#tw; conditioning
terrence-silver · 22 days
If Terrys beloved is a single mum would he still pursue her and would he be a good step parent and father.
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The agenda is quite simple, really:
Claim what he wants; namely, beloved.
They so happen to come in tow with a child from a previous relationship?
Alright then...change of plan. Adapt and overcome.
Ensure that kid loves, admires and adores him far more than they ever would their actual biological dad (and even the biological dad's extended family) through a combination of everything including expensive gift giving, subtle manipulations, enabling, love bombing, sweet talking and utilizing the means of whatever conditioning tool proves most fruitful given the situation. Beloved's his now. They belong to him. By extension, their kid will belong to him too and so will everything pertaining to beloved because he doesn't suffer competition behind that saintly facade he puts on. What's best, they'll never even realize what's happening because he won't let them realize.
Impress, draw further in and endear beloved further through just how much their child warmed up to him, making distancing oneself, as if though that was ever an option on the table in the first place, only the more difficult with each passing day, because you wouldn't break Billy's heart by putting a wedge between us now, would you? And if an attempt is ever made, of course the kid in question will naturally rebel on their own, as kids often do, making Terry's job easy for him, because beloved would not only be taking away a dad figure once, she will be doing so for a second time and Terry knows and anticipates this as a plan B. Terry will only effortlessly end up seeming like even more of a hero if beloved ever tried wiggling out.
So, really, Terry makes himself absolutely necessary. Irreplaceable. Number one.
Next on the agenda; ensure the actual biological dad is entirely erased from the game due to the fact that they'll never measure up to Terry Silver; the stepfather who does Karate, who's been in the military, who gives the coolest advice at just the right time, who owns a dojo, who employs a waiting staff, runs a company, wears amazing suits, so happens to live in a mansion and collects dozens of sports cars. He's, almost stereotypically speaking, literally almost every child's dream come true parent; another thing he is entirely aware of and plays into like there's no tomorrow. Biological father? Who on earth is that punk schmuck anyway?
What's worse, Terry won't even have to eliminate the man personally. Won't have to lift a finger or even open his mouth to besmirch and sabotage the guy; if anything, he'll tactically defend him to seem like the 'good cop' in comparison, further adding to the mystique that he's as humble as the salt of the earth and just as kind. Sooner or later, beloved and beloved's kid will distance themselves from the man on their own because Terry will prove to be a father figure like no other; someone nobody can measure up to and what's the point of anyone ever even trying (a grace Terry rejects with a fake sense of being humble). I mean, he defends beloved's ex and speaks of about equity! Consideration! Fair play! Can you believe!?
By the end of it, beloved and the child will be the ones feeling grateful due to Terry Silver coming into their lives in the first place and internally, he'll laugh and laugh and laugh until the end of time because he's won just like he always knew he would.
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shiroi---kumo · 5 months
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Character Flaws || Accepting
Anonymous asked:
🙈what’s my muse’s biggest blind spot?
Trigger Warning: Gaslighting, Lovebombing, Conditioning, Abuse, Self Blame, Trauma Bonding
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This one is also going to be a bit intense but it needs to be said. I would say that it's his rage that is his blind spot because he loves to keep it hidden - but he's well aware of it, just keeping it in check. So in reality, his greatest strength - his love - is also his greatest weakness.
Kumo can't tell the difference between love and abuse.
And I mean that in the since that, if he is in any form of relationship with someone - platonic, romantic, or otherwise - and the opposite party uses an abusive tactic known as 'lovebombing', Kumo can't tell that it's happening. It works with him - every single time - to the point that now he is questioning loving in actions in other relationships because he can't tell when love is authentic or not.
He just trusts that it is most of the time.
So the problem is that Kumo will trauma bond to people and is easy to manipulate with this issue. It has been on more than one account that he could get struck and have it followed with 'oh I didn't mean it' and he would believe them. Kumo has grown so accustom to wretched behavior that he will make excuses for it or even gaslight himself into believing that they won't do it again.
