#this scene has so many underlying. hidden meanings
aleksanderscult · 7 months
Hello!! I love your analysis sm 🖤🖤
Also happy birthday!!
I was wondering if you could analysis the scene in the first book when Alina and the darkling are in the queen's sitting room? Also, in the second book the scene where the darkling impersonates Mal through the tether? I am curious to know your opinions on these scenes!! Thank you!!
Hello!! And thank you so much, anon, for the birthday wishes!💛💛😍
And I'm so glad that you like my analyses. Really you can interpret the Darkling's scenes and his scenes with Alina in one million ways. He's such an interesting character. And the fact that you enjoy this too makes me so happy🥰🥹
Anyway, back to business. Another anon commissioned me to analyse the tether scene where the Darkling impersonates Mal and kisses Alina, so here I'm gonna analyse their winter fete make out. (Everybody in this fandom have such good taste and it's 🤌👌)
(random but, in the beginning, I thought you wanted me to analyze the scene where Alina and the Darkling talk after the former had her first audience with the Queen. And at the last minute I realized you mean their make out in that room. I'm stupid💀. If you mean the other, former scene tell me 😊)
I already feel this is gonna take two parts as well🥲 (I hope the people that follow this page don't mind me overanalyzing things)
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(Part 2 here 🖤)
I'm gonna start from here because this is the moment where the Darkling gives up his hundred of years well-thought-out plan and gives in to desire. After what happened to the lake and realized that his feelings for Alina have taken an unexpected romantic turn, he left. Vanished. Firstly, because he's the Darkling and he has duties to fulfill and secondly because he tried to ignore them, push them out by staying away from her. But, apparently, it was impossible for him and in that moment we see him giving in to his feelings.
From the way he abruptly takes her hand, pushes her fast through the crowd and makes them invisible so no one can see them or interrupt them we can see how much he wanted to do this and for how long. He's like: "Fuck it. I'm going to do it now 'cause I've held myself back a looong time".
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I want to comment two things here.
1) I think he brought her to the Queen's sitting room because it was the first room available. The closest one and since he was in a hurry to get it on, it was the first room he thought of. And because he knew that no one else would be there or get there since everybody were too busy crying, laughing and partying *insert screaming remembering how they interrupted them afterwards*
2) He really didn't miss not even one second 😭The moment the door closed he let out his bottled desire. Seriously, for how many months he was holding himself back??😭
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Well, my dear Alina, it was nothing like any kiss before because the man you have before you has had centuries of practice. Really his life has been full of this as the author has said.😌
And it's very interesting to notice that even before Alina wore Morozova's collar, she and the Darkling had already a deep connection. "Like calls to like" had already applied to them long before the stag was killed.
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See what I mean?
Alina could feel his emotions even though no one else could. So there was already a type of bond, a connection that united them. Their powers and emotions were already entwined before even Alina got the amplifiers.😏
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In case you want to know my opinion in this, I believe he's honest here. Morozova's herd was found after so many years of search and the Darkling is in a dark room making out with Alina. His priority, people😏😏
On one hand, he enjoys what he's doing right now because he can finally express his desire after so many months of avoiding her. But, on the other hand, he doesn't like it AT ALL. He even hates saying that line. Because he admits something that he wishes wasn't true. He should desire to go to the war room but instead he's here pinning Alina to the wall.
(Also the GROWLING! He wants to eat her, guys😭. But also he's angry with himself)
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Alina, girl, you got it right 👍
Btw, what is it with him and his throat fetish??😭
(Not that we, the fandom, mind)
It's kind of interesting how honest he tries to be. In the beginning of their meeting he wasn't that much but here, I think, he wants to be truthful to her. He tries to open up a little. But still not completely. This is a moment of weakness for him. And he's torn between making her his and going after the stag. Between opening himself up to her and closing off. (He's struggling for real🥲)
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Alina can you please shut up with the questions and let him do his job we're dying here😭😭
No hate to Alina, really. But for God's sake just continue smooching without talking.😩
The Darkling taking his time exploring that black kefta. A gift from him to her, a sign that he already feels possessive of her. And here in one of the greatest celebrations of the year, he wanted to show everyone who she belongs to.
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No lies detected here, my dear people.😊
But there's something he mentions here that is very interesting.
"I should be planning our trip north".
That says a lot. He planned to take Alina with him to the north and then he would give her Morozova's collar as a gift. With joy and willingness from Alina's part. That was his plan.
But then everything fucked up.
Alina easily believed Baghra's words and run away, so that proved to the Darkling that she's not to be trusted. Add to this that Alina reunited with Mal and started a romance with him and we have the Darkling going feral and forcing Alina to wear the collar and control her powers without her permission.
Back in the tent scene we can see how this analysis is confirmed since the Darkling:
A) doesn't celebrate the fact that he found Morozova's stag after centuries of searching and took its antlers. Instead he sat sulking in a chair and drinking kvas silently.
B) he said to Alina "that was never my intention" when she accused him of making her his slave.
Conclusion: he wanted the both of them to go north together, kill the stag, Alina wearing the antlers happily and then, I think, he would reveal piece by piece his true plans to her.
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You know what? I'm about to say it.
I'm about to say it.
Aleksander Morozova has a throat fetish and is a butt guy.
There. I said it.🙂
And it's canon (at least for me🤷).
Also, this moment alone is ten times sexier and more sensual than the Malina sex scene. Change my mind.
The way he wants to dominate her.🫠
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One line. One thousand meanings. One iconic moment.
Translation No 1: "The problem with wanting you, is that it makes me weak" a.k.a. she makes him weak and Alina is his weakness.
Translation No 2 is kind of intriguing (and random) 'cause Aleksander always wanted a safe haven for the Grisha. Prestige and respect. So that made him kinda weak too. Vulnerable to the wars he fought and risks he took in order to provide that haven to them. And in the end it killed him (twice).
After this he lets out all his emotions through the next kiss and makes it more intense. He just let go (rip my feels).
Guess what? I need a second part again. 🥲
It's gonna be the last one I promise ❤️
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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— favorite poison (a teaser) ⟢
pairing: wonwoo x reader
summary: no strings attached sex is easy. catching feelings for a person you supposedly hate is hard. it's in times like this when wonwoo wishes he can set the dial on his life on easy mode forever, but everyone knows he's nothing if not stubbornly competitive.
word count 1.8k words
tags: fuck buddies, not quite enemies to lovers, streamer!wonwoo, streamer!reader, attempt at humor, in denial!wonwoo, fluff, smut (in later scenes, although this teaser is a bit suggestive)
warnings: mentions of twitter porn, daddy kink, suggestive situations (minors dni!!), reader becomes visibly uncomfortable around one of the characters
notes: this is the sequel to underlying pretense! as with all my teasers so far, it's always the first scene that comes up in these posts HEH the title is based off fuller's song, favorite poison bc it just screams in denial wonwoo :')
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“So when are you introducing me?” 
The buzz of visitors inside the convention hall is already grating enough as it is, but when Mingyu walks over to Wonwoo’s designated booth, all it does is irritate him further.
He doesn’t exactly have to do anything aside from receive gifts from the viewers coming to pay him a visit, and take a few photos with them, but Wonwoo is yet to accustom himself to being the center of attraction in front of so many people. So having to listen to his roommate-slash-best friend asking him stupid questions isn’t exactly helping his case.
“To who? My family?” Wonwoo scoffs. 
Mingyu rolls his eyes. “No. Your girlfriend, genius.”
“What the hell are you even talking about?”
His best friend pouts and Wonwoo is having a really tough time taking him seriously because Mingyu is wearing one of those hats with bunny ears that flop around if you press the buttons dangling from the front. “You’re always scampering off with some girl from time to time. The others haven’t noticed, but I’m your roommate, hyung.”
“What gave you the impression that I’m ‘scampering off’ with just one girl, though?” Wonwoo smirks, shaking his head. 
Roughly three months have passed since Wonwoo bit the bullet and agreed to be your…fuck buddy? Not-so-friend with benefits? Whatever this arrangement is called, he’s satisfied with getting to let off steam every once in a while, and you don’t seem to have any complaints as long as he fucked you stupid and helped you make filthy content for all the world to see. 
Honest to god, it’s a miracle how shit hasn’t hit the fan yet. But then again, you and Wonwoo were both careful and extremely selective about what gets posted on your secret Twitter porn account, and what stays tucked away in the hidden galleries in your phones. That sort of cautiousness is rewarded with having to get away with everything you’re both daring enough to pull off behind the scenes.
Still, it doesn’t change the fact that, outside his sexual relations with you, Twitch streamers everyone_woo and Koyahngi pretty much hate each other’s guts. Even if yours is the best fucking pussy he’s ever had (something you’ll never catch him dead admitting aloud), he’s not about to do a complete one-eighty degrees and treat you any differently in front of his friends and followers. You don’t seem to have any plans on doing that either.
Wonwoo hasn’t once brought you to their shared apartment, so he’s certain that Mingyu is basing all his hunches off pure intuition alone. And just because that intuition turns out to be somewhat right (PSA: you’re not his girlfriend), doesn’t mean Wonwoo has to come clean about his goings-on.
Besides, they’re at a fucking convention. Why is Mingyu trying to hotseat him now? 
“Whatever you say, elusive gamer who hasn’t felt the touch of a woman that isn’t his mom.”
“Fuck you, you know that’s not true.”
“Well, obviously, you’re smitten with someone, and once I find out who it is, I’m throwing the biggest party in Seoul,” Mingyu says with a huff of indignance coloring his words. He says it like it’s a threat, and Wonwoo makes a face at him. 
“Why?” he asks with a scowl.
“Because I love you, that’s why.” Mingyu then takes off the stupid hat and places it on top of Wonwoo’s head—even putting the work into making sure it fits and everything. “Anyway, I’m heading off to Koyahngi’s booth to say hi. You wanna come with or do you still have a stick up your ass when it comes to hanging out with her?”
Wonwoo has to keep himself from blurting out how he’s not the one with anything up his ass when it comes to you, but realizes that if he wants to get Mingyu off his back, he probably shouldn’t make traumatizing allusions to his sex life. 
“I can’t exactly leave my spot until the main program starts. The same goes for you, idiot,” Wonwoo points out. “Who knows how many of your subscribers are looking for you at your booth? Go away and tend to them first.”
Mingyu pouts again, but since his best friend is a guy that’s literally a six-foot wall of muscle, Wonwoo doesn’t feel even an ounce of sympathy for him. “I haven’t even been gone for ten minutes! I just wanted to see how my friends are doing.”
“Then you shouldn’t have set up a booth at all, Gyu.” 
“Hmph. You’re always so stingy, hyung.” Mingyu crosses his arms before turning on his heel. “Anyway, I’m heading over to Koyahngi’s. I heard she’s cosplaying Sage today. Not that you care though.”
He sounds so genuinely sulky that Wonwoo would’ve laughed a little as Mingyu stomps away to head to your booth. But the mention of you dressing up as a Valorant agent that Wonwoo has started to despise since meeting you makes a couple of memories from earlier this week resurface in his mind. 
Aside from the catgirl gimmick, your cosplays are but another selling point for your streams. You dubbed it the catgirlification of every playable character I like right after Wonwoo railed you two days ago in that same Sage cosplay that Mingyu just mentioned. 
What a fucking weirdo, Wonwoo mused for a second before blowing your back out again not five minutes later.
About an hour later, the program on the main stage was in full swing, and Wonwoo just finished doing a little segment with Soonyoung that one of the fans who won a raffle requested for them to do. It was a Pocky Game that got a little too intense because Soonyoung wouldn’t stop fucking squirming, and they nearly kissed in front of the entire audience. Wonwoo doesn’t entirely mind because PR is PR, after all.
The thing he does end up minding, though, comes a little later—after the convention hall settles into a more relaxed atmosphere and everyone is back to booth-hopping. 
Despite what he told Mingyu earlier, Wonwoo took it upon himself to do some wandering around. It’s kind of nice to see other streamers and content creators he’s only ever got to interact with on Discord or their respective streams.
But while he’s munching on a cherry-shaped cookie that Seungcheol is handing out to his visitors, the bane of his existence swoops down on him just when he thought he could finish this entire event in peace.
“Hey, daddy,” you giggle into his ear before swiping the cookie out of his hands, tossing it into your mouth without a second thought. “Didn’t think I’d get to see you today.”
Wonwoo clicks his tongue before shrugging off the arm you draped around his shoulder. “What do you want?”
“Nothing in particular,” you hum before swallowing the food you just stole from him. “But now that I got a taste of Cheol’s cherry cookies, I kinda want some more. Do you know where he is?” 
“I think I saw him flirting with a bunch of cosplayers near the stage.”
Wonwoo startles at the sound of a third party’s voice intruding in your conversation, and from the looks of it, you’re just as startled as he is. Turning around, though, his apprehension ebbs away when he recognizes who it is.
“Johnny,” he says with a small surprised smile before offering his hand for a casual shake. “It’s been a while.”
The famous streamer returns Wonwoo’s gesture gingerly, but he realizes that Johnny’s gaze isn’t trained on him at all. 
“It has been,” he chuckles before turning to you. “I didn’t know you were friends with Wonwoo, doll. How you got someone as cold as he is to warm up to you is beyond me, but at least you’re expanding your network.”
Wonwoo would’ve rolled his eyes. Johnny is just as frank as he remembers. But before Wonwoo can point out that: 1.) you and him are not friends; and 2.) he is not a cold person, and therefore has absolutely no need to warm up to anyone, he quickly picks up on the sudden shift in the air. And it’s not his or Johnny’s discomfort he’s sensing right now. 
“Nah, you’ve got the wrong idea,” you respond to Johnny casually, but Wonwoo doesn’t miss how your fists are clenched at your sides. “Wonwoo would rather get banned from Twitch than call me his friend. I just like pissing him off every now and again is all~ That, and his friends are pretty cool, so I need to tolerate him.”
Johnny laughs before reaching down to ruffle your carefully styled wig. To others, it would’ve looked like a display of casual affection between friends, but Wonwoo is keen enough to notice how you momentarily flinched from the older streamer’s touch. His brows knit together as he attempts to figure out what was going on.
Actually, how do you even know Johnny in the first place?
“Anyway, I’ll be going now,” he laughs before letting one eye drop into a wink. “It’s good to see both of you. Enjoy the rest of the convention, yeah?”
As Johnny makes his exit, you’re a little too quick to fill in the silence that he left.
“You’ve gotta take me to Cheol before he runs out of cookies,” you whine, tugging on his arm with a persistent look on his face—not even breathing a word about Johnny, as if it hasn’t been two minutes since he left. “I’m pretty sure I saw him wearing a Pikachu onesie, so he should be easy to—”
Wonwoo immediately cuts you off with a quick yank of your wrist. As he leads you to one of the unoccupied restrooms near the convention hall, your voice drones in annoyingly repetitive succession in his ears while you struggle to free yourself from his grip, but Wonwoo just won’t budge.
Not when he can’t get the sight of you with genuine fear in your gaze when you first laid your eyes on Johnny out of his head.
“Shit,” you whisper hoarsely the moment Wonwoo slams you against the door—a shit-eating grin resting haughtily on your lips as he nudges your thighs apart. “I knew you were possessive, but not this much. Johnny just gave me a few headpats, daddy. It doesn’t mean a thing.”
Yeah. Wonwoo is totally doing this out of some pathetic, alpha male need to stake his claim after another man got his grubby hands on you. Not because he was bothered by that look on your face, and can’t think of any other way to help get your mind off it aside from fucking you senseless in a public bathroom.
