#unless they're a lil comic like this
esprei · 2 years
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warden ingo gives sneasler belly rubs (then promptly gets attacked for it)
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critterbitter · 4 months
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your comic making process? I find it hard to make comics that look eye-pleasing to read and yours are like candy.
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Ah, comics! Dig under cut to see some old wips as I attempt to explain my nightmare thought process to you.
For making a comic AESTHETIC and APPROACHABLE:
I've noticed that it's easier for people to be pulled into a comic if I set the environment first and foremost, so people have some vague context for the scene. Of COURSE that's not always necessary ( there are a lot of comics that start out without environmental story telling and it works perfectly) but I've always liked having a lil illustration before digging my rat claws into the meat of the story.
For example! “Emmet and Elesa have a clandestine meeting in the library at 4 am.”
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The sketch was sort of the jumping point to where I wanted to go with the comic. I wanted to a. explain wtf is happening and b. draw a nice conclusion about what the f is happening.
You don't need to make the environment available in every panel too! I'd suggest making your first panel tell all the environment detail you need and then like... slowly removing irrelevant detail from there. And then hit folks with the background again at the end. (So basically, you don't see the library in this comic until the beginning and a bit towards the end. I have tricked you! aha!) So that's one tip i have. For Readability: Anyways, to make a comic easy to read, spacing is super important. Dialogue tends to cramp a shot by a WHOLE lot. For example! Remember the "Lamp is told she's beloved (and has a tsundere moment over it"? That used to be TWO panels. Man. Nightmare fuel. Lemme find it. (This is the rough. I Lined It, realized the pacing is off, and then withered. Please don't look at it too hard.)
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So here's the thing. This READS. But the sheer amount of dialogue in the beginning is fatiguing for me and the "you are beloved, Lampent" NEEDS that oomph of both characters realizing that over the span of years, their relationship stopped being antagonistic and started being family instead. Some folks are fine with blocks of dialogue, but I have the attention span of a patrat on candy. I will not make it. SO! To match the almost moody atmosphere, I stretched the comic out. I stretched that bad boy out a LOT. And I got this out of it.
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Something to keep in mind in comics is there's always going to be one or two iconic lines. Lines that make people FEEL things. Those lines deserve their own panel, their own shot, their whatever. A good story has lulls in its conversation. If you can replicate it, you're winning. Character Blocking:
So basically no, it's not all witchcraft. It's only a bit of witchcraft. Another thing that helps is differentiating characters if they're on the same panel is by solid blocks of color. I have, for the longest time when working on storyboards, blocked characters different tones in order to help differentiate them. Don't be shy! Do that if it helps your comics read! Ingo will always be darker shaded then emmet. The angry nightlight will always have some hint of purple on her (unless I forget). The first goal in a story is to convey information, hehe. Here's an example of color blocking! (This is from a VERY old botw comic I did for linktober in 2021.)
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It's, ah, rather rustic compared to what I do. usually. I know! BUT the primary goal here is to convey where the characters are in relation to each other. And the fact they're color coded makes life easier for both reader and artist. Alright! That's all the tips I can think of off the top of my head. Time to get off that soap box, haha. Overall: Basically, my work process is-- draw a story telling image/ write a funny piece of dialogue. Build the comic around that. Pace it so the important lines stand out. Color code the characters for max visibility. And then four to twelve hours of lineart, but that's neither here or there.
Thanks for coming to my unregulated rambling!
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whipped-cheese · 1 month
Grrrgrgr it has been a wip for decades-
My fish babies!! Aaaa :D
Aaaaaaaaand Sulien!! :]
[click for quality]
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Fish Duty au
EEEEEEEE!!! *Confetti!!*
Ramblings of a madman underneath-
-So, originally- just going to make sun- since I drew him in the little comic I made a while back, but then I decided , why not make a moon too
you know-
no sun is complete without their Moon /silly
So rambling rambling rambling time, info dumping mmm
Wanted to distinct them with their own names-
Esmeray! (or just Ray) -(Sun)
Sulien! (or just sully/sul) -(Moon)
Esmeray means dark moon and Sulien means sun born c:
Sometimes I'll forget so if a say sun and moon at some point it translates to Ray or Sul-
-So the same logic as last time applies,
the lighter size of their face and body is damaged/very sensitive, so the eye that's on the lighter side of their face is very very foggy so essentially, they're blind on that side of the face, soooo half blind. Often causing them to bump into fish or other random things in their enclosure sometimes.
-Usually you only see ONE at a time, but NEVER BOTH.
Often leading visitors to assume that there is only one clownfish in the enclosure that transforms or something when it's night, but really, when it's daytime Esmeray is out y'knoww, entertaining, doing tricks, swimming around while Sulien sleeps and when it's night time, Esmeray sleeps and then Sulien is entertaining, or just glowing around, looking pretty.
You never see them both out at the same time, rarely.
Really unless it's something important or it's something special.
Sometimes they'll both cuddle together in their little cove..🥺 on their sea anemone bed
usually in the late evenings 4-5pm before Sulien gets to go out and roam for the night.