If someone were to look Kumo in the face and tell him that "X is being abusive" or "X is abusing him" he would fight it tooth and nail, because no that's not what it is!
His vision of the situation is to blurred that he cannot see what is happening from an outside perspective and it results in alters telling people like Kain,
"His Excellency hits me when he's mad. I don't like it when His Excellency hits me. I don't like it when he's mad. It hurts." <- that was Little Cloud
But he won't state it as abuse. Not one of the alters will state it as abuse.
Kaze blowing his ears out in a thread, even if it was to save his life has gotten reduced to:
"He did what he needed to. I don't fault him. I survived. It's fine." <- that was White Cloud.
"He hit you." gets counted with "I looked away." "He killed you." / "I shouldn't have ran."
Somehow Kumo will find a way to make the abuse his fault because he's been gaslit and hit and intimidated so many times to do so. He's been conditioned to do so.
To just dismiss someone's awful treatment of him, even if it hurts him or scares him or makes him incredibly depressed.
And that is what loops me back around to trauma bonding. Kumo has a habit of mistaking a trauma bond for real love. So when real love comes into his life, he doesn't know what to do with it. (Real love being: The Stars, Cid, Kain. (Sam's Makenshi) etc)
Kumo has gone so far in threads, drabbles and asks before to imply that Chaos loved him and to nearly fall for Anarchy's offer to show him "the love he deserves because no one else will". He recognizes Chaos as poison but he also has said a few times in asks / threads "at least it's a poison that I know the taste of."
aka "that hurts me but it's better than this."
Kumo loves with everything he is, but he doesn't believe himself worthy or deserving of real love and this subpar abusive and manipulative bullshit that comes with inconsistent behavior and no apologies? He's settled for it.
Any form of affection, even if it's from someone who has laid hand to him or hurt him? He laps it up like a dog in the desert because to him some affection is better than nothing.
Kumo's biggest blind spot? His own self worth and his inability to tell literally anyone "No."
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gayvampyr · 11 months
fat people are allowed to be fat even if they don’t starve themselves or push themselves physically past their limits btw
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wubbelwubbwubb · 6 months
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How the hell was I supposed to know there were transports sentient enough to be mean?
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nonranghaes · 5 months
"it's just me."
you barely get a chance to roll onto your back before soonyoung's already climbing onto the bed and somewhat on top of you and your blankets, and it's only seconds later that he crashes. it's far from the first time this has happened (soonyoung is clingy and cuddly, especially when he's sleepy), but he manages to knock the wind out of you nonetheless. he rests his head on your chest, and you wiggle an arm out to curl around him as best as you can in your semi-trapped position.
"just go back to sleep," he murmurs. "everything's fine."
you stroke his hair, thumb dipping down to graze his cheek at one point. "soonie--"
"i mean it," he says, eyes peering up in the low light to see yours. "i'm fine. just need to nap." his hand finds yours, and he wraps your arm around him as he snuggles in. he plants a kiss against your chest before resting his head against it again, eyes fluttering shut. "you can rest a little longer, too."
you settle back down after a moment, arms wrapped around soonyoung as you shut your eyes again. sometimes you swear this tiger is a teddy bear, but regardless of which he is, he's yours.
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Actually, it's insane that "psychosomatic" is so often:
1. not neutral
2. actively used to undermine, discredit, and sometimes even bring scorn to somebody's condition
Imagine going through so much stress, for example, that it's eating you from the inside out and being told that you've just got a case of Crazy Idiot Who Makes Things Up For Fun to Inconvenience Us and Get Attention.
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babyspacebatclone · 1 year
It’s struck me, how much ADHD and Autism are defined by how we’re perceived on the outside, and told so often we end up agreeing.
And not on what’s actually physically happening.
Literally in the name, ADHD is centered on lack of attention and hyperactivity: over-stimulation. The body is going too fast to stop and focus.
And from the inside, yeah, I guess that sounds right, needing to go go go before we can calm down.
