#this kind of thing online drives me insane sometimes
dearly-befuddled · 10 months
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Do you think people are aware that it is called the mistake waltz or should I leave a comment just to be safe?
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Heyy me again so about the creepypasta thing, I just wondered if you can do Ben drowned with a gen z reader platonically? It's okay if your uncomfortable doing it ><
Ben drowned x gen z!reader (platonic!)
not uncomfortable at all! love that im getting ben drowned requests since i enjoy him a lot and kind of want to write for him more; just strictly platonic ..which reminds me, i need to draw him again soon! gonna answer this then take a break and get back to requests yipe!
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admin is still sold on the idea of ben being confined to electronics most of the time so i can easily see him gaining access to your devices so he can pester you whenever he wants; though this may get a little annoying since youre... well still alive! you have a life
whether or not the reader is a creepypasta themselves or is a normal person is up to you! i think both can work, though i must say the idea of the reader being just some random person is really funny. like can you imagine? you get some haunted virus but the ghost is chill an you guys become friends
i do think ben can only mess with devices, i dont think he can mess with like. any internet browser stuff.... which segways me to my next idea; the og creepypasta came out in 2010, majoras mask came out in 2000, so putting it in the middle lets say ben died in 2005.. bro has missed a lot. youre going to have to fill him in on a lot of stuff, and boy let me tell you hes going to be going nuts
tell him about the new legend of zelda games. i think he would be hyped. throwing admins hc of ben being sick and tired of LOZ due to being trapped in the game out the window, admin needs this boy to get joyous!
he probably pesters you and asks you about the dumbest shit, does it on purpose because he thinks its funny
sometimes you guys play video games together, bro is absolutely astounded by how far games have come since he passed away. i think he would go insane over five nights at freddys. fill him in on the lore
going back on the video game stuff and playing together, just know that hes going to break the game and cheat + hes a sore loser, soooooooo...
do you think sometimes he comes and tries to spend time with you more and more over time because hes been stuck for years and hasnt really had many people to talk to? like yeah hes an angry spirit, but even angry spirits deserve friends!!!
probably messes with you by messing with your recordings if youre trying to make a video/tiktok/reel/what have you
probably interjects his own texts into your posts, never really says anything harmful, just messes with spelling or adds dumb messages
honestly its not your SM account/blog, its yalls shared account/blog now/j
stuck with old 2000s humor but i think he would absolutely love present day humor and how unhinged its gotten, though quick warning hes going to start quoting stuff
definitely quotes the sticking out your gyatt thing, hes going to drive you insane with it and hes going to laugh at you
do not play roblox tycoons with him hes going to bully small children
you guys play a horror game together on roblox and you can hear him freaking out through the speakers (likely using an old device for him so youre not fighting for control over one device)
absolutely DEVASTED when you tell him club penguin shut down
just know hes punching the metaphorical wall
on the rare chance ben is able to pull himself into the real world for a brief period of time, you guys probably do the same stuff hes just physically there for a short time!
make him touch grass while hes out, bro hasnt touched grass in nearly 20 years. this isnt even a haha "hes chronically online" joke, he hasnt actually touched grass in years due to circumstances
closing this with a hit of angst that made me go :( but imagine that it starts out as you guys being around the same age (well... close enough, since ben doesnt age anymore due to being a ghost) but overtime, you obviously grow up and have less and less time for him and :(
like owie
"what happened to us? we used to be best friends?" audio but its you two SOBS AND CRIES
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phantomphangphucker · 1 month
Phic Phight - Too Fine Too Be Normal
@lexosaurus @hannahmanderr @zombiemerlin
When outsiders have to deal with any member of the weirdo trio it really is best to just roll with the punches. Plus, Orson actually LIKES his techy internet buddy; so what if he’s some kind of superhero pharaoh or something?
Orson blinks at his screen, not for the first time feeling confused and baffled over TooFine’s chat comments.
TooFine: brb gotta go eat a bat, nightshade found the plant paint I covered her fruit tree in
He’s assuming what the guy means is that ‘nightshade’, TooFine’s friend, is trying to hit him with a baseball bat. Strange and extreme but at least this time he’s not claiming to have ‘accidentally fallen into another dimension’. Whenever TooFine leaves suddenly it’s always wildy outlandish stories. Certainly there’s no way he thinks Orson actually believes them right? Yes it was very funny anyways. Reading TF’s impressive imagination always made him feel a little better about life, like even if your life is simple and plain you can bring some crazy into it with your mind.
Sometimes though, it’s clear he’s actually telling the truth, like that one time they were on voice chat and Orson dad popped in to try and convince him to let him teach him how to hunt again, Orson liked meat but he had zero desire to actually go and kill things. But TF started talking guns too, apparently that thing about TF’s in person friend having parents who made weapons was very much true. TF impressed Orson’s dad, meaning his dad now approved of the friendship. At least TF didn’t bring up that ‘ectoplasm’ stuff while his dad was around, the last thing Orson wanted was his dad thinking all his online friends were crazy too. His dad definitely didn’t believe the claim that TF’s friends parents also had a modified military vehicle they used on the actual road; something about how military treads can’t be used on roads because they’re too damaging. TF followed that up with ‘our roads can withstand some pretty heavy artillery’, Orson’s chuckle and eye roll probably convinced his dad that TF was screwing around with him a little.
Either way, hopefully TF gets back in time to keep helping him with this stupid drone he’s trying to build. He’d love to be able to go get the mail without having to actually go outside, so much wasted effort when he’d rather be gaming or reading. Then he gets a voice chat request, the voice that comes through is not TF’s
“Oh shit hey, you actually picked up, wow I can’t believe he made an outsider friend. Weird”, this new teen clears his throat, “okay so, Nightshade actually might have knocked him out in a fit of rage? So he’ll be a bit- hey! No! Put that down! You don’t get to hit him again just because I’m protecting his PDA!”.
TF actually used a PDA? Such old tech? Why? Weird.
“Emilie is PINK! PINK!”.
The boy teen groans, “ugh. Goths. Anyway, while he’s out, he give you any ideas for a good birthday gift? I’ve been banned from giving him weapons or explosives, and the last time I got him a souped up hard drive he hacked the federal government and filed the presidents taxes for some insane reason”.
Orson blinks, “I think he’s been talking a lot about electric cars and electric bikes? What happened after he… did the presidents taxes?”. He really just wants to know where this guy was going to take that level of bullshit.
“I’d rather ideas that don’t require me to steal my rich arch enemy uncles credit card. And eh, nothing much, just got abducted by some secret service folks up into the Appalachian mountains for some ‘one on one’ talks time. He got some new wicked scars out of it even, one looks like a hockey stick! I don’t even have one like that yet! But hey, what’s life without a few abductions here and there? The gov loves shooting me!”.
Orson makes a face, alright so were TF’s friends just as bad as him? Shaking his head, “get him a lock picking kit then, in case anyone abducts him with handcuffs or something”. What the actual hell? He absolutely has to google this.
“Oh that’s not bad-oh hey buddy! You good? No lumps and bumps? No booboos or owies?”.
“You jerk, I’m fine. Why is she still armed!”.
“Emile. Is. PINK”.
“It suits her!”.
“She’s a black apple tree! Pink is never her colour!”.
Oh so the goth did actually name her plants, odd but not insane. And yeah, a hacker did actually do the presidents taxes… weird. There’s no way that was actually TF right? Was he friends with an actual hacker?
“Oh T I totally voice called, or whatever, your online buddy? It seemed like the chat was recent and shit so you know”.
“Man, you are way too overprotective and way too much of a mother hen for a dead guy. Gimme that”.
“Hey at least dead hens can shoot laser beams out of their mouths, way cooler than living ones”.
TF clearly has his… PDA back, “you’re still working on that ‘let me be lazy’ drone right?”.
Orson blinks, “yes, but real talk, did you actually file the presidents taxes?”.
“Oh my zone! DP you shit head! Ugh, look the guy was trying to embezzle my towns funding to buy another yacht, so I figured hey why not forcibly report all his off shore accounts and that weird charity donation to a Russian network. I also might have gone after all his staff too? They weren’t impressed but I call anarchy and how was I supposed to know his people would actually not suck at tracking people?”.
“T, dude, I’m pretty sure the federal government and the goddamn president have better tracking than those G.I.W. morons”.
“Are you going to fix Emilie or what!”.
Orson flips through google results a little more and yeah, a ton of people got hacked for taxes… Hell Orson even stumbles on a whistle blower data leak about ties to Russia that he nopes out of real quick. “TF bud, that’s super concerning”.
“Heh. Fair enough and- oh shit!”. There’s an actual explosion over the line. “Hey, you wanna actually witness shit for a change, because good goddamn. DP! Have you been skipping sleep again! Why is the goddamn sleep god throwing a building at us!”.
You know what.
Fuck it.