(ray can't fall asleep comfortably, without being close to his brother [happening since they were young] so sulien snuggles with ray until ray falls asleep)
-as I said before- later on down the line, when y/n begins working at a janitor at the exotic fish aquarium, our lil fishy frens kinda gets the memo after a while and starts to draw on a little area of sand that's infront of the glass to communicate and y/n started fogging the glass and writing on it to communicate, Ray (sun) doesn't understand words so they both do little drawings instead.
No one really knows where he learnt it from- but Sulien (moon) knows a bit of English, only a few simple words (hello,bye, mad, you, me, us, angry, food, help, feel,etc.) he also uses the sand.
Performance wise, esmeray does lil heart water bubbles, (or really just any shape, kinda like how clowns do balloon animals and other items) it's something he usually does for visitors, kids mostly. He'll wave, bow, press his face against the glass to be funny, do silly faces that makes the kids laugh, even some regulars that really want to become marine biologist, etc. that often visit the aquarium on weekends that he's very very fond of. He does loads of shows and tricks for people when they walk up to his case, very very active lil fella
the clown fish must perform!! :]
Sulien on the other hand, usually comes out when it's night time, so it's quite rare to see him considering he's mostly active during practically closing time- up until opening hours.
When people do have the rare chance of seeing him at the front of one side of their enclosure, he's not really that active in terms of show BUT he will put on a very pretty light show.
It's absolutely mesmerizing.
Those who get to stay and finish watching it atleast-
The guards are pretty avid on getting everyone out of the aquarium at the designated time.
He also sings sometimes, which is extremely extremely rare-
Guards working there for years have probably only ever heard it twice-
I'll be drawing (mostly sketches) more of them for a little<3
Also- before, I'd prefer posting stuff about my other au 'A Bad Teaser au /lust au' somewhere separate because it's slightly,eeeehhh just a touch suggestive- BUT
I'm gonna redraw and start posting stuff about it here.
Sooner or later (very soon- like I have loads of drawings of them but no where to put it, and I wanna share my suggestive whore men /pos /silly )
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inkdemonapologist · 2 months
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nobody asked but since I've seen a lil chatter on the DCTL Graphic Novel on tumblr too, here's the thread I posted on twitter, speaking as someone who's done a little freelance work as a comic artist, under the jump:
Main thought about the DCTL graphic novel preview is: yeah, I've made designs like that when I was being paid by the page and expected to just throw in extra design work for free and I have a deadline and no time to scour the source material or really put my heart into the design No shade to the artist; every complaint I have about the pages we've seen is that this looks like someone who was just working (quickly) from a script. The artist is likely not a Big Fan, so they only know the info and descriptions they're given. And the artist's portfolio shows they're capable of the kind of designs and dynamics this comic needed. its possible they phoned it in for no reason, but feels more likely to be "not enough time/not paid enough/not given enough info to give it that level of care." Which, don't get me wrong; an important level of craftsmanship and care is missing and im not gonna blame the artist but i AM gonna be a hater abt it lmao It's not just about designs; the convo with Joey is another good example. It's a literal illustration of the things Joey said and did in that scene, but it's missing the point -- that scene is our introduction to the way Joey throws Buddy off-balance. That energy is missing. And that's the sort of thing that needs the script to convey this purpose well to the artist, that needs the artist to have time & freedom to invest in portraying it, that needs time & investment & knowledge to ask for adjustments at early stages and get the page right one more note: begging batim fans 2 think abt the plot of DCTL and realise why "maybe we will not make the creepy guy who dies at the end a black man in this" is perhaps a reasonable choice. like im a fan of poc norman headcanons too but pls recognise this would be a tough call!! anyway, genuinely cannot wait to see how off sammy is gonna be in this lmao. will he be a mid non-design like norman or will he be conventionally handsome or will he get graphic novel dave miller vibes b/c hes an antagonist? will we get the fabled black hair sammy??? i cant wait
TL;DR I strongly suspect this was an issue of not enough time/not enough money. That design looks nothing like the description of Norman, right? Like, there's hundreds of different AU designs of all shapes, colours and sizes that you could create that would still look like Norman Polk, but somehow they managed to make a character that isnt ANY of them, lmao??? So... how could that happen, unless nobody gave the artist a description of Norman? Or if they did, how did that design make it past anyone else, unless there wasn't time for revisions or a system worked out for revisions, unless whoever was managing the comic project thought it was fine if the designs didn't fit with the descriptions in the book? If everyone is doing their job, then the artist is given the information they need without having to go do unpaid YA novel research before they can start drawing. That's why you have a writer adapting it!!
Anyway I could yell about this for 15 years so I'm going to shush for now BUT I JUST FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT IT LMAO.
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dont-ask-invisobill · 5 months
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IT'S BEEN FOUR YEARS???? listen. life happens really hard.
i just wanted to announce here, in case anyone following this blog is still active and interested, that i really want to give this whole ask blog business another shot. however, this blog is attached to my Former main account, and i've since moved, and signing back in here and seeing the clutter of my old blog would drive me wild, SO!!: we're moving!!!! the url of the new ask blog is the same as the (former) url of this blog: @ask-invisobill. if you wanna drop an ask while i get the whole thing started again, feel free to!
i'm gonna be redoing this comic as a lil promo thing in the meantime; until then, i probably won't be responding to any asks unless they're directed at me, the mun! and not danny! he's busy right now please be patient thank you for ur understanding.
this post is queued to post daily for, like, a month or something, so even if you don't wanna follow the new blog, definitely unfollow this one for your own sanity.
see you there!
