#this person made a super pretty necklace and posted about it
theworstcreature · 1 month
If there is a heaven, then I can assure you that every adult or older person in a fandom or online community who is kind, supportive, friendly, and helpful to teens and younger members WITHOUT being weird about it is going to be there
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
A New Beginning #10: Needs To Know
Content: Multiple caretakers, non-human whumpee, human caretaker(s), [mentioned/implied] non-con, photographed without consent, [implied] PTSD/trauma, [mentioned] starvation, recovery.
“It’s finally open!”
Adam laughed, tagging along behind Ryker as he excitedly pulled him towards the new toy store that had finally opened about a week ago. From what they’d been able to make out online, it had a lot of fidget/stim toys and Ryker was more than ready to add to his collection, despite having virtually no space left for them.
He had to admit, it was a pretty little store. There was very little in terms of things he personally enjoyed, but Ryker was already headed straight for table with the fidget toys on them; practically bouncing the entire way. It was like watching a child find their way around a candy store.
“See anything you like?”
“Are you kidding? I want it all.” As soon as Adam stepped in closer to him, Ryker grabbed him by the hand and held on to it; biting his lower lip. “This was a terrible idea. Gonna walk outta here with nothing left in the bank account and a whole lotta toys.”
Adam rolled his eyes and reached out to grab the rope of a feather-shaped chew necklace. “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s all cheap. Grab what you want. I get paid tomorrow anyways. Do you think Carlos would enjoy something like this?” He held it out to him. “Might stop him from chewing on his sleeves so much.”
“Yeah, it might!” the taller one of the two chirped. Then he turned to look at Adam again, as if trying to get a sense of his tone. Adam found that sometimes he couldn’t tell, nor could he identify sarcasm or jokes when other people made them. It’d gotten worse over the past year or two, but he knew it’d always been there.
“Can I really get what I want?”
Adam shrugged. “Sure. Maybe try and keep it under twenty dollars, but I’m not gonna be mad if you go over. Besides, you’ll have heaps of new stuff to show Carlos when we get home.”
After excitedly fist-bumping the air, he dove right back into the toys; picking out every colour he liked and gawking over the amount of toys there were that he’d never even seen before. If it weren’t for the fact that he kept turning around and showing Adam everything he picked up, he could have sworn the guy had forgotten he was even there.
It must have been nearly forty five minutes of wandering the toy store and chatting to the worker before Ryker finally announced that he was ready. By then, he had both his hands full with toys and a sheepish grin on his face as he sidled up to the counter to pay for them.
“Carlos is gonna love these,” he said confidently, already placing each toy inside the bag as she scanned them. “Maybe I should make a communal area for my toys so he can use them, too?”
Adam raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? You’re usually super cagey about people touching them.”
“Yeah! I mean – usually I am, yeah, but this is Carlos. I trust him.” He shuffled back and forth on his feet for a moment, as if contemplating what to say next. “Plus… it’s kinda nice having someone around that understands the enjoyment of these kinds of things. I love you, but you’re kinda boring.”
“Me?” Adam sputtered. He could hear the woman behind the counter snickering. “Boring? I think not.”
Ryker leaned down to kiss his temple. “Of course not.”
After they’d finished paying, the two placed their stuff in the car and made a quick trip to the post office to pick up a package that had arrived several days ago. It was addressed to Ryker, who decided to open it before they headed home.
Despite not looking over at him, Adam could practically feel Ryker’s body stiffening the moment he read the note that was attached to the inside of the box.
“Who’s it from?”
“My dad,” he answered, voice lowering a little in volume as he placed the note down and slowly began to examine each of the things inside the box. There were several scrapbooks and dozens of loose photographs inside, all facing downwards. As soon as he flipped the first one over, Adam felt his stomach lurch.
Ryker’s balled up hands shook as he looked at each of the photos, one by one. Each of them involved Carlos, either restrained in some way or so beat up that he couldn’t have made it too far anyway. He had no clothes on in any of them, and there was blood splattered everywhere. All the photos seemed to have a similar theme. In some of them, he had a gag in his mouth. In others, it was a muzzle that clearly burned wherever it touched him. Despite the vampire’s inability to be affected by drugs, he looked as if he’d been given something.
Maybe it was just the lack of food.
Adam reached out to take Ryker’s hand into his own, slipping his fingers between his larger ones in an attempt to gain his attention. “I think we need to put them away.”  
 “Fucking monster.” Ryker put the now-crumpled photos back into the box and tossed it into the back seat. Adam could see his face getting redder and redder with every passing minute, and he wasn’t sure how to help. “How can anyone be that fucking cruel? I didn’t-“
He suddenly paused, as if trying to compose himself before he started talking again. Adam heard him suck in a breath before releasing it again; the hand that was in his never loosening.
“I knew he liked hurting him, but I had no idea about the photos he took of him when he did. Some of them look like they were taken recently. Like… a-week-before-I-picked-him-up recent. What am I supposed to tell him when we get home? ‘Hey, there’s a box in the back of my car with a heap of vulnerable photos of you in it’?”
“We’ll figure that out. Carlos isn’t expecting us home for another hour, so how about we buy some food and sit by the water for a while? Might help you to clear your head a bit before we head back.”
After a long pause, Adam felt Ryker lean his head on his shoulder and wordlessly nod; huffing slightly under his breath. “Do you feel like ice cream?”
Adam snorted. “Sure.”
Carlos was curled up on the couch with the animals when the humans finally arrived home almost an hour later.
“Good afternoon!” he chirped, a lazy smile on his face as he waved at them from under the quilt that was usually draped over the side of the couch. He made a brief attempt to crawl out from underneath the pets but the weight of them kept him grounded, so he was forced to greet them from afar. “Did you have a good time?”
“We most certainly did,” Adam answered on his way to the kitchen. “Ryker got a heap of new things for you both to use.”
The vampire immediately lit up and turned his attention back to Ryker, who offered a smile of his own the moment he saw that he was looking at him. “Really? Like what?”
“Do you remember when I showed you all the stress toys I have in my cupboard? Well, I found a new place that’s opened up that sells them, so I may have gone and bought a heap of stuff. Including this necklace,” he said as he reached into the bag. As soon as he handed it to him, Carlos took it and smiled; commenting on how pretty it is.
“You think so? Well, then it’s both aesthetically pleasing and useful. We got it for you to chew on. Thought it might help stop you from chewing on your sleeves so much.”
Carlos tilted his head. “Does it work?”
“Sure! Lots of people use them, especially those with anxiety. You don’t have to use it like that if you don’t want to, but we saw it and thought it might help you.”
Much to Ryker’s delight, Carlos seemed to love it. He slipped it around his neck and tucked it inside his shirt, admitting that he wanted to keep it clean while he cuddled with the animals. The rest of the toys were tucked safely away inside the cupboard that held all Ryker’s other things until he was able to find a communal area to put them in.
Ryker jumped the moment he heard Adam’s voice from the bedroom door. He sat up a little and glanced over at him, just to see him leaning against the doorframe with a hand on his hip.
“You gonna talk to him about those photos?”
Adam raised an eyebrow. “Why not?”
Slumping back against the headboard once more, Ryker pulled his favourite pillow close to his chest and continued to squeeze the pink stress ball in his hand. Though he tried his damn hardest not to let it show, he felt sick. Through all the years that he’d been alive, he’d never known that his father had evidence of the things he’d done. The implications of several photos within that pile weren’t lost on him either. He knew Carlos had been assaulted a lot over the years, both physically and sexually, but he hadn’t realised his own father had contributed to that.
“He doesn’t need to know about those photos,” the human muttered. “Not yet.”
“I think he does need to know-“
“Not yet,” he insisted, firmer this time. “I will tell him when I feel it’s right, but not right now. That fucker has hurt him enough.”
Adam was uncomfortably tentative as he sat down beside him on the bed and let one of his hands come to rest on his thigh. “How would you feel if someone did that to you?” he asked quietly. He no doubt felt Ryker stiffen irritably beside him the moment he asked. That was enough of an answer. “I know you’re doing your best, my love, but this – no matter how hard the conversation may be – is something he deserves to know.”
He was right. Deep down, Ryker knew he was right, though he hated to admit it. The idea of ruining the streak of good days Carlos had been having lately saddened him immensely.
But he was right.
“…I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”
Adam pressed his forehead into Ryker’s shoulder and squeezed his thigh. “Thank you. I’m proud of you.”
Ryker merely grunted in response.
