#tw gore description
I will make you lose The Game.
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bunn-iiii · 7 months
good gods I need someone to open my chest and dig through blood and organs and hold my heart like it is the single most precious thing in the world
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Tw for mention of graphic images.
I have an appointment in the morning but I'm really having trouble falling asleep because my brain will NOT stop reminding me of when I accidentally stumbled across a fetish account dedicated to posting pictures of the op's own prolapsed anus.
I try to be open minded but there's no fucking way that's safe or sane, doesn't matter if it's consensual. Like. Their ass was LITERALLY destroyed from them REPEATEDLY prolapsing their anus On Purpose. The pics were gorey and bloody too.
I don't think those pictures necessarily traumatized me, but they're definitely haunting me.
The irony is that the appointment that I need to get sleep for is a therapy appointment, but this is a new therapist that I recently met and I have NO idea how to bring this up, or if I even should, because what do you even say?
It doesn't torment me or anything but MAN it's something I don't think I'll ever be able to forget no matter how much I'd like to.
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
What would a team up between Verosika's crew & IMP against dhorks look like?
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I.M.P and Mayday Crew Team Up
Probably like utter chaos, but harmonious chaos like I.M.Ps first fight with them, for some more drama let's say 1 and 2 have gotten some more agents to help them. (Descriptions of gore)
This time Moxxie has the bag, handing out weapons when he isn't shooting at the agents himself to the mayday crew all of them taking to wielding them surprisingly well, at least the ones who need a weapon. Loona and Vortex are a tornado of claws, teeth, and back breaking grapples. Apple pierces an agents head on her spiked wooden board spinning around allowing Coco to smash it with her bat, the dark skinned succubus looking fondly at her girlfriend before Apple embraces her.
Ace gets an Agent with a full nelson allowing Josh the opening to slit their throat with his knife, the body drops to the floor as Ace scoops him up for a kiss in-between kills before hearing Kiki yell at them for getting sidetracked, before she gets back to sniping the stragglers left behind in Kat's explosive rampage. Milky and Millie take turns with the wrath imp's giant axe becoming a deadly dance of blades.
Verosika yells out a intentionally late warning to an agent before she runs them over with her car for once not minding getting blood on it, her white hair flowing in the wind behind her as she drives, Blitzo is beside her in the passenger seat, raining shots from his dual shot guns out to the agents who managed to survive the other demons. All of them coating the battle ground in the blood of fools.
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azurefandomfox · 1 year
Cars WGP Racers Hide and Seek AU: Status Of The WGPs!
Here's the status of every WGP in this au!
Raoul (Seeker, a big psycho seeking out and killing everyone with a sidekick from another au)
Frosty (Missing)
Max/Nigel (Max deceased from getting stabbed in the eyes by Raoul/Nigel missing)
Jeff (Alive, hider, spoiler is damaged but he survived)
Lewis (Alive, hider, is trying to stop Raoul from killing everyone, is Raoul's next target, has severe anxiety)
Carla (Deceased from eyes being gouged out)
Lightning (Missing)
Francesco (Deceased, he got his fender clipped and his spoiler ripped off, and he got stabbed in the eyes)
Long Ge [From the Chinese version of Cars 2] (Missing)
Flash Nillson [Finnish version of Cars 2, I think] (Deceased, Raoul drowned him)
Memo Rojas Jr. [Spanish version of Cars 2] (Alive, hider)
Say F in the chat for your favorite WGP!
If you have any ideas for this au, feel free to share!
-Mod Mocha ❤
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
Ok. That should be all good for now. Just basically need general anaesthetic through a tube for a couple days and frequent checks on the healing. It will probably take a while but I'm hoping it'll be healing well
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psychiclegacy · 2 years
❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜
he does as he's being told with a smirk on his lips as an extra . " ━ okay .. ? " he doesn't know what she's up to and he knew most students at that school would simply not do it , but he's always seen her in a different light . " we're not playing some morbid game here , right ? like tying me up and leave me as tribute to the wild animals ? or straight up cutting my hands off ..? 'kinda need them to draw and paint , you know " the smirk grows into a wide smile while his eyes remain shut and his hands held out , completely at her mercy .
