#unordinary reader insert
pinkforwinter · 2 months
Could you possibly do a band AU? Or like a famous Y/n with John Doe being a huge fan?
Of course! Also I'M BACK. A loooot has happened since the last time I posted and I haven't even been able to write until today. I'm hoping I haven't gotten too rusty in my long hiatus.
Warnings: None.
John Doe being a huge fan of famous!reader.
He first heard of you when you were in a band with your former friends.
John heard of your band through Claire who had accidentally stumbled upon your practice videos online.
At first he wasn't interested. The genre you played wasn't the kind of music he likes to listen to but he had to admit even then you had a nice singing voice.
He thinks nothing of you until he hears your band had broken up just shortly before he gets expelled from New Bostin High. He has better things to do with his time so he once again thinks nothing of it and forgets about you.
Until his first year in Wellston that is.
It was shortly before he met Seraphina that he saw you on the news and recognized you instantly. You were a rising sensation, becoming more famous by the day for your new hit single, a song about the betrayal you felt by your old friends for throwing you away.
John listens to it once out of curiosity and is hooked instantly. It hits him in a way he can't even describe and before he knows it he's obsessed. He listens to it everytime he starts feeling overwhelmed and takes solace in your voice.
You drop an album a month later and John is ready the day before, has the website up and ready to be refreshed so he can get his hands on a copy before the scalpers can take them all. But alas, his classmates decided the cripple was getting a little too cocky and decided to knock him down a peg. He completely misses the album release by multiple hours and its sold out when he checks it. John is upset but figures he'll get another chance.
That chance comes when you host a meet and greet down a couple streets from his apartment.
John is jittery with excitement when he walks into the cafe. The crowd is small but with every crowd comes a couple of troublemakers. This one happened to have your old band mates, who were very upset you had catapulted to stardom while they were still stuck on the bottom.
When you step out, they immediately start heckling and jeering at you and the sight of your horrified face is enough to get John to step in.
They are definitely not pleased to be confronted by a cripple. When they start to get violent with him, John is sure that he'll have to flee... then you step in. You singlehandedly sweep your old bandmates and coldly kick them out for daring to attack one of your fans. John will never forget what you said next.
"Cripple or King, it doesn't matter. Music is supposed to bring us together not tear us apart. He has just as much right to be here as anyone else."
And just like that you got yourself a fan for life.
When you learn he hadn't been able to get an album you give him one of your own copies. John cherishes it and has a special spot for it in his house.
He gets Seraphina into you so she too will support you. Your music quickly becomes a special thing for the two of them.
Buys your merch, albums and anything he can get his hands on. He will also watch any show or movie you decide to be in. Though watch out, just because he's your number one fan doesn't mean he won't comment on how strange or bad it is.
All in all, John looks up to you and has nothing but the best wishes for you. He's a great fan.
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astralnymphh · 9 months
kneeling for her ⋆ | ellie williams headcanons
༺ ellie x fem!reader sucking her strap hcs/scenario! ༻ ☽𖤐☾
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(ellie image from kittaeria on pinterest)
✧˖ ° 🕯 bright blessings!
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AN: had the most random scenario blossom in my head yesterday so i wrote it per usual, went a lil more risqué with this one 😜at least to my standards
cw/tags: NSFW!! SMUT!! MDNI!! ellies a lil goofy in the beginning, blunt/straightforward-ish reader, not a fully wrote out fic, small time skips, sitting on lap, cursing, takes place in jackson but not specified to be before seattle (readers choice) soft-dom leaning ellie (except maybe less soft in one instance, nothing rough tho), guiding you verbally and with hands, praises, petnames; (good girl, baby, slut) sucking/choking on strap, clit stim (giving) strap-vag insertion, flatiron position, rewarding, gripping head/hair, deepthroating.
setting the scene
༻⛧one dusty orange sunset, cooped up in ellie's makeshift 'garage house' relishing a simple meal she whipped up for the both of you, albeit can you really classify her attempts at the art of culinary as five-star cuisine? regardless, the two of you slumped into the gray sofas' sufficient padding and dined like kings; in apocalyptic standards. no conversation had been rustling the space between you until a rather, interesting, unordinary, dare say- scandalous? scenario had implanted its peculiar self into your thoughts.
