#transgender story time
ghostampede · 1 year
was forced to try on a dress for a picnic tomorrow and got wild flashbacks to the day i fully realized i wasn’t cis. i had met a lot of actual trans people through the internet and thanks to already knowing i was bisexual and meeting said people, i was starting to realize things and actually understand what being transgender was beyond the simplified standard words what i was told as a child. i was also finally holding self confidence and had high self esteem after years of strange insecurities and self hate. we were going on a picnic and i was gonna wear a t shirt and jeans, i was happy with that and felt fufilled. my mother told me to wear a dress instead and pushed me to at least try it on, and i obliged without thinking much of it. the dress was blue and white striped with short sleeves, fitted around the waist and shaped to hang close to the legs. it was very feminine, very pretty, and i objectively looked great, which is why i was struggled to find a legitimate reason to tell my mother why i couldn’t wear it. i remember my mother and older sister talking about how i was growing into a beautiful young lady as i stared in the mirror and felt every version of Wrong possible. there was a pretty girl staring at me, but she wasn’t me. her hair was too long and her body was sticking out at the wrong points and she was shaped to be too soft looking and she was beautiful and she wasn’t me.it was at this moment that i remembered a term i had learned from a friend: gender dysphoria. it hit me like a fucking truck and maybe i jumped the gun a bit but everything from the last few months just clicked into place. it all just made sense, i was experiencing gender dysphoria and this literally wasn’t me. i was miserable for the rest of the day as we took photos and i tried to cope with my realization, it took me another two days of further research and reflection of all those odd moments in my life i couldn’t explain from the 6th grade boys poker table i secretly wanted to join but never did for unexplained reasons to my one guy friend i envied a little too much before i realized i was transgender at midnight. i was overjoyed for 30 minutes and then cried for an hour because this wasn’t going to be a side secret i could hide from my family, this was my entire personhood from my name to my appearance to my presentation. it’s been years and this time when i am forced to wear the dress, the familiar discomfort hurts just a little less because i know it’s not me and it’s dysphoric but i also have let myself love and accept the man i actually am, y’know? idk if that made sense but i love that story now, so woohoo transgender story time :’)
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angel-archivist · 2 months
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I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute And then I'll be nothing forever And all of my memories And all of the things I have seen will be gone With my eyes, with my body, with me
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How I accidentally faked my death at my high school reunion🫣🫣🫣
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canadiancryptid · 18 days
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They basically had her look straight at the camera and say "I'm trans" and people are STILL trying to deny it lol
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doughnutwolf · 8 months
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I'm going to see the postal service ❣️
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nando161mando · 7 months
Rainbow Community Angels are calling out for community support at Shepparton library today if anyone wants to dress up and join in!
Well done to Shepparton library for standing strong! 👏🏻 Absolute legends!! 🌈 💫
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@anarchistmemecollective @antifainternational @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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greenflamethegf · 11 months
So, I was talking to my grandmother the other day. She thinks I'm cis but I still wear a kilt around her. She was trying explain to me how said klit makes it hard to tell my gender and it's bad thing. She was just making an argument "You might catch a ladies eyes, but she might think you are a ..." She hasitated a bit. Perhaps struggling to express herself. However I didn't wait to find out; I told her "If she fancies me, I don't care what she thinks". And I don't know think her conservative brain was ready for gender abolishment.
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antiterf · 2 months
Around 2015, or when I was about 13 or 14, I was on a bus with the friend who introduced me to the existence of trans people, as they were trans themselves (unsure of their pronouns as of current).
On that bus ride home, they told me about how some trans people go through medical transition, such as hrt and surgery. And that sometimes they need that care to survive.
I felt myself get incredibly excited about the fact that such a thing was possible. I wanted it the second I heard it.
That feeling was instantly followed by shame and dread.
I walked home from the bus stop screaming at myself in my head. That I was a freak for wanting something like that, that I'd be more of a freak for doing it. That there must have been something incredibly wrong with me for wanting that.
I got home and cried. I locked myself in a room to cry, I looked in the mirror, said it to myself again, and cried harder.
I don't hear about this experience from others in my generation much, and honestly, that's relieving. I'm happy that not everyone had an experience like that, not everyone had a gut twisting reaction to trans medical care while figuring themselves out. I know that I can't be the only one though.
Today, I look at myself and my body of mixed sex characteristics, and I'm proud. I've slowly learned to love what I will become and what I have become. I'm not a freak, but if I am, then so be it. I'm proud either way.
This has required the help of the people I surround myself with and the trans community as a whole. It's taken a lot of time, but it's beautiful in a way. How the love and care of others can help heal wounds you never knew you had before.