“Shut up,” he murmurs before forcing your cheek against the cold door. “Now take off your leggings before I tear a hole in it myself. Can’t mess up your perfect fucking Sage cosplay now, can we?”
You let out a noise caught between a sigh and a whimper as you do as you're told. From three months ago to now, your general opinion on Jeon Wonwoo as a dom has yet to change. Even if he was about to rail you with a fluffy bunny beanie still resting on top of his head.
He’s fucking perfect.
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the full fic can now be found here!
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glorious-sunset · 1 month
LBFAD Opening Artwork – Hidden Meanings
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The created artworks used for the opening scenes of LBFAD (Love Between Fairy and Devil) are unique and have many hidden layers of meaning! Sheer genius on the part of the artists and designers :D Here are my interpretations of these stunning works of art.
Image 1: Bone Orchid (image above)
Although I’ve posted stills, each image actually moves. Here, flowers bloom on the Bone Orchid and leaves grow on previously bare branches around the sides. This is the original form of the Bone Orchid prior to DongFang QingCang (DFQC) transforming it into a bracelet for Xiao Lanhua (XLH) in ep. 9.
The two parts of the Bone Orchid, the crescent-moon-shaped bone and the vine of the orchid plant wrapped around it, each represent DFQC (the Moon Supreme) and XLH (who was disguised as an Orchid), and their close bond. This is a new magical artefact that DFQC created from his blood in ep. 9 (similar to Lady Yan creating the Heart-hiding hairpin). That he chose to give it a form symbolising a bond between himself and XLH is deeply significant! Consciously, he may have meant their connection through the one-heart curse, but subconsciously he already had deep affection for her by this time.
Orchid flowers blooming on the previously bare vines of the Bone Orchid represent the blooming of their love for each other. (As their love blooms, XLH bonds with the Bone Orchid to the extent that removing it would end her life by ep. 29). It also refers to the many times that XLH makes flowers bloom when DFQC does something to make her happy :D The leaves growing on the bare branches around the sides of the image symbolise XLH’s resurrection of DFQC’s Tree of Emotions and his healing process. The Bone Orchid represents the love between our Fairy and Devil which is the central theme of LBFAD, so no wonder it is the first image we see!
Image 2: Xiao Lanhua
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Here XLH first transforms from an orchid flower tethered to its stem, into human form as a young and innocent girl. The white swirls around her represent her usual spiritual powers (not her green Goddess powers). When she uses her powers to repair destiny leaves, etc., her energy appears as white light (important note - we see a different type of energy later in the opening artwork!) The pink tinge to some swirls represent her femininity and affection. XLH appears weak and vulnerable but her love and tenderness are the most transformative force in the series. Her reflection in the water below shows an orchid plant only, not a girl – this symbolises the illusion of her orchid form in hiding her true identity.
Image 3: Haishi Rescue
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In this scene from ep. 3, initial obstacles to their love are presented including their power differential (symbolised by her small size within his giant hands), his view of her as an object and his underlying lack of emotions. The city of Haishi is below, the giant Sun made of DFQC’s formidable Hellfire is to the left, and the floating debris represents the destruction DFQC has wrought and is trained to continue to wreak. His mission is to destroy Shuiyuntian and conquer the three realms.
XLH looks vulnerable, her cloak resembles an orchid petal, and white/pink swirls of feminine energy again surround her. However, DFQC has just saved her life and continues to shield her within a protective bubble – an important ongoing dynamic of their relationship.
Images 4-7: Flashback
Images 4-7 are artistically presented as a series of opening doors, like opening the pages of a history book. They are a flashback to events 30,000 years ago and set the scene for current events and obstacles to the love between the OTP.
Image 4: The Two Tribes
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The two different tribes that our OTP belong to are presented. Shuiyuntian is light and airy, and floats above the clouds with dozens of golden birds flying in the sky. They are the emblem of Shuiyuntian (as the crescent moon is for the Moon tribe) as shown by the golden bird brooches worn by celestials. Similar to Shangque transforming into a black dragon, the true form of some celestials may also be of golden birds and they can transform into this form. The position of Cangyan Sea below Shuiyuntian, the darkness in which their people live and their comparative lack of manpower (there is only one black dragon in the image) suggests that they are oppressed by Shuiyuntian.
Image 5: Battle of Two Tribes
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Prior to Lady Chidi’s sacrifice, the people of Shuiyuntian and Cangyan Sea fight each other, their forces coordinated by Lord Dong and DFQC. This is the culmination of a hundred millenia of warfare between their tribes. Again there is only one dragon, and Lady Chidi in the forefront leaps into Cangyan Sea territory to confront it. Her red cape traces her active path through the battlefield. White and red swirls of energy (+/- blood) emanate from her.
Image 6: Lady Chidi’s Sacrifice
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After invading Xuanxu realm of Cangyan Sea, this is the pivotal moment where Lady Chidi explodes her spirit to seal the 100,000 soldiers of the Moon tribe. Red blood sprays from her body and her earth magic envelops the Moon Tribe soldiers, sealing them within the earth. Her sacrifice foreshadows XLH’s own sacrifice in ep. 31.
Image 7: The Capture of DFQC
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After the sealing of his soldiers, a weakened DFQC with white hair is suspended within the circular Haotian tower, his arms and legs magically bound. Magical glyphs surround him to seal him in place, representing the magical seal of the Haotian matrix.
Image 8: Xiao Lanhua of Arbiter Hall
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Back to the present - the series opens by introducing us to XLH of Siming Dian (Arbiter Hall). The archways in this image are similar to the archways in the lower level of Arbiter Hall. Vines grow around the pillars, symbolising that XLH’s primordial spirit is connected to the plants at Arbiter Hall. The trees behind her may represent the nearby Shuyu Forest that she frequently visits. As XLH moves to the right, new white trees start to grow in front of the black trees, demonstrating her ability to create new life and make plants grow. White swirls of her spiritual energy again surround her.
In line with her selfless and giving nature, XLH offers up her spirit! She does this four times in the series: 1) In ep. 1, she offers up her life and spirit to protect Changheng, whose destiny leaf had changed and was destined to have his body and spirit destroyed (more detail here). 2) Also in ep. 1, she fuses part of her spirit to DFQC’s, restoring his spirit and body and giving him a part of her spirit (which he later extracts in ep. 33 to resurrect her). 3) In ep. 31, she sacrifices her life and spirit to protect DFQC’s life, to resurrect everyone that died on the battlefield and free the 100,000 sealed soldiers of the Moon Tribe. 4) She promises the Great Turtle in ep. 33 that she will sacrifice her spirit to defeat Taisui and bless the Three Realms. XLH’s fate to sacrifice herself is another obstacle to her and DFQC’s love for each other :(
Image 9: DFQC’s Tree of Emotions
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Thanks to XLH’s resurrection of his Tree of Emotions in ep. 1, DFQC begins to grow beautiful glowing golden leaves on its previously bare branches, symbolising his breathtaking transformation.
Image 10: The Great Turtle
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I believe this is another flashback. At the end of XLH’s first life in Xishan, her parents disguised her as an orchid plant with no human form. At this time between her first and second lives, she meets the Great Turtle. The orchid flower sprouting from her hand is the new form she transforms into, and orchid petals float around her during her transformation. The Great Turtle calls XLH an old friend in ep. 9 as they have met before – in this scene.
To the left of the image is a crescent moon with a dead tree growing on it. This symbolises DFQC (the Moon Supreme) and his Tree of Emotions which was dead at that time 30,000 years ago. There is a wisp of haze around the tree indicating that it has the potential to regrow. Despite XLH’s destiny to sacrifice herself for the Three Realms (which she might have discussed with the Great Turtle here), DFQC is waiting in the wings to change her destiny!
Image 11: Our Fairy and Devil
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XLH gazes upward in hope, while DFQC’s eyes are closed and his head bowed, portraying both his reserved nature and that initially he was emotionally closed off, aloof and distant. The asymmetric gold crown that DFQC wears indicates that this scene is from after their return from the mortal realm back to Cangyan Sea – XLH also wears Moon Tribe attire.
On the Bone Orchid between them are flowers in full bloom, representing their love, which is now in full bloom :D Also between them is DFQC’s Tree of Emotions, now fully regrown with gorgeous white blossoms similar to the scene where he sits beneath his tree in ep. 24.
Despite the beautiful development of their love and of their characters, war between their two tribes is imminent. The image of Shuiyuntian between them sports a red flag, indicating their impending invasion of Cangyan Sea. Cangyan Sea is outnumbered, represented by one dragon vs. dozens of golden birds, and they face annihilation at the hands of Shuiyuntian D: Another reason for DFQC to bow his head, as he faces both the destruction of his realm and the loss of his love at this time.
Image 12: Peace Reigns
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Just look at the swirls of energy emanating from XLH and DFQC as they float in a boat along the Oblivion River! There are again white swirls for XLH, but DFQC has red and gold swirls for Glazed Fire!! This scene occurs after DFQC’s return at the end of the series! :D The red belt around XLH’s waist is reminiscent of blood pooling from her wound in ep. 31 when she stabs herself with the Zhengying sword. This image (and the opening theme song Jue Ai, “Farewell Love”) pays homage to both her sacrifice, and DFQC’s sacrifice in ep. 36 which produced his Glazed Fire. Only through both of their sacrifices, were they able to bring about first a ceasefire to war, then lasting peace between Shuiyuntian and Cangyan Sea, breaking through a hundred millenia of unending conflict!
Only by creating peace are they finally able to be together happily. The boat is deeply significant for our OTP - there are three situations where they are alone together in a boat during the series. XLH reminisces fondly about this in ep. 24, and Siming sends a boat for DFQC (and fireflies for Changheng!) as a sign that she knows their most significant connections to XLH. To the bottom right are the peaceful waters of Cangyan Sea with the watchful eye of a black dragon at rest. To the top left is a peaceful Shuiyuntian with Yunzhong’s watchful “Eye of Heaven” (seen in ep. 14) accompanied by a flower in bloom, symbolising peace and prosperity. The positions of each are in poetic parallel to image 4 which showed conflict – the defensive black dragon in image 4 is now restful, and the golden birds also seem to be resting :)
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Here is a link to my article: How Immortals age in cdramas – clues from LBFAD
All of my LBFAD articles can be viewed with the tag #lbfad reflections (hyperlinked) and the table of contents to these is here.
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ninjakk · 2 years
Did WWX obtain the perfume pouch for LWJ - Theory analysis
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MXTX is a master of using subtext to convey so many underlying meanings, just underneath the visible plot of her novels. There are many hidden gems in MDZS that the reader might not pick up on during a first read. Throughout the novel, we're often given explanations that connect little hints left in earlier chapters - eventually piecing them all together perfectly to form an enriching new perspective on previous scenes. Other times MXTX has faith in her readers abilities to gather clues and come to their own logical conclusions, without a full exposition. And of course, sometimes MXTX deliberately leaves things up to the reader's own interpretation as well - giving them a little freedom to use their imagination.
A particularly interesting theory I have come across is in regards to the perfume pouch. Some claim WWX obtained the pouch in order to treat LWJ's leg injury. Admittedly, it is something I picked up on and questioned during my first read, and by my second read I definitely thought it was more than WWX just wanting something nice off a girl. I just found it all a bit out of character for WWX to suddenly ignore LWJ, when he was clearly very concerned about him. Contrary to some people's opinion, WWX is not flighty and thoughtless. In fact, most of his actions are incredibly thought-out and deliberate. Even when he seems to be acting the fool or charming women - there is nearly always an ulterior motive. Of course, WWX is bubbly and likes to be silly, but he is more than capable of doing so while still executing something more serious at times.
Some might argue he had time to tell LWJ why he'd got the pouch in the first place and use the herbs to help him when he first obtained it. But with LWJ getting annoyed and trying to storm off, WWX leaves him alone for a moment to cool off - worried LWJ will hurt himself more if he carries on walking fast. We later find out WWX had also worked out during their interaction below, that LWJ needed to expel the bad blood that was collecting in his chest. This was something important that needed addressing, WWX knew this but never had time to help him until they were in the cave and he deemed it safe to do so. So the fact he wasn't able to help him with the above, means in turn, he did not have time to offer him the medicinal herbs he obtained from the perfume pouch either.
People also argue there was no exposition of him obtaining the perfume pouch for such reasons, which is true - but there are other things within the book without exposition as well. WWX cleverly orchestrated a situation where LWJ bought A-Yuan toys, to cheer the toddler up and make him see how kind LWJ actually was. It also helped LWJ feel better about the whole situation and encouraged them to form a little bond - so WX could go on a date catch up on old times and have some time together. But it is never explicitly confirmed that this is what WWX did. MXTX expects the reader to understand her main character and their motivations. With that in mind, I'm going take a closer look at the scene in question and comment as we go along. So get your popcorn kids, it's probably going to be one of my notoriously long posts! But hopefully you'll enjoy reading it nevertheless!
Chapters 51/52
Walking shoulder to shoulder with him, he asked, “What happened to your leg?” Lan WangJi stared straight at the front, “Nothing.” Wei WuXian, “We’re already familiar with each other, aren’t we? How cold—you don’t even bother giving me a single look. Your leg really is fine?” Lan WangJi, “We are not familiar.” Wei WuXian turned around and walked facing the back, determined on making Lan WangJi look at his face, “Don’t force yourself if it’s not fine. Is your leg hurt or broken? When did it happen?”
After noticing LWJ is ever so slightly limping, WWX is concerned and decides to check on him. LWJ denies there is anything wrong and refuses to look at him, seemingly giving him the cold shoulder. From the above we can see WWX is obviously worried about LWJs injury, but he's also upset he is being so cold towards him. He even mentions LWJ won't even look at him - which we know WWX has a little fixation on, from the amount of times he tries to get him to look at him every time they meet. WWX even turns around and walks backwards to try and get LWJ to look at him. WWX is just determined to make him look at his face, because of his subconscious feelings for him and his need for LWJ's attention. He then continues to bombard LWJ with questions, in what could be considered a worried tone. It's actually adorably sweet how concerned he is for LWJ.
Just as he was about to say, "do you want me to carry you", a fragrant breeze suddenly wafted around his nose. Wei WuXian turned around and looked to the side. His eyes immediately lit up. Seeing that he had stopped talking abruptly, Lan WangJi followed his gaze. He saw about half a dozen girls walking together. The one in the center wore a layer of chiffon over her coat of pale scarlet. As wind blew across, the chiffon swayed. Her figure looked exceptionally good from the back. This figure was what Wei WuXian had been looking at. One of the girls laughed, “MianMian, your perfume sachet truly is something special. After I wore it, bugs really did stop coming over. The scent is nice too. I seem to feel much more awake after I smell it.” The voice of the girl called MianMian was indeed soft and sweet, “Inside of the sachet is filled with minced medicinal plants. It can be useful in quite a lot of ways. I’ve still got a few here. Do any of you want one?” Wei WuXian swept over like a foreboding gust of wind, “MianMian, save me one too.”
A lot of people seem to debate the above paragraph quite often. I guess it's really up to the reader's interpretation. Personally, I think WWX wanted the perfume pouch to help LWJ. As we've seen in many other chapters, WWX is an incredibly intelligent and thoughtful person. He also uses his charms to obtain things such as information, and to a lesser extent the odd freebie (the loquat - and even then, one was for LWJ). It's not like him to be momentarily distracted by someone else, especially when he is around LWJ. However you look at it, WWX isn't flighty or self-centred - he's kind and caring. WWX is just not that shallow in my opinion.
