#todobaku child
acanthus-literary · 7 months
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You think Katsuki or Shouto is gorgeous? You haven't met their son.
source: 1 | 2
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zema-13 · 5 months
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Ещё как-то давно я представляла образ или образы детей todobaku, но сейчас не помню ни один и это очень печально. Суть не в этом, я планировала доделать других детей, а конкретно по narusasu, и начать их рисовать, потому что в симсе они хоть и выглядят внешность как мне надо, но не одеждой, вообщем образ не тот. Ладно, сохранилась и сбросила семью и вместо них появляется как обычно сим, который ну грубыми чертами лица смахивает на Бакуго. Ну, я весь вечер сидела над ним, подбирали тут все ему образы, получилось по сравнению с другими довольно таки быстро
🧠 🌸 🍧 🦩 📷 ⚪️ 🔴
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Риота весь бело-розый, кроме одного глаза, который здесь просто оранжевый, но он цвета глаз бакуговского красно-оранжевого что-ли, я думала, что его глаза оранжевого цвета, оказалось они просто красные. Посмотрела я на него с красным глазом и оранжевым, ну, и, как видно, оставила последний, потому что меня бы тошнило от переизбытка белого и розового, а оранжевый, как глоток свежего воздуха на его лице
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Я, походу, не загрузила ещё один повседневный образ. Риоте добавила тату, и сейчас подумала, насчёт реакции его родителей. Шото не то чтобы возможно был бы не доволен, хотя на первый пирсинг ушей они точно всей семьёй пошли, но так все мы помним его детство, мне кажется у него появились капельки мыслей, что он плохой отец. У Бакуго не было таких мыслей, едиснственое, что его волновало это калол ли он в хорошом салоне и не подцепил ли этим какой-нибудь хуйни, но его реакция была типа:"Какого хуя?! Шото, съхуяли, ты сделал такие выводы? Послушай....." и там идёт пояснение в его стили почему это не так. Насамом деле, они не такие уж плохие родители, но все таки раз они герои, то это повлияло на Риоту и его решении, что он не хочет быть героем. Хоть он сильно восхищается и уважает своих родителей, у него не было сильного желания им стать и такого впечатления как у них в детстве тоже не появилось. Ребёнком детство он провел у матери Бакуго, но все таки Мицуки относилась к нему точно не как с сыном.
Риото кстати считает, что легко сдал бы экзамен. Правда, учиться в этом месте, даже если он хотел бы стать героем, пустая трата времени. Да, и он подрабатывает фотомоделью со времен школы. Вот, что он говорит всем, чтобы отвязаться, когда у него спрашивают, почему он не герой как его родители
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ceallachs · 1 year
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Paparazzi Encounter 📸
→ Akira 🍁 BakuTodo Love Child
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queermomo · 11 months
My favorite ship dynamic is definitely angry skrunkly guy and his pretty boyfriend who tops him
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Playing around with a au where a quirk accident results in a literal love child
EDIT: decided im gonna make another Punnet Square AU for all the couples listed here so vote specifically for the Love Child AU in this poll
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devilherself666 · 1 year
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The sun came through the window and I sighed. I heard a knock on the door and groaned. “Too early.” I huffed and they huffed. “Well I can just go home.” A girl growled and I didn't hear her voice. “Rain?” I asked tiredly. She turned the door knob. “Yeah, I heard everything. I am here to explain.” Rain says and I looked at her. “Thank you.” I sighed as I sat up, and looked at her as she sat down. Her hair was beautiful white with purple tips, her wings were like angel wings, her horns made me wanna show mine, but never could. She also has wolf ears and tail that matches her hair color, her power is better than anyones ever seen.
