#tried my best to make it look normal (like 4 hours in total) but i just could not
lunasdreamytreats · 2 months
Best kept secrets
Baizhu x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW // !PSUDO STEPFATHER/STEPDAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP! don't like, don't read // modern au // legal age-gap (Baizhu's in his late 30's, reader's in their early 20's) // drinking wine // reader calls their mother 'mama' // petnames (darling, little girl / good girl) // daddy kink (u call him it a few times and he calls himself it too) // mentions of drugs and aphrodisiacs // begging // oral (m+f receiving) // fingering // dumbification // bad writing (was still finding my writing style as i began writing and its not fully proofread)
Word count: 3.5k... (jeez i went crazy)
A/N: HBD MY LOVE 🥰 I love Baizhu sm, been planning this bad boy forever. Please enjoy and make sure to read the warnings carefully and lmk if I missed something ❤️
'How did this happen again?' You ask yourself as you accept another kiss from the man you knew as your stepfather. It feels so wrong, until you remember how your own mother is a cheating gold digger herself. Virtually your whole life up until a year ago had been on the move. Your mother would marry rich men who owned whole companies or company branches and either bankrupt them and leave or cause a scandal so they go out of business and leave. Over 19 years you’ve had a total of 10 stepfathers and you've never been really close with any of them.
As far as you know, the most recent one is the only one out of your stepfathers that has more than one source of income. He owns the only pharmacy in town while also working as a doctor. It must be taking longer to burn through it than normal, you thought, since you're still there.
You feel as if you should be grateful that your mother hasn't ruined it yet, because you've grown fond of life in this family. Your little sister Qiqi absolutely adores you as her big sister. Although your not sure if your mother knows about this, but your stepdad, Baizhu, absolutely loves being able to spend his money on you. Whenever you get off work he'll wait outside for you in the car with your favourite music ready to play. He'd drive around town with you for half an hour before going to pick Qiqi up from school. If you saw anything you wanted while driving, he'd tell you to quickly jump out and buy it with his card.
“Sweetie I don't care how much it costs if you want it I'll gladly get it for you.” Is what he'd say if you tried to protest in any way, in the end, you’ve just accepted it as him wanting to spoil you. Baizhu was very different to any of your other stepfathers, for one, he's making an effort to bond with you..... Oh and he's young, well, young compared to the others. At only 35 when they got married, he was 2 years your mother’s junior and 17 years your senior.
The 4 of you lived a fairly drama-free life up until tonight, when Baizhu came back home after dropping sweet Qiqi off at her best friend Yaoyao's house for her very first sleepover. He came in and asked you to come downstairs and sit on the couch, saying he needed to ask you about something important. You promptly closed the game you were playing and put the controller back, coming down to see Baizhu in the kitchen with a bottle of white wine and 2 glasses.
“Oh? What's the special occasion, Dad?” You asked before sitting back down with him.
“It's about your mother, (Y/N).” You froze slightly, wanting to ask him if anything bad happened to her. However, before you could speak, he placed one of the full glasses of wine into your hand.
"Do you know if she cheated on any of your other stepfathers, like any one of them?"
“Well I don't know for certain, but I've got a feeling she cheated on all of them, including my father.” You lifted the glass of wine up to the light and swirled the liquid around before continuing.
“Right when she leaves them, I found that either their companies crumbled, or they declared bankruptcy. Some less than 6 months after their wedding. It's happened way too many times to be a total coincidence.” Looking over at him, you saw a small sigh leave his lips as his eyes met yours. The low light of the lamps on the wall adjacent to him made his golden irises glow. ‘Oh fuck that's really pretty.... h-hold on a god damn second, that's your stepdad your talking about, dumbass!’ You quickly shook the thought out of your head and took a sip of wine to distract yourself.
“Why'd ya ask?”
“I saw your mother with someone and they were talking about how long until they can run off together....” You always had a feeling she had an accomplice her little scheme, but a whole ass lover all these years? Baizhu leaned forward in order to put the wine glass back on the counter and shifted to face you.
“Thank you for telling me this, my darling.” Eh why the lovey dovey language? He seems to be awfully calm for someone who just found out what a horrible person his wife is.
“Dad.... now that you've caught mama, when do you want us out of here by?”
“Hm? Why would I kick you out, darling?” Again with the darling! Is this really how fathers express their affection towards their children?
“I-I just thought since she's cheating on you, you wouldn't want her or her child arou-!” He's laughing? How? You thought he'd be annoyed. And yet here he is, not only not giving a toss about the current situation, he's laughing at it.... Why?
“Do you think I'd leave my cute, sweet little girl all alone without someone that loves her like I do? No no no darling. Besides, this is the best time to show you something that I've been planning this last year.” What could that be? You wondered. Come to think of it, from his plans for Qiqi's birthday party to things he's overheard at work, he's never kept anything a secret from you. He stood up and retrieved a piece of paper from inside a safe in the wall that he hid behind his back so you couldn't see what was written on it. As he sat back down, you managed to catch a small glimpse of the contents of the paper, you saw your signature there and what you can only assume is Baizhu's, both written in black ink next to each other at the bottom of the page.
'Oh! He must be holding the adoption papers we signed after the wedding'. You had another quick glance at the paper again before he folded it up and set it down on the table.... What?? You must be hallucinating because your pretty sure the words 'certificate of marriage' were at the top of the page. Hang on, if that's a marriage certificate, then why did you clearly see your signature next to Baizhu's?
“Did you see it, my darling?” Baizhu's words brought you back into the moment at hand, oh, that and his hand resting on your waist. The small gesture causing a shiver to shoot up your spine. “You’re my real wife. And you have been all this time.”
“How?” The reality of this situation hitting you like a boulder made your voice go hoarse, coming out like a broken cry. How was he able to hide something so big for so long? “How did I not notice it?”
“I'll be honest, I only got close to your mother so I could be with you, my darling. I knew what your mother was when I saw her, now she's the only one in the dark about it.” Baizhu's voice broke through the stifling silence around us. This is so weird, you’ve always thought your stepdad was a nice man, in personality, heart and looks. And you’ve told your friends about how you'd like your future partner to be like him. So should you go along with it?
“B-But what about the wedding night? Didn't you and mama have sex?”
“Nope, she ran off after the ceremony, I spent the night in your room.”
“W-what!? How the fuck did I not feel you?”
“Not when you've taken the deep sleep elixir I put in your food. I’d put it in whenever I knew your mother was going out for the night.”
“Oh, so that's why I hardly remember those nights.”
“Fuck, you're so cute when you don't know what to make of a situation, darling. I wonder what your reaction is going to be when I do this?” With no warning, Baizhu pulled you closer, onto his lap, and kissed your neck. The bold action made you gasp in shock. While you were distracted, he took the opportunity to catch you off guard again and kiss your lips. The kiss was just as he was, gentle and full of passion, yet demanding. Letting you know that although he’s being gentle, he’s still the one in control. He’s holding you so soft and tenderly, it makes this kiss feel like a natural part of life. Like your forgetting you two had a completely different relationship before...
That's how it came to you and your stepd- no, your husband making out in the open space of the living room. :)
'This isn't wrong. He's my husband.' You told yourself as you kissed him back. The grip his hands have on the flesh of your hips was so soft, as if he couldn't bare the thought of hurting you. Which, in a way, was true. He couldn’t bare the thought of being the reason you were in pain. As the kiss deepened, he felt more comfortable in exploring your body. His hands gently glide up your body before setting on your chest. His hands circle your body to where the dress zipper and bra clasp were.
As his arms pulled you closer, his fingers grazed the bit of exposed skin, making you shiver at the contact. Pulling away from your lips, Baizhu looked at you with love filled eyes and ran his finger over the neckline of your dress before hooking a finger on it and tugging at the fabric.
“My darling, can I?” He asked, rather breathless from the deep kiss. You could only nod in response until you find your voice. That was another way that Baizhu shows he cares, he was patient when you couldn’t get your words out. It was a thing you had struggled with for most of your life. And although it was a small gesture, it was something that mama never bothered to get right.
“Y-Yes daddy~” You managed to whisper a response, your head already felt dizzy and the neck kisses didn't help. Hearing daddy leave your mouth must’ve awakened something primal in him. With a newfound spark of lust in his eyes and a tightened grasp on you, his teeth grazed the skin of your shoulders. You reached behind your back to start unzipping your dress, only for your wrists to be pulled away and held back in one of his hands, while the other pulled the zip down slowly.
“Shhh~ darling, let daddy take care of you now.” An uncomfortable thought came into your head; ‘what if mama came back without warning to see her daughter, clothes slipping off, on her ‘stepdad’s’ lap making out with him?’ But don’t worry, Baizhu has a plan to deal with her if she comes back early. There’s no chance he’d allow this perfect moment to slip through his fingers again. After he pulled the zipper went all the way down, Baizhu started to gently draw circles on your newly exposed skin. The heat building up between your legs was getting frustrating, so you started to rub your clit on Baizhu's thigh to relieve yourself. Until he noticed and gently held your hips in place.
“Darling, I thought you’d let me take over tonight.. you know what happens to bad little girls that don't obey their daddies, don't you, darling?” Baizhu whispered, gently kissing the shell of your ear before continuing, “They. get. punished.” Taping your shoulder blade with each word. Each tap of his finger sent electrifying waves of pleasure down your whole body. You can’t help but lean into his touch, drunk on how quickly you crumbled under his teasing. One thing was for certain, however, the pleasure you felt was unreplicable.
“M'sorry daddy.. don’t punish me, I-I’ll b’good, please..!” You plead, hoping he’d be merciful on you. Since nobody can blame you for being needy. After a few minutes of drawing circles on your back, your dress and bra went flying off you, yelping when the cool air collided with your breasts. Smirking, Baizhu gave your hips a squeeze as his lips left a trail of kisses from your jawline down your chest, before latching onto the hardening nipple. Swirling around it with his tongue, he copied the motion on the other with his fingers, tugging whenever he sucked. All night, Baizhu had been focusing on giving pleasure to your most sensitive spots, like he already had a mental map of where he should focus on.
While your attention was taken up by the stimulation to your breasts, Baizhu let his free hand snake down, across your tummy to settle between your legs. One touch of his slender fingers to your puffy folds sent you jolting forward into his neck with a moan. Thing is, that one touch was only light, nothing much to most people. But to you? Mind-numbing. Actually, you don’t think you’ve ever been this sensitive to anything before.... it’s like your sensitivity to touch became enhanced. Could Baizhu have given you something to do this?
“You like that, don't you, darling? Good girl. Tell me, who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-You daddy, s’you makin me feel good”
“Good. Fucking. Girl.” With every word, he swiped the pad of his thumb against the nub of your clit. Your hips subconsciously bucked into his hand with newfound lust. Like your body was chasing after his touch after he retracted his thumb. Baizhu's fingers ghosted over the outline of your clit, prodding at your hole. Easing the tip of his index finger inside while holding you steady. When your body relaxed, letting him know you were comfortable with him inside, Baizhu pushed you to the couch so you were laying on your back with him on top. The hand that’d been holding you steady now moved from your lower back to hold your cheek softly, catching any tears that fell over your eyes.
“Fuuck, you're clamping on me so tight.. I’ve barely even started with you, never thought a little foreplay would be all it takes to get you begging for me so soon, darling.” Don’t mind him though, he’s just being all mean and teasing you! He began slowly moving his finger in and out, slightly curving it to graze your soft inner walls. He added a second finger gently, stretching them apart in a scissor motion and continuing to touch places you couldn't dream of being able to touch on your own.
“Fuuck~ ur fingers~ s'deep!” It almost felt uncomfortable, keyword almost. The tender kisses Baizhu left along your body made any kind of discomfort you felt fade away. That is until a strange feeling came creeping into the pit of your stomach. A twisting and churning sensation like a knot threatening to make your insides explode.
“Ha~~! A-Ahh! D-Daddy, feels weird..!”
“Oh? A weird feeling, you say? That's your orgasm building up, darling.” His thumb quickly swiped against the sensitive nub of your clit, “Now be a good little girl and cum for me...” Your eyes peeped open at his words, only for stars to invade your vision as the knot came undone over his fingers and the couch. Your fucked out expression caused Baizhu to smirk in satisfaction, taking pride in being the only person to ever make you orgasm; other than yourself, of course.
“Good girl... ” Baizhu glanced down to where you both connected, taking note of how his wrist was now slightly wet... Did you squirt over him? Or was it sweat? This encounter certainly left you catching your breath.. Your body twitched sporadically as your walls finally began to relax around his fingers, and you sighed in satisfaction. Feeling you come down from your high, Baizhu gently pulled his fingers out, awestruck at your essence which was now dripping down his digits.
“Daddy... love you” You reached your hands out and Baizhu took them in his own, helping your sit up and kissing your knuckles softly.
“Love you too, darling. Cuddles?” He asked, holding his arms out so you could come to him if you wanted. You practically jumped up and slid into his lap, burying your flushed face into his shoulder. ‘Oh, you’re the type to get all cute and cuddly after sexual encounters...’ Baizhu thought, but that’s fine, he’d give all the cuddles you could ever need if you asked. You feel him gently smile on the top of your head alongside wrapping his arms around your middle.
Of course, with all that Baizhu’s done for you tonight, you couldn’t just ignore how hard this encounter made him. His dick throbbed against the cloth holding it back, simply begging for him to do something to relieve it.
“Daddy, lemme help, wanna help it..” You attempted to slip off his lap to kneel between his legs, fully prepared to help him. But he tightens his hold on your body, preventing you from moving much.
“No darling, y’can help me from here.” Baizhu reassured, moving the fabric that concealed his cock out the way. It bounced back against his abdomen, splashing a little precum over his stomach. Your eyes widened, you’ve seen dicks before, (in sex-ed class), but nothing like this. His dick was much bigger than anything you ’ve seen, and certainly bigger than you think you can take. Noticing your unease, Baizhu gently took your wrist and brought your hand to touch it.
“Lemme do it with you, darling... help me feel good too, yeah?” With one arm still holding you tightly, Baizhu’s other hand joined yours, guiding you in jerking him off. Even under two people’s grips, his dick still twitched and pulsed against your hand. Biting your lip, you lean your head down to press small kisses and kitten licks to his swollen, red tip. You looked up at him, still with his tip nestled snuggly in your mouth, eyes trying to convey what you want; for him to use your mouth like a fleshlight.
At first, poor Baizhu didn’t know what to say; he didn’t want to lose his composure and ram into you so hard that it became more uncomfortable than pleasurable, but the look in your eyes conveyed that you were actually begging him to lose it. He let out a long, shaky breath before moving the hand that had been on his cock to hold your hair out of your face. He didn’t even realise he was holding his breath...
“Tap my thigh twice if it gets too much for you, ok darling?” You nodded and began easing more of him into your mouth. He almost couldn’t think straight with just his tip in your mouth, but seeing you slightly struggle to fit him in drove his size kink mad. Baizhu’s fingers raked through your soft hair before setting at the top of your neck, taking control back from you and moving your head along his shaft.
Muffled whimpers and gags mixed with Baizhu’s groans made it easy to lose oneself in ecstasy, so you never noticed the small commotion happening on the other side of the door; never noticed the amused smile on your lover’s face upon realising the trap he and the millelith set achieved it’s intended outcome. Not that you were meant to know about any of this anyway...
