#too lazy to finish my blog watch guide
shannoneichorn · 8 months
I know no one wants to cross platforms, but I've got some Stargate folks here who might want to know that I'm live tweeting SG-1 episodes on Mastodon.
"Rules of Engagement" starts here.
"Forever in a Day" starts here.
Okay, I really respect that the writers acknowledged that Daniel has completed the goal he set out on. You'd think something that monumentous would get wrapped into the plot of a season finale or mid-season 2-parter, so there's some comfort for fans (assuming you watched it as it aired) that the character isn't leaving the show.
I really would have liked for there to feel like more risk of that, but Daniel is acting so far outside his normal MO, it feels like a mere crisis of the week, and I think that's a disservice to Sha're (as is her character's oversimplification in the episode so far).
Movie Sha're was curious, rebellious, and brave. TV Sha're is kind of flat TV wife with an accent. The flatness could have been used to emphasize the loss of her autonomy and personality when she became a host, but it's especially hard to show that contrast when lively Sha're was on screen about 6 years prior.
It's hard to believe Daniel might actually leave, because we all know there's nothing for him to go toward. What's he going to do, find a dig to join when he could be out face-to-face with alien civilizations? No one has said that,  but you know every single person in Cheyenne Mountain understands it.
Except Daniel.
Jack literally says this 5 seconds later.  Lol.
"Past and Present" starts here.
"Foothold" starts here.
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Maso, my love, I've had a rough morning after a few rough weeks. Is there any way I could get some comforting Malakai?
I’m so sorry, my dear. Hopefully this will make you feel better 💕 Also omg this got long, people, I got carried away (as always 🙄)
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @cuzimacomedian , @thebestintheworld , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @pinksplendor
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Even though you tried your best to keep a somewhat normal behavior and not let him see through your façade, Malakai quickly noticed there was something wrong.
Whether it was your lack of excitement whenever he mentioned food or lazy mornings
The subtle way you seemed to shut him off whenever he was around
Or even how you successfully took longer than usual to get to the bathroom in order to avoid your night routine of taking a shower together before bed.
He noticed how you were distant, upset, hurt over something - or someone - that successfully made you momentarily lose all of your joyful and bright personality
“I’ll just give her some time” He whispered to himself. Malakai wasn’t one to forcefully push people to do something they didn’t want to.
He wasn’t going to sit there and force you to tell him what was going on. No, we wouldn’t do such a thing, but when he watched you get up the next day in the late morning and repeat the same actions from the past couple of days he also knew he couldn’t just sit there and watch you slowly close yourself off like this.
You’re his sugarplum, the only good life has managed to give him, the only light that would endlessly and effortlessly pull him out of the dark hole.
The savior offering his hand to the sinner. The angel teaching compassion to the devil. The martyr and the apostate. The theist and the heretic. The good and the evil. The light showing mercy to the darkness.
Now it was Malakai’s turn. His turn to show the angel a new form of light. His turn to guide the light through the most feared darkness.
Brody was doing his part of the plan and distracting you with a fake need for help to get ready for a date while Malakai finished setting everything up.
The lasagna was in the oven, your favorite wine was in the fridge along with dessert. The lights were dim and he finished prepping up the bathtub and massage oils the minute you got into the house.
“Mal?” You called softy, confusion lacing every word
“Bathroom” He answered quickly and soon heard your footsteps down the hall towards your bedroom. You stopped by the bathroom door and asked “What are you doing?” as he finished lighting up the scented candles
“Guiding the light of my life out of the darkness” Was his brief answer. Malakai slid your jacket off you shoulders and helped you getting undressed and in the tub. You sighed softly as the perfect temperature of the water began to ease out the tension on your shoulders.
Malakai quickly got rid of his clothes and placed himself behind you in the tub before taking the massage oil in his hands, warming it up and spreading it across your skin from neck to shoulders.
His fingers dug into every sore spot and knot he could find until you really began to relax.
Before you could fall asleep on him, he brought you back to the present by softly singing: “Summer loving had me a blast. Summer loving happened so fast. I met a girl crazy for me. Met a boy cute as can be”
And just like that you giggled. A sound Malakai had missed all too much these last few days
“I can’t believe THE Malakai Black is singing a Grease song to me while we’re in the bathtub” You teased and the small joke made him smile widely “I’ll do anything to make you smile again”.
The small confession made your heart tight with guilt “I’m sorry, I know that-“
“Shhh” He kissed your temple “There’s absolutely no reason for you to apologize. You did nothing wrong, sugarplum. I just want to help you, I just want to know what happened, why you’re like this and who do I have to murder”
Even though he meant every word, Malakai was glad his honesty was enough to make you giggle again “Please, I don’t think I could handle having to visit you in prison”
“Who said anything about prison? We could be a famous runaway couple. Like Bonnie and Clyde. Except for the criminal part, because I don’t think I could ever convince you to commit a crime”
“Hey, you know I can!” She chuckled
“Oh yeah, let’s not forget that one time when you were sixteen and managed to steal the red lace ‘devil’s panties’ from a store because your mom would never let you buy it but when you got home you felt guilty about it so you went back to the store the next day to return them. Right, that was very gangster of you, sugarplum”
His laugh was so full and honest that you couldn’t help but laugh along.
“There she is! Welcome back” He cooed softly in your ear “Are you gonna tell me what happened?”
You nodded “Yeah, but can it be after the massage, wine, dinner and dessert?”
“How did you know there’s dessert?”
“I checked the fridge” You giggled
“Cheeky” He teased before softly biting your cheek and returning to his previous actions of massaging your shoulders “And yes, it can be later or tomorrow. I just want you to know that no matter what happened I’m here for you and we’ll fix this together, ok?”
Malakai kissed your temple and waited for the nod of approval before he continued to massage you while singing ‘Summer Nights’.
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animebw · 2 years
Short Reflection: Spring 2022 Anime
It is truly astonishing how good anime has been lately. Every season, I go in thinking, “well, there’s no way this is gonna live up to the incredibly high bar last season yet.” And every time, I’m proven wrong. Spring 2022 was a smorgasbord of excellent shows from start to finish, and even better, it was a smorgasbord of diverse excellence. No matter what kind of anime you most prefer, whether action, adventure, romance, drama, comedy, or even sports, this season gave you at least one show to really look forward to every week. And if you’re someone like me who pretty much likes anything as long as it’s done well? Then lord, I hope you’re ready to kiss your free time goodbye, because there’s a metric ass-ton of worthwhile anime from this season you need to catch up on. Don’t worry, summer’s looking pretty thin, you’ll have plenty of free time. So sit back, relax, and let me guide you through the good, the bad, and the truly brilliant that was anime in spring 2022.
The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2: 2.5/10
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Listen, it not like I was expecting this to be any good. Shield Hero has always been an absolute garbage fire of an anime, and the only reason I’m still keeping up with it is morbid curiosity at just how bad it’s gonna get. But I don’t think anyone, fans or haters alike, were really expecting just how lazy season 2 ended up being. Huge chunks of content have clearly been compressed into far too short a timespan, things happen with no rhyme or reason, huge events are glossed over or skipped entirely, and almost nothing that happens here feels connected to what was happening before. I guess maybe it was trying to pull a Hunter x Hunter Chimera Ant Arc where the story takes a diversion and spends the next significant stretch of time in a mostly self-contained one-off adventure, but it does such a terrible job justifying its existence that the entire thing comes of as a giant waste of time. Not that the main story was any good to begin with, but at least it felt like it had a reason to exist. A terrible, shitty, incel-pandering reason, but a reason nonetheless. Which makes it even more bizarre how this season actually tries to reign its more toxic aspects in, almost like the author finally realized that having the relatable protagonist be a literal slave owner might be a bad look and tried to course-correct midstream. Not that it succeeded all that well but, you know, an attempt was made. I dunno, man, this was just crap. But at least it was crap in a more interesting way than I was expecting, and with a show like Shield Hero, you really can’t ask for more than that.
In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki: 3.5/10
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Those of you who’ve been reading my blog for any stretch of time probably know that Teasing Master Takagi-san is one of my favorite rom-coms of recent years. It’s so goddamn adorable I feel like my cheeks are going to fall off whenever I watch it. Unfortunately, that same charm is nowhere to be found in this adaptation of a manga from the same author. The whole premise of a village of ninja girls who’ve never seen a man and yet one starts getting romantic feelings towards them rests on this weird assumption that once a girl hits puberty, she’s just inherently going to conform to heterosexual capitalist standards for how one should view love and desire. The protagonist literally has no frame of reference for the opposite sex and yet she gets all gushy over them like she burns through ten shoujo romance manga a week. And don’t get me started on how this show doesn’t seem to realize that gay and aro/ace people exist. Girls falling for guys is just treated as innate to everyone (and yet there’s weirdly a lot of yuribaiting as well? Not sure how that makes sense). Add to that the incredibly skimpy outfits on a cast of girls who are all, like, ten years old, and the whole thing comes off just as gross as Akebi’s Sailor Uniform last season. God, Cloverworks really needs to put its talents to better use.
Love After World Domination: 4.5/10
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I honestly feel bad for Love After World Domination. It’s a unique enough twist on a rom-com- the hero of a super sentai team starts a relationship with the bad guys’ smoking hot second in command and they date on the down-low- and despite my fears that the premise could only sustain a few episode at most, it remained fresh throughout its run. In any ordinary season of anime, I think I would’ve been way more positive towards this show. But this was no ordinary season of anime. This was a season stuffed to the gills with stellar rom-coms, rom-coms that blow literally everything about Love After World Domination out of the water. It’s not as well animated as Kaguya-sama, not as consistently funny as Demon Girl Next Door, and nowhere near as adorable as Komi-san. And compared against those titans, its charms become harder to appreciate, while its flaws- the main couple isn’t really interesting outside of being a couple, there are too many eye-rolling fetish characters- become much more apparent. Perhaps in another timeline this show could’ve been able to work its magic, but as is, it sadly must settle for being the least interesting rom-com in a season bursting with them.
Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness: 4.5/10
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So, remember Barakamon? Remember how that show’s premise was an idiot failson moving away from the big city to rediscover his passion while unexpectedly becoming a surrogate dad figure to a young girl? Well, Deaimon feels like it’s trying to recapture that same magic, albeit as a much more low-key tempo. This isn’t the boisterous, lively countryside that defined Barakamon; this is a chilled-out, pleasantly sedate depiction of life at a family-run bakery in the middle of Kyoto. It’s a show you watch not for the plot, but for a weekly dose of mellow vibe and interesting facts about wagashi, the art of traditional Japanese sweets. And I’m hypothetically down for that; unfortunately, Deaimon has a few too many imperfections to really hit the mood it’s going for. Too much time is spent getting to know characters that don’t really matter, too little time is spent on what should be the central relationship between Nagomu and Itsuka, and the show has an awkward understanding of how people talk to each other, resulting in a few scenes that dip into the uncanny valley of human communication. It’s too weightless to be unpleasant, but it’s too unfocused to really leave any sort of impact. Just re-watch Barakamon if you’re in the mood for this kind of show.
Heroines Run the Show: 5/10
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God, what a fucking disappointment this turned out to be. Five episodes in, I was fully prepared to call Heroines Run the Show the hidden gem of the season. A wholesome shoujo-adjacent male idol anime that managed to make me cry at the climax of its first arc? With a protagonist voiced by Inori Minase and a cast of lovable characters? I should’ve been able to tell you all this was a feel-good delight that you shouldn’t let slip under your radar. But then the middle of the show gets a little shaky as it tries to explore the pressure put on girls to be cute and almost ends up glorifying it? Except it ends on a good note that avoids the arc’s more worrying aspects, so it seemed like we were still sailing smoothly. But then the final arc tries to tackle overly obsessed idol fans, and it shits the bed so hard it retroactively makes the entire show worse. It has been a long time since I’ve seen an anime self-destruct as badly as Heroines Run the Show, and all the good feelings I used to have about it are now curdled into frustration and anger. As good as that first half was, I can’t in good conscience recommend it anymore thanks to how disgustingly it all turns out. What a fucking waste.
A Couple of Cuckoos (1st Half): 5/10
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Sound the alarm, folks: I’m enjoying a harem anime! Sort of. Kinda. Okay, look, it’s probably telling that all the worst parts of A Couple of Cuckoos are the parts intrinsically tied to being a harem anime in the first place. The forced excuses for fanservice, the eye-rolling notion that multiple girls would fall in love with the same potato loser, the fact that the prospective romantic partners include the protagonist’s stepsister god dammit anime why do you keep doing this. Suffice to say, this show is victim to most of its genre’s inherent flaws, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. You know what else it has, though? Snappy dialogue, surprisingly fun characters, believable and diverse chemistry between the entire main cast, and even some decent drama around the central conceit of blood families vs. adopted families and how different people fit into that paradigm. Take away the harem aspect, and this would be a damn entertaining little high school comedy with enough charm and genuine heart to stick with you. But, well, it is a harem, so all that good stuff has to come packaged with a heaping helping of Anime Bullshit (derogatory). I’ll stick it out to see if the second half picks up at all, but for now, you’re better off waiting to see how it all shakes out before giving this one a shot.
Healer Girl: 5/10
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As a longtime theater nerd, I’ve often dreamed of the day we finally got a broadway-style musical anime. Not just an idol show where the songs are all performed in-universe (or idol-adjacent shows like Symphogear or Revue Starlight), but a show where the characters break into full-on song and dance at the drop of a hat to express what they’re feeling. Well, the wait is finally over. Here, at last, is an anime where any conversation can break out into singing and any scene can become a rousing three-part harmony. The musical anime of my dreams has arrived, and its name is Healer Girl. Eeeeeeexcept half of its songs are still performed in-universe anyway, while the songs that do follow the broadway formula are mostly just inconsequential fluff about random moments that don’t really matter. And the show built around those songs doesn’t really have much to offer on its own besides pleasant vibes and a very on-point face game. I dunno, maybe I set my expectations too high since the director of FMA Brotherhood was in charge, but Healer Girl just ends up feeling like a half measure all around. It’s charming enough that I can’t really dislike it, but it’s too insubstantial and unambitious to leave any sort of impact.
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie: 5.5/10
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So I went on a bit of a roller-coaster ride with this show. Before I watched it, I assumed it would just be another bland seasonal waifu show about selling a marketable girl to the lowest common denominator. Then I started watching it, and I was shocked by how invested I became. Izumi and his princely girlfriend Shikimori had the kind of meaningful chemistry that so few of these “start when the couple is already dating” anime have, and the fun supporting cast had me hyped for a pleasant rom-com delight. But then as I kept watching, it sort of became exactly the show I was afraid it was going to be. Episode after episode suffered from bland characterization and lowest-effort-imaginable scenario building, to the point that it became hard to remember what had happened in any given episode even minutes after I finished watching it. But then the show’s second half starting picking things right back up, and by the time we reached the final episode, it was probably the best version of itself it had ever been. Suffice to say, Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie is a weirdly complicated show to talk about for how simple it is. All I can say for sure is that when it is on, it damn well holds its own in a very stacked rom-com season, and perhaps that’s enough to be worth giving it a look.
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai: 6.5/10
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I think it’s safe to call Aharen-san wa Hakarenai (Loosely translated, it means “Aharen is hard to understand”) the sleeper hit of spring 2022. In a season absolutely lousy with high-profile, high-effort rom-coms, this low-key lark about two weird kids bringing out the best in each other could’ve easily slipped through the cracks. But even without gorgeous production values, a riveting story, or truly outrageous comedy, Aharen-san proved to have real staying power. And I can see why, because while it can’t hold a candle to the likes of Kaguya-sama and Komi-san, this silly little show really struck a chord with me. Most of its humor comes from its deadpan co-protagonists as they bumble through ridiculous scenario after ridiculous scenario without so much as raising an eyebrow, and it hits far more often than it misses. But moreso than its understated goofiness, this show’s secret weapon is its casual, heartwarming acceptance of, well, difference. The titular Aharen reads pretty heavily as on the spectrum, her little brother like to cross-dress with her clothing, there’s a handful of pretty explicitly queer side characters, and the show treats them all with affirmation and kindness. It’s really damn wholesome, and as long as you’re not burned out from rom-coms this season, it’s well worth checking out.
Requiem of the Rose King (2nd Half): 7/10
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It’s a damn shame it took Requiem of the Rose King so long to find its footing. The first half, as much as I liked it, was so cramped and inconsistent that it lost most of its audience before it really hit its stride. Well, let me tell you now: if you dropped this show? Pick it back up. Give it another shot. Because once it reaches its second half and timeskips to start re-imagining the events of the Richard III play itself, Requiem of the Rose King becomes really goddamn good. The story has more room to breathe, the machinations of the royal court work better with the show’s limited animation than the battle-heavy first half, and watching all these characters drawn inexorably towards their fate makes for the kind of gripping tragedy you rarely see these days. All of which culminates in a final episode that may well end up being one of the best finales in all of anime this year. Just be aware that this show comes with, like, all the content warnings, as it contains depictions of homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, and arguably suicidal ideation. If you can stomach a story that tackles such difficult subject matter (not always perfectly, but better than most), then I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Bubble: 7/10
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Bubble is the kind of project that was just inevitably going to be awesome from the moment it was conceived. A Weathering With You-inspired supernatural blockbuster romance with Tetsuro Araki in the director’s chair, Gen Urobuchi working on the script, and Hiroyuki Sawano providing the soundtrack? I’m pretty sure the laws of physics make it literally impossible for something like that to turn out anything less than cool as shit. And Bubble certainly is cool at shit, a film of staggering beauty that puts Araki’s trademark hyper-kinetic visual eye to fantastic use. From the gorgeous landscapes to the pulse-pounding midair parkour sequences that define this movie’s action, from the highly expressive character animation to the bonkers spectacle of the final act, Bubble is a feast for the senses in the way that only masters of their craft can truly pull off. The story, sadly, is nothing to write home about; it’s a pretty generic and cliched affair, even if it pulls all those cliches off reasonably well. But that audiovisual splendor still makes it well worth a watch. Turns out you can get away with an uninspired script when the spectacle that script brings to life is this damn good.
Ao Ashi (1st Half): 7.5/10
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Do you miss Haikyuu? I miss Haikyuu. And if you’re anything like me, you’ve spent the years since season 4 searching desperately for a sports anime that scratches the same itch, only to come up heartbreakingly short every time. Well, suffer no longer, folks, because Ao Ashi is everything you’ve been waiting for. Okay, it doesn’t look as good as Haikyuu; its workmanlike production doesn’t allow for the kind of orgasmic sakuga heights that made Haikyuu such a breathtaking spectacle. But otherwise? This is everything I’ve been missing about my good volleyball boys. An expansive cast of characters who we get to know naturally over the course of time! An obvious deep knowledge and love for the sport being portrayed (soccer, in this case) and how its mechanics affect the story’s thematic trajectory! A hothead protagonist who must learn to broaden his horizons to achieve his full potential! A soaring soundtrack that would make Haikyuu composer Yuuki Hayashi proud! It’s even got a decent female supporting cast; Hana Ichijou is my precious daughter and I would die for her. Time will tell if the series’ second cours can push it to true greatness, but for now, if you’ve been looking to fill the Haikyuu-shaped hole in your heart, I cannot recommend Ao Ashi enough.