Orson sends the zoom invite, it’s accepted immediately. It’s actual pure chaos. There’s shouting, what looks like a sentient star cover blank wearing a mask in the sky, a glowing black and white teen throwing actual everything forbid bath bombs at the thing in the sky. TF looks like he’s from freaking ancient Egypt, with a helm on and everything. Then a bunch of glowing vines shove TF out of screen, a girl in a green and black body suit with a freaking cape chasing after.
For a second he’s wondering if TF is playing a massive prank on him and somehow created a hyper realistic superhero show set up. The… PDA is pointed up at the sky as the voice of the guy who started the voice chat shouts, “I HAVE MIDTERMS! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!”.
The blanket creature shouting back, “SLEEP!”.
“Oh yeah I guess I should have seen that one coming”.
Okay so. TF’s friend, whose parents make weapons, is a superhero or something? Google to the rescue.
TF shouts, “why are you stabbing me! There’s a god in the sky! Fight him!”.
“Naw, UnderGrowth actually likes Nocturne, since sleeping humans aren’t actively polluting Mother Nature”.
“Fuck that stupid grass stain”.
“I’m going to end you”.
Orson blinks at his phone, DP, Danny Phantom. A real person, in a real town, that looked like a real superhero. It’s that rumoured haunted town actually, a real haunted town. What the actual hell? Is he friends with a superhero or sidekick? Who’s also a hacker? And eats a concerning amount of meat without getting sick somehow? Has all the stories he’s been getting, and not reacting strongly too, been real??? Alright, okay, gotta play it cool self. He probably actually thought Orson was taking him seriously and has decided that Orson passed some kind of weirdness meter test. This was basically almost an identity reveal wasn’t it? Holy crap he’s involved in a real life comic book secret identity reveal.
The ‘Nocturne’ guy gets blasted into a wall, DP pelting It with eggs he got from somewhere. The Nocturne holding up a massive canister over Its head, “YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP!”.
“Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”, TF comes sorta back on screen, grabbing up his PDA, the ‘facial markings’ don’t look like make up, it looks like it’s part of his skin. “Okay okay, so that right up there is a massive thing of halothane vapour from the looks of it, fun. So we’re all probably gonna pass out here, feel free to disconnect if shit gets boring”.
Orson squeaks a little, “boring? You get up to some insane shit. Why is a… sleep god? Trying to knock y’all out?”. Roll with the punches, gotta roll with the punches. Freak out later.
TF snickers, “DP doesn’t get enough sleep and has been frustrating this ghost since he formed. God’s am I right? Ha!”.
“Get back here you!”.
“Oh for crying out loud! I’ll fix your freaking plant okay! Ugh!”. TF gets smacked into a wall all by the plant girl anyways.
Orson eyes the parts of his drone before looking back to the screen, “why are you helping a random friend you made, build a drone when this crap is going on?”. Because it seriously has to be asked.
TF uses sand to push himself out of the wall rubble, “eh, normalicy is nice and shit, plus you’re impressively chill. I bring up sneaking into a death gods liquor cabinet and you just give me a ‘that’s nice, have fun. Don’t hospitalise yourself’. Sure, Red’s chill but she’s more DP’s friend”, smirking, “and his ex, plus she rides a hoverboard and shoots ghosts so…”.
Oh okay, so there’s a fourth one. This is completely insane. Whelp. Guess he’s in it now though. Orson shrugging, “I’ve always been a pretty laid back guy, though this is definitely the craziest thing I’ve seen. Way worse than that chic on drugs or something who was trying to bite people”.
“Oh yeah drugs are bad, way worse than hacking regardless what the government has to say about it”.
Then the canister explodes, giving Orson a serious anxiety spike as bits of metal impale in things and gas starts going everywhere. DP actually does a comedic salute in the air before just falling to the ground. The Nocturne guy looks very pleased with Itself and actually wraps around the probably unconscious teen, hissing at the plant girl when she tries to approach.
TF cringing, “stupid obsessive ghosts. DP looks like he’s been bent like a shrimp”, TF moving his PDA camera and yeah the black and white teens position is kinda shrimp like.
All Orson can think to say is, “great, now I’m hungry”.
TF laughing while hurling a fist full of sand, “HA! Yeah sushi would be great right now”.
“You disgust me”.
Was it normal for ‘villains’ to seemingly baby heroes? Because that’s what this looks like. Nocturne literally just wants the black and white teen to sleep, that’s it. Weird. And then freaking pillow monsters??? Start storming the screen, TF and Nightshade/plant girl doing battle with them. The zoom gets cut out so Orson is just going to assume the device got broke.
That happened.
One question, well many really, but why is someone so tech focused going with a freaking Egyptian theme? Nightshade made sense, he’s pretty sure even her ‘code name’ is actually a plant. And DP was, well, a literal ghost so the Phantom name made sense. Weird that ghosts were actually real still. Yes he’s seen some stuff about them on the news occasionally but it still seemed so far fetched. And he’s pretty sure he saw some people dressed up as DP at last years comic con.
Very weird.
Well. Nothing for it now. So he sends TF a message asking if he’s good. It takes multiple hours but….
TooFine: we’re good, DP’s still out cold and has been abducted into a sleep gods lair but like, we good. Sleepy Blanket won’t try to skin him like some people.
OriOri: that’s good? I mean, his skin would probably make a poor blanket?
TooFine: HA! Thats the kinda joke DP would make! He’ll be proud
TooFine: he’ll be proud whenever he wakes up
TooFine: and when Sleepy Blanket stops acting like a crazy dragon protecting its horde
TooFine: and when he finds his way back to the land of living
OriOri: it’ll be a while
TooFine: good. He really should sleep more
TooFine: the dumbass
OriOri: if he gets so little his pissed off god then yeah. That’s impressive actually
TooFine: you have no idea. Anyways, tots sorry for dipping on your little project. I’d offer Techy’s services as make up but he’s an idiot with newer tech
Orson has no clue who that is and isn’t going to ask.
OriOri: at this point I’m more curious why the heck you went with an Egyptian theme for a guy who hacks the federal gov and makes visual horror games
TooFine: eh, it would be kinda weird if a reincarnated pharaoh wasn’t Egyptian themed, you know how it is. Technically you don’t but you know you know
Orson sighs, this was so weird. But he is so not going to let on that he never believe the shit TF said.
OriOri: I guess? Now do you know how to better connect female usb c to an hdmi, cause it’s pissing me off
TooFine: *snort*
TooFine: but of course I do. Debendint on how far you need the connection to work you might have to bike something from scratch. I tots got blueprints and they are definitely not stolen from the fbi terror investigations unit. Definitely not.
Orson was probably going to get arrested one day because of this, but screw it, TF was fun to talk too and made his mostly boring life more interesting. Not interesting enough to ever consider moving to the guys nightmare town though. Not a chance in Hell.
Prompts: Tucker fucked up. Hard. But it’s like, how the hell was he supposed to know that hacking the federal government was a bad idea? Nocturne takes a liking to Danny and decides to help teach him a lesson, whether Danny wants it or not. Outsider POV. Tucker makes a new online acquaintance, and will casually allude to the crazy shit he and his friends get up to while ghost hunting. The new acquaintance thinks Tucker is just embellishing the truth, until…
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bonjourtae · 2 years
Gaming and cockwarming | Jungkook
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
↳ Genre: Smut
↳ Word count: 3k
Summary: When jungkook was playing with his friends online, you needed him more than ever, deciding to cockwarm him whilst he played a game. However, his friends saw everything
↳ Warnings: cockwarming, humiliation, degradation, overstimulation, praise, exhibitionism kink, kook lovesssssss showing you off to his friends, little bit of aftercare :), (tell me if i've missed anything!)
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"Stop fucking moving, baby." He gritted through his teeth, muting his mic as he said it.
You were feeling bratty. You needed his attention. Fuck that, you needed all of him right now.
Your boyfriend loved playing video games. He loved them so much, sometimes he would completely forget about you, his girlfriend of nearly two and a half years. Nothing big.
He unmuted his mic, going back to screaming random gamer talk like 'Over there!' and 'Tae! You just got me killed you fucking idiot.' Going back to ignoring you for god knows how long.
You knew he loved you. So fucking much. It's just he was too invested in his games at the moment. And that, that got you bored and left you touch starved.
You tried hiding the faint laugh coming out of you, trying to keep it in as you thought of all of things your boyfriend would do to you after. You couldn't wait until his game was done.
Teasingly, you clenched your walls around his thick cock. You knew you were only meant to be cockwarming him; you weren't even meant to be cockwarming him, it was only because you wouldn’t stop distracting him until you got something.
Jungkook moaned a low 'fuck', inaudible for his friends to hear through the microphone. He muted his mic once again, slapping your thigh and dragging his hand up, almost touching your heat until he pulled it away, grabbing your neck harshly and pushing your head onto his shoulder.
"Do you think I'm dumb? Hm? Don't you think I know what you're doing," He tutted out, "Should I unmute my mic? Tell them how needy my little slut is being? I can unmute it right now if you-"
Grabbing onto his thighs tightly, you whimpered and shook your head, gulping down the ball in your throat, starting to feel rather small compared to your boyfriend, subbing out. You didn't want to be humiliated in front of his friends - at least you think you don't.