"hey babe?" you quell the silence, tone arching in curiosity.
"mhm?" ellie garbled through shut lips, chowing down her food.
"you know.. we should- try something new-"
"ooh~ like what?" she instantaneously hunches her back closer to you and tosses her barren plate aside, avid to hear your words go from mind to mouth. she invariably dotes on your ideas.
"uh- it's like.. related to.. bed stuff."
"like sleepin- wait! can we pleaaasee build a display shelf for my comic books above my bed-"
"sorry." ellie, even being an adult, is still crazy about her long-kept hobbies.
"uh- anyways. I'm talking 'bout like.. sex." you impenitently tell.
her eyelids dim, sloping her head to the side in adorned interest, "sex? that's one way to ask."
"no ..seriously, I have an idea.." you stow the plate atop a stubby heap of books, conveying a genuineness in your stare.
ellie sails her tongue briskly through her lips, anchoring her torso back onto the sofas' arm, lengthening her legs out with a faint bend at the knees. her palm drops to her thigh, patting it twice.
 "c'm over here." she coaxes sweetly with an alluring gaze, imbued with a pip of power in her vowels.
a suffuse of blush overlies your midface, crawling your body towards her beckon.
her hands steady your hips down on her lap, finding refuge on the back of your thighs thereupon settling.
"what's the idea, then?" the moods' been shifted, emanating one of sensuality.
you nestle near her headspace, whispering, "y'know ur' strap?"
"yeah.." ellie likes where this is leading, clearly by her rapt smirk and tune of chords rising in tempt.
"what if I sucked it?"
⛧ oh boy, that set off a night she wouldn't be forgetting for the inbound days ahead. immediately you found yourself levitating up from the couch by her arms and bouncing on the mattress. a makeout session leads to fated stripping and now, your kneeling in front of her at groin-level and a hunter green mass protruding towards your nose bridge.
her optics glare down at you, the sight of you so keen and willing to do this. sure, it's not the real thing but the sight should and will be fucking exhilarating. 
"c'mon, what're you staring at?" ellie's hand gently smacks your cheek and splinters your blurry-minded trance.
you deduct a reply from your mouth, instead, taking a solid grasp of the strap and wrapping your lips round' the tip, all while preserving unwavering eye contact.
her hands ease and twine the locks on each margin of your head, massaging the pads of her fingertips tenderly. her arousals' climbing new peaks every second at this rate. she presses her pelvis further upon your lip, steering you to open up.
your lips part and welcome the rotund tip in, stroking along your front teeth. the weak grasp on your head pushes the strap languidly to a greater extent that bounds it to the back wall of your throat.
"ach-" you jab out a cough.
"good girl, take that shit in.." 
⛧she's one to be in control, but it's nothing rough. her hands guiding you back n forth gently as the strap summons spurts of tickles in your throat each time it prods the back of it. it'd be far enough to chafe the hilt against her clit, per usual any time she wears the contraption, so you'd always hear quaint whimpers, curses, groans, etcetera, from above.
"mhh~ fuuhhhhckkkk.." ellie draws out a long euphoric groan, straining her neck back and exposing the mild protrusion of her adam's apple.
catching up with the motion, you begin bobbing your head on your own accord. her hands dull their hold and hover above, letting you work your utter sorcery, mouth wide open and drooling for her.
her head recoils down, "such a slut- oohh~ fuck.." 
