#tiny jungkook icons
ggukzito-s · 2 years
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★ . . like or reblog.
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cr to the creators of the hearders
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flvrnne · 3 months
can you do martina tini stoessel icons (shes spanish singer) and bts jungkook headers please?
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late but here it is. headers © to the owners.
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disneyfanatic1993 · 1 year
🎤Mic Drop🎤
An anniversary gift for my mom, who ADORES BTS.
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candywife333 · 11 months
Limping Seven Days a Week
A quick Drabble inspired by a very unexpected side of Jungkook. 
This is part of an entire Drabble series based on his recent music release. It is rather mortifying how many fics I came up with just in relation to his new song. I had to exorcise the demons out of my head that were inspired by the explicit version. Hope you guys enjoy!
Disclaimer: As usual, everything in  the fic is fictional, and the behavior displayed by the character in the fic is obviously not representative of the real Jungkook. 
2. part 2
3. part 3
4. part 4
5. part 5
6. part 6
7. part 7
I plan to have 7 parts to the series. 
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Shit, where the fuck am I?
I couldn't recognize this room, it definitely wasn't mine. Only a sheet was on my body. I peeked down to see what was underneath the blanket, and I was met with the grim appearance of my boobs. When the hell did I strip?! In consternation, I looked to my right and saw a veiny arm that encircled my waist. 
That is when all the memories slammed back into my head. That doe-eyed boy who wore glasses had asked me for help walking up to his room since he had recently sprained his ankle. 
He was the same guy that stared at me 5 out of 7 days of the week that we had classes together. His name was Jungkook and we both had the same professor for Economics classes. I had never really noticed him as I myself am pretty much invisible, a true observer. Most people call me quiet, I consider myself an observer of human behavior, a true analyst on the sidelines. The regency might bestow upon me the title of Wallflower, and I would gladly accept the position. 
  I don’t really have a palpable presence except for when I am with extremely close friends. 
With my friends all bets were off, I could be a freak. But with mostly everyone that I considered to be a stranger I don’t tend to interact. I had behaved the same way with this boy who kept staring at me with an unwavering gaze, a seemingly dreamy emotion glazing his eyes . He was cute and so I had thought on multiple occasion--- when I could feel his black eyes burning into my back-- that he could probably have any girl he wanted. The only thing stopping him were his shy mannerisms, and introverted nature. So why was he staring at me?
I’m a realistic person. I am not particularly remarkable. I could be when I put in effort, but most days I just wore black Calvin sweats that I’d snatched on a sale and a long sleeve black crop top which showed a tiny sliver of skin if any. 
Not exactly a fashion icon over here if you catch my drift.
Zooming back to the present situation at hand, I saw his veiny arm making its way towards my right boob. I had noticed on prior occasions that he clearly had a fixation on them. To my utter consternation, he squeezed my breast even now. His face that had buried into the hollow between my neck and shoulder suddenly moved.
 I pretended to still be asleep, this was so freaking awkward. Definitely went down as one of the most strange events that ever happened in my life. The only other incident I had to compare this to in terms of embarrassment  was when I peed my pants in the seventh grade. That was a whole other trauma that I didn't want to delve into. 
He sniffled into my skin and I had to stop myself from jumping as I felt a pair of plush lips wetted by saliva pressing kisses on the column of my neck. Kisses morphed into bites that for some ungodly reason managed to create a tingling feeling between my legs. His teeth caught on my flesh as he suctioned his lips against my damp skin, probably leaving hickeys that wouldn't leave me for a week. 
As soon as I thought he had stopped, I felt a cold draft of air over my chest. Motherfucker had removed my freaking blanket!?! wTF? What the hell was this dude trying to do?!! I had to stop pretending sleep, otherwise this would escalate to a worse extent than just hickeys?! 
My eyes opened to see his doe eyes staring at me as his pink lips closed in around my nipple, gripping it with his teeth before he sucked at it like a baby latching on for milk. I could see his eyes flash with surprise as he didn't expect me to be awake. I gathered all my courage to face this unexpected situation. “Um, excuse me dude? Could you like let go of my nipple? I am not a mother yet, and I would prefer to not practice breast feeding you. I would like to save that privilege for my children. So could you please get your goddamn lips off my tits”?
He let go of my tit as his jaw dropped down in an O. “Now, why don’t you do me the courtesy of getting your big boy self off of me also. I’m not really built to bear heavy weights, so if you could respect my personal space, that would be great”, I continued in a curt tone. 
As soon as I could feel him slide off of me, I got off the bed to collect the clothes I had strewn on the ground right next to it. I usually cared that I was completely naked, baring my cellulite infested ass to the strong daylight. But today I had other priorities. I had to get the fuck out of here. Dude had taken my virginity without me even remembering how he did it. 
As I bent down to pick up the clothes I had located, I could feel two warm hands gripping my ass on either side. “But do you have to go? I thought we could go for round 2 since you agreed to being my wife”, he drawled in a light airy tone, as if we were discussing the menu for lunch. 
