fork-tectors · 3 years
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fork-tectors · 3 years
comfort ║ john
comfort ; john x reader [ unedited ] [ word count ║ ??? words ]
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A rough sigh left his lips as he leaned into the gentle touch of my hands as it cupped his face. His closed eyes fluttered open to meet mine, clear exhaustion appearing in his golden brown eyes.
A soft crimson colour adorned my cheeks as he slowly turned his head to give a ginger kiss on my fingertips. John released a breathy chuckle at my reaction.
I joined in with a laugh, and smiled at him, "rough day, huh?"
Wordlessly, he nods. I lean closer to him until our foreheads are touching, "it'll be alright, darling. I'm here to help..."
I placed a quick chaste kiss on his lips and his nose, smiling to myself. He send vibrations throughout my body as he grumbled words quietly against my hands, his slender fingers carefully holding onto my wrist.
"You wanna help me bake something?" I asked, receiving nothing but a hum from him.
"I can make that chocolate cake you like so much, maybe buy some boba too?" You suggested, making John emit a small closed lip smile.
"I'd like that, babe..."
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sorry for being dead lol
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fork-tectors · 3 years
dream ║ seraphina
I was gonna post this earlier but I couldn't find the motivation to log in here. Basically, I had a dream where Seraphina was confirmed to be bisexual. I can't remember anything else about the dream though, it was three days ago---
Anyways, here's a little something for you guys-- https://aidn.jp/wowa/792101897
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fork-tectors · 3 years
rarepair(?) ║ ships
This has been stuck in my mind for a while now. I can't stop thinking about it.
My only ships are Arlo x Seraphina, and Evie x Seraphina. I alternate between the two, because I can't decide and I think both are cute. And also, I'm pretty sure Blyke x Remi is canon.
I saw a post about ships, and obviously I dived into the comments. There was a comment about a ship regarding Evie x Arlo or something, I vaguely remember. I forgot which site I was on at the time, but I remember the comment.
ajsdfbhskb help
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fork-tectors · 3 years
a small bundle ║ rei
a small bundle ; rei x short! chaotic! reader
[ edited ] [ word count ║ 381 words ]
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— You were always quite short, people being rather larger and intimidating in size to you. Yes, including Rei, but not so much. Rei's too adorable to be intimidating. — Sure, your height added to your cuteness factor. It can be a hassle sometimes. — Especially when you're boyfriend is a foot or so taller than you. — when you two go out, go on dates or go on walks in general, you'd see better-looking people than yourself. — Of course, being your insecure self, you'd start comparing yourself to them, silently glaring at the ground as if it wronged you. This is a common occurrence with you. — You and Rei have been in a relationship for a long while. He's definitely memorized your mannerisms by now. — You're holding hands with him, but he grips your hand tighter then take a good look at you. —  He caught you off of your trance. — He's looking at you with concern, and you've stopped walking. — He places two of his hands on each side of your face. You become flustered; your cheeks get pigmented with the distinct red colour. — "Are you okay?" — "Yea, why wouldn't I be?" — Unconvinced, Rei shook his head, "you dummy, I know you're not."
— Rei is very tolerant of the stupid shit you do. — you’re a gremlin. — Like when you "accidentally" adopted a dog. — "I leave you for five minutes, and now you have a dog." — "I mean, look at them. They look so cute!" You tried to persuade him, showing him the dog. — "... How did this even happen...?" — "Some girl just walked up to me and asked me if I wanted a pet. I said 'sure', then she handed me the leash. Now, I have this." — "..." — "We can keep them, right? :D" — "..." — You ended up having to give the dog to a nearby animal shelter.
— Or the other time, when he left Remi with you. You got yourself stuck in a grocery's backroom for two hours. — The boxes toppled over and blocked the door; the only entryway. None of the box's contents were broken, which is a relief. — He wasn't surprised but disappointed. — It took about an hour since Rei couldn't get the staff to help or believe him. — You two got out eventually. — You got a long lecture from Rei.
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I’m not fully back, just dropping this here. Ngl, this got delayed for a really long time because the original file got deleted, and I got pissed for quite a while. I remember this request showed up in my inbox in 2019 or early 2020, so this is really late. I’m sorry ._.
