#trinity broadcasting network
bby181 · 1 year
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still from Heaven Waits…
a video work I made in 2019 about blind faith
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chrisshields18 · 3 months
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
The Unification Church Seeks Influence, Acceptance Among the Political ”Christian” Right (2009)
From the Christian Research Institute Updated: Jul 31, 2022 Published: Jun 9, 2009
After newspapers across America last December revealed Unification Church attempts to infiltrate the political “Christian Right” through gifts to political action commit­tees and conservative Christian groups, the Moonies quieted their activities.
Now some Unification Church-watchers are concerned that the group is stepping-up another tactic which may result in political acceptance: infiltrat­ing independent charismatic ministries to gain favor in the bur­geoning charismatic movement as a whole.
“They’re out there winning friends and influencing people,” said a source at the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) who did not want to be named, adding that gaining acceptance in America is essen­tial to the church’s objective of having their leader Sun Myung Moon recognized as the second coming of Christ.
Last December’s articles, which appeared mostly in promi­nent Knight-Ridder newspa­pers, stated that in March 1987 Moon forged an alliance with the Christian Voice, the largest con­servative Christian lobby in America. They also reported that Moon has been funding anticom­munist guerrillas in Central Amer­ica, Afghanistan, and the Philip­pines, and that the Unification Church gave the late John T. Dolan, founder of the 300,000-member National Conserva­tive Political Action Commit­tee, a $775,000 gift. Former Trea­sury Secretary Robert Ander­son had also been paid $127,500 as a Unification Church consultant.
Recently the NAE warned its members to be wary of Unification Church attempts to infil­trate their ranks by joining with organizations that seem to have conservative goals. Moon-watch­ers say two points of Moonie infiltration into the Christian community have been over issues of religious freedom and anticom­munism.
In recent years certain Chris­tian leaders have been criticized for what some perceived as drawing too close to the Unifi­cation Church. Several years ago Tim LaHaye, Christian author and head of the American Coalition for Traditional Val­ues, came under fire for accept­ing a gift from Col. Bo Hi Pak, a former Korean intelligence offi­cer, president of the Washington Times newspaper, and Moon’s right-hand man. Since then, a number of pastors from a broad spectrum of denominations have received free trips from CAUSA, a Unification Church-funded anticommunism organization. Churchmen have also been speaking at CAUSA rallies (e.g., Jerry Fallwell spoke at a confer­ence in Miami last year which was co-sponsored by CAUSA).
Another group admitting Uni­fication Church funding is the American Freedom Coalition (AFC), publisher of the monthly Religious Freedom Alert, headed by Donald Sills as president and Robert Grant as chairman. Although LaHaye, Florida pastor D. James Kennedy, and others have left the AFC because of the Moon connection, others, such as Trinity Broadcasting Net­work’s Paul Crouch, Ben Armstrong of the National Religious Broadcasters, evangelists James Robison and Rex Humbard, and other prominent evangelicals have remained on AFC’s executive committee. (Although there is no known direct connection between CAUSA and AFC, Sills often speaks at CAUSA func­tions. CAUSA is headed by Phillip V. Sanchez, former U.S. Ambassador to Honduras and Columbia.)
In recent days Sills has been concentrating on attacking anti-cult organizations as a threat to religious freedom to audiences with a high percentage of charismatics. Sills (who visited Moon during his prison term) appeared May 3 on Crouch’s “Praise the Lord” show on TBN and denounced the secular Cult Awareness Network (CAN). From there Sills went on the AFC’s radio network hosted by Grant and sharply criticized CAN and cultwatchers in gener­al. (In recent months Sills has emerged as a public affairs spokesman for the Greater Grace World Outreach — formerly The Bible Speaks World Outreach, a controver­sial group a federal judge recent­ly ordered to return $6.6 million in contributions it swindled from a former member.)
But many agree that the church’s best attempt at influencing the political right is Bo Hi Pak’s Washington Times newspa­per, which is reportedly losing $200 million a year. Moon him­self is widely reported as saying he is having an influence on Pres­ident Reagan “through the Wash­ington Times”.
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butch-enjoyer · 6 months
The more I learn about Christianity, the more it sounds like an apocalyptic religion.
