#tsc reminiscence
wikitpowers · 7 days
ok ok hear me out, but can we talk about how jeremy sumpter is so kit coded... like he was 14 in the peter pan movie so i was just imagining him throughout tda and with twp coming that would put him around the same age as jeremy in the movie the sasquatch gang so like 17-18... its just so perfect 😭😭😭
um all i'm saying is that i think it's finally starting to make sense why i had such a huge crush on him in peter pan..... kit!coded indeed...
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his blonde hair, golden retriever energy, adorable smile and just in general vibe is like hardcore giving kit herondale and i'm just-
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i mean c'mon now~ C’MON~
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thank u for letting me in on this, it means a lot <3
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argiopi · 1 year
welcome to the bell parade
7  6 2 5  4 7 3  2 5 1  4 4 7 4  7 6 4 (when i was a young boy) 6 74 6 7 67 4 53 (my father took me into the city) 6 7 6 54 3 (to see a marching band) 4 5 7 4 764 (he said son when you grow up) 674 6 7 67 4 53 (would you be the savior of the broken) 6 7 6 54 3 (the beaten and the damned)
(notation is only somewhat reflective of timing lolz). the limited palette necessitates a bit of wrongness.. for instance the first B (third note) is supposed to be higher than the other notes but adapting to the lower B sounded better than using the only other higher note - the A7. alas, tis the nature of shits and giggles 🖤
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dynamic-k · 5 months
I don't know if I can ask you or not. But if I could ask, I would want to know what the TSC, TCO, TDL in hero uniform look like? I have imagined what they will look like. But I still want to know how they look like.
All asks are very much welcomed!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
I believe I answered another ask similar to this, but I tried to find it and couldn't. Tumblr ate it??
Someone asked me once a few weeks ago about whether or not Black and Velvet had matching uniforms/costumes and I explained the whole thing. But now that I try and find it I can't! Tumblr what did you do to my ask??
Does anyone else remember this ask? Am I just going insane? [I say this like I have an ounce of sanity left in me in the first place]
Anyway, so~
Chosen has a tight fitting, long sleeved shirt with a high collar that fits snug against his neck and blends in with the scarf. I have described the scarf in story, but here I go again for reminder.
All three Ladybug hollowheads have matching scarves that wrap around the mouth and nose, and they each have a snap at the back of their heads so there isn't excess scarf length getting in the way.
Chosen has fairly plain and undetailed black pants that are also tight-fitting. He dislikes loose fabric most of the time, though the bottom of his pants flare out slightly.
Dark bears a tight fitting vest with no sleeves, but has an undershirt that has long sleeves, giving him a bit more of a layered look. He also has a short cloak sort of circular, reminiscent to the picture below.
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It has an asymmetrical length to it, but the split is perfectly in the middle, right below his neck, so he can reach to grab the topmost button easily. Dark has a grand total of ten golden-red, shiny metallic buttons that can balloon up into button bots. The topmost button is Ted, Dark's favorite of the spider-like bots.
Dark additional has a deep red belt with a short armoured pouch on his right, containing his phone for easy access during combat or just in-costume activities in general. (Chosen keeps his phone in a zippered pocket on his left back pants pocket.)
I already did a very detailed explanation for Second's attire in-story, so I'll mostly skip explanation for him. Sec does have two high buttons on the top of his shirt, similar in design to Dark's but they don't have robot capabilities. Dark just made Second's button look like his own because he's... he's Dark, whatta you expect. XD
I believe that is the gist of it, but do follow up if I missed a detail you wanted to know more about, I seriously love answering asks!!
It's fun to interact and bond with audience members and other such enjoyers of the Super Sticks story. 😊
I am also SO SORRY I answered this so many hours after you asked.
I noticed it appear in my inbox RIGHT AWAY since I was in Tumblr at the moment, but got interrupted halfway through answering and had to deal with a busy real-life schedule.
But now it's done!
Thank you for your ask!
The aforementioned ask I previously couldn't find, has now been located.
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
Could you elaborate on "olfactory hallucinations" from a TSC perspective?
@faithfromanewperspective using the anon feature! Love to see it.
I mean, I guess! Okay. Well, as I said in my previous post, I smell my abuser's cologne when triggered. Big beards, bright green, and being in/near certain locations do this for me. It's cPTSD.
Because of this, I think that characters with (c)PTSD having olfactory hallucinations - smelling things that aren't there - is a realistic trauma response. This response is in no way canon, but Alastair and Matthew having PTSD is canon. So I have put it on them in a few fics.
For Alastair, I've had him smell gin when he's reminded of Elias in a few fics. I've also had him smell Charles's cologne in a couple of stories when he sees a redhead at a distance. Because this is Mental Health Projection Central, the "pine needle cologne" is reminiscent of my abuser's, which had a sort of pine/cinnamon/fresh scent mixture. So, so bad.
For Matthew, I've had him smell baking scones when he sees the color lavender. This is pretty true to my personal experience since I occasionally smell my abuser's cologne when I see the bright green of his stupid fucking North Face hoodie. I did this a couple of times.
I had Matthew and Alastair directly talk about their respective olfactory hallucinations in this fic.
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
i'm still waiting before messaging you about chain of gold - i'm talking to you about so many different things that i got confused so i'm trying to slow down a bit so i can organize my thoughts.
but just a note, my strongest tlh feelings are loving alastair and hating matthew. and i'm currently rereading chain of iron and enjoying it much, much more than chain of gold (that one was, as you said, a shore to read)
since i know you haven't read chain of iron i didn't want to talk to you much about it yet, but i've just read this line::
Matthew’s utter lack of repentance made it impossible to be angry at him.
this was after/during he doing an ABSURDLY RUDE thing (spying outside the window of cordelia's room while she had a private, emotional conversation with alastair; and then the moment alastair is out matthew went in and got straight up to gratuitously insulting alastair)
i'm reading in public and this line made me feel about to faint
i went into this tsc reread determined to be objective, and not too much biased beyond loving my favorite characters (robert and alastair). so i didn't go in expecting to feel this much rage towards matthew's character, but there's no way, he and this absurd bias the writing has for his behavior are just INTOLERABLE
i will talk about alastair (❤) when i have proper time to be through. i just wanted to let this out now
- R
I’ve been feeling a bit like reading Chain of Iron, now that my fatigue over Chain of Gold has passed and the last book has been released. I am expecting it to be more entertaining now that the premise for the series has been set in the first book. What I’ve read about Matthew and Alastair, I can’t bring myself to like Matthew still. No matter how much worse Alastair is on paper, he is the sort of character that is shown to be other than what is told. Matthew is the exact opposite, very reminiscent of some other characters we know…
Also what the fuck Matthew
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shenashygans · 10 months
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work hard, party harder :)) i'm back! i'm sorry i haven't done any TSC last sunday because we were preoccupied slash busy with stuffS. sabi ko babawi nalang ako next sunday, but the jowa is adamant (wow big wurd + am i using it right? lol) so here's another TSC (on a tuesday) from yours truly~
my twitter timeline. kanina pa ako scroll nang scroll. it's nostalgic to see old posts from my current & old fandom. reminiscing yan~ hehehehe
TSC 27 on a tuesday. again. because i ctrl+z something. ugh.
when i look at you by miley cyrus #lss
of what to pack next? hmm i've pack some of my (tops) clothes na. so what to pack next? :)) bottoms? and sheets? my shoes? thinking of what to buy next, too. mirror, computer table, another shelf, side table? hahaha. hindi madali mag bahay-bahayan please~ ang daming naiisip na bilin, or ayos ng room. hahahaha
amethyste. i need to buy a new perfume
that time moves faster. pwede bang 26 na? kasi i still need to make ayos my stuff and make lipat pa. i wish it'll be easy. the packing part. i really don't like the hassle part of moving hahahaha wishing to find all the stuff we need in our room din.
