#this has been my longest lasting brainrot for a show
acatalystrising · 1 year
The Book of Boba Fett has been my biggest and longest lasting brainrot ever, and it won’t be stopping any time soon! I have some pretty cool art planned for the new year! 💚🖤
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candyk0rn · 9 months
Cuddles : BG3
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It’s been a while! I hope you’re all doing great, and I’m sorry for once more going on a forever break lol. But of course, Baldurs Gate 3 brainrot is so real
Before reading: Fluff, headcanons, Astarion, Lae’Zel, Gale, Shadowheart x reader (separate), gn reader
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“Oh? I see you still can’t say no to my endless charm..”
At the beginning of the relationship, touches and prodding aren’t uncommon
Anything that can bring your attention to him
It takes a while and a lot of convincing from you that his somewhat risqué touches was not all that pleased you
And eventually he can even process that you don’t just love him for his body
Although hard for him to realize, with your help he can
So after your relationship has really blossomed and grown, his touches become softer, calmer, more intimate
Nights by the crackling fire, you in his lap, his hand massaging your nape
His fingers are dangerously cold against your skin, but there’s a sense of comfort that comes with the chill
Although he will brush off your reassurance as pitiful and unneeded..
Please reassure him omg
For the longest time, he will surely believe you are like all his other conquests,
Seduced by him and his charms
But just small whispers of love into his ear, your comforting touch against his skin
That’s enough for him.
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“Come with me, we shall rest under the stars tonight.”
I am of the firm believer that Gale is horribly touch-starved, poor man
Taken advantage of by his own Goddess, thinking that that is the best he would ever be able to do
Then when you come along, it all changed
His thoughts about himself seem to change, his standards seem to change, his love seems to change
He cares so much about you, he cannot help but think he is not worthy
That a cursed, unfaithful man as himself could never even breathe the same air as you
But all of his doubts and worries seem to melt away when you two hold one another underneath the stars
Your fingers lovingly combing through his hair as he rambles on about something he is passionate about
Wether it be a book, his expertise in magic, or Tara (lmao)
Others would shove him off as a show-off, annoying, etc
But you are so willing to hear him go on and on, that he can’t help but love you
His index finger instinctively draws shapes into your back when you hold each other
When he’s cuddled up with you, his worries that today might be his last don’t even cross his mind
He’s more worried about you, how you feel, if you’re comfortable
He doesn’t care if tonight is the last night he shall ever see you
He’d rather die tomorrow than live for an eternity never knowing you
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“Chk..I do not take part in worthless acts of intimacy.”
Lae’Zel is not much of a ‘cuddles’ person
Like at all…
She’d rather feel the thrill of battle with you, bathing in the blood of your enemies
Her way of loving is slaughtering anyone who even just looks at you the wrong way
But, if you’re particularly lucky, or especially down
She can’t help but..pity you
In her mind, it’s such a disgusting feeling. This ‘love’ makes her weak, but she cannot run from it no matter how much she tries
The most touch you’ll get from her will only occur in private
A hand perched protectively on your hip or waist
Her head slumped on your shoulder when you’re on watch for the night
acts like this, although small
It means so,so much from her
And she’ll kill you if you go telling Shadowheart about how ‘sweet’ she was being last night
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“My love…ugh. I’m still not used to calling someone that.”
Shadowheart is lost when it comes to you
Not only is she horribly confused that you of all people would love her
She’s confused as to how she’s supposed to love you
Her entire life, for what she can remember, she’s never been shown comfort or remorse
If she did something wrong, she was punished
She doesn’t remember a single moment in her life when she was loved the way you love her
And although grateful, she feels unworthy
Hugs are common with her, of course in private, but common nonetheless
When she hold you in her arms, the pads of her fingers massage your back lovingly, worried if she lets go, you’ll flee
Let! Her! Play! With! Your! Hair! 🙏🏻
And please play with hers omg
At night, she’ll let her hair down and allow your hands to explore her long, black (or white) locks
Your touch sends shivers down her spine, a feeling she’s not used to, but craves so much
She truly hopes that you’ll never leave her, for now that she has tasted your touch,
She never wants that sensation to leave
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Thanks for reading!
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poisonioushearts · 11 months
Not really used to making these things, but tell me if anything is wrong so I can correct the request :》
So, I wanted to request something a bit specific for our favourite (or at least, my favourite) Dislyte evil man, Yamato.
Reader is from the Union, but agrees to join the Twilight Order per Yamato's request, in exchange for Yuuhime's freedom, basically agreeing to follow his orders without mind controlling. He did this so he could show others how he could corrupt a rightious person into doing evil things without the music box, but maybe he starts to like the powerful esper a bit more and even starts to worry about her feelings and tend to her when she gets hurt?
Sorry for the long request, the brainrot is very strong. Feel free to ignore this if you want! Love your content, keep doing what you do! 🩵
Thank you for the request! Hope it temperarly solves your Yamato hunger 🍽️
(hope this makes up for the Arcana slander lmao)
And I hope this is up to par. I finished it during my shift at work so it may seemed rushed.
Gender neutral reader
Warnings: not proofread, probably some grammatical errors, slight language, blood, ✨manipulation attempts✨
Synopsis/tags: esper reader, not implied what god/being reader has powers of, reader has a sword and cataclyst, some cliche moments...but I'm a sucker for some cliches
Failed Manipulation
Okay so you know that one audio? That goes something like: "I hate that man, i hate that man But oh, cara mia how i love this man"
Literally you towards him okay?
So we sorta got an enemies to lovers situation but the enemy part is toned down.
You and Yuuhime were pretty close, and knowing for the longest time that she was being controlled by her own brother infuriated you.
You didn't know what to do. Until an idea hit you- what if you just...took her place?
You wouldn't tell her because you knew she would protest this fact.
So, one day after your duties for the Union had been completed for the day you got the coordinates to the Twilight Order base and left.
You weren't able to enter the building because the guards at the front wouldn't let you in. No matter how many times you said you needed to speak with their boss about an important matter.
Then, speak of the devil and he shall appear...
Letting out a groan of frustration you clenched your fists trying to control your withering composure.
"I have a matter to speak about to your boss. An important one-"
"Yes you told us that a thousand times. You need to make an appointment if you wish to speak with the Leader of the Twilight Order you have to make an appointment."
"I understand that which is why I did make one. It's supposed to be happening right now but you won't let me in!"
"Then show me the papers."
"I told you, the printer broke, and I didn't want to be late."
The guard snickered, "Yeah, and let me guess, you're an esper from the Union too?"
You opened your mouth to the infuriating guard when you saw a figure behind the guard. Said guard breathed in relief.
"Do we have a problem here?" The man asked, seemingly to resemble someone you know but you couldn't put a finger on it.
"This [lady/man/person/etc.] wishes to enter. Claims they have an appointment with you but doesn't have the proof."
That's him? Shit you didn't expect him to be attractive-
He looked at you and gave an eerie smile before looking at the guard. "It's quite rude to decline entry to one of my guests."
The guard stiffened, "But they didn't have the papers-"
"tut tut." He shook his head. "Not only did you deny entry to my guest but you also mocked them? An esper of the Union?" If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was enunciating those last words.
"I thought they were lying!"
He sighed, "Meet me in my office later." He turned to you, "Let's go to my office, yes? I assume it must be urgent if you made the appointment on the same day you arrived."
You nodded, holding your tongue. After getting over the initial shock of him being... attractive you will admit...you felt your anger and rage begin to bubble again.
Entering the office he took a seat and when he waved his hand to the one across from his desk you hesitated before sitting down.
"Now, I already have a guess on what you are here for. You want my sister to have her freedom correct?"
You nodded, giving in to the obvious question, "How'd you know?"
"I've noticed the progression of your friendship with her. After you made an appointment I made an educated guess on what it had to be."
You narrowed your eyes, "The catch?"
He smiled, "I'll set Yuuhime free and you work for me here at the Twilight Order. You will need to my orders, and all without the music box."
Oh. What? I mean, it's not a bad exchange or request. You just didn't expect one to be made so soon.
Hiding your surprise you nodded, an afterthought coming to mind. "And the Union?"
He clasped his hands together, "I've already talked with one of the leads. They agreed as long as you do, that it would be alright for you to transfer here."
"Alright then. I'll work for you."
AND SO IT BEGAN *evil laughter*
The first few times he'd tell you to do something, you wanted to snap back at him. Why couldn't he get his own water? Why did you have to be the one to fetch this or that? Why'd he replace he others members on trips with you?
A week or two later, one particular mission he was on with you, you were both at an unfamiliar town and attended a restaurant suspected of preforming experiments on their consumers. Putting the formulas inside the food or drinks.
The only good part was the place was not popular at all, but there were still many that went missing.
The goal was to stop it from happening. The task was meant for the Union, but somehow, he got his hands on it. Part of the reason he had it was because he wanted to see you in action.
Yamato had got up to go to the bathroom, which was his alibi because he was actually going to go sneak around, you were sitting at the bar just sipping on your drink. You were meant to be the look out and message Yamato if anything suspicious happened in his absence.
Someone had the audacity to take Yamato's seat beside you and start talking to you. Even offered you a drink. They just couldn't take no for an answer.
As they raised their arm to touch you, you were about to slap them across their face or push them away when their hand stopped midway because it was grabbed.
You eyes trailed up to the person who did it, and it was none other than Yamato.
"Now, now," he smiled, but it wasn't friendly in the least bit, "I suggest you get away from my darling~." You felt your cheeks heat up involuntary. Did he just call you darling? His darling? He put a protective arm around your shoulders, "Unless of course you want this to get rather ugly. I guarantee if you try to lay a hand on my significant other, we both won't show mercy." His eyes darkened. The person mumbled an apology before quickly scrambling away.
Yamato relaxed and sat down, "My apologies for the consented touch." He ran his gloved hand through his hair, "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah..." You swallowed, suddenly nervous. Why though? "Why did you call me 'my darling'?" You mustered the courage to ask.
"I'm afraid I don't know what your talking about."
"You called me your significant other." You added.
He smiled, "I only called you by your name. But if you think you heard me call you-"
"Did you find anything?" You interrupted. Perhaps you heard wrong? No. Wait- Gah.
"To answer your question, yes, yes I did find something. However, we can't expose them. They seem to have ways of getting away with it as before." He leaned closer to you, "So we have to set this place aflame."
Eyes widening largely you gasped before shaking your head, "There are still customers here." You hissed, "Why can't we get the Union involved?"
"They won't take the proper precautions." He said, "They won't get here in time. They won't do what's right." He sighed, "Remember that research I had you do? That place isn't as reliable as it seems."
You mind flashed back to the documents and sites that said the Union wasn't as trustworthy as it seemed. You doubted that. You worked there-there was no way it would be that, that, unreliable.
But as the words flashed in your mind the doubt began to increase, no matter how hard you tried to push it away.
Yamato saw the confliction in your eyes and he smiled to himself. The corruption was slowly beginning. He lifted your hand that rested on your lap and put a small object in your palm, closing your fingers with his own.
You shivered slightly at the current that spread through your body at his touch, but you ignored it and watched as he stood from the seat with a smile.
"Don't worry." He purred, "These unsuspecting customers will evacuate."
As if on cue, someone burst through the door. You didn't remember their name, but you knew they worked at the Twilight Order.
Out of breath they huffed, "There's miramon coming this way!" They shouted, and instantly the few people in the restaurant scrambled to reach the exit. Chairs screeched and slammed on the floor as people rushed towards the exit.
The person looked at Yamato and nodded before leaving.
"Come, [Name]." Yamato gestured you to follow and you did so.
"There is no miramon, is there?" You asked, knowing the answer.
"My, you are smart." He didn't say anything else, instead, walked calmly towards the edge of the town, people scattering away from the restaurant. You finally opened your hand to see the object was a gray stick about the size of your thumb, a bright red button on the top.
"Press it." He stood behind you and leaned closer until his breath hit your neck, "Press it."
"But-there's still people in the way! They could get hurt! And the evidence of experiments-"
"And all their hard work it going to disappear. All of it. No one will die. Rather a few get injured than more turn into something else unknowingly. You don't want to do that do you? Do you want to let people turn into creatures against their will? There are people that have died because of these experiments, but you can stop it."
Your mind whirled. You never really liked violence, but this would help. This would help many people. People may get injured if you do it but if you don't more will. The Union won't help. Not with this. Yamato said that they couldn't help so they must be right. Your mind felt cloudy and your finger hovered over the button.
"Press it. Save them." You don't know who's voice it was. It could've been Yamato, it could've been your mind, but either way, you listened. You obeyed.
The bomb Yamato placed when he "went to the bathroom" went off. There was a loud boom that shook the ground and flames licked the old restaurant in seconds.
You did it.
A few more weeks later, on another mission together, he finally got to see how powerful you were.
He was not disappointed.
On the way back from a mission, there was an onslaught of miramon. Before he could even lift his own weapon, you had drawn your cataclyst, and moved quite quickly.
You saved his from getting even a single scratch.
You, however, weren't so lucky.
You had a deep gash on the side of your arm.
This was also the first time he used the music box.
Teeth clenched you walked beside Yamato, mission completed.
Your arm hurt a lot, but you didn't want to show it. Yamato didn't know you got injured, and you intended to keep it that way.
There was nothing either of you could do at the moment. So you just pressed on hand to the arm, and hoped that'd help for now.
He looked to you every now and then, and each time you'd move your body so he couldn't see the other side where the injury lay.
You thought you were being discreet, he did not.
He stopped walking, and you did the same, "Is something the matter?" You asked.
Swiftly he stepped in front of you, eyes instantly going to where the color had changed significantly.
He glared, and to your surprise, he gently removed your hand (despite some protest). "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" His eyes met yours, and you saw something in his eyes you couldn't quite name. He sighed, "Let me see." You didn't seem to have much of a choice, so you slipped off your jacket, revealing the gash. Blood dripped onto the ground at your feet. Gently he lifted your arm, and with wide eyes you watched as it began to heal.
So that's his esper ability.
"You need rest."
"So do you."
"I'm not the one that was bleeding out." He has managed to heal the injury enough so it wasn't bleeding, but he still took the jacket from your other hand and tied it around your injury. You winced but knew that pain was a guarantee when healing. "I'm going to carry you the rest of the way."
"Huh!?! No, I can walk-"
"That wasn't an offer. It was a demand."
"I said I can walk."
He truly wasn't a 100% thinking perfectly when his fingers brushed the music box.
A tune began to play in your ears. Rest. Then you collapsed, but he was there to catch you. He lifted you in his arms bridal style, letting your head rest against his shoulder.
It didn't fully dawn on him as he walked that he used the box for you, and not his own gain.
This was the beginning of him slowly caring, actually caring, for you- and letting go the idea of corrupting you.
Some things were...odd now.
The good odd, but still it made you suspicious.
Someone would bring you drinks and food while you work, and said work slowly became the less active kind and more simple paperwork.
Hell, Yamato even visited you and talked to you.
And you normally didn't go on your own whenever you had a mission.When you were assigned a partner- it was either Yamato or someone else he knew was strong and would protect you.
He told himself it was because he couldn't loose such a powerful pawn such as yourself, after all whether you knew it or not-your actions were beginning to be more... reckless. Less regret felt.
You didn't want to confront him on this because...well, you knew he'd deny it or something.
In fact, he was denying something.
For instance, his growing attraction to you. Suddenly he began to pay more and more attention to you, your appearance, your personality, like and dislikes.
You were starting to do the same. Instead of reluctantly getting him his coffee or cup of tea, you started to hum to yourself and feel more at peace with yourself.
You allowed yourself to call him attractive, handsome, pretty, etc. Allowed yourself to pay attention to him and figure out how to read his facial expressions that not many can figure out and distinguish.
More than once you had dinner together, for work he said, and you realized you were enjoying yourself and having fun.
You felt guilty because you were doing this for Yuuhime. Did she ever feel much joy around her brother after knowing what he did?
And yet, even after knowing all he's done, you can't hold your feelings stirring for him.
You even find yourself laughing and smiling whenever he crosses your mind.
A few monthes in you were walking across the plains for a mission. You got hurt. Predictable? Yes. Cliche? Yes. Old? Never.
A yelp escaped your lips as you ducked a large miramon's blade. Hair mangled and out of breath due to exhaustion you forced yourself to ready your sword once more, your catalyst being repaired back at base.
This was one of the few missions you carried out on your own.
After you had gathered the items Yamato asked for, you were about to go on your merry way when you were stopped by a wave of miramon.
Then another.
And another.
And another.
You were strong yes, but everyone has their limits. You were at yours a few minutes ago.
Rolling out of the way of another attack you managed to get a few of yours in. With a jump and a spin for momentum you brought your blade down finally killing it.
Or so you thought.
As you were gathering the things in your bag and putting the swords away, you felt a shape pain in your stomach area and gasped. Glancing down you saw the blade that cut through your body. It was quickly tore out and you collapsed to the ground with quick breathes in an attempt to catch some air.
Letting out a cry of pain you lifted your sword, using a nearby rock to keep you stable and used your untimate. The creature exploded and you fell back against the rock, wincing in pain.
You didn't want to look down to see the wound but you had to, and the sight of the blood staining your clothes made you gag.
"Shit, shit, shit, fuck!" You cursed to yourself for letting down your guard.
You hurriedly began looking through your bag for medical supplies. The blood was quickly dripping down at your feet and staining the golden sand. You knew that soon you'd pass out and you probably wouldn't survive.
Pulling out a jacket you tied it around your waist tightly, pressing a hand to the fabric against your side.
Reluctantly, you brought out your communicator and fumbled with the buttons as you pulled up the array of contacts, finding the official Twilight Order number and pushed the 'call' button.
Unknowing you accidentally chose the option that'd allow you to see them, and them you, when you talked.
There was no going back from that.
Yamato's plan was to gradually corrupt your mind without the music box.
Start with some simpler tasks and gradually make them get worse. Gain your trust. Corrupt your mind. He knew how to manipulate with the box and without.
His people started to doubt his ability...so he decided to prove himself in the best way possible. Recruit a member of the Union and offer them something they can't refuse so they work for him.
You were the sign, that meeting request, was the sign that he would go through with the idea.
Nothing would get in the way of that. And in the end, he'd have a powerful esper on his side.
Over the course of time he started to feel guilty for making you do things. Hell, he wanted to get you things.
He started to feel... different towards you.
He realized, his feelings towards you have been changing over the course of working with you the past months.
As he was thinking of what the hell he was going to do-trying to figure out how you're doing this to him-there was a sharp knock on his door and before he could even say 'come in' they burst through the door.
"What is it?" He asked, feeling slightly annoyed at the lack of mannerisms.
