#tho the characters were OOC and stuff didn't make sense
cuppa-ale · 2 years
“secrets from Crazyar’s past” I can’t stop thinking about that part....... I’ve always thought there’s some shenanigans surrounding his past and wanting SO BAD to know more about him and what his role was.... to think we might actually get answers/see it........ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is all I can say.
I love Crayzar.
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cursedfortune · 9 days
// ooc here buuut...
Saying a character description on a roleplayblog is so long is like saying there are so much text in a book or so much video recordings in a movie :'3
The reason there's a lot of text is because there's a lot well thought out lore that is essential to the character. Of course it takes time to read but it's not what people should complain about, in my opinion.
From mun to mun, keep doing your thing ❤️
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people are so funny. when i got that ask i was reminded of people who make a 'goodbye' post on a subreddit with a shitty lil' attitude. as if their presence or words has any impact on the internet. clearly it doesn't, since fucking @fallesto decided to outright rp on that same ask asdffhgfhgjhk :') fucking losing it asdfghf
but like, preach it bby. it's my blog, my profile and my character. i'll make it as long or short as i want. if it's not someone's thing, alright. but making it my problem? nah, touch grass. irl is going to have to reading way more in life than what's on my blog. reading is a hobby, and you read when you roleplay so...?? it's literally half the fun?
i've said this a lot of times and made posts on it, made offers aplenty but: if you don't have the focus to read my bio page, you could just learn about my character via conversation. the issue i have is when people say they read it and then talk to me getting 90% of the basic info wrong to the point it's transparent that they didn't.
i don't really consider myself difficult to engage with when it comes to the creative process - outside of my time/energy constraints due to the irl stuff i'm trying to manage.
the timing is just stupidly funny to me, tho. adfsgdfhg
thank you, tho. if you were worried my feels got hurt, don't be. i had a laugh and answered the ask exactly how i was feeling in that moment. if people behave like you're 'too much', they aren't the people to have around. i hope whatever is making that person miserable clears up and they have some fun rping - if that's what they are here to do. i appreciate you stopping in with kind words and common sense. <3
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Nikolai saving Fyodor - Fyolai Drabble
Nikolai didn't gave Dazai and Fyodor poison in this. There was some other stuff in the injections but no poison. He just wanted to make the game more interesting and funky/entertaining.
Important to note: This drabble is connected to my BSD Fix-It AU with the only change being the circumstances under which Nikolai saved Fyodor and the reason why Dazai told Atsushi to write down that Fyodor would lose his ability.
It's not needed to necessarily read my other post in order to understand this post.
It's only important to know that the ADA managed to obtain the page and that Dazai told Atsushi to write on it that Fyodor would lose his ability. He knew about the consequences it would have and while he hoped that Fyodor was gone for good, he wanted to make sure that if he would really somehow manage to come back, he wouldn't try to start a war again, not trusting him at all.
This AU works with the theory that Fyodor is highly influenced by his ability.
TWs (PLEASE take them seriously): Mentions and descriptions of blood (a lot of blood), descriptions of injuries, panic, crying (a lot of crying), medical procedures, descriptions of being in pain, mentions of fever, mentions of getting sick, mentions of the medical procedure of stitching up/suturing wounds, descriptions of treating wounds, descriptions of struggling with loosing the ability to use one hand, descriptions/mentions of utterly neglecting oneself, slightly implied depersonalization/derealization, slight mention of feeling numb, mentions of death, mentions of being heavily influenced by something, short slight mention of one of Nikolai's graphic crimes (they were mentioned when the ADA took his case), mention of scars
Maybe a bit ooc. (I understand the characters I swear. I just enjoy writing stuff which is a tiny bit ooc to allow more fluff to happen. However I tried to make it not extremely ooc though.)
(I did bend the rules of legitimacy/reality a bit in regard to treating the injuries in order to make this possible as well as a bit more easier to write.)
It's all hurt/comfort tho and it does have a lot of fluff towards the end. I promise.
Word count: 6341 words in total
He didn't know what came over him but before the helicopter crashed into the tower of the prison, Nikolai used his ability to drag Fyodor into one of his portals.
Dazai and Chuuya didn't notice him using his ability.
As soon as Chuuya and Dazai left, entering the prison one more time in order to get Sigma out of there, hoping that he would be still alive, Nikolai hectically opened up a portal himself and used it to rush into one of his many hideouts in which he had teleported Fyodor
Nikolai had never felt so glad about all the different little hideouts he had everywhere where Fyodor would be in case he needed him for a plan.
Searching a hotel room where he could try to save the Russian would become quite difficult and bringing him to a hospital while both of them were wanted criminals (one of them on the run and one of them officially pronounced dead to the public) wasn't something he could do.
Nikolai wasn't thinking clearly anymore when he arrived in the shabby little house which he called his hideout and which he had purchased under one of his many many fake identities.
In fact, he wasn't really thinking at all anymore. At least not what he would normally think.
He always expected that if he would ever see Fyodor dying, he would be filled with a sense of relief, a happy and freeing feeling, knowing that he finally reached his goal and became free.
However now this wasn't the case at all.
The only things he felt were panic and some kind of denial.
He couldn't believe what had just happened. In one minute he was chatting with Fyodor who was sitting well and alive in the helicopter, his mind already filled with excitement, imaging their upcoming new game which would have something just between them and the next minute Fyodor had been stabbed in the stomach with a metal bar which was pinning him in place, his white prison suit was covered in red, thoroughly soaked with his own blood while his body was shaking and his voice was filled with pain.
Never once had Nikolai seen Fyodor in this much pain, never once had he seen the emotions of his dear friend written so clearly and openly all over his face and not once had he himself felt so awful before. Not once has he felt such fear while his own life wasn't in danger at all.
He had felt utter sadness and heartbreak before, yes. But not such a nearly hysterical panic.
It was deep, painful sadness which ran through his veins, squeezing his heart together when he had noticed that the eyes of his childhood friend with whom he had lived together on the streets and with whom he fell in love became more hazy, losing all the light in it and when his tiredness and mature character which came from all the trauma he already had to go through since a young age slowly turned into a harsh cold personality.
Nikolai could do nothing when Fyodor's ability started to take over his friend more and more as they grew older, influencing his mind and with that his personality as well as his actions thoroughly, seemingly merging Fyodor Crime and Punishment until Fyodor slowly became a part of his ability himself. Cold, cruel and harsh.
He could only watch as Fyodor started to act and when Punishment would take over completely for short periods of time. He was unable to do anything, knowing that the ability itself was just as intelligent as the one who wielded it.
Still, he knew exactly when Fyodor, even though his mind was still heavily influenced, was coming through more and still he knew exactly that the goal was to get rid of all ability users and with that all abilities came from his Fyodor.
Surprisingly, he couldn't bring himself to love Fyodor any less, despite his more cold and cruel personality.
The sadness however, still ran deep.
But he had never felt any panic and fear like this. Not when his own life wasn't in danger.
He had expected that the moment he would see Fyodor dying would bring him joy but the expected joy was a feeling of panic and denial which clouded all his mind and made it hard to think straight and instead of feeling a sense of victory upon seeing Fyodor's face twisted in pain, he felt sick to the stomach when he saw him spitting out a concerning amount of blood, feeling like vomiting himself.
If he could think straight, he would have possibly wondered why his mind wasn't acting up, refusing to try to treat his friend in order to reach his goal but now, he only could think about saving his friend, hoping that it wasn't too late.
He rushed into the bedroom in which he had placed Fyodor on the little bed, nearly tripping twice on his way due to running so fastly through the hallways.
Upon finally reaching the bedroom, seeing his friend, he felt his heart sink.
By now, Fyodor had fully passed out, his body lying limp on the bed. His face was covered in cold sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead and the now visible large stab wound was bleeding like crazy.
If Nikolai wouldn't have been used to seeing very disturbing things, he would have probably vomited but even now he still felt incredibly sick, not due to the injury but from seeing his dear friend like this.
For a short moment, he stood next to the bed like frozen before quickly bending down to check if Fyodor was still breathing and if he still had a pulse.
He knew that the chances were slim and he nearly didn't dare to check but he had to.
Upon feeling a faint pulse and upon feeling Fyodor breathing even though it were small and uneven breaths which he took, he felt like a giant weight got lifted off his heart, which felt like it was close to shattering in thousands of pieces, breaking beyond repair anyways.
However, he still couldn't feel real relief until he knew that Fyodor was in a stable shape again.
He knew that he had a lot to do now, knowing that he was still alive but he had barely any time due to Fyodor bleeding out at a rapid speed from his stab wound but also from his injured hand and the wound where Sigma had shot him.
Trying to frantically stop the bleeding through applying pressure to the wound, Nikolai remembered the trick he did with Sigma when the latter was bleeding out from where he was shot.
Sigma's injury had been way smaller, he had lost much less blood and he wasn't in such a bad shape as Fyodor at all but he knew that doing this trick once again, would at least give him some more time.
Carefully, he pushed Fyodor into his portal before looping him through the two portals which he had opened up, slowly letting some blood flow back into his body.
This time, he was much more careful than he was with Sigma and it didn't bring him any kind of entertainment at all.
He also reduced the distance between the two portals to being as small as possible, not wanting to let Fyodor fall through the air longer than needed.
After being sure that Fyodor had more blood in his body again, he quickly lifted him back on the bed, using his ability once more to grab the box in which he stored all his medical supplies from the bathroom, not wanting to waste any time and not wanting to leave Fyodor's side.
As soon as he held the box in his hands, he placed it on the bed, opening it with shaky hands and grabbing one of scissors inside of it in order to cut open the prisoner suit in order to treat Fyodor.
After cutting the remaining parts of the upper half of the jumpsuit open, he grabbed a cloth from the bathroom with his ability, pressing it onto the wound, trying to stop the bleeding while trying not to worry about the fact that Fyodor didn't even flinched or made any pained noise upon Nikolai putting pressure on the large wound on his stomach.
Nikolai himself was only taking short hitched breaths anymore as he watched how the previously brightly colored cloth slowly got soaked in the blood of his dearest friend, turning more and more red with every passing second.
After some time, of trying to slow down the bleeding and after using the portal loop a couple of times more to give him more time, he finally had the bleeding a bit under control which meant that he now came to the part he feared the most.
Nikolai had treated many wounds before.
He had been the one to clean and stitch up Sigma's wound while they were in a hotel on the way to the prison.
He didn't really feel scared that day. He knew that he had already treated and stitched wounds of his own already so why shouldn't it work with Sigma's wound.
Sigma himself wasn't really scared either. He had been lying on the bed, looking like all the life had been sucked out of him, the realization that his casino was really gone and that all the people in it were dead had crashed down on him, shortly after their little conversation after he had woken up again after falling from the Sky Casino.
If anything, Nikolai had been more scared of Sigma's clearly upcoming breakdown which was brooding inside of him, even if he was still feeling numb at the moment.
Nikolai also hadn't been scared when he had treated his own wounds, stitching them up himself.
He had done it multiple times as a child living on the streets in the Ukraine until Fyodor joined him, insisting to treat Nikolai's wounds.
Hell, he had even skinned a person before and didn't feel scared. Numb yes. Like he was watching it happen in a movie theater, yes. But not scared.