for better days to come. peaceful & healthy days, too. hoping we settled to our new home sooner, rather than later. hoping for a smooth transition~
semi-complete uniform lol
to just lay in bed and sleep all day. parang pagod ang katawang lupa ko. o ang productive lang talaga namin ng jowa ko last weekend? wanting to stay in dxb last night, too. my heart breaks a little pag nagsasabi jowa ko ng, "wag ka na umuwi (sa auh)" uwu onting tumbling nalang~
we need to catch up on some ZzZ's :)) paano. party pa more :)) we need to buy more stuffS for our space, too. time & money nalang kulang. we need more time & money!!! :)))))))
our little get-together last sunday! group of six turned into eight, then ten. buffet dinner kami sa rocky's kasi may lechon kawali + bar na siya, so direcho na for happy hour. we ate, drank, laughed, danced, sang all night! the longest time i've been inside a loud establishment. so many firsts with this one. i love the fact that i'm experiencing so many first with this one <3 ang saya lang din ng bonding with her friends + new friends. it's nice to unwind. tumatanda na kami. pero ang saya :)
happy & contented. contentment! sabi 'yan sa homily nung nagsimba kami last sunday. you need contentment in your life (+pansit daw for long life. hahaha) be happy with what you have. i couldn't ask for more ;)
loved din.. sa mga simpleng bagay na simple lang sa iba, pero grabe ung impact for me. for someone so clumsy, sanay na akong pinapagalitan. kaya pag ang messy ko or what, hinahanda ko na ung galit niya. lol. pero more on concern naman sa part niya. baka madumihan ako, or mapaso, or masaktan. hayst. kilig ako. luh? :))
Manifesting (new one. lol)
new job that is very near to our new home! financial abundance for all of us! manifesting a great august, and a great year ahead!
dami ko na talagang ebas hahaha tigil-tigilan ko na 'to :))
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allthegodstars · 6 years
Reminiscence Of TSC till QoAaD is released
2 days
Lord Of Shadows
Cristina was there, in the middle of the room, looking up at one of the chandeliers. There was a row of three of them, unlit but glittering with crystal drops.
He let the door fall shut behind him and she turned. She didn’t look surprised to see him. She was wearing a simple black dress that looked as if it had been cut for someone shorter than her, and her hair was up off her face.
“Mark,” she said. “Couldn’t you sleep?”
“Not well.” He glanced ruefully down at his wrist, though the pain had gone now that he was with Cristina. “Did you feel the same?”
She nodded. Her eyes were bright. “My mother always said that the ballroom in the London Institute was the most beautiful room she’d ever seen.” She looked around, at the Edwardian striped wallpaper, the heavy velvet curtains looped back from the windows. “But she must have seen it very much alive and filled with people. It seems like Sleeping Beauty’s castle now. As if the Dark War surrounded it with thorns and since then it has slept.”
Mark held out his hand, the wound of the binding circling his wrist like Julian’s sea-glass bracelet circled his. “Let us wake it up,” he said. “Dance with me.”
“But there’s no music,” she said. She swayed a little toward him, though, as she spoke.
“I have danced at many a revel,” he said, “where there has been no pipe and no fiddle, where there has been only the music of the wind and stars. I can show you.”
She came toward him, the golden pendant at her throat glittering. “How magical,” she said, and her eyes were huge and dark and luminous with mischief. “Or I could do this.”
She took her phone out of her pocket and thumbed a few buttons. Music poured out of the small speakers: not loud, but Mark could feel it—not a tune he knew, but fast and energetic, thrumming down through his blood.
He held out his hands. Setting her phone down on a windowsill, she took them, laughing as he pulled her toward him. Their bodies touched once, lightly, and she spun away, making him follow her. If he’d thought he would be leading, he realized, he was wrong.
He paced after her as she moved like fire, always just ahead of him, spinning until her hair came down out of its fastening and flew around her face. The chandeliers glittered overhead like rain and Mark seized Cristina’s hand in his. He whirled her in a circle; her body brushed his as she turned, and he caught her hips and drew her toward him.
And now she was in his arms, moving, and everywhere her body touched his felt like a lit spark. Everything had been driven out of his head but Cristina. The light on her brown skin, her flushed face, the way her skirt flew up when she twirled, affording him a glimpse of the smooth thighs he’d imagined a hundred times.
He caught her by the waist and she swayed backward in his arms, boneless, her hair brushing the floor. When she rose up again, eyes half-lidded, he could no longer contain himself. He drew her into him and kissed her.
Her hands flew up and fastened in his hair, her fingers tugging and pulling him closer against her. She tasted like cold clear water and he drew on her mouth as if he were incredibly thirsty. His whole body felt like one desperate ache, and when she moved away from him, he groaned softly. But she was laughing, looking at him, dancing lightly backward with her hands held out. His skin felt tight all over; he was desperate to kiss her again, desperate to let his hands go where his eyes had gone earlier: sliding up the outsides of her long legs, under her skirt, along her waist, over her back where the muscles were smooth and long on either side of her spine.
He wanted her, and it was a very human want; not starlight and strangeness, but right here and right now. He strode after her, reaching for her hands. “Cristina—”
She froze, and for a moment of fear he thought it was because of him. But she was looking past him. He turned and saw Kieran in the doorway, leaning against it, gazing very steadily at them both.
Mark tensed. In a moment of delayed clarity he realized he had been stupid, alarmingly stupid to have done what he was doing. But none of it was Cristina’s fault. If Kieran brought his temper to bear on her—
But when Kieran spoke, it was lightly. “Mark,” he said. “You really have no idea, do you? You should show her how it is properly done.”
He walked toward them, a true prince of Faerie in all his grace. He wore a white shirt and breeches and his black hair fell partway to his shoulders. He reached the middle of the room and held a hand out to Cristina. “My lady,” he said, and bowed. “Favor me with a dance?”
Cristina hesitated a moment, and then nodded.
“You don’t have to,” Mark said in a whisper. She only gave him a long look, and then followed Kieran out to the middle of the floor.
“Now,” Kieran said, and he began to move.
Mark didn’t think he’d ever danced with Kieran before, not at a revel; they had always tried to conceal their relationship in front of the greater world of Faerie. And Kieran, if he could not dance with his chosen partner, would not dance with anyone.
But he was dancing now. And if Cristina had moved like fire, Kieran moved like lightning. After a moment of hesitation, Cristina followed him—he drew her into his arms—caught her, lifted her up into the air with easy faerie strength, whirling her around him. She gasped, and her face lit up with the pleasure of the music and the movement.
Mark stood where he was, feeling awkward and startled in equal measure. What was Kieran doing? What was he thinking? Was this a reproach of some sort? But it didn’t seem to be one. How much had Kieran seen? The kissing, or just the dancing?
He heard Cristina laugh. His eyes widened. Incredible. She and Kieran were like stars whirling together, just touching at the edges, but flaring up into a rain of sparks and fire when they did. And Kieran was smiling, actually smiling. It changed his face, made him look as young as he actually was.
The music ended. Cristina stopped dancing, looking suddenly shy. Kieran lifted his hand to touch her long dark hair, sweeping it back over her shoulder so he could lean in and kiss her cheek. Her eyes widened in surprise.
Only then, when he had drawn back, did he look at Mark. “There,” he said. “That is how the blood of Faerieland can dance.”
Cristina had been in the library for several hours, dutifully going through the books in the languages she knew best—Spanish, Ancient Greek, Old Castilian, and Aramaic—for mentions of the Black Volume. Not that she could concentrate.