Taglist: @alexkolax @emcscared-whumps @espresso-depresso-system @inkkswhumpandstuff @pigeonwhumps @pumpkin-spice-whump @roblingoblin285 @sacredwrath @stabby-nunchucks @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @trans-writes @whump-blog @whumpshaped @whumpycries @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question
(Ask to be added or taken off! The taglist is for the main story, along with any AUs, drabbles, etc.)
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bananadragonblog · 1 year
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Okay so I started writing down ideas as I was playing through the game and quickly realized there were gonna be too many to send as requests one by one. Plus I love everyone's writing I could never choose just one, so mass post it is! I wish I could write myself, but I only seem to have a knack for coming up with ideas and no way to put them into words.
I intended all of these to be Ominis x reader, but feel free to change them up if you'd like. They are also based off my own OC, but having them as reader-insert fics is fine so others can enjoy them (I personally have a hard time swapping out names for my own when reading fics). I'll be posting an infographic I made of my OC on my page as well if you do feel like using her [Link] (and I might just love you forever if you do) I'll likely add to the list when I get new ideas so check back often ❤️
Feel free to share as well, all I ask is that I get tagged in your work if you use one of my prompts ❤️
@darkwizardings @cafeacademia @fwooperfeathers @sebastianwallows @awkwardauthorwrites @gauntlysallows @gtgbabie0 @sammiesallow (Tagging you guys since its a lot and I know your requests are open ❤️)
(All can be gender neutral/low descriptions so everyone can enjoy the stories but I'll provide basics for my OC if needed/wanted; meant to follow along main story where reader is the MC)
(Small warning that I haven't really proofread or made any of these super pretty, they are just raw ideas I threw onto a notepad)
Personal Headcannons:
-Ominis' mother is still fairly loving (somewhat like the malfoy family)
- Ominis' blindness allows him to see light/dark and basic shapes, like someone with cataracts would see (the cloudy eyes already resemble this)
____________ Prompts ___________
Ominis visits home and his parents ask about the 5th year (they are pureblood from another well known family), the idea of arranging marriage gets thrown around
Reader bringing Ominis something from hogsmeade and Ominis doesnt know how to react to the kindness
reader/seb making "ominous" puns and Ominis being over it
Ominis noticing reader always leaving the castle/coming back hurt. Gives her a necklace/trinket/family heirloom to her for good luck so she stays safe
Ominis overhears reader talking to Sebastian and agreeing with Ominis about the dark arts being dangerous, confronts them later and thanks them
Reader warns Ominis of Sebastian's plan to visit the ruin to look for the relic. (hate that this isnt an option in the game, he literally asks us to do this 😭)
everyone trying to one up each other about the "adventures" they have gone on with reader, and everyone jesting that amits adventure of stargazing sounds more like a date, Ominis feels left out- maybe confronts reader and they plan an actual date? -OR- Ominis lies about having special "interactions" with reader (sfw) and reader hears the rumors
seb steals Ominis' wand while in hogsmeade, reader offers hers for him to be able to see even though Ominis is certain it won't work. Turns out to work but only if they are holding onto the wand together
defence against the dark arts class: a boggart is brought out and reader's fear is Sebastian/crucio curse (set after the sanctorium mission)
after seb and reader's fight in the undercroft (when he calls reader ignorant for knowing lodgok), reader runs off to the underground harbor to get away (its their safe space, where they can skip the rocks and listen to the water), while running there ominis passes reader but end up confronting seb about what happened before going to find reader
Ominis is self conscious about letting reader lead him around at times, so she makes sure to hold onto him so he still feels like the one leading
Reader telling Ominis about the ancient magic
Ominis and seb talking to reader about how the headmaster was acting strange- reader reveals it was actually them
Slytherin!reader having nightmares and sneaks to the boys dorms
after "in the shadow of the relic" and deciding to not turn in Sebastian, reader shows Ominis the room of requirement so they can have a space for just them (not ready to be around seb), introduces him to the phoenix
Aftermath of reader surviving the encounter with Rookwood, Ominis is concerned and refuses to leave the hospital wing for the night.
Hogwarts has a "parents" weekend and everyone is shocked that reader knows how to act all proper when the Gaunts introduce themselves
Reader has a tendency to not wear a jacket because they dont get cold easily
Ominis comforting reader after they fight ranrok and lose Fig
6th year- Ominis and reader pestering 1st years about mermaids
Reader and Ominis deciding what to do for the summer, reader offers to join him at his family's home
Reader overhears someone saying awful things about Ominis and how reader deserves better, but reader gets defensive and punches them?
Posted 03.29.2023
Edited 03.30.2023
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
The Howl cardigan is done!! Featuring my full Howl Pendragon cosplay
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[Image ID: the first image is of a hand made crop-top length patchwork cardigan. The front is made of light pink and purple checker with a yellow trim. The sleeves have a checker of pink and the second colour goes from light purple, to wine, to bright pink. The cuffs are cream and yellow.
The second picture is of the back of the cardigan. The back has a purple and blue checker, and the sleeves are the same.
The third picture is of a person wearing a jacket. They are pale skinned with long dark hair. they are also wearing a frilly white shirt, black trousers, black boots, gold rings, a blue neck lace, and have a pink star shaped necklace hanging form their waist. Their face is not visible. End ID]
Some close up pics of some of my favourite parts, goofy pics and general rambling below the cut.
The jacket weighs 330g (0.73 pound), and is made up of 92 squares each measuring 3.5 x 3.5 inches. It is Really Warm, but not very itchy (except for the wine in the sleeves because it's actual wool and not just plastic). It took me about six months to make in its entirety, but I did take several breaks so it probably wasn't that long. I think the most squares I made in a day was 8.
This was my first time making clothes (except for a wrist warmer which doesn't count because it was just an excuse to practice knit stitch) and I'm super proud of how it turned out. Anyway I'm pretty sure the yellow for the trim and cuffs is the same yarn I used in my very first project (the aforementioned wrist warmer) like ten years ago.
I'm not wearing a wig due to sensory issues and the fact I cannot style my own hair and you want to trust me with a wig??? Also I think my natural hair is Very Howl
I might make the body one or two rows longer but that's a quest for future me. I never want to see a 3.5 inch square again right now.
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[Image ID: a photo of the same person in the same outfit as above. They are are standing differently and the jacket ends higher on their body. The image cuts off at the knees. End ID]
I really like this picture. The vibe is right. But the jacket rode up and looks bad. Because the main point of this post is to show off the jacket it didn't feel right to use this as the main pic. But just know, This photo rocks imo.
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[Image ID: The first picture is of a little jar full of blue yarn scarps, with black yarn tied around the neck, and beads hanging from the black yarn. The second is of a blue bead hanging from an ear. The bead appears twice in the image due to the fact it is swinging. End ID]
A couple months ago one of my favourite bracelets exploded (as cheap bracelets are wont to do). So I reused the beads in other jewellery, for this project and in others.
The earrings are just beads on clear thread hooked over the ear, but what's cool is that every time you try to take a close-up picture of them, they swing so fast they show up in the picture twice.
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[Image ID: a brown stuffed alpaca with the pink and purple jacket hung over its shoulders and a pink star necklace around its neck. End ID]
Calcifer the alpaca has claimed his rightful crown. Also the pink star necklace represents Calcifer in this outfit
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[Image ID: Three close ups of squares from the cardigan. The first in a pink square with a darker pink swan embroidered onto it. The second is a purple square with an eye shaped pattern in the middle and a blue pupil. The third is a pink knitted square with large round bumps sticking out from it. End ID]
My favourite squares. The Na Daoine Maithe one in the sleeve, the Magnus Archives one on the back, and the bitch that gave me 14 heart attacks to only end up "okay looking". But it is Tactile so it gets a pass.
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cassynite · 1 year
From the OC asks: https://www.tumblr.com/cassynite/717612079978283008?source=share
FACE and STILLNESS for Vonzi! And FORMAL and INFORMAL for Sparrow!
Thanks so much Siren!!!
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
Vonzi is a very pretty woman! She's got a heart-shaped face with a strong angular jawline and pronounced cheekbones, a flat broad nose with a narrow bridge, and a full-lipped mouth. Her hair is (pre-game) caught up in long black twists and entwined with jewelry; during the game it is left in a loose afro. She has facial jewelry--a septum piercing, an eyebrow piercing, and multiple earrings, all in a bright silver.
Her most pronounced feature, and the one that people notice about her immediately, are her eyes--large and turned up at the corners, with her galaxy-star irises betraying her patron's favor.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Vonzi's stillness is very relaxed--she's not really a stiff person in general. She's usually lounging, leaning against something, when she isn't moving. She's not super fidgety, but if she's sitting straighter then she's starting to get uncomfortable.