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steventhusiast · 10 months
just a lil thought i had to get out of my head about autistic steve whose special interest is spider-man and his boyfriend eddie, who he is deciding to show his spider-man collection to
eddie knows steve loves spider-man. he's watched him process the trauma of the upside down through spider-man analogies, and seen him meticulously reposition the spider-man figurine that lives on his bedside table, and reassured him that it's okay he can't sleep over at eddie's unless he has his spider-man pillow with him.
but until now, more than a year after they'd first started being close enough to really know each other, he hadn't realised this was steve holding back some of his love for spider-man.
"where have you been hiding a comic book collection, stevie?" he asks as steve holds him by the wrist and guides him upstairs.
"i, um, hide them before people come over. they're- they're important to me and i don't want people to break them so i just don't let people see them." steve explains, and when they reach his bedroom he gestures for eddie to sit down on his bed.
"i bet you impress all the boys with your comics." eddie proclaims jokingly, putting a hand to his forehead and pretending to swoon as he falls back onto steve's bed. steve giggles, but when eddie looks over at him he's shaking his head as he opens his closet.
"no. i've never showed anyone else my comics, eddie." he corrects, and eddie feels his cheeks go a little pink. he knew this is a big deal for steve, but clearly it is an even bigger deal than he had expected.
"well, thank you for showing me."
steve doesn't say anything else as he pulls out a wooden box and brings it over to the bed. eddie notes how carefully steve is as he takes the lid off, and the smile that covers steve's face when he looks down at his collection.
the way steve can't resist a little happy flap of his hands before reaching in to pull out a pristine comic that's protected by clear plastic, is adorable to eddie.
"this is my favourite one." steve tells him quietly, and tilts the comic so eddie can see the cover, "have you read it?"
eddie leans forward to read the issue's title.
"the amazing spider-man #298, chance encounter. no i haven't read it." he reads dramatically, and squints at the costume on the cover, "hey, why's his costume black?"
steve practically vibrates in excitement at the question, and he carefully puts the comic back in the box before answering.
"it's a new suit! but then- also at the end a new character is revealed and he steals spider-man's suit design because- wait, i don't want to spoil it..." steve digs his nails into his palms like it takes a physical effort to not tell eddie about this new character, and it makes eddie smile. he gently takes each of steve's hands and unfurls them until he's not hurting himself anymore.
"i appreciate that, stevie. can i have a look at the rest of them?"
steve looks a little nervous at that, but eventually nods slowly.
"just don't take them out of the sleeves!" he instructs eddie, and hovers next to him as he looks through some of the comics in the box. as steve monitors if eddie is treating his spider-man stuff with enough respect, he taps a rhythm into his own hip.
eddie spends the afternoon getting various spider-man issues and story arcs explained to him as he and steve sit shoulder-to-shoulder on the edge of his bed.
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genericpuff · 1 year
I hope you won't mind this in particular because I have no way of posting this anonymously to the critical community outside of making a burner account but I'm hoping that maybe you could share this as you're well respected in the community and may understand where I'm coming from.
It has become increasingly uncomfortable the way I've seen some people in the community comment on Psyche's design. I'm Black, and while I have my issues with the way she's been introduced, her entire character arc, or the fact that she was made into a token character for diversity points, I still find the way part of the community discusses her increasingly uncomfortable and nearing anti-Blackness at times. Really all I want is for non-Black criticals to please be more mindful of their criticisms when it comes to her character. That's all. Some comments are starting to become hurtful, like her current hair being called ugly (which I get isn't done in more creative styles but puff ponytails are a thing Black women wear often) or just the fact that she's Black now at all, she was always brown, the only thing that really changed was her hair texture and eye color. And repeatedly seeing things like "She looked prettier before" when she isn't ugly or "I liked her hair before" it's...uncomfortable, which hurts because I really enjoy this community full of creative and intelligent people. 💔
That's all, thank you for taking the time to read this.
Ouu, this is a great post with some great points, thank you for sharing! I don't mind people sharing their takes through my inbox if it gives them a safe outlet to do so, just so long as y'all don't mind me responding to them!
CW: this is mostly just a very sensitive post regarding race and culture representation in LO so just be aware that this one miiiight be heavy and/or triggering, please please please if anyone has anything to share in response to this just let me know, these discussions are important to have but they can still be emotionally draining and I don't want to make anyone feel upset or invalidated by this lil' essay post!!!
So obviously I can't speak on this as a black person BUT as an Indigenous person, I feel like I would be in your same boat if Psyche were being drawn with Indigenous/Mi'kmaq traits and I saw people going "well she looks UGLY now and she was PRETTIER before." So I can empathize with you there in that regard, people's takes can be a little rough around the edges with this kind of topic.