“Sh-! Shit, on your knees, darling” You nodded and slid his cock out of your mouth to get into position, obediently for your husband. Baizhu rose from the sofa, guiding his dick back into your mouth as soon as you settled down. This time, he allowed himself the chance to thrust his hips into your mouth, meeting the pace you originally set. His thrusts started slow and deep, becoming more desperate as the pleasure built up.
“god.. m’gonna cum darling” Baizhu’s hold on your hair tightened, pulling at the strands that were wrapped around his slender fingers. He had to lean against the nearest cabinet since his thighs were twitching so much, his legs might’ve given out on him. You have to say, Baizhu’s groans of raw pleasure were a melody you’d never get tired of hearing. Baizhu abruptly pulled out from your mouth, gently taking your hand off from his thigh to place it on his heavy, aching cock.
“Finish it off, darling.. y’did so well, wanna cum on your pretty face..” You nodded and dragged your hand across his dick, feeling the way the large bulging vein running along the underside of his shaft throbbed with need. You leaned a little further up, enough to press your lips against the sensitive skin just underneath his tip. Baizhu’s grip on your hair tightened as his free hand grasped his cock, giving it a few languid pumps.
“Keep still, sweet girl,” He could barely get the words out before the tight coil inside his slender body snapped. Creamy white cum painted your face in spurts and globs, a testament to the adoration that Baizhu had harboured for you for so long.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
I’ve read through some of your old posts and I gotta say…I love me some angst. May I kindly, pretty please with a plastic cherry on top, ask for TADC gang with an S/O who abstracted a while back, but then they ‘respawn’ one day with a glitch affect about them, and their memory was totally wiped? Like it was their first day in the digital world? The glitch affect doesn’t hurt them or anyone like what happened to Ragetha and Pomni btw.
TADC cast x mended!reader
so funny story i was about to sit down and work on this about 4 hours ago but then my parents said they were going to watch the fnaf movie in the garage and i literally dropped everything and watched it so uh uh. the reason the grind stopped was because of fnaf movie and now im kinda tempted to pick up my fnaf fic again anyways! i did a similar post, here! jax and caines parts here will be short, really only focusing on the glitch aspect for them in this post, since the other half has already been written!
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just got flashed with an image but you know that scene where the iron giant is trying to pick the boy up but hes like limp or something and the giant pulls back (ive never watched iron giant i just know this clip from a meme) i think it would be like that if he tried to poof your glitching away; but like. in an emotional way, if that makes sense. like its the same kind of carefulness and worry, i think... bonus if he does more damage than not
honestly a little too scared to even touch you out of the deep seeded fear of getting all glitchy as well. like he knows it wont spread to him, but you know...
similar to jax i think she would instinctively avoid touching you even though she knows its fine... the whole hand thing making her overly cautious for future scenarios, you know? i think she would slip up and accidentally bring up something you and her did before you abstracted, or call you an endearing name before abruptly stopping herself and trailing off, sad stuff. grief makes her tear between wanting to find an exit faster and trying to make you remember/stay for you
poor girl :( i think she would genuinely try to make an effort to re/befriend you and try not to have her hopes too high for the two of you to get back together. if you hear about your past relationship and want to learn more about it, shell tell you what you want to know, but i doubt she would instantly start dating you again if you suggest the two of you trying to give the relationship a second shot... i think that would need some time
bro is gonna be going through it, first he loses his possible wife to abstraction and now he lost you.. got you back, but you dont remember anything. on top of that you look.. off.. sure it doesnt hurt you but it still looks like it would be uncomfortable, even if it isnt
stuck between longing to rekindle your old relationship and letting you go in order to allow himself to process this grief; the third option is potential abstraction for himself
tries not to care. they want to forget everything like you did, they were finally starting to be normal after your abstraction. but now your back in a clean slate, mind wiped and memories gone. how does someone cope with that? as much as it hurts them they think it would be best for them to pretend you were a stranger again
saying it again, poor girl. mix of pomni and ragatha here i think, like she keeps messing up and verbally reminiscing before realizing you cant relate to what shes saying anymore. will tell you anything you want to know about the past, but i think it would take a lot longer for her to consider getting with you again than ragatha. for both its kind of a "i dont want them to feel obligated to try because we were together once" type deal
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l0serloki · 1 year
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Valorant Boys with an Insomniac Partner
(Chamber, Sova, Harbor, Yoru)
CW : GN!Reader, Sova & Chamber having some bad pasts, Yoru being a grumpy butt
A/N : I’m super tired and have to be up in like four hours… yay. I didn’t check for typos so.. let’s hope there’s none. And I’ll be getting to my requests soon - don’t think I don’t see them! Also, the bullet points might be wonky because I’m on my phone.
Chamber :
- He totally understands, he used to have bad insomnia after some military missions
- He usually stays up late working anyways, so he just invites you to lay in his lap <3
- He might brew some tea and put on some classical to ‘relax you’. He says it helps him a bit!
- Overall, he will just stay up with you unless you say otherwise. He does dish out some lovely cuddles though :^>
“What do you think? Do you like the new design?” Chamber asked as he turned the gun in his hand. You looked down, nodding. His guns were all impressive, each made to perfection. You were just glad he allowed you to sit with him during his ‘work time’, indulging your insomniac tendencies.
“Good. I am glad you like it. The next one I make will be yours. Then we shall go lay down. How does that sound?” Chamber’s warm hand rubbed against your arm before setting off on a new project. You chuckled at his enthusiasm, murmuring a quick, “Sounds good”.
Sova :
- This man is also an insomniac
- He’s been through hell and back, trying to keep a positive outlook for everyone
- The stress of his past and work weighs down & he doesn’t sleep very well
- That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t sleep well though!
- He lays you against him and tells you old stories, maybe even humming a tune from his hometown.
- He even goes to lengths for the two of you to take warm baths together! Not in a sexual way of course. It helps release tension and calm the body!
- This man will go to the ends of the Earth pulling at any string that will help you. Just thank him and give him the love he deserves!!
You sat comfy against Sova’s arms, listening to him hum. The song was familiar, as he always sang it on your bad nights. The man was gentle, easing the tension from your taut muscles with his calloused hands. All he wanted was for you to get some much needed rest.
“My owl, I will tell you one more story and then we will try to sleep again. Okay?” Sova’s voice lilted, filling your stomach with butterflies. You crooned in agreement, happy to have such a loving boyfriend.
Harbor :
- “Oh sweetheart, why are you still awake?”
- He turns in bed and sees you fidgeting, worry rushing over his face! It’s 4 am - why are you laying restless?
- Once you explain to him that it’s normal he just nods, getting up and dragging you to follow him
- He makes some warm soup and gets some meds from Sage! Even if they don’t help, he wants you to have options!
- Lots of kisses and him spoiling you in love as you cuddle for the night <3
“My darling, eat this. Or at least drink some of it. The warmth will help relax you.” Harbors lips met your temple as he set down the bowl. Soon after you had accidentally woke him up he had taken action, not allowing his love to be ‘facing the demon alone’.
Your heart swelled at the thought, honored that he would go to such lengths for you at three am. He was such a sweetheart.
Yoru :
- “I don’t care if you can’t sleep. I can, so be quiet.”
- You were shocked at his response but could tell he was joking as he pulled you into him. He’s a sweetie but he’s a little grumpy at night..
- He’ll rub little circles in your back and kiss your forehead, murmuring a small ‘it’s okay’..
- “Close your eyes, sleep will find you.” His lips dusted all over your face, attempting to bribe you to sleep. (In affection, of course).
- He tries his best to understand. But.. he’s a grumpy little man when he doesn’t get his beauty rest.
“Y/N, if you move any louder the whole protocol will wake up.” Yoru’s voice cut through the silence, making you jump. The night had not been good and it didn’t help that you had no excuse to stay in the lab. Meaning, you would have to ‘sleep’ in bed early with your grump of a boyfriend.
“Ru, I’m trying. You know it’s hard for me to sleep.” You stared up at the dark ceiling, sighing in defeat. You heard the man rummaging around in the sheets, arm grabbing ahold of your torso.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Just lay on me and stop squirming then. Deal?”
You were glad for the darkness, because that meant Yoru couldn’t see your grin. As much as he tried to hide it, his tone of voice revealed that he cared. You decided that you would appease his silly act though. Kissing his shoulder you murmured -
“Yeah, deal.”
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An educational post for writers: the effects of malnutrition/starvation:
Malnutrition/starvation has a bunch of really fucky effects, and I see whump people use malnutrition/starvation from time to time, (i am utilizing it now, hence the post) but rarely do they depict the horrific suffering. I have actually starved before, so here's my medically accurate advice on what that looks like:
Among the most prominent of effects of lack of food/lack of nutritious food ironically not depicted, for it is the most common nutritional deficit on earth, is anemia - lack of iron means your body doesnt produce blood like it used to, which at a point makes you cold all the time! It also messes with your bodily sense of blood pressure, making you more likely to notice tiny changes, which in turn can trigger dizziness, severe anxiety, heart palpitations, fainting, and vascillations between cognitive clarity and a foggy feeling. Lack of iron causes lack of red blood cells, which means you can't distribute oxygen as efficiently. This causes fatigue, a general sense of unwellness, called "malaise", and causes you to breathe and your heart to beat faster than they normally should. This, in turn, can trigger more anxiety! Anemia is a very anxiety inducing deficiency on its own because your body knows it's in trouble and it definitely wants to tell you about it!
It only takes about 3-4 days without food to develop anemia to this degree, though it can take as little as 2 if you already have deficits. If you are eating food but it's lacking in iron this transition can take 2-3 weeks, as your body uses up its iron reserves located in your liver, spleen and bone marrow (where red blood cells are produced).
Malnutrition and especially starvation also screws with your electrolytes, making you prone to dizzy spells and vertigo, and can seriously affect the myelin sheathes around your nerves and the delicate proteins in your brain, which combined with electrolyte imbalance and probable anemia can cause anything from blurred vision, headaches, fatigue and cognitive impairment (pervasive brain fog), at best, all the way up to the moderate landing of muscle spasms and ataxia (loss of coordination) and functional loss of senses like sight and hearing, to the severe landing of seizures and total organ failure. Also, malnourished muscles hurt!!! They hurt to touch, they hurt to move, it hurts to exist!
I once went 8 full days with little to no food, so I know this stuff from experience. Let me tell you, hunger pains are God fucking awful and paradoxically make you feel very nauseous and can cause vomiting, (your body wants to get rid of the concentrated stomach acid) and are truly indescribable in their instinctual ability to instill desperation, depression and terror. You would eat a lot of things you never thought you would after just three days without food. At 8, I was very strongly considering eating my pet birds. I had already begun eating their seeds. The only thing that saved them was one measly bag of potato chips, the very last thing resembling human food in the pantry (the vending machine size chips) on day 6, which gave me just enough salt and fat to rethink that idea.
Anyway, muscles! Hurt!!! Especially if you don't eat a lot of protein to start out. Muscular degeneration or "digestion" (ketosis) can happen surprisingly fast if you arent eating anything at all. 5-7 days usually if you are healthy, though 3 is not unheard of, especially if you are expending a lot of calories and have very little fat. It's quirky hallmark? A strangely sweet and metallic taste in your mouth. Like a penny coated in sugar water. The ache is hard to describe, but it is constantly there, and honestly wore me down psychologically more than the hunger pains, which curiously went away after day 4, only coming back with a vengeance when I tried to eat anything. It hurt to move, it hurt to think about moving, and the constant low level pain was absolute torture. The fatigue didn't help. I normally slept about 6-9 hours. During that time after day 3 or so, I started sleeping 15 or more, in bursts, and had very little energy to do anything but rest. Every now and then I'd get a burst of restlessness, my body pushing me to find food or drink water. It was unpleasant. The headaches were pretty bad too, at first.
Malnutrition, and specifically a lack of protein, also causes pervasive muscle aches and all the neurologic issues mentioned above.
My experience led me to the development of ataxia that has never completely gone away. I remember the panic of nearly blacking out while trying to stand too, and not being able to cognitively focus on anything, much less visually focus. (Started about day 5). Mind you, I was 15 years old and weighed only 89 lbs prior to this period, with a fast metabolism and very little fat. After it I weighed 81 lbs. 8lbs in 8 days is a lot of weight to lose, and boy did my body hate me for some time after that. But my insomnia was cured for a while!
Anyway, i hope this proves insightful for all your whumping and torturous needs. I didn't plan on making it so personal, but hey, I've lived through that, so it seemed relevant to add that here.
Happy writing!
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antiv3nus · 1 year
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✰ non idol! yoon jeonghan x fem! reader & non idol! hong jisoo x oc
✰ genre: fluff, humor, slight e2l between reader & jeonghan
✰ warnings: none besides jeonghan & reader being childish
✰ word count: 4.05k
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“come on rina, you can’t keep crying face down, you’re gonna suffocate yourself..” you said, looking toward your best friend’s stiff body on the couch. “maybe i want to suffocate myself, at least then i wouldn’t be sad.” she mumbled into the couch cushion.
“yeah cause you’d be dead rin.” “exactly my point y/n.” you rolled your eyes at her reply and moved to pull her upwards. “rin, it’s okay to be upset, but at least be upset and ya know.. alive.”
she huffed, face red and stained with tears. “it’s just not fair, we broke up almost two days ago.. why am i still crying about it? like yeah i’m upset, but i’m sick of crying. the tears just keep on coming out though.” i mean it was two days ago.. it’s normal to still be upset.”
“but you weren’t! i mean come on, you came home and went “jaewoo and i broke up”, ate a 4 for 4 from wendy’s, cussed out rose while watching the titanic, and then you were all good again.”
you laughed and rolled your eyes again, “ugh rose that bitch. there was definitely enough room for her and jack to fit, but that’s different rin. jaewoo and i’s breakup was pretty mutual, besides i saw it coming. not to be rude but.. hyunjae’s bitch ass sprung that on you like “surprise we’re done motherfucker!” it’s totally okay to take a bit of time being upset.”
rin shrugged, “i guess, but can you at least try to help cheer me up some more? please?” she finally smiled. “well i do have something that might be able to cheer you up.” you said, tapping your chin with your finger.
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
“joshua i will actually beat your ass if you sigh one more damn time.” jeonghan yelled at his best friend.. for the sixth time that morning. “but jeonghan! how could she just say “okay” when i confessed my entire heart’s feelings and asked her to break up? it’s not like i wanted her to burst out crying and plead to stay with me, but i mean come on, at least act upset that we’re ending something that lasted for eight months and three days.” joshua whined. his clothes were rumbled, and hair was crazy on his head. it was obvious, he wasn’t doing too hot.
“i’m gonna ignore that you were keeping track of how long you two were together to that extent… honestly surprised you don’t know the hours and minutes at this point-“ “oh i do, but i figured i would just keep it short.” joshua pointed out.
“oh. gee thanks…” he spoke, sarcasm laced throughout his voice. “anyways forget about her shua, there’s better people out there. how about we go to the store, i know the perfect thing to cheer you up!” a sly smile appeared onto his face. “last time you said that it was just to make me buy you dinner!”
“i promise it’s not like that! i heard that building legos is a great way to get your mind off of a breakup; i even heard it on a podcast!” the truth was: jeonghan wanted a new lego set, but what joshua didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
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“so… you’re saying… that building this “ship in a bottle” lego set is gonna be the cure-all for my breakup with hyunjae..? yeahhhh i don’t think so.” rin said as she stared at you with a straight face as you went “tada!” to show her the beautiful (your words) lego set right before her eyes.