However now his hands wouldn't stop shaking and his breathing became even more quicker and hitched but he knew that it was the only way to save Fyodor.
Noone else besides him would treat his wounds. They had nowhere else to go.
He hectically grabbed the little chair which was standing in the room, pulling it next to the bed, sitting down on it, removing his now bloody gloves, putting on some medical gloves which had been in the box as well, placing everything he needed to start treating the wound properly on a new cloth on the bed, taking a needle into his hand.
Taking a deep breath, he told himself quietly that he had to pull himself together now and that he had done this many times before but that his hands had to stop shaking now or else he would mess it up.
It was one of the few times Nikolai genuinely prayed.
Nikolai didn't know how long he treated Fyodor's wounds and his hand but it felt like hours.
He made use of all the medical knowledge he had from books and from Fyodor himself as well.
He had asked his friend a couple of times before about random medical stuff, simply because he wanted his friend's attention and because he had wanted to talk with him and he had never been so glad about the fact that he asked him about it and listened to him before.
After he finally dressed the wounds, putting multiple layers on them before wrapping them all up in clean white bandages as well as after wrapping the hand up, he felt all the energy which mainly came from his panic as well as from his sheer willpower and his wish to save his friends life fade out of his body, his body practically slumping together on the chair as he still somewhat propped himself up, elbows on the bed and his head leaning against his hands.
The silence around him felt both defening and calming as he only now realized how quiet it was.
Only his own and Fyodor's hitched breathing were the only noises in the room.
While taking a couple deep breaths, he realized that he really did it, that Fyodor's life was (for now) pretty much saved but also realized what he just did, that he saved him instead of killing him, realizing that Sigma was right when he once told him that Nikolai was unable to kill Fyodor, that he needed him and was still attached to him too much to kill him off and that he still loved him more than anything but also, upon him finally coming out of his panicked state, tears started to form in Nikolai's eyes and he was by no means able to stop them from falling down his cheeks.
He was too tired and felt too much to even think about stopping them and like that, Nikolai sat next to the bed on which Fyodor who now looked like was sleeping if one ignored the sweat on his face, the hitched breathing and the thick bandages, was lying, crying more than he ever cried before.
He cried for more than an hour, his mind a mess and everything from the past weeks crashing down on him.
Eventually he didn't even knew if he cried because of the relief after saving Fyodor or because he was so mad at himself or maybe because he realized how deeply wrong he was or maybe because he felt so torn apart but he still wouldn't stop crying. The tears continued falling down his face and he felt like he would never stop crying.
Eventually he did though.
After the crying finally quieted down, he felt more worn-out and even more like all his energy and life got sucked out of him.
Everything hurted, he had a pounding headache and light hurted in his now swollen red eyes while his face felt like it was about to explode in general.
Slowly sitting up again, slumping against the backlean of the creaking chair, he let his gaze wander over Fyodor and the bed.
There was blood everywhere on the bed and on his medical supplies, the room was a mess, used cloths, cotton balls and tissues were lying around everywhere, his own purple now reddish stained gloves were lying next to the bed and Fyodor somehow still looked breathtakingly beautiful.
Nikolai just hoped that Fyodor would handle it well, especially because of his anemia or else he would have to steal some blood transfusions from the nearest hospital.
It would be no problem. He knew how to do it, he knew Fyodor's blood type for whatever reason he couldn't recall anymore by now and after what he had just done, a blood transfusion was nothing compared to it but he knew all the risks which came with one and it was really something which he had never done before unlike treating a wound (even though he has never treated such a large and drastical wound before and even though he had usually never saved lives before) so it was really something he only wanted to do if there was no other way anymore.
Besides this he wanted to draw as less police attention to his surroundings as possible so he wanted to refrain from committing any crime but if he had to do it for Fyodor he would do it without having to think about it twice.
He looked with tired and nearly empty eyes at the scene before him for quite some time before he scratched together all the willpower and energy he had left in his body to drag himself out of his chair in order to clean up a bit.
He cleaned the room and the bed a bit up, carefully cleansed all his medical supplies if he would need them again in case of an emergency and washed his hands which were stained with blood from when he tried to stop the bleeding earlier.
Afterwards, he fully got Fyodor out of his prison clothes and dressed him into some lose pyjama pants of his own.
They were way too big and way too long for him but he didn't wanted to let him lie there in either a torn apart bloody prison jumpsuit or just in his underwear.
He also put him some of his warmest socks on, not wanting to let the other freeze before placing multiple blankets on top of him.
He didn't wanted to put on a shirt on him since he needed to frequently change his bandages and also in case he quickly had to do something on the wound again but he also didn't wanted to let Fyodor freeze or get sick on top of all so he gathered all the blankets he had lying around or which he had stored in his portals, placing them on top of Fyodor.
He also put his hand on a spare pillow so that it would lay a bit higher, knowing that it would help for a better blood flow but also reducing the risk of Fyodor accidentally touching it in case he would start to move. And Nikolai wanted so badly that he would start moving soon.
Seeing Fyodor's body lie there so limp, made his heart sink each and every time he looked at him again.
His hand was beyond fixing. Nikolai did his best but it was so injured that he probably only could move it and the fingers a little bit.
It still worked but he most likely could never use it as much as before.
After everything was done, Nikolai sat on his chair next to Fyodor for the next days, holding his injured hand gently, looking at him, monitoring his breathing, checking his overall shape and looking out for him him general without a break.
Only when he felt close to passing out he would force himself to get up to drink something and to nibble on a slice of bread or whatever random "snack" he would find but he couldn't really eat anything. He didn't want to eat anything.
The only thing he wanted was Fyodor to wake up. To look at him again with those hypnotizing purple eyes of his in which he could get lost ever since they met and to speak to him again.
He would even be fine with Fyodor telling him that he would kill him. He just wanted him to wake up and to hear his soothing deep voice with the heavy Russian accent which he loved so much.
Just like when he cleaned the room and dressed Fyodor, watching over him he felt like in some kind of trance. Everything just passed by. He was caught up in his thoughts, thinking about Fyodor, about Punishment, about what happened, about his childhood, about their shared childhood, about his ideology, about freedom and his love.
He never noticed when he fell asleep. Sleeping and being awake kind of blurred together.
Often he would dream about Fyodor and about them as children on the streets. How he once took care of Fyodor in another cold and cruel winter when he got sick, shoplifting medicine and holding the shivering Fyodor in his arms as he sat on the ground the empty side alley in which they always slept, his panic rising the higher Fyodor's fever got and about how he wrapped his own coat about Fyodor in a desperate attempt to keep him warm and shield him from the cold which surrounded them even if that meant that he would freeze himself. As long as he could help Fyodor he was happy.
He dreamt about how he prayed while Fyodor's fever was the highest it had ever been and he dreamt about how he cried in happiness when Fyodor started to eat, talk and walk around again, finally feeling better.
He dreamt about them dancing around. He dreamt about the prison about the helicopter he dreamed over and over about Fyodor's pained expression but he also dreamed about how they would sometimes lie together in the bed of Fyodor's apartment at night, holding each other after Nikolai came over to Fyodor's place once again after having a nightmare, Nikolai listening to Fyodor's steady heartbeat, neither of them saying a word, only hugging each other, knowing that there will never happen more between them than this. A faint reminder of how close they once were as teens trying to survive.
He dreamt of purple eyes, cold but gentle and soft bony hands, black hair and the sound of a feather quill scratching over paper as well as flickering screens with the purple symbol of the rats.
He dreamt about birds and freedom.
The days would pass like this, Nikolai never leaving Fyodor's side for longer than a couple of minutes until one day after nearly a whole week, Fyodor's body tensed up, his face twisting in pain for a second, his breathing becoming quicker before he managed to open his eyes a bit, blinking a couple of times before his eyes fully focused on his surroundings.
Nikolai stared at him with wide eyes, not really daring to believe that what he was seeing was real and not a dream.
Upon gaining more and more consciousness, Fyodor sucked in a sharp breath due to all the pain he felt but his mind was still too clouded to really register where the pain was coming from.
He didn't recognize his surroundings so he moved his head a bit to look around but seeing who was sitting next to him wasn't something he would have expected at all.
Upon seeing Nikolai sitting next to him, staring at him with wide eyes, a mixture of happiness, relief and disbelief written all over his face, Fyodor's own eyes widenth.
He was the first one to break the silence between them, Nikolai seemingly not daring to do anything, still not really believing what was happening.
It took him a lot of energy but he managed to say Nikolai's name, his voice being awfully hoarse and sounding fragile and weak.
As soon as Nikolai heard Fyodor call out his name, he left his frozen state and tears welled up in his eyes.
Fyodor looked at him in shock upon seeing the other tear up, still not really being able to fully wrap his head around what happened and that he was alive but despite his mind being all messy, he tried to squeeze the other's hand out of reflex, only to realize that he couldn't really move his hand before a piecing pain shot through his body making him flinch hard, causing another wave of pain to roll through his whole body this time and not only through his arm.
After the pain got a bit less again, he finally realized that his stomach and his shoulder were covered in thick heavy bandages which were neatly wrapped around him as well that wasn't wearing any prison clothes anymore.
The memories of what happened before he passed out came back as well and while he had been so sure that that was it, he was now lying here and since he could tell that this wasn't any official hospital or an infirmary at the prison he knew exactly who brought him here and who saved him.
Upon realizing all of this, he looked at all the blankets covering him before looking back at Nikolai with such a soft yet pained gaze.
It was then when he saw how awful Nikolai looked. He had lost a lot of weight, there were deep dark shadows under his eyes, he still wore his clown costume, just the hat, the card covering his eye and his gloves were missing but it looked messy and there were blood stains all over it. However since Nikolai didn't seemed to be injuried at all, Fyodor could tell that it was all his own blood which was still all over Nikolai's clothes, showing him that he hadn't even changed after cleaning up, hurrying next to his side again to stay with him.
His white hair was a mess as well and looked like it hasn't been combed since days. Even his braid which was usually done all neatly and accurate was a mess, strands of hair being out of the braid here and there and the bow at the end of the braid seemingly trying it's best to hold the last remains of the once braided hair together.
Nikolai was pale and looked more worn-out and tired than Fyodor had ever seen him and to his surprise, he felt his heart sink upon seeing his friend like this.
He wanted to say something, asking Nikolai what he had done but before he could say anything, Nikolai cried out that he hated him, tears starting to fall down.
Fyodor was caught off guard at first before a soft smile spread across his lips and he managed to say "Thank you Koyla" before he tensed up again, another wave of pain making his body feel like it was getting stabbed in the stomach all over again.
Nikolai stared at him in disbelief before gently lifting Fyodor's bandaged hand to his own face, cradling it and holding it softly against his cheek, looking at Fyodor with a wobbly smile before breaking down crying once again, not letting go of Fyodor's hand.
Fyodor just looked at Nikolai and for once he did let himself feel how painfully in love he himself was with Nikolai.
Normally he tried to suppress it, denying himself any kind of love he felt towards the other but now he couldn't bring himself to even just try to do so.
He was glad that he woke up to Nikolai sitting next to.
He couldn't say anything to Nikolai as the latter cried, since the few things he said already took out all his energy so he just lied there, looking at the other with a small smile.