⛧again, she's not rough without consent and a special occasion, but she'll clutch your hair firmly enough. to you, it's like her non-verbal sign that says 'go faster'.
thrusting your head faster, her own moans begin to burgeon and crowd the room over your sucking and popping noises. she looks so fucking hot from your angle, a clement sweat, fucked out face, leaning slightly back so her pelvis projects closer to you, a solo hand supporting on the back of her thigh, the other latched onto the apex of your head and knotting strands of hair around her fingers. it's all getting to you. 
"oh- baby, fuck- keep goin'n.. uhn- shit!" the climax augmenting within her hips jitters the shit out of her knees, begging to just buckle underneath her and collapse on the bed.
"gh- hn.." your words fumble around ellie's cock, still putting your all into pleasing her. adding a grip on the strap and stroking it was endgame for her, the adjoined knocking against her swelling bud ruined her.
⛧ellie's definitely more of a groaner and a huffer when she comes, it's not growling level but it's certainly not fake exaggerated ones.
⛧i think she's also the type who'd want you to come as well, like, there is not a single night where she's the only one getting pleased, she has to see you unravel and lose your shit under her.
"stop, baby- stop.." ellie hastily hushes through heaves of breath, pulling your head from the strap to which it springs off your lips.
"m'not cummin' without you- fuck.." her fingers take a grapple at your jaw, guiding you up onto your feet.
you give her a blank stare until it's washed away with a surprised one as you're cast onto the bed, stomach down, ass up. she shambles over you and flattens you out till your hips settle in the cloudy mattress.
she mounts your thighs and inclines her crotch to yours, slowly inserting into your cunt from the back. her nails chisel into your plush hips, thumbs notably indenting on your ass.
"oh-my gmm.. ellie.." 
"god damn-" she mumbles to herself, cuffing out a quick chuckle, "you earned this.." positively rewarding you for your work.
insert a loooong night spent railing.
⛧random conclusion hc but I feel like in this position where she's behind you she'll litter you with kisses and bites on your shoulder-neck region, especially for being so good and disposed for her. 
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koala-fluff · 2 years
Requests are Open
Current Hyperfixation: None.
Hello, I'm Ko! Like my title suggests, I am autistic so there will be hyper fixations here. I used to be a lurker here, but I'm finally out in the open!
Her are a few things to know:
🐨This is an SFW tickle blog.
🐨I am very uncomfortable with NSFW content, so please DNI if you are an NSFW blog.
🐨I do write tickle fics and can write for many, many fandoms.
🐨I also write for my own ocs.
🐨I don't draw, but I can roleplay (SFW only)
I think that's it for now. Have fun in my little fluffy corner of the internet!
Fandom List under the cut and other info under the cut.
So... I write for a lot of fandoms, so please look at the rules before requesting anything.
Also, this is a place for fluff so I am totally fine with ignoring canon storylines (cause some are just sad).
Thank you!
Request Rules
🍃 Absolutely no NSFW requests.
🍃No problematic ships (adult x minor, relative x relative, stuff like that)
🍃If a character has specified what their sexuality is, I will not change it. (ex. Robin came out as lesbian, but no other character has come out).
🍃I will not change a character's cannon gender.
🍃I will add an OC of yours if you want it, but I'd need sufficient information about your OC.
🍃I do not care how detailed your request is, as long as you specify if the character(s) is a lee, ler, or switch.
🍃I will write for ships, but I'm not comfortable with them all. So, if I'm not comfortable, I will answer your request with why.
🍃I will write for pretty much any character, but I'm not comfortable with them all. So, if I'm not comfortable, I will answer your request with why.
🍃I do not do cross-overs.
🍃I do not do reader-inserts.