As for tics, she's a leg shaker when she's excited. Also, when she watching/hearing someone say or do something she considers stupid, she has a tendency to rest her chin on the top of her hand, near her wrist--she doesn't use or gesture with her hands very much for obvious reasons, so the gesture is a big tell that she's finding them funny.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Ooooooh fun question! Pre-game, "formal" meant "being Evaethi", so it meant high necked dresses with sharp, stiff lines, in red, gray-purple, and black, and heels. She'd wear her hair scraped back and would often wear makeup as well.
During the Crusade, formal would be war-related events--probably just big moments in the war like the post-Iz speech--so it means ceremonial armor that she'd never wear in actual battle. Her hair is down, the armor is shiny, and her wings out.
Post-game, Sparrow's formalwear are dresses made in sleek lines, bold warm colors, and bright geometric patterns. She'll wear jewelry in her hair, on her neck, ears, and fingers--always seen is her key necklace and her wedding ring. Her hair is usually in elaborate coiffures.
I'm not totally sure what exactly these dresses look like because I have a hard time pinning down what typical Mendevian nobility style is (their inspirations seem to be coming from all kinds of time periods, and I imagine that while Sparrow's clothing styles are a little out of the mainstream the style's eccentricity is mainly in the color and not the cut) but in an ideal world she's wearing shit like this but in reds and oranges as the primary color with maybe blue as the secondary instead:
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informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Similar to her day-to-day, I imagine she likes simple tunics tucked in trousers or skirts and plain walking boots. I also imagine she gets a collection of day dresses that she likes to wear post-game--long-skirted, with wide necks and puffed sleeves that come in at the cuffs, stuff that looks easy and comfortable. Minimal jewelry, her hair down or back in simple updos.
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schoolbusgraveyard · 2 years
omg.. imagine the group having sleepovers or road trips.. taylor and logan making everyone friendship bracelets.. aiden making everyone wear matching halloween costumes(maybe aiden, ashlyn, and tyler as angels and ben, logan, and taylor as devils)..
pls just give me your heascanons on if they do anything together other then trying(and failing)not to get murdered every night
YES YES actually I started working on a fanfic where they were all having a sleepover/had it in my drafts for MONTHS and I was super happy w it, but I really need to go back over it/redo it tbh and then, y’know, actually post it somewhere. But ohhh my goddd oh my god all of the normal friendgroup stuff they could be doing............. adorable...... Esp the friendship bracelets made by Logan and Taylor tho, that just has my HEART.
I’ll use a few of your things for some of the headcanons, too, hope that’s okay! ^^
This is probably gonna get Really long
Okay so on the friendship bracelet note. Not really something they do, but when Tay and Logan hand them out, Ashlyn’s not really. Sure how she feels about it at first. She fidgets with it constantly, and literally only takes it off when she’s about to shower (or if it’s going to hurt her while she stretches) or get in a pool or something. She ends up fidgeting with it when she’s uncertain or thinking something over; it helps keep her grounded and also lets her do something with her hands.
Aiden is actually. Really careful with his. Like, scarily careful. If he’s about to do something where he’s worried that it’ll get broken or lost, he’ll actively put it on a lanyard or necklace under his shirt, in his bag--he’ll just take a single second to make sure it’s tucked away nice and safe somewhere before absolutely going off with whatever he’s gonna do.
God so the roadtrips thing; I feel like if they could drive (I know that the original Aiden could drive, and I’m not sure about anyone else’s skills atm) and had a vehicle they were allowed to use consistently, and the circumstances were... Different (aka not near-death every night), Aiden would pester the hell out of everyone to go with him on a long out-of-state trip. He and Ben would cover all of the expenses, and they could all just. Drive. Aiden, to me, seems like the kind of person who would just want to go, no real destination, no real place to be, just... Go.
Tyler kinda gives me the vibe of a guy that would just really enjoy just laying on the hood/roof of a car and staring up at the sky. He’d just get a kind of a “it’s calm and quiet and I don’t have to worry about anything right now” feeling?
On the note of sleepovers, I feel like the best place for it would probably be Ashlyn’s. Not inherently because of the graveyard, but where she has the murphy bed--they could all just spread blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows out across the floor and it wouldn’t be an issue, Mike/Emma would be constantly making snacks (they were being overdramatic and joking about ~pressing a cup against her door at like 3am to hear what she/her friends were talking about~ as well as sleepovers anyway) and checking on them, they’d be able to vote on a movie...
I feel like Aiden would immediately throw down like six horror movie DVDs that he brought preemptively, and half the group (specifically Ben, Logan, and Tyler would all just stare like “why? why would you want to do this? literally in an hour we’re going to pass out and see actual monsters and you want to watch a 45min ghost movie? and then after you want to watch another one?” to which he just responds with, “lol, yeah? perfect timing”). Taylor is kind of on the fence on it--I feel like she’d kinda lean away from a lot of ~haunted~ stuff after coming face to face with phantoms, but she still wants to try because, c’mon, they’ve all seen worse? they’ve lived through worse. how bad can one little horror movie be?
(Pretty bad, she probably ends up freaking out and clinging to either Ashlyn or Ben/hiding her face in one of their arms/etc. like, 2/3rds of the way through it if they even make it that far; Ben Cannot stomach horror stuff to save his life)
Aiden’s generally snuggly and physically affectionate (with a very weak understanding of boundaries) with everyone around him anyway--he would probably also be taking turns leaning against everyone, flopping down across them, or just kicking his legs up across theirs if they were all just sprawled out on the bed.
Taylor? Thrives off of this. As soon as he bumps his shoulder against hers, she’s immediately pulling him into a hug. Logan’s also pretty okay with this (and actually welcomes it! he’s just a little embarrassed), but he’s a little more reserved and withheld about it.
Ashlyn’s a little hesitant about it at first--moreso than Logan--but gets a little more comfortable after a little bit of the physical contact. She actually likes sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with Aiden on her own terms.
Not relevant to the sleepover bit, but 3am Walmart trips. Aiden’s idea, mostly everyone was ready to go along with it. Logan was a little hesitant at first, but after getting into a Walmart at 3am and seeing how quiet and peaceful/not crowded it was, he was like “oh. oh no, this is perfect, actually.”
Goofing off in the toy aisle, seeing the absolutely weird shit that goes on in Walmart at 3am, getting the Specific Sensory Experience of a late-night walmart?
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pointedly-foolish · 1 year
tell me about your OC an GO!
helppppppppppp when you just ask me like this ,, i suddenly forget everything i know about my own prefect....
well..... first of, shameless plug: i made a sideblog where i post more stuff ("lore") about my prefect (and rb art/fics from other ppl). for now i just have the profile done but one of these days i plan on making like a post on relationships, backgrounds etc mayb even fake card illustrations n voicelines 😳😳
well... what is there to say about him? he's pretty "plain". i guess i can give you a lil peep behind the curtains?
to distinguish yuu from other prefects or even the canon (in-game) mc in conversation, i call him yuu stranger, in reference to the stranger (entity) from the magnus archive.
because yuu, despite being super unremarkable and indistinguishable in a crowd, is a little freak that induces the sense of uncanny valley in ppl from twst.
stranger is not his surname (although the mistake is easy to make when you see "yuu stranger" out of context).
it's only later that i started called him yuu h., with h. being the initial of his surname.
yuu h. is an alias.
saw a theory going around, though i didn't save it so i can't really attribute it to a person, but it mentions something about mc having an ancestor who came from twisted wonderland. so it gave me an idea for my own prefect.
not sure if it's something i'll stick with, but i had a thought of yuu having some great-great-great-etc-grandparent who's from twst who got isekai'd to the real world (?).
because of this, yuu has situs inversus (his organs are positioned in a mirror image of normal human anatomy (they're inverted)).
but after arriving in twst, his organs are the right way around like everyone else.
he inherited an old shell necklace from his family, which used to belong to the ancestor who was from twst. you could hear the crashing of waves from it, but since coming to twst, the shell started playing soft music.
i toy with the idea that the yuu-ancestor (magicless human from the great 7 era) was romantically involved with a mermaid (back when it was deeply taboo and animosity between the species was high).
wouldn't it be great angst to imagine the yuu-ancestor was suddenly isekai'd, and that mermaid sat by their secret meeting place waiting for them forever?
also, trivia from the aforementioned profile bcause idk what else to say wwwww
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anyway ! thanks for asking hahaa it was nice getting to ramble about my oc 😂
(i kinda want to reblog oc ask games on my blog but hngggg convinced it'll flop bcause 😂 i don't nearly have enough clout to have ppl start being interested in my oc wwww)
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mymumisasquid · 1 year
Miss Ellen Fleur Bos
Ellen is a minor OC from my in-the-works fan fiction (Untitled).
