#they’re such suckers for her lmao
magicandmundane · 30 days
Rex: Hey boys, I could really use your help with—
Hunter, napping on the beach: Retired.
Rex: Seriously—
Crosshair, sipping a margarita: Retired.
Rex: Would you just consider—
Wrecker, playing volleyball with the baby regs: Retired.
Echo: *glares*
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair: Retired.
Rex: Omega?
Omega, shrugging: Sure, I’m always down to kick some Imperial ass.
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair: *grumbling, putting their armor back on*
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cupid-styles · 3 months
lucky* (single dadrry x art teacher!yn check-in)
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word count: 2.6k
content warnings: kids/family talk, fluffy smut (grinding, mentions of m receiving oral), not ramadan friendly!
based on this one-shot
. . .
From: Harry
Riley asked if he could tag along tonight. I was able to distract him with dino nuggets, but that kid has the memory of a full grown adult, I swear.
To: Harry
lmao. he can come hang with us, you know he’s always welcome here 
From: Harry
And let him take all of your attention after I haven’t seen you all week? Yeah, right.
I’ll be there at 7. 
To: Harry
is now a good time to tell you that i think your kid is way cooler than you are?
From: Harry
Come over and do the bedtime routine with us and you’ll think differently. x
Y/N bites away the smile edging at her lips as she looks up from her phone. She couldn’t help it — she always noticed the rush of happiness that swarmed through her body whenever she spoke to her boyfriend, especially about the prospects of plans. 
Her boyfriend.
She can’t believe that Harry is officially her boyfriend. Even though it happened a few weeks ago, she still finds herself in pockets of disbelief, mostly when they’re spending time together. She’ll glance over at him and take in his side profile, or remember that day when he came in, so angry at her for allowing Riley’s hair to be soaked with paint, and flush with the realization that somehow that turned into a real, loving relationship. One with mutual respect and care, one that was handled carefully, especially given the fact that there was a child involved. Y/N hadn’t ever dated someone who already had a kid, so she and Harry had multiple conversations regarding expectations and the changes this may incur on Riley’s life. 
Ultimately, they chose to keep most of the relationship away from Riley until things got more serious. She and Harry had every intention of being in the long haul together, but they both knew it wouldn’t be helpful to any of them if they threw in Riley’s comfort and mental stability. For now, all he knew was that his dad had a new friend who he liked very much, and sometimes he went to go see her and spend time with her. So far, it was working well.
Tonight, however, was the first night that she and Harry had decided they’d have a sleepover. It sounded ridiculous and childish, but Harry always struggled with leaving Y/N’s place early enough to catch Riley before he went to bed. He beat himself up when he got home and he was already tucked in and snoozing. So Y/N suggested having a scheduled night that they dedicated just to them: He’d get to put Riley to bed himself and do his entire winddown routine with him (dinner, a bath, reading him multiple books since Harry was a sucker and couldn’t say no, and finally planting a kiss to his cheek when his sleepy eyes finally began to close), the babysitter would stay the night, and Harry would shuffle off to Y/N’s. 
It was a good plan. 
Except… well, except that they hadn’t slept in the same bed together yet, and their touching hadn’t gone past kissing and heavy petting. It was difficult — it had nothing to do with their attraction for one another, they were busy, and it wasn’t exactly optimal to jerk your boyfriend off when he was disappointed at himself for missing his son’s bedtime. 
But Y/N and Harry are grown adults, and they’re aware of the underlying meaning of tonight. She knows it’s a big deal for him to place his trust in her after putting his own happiness and love life on the backburner for so long. 
It’s why she’s spent the day scampering around her townhouse, sweeping, mopping, doing laundry, and doing everything she can to make the place as comfortable as possible for him. He’s spent many evenings here — he often comes over for dinner after work since his days at the office run longer than hers at the art studio — but it’s different when you spend an entire night somewhere new. She wants her blankets and pillows to smell cozy and feel even fluffier; her bedroom a calm oasis so even if he begins to worry — whether it be about Riley, or other subject matters — he won’t feel as overwhelmed and nervous.
When 7 finally ticks along, Harry, as usual, appears at her front door, prompt and anxious. He hasn’t voluntarily left RIley alone for an entire night unless it was for a business trip. But the second Y/N answers the door with that pretty smile he adores, his nerves melt just a tad. She almost immediately pulls him in for a hug, a chuckle vibrating through his chest as he leans down to press a kiss to her hair.
“Miss me that much?” he teases. He sets his duffel bag down in the entryway of her home and she kicks the front door closed. Through flushed cheeks, she grins.
“It’s been ages,” she pouts, standing on her tippy-toes to lightly peck his lips, “And I’ve never gotten you for the night. I’m excited.”
Harry’s chest contracts slightly at her words. He doesn’t know how, but she has a way of making even the scariest things seem approachable, and it makes him want to smother her with kisses until she’s pushing him away. Keeping a grasp on his hand, she guides him into the townhouse he’s grown familiar with. He notices that her kitchen is free from its typical small messes — half-empty glasses, crumbs from late night snacks — and she has a new candle burning on the coffee table in the living room. 
“Did you clean for me?” Harry asks with a smirk. Again, she blushes before turning to face him. 
“I just wanted you to be comfortable,” she explains, sucking on her bottom lip, “It’s a big deal. Y’know?”
“It is a big deal.” he agrees as he issues her hand a small squeeze, “And I wouldn’t want to take this step with anyone else. I hope you know that.”
A wide grin covers her face. 
She doesn’t know how she got so lucky with him.
. . .
Y/N’s tucked into Harry’s side as their third romantic comedy of the night plays on TV. Glancing down at the warm, dead weight curled around his form, he smiles gently when he sees her eyes batting closed. He nudges her lightly.
“Wanna go to bed, baby?”
She hums tiredly and sits up slightly, pressing her chin to his chest to look up at him. 
“What time is it?” she asks, covering her mouth with her hand as a yawn struggles to strain free. He unlocks his phone, his screen glowing to life with a picture of a smiling Riley holding up a painting he did in Y/N’s class. 
“Just past midnight,” he replies, stretching his arms out. His tee-shirt rises up a bit to reveal a bit of his inked hips and it makes Y/N swallow. 
“Sorry this wasn’t a super fun evening,” she replies with a pout. She stands from the couch and leans over to grab their empty glasses — they’d each had a serving of wine each, but the minor buzz was long gone by now, despite Y/N being ever the lightweight. “Maybe next time we’ll plan something big, like… I dunno. Something good.”
She’s chattering sleepily and it makes Harry chuckle. He follows her into the kitchen, hugging her from behind as she rinses the cups in the sink. 
“This has been perfect,” he murmurs lowly before pressing a kiss to her temple. “We don’t need to plan anything for it to be fun. I just like being in your presence.”
She warms as she dries the freshly cleaned glasses, gently placing them in the rack on the counter. 
“You’re too sweet.” she mumbles. She shuts the water off and turns in his grasp to face him, lurching forward to bury her head in his neck. “C’mon then, let’s go to bed. You almost fell asleep on the couch.”
He snorts at her joke and rolls his eyes when she looks up at him with that dumb, cheeky grin she loves to flash at him. With their fingers intertwined, he bends down to grab his bag before following her to her bedroom. 
He’s been in here several times before — on evenings when she’s particularly exhausted, he’ll help her wind down for bed, pecking her lips before driving home. One time, when Harry had an awful day at work, Y/N ran him a warm shower, complete with fancy lavender-scented steam that he’s been meaning to ask her about ever since. Despite being semi-familiar with the space, their more intimate time was often being cut short for fears of Harry missing bedtime with Riley, or Y/N needing to wake up early the following morning.
This time, however, there was nothing stopping them. No deadlines, no places to be. The knowledge made them both buzz with excitement and nerves.
Her bedroom is dim as they quietly shuffle around, changing out of their clothes and into pajamas. Harry’s the first to crawl into her cozy bed, nibbling on his bottom lip as he scrolls on his phone. Y/N flicks the single lamp off and allows the moonlight to seep through the curtains of her window, yawning once more as she climbs in next to him.
“Everything alright?” she asks softly. Harry hums, moving his arm to wrap around her shoulders and pull her closer. 
“Yeah. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything from the babysitter.”
“Mm,” Y/N nods. She purses her lips, forming a gentle kiss at his jawline. “You still feel okay about staying overnight?”
A smile cracks at the edges of his lips. He locks his phone and places it on the nightstand before flipping onto his side to face her. 
“I’d be lying if I said a piece of my heart wasn’t still at my own place with Riley, but I’m so happy to be here with you. I promise.”
She swallows as she reaches out to thumb at his bottom lip. “You’re cute.”
“Am I?”
She giggles, “You are, and you know it.”
His eyes flutter shut as she begins to trace his features. With featherlight strokes of her fingertips, she ghosts over his lips, his chin, down to his throat and collarbones. He hums softly at the feeling, her other hand hovering over the hem of his tee-shirt as she silently waits for permission to push the fabric up. 
“What’re you doing?” he whispers out, eyes flickering open as she curls her fingers around the bottom of his shirt. 
“Is it okay if I make you feel good?” 
He pauses. Swallows, and she removes her hands from his form. 
“You can say no,” she quickly tacks on, “Please say no if you’re not 100%. I need you to be comfortable.”
His throat bobs. “It’s just… you know.”
She nods. They haven’t spoken about Harry’s anxiety surrounding physical intimacy since their first date, but she hasn’t forgotten about it. It’s been an active decision to move slowly and she would never want to do anything to push him past his limits. 
“We can just go to sleep,” she murmurs, “It’s okay. I promise.”
He catches her wrist in a gentle grasp, lips parting as if he’s surprised by his own bravery. Slowly, he guides her down to his crotch, where he’s tenting in his sweatpants. Y/N bites her lip before allowing her mouth to form around a small oh in fear of making him feel self-conscious. 
“I need to know that you’re sure,” she whispers in the darkness of her bedroom. Despite the limited light, she can still recognize his facial expressions, watching as a small wrinkle carves itself between his eyebrows. He’s nervous, that much she can tell. The rest is a mystery.
“I just need you to be slow,” he rasps. “It’s been… it’s been a long time, Y/N.”
She nearly coos out a response, wanting nothing more than to love and take care of the man that lays beside her. When he lets go of her hand, she cups him softly through the material of his bottoms, slightly surprised at how hard he feels. 
“You can trust me. I promise.” 
He nods, and it’s a flurry of shaky, hesitant movements and constant asks of reassurance from there. Everytime she pushes her foot on the gas, she reminds herself to stop and make sure he’s comfortable. He doesn’t ask to stop; not when she’s pulling down his sweatpants or mouthing at him through the fabric of his briefs, not when she’s drooling onto the ruddy head of his length or pressing her fingernails into his laurel-inked hips.
Harry is louder in bed than she had anticipated, or maybe it’s because it’s just been so long for him. He allows strained moans and curses to fall from his plush lips when she guides him into his mouth, and he even tangles a fist in her hair when the tip of his cock bumps down her throat. She thinks he’ll cum when she swallows around him, feeling his balls tighten in her free hand but he stops himself. She knows he does because he tips her head back and stares down at her with rounded eyes, taking her chin between his fingers and gently urges her up the length of his body. She obeys wordlessly, allowing him to move her however he deems fit. 
“I wanna see you when I cum,” he eventually explains breathily. She nods, ignores the way her heart feels like it grows another size in her chest, and straddles his hips.
“Is it okay if I grind on you? Or do you want me to just use my hand?”
“You can grind on me,” he replies with a nod, tongue peeking out to moisten his lips. And when she rolls her hips down against his, it’s magic — the wetness between them emits a dirty, slushy sound (admittedly, Y/N is half to blame, since she couldn’t possibly go down on her boyfriend without making a sticky mess between her own legs). Harry pants loudly beneath her and his hands find purchase on her thighs as she moves, allowing his length to slick between her pussy lips. 
It doesn’t take much for him to finish after that — especially not with his sleepy-eyed girlfriend on top of him, whimpering softly at the sensation of his tip bumping against her clit. When he comes, it’s a lot, and it’s messy, but Y/N can’t find it in her to care much as she leans down to smother Harry’s face in kisses; the pride in her chest for him growing to a point where it can’t be kept inside anymore.
“‘M so proud of you,” she mumbles. Harry laughs and wrinkles his nose as he wraps an arm around her waist, guiding her onto her side. 
“Jesus, it’s not like I have erectile dysfunction,” he jokes, and Y/N rolls her eyes. "And you didn't come, either."
“This wasn't about me— and you know what I mean, Harry. I know this means a lot. For you, for both of us.”
“Thank you,” he murmurs, his face turning serious. “I didn’t know if I would ever find someone as caring or genuine as you. You’re so… gentle with me, it’s almost like I’m dreaming.”
Y/N smiles and reaches out to cup his cheek with her hand. “I’m in this for the long haul.”
“I know you are,” he says, taking her hand into his and pressing kisses to her knuckles, “And I’m so lucky for that.”
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mrsquill · 10 months
Self-care is staying up till 1am giggling and kicking my feet and reading my favourite sexy one-shot Joel Miller fics
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Droppig my recs below because if people haven’t already read them… they’re missing the fuck OUT. (Also praying these authors add more to these stories because. Reasons.)
I Know It When I See It… I needed a personal time out after I read this. Then I went back and read it again. And again. And again. Joel Miller is a porn star in 1976 and reader is paired with him for her first scene. So, yeah. Why are you still reading this? YOU SHOULD BE READING THAT. It’s filthy, vintage, breathtaking and beyond the realms of anything I could cope with. Sensational writing. A++++ @bageldaddy, you knew what you were doing.
His Favourite Girl. Anyone who has a fantasy about Joel Miller being your guitar teacher, look no fucking further. Bea has you COVERED. Gorgeous, generous descriptions of Joel and the fingers that have us in a chokehold. We are reader, she is us. The whole thing is a sensational tease and I love Bea for it. I ate it up and I want MORE. Naughty, addictive and beautifully written. Nails were hit on the HEAD by my love @cupofjoel
(Re)union with Elvis. Now, this isn’t Joel. It’s Javi, my sweet beloved. (But I beg you check out Sam’s Joel content, your own fault if you don’t). This is going on here howeverrr because it’s one of my FAVOURITE one shot stories of all time. I am a sucker for Javi smut and this, paired with old school flames and getting drunk in Vegas? I knew I was gonna love it. AND I DID. Sam crafted this so stunningly from start to finish. Just so hot and full of heart and I’ll never forget it. @tieronecrush
This One Thing You Did.. Whew. Living out a fantasy of fucking Joel in a club bathroom in 2002?! I felt like this was written for me, as someone who loves that song so damn much lmao. This is so sexy and carefree and downright dirty. The kinda fic that makes you scream THAT SHOULD BE MEEEE. Reader in this fic is really that fucking girl and I love her. 10/10, as all of Cat’s works are. @joelscruff
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bellewintersroe · 4 months
Jenson Button x FamousReader!2009
this is like a second part (can be read individually) to THIS. Here’s just some more headcannons of what it would be like when Jenson is in a relationship with a famous British celeb who’s extremely popular, especially amongst the party scene. warnings: mentions of sex, oral sex, nothing too graphic but I just knowww Jenson gets down and dirty. mentions of alcohol and some drug use? not to glamorise it we all know celebs ain’t innocent ok. for this case 18+ 😇
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Jenson is a cutie ok, the more he falls in love with his SO the more he finds himself looking out for her in the garage. Whether this be before or after his race, just imagine his head poking out of his car, or he’s fully suited, helmet still on, glimpsing around trying to find her.
lots of cuddles, he’d keep an arm slung around her, especially if they’re in public where there’s paparazzi- in that case he’s keeping an extra tight grip on her.
despises the paparazzi ok- he’s a polite man, pretty tame, but British press in the 2000s were VILE and for his girlfriend, he can’t stand the idea of them even looking at her.
helps shields her eyes when the flashes are too bright.
Taxis home together at questionable hours of the morning, limbs sprawled over each other and getting caught snogging in the backseats.
drunk sex- especially when he wins the championship, he’s so smug and proud, fucking into her with all his energy, cos he’s world champion baby 😏. lovesss seeing her legs pinned up over his shoulders.
thanks his girl publicly after he wins his championship.
as I mentioned in the part prior to this, Jenson LOVES going on holiday with her, like he’s a bit of a perv when it comes to seeing y/n in a bikini, especially after he’d already seen to many shoots of her before even meeting each other.
never admits to being a fanboy of her but the smirk would say otherwise.
getting down and dirty on a yacht, hidden by a beach towel whilst he fingers her, he has his sunnies on and he’s smirking, pressing kisses to her temple and whispering sweet nothings.