“rin come on! it’s the perfect way to cure your sadness. you won’t even have a chance to think about hyunjae while building it because you’ll be too focused. i even heard it in a podcast i listened to recently. plus… i may or may not have wanted a new lego set… but that’s besides the point!”, you pleaded.
rin smacked her head with her hand. “you just wanted the damn lego set anyways and tried to make it seem like it’ll actually help, but go ahead and buy the thing y/n. i’m going to the dairy section to buy some stuff for dinner tonight. rin sighed as she wondered how she was possibly more mature than the supposed “mother” of their duo.
“oh i know that look, i’m still more mature than you are. go get the cheese. you’re acting like you can even cook anyways, i’m the one who’s gonna be making dinner. go on, go.”
rin walked towards the end of the aisle, but not before yelling “yeah you’re the mature one.. says the one hugging a box of legos. you smiled towards her and removed one of your hands to kindly stick up your middle finger. rin stuck hers up, copying you as she finally left the aisle.
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“i knew it. just pick out the lego set you want you kid, i’m going to buy ingredients for dinner tonight. the younger sighed exasperatedly.
“i can help with dinner while we work on the legos! the older man winked. “absolutely not, last time i asked you to help, you forgot to put water in the ramyeon and we had to throw away my favorite pot,” joshua quickly reprimanded.
“whatever, the pot was ugly anyways. i mean it looked like my grandma’s wallpaper from the 60’s… but if you need me, i’ll be here choosing our fun for the night!” jeonghan winked teasingly at his best friend. “yeah yeah whatever.” joshua said as he walked away.
jeonghan was in his element, an infinite world (aisle) of legos. but, with all of the options, how was he to choose which one he wanted to build that night? of course, he checked his notes app for his wishlist of lego sets!
jeonghan opened his phone and checked his wishlist for the lego set he would hunt for. as he scrolled, his eyes were caught on the “ship in a bottle” lego set that he had added a few weeks ago. that was it, he just had to have that one.
the male searched high and low for the lego set. to any regular person passing by, jeonghan looked like a determined parent looking for his kid’s christmas gift… or the kid himself. point is, he was a determined man and he was absolutely going to find that lego set.
minutes go by as the man tried his hardest to find the lego set, until he realized… he had a whole other aisle he hadn’t checked yet! it had to be on that aisle. if it wasn’t, the store was definitely going to receive a lengthy letter about how their lego section lacked necessary inventory.
it felt like a scene from a movie. jeonghan quickly made his way to the next lego aisle and quickly began to search diligently. then the scene played out. as jeonghan searched high and low for this damn lego set and still couldn’t find it, he happened to hear a high pitched squeal which prompted him to turn to where the noise came from.
when he turned, he saw a girl, a really pretty girl, but then he looked down at what she was holding… his “ship in the bottle” lego set. this meant war, and also a grown man acting like a complete child. but he was no match for you in that department when it came to legos.
“you mean to tell me that i’ve spent 11 minutes searching like my life depended on it for that lego set and it’s been in your crabby hands this entire time!?” the male exclaimed as he had grabbed the box and began to tug on it.
“my crabby hands? what are you, a four year old? i had my hands on it first, it’s my lego set. go find a new one, and let go!”
“i’m not letting go until you give it to me.” the man said as he tightened his grip on the box. “then i guess we’re gonna be here a while because i’m not letting go either.” you spoke as you squinted your eyes at the man in irritation. who would’ve thought that two 20+ year olds were standing in the middle of a toy aisle fighting over a box of plastic pieces. thinking about your current situation made you wonder what rina was up to.
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rina stared at the vast array of dairy products deciding on which ones she needed for the pasta dish that you had promised to make her. she had gotten carried away daydreaming about a cute guy sweeping her off of her feet in the dairy section. preferably one that was cuter than hyunjae. scanning her options, she finally locked eyes on the specific type of cheese that you wanted and reached out for it, the last one.
like a daydream come true, another hand simultaneously reached out for the same cheese. rina turned and locked eyes with a guy that was definitely cuter than hyunjae.
joshua stared at the girl across from him, who held onto the cheese that he needed for dinner tonight. “you don’t happen to really need the cheese do you? it’s just that.. my friend promised to make me dinner tonight to cheer me up since my boyfriend just broke up with me. and she claims this is the only cheese that can be used in her recipe and listen, her chicken alfredo is the best thing in the world and i’ve been really craving it, plus don’t you think the chef would know what’s best- wait you probably didn’t want to know all of that. i’m sorry, but can’t you just let me have the cheese please..? i promise that if we ever accidentally grab the same thing again, i’ll let you have it” the pretty girl pleaded as her eyes grew wider, probably thinking about the food her friend promised.
joshua couldn’t do anything besides laugh at the pretty girl as he took his hand off of the cheese. “no no i totally get what you’re saying. i’m going through a breakup too, but unlike your friend, i’m stuck cooking for myself while my best friend is in the lego aisle like a little kid.”
“really? sorry to hear that. but i can’t help but laugh about your friend in the lego aisle because so is my friend. she claims that she listened to a podcast about how legos “supposedly cure sadness” and insisted on it, stupid right?” the girl smiled, even her smile was pretty.
the boy laughed and mentioned how his best friend had said the exact same thing. rina couldn’t help but notice that the “definitely-cuter-than-hyunjae-guy” had a really nice laugh.
the cute boy spoke again, “but really, you take the cheese, i’m sure one of these other cheeses will suffice for my dinner tonight,” reaching for the cheese to hand to her.
rina kindly accepted. “well.. my friend always tells me that i trust people too easily. it’s probably the reason my last boyfriend was so terrible, but you and your friend could come over for dinner. that way you guys would still get to eat the dinner you wanted. i think it would be nice, as long as you’re not some secret murderer. i just finished watching “somebody” and “unlocked” and i’m honestly really not ready to be murdered so.. like i’m sad, but not that sad.”
the short haired man laughed again. “well i wouldn’t mind, but we should at least ask your friend. we should probably learn each other’s names and exchange numbers as well. who’s to say that you’re not a really pretty murderer yourself?”
“ah you do have a point. well i’m rina, nice to meet you.” she spoke as she stuck out her hand for him to shake.
“i’m joshua, nice to meet you too. let’s go and see if we can find our friends”
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when rina and joshua walked to the lego aisle, they weren’t expecting to see their two best friends arguing about a lego box in the middle of the aisle. luckily for all of their dignities, no one else was in the aisle as a witness.
the two youngest of the group, not that you’d be able to tell at that moment, ran to snatch the lego set from in between their hands. rina grabbed your arm and pulled you a bit further to ask, “y/n! what’s going on?”
“this dude came over here claiming that i stole his lego when you clearly saw me holding it before you left to get ingredients. and then he grabbed onto it and i don’t care how old i am, he was not just going to take my legos from me!” you exclaimed.
rina just blinked. it was all she could do besides laugh at how elementary you sounded. her and joshua were in a similar boat.
“alright alright, what’s going on with you and the girl man?” “shua i spent what felt like days searching for that exact lego set, all for it to be in her evil hands!” jeonghan spoke, perhaps a little too loudly as you had overheard what he said. rina had to grab your arm to keep you from pummeling the man.
joshua just stared and wondered how this could’ve happened, he didn’t even think he was gone for that long. but being quick minded, he spoke up. “i have an idea, rina and i were both looking for ingredients and we realized that there was only one block of the cheese we both needed left. so she proposed that my friend- this is jeonghan and i’m joshua by the way- come to dinner since i gave her the block of cheese. rina and i are fine with it, but we came to ask if you two were okay with it.”
“no offense but what if you or jeonghan is a murderer? you had stressed jeonghan’s name in the sentence to show that you were definitely talking about him.
“me a murderer, all i wanted was my lego set, who’s to say that you’re not the murderer, ms. lego stealer?” jeonghan argued as he pointed his judgy finger towards your face.
rina intervened before another argument between you two broke out while you quietly mumbled in the background that your name was actually y/n. “since we decided to invite them to cook the same meal, what if we also invite them to build the same lego set. it might sound a bit weird since we all just met, but we’re all in the same situation, so i think the more the merrier!”
“dinner with the enemy, but i guess i see no problem with it. but if we’re doing this then jeonghan you can buy the lego set since it’s you and your friend coming over.” you stated. “if i’m buying it, then it’s mine but you’ve got yourself a deal y/n.” the long, browned haired man spoke as he stuck out his hand to shake your crabby one. now that you could stop and take a good look at him without yelling curse words, you noticed that he was actually extremely good looking.
after shaking hands, you looked over for a bit and noticed your friend and the other guy, who you learned was named joshua, talking and laughing with one another. he was definitely an upgrade from her last boyfriend and though it was definitely way too soon, you approved.
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after exchanging numbers and checking out, the boys followed you and rina back to your apartment as it was almost time for dinner already.
walking inside of your shared apartment, you quietly thanked yourself for having cleaned the apartment out of boredom the day prior. you and joshua began to unload the groceries you both bought as rina showed jeonghan to the living room where he quickly got to work on his lego set as she played some background music on the tv.
though you and joshua didn’t get to talk much in the store, as you both cooked, you were quick to take a liking to the man. he was exceptionally nice, very good looking, a great cook, and he shared similar interests with you. but as you cooked, your eyes kept shifting to the man hunched over a kajillion plastic pieces splayed across your living room table. as infuriating as he was, you had to admit that he was the most attractive looking enemy person you’ve ever seen. and you hate to admit that some of the things he said as you all finished up in the store did have you chuckling quietly to yourself.
rina felt the same way you did. she figured that she might as well try out this lego set that you and jeonghan were so adamant about, but she quickly realized that legos just weren’t for her and she was rapidly losing focus. but was she actually losing focus because the legos bored her, or because she couldn’t take her eyes off of the gorgeous man cooking pasta in her kitchen.
“you should ask to help them out.” a voice spoke softly from beside her. rina quickly whipped her head toward the long haired man and raised her eyebrows in question. jeonghan took his eyes off of the legos, looked up at her and smiled, “you’ve been staring at him since we got back here. you should try and get closer to him by helping him cook. it’s just an idea.”
“but i can’t cook…” she answered. “well you can’t be worse than me, so just give it a shot. besides i’ll let you in on a secret… i want to hang out with your friend in there, but she’s busy. if you take her place, then it’ll be a win-win for us both rina.” the man smiled as he looked up at you in the kitchen cooking calmly. he could tell that you were in your element.
rina quickly sprung up and mentioned how she “totally shipped you two together” before she walked into the kitchen to ask if she could take your place. but only because she knew you really wanted to do the legos, totally not because she was trying to score herself a new man and maybe one for you too, nope not that.
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you didn’t hesitate to give her your stirring spoon as you dashed to the legos on the table, leaving the youngest two in the kitchen laughing to one another about how they totally shipped you and jeonghan’s little “enemies to lovers” situation.
you and jeonghan fell into a groove while building the ship in a bottle. turns out that the two of you shared more in common than you both initially realized. and maybe wasn’t the most terrible person to be sitting on the floor building a toy with.
“they so have a thing for one another. every other minute it’s either jeonghan staring at y/n or vice versa.” rina said as she tugged on joshua’s shirt to stop what he was doing and look at their two friends. “yeah they’re cute together.” the man spoke back gently. “here, now it’s time to grate the cheese into the pot, want me to help you do it, rina?”
something told you to raise your head and look into the kitchen. you saw joshua standing behind rina as he helped her grate cheese into a pot. it was so cliché, it was cute. you smacked jeonghan upside the head gently for him to look in the same direction.
“we’ve all only just met, but i think they work well together. joshua just broke up with his now ex-girlfriend and i knew her for like eight months and to be honest, i still wasn’t sure about her all those months in. but, i’ve got a better feeling about rina than i had with her.” the older male spoke and he fondly looked at the two youngest in the kitchen.
you turned back to face the man, making eye contact before you started, “yeah rina just got broken up with by her lame ass ex, hyunjae and i actually could not stand that random. he was never a good person, but rin liked him and wouldn’t listen, so i just sucked it up.” you sighed to catch your breath before continuing. “but.. as i was in the kitchen chatting to joshua while we cooked, i thought that he could be good for her whenever they were ready to try dating someone again.”
“what about you, y/n? do you have a special someone?” jeonghan asked as he rested his head on his hand, elbow on the table. “ha, no. i just broke it off with my ex-boyfriend a few months ago, but if someone were to just magically enter my life, i guess i wouldn’t mind.” you said, shrugging as you continued to build the toy. the boy next to you agreed quietly as you both fell back into a rhythm.
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time passes and later, the best words that could ever leave a person’s mouth are spoken: dinner’s ready!
even though rina couldn’t boil water, her and joshua made a good pair together since the whole apartment smelled heavenly… and was still intact. and shockingly enough, you and jeonghan had just snapped the last piece together, high fiving one another as you awed at your shared (he decided it was no longer just his) masterpiece.
“rin i’m so proud of you, this tastes so good. and josh, i think we’re gonna have to officially become best friends and have more hangouts, because this is the best pasta i’ve ever eaten. i thought i made a good alfredo, but you definitely win the gold medal for sure, cause gahdamn this is good!” you spoke, expressing your love for the carbs. honestly the three of them were surprised that you said that so clearly as your mouth was stuffed to the brim with pasta and garlic bread.
“i’ve got to agree with her, shua this is great. but, let’s give a round of applause for y/n and i for building our lego set. isn’t the ship in the bottle so cool!” jeonghan stopped eating just to pick up the lego set and make “ooh-ahh” faces while posing with it.
all of you laughed as rin had a realization, “you said our, have you decided to share it?” “yes we have, y/n is no longer my enemy and resident lego stealer. i’m even leaving it over here as a token of our new found friendship.” the long haired male put down the ship and placed his hand over his heart to show how sincere he was being.
joshua leaned over to whisper into his ear, “oh hush, you’re probably only leaving it over here as an excuse to keep coming over to visit.” jeonghan shushed him and pushed him away, trying to quietly refute what his best friend was saying, which in fact was the stone cold truth. he really did just want to keep coming over to see you and maybe his lego set while he was there.
“if i visit, then you get to tag along and see rina too so follow along with my plan you dick.” jeonghan whispered back.
you and rina nodded to one another before she said, “we don’t have a problem with you guys visiting again!” “especially if josh is gonna make food again!” you added.
the other three couldn’t contain their laughter again and josh pointed out that “no, next time we come over you and jeonghan have to cook. i’ve heard you’re quite good, but jeonghan here can’t even turn the stove on, so good luck!” the younger man joked, to which his best friend smacked him upside his head with his lego set. “zip it,” he sneered. you laughed again, “challenge accepted.”
you four all resumed eating as music softly played in the background. you turned to rina, simultaneously as jeonghan turned to joshua and you both whispered quietly,
“who would’ve thought that we’d meet two pretty girls in the lego aisle?”
“who would’ve guessed that we would both meet two cute guys in the lego aisle?”
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✰ hey… totally didn’t plan to somehow spread out all of my fics (whopping total of three 🤪😲) on this blog by 3 months 😭😭 guess u could think of it as a random gift for whoever stumbles upon here every couple of months ig.. 🧍🏽‍♀️
✰ anyways, thanks for reading !!