"Its- it's them! They sent an urgent message." They fiddled with their communicator, an image flashing to life. You.
"I need a medic." You said, grimacing, "I ran into a bit of trouble please send someone soon. I'm in the dessert a bit ways from town-gah!" You winced, image flickering, but he could clearly see the color staining your clothes. You looked at the camera with watering eyes, "This may be cheesy but..." you laughed, immediately hissed, "I love you Yamato." Then you vanished from his sight.
He stood up quickly, "Send a team out there. Now."
"W-we did, and we found them but..." They hesitated.
"But what??"
"They aren't doing to well..."
"Where are they?" He strode quickly to the doorway. "Infirmary?"
The person nodded and Yamato didn't waste another second.
His walk turned into a jog, which turned into a sprint.
Finally reaching the infirmary and seeing your seeing form on the bed the thought of losing you hit him hard.
As your eyes slowly opened, scanning your surroundings before meeting his eyes.
And suddenly his feelings for you were as clear as day.
He strode to your bedside and sunk to his knees before leaning towards your face.
Inches away his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and back up.
You didn't say a word, to surprised and flushed to say a thing.
You blinked and his lips were on yours.
When he parted from your lips he sighed, "I'm never letting you go out alone like that again. I love you too."
Ironic how his mission was to corrupt you, but it seemed that you did it to him. (Unknowingly).
And he wouldn't change that ever.
Hope you enjoyed reading! Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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sareinadale · 4 months
please tell us more about this helsa series you are writing 👀💕
nonnieeee!! but it wouldn't be a surprise now, don't you think so?
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okay honestly, i wasn't planning on working on a long helsa series, though i did have a similar plan with the 'marriage of convenience' trope as the core of the series.
what started out was really just a series of twitter banters with my friend that expanded into fully fleshed plots, with some spanning over a month or three depending on how far the plot develops.
truthfully, i've been yearning to find a writing partner who could match my writing style and be excited to write SO MUCH about a ship. while helsa initially wasn't my OTP ( yes, i started out as jelsa ), somewhere in 2022, i turned into an ardent helsa shipper thanks to my other friend.
ANYWAY, back to the series ( me and my big mouth can't hold it back anymore ):
the entire premise of the story takes place after the events of Frozen 1, but not until Frozen 2. her magic is still there, just not at the forefront as it did in the first movie. and oh, yeah, it's in the mid-1800s! there's also inspiration drawn from ( majorly ) the frozen musical, a frozen heart and a little bit of dangerous secrets.
others may have written something similar like mine, but this is really an extensive series of ‘what-ifs’ that mainly focuses on the aftermath of her coronation, her struggles of trying to be a good queen for arendelle and all the times she shouldn’t hang out with hans, who showed up on arendelle after serving his prison sentence for two years ( roughly ) – which led to her falling for his pretense like anna.
of course, there's a few original characters that we made for this series! besides that, i personally have a pinterest board dedicated to hans and elsa, alongside a spotify playlist that follows their entire journey :D
there’s also an element of hans’s morally grey side, which, as santino fontana said, hans isn't what he seems to be ( meaning he has personal motivations like any other people ) and my lovely friend who writes as hans has the most detailed lore on him and everything, and i honestly couldn't be luckier and so SO grateful to know them and write together ❤️
obviously, when we started plotting, we realized that their story's going to be LONG, and we've decided to break it down into three major acts. the second act is arguably going to be the longest and where we are currently.
so, the theme of the story is the title of the series itself: 'in hindsight'.
in hindsight is basically a sequel to a prequel titled 'shattering ice'. in this one, the story explicitly deals with her first visit to the isles and meeting the star-studded cast of the westergaards whom, again, my friend here has built – completely tragic, awful, and all things negative that shows who they are as a family.
also the prequel will serve as the starting point of their relationship because we don't want to jump on that chemistry building with haste.
right now, we're mostly focusing on in hindsight and pretty much pausing shattering ice. also, because the former became a full blown series, i had to upgrade my g-drive storage hahaha so all of their past plots and current ones are safely stored in there.
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all in all, this series is arguably the most special endeavor i've ever done. it's got a TON of emotional realism in there, soft moments in the form of jane austen-esque longing touches kinda way, gut-wrenching angst and a bittersweet ending ( i'm not ready for the last part, but we've planned on how the series will end ).
even in spite of our busy schedules, we found time to keep writing out the replies, info-dumping personal headcanons of our characters and hyping each other whenever the ship had their fluff / angst moment. i seriously could not thank my friend enough, and i really appreciate her for all the helsa brainrots ❤️
and finally, the reason i've not put it up on AO3 is because i didn't want that invisible pressure of needing to update it. i mean, yes, it's still ongoing, but imagine if i just upload the complete series and voila? basically giving a delight to potential readers that the series is done hahaha.
i don't foresee we'll finish it by end of this year, even though we started out since june last year. but who knows, it could end well until the following year?
okay nonnie, there you go 🤓
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at-verticallity · 9 months
tag someone you want to know better
tagged by @alwinfy
Favorite Color: i have a hard time choosing… i usually answer grey as the best general purpose answer, but i also like reserved warm greens, bright orange, and eyestrain blue.
Last Song: haven't listened to much lately, except for a few vocaloid songs here and there. i currently have 問題児P - 地球を削る巨大な歯車 (Giant Gears Grinding the Earth/“World Rock Drill”), Kikuo - As it is, as it is, without change, and r-906 - Panopticon 2021 stuck in my head.
Last Movie: i watched The Rodfellows Movie after it was brought up in the most recent Patricia Taxxon video and that definitely counts. aside from that, i had been watching a few old movies with my dad, and i think the most recent were The Treasure of the Sierra Madre and True Grit. and before that i think would just be Barbie and Oppenheimer back when people were watching those together.
Currently Watching: nothing right now, though recently i picked back through my ‘introductory anime’ list that i made to try to go through last winter. i'm very late to the party on all that, but even moreso now because i also sprinkled in a couple of shows from the current season at the time to try to be relevant. all of that to say i watched WataMote and Bocchi the Rock! a few weeks ago, which was a fun surprise in that there was more to contrast between the two than i was expecting. unlikely i'm going to watch anything else soon, but if i do the main three ones left are lain, bebop, and utena.
Currently Reading: i haven't been reading anything though i probably should… i still have a short list to get to but i'm not really in the mood right now. anyway i'm hijacking this section to be about games instead because i've been catching up on a lot of those after only trying one or two per year for the longest time. recently finished Braid, Outer Wilds, and Superliminal, and up next planning to try Rain World (top priority at a friend's behest), A Short Hike, IMMORTALITY, and SIGNALIS. i've also started a few more in-depth skill games and puzzle games, but because those are made to put more dedicated time in, they're pushed to the side for now.
Currently Working On: writing a small programming language with an effect system so that i can use it in other projects. in particular i wanted it for a Touhou fangame (or if i fail to finish that, at least a skeletal engine for one) to describe bullet patterns, but i think it could also be useful for some audio coding stuff i wanted to try. of course, this is PL brainrot because both of those are already solved problems, but it's fun to work on. i still feel like i'm a creative downturn, not for lack of ideas but because over the past half decade i've gotten a lot worse at seeing anything to completion, so i'm also continually trying to get used to doing more small creative stuff, but not much has come of that so far.
Current Obsession: really into Touhou right now. yeah.
Who I'm tossing the potato to: i don't know many people on tumblr, and many of the tumblr people i don't-know were already tagged… i guess @mickelbach and @tenqi if they'd like, since we've talked before at least. anyone else feel free as well of course.
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one-silly-cart00nist · 11 months
Sunset after the Rain [Mark/David]
(because AO3 is down and I was planning to post the sequel to this fic soon so here you go tumblr: my ode to the creek and the start of my Elders brainrot)
Rated: G Word Count: 5k Pre-slash, Original Side Character (Jackie's gf for plot purposes)
It was a sunny afternoon at the creek the day when the Elder’s rock was busy outdoors. For the longest day of summer the three friends prepared a special celebration—a campfire and a sleepover under the rock with a few special guests to shelter. 
It was a sunny afternoon at the creek the day when the Elder’s rock was busy outdoors. For the longest day of summer the three friends prepared a special celebration—a campfire and a sleepover under the rock with a few special guests to shelter. 
Omar, despite being quite the youngest in the group, captured the hearts of the elders easily through his love of comics and videogames. Now that the Overpass didn’t need a guard and he had free time to spare, he found himself frequently showing up at the Elder’s rock borrowing manga and listening in on the DnD campaigns. He didn’t quite have the confidence to join in. 
David insisted Tabitha and Courtney would be invited to commemorate their friendship formed from sharing the pain of part-time at the smoothie bar. Mark wasn’t quite thrilled about it—and was still taking his time to get used to David’s new passion for the Goth lifestyle. But the wound of almost losing his friendship over a petty grudge was fresh and so he caved.
Then there was Annie. While her anime consumption was more casual than the elders, her passion for singing OSTs and her cheerful intrigue for all things nerd made her a favoured company. 
And wherever Annie went usually followed… Jackie. 
Currently looming above David who has just excitedly been telling Annie about the new shop he found online selling all kinds of clothes to fit his new aesthetic. 
Mark observed from a distance. 
The cold stare of his glasses that reflected nothing, the panic in David’s eyes as he trailed off mid-sentence, the smirk that bloomed on Jackie’s face at the reaction, and finally, how it faded into a much gentler smile when Jackie took the spot next to Annie. He extended his hand towards Annie, pinkie, pointer and thumb sticking out—Annie copied the gesture as she slotted her fingers alongside his. 
Mark didn’t understand what it meant. 
Correction: he knew exactly what Jackie was showing was jealousy. Admittedly, he was familiar with that, even though he didn’t have a cute date to justify it. He just didn’t know what the sign meant. 
He looked at David again. He recovered from the scare quickly and was now back on his excited monologue, fists held up and his whole body bouncing as he talked. It was less noticeable than what it used to be when they were younger but Mark knew what he was looking at to notice it. 
Past the logs they collected around the campfire, Barry has just emerged from the woods carrying a couple of sticks to roast on. Omar was right at his tail carrying rocks to circle the campfire. The kid was taking his contribution so seriously. 
Tabitha and Courtney arrived a minute ago with loads of snacks and cola. Now they sat across from Annie and David and chatted among themselves. 
Mark has tasked himself with tidying up the rock to welcome so many people—it was gonna be stuffy anyway but putting away some manga shelves and life sized replicas was the least he could do. Now that’s done he found himself watching the life around him. 
It hasn’t been that long since the fight after which he spent weeks alone at the rock before he packed up and started hanging out at home instead where his messy room and the internet would distract him from the sorrow and guilt eating him up. 
He was just going to the Elder’s rock to borrow the last volume of Two Piece when he found Barry sitting there all by himself. He feared the moment but found relief when Barry said he wasn’t mad anymore. Mark apologised regardless. Spending that afternoon with Barry gave him courage to reach out to David too. 
He didn’t realise how much he missed them both. 
“As the good hosts we are,” David spoke with enthusiasm, “we should introduce everyone. I’m David and I work at the smoothies with Tabitha and Courtney. Who wants to go next?”
Barry took the spot next to him and greeted everyone, claiming his turn. Mark scanned the circle to see where he could sit—they prepared more logs than necessary to use them as spare tables for board games. The other side of David was still empty even though Mark would need to carry a log all the way over and he didn’t want to look that desperate. There was space next to Jackie on the fallen tree log but Mark wasn’t so fond of that kid. He didn’t even invite him. 
He chose to sit on one of the spare logs in between Tabitha and Jackie. It gave him a direct view of David… 
David and his ripped off sleeves and just one of many chokers Mark definitely hasn’t been keeping track of. His hair started growing out even more now that he didn’t trim it to fit under the old helmet, and Mark recalls how he mentioned wanting it pink eventually. 
It’s been weeks. It feels like they met again in college—it feels like seeing Kenneth on that phone call. He changed so much. He grew up to be popular and handsome and not into anime anymore. David grew up to be popular and handsome too. 
With pink hair and edgy clothes…? 
Maybe that too. 
He looked really happy and confident in his skin. Sure he had been before—walking around the rock topless despite not being the type to work out required that kind of confidence already. 
Ah. He never really cared for anyone’s opinion. David always cared about personal joy and harmony first and foremost. 
Mark had to admit that he was happy for him, seeing him like this. Even if he was in two minds about his own feelings towards the new gimmick. 
He still loved anime and Mark’s DnD campaigns. If he wanted to play as a sorcerer instead of a bard now, that was not Mark’s place to complain. 
He smiled to himself.
Then he looked up, disturbed from his thoughts by the sudden silence. He noticed David’s eyes on him. His heart skipped a beat. And then he slowly realised everyone had their eyes on him like they expected him to do something. For a brief moment he panicked if he wasn’t saying all that aloud, but David soon cleared the table, cheerful as ever: “It’s your turn!” 
“Oh,” he scratched his neck awkwardly as he willed away the scarlet of his cheeks. “I’m Mark. I am the expert of all things anime… and…” his gaze travelled to David who listened to him too intently for someone who already knew him. “And I’m sorry I’ve been an asshole to you David.”
“Aw… We’ve been over that,” David waved his hand in dismissal. “But your apology is appreciated. I’m happy we’re friends now.” 
Mark swore he heard coos from at least one of the girls present and felt his cheeks heat up at the attention. If either one of them decides to tease him about it, or about how he stuttered through his apology when his attention stuck on David’s eyeliner, he will consider drastic measures. 
Next was Jackie. He waved at everyone and pointed at himself. Then he gestured with his hand what Mark assumed was his name because Annie filled in the silence with a verbal introduction. He signed more and Annie translated that he likes swimming and baseball. 
At the end he turned to her with a sign akin to a blown kiss.
Mark never had a reason to learn ASL but he wondered how hard it is. If it was any different from learning Japanese like he did in his free time—a completely new sentence structure and a thousand of signs so unlike the english alphabet.  
“My name is Annie. I like to dance and sing and… a lot more things… but singing OSTs with the guys is what brings me here tonight.” She smiled and gestured at Jackie, as she continued to sign the rest of her introduction. “Jackie is my boyfriend, I hope no one minds him here. We’re both from the other side of the creek.”
“What is it like on the other side?” David inquired. “That’s where Kenneth is from.” 
The sudden mention of Kenneth’s name had unwanted thoughts flashing through Mark’s mind. His dyed blonde hair and blue contacts. His room, bare of any trace of his origins. He was almost unrecognisable. And the crushing reality of David keeping contact with him and yet he never reached out to the rest. 
It wasn’t surprising it was David whom he remained friends with. Who wouldn’t… It hurt nevertheless. 
“Pretty chill after King Xavior was overthrown.” Annie said, then turned to Omar, “We thank Omar and his friends for that effort.”
Omar set his can of soda aside and wiped his mouth on his sleeve while keeping eye contact with Annie, then her boyfriend. “We faced Jackie in combat back then. So pardon my uneasiness. It’s been a lot to get over after all those years.”
Annie tapped Jackie to make him focus as she signed what Omar said. She smiled as she watched Jackie sign back. “He says it was fun and that he will be better prepared for a future water balloon fight.” 
He smirked at Omar and nodded. “We’ll see that fair and square.” 
Annie continued. “It wasn’t a matter of choice to be on Xavier’s side. No one believed Xavier could be defeated. If Jackie turned his back on the king he would be in serious trouble afterwards. And being a champion wasn’t so bad—he could keep doing what he loved.” 
“Where were you during the war, Annie?” Omar wondered. “I don’t think we passed you in our search for the flag.” 
“I was casted out of the creek before the war began…” she laughed. “I might have punched Xavier. More times than I can count. It was… uh… deserved… but it wasn’t so bad. My only connection to the creek was Jackie, which allowed me to sneak in and before that, to get away with more than a regular kid could. I can’t blame him for sticking to the king to the very end.”
“Hold up— What?” Tabitha drew everyone’s attention to herself. “You guys had a monarchy in the creek? Dude that’s— What.” 
“It’s kinda been a thing for a decade now. We grew up into the system, messed up as it is.”
“Queen Cheyenne was chill.” Annie narrated Jackie’s signs again. “If there was a problem we sought help with, she would help, otherwise she was just a teen hanging out with her best friend at the royal tree house. She took her status seriously and wished to expand her rule across the overpass but she wasn’t that persistent about it. Xavier was crowned a couple of years ago and that quickly turned into a whole tyranny.” 
“What happened to that Cheyenne?”
“The worst possible thing—she concluded she was too cool for the creek.” Annie rolled her eyes. “Could never be me.” 
“No one is too old for the creek,” Barry exclaimed. A chorus of agreements came from everyone while Tabitha and Courtney shrugged their shoulders. 
“I can stand behind that,” Mark joined in. “Except for when we’re in college somewhere far away. Because you guys have plans or whatever.” 
Tabitha and Courtney exchanged grimaces. “Yeah, let's not talk about that.” 
“Let’s dive into the juicy part.” Tabitha cheered, getting up to pass around the plastic bag. She sat down throwing her legs over Courtney’s lap. 
Her girlfriend grabbed a can of cola from her hands and popped it open. “Literally, we bought smoothies. But you have to pay in gossip!” 
“Yeah. Barry—has someone captured your heart recently?” 
“Uh. No…” Barry scratched his neck awkwardly. “My heart is being crushed by advanced bio summer homework.” 
“Booring…” Tabitha complained with an exasperated sigh. “You guys really do your summer homework?” she shook her head in disbelief. “David, you tell us what you’ve been up to.” 
“Well… I’ve been experimenting with my clothes. I really like the stuff you picked out, I never thought I would be so comfortable in this.” He smiled bashfully as he twirled a hair between his fingers. “It’s really growing on me.” 
“It looks really cute on you,” Annie said. Jackie gave a thumbs up. Barry also muttered something encouraging. Mark felt his voice stuck in his throat. 
David curled into himself but despite that he glowed with all the praise. “Thanks guys.” 
Even when the rest of the circle shifted attention towards the next person in line, Mark’s eyes lingered on his friend. He had to agree with the compliments. 
“Annie, what about you and Jackie? How did you two become a thing?” 
Mark wasn’t particularly interested in that but he found himself following the story as Annie spoke animatedly. “To be honest… I was never gonna tell him that I liked him. I would say so out loud because I knew he wouldn’t hear but I couldn’t let him know.”
That made Mark pause. It was beyond him why Annie thought she needed to keep her feelings hidden. It wasn’t like it would be weird to like him. They have been friends for years and Jackie was clearly interested in her if he kept coming back. 
David never had to ask him to show up under the rock on his birthdays or to speed watch his latest anime favourites so they could spend the next few days discussing them. But they also simped for anime girls together. It didn’t make sense. It brought so many questions Mark didn’t have answers for. 