My brain was shutting down on me. I had clearly gone insane. I might be in a psychiatric ward as we speak. It was either that, or I was about the commit murder. The fuck did he mean wife?! “EXCUSE ME, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WIFE? WI-I-IFE?! WHO FUCKING AGREED TO BE YOUR WIFE,” I screeched in an exasperated tone. 
“ALSO, GET YOUR FREAKING HANDS OFF OF ME! OTHERWISE I’LL GET A RESTRAINING ORDER ON YOU!” Just as I snatched my clothes from the floor, heading towards the direction of the door, I felt two arms that seemed more like corded chains of steel snaring my plush waist in a trap. 
“Babe, first sit down and we can talk about this. Maybe you have forgotten because of the drinks last night”, he whispered against my ear as his arms guided my naked form onto his lap. Dude didn't even have the decency to cover himself with a blanket before seating me on his thick thighs. I could feel his member slide against my wet slit as he started calmly explaining, “We decided last night that you are the one for me. My one and only. I would do anything for you. I told you about my problem and you agreed to help me and be my wife for life. You are the only one who makes me hard. I’ve been to so many doctors since I was a teen. No matter what they tried, they couldn't cure me of my erectile dysfunction”. 
He paused as he adjusted me on his lap. I could feel a stiff rod, the length of what felt like a freaking ruler pressing into my heat. He stuttered as he continued, “Se-e, this is what you do to me. You arouse me, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 7 days a week. Every minute, every hour, every second. Before you I could never get it up. The minute I first saw you in class, I felt so ridiculously turned on I came in my pants with barely any stimulation.” 
I couldn't help moaning as his member started to swell and pierce my heat. He pushed his length into me slowly. I got startled and tried getting off his lap but he was so ridiculously strong that he had my wrists locked in front of me in his tight hold. I couldn't stop mewling as he fed his member into me as his thighs shifted and contracted to get my pelvis into the right position.He was hitting every sensitive part of my walls as he bottomed out. This man was literally hitting my cervix. I wouldn’t be able to survive this dude. I could feel it in my bones. 
As soon as I bottomed down onto his length, he started rocking me up and down his length with the sheer power of his thighs. “Listen, sweetheart. You are it for me. I am addicted to you. As soon as I saw you in class I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I love the little laugh you make when you see  the roses in the school courtyard. I love how you helped me off the floor when I tripped onto the tile on my first day here, how you patted me on my head and handed me my books. I love how you dance in the rain, how you kiss the little kitten that walks around campus looking for an owner. I love when you take a sip of coffee and moan in satisfaction. I love how your waist curves into your hips and how I can grasp this pudge right here below your belly button for support. I love how your thighs and legs grip me around my hips as I’m fucking into you, even though you are trying to leave me. I love how your tight pussy wraps around me and gives me life. You can’t leave me, because you are my life.” 
Even as I objected trying to stop him, resisting his movements, he continued undulating his hips as he slid me up and down his length. My hands that were resisting fell slack as I couldn't control my moans and his big hands came to my boobs to massage them, pinching and flicking the taut tips. Before I could catch my breath, I felt warmth climbing up my core as I reached a pinnacle and my pussy convulsed around him . My vision went white as everything became blurry. 
“Let my fuck you right baby. Let me be your man. Please don’t ever leave me. I wouldn’t be able to handle it”, he moaned into my ear as I could feel his length twitch and spill warmth into me. “I know both of us were drunk last night, but please give me a chance.” 
I stared at him, dazed out of my mind at how I ended up with him in the first place. He had only ever been an acquaintance, and now he was professing his love? I was his life? “What do you want me to do though, marry you? Because I am the only one in the entire world who turns you on? You expect me to believe this bullshit. How the hell is that even possible?! ”, I cried out in confusion.
He grinned as his round cheeks shook with glee and his doe eyes glittered with incandescent happiness, as though he had won a million dollars cash prize, “Yes. You are the only person who I want to fuck. Ever. For the rest of my life. Please help me and be my wife. Wait just one minute.” He bent down to retrieve what looked like a little blue velvet box.
  I was so exhausted. Like I had run a freaking marathon. I just wanted to run back to my room to sleep in and take a warm bath. This man took my virginity, fucked me so many times I couldn't even remember, and now wanted to continue fucking me to my early grave for the rest of my life, legally, as I was chained to him in holy fucking matrimony? hELL, TO THE FUCKING NO!
I jumped up with a sudden burst of energy, traumatized by a vision of him fucking me to death. Before he could turn around with the box, I limped out of the door uncaring of my naked state. I HAD TO GET AWAY FROM THIS PSYCHO!! THE HELL DID HE WANT WITH ME? I couldn’t handle 7 days a week, no weekends, no break, no bonuses, no holidays. My poor pussy would shrivel up and die. 