✰ no stealing!!!! (especially cause idek how i pulled 4.05k words out of my ass…)
✰ likes, reblogs, & constructive criticism is appreciated <3
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the-jarvy-party · 2 years
chapter one (masterlist found HERE)
simon “ghost” riley x (fem) reader
lower case intended // warnings : cursing, gore, normal cod stuff
wc : 1.4k
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“we have a new recruit.” captain price walks into a dim room with five men sitting at a table in the middle of it. he ushers me into the room, closing the door behind him once i walk in.
“hey! you’re just in time for our meeting. things are getting juicy around here.” a man said, he had a british accent and only had hair in the middle of his head.
“soap is correct, now take your seat.”
I sit in between soap and a guy with a skeleton face on, he looks at me. almost like i was his next target on a mission, and once he locks eyes with me he turns back to look at captain price.
“he’s a little fucked up in the head, don’t worry about him.” soap leans over to me and i smile.
“i’m normal.” he had a thick british accent, he was kinda a bitch not gonna lie.
“i bet you are.” i look over at him, and he goes back to face captain price.
the plan was set, and now that the meeting was over everyone was trying to find a nickname for me.
“how about-“ soap tries to think of a nickname, but gaz interrupts him.
“no! your nickname will be ass i’m not here for it.” he crosses his arms over his chest and captain price rolls his eyes.
“i can’t believe these are the best soldiers in the world.” he mumbles and goes over to get coffee.
“well, she’s the intelligence part of the task force.” ghost spoke up, and the room went quiet. “so, make a name from that.”
“ghost, maybe you should come up with it.” soap looks over at him. “since you’re sooooo smart.”
“mhm, thank you.”
i’m not even sure how i got on this task force, i was fresh out of boot camp. probably a week or two.
“how about artemis? i mean she’ll be on the ground soon.” alejandro puts his cup down on the table.
“i doubt she’s good at accuracy.” ghost looks straight at me.
“you’re literally wearing a mask.” i speak up and soap starts laughing. “it wasn’t that funny..” i turn my head to look at him, he was practically wheezing.
“you should… take the mask off…” soap tries to catch his breath.
“no. don’t ask that again.”
“okay, we have a clear target. in the next week we’re moving to the middle east to eliminate it.” captain price turns on the tv, the target’s information being on the right hand corner of the screen.
laswell walks into the room, handing captain price a folder and then sitting down diagonal from where i was. he opens it up, and looks around at his crew mates.
“alejandro is gonna be stationed in mexico for standby… ghost, soap, gaz, and new girl will be coming to eliminate the target.” price closes the folder and sets it on a file cabinet in the corner of the room.
“question.” soap raises his hand. “how exactly are we going to be eliminating the… target?”
“great question, we will have all of your questions answered on the way to the middle east.” price shuts the tv off and walks out of the room, laswell following.
“okay. artemis, ghost, gaz.” we all look over at soap. “no matter how this goes, we’ll cover each others asses.”
“of course!” i smile at soap and look over at gaz.
“totally.” gaz sits back in his chair.
one week later
we were sitting in a helicopter, and hair kept getting in my mouth. ghost was observing the interior of the helicopter, i didn’t know he could see through that mask.
soap was silently singing some songs from hairspray. “i can hear the bells.. well, don’t you hear em’ chime…” he was tapping his legs as he was singing.
“you’re gonna hear the bells soon if you don’t shut the fuck up.” gaz mumbles.
“hm? what did you say? couldn’t hear you.” soap gets closer.
“if we’re gonna be stuck here, together for like 4 more hours… can you both maybe shut up?” i look over at the two of them and ghost chuckles.
the three of us look over at him, ghost clears his throat.
“you just laughed! i knew you could do it, buddy!” soap starts cheering in his seat.
“okay, everyone. we’re landing about 30 miles away from where our target is. ghost, you’ll be the closest to the blast site. locate the target.” captain price comes out of the cockpit, “don’t forget to turn on your radios.” he throws me one and i catch it.
“artemis, gaz. you two will be in the control van, be on call at all times. soap, you’ll be with me.” captain price continues to talk about the procedures.
graves and shepard were talking in their headsets as they were landing the helicopter.
“we’re burning daylight here…” graves clicks the radio on, he was leaning against the inside of the van.
“copy, graves. stand by.” shepard was a few miles away from where the van was. “laswell, do we have confirmation?”
“watcher-1 to bravo 0-7, are you in position?” laswell was watching what was going on through a computer back in the states.
“nearly there.” ghost sounded like he was out of breath. “got a heli incoming.” i hear faint rumble coming out of my ear piece.
“that’s general ghorbrani.” laswell sounded so calm, and relaxed.
the palms of my hands were sweating, i couldn’t mess this up or i’d be off the team for good.
“you good?” gaz looks over at me and i nod. “ah, first time jitters. got the same thing.”
“…i’ll give him that.” i heard the last few words of shepards sentence. i spin in my chair, facing a monitor to the right of me.
“i’m eyes on.” ghost was extremely close to the target - i could see it on his body cam.
“what do you see?” i hear laswell start typing on her computer.
“armed personnel, amor and hardware… all russian.” ghost slightly whispers.
“what the hell are the russians doin’ with ghorbrani?” shepards southern accent was in full swing, but he was right. what were they doing with ghorbrani?
gaz taps me on the shoulder. “you got this, okay?” he gives me a thumbs up and i smile.
“thank you.”
“supplying iran, it’s an arms deal.” laswells tone of voice changed.
“you copying this, shadow-1?” shepard was practically breathing on top of his mic.
“we need positive id on ghorbrani before we kick this off.”
“ghost, can you identify the general?” shepard sounded so calm for such a high tense situation.
“armed escorts around one vip… russians are very happy to see him.”
“it’ll be the last time they do..” i chuckled at shepards response.
“visual on general ghorbrani.” gaz looks up at his computer, the coordinates popping up as ghost finished his sentence.
“copy.” laswell sighs. “all stations - target confirmed.”
“shadow-1, you’re cleared hot for launch.”
i heard graves celebrating outside of the van before getting serious again.
“roger that, actual.” he hits the side of the van. “ghost, you are danger close to the zone. this arrow is gonna pack a punch.”
“copy. approved.” i can hear ghost slightly step back on my ear piece. “send it.”
i enter the code on my computer, the monitor turning green.
“we got green.” i turn on my radio.
“all stations, shadow-1. missile ready for immediate delivery, stand by for launch.” graves droned on the radio. he was in the main van (where the missile is) while gaz and i were in the makeshift control center.
“coordinates in, gaz. target designated.” they were all so relaxed about literally killing a whole bunch of people.
“two.. one.. shot out.” graves turns off his radio. gaz and i could hear the missile soar from above us.
“you gotta control it. monitors riiiight up there. you got this.” gaz points to the monitor that was practically on the ceiling of the van.
“got it.”
“missile is loose.” graves comes back on the mic, video footage from the missiles camera turns on.
“link is good, target acquired. artemis, this’ll take manual guidance.” graves starts to read off the coordinates of where the missile is heading.
“you’re right in the pocket, artemis. stay with it.”
“check coming in hot, brace for impact.” graves was watching everything happen on his computer.
gaz was moving around, turning on a few switches.
“time to target… 5 seconds.” graves sounded super focused. well, of course he would. “termination in 3… 2… 1.”
i aim right for their base, and the video camera on the missile goes out of order.
“bloody fuckin’ hell.” ghost mumbles.
“bullseye, artemis.” soap exclaims.
“direct, target destroyed.” when ghost said that, we all cheered. i felt a little guilt though, but i soon realized i shouldn’t have.
11.3.2022 // peace and war, chapter one
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sknnytarot · 1 month
Long distance boyfriend thinspo imagine
It’s time, it’s really time. After waiting months, it’s finally time for my long distance boyfriend to come visit me. This is something I’ve been looking forward too, for the longest time now. About 9 months in the making, this was a huge decision that I had to work my way towards, as did he. This is so exciting.
Since we started talking about him coming to visit, since about 2 months into the relationship, I’ve been wanting to look my best for when that day did come. To start with, I weighed about 150 pounds around when we started talking. I was honest with him that I wasn’t okay with my body or with how fat I looked, and even though he tried telling me that he ‘likes bigger girls’, that only fueled my motivation even more to lose weight.
At first, I only wanted to lose maybe 20 pounds, get to 130 and be fine there. But that only took about 1.5 months to get there and it still didn’t feel like I’d lost enough weight. So my next goal was 110 pounds, 20 more lost. I started working out as much as I could, 3x a week at the time, and I started a low restriction diet as I wasn’t new to liquid fasting or eating a little during the day and nothing else. The highest I went calorie wise was 500 calories total and even that started to seem like it was just too much.
Once I reached 110 pounds, I could fit into some smaller pairs of jeans and they defined my now smaller waist. Definitely a lot smaller than 40 pounds ago, but when I looked in the mirror, I still saw a sloppy bag of fat…my reflection. 110 pounds definitely wasn’t good enough for me, so why would it be good enough for him to see in person? I decided I’d start losing weight until I was comfortable with how I looked, even though I knew I might never get there.
As the days passed, with me eating less than 500 calories every day while still working out on top of that, plus working a physical job and eating only fruits and vegetables and eggs for protein, I started to lose weight at a steady but fast pace. Soon enough, I’d lost 10 pounds more and weighed in at 100 pounds. ‘Just a little more’ I thought to myself. Maybe 5 pounds.
I lost those 5 pounds, then decided on 10 more and I’d be done. I had to get back in control of my weight so I didn’t end up dead before getting to meet him. It had been 4 months since we’d first started talking about him coming to visit me, from 4,000 miles away. That meant that I only had 3 months or so left to reach my goal weight and maintain it to regulate my body to that weight. After doing some research, I figured that the perfect BMI for me is 16.1…basically an underweight BMI.
I started to lose the last 10 pounds, bringing me down to 85 pounds total. That took me about a month, so that meant I had 2 months left to work on maintaining that weight so I could eat a little bit more when he came to visit so he wouldn’t get suspicious of me not eating as much as a normal person. I knew it wasn’t healthy to lose weight this way, and if I wasn’t careful enough, that I’d balloon back to my starting weight.
The two months flew past so quickly you’d only think it had been 2 weeks. I was looking forward to him coming to visit me and seeing my new body. I’d only sent him pictures of my face, and only my body when I was wearing super baggy clothes so he couldn’t see what I actually looked like before the big reveal. I’d lost about 65 pounds total, and that’s such a huge difference. I now have a thigh gap, a tiny waist, my ribs show, my collarbones and chest bones are so defined, and people treat me so amazingly nice it’s definitely a skinny privilege.
I drove to the airport to go pick him up as his flight was going to land in about an hour…okay so maybe I’d gotten there a bit early, but who could blame me? I was super excited. I waited the entire hour by walking around the airport, getting in as many steps as I could, counting the calories I burned. After the hour was up, I went to the gate he’d be landing at, and I held up the handmade sign I had for him so he could see it and I could hide behind it at first.
As the plane landed, and as people started filing off, I didn’t see him at all. As more people started to come off the plane, I was starting to get really worried, but then….then I saw his face through the crowd of people. He was looking around for me, and I shook the sign slightly, calling his name, and he finally noticed me.
His jaw dropped as he saw my dyed blonde hair, my big doe eyes, my sharp jawline. I laughed slightly to myself, starting to walk towards him. A few steps in and I couldn’t control my excitement or my pace anymore, and I started to run towards him. I got to him, jumped into his arms, and to my joy he was able to pick me up like nothing and spin me around.
“You’re so tiny love, I almost couldn’t see you behind the sign. You’ve lost so much weight from the pictures you sent me, I’m so proud of you. We’ve gotta take a picture and show our size difference for sure, you look absolutely tiny next to me, so small I could snap you like a twig” he said, looking me up and down, eyes scanning my entire body.
I made sure to dress super cute today, in something that defined my body shape. A pair of skinny jeans that were high waisted, a long sleeved crop top that showed my stomach at a perfect length, and a choker necklace to accentuate my slim neck. I had my blonde hair up in a ponytail to show off my sharp jawline, and I did a small amount of makeup because I didn’t want to clog my pores because I’d put in so much work to get my skin as clear as it was by doing my skincare routine every single day.
I hugged him again once he’d put me down, and then we started walking towards the exit. We got in my car, and I drove us back to my apartment, so we could enjoy the next 2 weeks he was here together, and I’d gotten off of work for this as well. I’m so excited to be able to spend the time with him, dressing however I want, knowing I look like I deserve a boyfriend so perfect for me. We were perfect together, and I loved knowing that.
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outerspacebisexual · 2 years
A Place in this World - Steve Harrington
Book B - Part One
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Summary: You and Steve Harrington are together, but then things take a turn for you and your metalhead best friend.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Word count: 3.47k
Warnings: SPOILERS for Season 4 Vol. 1 & 2, swearing, fluff, angst, canon gore
a/n: this is a continuation from Book A, which is the origin story for reader and steve. you don't necessarily have to read it to understand, but it will defs help!
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If Eddie went through any more guitar strings, the whole East Coast would have a shortage by fall.
You pulled your lip between your teeth as you restrung his prized guitar. It was supposed to be a surprise, but now that you had nearly lost your finger multiple times, you weren’t totally convinced that you wouldn’t just throw it at him when he got back from D&D. Tonight was the climax of his latest D&D campaign, and that meant he would be insufferably smug if everything went his way.
You hadn’t played this one because of your increase in shifts at Family Video. Plus, it was one of the only afternoons that your normally spent with Steve because of your conflicting shifts. Even though you were assistant manager, Keith still finalized the rosters, and he took great pleasure in make sure you and Steve worked together as little as possible, even going as far as to give you guys just an hour of overlapping shifts. If you worked mornings, Steve worked afternoons; if you worked in the middle of the day, Steve got a split shift.
Despite that, your budding relationship with Steve was going better than you could have imagined.
That night when he had kissed you on his couch, you had thought that things would change between you. You thought that he would stop being the Steve you knew and would suddenly become someone else. Or worse, he changed his mind and decided he made a mistake.
You had thought about it the whole day after he had dropped you home the next morning, the words just screaming through your brain as you tried to clean your tailer; what if he was just confused about wanting to be your friend? What if he realized that being with you would lead to him getting ridiculed for the way you were? You were a metalhead freak after all, a satanic cultist as far as anyone else in Hawkins was concerned.
But then Steve had shown up on your doorstep.
You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand as you made your way to the front door.
Cleaning sucked. And you had let it pile up in your room until your mother had lost her mind and told you it had better be done by the time she got home. You had been at it for an hour now, and still felt like you were at the beginning.
You were surprised when you opened the door to find Steve, clutching a bouquet of flowers—an array of different types and colours.
“Steve,” you said, eyes not straying from the flowers.
He bent down to try and catch your eye when you didn’t look at him. Your eyes flicked back up to him. “What are you doing here?”
He made a face. “I’m visiting my girlfriend and bringing her flowers? Am I not allowed to do that?”
The term made your heart flutter dangerously in your chest and you could feel your cheeks heat. “I—no, yeah, of course.” He followed you inside and handed you the flowers when you reached the kitchen. “These are for me?”
“I actually got them for your dad, so if you could pass them on, I’d be grateful.”
The dead-serious tone made your laughter bubble up. “I’ll make sure he gets them,” you replied, and Steve smiled at you. You still weren’t used to that look being directed at you.
Steve stepped forward until you were chest to chest, paper crinkling between you. He leaned down and kissed you, and you placed your hand on his chest. It was a short, soft kiss, one that had you leaning forward as he pulled away.