He smirked at how quick you had turned into a mushy sub for him, just by him threatening to humiliate you, turning his microphone back on. "Sorry, sorry. Just had to deal with something, y'know."
The way his long, thick cock stretched you out fully, his tip hitting your cervix, throbbing against it, almost driving you insane. Key word; almost. But the fact he wasn't moving, barely showed you any kind of indication he will move soon, did drive you crazy.
"Kook… P-Please…" You practically breathed out, quieter than a whisper, looking back at him, your eyes tearing up from the lack of attention and your hand playing with his hair as your eyes moved from his eyes to his parted lips.
You silently thanked that his camera wasn't on, but you knew he would turn it on right now, just to humiliate you if he wanted.
"He's behind you moron! Oh my god, Jimin and Namjoon you're literally useless at this game!" He screamed out, eyes looking at every pixel on the screen as his fingers pushing buttons and moving the sticks like it was his first time, as you grinded slowly on his dick, wanting some kind of friction. Any kid of friction.
Whimpering, you bit down on your bottom lip as you continued to slowly, slowly grind on your boyfriend. Your mind thinking it might be better he turned his camera on, humiliating you. At least you'd get action.
You felt your slick drip onto his balls, your slick coating his skin, threatening to spill onto his expensive gaming chair.
He whispered out a 'fuck' throwing his head back for a brief second, feeling your juices coat him and your pussy clench around his dick, his breathing turned heavy. It didn't last long though, he snapped back into 'gamer mode' and acted as if nothing happened.
Whilst there was a small minute break in his game, he grabbed your thighs, squeezing them hard. You let out a gasp at the sudden attention, only to have his hand cover your mouth.
Moving the microphone away from his mouth, not turning it off, he whispered into your ear, "Keep it down, baby. You want me to fuck you whilst I play? Want my cock pounding your slutty pussy as my friends watch, huh?"
You shake your head, 'no', secretly wanting him to pound into you, no matter if his friends watch or not. It wouldn't be any different from when Jungkook sends videos to his friend group chat, videos of you sucking him off, him fingering you, him fucking you.
You loved attention. You couldn't get enough of all the attention from his friends, who were also your close friends, after Jungkook sending a video. All their comments praising you, boosting your ego. 'Fuck, she's a filthy girl', 'If you ever break up, the first thing I'm doing is fucking your girl, Kook'.
Jungkook loved showing off what's his. He loved sending them explicit content of you, knowing that no one else will ever get to finger you. No one will get to eat you out. No one else will get their dicked sucked by you. You're all his. Only his.
"Oh, who am I speaking to? Y/n, she's here with me." He cut you out of your thoughts. Thoughts that only made you hornier.
Jungkook placed his headset on your head, moving your hair out of the way as he turned his camera, you oblivious to his action.
You heard a 'oh' sound come from the boys. You heard a bunch of questions. 'How are you?' 'Where's Jungkook?' 'When should we next meet up all together?' Slightly confused, you brushed any questions off your shoulder and said a faint 'hi'.
Jungkook nuzzled into your neck, wanting to smell you, wanting to get closer than you already were. "Don't be shy, baby. You know the boys, right? They sure as hell know you." He laughed out, your face blushing at his words as you remember the latest video you had sent to the group chat; you taking all your boyfriends dick down your throat until tears streamed down your cheeks, face turning red and gagging around his size.
The thought made you unintentionally clench around his dick, triggering Jungkook to groan out. "Shittt, fuck Y/n."
Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi halted mid-conversation, Taehyung and Jimin slightly giggling. You were suspicious but you didn't think much of it, they always had their weird moments and so you thought nothing of it.
You were oblivious to the light beaming next to the camera, indicating it was on and showing you sitting on Jungkook. Oblivious to the fact they could almost see Jungkook's dick inside of your cunt; your skirt covering it. Only just.
Without you realising, he looks at the camera, looking at the six of his friends, watching with wide eyes; clocking onto what's happening.
"Let's take this off, baby. You've been such a needy slut, haven't you, hm?" He sighed out, gently pulling the headset off your head, placing it on the table. What you didn't know is the reason he took the headphones is so that you wouldn't hear the boys speaking as they watched him pleasure you.
Thinking he had muted the microphone during the break in his game, you cried out a strained moan as he slithered his hand under your skirt, touching your sensitive clit. You head was thrown back onto his shoulder, your face turned towards his neck; the neck where you were giving him hickeys and soft kisses when you're normally sitting on his lap.
He quickened the movement of his fingers that were circling your clit, only causing you to non-stop moan, your slick to continue dripping onto his balls and now onto his chair. The sensation of it all caused your hips to start moving, trying to get friction as you felt you had been edged a hundred times.
He tutted loudly. "Uh-uh-uh. You're such a needy cockslut, huh? So fucking needy for my dick." He grabbed your hips, keeping an iron hard grip on them and he said nothing but promises and dirty things he would do to you.
"I bet you wanted me to fuck you in front of my friends, didn't you? You like the idea of them getting hard at you being a slut for daddy's dick, hm?" Without knowing, you nodded as soon as he finished the question, still trying to grind yourself onto him.
"Why's that, baby? Why would you like them watching you as I fuck your brains out?" He teased, smirking as his hands was tracing lines up and down your thighs soothingly, moving his chair backwards to have 'more room'.
You almost choked out your answer when his slender fingers came to your clitoris once again, adding more pressure than the last time, his circular motions speeding up. "To show them h-how well you treat - fuckk - how you treat me. How y-your cock fills me up so good. Fuck!"
Your walls clenched around your boyfriends dick, almost spasming around him like when he overstimulates you. You came as the speed was almost too much to take. Your eyes had rolled to the back of your head, your head was thrown against his shoulder, your legs were trembling, trying to close but unable to because Jungkook’s legs locked in between yours, spreading your ones out, making sure to give his friends a nice view. Making sure they know that he's the only one to make you like this.
"Hold your skirt up, baby. It's getting in the way" He uses the excuse, just so the boys could get a good look of him stretching you out.
Your body was still a little shook from your last orgasm, so you sat there for a moment, trying to gather any sort of 'oomph' left inside of you. When you finally had enough energy, you grabbed the skirt, holding it up high as your boyfriend started moving your hips for you, also thrusting his hips up, meeting your movements.
"So fucking tight. So tight, as if I didn't pound into your tight little pussy on the bed behind us yesterday." He groaned out into your ear, speeding up the pace for the both of you. The way your cum had coated his dick before, left it easy for him to thrust into you as you rode him. It always burned at first, as if his dick were so big it was ripping something inside of you; perhaps you would never truly get used to his size.
Moans, groans, squelching, panting and skin slapping was the only thing heard in the room. Your vison started blurring from so much pleasure, "T-Too much, Kook, fuck."
"You can take it, baby. I know you can. You were so desperate and needy - shit - for my cock. You can't say it's too much now, hm. Take it in like the good cumslut you are. Maybe after I finish my game for good, we can go properly onto the bed? Would you like that, baby?"
All you can do is moan out in approval. You were sure he literally fucked your brains out of you. The only words you knew were 'fuck', 'shit' 'Jungkook'. Nothing more, nothing less.
He sped up, trying to now reach his high. Although he was trying to reach his high, he always put you first; he always made sure that you finish first and enjoy it.
"Ju-Jungkook, I-I'm close, fuck!" You stuttered out, almost embarrassing how you stuttered so much. You couldn't help it though. His dick filled you up so much. Filled you until you could see the bulge in your lower stomach.
He brought his hand to your stomach as you were looking at it. Correction, you tried to look at it. Your head was thrown back and eyes were rolled at the back of your head from the overstimulation. You couldn't help what your body did anymore.
He looked up at the boys reactions as the tip of his dick poked at your skin with every thrust. Jimin was sighing heavily, his boner clear. Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi was palming their boners through their joggers. Hoseok and Jin watching, wide eyed and their boners on display. He chuckled at their reactions; still knowing he's the only one to put you in this state. The only one to pleasure you like this. The only one to hit your spots as good as he could.
Your hands were grabbing onto anything and everything. His thighs, your thighs, his arm, his desk, his hair, his neck as your knuckles were turning white grasping to grab something. The hand he had on your lower stomach, moved lower down to your cunt, his hand grazing over your clit before touching it again, only adding onto your pleasure.
His other hand slipped under your, basically see through, shirt. His hand played with your sensitive nipples, his cock thrusting in and out of you at a speed you couldn't even think about in your mind and his other hand rubbing your clit in circular motions, adding more and more pressure to bring you over the edge - and it did.
Jungkook's thrusts got rougher, harder, and faster, pounding into your dripping cunt, hitting all the right places, sending you into a hard, body-shaking orgasm. You swear you nearly blacked out when your vision went blurry. Seeing stars, your pussy coats his dick with your cum, going on his thighs, balls, and the seat under both of you.
