#truly the hottest woman alive
rialitysworld · 6 months
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unholy thoughts only
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themisplaceddemigod · 4 months
i'm immortal, i can wait
PJ!Apollo x F!Reader
summary - Apollo has loved you since he first saw you, but he's had to wait several years before he could make such a confession. Especially since you're the child of his scariest uncle, Poseidon.
warnings - Apollo is his own warning. that and his haikus, also i am KEEPING JASON ALIVE in the Trials of Apollo part of this (curse you Rick)
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He met you in person when you were fourteen.
Westover Hall, you had been summoned to collect two demigod kids with your brother Percy and friends Annabeth and Thalia. The mission turned sour, Annabeth was kidnapped, and Artemis saved the day before calling him to give you all a lift back to camp.
Both of you could remember how red your face turned when you'd seen him, and he wouldn't tell you but he'd heard you talking about how hot he was with Thalia. It boosted his ego (which quite frankly does not need any more boosting), and he was smug the whole ride.
"Percy, you never told me you had a sister!" He spoke so loudly the whole bus could hear him.
"Um, because we've never met in person?" You brother suggested, a little nervously. Apollo was pretty chill, but that made him even scarier.
The god of the sun just laughed, before turning to look at you. The way his eyes roamed your figure felt less-than-innocent, and your face flushed as you yet again turned a bright shade of red. You couldn't believe the Apollo, the hottest Olympian, was actually staring at you with interest. Like he found you pretty enough to be stared at.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" He smiled flirtatiously, earning some aggressive threats from the Hunters behind you, which he ignored. "Just kidding, I know it already. (Name), right? Pretty name."
You felt as if you might explode. From embarrassment, from being flustered, you didn't know. Maybe he was toying with you, as gods tended to do, but then he looked at you again and genuine interest and attraction glimmered in his stunning blue eyes.
"Thank you, Lord Apollo," you stammered out, unsure of what else to say.
"So shy," he teased, grinning, "Cute. I like you."
Of course, he had to restrain himself from charming you entirely, since you were still a minor. Poseidon would have his head if he touched you at this age, so he decided it was best to wait a few years.
Those few years were full of struggle and pain for you, losing so many friends in the battles with Kronos and then Gaea. Apollo almost intervened just to comfort you several times, but was stopped by his sister convincing him to give you a few more years - and also reminding him that the Olympians could not intervene.
But you grew into such a beautiful, smart, brave woman - and extremely sexy, but he would have to keep that to himself - and Apollo felt lucky to have watched this growth. It made his attraction to you all the more prominent, and he began to feel something he hasn't felt in centuries - genuine. true love.
And it scared him.
His past lovers that he had really, truly loved had both been killed in gruesome ways. He was afraid of what being with him would mean for you, but ultimately decided on getting Poseidon's permission first.
The god of the sea said no.
Then came his trials.
The first demigods he went to were you and Percy, of course. Since he was stuck with an infuriating little girl, he hoped that you might tag along on his perilous journey to make it a little better.
To his delight, you agreed.
"What's so funny?" He demanded when he caught you snickering during a break from all the running.
"You," you laughed, "Never thought the god Apollo would be reduced to an average teenage boy with acne." You laughed even more at that, and he pouted, but enjoyed hearing you laugh nonetheless.
His first sign that you might have a crush on him too came when he mentioned he'd turned some gossipers into ravens just for telling on his previous cheating girlfriend. The mere mention of his ex-girlfriend seemed to irritate you, and Apollo was amused.
Though his turn for jealousy came when he noticed how close you were to Jason Grace. He couldn't do anything, though, so he watched miserably as you got along with the son of Jupiter so well that any outsider would think you were dating.
"What's with the pout, then?" You had asked him when you noticed how upset he looked.
"I am not pouting!"
"Yes you are."
You stepped closer, and your intoxicating scent filled his nostrils. He felt like a schoolboy with a massive crush, just you being that close scrambling his thoughts and making it difficult for him to answer.
"Alright, keep your secrets," you laughed, then walked away, and Apollo was left disappointed.
He was not even going to talk about the whole thing with Reyna. You had suddenly gotten so angry with him after that, you hadn't spoken to him for two days - unless absolutely necessary. It hurt, but he knew you must have been even more hurt by what had been implied.
The end of the trials eventually came and relieved all of you, the defeat of the Triumvirate taking a great weight off the world's - and yours - shoulders. Apollo disappeared after he went to fight Python, and for two weeks you heard no word from him or Olympus.
Then suddenly he was in the middle of camp, spouting the worst haikus you had ever heard in your life. And that was saying something, since all his haikus were pretty terrible.
"Like captured water
You hold me in your cupped hands
I flow on your palm."
Your jaw dropped. That was even worse than you assumed it would be, especially since he chose to center it around the fact that you're a daughter of Poseidon.
"Lord Apollo-"
"See what I did there?" He winked, coming up to you with a cheerful grin. "Did you like it?"
"Fear not! I have another one prepared that is sure to woo you."
Your face flushed, "Please don't say "woo", your kids are listening!"
He was already reciting his next haiku.
"You shatter my sleep
All milk-need and petal lips
You smile and I melt."
You frowned in confusion, "What does that even mean?"
"Aha! See I knew that was the one!"
"I didn't-what?"
He ignored your puzzlement in favour of coming so close to you his overwhelming godly power almost made you pass out.
"I'm sorry I haven't been around for two weeks," he apologised sincerely. "I was in a coma. I swear on the River Styx that it's the truth. But I came here as soon as I woke up, for you." He grinned like that was the best confession he could muster.
"Are you serious?" You breathed out, unable to believe what you were hearing.
"Technically I wanted you when you were fourteen, but that would have come across as creepy apparently," he informed you, "So I had to wait a few years until you turned the right age. That was okay with me, I'm immortal, I can wait."
Your jaw dropped further, "Are you, um-is this-?"
"A love confession? Yes!" He gleefully exclaimed, as if it were perfectly normal for an Olympian to invade camp and profess his love for a demigod.
The entire camp was silent, except for the Aphrodite girls who seemed to be glaring holes into you while trying to curse you - fortunately only the Apollo kids (ironically) had the power to curse a person to speak in rhymes.
"And what did...what did my dad think of this?" You cleared your throat, slightly nervous.
"Oh he was against it at first," Apollo admitted, "BUT he came around. It seems the trials proved a lot more than I thought."
"Well, uh, that's great," you half-smiled, not sure why you felt a sense of dread. This should be the happiest moment of your life.
Apollo's smile faltered, "Do you not-"
"No I do!" You quickly cut him off, sparing him the embarrassment of being rejected in front of a few dozen kids MUCH younger than him. "It's just...you're a god..."
He sighed, "Let's go take a walk."
A few minutes later you were away from prying eyes, sitting by the lake since it always calmed you down. Water soothed you, as cliche as that is for a Poseidon kid.
"I'm just worried," you started after a few minutes of silence, "You know, about all your mortal affairs and having demigod children and all that." You sighed. "I know it's silly. But I just don't think I can go through with it knowing that."
He frowned, but understood, "I can always stop-"
You laughed bitterly, "All the gods promised a woman what. Zeus promised Hera, but there's Jason and Thalia. Poseidon promised Amphitrite, but here Percy, Tyson and I are. It's in your nature, you can't help it."
He felt offended by that, "Yes well, none of them had the displeasure of being turned into mortal for a few months. It changes a god, you know."
You turned to look at him, "Are you really sure about this? That this is what you want? I'm what you want?"
"I've waited for you since you were fourteen," he reminded you, "Of course I'm sure." Despite your reluctance, he took your hand. "Please, just give me a chance."
You thought it over for a moment, before smiling softly, "Fine. You have your chance. But the first mortal affair you have-"
"I won't need them," he smiled, moving closer, "You can have all my children."
Your jaw dropped at his blatant suggestion, a deep blush forming on your cheeks, "Are you crazy?! I can't-"
"You can," he leaned in even closer, "Once I make you immortal."
You started stuttering and stammering just then, uttering some kind of incomprehensible nonsense that the god of the sun just laughed at. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, before finally leaning in and claiming your lips.
He had waited long enough, now he was going to kiss you every chance he got.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Diana Rigg (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, The Assassination Bureau, A Midsummer Night’s Dream)—Though she may be most famous across the pond for her Game of Thrones-era career, here on her native soil she is an icon of the 60s and female empowerment! Arguably best known for slaying as Emma Peel in The Avengers, her biggest pop culture legacy is definitely playing the only woman Bond truly loved - Tracy di Vincenzo - and absolutely stealing the movie (OHMSS) from under George Lazenby’s nose. The Assassination Bureau is also an extremely fun and underrated period adventure film where her boundless energy and wit is better matched by Oliver Reed. She excelled at playing alluring women with a sense of humour and darker complications underneath. Undoubtedly one of England’s most lovable, intelligent, funny, sexy and unforgettable actresses of all time, I entreat you VOTE PRINCESS DI !!
Barbra Streisand (Funny Girl, Hello Dolly)—I love her smile!! I love her nose!! I love her Brooklyn accent!! She's hilarious and gorgeous and real!!! I love her sense of humor! I love her voice!
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Diana Rigg:
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"She lived with a director/partner/boyfriend for eight years in the 60s and told the tabloid press '[I have no desire] to be respectable'"
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Barbra Streisand propaganda:
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"If you want to know why I’m submitting her, you’ll just have to read her 900 page memoir My Name is Barbra. It’ll explain everything!"
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Lovely, smart, funny and a GORGEOUS VOICE
have you seen her? she could sing and dance and i love her so much in funny girl
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Her most famous movie line is telling herself “Hello Gorgeous,” what else can I say lol. One of the most famous Hollywood divas of our time, who’s still alive and going strong. All of her outfits in Funny Girl are also soooo pretty. Plus she got to act alongside Omar Sharif, who was in the Vintage Men Poll.
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She IS the greatest star! Her voice! Her eyes! She has one of the most stunning profiles I've ever seen. Talent in SPADES! (And honestly, as a wlw it's disingenuous to ignore it - a truly beautiful cleavage)
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beardedjoel · 11 months
closer | part three
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joel x f!reader. non-apocalypse au.
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3  
chapter summary: you try and avoid joel after your awkward kiss the other day, but it doesn’t take long for him to reel you right back in. 5.2k words.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, age difference (joel is 42 and reader is 25), inexperienced reader, joel being a menace, more flirting, it’s gonna go DOWN next chapter, reader wears a cropped shirt and jean shorts, reader is described only as having hair
a/n: i hope you are all enjoying this so far! i’m so sorry this chapter definitely ends on a bit of an evil cliffhanger <3
You’re officially hiding from Joel. You realize you’re a grown woman and should be acting more mature about this, but you can’t seem to help the embarrassment that you feel when you even think about seeing him again. You wonder what he must think of you - just some silly girl, afraid of a fucking kiss, that’s what he’s got to think. 
You’ve done everything you can think of to stay out of his sight for the last day, although you haven’t noticed any activity over at his house this morning, so it’s safe to assume he’s working today. 
The only interaction you’ve had with him was when you thought you’d caught his eye after you came out of your shower yesterday, wrapped in only a towel. You thought better of it, but you couldn’t help the little power trip that having him see you naked through your window gave you the last time. So, pretending you don’t see him, you drop the towel, parading around your apartment looking for something to wear for the day. You know it was probably too far away for him to see if you made eye contact, but you were careful to not look in his direction too much and give yourself away. You’d left the house with a smug smile, wanting to gain back a little of the power you felt you lost when you’d embarrassed yourself.
You try to keep yourself busy - starting your day with some shopping that’s supposed to be for your new apartment in Austin when you find one, but it ends up turning into clothes shopping, or more specifically, underwear shopping. You bite the inside of your lip, holding up different pairs of sexy underwear, tilting your head as you look at them. Sure, you own plenty of pairs already, but you’re feeling the urge to add to your collection, trying to convince yourself it has nothing to do with Joel despite the passing thoughts wondering which color he’d like to see on you. You decide to call Sofia, your best friend from back in Chicago while you’re ambling through the air conditioned stores, trying to stay out of the house as long as possible. 
“So, if I’m hearing you right, you’re telling me that you're embarrassed because you two kissed? Didn’t you want to kiss him?” Sofia says into your ear, sounding incredulous.
“Ugh, it’s not that. It’s that I fucking jumped when he tried to put his hand on my ass, like some teenage virgin or something,” you groan. 
“I think you’re overthinking it,” she tells you, “Like, it sounds like he was understanding, right?”
“I don’t know, I think so. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, I just get crazy when I’m around him. I wish you could just see him and understand what I’m talking about.”
“Yeah, first of all, I can’t believe you haven’t taken any sneaky pics of him for me yet - it’s truly offensive as your best friend that you haven’t shown me apparently the hottest man alive yet,” Sofia starts, and you laugh. “Secondly, I think you need to just… move on from being embarrassed about it. I know that sounds harsh, but seriously, it sounds like he’s into you.”
“I don’t know… how could he be?” you muse, feeling insecure. You’ve just been unable to see what Joel could find alluring in you when he could have someone more put together, more attractive, less shy around him, the list goes on. 
“You’re kidding me… you’re young, you’re hot, and did you already forget the part where he kissed you back and tried to grab your ass?”
You laugh. “Okay, you do have a point, Soph.”
“Of course I do. You’d better get back over there and kiss him again, and don’t even think about texting me or calling me again until you do,” she says, and you scoff in fake hurt. “Okay, not that last part, just kiss him, but please update me every 10 seconds because I miss you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I miss you too,” you say to her with a chuckle, before you wrap up your conversation, knowing she’s right, that it’s really not that big of a deal. You just hate how you feel like you’re constantly embarrassing yourself in front of Joel. By now, it’s the early evening, and you’ve managed to stay away for most of the day, avoiding both Joel and your own thoughts with some good old retail therapy and talking to Sofia. 
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You take your dinner outside, a grilled cheese and chips, your favorite summer meal since you were a kid, and sit down on a lounge chair. You sit cross legged with your plate and book in front of you, taking in the way the heat of the day has finally turned into that perfect, comfortable evening temperature. You see no sign of Joel, no lights on at his house, and decide to enjoy a few moments of solitude knowing he can’t spot you right now. You get completely lost in your reading, one of the few reprieves you have these days, so you fail to notice lights flickering on next door until a loud, rumbling laugh catches your attention.
You feel like a deer in headlights as you peer over at the source of the noise and see Joel emerging out of his back door, someone trailing closely behind him. He’s wearing what looks like work clothes, although you haven't seen him dress in a whole lot other than t-shirts and jeans, and he has a six pack of beer in one hand. The other man next to him bears some resemblance, the same dark hair and tan skin, although he has a more boy-ish appearance than Joel does, and you assume it’s his brother that he’d mentioned, Tommy. 
You don’t know if you should move, run, or hide - a real classic flight or… flight situation. Luckily, it seems like Joel is occupied enough with his brother’s visit that his eyes haven’t made it over in your direction at all. You wonder if there’s an occasion, or they’re just having an after work beer, which you somehow find endearing, like everything else he does. They sit down on Joel’s patio table, supposed-Tommy sitting across from Joel, facing your direction. Good, this is good, you think, he doesn’t know who you are, so why would you catch his attention? You’re still trying to decide your next move, but find seeing Joel is a distraction from even that. You decide to try and sneak away without being noticed
“Hey,” Joel says, calling your name with a wave as you’re halfway up the stairs to your apartment. You groan internally, and grimace slightly before turning around. You’ve been spotted, and feel you have no choice but to engage now. You make it to the fence line between your yards, realizing you’re still awkwardly holding your empty dinner plate and book, and that combined with seeing Joel, turned around in his chair, looking at you, makes you already want to sprint away.
“Hi…” you say, trying to speak up but finding it hard right now.
“This is my brother, Tommy, the one I was tellin’ you about,” Joel says, and there’s something different about his voice, but you can’t quite place it yet. You furrow your brow, but then relax your face, not wanting to be rude. Tommy gives a little glance at you, and then Joel, as if trying to piece together why we’d been talking about him.
“Howdy,” Tommy says with a wave and a friendly smile. At the least, he seems disarming enough that your nerves are settled a bit.
“You joinin’ us for a beer, or what?” Joel says, and that’s when you place it. Joel’s is drunk, or at least tipsy. You think they must have had some beers prior to the six pack they’ve just started drinking. You’re not sure what to do with this information, how to feel about it, but you’re intrigued to see this side of Joel. Tommy, completely unaware of your pain, gives you a hopeful smile, urging you to come over. 
“Um, yeah, sure,” you say, and the nervous pit that’s been living in your stomach for days lurches. You want to forget the other day happened, just be normal around Joel, and think that maybe having a drink could be a good start. “Hang on,” you add, holding a finger up before you run up to your apartment, discarding your plate and book, and run back out, not before double checking how you look in the mirror. You scowl a little, feeling like you look spent from your recent sleep deprivation.
You join them a few moments later, awkwardly settling yourself down into one of the chairs. Tommy pulls a bundle of keys out of his pocket, using his bottle opener keychain to crack open one of the beers and starts handing it in your direction before suddenly stopping.
“Wait. You old enough to drink this?” he asks, eyeing you suspiciously. You laugh, not entirely sure if you should feel flattered by the comment. If anything, it makes you feel even more self conscious about the kiss you and Joel shared, your cheeks warm and buzzing just at the memory.
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’m 25,” you respond, and you can see Joel’s gaze shoot over to you as the number comes out of your mouth. You knew he had to have been wondering your age, and while you assumed he had a likely guess, he’s never asked you directly. Tommy gives over the beer to you with a smile now, asking your name. You tell him and he tries to make casual conversation.
“So, I see you and my brother have gotten acquainted then. New neighbors?”
“Kind of,” you say, and you explain the situation with your parents to him.
Tommy laughs, looking over at Joel. “Imagine one of us, doin that with Mom and Dad… whew, we’d have gone crazy. They’re lucky they’ve got a good daughter like you,” he says kindly, and you decide you rather like Tommy now that you’ve met him. He has a welcoming, warm energy that you’re extra appreciative of right now.
Joel chuckles at his brother’s comment, looking between the both of you. “She’s an angel, this one,” Joel says, his gaze landing on you again, and giving a small wink. You smirk and humbly bow your head at their comments. Mostly, you need to get out of seeing Joel’s piercing brown eyes looking at you. 
Tommy continues to ask you questions about your life - your time in college, growing up in San Antonio, what kind of hobbies you have. He’s a fun conversationalist, and he makes you feel listened to, looking at you with interest at every answer you throw at him. You manage to squeeze in a few questions of your own, but it seems like Tommy is more interested in hearing about you. Joel is mostly sitting back, listening, laughing here and there and throwing in some of his own comments. But every time you look over at him, it’s as if he’s just… absorbing you with his eyes, hanging on every word you’re saying about yourself. His stare is intimidating in its own way, and you find yourself equally averting it but unable to keep peeking over at him.