Eventually Nikolai pulled himself together again, carefully laying down Fyodor's hand on the pillow again, however not letting go of it before asking him a couple of things about how he was feeling which Fyodor answered with either nodding his head or shaking his head.
In the following days, Nikolai would continue to take care of Fyodor, gently propping him up against the headboard of the bed, feeding him soup and other more nurturing dishes he would cook for him as well as making him drink a lot of water and tea.
He also made him regularly take iron supplements and fed him sweets every now and then to help his body to recover from the blood loss.
They didn't talk much. Fyodor couldn't talk much anyways but it was off-putting to see Nikolai so quiet and drowned in thoughts.
Fyodor knew that he had to leave him alone with his thoughts now and that he himself had to sort this battle between his humanity and his ideology out for himself.
Nikolai would change his bandages and the covers of the blankets regularly and kept a close eye on the wounds.
The wound were Sigma shot Fyodor in his shoulder healed good and quickly but the wounds on his hand and especially the large stab wound were healing slowly but luckily, neither of them showed any signs of an infection.
Fyodor did his best to appear put together when Nikolai was changing the bandages but sometimes he couldn't prevent himself for making pained noises, flinching hard or tensing up, hashly sucking in the air.
Nikolai never made any comments on it but he often looked at him with a worried and apologetic expression.
He hated feeling so weak and vulnerable and he was horrified of Punishment lashing out an Nikolai whenever he was in a lot of pain since it tended to lash out when Fyodor felt threatened or in pain so he was often lying there utterly exhausted after Nikolai exchanged the bandages, partly from the pain but mostly from trying to keep Punishment at bay in his weakened state.
He felt Punishment rage inside of him every single day and he found himself having the urge to get revenge on Dazai and Chuuya and the whole ADA.
However one day, just when his body was in a good enough shape for him to slowly start to get up again he felt the harsh feeling of Punishment inside of him as well as the influence it had on him disappear completely in just one moment.
It didn't fade away slowly, it was like someone had just flicked off a light switch and turned it off.
Suddenly he regained his whole consciousness again, his mind which always was a bit messy and foggy due to Punishment's influence suddenly feeling completely normal again.
He didn't really know what happened but the disappearing of his ability made unable to leave his bed even more again.
All the memories of what happened crashed down on him besides of parts where his ability had taken over completely, and the guilt was eating him up alive.
In addition to that, he had to fully readjust to having his full consciousness back.
Mostly however, he had to wrap his head around the fact that he was only Fyodor now. Not Crime, not Punishment, only Fyodor.
He felt the rage and the twisted thoughts disappear and it made him both utterly relieved and scared.
It was like a part of him got taken away but he didn't felt less whole now. If anything, he felt like himself again despite the guilt eating him up alive and it confused him more than anything.
Nikolai was there for him the whole time. He wouldn't leave his side before and he wouldn't leave his side now.
When he had entered to room, seeing that Fyodor stared at him in disbelief and fear, his eyes not being hazy anymore and lacking all the coldness but now being filled with light again, Nikolai would have nearly dropped everything he had been holding at that moment out of disbelief and shock himself.
He immediately recognized those eyes and at first, he didn't dare to believe that for whatever reason, Punishment was gone for good now.
Nikolai himself, was having a battle with his mind over all this time and slowly he let himself believe that he could be together with Fyodor while being free at the same time.
Nikolai knew by now that Fyodor returned his feelings and he knew that he would wait for him until he was ready and Fyodor did wait.
He waited until they were both ready to finally put into words what they were feeling all those times before, taking the step to finally get together.
Fyodor recovered slowly but aside from the time after losing his ability where he got worse, he was recovering steadily.
Nikolai, who had put his clown attire away by now and who slowly started to eat more again as well as started to somewhat take a bit care of himself again due to Fyodor refusing to eat until Nikolai ate something himself, helped him the whole time.
He continued to feed him, he changed the bandages, made sure that bed and room were clean, after Fyodor was able to sit up again for a few minutes without being in too much pain he would gently wash him every day, he brushed his hair making sure that it wouldn't become matted, he changed his clothes regularly and when the time came he helped him to slowly sit up without leaning against the headboard for support again, he helped him to move around in his bed to scoot over to the edge of the bed, sitting on it and placing his feet on the floor again for the first time since weeks if not months and eventually he helped him to stand up again, taking his first few wobbly steps again.
The first time standing up again was nerve wracking for both of them.
It had been painful to sit up on his own with only a bit support but it was much more manageable than when he first tried to sit up.
He couldn't stand lying in bed any longer.
Nikolai had been looking at him, his eyes filled with worry while he was firmly holding Fyodor's healthy hand with one, and his forearm of the other arm with his other hand.
After getting used to the feeling of sitting up and after the first row of pain got lesser again, Fyodor looked at Nikolai and nodded, him being as tensed up as the other himself, before using all his energy to drag himself out of his bed and up on his feet with Nikolai's help.
His weakened legs were shaky and wobbly and he immediately felt like passing out, his anemia making him see black and flimmering colors for a second but before he could fall, he felt Nikolai wrapping one of his arms around him, careful not to touch the wound on his stomach, steadily holding him and preventing him from falling, letting him slump against him until he was able to see something again a few seconds later.
His legs were shaking, his breathing became faster and he was clinging with his healthy hand to Nikolai as if his life would depend on him but he felt more genuinely happy than he felt since a long time, finally being able to stand again.
However, he quickly had to lie back down again upon the pain and the exhaustion becoming too much, making him feel dizzy and like his legs would give out on him any moment.
Nikolai himself had a big smile and teary eyes as he told Fyodor that he did great, feeling relieved due to seeing how well Fyodor was recovering and that he would be able to walk at least short lengths again being written all over his face.
He also helped him to slowly move his hand more again but just as he had suspected, Fyodor couldn't really move or do anything with his hand anymore.
Teaching himself how to write and how to handle a weapon with his non dominant hand wasn't that difficult for Fyodor but he did struggle with doing daily activities with mostly only one hand and he grieved after not being able to play the cello anymore.
Nikolai tried his best to cheer him up whenever he saw that Fyodor was getting frustrated again because of his hand or when he sensed that he became upset when listening to music including a cello again.
After getting up again for the first time, they would continue to train getting up and walking around again.
The first few times, Fyodor had to hold onto Nikolai and often wasn't able to take more than two or on good days three steps before his legs felt like they would give out again and before the pain coming from the large stab wound became too much again.
However after quite some time had passed, he was able to walk around more freely and without having to hold onto Nikolai as much again.
He was still shaky on his legs, walking quickly became exhausting and painful after a while but he got better and better.
It still took a very long time until he was able to fully get out of bed over nearly a whole day, to walk around and do things completely on his own but Nikolai was there for him the whole time and he continued to be there for him even when Fyodor had fully recovered just like Fyodor was always there for Nikolai when the other needed him.
When the large wound was finally so well healed that Nikolai could finally pull the stitches out, he did try his best not to tear up again, the process reminding him of how he was desperately trying to save his dearest's life but also showing him once again that he did manage to save him, reminding him of how far they came.
After they finally got together after Nikolai was ready and after they both were both in a much better state, both physically and mentally, Nikolai would often kiss Fyodor's injuried hand, holding it as gentle as possible if Fyodor either was upset because of it again or if the chronic pain which developed from the injury became worse again.
Fyodor would always have two large and messy looking scars and a fully scarred hand now but Nikolai didn't mind. He would always tell Fyodor that he looked beautiful, despite all the scars which the other hated so much and he would frequently kiss them whenever he got the opportunity to do so.
After Fyodor had fully recovered and was able to live more independently again, they moved out of the little shabby hideout to live a quiet life underground in a small but cozy house under fake identities and in a different country, far away from where everything went down.
Due to Punishment being gone, Fyodor had no desire to start another war or to get revenge on the ADA anymore.
He just wanted to get as far away from anything which reminded him of this time as it was possible.
He craved to start a new life together with Nikolai, far away from all the things which reminded him if the past.
They might still had a long road of recovery and redemption in front of them but they both felt happier than they've ever been and their relationship was a true and honest one, based on a deep and mutual understanding for each other and based on utter and deep running love which would never end.
If you read all of this, thank you so much! I love u <3
I hope you liked it!
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groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos with an Aromantic DA / Viewer
a/n: I randomly decided I really wanna get something out for aro week, so I've got a oneshot mayhaps involving a certain adventurer in the works, but knowing me that might take a while (if I even finish it all) and these tend to be easier for me. So, that's why this exists...not that you asked.
(edit: made one for Ace hcs.)
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He wouldn't really care, but in like a supportive way.
He may not look like it, but the guy's got some common sense.
I can't see him as the type to ask a lot of questions especially if you're visibly uncomfortable around the topic. (tho ig he might if it's for an interview, not sure)
A big part of Wil's character is just accepting shit as it is and not questioning what you can't understand because falling down that spiral is ultimately unhealthy; so if you were to come out to him as any sexuality/gender identity, he'd most likely just accept you immediately and move one.
Expect to receive a lot of aro themed stickers on pride month though.
Also doesn't care, but it's less him being supportive (tho he is) and more: it doesn't affect him, so why should he care?
Like you do you. Your love life is none of his business.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a shit.
Though, he might find some relatability with you.
Despite how one might interpret ADWM, I cannot see Dark as an entity with the capability to feel much of anything. (other than rage, vengefulness, etc.)
There are some vague memories of past feelings from both Celine and Damien (and possibly the house entity, idk) mostly shown through his clear favoritism for Wil.
However, I don't think he really can feel romantic feelings, nor does he want to.
Being loved sounds nice, but ultimately it would just get in the way.
So having someone around that's kind of like him in that regard is almost nice...cathartic even.
You both like to watch 'marriage gameshows' (the bachelor, love is blind, etc.) over wine and laugh about how you'll never have to deal with relationship problems. (idc if that one's ooc)
He can't really feel romantic attraction himself, yk being a robot and all.
If you tried explaining aromanticism to him he'd probably just be like: "Yeah, and??".
He's supportive in a sense, that sense being: you not having a partner would mean one less meat sack he has to deal with once he manages to get admin privileges.
Kinda stumped on this one ngl.
I just can't find a reason why he'd care whatsoever.
He'd just be like: "Oh...siiiick, brah." with total Bill and Ted energy.
(edit: this is pre-wkm btw. idk why I did that, it doesn't really fit with the others that way. so I probably won't do it again in future hcs. sorry ig.)
I imagine it comes up at a party.
He starts asking you about your love life.
You tell him that you've never really been interested in that kind of stuff, and you probably never will.
What does he do?
He calls you boring.
In all seriousness, he's mostly chill about it throughout your friendship, but it's hard for me not to picture him as the type to think you're just being naive and that 'everyone has to find someone someday'. (I believe WKM takes place in the 1920s, so like, what were you expecting?)
That is until Celine cheats on him.
It was just such a world shattering thing for him, he genuinely loved her more than anything.
It's not a complete 180°, he doesn't suddenly understand your lack of attraction from this, but one night you check in with him to find him wasted in his wine cellar and he's basically like: "You had it right all along, my friend. Love...Love is not for everyone. ...Certainly not the faint of heart."
Which like, you didn't choose this, but you were more focused on making sure he was okay at the time to care.
