#top genre
swiftsgirlfriend · 6 months
heres mine!:
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(no pressure) tagging mutuals to share theirs!
@roosterbruiser @sebsxphia @roosterforme @southpawbitch @hangmans-wingman
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yaolmao · 5 months
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fifteen years old
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belovedblabber · 1 year
Typical lesbian couple
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bottlehawk · 1 year
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annotated visual diagram of the strilondes selfie taking habits
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blaithnne · 9 days
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Local big sister experiences emotions, more at 6
Been wanting to do one of these with Lauren for AGES, but I never got round to it. Then I saw the Lydia and Phinium expression sheets on @littledigits’ website and I felt inspiration like never before.
The funniest struggle I have with Lauren’s design right now is that she nose too big for she got damn face. Literally, Hilda characters noses take up a fairly small portion of their faces, and her’s took up WAY too much, leaving little room for her to make facial expressions. But I struggled to find a fix because when I made the nose smaller it just didn’t look like Lauren anymore, so I took this as an opportunity to work on that!
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She still has a larger nose than most characters, starting higher up (like her grandad!) and ending lower down (but not quite as low as before). I also made her eyes a little smaller and with a shape similar to Lydia’s (though you can see in some of these I hadn’t quite landed on that yet and her eyes are a bit too big), which works both as a nod to her parentage and because I think it makes the nose look bigger. This still doesn’t leave as much room for the mouth as most other characters, but that’s okay — Lauren is a very private person who keeps her feelings close to her chest, I think it works for her to have subtler expressions, adds to how guarded she is! Oh and I also updated the shape of her hair slightly, just to make it a bit more style accurate.
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These changes are pretty small on their own, but I think combined they work well to make Lauren feel a lot more…alive? Far less stiff, anyway. I think she also has a more unique facial structure now, instead of just “what if Johanna was 90% nose”. She’s still got a big old nose and I love it but now she can emote, yay!
This is really all just concept stuff, I’m hoping to get a new fullbody style-ref for Lauren out soon! Now that I’ve improved the main issues I had with her face in the last ref, now it’s onto the silhouette! I want her to read as more of a strong character (though it comes across decently in her current ref, I wanna push it more without being as exaggerated as Ahlberg, which is. A challenge for me lol), streamline her silhouette, and finally make her taller than Johanna like she’s always meant to have been <3 I made her shorter for so long because I thought it would help her read better as her daughter but you know what? That’s dumb actually, she’s tall.
ANYWAYS, thank you for listening in on the annual Lauren redesign, and to the artists behind the show for posting so much amazing inspiring show stopping concept work for free because it makes my autism worse /pos
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chrollohearttags · 1 month
this whole Drake situation is the equivalent to when the popular kid got exposed for sum and everybody starts to turn on him like ‘I always knew he was weird’ after enabling their shitty behavior for years lmao. Grown ass niggas acting like high school.
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haveyouheardthisband · 4 months
According to Spotify my favourite genre 2 years running is "escape room". Do you have any idea what that is? The artists it shows don't really have that much in common
spotify genres are total bullshit i'm convinced they just make stuff up -r
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leonisandmurex · 1 year
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William & Catherine April 29th 2011
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mspaint-flower · 6 months
a cheese ples
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sojutrait · 17 days
any video essay recs? or channels? 🤲
ngl we are kinda in a recession rn when it comes to actual good video essays like mfs make ANYTHING these days BUT!! some banger channels and vids i love
alt shift x
rewriting the end of GOT (i love this vid sm)
niche stuff
failure of the lammily doll
mystery behind disney channel’s theme (this vid made me cry, check out all his stuff in general love him)
shitting on lore olympus (deserved)
jenny nicholson
video games / anime / etc
character design in dungeon meshi
yappin about fear and hunger
mythology behind hades
book stuff
lesbian erasure in adaptations of the color purple (i love her channels in general check out all her stuff)
craziest book drama imaginable (i love her whole channel too tbh just check it out)
art stuff and film
talking about basquiat
contempt of modern art relating to fascism and prager u (watch all his vids in general i love him sm)
dissecting sorry to bother you
lindsay ellis (moved to nebula now but her yt vids are still amazing can’t wait for the new book queen)
politics / social commentary
f . d signifier
khadija mbowe
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ask-zerotrio · 7 months
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grief that runs deep
Clavell talks to Cyrano, after an AU where Clavell is the one who confronts the PPP possessed AI professors.