“Tell me everything you know?” I asked and she nodded. “Y/n, I am so sorry that happened. He didn’t used to be that way.” She sighed and she looked down. “In high school he would act like a prev because his parents was against gays, and that he was one. He had to hide it very well. No one knew that but me, because he was my best friend. He got bullied and he couldn’t change it because that was better than the beatings he would get from his parents. It all changed him.” She sighed and I looked at her. “That doesn’t explain why he killed my brother and kidnapped me.” I huffed, crossing my arms. “You are a few years younger than us, right? So your brother would be our age right?” She asked. “Yeah I am nineteen.” I sighed and she nodded. “He is twenty-four, the same age.” She stopped and looked at me. “As my brother.” I looked at her in shock. “My brother..” I looked at her in shock. “Yeah, I believe your brother bullied him in school the most for being gay.” Rain sighed and I started to tear up and then shook it off. “No way..” I looked at her and saw honestly in them. “My brother is a horrible person..but still don’t understand why he took me..” I sighed and she sighed. “He might be a murder but he isn’t a monster.” She leaned back on the bed next to me. “He killed the only family you had left…he took you in to protect you from the world, but he did it the wrong way. He should have let you live your life normally.” She sighed and I looked at her. “I am not normal, never have been. Never will be.” I looked at her. “I am like you.” Still looking at her and she looks back at me. “Y/n, we all have powers of some sort, the reason we made the mafias to use them where the cops can’t. We shouldn’t be scared to show our turn powers.” She looked at me. “Todoroki, fire and ice.” She smiled. “Bakugo, explosions.” She sighed. “Deku?” I asked and she shivered. “Deku has the most powerful power any of us can have. I can’t tell you. He would have too.” She sighed and I nodded. “I don’t show off, never really wanted to.” I sighed as I looked away. I got out of bed and looked at her. “What should I do?” I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. “You might not like this Idea.” She sighed. I looked at her as I picked out some clothes. “What is it?” I asked. “Talk to him. Ask him the questions yourself, because he would know more about what he did than me.” She sighs. She did have a point but a lot can go wrong.. “What if he kills me because I know his secret..” I asked and she laughed. “He took you in y/n, he is not going to kill you after all these years just because of one stupid secret..” She chuckled and I looked at her dumbfounded. “He got his ass beat to a pulp because he did not want me to know…” I explained and she looked at me. “That is a good point..” She stopped and thought for a second. “I still don’t think he would kill you, but to be safe when he wakes up, I will talk to him.” She smiled at me and I nodded. “Thank you.” I sighed as I grabbed my clothes. “I am going to get a shower. Thank you for all your help.” I smiled and she nodded. “Anytime.” She said as she got up and hugged me. She walked out, I sighed as I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on and started to strip out of my clothes and get in the shower, letting the hot water hit my back. I wash my hair out. I sighed as I let the water hit my skin more and leaned my head back in relaxation. I washed my body and turned the water off and stepped out. I looked at my clothes and sighed. I looked at myself in the mirror. Who do I see? Who is she? Cause I don’t know anymore. I sighed as I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. I walked out the bathroom and she was gone. I shrugged and walked down stairs and saw the black haired man there. His face wasn’t like before, it was full of hope and despair. Maybe a tint of happiness. Why? I have no idea and I honestly don’t think I should find out. He didn’t trust me with my brother. Why would he trust me with what is making him happy?
I looked at him as I walked to the kitchen, I wasn’t paying attention and ran into someone. “Ow!” I groaned. I looked up and saw the scar over the nose and the freckles. Ignoring him isn’t the best when you stay in the same house I guess. “Y/n?” He asked and looked down at me. I huffed. “What?” I asked as I got water from the fridge. “You have been avoiding me.” He growled. I rolled my eyes. “Well duh! You aren’t gonna take my first like it was nothing!” I yelled and growled walking away leaving him there dumbfounded. Doesn’t he not remember it? I walked to the nurses office and saw the man I thought was my brother on the table. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to hurt him. Instead I walked away and breathed hard to stop the tears. Until I felt arms around me. “Let it out.” A soft voice spoke and I knew it was Todoroki. I could never forget the warmth he gives me. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I cried in his arms. I wanted someone to save me from this nightmare. In our line of work, we don’t have heroes, never have. Never will. Even if we did, would they take the time out of their day for something silly like this? Probably not. I have never felt worth saving and I am not. I don’t even use my power. I have one, yes. Despite the Mafia and the quirks, people would think heroes would be born, but after the commission ruined everything. Everyone fought against it, U.A was shut down years ago and everything went south. About a year after that Endeavor was arrested and the world was angry.