A part of me wants to think he'd be a little confused at first just cause the idea of having to explain aromanticism and/or asexuality to him because he's just genuinely curious is really adorable to me.
However, the rest of me refuses to believe his friend group isn't entirely comprised of both people in the lgbtq+ community and hardcore allies who would happily beat the shit out of aphobes on a daily basis.
Not to say that they think of you as child-like because of your sexuality, but it's a prison family and you're 'fresh meat' so you're their little aro-bean now whether you like it or not.
Yancy especially is protective of you in an almost older brother type way.
So if after/during coming out to them (or just him) you mention how scared you were/are because you've had a lot of bad experiences or something, he's like constantly ready to sucker punch and/or ballerina kick anyone giving you flack over just being who you are.
He's always willing to tell you how valid you are when you need to hear it, and overall is just a really great friend.
...Even with the stabbing.
In an odd way, he almost feels...relieved?
Call it a humble brag, but literally all of his past work partners had fallen in love with him at some point, and while the attention certainly feeds his ego, that kinda thing just gets tired and even annoying after a while.
So knowing that'll never happen with you is actually a nice break from what he's grown so used to.
He's never had someone around who genuinely enjoys adventuring as much as he does.
And who isn't like constantly ogling him. (I mean probably anyway, idk what it's like to be aroallo)
Having you around may also cause him to start questioning some things about himself, particularly when you're explaining your orientation.
But that's a topic we'll be getting into at another time! (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *stares at empty draft*)
He's still used to trying to fluster people cause he finds it funny and in general is just the kind of person to be a bit touchy with his friends (meaning: platonic hand holding, hugs, head/back pats, standing weirdly close a lot of the time just naturally, etc.), so if you're ever uncomfortable just tell him and he'll cut it out straight away.
You're both just kinda really good friends, and he's not at all weird about it like you thought he might be.
Supportive Pirate Dad! 10/10!
You definitely have to explain what it means to him, but he verbally accepted you before he even asked.
Kinda like: "That's great!...What is it?-"
Would have the crew sew you a flag if it would make you happy.
They are still pirates who have been sailing across the deep blue their whole lives with presumably no contact with the mainland however.
So unless you for some fuckin reason told them what it looks like, you can expect to receive a relatively small, plain black flag with the word 'Arrowmantik.' spelled incorrectly and somehow sewn on in perfect white Helvetica.
You hung the flag right above your hammock.
It is your most prized possession.
Might be a little discouraged at first. His crush on you was a tad obvious.
But he figures it's for the best. You are the captain after all. Pursuing that relationship wouldn't have been professional in the slightest.
It does take a bit but he gets over it eventually.
He still genuinely loves you platonically/as a person, so things don't really change all that much.
You still have a strong friendship and work really well together.
He tends to go a bit overboard now about giving you personal space cause he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So you may have to reassure him multiple times if it wasn't an issue.
During when pride month would be on earth he might gift you little aro themed stuff, like a patch you can't actually add to your uniform for work reasons but love and appreciate anyway.
He may not fully understand how you feel, but he never stops trying to, and either way he's always gonna support you no matter what.
Your orientation could never change how much he loves and trusts you both as a captain and as his friend.
He doesn't really care since it doesn't affect what you guys do, though he is openly accepting, especially if it seemed like you needed to hear that it wasn't something that bothered him.
In a similar vein to Illinois, he's strangely grateful.
He's not sure how he would've dealt with the situation had you developed a crush on him. Such emotions tend to get in the way more often than not in his line of work.
He didn't wanna have to kill you just to make his life easier. Taking a life out of necessity isn't as much fun, plus he'd grown a tad fond of you.
I like to think he cares quite a bit about your mental health, it would make sense given the whole murder thing.
So if you often go through periods of doubt or even internalized self hatred regarding being aromantic, he's gonna be there to help you through it.
He goes with you to pride parades and if anyone tries to tell you that you don't belong there, they're immediately getting put on a black list.
He got you a nifty little keychain once while you were there.
Overall, surprisingly wholesome.
a/n: I went back and forth on whether or not I was gonna use the pronouns I hc them all as using, but in the end I just said 'fuck it, appeal to general audiences, why not at this point'. I'm really fuckin' tired, dude. Just- HAPPY ARO WEEK! ig.
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dinosaursatemymom · 10 months
I'm the anon from yesterday, and I have to say in s4 canon, Nancy was helpful. Yes, it could have gone a different way, but she should get credit for moving the plot in that direction. She shouldn't have gotten the credit for finding the articles and the music theory that was Robin, but the initial hint was on Nancy.
It's still questionable how she got the information, tho, like she isn't a reporter she writes for the school paper. She shouldn't be out there investigating a murder scene. That article wouldn't have even made it into the paper, given it was about a student, and the principal would have shut it down immediately. Idk what her plan was besides being nosy.
I'm also still thinking about the s2 plot, and it just doesn't make sense to me. It's even worse that Nancy's half-baked plan worked because it framed Steve as this bad boyfriend for not wanting to help her. Like their major argument that painted Steve as uncaring about Barb was that he didn't want to get revenge on the lab and that he wanted to live his life as normally as possible. That him shutting down Nancy's idea is him surpressing her trauma, idk it makes me want to scream. He went with her to Barb's family every week, and he tried to cheer her up, to say he didn't care about the situation is just wrong. Also, why is Nancy's way of coping the right way? Steve should be able to adjust his life in a way he feels comfortable. Nancy went along because she thought it would help her. It's not like Steve pressured her into anything. He thought his way was helpful, and Nancy didn't communicate it better to him. (Like she still can't communicate properly, i.e., Jonathan or Robin in the library, who asked her if she hated her, and Nancy just ignored her and rolled her eyes.) Steve can't read her mind so he was under the impression everything was okay. I doubt he would be malicious and shut down Nancy's grief. He was concerned about Nancy's destructive ways of getting revenge because it was dangerous.
The lab was set up to be scary. They killed people for knowing too much in s1. Steve was totally reasonable for being scared. And then they made the lab into something dumb that it got infiltrated by two teenagers who even let it slip they wanted to expose them. How on earth was Nancy able to get that recorder inside? And why was Jonathan okay to go through with everything after Owens explained and even showed them the huge mess. Will and his mother went there every week, the people were trying to help his family. Jonathan had no reason to help Nancy besides getting some brownie points in her book. It was ooc for him to go against his family and put others in danger. Nor did it help the plot or Nancy. It was never discussed how incredibly stupid and selfish it was of her to go against them that way. Like she put her family and everyone involved in danger, plus the entire town. But it was framed as her being super smart and brave when it did more harm. Nancy didn't even deal with grief. There was no real discussion about Barb with Jonathan, only her admitting that she waited for Jonathan to make a move so she could get away from her boyfriend. I wish Jonathan had said something so Nancy could be able to examine her behavior.
I think what makes her plots so frustrating is that she doesn't grow as a person with them. She is still the same character since s2, who gets her little investigation plotline, which is unnecessary because the other characters are able to get there without her anyway. What is her arc? A grieving teenager who lost her best friend? It's never truly discussed in the show. Otherwise, she can use a useless weapon. She isn't the smartest person who can piece stuff together. Robin was only there for 2 seasons and yet was more helpful with her wits than Nancy. I wish we could get an arc for her next season, but I doubt it tbh.
Also this and the last anon was quite long, and I apologize. Sometimes, I get carried away. I feel like you can't really discuss this topic because people will hunt you down and call you names. I really tried liking Nancy, and I think if she were better written, I would love her because she has potential. But because her being perceived as flawless in the show (and fandom) contradicts with her actions, it makes her incredibly unlikable.
You're right, Nancy was helpful in s4 and I shouldn't discredit her for that. Although I do believe the plotline could've worked without her.
Nancy is just constantly trying to get the story no matter what, even if it could get her fired.
Yeah, I didn't like her plot in s2, it just didn't make much sense to me. I definitely agree about Jonathan. I really don't like how nearly everyone bends over backwards for Nancy in the show, even when they logically shouldn't(Robin). I think a lot of the problem with Steve is that the show is trying to make others seem in the right and Steve in the wrong while also making him likable to the audience because the duffers don't want to kill him off.
Yea, it was really weird that all of a sudden this top secret highly guarded government facility didn't search two teenagers. Especially considering the lengths we've been shown that they'll go to in order to keep confidentiality, ie Benny.
I would absolutely love to see an arc for Nancy!! Contrary to what my posts may make it seem, I think Nancy's character held a lot of potential and has been poorly written for the past few seasons. Her being written as this flawless badass who everybody loves kinda makes her seem shallow and annoying. If the show could acknowledge her faults and figure out a nice ending for her where she actually shows some growth I would absolutely love her character. I really hope to see something better for her in s5.
It's totally cool, I like long asks anyway! Feel free to shoot me an ask anytime! You're absolutely correct about not being able to dislike Nancy without being hunted down and called names [(I know you're reading this, you know who you are. Get off my page and block me and the tag, stop harassing me. Im not gonna like Nancy because you call me a misogynist or a bitch, that's gonna make me like her even less)<--not targeted towards you anon] Yes! The fact that no one holds her accountable is the reason she doesn't grow because she's framed as constantly being correct.
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sofipitch · 2 years
3 14 18 19 and a special personal question, do you prefer to read physical books or like ebooks and stuff? Hope you’re doing well 🖤
3. What is your favorite genre?
That is kind of a hard question bc I do read a lot of genre stuff like horror or historical but when you think of the big names, like Stephen King and Dean Koontz for horror, that's not really what I like. According to Storygraph my highest genre is fantasy but I hate high fantasy. So probably horror, historical, or fantasy but like usually the less hardcore versions of that genre if that makes sense
14. Do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
Yes, I was taught to dog ear to save my place by my mom and I literally never knew it was a thing ppl hated until like high school. And it's just a piece of paper... I also will dog ear a library book (not write in tho) and I like seeing creases where other ppl have dog eared. I think it shows love. I also crack spines on hardcover and paperbacks. It's my book and I would like my hand not to hurt when holding it. The book I'm currently reading I got from a used bookstore and was in kind of rough condition and I dropped it and it split in half, it's currently taped back together, I think it looks cute.
18. Do you like historical books? If so what period?
Yes! I love historical fiction, I learn things and am entertained. I will read any time period except WW2. That time period is incredibly overused in the USA bc "we were the good guys!" It's often a propaganda machine and has extremely oversaturated the historical fiction section
19. Most disliked popular books?
Oh boy. This actually just came up at dinner so The Poppy War I don't think I can go into everything I hated in a reasonable amount of time so: bad politics and trauma porn. It also has a TON of overused tropes to the point I predicted a lot of the plot ahead of time. A Little Life, also trauma porn. A Thousand Ships, literally the worst Greek myth retellings. The whole thing is supposed to be feminist and will rub your nose in it too, not subtle, yet it still mostly summarizes myths about the male characters in a boring way. I don't think saying "hey the women deserve more attention!" And then not doing that makes sense. Also bad opinions on Helen, again #feminist yet enjoys slut shaming 🤔
For VC books, everyone knows I don't like books 4-10, however I have not read a lot of the worst offenders. So out of the ones I have read, Pandora and Blood Communion. Blood Communion had like 0 plot and what it has hinges on Lestat acting INCREDIBLY OOC. Pandora I was SO disappointed in. I liked her in QOTD so I thought I might enjoy her book, she is a 2 thousand year old vampire, this should be epic right? No it is extremely limited and only focuses on the part of her life involving Marius, basically anything that does not involve him is not included, like HUGE time skips. Even when we meet Pandora at age 30 before she was turned she had been previously married and we hear nothing of that. After her big fight with Marius when he abandons her, her life is just summarized in a few pages, saying she lived for thousands of years depressed bc of this one guy. Girl, get over him. Also I mentioned how I love historical fiction, Pandora not only has like accuracy issues but she doesn't experience a lot of events herself, she will summarize important events like gossip/AR reading a Wikipedia page. To me the appeal of historical fiction is to feel like you are actually there experiencing the event. Pandora telling me some previous emperor drama when she never interacts with them is not it. It was SUCH a huge let down and did not pass the Sofi Feminism test
Do you prefer to read physical books or ebooks?