You’re now about two beers deep and can feel the light, warm feeling of it coursing through you. This isn’t so bad, after all, you think - you can totally be normal around Joel after your awkward, embarrassing encounter the other day. You’re lulled into a sense of security, enjoying this evening with the Miller brothers, watching them bicker here and there and just letting the conversation flow naturally. They both have a little color on their cheeks as they laugh hard at some inside joke and memory, your smile growing just at seeing how hard they’re laughing - it’s adorable, you think to yourself with a huge grin.
Your parents must have let Benny out in the yard, because he catches Tommy’s attention as he runs over to the fence line and barks at you, probably wondering what the hell you’re doing over there, and not at home with him.
“Now who’s that cute fella?” Tommy asks you, smiling at Benny wagging his tail and panting by the fence.
“That’s Benny, my parents’ dog,” you tell him.
“Ah…” Tommy says, looking over at Joel knowingly, then right at you. “So you’re the reason my brother was late the other day,” he says with a smirk. You are in the middle of sipping your beer, and you immediately choke at Tommy’s words, the bottle falling out of your hands as you cough. It lands on the table with a loud thud, beer going everywhere - on your clothes, on the table, even some spitting out of your mouth as you choke.
“Oh shit,” you yell out in between coughs, quickly jumping up and standing back, seeing the beer dripping off of you, a large puddle on the table. You’re suddenly very aware of just how tipsy you are from the almost two drinks you’ve had - you forget how much of a lightweight you are sometimes. “S-sorry,” you say, trying to brush some of the liquid off of your arms and shirt, but you just end up making a bigger mess.
Tommy and Joel jump up with little chuckles, quickly ready to begin cleaning up the mess. “S’alright darlin’,” Joel says quickly, “Bathroom’s inside and down to the left, why don’t you go clean yourself up a bit,” he suggests to you, while he and Tommy get to work cleaning the mess with the beach towel he still had outside from the other day when you two got caught in the rain.
You rush off into the house, beer dripping off of you, barely bothering to inspect Joel’s house despite desperately wanting to. The sun has gotten much lower in the sky since you arrived over at Joel’s, so his house is relatively dark, and you search down the hallway clumsily, finding your way to the bathroom. Once the light is on, you blink a few times to adjust, and quickly grab the nearest towel, dabbing your arms dry. It’s not much use, considering your clothes are pretty well soaked, but you wet the towel and try wiping your shirt down a bit anyway. You take a few extra moments to calm yourself, feeling slightly dizzy from the alcohol and the way Joel has been stealing glances at you all evening. One more deep breath and you decide you’ll leave the bathroom, excuse yourself, and head back home to shower and change. Does Tommy know? Your brain is running off with the idea quickly before even having all of the information. Maybe he just meant the part about Joel’s injury, but you can’t help but picture that little smirk he had on his face. Fuck, you can’t stay, you can’t take it anymore, being around Joel like this after knowing what it felt like to kiss him, having Tommy seeming to know about it.
You open the door, steady your feet slightly, and turn down the hallway, and Joel is standing in the shadows, waiting for you. It causes you to jump a little, seeing his broad form just standing, leaning a shoulder against the wall.
“Oh, uh, I can grab some more towels, to help clean up,” you offer, unsure of what he’s trying to do right now, but Joel doesn’t seem to hear you or care, and he approaches you quickly, crowding his body close to you and you end up with your back against the nearest wall. Joel is standing practically up against you, but his hands are still at his sides. He’s trying so hard not to touch you, to grab your hips and pull them against his. to cup your face and crash his mouth into yours. Fuck, he’d said to himself that he was going to let you come to him, but he can’t help it as his hand twitches towards you. 
“You’ve been avoidin’ me, pretty girl,'' Joel says, and he’s slurring a little. He didn’t seem that drunk to you, maybe just buzzed, enough that he’s coming off slightly different than normal. Hearing him call you ‘pretty girl’ sends you speechless, as his pet names always seem to do.
“I - I -“ you stutter, unsure of how to answer. You have been avoiding him, but don’t know how to tell him that, since it seems childish now that you’re faced with it. His large body is pressed so close to yours and you desperately want to lean into it, your mind scrambling completely at the proximity of him. 
“S’okay, sweet girl,” he slurs, sending another pulse of desire through you with another new pet name. His hands slowly come up and rest on your waist, the feeling of his strong hands wrapped around either side of you sends what feels like a jolt of electricity through you.
”I just can’t stay away… said I would, but look at you,” he says, letting his tipsy brain spill all his thoughts as he looks down at you, glancing up and down your body and resting his eyes on your face. “Just tell me what you want, ‘cause I know what I want,” he says teasingly, his voice going lower. 
“And… What do you want?” you finally muster the courage to ask him, lifting your eyes to search his face. You find his dark eyes staring back, lustful and heavy lidded. You gulp down the excited, panicky feeling you seem to continuously get around him and feel your stomach churning with desire.
Joel hums low, the sound deep and suggestive, followed by a small chuckle, pressing his forehead to yours delicately. One hand reaches up from your waist and gently touches your arm, and you can tell he’s holding back, practically restraining himself as his breathing quickens along with your own. 
“You need me to say it?” Joel asks, “Need to hear me say what I wanna do to you?” He groans a little, his hands tightening on your hip and your arm where he’s holding them, pulling you a bit closer to him. 
Your breath catches in your throat a little and you don’t know when, but you’ve started shaking slightly with anticipation. You feel the familiar aching between your legs once Joel’s body is pressed even closer to yours. You can smell the beer and the musk of him as you lean your head slightly, causing your nose to nudge his as you nod slightly, awaiting his answer. You’re curious to know exactly what he wants to do to you, and in fine detail. 
Joel takes a breath in to answer, but a sound from down the hallway towards the kitchen takes you both out of the moment - someone clearing their throat. You gasp and try to leap back from Joel, but the wall is right there, still leaving you at Joel’s mercy. Joel pulls back, but only slightly, as if he doesn’t care that Tommy is standing right there, watching all of this.
“Just came for some paper towels, but I see I’m… interrupting something,” Tommy says cooly, and his tone isn’t like you’d heard before, it’s much less warm and genial. He’s upset, you realize, and you think maybe he has every right to be, knowing how young you are compared to his brother.
“I- I’m so sorry,” you mumble, and to whom you’re apologizing, you’re not even sure. You start to slide out from under Joel’s form, still so dangerously close to you, and his hand falls from your arm, letting you go. “I should, I should go…” you mumble as you brush past him and start rushing towards Tommy to cut through the kitchen to the back door. You stop abruptly, awkwardly near Tommy and without looking him in the eyes, say, “It was nice meeting you,” before making a beeline for the back door. What the fuck had just happened? you think to yourself over and over as you burst through the door to your apartment, standing with your back against it for several moments to try and collect yourself.
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“Jesus Christ, Joel, I was joking about her being the reason you were late,” Tommy chides, leaning back against the counter in Joel’s kitchen. “I didn’t realize… whatever the hell that was… was going on.”
Joel sighs, running a hand down his face, his buzz quickly wearing off at his younger brother’s scolding. “Tommy, it’s not anything. I’m gonna need you to mind your damn business for once in your life,” Joel retorts, feeling frustration rising up quickly in his chest.
“Right, just forget I saw that? She’s 25, Joel.” Tommy sets down the beer he was holding on the counter next to him and crosses his arms.
“It’s not that big of a deal, she’s just sweet on me, I think. I was a little drunk and she was… just there,” Joel replies, knowing his argument is weak, falling apart by the minute.
“And so you’re just, what? Egging her on for the fun of it? It ain’t a game, Joel.” Tommy’s tone is getting more serious, gearing up for an argument with his brother.
“God damn it, I realize that, Tommy,” Joel says, his voice rising dramatically. Tommy cocks his head, his eyebrows drawn, studying his brother as the realization begins to dawn on him.
“You don’t… Joel tell me you don’t have feelings for her.” Tommy sighs, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.
“You don’t think I know it’s wrong? That I wanna be with someone nearly twenty years younger? Fucking hell, brother, I know it.”
“Shit…” Tommy says simply, at a loss for words right now. They stand in an awkward silence, Joel shifting from one leg to another, unsure of where to even go next with this conversation.
“Look, I’ve been trying. To avoid it, that is. Really hard, I’m trying…” Joel trails off, and Tommy looks over at him again, a softer look in his eyes now that he’s coming down from his anger.
“But…” Tommy urges him on.
“Seems you already know. Don’t know if I can stop seein’ her,'' Joel shrugs.
“Listen, you know I’ve done my fair share of stupid shit in my life so I’m not one to talk. She’s a sweet gal, though, and you shouldn’t be fuckin’ around with her like that.”
Joel sighs even more deeply. “I know you aren’t gonna believe me when I say this, but… I want to treat her right, Tommy. It’s not a game to me, swear.”
Tommy looks over at his brother skeptically. Sure, he believes his brother, but can Joel really follow through on that? He isn’t so sure. “My advice? Stay away from her,” Tommy says with finality, taking another swig from his beer. 
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your advice,” Joel says quickly, narrowing his eyes at him. 
“Why do you care so much, Joel? You don’t need to be messing with a young girl’s life, drag her into your shit.”
“First off, it seems she’s interested in me, and she knows she’s not my age, she ain’t stupid. She can make her own decisions.” Joel crosses his arms and stares his brother down.
“And secondly…?”
“She’s a sweet girl, kind, funny, and…beautiful, of course, but that’s besides the point, I think. Somethin’ about her… I can’t explain, Tommy.”
“So it’s more than just wanting to fuck her?” Tommy says, still suspicious of Joel’s intentions.
“I don’t know yet, if I’m honest,” Joel starts, scratching the back of his neck. “I think so. But we haven’t…” Joel admits before he can stop himself, feeling a little color creep onto his cheeks. Tommy sighs again, his frustration still palpable, but he breaks a little bit.
“Jesus, Joel,” Tommy breathes out, pinching the bridge of his nose. “If you’re not going to listen to me, just be careful, please?”
“I will,” Joel says firmly, and he means it. He doesn’t have any intention of hurting you, or messing with your life. He does want to fuck you, very badly, in fact, but he’s pretty sure it’s more than that at this point - he wants to spend time with someone sweet like you, someone who is kind and generous and loving. He’s found during the conversations this evening that he’s more attracted to you than even he realized, and he knows that Tommy is right, he’s completely fucked up for wanting to be with you like that. He knows deep down that his brother’s advice is sound, but after seeing you giggling all evening at their jokes, hearing the passion with which you talk about your hobbies and life, getting close enough to breathe in your delicious scent again, he knows he’s absolutely doomed. There’s no staying away from you.
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Mortified doesn’t even begin to cover it. You want nothing more than to hide away forever, and yes, you realize you’re being dramatic, but having Tommy walk in on you and Joel all over each other wasn’t how you’d wanted to end your evening. You practically felt like you’d gone home with your tail between your legs, and you’ve been moping around for the last hour after you’d showered the beer off and changed into your pajamas. A quiet knock on your door before it opens alerts you, and you look up from your bed to see your mother coming in.
“Sorry to bother you, honey,” she starts, stepping tentatively into the room. You sit up on the bed and try to give her your best smile.
“No, that’s alright, mom, what’s up?” you say, your own voice coming out a bit strained sounding to you. She eyes you a little suspiciously, but decides to continue on.
“Just wanted to say hi,” she says, smiling at you, and you realize you’ve been so preoccupied with your own shit that you’ve barely bothered to check in on them when they are home from work. “And I’d just meant to say thank you the other day for fixing that cabinet. You know it was driving me nuts,” she says, straightening up some pillows and blankets on the couch before sitting down. You pause for a moment, debating on what Joel had said about you taking credit, but it felt… awkward to lie about. 
“Actually, it was uh, Joel… Miller from next door,” you admit sheepishly, worried about any follow up questions she might have. You’re not a great liar, and you worry she would see right through you if you tried to hide the way just talking about him makes you giddy, despite the conflict regarding him raging through you right now.
“Oh?” she says, urging you to continue with her head tilting. Your mom’s eyebrows are raised, and she looks absolutely enraptured by what you’re going to say next. She’s a sucker for random acts of kindness, you know. 
“He saw me trying to fix the gate, and then asked if there was anything else we needed help with, so… yeah. He works as a contractor, I guess, so he knew what he was doing. Unlike me.” Your face lights up a little just talking about him but the room is dimly lit enough you think it might hide it from her.
“We’ll have to thank him. That’s awfully nice, isn’t it?” your mom says with a smile, suddenly getting up. “Let me make him something, some cookies, oh, or a pie, and you can bring it over,” she rambles mostly to herself, already halfway to the door to put her plan to action. You groan - she is absolutely insane, thinking about making a whole pie at seven thirty in the evening, you think, rolling your eyes. The thought quickly strikes you that it would be a good excuse to see Joel again if you had a reason to go over to his place, and your heart rate picks up a bit. Maybe it would help, you think, if you were able to just try and talk things out with him. You haven’t stopped thinking about the question he’d asked you earlier - to tell him what you want. 
You think you finally have your answer. You know exactly what you want, and you’re pretty sure that you’re feeling brave enough to tell him tonight. You’re tired of hiding, of feeling too embarrassed to even look at him. You need things to progress one way or another, you decide.
You follow your mom back to the main house, helping her in the kitchen, and about thirty minutes later she has fresh chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and is plating them up with you. Your mother never ceases to amaze you when she gets into a mood like this - she’s one of the most efficient people you’ve ever met. She hands you the cookies with a smile, urging you to go deliver them now. 
“It’s kind of late, don’t you think?” you ask, wanting to make sure you don’t seem too eager.
She frowns a little as she glances at the clock. “I don’t know…” she says, and you can see the familiar overthinking anxiety taking over her instantly.
“That’s alright, mom, I got this. I’ll just run them over right now, I think he stays up kind of late, I’ve seen him out in the yard past eight o'clock before,” you reassure her, half for your own reasons, you think with a hint of guilt.
“Oh, good, thank you, honey,” your mom replies, a relieved grin coming over her face. “I just want to make sure we get off to a good start with our neighbors.” You almost laugh, thinking she doesn’t have to worry about that too much with the things you’re hoping to do with him.
“I’ll probably head back to the apartment and get some sleep after, so we’ll talk tomorrow, okay?” you tell her. You want to have an excuse if in case, and the thought alone makes you want to squeal, anything happens that keeps you at Joel’s longer than they’d expect you to be there. 
You leave out the back door, quickly rushing up to your apartment to change your clothing and get ready. You put on your favorite cropped tank top, tight around your chest, and it’s in a blue color that you think looks great on you. You choose your shortest pair of jean shorts for the bottom of your ensemble, feeling a little ridiculous putting on as little clothing as possible for him. You rush to your mirror, tousling your hair a bit to make sure it looks in place. You can’t believe you’re doing this for what’s supposed to be a quick visit, but you dab on a bit of makeup - some mascara and a hint of blush, just to give you a fresh look. You take a deep breath and smooth your hair one more time before leaving down the stairs, making your way to the front of Joel’s house. You have to do this before you lose your nerve, you think to yourself, mentally urging your shaking hand forward. You inhale one more time before knocking on the door, feeling your stomach flipping with anticipation as it starts to open.
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rinskazuu · 1 year
rating record of ragnarok characters /10, because i can.
DISCLAIMER: i’m only rating the characters based off what the manga & anime has portrayed. i’ve done little to no research on these people themselves, which is why i don’t condone anything immoral that they’ve done. this was written before the release of chapter 73+
a/n: i think i wanna do this for every anime + genshin & val. PLS WATCH IT & LMK IF YOU GUYS LIKE IT. also i dont care abt grammatical and/or punctual errors, this is a shit post
THOR: first of all, he’s so fucking hot. his smile caught me so off guard tho, i kinda just stood there watching the screen, baffled. not much character to him, he’s just hot. 7/10
LU BU: i’m chinese, i literally feel so happy when i see chinese characters. biased, but definitely a plus. he, just like thor, has little to no character. first character i called hot, is hot, but there are hotter characters. (what, i am not talking abt hermes wdym?) 7/10
HERMES: 10/10. no explanation. my man right there. i literally scream & cream every time i see him. why is he so fine. not a single panel or clip where he looks bad. pls eat me out, sir i beg. i will serve you. ONE CHANCE. JUST ONE?? i’m in love with him. who needs real men or women when hermes.
GOLL: she is SO ANNOYING. her eng & jp voice are both annoying asl. she’s that one character, that exists in mostly every anime, used to explain background info & battle info on other characters. brunhilde is too nice on her. she reminds me of when i first saw yachi (haikyuu) on screen. yachi, too, was annoying. but i grew to love her🫶. 1/10
BRUNHILDE: SHES SO HOT. ATE. SHE ALDNAHDISKZ. yeah, what else is there to say? 8/10
APHRODITE: she truly lives up to her version in the greek mythology. hottest woman/goddess alive. ate. her boobs, i want to squish them & bury my face in them. WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO HOLD THEM? 8/10
ZEUS: idgaf what anyone says, he’s not hot. not even his younger self. he looks like mirio (mha) turned netero (hxh). love his character tho. the eyes scared me at first. he’s hilarious. 5/10
ADAM: my friend, the one who recommended snv to me, told me he’d be more my type. he was, minus the fact that’s he literally butt fucking naked. nice ass cheeks tho. def pretty boy, his wife is hot too. i want her more😋. his line abt fighting for his children made me cry. should’ve won. i say, let hermes be uncleless & fatherless. 7/10
POSEIDON: he was fs the blueprint for adam. anywho, yk hes fine. SOOO FINE. meowing for him. he doesn’t beat hermes tho. nobody beats hermes. well, look wise at least. it was rlly hard choosing who to root for in this fight. that’s a lie, i was always on humanity’s side. sad he died:( 9/10. -1 for being a little, arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical bitch. 8/10
SASAKI KOJIRO: see, zeus coulda been hot like him at that old age. man aged like fine wine. character was a W. hot, determined, good character, funny. what else can you want from a man? 8/10
HERACLES: disappointed. so disappointed. he looked better in the disney ver. this fight was so boring for me. you’re telling me i’m supposed to watch the fight instead of ogling at hot characters? no. character was okay. 6/10
JACK THE RIPPER: massive L. not supporting a murderer. next. 0/10
SHIVA: hot from the beginning. 4 arms? do what you want to me, sir. 3 WIVES? tengen (kny), is that you bro?😭 anywho, he’s cocky, def my type irl LMAO. i wouldn’t let that slide tho.. his wives are hot too😋 8/10
RAIDEN TAMEEMON: i paid very little attention to this fight. don’t remember his backstory too well (i read this fight not even 24 hours ago btw). not that good looking, not ugly either. i liked his character, upset he took 3 of shiva’s arms. why 3? why not 2? he got 1 arm left. 4/10
BUDDHA: THATS MY GOD RIGHT THERE. ate. i’m not religious, and neither are my family, but they are buddhist, so by default, i am too. i personally think buddhism is the best religion, but we’re not gonna get into that. i have very valid reasons btw. love his personality, love his looks. massive W. ofc he fights for humanity. he’s a walking W. 9/10
ZEROFUKU: precious. definition of deserved better. what made me sad, is how he was written during the fight. he’s consistently hitting, with little to no strategy. his backstory is sad, but his battle exp was written poorly. also the random ass monster possessing took me tf out. 7/10
HADES: fine ass mf. he’s so different from how he’s usually portrayed, both look & personality wise. the first W netflix has pulled. he’s hot and responsible? persephone, we can share him babes. also, the relationship between him & poseidon made me SOB. like actually. hurt so bad i made an angst edit. 9/10
QIN SHI HUANG: first off, i don’t do research on my own ethnicity’s history. i didn’t even know who tf lu bu was. my family knew tho. with that aside, PROUD TO BE CHINESE❗️ he’s so fine. SO FINE. the way his character was written, was wonderful. i loved the fight between him & hades. the tension & the lengths they went to try & win. 9/10
BEELZEBUB: his backstory was so tragic. what i didn’t like, was how they rushed his & lilith’s story. like, they kinda randomly said i love you to each other. i’d love to see their adventures tgt. lilith, leave that emo thing, and come be w me. he’s fine too. i rlly like how they introduced him. 8/10
NIKOLA TESLA: i don’t have much of an opinion on him. very chatty, which i don’t actually mind. i guess we’ll have to wait for more chapters to release before i form an opinion on him. 5/10
ODIN: the hair bro. THE HAIR. i keep forgetting he exists, but i’m not his biggest fan. not bad, but i prefer his sons. i do like the theory of him being a traitor. he looks the part. 5/10
LOKI: honestly, i liked him a lot in the beginning, but now, it’s like he’s kinda on the side. cute & hot. thor is the better brother tho. speaking of, how tf are they even brothers? moving on, i like his personality. i like his shocked, mixed w angry, facial expressions more. 7/10
ARES: the hair again. very stylish, i do like it, but it took me out. walking around looking like a school girl. i don’t like how he tries to be a know-it-all w hermes, when he literally relies on him for info. but that’s my man for you. his expressions are SO WELL. 6/10
ADAMAS: i was awfully confused, at first, when there were 3 older brothers to zeus. usually, it’s just hades, poseidon & zeus. not his biggest fan, his character was rushed. 4/10
JESUS: i was very happy to see jesus. i’m not sure why, i just was. why is he the only character, THAT LOOKS LIKE THEMSELVES? 9/10
LU BU SIMP AGENCY: 10/10. i don’t need to say anymore. W cheng gong. love that man.