“you’re doing so good aren’t you?” “all these people taking pictures of you and nobody has a clue what we’re doing.” “should put on a show for them, shouldn’t we?”
so mf dirty, his British accent makes it 10x sexier too.
sex in the pool of a yacht, and every single room in there, wants to try everything with her, but he isn’t pushy in the slightest- Jenson wouldn’t ever come close to making her feel uncomfortable.
They’d deffo see pictures released of them both the next day and giggle because nobody would have a clue what was happening under that towel.
can be really soft in sex, like stroking her face, talking her thru it -omfg I need him.
Deffo wants to try like anal, and certain kinks- I feel like she would too, idk when they’re both drunk they’d decide they wanna try something and sometimes it’s an utter fail.
other times it’s just giggly, exciting sex where they’re both eating fucking whipped cream off one another or something.
soft, gentle moans from him, especially when the sex is more passionate, when it’s rougher I feel like he’d be quiet but let out some grunts whenever he’s out of breath or gets really into it.
He’s a sucker when she goes down on him, like he’s a mess omg- if there’s one way to elicit moans from him that’s exactly how and she’s soooo good at it- he makes plenty of public innuendos about this.
I feel like y/n would wear the smallest little mini skirts, like she’s a Y2K queen and befriends lots of other wags at this stage- constantly pictures walking around the paddock looking cool asf.
Deffo a trend setter, but they’re the type of couple in 15 years that the younger generation look at and go ‘they’re together?!?’
as they get older they deffo become more private, but not secretive.
can spot each other in a crowd instantly, when he wins a race you best expect him to practically JUMP onto her, sometimes he forgets he’s bigger than her lmao.
The cameras go CRAZY for this and their faces are printed all over the newspapers.
Quiet, lazy mornings in England, especially when it’s cold out and Jenson finally has time off- the two of them can really appreciate the quiet side of life at home.
makes him want to settle down- but I think he’d be worried at first about bringing a child into the world- they’re having too much fun with each other, but I think they would calm down after a few years.
occasional bickers, maybe they both walk out of a nightclub and she’s storming ahead of him with a face like a slapped arse. Jenson would make a comment and y/n would be pissed that all the onlookers heard.
Y/n and Jenson’s relationship on the rocks?!
bitch the next morning he’s on top of her having the best make up sex ever.
Seriously their stamina is insane so they fuck like rabbits.
I feel like because y/n maybe has grown up in the public eye? Or fame came in her teens, her behaviour can be fairly erratic at times- like especially before Jenson the partying and boozing was out of control, but being a few years older he really settles her down in life.
like not that she’s troubled (I’m not gonna glamorise it but it’s real life) but it can’t be easy dealing with everything and fame at a young age, I feel like Jenson would take care of her at times, like if she gets wayyyy to drunk he wouldn’t lecture her, but he’d deffo have this sad look on his face, clearly he’s worried.
she’s ok tho, especially with him and like I said she settles down and matures a lot with Jenson.
She’d probs smoke weed every now and then and idk if Jenson would like it, especially when he’s so focused on racing, but he tries it once or twice and would probs just fall asleep immediately.
I feel like he’s so cuddly at times, like in the middle of the night he’d just snuggle up to her. So cute. On holiday on sunbeds he’d be so cuddly, grabbing at her and it causes for some really cute paparazzi pictures.
not to glamorise droogz and drinking but them two probably party a lot in the first year together.
Jenson is the type to eye his gf up from the other side of the room, nods her over or something sexy.
hand would start on your shoulder and end up on her ass- so many headlines the next day…
But yeah they’re such a popular, attractive couple, you either want to be with them or want to be them.
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
Could I request another em fic where reader is Hailie’s friend or smth and it’s just like a “best friends dad” fic where it’s like forbidden but they’re just so drawn to each other. And could it have smut as well? I’m a sucker for forbidden relationship smut fics, especially ones where they get caught lmao I just read one where jughead caught reader fucking his dad lmao
fatal attraction
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tags/ warnings: reader being hailie's best friend, p in v, age gap, reader and em going behind hailie's back, begging, cursing, dacryphilia, cloth around mouth (so hailie doesn't hear)
summary: being hailie's best friend includes some special privileges, including seeing the man you're strangely drawn to.
Your POV:
Hanging out with hailie at her dad's insanely large mansion, I'm sprawled across the couch, extremely comfortable, my head in her lap while she lays down as well, watching TV together. I had been here all day, just relaxing, going swimming or sitting outside a couple times, soaking up the beautiful sun, letting the warm rays consume and mark my skin with the yellow beams.
However, whenever me and hailie hang out, it's a golden opportunity for me and her dad, marshall, or marsh, my nickname for him. We've never told her, because it's mutual on both ends that she would lost her shit. So, we kept a vow of silence, going behind her back, keeping our little secret.
It wasn't really a big deal, we fucked every now and then, trying not to be too consumed by each other. But lately, I had grew more and more feelings for him, my attempts to push them down, to let them die only small hopes failing every time. "Hey y/n, I'm gonna make dinner, any special requests?" Hailie asked, lifting my head up from her waist, and I sat upright. "Hmm, maybe just pasta?" I questioned, my face curious. "Sure! sounds great, I could use the carbs" she laughed, and so did I.
My phone buzzed, the contact reading marsh. He was probably done with rehearsals, and en route home. I entered my passcode, and sure enough, the text read "hey, coming home now baby, how was your day?" I smiled, a small blush creeping across my face before I responded. "Good, how about yours? I'm at your place right now I waited a few moments, glancing at the TV and then back at hailie, my stomach craving the food. "It was fine, missed you though" the second text from him stated, my phone turning a bright shade of white. "The pasta's ready" Hailie called out. I walked over to the counter, sitting down on one of the stools.
"Who were you texting?" She asked suggestively, making me laugh. "Oh no one, just some dude" I shrugged it off. "Okay" She said, her words trailing off as she scrapped the noodles onto my plate. "It look delicious hailie, thank you" I compliment. I hear a door open, signaling marsh must be home. "hey dad!" She beamed, waving at him. I turned around as he was walking away, probably to get changed. I ate the rest of the pasta, and grabbed my belongings. "Thanks hailie, it was really fun today" I grinned, opening the door and leaving.
Well, not really. Me and marsh had come up with a plan a few weeks ago. I "leave", and go to his window. I knock carefully, trying to not make too much noise. "Hey baby" His voice is low and sultry when he opens it, pulling me in. "Good day?" I nodded as we made our way to the bed sitting in the middle of the room. He slowly pulled down my top, my breasts spilling out of the tiny bra I had chosen to wear today. "Fuck baby, you're killing me" He muttered, grabbing the small cloth we used each time, tying it around the back of my neck. "You gon' be a good girl for me?" Muffled noises could be heard from my lips, not escaping the mask, capturing each whine, each whimper.
"Ah ah ah baby, gotta stay quiet f'me" He whispered as his lips wrapped around my nipple, the hardened bud swelling against his tongue. He could feel everything through the small fabric, using it to his advantage. His eyes were hooded with lust and desire as he continuously tortured me, my back arching with every lick. He tore off my bra, shorts, and panties, leaving me completely exposed to him. His clothes followed mine, tossed to another part of the bedroom, as he spat on his hand, lubricating his dick.
He slowly slid in, each inch making me turn my head and bury my face into the pillows. I was blushing like crazy, even though we nad done this so many times before, too many times. "s'tight baby, ngh, feel so good" he moaned quietly, trying to cover his noises with his hand. "So wet, all for me, good girl" He whispered in the shell of my ear. His dick was easily leaving and re-entering my hole, covered in my juices.
"Oh babygirl, doin' do well, taking my cock so easily" He groaned. My legs were wrapped around his waist tightly, my eyes reeling from ghe pleasure. My mouth was open in a silent scream, even though he couldn't see it. "almost there, are you?" I nodded rapidly, and when he was going to finish, the door slammed open, my eyes meeting hailies.
Her jaw dropped, eyes widening at the sight of her dad fucking the living shit out of her best friend. "what the fuck" she sighed, walking out, closing the door behind her. My whole body was on fire, as he didn't stop, only going faster. "we're gonna finish this, you hear me?" He pulled the mask down so I could breathe properly. My mind was clouded with pleasure, so much so i didn't quite comprehend my next words.
"I love you!" I squealed, and he stopped.
A/n: sorry if its bad 😭
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sehodreams · 14 days
oh my god. i hope i’m not bothering u with all this sungchan/riize nonsense it’s just soooo good, this part u did is sooooo good i am dizzy and reeling at eunseok touching your tummy like i can’t even put it into words it’s just soooo😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i really need chubby chasers tall line. this sungchan is so good, i love sungchan being mean<3333 but sungchan, eunseok, and anton being chubby chasers and obsessed with you!!???? please please please.
i love the idea of just being a personal toy for like, all of riize tbh but esp the big boys omg, please i swear i can’t even fathom it but i’ll write a bit about where my head’s at. also omg eunseok holding your tits and saying they’re heavy PLSSS😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i want that so fucking bad.
in this, maybe it’s like reader x her 3 fwbs just so there’s like less possessiveness although i would still think sungchan would be the greediest out of the 3, always seeking you out to pleasure you (and have you pleasure him) because he seems like he’d have a high libido and fuck, he’d be so obsessed with your breasts and your tummy, he’d want to be all over you at all times. the 3 of them would all take care of you so well<333 i’d imagine you’d all live together but like anton would always buy you sweets and snacks, he’d make sure the apartment always had ur favourite treats and if you had a special request for something you could let him know and he’d get it for you immediately, maybe sometimes they’d try to cook for you, but i can’t really see any of them (maybe eunseok) being good at cooking idk if that’s true, but they’d always be down to order takeout!! anton is definitely a titty sucker (so is sungchan) and i feel like if the two of you were just watching a movie or smth or even if eunseok and sungchan were there as well, anton would want to have you in his lap or laying down so he could play with your breasts and suck on your nipples, he’d be able to just do it for hours it feels like, massaging your mounds and sucking and biting, he’d get so worked up, he’d probably need to eat you out, would get so pussydrunk, grabbing and squeezing at your tummy while he fucks your cunt with his tongue, you’d both especially love to do this in front of the other boys, you’d be really embarrassed the first few times but eventually they’d turn you into such a filthy slut you’d love the exhibitionism<333
sungchan would love to eat you out too, honestly all 3 of them would be happiest with their face between your legs and your soft, squishy thighs pressed tightly around their head, but other scenarios would be like if you were making dinner for them, he’d interrupt to bend you over the counter and fuck you ruthlessly from behind, just like you’d described before, pulling your breasts out of your top and spanking you as hard as he can and mocking you a little when you scream and yelp</3333 he’d definitely like to slap your tits too, the smacking sound being just as loud as if he’s slapping your ass or your thighs, he’d always love to slap your pussy<3333 or slap your clit, he’d be so brutal with his fingers for sure, loves shoving them down your throat and you love gagging on them<333 maybe if you complain you’re hungry or smth, he’d pull a “i’ve got something for you to put in your mouth” lmao, and would fuck your face for a bit until he shoots his loud down your throat or would release all over your face and tits and make you lick it up :)))) also would want to try like putting a donut on his dick or whip cream on him or something to make you eat it off him, because you’d be so cute to him with icing and sugar on your nose and lips, especially when you’re breathless and clenching your thighs together, begging him to touch you…
idk if this is too crazy.. but i’m also just thinking dumbification/bimbofication with tall line and them brainwashing you into aligning food with pleasure… as chubby chasers, they’d definitely want to keep you soft and plush, so hear me out.. i want sungchan feeding me like little pastries or treats or smth, his long fingers would be so good smearing cream on your face and pinching your cheek like “that’s my good girl, you’re so pretty aren’t you?” he’d cup your lower tummy and then your pussy, chuckling at how your hips buck into his palm instinctively and you clench your thighs together, “does it taste good?” you’d be so flustered, but you’d nod and whimper, “please channie” and he’d be like “you want more? so greedy,” and feed you another treat before you can respond, whines muffled while your mouth is full 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it’d backfire on all of them because then anytime you had something sweet and got icing on your face or smth, they’d pop a boner and need to bend you over and fuck you immediately.
okay i feel like i went too crazy, idek what to say for eunseok because i hope i don’t scare you.. i went a little bit too feral i think but like.. idk.
Honey, we should be friends.
The feeding is also something I've thought about but I was afraid I would scare people here (more than what I already do 😂), so I can see the picture, and the roommate!tall line is PERFECT. This is really cliche but what the hell 😵‍💫
WC: 1.9
Imagine you come from a family full of brothers. You hated the fact that you had to be their little maid and listen to your mom whenever she told you to go and serve them. This pushed you to leave as soon as you could, running to the first place that seemed decent enough to live at, not caring that you'd have to live with a bunch of men again.
You were reluctant at first, afraid of being treated like a servant again, but oh god, could you be any more wrong?
Unexpectedly, you had to do nothing at all in the house. They were already good on their own, cleaning their own messes and making sure the shared places were in order, which resulted in you having nothing to do. But don't get fooled, they still wanted something in exchange.
The minute you stepped into that house, you realized that something was about to happen.
At first, they appeared just kind. They smiled at you, telling you to not worry if you offered to do something like taking out the trash or helping with the recycling. Then, they asked you to eat with them whenever they could. Anton enjoyed snacks, but he hated eating them alone, so he asked you to eat with him while watching TV or listening to music, sometimes without anything in the background, just you two eating and sometimes talking to fill the silence. Sungchan, on the other hand, had more of a sweet tooth, buying pastries but begging you to eat with him because ''it was too much for him''. Eunseok, different to the other two, didn't like that kind of food, he enjoyed more elaborate dishes, but more than eating them, he liked making them, and when he finished, he needed all of you to help him.
However, you then noticed that you were supposed to eat with them, but somehow most of the time you were the only one eating while they observed you.
You couldn't understand it, what was so good of watching you eat for them to be like that? They were too eager to be close to you when you ate for it to be a simple coincidence.
When they completely stopped pretending to eat, you knew your mind was not playing with you, but you needed more proof, so you said something they never expected.
''Sorry, I'm on a diet'' you said when Eunseok called for you to try his new recipe.
The world fell in their eyes. Anton got pale, Sungchan gulped before his mouth fell, and Eunseok almost dropped the plate he had in his hands.
That was the first time a man begged you to do something for him. Your family usually ordered you to do things for them, but those three didn't let you go with their pleads until you accepted, and you had no doubt that, if you had told them to, they'd have fallen to their knees for you.
You had a hard time accepting what was going on. You had never seen someone so eager to serve you. You knew they did it with hidden intentions, that was clear, but it was still something you had never seen before.
Of course, it was natural that you needed some time to get used to it. It was the first time a man cooked for you, the first time a man begged you to tell him if you needed anything, and even more, the first time a man practically kneeled to have a taste of you.
And now, there were three of them.
Sungchan was the first one to do it. He was always ready to buy you sweets, going to the nearest pastry shop after finishing his workout session, not caring if he was still all sweaty and tired, he couldn't feel calm unless he saw you eating in front of him, ready to clean any cream that stayed in your lips with his thumb to then lick it.
Eunseok was even more touchy. Cooking for you even when the others were there, he did everything, his favourites being salads and pasta, he liked food easy to collect and give you. On every occasion you were alone, he sat beside you and grabbed the cutlery while one of his hands was on your thigh, making sure you ate all of it before he caressed your cheek and praised you with a well done.
Anton was the boldest one though. He made you sit on his lap while showing you some kind of movie on his computer with really low volume, forcing you to have the bag of chips in your hands and eat it slowly for him to hear each bite.
While more satiated you got, they got more hungry.
Sungchan, again, was the first to push you and take you. He was fresh from his shower, and he had already given you a really good tiramisu half an hour ago, so when he entered your room, you didn't know what else could he want.
The answer was easy. He wanted you.
Pushing you to your back, he didn’t say anything while taking off your pyjama pants and underwear, and moving apart your legs, he kissed your thighs before his mouth reached your pussy.
Being eaten out for the first time, you had to bite your lips to not cry his name and let the other boys know what he was doing to you in the privacy of your room.
He was a bit brute, tongue going up and down, recollecting every juice you poured to gulp it like a thirsty man.
''Sung-Sungchan?'' You moaned. He was so desperate you doubted he was breathing, just like when he was lifting his dumbbells in the living room and was clearly tired from the exercise. However, there he didn't look like he wanted to stop at all.
''It's sweet, so fucking sweet'' he closed his eyes, burying his tongue in your entrance, making you squirm because of the new sensations.
He didn't let you move apart.
With his strong arms, he kept you in your place, fingers burying on your pudgy tummy from all the sweet treats he had gifted you, and he maintained you there until you came in his mouth, giving him the only sweet release he allowed himself to have.