If I read with my eyes I prefer a physical book, I like that I don't have to worry about charge or internet. I'm also just used to it, having to scroll on a page feels weird. I also accidentally tap and turn pages when I didn't mean to a lot
Thank you for your questions, this was a lot of fun 💗💗
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sixtypackofcrayola · 2 years
Can I request??
Macaque and wukong (seperately) having a tall s/o and they call them shortie and picks them up for them to see what their s/o sees?
Hope that made sense
As you wish !
✰ Macaque and Sun Wukong with a tall S/O ✰
Fandom; LEGO Monkie Kid Character List; Macaque, Sun Wukong Genre(s); Lots o' fluff Pronouns; They/Them TW/CW: None!
Sun Wukong
-Wukong would love a S/O taller than him. He thinks it's a bit funny -And I imagine they're not just taller by a few inches,, I'm talkin' a lot taller. I hc the monkey men to be around 6'5, so imagine his S/O,,,,, damn -Kinda strange because to most people he's pretty tall! And then there's his S/O who towers over him and all of a sudden he feels a little smaller,, not that he's complainin' -"How's the weather up there, sunshine?" of course -And then his S/O picks him up like he weighs almost nothing -"Pff- See for yourself, love" -"You seein' this shit, Wukong?" -The first time he's a little caught off guard, his tail swishing around in surprise. Just a "Wait what???" moment -After that, he kinda starts to like being picked up. Especially if his S/O picks him up bridal style ohu boy -Honestly, he's a bit embarrassed to ask for it when he's thinking abt it-Acts slightly offended when they call him "shortie", because again he's the tall and handsome monkey king and whatnot. but most of the time ends up laughing. -"Hey, most people can only dream of being as tall as me!" -Occasional back and forth of short/tall nicknames -Would probably climb up them himself sometimes. Imagine him just climbing up to give his S/O a kiss on the cheek -Ouu cuddles,, little spoon. Monkey man is touched starved, so having someone bigger than him to hold him close makes him feel weirdly safe. He's usually doin' the protecting. He'll wrap his tail around his S/O's leg and just relax,,
-If you make fun of him, he'll make fun of you. He and Wukong are similar in the way that they'll both come up with something else to call their S/O. Lighthearded teasing between the both of em. -Would call them "short stuff" for the irony and snort at their slightly confused face -First time he was picked up by his S/O he was also taken aback. It was kinda out of nowhere just to tease him a bit -"Pf- Alright, very funny-" -Pick him up bridal style, and if you squint you can see him blush -Kinda likes being picked up, not as much as Wukong but still, he likes it a bit -Wouldn't ask for it either, but if he seems grumpy and if his S/O were to pick him up n hold him, he might cool down a bit. He likes their touch in general, so he doesn't mind all that much -Don't do it while anyone's watching though -Cuddle hc once again, kinda felt weird being the smaller one and being held. He's never been held before. It's a nice feeling he didn't realize he needed. Macaque's been thrown out, cast aside, and to have someone actively bring him in,, Another touch starved monkey. -He's hesitant, but after a while ends up purposefully curling up next to his S/O and letting them embrace him fully. It's hard for him to fall asleep most of the time, but this makes it easier -Asks his S/O to come down to his level to kiss them -Show off the giant shadow monkey form to compare to them -"Nowww who's taller, huh?" -I keep thinking "smaller, very dangerous/much taller, less dangerous" and if you didn't know em it'd seem like S/O would be the one to punch the shit out of an enemy but nope, their smaller monkey bf is punting that bitch into the sun without breaking a sweat -S/O trapping him in a big hug to be like "haha who's stronger now" -Again, it felt strange to be the smaller one. Not in a bad way. But he don't mind one bit.
( Fin. ~ ✰ ) A/N; thank you for the request ! ive barely written for these two im so sorry if its ooc </3 feels nice to write for them tho i love the silly monkey guys
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inukag · 3 years
I've seen some people say that Yashahime is canon only to the OG anime, but I'd make the argument that it's not even that! Think about it:
While the Inuyasha anime did mess around with the manga lore or make up their own here and there, they still did bring to attention some lore that they CLEARLY ignore/retcon in Trashahime. Like in one of the 1st episodes of the OG anime where Myoga explains how Tessaiga was made to protect Izayoi, Inuyasha's mother. Yet, later on in Yashahime we find through a flashback that Touga apparently had Tessaiga long before he met Izayoi? What?
I actually talked about this next one with @loveyou-x3000 a long while back, but remember Hosenki l? Remember on how in the OG anime we found out he was the one whole created the black pearl that was in Inuyasha's eye? Well, I apparently found out that by Yashahime's logic, the black pearl was created by Izayoi's or somebody's tears? I'm sorry, but how does that make sense? (Correct me if I'm wrong there)
They even ignore the lore they created themselves from the OG anime, like when InuKag give Moroha the lip stick shell that was destroyed by Naraku in the Anime-only episode "Tragic Love Song of Destiny". What, am I just supposed to assume that InuYasha's been walking around with a bunch of his mother's old make-up stuff this whole time? And that he never thought to give one to Kagome, his wife, even tho he gave it to Kikyou and his own daughter?
Let's also not forget what the director has said in one of the recent interviews about demons apparently throwing their kids out in the wild as a "test of courage and cowardice", AKA Demon parents apparently not caring about their kids and abandoning them similar to how lions apparently treat their cubs. This absolute bullshit because not only is this not true in the manga, but the OG anime itself has shown several examples of demons caring about and raising their kids!!! Think about Shippo's dad, that little cat demon's dad when Inu trained with Totosai, Kuroro (demon cat that looks like Kirara), that demon dad who got his head chopped off by Hokudoshi, and even that insect demon that Jeniji killed who went out to teach its offspring how to hunt and feed! Its important too note that a good chunk of these parents are anime-only characters.
Hell, even the demon parents who didn't get to raise their kids still gave a fuck about them!!! Just look at Shiori's dad who clearly had every intention of raising his kid and even when he was dead STILL came back to protect her from her grandfather! What about Jeniji's dad who left his farm to his son so that both he and his mother would have a place to call home!?
What about Touga who sacrificed his own life so that his hanyou son could live??? (And that was from one of the movies mind you, so its anime lore.)
So now your telling me that the demon way of parenting was to leave your kids out in the middle of the woods when they're not even old enough to hold up their heads by themselves? If the OG anime series and movies followed that logic, then Touga wouldn't have even bothered to save Inuyasha's life on the night of his birth. Better yet, Touga could've just left Inuyasha in that fire, but saved Izayoi. He wouldn't have even bothered to give InuYasha his name if he just figured that his son failed his "test of courage" for being in that fire that he surely would have perished in if Touga didn't get there in time.
Also, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Yashahime's director HIMSELF (who worked on the OG anime too) say that a certain pairing that I won't name was never depicted as romantic in the original anime series? We all know it wasn't in the manga, but a while back I swear I read an interview where the director said it was never depicted in the anime either. Clearly, Yashahime threw that out the window, too.
And finally, I don't think I have to mention the retconning of all if the OG cast's character developments that were CLEARLY SHOWN IN THE OG ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is why I don't think Trashahime can even be considered canon to the anime either. I rest my case.
(Sorry for the long post. I just had to vent and get that out of my system)
Don’t worry about venting! I agree with what you said there, I would love to add more plotholes and inconsistencies that are in Yashahime to your list but... I get exhausted just thinking about it lmao
The Tessaiga retcon is especially bad. First, like you said both in the anime and manga it is said that Tessaiga was forged for Inuyasha’s mother, who in Sunrise-canon was born 200 years ago, but in Yashahime Toga had Tessaiga and was using a perfect meido zangetsuha 500 years ago to destroy the comet... 
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^^ He literally has Tenseiga on his hip even though Tenseiga was created to take Meido Zangetsuha out of Tessaiga lmao
You’re not wrong about the black pearl and Hosenki. Hosenki II says in chapter 298 that he and his father “cultivate” the pearls, it has nothing to do with tears, and Inuyasha’s father commissioned the black pearl before his death... 
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The rouge / lipstick is not even a different rouge, they imply in episode 15 that it’s the same one Inuyasha gave to Kikyo, but Riku somehow found it and gave it to Hosenki II for some reason. 
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That raises SO many questions... When did Riku find the pieces of the rouge? Was he spying on Kikyo and Inuyasha this whole time?? How did he know the rouge belonged to Izayoi?? Is he a time traveler?? Why did Riku and Hosenki II even work together to create the new black pearl?? Is this ever going to be addressed??
Oh man the interviews... I get a headache every time I read them. Personally, I don’t really think it’s ooc for Sesshomaru to set up some kind of rite or trial for his hanyo daughters to prove their strength. I never imagined him being soft and loving with them, especially not with the way he treated Inuyasha. But like you said, it’s definitely not a universal yokai thing, we all know that. Sesshomaru is just Like That lmao. I still don’t understand why his “rite” had to take 14+ years, why it involves Kirinmaru and Zero and what it has to do with Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha...? If he wants to make his daughters go through that, that’s his business, there’s no need to also ruin Moroha’s childhood by letting her parents rot in the border to the after life when he could get them out whenever he wants (since he can go through the gate to the afterlife thanks to Tenseiga).
Other hilarious things that Sumisawa mentioned in the last interview: - Moroha knows Sesshomaru’s scent because he’s famous amongst demons - Everyone call the girls “yashahime” because Treekyo started the trend (no one was there to hear Treekyo except the girls...?)  - Kirinmaru met Jesus Christ and Buddha at some point 
And probably other stuff I’m forgetting... I’m so tired lol
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years
Random thoughts on 11x10
Tbh I thought the episode would have been okay... except apparently they've been there a month?
Fast-forwarding to a month deprives us of the following:
- discussions between Team Family on who chooses to leave/stay and why
- interviews on Team Family that could have been funny or insightful or informative or like. Idk. Interesting
- zeke and Jerry's reunion
- hell Carol and Zeke's reunion too
- team Family's first impressions of princess. It is absolutely criminal that we didn't see it.