WWX only stops talking to LWJ when he smells the sweet scent of the medicinal herbs. The narrative point of view suddenly switches to LWJ, and as such we are no longer able to see WWX's motivation or thought process. We don't even get a description of MianMian from WWXs POV until much later, and even then it's just that she's 'quite pretty' when justifying why he stopped her from being branded on the face. The description we receive above is LWJ's interpretation. With us unaware of WWXs intentions, it's up to the reader to decide what they think is his reasoning. Either way, it's quite interesting for MXTX to switch to LWJ's POV at such a moment. Even if it was just so we could get an idea of how LWJ was feeling at that moment, not much is really given away and the cold looks and tone he uses could have been conveyed either way. So there's no real reason to do this, unless MXTX is covering up what WWX's true intentions are.
WWX smells a herbal scent, hears MianMian state that the pouches contain medicinal herbs and then he approaches, asking for one also. WWX is very innovative and quick thinking. It really wouldn't be out of character for him to quickly work out from the smell and what MianMian said about the pouches containing medicinal herbs, that there may be something in them that could help LWJs injury. The conditions the disciples seem to be living in while at the indoctrination camp sound pretty basic and the Wens don't seem to care too much about the health or well-being of the 'guest' disciples. WWX knows it's highly unlikely they will treat LWJ's leg if it gets worse. He also knows LWJ wouldn't admit it to the Wen sect or seek help from them either. WWX has also mentioned that WC had a particular hatred for LWJ, JZX and himself because of how well they performed in last year's archery competition - so he's painting a pretty clear picture that LWJ isn't going to get help any other way. And as I've said earlier, it's not the only time we have WWX doing something that is hinted at, but not officially confirmed in the text.
The girl was surprised. She didn’t expect to hear a stranger’s voice barge in so suddenly. Turning around, she revealed a fair face, which frowned slightly as she asked, “Who are you? Why do you call me MianMian as well?” Wei WuXian grinned, “I heard all of them call you MianMian, so I thought that it’s your name. What, it’s not?” Lan WangJi watched them coldly. Seeing that he was at it again, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes with emphasis. MianMian’s cheeks flushed, “You can’t call me that!” Wei WuXian, “Why not? How about this: if you tell me your name, I won’t call you MianMian anymore. What do you think?” MianMian, “Why do I have to tell you just because you asked? Before you ask for somebody else’s name, you should tell them your name first, shouldn’t you?” Wei WuXian, “Sure, if you want my name. Remember, my name is "YuanDao‟.” MianMian silently pronounced the name "YuanDao" a few times. She couldn’t remember if the young master of any sect had such a name. But, judging from the boy’s air and appearance, she didn’t think he was the average disciple.
The narrative has now switched to MianMian's POV. It's also MianMian who directs the conversation way from the perfume pouch, because she's surprised at WWX talking to her like they are familiar. Because she seems annoyed at him calling her that name, WWX tries to charm and diffuse her hostility towards him by making a joke. We can imagine if she'd just said yes, it would have been a very brief interaction, similar to him talking to the loquat sellers in Gusu - and just like then, it was in part for LWJ.
Looking at the teasing smile at the corners of Wei WuXian’s lips, she didn’t know what was going on. Suddenly, Lan WangJi’s low voice came from beside them, “A play on words.” She realized at once that it had been taken from the poetry line "its ceaseless bounds yearn for miles and miles on" and he was making fun of her. She stomped her feet in spite, “Who’s yearning for you? You have no face!” The girls collapsed into a laughing mess, chirping, “Wei WuXian, you really have no face!” “I’ve never seen someone as annoying as you!” “Let me tell you, she’s called…” MianMian dragged them away and turned to leave, “Let’s go, let’s go! You can’t tell it to him.”
We can see from the above that the other girls around MianMian all know who WWX is, yet he doesn't converse with them or even address any of them by name. If he was going over just to flirt - which we never actually see him do throughout the novel (other than with LWJ of course) he could have used the fact he is known to the others as a way to talk to MianMian. To me, it's quite obvious he is being very single minded and specifically wants a perfume pouch.
Wei WuXian shouted from behind, “You can go, but give me a sachet, won’t you?! You’re ignoring me? You don’t want to? If you don’t, I’ll find other people and ask for your name. There must be someone out there who’s willing to tell me…” Before he finished, a perfume sachet flew over from in front of him. It landed right in the middle of his chest. With an "ouch‟, Wei WuXian pretended as though his heart hurt, spinning the sachet around his hand with its ribbons around his finger. Even as he walked back to Lan WangJi, he was still spinning the sachet around, grinning.
WWX is trying to charm MianMian, but his intentions are quite clear. He'll stop pestering her if she gives him one of the perfume pouches. It's the first thing he asked her, and even as she was leaving it's the last thing he said before provoking her into throwing one at him. As usual, he's using his 'charm' to obtain something. Once he's got the perfume pouch, he heads straight back over to LWJ. As I've said previously, WWX isn't usually distracted by anyone when he's around LWJ. In fact, it's usually the opposite. When he's charming the loquat sellers in Gusu, he is obviously distracted by LWJ and even brings him into the conversation, drawing attention to his good looks. When he is talking to 'two slender-bodied maidens' (LWJ's POV, chapter 69), he is yet again distracted by LWJs good looks and throws a flower at him to get his attention. Even in the Lotus Seed Pod extra, WWX has the attention of the farm girls, but he is distracted by thoughts of LWJ once more.
Now you could argue as to why he didn't just tell her why he wanted it - which is a valid point. But as I've said above, LWJ is incredibly proud and WWX has already surmised LWJ probably doesn't want anyone to know about his injury. It's also in WWX's nature to 'trick' people into doing something for him or themselves. He does this throughout the novel. WWX is probably also being careful not to draw attention to LWJ's injury too much, as we've already been made aware, WC has singled them out personally, because of how well they did during the archery competition last year. WC was already being particularly harsh with the three of them (WWX, LWJ and JZX) and WWX is smart enough to ensure he doesn't provide any further leverage to use against LWJ.
Watching Lan WangJi’s expression grow colder, he asked, “What? You’re looking at me like that again. Right, where were we again? Let’s continue. How about I carry you on my back?” Lan WangJi looked at him quietly, “Do you behave in such a frivolous way towards everyone?” Wei WuXian thought for a second, “I think so?” Lan WangJi looked at the ground. He only replied a moment later, “How impudent!” He spoke the two words through clenched teeth, along with some strange hatred. He didn’t even deem it worthy to give WeiWuXian another glare. Lan WangJi strained to speed up and walk faster. Seeing that he was forcing himself again, Wei WuXian hurried, “Fine. You don’t have to walk this fast. I’ll just go.”
LWJ is less than welcoming and gives WWX a very frosty reception upon his return. He just thinks WWX acts this way with everyone - but of course we know the way he acts with LWJ is different. WWX ignores his glare and offers to carry him on his back. When LWJ asks if WWX 'behaves in such a frivolous way' with everyone, WWX replies 'yes' because to him he's not really done anything other than make a joke and obtain a perfume pouch. LWJ is (understandably to us) upset and just wants to get away from WWX. I always want to give LWJ a hug and WWX a smack over the head at this moment in time. Seeing LWJ hurting himself even more by trying to get away from him, WWX quickly tells him he'll leave him alone.
Combining three strides into two, he quickly caught up toJiang Cheng. Yet, Jiang Cheng didn’t give him any good looks either. He spoke menacingly, “You’re so ridiculous!” Wei WuXian, “It’s not like you’re Lan Zhan or anything, so why do you say ridiculous like he does? His face today is worse than how it used to be. What’s wrong with his leg?” Jiang Cheng spoke in a sour voice, “You still have the time to pay attention to him? Why don’t you pay attention to yourself!? I don’t know what tricks that idiot Wen Chao is planning this time, making us search for some cave entrance here in Dusk-Creek Mountain. Hopefully it’s not like last time when he made us circle up and be shields of flesh."
WWX catches up with JC and they have an argument about WWX's fixation with LWJ - as usual! We can see WWX is still very focused on LWJ and his current state. He doesn't even bite at JC's possible dig at how he just acted 'ridiculous' with MianMian. He just brings the conversation back to LWJ instantly. Before anything else could be said, a disciple near by interjects and tells WWX about the awful attack on the Cloud Recesses and how LWJ got his injury. Hearing this WWX is even more concerned and was about to turn back and insist on helping LWJ, when JC argues with him once again. This draws the attention of the Wen sect and they are told to concentrate on the task at hand. At this point, a lot happens quite quickly and as such WWX isn't able to help LWJ with his injury until much later.
Chapter 54
Suddenly, Wei WuXian caught a faint, herbal scent. Reaching into his lapel, he fished out a small sachet of perfume. The wet sachet hung from its tassels, delicate yet somewhat pitiful. Recalling how MianMian said that it was filled with medicinal plants, he opened it up at once and found that there were indeed herbs, along with a few small flowers, half-dried and quite chopped up.
So the perfume pouch finally comes into play. Understandably WWX has been rather distracted up until this point. Again, he is reminded of the pouch because he could smell the herbal scent - just as before. He then goes on to recall what MianMian had said about it containing medicinal herbs - again, just like before. He comes to the same conclusion that some people claim he did prior to obtaining the perfume pouch, in the exact same way. So it's not much of a jump to think this is what he originally thought anyway and he's just been reminded he had it on him.
Wei WuXian spoke as he picked them out, “I can’t believe that the girl’s perfume sachet ended up so useful. I’ll have to thank her properly when we go back.”
Some people query if WWX had indeed obtained the perfume pouch for LWJ in the first place, then why did he say the above? To me, I always read this as 'SO useful', because he is impressed it was useful in such a situation. There's intended emphasis on how useful it has been. If we're going down the route he initially got the perfume pouch for LWJ prior to this scene, he only obtained it hoping to help ease his pain and help him walk better. He wasn't expecting to use it on a bloody leg, covered in rows of teeth marks from a huge beast! So he puts emphasis on just how useful it turned out to be. If he thought it wasn't going to be useful, he'd have just said 'I can't believe this was useful', 'actually useful' or 'come in handy' - or something along those lines. I've also taken a look at a few different translations and they all use 'so', in order to stress it is more useful than he originally thought.
Obviously as I stated above, unless specifically confirmed by MXTX, any theory that can be backed by text, is of course plausible. I certainly think this explanation fits very well with WWX's personality/character, and definitely adds more depth to the scene and his actions. It also adds to one of the many misunderstandings WX share before becoming a couple. It's a running theme for WWX or LWJ to do something and the other totally misinterpret it, before they finally realise each other's feelings and the motivation behind their actions. As such, I think this fits quite nicely with the rest of the novel and certainly adds more value to the scene in question.
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trapangeles · 1 month
Breaking Down Kendrick Lamar's Explosive Diss Track "Euphoria": A Deep Dive into Hip-Hop's Latest Feud
Introduction: In the realm of hip-hop, few things ignite as much excitement and controversy as a well-executed diss track. The latest entry into this storied tradition comes from none other than Kendrick Lamar, whose new song "Euphoria" has sent shockwaves through the industry. With scathing lyrics aimed squarely at Drake, Kendrick pulls no punches in what can only be described as a six-minute verbal assault.
Unpacking the Diss: At the heart of "Euphoria" lies Kendrick's relentless attack on Drake's credibility as an artist. In blistering verses, he accuses Drake of relying on ghostwriters, painting a picture of an artist propped up by a team of behind-the-scenes writers. The line "1 vs 20 you and all your ghostwriters" cuts deep, challenging Drake's authenticity and calling into question the integrity of his artistry.
But Kendrick doesn't stop there. He delves into Drake's personal life, touching on sensitive topics such as Drake's desire to be accepted as black and his alleged neglect of fatherhood. With lyrics like "You want to be black so bad, but you ain't raising your son," Kendrick takes aim at Drake's identity and parenting choices, adding a personal dimension to the feud.
Industry Insights: Beyond the personal attacks, "Euphoria" offers a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the music industry. Kendrick's assertion that Drake is "signed to multiple people who are all taking money from him" sheds light on the complexities of record deals and artist management. It's a stark reminder that behind the glitz and glamour of the music industry, there are often unseen forces at play, shaping the careers of even the biggest stars.
The Aftermath: In the wake of "Euphoria," the hip-hop community is abuzz with speculation and analysis. Fans and critics alike are dissecting every line, searching for hidden meanings and decoding the underlying messages. Meanwhile, Drake's camp has yet to respond, leaving many wondering how he will address Kendrick's blistering attack.
Conclusion: As tensions continue to simmer between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, "Euphoria" stands as a testament to the power of the diss track in hip-hop culture. With its razor-sharp lyrics and unapologetic delivery, Kendrick has once again proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of rap. Whether this marks the beginning of a full-blown feud or simply a momentary flare-up remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: "Euphoria" has left an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary hip-hop.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
there was one scene in TW where carlos is wearing a blue green shawl, stood next to a blue green cash register, and the entire resturant (?) behind him has blue and green candles on the table. it's obvious enough that i think that is indeed a purposeful nod to destiel fans from the set designers etc. and jojo who plays carlos, on an insta live when asked whether his favourite colour was blue or green, and winked. the problem is hellers don't see it as a cute not. they think it's a SIGNNNN
I mean, combining the colors blue and green isn't some unusual choice, especially when you count literally any and all shades of those two colors. So I'm not sure I agree it actually was deliberate.
However, we're in agreement that it wouldn't actually matter if it was. One of hellers' many problems is they've never been able to understand a throwaway ship tease and/or Easter egg nod to fan theories isn't a clue to a hidden storyline or a promise they'll get what they want. It's just someone involved in production acknowledging fandom in a way that does not impact the story and the wider audience.
There's also a third option here, too, though not necessarily a more likely one. It's possible someone noticed a lot of the accounts talking about TW have blue and green hearts and randomly blather on about colors without catching on to the underlying supposed meaning. It would not be the first time there was an intentional nod but there was confusion as to what the reference actually was.
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ancestorsofjudah · 6 months
2 Kings 11: 1-8. "Six Years."
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We change gears from widespread national politics to something important that is happening with the Line of Succession behind the scenes: a scared mother, Athaliah, hides her firstborn grandson from the soldiers sent by King Jehu to destroy the royal line.
Does this imply there will someday be more drama? A calm before the storm when another loser rises to power or will another man like Moses surface? How will the 28 Years we just learned about fit with this new section?
The name Athaliah means "something good or bad may happen", and this is usually the case during regime change:
"The verb עתן ('atan) is not used in the Bible but it may be equivalent to an Arabic verb that means to deal violently with, and from which derives a word for lion.
The verb עתל ('atal) is equally mysterious, and may be a variant of עתן ('atan) and mean the same thing, or it may be cognate to an Assyrian verb that means to grow great or exalted.
And ultimately, these verbs may stem from an underlying idea that growing great and inflicting violence often coincides."
But really, we should know if the next stud or stilt that is up at bat is a good guy or not, correct?
In a seldom discussed aspect of the Torah, the Melachim explains what happens when the son is sacrificed in a slaughter but not the grandson.
In Torah terminology, grandsons are a chance to start over, the real chance all of us at some point in time in history have come to depend upon, but seldom realized it.
Grandsons are the essence of Athaliah. They have no memory of the sins of the fathers, which means if they are educated, history will not repeat. If their education is abandoned, in their father's footsteps they may march.
Athaliah's grandson is named Joash which means "to grasp what God has taught and drive". Jehosheba works quite diligently to make sure Athaliah's grandson survives, whether he drives in the right direction or not, we will see:
Athaliah and Joash
11 When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she proceeded to destroy the whole royal family.
2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram[a] and sister of Ahaziah, took Joash son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the royal princes, who were about to be murdered. She put him and his nurse in a bedroom to hide him from Athaliah; so he was not killed.
