darlingrutherford · 2 years
Can we have 22.Ugly Sweaters for Eirlana x Alistair, please?? 💕
Sorry for being late with it but here they are <3
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Hey all! Pretty quick update here. I've gotten some asks regarding this, and I'm super sorry that it's taken me so long to respond. But, hopefully this'll kind of clear some things.
First off, I'm sorry for not posting something like this sooner. I didn't mean to worry any of you who have messaged asking if I'm okay, and I apologise for that. I know I've been pretty non existent on here the last couple months (maybe longer, time doesn't mean much right now to me lol), and most of the reasoning for that is my health. I had some pretty huge health scares that popped up after some tests, and while I'm glad that I've dodged those for now, they're things I'm going to apparently have to worry about for the rest of my life and that's left me a bit frazzled. I've been throwing myself into D&D, pretty much just trying to distract myself from life as much as I can since that's what's working for me right now.
I really don't know how often I'll be on here. Even when I have posted this year, I haven't gotten much interaction which doesn't exactly encourage me to create content. And I truly don't mean that in a "woe is me" or shaming way. I'm still writing for myself, I haven't lost that passion, but my need to spend tons of time editing what I write to make it post-able to my standards is pretty low since people rarely reblog that stuff anyway (which just makes me feel like it's not wanted, which is totally fine). So, instant gratification for my own work is my goal right now as I practice more self care. Hopefully down the road I'll be in a better mental state to spend hours editing my writing to post, but right now isn't that time.
Thank you again to those of you who have reached out ❤️ it means a lot. I do get notifications for messages on here, so feel free to DM me if you ever want to talk about life, DA, Witcher, D&D, whatever, even if you don't see me posting. I also have a discord account now, and although I don't want to join any group chats since I find those hard to follow, I'm totally happy to have one on one convos there as well if you prefer discord ❤️ just hmu for that chat invite.
I hope you're all doing well! Lots of love as always. Take care ❤️
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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Sera doodle - saw an image of someone with this yellow hair and feel like a modern!au Sera would totally rock that look
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
y’all know that trope where two people have been separated/apart and when they finally see each other they’re practically clinging to each other and you can practically feel the happiness and relief radiating off of them? that’s my crack
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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finally drew my Lavellan the way i want her to look
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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Had a terrible time yesterday, so I had to brighten it with a little personal smut piece for myself <3 Uncensored on Twitter
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! 🌹 💖 💋
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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A very Happy Valentines day to all and an extra special Happy Birthday to @bigfan-fanfic​ who has been waiting patiently for me to fill their ‘more collared Cullen’ prompt for a while. 
Thank you everyone for indulging my Cullen thirst. As a treat there is more Shirtless/lemony goodness below the cut. 
Kemvee xXx
Keep reading
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Oh wow… the final day of the celebration! Also it’s my birthday! @14daysdalovers celebration!
Prompt: Freebie Pairing: Mysen of Denerim/Alistair Theirin/Benny Cousland/Zevran Arainai Summary: Alistair and Mysen have collected many strays. What’s two more?
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It is a request this time. Alistair says it softly, watching tenderly as Benny kisses Zevran’s cheek. He needs the comfort, the feeling of being surrounded by old friends and love. Nearly being lost in the Fade will do that to a person.
Zevran and Benny glance at each other. Anything for you two. Zevran supplies them with vintage bottles from old Grey Warden flasks brought up (stolen) from Skyhold’s wine cellar and they all spend the evening in fond reminiscence and recollection. Benny’s head ends up in Mysen’s lap and Zevran chuckles as the scribe drunkenly runs his hand through the nobleman’s soft hair. Alistair’s head ends up on Mysen’s shoulder and Zevran is somehow curled up between the three of them, happily nested among all three. It feels safe. It feels right.
They wake up in nothing but their smallclothes, tangled up in each other, and there are nervous but happy grins as they tuck in to a massive breakfast, happy to have Adamant behind them, for now.
It is a hope, a wish, this time. Benny gives a little chuckle to hide his nervousness. He and Zevran talked all night, for many nights, about this, about what it would mean, and he was almost certain the other couple had done the same.
And miraculously, amazingly, the younger couple nods. Mysen offers them his services in magic to help Zevran provide the two largest men among them with the most amazing massages. Heat and cold are at Mysen’s command, and his spells send bursts of incredible smells from the lightly perfumed oils from the bottles in Zevran’s bag. Benny and Alistair giggle like children as they try to give the most exaggerated moans of delight. And then they are silenced by kisses from the two men giving out the sensations and they fall into bed together.
It is awkward and strange and exciting and wonderful but most of all it is loving, and once again they all curl up together, still all kisses and cuddles and holding hands. And their little world doesn’t feel crowded at all, it feels just right.
It is a confirmation this time. Zevran raises an eyebrow across the broad shoulder of Alistair, smirking at Benny. Benny nods enthusiastically, and Mysen hugs him. The place in Kirkwall is temporary - they’re all staying in two adjoining suites provided by the new Viscount - Varric seems to know exactly what’s going on but he and Cal don’t seem to be interested in it themselves, only hoping they are all happy.
Alistair and Mysen want them to join them in the city for good. To settle down. Truthfully Zevran has always hoped to settle in Antiva, but with the old Cousland holdings of his husband and the fact that the currents between Kirkwall and Antiva City have always been swift, it does not seem altogether impossible to summer in one city and spend the rest in another. But these are plans for the future.
The present is kisses and affection, the sweetness that Benny and Zevran have only known from each other. The present is acceptance and fun, the acceptance Mysen and Alistair have only received from the other. It is breakfast in smallclothes with jokes and smiles, it is being accosted by far-too-excitable mabari hounds, it is love of a kind that always feels new.