Autism is perceived by rigid thinking: trapped in specific patterns, obsessions, literalism.
And you get told that often enough, and all you can see are those patterns.
But that’s not the truth.
The truth about ADHD is it’s the result of the nervous system trying to compensate for under-stimulation. But it’s unable to help only target the specific parts of the body that need it, so everything gets stimulated.
And Autism, increasingly, is looking to be the result of the brain not properly trimming excessive connections. Everything would be given equal priority if treated like a neurotypical brain; the only compensation is to rely on what is proven to be reliable, creating rituals.
And so we are defined by what our body is doing to compensate for the actual problem.
And we get told our conditions mean “this” so long, we start discounting how we actually feel inside.
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thebramblewood · 1 month
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A lady vampire may be forced to spend half her day cooped up inside a dark coffin, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't always look her best. After all, you never know when an unexpected snack guest might arrive. And if you see a spot or two of blood... well, that's quite frankly none of your business!
CC linked below the cut!
Look 1: top + bottom + accessory bra / slippers / nails / towel (Spa Day)
Look 2: top + bottom / accessory robe / earrings / hair
Look 3: outfit (Simtimates) / blood 1 2 3 / hair
Look 4: outfit / accessory robe / hair
Look 5: outfit (Vintage Glamour)
Look 6: top / bottom / accessory robe / eye mask
Look 7: top + bottom
Look 8: outfit / hair
Look 9: outfit / hair
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terrence-silver · 25 days
How would Terry feel if beloved didn’t want any children out of fear of thinking she’d be a bad mother?
He'd think they'd be a perfect mother, and oh, ego driven grandeur, his opinion precedes everyone's, even beloved's, seeing as how he'd just about convince them they'd be the most amazing parent because he thinks so. Because he says so. What? Someone wants to disagree? There's no disagreeing in this dojo! There's no arguing either. Fear doesn't exist! Neither do insecurities or any sort of weaknesses. Both will be purged accordingly and replaced with whatever he deems fit. Sure. He can listen to differing opinions, but ultimately, his word is law. His word is final all while he acts like there's a sense of egalitarian democracy at hand here. Spoiler; there ain't.
He's heard you, yes, but he's already made up his mind eons ago.
And of course, lets not forget, whatever he concludes is paramount in any case.
Terry's the one deciding what constitutes as a 'bad' anything.
Naturally, beloved gets convinced into his point of view. Slowly and certainly. Or not so slowly --- depends when he wants this. Under what schedule. Building on a foundation of patience or eagerness. Regardless, beloved gets trained into it, perhaps, without even noticing they're being deliberately conditioned, getting the impression this change of heart must be their own, uninfluenced by anything or anyone else around them which is precisely what Terry wants anyway all while sweetly manipulating and encouraging beloved to think the same way as him, or rather, think the way he wants them to think. Hey, if this guy can butter up someone into kicking iron pipes and wooden planks and willingly break their own foot and fists mid-training then he can convince a blind man that the grass is pink in color --- or someone dubious about their own future parentage skills that they'd be a phenomenal parent, which, ironically, self-fulfilling prophecy and all, they probably will be once Terry's done tinkering with their mind. The power of suggestion is astounding like that. He picked beloved. Singled them out. He wants and desires them. So, automatically, that makes them the very best. And if you repeat a piece of information a million times it tends to ironically start coming true. Becomes spoken into existence. In this case, if he simply makes beloved believe they'd be a great mother --- that is what they'll become. And Terry will be fully aware and conscious he did that. He was the controller and the sole architect of this outcome. He was the teacher. The Sensei.
He crystallized beloved.
He couldn't be cockier and prouder. By the end of it, oh, he'll have beloved over here happy, excited and even utterly enthusiastic with the prospect of motherhood, even if it is something they initially didn't exactly want to do. In fact, especially then. He wants beloved to practically thank him and beam with loving gratitude due to him being the first (and only) one to see the potential of them having it in them all along. To be grateful that he 'discovered them' in so many ways.