A teacher from the Netherlands, Princess Yvonne’s mother, and the late king’s final and “favourite” mistress.
Ellen Bos was a teacher born and raised in the Netherlands. Her father was a farmer and mother a housewife. She was the oldest of four children and the only girl.
She was known throughout the Netherlands and bordering countries for her intelligence and gentle but effective teaching methods. Many schools and nobles wanted her in their countries, and while she always accepted the requests, she wouldn’t stay longer than one or two years.
While tutoring Prince Keith in Jade, she received an invitation from the king of Rhodolite to teach his sons. She accepted and went there. The king found her very attractive, and he pursued her. However, Ellen was a stubborn woman who enjoyed playing hard to get, and she had the man chasing her for over a year.
Eventually, Ellen gave into her desires. She became the king’s mistress, enjoying the fun of being “young” while she still could. However, she failed to realise that the king was not going to let her go, and she suddenly felt trapped.
When Ellen found out she was pregnant, she was worried. Thankfully, Rada, a noblewoman who was friends with the queen and had befriended her, was there to help, as well as some of the princes’ mothers.
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Note: Modern Statistics Below
Only about a quarter of Dutch people have dark brown or black hair, but around 61% have blue eyes, so her appearance wasn’t super uncommon. Her skin was fair like most Dutch people. Presuming Rhodolite has some Frenchiness to it (as the fandom has pretty much agreed), her eyes and skin would not be that uncommon.
She had a mole but no freckles.
Once again, Ellen’s dark and wavy hair (that Yvonne inherited) was quite rare in Rhodolite and seen as very beautiful. She wore it how the picture shows.
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A renaissance/medieval style of dress. White off the shoulder lace shirts that show off the bosom, corsets used as tops in generally floral patterns with light or semi-light colours, and long “wide” skirts in darker shades of the corset (she liked to match). Ellen enjoyed calmer colours and simple patterns as they fit into her light-hearted and kind spirit.
 The necklace around her neck was a locket containing a rose petal from the palace garden. The king gave it to her after they were walking in the gardens and she stopped to admire the softness of the rose petals.
She wore slip on or strapped thick heeled shoes. They vary in colour, although she had a favour for the light blue ones.
Ellen was a strong believer in her ideals, and while they didn't clash with the king's, they didn't quite fit like a two piece "puzzle. She was an independent and spirited woman who adored spreading her knowledge and love, but she didn't like making long term connections-they made her feel trapped.
Much like the late queen (Chevalier's mother), Ellen had fallen in love (or what she interpreted as love-because it wasn't TRUE love) with the king. While he didn't romantically love her back, he did hold a lot of affection for the woman.
Speaking of the late queen, they did not get along. The queen was used to her husband’s mistresses so she wasn’t outraged at Ellen—she hated her for a different reason. Ellen once threatened to take the queen’s place, and then she feigned innocence and used her favour so the king would take her side when the queen told him. While she had her issues with the princes and her own son, the queen was quite fond of Yvonne, and she was very disappointed in the treatment Ellen gave her.
She was good with children and adults alike, knowing how to switch modes well.
A lot of her personality is shown through her relationships which I will talk about in a different post.
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icharchivist · 8 months
which percival unit/ art makes you awooga the most?
we're including general arts that never made it into the game somehow but it still exists and it haunts me?
because it's this one for SURE
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i would pay actual money to have it in game but this has been relegated to an artbook and it drives me absolutely insane. everything about it is so perfect i can't believe they never did anything with that look except for some merch. Like what the fuck. Genuinely the most awoooohhjoiooooooo Percival art ever made.
and not especially on the art itself, but those are some of my favorite Percival's hair (alongside the one i just posted) and i'm forever sad nothing in game comes close
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like oh my god let him have different hairstyle i'm begging; and the first one in particular is genuinely driving me insane. I'm not sure i'm digging the FULL design of this art (not fan of the necklace and the shirt could be better) but the hair and face are some of the greatest.
Otherwise in term of Unit's arts i'm super simple about it and it's his summer EX.
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i know fans tend to be rather harsh on this art in general (they find it too fanservicy and prefer the scrapped concept arts) but to me personally, it works so fucking well on me. I mean. It's the art that got me into granblue. bc i saw a friend rt' it and i ended up asking her about Granblue because that guy looked hot as fuck. I'm always just aoooghhh in front of this art as a result.
Else i really, really like 1) the base art for his summer, 2) The Alt Art for his Grand, 3) the uncap of his light.
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so those are my AAWOOOHHOOHHHH moments thank you very much for asking and listening and now i'm going to cry over how pretty he is, thank u
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Get to Know Me- Sims Style
@treason-and-plot tagged me, thank you so much!!
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I honestly hate the deaths because everyone cries and it makes me really sad ):
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
So I had to google what this was because I am Old tm so... bearing in mind I don't play TS4, I think I have to say MaxisMatch? I'm not using a super powerful PC and I don't like my sims looking hyper realistic. That being said, I do use a LOT of cc hair because the textures and colour blending tends to be much better.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Nope! I take them as they come but may slim them down again with the gym when I can.
Do you move objects?
Yeah... I get frustrated when I can't put decorative objects in slots where there's very obviously space for them so I abuse it horribly.
Favourite Mod?
I mean I have a TON but tbh NRaas Story Progression was a total gamechanger back in the day and fixed the shitty EA Story Progression that still doesn't work.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
The Sims! I recently found the discs again, they came in a pack with my family's first computer (:
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing
What oh god oh fuck the CRISIS I had thinking about this. LIVe mode.
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
It's probably this bitch:
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Have you made a simself?
Nope! I actually have always felt really weird about them so I've never done it.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
The bright flaming red, I'm a sucker for redheads.
Favorite EA hair?
Pretty much anything that came with Island Paradise, those are the few I haven't swapped for default replacements.
Favorite life stage?
Teen! I feel like it's when their personalities really start coming out.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay; I do like building but I'm not amazing at it.
Are you a CC creator?
Yes! I'm very slow but I try.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Not at the moment but I'd love to make some!
Do you have any sims merch?
Not official; I have a plumbbob necklace and earrings from Etsy. Other than that, just hard copies of the games and the poster from the anniversary edition of Ambitions.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I don't think it really has tbh. I'm always trying to improve though.
What’s your origin id?
Oh god what even is that... looks like it's CeriseLaflamme.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Ooooh.... TheSweetSimmer for their excellent toddler and QOL mods! MaryJaneSims also does the best default hair replacements, too.
How long have you had simblr?
Uh, Stan's stuff only this year, but I've been posting on WordPress etc since 2012.
How do you edit your pictures?
The default image editor I have on my PC.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
All of them, tbh, they all have a special place in my heart. Maybe Seasons?
Tagging @hazely-sims, @hurricanesims, @sircesimblr. @starsweeperskies, and @faeriefrolic!
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Have you ever seen a fox in person? I have not.
Would you say you have a quiet mind or do you have a lot of thoughts? I dunno how to answer this...I feel like it’s always either one or the other. My mind can definitely race, but I can zone out quite often, too. I guess it depends on my disposition for the day. Heavier anxiety = busier thoughts.
When did you last do something brave? Earlier, I guess? I’m in Malaysia right now and I tried to venture out earlier all alone beyond the mall that we’ve been visiting the past two days...and doing that felt pretty brave. I circled back though once I realized there was nothing to discover anyway.
Have you ever seen a magician? Well, yes. Idk about other cultures but booking magicians is common in children’s birthday parties here, so I’ve seen my fair share of them.
What's something you remember from your childhood that you wish you could experience again? Falling asleep on any non-bed surface and being carried to your actual bed.
Do you believe in karma? Why or why not? I mean I don’t have a strong, spiritual dependency on it, but it’s always nice when people get their ass bitten back after they’ve been a horrible person.
Do you have a tiktok account? I do, but I rarely go on TikTok. Too Gen Z for my taste and I only keep the app for work purposes.
Do you prefer the scent or color of lavender? Scent.
Would you rather live in a castle or a cottage? I would pick the castle. I feel like previous versions of me would prefer the quietness of a cottage, but at this point in my life I feel like the silence would drive me crazy within the days.
What type of music do you listen to the least and why? Country and techno, if anything. They’re just not my type of music, especially country.
When did you last visit a library? I’m not sure. I was definitely in school, and it was before the pandemic...so anywhere around 2019 to super early 2020.