“…All until Elisa noticed my crush. She thought it would be fun to tease me, to make me insecure, that Jackie would never like me back. I was so frustrated and Jackie noticed. I had to tell him. I didn’t know how to sign it at that time, so I just drew a heart on his chest and he returned the gesture.” 
“Aww that’s so sweet!” Courtney cooed. 
Tabitha howled beside her. “That bitch can suck it! Look who’s got a boyfriend now!” 
“Language Tabi! There are kids with us!” Courtney calmed her down.  
“Huh?” Tabitha threw a look at the circle until her eyes landed on the hoodie kid. Her gaze darkened and her sharp teeth flashed in a dangerous smirk. “Oh. Omar?”
Mark watched in disinterest as the kid’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. “Nothing of that sort.” 
Jackie signed something with a snicker that only Annie understood and chose to not share. If Mark had to guess those two knew of some non supporting evidence for the kid’s statement. Not that he cared. 
Could kids like him already have crushes? 
Mark didn’t even remember when he… no, nevermind. That wasn’t a crush. Whatever it was, which he couldn’t name, it was not a crush. He would have noticed sooner. 
“Does David want to share his romantic discoveries?” 
Mark shot his eyes towards his clearly panicking friend. “No. David doesn’t want to.” 
That was both a relief and a concern. He was better off if he didn’t have to hear about whoever David was interested in but the answer made him wonder—what was the point of such defensiveness if there wasn’t someone in his mind? 
He really, really shouldn’t have thought of that. 
Annie tore a pack of chips open and threw a couple into her mouth. “Should someone set up the games?” 
“Suit yourself. What are we playing?” Mark jumped to his feet, happy to distance himself from the conversation. He lifted the tower of board games he carried outside the rock for the occasion. “The choices are endless.” 
“David promised us he would show us your DnD business,” Tabitha shouted from the back. 
Annie shook her head as she mindlessly reviewed the game collection. “We should play something non-verbal. Like double.” 
Annie lifted her head with a grin as she signed her idea to Jackie who signed back quickly. “You’re right I’m unbeatable. Not even Keun Sup could outspeed me.” 
“What about uno?” Tabitha suggested. 
“Do we want to have a good time or do we want to scream at each other until sundown?” 
“We could play cards?” Omar tried. 
“Have any of you heard of Kent?” Annie asked then. A couple of people shook their heads while Jackie showed a toothy grin. “We send codes to our teammates when we have collected an all-symbol combination and try to not be caught by the other teams. Sounds good?”
An excited chorus followed. 
“Grab a teammate and come up with a secret code.” Annie instructed. “I’m with Jackie!” 
“Calling dibs on Courtney!” 
Mark looked around hesitantly. The choices were running out quickly. Even Barry already teamed up with Omar by the time Mark made up his mind to ask him. 
Which meant the only person left was… David. 
“So what code should we pick?” David beamed at him. His voice dropped into an excited whisper. “A wink?” 
Very predictable, the code and the mannerism that had Mark leaning away for personal space all the same. “Uh… oh… Sure. Yeah. A wink will do.” 
Annie and Jackie set up the cards while the rest of the teams were discussing strategies, likely already having a vault of different codes to switch between as they played. Mark expected no one could compete with the excited duo but he held some naive hope he could win at least a few games once he grasped the rules. He hadn’t spent his entire life playing games for nothing. 
The game itself was more about attention than the cards. 
In the first round Mark had his last ace snatched from under his palm. It meant two things—he was left to observe instead of collecting like all the rest, and that Omar who swept his card was out of the round with him. 
The game was also about knowing people. 
He called out Barry pretty easily when he rapped his fingers on his thigh out of nowhere. That was a classic impatient Barry thing. 
Annie fared just as well in terms of catching people red handed. 
“Courtney, your make-up is so pretty today.” 
“Out! Tabitha is out!” Annie would exclaim cheerfully. 
“What? Not fair! Can I not compliment my girlfriend?” 
Somehow the banter only added to the pleasant experience. It built Mark’s competitive spirit and brought laughs and had the time fly so fast. 
“What’s your code even supposed to be?”
“We will never tell!” 
The sunlight soon faded too much to see the cards in front of them properly and so the group of friends moved on to the main event of the night. Barry and Tabitha crouched by the campfire with crumbled newspaper and a lighter. Omar sharpened the roasting sticks quietly in the corner. Annie and Jackie set up an actual table to place all their food on. 
David and Courtney sat back engrossed in a conversation. 
Mark stood there idly as he tried not to look at them too much. 
He spent most of his childhood with Barry and David and Kenneth. He never looked to make more friends—he already had company that shared his interest in anime so what more could he gain. Not like he expected to ever lose either of them. They were supposed to be inseparable, if not for their shared hobbies then for the fact there wasn’t anyone else they would turn to. 
Now David had actual friends outside of the Elder trio. Mark was happy for him. At least he tried to be. 
But… It seeded a worry that David would no longer need his old friends when he found another place to belong like Kenneth did, would no longer need to settle for someone who’d been so hurtful towards him without realising. Mark wanted to turn back time and make sure David didn’t set foot out from under the rock on that fateful day. 
Would that mean he’d still sit here in front of them shirtless with his cape warming him against the chill of the evening and his helmet set down on his lap so he could lean his forearms on it and support his head? 
The mental image competed with the sight before his eyes until they faded into one. 
David with one knee supporting his head, hiding his choker and the front of his shirt. His hair flowing down the sides of his face, untamed even as he tucked stray strands behind his ears. The eyeliner only made his wide eyes more noticeable. Like it wasn’t hard to look away from them already. 
As darkness covered the clearing and dimmed the view, Mark found it easier to keep his eyes and thoughts away from David. The campfire added a nice layer of warmth to the summer night and the roasted bacon and marshmallows brought the same warmth to Mark’s stomach. 
There was program as well—Courtney and Tabitha telling spooky stories that allegedly happened in the creek. Mark knew half of them from his own childhood, being scared while Barry and David always rushed into the adventure of finding out its truths. It was mostly Barry. David was curious and eager to learn but not so much a brave soul, sweaty palms always enclosing Mark’s wrist or sleeve. 
An innocent soul, even now. He was so easy to push around that Mark hadn’t even realised he had been doing so. 
At some point during the night David pulled out a ukulele. Mark recalled hearing him practise at the rock a few years back but David back then was terrible and he couldn’t stand the noise. He must have practised a lot since then because he was nothing like the awkward off key performances of ninth grade. 
He played a melody that everyone at the circle knew as they all hummed along but among all the voices only David stood out to his ears. That part of his performance was still… less than charming. 
Mark supposed that was good. It was familiar. It was his David. 
First yawn of the evening and the emptied supply of food slowly moved the program inside. 
Jackie slid under the rock with ease and extended his arms towards Annie whose eyes were already falling shut as she crawled in. He took off his cap and glasses before he climbed into his futon. It looked like they were both done for the night. Not like anyone else here could use ASL to help him keep up with the conversations. 
Omar set his futon underneath the anime figurines shelf. He flipped through the comics scattered nearby as he waited for the rest of the group to settle down. It wasn’t long until he was snoring nose deep in the pages. 
Tabitha tried to play cool as she challenged the rest to stay up the latest but ended up falling asleep in her girlfriend’s lap early on as well. 
Soon it was just Courtney and the elders. 
They formed a much smaller circle and kept their voices hushed so as to not disturb the rest. It felt weirdly intimate to huddle up—especially with David leaned against the wall by his left, not exactly leaning into him but close enough to let his mane brush over Mark’s shoulder now and then. 
Speaking in a whisper, David’s voice was much more stable and calming. “Is this the part when we tell each other secrets?”
“I don’t know. This is the part for anything that felt too out of the left field in the sun.” Courntey replied and yawned. “If there are any thoughts you want to share, the floor is yours.” 
David seemed to think about it for a long while. His eyes always wandered off when he was deep in thoughts—a habit that was rare, for David’s mind usually worked at a speed unmatched by others, but prominent nonetheless. At one point it was clear to Mark he was no longer caught up in his thoughts. Rather, waiting for a cue to speak. 
When no one else took the spotlight, he finally spoke up. “I was really sad and hurt when I left this place behind. I feel that bitterness at the back of my mouth now that I’m back. It’s on my mind all day.” 
Mark averted his eyes in guilt. 
“But it’s being rewritten by new memories, both here and at the smoothie place. And it helped me push myself to meet new people and try out new things. I would have never dared to show up like this to the creek. At least… not now. I’m still exploring how I like to see myself.” 
He fidgeted with his sleeve. It caught Mark’s eye and urged him to reach out. He didn’t know where that action would have ended so he suppressed it quietly. Maybe he wasn’t quiet enough. 
David looked up at him. Mark swallowed. “When you walked up to the counter and saw me and still wanted me to come… I care about what you think. It frustrated me when I realised how much I let myself be stomped on because of it.” 
The lump in his throat grew more uncomfortable as he listened to David’s words. I care about what you think. That was a new one. Something he might have only figured out recently, or didn’t feel like saying when they first spoke about the argument. 
Mark had thought about his own apology too, how he could have been more open. “I never meant to make you feel… to hurt you. I was really happy that I had you by my side. I took that for granted.” 
The rest was a familiar tune on the tip of his tongue. “It felt terrible to be here alone too. Like when your favourite show never airs its final arc. All you’re left with are the hopes of what could have been.” 
And lastly, what fell out of his mouth when David reached out for his hand and he felt like he was staring for too long: “I don’t know if I like this… everything… but I’ll get used to it. I promise. It’s okay to change. Just don’t ditch me again. Please.”
“Listen to me when I tell you that you’re pushing too hard. Okay?”
Mark shut his eyes. “I will. I promise.” 
The silence was unnerving—so much so it led Mark to open his eyes again. He didn’t want to face David’s reaction but he couldn’t stand being left in the dark about it. 
David was looking at him with an expression he couldn’t read. It was uncommon, David wore his heart on his sleeve, or so Mark thought until now. 
Soon David’s gaze softened as he reached out with open arms. Mark was never so relieved to hear someone speak. “Come here, I missed you…” 
Everyone who grew up with Mark knew he wasn’t one for hugs, for any physical affection really. He didn’t like getting up and personal. Still he found himself clutching onto David’s waist and enjoying the warmth the simple gesture brought to him, like he was still at the campfire. 
As they pulled away their gazes lingered on each other. It was Mark who looked away first, weak against the gentle smile on David’s lips as well as suddenly aware of Barry’s presence. He looked at him but couldn’t think of what to say. The apology was meant for him as well… Mark was just completely scooted by the heat in his chest that he kept for his best friend. 
Barry seemed to understand what was going through his head, patting his shoulder and letting Mark’s palm rest on the back of his hand to thank him for the silent understanding. 
Mark’s heart soared with relief. Like they haven’t had the same heart to heart a few weeks ago. Like he hadn’t heard them accept his apologies half a dozen times already. 
David hugged them both back then, hesitant but earnest. It was the same and yet so different when he hugged Mark a moment ago. It felt intimate. Like it was meant for only the two of them. Like there was no one watching. 
David never cared about who’s watching. Mark had always adored that about him. How he existed in his own bubble sometimes, savouring happiness and completely oblivious to the world around him, by choice or otherwise. Mark felt being a part of that bubble just now. 
No one has spoken a word since David invited him for a hug. All the same people could be shouting right into his ear and Mark is sure he wouldn’t hear a word of it. 
He stared ahead until David’s cheeks gained a scarlet colour and he finally looked away sheepishly. Mark felt his face heat up as well. 
“Well, I’m out,” he announced abruptly, getting onto his feet. “Do whatever you want but I shall head to sleep.”
David leaned backwards. “O-Oh. Yeah. I’ll follow suit.” 
Mark felt his eyes leave a warm trace on his back as he walked over to his sleeping bag. He didn’t bother turning around even when he heard hesitant footsteps. 
“Okay, let’s tuck you in then…” that must have been a whisper by Courtney, probably awkwardly manoeuvring Tabitha off her legs. Not Mark’s problem. 
He turned to face the wall. He could hear the rustling of the sleeping bags and some whispers. It had never been this lively at the Elder’s rock before—not ever since the three friends used to stay the night from time to time in middle school. It certainly never was this crowded. Mark’s mind was never so restless.
He internally laughed at himself, at how the evening with friends and extended company and plenty of distraction still led his head to wrap around David. He probably thought about him so much he’ll think of him in his sleep too. For the better or worse. 
Probably for the better. If he had to admit to it—and if this was going to be a theme in his life now. Then he should look at the bright side. 
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mygeekcorner · 1 year
of all the fandoms you've slipped into which has given you the brainrot the longest?
i mean the easy answer would be the little wizard boy we no longer speak of, cause like those books dominated my life from the time i was 10 to when a certain twitter account started going crazy.... but also that is partly because the story kept coming out from the first book at 10 to the last movie at 22 so..
If we count things that didn't get released regularly for over a decade i guess it would be
Yuri on Ice that got me back into anime after a very long break and I will still go to ao3 and find fics despite how long it's been since we got anything new. But it's true love your honor, and I will never get over how episode 10 is just fucking Peak Storytelling by flipping the whole show on it's head while letting it remain the same and oh my god they're engaged TT_TT <3<3<3
or following that Haikyuu that also will just never get old and I will cry any time I think about how good my babies did by the end of the manga, look at them go ;;_;;
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coffee-at-annies · 5 months
A, C, F for the fic asks?
Since this is the hockey sideblog gonna answer this in terms of hrpf.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’ve been really vibing with any and all combinations of Sid Geno Tanger (+EK or +Flower). Pla tonic, romantic, poly, etc. I think the boys together are neat. EK/Tanger is good brain rot.
Jars is usually my hockey blorbo but with Teddy gone I don’t have a strong replacement ship. The closest I’ve gotten is rotating Jars/Tanger (I guess I’ve just been really into Tanger this year) and Jars/Ned(/Chopper) in my head. I resurrected my rarepair hell ot3 (Teddy/Jars/Elvis) for what Ez and I affectionately named the brainrot at the end of last month. I’d give you a summary but literally none of it is written down Ez and I spent 2 days sending each other discord voice memos as we giggled about how self indulgent and angsty we were being.
Outside of fic I’m vibing with whatever friendship is happening with DOC and Zorro in Taylor’s ask the player articles. I can’t think of them in fic terms but they have a beautiful platonic friendship. Throw in the POJ+Zorro hug from training camp and I’m rotating these boys in my head.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
This is hard in a hrpf context because I don’t read a lot anymore so there’s not much that is a turn off. It’s less ships I don’t like and more there are players out there that I just don’t care about so I could not be less interested when they show up in fic. I don’t care about McJesus or his team so like McDrai or MattDrai or whatever is just so far from my level of caring. I don’t mind it but I will probably never seek it out willingly and will probably pass on it unless there’s something pens involved to actually interest me.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Been in hockey fandom since 2017-2018. It’s strange that it’s been 5 to 6 years already. Other than that I stay a fan but I don’t stay active in fandoms.
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returning-spring · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me
thanks @impending-doom-lol​ for tagging me!
does your mind ever boggle at the sheer amount of tv shows you watch? I had to sift through so many memories to come up with this list. anyway tagging whoever might want to play! @weaverhawk @blackwatervial @asterdust @saturnskyline @kerasines
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1) KinnPorsche
My current obsession. Of course it has to go on here. I was in such a writing slump last summer: I had a million wips, but I’d stopped working on any of them for a few months (to be fair, that was partly because they got derailed by my newfound obsession with horror audio dramas, which I mention later in this post). Then I watched KPTS, and I’ve been writing consistently since then because the story and characters are so to my taste that it’s hard to believe any work of tv media could be so perfect for me. And I’ve made some great friends in this fandom; there are so many cool and funny people here. The memes are fantastic
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2) Black Sails
There are other queer shows on this list, but this really is so important to me for its political and revolutionary themes, the variety of queer and polyamorous relationships and characters, and my childhood love of pirate stories. I don’t really know how to describe this show, but it moved me so much. I collected all four seasons in dvd this year because I want to keep it forever, and also because I don’t trust entertainment companies in 2023 to preserve shows online. Anyway Anne Bonny character of all time (there are so many characters of all time in this show)
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3) Killjoys
I LOVE SCIFI, and if you love themes about revolution and fighting against oppressive regimes, this show is good for that. This show also gave me my favourite amoral lesbians ship in Delle Seyah and Aneela. It gave me queer models of family, including multiple characters parenting a child and forming a found family. Actually, found family is a big theme in general with Dutch and Johnny, whose relationship is really central to the show. Also this show is just genuinely fucking funny, it turns into a straight up comedy after season 1 when they found the tone they wanted to go with for the show
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4) The Magnus Archives
Hey it’s the show that kicked off my horror obsession in 2022! I’d always enjoyed horror, but it’d been a casual thing prior to that. Maybe it’s the fact that the medium was still somewhat new to me, and I fell in love with it (I’d listened to a couple audio dramas before, but the habit hadn’t stuck; I mostly listened to nonfiction podcasts). Maybe it’s the fact that the show was queer, and I was very new to queer horror - specifically, horror that was queer on purpose, and explicitly so - not just subtext. The fic in this fandom is so fucking good, I had a blast last summer
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5) SHL
This gets a shoutout for kicking off possibly the longest fandom brainrot I’ve ever had (we’ll see if KPTS will surpass it). It’s the fandom I’ve written the most for: I really can’t explain the hold it had on me in 2021. I’ve never felt so inspired to write. It also got me into participating in fandom projects, and I helped create two zines for the fandom
Also this is the show that got me really into genderbends and mommy kink lmao, enough to even write it
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6) Luther
We’re reaching far into the formative shows of Scoop’s youth here. Luther and Alice are the blueprint of fucked up people in love/obsession with each other for me. You can draw a clear line from my love for Luther/Alice to Delle Seyah/Aneela to Wenzhou to VegasPete (and many, many other ships)
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7) Story of Yanxi Palace
I love palace dramas so much. I watched this in 2020, and it was a delight. Wei Yingluo is in my top fictional characters ever: she’s clever, cunning, funny, and so vulnerable even though she doesn’t always let herself feel it. Also I wanted her to fuck all the women on that show, my god they had so much chemistry. The show is long, but really worth it
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8) Schitt's Creek
This is the show I rewatch random episodes of when I don’t know what to watch, or when I need a laugh, when I need to watch something funny and sweet. The family relationships and friendships are really fantastic. Moira Rose is mother
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fragilecapric0rnn · 2 years
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I posted 4,202 times in 2022
That's 4,182 more posts than 2021!