That said, happy trans day of visibility. Our bodies and minds are wonderful, even if it takes a while to remove all the shit that says they're not. Thank you, all of you, for being visible and helping others to realize that 🏳️‍⚧️💕
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cyanwyrmy · 9 months
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It makes me very happy that you folks like my trans Eddie art 😭 I will try to make more because he makes me happy too 🏳️‍⚧️💌🏳️‍⚧️
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 9 months
been thinking about the adult timeline, oot zelda went from being this pampered 9- or 10-year-old crown princess with servants and maids and a full royal guard and a giant house and so much food and clothing and safety and anything she could ever want, and suddenly this whole-ass child wakes up one night from a prophetic dream, her father doesn't listen, and suddenly she goes from having everything to nothing, her father's probably dead, the castle is no longer home, her one hope disappears, she and her one bodyguard hide away with the threat of being discovered around every corner, and everything has turned into her worst nightmare overnight.
And now she has to scrounge and steal and barter for food instead of having it handed to her, she has to dress herself with whatever they have on hand instead of having a maid do it, she has to sleep on rocks and in grass with nothing but her bodyguard's arms around her in some semblance of safety. She looks at everyone else doing the same and knows that it's her fault. She looks at impa trying to keep her safe, suddenly forcing her into Sheikah training for days on end and making her work herself to the bone for the first time since she was born, and she complains because she's a royal kid, but she knows that impa's training is going to keep her alive in this new hell she's created for herself.
She becomes Sheik, becomes him wholly and completely because he is quick and silent and smarter than she could ever be, and he won't make stupid mistakes and get his subjects killed because of it, and he is tough and unimportant and dedicated and, incredibly, more comfortable than Zelda ever had been. Sheik can stay alive and fight from the shadows and train for hours on end without dropping from exhaustion. He can survive and fix childish mistakes and help his subjects, though they will never know it's him. and then impa has to leave him for one of her many, many reconnaissance trips, but for once, neither of them are scared to leave the other because he won't get himself killed at the first sign of trouble. And she doesn't come back, but he doesn't fret, because she can take care of herself and he can trust her.
And he still worries, just a little bit.
And then he's seventeen, and it's been so long, but he scouts out castletown one more time, hiding from all of Ganon's eyes like second nature, when a flash of light catches his eye from the Temple of Time. So he sneaks over to the stained-glass window that looked down upon the Master Sword. But the Master Sword isn't in its pedestal: it's being held by a gangly teenager with a green tunic, a fairy, and a blue ocarina at his belt.
And maybe Sheik realizes he finally has a real chance to fix his mistake.
ANYway I'm just saying that child timeline Sheik probably had an easier learning curve for his ninja-assassin training
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Trans Pride Cake💙💖🤍💖💙
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souldagger · 5 months
the thing about the black tides of heaven by neon yang is that while i absolutely understand why not everyone would vibe with it - it compresses so much story into so few pages - it's just SO dear to me. like there's just something so so so compelling to me in a novella about characters who are twins, one of whom is a literal prophet with the world's worst case of main character syndrome, and then making the story about the Other One. that and the transgenderisms
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I have conflicting thoughts about the idea that in terms of danger with regards to being transphobic that cis men are the only demographic trans people ought to fear. On the one hand, I think that if we're talking about physical violence, cis men would be more likely to resort to such a response. But I don't think it's accurate to take that and then go, "so cis women are inherently safe (or safer)!"
Remember, transphobia isn't just physical violence, nor does it always manifest as such.
When I think about the people who were most vitriolicly transphobic, it wasn't just cis women or cis men - it was both. I think another added layer is that I'm a trans man, and so it's assumed that I should never feel in danger, nor should I expect to be taken seriously when I don't feel safe.
My point isn't to say that cis women are more dangerous than cis men. My point is that I notice a trend where people assume that transphobia is only cis men's problem to deal with and not a problem for all cis people to deal with. If you assume that only one "type" of cis person (that isn't in your group) must bear the brunt of fixing the transphobia issue, you will likely harbour your own transphobic beliefs or practices.
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“...It’s like uh gender isn’t something you can pick and choose uh far as Gods are concernced.” “Well, that’s something the Gods can take and stuff up their sacred recta. I know what I am.”
Wanda Mann in The Sandman: A Game of You (1993)
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thighguys · 13 days
i have a friend who i've known since childhood who came out to me as a trans woman in the beginning of my sophomore year of high school and when she told me her new name i didn't realize what was happening i just thought i was a terrible friend and had been mispronouncing her name wrong for the past 7 years. and then someone else told me her new pronouns and i STILL DIDN'T GET IT and i was like 'oh my god i thought she was a boy this whole time???' anyway this actually happened twice to me so if anyone wants to come out as trans to me im an idiot and won't get it at all love and light
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emdotcom · 3 months
Idk why the fucken... Divide between "it was alternate universes" & "Paul is just trans" ideas for Petscop has to be torn into a cavern. Paul being trans DOES make sense, but requires you to ignore huge details that immediately make it not work. The alternate universes DO kind of make sense, but require you to extrapolate out a lot of info purposefully left unshown.
It's hard to describe what i want to say, here -- i do think Paul being trans makes sense, 'splains why he & Care "look eeriely similar," you could argue he's just thoroughly blocked out that part of his life enough to have forgotten Care entirely, etc. I like it, & i keep it as i also say "Yeah, it's that & the universes theory." It's not two switches that demand you can only flip on one of them -- you can have both. You can have neither. Do whatever
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