But I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time when these topics do come up because a lot of the criticisms aren't aimed at Psyche specifically being black or having textured hair, they're aimed at Rachel for suddenly retroactively retconning Psyche from being a dark-skinned/brown Mediterranean woman into a black woman.
Like, straight up, what pisses me off about how Psyche is treated is simply how she's been drawn as 4 different women of color over the course of the comic. Having a hairstyle that changes often is one thing (literally every character in LO lacks consistency) but her hair texture and length is constantly changing (which isn't something you can just change on a whim unless you're Persephone LMAO) AND her skin tone has flip flopped between, again, dark-skinned/ woman and black woman. In some panels she's outright orange which is... ech.
Now, take this with grains of salt because I have no source on it, but I've seen claims that RS once stated she "always wanted to draw Psyche black, but didn't know how to." Besides the fact that this sounds outright lazy (it's not hard to learn how to paint skintones that are not your own, Google exists) it also seems like RS trying to paint herself as "progressive" which she's done for a LOT of things beyond just POC rep (ex. fat rep, mental health rep, etc. all things that she's butchered or misrepresented entirely but still pretended like she was doing well).
Again, I'm giving a lot of benefit of the doubt here and I'm sure I'm gonna be proven wrong on this (I welcome it if there's something I've blatantly missed here, educate me in the comment section below pls) but when I see people say Psyche's hair is "ugly" in the newer panels or they "prefer her old design" I don't see it as them saying the hair style or texture itself is ugly or that she, in and of herself, is ugly. Often times people will short form it to "it looks ugly" especially in the faster-paced discussion circles, but really more often than not they mean "I think the way RS is trying to draw her just isn't good." Especially considering how low effort and lip service-y it feels. Like, Psyche's hair rn is literally just a giant texture brush pressed onto the screen and her skin tones are just brown + brown set to Multiply.
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And that design is a far cry from where Psyche started.
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Like, these are LITERALLY not the same women and while some might say "well maybe it was after she became a Goddess-" nope, she looked like her S3 version when she turned back into a mortal from nymph form, except she had an entirely different hair texture and skin tone.
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None of this is to invalidate anyone's feelings regarding this criticism and how it's delivered. There doesn't need to be an intent to hurt for something to be hurtful. The purpose of this post is more so just to explain my own interpretation of where these criticisms come from (as someone who's had them myself) and how I interpret them as a POC. I don't think anyone's trying to be intentionally malicious to people from the POC community (though they can be blasé) especially considering a lot of the people talking about it are black themselves. No one person is a monolith for the entire community so while some are fine with how Psyche is being drawn, others aren't, and I think both are valid in their own ways. Often times it can come down to individual experiences and what people are used to seeing in media when it comes to POC rep and that's something that will vary per person. I've definitely seen conversations revolve around something being racist towards the Indigenous community that I couldn't care less about because it just wasn't something that I found offensive due to my own upbringing or what I'm used to seeing in media. Doesn't mean I can't still be educated on why it's hurtful to others, though!
All I'm gonna say on it is that, personally, I don't find anything inherently wrong with any of the designs on their own, there's nothing ugly with any of those looks. If they were all each their own character, I'd be down for it, absolutely. It's just the fact that all these designs are for ONE character. It's a shame to see Psyche robbed of any consistency even more so than every other character in the plot, and it very much feels like a case of a white New Zealand woman trying too hard to win representation points (and yes, that's a hot take, but it's a small hill I'm willing to die on because we all know RS' history with this sort of thing at this point, she's not good at hiding it lmao). It feels very low effort and obligatory, like Psyche is just there to check off a list of mandatory representation rather than be her own character with her own goals or traits or motivations.
And, REAL hot take, though it isn't really related to the majority of this post, I have to point out that it gets even weirder/ickier when you remember the fact that nymphs are treated as lower class in the narrative and Psyche... becomes a black-coded nymph... who works for Aphrodite as a servant...
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(sigh how was this any better than just doing the OG myth, Rachel?)
Anyways, that's all I'm gonna say on that. That is, again, my personal take on it but I obviously can't speak on behalf of the black community or people in it, most of what drives me nuts just has to do with the lack of character consistency and the feeling that RS is just phoning shit in. The designs on their own independently from one another are fine and I don't think that's what most of the criticisms out there are annoyed about anyways - we're all just tired of seeing Psyche morph into different POC rep characters every other week.
Thank you for taking the time to write and voice your opinion on it, it's definitely a topic that can veer into nasty territory if not treaded carefully but it's one that interests me in talking about because POC rep is important to me, whether or not I belong to the specific culture that's being represented. I know I would be in the same boat if it were concerning Mi'kmaq characters.
And by all means, if y'all think I'm just spouting shit out of my ass or speaking completely out of turn, tell me in the comments or in my asks, this isn't a discussion with one simple clear cut answer or solution so I'd love to hear your own takes o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
A lil late to the anon roll call but better late than never right? I’m butter anon! I’m a nineteen year old, lesbian POC (African American / Jamaican) who’s currently studying 3d animation / graphics and game development in college. And currently creating a comic also based on hell (more based on a hell that’s based off entertainment genres).