They lost all hope of being safe, but us? We were never safe. In this line of work your family is always on the line. Unless you are Deku, then you put their families lives on the line. In this line of work, there isn’t a good or bad person. Just a stupid or street smart. You can never let your guard down. I did. I am the stupid one. Not only did I let my brother die, I am standing here in a boy's arms crying my eyes out. I sighed as I looked at him slowly. “Why?” I asked. He looked down at me. “Why what?” He asked and I sighed as he wiped my tears with his thumb looking me in the eyes. “Why are you trying to save me?” I asked and he smiled slightly at me, my heart skipped a beat. He smiled at me. “You are worth saving Y/n, Ever since I met you. You have had my heart. You not only wanted to know me but you also wanted to save me. Am I right?” He asked and my mouth dropped open. “How did you know?” I asked. He chuckled lightly and petted my hair down as his other warm arm was around my waist. “The jokes, the calls, the help you have given us. Let us save you the same way you saved us.” He smiled and kissed my head and I looked at him confused. “I haven’t done anything.” I said and he smiled. “You have. Deku has been looking for Mintea for a long time and you happened to find him.” He smiled and my jaw dropped. “What is going to happen to him?” I asked and Todoroki shrugged. “He will get what he deserves.” He huffed and I smiled. “Can I smack him when the day comes?” I asked and Todoroki laughed. “Of course, love.” He pulled me closer for a hug and kissed the top of my head. “We all love you Y/n, you have shown us trust and what it means to be happy in this line of work.” He smiled and I looked at him. “Woah, no you got me all wrong. I hate this line of work. Look at me, my parents are dead, my brother gone. I am only nineteen Todoroki. I have nothing together. I am still in college for whatever I don’t even remember anymore because I just wanted a normal life. I had to kill people and steal their wallets just to pay for a normal life. Do you not hear how fucked up that is?” I sighed and he looked down at me.
I felt disappointed, I am not sure if it was because of what I said or how I felt when I said it. “Y/n.” He sighed. “If you don’t want to go to college then drop out, they are already dead, going to school won’t bring them back. You might be young but you signed up for this life when you slit the first man's throat for his money, Y/n. I had to turn my emotions off just to get through life. I don’t want that for you. Just try to learn not to care so much.” He sighed and I looked at him. “You are welcome to be a part of our mafia, your brother would be proud to see you working alongside the number one mafia leader, no?” He asked and I thought for a moment. I looked at him and nodded. “He would, that is all he has ever wanted.” I sighed out and Todoroki nodded. “Good.” He smiled at me. “Let's go.” He said. “Where?” I asked. “Deku and Bakugo want to see you.” He smirked and I gulped. Oh god.
<<< >>>
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shapelessguy · 11 months
Kohaku 2.0
Tried to make a guide for myself, drawing him more gave a more solid image, I thought I could share this while I think of something else °^°
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I imagine his "birth" to be a complete accident lmao, a quirk accident to be more specific (kind of spontaneous or manifest type of quirk) and tdbktd are absolutely lost when this happens. He just exists and vibes, I'm trying to write about his story but I'm not good at it, still I'm trying uuuh
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christelightlavo · 2 years
Crack thought:
Bakugou + todoroki = kawaki.
Like think about it.
Trauma/ daddy issues and divided hair?- todoroki
Attitude, anger and the blond part of the hair? - bakugou.
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doodlegirl1998 · 9 months
I feel really bad for Shoto and for how the narrative treats him.
He started off so strong in the Sports Festival only for it to steadily go downhill.
I can see him putting aside his hatred for his father so he can learn how to control his fire side, alright fair, it's not like there're any other heroes with fire control and it seems like most of them work for Endeavor.
But to have him wanting to be friends with Bakugou even though he's a mini version of his dad, any other writer would have Shoto hate his guts and steer clear of him no matter what.
And then that whole dinner scene in general and Izuku saying the whole forgiving him because you're kind... (Like I know that wasn't what Izuku meant to say but it could REALLY come across to Shoto that if he doesn't forgive his father, than he isn't kind) I just wish it could've been worded better.
And then from the War arc and forward he's just been made into a plot device in his OWN FUCKING ARC just to forward Endeavor's redemption.
Shoto was one of the more developed characters of 1-A, but he just been slowly fading away as time went on to where he only has the family drama and is only a plot device.
And that's not even going into the bullshit twist of Dabi having an ice quirk and therefore ruining Shoto's purpose in the story in the process!
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Agreed I feel horrible for poor Shoto but also for Dabi in light of how this plot has turned out.
I'll start with Shoto since I feel like you have completely hit the nail on the head with how things went wrong with how his character and plot were handled.