Fandom List
🌿Percy Jackson
🌿Magnus Chase
🌿Kane Chronicles
🌿Disney movies
🌿Birds of Prey
🌿How to Train Your Dragon
🌿Avatar (Blue People, not live action Last Airbender)
🌿Scream Franchise (excluding show series)
🌿Stranger Things
🌿Owl House
🌿Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts
🌿She-ra and the Princess of Power (Netflix)
🌿Carmen Sandiago
🌿Umbrella Academy
🌿 Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
🌿 Wednesday
🌿Dead End: Paranormal Park
🌿Avatar (Last Airbender & Korra)
🌿The Amazing Digital Circus
🌿Helluva Boss (Hazbin will come once I find a way to watch it)
🌿Purple Hyacinth
🌿Muted (Miranda Mundt)
🌿Castle Swimmer
🌿Blood Ink
🌿Teenage Mercenary
🌿Batman: Wayne Family Comics
🌿High Class Homos
🌿Life is Strange: True Colors
🌿How to Train Your Dragon
🌿OC fics (my own and yours)
I think that's all? It'll probably update as I find more stuff.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Did thingy for fun :)
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jollyroz · 1 year
Jjba reader insert pt3
A/N: english is not my first laungage
Pt1: https://at.tumblr.com/jollyroz/jjba-reader-insert-pt1/gnn49dy2u2ai pt2: https://at.tumblr.com/jollyroz/jjba-reader-insert-pt2/gou1ch9g4bnr
Back to y/n’s pov:
Sheesh being Innocent “girl” act is so lame but if i don’t well..idk it would be off but good thing the plan is going accordingly, man….I have yo stutter like some pick me  “thank you Dio! You are a very kind boy!” Haha thats a lie you burn dogs (Rip Danny)   “o-of course! I Dio care for lady’s!”  He looked a bit put off by what i said…was it unordinary? Hm, weird oh well!
                              Short Dios pov:
Thats phrase…reminds me if my mother….is this a sign? 
                           Y/n’s pov again
“Um…may we go now Dio? If thats okay with you? It is your house after all.”  I cant be to pushy, he’ll think im ordering him around.  “Ah! Yes let us be on our way” he hooks his arm around mine. 
      Time skip brought to you by king crimson
“Father, i’d like you too meet..wait im truly sorry i never asked your name?”   “Y/n L/n”  “ah! Yes y/n l/n she ran away from her abusive home and is now homeless, may i ask she…stay with us?”  Oh boy this is gonna decide my fate.  “Why of course i’d never let this poor girl stay without a home! But may i ask one thing of you young lady?”  “Yes  mr.Joestar?” Oh god what is he gonna ask.  “May i adopt you?”
Oh hell yeah!! Well i cant say that out-loud “Oh really mr.Joestar? Thank you! I’d love too be your daughter! Im utmost grateful for this opportunity i owe you my life!   “Oh please,call me father, Johnathan! Come meet your new sister!” Omg finally i get to meet best boy Jonathan!  
A/o note: sorry i made it too short
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fork-tectors · 4 years
trusted ⁽ᵖᵃʳᵗ ²⁾
; among us au trusted ; unordinary / among us reader insert [ unedited ] [ word count ║ 1108 words ] [ part one ║ part two ]
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One (1) impostor remains.  
What the absolute hell? No one informed us that there were gonna be two of them. They never at least hinted at it. I thought once we ejected the one, then the nightmare would be over, we'll be back to our separate daily lives. But, surprise, surprise, there were two.  
I huffed. This sucks. Finding the first impostor took four days, we don't know how long the next one would take to be discovered. Maybe less? One can only hope so. If it lasts for more than a week, chances are that everyone gets murdered.  
I squeezed my eyes shut, rolling over to my side to pretend to sleep.  
The transition from evening to the early morning was horrendously long, let's just say that I didn't get the amount of sleep I need to be energized enough. I didn't want to get up from the bed. I covered myself of the blandly coloured blanket, going back to complete my rest. It's so cosy...  
I was distracted by the loud knock on my door, I groaned in annoyance.
Enduring the relentless knocking, I finally left my bed. Both of my feet came into contact with the cold metal floor, sending a chill throughout my whole body. I brushed off the feeling and walked over to answer whoever was here.
  Not bothering to get ready before answering the door, I open it. The teal haired girl was shyly standing in my doorway, already suited up in her cyan spacewear whilst I was still dressed in the white shirt and shorts they supplied for all of us. It's a uniform, I guess. It's weird, yes.