I’ve been following vivziepop since 2019 and haven’t become critical until I found your blog! I loved Vivziepop at the beginning of the year and hated everyone who criticized her. . I think I started to become critical though when I saw your blog post about her being an ass to Ashely. I always thought Angel dust being replaced was fishy since Michael is such a good VA. And then I just kinda fell down the rabbit hole.
Anyways! You are doing gods work by sharing this around. And don’t take what her stans say to you to heart. The truth will be revealed. And people will know her true colors.
-butter anon 🧈
Funny how that was the start for so many people. You don't drop people like Michael and Ashley unless something's fishy or they're dead. Can't wait for Hell based comic, though!
And thank you! It's true, truth always outs one way or another.
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shyranno · 2 years
With Hunter drawing Shak Tii, how does he know of her at his age? The clones would have only met any Jedi during 22 BBY when Obi Wan discovered them, but as a cadet, Hunter would not have seen or met her yet. Unless Kamino taught the clones about each Jedi they could work with?
Whoa I literally didn't think about that at all LOL I just thought it'd be cute... Huh... Okay hold on let's do some maths-ing...
Okay, so we know Order 66 happens in 19 BBY, and Obi-Wan discovered the clones in 22 BBY, which means there's a rough 4 year gap between the Batch's current age and their age in this comic strip. If we factor in their growth acceleration at 2x rate, that means that there's an 8 year gap between the boys' biological age in the comic strip and in the show.
If we assume that the batch is younger than Omega (who we'll peg as 13 by the time of Order 66--same as Boba), then that means that they're anywhere between 9 to 11 actual years old (especially since Omega specifically mentions she saw them being born and altered, and I'd assume Omega'd need to be at least 2-3 to remember something like that), especially since the Batch doesn't seem to remember her at all, which implies they would've only been in her presence for a short amount of time during their infant stage.
So, at the youngest, the batch could've been 5 actual years (10 accelerated years) old by the time they meet Shaak Ti, which kinda works out for Hunter's lil fan art of her to become a thing!
Idk if that makes sense, lol but like, I think it works? :p
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Which Arkham Knight rogues would be good parents ?
WOOF, ok this list might be kinda short lmao.
First off, Mr. Freeze. He and Nora would be loving parents, though Freeze's obsessive love and desire to protect would extend to his kid as well as Nora. Sometimes a family is a baby, a recently defrosted wife, and a blue man that will fucking kill anyone who threatens his family's happiness. Bonus angst: he hates that even if he's safer in the suit, he can't properly hold his child. So he constantly exits the suit and takes a double dose of the liquid he takes to minimize pain just so he can touch them. The feeling that his body is on fire is worth it if it means he can hold them. His one regret is that because he's so cold, his touch can startle or even scare his baby if he uses his bare hands. So he makes his pain worse by wearing mittens and padding to keep them comfortable.
Ivy in the comics has taken in children in the past, and I think she would be a good mother. She would instill a respect for nature into her child and I think she would worry about her child's well being. They would come from her and thus be a plant hybrid, and that connection to the Green has admittedly driven her to insanity. The earth is a beautiful system of roots, mycelium, spores, but her child would have to hear the constant screaming and despair of every plant under threat and being choked by man. She would try her best to help them cope and she'd have more empathy for her child than anyone else on the planet because of that.
Jason if he counts would be a good dad, albeit very protective. He won't kill anyone unless they're a genuine threat to his family, but he'll coerce, manipulate, and threaten whoever he needs to keep them happy and safe. Like if a particular kid kept hurting his child at daycare and the staff weren't doing anything to stop it, he'll have his own personal "parent conference" to convince Mom and Dad to curb this behavior. And he'll also dangle the head staff member off a rooftop and have them be more mindful of his kid's needs.
Harvey might be a good dad, but Two-Face wouldn't. His instability would definitely startle and scare his kid who can't really understand why daddy talks/acts/is two people, and why he has to use a coin for everything. He'd embody both sides of parenthood. Harvey is the nurturing, caring, loving side who genuinely wants to do right by his child; Two Face is the fierce protector who will kill, torture, and destroy anything and anyone he views as a threat to his kid and their happiness. Ie. Harvey would comfort his kid if they were being bullied, Two Face would fucking torture the family of the bully and threaten students/teachers into treating his kid nicely at school.
Penguin is also like that but is ostensibly a bit more chill and spoils his kid a LOT more. His dad shipped him away to boarding school but he doesn't want to do that to his kid. He'd only do that if he needed his kid sent somewhere far away from a direct threat to their life, and even then he is constantly sending them letters, calling them/video chatting, giving them gifts, etc. That kid is gonna have a gold encrusted spoon in their mouth and a dad who constantly shows off his "cute lil' baby bird" to everyone.
Deathstroke is canonically a terrible father BUT maybe for the right Darling he'd try to keep a distant but loving relationship encrypted by several layers of security. He's got too many people who'd butcher his baby as revenge to risk being too close, but maybe he'd try his best for Kid Number Four.
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it-is-i-zim · 6 months
hi there! how do you feel about suicide squad: rebirth? i’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews and while i enjoyed it, i can understand a lot of the criticisms.
