#this pairing is vv dear to me
wonusite · 6 months
just imagining mingi pounding into you doggy style, the air filled with his grunts, your whines, and skin slapping against skin. yunho, your other boyfriend, walks in and isn't fazed in the slightest by the erotic sight. instead, he waits patiently until both of you finish to flip you onto your back, lift your legs onto his shoulders, and start pounding away as your continue to mewl helplessly.
i see my fellow atinys aren’t holding back and i’m here for it 🥵
your legs are trembling, but all you can think about is how mingi’s fat cock is splitting you open. you’re already dripping with his cum, but he’s insatiable today, and you know he won’t stop until he’s stuffed you full one last time.
“fuck, angel. if only you could see how well you stretch open for me.” mingi groans as he slaps your ass, fucking into you harder.
all you can do is moan for him. his filthy words make you tighten and cream around for him all over again, staining his throbbing cock with your sweet essence. his deep moans mix in with your wanton cries of pleasure. wet squelching pairs in well with the harsh sound of skin slapping together, and all the sensations have you embarrassingly close to another orgasm.
this is what yunho walks into, and he’s impressively calm at the sight of you being fucked dumb. he shares a smirk with mingi and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, gently caressing your sweaty, fucked out face as you get pounded from behind.
“baby, you’re dripping all over me. you that happy to see yuyu?”
all you can do is moan and nod, making your puppy boy smile so sweetly at you. but you’re not deceived. you know what deviance lies behind that smile and you come one more time at the thought of what’s to come (literally).
mingi barely pulls his cock out of you before you’re abruptly being manhandled into a different position. yunho is staring at you with literal heart eyes as he slides into your messy cunt, loving how you tighten perfectly around his aching cock. his thrusts are rough like mingi’s, and it’s a great contrast to the sweet smile he’s directing at you.
“missed you all day, lovely.” he moans, gently caressing the legs that are thrown over his shoulders. “missed your tight little cunt.”
your tits are bouncing with ever harsh snap of his hips, and yunho’s never seen a prettier sight. the fucked out mewls and whimpers you’re letting out are so cute that his leaking cock throbs wildly as it rams against your sweet spot. he’s fucking mingi’s cum deeper into you, and it drives him crazy because he knows soon he’s going to stuff you full too.
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ilycosy · 5 months
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pairing : luke castellan x child of calliope!reader
summary — being the child of the mother of all muses, you're used to affections. boys and girls flock to you like you're a sweet, lovely thing, but they soon drop it when they realize that you're nothing like a muse. what happens if the camps precious, golden boy starts talking to you?
warnings : reader is a little toxic under their politeness, reader is also described to be feminine but there's no specific prns! luke is also kind of obsessive? he wants reader so bad.. not proofread (that's for babies /j)
aノn — i haven't written in a long time so bare with me, nor have i written for the pjo fandom ever (though ive been in it for a while..) this is also vv self indulgent (daughter of calliope here <3) so sorry if this isn't relatable ♡ lowercase intentional :)
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being the child of the mother of muses has always been annoying— you've never had a break to just be. whether it be people chasing after you, or people who envy the attention you attract. there was always something, which you resented extremely.
if people were asked about you, they'd have only good things to say. you're beautiful, lovely, polite; but not a muse. it sometimes got annoying that it mattered so much to people, having others constantly talk about how you were never romantic.
you seemed to be uncomfortable with it at the very least, very few felt the resentment you held for love. those few could never confirm it though, having you reassure them that you're just a private person. ("there's no need for grand things, dear. i love you without such things." you'd say, through gritted teeth.) which is what might have drew luke castellan to you.
he saw through the politeness, observing you almost ever since you got claimed. he can picture when you got claimed, your embarrassed smile when an apollo girl had written a song for you. publicly performing it, you had lit up; literally. you were fifteen then— nothings changed in these past years.
luke can't remember all the times you've been confessed to, having songs, poems, even paintings done of you for your affection. but he can remember all the times he watched your facade crack; the way your smile stretched too wide to be real, your eyes dimming when you realized it was just another confession, or how you seemed to never interact with aphrodite boys anymore.
he finds it amusing mostly, how could such a pretty thing resent something people would kill for? either way, he finds himself being drawn in like you're a siren. the way your eyes darken at the mention of your mother, how you reapply gloss whenever you're nervous— he could go on really.
"are you going to eat that?" he finds himself asking you before he can stop himself, pointing at the yogurt bowl right next to your plate. he has half a mind to make sure he doesn't clam up when you look up at him, fluttering your lashes.
you gently push the bowl towards him, continuing on your morning like the best swordsman in the camp isn't talking to you. he pauses for a moment, licking his lips as he thinks of a reason to prolong this conversation.
fate seems to be on his side though— his brother, chris, being to busy talking to clarisse to even glance his way. he sits down, looking across from you as he eats the yogurt. he almost forgets that staring is rude.
"do you mind?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him as you take a bite out of your crossiant. somewhat annoyed by the curly haired boy, your leg bounces steadily. "do i mind what?" he asks, like he's stupid— for some reason, you can't help but let your annoyance take over.
"why are you here," you start, pointing at the empty table. void of friends, you always sit alone until somebody claims they're in love with you. "you usually sit with your brothers and annabeth."
he shrugs at your questioning, not being able to find it in himself to hold back a teasing remark. "you know where i usually sit?" he asks with a small small, but the glint in his eyes show a certain smugness that gets under your skin.
you smile back at him, stretched too far and there's a bite in your voice hidden under honeyed words. "bye castellan," you croon sweetly. "hope you find your way back to your seat!" is all you give him, a morsel of fake attention that sends him reeling.
the next day, you wake up a bit later than normal. rising from your bunk around nine means you've missed breakfast, a deep feeling of anger surges through your core in a flash before you stretch and get dressed for the day.
when you leave the hermes cabin, you're stopped by a familiar figure. tall, brown hair, and a stupid smug grin. "hey angel," luke almost sings with how pleased he sounds with himself. "i have a presant!"
he reveals a crossiant and cold coffee, the faint warmth of the once fresh crossiant eases the deep feeling in your core even more though the coffee makes you want to vomit. "i don't like coffee." you state, taking a bite of the baked good. "but thank you, castellan."
he barely has time to respond with a you're welcome or an im sorry before you're smiling, too wide for his liking, and walking away. he debates following you, trying to talk to you like he's desperate for a friend. but he decides against it, wondering how to keep a conversation going with somebody that hates being sought after.
a week passes of the same routine— luke catching you at odd moments during the day, offering you little things to keep you around for a moment longer. you find it annoying, but keep a pleasant attitude anyways, it certainly helps that he's not bad to look at.
a small rumor spreads through camp, luke castellan having a crush. it barely takes the day for people to speculate that it's you.
it almost disappoints you, not having expected the camps favorite to fall so easily— doesn't he have any other girls? you debate on telling him that you're not open for relationships right now, having been in so many already, you could very easily blame any one of your exes.
but you don't have the chance to reject him the next time you see him because he's talking already, smiling at you like you'd fall so easily. "do you wanna help plan an activity with me?" he asks, offering you a delicious smelling tea.
"why would you want me to do that?" you question him, almost allowing yourself to have a genuine lazy smile but you just force a docile confused tilt. you sip on the tea, the once tart raspberries are now sweet in the tea mixing with a hibiscus flavor.
you're too busy drinking to notice him begin talking, he's mid laugh when you tune in. "— maybe you could help with setting up the theater?" he suggests, you pretend like you know how you got into a full conversation with him by subtly trying to exit it.
"why not have the apollo counselor help?" you say sweetly, setting the tea down and turning your full attention onto him. he feels sick to his stomach at how you look at him, soft features with a sugared tone. your eyes look at him like he's below you, like he's a nuisance, and for some reason that might be his favorite part.
he searches your face for a moment, glancing at your cold eyes before he chuckles. "maybe i want to spend time with you," he smiles like a cat, curling on his face with a pride that shouldn't make you as heated as it does. "i think you want to spend time with me too, yeah?"
you almost roll your eyes at his suggestion, but unable to squeeze out of this one without being mean, you agree to help him.
it only takes a couple weeks to fix up the theater due to the lack of counselors wanting to help, so it's safe for the younger kids to have a play— after that, it's back to the apollo children to plan. you sit back on the stage floor, sipping on a water bottle as you bask in the cold dusk breeze. "do you mind?"
a voice speaks from behind you, rasping slightly. you don't even have to look to know who it is, "no, castellan." you say, because you can't think of a reason for why you would mind.
luke sits himself down next to you, his knee brushing yours as he looks down at your water with a stare that could only be described at halfway pathetic and endearing. "here," you say, handing him the bottle. "i don't need you to die of dehydration on me."
he takes it gratefully, drinking it almost empty in three big gulps that make you roll your eyes with a small scoff. "did you just scoff?" he questions, an odd excitement in his voice.
you quickly try to deny it, hands coming up to animate how you didn't scoff or anything of the sort. but he already has a grin like he's drunk of the noise, "you definitely scoffed! that was so funny," he says with a loud laugh that makes you shush him, afraid of other campers hearing.
"i don't know why you hide that." he mumbles on your hand, fighting the temptation to lick it so you release him. those thoughts subside when your pretty eyes look up at him in confusion, "your annoyance." he clarifies.
"im not annoyed," you say, a bit defensively as you pull your hand away from him. "bit rude of you to say that, castellan."
he rolls his eyes in response, one of his arms coming behind you to rest on the stage. you can feel the ghost of it barely grazing you, "you're definitely annoyed," he says matter-of-factly. "you're almost always annoyed, or angry."
you fight back a scoff, but then give up. rolling your eyes you turn to him, searching his face for how he noticed, why he's doing this— but you come up with nothing. "why do you care?" you almost snap at him, drumming your fingers on your knee.
"i don't," he says like it's obvious. "im the same way." there's a beat after he says it, a silence that seems more comfortable than awkward like it should be. admitting his anger to you felt like a breath of fresh air, because he knew you'd understand him.
you bite your bottom lip, turning to face him. "that hatred," you start, almost in disbelief that you finally have the opportunity to talk about this. "it doesn't go away huh?" the question is phrased more like a statement, barely asking for confirmation.
he nods, not speaking as he watches you. there was no need for an explanation on what the hatred was, he knew as soon as you began talking. the gift from your mother was never really a gift to you, a burden of what it means to be a demigod is all it was.
you never knew what was genuine, or what was your mothers doing. but you felt a sense of ease with the hermes boy, nothing like all your previous relationships. "do you think it's bad," you mumble, almost ashamed.