The Executioner and Her Way of Life: 7.5/10
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It finally happened, folks. We finally have another genuinely great isekai. After so many piles of crap and utterly unmemorable pieces of cardboard, this genre turned out something awesome. And all it had to do was literally murder the self-insert male MC in the first episode so it could transform into a rip-roaring yuri action/adventure edgefest. To be clear, though, that kind of subversive brilliance isn’t the only reason I fell for The Executioner and Her Way of Life (but seriously, holy shit was that a great way to kick the usual isekai tropes to the curb). No, what makes this show work is because it has what basically every other isekai lacks: a good goddamn story. The setting is fully realized with its own unique culture, it incorporates the concept of being an isekai world into its worldbuilding in some truly fascinating ways, and the plot perfectly captures the Re:Zero appeal of wild twists cascading on top of each other in rapid succession as they recontextualize what you’ve already seen to fantastic effect. Not that this show is quite as good as Re:Zero- as much as I love Akari and Menou, their story so far hasn’t even neared the heights of Subaru’s journey toward self-actualization- but with how fucking wretched this genre usually is, I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. Bottom line, Executioner kicks ass, and if we can somehow get four seasons of that fugly skeleton show, then we have no excuse not to keep this one rolling for at least a few seasons more.
Ya Boy Kongming: 7.5/10
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Generally speaking, when you get a show with a premise as bonkers as “Legendary Chinese strategist from the Three Kingdoms era gets reincarnated in modern Japan and becomes the manager of an aspiring pop idol,” there’s one of two possibilities. The first possibility is that the creators are just throwing weird shit at the wall for a cheap, cynical attempt at quirky brand recognition. The second possibility, however strange it might seem, is that they actually know what they’re doing. And I’m thrilled to say that Ya Boi Kongming is firmly in the latter camp. It’s a hilarious, heartfelt celebration of the power of music, chasing your dreams, and what it taking to become your best self, full of lovable characters, spectacular song performances, and just the right amount of batshit insanity to compliment such a wacky premise. It honestly makes me feel bad for Zombieland Saga; as much as I’ve enjoyed both seasons of that show, Ya Boi Kongming feels like the fully actualized version of what Zombieland could never quite achieve. I hope PA Works keeps this adaptation going, because these are the kind of good vibes I want to carry with me for many years to come.
Birdie Wing Season 1: 7.5/10
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Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. How the hell could an anime about golf- the most boring sport to ever exist- be in any way interesting? Well, I could try and explain it. I could explain how beautifully, confidently ridiculous it is at every turn. I could explain how it hits that pitch-perfect sweet spot of camp where it takes itself completely seriously despite running on the most batshit insane logic imaginable. I could explain how it mines incredible comedy just by using such a dull game as the high-stakes currency of cutthroat underground mafia schemes with enough bonkers future technology to make Seto Kaiba blush. I could even explain how it’s Actually Gay and that automatically makes it a must-watch. But really, no words can do justice to the magic of Birdie Wing. This is a show that must be seen to be believed. So instead, I’ll just ask you to watch this clip from the first episode:
This is maybe the twentieth most over-the-top thing that happens in Birdie Wing.
Got it? Good. Now go watch this damn thing already.
Dance Dance Danseur: 7.5/10
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At first glance, Dance Dance Danseur feels like Mappa's attempt to recapture the Yuri on Ice magic of gorgeously animated bodies in motion. And it certainly accomplishes that: from the animation to the direction to the sound design, the way this show brings the art of classical ballet to life is absolutely stunning. But make no mistake, Dance Dance Danseur is a very different beast than its most obvious comparison. This is a show full of flawed people, immature teenagers who make immature mistakes against a backdrop far more vicious and honest about the world’s evils than I expected going in. It’s a story that dives headfirst into bullying, toxic masculinity, parental abuse, the systemic rot of the ballet world itself, and ways that artists striving for greatness, especially young artists, suffer and hurt each other in pursuit of finding what drives them forward. Does it pull it off perfectly? Fuck no. At times, the choices the characters make are so frustrating you want to reach through the screen and punch them. But as difficult as this show can be to sit through, it makes for some of the most realistic and compelling drama you’re likely to watch all year, drama only heightened by just how god damn gorgeous it all looks. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it’s well worth a look for anyone who can appreciate a story this jagged-edged.
The Demon Girl Next Door Season 2: 8/10
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Ganbare, Shamiko! God, I’m so happy this show is back. The Demon Girl Next Door is one of the most underrated anime of the past decade, a gag comedy about a modern-day demon girl who accidentally seduces befriends the magical girl she’s supposed to be mortal enemies with and sets out to try and solve the issues that have left them both in dire straits. What makes this show great, beyond its incredibly fast-moving jokes that take great advantage of the anime’s limited resources, is just how damn good it is as building real emotional meaning into the story those jokes underlie. Few shows are this good at building compelling drama out of people trying to help each other, and while it never grows so heavy that it stops being a comedy first and foremost, that empathetic undercurrent gives this goofy little gag anime a way of really sinking its claws into you. If there’s one big flaw I can criticize it for, this second season makes it pretty clear just how much less compelling the supporting cast is than the two leads. Sure, they’ve all got their own charms, but every plotline that doesn’t involve Shamiko and Momo trying to out-gay each other is a plotline that would really be better spent on Shamiko and Momo trying to out-gay each other. Regardless, I had a blast with season 2, and I hope we haven’t seen the last of these adorable idiots yet.
Spy x Family: 8/10
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Was there ever any doubt that Spy x Family was going to be a blockbuster hit? One of the most popular manga of the modern era, adapted by two of the most high-quality anime studios in the business (at least when they’re not destroying themselves with overwork)? You couldn’t get a more surefire success if you tried. And yes, surprising no one, I fell in love with Spy x Family just as much as everyone else. A master spy, a legendary assassin, and a telepathic orphan must forge a fake family for the sake of the spy’s mission, each one hiding their true identity from each other and doing their best to blend in to “normal” society, despite the fact that none of them have a damn clue what being normal actually entails. It’s a fantastic premise executed to near perfection, and the only real negative thing I can say against it (well, aside from the one creepy siscon character) is that this first season has left me unbearably impatient for it to get even better than it already is. This is a show that’s going to end up an all-time classic, and if you somehow haven’t checked it out already, consider this your call to give it a shot. It may not end up on your favorites list, but it’s basically impossible not to fall the slightest bit in love with.
Vampire in the Garden: 8.5/10
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I’ll admit, I may be biased on this one. The concept of a post-apocalyptic lesbian vampire frostpunk road trip is so stupidly up my alley, I’d be shocked if I didn’t fall head over heels for it. But fuck it, this is my list, I make the rules. And even putting my personal preferences aside, Vampire in the Garden is fucking spectacular. It’s every bit the gorgeous, tragic melodrama you could ask for, telling the story of a human girl and a vampire queen who flee their warring species together in search of a paradise where they can all live as one people. The action is riveting, the worldbuilding is enthralling, and the bond that forms between Momo and Fine as they travel- and the fascinating way their arcs parallel each other in reverse- sucked me in and broke my heart in a thousand beautiful ways. It’s a fucking crime this OVA only had 5 episodes to tell its story; with a full cours to flesh out the actual journey and explore more interesting pockets of the world, this could’ve been right up there with Wolf’s Rain in the pantheon of anime’s post-apocalyptic masterworks. But even these 5 episodes are more than incredible enough for me to demand all of you to check it out. Studio Wit just does not miss, people.
Kaguya-sama Season 3: 8.5/10
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Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that if I had to choose between compelling protagonists or a compelling supporting cast, I would take the compelling protagonists. Sure, ideally one shouldn’t have to choose, but if the characters at the core of the story are fantastic enough to earn my investment, then I’ll likely gravitate to that story more than if the supporting cast outshines them. And that probably explains why Kaguya-Sama, as incredible a show as it’s become, isn’t going to end up on my favorites list anytime soon. To be clear, Kaguya and Shirogane aren’t bad protagonists by any stretch, and by the climax of season 3′s well-earned romantic buildup, I can finally say I’m invested in them as a couple as well. But I don’t come to this show for the romance at its core. I come for Chika’s batshit insane antics. I come for Ishigami’s shockingly compelling struggle to re-invent himself as a decent human being. I come for Hayasaka flexing on everyone, everywhere, all at once. And, of course, I come for the gonzo visual experimentation that’s quickly making this show second only to Nichijou in the pantheon of anime comedies that use incredible animation to wring maximum hilarity out of every joke. There are endless things to love about Kaguya-Sama; it’s just that Kaguya-Sama herself is probably the least of them. And that’s why, as good as season 3 is, there’s another rom-com that ended up snatching my Anime of the Season trophy right from under its nose...
Komi-san Can’t Communicate Season 2: 9/10
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Alright, look: is this show’s supporting cast astronomically weaker than Kaguya-sama’s? Yes. Does it suffer from cast bloat that makes it hard to develop many of its characters beyond one-note jokes? Absolutely. Is Yamai Ren one of the worst... things to happen to anime since Mineta? Boy, you fucking know it. And yet none of that changes the fact that every time I put on an episode of Komi-san Can’t Communicate and see Komi and Tadano adorkably flailing their way through social interaction, my blood sugar levels spike hard enough to put me into cardiac arrest. God, I fucking love these two. I love how this show portrays their journey through self-betterment and self-acceptance. And watching Komi truly start to find her voice in season 2, literally and figuratively, was an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything. At its best, this show is a celebration of the ways that people come together, how we cross the seemingly impossible barriers of social interaction and forge companionship in a million different ways. It’s an achingly sweet, achingly sincere love letter to everyone who’s ever felt a little bit different, a promise that some day, with a little hard work, everyone is sure to find the place where they belong. And for all of its unevenness, that earnestness never fails to make Komi-san Can’t Communicate one of the most delightful watching experiences anime’s ever given us. Now bring on season 3, because if we don’t get to see these goobers actually start dating I will riot.
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years
kitten fever // myg
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summary - min yoongi wants to be a daddy, but not in the way that you quite expect
pairing - cat hybrid!yoongi x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff; hybrid au, established relationship au
word count - 7.5k
warning - yoongi being an absolute softie, hinted hybrid discrimination, YOONGI WITH A KITTY, yoongi and yn being domestic, KITTENS, overwhelming love for kittens, yoongi calling himself daddy
author’s note - this is for the bts ghostie dynamite dads event “new dad yoongi”, but make it new cat dad. i snuggled my kitties a lot writing this bc i love them and they are my inspiration for this. anything cat related on my blog is inspired by my own cats, enjoy. i may post a baby photo of one of them bc that’s how i imagine the kitty in this 
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2:54 am read the small digital clock in the corner of the room. Yoongi couldn’t sleep. He turned his head over to you, still curled up into his side. Pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, he gently peeled your arm off of him and got out of bed. You let out a soft whine at the loss of his warmth, patting the empty space in a sleepy attempt to find him. He shook his head and chuckled at you, placing another kiss to your head and made his way over to the desk. Seating himself in the wheelie chair, he opened the laptop and typed away into the search bar. 
‘Newborn Kittens’.
He honestly wasn’t sure what was going through his head, but he was feeling something deep down inside. The feeling started sometime a little after you had adopted him and it had only grown stronger when the two of you had gotten together. Originally he thought that was the feeling, the need to be with you. You were his mate and you were it for him; he loved you with every little fiber in his being. But there was still something missing in Yoongi’s heart, and that is what it was.
He really wanted to be a dad. 
Not for like human babies though, no. He didn’t think that either of you were ready for that yet, not for a while. But he really wanted to care and love for something as his own, which has slowly led him down the rabbit hole of kitten videos. Volume set to low, he played videos and listened to the small innocent newborns cry and whine at the new world they were in. The cries resonated deep in Yoongi’s heart. He wanted to care for, guide, and love on a kitten so badly. The only thing is he had to convince you about it. 
After about an hour of him watching and holding back tears over the newborns, he let out a yawn. He exited the tab and cleared the browsing history, an extra precaution he’d taken to make sure you accidentally stumble across it. He didn’t know why he was so nervous about asking you, maybe it’s cause you never talked about having another pet or an actual animal? He vaguely remembered you mentioning the reason you got a hybrid in the first place. You wanted someone to talk to and to keep you in check, which Yoongi thought he did a pretty good job of. You were a bit of an idiot sometimes, but you were his idiot now. His idiot that he had no idea how to tell he wanted to have a baby kitten. 
He quietly tiptoed back over to the bed and carefully slotted himself to lay next to you, once again. You sleepily register the bed dipping next to you, turning over and wrapping your arms back around him; holding him even tighter so he can’t leave you again. He let out a low chuckle at your action, letting you mold yourself against him. With another kiss to the top of your head, Yoongi let his eyes slowly fall shut. Dreaming of the kittens he wanted so badly. 
You woke up earlier than Yoongi the following morning, which was strange, seeing how normally he’s the first to rise. As of lately though, he’s been sleeping in more. You didn’t mind, the past few times he slept in, he had the warmest smile on his face. It was so blissful and it always pulled at your heartstrings to see him look so soft. But whenever he woke up, he acted distant. Like he was holding his breath around you. You don’t know what led him to start acting like this, you tried talking to him about it, you really did. Everytime you brought it up, he acted like it was nothing and dismissed the issue or said he was in a funk. So you’ve taken a back seat, waiting for him to either truly tell you what’s going on or for him to pull himself out of his self-proclaimed funk. With a small sigh passing your lips, you kissed his cheek and gave one of his little ears a scratch, you pulled yourself out of bed to get started on your morning routine. 
With a yawn, you padded down the hallway of your small apartment towards the kitchen. Glancing at the calendar pinned to the fridge, you let out a low groan. Today, you had a lot of paperwork that you could thankfully do at home, but that didn’t help the fact you just wanted a lazy day to cuddle with your boyfriend. But you have work to do, then you can cuddle Yoongi to your heart's content. Quickly, you fashioned a breakfast milkshake; consisting of your last banana, an egg, milk, and some chocolate sauce. The roar of the blender must’ve woken up Yoongi, as soon as you turned it off, you heard his heavy footsteps get closer and closer. You don’t turn to look behind you as two arms and a tail wrap around your waist. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You smiled as he buried his head into your neck. 
“Morning,” he grumbled, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. 
You stop from finishing your shake to lean into him, nuzzling your cheek against his messy dark hair. “You sleep alright? I thought I felt you get up in the middle of the night.”
“I’m good, just. . . had trouble sleeping last night,” You felt him shift behind you, readjusting himself so his chin is now resting on your shoulder, watching you finish making your shake, “decided to have a wikipedia deep dive to try and bore myself to sleep.”
“Aw, I’m glad you were able to get some sleep though.” You said as you pulled out a metal straw from your utensil drawer into your finished banana-chocolate milkshake. However, Yoongi doesn’t loosen his grip on you. Carefully, you manage to twist yourself around in his arms to look at him. His face is still puffy from sleep, his eyes are blinking lazily as you give him a chaste kiss. “Sleepy kitty.” Upon saying that phrase, you felt Yoongi’s arms stiffen around you. It was only for a moment, then he relaxed and nuzzled his nose to brush against your cheek before letting his arms slip from around you. You don’t let the way Yoongi tensed up at your words, but elect not to bring it up. It’s too early.  
“What do you have planned for today?” Yoongi asked, stifling a yawn as he went to make himself some coffee. 
“Just paperwork,” you huffed as you siphoned through the utensils to find your precious metal straw. “You got anything? Besides taking a cat nap.” You smiled as you took a sip of your shake. 
Yoongi shook his head as he concentrated on his coffee making task, “I got nothing.”
“Maybe when I’m done, we can watch a movie?” You suggested, as you leaned against the countertop. 
“Mm, sounds good.” He responded as he mixed in his coffee creamer. Satisfied with his stirring, he turned back to face you. “There’s a few things I’ve found that I think you might like”, he said as he brought the mug to his lips. 
The small conversation fell and the two of you got started on your routines. You handed Yoongi your glass for him to clean then went to your bathroom to start the day. You couldn’t get over how he froze around you at the little nickname you bestowed on him. Sleepy kitty. Did he not like that? He never had any objections to your pet names previous to this. You couldn’t just chalk it up to it being one of his ‘moods’ because this was a constant thing now. You needed to talk to him, maybe before the movie.
Yoongi on the other hand, felt like banging his head into a wall. How could he be so stupid to have such a blatant reaction to the pet name?! He supposes it has everything to do with the dream he had after he had finally fallen asleep after an hour long cat video binge at such an ungodly hour. He had dreamt of a small tabby kitten, probably no more than 4 weeks old. It was snuggling into his shoulder while he slept, swiping at his tail while he sat and worked, nibbling on his ears- God even just reminiscing about the dream had his heart aching again. 
Shaking his head, tried to push past the consuming thoughts of kittens, refusing to give into his instincts. He focused all his energy into cleaning the dishes; totally not imagining the small cup he was washing as a small kitten, scrubbing it delicately and making sure not to go too hard on it’s small fragile head-
Yoongi dropped the cup in the sink, the plastic banging against the other dishes ringing in his ears as he held his head. He was going to lose it, he knows it. To his concern there’s only one solution to this issue: get a kitten and take care of it. Digging the heels of his palm into his eyes, he let out a deep sigh. There was no other choice he had, he had to talk to you about his kitten fever. 
Finishing up the last of what was in the sink, he dried off his hands and made his way back over to the room. You had already gotten to work, judging by how you barely acknowledged him as he walked in. Walking over to the bed, Yoongi stretched himself over the messed up covers. This was how the two of you did spend most of your days when you were allowed to work from home; with him laying down and watching you work. Resting his cheek on his folded arms, Yoongi kept his eyes on you. Trying his damndest not to let his mind wander from you and to imagining you working with a small kitten on your lap. Your hand caressing its small body while it meows loudly at you as you play with it- He let out a groan, burying his face in his arms to try and escape the mental image he created. 
Hearing him, you turn in your chair to face him, “Yoongi, are you okay?”
Peeking from behind his elbows, concern is written all over your face. He shut his eyes and sat up, “Y/N. . . Can I talk to you?” Your brows furrowed together, a look of panic dashes through your eyes as you nod. Taking a deep breath, he stood up from where he sat and walked over to your desk, leaning against it. “I-,” he started, “I want kittens.”
His admission out in the air, he closed his eyes, fearing your reaction. But no sound of rejection came from you. Opening one eye to peep at you, you were confused. Yoongi could also see the gears turning in your head as you thought of something, anything to respond to him.
“Yoongi, I-I don’t think we’re-”
“Not like that!” He stopped you, seeing how you didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. “I mean like, actual kittens. . . Cats. . .” He explained.