Suicide Squad: Rebirth the series or Suicide Squad: Rebirth the comic that leads into the series? Either way I feel obligated to say that they're good as a Captain Boomerang fan because it's like... One of very few comics that characterize him alright.
Like... In Suicide Squad: Rebirth (the comic) the burp here was kinda... Unnecessary? I get that he's supposed to be like... The Gross One™ and they're trying to show that but it feels weird because this is the only time it happens in the comic and it didn't happen at all after that in the series.
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In the series it was replaced with something... A lot worse... Toilet humor.
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This would be fine if this was supposed to be for a much younger audience, but I think the target audience is supposed to be late teens and young adults and it just happens so often in the series that it kinda feels less like toilet humor and more like the writer's barely disguised fetish.
But I did really enjoy Digger referencing to the Alien franchise.
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Not only does it confirm the existence of the Alien franchise in the DC universe, but it gives Digger something other than Boomerang Man. You know?
Let's not forget his Uber Autism Moment™
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And then there's how Captain Boomerang was characterized with Hack. He shows remorse. Like... Actual, genuine remorse.
He killed her, but as you can see even after he's done it he just feels awful. He felt obligated to do so because he's supposed to be "the bad guy" and he hates himself so much.
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And Harley Quinn picks up on his guilt a few issues later.
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Give me more of this and less of... Whatever the fuck John Ostrander did to him in the 1987 Suicide Squad comic. If you don't know John Ostrander decided he was racist in that comic and for some reason people still think it's canon when half of the stuff that happened in that comic literally can't even happen anymore as a result of things decided on the current canon such as Sam Scudder being alive and the wrist bombs not being a thing anymore. Not to mention his entire origin is completely different now.
Speaking of his origin... the Secret Agent stuff... exists? I wish they elaborated on it a little more I guess cuz it's an interesting concept. They only ever talked about it in the last 8 pages of issue 2 and then all of issue 47. It felt like it was trying to continue his characterization as a compulsive liar in issue 2 but then the concept was used as filler in issue 47 so it's just canon that he's a former Secret Agent now. And then it hasn't been brought up at all since. And that was 5 years ago.
In all fairness they haven't used him much since, but still. And uh... Seeing how this year's Batman: The Brave and the Bold comic is going with Harcourt's lil story... I think it's going to be a while before he shows up again. Which really sucks for me because it's not like there's a ton of fan content for him, especially not a lot of positive stuff.
Anymore it's Tim Drake fans who haven't seen him at all outside Identity Crisis, that one story from the Red Robin comic where Tim wanted to kill Digger, and Knight Terrors: Robin, as well as people who've literally only seen him in the 1987 Suicide Squad comic and then try to argue with me on what is and isn't canon and then they try to site an Encyclopedia that proves me right more than anything else in an attempt to prove me wrong.
But enough of that. Basically, I like it cuz Captain Boomerang is there and they at least tried to give him something. Unless you're talking about the standalone comic Suicide Squad: Rebirth then I'm neutral about it. Captain Boomerang is there. And that's neat. He's not the biggest douchebag there but he also didn't really do anything so I won't really go out of my way to look for it. Like... I had to pull up a digital copy for the one screenshot all the way at the top.
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mintmoth · 1 year
Hi! I'm a super big fan of your art, everything is so pretty and amazing and I just wanna consume it every time I see one of your comics or illustrations. I just wanted to ask (cause I looked around a lil but didn't see anything covering this, if I missed it so sorry haha) what art program/tablet do you use to draw? Also, do you have any tips for beginning artists? I'm trying to get into drawing but I'm not too sure where to start TwT
AAAAA 😭😭 you're too sweet!! Thank you so much!
Also omg personally I use an iPad with the program/app procreate on it to draw!
I'm gonna put everything else under a read more since I got a little wordy oops
Honestly if I were to offer any beginning artist tips I think the biggest one is to just have fun. I know it sounds silly but really like just have fun and don't worry about what you're drawing being perfect or exactly what you had in mind or anything like that. As long as you're having fun and doing your best and not stressing about what you're creating you'll find yourself wanting to draw and create more- and it's within time and persistence that your skills develop
Also while it's good to draw every day since you do need to actively draw more to improve, don't stress about making sure you do! Just go at your own pace and draw when you feel like it!
I think I stress both of these points since they're things I've been working on and struggling with off and on too, realizing I don't have to be constantly drawing and that what I do draw doesn't have to be perfect, and honestly my comics have been a great exercise in letting myself make things "imperfect"
Relating to actual drawing skill sets, I do think that doing figure drawing is incredibly important since learning anatomy is crucial to drawing, even if it's not the most fun thing. Really if you see someone in a cool pose- typically real life photos- if you just try to see the shapes the human body makes and just loosely sketch a messy version of where their body shapes are can help. You don't have to break them down super basically like some tutorials do, unless that helps you! Everyone draws differently so there's no Right Way to do anything. Here's some examples from some I did a while back! I used highlighters since it made it so I couldn't erase, so I had to be more purposeful in my lines, but you can use any medium you want!
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And don't worry if it doesn't look exactly like the photo you're drawing from- you're learning!