"do you think it's bad that we feel this way?"
your question is softly spoken, genuinely interested in his opinion. he feels himself almost feel guilty for you, but he can't lie. "no," he wraps an arm around your waist. gently bringing you closer. "i think we might be the only ones in the right."
he says it with such confidence, a lack of guilt or unease in his voice that it makes you smile. not a sweet one, but a prideful one. one that could reflect the pride of a god, finally validation for the deep seated resentment that almost quenches that thirst for revenge.
minutes of silence pass by, the sun fully set as you lean your head on his shoulder. inhaling the pine and deep smell of his cologne, you hum. "are the rumors 'round camp true?" you ask.
he feels a small blush creep up his neck and ears, spreading across his face as he realizes that you heard about those. he never meant for his half-brothers to over hear a private conversation (said private conversation was in the bathroom, luke washing his hands while chris talked loudly about how he could get clarisse to go on a double date if he'd just ask you out already.)
"uh," he laughs awkwardly, his fingers drumming on the soft skin of your waist. "do you mind?"
you can't help the small smile that spreads across your face, "no." is all you need to say before his wet lips are on yours. hungry and desperate for your attention, which you give him without another thought.
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bleachification · 11 months
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pairing: kenpachi x doctor!reader
warnings: a lil gory? not really that bad though, just mild descriptions of injuries.
themes: hurt/comfort, short drabble, sorta-established relationship, flashback, sunshine x grumpy (?)
word count: 2.4K (vv short lol)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
Kenpachi knew something was off the moment Captain Mayuri came barreling through his room in near hysterics, frantically inquiring about your whereabouts.
“Where is [name]?” He demanded, eyes shifting around the room in search of you, unusually panicked.
Kenpachi lazily glanced over at the mad scientist, a little curious, a little bored. Mostly irritated. “The hell are you doing in my house?”
“I do not have time to humour simple-minded buffoons like you. The doctor is in grave danger, which means my dear experiment is in grave danger! Now, tell me where [name] went,” Mayuri hissed.
At that, Kenpachi went rigid. Any and all nonchalance fizzled out of existence, replaced by icy tension. “The hell are you talking about, [name] in danger?”
It isn’t possible, he thought. Sure, you didn’t exactly have Kenpachi’s battle prowess, but your own reiatsu and skill rivalled those of the Gotei 13—your healing abilities are only exceeded by Unohana herself.
[Name] hurt? In Kenpachi’s mind, such a thing was inconceivable.
“Oh for—” Mayuri huffed, exasperated, and quickly spewed out a rapid explanation. “[Name] is helping me test a new drug, and I’ve been monitoring all of their circulatory and respiratory vitals during the serum’s incubation period. Five minutes ago, every vital sign went flat.”
A crack! sounded.
The wall splintered and caved in at the force of Kenpachi’s fist striking it.
“What?!” He snarled, the harsh sound ripped from his throat at the news.
Mayuri rolled his eyes. “Yes. Without the host, my research is over, so hurry up and tell me where—“
Before he could utter another syllable, Kenpachi bolted out the door, sword in hand—his eyepatch long forgotten on the bedside table. The force was so great, it sent Mayuri’s headpiece flying off.
“Bumbling idiot!”
As he swore up a storm, the mad (and equally furious) scientist chased after the speeding cyclone of a captain, all while praying for the safe return of his experiment.
✧ ˚  ·    .  
“Hello there.”
Zaraki Kenpachi stared down at the figure before him. His own stature dwarfed you in comparison, and the scar on his hardened features did nothing to soften his visage.
You greeted him with a gentle smile all the same.
“Huh? What are you?”
“I am the new head field doctor, [name]. It is so nice to meet you,” you grinned. Strangely, Kenpachi isn’t annoyed by it, nor by the way you treated him—as if you’d known him his whole life. “I have heard so much about you, Captain Zaraki.”
“New field doctor? Never heard of ya,” he said.
“Captain! You can’t just—”
Kenpachi’s gaze swivelled towards his number three. Ikakku fell silent at the look in his captain’s eyes.
“It’s alright, Ikkaku. I don’t mind. Go ahead and help the others. Your captain and I have much to discuss,” you reassured him.
The Third Seat looked unconvinced, but relented at your pacifying tone. He shot an anxious look at his captain before exiting the field, leaving you alone with Kenpachi.
He regarded you with mild disinterest, but you paid no heed. There was only one thing on your mind.
“Please lie down, Captain.”
Kenpachi’s eyes narrowed. “This is nothing. I can still fight.”
You peered down at the five-inch hole in his stomach. The wound was so deep, you were surprised he was still standing, much less speaking to you. Blood gushed out in streams, and the more he breathed, the more flesh teared. As a doctor, you were impressed at his tenacity. As a person, you were horrified.
You smiled sweetly. “I will not ask again.”
He only scoffed before turning his back to you.
One step.
Two steps.
Kenpachi took three steps away from you before you wrapped a hand around his neck and tapped the base of his throat with three fingers—light as a feather and as effective as a tranquilizer. Your power flowed through his veins and pooled in his stomach, shutting off any and all protests.
Kenpachi’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground.
“Oh, shit,” you muttered, a grave oversight made. How the hell were you going to lug this giant back to base camp alone?
“Shit, shit, shit, shit…”
“Oh, Ikkaku, thank god!”
The shinigami had come back. His eyes widened at the sight before him.
“I’m going to need some help.”
It took a few tries and a lot of breaks, but the two of you managed to successfully drag the captain back to the medical cabins.
Kenpachi woke up from his medically-induced coma a day later, demanding to fight you.
“Where’s that damned doctor? I’ll—”
You waved a hand of dismissal as you walked into his ward. Your nurses scattered, all wearing expressions of relief as they left.
“No need to shout, my dear patient. I am right here.”
“You,” he growled, the accusation ripe on his tongue.
“Me,” you sighed, rubbing your dry eyes with a gloved hand. The fatigue lingered despite your best efforts of staying alert.
Kenpachi faltered as he took in your state. His words were still gruff—unkept, but softer, somehow. Careful.
“What's wrong with you?”
You squinted at him, vision blurry. “Huh?”
“You look like hell,” he grunted.
You blinked, his comment catching you off guard. It caught you so off guard that you found yourself bursting into laughter—or hysterics, you weren’t sure.
“Believe me, I feel like it too,” you breathed, all sorts of aches flooding your muscles. You rolled your shoulder and made your way to his bedside, about to check on his wounds. “So if you want to fight me, it will have to wait until I am rested. Though you’ll win regardless, so I don’t really see a point in it.”
Kenpachi eyed you warily as you got closer, but the tension left him after you finished fiddling with the IV, letting the second dose of morphine hit.
“You never know. Maybe you’re just what I need in an opponent. You knocked me out earlier, remember?” His tone was almost… hopeful? It made you smile, despite your exhaustion.
“You were severely weakened, Captain Zaraki. Three types of venom were found festering within your body. Your organs were shredded to practically nothing. The fact that you survived is nothing short of a miracle, and most definitely beyond me. Hell, beyond the scope of anatomy and physiology itself.
“All that, and it still took me an immense amount of energy to put you to sleep. If you were any closer to your original strength, I would likely be dead,” you pointed out matter-of-factly.
It was true. The sheer power he contained and the potential he had… it was nothing short of monstrous.
Kenpachi barked out a laugh. “How boring.”
“I shall take that as a compliment.”
He laughed again. You found you quite liked the sound of his laughter.
“You have a nice laugh,” you pointed out.
Kenpachi doesn’t respond, only slides you a look of half-boredom and half-nonchalance.
“You could at least say thank you,” you teased.
“I don’t do that,” he grunted.
That time, it was you who laughed.
“You don’t say…”
You glanced at him, and the motion made you dizzy. You squeezed your eyes shut for a few seconds in an attempt to curb it as everything went hazy.
“Damn. That was some really bad vertigo,” you murmured.
Kenpachi tilted his head, craning his neck. “What?”
“I said—” you paused as the world tilted left.
Then, right.
Then, upside down.
“Hey—what’s wrong with you?!”
The last thing you remembered before blacking out is the warmth of large arms wrapping around you, and a string of curses that came from their owner.
✧ ˚  ·    .  
Kenpachi ignored the biting winds whipping against his skin and the harsh summer heat bearing down on his back as he sped across mountains and plains. Sweat streamed down the frame of his face from the effort, slowing only against the rigid tension in his jaw.
Move, he thought.
Faster, he pleaded with himself.
Just get to them.
The last time Kenpachi had felt panic to such a degree was four years ago—when he had witnessed your unconscious form crumple to the hospital floor, unresponsive to his shouts. Your head had been cradled in his palm, mere inches from hitting the stone floor.
It took six hours for you to wake up, and by that time, Kenpachi had reached a new level of anxiety—one that he did not realize he was capable of. For some obscure and completely unknown reason, the captain who had never cared much about anything seemed to care way too much for a stranger. The feeling gnawed at him and made him uneasy. Such a person was dangerous. He should get rid of you, yet, as soon as you began to lose your balance, his first and only instinct was to catch you—to protect you.
But this time, he may be too late.
Kenpachi shook that paralyzing thought out of his head and pushed himself to even quicker speeds. Solid surroundings turned to vertical blurs as he cut through forests and lakes in his haste.
As the sky shifted to black and the air grew cold, he finally slowed to a stop. Kenpachi found himself at the edge of a familiar cliff overlooking miles and miles of flat fields. On them, rested hundreds of stone pillars and ruins of a broken city. A vast civilization that once flourished—-now eroded by time’s decay, leaving only rotted land and torn buildings.
Kenpachi screamed your name. The only answer he got back was the faded echo of his own voice.
A soft scuffle sounded behind him.
It was not you. Kenpachi knew this and pulled his blade out, as fast as lightning and deadlier by tenfold. The ragged metal glinted underneath the moon’s glow as it pointed at its victim, the tip mere millimeters from the hollow of Ikkaku’s throat.
“Captain. We’re here to help,” Ikkaku announces. If he was threatened by Kenpachi, he did nothing to let it show.
Behind Ikkaku stood the entirety of Kenpachi’s squad. All of whom were drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, sharing the same grim expression of determination.
“If you come back with empty hands, you will die with empty hands,” Kenpachi promised in a low voice.
No one argued. No one complained. Squad 11 dispatched, ready to either bring you back to Kenpachi or forfeit their lives.
The captain ignored his squad members, and jumped straight off the cliff into the rubble below. The ground shook in protest underneath his heavy footsteps as he searched through stone caverns and collapsed wreckage in a crazed, feral frenzy, blind to everything but his desperate need to find you.
Rocks tumbled, dust flew into the air, and darkness crept its way alongside Kenpachi as the night aged. Hours and hours passed without a single sign of life.