125 posts created (3%)
4,077 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,123 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things - 323 posts
#steddie - 297 posts
#fanart - 130 posts
#steve harrington - 84 posts
#eddie munson - 65 posts
#fic - 62 posts
#sen writes - 54 posts
#writing - 45 posts
#steddie fic rec - 41 posts
#steddie fic - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#obviously so i can send them a quick lil ‘ur story ruined me thank you’ message but to also rb their posts abt it/rec their fics on my blog
My Top Posts in 2022:
you can take your heart from your chest to use as a compass when you are lost
The Steddie Missed Connections AU || Chapters: 6/6 || Complete 
Thanksgiving 2009.
Steve, who is about to host the brood of children (who somehow aren't children anymore) in a cabin for the long weekend, after a semi-bad week, all while batting off Dustin's attempts at playing matchmaker and dodging phone calls from his mother. And at some point some strange man on the internet broadcasts his worst public moment for the other Craigslist freaks to see.
What could go wrong? Or right?
Steve is finding his life to be very different than he thought it would be. He’s also finding that maybe that’s okay.
59 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
It’s Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day and there happen to be some writers that I appreciate and want to show my love to them for sharing their talents with us! 
(Steddie Edition bc they are on the mind 24/7)
The Steddie brainrot has led me to reading a TON of fic. So, I am finally making a rec list of all of the fics that have not been able to leave my brain since they walked into my life. 
As I was compiling this list I noticed a running theme and that is that these are all future fics and what can I say? I’m just a simple girl who’s a sucker for Steve/Eddie in the 90s/early 2000s. I think it has something to do with my love for romcoms from this era and thinking of them as older just makes me want to fall to the floor. 
So here they are, in no particular order: 
1. the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you by @greatunironic; 
Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” 
Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth. (Word Count: 34,990)
The way that this fic bore into my soul, I seriously can’t think about it for too long without getting emotional. This one feels like a given considering the fact that I am now getting TikToks my fyp of people out of context referring to this fic, which is how I stumbled upon a recommendation of it. If you haven’t read it yet, PLEASE DO. It’s a national treasure at this point. 
2. Let us Dwell in Fair Ithilien and There Make a Garden series by @sparklyslug and @greenlikethesea (Word Count: 61,151) (Description from Three Weddings and a Funeral) 
Steve Harrington falls in love and gets married. Not in that order. Some other stuff happens along the way too. But those are the two big things. That first one especially.
(Or: celebrations of life)
This series, much like aforementioned most remarkable thing, is set mostly in the future with the gang as adults, and Steve and Eddie dancing around their feelings for each other for nearly 15 years. That is a gross oversimplification in my opinion because it is honestly so much more than that! Like, it’s set in the future, but there is time jumping, and references to previous parts of the series, its just it’s own universe within the ST universe! Ugh, I got flustered trying to put coherent thoughts to how much I fucking love this series and the way that these two have crafted am entirely new canon for me to latch onto. Go read this. Like right now. I also suggest reading it in the writers’ suggested hard mode! 
3. Keep It for Me by @stereobone; 
It's 1993, and Steve is attending Lucas and Max's wedding. It's 1993, and no one has seen Eddie Munson in seven years. (Word Count: 9,741)
For one thing, the little NorCal girl in me was foaming at the mouth at the thought of a chunk of the party living in The Bay Area as adults. This one has the meeting again years later element, which is just so good! This also has writer!Eddie which made my heart burst, and the pining and reunification of it all. Again, I have a hard time putting words to how much this fic has nestled its way into my heart! Repeat: GO READ IT!!!
4. alone again, or by @pizzaqueen; 
It’s 1991 and Steve is still in Hawkins, still living with his mother, still single, and still working at Family Video. At least he’s the manager now, for whatever that’s worth. But he’s stuck here while Robin and Dustin and everyone else have moved away. Moved on.
Well, everyone except for Eddie.
They're best friends, spend most of their time together, and it's nice to have a friend like that. But Steve is still looking for love with a capital "L". At least, he thinks he is. (Word Count: 20,765)
This one is definitely different than the ones I talked about above. But, this one is still fucking fantastic! More of a coming-of-age vibe in a we’re twenty somethings and life looks a lot different than we thought it would and I think thats okay kind of way. Which spoke to me in a way that I also kind of need right now as a twenty something who feels just like that :’) Also love the character of Steve’s mom, which is something we don’t see a lot of, Steve having a supportive parent, and it is very sweetly written. This fic felt like a popsicle on a warm day. READ! IT!
Again, happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! Let’s keep showing our favorite writers love every day of the year! 
107 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Steddie Fic Rec #2
Like most, the Steddie brainrot is still very much active. I’ve also discovered that I love making rec lists, so here is another! There’s not much cohesion to these ones other than the fact that I just really enjoyed them, so you should enjoy them too!  
In order by word count:  
Up the Punks by @sparklyslug 
Steve has good intentions, but does not realize that punks and metalheads are natural enemies
Explicit. Completed. (Word Count: 5,505)
Oh, sparklyslug, how you’ve managed to steal my heart with your Steve and Eddie in only five thousand-ish words. As if I could expect anything less from ½ of the brains behind the Fair Ithilien series, it makes perfect sense for their solo work to be fantastic! 
This fic is perfect if you’re looking for something short, sweet, and hilarious. Like the dialogue and characterization is just so *chefs kiss* I could basically see the interactions very clearly in my head and it’s just too good too perfect. 
the boys of summer by steveharringtoned
(Steve knows Eddie’s alive. Wayne’s the only one who believes him. So they team up to save him.)
Not Rated. Completed. (Word Count: 19,926) 
A very creative fix-it fic and like a very interesting and creative way in which Eddie is saved. I am honestly such a sucker for Uncle Wayne being included in the plot of fics, especially in the context of him being like ok sure there’s another dimension being hidden by the government, so how the hell do we save my boy. And Steve. He is just so stupidly brave and the characterization of him and his grief in this fic is just so good and different than what we typically see in fics from his POV. The dude is hurting and sometimes being hurt can be ugly and the way the writer shows that is just sooooo gooooood. 
all the missing girls are hanging out without us by @greatunironic 
“Here is a riddle: the answer is one.” Eddie Munson lives, and dies, and lives again.
Mature. Completed. (Word Count: 20,761) 
Another instance in which greatunironic does THAT. I have seen people call this a kind of feminist take on the ways in which the D*ffer Bros treat their women characters as plot devices and dispose of them at ease for the sake of the plot, and I couldn’t agree more. I don’t want to give too much away in this, but I will say this: Eddie’s characterization in this is SO GOOD. He spends the first chunk convincing himself that he’s tripping balls and if that isn’t an Eddie mood than idk what is. 
Quick note: the Steddie in this fic is more implied and is not the central focus of this fic. 
Not Exactly Napa Valley by @twiceasfar
The fake relationship AU that literally no one asked for. Featuring Steve and Robin as platonic soulmates, a destination wedding to a winery, and a thrilling quest to piss off Steve’s parents.
Robin lets out an exasperated sigh. “Eddie would be the perfect date for the wedding!”
Steve freezes.
“Whose wedding?” Eddie asks.
Mature. Completed. (Word Count: 28,900)  
This fic reminded my how much I love the fake dating trope. I always find it interesting to see everybody’s different takes on what Steve’s parents are like, and how we just all agree that they’re awful. Despite that, this fic was very fluffy and had me blushing and giggling like a child. The buildup was so good and the pace was perfect and I honestly love this fic so much. 
The Spaces In Between by @indibdraws
Steve Harrington, ex-lifeguard and babysitter extraordinaire, happens to be blessed with knowledge of first aid. Eddie is the recipient of this aid, and as he recovers he must learn to live with the fact that he owes his life to a prom-king with a 12 step haircare routine. This would be easier if he didn’t find said prom king so uncomfortably attractive.
And if the world would stop ending for five minutes.
Explicit. Not Complete. (Word Count: 80,210) 
Typically, I try not to read fics that are unfinished, but this one ended up on my dashboard 5 times in the span of an hour and my impulse control is bad and THANK GOD IT IS BECAUSE HOLY HELL. THIS FIC. This writer should be in the writer’s room for s5 and it is honestly a crime that they aren’t. Like yes, this is a Steve/Eddie fic, but it is also SO much more. The use of canon to create an ending that was satisfying to the store and gave the characters their justice. I cannot explain how much this fic has ended up imbedding its way into my heart and soul. As soon as it's completed, I'm going to reread it again and again and even when s5 premieres I am probably going to prefer this over canon until the day that I die.
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150 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
How it feels when I see new photos of Joe Keery
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332 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
LISTEN. I was ready to ride the Steve Becomes A Teacher train all the way home. It’s in my fics, it’s in my planned fics. But but but LISTEN. 
Steve becoming a first responder? 
A little bit post-S4, Steve is driving home to Hawkins after moving to Indy/Chicago/a major city that’s still within reasonable driving distance for him to come see the kids. Eddie is in the passenger seat and they’re zooming down the highway, one of those picture perfect moments where they’re singing along to a Madonna song, that Eddie was complaining about just moments ago. 
Steve, always striving to be the safest driver on the road, mostly because he is almost always transporting precious cargo in the form of his loved ones, isn’t the one who sees it at first. It isn’t until Eddie loudly gasps and points out a pretty horrific car accident unfolding before their eyes in the next lane over. 
Steve pulls off to the side, a fair distance behind wreck. One of the cars is turned completely around in the other direction, the front smashed in. The other cars are also damaged, but the passengers are getting out. No one has gotten out of the turned around car. 
Without a word, without questions from either of them, the two get out of the Beamer. Eddie goes up to the other cars, a woman who’s crying her eyes out and a young family all looking spooked out of their minds, but all seemingly alright. All of this is happening in Steve’s peripheral because he is now sprinting toward the car that no one has gotten out of. He sees the shape of the driver, head laid back on the headrest, unconscious. 
“Don’t move her!” “We need to wait for help!” Bystanders yell at him. Steve doesn’t respond, the driver door now open, as he checks the girl, who looks so young that mental images of one of his kids being in her place flash across his brain, tug at his heart. 
“Eddie!” He yells past the lump in his throat, but it looks like his boyfriend was already reading his mind, as he runs over with the first aid kit that’s always stationed in the trunk of his car. 
He finds her pulse as Eddie settles beside him. He’s checking for broken bones as the girl comes to. He’s telling her to sit back and that everything is okay as Eddie is yelling at the crowd forming around them to back up, he knows what he’s doing. 
Steve gets the flashlight out of the kit, shining it in her eyes, asking her what her name is, what day it is, who the president is, she hesitates to answer but answers all the questions. 
Eddie isn’t sure if this first aid knowledge is from all the times Steve’s been assessed after all the Upside Down shit or if it’s because of his own research, though he realizes as watches Steve keep the girl calm and gently keep her from moving around at all, it’s both. 
Eddie continues to watch when the ambulance gets to the scene. He watches Steve tell the EMTs that the girl is concussed and has no other visible injuries. He watches as they assess her themselves and as they ask Steve if he’s off duty, motioning to his extensive first aid kit. Steve just says he’s had his fair share of emergencies and he knows what he’s doing. 
After the ambulance leaves, Steve and Eddie walking back to their car, even though traffic is backed up all the way to their apartment it seems, Eddie can’t stop thinking about how easily Steve fit into the “hero” role. How, sure, it’s residual Savior Of The World shit, but can’t it also be more now that the world is saved? 
When they’re back on the road, hours later, and close to home, Eddie asks, 
“Have you ever thought about becoming a paramedic?” 
Steve doesn’t say anything. But he’s thinking. No, he hasn’t thought about it. But maybe he should start thinking about it. 
738 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
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mystic-scripture · 2 years
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I posted 276 times in 2022
60 posts created (22%)
216 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 250 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#stranger things brainrot - 88 posts
#i queued and made a cave - 86 posts
#my friends are so talented - 44 posts
#discord darlings - 38 posts
#steleddie - 26 posts
#fandoms - 26 posts
#oc creator bingo 2022 - 26 posts
#fd: stranger things - 24 posts
#highway to hell inspo - 23 posts
#edits of the mystic - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#but like instead of a party she's at one of his shows and drank to much bc she sees all the girls fawning over him and gets jealous
My Top Posts in 2022:
McLahey Masterlist
Manip below made by the talented @randomestfandoms
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I am rewatching Teen Wolf for an RP I'm participating in, but of course with Teen Wolf comes Steph and Mclahey. So, in prep for new things I'm hoping to work on, I wanted to compile all the stuff I do have for them. Below are questions, and prompts, and drabbles I have of them. Hope you guys missed them as much as I did...if not too bad, they're back.
Drabbles Mistimed Gifts - A Christmas Drabble Prompts Spotify Unwrapped '22- Bubbly by Colbie Caillat Spotify Unwrapped '22- Super Bass by Nikki Minaj Spotify Unwrapped '22- All About Us by He is We Spotify Unwrapped '21 - Whiskey Glasses by Morgan Wallen Spotify Unwrapped '21 - Starship Avalon from Passengers Kiss Prompts - #7 Routine Kisses Text Prompt - You wanna bet on that? (ft. Danny McGrath) Fluffy Dialogue Prompts - "I won't stop hugging you until I get a kiss!" Asks
Which Member of your OTP ask (1, 3, 11, 25, 28) Unknown Number list 5 and 10 Not sure if this is all of it, but I also have tons to add one day because I have soooo much. Hype Squad: @witchofinterest @foxesandmagic @ocfairygodmother @darknightfrombeyond @anotherunreadblog @curiosity-loves-the-kitten @missemmalie @randomestfandoms-ocs @lenonizi @ocappreciationtag @atomicgracy @john-silver @poe-tato-dameron @lostiintheocean @prophecy-grrl @harleyquinnzelz @drbobbimorse @simply-simptastic
McGrath Clan: @ceruleanmusings @randomestfandoms-ocs @chantelroyal @noratilney
10 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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~OC Creator Bingo~
Sylvie Martin for @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
She is so soft and I love it! Def going to be looking into this!
11 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
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See the full post
13 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Alright, Let's have a discussion.
I am fully aware that I am not a big blog, nor is this going to gain much in the way of traction, however, I'm sick and tired of this so it's Soapbox time.
As I'm sure many of my friends and followers have noticed, I've barely been on here the past year and a half. Little to no reblogs from me, no likes, and no new content to speak of. Now, some reasons are not owed to you, but this most recent string of nonsense has broken my silence.
I have spent months, MONTHS watching all my friends get harrassed and chased down by anons for their content, who they chose to be friends with, or even their private issues with other people. I have had several leave altogether, which hurts because I have no other way of reaching them. And if that's not bad enough, you have taken it upon yourselves to FUCKING SPEW YOUR BULLSHIT AND YOUR AGENDA ON THEIR FICS. On a TOTALLY DIFFERENT WEBSITE.
You say we're the ones doing the bullying, the gaslighting, being exclusive of whatever, but the fact is, we don't know who to fucking trust anymore.
YOU...YOU are the ones that are chasing us down wherever you can find us. I have sat here and said NOTHING to anyone, I've kept my had down, barely reblogged or liked anything for fear, and just no desire to have anything to do with any of it. And yet, YOU dragged me into this by coming onto one of my fics, one that hasn't been updated in almost a YEAR, and last reviewed/interacted with in September to clue me in on things that I have no part in. And then you have the AUDACITY to say you're the ones looking out for the oc community. A community doesn't do this. They don't go around spreading other people's business and life choices to strangers. They don't fucking CHASE PEOPLE to harass them, or yell at them, or spew out holier than that BULLSHIT at each other. You deal with things privately. You are just as bad as the anons you CLAIM to be fighting against. So if you are part of this bullshit OFC or whatever letter combination you are a part of, lose my blog, forget my fics, and GROW THE FUCK UP.
14 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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~~ Introducing Highway to Hell: A Stranger Things Story~~
“I’ve been telling you for years, you'd be surprised about the things Nancy Wheeler can and would do...”
The responding statement would haunt Stella Henderson well after it altered her life forever.
“Says the one that went and ditched us the second she got into high school and landed herself some mystery boyfriend.”
The accusation was a false one, but she hasn't been surprised at how Nancy had twisted it when 'sharing' with Barb because it beat the alternative. That the older Henderson was deemed ‘too wild’ by Nancy’s mother, and ‘not good enough’ for her perfect daughter. Playing wild games instead of studying, and partaking in debaucherous substances while she did so. But that wasn't the worst part about the day Karen Wheeler decided that Stella wasn’t allowed in her home anymore, no. wasn't even the fact that Dustin now went over there constantly to partake in a game she’d introduced the younger siblings to. It wasn't even that the very acceptance of it in the boys versus her seemed to cement some antiquated gender roles in play at the Wheelers. No, it was the fact that Nancy seemed to agree and didn't fight for her.
But of course Barb never learned that. Stella had already lost one friend going down that path, so why lose a second, just because Nancy Wheeler "Grew up"? Instead, she caught betwixt two worlds her sophomore year. The world where she’d garnished a truce with Nancy to stay friends with Barb a grade below her, and her secret life of DnD and freakish delight with her boyfriend a year above.
The same boyfriend that snuck into Barb’s funeral to hold her hand, and stayed by her side as she processed the grief. The same boyfriend that she held close and hidden away from everyone who wasn’t in their little club, and would bring her dinner at the game shop- no matter how bad he was at cooking. The very same boyfriend that was unaware of the dangers that continually cursed her brother and his friends the past two years. The boyfriend she’d broken up with in the name of keeping him safe.
But this wasn’t the story of how she lost Barb anyway, or how she’d legitimately rekindled her friendship with Nancy. No, this was the story of how Stella Henderson stopped running from the love of her life, Eddie Munson, and how it took nearly losing him and the rest of her home forever to realize it. 
Hellfire Club Taglist: @drbobbimorse @bubblegum-barbie
@booty-boggins @starcrossedjedis @harleyquinnzelz @susiesamurai @juliaswickcrs (Want to be added? hmu! <3)
18 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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popsicletheduck · 2 years
a collection of Battle Bros headcanons/semi-canons/small canon things because I have brainrot:
- Ash is very attractive (if you are attracted to men). He doesn't know this. Mosca also doesn't know this (they are not attracted to men). Mosca is a horrible, uncanny valley person with big 'Do Not Perceive Me' vibes. They know this. Ash chooses to willingly ignore this. Together they make for a very odd pair walking down the street.
- Both of them have absolutely massive sweet tooths due to having limited-to-no access to sugar for extended periods of their life (all of his life prior to adventuring for Ash, the last handful of years for Mosca). Leave desserts unattended around them at your own peril.
