babychocopie-blog · 2 days
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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Returning to the roots
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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Христо Воскресе! Во Истину Воскресе!
Title: 🕊️ Let's Add a Peaceful Twist to Easter! 🐣 #PeaceOnПасха #EasterHarmony
Hey TikTok fam! 🌟 With Easter approaching, I've got a heartwarming idea to bring some extra harmony to your celebrations: let's focus on spreading peace! 🕊️🐰 Whether you're planning a traditional gathering or a modern twist, prioritizing peace this Easter can elevate the spirit of the season. Here's why you should #PeaceOnПасха this year:
1. **Unity and Compassion:** Easter is a time of renewal and hope, and what better way to honor its spirit than by fostering unity and compassion? By promoting peace, we can create a sense of togetherness and understanding that transcends boundaries and differences.
2. **Kindness in Action:** Small acts of kindness can have a big impact. Whether it's reaching out to a neighbor in need, volunteering at a local charity, or simply sharing a smile with a stranger, every gesture of peace contributes to a brighter, more compassionate world.
3. **Mindful Reflection:** Easter is an opportunity for introspection and spiritual renewal. Take some time to reflect on what peace means to you and how you can cultivate it in your own life. Whether through meditation, prayer, or quiet contemplation, nurturing inner peace is a gift to yourself and those around you.
4. **Global Harmony:** In a world that often feels divided, Easter reminds us of our shared humanity and the importance of working towards peace on a global scale. Let's join hands with people of all backgrounds and beliefs to promote peace, justice, and equality for all.
5. **Family Connection:** Easter is a time for family and loved ones to come together in celebration. Strengthen bonds and create lasting memories by focusing on love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Embrace the opportunity to mend relationships and build a foundation of peace within your family circle.
So, are you ready to embrace the spirit of peace this Easter? 🎉 Let's spread the message of #PeaceOnПасха and inspire others to join us in creating a world filled with love, compassion, and harmony. Don't forget to share your acts of peace and tag me – I can't wait to see the ripple effect of kindness! 🕊️✨ #EasterHarmony #SpreadLoveNotHate
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
🍃 *Любовь требует усилий, но другого пути нет*
Главное в жизни - это любовь. Мёртвых легко любить как хорошее воспоминание. Живых любить труднее - нужно находить время для них, терпеть их странности, стараться не обижать, давать им не то, что нам не жалко отдать, а именно то, чего они хотят, в ссорах просить прощения, даже если они виноваты - ради возможности оставаться родными, близкими, любимыми. Любовь требует постоянных усилий. Но другого пути нет. В конце концов, без любви всё теряет смысл. «И откроется на Страшном суде, что единственным смыслом жизни на земле была Любовь».
Митрополит Антоний Сурожский
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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Calling all tumbler gamers, jump on COD Mobile to participate with me in the tournament
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
Explore fun travel and style tips with hilarious memes and alternative history finds on my ig @ victoria_katsev
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babychocopie-blog · 1 month
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
Красивый дизайн интерьера
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
This whole Slavic Girl trend on TikTok is so problematic on so many different levels, and telling actual Slavic girls to take a chill pill and stop being pissed about it is ignorant at best. Slavic girls are pissed about it because it feeds into the stupid stereotypes and clichés we have been trying to get rid of for years.
No, Slavic girls don't look like rich Moscow girlies. No, not all Slavic girls have blonde hair and blue eyes — in fact, many Slavic nations are known for dark hair and eyes. No, not all Slavic girls speak Russian; not anymore.
Slavic does not equal Russian. Russia is just one nation among many, one that has been coercing other Slavic nations into forcefully accepting their lifestyle and culture for decades, sometimes even centuries.
If you want to show Slavic girls, look up the traditions and customs of each nation. Look up how diverse and varied Slavs truly are.
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
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Khartoum, Sudan — Days after Moscow launched its bloody war on Ukraine, a Russian cargo plane stood on a Khartoum runway, a strip of tarmac surrounded by red-orange sand. The aircraft’s manifest stated it was loaded with cookies. Sudan rarely, if ever, exports cookies.
A heated debate transpired between officials in a back office of Khartoum International Airport. They feared that inspecting the plane would vex the country’s increasingly pro-Russian military leadership. Multiple previous attempts to intercept suspicious Russian carriers had been stopped. Ultimately, however, the officials decided to board the plane.
Inside the hold, colorful boxes of cookies stretched out before them. Hidden just beneath were wooden crates of Sudan’s most precious resource. Gold. Roughly one ton of it.
This incident in February – recounted by multiple official Sudanese sources to CNN – is one of at least 16 known Russian gold smuggling flights out of Sudan, Africa’s third largest producer of the precious metal, over the last year and a half.
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CNN reporter confronts staff at alleged Russian operation in Sudan
Multiple interviews with high-level Sudanese and US officials and troves of documents reviewed by CNN paint a picture of an elaborate Russian scheme to plunder Sudan’s riches in a bid to fortify Russia against increasingly robust Western sanctions and to buttress Moscow’s war effort in Ukraine.
The evidence also suggests that Russia has colluded with Sudan’s beleaguered military leadership, enabling billions of dollars in gold to bypass the Sudanese state and to deprive the poverty-stricken country of hundreds of millions in state revenue.
In exchange, Russia has lent powerful political and military backing to Sudan’s increasingly unpopular military leadership as it violently quashes the country’s pro-democracy movement.
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Former and current US officials told CNN that Russia actively supported Sudan’s 2021 military coup which overthrew a transitional civilian government, dealing a devastating blow to the Sudanese pro-democracy movement that had toppled President Omar al-Bashir two years earlier.
“We’ve long known Russia is exploiting Sudan’s natural resources,” one former US official familiar with the matter told CNN. “In order to maintain access to those resources Russia encouraged the military coup.”
“As the rest of the world closed in on [Russia], they have a lot to gain from this relationship with Sudan’s generals and from helping the generals remain in power,” the former official added. “That ‘help’ runs the gamut from training and intelligence support to jointly benefiting from Sudan’s stolen gold.”
(continue reading)
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
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The Chuvash (Russian: чуваши) are a Turkic people, related to the Oghurs, who are native to a region extending from Central-Western Russia to Siberia.  Many live in Chuvashia and ethnic communities throughout Russia, and continue to speak Chuvashi language, which diverged from other Turkic languages over a thousand years ago.  They have been subjected to much outside influence, not only from Russian and Turkic peoples, but also from neighbouring Finnic tribes, with whom they have been wrongly identified for centuries.  Today, many Chuvash practice a syncretised form of Orthodox Christianity and Shamanism. Traditional clothing of Chuvash women is complex and varies greatly between regions. A distinctive feature is the rich ornamentation of headdresses and jewellery with decorative silver coins. The most unusual feature is called shulkeme - the breast adornment worn by a young married woman. The full set of jewellery a Chuvash woman would wear during the ceremony could weigh up to 16kg. Traditionally, the size and weight of the jewellery displayed the wealth of the bride’s family and was a fundamental part of her dowry. The traditional headdress of a married Chuvashi woman is called khushpu. It is worn over the surpan, a strip of white fabric with embroidery at the ends. The khushpu pictured here is one of the oldest and rarest in existence, dating back to the 18th Century.  📸 Alexander Kimushin
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
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ig: cheriedari
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
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Anna de Rijk by Jason Kim for Vogue Russia January 2017
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babychocopie-blog · 5 months
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Fabergé Romanov Necklace
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