting for him, which they spend a hot and grumpy hour rigging into a complicated harness to attach between the two brooms for the journey home. When Harry finally escapes, he goes down to the Lake for a swim. There’s no one around, all the students gone home, and Harry floats, feeling boneless, scoured clean by sun, belly up.
He doesn’t mean to eavesdrop on Malfoy and Minerva, but he supposes they must not hear him coming. He’s still barefoot when he reaches the castle, clutching his grubby travelling clothes in his arms, the cooler air of the castle a delicious chill where it chases the water droplets on his skin. 
“I need to look into it further,” Malfoy is saying, though Minerva speaks over him crisply, and they could almost be back at school. 
“It’s absolutely no indication of any guaranteed outcome, Draco.”
Malfoy’s voice is getting higher and tighter, wound up to cracking. “It’s got to mean something though, Min. Don’t try to tell me you’re—”
“Temporal magic is notoriously unstable,” Minerva says, and then Harry drops one of his boots with a thump, and Malfoy and Minerva come around the corner to see what’s happening. 
Malfoy goes red when he sees Harry, a crawling
i'm tagging anyone who has docs filled with treasures languishing, plus @fluxweeed @thehoneybeet @maesterchill @m0srael @oknowkiss @saxamophone @shealwaysreads @sweet-s0rr0w
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lyrablack1883 · 1 year
Oh my, this sketch turn out to be quite good alright. Do you know how wizard’s robes looks like? Well I don’t and this is my interpretation. I mean I never read the actual book.., but look at this auror and unspeakable uniform I made (wip, I’ll color it later) this is purely my indulgence atp. I mean how does a healer robes looks like??
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emsuemsu · 7 months
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Threshold by @kbrick
Words: 126,402
Unspeakable Draco Malfoy finally gets his chance to consult with the Auror Department when a series of mysterious doors covered in runic symbols appear all across the country, only to fade away minutes later. Draco’s eager to help solve the mystery of the doors until he’s partnered with Harry Potter, who still treats him like an enemy.
Things go from bad to worse when the reluctant duo find themselves on the wrong side of a door, trapped in a world where one wrong move might prove fatal. Between the menacing forest creatures and the bloodthirsty ruling class, no place seems safe.
To get home in one piece, Draco and Harry must put aside their differences and learn to rely on one another. Easier said than done.
My jaw is on the floor. I am shooketh to the core. This is some epic fantasy shit and I'm left speechless. I finished this in one sitting and jfc I don't know how to continue my life. The world building was out of this world (lol), and the oc's!!! Like I was rooting for Draco and William and was ready to throw Harry under the bus at some point, and I think that speaks volumes of the way these characters found their way into my heart. Lia!!! Frankie!!! I'm in tears. An absolute joy. 🫶
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The Ties that Bind by phoenix_writing
Upon Andromeda's death, Harry and Draco are given custody of Teddy. Their lives will never be the same again. Rating: Not Rated Word Count: 60882 
Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21879661?view_full_work=true
My Thoughts: The Ties that Bind held me together during a tough time and was a wonderfully sweet and complex fic. I loved how the story explored Harry’s complicated relationship with the concept of family and how Draco proved to be a steady co-parent and more. This will be going into my emotional support fic list! 
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wizardemotions · 4 months
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the question came to mind of "in your ship, how might the larger/stronger party pick up or carry the smaller one?" and these were the answers i came to
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basiatlu · 9 months
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I saw it was @lqtraintracks ‘s birthday and I had to just shower my joy that you exist on this chaotic space rock. Happy Birthday!!!✨
Here’s a drawn scene from one of the 1st fics I read of yours ( click here if you wanna read it, too! Warning for 2300 words of steamy goodness if that’s not your thing I suppose).
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 months
Harry: So is your secret fantasy also Malfoy dressing up as a sexy Healer too or am I gay?
Ron: Always the second one, Harry, always
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 5 months
Gravekeeper!Draco who just wanted to be left alone after the war, who takes a respectable job that no one could disparage, who ends up befriending ghosts who have nothing to fear of him, who ends up forgotten to the world because the news can't drum up anything to blame on him, who has forgotten the warmth of the human touch,
Gravekeeper!Draco who takes his job so seriously that he keeps each tombstone looking pristine, each grave decorated according to their ghost's preference, who measures out the next plot with precision--- who, upon seeing one Harry Potter collecting grave dirt for whatever reason feels compelled to confront him. Because the fact that he's the saviour, the Boy Who Lived, the stupid Scar-Head who was somehow grown taller and broader, doesn't mean that he can just be that rude and not ask for permission first
Draco, who confuses Harry on multiple levels because, 'Wait, this is where you've been the whole time?' and 'Ask permission, how would I even begin-?' with a side of 'When did you get this pretty?'