3 He remained hidden with his nurse at the temple of the Lord for six years while Athaliah ruled the land.
Jehosheba "the Oath God Swore", the daughter of Jehoram, "In the Name of God on High", sister of "God will seize" took Joash the "driver" away from the Assembly who were about to be murdered by the Dowager Queen.
What Oath did God swear? "never again would He use violence to punish man" but He lied. God used violence many times to punish humanity directly and indirectly after Noah and the Ark because we did not obey the Law, so He had no choice.
Athaliah, this way or that way therefore is all we are left with because no one, not even God can seem to make up their mind as to whether violence exalts or demeans us.
The Values in Gematria for the above section are:
v. 1: the Value in Gematria is 7860, ז‎חואֶפֶס‎, zahoepes, "to honor and pay homage to God through all the legal means."
Princes are dreamers, Dowager Queens are the killers of dreams through what amounts to literary criticism. If her son couldn't do the job of being King, no one's son was going to do the job, so through literary tactics, she put a stop to the axiom that was in effect creating Ahab, a fraternity instead of a Monarchy. All but one member was struck down, this idea only a fully educated man can be expected or allowed to ascend to the role of Prince.
So there were a few dumbasses in the Assembly, but God's commitment to humanity Jehosheba, is steadfast and He remains dedicated to a potential candidate, who with structure and support might still enter the Royal Line of Succession:
v. 2: Joash is hidden by the Princess Royal in a bedroom with a nurse so he is not killed along with the other princes.
The Value in Gematria is 11884, יאחחד‎, yachad, "God's nipple breast."
Instead of being fed propaganda by the fraternity, Joash is instructed in this Melachim. This he does for Six Years while the Dowager Queen, 2476, בד‎זו‎ ‎, who has the cloth, command of the two alphabets, one read left to right, one read right to left, AKA the rhetoric, runs things.
v. 3: the Value in Gematria is 5241, הבדא "the cloth, find out the difference." The Hebrew Word for "coth" samlah, meaning wrapper or robe means the dependent identity is stripped away along with the outer penis wrapping, and the inner self, the independent self, which becomes more, not less dependent on the penis surfaces.
The word is closely related to Solomon, "the complete peace" which can only happen after one's education and experiences meet one together on the road of life. The Six Years of the Twenty Eight prescribed for Royal Princes which are obviously figurative endure longer than an ordinary year. They are measured not by elapsed time, but the accomplishment of certain aspects of sentience and enlightenment.
At this point, we don't know if Joash pulls it off or not but he made it past the first cut and also the second, so there are reasons for optimism. Optimism is really why Princes, the Dreamers, were put on the earth by God.
No one really cares about the king or the queen they want to know what is going on with the Prince and the Princess. They are always the sexiest people alive, the most privileged and interesting, they keep the world turning because the world wants to believe so long as a glamorous Prince or Princess is walking the streets, smiling grandly at people the future just very well might not be hopeless after all.
The cultivation, rearing, shearing and endearing of the Prince to the people is the most important thing a Royal Court can do. Second to this, is the concept of Patronage.
Any member of a Royal Court has to commit to the full purposing of the land, money, all internal and eternal relationships to the persons that inhabit his jurisdiction. Royalty is a non-bureaucratic way of rehearsing the very best freedoms and contributions of mankind back unto itself. A difficult and demanding job with a job description, one if entrusted to the right person can publish peace and prosperity for centuries to come.
If we view government as the retention of salaried specialists whose jobs it is to manage our collective interactions successfully, then a Prince would attain the position of a lifelong territorial governor with similar responsibilities to an elected counterpart, who serves only for limited periods of time. Elected officials are a cause of chaos, as they have no need to engage in Patronage like a prince. They can simply walk away.
Even still the concept of Royalty has been prone to backfiring, hence the tenuousness of this thing called Athaliah between judges, societies and their royal families.
Most of the candidates we have read about in the Melachim were dismal failures and the text explains why. We will see what happens when Joash reaches Year Seven in the next section.
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chicleeblair · 7 months
Dawn of Redeeming Grace [7/23]
Chapter Seven: Your Finger on My Hair Pin Trigger|| FFN
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Pairings: Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd
Six weeks after Derek left to take the NIH job, Meredith is ready to use the holidays to prove she has this working mom thing on lock. Sure, he neglected to tell her he'd be bringing a guest, but whatever, 'Tis the season for truces. Even Ellis Grey took the day off. But with every moment of family togetherness, a return to the trenches seems more impossible. Can a few days of peace put their relationship back on track, or has she fallen for the illusion of a snow-globe, destined to either settle or shatter?
Dawn of Redeeming Grace|| FFN
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I can’t explain how important this chapter is to me. The shower scene especially is a major turning point, and I could pick at it forever. I really love writing Meredith and Zola, too. Facts: It is incredibly difficult to find picture books set in African countries directly here. That English is a primary language in many of them, and that they have contact with the orphanage, helps, but not everyone has that privilege. The Jamela books I referenced are really cute. (Not kidding about the trope. Relatedly, creatures consuming other creatures, particularly whole, squeaks me, and I blame The Muppets.) Also, do yourself a favor and spend some time on the MuppetWiki page for international productions, and Big Birds. Both are fascinating. I watched this documentary on the Bangladeshi production in college. They do good work. (This marks the first of several times where I spent far too long on MuppetWiki for this fic).
I think the show did a decent job showing that Zola dealing with being an interracial adoptee once Maggie was around, but I also wanted to see more of Meredith and Derek dealing with it. To be as comfortable as she is with it, Zola has to have the basics. I was adopted, and I heard my story all the time, and got Why Was I Adopted? at the same time as Where Did I Come From? It might be a little advanced for four-and-a-month, but kids can be very aware if something is a part of their day-to-day life.
There’s so much underlying damage still unaddressed at 11x12 “The Great Pretender.” That’s where we see Meredith’s mask really start to slip. With Derek gone, she could put it in a box that only opened at night, but when she tries to go visit, and can’t, we see the vulnerability that had mostly been hidden behind her outbursts—it’s in her eyes, though. Always. Rewatching the “What Happened to You” scene; the way Derek looms over her, and his face…. Ugh. I don’t love that the show edits his exit after that as though it mirrors Richard’s—it does, in some ways. Meredith taking the blame, when it’s deeper than that, Meredith being the one left—but I don’t think the underlying issues are the same. Derek isn’t jealous of her; he’s having to reconsider what he wants and what that means about who he is. That went on the back burner after Addison left, and with Amelia there, he’s having to accept that he’s NOT into being as career-focused.
The show implies he’s gone from 11x09-11x16—probably because there wasn’t a holiday episode that season (lucky for me)—I refuse to accept him not at least trying to be there for Zola’s birthday—Meredith would kill him. (You can decide if this happened or he missed the flight in canon.)—and he wouldn’t miss Christmas. That’s not Derek Shepherd. ( I realize that I keep giving poor Mer sex issues in my chaptered fics—and it happens again in one of my WIPs!—but her sexuality is tied to her emotional state.)
He’s always the catalyst for trying to put something in the past without a complication. (Meredith does it too, goes along with it, but primarily it is Derek), and when he’s away in D.C., not facing the damage constantly, it’s easier to do that. Meanwhile, Meredith remembers the last time they did that, and for her it’s all knotted up with finding out about her mom and Richard, “What happened to you?” and drowning. She lost him/thought she was too broken for him the last time the water went under the whatever. He broke her trust with Rose. And everything with Maggie has pushed those memories up. She’s not the Meredith we get in 11x17. The streak isn’t as long; she hasn’t made it through the holidays, plus three months. She’s at the end of 11x12. I sort of hate that we have two episodes in the middle of this that are from Amelia and Herman’s perspective, because it’s harder to map Meredith’s interiority, but I like that arc, so oh well.
0 notes
phoenixmosheh · 1 year
Welcome to the Phoenix Mosheh Blog. If you come across any accounts asking for money or donations of any kind using the Phoenix Mosheh name. You are being scammed and hustled out of your doe (money). Phoenix Mosheh does not ask for money or sell any products.
Phoenix Mosheh provides FREE CONTENT ONLY...
This goes for any affiliates working in cohesion with Phoenix Mosheh such as ...
1. The Brand Enchantress
2. Eden's Nightgarden.
If you get scammed...this is your own fault.. because you believed in a lie without doing your own research and without any evidence.
Stop being a follower and use your own brain.
...with that said
Enjoy the Blog (show). If you are 18 or older you have the option to turn on your mature tumblr settings... so that you can view "mature audience themes" because Phoenix Mosheh has a bunch of copycat haters who got their feelings hurt when Phoenix Mosheh threatened to expose their sorry fake personas, crimes, work ethic and moral to the public, even though this blog has no followers (dummies) ...which resulted in these "we have money but no brains idiots" peeing on themselves over how to hide certain blog post. Instead of these idiots apologizing for all the dumb and selfish chess moves they have made in life... they reported certain post to tumblr in fear of exposure and becoming a hit tv show.
You will not see all of these exposures without turning your tumblr settings to mature audiences...(again switch on all the mature audience settings...like you do lightbulbs.
https://youtu.be/0z0J_t33-b4 - YouTube Fifth Amendment Miss Sloane Scene
(This Katy Perry video reminds me of that time they made up "Eve eating the forbidden fruit" great myth. The subconscious is a beautiful thing.)
The Goal: I want to recreate this scene of Jennifer Lawrence...only I want to see if you can do a better job than an actor after realizing your subconscious has been asleep. (Like a science experiment).
Who am kidding...I have this bet with God that you won't survive this blog or be able to comprehend the underlying patterns within the entertainment content posted (recreated by the actors, musicians & everyday souls you love) which are most certainly based on biblical characters and predicted prophecy hidden within your entertainment (your welcome again). God seems to think differently. \
Fun Fact: Muslims.
Did you know the hijab was originally used in the bible to hide a Melchizedek's womans beauty in order for her to flee...it was a whole movement of women...Don't get me started on the Burqa...poor Sarai those eyes would have given her away...please don't cut my head off. (you all have made it look sexy asf though ...great work)! Stay safe.
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Luckily, I'm not here to force you to read the blog...I am just here to put the information on the blog ...so when sh*t hits the fan ..you as an individual cannot say "why didn't God send someone to help us." This is most certainly on purpose... So, I can sleep peacefully at night knowing I tried.
Are You Still Awake?
...every now and then Phoenix Mosheh throws in what many would call gangster...ghetto music... God calls it "Its time to hurt somebodies feelings music"...don't be so sensitive betch... we have a gangster theme going on ... its like putting hands on someone audibly. It would not have the same effect if acoustics were playing...this does not mean we don't like classical. It means the message we are delivering would most likely fail otherwise. Do you shag (have sex) to the ABC's betch...the Phoenicians did check them out... hit that g note!
You may also notice Phoenix Mosheh uses your everyday entertainment like scenes from movies, scenes from tv shows and tarot readers to get our message and points across in order to awaken two of your spiritual senses...sight and sound. Which will eventually awaken your natural spiritual intuition (subconsciousness)...everybody has it.
Fun Fact: Tarot Readers...What if I told you that when slave masters outlawed reading...they meant tarot (your real connection to God...couldn't allow you to find out that bible was not real copy).
This blog will expose this real story (many of the tarot readers on YouTube can verify this story...if they take the time to use their intuitive prowess together (take the time to study other videos besides your own without thinking its a competition).
Example 2: For Elias 6/25/2023
https://youtu.be/Lj4adAAHa68 - Training Day King Kong
https://youtu.be/yWYw - The Mistake You Made - The Equalizer
Why do Melchizedek Trust Angels to fight their battles (wars) Instead of Humans?
Lets take a look back in time....for starters It never works. Humans wimp out too easily, decide to switch sides (become Judas's) when Melchizedek start becoming too powerful and resort to ruthless acts in order to eradicate bloodlines who would eradicate you all if they could...and what leader would want to subjugate the fragile human brain, prone to ptsd and other mental health disorders in order to fight for causes that could possibly sacrifice their own families (with no benefits after war).
Who would want to follow leaders of nations who never set one foot in battle, while you uplift their children, who watch yours go to war, only for their nepotism babies to lead you into a new one (even nepo babies have to earn their stripes...oh wait...are you all fighting battles and supporting people (Kings and Queens & Presidents & Celebrities etc... who have sacrificed nothing in return?). Did Caeser teach you nothing?
Example Videos Below: Why do Melchizedek Trust Angels to fight their battles Instead of Humans ?
https://youtu.be/SaGI4tX9FVw - Ex 1: (Imagine the Michael they are referring to in this clip is Archangel Michael)
https://youtu.be/eOoRqesH0sk - Ex 2: Jon Snow Kills Danny
Why Melchizedek prefer Angels (Guardians) to fight wars...no fingerprints!
https:/youtub.be/T9sKhnO9osM - Final Destination (There is no Hell after Earth people...its Earth than Heaven) Anyone Remember what angel plans out death...the answer was given on this blog previously no its not archangel Michael..
Thank you Elias, for playing decoy with me. I couldn't have done it without you. You were the operative (secret detective/spy) ...way to form an "alliance."
(Don't be mad at me blame God... I didnt know ...but I do know, I don't heal as fast as you, so I would have died...thank you for your sacrifice (service)
Did you know in The Book of Eli when they took Noah's wife and killed her he became an alcoholic?
Elias, Abba told me to place this message for you, its from your gaurdian Raphael. (I didn't finish watching it yet...but I am just trusting God (Abba) that it resonates).
I still have trouble determining when it's my Angel (gaurdian) or God responding to me.. gaurdians act as personal assistants depending on their giftings. They like to show you signs (think of a brother who likes to play with a younger sibling or protect them by teaching them what they know) while God is more affirmative, reaffirming, no nonsense, Fatherly. For instance if You ask God a question the response is straight to the point: "I said this" "Do it like this" "Don't be afriad" "You can do it"...
The angel (gaurdian) is going to show you signs based on what God has affirmed... "God said this...here's the dream..." Do it like this... here are the resources , the plan" "Don't be afraid (your gaurdians will get it done but eventually you'll be able to do it yourself) "You can do it (I told you so)." Eventually, you will be a le to see your gaurdian...you have more coming by the way.
If you think the Melchizedek woman is mean/bad....you haven't met the real Melchizedek man (Elias). His wife is "nice" compared to him.
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If you (humans) don't have this gift (intuitive energy reading/tarot) from God...you most likely have another...
-empath intuitive (trait/gift knowing the contents of someone's heart...not to put therapist out of business because God is my only therapist but...if you get a therapist get one that is an empath...so they don't break HIPPA law and make fun of your poor choices amongst other medical personal when you leave...)
https://youtu.be/hWTBvWfsU34 - An example of empath intuitive tarot reader based on how Elias may have been feeling during this ordeal (this breaks my heart 😢)
Every time, I see that scene from Avengers Endgame, where black widow dies. I low key think of Elias and his wife intuitively telling one another "you are not leaving me here with these crazy humans...I'm throwing myself off of a cliff...we are going thave to fight for this suicide my love?...lol
https://youtu.be/DG_IhmVKbxU - Black Widow Dies
An Empath intuitive is similar to an energy reader. You may notice that in tarot a normal energy reader will read the energy of a person and judge the whole energy based on a piece of information they are currently reading about a person. So, if the person (masculine or feminine) has done something wrong, like committing a crime (i.e stealing) they will judge the person solely off of that crime without actually looking into why this person was stealing...were they stealing because they were under a spell, were they stealing medication because their child was sick and prescription prices are through the roof or are they just a pathological liar and thief? This is often what people forget to look into when judging people and whether they deserve forgiveness or a slap on the wrist or a death sentence. This gift is important because people often judge others for what they have heard about other people instead of trying to clarify or go deeper...people fail to empathize because they don't know the full story and do not take the time to see if what they have been told about others is actually true or just a rumor. People also fail to try and relate to choices people make and often can't see why someone chose a certain route that maybe they wouldn't have chose. Not everyone has the same weaknesses, dysfunctions, childhood wounds or habits...but it doesn't mean you don't have any...different weaknesses can cause you to fall prey to different entrapment, tricks, spellwork, vicious cycles. Etc. (you may not be an alcoholic it taste bad so why would you use it to drown your emotions ...but you are an emotional eater yes?) One sounds better and maybe is more socially acceptable both are still unhealthy coping strategies.