FORSETI: what a loser. he was so annoying. 2/10
EVE: mother? mommy? whatever. MEOW. 9/10
SASAKI SIMP AGENCY: love them as well. 10/10. walking Ws all around.
i don’t think i’m missing anyone, am i?
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
I just wanna be Paige so bad 😩 To be that good at basketball then heading home where AZZI MF FUDD aka the hottest woman alive is waiting for you, some people really have it all 😩😩
Shit's unfair truly. Me when world?? 😩😩😩
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The Thief of your Heart - Chapter Six.
Are you ready for the reunion? Are you? Because IT IS HERE, BESTIES! A huge thank you for your reads, reblogs and beautiful reviews, my loves! I appreciate each and every one of you for your dilligence there! If you’re someone who likes, but doesn’t comment or reblog, do you think I might prompt you into leaving a wee comment? I’d love to hear from you if you’ve remained silent thus far. I don’t bite... ;) 
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five
Tag list - In the comments, please reply below to be added/removed
Words - 6,444
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
He was vaguely aware of his brothers, both SAMCRO and SAMBEL, whistling and calling out obscenities as he kissed Abi deeply, but it was so muted and faded into the background of what he was experiencing, with the love of his life returned to the arms that had ached for her, they might as well have not been there at all. Their kiss seemed endless, his arms tightened around her, hers draped around his neck, nails gently stroking the nape. God, he’d yearned for this. Just this.  
“Well, that was a very nice hello,” she spoke softly, beaming up at him.
“Let me take you upstairs and I’ll give you an even better one.” She threw her head back and laughed, her sparkling chuckle like heavenly music to his ears. “In all seriousness, just looking at you again is good enough.”
Abi raised an eyebrow, cocking her head. “Not kissing me some more, no?”
“Oh aye. I think that can be arranged.” It was boundless, the joy she felt, after so many years of longing for him. After all this time, they’d blended back to just how they were when they were torn apart. That spoke volumes to her. And to think, she’d been nervous. As for Chibs, he felt alive again. It was that simple. His body hummed with the love he felt for her, but mostly kept stuffed deep down, too painful to ponder upon for long, the raw edge of losing her still so sharp within. Any sharp edges had been softened though, in the way they’d sank into kisses of relief at being reunited at long last.  
He’d wondered, would she even still feel the same as he did? Would she have a fella by now, kids maybe, all of that, moved on without him? The way she kissed him confirmed the answer was likely a resounding no, unless she was simply too caught up in the moment. He doubted it. Where her life had taken her besides the little bit he knew, he would learn, though, both of them sitting back down at a table by themselves, Gemma quickly interrupting with the bottle of whiskey she and Abi had been sharing, laying a kiss on both of their heads before seeking out Clay.  
“Jesus, I cannae believe you’re in front of me. Fuckin’ hell!” he exclaimed as they sat facing one another on the bench table, knees touching, holding hands, foreheads together. “You look good, CB.” he kissed her again then, on her forehead, Abi’s heart somersaulting. “Nah, scratch that. You look fucking stunning.” She truly had become nothing short of an exceptionally beautiful woman.
“And you? Even sexier than I remember, and believe me, what I remember is the hottest man I’ve ever goddamned seen.” He snorted a little, raising his eyebrows.  
“Aye, I’m sexy, but I’m old.”
“You’re forty-six!”  
“Forty-seven in five months.”
She rolled her eyes. “Still fucking gorgeous with it. God, you still make me throb in all the right places without even needing to lay a finger on me.”  
He chuckled, reaching beneath her knees and hauling her closer. “Give me time, and I’m lay a lot more than a finger on you, hen. If you want me to?”
“Aye, definitely want you to.” Those were words he was very fond of hearing, his cock twitching at the very memory of being inside her as they began to kiss again. “I missed you.”
“I missed you more.”
She chuckled, tongue swirling with his again. “It isn’t a competition.”
“Yes, it is.” He rumbled with laughter at receiving a soft thump to his chest, grabbing her hands and draping her arms around his neck, his hand sliding down them slowly, pausing to squeeze. “Flex ‘em.”
She did, her nicely honed, hard worked for muscles rising in firm swells beneath his grasp. “Jesus Christ, someone found the iron.”
“I do love to lift. I should have been at the gym this morning, but I abandoned it.” She confirmed. From martial arts, she’d always been lithe rather than skinny, but her arms were impressive, he had to give her that.
“Gorgeous when you were slender, and gorgeous stacked. I look forward to updating my mental picture of what you look like naked.” He swept her hair away from her neck, kissing the side of her throat as she laughed softly, an interruption coming from his right.  
“Don’t worry, Chibs. We’ll wait on an introduction,” Bobby called with his usual light sarcasm, Juice laughing at his side.  
“You’ll be waiting a while.” he spoke, not even looking away from her. “So then, my little war machine. Tell me about Africa. Have you taken over yet?”
She laughed softly, moving back down from where he’d pulled her onto his thighs, pouring them both a measure of whiskey, accepting a cigarette he offered. “Not quite yet, but it’s a very large continent. Give me time.”  
She then sat and detailed all about her tenure, beginning at just nineteen years old, such was the interest of the LIFG to continue trading with the IRA for guns, but only putting that trust in her family name for the actual dealings. They’d experienced a hiccup before, at the hands of one J. O’Phelan, not willing to deal with anyone else other than an offspring of the man they trusted for their continued good relations, Abi, although the human version of a hammerhead shark – small yet fierce – thusly being thrown headfirst into a world she truly didn’t understand, with a vying circle of great white sharks surrounding her every move.  
“It took a lot of getting used to, the political climate out there, the tensions, the fact that while we’re cut from the same cloth, we’re very different breeds of people. It required time, to learn of the nuances, to gauge how to handle them. Thirteen years later and they still try it on occasion, notably just before you called me out of the blue two weeks ago, trying to lowball me by half a million dinar.”
Chibs sipped his drink, eyeing her with interest. “And what did you do?”
“Shot his son in the foot and lifted my goddamn chin to the motherfucker. I still never back down, I learned with them, one hint of weakness and they’re all over you, so I show them none.”  
“That’s my girl.” The pride in his eyes was exactly the same as she remembered, when she was smaller in her status, causing havoc, hurling grenades, making life for the police a living nightmare. “So, I have to ask, how is Jimmy treating you?”
She breathed in a little sharply through her nose, her lips pursing a little as her eyebrows raised. “Your estranged wife funnels her venom and general contempt for me directly through him. It’s frosty, but I don’t think it’s personal on his behalf. She just can’t stand me being around here for longer than a few weeks, so it makes his life hard if I am.”  
Chibs frowned, not quite believing his ears. “She’s still like that, after all this time?”
She waved her hand dismissively. “It’s fine, so. She’ll hate me forever, I understand that. I took from her what was hers, after all. Besides, she has her own problems with Jimmy now, so I’ve heard.” There was something there in her face, a small flicker when she mentioned his wife. Nobody else would have spotted it, but he did.  
“Aye, she and Kerrianne are being looked after by Kellan Ashby right now, keep them safe from harm. I take it you’re still as clueless over everything?”
She nodded, reaching to stroke his hair. “Unless they have black or brown skin, I know fuck all about it. Whenever I’m in Ireland, I’m a thorn in Jimmy’s side, for aforementioned reasons. Soon to be non-existent, I should think. I can’t see Fiona forgiving him for using hers and your daughter's safety as a pawn in whatever the fuck he’s got himself arse deep in. Anyway, I don’t want to discuss that scumbag. Tell me about you, what life is like for you in sunny California.”  
He would, but the slight change in her expression when mentioning Fiona bothered him. “Abi, is there something I should know about Fi?”
She shook her head, smiling, stroking his arms reassuringly. “No, it’s fine. I just hate that she keeps me away from home so much. Like god, hasn’t she fucking punished me enough?” she leaned in, kissing him softly. “Anyway, California.” He was pacified for that moment, kissing her back before he began to talk of his life in SAMCRO. Eventually, his brothers wandered over, Abi receiving introductions, more people turning up, the mother charter’s first night in Belfast a definite cause for celebration.  
As for Chibs, he was just glad to be sitting next to the woman he was still in love with while enjoying it all.  
“So, how’d you smash yours?” Opie asked her from across the table, pointing at the bump in his own nose, then hers. Immediately, Chibs started to laugh.  
“The moshpit, Motorhead, 1995.”
“Fucking hurled herself in there like a tornado, came out after two songs with blood running all down her face, drank her beer, cracked it back, then went in again. Fuckin’ headcase!” he spoke affectionately, giving her a nudge with his elbow.  
“Right of passage,” Opie nodded with respect. Not many women would brave the carnage of a Motorhead pit, break a bone and then go straight back in. “I broke two ribs at Machine Head in 99’, fucking amazing show.”
“I’ve never got to see them! The one time they came over here, I didn’t get round to buying a ticket in time, and then after that, I was up to my arse in travelling, so free time was out of the picture, as you can imagine.” Talks of music continued, before bare knuckle fighting swiftly took precedence in their attention, Abi moving herself to Chibs’ lap.  
“So, are you going for a brawl? I always did love watching you fight,” she revealed, kissing the side of his neck as he stroked her thigh.  
“There’s only one exerting thing beginning with F that I’ll be doing tonight,” he winked, his mouth moving to hers.  
“My place is fifteen minutes that way,” she pointed. “Shall we depart?”
He sunk his drink in one gulp. “Aye.” They got up, Clay eyeing them with raised eyebrows.  
“Bring him back in one piece, Abi,” he teased, grinning widely.  
“I can’t make any promises there.” He rumbled a laugh, bidding them goodnight, he and Gemma watching them walk off arm in arm.  
“Mark my words, baby. She’ll be basing herself in Charming before the year is out,” she noted, nodding in their direction.  
Clay turned to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “A confident statement if ever I heard one.”
She smiled, kissing him. “I know true love when I see it.”  
Neither party had actually voiced it, but they felt it as they walked back to her house, still as in love with one another as they’d been walking those same streets together fifteen years before. At that point in time, both were too preoccupied by the fact that just below the surface, their desire for one another ran rampant, like dynamite with a fuse left perilously close to a naked flame; they were primed to explode.  
All was calm and quiet between them as they walked, talking casually, but it swirled, like an approaching cyclone rolling in, the calm about to be shattered by the sheer power of that swirling, decimating force that was their magmatic attraction to one another. Just imagining it as they walked up her street, him all over her, the memory of him, knowing she was shortly about to receive it again made Abi throb all over, her hand sliding up beneath his hoodie and shirt to stroke his back. She needed it, to feel the heat of his skin.  
That contact spurred a spark in him, Chibs turning on her rapidly, pushing her back against a lamppost and kissing her heatedly, his hands grasping her bum and squeezing, a deep moan rattling in his throat. “I’m about to get ripped apart, aren’t I? She questioned, her eyebrow arching.  
Chibs smirked, laughing throatily. “Oh aye, lass. And you’re gonna love every last fuckin’ second of it.” Leaning down, he swiftly threw her over his shoulder, Abi giggling, squealing when he slapped her bum a few times. “Which one’s your house?”
“Sixty-one.” she confirmed, Chibs keeping his eye on the numbers as he walked, hand still spanking her every few steps, the lust for her burning in the pit of his stomach, especially when he felt her begin to gently claw at his back again. Fifty-three, fifty-five, fifty-seven, fifty-nine, and then, finally number sixty-one. Placing her down, his mouth was at her neck as she located her keys from her bag, hands at her tits as she opened the front door.  
“Are you particularly fond of this top?” he asked, his fingertips edging along the V dip at the front.  
“Not especially,” she spoke, looking between him and his hands.  
“Good.” Taking a handful at either side, he tore it, his mouth crashing against hers, the material decimated as the lust that had been a gentle swirl broke forth like a burst dam, flattening her against the hallway wall, yanking her bra until it snapped, his hands bracketing her waist as he lifted her, mouth devouring her bare breasts, her hands fisting her hair as he sucked at her nipple, his cock like iron against her sex, legs tightening around him, the heat within her blazing with all the force of a thousand fires.  
Pressing her against the wall with his chest, his hands yanked her jeans open, mouth hungry at her neck, putting her down as she tugged at his hoodie, their shedding of clothes and boots furious, both only with jeans remaining as once again she was hurled over his shoulder and carried upstairs, thrown onto the bed unceremoniously and dived on, his need for her beyond feral. The drag of her nails over his neck evoked raspy groans within him, her hands touring him, feeling him, squeezing, groping, his body against hers coruscating, how much her skin had missed the pressure of his against it.  
Her nails dragging his back spurred his hips to drive forward against her, cock bumping against her clit, sending sparks through her, slipping from her grip to grasp her jeans, yanking them and her underwear off. A few more scars, a couple more tattoos added on her small collection of a gothic cross on her ankle and a set of angel wings on her hip, his tongue trailing the outline of those inked feathers as his hands gripped her thighs. He could have teased her, made her wait for his mouth, but fifteen years was long enough for both of them, Chibs introducing his tongue to her folds, her taste eliciting a guttural growl. God, he’d missed her in his mouth.  
Her hands went to his hair, combing through, fisting at the roots as her hips rose, a long sigh of gratification leaving her mouth as his sucked on her thirstily. She rocked against his tongue, each burning lick, her clit pebbling against long, firm sweeps, the heat of his mouth driving cool fire through her veins, glimmers tingling up her spine as she cried out. That sound... his ears had yearned for it, to hear her losing her mind to the arousal he drove out of her like an exorcised spirit.  
The pleasure took its root deep in her core, beginning to ascend like a creeping vine, her thighs shaking, torrid waves washing over her as she throbbed, her arousal edged in a little pain as she felt her walls widening, slick and ready for him, her breaths ragged. Jesus, he was even better than she remembered, Abi lost in the haze of white-hot pleasure, his mouth inexorable at her apex, devouring, consuming, driving each cry from her with firm, relentless licks. Relentless, until she verbalised the want, the need that consumed her, like the wave of tsunami.  
“Please, fuck me.” Those words were all the spurring he needed to be out of his jeans and boxers at speed, grabbing her thighs and hauling her back across the bed to him. He was near blinded by lust as his guided himself to the hot, soaking mess of her cunt, tongue circling hers, a groan of pure gravel vibrating his chest as he pushed into her, reunited fully with her at last, fingers trailing her cheeks as he stared down at her. “Remember when I told you I’d be yours, until the last beat of my heart?”
She nodded dumbly, overcome at the feel of him inside her again. “I never forgot that.”
He kissed her softly, forehead touching hers. “It still stands. I love you, CB.”
“I love you more.” That fleeting tenderness was then lost, him driving into her so hard, she wailed, his hands clutching her face as they kissed one another with wanton need. He was overwhelming within her, cock dragging her slick with heavy, rolling thrusts, the thick of his hardness making her simmer, her veins flooded with biting, nerve ending sizzling pleasure, his teeth biting her nipples in turn, crushing pink peaks against the gold bars he’d put there, sucking thereafter, losing himself to her entirely.  
Fury and instinct took over anything that bordered on contained, his need to fuck her dragging him headlong into mindlessness, her nails tearing down his back, his teeth sharp at her throat in retaliation, eyes inky and pupils blown as he looked down at her. He filled her again and again in a greedy, pounding rhythm, her mouth dropped open, crying out with every pant, sitting back on his heels as he pushed her legs apart, spreading her, watching his cock battering her insides, glistening with the gloss of her arousal in the dim light from a nearby lamppost coming in through the open window.  
Her body lurched with every determined daggering of his hips against hers, cock arrowing her just as masterfully as she remembered, her cunt glimmering as he drove skitters of caustic pleasure through her, his groans deep and soaked in lust, the little switches around his shaft making the coil within him tighten sharply, a blade of ecstasy cutting through him right to his very marrow. She was a molten, slick mess around him, the sound of his driving into the clutch of her cunt so savagely, the obscene noise of their fuck filled the room. God, he still fucked like a beast.
Her shuddering body, jerking as her muscles corded and twitched beneath her blazing hot skin was a feast for his eyes, pouring pleasure into her with boundless determination, leaning to kiss her with filthy indulgence, arms locking around her, pulling her up, holding her tightly to him as he bounced her on his cock. She felt delirious, those extra few inches of thick hardness speared into her, her nails dragging over his shoulders, her head thrown back, his teeth animalistic at her neck, biting crescents, sucking welts, hands running up her back and grasping her shoulders, pulling her down onto him further, until she was entirely full, Abi screaming in blinding, boundless ecstasy.  
The silken, slick throb of her walls in spasm around him began to pull it from him, a crest so acerbic he could barely hang onto it, the wild coursing of release, chest heaving as he panted raggedly, Abi feeling the glimmers streak through her like a hail of comets, pressed to him so tightly her clit rubbed deliciously against his pubic bone, that friction sending her further into the relentless abyss, her shattering closer, closer, closer...