Eunseok was more delicate. He had prepared a creamy dish, reddish sauce flooding the ravioli, something you had asked him for since it was getting colder those days.
You were wearing a hoodie, gladly letting him feed you piece by piece, both hands inside your pockets to keep them warm. He, making sure it wouldn't burn you, blew them a couple of times before giving them to you.
It was all tranquil until one of them was hotter than the others and burned you. The surprise made you flinch and his hand went under your chin to make sure to catch it if you decided to spit it, but you weren't a kid, and holding it in, you gulped it to stop the pain.
''I'm so sorry'' he looked worried, leaving everything aside to make sure you were okay. ''Please let me see your mouth.''
You listened to what he said and opened it, slightly pushing out your tongue so he could see you were okay.
When you did it, he stared at it for a couple of seconds before he gulped. That wasn't normal, you immediately sensed it and closed your lips.
Unnecessary. He continued caressing your chin and then, without question, made you open your mouth with his thumb pushing your lips apart. You let him, it was weird, but your arousal was appearing, and the room was hotter.
Minutes later he had you over the table, pushing your legs apart to push his ring and middle finger of one hand while the same fingers of his other were inside your mouth, not letting you talk or moan without sounding like babbling.
He was fucking your insides at a soft pace, as if he was investigating your insides to understand you as much as his recipes. He could thrust his fingers to then just leave them there, to feel your walls accepting him. After that, he would open them in a scissoring motion, pressing all your insides to find what he wanted.
When you left a particular louder cry, he knew he had found it, and made sure to press it until your legs trembled and you continuously clenched around his digits.
''Well done'' he said, like every time you finished eating his food. He took off his fingers and saw the line of spit connecting you to him, like your slick when he left your pussy alone, and he kissed you, tongue intruding your mouth and not letting you go until he felt it was enough.
Anton was fresher. Like the bubbling soda with popcorn on the side, he was simpler but that didn’t mean he was less good.
You were on his lap, illuminated by the limp light of his screen projecting some mukbang video, enjoying the peaceful moment he gave you. He had always been different from the other two. The other two were more visual creatures, while he preferred listening to you.
Anton had started to mute all videos not long ago, obliging you to rely on the subtitles to understand what the people said, and when the man said something funny, you laughed. You had laughed so much that, added to the salty snack, you got thirsty. So, sipping from the pretty glass with a straw he had bought you, full of ice and soda, the ice tinkled when you shook it to dilute the water with the drink.
You felt him getting harder under you, but you didn’t mind, it wouldn’t be the first time. What was new, was the way his hands slipped inside your hoodie to grip your chest.
At the start, it was pretty superficial. They just posed there, feeling how your skin was softer than normal in that place.
‘’Keep drinking’’ he said, and you listened.
You continued sipping and he kept playing with your tits, pinching your nipples and groping them however he wanted. It felt good, and you were getting wet, but it wasn’t anything intense like with Sungchan or Eunseok, it felt somehow safer.
His hard-on was rubbing more and more with your ass, and you accommodated yourself to reach for the bowl of popcorn and get a handful of them.
He moaned when you did it, being harder with your chest, a bit painful but not enough to hurt you.
You let him rut into you, both fully clothed. Needing more, you stood from your seat when you didn’t have anything else to drink.
‘’It’s empty’’ you told him while shaking your glass full of ice.
‘’I’ll get you more’’ he answered.
‘’Aren’t you thirsty too?’’
His mind was too hazy to answer, so he simply denied shaking his head.
‘’Are you sure?’’ you asked again, lifting your hoodie until your naked chest was in front of his face.
You couldn’t stop him when he practically slammed you to his bed and buried his face on your chest, grinding with force into your clothed sex and pushing moans out of you whenever his tongue circled your nipple.
Both of you getting closer even without directly touching each other’s parts, he groaned when you pulled his hair, and then he came when you brokenly cried his name.
Not long after, you stopped paying rent and necessities altogether. If you wanted something, you would get it as soon as possible. However, with all of them keeping you busy and burying you with gifts and attention, it was hard to want anything else.
Drink it. Eat it. Don’t spit it.
Those words became normal in your daily life.
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lazorbeanz · 2 months
Sonamy Headcanons because I’m deprived and extremely delulu 🙃
🩷 Sonic has like- telepathic senses that tell him whenever Amy is in potential danger
“My Amy Senses are tingling..” 🤣
if you’ve watched Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse, you’ll get it lololol
💙 Sonamy road trips roles
Amy: driver, trip organiser, checklists checklist checklists, “DONT EAT THOSE THEY’RE FOR THE TRIP!!”, carpool karaoke *whips out her inner Ariana Grande*, “eughhh Sonic did you fart?!”
Sonic: passenger princess, DJ, snacc provider (and eater), sleeping beauty, “couldn’t we just use my speed to get there?”, argues with the GPS because he knows a faster route (one not requiring the road)
🩷 Sonic and Amy playing table tennis:
Amy: sonic, serve
Sonic: *💁‍♂️🕺*
Amy: no- serve the BALL xD
💙 Person: “are you two dating?”
Sonic and Amy: *while holding hands* “no”
🩷 Though he doesn’t admit it, Sonic also loves his quills massaged. Sometimes when Sonic and Amy are chilling under a tree together, and he ends up dozing off, Amy will rest his head on her lap and stroke her hand through his quills, resulting in a few faint purrs from the hedgehog, which she secretly gushes over about
💙 They could be arguing for 5 minutes straight and after be like:
🩷 Amy finds shopping twice as fun with Sonic because he will just sit her in the shopping cart, as they zip up and down the aisles whilst grabbing the items on the list…getting it all done in 2 minutes tops. They call it the Operation: S^2 (Speed Shopping)
💙 Sonic and Amy could already be years into marriage but will still do or say things that’ll make the other flustered, like the times when they were dating.
🩷 Amy knows that if Sonic is being really flirty with her, he usually wants something.
💙 If Sonic and Amy are both sick one day, they will tell off each other, insisting they should be at home resting.
It results in both of them at Amy’s house, snuggled up on the couch binging movies.
🩷 As much as Amy likes sharing the goss with rouge and the girls, there’s nothing like sharing it with her bf because he goes all “omg gurl no wayyy! 💅” or he starts spilling his own tea with her lmao “omg bestie you won’t believe who I saw the other day…”
💙 Sonic plans secret meet ups with Cream, who teaches him how to make her signature flower crowns…he hopes to master it so he can make Amy one, one day…
🩷 (this following hc was an idea from a comic I believe..don’t know who made it but if u do pls let me know for credit purposes ig kajsjwidj)
Amy knows how Sonic can sometimes struggle to speak his feelings and is often an action over words type of guy. So she came up with this thing that anytime Sonic wants to tell Amy he loves her, without verbally saying it, all he needs to do is squeeze her hand 3 times; I. Love. you.
💙 When Amy told Sonic she wanted to go dancing with him, she didn’t expect it to be just dance…anyways she had tons of fun!
🩷 If they have sleepovers, it’s a tradition that they wear matching onesies (guys comment what they should be hehe)
💙 Amy uses Sonic as the makeup tester. He ends up looking ready for the circus afterwards but he honestly doesn’t mind this because he gets tons of kissies when she’s trying out the lipsticks
🩷 Walks along the beach are nice and romantic until Sonic decides to be a lil shh and kick sand in Amy’s shoes *cue her dragging her naughty bf towards the ocean*
💙 Amy’s a sucker for old school romance; love letters, flowers, fancy dates…and Sonic knows this. (Well EVERYONE does actually…) So one day, despite how inexperienced he is in the whole romance department, sets aside time to work on writing a letter, buying flowers and arranging somewhere nice to take Amy out for her to fulfil her romance fantasies. She’ll even get to dress up for this occasion
🩷 Sonic helping out Amy in the kitchen be like:
“A-Amy…I burnt the water…”
“Sonic how TF did you BURN the water?!”
💙 Amy is having a downer and is very clingy…so here is Sonic running his gf’s errands, with his gf clinging onto him. People will see this unusual phenomenon and he just gives them all the stare…nothing to see here! I mean it ain’t the first time he’s had to cart a pink hedgehog round the place
🩷 For the longest time, Amy has had a box sitting aside in her closet, containing a new special swim shirt, arm floaties, and a swimming kickboard, for when Sonic decides to finally learn how to swim. She can’t see the day any of the contents will be used but she could only hope.
💙 Sonic keeps an umbrella on standby for future “need to share an umbrella” emergencies
🩷 In the winter, they’re practically inseparable, using each other desperately to warm up. Because of this Tails had to design them jackets with instant heating, but they still end up back together even though they aren’t freezing anymore
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
I am a sucker for the warrior claims his spoils of war trope, the whole achilles/briseis from the troy movie vibes💕😫👌🏻 but with a twist 👀
König, the infamous Germanic warrior and beast of a man who has a unique station as commander in the troops of the romans (or something??? lmao don’t @me my brain rot is not historically accurate) because he possesses the perfect balanced mixture of inhuman strength and a cunning strategic mind. Hacking and slashing his way through battle after battle, some call him Ares, the God of War, because they’re convinced that whatever must be under that helmet and hood can’t be an actual human being. He seems to be living and breathing for war and the shedding of blood. That is until during one of his battles he finds himself in the raided temple of Artemis, face to face with a temple maiden who isn’t raped and pillaged by his men. Whether it’s a curse or a blessing from the Gods, he doesn’t know but he falls, and he falls hard for her. Blood is pumping to his heart, which is about to beat its way through his chest, and racing down to his dick which is even harder than after a successful battle. “An Engel” he mutters to himself, and that’s the first time the God of War takes a spoil of war, his very own temple maiden who from now on will only worship him and him alone.
König would be such a hot Spartan warrior/Greek demigod but PLEASE, you have to listen and listen carefully because… König could easily be a prominent figure in the Roman army! They had auxiliary units, Romans used “foreign” warriors all the time, Gauls and German/ic people and whatever, that’s the whole idea behind their expansion idea: to fatten their army with new recruits to push their campaigns and get more slaves to support their crazy economy etc etc
So König could be situated in say for example Germania Superior/Inferior, Raetia or Noricum auxiliary unit, I don’t know what Romans called Austria back then and if they had a separate aux. unit for them, I need to do some googling, if someone knows more about this please correct me! But *grabs you by your bra straps or shirt or whatever* you need to listen, Romans didn’t send their Auxilia to the troops’ native lands which means König would not be posted in Germania/whatever Austria was called BUT he could fight in basically any other area, and get his captive girl from some other bloody sexy violent awesome campaign!!! (Lol why am I so into this idea of him capturing some poor girl into his tent and having his way with her… I’m sorry I need to straighten my skirt and sit pretty with my knees pressed tightly together, nothing to see here, just sippin’ my tea)
No but srsly, NO, now I have to write this. Brb ->
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artsyannierose · 8 months
Nene’s Dead Corpse and her ghost bf
randomly made a crap ton more sense to me
fricking school (screw school I hate you (no not rly I’m just stressed))
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Anyway I’m a biomed class where unit 1 is studying medical investigations forensic science style
and one of the things is like, what happens to a person after the body has been dead for a while (post mortem or sum, see im learning :D)
Things like algor mortis, livor mortis, I’ve heard of. In fact I’ve even studied the clouding of the corneas before, but it never got to me till today
maybe it’s cause I cannot for the life of me study forensics without my wild imagination giving me nightmares or just panicking when I’m alone but aNyWays
I tend to imagine characters associated with death in these scenarios so I don’t lose it in class💀
*cough* Nene *cough cough*
So as I was taking notes on the slideshow, some of the images of clouded corneas reminded me strangely of something familiar, but at that point I couldn’t tell. There’s something haunting about the eyes (or maybe it’s just my over-analytical brain loving small details like this) they’re GORGEOUS
Maybe it’s ‘cause the true color of the iris is completely visible in all its glory, without the pupil obscuring it
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(something like this?? A little vivid tho lol)
but like
there’s no
no reflection, no emotion…nothing (which is so hauntingly beautiful leave me alone I’m a sucker for this now)
it’s literally just an eye with nothing but color
and then it hit me…it’s exactly the look Nene had when Mirai fast-forwarded her time
you can see in the image it’s just her plain magenta eyes with a fuzzy de-saturated blob in the center…aka clouded corneas
And that honestly made me realize that in this scene she’s not—she’s not even unconscious
No she’s literally, physiologically dead
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she is literally a dead body this hits me so hard😭😭
and I can imagine algor mortis kicked in by then, her body was probably cold to the touch
so imagine how he felt, and I’m aware people have analyzed his emotions but just think about it
he’s always seen her so full of life and hope, and now all he has left is an empty shell of her, cold and dead with no life left inside
…just like him
the more I think about it Hanako is just an animated corpse
he has no reflection in his eyes most of the time because he is ✨dead✨
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I mean Mei, Mitsuba, and Hanako don’t have a little white reflection dot like Nene and Kou
Or maybe I’m overthinking it and Nene’s eyes are just super reflective
even for someone who presumably took his own life, he probably never saw tsukasa’s body start postmortem and actually feel dead bc it looked extremely bloody ngl (I’m guessing he killed himself right after 💔)
and now he’s holding someone he cares about like this for the first time and I’ll bet that scarred him
and he figured out that never, never ever did he ever want to see his sweet assistant like this again, lifeless in his arms
and so after that, cue Hanako in his villain era who basically became a yandere the entire picture perfect lmao
and he was unbelievably adamant about it too
I mean honestly if I held anybody I knew lifeless like that I’d be scarred for life and crying for days
seeing the light drained from someone’s eyes is so interestingly sad to me
Look at the difference:
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vs Sad/Determined
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vs Depressed (ig??)
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vs Dead
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She still has so much emotion in her eyes
and then d e a d
literally looks like a porcelain doll
wait she looks so pale in the last image compared to the others now that I think about it
I love aidairo’s eye for detail it’s so fun to figure out
Well anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk essay atp-
send help
anyways excuse me while I grab a box of strawberries to munch on and cry my eyes out all over my homework before I sleep-
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alwaysxlarrie · 2 years
a harry is louis’ baby fic masterlist by yours truly
if you’ve talked to me for ~2 mins, you know i’m a big harry is louis’ baby stan™️ & therefore, couldn’t end 2022 without making a faves/recommendation list for the trope, especially given my harry is louis’ baby fic fest lol (sign up for it here if you’d like!). i don't want this to be 84 feet long, so i’ve limited myself to ~50 fics & since i have many praises to give, in lieu of summaries, i put why i love each fic. sorry for another long list but also not really? LMAO :’)
adore you by @isthatyoularry / isthatyoularry
louis does literally everything he can do to make harry feel safe, comfortable, and happy with him. he’s so smitten immediately. the character & relationship development is so wonderful. there’s some hefty doses of angst, but they’re definitely evened out by fluff.
a+ for effort by @harryventura / embro
this fic is sososo cute. just endless fluff, crushing, fond, protective louis, poor harry trying his best. ugh. the works. i love i love i love. 
as golden as the coast by @softandslow / softandslow
harry squeals over louis calling him petnames just as i would if i ever heard it occur. flirting, pining, demonstrations of affection, a lil bit of good n steamy tent smut, and captain niall. top tier.
as small as possible by mickey_d
i will never not wish that there was either more words or a sequel. louis is more than happy & ready to quell and support sweet lil harry’s anxiety & love him for the rest of his life. the cutest lil fluff fic.
all i want for christmas is by pinkgelpen (crybaby)
if you crave larry w kids, this fic is for you. harry’s the nanny, louis’ the single dad, the kids love harry, harry loves the kids & larry can’t imagine their lives without each other. the domesticity is top notch. baker harry full throttle. the lil moments where they almost go for it are so wonderfully written that you have to keep reading until they do go for it.
all i needed by @fallinglikethis / fallinglikethis
i think the line ‘louis will gladly be a fool to keep harry smiling’ says it all. protective/supportive louis, making sure that harry understands that louis supports him but still knows he can stand on his own just fine. love love love.
and then we kiss (all i wanna do is have a good time) by orphan_account
i mean, look. niall literally calls harry louis’ baby in the fic. need i say more?? louis knows harry is something special & supports harry however he can, harry’s immediately enamored with him, niall and zayn are top tier supporting characters who welcome him into their group so quickly & happily. wonderful dynamics all around.
babydoll blues by @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain (venomedveins)
this isn’t your typical harry is louis’ baby fic, but it very much becomes that in it’s own lovely - albeit, slightly angsty - way. jen always writes in such a wonderfully descriptive way that you can feel how they’re feeling. this fic will make you cry but it will also make you laugh and smile. & the smut is so good. 