Your mouth parted, “Oooh.” The dots connected, Yoongi’s sudden mood changes started to make sense; especially this morning’s when you called him kitty. All this because he wanted to father kittens? “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“How long have you wanted kittens, Yoongi?” You questioned.
Bashfully, he looked to his feet, “I don’t know. . . Since we got together, I suppose?”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline, “That long?! Why haven’t you told me, baby?” You went to grab his hands, holding them in yours.
“You never said anything about wanting kids, animal or not so I just. . . didn’t say anything.” He responded, keeping his eyes on your interlocked hands. 
“Yoongi, look at me.” He raised his head to meet your gaze, “Human babies I never really thought much on, but kittens? I love kittens so much, of course I’d want to have them with you.”
“Really?” He felt like his eyes were going to pop right out of their sockets “You mean it? I can-We can get a kitten? A baby?” Yoongi couldn’t believe his ears; his vision started to blur as tears welled up in them. The blurry outline of you nodded as you stood, pulling him into a hug as the happy tears fell from his face. 
You cooed at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his face burying itself in your neck. “Aww, we can definitely get a kitten. I think having one might be a wonderful little addition to our family, don’t you think?” Yoongi only cried harder in response. You stroked the hairs at the back of his neck, soothing him from his happy tears. “I’ll take that as a yes, I’ll get all my work done today and tomorrow we can go to a shelter and adopt. Okay?” With a nod of his head and a couple sniffles, he pulled away from the hug. You moved your hand to lay it on his cheek, wiping away the remaining tears from his cheeks. “Let me finish this up okay? You do research on some kitten supplies and shelters nearby?”
With that, Yoongi immediately got to work on researching products (within your established budget) and found a shelter a few blocks away from your apartment building. You thanked whatever deity that was watching over you that allowed your apartment to put in a notice for a new pet so last minute. Normally you’d have no qualms about waiting a few days, but the way Yoongi had been keeping this to himself, you didn’t want him to wait any longer. He deserved to be a proud father of a little fur baby. 
All night long, you could feel Yoongi’s excitement radiate from him as he tossed and turned in the bed all night. You could hear him even giggle to himself, whispering how he’s going to be a dad. The words squeezed your heart as you turned to wrap your arms around him, partially to keep him still but also because you were happy that he was so happy about this step for the both of you. Maybe him a little more than you though.
You woke up to an empty bed, you patted around Yoongi’s side, noting it was cold. You were puzzled for a moment, wondering where he might be when the smell of bacon flooded your nose. You let out a light chuckle as you got out of bed, and shuffled down the hallway to see Yoongi in the kitchen, buzzing as he cooked breakfast. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d mistake you for a dog hybrid for being this excited.” You chuckled as you sat down at the table. He narrowed his eyes at you before returning to cooking. Normally Yoongi never went all out with breakfast unless it was a special occasion, you suppose that today might as well be a special occasion, it being the day he finally gets to become a dad. “Did you get any sleep?” You asked as he put some bacon and toast on a couple plates. 
“Enough,” he answered, placing a plate in front of you on the table. You rolled your eyes at his response, you should’ve figured he didn’t get much; but at least he got some of it. “Gotta get used to not sleeping all throughout the night.”
“Yoongi, it’s a kitten. Not an actual baby.” You chortled as you took a bite of bacon, “It’s not gonna wake us up in the middle of the night crying.”
“Yeah, but kittens in a new environment often are excited and don’t sleep much the first night or so.” He responded as he sat down in front of you, “While I’m not a full cat, you should remember how restless I was when you first got me.”
You do remember. He stayed up all night the first few days, getting a feel of your apartment; sniffing around and making some noise, but after that he started to settle in and get comfortable in his new home. “Yes, but cats don’t whine every few hours to be fed.”
“Touche,” he bowed his head in defeat before going to take a bite out of his toast. 
You watched him as he ate, nibbling a bit on your breakfast as you did. As you continued to eat, you noticed he was getting more and more fidgety. Figuring how he wasn’t very upfront with you about getting a kitten, he was waiting on your word to get ready to find a shelter. You smirked a bit as you took a few more bites of your toast before pushing your plate away. “Alright, ready to go?” Before you even finished, Yoongi jumped from his seat and kissed your cheek. You barked out a laugh as your hybrid dashed down the hallways towards the bedroom in a blur of black and white. 
Deciding to take it upon yourself, you cleared the table, seeing how Yoongi was too excited to focus on anything else. You shook your head as you picked up his abandoned breakfast on the table; if he was too excited to sleep, you should’ve figured he’d be too excited to eat. Better make sure the second that kitten crosses the threshold of your apartment that you feed him before he forgets completely to eat. As you finished up in the kitchen, said hybrid came back, “What are you doing?! Why aren’t you getting dressed?!” He exasperated at you, still dressed in pajamas, while he was all nicely dressed. 
“I’m sorry that I want to make a nice impression on the newcomer, when they arrive.” You chuckled as you walked up to him, ruffling his hair. “I’ll get dressed. You finish up here.” In a flash, he was at the sink, furiously scrubbing the pans and plates. You laughed at him again, you wonder how he’s going to react when you tell him that you’re not even gonna stop at the shelter first, seeing how you should get the products first before the kitten steps it’s paws in the apartment. No matter how eager Yoongi was, you needed a litter box first. Kitten second. 
Once you’re dressed and down the hall, your overly eager feline partner was frantically checking himself in the hallway mirror. Letting out a chuckle as he made his hair and ears look as neat as possible. You held up your keys, the jingling catching his attention, he beamed as you moved to put your shoes on and get out of the door.
“What kind should we get? I looked at some of the ones at the shelter and there’s this pretty ragdoll, she’s all white and fluffy- Ooh! There’s this siamese kitten that just had the most beautiful eyes-”
“Yoongi,” you cut off his rambling as you approached your car. “I love you, I really do and I’m excited that you’re excited. But don’t overthink it, let’s just go to the shelter first and see who speaks out to you more. Okay?” 
You watched as he bashfully scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry.” He chuckled nervously.
“Don’t apologize, baby. Now come on, we gotta get going.” You hopped in the car, Yoongi followed behind you, climbing into the backseat. The two of you sit in silence as you drive off, your hybrid humming happily as he stared out the window. It’s only when you pull up to the pet store does Yoongi let out a low groan. 
“This isn’t the shelter!”
You grabbed his hand as he pouted his lips at you, “I know. But we need litter, food, and toys. I don’t want to forget that on the way home.” You pressed a kiss to his knuckles as he dropped his pout. 
“Fine,” he sighed as he unbuckled and got out, clearly unhappy with the decision, but realizing it was the right one either way. 
“You’re acting more like a moody teen than a father to be, you sure you’re ready?” You raised a brow at him, which quickly had him standing up straighter.
“Yes, I am.” He gave a firm nod as he spoke, “Now come on, the fast we get the supplies, the faster we can get the baby.” He took your hand in his and led you into the store. 
You let Yoongi take the lead pushing the cart through the aisles as you searched for the supplies you needed. You could feel stares from other customers as Yoongi was looking at the different types of kitten litter and which one would be best. You felt like they were judging you for bringing your hybrid to the pet store, like you were going to make him actually use the items that were meant for his animal counterpart. 
“Can I help you with anything?” You both turned your head to see a young woman in a blue vest standing there, a confused expression on her face. 
“Actually yes, what brand of litter would you recommend? I’ve read all the reviews but, I’m curious about your opinion?” Yoongi rambled off as he stood, walking to get closer to the employee. “We’re going to adopt a kitten later today and this is both of our first times owning a cat.”
“Oh!” The employee's eyes widened and nodded, now understanding the situation instead of assuming the worst. “Well what age are you looking to adopt?”
“Not sure, I was thinking maybe four to six weeks?” He said as the worker’s eyes examined the wall of litter in front of her. 
“Hmm,” she stepped down and pulled out a medium sized pink box. “This brand is what I’ve seen the best reviews on, anyone with a kitten seems to like it before going on to other litter.” She handed it over to Yoongi, who was bowing his head as he accepted the box. 
“Thank you very much!” He replied, gracious for the help. 
“No problem, anything else I can help you with?” She responded with a grin of her own as she looked between the two of you. 
Yoongi glanced over his shoulder to you, waiting to see if you needed anything at all. You shook your head, “No. Thank you for the offer though, I think we got it.”
Yoongi thanked the employee again before turning to put the box of litter in the cart. “Got litter, got the litter box, food, what else?”
“Toys and a collar?” You noticed that was something lacking from your growing collection of cat necessities. Looking up to Yoongi, you see him with his lips pursed in thought as he stared down into the cart. “Something wrong with that?”
“Toys no,” he said, moving to push the cart forward towards the cat toy aisle. “Collar, I don’t know. I mean, it’s going to be indoors anyways. Does it even really need it?” 
He did have a point, a collar was to ensure that if it got lost you’ll be contacted as soon as it’s found. But considering how it is going to be inside all the time, and with Yoongi always around too, did you really need it? “You’re right, but we don’t know. Why don’t we skip the collar today, and get it when we know for sure. Does that sound good?”
You followed close behind him as he turned into the next aisle, thinking of what you said. “Yeah, sounds good. Just don’t want to make any unnecessary purchases.” You stopped in front of a small wall of colorful toys and stretching posts. Your eyes shifted towards him as he closely examined each and every toy in front of him. “There a limit on how many toys we can get?”
“Let’s start with three,” you laughed lightly as you moved to stand beside him, looking over the different options. “We do need a scratching post, so let’s get this one,” you move to grab a long cardboard scratcher and put it in the cart, “because we don’t need the little baby scratching up the furniture.”
“No we do not,” Yoongi returned with a chuckle, reaching out to grab a small pack of toys in the shape of mice. “These look fun.” 
“What are you gonna play with it too?” You elbowed him gently as he tossed them into the wagon. 
“I just might.” He teased as his attention went back to the wall of toys, he reached forward and grabbed a small plush octopus. He gave it a little shake and it chimed, his eyes immediately lit right up and placed it right next to the other toys. 
“I’m beginning to think those toys are for you more than the kitten,” you joked as Yoongi moved to push the cart out of the aisle and towards check out. He scrunched his nose up at you but didn’t deny your statement. 
Once at the check out, Yoongi put all the items up on the conveyor belt while you went up to the cashier, who was eyeing Yoongi carefully as he checked out each item.Not liking the way he was looking at your hybrid, you cleared your throat, directing his attention back to you. You knew there was still some judgement towards hybrids being out and about in public, but that shouldn’t matter because he was with you. His owner. 
“Did you find everything alright?” The cashier huffed as he bagged your items, going over the register to double check that he scanned everything. 
“Yup!” You gave him a tight smile, not wanting him to give away your displeasure at his behavior. You just wanted out of this pet store now. Yoongi, on the other hand, must’ve sensed your uneasiness and in an instant he stood right next to you, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. Letting out a shaking breath, you returned his squeeze before finishing up your purchase. It certainly was a small hit to your bank account but this was worth it, it was for Yoongi. 
You both gave a quick thank you to the worker before you made your leave, cart full of brand new kitten supplies. As you were loading up the car, Yoongi placed a hand on your shoulder. “You okay?”
“I didn’t like those eyes on us, on you.” You muttered as you shut the trunk closed. 
“Y/N look at me,” he placed his hand on your cheek. “It’s alright, I can deal with a couple of staring strangers. But you’re with me that’s all that matters.” He smiled as his thumb caressed your cheek.
You stood there for a moment, letting him sooth your anxieties before you pulled away. “Okay, now let’s go get that kitten. No sadness today, this is supposed to be a happy time.” Soon as the words left your mouth, Yoongi’s entire demeanor shifted; going from a caring partner, to an excited child with only a few words. 
 “Right! Let’s go!!” With that, Yoongi gave you a chaste kiss before jumping into the passenger side door. 
The drive to the shelter wasn’t that long, and Yoongi was bouncing up and down in his seat like a child on his way to Toys R Us. It was cute though, seeing him this excited. You don’t think you’ve seen him this giddy; you’ve seen him happy of course, but not this kind of emotion. It looked good on him, you hoped he manages to keep it going as the kitten grows old. 
“We’re here!!” Yoongi announced ecstatically as you pulled up in the parking lot. The hybrid waited patiently as he could as you got out of the car, his eyes locked on the door of the small building. It was a bit on the smaller side, but it was a bit more of a homey feeling to it. Something that you thought would be good seeing how this will be the new addition to your family.
Soon as you stepped forward towards him, he bounded ahead of you, eager to get through the door. “Hurry up!” He whined as you leisurely took your time walking up the path to the door. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you huffed as you finally managed to get to the front door. Yoongi was grinning so hard his cheek muscles were sore, but that didn’t matter. It was finally happening. He was gonna be a dad! 
Door to the shelter opened, he followed you as you stepped inside, glancing around at the posters of various cats and dogs on the wall. He stared at them while a volunteer at the front desk asked to help you. He moved his head to pay attention to the conversation, but little meows echoed from the door where the volunteer entered from. His hand instantly grabbed yours as he heard the little cries; not coming from his computer, but from actual kittens. 
His attention was brought back to you at the sound of your laughter. “You ready, Yoon?” He nodded his head so hard, you feared his head might pop off. Your shoulders shook with another laugh as you looked back to the volunteer, “Can we see them now?”
“Of course!” She answered as she took a few steps back towards the door, holding it open for the two of you. Yoongi followed after her quickly, tugging you along with your hand still tightly grasped in his. The smell of all the other animals filled Yoongi’s senses as they walked down a short hallway. He could hear the sounds of them as well, all calling for the attention of the new people that they no doubt smelled. Soon enough, they approached a door marked CATS, Yoongi felt your eyes on him as the volunteer opened the door and walked in. 
“You ready to be a dad, Yoongi?” Your voice was soft as you squeezed his hand. All he could do was nod as you entered. 
The scent hit him first, the smell of fur and cat food, and litter boxes. Not the most pleasant thing in the world, but at that very moment, it was better than roses to him. Then the sound of dozens of cats meowing away filled his eardrums and he felt his smile get wider as he glanced around the small room. There was a small cat tree in the middle of the room, with silver kennels on either side of it. Some of the doors were open, the felines who inhabited them wandered about the room. The rest of them remained closed, but that didn’t stop them from sticking out their paws between the wires, going out to grab the other volunteers in the room. 
“So all our kittens are about four to six weeks old, all siblings are in the same kennel. Feel free to open them up if you want,” she explained as she walked over to another male volunteer to talk to him. “All their names are on that white board, by the way!” 
There was a small brush against Yoongi’s pant leg. Glancing down, he made eye contact with an orange tabby cat; rubbing it’s head against his calf. The creature looked up and meowed at him, curious about the two new strangers who came in. Ever so slowly, Yoongi knelt down petting it’s head and letting it keen into his hand. Above, he could hear you coo as at the sight before getting distracted with another cat that came up to you. 
Yoongi felt like he was going to cry, he had to only take one home? When there’s so many here that all need homes? He was so close to just begging you to take them all home, but he knew that that wouldn’t be a good idea. Taking a deep breath, he got back up to his feet and walked over to one of the kennels and peered in, looking at the small fluff balls curl together for warmth. Carefully, he moved to open the wire door without waking any of them, but it appears his presence was enough to wake them because sure enough, small mewls added into the already noisy room as he opened the door completely. 
“Hi,” his voice was barely a whisper as he reached in and let the kitten sniff at him, getting adjusted to his scent before moving to touch any of them. A small white kitten with the bluest eyes reached up to grab at his fingers, its small claws digging into his skin. “Ow,” he feigned with a chuckle as he lowered his head to scratch at the fur balls ears. “You’re a curious one, aren’t you.” He lilted as he turned his attention to another kitten. This one was black, but strangely enough has small light grey stripes decorated its body. It was a bit more separated from the rest of the litter, smaller too. Intrigued, he moved his hand over to it and let the kitten sniff it. When it seemed to accept him, he let his hand curl around its small body, lifting it out of the cage and into his arms.
“You found someone, Yoongi?” He heard you ask as you approach him, a small gasp leaving your lips when you see the tiny creature in his arms. “Oh my goodness! Aren’t you precious!” You melted as you reached your finger out to stroke its head. 
“I see you’ve found the runt of the litter,” the volunteer noted as she walked over to you both, a smile on her face. “She’s all healthy, so if she’s the one you want, she’s ready to go home with you.”
Yoongi could feel your eyes on him, looking for an answer on if this was the one you were going to take home. He stared down at the small cat in his arms, who’s big eyes stared right back at him. He could feel it deep in his heart, this was the one. This was his baby. “Yeah, it’s her.”
“Okay, babe.” You kissed his cheek before looking back to the kitten still in his arms. “Hi baby, you almost match your daddy.” You giggled as you gave her one last scratch before confirming with the volunteer that you’ll be taking that one home. 
With a smile, she nodded, asking you to follow her to finish up the paperwork while telling another volunteer to help Yoongi with getting her ready to leave. He readjusted the kitten in his arms so she was now laying against his chest, rather than in his arms. The other volunteer held a cardboard carrier with an old towel in it out. Yoongi was hesitant at first, not quite ready to let his new found child out of his arms just yet. 
“Come on, buddy. She’s gonna be okay,” he encouraged Yoongi as he reached for the cat. Holding back the urge to swipe at him and carry the cat out in his arms, he knew you wouldn’t want him to make a scene. So he complied, letting him take the kitten from him and into the carrier. The volunteer handed it over to him; but instead of holding it by the handle, he held it by the bottom in both hands. Not wanting to jostle her around before getting to the car. 
The volunteer escorted him back out to the lobby, where you were finishing up. “Yoongi, what are you gonna name her?” You asked. The question caught him off guard, he didn’t know what he was gonna name his kitten. He’s wanted one for how long and he never thought of one? He quickly racked his brain for names, not wanting it to sound too cheesy or weird but none came to mind. 
“I, uh,” he was embarrassed at the predicament. But you merely laughed at him before placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s just for the chip she got, I’ll just put down Min for now alright?” You looked to him for his permission. He nodded, the two of you will figure out a better name to call her in the meantime. But at least she’s got a nickname on her. 
Paperwork all done, and a car full of new cat stuff. The two of you drove back to your apartment, and all the while Yoongi was flinching with every confused little meow that came from the white box on his lap. Unable to take it anymore, he cracked open the carrier a bit, just enough to stick his hand in and sooth her of both his and her anxieties about the drive. You rolled your eyes at the action, mumbling something under your breath about coddling her before she’s even gotten to the house. But Yoongi couldn’t help it! He hated hearing the small and scared whimpers, he couldn’t just do nothing!
When the drive finally came to a stop, you handed Yoongi the key to the apartment. “Put her in our room, close the door and come back here to help me with the rest of the stuff. Okay?” You instructed, to which Yoongi followed to the T. Well almost to the T.