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mrguardianeye · 6 days
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Quick little edit for funsies
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This isn’t really a fully formed thought or anything. But it’s interesting how Sansa, Jon, and Lyanna specifically factor into one of GRRM’s greater explorations on the merits of fantasy. More specifically, there is a common trope that connects these three characters: a princess locked in a tower transforming into a valiant knight/hero. Lyanna and Jon, for starters, are pretty obvious explorations of this. Lyanna is the reconstructed version of this classic trope especially as presented through Arthurian tradition; but the twist here is that the dragon/knight who “locks” her in the tower isn’t actually evil and she isn’t so much kidnapped but rather willingly chooses to go there with him. This princess in a tower directly results in the birth of the hidden prince trope, which is even older than Arthur. So one fantasy classic, Rhaegar and Lyanna, leads to another with Jon being Arthur (a hidden prince and destined king), Percival (a hero who grows up in obscurity but has a great destiny to save the land), and Galahad (a noble hero destined to be even greater than his father, Rhaegar/Lancelot, ever was) all at once.
This princess dies in the tower…but her spirit/ghost lives on through her son, who grows up to look and act just like her, eventually becoming the valiant hero you read in the stories (but again, a de/reconstructed version). Part of how Jon does this is by repeating Lyanna’s actions as the valiant “knight” protecting an innocent from bullies. So by making it out of that tower even though his mother didn’t, Jon becomes the survival and rebirth of the fantasy ideal. You could even make the argument that just because Lyanna died doesn’t mean fantasy died as well because it lives on through Jon, her son. And this is actually is aided by Lyanna’s pleading for her son’s life, so she has some agency in how fantasy is preserved in the same way she had agency in how it’s perpetuated when she protected Howland Reed and when she ran off with Rhaegar. The princess living on and becoming the hero/knight in the stories is thus taken on by two characters here: Lyanna and Jon, mother and son. Jon goes even further into the Arthurian-knight playbook by encountering and eventually killing another vicious bully, Janos Slynt, who was coincidentally had a hand in his father’s demise. Then enter princess in the tower 2.0, Sansa Stark.
Sansa is an interesting case because she’s not martial in the way Lyanna and Jon are. But she too encounters her fair share of knights and villains. Janos Slynt is one of them, and Littlefinger will be another. I’ve talked about this before but Jon becoming the valiant hero Sansa wished for is important because it directly plays into GRRM’s reconstruction and (imo) defense of the ideals of fantasy. It’s not so much that heroes don’t exist - they actually do. They just might be far away, or might be the ones you’d never expect. This is the opposite of the “fantasy is dead, stop believing because everything sucks” reading you might see in some sections of the fandom. This moment may not end up meaning much for Jon and Sansa and their relationship, but it means a lot to us readers who are audiences of GRRM’s conversations with the genre and his arguments for its appeal. But that’s not the only interesting thing because Sansa, unlike Lyanna, does eventually make it out of the tower. But she’s currently in the hands of Littlefinger who, like Janos Slynt, was a villain responsible for her father’s demise. In this scenario, will she have to wait for a valiant hero to come take care of him again? Or will she instead don the knight’s armor (figuratively) by enacting justice in her own right? Based on the GoHH’s prophecy, it looks like it will be the latter; and it’s important to note how often “armor” as a motif is repeated in Sansa’s chapters. Thus, the princess evolving into the hero is told through the arc of a singular character here. Sansa is the princess who makes it out of the tower to become a hero of her own making; important disclaimer though, Littlefinger doesn’t really play into the elements of knighthood but he does count as an evil lord holding a princess hostage so Sansa can still be a subversion of the knight rescuing the maiden - the lesson being that she is her own knight, her own salvation!
It’s a very powerful meta-textual thread that exists between these three characters. They all fit into a wider narrative about fantasy and how it can live on, whether played straight or twisted a little crooked. So Sansa doesn’t have to be an overt in-universe parallel to Lyanna because that’s just not her role in the story. And I personally don’t think any “similarities” they have are actually important to Sansa as a person or to Jon because let’s face it, Lyanna’s primary (and most important) role is to be Jon’s mother and everything else informs on that. But both these women (and Jon) can be meta twinsies based on how they fit into GRRM’s wider narrative goals.