He thrusts went even faster after you came, making you scream from the stimulation of having two orgasms and your boyfriend pounding into you so hard, most likely bruising your cervix, catching up to his high which finally hit, his breaths hard, short, and paced.
His comes undone, shooting his hot strings of cum, painting your walls inside as he still thrusts in and out, trying to lengthen the pleasure for the both of you as he pushes himself as deep as he could, one last time before stilling as his cum still shoots out.
"Fuck, that's it. Take it all, baby. Take all my fucking cum." He moaned out. His moans could make you cum again, but you weren't sure if you had any more in you; you hadn't came that much before. Ever.
Before he did anything else, he leaned forward, his hand coming to grab the computer mouse and moving the camera that showed you and him. All of you. He also made the boys screens bigger, you now piecing together they had just watched all of that.
Your cheeks had never been so red, you hid in your boyfriends neck, hoping you could disappear right then and there. Although you were so embarrassed that you just wanted to be swallowed by a hole in the floor, it started getting your turned on again, getting a glimpse of all of them; heavy breathing, boners, mouths open in shock and eyes glued open.
You would've got up and cleaned yourself but that was physically impossible. You tried standing up to walk away, pulling yourself slowing off his still-hard dick, not aware that your legs were jelly, you had sunk back down onto him as you never managed to get off him complete, moaning loudly, forgetting you have an audience.
"We all missed out on the game. The game all of us had been grinding for at least a month. We missed it all because you were being a needy slut for me, isn't that right?" Jungkook spoke out, cuddling you from behind as you were still sitting on his cock.
You nod shyly, being lifted off your boyfriends cock and being laid on the bed before he walked off into the bathroom.
Jungkook made sure to place you on the bed so the boys could still see your dripping cunt. So, they could see the creation your boyfriend had just made inside of you. You didn't have any energy to care. Jungkook didn't mind if his friends got off on the thoughts of you; he knew that he's the only one who would have you.
"Such a pretty slut. My pretty, pretty slut." He cooed at you.
Every time he complimented you, you felt as if you were some high school girl, getting butterflies even when her crush looks at her. He carefully cleaned you up, laying on bed for a few minutes, cuddling you and whispering the sweetest things into your ear, kissing your forehead before you drifted off to sleep.
Not wanting to wake you, he got up, tucking you into bed. He walked back to his computer, putting his headset on, one ear free of his headphone so he could hear you if you needed anything and to make sure he wasn't being loud enough to wake you up.
"Fucking hell, Kook." Taehyung was the first to speak out, hearing 'mhm's' and the others agreeing with his words. Jungkook had a mix of a sweet smile and devilish smirk plastered onto his face.
"Yes, she's my girl and my girl only. I'm glad you think she's as hot as I think she is." All the other boys looked shocked, not wanting to pass any boundaries, worried that Jungkook would think they want you to themselves.
Jungkook chuckled lightly and their responses of them defending themselves. "Well, you're saying one thing, but all of your boners are saying other shit. It's okay. Even if she's the hottest person in the world, no one has ever treated me like she does. That's why I love her." Within an instant of understanding that Jungkook doesn’t care, most of the boys had turned their cameras off and given excuses such as 'I'm going to the bathroom' or 'I'm getting something to eat' but Jungkook knew they were going to jerk off.
He sighed loudly. "Poor, single boys." He chuckled to himself and started playing a game, waiting for the others to come back
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plainemmanem · 2 years
ohhh my GOD. i’ve never been a fan of modern!steve stuff but i’m LOSING MY MINDDDD over ur hcs he’s such a dad
modern!steve is my new favorite thing
there’s like a million extra phone chargers in his car (shoved in the glove box, stashed behind the seats) because “you can never be too prepared”
he’s hesitant to trust the gps because “it’s a robot, robin. the thing has no loyalties to me???? why should i trust it?”
lots of lessons from dustin about all kinds of slang terms and technology and robin teaching him about memes and funny shit online (she has to send any tik toks to him through imessage because he refuses to download the app and his responses are always so dry like “haha” or “lol”)
i feel like max gets into skateboarding and steve is such a mom about it. “maxine, you better wear your knee pads today, im not driving you to the hospital if you get hurt” (even though he immediately would). sometimes you’ll all go as a big group to the skatepark and the whole time steve is watching her skate and wincing when she does anything because he’s afraid she’s gonna get hurt. she goes for a particularly risky trick and steve’s hopping out of his seat, ready to run over, and she just lands it, and she’s all shocked and he’s cupping his hands around his mouth, shouting out to her like “you alright?” and she gives him a small thumbs up. as he’s sitting down, you’re giggling a little and he’s like “i know, i know, shut up” and you’re just poking his ribs like “momma steve.” if she ever does fall, he’s jogging over to her in a second, crouching down beside her and immediately inspecting her hands and her knees and he’s so gentle with her like “hey hey, it’s ok” and max is trying to be all tough and steve’s trying to keep his concern to a minimum and stay casual so he doesn’t embarrass her. and when they both realizes she’s ok he grabs her helmet and shakes her head a fraction like “you’re all good, ok. get back out there.”
frequent facetime calls late at night where he’s walking out to his car like “hey im going to 7/11 do you wanna come with?” and he already knows you’re gonna say yes so he’s like “ok i’ll see you in 5” and you’re both just in your pajamas (he’s wearing an old, oversized white graphic tee and cotton, flannel print pajama pants. and you’re wearing one of his shirts you keep to sleep in and pajama shorts. hes wearing his glasses and his hair is a bit wild, and he just threw on a random pair of slippers he found in his room. he looks so fine too it’s insane) and you split a slushy or something and drive to an empty parking lot and make out in the backseat for a bit until he drives you home and he spends the night at your place (because it doesn’t really matter what you do, you just wanna spend time together)
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pompadourpink · 9 months
Hi mom! I need some advice ! I trust your opinion , im so sorry that this will be a long one ! Im starting my freshmen year at college this fall, after a prep year. I want to open an instagram account , i like taking pictures and i want to keep up with my friends from prep year. The thing is i am a socially anxious person. And when i was in middle school i was made fun of because i had so little followers ( like 25 smthing) and i got sad and closed my account. I was 12 when that happened, i was also being bullied in many other ways. So i am afraid now that people will mock me for not having many followers and they will think im unsociable or uncool or something like that. The thing is i also think instagram is a fake place, but many school clubs announce things there and in college you just want to fit in. Also i was the nerd all my school life, i got no attention from boys whatsoever. I got really insecure, all the people that saw me this year tell me that i have changed so much, now i get compliments about my looks but i still feel unconfident. When it comes to interacting with boys all my friends tell me im too unapproachable. Maybe an ig account will help that? honestly idk. and i know that im overthinking this issue but that’s me unfortunately 😭
part 1
part 2
actually i hate ig flirting? like what does liking a story even mean i hate that kind of stuff. But appearently my generation dont know how to make a move in real life because all the relationships i know of starts online. I cant complain because i could have made a move? but i didnt because im anxious and sometimes insecure because of all the bullying i got in middle school. They made fun of me in unimaginably cruel ways , it still has affects on me years later. I am so desperate for male attention, like i was wearing a tshirt that was slightly wide in the collar and a classmate checked me out , i got really happy! How silly is that! Because i was told that thet were disgusted to even look at me before and they dont consider me as a woman !
Now i go to the best college in the country, i changed a lot physically ( that doesnt matter, i could stay ugly and they had no right) and they are still horrible human beings. Sorry to burden you with all these stuff, it took another turn .
Since i got shit treatment for being ugly earlier in my life, i guess i need validation, posting pretty pictures and being hit on by boys and it sounds silly to me but it is like that.
What do you think about this issue? I know that it’s a bit all over the place , sorry about that! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
Hello dear,
There is a lot to unpack here so Dr Talks too much is back in office.
Of course, you should get IG if you feel like it. You were 12 a long time ago, those people are probably not in your life anymore (and if they are, they should get fired, no one will arrest you for not talking to people). I also have a ridiculous number of followers and I don't even think about it (at least they actually care when I post), that is not what we are here for, numbers mean nothing and anyone who tries to tell you anything different doesn't deserve a place in your life.
You are at an age where this type of desire makes sense. If you want a collage of the things you love to make yourself feel happy and discover yourself, do it. And yes, if people find your account and like it, you could make some friends. And if they don't and mock you, you know who to avoid.
The rant about loneliness is worrying me greatly. If I could go back and talk to my 18-year-old self, I would tell her to drop the boy-obsessed attitude. The truth is that being desperate is a bad look, but also a very obvious one. You can get groomed easily because what you want is flagrant and any guy at least a little bit charming will drive you insane by just maintaining eye contact and smiling. And if a man can be super lazy and still get you, he will do exactly that and play with you until he's bored and dumps you without a care in the world. That is not a compliment. There are too many stories of women who put men first and got fucked over for people your age to try it and think it will go differently. Make yourself the main character of your life instead of forcing yourself to live in the shadow of people who don't even seem to like you.