Memories of the night before kept hitting her at odd moments, like when she was passing the sugar to Ty and nearly spilled it in his lap. Had she really kissed Mark? Danced with Kieran? Enjoyed dancing with Kieran?
No, she thought, she’d be truthful with herself: She had enjoyed it. It had been like riding with the Wild Hunt. She’d felt drawn out of her own body, spinning through the stars and clouds. It had been like the stories of revels her mother had told her when she was a child, where mortals had lost themselves in the dances of Faerie-kind, and died for the beautiful joy of it.
Of course, afterward they’d all simply gone back to their separate rooms—Kieran calmly, Mark and Cristina both looking shaken. And Cristina had lain there a long time, not sleeping, looking at the ceiling and wondering what she had gotten herself into.
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drusilla-carstairs · 3 years
imagining Alec writing letters for Magnus
It starts after CoHF, after Magnus gives Alec the book of his life history. Alec knows then and there that he’s fully in, insecurities and worries aside, and he wants Magnus to know it as well.
So Alec writes his own history, in letters for the man that he is going to love for as long as he lives and beyond.
He writes every time he thinks to. When he’s overwhelmed with love for Magnus. After a particularly good date (after every date, really, because Alec loves him more each day). When he’s watching Magnus sleep in the early morning, with sunlight just peaking through the curtains. When he’s away from Magnus because one of them is working.
Some of the letters are long. Spanning pages of thoughts and feelings and hopes and dreams. Some are short, just a few lines that he probably quotes to Magnus himself later, but keeps saved for the future.
Because that’s what the letters are really about. The future.
Because you know that Alexander “I would be uniquely lucky, to have someone who loves me forever” Lightwood-Bane wants to make absolutely sure that his Magnus, his husband, knows that he is loved forever as well, even when he’s not around to tell him anymore.
And as they get older, as the letters fill up notebook after notebook, Alec writes them with that exact future in mind. He can’t stand the thought of their ever being a day, even in a hundred years, where he cannot bring Magnus some sort of comfort when he’s feeling down.
(And of course, there are some letters for Max and Rafael too at this point. They have their own notebooks full.)
And maybe. As the time gets closer. As they grow up (as Alec grows up and Magnus stays, unwavering and perfect and lovely and never changing) Alec starts to leave the letters places.
When he knows his time is coming he pulls some out of those notebooks at random and hides them in places he know that Magnus will find them.
Some spots are easy. In the front cover of a cookbook. In the bedside drawer on Alec’s side. Underneath Magnus’s supply of extra makeup.
Some spots are meaningful. In that box that Alec knows Magnus only gets out on really bad days—when he’s reminiscing and melancholy. The box that he’s touched less and less lately, but Alec knows he’ll always return to.
Some spots Alec is sure will not be found for years—decades, even—to come.
He hides them for Magnus to come across later, on his own, after he’s gone. So that in a few years, when Magnus needs that particular demonic spell book, he’ll find a page with messy handwriting, reminding him that Alec loves him, every piece of him, even the piece that leaves potion ingredients in the kitchen.
So that it’s insured that Magnus will keep smiling and keep feeling loved, forever. Like Alec knows he is.
(hesitant to say that this is for @khaleesiofalicante ‘s malec month but I feel like I should so. Also if anyone wants to be tsc mutuals I have none pls)
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spooky-drusilla · 3 years
I would just like to point out that I love seeing CJs old style appear in her recent art. It's a little nostalgic, but it's still new enough that It feels refreshing.
The black and white hatching in the bottom of the page reminiscent of the TMI drawings she did at the beginning of TSC, and the painterly watercolor feel of Emma's skin reminiscent of the vices and virtues paintings + the TID flower cards, but still having the new style of face features and anatomy.
I'm emotional
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a-queer-kitkat · 3 years
hi i kinda wanna ramble a little about the AU me, @samthecookielord, and @pastel-player came up with so. yeah.
Long story short: Reverse/Swap Sticks! Will leave the rest of the ramble below in case this gets long
Basically, AU where the sticks act like the opposite of themselves. We haven’t really figured out much with characters like Purple, MT, Chosen, or Dark Lord yet, but we have a fair amount of ideas for the main five.
First up, Reverse Second Coming. Since OG!TSC is reminiscent of The Chosen One, our ideas for R!TSC stemmed from the idea of them being more reminiscent of The Dark Lord. OG!TSC cares a lot about their friends, and is pretty content with the life they have. So with R!TSC, they’re a lot more adventurous and don’t care much about the other four, mainly just seeing them as fun playthings. They’re always looking for new ways to wreak havoc and torment the others, always looking for new things to toy with. They’ve also definitely taken advantage of the fact that the others can respawn. Another idea @pastel-player had was “OG!TSC mostly uses what they find around them to fight threats, only accessing their powers when in real peril. Rev!TSC always has their powers, and only resorts to more direct combat when desperate“ So yeah. Rev!TSC is kind of a huge jerk that’s full-on taken over their computer, having total access to the computer’s UI, and their Alan doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. R!Red, R!Yellow, R!Green, and R!Blue mainly only stick around R!TSC out of fear.
R!Red is terrified of animals almost as much as they are of R!TSC. Despite their nervousness though, they’re often considered the meanest of the group aside from R!TSC, considering that they often do and say hurtful and rude things simply out of panic. Basically, they’re constantly in fight-or-flight mode. Their panic-rudeness actually leads them to being the one to attempt to stand up to R!TSC the most, and well.. that never goes well.
R!Blue isn’t that big on nature, having a strong preference for industrial machinery instead. They also have a big distaste towards Nether Wart, of course, and would probably be disgusted and horrified to learn that another version of them actually eats the stuff.
R!Yellow is the opposite of bright. They’re completely clueless about how redstone works, and would probably attempt to eat it or something if given any. They’re easily distracted and have never been able to actually finish a build before. They’re also very forgetful, and have gotten in trouble with R!TSC many times after forgetting having been commanded to do something.
R!Green lacks heavily in creative skill, never being able to get a build to look nice or a tune to sound good. They aren’t very confident in themselves. They’ve also kind of just accepted the idea that going against R!TSC would be pointless, so they just do their best to follow R!TSC’s demands. Their cynical and unconfident personality makes them kind of a downer, but at least they’re able to stay on R!TSC’s “good” side most of the time.
A lot of the thoughts we’ve had have been about the idea of them meeting the OG! crew. R!TSC decides to play a game of twisted hide and seek, in which whoever gets found last gets left alone while they torment the other 3. So the other four reverse peeps run off in different directions, not wanting to get found at all costs. Meanwhile, the OG! group ran into another portal incident. OG!Yellow was messing with a portal (maybe attempting to set up a sort of permanent link to their desktop so they wouldn’t keep getting lost in other worlds?), and things went wrong. They and the other 4 got sucked in and thrown out in different directions, soon encountering reversed versions of their friends while looking for their real ones. The pairs we’ve thought of are:
Second finds R!Red, Red finds R!Yellow, Blue finds R!Green, Yellow finds R!Blue, and Green finds R!Second.
Of course, there’s a lot of misunderstandings. R!Red freaks out upon seeing Second, terrified at being found first. Red, Blue, and Second are just immensely confused as to why their friends are acting so strange. Yellow and R!Blue are able to figure out that something’s off pretty quickly. Green ends up getting into a fight with R!Second though, considering that this ass is acting nothing like the Second Green knows and R!Second is pissed that Green of all people is daring to fight back. The rest isn’t quite as fleshed out yet, but I do have a bit of art and writing segments I’ll post soon!