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Whumpees who give in, inch by inch, because-
it's just a piece of cloth, it doesn't carry any important meaning to it.
it's just some fake words, I'm of the benefit in this deal.
it's just five minutes every day, what harm could it do?
But after all that time, when Caretaker meets them again, they can see that every detail of Whumpee's self had been transformed into something twisted.
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ambrr0se01 · 21 days
Cute date idea: You stalk me and figure out my schedule then kidnap me and brainwash me to live you forever and ever 💕💕
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merakiui · 8 months
*DIGS YOU OUT FROM THE MUD* MOOOOOAR!!!! HDJSJSK once azul find out the secret behind his fave milk, floyd takes him out back and forces him to breed u to keep quiet and jade omg jad has the biggest balls and loves to put them on ur face aaaaaaa
AAAAAAAA YES YES YES OTL THANK YOU FOR DIGGING ME OUT.......... allow me to describe The Vision because I had more thoughts while I was trapped under the mud.
(cw: nsfw, female hucow reader, breeding, pregnancy, bull hybrid jade, lactation, there's really no plot here; just pure horny >_< )
✧ floyd has the biggest crush on you and it's so obvious, but he's not allowed to touch you because boring farm regulations and blah blah blah. >:( it wouldn't be good if another male's scent was on you when they're trying to pair you and jade together, and floyd thinks that's a stupid rule because you're his girl!!! he definitely doesn't follow it. maybe he promises to be good and pull out each time, maybe give you a bath to wash his scent off, just to keep things safe. he's so stupidly in love with you and it shows. orz his favorite thing to do is milk you because you make the cutest little sounds. he's painfully hard the entire time and he can't stop looking at your heavy tits, admiring the feel of them in his hands, or the way you tremble, your body alight with arousal. he's down so bad. he has to cap all of the bottles and stock them in the fridge first before he's going off to deal with his erection. T_T
✧ and jade......... he's a sly bastard. he knows floyd's in love with you (anyone could tell) and he takes every possible opportunity to stir up drama just for the fun of it. floyd threatens to send him off to the slaughterhouse if he keeps acting like an ass, but that's jade's specialty. <3 he just loves pressing you against the fence and rutting into you from behind, loves to drink straight from your tits, loves to fuck you in broad daylight so that everyone on the farm knows you're getting your guts rearranged by him. and floyd hates it! it's just not fair. why did they have to bring jade in? can't they just leave the breeding up to floyd? he'd gladly knock you up. but you and jade are so compatible and jade's so possessive of you, and the last time floyd tried to enter your pen he was swiftly kicked in the stomach. ;;;;;
✧ and azul!!!! he loves, loves, loves the milk from this farm. it's just so delicious; it's made the dishes at his restaurant taste even better than before. since he's an ambitious man, he originally visits the farm with the intention of purchasing whichever dairy cow is responsible for producing such high-quality milk just so he can get it straight from the source without having to go through the hoops of shipping and whatnot. but floyd's so evasive with answering his questions and as azul's leaving in a huff he passes the barn and spies you inside and...... now he needs you!!! he'll pay any price; he's desperate. floyd's dying inside because no one's supposed to know about you, but this loud-mouthed businessman knows and..... he allows azul to milk you so he can take a few bottles home for himself in exchange for his silence, and azul is so good at rizzing you that he ends up fucking you. and jade lets it happen because it's another fun way to watch floyd shrivel up and die. T_T he's so mean,,,,,
✧ and when you're pregnant, your milk production seems to double and you have to be milked multiple times a day because your tits get so heavy and full. floyd's living the dream, even more so when you weep and beg him to just fuck you already because you're soooo sensitive and soooo horny and you desperately need to be filled with cock; and jade's busy napping, so he can't do it. floyd gladly takes his place and he's the happiest in the world because after so long he finally gets to fuck you. he cums so much, all of it stuffed inside, and he cradles your belly so sweetly and tenderly.