Once he got into the house, he opened up the carrier and pulled out the kitten. “This is your new home.” He started as he walked around, showing her the place. “This is the living room and the kitchen area, we’re out here a lot. Don’t try to scratch up the couch please, or Y/N is gonna kill us both.” He chuckled as he made his way down the hall, pointing at different photos and giving a story. “This is the bedroom, where we sleep. You can sleep here too.” He went on and he placed her down on the ground. “Now you can explore while we go get your things.” He said, but didn’t move. Watching how the kitten sniffed around the new place, getting a feel of it. A smile on his face, he slowly started backing out of the room, closing it behind him.
He rushed back out of the door, but before he made it to your car, he ran into you, an annoyed look on your face. “You got distracted with the kitty, didn’t you?” Yoongi looked down at the ground, feeling a bit guilty for putting the baby before his partner but thankfully you seemed to understand. “Fine, just get the cat litter. Couldn’t carry it all by myself.” You jerked your head in the direction of the car. Nodding, he ran down to go get the rest of the things.
Setting the majority of the cat stuff down, you quietly started towards the bedroom. Cracking open the door, you don’t see anything just yet. You push the door open a bit more, still nothing but there is a small little lump of poop on the floor, stinking up the whole room. “Gah,” you gagged as you quickly went to the kitchen to grab some paper towels and cleaner. “Knew I should’ve told him to get the kitty litter ready first,” you muttered to yourself as you cleaned up the little troublemaker’s poop. After being sure to toss it in a trashcan in the bathroom, you began looking for the little one.
Laying flat on the ground, you peered under your bed. The small outline of the kitten was seen in the middle of the bed, out of reach for you to grab. “Aww, come here baby. No ones gonna hurt you.” You stretched your arm out under the bed, the tips of your fingers barely grazing her soft fur. You could feel her lower her nose to your hand, sniffing you out before rubbing her head against your palm. 
“What are you doing?” You heard Yoongi’s voice called out from above you.
“She hid under the bed,” you explained as you pulled your arm out from underneath the space. 
Yoongi pursed his lips in thought as he leaned down, taking his turn to reach under the bed. “Come here baby, come on.” He made kissy noises, trying to lure her out. “Come to daddy.” But to no avail, she didn’t come out. 
Disappointment was written across his face as he sat up. “Aww, don’t be upset Yoon. She;s just scared. She’s in a new place,” you placed your hand on his cheek. “Why don’t we set up her stuff, maybe she’ll come out then.”
Begrudgingly, he agreed. You set up all the stuff in the room first, just to get her accompanied to the new place before the rest of the apartment. You had Yoongi handle setting up her litter box and opening up her toys while you set up her food and water. Cat stuff thoroughly thrown about the place, you saw small little paws peek out from underneath the bed. 
“Yoongi,” you nudged your hybrid to look at where you were pointing. 
Instantly, he began to lower himself to the ground, not breaking eye contact with her as she watched him slowly go down and down until he was laying flat on his stomach. Taking a few tentative steps, she got closer to him. Sniffing at his ear which twitched at the close proximity of her black little nose. “Those are my ears,” he stated simply as she started to swat at them and his hair. “Hey,” he chuckled, lifting his head away from her paws. “Don’t hurt daddy.”
“You’re really gonna stick with daddy?” 
“Got a problem with that?”
“Not at all,” you raised your hands in defense, not wanting to argue with him. He moved back to sit on the ground next to you and watch as the kitten curiously bounded around the room. She looked up at you before making slow steps over, before putting her paws on your thighs. You looked up at Yoongi who looked nearly green with envy. “Guess we know who her favorite is.” You teased. 
“No no no no,” he said as he leaned over before picking up the cat, plopping her on his lap. “She’s gonna be a daddy’s girl, if it’s the last thing I do.” You would’ve thought she would’ve hated being moved by force and would’ve jumped away, but she didn’t. She snuggled herself deeper into his lap and started purring. Now it’s your turn to be jealous.
“No fair,” you grumbled as you leaned forward to pet her again.
Yoongi only stuck his tongue out at you before turning his attention back down to the cat. “Moonlight.”
“What was that?”
“Her name is Moonlight. Moonie for short,” he said, his eyes never leaving her as he let his hand stroke her.
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the kitten. “Welcome to the family, Moonie.”
The rest of the day is spent with you and Yoongi on the ground, playing with her, completely ignoring the rest of the world. You took a lot of videos of her playing around Yoongi’s tail. It was precious to see how well he was with her; jumping into his new role as a cat dad. It warmed your heart. With each of her squeaky meows,  Yoogni would respond with one of his own; his deep voice making a low meow, sounding nothing at all like a cat. Yet she still responded, meowing back only louder and more pitchy.
As they continued to play, it became painfully obvious that Yoongi definitely bought those small mouse toys for him because he was playing around with them a lot more than her. Moonlight on the other hand, was approaching your bed. Pouncing on it in an attempt to climb up top. With a laugh, you helped her up onto the mattress, watching her as she waddled about the uneasy surface. 
Your stomach growled, hungry for some food. “I’m gonna go make something real quick.” You got up and kissed the top of Yoongi’s head before walking out of the room and towards the kitchen. You made a quick sandwich to refuel before getting back to playing. As you ate, you thought of how well this was going to be. Granted it was only the first day, but this was going to be good. Just by the look on Yoongi’s face you could tell. He was absolutely in love with that small little ball of fur, his baby. Your baby. 
Finishing up your little sandwich, you made your way back to the bedroom. It was quiet, you didn’t hear any more rustling or mewling. Brows furrowed, you opened the door and the sight you saw before you melted you. Yoongi laid curled up in the middle of the bed, similar to how he did when he first got comfortable with you when you got him. Moonlight was tucked close to his chest with an arm draped over her, fast asleep.
On your tiptoes, you made your way over to the bed to lay opposite of Yoongi. They both stirred as the mattress dipped beneath your weight, but both remained with eyes closed. You let your arm drape over Yoongi’s side, effectively sandwiching Moonlight between the two of you. There the three of your laid, tired smiles on your faces as you warmed the new addition of the family between you.
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danideservedbetter · 3 years
Alright so, here’s how things are gonna work.
First off, welcome to this side blog. Since it won’t be jolly fun fandom content and will be a little more personal I decided to separate my health and writing journey from my fandom stuff, although all my fandom content will still be linked on my main blog here.
(I write Izuocha/bnha content which isn’t super popular so if you’re not here for that then yeah, I don’t blame you. But if you are I have a link to our discord and community content pinned so def check it out if you’re interested.)
Secondly, you guys will hear details about stuff relating to my health like what kinds of things affect my disorder based on the tests some doctors are ordering, how I’m trying to improve my diet and activity, and routines and goals I’m attempting for myself. I am underweight, and that’s something I’m going to be talking a bit about, so if that’s triggering following this blog might not be the best thing for you. Details under the cut.
So, what kind of disorder do I have and why did I decide to make a health journey blog? My disorder is called idiopathic hypersomnia. Basically what that means is that when my disorder is acting up (based on factors like stress especially or my generalized anxiety rearing its ugly head) I have the capacity to sleep. And sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep. My longest recorded uninterrupted “sleep-attack” was 26 hours long and ever since I caught Covid in January, my body had been slowly growing weaker to the point I was starting to develop atrophy. I’ve had this ten years and my neurologist suspects inactive cells from mononucleosis I caught at 14 was the cause, because other IH patients have linked their sleeping problems to a case of mono or have had it at some point in their lives.
This disease stole many years and many things I’ve looked forward to from me. I lost friends and experiences and failed so many college classes I had to drop out.
I’ve decided I’m taking them back.
It’s not going to be easy. Just as it took ten years to convince myself that my tiredness was something I chose to give into, it took several extra years and many fights with my family to convince them that I had a real actual neurological disorder and that I need help sometimes. My parents and grandmother finally understand that I have to finish college and find a very special boss willing to work around my erratic progress on projects, but the outsiders they married are not as convinced. My grandmother’s husband kicked me out of their house because he wants to be the center of attention and doesn’t like that some days I’m so weak that I needed my grandmother’s help, and my father’s wife thinks I’m a lazy and ungrateful leech who “gets anxiety just being around” me. Both told my father I’ll never be happy so why even bother with me, but my dad is actually striving to understand his own recently-diagnosed PTSD so while we still butt heads he’s understanding that I have to take things day by day because every tiny circumstance affects my disorder.
Now, why did I decide to air all this out? Well, being open about my disorder and how it affects me has helped at least two people that I know of find out that the tiredness they experience isn’t the typical “American work force exhaustion” they were trained to believe is normal. So if I can help even one more, I’ll gladly talk about what this entails and how I deal with it day to day. Another reason is that I’m also one of those big advocates who believes talking candidly about mental health destigmatizes it and sharing ideas can help us grow as people and maybe make it a little easier to deal with.
So now that you know a little bit about me and my disorder, here are my big goals for the next three months provided my university takes pity on me and actually lets me go back.
First up: create routines to train my body to get used to living a full day fully awake. This includes waking up at the same time and going to sleep at the same time. It means getting dressed and going out and doing things, even little things— which I’ll get to in a sec.
Second: I write. I have a novel in limbo and I write fanfics. Writing is a big part of who I am and I’ve written one thing this year, which for a whole six-month stretch is upsetting and disappointing. Today is my reset. In the next 569 days I want to to finish the six stories I have in limbo (except the larger one) and finally reach my goal of posting 200k words in a single year. I wont be hard on myself if I can’t accomplish this because honestly finishing anything in the chaos of my life is going to be a miracle but. There ya go.
Third: go back to freakin college. I don’t care what it takes. Sit down with every official, every lawyer, and every professor it takes to get me back enrolled in classes in the fall.
Fourth: I have several smaller things I have to do, short term goals, stuff like that. I’m gonna create a to do list each day of small tasks I want to get done and while some of these things will be part of my daily routine I am throwing in like one or two things a day that just need to be done. My writing goal will change daily and I’ll keep y’all updated on that with every post I make.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Dani! That’s so much!! Well, a few months ago I remembered hey!! I basically have a computer in my hand, why make it hard on myself. So I downloaded certain apps to help me out. This isn’t me saying “hey go subscribe to these apps because I said so” it’s just that through a lot of trial and error I’ve come to find that these certain apps work for me and I’ve yet to come across one that has the functionality of everything I need.
Tiimo — so this is an app I found developed by people with autism for people with autism to help them develop good habits and routines. It has preset daily schedules (things like morning routines or nightly routines or work routines) and an internal alarm to let you know when to move on to the next task. I myself have extremely low-level aspergers (to the point where my doctor won’t give me an official diagnosis because I didn’t want people think that *it’s* the reason I have issues with school), so moving from task to task can be difficult sometimes and I also deal with getting distracted. This widget also appears on my home screen so I know what I have to do at a glance. You can program in weekly and daily tasks to fully customize your schedule, which is fantastic for someone like me who wants to for example rotate chores. This is hopefully going to help me get my body in the habit of adjusting to routines and transitioning from one task to another, as well as getting important things done responsibly.
Promptly Journals — I’ve been told for a while that journaling is helpful mentally to kind of recenter yourself, so a bit ago I downloaded several journal apps to add to my morning routine. Now some will prefer more creatively free journals, but I prefer this one that gives me small prompts I can do in a short amount of time that just allows me to get my thoughts down. I can even add pictures at the bottom that go with the theme! I’m scared I’ll run out of prompts eventually lol but until then this app works very well for my needs.
Stretchingexercise — Now idk if it’s from lack of sleep from my disorder, the position I sleep in when I do sleep, all the physical labor I’ve had to do in the past couple weeks, my medicine, or w h a t but I suffer from body aches like no one would believe. I know stretching is supposed to help with that, so I downloaded this app to help me do non-demanding physical activity that wakes me up in the mornings and helps relieve pain so I don’t keep having to take pain relievers. This one has different plans for things like muscle tension, back pain, warm ups— and it also gives you rudimentary weight updates (I’m underweight lololol so we’re looking to fix that) or plan updates. It’s worked really well for me so far and gives you animations and descriptions of the workouts (some taken from yoga) as well as timed breaks and a narrated guide. It’s been pretty helpful in temporary relief and if nothing else gets my blood flowing in the mornings.
Widgetsmith Step counter — in addition to the stretching thing one thing my doctor and I discussed that helps with the sedentary lifestyle is simply walking. I’ve needed so bad to relieve my stamina and reverse the atrophy, and walks have been stellar for that. Now I live in the New Orleans area so humidity and heat force me to go at the crack of Dawn, but honestly my weenie dachshund Charlie really enjoys our time out so he goes with me! The CDC recommends 10,000 steps a day which seems like a lot and it is if you don’t get out much. But this gives me an excuse to get dressed and do the hygienic thing and help Charlie be healthy too, as well as give me time for brainstorming because we walk in a truly beautiful area. I’m sure everyone installed widgetsmith with the last iOS update (Apple users anyway) and while at first the step counter was just interesting I’ve since come to rely on it! We do our 5000 in the morning, which of course is half, and I find that other things I do throughout the day typically drive the counter higher. Anything leftover can easily be accomplished by an evening walk in our neighborhood. Now the caveat is that I have to remote have my phone in my pocket because I don’t own a watch or anything fancy lol, but honestly I need to keep it on me anyway so that serves as a good reminder.
Todoist — this one is my FAVORITE. Ever since I’ve decided that I have trouble keeping track of things I need to do and small stuff I need to keep in mind and appointments, etc, I decided to find a list app. This is the one I found that absolutely helps me for everything from my list of room supplies I need to buy, to my reading list, to general tasks I have coming up I need to complete. And its widget functionality keeps it right on my Home Screen! More organized individuals can just use tiimo, but I’m definitely not one of those individuals so this app is sorely needed and appreciated.
And of course, I know building habits the first few weeks is HARD. So for days my body doesn’t respond to my alarms, I have a checklist of the key things I have to do to keep my life as functional as possible.
So that’s that on that. I’m going to try to keep writing updates and my daily goals in a post in the morning, and reblog what I accomplished in the evening. It’s gonna be tough. But I’m thinking if I can start small I’ll be able to build my stamina enough to return to college and be successful when I do. I hope that anyone watching this journey draws some kind of meaning or inspiration from it. And you guys can even follow along if y’all want! Especially for writers or people trying to get healthier. I can’t promise what works for me will work for you (and honestly I expect things to change especially if I get accepted into college again) but hey, I figure it’s worth a shot.
I hope you guys enjoy watching this journey, if nothing else I hope it’s entertaining. And maybe it’ll be successful. I do know that I’m just gonna try for it, and hope it works out.
First daily update to follow
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dark-academia-tips · 5 years
Greetings and Salutations, I’m new to the Dark Academia community. And I’ve absolutely fallen in love with what being a dark academic is about. But, I’ve had some trouble fully implementing dark academia into my lifestyle. Are there any tips to clothing?(styles and shops)things I should do or say? Just would love to have all tips and tricks! I love your page by the way!
how to implement dark academia into your life: the ultimate guide
if you look up dark academia fashion, you should find a lot of tweed, wool, corduroy. this is good. you want that.
things to keep an eye out for: 
a tweed blazer (of course). buy it secondhand so it already has that ratty feel. some (like my beloved @thoughtcriminals ) wear it very fitted and rock it, some others (like myself) like it just a tad too big. It ultimately depends on how and with what you’ll wear it. If you plan on wearing over sweaters, don’t get one that’s too tight, especially around the sleeve area; conversely, if you layer it under a winter coat, the sleeves should not be too thick so that it doesn’t bundle up.
a few woolen trousers. try to have around four or five. they must all fit you perfectly. bonus if they have belt loops (belts are A Staple of androgynous da students). I personally have a corduroy one, a check one, a striped one and a plaid one. keep the colour scheme in the earthy tones (cream, brown, forest green), and if you are like me and you like to eat/drink a lot, make sure that they have extra room. optimal cuts include, but are not limited to: straight, tapered (’cigarette trousers’), sailor, and palazzo. you also want to be able to crouch in them, it’s much easier in case you’re involved in a murder :)
button-ups. a lot of them. these, along with the trousers, are your wardrobe staples. i absolutely adore victorian/edwardian inspired blouses, with cool lace collars and all, but you also need simpler, sleeker ones. large billowy sleeves are an absolute yes too. they can be white, cream, ochre, brown, bordeaux... take your skin tone into account and your ability to not stain your clothing whenever you eat.
cool socks. do NOT underestimate what socks tell about your character. they should keep your feet warm and toasty, and also have quotes on them. or you can be like me and be too lazy to match socks: if so, just buy a 15-pack of short plain white socks. but if you’re really cool, buy these.
a woolen coat. to wear atop your button-ups and blazer. the popular choice seems to be long and black, but red or houndstooth also work super well. what you want is potential to be noticed, whether by having it swish behind you when you hurry past people in the corridors, or just popping out in the middle of all the common folk dressed in black with your bright red. extra points if you do both at the same time.
other essentials include: mid-length circle skirts, an off-white fisherman’s sweater, a full suit, WAISTCOATS, ties, and bowties. also jewellery: a watch, a locket, some rings... keep it minimal. 
dark academia room decor is surprisingly much harder to find. in general what seems to be popular is: chaotic but with one colour scheme, Full Victorian or basic furniture but stylish accessories. in general i’d say staples are: white bedsheets, wooden desk (bonus if it has ink stains), piles of books everywhere, a collection of old books definitely won’t go amiss, half-finished chess games, coffee stains. basically you want to look careless but still moderately tidy.
this one is a subject of controversy. if you want to live a true-to-the-books dark academia life, then drink, be elitist, be rich, smoke, gamble, kill a man. i do not agree with this. here is my version of the dark academia life.
always thirst for knowledge. whether it be by watching that documentary with the cool birds, or by reading the memoirs of the duc de saint-simon, try to expand your knowledge in all the directions you can. 
be hedonistic, but never put yourself in danger. drink wine if you want to. smoke cigarettes/weed if you want to. stay up late if you want to. but always know what you are doing. never get wasted on alcohol or other things; you must always be in control of yourself and your actions. 
read books! lots of em. if you can, never leave your house without a book. come back with more books. read classics, non-fiction, poetry... anything you can! thirst for knowledge
quote stuff. quoting authors in a conversation will immediately make you seem more cultured. on that note, try to expand your vocabulary as much as you can, to be well-spoken. Bernadette Banner is your goals.
don’t conform to society’s standards. take up a stupid hobby. experiment with your image. hack into the school to make vivaldi your new bell tone. meditate at four in the morning. stain that book from the 1900s with coffee. seize the bloody day, make the most out of life the way you want it  want to be an antequary? want to have a sugar daddy who you can escape but is strangely smitten by you? want to play saxophone at three in the morning? do it. and fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. dark academia is about being eccentric in a world of sheep.
a lot of people say that being gay is an inherent part of da. i disagree. do what you want! kiss your best friends. be heterosexual. have a liaison with nb folk. da is about hedonism. if you want it and the other person wants it, then i see no issue.
for more lists of any kind head to my blog! i will lengthen this in time when i feel the courage to; for now, i don’t. my inbox is always open if you have questions or requests.