It was already looking like he had disabled me. I could barely walk without wincing in pain. I threw my long shirt over my head as I scurried out of the front door looking behind my back worried that he would follow. As I hobbled out like a hag onto the sidewalk, I heard a shrill scream and what sounded like sobs as he shrieked, “PLEASE COME BACK! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME! I WILL FUCK YOU RIGHT, I WILL DO BETTER! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE”.
He wouldn’t fuck me again, If I could help it. I didn’t want to be a vegetable anytime soon. 
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itsdingdong · 1 year
The Beanbag Turtle - Drabble
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Pairing: Jungkook x pregnant!reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 626
A/N: It’s super short. It just happened lol. Enjoy x 
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“Babe.” Nothing.
“Baabe.” Louder, but again, nothing.
“Baaabe help.” This one seems to do the job.
“What? What happened? Are you okay? Is it time?” Your husband rushes from the bedroom only in a towel wrapped around his waist. Hair wet. Shit, he’s hot. What a view. You allow yourself to gawk at him for a couple of seconds. Well, he’s yours after all. Then you remember why you called for him.
“No. I’m stuck. I can’t stand up.” Jungkook chuckles softly at your figure buried in the beanbag. Adorable, he thinks.
“Here, I got you. On three. 1-2…” He leans over, links his forearms under your armpits then pulls you up. “-3. God. I can’t wait to stop being pregnant.” You whine. You’re really over it, and the pregnancy glow left the building 2 weeks ago. All the more reasons to stop.
“You’re adorable pregnant. The waddle is iconic.” He beams, giving your temple a small kiss just before he let’s go of your hands once sure you regained your balance. And he’s honest when he says that. He’s been enjoying watching you walking around with a huge belly and a small pout. It’s been the best when the days were easy on you. No pain, no nausea… On days when it was too much, he internally conversed with the little one, trying to convince her to come out sooner. Ever since you were in the post-mature term, it’s been somewhat of a hell for both of you. That’s when he stops enjoying, when you’re struggling.
“This…” You point to your swollen tummy. “…is your fault.” Then him.
“Well it took two now, didn’t it?” He smiles as he speaks knowingly. You know he’s joking. It’s annoying but true. He wasn’t the sole cause.
“It’s been 43 weeks. I’m about to request an extra fee.” Your hand caresses the tiny bump within you bump where she has her foot rested now. It’s never not weird; still cute though.
“Baby girl, the accommodation was for 39 weeks. Start packing up already. Rent is due.”
Your husband also puts his hand on yours to join the conversation. “Does she have a penthouse or what in there? She sure seems comfy.” Your heart swells whenever you three have a moment like this; you’re a family. Another reason why you want her here with you two. You feel her but you want Jungkook to form the bond you feel like you have with her. For him to hold her...
“She sure will be a spoiled one.”
“Yeah. Daddy will spoil his girl.” You raise a brow. It takes him a second, then he catches it. “-sss. Girls.”
“That’s what I thought.” You smirk, then go on to ask, “Daddy, why don’t you spoil the one who’s actually physically here by giving her a backrub.”
“Let me change into something first. I’m cold.” He looks down to remind you he’s naked under that towel. You feel your cheeks get hot at the thought, as if you’ve never seen what’s underneath. The hormones. God, it’s been too long.
“Make it quick.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Your gulp, but Jungkook is already headed to your bedroom. Still, he saw how flustered you were. He can’t help but feel a little hot himself. It would’ve been nice to... God, it’s been too long.
“Same goes for you little one. Mommy needs you here. We can’t wait to meet you. And I can’t wait for these back pains to go away. No offense.”
Something’s wrong. “Is she offended?” You dumbly think to yourself.
What just…?
“Babe!” You gasp. Wait. Oh. Is it…?
“Coming. Can’t find my sweatshirt. It was supposed to be on the wardrobe. Be there in a second. Oh there it is!”
“Jungkook.” You speak up louder this time despite the nerves kicking in.
“Honey I said I’ll rub your back, try to avoid the beanbag in the meantime. You looked like a turtle with two shells. Is that what the turtles look like when pregnant?”
“Baby please come here.”
“I’m here. What’s-”
“I-I think my water broke.” You say with wide eyes as you feel the liquid slide down, causing a gradually growing stain on your pyjamas. It’s happening.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 9 months
Sometimes I genuinely think they see jimin as jungkook's trophy husband or something.
I'm definitely not that type of jkkr lol. JK doesn't regularly wish for Jimin's bday but he gets a free pass from jkkrs because that's how he is. Jimin wished AND talked about him in vlive but not enough, they still want to prove jimin saw JK, when we have ZERO proof of JM visiting or not visiting JK. So just enjoy the pic as of now lol.