Not one squad member had reported anything back to their captain since the search began.
A guttural roar ripped free from Kenpachi as he hit the peak of his rage and frustration. Sheer panic sliced through his bones. He dug through solid walls, fingernails broken and bleeding, calling out your name until it burned his throat to speak.
Kenpachi had to think. His mind was racing—a storm of jittering anxiety and distress. The thought of you was the only pillar of order in that whirling chaos.
His doctor.
The one who promised to save him, always. Forever.
That day, he had silently vowed to do the same. He would not break that promise tonight.
With renewed clarity, the captain scanned the horizon, squinting at the darkness. His squad members roamed the land, yelling your name and searching. Kenpachi ignored them and focused, looking over each area with a critical eye.
A dull glint of something caught his eye. It peeked out from underneath a huge mass of crumbling granite that had fallen in place of what looked like the entrance to an abandoned mausoleum.
Kenpachi got closer.
The metal’s shape came into form. A familiar ring.
He bolted.
In one swift motion, Kenpachi had heaved the stone slab away, removing the only obstacle between him and what was on the other side.
Your broken body, bruised and caked with dried blood, laid there as still as a corpse. Your complexion was paler than the marble tiles you were found on, and your skin was so cold that it made Kenpachi shiver when he gently gathered you into his arms.
“Hey…” his voice had never been so quiet. He had never felt so small, so helpless.
You didn’t respond.
Kenpachi felt for a pulse, heart hammering, and almost collapsed in relief when he found one, albeit faint.
A few of the squad members realized what had happened and started to swarm, all having similar reactions of shock and fear.
“Is that…?”
“Oh god, do you think—“
“Get Mayuri here now!” Kenpachi barked out, interrupting the whispers and startling the soldiers back into action. They scrambled to locate the other doctor, leaving their captain and yourself alone by the tombs.
You still had not awoken.
“C’mon… Wake up… [name], wake up,” Kenpachi muttered, softly stroking your matted hair. His hands shook, fingers trembling as he kept you within his grasp.
After what seemed like lifetimes, but were probably only mere minutes, Mayuri came running, Ikkaku followed with a myriad of odd (medical?) aids in his arms.
“Damned… give them to me!”
A possessive, irrational streak reared its ugly head and Kenpachi almost refused, clutching you closer, until his senses knocked him straight. He relented, though not without reluctance.
Mayuri immediately got to work, and after a long stretch of tense waiting, he had stabilized you.
“[Name] will be fine, but we need to get them back to the city.”
At those words, the pressure in Kenpachi’s chest that had been present since the beginning of the whole ordeal finally lifted, and he felt like he could breathe again.
He would chew you out later for being so stupid, but for now, he had you.
You were safe.
And that was the only thing that seemed to matter.
˚ · . tags: @zjarrmiii @aiizenn @emyyy007 @zaraki-oriented
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agentplutonium · 14 days
Hear me out:
Arranged marriage au David & Sweetheart who are absolutely distraught at the idea of marrying a stranger but willing to do it out of duty but then become friends when they realize they don’t actually have to kiss and also… the other’s personal guard is pretty cute (Milo is David’s guard and Angel is Sweetheart’s vv)
I'm finally getting around to this, be grateful (/j)
No, but seriously, I've been thinking about this strand of AU for so long (as Max can attest because he lives with me and therefore is subject to the horrors of my rambling) and I will take this AU to my grave. Moving on, a small snippet based off of this (with the whispers of this being updated in the future/made into a series).
(small note: Sweetheart will be referred to as Culver for the most part, and David will call them Dear/my Heart for appearances. Angel will be referred to as Red for the most part. Of course, the pairings will use the canon nicknames but I have to stretch a few things.)
Pairing: David & Sweetheart, David/Angel, Milo/Sweetheart (technically, they just aren't prominent atm)
WC: 1355
Rating: Gen.
max is talking about this post.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
"I cannot believe this is happening," Culver said, stretching out their back. The horse ride wasn't that far, but they hadn't taken a break yet and it's already been a few hours.
"Cheer up, Culver," Red chirped. "I hear that this king-to-be is very handsome."
"You know I've never been one for looks, Red," Culver said, rolling their eyes.
"I also hear that he's a great leader. In nearly every circumstance you two will be perfect for each other," Red said.
"Or, we'll be at each other's throats because we have different opinions," Culver muttered. "Besides, I don't know him! He could be a complete tyrant for all I know," they continued, back at their normal volume.
"Do you really think your parents would do that to you?" Red asked.
"They would send me to someone they thought that I could "fix"," Culver defended. "You know how they are."
"Aye, I do know how they are," Red caved. "I'm sure it will be fine, either way. You're a lovable person. It'll be easy for him to fall in love."
"I don't want him to fall in love after we're married," Culver said, barely keeping the whine out of their tone. "That's cheating. It isn't genuine, it's a forced proximity thing."
"Well, I don't know what to tell you," Red sighed. "But I will always be here to support you, your grace, you know that."
Culver relaxed, a small huff escaping their lips, "And I thank you for that, Red. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Red gave them a wink, turning back to the trail in front of them. As they came up to a bend, Red trotted ahead of Culver to ensure that the coast was clear.
Culver still wasn't looking forward to any of this, though.
"I can't believe this is happening," David muttered, tugging at the collar of his shirt. It was hot outside, too hot to be wearing his full regalia.
"I hear that your betrothed is very good at governing," Milo offered, trying to cheer David up.
Milo shrugged, "It's all I have left. You shot down the fact that they're the handsomest person in their kingdom. You shot down the fact that they were beloved by their people. You shooting down this. I don't know what to tell you that will get you excited for this new chapter in your life," Milo said.
"You're not going to. They're a stranger. The only reason I'm going along with it is because it would be stupid to turn down such a powerful alliance."
"Well, the good news is, once the wedding is over, you don't have to interact with them outside of publicity events," Milo offered. "Or, you fall in love with them after the wedding."
"That's superficial," David grumbled. "How do I know if I really love them or if it's just because they're here?"
Milo shrugged. "Only so much I can do, boss," he said.
A guard signalled the arrival of someone at the gate, and before David knew it, two horses were trotting down the path. David took a deep breath.
"Here we go," he muttered.
One thing is for sure, the rumours about their beauty weren't a lie. The royal was very attractive. It didn't make David feel any better about this arrangement. They slipped off the back of their horse, assisted by their knight. They approached, smile on their face. once they were a few feet away, they bowed.
"Your Majesty," they said. David approached as they straightened. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"The pleasure is all mine," David said, bending to kiss their hand. "Please, come inside, my dad will be pleased to meet you."
Culver accepted, taking David's outstretched arm, interlinking them. David led them into the castle, followed by the two knights. Culver kept their eyes dutifully forward. David half wondered to himself what their intentions were. Were they excited for this? Did they have any plans? What did they know? How much power were they looking for?
Gabe was in the study, as he knew he would be. He always was here when they were expecting guests. He said that it made people feel more comfortable, and he got better arrangments out of it. It was in this room that it was decided he was to marry this stranger. David wondered just how much good luck it actually brought.
The conversation with his dad went off without a hitch. Culver was a hit with him, making him laugh and smile. His parents loved them. They seemed to know exactly what to say, and knew how to correct their mistakes (which were few and far between). David had no doubt they were a beast in political settings, getting what they wanted in the most efficient way possible.
Eventually, his dad excused himself.
"I should leave you two alone to get to know each other," his father said. "I should check up on your welcome dinner, anyway. Only the best for my son's spouse."
"Dad," David muttered.
"I'll see you two later," Gabe cut him off before leaving.
Culver seemed to deflate the second that the knights closed the door behind him. David was surprised, to say the least.
"Listen," they started, rubbing at their eyes, "I'm sure you're a nice guy, but you have to know."
"Know what?" David asked, shifting in his chair.
Culver took a deep breath. "I don't want to marry you. I never had any interest in marrying you, I just know that this will help my people. That's the only reason I'm here."
David felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Thank god," he muttered.
"Excuse me?" Culver asked.
"I'm so glad we're on the same page about this," David said. "I admire you being upfront about this."
"What else was I going to do? Lie? I only lie if I need to," Culver said. "It wouldn't benefit me to lie to you now. Especially since I was under the impression you wanted this."
"No, not at all," David said. "I was told that you were the one with the idea, actually."
"You're kidding," Culver said. "Is that what my parents said? No surprise, I guess, but still. Lord, cannot believe they would lie like that."
"So you don't want to get married to me?" David asked.
"Not at all," Sweetheart assured. "I'd much rather be running my own kingdom right about now, but this was the best thing to happen to my kingdom since I was young. This contract will be promising to my people."
David felt a smile creeping across his face. "That's how I feel, as well."
"That... was surprisingly easy," Culver said. "You're really okay with me having no interest in you whatsoever?"
"Absolutely," David said. "So long as you agree to keep up appearances and not fuck over me or my kingdom."
Culver chuckled, and it didn't sound at all like how they laughed before. Was David close to hearing what their real laugh sounded like? "Well, I definitely don't have plans for fucking you over. I'll keep up appearances if it means that I'll have my parents off my back, among other things."
"Well, good," David said, nodding.
There was a knock at the door, and then Milo was poking his head in. "Sir, you're being summoned by your father."
"I'll be right out," David said. "In the meantime, show Culver and their knight to their rooms, please?"
"Right away, sir."
David stood up, holding his hand out to Culver. They took it, standing up themselves. "I will see you at dinner," David said.
"Yes you will," Culver smiled. They were ushered out of the room by their knight.
David followed after a moment, Milo holding the door open. Once he was out, Milo shot him a look before leading the other two down the hall. Culver turned slightly to wave at him, that smile still there.
Perhaps this could work out, David thought, since they were already so in sync. Maybe they could be friends after all of this.
Only time would tell, he guessed.
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agustdiv1ne · 11 months
hii congrats on 3k you deserve it!!! i love your works so much you're one of my favorite writers here <3 can i request for the event yeonjun + howl's moving castle + fluff and smut ? love you <3
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff, smսt
wc: 3.2k
details + warnings: minors + blank/ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked, yeonjun as howl (take these two pics for reference,, phew), mc as sophie (but no defining physical features are described besides silver hair), this takes place after the events of the movie aka flying castle era, light dom/sub dynamics, vv soft sex, oral (f receiving), they are so in love it's sickening honestly
notes: starting this event off strong with one of my ults paired with one of my favorite movies...*visibly quaking* and ilyt nonnie <3 you're the sweetest
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humming to yourself, you amble down the cobblestone path of a town far from the one that you once considered home. your dress brushes against your legs as you continue forward, the soft fabric rustled by a cool, gentle breeze characteristic of spring. above, clouds drift about the cerulean sky, the sun's rays gentle and warm where they kiss your skin. you soon spot the door that you had first emerged from when you had set out to complete a handful of errands earlier in the afternoon.
your focus on the door falters at the mouth watering scent wafting from a nearby stall, something saccharine and warm. perhaps one more stop is in order, you find yourself thinking as you part from your original path. your feet lead you over to the older woman overseeing the small stand surrounded by other passersby nibbling at the sweets she sells. the crow's feet around her eyes appear when she smiles at you, her chin-length hair a similar silver hue to your own.