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Hullo, Steph, and happy new year! Sorry if someone has asked this already, but I’m searching for Jealous John fics (preferably new ones). Just finished reading “White Knight” by DiscordantWords, and it is amazing!!! Once again, thank you SO MUCH for all the work and effort you put into this blog... the fandom wouldn’t be the same without you.
Hi Nonny!! 
Thank you for the well wishes! I hope you had a good holiday season yourself
I don’t have very many new Jealous John fics, but I do have some new ones to add to my past lists! So, why not, let’s update my Jealous John and Jealous Sherlock Fic rec list!!
See Also:
Jealous John
Jealous John Pt. 2 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 2
Jealous John Pt 3 and Jealous Sherlock Pt 3
Jealous John and Sherlock Pt. 4
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock’s closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don’t need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
Hell Sent, Heaven Bound by ConsultingHound (M, 64,381 w, 16 Ch. || Angels / Demons AU ||  Fallen Angel Sherlock / Angel Cop John, Alternate First Meeting, Slow Burn, Case Fic, John & Lestrade are Friends Before Sherlock, BAMF John, Mind Palace John, Friends to Lovers, John in Denial, Sherlock Picks Out John’s Clothing, Clubbing / Dancing, Mildly Jealous John, Awkwardness, Kidnapping, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Sacrifice, Worried / Anxious Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Immortal to Mortal) – Ex-War healer and current angelic guard John Watson is not having the best day. He overslept, he’s underpaid, and now there’s someone tagging the Council’s building walls. However things may be about to get interesting: there’s an unusual stranger hanging around (the definition of tall, dark, and handsome), a literal underground cult is brewing, and rumblings are coming from hell. Can he keep his neighbourhood safe, how and why is he being connected to all this, and who the hell is Sherlock Holmes?
White Knight by DiscordantWords (M, 69,840 w., 13 Ch. || S4 Compliant/Post S4, Marriage For a Case, Jealous John, Pining John, Janine / Sherlock Fake Relationship, Serial Killers, Case Fic, Undercover as a Couple, Weddings, John is a Mess, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Jealousy, Drunkenness, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience. Standing there amidst Janine’s chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it. Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn’t ask John.
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it’s a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
Santa Knows by Itsallfine (T, 1,719 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Party, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Fluff, Matchmaking, POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock and John both get exactly what they want from the Yard’s secret Santa exchange. Pure holiday fluff.
Denial Isn’t Just a River in Egypt by satanatemycat (T, 2,107 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Friendship, Texting, Bored/Cranky Sherlock) – In which John makes a bet with a co-worker. If he wins, she shuts up about him and Sherlock being a couple. If he loses… well, that doesn’t matter, because he won’t lose. Because he and Sherlock ARE NOT a couple. Right?
The Haunting of 221B Baker Street by earlgreytea68 (M, 10,388 w., 2 Ch. || Post TRF, Halloween / Ghosts, Pining Sherlock, Ghost Sherlock, Stroppy Sherlock, Sherlock POV, First Kiss/Time, Angry Sex, Ghost Sex, Love Confessions, Open / Ambiguous Ending) – In which Sherlock Holmes is a ghost.
The Burning of the Leaves by blueink3 (M, 15,915 w., 3 Ch. || Post S4, Angst, Reichenbach, Parentlock, Past Jolto, Idiot John, Sherlock’s a Mess, Puppies, Fluff, Possessive / Jealous Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, Matchmaker Sholto, Melancholic Feelings, Emotional Sherlock, Domesticity, Love Confessions in the Rain, Kissing in the Rain, Pet Names) – After the events of series 4, Major Sholto invites John and Sherlock to lunch one day. It nearly proves to be too much for their tenuous relationship as the past haunts the present, putting the future that Sherlock so desperately wants at risk.
You’re On the Air by prettysailorsoldier (M, 20,616 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock, Matchmaking, Radio, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Flirting, Bisexual John) – The Consulting Detective and The Woman dominate the airwaves of their university radio station, doling out advice on everything from meeting the parents to sexual positions. When their ratings start to dip before the holidays, however, manager Mike thinks it’s time for some fresh blood, and who better to fill in the gaps than rugby captain–and notorious flirt–John Watson? Part 1 of 25 Days of Johnlock
A Home for Us by sussexbound (M, 30,581 w., 12 Ch. || Scars, Bedsharing, Grief, Doctor John, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF, Implied/Referenced Torture, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation, Heavy Emotions, Clingy Sherlock, Hallucinations, Disassociation, Emotional Turmoil) – He has been on the road for two years, and he is exhausted. He’s almost accepted that he will never see London (John) again—almost. But then there are nights like tonight, where he is weak, and all he can think of is the warmth of the flat they once shared, the crackle of the fire in the hearth, the teasing smile playing at the corner of John’s lips, the boxes of half-eaten Chinese takeaway balanced precariously in their laps. He aches at the memory of it, at the realisation that it is something he may never experience again.
The Whore of Babylon Was a Perfectly Nice Girl by out_there (E, 32,897 w., 1 Ch. || Past Drug Use, Blowjobs, Toplock, Mentions of Switching, Rough Sex, Background Cases, Sherlock’s Past, Sherlock’s Sexual History, Experienced Sherlock, Past One Night Stands, Fingering, Cuddling, Possessive Sherlock, Paris Holiday, Bed Sharing, Naked Lie-Ins, Bathing Together, Confessions, Worried Sherlock, Laying in Bed All Day, Meddling Mycroft, Naked Lazy Day) – Sherlock walks into a room and takes all the space right out of it. He does the same inside John’s head.
Guidelines by WithLoweredVoices (M, 43,018 w., 15 Ch. || Winglock || Angels, Fantasy, Angst, BAMF! John, War, Jealous Sherlock, Possessive Sherlock, Jealous John, Falling in Various Ways, Needy Sherlock, Wings) – The Good Soldier, one of the oldest and strongest of the fallen, is offered a bargain: to live as John Watson and to Guide a fledgling archangel so that he will stay on the path of good. Of course, Sherlock Holmes has different ideas about his destiny. Fantasy AU. Warnings for violence, occasional gore, and a whole load of hurt and angst.
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he’s consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Toons For Our Times: The Loud House: Strife of The Party/ Kernel of Truth
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Lana plans her and Lola’s party with copius amonts of dirt and garabage while Lola tries sabotaging it and I struggle to figure out which one we’re supposed to be rooting for exactly.  Meanwhile Lincoln and Co find an abandoned news room and attempt to start their own news show with the immediate threat of cancelation hanging over their heads. You know like most shows on nick. Also Rusty gets hurt a lot which automatically makes this a winner. News Team Assemble, under the cut. 
Well this week was a mixed bag.. which granted could apply to this week as a whole but I meant it specifically for this episodes. Like last week one of them is a true classic that uses the series new status quo to create something intresting, and the other... is the worst episode i’ve reviwed so far. Yes not even one week and the show managed to go from having a boring episode to having a truly odious one. Both metaphorcially and literally as there’s a lot of grossout gags this time around. And unfortuantely since i’ts first in the pairing and the airing, I have to talk about it first. Pitter Patter, let’s get this over with. 
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Strife of the Party I”m not exaggerating either. I admit I was hard on Schooled! and Family Bonding, but the former sitll had some good content and the latter was .. well it’s still a boring lazy retread with a bonkers ending, but I admitted to having seen worse. But “I’ve seen worse” is never the best defense. I’ll admit usually I avoided the worse episodes of the loud house. I haven’t seen some of the more infamous episodes of the show like “No Such Luck” or “Kings of the Con”.. because as just a viewer I could skip an episode if it sounded like toilet dinner. Sure i’ve still ran into them: “Study Muffin” was just eh when it aired but now both post me too and post chris savino being rightfully fired for being a harassing dickweasel thanks to said movement, it’s realy fucking creepy, has Lori at her worst (Actively trying to cheat on bobby), and .. I have no third thing. All we really got out of it was Lynn Sr’s obsession with the British. And “The Green House”’s reputation proceeds it and there’s a reason I couldn’t finish it. Point is i’ve been lucky to only step in a few cowpies in the field of this show, and now i’m watching it as it comes out i’m accepting the hard truth that with the show’s hit and miss quality, i’m going to have to go panning in shit creek some weeks if I want to find the nuggets of gold.  Now I will grant this episode doesn’t sound NEARLY as bad as “No Such Luck”.. but as opus would say....
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Exactly my Pengy pal. Again not being worse than the worst episode of the show, still dosen’t make you a good episode. It just makes you marginally less terrible. It’s like saying Creed isn’t as bad as Nickelback. While tha’ts true they both still sound terrible, it’s just playing Creed isn’t a warcrime in some countries. And yes I just compared two episodes of a children’s show to bands my audience thankfully likely weren’t aware ever existed, I don’t care. If you haven’t left my blog running and screaming your either new here or tolerate me being an obscure weirdo.  
Before we get in proper, I haven’t covered the twins yet so let’s do that quick. I haven’t really watched a ton of Lola and Lana’s episodes, their not bad characters htey just don’t intrest me much as i’ve seen their gimmicks a lot, but I will say lola’s slightly better and I will say I like Lana more when she’s doing animal antics instead of grossout. Not terirble characters and their acted well, just not my cup of tea is all. Okay enough stalling , pitter patter!
We open with Lola planning the twins upcoming birthday and talking to her stuffed animals which is cute and all.. before a POSSUM CHESTBURSTS OUT OF LOLA’S UNICORN DOLL. 
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The.. the fuck. Look i’m all for scaring the crap out of kids in children’s entertainment. I loved Courage the Cowardly dog as a kid and as a grown ass man writing about children’s entertainment. I love the lich from adventure time, i’m okay with scaring kids. But this is just.. a bit too realistic. Yes really. While  doll that size probably can’t fit a possum it could sure fit something else and i’ve seen stuffed animals big enough for a posssum, so yeah.. this could actually happen to one of my nieces and that thought terrifies me. It happening to me also terrifies me but I’m a grown man not a small child who’d be scarred for life. Christ.  The episode does get better, for a second I didn’t bitch for a few paragraphs for nothing. Lana comes in, claims the demon possum, and tells Lola she’ll fix the doll. Uh Lana i’m not sure she wants it back.. you’d be better off burning it and setting the possum free in a republican center’s home where it belongs. 
Anyways Lana has a good point, Lola’s been plannig their parties ‘since before they were born”.. literally as the image above shows which is just.. fucking amazing. I cannot belivie they got to go there and it’s glorious they did. I can’t think of many, if any, other chlidren’s cartoons that showed a fetus on screen so kudos. 
But yeah that was the one good moment of the episode. Next our twins go to a party suply store where Lola, clearly knowing the host well because these kids have connections, has her stash all the poop colored stuff away... which backfires as lana instead goes to the garbage for party favors and decorations. It fails to get better: Next they go to a bakery where Lana makes her own literal garbage cake and then go to flips for entertainment i.e. a bull. NOw i’ll grant both stops have good bits: The cake store guy asks if Lana’s a cop when she asks for grime and Flip has them sign a waver for the bull. And the bull being lana’s idea of entertainment makes sense.. but overal it just comes off as gross and mean spirited. I mean yes Lola’s about to do some terrible stuff herself and yes Lola ouvershadowed lana.. but she dosen’t deserve this abuse and none of this is healthy or tolerbale for.. well anyone, and could get the Loud Parents in serious trouble, which also leaves the obvious plot hole of “why don’t they step in in either situation. “ 
The episode would’ve made more snese if Lana went to them to get them to let her host the party and their guilt over letting Lola always do it means they don't’ reign her in despite wanting to. Instead their just.. there at the end for a great bit we’ll get to. It’s always the bad episodes that paint the loud parents as terrible parents honestly. No Suck Luck had them cast their son out into the cold over nonsense, On Thin Ice had Lynn Sr decide forcing his children to embarass themselves was more important than teaching one of them that maybe sometimes you don’t always get to force your family to obey your whims for dumb reasons, and the april fools eps have Lynn Sr so terrified of pranking retribution instead of you know.. GROUNDING Luann for going full joker on their asses. IN most episodes their kind and reasonable but it’s always the bad ones where they instead make Homer Simpson look like a good parent. 
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But yeah my rant aside the episode COULD work if Lola, encouraged by one of her other siblings, Luann would be a good bet as she could easily slide into the party setting when appropriate without being too distracting, realizes she’s been selfish and tries to hold her tounge for lana’s sake. Maybe then she tries sabotage.. or better she DOSEN’T, but both of them realize something; Lola realizes she’s been doing this to lana their whole lives by forcing her into a party she doesn’t  like so LOLA can be happy while Lana realizes she’s being no better. Hell even if Lola did complain, which is in character, this plot woudl still work. instead.. Lana is just as bad as Lola while Lola is still pretty terrible.  See the big problem is that NEITHER girl is likeable. As I’ve made clear Lana pushes a gross, dangerous party on her sister she clearly doesn’t like, and Lola, instead of trying tot alk to her parents or get Lana to tone it down.. tries to guide her to what she wants, then when that fails sabotages the party, makes it so Lana has nothing and gets her party. Both sides are being really bad, but instead of them realizing this, lana is treated as the one we should be sympathetic to when she gets mad when she finds out about Lola even though NEITHER of them are sympathetic or likeable and deserve to win 100%. But Lana does, lana gets her way, Lola apologizes and hte paradigm just shifts from one sibling being unhappy to another. We do get that one gag I talked about where when lola goes to make things right she has Lynn Sr stall and he pulls out a cowbell “You thought I wasn’t going to need this”. No bud, Rita HOPE you wouldn’t need this. There’s a difference. Thank god it’s the end. 
Final Thoughts for Strife of the Party: They should be obvious but to be clear this is hippo excrement. i’ts not funny, it makes both it’s leads look bad, the parents look worse by inaction and  just isn’t pleasant ot watch. I do GET the show has a young audience, and they like grossout, I get i’m not the target demographic, so I probably would just be okay with a good version of this episode.. but even with that in mind both twins come off so unlikeable it’s just not fun to watch or to see Lana win as she didn’t feel like she earned it. It’s bad and it should feel bad, and i’ts the first truly odious episode i’ve had for weekly coverage. I’ve had okay or eh ones, but this one is truly bad and belongs in the pantheon of bad loud house episodes.. or at least in the honrable mentions. Good gravy this blew. 
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Kernel of Truth
Okay now we’ve panned the gold nugget out of the crap creek, we can get on with the GOOD episode this week. I was excited for this one.. I was excited for both actually, even not being a huge fan of the twins I liked the idea of a loud birthday but as we just saw,.. didn’t work out so good. But this one while I thought it would just be average, promised another lincrew shenanigan and I like most of those i’ve seen, and plus I knew it’d allow me to refrence anchorman a bunch so i was llike :Fuck it let’s go”.. and this one ended up being REALLY damn good and probably one of the best episodes with this group i’ve seen, right up there with “Be Stella My Heart.” I’ts good stuff. But before we get into it you probably noticed my ranting about girl jordan but turns out, while I haven’t watched that episode, she’s in the sand field trip episode from last season hanging out with stella so I have an answer to if they forgot abotu her, they didn’t they just need to use her more, and a new ship so i’m satisfied and I apologize for bitching about it. Next time i’ll just check the wiki and see before I bitch about something. ON with the review. 
We open with our motely crew searching for a hidden Game Room rusty’s cousin claims exists, with Stellas as lookout and the guys.. er all in stacks that make it look like their doing a team up move from donkey kong country 2? 
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I mean I have been playing the game a lot since it came to switch online, seriously if you have the service go play it, but i’m not hte only one seeing this right? Right.  So yeah the kid stack fails and Zach doubts Rusty’s story.. because when has rusty ever been right.. well apparently just this one time, but we’ll get to that. They even checked the boiler room. 
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And then promptly vowed never to go back to the boiler room while Principal RAmierz just sighed at having to deal with a freddy kruger infestation again. They loose more children that way and the school board JUST got him out of the high school.  Liam also gets the line of the episodes when he calls the group “Fellas and Stellas” Which is just objectively amazing and needs to be used every time this group appares from now o. Luckily= Stella noticed another closed door, this one taped off instead of just with a keep out sign and the Fellas and Stellas make their way inside and find themselves in.. a news room! But it’s nto a fox news room so it actually had news in it once and not Tucker Carlson, the answer to what happens to an 80′s or 90′s yuppie scumbag villian after they fail to get the orphange paved over for condos
Anyway, our heroes alll ohhh and all while Zach thinks this is where children are harvested. Nah Zach they just call them up on the pa system.
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So everyone does what’s natural to them: Zach and Liam inspect the cameras, Stella looks at the old mic because she’s a natural for being an on camera personality and Rusty.. oggles an old group shot of the news team. You know I may not hate him with the hatred of a hundred suns, but he’s still objectively the worst. Zach gets mad at him over it because “That’s my mom”. Rusty defends himself by calling her hot and while th. no please god no dont’ talk about women like that you creepy little weatherbeaten Chucky doll that somehow became a real boy, or had dustin diamond transfer his soul into it befrore he died. Either is possible. The point is Ewww. The other point is while Rusty’s being his usual living proof of while he’ll die alone Zach has no right to get upset , AT FIRST because how the hell would Rusty know that’s hsi mom. You two have the combined braincell of a dead feret. Stella is the only one out of all 6 of you evenmy boy liam who has more than one brain cell. This argument is stupid and I hate you both,  just settle things in the most humane way possible.. or at least THIS is what I consider the most humane way possible. 
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So while those two are being as stupid as expected, Lincoln suggets fixing the place and becoming the new school news crew. I mean they’d need new equipment since even if the stuff there still works’ it’s all worn out 80′s tech none of you know how to use but given their seen with a modern camera later int he episode, I assume they just sold this off and got new cameras. Even if the show flopped, more on that in a minute, the principal could still use those for other projects so it’s a win win. Stella Zhau agrees.. and FINALLY has a last name. Like holy shit i’ve been waiting a full season for this and it feels like that bit was JUST to give her a last name. Now they just need to do Liam but still, I needed this one more. Plus it also means we can now firmly say she’s chinese. Neat!
So after that blockbuster reveal Stella wonders where Rusty is, because fuck if I know, and they all find him continuing to oggle zach’s mom at their age....
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Zach snatches it away and crumples up understandably annoyed. Rusty’s response is about what you’d expect. 
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So once Liam’s done throwing that calender into the school furnace, and saying hi to freddy as he passes the boiler on the way, our team heads to the principal to plead their case. They run into Meryl, the identical in personality, plot function and apperance outside of wearing pink instead of yellow to Cheryl, the receptionest at the elementary school who I really liked and it’s a clever way to keep the character at both schools and pays off the runnig gag of Cheryl asking liincoln or clyde who looks better her or her sister by having said sister show up and ask the same. Good stuff. 
