#they jokingly disowned him for not liking trains
Time for another one of my silly little headcanons <3
Aarune from ORAS is Ingo and Emily's secret younger brother. Here is my evidence:
he was canonically born and raised in Unova
He's canonically 25, which I think fits with him being a younger brother of Ingo and Emmet, based on what I've seen people's age headcanons for them are
I think he looks similar to Ingo's PLA artwork. Goatee genetics
Debuted one generation after Ingo and Emmet
Ingo, Emmet, and Aarune just rolls off the tongue with the naming theme
Yeah so not a lot of evidence it's mostly just a fun little idea I have
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Short prompt Idea! (Lucemond)
Lucerys is a menace of a gremlin, raised by Daemon to wreak havoc amongst the people in King's landing.
He first showcased this by being the one to kill Vaemond in his tirade. He drew Dark Sister from Daemon's hand and sliced him, though his cut was not as clean due to him having a weaker swing, leaving the head hanging by a small piece of flesh and bone. When they began accusing him as a kin slayer, he simply told them that since his uncle publicly admitted to not seeing him as a nephew, would it still be considered kin slaying if one of them disowned the other?
During the dinner, when Alicent tries to pray for Vaemond for his soul to be in peace, Lucerys continued that his soul should be in peace as he burns in the seven hells, not caring for the glare from Alicent or from the guffaw of Aegon.
When Aegon began teasing Jace, asking if he knew how to please Baela, Lucerys interrupted, pointedly telling Aegon that if he wished to know more about Jace's prowess in bed, he need not beat around the bush and just ask Jace to fuck him like one of his whores, earning a shocked gasp from Alicent and stares from the table (save for Helaena, who was busy with a spider she found early on).
When Lucerys saw the pig, he smirked and laughed, and when Aemond raised his glass and gave the final tribute, he held Jace back, and walked towards his uncle, took his cup and drank all of its contents while looking straight at his uncle, thanking him, for despite his lack of an eye, he can still appreciate his nephews, though Lucerys also jokingly proclaimed that although he was not the wisest, nor the strongest, he is at least the most handsome out of all of them, easing the tension as Jace smacked him on the head playfully when he sat down.
When Aemond grabbed him after dinner, he was already tipsy from his uncle's wine, and asked if he still wished to admire his handsome nephew, which annoyed Aemond to no end.
He called him a bastard, one unworthy of the Valyrian household, and Lucerys sighed, almost bored, stating that his mother is the firstborn full-blooded Valyrian princess, who's parents are of Targaryen descent. His father, Laenor, and his grandfather, Corlys, both proclaimed him their own, the heir to Driftmark. That is much more important than whatever drivel Alicent decided to spread. He was also taught of Old Valyria, of his ancestry and trained as a Targaryen and a Velaryon. His blood, his status, and his name are more than worthy.
Then he pushed back. What made Aemond believe he was worthy? A second son of the second wife, ignored by his father and his mother, no title, no lands, no riches to call his own. A half Targaryen acting more like a Hightower, not even taught proper High Valyrian, let alone the culture and history that the Targaryen name holds. He was raised under the Faith of the Seven, who looked down on Targaryens and their customs, and taught him nothing. How does it feel, to only be Targaryen in looks and name alone? How does it feel to not even be half as worthy as the "bastard" Aemond believes his nephews were?
Aemond wished to kill Lucerys for his words, but was stopped by Daemon. He glared as Lucerys waved a goodbye to his uncle, calling him Hightower like an insult. He swore he would make Lucerys pay for that.