“Fuck! Ahhh!” And there it was, the crest that rolled up through like a dark wave, knocking her sideways, his teeth crushing her neck as he growled with each fervid twitch of his cock releasing into her, her nails removing his back of a layer of skin. It fizzed through them, right to their bones. The comedown was sweet and swirling, their bodies slowing to stop as they fought for air, Abi resting her forehead to his, her fingertips stroking his face.  
“Bloody hell,” he panted.
“Aye, I echo that sentiment,” she laughed, blowing her cheeks out, her arms shaky. “I dunno about a cigarette, I need a big, fat spliff after that.”  
“Can you even walk to go and get your weed?” His question was delivered with a look of smug satisfaction and a raised eyebrow, Abi carefully climbing from astride him and shuffling back, making it to her feet. Her stagger on the third step she took had him in fits, flopping down on his front, a sweaty, worn-out mess. She made a stop at her bathroom to clean up the load beginning to trickle out of her, taking the stairs carefully to go and fetch her smoke box and two cold beers, considerably steadier on her feet upon her return.  
“You’ve scratched the absolute living hell out of me, haven’t you?” he questioned as she sat, passing him a beer, opening the box and leaning to switch the bedside lamp on. His back was covered in red lines, some glistening with blood, all of them swollen.
“Yeah, you’ve had a thorough mauling.” her confirmation had him chuckling, sipping his beer.  
“I think I’ll stay on my front for a wee while, save getting stuck to your sheets.”
She snorted, crumbling weed into the rolling paper. “Aye, might be a plan. I’ll make your chest match next, when I ride you into the bed.”
“I should probably be perturbed by that, but I’m not.” He shuffled over, kissing her knee, hand stroking her thigh as she laughed softly, winking at him.  
“You still know what’s good for you,” she observed.
“Well, I had to stop for from doing it before, but not anymore. Mark me up as yours all you want, crazy baby.”
She liked the sound of that. The marking up secondary, though, to his view that he was still hers. “Don’t be offended if I physically can’t pound you into the bed as many times as I could when I was thirty-two, though. Kinda need a longer recovery time these days.”
“So do I after what you just inflicted on me, bloody hell!” she exclaimed, shifting a little bit. He’d given her the kind of pounding that was just so damned thorough, she could still feel him inside of her. Phantom cock, she’d once coined it, much to his amusement. She smiled, laughing suddenly, Chibs frowning bemusedly. “What?”
“You’re here! Next to me on my bed again! Jesus Christ!”  
Her little outburst made him chuckle deeply. “It’s great, ain’t it?”
“Aye, I’ll say. Been much too long in the coming. I wondered, you know, if you’d moved on, had more kids, whether Fi had divorced you and you’d remarried,” she pondered, lighting the joint, making a motion that they should turn around, moving to the head of her bed and stacking her pillows behind her, lying back, Chibs moving to rest his head in her lap. As soon as the pressure hit his back, his silent scream had her in hysterics.  
“You’re not funny,” he pointed, wincing a little. “I hope I do bloody your sheets up now!”
“Wouldn’t be the first time you have.”
He was thoughtful for a moment, snorting with laughter when he remembered. “Yeah, but that was your blood, and you told me in no uncertain terms not to stop. So, good boyfriend that I was, I didn’t.”
“Don’t unplug until we get to the bathroom, or I’ll ruin my fucking floor!” she reminisced saying, Chibs laughing loudly. What they made reference to was one time not long after they’d gotten together, when she’d begun her period right in the middle of a very vigorous sex session, Chibs not bothered by it at all, but alerting her to the fact (‘Oh, I’ve either gone way too hard, or you just got your period, darlin’ she remembered him saying) but Abi demanding he didn’t stop what he was doing.  
“Christ, it looked like a massacre by the time we were done, having to strip your bed down at two in the morning, get showered and try and put on fresh linen, all while being stoned as fuck,” he laughed, remembering Abi getting herself tangled in the duvet cover.  
“It was an entertaining night,” she recalled, stroking his hair. “So, as I was saying before we got off track, no woman at home you’re being a bad boy and playing away from, then?” she then asked teasingly, her eyebrow arching.  
“None of them ever stuck longer than a few months. You’re a hard act to follow, CB.”
“Well, I don’t like to brag,” she spoke playfully, making like she was polishing an imaginary medal upon her chest, handing him the joint.  
He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh aye, nae much, you don’t. I remember when Fi showed up at the clubhouse one time and dragged me off for a fuck, I could hear you, pissed out of you face, shouting ‘I do it better!’ from the main room. I think that was the first time the guilt actually hit me, you know, because she started laughing and asked, ‘what’s that crazy little thing harping on about out there, I wonder?’ and I’m just playing like I’ve not got a clue. I think I said you were likely teasing Liam about beating his arse at pool, but underneath, I was silently agreeing.” He cringed a little at the memory, laughing then at the look of utter triumph on her face. “You’re so bad.”
“I know, it’s why you love me!”
He couldn’t argue with that. “Do you remember that time she knocked on your door, asking if you’d seen me after we’d been on that weapons run?”
“Yeah, and I had to stand there saying that I had no idea, all the while with your cum slowly trickling down my fucking leg. How she didn’t catch us out before she did is a miracle,” she replied, Chibs booming with laughter at the memory.  
“Aye, the lads and their two-whistle system.” Whenever together, they always sat around the corner in the clubhouse, just in case Fiona ever arrived unexpectedly and caught them, the SAMBEL guys developing a warning of two loud whistles whenever she did show up. It had been too close one night, the whistles not heard, McGee spotting Fiona and hauling Abi from Chibs’ lap onto his at speed before she had time to turn around. They’d both nearly had a heart attack at how close she’d been to witnessing it.  
They fell into deep reminiscence about life gone by, how things used to be so long ago, reminding one another of a few things that had been lost to their memories during the passage of time.
“Remember when you pushed me in the bush?”
He wracked his brain, unable to immediately recall said bush pushing incident. “I did?”
“Aye, you were ranting away about something Seamus had said to piss you off, Christ knows what, and I made a sarcastic comment, being the little delight I am, and you shoved me. I fell into the bush and you didn’t even notice to begin with, still ranting away, until you stopped after a few more feet, then turned around and bellowed ‘where have you gone?’ at me.”
He began to laugh softly, that laughter escalating as he remembered. “I’m fucking down here, you twat!” Yes, those had been her exact words, Chibs only spotting her when she stuck her arm up out of the bush, still clutching the bottle of vodka she’d been swigging from. “You we’re so pleased that you did’nae spill a drop. That bruise on your arse though, shit!”
“It was the size of my entire bum cheek, you bastard!” More laughter from both followed.  
“Did I kiss it better?”
“You did.”
“Well? What’s your issue?” How typically him such a statement was. He handed her the joint back, hooking his arm around her thigh, stroking it, turning his head to kiss it a couple of times. He then found much more interest in what was between them, moving himself to lie flat on his front, kissing down her inner thigh until he’d reached her apex, tongue tickling at her before delving within her slit, Abi shuddering a little, taking a big drag on the joint and holding the smoke in her lungs, her high beginning to buzz, meeting with the warm wells of pleasure being gently evoked by his tongue.  
Using the very tip, he licked little circles all around her clit, his touch to light, he was barely making contact, stroking the potent little bundle of nerve endings in slow, wet heat, stopping to blow on it before the contact resumed, Abi feeling her eyes virtually cross. Getting stoned with a mouth between her legs. It was one of her favourite states.  
He pushed her thighs further apart, making her pretty sex spread before him, flattening his tongue against her, slow drags making her pant, the firmer contact causing comets of pleasure streak beneath her skin, spreading her wetness around before pushing inside her streaming cunt, flicking it from side to side as he thoroughly tasted her.  
“You taste so fucking good. It’s making me hard again, just fucking you with my tongue.” He revealed, his voice deep and gravelly with lust, two eyes almost coal black from hugely blown pupils staring up at her as he swirled his tongue around her opening, thumb rubbing up and down in deliciously slow strokes upon her clit. As if that wasn’t mind blowing enough, her body became host to a series of juddering spasms when he moved his mouth back to her bud and began sucking on it, softly at first, increasing the pressure steadily, sliding a finger within her saturated walls.  
One was followed by two, Abi abandoning her joint smoking, reaching to rest the ashtray onto the bedside table, her hands running over his forearms, moving back to grasp the pillow beneath her head as she squirmed in bliss. Long, skilled fingers drew in and out of her, twisting around with every upward thrust, tongue flicking rapidly over her bud, spurring the delicious tingles of orgasm to begin pulsing as her mouth dropped open, a cry of euphoria emanating her throat.
“Come on, beautiful. Cum for me. Fuck, you’re getting so wet.” He encouraged, working her keenly, driving the coil to continue tightening within her as he built her to sweet release rapidly, one last suck upon her clit tipping her into white-hot euphoria so hard, she forgot to breathe for a few moments. As those moments passed, Abi fighting to deliver air to her lungs, body still tingling with post orgasmic shivers, he moved from between her legs and proceeded to run his tongue all the way up her gently quivering body, kissing her hungrily when he reached her mouth.  
He could have happily stayed with his mouth between her legs for much longer, but having her come undone so spectacularly against his tongue had him so hard and consumed by lust, the need to be within her again overrode that desire in shades, entering her fluidly, his mouth at her neck, exhaling a shuddered breath as he felt her viscid walls clench around him strongly.
“So, what was that about needing a longer recovery time?” she quipped, impressed.
“Yeah… I think my cock is really pleased to see you again.”  
There was no slow build, no graduality to his assault upon her needy, hot little cunt, taking her by the wrists and pinning her arms above her head, concentrating his entire bodyweight down through his pelvis, delivering each thrust brutally. Carnal aggression flooded him, heavy, unyielding and decimating within her, a constellation of kisses and bites laid across her throat, groaning deep as he railed her into the bed. She thrived upon it, whenever he held her down, purposefully fighting against it a little, just to have him be more baleful with her.  
“Behave yourself.” He nipped at her jaw, slowing, pulling almost all of the way out, teasing her opening before sliding back in. “The more you fight, the slower I go. Got it?”  
It was the only place Abigail Maguire let a man get the better of her. In fact, he was the only man she ever truly had let dominate her. A little defiance still lingered in her eyes, the smouldering look of lust she viewed him with making his insides throb, feeling her relent, beginning to drive into her voraciously once more, evoking her wails as their flesh smacked together in carnal brutality.  
The heavenly waves of delectation begin to throb strongly once more, her face contorting as she went rigid beneath him, vanquished, crying out as her nails tore down the over the ridges of muscles in his back after her struggle had won out against his grip. He’d lose himself a little, at seeing how fast she broke apart for him again, but there’d be no more of that.
“Oh, couldn’t help yourself, hmm? Fine. You’ll be pinned again.” He pulled out of her with a slick pop, throwing her onto her front, using his knees to push her thighs apart, plunging back into her soaking core. He took her wrists, holding them at the small of her back, one of his big hands easily grasping them both tightly, his other hand fisting in her hair as he pulled her head back, biting the column of her throat in a move that was steeped in burning, predatory dominance. “Now try and get out of that, pet.”
“Mmmm, I don’t want to,” she purred, feeling the thick head of his cock hit her so deeply, she saw stars.
He chuckled, deep and rumbling. “Yeah, good girl. You’ll lie there and fucking take it.”  
He gave her no moment of peace to recover, fucking her like a jackhammer into the bed, the avaricious pace, the fact he had her held tight, his groans, god, those groans, it all served as nothing but a very brutal reminder of how skilled a lover he was. No one fucked like Filip Telford. No one. To even compare him to others would be unfair on them.  
The trembles of rapture did not wait long before they crept up upon her, lightning flickering the base of her spine, consuming and rolling away once more, leaving her foggy and breathless it its wake.  
And still, he didn’t stop.  
Her wetness hugged him snugly as he cut through her plush warmth with determined thrusts, filling her completely as he laid a trail of kisses from one shoulder to the other, Abi a shaking wreck beneath him, his fingers digging into her wrists. “Oh, fucking Christ, you feel amazing!” she gritted, feeling him steady the rhythm, sparks lighting her up. He dragged her walls slow, deep and hard, his body blanketing hers completely, caging her against the mattress. He imposed his superior size upon her to dizzying results, dominating her with both his unrelenting hold and his weight upon her, knocked sideways by the slippery, wet heaven of her cunt.
He released her from the grasp that had pushed her down, turning her onto her back once more, hauling her legs up against his chest as he buried himself back within her, her soft little cries of pleasure filling the room, split around his thickness as her walls glimmered with sparkling pleasure, twitching around him as the warmth built and spread. He muttered curses through each heavy pant, her body arching into him as her hands dragged his strong forearms, his own sliding down her legs as he dipped his head to suck her nipples.
Her nerves sang a symphony only heard by his body, the fluttering around his thick cock as it spread her wide again and again spurring the pace on, turning his head to lay kisses and little bites at her inner ankle as he sank himself into her heat voraciously.  
“Is that fast enough for you, my dirty girl?” he asked, reaching to grasp her face, his thumb dragging her lower lip, Abi making his insides simmer caustically when she sucked on it with a purred moan.  
“Faster. Pound me into the bed like you know I love.” Leaning down, he fed her his tongue, kissing her with heated want before his hand moved to her throat, clasping gently as he pounded her rapidly, her mouth dropping open as his body rutted against hers with uncontained, primal aggression.  What delighted her the most though, was the knowledge that he could and would go even harder and more speedily, his eyes fixed upon her as he watched her face contorting in bliss, panting heavily as she licked her cupids bow seductively, his hand flexing at her neck.  
She trembled before him, the blaze beginning to burn ferociously, his other hand moving to begin stroking her clit from side to side, drawing wails from her throat as tingles spread like thousands of tiny knives of pleasure throughout her veins. He felt immense and overpowering, sinking into her heavily, cock so thick and steely as it pounded to the very depths of her, igniting heat down to her bones, sweat beading his chest as he continued to propel himself faster still.  
A bonfire of pleasure ascended, the storm now raging, lightning striking all around as she felt herself becoming lost in the thick atmosphere, the heat consuming her, spurred by him, the catalyst of her ultimate undoing.  
“You look so fucking gorgeous when you’re about tae cum.” he praised her, winking, his thumb rubbing faster upon her clit. Any chance of longevity was abandoned to chasing the ultimate lightning strike, their moans filling the room in an erotic cacophony, their bodies shunting together with furious fervour, the booms of thunder rolling, the moment approaching before there it was, his bolt lighting her sky, cock spilling into her, hot and thick as she clenched on him greedily.  
Dreamy bliss settled around them like a morning mist, Chibs moving to kiss her tits, his head spinning, pleasure ebbing away again as heavy breaths blasted against her chest until they both become still, lost in sweet kisses, his cock snug inside her, the storm now passed.  
Nope. No one fucked like Filip Telford.
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Two Folded Flags Part 2
A/N: PLEASE READ THIS. This is in NO WAY a reflection on ANY religion, in this au there will simply be an afterlife to meet your loved ones again. If you have any issues with this please do not proceed with reading this story, once again it does not fall into place with a belief system.
This is my apology for part one
Pairings: Jake Hangman Seresin x F Reader x Natasha Phoenix Trace
Warnings: Angst, fluff, blood, death
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You laid there gasping on the bank floor, blood gushing out of your stomach. A young woman tried to stop the bleeding but it wasn’t working, an overwhelming relief was flooding your body as you stopped feeling the pain from the wound and the whole in your heart. “It’s okay” you whispered to the woman, a smile on your face that was aged with lines by now. “I did what I loved, I get to be with my soulmates again. I’m glad I could protect your little kids,” the smile that graced your face grew weaker as the husband shield the twin boy and girl from the sight of you. There was a robbery at the bank as the man looked desperate, he went to attack the kids but you threw yourself in the way, getting shot. You were in uniform as you just got out of a meeting and needed to stop at the bank to get money for a the get together you, Rooster, Bob, and Coyote were doing, it was only you four left now.
You felt your eyes grow heavy as an overwhelming tiredness took over you. You could hear sirens in the distance but you didn’t care, you just wanted to sleep now. “Please, stop, don’t watch me die. It’s too traumatic on someone, just be with your little ones” you whispered and the woman turned away. You closed your eyes as they felt like cinder blocks were pulling them down. You fell asleep for a moment and then you hear the voices. “Hey love, you gotta wake up now, it’s time to come home. You’re with us again” a voice said and you could barely believe it, after forty years you heard her voice again. “Nat, give her a minute. She always was slow to wake up” You heard his voice. Opening your eyes, you found yourself laying in the meadow behind your old home, looking up at Nat and Jake who both looked like they were in their early twenties again, much younger then how they died. You could feel the sun and the wind blowing against your skin, making this feel very real. “Hey, y/n, we missed you. Welcome home” Jake said, smiling down at you. You jumped up and tackled them into a hug, no longer feeling the pain your body suffered through for years. You started crying happy tears as you felt their arms wrap around you for the first time in forty years. They felt exactly how you remembered and you smelt their perfume and cologne you kept stored in a box in the back of your drawer. “This is real? I’m really holding you both again?” You asked. Nat cupped your cheek, “Yes baby, were real” she said.
It was a while after you guys chose to say hello in a different way that you were brought over to the other that your soulmates had been spending time with. “Guess who took their sweet time to show up?” Jake called to the group, his arm around your shoulders and you held Nat's hand. There was Fanboy and Payback as they wrestled, Maverick broke away from kissing Iceman which you grinned seeing him with his soulmate again, and then you saw Carole and Goose who you recognized from photos. You saw a few others from Mavericks class mingling further away but Maverick came over and hugged you, “It’s good to see you” he whispered and you hugged him back. “I took care of him while you were gone” you whispered to Maverick, you and Rooster grew a lot closer when Mav died, “And I took care of them,” he told you.
You really couldn’t believe how alive you felt in that moment, but you truly felt whole again as you talked to everyone, happily in your soulmates arms. Nothing would take you three away from each other now.
Tag List:
@peaches-and-sunshine@natasharomanoffisbaebby@sweetheartlizzie07@lollypop90907@the-hottest-lieutenants @jamiedontbeacracko @blackcat2907  @18crazybutcutealsopsycho  
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thevhagarwriter · 7 months
Grandma Violence - I.VI.
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[Dragons, Death and Daemon]
Chapter VI - Anticipation
Vhagar was relaxing in the sunlight, a rare warm day had finally blessed Dragonstone and Visenya was curled against her wings, having fallen asleep while sharpening her dagger. The dragon had managed to carefully push the blade out of her hand and onto the hem of her dress, the sharp edge gleaming towards the castle. When the young woman would wake up she would quickly sheath the dagger, gather her skirts and frantically look around, making sure that no one had seen her in this vulnerable state. Vhagar purred, letting her left wing fall over Visenya like a blanket as she heard it - the loud, shrill and pained scream of another dragon. 
The anguished cry of Balerion rocked the very foundation of the island, making birds flee the area in masses and Visenya shot up with a loud gasp, her dagger falling onto the ground, clattering loudly against the rocks. 