"Oh! Uh, (Y/n-), I mean, White!" She quickly corrects herself, not that mind her addressing me by my real name. If I was talking one-on-one with another crewmate, I'd feel comfortable if we'd address each other as our name. We all agreed to identify ourselves as our colours. It's easier.
  "It's fine, you can call me (Y/n) if you're more comfortable."  
"Oh, thanks. But I think it'll be better if I call you by your colour." Elaine or Cyan replies, "By the way, um, you should dress up. They're waiting for you in the cafeteria."  
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'll be quick, I promise!" I head back into my room, hearing her tell me that she'd wait for me, then I heard a click of a door. I grabbed a towel from the clothes shelf and ran into the bathroom.
I finished doing my thing, not wanting to waste more time. I made sure I decently dried myself with towels before I got suited up, so it wouldn't feel uncomfortably moist in it.  
Once I finished, I caught up with Elaine, so she didn't have to wait long for me. The cafeteria came into view, and we decided to spit. Everyone was keeping to themselves, except for the trio. Blyke, Isen and Remi.    
I quickly acquired the tray with the space food, which wasn't exactly appealing, but if I was to get through the day; I might as well feed myself enough. Unwillingly, I trudged myself into an already occupied table, each table was.  
Dark Blue was sat in this one, he was mindlessly pushing the thing around his tray with his utensil; looking like he had no plan on eating the remains. "Um, do you mind if I sit here?" He dropped his fork as a reaction.  
I awkwardly chuckled at him. "Nah, it's cool. I don't mind at all."  
I set myself beside him, but not too close and ate my food. We made small talk here and there, but nothing of importance. He seemed pretty nice, It'll be a shame if he would be the impostor.  
The day went as is. Completing tasks, suspecting impostors, voting to skip due to having not enough shreds of evidence and leaving to our rooms for rest. It seems like the impostor was preparing for something, something big maybe. I was growing more anxious by the minute.  
Those days of us waiting led to this moment.   
"It's orange, I tell you! He was the one who murdered Cyan! Not me! I was there!" Holden pleaded with desperation in his tone. He's close getting ejected as the time of votation counts down, the number of votes pinned on him was high. It was around maybe four or five.  
"Don't fucking lie to my face!" Blyke sneered, "You were alone in navigation with the body. No one else was in there! You're not taking me for a fool, are you?!"  
"Orange vented out of Navi! Fucking listen to me! Why do you always take his side?!" Holden gritted his teeth, looking aggravated.  
The duration of choosing came to an end. Green was loosening the ejection chute, but not opening it yet, preparing to throw Dark Blue out.  
The photos of each crewmate along with the votes they received were displayed on the screen. There only two people who were competing for the ward of ejection. Four voted for Dark Blue, who were Purple, Pink, Green, and Red. Dark Blue and Yellow we're the only ones who went to Orange. I didn't get to vote, the time ran out before I get wrap my head on who to choose.  
Not that anything I did would change the result.  
Remi must've noticed the ratio and turned to the quiet male, "Yellow, why'd you vote Orange...?" She asked in a not-so-obvious accusatory voice.  
Arlo didn't reply, just brushed her question off. My ears hurt as I heard the loud pleas for him to stay on board. "I didn't do anything wrong! I'm innocent!"  
His words were left unheard while he was harshly shoved into the chute, no regards for his comfort. The guy was gonna die, maybe not make it too painful.  
"I hope you're happy now," was his last sentence to us as he was pushed off the ship and pulled into a breathtaking hug by the dark blanket of space. I watch his body go limp through the thick glass. There was no point in fighting it since he was bound to run out of oxygen in no time.  
He’s gonna die.  
Our faces were washed over with guilt as the bold text appeared letter-by-letter on the large screen followed by the italicized words. It was mocking us of our mistake.  