- and, naturally, any rebuilding of Carol and daryls relationship. Bc it seems like we just skipped over ANY meaningful discussion of Connie's return and how that impacts their friendship/how Daryl views Carol's resolve to stay/etc, and yet he's still all stiff around her. Not to mention lots of the dialogue in the episode in general is more appropriate for a "one week in" versus "1 month in"
And also. Why is it that Team Family only realizes there's a simmering discontent and possible rebellion after a MONTH? The shot of Rosita being like 😲 after finding the propaganda is so wildly ooc like sorry but she (and Team Family) are so much smarter than that. Like rly? They're forced to rely on a shit paycheck and live in the projects that (true to bureaucratic form) are in squalid conditions, and somehow you think "Oh well everyone must be thrilled to live like this" Uh no. I don't buy it.
I did like zeke and Carol's arc tho
Did Gabe and rosita break up?
Whatever idc. I'm actually a little irritated bc I rly expected this episode to be SO much better. But these fuckin time jumps, of course, are ruining the pacing. It made sense to jump 6 years ahead in s9, bc they were deliberately showing A New Era. Time jumps have to be narratively earned. Not just like "Alright well let's just get from point A to point F as quickly as possible, and if that means zipping past points C and D, so be it."
Like at this point I can't even bring myself to care about how caryl-less the show is, bc whatever that's apparently how the series is going to be when you have 20 other headlining characters, 30 other recurring characters, and 40 one-time/guest-starring/1-use characters to navigate, in addition to the 50 or 60 emotional/plot stories to tell that come along with it. But at the very fucking least you could make those characters and stories interesting.
Whatever. This episode is a 4/10, saved quite literally only by Carol being the kindhearted brilliant fuckin badass she always is. I'm glad rosita got screentime too. But even the stormtrooper outfit moment with Daryl that should have been fuckin hilarious but it was mostly just... ignored. And he was a little insecure about it which was cute
Altho him getting the record player and being Daddy Daryl to Judith and RJ is very sweet. And I'm glad that now we have the lore that Daryl likes Motörhead which fits bc they're fuckin gr8 lol
Idk. I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but whatever blugh I was overall v disappointed
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zmediaoutlet · 3 years
What were the best brother episodes in season 15? I didn't watch the season but wanna catch up on it but I'm mostly just here for Sam and Dean. Can you help?
um... well, anon, tbh I didn’t watch most of the season either. The first handful of episodes were so bad that I eventually gave up out of self-defense, although I watched all of them after the covid break was over. So, from what I can piece together:
First episode, pretty iffy. The first handful of scenes in the mausoleum are legit pretty good for the intensity/argument, and I like the intro of B..largleargle, Alex’s demon character. Dean and Sam have some good stuff.  There’s another good moment later where Dean and Bleinglerhgl are alone and have a conversation about hell--great characterful moment. Absolutely risible monster crap happens next, but then there’s a nice conversation with Sam and Dean standing at the Impala’s trunk (even though I am humorless and hated the trunk-slam shot).
Second episode, godawful. idk, you could try to skim through and see if you at least like some facial expressions.
Third episode, a little better but still ?? territory. Baadermeinhofphenomenon has some good scenes -- Alex is always good -- and I’ve always been fond of Ketch, so it was nice to hang with him for a while. Sam and Dean... idk, they perform their parts as best they can. It is what it is.
Fourth episode I remember liking pretty well. It’s a motw, which is never my favorite, but at least Sam and Dean felt recognizable and not completely stupid. Pandery subplot with Chuck and Becky that’s very easy to skip through; the conclusion of the case was pretty fun.
Fifth episode, another motw, but this time with a twist. More solid Sam and Dean moments -- a few solid bits with Dean talking to the victim of the week -- and even if the end was... a little ‘convenient,’ let’s say, there were genuine emotions and some legit scenes.
Six is where it really started to go downhill. That episode was fucking PAINFUL. There’s an interesting bit close to the beginning where Sam’s trying to get Dean to go off on the ridiculous errand of the ep, and Dean is experiencing a sort of freeing nihilism--a new version of nihilism/cynicism from him, which at least was interest. Rest was... yikes.
Seven through ten I just couldn’t bear watching. I mean, what the fuck.
Eleven is a fun episode: Sam and Dean are both actually characters in it who feel like themselves. Despite the vague cringe of the frame plot, they behave reasonably, and it’s a motw but at least it’s tied into the thematic arc. Ending is pure cheese but you like Sam and Dean while you’re watching it, which is better than some of the earlier eps managed.
Twelve and thirteen, couldn’t bear.
Fourteen is a... decent crack fic. Like, it’s not an episode. It doesn’t come close to making sense either in-arc or in-character, but it would have been a fun crack ep in like s8, and if you’ve just given up as I have then you just go lol okay, whatever. Cute moments, nice Jack stuff, and the run of scenes from Dean and Jack stuck in the archive room through to the ending are all good.
Fifteen, bizarre. Cas and Jack go on a case fic in order to ??? and Sam and Dean go after Amara. Some cute brothers stuff buried in the few Sam and Dean scenes, and a very nice moment or two of Dean and Amara alone.
Sixteen, absolutely goofy. Apparently the last scene was good but the framing of it was so dorky that I was just cringing.
Seventeen, decent, very plot heavy. Some stuff that could be considered OOC but isn’t, really. You should watch at least the first couple of scenes where Sam and Dean disagree in order to get to the totally delicious climax in the hallway where they have a Legitimate Fight, and Sam of course wins the day by reminding Dean whose soul is whose.
Eighteen... pretty iffy. Not caring even a little about the AU people made the plot really shrug -- Sam is weird while he’s dealing with it -- Cas and Dean dealing with Billie is duuuuuumb -- I liked the ‘confession’ at the end, even if the editing and context were almost an assault they were so bad. Everyone split up tho so it doesn’t really feel like much of a brothers ep.
Nineteen, literally, who the fuck did they hire to edit this show, my drunk 5 year old niece? The plot ticks along reasonably well and it all makes... sense, even if it needed to be a two hour ep and they crammed it into forty minutes. Again, someone needs to nutpunt the editor, but it ends happy with Sam and Dean together. Nice scenes through that sequence.
Twenty is pure gold. Watch the whole thing.
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bat-lings · 5 years
Is Bruce a good father to Damian, specifically? I mean, he seems to have learnt from past mistakes... but in preboot, does he even care about Damian at all? Didn't seem like it most of the time (especially in Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, where he didn't even seem to care that Damian's life is in danger). Do you think he cared about Damian preboot?
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Well, you are both right in that reboot!Bruce puts his preboot counterpart to shame where Damian’s concerned. The thing is, the reboot gave a much bigger place to Bruce and Damian’s dynamic than preboot ever did. Those two actually don’t have that many scenes together in preboot, and said scenes were usually part of a bigger plot/narrative that left little room to focus on their relationship.
I’ll answer this in three stages in order to address everything our Anons mentioned:
Bruce & Damian’s dynamic as portrayed by Morrison
The Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul
Conclusion: does preboot!Bruce care about Damian? And was he a good father to him? (spoilers: yes and no, respectively.)
The conclusion summarizes everything so jump there if the argumentation part is too long.
A) Morrison’s Damian & Bruce
Disclaimer: I really, really hate Morrison’s writing. I’ll try to be reasonable when criticizing it but be extra aware of that bias. It makes me put most of Bruce’s action on the writer rather than the character and while I have my reasons & probably won’t change my opinion, it’s still a pretty categorical take.
Honestly I think Morrison’s Bruce does feel responsible for Damian. I’m even sure he cares about him too:
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[Batman (1940) #657]
Actually, the whole issue is pretty good where Bruce & Damian are concerned. Must be my favorite thing Morrison has ever written. He installs interesting things character-wise, like Bruce making an extra effort to make Damian comfortable in the Manor & be patient with him, or Damian being an insufferable brat up until Bruce snaps at him, at which point he immediately switches off to “yes sir” in front of that new figure of authority.
Those are interesting bases to construct a dynamic upon. Problem is, they’re not gonna be exploited.
Here Bruce shows clear intent to provide guidance to Damian. But rather than give Bruce the occasion to follow up on that intent, and to develop a real relationship with Damian, Morrison gives us the incident Anon mentioned in the next frickin’ issue : an explosion set by Morrison’s godawful “““Talia””” that should’ve killed both her and Damian, and Bruce staring dramatically into the distance.
Does Bruce investigate their disappearance while Damian is being hardcore abused by his mother? Nah, he’s too busy skiing with one Jezebel Jet– a relationship Morrison needs to install since Jezebel has a notable role in Batman RIP.
My point is: as of #658 Morrison considers this arc finished & that there’s nothing to add. By that logic it’s valid to forget Damian until he’s relevant again plot-wise. It’s not (i think?) a way to tell us Bruce doesn’t care about Damian.
Let’s fast-forward to the disputable editorial & writer choice to launch Batman Inc/Leviathan  just after Bruce’s return from the “dead” without A) leaving room for a  confrontation/closure scene between him and Damian beforehand; or B) letting them actually interact more than the strictest minimum in said arc. From a strictly in-universe POV though, it’s not ooc for Bruce to decide unilaterally that Damian doesn’t need him or to focus on the crisis to come without talking to his son first.
I guess I should be talking about Batman Incorporated Vol. 2 too, ‘cause while it’s technically N52 it’s very much in the continuity of the storyline Morrison started in preboot. It also has a few Bruce & Damian moments where despite terrible miscommunication Bruce seems to worry for Damian… But then the plot requires Bruce sending Damian back to the mother who, in this dumbass version, abused him all his life.
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[Batman Incorporated (2012) #4]
If I got that right this is a “Hero must make Big Sacrifice for the Greater Good” moment. The fact that Bruce loves Damian isn’t put into question: it makes the sacrifice more significant.
And that’s kinda my problem. First we’re told that Bruce wants to provide for Damian, but then whatever affection he feels for the boy is sidelined or even sacrificed to other narrative considerations.
So basically Bruce’s love for Damian has no significance in itself. It’s a given that doesn’t particularly need to be illustrated or expanded on; it’s stocked until we need it to breed impact in some scenes. Like the one above or, you’ve guessed it, Damian’s death. So yeah Bruce loves Damian. He loves him so much he’s sad when he dies. Ahem.
All in all it’s not a father-son story: else there would be more banter, slice of life sequences, time for the dynamic to develop, etc. It’s a hero-who-loses-stuff-in-war story. One story isn’t better than the other, they just appeal to different types of audiences.
“Does my father love me” is a personal thus small stake. Batman Inc/Leviathan or “Can I keep this future from happening” are world-wide to city-wide thus big stakes. I think a marked interest in the Big Ideas is what characterizes Morrison’s writing. Thus the portrayal of character relationships has a very specific place in his stories.
Anyway: I don’t think Morrison ever wanted to imply Bruce doesn’t care about Damian. It’s just that he’s a plot-driven writer and that both characters’ interactions & smaller stakes, although somewhat present in his narratives, will always come second in the big schemes of things.
If you consider that Bruce behaving like he does under Morrison’s pen proves he doesn’t give a damn about Damian though, I sure as hell won’t fault you for it.
B) Bruce & Damian in The Resurrection of Ra’s al Ghul
(God re-reading an in-character Talia these days is an oasis in the desert. Gotta love that arc all the more for that.)  
Not gonna lie fam. Our two Anons are right when they say Bruce is pretty cold in that one.