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INBOX PROMPTS * always accepting ( @woept )
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I've been having nightmares all month nonstop and if I find out they've been caused by someone else they have one chance to stop. right now. or else [tw injury description]
I'll fucking break both the body's legs and yeet whoever's responsible up to deal with the pain.
Unless it was ■ but there's literally no possible way (bc she would never do that and even tried to help me with a few of them)
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I'll use your spine as the neck of my violin and your sinews as the strings as I play a wonderful rendition of danse macabre
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What did he do to poor Bonesworth?
I feel bad for the little guy!
Killed him, turned him into a flesh piñata... It really left a scar when i saw him, hanging on the ceiling fan of the living room, all... Fat, bloated... Stuffed... It hurt so much.
why little Bonesworth..? why..?
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transmascmarston · 1 year
Running a TWD and a ROTTMNT blog at the same time is wild. Like one wrong button and suddenly I’ve accidentally posted tmnt familial fluff right after I posted negan bludgeoning someone like.
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krscblw · 30 days
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newly-summoned mist was a.... challenge for the ministry
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
23-ish Asks! :DD Fun pictures ahead!
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@mbm-artist @pinkbomb08 @tadssstrange
AH! Happy Halloween! Sorry I am late to respond to you trick or treaters. I have been really busy lately with a project. For your patience and for waiting at my door step for several days- I reward you with only the finest delicacies I have to offer,
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Be sure to devour it all in 1 sitting ya hear? :}
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@jackal-lantern @trotg2367
I have seen the FNAF movie. And I have more negative things to say than positive <XD
The positive things being, MAT PAT YEAAAAHHHH- The first spook with Bonnie following the formula of the first game was THE BEST THING EVER. I'm so glad that Markiplier was fully intended to be a part of the movie. Its a bummer that he couldn't make it but its the thought that counts. <:) (He was busy working on Iron Lung and the schedules just didn't line up. He explains it all in this stream-)
Now for the negatives. Oh boy <XD Out of order- the movie wasn't nearly as scary as I expected. I was kind'a disappointed really. That 1 tense scene with Bonnie disappearing off stage was EXCELLENT but otherwise the scares were kind'a lackluster.. I feel like the scare with Foxy running down the hall needed the added sound of his thumping foot steps getting louder as they approached. Like in the game. That would have been scarier to me and would have been a call back, like Bonnie! Although I do appreciate that it was added at all. I would have been more disappointed if there wasn't a Foxy running down the hall scene <XD
Of course I wasn't a fan of the carbon copy of Vanessa being Williams daughter for obvious lore reasons. I didn't like how much the animatronics moved and how blatantly alive they were. It took away so much of the horror for me. Also how quickly Mike just.. accepted that they were ghosts?? It took like 3 minutes to convince him. I wished they had stuck with the scares and the atmosphere of the first game. It would have been a lot scarier to me that way. Also not even mentioning the missed scare of someone opening one of their stomachs and finding a dead child all disfigured and crammed inside..
Also the animatronics looked FANTASTIC, although.. considering that Freddy's has been shut down for a while. Wouldn't they be a bit more worn? Like, they're in mint condition. While the building around them is in shambles and dirty. You could say Vanessa has been keeping up the maintenance, but I still think they'd show some age.. also missed opportunity to make them scarier by making them look like the withers! Bonnie's face falling off to show a disfigured childs face behind?? Dude the missed potential!
I also don't like the inclusion if Springtrap for lore reasons. That happens later! Also WHY is the Spring Bonnie suit all worn and messed up? That happens AFTER he gets spring locked! People would still know its William/Springtrap without making the suit already worn and old- GAAHHH! I could ramble on and on about all the stupid little nit picks I have about this movie. I have been a fan for a long time and had high expectations. But that doesn't mean I should rip this movie to shreds.
I gotta stop looking at all the down sides and really focus on the things I loved. The animatronics looked amazing, they were perfect. Especially Foxy. The inclusion/intended inclusion of Mat Pat, Markiplier and Cory(?) was wonderful. And a total surprise to me! The movie wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. It definitely wasn't as bad as it could have been. And for that I am grateful.