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fork-tectors · 3 years
Hi there! Can I get some Rei with short s/o (like 5') that's quite chaotic? Honestly Rei is an underrated bab uwu. Thank you! :p
Sorry for the long wait. I finally posted it :>
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fork-tectors · 3 years
Hey, ya’ll. Happy new year! Thanks for putting up with me :> And for that, I reward you with an ✨ unwanted hiatus that no one asked for! ✨
When will I be back? I do not know, but the time will come :D
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fork-tectors · 3 years
arlophina(?) writing ideas/aus ║ ships
Arranged marriage AU
Enemies to lovers AU
Red string AU
I’m writing one of these but I won’t tell you which is which It’s perfect.
Btw, can someone tell me what the actual ship name for them? I’m no good with names... For now, I’ll stick to Arlophina :>
(Edit: I was thinking that it could be called Shielded Time, then I remembered that Sera is powerless atm. I’m still in denial. It could be Shielded Ace since y’know, she’s still technically an Ace??? Ahhh, I’m dumbbb)
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fork-tectors · 3 years
I am blissfully unaware and I would like it to stay that way until 2021.
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fork-tectors · 4 years
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Look at her. Beautiful. Absolutely stunning. She’s a queen and she’s rocking the outfit
But somehow people are making a fuss about this shit???
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Okay dude, idc
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Wha-- A hippie, really???
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Ah yes, slut shaming.
OH NO, she’s showing SKIN. Such immodest clothing! What a slut!
What the hell do you want? For her to be covered from head to toe?? She’s literally is dressed in a full body of clothing.
And who cares how people dress. This a drawing.
Okay so, the next few replies are actually so dumb. I’m not showing screenshots anymore since I’m not gonna waste time censoring names.
He compared Sera’s outfit to a drug addict’s, because he doesn’t like the clothes??? He kept saying it was crap and drug addicts were wearing crap clothing. So, basically, he was comparing Sera to a drug addict for some reason
And that her personality doesn’t suit that clothes? I mean, you don’t have to match your clothes with your personality. There’s many personalities that opposes the person’s style. That makes no sense??
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Tell me if I’m wrong cause I am losing my mind I’ll see myself out now
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fork-tectors · 4 years
Yes, the bi energy! I honestly love the outfit, I think it really suits her! <3
Look, I'm not saying the new art confirms sera I gay. But I am saying it confirms she's Bi.
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Yup, bi energy inbound. Both her and Claire rock that plaid bi disaster style
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fork-tectors · 4 years
trusted ⁽ᵖᵃʳᵗ ²⁾
; among us au trusted ; unordinary / among us reader insert [ unedited ] [ word count ║ 1108 words ] [ part one ║ part two ]
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One (1) impostor remains.  
What the absolute hell? No one informed us that there were gonna be two of them. They never at least hinted at it. I thought once we ejected the one, then the nightmare would be over, we'll be back to our separate daily lives. But, surprise, surprise, there were two.  
I huffed. This sucks. Finding the first impostor took four days, we don't know how long the next one would take to be discovered. Maybe less? One can only hope so. If it lasts for more than a week, chances are that everyone gets murdered.  
I squeezed my eyes shut, rolling over to my side to pretend to sleep.  
The transition from evening to the early morning was horrendously long, let's just say that I didn't get the amount of sleep I need to be energized enough. I didn't want to get up from the bed. I covered myself of the blandly coloured blanket, going back to complete my rest. It's so cosy...  
I was distracted by the loud knock on my door, I groaned in annoyance.
Enduring the relentless knocking, I finally left my bed. Both of my feet came into contact with the cold metal floor, sending a chill throughout my whole body. I brushed off the feeling and walked over to answer whoever was here.
  Not bothering to get ready before answering the door, I open it. The teal haired girl was shyly standing in my doorway, already suited up in her cyan spacewear whilst I was still dressed in the white shirt and shorts they supplied for all of us. It's a uniform, I guess. It's weird, yes.
"Oh! Uh, (Y/n-), I mean, White!" She quickly corrects herself, not that mind her addressing me by my real name. If I was talking one-on-one with another crewmate, I'd feel comfortable if we'd address each other as our name. We all agreed to identify ourselves as our colours. It's easier.
  "It's fine, you can call me (Y/n) if you're more comfortable."  
"Oh, thanks. But I think it'll be better if I call you by your colour." Elaine or Cyan replies, "By the way, um, you should dress up. They're waiting for you in the cafeteria."  