Holden/Dark Blue was not an impostor. One (1) impostor remains.
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Idk where will this go tbh. Consume my creation. Tumblr just hates it when I indent my writing. The formatting sucks ass :)))
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lychee-drinks · 4 years
Remi picking you up from a party after getting wasted
CW: mentions of drug use
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•Her reaction to you sending her a text to pick you up from a party because you’re wasted is instantly worried and to drive to you immediately. She’s a bit disappointed, but she wants to help you first.
•When she gets to your destination, she finds you on the curb and you’re crying.
•“Omg you’re completely wasted, get in the car, I’ll drive you to my place.”
•“Remiiiiiiiiiii, you’re my absolute favorite person, don’t forget that,” You cried.
•Remi can’t help but smile at you. She puts her hand around you and helps you into the back seat.
•When she pulls you back to her place, she helps you inside and takes care of you.
•Since you’re too drunk to do anything, she helps you out with drinking water, let’s you shower etc.
•She focuses on taking care of you, but she’s also like, “Y/n, you need to stop partying.”
•But she forgets about it and just glad that you’re safe and that she can help you out.
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torilovestowrite · 4 years
[18+] Dabi x Reader; Try Again pt. 10.5
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Synopsis: Years ago, (Y/n) was left by her villain boyfriend, Dabi after discovering an unexpected news. Ever since then, she never had a lover— focusing on her only son, Yuta. Later on, she meets Todoroki Touya— a new co-worker who seem to be persistent towards winning her heart and attention.
Ship: Dabi x Fem! Reader
❗❗❗Content Warning: Mentions of Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, Manga spoilers, Dabi is a Todoroki theory
chapter navigation 
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"Hey," Y/n greeted Touya who entered her room at the late midnight. "Do you need anything?" 
Two fucking weeks since the kitchen incident. And guess what? Both of them are back together in each others' arms; their love becoming sweeter than the one that was formed in the past. Both of them started to interact sweetly in front of Yuta— Touya placing an arm around Y/n's shoulder while she lays her head closer towards him. The young boy found it odd— but either way, the young h/c-haired lad felt happy for his mother. She started smiling again— which made Yuta think that she was joyful with having a companion. 
If there's something that Y/n loved in terms of Touya's changes, that would be his approach. He was no longer the rough and playful Dabi who never took a thing seriously— but Touya, a good father to Yuta and a great lover towards her. His gentle moves made her heart topple and shake; how he'd be sweet towards their son; no signs of Dabi at all, Y/n thought. 
"Yeah, you." Touya replied, sitting on the space beside her bed and hugging her— putting his arms around her waist. Y/n smiled at this and began to play with his red fluffy hair. "I need you right now." 
The h/c-haired lady chuckled in response as she listened to Touya, asking him a question. "Sweet. What's the deal today?" 
"Nothing really. Just want to cuddle with you a bit, I guess." Touya answered, planting a peck on her lips. "I just miss spending time with you like this as much as before..." 
Touya swore that he could hear every beating of her heart; how fast it is— yet calm. It was a beautiful sound to his ears. The sound even grew louder as they both looked at each others' face; a small smile planted on their lips. 
"Can I..." The red-haired man looked at her to ask for permission, caressing Y/n's face lightly while staring at her lips. "Can I give you a kiss?" 
As soon as the young lady nodded in reply, Touya immediately attacked her lips— giving her a heated and intense makeout session. Y/n glanced to the side to see if the door was locked— and gladly, it was. She swears to god, she'll immediately die if Yuta see them like this. It wasn't too soon until she focused on the beautiful person whose hands were roaming around her body— Touya. Y/n began playing with his hair while kissing back— as they both began to lay on the bed. His body was placed between her legs— which were spread as he was gently tracing circles on her thighs while still kissing her. 