Vhagar stared at the sky in shock, the loud screaming hurting her ears as she tried to find her footing again. She had heard this song thrice before - it was a dragon’s requiem. Panic filled her heart. What had happened? Was it Aegon? Did something happen to the young man? Was it Meraxes?! 
“Vhagar! Vhagar, serve me!”, Visenya yelled, her voice quivering - she too had heard that song before, even though she had just been a little hatchling back then. The copper dragon hesitated, staring at Visenya, to the cries beneath the ground and then back to Visenya again. 
Hissing impatiently, she lowered her shoulders and the woman quickly climbed on the ornate saddle on her back. 
Without having to wake for her command, Vhagar jumped into the air, her muscles straining under her scales as she raced as quickly as possible to the main entrance of the dragon cave system that was riddling the bowels of the island. 
She was almost there when she caught a glimpse of silver from the corner of her eyes and she immediately felt relief washing over her. Meraxes was alive.
Vhagar felt Visenya's tension falling as well as the older dragon came closer and they could see Rhaenys sitting on her back, her brother holding onto her waist behind her. 
But that feeling didn’t last long, as a cold realization settled in Vhagars stomach and by the dark look in Meraxes eyes, she knew too. 
Meraxes and Rhaenys were alive, Vhagar and Visenya were alive, Balerion and Aegon were alive, which left…
The dragon sisters landed gently on the rocky beach, letting the human trio jump off. Vhagar felt a stab of bitterness through her bond, as Visenya watched Aegon descend first before helping their sister of her dragon. “He is just helping her because she is younger. Meraxes is quite the big dragon to be ridden by a fourteen year old…”, Vhagar whispered, even though she knew she could not understand her mixture of hissing, purring and clicking. But hopefully the feeling could still pass through. Visenya shouldn’t feel jealous about Aegon and Rhaenys. Vhagar wasn’t envious of Meraxes’ and Balerion’s courtship, so why should her human feel that way about their human counterparts? 
Vhagar tried to catch her sister's eye, as she felt sick about what was to come, but her eyes were like two stones - staring straight ahead, not letting a sliver of emotion pass through. The younger dragon understood, she had to be strong for Balerion now. 
Slowly, like humans in their temples, they walked into the dark caverns and tunnels, their rider purposely falling behind. They knew this was a dragon’s affair and that they were only guests, trying to give comfort but not truly understanding the weight and darkness of this particular situation. Still it was nice to smell their sweet scent behind them. 
As they moved deeper, the wails and cries became louder and louder, almost deafening. At the drop to the deepest, hottest pit the humans stopped, knowing that their frail bodies wouldn’t survive the heat, their ears would not withstand the noise and their stomachs would not stand the sight. No words were exchanged. The trio bowed deeply and Vhagar and Meraxes nodded back, before spreading their wings and diving into the abyss. 
First it was only pitch black darkness and the hot air brushing against her face, then it was rocks glowing red and yellow and white. Melting and dropping to the floor like candles. 
Vhagar couldn’t help but wince in pain, the heat too hot for her and she just managed to suppress a pained scream as a drop of molten stone hit her back, sliding off her and leaving blackened and bruised scales. 
Meraxes whined softly and she saw the cause for the excruciating heat - Balerion was crying and thrashing around, breathing fire against the walls and ceiling, digging his clawed wings into the soft stone and spraying it around him. 
The cause of his sorrow was obvious. Beside him laid a dragon of unfathomable size, easily twice the size of Balerion - if not more. His red scales had turned into dull and dirty rust ages ago, his wings were ripped at the edges and the few remaining horns and claws were sootstained and chipped. 
“Balerion! BALERION!”, Meraxes yelled and the black dragon stilled, staring at the two with huge, sad eyes. 
“He’s…he’s gone…O-Obaevas is gone and now I’m the only one left.”, he sobbed, nudging one tattered wing with his snout. “He was the only one, the only one who knew, the only one who understood!”, at the last word, Balerion began to scream again, burying his head into the dead dragon's side. 
Vhagar and Meraxes exchanged quick glances. They knew that this day would come sooner or later. Five dragons and eight dragon eggs were taken from Valyria before the fall - though six of the clutch would prove sick and cloaked into the doom. And even then - the eggs which hatched into the copper and silver dragon were only laid but not born in the empire, unlike its last five children, who had seen it in its glory before the doom came. Now there was only one of them left. 
There were no words to comfort Balerion, to take even the smallest edge of the pain away.                                                    
All they could do was watch and wait. Watch and wait. 
Vhagar wasn’t quite sure how long it took until Balerion calmed down, but the molten stone was only glowing faintly when he did. The black dragon shook his head and stared at Meraxes with dull and sad eyes. “Are you feeling better?”, she asked gently and he nodded. “Yes, we can move on now.” 
Vhagar felt her sister's body stiffen and she too took a deep breath as Balerion touched Obaevas’ snout with his own, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again and beckoning the two younger dragons with a flick of his tail to him. 
There were no grand ceremonial words or prayers spoken, no spices burned or sculptures forged - no, dragons honored the death of their brethren quite differently than their humans did.
Balerion took the first bite, ripping through the softened scales of the old dragon’s cheek and chewing on the tough meat, red blood pooling down the floor and his chin. 
Meraxes took the second bite, breaking a long, brittle horn beneath her strong teeth, reddish splinters flying around. 
Vhagar took the third bite, her jaws opening and closing around his lifeless, left eye. 
The more Vhagar ate the more hungry she grew, ripping and biting at the corpse with ever growing urgency. With every portion she felt Obaevas strength, wisdom and swiftness taking root inside her, coursing through her veins, beating with her heart. 
The three dragons ate and licked the blackened skull of the dead dragon clean. The head would be the only remnant of him, staying in the center of his cave as a memory of the power and might of old Valyria. 
But the rest…
It would take days, maybe weeks to finish eating the rest of Obaevas body, but it would have to be done. It was necessary. They couldn’t let the flesh of such a noble beast be left to the earth or the jaws of scavengers. It would be a disgrace to Obaevas memory and a waste of good food. 
Suddenly Meraxes hissed sharply, making Vhagar jump and Balerion flare his neck crest. 
“What’s wrong?”, he asked, but the silver dragon didn’t answer - instead she wildly ripped at the thin membrane of his left wing, biting huge chunks of the pale red fabric and throwing them behind her. 
Vhagar carefully stepped closer and then she saw them. Nestled at the joint of his wing laid two dragon eggs, glowing bright red, steam curling from their thick shell. 
“E-eggs, where did those come from?”, she stuttered quietly as a flash of black jumped beside her. 
“How strange…”, Balerion muttered. “I could have sworn Obaevas had always preferred being a male, changing into a she-dragon so soon before his death just to lay two eggs? Well, the fear of death makes us do the most unlikely things I suppose.” 
Meraxes hummed in thought. “How sad. None of Daerax’ eggs ever hatched so I think it’s only natural that Obaevas would do something so desperate…even though he couldn’t have both sired and laid the clutch, am I correct?”, she deduced and Balerion nodded. 
Vhagar had only half listened to her… there was something in the back of her hearing that she couldn’t quite place. It was a faint knocking, like a human fist on a wooden door, but that 
couldn’t be possible down here. The sound was also rhythmic, like a leather drum and strangely muffled, as if the drum was hidden inside a metal chest - or dragon scales!
She shuffled closer to the eggs, feeling the curious looks of the other dragons on her, as she rubbed her cheek against the thick shell. “Vhagar, what are you doing? These are not your eggs!”, Balerion asked, his voice strained with annoyance regarding the youngest dragon's antics. 
“Shut up.”, she told the Black Dread and closed her eyes, concentrating further and ignoring Balerions deep huff. 
Vhagar closed her eyes and held her breath. Yes! There was it - from the eggs came two steady noises, the second only a fracture of a moment delayed to the other. The clutch glowed in the heat of life and the heartbeats only confirmed it - these were living dragon eggs. 
She stared at the two other dragons in unveiled excitement and bewilderment, her snout barely able to form proper words. “The…the..eggs, they are…they are alive!”, she finally whispered and nearly burst into laughter as she saw Balerion’s eyes nearly bulging out of his head, while Meraxes stayed frozen. “But..but that can’t be.”, the black dragon said, much louder than he planned to. 
“Daerax died three decades ago, even if she changed into a siring male, the eggs would still have to be nearly thirty years old. An egg cannot stay that long unhatched, that’s impossible!”
“Is it?”, Meraxes asked, closely examining the eggs. “Don’t forget, Neirael’s eggs still haven’t hatched - even after ten years.”
Balerion hummed deeply. “But we thought that was a singular event…a remnant of the old valyrian magic.”
“And why can’t it be the same case here?”, asked Vhagar and the Black Dread sighed sadly. “Well…Daerax and Obaevas have lost every single egg of every single clutch.That their last one, after thirty years, can still be alive just seems…very unlikely to me.” 
The three dragons fell in silence again, staring at the two red eggs that were still partly covered by their sire's corpse. One was a bright, fiery red with long, sharp edged scales that were tipped with just a bit of ivory. The other was darker in color, almost the color of blood and the shell’s scales were much smaller and more tightly cramped together, making it look more like snakehide than dragonscales. “Well maybe we should bring them into the clutch chamber then, shouldn’t we?”, Meraxes finally interrupted the quietness. Vhagar nodded and helped to carefully excavate the clutch from Obaevas’ torn wing, though her eyes kept dancing to the darker egg. There was absolutely no basis for her thought, but she just knew that it was this egg, from which she heard the heartbeat first. 
“Hey, Smokey!”, Caraxes grinned and ripped a huge chunk out of the tuna at his feet. 
“Meleys, Syrax and Dreamfyre - who do you wed, bed, behead?”
Vhagar snorted as Seasmoke stared at the red dragon with open snout and wide eyes. “W-what?”, his pale eyes traveled to Vhagar, pleading to save her from this misery. 
She could, but she knew from the commotion in the camp that this was the eve of battle, which meant drinking, eating and whoring all your fears away till sunrise. She guessed that Daemon didn’t particularly care and was most likely the center of attention, but she couldn’t see the Seasnake being all that supportive of his army's shenanigans. 
But when some of the braver soldiers graciously gifted them with freshly caught tuna and squids, why shouldn’t they indulge all the way? Dragons didn’t need to sleep that often anyway.
“Wed, bed, behead? Don’t you know?”, Caraxes asked and the gray dragon shook his head. “And I’m not sure I want to know…”, he added and the other dragon rolled his eyes. 
“You and Laenor are soooo boring. Wed, bed, behead is a popular game among drunk soldiers. You take three people and you have to choose which you mate with, which you mate…uhhh…for one day with, I guess? And which one you would kill.”
“But Caraxes, dragons can’t get drunk.”, Seasmoke opposed and the red dragon smirked. “Why, have you tried?” “W-what, of, of course not!”, the gray dragon stuttered. 
“Dragons also don’t have the concept of marriage and everything that comes with it, so I fear this game lacks a lot of the thrill that humans get out of it.”, Vhagar hummed and Caraxes scoffed.
“From where did you learn that game, anyway? I doubt that common soldiers play it in High Valyrian…”, Seasmoke asked and both of the older dragons answered simultaneously: “Prince Baelon.” 
“I see…”, the gray dragon muttered. “Prince Baelon, wasn’t he your last rider, Vhagar? Why don’t you tell us a story about him?”, he suggested, desperately trying to find a way out of his current situation. 
Vhagar hummed amused. “Well, how about the time I cooked for Baelon the Brave?”, she asked and Seasmoke laughed. “You did what?” 
The older dragon purred. “It’s not a long story, but quite funny. So, one day Baelon and I went on a flight through the Stormlands - I think that was just after the battle against the Myrish, but I’m not sure. Anyway, it’s not that important to the story. Well, one evening, the Stormlands were especially stormy and Baelon thought it was too dangerous to continue flying so we searched for shelter in the nearby forest. Also, just to be clear, I would have definitely brought us back safely to Storm’s End - it’s just that Baelon was secretly afraid of thunderstorms.”
Caraxes snorted. “What a wimp. Baelon the Brave - more like Baelon the…uh…don’t worry, I’ll think of something.” 
Vhagar rolled her eyes. “Hmm…where was I? Ah, so Baelon had decided to seek shelter in the woods and luckily we quickly found a nice forest clearing on which I could land without smashing acres of land under me. Baelon’s plan was simple - make a small camp out of an old blanket under my wings and wait for the storm to rain itself out. But unfortunately the little Spring Prince didn’t take enough food with him and grew very hungry very soon. He knew that it was too dangerous for him to explore the woods on his own, so he tried to hide his hunger but I obviously still felt it - and was getting hungry myself as well. Baelon was obviously not very happy that I left him in the clearing, huddled in his blanket, but what was he going to do? Hold me down by my tail?”
“Laenor used to tuck at my tail as a hatchling.”, Seasmoke mumbled, partly nostalgic, partly angry. “That hurt!” 
Caraxes huffed. “If Aemon or Daemon had tried something like that, I would have burned their pretty eyebrows off!”, he…lied?
“Anyway. Of course I didn’t leave brave Baelon alone for very long. We were in the middle of a forest, so I didn’t have to look long to find an especially big, fat and nasty boar - really, that animal was fierce enough to even rip off some scales of my feet as I slayed it…” “Oh…you slayed it.”, Caraxes said mockingly. He puffed out his red chest and pranced around. “Look at me, I’m Vhagar - the mightiest of all, the Witch Queen’s beast, the queen of all dragons, the slayer of pigs!” 
Seasmoke laughed nervously, his eyes darting quickly between the two older dragons. 
But Vhagar wasn’t the victor of one thousand battles if she couldn’t deduce the weakness of each foe in a matter of seconds. 
Instead of acting insulted and annoyed, she lovingly nuzzled Caraxes cheek and licked his forehead. 
“And you are my cute darling boy, my little snake son, my poppy flower.”
As expected, Caraxes hissed loudly and jumped back, steam and sparks flying out his snout. “Keep some fucking space, you old hag!”, he growled and glared at Seasmoke who laughed loudly, rough gurgles escaping his throat: “Haha…poppy flower!” 
“I swear, if you call me that again, I’ll strangle you with your own tail!”, the red dragon growled, though the gray one seemed rather unfazed. “Will you? Just be careful, if you move around too much, your petals might fall off.”, Seasmoke challenged in an unusual moment of confidence - and recklessness. 
With a catlike pounce, Caraxes jumped forward and pinned the smaller dragon to the ground who in turn shrieked loudly and whipped his tail against the thin, red body. 
“Vhagar! Vhagar! Vhagar, help me!”, he yelled, but Vhagar smirked in amusement. “He did warn you, didn’t he?” “Yes, I did warn you, didn’t I?”, Caraxes said with a toothy grin and swayed his head quickly to the side as a small fire burst shot into the air. 
“But I only implied you were a poppy flower, not said it outloud!”, Seasmoke tried to defend himself and Vhagar shook her head as Caraxes laughed loudly, “You are really digging your own grave here!” 
But this tiny distraction gave the young dragon enough of an opening to free his wings and wrap them around the red dragon's head, thus shoving him beside him into the beach dunes. “Ah, fuck! You bastard!”, Caraxes raged as Seasmoke used his broad claws to quickly shovel more sand upon him, covering his winged legs and tail. 
The gray dragon jumped back and fled behind Vhagar’s wings, purring and giggling like a little hatchling, as Caraxes stood up and shook out the membrane behind his legs. “Shit! Fuck! Damn it! This is going to take ages to clean out. Seasmoke! You little shit! I’m going to strangle you with your own tail for real now!” 
Now his sharp, red glare settled on Vhagar. “The fuck you looking at?” 
“You have a crab hanging from the tip of your tail.”, she explained, her eyes glittering with humor. 
Caraxes head flung to his rear, trying to catch the crustacean but accidentally biting his own tail which made him lose his balance again, as he crashed back into the sand. 
Now even Vhagar had to laugh low and deep at that embarrassing display, though her joy didn’t last long. 
Caraxes immediately straightened up as the smell reached his snout and the other two dragons turned around to see Daemon Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon marching down the grassy field that led to the dragon’s beach.  
“Is something the matter?”, the Targaryen asked in a hard, commanding tone and Vhagar already wanted to bite his head off! 
Caraxes relaxed his posture and came closer to his rider, purring quietly and pressing his snout against his chest, making Daemon smile as he rubbed over his head. 
Laenor looked to Seasmoke with a mix of concern and curiosity at his closeness to the notorious aggressive Vhagar, but the smaller dragon swiftly returned to his rider's side, leaving the copper-green dragon alone. 
She watched both Laenor and Daemon whispering to their bonded dragons, though she couldn’t understand their exact words - but their faces, that she could read. Though they were both knights and high lords, their faces softened when they rubbed their cheeks against the scaly snouts, their eyes sparkling with pride and affection, their stance relaxed and trusting. But not towards her. Suddenly she wished to be as small as a dog, or even as a mouse. To feel less like an intruder, to feel less like an untamed beast prowling on hatchlings, to feel less like a stranger. Her eyes wandered from the gentle waves to the dancing grass to the fires of the camp, to them - to them and their shared companionship, their shared friendship, their shared love. And Aemond wasn’t even born yet. 
“Now,”, Daemon said and clapped Caraxes gently between the nostrils. “Tomorrow our final, grand offensive against Crabbitch will take place.”, he said and all three dragons immediately perked up. Caraxes seemed to shake with excitement, while Seasmoke seemed more hesitant. Vhagar…wasn’t quite sure what she felt yet. Daemon sighed heavily as he showed his dragon a sympathetic smile. “But only Seasmoke will be coming with us.”
“What?”, Seasmoke yelled, panic lacing his voice. “Why just me?!”
“Easy, easy, calm down, Seasmoke.”, Laenor muttered gently, rubbing the gray dragon's chin. “Daemon knows what he’s doing.”
Caraxes huffed and his rider raised his eyebrow, before saying something to Laenor in the Common Tongue. Though Vhagar didn’t know what he said, the frown following on Velaryon's face and the way he possessively wrapped his hand around one of Seasmoke’s horns gave enough insight. 
“Seasmoke, listen closely, this is going to be really important!”, Daemon continued, staring the dragon right in the eyes. “In this maneuver, I will be alone on the ground to fake a surrender in the hope that this will bait the Crapfeeder into showing himself. Now, since I’m alone down there, you and Laenor have to keep an eye on me until all of the Velaryon troops make it to the battlefield. But you cannot show yourself until the Cabbagefeeder is out, do you understand?”    
The pale dragon nodded and huffed hot steam out of his nostrils, while Caraxes growled quietly. 
Daemon turned back to him and smiled softly. “Don’t worry, everything is going to work alright. Don’t forget, I have Dark Sister with me - if some dumb whoreson comes too close, I’ll just skewer him and bring you his liver for breakfast.” 
Caraxes giggled roughly, while Seasmoke fake gagged.