Anyway in my case, JM is ALWAYS no.1 NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. I definitely have a soft spot for JK than rest members but most of it comes because he's Jimin's bf.. or that's how it began lol. If it wasn't for Jimin I think he will be like Jin or Joon for me. Jimin is definitely the best performer of BTS. Even if JK is good performer you can see he's still lacking while performing alone just like other members while Jimin can alone take over stage and make it iconic af, Jimin may have even bigger career than JK if he was pushed the same by the company, Jimin definitely got the best personality in BTS, one of the strong willed member and HIGHLY PASSIONATE TOWARDS HIS JOB. Even if most members completely stop dancing one day, you WILL see JM still dancing. JM has one of the best solo discography in BTS, he got extremely big fanbase, his reputation so high... he's wayyyyy bigger career wise only just to be Jk's trophy husband lmao.
Everyone knows Jimin is so kind and family oriented af, he's so humble and never really acknowledge his success but I hope no Jkkr here secretly think one day Jimin will give up his career to move out with JK and make relationship 'safe' or just live under JK's success lol. He's a great person, he can give his everything to JK but at the same time go to stage and give a killer performance.
Oh, Jk doesn't get a free pass from me. No one does. I've said this from the beginning and people got mad lol
I've had this discussion with jkkrs. They think Jimin puts Jk before his career. I don't agree.
A tiny but glaring example is his live from a few days ago, Jimin listed the things he talked about and Jk was last.
Jimin spent a good 37 minutes of out the 38:30 talking about his career and daily life instead of doing a Jk fest for Jk's birthday.
I have no doubt that Jimin loves Jk. But whoever dares state that Jimin would give up his career for Jk or live under Jk's shadow needs to reevaluate how they view Jimin.
The rest of your ask? Spot on.
Jimin is it. In BTS. In kpop. In music.
Thank you for sharing.
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jinstronaut · 2 months
hi em! just wanted to say a couple of "thank you's" thank you for your kindness thank you for your daily commitment thank you for your beautiful sets thank you for your encouraging and absolutely lovely tags (even tho it is not on my own sets i just love to see your thoughts they always makes happy askdlsasd <3) thank you for being one of the most powerful pillars on this community i love and appreciate you so very much, so thank you!!!
hope you're having a great day and that 2024 is treating you well. jin's almost home 💜
pat wait this is :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( i'm gonna cry real human tears wtf thank you so mUCH u icon u innovator u amazing human being
thank u for all ur lovely sets and ur kindness and ur generosity !!!! u truly are such a lovely addition to this tiny lil corner of the tumblr world and i'm so glad i followed you !!!! honestly u deserve all the good things uwu and for a real butterfly to land on jungkook's nose already pls and thank You let us manifest !!!!!
2024 has certainly been a year but the sun is out and we're feeling better !!! i hope it's been treating you well as you deserve it uwu hehehe ily icon !!!!!
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Moments TK Have Been Visibly Into EO
This post is truly exactly what it says on the tin lol. I'm sitting here trying to find something clever to say about it, but the truth is I just thought it would be fun to compile a relatively brief list of moments that come to mind when I think about how visibly into each other Taehyung and Jungkook are.
It's a pretty short list in comparison to all the moments that I could include, but that just means more moments for additional parts in the future if people like this one!
I'll make little comments about what I take away from these moments, but for the most part, I really feel like they speak for themselves.
I won't lie, mentally and emotionally I'm still here, watching the Vminhopekook live from Las Vegas and calculating how long it will be before Taehyung literally eats Jungkook alive on camera. I won't lie, I have no clue how anyone doesn't see this as suspicious.
I get what other people are seeing in this live, but I don't know how they're not seeing this lol. From the moment Jungkook arrived in the room, Taehyung looked like he was going to take a bite out of him any second.
Similarly, in the LA live from the end of last year, Jungkook could not keep his eyes off Taehyung or his thighs. I mean, we all know this one, I'm sure, because honestly it's just iconic.
The way Jungkook's eyes kept drifting back to Taehyung, the way he stared no matter what else was going on, how he went to slap Tae's thigh at one point and only stopped because Taehyung reached for his hand at the same time. He was pretty obvious in this one ngl, and even if he wasn't, Jimin certainly gave them away.
I'm still not over the rehearsal from Busan where Jungkook kept pulling down Taehyung's sweater. Even if you can write off Jungkook unbuttoning it or tugging the sleeve down Tae's shoulder as just standard teasing, I don't really see how Taehyung moving to stand directly in front of Jungkook to rearrange the whole sweater can just be brushed off lol, especially considering how much they were laughing about it together.
I love this tiny interaction so much. This clip zooms in but if you happen to come across the full-body version at some point, you can see really clearly how Jungkook is heading straight forward, but then when Taehyung flirts with him a little bit, the direction of his feet completely changes as he starts to walk straight for Tae instead, like he doesn't even realize he's doing it. And Joon's reaction lol. Yeah, this is another one I can't figure out how to think around.
Honestly I was looking for a clip of a specific moment of Taehyung gazing at Jungkook with those bedroom eyes (from the 2019 to 2020 New Year's live) but I couldn't find a good version of just that, and tbh he does it a lot, so here's a little compilation for you.
There are several more moments where Jungkook is just blatantly checking Taehyung out, with full-body stare-downs, but here are a couple for your viewing pleasure.