I'll be honest, I still blame Hori for Shoto not completely diverging from his father's influence post sports festival. Fire quirks seem to be common (I.e Midoriya Hisashi and his fire breath) so why couldn't Hori have made another high ranking hero wield fire - I.e Made Burnin a fellow hero instead of an Endeav sidekick and had him learn off her? It's all to lock Shoto with his abuser under the guise of the "logic" of the setting and I hate it.
Ah the TodoBaku friendship. How I hate it. I agree with your points entirely. Logically, Shoto should loathe Bakugou for all the similarities he shows to Endeavour, for how openly Bakugou hates and mistreats Izuku and if not for any of that - for how he yelled at Fuyumi and frightened her. That should have had Bakugou evicted from the Todofam house, I mean just look at how she is drawn here.
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Fuyumi looks so so upset and frightened, like she's flashing back to all the other times she faced Endeavour being aggressive and angry like that. It's upsetting to see. Yet Hori doesn't allow Shoto to be justifiably angry about this, to kick Bakugou out or even just to say "Don't talk to my sister like that." Hori has him gloss right over it in a very OOC manner. This 'friendship' Hori forces does nothing for Shoto and is only there to repair Bakugou's image.
As for the next point, Izuku's speech to Todoroki. Honestly I was upset that this seemingly sweet domestic scene where we could have learnt more about Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto's characters was instead forcibly being made to be, yet again, all about Endeavour. You gave a very charitable interpretation of Izuku's meaning there, one I saw a lot of Tododeku shippers believe or solely focus on the fact that "Awww Izuku said Shoto was kind!! How sweet!!😍" whereas I hated this moment for Izuku. If that was the meaning Hori intended he should have worded it better because looking at this:
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I read the meaning as "because you are caring you're waiting to forgive him," the subtext that Natsuo (and I) took from what the narrative was saying that he was not caring because he can't forgive Endeavour. This is unacceptable. That could be coming from what was taught to Izuku as a child regarding Bakugou (it would have been interesting to have Izu go through an arc where he realises he was wrong about this - but I digress.) Due to the fact that the narrative treats this as the right and correct opinion so it comes across - icky at best.
In the war arc, Shoto was made into a device for Endeavor's "redemption", he lost his uniqueness in being the masterpiece because now Dabi is too and way more powerful than Shoto - seemingly! (Shoto's line "I may not have been able to stop the (Dabi's) attack by myself" while Dabi created all that immense firepower himself, while generating his own ice to save himself and Endeav, suggests this.) I hate it.
As for Dabi, I feel bad for him too. His bond with Natsuo was cast to the side in favour of his one with Endeavour. I feel like Dabi could have benefited from a flashback of Fuyumi and Natsuo playing with him while he's burning alive fighting Endeavor - and one of Natsuo and him bonding separately. Then having Dabi be like "Natsuuu! Natsuu come play with me."
Focusing on Dabi's POV while he is burning alive fighting Endeavour instead what we got would have worked better too. It would have highlighted the positive memories he had with his other family members and his mental state before having him double down on his Endeav hatred. It would have been more impactful.
I would have liked instead of Dabi being K.O'd by his families ice, them (and Shoto) helping cool him down. Then after Shoto employs some 'talk no jutsu' Dabi's fire changing back from blue to red as he finally calms down, maybe after killing Endeav, which Shoto would feel mixed about. No Ice B.S to 'justify' Endeav or his quirk marriage. The message should have been that Dabi never needed to be "perfect" to be worth anything as a human - giving him ice ruins that message entirely.
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lemony-7 · 10 months
appassionato (for a halcyon winter) by bonnia (oneshot // 29k)
“That boy…” His mother gives him a tired smile. “The music he plays is incredibly sad, isn’t it?” Shouto blinks, because Bakugou’s music has never made him feel anything but an inexplicable feeling of freedom. But that’s the beauty of it, he supposes — that the meaning of music lies in the ears of its beholder. “I don’t know,” he answers honestly. “But I think it’s beautiful.” (or: todoroki shouto is a pianist who had sworn never to play the piano again, and bakugou katsuki is the unpredictable maelstrom of a violinist who turns his monotonous world upside down)
TW: Vague descriptions of terminal illnesses and child abuse.
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
TODOBAKU, AU: No Quirks, Todoroki Shouto-centric
The FEELS. Oh shit, they hit me like a truck. I cried while watching Your Lie In April and I cried while reading this. I am in love with this fic and the idea of musicians!todobaku occupies my brain 24/7.