But A) Bruce is also dealing with a crisis, which means he’s emotionally removing himself from the situation; B) he’s not treating Damian differently than he is Dick or Tim… which we’ll see is the problem tho.
It doesn’t excuse Bruce’s behavior (I think he’s out of line myself), but I just don’t think it implies he doesn’t care about Damian.
You’ll notice that his apparent aloofness applies to Tim too (and Dick although he’s not mentioned), and that it equally unsettles Talia.
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[Nightwing (1996) #138]
I want to stress the apparent in aloofness. On several occasions during RoRAG Talia reproaches Bruce that he’s not confronting his feelings what else is new. I believe he’s worried about the boys, all of them, but he also trusts them to handle themselves. He also thinks that if he so much as voices his worry, he won’t be able to focus and do what he has to. So he represses them and goes fully in Batman-mode.
Fast-forward. When Bruce is barking at Damian to pick up a sword and fight, it’s his way of protecting him– he needs Damian to defend himself.
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[Detective Comics (1937) #839]
Because it’s not fair to show this without context: 5 seconds before Bruce legit bites Damian’s head off, chill out dude, he goes all protective batdad upon seeing Ra’s trying to steal Damian’s body.
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So yeah. I have reasons to believe Bruce is scared out of his mind here. Hence the very aggressive way he tries to shake Damian into action.
So far Bruce gets a pass. It’s afterwards that he deserved to be punched in the face imo, and that’s probably the scene our Anons had in mind:
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In fact, Bruce is expecting the same from Damian than he’s expecting from his two other sons. To be precise, he’s not treating either of them as sons— they’re on the field, they’re Robin & Nightwing right now. Aka soldiers/partners/teammates rather than family. And Bruce is putting Damian on that exact level when he shouldn’t be.
It’s harsh, and that’s emphasized next to Talia (who is actually written like a Talia). She’s all aggressively worried mother and Bruce’s all cold commander, the contrast is off-putting.
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Talia reacts like a mother first by fleeing to save herself and her son. But Bruce can’t let Ra’s to his own devices, and he expect his sons to fight beside him.
It’s unfair to Damian ‘cause he’s not Robin yet, he’s not part of Bruce’s war the way Dick and Tim chose to be, he didn’t choose to be dragged into Ra’s schemes: he’s snapping to attention at Bruce’s order out of a childish need for validation, not out of a conscious & thought-out choice to make this his life. Also he’s ten. Yet those considerations fly over Bruce’s head: right now and unlike Talia, he’s not thinking like a father.
Do I think Dini balances the Greater Good vs Familial Attachment dilemma better than Morrison does? Hell yeah. He took the time to show Bruce ripping Ra’s apart at the beginning of the issue to prove us Bruce cares. And for all that Bruce’s wrong here, Dini has him fighting beside Damian, not sending him off on his own. Talia’s fleeing with her son gives the reader a reality check & puts the validity of Bruce’s choice into question as it should be. The stakes are also so much more concrete that “distant dark future to avoid”.
Next is probably my fave line ever written about Bruce & Damian ‘cause it gives so much sense (or depth) to Bruce’s hands-off approach.
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And like. Everything that Bruce says here is true. That’s exactly what Damian’s character arc should be about. But dude maybe try to have a relationship with your son outside of the Batman legacy? The thing is Bruce built his relationships with all his kids through vigilantism and I think he just. Doesn’t know how to do it differently. The idea doesn’t even cross his mind for god’s sake.
By my understanding it’s not that Bruce doesn’t love Damian. It’s that he genuinely believes Damian’s better off without him.
It’s low key confirmed in Bruce Wayne: The Road Home.
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[The Road Home: Batman & Robin]
((Don’t trust anything Bruce says about Dick’s “casualness” or whatever in this issue tho. Nicieza just… doesn’t know Dick’s character all that much.))
So Bruce is basically taking the easy way out, yeah. Both in ‘Tec and in choosing it’s not worth trying to work with Damian as his partner. He decides Talia is a better parent & Dick is a better mentor than he could be, and he’s off fighting the good fight against Leviathan.
We can stretch it and say Bruce probs decided he’ll take care of his relationship with Damian after the Leviathan thing is dealt with but tbh I don’t know if DC or Morrison thought that far ahead.
Morrison’s narrative installs that Bruce does feel morally obligated to care for Damian. And although I get why it can feel uncertain, I’m not sure we’re supposed to doubt Bruce loves Damian.
Bruce not looking for Damian after the explosion is is more due to the writer’s choice to consider the “Damian issue” closed for now so that he can focus on his next plot/installment. I guess.
When Bruce has the idea to send Damian back to fake-Talia, I guess his love for his son is a tool used to show how much Bruce is a selfless hero*. and a terrible dad but he’s a Hero™ so it’s okay.
Bruce in RoRAG doesn’t come as indifferent to Damian’s safety to me, he’s being his dumbass self in a crisis situation. He’s got no excuse for sending Damian alongside Dick & Tim when he did though.
On two occasions Bruce unilaterally elects that Damian is better-off without him. First with the in-character Talia who actually loves her son, second as Dick’s partner.
* Actually it’d be very interesting if someone who liked that comic-book could explain me wtf I didn’t get about its narrative significance. Sometimes our personal tastes just render us blind to some things guys.
TL;DR: Does preboot!Bruce love Damian? Yes. Was he a good father to him? No.
And I’m feeling way more comfortable giving a categorical answer here than when I was asked if Bruce is, in general, a good father.
To be fair Bruce does try to step into a fatherly role in Morrison’s Batman #657, aka just after he meets Damian. Afterwards we get sidetracked; and later storylines just. Don’t really give Bruce & Damian the opportunity so share father-son moments.
His behavior in RoRAG is just plain bad. The fact that it’s not due to indifference doesn’t change that. The ten-year-old who didn’t ask for shit should be treated differently that the seasoned vigilantes Dick and Tim are, period.
Obviously leaving Damian in fake-Talia’s clutches or wanting to send him back to his abuser goes under “bad father points” too. If you consider the whole of Morrison’s run should be integrated into your personal understanding of the character, that is. woops look at that terrible bias showing its ugly face again
In later episodes, it’s tempting to give Bruce a pass by saying that he just didn’t get the chance/time to be a good father to Damian, and part of it is true. But again, failing to invest in that relationship is completely in-character, and tbh it’s the part I find the most interesting character- and narrative-wise:
It’s A) self-depreciating (”Talia or Dick can provide my son what I can’t”); B) self-centered, in that Bruce doesn’t stop to consider what Damian thinks or wants; and C) cowardly, in that the second there’s someone else available to take care of Damian, Bruce stops trying to be a father and to invest himself emotionally because gasp, feelings!
As a comparison, think of how long it took for Bruce to go from mentor-protégé-e to father-child in his relationship with Tim and Cassandra; and to admit that’s how he felt about those kids. He didn’t adopt Dick until he was an adult either. Batdad needs time to un-constipate. It’s a Bruce thing, not a Bruce & Damian one.
(Jason is the only kid with whom Bruce immediately builds a wholesome relationship and that’s where you cry because if Jason didn’t die Bruce wouldn’t have half as much trouble getting close to his kids.)
Hope this word-vomit answers that. Thanks for the asks!
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 2 Chapter 18
• Predictions I had made for the two Finale chapters (probs not on my blog but I did say this to several mutuals):
1. Chapter 18 would be filler, Chapter 19 would be likely where shit hits the fan.
2. Diamond scenes would be split between the chapters, 2 LIs per chapter: Hana and Maxwell this chapter, Drake and Liam next chapter.
3. Why? Because Drake was the only LI with a diamond scene last week, and because given how ominous Liam’s future would be, there is a chance they will up the drama/tragedy quotient by having his diamond scene just before it strikes (remember how we got a love scene just before the fiasco at Coronation??). Hana and Maxwell have not had diamond scenes since NY, so obviously they would get a lion’s share of this chapter.
4. LIs would have significant conversations with the MC about their relationship during the diamond scenes. The scenes will be priced at 30 diamonds each - that was exactly how much they priced “last moments with LI” in Book 1. (I see they didn't do this for Maxwell possibly because no sex compared to what the other LIs are getting) (Future prediction: I think Drake’s scene might have some stuff on his real role in court but I can’t be sure, and hopefully Liam’s will expand on family history).
5. Another future prediction: We may or may not get another plot related diamond scene (similar to Olivia’s in the Book 1 finale).
• I didn’t anticipate the impromptu photoshoot or Bertrand and Savannah reuniting or Madeleine appearing at the end (tho I wasn’t exactly surprised she did, we were bound to see her sometime or other). But the rest? On. The. Money 😎
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• Okay let’s start this shizz fam!
• Today’s title: Noble At Heart. Though it actually should have been I Got Land and A Fancy Title Only Because Pixelberry Wants to Justify Getting Me Involved In Some Really Complicated Political Shit The Next Book.
• We’re still not done impressing people. In fact we’re never going to be done impressing people. I fail to understand why the MC is so surprised about this. Boo, this is what you signed up for by being royalty/nobility. You’re not GOING to have a life of your own from now on *shrug*.
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The epic shade Bertrand Beaumont, Duke of Ramsford, gave to Prince Leo tho 😂
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I KNEW naming my duchy Daniel Henney was a good idea! 😁😁😁
• There are mixed responses on Liam’s new suit but I kinda like it? It defines his chest quite nicely I think xD xD I wish it had been a slightly duller/lighter shade of blue tho, similar to what we saw on the cover. The blue suit on the cover wasn’t this bright.
• I really wish his bow could have been silver instead of gold though? Blue and silver are Cordonia’s national colours and it would have been fitting to have him wear those to the Homecoming Ball.
• Also I think the extra diamond scene if you’re engaged to Liam is such a lovely bonus, even if I think the dress for that picture was a little too top-heavy for my tastes and WTF why does my MC have two left hands. But the picture looked sweet xD
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(See the skirts are flowy and wonderful and the sleeves are lovely but I feel like there’s too much going on with the bodice!)
• Sample this dialogue exchange (if the MC says “we would have still found a way to be with each other”):
Liam: I know we have our share of history [in the palace ballroom], but to me, it will always be the place where I first saw you in Cordonia…the moment I realized you had come into my life to stay. Since then, I’d wondered time and again if I would ever stand beside you like this. Now that we’re engaged, there are a million memories I want to make with you.
MC: No matter how bleak things were, or how hard it got…I knew we’d find a way through.
Brb crying 😭😭😭😭
• I have a feeling there might be some emotional importance to this photograph later if you buy it - esp if something happens to Liam or they are not able to get married yet. It could be a reminder of happier, more hopeful times, or Liam could look at this and view it as motivation for a future he wants to give the MC. IDK how it will work out but it would be great if they did that.
• MC: Together, we’ll be unstoppable.
Liam: I think we already are.
Hold on to that thought, you two. You’ll need to prove it pretty soon the way this book is going.
• @feisty-mary pointed out that we get a caption for impressing Justin and speculated on a likelihood that it might have some importance in the future. That kinda depends on how the writers are going to spin his cryptic “our paths may cross again”. Ally? Enemy? He’s like Madeleine now, you don’t know yet which direction this character will be headed.
• Why did they make Hana’s selection look like an over-frosted cupcake? 😣 Stop doing my fashion queen dirty.