back to seventeen by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory
my cousin married her childhood crush (who’s also her best friend’s brother), so i’m a sucker for this trope. nicole consistently - as you’ll see in their other fics on this list - perfectly writes louis as immediately interested but it never feels too fast paced or unrealistic. harry is enamored by louis but simply does not know what to do with himself in the face of louis. it always just makes sense & is so lovely. we got some phone sex w louis’ dirty talk in here too, what a treat.
baby shut your mouth and turn me inside out by ballsdeepinjesus
look, we’ve got sugar daddy louis wanting to provide for & support harry, we’ve got harry trying to fight it until he realizes that louis is simply not to be fought & that he simply wants to help harry however he can, louis excitedly introducing harry to everyone he knows, and we’ve got some car sex. what’s not to love?  
but when we kiss... by @indiaalphawhiskey / indiaalphawhiskey
silver fox, seductive louis coaxing prideful harry into his car to get him out of the cold. harry giving in. then harry’s inner monologue and the top tier smut that comes after? amazing. 10/10.
burn this flame by @rainbowtitania / rainbowninja167
the way louis tries to take care of harry & harry’s refusal in order to prove himself to louis, only to end up naturally submitting is a delightful dynamic. the fluff. the smut. the relationship development. poor niall and zayn tho lololol.
don’t stop thinking about tomorrow by @1diamondinthesun / 1diamondinsunthesun
this one is - imo - quite angsty, but louis always feels like a beaming light in harry’s life. to me, this reads as though the moment louis found out who harry was, he realized he had to sweep him off his feet before anyone else did & then proceeded to do exactly that and i love the idea of that so much.
face your fears by @sadaveniren / sadaveniren
poor harry is riddled with fears for the majority of the fic. but louis never ceases to show his support verbally, physically, and emotionally. he meets every obstacle harry tries to throw at him head on. mind the authors notes, but this is such an overall cute fic with wonderfully written smut by sada, as usual.
faking it by @donotdialnine / thecellardoor
this author always seems to write fics that exude the exact definition of harry is louis’ baby - the ones i’ve read, at least. childhood best friends to lovers. fake relationship bringing out very real feelings. protective, teasing louis. poor niall & zayn trying to force larry to get their heads out of their asses. fantastically written smut, as usual.
found my hallelujah by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory
louis is literally the first person to call harry a petname in this and the first petname he calls harry is ‘baby’ !!!! do u hear me screaming !!!!! the world building is done so wonderfully, you feel like you’re physically & mentally with harry on the trip. i have so much love for this fic & larry’s dynamic.
gathered on wings by @twopoppies / brooklyn_babylon
the way their relationship began as harry having a massive crush on louis and has louis pursuing harry years later gives a very full circle feeling & it’s lovely. everything from their character development, relationship development, the smut, is beautifully written. 
give a little sing to the singles by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry
i cannot explain why but even before reading the ending, this fic simply exuded harry is louis’ baby vibes to me. and i love it for that. well, other things as well, of course. the humor that emmu always incorporates into her fics is *chef’s kiss*
in all its imperfections by @briannamarguerite / briamaria
punk louis & shy harry pining over each other will never not be an adorable trope. the way louis handles harry’s nerves, how harry just trusts louis to lead him in the smut, the humor, the communication? love!!!
if tomorrow never comes (we had last night) by @fallinglikethis / fallinglikethis & @all-these-larrythings / rearviewdreamer
louis picking up stranger drunk harry and brings him back home safely bc he doesn’t trust anyone else to do it, protective niall, the banter, the flirting, the fond, ugh. such a wonderful fluff & smut fic.
in dreams by dolce_piccante
louis becoming his new neighbor harry’s secret admirer by leaving lil gifts at his door in hopes of making him smile? ugh give it to me. punk louis, teacher harry, cuddling, the supportiveness, the ease in which their relationship flows from strangers to friends to lovers is my fav.
i made a map of your stars by @brightbluelou / brightbluelou
louis sees harry being an anxious ball of fluff and simply decides to come into his life and fondly tease him, flirt with him, and basically metaphorically wrap him up in a blanket & hold him? so precious. this fic will leave a smile on ur face.
just jump by @jaerie / jaerie
the way louis comes in & proceeds to help harry become the best version of himself always does it for me. for me, it’s the details in this fic. for example, louis quietly & nonchalantly breaking the rules to be intimate with harry? yes please & thank you. 
just one look (and i fell so hard) by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkttenface
everything from the shy glances, louis speaking up, them not wanting to leave each other’s side, them realizing the little things that they adore about each other, the smut, the ending. ugh. it’s so good. maggie’s never written anything that’s not magnificent tho, so i’m not surprised.
knock knock, i love you by beautlouis
there’s something about louis realizing that he’s going to be harry’s first for everything & being eager about it & demanding to make it perfect for him that really does it for me in fics. the dirty talk, the smut, the way they support & care about each other. they’re little puppies in love !!!!!!
let our hearts collide by @crinkle-eyed-boo / crinkle-eyed-boo (kimmierocks)
this fic made me cry, smile, laugh. from the moment louis hopped on screen in the fic, it very quickly became so very clear that harry was louis’ baby while not throwing away the whole liam/harry plotline away completely..even when i kind of sort of wish it did. kim had to remind of me the rationales of the fic when we talked about it last night lol. acceptance is hard but important, i suppose. i know it’s based off a movie, but she does a great job of keeping liam & harry’s ‘relationship’ up in a realistic way while still keeping your eye on the prize.
milk kinship by @jaerie / jaerie
this one doesn’t start off as a harry is louis’ baby fic, but by the end, it’s there, full throttle. jaerie knows how much i love this fic but i’ll let u all know too. this one is a thing of beauty. we’ve got lactation kink, we’ve got larry with babies, we’ve got possessive louis, and much more.
make him want to sin by @becomeawendybird / quickedween
instant connection fics can easily be written v unrealistically, v fast imo and molly writes this one so well. there’s some twists and turns but in the end, harry’s going home with louis, just like he was always supposed to. there’s also some fantastic desk sex.
may we all have a vision now and then by @gaycousinlarry / momentofclarity
this is such a painfully sweet fic. the way louis takes care of harry, allows him to feel what he needs to feel and is happy to do it all. ugh. a cute short lil fic w lots of emotions.
needing you more and more, let’s give love a try by supernope
supportive louis, protective louis, happy and glowing mpreg harry, vacation smut, what a blessing.
never been knotted by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16
anitra’s sense of humor that she incorporates into fics + the way she always perfectly writes harry and louis’ dynamic never fails, making this fic the best combo of cute and slow but steady sexual tension building. with a cute lil plot twist at the end!
no one likes to be alone by @lululawrence / lululawrence
louis taking care of stressed out, nesting harry. the decision to have louis lick him when scenting is a huge small detail like r u kidding me ?? sus !!!! why do u continue to hurt me with your wonderfully cute writing !!!!
precious little thing by mercutionotromeo
phone sex operator louis? yes please. dirty talk? yes please. desperate harry that louis is ready & willing to take care of? yes please. love how feelings were brought into it + the ending is delightful in a way you might not expect
stranger stars by @sunshineandhisrainbows / shaylea
the character development. how their relationship develops. the way louis prioritizes harry from the get go, you feel like you’re indulging a guilty habit w him. but the slow burn is sososo worth it!!!! also the sexual tension? top tier. tw for internalized homophobia, homophobic laws & descriptions of illness.
say something by @kingsofeverything / kingsofeverything
the way louis is immediately interested but takes it slow & makes sure harry is comfortable and happy is so sweet. there’s definitely angst & resistance on harry’s part, but imo that’s part of what makes it fit with this trope - how louis acts with harry & their dynamic. lauren already knows how much i love this fic & now you all do too!
secrets don’t make friends by @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain (venomedveins)
look. it’s got feminization. it’s got service kink. daddy kink. domesticity. amazing dirty talk. how much louis loves harry. how much harry loves louis. how supportive they are of each other. jen’s writing has me in a chokehold.
so grab your passport and my hand by @infinitelymint / infinitelymint
the way they instantly take to each other - granted, harry is enamored with louis even before the beginning - is so sweet. although the closeting aspect is a prominent obstacle, their relationships is nothing but cute and supportive and i adore it.
stars will align for us by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2
mel usually writes omega louis/alpha harry - and wonderfully at that - but i’m so glad this one exists too! poor harry is terrified of getting with his dream man, but thankfully louis has no problem stepping in & sweeping him off his feet
something unpredictable by @kingonafiftymetreroad / lsforever
ceo louis/employee harry? sexual tension build up? under-negotiated kink that’s written in just the right way? stressing the importance of communication and consent? give it to me!!!! and k did. i just found it about 7 years after it was given. but i’ve found it now & i’m so happy!!
the night sky is changing overhead by orphan_account
the twists in this fic are so unexpected but so good, the smut is amazing, and so is the character & relationship development. if you like fics with world building, this is for you
them butterflies by @gaycousinlarry / momentofclarity
i’d bet good money that this fic is in all of my fic lists/recs & listen. i’m not sorry. their immediate connection? louis seducing harry by breathing in his vicinity? eli already knows how obsessed i am with this fic - i literally created a fic fest inspired by it - but i need u to all understand how wonderful it is too. all her fics are top tier tbh. ok i’ll stfu now
take me higher than i’ve ever been by @ireallysawanangel / crimsontheory
it’s a beautiful thing to watch the development of their relationship develop & grow. the way louis supports him, teases him, and loves him is brilliantly written.
to lure a hummingbird (you had me a moonstruck) by @broken-beaks / brokenbeaks
they get off to a rocky start, but the way louis handles harry’s insecurities in such a supportive, protective, tender way is absolutely beautiful to read as it unfolds.
the library universe by @allwaswell16 / allwaswell16
i don’t think i can stress enough how much i adore this universe. louis’ teasing, harry’s denial, the way louis slowly but surey claws his way into harry’s heart. i have so much love for this universe. thank you anitra for allowing me to write a fic (currently a wip) inspired by it.
the clock strikes christmas by @jacaranda-bloom / jacaranda_bloom
rich louis takes homeless harry home with him, feeds him, clothes him, and loves him. harry does hold his own by insisting on getting a job & becoming an independent baby. we truly do love to see it. 
the flower that blooms in adversity by @hershelsue / docklands
this is the fic that made me realize that i’m not opposed to pregnancy kink & lactation kink if larry is involved LMAO. louis being so protective, attentive, and ready to help harry feel safe & taken care of is truly what dreams are made of. throw in some hot smut w dirty talk??? yes please!
tell me what you need by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkttenface
louis giving harry shit about his coffee order when he barely even knows him, making his order the exact way he asked for it after he gives him shit for it & then teasing him about it the next time??? what a time to be alive!!!!
the only one (when it’s said and done) by @londonfoginacup / ladylondonderry
louis is ready and willing to take stranger omega harry home with him to make sure he has a proper nest. harry is louis’ baby from the first moment louis blinks at him. you cannot tell me otherwise.
want you more than a by @donotdialnine / thecellardoor
this fic takes a cliche that could be done so predictably & instead puts its own twist on it to make it unique, cute, sexy & exciting. again, exudes the definition of harry is louis’ baby. one of my fav fics ever. the dom/sub dynamic is done in a way that flows so easily with the fic & their personalities. ugh i’m obsessed
wasn’t expecting that by @yourpricelessadvice / yourpricelessadvice
poor harry tries to get his shit together and the way louis communicates is such a well done scene. there’s angst. there’s implied homophobia. but there’s also so much love and fluff. all louis wants is to love and support harry. 
we are ghosts amongst these hills by orphan_account
i’ve said this before & i’ll say it again: this fic makes me miss a 17th century soulmate that i don’t have!!! once you get to the end, you have to go back to the beginning to reread everything. tw for violence, quite heavy angst in one area and time period typical homophobia. phenomenal overall. 
you’ll breathe me in (you won’t release) by loadedgunn
i think 99% of this fandom knows this fic, but here’s my thoughts: it addresses the power imbalances well, there’s angst, fluff, and smut. the dirty talk and possessiveness are magical. their personal character & relationship growth is so perfectly done and you can really feel how much louis & harry love and care about each other.
you take me over, you’re the magic in my veins by supernope
this is harry is louis’ baby but in a forbidden love kinda way that doesn’t feel like a forbidden love bc it feels so right is amazing. louis is immediately intrigued by & endeared by harry, harry’s enamored by louis & is constantly torn between flirting with him and respecting their fate. in this fic, it’s in the little things. 
***as always, please remember to support these lovely, talented authors by leaving kudos & comments on any of the fics that you read !!!***
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voltronisanobsession · 8 months
may i request an Altean!reader (possibly fem) who is also a bodyguard? Im thinking about if King Alfor put them in a pod too to help protect Princess Allura once she came out. im mostly thinking of the princess x bodyguard trope 🤭 but the reader x other paladins are fine too! i can't exactly remember, but i don't think they trained them to fight at the garrison. I think it would be nice if reader helped them at the start with their stances and such.
ty for reading this, regardless of if you get to it ^-^
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Being Allura’s Bodyguard Headcanons
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This feels a little weird though, let me know if I did you justice🤨💔
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If you were put to sleep with Allura and Coran, that means Alfor REALLY trusted reader
You probably trained to be Allura’s guard specifically as you both grew up
So that means you were around each a lot as children and teens
I think reader might be a year or two older than Allura, so in a way you grew to be protective of the younger girl, naturally
She was always able to confide in you no matter what, whether it was about a problem that bothered her or complaining about her potential suitors
I think because y’all spent so much time together, a little crush might form between yall
But being her bodyguard, you knew you had a duty to uphold and couldn’t let silly feelings get in the way of that (much to her dismay)
You would always playfully roll your eyes whenever she tried using a pickup line on you
When you guys wake up from the pods, despite your drowsiness, you’re immediately at Allura’s side, pushing away the weird creature with round ears from her
Like your sword is drawn out and pointed to Lance, ready to attack if the group in front of you poses themselves as a threat
Yeah, the group decides that it’s best to take several steps away from you LMAO
You’re always by Allura’s side no matter what, the princess being your main priority
You’re kinda like her shadow, always standing guard, waiting for the unexpected
I think reader would begin falling hard for the Allura (much to her delight) when she saves her from a life or death situation
The whole point of being her bodyguard was to protect her, but seeing how she risked her own life to drag you to safety made your heart flutter
Like no one had ever done that for you😭
You were taught and trained to fight for yourself, trained to protect others
So Allura being the one protecting you led you down in a spiral
And it’s a QUICK spiral, may I add
You begin seeing the princess in a different light
The way not a single hair moves from its placement when she’s fighting, whether it be training or when out on a mission, entranced you
You admired the way she demanded attention with just her presence alone
And Allura notices these changes AHH
Like this girl is internally screaming when you gently take her hand when you’re trying to bring her away from any danger
I like to think Allura would be flirty with her bodyguard lowkey
They’re used to each other from the years of being together so this isn’t an odd occurrence
But things do change when you begin turning pink whenever she uses her dumb pickup lines
It’s gotten to a point where the princess was able to beat you in a duel for the first time when she randomly blurted one out
(You claimed that you were feeling a little sick that day lol)
Even despite the fun flirting and knowing looks shared between you two, you would still be hesitant to start an actual relationship with Allura
You have so much respect for the passed King Alfor that you want to continue being the bodyguard for his daughter
You feel like you might be betraying his trust if you start pursuing his daughter
Coran would tell you to go for though if you talk to him about it
He knew Alfor best, so hearing him say that the king would want you and Allura to be happy, you immediately go to the princess
You confess and she’s just jumping on you in pure joy cuz FINALLY
The rest is HISTORY as you guys finally pursue each other AHHH
You’re a much more gentler bodyguard, you’re less tense when out of the castle and honestly just enjoying every moment with Allura
Instead of protecting Allura, you both fight along side each other
The respect you guys have for the other is just so UGH!!! If Allura wants to fight her own battles, you watch from a close distance
Honestly you guys make each other better I can’t even
And because you’re less intense now that you’re with Allura, you treat the team with much more patience
Since they had no idea how to fight at first (most of them at least), you offer to train them
Altean style😍
They wouldn’t take you seriously at first, except Shiro, until you bodyslam Keith to the ground when he gets too cocky with his attacks
After that, they take training very seriously LMAO
You taught Shiro and Keith how to fight efficiently when in close range, showing them fighting techniques that they could also use if they don’t have their weapons
You teach Hunk and Lance how to properly use their guns, showing them the right positions to hold their weapons as to not injure themselves
And with Pidge, you show her how to use her weapon in general because of how unique it is compared to the others weapons
They grow to become strong fighters, you may even shed a tear, happy you were able to help them
You’re still able to demolish them even after everything you all have been through though
Every now and then you guys hold a tournament to see whose the best fighter, you still winning most of the times
Except when you go against Lance for some reason, he’s a slippery one you need to keep an eye on💀
You grow to care for everyone in your own way, vowing to protect them when if it ever came down to it
Being Allura’s bodyguard is honestly a very rewarding duty
She appreciates everything you do and risk to keep her safe, and she promises to do the same for you
I also think you’re the voice of reason for her cuz y’all remember when they went through that dimension jumping portal? And how Allura believed those Alteans were the same ones she knew
You would be there to let her down gently, even comforting her after that entire ordeal happens
You’re her rock, being an emotional support for the princess whenever she needs it
Out of the entire team, I’m like 99% sure that bodyguard!reader is the greenest flag out of everyone
Allura won the lottery honest, her bodyguard being her lover😫😫😫‼️‼️
You’re always by her side, through thick and thin, no matter what happens to you guys
Loyalty is literally your middle name heehee
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mistkisbiggestfan · 7 months
Hello! this is based on an OC, but may you write about Medic with a cloned child OC? I always thought of him as a mad scientist type, so I’m sure he would’ve figured out how to do that. He basically raises this clone as his own kid, and they’d be a late teen / young adult by the time the events of TF2 happen
The OC is a girl but honestly you can make it gender neutral if you’d like!