What's one of your favorite memories from staying up late? When I was active in the wrestling fandom 10 years ago, EVERYBOdy else was either from the US or UK; this meant I was the one who had to adjust for the most part to be able to keep up with the community and with news. That also meant stocking up and chugging cups of coffee from 10-11 PM to be able to be awake for my friends through the night...it was always worth it though. I was able to find an amazing group of friends at the time who waited til I got home from school (the same way I’d stay up for them) until the wrestlers that we stanned resigned/left WWE and we all kind of grew apart from there.
Have or would you ever wear a necklace with someone's initial on it? I don’t think I have, but it’s something I’m willing to do. Initials to me aren’t as bad as, like, a full name or self-portrait.
What last made you laugh out loud? I’m watching Run BTS while taking this.
Do you usually keep water by your bedside at night? I used to, but I grew out of the habit.
What's an interesting fact about yourself? I have not seen most Disney movies. Like I’m pretty sure the entirety of my Disney watch history has only been Pixar films; most else I haven’t seen.
What did you last heat up in a microwave? Some cheesy chicken dish my dad made a couple of weeks ago.
Would you consider yourself lucky? In very few aspects. It’s rarely a word I would use to describe my experiences. What kind of pizza did you eat last? The iconic cheese pizza from Habanero, which was worth every single hype post I ever saw talk about it. I still dream about that damned pizza to this day.
What kind of shampoo do you use? I use Dove usually, but currently I have a Palmolive bottle just because they have a BT21 collaboration and I wanted to try it hahahaha.
How many blue objects are in the room you're in? My luggage is blue.
Would you rather visit an art museum or an aquarium? Museum.
Do you prefer sweeter cereal over unsweetened? Sweeter.
If you could build a 5 artist/band lineup to your dream music festival.. which ones would you choose? BTS, Twice, Seventeen, Lee Youngji, Epik High. What's a habit you have broken or are currently trying to break? I’ve been trying not to stay up until 2-3 AM before a workday.
Have you ever volunteered at an animal shelter? I haven’t but that’s been on my mind for years now. I’ve just been too busy... :( Is there anything currently bothering you? Yeah...I’ve been on leave for like virtually two weeks now, and the amount of workload I’ve been leaving behind is stressful. This is on top of the fact that I have a new associate under me who’s been pretty clueless about what to do, so I’ve had to take portions of my leave to walk her hand through certain tasks; and then there’s also the anxiety of not being sure if she’s able to do the job right. Idk. It sucks. I’m in a sucky place mental-wise. I am extremely grateful for this leave and the two vacations I have taken (my first in seven years), but I also can’t wait for it to be OVER so I can finally be back on track and get rid of that exhausting catching-up feeling. How many stuffed animals do you have on your bed? Do the BT21 ones count as stuffed animals? I’ve got two - one Tata, one Koya.
How much is too much to spend on a pair of shoes? I would probably stop at anywhere over ₱30,000.
What's the strangest thing that you've ever seen someone collect? There are stranger collections I’m sure, but my mom likes to collect tissue papers from different establishments. They’re all unused ok so she’s not gross HAHA, but I think it’s both unique and endearing that she keeps a stash of tissues from like McDonald’s and Jollibee and Shakey’s and where-fucking-ever in the car.
Have you recently been to a concert? ARE YOU KIDDING. I went to see AGUST FUCKING D last Sunday in Bangkok. Bit of a nosebleed seat, but I COULD NOT CARE LESS. I was with Yoongi that night; and it was the one promise I made myself when I decided not to go the unaliving route when I discovered BTS two years ago. I sang and screamed and cheered like my life depended on it and between you and me I still feel like floating on air; I can’t believe my friends and I managed to make it happen.
Who did you last have a phone conversation with? Idk I don’t talk on the phone a lot.
What's the most dominant personality trait you have? I am sensitive.
Do you ever watch sports? Eh, just wrestling.
What's had the biggest impact on your day? The dude who hit on me while I was sitting at the park. That was a nice ego boost because nobody ever approaches me back in the Philippines LOL, but I wish it didn’t happen while I genuinely wanted to be alone. We don’t have any parks in the Philippines so I was Actually savoring my time there, so to that guy I shot down in record time, I’m sorry. Thank you for being nice about it though.
What's your least favorite cheese? I don’t think I’ve ever found a least favorite cheese. What did you last have as a snack? Some 7-Eleven sushi.
What's your favorite decoration in your place of residence? It’s more than just decoration, but seeing Kimi’s memorial box in the living room makes me smile every single day. I like that we have a way to keep him around.
Would you rather read a book or watch a movie? I’d pick the movie mostly because I am a lot pickier with books.
What's your plans for the upcoming week? Finish out my vacation here in Malaysia, then catch up on work starting Wednesday.
When did you last feel rushed? Last Sunday, after the concert. Bangkok concert culture is a bit different from Manila’s and security will clear out the inside and outside of the arena *as soon* as the artist walks off, so after Yoongi left the stage everything was pretty much a blur. We were being asked to leave every 10 seconds even though we were clearly rushing out, lol.
What was the last thing to scare you? I felt like some guy was following me earlier back at the mall, so I felt off and walked as briskly as I can.
Have you drank enough water today? Eh, probably not.
What's your top 3 favorite fruits? Avocado, and that’s it really.
What season do you think is the most comfortable? Neither.
What lie do you say the most? That I’m doing fine. It’s also the safest lie to go with so it’s whatever.
What website do you frequent often besides Bzoink? Twitter, YouTube, Facebook.
Do you have anything due soon? Nopes.
What did you last consume that you thought was nasty? I haven’t had anything bad in a while, actually!
What's a song you feel describes your mood most right now? Hectic by RM and Colde.
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sunstonespells · 1 year
an appreciation post for my partner, because i don't get to brag about him enough:
- he video calls me every day on his way home from work because he misses me and doesn't want to wait until he gets home to see me
- keeps our house clean and organized better than anyone i have ever lived with
- never wants me to help him carry the groceries in cause he doesn't want me to be uncomfortable
- indulges in my interests to the extreme, and buys me just about any sanrio or squishmallow treat i find
- always tells me not to rush or get hung up on prices (within reason) when we're shopping, combatting a lot of my guilt complexes
- plays my favorite board game with me even though it's a word game and he's not a words person
- watches musicals, reality shows, and documentaries with me even when they aren't in his wheelhouse
- will play games with my family without me if we go to visit them and i need to go rest, but always comes to check on me
- cooks dinner for the family from scratch multiple days a week
- will build furniture, re-arrange a room, spend hours decorating, and always completes a project. has endless patience while doing so and stays calm and not frustrated even when the process is super irritating or tedious
- says "we" did it when he accomplishes something, because i support him and hold things down at home so he always gives me credit when he does well
- does jigsaw puzzles and builds lego with me; he gets the star wars sets and i organize the pieces for him to build, and sometimes we take turns doing pages, and he buys me the botanical sets for holiday gifts
- takes care of all of the laundry, and he works retail so he folds everything perfectly
- left me fully in control of making decisions during my pregnancy, even though he already has two kids. he would tell me his experiences and things to consider, but empowered me pick every baby product and make every medical decision
- i've never heard him raise his voice except to yell "HEY" to break up the kids when they're arguing and getting loud, before bringing it back down
- talks every day about marrying me, our plans for the future and the quality of life he wants to give me and our family and what he's willing to do to get us there
- coordinates his outfits with me and the kids when we go anywhere, has matching shoes with me, lets me wear anything of his that i want, wears my necklaces
- will let me go off for hours about my special interests while he asks questions. he recently has been asking me about queer identities and lgbt history
- never judges me for my health issues (that i'm very self-conscious about) and tells me to relax and not be hard on myself when i'm not feeling well. he never gets mad at me for not doing enough or pushing myself and will pick up extra daddy duties around the house to let me rest
- regularly takes me on dates and makes sure we get grown up time to spend with other adults so i don't feel like i'm only a mom, and encourages me to make plans with my friends and visit my hometown while he's working
- is an active parent who is determined to give the kids experiences. we pretty consistently take them out to see family and friends, trampoline parks, ice skating, mini golfing, bowling, play zones, zoos, pools, parks, beaches, arcades, etc. even when he's fully exhausted
- helps me do my hair when i try to style it and i get frustrated cause i can't see the back and i don't know what i'm doing
- re-arranged half of the house to be able to make me plant shelves out on our apartment balcony so that i can start keeping plants again, and got me my dream plant (pink princess philodendron)
- will do arts and crafts projects with me and the kids, and will cook meals with me and the kids. he let me teach him how to bake and we all made cookies together
- let me paint his nails and color his hair, has gotten his nails done with me at a nail studio, and will pick my nail colors/shapes for me
- dramatically sings lewis capaldi with me in the shower and washes my hair and cleans my glasses
- has a great butt
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ginnyrules27 · 2 years
Recap of Paris trip!