✧ the alternative to this idea is that azul kidnaps you from the farm and keeps you captive in his home so that he can always have your milk for himself. not only for personal enjoyment but for the mostro lounge as well, and you hate him so much because he took you away from your home and friends and he keeps you shackled and collared with a little bell so you won't run away or escape. you've spent so long with him and you're months into your first pregnancy with him and he's been nothing but sweet and soft and he fucks you so good; and he's always so eager to milk you and he praises you constantly. stockholm syndrome kicks in and suddenly he's not so bad. suddenly you don't hate him anymore. suddenly you're riding him into the sheets with reckless abandon and coming apart on his cock because it feels so good and you love him so much and this is where you've always wanted to be. this is your home.
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fern-writes-whump · 10 months
Whumpee who was always kept chained up, except for when whumper wanted to play with them. So used to being hurt while they are "free" that even when they get rescued they keep begging to be restrained <3
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
The first mistake I see people make is assuming there are completely "nonviolent" ways to be transphobic. It seems like some people conceptualize transphobia as being either violent (which is always physical in some way) or nonviolent (which is "simple" emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse)
It seems, also, that people presume that when somebody has "noble" intentions for their transphobia - "I'm trying to save you!" for instance - it is suddenly nonviolent. Consider, though, how a transphobe would "save" a trans person. Would they allow that person to exist unadulterated (including being able to transition), or would they prefer to put them through conversion therapy, or revoke their access to bodily autonomy, or force them to have children, or anything that will prevent them from transition or even identifying as trans or otherwise tying them down with the obligations that prevent transition or identifying as trans?
There is no true "nonviolent" way to be transphobic because being transphobic relies on denying one the ability to autonomy and personhood. Fundamentally, even the transphobes who "want to save us" only do so in their own self-interest to save them from the horror of knowing that more people than they are alive and thriving.
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reid-whump · 11 months
How can you dehumanize a whumpee?
use them as an ash tray!
force them to kneel next to you as you work!
shock!!! collars!!!!
carving their owner’s initials into their back!
using them as entertainment at parties!
sharing them with friends!
pulling their hair to meet their owner’s eyes!
assigning them a new name one might call a pet!
draw pretty patterns into their skin!
training them not to be disobedient!
giving them a treat when they’re good!
alter their appearance to your liking!
have them repeat that they were worthless!
don’t let them sit on furniture!
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raineandsky · 6 months
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (part 10) (part 11)
tw: blood
The late shift was never particularly kind to the villain. It’s when villains are the most active—and so the heroes are more so too. The cover of night is meant to make crime easier, but the heroes are out in droves at this time and the cover of night turns out to, actually, not cover shit.
Their front door clanks shut behind them, a relieved sigh slipping from their lips. Their eyes trace down the hall—to their bedroom, hell yes—and catch their kitchen door swinging shut.
The evening’s tiredness is evaporated in a second. The villain’s hand is inside their coat on instinct, the feeling of the well-loved knife hilt in their hand a much-needed comfort as they start down the hall.
They push the door open slowly, wishing that they oiled its hinges last week. They peer inside from the safety of the hallway—there’s… nothing in there. It’s just as they left it this afternoon. Except, no, wait—
There’s a handprint on their windowsill. Shiny, still wet, and crimson red.
Invisibility is a habit by now. They glide through the kitchen quietly, their footsteps practised, their coat blending them into the gloom, to glance down at the blood staining the wood. They look outside, back in, across the kitchen. What the– this bitch has been in their fridge.
They open it, letting the light blind them momentarily. Well, there’s a lot of food they’re going to have to throw out now. Specks of blood taint most of this. They glance back, the yellowing light brightening the room and their face, and they hear a very muffled, presumably very unintentional, “shit”.
The fridge slams shut and sinks the room back into darkness. There’s a red trail trickled over the tile floor, leading straight to their pantry.
The villain adjusts their knife in their grasp, creeping towards the little cupboard. They pause outside, heaving a heavy sigh in preparation before tugging the door out and thrusting their blade into the darkness beyond. 