Another thing is that references are your friend, looking at things and figuring out how to draw them is incredibly helpful so don't be afraid to look up anything you're trying to draw for help
Something I used to do specifically for learning, was looking at photos or even pieces of art I thought were cool and then trying to draw something how I saw it, to understand someone else's use of shape and form. These were things I kept in sketchbooks to just figure out how to draw things like hands and feet and legs, using real life and other's works as a reference to teach myself
Then later while drawing on my own, if I couldn't figure out how to draw something I would go back to my own references and practices to help myself by using my own referenced art as a reference- here's a whole page of hands I drew a couple years ago while looking at photos of hands and also some art (uhhh I believe it was from GinjaNinjaOwO on youtube- if you DO post anything you've referenced poses or elements from, be sure to credit the original artist you've taken reference from!)
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You can see I've got a lot of mistakes and scribbles and wonky forms- because I was just trying to understand the shapes and practice drawing hands on my own time, this wasn't anything I had ever drawn with the intention of posting lmao
But! You can do this for any kind of thing you're trying to learn, from arms to facial shapes to hands- just learning what kind of shapes and forms bodies or anything else you're trying to draw take
As far as the side of what kind of stuff to USE to draw, really I'd say to not be afraid of pencil and paper, I know digital art can have a nice and clean polish to it, but especially if you're learning it's really nice to just have a sketchbook (any kind work, just find paper you like! I've been using dot grid notebooks lately!) and a pencil or pen or really anything you feel comfortable with, that you can just loosely draw with and use whenever you like
For digital hardware while I do LOVE the iPad, I know they're pricier and not everyone jives with them, so I'd recommend drawing tablets by the brand Huion, since I've had a great time with them in the past when I used my laptop with Paint Tool Sai, which I also highly recommend as a drawing program, but keep in mind you can use anything! I have a friend who makes AMAZING works just using mspaint lmao
Honestly! In the end, like I said, just focus on having fun and drawing things that you want to without worry for being perfect or 100% anatomically accurate or anything. There's fundamentals that are the best base to build off of but never stress too much about it. Have fun creating! 💙💜
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soulsofinkau · 1 year
Did ace was "made" or "born"?
{ok SO-
All toons in this universe have either been made by humans or created by other toons. They're sort of both??? In their own ways.
For other toons to create a toon you have to have a time where you willingly would take out your own soul/heart, and also combine it with your partner's (no matter the gender) this will usually make another lil bebe soul.
To keep them safe and contained they then put the little guy's souls in bottles, like so-
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I really need to redo this comic
Then when it's ready to finally take on a physical form and grow big enough to where it can survive on its own, it glows, and then you pop open the bottle and BOOM, there's a child
No they don't get pregnant in this universe, or they can??? By some toon logic???
If you're wondering if they can fuck, yeah they can if they so desire but it won't result in a kid unless the soul thing happens, at least in this universe}
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some-pers0n · 17 days
Heyy I’m new to the tf2 fandom and was wondering where you get your content? Obviously there’s the game and the official animations, but is there any other big source? I’ve heard of the comics but haven’t read them, I don’t know anything other than that lol
Tbh there’s so much fanwork that it’s kinda hard to tell what’s canon and what isn’t 😭
Finally got around to this anon ask lol.
For general art and such? I hang around here on Tumblr. Twitter too, but mainly Tumblr. I'm always terrible with remembering artists off the top of my head though.. You just go through the TF2 tag and follow whichever one you'd like :] Same thing said with TF2 fics. Despite writing like. 200k words, I don't read a ton of fics. I get too upset too quickly when the characters aren't exactly like how I write them.
The comics are great! You can find them on the official TF2 website. No need to buy anything, as they're available on the comic section. They're actually supposed to be read on that website lol. They're very silly and fun and I recommend them a lot, especially when it comes to learning the more "lore" characters like Saxton Hale, the Administrator and Pauling, Gray Mann, and so on and so forth.
Videos and such? I like watching SFM animations and YouTubers. Some that jump out at me in particular are
Uncle Dane (Engineer tips and gameplay)
Lazy Purple (synopsis of the classes with gameplay and general tips and such)
ShorK (TF2 goofs and memes with the occasional very high-quality stuff as he works kinda with the voice actors of the mercs)
Quazies (fan animations)(both Godzilla and TF2 with the Lil' Pootis shorts),
Elmaxo (TF2 challenges like getting 1000 kills on the sniper rifle and zero headshots kills)
Eltorro64Rus (weird Gmod animations with goofy and silly nonsensical stuff)
Bumbles McFumbles (mostly non-TF2 BUT he has done two videos about the mercs and which one is the biggest war criminal and well as which ones make for the best boyfriend)
ColonelFazipantzen (very pretty SFM animations and memes)
The Winglet (SFM animator who goes high-quality and goofy videos)
Fortress Films (Spy's Disguise and Emesis Blue, two SFM movies that are pretty different and tone [especially with Emesis Blue] and I generally wouldn't exactly recommend as your first exposure to TF2 since Emesis Blue in particular is a serious psychological horror flick)
All you need to know is that official Valve-made stuff is canon. The comics, official SFMs, blog posts, all that. Most of the stuff you find on YouTube or here isn't canon unless it's a repeat of what's shown in canon. Blah blah blah, all that.