“I’ll promise you as a Velaryon and a Targaryen, I will protect your rider with my life.”, Laenor said, knocking his fist against his chest, but Caraxes only scoffed, red sparks dancing onto the young man's white hair. The older human smirked. “Caraxes isn’t impressed by pretty words and speeches, the only thing he respects is blood and death.”
Vhagar rolled her eyes. She was getting strangely anxious, as her gaze darted between both pairs. Daemon would be on the ground…but only Seasmoke was allowed in this fight. Daemon would be alone…and Caraxes would be too. Daemon would be utterly defenseless…but miles and miles away. Daemon would be doomed….and Caraxes would be too.
She grit her teeth and dug her claws deeper into the sand, which caught the attention of the Velaryon, who smiled at her cautiously. 
“My deepest apologies, Vhagar, but you have to understand that my father is apprehensive to let a dragonless rider participate in battle, even someone as experienced and grand as you. In my humble opinion, our troops would be blessed to be able to fight in the shadow of your wings and in the light of your fire, but alas, I have no authority over these matters. But I assure, even without you on the frontlines, your mere existence in this camp has inspired many of our men to the greatest extent. They see you as an omen, as a spirit of war that promises great victory!”
Vhagar stared at him with wide eyes and let out a confused chirp. 
While next to the young man, Daemon was crying with laughter, leaning against the shoulder of his dragon to find his balance again. “Did you memorize that little speech by heart? How long did it take you to come up with it?”
Laenor glared, his skin heating up with anger and embarrassment. Seasmoke whipped his tail around while Vhagar did something she would normally never, ever do to a human who was not her rider, but Laenor - the brother of her sweet Laena and the rider of adorable Seasmoke - would be her only exception. 
She stared straight at his face and purred, purred so loudly that even Daemon would have to hear it. The younger human stared at her in wonder, turning around to smile at Seasmoke, before turning back to her and bowing deeply.
Daemons smirk faltered, but only for a fraction of a second, then it grew even wider. “Seems you are lucky. Though I have to admit, I thought Lady Vhagar was a bit more like Visenya in that regard.”, he laughed, short and arrogant. “Seems my father’s charm even worked on the scariest women. Still, I suppose the Witch Queen’s Beast is still a better name than the Spring Prince’s lapdog.”
Vhagar's eyes jumped to the Targaryen, her pupils thin as a blade. 
Daemon raised his chin in challenge. “Oh? Did I insult you?”
“Yes.”, she thought. “More times than you can count.” 
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Keiko Awaji (Stray Dog, A Japanese Tragedy, When a Woman Ascends the Stairs)— Her role as Harumi— a dancer who lives with her mom and will go to incredible lengths for one nice dress— is so fucking killer. she more than holds her own against Toshiro Mifune, the incredible sense of dread and foreboding in their scenes has really stuck with me
Barbra Streisand (Funny Girl, Hello Dolly)—I love her smile!! I love her nose!! I love her Brooklyn accent!! She's hilarious and gorgeous and real!!! I love her sense of humor! I love her voice!
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Keiko Awaji:
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Barbra Streisand:
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"If you want to know why I’m submitting her, you’ll just have to read her 900 page memoir My Name is Barbra. It’ll explain everything!"
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Lovely, smart, funny and a GORGEOUS VOICE
have you seen her? she could sing and dance and i love her so much in funny girl
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Her most famous movie line is telling herself “Hello Gorgeous,” what else can I say lol. One of the most famous Hollywood divas of our time, who’s still alive and going strong. All of her outfits in Funny Girl are also soooo pretty. Plus she got to act alongside Omar Sharif, who was in the Vintage Men Poll.
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She IS the greatest star! Her voice! Her eyes! She has one of the most stunning profiles I've ever seen. Talent in SPADES! (And honestly, as a wlw it's disingenuous to ignore it - a truly beautiful cleavage)
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297 notes · View notes
ruki--mukami · 2 years
{NSFW? Probably.}
[Elaf and her tiny mic are back! 😉🎤]
*She walks in the room, quickly with her mic in hand and her phone in the other* …Ruki! Okay so, I lost a game with my friends and now I have to do this q&a recording…with you sort of? They wanted me to answer these questions about the hottest guy on know while sitting next to him…idk maybe they’re sick of me third wheeling and want me to get laid or something! my three first choices aren’t exactly near me or alive so you were next on the list! * she winks at him and waves her hands around before sitting in the floor in front of him* umm knowing my friends that’s questions might be…awkward. *she smiles and takes her phone out to read the sent messages* Oh..oh um wait let me start recording.. *she taps on the screen before holding the mic between them* um what’s the least sexual thought I had while looking at you? Wow that’s one way to start this *She laughs before taking a breath in* it has to be ‘is his body cold like his hands or are certain areas less/more cold?’ umm next one’s ‘what’s the most sexual thought I had while-’ okay okay it’s um… *she looks at him before looking back at the phone* haha *she scrunches her nose and laughs a little* ‘Hisfingersaresoprettyandsolonghowdeepcantheygo??’ Um *she taps on the screen to stop the recording* I only agreed to answer two and those were the first ones I saw so yeah…. *she clears her throat, feeling embarrassed*
⚠️ NSFW BELOW: 18+ ⚠️
"You truly never learn, do you, Elaf? It seems each time we meet these days, you only ever ramble on about how I'm never your first choice and how others seem to take precedence in your heart. Well, if it's some kind of cruel joke, then I am neither laughing nor amused."
After listening to both of the questions her supposed 'friends' put her up to, Ruki shook his head upon hearing such ridiculously coy answers. Those rushed words, indicative of her fixation on his long, slender digits, earned a sardonic smirk from the Vampire despite how ridiculous he found those queries. Certainly Elaf had her own charm, beckoning the harsh chomp of his fangs to blossom a crimson flower of blood in all her vulnerable areas, but the eldest Mukami often wondered how it would feel to tease her in a more carnal fashion.
"Ah, so you think my hands are attractive," he cooed, lifting her from the floor. "Is that right...? Well, I had no idea such a mundane part of me would catch your eye. Since the questions are of a sexual context, I can only assume you imagined me shoving my fingers in places that would make you lose your mind within seconds. Or, even worse, envisioned some filthy curs pleasuring you before I could."
Straddling the young woman onto his own lap, legs positioned on either side of him, a devilish chuckle escaped him as he swiped a thumb across her vermillion border in pure scrutiny of her face. Not once did his stormy blue hues venture away from the allure of Elaf's flushed countenance as he thrusted two digits into her mouth in a crude mimicry of fellatio. Seeing his fingers surging and retreating dilatorily in and out of her hot cavern A seductive smirk rose before a third finger went inside and toyed with her wet muscle, urging her to suckle his extremities.
"To answer your question," he curled his fingers against the roof of her mouth, "this is just a taste of how far and how deep they can go. Is there anything else you're curious about? Like how deep they'd go someplace else more rapturous. Admit you belong only to me, have eyes only for me, and perhaps I'll reward you accordingly."
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quickdeaths · 10 months
@ofsavior asked: One hand extends forward to cradle Jason’s cheek. To think everyone in her life is so important to Koriand’r. Yet, he’s somehow something of an overlooked constant. “You know I see you for who and what you are.”
"Your hand's warm." Was that because she had enough radioactive energy stored up in one finger to rip a hole through a dozen aircraft carriers lined up end-to-end? Well, couldn't hurt. The alternative was, what? Warm fuzzies? Genuine affection? Some argument from the universe that screwing up in a thousand different ways with a thousand different people and somehow never picking up on the right lesson to learn did not, in fact, mean that he was just too damn bad at this to try? Well, from everything Jason knew, he wouldn't put it past a pig to fly, but that didn't mean he'd seen one.
The impulse, then, was to make a joke out of it. Some piece of deflection, some self-deprecating, or obnoxiously self-aggrandizing, commentary on what she might see, depending on which way the mental coin flip landed this time. There was enough to go off of, either way, although sitting next to someone as awe-inspiring (in, truly, every sense of the word) as Kory gave self-deprecating a certain edge. He could think of something. "Yeah? What's that? Third hottest Outlaw, or maybe second on a good day?" Or "guy who keeps trying to make 'bamboozled' happen?" Maybe, if he was feeling especially spicy, "consensus #1 overall pick for combined mommy + daddy issues in Gotham City, which, when you think about it, is definitely an achievement as long as Batman's still alive?"
There were more easy targets than difficult ones, when it came to Jason and his life. It almost felt wrong to receive anything resembling warmth from Kory, from someone he held in pure, unreserved esteem. A joke of cosmic proportions, written up in some 6/10 student film satire - here's some amazing woman, who can do anything she puts her mind to, and her role in this scene is to prop up some Sufficiently Mediocre Man and his feelings. The impulse was to pull away and make those jokes, to deflect, to not let her like him.
Instead, Jason raised his own hand, gently curling his fingers over hers. "I don't know, really, what I did to deserve having someone like you in my life, Kory." She was too discerning for his bad comedy special, and too disarming for any facade, which didn't leave him with many options. Naked honesty? That wasn't his strong suit, but he'd make do. "But, I'm glad you're here. I'm always glad you're here." He turned to look at her, resisting the urge to shirk away from her stunningly brilliant green gaze. "I see you too. For, a lot of reasons." Too many to list.
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lostnloveco · 8 months
The Sexiest Woman In The World: The Top 20 List of 2023
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The concept of the "sexiest woman in the world" has been a hot topic for decades. After all, this term is used to describe women with an incredibly aesthetic combination of physical beauty, charisma, and sex appeal that is widely recognized and appreciated by the wider public. Thus, the title has been awarded by various magazines, websites, and organizations and has become a highly coveted honor in the entertainment industry. This article aims to compile a list of the top 20 sexiest women and explore the term's history and cultural significance. We’ll also sneak a peak at the debate surrounding this topic and its impact on society. Interested? Then let’s jump right in!
The Top 20: Who’s The Sexiest woman In The World Today?
Prior warming, though: ranking the sexiest looking woman in the world is pretty subjective and can vary from person to person. Still, a pretty popular take, using various factors like physical beauty, confidence, personality, and popularity, brings you to our list, and here it is! Gal Gadot
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Gol Gadot, born April 30, 1985, is Israeli and has worked as a model and actress who rose to international fame for portraying Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe films. She is known for being incredibly stunning and having a charming personality and empowering presence both on and off-screen. Her commitment to promoting gender equality and social justice has earned her immense admiration and respect from fans around the world. Gadot also has an Instagram, and a Twitter if you're interested in learning more about her. Possibly the true winner of the sexiest woman alive today, don’t you think? But let’s not ignore the other contenders for this title! Priyanka Chopra
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Priyanka Chopra (Jonas), born July 18, 1982, is a singer, actress, and producer, and she’s achieved world recognition as an Indian beauty showcasing her many skills and humanitarian work. She has since won numerous awards for her performances in Bollywood and Hollywood films and is considered one of the most influential celebrities in the world. Her bold and confident personality, distinctive looks, and impressive achievements make her a truly inspiring role model for women everywhere. Follow Priyanka Chopra on Instagram and Twitter to stay updated! Scarlett Johansson
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Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, born November 22, 1984, is a singer and actress who has captivated audiences with beauty, flair, and versatility. She is one of the highest-paid actresses in the world and has won multiple awards for her performances in films like "Lost in Translation," "Match Point," and "Marriage Story." Her magnetic personality, sultry voice, and beautiful features make her a true icon of sexiness and style. You can visit Scarlett Johansson’s Instagram and Twitter for her latest film projects and music releases. Margot Robbie
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Margot Elise Robbie, born July 2, 1990, is an actress hailing from Australia, and she doubles as a film producer who has quickly become one of Hollywood's hottest stars. She is known for her striking appearance, fierce expertise, and spirited performances in films like "The Wolf of Wall Street," "I, Tonya," and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood." In addition, her confidence, humor, and intelligence make her a true sex symbol and role model for women of all ages. Follow Margot Robbie on Instagram and Twitter! Emilia Clarke
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Emilia Isabelle Euphemia Rose Clarke, whose birthdate falls on October 23, 1986, is English and gained worldwide renown through her acting endeavors, especially through her portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen on “Game of Thrones.” Her alluring beauty, charming personality, and powerful acting skills make her a true force to be reckoned with. She has up-to-date Insta and Twitter accounts if you want to keep up with her work, too. Elizabeth Olsen
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Elizabeth Chase Olsen, born February 16, 1989, has successfully carved out a place for herself in the Hollywood film industry as an amazing performer starring in movies such as “Wind River,” "Martha Marcy May Marlene," and even in the MCU films as the character of Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch. Her irresistible looks, impressive range, and down-to-earth personality have made her a fan favorite and a pure display of womanhood and aptitude. Indeed, she carved out her position as a contender for the sexiest looking woman in the world. Follow Elizabeth Olsen on Instagram and Twitter for her latest film projects and fashion endeavors. Rihanna
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Rihanna, whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, was born on February 20, 1988, and is a Barbadian singer, businesswoman, and fashion designer who has sold over 250 million records worldwide and won numerous awards for her music and fashion ventures. Her bold fashion choices and empowering attitude have allowed her to embody sexiness and style. You can check out Rihanna on Twitter to get up to date with her latest music releases and fashion designs. Beyonce
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Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter is an American singer whose birthday falls on September 4, 1981, and, more importantly, her endeavors extend to filmmaking, singing, and business. She has won incredible trophies for her music, acting, and humanitarian work. Her staunch and gratifying stage presence has intermingled with her beautifully commanding voice to make her shine as a top sexy singer of all time. She's also active on Instagram and Twitter with her latest music releases and philanthropic endeavors! AngelaBaby
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AngelaBaby’s real name is “Angela Yeung Wing”, and she is a Chinese actress, model, and singer born on February 28, 1989. She has since won competitions and honors for her performances in films like "Love You You," "Tai Chi Zero," and "The Crossing." Her amazing appearance, grace, and charm have made her a brilliant example of true Asian beauty and granted her a brilliant position in the Sexiest Woman World. You can follow AngelaBaby on Instagram and Twitter for updates on her life, music, and performances! Blake Lively
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Blake Ellender Lively is an American actress and model who has won critical acclaim for her performances in films like "The Age Of Adaline," "Green Lantern," and "A Simple Favor." Her birthday falls on August 25, 1987, and one can truly see she’s in the prime of her life right now! Her prepossessing beauty, effortless style, and down-to-earth personality have made her a fan favorite and an icon of Hollywood glamour. You won't be disappointed if you keep up with her through her Instagram and Twitter! Jennifer Lawrence
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Jennifer Shrader Lawrence is an American actress born August 15, 1990 who has taken the acting world by storm through projects like "Winter's Bone," "Silver Linings Playbook," and "The Hunger Games" franchise. Her marvelous style, magnetic personality, and raw talent have made her one of Hollywood's most sought-after and admired actresses. It's no wonder her social media (Instagram) has such a great following! Kim Kardashian
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Kimberly Noel Kardashian West may be remembered as a reality star, but she has also made a mark in the world as a socialite and businesswoman with femme fatale entrepreneurial skills. Her charming appearance, voluptuous figure, and glamorous lifestyle have truly caught the eye of fans worldwide. Plus, extra information, her birthday falls on October 21, 1980, so mark that in your calendars as a real fan! Speaking of fans, if you want, you can check out Kim Kardashian on Instagram and Twitter to see her latest fashion and social ventures and keep up with her life. Selena Gomez
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Selena Marie Gomez was born on July 22, 1992, and is an American all-rounder Hollywood star, with singing, acting, and even producing under her belt. Her knockout looks, powerful voice, and inspiring story of overcoming adversity have made her a role model for women all over America. Keep up with her life on her Instagram and Twitter, and you won’t miss out on her music or productions! Rachel McAdams
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Rachel Anne McAdams is Canadian-born, and her birthdate falls on November 17, 1978. Her acting has earned her acclaim for performances in films like "Mean Girls," "The Notebook," and "Spotlight." Her impressive range and relatable personality have made her one of the most beloved and respected actresses of her generation, only adding to her sexy appeal. You can follow her Instagram and Twitter to check out our claims and prove to yourself she’s worth keeping an eye on. Emily Ratajkowski
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Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski is an American model, actress, and activist who has gained fame for her gorgeous features, impressive talent, and strong opinions on social and political issues. Her fearless attitude and outspoken personality have made her a representation of modern feminism. As you can see, her position in this contest for the sexiest woman alive today is pretty well-earned. Follow Emily Ratajkowski, born June 7, 1991, on Instagram and Twitter to see her latest fashion and modeling endeavors. Kendall Jenner
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Kendall Nicole Jenner is one of America’s leading personalities in fashion and TV. She was born November 3, 1995, and has long graced the runways of the world's top fashion brands. Her elegant looks, slender figure, and charismatic personality have made her a truly beloved celebrity and definitely one of the most beautiful women in 2023. Visit Kendall Jenner on Instagram and Twitter to find out more. Megan Fox
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Megan Denise Fox was born on May 16, 1986, and long ago debuted as an American actress and model who has been featured in numerous films and television shows, including the "Transformers" franchise and "Jennifer's Body." Her striking beauty, toned physique, and acting skills genuinely shine through the millions of actors in Hollywood and women worldwide. Follow Megan Fox on Instagram and Twitter to see her latest film projects and modeling endeavors. Emma Watson
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Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, born April 15, 1990, is a British actress and activist who rose to fame as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" film series. She is a picture of enchantment wrapped up in amazing acting skills and a strong commitment to social and environmental; She is truly a role model worth following on Instagram and Twitter. Why wouldn’t you support her? Yael Shelbia
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Yael Shelbia Cohen is the youngest on this list, with her birthdate on August 31, 2001, but her age doesn’t disappoint. Her career as an Israeli model has made her famous, citing both her talent and glamor, and her dabbling in acting has rocked the entertainment world. In fact, her natural beauty, flawless complexion, and captivating personality have made her one of the biggest competitors on this list for the title of the sexiest looking woman in the world. Follow Yael Shelbia on Instagram and Twitter to see her latest modeling and acting projects. Bella Hadid
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Isabella Khair Hadid may have already made a name for herself as a model sought out by Victoria's Secret, Dior, and Chanel, but what is truly incredible is how she’s done so so early in her life. Her birthday falls on October 9, 1996, but her will is that of a woman far older and more experienced! Her toned physique and fierce personality have made her a great addition to this list of the sexiest woman in the world today. Follow Bella Hadid on Instagram to check out her future in the industry!
The Controversies Surrounding the Concept of the “Sexiest Woman in the World”
A. Criticisms Against the Concept The concept of the "sexiest woman in the world" has been the subject of controversy and criticism in recent years. Some argue that the concept is inherently objectifying, reducing women to their physical appearance and promoting unrealistic beauty standards that can have harmful effects on women's self-esteem and body image. Critics also argue that the concept reinforces gender stereotypes that place women's value primarily on their looks and sexuality rather than their intelligence, talent, or character. B. Counterarguments in Favor of the Concept Conversely, some argue that celebrating women's beauty and sexuality can empower and liberate, allowing women to express their femininity and sensuality positively. They suggest that the concept of the "sexiest woman in the world" can promote diversity and body positivity. C. Suggestions for Diversity To address the criticisms and controversies surrounding the concept of the "sexiest woman in the world," some suggest that we must move towards a more inclusive and diverse representation of women's beauty and sexiness. This can include showcasing women of different ages, races, body types, and sexual orientations and promoting a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be sexy and beautiful.