“You need to put those in water.” He fiddled with a few of the flowers that had gotten crushed. “I didn’t know your favourites, so I just got a whole bunch of different ones.”
Your eyes roamed the array before putting them on the counter. “I don’t even know if I do have one,” you admitted, pulling out a vase. “I don’t really know what kinds of flowers there are. I’ve never gotten them before.”
Steve frowned. “What? Flowers? Like ever?”
You shook your head. “Never. My parents say that they’re a waste of money because they just die. And no one else has ever given me any.” You paused as you filled the vase with water. “Maybe they thought that I wouldn’t like them because of the way I look. I don’t know.” You trailed off, unsure why you were even saying it out loud.
There was look on Steve’s face as you turned around, one that looked a lot like pity. It made something in your chest burn.
“It’s fine,” you said immediately, trying to back track. “I never really had a use for them anyway. But these are lovely. I love them.”
You struggled to get the paper off them, finally succeeding and then putting them in the vase. You smelled each one, the different smells already filling up the space.
Steve still hadn’t said anything, and you looked at him again. That look hadn’t left his face, but when he noticed your gaze, he put on a lazy smile. “Well, I’ll just have to bring you all of them until you find a favourite.”
You smiled at that, leaning over to kiss him, before moving the vase to the end of your bench. “You don’t have to. I’m happy with these.” And you meant it.
Weeks later, and Steve had obviously not been convinced, because your fourth vase of different flowers sat on your side table. This week it had been peonies of all different colours.
They made you smile, just seeing them.
As if your thoughts had summoned him, the phone began ringing and you knew it was him. “I’m going to start charging you for making personal calls on the work phones,” you said as you leaned against your wall, phone to your ear.
“You’re the manager in a relationship with one of your employees. Don’t they have a strict code against that?” he shot back. You could almost see him, white phone against his ear as he leaned against the counter, signature Steve Harrington smirk plastered across his face.
“You know what, they do! I’m sorry but I’m letting you go.”
“As an employee or a boyfriend?” he asked.
“I hear it’s a two-for-one deal.”
He laughed and the sound had you grinning like a mad woman. You loved making him laugh.
“What are you doing?”
Your mood darkened and you glared at the guitar. “Restringing Eddie’s guitar. I swear I’m never doing again.”
“Nearly lost a finger?”
“More than one.” You twirled the phone cord around your injured finger. “Then I’m heading over to his place to give it to him.”
“That’s great, babe—” You heard shuffling on the other end of the phone. “—OK. OK, Robin. Jesus. I’ll do it now.” He sighed. “I gotta go. See you for lunch tomorrow?”
“I’ll be there.” You smiled as you hung up the phone, turning back to Eddie’s guitar. You flipped it off, like that would do anything, before returning to the task at hand.
An hour later, you heard the tell-tale sound of Eddie’s van pulling into the trailer park. It was dark out and you frowned. He was back a lot later than he said he was going to be. You had finished with his guitar ages ago and had moved on to your own guitar, trying anything to fill in the time waiting for him to get back.
You gathered up his guitar and yours, readying yourself to practice all evening. The new Metallica album had been out for a few weeks, and you and Eddie were so close to being ready to play it. You needed tonight to be sure you had it down pat. Gareth, Jeff, and Angus were also close to being ready. If everything went according to plan, you guys would be blowing the roof off The Hideout with Master of Puppets on Tuesday night.
You were a few metres from Eddie’s trailer when you heard him start to scream.
Your heart dropped and you abandoned your guitars on his lawn, racing to the door. You had no idea what you would do without a weapon or any clue what was on the other side of the door, but your best friend was screaming, and you would be six feet under before you ignored that.
You hand was on the door handle when it suddenly swung open, and Eddie came racing out, practically tackling you out of the way.
“Eddie—” you started, but you caught sight of the girl inside and your stomach was in your mouth. She was mangled beyond belief. Bile rose in your throat. It was Chrissy Cunningham. You didn’t have time to question why she was here before Eddie was grabbing your arm and dragging you into his van.
“Eddie,” you started, but your heartbeat was thundering in your ears. She was dead. Chrissy was absolutely mangled in your best friend’s living room. You looked over at him and he was pale, breathing hard as he sped out of the trailer park. “Eddie. What—what happened?” You hit the door as he swung a hard left, giving you no time to prepare, heading out of town.
He didn’t answer you. He was shaking, you realized. His whole body was trembling as he gripped his steering wheel for dear life. His eyes were wildly flitting around like something was going to jump out and get you guys.
You couldn’t shake the image of Chrissy in Eddie’s trailer. “What the fuck,” you said, mainly to yourself. “What the fuck.” Your voice got louder. “What the fuck!” You were screaming by that point. “What the fuck is going on, Eddie?”
“I don’t know!” he yelled back, straining, as he began to cry. “I—I—I don’t—fuck!”
Your own breathing matched your racing heart. Holy shit.
Holy shit.
“Where are we going?” It was more of an order than a question.
Eddie didn’t reply. He just kept looking in his rearview mirror.
“Eddie, I swear to the gods above,” you hissed. You were beyond freaking out. You gripped the handle above the passenger door and your headrest as you turned to him. You realized you were shaking yourself. “You tell me what the fuck is going on right now.”
Steve’s night had been particularly boring, if he was being honest. And his morning was going about the same. The only shining light was that you would be meeting him soon for lunch, a new ritual you guys had started. A little mid-week pick-me-up when you brought him lunch that you made for him. It barely consisted of more than the two of you sitting in your office, or out in his car when the weather was nice.
It was quickly becoming one of his favourite parts of his week. Any time he got to see you was the highlight of his week.
“Are you seeing this?” Robin asked him from the other side of the store. The store was always quieter in the middle of the day, so he’d started organizing the returns and reshelving them.
“Seeing what?” he said, not looking up.
When she didn’t answer, he pivoted to look at her, but she just had her eyes on the TV in the corner. It was the news, he realized. He glanced at his watch. Weird time for a news broadcast.
Robin turned the volume up and he came closer. The news journalist was in the middle of the screen, practically blocking out any footage of the scene other than people walking around.
“…The details are still murky at this stage, but what we do know is that the body of a Hawkins High School student has been found.”
Steve squinted, trying to work out where it was. It looked familiar. It wasn’t until the camera cut to another angle that he recognized the trailer park. “Holy shit,” he said, and Robin looked at him.
“Is that the trailer park?”
Steve’s mind was already racing. A body had been found at the trailer park. His mind instantly flew to you, but you weren’t a current Hawkins High School student, so it couldn’t be you. He looked at the footage again. He had never been to Eddie’s trailer, and if he was honest, he hadn’t really paid much attention to it when he went to you place. He couldn’t be sure who’s it was. Most of the trailers looked the same to him.
The doors to the store slammed open, Dustin and Max rushing into the store.
“Hey, Steve. How many phones do you have?” Dustin ordered.
“Are you guys seeing this?” he responded offhandedly.
“How many phones do you have?” Dustin repeated, more agitated.
“Two. Why?”
“Technically three, if you count Y/N’s and Keith’s in the back,” Robin inserted.
The two freshman looked at each other and Steve could see trouble brewing behind their eyes. “What are you doing?” But they were already vaulting themselves over the counter.
His and Robin’s complaints went ignored by the two.
“What are you doing, man?” Steve asked Dustin, beyond exasperated.
Dustin didn’t look up from the computer. “Looking up Eddie’s friends phone numbers.”
“Oh, Eddie,” Steve said, “your new best friend who you think is cooler than me because he plays your stupid game.”
“Yes,” Dustin started, before spinning around to look at him. “I never said that.”
Robin continued to berate them, but Steve stopped listening as Dustin started to mess around with the computer. “What is so important about looking up Eddie’s friend’s phone numbers?”
Dustin sighed and turned to Max. “Can you fill them in?”
Robin and Steve turned to Max who opened and closed her mouth, obviously trying to work out where to start. Movement flickered from the TV and Steve glanced at it. It was another angle of the trailer, but this time, he did recognize something in it.
His face dropped as he stared at the screen; eyes laser focused on the guitar case seemingly abandoned in the middle of the grass, Corroded Coffin stickers plastered all over it.
Your guitar case.
Max’s eyes followed his and she flinched.
“Mayfield,” Steve started, eyes moving slowly from the screen to the redhead in front of him. “I need you to tell me what is going on. Right now.”
Max swallowed. “Eddie and Y/N are missing.”
Steve’s heart just about stopped in his chest.
The drive to Reefer Rick’s was longer than Steve realised, even when he was driving over the speed limit.
His leg was shaking as he drove.
“Hey,” Robin said. “It’s OK. We’ll find her.”
Dustin leaned over the seat. “Yeah. If Eddie is here, then she will be, too.”
Steve slammed on the brakes as they pulled up to the house. “I just don’t know why you two idiots didn’t start this whole thing with the vital information that my girlfriend is missing.” He knew that he was probably being a little unreasonable, but you were the only thing on his mind right now.
He had tried calling you multiple times, but there had been no answer. He knew that your parents were visiting family out of state, but you should have answered. You should have been at the store for lunch, and when you missed that, Steve really started to worry.
As soon as Max had a lead, he was ushering all of them out of the store, Robin flipping the sign to ‘closed’, barely making to his car before he was tearing out of the carpark.
Standing beside Dustin as he was calling for either Eddie, you, or Rick, he seriously considered if the kid was missing some braincells. He peered through the windows for any sight of you, but there was nothing.
When Max called from the side of the house, he was the first one pushing open the door to the boatshed, only to be met with silence.
Picking up and oar, he started to mess with the boat, even when Dustin started to berate him for it.
“I know you think you’re funny, Henderson,” Steve said, poking at the tarp, “but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, it’s better to be safe.”
Steve also didn’t want to take any chances. He knew that you were friends with Eddie. He knew that that Eddie was a nice guy, in theory. Did he think that he could have possibly killed someone? Jury was still out.
Before he could say anything else, the metalhead had him by the neck, broken bottle at his throat, a wild look in his eyes.
“Eddie,” Dustin called. “It’s me. It’s Dustin.”
Steve couldn’t focus on anything other than the glass at his neck. This Eddie could kill someone, he thought, as Dustin finally managed to coax Eddie into removing the bottle. Steve held his neck and tried to pretend that his life didn’t just flash before his eyes. Robin leaned over to look and gave him a reassuring smile when she saw that there had been no damage. He could vaguely hear Dustin and Eddie talking about what happened, only hung up when he heard your name.
“…And she just appeared. I—I couldn’t leave her there,” Eddie said.
Steve stepped forward. “Where is she?”
Eddie looked at him and looked like he was seeing him for the first time, like he hadn’t even registered that it was him that was standing there. “She—She left to try and find a phone. Rick’s doesn’t work. She wanted to call you.”
“When did she leave?” Steve asked.
“Maybe an hour?” Eddie mumbled. “I don’t know. She said not to move until she got back.”
Steve ran a hand over his face. That sounded like you. Especially with Eddie in the state he was in.
Now you were missing in the woods. At night.
But before he could say anything, there was a noise from outside the boatshed. The group froze.
Eddie brandished his beer bottle, and Steve picked up his oar as the crushing of gravel moved closer. No one dared a breath as the footsteps stopped a far distance from the shed before starting again, this time at a running pace.
Steve gripped the oar, preparing to swing, when the door was nearly pulled off the hinges, revealing you.
Your eyes darted around at everyone before landing on him. He dropped the oar as you ran at him and almost lost his breath as you crashed into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you instantly.
“Steve,” you breathed. He swore his name had never sounded sweeter.
“Y/N.” He pulled away and held you at arms-length, inspecting for anything amiss. Your shirt sleeve was torn on one spot, and he ran his finger over the cut.
You shrugged him off. “It’s just from a branch. I tried to find a house with a phone to call you, because I knew you’d be worried because I missed lunch, but there were people everywhere, and I couldn’t risk someone following me back to Eddie.” You were speaking so fast Steve had a hard time keeping up. “And then I saw the news through someone’s window, and I heard what they’re saying about Eddie. He didn’t do this, Steve. I swear he didn’t. You need to help me, please.”
“Baby, I need you to slow down,” he said, running his hand down your arm to hold your hands. “That’s what we’re here for.”
You finally seemed to break out of whatever trance-like state you had been in and noticed everyone else. When your eyes fell back to Eddie, you frowned. “Why do you have a broken bottle?”
Eddie glanced at Steve and your frown deepened. “Did you attack them? With that?”
Steve squeezed your hand. “Not the time.”
Your eyes came back to him, and you sagged into him. Steve could see the exhaustion all over your face. The bags under your eyes were heavy, and you seemed dazed, like you had stayed up all night and then today. You probably had, he thought, to protect Eddie.
And then you had tried to contact him. You wandered out into the woods, into danger, because you were worried about him because you missed lunch. Steve wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer.
Thank God, Steve thought as he looked down at you. You were here. And you were fine.
Well, as fine as you could be with an entire town looking for you.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Stranger Things Drabble 
Like a Witch and her Familiar - Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Warnings: Talk of grief
Summary: Post season two setted. Eddie comforts you after the death of Mews, when you feel like no one else can be there for you because you have no right to grief over your pet.   
Notes: This short drabble is part of the Henderson!Reader concept i have been working on in previous posts. I wrote this very quickly as a harmless way to deal with my post vol 2 grief. 
Tags: @losersclubisms @dark-angel-is-back It took a while for it to hit you. Only then, when things were calm again, it struck you. A normal delayment of the reaction considering the previous circumstances. When you got to find out of everything you missed and the worry about your brother was a priority... who would have stopped to think about a cat? 
With everything that happened in your full unawareness, you felt like you didn't have the ríght to grief over Mews. Joyce lost Bob, your brother could have died while you were somewhere else making friends. Your conscience would tell you that all you were allowed to feel was thankfulness, but you couldn't control your emotions despite the guilt. 
That cat has been your companion for years and you were quite a loner, she meant a lot to you. In the quiet that followed after the mess you began to feel painfully aware of her absence in your home. Her spot near the window to watch the birds was empty, there were no more happy welcome meowings receiving you when returning from school, nor 4 am wake up crying for a late hour snack of your hungry girl. No more silly sibling arguments about who should clean the litter box, you wouldn't find her asleep in Dustin's bed nor wake up alongside her. She wouldn't be rushing to curl up against you during long study sessions or on the couch while watching TV. 
She was gone, eaten by a disgusting creature that Dustin brought to the house when you were too busy doing something else to watch over him. 
The worst part was having no one to go in order to share your feelings. It was a disrespectful thing to do, your trivial sounding grief was a mock in comparison to what everyone else went through. You didn't have the ríght to complain, you weren't there in the middle of the shitstorm. 
Swallowing your feelings seemed the way to go, until those exploded inside you and were randomly exteriorized making you look like a total weirdo. The unfortunate victim who caught your pathetic spectacle was precisely your new friend. 
From the many times he accompanied you on long walks home from school so you both would have more time to talk, Eddie already knew that cats seemed to love you and you never hesitated in stopping to cheerfully salute any that would be crossing your way or meowing for your attention. He once teased you about it saying that being followed like that by cats would have got you marked as a witch back at the old times of witch hunting trials, what made you adore him. Your amazing syntony of mutual understanding was scary. Wonderfully scary, like if you would have found a soulmate. 
During one of those walks with him you had the bad luck of coming across an orange cat and you couldn't control your sobbing as you would immediately remember your girl. 