2. Alcohol Speaks Louder Than Words by CelticMoone (incomplete // currently at 6k)
“I don’t think so,” his dad said, wiping his chin with the back of his palm to rid himself of the dribble of wine that fell from his lips. “And why the hell not? You feeling threatened?” Katsuki challenged. Hitoshi was sure he was delirious at this point. There was no way in hell he was sitting in his father’s home, listening to Katsuki drunkenly argue for his hand in marriage. That just didn’t compute. Damn, he’d really have to apologize to Denki for all the times he’d teased him for frying his brain. Hitoshi now knew exactly what it felt like and, man, oh man, was it literal torture. “I shouldn’t be the one afraid of threats, Bakugo. If you so much as lay an unholy finger on my son I will make sure your life is a living hell.” His father’s words were chilling. His face sported a less than comforting grin, hands folded neatly under his chin. OR Katsuki and Hitoshi get married whilst drunk, much to Aizawa's chagrin. Come join my brainrot in attempts to see how this will play out :)
No TWs Apply.
Genre: Fluff & Smut
SHINBAKU, Drunken Confessions, Getting Together
Adorable. These idiots are whipped for each other and Aizawa Suffers because of it lol.
3. To Watch You Fall (is a beautiful thing) by ChaoticHeart (complete // 62k, 10 chapters)
Aizawa has witnessed many relationships bloom over the course of his years teaching at U.A. In the end, whether these relationships last or not doesn’t matter to him. He has never been invested in the romantic endeavors of his students, and it’s easier to view their relationships with a sense of detachment, knowing that many of them will inevitably crash and burn. They’re all so young- they’ll get it right eventually, he would say to himself. But this… this is Hitoshi they’re talking about, and suddenly, like a switch being thrown, Aizawa finds himself caring all too much about the personal lives of his students. He never thought he’d be in a position to watch his adopted son slowly fall in love (with Class 1-A’s resident gremlin, of all people), yet here he is.
TW: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Genre: Fluff, Romance
SHINBAKU, minor/background ERASERMIC, Outsider POV
This was such a satisfying ride. Although it is outsider POV (Aizawa's), it all feels very clear. I love how EraserMic are polar opposites lol. The fic came together beautifully and I loved the slow descent of how Shinsou and Bakugou got together (though maybe Aizawa was getting a bit impatient-).
4. allow me the pleasure of loving you by pyrrhicwildfire (series of oneshots // total 15k // complete)
TODOBAKU, Fluff and Romance
My babies are adorable as hell and their shenanigans? Amusing as well.
5. Motivation to a Realization by NeonBlackRoseRevived (oneshot // 5k)
It's common for first years in the Heroics course at U.A to write a mandatory essay on how and why they would become a villain. No, this is not some attempt and making sure there are no traitors, and no this is not done to discriminate between quirks. This essay is used to get future heroes thinking about what-if's that could make or break them. This is for future heroes to know what to do, what to expect if one ever deflects or something else happens to make them become villains. Bakugou doesn't want to write this stupid essay, but like hell, he's going to get himself kicked out of the Heroics course for not completing it.
TW: Implied Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Non-Consensual Touching, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Implied Sexual Assault, Molestation, Kidnapping, Implied Human Trafficking, Implied Panic Attacks
Genre: Angst, Hurt
GEN, Bakugou Katsuki-centric
Hoo, boy. That's a heavy list. In all fairness though, it's not very graphic but I have to say this fic mentions some awful events. Not everyone's cup of tea but it summed up Bakugou's character very well. The writing was top-notch as well.
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otomiyaa · 6 months
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Hi all! 31 fics are finished for this year's Tickletober: Miya & Mia's Tickletober, prompt list together with @ticklygiggles! An overview of my finished fics can be found below. Thank you to everyone who participated and used our list. I hope you didn't struggle too much, or curse our names like a certain @lovelynim did 🤭
Special SPECIAL thanks to precious @wertzunge 💕 for helping me retrieve my fics after I lost my account. I didn't back them up, and thanks to his help I could get them back and post them on AO3.
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Note: not all fics are uploaded on tha tumblrz.
