#twst wonderland yuu au
cindernovadoesart · 2 years
Yuu but they have the physics of an old cartoon character.
Like just imagine the fights against overblots with normal Yuu versus cartoon yuu.
normal yuu: Trying to stay alive while commanding the team.
cartoon yuu: get’s smashed flat and proceeds to blow into their thumb to balloon up before going back to normal. “That all you got?”
cartoon yuu just doing the most mind boggling shit in front of everyone. Legit just Grim proceeds to watch them walk off the Ramshackle Roof and stand on air while pacing back and forth talking about building plans. Or Ace just watching them cross dress and fooling a bunch of the students (sometimes Crowley). Or the day they stretched their arm all the way a crossed the room to grab a ingredient for potions class.
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thecoolsquirrel · 3 months
The Little Mermaid AU w/Azul
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<3 Tags for Little Mermaid Au:
@a-very-werid-mirror @twistiraki @azulashengrottospiano @pianostarinwonderland @fjshii @cowboy-rowlet @femmefaeryboi @savanaclaw1996 @taruruchi @thehollowwriter @thefiasco-onyourblock @the-trinket-witch @@adorable-person
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ryllen · 3 months
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alternative delinquent yuu RSA au,
with female sebek failed to go to (all boys school) NRC
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bhpop · 5 months
Half Shrimp-Yuu!
{Their honestly more like an Oc now but I guess that means my other Yuu's are too? Eh either way I love em.}
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Half Shrimp-Yuu isn't from Twisted Wonderland {or the Coral Sea} and still from another world like other Yuu's but merfolk do exist.
So Half Shrimp-Yuu is almost similar to Sebek when it comes to being half human except Half Shrimp-Yuu is more against their merfolk side since it caused them to get bullied when on land back in their previous world but they're not open about it. Half Shrimp-Yuu has a habit of touching people's hair randomly though it's mainly Riddle and Sebek who faces this. {since as stated in the picture they pulled on Riddles heart ahoge thinking he was a shrimp but it was more like a light tug, and they randomly yank Sebek's hair for almost looking like a shrimp antenna}
Their father is a biologist and their mother is a merwoman shrimp. Half Shrimp-Yuu doesn't have siblings only cousins, aunts, uncles and overall just long distant but close relatives when visiting the sea back in their world.
Bonus: They randomly bite Azul, Floyd, and Jade on their wrist, fingers or cheek {they have no fear}. But Half Shrimp-Yuu does run away from them if they see them at a long distance along with even randomly leaving when in the middle of a conversation.
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luxthestrange · 3 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#696 They make me laugh-
HouseHusband Crewel talking gossip with the neighborhood housewives about their spouses heals my soul-
Jessica ranting about Bruno for the 10th time today: Gosh, he's just the worst-
Crewel: Uh huh. Yea. Hey, Darling of mine? When is Beyoncé's birthday?
Yuu*Playing with the puppies on the grass* September 4, 1981, Houston Texas. 10:30 PM. It was on a Saturday. Her nurse's name was Susan!
Crewel: When's MY birthday?~
Yuu: How the fuck should I know?
Crewel: Go on~
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? Yuu, after stealing something from an RSA student: I AM ON SUCH AN ADRENALINE HIGH!
Epel: Yeah!
Epel: YEAH!
Epel: Yeah- wait what.
Malleus, in the distance: yeah!
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kanroji-san · 7 months
Obanai!Yuu/Mc AU
Floyd: *staring at you* God I want them to top me...
Jade: I thought that too but then I discovered how good they looks under me~
Floyd: Oh? I’m going to have to give them a test run then~
Obanai!Yuu/Mc: *bright red* I’M TRYING TO WORK YOU PERVY TWINS
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monochromefilms · 21 days
hear me out: TSUM ANGST
Yuu and [Whoever you ship Yuu with] are not together. It was one sided between [twst char] and you. You end up dating someone else and he keeps quiet.
but, when the tsums appear, it turns out in their world, the two of you are together and you’re not with the other guy.
so now he has to deal with the plush version of “what it could’ve been.”