It is an invitation this time. Mysen reaches out fondly, taking one of Zevran’s and Benny’s hands. Seeing his hands occupied, Alistair grins and kisses him. There are no enemies left to fight. No missions left to take them away from each other. They all stand close, embracing one another, foreheads pressed together, hands held, nuzzling, caressing, being with each other.
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
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Cullen is embarrassed to ask for new things, so he often hints at what he may want to try by leaving around books strategically opened to certain passages or pictures. He may also ‘forget’ to put away his journal after writing about certain fantasies.
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Annabel and Bryan!
Thank you @inner-muse for the tag! Really enjoyed this picrew
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I tag @kemvee @punwolf @charlatron @jacklyn-flynn @ma-sulevin @darlingrutherford @pookydraws @jonogueira @a-shakespearean-in-paris
And anyone who wants to! 💖
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Adding onto this because I changed Soren while my husband was asleep LOL. He agreed, once he woke up, that this one looked better. We both agreed: more young-wizard-with-an-obsession-for-the-mystic-arts, less Gaius-Baltar-and-Obi-Wan's-love-child 🤣
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@chaotic-stupid-bastard - ask and ye shall receive 👀 (also tagging @bigfan-fanfic for good measure, hello D&D buddies~)
My husband and I worked a bit making Vanya and Soren in ArtBreeder for our upcoming D&D assassin game. I used Margot Robbie as a face claim for Vanya (although ArtBreeder made it look nothing like her once it uploaded the photo so uh thanks for that? Still she turned out fine lol), and my husband used Tom Mison as a face claim for Soren.
So, here's Vanya - changeling and newly graduated assassin, in the form she takes the most often:
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Aaaaand, Soren Nygaard - wizard, alchemist, and, recently, begrudging new handler for Vanya (though, not because it's Vanya):
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I'm probably going to make a bunch of faces for Vanya to take on during the game, but, that's what we've got so far~
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Ahhhhh! Day 11 already? And also omg I’m writing this in February now! Where did my writing time goooooo? For @14daysdalovers celebration! Also technically this is a continuation from the Satinalia prompts where Morgan kissed Cullen under the mistletoe, and Cullen alluded to a proposal that night. And then during a celebration they both snuck away to the tower…
Prompt: Promises Pairing: Morgan Walker/Cullen Rutherford Summary:  Cullen proposes to Morgan and promises to be his forever
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“That’s a fox. A white fox.” Morgan said flatly. “In the tower.”
Cullen blushed. “Yes, er… he got in through the hole in the roof. Had a broken leg. I nursed him back to health, with Cole’s assistance and… well, he seems to like it here.”
“You have a way with animals, don’t you?” Morgan grinned.
“Don’t shapeshift to make that joke work.”
“Awww, shucks.” Morgan snickered. The white fox gave a huff before moving to a small basket that Cullen had set up, allowing the little creature to descend into the office level of the tower. “We really have to fix this tower.”
“I… I like the animals getting to come in. And getting to see the stars and feel the morning sun.”
Morgan chuckled. “In my world, we have these marvelous things called skylights.”
Cullen rolled his eyes playfully. They had had this teasing discussion before.
“So… I was promised mistletoe.” Morgan had intended to tease, but when he turned around Cullen was holding up a little sprig of the plant with a soft grin. Morgan moved close, kissing the taller man. 
Cullen smirked, the scar on his lip twitching. “I think I rather like this tradition of yours. But you’re waiting for me to ask you a question, as I recall.”
Morgan chuckled, leaning back, allowing Cullen to wrap his arms around him and lightly hold him close. “Must have slipped my mind.”
“Allow me to jog your memory.” Cullen said softly. “Morgan Walker, hero of my heart…will you grant me an honor I do not deserve and become my husband?”
Morgan had been expecting it. He had wanted it. But still his mouth dropped open in delight and shock. “I… I, yes! Yes, you idiot, of course!”
Cullen’s smile grew before Morgan kissed him again. And again. 
“I promise, Morgan, when the time comes and this Inquisition is over, I shall endeavor to love you as no man has been loved before. I shall be your knight, your sword, your shield, and your blanket when nights get cold. You are my sun and stars and my light.”
Morgan chuckled. “I don’t have a whole speech prepared, but I love you all the same. I’m yours, however long you want me. Promise.”
“How does forever sound?”
“Just fine, Cullen. Just fine.”
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Husband's asleep, I threw Soren in the ArtBreeder and tweeked him a bit because he was reminding me a bit too much of Gaius Baltar 🤣 we'll see what he thinks when he wakes up lmao
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Also I hate sooooo much that ArtBreeder cuts the hair if you move the masculine slider up too much 😑 let me give him slightly more chiseled features with long haaaaaair ahkfjakgkd
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
@chaotic-stupid-bastard - ask and ye shall receive 👀 (also tagging @bigfan-fanfic for good measure, hello D&D buddies~)
My husband and I worked a bit making Vanya and Soren in ArtBreeder for our upcoming D&D assassin game. I used Margot Robbie as a face claim for Vanya (although ArtBreeder made it look nothing like her once it uploaded the photo so uh thanks for that? Still she turned out fine lol), and my husband used Tom Mison as a face claim for Soren.
So, here's Vanya - changeling and newly graduated assassin, in the form she takes the most often:
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Aaaaand, Soren Nygaard - wizard, alchemist, and, recently, begrudging new handler for Vanya (though, not because it's Vanya):
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I'm probably going to make a bunch of faces for Vanya to take on during the game, but, that's what we've got so far~
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darlingrutherford · 3 years
Dragons? In this Age?
Dragons? In this economy? What next? A year-long Blight??? The rise of an ancient Tevinter Magister, responsible for the start of the Blight??? A nug king??? Absolute nonsense, I say.
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