- After Moonstone, Ash's moorbounder mount, was trained to accept Mosca as a friend, he decided to show affection by repeatedly gently gnawing on Mosca's arm, shoulder, shield, etc. Mosca hates this. Ash thinks it's funny.
- They're the only people in the party who can hang out by just being next to each other without talking. No one else in the party really understands it. They are just vibing.
- On a related note, they communicate through a lot of gestures and other non verbal stuff in day to day conversations. Ash isn't always the most comfortable speaking Common and Mosca is semi-verbal. It works out.
- To the people who have been the party the longest (and therefore known him the longest), Ash has been visibly happier and more at ease since becoming friends with Mosca (this one is canon and it makes my heart do funny things).
- Ash's technique for dealing with Mosca when they get too stuck in their own head is to say something unexpected enough that it pulls them out of it. This has been proven to have at least limited success on multiple occasions.
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loveanoutcast · 3 years
“Games” | Eren Yeager
Part Four | NSFW Content
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TW: nsfw content, smut, public sex, intercourse during pregnancy, lactation, slapping, degradation, spitting, oral receiving (male), cumshot, creampie, squirting, slight mommy/daddy kink, voyeurism
Pairing: Eren Yeager (Jaeger) x Fem!Reader, Mentions of Levi Ackerman x Reader (Brief)
Other: Gamer!Eren, married, modern au, teacher!reader, administrator!reader, jealousy, insecurity, original characters
Word count: 13,104
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine (Coming soon!!)
Well, hell. This is the longest part of this series by far but it’s honestly all the smut scenes for me. This is going to be like twenty levels of filthy brainrot and I am not even sorry. These parts get dirtier and dirtier and it just is what it is. Let me know what you all think, I really do appreciate any feedback. This will have a part five as well as a part six that's OPTIONAL to read as it might have a fantasy of Levi x Reader x Eren but maybe not because this was just suppose to be Eren x Reader married trope. Let me know what you all think, I seriously appreciate any and all feedback and it has been so so fun coming up with this short series!
Also the original character is made up and not a reflection of anyone I know, I pulled the first name out of an old Disney show I watched and the last name was more of a play of words, you’ll see. Anyway, thank you all for enjoying this, I try my hardest to update as soon as I can.
At twenty-four weeks pregnant, you felt like you were on top of the world. You had a great job as an educator and administrator for your city’s education board, your classes went swimmingly with the kids being excited to see their favorite teacher become a mom (There was an odd one here and there who cried to you about their fear of you not having enough space in your heart to love them, something you would immediately dismiss and ease their worries about), your family and friends were as supportive as ever and continuously showered you with encouragement, and you had Eren Yeager as your husband. He was everything you needed and wanted in a partner and you couldn’t imagine what you were before him and how you had managed to have gone through so much of your life without him. There were still moments where you two quarreled and your late-night cravings had resulted in him having morning grumpiness more than once, but he was attentive to your needs. He always listened to your complaints and every night before bed he would express his love for your small family through words before making love to you over and over again.
Yes, you felt lucky indeed. Ever since the moment you had morning sickness all those weeks ago, Eren had insisted on spending as much time with you as his own busy schedule would allow. Lunch dates were now a daily routine, sometimes you would go to his office and other times he would meet you at the school. Today was a bit different as Eren finally had a day off from his often-overwhelming schedule, you still had a few morning classes and one afternoon meeting to get through, but you promised him you would be finished by three in the afternoon so that the two of you could go into town to shop for your outfits for the upcoming wedding of Historia and Ymir. As you found yourself waking up a bit later than usual, your husband watched you in bemusement. Your feet made the cutest pitter patter noises on the floor, your stomach slowed your movements and every time you threw another article of clothing that now fit too small onto your shared bed, Eren’s smile grew a little wider from where he was sat up against the headboard.
Right now, you were a sight to behold, luckily some of your skirts had elastic bands and the pleated midi skirt swayed easily on your new figure. The problem was finding a blouse that didn’t hug your chest too tightly or fell too high on your large bump. Your hair was still in disarray and Eren bit his lip when you stretched to the upper rack to reach for another shirt. Seeing you barefoot, pregnant, hair crazy, and only a bra on your upper half was enough to get him excited. There was also the fact that your breasts had grown in size, the cups of your bra barely able to contain them as they were practically spilling out. There was also the pressing issue that made you let out an annoyed groan as you looked down at the pretty cotton material.
“What is it princess?” Eren asked from bed, looking over to him, you puckered your lips a bit. He never wore shirts to bed, so seeing his finely muscular chest which was still littered in small love bites from your constant need to mark him made you flush in embarrassment and heat.
You felt a bit shy in voicing the issue, you loved being pregnant but lately the symptoms had been slightly kicking your ass and today was no different. Turning to face him, you gestured to your chest. He could finally see the fresh spots of dampness near the center of the cups and his eyebrows creased in worry before raising in surprise, you also noted the splash of pink that coated his cheeks.
Sighing, you said, “My breasts are leaking. The milk is coming in and I guess it’s too much.”
Your husband continued to switch his glances from your chest to your face, the green in his eyes deepening and you didn’t miss the way he licked his bottom lip. You felt a slight shiver travel down your spine when you saw his hands clench and unclench, the thought of them softly rubbing your breasts brought on a wave of neediness. You knew it wasn’t really milk that sat in your breast yet, but more of the colostrum that comes before the milk and the thin liquid had been making itself known more and more by the second as you imagined your husband’s mouth helping ease the wetness. It seemed that your husband shared the same idea. Getting up from his seated position, Eren pushed the discarded tops to the side before sitting on the corner of the large bench in front of your bed. He beckoned you over with two fingers and you moved without thought. Standing between his parted knees, pretty green eyes peered into yours.
“Any way I can help you?” He asked slowly, the seductive tone in his deep voice made you shift on your feet.
You nodded and let out a gasp when his fingers tapped the side of your thigh.
“Use your words, angel.”
Clearing your throat, you let your hands rest on his broad shoulders, and you knew your face was beet red.
“Can daddy help me feel better?”
Eren hummed, smiling up at you in that boyish way that drove you mad. He reached for the top of your skirt and your eyebrows creased in confusion, the little sound you let out made Eren stop his movements before he explained,
“It’s a pretty skirt, angel. I don’t want it to get ruined.”
You nodded, understanding as you stepped out of the material watching as he gently tossed it to the other side of the bed. Using his shoulders for balance before you stood before him in only your panties and bra. Next Eren let his hands wander, fingers dancing across your stretched skin and leaving raised goosebumps in its wake. He kissed your tummy, rubbing your sides and you let your eyes follow his movements, only lightly giggling when his dark locks tickled you here and there.
Letting your panties fall to your ankles, Eren was quick to lower the top of his briefs, his dick was fully erect as it sat heavy between his legs.
“Sit on my lap.” He instructed, helping you straddle him, and you became increasingly aware of how big you’ve gotten as your baby bump fell snug between both your bodies. The cups of your bra barely grazed his chest and you ensured that your knees were as forward as your body was allowed so you wouldn’t fall off when you finally leaned back to look at him.
Eren gave you another smile and a soft kiss to your lips, gently biting down on the bottom one before kissing your jaw as well. His hands went to the top of your bra straps, bringing them down your shoulders slowly before he wrapped his arms completely around the top of your back. As your chests pressed together, you felt the excess liquid trail from your bra between your bodies, but your bump still let you let out a huff as you couldn’t be as close to your husband as before. Judging by the hooded eyes Eren was sporting, you figured he didn’t mind. Your breaths mixed together heavily as your faces were closer than before and you quickly pushed your mouth down onto his. Your tongue running across his lips and the inside of his mouth and you felt his fingers working the hooks of the back of the pretty cotton material.
You moaned into his mouth when you felt the relief of release when he succeeded. Leaning back, you were quick to discard of the heavily damped fabric, your breasts falling heavy and you sighed when Eren took them into his hands. His palms worked the swollen globes in circles, fingers pinching your puffy pretty nipples which caused drops of the thin liquid to fall.
“Oh fuck,” Eren groaned, “They look so fucking good filled up.”
“Augh,” You moaned, head tilting upwards, “Please my dearest.”
Eren kissed the top of your breasts, looking up once more at you and noticing how your eyes had become half-closed in pleasure.
“Is daddy hungry?”
Eren’s head bobbed up and down, his hands pushing your breasts together as he put his face in between. You couldn’t help but giggle a little bit as he motorboated you.
“Can daddy suck on mommy’s tits?” He asked so sweetly that you felt like you could come apart right then and there.
You couldn’t help but grind on him, he was solid and hard as hell from what the two of you were doing. Your slick was wetting him, and you let out a sharp gasp when the tip of his dick slid into you partially. You let out a loud moan of his name when Eren’s hands gripped your hips and pushed himself fully into your heat. He gave you a few moments to adjust to his thick girth, busying himself by kissing and rubbing you everywhere, he raised his hips slightly, giving you the smallest of thrusts that made your head feel fuzzy.
“Please.” You begged in almost a broken cry. It was all it took before Eren latched his mouth onto one of your nipples, the sound of him suckling on them filled the large room. You humped him while he fed, the squelching sounds from where you were connected only made you flush at how wet and ready you were for his dick. The warmth of his mouth made you feel dizzy, his tongue flicking your nipple up and down while the other was being rubbed by his hand. You could feel yourself getting more  damp with how hot you felt, and you almost lost it when you looked down just to see that his eyes had closed, and small dribbles of the liquid fell through the sides of his mouth.
You let out a small click of irritation from your tongue, “Daddy’s a messy eater.”
His heavy lashes fluttered open to look up at you and a small pop was let out when he released your nipple, his mouth was tightly closed and looked a bit full as you smiled at him. Giving him a particularly hard thrust, you saw him close his eyes briefly, the pads of his fingers digging into your waist.
“Open.” You instructed.
His lips parted and you saw the pool of liquid immediately leak out and slide down onto his neck and chest. Eren leaned forward and let some of it fall onto your stomach. He looked up at you, one hand grabbing you by the back of your head as he brought you into a sloppy kiss. You tasted the liquid as you two swapped spit and his tongue felt silky as he battled yours for dominance, you broke it first as you took a deep breath and cooed when you saw the thin trail of saliva and milk connecting your mouths before breaking. His Adam’s apple bobbing hard as he swallowed the rest and you attempted to clamp your legs closed on him. He switched to your other breast, repeating the same movements but this time he sucked harder and enticed louder moans from you. You thrusted down onto him faster, and the vibrations from his own moans could be felt on your sensitive nipples.
Feeling yourself near, Eren was quick to grab you under the thighs, he bounced you on his dick while making sure to keep feeding from your leaking breasts. Your tongue lolled out from the sensations, not even caring that you yourself were drooling. Your hands were hanging loosely on his shoulders, the way he held you tighter was appreciated. As well as the view of his ripped muscular body flushing red and hot by the mind-blowing sex you two were having. You could feel the thin excess liquid from his messy eating dripping down your chest and stomach, pooling between the two of you and you put your head back in pleasure once more.
“Daddy! Daddy!” You kept repeating, “I’m going to-I’m going to cum.”
Hearing him swallow a bit, he spoke around the fluid in his mouth, “Cum on my dick mommy, come on.”
A few more hard thrusts and Eren lifted you off as you were mid-orgasm, you squirted all over his thighs and yourself and you screamed his name in a broken cry. Your legs shook from the force and you rested against him for a few seconds before giving him a lazy smile.
“Get on your knees, princess.” He mumbled, you could see him doing his best to keep his mouth closed and you felt a coil of excitement as you had a fair idea of what he wanted to do.
Despite feeling fucked out and sore, and very sticky, you got on your knees in front of him. His hand found your jaw and you looked up at him with the largest puppy eyes you could muster before saying,
“Can daddy spit in my mouth?”
Eren’s dick twitched and he nodded eagerly, tapping your cheek softly you opened your mouth wide and he opened his, slowly letting the liquid fall into yours before spitting the rest right in. Some spilled off the sides of your own mouth and you were quick to spread and rub the substance all over your chest and belly before taking your fingers and rubbing at your already sensitive clit.
“Holy fuck, my girl is dirty.” Eren watched with wide eyes, here you were on your knees with your legs spread. Somewhat heavy with his child and lactating like the good breeding slut he always asked you to be. You gave him a smile, the white traces of the liquid all over your face and you surprised him when you reached for his dick.
You quickly took him into your mouth, Eren groaning loudly as your locks of hair tickled his inner thighs, he gathered your hair in a makeshift ponytail and slightly lifted his hips as he thrusted into your mouth. You gagged as he hit the back of it but made no complaints, letting your tongue swirl as much as the limited room would allow you released him and noticed the thick trail of saliva and milk that connected your mouth to his penis. Spitting on the head, you worked his shaft with your hand, tightening around the base and loosening your grip as you got to the tip. You could see the splashes of your orgasm all over his abs, legs, and the fabrics of the bed. This was definitely one of the messiest things you two had done, but you didn’t care as you put his penis back in your mouth and let your fingers trail across his abdomen, your cum mixing nicely with your breast milk and giving his muscles a sheer shine.
Your head bobbed up and down on him, Eren torn between closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of what you were doing and wanting to keep them open to not miss a second of you being filthy for him.
Forcing his large length down, you fought the urge to gag as he hit the back of your throat and you released him in a loud slurp. You kept working the hardened cock with your hand as you looked up to your husband.
“You look so fucking pretty right now.” Eren blurted and you let out a giggle at his odd comment.
“Take a picture, daddy.” You suggested with a wink, “Might be your only chance.”
He wasted no time and you bit down the laugh as he stretched himself back to the center of the bed where his phone laid. You watched him swipe at the screen and gave the head of his dick a few licks before suckling at it softly. Eren moaned before asking quite boldly,
“Fuck a picture, can I record you?”
You shrugged before smiling innocently, “Sure, as long as you promise not to show anyone.”
“Who the fuck would I-“ Eren stopped midsentence, looking down to see you leaving a few kisses to his shaft as you observed his impressive length and his mind briefly flashed to the memory of his former captain watching you with obvious lust and the way you had been getting quite cozy with him in return.
“I mean-“ Your husband guided himself into your mouth again, you let him slide further and further into your mouth and his next words caused you to loudly choke,
“Levi might like to see what that pretty mouth can do.”
You couldn’t release him, your wide eyes gazing up at his look of indifference and you couldn’t deny the way you tried to clamp your thighs together for some form of friction, the idea of Levi touching himself to the thought of you pregnant, lactating, covered in cum, and sucking off your husband was…intriguing…and your husband seemed to know exactly what you were thinking as you heard the sound of the recording starting.
Taking your hair tightly in his fist, Eren took you off his dick and you gasped for breath softly. You stared at his swollen head and felt a bit too ashamed to look up and you indirectly confirmed your attraction for his former officer. You hadn’t missed the way Levi looked at you for the remainder of the night you had gotten off on Eren’s thigh during game night. Nor did you miss the way he had offered to help you with the dishes and how his arm brushed against yours standing closely, the way he reached around you to grab the drying towel and his body pressed against you before you felt his warm breath against your ear. When Jean began to argue with Zeke over the rules of Uno you had tried to talk to them over the tall breakfast bar dividing the kitchen and living room, your upper body had leaned over the surface as you tried to use your loudest voice but to no avail. Eren had disappeared somewhere and when you felt hands on your hips trying to raise you off the marble, only then had you noticed how much pressure you were placing on your bump to support your weight. You backed up completely into Levi and didn’t miss the sharp intake of breath and your ass pressed firmly against him and he was truly…impressive. Neither of you said anything but you didn’t exactly rush to move.
After the kiss and that entire night, you had been texting a bit more with Levi. The occasional phone call here and there were innocent as you two only spoke about things like work, friends, and tea. It wasn’t that Eren didn’t come up in conversation but seeing that you were getting heavier with his child every day and you were constantly around your husband, most times he was mentioned was followed up with a funny story about Levi kicking the shit out of him or you complimenting how wonderful he had been treating you. Your growing friendship was innocent.
The loud sound of your husband slapping you echoed around your bedroom, your cheek stung as you felt a sudden thrill flood you and you looked up innocently to his dark green eyes, your cheeks throbbed in pain and pleasure as it had been a while since Eren was willfully so rough with you. His phone still recording you as you continued to play with his shaft.
“Just going to play dumb, princess? Gonna act like I don’t see the way he looks at you?”
“Daddy,” You answered sheepishly as you licked the underside of his dick, the tip of your tongue teased his balls and he bucked his hips for a moment, “It doesn’t matter. I’m married to you, I’m pregnant with your child, and I’m horny for your cock right now. So, will you please just cum for me?”
Eren nodded before giving you a smile that you couldn’t deny had made you feel uneasy previous times. The grip on your hair tightened and he fucked your mouth without mercy for the next few minutes. At some point you had started to feel the tears from the corner of your eyes fall and the choking slurpy sounds coming from your mouth only made him go faster.
“I’m going to cum on your face.” Eren announced and you nodded, only receiving a harder thrust that made the fingers on his abdomen muscles pressed harder on the toned skin. The usually tanned flesh was riddles with sharp red lines from your nails scratching and clawing from how harsh he was mouthfucking you. The words coming out of his filthy mouth only degraded you further.
“Who knew I had such a whore for a wife? A breeding bitch who wants to be milked and fucked stupid.”
“Look at my little cumslut, taking me so well into that dirty mouth. Fuck yeah take it all. Don’t be shy.”
“Is my little mommy crying? Crying and choking on daddy’s dick?”
“I’m the only one who can see you like this, got it?” You nodded at that comment, but the sharp slap on your cheek made you whimper and suck harder. You could feel him start to pulse and you rubbed your clit in faster circles, your hips moving as you felt yourself getting dizzier from how hard you were working to get Eren off.
The tug at your hair made you release him, and you gasped for breath, the trail of saliva breaking as you locked eyes with your husband whose face was a sight to behold as he came. Long ropes of cum shot out from the head, the first landing across your face, from your jaw well into the top of your hair. The second landed half into your mouth and the other half on your left cheek. The other spurts came onto your chest and some onto your belly where you quickly smeared it across. You let your tongue hang out as he tapped his head against it to ensure it was all out. You swallowed eagerly and let out a hum when Eren’s thumb caressed your jaw.
His phone was thrown somewhere to the side and you shuffled a little when Eren stood up. You slumped at realizing how exhausted you felt, and you could hear the faucet running in the distance before Eren kneeled next to you, the soft towel was used to clean you up and you gave Eren a smile when he helped you to your feet.
“Shower?” He asked with a laugh, taking your hand in his before the both of you walked towards the running water.
Your fingers were rubbing the shampoo near your husband’s dark roots when he finally talked again, his arms encircled around your large waist and softly rubbing your lower back.