• Olivia’s selection was nice but I’m not sure about the tiaras for either.
• It’s interesting how they have gowns that are custom-made to suit what Liam is wearing (Hana mentions this): the pink gown I’m guessing is meant to suit Liam’s blue suit overall, and the gold one to match his bow.
• Fam this tiara is clashing with my pretty gold hairclip help.
• Now that Olivia has found out who was responsible for the threats, can’t do anything about it because it would hurt Liam, and basically feels she has nothing left to investigate, her work seems done. But is it really?
• There’s still so much story left to Olivia. Esp re: her parents. That’s why they’re keeping her appearances limited to just helping the MC this book. Book 2 is supposed to be about the MC clearing her name and defining her relationships, but Book 3 will undeniably be about Cordonia. Olivia’s story is a big part of that history so I guess it makes sense for them to put it off till then. @ladynevrakis and I have this theory going on about how Olivia’s parents might have been trying to protect Liam’s mom - I personally think that would be a great way to tie those two stories together!
• Only Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, would suggest placing her future queen in a dungeon. Only Olivia 😂
• I’m not going to say much about the Hana lake scene, esp since it’s largely a sex scene and the non-diamond buildup is just as important, BUT HANA STANS CONGRATULATIONS I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU.
• So Hana’s going to stay with us, Drake might stay/visit, Maxwell might visit, Olivia might return to court when she hears about Liam and Liam…man that depends on what happens next chapter 😟 So we’re kinda starting to get a clearer idea of where the gang will be at.
• The scene with the guys, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie was sweet, but my lack of investment in Bertrand/Savannah doesn’t really let me enjoy it. I think PB did all three characters (Bertrand, Savannah, Maxwell) a disservice by handling that story the way they did. Savannah’s story started out as this very emotionally charged mystery that kept Drake going in Book 1, and people got invested enough, but IMO it was handled so shoddily you end up feeling irritated at Savannah and Maxwell for how they handled things, and saddened because Bertrand’s entire character gets shortchanged so that the only thing he seems to care about anymore is Savannah (which is fine, but the reason I liked Bertrand in the first place was the way he was depicted before she came along). So Savannah is still a big part of Drake’s story, and the Beaumont brothers’ history, but the investment in her is simply not there anymore. At least for me. Sigh.
• Also CONGRATULATIONS MAXWELL STANS! The screenshots I saw looked sweet and I’m glad they had that all-important chat about how they want to move forward. I’m guessing Maxwell’s relationship will take time since they’d just confessed to their feelings in NY and they’d need a lot more development as a couple before they reach that stage. But I’m guessing that will happen in Book 3! Splurge on those diamond development scenes like your life depends on it till then! XD
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If Liam is sending his personal security detail to guard me…then who’s guarding Liam?? 😱 😱 😱
• Adeleide looks very happy for the mother of a thwarted almost-queen. But she did mention that becoming royalty was changing Madeleine for the worse so I’m guessing she thinks her daughter almost dodged a bullet there. Plus, free booze.
This is Adeleide when she talks about Madeleine.
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• I’m totally waiting for you to get that “hip hopera” of yours’ ready, Maxwell. Like Elvis Presley would say…
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• I like the idea of Bertrand getting some love in his life…I just want to be able to enjoy the good ol’ curmudgeony go-getter Bertrand we all grew to love while we’re at it. Is that too much to ask for, PB? Is it?
• “Will Madeleine spoil your big night?” - I don’t think you would have placed her so early in the next chapter if that was the case, PB, cmon (then again, the message at the end of Chapter 18 last book didn’t sound that threatening either and look what happened there. So I could be wrong). Plus, I think we have bigger threats to worry about, threats we don’t even know about yet.
• So I saw a screenshot of what would happen if you’re with Liam and tell Hana you still want her, and she seems okay with it. I have the same problems with this scene that I have with the other scene - in fact more so because at this stage the MC is officially engaged to the other LI. But you know what worries me more? That there was such an intense reaction when Liam did it (including people stating they were glad they did not choose him and comments on Liam’s “integrity” - thankfully most of the people I followed pointed out how OOC it was) but almost-radio-silence when it came to the other LIs doing the same thing. I mean Drake last chapter still got to imply that he’d be more than happy to take us up on that offer if we chose the “tour of the room” option, and Hana here immediately agrees to what the MC wants if she implies that she is willing to cheat on Liam with her (unless the MC has Liam’s consent on this, that’s what it is). Very few actually commented on either. That’s not fair, fam. You can’t hold one LI accountable for something like this and not say anything about the others.
(People who may have taken the option to have sex with Liam while being with the other LI, and continued the chapter, does the MC inform their LI about this development?)
For me, the problem in both cases is that the MC doesn’t bother to ask the other person. She doesn’t say “look this is what I want to do, but I want to talk to both you and my fiance before I move forward”. She just takes what she wants from whoever she wants and the LIs just let her. It makes me feel sorry for them and really angry at her.
• Is it me or will Hana have an outdoor kink too? Homegirl has her first time with the woman she loves just as the setting sun kisses the lake xD
• Next chapters the finale, fam. The sex is going to be HELLA. The drama is going to be HELLA. And the wait for Book 3 is going to be…not hella.
• Will Liam finally have sex with my MC in a bedroom? Or will we find some other nice outdoorsy place since the hedge maze is already done? Whatever it is, we’d better get a scene absolutely worth 30 diamonds. No fade-to-black bullshit. LIAM STANS WILL RIOT.
• This is my MC to Liam next chapter:
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Credit to @callmetippytumbles the genius who began the trend of putting gifs on her “Thoughts” posts. I can’t imagine NOT using them now thanks to you 😂
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codeforsomethinggay · 7 years
can i ask why you didn't like rise of the tomb raider? not arguing, just curious! (if you don't mind, cause i'm interested in your opinion)
I don’t mind at all! Actually, thanks for asking, because I love to rant ;).
i think my biggest issue with Rise comes from an inherent difference in what i was expecting and wanting from a tr 2013 sequel, and what the Rise people actually wanted to make. I think the people behind Rise wanted to make a classic tomb raider game, but Modern and open world (which, just personally, are strikes 1 and 2 for me, since i don’t particularly care for classic tomb raider or open world games). What I (and I think most of the fandom) was wanting and expecting was … well, an actual sequel for tr 2013. 
And yeah, mechanically, Rise succeeds in that. The platforming and playstyle is essentially the same with a few fun new tricks (tho I would argue that the controls are a little screwy and the ai finicky in this one (i was stuck on one platforming puzzle for around 40 minutes because lara just wouldn’t grab the exact part of a platform the game apparently wanted her to, though i can’t say if this is more a problem between xbox/playstation, as this remains the only xbox game i’ve played)) and the light crafting system and sandbox of tr 2013 is hugely expanded (again, a personal pet peeve, but also a strange decision for a tomb raider game and kind of a transparent attempt at modernization bandwagoning. hell, apparently even god of war is crafting/open world now). Combat is improved. I don’t really have an  issue with any of that. The play is by far the best thing about Rise. And that’s really my problem.
It just doesn’t feel like an actual continuation of the story told and characters molded in tr 2013. And a huge fucking part of that is that of the four survivors of the Endurance, only two appear in this game. And one of those two is Jonah. Now, I like Jonah. If Reyes and especially Sam actually had any sort of presence in Rise, I would appreciate his presence as well. But, and really this is the biggest thing, they don’t. The first game was, frankly, just as much about Sam as it was Lara. The official, canon comics make it very clear Sam’s story isn’t close to finished. Yet, Rise mentions Sam a total of one (1) time, and that single mention doesn’t even jive with comics canon (which it really should, as the comics are really doing the heavy lifting story and character wise). And Jonah just straight up does not have the narrative or emotional connection to Lara that both Reyes and Sam do. 
Anyway, Jonah aside, the other survivor of that horrific trauma is Lara. But, honestly, you wouldn’t know it. The teaser those gifs came from showed us what we thought was a deeply traumatized, suffering, ill woman who doesn’t know what to do or how to be after she Survived. Not long after this perception was largely known and accepted, someone on the Rise team (and i can’t remember exactly who) straight up said they were surprised at this interpretation, and that the teaser was supposed to show how impatient Lara was to Get Back Out There and Discover. And I guess that’s the crux of the problem. That latter interpretation is the one present in Rise. Despite this pretty explicitly going against both tr 2013 and the comics. And despite the fact that that interpretation is fucking boring. It’s boring, disappointing, and just so fucking common. 
Actually, now that I read all that back, I think the Rise team and I had at least one problem in common: the comics. As I said, I think the story and character is far more present in the comics than the actual game itself. And this is also my problem with games like dragon age: inquisition and final fantasy 15 and blizzard: You cannot (or should not, I suppose, since they definitely do) rely on outside media that most of the players are not going to consume to make sense of (or, in the case of Rise, straight up tell) the story for you! Jonah’s arc exists just in the comics (again, unlike Reyes and Sam, who went through actual arcs in the original game). Lara’s emotions and tr 2013 personality and relationships exist just in the comics. Trinity, the main bad guys, are really only introduced in the comics. Sam pretty much just exists in the comics. The big problem I have here is that Rise relies on the comics for things like investment in Jonah’s character, Lara’s character development, and explaining Trinity. And then the game completely disregards the comics when it comes to Sam and overarching plot. 
The comics and game just don’t know how to coexist. The game doesn’t want to tell the story the comics are telling, and the comic has to contort itself to serve the game. I mean, the arc leading up to Rise was all about Himiko taking over Sam and Lara being there for her! And then, out of fucking nowhere, to justify why Lara would go on this ~adventure without Sam, they throw Sam in jail and have Lara ~realize she was just using Sam as an excuse to not go.Really, the plot of Rise should have been the some of the Ana + trinity stuff combined with the Choice and Sacrifice (trinity experiments on Sam, bring Himiko out, Himiko goes on a rampage throughout europe and collects followers). arc in the comic. Now that is a game I would have loved. A direct follow up to tr 2013 that wasn’t a retread, involves the original big bad with the new one, an interesting concept, a continuation of the comics that doesn’t make having read them necessary, and giving both Lara and the audience immediate emotional investment. Ah, but now I’m getting into what should have happened instead of what did.
Anyway, some smaller things: Jacob. Everything about him. The typical, boring messiah. The fact that he’s an ancient Syrian but is still white (like, his daughter is a fucking redhead). The fact that Lara cares more about him than the woman who is essentially her stepmother, and the audience is expected to as well.Which brings me to Ana! What a waste of a charcter. And the fact that she was killed post credits? Jesus.Plus Sofia, whose name I actually had to look up she’s such a nonentity. The treatment of men and woman in Rise is … bad. Especially following a game that has the tagline “a survivor is born” in which 3/4s of those survivors are women.
In the end, how I ultimately feel about Rise will depend on if we actually get an end to the trilogy, and how it’s handled. If we don’t or it’s handled poorly, I could end up seriously hating Rise for for being a poor ending/starting a downward spiral; or i could end up really appreciating it more! If we do get a final game and it’s satisfying, I’ll probably just resent Rise for wasting a game in a trilogy, and for making the lead so ooc and obscenely, disgustingly selfish.
…Sooo that was long and like, hopefully not preachy lol. Thanks for asking/sorry for this essay. 
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