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emcatstairs · 2 years
kpop songs that remind me of tsc characters/couples
kitxty: rewind - twice “i don’t want to bother you by reminiscing, it didn’t matter anyway” in my dreams - red velvet “its a dream even in a dream even though I know that, i still love you like this, don't wake me up, deceive me sweetly”
dru: stereotype - stayc “i know what i look like, maybe i look pretty, maybe i am darling, it may feel like i’m seducing you, if so i’m sorry” tomboy - (g)-idle “stuff like love can’t make a single scratch on my body, i’d rather not if i have to put on your perfume that smells rotten”
malec: talk and talk - fromis_9 “can you tell me about you? i want to know the smallest things about you” alcohol-free - twice “i’m alcohol free but i’m drunk, though i did not drink at all, it happens whenever i’m with you, because of the way you look at me”
may think of more but this is what i got now :p
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
What if all of TSC is just Magnus recounting the story to a bunch of younglings like grandma Rose in Titanic centuries and centuries later. Reminiscing of his Alexander, his friends, his babies and the brightest parts of his life. I’m sad now :(
Let me make you un-sad.
If tsc is a recounting of the events, how does Magnus know about all the making outs and sex scenes of other couples? It’s not like he walks in on th-
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lordeasriel · 3 years
I know you said you were busy so no rush on this. But I am curious what you think a world with a greater appreciation for the independence of dæmons would look like? I have always liked the idea of Lyra starting a foundation to help reconnect people and their separated dæmons (in addition to her aleuthemeter work. But I don’t think that’s what you have in mind, or honestly something Philman would do lol.
Oof, it took me some time to finally sit down and answer this! Thank u for ur patience!
I think that for me, Lyra getting involved with humanitarian work towards daemonless people would be great, in many ways. For starters, it is a great way of showing that she is very different from her parents (more different than Marisa, since her research was all about separating people from their daemons) but also it would help her find some purpose in life, which I think it ties in well with her dilemma. I don't think the idea is that far off, but Philman doesn't operate on a macro scale with Lyra; her journey seems very self-centered and even if relates to other characters, it is very centered around a group of people. So I think the idea is great, but perhaps not very likely.
I think a world where daemons are treated as independent beings would be changed considerably - for Lyra's standards. It would, most likely, be a great cultural shock. It's a similar feeling from seeing pictures from 1918 and then 1921, and realising that a lot changed in a very little time. I don't think they would be considered people, in a sense of citizens, so they wouldn't need a politician or representative in senates across the globe. I also think that, like most things, this change would be slow and gradual across the globe, so certain places would take longer to adapt to that.
Daemons would have freedom of coming and going, and unlike Pan in TSC, they'd be able to use any public transport they wish without fear of being recognised. That would resolve questions over daemons paying or not for transport, since they occupy space as well as any human. Ultimately, I think that the still spiritual nature of daemons would end up making them not pay for a lot of stuff; a daemon with hands that can grab, like a pine marten, could carry money, but a butterfly most certainly could not.
I think there would be an increasing pressure over creating laws about separated people, which I can imagine would create a long and difficult battle between everyone, daemon and human. People would want to fine daemons that leave their humans, and daemons would like a financial aid as well in case their humans left them; as I said, daemons wouldnt use money, so the fines would be impossible. I can see ultraconservatives demanding laws to separate the separated people from the whole in public spaces (which yes, it is very reminiscing of the US and many other countries in the last century, especially the former colonies, who segregated their POC lawfully). I don't think the segregationists would go far, but the conflict would still be there and the bad blood of the initial change.
There would also be a danger to daemons alone, as we learn that people capture or even buy them to sell to people who want a daemon, so their individuality (and the fact that separation isn't deadly and would have been spread across the globe) means they would be in a lot more danger too. That, again, would lead to a desire to create laws to protect daemons, which could end up even in willing separation having to be requested in court.
So I just created a terrible world lmao But I think that ultimately the daemons should be seen and respected as individuals; I can see Philman, if he ever decides this is the path he wants to go, making a world much less bleak than mine lmao But I also think that these conflicts at unavoidable. Whenever society changes - and these changes would be gradual, of course, not all at once - there is always resistance. Conflict is important for growth, so I think in the end, the world would be a better place, where daemons are not a part of something, but a whole that completes another whole, if that makes any sense.
I also want to add that, even if separation was normalised, I still think that daemonless people (that is, the people whose daemons abandoned their humans, not just separated the bond) would still be seen as outcasts, as humans would still fail to see how could a person be abandoned by the only other being on the planet who understands and knows them well. I also think these stray daemons would be much more accepted in this changed world, as daemons aren't seen as human but something different and sacred, regardless if the bond is intact or not .
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minimoffs · 4 years
seeing tsc discourse just makes me reminisce heehee i cant take 15yr old me seriously
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theshadowhooligans · 5 years
tsc books rated by will herondale content
COB: 0/10 not a single mention of will or even herondales except for the disaster that was book one jace wayland/morgenstern/whatever who had no idea where his sass and good looks came from, will would be crying in heaven rn
COA: 0.5/10 again disappointing, no one knows or cares about my bb will but there is a slither of herondale content (imogen) but she only gets .5 recognition because she’s technically not a true herondale
COG: 4/10 finally, we have some proper will herondale recognition even though he’s not mentioned by name!!  “There’s an old family legend about it, that one of the first Herondales to become a Shadowhunter was visited by an angel in a dream. The angel touched him on the shoulder, and when he woke up, he had a mark like that” — jace finally learns who he is and we get all this herondale nostalgia but it only deserves 5/10 because dumbass jace “lightwood not herondale” doesn’t want to acknowledge his 10/10 ancestor
COFA: 7/10 JEM AND JACE INTERACT cofa gets 7/10 purely for that reason :::::: “Would that I had been here, Zachariah said, his voice unexpectedly gentle, when you were growing up. I would have seen the truth in your face, Jace Lightwood, and known who you were.” other bb jem reminiscing about his parabatai, and we finally get a will mention:  “Remember London? The parties at de Quincey’s? Remember Will Herondale? I know you do. That boy of yours, that Lightwood. They even look alike.” alec’s 🔥🔥🔥 looks are finally acknowledged as being inherited from the one and only WILL & CECILY (badass og warrior queen)  HERONDALE
COLS: 5/10 not as good as cofa but we do get some will herondale action in the form of brother zachariah and maryse talking abt jace  “He’s a herondale, they’re survivors-  “He’s a Lightwood, not a Herondale  brought down by the fact that NO ONE seems to care that jace is 100% herondale
COHF: 9/10 finally will is mentioned to jace & we have newly resurrected/ revived jem carstairs gushing about his beautiful, reckless and incredible parabatai
CA: 8.5/10 WILL IS FINALLY HERE BABY - here we witness the rise of our fav and og angsty, beautiful, witty, loving-tessa&jem-so-much-it-literally-starts-to-kill-him herondale. fav parts: meeting tessa, protective 10000% parabatai bros & super warrior, but only gets 8.5 because of my poor bb not being able to express his undying love because of his stupid fake curse + the balcony scene tearing my heart out
CP1: 1000/10 finally will gets his redemption arc (for tessa anyway i always knew he was great). here we see his relationship with magnus grow & jem and him as the best parabatai EVERRR. also, witness the saddest chapter in the entirety of tsc - the bitter root -  “Then, if you love him,” he said quietly, “please, Tessa, don’t tell him what I just told you. Don’t tell him that I love you.”
