#ty Grace <3
frankenjoly · 22 days
perhapps.. aya & bram + bram giving aya his coat when it’s cold? 🥺❤️
About halfway through the walk home, Aya started shivering, so intensely she didn’t even bother trying to downplay it.
“I– damn, I didn’t think it was gonna be that cold, y’know?”
Bram could mention something about checking the weather beforehand, but honestly? He was still grasping how to do so (and using modern devices in general as well, by that matter), and judging by what Kunikida had told them the day before… the weather wasn’t expected to be that cold indeed. Not like he could really tell, though. Instead, he unbuttoned his coat, taking it off and putting it over the girl’s shoulders.
“There you go.” When Aya stared at him, as if asking if he wouldn’t get cold like that, he instantly shrugged. “I insist, and you know this is no bother for me.” It was true; the cold didn’t have much effect on him.
“Hm, ‘kay. Thanks, Bram-chan.” She now seemed convinced enough, since apart from wrapping the coat around herself more there was also an attempt to slide her arms inside the sleeves. And, given how walking might be a hassle when wearing so evidently big for such a small girl, he opted for carrying her. “Piggyback ride, please?” Aya asked, while being lifted up. “I like seein’ everythin’ from up there.”
Bram didn’t need to be told twice, and helped her accommodate on his back instead.
“As you wish, my princess.”
(Also on ao3.)
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majormeilani · 1 year
opinions on Vanessa and mj (asks the Vanessa and mj guy)
my onions on vanessa and moonjumper. hrm.
okay for vanessa, i have a few thoughts.
i do like to still assume her powers are the result of a curse of sorts, like in the og concept. this of course by no means excuses any of her actions or behavior but i don't think it really helps her either. i think she often was taught that she needed to uphold some kind of image but it put a lot of stress on her. whether it was society, her parents, herself or a combination of all those things together, this made her sometimes an unpleasant person to be around and most only admired her for her positive qualities and wouldn't bother trying to understand her. all except for the prince.
because of the fact that he tried to understand her, vanessa fell quite literally, madly in love with him. so much so that the mere thought of being without him shattered her. for the most part in the beginning, everything was good between them. vanessa seemed to shift into a whole new person and she had a light and a glow to her almost.
unfortunately tho, at times throughout her relationship with him she tended not to be the best partner. she often tried making decisions for him and would kind of be an influence to make him make choices that weren't always his own. he told himself though if vanessa was happy, he was happy.
their relationship did have its ups and downs. even after a fight of sorts would break out between them, they would still hold each other and vanessa would apologize profusely. she would apologize and promise not to act like that again but something in her found the habit hard to break. sometimes she felt herself getting worse and worse but didn't have any means to get better. or sometimes refused help, screaming in her own room when her prince was gone about how unfair the world around her was.
eventually this all began to spiral though when vanessa misunderstood what was supposed to be an expression of love from the prince as his devotion to someone else. from that point forwards, she resented him for breaking their promise to one another and abandoning her, for essentially in her thoughts "casting her aside when she was too much to bear"
we can see in canon that this essentially turned her into a monster of her own making and her grief has warped her into someone so bitter that no one is immune to her wrath. i do like to think that part of her feels remorse for what she's done but she refuses to admit to herself where she went wrong, finding her actions to be what she thought was necessary. when she is confronted with the things that she has done, ultimately she probably crumbles to herself and asks herself over and over "why why why" to no one at all.
now personally despite all that, i don't hate vanessa like many other people do. but more i do feel extremely conflicted with her. i find her character to be interesting and compelling and hold a lot of potential but i'd never prance around with her and pretend like she's done absolutely nothing wrong. i don't even do that with some of my favorite ahit characters.
and i also find any discourse surrounding her kinda silly sometimes. i think some people forget that antagonists are allowed to do terrible things and be bad people but have parts of them that people like. i don't think people liking her character makes them abuse apologists or anything like that (unless they're literally claiming those around vanessa deserved their mistreatment in which case like? seek help please?)
but to me she's just like the rest of the ahit character cast in that she's allowed to be Terrible and do bad things. she's just a character in a story written to do the things she does.
the only thing really that also bothers me though is when people turn vanessa into a kind of "creep" of sorts or make her do HORRENDOUS things in fanworks just to make her Worse than she already is in game. it's one thing to explore concepts about what you think her relationship with the prince was like but some people have taken it way too far and implied stuff like her sexually assaulting the prince or something and frankly i think that's waaaay too out of line.
i do have thoughts about vanessa beyond this but i'll stop here for now so i can talk a lil about moonjumper:
when it comes to moonjumper, i'll be honest here and say there isn't much i really can say about him. while i do find other people's interpretations fun and compelling, i do agree that it was better off he was left out of the game.
his role did ultimately complicate things more than they needed to be in subcon but i'm really glad people have fun exploring his character on their own. he works really well as a rather threatening antagonist and i can see why people like his character.
i just don't know tho about my own thoughts about him because he doesn't really have a solid purpose in the current story anymore. i can't really think of what i would personally do with him other than be a future antagonist for hat kid to face. i'd of course welcome a future installment of ahit that features him if gfb felt compelled to make one though!
i do find it rather neat tho that aspects of him were reworked into the final game so we can still see his influence in the story.
i also think the connection with the moon and him and the horizon sounded like cool concepts for exploration but i personally don't know all that much about it other than bits and pieces.
tho i do find your moonjumper concept to be rather neat and probably one of my favorite interpretations of the cut character.