Oh you eat your God and drink the it's blood?
You are waiting for the return of your God and it will also start the apocalypse?
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babychocopie-blog · 24 days
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Христо Воскресе! Во Истину Воскресе!
Title: 🕊️ Let's Add a Peaceful Twist to Easter! 🐣 #PeaceOnПасха #EasterHarmony
Hey TikTok fam! 🌟 With Easter approaching, I've got a heartwarming idea to bring some extra harmony to your celebrations: let's focus on spreading peace! 🕊️🐰 Whether you're planning a traditional gathering or a modern twist, prioritizing peace this Easter can elevate the spirit of the season. Here's why you should #PeaceOnПасха this year:
1. **Unity and Compassion:** Easter is a time of renewal and hope, and what better way to honor its spirit than by fostering unity and compassion? By promoting peace, we can create a sense of togetherness and understanding that transcends boundaries and differences.
2. **Kindness in Action:** Small acts of kindness can have a big impact. Whether it's reaching out to a neighbor in need, volunteering at a local charity, or simply sharing a smile with a stranger, every gesture of peace contributes to a brighter, more compassionate world.
3. **Mindful Reflection:** Easter is an opportunity for introspection and spiritual renewal. Take some time to reflect on what peace means to you and how you can cultivate it in your own life. Whether through meditation, prayer, or quiet contemplation, nurturing inner peace is a gift to yourself and those around you.
4. **Global Harmony:** In a world that often feels divided, Easter reminds us of our shared humanity and the importance of working towards peace on a global scale. Let's join hands with people of all backgrounds and beliefs to promote peace, justice, and equality for all.
5. **Family Connection:** Easter is a time for family and loved ones to come together in celebration. Strengthen bonds and create lasting memories by focusing on love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Embrace the opportunity to mend relationships and build a foundation of peace within your family circle.
So, are you ready to embrace the spirit of peace this Easter? 🎉 Let's spread the message of #PeaceOnПасха and inspire others to join us in creating a world filled with love, compassion, and harmony. Don't forget to share your acts of peace and tag me – I can't wait to see the ripple effect of kindness! 🕊️✨ #EasterHarmony #SpreadLoveNotHate
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
Did you hear that 700 club guy is dead? I'm going to buy myself some cake and celebrate that my apostasy has outlived my memory of his voice. Felt like you might wanna celebrate too :3
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okenna22 · 5 months
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(via ""My Heart Belongs to Jesus:" gift meme" Magnet for Sale by Obinne)Best Christmas christian gifts.#christmass #xmass
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eagle-heart-lover · 8 months
Check out If We've Ever Needed You by Casting Crowns on Pandora
I'm listening to "If We've Ever Needed You" by Casting Crowns on Pandora.
Make Me an Instrument of Your undying 💕. LOVE.
Where There is sadness Lord, Let Me Sow Joy.
Where There is despair, Your Hope Father God.
Where There is Darkness, Your Light Savior God.
Where There is Dysfunction, Father God Your Presence.
Where There is Injury, Father Your ability to pardon.
Where There is untrust, Lord Your Forgiveness, Teach is Your ways God.
For Devine Master, We are Learning Lord God, That it is in Giving that, We Receive. It is in Pardoning, That we are Pardoned. Most importantly Lord It is our dying to this old world with all it's glitters, That We Are Born Into Life with YOU Eternally. Your Will be done here as in Heaven Father.. I believe in Your Son's Great Majestic Name.
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starbees-stuff · 5 months
Hi I took some photos of a VHS tape I got that is in particularly horrendous condition
It's a recording of TBN (Trinity broadcasting network los Angeles) the actual content of it is just dull Christian stuff but I think it's interesting cause of how bad the video quality is
The tape starts off okay but halfway through it loses color and the quality of the video drops off a lot
It gets worse and later in the tape half of it's just static
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creature-wizard · 7 months
I would like to let everybody know that American evangelicals attempting to mass convert Jewish people (especially Israelis who are Jewish) is absolutely nothing new. I grew up watching channels like TBN (trinity broadcasting network) and Daystar (TBN rival) and preachers like Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Benni Hinn, John Hagee, etc, majority of big TV evangelical pastors have taken multiple trips to Israel, countries in Africa where some Jewish people settled or fled to, and other middle Eastern countries in which Jewish people live in and they convert them to Christianity (not to say that all Christian Israelis or Arabs were converted by Americans).