Eddie's primal instinct was to hug you as fast as he saw the tears, even if he wouldn't understand why you were crying. 
" My Mews looked just like that. She passed away very recently and I miss her so much." You began to explain to him between your sobbing, feeling contextually forced to help him understand what was going on. " I see her in the shadow of every cat that passes by, everytime i hear some meowing across my street I dream it could be her... I know it sounds stupid. " 
" It doesn't. " He cutted you off in a calming tone. " If you loved her, then it matters. " 
There was no way to fully explain to him why you felt incapable of expressing your feelings over that loss, so you tried your best.
" Joyce, the mom of Johnnatan, she just lost a man she was falling in love with... I can't cry over a cat. It's an insult to other people's pain... and I bet I look like a crazy cat lady ríght now." 
Eddie began to caress your hair as he delivered a heart warming reply that only you, with your weirdness in perfect sintony with his, could have enjoyed. 
" More like a witch who lost her familiar. " 
 There was no better way to explain how you were feeling, he put your thoughts in words with such a magnificent exactitude and provided the perfect analogy to point out how Mews was more than just a cat to you.
Everything felt easier in his company, that was exactly why you were willing to lose so many hours enjoying it.  
" You are so ríght, she meant that much to me. I don't have many friends and Mews was always there for me. In some ways, we were like a witch and her Familiar. " 
He kissed your forehead, then stared intensely into your eyes, as if he was asking a non verbal permission to carry on with his attempts of comforting you. 
" I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Do you want to talk about it? Maybe putting it into words may help. " 
Exactly what you needed and what you couldn't do. Cherry picking the confesable aspects of the story, you told him a bit of what happened in hopes of getting it out of your chest. 
" She was partially eaten by some... unidentified animal from the woods. My brother found the body and he hid it from me so I wouldn't have to see her ripped apart. "
The last part got a small prideful smile out of him. 
" Great kid, that is very sweet. He wanted to protect you from the pain. After all I have heard about him, I bet that your little brother is as awesome as you are. " 
" I talk about him all the time, I know. Sorry, I just can't help it. " You apologized, fearing that your past rambles about Dustin could have been boring to him. " i love him so much and i'm so proud of him. I wish he wouldn't have to deal with that alone. "
" You don't have to deal with this alone. " He continued for you. " Mews may be in kitty heaven, but she had the most adorable cat mama. I can't know for sure, but just by looking at you playing with all those random kitties I get the feeling that she had the happiest life at your side and that is what matters. " 
You couldn't help smiling a little bit at his sweet speech, what seemed to encourage him. 
" Shit happens, don't blame yourself. Maybe even if you would have been there, it wouldn't make a difference. All you gain while wondering are a bunch of guilt maggots eating your brain. That will not bring her back and will not help you out. "
He was so easy to talk to that you truly wondered where he been all your life, even when you knew you were the one who was once reluctant to approach him. 
" I'm sorry that she didn't make it to meet you, she would have loved you. You know what it's said of cats, you can't fool their perception. They are very good at spotting nice people. " 
That time he was the one smiling, your praise took him out of guard. 
" I really don't care about what everyone else says of you, Eddie. No one in a good long while has been this sweet with me... You are truly awesome and I have no words that could be enough to thank you." 
 You had no idea of how much hearing that meant to him. It made him wish he could treasure you in a crystal box away from the many people that could try to change your opinion. 
" We have a good long while walking ahead, tell me more about your little one. Pick your happiest memories with her, it would be like meeting her at her best. " 
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eemcintyre · 5 months
My personal favorite 12 red-carpet dresses of all-time + why
I tried with everything in me and could not narrow it down to 10
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1 | Zooey Deschanel in Oscar de la Renta (2014)
This look contains so many fun, small details, without any of which it wouldn't feel complete. It meets all of my expectations for what a red carpet dress should be- glitzy and glamorous, sure, but not *too* much. While there are a lot of textures and embellishments going on, it's all one neutral color. It's giving flapper vibes that I love, plus we don't see crop tops too often and her contrasting hair color and pop of red lipstick are what bring it over the edge to complete perfection for me.
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2 | Lana Del Rey in Gucci (2018)
This gown lived rent-free in my head for days after. I appreciate the vintage reference, especially to such an iconic lady as Hedy Lamarr, while Lana also makes it her own rather than doing a direct copy. You can tell great attention was paid to the details- the lariat necklace, accumulations of star beading, and the corsage. It's just far-out enough that only the premier goddess of angelic sad girl music could truly pull it off. It's also unusual and thrilling to see a crown, and her hair provides a necessary color contrast.
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3 | Natalie Portman in Gucci (2018)
Not only is this look proof that you can, in fact, mix metals, but it is the perfect complement to and embodiment of the A-list icon that Natalie is. She exudes classic Old Hollywood glamor with the shoulder pads and glittery silhouette- I'm not usually a shoulder pad fan, but with this sleek silhouette, it adds some really nice dimension. Then, she exudes drama and sexiness with the V-slit neckline without it being distracting. Finally, the eye-catching bow might be my favorite part of the whole thing.
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4 | Rebecca Ferguson in Vivienne Westwood (2023)
This dress was deceptively a bit boring to me at first glance, but the longer I studied it, I realized that there are so many lovely, complex details to this look. The monochromatic color palette is made fascinating by the usage of different textures that look like they are dripping off of her. Girl is literally dripping gorgeousness and the abstract draping of the pearls and skirt make her look like a work of art. While it's maybe not the best color for her and I personally think it makes her look a tiny bit washed out, it was my favorite of everyone's outfits during the Dead Reckoning tour by far.
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5 | Lupita Nyong'o in Calvin Klein (2015)
Pearl accessories have been agreed upon by most to be the classiest accessories out there- so what does that say about this gown?? While the color and silhouette are unassuming at first glance, this dress is super decadent. There are few red carpet looks I've seen where the hours of meticulous craftsmanship that went into it are this evident. I love that the beads also are not organized to only display one texture, and the peephole below the neckline is a flirty touch of contrast. The way the gems interact with light is ethereal, and that one large pearl at the base of the neckline is just eye-catching perfection.
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6 | Vanessa Kirby in Valentino (2022)
This set of separates is all about bold, powerful, and modern femininity. With the slit and open midsection, it reads as very flirty and sexy, while also being comfortable and confident in that sexuality. Since it's such an unconventional, attention-grabbing outfit, I like that Vanessa went simple on the rest of the look, but it seems like it's missing the tiniest final touch, like a cocktail ring or some silver earrings to match the shoes. Overall, I love that it's different and memorable from what I normally see, and totally encapsulates the phrase "fun, fresh and flirty."
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7 | Natalie Portman in Schiaparelli (2024)
When I say mother is mothering. This is another prime example of a look that is deceptively simple at first glance but really has all kinds of intriguing layers to it. The cheeky cutout, the dramatic makeup, the "reputation"-esque clutch, and then on top of it all, the chunky chain neckline is my favorite touch, adding delightful texture and draping elegantly down her shoulders. A timeless and versatile ensemble you'd be hard-pressed to go wrong with. My queen is in her revenge dress era for sure.
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8 | Natalie Portman in Dior (2024)
Again I am stunned by the hours of expert craftsmanship that must have gone into this dress. Collabs between her and Dior are practically a never-miss kind of deal- just serve after serve after serve. This gown is also amazing because of how timeless it is- the style could easily have come from a number of different decades, and its simplicity leaves the door open for all kinds of accessorizing. Speaking of which, it does feel like it's missing some miniscule detail, and I personally would have worn my hair down or in a ponytail with a less severe part. But this is ultimately yet another instance of an actress looking like a work of art- the delicate color gradient resembles a serene Monet or Seurat painting.
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9 | SZA in Versace (2018)
This gown was everything that I believe the Met Gala "Heavenly Bodies" theme was supposed to be about, from the delicate celestial halo to the cloud-like skirt in sunrise pastel pink. The skirt is also a really cool silhouette that we don’t see very often and adds to the illusion of her floating on the clouded sky. Finally, the thigh-high matching boots were a super-fun surprise. It could fit a tiny bit better at the waist where it's bunching up, but by far the best look of the event that year.
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10 | Amy Adams in Valentino (2014)
This look perfectly straddles the two extremes of simple and dramatic, as well as vintage and modern. While there aren't any patterns, ruffles, bows, beads, or any of that jazz, the small train is very sophisticated and the deep V neckline is an alluring and attention-commanding focal point, especially accented with a lovely pendant. I also love a good color block moment, and most of the look is very Old Hollywood. And whether it was intentional or coincidental, she truly looks meant to be at the red carpet, matching perfectly with it.
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11 | Diane Kruger in Elie Saab (2016)
While I don't think that this was the right dress for the hair color and makeup she chose, I love the gown itself. Very evocative of lovecore (one of my favorite aesthetics) with the fun and intricate heart pattern. The belt is also a nice resting point for the eyes that keeps the pattern from getting overwhelming and gives the gown structure. It is flirty, flowy and a touch playful while also giving off an aura of edginess and mystery.
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12 | Margot Robbie in Versace (2017)
This look is a wonderfully kitschy 90s throwback and not everyone could pull it off on the red carpet without looking tacky. However, the way she keeps it simple with the hair and accessories is perfect. The twist of the fabric at the waist makes the pattern more interesting and dynamic to look at when it might otherwise seem a bit static. While it wouldn't necessarily work for any occasion, during the right one I think it wins by an absolute runaway.
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.10 ‘Charlie Foxtrot’ review
So lots of stuff happened and at the same time not that much stuff happened. Some rapid fire thoughts.
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We did get some Miggy heart eyes... never gets old!
For me I think the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes were the best.
I liked it but also preferred the season 4 ‘Higgy spy adventures - MI6 don’t care about you...I do’ mid season finale to this (I mean there was the x-mas one too but plot-wise it was the spy episode that was the season finale right?). Like IDK, more emotional impact in that one was better?
Maybe Magnum should have been the one that got snatched or shot here. Just saying.
Poor Cade! Like even though TC is the one that got shot and paralysed (:O) I feel worse for our poor baby Cade!
RIP Childs, you were just starting to grow on me. No funeral? Is that going to be the start of 5.11? Or do we just not care enough about Childs for there to be one?
Very little Miggy in this one, even if soft + banter was cute, I feel like it was a pretty quick flip from kind of feel-y end of 5.09 to start of 5.10 which was all banter though really was meant to be like what? half an hour apart?
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(Magnum being domestic and making Higgy food (or hot milk) and stuff has been like the running theme of this season and I want to nominate him for some boyfriend of the year award. Not just for the cooking but, you know, a little bit for that.)
(Higgy just keeps on going - seriously she was drugged and had crazy wacky nightmares like a few hours ago? This girl can not catch a break.)
Why is it so hard to make a villain still scary after learning their motives/backstories? 
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Higgy sharing recipes from childhood, Magnum being all ‘you’ve had a rough day, how about we take a break (from watching news stories about the lady who tried to kill you and totally drugged you up a few hours ago’ and stuff’ is adorable. We almost got the “why does Higgy not drink tea” story which now is a story I must know. Like come on! It’s almost as enticing as maybe one day learning what her tattoo is...
Juliet looking out the guest house window and noticing commandos - you cannot tell me that was legit not her worst fear coming true - and then our faves being all badass (that flip!), very much a good start.
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Then, because I’d somehow gotten it into my head we were going to have ‘Robin’s Nest under siege’ for like a good chunk of the episode, I felt a little bummed out. Because I wanted like hostage, drama, no police, gang vs, baddies. But I didn’t get that.
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Now, other than the fact that Rick is the person we’re looking for and TC is in the hospital, this case feels weirdly like just a normal case.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, but somehow it lacked a little of the ‘wow shocking! thrilling! excitement’ I’d hoped for in the mid-season finale. Maybe-just maybe because we kind of know Magnum, Higgins, Rick and TC and even Gordy and Kumu probably with 99% certainty aren’t going to die.
Which is nice.
But it also makes them being in danger less scary than for example say Cade had been taken or Suzy or even Childs (if he’d not gotten blown up.) Why Beth or Dennis being in danger is scarier than Rick. Because they could die. There is actual bad things that could happen.
I think that’s why Higgy in the mental hospital still felt scary and had lots of potential, because we knew she was going to be alive - we just wasn’t sure what kind of messed up visions, drugs, weird electro shock stuff that could have happened to her, right?
So I am kind of excited to see what they do with TC not being able to feel his feet/being paralyzed. Because you know, that is scary stuff, and super duper emotional and scaring to go through (good thing he rigged the chopper for Shammy to fly!)
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Bad guy (well gal) of the season instantly became less badass when she became an actual person, which is sad. If that was her backstory of falling for a terrorist, dead child or just how not scary she felt IDK. I just felt a little sad for her.
Did it all also go kind of fast?
Fast can be good, it means it’s entertaining enough the 42 minutes flew by fast. But it also maybe means it was a little unmemorable. Which I think is what this episode ended up being for me.
Also random small question - would anyone ever get found or saved or stuff figured out without Higgy’s hacking skills? Just you know, asking for a friend...
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(I’ve also been watching some K-dramas lately and IDK, I guess I wanted more melodrama and more cute-y feels and angsty accidental car accidents and evil CEO father figures than I got...)
Depressing for my Miggy heart, that this episode failed to really deal with Higgins ‘I’m scared Mangum will die’ worries and I doubt we’ll get it next “season”. Rather brought up Magnum’s worry about the gang maybe being broken up if TC or Rick didn’t pull through. Just because he said that and Rick made the video, I almost wondered if they would kill of Rick.
So when they didn’t it felt a little bland.
Mean of me to say, but that would have been pretty interesting and brave of them to do. Kill Rick I mean.
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Like that would have been something! Suzy getting that video and it would also maybe be a “ahah” moment for Magnum, making him feel a little of what Juliet have been feeling with Richard and why she’s so worried. It could have gotten us a Miggy ‘I love you’ moment too, because though we know our two idiots love each other they haven’t said it yet.
Yeah, Rick’s death would have made for character development everyone too, going forward. Like maybe suddenly super over protective Magnum in the B part of the season? TC being suddenly a sad boi and not himself and struggling with a depression sort of thing, freaking Cade out, making him consider moving with his family on the mainland, making it worse. Higgy feeling like she failed the guys and Suzy because she was too focused on Magnum’s safety. Suzy could just be a big mess and we could have Miggy babysitting moments? But it’d be sad because Rick is dead... So much potential for angst and stuff.
Whatever. I’m not considering writing a fic where Rick died. I’m really not.
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Anyways, I did like the ending with Cade and Higgy talking a lot. Higgy somehow being her normal ‘feelings?what are those’ while at the same time really saying awesome and uplifting things and just all around being the new spokes person for Happy Endings... 
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They guys all joining up and it feeling pretty hopeful was nice too. It was a nice place to end it, because while I got some angst and worries about the TC recovery plot, he’s alive and kicking and got his friends. And he’s TC! Come on, he’s going to big bear his way back to running after bad guys in no time. And if he don’t, he still awesome!
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(Though what happened to TC’s girl? Is she not his girl anymore? Did I miss something? Maybe she’ll show up in part B of the season!)
Yeah, over all I enjoyed the episode, but it did not feel super-duper much like a midseason finale. I’d also like to inform everyone that it’s 132 days until September 3rd. So basically forever! How will we ever survive!? I guess we do have some pretty epic Miggy fluff and content to re-watch...