Overall I give ittt.... mmmm, a 5-6 out of 10..? <:D
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Over the span of 10 years? Yeah.. likely 100s.. :(
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I kind'a imagined the mirrors as like.. pressing the walls of two timelines/AUs together and poking a hole through them. There isn't really a space in between, its like a doorway. Now that's not to say that those void spaces don't exist- I'm just saying that how I imagined Jevil mirrors to work.
Could poking those metaphorical holes in the walls of an AU be more.. literal? Could Jevil going in and out of an AU multiple times eventually harm it in someway? Who knows.. Jevil would rather not dwell on it <XD
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You're right on the money pal. All of Jevils food is given to Seam. He wont eat unless Seam has eaten. He wont sleep unless Seam is already asleep. He cant sleep when he tries but still All their new clothes and blankets go right to Seam. If they're camping out in the woods? Jevil will stay awake the whole night to keep the fire going.
Its really hard for Seam to see Jevil like this. Seam tries really hard to cover up when he's uncomfortable or unwell. He tries to keep up an image and tries to reassure Jevil that he's alright. But sometimes he just cant. Sometimes he's so hungry he's doubled over in pain with tears welling in his eye. Sometimes he's aching so much that he cant move. Sometimes he's so cold he loses feeling in his hands and feet..
He cant hide it then. And he cant convince Jevil that he needs to eat too. That he needs sleep too. Its really hard for the both of them..
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Thaaaat would not work for my Seam <XD
My Seam is more of an organic creature rather than a stuffed doll. Cutting off his hands would just cause him to bleed. A lot. And without a powerful Darkener that can heal, I don't know if they could be reattached-
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Peach/Mario and Daisy/Luigi are like, the ONLY exceptions I can think of. Both of those pairings are like, 99% canon/heavily suggested. If not just straight up canon.
Also unlike other ships/canon stuff, I really like those two pairings. I think they're neat :}
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Its hard to say who had the worse punishment. I mean, suffering is suffering. And if you asked Seam, he'd say Jevil suffered more. And if you asked Jevil he'd say Seam suffered more. I guess its a matter of what you think is worse.
Jevil was locked away for years, by his own best friend. That magical aura that used to be his only comfort was now oppressing him. He was locked away with no contact with anyone for years. Except maybe occasionally King would venture down there and beat him up. Just to make Seam upset or becuase he just felt like it.
He was alone for years. It was dark, cold, and maddening. Always on the edge of starving and living in fear everyday that King would come back and beat him up again. His best friend had betrayed him.. yet he was still scared for Seam. He was all alone up there. Who knows how the King is treating him.. it was horrible..
Then you have Seam. Forced between a rock and a hard place. He betrayed his best friend and has lived with the crushing guilt ever since. He tried to visit Jevil to apologize, to explain himself- but he was caught.
His eye was gouged out and his mouth stitched shut. His neck and wrists were bound by shackles. He did his very best to bend to the Kings will. In hopes that King would not hurt him. But it was never enough. Seam suffered constant abuse by the King for years. The shackles drained his energy but he was still required to preform for the King. Its like King was toying with him, trying to see how far he would bend before breaking.
It took Jevil disappearing from his cell to break him. Seam thought that Jevil had died. His best friend. Who he had wronged and locked away, just died. All alone in a cell that he made.
As if it couldn't get worse. King accused him of letting Jevil go. And he was going to be punished for it. With Jevil dead, and a no doubt horrible punishment awaiting him.. there was nothing left to live for.. so he tried to.. well. You know..
Thankfully Jevil showed up just in time and got them both out of there! Ahahahahh aaaa <:DDDD Yeahh,,,,
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Yes! Exactly! :D I go off the idea that Undertale and Deltarune are the "original" timelines. And everyone from my AU is from some kind of offshoot of those two timelines.
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The chains don't make him sick to his stomach thankfully. But they do make him weaker in every way. His immune system is weakened, so he's more vulnerable to catching viruses.