CP2: 100000000000000/10 CRYING/DYING - I HAVE NEVER RECOVERED FROM THIS BOOK AND I NEVER WILL - featuring not only the most heartbreaking separation in the whole tsc series (will & jem not being able to spend their entire lives together) but my love living a full and happy life surrounded by his family and his beautiful amazing wife and then DYING i will never get over this fight me
“Marry me,” he said. “Marry me, Tess. Marry me and be called Tessa Herondale. Or be Tessa Gray, or be whatever you wish to call yourself, but marry me and stay with me and never leave me, for I cannot bear another day of my life to go by that does not have you in it.”
TLH: 10/10 can’t wait for THE will herondale being a hilarious/hot/heartbreaking/literallyperfect dad & uncle TM +  all the times he summons jem to deal with his kid’s bullshit
TDA: 5/10 slightly disappointing, should have more will references other than being mentioned as a ‘boring family story’ by jace excuse me but credit the og & best herondale  and occasionally appearing in old photos or mentioned as tessa’s husband  (props to emma for saying he was gorgeous in LOS) but that scene with julian and magnus in QOAAD where magnus reminisces about helping will was enough to bring the whole series up
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harleyquilt · 5 years
Beware The Green-Eyed Monster Pt.2
Summary: Touka is worried about the stress Kaneki is going through in the TSC, but he refuses to be upfront about it. And so, she decides to take matters into her own hands...
Words: 6441~
Notes: So, uh, this is a sequel, I guess. I decided to make Kaneki the jealous one in this one, because damn, he’s cute when he’s jealous. It’s also a set two years after the whole dragon mess, just for context. Anyhow...hope you enjoy!
Kaneki, as of late, was anxious about something. What it was, Touka couldn’t tell, but she knew there was something. The TSC, the group that was supposedly replacing the CCG, was asking for his presence more often than usual lately. She understood that as Kaneki was responsible for the destruction of Tokyo, despite it not truly being his fault, he had much to repay for. She may not completely agree, but she at least understood the circumstances. Still, she had a good feeling that whatever was making Kaneki worry was related to these frequent meetings. However, whenever she tried to pry the answer from Kaneki, he’d always dismiss his stress and reassure her that everything was okay, even though it clearly wasn’t.
In truth, Touka felt almost regretful that she couldn’t be of better help to him. Everything was a mess and even after two whole years, there was still much to rebuild and repay. Touka also had her hands full trying to take care of Ichika. She had plenty of support, of course, and though Kaneki had his own debts to pay in the TSC, he was the best father anyone could ask for. Yet, whilst she was being given all this support, she only wished to extend this support to Kaneki. He was still her husband and best friend, after all, and he needed just as much support as she did.
If she had said this to Kaneki, she was sure he’d simply retort with gushing comments of how much she already supported him - he was too predictable. No, she wanted to do more. She may not be able to undo the horrific trauma and experiences he had to go through - even with his amnesia with Haise, he continued to suffer - that was simply something they’d have to live with together, but perhaps she could at least try to help alleviate the workload he was being given. The only question was how and to know how, she needed to know what was it the TSC are placing onto his shoulders. Now Nishiki did warn her to try not to stick her nose into other people’s business, and before she would have agreed, but she had noble intentions in mind. That should be enough to justify her actions.
Kaneki walked into the kitchen when Touka was thinking these thoughts, his tired eyes blinking slowly as he ruffled his dramatically messy bed hair. Walking over, he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on top of her head as he yawned. She nudged him with her elbow with a smile, whilst all the while, she mischievously thought out her plans for tomorrow when Kaneki would likely be asked into the TSC headquarters again.
“What are you thinking?” He kissed the top of her head before moving on to make coffee for the two of them. “You seem deep in thought.”
“I’m thinking about how disgusting these apples are.” Touka sneered at the slices of apples before her and she held her nose as she dropped the contaminated knife into the sink. “Why does it have so much blood? It’s so sticky and it’s unavoidable too. And the smell…”
“Well, first of all, it’s called juice.” She dumped them into a bowl for Ichika, throwing each one in with more and more disgust and rage. “And secondly, you ate a bunch of them when you were pregnant. It’s no wonder its her favourite.” Touka glared at Kaneki then, mumbling an accusation that it must be from his side of the family. “No no no, my favourite was hamburg steak…I should cook it for her one day.”
“If you do,” she placed the bowl on the living room table, “makes sure you give out the warning to evacuate.” Looking over to him with a smirk, waiting for him to insist once again that they should cook together, she saw him smile a goofy, blushing smile that left her heart fluttering. Out of panic, she threw a slice at him and lurked off to Ichika’s room as he was left sputtering at the apple blood.
. . .
Kaneki was in the shower and the small, chubby Ichika rolled on the floor, gnawing away at the apple slice she had in hand. And all the while, Touka sat in her seat with her coffee in hand, thinking intensely on how she should execute her plan. Kaneki was easy to conquer in his own ways, though if it was something too dangerous, he’ll act more defensive than he usually would be. That wasn’t to suggest that Touka wouldn’t be able to sway him to let her help, it would just offer insight into what exactly his problem was.
As she was left thinking, she watched Ichika roll back to the bowl of apple slices, her legs wobbling as she pulled herself onto her feet. When she realised that she had finished all her slices, she fell back onto the floor, turning the bowl this way and that as she watched with wide eyes. She then broke out into a smile and placed the empty bowl onto her head, laughing as she called for Touka.
“A disguise? No, that wouldn’t work.” Picking Ichika up, Touka wiped her mouth and hands whilst trying to ignore the sour stench of the apples. Ichika, whilst still laughing, stack out her tongue and blew a raspberry right in front of Touka’s face. “Spit in his face? Bold, but no. Though I like your style.”
Kaneki, with some alarm, watched as Touka reminisced these words. Whoever this person was, Kaneki sincerely hoped it wasn’t him. Though, even with his hopes that it wasn’t him, he knew deep down that it was. It was clear she was up to something, considering that she was in this trance-like state the majority of the whole morning, and whatever it was, it concerned him. He worried, for a moment, that it was due to her finding out about him breaking her favourite mug. He knew he shouldn’t have blamed it on Ayato, but he just couldn’t stand the pressure. Ah, all this guilt was too much. First he blamed his saviour, and now he was lying to his wife. She was planning her revenge, wasn’t she?!
“I’m sorry, Touka-chan!” Both Touka and Ichika turned to see Kaneki bowing on the floor, who was mostly naked with only a towel wrapped around his hips. “I won’t do it again!”
For a moment, Touka thought she was perhaps found out, even though that was technically impossible. Perhaps one of those new organs of his gave him the ability to mind-read. It was silly, but they were a species that shot out giant organ weapons from their backs. Regardless, she explained that she had no idea what it was he was apologising for and he remained still for a moment. When he finally lifted his face, it was red with embarrassment and walking away with slump shoulders, he muttered another apology for his silliness. Ichika, being the wonderful daughter she was, decided to show her support by pointing at her father whilst laughing at him.
Later that day, they decided to go out, since the weather was pleasant enough. More importantly, though, Kaneki finally had time to spend with his family. The work in the TSC was important, so Touka never held it against him, but due to their increasing demands for his presence, he was left having little time to himself. Whatever time he did have he’d spend with Touka and Ichika, despite his exhaustion. She would insist that he should spend this time resting, recovering his energy in whatever way he could, yet he would simply say that he’d rather be with his family. She didn’t doubt his words - his love for his family and friends were clear as day. What she did worry about was the fact that Kaneki was overworking both his body and mind. Since the tragedy of two years ago, he has opened up about his experiences, both from recent years and those of his past, and he decided to try to seek out more help from those around him. Even so, there were things he still had to deal with, like the nightmares he’d have every few weeks, or the depressive episodes that left him miserable and fatigued.