“hello, my dear,” she greets, her voice soft and worn with time. as she continues, her hands work in tandem to package some of the treats that had lured you over. “how may i help you?”
you offer her a polite smile while you request four of the small, half-moon pastries filled with molasses-rich sugar and chopped nuts. steam rises from the ones that have just finished cooking, ready to be packaged for awaiting customers. she nods at you, smiling, as she quickly wraps up and hands the fresh ones off to a woman and her two young children to your left. the youngest hums in delight once he takes a bite, and the three of them head off down the road.
“your hair is quite beautiful, dear,” she says, the twinkle in her eyes signifying the truthfulness of her words as you place the correct amount of coins into her awaiting palm. “i’ve never seen someone so young with such a shade. it suits you well.” 
“oh, thank you! that is very kind of you to say,” you reply, your soft voice imbued with surprise. while most do not comment, you have witnessed firsthand the gawking and stares of judgement that your hair has garnered in your travels. the hue is a reminder of the curse you once endured, but the fond memories it brings forth far outweigh any negative reactions you have received thus far. warmth fills your chest at the compliment. 
she wraps and hands you your own pastries seconds later. bowing your head slightly, you voice your gratitude before you realize she has given you one extra. you attempt to hand one back to her, the others tucked into the basket hanging off of your arm. “ma’am, i believe you may have given me one too many—”
“nonsense,” she winks, pushing your hand back towards you. “consider it a gift.”
guilt swirling in your stomach, you try to hand her another coin. however, she refuses, shooing you away from her stand with well-wishes of safe travels. with a final shallow bow and kind words in return, you depart from the stall, your steps light and springy.
embarrassingly giddy after the sweet interaction, you scurry down the street much quicker now, eager to return home. home — it is what you used to call your family's hat shop, but now...now, home is what you call yeonjun, his youthful apprentice, kai, calicfer, heen, even the witch of the waste. they are your home, and nothing could ever exceed the joy that that truth brings you.
you remove one of the pastries from your basket, unwrapping it to take a bite, eyes widening at the sweet, syrupy taste that coats your tongue. delicious is the sole word that comes to mind. the warm delicacy only serves to heighten your mood, and it is long gone before you even reach your destination. you are tempted to reach for another, but decide against it. a hand wraps around the knob and twists, and suddenly, you are no longer in the town, but soaring high above in yeonjun's — and now, too, your own — flying castle.
“i’m home!” you call as you enter, using the heel of your boot to swing the wooden door closed behind you. though he is no longer confined to the hearth, calcifer sits there anyway; it has become habit after his years bound to yeonjun.
“oh, look who’s decided to come back!” he exclaims, flames growing brighter at the sight of you. “yeonjun’s been sulkin’ in his room since ya left — i’ve been dyin’ of boredom out here!”
you breathe a laugh at calcifer’s dramatics, looking for the young boy who is usually around when you return. “where is kai?”
“out. more magical apprentice-y tasks to do, i guess,” he replies, inspecting you as you set the basket down with pursed lips. “why the long face?”
“i got him a sweet from a stall, and it’s still hot,” you hum, beginning to place the produce and other items that you purchased onto the table. “i suppose you will have to warm it up for him later.”
“do i look like some kinda servant?” he asks, indignant. he continues to ramble about his now free status and how he doesn’t need to listen to you while you continue to remove items from your basket, placing the four remaining pastries to the side. 
huffing, you finally wave the firewood you had bought for him. “how about now?”
calcifer gasps at the sight, his small arms appearing to beckon you over. he scoffs, “alright, c’mon, i’ll do it. should’ve just said you had that first.”
you swiftly gather a decent amount of wood in your arms and head over to him, handing him one after another to greedily chomp down. with each one, he grows a bit larger, brighter, his glowing yellow center expanding.
“at this rate, i’ll start likin’ ya better than yeonjun,” the fire demon claims through a mouthful of lumber, snatching another piece from the now dwindling pile that you hold. 
“you already do, just admit it,” you quip, grinning down at him. 
“admit what?” an inimitably deeper voice asks. head whipping around, you find yeonjun leaning against the doorway, lips quirked up in a smirk with his arms folded across his broad chest. a loose, white blouse envelopes his torso and is tucked into primly tailored trousers.  
“oh, nothing for you to fret over,” you tease, well aware that he likely heard the vast majority of the conversation. he tuts, striding over to wrap his arms around your waist from behind, his chin coming to rest upon your shoulder as you present calcifer with the final piece of wood from your makeshift heap. the ends of his hair tickle your skin. he hums something low and quiet, pressing his soft, plump lips against your neck. calcifer, in turn, emits a nauseated heave. 
“if ya gonna act all lovey dovey around me, i’ll just leave,” the ball of flame huffs, beginning to float in the air. 
yeonjun chuckles, his arms pulling you tighter against him. “no need. i was meaning to steal this one away from you, anyway.”
“oh, great! just wonderful!” he sneers, sinking back down to the stone hearth and glowering at the man who leads you back towards the doorway. “spare my ears while ya at it!”
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once you are alone, yeonjun wastes no time in pressing you against his silken bedsheets. he balances himself above you with a single forearm, his hips tucked between your parted thighs and hiked up dress. his lips waste no time in enveloping your own. slow, languid — he takes great care in savoring you, ensuring that you are as close as possible with his free hand cupping your cheek. his cheeky tongue slips into your mouth to curl against yours, causing you to exhale a muffled whine.
before you are able to slide your hands up his shoulders and around the back of his neck, he pulls away. staring up at him, you find chestnut eyes brimming with adoration. the sight of his disheveled hair and shiny, kiss-bruised lips sends flurries of butterflies through your stomach.
"“you taste so sweet, love,” he murmurs as he brushes his thumb against your cheekbone. his words dissipate the heady fog creeping into your mind, and you reach up to grab his hand.
“the pastries!” you exclaim with wide eyes. attempting to sit up, you gently push him back onto his knees. you catch the furrow of his brow, the pout forming on his lips, and you move to explain. “i purchased pastries for us to try while i was out — the stall owner even gave me one more for free! isn’t that delightful?” 
yeonjun blinks. hard. how you are whining into his mouth one moment and growing distracted by sweets the next is quite beyond him, but it nonetheless causes an endeared smile to pull at the corners of his lips.
“you should try it while they’re still hot! i’ll go fetch one for you,” you continue, mistakenly taking his grin for excitement. swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, you stand and begin to scurry over to his bedroom door, him rising from the bed going unnoticed.
despite your newfound goal, your lover does not allow you to stray too far, catching you by the waist and pulling you back against him. his fingers weave together against your stomach, locking you in his embrace, unable to wriggle away.
“don’t leave me,” he pleads, and though you are unable to see it from your position, his tone betrays the pout that he sports. “i feel as if we haven’t seen each other in ages.”
“i’ve only been away for a few hours. you have survived much longer,” you giggle, reaching up to run your fingers through his onyx hair while he kisses up your neck, nipping the skin where you are most sensitive. you allow a quiet moan to escape, a shuddered breath following soon after when he does not halt his ministrations. attempting to pry his hands off, you say, “i’ll be just a minute, if you would let me go.”
whining in protest with his nose nuzzled against your jaw, his grip grows ironclad, the space between your bodies diminishing — and that is when you feel it: the hardness that presses snugly against your rear. heat floods your cheeks at the realization, and your struggle to escape comes to an abrupt end. “love, the pastry—”
“i’ll try it later. i’d much rather taste you at the moment,” he interrupts, voice low and breathy against your ear. the sheer desperation in his voice causes heat to pulse in your center. 
he pulls you back to bed with ease, aiding you in your descent to the sheets. his hands bunching the skirt of your dress up reveals your stocking-clad legs, the fabric squeezing the meat of your thighs in a way that causes him to gulp. he slips his body between your legs, a position reminiscent of mere minutes ago, taking his time in running his hands up and down sensitive skin of your inner thighs, traveling dangerously close to your covered center. goosebumps raise beneath his fingers as a shiver slinks down your spine.
while his actions are drenched in admiration mixed with a soft sense of desire, it is too much for you to bear. overwhelmed with bashfulness, you hide your face in your hands. above you, your lover tuts, as if dissapointed with your choice. prying your hands away, he gathers your wrists and presses them into the bed above your head.
“keep your hands there,” he orders, eyes half-lidded and glazed over with need. “or else i will stop.”
your heart skips a beat in your chest at his order, but you nod nevertheless. he simpers at your obedience.
“that’s my girl.”
and suddenly the desire to melt into a puddle washes over you. the words bring you back to the first day that you had encountered him; when he had saved you from two sleazy soldiers, flew you over the town square and helped you to a balcony before disappearing. that day, you had no inkling of just how drastically your life would change. how fate has landed you here, below that very man, in love with him...you have expressed your gratitude to whatever it is above countless times.
truly, you never thought of yourself to be one for praise, but your time with yeonjun thus far has unlocked a myriad of preferences you had never given a second thought to before. as the words echo in your head, you bite your lip to muffle a tiny whine.
chuckling, he lowers himself onto his stomach so that he is eye level with your center. a finger skates over the seam of your panties, sliding up your slit to press against your awaiting bud. all the while, his plump kiss and suckle their way up your thigh until he's nosing at the crease of your thigh, dangerously close to your folds. pulling away, he helps you slip the thin, soaked fabric from you with teasing touches until you are bare from the waist down, sans your stockings.
at the sight of your glistening core, he licks his lips, taking in the way you clench around nothing. you feel terribly exposed, like a sculpture in the center of a gallery, unable to hide. he coos at your trembling state. ever so sensitive, his little doe, even after so long. holding you open, his gaze travels back up past your heaving chest to your flustered face.