Sorry if it’s too specific, but TYSM!
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Medic & Child, Cloned reader HC
A/n: This is one of my fav reqs of all time ngl Requests are open!!
Summary: You're Medic's cloned child, headcanons. Words: 636 Request: Yeah
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I like to think you’re a clone based on him, or atleast a clone made in his image. One medic is enough to create chaos and things like that, just imagine another person who's almost a 1to1 of him, pure chaos. 
Your first day being alive, he took you in his arms and was like “it’s alive!” just as Heavy and Spy walked in to ask him if he wanted to go grab a beer. They were absolutely terrified, Spy just cloaked out of there having the day Scout was born in the back of his mind.
That left only Medic, you and Heavy there. Heavy was shocked and Medic just held you up looking at him; “Isn’t she so cute!!” While you looked alarmingly similar to him with his grin on your face.
Others found out like ten minutes after that and soon everyone was just looking at you with no clue of what to do.
When Ms. Pauling found out she almost died on her spot. “There’s no way Medic is suited to even have a dog, let alone a child!” 
Nobody gave af, she soon came around to like you too. 
Medic is 100% your father figure (That’s rather obvious) but so was Heavy, they’re like your dads.
Sniper, Engie, Demo and Soldier are like your uncles (That doesn’t include Spy because he’s def a wine aunt, and so is Ms. Pauling). While Pyro and Scout act more like your siblings. 
Medic showed you the ropes and soon you were as capable of doing batshit crazy things like him. He was so proud!! 
Archimedes loves you, always resting on your shoulder doing simple things like staying with you and Medic during operations on other Mercs. 
When you were a less capable child everyone basically coparented, of course Heavy and Medic were like your parents the most but everyone wanted to take care of you so they followed a schedule of who has to babysit you and when. 
Once you grew up to actually be independent, mercenaries were terrified to realize how similar you are to Medic, you were the same person, with slightly different looks, you even wore the same glasses he did. 
When the events of the TF2 mercs splitting happened (Referencing the comics rn if someone didn’t know) you went with Medic, the change impacted you way more than it did him, you really missed everyone, they were like your family. 
Once he started to work with those blue guys you were cool with it, they underestimated you but you showed them that you’re just like your fellow dad, insane. 
Medic showed you all the modifications he made and you showed the modifications you did before you both laughed it off like the silliest thing one can do. 
When everyone got back together you were way older than you used to be, but fortunately you remembered everything. 
When Medic told you about the fact that you were a clone you were very interested and didn’t care, like at all. I mean you’re basically him, so it was more interesting than scary or sad.
He helped you in acquiring 9 souls from some suckers just like he did! (Can’t believe all mercs gave him their souls lmao) 
Sometimes you operate on the Mercs when he’s somewhere else, at first they were very unwilling but soon it showed that you were just like him in this profession (which isn’t the ideal tbh)
Everyone showed you something, so you were really multiclass, leaning heavily into being another medic (shocking, I know)
Overall a 10/10 father, sure he has some loose screws but isn’t that normal? You two are the most chaotic beings even the devil can’t contain.
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onboardsorasora · 3 months
34 year old Daniel in the 90s is basking in his parents love and teasing Michelle. A part of him doesn’t want to return to 2024 because he hasn’t been able to be home like this since he was 17 and left for Italy
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Decided to hop to it lmao. for you bestie!
De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9 | De-Aged Daniel Part 10 |
Daniel sat in the far corner of the breakfast nook watching with soft eyes as his mother went about preparing lunch. It had come as a shock; one minute he was putting on his race boots to jump into the sim and the next he was standing in the yard. 
His father had come running immediately, having seen it all happen. How his five year old self had been cycling around the yard before he– well no one really knew how it happened, but Daniel was standing there instead. He’d bitten back the joke about thankfully being fully clothed, he didn’t think his parents would have appreciated it.
It had been very emotional. Very surprising. Michelle had run away to her room– fair. Grace had cried immediately, pulling him into a tight hug. Joe had stared at him with something akin to pride. 
Now Daniel sat in the kitchen reeling off random facts about the future. Things he always told himself he’d remember to tell his parents if he ever got sent back to the past.
“Oh, invest in Apple. They probably aren’t on the stock exchange now but when they pop up– trust me.” He sipped his tea as Grace laughed.
“How about you tell us other things than insider trading.” Joe grinned.
“Well, what do you want to know?” Daniel put his mug down with a clank.
“I know there’s a bunch of shite you’re not allowed to tell us. But what’s there to know about grown up Daniel Ricciardo? Your accent is different, did you move away?”
“Actually,” Daniel smiled softly. “Yeah I did. I became a formula one driver. And I needed to move to Italy to do it.”
Daniel felt his chest warm at the shock on his parents’ face, how they looked him over carefully as if taking in this new information and trying to see how such a high paced career would have changed him from their precious baby boy.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Joe muttered, “thats fucking amazing. For which team? Ferrari?”
“Well no, they never officially gave me a contract. But– well my team doesn’t exist yet. But they’re fast, currently the world champions. I won 7 races with them.” Daniel smiled proudly when Grace came over to hug him tightly.
“I’m so proud of you baby waby.” 
Daniel felt his chest clench and tears spring to his eyes. He hadn’t heard that endearment in so long, it brought back memories of wonderful times.
“I love you too mummy wummy.” his voice cracked when he said it and Grace held him tighter. When she finally let go, Daniel got up to clutch Joe tightly. Not one to go without his father’s hugs, he didn’t see why he should start now.
“Gosh, I miss you guys.” Daniel muttered. Grace frowned.
“Do you spend a lot of time away?”
“Too much. You guys come to some races too, but– it's still a lot of travel at the end of the day.” He had to bite his tongue to keep from mentioning Isaac and Isabella.
“Where were you before you Exchanged?” Joe asked after a bit.
“Oh I was at work, so little me is probably with Blake right now. Poor sucker, he has to deal with adult me and little me. I hope I terrorize him a little.” Daniel giggled, thinking about all the chaos his small counterpart could be unleashing right now on his long time friend.
“Don’t be mean, you weren’t that terrorizing.” Grace would never hear a slight against her baby, not even from him himself.
“They say it's not always an even exchange, you seek out what makes you most comfortable. So if not Blake, where would you go?” Joe asked and they watched as Daniel grow soft and bite his lip.
“Max. Probably.” 
“Who’s Max?”
“He’s… everything.”
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foli-vora · 2 years
dave york x f!reader
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gif by moi.
masterlist | pedro masterlist
a/n: this came out of fucking nowhere lmao. everyone blame/thank @whataperfectwasteoftime. this was inspired by her post here and the mess of a comment i made on it. thank you for letting me bounce ideas off of you, my love! we're an absolute sucker for this man and it's my god given right to drag everyone down into the depths of the pit with us. i hope you all enjoy! x
warnings: swearing, dave being a fucking MENACE, guns/air rifles, first date carnival shenanigans, it's a bit soft and fluffy, Dave 'BDE' York, SMUT 18+ ONLY: fingering, oral sex (f rec), unprotected p in v (no matter how pretty they are or how horny they make you - wrap that shit), public sex, outdoor sex, rough sex, dirty talk, dave doing what dave does best - completely fucking annihilating pussy.
word count: 4193
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It’s unexpected, but not unwelcome. You feel young again, giddy from the constant flash of bright lights and electric colours dancing along the edges of your vision as the echoes of laughter and screaming and music ring in your ears. It’s hard to not smile, and your cheeks hold an ache from the constant stretch of your lips.
This was not at all what you expected upon receiving an earlier call from Dave with instructions to be ready by 6pm sharp. Dress casual, bring a jacket. He wasn’t like the others you had dated in the past, who didn’t seem to really be that interested in the organisational side of it and gave the usual ‘Well what do you want to do?’
No, that wasn’t Dave.
He took the initiative with that kind of thing, he liked to be in control – one of the many things you had come to learn about him in the time you had been in contact with him. Your relationship, if you could even call it that yet, was fresh and in its very early stages after a few weeks of regular phone calls due to his work keeping him a little busier than he expected, but you knew there was something there.
You hold a strong hope that he feels the same.
The attraction was already crazy high, with every little touch or simple brush of his fingers feeling like a sharp shock to the system. You had a rule of taking things slow when it came to dating, and you absolutely didn’t want to risk moving too fast and losing whatever was building with Dave, but god did he make it difficult.
And he knew it, too.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, tangling his long fingers through yours and tugging your body to bump into his side as you step down from the ferris wheel. Your heart flies at the touch.
“God no,” you laugh softly, recalling your earlier attack on the group of food trucks and how much you had indulged, “I don’t think I’ll need to eat for the rest of the week after that!”
He leads you through the light crowds, his grip on your hand tight and comforting as he chuckles.
“Do you want to play a game or two?” you ask, looking towards the many stalls lined up and the people that come and go between them, “I know they’re rigged, but it could still be a bit of fun?”
It’s the little shooting range that catches your eye first, with a man yelling that no one had yet to win the major prize. Of course no one had won, you think to yourself in wry amusement. Barely anyone could win a barely average prize, let alone a major one.
Nevertheless, you pull Dave in its direction, stepping up onto the little platform and chuckling as the man practically bellows his greeting. Over the top, but it’s all part of the carnival experience you suppose. Dave remains indifferent to the man’s playful jabbing towards him, merely holding a folded note in his general direction before ignoring him completely in favour of focusing on you.
Playing coy, you spare him a glance over your shoulder and smile sweetly.
“Do you know how to use one? I don’t know how to hold it properly… I think I need a little bit of help.”
The corner of his lips twitch, almost as if he sees right through you, yet he nods and takes the small step up towards you. 
You hold your breath as his body presses into your back, his thick arms coming around you to fix your hold on the rifle. Your stomach erupts with butterflies, something warm and sweet and exciting coming to curl around your heart as it drums heavily against your chest with each gentle alteration of his rough hands over yours.
He overwhelms you in the best of ways, his cologne spicy and familiar, the buttery popcorn from earlier still hanging on his breath. You can’t help but press back into him, lips automatically turning up shyly at the curved nose that lightly traces the shell of your ear.
“Not too tight – hold it looser,” he murmurs, tone low and winding along your nerves in hot waves until it settles low in the pit of your stomach. “Spread your legs, just like that.”
Once satisfied with your hold on the gun, he steps back but keeps his large hands on your hips, his thumbs firm as they rub over the material covering your skin, digging softly into the flesh of your waist and it does absolutely nothing to calm the rage of heat flooding your core.
He absolutely knows the power he holds.
It’s hard to not laugh lightly with each missed shot, your chest warming at the deep chuckle that comes from just behind you. It’s not a surprise that you don’t even land a single target and you place the gun carefully back down with a grin.
“Damn. Oh well!” you shrug, turning and sharing a smile with Dave.
“It was a good try,” he comforts, and you can’t help your snort of amusement. His hands tighten on your waist and he gently drags you towards him until your front bumps with his. 
“Oh I’m sure,” you chuckle, sliding your hands along his arms and feeling the tense of muscle beneath his jacket, “I’m quite the sharpshooter if you couldn’t tell.”
“You definitely have a talent,” he teases, his smirk wide and devious as he nudges his nose against yours.
You hold your breath, your system wired and ready to feel the press of his lips.
The kisses had slowly deepened throughout the evening, and with each one you feel your restraint at moving slow weaken. His kisses are consuming, leaving you weak and shaky from the firm press of his lips and dominant push of his mouth, the feelings so intoxicating and ravaging your system, you’re left hopelessly keeping yourself up with his shirt clutched between your fingertips every time.
An overly cheerful voice, bordering on the edge of smug, breaks the gentle build of tension between you both and Dave’s sharp eyes flash over to the man with a vague sheen of wariness. It’s minimal, but with your close proximity you can see the way his jaw tenses slightly.
“You’re not gonna try and win her one? Some boyfriend you are,” the man chuckles, sending an overly deliberate wink to your direction.
Dave’s eyes roll back to you.
“I’ll win you one.” 
“It’s rigged, Dave,” you mutter, smiling at his offer. “It’s fine, we can go and do that fishing one –”
“If you can’t do it, just say so,” the man drawls, leaning on his multicoloured flashing stick. “Guess you’re walkin’ away empty handed, sweets.”
Dave rolls his tongue along the back of his teeth in deliberation before casting an eye over the various stuffed toys.
“How do I get the big guy?” he nods up towards where the ridiculously huge teddy with a large red bow tie hangs suspended over the playing area.
“No one’s been able to win that yet! Hit down all targets, plus the three bonus ones at the back.”
He holds out another note, his gaze unwavering and impassive. “Set it up.”
Dave watches him work before taking your place, eyeing the barrel of the rifle and studying the slight adjustments made to it as he feels the weight of it in his hands. He wants to laugh at how fucked up the aim is. He takes his stance, securing the gun back against his shoulder and exhaling softly.
“Blue,” he says suddenly, and you’re in the middle of questioning him when a sharp ping rings through the air, and you notice the small blue cartoon duck target down. Dave glances at the game leader, a subtle smirk tugging at his lips, “All of them, right?”
“Uh, yeah –”
You watch in complete and utter bewilderment, lost somewhere in between being thoroughly impressed by his skills and completely fucking turned on with how confidently he fires the rifle. He continues on, calling each colour before shooting the corresponding target down until only the three tiny targets stand at the back.
“Call ‘em out, baby.”
You have to physically fight the urge to melt at the pet name. Usually that kind of thing on the first date would have you walking away, but something about the way it falls from his tongue, confidently, teasingly, deep and husky and feeling like molten fucking honey in your ears…
Dave York is trouble.
You run your tongue along your lips, moving your gaze from his handsome side profile to the back of the game. The small metal disks are so purposefully small, there’s no possible way he would be able to knock them down. They’re barely two inches wide –
“Right, left, middle.”
Ping. Ping. Ping.
You exhale sharply in disbelief, watching Dave relax from his stance with an air of cool satisfaction. It becomes much, much harder to fight the urge to curl your hands around the collar of his jacket and all but haul his mouth to yours. You ache for it, for him.
The game leader openly fumbles, his eyes wide and confused as they trace all the fallen targets. 
“The aim on the barrel is a mess – no wonder no one wins,” Dave speaks plainly, returning the gun to the table, “and she’ll take the big one.”
A laugh bubbles up from your throat and you quickly press your lips together to stifle it, watching the man practically reboot right before your eyes. He doesn’t seem to move quick enough for Dave’s liking, and he raises a sharp brow.
“Is there a problem?”
The man immediately starts to make a move for the small step ladder, setting it up below the teddy and keeping his eyes away from Dave’s. “No, sir.”
“I didn’t think so.”
There’s a smirk evident in his tone. You’re unable to resist smiling widely when he turns to look at you, nodding for you to retrieve your prize from the now quiet man. The teddy is soft and plush, all long thick limbs and a chunky, round belly – it’s ridiculously big. Where the hell are you going to put it?
“There you go, sweets,” Dave coos, throwing one final look towards the game leader before stepping down from the platform and holding a hand out for you.
You feel like you’re on fire.
It becomes apparent just how fucking wet you are with every step you take, your underwear practically soaked through and clinging to your folds. The seam of your jeans brushes just over your clit as you walk, doing nothing to tame the borderline painful ache overtaking the swollen nerve and it’s enough to drive you mad.
