#ugh. this sucks lol
trvelyans-archive · 2 years
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puppyeared · 2 months
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basement guys
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skitskatdacat63 · 28 days
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I've decided to do myself what the cowards at Aston won't. Behold.
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naturecalls111 · 8 months
I think I love Sanji so extra much because he’d acknowledge my ‘girl-ness’ in a way that I feel like has not ever been acknowledged in a way I wanted it to be wails
The chivalry intended not with hopeful reciprocation but with admiration. WAILS.
#nc111 talks#like growing up the whole concept of ‘being one of the boys’ was so stupid to me#mostly because I had so many guy friends and I was not appreciative of their treatment of me at all#there were definitely times where I wanted to tell them like. hm. I wish you would respect my girlhood a bit more#I love being a woman. I really do#my girlhood is something I keep very close to me. I was very jealous of other girls in my school who exuded that type of femininity#speaking purely from personal experience - just to make that clear#but I like being and being associated with traits that are quite literally stereotypically aligned with Girl-ness#so hard to explain!! but at its core I just love chivalry though lol#one of my friends was like ugh no I’d never want a guy to hold a door open for me just because I’m a girl#‘I’d want them to hold it open because it’s just a kind thing to do’#and like. yes. core sentiment I totally agree with#but also I Do want to be acknowledged as a girl I spent all of my childhood and teen years having my Girl-ness barely recognised and#it sucked seing the disparity in the treatment#but it also sucked seeing the intent with which these guys treated women chivalrously#which is why Sanji appeals to me. his chivalry is not ill intended or manipulative. ever. and it acknowledges womanhood all the same#OK RAMBLINGGGG#lost the plot. point is I love Sanji because I see him do his little dance while giving Robin a dessert she never had to ask for and I sigh#WISH THAT WERE ME.#edit: none of this matters mostly because I don’t care to date men#but I suppose it’s like. even in my friendships with other girls I feel like there was an inherent establishment that ok so I act as the Guy#And She acts as the girl#when we go out their arms would wrap around mine#and mine never wrapped around theirs. does that make sense#hold their hand as they walked down the stairs in heels. helped them out of cars. you get the image#SANJI WOULD HOLD MY HAND OUT OF A CAR EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him#I’d never have to ask! ah. love chivalry.
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smallboyonherbike · 1 year
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jakeyt · 3 months
About to respond to asks!!!!!
Covet readers… I just love you guys (gn) so much. You are: incredible readers, supporters, and friends. <333 Wowowow :’)
And, I need you to know, if you are someone who sends in asks: the only time I ever want to respond to asks is when I am able to give them my full attention and heart.
The sweet, supportive, thoughtful words for me or for the story inspire me to keep going with it. Covet is my baby and I love that you all love it with me. *cries eternal tears*
So, saying all of that, I always want my responses to reflect that mindset.
Furthermore, life is busy and stressful (I know I say it all the time, but in my life, there is always something and I deal w things in a very ✨type b✨ way. Life is ESPECIALLY insane right now — it’s too much to explain in a post). So, it takes me a while to get enough brain space to give dignified responses.
To give just a tad bit of insight, in between updates, I dedicate any and all of my time to work (teaching is intense lmao), family, and, of course, writing Covet (🫶🏻). Covet chapters in and of themselves require a lot of brain power in order for me to produce what I feel necessary for the story. That’s one very big reason that updates take about a month.
It all just adds up! My brain regularly gets to the point where it has to focus primarily on certain things… does that make sense?! I have to sort through things to put energy into.
So, my loves, thank you for being patient with me and continuing to support as I wade through life. Thank you for understanding and waiting for me to get my shit together/for things to slow down enough for me to respond the way my heart leads me to. Your words matter and I want you to know it in the way I respond!
I read every single message as they come in and they never fail to make me feel all kinds of wonderful ways. You are all impeccable people for whom I am so very grateful. Please don’t ever stop reaching out, because I see you and appreciate you and you are a life changer anytime you share your kind words!
I love you all so, so much!