“eyes on me, sweetheart. want you to watch me.” he locks his gaze with yours as he dips down to trace your folds with tongue, reveling in the way your brow furrows and your lips part, teeth grazing your bottom lip for a moment. yeonjun is nothing if not a tease, however; he continues to repeat the same movements until you are battling with the urge to snap your eyes shut and burrow your head into the sheets, until you are pleading with him for more. conceding, he dips down to your entrance only to moan at your taste. yes, this is what he has been craving all day. his tongue dips inside for a moment before he licks a bold stripe up to your clit, his eyes fluttering closed while he takes his time in working you up. you cry out as the tip of his tongue slides under the hood, toying with the tiny bundle of nerves with practiced confidence. his lips do not stray far behind, wrapping around and sucking hard, basking in the choked moan you emit in response. 
but it's not enough.
he pulls away for a moment, hands squeezing your thighs. when you finally meet his gaze, he finds tears lining your bottom lashes, little dewdrops that cause your eyes to shine brighter.
“sing for me, sweetheart,” he says, his voice soft and hypnotizing. “as loud as you desire. when we’re in this room, no one can hear you but me.”
then, without waiting for your foggy brain to register his words, he dives back in with increased vigor, his lone goal being to make you fall apart, to cause you to let go those silly inhibitions that keep you as quiet as a mouse. he is more than pleased at the cries that follow.
while he loses himself in tasting you, you are falling apart. white-hot pleasure burns in the center of your stomach, a fire that grows hotter and brighter and causes you to grip the sheets harder with paled knuckles. it winds around you and spreads across the entirety of your being. with a mist-shrouded mind, all you can do is take what he provides, grinding against his lips. despite his warning from earlier, you reach down to thread your fingers through his hair and tug. this, evidently, sets him off; more beast than human, he devours you whole. he wants — no, needs your release. cum for me, darling, please cum for me — an unspoken plea, conveyed by his zealous tongue and lips, his grip on your thighs nearly bruising. and you listen, you listen so well despite his silence, the pleasure building and building and building and—
you shatter.
wailing, a supernova of pleasure overwhelms your body and soul, hot tears rolling streaming down your cheeks. your body no longer has a beginning nor an end — you feel as though you are floating above the bed rather than laying upon it, looking down at yourself, at the man betwixt your thighs, the care with which he extracts every drop of pleasure from your center, the patience he exudes while he delivers you back down to your true existence, back to him.
slowly, so very slowly, you return back to yourself, weary eyes fluttering open to find him hovering above you. his pupils hold profound concern, the rhythmic circling of his thumb against your cheek soothing to your mind. he's frowning, and you can see the gears spinning inside his head, wondering if he had finally gone too far.
“jjunie,” you whisper with an exhausted yet lovesick grin, pulling him close so that your foreheads press together — and with the melodic sound of your endearing nickname for him, the doubt, the guilt, festering deep in his chest vanishes. you spend a few moments gazing at each other, and you use the edge of your nail to trace his beauty marks while you bask in the presence of one another; just you and him, him and you. 
leaning up, you capture his lips, something soft and sweet and unhurried that causes your heart to pound against your ribcage. the heart — it can be such a fickle thing, always changing, always setting its sights on shiny, new things. yes, it can be quite fickle, but nothing can dispute the undeniable truth of your eternal, immutable love for yeonjun, and his for you. you may change your routines and what you eat and the tunes you sing, but your love is forever frozen in time. “find me in the future,” is what you once exclaimed to him, and he had done just that — and so, so much more.
despite your exhausted mind, you find yourself craving more. the hardness of his cock presses into your thigh, and you grind slightly into him. he stares down at you, lips parted, silently inquiring if you are okay: are you sure you would like to continue? it's a wordless exchange, the way you reach down to stroke him over his trousers, the cheeky bite of your lip. with that, the mischievous grin he wore previously returns.
“you’re absolutely insatiable,” he laughs, returning his lips to your neck.
“oh, please. you were the one who wanted this in the first place,” you tease back before you’re squealing at the sound of ripping fabric. “yeonjun!”
“i shall mend it later,” he shrugs, eyes darkening as he greedily takes in your now bare bosom. “right now, however, there are much more pressing matters.”
perhaps the pastries can wait a wee bit a longer.
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3k event masterlist | main masterlist
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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thebestpumkin · 4 months
- title - love letters.
- pairing - osamu dazai x reader
- word count - 353
- summary - a valentine's day love letter from your lovely osamu.
- tw - reader is referred to as belladonna but otherwise gender-neutral, kinda depressing (it's osamu, though..) but not too bad i think, also new format specifically for letters (lmk if it sucks), lmk if there are any to add!
- a/n at the bottom!
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- For Osamu Dazai's beloved's eyes ONLY!! -
- Please refrain from opening until February 14th...how cruel of me. :) -
Dearest belladonna,
I do hope you've heeded my warning and it's February 14th...otherwise this is just another love letter instead of a romantic Valentine's letter. Though I suppose I must get on with it and hope you listened.
I also hope it's not too late to ask you to be my Valentine. Just because we're dating doesn't make that automatic, my dear. It also won't stop me from constantly keeping you on my mind, nor will it stop the accompanying thought - how did I get quite so lucky? You are truly the closest thing to perfection that's ever lived, do you know that? And I'm not entirely sure what I did to have you, but I'm not gonna question it, I'm just going to enjoy the gift.
I owe you my life, belladonna, as insignificant as it is. It's laughable, really, how a mere few years ago I was trying to end everything. But then you came in - you and your eyes that shine like the star we've dubbed ours while you tell me about your day. You, and your sweet honeyed voice praising me, and holding me while I tell you how vile of a human I truly am. You, who look at me through your gorgeous lashes as if I'm worth something. You, you, you. How I love you. How I love that you've given me reason to live: I want to spend more Valentine's days with you. More days with you, simply.
I already have our day planned, my love, and I plan on saying this multiple times today - though I suppose it's different when it's written, don't you agree? - I love you. I hope you'll accept my poor soul as yours for years to come, but let's start small: Will you be my Valentine?* I'll leave you with that, belladonna. I look forward to hearing your response...and hopefully to see you dolled up for our plans tonight.
Yours very truly,
Osamu Dazai
*P.S., I must say I do hope the answer is yes, considering that I made the reservations already...maybe I should have asked sooner.
pumkin speaks: still sorry for disappearing for like 2 months..my bad 😦😦 i hope this (and the other (very few) love letters i've got) will make up for my absence (i say as if i have a double digit following). anywho! i have some referenves to my absolute most favoritest book ever in here, and since i do the opposite of gatekeeping, pleasepleasePLEASE read Almost Home by Joan Bauer. okay, that's all i have, so see you soon! hopefully it's less than 2 months this time...
as always, likes, reblogs, requests, and feedback are vv appreciated! divider credits go to r0se-designs :)
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kimakento · 9 months
his priority
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synopsis : you thought you were dear to syoya, maybe that’s not all to the story. ⌙ 0.5k
pairing(s) : toxic!kimatasyoya x fem!reader
genre(s) : angst
tags : absolutely zero fluff, just straight angst
a/n : new to writing, critiques are always accepted but just be nice! proofread but please lmk if there are any mistakes!! i really recommend listening to ‘california and me’ by laufey as the lyrics mentioned are from that song. vv ooc ik 😓 this is my very first work here, hope you all enjoy!
tysm to my moot @yawnzzznnn for proofreading this work, they’re amazing!
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i imagine you holding her in your arms
laughing about how i thought you were the one
i get so anxious and maybe i’m young
wasn’t i stupid to think like that?
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“let go of me,” syoya snapped, snatching his arm from your desperate grip. his tone wasn’t cheery like you were used to, this specific one wasn’t at all familiar and that was terrifying for you.
“please you can’t go, i need you. i can’t live without you. syoya, please listen to me.” the tears continuously streaming down your face, deep down you knew this was bound to happen. or so at least, that’s what you kept repeating to yourself.
a laugh broke the silence, not the genuine one you’d hear from him hourly, no. this laugh was dripping with sarcasm, sending shivers down your spine.
“god you’re so clingy, i wonder why all your past relationships never worked out.” and in that specific moment, it all occurred to you. he’s never truly loved you.
the first sign of trouble and i bite my tongue
left me and the ocean for your old flame
“you’re kidding right-? tell me, all those times we had together weren’t real?” you spoke with a tiny hope evident in your voice, all the memories you’ve spent with syoya flooding your mind.
the times his lips touched yours, where you’ve both shared long and warm embraces, all those times he would assure and comfort you while you would ultimately do the same. you gave your all in this relationship, blindly believing syoya did too.
“who’d ever love someone like you.”
you felt your already broken heart shattering more, the guilt and regret already etched across your face.
you notice him walking away from you, your mind was running a million miles a second, yet you couldn’t pinpoint a single thought. the room started closing in on you. clutching your chest, you winced in pain.
if you’d ever reminisced back at this time, you’d scold yourself for being so needy, why does this always happen to you? why are you always the problem? why are you so attached all the time? why?
“it hurts.” you managed to choke out, the struggle to breathe was evident as fear consumed you whole while you tried to composing yourself.
what are five things i can see, hear and feel?
you try reminding yourself, yet your mind refuses to cooperate, leaving you panicking even more.
holding back my tears, i couldn’t make you stay
can’t quit this
god, did you feel so pathetic right now?
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“hey, you okay?”
syoya questions, looking down at you, planting a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
“yeah. just lost in my thoughts.”
you were melting in his embrace, listening to his ‘soothing’ hums while also knowing deep down he would eventually leave you again, just like before, just like always.
but for now, you would still enjoy his presence while it lasted. even if syoya wasn’t healthy for you.
you’ve finally accepted that you would never be his first priority or any of his priorities for that matter and that’s just something you’d just have to live with.
so damn wicked
to leave california…and me.