(warning, long post a coming! May or may not contain multiple pictures lol! Apologies to my followers who may not care about the Back to the Musical World convention!) 
Alright! Well I’m back home in the US feeling more than slightly horrible because as luck would have it, of course I caught a cold. Thank Gods my job still does WFH and I’m off all next week for Thanksgiving but anyway, you all probably don’t want to hear me vent about that lol! 
Paris Trip recap time! 
Thursday: Thursday was my main travel to Paris day so mainly spent most of my time in the air. Got some nice shots of clouds, the country side and an attempted sunrise photo though lol 
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Friday: Finally arrived in Paris! Made the mistake of thinking I could walk to the convention center and got very much lost in Paris. Got some nice photos though (and eventually caught a cab to the convention center--Ginny, remember for next year: Uber is your friend). My hotel room was pretty nice too! :D 
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(That bathtub was evil! My first time climbing out of it, I slipped and landed straight down!) 
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(Do I know what that is? Nope! But it was pretty at night so I took a pic! :D) 
Saturday: Day one of the convention! I can’t tell you how much I wanted that rose that they were offering in the raffle but I had to fly home and something told me it wouldn’t end well. The Descendants fan in me loved the purple and green chairs (Mal’s colors!) and all the guests were super nice! Owen commented on the ring I had on my necklace (it was my HS class ring but it stopped fitting comfortably so I just found a necklace chain that didn’t have anything on it and converted it to a necklace) :D Vanessa was the sweetest person, smiling and just looking happy to be there even though rumor has it she wasn’t feeling well (Vanessa, if you gave me this cold...wait, actually I’d be okay with that lol). I told Sacha I liked his rings and he said he wanted to get another one while he was in Paris! And of course I had to get a photo with Sunset Curve and we did the apology pose from JATP! Jeremy even sang the first part! 
And yeah, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: Brenna liked my shirt! It might seem like a small thing but I’ve never really had...’fashion’ sense before. More like I wore what I liked as a kid and drove my mom mad. Most of the fights I had as a teenager were over clothes because she wanted me to wear more fashionable stuff. But now...an actress from one of my favorite franchises liked my shirt! Teenage me would be jumping for joy! When I told Brenna I got it from Amazon, her eyes got wide and she just gasped and said ‘Oh my God, I love them!’ and of course I told Brenna how much I loved her jacket too (and then Mitchell said that he liked it as well lol) 
Oh Gods Mitchell...that man is Ben. Full stop! In the meet and greet, he started going on about how much he loved Hamilton and how he’d seen it when it was in Australia and he was singing the lyrics under his breath and getting dirty looks from the people around him lol! Of course we then teased him about having him go teach the cast the choreography for Did I Mention and he said ‘don’t even tempt me, I’d love to do a Descendants/Hamilton crossover’. I jokingly said that the Revolution would have been over quicker if one of our men could turn into a dragon and Mitchell said ‘oh yeah, they’d (the British) be like ‘okay that one turned into a dragon and that one turned into a beast and that one’s casting spells...let’s just go home’. To which then we suggested Kenny could direct that and that’s when Mitchell went into a story of when Kenny got his star on the walk of fame and Lin Manuel Miranda sent Kenny a video message but Mitchell had Kenny’s phone because he was just trying to stay out of the way! 
Apparently Mitchell’s a huge LMM fan so he was pretty much just star struck and then Kenny asked who was on the phone so Mitchell showed him. To which Kenny said that LMM was an old friend! 
We had a group photo after the fact (taken by the translator in the room so I don’t have it but hopefully they’ll post those photos soon) but I didn’t realize that Mitchell had his hands on my shoulders for the photo until after the fact! The fact that I didn’t melt into a pile of goo is something to be proud of! 
After that, I went down to get Vanessa’s autograph (mainly because her queue wasn’t crazy long) and then it was lunch break. Dream It Con, as nice as it is that you provide lunch for the guests, how about at least selling water for the people attending?! Especially when there’re people not from Paris who’d like to not get lost in the city!
After lunch was when things started to get off the rails a little--I still had fun though but disorganization annoys the hell out of me. If you have a schedule, stick to it (though in fairness apparently Mitchell and Charlie were holding everyone up with autographs and photos and knocking everyone off schedule). But I did the board games with the Descendants cast and it was basically just a 30 minute game of Jenga but the cast just...there was no divide you know? Like how some actors seem friendly but you can still tell that they’re famous and they know it? Brenna, Dan (Beast), and Mitchell had none of that! It was like playing Jenga with family members! 
I remember when it was my turn to go up and I had seen this piece that was just sticking out and Mitchell was telling me to go for another piece and I was just like ‘nope, I want this one’ and went straight for it! Of course at first the tower wobbled but I inched it out and Dan said that he’d never seen anyone take a Jenga piece out with such care! 
After that, I had the aforementioned photoshoot with Mitchell and Brenna and then I had to rush over to my meet and greet with Dan (who remembered I was from the US from the Descendants panel that morning!) He was great and he shared a lot of memories of Cameron that I had to work to not cry right then and there. 
And then came the dance class (I’d missed my meet and greet with Vanessa and Jeremy and my Kenny/Vanessa photo because of the disorganization (boo) but you know, can’t have everything). Corbin was the one leading it with Kenny and Lucas helping and Bart just being a goof ball, and I think I spent the entire time hoping I wouldn’t trip over my own feet. Especially after Brenna and Jeremy joined in! 
I left to get ready for the party after that but came back to see Mitchell and Charlie still signing autographs before they too got ready for the party. And look I’m tiny so parties with lots of people? Not exactly my comfort zone. But Bart (Coach Bolton) was literally the life of the party and whenever an HSM song came on, he was jumping around and just acted like a kid! It was easy to forget my trepidation of being around so many people (seriously, under 5′0″ and in a room with a lot of people? My first thought is how do I avoid being crushed?) 
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(Tell me those aren’t Descendants themed chairs! :D) 
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(The irony of the photo with Mitchell being the one I’m the most at ease in is not lost on me :D) 
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(Charlie, you know doing that just makes the height difference that much more apparent don’t you Mr. 5′8″? Lol) 
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(First photo of the day--and of course I didn’t realize we could take off our passes for the photos!) 
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(Alex finally got his hug! :D) 
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(We’re sorry, so sorry, we’re crazy stupid sorry! :D) 
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(...Kenny had his hands on my shoulders? My shoulders have been brushed with greatness twice? Dear lord I’m unobservant lol) 
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(Again, you do not need to crouch you giants lol--no but seriously Sacha’s like 5′6″ I think.) 
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(...oi past me! Relax would you? You look like you’re being forced to take that photo! Also, the height difference is not helping the heart they’re trying to make lol) 
Sunday: Day Two of the convention and honestly my focus was pretty much autographs...and one on ones and meet and greets...and catching my breath because I’d overslept and almost arrived late. Thankfully I got there just as the opening ceremonies were happening! I did get some pics though! 
Oh yeah and Charlie started the convention off with his antics that had me almost dying with laughter. If anyone temporarily lost their hearing or dogs started barking, my bad! 
I stayed for the HSM panel--and it became totally worth it when I found out Drew Seeley had been the role for Prince Eric on Broadway after HSM! Yeah I honestly don’t remember much from the rest of the panel, my mind just latched on that. 
For my Brenna one on one, as soon as I stepped through the door, she saw me and went ‘Virginia!’ since Dan had asked me where I was from in the Descendants panel the previous day (side note, every one of them seemed shocked by my answer--people, I came mainly for the Descendants stuff, doesn’t matter how long the flight or the cost!). We talked a lot about Descendants and she’d asked me how I got into it to which I told her about working at Disney World and how the DVD player kept playing Descendants and just sucked me in. I told her how much I’d related to Jane in the first movie, both of us being kinda timid at first in HS and then I joked that you know Jane got the glow up with cheerleading and I had stayed the nerd who wrote fanfiction and Brenna told me that Jane’s growth really came from loving herself and finding what she was good at, like planning Cotillion. And after the one on one she told me that she had been shocked when I said I got into Descendants at 21/22 because she thought I was 21/22. When I told her my real age, she just went ‘you take really good care of yourself!’ 
Brenna, I’m short with a baby face. Trust me, you can say it. At least you were more tactful than the passport guy who thought I was 16 when I was 21 and brought his colleague over to see me as well...wait what was I talking about? Oh right the convention lol! 