“Thank you,” you murmur, tucking the toy into your side and meeting his ever attentive gaze, willing your heart to stop beating so fucking fast.
You pause under one of the rides, watching the people strapped into the seats get thrown upside down and spun around, their screams piercing the air and becoming nothing but a distant buzz the longer your mind whirls.
Could he see how flustered he makes you feel? Does he know where your mind currently strays to? Lost in the wonder of what his hands would feel like running over your bare skin, how his voice would sound melting into your ears as he tells you how good you feel…
“You’re welcome,” he returns smoothly, dark eyes never once straying from your face.
They briefly drop to where your tongue wets your lips and the muscles in his jaw flex ever so slightly. He knows. He must. The moment seems to hold, with neither one of you wanting to break whatever had fallen over you by looking away.
Something about his gaze changes.
It no longer feels playful, it feels predatory.
A thrill races down your spine, bringing a flush of heat under your skin. You need something, anything. You hunger for more of him, a desperation building throughout your body with no immediate end in sight.
“Can… can we leave?”
The words come out quiet, breathless, but thankfully he hears you. It’s a relief.
You’re being spun within a few seconds and led back through the crowds, the people parting for him as if they sense his unwavering determination to leave and hurrying to move from his path. You hurry to keep up with his strides, your heart thundering against your ribs.
“Dave,” you exhale when you’re only steps away from his car, the sleek silver shine of it glistening under the moonlight.
He barely turns before you’re forcing your way into his arms, lips slanting greedily over his as your fingers come to lock around his neck, your prize discarded and momentarily forgotten on the grassy floor.
It doesn’t take him long to catch up, his mouth suddenly gaining strength and pushing back against yours and the intensity of it seeps right into your bones. Your lips part for his tongue and he tastes you deeply, swallowing every whimper and moan that falls from your throat as his hot, calloused hand comes to cup your jaw.
You barely realise you’re being backed against the side of his car until you hit the solid mass of it, and it only makes you clutch him harder. He steps into your space, presses right into your body until you feel like you can’t fucking breathe, and it’s still not enough.
“Mine or yours?”
The words have you clenching.
“I don’t care,” you pant, fingers digging into the skin at the back of his neck in an effort to bring him closer.
He indulges you for a moment longer, lips hot and heavy and drowning you in a timeless haze with every second he stays practically devouring you, before slowly pulling away and licking away the saliva built on his lower lip.
You watch the slow roll of muscle through the flutter of your lashes and weaken further at his firm demand of ‘In’, your fingers shaky and fumbling with the door handle until you can all but throw yourself onto the sleek leather passenger seat.
He moves swiftly, briefly pausing to throw the teddy into the backseat as he rounds the car before sliding into the driver's seat and pulling smoothly out onto the road.
The ache you feel for this man is something otherworldly. Your skin prickles beneath your clothes, sweat stings at your palms, your heart feels like it could burst from your chest at any moment… you don’t think you’ve ever felt attraction on this level before. The tension in the car is palpable, thick with lust and need and you wonder how long you’ll be able to endure.
It only fucking worsens when his hand comes to rest lightly on your thigh, his thumb smoothing over your jeans and fingers tensing with an almost silent promise of what’s to come, and you think immediately that he’s trying to kill you. You try to keep your gaze level, watching the flash of the trees by your window in an effort to distract you from the feelings overwhelming your body.
Anticipation rumbles through you, curling along your nerves and working you into a constant state of restlessness until you’re unable to keep from shifting every few moments in the seat. Every slide of your thighs brings a brush of friction over your throbbing clit, building on the ache stirring deep in your cunt and it’s blissful torture.
The car suddenly jerks off of the road and your hand flies to steady yourself on the door, the harsh grate of gravel sliding under you as the car pulls to an immediate stop. You jolt back into your seat and turn to look at him in question, the silence in the car much more deafening without the purr of the engine filling the background. 
The muscles are tight over his jaw, his eyes narrowed on you in a way that makes your stomach twist in excitement.
“Get out,” he orders lowly, hand already moving to unclip his seatbelt as the other shoves his door open.
You hurry to follow, stepping out onto shaky legs and feeling the nip of cold air bite at your warm cheeks. He studies the road and the surrounding dense thickness of trees before turning his sharp gaze back to you and striding around the car to meet you at the front of it.
Your mouths clash in a mess of tongue and teeth, hands desperately running and clutching at whatever they land on and it’s not enough. You need him closer, you need to feel more. Your fingers dive for the hem of his shirt and dip beneath it until your hands meet his heated skin, fingertips digging into the softness of his waist in an effort to keep him against you.
“Look at you,” he grits out, breaking away from your mouth and smoothing a thumb over your parted lips. “You’d let me fuck you right here, wouldn’t you?”
You whimper against the pad of his thumb.
“So impatient,” he murmurs, kissing along the line of your jaw and you shudder at the press of his soft lips. “You were working yourself up in the car – did you think I wouldn’t notice? I bet you’re fucking soaked, and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“God, please –”
He exhales sharply against your throat, dragging the press of his solid erection against you. His fingers drop to dance along your waistline, hooking a finger around the denim and popping the button open with a slight tug.
“You want it here?” he asks, pulling at your zipper until it gives way. “Where anyone could see you?”
You can’t nod quickly enough.
“Dirty girl.”
You’re being spun before you even realise it, too busy mourning the loss of his mouth. You stumble, not expecting the sudden movement, but his hands come to steady your sides before he pushes at the space between your shoulders, forcing you down until your front meets the warm metal of the bonnet.
You don’t care.
You don’t care that on the side of the road — practically on display, you don’t care that anyone could drive past at any moment, you don’t care about your stupid ‘go slow’ rules. All you care about is getting his hands on you, finally addressing the deep ache in your core and getting some sort of relief. You yearn to feel him and the way his cock would feel filling you to the fucking brim.
“I don’t have anything, are you okay with that? I’ve been checked recently.”
You nod again, squirming on the bonnet, “I get checked monthly, and I’ve got an implant –”
His hands tear your jeans down your legs, taking your underwear along with them, baring your pussy to the cool night air and his heavily observant gaze. He drags a finger along your slit, the digit slipping easily along your pussy from the build up of your arousal and you shudder at the touch.
“You’re a messy thing,” he murmurs, working his finger patiently up and down your folds and your eyes slam closed at the obscenely wet noise of it. “So fucking wet, and it’s all for me.”
You whine softly, moving your hips up and down with the rhythmic move of his finger. Up and down. Up and down. It slides easily into your cunt, the thick width of it curling and probing deep along your velvety walls and back out again.
A second finger joins it, slowly thrusting and stretching and pushing so deep the muscles of your cunt flutter and tighten around him in response. His free hand comes to rest firmly on your lower back, stopping the slight roll of your hips against the fingers buried in you.
“Give me a minute, sweet girl, let me feel you.”
He drags it out, keeping his movements slow and steady, feeling along your walls and the way your cunt weeps around his fingers, occasionally pulling completely out of you to smooth along your slit and down to your swollen clit before slipping back up again.
It’s agony.
It’s wonderful. 
His fingers pull out and you brace against the bonnet, ready for him to finally fill and fuck you, but it’s not his cock that you feel next…
“Fu-uck—” you whine, breathless and shaking as the pressure of his tongue slides through your folds and swirls around your entrance before pushing the muscle into your cunt.
Though you’d received oral before in the past, you’d never received it bent over, ass in the air and practically on display. Something about the way he tongue fucked you from behind felt filthy, depraved – carnal. His hands palm at your ass, squeezing the soft cheeks and spreading them further so he could taste you deeper, groaning when you flood his tongue. 
He’s messy about it, uncaring if he pushes too close and gets your arousal over his chin, repeating whatever makes your breath hitch and body jolt. He ducks down, finds your clit and rolls his tongue over it mercilessly, relentless in his pursuit of your climax and pushing you further and further until you’re crying out into the night.
His name becomes your mantra as you spiral closer to your end, the hot build of pressure in your core tightening with every slick roll of his tongue until you feel yourself balancing on the edge, holding right there and at his complete fucking mercy…
You shatter, your cry sticking in your throat as you buck into the car, your body jumping and trembling with every wave of bliss that rolls through your body.
He milks it for all it’s worth, fingers digging into the soft swell of your ass and running over and over your sensitive clit before moving his attention back to your cunt, forcing his tongue into your fluttering entrance and practically drinking you down until you’re weakly begging him to stop.
He does so, pulling away and spreading your asscheeks to watch the quiver of your walls. You barely hear him stand and undo his pants, only just returning from your high when you feel the head of his cock glide through your folds. He moves back and forth, pushing forward just enough for him to nudge at your swollen clit before sliding back up again, coating his length with your cum.
“Tell me, baby. I need to hear it.”
“Please fuck me, please — god, Dave –”
He fills you with one solid thrust, barely giving you any time to adjust to the thickness of him before he’s pulling back and slamming forward. He’s savage about it, hips brutal and unforgiving as they slam into your ass and you’re simply left to take it, hands scrambling along the sleek surface of the car in an attempt to find stability as he fucks into you.
“Fuck,” he grinds out, jaw tensing as he watches his cock disappear into you again and again. “Prettiest fucking cunt, made for me… taking it so fucking well…”
Words are lost to you. You can only focus on his cock and the way it fills you, stretches you, pounding that sweet spot so deep within you and almost pushing at that point of too fucking far. You take it all gladly, sweat slicking your brow and building along the back of your neck.
He reaches his own end with a final slam into you, his cock twitching with his release as it floods your cunt and seeps out from around him. Your chest heaves with every inhale and exhale and you swear you’ve never been this fucked out in your entire life.
You throb around him as his cock slowly softens, and he’s gentle when he pulls out of you and glances at the mess. He swipes a thumb through his cum, pushing it back into your cunt before sliding up a little further and teasing the ring of clenched muscle.
You jump in surprise and he chuckles deeply, pulling away from you completely and deftly fixing his pants. He drags your jeans back up your thighs and helps you stand, grinning at how your legs tremble beneath you. You turn and sit carefully on the edge of the bumper, smiling shyly when he sinks down to rest next to you. 
It’s peaceful sitting in with him, the air surrounding you cool and comfortable as you both catch your breath. You ache in the best of ways, your muscles protesting any movement you make, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Dave York was more than trouble, he was a fucking force to be reckoned with and you loved it.
“So if this is first date stuff,” you murmur, leaning into his side and resting your head on his shoulder, “what the hell happens on the third date?”
He openly grins, his chest bouncing with his quiet laugh as an arm comes to wrap around your shoulders. “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
everything pp tags: @maievdenoir, @javier-pena, @lv7867, @dihra-vesa, @katronautt, @radiowallet, @januarystears, @missminkylove, @beskarprincessjenny, @mswarriorbabe80,@danidrabbles, @sergeantbannerbarnes, @amneris21, @eri16, @absurdthirst​, @hnt-escape, @acourtofsnakes​, @ezrasbirdie​, @mstgsmy​, @lovesbiggerthanpride​, @coaaster​, @sherala007​, @kelseyxyeslek, @greeneyedblondie44​, @wyn-n-tonic​, @you-got-me-starry-eyed​, @shirks-all-responsibilities​, @withasideofmeg​, @harriedandharassed​, @andruxx​, @buckybarneshairpullingkink​, @spideysimpossiblegirl​, @prostitute-robot-from-the-future​, @tanzthompson​, @mad-girl-without-a-box​, @hope-for-the-best-98​, @fangirl-316​, @christina-loves​, @jediknight122​, @hallway5​, @xoxabs88xox​, @nicolethered​, @churchill356​, @massivecolorspygiant​, @just-here-for-the-moment​, @gracie7209​, @pinkie289​, @lavenderluna10​, @goodgriefitsawildworld​, @juletheghoul​, @punkerthanpascal​, @itswanktime​, @karolydulin​, @pedrostories​, @fabilei, @ghostwiththemostbitch, @omlwhatamidoinghere​, @cannedsoupsucks​, @chaoticemz, @hows-my-hair​, @alexxavicry​, @cran-berry-vodka, @deadhumourist​, @outercrasis​, @thisshipwillsail316​, @toxicfrankenstein​, @hotchlover​, @ew-erin​, @mishasminion360​, @jitterbugs927​, @penelopeimp​, @woodland-mist​, @pedro-pastel​, @spaceserialkiller, @adriiibell​, @1andthesame​, @elegantduckturtle​, @captain-jebi​, @magpie-to-the-morning​, @sharkbait77​, @sleep-tight1​, @musings-of-a-rose​, @karlawithacapitalk​, @woomen23​, @frasmotic​, @songsformonkeys​, @loonymagizoologist​, @aynsleywalker​, @ruhro7​, @bluestuesday​, @what-iwish-you-knew​, @princess-djarinn​, @totallynotastanacc​, @girlofchaos​, @pjkimrn​, @bangaveragewhitewine​, @trickstersp8​, @rominaszh, @gooddaykate​, @ms-loverman-066​, @bunniwarrior​, @detectivecarisi-1​, @tintinn16​, @iceclaw101​, @bport76​, @thatpinkshirt​, @tusk89​, @withakindheartx​, @curiouskeyboard​, @pedropascalsx​, @sirpascal, @racetrackheart, @patisseriel, @timpletance​, @titabel, @xdaddysprincessxx​, @dnxgma​, @astronomeoww​, @dindjarinswhore​, @alwaysdjarin​, @mando-amando​, @mx-ferelden
dave york tags: @sanfransolomitatm​, @pedrohoe04​, @evyiione​, @for-my-satisfaction​, @androah​, @naughtynecromancer​, @flamesocks​, @lawfulgranola​, @dins-cyare, @clydesducktape​, @f*cklife_imdreaminghere, @iceclaw101​, @jxvipike​, @littleone65, @flamesocks​, @curiouser-an-curiouser​, @h-hxgirl, 
tags are a mess, a fair few didn’t want to work so yeah. highly debating whether or not to kill the tags coz god damn it’s a full time job lmao
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tenderhungering · 22 days
Do you think Jack Delroy is a victim or a villain?
i love jack delroy so much as a character and i would really love to explore him more through writing (if i ever end up writing a fanfic about him lmao). i think he is both victim and villain, he’s an incredibly morally gray character that wants to believe that he is a good man.
jack isn’t deliberately cruel to anyone throughout the film. if anything, i’d say he has the ability to be very reassuring, he’s constantly worrying and fretting, comforting. he’s physically comforting in the way that he stands in front of lilly & june whenever the glass breaks on instinct, how he immediately falls next to gus’ body whenever he sees he’s been hurt, he decides to take over cutting lilly after her binds after he hears her cry out that they’re hurting her. he’s verbally comforting in how he’s always assuring that everything will be fine, that christou should pay no mind to carmichael because he knows carmichael is about to make him feel bad about his occupation, he repeatedly uses pet names for lilly as if to ease any anxiety from being on the show.
but what all these instances have in common with one another is that he is the reason as to why they are experiencing discomfort to begin with. it is the same as kissing his wife before stabbing her in the stomach. he’s able to experience the need to be someone of solace when he sees hurt, both out of his own human nature and the guilt behind it.
the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. my guilt will not purify me.
i think jack desperately wants to be a good person. he wants to remain good and pure but he has placed himself within a system that values how much you are able to feed it in exchange for power. he is self-obsessed with the idea of being loved by as many people as possible to make up for all his time spent suffering. he thinks he’s made enough sacrifices in order to be rewarded for them. is the hurt that he has inflicted on himself not enough? does he have to give more? is his own not enough? i have to hurt you to get what i want, just for once, and i am sorry but i promise not to twist the knife.
ultimately i think jack is similar to that of being the perfect pawn, a victim that the cult enjoys exploiting and who will do things for his own benefit because he thinks he deserves this. he is entitled to something good for once, isn’t he?. his guilt and shame has been overridden by the desperation that he feels to be something. maybe he subconsciously needs to have some power over others since he feels so powerless to his own decisions. in front of the camera he can play the part of leading man but really, he was damned from the very beginning. and he has to damn others to feel a bit of control. and that makes him an antagonist to both his own story and others’. he has destroyed and betrayed himself for nothing.
edit: also thank you so much for asking me this omg,,, i’m a sucker for just going on and on about characters but you definitely do not have to agree with me on things i write ! keep sending questions so i am enabled into yapping
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 months
Blue Lotus - SxC Fic - Chapter 2
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♡ Summary: Carmy & Syd go horseback riding!!! Carmy's therapy friends push him to go for what he wants, his 'light at the end of the tunnel'
♡ W/C: 6,534
♡ Posted Date: 04/07/2024
♡ A/N: Hayoooo!!! I am too inspired... this has become a multi-chap fic hahaha I am havin' so much fun here!! Thank you @gingergofastboatsmojito for inspiring me to keep going!!! ILY! As per usual please know - this fic was inspired by THIS FIC here - Tucson by the GLORIOUS GINGER!!!! Go read that before you even THINK about reading this fic ok?! I love how I hate storer for the same reasons but im a sucker for writing a slowburn - I find myself screaming at MYSELF internally "make them kiss already!!!!" but they will KISSSS SHORTLY SO SHORTLY MY DEARSSSS !!! It will be a JUICY TAYLOR SWIFT DAYLIGHT ASS KISS OK!!!! THEY WILL ONLY SEE EACHOTHER FROM THEN ON!!!! Its gonna be a 'and I can still see it all in my mind all of you all of me intertwined I USED TO THINK LOVE WOULD BE BLACK AND WHITE BUT ITS GOLDENNNNNNN. We need Carmy to realize a few more things but then - he will be hozier level devoted to this woman even more then he already is, I hope you enjoy!!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Not really any? Like? LOL - Swearing?! Smoking cigarettes?! They just went horseback riding & carmy went to therapy- oh Ig talks of carmy getting hard LMAO but thats as crazy as we get this chapter. ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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Stardust nudges his shoulder so hard he almost falls over, and he turns to look at her. His heart jumped into his throat, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. She was there, she was really there. 