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mikodaiyo · 3 months
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Back to BUSINESS. wip
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tariah23 · 23 days
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werebutch · 2 months
I want friends so embarrassingly bad but I’m so skittish around people and people are skittish around me so it takes longer. And when I do befriend someone I feel like it’s so obvious how hard I’m grasping at their friendship. Like I feel almost creepy. It’s so transparent, at least I think it is. And I end up thinking I’m losing them when I’m totally not. Please be my friend. Do you want to go somewhere. Do you want to eat. Are you mad at me. Do you want to hang out. It’s ok if not I totally understand. Yeah I’m busy too. Please be my friend
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lil-katz · 3 months
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it’s been a minute
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puppyeared · 10 months
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Thinking about my old pkmn ask blog
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eddiediaaz · 7 months
so i've been talking with someone daily for two weeks and we're meeting tonight and i'm super stressed dflkndfds. like legit my stomach is swooping. they seem to be a really kind and sweet person and they make me feel really comfortable so far. they also seem to like me a lot (they've told me), which is overwhelming in a lot of ways lol. not to jinx myself here, but it feels different than the other couple of first dates i've had these past 3 years, where it didn't go anywhere. i feel like this could definitely go somewhere and i'm so scared and excited and just fdgkLDFGGDKLJFDa. send help.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
#man ive never seen an eating disorder kill someone else besides a parent infecting a child but my nana is really trying#shes like 1000% orthotexic. will not eat anything not filled with vegetables or fat. and my grandpa is 87yo with a heart condition currentl#in the hospital for covid bc thry went to Christmas church and dont believe in being vaccinated and my dad is so frustrated#bc he knows his mom is not gonna give his dad hearty foods. he needs to eat like protein shakes and meat and ice cream. anything thats not#her cooking which sucks on top of being extremely healthy. except its not healthy bc they dont eat a balanced diet#so its my nanas eating disorder killing her husband and shes so fucking frustrating. im like 99% sure she has obsessive compulsive#personally disorder bc she fits to a T and has zero insight. she may have full on 0cd bc talking to my dad he has more obvious 0cd#compulsions than i do. he used to say phrases before going to bed and would take 2 steps across the floor to prevent bad things from#happening. so like im pretty sure my nana is where i get my perfectionism and 0cd. god. i wish i could express how fucked up she is#like my dad said at least he had a stable home to grow up in but like she has zero sympathy for other people. cannot look past herself. wil#not wear a mask bc she doesnt care enough abt other ppl. my dad was like: u would not have survived in that house. which is fair bc i am#barely keeping it together coming from a stable home with two sympathetic parents who i know love me#and like its sad that they're suffering the effects of buying into the fox news bullshit and its killing them#but also. genuinely. i think theyre not very good ppl. theyre the type of people who think they're better bc they're religious. white. and#thin. and theyre not better thsn anyone. their grandchildren cant stand them. well cant stand her at least. papa is just quite so its hard#to say what hes thinking. apparently he was confused last night and saying something about eating dinner on the golf course. which sounds#nicer thsn being in the hospital lol. ugh. he seems not long for this world tbh. may he pass peacefully to b with his 1st wife who died of#brain cancer at age like 20 or something. so it goes. bleh. how many funerals are intended for me in the next 5 years? hopefully none but#that seems improbable with the unspoken drain circling that seems to b going on in this family. old age and like almost 10 years of cancer#defying the stats but for how much longer?#i dunno. its just so weird to watch these things happen and not talk about it directly to the other ppl who see it#i worry that ill come off as too callose or inappropriate bc i have that tendency when something bad is happening but thats everyone else#excuse? idk i just feel like its better to talk abt things#unrelated#ed mention#i tell u this so i can say these things to someone and also bc if i were u. i would like to hear the drama#bc im nosey and i assume other r too ;-]
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thysilus · 15 days
im p positiv covid made me develop arthritis
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skitskatdacat63 · 22 days
Hmmm if I'm to draw smth for vettonso day w them in multiple eras/AUs, I wonder what I should do. Rn I'm thinking boy king au, matador au, 2010s era, modern era? Those are all the ones that are developed enough, so I don't think I should do Bond au or anything else...or should I 🤔 maybe as a chibi addition lmao.
Is there a drawing metaphor for having eyes too big for your stomach? When I'm at this stage I'm like, "four drawings? Light work." And then when I actually get into it, I want to choke out my past self.
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
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ok bad pic but here’s what i got done. got about ~14 “acceptable” vines plus words out of ~23 prints so better than half but not by much 😪 did some 8x10s too but didn’t look too close at those. i had TWO vines on this fancy confetti washi & those both came out ok thank god. did some plain with just text & then since i had the red out & wanted to print something that actually looked nice remembered i had this cute cute heart stamp i wanted to experiment with printing like a block (cause like why not) that i took from work & printed up a batch of those. i’m gonna carve something to put in the middle of them but not sure yet. so i printed about one million prints today but really mixed bag on success rate
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