I forgot what the term for it is, but there’s a lot of prosperity type tourism in which evangelicals will host a trip for their church’s people to go to Middle Eastern and African countries and attempt to convert them.
It doesn’t help that they have some Jewish people and Israeli people helping them do this.
Benni Hinn, a huge proponent in the mass spread of fundamentalism and evangelical extremism, is an Israeli man, so Americans feel justified in wanting to convert Israeli Jews because “look here! Here’s this Israeli guy who WANTS us to do this!”
Sid Roth, another Israeli-American man who was raised Jewish as well is a big believer in and proponent of “Messianic Judaism” and is a founder of Messianic Spirit. He runs a show called “It’s Supernatural!” (Ngl it was a very entertaining show as a kid).
This is not a new thing, it’s not a recent thing, Evangelicals have been trying to convert Jewish people for decades.
That’s also why Christians have such a weird view of Judaism compared to what Judaism actually is. We were taught that Jewish people are borderline Christian, they just “need to be saved and liberated”. “We must show them the way, the truth, and the life.”
Even though I left Christianity, only recently have I been reading up of Jewish people and learning about them and realised that both the religion and the people are nothing like what I thought they were.
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'Oppenheimer director Christopher Nolan has said he "absolutely" will not work on another film until the Hollywood strikes are resolved.
Tens of thousands of Hollywood actors have joined writers in taking industrial action, because they want streaming giants to agree to a fairer split of profits and better working conditions.
The Screen Actors Guild also wants to protect actors from being usurped by digital replicas.
Nolan admitted he was "very fortunate with the timing", as his film's premieres were held just before the strike began, meaning Oppenheimer would not be affected by industry members stopping work.
When asked if he would write another film during the strike, he told BBC Culture editor Katie Razzall: "No, absolutely. It's very important that everybody understands it is a very key moment in the relationship between working people and Hollywood.
"This is not about me, this is not about the stars of my film," the acclaimed director, writer and producer added.
"This is about jobbing actors, this is about staff writers on television programmes trying to raise a family, trying to keep food on the table."
As more production companies use streaming platforms - like Netflix and Amazon Prime - for their shows, it has changed how actors and writers get paid.
Previously every time an episode was re-run on a TV network, it would tend to involve payment, allowing those who worked on projects to get by in between jobs.
The director said the companies involved had not yet "accommodated how they're going to in this new world of streaming, and a world where they're not licensing their products out to other broadcasters - they're keeping them for themselves".
Nolan, who was Oscar-nominated five times for the films Dunkirk, Inception and Memento, added: "They have not yet offered to pay appropriately to the unions' working members, and it's very important that they do so.
"I think you'd never want a strike, you never want industrial action.
"But there are times where it's necessary. This is one of those times."
Speaking ahead of the London premiere, where several of Oppenheimer's stars left the red carpet early to strike, he explained: "It's very important to bear in mind that there are people who have been out of work for months now, as part of the writers strike, and with the actors potentially joining - a lot of people are going to suffer."
Despite the row in California, British-born Nolan has no current plans to work more in the UK, his home country, as he prefers to be "on the real locations" where his films are set.
"The UK has wonderful film studios," he explained. "It's a great place to come to shoot a film if you're going to be on sound stages."
Oppenheimer tells the story of J Robert Oppenheimer, the enigmatic Manhattan Project scientist, who had a leading role in developing the atomic bomb that made him a "destroyer of worlds".
He "gave us the power to destroy ourselves and that had never happened before", Nolan said.
Commissioned by the US Government during World War II, and believing themselves in a nuclear race with the Nazis over who would create the bomb first, in 1945 scientists in Los Alamos, New Mexico detonated a test bomb, codenamed Trinity.
Their invention was then used, controversially, to end the war, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to devastating effect.
The film is an exploration not just of Oppenheimer's story, but of the "incredible decision" the scientists took on that first occasion.
"There's a possibility that when you push that button, you might destroy the entire world," Nolan told the BBC.