“Uh-” he blinked a few times, to be sure that she wouldn’t disappear. “Syd? Hey..uh-” he felt his entire body buzzing with excitement. He couldn’t help the smile that took over his features. She looked… gorgeous. Carmen wasn’t sure there actually was a word in any human language ever to exist that could describe just how wonderful she looked. 
Her hair was in its natural state, she was wearing an adorable corduroy jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers. “You came to a farm…in those?” he motions to her shoes. 
She laughs a bit “Wow- it’s great to see you too, Carm. Didn’t realize you were…actually like living on a farm” she approached him carefully. 
“Shit- yes- fuck- It’s its so good to see you, Syd, C’mere” he pulls her into a tight, long hug. The smell of her lavender vanilla perfume nearly made him melt. 
“You’re like…tan- and…muscley now” She laughs a bit, squeezing his arm lightly. 
“Uh..” he pulled away, cheeks bright red. “Yeah uh.. It's like- fuckin hard t’ride a horse. And the um…” he rubbed his neck nervously “The uh cows.. They eat hay? Most the time, and so we need to move the bales during the morning for em, they’re like…. 75? 80 pounds? So moving like 10 back and forth every day helps. And I dont really.. Go inside? Here? Its like… uh.. Thats the therapy mostly, the animals- at least f’me” he said sheepishly. 
She nodded, looking around the stable. “That one behind you is yours? Shes been side-eying me creepily since I started talking” she pointed to Stardust. 
“Oh! Fuck sorry yea, well- no…not- not mine- I got ‘er t’trust me. But uh, yeah this is Stardust. She’s a super sweet girl” He explained. Stardust leaned in, sniffing Syds hair carefully. 
“Cute- All you’re missing is a hat” She teased.
He chuckled a bit,  “Ok, c’mon - why are you here, Syd” He said with a small smile, crossing his arms over his chest.
She shrugged, looking at the ground and kicking a rock out of the way with her shoe. “Cause…I was worried- I dunno…” She definitely wasn't going to get bold and tell him that she’d missed him, terribly.
“Ok…well now that y’here, and y’see i’m okay…wanna have some fun?” He asked, a small smile on his lips.
Syd looked back up at him, as if he had 3 heads. “Okay- Where is Carmen Berzatto- Not his… Weird alien clone- Camren Brazota” she said, laughing a bit “what do you mean fun?” She asked, and Carmy laughed, real, and genuine. 
“Well- If I didn’t change my view a little I’d never leave. So, yes, Syd, ‘a little fun never hurt noone’ - per my therapist. Shes fuckin annoying. I much prefer the horses.” He pet Star’s mane and she leaned into his touch.
“Holy shit” Syd laughed a bit. “Wow- alright. I feel like you’re a whole new man already, what kind of fun?” she mused. 
“Ever ridden a horse?” he walked over to the saddle rack, pulling off a double seated one and hanging it over the back of the stall door. 
“No- Actually, Don’t I need um…like - stuff for it?” she asked. 
“Oh don’t think I wont give you the full experience” he opened the riding closet, “Whats your shoe size?” he asked, crouching down and looking through the pairs of extras. 
“8? Er- 9 probably 9” she said. He dug through them until he found a matching pair.
“These should do, y’stuff is cool here we can just leave it in her stall” he told her, holding out his arm for her to hold while she switched her shoes.
“You seem like…” she said as she slipped off her sneaker and put on the boot. “I dunno…chill- well- i wont go that far- but chill-er then before.” Carm snorted a laugh, holding on to her arm to steady her. 
“Thanks? I guess..that’s good right?” He asked. 
“Yeah! Yeah of course…I mean, it’s nice. To see you not so…anxious.” She said, slipping the other boot on. 
“Yeah I um…” he cleared his throat, opening the stall door. “I uh..I’m takin meds- Now? Uh..all this shit. Y’know they have me like tranquilized more then these guys” he said and she laughs, Carmen smiled proudly at the fact, relishing in the wonderful sound. 
“But yeah like Like 3 er..er 4. they say I had all this uh..mental shit. Goin’ on w’me and that’s why I was all…wound up I guess” he explained, calling Star out and getting her harness situated. 
Syd caught herself staring at his arms as he worked, how the toned muscle moved beneath the fabric of the shirt. 
“Aren’t you freezing?” She asked, noticing he wasn’t wearing a jacket like she was. 
“Used to it now, well- I mean the moving around. It gets hot this shit is heavy. Wanna try to hold the saddle?” He asked, unhooking the saddle from the stall door where he’d left it momentarily. 
“It can’t be that bad” she countered. 
“I think this thing weighs probably as much as you do.” He said “hold out your arms” he smiled a bit. 
She lifted her arms out in front of her and he plops the saddle down, she had to plant one of her feet forward so she didn’t fall face first due to the sudden weight and he laughed, catching the saddle quickly and baring most the weight. 
“Told you” he teased. 
She rolled her eyes “yeah whatever. Saddle up the horse, cowboy” she dropped the saddle back in his arms. He hurled the saddle over Stars back with a grunt. 
“Fuckin hell” he huffed, realizing since the saddle was nearly double the weight as his usual, and being on the shorter end- he couldn’t just get it on her when she was standing straight. “Bow” he told the horse and she just stared at Sydney. 
“Don’t embarrass me, Star. Bow” he told her and she looked the other way. 
“So uhhh…this one’s trained, huh?” Sydney teased. 
Carmen looked back at her “mmhmm maybe she doesn’t like strangers” he said, walking over to the other side. 
“Since she’s bein difficult y’gonna have T’help. C’mere” he waved her over and she followed. “So when I push it up, just grab the saddle pad and make sure it doesn’t move, yea?” He asked. 
“The fuck is a saddle pad, dude- I know my way around a kitchen not a fuckin horse stable.” She looked at the many different layers the horse was already wearing. 
“Alright. So this,” he lifted the cloth, “is her blanket. Keeps her core warm. And beneath it” he pats the pad “this is her saddle pad, it makes it more comfortable. So our bones aren’t like..diggin in her back and shit. Also shock, when she jumps the foam of it helps our weight disperse. The saddle is so big and heavy I can’t keep the pad still at the same time, so just hold it f’me,” he took her hand, guiding it to where he wanted her to hold. 
She felt her heartbeat quicken, his hands were so large and calloused on top of her own. She nodded wordlessly, keeping her eyes trained on where she was meant to be holding and focusing on keeping it steady as he went back around and carefully lifted up the heavy saddle with a grunt, laying it over the horses back. 
“Jesus- how much can this thing carry” Syd asked. 
“Well she is a mare, she weighs about…mmm- 1900? She can comfortably hold about 400 pounds for a decent distance but she can’t do that for hours and hours at a time. We together can’t be more then 300, and her gear is less then 100 pounds. Were just goin f’r a quick ride, I gotta get to therapy at 3” he explained as he buckled on her saddle. 
“Ah. So you’ve been memorizing horse information instead of creating recipes? I figured when I got here you’d have gone nuts by now without being in a kitchen so long” she gently touched the horses mane as she spoke. 
“Maybe. Well…I am kinda goin crazy? But I can’t…let it out?” He chuckled a bit “does that make sense? Nights are a little hard before my sleep meds kick in but that just says I haven’t done enough that day” he got up. “So y’gettin up first since I’m sittin in back” he explained. 
“Oh…uh- ok how do I?” She asked looking up at the at least 7 foot tall animal. 
“Y’not gonna be able to do it alone. C’mere” he told her. She comes over and looks at him. 
“How the fuck do you do this?” She looked up at the saddle that was at the top of her head before looking back at him. 
“So-“ he snorts a laugh at her wide confused expression. “She’s not gonna like you trying to roll up on her back, and I don’t want you t’get thrown off, she can be moody with new people. I almost broke my shoulder my first time trying to ride her” he said and she crossed her arms slightly. 
“So how. How do I get up there?” She asked. He pulled out a step stool, setting it next to the horse and getting up on the third step. 
“I’m giving you a lift. Arms up” he said with a playful smirk. 
“No- no way- Carmen that’s too high. You’ll drop me!!” She took a step back, feeling slightly nervous. 
“I won’t because I’ll bribe her Syd. C’mere” he pulled a pack of peep marshmallows out of his pocket and the horse nearly starts dancing. 
“Carm- what the fuck is happening?” She asked and Carmy chuckled. 
“Bow. Cmon Syd wants t’ride. Bow and you’ll get y’treat star.” He told the horse. 
It obediently bowed down and before Syd could process what was happening, Carm was scooping her up beneath her arms Syd squealed in surprise. “Oh my GOD WHY ARE YOU PICKING ME UP!” She shrieked, wiggling in his arms. 
“open y’legs! Cmon! she’s gonna get up!!!” Carmen laughed holding her up higher. Syd finally obeyed and he gently plopped her on the first saddle. “Good girl” he told the horse, feeding her the marshmallow and putting the packet in his pocket again before swiftly getting on behind Syd. 
“Alright. Hard part done.” He reached around her waist, and she lifted her arms slightly. 
“What- can you tell me what’s going on? I’m a horse virgin!” She said, and they both went quiet for a moment, before cracking up laughing. Syd leaned to her left slightly as she tried catching her breath, grabbing the rein for stability and tugging. 
Star took off sprinting, Syd screamed in surprise, her body going tight with fear. Carmen quickly wrapped his arms around Syds waist protectively, tugging on the reigns “WOOOOAH!” He called to Star and she quickly came to a stop. 
“Stand.” He told the horse firmly. 
“What the fuck Carm I thought she was trained!” Syd exclaimed, gripping onto his forearms for dear life. 
“I gotchu, you think I’d let her kick you off?” He tightened his arms around her. Carmen swore his heart was thumping so hard that she felt it on her shoulder blade. 
“Also when she moves it’s hard to keep still.” She said nervously. 
“Don’t worry, I gotchu, Syd. Lean into me, if our weight is centered then it’ll be easier for all 3 of us” he gently pushed at her stomach. 
She leaned back into his broad chest, “see” he said softly. He was lucky the angle didn’t allow for her to see him, because his face was bright red, And having her body pressed against his…was making him flush somewhere else too. 
He clicked his tongue and Stardust started walking again, at an easy comfortable trot. “This…is ok.” She said, much more comfortable now. 
“I’m gonna take you t’one of my favorite spots.” He said, pulling on the reins to the left lightly so she would follow the left trail. 
“Wow, already sharing secret spots huh? I think this therapist may just be Doctor of the year I don’t even think I’ve seen your favorite Chicago spots” she teased. 
Carm laughed a bit, he felt so much lighter with Syd around. And life had been lighter ever since he got here. 
“How is…uh- how is it back home?” He cleared his throat lightly. It was something that had being weighing on him. Yes, he was here, he was doing the thing. He was making Sugar happy. He was making Syd happy…but he would go back, at some point. 
And his biggest fear was things will just go right back. He won’t have this outlet, he won’t have sunset rides with Stardust to ease his mind. He won’t have the cows happily running up to him and greeting him when he was the first one to bring out a bale of hay. He felt like if he was here, he may have the confidence to tell Syd how he feels. But back home? It was another life. 
“Fine..things are..y’know. The usual shit. But nothing bad, no one’s getting locked in any freezers if that’s what you mean” she said playfully. 
Carm rolled his eyes with a light smile. “Mmhmm. So the restaurant is-“ 
“Is fine.” She said. “I’d have told you. You know that.” She said and he nodded a bit. 
“I know she scared you back there…but it’s pretty fun to go fast. You wanna try?” He asked. 
She shifted a bit uncomfortably, her hands tightening around his arms that were holding the reins around her waist. “Uhh…maybe? Are you sure we won’t fall off?” She questioned. 
“I’m sure. Here you can be the one to control it. Start light ok? With your legs.” He gently ran his hands down her thighs to right below her knees “here” he said softly, squeezing the flesh gently so she wouldn’t have to lean and look. “With that part of your legs, give her a little squeeze. But really light, or we’ll take out of here like a bat out of hell” he held around her waist again, securely holding the reins. 
“Mmhmm” she said, she was beginning to feel hot- and not because she’d done any hard work in regards to getting the horse ready. 
“Alright. Whenever you’re ready, you’re the boss” he said the last part softly in her ear. If it wasn’t for her jacket, he would see the goosebumps that had risen on her arms. She nodded quickly, staring straight ahead and trying to maintain her composure. 
“So I just?” She squeezed gently and the horse picks up her speed slightly. “Oh…ok” she said. 
“Told y’she was trained” Carmy teased and she rolls her eyes. 
“Mmm you’ve done a very good job, bribing this horse with peeps. The staff know you do this?” She asked. Carmy snorted a laugh
“No. But she’s healthy. Made sure. She only gets one or 2 if she doesn’t listen.” He admitted. 
She shook her head with a smile. “And how’d you find this out, Carm?” She leaned into him once more. 
“I…” he laughed a bit, his chest vibrating with the movement and it made her heart warm. 
“I uh…spent a few days in the library here. Reading up. After she threw me off. It’s all about trust with em. So I never lied to ‘er and I’ve never done something she didn’t expect because I always try to warn her.” He said, pulling her reigns a bit tighter. 
“This is like a joyride Syd cmon, I said fast not an evening stroll.” He teased. 
“Fine. Mister horse master- show me what Miss Stardust can do.” She said. 
With 2 kisses and a quick tap of his heel, they were off like a rocket. He held Syd steady, being sure she wouldn’t have to do most the work of holding herself center as he gripped each reign with the opposite hand, holding them taught so Star knew to keep going. 
Syd laughed, the wind flicking her dark curls all around. He wished she could see her amused expression. “Holy shit this is the best!” She shouted over the loud thuds of Stars hoofbeats. 
“I know right! Can you believe she can go faster?” He said, holding his knees taut around her hips to keep her from sliding. 
“Okay we are not! This is fine!” She said and sat up a bit “are we going into the-” She asks as Star begins to barrel through a creek, the freezing water spraying up and around them getting them slightly wet, the freezing water splashing from their calves up to their cheeks.. “CARMY!” She screams through laughter. 
He could barely catch his breath as he laughed so hard his stomach and ribs ached. “I’m sorry!! Syd! Oh god-“ he chuckled “woah girl- woah” he called to the course and she slowed down once again to a stop. 
“Fuck-“ Carmen chuckled “you okay?” He asked, picking a wet leaf from her jacket and throwing it to the forest floor. 
“Yeah- I’m.. I’m fine. That was really fun actually. C’mon I wanna see the spot” she said and took it upon herself to tug the reins so Star would take off again
“Shi-it!” He quickly finds his balance, “warn me!! Oh god I almost flew off!!” He told her. 
“You think I’d let her throw you off?” She mimics him from earlier and he takes the chance to playfully pinch her waist 
“Yes because who’s in back and who’s in front?” He wrapped his arms around her again, taking the reins from her grasp. “Your reign privileges have been revoked for this riding lesson, Ms.Adamu”  
She laughed a bit “I’ll earn them back. Don’t worry” she mused. 
“Mmm we need to talk about more shit before I just literally hand the reins over. Coulda spooked her and we’d be fuckin dead.” he angled the outside reigns so she’d slow down as they came to the clearing. 
“Here we are” he hopped off, raising his arms to help her down. 
She carefully reached out for him and he lifted her off, gently setting her down. “Holy fuck Carmy” she turned around, watching the waterfall cascade down over the rocks. 