Taehyung's eyes really rolled back, I mean --
This moment from the SYS The Final DVD where Jungkook was watching Taehyung practice is, I think, a really good example both of a moment where Jungkook was really into Tae, but also just the way he's so sweet for Tae all the time. He's, like, enraptured here, literally slack-jawed and staring.
I love the moment from Hobi's listening party where Jungkook was dancing and Taehyung sort of checked him out and danced up to him. I really feel like at this point, Taehyung doesn't even try to hide how hot he thinks Jungkook is, and good for them.
That's where I'm going to leave this for now, but if you have any favorite moments where you feel it's pretty plain to the eye how into each other Taekook are, please feel free to add them in the replies or send in an ask! These two are always eyeing each other and grabbing each other, so there are a lot of moments to choose from.
Their appreciation of each other is so sweet to see, in my opinion, but it's also just fun to see them being a bit obvious sometimes.
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dreamlandhotel1111 · 4 months
Introduction To my bts Reality
Also First post
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As my first post I would like to introduce my
I’m really hope people like this bc I love shifting to this reality it’s really never a dull moment with the boys
But anyways let’s get started
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Who is bts female member
Full Name: Lee Mi-Young
Stage Name: Mia
Home Town: Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea
NICKNAMES: Mimi ,Little Mi, Bangtan Princess,
Group POSITIONS: main dancer, main vocals, sub rap, Center
BIRTHDAY: November 1,1997
Age: 26
GENDER: Female
SEX: Female
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
What’s is Mia Most Know For
She participated In Jyp Sixteen and was almost in Twice
Also participated in idol school and Almost became a member of Fromis 9
Her dad is literally is Lee Joon Woo a former member of Galax also her uncle is Lee jun-Ho from 2pm
Sadly Lee Joon woo die in 1996 1 years be for Mia was born
The first female idol to debut with a boy group
She is also known as Nation Girlfriend
Some habits and facts about Mia
Her and Jimin are next door neighbors and have been best friends since a very young age
She sometime like to call Rm Jin and Suga Appa to tease them sometimes since their older then her
Mia has a habit of falling a sleep anywhere and everywhere
When ever she eats she does this little tiny dance when the food is good
Mia and jungkook are mostly know powerful iconic Maknae duo
Bts is sill considered as a boy group
Sometimes Mia gets stop by security bc most people don’t know she in a boy group
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That is it for this post since this was my first post I wanted to make it short not all my post will be this short but
You can also let me know if you want to know more about this reality or if you want me to make a list or sum with all my other reality
And I’m gonna also make a post about about a little intro about me and my shifting experience
Well that is it hope to see you soon
And happy shifting
Love yah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kimtaegis · 8 months
I'm sorry you feel this way, Annie, thank you for being here for us but please don't forget to take care about yourself too🌷
Okay, i have a question: what are your favorite BV1 and BV2 moments? 😁 (asking about these two seasons specifically bc i haven't seen the other two yet x))
thank you dasha baby, it’s really alright but of course I’ll try to take care, I promise 💖
it’s so funny that you ask this because I literally just started to rewatch bv3 yesterday, now that weverse has an amazon fire tv stick app lol! it’s been a hot minute since I watched season 1 and 2 though, let me think…
okay so the absolute highlight of season 1 was taehyung and his dramatic, unhinged ass AHDJJG him getting lost in the middle of nowhere and just having the time of his life????? that man hasn’t had a single care in the world while everyone was worried about his whereabouts 😭😭😭 and when he trolled jimin, seokjin and jungkook (?) by using the director’s ear piece to listen to what they said on the mountain 😭 and that whole twisted role play thing they had going on on that train?? with his passport being apparently lost?? I cried they were SO unserious but taehyung was really the worst 😭 but they were also super cute moments, like when they all cuddled up in that camper van, or this tiny yoonmin moment 🥺
as for season 2, obviously jungkook and his one (1) shirt and grubby face 😭 he looked like nature has nearly taken its claim on him. and of course my taegi babes on their hawaiian date night 🥺🥺🥺 also when they all made up their iconic nicknames!! and the dancing on that same night!! ah I miss bon voyage so much it’s really my favourite format I think 😔
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kimchokejin · 2 years
this is about me/my blog i guess
howdy! 🤠 thanks for stopping by. this is a bts hate blog. i reblog a lot of gif sets, memes, text posts, etc. and talk too much in the tags. i don’t really make things aside from what’s already here
most of my personal info is already in my description so i’m honestly not sure what to say lol. i have tag game stuff and posts that resonated with me if you’re just trying to get a ~vibe~ but if you want to know more about me for some reason, feel free to message! sometimes i can take a long time to respond but i do like to talk to people! especially about bts or just music in general
believe it or not i am an adult 😬 so just in case i would like to ask that minors don’t follow/interact. sometimes i say things on here that i don’t think i should say in front of minors and i don’t want to put anyone here (including myself) in an uncomfortable position. thank you for understanding!