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seelestia · 2 years
the butterfly has arrived safely <3 <3
yeppp..... i mean in the end i managed to rewrite it.... at least it's just a 600-700 words drabble i guess? it could be worse ;w;
it does sound like it would make the perfect breakfast paired with sandwiches hehe something decadent to start your day!! oh dear, i hope you're okay ;;;; but... but coffee is so good.... i mean i guess it's more bitter than tea but like. a good brew tastes like a nice-and-tasty kinda bitter!!!
yesyes hehe it was an experience alright. sjldjfklshdf everyone has been saying that and i am. so. excited. hahahah
oh lord.... time to max out electroculus and dendroculus huh? i pray for you.... isn't sumeru's total land size twice or thrice inazuma? 👀
artifact farming sounds like it would be a productive activity while the story takes a backseat! you can do it!! may the rng gods bless you <3 50/208 oh my god you're a chronic simp
yesyesyes!!! it's so nice to see the varieties in genshinblr hhhh i am constantly just in awe at the other writers... how are yall so good and talented aaaaaa and i am sure it would turn out great!!!! and hey, at the end of the day, it's good writing practice :3
let us put on our aviator sunglasses to combat the blindingness that is our husbands slkjdflskjdf
your puppy eyes + the turtles + the actual puppies' will be the downfall of ayato lol 
now then, go forth spirit puppy, deliver my mail to your brethren!! 💌🐾
i love how my messenger is a butterfly and yours is puppies... something is oddly flipped here. (/j) AND TRUE 😭 this is why i only write on google docs because i'm scared that tumblr won't save my progress or my finger slips and delete my tab. at least, google docs has an automatic save feature that doesn't require you to manually save it <//3
i'm indeed a good option to consider if you want to have picnics, hehe~ sandwiches with chicken slices are my beloved. (/lh) and no worries, headaches from caffeine are nothing i can't handle. i think i'll just stick to my cocoa latte order from now on 😭
I SAW THAT YOU ALREADY MET FERAL HAITHAM. iirc, alhaitham's jp va is umehara yuichiro (vv deep voice), so that azar scene must've been a joy to watch 🤫 that scribe should get an oscar, my gosh, his acting was fr smth else. also, i really loved his interaction with kaveh + at the end of the quest, where he was like "oop, i accidentally brought two keys with me today... heh." (kaveh is sleeping outside /j)
the electroculus search is still ongoing and i fear for my life in sumeru... hoyoverse really likes underground places, huh (i'm suffering here) 😭 mhm, i'm trying to build my c1 mona by alternating between the noblesse oblige and the severed emblem! rng is painful, but at least, i got to use all my resin. (i thank your hubby, zhongli for ensuring my team's survival with his mega shield and burst DMG i finally got the catch to r5!)
unfortunately, my dear cousin, i shall take the "chronic simp" title with open arms. it's now 60/208, apparently and OH, i saw some leaks that said ayato is going to rerun with ei on v3.3's 2nd phase! the sigh of relief i let out, HELP. but i fear for you, rin jie... childe is coming soon, scara is coming soon, and ayato is coming soon... who shall be your choice? I'M SCARED FOR YOU FHJEDK
hehe, the fic is still in the works~ i still haven't decided whether it should be simple or more story-driven and i feel bad for it — but ik that you'd tell me to take my time, so i'll try! i really loved the one with husband!zhongli and baby!xiao, hehe (the way baby xiao was like "birds. birds!") <3
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dailysutta · 2 years
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odxrilove · 3 years
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life is unfair, that's what yn tells herself everytime her extremely bad wifi throws her out of the server in the middle of a game. but when she gets disconnected, once again, while playing with the best game-buddy she has ever had, yn is ready to flip the universe off. enraged about the loss of her unknown game-buddy, yn throws her frustration out on twitter in a long thread, recalling every little moment that happened during the four hours of playing with her "soulmate" (yn's words). unfortunately, the long thread suddenly finds it's way onto her public twitter and not her private. what a shame that she only realizes it once the notifications start flooding in.
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#.pairing:: non-idol!jungwon x fem!reader
#.genre:: smau, fluff, crack, meet-online, online friends to lovers!au, gaming!au
#.warnings:: profanity, vv bad descriptions of games, lots of simping, lots of blushing, bad jokes, some sexual jokes, jokes about death, more to come.
#.taglist:: open!! ask to be on the taglist :)
#.started:: 23/10/2021
#.status:: !!ON HOLD!!
#.author's notes:: finally!! i've been hiding this for weeks now and im so excited that it is finally out! i hope you like it and a huge thanks to faith, elly, val and nini for their endless support and a special thanks for my wife faith for helping me make the profiles!! <3
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#.profiles ::
#.yn and friends
#.jungwon and friends
#.private twitters
#.one:: croissant and groceries
#.two:: alfred the pervert?!
#.three:: best duo, only duo
#.four:: heartbroken
#.five:: no-spying rule
#.six:: soulmates
#.seven:: take it down
#.eight:: we all need a wonie
#.nine:: fun fourth graders
#.ten:: consent is sexy
#.eleven:: crying session
#.twelve:: #woniesupremacy 👻
#.thirteen:: one (1) hour free
#.fourteen:: revelation of the year
#.fifteen:: you're done, you're done
#.sixteen:: jungwon peace out 👋
#.seventeen:: my dear cupid-partner
#.eighteen:: #ynExposedEra
#.nineteen:: betas fighting??
#.twenty:: jackpot !! 😆
#.twenty-one:: bitchless
#.twenty-two:: dog and cat
#.twenty-three:: top tier content
#.twenty-four:: ynwon enthusiast
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#.taglist:: @0x1lovebot @itsyaapollochild @sunshinelixie-lee @meraniki @fairybinie @fluttering-tbz @verifiedsunghoonsimp @simpforsung @msxflower @youreverydayzebra @shrutiajit @creamkwan @heeseungarden @iyeonjuni @meijiamikas @yjwfav @hyuckslytherin @chewychubchuu @you-njinhwang @leefelix-gf @ja4hyvn @lumixen @lokideadontheinside @korejijiyo @meiiiwa @reallysmolrenjun @stoatwashere @robotsahi @acciomylove @minahoeshi @w3bqrl @at1ny0 @bigtittietoji @lix-freckle3 @sheepgardenenha @yongbokfrecks @vampsvngie @urresidentdrugdealer @c0nvers3h1gh @emobeomgyu @hiqhkey @oureris @shynypeacekitten @big-fool-energy @xtra-cheese @dinosdance @moonsclover @rozisisme @odetoyeonjun @junityy
please do not copy, steal or repost any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove. likes and reblogs are very appreciated.
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astralflower-writes · 3 years
always have been
♡ pairing: jackson avery x female! reader
♡ genre: fluff
♡ warnings: none; vv small season 9 spoilers ahead
♡ check out the grey's anatomy masterlist here
♡ a/n: this is my first ever grey's anatomy fic made. hope all you will have fun reading!!
♡ a/n: i moved accounts so im posting it again here
you've always have been the youngest in your class. you've always been the youngest in your family. and the fact that you are an only child does not give an advantage for you.
born and raised in boston. you were neighbors with jackson avery, who put pinecones in your hair when you were little kids.
you were a helpless little baby in jackson's eyes back then. you were always his target with his pranking, as you were a tad younger than him.
it was all fun and games for him not until you've learned the beauty of taking revenge. which then change of being a team of entertaining yourselves whenever his mom or your family goes to a gala. and you've always been by his side.
"hey y/n wouldn't it be fun if we unplugged those speakers?" he asked you whilst looking for the main plug. "it could be. or not." you replied munching on the chocolate pretzels you got from the buffet table.
"oh come on. you're such a sissy." he snickered.
you knew better. growing up beside him from the beginning, it was his one of many ways of getting you on board.
"you're grandpa would flip." you said chuckling as you pointed that his grandfather looked over the two of you as if knowing that the both of you were up to no good.
days, months and years passed. you skipped a few grades and you were about to start highschool with jackson. thank the heavens that you'd have jackson with you in highschool.
but with your mother telling you that she's sending you to her home country for you to continue studying, your plans with jackson was in shambles.
jackson even tried to convince his mom for him to come along with you. but no to avail, his mother's words were. "no. you're an avery. you have duties here."
so with you going away, jackson tried to hide in the trunk of your car when it was the day of your flight.
"you promise to write." he reached out his pinky and made you promise. "aunt catherine already has my address." you smiled at him.
your mother sending you to her home country actually had a great advantage for you. because within those years, you've managed to finish medicine within six years.
yes. six. you didn't even think those programs exist.
so, now, after 10 years of being away. you're finally back.
your mother sent you to seattle to meet you there about an opening for a pediatric surgeon.
"mom? what are you doing here?" jackson said as he approached her with an embrace.
"jackson. you remember your aunt rose." catherine said and he greeted your mother with a smile.
"look at you! no wonder y/n can't stop talking about you." your mother said as jackson leaned into her embrace. "yeah... uh, how's y/n?" he asked trying to make small talk.
"oh she's fine. she's coming here actually." your mother replied.
"she's back?" jackson was taken aback about you being back after years of being away. "can you wait for her by the lobby and show her around, dear?" his mother asked.
"her mother and i have something important to discuss." she added while giving jackson a knowing look.
you were heading to grey-sloan memorial where your mother told you to meet her.
mom: sweetheart ask the nurses to page jackson when you arrive
you almost tripped on your foot when you read your mother's text.
you: jackson? jackson avery? why?
mom: he works there. your aunt catherine said he'll show you around ;)
you: when did you learn to use those?
you've finally arrived. you trudged yourself up to the main lobby and asked the nurse to page jackson.
you waited a few minutes and heard someone spoke. "someone paged me?"
you turned around and revealed jackson. "you got tall." you suddenly spoke.
"y/n!" he did not know what gotten him but he embraced you tightly.
"you... you're still short." he retorted sporting that sneaky grin he had since you were little kids.
"still mean, i see." you laughed as he lead you away from the busy lobby. "so... how are you?" he started.
"oh... that, im fine. you?"
"kind of. and not to brag, i kind of run this place." he said whispering to you. "really? you're serious?" stopping and looking at him checking if his really serious.
he just smiled. "no! you are serious!" you laughed at his antics trying to prove he is serious. "never thought that jackson, who stuck pinecones on my head will run a hospital." you spoke as the both of you walk in the corridors.
"what about you? mother mentioned you've mentioned you finished medicine in six years."
"i-i did." you spoke quietly.
"that's crazy." he said while the both of you were waiting for the elevator.
"that's why you've been busy huh." he said as the both of you were inside the elevator. "yeah... kind of."
"is this about we promised to write letters?" you spoke up.
jackson looked at you surprised that somehow you knew what he was thinking about. "well, i did write you letters." you spoke up.
getting off the elevator he led you to a conference room where both of your mothers were.
"can we talk more later, maybe? come over for dinner?" he asked you shyly.
"that would be great." you said with a smile before you went inside.
as what the both of you planned. you went over to jackson's place to catch up more.
he let you set your things by the living room, which was set up like how you hang out when you were younger.
"you've got a nice place." you said looking around.
"hey. uh--i got something for you." you said reaching over the small bag you brought. "you never stopped sending letters. and i did." you started.
giving him the bag you held, he looked inside. "i-i replied to every letter you sent. i just uh, i didn't send one back."
he looked at you with those same eyes you fell for years ago.
"god y/n i was about to get mad at you." he said jokingly as he captured you into another one of his warm embrace.
"i know. mom always bothered me to send you back letters." you chuckled in his chest.
"did you know how much i missed you? and god knows how much i love you." he said squeezing you tighter.
"yo-you love me?" you asked getting out of his embrace trying your best to hide your smile. "ye-yeah i do." he said as a hint of blush started to form in his cheeks.
"well, i always have been in love with you" you replied.
"are you staying for good?" he asked you. you smiled at him.