Day 1: Trap | Rengoku x Tengen (Demon Slayer) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 2: Claws | Josh x Lucy (The Hating Game)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 3: Villain | TodoBaku (BNHA)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 4: Mask | Itto x Heizou (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 5: Disguise | Rei x Kazuki (Buddy Daddies)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 6: Movie | Sawako x Kazehaya (Kimi ni Todoke) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 7: Playtime | Miyo x Kiyoka (My Happy Marriage)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 8: Haunted | Dani x Jamie (The Haunting of Bly Manor)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 9: Mirrors | Hobie & Miles (Across the Spiderverse)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 10: Cloak | Peter 1 & Peter 2 & Peter 3 (MCU)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 11: Pumpkin | Beidou x Ningguang (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 12: Wolf | Garu x Eiden (NU: Carnival)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 13: Prank Call | Enola x Tewkesbury (Enola Holmes)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 14: Roleplay | Lyney x Wriothesley (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 15: Babysitter | Sengoku & Miyamura (Horimiya)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 16: Sweets | Ariel x Eric (The Little Mermaid 2023) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 17: Closet | NSFW - Yiyoung x Daehyung (Work Love Balance)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 18: Spiderweb | Jean x Marco (AOT)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 19: Dark | Tokoyami x Shoji (BNHA)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 20: Cursed | Suzume x Souta (Suzume no Tojimari) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 21: Horns/Fangs | Sariphi x Leonhart, King of Beasts (Niehime to Kemono no Ou)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 22: Tail/Wings | Tighnari x Albedo (Genshin)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 23: Party | Momose x Shirosaki (Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 24: Spell | Maleficent & Aurora (Maleficent)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 25: Boo | Reader x Solomon, Barbatos, Simeon (Obey Me) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 26: Thunder | Scara x Childe (Genshin) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 27: Monster | Link x Zelda (TOTK) AO3 | Tumblr - Collab with @dokidoki-muffin
Day 28: Silence | Wade x Ember (Elemental) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 29: Zombie | Hinata & Miya Twins (Haikyuu)  AO3 | Tumblr
Day 30: Fantasy | Simeon x Solomon (Obey Me) AO3 | Tumblr
Day 31: Halloween | Neuvillette x Wriothesley (Genshin) AO3 | Tumblr - Collab with @ticklygiggles
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ceallachs · 1 year
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Just a doodle from a scene I wrote about Fantasy AU Akira meeting Miki because my friend wanted to see what she looks like!
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liszukung · 10 months
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Todobaku's child
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godshitgirl · 3 months
| It Hurts | TodoBaku /DekuBaku |
TW: Self harm
Katsuki's bad habits start creeping back up again after Izuku leaves UA. Luckily, Shoto is here to lend a hand.
9:28pm, Thursday
Recovery Girl had an expected, yet, unwanted visitor.
Weakly stepping into her clinic was Class 1-A's homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa with a young boy named Katsuki by his side.
To say the boy was disheveled would be an understatement. Almost every inch of his skin was littered with cuts and scars, even some had burns of them from what looked like small, concentrated explosions. He looked like a child had covered him in deep red stickers.
The nurse let out a sigh of worry. She didn't need to say anything as a simple exchange of knowing nods from the teacher to her accomplished more than necessary. Mr. Aizawa carefully led his student to an all-so-familiar bed and sat on the chair next to him. They had been in here so many times the chair was already sitting there, morbidly waiting for their return.
Recovery Girl took Katsuki's hands and examined his wrists. The cuts were not as deep as before, but there were far more of them, implying a rapid, repetitive motion instead of deep, long, slow ones. She rolled up his pant leg which revealed a set of bruises littered all over each of them, no visible pattern, though it seemed similar to the ones he had when he "fell" down the stairs a couple times that one day.
Now for the part she was looking forward to the least. She couldn't bare it, the way her heart broke each time she did it. Slowly raising her head, the nurse met the boy eye-to-eye. Yet, his pupils weren't facing her. They were facing forward, but they weren't particularly looking at anything. Its like a vast hole had opened up and sucked out all the life from his eyes. Aside from that, there were cuts on his lips, bruises on his cheek, his nose was bleeding, and a deep gash had appeared under his eye. Yet his expression remained the same, empty, lifeless, stoic, despite the deep physical pain.