-art intuitive - some people create messages from God using art (the guy I'm staying with drew this it's almost time to meet up again Elias (like Isaac and Rebekah 😉) Get some rest and smile more.
https://youtu.be/KiKD6i_QRJI - Matrix Resurrections Coffee Shop Fight Scene
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When you get invited to a motorcycle party by the guy, you are staying with that is not Elias and Gabriel reminds you "aren't you pregnant, don't you have a husband?" ... (Elias' Wife: where he at though jk jk)?
-creative intuitive - ever have a random dream or an idea and it becomes an invention, book or a movie
-reiki healing - if you're a nurse or medical personal who went to nursing school because you actually had a desire to help heal people without beating them in the head or just for the mula. (Be careful who you let "lay hands" on you...you could end up sick or dead).
(Also, things like sage, salt around your house, wolf's Bain, silver bullets(werewolves), rocks (healing stones) for protection, these trinkets and gemstones will not protect you supernaturally. The universe? The universe listens to its Creator...its best to know which god (spirit) you are talking to because some of them are thirsty and looking for vessels stupid enough to be used. A soul is not a spirit.
Intuitively God knows your heart ...so whether you believe in the universe or Sun God Ra ( EviRAh an original) or Allah etc....The original God who crested these spirits (gods) will know, so don't worry about your religion. However, if you call on the universe its a lot more vague than calling on Allah or Jesus...but it goes back to God knowing your heart because even people who can pronounce the name of God with their hand on a bible can be fake believers.
The law of attraction is true in that you can attract a specific god based on what's in your heart (your mentality, your desires, and moral). You can ask the universe for something you want and get it...but you always want to know which god is giving it to you (who is behind your universe, whos power are you borrowing to get what you want, and does it want something in return?) Basically, be careful who you pray to ...you might want to be more specific.
Oh and Samjaza doesn't like humans at all...he think their messy and dumb and easily controlled. Honestly, if he could get back into heaven by sacrificing you all he would. Samjaza (Satan): "How many times do I have to tell Adam I'm sorry for raping his wife forbidden fruit style?" (In case someone was wondering...Samjaza also has a thing for black women...right Evirah? Samjaza has narcissistic traits... do you know what happens when you reject a narcissist? (Why do they hate black people so much, and treat black women like dirt...? Please don't tell me it's a skin color thing?...doesn't your food grow from dirt something that is black and brown and you eat it! Lets not forget the sh*t that falls out of your booty hole comes in many shades of healthy browns/blacks... when it comes out a different color you get scared and run to a doctor...and beg them to make it brown again! Lol I Crack myself up)... This is an observation people chill... the sight of black/brown people thriving and remembering their culture and how to grow out their own hair... reminds Samjaza of what he did to his beloved Eve. God forbid they look like his original Queen and haunt him. You're welcome black people, let racial slurs bother you no more and let's move on.
The Original Harriet Tubman was White.
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Angels only answer to Melchizedek...so don't waste your money on things like spellwork to try and conjure them...its a deaf ears kind of thing. They can however interact with humans and show them signs as well.
etc etc...
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Phoenix Mosheh is Ethnicity Neutral aka not racist ...but sorry if we offend you in some way shape or form...you all are very sensitive, especially when it comes to Cultural Appropriation and Gender...he she they them it...who you currently think you are...does not affect my life... just don't try and steal someone's identity out of jealousy, like the basic betch that gets dragged on this blog. Otherwise...Phoenix Mosheh prefers to mind our own businesses..
...although we may suggest some things within this blog regarding gender or race at the end of the day ...you don't have to believe in what others believe in...in order to listen to someone's point of view...not hate them...and move on with your life unbothered...
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You will find that Phoenix Mosheh also uses a variety of ethnicities and cultures and curse words (not curses...curse words) ...this is to debunk untruths about God and who He can and will use to get a message across... it also makes our enemies who can't stand watching certain ethnicities "angry, irate and sick to their stomachs." We love making our enemies sit and suffer...and if they don't sit through it and suffer... they are still going to suffer because this is information whether they define it as ghetto or not. The truth is the truth no matter who it comes from.
Besides... How do you defeat an opponent without information about them? Phoenix Mosheh suggests even if you don't agree with what Phoenix Mosheh has to say... as an intellectual... Phoenix Mosheh believes it's important to study things you don't believe in...like witches or magic...because you don't want to be caught blind from an attack you don't believe in...(at least with some information on the topic... your brain could at least form the concept that maybe...the attack is coming from something you probably didn't believe in. Phoenix Mosheh studies all of you and honestly, we see a lot of stupid things people believe in and we just keep it in the "perhaps this information will be necessary one day to win wars."
(by the way it's not just white people who are racist...you have black and brown shades from all cultures/and ethnic backgrounds who have colorism brainwashing and they can do this delusional trick where... they look in the mirror and think certain racist commentary wouldn't apply to them... (recommendation for those who are sadly mistaken: replace your mirror).
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We also like to reveal encrypted messages from Heaven...like this.. you kind of have to seek and you will find on this blog people...stop being lazy...this is a group project and you all are sleeping like you don't have technology. Moses and the tribes back then had it wayyyyy worse than you all...like what are you doing?
Don't tell me you all are somehow slower than people who took gold from their ears and made a cow to worship it...no offense India...(i'm going to throw a Band-aid in the air because I know that hurt somebody) ... On the bright side...Phoenix Mosheh prefers Bollywood over Hollywood! And India thank you for keeping Rebekahs fashion alive ...those nose rings are still in style. Oh...and Rachel. Jacob's wife would also like you all to know her name is pronounced Raquel.
Why didn't Phoenix Mosheh use more religious music artist throughout this blog (like Lecrae or Kari Jobe) we appreciate it truly, but Phoenix Mosheh is trying to prove a point; God can use anyone...even those that don't believe or preach the word of God. So be careful who you are following...if it could happen to a Melchizedek, it can happen to you. (Phoenix Mosheh is not asking anyone to commit violent acts in anyway unless provoked and your laws permit it. Phoenix Mosheh's' first line of defense is to fight in the spirit... (so you don't leave fingerprints) this is just a blog to inform and educate.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Happy Rude Awakening!
0 notes
mi6021poppyhodgson · 2 years
Dissertation Ideas.
Initial ideas:
·         Puppetry?
·         Backgrounds
·         The feelings associated with being lost.
·         The dark mysteries of horror literature – H.P. Lovecraft / Edgar Allan Poe / Hideyuki Kikuchi.
Stop motion films
 I feel with Most of these ideas that I could really research and understand them, the processes, and the elements within that relate to animation. However, I feel like most of them are quite generic and common research areas in the film industry. I could research into them and find an area of which I want to continue and adapt into a dissertation, but first I want to relate my personal attachment to these suggestions presented.
 Stop motion films:
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Stop motion films for myself have been a common influence in my life. We have Aardman Studios who create many stop motion entertainment for children’s programs and films such as ‘Shaun the Sheep’, ‘Timmy Time’, ‘Wallace and Gromit’, ‘Robin Robin’ and many more.
Aardman isn’t the only stop motion studios I enjoy, other films I take much inspiration from include: The little Prince, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Coraline and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. This Limited group alone show the great diversity of types of Stop motion as well as the contrasting genre types. I’m a great fantasy / horror lover so I would love to delve more into the Tim Burton area of Stop Motion.
But what question could I ask myself about stop motion? What would be an inspiring motion to follow for this film area?
What defines a stop-motion film?
What scales of stop-motion rigs are there?
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Backgrounds are an important part of films in my opinion. They help identify the time of day, Era, Genre, Season, and other important elements that can be identified separately from the main story line. This is an interesting topic as they have introduced live backgrounds in series such as the Mandalorian. This is where they have huge screens on set that react and show real time locations in time with the acting.
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I feel like It would be interesting to research into the meanings and hidden symbology in backgrounds. Or to research how real life locations can be used to influence and aid the process of world building. The above shot of the Millennium Falcon is actually filmed where I live, so it’s amazing to see how they’ve taken some basic shots of my town and changed it into this beautiful wild planet scene. 
How can we use real locations in the compositing of backgrounds for films?
Is using a real location true imagination in film?
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The one type of film that I must say is my favourite is Classic Puppet films. Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Never Ending Story, The muppet movie, Alien and Star wars are a selection of my favourites. Even Harry potter had Puppets in it!
I think its the attention to detail in the puppets design that draws me to these films, for set expressions to be able to show a multitude in a small movement shows the skill these designers have. I find it really interesting however that do we call puppetry animation? Is the movement of these in-animate objects manipulated by hidden people counted as a style or type of animation? Or is it just its own subject? 
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This really excites me to think of the potential of research I can make in this field and what other experts think. 
Can we classify puppetry as a form of animation?
What differentiates Puppetry from stop-motion animation?
Feelings of being lost or found.
A common theme that I’ve seen in films / games and other entertainment productions is the underlying story of ‘finding something’ or ‘being lost’. Why do we as an audience feel so connected to that feeling? Is it the sense of celebration and adrenaline in finding the answer / source / missing thing, or is it the grief and empathy of loosing something / someone / hopelessness. It has always peaked my interest that these two contrasting elements invoke such a powerful feeling with us. 
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Emotion to me is the best way to get something to connect to an audience. We will feel the emotions that are relatable to us most in production and maybe that’s what drives us to either hate or love a piece of work. A film wont provoke a great response if the audience feels nothing, there will be no connection or emotion towards it. However, a film that pushes the boundaries of our emotions could also push people to hate or love it. I believe connection to the audience is vital to push the reality of the story line, the possible truth of it being a real thing. 
Why must we evoke such strong emotions in film?
Why do we as an audience enjoy the intense feelings manipulated by film?
0 notes
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Hubble reveals surviving companion star in aftermath of supernova NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a witness at the scene of a star's explosive death: a companion star previously hidden in the glare of its partner's supernova. The discovery is a first for a particular type of supernova – one in which the star was stripped of its entire outer gas envelope before exploding. The finding provides crucial insight into the binary nature of massive stars, as well as the potential prequel to the ultimate merger of the companion stars that would rattle across the universe as gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime itself. Astronomers detect the signature of various elements in supernova explosions. These elements are layered like an onion pre-supernova. Hydrogen is found in the outermost layer of a star, and if no hydrogen is detected in the aftermath of the supernova, that means it was stripped away before the explosion occurred. The cause of the hydrogen loss had been a mystery, and astronomers have been using Hubble to search for clues and test theories to explain these stripped supernovae. The new Hubble observations provide the best evidence yet to support the theory that an unseen companion star siphons off the gas envelope from its partner star before it explodes. "This was the moment we had been waiting for, finally seeing the evidence for a binary system progenitor of a fully stripped supernova," said astronomer Ori Fox of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, lead investigator on the Hubble research program. "The goal is to move this area of study from theory to working with data and seeing what these systems really look like." Fox's team used Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 to study the region of supernova (SN) 2013ge in ultraviolet light, as well as previous Hubble observations in the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes. Astronomers saw the light of the supernova fading over time from 2016 to 2020 – but another nearby source of ultraviolet light at the same position maintained its brightness. This underlying source of ultraviolet emission is what the team proposes is the surviving binary companion to SN 2013ge. Two by two? Previously, scientists theorized that a massive progenitor star's strong winds could blow away its hydrogen gas envelope, but observational evidence didn't support that. To explain the disconnect, astronomers developed theories and models in which a binary companion siphons off the hydrogen. "In recent years many different lines of evidence have told us that stripped supernovae are likely formed in binaries, but we had yet to actually see the companion. So much of studying cosmic explosions is like forensic science – searching for clues and seeing what theories match. Thanks to Hubble, we are able to see this directly," said Maria Drout of the University of Toronto, a member of the Hubble research team. In prior observations of SN 2013ge, Hubble saw two peaks in the ultraviolet light, rather than just the one typically seen in most supernovae. Fox said that one explanation for this double brightening was that the second peak shows when the supernova's shock wave hit a companion star, a possibility that now seems much more likely. Hubble's latest observations indicate that while the companion star was significantly jostled, including the hydrogen gas it had siphoned off its partner, it was not destroyed. Fox likens the effect to a jiggling bowl of jelly, which will eventually settle back to its original form. While additional confirmation and similar supporting discoveries need to be found, Fox said that the implications of the discovery are still substantial, lending support to theories that the majority of massive stars form and evolve as binary systems. One to Watch Unlike supernovae that have a puffy shell of gas to light up, the progenitors of fully stripped-envelope supernovae have proven difficult to identify in pre-explosion images. Now that astronomers have been lucky enough to identify the surviving companion star, they can use it to work backward and determine characteristics of the star that exploded, as well as the unprecedented opportunity to watch the aftermath unfold with the survivor. As a massive star itself, SN 2013ge's companion is also destined to undergo a supernova. Its former partner is now likely a compact object, such as a neutron star or black hole, and the companion will likely go that route as well. The closeness of the original companion stars will determine if they stay together. If the distance is too great, the companion star will be flung out of the system to wander alone across our galaxy, a fate that could explain many seemingly solitary supernovae. However, if the stars were close enough to each other pre-supernova, they will continue orbiting each other as black holes or neutron stars. In that case, they would eventually spiral toward each other and merge, creating gravitational waves in the process. That is an exciting prospect for astronomers, as gravitational waves are a branch of astrophysics that has only begun to be explored. They are waves or ripples in the fabric of spacetime itself, predicted by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. Gravitational waves were first directly observed by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. "With the surviving companion of SN 2013ge, we could potentially be seeing the prequel to a gravitational wave event, although such an event would still be about a billion years in the future," Fox said. Fox and his collaborators will be working with Hubble to build up a larger sample of surviving companion stars to other supernovae, in effect giving SN 2013ge some company again. "There is great potential beyond just understanding the supernova itself. Since we now know most massive stars in the universe form in binary pairs, observations of surviving companion stars are necessary to help understand the details behind binary formation, material-swapping, and co-evolutionary development. It's an exciting time to be studying the stars," Fox said. "Understanding the lifecycle of massive stars is particularly important to us because all heavy elements are forged in their cores and through their supernovae. Those elements make up much of the observable universe, including life as we know it," added co-author Alex Filippenko of the University of California at Berkeley. The results are published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy in Washington, D.C. TOP IMAGE....This artist's illustration shows supernova 2013ge, with its companion star at lower right. The companion star is impacted by the blast wave from the supernova, but not destroyed. Over time astronomers observed the ultraviolet (UV) light of the supernova fading, revealing a nearby second source of UV light that maintained brightness. The theory is that the two massive stars evolved together as a binary pair, and that the current survivor siphoned off its partner's outer hydrogen gas shell before it exploded. Eventually, the companion star will also go supernova. CREDIT Artist Illustration: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI) CENTRE IMAGE...This infographic shows the evolution astronomers propose for supernova (SN) 2013ge. Panels 1-3 show what has already occurred, and panels 4-6 show what may take place in the future. 1) A binary pair of massive stars orbit one another. 2) One star ages into its red giant stage, getting a puffy outer envelope of hydrogen that its companion star siphons off with gravity. Astronomers propose this is why Hubble found no trace of hydrogen in the supernova debris. 3) The stripped-envelope star goes supernova (SN 2013ge), jostling but not destroying its companion star. After the supernova, the dense core of the former massive star remains either as neutron star or black hole. 4) Eventually the companion star also ages into a red giant, maintaining its outer envelope, some of which came from its companion. 5) The companion star also undergoes a supernova. 6) If the stars were close enough to each other not to be flung from their orbits by the supernova blast wave, the remnant cores will continue to orbit one another and eventually merge, creating gravitational waves in the process. CREDIT ILLUSTRATION: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI) LOWER IMAGE...Hubble images of galaxy NGC 3287 show supernova 2013ge fading over time, revealing the steady source of ultraviolet light astronomers have identified as its binary companion star. CREDIT SCIENCE: Ori Fox (STScI) IMAGE PROCESSING: Joseph DePasquale (STScI)
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bonkers-4-hatter · 3 years
!Yandere !Vampire Kisumi X Reader - Love Bites
♥ TW: This fanfic has mentions of kidnapping, violence, assault, biting and mentions of blood along with the biting, forced intimacies, forcing self onto the reader at certain points and yandere themes and actions. ♥ If any of the above does trigger you, please do not read. All characters are 18+ as college is mentioned in the past tense. 