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field-s-of-flowers · 8 months
🐝 remedy and wrong entwine (+ any fandom/ship/characters you want <3)
John is lonely. He has Alecto, sure, but he’s had her quite a while, and he can’t live on a singular peer. (He thinks Alecto is a peer. She has to be. She’s the closest thing to it, anyway.) He’s considered this course of action before, but he always vetoed the thought before it could end up anywhere potent. To resurrect on such a tiny scale, to pick a handful of souls out of eight billion crying dead- it might hurt Alecto, and more importantly it might hurt their souls, not to mention it would be impossible. But all those grievances are minuscule when compared to John’s vast loneliness. They poke out like little pins in a vast empty unfinished quilt. He wants to start big. His nana is a no-go, she’d be furious. Anyone he knew in life is out of bounds, outside maybe Gary or the nun. They liked where he was headed, but even they might not appreciate the omnicide. The thought comes to John unbidden: What if they didn’t remember?
Or; John prepares to resurrect his oldest friends.
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
🪄 :)
people say friends don’t destroy one another / what do they know about friends?
game shows touch our lives - the mountain goats
send me a 🪄 to get a song lyric i am not normal about
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zukkaoru · 2 months
risk it all ('cause i'll catch you if you fall)
Three times, Kunikida finds himself infatuated with people he should not want. Three times, he trips over the edge into the freefall people call romance. Three times, he is tugged beneath the waves and all he can do is hold his breath as he desperately tries clawing his way back to the surface. Three times, Kunikida breaks his own rules for falling in love.
on kunikida doppo, disrupted schedules, and falling in love
📗 8k words || kunichuuranzai, kunikida-centric 📗 written for / because of lena @littencloud9
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littencloud9 · 1 month
“it was dazai’s fault” + kunichuuranzai and/or “you should rest” + itafushi? <3
i am on mobile so no fun formatting but. KUNICHUURANZAI!!
“It was Dazai’s fault,” Chuuya and Ranpo blurt at the same time when Kunikida walks into the room.
“What the hell!” Dazai whines.
Kunikida takes a minute to assess the situation. His three partners stand side-by-side, glaring at each other. There’s a toppled vase at their feet, and the flowers that Kunikida had bought that morning are strewn on the floor.
Kunikida decides that he is too tired for this. He sighs and turns back around, walking out.
“You made Kunikida-kun mad,” Dazai whispers.
“Hah?! You and Ranpo are the ones who insisted on making out on the table!”
“Not my fault. Dazai’s flat ass is what knocked the vase over.”
Yep. Kunikida is not dealing with this today. He’s going to go shopping with Yosano instead—that’ll be more productive.
“You should rest,” Megumi whispers, leaning his head on Yuuji’s shoulder. Yuuji leans back with a heavy sigh, sinking further into the couch.
“Yeah,” he agrees. Neither of them make a move to get up.
Yuuji’s hand finds his and their fingers curl around each other. Megumi allows himself to close his eyes, just for a second, holding on to Yuuji with all his might.
He can’t lose him too.
“…Fushiguro,” Yuuji says, turning his head slightly. “I’m tired.”
And God, Megumi understands. It’s not just physical. This exhaustion runs bone-deep and weighs their hearts down. Megumi doesn’t know how long they can keep pretending everything’s fine—as if their lives don’t feel terribly empty without Nobara or Gojo, as if Yuuji doesn’t have a scar running down his face, as if he doesn’t wonder every day if Tsumiki is alive or not.
“Me too,” Megumi replies, because it’s all he can do. “Let’s rest.”