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xxdemonicheartxx · 8 months
Flight Rising flights but as art mediums:
There are some overlaps in mediums since dragons are so tight knit and far spread
Earth: tile work/mosaics, jewelry work, ceramics, stone sculpture, chalk, clay work, plaster, leather work, rain chains
Water: plaster work, woven tapestries, shell jewelry and chimes, pearl inlays, decorative sails and flags, basket weaving, sandstone carving, watercolors, mirrors and glass sculptures
Shadow: optical illusions, black and white photography, puzzle boxes, uranium glass work, maybe iron work, mycology arrangements, shadow boxes, gouache, anything that involves glowing in the dark
Light: stone carving and gold foiled painting, sometimes tapestry weaving to depict an image or scene, impressionism, oil paint, tempera, portraiture, clothing and attire, mirrors, pigment making
Plague: hyper realism, and taxidermy, ceramics, bone carvings, tattoos, ink block prints, collage art, murals, leather work, totems and large outdoor installations
Nature: floral arrangements, dye work, wood work, candle making, hot wax painting, landscaping, rain chains, wind chimes, tapestries, needle felting, carpentry, animal cosmetics (haircuts, animal safe dye, nail and claw painting, etc), apparel/clothing, pigment making
Ice: needle felting, wood carving, quilting, ice carving and sculpture, snow sculptures, knitting, the art of tea blends, dried plant arrangements, carpentry, fabric weaving, tapestries, crochet, wood burning, blanket weaving, candle making, dye work, wood turning
Fire: welding, decorative weapon smithing, glass blowing, wood burning, wrought iron, stained glass, latticed metal, terracotta, ceramics, obsidian and basalt carving, graphite, slate, charcoal
Wind: paper mache, ribbon mediums, basket weaving, sonorous sculptures, wind chimes, feathered attire, really tall and thin structures/sculptures, jade carving, blanket weaving
Arcane: resin, stained glass, welding, intricate silver work, collaborative neon work with shadow (they need that special eye for glow in the dark), crystal carving, zen gardens, bonsai art, screen printing, photography, illuminated manuscripts, clothing and apparel, gold foil work, abstract art
Lightning: bronze cast sculptures, sand sculptures (when lightning strikes the sand and turns it to stone) aluminum casts poured into ant colonies/hills, pop art, up-cycled art, photography, art that is still capable of being utilized and interacted with because people and dragons are part of the medium, assemblage art, banners and flags
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hwatermelons · 10 months
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seonghwa ⋆ neverland
⋆ you fell asleep in the car, so he carries you inside <3 ⋆ 0.5k words ⋆ bf!seonghwa x gn!reader ⋆ just incredibly fluffy. domestic bliss ⋆ warnings: nickname "starlight" ⋆ now playing: <chance peña - in my room> (ignore the lyrics, this isn't a sad drabble;;)
╭──────────────────────────.★..─╮ seonghwa glances over at you in the passenger seat, lips quirking up at the line of drool dripping down your chin. you were passed out from the long night drive, gently rocked by the motions of the car and the memories of the day you'd spent with him as the sun slipped below the horizon. the radio karaoke melting into lullabies and eventually fading into the irresistible darkness of sleep.
your lover fights a yawn himself as he pulls the car into the driveway. secretly, he'd been looking forward to this--to getting to carry you in from the car, tucking you in with him, and seeing you wake up the next morning with your eyes peeking out from the fluffy blanket. momentarily confused while you pieced together where you were, blushing when you realized that he'd carried you in.
but for now, he hooks his arms under you, making sure to support your head, and lifts you from the vehicle. a small smile crosses his face when his name sleepily escapes your lips, and the car beeps once as he shuts the door with his foot and locks it. seonghwa's eyes narrow in concentration as he tries to slide off his shoes and unlock the front door to your house, all while carrying you and attempting to hold the keys in a way that minimized their jangle. you let out another soft murmur and squeeze tighter around his chest as he steps inside, locking the door behind him.
"we're home, starlight." he whispers, climbing the stairs to the bedroom. your hum in reply is musical to him as he lowers you onto the bed, the mattress dipping as he takes a seat next to you. he closes his eyes and tips his head back for a moment, allowing himself to bask in the sound of your breathing and the familiar scent of the home you share.
honestly, seonghwa could listen to you and your voice forever. especially the sound of your words lulling him to sleep on too many nights when he’d stayed up stressing about how one or another of the members was pushing himself too hard lately:
“go to sleep, hwa. yeosang’s just trying to perfect the choreo, and he’ll need to shower anyway, so it’ll be a while before you can wish him good night.”
“i’m gonna scold him in the morning for staying up so late.”
“and i'll join you tomorrow. but close your eyes for now, you deserve the rest.” you'd roll towards him and smooth his hair out of his face. his eyes would slide closed, a smile replacing the concerned set of his mouth. so often did he have to watch over the rest of the boys, that it was a blessing to have someone to watch over him like you did.
seonghwa mirrors the motion now, moving your hair away from your eyelids. the touch makes them flutter, and he quickly removes his hands, careful not to wake you up. thankfully, you don't seem to stir. as quietly as possible, he shifts his legs onto the bed and pulls the blanket over the two of you, then places a kiss on your temple.
"sleep well, starlight." ╰─..★.──────────────────────────╯
⋆ likes/reblogs appreciated ⋆ do not repost ⋆ taglist: @mazeinthemiroh
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thepenultimateword · 22 days
Top 5 tropes :>
1. Fake Dating
2. Arranged Marriage/Marriage of convenience
3. Enemies to Lovers
4. Slow burn (is that a trope or a sub genre?)
5. Found family
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