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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥                                                                                              ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥                                  You were never one to believe in such things as mythical creatures, it was just a bunch of nonsense. Of course, they’re wonderful tall tales to tell and talk about when you were younger, but you’re grown now; out of that phase you could say.
Tall tales, that’s all they were...at least you thought they were.
You could draw everything that you’ve experienced and seen as a lack of sleep, working too hard, or just needing a break to calm your mind, but with the most recent experiences you just couldn’t come up with an excuse for them and that very thought chilled you to your core. The dark figure standing in the corner of your room at night using the darkness as a veil, but the thing that stood out to you was the flickers of pink from the top of the figure's head from the small slivers of moonlight peeking through the closed curtains. 
Not only did the figure terrify you, but the touches were what set you over the edge. The soft touches that caressed your cheeks, head and the curves and contours of your body as the hands glided across your blanket covered body. You would always peek your eyes open only to see the same pink hair in your view.
The only person you knew with pink hair was Kisumi. 
He was your friend, a close friend at that. You guys did everything together, having been friends since College it just made sense for you guys to do things together. His behavior used to be carefree, fun and just free. Kisumi was a free spirit, but you noticed something change within him in the past few years; he was more possessive toward you. Always wanting to have your attention, scaring off potential significant others.
This wasn’t his usual behavior with you. Not only that, but his mannerisms have changed too. Not really eating in front of you, coming over at night only; claiming his new job had him working mornings many days and just being too exhausted to go anywhere with you during the day. Just weird things that have come up that rubbed you the wrong way. 
You hated that your mind went to these tall tales of Vampires, but you couldn’t come up with a normal answer. With his towering figure plaguing your mind, the touches that came in contact with your resting body and the constant fear and shiver of being watched by something unknown, hidden, just lurking in the shadows with their eyes fixated on you. 
Looking at how Kisumi was laughing and socializing with your guys’ group of friends, it’s as if nothing changed with him and he was the same ole Kisumi that everyone knew and had a great time with. He might have been able to fool the rest of your friends, but you knew something was up and tonight you were going to confront him even if you sounded like a lunatic. Taking a final drink of your (favorite drink), you placed some money on the table to cover your portion of the bill along with everyone else as everyone started to get up and say their goodbyes, making plans to meet up again next month as usual. 
Giving a final wave to your friends, you felt an arm snake around your shoulders and pulled you into a firm body. “(Y/N)-chan, let’s get you home.” Kisumi’s smooth voice filtered through your ears as you both made your way down the mostly empty sidewalk, the chatter and lively atmosphere of the restaurant dying away the further you walked away. The only noise that echoed around the silent street was both of your footsteps.
“You know I can get myself home, right Kisu?” He only shook his head and rubbed your shoulder, his cold skin giving you goosebumps as he brushed his fingers against the skin of your exposed upper arm. That was another weird thing with him, he was always cold now. He used to be warm, overly warm actually, always a human furnace. Now though, he was always cold to the touch and it always made you shiver no matter how many times it happened. 
“I know (Y/N), but I have to protect you from all the monsters out there, don’t I?” Another shiver ran down your spine at his question, you knew it was playful. It was Kisumi, he was always playful when it came to you, but this felt like it held an underlying meaning; like he was trying to tell you something. Scoffing, you rolled your eyes at his words. “Sure, the monsters Kisumi, whatever you say.” He laughed at your words as the both of you continued to walk down the street in silence. 
Clearing your throat, you decided to just ask him. “So, speaking of monsters, what do you think about vampires?” Kisumi stopped walking as he grasped your shoulder in a tight grip making you reel back as well. “What the hell Kisumi?!” Your shoulder burned a bit at how hard he dug his fingernails into your skin, but he still didn’t let go. Looking at his face he had a stoic look and his eyes were menacing in a way; narrowed and pointed right at you. “Vampires? Now, why would little (Y/N)-chan bring up such a thing as Vampires?” The malice that was laced in his voice was evident and downright terrifying especially in a situation where you were alone with him at night on an empty street. 
You tried to yank yourself away from his strong hold, but he didn’t let up. “It was a joke Kisumi, what’s wrong with you?” He only smirked at your words, before pushing against your shoulder until you hit the brick wall of one of the buildings. “A joke huh?” Placing his other hand on your free shoulder, he pinned you in place, the brick rubbing against your exposed skin in a way that it surely would leave marks. Before you could protest, Kisumi leaned down to your ear and whispered, “Do you think it’s a joke as you watch me in the corner of your room, or when I touch your delicious body in bed?” Your breath caught in your throat at his words. 
Your hands pushed hard against his chest, fear crawling up your body at his words. “That’s not fucking funny Kisu, I’m leaving.” Without waiting for him to respond, you shoved your way past him, resuming the trek to your house. Even the thought of your house wasn’t safe, it made you even more fearful, but you didn’t have much of a choice at this point. You felt like the darkness was suffocating you at this point and without a second thought, you ran the remainder of the few blocks, your front door in your view making you somewhat relieved. 
Deadbolting the door, your body slid down, settling at the floor. You felt exhausted, fearful and not to mention paranoid. Heavy eyes scanned the living room and what you could see of your hallway and everything seemed clear. Getting up with weak legs, you turned on every light in the house paying no mind to the thought of your electric bill nor how silly it seemed. This was what made you feel safe and at this point you were going to do anything to feel that way. 
After changing into some pajamas and trying to relax from the encounter with Kisumi, you found yourself wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, television playing a cliche horror movie. Wanting something to take your mind off what happened, you got sucked into the black and white film.
Your mind was completely preoccupied with the slasher film, blanket clutched in your hands, hiding your face behind the fuzzy comfort item as specific gory and violent scenes would pop on the screen. Usually you would watch these movies, any movie really with Kisumi...your mind went to your friend for a moment, not of the creepy things that have arisen recently, but of the memories of you both together. He would be here right now poking fun at you for being scared of these scenes, but also ‘protecting’ you from whatever was going on.
As your mind was wandering, you didn’t notice the presence next to you, not until a hand was on your thigh, fingers tapping against the supple flesh that was exposed from your pajamas. A scream erupted from your throat, but a hand clasped over your mouth, muffled cries were the only thing in the room, the noises on the television being drowned out by the thumping of your own heart. “Now (Y/N), this is the best part, hold in that scream for a minute, alright love?” His hand was still over your mouth and his free one was still trailing along your thigh. Side eyeing him, he sat there with a content smile on his face, eyes still glued on the screen. You stayed in that position for the next ten minutes until the credits were rolling.
“I loved watching these movies with you (Y/N), it was nice to be your savior when you got scared at certain scenes.” His hand uncovered your mouth, but started to stroke the soft skin down the slope of your neck getting dangerously close to the valley of your chest. “K-Kisu...how’d you get in?” Your body started to tremble as he just laughed at the fear pouring out of you at this moment. Gripping the back of your neck, Kisumi pulled you toward him, his face shoving itself into the crook of your neck as he started to place soft kisses along the slope of your neck and your collarbone. 
You felt his hot breath fan your skin as he answered your question. “Oh (Y/N), I think you already know the answer...I always tell you to lock your window.” The color drained from your face. Your window. The window that was always unlocked. It was something you didn’t think about because it was on the second floor. A place no human can reach because there were no trees, ledges, anything to help with climbing up. 
“Am I right Kisu?” A single question you needed answered. A heavy silence hung in the air as the man in question even stopped his kisses on your skin. “You’re always right (Y/N), I knew you would piece everything together, my (Y/N) is smart after all.” You could feel the sharpness of teeth scrape against the tender flesh of your neck, your breath hitching at the sensation. 
“I’ve always wanted to taste you, to know how sweet your blood is, I might get addicted to it (Y/N), but I don’t want to drain you dry...I want you around forever with me.” He laughed at the flinch in your body as he pressed his fangs a bit deeper into your neck. “You’re not ready to be changed yet either.” Sitting back up, he effortlessly pulled you into his lap, arms wrapping around your waist and anchoring you to him. “I think I’ll keep you as my personal toy until you’re ready to be changed, doesn’t my (Y/N) like the sound of that?” Fully grinning at the petrified look on your face, he showed you his sharp fangs, tongue sliding over them to add emphasis on what would happen if you disobeyed him.
You didn’t know what month it was, let alone the day. You just knew it’s been so long since Kisumi took you that night at your former house. After he had you in his arms, he told you what was going to happen. You got to pack what you could that night and he took you away. His home was your home now, or as he puts it, our home. 
He didn’t let you out, the house was your own personal prison and you...you were Kisumi’s personal blood bag. He didn’t want to kill you, nor turn you yet, but he had to have a taste of your blood, he tasted every other aspect of you and he knew he’d be addicted to your blood and it turns out he was.
Your skin was littered in bite marks. He would pierce your skin and take a drink from you, enough to make you dizzy before he stopped himself. He couldn’t wait for the wound to heal which is why he bites you in any available skin no matter where it is. 
He just wanted your sweet blood. Sometimes he would go overboard and will only stop if you pass out. Due to him feeding on you, you were exhausted. You turned into a shell of your former self with his constant feeding. Dark bags were under your eyes, droopy lids accompany them as well. All you wanted was rest, proper rest, but you knew you’d never get that again. 
You wouldn’t get anything you wanted again.
“(Y/N), my love, there you are.” Your head lolled to the side, Kisumi standing there with his usual smile on his face. The bed dipped down as his hands smoothed over your body, caressing any part of you he could get. He kissed your lips and made his way down to your neck. Before he could do anything, you whined out, hands weakly trying to stop him. 
“Please, not today Kisumi, I don’t think I can do it. I hurt so much, you drank too much yesterday, please give me a day to recover.” Kisumi cupped your face, thumb stroking the dark bags that decorated under your eyes. “Rest? (Y/N), we’ve been over this already sweetheart, I need to taste you everyday otherwise I might snap and we wouldn’t want that, right?” His hand clutched your face, squishing your cheeks together as you frantically shook your head not wanting to have him hurt you again.
“Good, that’s my good girl.” Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he let your face go, a breath of relief escaped you as he bared his fangs and traced them over the scarred skin before sinking into the skin of your neck, a place he hasn’t touched in a week which was plenty of time to heal in his opinion.
“Ahh, Kisu...hurts, Kisu, it hurts..” Your weak voice flooded his ears, but he paid you no mind, you always struggled when he did this, but you were his to use and abuse to his desire. You were his little toy, his precious (Y/N).
The feeling of your blood sliding down his throat was beautiful. It was like a drug to him, he couldn’t get enough of it and he knew he was breaking you, but he didn’t care. He will turn you soon and you’ll be fine, but for now he needs you to keep hanging on. The quiet moans of pain only turned him on as he sunk his fangs deeper in your soft skin. “Kisu..too much, stop, please.” Soft pounding of your hands on his back snapped him out of his trance, Unlatching himself from your neck, your head fell to the side, eyes half lidded and skin heated after the ordeal. 
Licking a stray drop of blood from his lips and the puncture wounds on your neck, he was satisfied for now. Even though he was addicted to your blood, he was excited to turn you. You would finally be his forever, just as it should’ve been. Smirking at your worn out body, he gave you one last kiss before throwing a blanket over you and stalking off to finish your turning ceremony.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hi, hope you’re well! I was wondering about the hidden enemies aspect of the twelfth house. Does hidden mean the types of people (people with influence of the sign in your 12h) you are unaware are antagonizing you or is it that those characteristics in someone throw you off but you can’t really put your finger on why? Can these people believe that they are helping you but really they’re holding you back in some way? Can the hidden aspect go both ways? Why does 12h synestry have this effect? I have cancer on the 12h cusp and I’ve never really been able to develop any meaningful relationships with any (cancers) that I’ve met though I’ve been trying to emulate characteristics of this sign (12h as repressed tendencies). Note: I unfortunately have no water placements to help me out what so ever lol. Thanks for your help, your blog is absolute gold ✨✨✨
12th House and Hidden Enemies
Since the 12th house is ruled by Neptune, this is the place in our chart where things can be difficult to ascertain. Things are murky and veiled here. Not only can you be unaware of where people are causing trouble for you but there can also be a weird “vibe” that something is not right with something or someone but one may not be readily able to make it out. In the natal chart, synastry, or composite this can display itself as mentioned above. Things can get triggered here in ways you are not altogether comfortable with. And of course, because like the 8th house, things can be deeply buried or repressed. For more insight lets look further:
Aries/Mars in the 12th
Hidden or unconscious foes can often attack a native’s go sense of self. This is because Aries/Mars rules the 1st house of self. “I AM”. Often a native with this placement may wind up feeling victimized without being able to put their finger on the source if said feeling. An astrologer/native will want to observe one’s Mars placement and the contacts it is making to other planets in the natal horoscope or in synastry/composite [Mid-point or Davison]. Ex: Mars in the 1st can indicate conflict to the self. Mars in the 7th can indicate complexity with enemies being close relationships. One can have issues with authority figures or those in leadership. Hidden enemies can be competitors or they may feel anyone who triggers these planets is a rival they need to “beat”. People who trigger “lust” or “Sexual urges” in a native may be perceived as a nemesis. In addition, rivals/enemies might display aggression, antagonism, self-serving habits, and impulsivity. Watch out for those who display toxicity in the form of domination or those who overall try to silence or step on your drive. These people can be ruthless, cruel, “bullies” or simply those who charge in a shoot first/ask questions later. 
Taurus/Venus in the 12th 
Enemies are involved with 2nd house realm of “possessions”. Things we get territorial over. This includes finances and things we appreciate. Enemies may accuse the native of stealing/taking something precious from them. Things they value. Be on guard for those who encourage over-indulgence, general excess, and materialism. Someone who once wore the mask of a friend may turn foe due to being envious of the things a native owns. The things a native has or their wealth. Venusian placements can indicate the type of relationship a native has with their enemy. Ex: Venus in the 4th may indicate secretly toxic family members. Venus in the 11th= friends or those in their general social network. Venus in the 5th, casual lovers, etc. Fixed tendencies or feelings can exist in the underlying relationship between secret enemies. Be on the lookout for undoing in the physical/material realm. This includes thievery, hoarding, over-spending, or living beyond practical means.  Undoing can come from going after comfort and security in toxic or co-dependent ways. Lovers or those who provide wealth and security may become enemies by withholding it from a native or trying to gain control over it behind the native’s back.