At first, she thought perhaps the work at the TSC would help distract him until they could sort it out together. Yet, with the more work he was receiving and the more time he spent having to deal with their continuous jobs, it was becoming clear that these jobs were not in any way helping him. If anything, it was only leading to more stress when he should be healing. All that progress he has made since the tortuous days before almost felt wasted when she saw him return home late at night, heavy bags under his eyes and body weak from the tiredness he carried. It was painful to watch and worst of all, she couldn’t seem to do anything about it. Or rather, he wouldn’t allow her to do anything about it in fear that she’d simply burden the same pressures he had to, especially with Ichika to look after. He was still too gentle, in the end.
Touka, Kaneki and Ichika sat under a tree in the park, a blanket under them and more apple slices placed down for the small brat. Touka leaned into Kaneki’s side, resting her head against his shoulder and she smiled at the small nervous hesitance he had when placing an arm around her, pulling her closer. They’ve been together for so long now, and still, he acted as if they had just gotten together. She never tired of his lovable reactions; the way he’d break into a smile every time she’d laugh, or how he’d always call her beautiful in bed. It was as if no time had passed at all and she couldn’t help but feel relieved. Even with everything going on, he was still the same Kaneki with her - though of course, this wasn’t to mean that he couldn’t be honest with himself during these moments.
“This is nice.” Kaneki sighed. He was now counting with Ichika, though she couldn’t manage beyond the first number, and he looked back at Touka, an almost somber look in his expression. “I know we should be doing this more often. I’ve been so busy lately.”
Touka was silent for a moment, perhaps waiting for him to continue. Sitting up, she faced him directly, their eyes meeting. “Why won’t you tell me what it is you’ve been doing lately? Maybe I can help.” He shook his head almost immediately before she pinched his cheeks between her hand. “Don’t give me that. If you won’t tell me, I’ll just have to come along with you tomorrow and see for myself.”
There were several things he wanted to say. “But what about Ichika?” He finally asked, his words garbled from her pinching. Indeed, a decisive move, trying to use Ichika as a cover, even though what he said wasn’t exactly wrong. “Someone will look after her. It’ll only be one day, isn’t that right Ichika?” They both turned to their child, who was busy trying to catch an ant. “See, she agrees and so it’s settled. I’ll join you at work tomorrow, see what it is I can do.”
She leaned back down, resting against him and he was left worrying whilst thinking about the next day. Deep down, he was undeniably excited to have Touka with him for the day, since he always felt somewhat lonely after spending so little time with her. Still, she had no interest in this business, hence why she kept her distance both now and the time they spent underground. She was only joining him because she was concerned for his well being, which was another worry of his. Because he wasn’t able to deal with his own problems, he was now dragging in Touka, when he didn’t want to trouble her at all. Perhaps it won’t be so bad, accepting help. She was much more firm than he was, after all...Ah, he should probably warn the others then.
“O-Okay, we can go to the TSC together then.” He cleared his throat and Touka smiled, hugging him tighter. Both knew that she didn’t need permission - she was going to go along whether he wanted it or not - but it was nice that this was something they could now face together. “Um...What exactly are you going to wear?”
. . .
Kaneki watched Touka with mouth agape and jaw slacked, amazed and astounded at the glorious sight before him. She turned in front of the mirror, dressed in office wear - a pencil shirt, a rose-pink blouse, a waistcoat and a ribbon tie. She was even trying on his glasses, which kept on slipping down her nose. He was a fool, how could he be so naive. He thought it’d be a fun time, having Touka besides him for the day, but he failed to foresee the torment he’d have to go through with her looking so beautiful like this. He was a damn fool!
Meanwhile, Ichika entertained herself by tangling one of Touka’s necklaces with her hands, her bracelets and bangles hanging off her small arms. When her mother asked her for her opinion on her new look, Ichika offered a beaming smile, the bracelets clanking together as she gave her applause. Touka then turned to her gawking husband, who was still staring with a starstruck gaze. With his mind distracted, his tie tangled around his hands and she rolled her eyes, deciding to help him out.
“And what do you think, Mr. Kaneki.” Touka first gave a cheeky smile before she realised she wasn’t sure how to tie a tie herself. She ended up tangling it up even more. “How do...these things-”
Kaneki leaned in, catching her off guard with a small kiss. It was only for a moment, yet she was left breathless. He grabbed her hands and took them away from the now knotted tie, holding them between his. “You look gorgeous. I think you coming in today is really going to help. Sorry for being so weird about it before.” She looked away for a moment, lifting a hand to hide her small smile. However, before either could say any more, Kaneki caught sight of Ichika scribbling her face with lipstick.
Touka was now in the kitchen, scrubbing away Ichika’s unusually red cheeks whilst Kaneki cleared away the makeup. It baffled the two of them that this two year old, who could barely walk, was able to reach the top of the drawers whilst they had their backs turned for a brief few minutes. They knew she was a miracle child in a sense, but this was going too far. Regardless, they had other things to focus on.
As soon as Ayato and Hinami arrived to look after Ichika, they left to go to TSC. Throughout their journey, Kaneki couldn’t seem to calm down. His eyes continued to wonder back to her every now and again and he took any and every chance he could to hold her hand. It was ridiculous - he was acting as if this was their first date. Was he really that miserable before? Did she simply not notice how much he had to go through? Or...was this how he usually was around her in public? Perhaps she was somewhat more self conscious since it had been a while since it was just the two of them going out together. Though going out to his job wasn’t exactly- Nevermind. As long as he was happy, she couldn’t complain.
The TSC building was as regular as any other office building, nothing like the dramatic designs of the previous CCG buildings. She shouldn’t be too surprised, since they couldn’t waste resources trying to make a statement. The city was still in repair and the TSC didn’t have the time or space to set up something extravagant. Even so, the interior reminded her of the CCG, though that was perhaps due to the personnel rather than the actual layout. It was, at the very least, nothing as intense as what it once was. There were ghouls mixed in with the humans and those horrid gates were nowhere in sight - it was certainly an improvement, in its own way.
Touka would be lying if she said that she’d never considered partaking in this organisation. Again, this was a vast improvement with the hunted now being comrades with the hunters and hopefully, in the future where perhaps Ichika can grow up in, such bitter rifts between two species will no longer exist. She tried not to hope for too much, especially with everything that happened, but it was...uplifting to witness this union, any union really, form between them. At the end of the day, it was clear that this union only occured because they now have a common enemy to fight against, though it was hopefully a good step into a better relationship between humans and ghouls. Nonetheless, Touka ultimately felt that she had no place in these organisations. Despite her hopes for a united future, she still couldn’t forgive the humans for what they did to her and her friends, even if she didn’t hate them as one collective group. Such conflictive feelings like that would make her unfit to serve something so sincere. She was fine with that, Kaneki was too. Besides, she wanted to open another cafe one day, hopefully.
As they made their way through the building, Touka became increasingly aware of the eyes watching both her and Kaneki. With her, she could understand - she wasn’t technically supposed to be here, she was bound to get a few confused stares. Then there was Kaneki, where it was almost an obligatory look they gave him. It wasn’t on the same level as when they were in the underground, the ghouls preaching him as their nameless king whilst he passed by. Instead, these people sent off a mixture of vibes. Some still saw him highly, it was clear as day, and those people were obviously ghouls. The humans, on the other hand, were more hesitant with their intent. She wasn’t too surprised to see that even after all this time, he was still given looks of spite and disgust and she couldn’t hold it against them, not really. Still, she was tempted to kick their asses for such looks, even if Kaneki acted as if he couldn’t see them. So, this was what he had to face every time he came here. She wasn’t exactly sure how he managed to deal with the judgement. Another reason why she kept herself away from this business.