also just a heads up that i am white if that informs your decision of whether or not or how to interact. if you are white and reading this and have never heard of white supremacy culture (which is so much more prevalent and sinister than i think a lot of us realize), please check out this website (that blew my mind tbh and i’m just not sure how many people have seen this masterpiece?) and let’s talk about it 😊
ummm this was my result for my bts personality quiz that i am still embarrassed about yet still trying to improve. as you can see i project onto taekook a LOT luv u babes <3
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ummmm i also made a bts song ranker
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THAT’S_MY_(a few months ago)_OPINIOOOOOOON.gif
a long, unrequested, incomplete but occasionally updated list of things i will NEVER shut up about:
disaster libra jimin
rm drunk tweets
hobi’s (alleged) joints
tae’s espn
jin’s masochism
expensive girl namjoon interviewing pharrell for rolling stone knowing in the back of his mind that expensive girl exists and will never be deleted from the internet
yoongi being THAT fucking funny and no one noticing
namjoon never having some goddamn peace and quiet…ever.
vmin in the rm studio tour vlive
foreheard jin
feral tae
fluffy blonde jimin (my greatest weakness)
jin’s shoulders
namjoon spoiling everything
hobi’s frog doll with the tiny penis
namjoon. like just look at him i'm sorry
jungkook making fun of rrrrap monsta in the year 2021 namtaekook making fun of jimin's dance move in save me in the year 2022
“let the beat in”
alt boy gen z icon jk
happy yoongi :)
lachimolala/carobonara (still)
tae in the glass case (and namjoon’s face)
tae having “just one bite” (and namjoon’s face)
jimin shy dancing
jin setting off fireworks in the morning
vmin sticker betrayal
rm putting rap monster as his legal name
rm insisting his sweatshirt is on right side out when the pockets were literally inside
rm not knowing they’re live
the spanking game
j-hope’s “keep one rolled” shirt J-HOPE’S CONDOM SHIRT
but also the whole keep one rolled/legalize it/heroin trifecta
when rm asked bts what food they liked in america that they couldn’t get in korea
jinmin fart skit
rm saying wow to yoongi’s butt
bts trying to cheat on taped run episodes
jungkook getting caught taking jimin’s tissue
tae pretending to get drunk off a water bottle?
anpanman 180524 (rip namjoon)
“oh hyuuuuung” *finger guns*
tata mic
“yeah baby i’m nervous!”
namjoon learning and growing over time <3
the lies behind your eyes fake love cover
the bwl dance set to juice by lizzo
this picture of 2seok
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the memetic capabilities of the tragically overlooked bts hybe-sanctioned animated fanfiction universe story app
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sketchguk · 20 days
I just finished reading part time lover and my heart is beaming!!! 🥹🥹🥹 of and Jungkook and Minji are the cutest family ever !! Also I love how you made sure that they didn’t continue this as a pretend even tho they feel it’s real, like I’m so glad Jungkook was like “never” when she asked if they are still pretending 🥺🥺
oh and I love the small scenes that are similar to the anime, like the interview and oc’s friends party 🤧 I love them together so bad!!! Also 🤣 seokjin as the informer matched so perfectly I love it 😂😂!! Aaaaaaaah this was a lovely read and so enjoyable, thank you 🥹💕💕💕 I wonder how they will reveal their secrets to each other, like they both think they are hiding something so big and horrible from the other it will be so cute when they find out, like -oh you are just like me- type of moment 🤧
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thank you so much for reading !!!! and for taking the time out of your day to leave me such a kind message 💛
it would have been so cruel if they had to keep up the act of pretend !!! also, i fear the smut would never have ensued if they didn't confess. mc had to make her move !!!
plus, i thought it would have been super sweet knowing that jungkook had formed a tiny crush many months prior when he first spotted her. his affection was brewing all this time ! he definitely had to make his feelings clear sooner or later
omg the actual party scene in the anime was so chaotic !!!! the way that loid showed up wounded, flubbed up, and told everyone that he's yor's his husband AHAHA. iconic !!! i did feel as if the interview i wrote was rushed (i found that scene somewhat boring to write, or maybe i was burnt out of writing). however, i didn't want any plot holes !! so the fic started with the thought of the looming interview, and it had to end with it too !
seokjin is so fun to write <3 he probably found a baby mama by the end of this (plot twist: it's me. we're married, and we're just as delusional about one another)!!!!
ahh !! it seems that everyone is curious about the big reveal. the two of them already have an inkling of what's going on. so there should definitely be an "ah-hah" moment as you mentioned! all the signs point to some incredible secret that's worth keeping quiet. jungkook probably catches on faster than mc. plus, she can't hide her wounds very well !! she can't make up another lie !
there are so many nights where jungkook traces her injuries, massages her shoulders, kisses her scars, and lathers lotion into her skin. he always warns her to be more careful <33 meanwhile, she's trying so hard to hold her tears in because she loves him so much!!!! on the other hand, she's so worried when jungkook returns home late!! there must be something wrong. his job must be so stressful :( maybe he's injured again!!
perhaps the reveal happens when they're assigned to the same mission and cross paths. then they have to work together (or at least simultaneously since they have the same goal). it's giving roma and juliette from these violent delights which i recommend 100%!!