His energy is also completely sapped. He feels sore and hungry all the time. He likely deals with back and shoulder pain due to the neck shackle and having to hold up his arms all the time.. :(
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As much as Asgore might want to give that wretched King a piece of his mind.. Asgore isn't a fool. If he ever encountered the King, his immediate goal would be to get himself, and the rest of the group as far away from him as possible.
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He didn't mistake him for another Spade King no,, but Seam and Jevil immediately noticed his royal vibe/appearance and was rather unsettled.. :{
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Awww, the gang take big sleepies :}}
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Grillby does eventually come around and apologize for beatin up Jevil. Jevil is quick to forgive him and states there's no hard feelings. :}
Thankfully Jevil does end up fully healing with minimal to no scarring. The burns looked pretty bad but Jevil was only held for a few seconds. Plus Darkeners probably heal differently so I'd like to say he ended up just fine :} 👍
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I wasn't able to find the sketches I made of this--
But what I had in mind was DA was like this giant flat sun/moon with 2 white gloved, disembodied hands. He looks like this basically-
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He is attached to the ceiling/walls and probably roams around playing music and monitoring everything. His personality is somewhat the same but he's more mellow and relaxed. He runs the arcade naturally.
I pictured DJMM looking like my Glamrock DJ but clown themed maybe? His proportions could be different and maybe his face is changed up a bit.. but overall its just DJ as a clown and he runs the daycare. His personality is mostly the same but he's more energetic.
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XD I'm thinking that King will get what's coming to him eventually..
(Also thank you so much! :}})
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The sad part about that is Seam isn't even that old. He's maybe in his 40-50s I imagined. He just looks so much older because all the stress and abuse has really weighed him down/aged him.. :'(((
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Almost,, but no. Typically a generational gap is measured by 15-20 years. I imagined that the age gap between Seam and Jevil to be around 10-15 years or so..? So not quite intergenerational. :/
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That miiiiiight make his grief worse..? I'm no expert on grief thankfully- but I imagine having a plushie that looks like your dead child miiiight stunt the healing process..?
What Grillby needs is to heal and move on from those deaths. So maybe not a plush of his child, but just a plush of something in general? Something that he can hold/hug when he needs too. If not that maybe Seam could make use of that fire proof fabric and make him some new clothes? 👀
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A while ago I actually drew what I imagine true swap Vanessa to look like! :}
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Short-ish blonde hair that's tied up in a ponytail, purple Bonnie sweater and maybe bowling ally friendly yellow sneakers? Bandages on the face and baggy socks, all what you'd expect.
Now for Gregory I imagined his hair is cut neat and short. Maybe he's totally clean shaven as well. He's unusually neat and spiffy.. Almost like he's trying to keep up a clean and organized image..? 👀
His backstory will probably be similar/the same as Vanessa's. And his costume will probably be based off Fredbear instead of Spring Bonnie. Not sure what his other name would be though.. 🤔
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This post I made talks all about Grillby's color changes and what they mean. So I'll take a snip bit of it! :}
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If its hard to read the TLDR is that he's sad and burning very hot. :( Though the Deltarune AU Grillby is less "I'm sad :( I burn hotter now" and more "I am overcome with grief and have completely lost control of my body" :x
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bendysinitiation · 29 days
Sheepry Time
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Template by @ laproxi on Twitter! I did change up some of the prompts though, so it’s not exactly the same.
(Image ID: A character expression template of four panels by four panels. All of the panels are headshots of toon Henry Stein. The top says, “Is your character angry? Or are they…” with the panels all saying something different. They are as follows: bitter, frustrated, jealous, serious, threatened, panicked, possessed, scheming, bloodthirsty, desperate, mourning, and traumatized. In the traumatized panel, Henry says, “That’s my whole thing!” with a smile. End ID)
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
what are the worst kinds of injuries to deal with?
With others, anything with bones. It's not a quick fix, which is a bad time for everyone. And then when it does heal, it could fuse wrong. There's a lot that could go wrong plus people are most likely to faint if they see a bone sticking out them, which is a whole other problem
With myself, I hate stitches, the feeling of it going through the skin is weird. Plus they can get infected or undone. Which has happened before, was not a good time
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When you serious the cartoon logic and suddenly realize that your favorite character really should Not Be Alive <3
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