They eventually ran into Tsukiyama, who was now apparently a representative for the United Front. Not that she had any idea what that meant. She was sure he explained it before, and Kaneki, and Nishiki, and most others, but it was clearly too boring for her to bother remembering.
“Ah, Kirishima-san. You look elegant today.” Tsukiyama clasped his hands together, nodding his head in approval of her outfit. Even though he was the one who picked out the outfit for her. “And what a pleasure it is to see you here with your beloved husband. Let us hope you won’t be too big a distraction.”
“Don’t get the wrong idea, stupid-yama. I’m here for serious business.” She grabbed Kaneki’s shoulder, making him jump in response. “To be more specific, I’m here for maintenance. I’d appreciate your cooperation.”
“Ah, Touka.” Hide popped up from behind Tsukiyama and he gave a small wave at the couple. Including a look of sympathy for Kaneki. “We’ll help you in any way we can. I talked to Marude and he agreed to let you hang out with us for the day, granted that you don’t cause a ruckus or anything.”
“First of all, Marude never agreed, you just left the room before he could reply.” Tsukiyama smirked then, tapping his chin with his finger, as if in deep thought. “And this is Touka Kirishima we’re talking about. I’ll be surprised if the the building is still intact once the day is-”
Touka stamped on Tsukiyama’s foot, careful to make sure her stiletto heel would precisely hit his biggest toe. His face froze up on the impact and Kaneki and Hide exchanged nervous looks before they slowly lurked away, insisting that they heard someone calling for them. With a triumphed grin, she joined the other two.
They entered what looked like a meeting room, a table extending around the sides of the room. At the front sat Marude with his associate Mabuchi sat by his side, Hide and Kaneki taking a seat nearby. Tsukiyama, who was pale and sweating, took his seat in the front next to Banjou and others started to arrive, filling up the empty spaces around the room. They all greeted her and to her surprise, they were incredibly friendly. She didn’t suppose that they knew that she was a ghoul, not that it should make a difference to begin with, and she couldn’t help but feel somewhat flattered by the friendliness. Both men and women complimented her look and some even recognised her as Kaneki’s wife, showing their own respect for her position. What this position was, she wasn’t sure. Some even went as far as to call her queen. It astounded her, in some ways, that she was seen in such high regard. A part of her knew that she didn’t truly want to be seen as some goddess and be worshipped the same way Kaneki was, and yet...Well, she’ll only be here for this one day, and for Kaneki’s sake too, so she might as well indulge herself for the time being.
. . .
Kaneki was pouting. Or rather, he was glaring. No, to be precise, he was both pouting and glaring and the corner of his mouth twitched every now and again. Hide watched with some worry and followed his gaze, which was directed towards Touka. She was surrounded by a few members of the TSC and they all seemed taken away with her. It was possible they mistook her for a new employee, though he heard some of them mention her name every now and again. Either way, Kaneki appeared to be uncomfortable with this turn of events.
“What are you glaring at?” Hide nudged him and Kaneki shook his head, returning back to the usual gentle expression he wore. He insisted that it was nothing, his hand moving up to rub his chin. Hide gave him an unimpressed look before turning back to watch Touka. “My my, she’s very popular, that wife of yours. Just like back at the cafe. She certainly catches everyone’s attention.”
“Of course she does. She’s amazing.” Despite his kind, disgustingly sappy words, there was a clear sharp undertone to his voice. Hide grinned and sat back, Kaneki raising a brow. “What? What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?” Hide ignored him and instead checked his nails whilst replying only with a shrug. “Look, I’m not bothered by this.”
“Oh yeah?”
“There’s no reason for me to be jealous. I’m being silly and immature.”
“Ah, so you admit that you’re jealous.” Kaneki coughed loudly over his words as Touka approached them. After apologising for being distracted by the others, she took her seat behind them. Kaneki took a deep breath and Hide leaned in, his voice now a whisper. “C’mon, dude. She came here for you and you alone.” He nodded, now relaxing some more. “And she’ll be here allll day, so try not to lose your cool by the end of it.” Kaneki shoved him away, grumbling how this was just another punishment he had to face.
The meeting went on as usual, everyone stating their reports on the progress of Tokyo’s rebuilding. The TSC school was running smoothly, apparently, but the threat of the beasts Furuta created remained at large. It had been on everyone’s mind that these beasts became less beast-like and more intelligent as time went on. It was undeniable at this point, even if they were still a far cry from being sentient species. The dots were being connected and theories began to spread; they were, perhaps, the connection between humanity and ghouls, more significantly the origin of the ghouls to begin with. Though, even that was a large leap in terms of theories. Regardless, they were still a threat...Their development would have to faced another time, when they are no longer rampaging monsters thirsting for meat.
Touka sat quietly, listening in every now and again, and she waited patiently for the end. At times, she was tempted to add some of her own input, but any comment she had would usually be said by someone else. They were more open-minded than she expected, especially towards improving the community between human and ghouls. Still boring, though. At the very end, they started assigning different tasks. Marude stood, pointing at a map with different events scattered across. The room was mostly empty by the time the main members were being addressed. Kaneki’s hands awkwardly clasped on the table, his head somewhat bowed. Hide took notice and glanced back at Touka with a small Frown. She shuffled in her seat, kicking his chair. He looked back and she offered him a thumbs up, Kaneki smiling in return.
“Kaneki-kun.” Marude turned to him next. His voice was raspy and his face was sunken with age. The director certainly seemed like a tired man. “I’m sorry to ask this but…” He started to list various tasks, from helping to find a missing peacekeeper, to speaking with a rebel ghoul who specifically demanded Kaneki’s presence. Touka winced with every new, ongoing task, alongside the others who all felt equally as sympathetic.
“I’m sorry, but doesn’t this seem ridiculous?” Touka stood with a frown, voice stern and blunt. Kaneki smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head and Tsukiyama and Hide smiled with some gratitude.
“Miss Kirishima.” Marude sighed, tossing aside his clipboard. “I am very aware of how extreme this is-”
“But...I don’t know what I can tell you. I really do try to make this easier for Kaneki, but it’s hard to convince people that he isn’t some villain that needs repentance.” Touka was confused at first and it showed, Marude continuing to explain. “Dangerous issues like these- it’s easy to simply make Kaneki take responsibility with the justification that he caused the issues to begin with.” She was about to protest, but he held up a hand, cutting her off. “I really do understand, it’s not as if I agree with these people. Well, not entirely anyway. Besides, Kaneki accepts the jobs, so I’m not going to waste my time changing his mind. Now, if you don’t mind, I want some coffee.”
He left the room, along with his assistant, and the room was left silent. Touka, with hands on hips, looked down at Kaneki and he could only smile awkwardly once again. Hide, sensing the tension, decided to drag Tsukiyama and Banjou out of the room before anything could be said. Kaneki flinched when the door shut, his eyes slowly moving back to Touka’s disapproving face. However, rather than her directing her complaints at him, she simply sighed and sat back down.
She came all this way to help him and she was useless. What was she really expecting? It wasn’t as if she was any kind of authority and even if she was, the people demand him to make up for his mistakes. What was probably most painful was the fact that Kaneki accepted this tremendous burden without hesitance. He was clearly still blaming himself for the tragedy. It was hard not to, she could understand this, but still...to think that he still felt this big a need to prove himself.
Kaneki watched with some concern, tilting his head to one side. Touka was clearly troubled by this, more so than he expected. He wasn’t exactly sure why she came here besides the fact that he could possibly use some company. She looked so disappointed at herself. Not him. Herself. Even though, just a moment ago, she went as far as to protest against the workload he was receiving. He might have accepted the work to begin with, but to see her so unhesitatingly defend him was touching and he hated to see her scold herself for such efforts.