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I'll be quick, I promise!" I head back into my room, hearing her tell me that she'd wait for me, then I heard a click of a door. I grabbed a towel from the clothes shelf and ran into the bathroom.
I finished doing my thing, not wanting to waste more time. I made sure I decently dried myself with towels before I got suited up, so it wouldn't feel uncomfortably moist in it.  
Once I finished, I caught up with Elaine, so she didn't have to wait long for me. The cafeteria came into view, and we decided to spit. Everyone was keeping to themselves, except for the trio. Blyke, Isen and Remi.    
I quickly acquired the tray with the space food, which wasn't exactly appealing, but if I was to get through the day; I might as well feed myself enough. Unwillingly, I trudged myself into an already occupied table, each table was.  
Dark Blue was sat in this one, he was mindlessly pushing the thing around his tray with his utensil; looking like he had no plan on eating the remains. "Um, do you mind if I sit here?" He dropped his fork as a reaction.  
I awkwardly chuckled at him. "Nah, it's cool. I don't mind at all."  
I set myself beside him, but not too close and ate my food. We made small talk here and there, but nothing of importance. He seemed pretty nice, It'll be a shame if he would be the impostor.  
The day went as is. Completing tasks, suspecting impostors, voting to skip due to having not enough shreds of evidence and leaving to our rooms for rest. It seems like the impostor was preparing for something, something big maybe. I was growing more anxious by the minute.  
Those days of us waiting led to this moment.   
"It's orange, I tell you! He was the one who murdered Cyan! Not me! I was there!" Holden pleaded with desperation in his tone. He's close getting ejected as the time of votation counts down, the number of votes pinned on him was high. It was around maybe four or five.  
"Don't fucking lie to my face!" Blyke sneered, "You were alone in navigation with the body. No one else was in there! You're not taking me for a fool, are you?!"  
"Orange vented out of Navi! Fucking listen to me! Why do you always take his side?!" Holden gritted his teeth, looking aggravated.  
The duration of choosing came to an end. Green was loosening the ejection chute, but not opening it yet, preparing to throw Dark Blue out.  
The photos of each crewmate along with the votes they received were displayed on the screen. There only two people who were competing for the ward of ejection. Four voted for Dark Blue, who were Purple, Pink, Green, and Red. Dark Blue and Yellow we're the only ones who went to Orange. I didn't get to vote, the time ran out before I get wrap my head on who to choose.  
Not that anything I did would change the result.  
Remi must've noticed the ratio and turned to the quiet male, "Yellow, why'd you vote Orange...?" She asked in a not-so-obvious accusatory voice.  
Arlo didn't reply, just brushed her question off. My ears hurt as I heard the loud pleas for him to stay on board. "I didn't do anything wrong! I'm innocent!"  
His words were left unheard while he was harshly shoved into the chute, no regards for his comfort. The guy was gonna die, maybe not make it too painful.  
"I hope you're happy now," was his last sentence to us as he was pushed off the ship and pulled into a breathtaking hug by the dark blanket of space. I watch his body go limp through the thick glass. There was no point in fighting it since he was bound to run out of oxygen in no time.  
He’s gonna die.  
Our faces were washed over with guilt as the bold text appeared letter-by-letter on the large screen followed by the italicized words. It was mocking us of our mistake.  
Holden/Dark Blue was not an impostor. One (1) impostor remains.
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Idk where will this go tbh. Consume my creation. Tumblr just hates it when I indent my writing. The formatting sucks ass :)))
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fork-tectors · 4 years
My UnO fangroup on quotev has been inactive for many months now.
It hasn’t been gaining attraction than usual but my book has gathered a pretty decent number of audience, over a hundred people added it into their library.
At the footer of said, I linked the group under a text telling them to join the group if they want. Every chapter had that text.
I didn’t know what was wrong so I clicked the text.
God fucking damnit.
It directed me to Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up.
It was a rickroll.
I fucking played myself.
But, I wonder how many people wanted to join and was greeted with a rickroll lmao I should really change it back now  
Also happy birthday to John <3
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fork-tectors · 4 years
trusted ║ arlo
; among us au trusted ; crewmate! arlo x crewmate! reader
[ edited ] [ word count ║ 1271 words ] [ part one ║ part two ]
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John/Black was an imposter. One (1) impostor remains.   
The recently ejected person's best friend blandly stared at the screen. Once she had processed the words, her face contorted into an expression of anger and betrayal.    