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suspendingtime · 8 months
Why am I here?
So my Kanthony obsession has finally driven me to; not only create a random Tumblr (so I can collect my favourite posts in my 'Likes'), but to actually start posting (I have an unhealthy need to share my thoughts).
Reasons that I think it's time to actually start utilising the blog?
I have far too many ramblings to thrust upon the people I know irl (who don't share the brainrot and would rather I shut up about it).
I'll seem actually unhinged if I share every random Bridgerton thought I have on Reddit (it's been like 3 months of me oversaturating every thread).
I'm far too fond of GIFs to just continue looking at them, I've dabbled in making some and now my proficiency is increasing I have a need to share them (and what better place than here, otherwise I fear I won't get to use them - unless they're a perfect reaction to hypothetical conversation on another website).
Much like the above, I find myself making way too many collages when all I wanna do is say "Hey look at this one thing!". So I need somewhere to put those. I've even made some silly comic strips, and this seems like the place to let those live.
I'm hoping to 'suspend some time' and live through my brainrot with more like minded Kanthony shippers. Hope I'm not too late to the party (it's not just Kanthony/Simone/Jonny either, although they take up the most room in my brain, I'm pretty obsessed with anything Bridgerton related).
There's probably other related reasons. But I guess you'll see, if you're here (if not then this is just my own neat lil documentation of my continuous spiral).
So here I am, I am here, and that is why.
Disclaimer: I haven't used Tumblr properly since high school, and I can't really remember how it all works - apart from perusing my faves and hitting that lil love heart. So pls have mercy on my page/blog (what do y'all actually refer to this as?) until I figure it out.
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goldengay00 · 11 months
So my town’s library has a old ass game rental section and I saw a Wii game called the Michael Jackson Experience and me being me (gay and adhd-ridden) I thought “haha michael jackson wii game... Illuso would like that.”
Then I got home, and I was bored, so here is this bullshit: La Squadra’s favorite Wii Games and some other random bs because I have a problem. (Might do Bucci gang and Unità Speciale in the future if I feel like it)
Risotto: Guitar Hero: Metallica
I mean.
Come on... What else would it be
In all realness, I think he'd actually like Guitar Hero
Formaggio probably got him to play it and he ended up enjoying it
Completely straight faced while he plays, unblinking and unmoving other than his hands and arms
Doesn't play often
Prosciutto: Wii Chest
He simply refuses to play an actual game
Has better things to do with his life
So confused when Risotto first brought it in randomly
"Ris what the fuck is a wii"
Hasn't truly played a single console game in his damn life and isn't keen on changing that, usually sitting out to just watch on game night
Pesci: Endless Ocean
You'd think it'd be one of the Wii's fishing games, but he can fish all he wants in real life, so he actually finds himself playing this a lot more
Very wholesome
Doesn't play often however, he likes watching others instead– Especially Ghiaccio and Gelato
Formaggio: Rabbids Go Home
Simply found it stupid
Says it's a joke
Isn't sure if it's a joke anymore
Also enjoys Wii Sports Resort, and he's weirdly good at pretty much all of the games
Anywho his Rabbid is horrid looking
Like what the fuck did you do to it
It's not offensive or anything, just...
Illuso: The Michael Jackson Experience
The reason I made this stupid lil thing
Gelato gave it to him as a joke
And he... actually really liked it
It's basically just a Michael Jackson version of Just Dance, so it's not just a him thing, others play with him quite a bit
Absolutely shows off. He slays so hard and has no shame
He probably 100%ed the game within a week
Melone: Trauma Team
I feel like he'd like visual novel games
Combine that with a partially human anatomy centered plot (in this case a hospital) and what's not to like for him
Wasn't big on it at first since he knows the Wii isn't the best console
Pleasantly surprised, however– actually wasn't bad.
This shit probably sent him down a Sega Visual Novel rabbithole– He has a crippling love for the Persona series
Ghiaccio: Kirby's Epic Yarn
Hear me out
He'd rather die than admit it but he actually loves Kirby
The game isn't too hard for him so he's not too stressed while playing it
The artstyle is also just,, so cute. How could he not love this shit
Sometimes he'll let someone else play with him, usually Pesci or Melone
He's broken two wii remotes now because of Formaggio and Wii Sports Resort
(Replaced both of them, though)
Gelato: Rayman Origins
Played the first game as a kid and is a sucker for nostalgia
He can and will fight you if you insult his beloved childhood series
They're like, also the only games he plays unless the others want him to play some party game or something.
Rayman might've been his gay awakening and he isn't sure how to feel about it
He does not care who plays with him if you ask to play this stupid lil game with him he'll literally get so excited
It is very possible Sorbet is jealous of this fictional character
Sorbet: Sam & Max: Season One
Probably liked the comics a lot
He isn't a gamer really. He isn't even really good at the game– but he doesn't give a shit because he likes Sam and Max
He played Babysitting Mama as a joke because Gelato brought it home once
Somehow hates babies even more than he already did because of it (Gelato is not getting kids, fuck that)
Only got more pissed when Melone gold medaled the game with ease
May have been the reason they no longer own Babysitting Mama
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