Now, some homework:
Watch this. Excellent advice from a 20-year-old lady making the best out of loneliness instead of letting it destroy her.
And this. What happens when girls are boy-obsessed. If you have time, watch the show. The entire world agrees that Carrie is the worst character of the series because she's a shit friend, doesn't learn from her mistakes, and can't be trusted.
And finally, worry about yourself. There are billions of men on Earth and many will find you attractive. You have a long life ahead of you. A nice body is not enough to keep a guy and even models get cheated on. Don't date someone because he liked your cleavage. Having low confidence is a curse because it turns you into a people pleaser, and that just makes you a liar and an easy victim. People can't know you if there's no one to know. A great personality is what makes people stick. Listen to yourself, try fun things, find a therapist, and get a couple of hobbies. Get yourself some girlfriends and do things with them, strengthen your circle, make yourself a person worthy of being befriended or dated, and one day someone will say oh, there's that guy I used to know in high school, I think you would really like him. Don't force it. Don't chase. Only accept someone who is truly happy to be around you, or sentence yourself to have to heal from relationships forever.
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nian-7 · 2 months
Heyo, I think matchup reqs are open but if not feel free to ignore (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
If it's alright I'd like a romantic and platonic match up for Pjsk and bsd (if not just romantic/ pjsk is fine)
My names Karma
I'm a minor, 17
I'm afab but I'm Genderfluid and use all pronouns
I'm pretty short for my age, 5’1 the last time I checked unfortunately, sobs. I don't get out much besides going to work for money so I'm pale as hell. I have freckles pretty much everywhere not a whole lot but they're definitely noticeable. I am cursed with a baby face, it gets better when I put on my glasses though, im cursed with terrible vision, I'm not allowed to drive without my glasses it's that bad
My hair is a shaggy wolf cut with curtain bangs, I'm a natural blonde but I always dye my hair ginger cause it's my favorite look on me (I'm trying to look like Chuuya cause I love him sm)
I'm an INFP-T, I'm also Asexual and Panromantic (slightly woman leaning but not an insane amount) I dress in dark academia style almost always: cardigans, sweater vests, long over coats paired with sweaters underneath. I'm very much trying to be that person you fall in love with in the book store 
When I'm in public alone I am very much socially awkward and anxious. I keep to myself and I am terrified of causing trouble for anyone
I tend to be drawn to more loud people; or more like popular/louder people adopt me out of the blue and I go along with it (which is funny considering I'm usually quiet) 
Once I've warmed up with people I very much match energys with whoever I'm with, typically just trying to make friends laugh. I value people's happiness very much
If we're out at a mall or something I'm quieter, but in private I can get very loud 
I also have a very close group of online friends all over the world (Some of us are meeting up soon and I'm very excited)
A lot of people have said that I also have big sister vibes
I do have diagnosed Anxiety and depression, typically I try not to let anyone see that side of me. I can spiral a bit into episodes where I just kind of ghost people and ride out whatever feelings I'm dealing with, then come back about 3-6 days later
I don't really do well with anger in general, weather it be my own or other people's
I also don't really have any appetite most of the time (I'm not sure if it's medical or not) but this can cause me sometimes to get super dizzy out of nowhere because I've forgotten to eat/drink 
I'm a digital artist, and I actually write fanfiction on Tumblr as well. I absolutely love cats, I’d talk about my cat Hazel for hours if I could (She's mean to me but I still love her </3) I also really like Vocaloid/Hatsune Miku music (kinda not surprising considering pjsk lol), I don't usually mention it in person though cause it's embarrassing to explain that shes just a singing hologram
I also have a fox obsession, I own a huge fox plush that takes up a designated corner of my room lol
I don't mind most things personality wise in people, but I do wish to be respected obviously
I like someone I can poke fun at casually and who can poke fun at me as well
My love language is big gift giving (wether it be buying or drawing occasionally) and physical affection (Cuddles always ╥⁠﹏⁠╥)
I've gotten tones of jokes that I only go for gingers, but I have zero preference for looks
I'm an overly patient person and get a little annoyed when people aren't as patient (but it's not a complete put off or anything) 
I also am very much someone who has to be on time. If I am not on time I lose it a bit
I think that's all (Maybe too much ´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`)
But thank you so much in advance! I hope you have an amazing day/week 💟
hi, anon! i haven't read bsd in a while so i'm a little rusty so i only did prsk. hope you still enjoy!
I match you with... (platonically)
Saki Tenma!
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-The biggest thing for you to be matched with Saki was the big sister vibes that you mentioned. The dynamic would just be too cute to pass up on!
-I tried to pick a more 'loud' or extroverted person and although I decided to opt for Saki instead of Tsukasa, I think you both would mesh together even when she's not necessarily as loud as her brother.
-Saki is like the person you can fall back onto in social situations when you get anxious. She doesn't mind taking the lead and helping you out when you get nervous.
-She's not someone who gets angry often and tries to be there for you when you ghost her or others. She tries her best to understand what you're feeling and tries to sympathize with you.
-You both having the same energy is something that would make the whole friendship mesh well and she has the capabilities to be calmer or quieter if needed.
I match you with... (romantically)
Shizuku Hinomori!
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-Although Shizuku is somewhat different than Saki, I think she's the best match overall. The physical affection she gives to you is one of the big factors.
-As someone who enjoys pda/affection, Shizuku would love to cuddle or hold hands with you all the time. She kisses you in public and just loves to be near you.
-She loves the gifts you give her as well no matter what they are. She'll always gush about them whenever someone asks about something relating to it (whether that embarrasses you or not).
-She's a very light teaser and it comes off more lovingly than anything but she enjoys it when her partner gives her attention through light teasing too.
-Although a bit airheaded, she's treating you similarly to Shiho. Asking always if you're hungry or thirsty, being the talker in public if you need it, etc. She just gives you more romantic affection than sisterly affection (obviously)
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dbeatappreciator · 8 months
“Week 1”
July 28th: I’m letting unseen forces take the wheel - Scary Website
Cybergrind. The answer to the problem of boredom in the face of crippling social anxiety is simple, staring you in the face even (read the first word). Sometimes a girl needs to smoke weed and practice moshing in her room for an extended period of time so she can figure out the whole therapy thing and that’s OKAY because if she (me) wasn’t this chronically online I’d have never heard ‘Scary Website’ by ILUFTTW and that would’ve been a tragedy because oh my god this album is so fucking hard. It’s really no use (and no fun:((() to try to pin down the genre of this record, it flops around from moment to moment perfectly without sitting on any 1 idea too long, I only wish this album was longer because the ideas and performance on this thing are so mind blowing I’d love to see what kind of shenanigans these unseen forces would drive into with more time.
We start off with a modern hyperpop masterpiece that has more ADHD than the “class clown” from your 3rd grade class, the way this song sounds is amazing, it’s so chaotic yet so clean, the sass just oozes out of every insane bass drop and beat switch in this track and I love every second of it. This Is My Son, Mealticket is a really fun mix up of a lot of the most cringe metal genres, it’s exciting, fast, heavy, everything you need in a song nowadays. The mathcore influence throughout this EP is really what sells it for me, when I hear something that makes me think at all that is a major plus, but when it can also make me laugh and dance my ass off then that is really something special. My Rawring Bride is the part in the record where you start to realize that this is definitely a hyperpop album, but before you indignantly demand for your money back and storm off bandcamp never to be found again, just think back to how much fun Nu Metal was and relax to some cool heavy poppy shit, you've earned it soldier :3, this song is a big stand out on the record and my go to if i'm gonna try to get someone into it. And finally, the closer has those epic, powerful triumphs and moments of self reflection that put the final nails in the “theater kid” accusation. The best ending songs are epic, they evoke a sense of victory and completion, a very satisfying way to end such a fun album.
Scary Website scratches a hyperpop itch that has been systematically implanted in me while giving some of the most exciting heavy music I have heard recently, if you still stand by Iowa, and have a rocky relationship with your parents I think this album is for you, because it’s definitely for me and I’ve been seen before rocking out with a Korn supporter. Thank You for reading this in it’s new format, idk exactly where I'm gonna post this but I’ll figure it out as I continue to develop my voice in my music sharing journey.
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I honestly wouldn't be complaining about Europeans so much if it weren't for the fact that I've been drowning in European hypocrisy nearly on a daily basis for more than half a decade now.
But most of my classmates are from mainland European countries like France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, or Sweden, and then there's the Icelanders I work with. And half the time when I say I'm from the U.S. they immediately make some really inappropriate remark like "haha at least I'm not from bang bang shooty gun land, I'm from a REAL country that has healthcare and gun control 🤣" with no regard for how rude and deranged that is to say to someone they barely know.
And I always get the feeling that they expect me to start self flagellating and going "haha yes you're so right!! I'm from the country of inbred hillbillies and we all willfully choose to go without healthcare and to die in school shootings because we're such dumb backwards hillbillies! 😌" Because they always look a little shocked when I don't do that and actually push back or even tell them they're being rude.