In answering the burning question of “Whos the sexiest woman in the world?” we have to acknowledge that we can’t do it objectively since it is a subjective ranking that reflects cultural standards and expectations of beauty and sexuality. While it can be controversial and problematic in some ways, it can also be a way to celebrate and appreciate women's unique features and personalities. The top sexiest women are talented and accomplished individuals who have significantly contributed to their respective fields beyond their physical appearance. However, it's important to recognize that celebrating women's beauty and sexiness should not be the only way to value and empower women. We need to promote more diverse and inclusive representations of women's beauty and sexuality. Read the full article
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saiyan98 · 1 year
Cliché Love Story (Childhood AU) Part 1
Jason Grace: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
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Leo and Calypso have been neighbors and friends since kindergarten. The two were inseparable all the way to high school. However, in their Junior years, Calypso was about to confess to her crush, Percy Jackson. Will Leo accept this and continue being just her friend? Or will he finally let out what his heart truly desires?
Our story begins in the school library, with Jason sulking next to our dynamic duo. 
“Ugh, Jason, just go ask her out,” Leo said. “The worst thing she can say is no.” 
“You don’t get it, Leo!” Jason replied. “Piper McClean is the most amazing woman I ever met!” 
If you guys are wondering, Jason Grace has a huge crush on one of the Dance team leaders, Piper McClean. Jason is the school’s main quarterback in the Football team. He developed feelings for her when they were partnered up for a school project in Sophomore years and since then, he was lovestruck. Even his (other) best friend, Reyna, was being annoyed by it. 
“Dude, even Reyna is telling you to ask her out and she used to have a crush on you!” 
“Oh no, she did not. She has a crush on my sister, I saw how she looks at her.”
Leo groaned as Calypso was next to him, reading a book. 
“Jason, you’re like one of the hottest guys in this school. And that’s coming from me!” 
“That’s not saying much,” Calypso replied, getting a snort from Jason and a scoff from Leo. 
“Point is, she’d be crazy not to date you. So what’s the problem?” 
Jason replied, “Three reasons. First, she’s Bi.” 
“How is that a problem?” Leo asked. 
“It means I have TWICE the competition. Have you seen the girls she hangs out with? How can I compete with that?” 
“Fair enough, what else?” 
“Second, I’m boring as hell. I’m just your every Jock stereotype into one person. I don’t have anything to stand out. Piper, on the other hand, is amazingly unique. She’s funny, carefree, beautiful in a messy way, thoughtful to her friends, and-”
“Okay, Jason, we got it,” Calypso intervened. “What else?”
Jason was quiet for a moment but blushed.
“Jason?” Calypso called. 
“...I never went on a date before…”
Leo laughed. 
“Shut up! It’s not that funny, man!” Jason yelled. 
“Oh it is VERY funny! I mean, one of the most popular guys in school has never been on a date in his entire life? That’s just hilarious!” 
Jason blushed harder and hid his face with arms as he faced down on the table with defeat.
“See? It’s hopeless.”
“Don’t give up, Jason,” Calypso said. “Just make an effort and at least try to ask her out. I did it on my crushes.”
“Yeah, and just like how they all rejected her, I’ll be here to cheer you u- OW!” 
Calypso jabs Leo on the side. 
She used to have many crushes in the past. First, there was Odysseus who was a Senior last year, he was the smartest and was the most handsome man by standards. They went on a couple of dates, but Odysseus rejected her confession because it turns out he already has a girlfriend. It devastated her. Then came Drake, an ambitious and carefree man who made Calypso feel alive and adventuristic. But, he rejected her too because he already had eyes for someone else. Twice she was rejected and was only as good as “Second best”. It took her months to move on; and now, she has another crush. 
Percy Jackson. The School’s leading swim team member. And Jason’s cousin.
Calypso and Percy became friends this year and at some point, she developed feelings for him and was determined to finally get together with him. 
There’s just one problem. 
Annabeth Chase. Percy’s childhood best friend. 
“Shut up, Leo! Look, Jason, it’s better for you to at least try and fail then to not try at all. Yes, I had some bad experiences, but I learned from them. Even if it did cost me spending time with this idiot,” Calypso replied, gesturing to Leo. 
“Oh, you know you love me, Sunshine.” 
Calypso rolled her eyes. 
Jason was still not convinced, “It doesn’t matter, she’d reject me. Plain and simple.”
“Ugh, you’re really bumming me out, man.” 
As the three were talking, Calypso saw Percy pass by. This whole talk about love motivated her to make her move. 
“I’ll be back,” She said as she put away her book and grabbed her stuff. The boys looked at where she was looking and noticed Percy. 
“Gonna try your luck?” Leo asked. “Well, if you ever need another hug from your’s truly, I’ll be here.”
Calypso rolls her eyes and leaves the two boys alone. As she leaves, Jason sighs at Leo. 
“You’re seriously just gonna let her get heartbroken, again?” Jason asked. “You know that Annabeth is in love with Percy, right? So why did you let her go?”
“Because… I want her to be happy and I know that Percy can do that… even if it’s not with me.” 
Jason shook his head. Since the day the two boys met, he knows how much Leo loves Calypso. Only problem? He’s just as scared as Jason to ruin what they have now. 
Jason sighs, “You are such a hypocrite, Leo.” 
“Hey! It’s different, this time. If she turns me down, I’m losing my best friend who has been with me since kindergarten. The fact that she is still single to this day is unbelievable.”
Jason can see the sparks in Leo’s eyes everytime he talks about Calypso. How his entire mood brightens just by saying her name. He can talk about mechanical stuff for hours, but Calypso? He’d talk about her for years.
Of course, Leo tries to move on from his crush. He tried to hook up with several girls in the past only to be turned down hard. First, there was Khione, the cold cheerleader; she only went out with him a couple times just to get close to Jason. When Calypso found out, she threatened her to never be near her boys again. Then there was Echo, the repetitive but sweet girl from the Drama club who was madly in love with Narcissus. He tried to get her attention, but she turned him down gently, knowing full well she will never be loved by Narcissus for he only loves himself (Total jerk, yeah, but you gotta appreciate that confidence). Then there was Thalia, Jason’s sister. She was this cool punk girl who gets into trouble, but she cares a lot for her friends and family.  Leo tried to impress but she was not interested in boys due to her last relationship. Apparently, her ex got in trouble with the police and tried to run away with her and Annabeth. Neither of them joined and he ran off on his own; no one has heard of him since. 
Despite all that, Calypso was always there to cheer him up. That only made his feelings for her worse. He knows that every girl he tries to hook has some similarity to Calypso. Khione has the cold sassiness of Calypso; Echo with her sweet and gentle personality, like Calypso; and Thalia with her wild yet loyal characteristic. Each girl was only a fragment compared to her, and Leo knew that. 
“Look, Leo,” Jason said. “I get that what you have with Calypso is special. But, at some point, you gotta take that step and ask her out. Like you said, the worst she can say is no.”
Leo scoffed.
“I wish it was that simple, Jason. But, clearly you can see that I’m not her type.”
Jason groaned at Leo’s response. Apparently, BOTH of them don’t understand what they want.
Calypso left the library and went after Percy. Committed to proving Jason to be brave, she will confess to Percy, whether he accepts or not. Most likely, he won’t, Calypso see’s how Percy looks at Annabeth. She has little to no chance of reciprocation, but she needs to try. Otherwise, Leo would tease her for weeks. And she’d rather face rejection then listen to Leo’s terrible (maybe a bit funny) jokes.
“Percy!” Calypso yelled. 
Percy turned around and saw her, “Oh, hey Calypso. What’s up?”
“Well, there’s something I want to ask.” 
Calypso takes a deep breath and asks, “Will you go out with me? I really like you, and I want to be closer to you. I know that… I may not have a chance compared to Annabeth. Don’t even think of denying it,” Calypso says as Percy started blushing at the mention of Annabeth. “But, I had to try. Not just for me, but to prove to Jason to take risks. I mean, Everyone knows me. Yet, you treated me normal. Everyone else either pity me, shunned me or just ignores me. You… You treated me like a good friend and never turned away from me. So…” 
Calypso started getting all fidgety. Despite confessing to several boys, she still gets nervous about the reaction she’ll get. But she must be strong, not just for her sake, but for Jason’s. And maybe to make Leo speechless. 
“Wow… Calypso, I…” Percy stuttered. Trying to find the right words to say. “I can’t believe you feel that way,” He replied, “But…”
And there it is. 
“I figured,” Calypso said. “You really love Annabeth.” 
“I-it’s not just that,” Percy replied rapidly, blushing madly, “But… I thought you were dating Leo.”
Calypso frowned, “What?!” 
“I mean, you two are close; known each other since kindergarten, go out together-”
“That’s because we’re friends!” Calypso yelled. “He’s like an annoying brother I have to watch over. I mean, the last time I left him alone, he nearly burned down my house because he was trying to make soup!” 
Calypso frowned and sighs as she reminisces on the event. She was sick at the time and Leo was trying to help her by making some soup. If she didn’t arrive on time, the kitchen was lost.
“I heard about that; but I also heard that Leo didn’t go to that car show that arrives once a year so that he could help you get better.”
“What?! You mean the Annual Car Show in Brooklyn? He never misses that; he even ditch school last year to go see it!” 
Percy shrugged, “My point exactly. Other than his wild ambition for mechanical stuff, you’re his first priority.”
Calypso blushed. 
“T-that’s because we’re friends! We’ve been friends since I can remember, like you and Annabeth.”
“And I’m in love with her. I can accept that.”
Calypso stuttered. She can’t seem to find a way out of this conversation. 
There’s no way she and Leo can date. 
“Look, Calypso,” Percy interrupted her train of thought. “Answer me these questions. First, who do you think is smarter? Leo or Odysseus?” 
“Why are you-”
“Just answer.”
Calypso scoffed, “The answer is obvious. Odysseus is smarter than Leo… but, Leo alway finds a way to use his street smarts to save the day. Like that time with our school project from our science class.”
“Okay, next question. If both Drake and Leo had plans with you on the same day, who would you go with?” 
“Oh that’s a dumb question. I can’t leave Leo alone, he’d probably cause an explosion with his witty skills or get hurt for his wild behavior. I’d have to be there to make sure he’s safe.”
“Last question…” Percy said. “If something important to you happened, who’s the first person you’d tell? Me or Leo?”
“Leo, of course. He’s my best friend, he knows everything about me just like I know everything about him. He was always there for me when I was heartbroken; Always know how to make me smile even if his jokes are terrible. He always trusted me with his darkest secrets. He trusts me and I trust him. Don’t get me wrong, Percy. You’re a sweet guy, but Leo has always been the first to know anything about me. And that’s one of the things I love about him and…”
Calypso stopped as she realized what she said.
“Oh…” She said, “I love him…”
Percy smiled, “So, you finally figured it out.”
Suddenly, the bell rang. Percy cursed in silence, “I’m late for class! Got to go.”
Before he left, he put a hand on Calypso’s shoulder and spoke in kindness, “I’m glad you realized your true feelings. Took me a while for Annabeth. Don’t deny what you truly want, Calypso. You deserve happiness.”
And with that, Percy left her in that hallway with her thoughts. 
Thoughts of Leo.
Thoughts of his witty remarks.
Thoughts of his goofy smile.
Thoughts of all his touches and the time they spent together. 
How much she realized that all the boys she liked were only fragments compared to Leo. 
“Oh my god…” 
Calypso is in love with her best friend.
Ain’t that a kick in the head.
Class ended and everyone started heading home. Leo had mechanic club meetings after school so Calypso tends to wait for him so that they can walk home together. 
Only now, she realized her feelings for him. 
She’s hanging around the bleachers near the football field. Normally, she’d wait by the library; but right now, she needs to have a talk with Jason. 
Jason had practice today but he managed to make a break and saw her. 
“Hey Calypso, what are you doing out here?” He asked.
“Hey Jason, I need to talk to you.” 
Jason nodded and sat next to her. 
“What’s up? How did your confession go?”
Calypso was twiddling her thumbs and answered. 
“It… didn’t go so well.”
Jason sighs sentimentally.
“I’m sorry, Calypso. I’m sure Percy didn’t mean anything bad to you. He’s just-”
“It’s not that he rejected me. It’s what he said afterward.”
“...What did he say?”
Calypso took a deep breath and replied, “H-he thought that Leo and I were dating and… after trying to convince him we weren’t dating… he made me realize that… I wish we were.”
Jason was silent for a moment, contemplating what he just heard. Calypso just confessed that she’s in love with Leo. He took a deep breath and yelled.
Calypso jumped at the sudden reply.
“Do you have any idea how long I waited for you to realize it?! I mean, it was obvious after you went after Drake; but when Percy was next, I knew instantly you were subconsciously denying your true feelings!”
Calypso blushed and replied, “W-whatever, at least I admit it.”
Jason laughed, “You sure did! And it’s about damn time too.”
Calypso pouted in frustration from his teasing. 
“So, how are you gonna tell him?” Jason asked. 
“I mean, how are you gonna tell Leo how you feel?”
“WHAT?!” Calypso yelled. “There’s no way I am telling him how I feel!”
Jason groans in annoyance. 
‘These two are so alike,’ he thought. 
“Why not?”
“Because!” She replied. “He’s my best friend and the only one who knows me better than even myself. If…” She hesitated at what she’s gonna say next. “...If Leo rejects me… he’ll distance himself and…”
Jason understood exactly what she’s going through. It was the same with him on Piper. But for Calypso, it’s so much worse. If Leo rejects her, she’d lose not only her best friend, but her best friend since kindergarten. The two were inseparable; they’d go to every birthday party, every school event, even every school dance together. If he denies her love, she’d lose a part of her life, forever.
That’s worse than what Jason is going through. If only he could tell her how Leo feels. But, he promised him not to tell her, no matter what. 
I know what you’re thinking. 
‘He knows that both of them love each other. So why not just tell them the truth?’
The thing is, Jason is a good kid. Sure he’s not unique and just your average popular jock-stereotype. But he’s always there to support his friends and family. He helped out his mom get through her alcohol addiction; helped his sister realize how terrible her ex-boyfriend was. Helped his cousin, Nico, come out of the closet and hook him up with Will. He even tended to do some community service in his free time during summer vacation. Jason was a selfless guy and he’s okay with that. 
The only people that ever knew this was Leo and Calypso. They helped him out when he did that dumb dare of eating a stapler and cut his lips. They were there when he attended his mother’s funeral. They were there when he confronted Thalia’s ex-boyfriend about the police.
Jason owes them so much. 
That’s why he couldn’t tell either of them the truth.
But it’s also why he wants them to be happy. He doesn’t want to be the reason they’re together… or worse, distance toward each other. 
“Look,” Calypso spoke. “Just don’t tell him, please? I’d hate to lose him over something silly as love.”
Jason scoffed. 
Love is silly? 
Sure it makes us do dumb things and say dumb stuff. But, how can one live without love?
“Fine, I won’t tell,” Jason answered. 
Eventually though, he’s gonna break that promise.
Author’s Note:
Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed that. Funny thing, I was just gonna make this a One-shot, but I decided to expand it to a 3-part story (again). I kinda inspired this plot from another Fanfiction I read called Safety Patrol (In Fanfiction.Net) or Something More (In Archive of Our Own) made by EthnicToken (Fanfiction.Net)/ StarriNights (Archive of Our Own). Do check out their Caleo Stories; some of my most favorite fanfictions to read. Leave a comment if you can. 
Thank you for reading, hope to see you on my next update. 
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what-i-call-men · 3 years
James Patrick March x fem!reader
Warnings: a lot of murder, cheating on multiple occasions, some sex mentions, a proposal
Request: from me Fic thought of the night- you become James’ first prodigy because you were in the hotel with your husband and ended up pushing him out the window or something (where he wouldn’t end up in the hotel) and James wants you to carry on his work but you just fall in love with his passion. I’m thinking like housewife in the 60s poisoning her husband or something. Maybe she’s running from the crime scene and hiding in the hotel. Murder suicide and when she wakes up James is just clapping
Picture credit to @copy-of-a-cheeto​
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That was it, you were over his stupid screaming and fighting with you and constant harassment over how bad you were at everything. You’d had it. You were on vacation with your husband and this was the last straw after nights of fighting instead of what should’ve been a romantic get away. He currently stood beside the window, looking out to the city, and muttering about how his assistant was so much better than you in bed. It wasn’t something you didn’t know about either but this was the last straw in your book.
With a rush of rage you walked behind him, grabbing an ice pick off the bar and ran it through his back. He gasped at the sudden pain, but before he could turn around to you you were removing the pick and picking him up with the strength of your adrenaline, pushing him head first out the window onto the street in front of the hotel. You leaned out after hearing the thud of his body from the 8-story drop. As you stared down at the body on the street you felt nothing other than rage, but as soon as you turned back to your room you realized that he’s dead and you just killed him. As soon as people figured out who he was you’d be suspect number one.
You hurried to his bag and grabbed the razor out of his toiletries. Killing yourself or your husband wasn’t even the strangest part of the whole affair. The strangest part was you waking up, staring down at your bloody body in the bath tub. At first you didn’t even realize what was happening until you heard slow clapping from behind you in your room. Turning around, you saw a man dressed in a suit with a cane and an ascot around his neck. “That was quite a show deary, I’ve never seen a woman with rage quite like yours.” He said and untucked the cane from his arm to lean against it again. “If you would’ve waited a few more seconds I would’ve offered you my own knife. Or I would’ve even done him in myself.”He gestures to his cane where it unlatched the head to reveal a small dagger.
You looked at him for a second, still at a loss for words until you finally murmured out a “who are you?”. James offered his hand to you to which you took as he introduced himself. “My name is James Patrick March. I built this hotel and I was walking past and heard the commotion. Serves him right for what he did to a beautiful woman like you. He got everything that was coming to him.” James muttered as he looked out towards the window where the body had fallen right off the property but behind the building where no one would see it.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long. He makes it so hard to even carve up a chicken for dinner without imagining it was it throat. He had been sleeping with his assistant for a year but I never went to college so I could never afford leave him.” You muttered as James walked towards the door, beckoning you to follow him. You followed and he nodded for you to continue talking. “He always wanted kids but I was never able to give that to him so he would seek her out in hopes she would provide that for him.” You felt like James was protecting you and made you feel better about what had happened. It was comforting until he placed his hand in yours to lead you down the halls and you felt a wedding ring adorned on his finger.
As the night went on James helped you, making a woman from the front desk carry in the body of your husband and throw him down a chute. He also had Ms. Evers dispose of your body and your husbands things. You soon sat in what you assumed was his room at a dinner table, eating along with him as he spoke about how artful your murder was. How a murder suicide was how he died as well with Ms. Evers and how that never stopped him from killing others. As James spoke, you quickly became enthralled with how passionate he was about death and killing. You didn’t have a weird or gross feeling when he talked about it, only a passionate love for the art of murder.