Meryl ends up agreeing to let them go see the wizard, I mean Principal Rameriz, because her soap is on. Also clyde’s a fan to his friends blank stares. Come on guys he watches romance movies, of course he’s going to love drama shows, even the non teen ones. I now imagine he joins the loud sisters on their riverdale nights. Riverdale the clusterfuck that has something for all of them: Teen drama and shirtless hunks for Lori and Leni, Music and scantly clad “teens’ of both genders and neither gender for Luna, something to laugh at for Luann who probably loves mst3king stuff, and violence for Lucy.. dosen’t seem like it’d be Lynn’s thing honestly but I rest my case. Also the rest of the sisters are too young but the parents figure Lucy’s desentised enough to violence and blind enough to sex to make an exception. 
Now that fun headcanons out of the way our heroes pitch the principal whose skeptical, as the 80′s news show ended because it was boring, much like why that 80′s show ended. That and it was a bunch of 80′s pop culture refrences strung together. I do have a minor nitpick that it seems odd a school room would be in disuse for this long, but given the Principal has apparently spent years looking for aformetioned game room as we find out in the end, the school blueprints are apparnelty lost to the ages or if they exist are some sort of ancient treasure map buried beneath the school drawn in blood by an old witch. I mean this universe has cherry hating peach loving spies now, i’ not ruling anything out. 
But our heroes beg them: Clyde has journalism experince on the school paper, Stella has the dedication and heart and Rusty .. thinks people need to see his face on camera. Rusty as far as we know your face functions like the vdieo from the ring and everyone in school is going to die 7 days after seeing it on film. That’s my theroy and i’m sticking to it. Thankfully everyone else is just as annoyed with him as me for once, and we get the glorious shot above of everyone just looking.. done with his antics and wondering why they keep him around. Finally for once I agree iwth the characters on something rusty related. Let’s show that agian. 
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Poetry. You can just feel the levels of “So done with this crap” seeping from every poor.. except for Poor Lincoln who just wishes his best friends and rusty woudl stop using him as furniture, and Liam whose covered but probably very much on team “Rusty Stop Being Yourself your blowing this for us”. They even have an action news pose.. which is botha dorable and breaks the principal’s bust of herself, so she relucntantly agrees to get them out of there. Plus as I said there’s really no loss for her here. If their sucessful the school gets a new elective, something to put on the tv’s every morning, a way to do announcments so she dosen’t have to, and free good publicity for her next bonus. If not.. then she has somehwere to store her new cameras she can use for other stuff, and come up with something else to do with the media lab. Either way she wins. Plus iwth phones and stuff noawaydays they only need the one new camera.  Okay before we move on confession time: I was on a school tv news show’s crew myself. Not in middle school, we werne’te that lucky but in high school we had video media, an elective where seniors edited news segments and what not for the school’s WhamTV program. I hope i’ts still around honestly. I started on a field crew doing stories but my awkardenss and a blow up at my partner where my awkward rage prone ass threatned him by accident, got me bumped to doing credits.. which I genuinely loved. I got to something fun, creative and unique, I was still part of hte intros every week, and I got plenty of time to goof off and watch videos. It’s how I found channel awesome and first got to watch atop the fourth wall since it wasn’t on youtube back then, back before you know, it turned out Doug was abusing all of them and younger me was just unaware of it. But it was still good times so this episode does feel a bit nostalgic for me. But enough teary eyed reminciings of ten years ago, back to the plot. Our heroes air their newscast. It’s the Middle School Action News with with your Anchors Lincoln Loud and Clyde McBride, Stella Zhao in the field, Rusty Spokes on Sports for.. some reason, Cameraman Liam Wedon’tknowhislastname and Zach Gurdle somewhere out of the way. Middle School Action News, always on, always free.. no wiat tha’ts pluto. Middle School Action News, Taste the rainbow. Middle School Action News.. The Good Guys Always Win, Even in The 80′s. Yeah that’ll do! 
But yeah while our heroes try their best, and to their credit this does feel like a middle school news show. The writers not our heroes. Anyways Lincoln and Clyde banter and we get our first segment Stella trying to interview mr. Bohlmer about his birthday.. which goes about as well as doing anything for him on ron swansons’ birthday. 
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Next we have Rusty on sports.. which I questioned when I first say this but as obonxious as Rusty can be.. yeah this is the best place to have him. Stella has the drive and the talent to be their field reporter, Clyde and Lincoln have a lifelong report that does well for the desk, Liam is nice and patient enough for camera work, and Zach is a paranoid weirdo so he probably has experince editing since thats where I assume where he is since htey ddon’t do weather and even if they did Liam’s just not the right shade of oblivoiusly nuts. 
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I do however at least get why they keep him around as Rusty needs someone to get fed up with him.. but as the above moment showed Clyde and Stella can do that easily, as can Lincoln, so he really has no functional purpose other than as a B-Grade dale gribble. ANd I know kids don’t know who that is but they frankly deserve better. Seriously Zach...
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Okay getting back to the segement. For starters Rusty does a breath spray first.. but suprisingly despite interviewing a lady, specifically Lynn, he DOSEN’T hit on her and is actually professional and manages to get a quote despite her disintrest. LIke I know it’s the bare minimum but you’ve met rusty right? the Bare Minimum is hard for him to grasp. Earlier this episode he was oggling old pictures of his friends mom and saying he should take it as a compliment which, Hard No. So the fact hours later he’s talking to a woman without radiating creep after that is an achivment. For him and him alone mind you, most kids should know better. But still I may be hard on the kid, because DAMN is it fun and damn if he dosen’t give me plenty of joke fodder, but I will give him credit even if it’s the bare minmum. Good job rust you passed the very basic plateau of human decency. 
Stella wraps things up with a look at the cafteria that’s about what you’d expect from a kids cartoon, shoe int he beans etc. Unfortuantley bean shoes, sportz and angry assholes aren’t enough to float the show and the principal is ready to can it.  On hte bright side they have their first lawsuit from Mr. Bohlmer. I mean John Olvier idnd’t start getting sued by dickheads with no real case till he was 30, nicely done kids. And it’s not even why, it’s just boring and the kids aren’t enjoying it. So Stella, being again the one with her own brain cells here, proposes to let them find a big story, and Ramirez reluctantly but graciously agrees. And that’s why I like her so far. Don’t get me wrong having Steven Tobolowsky as principal was great, but I like Rameriz better: she’s smart, weary of the crap she puts up with and tough but fair.. which is a cliche btu fits here: She’ll be honest with her kids but will give them an honest chance and sees our news team really doees want this bad and her giving htem one more day to find something actally intresting is more than fair.  So our heroes spitball about what to do for news. LIam suggests alien because again he has about one character trait, so everyone tells him for hte last time no. I mean it isn’t much worse than his last suggestion. 
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So once agian it’s RUSTY who saves the day, bringing in beet snacks.. which he tries to get them not to stone him over over the fact the popcorn was all gone.. which okay 1) I get the show’s tring to be healthy so maybe ther’es not chips, but I have a hard time buying that there’s no Chez Its, snack packs or other goodies between “Popcorn’ and “something with beetz that only two men would eat” For the record those two men are Dwight Schrute, for obvious reasons, and this guy my boy Tony Chu. 
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I highly recommend this comic, Chew for the record, to anyone. Just.. anyone whose not a children it gets voilent, but it is sublime. We’re not here for that, but I thought i’d plug it. It also has a spinoff currently running, Chu, following his criminal sister. Also real good and dosen’t really spoil anything for hte main series thus far so you can hop in there instead. Either way your in for a ride.  Back on topic, while Rusty failed with snacks he actually brings up a good point: The popcorn isn’t just gone because it’s late in the school day, but because as the kids notice, it’s just missing in general despite the trucks arriving. They have their story and head out to investigate.  And suprisingly, unlike last week’s investigation they find something: A mysterious hooded figure bribing the driver for popcorn, and taking it off somewhere. They fail to catch her, as Rusty dives over her telling Liam to “Make sure you get this”.. he instead gets a shrub and video of him attacking a shrub. I’ts a good runner and shows the writers are leanring to use Rusty better.  They take the footage to the principal, who is impresssed, but states they need to find out who dun it for the story to be complete which is fair enough. They stalk out the nexxt delivery time later that night, but find the drivers have been switched and the mystery person has fled to canada. Rusty once again tries catching her and fall sin the water. Liam once again responds with a cheerful “Don’t worry rusty I got it”.. okay this dynamic is honestly better than him and Zach: Cheerful oblivious Liam and scheming dumbass rusty. Why isn’t THIS the “Those Two Guys” dynamic in the group, honestly. 
Anyways Lincoln is dispondent the next day as iwth no leads, they have no programa nd prepares to do a spider-man no more with his anchorsuit.. which okay 1) you can use that for other things man. Peter Parker can’t really use a spider-man suit for anything but spider-manning but you can use that suit for dates and dances and stuff. and 2).. whya re he and the clyde the only ones with outfits? I mean.. it’s clear from this episode there will be more school news stories nad it just looks weird that they get to play dressup in suits but the rest of the crew isn’t. Liam at leat is working the camera and Zach is Zach but rusty and Stella are field reporters. Field reporters, while not always, usually get nice suits too guys. 
ANyways Lincoln finds something in the garbage. And not his sister this time, as Lana oscar the grouched it up lat episode in sadness. Which to be fair will be her future career mark my words. At least I think that’s a career. Anyways, our heros find a ferry ticket meaning whoever fled to Canada is in the building. They trail some popcorn from the ticket to the locked door from earlier, which Rusty, finishing the rule of three, tries knocking it down hwile Liam gets it. Stella, again proving to be the real hero of this tale, uses her hair as a lockpick. Is.. is there anythign this child can’t do? She and Marcy should swap notes sometime damn. 
And the culprit is MERYL! She was using the popcorn for insulation to get a quite room to herself and begs the kids not to tell which. is the weaker part of the episode> We don’t have the investment in Meryl we do in Cheryl, and she did you know.. steal school property.. or at least buy it off under the table. But the kids being the sweet kids they are understandably, schemes or not don’t want her  to loose her job, and agree to not tell on her even if they loose their show. And to their creid and what keeps this from sinking the episode Meryl is genuinely greatful for this gesture, and gives them the scoop.  And as i’ve been mentioning turns out RUSTY WAS RIGHT. Yes Rusty. That Rusty. Was Right about something. The Game Room exists. They find it thorugh a hidden locker entrance and unlock it from the inside, with af lodo of viewers coming in. Granted at first I didn’t know why Meryl didn’t just use this room but then I thought “Oh yeah she’s a full grown adult and can’t fit in the entrance and i’m assuming it was locked from the other side to the rest of the school”. So the kids have a new hangout and as the principal joins them, they havea  show! Turns out she’d been looking for this place for years.. and doesn’t turn it into something else. What a legend. She plays Air Hockey with Meryl, is there something going on there or are my shipping goggles acting up.. probably both. Anyways our heroes have genuine thanks, a fun new hangout at school, their own headquarters and their own news show. It’s a heck of a day but it’s no time to rest as Rusty tells them he has another tip and i’ts off... to pick up a broom to sweep up the gumball machine they knock over.. THEN they can go find the hot tub for the teachers lounge. 
Final Thoughts:  OH me mow, this was a great one. For one the main complaint I had I mentioned at Schooled! of it not feeling like Lincoln’s friends were given enough personality sometimes? Gone enitrely. Everyone except Clyde and Zach get a moment and Clyde is still fully present and has gotten several focus episodes at this point, while Zach again should just leave already. But the rest of them? All on form. Stella continues to prove her competence, energy and adorability, Rusty is not only actually useful for once but was actually really funny his episode. The gag with Zach’s mom was actually pretty hilarious, my jabs at him aside, and the runner of him trying to do some epic stunt, telling Liam to film it and then humiliating himself while his pal cheerfully tells him he got it is just great and Lincoln’s Spider-Man no more moment with his suit was both said and kinda funny and I love him and Clyde’s reporter outfits. It’s why I wanted everyone to have them, especially since this will be a recurring theme and looks to be a fun one. It was fun, creative, and took me back a decade. It was a REALLY damn good one and I’m glad I watched this one first, a true highlight of the series and a true good sign that the season can, even with some hiccups, will apparnetly have some REALLY great episodes on average even with the weaker ones.  That’s it for this week... and somehow for loud house coverage as, for now, their doesn’t’t seem to be any new episodes in October, but that could change. Until then, follow this blog every Monday for regular ducktales coverage and come back in October for more loud house, more the Casagrandes  and some spooky spooky fun Until then, Go team venture. 
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iamlailanie · 3 years
It's been a year but still...
Hi! It's been a while :) I guess It's been 2 years since I wrote my first blog. A lot of things have happened these past few years. There have been ups and MANY downs but it has taught us a lot in life especially we're in the middle of a worldwide global pandemic.
In terms of Pandemic:
It's already been a year when the quarantine imposed in Philippines. I never thought that these things will last longer than much as I expected. Covid-19 is surely a no joke. I remembered when we're still in the middle of reporting in our class, I am the last reporter which I am preparing my lines, practicing my tone and how should I deliver it. Then someone knocks the door, It was the guard reminding us that our class is dismissed due to circulating virus as Mayor Isko stated. Our professor agreed but after we finish the report. So I start reporting (which I know no one's listening) preparing their bags to leave lol. I'm a bit relief because I don't get questioned since our mind (our prof included) focuses on 1 week vacation. SIKE!
After we leave the class, We're actually excited obviously it's a 1 week suspension, We even plan to go somewhere, We even plan to go outing, swim and hike. But it never happened obviously, since the virus is circulating all over the news. We got scared ofc. After I went to dorm, I packed some of my things which we thought that it's just 1 week suspension. When I got home, the news said that the govt will continue the lockdown for another 1 month. Then goes another month, so on & so forth. GCQ, ECQ, MECQ, MGCQ, BBQ lmao. Unfortunately, a year had passed, Philippines is still not covid-free and still in ECQ.
I know all of us are struggling hard in different ways, Covid-19 isn't something that we should underestimate. It not just attacking our physical health but it attacks our mental health, emotional even financial either. Companies, food restaurants, schools, businesses, economy are also struggling and most of them are still haven't recovered from the bankruptcy. It's heartbreaking to see when people lost their jobs especially jeepney drivers begging for foods. Sometimes, I get really sad whenever I sleep comfortably and realizing that someone out there, begging and asking for help, dying, depressed, even some committing suicide. Some lost their love-ones, some are praying they can live more, some are wishing they could go back home, some are grasping for air.
However, despite of these circumstances , I hope that we don't stop having faith in God. He makes miracles everyday. We may not see the way how He moves, but you see, we're still living and fighting. Isn't that a blessing itself? God will give you the strength you need to hold on. Repeat after me:
At my lowest: God is my hope.
At my darkest: God is my light.
At my weakest: God is my strength.
At my saddest: God is my comforter.
Verses you can hold on:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
In terms of my dental course: (update)
Currently, I am now in 3rd year, 2nd semester and still struggling as usual. I may say every subject is a challenge. It's quite difficult especially we're in online class. There's PROs and CONs regarding bout having online class as a student. Since I'm not yet a clinician, there would be a lot of pro's here.
Let's start with a Cons, As a dental student, Face to face is clearly a must but since Covid, we have to prioritize first our health safety.
1. There's a lot of distractions. You can't focus that much. It's either you have unstable connection or you use too much gadgets since you're not in the room. No one's watching. No one can stop you using your phones even you're in the middle of discussion. It's either you are in Tiktok, scrolling your newsfeed, playing games even watching movies, etc. Yes. You're listening but your presence of mind aren't there. (I'm attacking myself too)
2. As a dentistry student, ofc we have to bought dental materials, since I'm in Taguig, there's no dental shop near here, it's either we have to travel to Maynila, or order online which is really hella expensive. Two things test you there, Budget and Patience.
3. Practicals. Hands on. I don't need to further explain. No doctors, professors, friends can help you. You only have yourself. They can only guide you. (except if you have your parents/relatives that can teach and help you with the techniques which sadly I don't have). My parents help me in diff way, they're just there supporting me emotional and financial but not in practicals. There's only me, myself and I. Google, YouTube, Ebooks, Recorded lessons, even ppt slides will be your best friend.
4. You can't see your classmates and friends. I remembered every after exam, we hangout. We ate, sharing how hard our exam is. You have the peer support system.
5. Radiation. Always in your computer can give an headache so I bought an Eyewear to protect my eyes atleast from these radiation.
6. Teaches you to be lazy. IF only you are not taking seriously your studies. But in my case, In face to face, back then, I am diligently taking notes every discussion but now, just taking screenshot and printing the slides in one click.
7. And of course, You have no money.
On the other hand, Pros are:
1. You can sleep anytime. Just turn off your cam, then get your pillow, Zzzzz. Unless, your prof calls you for recitation.
2. You don't have to ligo. You can save water. Just brush your hair and then you can go to class. Walang makakaamoy. Tipid din sa damit lol.
3. You can procrastinate. I hate to admit but it's me.
4. You don't have to walk. After you wake up, you just have to sit and then open your computer or phone then you're in.
5. You can cheat. Not advisable but yes. If you want to pass without learning, you cheat. But if you wanna learn, you shouldn't.
7. You always have your "me time".
8. You can eat anytime.
9. You don't have to go to dorm, more quality time in your family.
10. You can leave class easily.
Therefore, I firmly believe that you never stop learning. You learn something new everyday. It's funny we never noticed. It's funny to think that the world is having problem with these pandemic while my problem is how to pass my subject. Haha
I may say, Dentistry is really really hard than much as I expected. Each steps are hard, sometimes, out of nowhere, I ask myself why am I even here? Why did I chose this again? Why do I keep trying? Is this really my calling? Ofc I admit all of that, There's a lot of what ifs. But to think in diff point of view, What if I never give up? What if I'll make it? What if I can? You see. It's the way you think. You're perception in life is what molds you. You can be a dentist if you think you can. You can be an engineer if you think you can. You can even be the next president if you want to. Everybody starts in having perception then next, execution.
I may not be smartest one, but no matter how smart or how beautiful you are, those things aren't valuable if you don't let God use you. Remember, when you feel inferiority, insecurity and self doubts creep into your heart, Ask God helps you to see yourselves the way He does.
Let our Delays, disappointments, fear, anger turns to breakthrough, patience, willingness and love. Repeat after me:
In God's Time. I will be.
We never know when will this end, God only knows. We just have to be strong and ask God to have MORE faith on Him.
Verse to hold on:
“If you can believe, all things are possible to HIM who believes.” Mark 9:23
More of Him, Less of Me.
I know it's been a year but still... God is by my side.
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sadchappuccino · 4 years
Love Don’t Hate it - One
Pairing: Dyn Djarrin (Mando) x reader
Warnings: None?
Summary: To understand the story of you and the Mandalorian you must know the events before it
A/n: I worked so hard on this chapter it felt like it’d be 3k long, but surprise surprise it’s just 1.1k. Anyway the next ones will be longer. Enjoy
Next ->
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The story of how you met the Mandalorian was a long one, because to explain how you met him or why you decided to help him raise a baby started way before. While the empire still ruled over the galaxy you found a holocron, the reason you were where you were when you met the Mandalorian.