Her shaking hand curled into a tight fist. She spent most of her time on the ship with the dark-haired male. They had been here for almost four days, and they had bonded; she felt deceived. Was he only using her as an alibi?   
Sure he hasn't killed her, but, he would've done it afterwards since it would only be a matter of time. There are no friendships in this game.   
She wanted to use her ability to turn back time and ask him. But, she shook her head with a weak laugh. "It isn't worth it," she whispered to herself.   
After Elaine did her best to console the upset short-haired girl, we all went our way. The mentioned two leaving with the company of each other. I felt horrible for her. It isn't every day that your new best friend turns out to be a murderer.   
I made my way to go to Admin with the guy in the yellow spacesuit, which I afterwards learned his name was Arlo, walking side-by-side. He wasn't very talkative was honestly quite distant and cold to everyone, but, I didn't want to wander alone, and that we both had a few tasks in Admin left for the day. We thought it would be convenient that we head there together. I will bet my life that he was safe; I watched him do the scanning task, and he hasn't done anything to be called "sus".   
I'm sure he was still sceptical of me since I had no assigned tasks to prove my innocence. Not that I need it to show that I am just a mere defenceless crewmate.   
We arrived at Admin quickly; it was near the cafeteria anyway. I jumped to do my work, and so did he.   
I kneeled onto the ground; the blonde-haired guy was still seen in my peripheral view. I pulled out my ID card. Taking some info from talking to the other crewmates, they complained about how hard the card swipe was. I didn't think it would be that difficult. I mean, how hard can it be?   
I unscrewed my helmet to make myself adjust to my comfort level, placing the headwear near me on the table. I started my job, readying the item needed.   
Swipe!  Too fast.   
Swipe! Too fast.    
Swipe! Bad read.    
Swipe! Too slow.     
Taking a quick break after two failed ones, I sighed and continued with a whine.   
Five attempts and the constant reminder of doing something wrong later, I was tired and annoyed with it. I slammed my fists on the hard metal surface which startled the boy who was performing his final task of the day.  
"What's wrong?" He asked as looked over at my work station to see me sitting on the ground, slumped over.  
"... I hate card swipe," I murmured.  
I heard the subtle sound of zapping before hearing metal come into loud contact with metal.  
"Get up."  
I felt the sudden grip on my right shoulder, "Hey, stand up."  
I looked up at him to see his sparkling blue eyes, taking notice that he had taken off his helmet too. His eyes are so pretty, I awwed. It was kinda stuffy in the suit, so I guess it was expected.  
I followed his command and grabbed my wrist with my fingers wrapped around the card, "here." He guided my hand to help me with my work.   
He coiled his hand around mine as I positioned the laminated piece of paper to do my thing. With one steady motion, the mission that took more than ten tries was completed.  
"There. It wasn't that hard, right?" I gave him a sarcastic look, though he just ignored it.
"That was your last task?" I hummed in agreement.   
We were caught off guard when the loud alarm rang through our ears, someone must've pushed the emergency meeting button. Without warning, I clutched his arm and set off to retreat back to the cafe, not wanting to be late. Arlo just quietly obeyed and sprinted with me.  
I notice a person dressed in an orange spacesuit standing near the table, the red button left uncovered. He must be the one we called a meeting, I thought.  
Soon the crewmates slowly arrived with their buddies and some alone. My eyes circled the room to see if everyone was present. Pink. Cyan. Red. Dark Blue. Green... Wait a sec, where's green?   
Speaking of the devil, she appears to be the last to arrive. No, I'm not gonna call her suspicious just cause she the last to enter the room. That's a dick move.  
"Who called the meeting?" Dark Blue, or Holden, spoke up.  
Orange, or Isen, help up their covered hand, "I did."  
"So, why?"   
The orange-haired boy sighs, "It's Green."  
Hearing their colour be brought up, Cecile glares at him in surprise. She seemed taken it back by his abrupt accusation, "excuse me...!?"  
"Tell me, what's your alibi then?" Orange was acting more persuasive than usual.  
The pink-eyed female growled at him, narrowing her eyes. A vibrant glint of pink visible from her irises, as if to indicate that she was powering up her ability. "I was at Med bay, doing my task like a responsible cremate should, unlike someone who's going around accusing people. What's your proof?" She looked somewhat agitated.  