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spliceyblues · 1 month
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So if it were MalleYuu, Malleus would get the most popularity solely based off his status and earthly power. Though realistically, at first he'd be ridiculed, mocked, and strippen down his title upon the capture. He rose to fame because of how recognized he is. I mean, hey isn't that the one human that claimed to be a fae prince of some valley?What's his fuzz all about? A fool turning into a dragon beast defending- hey wait a minute, he isn't human at all!? Of course, this was Twisted Wonderland we're dealing with. Aliens would presume those horns meant he was some other beastmen.
Ah-- and there goes the sudden interest, the rumors, the attention...the fame.
We all know Malleus can definitely sing and is musically acquainted with. Of course he'd use that as an advantage.
Then there's Yuu..
His beloved Yuu...
So we fast forward to the first round.
The audience cheering and betting on the obvious Mal win..Just a simple landslide of a win. I mean who even is this Yuu human they speak of?
But what if...
it doesn't happen.
On stage, they sing a duet. In their eyes, they see each other for the last time because they know it's their last night together.
And they harmonize beautifully...
Like as if their voices were a true match from the heavens. A duet so perfectly rehearsed and tuned melody. Almost like they were making a powerful love confession through their voices.
And as they gazed into each other's galactic eyes, hoping that their strategy might have worked...well at least one remained hopeful.
A splash of blood instantly hits Yuu's face as their smile slowly fades along the endless gleam of light glowing above them.
The mocking sign of the first round winner displaying above:
Round 1 Winner: Yuu
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☆ " The galactic stardust in your eyes spread out
In the endless darkness, I find you with your scent
Even if I fall asleep in infinity, don't leave my side. " ☆
RookVil ALNST AU here
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cindernovadoesart · 2 years
Cartoon Yuu would be able to do all of the hardest piano songs
Like they preform Rush E in the monstro lounge and just make Azul just question what the hell just happened
But will bust out Rush E 2 during the VDC or SDC just to watch people underestimate them and just pull out this power move under their noses.
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thecoolsquirrel · 3 months
The Little Mermaid AU w/Azul Adeuce!
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they eventually did get their cake
<3 Tags for Little Mermaid Au:
@a-very-werid-mirror @twistiraki @azulashengrottospiano @pianostarinwonderland @fjshii @cowboy-rowlet @femmefaeryboi @savanaclaw1996 @taruruchi @thehollowwriter @thefiasco-onyourblock @the-trinket-witch @@adorable-person @twistedcece @ukkipeach @lilyalone @g0ul666 @cecil-garlicbread @girl-nahh-two
Masterlist for this AU
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ryllen · 5 months
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eepy 🐲
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ryumimi & half dragon sebek AU
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oya-oya-okay · 11 days
I wanted to try to draw something like in anime🤭💗
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bhpop · 5 months
I made a half human{half shrimp}-Yuu.
{It's actually just "normal"-Yuu I made in those past animations I did since I decided to change their design to a half shrimp-half human since they looked too similar to Eyeless-Yuu.}
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{Was based off this image ↓}
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They have a shrimp tail btw, it's squishy.
{Azul or "better" yet Floyd/Jade {sometimes} threaten to cook them into fried shrimp.}
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luxthestrange · 18 days
TWST Incorrect quotes#692 Love Stages-
Househusband!Crewel & Yuu Au!
How you two met:
Teen!Crewel*Internally*"This means nothing. I'm a new talented Mage, and I'm sure these feelings will fade~"
10 years later
Yuu*Still...just existing*
Crewel*Still simping hard but hasn't made a move-*"Any day now"
How you two announce your commitment:
Crewel*Carrying you in his arms, kicking the door to the faculty room* We’re getting married, bitches! Yuu: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem!~
On your honeymoon:
Yuu: We should get you to a doctor for a check-up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
Crewel*Laying in bed feeling his bones are made of jelly and ...still twitching of the pleasure* …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out on bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?-
Part 2 of:
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*? Yuu Au*
Azul makes a presentation titled "Things we know about Yuu" to show during a dorm leader meeting and it's one slide that just "Their name is Yuu [possibly]"
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