"yeah. only if you hire me." you spoke. "then you're hired dr. y/l/n." jackson spoke as he placed his lips on yours.
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missmewts · 3 years
sloppy blow//kyle spencer
pairings; post death kyle spencer, male gender neutral reader
rating; mature
warnings; smut; m x m, blowjobs, handjob, vv soft ky 💕, mentions of overstimulating ky (he came, like, eight times), praise, sorta proofread, but not very well
i use this gif way too much forgive me
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his noises were precious, priceless. while his skin was torn, and not all body parts were his, he sure as hell could feel all of it. your hands grazed his arched back, running down his spine and circling to grasp his hips. his muscles flinched under your touch, but they warmed up to you relatively fast.
his skin was hot and sweaty, the smell of that and his multiple orgasms joining forces to form the sweet scent of sex. your head lifted at last second, and he came, yet again, in the growing pool of cum in the dip on his stomach. he threw his head back, sweat-doused blond curls pressing against his forehead. his seventh final moan was shaky and broken from overstimulation, but within seconds, he was hard again.
his back slowly lowered from its arch, and soft whimpers erupted from his throat. 'no more. tired.' he murmured, his hands slowly releasing their grip on your sheet. 'are you, ky?' you asked, both hands accentuating the curves in his sides, squeezing the slight pudge that formed love handles. kyle let his mouth fall open, a high whine falling past plump lips.
a sharp gasp pierced his throat when you pinched his nipple. hands found your forearms, his eyes drooping with exhaustion and brimmed with tears. 'more.' he whispered, relaxing in your touch when you came down to kiss the scars lining his collar bones. when you pulled away, he whined, covering his reddened face.
'ky,' you said, lowering into a seated position beside him. he sat up slightly, leaning on his elbows. the white resting on his pale stomach seeped into the fine hair acting as a treasure trail. 'c'mere, baby.' you told him, and he was quick to scramble up. neither of you cared about the mess he made of his own orgasms very much. with you leaned back on your elbows, he sat beside you on his hip, his arm balancing him.
'your turn?' he asked, his delicate hands grazing your stomach. you nodded. 'if you aren't too ti-' kyle practically threw himself to the end of the bed. 'not tired anymore.' he said quickly. he grinned at the sound of your laugh, backing up a bit as your knees bent over the edge of the mattress. 'silly, ky. on your knees.' kyle didn't hesitate to drop down, his hands holding your knees for stabilization. he got cozy between your thighs, his sticky stomach pressed against the edge of the bed and his arms laid lazily on top of your thighs.
your fingers combed through his hair, his head dropping to rest his cheek on your thigh as he stoked you slowly. 'such a good boy. pretty, pretty boy.' you murmured, pushing wet hair back along his scalp. his eyes were focused on you, looking for any sort of negative reaction as he lifted the pace of his hand. he got frustrated at your lack of response, and just decided to take you in whole.
the nice thing about kyle, is that after his death, his gag reflex had taken a maternity leave or something. so, when you hit the back of his throat almost immediately, your head fell back in a desperate gasp. his mouth had already been overly salivated from drool, so when he began bobbing, his throat made slick, crude sounds. drool seeped down his lips, hanging on for dear life as he placed his hands on your thighs.
he moaned at the volume of your noises, and it felt like your whole body had vibrated. you took his hand, lifting his index and middle finger, tapping your thigh twice before letting go and tangling your fingers in his hair. he tapped your thigh in response, giving you his consent, and you bucked your hips, holding his head down. his nose pressed against your skin. his hands dove down and ran lazy circles into your calves.
it was the sight below you that set off your orgasm. kyle, seated before you with his heels digging into the back of his thighs. drool following his lips, swaying from side to side. his left hand stroked his own erection lazily.
you made it a priority to cum on his face. he closed his eyes when you pulled out and placed your tip on the apple of his cheek. he always looked so pretty in white.
you kneeled down in front of him when you had finished, wiping remnants of the sticky substance off of his face. 'pretty baby. my pretty boy.' your hands found his hard on, still being played with, with lazy fingers. 'last one.' kyle murmured, as you began jerking him off. 'last one.' you agreed, placing a hand on his lower back to stable him. he must've been incredibly sensitive, from the repetitive orgasms he had earlier, so you didn't blame him when he finished upon the very touch of you.
his head fell to your shoulder, planting sloppy kisses as you rubbed his upper back. kyle murmured something. your hand on his back slowed. 'hm?'
kyle shifted, resting his head on your chest. 'love... love you.'
'i love you too, ky.'
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zvdvdlvr · 3 years
Hi hi may hi request something fluffy with a tiny bit of smut for Loki and Peter Parker, the first time time they seen you all dolled up after getting used to you just staying in sweats cause cause of your job
movie night
Yes my dearest, you may<33
hope this is okay, and vv sorry for late answer!<333
Summary: Loki and Peter (Parker) see you dressed up and lookin shmexy after going to an important meeting.
Warnings: Fluff, kinda changed the request( im sorry if this isnt what u had in mind) few cuss words (slight mention of sub!loki and dom!loki... ya never know hehe)
Reader's Powers: not specified
Reader's Pronouns:she/her
A sigh left y/n's mouth as she shook of her shoes as fast as humanly possible, and started to slink toward the elevator.
Of course, Loki, who had taken a liking to you and Peter, seemed to appear beside you.
Their eyes trailed up your body up and down, trying to hide their glance, but couldn't, considering the fact that Loki had their jaw dropped to the floor.
"Hello to you too, Loki." Y/n muttered.
"You look simply... ravishing, darling." Was all that Loki could seem to say.
A slow smile spread across y/n's clearly tired face.
"Thanks so much." Y/n said with a smile.
A short ding from the elevator is what breaks the silence.
Loki didn't look up from your hand. The black that was thickly layered on your hands was chipping, and made you look, in Loki's opinion, hotter. Then the rings. There was a clear quartz ring, and a serpent ring(that Loki proudly gifted to you one evening when you were watching Mulan). The clear quartz ring had a silver band the glinted happily on the thumb of y/n's left thumb, while the serpent ring was snug on the middle finger of y/n's right hand, no doubt looking even cooler when you flipped someone off.
The only thing that ran across Loki's mind was: y/n's hands would look great around my neck, and-
Peter stepped in the elevator, babbling aboy how great y/n looked.
"Would you like to watch a movie with me?" Peter managed to speak out.
y/n nodded. "Soon as I change. Loki'll be watching Beetlejuice with us." Y/n decided witch a nod.
The two couldn't help but crack a smile at your immediate choosing of the movie. The point had been made multiple times, not just by y/n, but also that Natasha and Wanda, that the three where happily in love with Winona Ryder in that movie.
So, half an hour later, y/n layed splayed across Loki, legs dangling in Peter's lap.
Loki was almost sweating when you nuzzled your face into your arm, which also happened to be resting on Loki's lap. See, you were pretty affectionate, like, hugs randomly, and movie marathons(when you weren't working, of course).
Halfway into Beetlejuice, Peter was tracing patterns into your legs, which were almost always hidden because of the sweats and sweatshirts you wore.
Loki and Peter(along with, like, every othe Avenger) were still thinking about how you looked earlier.
Now, you were the only one paying attention to the movie. 'Paying attention' can barely describe it, because with the way Loki's playing with your hair, paired with Peter reaching higher and higher, still tracing circles on your skin, you could barely hold in the breathy gasp that was begging to be released.
"We could give you a better show than this movie, my queen." Loki murmured all at once, leaning down and pressing their lips lightly to the delicate skin behind y/n's ear.
Peter tapped on y/n's thigh. "Yeah we could."
Suddenly, y/n was... she couldn't describe it. What happened to the puppy-like teen? Why did she kinda like this?
"Come on love. Talk to us. What do you want?" Peter said again.
His voice was slightly deeper with lust.
"Please, I-" was all y/n could say before a stifled moan swallowed her words.
"You are in for a long night, my dear." Loki chuckled.
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ickymichi · 3 years
<3 includes: oikawa toru, iwaizumi hajime, hanamaki takahiro, matsukawa issei.
<3 warnings: nsfw, a lot of dick talk,pube talk 😭i’m already laughing, describing peens, me being hrnknee for seijoh nothing new, me not being able to be serious
<3 things to know: as always, set in the timeskip! minors pls dni!
<3 a/n: ...i thought of this at 4:38am don’t say anything.this is just me being silly yuh. but, hope you enjoy my dears! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
© all contents belongs to k1ttykawa 2021. please do not repost/modify on this or any other platform.
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♡ it’s gonna be hard for me to keep serious but i’ll try 😭
♡ anyway staring off with resident pretty boy which means, pretty boy pretty dick.
♡ definitely has more length then girth but he not a noodle. yk?
♡ got a slight curve to the right. definitely knows how to use his dick to get you wanting more.
♡ is circumcised.
♡ keeps is hair tidy and neat by trimming. went the full monty bald once and never again.
♡ over all yeah pretty dick to look at, wouldn’t mind having it down my throat. probably bout 6 inches ish.
♡ hehehe girthy dick for a girthy man.
♡ pls have you seen iwaizumi hajime(27) athletic trainer? mf got a whole third leg‼️
♡ but yeah definitely more girth than length this time.
♡ no curve 😐just standing up straight. but shit down matter mf still rocks your shit every time
♡ is circumcised
♡ definitely used to go a while without shaving or trimming but now he just had a change of mind and does it way more often.
♡ but yaah vv nice dique love it. i’d say neeeearly 6 just tethering on the edge with a nice girth. isn’t too happy bout ‘kawa being bigger.
♡ okay i know in all my hcs i always slander my mans but not today! only a little
♡ but makki is MY resident pretty boy so he also part of the pretty dick squad.
♡ definitely like oikawa, longer than thicker. hehe skinny dick
♡ curves to the left. he always thought his dick was broken till the boys told him it was normal
♡ his body hair is really fair everywhere so you can barely see it. but still trims it cause you don’t want a mouth full of pubes when you giving the good gawk gawk
♡ i definitely wouldn’t mind being face to face and choking on hiro’s dick any time of the week. maybe around 6 1/2 inches. definitely extremely happy to even be a little bigger than toru.
♡ i’m going off for my hubby.
♡ i just need to let this known before we begin. when they graduated they had a boys night to celebrate before oikawa and iwa left. this resulted in them all getting drunk and going into a room in pairs and flashing each other their dicks. makki went in with issei n he doesn’t know what he was expecting but it definitely wasn’t the fucking monster hanging between mfs legs. came out of the room with a shocked expression and told the others to ‘see for yourselves”. everyone had the same shocked expression that night
♡ but yes. biggest dick out of the four, out of all hq if i dare
♡ but doesn’t show off or be like yeah i’m hanging fuk you. is definitely quiet about it.