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boysplanetrecaps · 4 months
Build Up Episode 2: 숨 (Breath)
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Welcome back to another recap of MNET’s Build Up. In the last one, we covered Something Like That, and I got myself a new bias! In this one, we’ll be taking a look at The Hardest Song on the Show (along with all the other songs), 숨/ Sum / Breath. Let’s do it!
(photo: Choi Haram’s Insta Update, via Reddit)
As has become traditional on the show, the judges talk about how this is the hardest song. They say that about literally all the songs, though. Vocal Coach Guy (VCG) wonders aloud if the guys chose the song voluntarily, or if they were forced to do it because no other songs were available. No, that was mostly Every Moment of You. 
Breath was originally performed by Park Hyo Shin, who, per Wikipedia, “is a South Korean ballad singer and musical theatre actor known for his emotional vocals.” His songs have reached number one on k-pop hot 100 charts, beating established acts like A*pink. Breath came out in 2016 and hit number 1 in Korea. Here’s a cover of it by Chen from Exo, and here’s a cover of it by Jungkook from BTS, and here’s Bang Chan and Lee Know reacting to the original version. I just like covering my bases. 
It’s a sad song, but it’s a bit hard to say what it’s actually about. It seems to be about being depressed and lost and not really wanting to face reality. I’ll let you read the lyrics and decide for yourself.
The guys come up to the sound of athletic guitar music, like they’re ready to wrestle or box or something. It’s… 
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LTR: Lim Junhyeok, Choi Haram, Jeong Inseong from KNK, Lee Hwanhee from Up10tion
Lim Junhyeok, the one who was a member of Day6 for about six months, introduces himself as a singer-songwriter. He was V5.
Choi Haram introduces himself as the “icon of challenge”. He’s a musical actor and was V8. 
Jeong Inseong is from KNK and seems to have a certain fanbase out there. He was V6. He introduces himself as the main vocal of KNK with a “soft charisma.”
Lee Hwanhee is from Up10tion, but you might remember him better from Boys Planet. He introduces himself as the cutie of team Breath. He smiles big, and then just a tiny bit looks like he wants to evaporate.
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“Why do I keep going on these shows omg when will people just like my voice it’s a good voice I hate dancing I just want to sing oh god…” --Hwanhee, probably
The show makes a lot of their “prince-like visuals.” Are they handsome? You guys know by now that I have no idea who is or isn’t considered handsome by other people. 
Eunkwang gets right to the point and says it’s an extremely difficult song, so did anyone there choose it voluntarily? Haram, looking dapper in his pinstripes, says it was his first choice. The judges ask why.
Time for a flashback!
I’ll tell you now the order that the guys join. Inseong was in 11th place and chose it first, then Haram in 21st place chose it. Hwanhee came right after Haram, while all other options were still open, so it’s fair to say that at least those three consciously chose the song as their best option. Junhyuk was tied for 38th and had a choice of either Every Moment or Breath, and chose Breath, so it wasn’t really much of a choice for him.
We see the guys talking about how Breath is hard and wondering who would want to tackle it. But we also see the other guys asking Haram what he wants to do, and he always answers “Sum” (Breath). 
Side note: Kpop songs where you can hear the word “sum”!  It’s in the first line of Sugar Rush Ride by TXT (saenggageun got sumeul meomchweosseo), it’s at the beginning of the chorus of Mmmh by Kai (Mmmh mmmh, sumeul naeshwigo baeteo like…), and of course it’s in the first line of Breathe, performed by Lee Hi and written by Jonghyun (sumeul keuge swieobwayo). Those were just the first few songs I thought of. If you open your ears, you’ll hear “sum” a lot. 
We learn that Haram is a pianist as well as a musical actor.
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Huh huh. Pianist.
Haram explains that he hasn’t engaged much in Korean music as he pursued classical music, but Park Hyoshin’s songs were his first exposure to singing. “I know it’s a really dangerous choice,” he interviews, “but I really wanted to sing the song that raised my dream on stage.”
Hwanhee takes the wrong route up to Breath and ends up going all the way around. Isn’t that just how things go for Hwanhee? He needs General Gunwook to boss him around. 
As Junhyuk arrives on the team, we get to see a little of his life. (I found a nice video on Youtube of this part, if you want to watch it. )
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He says that he writes and sings his own songs, confirming my suspicion that songwriting is his true love, not singing exactly. He says that he has been releasing singles, and even teaching students at an academy. 
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Pianist, Idol Main vocals, Singer-songwriter
Haram and Junhyuk take the lead on dividing harmonies almost immediately. 
Inseong asks Hwanhee, what she would do now? And Hwanhee says, “I guess… take a breath?” 