Gemini/Mercury in the 12th 
Secret enemies can come in many forms. Generally, this will be in the realm of communication, ideals, or intellect. The interactions may be formidable and stem from communicative interactions or opposing views. A  secret enemy will often challenge the native’s wits or will simply strive to appear more intelligent than them. Superficiality, fakeness, disingenuousness, and two-faced behavior are common threads. Undoing can display itself as blockages to learning, gaining insights, and general discouragement of focus that can make the native grow. An enemy will, in layman’s terms, try to make you look stupid. Insult your mind. Make you lose focus. Mercury aspects and placements can reveal more. Ex: Mercury in the 11th can indicate surface level bonds with peers and communication that is not honest. Friends may lie. Mercury in the 9th possibly indicating enemies who may try to manipulate beliefs or manipulation in regard to teaching and religion. Secret enemies will reveal themselves in their communication methods with the natives. Through dialogue. Enemies here can use sarcasm, cowardly subs, insults veiled through “back-handed compliments”, passive aggression, insult you subliminally so you don’t realize you were attacked or insulted until after-the-fact. Slander, libel, or general shit talking. Think of Regina George:  “OMG I love your skirt!” only to turn around and say “That is the fugliest effing skirt I’ve ever seen”.  with the 3rd house involved, siblings and extended family could be culprits or part of the problem.  A toxic person may try to attack your intellectual confidence. Unethical approaches involved with words and general attacks of the mind. These people may intentionally cause confusion or gaslighting. Watch out for people you perceive to be liars. Therein lies the foe.
Cancer/Moon in the 12th
Veiled Nemesis’ are often difficult to feel. Things will be subtle. Their tactics or vibes will often display themselves in the form of manipulation, passive aggression, or a general “toying with the feelings”. Since the moon/Cancer often represents the “mother”, toxicity from a parent or child may be an issue or the culprit. A native will often feel their sense of security or safety being “attacked”. Enemies will attach their healing methods and/or emotional confidence. The placement of the Moon can indicate where emotional damage typically goes on. Ex: Moon in the 10th can indicate attacks to the public person or prestige or even the career. Coddling, not being able to let go, clinginess and overprotection are general themes. Perhaps a parent or guardian, lover, or close friend is incessantly over-protective that it causes a stunt to general emotional and mental growth. Again, it may be hard to see since it is the moon that can be a mysterious place as is the 12th house. The channel that one discovers said enemy will typically be through intuition and even dreams. Remember, through said over-protection and general fear of letting go can lead to the native’s undoing. We often see the toxic side of femininity with this placement. Mom, Grandma, sister, great grandmother, etc can be involved in the problem here. Child-abuse, using the child as a pawn during custody battles, emotional manipulation in order to get what the enemy wants can be what causes the nemesis theme. A hidden enemy may cloak themselves as “just wanting the best for you” or “I do it because I love you and care.” The enemy may not be able to let go.
Leo/Sun in the 12th
Foes will strive to exert their and dominance over a native. This will display itself as the spirit of competitiveness, bullying, domination, bossiness, arrogance, etc. Think leonine traits at their worst. Leo in the 12th will do this behind the scenes with power plays. How they can lord things over a native. The father could be a culprit in this or the father could be part of the issue. Daddy issue [regardless of sex]. Internalized misogyny. The Sun’s placement can reveal more. Sun in the 3rd will try to influence the mind or dominate the intellect. Sun in the 6th indicates a coworker or boss or one may feel/be overshadowed at work. The battle will always be involved with the core ego or one’s sense of self. A hidden enemy will try to greatly influence this person in this realm. A hidden nemesis will try to act like the dominant parental figure or act as if they are giving good sage-like guidance or person. They will try to act like the authority figure. This person will drain the native’s energy stores. The definition of an energy vampire. Why? because even as humans, we get our energy from the Sun. We are heliocentric. One can often feel drained energetically after dealing with such an individual. This will reveal to you “who” the enemy is. In addition, we can see more themes of toxic masculinity here just like Mars in the 12th. Moreover, the enemy may not be another person but the own native’s hubris. They need to take care not to allow their ego to run roughshod over them. Pride comes before the fall.
Virgo/Mercury in the 12th 
Secret enemies with this placement will often reveal themselves by criticism. More specifically, criticism about things a native is very insecure about. The critiquing will be neither healthy nor remotely helpful. It will scar instead fo heal. Hidden foes will wear the mask of the “caretaker” or “healer”.  Their behavior will simply be a means to an end. The native will often find themselves internalizing the criticism which is exactly what their enemy wants. The words the foe spouts will be sort of like Simon Cowell’s analytical stance. Harsh but not in a way that builds. One may often find the enemy saying things like “that’s just my opinion.” they will veil it under the mask of “honesty” when in reality it is just shit-talking for shit-talking’s sake. These people don’t really care, they just like to take people down a peg. Be on the lookout for those who display “Munchhausen by proxy syndrome” towards you. The caregiver who secretly injures by tries to gaslight and cover it up under the guise of “love”.
Libra/Venus in the 12th 
Like Taurus in the 12th, similar issues will display themselves through relationships. The ones closest to us. Your hidden foes may hide under the mask of “friend”. They are nearer than you are probably comfortable with. Look for those who are near and dear. Now, will all your teammates, family ties or friends be enemies? No. But you’ll want to be careful who you let into your circle with said placement. Best friends turn to enemies. The ones who hate on you when something good happens. The friends who link with you through trauma bonds but when you successfully break that tie, they are angry at every “win” you have. These people will be the ones who don’t clap when you win. The people who say they are “there for you” but stab you in the back.  They’ll secretly compete with you. Those who thrive and gloat when you are down and out. Enemies in this house will threaten your harmony and balance somehow. They will not respond well to diplomacy or will mask their ill-intent through the mask of “sweetness” and “Friendliness”. You’ll feel a shallow vibe from them. They’ll say one thing but their energy screams something else. Friends who are fair weather. Those who take advantage of a native’s attachment, or infatuation. A lover who ghosts or tries to make you co-dependent on them. An enemy or toxic person may actually lust or secretly desire you but manipulate you into thinking you are the one obsessed with them. There will be subtle mind games. They will enjoy toying with you. Delayed gratification or just manipulation. Think 5 of swords and 3 of cups paired.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 12th 
Paranoia resides here. Hidden foes will be quite underhanded and manipulative. Secrecy is seriously involved. People with this placement live by the mantra “expect anything from anyone, the devil was once an angel”. Betrayal, possessiveness, control and power themes, vengeance, and guilt are involved with enemies. Anyone who triggers these themes recurringly may be individuals to keep your distance from. People who trigger self-destructive tendencies are enemies to look out for. Moreover, a native can feel like they are their own worst enemy. Remember, a Scorpion is prone to stinging themselves. Enemies here are prone to trying to turn the native against themselves. This toxic behavior will be intentional. Toxicity will display itself through trauma bonds, possessiveness, gaslighting, manipulation, envy, or just general attempts at control and domination. Remember, the general theme here is “power and transformation.” Enemies are often those who boast a considerable amount of power [over the native or those who are powerful in general]. The danger in this placement? A native may feel a strong magnetic pull or obsessive fascination towards the enemy. This can appear in the natal, synastry, or composite chart. Watch out for the lover who seems to have a hold on you but you don’t know how or can’t seem to break it. They know what they're doing *sucks teeth*. Secret enemies desire to manipulate you or play the ventriloquist. Their goal is to see you be your own downfall. They’ll wade in the shadows, pouring gasoline on the fire of the flames of your self-destruction. Watch out for those who smirk while you’re going through a hard time. Or those who encourage you to do things you inwardly know aren’t good for you. Be on the look out for power-hungry individuals. Those who NEED to be worshipped. The types to lead “cult-like” followings and draw you in. This can often be displayed through seduction.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 12th
Hidden enemies/foes will be very fanatical and zealous. Enemies here lie in the realm of philosophies, teaching, higher learning, or religious beliefs. These enemies will be toxic gamblers. People who enable you or encourage self-indulgence, promiscuity, and general recklessness. They won’t ever warn you or ask you to heed caution. Ever. They’ll mislead you, tell you half-truths, or cherry-pick facts and figures to suit their own needs. They’ll make you think you’re getting the full picture but you won’t be. They’ll teach harmful beliefs, things that destroy faith in what is tangible or real. Make shit up to suit their own propaganda. It’s very similar to Neptune since both Jupiter and Neptune rule the spiritual. What they teach you may make you feel bogged down. They’ll use beliefs and doctrine to control. Their passion and zeal may make you feel as if what they are spouting is the end-all-be-all but it tends to be the opposite. Gloating and one-upmanship are themes as well. These hidden enemies will reveal themselves by questioning your beliefs or forcing you to believe theirs or causing dramatic scenes when you don’t conform or question theirs.  The nemesis might be a professor, guru, preacher, priest/priestess, or political leader. They’ll be exaggerators, quite preachy, and cloak their arrogance under another mask. Often it will be “confidence” but ultimately it’s bravado or self-absorption. They’ll be charismatic, yes, but they’ll attack your aspirations, idealism, talents, and dreams or simply try to tell you they’re not there or tell you you don’t really know yourself- they do. They’ll tell you they “know you better than you know yourself”.  Again the theme is “beliefs”. They will dissuade you from forming any thought process that doesn’t align with their own. They won’t encourage you to learn for yourself, cross reference, cite your own sources, or guide you to thinking for yourself. It will always have to be in the confines of what THEY believe for it to be seen as “appropriate”.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 12th
Hidden enemies or foes will often be a threat to growth. They’ll be restrictive. Threaten a native’s ambitions, reputation, prestige, groundedness/security. They may present themselves or even be authority figures. Power games are seen here. Guilt, repression, feelings of guilt, and/or general suppression of self-expression and drive. These individuals will be calculated. Very chess-like. Wealth or the legacy of a native and their possessions will be threatened or at risk when one has this placement. The enemy will display an austere persona. Could even be the father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc. Masculinity is involved here. Disappointment and criticism are extreme themes they’ll subject you to. This is how you’ll figure out who they are. They’ll be cold, want control, or be controlling. EXTREMELY negative. They’ll also be greedy or attempt to hold a native back from success, prosperity, or independence. Maturity will be inhibited. Opportunities thwarted. But they’ll mask it all under “wanting the best for you.”  The enemy could even be an individual's lack of exploration or their own self-repression. They could cause themselves to be too hard on themselves which could lead them into self-imposed depression. They must learn to be free. LIVE.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 12th
Hidden foes and/or enemies can be erratic. They’ll operate in a very unpredictable manner.  Their behavior will be exciting so it may be hard to recognize it at first. They may appear out of the blue. The nemesis might attack a native’s individuality and freedom. They may cause chaos and disruptions in your life. The enemy may not respect your individuality or differences and/or freedom. They’ll disapprove of the unique way of life your lead. [Look at Saturn as well as Uranus]. Your freedom will always be a threat to theirs and vice versa. Look out for those who seem “out there” and who try to coax you into avant-garde ways of doing things. It may not always be in your best interest. You could wind up with sudden breaks, accidents, unpredictable events because of them. They may cause disruptions to your security or cause so much confusion they can cause severe damage to your psyche [Uranus can also rule intelligence and mental dealings]. They’ll be recognizable as the “rebels”. They may not always be the types to intentionally wish you harm but may lead you to it. They’ll be, eccentrics, or anarchists and can lead you astray. Their agenda is to be agents of chaos. Think of the Joker from the Dark Knight. “Do I really look like a guy with a plan?” It will be hard to see. You may even be enthralled. Again this is the 12th house. Lots of instability here. The enemy could even be the individual's need for rebellion which can cause them to get themselves into trouble because they don’t see the threat or danger involved or they simply don’t care.
Pisces/Neptune in the 12th
Hidden foes may have may connections to karma. The feelings will be extremely felt through intuition and psychic insights. You’ll feel them but not really know where they’re coming from. Often there will be a “Nessus/Dejanira” theme going on. The victim and abuser. Often, the native will be the abused.  Strong Manipulation. The enemy will make you drink the “Kool-aid”. Their abuse often stems from their own hurt and trauma. They’ll claim they want to heal you or help you. Their “aid” will be cloaked under sympathy and love. Often it is an illusion. In reality, they’re wanting something. Being used can often be a theme. Themes of addiction or drug abuse can live here, too. Think of Bobby and Whitney or even Syd and Nancy. Enabling addictions are very prevalent. Now the enemy may not even be a person but addictions themselves can be the undoing or downfall. One with this placement must be careful in indulging in mind-altering substances. Alcoholism can be an issue as well. If it is an actual individual, the foe can play the martyr or cause you to sacrifice something precious to you. They can play off your insecurities or weakness and keep you emotionally dependent. They can toxic to your spirituality or try to influence your spirituality as well.
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Idolatry - Getou Suguru
I love aliens and someday I will fuck one
Content warnings: manipulation/blackmail
“Mayday, mayday! Mission control, please come in, this is astronaut Getou Suguru!” The red emergency lights were on, multiple different sirens were going off in the background and Getou had just lost the rest of his crew.
“Mission control, can you hear me?!” He slammed on the control panel, desperately flipping switches and trying to regain control of his failing aircraft. All his training back on Earth hadn’t prepared him for the possibility of a black hole opening up and sucking in half his ship, ripping it apart and taking it somewhere unknown.
“Please, please, please!” There were frantic tears and sweat dripping down Getous face as he tried to get the thrusters back online. His ship was in shambles, slipping further and further into the blackhole.
Looking up through the windshield, his view of space before him was slowly fading away and he felt an intense pull from behind him, almost as if he was being ripped apart himself as he and his ship were pulled into the blackhole.
Getou didn’t think he’d wake up after that. The world had gone completely black, all the oxygen yanked from his body and the cold vacuum of space compressed around him. Getou hadn’t expected to wake up on firm, solid ground. And much less surrounded by otherworldly creatures.
“Is it really him?” He wasn’t sure how he understood the things before him, their voices warbled and distorted, but he could. Getou could only watch with fuzzy edged vision as the creatures crowded around him and their features became clearer.
“It must be! Just look at his face!”
“He’s got the hair as well, and his skin is milky white like in the stories!”
“Our God has returned to us, what a joyous day this is!” Someone cried and Getou was lifted up from the ground and removed from the rubble that was his spaceship. Struggling to breathe, he was sure there were a few cracked ribs under his skin.
“Be gentle now, the journey from the heavens wasn’t kind on him.”
“To the temple, at once!”
Placed on a long gurney, Getou was transported to the temple in question. With his vision going in and out, he could just barely make out the bright blue trees and foreign animal sounds passing him by. The creatures that had lifted him up were now closer to be viewed and Getou could tell they weren’t of human origin.
“Oh, how we’ve waited for this day!” The heat of whatever jungle Getou was in had a light sheen of sweat gathering on his skin, but the warm air helped lull him into a more relaxed state, almost falling asleep despite the situation.
Carried up the steps of the temple, Getou barely came to when he was stripped and submerged into a pool of light green water, nearly scalding him and scented with what appeared to be rose petals floating around him.
“Call the shamans, we need to make sure everything is correct!” There was rustling around him, figures darting in and out of his half lidded gaze. Someone was lifting one of his arms to wash him, immediately letting go when he let out a pained groan.