♡ which is why you were fucking speechless when he pulled it out for your guys first time. you literally are sitting there like 😟 and mf just like ...suprise ig.
♡ like you can tell he packing it with the undeniable bulge in every pair of trousers he wears.
♡ plsss mf wears sweatpants no boxers round the house just to get a reaction out of you.
♡ shit back to dique talk. yeah he’s hanging, got a third leg, huge balls blah blah stuff we been knew.
♡ but js mf definitely grows hair so fucking quick leaving him to have to trim at least twice a week.
♡ never went bald and never will. but never going back to a full bush. for your sake.
♡ doesn’t matter if mf doesn’t know how to use his dick.he does you still getting left unconscious.
♡ definitely had an incident where a chick nearly vommed on his dick if she didn’t pull off and run to the toilet.
♡ but overall, seggsy big man, seggsy big coque. 13 9 -10 inches and a girth to where your fingers aint meeting.
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https-sen · 3 years
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welp, caffeine break it is. i hope you like the middle pic ;) enjoy dear reader! remember to stay hydrated <3 (Listen to "feelings are fatal" by mxmtoon while reading this :3 )
Pairings: Suna Rintarō x gn!reader
Genre: Angst (no happy ending ( >д<) )
note:[ALL genders (including males) are allowed to read my fics <3]
p.s youre an athlete, vv tall and you play soccer and basketball (the sports I play ′~‵)
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* huff * * puff *
You sprinted like there was no tomorrow. You heard that he only dated you for attention and clout but you were too blinded by love to ever notice how he truly acts around you. The hood of your hoodie starting to fall of your head as you grasped on your backpack tightly. "Y/N!! Wait! Please!", you could hear Suna yell as he ran after you. Oh wait, shit, we havent done those classic flashbacks you see in a romance drama before ending with "To be Continued" yet huh? Let's go back then shall we?
"Rinrin, you just fucking stood me up for the 5 time this week! My phone battery died after waiting for you for an entire goddamn 4 hours."
You stood infront of your annoyed looking boyfriend. He glanced up quite a few times but rolled his eyes right after each scentence you ended. "Look just give me some time, I had other things to do.", stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket looking away. "I have given you time, 5 months even. C'mon you keep repeating the same thing all over. I have basketball and soccer practice too and I make room for your needs! I dont see whats so wrong-" "Of course you dont see it, you're just too laid-back and dense to ever care for something thats important to me at all. You're not even that good at them, thats why your coach lets you skip and you dont mind skipping practice. Honestly, I would'nt even be surprised if they give the captain title to someone else!", he scoffed as he glared, cutting you off. You were honestly hurt at that point, that your own boyfriend would actually say that without even looking sorry. Stooping down to his level, eye-ing him with a bitter look on your face, "Then if I'm not ever good enough at anything, then maybe I'm not ever gonna be good enough for our relationship, eh?" With wide eyes he (FINALLY) met your cold stare. "W-wait, you dont really mean that..? Maybe you should cool off and give me some time to-", he tries to hold your hand but his got slapped aside. His team members noticed your heated conversation and stood there staring in silence. "You've been given your precious "Time". Now if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave, later dipshit. See you, guys." Waving off to the team before dashing out the door.
And now we're here.
A desperate Suna who once used to be your boyfriend running after his S/O who was casually sprinting yelling "Wait!" like a mad-lad across the pavement. Not looking back you thought to yourself, "So its true huh.. Should've listened." before shutting the door once you reached your house that you ex-boyfriend pounded on throughout the night trying to get you to talk to him again.
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i have never once writen angst in my life its just so cheesy to me so i tried it for fun lol anyways todays my birthday and less than 5 people remembered so it'll make me happy if you followed me, said hi or wished me a happy birthday (੭ ˃̶͈̀ ω ˂̶͈́)੭⁾⁾ pls gimme ideas in the asks im begging you im bored asf and im taking up requests for any genre (fluff and angst) ε=o(´ロ`||)
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funkwhistle · 3 years
Two of Clubs
Pairing: Josiah Trelawny x GN!Reader
Warnings: It’s all fluff again, there’s a creepy stranger
Words: 1.4k
Notes: I mean this is a bit of a mess, but I wanted to write for him, he holds a vv special place in my heart. Just a bit of fun in the saloon with Trelawny.
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You sat at the table in the saloon, praying the last card the dealer would flip over was a six; then you'd have three sixes, which hopefully might let you win. Across the table from you, your friend you'd made playing poker, Josiah, smirked at his cards, it was just you and him left in the game, and you wanted nothing more than to beat that smug look off his face. He was comparatively renowned in this saloon for winning poker, being able to tell the opponents strategies from a few rounds. You would give everything to win for once, you were sick of losing money to him by now, even if he did buy you a drink with his winnings each time.
“Two of clubs,” the dealer said finally, turning over the last card, much to your disappointment. You had an eight high and a pair of sixes, nothing to be proud of. Across from you, Trelawny laid down his hand; with the two that had just been placed he had four of a kind. 
“See, my dear, I will always win,” he smiled, scraping all the chips towards him.
 “I don't know how you do it,” you said, pushing some remaining chips towards him as you handed your cards back to the dealer. 
“Win? Poker is a game of luck my dear, and I am one lucky fellow,” you laughed a little at his response.
Deciding you'd bet enough for the evening, you thanked the dealer and left the table, you could hear Josiah gladly counting his winnings behind you. As you went to settle yourself at the bar, sliding some money at the barman for a beer, he did not join you, opting instead to keep playing poker. Brushing it off, you sipped contentedly on your beer; you came here regularly to play, and yet you felt as though you knew nobody — sure you recognized some upper-class women who would drink cocktails in the corner, or the pianist, but you had never spoken to anyone. 
You finished one beer and as you were ordering your second a man slid into the seat beside you, much to close for your liking on the empty bar. Awkwardly, you shuffled away from him, realizing you couldn't move any further back as you were at the end of the bar. He was grinning toothily at you, and you had the pleasure of being able to take in the remnants of old food which littered his moustache. 
“How's someone as good-looking as you sittin' alone in the bar?” he asked, and you were overwhelmed with the smell of alcohol on his breath as he spoke. Trying not to breathe in the stench, you shrugged, looking desperately over his shoulder for something or someone which could help you, your guns had been left upstairs in the room you were renting. The man was leering at you, taking sips from the beer you'd just ordered which at next to him on the side; he could have it, there was no way you'd be drinking from that now.
“Ahem?” you couldn't see around the man to see who'd spoken, but the relief flooded you, praying this person was about to aid your predicament. When the stranger placed a very distinctive white glove on the man's shoulder you realized who it was; nobody in this town wore white gloves apart from a certain moustachioed man — Josiah Trelawny. 
The man diverted his interest in one moment off you, glancing to see who was behind him. Before he had the chance to react, Trelawny had grabbed your hand and pulled you past the man, so you were pressed against his chest. For a second, you froze, not sure what was happening, you could only see the man seething and could vaguely hear Trelawny speaking to someone. You relaxed a little into his grip, your head lying on his chest as you took him in; he smelled much cleaner than any of the other people you'd spoken to in here, almost as though he bathed regularly. 
“-leave my wife alone,” you zoned back into the conversation to find him still speaking in a measured manner to the rogue at the bar. And then the penny dropped, and you couldn't help but smile. Mentally, you scolded yourself, you barely knew this man and yet, you didn't mind standing here, in his arms. After a while, and something being passed between the two men, you felt him guiding you out of the saloon and onto the street, not letting you go. 
“Thank you dearest,” you said as you left, loud enough for the man at the bar to hear. Once you got outside, he moved from having his arm around your back to holding your hand in his as he guides you down one of the alleyways near the saloon. 
“I can't thank you enough, you saved me in there,” you said once you'd stopped, but you didn't let go of his hand, content with the feel of it in yours. It was now you realized how close the pair of you were, your heart was pounding out of your chest, you'd never felt this way about this man before - hell you'd never spoken to him much outside of the saloon.
“No worries, I hoped you would participate, and you astounded my expectations,” Trelawny said, moving a little closer to you, so you could nearly rest your head on his chest again. Looking up at him, you drank him in for the first time; from his well maintained facial hair, to the lines around his eyes as he smiled. While you'd never had feelings for this man before, you wanted nothing more than for him to hold you close again, telling you it would be alright.  The pair of you stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and you were convinced he could hear the pounding of your heart. It would take almost nothing just to stand on your tiptoes and kiss him now.
“Ah! There you are,” someone calling distracted the both of, he dropped your hands and stepped back from you. From the end of the alleyway someone stood; you didn't recognize their face, but they wore one of the cowboy hats you'd see outlaws wearing. Muttering a hurried apology, Trelawny left you, following the man out of the alley and down one of the other side streets on Saint Denis. 
In fact, you didn't see Trelawny again for several months, you continued to ledge at the saloon, spending your time either playing mindless games of poker or helping the barman out with odd jobs. Without Josiah's competition, you found yourself winning more frequently, collecting many dollars from rich men. And you enjoyed every minute, there was nothing more satisfying than seeing an upper-class man fall victim to your poker face. 
But, while you were content with your life, your heart earned for something more. Every time the door swung open to reveal a tall man in a Tux your heart would leap, hoping he might return, and you could tell him how you'd been feeling. 
He didn't come back for nearly a year, but when he did return it was on a rainy Tuesday evening; the saloon was comparatively deserted, with only a few regulars drinking at the bar. You saw him outside before he came in, his top hat setting him apart from the usual city dwellers, as well as his spotted horse which he'd hitched outside. As soon as you saw him, you rushed to the door, running into the rain without caring if you got drenched, too desperate to see him again. 
When you reached him, he turned, and his face lit up at the sight of you, moving towards you, not caring you were both in the middle of the street. His hands cupped your face, pressing a gentle kiss onto your lips, and suddenly, your heart leapt, as though everything was finally coming together, his hands felt cold on your warm face, but you didn't mind. You both stood for a moment, shocked at each other's reactions before you deepened into the kiss, his hands moving to support you as your knees went weak. He deepened the kiss, you could feel his tongue skating over your lips, trying to make up for the time you'd spent apart from the other one. Your hands found the sides of his face, holding him to you as you felt the rain drip steadily down your faces. Even though the rain battered at the pair of you, you had never felt so happy in your life. A/N: I don’t know where this came from tbh aside from this photo, but I felt as thought not writing for one of my favs was a bit bad. And I was in a low mood so yeah a cliché in the rain kiss is good alright? (image is attached below - he was just playing with this card in camp)
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