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Anyone know when we’ll know anything about season 6? 
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hrefna-the-raven · 6 months
Masterlist - DBH masterlist
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Words: 1991
Warnings: drunkenness, smut (18+)
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Chapter 9 - (Don't) judge a book by its cover
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An hour passed before you were ready to start the mission. You tried your best to check off the misgivings that were tearing your stomach apart, making you slightly nauseous. What was wrong with Gav, despite your weird situation, there normally were no issues while texting. Had he finished his reports by now? Where was he? At home? At Jimmy's? These thoughts plagued you, serving as a foreboding of what might await you when you arrived at his place after work. The sound of footsteps ceased, and David stood next to you, casting a concerned gaze at your pale face.
“Are you ok?”, he asked, his hand gently encircling your arm.
Feeling a wave of relief wash over you at his touch, you nodded and continued towards the entrance of the club, grateful that his hand remained on your arm. It felt comforting, and also added to the appearance of authenticity. As soon as you stepped foot inside the club, passing by the few androids trapped and dancing in glass enclosures, an overweight man approached you. He wore a stained purple shirt, a lanyard, and black slacks. Grease clung to his beard, and his receding hairline accentuated his pitiful existence. A sinister smile emerged from behind his beard, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“Ah welcome, my friends, to the glorious Eden Club!”, the grandiloquent wave of his arms ridiculed his appearance even more, “this is where the magic happens. What can I do for you? Oh, no wait! Let me guess, you’re here to spice things up, ay?”
He playfully nudged David's elbow, who struggled to restrain himself from punching Floyd Mills right then and there. Instead, he mustered a grin.
“My, uh, girlfriend and I are looking for a third party to, uh, you know…”
“Ah don’t be ashamed, my friend, this is more common than you think”, he winked at David and beckoned for both of you to follow him, “come with me, I have the perfect spot for you two lovebirds. Male or female?”
“Male”, the answer escaped your lips faster as you planned it, earning you a curious glance from the captain, who tried to anticipate the play as fast and efficient as possible.
“I promised to spoil my love today, so we decided to add another man, or, in this case, a male android. I hate to share her with a real person.”
“Don’t worry I understand and good ol' Floyd won’t judge”, his leer revealed a golden tooth.
What a cliché, you thought to yourself. Mills presented you with four different male androids, playing along as you pretended to be selective, ultimately choosing the one you initially spotted. In the end, it didn't really matter. Mills claimed this particular model was unique and had just arrived the day before, ensuring that the two of you would have a memorable time together. As Mills opened the door to the room, which was supposed to be unoccupied, you completely froze in shock by what you saw inside.
“Hey, you should have left already!”, Mills shouted in anger as he stormed into the room.
The person in the room was obviously dead drunk and, totally unimpressed by the audience he just gained, continued to clumsily fuck the female android from behind.
“I told you to get out, you drunk idiot!”
Mills grabbed the man by his t-shirt collar and swiftly spun him around, causing him to trip over his sagging pants that he desperately tried to pull up. The man stumbled and ended up falling heavily at your feet.
“Iiiii’m da po-po-police!”, he slurred, his speech barely intelligible.
His gaze drifted upwards, locking with yours, as the weight of his realisation hit him like a ton of bricks. Gavin laying there, sprawled out before you, completely intoxicated, his pants shamelessly lowered in the sex club where you were undercover on a crucial mission. Your mind spun, overwhelmed by a torrent of questions, desperately trying not to succumb to the wave of sadness that consumed you in that very moment. You had endured and tolerated so much from that insufferable jerk, but this was the final straw. Just as the expression of sorrow and disappointment threatened to etch itself onto your face, the captain swiftly guided you out of the room, pulling you into a tight embrace and whispering almost inaudibly into your ear.
“Focus, I’m here, we can still do this.”
Gavin opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could escape, Floyd Mills stepped over him, making his way towards you.
“Please forgive this unfortunate sight. As compensation for this incident, we will gladly offer you a discounted rate for your reserved time. Please proceed to this room, and an android will be with you shortly.”
You entered the adjacent room where Gavin was still lying, shutting the door behind you and collapsing onto the bed, tears streaming down your face. The captain sat beside you, gently stroking your leg.
“I apologise that you had to witness that”, his compassion sounded honest, even though, in your opinion, he had no reason to empathise.
“You’re not the one who needs to apologise”, you replied, rising from the bed and straddling him, “you’re right though, let’s focus on the mission, it’s too important.”
The door opened quietly, and the male android entered.
“Hello, I am an HR400”, its voice was soft, but the static monotony stripped it of any human touch, “let me know how I can assist you.”
As soon as the android reached you, you took out the hacking prototype, hold it to its face and its head dropped instantly as you activated the device. Grateful that the android didn’t completely collapse at the force shutdown, you stepped back and opened a small panel above the liquor cabinet in the room. Frantically typing a few codes on the keyboard, a holographic display appeared.
“We’re in, cap”, a small amount of joy found its way back to your shaken voice.
Allen took his position on your left and inserted a small chip into the keyboard.
“Let’s hurry and retrieve as much data as possible. That android will be back in two minutes. And don't forget about the hidden files”, said, rubbing his neck as he glanced at the display and then at you, “I can’t wait to see what’s hiding in the system here.”
You managed to finish and close the panel just in time before the HR400 was back online.
“Hello, I am an HR400. Let me know how I can assist you.”
“Sit on the chair and watch the ceiling”, you commanded it harshly, observing as it immediately obeyed.
You pushed the bewildered captain onto the bed and straddled him once again.
“Uh, are you sure? I mean, you and Reed, uh, I don't want to intrude ”
You seemed to have completely startled to usually so confident captain and you couldn't help but find him even more endearing in this vulnerable state. You leaned your face closer to his until the tip of your nose grazed his.
“Less talking, more kissing”, you pecked his lips, “Captain Allen”
"You might regret this", he whispered, his hands caressing your face as he held it firmly to admire your beauty.
"I already have many regrets, so adding this won't make much of a difference at this point", you chuckled, "and it's up to you if I need to regret this later on or not."
Allen leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, deepening the kiss as his tongue explored the depths of your mouth. He groaned at the sound of your soft moans, feeling the bulge in his pants grow. His fingers traced along your body, tearing open your blouse and gently squeezing your breasts. Breathless, you broke the kiss, admiring his radiant face. With his striking features and captivating emerald eyes, which held the power to consume you entirely.
"Tell me, what does my girlfriend desire?", his tantalisingly husky voice wrapped around your mind.
"She desires", you slowly unbuttoned his fly and lowered his pants and briefs, "you to be deep inside her."
The way you moved and spoke sent chills through his spine. From the moment he laid eyes on you, he knew there was something special about you. Your beauty was just one of the many qualities that captivated him; your wit and charm were equally enticing. Despite his attempts to resist, he couldn't deny that he was falling in love with you. But until tonight, you were with the detective, and even if you were to reconcile with that douche, he had you now and he would be foolish to let this opportunity slip away. He swallowed back a groan as he moved your panties aside and felt your wet cunt. It seemed you desired him as much as he desired you at this very moment. His hands dug into your hips and pressed you on his erection, grinding your wet swollen sex up and down it. You felt his cock twitching underneath and the heat rising to your cheeks. You needed him inside you, now, the was no way this could be delayed any longer, you wanted the captain to fuck you here and now, screw your brains out that you were unable to even waste any more thoughts on that douche detective. David threw you off him, on your back and positioned himself above you, pulling on of your legs up and nudged his tip at your entrance.
"Don't keep me waiting, Dave", you moaned with a mix of desire and impatience.
"As you command agent", he grinned and pushed inside.
The bed gave a suffering groan as he thrust his cock inside you. Your walls clenched at the exquisite feeling and he moaned your name repeatedly.
"Tell me, Dave", you asked as you bucked your hips to get him deeper, "how long did you long to do this?", you moved your hips back again, blocking him from entering you again with your free leg.
Allen hungrily pushed your leg away and gave you a fierce thrust.
"Since the first moment I saw your beautiful face", a gentle smile spread across his features, melting your heart instantly.
Your breaths grew more ragged as he increased the speed and depth of his movements, becoming more desperate as both of you approached your climax. You writhed against him, unable to suppress the pleasurable moans that escaped your lips. He reached around to grip your hips, lifting you slightly to ensure his cock hit the perfect spot with each thrust.
"I'm close, I want to cum together with you"
His seductive voice drew you closer to the brink of ecstasy, causing your fingers to tighten around his firm butt, pulling him deeper with each passionate thrust until you finally came, sending your mind and vision into a hazy maze of almost unbearable pleasure and happiness. Allen groaned, overcome by the tightness surrounding his cock, pumping his seed into as he came, moaning your name. He collapsed onto your body, relieved and content, burying his face in the crook of your neck, showering you with tender kisses. Your heart was beating rapidly, almost tearing your chest apart. You haven't felt this good for a long time, not even after you and Reed managed to get that weird relationship somewhat working. Reed....you expected a lot as you knew him for quite some time and yet nothing could have prepared you for the heart-wrenching scene you witnessed earlier. Despite your love for him and your willingness to forgive, your mind struggled to rationalise his decision to get reeling drunk, fucking an android at the very same club where you were supposed to meet for a crucial assignment, instead of finishing his reports and spending his time with you, the woman he was supposed to love. What on earth did he think planning this through, considering the possibility that he actually did think or plan anything.
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Chapter 10
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profound-bouquetbird · 6 months
Hi! could I make a request? I would like you to write hcs about young eda (maybe young raine, odalia, lilith too) but in modern, real life. I don't know what specifically, some high school anecdotes, hobbies, Daily data, her social media presence? Just reconforting one shots, ¡Thanks!
Well.. The request is kind of confusing but I'll try my best!
I included young eda (of course), young raine and young lilith (I refuse to write 4 odalia)
Sorry if this request takes 2 long to get out, but I tried to write the characters as in character as possible (if that makes sense-) and basically just tried to make it as Canon sounding as possible
I'm writing eda and lilith together, but separately... If that makes any sense-
Warning: not proof read
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We're just gonna talk about what they'll be mostly doing & what their ranks in school will be, okay? Okay.
I see Eda and Lilith being inseparable in early stages of high school, but the more they got used to the school, the more they got comfortable going separate ways and making friends
They of course still talk to each other during school hours, it's just less frequent since they have totally different social lives
While Eda took the title of the jock/surprisingly smart kid and was more extroverted and has made more friends throughout high school. But just because she has more friends doesn't mean she's more comfortable around them, she couldn't open up to them until she was a 100% certain that they aren't using her just to look good
Lilith was more on the introverted side, gaining a more nerdy status in school than anything. But, she easily found more trustworthy friends, her group of friends may consist of four or less people, but at least she can proudly say that she trusts them
Eda did have a crush on raine in like- her second year of high school, but when she mentioned it to her friends they laughed at her, telling her she could do better and that she doesn't need someone like them to ruin their reputation. She, sadly, listened to them, but admired Raine from afar
Lilith sometimes offers Eda to just chat with her and her friends, feeling bad that she got stuck with such terrible people to be friends with
Also, from the episode where we look onto edas past, I can say that Lilith wanted to be in lots of after-school activities, just for the purpose that she stays in school longer (and maybe so that she has an excuse to not be home)
Eda wasn't too bothered on the after school activities, wanting to just relax home more than ever. She did try out some after school activities since her friends suggested it, but she ended up hating it and dropping it immediately
As we all know, Eda is a trouble maker. Always pulling pranks on the students and teachers. When she doesn't feel inspired I can just see her using the normal harmless pranks, like wrapping up clear cooking paper (idk what it's called 😭) on the door so when the teacher walks in her face hits the clear paper and smears her makeup
And Lilith is the teacher's pet, but the good kind. Would sometimes get her classmates out of trouble, but is the type of student where if she spent hours upon hours working on a homework assignment, she would remind the teacher just to brag about her work. But she doesn't do it on little homework assignments, just the ones she is really proud of
About social media, I can see both of them having a decent following. Just their friends from school, friends outside of school, and the weird people from their class that they barely know
But as to what they post, that is a completely different story
Eda would post things like: her recent pranks, memes, a party she went to (that her friends told her to go to) and pictures with Lilith
Lilith would post things like: her studying, surprisingly good pictures, food, maybe even math memes and of course pictures with Eda
I can't think of anything else, but Lmk about ur headcanons in the comments or by simply sending an anonymous message 👍
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I see Raise as the person that everyone knows but isn't popular, you get what I'm saying?
Everyone knows their name and who they are, even if it's brief, but they aren't really that popular
They do have a couple of friends, including Eda, but just like to be quiet and sit in the back, not making any noise nor trouble, just whistling or playing around with near by pens or pencils
They aren't the A+ student, but they definitely get A's and B's, occasionally C's
Of course they're in the music club, and of course they play the violin like-it's obvious
I see their friends either being the quiet introverts that no one really talks to, and or just the band kids from his school club
For after school activities, they're of course in the music club, but I also see them just hanging around with friends, talking about what they're doing and all that type of stuff... That isn't really an after school activity but whatever-
I could see them sometimes helping Eda with harmless pranks, but they do not want to even be mentioned when and if they get caught, so eda takes all of the credit. They do feel bad but Eda make them make it up to her by buying them apple juice or a cans bar or something
Biggest crush on Eda, but they don't want to ruin her reputation at the school, so they never planned on confessing. But they do steal occasional glances and panic when they make eye contact
Once preformed on stage with their violin, but it went so poorly because their hands were shaking and they were forgetting notes, they cried after the performance and never went on stage again, well unless they're in the background where they can't be seen. No one remembers that except for them
Also I can see them sharing their homework with Eda, sometimes tanking them and sending them the wrong answer, which Eda is very proud of but also pissed off
About the social media thing. I could see them having a pretty good amount of followers, that of course being some small musicians, their friends from school and out of school, and generally people who like their musical skills
They would mostly post: audios of them playing the violin (with the name of the piece as a green screen for the video), pictures of them with friends, pictures of when they are practicing with the musics club, and maybe them showing off a new outfit and or instrument they got
I can't think of anything else, but Lmk about ur headcanons in the comments or by simply sending an anonymous message 👍
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Eddie The Wingman - Eddie Munson X Female Reader - November 15th
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Title: Eddie The Wingman
Eddie Munson X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Fred (OC) (Mentioned), and Fred's Ex (Mentioned)
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WC: 1,861
Warnings: Reader goes on a bad date, slight angst, fluff, small insults, confessions, mention of murder, and fear of rejection
"How do I look? Cute?" You asked, spinning around to show off your outfit for your date. "Not too much right?"
Eddie shook his head, "Nah, you're beautiful, babe. He'll love it." He spoke, watching as a smile lit up your face and you headed back to your bathroom to fix your hair.
"What's this guy's name again? Frank?" Eddie asked, falling back on your bed with a sigh as he stared up at your popcorn ceiling.
"His name is Fred, Eds." You called out, "He's from my math class."
"You don't normally go out with people from school," He thought out loud, slightly confused. "When did that start up again?" He asked, looking over at your bathroom door curiously.
You shrugged, "I dunno. I guess he and I just started talking more recently. And then, well, one thing led to another." You smiled shyly, as you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time.
Eddie was quiet for a long time, not saying anything else until you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "So what do you think? Hair good? Too much hair spray?" You asked and Eddie sat up slightly, resting on his elbows as he tilted his head towards you.