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campbyler · 2 months
AaaaAaaAaaaaAAAAAAAA <- me after reading chapter 9.2
(the ‘Aaaa’ is the driving lesson, the ‘Aaa’ is the shopping for notebooks bit, the ‘Aaaaa’ is the diner and the ‘AAAAAAAA’ is everything that comes after)
this chapter called me single in so many different ways and i almost pulled a will byers by spontaneously combusting several times while reading it!
in all seriousness tho, you guys did such an incredible job and i can confidently say that the wait was worth it! thank you for putting this together and i’m excited to see what happens next! until then, you guys take your time because we’ll be patiently sat and waiting :D
AAAAAAAA!!!! <- me reading this ask
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months
Your silly ray pfp edits bring me joy he's so silly
Ray internally whenever he sees his two best friends
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
List of 'Trans girl with trauma who loves to run her mouth,punk with more experience in heroism than her and younger boy with issues that he covers up' trios:
Percy,Thalia and Nico
Stephanie,Jason and Damian
Gwen,Hobie and Miles
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griffin-wood · 9 months
— the main attraction; aka the lead singers for battle of the bands. ( @infamous-if )
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ducklingstrand · 3 months
Judd + Grace / Hands 😘
finally getting to this!! hope you enjoy 🥰
grace and judd holding hands / each other <3
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capn-twitchery · 1 month
plethora- do they collect anything?
naïveté- what were they like when they first came to the neath? what brought them there in the first place?
plethora- do they collect anything?
zee legs
sort of! twitch doesn't have a huge collection of anything, living on a ship means it's not worth keeping many unnecessary possessions bc they'll just fall off the shelf and make a mess.
one thing they do collect, though, because of sheer pettiness, is one single button from the captain's jacket of every admiralty ship they sink. the button jar is a prized possession. it also makes a very satisfying clinking noise
they also collect a bottle of wine and a fancy wineglass from each ship when they can. gotta celebrate the ship sinking in pettiness style!
not exactly a physical collection, but they hoard as many secrets & stories as possible too. they just like hearing them!
and for grace,,
i don't think he collects much. he was rescued from the arctic with nothing except his clothes and sword (which twitch took anyway), and he just...never really felt the need to buy new things? not when he didn't plan on staying in the neath for very long anyway
literally the only thing coming to mind is maybe he collects fancy letter paper and envelopes, to give a good impression when he writes to people
no see he totally has his shit together! look at how crisp and fancy this letter is! please think he is distinguished and stable. please
naïveté- what were they like when they first came to the neath? what brought them there in the first place?
for twitch. hm. i'm not sure, and neither is twitch! the whole red honey memory loss thing means they don't remember
they think they were born in the neath, but at the same time they have memories of being on the surface as a child. but that doesn't make any sense. people born down here can't go to the surface.
they prefer not to think about it too hard. maybe they'll never know!
and grace...
uh. well. it wasn't exactly a Smooth transition, or by choice,,,grace came to the neath when the royal navy ship he was on fell into it, after being stuck in arctic ice on the surface for around a year. by this point there were very few surviving crew members, and the fall killed even more of them
he had no idea what happened, since he literally died blacked out during. he didn't even know they were in the neath, just thought the drifting ice hit something huge.
he spent a few months in the stormbones before drawing straws with the other remaining survivor and kickstarting The Incident
so! safe to say he wasn't in a great place when he first came to the neath. probably the worst he has ever been, actually.
even after twitch rescued him and eventually took him back to london, he was out of place and confused, not knowing the culture or rules of the place. it takes him a While to get back on his feet, if you can even count him as being on his feet anyway
ask game from here!!
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frankenjoly · 3 months
"do you need help?" + the akutagawa siblings?
“Do you need help?” Ryûnosuke asked the second Gin walked inside carrying both the groceries and laundry bags. “Or want it.”
They shrugged and nodded, allowing her brother to take part of the bags from his hands and close the door with Rashômon, then motioned to carry on with their part in sorting all out.
Not much was said during the process, mainly because there was no need to; the Akutagawas could handle perfect silent conversation during fights, doing the same in the calm of their own home was anything but difficult compared to that. And talking tended to be reserved for more important matters, anyway.
“I think I’m getting Tachihara a sketchbook.”
“Buy a calculator instead.” Very few people would be able to notice the slight smirk in their brother’s face, but Gin was more than an expert at it. “So he can count himself lucky to have you.”
(Also on ao3.)
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liverpool-enjoyer · 6 months
who would the liverpool players be if they were in mi7
this,,, is from JULY,, i have no idea how on God's green earth i didnt answer this sooner cause i will do ANYTHING to talk abt mission impossible,,, ANYTHING. anywho its been so long anon probly forgot that they sent this 😭😭 this ones for you anon, whoever you are
ok so basically what im gonna do is cast everyone as the characters role in the story rather than the characters themselves. so like for exmaple its like an au of sorts. like im saying trent would be our main man ethan not bc they share personality traits, but bc i could see trent filling out the main character kinda role.