Few more seconds, Touya pulled away from the kiss— only to see a flustered and panting Y/n; the sight was too cute— truly, only for his eyes to see. Her legs were spread while her lips were lightly parted. Her e/c eyes were also half-lidded while both of her hands were clenching on the sheets. No matter how much he tries to be soft and gentle, he always ends up being rough and feral. But tonight, Touya wants to give her the love that she deserves— the love that was taken away from her arms few years ago. 
"Damn, I didn't know this was you meant by kiss." Y/n chuckled as she lightly pinched his cheeks. 
Touya replied, looking down in embarrassment," Sorry. I couldn't help it."
"No. Don't be sorry." Y/n responded and gave him a warm hug. "I also want to feel you tonight, Touya." 
They continued making out— until Touya began living marks from her chest to her neck— rubbing his growing erection on the slit between her legs. Y/n let out small whimpers as he began touching her clit while his lips were sucking on her nipples. 
"A-ah... Touya." Y/n moaned as he continued to make her feel better with his hands and lips. 
In his thoughts, she deserves this after all. Touya knew that he should be compensating for all these years of absence. And this is just one of the ways he could express his gratitude— for raising Yuta well and for giving him a chance to be a better father and make up for all those years that he should have been there. 
Few seconds later, Y/n began to undress him— and he did the same. As she was lying naked on the bed, Touya began to insert a single digit inside her core— earning a light yelp from her. A small smirk appeared from his lips. Just, how much did he miss seeing her like this? He could feel her insides clenching as she began arching her back— but he took his fingers out, which earned a frustrated panting from her.
"You wanted to feel me, right?" Touya whispered lovingly, "I want you to cum on my dick, not on my fingers. Is that okay with you?" 
Y/n nodded in response as the red-haired male positioned himself in between her legs, slowly entering her tight insides; her voice letting out a loud gasp as she tightened her grip around his toned arms. Her eyes were closed— trying to ease herself from the pain. 
It's been years since she did this with someone. And now, it all feels new. But truly, Y/n appreciates Touya's desire to make her feel better. Moments later, when the discomfort on her face disappeared, Touya started to move— the speed of his thrusts slowly increasing every time he moves. The young lady could only let out light whimpers as her back began to arch— immediately cumming from the sensation.
"You came that easy," Touya planted a kiss on her lips. "But that's okay."
This was something new to Y/n. It's been so long since she had loving sex with Touya. During his past Dabi days, they would only have a loving session evert after fights— which rarely happens. Usually, it was quickies or rough sex. This was something unordinary— but the young lady liked this side of him. 
As Touya began to pick up his pace, he began to let out grunts— his grip slowly tightening. He pants, "I-I'm going to cum." 
Her soft thighs began to wrap around his waist tighter, bringing his body closer as he spurted his seed inside her tightening core. It was an amazing feeling for the both of them. The redhead immediately plopped himself on top of Y/n's body— inhaling the scent of the tired woman who pecked his forehead. 
"You can sleep here for tonight." Y/n stated as she was playing his hair with her soft hands as he was laying on the top of her chest.
"Totally," Touya let out an exhausted chuckle in reply. "I'd love that." 
The both of them lay in each others' arms that night— making up for the years of being separated. Things weren't surely easy for the both of them. Y/n and Touya faced the hardships that the world has to offer as individuals; but as soon as they felt the warmth of each others' arms, they knew that everything was designed; and that every obstacle that they went through— were all worth it.
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Taglist [OPEN]: @babayaga67​ @marydragneell @xxtrash-kingxx @paranoiac-666 @velvet-kissesss @orenjineki @mermaid-starlet @ikita454 @yo-girl-lunar @pansexual-booknerd @daimiyu @marvelousbakugou @peculiarinsomniac @cutesnakemum @sam-i-am-1025 @lawlesshedgehog @sonderkook @miss-buttersworth @threbony @noonewouldlisten25 @missalicebaskerville
A/N: vanilla secks w touya/dabi should be a thing in the fandom :<< 
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pinkforwinter · 1 year
may i request yandere John with a reader who is socially awkward but wants to connect with people? if not, maybe a reader who has chronic stress (or anything in general, I’m starvedddd of yan!uno)
also, not a req, but i think you might like Code Adam by Atterozen on webtoon, it’s one of my favs 💞
Ask and you shall receive, anon. ❤
This is a slightly different writing style then the last post but I'm trying to experiment to see what feels right.