"As usual," the old woman started, trying her best to break the silence and replace it with something more...wholesome. Yet the news was going to be rather far from it. "The sheer amount of injuries will take a while to heal completely, which I'm guessing is what you want," she tried to meet the boy's gaze again, but he still stared into nothing. "Even with my Quirk I can only do so much. Anyway, I suggest you stay the night. There's nothing much I can do, but at least I can ensure you won't be alone, if that's okay with you." She turned to face Aizawa, whose head was in his hand as he slouched forwards in his chair. His long black hair was tied into a messy ponytail with a couple strands in the way of his face. He looked up from where he had leaned his weight on his hand to reply to her, letting her know he'd be okay with staying to watch over his student. With that she went to gather some tools she would need for the procedure. With her gone, Aizawa took the chance to speak.
"You said you weren't gonna do this anymore." He said.
"I know. Sorry." Came Katsuki's rarely monotone voice. He didn't even bother to look his teacher in the eye, not that he could anyway.
"You're worrying me, you know that? And if your friends and family knew they'd be worried sick as well, you do know that, right?"
"I know. Sorry." Katsuki repeated.
"You could've gotten seriously hurt."
"I know. Sorry."
"Hurting yourself won't bring him back."
Katsuki's lips moved as if he was about to say something, but after a second of thought he shut it again. He didn't answer him after that.
Recovery Girl activated her Quirk but as it could take a couple hours, she needed to cover the wounds to ensure that they wouldn't get infected during the wait. After that she left the clinic and went home, leaving a sleeping Aizawa next to a, to use a more accurate term, passed out Katsuki.
12:17am, Friday
Katsuki's eyes opened. The whole room was dark as the lights were off but he could still make out what it looked like. To his right was a curtain hiding away another bed. To his left, a bedside table, on it a phone, wallet, and set of keys, as well as a sleeping Aizawa sitting next to it. Seated upright, he took a look at his arm. The cuts that had just been made hours before were almost entirely healed. All that remained were thin red lines that stretched across his wrist. With his other hand he traced a finger on them in a perpendicular motion, feeling the ridges of the scars paint patterns on his sense of touch. Looking around he realized no one else was there, and that it was already past 12. With nothing better to do, but not without a rather unstable mental condition, he quietly got off the bed and snuck out of the room.
The halls of UA were darker than he expected. He reached out a hand and felt around the walls to know where he was going. Once he got to the stairs he heard a set of footsteps coming closer, forcing him to race up the steps in case it was Aizawa ready to give him another lecture. He didn't count how many steps or staircases he went up until he was face-to-face with a door. It was the only thing on that floor which proved he was on the school rooftop. He was about to climb back down when he noticed the door was slightly ajar, not locked like he had thought it was. Hesitantly he walked out and was met with the cool breeze of the early morning city. The cement was cold under his feet and the wind hit his skin like it knew something. He hadn't felt so tranquil in such a long time.
The breeze swept his messy, spiky hair out of the way, enabling him to get a clear view of the sky above him. He finally understood why the sky was always associated with heaven or with gods. What he saw was ethereal. The clouds were of a light blue and swayed across the canvas as little bright stars littered the deep blue ocean. The moon was nonexistant that night.
"Bakugou," came a voice.
Katsuki turned his head to meet his eyes with his classmate. Red and white strands of messy bedhead swayed around his face, grounded by his scalp. Shoto's eyes were wide in what wasn't exactly shock, but of something more tranquil. He had seen something far more beautiful than the ethereal night sky right then and there.
The boys were silent for a second.
"Hey." Katsuki greeted. He didn't know exactly what to say.
"I, uh..." Shoto started. "I heard that something happened to you, so I went to the clinic to check and, uh, you weren't there, so...." the awkwardness in his voice interrupted his speech.
They were quiet again. It was like the only sound in the world was of the wind howling in the distance.
Suddenly, a soft burst of laughter erupted from their mouths.
"What was that?" Katsuki asked, a hand loosely covering his awkward smile. "You sounded so nervous!"
"I dunno! It just happened!" Shoto laughed so hard he snorted, causing Katsuki to pause yet laugh some more. As soon as they quieted down, the two boys sat side by side on the floor with their eyes gazing up at the stars.
"I heard what happened." Shoto started. "What's been happening...Bakugou, I'm so-"
"Save it." Katsuki cut him off. Yet there was a slight lack of venom in his voice, as if he was genuinely upset but...not angry.