“This is no place for a petty thief,” they say whilst their eyes adjust. It’s darker in there without the streetlamps outside invading. “I’m giving you a chance to get out before I cut you to shreds.”
Someone squeaks from inside. “P–Please don’t!” they cry, and the villain squints suspiciously. They can just see the figure of the person pressed into the back of their pantry.
They fumble for the light switch, showering the tiny room in dull light. Of all people the villain expected to rob them, well, they weren’t really expecting to see—
“[Hero]?” they demand incredulously, and the hero winces. They squeak again when the villain gets the mind to shove their knife against their throat. “How the hell do you know where I live?”
“I– I don’t!” the hero cries. “I didn’t know you lived here, I swear!”
The villain narrows their eyes disbelievingly. “So, what? You break into people’s houses now? Doesn’t sound very agency-friendly.”
The hero’s eyes nervously slip to the bloodstained fridge behind them. “I– I’m hiding.”
An admission of weakness. They’re hiding.
Sirens shriek outside. Blue and red dance merrily on the ceiling. “From what?”
“From [Superhero].”
From the superhero. The villain doesn’t doubt that they’re hiding. The hero looks terrified—though they do have a knife slowly drawing blood at their throat, they suppose. But from the superhero?
The hero swallows nervously. They won’t meet the villain’s eye. “I did something wrong,” they say quietly. “Really wrong. [Superhero]’s practically out for my blood now. I can’t be trusted.”
The sound that comes out of the hero is either a laugh or a sob. It’s hard to tell. “So you’re hiding from him,” the villain finishes.
The hero nods before they remember the blade resting on their skin. “Yeah.”
“And so you’re hiding… in my pantry.”
“... Yeah.”
“And you helped yourself to some of my fridge.”
The hero has the decency to flush in embarrassment. “I’ll replace it. I was desperate.”
“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t kill you right now,” the villain says lowly, “or throw you back into the street.”
Clearly the hero didn’t think this far. They lick their lips, their wide-eyed gaze finally meeting the suspicious squint of the villain’s. “I can– I could do something for you?”
“You dying would do me a great favour.”
The hero swallows again, and their stare turns nervously outward again. “I– I don’t know. I don’t have any of my weapons, I’m not dangerous.”
“You get in fist fights.”
“I usually lose those.”
The hero laughs, the sound taut with anxiety. The villain leans away from them slightly, letting their blade sit a little lighter on them. “I have an idea,” they say flatly.
“Yeah,” the hero says instantly.
“I need a maid.” The hero’s face falls slightly at the wording, and the villain grins ecstatically. “I have the clothes. You work on my whim, without snooping, and you can sleep on the sofa.”
“Isn’t there anything less humiliating I could do?” they ask quietly. God no, the villain thinks. The humiliation is part of the fun.
“I could let you stay in my basement,” they offer pointedly, and the hero grimaces, “if you’re so attached to the clothes you’re wearing.”
Sirens whoop outside. The villain glances at the blood trails on the floor. “I’m going to clean this up before your friends inevitably bust the door down,” they say. “We can talk business when I get rid of them. Stay in there. If I so much as hear from you, they can have you. Got it?”
The hero nods numbly. “Yeah.”
And with that, the villain flicks the light off and slams the door on them.
Cleaning is easy enough, though they’ll need to mop later—or the hero will. They turn over a few pieces of furniture, drag a few drawers open, and then they casually let themself out the front door with a giant, full backpack.
The police are exactly where they wanted them. They spot the villain halfway out of the garden.
“Thief!” one of them cries. “Stop in the name of the law!”
The villain turns on their heel and bolts for the back of the house.
This part is easy. Lose the police in the city, wait for them to clear out from their house, loop back home. They’ll never suspect that the villain lives there. God, they’d have some problems if they did.
The next part is the fun one. They have a hero to blackmail—and by god, are they going to use that to their advantage.
Next part
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