“He needs medicine, quick!” In an instant something was being poured down Getous throat, an ice cold liquid that spread across his body and made a shiver go through him. There was a heavy silence in the air for a moment as he was observed, and all of a sudden, he felt better.
Sitting up a little straighter in the solid gold tub he could now see, Getou stayed silent as his body was washed. The creatures around him avoided eye contact, bowing their heads when he turned to look at them.
They were gentle, washing the dried blood off Getous face and combing through his hair with their long pointed nails. He’d never received such lavish treatment before, and as he relaxed further into the tub, a man dressed in robes not unlike the ones Getou owned back home came to the side of the tub with a heavy tome, reciting something in an unknown language over Getou.
He was lifted out of the tub and dried gently, dressed in a soft green robe like the man that had prayed over him, and escorted to another room. He could tell this was at the heart of the giant gray stone temple, a skylight and large windows high on the vaulted ceilings letting in plenty of natural light and illuminating the lavish scene in the middle of the room.
In the middle of the room atop a short flight of stairs, sat a golden, red tufted stool only a few feet up from the ground and surrounded by a multitude of pillows and ornate gold decorations. Several oriental rugs were draped across the floor, covering the cool limestone underfoot.
A thick mattress lay just behind the stool with semi-sheer curtains curtains concealing it and the many pillows and blankets atop it. Hundreds of candles were lit around the room as well, lighting up dark corners or simply for decoration around and atop the rugs and stool.
Able to walk on his own now, Getou slowly went up the steps with only a mild drag in his sore legs. Skimming his fingers across the seat of the stool, he walked past it and to the bed, pushing the curtains aside and melting into the squishy mattress.
Even though he couldn’t really keep track of the time, Getou was sure a week had passed since he’d crash landed on this mysterious planet. In that time, he filled in the blanks of what was going on around him.
He was being worshipped as a God, an altruistic being that had fallen from the heavens as foretold in the legends of the people that lived here. Apparently, he was one of many gods and goddesses that the planet believed in, and it just so happened that his sudden appearance aligned with a prophecy that he would arrive.
Not one to live in a lie, Getou had originally wanted to tell the truth once he was able to speak more properly. It wouldn’t be right for them to place such strong faith into him when he truly wasn’t what they wanted, but he found it harder and harder as time went on.
And that was because of the treatment he received. He was bathed everyday, fed delicious meals whenever he wanted and was showered in praise and admiration at every second. To say Getou was soaking up all the attention was an understatement; he was absolutely drowning in it.
“My Lord, may I approach?” It was midday, the sun beaming down through the ceiling directly onto Getou, warming him up and making him radiate with light. A temple worker he’s never seen before enters the room, head bowed and with a familiar set of objects in their hand.
“You may.” Getou quickly noticed the basin, towel and pitcher of water and sat up a little straighter in his stool. It was time for his midday foot bath. You made quick work of the steps and knelt down before him in a moment.
Getou watched as you silently poured the water, keeping your head bowed per usual. Craning his head up to the sky, Getou lazily studied the windows above him. There were no clouds in the sky on this planet, but it didn’t stop the sky from looking beautiful.
“You’re quite handsome, my Lord.” That comment had Getou’s head snapping back down and coming eye to eye with you. No one else had ever made eye contact with him, not even the shamans that spoke with him about sacred texts. The sudden change unnerved him, making him blush.
“I didn’t know you were allowed to look upon me in such a way.” Getou said, dipping his feet into the bath and relaxing his legs. “I am a God, after all. Wouldn’t a comment like that be considered blasphemous?” Regaining control over his suddenly rapid heartbeat, Getou still felt a light veil of heat across his face.
“It would be, if you really were a God in the first place.” Getou nearly choked on his spit as he heard the words come out of your mouth.
“E-excuse me?! I am a God!” His face erupted in a dark blush. This was bad, really bad. The smirk on your face told him all he needed to know; the jig was up, you saw right through him. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t still try and keep up the ruse.
“An arrival from the sky may have been foretold in the legends, but you are not what was promised to us.” Your words were quick and concise, an almost harsh tone underlying them. “It was my job to go through the rubble of the craft you arrived in, and I found quite a few things labeled from a planet called ‘Earth’.”
He and Gojo just had to have too much fun with the label maker, didn’t they?
“Earth is what us God's call the place we reside.” Clearing his throat, Getou tried to soothe his burning cheeks.
“Then why did I find this?” Digging into a hidden pocket within your robes, you pulled out a thick manuscript, personally typed and signed by Getou outlining his position within the team and the duties he’d fulfill while on the mission that ultimately brought him here.
The edges of the paper were all burnt and crispy, but most of the pages were still intact. Flipping through them, you showed him all the polaroid pictures that were stuffed inside of Getou in his space suit and at the control panels of the ship, and with Gojo and other crew members.
“I didn’t think a God would carry around so many papers about his job. I thought you just knew.” Tossing the manuscript to the floor, you sprinkled smelling salts into the water and grabbed onto one of Getou’s feet, raising it only slightly as you let him mull over the new information before him.
“So, I assume you’ll have me killed for lying, then?” There was a heavy pit sitting in his stomach, but Getou knew this day would come, it was only a matter of when.
“Kill you? Never!” Your sudden laugh gave him pause.
“Then what? What will happen to me now?”
“I intend to use this information to my advantage.”
“You want to use me to climb the ranks at the temple, don’t you?” Narrowing his eyes, Getou could already see the plan formulating behind your eyes.
“Precisely, my Lord. Over the course of a few months, I will become your most trusted advisor.” Letting go of his foot, your hand slid up Getou’s leg, your pointed nails scraping against his skin. “And before the anniversary of the sun’s return, I will be the highest shaman in the temple. Your right hand, if you may.”
As you spoke, your hand went higher and higher, skimming the edges of his long silken robe and going under it, cupping his knee for a moment before stopping midthigh. If anyone walked in right now, what would they say to the scene in front of them?
“What’s in it for me?” Getou shuddered as your nails dragged lightly along his skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake that had his senses tingling. You flashed him a smile, one full of rows of shiny black teeth.
“Why, you get to remain the all powerful God of this land, bestowing wisdom upon the subjects that worship you.” Sidling up to Getous legs, you fully pushed apart his robes to reveal his soft cock. “And…”
“And?” Getou pressed as you trailed off, subtly opening his legs as much as he could with his feet still in the basin. You chuckled at him, hand grabbing gently onto the base of his cock. Getou had come to learn that the creatures on this planet were often colder than he was, and your lukewarm hand was a testament to that.
“And I’ll keep you nice and happy.” Brazenly leaning over his lap, you sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth, your long tongue lapping out and wrapping around him, the tip going all the way down to his balls.
“Ah!” The unexpected pleasure shooting up his spine made Getou curl inward, knocking over the basin and spilling water onto the rugs. His hand shot out to grasp the back of your head, urgently trying to ground himself as his mind turned to mush.
“Don’t worry about the mess, my Lord. I’ll clean it up.” Pulling off his cock, you licked your lips and looked over your shoulders.
“You- what’s your name?” Getou panted, his legs already starting to tremble.
“(Y/N), my Lord.” You grinned, beginning to slowly jerk off his cock.
“(Y/N).” He tested the name on his tongue but he couldn’t speak any further as you thumbed the tip of his cock.
“But you don’t need to worry yourself about that now.” Now that his feet were free, you could slide in between Getou’s legs and get to his cock easier. “Right now, it’s all about you.”
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greengrungeemo · 3 years
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“I accept what Rena did. I accept that she had no choice other than to do this, and that this was her last resort after thinking it through many times. So... I’m going to side with her..! If she’s guilty of anything, she’s only guilty for not talking to us about it beforehand. But I forgive her for that too! I forgive her for coming to this point!!! So!! I beg you all! Please forgive me for not noticing Rena’s situation and for letting her go through it alone.” - Keiichi Maebara, Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.6 Tsumihoroboshi.
This was the most difficult part to get through in the entire series for me. You know, for such a brash and bold guy, Keiichi has a whole hidden layer of maturity and empathy built in him. Reading through all of this, you can feel the regret, the sorrow, the shame, the pain, the despondence, the longing for forgiveness and happier days... You feel that in each character.
More importantly, you can especially feel the empathy that friendships should always have! They all affirm feeling ashamed and truly put themselves in each other’s shoes. Standing in a circle and holding each other was symbolic in that they were putting all of their emotions in one big cross to carry, and feeling through the emotions together as friends. How powerful is that?! They all cried because they genuinely felt what the others were feeling. As Keiichi stated himself, “So now, we finally became true friends!!” after reminding Rena the importance of communication for things like this. It would be the trial to test their friendship and transcend them into the closest friends in the whole world. Rena believes that friends should exist to help each other, and in this failure to help her, they pledge to stand by her now and forever. It’s the sweetest and most heartfelt scene in any series I’ve experienced.
I think this is the attitude that the world needs.
Genuine understanding. Taking the “love thy neighbor” law of life to a sincere and supportive way. A real, caring connection.
“B-but Rena ******** someone! That’s the biggest sin there is! She’s evil and she doesn’t deserve forgiveness!”
If anyone has that thought process, you missed the point of the story. The whole point is that there exists not bad people in this world, only bad choices. Sin is something to be overcome, not an energy to be absorbed in you forever. Earnest effort, and asking for this forgiveness is the key to escape the cage. As depicted in this chapter, Rena suffers through so much. Family divide, betrayal, paranoia, trust issues, delusions, self-doubt, depression, and more. There are factors at play, and these skew and cloud one’s mental awareness and acuity to an egregious degree. This choice was not consciously made by her, meaning that the sinful act psychologically infiltrated beyond rational thought or morality. Therefore, the act itself wasn’t performed by “Rena”, since what consists of “Rena” is all of the traits, morals, beliefs, and characteristics we already know and love. You are your consciousness. If you’re not conscious, you’re not experiencing, if you’re not experiencing, you’re not living, and if you’re not living, you’re not there as yourself. Please note there’s also a clear difference between “being alive” (biologically) and living (actually experiencing life as you). It’s difficult to explain, but as soon as you encountered any form of mental trauma, you’ll understand it precisely as it is. You’ll feel like what previously happened was another reality, or even an entirely separate existence. Since the experience did happen, she is still responsible for the crime, of course. Though, this doesn’t inherently mean her entire being is “evil”, only the act itself - given the circumstances. You may feel stained from it, but that’s only your inner moral compass doing its job (the “superego” in psychoanalytic theory).
The second point of the story is forgiveness, even the highest severity of sin. I know hands down that if I had a friend like Rena, and this exact scenario happened, I would stand by her in a heartbeat. Easier said than done, right? Well, that’s where the empathy comes in. If you sincerely love someone who you know suffered through a lot mentally, who committed a wrongdoing or sin, you’ll still see the goodness in them - since you loved them for a good reason to begin with! That is to say, that goodness may still dissipate if they don’t care about harming others or feel any remorse or regret, that’s when it’s then the right call to get away from them. Rena has enough goodness in her to go beyond her sin, and it’s clear she was trapped into a corner with no way out. She can atone and redeem herself, it’s possible - especially with the love and support of friends.
Those two points are what the Higurashi crew understood immediately, and that’s why they all chose to forgive each other and support one another through this dreadful event. They even recognized their own wrongdoings and self-reflected at that moment! The majority of people would point fingers, vilify, and condemn Rena immediately in the real world. It takes a massive amount of awareness and maturity to do what Keiichi, Rika, Mion, and Satoko did, and even some self-sacrifice, since the burden would infect them as well, but they all knew Rena was well-worth it, and that’s why they are all the best, most ideal friends.
You know, long ago there was a scene in Code Vein with a cute “friendship always wins and we can get through anything together” message between the characters... Back then, when I was in an evil and darkened fog, I scoffed at it. Crazy right? Who would laugh at such a sweet and sincere message? My friend at the time defended it and its importance, and clearly, I was a fool at failing to see its underlying value... I now love scenarios like those whenever I encounter them, and that sort of attitude is among the most prized things you can ever possess in your life.
If I was who I am now all those years ago and beyond, everything would be different. Just as if Rena was who she is at that moment in the story, she would not have committed such a sin, especially after knowing her friends would stand by her.
Overall, this is my favorite scene in the entire series so far. After experiencing it, I’m committing to be as forgiving and as good of a friend as they are. I’ll stand by you through thick and thin, and we’ll get through anything and everything together. Fervently, I’ll carry everyone in my heart as I go. As simply put as that.
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eisforeidolon · 3 years
At first, I thought that maybe the confession scene was romantic, but now after having watched some interviews with J2 it just seems like Misha said it was romantic to get attention. On rewatch, I also noticed that Cas is not really written as being in love with Dean in s15, even the Bobo episodes don't really feel that way. The writers seemed to write them as friends who don't get a long very well in season 15.
I think that's one of the fundamental underlying issues with a romantic interpretation - there is zero actual buildup in the canon to justify it.
The shippers who argue that there is? Are basing that not on anything which demonstrably happened in the show, but on their own years-in-the-making collection of very elaborate speculative reinterpretations of cherry-picked scenes pointedly removed from their context. In the cases where the interpretations aren't absurd on their face when you put them back in their original context? In the cases where it's not just regurgitating toxic masculinity and gross homophobic stereotypes as proof of sexuality and sexual interest? In the cases where there's even any there there to interpret beyond ascribing hidden meaning to actors making eye contact in a dramatic moment or characters who are frequently absent continuing to be frequently absent? It's still just one possible interpretation of many, where there is usually at least one that fits the established characters and ongoing story much more obviously than some kind of deeply (Earth's mantle subterranean deeply) hidden romance. Yet they present the whole mountain of questionable self-made scribbles as if it's some clear, indisputable storyline intentionally added by the writers - it's the real focus of Supernatural!
Which it's clearly not to anyone just watching the canon without a predetermined agenda. Even in season 15, when Misha and Berens had apparently already decided from the start to end on that confession? Dean and Cas mostly just fight about Jack. That's not fighting like an old married couple, that's just fighting. There's nothing inherently romantic to it.
Which it's clearly not to anyone who has listened to all of the people who aren't Misha who have very clearly said it's not over the years - Jensen, Jared, Bob Singer, etc. Hell, even Castiel's Spanish voice actor didn't see that scene as romantic because of the entire context of their previous relationship as brothers-in-arms.
My opinion on the scene has remained pretty steady. I think the intention from Misha and Bobo the Clown was shippers would be able to see it as romantic while everyone else would read it as just another familial dying ILU from Castiel like the one in 12.12 because he is a weird, awkward non-human. Without knowing the context of the fandom containing all these "Here's my 15k essay on why the number of times Dean blinks in scene X of episode Y shows he's totes in love with Castiel!" fans, the only context for that scene is a relationship of over a decade that never had any canon romantic implications. The writers know there's a lot of different factions in the fandom including shippers, and this leaves room for all of them to headcanon whatever they want in terms of that relationship, so everybody'll be happy, right?
The obvious problem with that being you'd have to be an absolutely monumental fucking idiot to not realize by season fifteen that throwing the destihellers a bone was tantamount to inviting them to gnaw your whole damn leg off and keep going. They built their own storyline up in their heads and anything short of the ending of the show focusing on their ship and validating that it was the real central story all along wasn't going to be good enough. They didn't want their ship to be possible, they wanted their ship to be undeniable: they wanted to win. Writing in such a way as to make a romantic interpretation possible in a half-assed ambiguous way was just enough validation mixed with insecurity to encourage them to keep acting like ridiculous entitled assholes calling everyone who doesn't agree with their One True Romantic Interpretation homophobic. I've said this before, but I still mean it: I hope Berens unexpectedly steps on Legos in the dark on a regular basis for the rest of his life.
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