You found it hidden far from eyesight when you went for a walk. In a small alley you saw it laying in the trash. Why it was thrown away you didn’t know, but you were too curious to leave it. Thus, you picked it up and took it home to find out what the machine meant.
In the confined space of your home you placed it on the table in front of you. Here you knew no one was watching, somehow you had the need to open it here. There was some feeling in your gut that you shouldn’t try to pry it in public.
The dodecahedron machine intrigued you, to say at least. With little to no clue what it was you found it to be a challenge opening it. You had tried nearly anything, from using your bare hands to try breaking it open with a crowbar.
You were close to giving up, that was when you had a last idea. Something that scared you to your very core, a power deeper than your thoughts could comprehend. It was an unknown force you could feel around you.
When you were still young you discovered this power, you and your friends joked about having powers and you acted like you were going to lift up a rock with ‘magic’. To your shock the rock moved a bit, not a lot, but enough for you to notice it. Ever since that day you tried to forget it, pass it off as a dream. ’It couldn’t be real’, you thought, but you always knew that it did happen. That you were just trying to slide it off as a way to cope with it. You wanted to be normal and not being that scared you.
Feeling scared of yourself is a feeling no kid should be feeling, but because of that small movement you did. You were completely terrified of that day. But something inside you told you that you should try to breach the machine with that power.
You extended your hand and focused on the machine, trying to do the same as you’d done many years ago. To your utter shock it worked, a hologram of a little green man was shown from the machine.
“Master Yoda, I am,” he spoke. That was the beginning of your future.
Listening to the words he had to say you adapted your life to them. You left your home planet of Coruscant to train to become a Jedi in peace, knowing that you’d be a dead person walking if anyone found out.
So you took the first opportunity you could get to leave and you took off to Sorgan. You practiced on your force skills there, opting to first be able to meditate before you would make a lightsaber.
You sat there for weeks straight, only taking a break to eat or to go to the bathroom. You meditated until you had a better understanding of the force, you meditated until you could see spirits of the force, the man, of what you learned was a holocron, showed up. You lost complete track of how much time had passed by during all this. The only company you had were the force-spirits.
It went like this for a while, until master Yoda told you to start working on your physical strength too, since you already became mentally strong.
Following his advice you started to climb the trees, run through the forest and practiced your fighting skills with the help of the spirit of master Kenobi. Of course you regularly meditated to keep your mind clean.
You even left for a few days to retrieve a kyber crystal from Datooine. You meditated with the crystal for a few days to bond with the crystal. You always found great peace in meditation, it felt like no one could hurt you then, with the added bonus of holding your crystal you felt even more peace than before. After that you collected all the items necessary to make your lightsaber. It had a basic design, not over the top, you only added the bonus of a leather handle to better your grip on it. When you lit the weapon it gave a green hue, you stared at it for a while, mesmerised by the sheer beauty of it.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed out. You twisted it around you, letting the force guide you, like master Yoda said, ‘the force is an ally and a powerful one.’
After a few more months practicing with the weapon while continuing your previous training you began to wonder how long it’d still take until you became a jedi. You thought you were ready to aid people in need, but you had to have the approval of your masters first, they know better when you’d be finished.
So, you asked the masters if you were ready for the trials. “A good padawan you have been,” answered master Yoda, “but a master not yet.” You nodded your head, slightly disappointed with the answer, yet you understood it.
“Thank you, I do have a question though, could I possibly take on a job outside of my training, I can barely afford food anymore.”
“A job you can have.”
Obi-Wan nodded his head, “be careful not to grow attachment to anyone there, remember a jedi must love all-”
“But not think one being is perfect,” you finished the oh so known sentence. “Thank you masters,” you bowed your head down, you left to go to a village and there you were accepted to work in restaurant facility.
You poured the drinks behind the bar. It was a pretty simple job and it paid a decent amount, enough to support yourself.
You liked it there, you had the added bonus of getting some free food once in a while and soon enough you had enough money to buy a piece of fabric to start working on your traditional Jedi robes.
Life had changed drastically for you, but you were always one to enjoy the new.
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Mando fic: @700teacups @stupidly-lazy @theladywholivesonthemoon @jelly-snow-stark @leilei-draws @resistancesquadronblackleader
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nihononthego · 4 years
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I dreamed I was late for the JLPT N2 exam. I was so late, I actually went to the classroom to check in. I flipped through my wallet and saw all my JLPT cards from previous years, so I was panicking a bit because I couldn’t find the one for this year. When I finally found it, I showed it and my ID to the proctor and sat down. I noticed that people around me were finishing the first section early and just starting to chat. I opened my booklet, just to be told that the time was up for the first section of the exam. That was pretty disheartening, but that dream tells me that (1) I’m fearful, and (2) I’m not taking my preparation time seriously.
Lately, I have been thinking about when would be the best time to take the exam--either this year or next. I’m just thinking ahead this year, since there has been too much going on since 2018. As I’ve been putting together my schedule, I’ve just come to the conclusion that I shouldn’t be lazy or neglectful about my studies.
What do you do when you love a language, but your schedule is really packed? What do you do when you love a language, and you’re too lazy to actually do anything productive with it? What do you do when you love a language, you have a test to study for, and your schedule is packed and you’re lazy?
Make a decision that you want to study, and be committed to it. Studying a language first begins with your mindset. Don’t just dream about becoming fluent; envision yourself actually studying and working toward that goal. A study by Pham and Taylor (1999) showed that students who visualized themselves studying performed better than those who visualized themselves achieving a high score on an exam. The students who visualized themselves studying for the exam increased the number of hours they actually spent studying, reduced anxiety, and increased problem-solving activities (Pham & Taylor, 1999).
Be realistic about what and how you want to study. The SMART goals are a good start for being realistic with yourself. SMART goals are ones that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time-bound. So saying you want to study Japanese is not very specific--what in Japanese do you want to study? If you say you want to be fluent in Japanese in three months, and you’re starting from ground zero, that may not be realistic or achievable for you. With goals like these, it would be no surprise if you found yourself losing interest. Therefore, having some realistic and concrete goals in place may help motivate you to study. When you set clear goals for your self, then you will not be shooting in the dark with language-learning, and the progress you see will encourage you. Brown (n.d.) has a great article on creating a language-learning plan for yourself.
Create a schedule for yourself. Creating a schedule looks different for each person. Some people will create blocks of time in their week that they devote to studying, others study whenever it’s convenient, some study whenever they feel like studying, and others panic that they have no time when they just devoted five hours to playing video games and bingeing Netflix. If there is one thing that I learned from winning National Novel Writing Month, it is that you have time. In Chris Baty’s book No Plot? No Problem!, he suggests writing out your whole schedule for the week and marking all the blocks of time where you are doing something: working, sleeping, eating, gaming, etc. Whatever openings are available that is the time you use. You might also tailor this by finding your most productive hours of the day. I used to like studying at night, but I realize that I also like writing and watching TV at night. It has been happening so consistently that I have begun to realize that this is not the best time to study for me. I am now considering pushing my study time to an empty block in the morning/afternoon.
It’s okay to take time off, but don’t stay there! Everyone has moments of laziness, and it’s okay to take some days off, but set some boundaries for yourself. Don’t use laziness as an excuse to stay lazy. Don’t fall into a subconscious pattern of thinking: “Well, I’ve been lazy for about a week, so I might as well just keep being lazy. Since I’ve gone this far in laziness, I might as well see it through to the end.” It would probably be better to say, I’m just going to take a week off and start studying the next week. Then, hold yourself to it!
Be accountable and committed to your process and your plan. Know that language-learning is a journey that requires your patience and perseverance. You are responsible for your own journey, and no one else. If possible, find a person who can keep you accountable to your language studies; this could be a family member, a friend, a native speaker, or even a person who is not even learning your target language. Have someone check in on you, who can keep you motivated and encouraged.
I hope you found these tips helpful and that you can use them to some degree in your language studies. Happy studying!
Baty, C. (2004). No plot? No problem! A low stress high-velocity guide to writing a novel in 30 days. Chronicle Books.
Brown, R. (n.d.). SMART goal setting for language learning.  https://www.linguasorb.com/blog/smart-language-goals
Pham, L. B., & Taylor, S. E. (1999). From thought to action: Effects of process- versus outcome-based mental simulations on performance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25(2), 250–260. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167299025002010
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leofrith · 3 years
tagged by @kanouchi​​ to answer 30 questions and tag 20 people 
1. name/nickname: kyra, ky
2. gender: female
3. star sign: virgo
4. height: 5′4″
5. time: 10:48
6. birthday: august 26th
7. favorite bands/groups: daughter, the cranberries, sigur ros, the kills, phantogram, glass animals, alt-j
8. favorite solo artist: florence + the machine, apparat, keaton henson, k.flay
9. song stuck in my head: intro by alt-j (from this is all yours) and i don’t know why cause i haven’t heard it in ages lmao
10. last movie: return of the jedi which i still need to finish watching oop
11. last show: the mandalorian i think but also possibly csi because there was a marathon on when i was staying with my parents over the holidays and i watched. a truly obscene amount of old csi episodes.
12. when did i create this blog: august 2013 after accidentally deleting my old blog, which is definitely for the best since my posts from the beginning of this blog are cringe, so i can’t imagine before that.
13. what do i post: mainly the mandalorian/star wars these days
14. last thing googled: “how to tell if eggs are still good.” the eggs were not good.
15. other blogs: @starwar99 which i keep meaning to start updating again with other non-b99, mando, clone wars, etc. content but i honestly just don’t have the motivation. and then also @leonardodagayci which is supposed to be my personal/aesthetic/normal enough for me to feel comfortable sharing with irl people blog which i forget exists because it’s on a separate account and i’m too lazy to log out of this one asjkhdkjhakfj
16. do i get asks: sometimes! more now than i used to, i’m just really bad at replying to them in a timely manner because of who i am as a person.
17. why did i choose this url: dinluke :^)
18. following: 345
19. followers: 6461
20. average hours of sleep: any answer i give to this is gonna be misleading cause the average would probably be about 8 hours but in reality i’m either sleeping for like 4 hours or 12, there is no healthy in-between.
21. lucky number: i don’t really have one? 
22. instruments: played cello when i was younger and now really want to slap my ten-year-old self for quitting. played clarinet in middle school and currently trying to teach myself ukulele. 
23. what am i wearing: black jeans (RIP), grey knit sweater, black and white toque cause my hair is unwashed and feels disgusting and i don’t want to think about it :)
24: dream job: tour guide in florence, italy
25: dream trip: usually i’d say something a little more “cultured” but i’ve been thinking lately about how i really want to go to galaxy’s edge with all my homies :(
26. favorite food: uuuuuuuh gnocchi maybe?
27. nationality: canadian
28. favorite song: how could you ask me this? how could you ask me this? ok for current cause i can’t pick just one for all time, i give you outlier by apparat
29. last book read: a gathering of shadows by v.e. schwab which. i still need to finish. and honestly should probably just restart cause it’s been so long since i picked up a real book and i don’t really remembering what was going on.
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: saying these mostly for the coolness factor, not because i think i’d actually survive more than a day in them lmao: star wars, pacific rim, his dark materials
tagging: i’m not gonna tag anyone here so do it if you want to and just say i tagged you :^)
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mammonsworld · 4 years
Blog 1
Seven billion people are on this Earth, and everybody is different from the rest of others. There is nothing without purpose in this world. Everything has some purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each person is exclusive. Thus, writing about myself, I’m here to express myself that what I see, what I experience and what I plan for my life. I try myself to be modest, passionate, devoted, hardworking and honest.
My Family and My Childhood
Nobody comes in this world, without the support of family and friends. Actually, whatever you will be, it is just because of your family. 
My mother is a teacher and My father is government employee. They both love their occupation. That’s what I have learned from my parents the value of time, honesty, hard work and commitment to the purpose.
Hi there I am Jhon Danver C.Abogado or also known as “Jaydee” or “Ja-dee” or sometimes “chog”.I was born on December 5,2004  and I live at Centro, Southwest, Solana, Cagayan . My mother’s name is Elsa C. Abogado she is from Lingu, Solana, Cagayan and my father’s name is Oliver V. Abogado .I took my elementary in Lingu Elementary School and graduated at my junior high school at SVI or also known as San Vicente Institute and currently studying senior high at St. Paul University. I have a happy childhood living with my parents and even though my siblings are gone we are still a happy family. I am a simple son but loving, caring but sometimes “moody”. I am also helpful and obedient but sometimes I am rough. During weekends we go to the church and to the malls. My family is loving, caring and happy family.
During my elementary days, I usually spend my free time in the park together with my family and also spend my free time hanging out with my friends. We usually spend our summer vacation in the hometown of my mother ,which is located at Lingu, Solana,Cagayan. My hobbies are playing mobile games ,i love to sketch, playing computer, watching Anime and Kdrama and also reading novels and manga and  my favorite color is blue and also my favorite dish is “adobong baboy” which is a dish that is made out of  pork stewed in vinegar, garlic, soy sauce, bay leaves, and peppercorns and my favorite subject is Math because it is fun and also miserable at the same time.
My only dream in life is to finish my studies in order to help my family and to fulfill my dreams. I will study hard to become a successful accountant someday.
The advice of my parents had a keen effect on my habits. I believe to speak the truth and try my best not to lie. My parents always advised me that if I commit a mistake, I should admit it. I try my best to do so. I know how to remain happy in every condition. Because I believe that: “Happiness is not out there; it’s in you.”
I am a very adventurous person too and like to take the risk. I like to do a creative thing besides doing old stuff again and again. Learning new things is one thing which I always enjoy. I always update myself with the news.
As every man have weaknesses, so have also. I am a little bit lazy at some places which I do not like and I am not good in communicating with other people but I will try my best to overcome my weaknesses.
Guide Questions:
1.Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Is my learning in SPUP vital to where I’m leading to?
10 years from now I see myself as an Accountant. Yes, because SPUP excels in academic and have high standards of education
2.Was ABM the best choice after all?
Yes, because it’s challenging
3.What course will you take in college and why?
Accountancy because I wanted to become a future accountant someday
 4.What topic would you like to learn more in this subject?
How to make a website i guess if there is a topic of this subject
5. What the corona virus has taught you about life?
To have a simple way of living and prioritize the basic needs
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years
Going North - Chapter eight
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Summery: The alethiometer shows Lyra something. Lee tries to help take your worries away.
Chapter 8 - Lyra’s ghost
In the morning, along with many others, you woke early. You made sure to get breakfast going, a good one that should keep you filled for several hours. You let Lee sleep in a little bit, considering he seemed unfazed by the noise of the early risers. Oliver had come to sit with you as you cooked.
"Another long walk ahead of us." He noted.
"Yeah, well, it's to be expected." You dished up the food. "Any sign of Lyra, yet?" You looked around briefly. Oliver turned his head.
"She's still with Ma. They are over there."
You could just about see the tent they were staying in, it hidden from view by a tree in your way, but you knew where it was. You saw Ma walk past and stop near there. Tony was there too.
You turned your attention to the aeronaut and sighed. Breakfast was ready and he was sleeping through it. You got up and walked over to the tent, crouching down where he was sleeping. This was the most quiet you had seen him be since you met him. He looked quite peaceful, and it did feel a shame to wake him, but he couldn't sleep all day. There was lots to do.
"Wakey wakey!" You said softly. This only succeeded in him string and turning away slightly. "Lee." You poked him a couple of times. He went to swat your hand away, groaning something into his pillow. "Get up." You gave him a shove. That did the trick as he rolled over with a groan and looked up at you.
"A few more minutes wouldn't hurt."
"I gave you a few more minutes, now it's time to get up and eat." You gestured to the breakfast you had made. "Hurry up." You stood up and returned to the fire, picking up your breakfast. You sat down and tucked in, not bothering to wait for him.
Lee watched you go.
"That's the last time I share a tent with her." He muttered, getting up, grabbing his hat.
Hester rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, right." She looked up at him. "No one else will camp with you."
"No one else knows me. I can camp on my own." He fastened up his coat. "The only company I need is you.... and Iorek." He put his hat on and stepped out of the tent. Hester only rolled her eyes a second time and hopped out. She knew Lee didn't mean what he said, he liked the company.
Lee walked over, picked up his breakfast, and sat down with you.
"Sleep well?" He asked.
"Yeah. actually. I'm not sure when the last time I went camping was, but the Gyptians sure know how to do it in comfort. Did you?"
"I slept fine, it was the wake up I want to complain about." His lips curled up into a grin as he looked at you.
You chuckled and stuck Your tongue out at him. He chuckled.
Just as you finished eating, you heard people around the camp begin to pack up. You took Lee's empty bowl, gave both of them a quick wash and began to gather everything. Lee took down the tent while you cleaned up the fire. Soon enough everything was ready to go. Everyone waited for a word from Faa to make a move.
Despite how your feet ached from the long walk yesterday, you would ignore it and march on. There were far more important things to focus on than aching feet.
Lee actually didn't sit on the sled today. He helped you push it from the other side, the pair of you making quite a team. You let the daemons ride on it though. Lee making a joke about Hester being lazy, she shook her head and tried to throw an insult back, but he just laughed. It was nice to see them have the sort of relationship you and Oliver shared.
It didn't take too long to break out the other side of the forest. You all managed to make it up the hill alright too. Iorek was a big help on the hills, but as you turned around and glanced over your shoulder, you saw that Iorek was talking with Lyra and John Faa. You hadn't had a chance to talk to Lyra much, so you didn't really know what was going on. You hoped she would share it with you, your worry for her only seemed to deepen as time passed.
"What do you think that's about?" You heard Lee ask. He had noticed you looking over your shoulder.
"Not sure. I'll ask Lyra when we make camp again."
"You two seem pretty close." He noted.
"She grows on you. Lyra's special." You smiled at him. "You'll see it in her too when you spend more time with her."
"I already see it." He said. "Saw it from the moment we met." He smiled back.
The next camp was made higher up on the approach to the snowy mountains. Lee said he could handle the tent if you wanted to go and speak to Lyra at this point. You thanked him, promising not to be long.
The girl turned around and smiled at you.
"Hey." She closed the distance between you both. "Sorry for not coming to speak to you last night. I had other things on my mind."
"That's alright. Mr Scoresby has been keeping me company. I wanted to ask you if everything was OK. I didn't want to pry earlier, but I get the feeling something is going on."
Lyra nodded. "It's the alethiometer." She said. "It showed me something and I have to follow it. It might me a clue."
"What did it show you?"
"I'm not sure. There's a town and I think there might be a ghost. The alethiometer wants me to go."
You noticed Iorek coming over.
"Yes. It took some convincing to Faa, but he has granted me permission to go with Iorek. We'll be back at camp tomorrow evening." She told you. "I promise." Lyra saw the look of concern wash over your face.
"Alright. You better be careful. You look after her, Iorek." You looked at the bear.
"I will." He said in his deep voice.
You pulled Lyra in for a hug. She happily wrapped her arms around you and hugged you back. Just as you both pulled away, Lee came up to you all, two hot cups in hand.