The one on one with Jeremy was really a one on two because his wife was there too! They are the nicest people ever (and I know I keep repeating myself there but it’s true!) Jeremy asked where I was from (since he obviously wasn’t in the Descendants panel) and after I told him, he asked if I came with anyone to which I said no because I hadn’t. Again cue the shocked reactions but they were really sweet! We all commiserated on the stupidity of Netflix and I wish I’d had a chance to tell Jeremy how much I liked his song Ghosted but stupid brain thought of that today. However his jacket is as soft as it looks! 
But on that note, when I had my photo with the JATP group (so Sunset Curve plus Madison), Jeremy immediately went ‘hey [insert my name here]!’ with the biggest smile on his face and Owen started chanting Bill Nye the Science Guy (I was wearing a Bills jersey and I almost burst out laughing at that which was a lot better than my reaction in my Charlie/Owen photo which was just...silence. Sorry Owen! I would have talked to you more about the Bills but there was a long line for the photo and my awkward self really didn’t want to take up people’s time). 
I had a meet and greet with Charlie and he kept jumping from topic to topic, it was honestly the funniest thing! Oh, so we were right next to the singing class with Lucas and Drew but Charlie didn’t know that so when we heard someone singing next door, he said ‘we should sing back. What should we sing?’ and I said ‘Edge of Great!’ and Charlie said ‘Great!...how does it go?’ so a room of 30 or so people started singing Edge of Great and then Charlie opened the door to the other room and we saw it was the singing class. 
But between talking about his antics that morning and almost getting into a singing war with Lucas and Drew, Charlie talked about this project he was working on in Ecuador to help prevent turtles, dolphins, and sharks from getting stuck in fishermen’s nets while at the same time not ruining the economy of the villages who relied on fishing for food. Apparently LED lights have been helping the turtles/dolphins/sharks see the nets (especially in the dark) and they then swim away. There’s going to be a documentary on it soon (but of course I can’t remember the date that it’s coming out.) 
I also had a meet and greet with Madison that, due to the disorganization that struck again, ended up being at the same time as Kenny’s meet and greet. But they gave me extra time for my one on one with Kenny so that was all good. 
Can I tell you what we talked about in the Madison meet and greet? Nope cause out of everything, that’s the one thing my mind went poof you don’t need this anymore! 
In the Kenny one on one, I didn’t think it was possible to fit everything we talked about in nine minutes but we did! I got an answer about Ben’s suits, Kenny seemed surprised that I knew China McClain was going to reprising her role as Uma for D4 (apparently he didn’t know they’d announced it) and was also surprised that Chad was going to get a sister in D4 to which he theorized that she had been in boarding school during the events of the first three movies. I also learned that Kenny had not been involved in the Royal Wedding special because he seemed unsure if it had even happened. And then he asked me my thoughts on it when I confirmed it had. 
Kenny...don’t do that to me. I had to be as tactful as possible and purposefully didn’t mention the part we do not speak of (the bracelet scene where they talk about Carlos) cause I’m not breaking that news to Kenny freaking Ortega if he didn’t know about it! 
But speaking of movie sequels of projects Kenny had been involved with...let’s just say Hocus Pocus 2 is not going to be on Kenny Ortega’s recommended list any time soon. He wouldn’t say anything more because I hadn’t seen it and he didn’t want to spoil it for me. 
However, on a lighter note, he did share the story of how they cast Mitchell as Ben! 
And then came the one on one I was looking forward to the most-Mitchell! First thing the man does is bring me in for a hug (yeah I’m still trying to make sure that wasn’t a dream). And then, after we sat back down, he started talking about the question I’d asked the other day at the Descendants panel; telling me it was one of the best questions he’d ever heard at a Descendants panel before and he’d studied theater so when he heard me mention ‘Chekov’ he had perked up and had leaned over to Kenny to explain before telling him ‘just say yes’ lol. And then he asked me to go into my question and I explained that I was trying to see if Mal’s line had been foreshadowing since plot had established the confrontation with the pirates was twelve noon. And Mitchell said that since music and script were two separate entities, Kenny might not have been able to answer if he wanted to! And he said that apparently he’d said the same thing to some of the lyricists but about something else in the movies and he wanted to know how they came up with that foreshadowing before saying ‘...you actually didn’t mean to do that did you?’ to which the lyricist said ‘yeah we did’ but they didn’t! 
Accidental foreshadowing for the win! 
The last major thing was the Kenny Trivia with some of the actors (Mitchell and Charlie and Madison couldn’t make it because they were finishing up autographs/photos so it was with Corbin, Drew, Brenna, and Lucas). I was the only one on Lucas’ team but when Lucas pointed out that he only had one person on his team when everyone else had two, Kenny told him he was in good hands with me cause I was smart! 
Yeah okay Kenny, that explains why Lucas was the one to get us our first point lol. But I redeemed myself by being able to list 10 Descendants songs and six projects Kenny had directed. My team was tied with Corbin’s team and we would have won too had I not jumped the gun and answered HSM for the question of ‘What was the first Disney movie Kenny directed?’ 
It’s Newsies, I knew it was Newsies but you know Disney...Disney Channel...and Lucas said the same thing when I apologized for the loss. And then Corbin’s team teased him about being a sore loser and he said that he was trying to make me feel better lol. 
The only prize was joy so at least I didn’t miss out on anything...other than joy! 
After closing ceremonies, I was able to get Mitchell and Charlie’s autograph! I missed out on Owen and Lucas but you know what? 12 out of 14 autographs isn’t anything to sneeze at! I missed out on Owen’s autograph because of the queue for Mitchell’s was so long that by the time we moved, Owen had left). It was about 10 pm by the time I left the convention center! 
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(The picture I should have had on Saturday turned into a Sunday one and the date specification turned out to be...pointless lol) 
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(Another heart--and it was Brenna’s idea! Madison said the idea was ‘so cute’!) 
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(Pose idea: Mitchell’s. And he looks about as exhausted as I felt lol :D Probably the best pose we could have done with Dan being 6′4″ and Mitchell being 5′9″) 
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(From being Zac Effron’s singing voice to Ariel’s Prince! Also did you know the man is 40?!) 
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(How it started...) 
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(How it’s going lol) 
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(Have I posted this photo already? Yes. I still love it and will post again! :D) 
Monday: Touristy time! Is Touristy a word? No it is not! Do I care? No I do not lol! I went to the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and climbed the 209 steps to the top of the Arcdetriomphe (and pretty sure I had a panic attack at seeing how high up we were). Let’s just say I took the elevator back down. 
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(Hi Athena!) 
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(Hi Hermes!) 
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(Hi Zeus...I mean Jupiter!) 
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(Hi Hera...I mean Juno!) 
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(Hi Artemis!) 
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Tuesday: I said Au Revoir to France and hello to the US as I made my way back home! Last two pics from the air as we flew over the Atlantic! 
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And because I’m extra...here’s the food I was able to eat while I was there! 
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(Beef stew with steamed potatoes) 
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(Apple Tart Tatan) 
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(Lightly seared sea bass with ratatouille and jasmine rice) 
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(Duck leg with roasted potatoes and salad)  
So...how much longer until I get to go back? 
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.26--Episodes 10-11
I have watched through S3E13; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Belle helping Rumplestiltskin with his tie is like the reciprocal of him helping her with a necklace. (I’d love to score somebody to help me with my ties and necklaces.)
—Prince Charming’s wedding outfit was gorgeous.
—I love Medusa’s lair. The floor was so pretty; it even had that Classical Greek meander pattern going. And the state of semi-decay was delightful.
—Snow using Medusa’s reflection to defeat her was honestly very high IQ. More people should try that.
—Hm. Jimmy died. Oh no. *indifferent*
—I’m glad Tink is doing better. She’s a pretty cool lady, much better than OG!Tink, and she’s been through a lot.
—I just adore *sarcastic and acrid* when the Blue Fairy is all like, “oh, sorry, Tink, but you can’t be a fairy cause you don’t believe in yourself.” Girl, guess who’s fault it is? If the Blue Fairy hadn’t been so nasty to her, she would’ve had more self-confidence.
—For a hot minute, I was worried there would be some big, magical showdown between Peter and Rumple. I was incredibly pleased to be proved wrong. Rumple beating Peter without all that is just so personal to me.
—Honey just straight-up summoned his shadow, with his magical dagger, to kill Peter at the cost of his own life. That’s some real king sh*t right there.
—And he got to say goodbye to Baelfire and Belle! Most dead people don’t get that.
—See, I can calmly and rationally discuss all of this because I’ve already made my dramatic-ass post about Rumple being dead. (Still screaming inside tho.)