“I know that Levi likes you.” He murmured, your hands stilling as you met his eyes.
“I can’t exactly say I’m surprised. Everyone knows how incredibly out of my league you are.”
You sighed as you let your soapy hands cup his cheeks, pretty green eyes looked sad and you got on your tip toes to kiss him deeply, the little whine he released only tightened your hold.
“Baby,” You sighed when you finally released him and relaxed in your stance, “When are we going to get over this? This insecurity with each other? First it was Jean, then Historia, now Levi? We’re going to run out of friends if this keeps up.”
He let out a small laugh, and you smiled meekly before continuing, “Levi has been extra nice to me and I can’t stop it if he ends up liking me on a deeper level, but I also know that he cares about you. About all of us.” You gripped his hand and placed it on your stomach, his fingers warm as he glanced down as your exposed bump.
“It doesn’t matter because all that does matter is our family. You, me, and this little one. No more of this, Eren. We are married, we own a house, and we are going to be bringing another being into this world and we can’t waste what little time we have left alone going back and forth on people who are not part of this bubble.”
The warm water was steadily still hitting the two of you, the granite cool to the touch as Eren backed you up against it. Steady green eyes looked into yours as you received a nod in agreement.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just I know you like him too, Y/N.”
You opened your mouth to argue but the pad of his fingers pressing against your lips stopped you,
“Please don’t try to deny it. I’m your husband and your best friend, I know you better than you know yourself and I know you feel something for the Ackerman. I’m not saying it’s even remotely close to the love you have for me but whether it’s a school crush or some infatuation, I don’t care. You’re my wife, the mother of my child, and I just want us to be honest with each other. It doesn’t mean you love me any less, baby. It just means that your heart is large enough and you are freeenough to be who you are. I just want you to be that way with me, always. Without hesitation or fear.”
“I am not afraid of you.” You quickly replied and held onto his arms a little tighter before sighing, “I was just…afraid of what I felt and that it might hurt you. I choose you every day, and every day I wake up I’m happy because it’s another day with you by my side. I get to know that I’m pregnant with your child and I get to call myself Mrs. Yeager. You are my everything, and if I’m free it’s only because you have taught me how to be.”
You both stared at each other for a few more moments and it was that boyish smile that had you grinning,
“I love you, Mrs. Yeager.”
You kissed him, letting out a yelp when he suddenly grabbed you from your thighs and hoisted you up against the shower. You urged him to be careful, but you knew your husband was strong enough to hold you like so for hours. The feeling of him brushing against your entrance and how ready he seemed to take you only made you blush.
He rubbed his nose sweetly with yours as he slowly began to thrust into you, your breath catching as you leaned your head back on the granite to let out a moan.
“I love you too, Mr. Yeager.” You said, crashing your lips against his before moaning at the harder thrust he gave you. The sounds of skin smacking were drowned out by the rush of the shower, but the sweet nothings and proclamations of love whispered in your ear were louder than ever as you and your husband fucked for the second time that morning in your shared bathroom.
That was the last time you and Eren had sex and you let out a deep sigh as you finished your makeup. You were now twenty-six weeks pregnant and it was also day five since you had seen your husband in person. The week that followed that morning went about normally, you and Eren had been able to go into town and find outfits for the wedding and you only got mildly annoyed with the endless comments on how big and beautiful you looked with that pregnancy “glow” that you were pretty sure was just summer sweat. If it hadn’t been for Eren’s kind smiles and whispered promises to reward you if you promised not to snap at the fifth person who rubbed your belly, you don’t know how you would have survived. The rest of the week had gone by well, you were both busy with work as you were trying to squeeze in as many work hours as you could before you were to be put on maternity leave and before summer would begin. By the time you would get home, you and Eren would have dinner followed by him doing extra work in his study and you catching up on grading papers. By the time you two would shower and get in bed, you just wanted to cuddle and talk about random things. The sex you had together was one of the dirtiest and wildest things you two had done in a good while and your breasts had since then reduced in leaking, so the urge to jump each other was pretty much extinguished. However, that following Friday, your husband informed you that he had to leave for a business trip on Monday and would be back by Wednesday. He was two days late and despite his constant texting and video calls, you felt emotional and lonely without him. The group had tried their best to constantly keep you company, Levi had even stopped by every day since to help with dinner and friends of groups of two or three would always join. Nonetheless, it was the times when you would get ready for bed, double check the house locks, and cuddle with the largest pillow while Eren snored softly through the mobile device perched on your nightstand that made you sad. You missed his warmth and his kisses, more than once you woke up from a sudden night terror and reached for him on instinct. You blamed the release of large hormones on your sudden change in sleep behavior, as well as the anxiety you felt from being alone in such a large house. It wasn’t the first time Eren had to leave for business trips, you even remembered the time he had been gone for almost a month as his business expanded on a global scale, but this time was different. You were pregnant with your first child and with Eren being so tall, muscular, and having the military background experience, you couldn’t lie that it was a bit intimidating that you couldn’t even go to the second landing without huffing for air.
Either way, whenever Mikasa would drop you off from work (She had volunteered to carpool until Eren came back and your feet didn’t feel so swollen) she would do a round around the house, as would Galliard, Zeke, Levi and even Jean that one afternoon he had picked up his son from tutoring and playdate with Kira, Aloisa, and Alexander at yours while their parents went out for fun (it’s not like you could drink with them anyway). You felt lucky having such a supportive team around you and this morning was no different.
“Hey,” Galliard poked his head into your bedroom, arms bracing his weight on the doorframe as his eyes scanned the large room in search of you, his eyes were calm as he politely asked, “Do you mind if I make myself a sandwich before we go? I forgot to pack a lunch before I left the apartment and I like that fancy cheese you two get.”
You smiled at him and released a small laugh, walking over to him you poked his stomach, “I’ll make your lunch if you help me put on my shoes.”
“Deal.” He immediately replied, making way to your shared closet as you sat on the bench in front of your bed.
“By the gods, why do women insist on having so many damn pairs of shoes!” Galliard exclaimed making you laugh even harder before you called, “It’s the pair of flats with the pretty bow in the front.”
You heard shuffling and a loud bang followed by a string of curse words and another thump of something falling before Galliard muttered, “He won’t even notice.”
Six pairs of flats were put in front of you and you almost felt bad at not specifying which pair with the pretty bow you meant. You honestly didn’t even see the pair you were talking about and you internally winced when you realized you had actually left them in the foyer by the door. Seeing how excited and proud of himself Galliard was, you decided not to say anything and picked the nude ones Sasha had bought you for your birthday. After helping you ease into them, Galliard grabbed both your hands and helped you to your feet.
“Oof,” You huffed, and the stupid grin on your friend’s face made you roll your eyes, “Not a word Porco.”
“You’re getting so big,” His hand rubbed your tummy, his smile sweet even though you were fighting the urge to smack the crap out of him, “It’s like a squishy watermelon.”
“Wow Galliard. You sure know how to sweet talk a girl.”
You made way to the kitchen, seeing that the both of you still had time before he had to give you a lift to work so you could finish off some paperwork from the board. Starting on the lunch, you were just cutting up the apple slices when you felt Porco come up behind you.
“What the hell are you-“
“Wait! Just stand still, I saw this online thing where if you lift a woman’s baby bump, it helps ease their back pain.” Instead of shoving him off, you allowed his hands to come around and under your tummy. You actually knew what video Porco was referring to and had been meaning to ask Eren to try it with you but seeing as how your husband was out of town and Porco had already decided to invade your space you shrugged a what the hell.
His hands felt warm as they interlocked, his breath warm as it fanned across the top of your head and he counted down, “3…2…and 1.”
Immediately you felt a weight off your back, shoulders, and abdomen. Your feet for the first time didn’t feel like two cement blocks attached to your legs and you didn’t even fight the moan of relief that escaped your mouth as you leaned back onto Galliard. The muscles on his chest flexing and the sudden weight he was supporting. You could hear him laughing before hearing the front door opening.
“Um-“ Pieck called, “Are we interrupting?”
Being careful not to suddenly let go, Galliard looked up to Zeke, Pieck, and Niccolo and smiled at how you hadn’t even moved an inch.
“I’m helping her back pain.” He motioned to his stance with his eyes, “Got it from some video online.”
“Oh!” Zeke rushed to the both of you, “I’ve seen this too! Can I try?”
Galliard nodded and you consented, feeling him slowly lower your stomach you almost hissed at the undeniable stretch of weight before Zeke who was so much taller than Galliard and bulkier took his place. He had that familiar scent like Eren’s and when you closed your eyes it almost felt as if your husband was the one holding your stomach. You laughed when Pieck cheered, “My turn! My turn!”
“Here Galliard,” You handed the lunchbox to your friend, taking it from your hands you continued, “I put a cheese stick and some pretzels for a snack.”
“She also cut the fruit into little hearts and flowers. Really pretty.” Niccolo said from behind you, his grip a little firmer as he held your baby’s weight.
“I’m a grown man!” Galliard complained, “What are the guys gonna think when they see me munching on some heart shaped strawberries! They’ll think I’m some pansy ass-OH! A go-gurt!”
Pieck looked at you in confusion before you elaborated, “Eren likes them.”
“It’s like my little brother never grew up.” Zeke sighed.
Fixing the last of the papers you yawned, stretching your arms in front of you, you let out a long sigh. Looking around the classroom, you smiled at how clean it was for the first time in weeks. Summer vacation was finally in full swing and as much as you missed your kids, the peaceful atmosphere was a nice change compared to how hectic it could get. You got up from your seat, the smallest of grunts reminding you on how big you were getting. Looking down at your figure you were seriously curious on whether or not you truly only were carrying one child. Walking towards some shelves on the side you reached for a manilla folders to place the important documents in.
Eren walked into the building, the smell of floor cleaner and some other pungent odor reminding him of old times as he approached the front office. Walking in, he locked eyes with the front desk attendant. She was obviously new as the one he was used to seeing was probably older than the entire building, approaching her he let an easy smile stretch across his face.
“Hi, just signing in under visitors.”
The girl whose front desk tag read, “B. Purcell.” Looked incredibly flustered, all that was running through her mind were questions about the incredibly tall and hot guy standing in front of her. She stuttered as she gave Eren the clipboard and noticed how nice his hands were as he gave it back, the flower bouquet in one of them also complimented nicely.
“W-who are you visiting today Mr.-“ She glanced at the clipboard, “Mr. Yeager?”
“That would be Ms. Y/L/N.” Eren still felt it odd sometimes to call you by your maiden name at school, not that he minded. When you informed him that you wanted to keep your original last name for professional circumstances, he was nothing but supportive. Outside the workplace you were Mrs. Yeager, and with Eren you were his princess, angel, and everything else in between. He knew how important it was to you to eventually work your way up in your career, however you chose to represent yourself was up to you and as your husband, Eren only wanted to love and support you through it. He didn’t feel intimidated, he was secure enough in himself and your marriage that you choose not to take his last name in these circumstances was honestly not a big deal. It was just times when men would try to advance on you that Eren felt irked, that’s why he had chosen and crafted you with the largest engagement ring he could find.
“Oh, how nice of you to visit a friend. I’ve met her, she’s…nice.” The tone she used made a crease form between Eren’s eyebrows. She gave him a sticky paper and a marker, and he knew he had to scribble his name on the poor excuse of a visitor’s pass.
“Yeah, she is.”
“It’s such a shame she’s not prettier.” She went on and this time Eren sighed as he stuck the stupid name tag on his dress shirt. Obviously the new girl knew next to nothing about his wife.
“She’s not a friend.” He stated simply and by the look of surprise on her face, he was hoping the scowl on his face made it clear that she was crossing a line. The dense girl did not get it.
“Oh, is she related to you or?”
��Eren?” A new voice chirped, turning his head he saw Mikasa walking in. By the stack of folders in her hands he knew she was probably turning in paperwork for the end of the semester.
“Hey sis.”
“I’m so happy you’re home again!” She put the folders to the side and embraced him.
“Ms. Ackerman,” the annoying secretary called, “Do you know Mr. Yeager?”
“Yes,” Eren picked up on her sharp tone and came to the conclusion that this person was obviously not easy to like, “He’s my brother.”
Eyebrows rose in surprise and curiosity but before she could further question Mikasa said, “Are you here to see Y/N? She’s missed you.”
“Yes. I’m actually heading over now. Galliard told me he dropped her off and I asked him to let me surprise her. How was she?”
Mikasa waved him off, “You know her. She’s a tough bird. However, I’m worried about how much time she’s spending on her feet. It can’t be good for her being so far along in the pregnancy.”
Nodding in agreement, they almost forgot about the unwanted third party until she spoke again, “So does she even know who the father is? I heard so many guys like her, she must have like a great personality or something because she’s not that pretty.”
Mikasa looked ready to kill her, but the sudden head bump she got from Eren stopped her.
“Yeah…you’re looking right at him.” His eyes shifted to meet hers, “I’m her husband.”
The way her mouth was opening, and closing would’ve made anyone laugh if it were not for the circumstances. The smirk on Mikasa’s face did not go unnoticed and even Eren couldn’t help feeling a bit amused, but for anyone to have called you anything short of beautiful did get under his skin.
“Y-you’re her husband?” She raised a finger and Eren nodded, “But how-she’s just so-“
“Out of my league, I know.” Eren cut her off, “I consider myself lucky to have a wife as beautiful as her, but what really drew me to her was how kind and caring she is.”
“Don’t forget about her butt.” Mikasa surprised Eren by her comment, but he knew it was most likely the circumstances causing her to get out of her comfort zone. “You always chat up the guys about how fit she is.”
“My wife is quite the looker.” Eren laughed, “I bought these for her, do you think she’ll like them?”
Looking over the rather large assemble of flowers, Mikasa nodded in approval.
“She’ll love them. I’m not sure if she’ll have room though, everyone keeps buying her stuff before her maternity leave. Mrs. Rodriguez got her some baby books, Miss Emma got her flowers, as did Coach Swain and even Ms. Walker from the band hall-“
“Derek Swain?” Eren interrupted and Mikasa couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re still jealous of Derek? They dated ages ago, Eren.”
That didn’t stop the crease between his eyebrows from forming and the secretary’s muttered curse was heard.
“What the fuck? She even bagged Swain? He’s crazy hot.”
The sound of annoyance made her look at a very pissed off Yeager and she was quick to excuse herself and skedaddle to the backroom.
Mikasa stifled her next laugh when she saw the look of obvious jealousy and irritation on her brother’s features, “You have seriously got to work on your anger issues. She’s six months pregnant with your child, you’ve been married for years, and he’s just being nice. Flowers and lunch does not suddenly mean that she’s going to drop everything and-“
“They went to lunch?”
“Shit.” Mikasa murmured and watched as her brother suddenly marched to the exit.
“Later, Mikasa.” He looked like a man on a mission and she figured it best to not probe any further as he made way to your classroom.
You let out a small groan in discomfort as you moved the folders to the upper shelf behind your desk. You had been sitting for hours as you tried to hurry to finish everything for the beginning of summer. Galliard would be there soon to pick you up and you thought it best to spend the rest of the time on your feet so he wouldn’t have to hoist you up again, but you forgot how much strain it was on your lower back and now you were debating on sitting back down. Looking down at the desk you smiled a bit, things were slowly clearing up and you only had two more folders to go. One, in regard to students in athletics and the other for the board to review your plan for funding summer meals. Your classroom was modest in size and decorated with colors and liveliness, it always smelled of flowers and you weren’t sure if it was because of the aroma therapy you had set up in the corner near the reading corner, your perfume, or the countless arrays of flower bouquets people had given you. Eren leaned against the doorway, watching as you turned to put another folder behind you and the roundness of your breasts and tummy in the pretty sundress you wore made him forget for a moment why he was ever upset to begin with. You really were a sight to behold in his eyes, he meant it when he said he felt lucky to have you in his life, these past few months had been hectic and out of his element. The nights you woke him up to get you mango ice cream from across town had him cursing the whole ride over, but when you’re face lit up when he came back home, it made it worth it each time. These past few days were hell for him, the nights were even worse. Whenever Eren would wake up and reach for you and your swollen bump, he would freak out momentarily before remembering where he was. The hotel room was cold and empty, the blandness of it all made him miss you and your sweet scent. He had missed your morning kisses and the way you would cry over every little thing, even that one time you cried because Eren had slammed one of the kitchen cabinets too roughly and you thought he hated you. Eren had done his best not to laugh as he reassured you that it wasn’t true, going as far as wiping your tears with his thumbs and eating you out on the kitchen floor. Seeing you now was exactly why he had rushed home, mumbling the quickest goodbyes to Armin and Reiner as he all but hauled ass out of the building. You hadn’t noticed his presence and his voice was smooth and husky as he spoke,
“I’ve missed you, Mrs. Yeager.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of his voice, turning to meet those pretty green eyes you missed so much before you stumbled over your tongue-
“Eren?” You took a few steps, arms opened wide and you let out the loudest shriek as you rushed to your husband, “Er-e-e-e-n!”
Eren couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped him as you quickly wobbled over to him, he could swear your stomach had grown over the last five days and as you were finally close enough, he picked you up and twirled you slowly into the classroom. The small cry of happiness only made him hold you tighter.
“Oh baby! I missed you so much!” You yelled when he finally put you down, you remained in the comfort of your husband’s arms. Getting on the tips of your toes to kiss him, he met you halfway quite eagerly and you missed the way he rubbed at your sides. Kissing for a few more minutes, you released him, rubbing your nose with his gently before giving him a large smile.
His hands cupped your cheeks, thumbs stroking your skin softly as he pecked your lips a few more times before saying, “My wife Is so cute.”
Stepping away he bent down to retrieve the bouquet of flowers he had dropped, presenting you with all your favorite colors and you visibly swooned at how romantic he could be.
“My love! They’re beautiful!” You gasped, taking them and quickly heading over to an empty vase on your desk. You tore the plastic film off, dropping them and carefully shifting the flowers to your liking. You smiled at Eren who had followed closely behind, his cheeks coated in red and you reached a hand to brush from his temple to his jaw. The blush deepened as he gave you a sheepish smile.
“I love them, thank you.”
He nodded, bending down to steal another kiss and you shifted closer to him on instinct, taking in his cologne that you missed so much and laughing when he called you out.
“Are you smelling me again?”
Pushing him away, you went back to the files on your desk, “Don’t act as if you haven’t been taking in my scent this entire time too.”
“Baby, I smelled you down the hall.” He laughed, looking over to the corner of the room, “Seriously it always smells of flowers and-“ He sniffed once more, “something sweet.”
“Oh, some of the kids were eating candies earlier.” You opened a drawer and he peeked inside just to chuckle, the confiscated sweets were right next to your stash of fruit gummies and sugar less gum.