"I wasn't going to miss this." He said.
"Who told you?" You asked.
"Iorek." He nodded towards the bear. You chuckled. "Iorek's first ride." He held out one of the cups to you. You took it.
"I'm not heavy." Lyra said, pulling up her hood.
"I'm not a horse." Iorek stated, unhappily. Lee laughed behind his mug, Iorek huffed at him.
"But, kid, promise me that this alethiometer thingy isn't lying to you." He looked at Lyra with a serious gaze. He was just as concerned as you were about this trip.
"It doesn't lie." She told him.
"I trust it too." Iorek said. It did, after all, get him his armour back.
"Ghosts, I heard - you're going to find a ghost?"
"Think so." Lyra shrugged.
"Is that a sensible thing to do, look for ghosts?" He asked, glancing at you briefly as if you had the answer to that question.
"I've never heard Lee Scoresby talk about being sensible before." Iorek said, teasing him. You laughed, catching Lee's attention.
"I know what you mean. You don't strike me as a sensible person. You're not very serious either." You chuckled.
"Ha-ha." Lee sipped from his cup, not amused by the teasing. Since when did you and Iorek team up to pester him?
"I will being her back." Iorek looked at you.
"I trust you." You told him, smiling.
"Hold tight." He told Lyra, lifting his front leg to give her a boost up. "I won't be gentle." Lyra climbed up onto his back without an issue.
"Now, you two be good to each other, OK?" Lee said.
"You be good to each other too." Lyra said, smiling at you both.
"Ha-ha." It was your turn to be sarcastic. "Careful." Iorek walked past you both. You stood beside Lee and watched them go. You still held worry for Lyra, but you knew the alethiometer didn't lie. You trusted it, and you trusted her.
"She'll be alright." Lee said, noticing your expression.
"I know. She has Iorek, I can't ask for more than that."
"Come on, I'll help you keep your mind off her for a while. If you trust this is the right thing for her to do, then so do I." He placed a hand on your back, guiding you to where he made camp. It was really kind of him to say those things.
Lee refilled your cup and you both sat together near the fire. Hester by Lee's feet, and Oliver perched near the fire, keeping warm.
"Do you really think it's a ghost?" You asked, gazing at the fire.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be keeping your mind off that."
"Then you're not doing a very good job." You chuckled. "But really."
"I don't know. Ghosts might be a bit far fetched, but there must be something there." Lee looked at you. "Try not to think of it too much." He offered you a smile. You returned it.
"Then keep to your word and help me keep my mind off it." You grinned.
"Alright. Do you sing?"
"Ah well, I do. I'll have to sing for the both us then." You saw Hester shake her head.
Lee began to sing. It wasn't a song you were familiar with, perhaps something he picked up on his travels, but it was nice. He had a good voice. You closed your eyes and listened to him. You let your mind clear itself of thoughts of Lyra, you knew she would be OK. You were grateful Lee was here. He was taking away any worries you currently had.
When he stopped singing you opened your eyes and looked at him.
"That was really nice. Thank you."
"You're welcome." His smile was warm.
"You're quite talented."
"Thank you very much." He winked at you. You chuckled.
"I bet you've seen lots of cool places. It must be amazing to fly." You looked at the sled where his balloon was packed. "I would love to see the view from there."
"Maybe one day you will." Lee sipped his drink, looking at you over the rim of his cup.
"I would like that." You turned your attention back to him. "Maybe when this is all over, you could give me a ride?"
"We'll see."
You both just smiled at each other.
As you turned away again, Lee's gaze on you lingered. He didn't notice the way Hester was looking at him, or the look she shard with Oliver. It seemed the daemon's had the same thought.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 18 pt 1: California Public Transit can Take you to Hell, but it Can’t Take You to the Freakin Mall
Apparently Tumblr did an update, joining the throng of techie websites that chose a godawful very open and round sans fontface that creates a hell ton of white-space.
Not quite sure why every website feels like they must make all websites look like a mobile site. I do enjoy having a dark mode now and that’s nice, but man...I miss the bold font we used to have for titles on text files. Really told you “this is a title.”
Not like it matters since y’all are reading this on my own blog where I have control of how it looks, but man...that awful typeface where there kerning is nice for short stuff but just...too wide for serious reading. It’s everywhere I go.
And speaking of bad kerning, like I saw this ad for a gym that was called “49ERSFIT” (because that’s our football team, in case you don’t know) but the kerning was reallllllly narrow so I looked at it and all I could see was “49ERSHIT” and like...I can’t unsee it. I can never unsee that.
Anyways, enough about how I’m haunted by font, lets talk about Yugi, who used to be haunted by Yami, up until he died this morning. So now Yami is just kicking it all on his own for a total of....maybe a few hours now, and has already destroyed an entire Caltrain, and whatever ecosystem was in this lake.
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Seto Kaiba would be so proud.
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Somewhere in the Ocean, or over the ocean, or...wherever the hell Atlantis is, Darts has decided that Pharaoh is NOT dead after all, and sends Rafael to finish the job, because youknow--Darts won’t move his lazy ass until all of his lackeys are fully dead. It’s an anime.
And then we have a jump cut to this tent scene. I don’t know how much time has passed. It’s suggested it’s enough time to fully sleep. So...a full day?
And Yugioh pulls the most unexpected plot turn out of their pocket because why not, it’s Season 4. This season is just about “how many strings can I pull and get away with” (I mean have you SEEN the Death Count lately?)
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there’s a lot of things I expected out of this kids show.
This was never one of those things I thought I would see with my eyes--one of those things I could cap with my prt scr button, and one of those things I could paste into Photoshop and be like “wow this is really a thing that was made canon.”
Like for how long I had to cap this photo of Yami and Tea sharing a bed together, the people who made this show, spent THAT much longer having to animate it. What is just mindboggling about Yugioh, is that no one on the entire team was like “oh did we just...” and this set-up happens--and they treat it like NOTHING is happening.
Like, how is that humanly possible to write your flagship pairing into the same bed and then just not even recognize it? Like I get how it’s physically possible, I just watched it, but as a writer, as an artist, as someone who tells stories, how is it possible to resist poking fun at this?
Like the RESTRAINT on the Yugioh team, y’all.
(read more under the cut)
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I hope you enjoyed this trope that flashed on the screen for all of like...a minute. Lets throw a giant dog at it.
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So fun fact, the Egyptian god that is shaped like a wolf is Wepwawet. He’s best known for guiding people through the underworld, which fits nicely into this episode. But, did the writers know that? Is that why Skye is here? To be a reference to Wepwawet? I have no idea. But this dog is here, and every time his eyes look directly into the camera they are drawn--a little bit wrong. Not as bad as when they drew horses, but wow they did not really enjoy drawing this dog’s eyes when it’s straight on.
As for Chris and old man in this episode, I don’t know where they got this outfit style from. It sure ain’t traditional Ohlone. It’s...I mean it’s what happens when you don’t do your research, honestly. And I get the sense that these two aren’t supposed to be any Native American tribe as recent as Ohlone, and might be Atlantean from things they say later in this episode, in regards to cards and the spirit realm or whatever--but uh...
...where did these outfits...come from? I just want to know their research. Chris has a 1920′s hat for some reason. The old man has a staff with poofy bits on it. He dresses more like a 1960′s hippie than he does an indigenous person. Questions. I have questions.
Chris leads us outside to where this old biblical-looking character is collecting all of Yugi’s dropped cards. No idea where Weevil’s went, including the card of his that currently contains his soul. Probably underneath that Caltrain somewhere.
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What does Kaiba make these cards OUT OF?
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Yami has decided, after this card shunned him once, that maybe it’s time to remove it from his deck.
(Pretty sure he did not decide to remove the Orichalcos, however, which is still in there, as we see later. Thing is, I just realized that Oricalchos would basically be Yugi’s soul, right? So maybe he just keeps it around for company? Takes it out occasionally and waves at it?)
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Iron Heart kind of seems like that type of old guy who used to be a hippie and now teaches Physics to High Schoolers. I say this because I’ve had a couple of teachers a lot like Iron Heart where like you’d look at them and it’d be like “Yo you have to be like 600 years old, but like, all you talk about is all the drugs you did during the Hippie Era, how are you even still ALIVE?”
Speaking of people that shouldn’t be alive (although unlike my physics teacher, this guy is deffo dead...)
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And then just completely out of no where Yami demands a Spirit Journey.
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Like what the hell, Yami? That’s like...a crazy blunt assumption to make. Mind you, if I had asked my High School Physics teacher for a spirit journey, he would have had a lot of stories for me. He regularly told us that he could kick the ceiling (but couldn’t do it right now because he had to go to his special chiropractor first and get the right medication for that.)
Sorry my bro also had this Phsyics teacher and he just told me that he witnessed this 70+ year old man kick the ceiling and like...I don’t know if he’s lying. Either way, that is an incredible chiropractor.
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And then, adjust your seat belts folks, because then this happens,
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Wow. Maybe that’s why California is on fire so often, amiright?
Man. In the Yugioh Universe 1.) The Loma Prieta Earthquake never happened so the Embarcadero is still multilevel 2.) The Bay Area industry got completely wiped out by Pegasus/Darts/Kaiba and is a literal wasteland 3.) The Caltrain actually goes fast 4.) Hell/Spirit Purgatory is located somewhere between the bedroom communities of San Jose and Millbrea.
The Yugioh Alternate California Universe is kind of awesome.
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Ah, welcome to Yosemite, now conveniently placed in South Bay.
It also has Hell for some reason.
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And then Yugioh decided to use a background from some other anime to save costs.
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Speechless, I’m absolutely speechless.
This is a good season, I don’t know what some of y’all were complaining about.
Anyway, I split this one into two because it felt like...too long for one update, but the other one will be hopefully up this weekend, that’s right--I’m getting back in to the swing of things. Sort of. Kind of.
but anyways, if you just got here, this is a link to read these in chrono order from the beginning.
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darlingrutherford · 4 years
Kinktober Day 8
I’m going out of order and am super late on these, but better late than never! Huge thank you to everyone who has been waiting for these and being way more patient than I deserve. You can find the others in the Kinktober tag on my blog, and I’ll also create a master post for them as well once I’ve finally completed them (or, possibly before. I can’t make up my mind lol).
Big thank you to the anon who sent in the following prompt for this fill: "A game of chess. Lavellan's a sore loser everytime Cullen wins so she changes the rules. Each time someone loses, they have to lose one piece of clothing and so on."
Kinktober Day 8 - “Strip Chess” | Cross-posted on Ao3 | Cullen Rutherford/Sarya Lavellan | DA:I | Explicit - strip chess, sex | 18+ only, please!
     She was tired of losing. Sarya wasn't a sore loser by any means. Well, all right, she wasn't that sore of a loser. But one could only lose so many games of chess in a row to their Commander before wanting to level the playing field a bit. She had inquired to Josephine about a board and pieces, one she could keep in her chambers to practice away from prying eyes. Dorian had been a good teacher, helping her learn some tricks and strategy that only came with experience. And then she'd practice, mostly alone, between the seemingly infinite reports that gathered on her desk throughout the day. One move for each report she got through, she'd told herself.
“You have been practicing, I see.”
Sarya almost dropped the small stone mage in her hand as she startled. She hadn't heard Cullen come up, having been so engrossed in her game against no one other than herself.
“Just something to pass the time. Clear my head.” Sarya watched Cullen as he approached her desk. He stood at the opposite side, scrutinously looking over the board as if analyzing her game. The corner of his mouth curled upwards, before his eyes met hers.
“I have yet to breathe today… Care for a rematch of our last game?”
Sarya tried not to grimace, but her face obviously betrayed her and Cullen chuckled.
“Did I hurt your pride too much last time?” He asked with a coy smirk.
“Not at all, Commander.” Sarya motioned towards the spare chair to the side of her desk. As Cullen brought the chair to the opposite side of the desk from her, she worked at resetting the board. “I have terms, though.”
“Oh?” Cullen raised his brow in anticipation. He waited patiently to hear her terms as she slowly placed each piece in its rightful spot.
“For each piece we take from the other…” She finished setting the last pawn on the board, then sat in her chair and crossed her legs nonchalantly. “The loser of the piece will have to remove an article of clothing.”
Cullen cleared his throat as a beautiful shade of pink crept up his neck towards his ears. He shifted in the chair nervously, looking around as if to remind himself that they were indeed in her chambers and not in the garden as usual, far from prying eyes.
“You want to… For each piece?” He repeated. Sarya simply nodded her head as she moved one of her pawns out to start the game. She looked across the desk to Cullen, waiting for his response. Cullen paused for a moment, staring at the board, before briefly raising his eyebrows as if to shrug and reached for a pawn.
     The game had gone on longer than usual. More was at stake, it seemed, with clothing on the line, and each of them spent a considerable amount of time contemplating each move. Still, chess was a game of strategy, and sacrifices had to be made to win. 
Many, many pieces had been cleared off the board already. Cullen had, in the beginning, tried to remove one paldron, one glove, before Sarya called out the unfairness of it all and demanded all his armor be one piece. After all, she was not garbed in a hundred different buckles and it seemed hardly fair that he should have an advantage. Grumbling, Cullen removed his armor early on, resigning himself to be more careful with his moves going forward. 
“That's your templar in my pile now, Commander,” Sarya said with a smirk as she added the black piece to her collection. She looked at Cullen as he sighed deeply in his seat. “We haven't got all day, Commander. Off with it!”
“You are positively mad with power, do you know that?” He teased as he begrudgingly shimmied out of his smalls in the seat. He shivered as the cold wood met his bottom, furrowing his brow as Sarya laughed.
“I'm sorry, it's just… You could have removed your socks instead. Maybe you wouldn't be so cold then?”
“Says the woman whose shirt was the first thing she removed.” Cullen wasn't shy when he allowed his eyes to wander down to her breasts, lingering to make a point.
“Ah, but it seems the distractions have been on my side. Won't be easy to focus when things get harder for you, Cullen.”
Cullen opened his mouth as if to question her, when a new rush of color found his ears as she lounged back in her chair. Her hand slid up her side, resting on her breast almost casually as she gently ran her fingers over her nipple to slowly perk it. Cullen felt the urge to grab an article of discarded clothing, to cover his lap as he felt a familiar twitch and rush of blood, but he knew she would call foul, that it would be construed as cheating. Cullen tried desperately to pry his eyes from Sarya long enough to decide which piece to move, if she had any he could take. She was moving her other hand through her hair, pushing it out of the way to expose her long neck. If ever the Chantry commissioned a painting to write ‘Temptation’ on in large letters to warn young templars against sin, Sarya embodied that image through and through. Cullen's eyes were fixated on her. He couldn't help it. He almost considered slapping himself, pinching, anything, to bring his focus back to the board. His eyes flickered towards the pieces and, as one of her pieces caught his gaze, his attention came rushing back to it.
“It seems your mage is now mine, Inquisitor,” Cullen said with a sparkle in his eyes as he moved his queen piece to the spot and smoothly moved her remaining mage to the side. Sarya's eyes were sparkling, pupils slightly dilated when Cullen's met them. He straightened his posture slightly as she slowly stood, his eyes traveling down to her smalls as she hooked her fingers in the sides and painstakingly, slowly, slid them down. 
Cullen was salivating. Sarya was making a show of it, of teasing him as she bent over to guide the small bit of fabric all the way to her ankles before stepping out and tossing them to the side. She had nothing left, the game over in sense of what she had to offer to remove even though their kings both remained. Cullen swallowed as Sarya placed her palms on either side of the chess board, her knees knocking the pieces out of the way as she climbed up and leaned towards him. Pieces? What pieces? The game was long forgotten as her finger gently guided his chin towards her. 
Cullen rose to his feet with her kiss. His hands grasped her waist, pulling her to straighten on her knees before slipping down to her bottom and pulling her against him. Sarya let out a surprised breath from the quick motion while papers became swept to the side by her feet. Whenever Cullen decided to take the lead it was always a pleasant surprise, always one that flicked on like lightning to the ground and left her shivering. With one hand Cullen held Sarya up against him while he swept the contents in the middle of her desk to the side. Papers, chess pieces, all came tumbling to the ground just before he placed her at the edge of the desk and, after briefly slicking his cock, sunk deep within her. 
Sarya gasped, her hands flying up wildly to grasp at Cullen's arms as he thrust into her. He wasn't wasting any time that day, declaring himself the winner of their less than innocent game while he bucked his hips towards her victoriously in naught but his socks. His lips ignored her moans in favor of her neck, stubble burning against her skin as he displayed just how perfectly he would treat the captured mage in his possession. When Cullen's hand slid down to her knee and pulled it upwards, Sarya slid to her back as her bottom was pulled from the edge of the desk. 
Sarya's desk wasn't quite as large as Cullen's. Lengthwise, yes. However, they hadn't been thinking through it in the moment, opting for whatever they could reach quickly rather than practicality. Sarya's head was hanging off the front of her desk, her hand gripping the edge for leverage as she worked to keep her spine as straight as possible. Her ankle was hooked over Cullen's shoulder now, stretching her in what turned out to be the most delicious angle they had explored recently. Her moans filled the room, echoing and melding with Cullen's deep sighs.
If the rustling of papers at her side were any indication, there wouldn't be much left on her desk when they were done. Cullen's grip was tightening on her hip, his thrusts becoming heavier, deeper as he careened towards his end. Sarya lifted her head as she felt his thrusts change, her eyes focused on him. She loved watching him when he was nearing his peak, how his brows furrowed to crease in the middle, how visibly he swallowed against a parched throat as he tried to catch his breath in the middle of a sprint, the pink and red of his chest that splotched all over down to his toes. And then, his hips snapped towards hers, his grip tightening on her hip and thigh as he buried himself fully inside her and breathed so heavily he could have been holding it for years. Sarya whimpered as he pulsed inside her, filling her as his groans filled her ears.
Cullen remained that way for a moment, almost rigid as he tried to remember how to breathe. Then his eyes slowly opened, finding hers, and Sarya's heart skipped as she saw the love and warmth that glowed from them. She groaned lightly as her spine straightened when Cullen pulled her up against him to press heavy, lazy, yet incredibly purposeful kisses to her lips as his arms wrapped around her. As he lifted her from the desk, she immediately nuzzled her face against his neck as he took a few steps and then promptly plopped them onto her bed still intertwined.
“I suppose I could have made that short journey in the beginning,” Cullen chuckled sheepishly as he watched her stretch with a quiet groan. Her bed had never felt so soft, and Sarya's back had never appreciated it so fully.
“Ah, but you had to claim your victory,” she teased, clearly not as irked by the sore back as her face let on. Cullen hummed briefly, before furrowing his brow.
“We never finished the game. I'm actually not quite sure who was winning...”
“Are you asking for a rematch, Commander?”
Sarya let out a breath as Cullen rolled her to her back. His eyes practically glowed with mischief as his warm hand slid down her skin towards her heat.
“I do have a few moves I was saving for the end… Shall I prepare the board? Or, perhaps, I should just show you?”
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