“Right! Told you. It’s a fire spot” he went over to one of the rocks he usually sat at, plopping down and taking out a cigarette. “Oh- shit- can’t have y’running off” he told Stardust and chuckled, leaving the cigarette between his lips as he walked over to her, guiding her over to the tree, and hooking her right rein around a branch before sitting back down. 
“Yeah…I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere so…” she trailed off, looking at all the trees and running water. 
“Green?” Carmy lit his cigarette, taking a drag. “Not packed with smog? Somewhere that doesn’t smell like shit.” He said as he exhaled. 
“…yeah” she said and laughed a bit. “Yeah. Guess that’s it.” She came and sat next to him. “What did you mean about her getting scared?” She asked curiously. 
“Oh- a scared horse will fucking kill you. Not on purpose, but they’re big and pure muscle, and will do anything to get away from danger. I scared the shit out of her one time, that was it. Dislocated my shoulder 8th day here. Doing that hurts like a bitch by the way.” He rolled his shoulder gently. 
“How’d you manage that? God I knew you were shit at chatting up girls but she dislocated your shoulder?” She teased. 
He rolled his eyes with a playful smile, taking another drag. “Yes, I was fuckin around on the trail, dunno why- but there was this branch sticking out so I grabbed it, it snapped, she fuckin reeeared dude. I flew back so hard. My back might still be bruised I’m not sure. Still hurts a little to laugh” he said. 
“You better have seen a doctor” she said. 
“Ohhh silly Syd.” He sighed, a puff of smoke filling the air in front of him. “We aren’t allowed to refuse treatment here. If you get hurt, and you refuse to get help, it’s considered self harm, which leads to them believing you have suicidal ideation, which leads to you being locked in the actual nuthouse. So yes. I willingly went to the doctor daily for a week. And now, I’m being checked on once a week. So yeah. Oh and therapy daily. And every day I’m given my meds and someone checks over ‘pre-existing injuries’ which that is now considered. So yeah. I’m good. I’m fuckin fine as fine can be.” He said. 
“Awww poor little chef, being taken care of so well that’s so hard isn’t it?” She teased and he gives her a playful glare, but couldn’t help but crack a smile when he realized she was smiling too. 
“I was being taken care of fine at home by myself but you and my sister just had to ship me off after one tiny accident” he leaned back on his hand, taking another drag of his cigarette. 
“It stops becoming an accident when you didn’t care, Carm. You didn’t care. It didn’t phase you. You weren’t even…you weren’t even scared. Just because you didn’t do it on purpose doesn’t mean you did the sane thing which would have been doing everything you could to not let something like that happen.” She said, her tone suddenly serious. 
He looked down at his lap, swallowing thickly. He suddenly felt all of the armor he’d spent the last 31 days chipping at, slowly start to meld back together and shell him back in at the shame the whole situation was making him feel. 
“I have nightmares…you know. About it. What happened” she said quietly, and he could physically feel his heart ripping open. 
The only sound between them was the bubbling stream, and the sounds of their even breaths. 
“I’m sorry.” He said quietly, gaze fixed on his lap knowing he would burst into tears at the admission she’d been so deeply plagued by something he’d done, if he had looked at her.
“I know” was all she said, gently resting her hand on top of his. He felt the same fireworks exploding in his chest that he only ever felt when she was around. 
“Do you um…” he clears his throat and shook his head, embarrassed by the question plaguing his mind. “Never mind it’s..it’s stupid.” He removed his hand, putting his cigarette in it and resting the hand opposite of her on the rock. 
“That usually means it’s not stupid. What?” She coaxed, bumping his knee with hers gently. 
“It’s stupid” he said again, shrugging his shoulders. 
“It can’t be stupider then asking me what UPS means” She said playfully. He rolled his eyes, smiling and looking over at her. 
“And what if it is?” He questioned. 
“I would be..worried they’re giving you a bad concoction of meds that’s turning your glorious chef brain in to Swiss cheese” she teased 
He snorts a laugh. “I was gonna ask..if you wanted to cook..t’night. My cabin…it uh- has a kitchen? I haven’t cooked in a month. They give us food so I haven’t really bothered but…seeing you makes me miss it more, I guess” he blushed, looking back down at his lap. 
“Well obviously. Not gonna let you eat whatever bullshit they’ve been giving you while I’m around.” She said and he shook his head, meeting her gaze once more with a playful smirk. 
“Maybe you should check in. My therapist says it’s bad apparently to feel ‘responsible for others’ - says it’s a ‘subconscious self harming behavior’ “ he teased. 
She smiled a bit. “Okay- say I do. How about, I check in now, we shoot the shit for what- eleven more days- then, you go back home- and see how stressful it is in that restaurant when one of your hands is basically missing” she plucked the cigarette bud he’d forgotten about from between his fingers before it burnt him, flicking it into the creek. 
“You know that’s the first time I’ve seen you smoke- other then…me like checking on you when you were about to explode at work. But you’ve never…pulled one out and smoked it I guess” she said, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her cheek on her forearm as she looked at him. 
“Oh…” he said, pulling one of his legs up and resting his arm on it. “Didn’t realize you noticed” he said, brushing some dirt off his jeans. 
“I notice a lot of stupid shit about you, it’s kinda annoying honestly.” She said without thinking, her eyes widening when she realized and she looked the other way, resting her other cheek on her knee and squeezing her eyes shut. 
Why would you ever say that?! She asked herself internally. 
“Oh?” He said again, smiling a bit. “You do?” He questions, but that was as far as he’d push. 
“Mhm” was all she responded. Carmys phone started buzzing in his pocket and he pulled it out in case it was one of the ‘base keepers’ they called them. Carmy rather call them babysitters. He knew what they were for, being sure if they were out of sight too long they were making sure they could still get ahold of them. 
He sighed in relief when he saw it was just his 2:40 alarm. “Gotta go” he stood up, offering his hand to Syd. “Like- now. Or my ass is getting chewed out.” 
The ride back to the cabins was mostly silent. He had no stool this time, so he had to pick up Syd essentially by the ass and gently place her on Stars back so she didn’t get spooked. 
He was embarassed as fuck that the tiny action had the crotch region of his jeans tightening more then was casually explainable. Thank god no one was around to see him awkwardly hop in the way of his semi hard third leg down his left pant leg, grunting but covering it with a dry cough when she settled her ass back into him to ‘center their gravity’ 
Syd absolutely felt the firmness pressing into her ass. She thought it was a bit funny, but also brushed it off to the strange friction that came with riding a horse. She couldn’t allow herself to fully believe his teenage like excitement was due to her, or she’d go insane. 
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Carmy dropped Syd off at his cabin, giving her the key and telling her he’d put up Stardust and be back by 5, she would be blushing if it weren’t for her mahogany complexion at the domesticity of it all - er what she could imagine domesticity with Carmy would feel like. 
Her panties were also soaked through from the feeling of his enormous length pressed into the curve of her ass - the entire way back - but she just chalked that up to not getting laid for a few months, and misreading his natural arousal for him being horny- she quickly pushed the thought down and just chalked it up to the horse. Because guys get hard when they ride horses…right? Right?!
Carmen arrived to therapy extremely frustrated, and extremely ready to talk. He sat down in his regular spot in the back, tapping his knee nervously and covering his crotch with his hands. Luckily, thinking about his mother was enough to make him soft nearly instantly so he had that to thank her for at least. 
“Alright guys!” Julienne, the usual Friday therapist came in, sitting in her spot in the circle. “Who is up today! We are-“ she looks at her iPad “oh! Yes this is another OP class, so- no pressure but, I wanna hear what’s goin on!” She crossed her legs. 
Julie was far from his favorite therapist, at Blue Lotus. But he wasn’t his least favorite. So he would still talk. He cleared his throat, raising his hand slightly. 
“Carmy?! What a treat! Okay what’s up” she grabbed her little stylus pencil. He bit the inside of his lip nervously. He despised how casual she tried to make this all feel. 
“Uh…so- my um…business partner, she came to see me. I guess I haven’t been…keeping touch? Enough? She just said she was worried…” he cleared his throat again, gaze fixed on his lap. “And uh…I’m startin’ t’-t’realize stuff?” He sniffled nervously, rubbing his mouth with slightly clammy, nervous hands. 
“She uh..” he chuckled a bit. “She…she just…showed up. Didn’t hear shit from ‘er. She probably knew that I’d uh…I’d tell ‘er no?” He finally meets the gaze of Julie. 
“Okay. You know guests are allowed right? Like- during the visiting hours, 6am to 11pm, no fraternizing between patients but-“ Carmen cuts her off
“We aren’t - no. Not fraternizing” He shook his head. “But uh…today? We were- we were sitting. This spot, near uh, Jupiter point? On the north side. And I had this- this urge T-to tell her…everything.” He shook his head, looking at the floor again. 
“So…you wanted to tell her you love her?” Jesse, one of the guys he’d had lunch with a few times piped up. 
“T’be honest, I don’t know.” Carmen said honestly, looking at him. 
“Well what does it feel like?” Jesse asked, sitting up a bit. 
“What? Like- what does what feel like?” Carmen asked curiously. 
“Her. Being with her. Talking to her? Inside. Like. Your chest. Your skin?” He questioned. 
“Uh…” Carmen sat back, swallowing thickly and crossing his arms over his chest. He thought for a moment. 
“Hot. I get hot. All over. My chest feels tight but - but good? Like- a hug almost. And then…when she…” he blushed, looking down with a shy smile. “When she touches me” he shook his head slightly. “When she touches me it’s like um.. fireworks? Like fireworks beneath my skin.” He chuckled a bit at how cheesy it sounded. 
“And you haven’t fucking nailed her?” Jessie asked plainly. 
Carmen furrowed his brows, glaring at him. “No” he clenched his jaw “I haven’t.” He snips. 
“Dude- you are- pussy whipped with no pussy?! You- you love her, Carmen. You love this chick. I feel like I’m looking in a weird straight mirror - the first time-“ he laughed a bit “the first time I kissed a guy- god. He was so hot. But I had no idea! I had no idea. I really thought that I was just-“ he shook his head “that I was just wanting to befriend him? Or something? But like- I wanted to fuck him. And when I did kiss him? Something unlocked in my brain dude. It was like…like a whole new world. I felt like I knew - I knew what love could feel like? Just ‘cause of that one kiss “ he shrugged. 
Carmen looked at him, arms crossed, trying to absorb everything he was saying even though every fiber of his former self was screaming to take it with nothing more than a grain of salt. 
“Kiss her dude. Kiss her.” Jesse said and sat back in his chair. 
“Well. Although, consensual sexual instances are against the code of conduct to discuss - I am very proud to see you two coming out of your shells. Has anyone else felt… confused in their romantic endeavors and would like to share?” Julie asked. 
Carmen crossed his arms tighter, looking down at his lap. This was quite unusual for him, he was one of the patients to only add what he had to to be credited during inpatient, and during outpatient - only spoke when he really and honestly had to. 
“Uh-“ the super tall girl, Shayna sits up. Carmen was never really sure why she was here. She looked…perfect by all means. Perfect skin, perfect nails, pretty face, long blonde hair, a perfect body by girl standards. Or at least what Carmen had understood of them.
 “Not really the same.. but before I came out? I like…I would uh buy…girl clothes. That I liked. For my girlfriends at the time…” she blushed “and um.. I realized after a while that I liked them. And I wasn’t just..wanting to see my girlfriend in them. And like- it’s not the exact same, but when he said… about how Jesse realized he wanted the guy. That’s how I felt when I finally tried the clothes on” she shrugged. 
Carmen was…aghast. He just simply stared at her. He’d never met- or thought-  he’d ever met a trans person before today. But…Shayna? 
Well- he was wrong because he had met her, they actually knew each other fairly well as far as patients go, she joined the program when he did. When they first met, she’d made a joke about how they were the tallest girl and shortest guy in the class, so that meant they were bound to be friends, since opposites attract - and that earned a chuckle out of him before his meds had even fully evened out. 
“I love the cis-and-confused look- it’s cute” she said and laughed a bit. Carmen blushed, smiling a bit. 
“Not confused- well, maybe. Maybe a little. Y’Just so…dainty? I dunno..” he shrugged. 
“In case you haven’t noticed- mr.little man syndrome- you’re only one out with the cows doing the hay on time in the morning. Ninty percent of the group is your version of dainty ” Jesse teased. 
“Jesse” Julie gives him the look. “I’d assume that means- the rest of you that aren’t out helping with the bales- are scraping out the cow pens? Since Carmen is doing all the hard work according to you.” 
“I’m not girl- fuck no! The second I got out of inpatient house arrest? I walked my happy ass down to Walmart and bought me some blackout curtains. I recommend those to all of you! Oh my god and some ear plugs!! The stupid fucking roosters! Worst 15 days of my lifeee! I’m never coming back here peace and love to you all though. Truly. Can’t stand this cow shit stank ass place.”  Shayna said dramatically, causing Carmen to chuckle a bit.
 He had loved her boldness since they’d met. If Shayna didn’t want to do something- she wasn’t doing it. He learned that the day the staff tried to force her on anti-depressants. One of the main therapists got a Wellbutrin straight to the eye, they never attempted that battle the same way again. 
“We know Shayna you aren’t shoveling scat, princesses don’t do that” Jesse mocked her valley girl tone. 
“Okay! Okay. Alriiiight! Back on track- done with the bickering!” Julie said. “Now that open call is over let’s move on to breakthroughs. This issss-“ she looks at her iPad “ah- yes! D group. So. That makes it-“ he checks her watch “ah- right. 11 days! How are your light tunnel projects going?” She questioned. 
Carmen’s chest tightened, but not in the Syd is smiling or he made Syd laugh way- in the - I haven't done something I was meant to do way. 
The Light Tunnel project wasn’t hard. It was simply one thing you have done that you had wanted to do when you came into the program. And Carmy knew what his answer was, 
Admit how he felt to Sydney. 
Or, as his Therapist- Mandy told him ‘become more truthful with yourself and those you know about how you feel’ because “counting on someone to like him back would put him at square one” he had pretended to understand, but knew that he had to tell her and soon - or he was going to really go insane. 
“ my light tunnel was to talk to my asshole father- but lucky for me I just caught wind the motherfucker finally died thank god. So by default I win and don’t have to be here anymore cause his abandonment was what fucked me up anyhow“ Shayna said jokingly, causing Carm to snort a laugh. He knew she was only joking about the leaving early part, not the father part. Her father was an even bigger piece of shit then Carmen’s was, he had come to learn.
“Mmm that isn’t how it works we know that Shayna. We’ll talk more about this in one to one “ Julie told her and Shayna crossed her long legs, looking out the window. 
The last 20 minutes of the session Carmen sat silently, looking out the opposite window to Shayna, watching the horses running around in the field before they got called in for dinner and just spacing out, thinking about what he may say to Syd. 
“Yo - Carm space cadet” Shayna said before kicking his boot he jumped a bit, looking up at them both and had realized the room since had cleared and Julie was preparing for her next session. 
“Shit.” He said “how long have I been like…like that?” He asked, his cheeks feeling hot. 
“It’s the OCD meds. They get you stuck in a happy thought loop sometimes. Are you just gonna sit here? You wanna do another hour of this with sniveling group a? They got here three days ago.” Jesse said. Carm shook his head, getting up. 
“No- no sorry” he said starting with them outside. Shayna laughed a bit 
“You were thinking of screwing that business partner aren’t you. “ she said, causing Carmys cheeks to go pinker. 
“Shayna shut up!” Jesse scolded, pushing her shoulder lightly. 
“Awwww carmyyy are your feelings hurt little buddy? Do you need a hug? Jesus men are such pussys” she pushed open the doors of the therapy cabin for them. 
“Let me see pictures of this hot chick. If you don’t fuck her I will and I bet I’d do a better job” Shayna teased as they started heading back towards the cabins. 
Carmen couldn’t even process what she said as he felt his breath get caught in his chest, he saw her. She was sitting on the porch of his cabin, criss-cross in one of the rocking chairs as she writes in her notebook. He couldn’t help but stop and stare at the way the setting sun hit her bronze skin, her curls casting intricate patterned shadows on the wood. He felt his heart pick up, his chest squeezing in that way, the way that only happened when he saw her. 
Shayna and Jesse stopped after a few moments when they realized Carm had gotten stuck behind. They both follow his gaze carefully to see what he was so fixed on, like a trance. 
“Holy fuuuck!!! Holy fuck how did I get this lucky!! She’s here? She’s here still?!” Shana asked excitedly, “oh my god- you’re getting laid- tonight” she excitedly skips up to the cabin and Syd looks up, locking eyes with her before seeing Carmen just a few paces behind.  “I’m Shayna! Do you and Carm wanna hang out with us tonight?”
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡♡♡
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