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“They talked about music stuff a lot,” Hwanhee interviews. “To be honest, I don't know much about that. They were using difficult musical words so I couldn’t say anything. It was scary/” See? He needs someone to boss him around. Luckily, he has Haram and Junhyuk! 
Hwanhee tries singing his part, using a lot of vibrato, and Junhyuk confirms my good opinion of him by suggesting that Hwanhee dial back the vibrato a lot. It’ll give it a more casual, conversational feel.
Haram is so glad to have Junhyuk on his side to help, and we see a little montage of Haram working really hard. Does this mean Haram will be top tier? 
Here’s the link to the version without reactions. 
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My thoughts:
This was a great performance. All four of them had voices I found myself liking a lot. Listening with my eyes closed, I was still able to pick out Hwanhee (I mean it’s pretty obvious) but I was listening to the others blindly and I found I had a positive opinion of all four voices. I don’t even want to nitpick them too much since I really thought this was all very good. I didn’t even mind the song -- I put this on my playlist. 
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Haram’s voice is so full and mature, it’s almost incongruous with his youthful looks. I really like how he sings, though I’d prefer if he used a little less vibrato. There may have been moments when he was very slightly off pitch, but I couldn’t swear to it because the song’s melody isn’t super clear to me. I also would have preferred if he sang with his eyes open. But those are nitpicks. His voice is lovely.
Side note: He and Hwanhee are both wearing suits that are way too big on them.  What’s up with that, stylist unnies? Did you ask them to wear sweaters and they said no so you punished them with giant suits? 
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Inseong’s voice is rich like Haram’s, but not quite as deep, and a bit smoother. I have no criticism. He also does a great job harmonizing with Hwanhee, singing in a sweet falsetto. I know I’m not saying a lot about Inseong, but it’s just because I have no notes! He did great. 
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If you read my Boys Planet recaps, you know that I really like Hwanhee’s voice and always have. I think he sounds a lot like Baekhyun from Exo, and that is fully a compliment to both of them. He uses more vibrato than I would have liked here, but that’s a preference thing. I think he did great here, and I hope he won a few fans, since I feel like not many people supported him on Boys Planet. But isn’t it satisfying when it’s his turn to sing? I love his full belts. 
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I wasn’t thrilled with Junhyuk in his teaser performance, but I find his story so sad and affecting that I was really rooting for him. So I was so glad to find out that the full, bright, satisfying belts I heard with my eyes closed belonged to Junhyuk. He also proved himself singing low as a counterpoint to Haram later in the song. Ok, his vocal color is a tiny bit sharp in tone (not pitch), but not unpleasantly so. He can get a tiny bit nasal, but it’s never anything “bad.” 
The harmonies were great overall, and I credit those to Junhyuk and Haram. 
I don’t know who I’d pick as my top tier, I really don’t. Every time I think I’ve decided on someone and type his name, I immediately change my mind to someone else. This was a strong team, in my opinion. 
The MNET Edit is kind, as is usual on this show. It was funny for me to hear one of my biases (Baekho) compliment another one of my biases (Hwanhee). But it seems that the judges didn’t like Junhyuk -- they were squirming around uncomfortably during his high belts. Well, I liked it, you dumb dumbs. 
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Hong Seong Jun is enjoying the singing. I think. I guess?
When the song is over, everyone applauds and says they did a good job. 
VCG says that the song is hard to sing well, then tells Haram that he enjoyed his singing, for not trying to imitate the original singer too closely, but instead singing it in his own style. 
VCG goes on to say that Junhyeok was disappointing with “one thing” -- his voice was too “bare” in the chorus. He wanted to hear his “modal voice”, which I think meant his chest voice. I disagree, personally. I think having the contrast of Junhyeok’s voice was refreshing. But I guess that’s just a matter of taste. Also, since VCG said that Junhyeok was disappointing with “one thing”, the implication is that VCG must have had a lot of compliments for Junhyeok as well that we didn’t get to see. 
We don’t hear them say anything about Hwanhee or Inseong. 
The judges vote, and it’s unanimous -- they all vote for Choi Haram. 
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That seems fair -- his singing was impeccable, and he also helped devise the harmonies. 
Haram pretty much can’t believe it. 
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He almost looks like he’s going to pass out for a second, then says thank you and promises to keep working hard to justify his win.  
As the guys leave the stage, the judges say that they’re glad that the difficult song worked out so well. Then VCG adds, “It’s so nice to have an audition with just singing. I’m used to dancing too and this is much better.” 
Ok, my friends, I’ll post this much so that I can keep going crazy with as many screen shots as I want. Just two more songs to go! I fear I’m going to fall further and further behind… Sigh. Well, thanks for sticking with me and being patient. I’ll see you in the next one, which is going to be Decalcomanie, originally by Solar’s group Mamamoo. That should be interesting! See you then. 
Xoxo BPR Noona 
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kmfavr · 3 years
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byblackswan · 3 years
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taehyungg · 3 years
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