“Such a stick in the mud, my angel.”
You pouted before sticking out your tongue at him. He bopped your nose and sat on top of one of the desks, “Go ahead and finish up. I want to go home and make up for lost time.”
You flushed at his words, blushing even deeper at how thoughtful he sounded which was so unlike Eren. He wasn’t a mean hard-headed guy, his youthful days building quite the shitty reputation that followed him well into adulthood. Sure, he could be stoic, unexpressive, and at times a bit overwhelming, but you knew how firm he was on his beliefs, how he saw the world through a realistic set of eyes and how that often-made people uncomfortable. Eren wasn’t given a fair life, he had been dealt some shitty cards and you knew all about the horrors of his past, even the ones he personally caused. He had grown-up eventually, moving past what held him back and wanting nothing more but a life of peace. That’s where you often came to mind, you gave Eren the space to be himself and you treated him as your equal, never looking down at him but also never putting him on a pedestal for which he was thankful for. You humbled him and hearing how lovely the word home rolled off his tongue only filled you with warmth.
“Okay.” You murmured, going back to the few papers as Eren sat on top of one of the desks. You fought the urge to scold him, reminding yourself how much you missed him and only smiled a bit before getting back to it.
You didn’t really feel Eren’s staring at you, too entranced at the new requests for prospective athletes to be given extensions on assignments and you clicked your tongue in irritation before writing down you request to hold a meeting with the coaches. Your husband couldn’t get enough of how adorable you looked, he had already taken three photos of you, the sundress really complimented your skin tone and the swell of your tummy only added to your glowing figure. The crease between your eyebrows made him wonder what it was that had you getting upset and he shifted slightly when he heard you click your tongue, the fire in your eyes was a rarity but it made him feel like a schoolboy all over again and you were the teacher he most definitely had a crush on. Your hair was tied up and Eren tilted his head in a smile as he noted the pencil that was holding up the pretty locks. He thought about what he was about to say twice, then he realized that he was no longer a schoolboy, but instead he was a businessman, and you were his very scholarly, very pregnant, very irresistible wife the words came out smoothly.
“Let me fuck you on the desk.”
“Eren!” You squeaked; his tone was so casual that you dropped the stack of post it notes in hand. You looked flustered as he raised his eyebrows at you in amusement and he noticed how you softly bit your bottom lip before glancing to the door. Eren was quick on his feet and moved with such a quickness that you quietly giggled. You watched your husband close the door, making his way back to you and taking turns looking between you and the desk. He looked way too excited and you raised an eyebrow,
“You planned this?”
He shook his head while smirking, “Oh, I hoped for it.”
“Anyone could walk in on us or look through the small window.”
Eren only shrugged, “We’ll have to be quick then.”
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed at how aloof he seemed, “How romantic.”
Stepping closer, you felt his hand softly grasp your chin, tilting you head up at him while his other hand began to explore your backside. You were almost flush against him now that your stomach had grown in size and you noticed how quickly you seemed to run out of breath around your very attractive husband.
“Now, angel. Don’t be rude, we’re married and in love. Even if they do catch us, I’m pretty sure they’ll understand and well who gives a shit? Now be a good teacher for daddy and get on the desk.”
You felt yourself blush as you nodded. Looking at the desk and quickly saying, “Wait! Let me just put this in the pile-“
It was taken from your grasp and Eren read the scribbled front name, his eyebrows coming down in a crease and you came to the realization of what name he had read.
“That fucking Derrick Swine.”
“It’s not Swine-” You began to correct him but the look in his eyes quickly shut you up.
“I heard he bought you flowers…and lunch.”
“Baby,” You warned, “Come on I dated him years ago and it went nowhere. He’s a colleague and nothing more.”
“Which flowers?” Eren began to look around at the vast array of vases before turning back to you, your mouth was slightly agape, and he gave you a pointed look that further pushed you to answer him. Instead, you glanced near the shelves at a particular blue vase that held an array of daisies and tulips. Eren clicked his tongue when he saw it, noticing how much smaller it was compared to the bouquet he bought you and joked-
“Well…that makes two things I beat him in size for.” He looked at you as if for silent confirmation, but you just seemed confused. Eren shook out a laugh as he kissed your head, forgetting that you really did go nowhere with that Swine and he felt better for it.
“Leave it.” He muttered, putting it back on your desk and before you got the chance to protest, Eren hoisted you up onto the sturdy piece of furniture. You were heavier than before, and he noticed the way your thighs had grown in width and internally groaned at how much you were turning him on. Fingers brushed your temple, before going into your hair and you felt the thick locks of hair loosen as Eren removed the pencil holding them up. You were a sight to behold with swollen lips, flushed cheeks, and a low-cut collar that reminded your husband of the last time he suckled on the plump flesh before coating you in his hot cum.
“Lay back, love.” You could only nod, laying back and flinching when your hand bumped a small cup of your favorite pens. You were grateful that the school computer and monitor was stationed on the table next to the desk as you laid down, the upper half of your head not having any support from where the desk ended and you brought your legs up, Eren grabbed you by the back of your knees. Your flesh was soft and warm in his large hands and you didn’t stifle the moan of anticipation when he pulled you closer and your clothed pussy made contact with his front, the excitement of being near you noticeable by the bulge that greeted you.
Fingers moved the pretty lace to the side, your dress bunching up around your hips, and you brought your hand to cover your mouth when Eren began to rub your cunt. Fingers worked wonders as he found your clit and spread your juices everywhere, your breathing was grounding heavier and the kisses he left on your exposed chest only made you tug at his hair.
“I missed you, missed this.” He rubbed faster, eyelashes fluttering as green eyes found yours. Your hips bucked up and you gave a smirk.
“Did you think of me while you were gone?” You couldn’t help but ask, the nights were lonely after all, the both of you so tired that by the time the two of you could be on the phone, only bits and pieces of both your days could be shared before one (Usually you) would begin to speak nonsense from sleepiness before eventually lulling off to restless slumber.
“Every minute of every day.” Eren hummed, kissing a path from your cheek to the dip between your collarbones, “Reiner had to nudge me to focus up during meetings a few times. All I kept thinking was how much I needed you…needed you like this.”
You were shy when you asked the next question, the swirls on the ceiling suddenly seeming so interesting as Eren inserted two fingers inside you, fingers curling in the spongey front that had your thighs trembling.
“Did you-Did you touch yourself?” You whispered the last bit, feeling your cheeks turn a crimson red as your hands gripped his shoulders. Eren shifted into your line of vision and that boyish grin had you calming down before gasping as he fingered you faster.
“I did, it wasn’t even close to the same.” He gave a kiss to your nose and you raised your head and caught him by surprise as you kissed him deeply. You nipped at his bottom lip, boldly licking across the top and Eren took his fingers out you, making you whine silently in protest but watching as he disconnected your shared lips and stood at his full height.
His lips were now as bruised and plump as yours, the smears of your lipstick staining around his chin and his eyes were hooded as he ran his hands all over you. He pulled your panties off, the material shoved into his front pocket, but you could still see some of the lace peeking out.
“Did mommy touch herself while I was gone?”
You don’t know why you felt a bit embarrassed at his question, you looked to the side as you released a nervous laugh and only looked back to your husband when you heard him shuffle. Eren began to unbutton his dress shirt, the muscles of his chest coming to view and as quickly as you could, you sat up. Reaching out for him and swatting his hands. He watched in bemusement on how quickly you worked his shirt, fingers dipping in between every abdominal muscle along the way and you bit your lip as you began to work the buckle of his belt.
“Leave it on.” you said when he tried to take off his shirt, his nod being the only response you got before his hands cupped your cheeks and left multiple kisses upon your lips. Your hand freed his cock from its confines, thumb brushing the tip and you tried to close your legs when his moan was felt in your mouth.
You reached one hand up and let your fingers thread through the pretty brown locks before bringing him closer to your body, lips brushing across his cheek as Eren leaned his weight a bit more on you, his moans and groans deep as you kept moving your hand up and down his hard length. When you paid extra attention to the sensitive tip, your mouth met the shell of his ear and you found the confidence to murmur your answer to his previous question,
“Ah-h-h, fuck.” Your husband moaned, cheeks the reddest you’ve seen in a while and you didn’t fight him as he shoved you a bit roughly back onto the desk. Your legs were once more supported onto the bend of his elbows.
Eren looked so pretty with his eyes heavy and a hazy look across his face, you wanted him to ruin you completely and make you forget how lonely you had been feeling the past few days. You were never alone, granted, but no matter how many times Erwin let you hold his hand, Galliard let you lean on him, Moblit and Connie helped you at work, or even Levi ruffled your hair, there was the most obvious void that these men could not fill. Although, and you would never admit this to your husband, the one time when Levi came over three days ago to help you with dinner, you had miscalculated a step and almost hit your stomach on the corner of the marble countertop; fortunately, Levi was quicker and spun the two of you around. Unfortunately, he received the sharp blow and the small but noticeable grimace he gave filled you with guilt. His blue button up showed small spots of blood and you were fast to grab the first aid kit and bandage up the rough scratch. You hadn’t missed the way his body felt pressed against yours, nor did you fail to notice how he looked at you with in silent yearning. After he was patched up and the two of you set the chicken to roast, he thanked you quietly. The tug on your hoodie was a bit rough and the brief kiss placed on your mouth couldn’t even be dwelled on as he began to work on the side dishes. Suffice to say, you were red the rest of the time and you had to admit you sat a bit too closely to him during your shared meal.
You weren’t even sure if you felt guilty. Levi was a most trusted friend and advisor to your husband, ever since your pregnancy, Eren had relied a bit more on others to help aid you through the changes in your life. A huge step as your husband had had a knack for being so closed off and broody. You knew you had to talk to Levi soon, his affections were flattering but they were not worth it if the cost was the man you devoted your heart to and have decided to start a family with. You didn’t know if the best idea was to tell your husband, if there was one thing for certain it’s that if Eren’s suspicions were correct and the two of you shared more than just feelings but intimate touches as well, he would feel the most betrayed. The way Eren was currently rubbing his length across your folds had you releasing a moan, the look of utter content on his beautiful features has you forgetting for a moment just how much of a slut you had been feeling like behind his back. You felt the sudden need to remind yourself just how good you had it, tugging on one side of his open shirt and Eren sunk into you easily, both your arousals making you wet enough to accept the welcomed intrusion. Once he was completely bottomed out in you, you felt the slight tickle of his pubic hair lie heavily against your opened thighs. He thrusted a few times, trying to find his steady rhythm and you couldn’t help yourself as you moved your own hips upwards to meet his. Your small whines and mewls informed him on how much faster and harder you wanted him to go and Eren leaned his body over yours, smirk devilish as he encouraged you.
“That’s it baby, fuck yourself on my cock.”
You let your head roll back, the sounds of your desk squeaking and straining against the tile floors made you hot and flush at the fact that just about anyone could catch you two. A well-respected educator who was pregnant laid out on the desk with her tits and cunt out getting railed by a prominent businessman with the body of a Greek god who happened to be her husband. You went on like that for a while, you honestly last track of time and you let yourself get a bit comfortable with being a little loud, you knew the school was basically empty with the holidays and Eren was right. You two were married and madly in love, you had missed him terrible, and you were heavy with his child…and judging by the way he was fucking you, you wouldn’t find it impossible for him to impregnant you again in this position. Your quiet mewls were encouraged, tongues clashing and fighting each other for dominance but the way Eren kept nipping at your bottom lip and pawing at your tummy was enough to make your pussy clamp down on him harder. You could see the thin sheen of swear on his neck and chest and you could only imagine how dazed you looked. His thrusts were consistent and with you squeezing him and practically sucking him in, neither of you were going to last long.
Eren’s eyes flickered up by instinct looking towards the small window on the door and met a familiar pair of eyes. He gave you a particularly hard thrust and a gasped moan was released from your lips, your nails dug harder onto his chest and the red lines were visible. Derek Swain had no idea what to do, his face red in embarrassment and in envy at the fact that he never got to touch you the way your husband was, he never even stood a chance at bedding you or eliciting such sounds, and your baby bump was a constant reminder of how devoted your body and self was to Eren Yeager. He was happy for you, of course. He always knew you would make a wonderful mother and he knew it was something you had always wanted. However, he had to admit that he was often green with envy over the fact that you would be bearing a child with someone else, in particular with the guy he considered a control freak. He wasn’t the only one who thought that way, times where your name would enter a conversation between the male teachers, coaches, and administrators were always followed with positive compliments on your great work ethic, stunning features, and well-rounded personality; nonetheless, it was the mentions of your choice in husband that brought your reputation down. They all thought Eren was a douche, his military record was impressive, but they found him cocky, hot-headed, and too handsome for his own damn good. They knew it wasn’t money you were drawn to, your salary was more than capable of taking care of you and supporting a small family, you were kind and strong with no underlying agendas, so to see you so submissive to a man who now confirmed his suspicions on being rough in bed, was a wonder. Why in the world did it have to be this guy? So many of them thought, the way Eren always took the lead and had you close to his side through events, the times where you would speak of him with such obvious fondness and undisputable love that they firmly believed the grown man did not deserve was irking to say the least. Nor were they able to dismiss the rather impressive size diamond on your ring finger you would unintentionally flash every time you spoke with your hands that only continued to confirm how seemingly rich he was on top of being good-looking and utterly impossible to intimidate. The idea of one day eventually having to coach a son who was the spitting image of his father didn’t settle completely with Swain who obviously still held feelings for you. Feelings that would never be reciprocated and the loud moan that followed in that moment only further confirmed and hurt his shredded ego.
“Daddy!” You swiveled your hips harder, Eren seeming to react to your words and gripping you harder by the legs, the pads of his fingers surely leaving bruises and you could do nothing but let your hands fall to the desk. You gazed up at him lovingly, his dick twitching in your wet slick and you saw how much harder he flexed his impressive abs. You were so lost in the cloud of lust that you hadn’t even noticed how your husband’s eyes only flickered to you for a moment before looking away, one of his hands squeezing your throat and making you pant harder. When he saw Eren smirk at him, eyes flickering down to the way your hands shot out to the sides of the desk, hand bumping a cup that held your writing utensils and not even flinching when they crashed to the floor. You seemed to like being chocked and ruined in such a compromising position, your usually composed and well-preserved self was anything but shy as your moans echoed off the class walls and you begged your husband for another baby, an impossible task but it didn’t stop Eren from grinning at you while encouraging such filth from your mouth.
“Yeah, baby? My little slut wants more of daddy?”
“Yes!” You gasped, your other hand knocking over a small metal folder holder.
“Fuck take it. Take it.” He emphasized with every thrust, you felt him in the deepest parts of you and you could do nothing but let your head grow fuzzy as his name was the only thing you could repeat,
“Eren. Eren. Eren. I-Oh, Ere-e-en.” You knew he was fucking you stupid, but you couldn’t deny how sexy he was and how lucky you felt knowing he was yours and by the way his dick kept flexing in you, how lucky he felt knowing you were all his in return.
It took everything for the coach not to take out his dick right then and there and jerk himself off.
“Is that you can say wife-y? What’s wrong?” He was only teasing you, fingers moving to play with your clit, but you were feeling generous and didn’t mind his ridicules, instead you actually wanted to play along.
“Daddy’s fucking me too hard,” You blushed, “Making princess feel dumb.”
“Oh? Should I stop then?” You shook your head with such vigor that the deep chuckle he released only made you try to close your thighs for more friction. Eren raised an eyebrow, seemingly forgetting that the two of you had an audience that was still unbeknownst to you and instead focusing on making you come.
It didn’t take much, a few more thrust and rubs on your clit and you were quickly gasping out, “I’m close, I’m so close.”
He rammed into you impossibly harder, your thighs turning a bright red with each smack and the growing noises were forgotten as you felt the familiar coiling in your stomach. You also felt the familiar buildup and your eyes grew wide with worry,
“Eren, I might squirt!”
His eyes grew wide in excitement and you knew that he didn’t care about the possible mess you would make. If there was one thing he loved it was you being messy because of his cock. His thrusts became faster and your orgasm racked through your body so harshly that you screwed your eyes shut. You were a vision to behold and Eren followed with his own right after, the spurts of white cum coated your inner walls and could be felt shooting inside your already fertilized womb. The mixture of fluids was too much for you and your pussy contracted and spurt out both your cums in heavy drops on and around your desk. You felt it trail down your ass and pool underneath and even Coach Swain could see the steady rain as it coated your husband’s abs and pool on the tile floor. Your body slumped, worn out beyond belief and you could hardly register the kisses Eren was leaving you until he captured your lips with his. His tongue explored your mouth as he slipped out of you, the small whimper you released only made him whisper the sweetest things to you, hands kneading the flesh of your inner thighs and pussy. You laid there, legs hanging off the side as Eren grabbed the box of tissues on your desk and began to clean you up. Your dress was adjusted before he put you in a seating position and he was even kind enough to attempt to fix your hair and fix your exposed chest.
Another kiss was given, pretty green eyes smiling as he said, “Did I mention how much I missed you?”
You giggled, arms circling around his neck and you laid your head on his chest.
“I love you, Mr. Yeager.”
“Hm-m-m.” He hummed, tilting your chin up and kissing your forehead so gently that you felt yourself melt all over again, “And I love you, angel.”
You two cleaned up, fixing your clothes and you felt a bit bad of how out of order and flushed Eren looked, his hair sticking to his forehead and you could only imagine how you looked. You threw a pencil at Eren when he mentioned your after sex glow and told you to pass it off as a pregnancy glow.
Once everything was tidied up, you snatched the folder from where it was and walked out of the room, turning off the light and locking it behind you before Eren interlocked once of your hands with his. He was holding your bag for you and you had to admit how sweet he could be sometimes, his cheeks blushing at your flattery before grumbling a small threat under his breath.
“Shut up or I’ll make you give me road head.”
“I’d do that either way.” You winked, giggling as you approached the entrance. You turned to the front office and almost cheered at how lucky you were.
“Baby, wait! I have to give this to the front office!” You waved the folder, Eren looking to see a familiar face and smirking again. He led the way and held the door for you, you sliding in and trying not to look as guilty as you felt for fucking your husband just a few moments prior.
“Coach Swain!” You called; the man stiffened where he stood at hearing your voice. He turned to look at you—well technically he was looking anywhere but you—and you did your best at a friendly smile.
“I have those extension papers for you. If you don’t mind, I’ve suggested a board meeting to discuss the details the coaches are requesting. I don’t think extensions will help our athletes, It may only prompt them to procrastinate more so I suggest cutting back on practice and adding in a study hour throughout the week, that way they could feel on the same page as a team and it’ll be fairer for the non-athletic students.”