As days passed James had begun to taking a liking to your intrigue, in his murders. He began to show you the ropes of his preparation towards murder, the gory treasures he took from those he killed. On a trip you two took around the hotel on one of these days, he seemed particularly exited as you followed behind him past the bar and down a flight of stairs. “Mr. March I wanted to thank you for helping me out of my situation.” You spoke towards the man before you as he walked ahead of you.
“It was no problem dearest, I built this hotel as a safe haven for my hobby. A body is the least of its concerns.” He went on as you walked behind him. “May I ask where your wife is?” You asked and he faltered for a moment before stopping his walking and turning to you. “She’s none of your concern dearest.” He said and then continued walking, you falling a bit behind before he moved on to show you the torture chambers in the basement of the hotel. Surprisingly you weren’t weak stomached as he spoke eloquently about everything. Instead you held onto his elbow as he lead you around.
Something still felt wrong with him wearing a wedding ring and yet no talk of his wife or even a hint of her being around him. You’d been with him pretty much all of the last few days and he didn’t even have women’s things in his room to hint she lived there. “I have a surprise for you.” He said and you turned after hearing a door close behind you. Ms. Evers stood with a man and woman being hauled in behind her. “He’s just like your husband. He’s here today with his mistress because they chose to run away together. I thought this might excite you.” James said and the couple was thrown before you, gagged and tied.
You paused for a moment. You saw fear in both of their eyes. This woman was years younger than the man and he had grey littered through his hair. “Is she your assistant?” You spoke to him harshly, feeling the same anger towards your husband to this man now. He looked up at you and nodded. You felt your face grow hot as James slipped something into your hand. You glanced down to see a blade, the one from the top of his cane. Looking back to the man, you stared him down as you plunged the knife into the woman’s chest. His eyes widened and he screamed behind the gag.
Soon after stabbing the woman a few times you ripped the blade out and pointed it at the man. “You ungrateful traitorous bastard of a man deserve the worst and hottest place in hell for treating your poor hardworking wife as if she were nothing! She’s not nothing. I’m. Not. Nothing.” You yelled, punctuating your last words with a stab to his chest. You now straddling his body as blood coated your front. You felt no remorse. You in fact felt relief and you only felt better when James scooped you up and praised you. He ended his praise with a kiss to your lips. One that lasted a few moments as your heart dropped in your chest.
Nothing was really the same after that. James would ring your room every time a new man came in with a mistress and you would show up to their room usually with a knife behind your back. And every time you returned to James with blood splatter across your face and dress he would kiss you and help clean you off. You loved the praise he gave you but you knew you’d become his woman on the side. You’d never even slept with him but you still felt bad every time his wedding band touched your arm.
It wasn’t until he’d invited you to a dinner with him and his wife was there that you had truly met her. “Y/n, dearest, this is my wife Elizabeth.” He said as he gestured to the other woman at the table. She was a major juxtaposition in comparison to him. She was more into the times with her fashion, beautiful blonde hair swept across her face. “I’m so happy you could join us. I wanted to talk to you about your relationship with James here.” She patted a seat near her as James nudged you forwards. You sat nervously beside her, her aura oozing confidence and radiance.
“I want you to know I know everything you do for him and that him and I have an open arrangement for him and i to do as we please. Because I am the living owner of the hotel I keep the name and the legality of what we had, but none of the love he had for me.” She said and placed her hand on yours. “If you’d like to keep him company in the romantic sense I will be all the more supportive of your choice.” She added.
From that night on your relationship with James become more gory. Now instead of kisses and praise. You two would kill together in the hotel, then make love on the sheets stained with the blood of the adulterous couples. James was a rough man but you were just as commanding which he loved. He became so infatuated with killing with you, he invited you to a dinner he had which he coined “Devils Night”. It was his birthday dinner which initially was you and Him alone, but as the years went on he found others he deemed more impressive than you.
These others were alive and he coached them to kill for him in the outside world. It wasn’t until John that you had truly become fed up with these new guests, each one more horrid than the last. When John came around you wanted nothing more than to kill him along with Sally. He took up all of James’ time. You had turned to Elizabeth for comfort which she welcomed with open arms and bare chest. Sure it was taboo to sleep not only with her husband but also with her. It brought a new flame to your existence to find comfort in her arms at your shared loss in the murderous man. It wasn’t until she announced to you she planned to marry again that you grew excited again.
“James will not take it well. I’m telling you now so that you can swoop in to comfort him. I see how in love with him you are and how passionate he is about killing with you.” She said as she lit up her cigarette, the two of you clad in your silk robes as you laid in her bed. “James was never enough to make me happy but he truly will be for you for eternity.” She said and you grinned. That smile didn’t leave your face until James came you to hours after their monthly dinner, his hair a mess and his cheeks red with what was either anger or tears.
You welcomed him into your room with open arms, pressing his lips to yours as you closed the door behind him. He lifted you up and brought you to your bed, muttering quietly about how he didn’t see it coming and how stupid Elizabeth’s man was for choosing her. You shut him up with your lips as you undid his jacket, throwing it on the ground as you began on his button up. He kissed along the column of your throat as you felt the fire ignite in you again. A fire that hasn’t blazed since the 70s when James had found his second prodigy after you.
He set you down and you looked up to him as he paused in thought. “There’s a couple in room 36. Can we go back to how we were?” He asked gently and put his hands on your arms, his wedding ring now missing from his hand. “I’d love to James.” You muttered and leaned up to his lips once more. The couple was no trouble, to murder. You always loved to get the men while he had no problem taking care of the women.
Moments after you were both straddling the bodies, now soaked in their blood and enjoying the adrenaline rush at its peak. You heard James say something but you couldn’t hear him over the buzz in your ears. Looking to him, you egged him to repeat his words. “Marry me. You’re the only one who truly understands me. Better than Elizabeth ever was.” He said and turned to you fully from where he kneeled on the bed. “No one is as good to me as you, you are the best thing to happen to me in this eternal life. You bring light to this dreary eternity more than completing some stupid commandments killings from my lifetime.”
He said and moved over the bodies to you where you just smiled and nodded at him. He grabbed you by the waist, letting you fall back onto the bed into the pools of blood, kissing you fervently as you grinned against his lips. The kiss tasted like so many before, coated in an iron taste and the love of this man before you, but this was different because as he pulled away he smiled down at you. “Let me help you up, Mrs. March.” He offered and you took his hand, butterflies swarming in your chest as he helped you.
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the-hopeless-haze · 3 years
Oh, My Precious Whore
A/N: didn’t really think I’d ever be posting fic on here again… but I am tired and need a distraction so… have this as a treat
Pairing: Claire Underwood x f!reader, implied Duncan Shepherd x f!reader
CW: derogatory pet names, implied smut (will not occur in full until the next part)
Description: idk this is just pure filth bc there’s a severe lack of f!reader fic and… Robin Wright is hot af. Also had to throw in some Duncan in there bc I love Cody Fern
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Maybe you should feel worse right now about what you’re doing, but you don’t.
You, at the very least, should feel scared. The Underwoods, or well, Underwood... she was a powerful woman and if you stepped a millimeter out of place your life was likely in danger. Or so they said. Your in-laws were wary of her, you know, but she was wary of them, too. You think. She’s a difficult woman to read.
The rumors concerning the crimes her late husband supposedly committed are lengthy and convoluted, but you suspect they hold some truth to them. Most rumors usually aren’t based totally in fiction. Her husband was truly a ruthless motherfucker. Claire... Claire doesn’t seem to be ruthless. Nor does she seem to be what you would describe as a motherfucker.
No, she’s a cold hearted bitch. A bitter, sociopathic cunt.
But you never wanted what was good for you.
Sometimes, you swear you love Duncan and you wish it was easier to convince yourself. He a good husband, all things considered. Perhaps a little too focused on work, but... he treats you well to make up for it. He is loyal to a fault, if anyone ever was. You met him through a friend, and though it makes you feel guilty you used him in a vain attempt to get closer to Annette.
But Annette didn’t swing your way, as she told you in not so many words. Or, rather, she said, “Just be a good pet and marry my son. You on his arm will do well for everyone all around. Your dalliances on the side are no one’s business as long as you keep them secret enough that not even Duncan finds out.”
So you agreed, and accepted his proposal you figured she no doubt hounded him into. It’s not so much that you don’t like men, you do, and Duncan is such an attractive man, and he’s a thorough lover... it’s just you suppose you have a preference for women. Older women. You used to joke in high school that you wanted to be a high-end escort for rich older women getting away from their CEO husbands for the weekend.
But your parents would have never approved of that plan. So you went to law school instead. Which was fine. You make decent money without Duncan, but with him you’re somewhat of a young, hot power couple. You’re not really interested in policy the way his family is - you just like ingratiating yourself amongst these people with influence. You get off on brushing shoulders with the powerful. Parties don’t mean much to you. Everyone is truly an evil son of a bitch, no matter what they say when the cameras are on. No one cares about progress, not unless it’s self-serving.
The first time you met Claire, you thought you might die. She barely gave Duncan a second glance but you? She stood and chatted with you about your latest case your firm had taken - how she knew about it among all the other things on her mind, you don’t know - but it was a pleasant conversation, all things considered. You know her and Annette used to be close. You wonder how much Claire does know about you.
You know you can’t trust her. At all.
But after that incident, Duncan grinned and shook his head. “Wouldn’t want to give credence to those rumors. She might have it out for you.”
“Rumors?” You asked, panicking already. Did he know?
“That Claire is a lesbian. It’s been floating around some circles, that that’s why she wasn’t truly upset at her husband’s death, that that’s why she’s pushing so hard for female rights. It’s interesting. It is the first time I met her, but having done so it wouldn’t entirely surprise me.”
You can tell. That woman probably isn’t a lesbian, or if she is, she’s very good at utilizing her charm to make it seem as though she’s not. If anything, you’d peg her as asexual. She uses sex as a weapon. Fair enough. You’ve seen even weaker women feel the need to use it.
You wonder if she’s ever had sex purely for herself and not for manipulation purposes.
You wonder if she could even do that. You reckon you don’t really care if you found out the hard way.
It’s a few weeks later that you receive a message stating the President required your audience. And you know you should tell Annette, or Duncan at the very least, but you don’t. You know you shouldn’t show up at all. But Annette said to keep your dalliances secret. So secret they will stay.
“How loyal are you to the Shepherds?” Claire asks when you arrive. Straight to the point. Good.
“As loyal as I have to appear,” you tell her.
Claire smiles a little. “Why did you marry Duncan? He doesn’t seem quite your type.”
“And what do you presume my type is?”
“Perhaps more feminine. Older.”
“Mm. And what is your type, Ms President?”
“Why did you marry him? Did Annette threaten to out you?” she repeats.
“Not in so many words,” you say.
“Hmm. Interesting. He has no idea, I presume?”
“Why did you call me here?” you ask, your anxiety getting the better of you.
“I need information on the Shepherds. And I believe I have something you’d want in return.”
Your head starts spinning, but no, spinning is an understatement. It’s fucking doing somersaults. You cannot believe what she’s proposing.
“You want to prostitute yourself to me for information?”
And Claire does the last thing you ever expected the bitch to do. She walks across the room and slaps you across the face. Hard enough to sting, but not as hard as you bet she could. You feel the cold metal of her wedding ring press against your cheek as she grabs your chin, her cold blue eyes piercing through to your soul. “Don’t you dare fucking accuse the president of the United States of debasement, and don’t ever assume you have the upper hand.”
“Are we on first name basis, slut?” she asks, her hand slithering down to your throat. Holy shit, you think. This bitch might actually fucking kill me. You think you’d care more if this wasn’t possibly the hottest thing that ever happened to you. “I didn’t think so. Now. What are your loyalties? Who are you closest to?”
“Duncan, obviously. Annette lets her guard down around me because she likes that I think she’s hot, but she still doesn’t like me. Bill and I don’t get along.”
“Interesting. How much does Duncan know?”
“I know more than Duncan.”
“Really, now? Are you just saying that? Because if you don’t prove to be useful...”
“What? You’ll kill me?”
Claire laughs. “No, you’re much more fun to me alive. But tell me… do you know where Duncan came from?”
“I mean, I truly don’t know how Annette’s cunt could birth anything, given how much of a bitch she is, but…”
Claire smiles. “Yes. Much more fun alive. Duncan is not her child.”
“Well, that’s a relief I don’t have any chance of keeping the Shepherd bloodline alive,” you snicker. “Where did he come from, then?”
“I’ll tell you… in time. But you have to tell him, too. In front of Annette and Bill. I want them all to know.”
“They’ll skin me alive if they knew I was here.”
“Do you want to fuck me or not? These are my terms.”
“So that is why I’m here?”
She only smirks at you, the wrinkles around her blue eyes crinkling as she does. “Your attraction to me is far more interesting than... well, men are pigs, right? I’m sure you are well aware. But you, you look at me like you want to fuck me, sure, but you also know your place. You respect me, even if you try to talk back. Men don’t know any better.”
“Have you ever slept with a woman before?”
She only smiles. “Does it matter?”
“Just wanted to know if there was credence to the rumors.”
“Rumors? You’re quite bold. I’m the one with my hand...wrapped around your throat.”
“It’d be pretty messy for you if you killed me right now,” you retort, wincing and rubbing your legs together as she increases the pressure on your neck.
“You’ll learn not to talk back, whore. To think you’re a married woman...”
“Yeah? Did you hold your marriage sacrosanct?”
There’s that smile again. She’s beautiful, ethereal, but there’s something so inhumane about the way her lips move upward to smirk at you. Maybe you should learn to shut your mouth, but you always were a brat. Besides, it’s more fun this way.
“I did.”
“Liar,” you accuse, smirking at her as you do, and she lets go of your throat and before you can miss the feeling too much she slaps your face again, the right cheek this time, much harder than the first time. You let out a startled, strangled moan on impulse, stumbling back a little against the wall.
“Oh, did that hurt?” she coos at you condescendingly, fixing a piece of your hair that fell out of place as you stand back up, pressing your back flat against the wall for stability. Claire crosses her arms and stands directly in front of you.
“I can take it. I can take more than that,” you say boldly.
“Oh? What else do you like, slut?”
“You name it, I’m game.”
“Anything? Handcuffs? Whips? Knives?”
You nod at everything she comes up with. Jesus, you would let this woman carve out your heart if she wanted it.
“If I make you bleed?”
“Interesting. Does Duncan play these little games with you?”
You laugh. “No.”
“You only want a woman to do these things to you?”
“Precisely. Are you kinky, Madam President?”
“Whatever my partner requires... I make certain I provide.”
“But what do you want?”
“I’m a hard woman to please.”
“Oh. Is that the kind way of saying Frank wasn’t good in bed?” you ask, feigning sympathy. She only smirks again. “I’m surprised you didn’t slap me for that. He must have really been awful.”
“You think you could do better?”
“Women do everything better,” you laugh, earning perhaps the only genuine smile you’ve gotten from this woman the whole time. “That’s why I wanted to know if you’ve been with a woman...”
“No. But I’ve thought about it. Never had a woman as interested as you.”
“I find that very hard to believe. Maybe you just never noticed. What gave it away?” You’re aching for her to touch you again, give you anything, even pain, but she stands still in front of you.
“I can just tell. Besides, I was interested to meet you. You’re the Shepherd’s weak link. I knew Annette didn’t vet you carefully enough.”
“Are you saying me being gay is an issue?”
“Are you so naive to think it wouldn’t be, given the state of this country?” she retorts. “But that’s not all. I can tell you don’t like them. I could tell you were easy... on more than one account.”
You roll your eyes. “I fucking hate Bill. I mean it’s awful to say, he’s not doing well physically, but he’s just made life a living hell for me.”
“Why?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.
“I don’t know. Maybe he hates gay people. Maybe he hates women. Both. Don’t know.”
��So everyone knows but Duncan? Funny how he’s kept out of all the good family secrets that concern him.”
You sigh. “See, sexuality’s a funny thing. I like Duncan. I do. And sometimes sex with him is good if not great. He’s a good partner. But I just prefer women.”
“Must be nice to have it figured out. Your generation did have it easier.”
You look at her questioningly. You never thought someone like her was human enough to struggle with such a thing, but perhaps that’s an unfair assessment.
Or she’s playing you.
Still. She’d have to be quite a good player - not that you should underestimate her skill - to talk about something as personal as her struggles with sexuality. Straight people just don’t get it. Would she really be this easily well versed if it was a game?
“There’s still a long ways to go,” you say.
“I intend to rectify that.”
“Of course you do.”
Her eyes narrow at you and she tilts her head. “Do you think I should be doing better?”
“Yeah. Come out, for starters.”
“Says the woman in a sham marriage.”
“It’s not a sham. I love Duncan,” you protest.
“Then why are you here, selling out his family just for a chance to fuck me? You’re not much better than I am.”
“I don’t think I’ve told you anything yet. Besides. It’s not his real family… as you say.”
“No. You haven’t told me anything I didn’t already know. But I haven’t fucked you yet either, have I?”
“Come over here,” she beckons, leaning against the desk and once again it strikes you where you are - the fucking Oval Office. Are you seriously going to have sex in the Oval Office? Conservatives would be disgusted by this (although it wouldn’t be the first time this office was defiled). “Don’t look so scared now. You can’t back out at this point.”
You nod, trying not to look as nervous as you feel and walk the few steps over to her, your legs inches from hers. God, you’re practically dying from the anticipation alone.
“Does Duncan ever tell you how beautiful you are?” She asks. You’re absolutely shellshocked. There’s no trace of sarcasm in her voice.
“Sometimes,” you murmur.
“Just like men to not appreciate what they have.”
“Mm. Frank didn’t appreciate you, Claire? Didn’t make you feel good? I would. If you were my wife I’d make you come every fucking day,” you say, and boldly you decide to punctuate that statement by pressing your lips to hers.
Mistake. Or maybe not, you don’t know.
Her hands tangle in your hair and you feel her stand up, press against you firmly before backing you into the desk, pushing you onto it until your back is flat on the wood, and she’s hovering over you, her lips ghosting yours.
“I’m a hard woman to please,” she reiterates and you realize she never fucking lost her breath while you feel like the wind was knocked out of you. “I’m ambivalent about attention in general. But look at you, whore. You crave it, don’t you? Just want someone to tell you that you’re a good girl... oh, look at you squeeze your thighs together. Are you wet for me, slut?”
“Why don’t you see for yourself?” You ask, spreading your legs slightly for her.
She shakes her head, her straight platinum locks shifting as she does so, brushing against your face. “See? You’re not a good girl. You’re a dirty filthy whore and you just don’t know when to shut that whore mouth or close your fucking legs.”
You stay silent - you’re not sure what to do now. Do you antagonize her, push her further, see if it will rile her up again? Or do you try and kiss her again?
Claire has other ideas. “Beg,” she hisses in your ear. “Get down on your knees and beg for me.”
—- and I am evil and ending it there! Plz let me know if I should continue this!
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