And the thing is I've spoken with other Americans who live in Northern or Western Europe, and they've all had similar experiences.
And often the same exact Europeans who do this will later say the most nauseatingly racist/xenophobic/ECT. remarks and expect me to still see them as superior and more progressive.
I would be very happy to stay in my own lane and not say a word on European racism and xenophobia. But the hypocrisy I drown in every day is driving me insane and if I stay quiet I'll fucking lose it.
ah i see maybe i misunderstood. it was about how europeans talk about the usa, not about others? to be fair as a german when i was meeting foreigners from the uk or australia for example they would make nazi/hitler jokes to me as well sometimes. didnt find it appropriate or liked it either but i think thats just different levels of sensitivity. i wouldnt think its racist/xenophobic because westerners joking about westerners even if its bad/insensitive/inappropriate jokes is not kicking downwards (the hitler jokes are often mocking the holocaust though which is blatantly antisemitic). but i understand where you are coming from now.
generally i think that usamericans are the most adament about political correctness, and that yall dont deal well with bluntness. i agree though its very inappropriate to mock someone for their countries lack of healthcare or gun violence. i think it has kind of become a „meme“ online as well to slam school shootings into any usamerican persons face. thats not okay. i think many are sick of usamerican hegemony and falsely think its okay to attack usamericans for it when you are also suffering from usamerican politics. so yeah i wouldnt say europeans have more (or less) issues with xenophobia and racism than the usa and canada but its possible some people are more blatant and blunt with it here.
also, the european union (which is not all of europe) is self-advertising as this progressive and peaceful organisation when they spend billions to let people drown in the ocean who just want a better life, for example, and people who are either centrist or apolitical believe this shit, and think they live in progressiveland without reflecting on their own biases. the right-wing is very critical of the european union and want it gone, and theyre the most unhinged when it comes to racism. and i think the european left is just very usa-critical, which i could see leading to misguided comments.
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literaticat · 10 months
With the decreasing popularity of Twitter, I'm curious what your take is on naming social media apps in books. Instagram seems pretty perennial, but I think many people thought that about Twitter... so in the case of, for example, a manuscript that relies on social media as part of its storytelling/plot (in the vein of Tweet Cute), do you have any advice on not "dating" your writing? Is referencing Twitter basically obsolete at this point, for books published from here on out?
This question is sort of similar to another I get asked a fair amount, which is, are authors allowed to "name drop" specific brands / media companies / social media, etc. The answer to which is basically, sure, but SHOULD you?
Naming specific current companies is, IMO, a bad idea if you want your book to be timeless, because you have no idea if, in three or five or ten years time, that company will be forgotten, or a joke.
For example: "Friendster" and "MySpace" and "NeoPets" were insanely popular -- but pretty much the only way they'd get said in a current context is as a punchline or a nostalgic throwback.
So unless you WANT your book to be tethered to a specific time and place, I'd avoid that. And maybe you do! Like, a book about tech-savvy teenagers that is set in 2006 would likely include MySpace, your MC might have a hot pink Motorola Razr flip phone, and drive a new mint-green VW beetle. If your book is NOT specifically set in 2006, but is rather supposed to be "now" (whenever now is to the reader -- but basically, 2023 or later) -- it would be rather weird to include any of those items, because like -- they aren't popular or a thing anymore?
So you might say, OK, I'll make it be Twitter or Insta, and an Apple 13 Pro iPhone, and a red Tesla 3. And sure, if your character is the type of person who WOULD namedrop those specific things, and you don't mind the story sort of being tied to "2022/23-ish" -- no problem. But I guarantee you that in ten years time, those specific brands/models will mean something different to people, for better or for worse.
ETA later bc I'm still thinking about this lol: I'm currently listening to YELLOWFACE, which is set in the world of contemporary publishing, and there's a lot of talk about Twitter specifically -- and yes, that means that future-people will know it was set sometime in the late 20teens/early 2020s -- but THAT'S FINE, because it IS speaking to a specific contemporary moment, "cancel culture", cultural appropriation, toxic/scary online activity, "who-is-allowed-to-write-what", etc etc -- while I don't THINK she says the year (though she might???), I do think that it is supposed to be now or now-ish -- and ten years from now when Twitter is long gone and likely our conversations around all that stuff will have shifted in some way as well, it will still totally make sense to the audience. And in 100 years, it will seem like a relic of a day gone by, but also resonate with those audiences in different ways perhaps, like how we read satire from the Olden Days.
ANYway -- if you want to sidestep all this, there's an elegant solution that will give you more longevity -- be a little more generic and don't say the name brand, or just make something up? While Twitter itself is kinda obsolete already, social media generally isn't -- there will probably always be SOME kind of social media sites as long as we have internet to connect with people. While the Razr flip phone or an Apple IIc are relics, people will likely always have SOME kind of computer or phone, at least for the foreseeable future (and if they don't, and instead we are in a post-apocolyptic water world or something, I highly doubt reading books will top of mind)!
So just say phone, or smartphone, or tablet, or laptop, rather than iPhone or iPad or whatever. Say "convertible" or "SUV" or "minivan" or whatever instead of a specific model. Like "When I was 16, my grandma got a new car and gifted me a 20 year old grey beater that sort of smells like cigarettes and makes me feel like an undercover cop." Say "my notifications were blowing up" or "I told myself I wouldn't check social media..." instead of "my twitter" specifically -- or make up a site that everyone goes to. "We're not allowed to check Kloutt at school, but as soon as the school bus comes, everyone whips out their phones.."
Say "mint green convertible" instead of VW beetle -- OR, specify that it is a "vintage mint-green VW beetle" so that it's not supposed to be new -- and that also evokes a specific type of character.
(Ah, how well I remember the fact that Lila Fowler in Sweet Valley High drove a "lime green Triumph" -- that company already was basically done by the time the books came out, and rare in the US, so by naming that brand specifically the author was saying Lila is a 16-17 year old who owns a rare and flashy vintage sportscar, labels and exclusivity mean a lot to her (and her dad who bought it for her), she's horrifically spoiled, they aren't just rich, they are RICH-rich, etc. You could even, based on the context around it, surmise that not only is she a snob/"mean girl", but that her parents buy her fancy presents instead of giving her quality time, and that is probably why she is such a beeyotch and has daddy issues! That's a fair amount of characterization that comes just from name-dropping a car!)
OK I'm just naming things now lol - you get the pic, right?
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catonator · 8 months
Lol, internet
The largest imageboard in Finland, Ylilauta and its offshoot Northpole (rip in peace) had a major faux pas this week. Threads older than 2 weeks are now placed behind a paywall. Imagine if Discord set message history behind a Nitro subscription, and you have the gist of it. The latter board was just flatout killed off due to legal issues.
This majorly pissed off the users, and as a result my fringe alt-imageboard (won’t name the one, rules of the internet 1 & 2) got a surge of new users. However, the results weren’t as I feared! While Ylilauta isn’t really representative of smaller corners of the internet like it once used to be and nowadays is closer to a modern social media platform, the users who showed up were still willing to play along the rules of the smaller board, even if they ended up mostly asking stupid questions. Watching the entire thing unfold was quite fun, actually, and really reminded me of the kind of stupid shit I used to do online about 15 years ago.
The noob raid ended up reminding me of how you actually learn to be a fun part of the communities you happen to stumble upon. Observation. Lurking. You learn new things by reading the old users and seeing what this place is just about. It’s an image board, you don’t even have accounts! You can just stick around and watch!
Search engines and the internet didn’t die because of corporate greed and SEO. Well, just because of corporate greed and SEO. The internet died, because we, the users, collectively all jumped to places like Twitter, Tumblr and Discord. Especially Discord. The internet has always been a haven of user-generated stuff (for better or worse…), but sometime in the past 10 or so years we all decided to stop making it available. Twitter is a collection of barely coherent thoughts in posts that can barely encompass a full sentence. Many good posts are spread across dozens of tweets, usually out of which one at most is indexable, but often the entire thread is missing. Tumblr is a blogging site where the users stopped blogging, and the blogs aren’t visible to outsiders because fuck you. Discord is an instant messaging application meant to compete with fucking TeamSpeak that through sheer user laziness and insane overreach managed to overtake forums, and the message history is completely inaccessible unless you have an account and an invitation to the server.
The result is that all of human knowledge is now contained on like 5 sites, most of which are never going to be accessible to outsiders. For the past decade, we have unknowingly waged a war on lurkers, and in the process driven them all into extinction.
The issue is, lurkers are mostly those who aren’t newcomers. They’re the ones who have learned to keep their mouth shut and try finding a solution first and foremost. The questions they do eventually ask are also the ones that are going to be the most specialised, and also useful to other lurkers. They share personal experience and anecdotes, ideas they tried out but didn’t work for their purposes. They share abstract, multilayered concepts that simply aren’t something that can be demonstrated or proven algorithmically.