ok so anyway!!! yeah trent is ethan!! look me in the eyes n tell me trent wouldnt have the time of his damn life as an action movie hero. i could totally see him filling out an ethan kinda role. hes still,,, relatively young ig(???) jus like how ethan was in the first movie, which in combination to him being naive led to him being betrayed. n i could see trent doing whatever it takes to get the mission done, so long as no innocents or his fellow imf agents are harmed
now WHO is ethan without ilsa!!! youre gonna hafta hear me out for this one but for ilsa im going w robbo. now HEAR ME OUT as i said this is based less off personality n more on the role they play in the story. n ethan n ilsa are equals, they UNDERSTAND each other. but the MAIN reason i chose robbo as ilsa is bc of my choice for,,,
grace!! grace would be dominik. now i chose this bc in the movie ethan (trent) is forced to choose between the lives of someone hes known n loved for literal years n understands more than he understands himself (ilsa/robbo),,, n some rando he met like five minutes ago (grace/dominik). n he ACTUALLY STRUGGLES TO CHOOSE BETWEEN EM DESPITE THERE BEING A P OBVIOUS ANSWER. now tell me that doesnt work w their lil friendship triangle. also no shade to grace i love her shes a real one but idk what mcq was thinking w that
ok for the rest a the team!!! good ol reliable luther is virgil. this ones simple. bro jus gets the job DONE yknow??? n i could totally see virg n trent having a similar relationship to ethan n luther, w equal parts helping each other out n ragging on each other
oh, my dearly beloved sweet benji,,, when we see him in ghost protocol hes a new field agent, so im going w our lil harvey. hes just starting out, but hes super promising n will surely grow into his own <3 also benjis jus a silly lil guy. n what is harvey if not that
ok i know I KNOW you said lfc players specifically but,,, there are some characters that i feel would work best w players from other teams
my beloved alanna n zola for example i kinda wanna say would be pedri n gavi respectively. yeah the ages are mixed up but why am i lowkey kinda seeing the vision of charasmatic philanthropist/secret arms dealer pedri n everpresently angry/socially awkward brother gavi. it also works that alanna n zola are siblings cause gavi n pedri are literally the same fucking person. im also realizing now that this means dominik would hafta impersonate pedri which is,,, kinda funny
paris would be sergio ramos. bc theyre fucking crazy.
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zukkaoru · 7 days
has anyone ever told you your kndz is unmatched!!! anyway hii hello i am dropping prompts by your window like a crow gifting you shiny things
“What did I do to deserve you?” + kunidazai
“You love me.” + chuuran <3
wahhhh thank you 🥹🥹🫶 ngl i always get worried when writing kunikida so i'm very happy one of the kunikida experts ever enjoys my kndz hehe <3
kunidazai + "what did i do to deserve you?"
Dazai lets out a breathy laugh as he stumbles. His cane clatters to the ground, and he expects his body will hit the pavement next. It’s a shame the fall won’t be far enough to do any real damage, he thinks.
Then his fall stops, and he doesn’t hit the ground at all.
He looks up, finding Kunikida glaring down at him. His glasses are crooked, and there’s a bleeding cut on his forehead.
Dazai grins playfully. “My knight in shining armor. What did I do to deserve you?”
“You’re an idiot,” Kunikida scoffs. He helps Dazai regain his balance, then picks up his cane and presses it back into his hands. “But, for the record, you didn’t have to do anything to ‘deserve’ me. You know I’ll be there to catch you when you fall regardless.”
Dazai’s smile drops as his cheeks heat. He turns away a second too slow, squeezing his eyes shut and praying that Kunikida will just leave him alone.
Of course, he isn’t so lucky.
Kunikida laughs, pressing a kiss to the side of Dazai’s head. “We’re still on a case, princess. Are you going to help me catch that guy, or does the knight have to track down the villain alone?”
Dazai’s face grows even warmer. He is really, truly, sincerely, going to die.
chuuran + "you love me"
“You are the bane of my existence,” Chuuya growls, except they do so with their lips mere millimeters from Ranpo’s and their body pressed against his, so Ranpo doesn’t even need to use Ultra Deduction to determine that’s a lie.
“You love me,” Ranpo counters, his smirk only growing when Chuuya slams his back against the wall in response. “It’s alright, it’s not your fault; I’m just a very lovable individual.”
“You are the most annoying person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.”
Ranpo hums in obvious disbelief. He cracks one eye open and finds Chuuya’s pupils are blown wide. One of their gloved hands is wrapped around his throat, but they have yet to really do anything about that. So Ranpo tips his head back and says, “You can walk away whenever you want, you know. This isn’t like in Poe’s book. You’re not stuck here.”
“I’m going to kill you,” Chuuya swears, their grip finally tightening and restricting his airflow. Ranpo’s grin only widens at the sensation, but before he can think up another snarky comeback, Chuuya’s lips are on his and he’s struggling to breathe for reasons unrelated to the fingers pressing into the side of his throat.
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aromanticmara · 10 months
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happy birthday @zukkaoru!!!
[id: two drawings of Maki Zen'in from jjk. she is resting her head on her left hand and frowning. there is a lesbian pride flag in the background. the second drawing is just maki in greyscale. end id]
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