“Uh-um, I’ll see.” His hand shot out, still not looking at you and you tilted your head.
“Is everything okay, coach?” You reached out to him, your husband immediately tugging at the back of your dress and you were forced to halt your actions. The coach didn't miss the way the upper half tightened on your already strained breasts. You looked annoyedly at Eren, not seeing the coach staring at your chest but seeing Eren give you a pointed look made you huff and accept his jealously to stop you from touching your ex.
Swain finally looked at you, not understanding how you could look so composed and intimidating when just a moment ago you were allowing the man standing behind you nail you on your desk and call you every filthy thing under the sun. He could still see your milk heavy breasts jiggling as well as your round tummy blocking the view of what he knew was a beautiful tight cunt. Judging by the peeks he saw of your husband’s cock; it was large enough to make you submit. His gaze shifted to Eren, whose face was as stoic and calm as ever, he even looked bored to be there. He quirked an eyebrow at the coach as if daring him to say something. His eyes flickered to Eren’s outfit, the crumpled shirt, the two buttons not even fixed and the small peek of purple lace from his front pocket reminding him of his place.
“Everything…is fine.” He grounded out, he took the folder from your grasp, not missing the small yet noticeable wet stain near the bottom and he knew he was going to jerk one out once he was in the comfort of his office to it, imagining himself in Eren’s place then feeling guilty afterwards for pining over a married soon to be mother who was also his ex-girlfriend. He was pathetic and it only pissed him off how your husband Eren seemed to know exactly just that. The tilt of his lips only enraging him more.
“I got to go. Bye Ms. Y/L/N.” He nodded to Eren before hauling ass out and you turned to your husband in confusion, which he seemed to return.
“That was weird.”
“I told you he still likes you.”
“Oh, my dearest, enough of that.” You hushed him, getting on the tips of your toes to kiss him. You had even forgotten about the secretary, wishing her a nice summer break and only getting more confused when she turned red and muttered under her breath when Eren shot her a dirty look. She knew exactly what the two of you had done, not missing the mismatched buttons on your husband or the way your hair was messed up from the back.
You both walked to the car hand in hand, you hummed the entire time Eren opened your door and helped you put on your seatbelt. You undid it only a few minutes into the drive, your husband chuckling as you undid his belt for the second time that day and taking him into your mouth. He almost crashed twice and by the time you got home, and he pulled into the garage. He reclined his seat back to let you finish him off. You were as eager to please as ever and that was the only time he wished you weren’t pregnant so you could climb over and straddle his lap to ride him. Instead, he had you bend over the hood of the car and had you well on your back on the sleek metal by the time the both of you came again.
You were cutting up the onions for dinner, the soft music in the background making you feel happy at the fact that you could cuddle up to Eren tonight instead of a pillow.
“Hey babe!” He called from your shared bedroom and you hummed in response, “…Why is my entire shirt rack on the floor?”
You let out a bark of laughter, shaking your head as you thought: So that’s what Galliard was up to.
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alphinias · 2 years
I feel like we're setting ourselves up lmfao I know these writers have mostly delivered so far but we're writing fanfic level possibilities and idk it seems most likely that they won't happen, I don't want to keep thinking of and reading these great soulmate epic scenarios because anything the writers do after that will pale in comparison let's be honest it is so rare that shows give us these true love vibes and also maybe more than vibes in the actual text (this has nothing to do with anything but isn't it hilarious that American tv is obsessed with sex and yet we barely get any decent romance as of late, romantic movies have become so far and few in between and everyone seems to think that they can't depict interesting relationships and dynamics bc people have brainrot now and seem to think shipping and fictional characters are somehow representative of what we condone in real life and not just idk fiction and fun) I'll never forget that "hope you manage to get your family out of star wars" post truly sums up the absolute absurdity of this whole 18th century puritan vibe, anyway here's to them exceeding our expectations.
I feel like they’d have to really drop the ball to disappoint me (and most of us honestly)! I’m usually pretty self aware and under control with my fic writing level theories lol. If anything, ND has tended to pleasantly surprise me with how much we get rather than the other way around, but I’ve been conditioned the hard way lmao. But like last night really showed that they aren’t ashamed to lean into their romance I think. It’s rare we get a quiet confession alone between main characters.
My motto is always expect as little as possible, hope for the best. I really think we’re going to be happy though. As far as the soulmatey vibes… 3x10 was already oozing with them, and I still think the “I’ll never leave you, sweetheart” thing has meaning that may come back again. Since I do think they are writing them with some soulmatisms already, a lot of the theories don’t seem totally out of the question to me. Romantic Nace is actually one of the main plotlines right now (which usually isn��t the case when slowburn shippers end up disappointed in my experience) so I do feel like something pretty good has to go down.
But everyone is different! Some people probably enjoy watching better without reading any fan theories or allowing themselves to expect anything at all. Everyone should do whatever makes watching the most rewarding experience for them!
The end of your ask reminded me how I was just joking with some friends recently that if we actually ship something hard, it seems like a rule that we don’t get a sex scene. Ships we don’t care two licks about then meanwhile mindlessly have minutes on minutes of needles sex scenes I hardly even pay attention to lmao. (Throwback to TW when Layden got what seemed like the longest sex scene on the show). I’m pretty sure Delena and Olicity are like the only ships I have that really had good ones. I really do think Nace will have some good shots when they get one though!
And you are also correct about the lack of good actual romance. There’s this trend of “ew, we don’t need romance in this” so we often get some half assed couple people don’t really care for or hardly anything at all. But like… ships are one of the things that most attract audience to a show. I personally think it has a lot to do with how romance is traditionally a genre that a lot of women enjoy and thus it’s just been looked down upon for years. Typical tbh.
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hawkland · 2 years
Fanfic year in review
I’m just gonna start with this:
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That’s how much fic I wrote and posted in 2021, and all but about 2k of that was for SPN. That’s how much this show has given me severe brainrot.
1. What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
There Are Roads Left in Both of Our Shoes for reasons I already talked about here. But basically, it’s the longest fic I’ve ever managed to complete, my first time doing a Big Bang of any kind, and I really poured so much of myself into it I’m still kind of suffering from writing burnout as a result, lol. (But hopefully I can recover enough to get my draft for the DCSB done over the coming month...)
2. Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Adoration and Lamentation - though I think that’s mostly after commissioning and adding @sketching-fox’s incredible artwork to it! But hey, if getting an amazing artist to do a piece for one of my favorite stories I’ve written will bring it more attention, I’m happy for that! It is kind of hard to get a foothold in this fandom, coming in so late as I did, so a little extra promotion is sometimes necessary to get any attention :)
3. Story most under-appreciated by the universe?
I Only Have Pies For You - Granted it was my first time writing both SPN and The Good Place, but I had so much fun writing this story and I still think I managed some clever ideas with dropping Cas and Dean into TGP’s universe.
4. Story that could have been better?
Again I sort of answered that here as my least favorite story, but Dirty Life and Times - because I just found it a lot harder to adapt the soulmate trope to canonverse Dean/Cas than I’d anticipated it would be.
5. Sexiest story?
I guess for sheer volume of smuttiness, There Are Roads Left in Both of Our Shoes, the story with so much sex in it Dean probably needed some magical viagra but, well, I still stand by the fact that freshly human Cas would be horny as fuck and so would Dean after all that time of repression and denial.
6. Most fun story?
I Only Have Pies For You - I mean, I got to write Cas battling spirits trashing Tahani’s garden party and Dean and Eleanor bonding, what is more fun than that?
7. Story with single sweetest moment?
I’m gonna have to go with Crowley meeting Jack in The edge of the woods. Because it kind of came out of nowhere, I hadn’t even been planning on that happening, but as soon as the thought came to my mind that whole scene just wrote itself.
8. The story that made you cry?
There Are Roads Left in Both of Our Shoes - Writing and editing the last chapter (epilogue) made me cry every damn time (if you haven’t read it, no it’s not tragic sad, just a bittersweet happy-sad thing, I promise! Of basically letting a child move on to the next stage of life knowing they’ll come back to you some day, but...yeah, I’ve had people tell me it made them cry, too, so I know it got across what I wanted it to.)
9. Hardest story to write?
(until) you give yourself to him - was kind of tricky but I think it worked in the end? I was trying to juggle a lot of balls with this one: a background case, Dean developing a different kind of “addiction”,  and working in some trueform weirdness into the smutty bits. It changed a lot as I was working on it, and I was so thankful for @kimannebb​‘s help here convincing me it was making sense and not too out there.
10. Easiest story to write?
I could almost pick any of the 200-500 word ficlets I wrote for slashthedrabble for this, as most were quick one day writing exercises. But of all of those the one I think came to me the fastest and clearest in my mind was Come Rest on Us.
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ellewords · 3 years
hey elle! i saw your answers for the questions i sent—i love coffee and cookie dough ice cream too! i’ve found that i like a lot of coffee-flavored stuff like ice cream, cake, and candy lol. i also really love cookies and cream! i’d say that’d be my favorite with coffee and cookie dough being VERY CLOSE seconds
BABY DON’T STOP IS ICONIC WHEW but may i propose....haikyuu boys dancing to it.......
anyways today i’ve got some headcanons for a past written on the margins question! first it was a karaoke party with the seijoh 4, and now it’s a road trip! aka you and iwaizumi are the only ones with any braincells in this godforsaken car (they make you handle the gps stuff since you’re the best with it). i can imagine each of them rotating and driving for a set number of hours or at least until they reach a rest stop, especially on long trips. whoever’s sitting shotgun (they rotate between this seat too) has control over the radio and aux cord and oikawa jokes that it’s the best part of going on road trips (but is he really joking though...)
makki and mattsun pretend to groan when you sit shotgun, but in actuality they don’t mind and will probably sing along to some of the songs you play (if there’s a rap part in the song currently playing everyone makes mattsun rap along i feel like his voice just fits it) while oikawa would be like UGH FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME MUSIC TASTE just to get a rise out of the other boys (but he really does think those kpop songs you blast lowkey slap he’s been listening to some of them while he works out or goes on his morning runs). iwa generally doesn’t have much of a preference but i can see him being partial to more upbeat songs to keep him or whoever’s driving awake, but even during slow songs the rest of you guys sing loud enough and chaotic enough to prevent anyone from getting any shut-eye (oikawa, makki, and mattsun dramatically act out a whole SAGA)
when you guys reach any rest stop makki is the first one out of the car and he makes a beeline towards the bathroom because he drank a lot of water during you guys’ impromptu karaoke session (gotta keep those vocal chords taken care of!). oikawa and mattsun are usually the ones in charge of getting snacks, they always end up getting a lot but they make sure to get everyone’s favorites! the amount of snacks they buy seems overkill but they’re athletic boys with voracious appetites and getting this many snacks ensures that the car is never short on food. if this is during or post-timeskip iwa is probably a little more strict on the snacks everyone eats (especially with regards to oikawa, being a professional athlete and all) but eventually decides to let up a bit—it’s not everyday he gets to go on a trip with his close friends, plus all those calories are gonna get burned right away once you guys reach your destination and go from place to place.
god help anyone who actually falls asleep in the car because oikawa and makki are taking photos of whoever’s sleeping with their phones AND with the polarioid camera you brought. despite this, though, everyone makes a conscious effort to be quieter when someone’s napping, and the volume of the radio is turned a bit lower. one of your favorite pictures on your phone is a selfie you took of everyone while you were sitting in the passenger seat: mattsun was driving at the time and though he wasn’t looking at the camera, a smile is on his face as he makes a peace sign with one hand; oikawa, iwa, and makki are sleeping in the back seats with oikawa and makki leaning on iwa’s shoulders (he lost a few rounds of rock paper scissors and had to sit in the middle). this also extends to when you’re asleep in the car as well—oikawa jokingly made his phone background a selfie of you leaning on his shoulder while napping (featuring a blurry iwaizumi at the side) but he actually finds it quite cute and doesn’t want to change it to his usually background quite yet.
it’s evening when you guys finally reach your hotel and everyone’s a bit tired from being cooped up in the car all day but surprisingly enough no one’s really sleepy because everyone at one point had the opportunity to nap on the way there. if you’re dating one of the boys the others DEFINITELY make you two take one room while the other three take the room adjacent to it. after everyone’s gotten ready for bed you’re all gathered in one of the hotel rolls just vibing on your phones and you and oikawa decide it’s the perfect time to bring out The Sheet Masks™️ that you kept in the cooler in the car during the trip so they’d remain cold. many more goofy photos of everyone with the masks on their faces are taken.
by this point it’s late at night and eventually you guys fall into having some nice, genuine heart-to-heart conversations. if this is during or post-timeskip everyone’s sharing what they’ve been up to ever since graduation or ever since you guys last saw/talked to each other. it’s just such a nice and comforting environment to be in because everyone’s a little tired from the day’s events and so it’s not as loud and boisterous, but at the same time this tiredness and it being nighttime means everyone’s filters are a little looser than usual and you could ask for advice on just about anything and everyone else would chime in with both lighthearted and actual suggestions. the boys are just SOFTER during this time like you could bring up how you’ve been getting back into something you did during high school (like playing piano or guitar or something) and they’d want you to show them videos or pictures of what you’ve been up to! maybe one boy brings up something that’s been worrying them for a while and you and the others are giving him words of encouragement while also cracking jokes. it’s just really chill and nice and everyone likes these late night talks because they bring you all a little closer.
everyone ends up sleeping in the same hotel room. you wake up sandwiched between oikawa and mattsun (oikawa’s got an arm thrown around you and mattsun’s long leggies are literally on top of yours and you wonder how you managed to sleep soundly last night) and iwa and makki are on the pull out sofa bed and you’re like Hey Guys. What The Heck (makki takes this opportunity to snap a photo of the three of you wrapped up in the bedcovers) and when you guys go to get breakfast at the hotel buffet it’s strangely quiet because almost everyone is still sleepy lol.
after getting some food in your system and getting ready for the day you’re all back to your usual energetic selves! you snap a mirror selfie of everyone gathered around the sink in one of the hotel rooms because oikawa was finishing getting ready (he takes the longest i just know it) and the other boys were just hanging around him talking about what’s planned for the day. the schedule you guys have isn’t super specific but there’s a few choice locations that you guys looked into in advance and try to visit no matter what! a day out with them is definitely filled with photos. you’ve got a lot of them in which they’re trying to recreate some funny pose in a picture oikawa saw online (like the one of nct in the ask i sent you earlier!!) and they either turn out really great or really horrible (funny) because you have a knack for taking photos where everything looks normal but someone’s face would be really blurry. but they would also try and take some really nice photos too—they’ll all even help you if you want to take some solo shots! oikawa and makki know the best angles for aesthetically pleasing photos, mattsun has a knack for taking panorama photos that look perfect, and iwaizumi’s really good at taking those types of photos of you guys jumping in the air without them looking weird. you’ve basically got four tall hypemen it’s great!!
overall i think it’d be so fun to go on a trip with them because it’s the perfect balance!! they’re chaotic clowns but they also won’t hesitate to give you a piggyback ride if your feet really hurt or if your shoes are giving you blisters (oikawa will try and make iwa give him a piggyback ride too, though). you guys end up getting a lot closer and having a TON of photos and inside jokes at the end of the trip, and though you’re all reluctant to go back, you also all know that this is only the beginning of a lot more outings together! if you take little clips of various events throughout the trip and compile them all together into a little vlog they’ll all probably watch it together through zoom or discord screenshare or something loool
THIS IS SO LONG take a shot (of water) every time i say one of the guys’ names or if i say “everyone” or some variation of it FJDJSNS seijoh 4 brainrot things am i right.....i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing and thinking of this! i think in the future i might think of stuff for if you go on a trip with the miya twins (and maybe suna too?).....hmmm hmmm hmmm!!! —🌸
— from elle ! i love this so so much >_< like literally what do i have to do to go on a road trip with the seijoh four??? it would be so much fun and chaotic and i want that for me,, i love them and their friendship so much it's insane ;-; anyways, thoughts + additions under the cut <33 thank you for this !!
everyone who isn't driving makes it their mission to annoy the one who is; whether it's through repeatedly poking their cheek, asking how long of the drive they have left, etc. the person who can last the longest in driver's seat would probably be iwaizumi, all his years playing volleyball with them as prepared him for this moment — but also looked up breathing exercises to avoid getting angry.
the best person to have riding shotgun would most be mattsun, especially when it's really late or super early ; keeps the conversation going and doesn't fall asleep, even when everyone in the backseat is. he shotguns energy drinks every hour or so.
i love the idea of oikawa, makki, and mattsun acting out a whole saga in the backseat omg !! in my head it's a song like taylor swift's love story wherein makki is the love interest, oikawa is taylor, and mattsun is like the dad who doesn't want them together. they really go all out on the acting — oikawa might have let out a couple of tears — and even iwa cracks a lil smile from the driver's seat.
awe timeskip!iwa watching out for everyone's diets ;-; but i do agree that he's gonna let up a bit considering that everyone doesn't see each other all the time. but i feel like he gives everyone the look™ every now and then despite this.
aw cmon don't hit me with oikawa making his background me leaning on his shoulder as i sleep that's so adorable i might cry :<< but other photos taken during naps include : iwa leaning on oikawa’s shoulder, makki sleeping with his eyes halfway-open ??? mattsun’s face covered in stickers that you impulse-bought at a random stopover.
sheet masks with the boys ??? yes pls !! though iwa would definitely be the type to almost wash his face after and oikawa screeched just before he was able to splash water on his face.
but late in the night heart to hearts ??? ugh, peak softness from the boys — everyone cries at some point because woah all of you really grew so much since high school and it made everyone feel all warm and tender.
but at some point, without thinking, and also bec it’s late and what does he have to lose, iwa just goes “you know, i had a crush on you when we were in high school” at yn and everyone just goes ?!?!?!?!?
yn : what the hell i had a crush on you ????
and oikawa’s just cackling in the background like, “i knew it !!!! both of you kept saying i was crazy for pushing it i feel so vindicated rn” 
meanwhile makki hands mattsun some money because they bet on it years ago and they were finally getting answers — makki thought you would confess first and mattsun thought it would be iwa ; several years too late but at least ;//
also i would just love to fall asleep in between oikawa and mattsun,,, please how do i get that
also on mattsun’s panoramas: everyone likes moving around a lot when he takes those photos and it’s the perfect mix of weird and cool because yeah there are like five makki’s but one of them looks like he has a third arm and a triangular head
and the vlog and we all get to watch it together over discord ???? that’s it, that’s what i want ;-;
tldr; I would give anything to go on a road trip with the seijoh four ;((
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a question: what are the hq characters like on a road trip?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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