The sites that exist and rule the landscape today are practically fraud. What they sell is not funded by them, nor is it created by them. They sell the writings, media, humour, anecdotes and other forms of bizarre interactions that we, the consumers create. Without any user activity, these media megastructures would simply shrivel up and die, as there’d be nobody driving eyes onto the site. They don’t really deserve anything besides maybe being paid for the server costs, which still constitute a fraction of a fraction of the total revenue generated.
But nothing prevents you from just leaving. The internet doesn’t suddenly end when you walk out of YouTube or Instagram. Sure, you can’t just upload your data onto The Internet itself, but the way the web was constructed means that you haven’t lost your rights to obtain a small webhost and an address and setting up your own ramshackle site. You’ll just pay in discoverability.
Internet users need to be reminded that the concept of the internet isn’t just a technology that transmits data to a small number of applications, it’s an interconnected series of servers, clients, more servers and more clients. A server can be any computer you can find with a little tweaking, and as long as you have a router and an internet connection, that’s all you need. You can forward the computer’s IP address and make it behave like a website. The internet was created by users, for users, and so far there’s nothing that can take that away from you.
The change isn’t going to manifest itself overnight, and I also wouldn’t recommend jumping out headfirst into the abyss, leaving everything else behind. It’s just good to know the possibilities anyone can have at their fingertips, as I’ve seen more and more people wallow in misery over the state of current and future internet. Maybe if enough people create wacko self-hosted sites as side projects, we may one day not need sites like the one I’m publishing this text on right now. And if you’re you’re interested and are willing to dive through some tech jargon, this talk by Mr. Cory Doctorow was an incredibly fascinating listen, and provides some solutions to fixing the issues from the perspective of a higher-level operation. It still contains some tidbits of info for you, if you’re concerned about how you’ll move your userbase from one platform to another with as little compromise as possible.
Now, I’ve had enough of this wistful nostalgic hopes bullshit. Next time I’ll just write a story.
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Please vibe check me. You (the show)
I am you and you are me. You :
Ignore the red flags and focus on the minimalistic shit.
Stan people who will end up dying young because they are insane.
And uwuwuw killer maybe creepy cranky scrungle man?
It is obviously Forty. Joe's too whitebread plain and also insane. But Forty? Just right.
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(You kind of are, and that's okay, hunty.)
You two definitely met when you just o happened to be driving through Los Angelos on one of your road trips. You jut so happen to stop at Anavirin to truly experience the hippy vegan lifestyle most Californians indulge in.
Forty is known for being... out there. The moment you entered, he saw it as another chance to flirt with an unsuspecting victim - and hopefully not scaring off a potential customer, which Love often chastises him for and Joe... is Joe about. However, he's pleasantly surprised with how okay you are with it. You aren't receptive, to say, but more so intrigued by the bizarre feller.
You end up buying something, but. more so, you end up developing a friendship. It's pretty stupid to invite a stranger into your life, but you have that 'fuck it, hot maniac' attitude. You two exchange numbers and just like that you're back on the road.
Forty isn't the type to be obsessed with someone at first, even if he definitely seems like it. He's just that type of guy. But, with time, the two of you become close internet friends and he opens up about even the most sacred secrets.
It's certainly terrifying to learn that inside Forty was a child murderer, amongst his many erratic personalities. But it's just a dude on the internet. How bad could it be?
Pretty bad, as a matter of fact. Forty has been influenced and controlled by Love his whole life, so naturally, he picked up some of her habits. One of them being, from the moment you two met, that he hired the family private investigator to look into you. That's how he became even more intrigued.
Forty quickly recognized, although maybe not as manic, that you were just as queer as him. From the medieval fashion hobby to your insane family background, he knew that you two would grow to be closer than online friends, whether you liked it or not.
Forty has his problems and insecurities. They ruled him and his decisions. That meant, despite the private investigator following you, he'd have to send you several texts an hour just to get that reassurance that you hadn't blocked him or something.
When it came to flirting, Forty had no problem making his feelings open. I know you tend to be reserved, but he's a charming guy. It's almost difficult to not succumb immediately to his unabashed confessions.
After a while, though, Forty won't get anywhere. As much as he adored texting you, he wanted more. And he was growing envious of Joe and Love's close and personal relationship, amongst other things. They were moving quickly, while Forty was left in the dirt to mope. There wasn't even any fun left to hooking up at parties.
So, he made an executive decision to "visit" the state you resided in. You two meet up in person, and he insists he's doing it for some inspiration for a script he's writing. Knowing Forty, hthat seems completely viable.
However, as days turn into weeks and weeks turn into a few months, it becomes obvious Forty doesn't plan on ending his vacation anytime soon. Beside that, your parents were becoming suspicious of him. There was something off. Of course there was. It was Forty we're talking about.
But Forty, despite his manic behavior, is awfully convincing. He's even worked up an entire script. The only thing weird is that he refuses to talk about it. Forty's a talkative guy, so something was definitely up.
By this point, he's snagged a nearby apartment that was fairly luxurious. The family visited sometimes for dinner, and it seemed safe enough for you to visit him whenever. So, you did just that. You want to his house when you know he was. making a day trip to visit his sister to see what the hell he was up to.
Turns out, there was a script. A script, more so, depicting a make shift romance between the two of you. But what was worse was that were files. And what was worse than private investigation files, photos that certainly seemed outlandish for a p.i. to take.
The dots were easy to connect. As flattering as it may be to have someone completely obsessed, you aren't stupid. You can either :
Return his feelings : It wasn't easy for you to confront him about this. But Forty is... an oddly convincing guy. Somehow, in the midst of you grilling him, he persuaded you total a chance. That his actions weren't abnormal at all. After all, all of your fictional crushes would do the same, wouldn't they?
A relationship would be rocky. You're all in now, and that means Forty will take you on a new rollercoaster every day. Some days, he's having a break down about how much his father hated him. On others, he'd be the most adoring man on the face of the planet. He may have been clingy before, but this was increased by tenfold. He'd never been loved and cherished, so to have some to accept him the way he was... he had no plans of letting it go. And how could you let it go if you never had the chance to have distance from him?
GTFO : You're smart, even when it comes to hot, madly dashing men who you just want to squish into oblivion with your affection. You leave, block his number, tell your parents, and the police are promptly called on him. Forty, of course, has his parents to get him out of the rut. And the restraining order is for not.
He'll buy unlimited phones just to try and reach you. He'll order gifts to your doorstep, even though you've moved and he shouldn't know where your doorstep is. He goes full pitiful stalker mode because he's convinced you didn't give him the chance to explain. He never did anything wrong. He was just checking up on you. And, restraining order or not, he'd continue to do that regardless. However, with his newfound heartbreak and emotional instability, his trysts might be cut short by an untimely discovery and death.
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dumbjackass · 2 months
This summer:
-learn to garden to be as self sustaining as possible
-strength training
-make money
Last year sucked. I was not well mentally and lost my job and my car. Speeding tickets accumulated and I needed to take the driver retraining course. I thought I could take it online but I guess you can only do that if you have a medical condition. It would have been nice if they included that info in the letter but I digress. I ran out of time to take it before my license got suspended so for a while I had no way of getting to some place that's over an hour drive without a car but luckily my partners friend could help out so now after 3 months without a car that is finally out of the way (need to be grateful of peoples kindness). Thank fuck. I just need my door fixed and I can get inside the car again lmao. It died in the winter so I can't use the key fob, and I could only get inside that way by going in the passenger side and then opening the drivers side from inside. THEN I can get it inspected THEN I can drive it, and I will have my freedom to roam away from this decrepit town.
I'm glad I'm working again even though I've basically had the past two weeks off. The culture of the town I work in vs the town I live in is insane. Where I live I think 90% of the population is under the poverty line and where I work I'm making coffee for a bunch of college kids with gold American express cards. I saw; one student buy dove body wash for $13 and I shit you not a cup of ramen noodles for $2.50. It's also weird that everyone in the kitchen is like middle aged and everyone out front is super young. Like high school/ college age. Which on one hand makes me feel like shit because it feels like I haven't "progressed" in life even to work with people my own age but also that's bullshit. Everyone is struggling for a job at every age especially right now. My old job had a great deal of age diversity but I'm so happy to not fucking be there. I would rather get hit in the face with a hammer than walk back in that building. Perhaps I'll talk about my trials and tribulations with that on another post sometime but for now I'm good. I also get sad feeling like I can't connect to anyone at this new job but I also don't really know anyone yet. I'm just tired of being awkward/autistic whatever you want to name it.
Things sucked but they're getting better so cheers to that!
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survey--s · 1 year
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1) What’re your plans for the weekend?  Absolutely nothing lol. I feel like I've not had a proper break from work in ages as Archie was really sick last weekend so we ended up down at the vets. This week has just been insane too so it's really nice to just be able to relax.
2) Could you ever be vegetarian - why or why not?  I was vegetarian on/off for a few years as a teenager but ultimately it's not really something I'm interested in.
3) Name a quote from your favorite TV show:  "That's a lot of information to get in thirty seconds".