—He proved himself to not be a coward, to be a dedicated father, and to be a hero. He said he didn’t get a happy ending because “villains don’t get happy endings”—but he died a hero. Which is actually a bittersweet kind of happy ending. Not so great for him, because he’s dead, but it leaves his loved ones with the best possible final memory of him.
—Emma and Regina are like that Bugs Bunny meme. One of them mentions Henry and the other one just has to go *oUr sON*
—Prince Eric being a fish-killer in Storybrooke slays me. That’s hilarious.
—It’s great that Ariel and Eric got to be together without drama. Does he know she’s a mermaid yet? Probably not. Will he ever find out? That’s gotta be where the drama comes in.
—It’s incredibly depressing that the Darling boys are adults and Wendy’s still a kid. It’s not fair. They should’ve gotten to grow up together.
—But the reunion between the Darlings and Baelfire was sweet. At least Bae and the Darling boys are the same age, even they probably won’t ever see each other again.
—The more Hook is around, the more I love him. I’m mad at him for being so charming and debonair, but I can’t help liking him. Also, now that I like his personality, I’m starting to see that he’s a rather stunning man.
—Peter Pan can see deez. He doesn’t even pretend to regret dumping Rumple; he goes on this long, terrible rant about how having Rumple ruined his life. And he doesn’t even have to do that, because the anti-magic cuff didn’t work on him. He lingered to say all of that just to be a jerk.
—And yet, in the end Rumple seemed a bit sad to see him die.
—The ending of Episode 11 was super sad. The only good thing is that nobody but Emma and Henry lost their memories.
—While Henry and Emma were saying goodbye to everyone at the town line, Belle was leaning on Dr. Hopper. I love that if he’s in a scene, even if he’s not actively doing much, he’s being there for somebody.
—Also, for him to be a doctor, he must have a PhD from Curse University. Which means he’s most likely classified as a psychiatrist. That’s not important, I just think it’s interesting.
—Dr. Hopper being turned back into a cricket in the Enchanted Forest hurts me. I’m gonna miss his human form. And his human voice, it’s rather soothing.
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
Could I please ask 10 and 13 from the selfship asks to make you think? For both Theseus and Asterius, if that's alright!
Having to post this from my phone because this goddamn website hates if I try to make a long text post on desktop so I apologize if it formats weirdly 💔
Anyways! Answered 10 for Asterius already, so this will be for Theseus ^.^
Whats your favorite physical feature of your F/O? What about your favorite aspect of their personality?
His nose </3 I love that its hooked. I also adore his eyebrows and that they're huge And darker than his hair (it's actually a pet peeve of mine when people draw him with blonde eyebrows 💔) And his chin dimple is really cute as well :~)
For his personality... well! To be #Frank all my favourite aspects of Theseus' personality are his negative ones 💕 like I love the positive ones too but I just love that he sucks so bad. But something i find very very cute is that he's super oversensitive and cries easily :~) Zagreus insults him Mildly and his voice is cracking and he sounds like he's holding back tears. I like to think he has a tendency to cry so hard he passes out at times 💞 there's something wrong with him
Whats you and your F/Os morning routine? What about bedtime routine?
I've thought about this in depth </3 sorry this is gonna be Long 😭
Theseus has a butterfly ball themed alarm clock. It's very annoying! Asterius tends to smash it to pieces every morning which also means Theseus has to get a new one every night but it's fine.
They brush their teeth. Asterius is usually still half asleep at this time. Dia usually comes in and joins around then, because she hates getting out of bed.
Theseus also plucks out the hairs that grow between his eye brows once his teeth are cleaned </3
They sit down for breakfast. Usually its pancakes made with fresh honey from Theseus' own garden (Dia and Asterius are usually the ones to gather it, though, because Theseus actually has a huge phobia about insects). According to Pliny the Elder, Athenian honey is the best because it's made with thyme <3
Theseus sits down to do Asterius' hair, sometimes Dia helps but usually she crawls back into bed during this time. </3 once Asterius' hair is done, Theseus does his own (or Dia brushes it for him if she's awake enough) and after that they get dressed for the day... unless the champions already know they'll have to battle Zag later (or some other shade), they actually dress in more simple garbs for lazy days. Theseus likes to help Asterius and Dia get dressed even tho neither of them actually need it
Asteriur puts in his nose ring, Theseus paints his horns or otherwise decorates them with jewelry, Dia puts in her earrings and puts on her necklaces... then it's time to head out!
They usually decide what to eat for dinner earlier on in the day, or else they'll all be arguing about it when it's actually time to </3 seafood dishes are common (Theseus and Dianthus both prefer fish just in general........... but they also feel really, really weird about the idea of eating beef around Asterius for obvious reasons. Asterius himself doesn't actually care all that much, but it doesn't stop them from disliking the idea of it). Dia cooks because she's the only one who knows how to, but Theseus and Asterius help out with prep and cleaning.
Theseus' extravagant Fit-For-A-Champion home has a pretty massive bath house, so when he wants to wind down he immediately heads in there. Asterius will join him, and Dia will as well, though she's not very into long baths in the same way Theseus is, so at some point she'll just sit on the edge of the thing and talk to them :~)
Theseus um. He likes Oils. You know those stories about fancy nobles who would dip their fingers in rose oil he's that kind of guy. Says it keeps his skin glowing! Asterius doesn't like how the stuff makes his fur feel, though, and Dia just finds it kind of silly, so they usually just sit on Theseus' big couch together while waiting for Theseu to finish up, and Dia will braid Asterius' hair down so its moisture stays locked (a minotaur, after all, cannot wear a bonnet </3). When Theseus is finished up he comes and gets a little pouty (half playful, half serious) that Dia finished up Asterius' hair without him.
Theseus is usually the first to fell asleep 😭 he has a Lot of energy, of course, but he also does lot of stuff!! And so when he's tired he's conked out. Asterius doesn't mind carrying him to bed tho :~) if he's sleepy hell get under the blankets too, but sometimes he'll stay up and talk to Dia (Dia is the last to fall asleep). Dia is the one who sets up the new alarm clock too (though of course. it's just gonna get smashed to pieces come morning </3)
Also as a bonus funfact. Theseus will sleep spooning Asterius but in the morning they're like in complete scattered disarray. Theseus completely fallen off the bed. It's a mess
Also a bonus bonus funfact. I like to think Elysian heroes can just summon their weapons to their side any time they wish.......... so Asterius smashes the alarm clck by summoning his axe and just dropping it on top of the thing. Has created a very interesting depression in the little bedside drawn they have.
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cyncerity · 2 years
that AU art w/ witch Ranboo and gemstone person Tubbo looks so good!! :D do you have more ideas for it? or like what was the reaction from both of 'em when Tubbo was magicked alive?
Thank you!!
I don’t have many more ideas, i don’t know who exactly i want to be a gemstone (rn i’m debating if Tommy is a gem or a human, but i am leaning more one way), but i have a few more things!!
Phil is in this au! He’s a teacher at Ranboo’s school, and runs a botany club that Ranboo is in. He’s the only one that Ranboo actually talks witchy stuff to, and Phil helps him get plants for spells. Also in this universe, most people don’t believe in witchcraft, but magic is very real and accessible to those who look. However, genuine spell books are rare, since so many people make fake ones for profit, so it can be difficult to actually get started in witchcraft. Ranboo is bullied pretty often for his interest in the occult, but Phil, who isn’t a witch but believes in witchcraft, helps Ranboo a lot.
As for when Tubbo was brought to life, Ranboo definitely was not expecting it to work. He’s never exactly been good at advanced spells. But with the note (see previous post), and the body-shaped parts, and the spell book with a spell to bring something to life in it, Ranboo was pretty sure that’s what he was meant to do.
So when he does it, he’s rightfully freaked out, but tries to be friendly. Meanwhile Tubbo is super excited about everything around him. He introduces himself, and says that he was told about Ranboo and about the world and he was Ranboo’s new best friend. As it turns out, Tubbo’s consciousness was created by the witch who left the spell book and gems on Ranboo’s porch, but they just signed the note “K,” so neither of them know who actually made Tubbo’s personality. But all Tubbo really knows is his name, Ranboo’s name, and basic rules about reality. It’s up to him to learn the rest, so he depends on Ranboo’s friendship to learn that as much as Ranboo depends on Tubbo’s feiwndship to help him through tough times.
Tubbo also is a luck charm and can do minor magic to make Ranboo feel better whenever he’s upset. These are all things that were magically instilled in him when his pieces were carved.
Also, Tubbo can come apart. There’s nothing but magic keeping his limbs together, so he can pull them off with no pain and control them independently. Ranboo also has a crystal cage necklace that he can keep Tubbo’s torso in so he can still get the magical luck aspect in public without Tubbo being disruptive.
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