“I’m sorry, Kaneki.” Touka finally said, leaning back against her seat. “I was no help at all. I couldn’t give you the break you needed.”
“Ah, is that what this was all about?” Kaneki took her hand into his and shuffled his seat closer to hers. “You don’t need to worry-”
“But I do. I can’t help it, when you return home, barely awake. I can’t stand it. And yet, here you are, allowing them to walk all over you.” He was about to lower his face then, in guilt of having Touka worry so much, but she cupped his face in her hands, turning him to face her. “You don’t need to keep proving yourself, you understand? Whatever hatred you feel for yourself, it will be forgiven. And if it isn’t, then we’ll just have to accept it and move on.”
Her head leaned against his and he watched with eyes wide with surprise. He placed his hands over hers and leaned up to plant a soft kiss against her lips. “You’re amazing, Touka-chan.” He chuckled and pulled her into a tight hug. “If I knew it’d make you worry so much - and ruin my health, it seems - I would’ve perhaps rejected Marude some more.” Touka mumbled that he was a liar and Kaneki couldn’t deny. At least, with Touka here, he could be more confident with himself. “Unfortunately, it seems my day is already set out for me. I’ll start taking care after this.”
As she listened to his calm heartbeat, his hand rubbing slowly against her back, she thought to herself for a moment. She thought deeply. It was still the beginning of the day and the long list of tasks were half filled with mundane jobs anyone could do. With an idea in mind, she then stood abruptly, Kaneki waiting for her to explain whatever it was she was thinking. However, rather than an answer, she quickly rushed out the room without another word, leaving Kaneki all alone.
. . .
When Kaneki left the meeting room, he roamed around the different offices calling for Touka. She was nowhere to be found and he worried for a moment that she could possibly be lost. Then again, knowing her, if she were to find herself lost, she’d simply smash the nearby window and leap down to the streets. Worryingly, that was the least of his concerns.
Eventually, he spotted her in the break room making coffee. When he looked closer, he realised she wasn’t just making one for her. Standing next to her was a pretty high ranking TSC member and they seemed noticeably interested in what Touka had to say. She then offered them a cup, a kind, heartwarming smile on her face. Before he knew it, Kaneki found himself lurking behind the door, glaring daggers at this clearly presumptuous and rude coworker of his. They were now laughing and they were complimenting her on her coffee. Of course they would, but how dare they!
When the coworker started to head towards the door, Kaneki moved to the other wall, trying his best to look natural. They greeted them as they walked past and Touka soon followed behind. She didn’t notice Kaneki at first as she watched the coworker head around the corner, and she jumped when she finally turned to her husband. He wanted to ask her what it was they were doing, besides drinking her coffee, but she almost immediately left, leaving Kaneki alone once again. He took a deep breath, and then another, though he found himself pouting once again. He slapped his cheeks, scolding himself, and he decided to go ahead and try to find Touka again.
As he tried to predict where he’d find her next, he saw her in the worker’s lounge, a few people sat besides her. They were all laughing, bonding over whatever it was they were talking about. Kaneki’s heart began to twist then, a sharp stab of loneliness holding him back from joining them. To think she’d get along so well with the others...There was nothing wrong with it, she was always likable, yet he couldn’t help but crave her attention once again. It was incredibly immature, he knew, especially since he was her husband and they had a child. And still, here he was, wondering why it was she desired their company over his. Maybe she was simply trying to stay out of his way, or entertain herself, since he took on all those jobs. This...was his fault, wasn’t it? He should’ve paid more attention-
His thoughts were then cut off when another worker leaned forward, brushing aside her hair with the claim that it was beautiful. Now Touka was blushing. Whenever he compliments it, she would shove him away and hide her face. This was hardly fair! With this new resolve bubbling up within him, he decided to head straight to Touka and take her away from these undeserving people. However, when he walked into the lounge, she was gone once again.
. . .
It was lunchtime and most people were now in the cafeteria or cafe, leaving the main offices mostly empty, spare for the one or two workers catching up with their issued jobs. With a deep breath, Touka smoothed out the creases in her suit and looked around for Kaneki. She noticed him snooping around for her before, though he stopped following her at one point. She was tempted to go back for him, yet she knew it’d be worth it if she carried on ahead and explained later.
She found Hide, Tsukiyama and Banjou seated at their usual desks and she asked them if they had seen Kaneki. Considering the jobs he had to do, it shouldn’t have been too surprising to hear that he went out to start some of them. And so, she decided to wait for him by hanging out with the others, catching up on whatever she missed the past few months. While the chatter did pass the time, Touka found herself impatient for Kaneki’s return, more so now than she usually was and within a few hours, she found him enter the room with a bunch of flowers in hand. In her mind, she mentally facepalmed.
The three others began to collectively snicker and Touka, whilst panicking, leaped forwards and dragged Kaneki back out the room. He was flustered, which was probably because he ran his way here, and he continued to hold the flowers. It turned out that he picked out her favourites, in her favourite colour too, with a little bunny note attached. It then struck her - was there an anniversary she was forgetting?!
“Touka-chan.” Kaneki breathed heavily, Touka watching incredulously. “I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you. I-I’ll be a better husband. I’ll try to take more days off, I promise. J-Just...Please d-don’t hate me.” He winced as he held out the flowers and she took them, blinking slowly between the two.
“...What?” With her blank expression, Kaneki grew quiet and he now wondered if the flowers weren’t enough. Maybe he should take out the gold necklace too- “Kaneki, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh…” More silence. “But you’ve been avoiding me all day, spending time with everyone else.”
“I, uh, how to explain this. I was dishing out your jobs to other people. You know, like the smaller ones that don’t really require you specifically. I thought maybe it’d help. Whilst being a nice surprise.” Kaneki stared at the ground for a moment as he took in these words and with this new realisation, his face turned bright red. He looked up, looking as stiff and awkward as Touka.
However, just when he was about to make a dramatic apology for acting so childish, Touka burst out laughing, her cheeks flushed and a huge smile on her face. Kaneki couldn’t help but join her and the two ended up laughing hysterically in the middle of a office corridor without a care in the world. When they finally calmed down, Touka wrapped her arms around him, thanking him for his gift and in return, he thanked her for her hard efforts.
He was always, always so worried about the outcome of his choices, no matter how many years pass. Yet, during moments like these, he was reminded that the biggest support in his life would always be by his side and she would never fail to understand him and help him through whatever it was he was going through. She was his saviour, so maybe it wasn’t so surprising that he was scared of losing her. But...she was scared of losing him too, wasn’t she? They also had a beautiful daughter to care for together too. It was no wonder that she tried so hard to help him get by, even if he didn’t deserve it half the time.
“Hey, I think I’m going to go home now.” Touka kissed his cheek and he kissed her in return, their faces inches apart. “Ayato is desperately asking for me to take Ichika from him before she pulls all his hair out. And besides, I don’t want you getting all jealous again.”
“I wasn’t- Okay, I was jealous, but you were teasing me.”
“Hm, only a little. It’s funny to see you get all hot and bothered.” She pulled away, smirking. “But I’ll be sure to make it up to you later.”
“I’ll try to come home earlier today, I promise.” He held her hand until she was too far to reach, his heart still leaping with ecstatic joy. “I love you.”
He whispered those words again once she was gone. Even though she was now gone, he knew that she’d be able to hear them. However, now that this whole misunderstanding was over, he faced a greater challenge ahead, likely his greatest. He saw Hide film the exchange and they’ve been laughing about it for the past few minutes. He knew he shouldn’t use his kagune, and yet...
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