Isen imitated the girl's action, his glare was prominent, and an orange hue was projecting from his eyes. Both leant near, looking like they had the intent to harm the other. If they didn't have the madness in their eye, I would've thought they were gonna kiss.  
Before the situation could escalate itself, a girl who was dressed in pink intruded and pushed them off of each other. "Getting angry and fighting won't resolve any of this!" She yelled.  
At first, I thought Isen was just nervous. I kept noticing how fidgety he was every time I encountered him, that was just a mere observation. That didn't really come across as unusual since everyone else was acting the same. Honestly, I was beginning to become sceptical of him despite that I've no proof of him doing anything strange.  
There's another impostor still on board? I thought. Could it be Orange...?   
As if he was speaking my mind, Arlo stabs an allegation at Isen. "Isen, why are you so eager to vote someone without any evidence? That's extremely shady. If I were to be the judge, I'd think you're an imposter or either siding with them."   
"Hey, man! He's not an imposter, he's been with Remi and I a lot of these days!" The redhead jumps to protect his friend.  
"So did John," Sera said.  
It didn't feel right to give more statements about what's happening since people were already arguing. Maybe being stuck in this ship with anyone being an alleged murderer was taking a toll on everyone's mentality. I yawned, I feel tired.  
"None of what you people are saying mean anything! None of us knows each other personally. Don't be fucking stupid! We're all just strangers! We can buddy up with someone, but we can't be sure that they're fully safe to be with!" She inhales, pausing, "Look at John, you think someone could've known that he was gonna be the imposter?!" Cecile stayed silent once she finished with her rant. We did similarly.  
"Let's just vote to skip for now."   
And that's what we did.  
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This will only go two ways. Either with Arlo or with Isen. Btw, they’re all strangers here, if you haven’t caught on. They don’t know each other outside of this. This might get a part two if I become motivated enough to finish it:>
ngl the card swipe task ain’t that hard though
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fork-tectors · 4 years
Hey ya’ll, I made a oneshot of UnOrdinary in Among Us and I honestly don’t know what to do with it. So, I’m gonna post it here now!
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fork-tectors · 4 years
affectionate s/o imagines ║ arlo
affectionate s/o imagines; arlo x affectionate! reader
[ edited ] [ word count ║ 428 words ]
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— If it's not clear to you already, Arlo is not the most affectionate person you'd ever meet. — He'd show very minimal emotions, and that's the norm to him. He just always looks angry tho even if he's not lol. — You, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. Probably the most compassionate person in the whole of Wellston, which doesn't really say a lot but nvm. — This two would be the least likely to end up being a couple. — Though, what can I say? Opposites attract.  
— People were surprised when they saw you just up and hugged the blonde out of nowhere. — Cue Arlo being blushy and embarrassed, but still somehow maintaining a straight face. Babe, how you do that??? — Unexpected hugs are the norm to him now. — You'd jump on him, but he won't react. Though, when he does react, he picks up by the waist while you loop your arms around his neck.  
— You're not the best cook, but you do try, especially for him. — You like to surprise with a lunch pack, appearing in front of him when the period before his lunch ends, occasionally eating with him when you're not busy. — Sometimes you get distracted and have to run in order to catch up with him, who was already near the cafeteria. You're not the most athletic person, so sometimes your legs give up on you. — "Arlo!" — "Huh?" He turns to look at you, panting hard and sweat sliding down the side of your face. — With a bright closed-mouth smile, you hand him the Tupperware containing the homemade meal. — He looks in awe it, then muttering a thank you. He's not best at showing emotion, but he appreciates it very much. — The look on Arlo's face makes your heart beat faster. — So cute, you would think to yourself. But, you still felt like you were dying since that day, you had to run two flights of stairs, to get to his classroom. — Arlo carries you so you wouldn't be more tired  
— One word: flowers. — It doesn't need to be a date. Arlo will bring you your favourite flower every time you go out. — How did it start? Well. — It was the first date; he brought you a rose. The thorns already cut off, of course. You thought the act was so flattering. One day in a random conversation, you brought up that [ flower ] was your favourite. That was when he stopped bringing roses and brought your preferred ones. — Where does he get it? — Idk man, ask him. He's your boyfriend anyways lol.  
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fork-tectors · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could maybe do imagines for Arlo with a super affectionate significant other? Love all the work btw ❤❤
Awww. Thank you, iIy <3 I’ll be right there with your request!
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