"I'm not here to hear some bullshit about how you care about me, and how you love me, and how you're there for me, I just..." He looked down in what seemed like...shame? Grief? Disappointment? "I just want you to stay. That's it. No talking necessary."
Silence. Then,
"We don't have to talk." Shoto spoke up.
"But to be fair, I don't like what he did either." Katsuki's eyes widened as he swiftly turned to look at Shoto.
"He left. Instead of trusting in us that we would help him, he went off to deal with it on his own. He didn't think about or care what it would do to us, he was only thinking about himself." He said.
"It was stupid."
"Yeah, it was really stupid." Katsuki smirked and looked away.
"He shouldn't have done that."
"I honestly don't know who's hurting from that decision more, him or you."
There was silence again.
"He doesn't deserve you, Bakugou." Shoto said, yet his eyes were focused on a cricket that had made its way to the rooftop in front of them.
"After everything you've been through together, he doesn't get to just leave. He doesn't get to do that to you."
Katsuki's eyes softened, and he looked away again, focusing instead on his criss-crossed legs.
"You don't have to say that."
"I want to."
"I think it's true."
Katsuki looked up at the sky again. There they were, the light blue clouds, the shining distant stars, the deep blue ocean above and yet, this time, the moon was present. Rising and shining like it had been there all along. But for some reason, Katsuki only noticed it was there now.
Maybe it was there the whole time, and he didn't even realize it.
He leaned his head onto his friend's shoulder.
"I think it is, too."
sorry if it isn't that good I'm tired and just wanted to get this idea out of my head
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nerdyneko6373 · 4 months
Since you asked me about Midoriya for the character ask thing, I shall ask from you, Shoto Todoroki!! >:D
MY FAV!!! MY GUY!!! 🤍❤️
Favorite thing: How genuine he is. He's very straightforward about what he thinks and wants, which leads to a lot of comedic or heartfelt moments! He's trying his best 🥺❤️
Least favorite thing: NONE >:3
Favorite line: I have to choose?! I love the secret love child line but it's already overused lol, so here's a different fav of mine:
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And then he goes on to offer Izuku his noodles and wasabi and stuff to make him feel better. My HEART 😭❤️ (this scene makes me tear up every time)
brOTP (fav platonic relationship): hmmm it was hard to choose between TodoDeku and TodoBaku, but I think I'm going to have to go with TodoDeku. Their friendship is just so very precious!!
OTP (fav ship): TodoMomo!! (note: this is my OTP for Todoroki, but not for Momo. My OTP for Momo is BakuMomo, but that's a story for another post 😅) They work so well together, and I think they balance each other out. Momo is insecure sometimes, but Shouto brings out the best in her, and together they're a formidable team.
nOTP (ship that I cannot stand): I don't really have a Shouto ship that I am strongly against, actually (note: obviously, I hate all pro-ships with Shouto.)
Random headcanon: After spending so much time with Izuku and seeing his Hero Analysis books, Shouto ends up keeping his own book with all his conspiracy theories. There are a LOT of secret love children from pro heroes out there, and he's gonna find them all!
Song I associate with him: Up in Flames by Coldplay. The lyrics fit how he feels about his family so well...
Fav picture of him: Here's two because I can't choose between them!
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
MHA writings in progress ~
Most everything except random rabbles are on pause as I write Whispers in Petals, the dabihawks fantasy au fic!
Shouto and Dabi bonding after the war
DabiHawks and their personal styles
DabiHawks house hunting
Hawks discovering hobbies
Shinkami short-circuiting angst
Shouto and his friendship with his classmates
TodoDeku and DabiHawks interactions
What kind of pets I think mha characters would have
The LOV in the UA University au
Child Star Touya au
Coffe shop shinkami and flowershop momojirou 
Shinkami with Shinsou just being super smitten
Kacchako friendship
TogaChako headcanons
KiriDeku headcanons
Fanfics (for ao3)
1. sequel to the Dabihawks uni au roomate fic (Rated E)
2. TodoDeku "Firsts" (Rated M/E)
3. Shinkami getting together one-shot for the same Uni AU (Rated T)
4. Tododeku friends to lovers, also Uni AU! (rated T, maybe M)
5. Momojirou fluff piece (rated M)
6. Todobaku smut and fluff piece (rated E)
7. Platonic KiriBaku fic
8. Class 2 A’s traveling Journal
9. Dabihawks family Slice of Life fic
masterlist - my ao3
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