Also, it's funny you recommend that to me. I actually subscribed to Code Adam but never got around to reading it. I'll have to remember to start reading it soon!
This took a lot longer then it should have so have an longer response in return.
Warnings: Yandere
Yandere!John falling for an SO that is socially awkward.
John is definitely going to be the delusional and manipulative type of yandere.
Worst part about all of this is that when you're socially awkward you might struggle to see signs other people might easily catch. That's going to come back and bite you very quickly with John.
As we've all seen, John is a very good actor. He had everyone fooled he was a helpless cripple for a very long time. That being said, there are some subtle signs that you can look out for at the beginning. Read: subtle.
You witnessed him getting beaten down one day and walk away absolutely pissed off and think to yourself "that dude needs a friend and so do I." And so you conjured up the will to not completely put your foot in your mouth and began to seek him out.
At the beginning, John didn't even notice you. You were quiet and unassuming, though you stumbled over your own words a lot and got nervous very easily around other people. You were just another student that didn't matter to him. He rebuffed your attempts to talk to him far too many times.
Ironically, Seraphina was the one to point out how you were trying to befriend him. At first, he doesn't believe her as nobody would willingly try to become friends with the cripple, right?? Then he saw you, sitting alone in the corner, quietly watching a group of friends pass you by with a look of longing in your eyes and was immediately intrigued. Especially so when he approached you and your face lit up when he invited you to sit with him and Seraphina.
It didn't take long for him to start noticing you after that. His eyes would immediately seek you out whether he wanted them to or not. He began to take notice how hard you were trying to make friends- and how easily they rebuked you. Just like he did.
John began to grow protective of you after that realization. You were so kind, so good, so perfect. You might be a little slow socially but just made you all the cuter in his opinion. His intrigue quickly morphed into infatuation and from there he began to notice things that he never noticed before.
The way your smile would soften just for him- the way your eyes would glitter whenever he would go out of his way to approach you- rushing after him when he left his books on the rooftop by accident...
You liked him, too, right? All the signs pointed that you did. You were always so sweet to him. You just had to be into him- there was no other explanation.
From there, things began to spiral. Johns mask began to slip as he began to lash out at the other students for even daring to look at you weird. It probably won't take long for you to begin to notice something was very wrong at that point.
But it only grows worse from there. As John begins to grow more obsessive, he starts to stalk walk you home from a distance. He wouldn't want you getting hurt when he could've been there to stop it, after all.
Confronting him at that point will be an instant loss. You'll be gaslit and lied to so hard, he'll have you sure you're going insane. And he's so efficient at keeping up his lies that there'll be next to no chance to catch him in the act of doing so.
Slowly, he isolates you. Any friends you may have had are chased off or beaten down at the first opportunity. Oh, he won't kill anyone; maybe put them so deep in a coma they might never wake up but hey, theres always a risk when getting into fights, right? Seraphina may try to convene at this point but John easily wards her off and by the time she realizes she was right, it'll be too late.
Then, when you're left all alone and so lonely, John will move in and sweep you off your feet. He'll worship you so completely you won't be able to think of anybody but him. He wouldn't want his goddess to feel like she needs anybody else after all. He's all you need- he's always known that and now you do, too.
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lychee-drinks · 4 years
Hello guys!!! I’m Tea, and today I decided that I wanted to start a writing page where I just write mostly self inserts lmao.
I’ll be writing for: Lookism, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, UnOrdinary and Lore Olympus.
I’d also like it to be known that I’m not really that experienced in writing, I have a Wattpad account with two ongoing stories, but they’re not really the best. I’ll try my best on this account!
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