(the ghosts in the background, gossiping and giggling and scheming of ways to push the two of them together)
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dramioneasks · 6 months
Beyond Recall or Desire - vannminner - E, 25 chapters - In December of 2001, Draco Malfoy was meant to be married. Unfortunately, a union with Astoria Greengrass would be impossible as his soul had already been bound to another's. Now, if only he could remember whose... - “A birth bond?” Narcissa asked. Alistair shook his head, “I’m afraid not. This is something else entirely.” He made eye contact with Draco before quickly looking away. “This is a chosen bond… a mutual decision…”
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reliand · 1 year
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Ocean Eyes || by @shealwaysreads
Malfoy was still pale, his skin milk-white. But now, he had the faintest trace of freckles across his cheekbones. His hair was still fair, silver-blonde and bright as a new Sickle. But his eyebrows, and his eyelashes, were dark now; framing his eyes with dramatic sweeps and arches of black. A charcoal sketch on white vellum, bold and delicate. And his eyes. His eyes were different now, too. Shockingly so.
One of Draco’s eyes was blue, now.
I love this little fic and how Draco’s described through Harry’s eyes. He sounds absolutely ethereal, and I wanted to try and capture it.
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catgriller · 1 year
Style/Colouring experiment w/ Draco
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cluelesspigeons · 10 months
This is written for the song “how you get the girl” by Taylor Swift from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 243
Drarry microfic: welcome home
The knock on the door was quiet, yet Draco still heard it. He looked up from the book he was reading, a steaming cup of Earl Grey tea in his hand. Who could possibly still need him at this ungodly hour of the night?
Slowly, he made his way over to the door, a warm blanket wrapped securely around his shoulders. Even after a long day of work, people couldn’t leave him alone, could they?
He pulled open the door. The words that were ready on his tongue, disappeared as quickly as they came when he saw just who was standing on his doorstep with an umbrella in his hands and a sheepish smile on his face.
Before he could think twice about it, Draco slammed the door shut. He stood frozen in the hallway, pulling the blanket closer around his shoulder. Surely, it couldn’t be?
After a few seconds, Draco carefully opened the door again, peeking outside to see if he was still there. To his surprise, he was.
His voice was so familiar. It hurt to hear it again after so so long. But still…
An unexpected warmth spread through his veins. He was back. He was finally back. After months of silence. After months of Draco trying—and failing—not to worry, Harry was finally back home.
A tentative smile lifted the corners of his mouth. He stepped aside to let Harry back in the house. “Welcome home, my love.”
Prompt from May 5th
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emsuemsu · 7 months
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Once More To Arcady by @apricitydays-lazynights
Words: 32,006
When Draco travels to the mountains for a pastoral vacation, he doesn't expect to meet his ex Harry there, five years after his disappearance. On a hopeful whim, he follows Harry's flock on their journey to the summer pastures, to find what unraveled between them and to learn to weave something new. Also, mythical space lesbians.
I'm dumbfounded by this fic. Speechless. Stunned. This fic is magical in all the ways possible and drop dead gorgeous.
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weeklydrarryficrecs · 2 years
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Every Me and Every You by bixgirl1
Harry liked his life just fine, thankyouverymuch — so it was bad enough when a sly fairy cursed him to leap into alternate realities. But seeing Malfoy in all of them? Definitely way too much. And worse yet: needing the bastard's help to figure out how to get out of of it.
It was a disaster waiting to happen, really.
Well... probably. Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 69300
Link to Fic:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14705559/chapters/33983157
My Thoughts: This is a delightfully indulgent fic that is wholly satisfying and warm. Harry and Draco have wonderful chemistry, and there is just the right amount of snark to keep their interactions snappy and smart. If you want an AU sampler and almost a meta-esque commentary on these AUs, this is the fic!! Header Art generated by Wombo Dream.        
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the-sinking-ship · 2 years
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The Unspeakable by The_Sinking_Ship
Art by Peachbabypie
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: E
Wordcount: ~25k
Collection: Harry/Draco Reverse Bang 2022 @harrydracobang
Tags: Unspeakable Harry Potter, Healer Draco Malfoy, action, travel, magical lore, powerful Harry, possessive Draco, secret relationship, light bdsm, handcuffs, collars, soft dom Draco, service top Harry, hung!Harry, smut, tattooed everyone
Summary: Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige. But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
Notes: New fic! It’s been a minute but I'm so happy to be writing again!
Apparently all it took to knock me back into it was the right inspiration because Reverse Bang hit me like a brick. All the art is absolutely incredible and I encourage you to browse the entire collection. But when I saw Peach’s?! This image was it for me. I’m a @peachbabypie fangirl across fandoms and this is everything I adore about her work. Lush greenery, evocative lighting, sensuality, and the world’s most beautiful eyelashes. sigh.
I intended to just write some smut. I told people I was just writing some smut… but somehow this became a whole world of its own and is probably none of the things that Peach imagined when creating her beautiful art.
Thank you, Peach, for allowing me total creative liberties. It brought my muse back to me.
Added thank you to my sweet and supportive beta, @lettersbyelise! To my pals for the 24/7 cheerleading (you know who you are). And to the mods for organising this fest! It’s been a blast!
Read on AO3.
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