4) What time did you wake up this morning?  About 6.45 as apparently my body clock is back to being on work-time lol. I didn't get up until closer to 9am though.
5) What chores do you do around the house?  Well, pretty much everything that needs to be done as it's my house, lol. I mean, nobody else is gonna do it for me.
6) Do you like wind chimes, or do they annoy you?  They're fine at other people's houses but they'd drive me mad if I had them outside my own house lol. Especially as they'd probably set the dog off barking constantly. 7) How much sleep do you usually get a night?  Normally around seven hours.
8) If you could have any outfit, cost not an issue, what would you get?  I'm not really bothered about having nice outfits. 9) Do you play any instruments?  I can play a few but I haven't played them for ages.
10) What song would you say describes your life right now?  The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars lol.
11) Do you have snacks lying around your room?  No.
12) Did you get up to much today? If it’s morning, what are your plans? Not really, just normal household stuff. I had a lie in, fed the animals, let the dog out, vacuumed, did the litter trays, made breakfast, went back to bed for an hour, washed up, showered and now I'm just messing about online and watching TV.
13) What’s your favorite animal to see in the zoo?  Penguins, tigers, elephants, squirrel monkeys, lemurs.
14) When do you start back to school or college?  I haven't been in any kind of education in over a decade now.
15) What other social networking sites are you on?  Facebook and Instagram.
16) What was the best year of your life?  Hmm, overall I would say 2007, 2016, 2018 and 2022.
17) What plans do you have for the rest of summer?  It's only February but mostly I spend my summers working and riding, plus I have a couple of weeks off in August.
18) How old is the person you like right now?  He's just turned 38. 19) Do you get an allowance? How much?  No, I have a full-time job lol.
20) What games console is your favorite? What about favorite game?  We have an xBox but I haven't played it in ages. I liked Gems of War, the old-style Lara Croft games and also Super Mario back when we had a Nintendo.
21) If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be and why?  I'm honestly happy just chilling out at home today. I need a lazy day after how manic my week has been.
22) Do your parents nag you a lot? What about? I don't live with my parents so it's not really their place to nag at me. My mum sometimes complains about the state of my car though lol.
23) What is there on the walls of your room?  There are a couple of paintings but that's about it.
24) Is there anyone that just really annoys you?  Oh yes.
25) What are your plans for tomorrow, anything good?  Just a chilled out, lazy day as I have another fully booked week next week. Luckily Mike is off so he can sort the dog out lol.
26) If you could wake up tomorrow being able to do one thing perfectly, what would it be?  Sing.
27) You have two wishes to make to help the world, and one can’t be “another wish” or anything similar. What wishes do you make?  Clean water and ample supply of food. <--- this.
28) Do you reckon world peace is possible or are we just too selfish?  People are way too selfish.
29) Do you listen to Bright Eyes?  Wow, nostalgia alert lol. I used to LOVE Bright Eyes - especially Lua and Bowl of Oranges but I've not listened to them in YEARS. I might download them off Spotify actually. 30) Are you interested in politics, or do you just not care?  It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't think anything us "mortals" do can actually make a difference.
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🤷🏻‍♂️ ? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I don't know how to talk to women, or listen to them.
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Every time a woman talk to me getting orders I don't know why maybe I'm a Fucking idiot maybe that's what it is I'm just a Fucking idiot but every time a woman give me orders there's for someone reason they sound like she speaking in layman terms but for some reason that I how you do it however you obey her command somehow as a man you're just a Fucking idiot and you're always going to do it wrong.
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I have no idea how to talk to women, women ask you to be upfront and direct and as a man you very much want this but at the same time you're like oh no it's a trap.
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Every time you're up front with her she gets frustrated and blows up like a nuclear bomb I don't understand it if this is something new in the world or if we men just weren't able to evolve around this, insanity.
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Women say you're always so extreme you're bipolar you're hot you're cold you're either one or zero you're always so intense so you be quiet and you get the hell away from them because you have no idea what the f*** they're talking about.
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So you trying to just like do small idle chit Chat and not ask for anything not do anything around them you try to provide and then some way somehow you're a bad person or you're not doing enough I mean this sounds like some kind of sick cruel joke the devil came up with it really is it's like some kind of sick midnight gold demonic idea the devil came up with a torture a man.
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How can any of this be reality no wonder so many men that are wondering if this is even real no wonder there are so many men out there wondering if life's a hologram women have literally blown our brains out with torture.
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My overall thing I'm trying to say here.
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My overall point trying to say is that, I don't know why as a man we always have to struggle with a woman cuz like you can never talk to you talk direct to a woman she gets frustrated she blows up you talking around the woman you're suddenly a coward you trying to get away from the woman and get and keep them distance why she asked a question why you always avoiding her which is really a bit of a slight social attack.
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You try to give the woman what she wants and that's just what she expects it's expected like breathing air you kind of expect it.
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So ultimately but how hard is a man you try to speak with her and sometimes you wonder if women even speak to English language when they're constantly giving you orders of what they want you to do and what they want you to go and no matter what you do you never get the right thing no matter what you buy from the store it's always the wrong thing you're trying to figure out how the hell did the human race survive. All this time.
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You're trying to figure out is this normal in the human race or women supposed to be this bad or is this something only modern-day women do ?
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They are selling appreciated they are so hateful and miserable and when you trying to get down to a woman to figure out why she's unhappy it's like she can't put the words into English or she just doesn't have any way to define it or she doesn't even know why she's unhappy she just unhappy so it makes me think that she's been poisoned.
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It must be a hormone thing or maybe it's her diet or there's something wrong with the woman something is poisoning her or something is messing her up why is she so unhappy and I you really shouldn't try to make everyone happy you shouldn't be a people pleaser when I make everyone happy but trying to make one person who endlessly miserably happy that you have to live with is going to drive you insane or at least someone a female online you constantly contacted with is going to drive you insane.
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I don't know I was never able to help that many people with their emotions I was never able to help especially women to help a lot of men but I couldn't help women and I always felt like I f***** up in life.
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Partly I kind of felt like it's not my fault and the other part is kind of like why do I keep doing this.
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Got to go over, And Out !
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
Does it bother you when you have crumbs on your bed? it drives me legitimately insane. 
Have you ever been arrested? nope
Do you drive or use public transportation? I drive. sometimes ill take the train into the city, but really thats mainly due to my dislike of parallel parking.
Have you ever played the drums? yes but not in any remote way is it like i know what im doing.
Do you prefer candles or incense? candles. 
What was your favorite TV show as a kid? recess
How many email addresses do you have? uhhhh 2 that i use. not counting like all my school ones.
What's something you do even though you know it's bad for you? oh lets see. ummm stay up late. 
Is your bedroom usually messy or tidy? normally very tidy.
What was the last thing you bought for someone? snacks/food for the house here. 
Do you text or talk on your cell phone more? Text. i have an extremely short list of people i don’t mind answering calls from
Have you ever had to call 911? yep
What shampoo do you use? at home im using some sort of head and shoulders stuff. its so great.
What would you do if you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? ..
Have you ever seen a UFO? No.
Do you have a weak stomach? yep. my allergies to dairy and gluten always give me a nice swift kick to the pants. also, im a very motion-sick individual.
What was the last thing you cooked? lunch for the kiddos.
Have you ever sent a secret to Postsecret? no, but i LOVE postsecret. Do you ever make to-do lists? basically every day.
Have you ever played strip poker? not necessarily lol
Do you still have a stuffed animal you had as a child? packed away yes What kind of chair are you sitting in right now? im on my sisters couch
Who was the last person you gave your phone number to? well, it really wasn’t me necessarily but my sister put me in like 6 different group chats to send updates about the baby being born. all these people were told who I am, so now they all have my number lol.
Do you shop online or in actual stores more? lately, physical stores. im losing weight so its just easier to do so. which is so wrong.
Have you ever had stitches? yeppppp. 
Do you get motion sickness? Yeah, and quite badly.
Do you get popcorn when you go to the movies? oh heck yea I do.
Have you ever been on a cruise? no, i haven’t. I think it would be nice to try.
Do you still give Valentine's Day cards to friends? to friends? no.
Have you ever bailed a friend out of jail? nope, never needed to.
Do you like amusement parks? they’re ok. i don’t do rides so its really just walking around for me.
What was the last game you played? hide and seek (which i LOATHE) because the kiddos wanted to.
What do your checks look like? zero. im so broke im legit not going to be able to eat at the airport or anything.
Do you pay attention to the news? not at all. i absolutely think watching the news is a giant waste of time. it is so biased, it is almost always untrue. not to mention, the media feeds off of negative stories and fear factors.
Do you consider yourself a good dancer? heckin’ no. but it wont stop me.
Warm weather or cold weather? bring on the FREAKIN COLD. but its hot as balls right now.
Have you ever won anything from a radio station? nnnnnnnnnnnot to my knowledge no.
Do you like it when people are jealous of you? sure! to an extent.
What do you think of freckles? so cute. so much character. ugh i love it.
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