"And yet they went ahead and they pushed it. How could you make that decision? How could you take that on yourself?"
Another existential threat to civilization is AI, which is also part of the Hollywood strike and makes the Oppenheimer movie more timely.
"One of the interesting things about putting this film out is it's coming at a time when there are a lot of new technologies that people start to worry about the unintended consequences," he said.
"When you talk to leaders in the field of AI, as I do from time to time, they see this moment right now as their Oppenheimer moment. They're looking to his story to say, 'what are our responsibilities? How can we deal with the potential unintended consequences?' Sadly, for them, there are no easy answers."
Nolan is one of a rare number of Hollywood directors. His films - Interstellar, the Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception amongst them - are both blockbusters and arthouse fare; critically acclaimed and, Tenet aside, which was released during the pandemic, box office successes.
"I make the films that I really want to go to the cinema and sit down with my popcorn and watch" he says. "I started making films when I was a kid. I made Super 8 films from when I was seven or eight years old and I've never stopped".
He's a champion of the big screen who, famously, left Warner Bros for rival Universal to make Oppenheimer.
Nolan's known for wanting his films to feel authentic rather than computer-generated.
There was even a rumour doing the rounds on the internet that he had set off a real atomic bomb in New Mexico for Oppenheimer.
"We recreated the circumstances of it," he said, "obviously not using an atomic weapon. What we're trying to portray is this moment of absolute beauty and absolute terror.
"This is the moment that really changed the world."'
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pugzman3 · 1 year
This was a massive Easter play that took place at Mike Todd's church in Tulsa. Todd is someone I have posted on before. He hit a scandal a while back when he rubbed his spit on the face of someone on stage. If you ask me, that was his initiation into the megachurch club, because right after that he released a book, got plugged on mainstream morning talk shows, lifted up by TD Jakes, got a huge new church (I don't think this one, I think this might be his third church), and now he has a spot on Trinity Broadcast Network, right next to all the other mega-apostate Christians. But this is just a taste of what they are passing off to Christians today, and the youth are eating it up.
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Taysir "Tass" Abu Saada, 73, told Israeli-American journalist Joel C. Rosenberg during an interview that aired on the Trinity Broadcasting Network over the weekend that he believes the scale of violence and destruction roiling the Middle East is "not normal" and an indication that the "end of time" is quickly approaching...
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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Dr. Phil McGraw condemned America’s universities for fostering the intense antisemitism the country has seen in the months following the horrific October 7 terrorist attack on Israel.
In a video that went viral over the weekend in the wake of UPenn President Liz Magill resigning for her position after her disastrous Congressional testimony, Dr. Phil said that university leaders exhibited a “sickening smugness” on Capitol Hill.
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Most noteworthy, during the testimony, the leaders of Harvard University, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews was tantamount to bullying and harassment, consistently referring to what they called a “proper context.”
“To be 100% clear, using the dictionary definition of genocide, the question becomes, does calling for the deliberate killing of a large number of Jews with the aim of destroying the Jewish ethnic group and the nation of Israel violate your policy against bullying and harassment?” McGraw explained.
Dr. Phil filmed his video at the Trinity Broadcasting Network studio in Dallas.
“How much context would be required if the student organizations were demonstrating in support of genocide of all Asians, Catholics, blacks or gays?” McGraw asks after reviewing clips from the leaders’ testimonies.
“‘I’ll tell you how much: none,” he asserted. “And you know what? There should be none. All of these groups deserve protection and the right to attend school without fear, and so do the Jewish students.”
Dr. Phil talked about witnessing the horrific IDF video showing the types of atrocities that Hamas committed against Jews on October 7, many of whom were women and children.
RELATED: “It Is Evil” — U.S. Diplomat Breaks Down Witnessing Aftermath of Hamas Attack in Israel
“The sexual assaults perpetrated on the women and girls were so sick and twisted as to defy explanation,” he said.. “These were not acts of war; they were mass murdering cowards, high on the drug Captagon, while they celebrated and tallied up their kills like they were in a drunken bar game on a Saturday night.”
“I was so sickened by video images I can never unsee what was done to babies in cribs and young girls begging for their lives. I am changed forevermore,” he added.
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deadlinecom · 6 months
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