"Y/N, you're gorgeous. Chill out." Eddie tried to calm you down, seeing how you were beginning to fidget where you stood. "If he doesn't like you, he's missing out on a total babe."
You sighed and nodded, "I know, I just..." You paused and looked down at the floor, biting your lip momentarily. "I just want this one to work out."
Eddie scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, trying to get rid of the nervous feeling he had when he was around you. Eddie had been your best friend, and wingman, for years. Helping you pick outfits and fix your hair before you went out with one boy and then another. It wasn't like you were that type of girl. Eddie knew you longed for a lasting relationship. Someone who was king, sweet, compassionate; who would open every door for you. Eddie could give you that. Eddie knew he could give you that. Yet... You never really saw him like that.
"Just... Try to have fun tonight, yeah? And don't worry about anything," He said, putting his hand on your shoulder reassuringly after he got off your bed. "You know that if he's a jerk you don't have to stay. You aren't obligated to stay just because she asked you out. He should be lucky to even be in your presence." Eddie finished in a funny accent, making you laugh.
You smiled up at Eddie and nodded, "Of course. I'm royalty, Eds. I can do whatever I want." You teased and he rolled his eyes. "Alright, I'll see you later then. I don't want to be late."
"Later, babe." Eddie grinned, giving you a quick good-luck kiss on the forehead before you grabbed your bag and rushed out your bedroom door.
Pausing, you quickly turned back to Eddie, "The spare bedroom is free is you wanna stay the night. I should be home before nine." You offered before rushing off, not even waiting for his answer.
Eddie's shoulders dropped as you left, a frown creeping on his face. Sitting back on your bed in a huff, Eddie looked at your bedside table, reading the clock. Three hours. He could wait three hours. He should stay. He thought to himself. It was the right thing to do. What if the date goes wrong? You come home crying, he'd be there for you. And... If it went well? Well, he'd be happy for you. If you were happy, he was happy.
Eddie rubbed his hands on your soft quilt blanket below him, feeling the bumps and grooves of the patches and stitches before he glanced at your pillows. You had four. And, when Eddie first asked why you did, you had reasoned that it's good to back support when watching movies. And, you were right, they were.
... And... It's not like you were going to miss one tonight... Right?
You were going to come tired and not even notice if he just took one. Besides, if you did ask him, he'd just say it was for back support. There was a tv in the guest room after all. It's not like Eddie was stealing your pillow because he felt lonely and it smelled like you... No.
Shaking his head, Eddie grabbed the pillow and headed to his guest room for the night. Clutching your pillow to his chest, he kicked off his shoes and plopped on the bed. Staring at the blacked-out tv screen, Eddie thought about going to bed, but he didn't want to miss you coming home. So, he dropped the pillow beside him and got up, opening the small wooden desk the tv was on and picking a VHS tape from inside. Choosing The Three Amigos. One of the less rom-comy movies you had in store there. Sliding it in the VHS tape slot, Eddie climbed back into the bed and waited.
Eddie's eyes opened wide as he heard the front door slam shut. Jolting out of bed, Eddie ran the banister, watching as you angrily kicked off your shoes and tossed your bag on the small table near the door. In a huff you leaned against the door, placing the plans of your hands on your eyes; rubbing them a bit.
"It went south, I presume?" Eddie spoke up, making you look up at him with wide eyes before you sighed and nodded.
"So south. Like so south that I swear I saw penguins while he was telling me all about his ex-girlfriend." You spoke with sarcasm, climbing up the stairs to meet Eddie there.
So you, using sarcasm to hide your real feelings.
"Oh, that's a number one no-no." Eddie cringed and you nodded, "Wanna talk about it?" He asked and you sighed, nodding.
"If you don't mind... Yes." You spoke, as the two of you headed to your bedroom.
You both sat down on the bed and Eddie waited for you to speak, letting you take as much time as you needed. Eddie watched as you fiddled with your hands, immediately taking one of them in his. He squeezed your hand gently, offering comfort and reassurance.
"He was a jerk." You muttered, "The biggest one."
Eddie frowned, eyes narrowing slightly, "What did he say? Or do?"
You frowned, "He didn't do anything to me, Eds..." You shook your head, "He just mostly talked about the differences between me and his ex-girlfriend."
Eddie sighed and shook his head, "Idiot."
You nodded, "And he didn't even offer to pay for dinner. Once the waiter sat the bill down he just wordlessly passed it to me." You scoffed, glaring down at your hands in Eddie's.
"A complete nincompoop, if you ask me," Eddie commented, earning a chuckle from you.
"And... And... He had the audacity to tell me that my clothes didn't fit my figure." You huffed, "Like, seriously?! How dare someone insult me and my style. It's mine for a reason." You cried out, making Eddie look at you with such admiration.
Eddie chuckled lightly and squeezed your hand, comforting you in a way only he could. "Want me to go and find that peasant and give him a piece of your mind for you?" He asked, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"And why not I?" You asked, squaring up your shoulders, "I want to give him a piece of my fist- I mean mind."
Eddie chuckled and shook his head, "Precisely why you're not. I don't want my best friend to commit a murder… It’s rather un-ladylike." He joked as you nudged him gently.
You sputtered a dark laugh, shaking your head as you looked back at your lap, "He deserves it that bonehead, blockhead, can't even make his own bed, heart made of lead, better off dead... That... That no good jerk!"
Eddie smirked, "You good?"
"Yeah... Well..." You paused, your frown deepening. "No. I feel stupid." You suddenly spoke up.
"You are not stupid." Eddie quickly assured, bringing your other hand into his and turning you to face him. "You are the smartest person I know." He said softly, squeezing your fingers. "And you've done nothing wrong here, Y/N. Fred isn't worth losing sleep over."
Eddie's words seemed to ease some of the tension in your chest, but you still felt anxious. "That... Not what I mean, Eddie." You let out a shaky sigh.
"What do you mean then?" Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.
"I... I feel stupid because I didn't know what was right in front of me... Until now. And... I feel so blind that it took me so long to realize it." You confessed, looking down at your hands in Eddie's grip.
Eddie's brow furrowed and he frowned, "Wait, what? What exactly did you not know?" He asked, his heart racing, hoping he wasn't falling for any false hope.
You shook your head, "That I was in love with my best friend." You quickly confessed, looking up at Eddie and his wide brown eyes.
He froze at your words, mouth slightly agape as he stared down at you.
"I've always liked you Eddie and I only really went out on dates because I was trying to get over you. But, I knew I would never be anything else but your best friend... I couldn't chase telling you back then." You admitted, biting your lip.
"Y/N." Eddie breathed out, gripping your hands tighter, "Stop saying these things. I... I don't understand, are we... Do you like me too?" Eddie asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.
You quickly look up at him again, "Too? What do you mean 'too'?"
Eddie let out a breathy laugh, "Y/N, I've had a crush on you since the moment you gave me those homemade blueberry muffins of yours on our first study date. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you act, and all the little quirks you have that you never realized made you so cute." Eddie grinned, "You're beautiful. A queen among us peasants and fools, really." Eddie asked, fear evident in his voice.
You laughed, "Well, I think you might be right about that last part." You giggled nervously before you stopped laughing abruptly, "Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. So we both liked each other, and for years apparently... And we aren't together? Where did we go wrong?"
Eddie shrugged, "I guess we were both blind." He said simply, "But... If you are willing... We still have the rest of our lives together."
"All of our lives together..." You said, "That's a rather long time." You spoke quietly, glancing back up at him with a small smile.
"I know," Eddie reassured with a smile of his own. "I think we'll make it. Don't you?"
You couldn't help the smirk on your face as you leaned closer to him, "Of course I do."
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karuinekom · 1 year
i truly can’t believe i’m finally getting out of two months of a flipping writing block thanks to my cat curled as a croissant against me, snoring so fucking loud she woke me up from my funny dreams. my cat is totally getting a 10/10 review for fixing months of problems. if only she’d done it sooner—
anyhoo, back in june, i convinced myself i could embark on the mystic adventure of that cool thing called writing from scratch in english despite me having a troubled relationship with english, like sometimes, what the fuck are adverbs and why there are no diminutives and endearments like in Italian. still, i decided to finally use the prompt for the modern ouizzy au i wrote down as a fever dream one day, but i failed. because english sucks. and now whenever i open the sims 4 and play in the save dedicated to the crew i’m getting reminded of that google document i haven't opened for ages, and go back making my sims having the best lives they could ask for without thinking about that forbidden file
so, since ouizzy is undoubtedly my comfort ship and i can ramble about for hours forgetting all my responsibilities, yeah obviously i’m writing an ouizzy fic. or whatever. have no idea for how long i will carry this writing thing on. helped by the powers of the ancient muses and my thick cat sleeping like a log, i had the most unoriginal idea of the au where izzy’s a cat—yeah, quite unoriginal but I wanted to write about a cat, and it would be boring just having a cat and no izzy so, boom, shapeshifting cat. still unoriginal as fuck, but this won’t stop me. i imagined a setting where frenchie’s an indie musician, struggling with the life of an emerging artist (who knows if he’ll be part of a band, getting more characters into the scene), having a very chaotic but at the same time normal life, and he starts noticing a cat sleeping from time to time outside of his house right there, on the brick wall, staring deeply inside his soul as cats do when he tries to walk by. and frenchie doesn’t truly like it, because he’s frenchie, and he’s frightened by cats, obviously, and a black grizzled cat creepily looking at him is not what he dreamed of, neither what he asked santa for
but having izzy shapeshift whenever he wants would be too easy (meaning i am basically dooming myself into thinking about a real plot) so what if the cat can only shapeshift into a human during the night, making no sense because cats are most active at night, but who cares. and at this point of my brilliant enlightenment, i realised it was becoming the plot of one of my favourite manhwa (“wolf in the house” by park jiyeon if you wonder) with the only difference being the main character is a wolf and not a cat. fuck.
anyway i’m still writing it because i am in need of my regular dose of ouizzy and i’ve been denying myself for too much now
also, i failed the kinktober let’s fucking go
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Houseboat Holiday!🌊⛴️☀️!
Sardines or Couch? 🐟🐠🛏️
The evening drew to and end quickly. With a lot of yelling, banter, whispered teasing between you and the greenette’s, another round of chocolate and the celebratory cast off. Now Masaru manned the ships wheel as the rest of you tried to organize your stuff. Naturally Mitsuki was taking charge, “ok well, Inko, Masaru, and I have already claimed two of the cabins. Since we’re short on L/Ns -“ she smirked as she gave you the side eye, “- we actually have a lot more room than normal.” “So?” The three of you countered. Inko finished her friend thought, “nobody has to -“
and the boys finished for her giving a wicked loud high-five, “No Couch!” “told ya’ they’d take it just fine,” you beamed. To be honest they’d already explained that they didn’t think the boys would even fit on that giant couch anymore. Sleeping arrangements in the houseboat were always tricky where there were 4 cabins, 3 families, and 9 people. Thus, the parents all had their own rooms. Then, that left the coveted 4th room for kids or the L-shaped houseboat couch. Now the couch usually went on rotations every other summer. The back of an old grocery receipt in the kitchen drawer kept record. It always flipped between you and your brother (the obvious arrangement), you and Izuku (the calmest arrangement) your brother and Katsuki (the corresponding option to everyone’s favorite option), and the most frequent option: Izuku and Katsuki. So their current enthusiasm was understandable, “Enjoy it while it lasts. I don’t know what we’re gonna do next year when the other L/Ns arrive with their cute little family.” In front of you Izuku gasped, scraping the sides of the hallway with his luggage, “That’s right! Shota-Kun and Mei have a little baby baby now.” In front of him Katsuki ducked into their shared room, “with a newly manifested quirk.” “oh yeah, what is it again y/n?” Izuku asked following Katsuki. You filed into the room across from them, door wide open as a chorus of zippers started unpacking, “well, it sounds like it may be some form of x-ray like my dad.” You clicked your tongue, chucking your bathing suits into a drawer. “Although we’re not really sure yet. That’s why they’re all together right now, to figure it out.” Izuku hummed from the other room, “I think it’ll be super cool to see if it’s the same quirk.” “Totally! Although Mei’s animal communication quirk with my brothers lasers makes it anyone’s best guess.” “They’ll figure out the squirts quirk eventually,” Katsuki grunted, “if they don’t send us over. Nerd and I can figure it out.” you hummed, “ Shota told me they’ll invite you over to come visit Yuto anyway, but the way it’s been going they might could use some professionals on the job.” “We’d love that! Right Kacchan?” A resounding set of squeaks followed by silence came from the room. You padded over to their doorframe. “we’re never gonna be able to sleep like this!” Izuku covered his face with a hand muttering, “oh man . . .” “Boys you’re officially the human embodiment of sardines right now.” Katsuki threw his hands up into the air jostling Izuku who just stared at him looking defeated, “nows not the time for er’ sass!”
Drumming your fingers against the wall your smile turned into a frown. Seriously? You hung your head before you shouted, “Hey! Aunties we’re gonna need the couch blankets for this trip after all!” ——— (´-`).。oO (real life representation of reader)
You’d heroically sacrificed your room for Izuku and settled into the couch hours ago. Now it was the dark hours of the morning when a captains change would happen. ——— Katsuki went about the boat as quietly as he could. Squeezing sideways through that squeaky-ass door and padding out into the living room where the indoors captain wheel was. he squinted his way around the place. Luckily you kids knew it like the back of your hands. Itd been ages since he’d last been on this boat. Last few summers were just him and Izuku busy doing hero training where here you were hanging out with your family. Going off to college and doing a heck of a lot of academia. You coulda been a hero too if you’d wanted, but ya’ never took an interest to it like him and Deku.
A figure stood up from a chair, “Waters easy, still drizzling out there so you can’t see much.” His dad slapped him on the back with a yawn, “see you in the morning light, son.” Katsuki was one of the best captains out of the collective families bunch. Eventually, he’d learn to pilot the whole thing by staying up late at night with Shota while your fathers whispered as they manned the ship. He’s a hell of a lot better at blackjack from those nights too. Makes hanging out at the bar more manageable with his other annoying friends. He grumbled out a, “Night pops’” before settling into the captains chair. “good to know I can still fit.” “g’d to know what?”
Katsuki turned around in a flash, well now his heart was racing. Damn it. “how’d ya? I was being quiet!” He hissed. you stretched like a kitten underneath an old quilt before curling back up into a ball. you waved a hand, hair falling down against your face, “heard ya’ change with your dad. Hmm, sorry to startle ya’ hero.” His ears turned pink, right. So even as a pro he couldn’t sneak up on you without waking you. So much for those stealth lessons from Aizawa. You wriggled deeper into the blanket, lips barely parting, “everyone back asleep now . . .” he sighed watching the familiar adolescent glint of a retainer in your mouth as your chest lightly rose and fall. A heart pulsing that only you could hear. A whole boat full of 6 different hearts that only you could hear from your hazy dream on the couch. An oceans worth of thumping hearts pulsing underneath the waves. He sighed, steeling his own, he’d forgotten to expect you’d wake up, “goodnight, senior.” in a minute you groaned flipping up onto your forearms to blankly stare at him, “give it a rest ‘suki! And don’t laugh at your own joke. Don’t argue, I can hear it! Your heart picked up, you thought it was funny.” Katsuki poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. He had to admit it was still funny, “alright alright, can’t help that you’re old.” he heard you flop down and flip over, “it’s a few days!” Oh, it was good to be back. “thanks for taking the couch.” “your welcome, you big baby.”
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