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siren-darkocean · 8 months
Character Headcanons
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Berix is an orphan, his parents are alive but his parents disowned him for being a halfie
Berix's halfie genetics come from his father due to some small Glatorian genetics of his dad's side of the family, Berix was one of the only two kids with his parents children that were Halfie's, the other was their second child was born permanently and a girl
Both of his parents are Agori
Berix when under a lot of stress has a tendency to stutter
Berix occasionally harms himself by clawing at her arms, this is due to many causes, stress, constant anxiety and ofc the stuff with his biological parents
Ackar saw this happen one time and held Berix until the halfie calmed down
Before the events of Journey's End, Mata Nui gave Berix a stuffed animal that looks like a Jovian lemur with a small pouch sewn in that has lavender inside of it to help calm his anxiety, Berix almost never leaves without it in his bag
Of Toa he gets along the most with are Pohatu, Kopaka(surprisingly enough) and Nuparu
Nuparu and Berix both love to create mechanical stuff, Nuparu mentoring Berix's talent
Berix sees Ackar and Mata Nui as parental figures, Ackar like a dad and Mata Nui like a mom (fuck gender roles)
His friendship with Kopaka was quite a surprise to even himself, Kopaka had a rather protective nature around the halfie and would even jokingly throw the halfie on his shoulder and jostle him around which would make Berix laugh
Berix's age is around twelve or thirteen in human terms, his only the height of an adult Agori due to delayed growth spurts from malnutrition of both being on the streets and Bara Magna's issues
Berix in the past would occasionally get repeatedly kidnapped by Skrall or Bone Hunters for them to torture him for amusement, he still gets night terrors of those moments to where Ackar would comfort the halfie until he calmed down
Ofc after those night terrors he would be too scared to fall asleep alone so Ackar would let him sleep in his bed with him to help the halfie fall asleep
Berix is a regular drinker of respect women juice, he's always been like this for as far back as known even before Kiina
Berix at first was very uncomfortable with Kiina treating him better, he slowly got used to it though and gladly sees her as a big sister
During the time he got hit by a Thornoraxx Launcher, Ackar actually thought he was gonna die like how Ackar's dad did to them. Though him getting treated allowed everyone to realize how emaceaded Berix was, it was a surprise he was still alive and for so long with how bad it was
Kiina was actually in hysteria of sobs because she blamed herself for it due to her past mistreatment to him
The treatment time as well was also how everyone found out Berix was a halfie with more potent Glatorian genetics than Agori
When Berix admitted his parents disowned him, he swore up and down he thought Ackar was gonna brutally kill his biological parents with the look on his face
Berix's hair is long, it reaches his mid back in length and is a deep brunette with some natural silver and electric blue streaks in it. His hair has uneven cuts to it due to the times he's had to cut it with his pocket knife to get away from someone holding him back by his hair
His hair is usually tucked underneath his helmet in a braid, but it does poof up with high temperatures so with the uneven ends it looks like a lions mane
Ackar evened his hair while keeping its length
Berix actually had this happen during training to which Tahu asked Gali to wet his hair, Gali was confused but did so, Tahu used his fire powers to heat his fingers enough to flatten Berix's hair as he braided it, the water helped protect his hair from being damaged
Lewa calls Berix "Halfie-Brother", when Berix asked Onua of this the Earth Toa smiled and replied "he sees you as a brother, a high honor if I do say so" Berix was seriously confused by this but he learned to accept it
Berix has learned when getting Tuma's shield as his own shield to use it perfectly in both offense and defense
Berix carries around some knives in between his armor due to Ackar's knife rule, and always carries a pouch of sand to throw in someone's eyes for a get away
Click mostly stuck around Berix when the Scarabax wasn't watching over the Ignika
Mata Nui has mused that if Berix was a Toa his elements would be gravity and lightning, even though Vo-Toa's are all female he still can see it, Berix was honestly surprised by this
Casual clothes outside of his armor, Berix would prefer to wear a pullover hoodie as like a shell to protect himself and the weight of it helps calm his anxiety
He actually made his pair of boots be able to have an extendable/retractable blade from the back of the heel to use in emergency
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stardusttrashed · 4 years
The Other Hood
A/n: sorry it took so long @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof haven’t had wifi for a couple of days
“Hold on, I think he’s waking up,” you whispered into your phone with a giggle. You could feel Calum stirring beside you, sleepily moving closer to you. Every morning before he even opened his eyes he’d make sure his arms would find their way to you. He’d wrap them around any bit of you his sleepy self could get, just to feel your warmth. 
“Who ya talkin’ to peach,” Calum mumbled sleepily against your shoulder. The tiredness in his voice brought a smile to your face. You reached behind you, gently scratching his scalp and earning a content hum. His plump soft lips peppered kisses along your shoulder, his stubble providing ticklish scratches on your back. 
“It’s no one,” you told him despite slipping from under his arm to get out of bed. “Go back to sleep ba- er, Calum.” You stifled a giggle before scurrying out of the room to continue your conversation. You stepped into the backyard, plopping down on the hammock before speaking again, “sorry bout that. He normally doesn’t wake up until- Calum! What are you doing out here?” Laughter filled your ears on the other side of the line.
“Cuddles,” he mumbled in response, his eyes barely open. He trudged over towards you, tripping over his own feet slightly. “I missed my mamas.” He climbed into the hammock, careful not to put all of his weight on you at once. 
You held back a squeal as the hammock began to rock harder. “You big baby,” you giggled as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Shut up before I put a baby in you.” He nuzzled his face against your chest as he snaked his arm around you to give your butt a firm squeeze. 
“Our mom said stop being nasty, it’s too early in the morning.” Calum’s head quickly popped up at the mentioning of ‘mom’. He pointed to himself and then you, silently asking whos. “Yours, say hi.” You put the phone on speaker so he could hear. A blush quickly spread across his cheeks as he plead you not to with his eyes. 
“Good morning sleepyhead! Oh, now that he’s awake we can Facetime,” Joy thought aloud. Within another minute Joy’s name popped up on the caller id. Without hesitation, you answered the Facetime call. 
“Mornin’ Mama.” 
Joy’s smile was practically radiating, providing a loving warmth even through the screen. “Hope you don’t mind me stealing Y/n for a few weeks.” Your wide eyes and Calum’s confused expression quickly made her train of thought stop in its tracks. “Sorry, thought he knew.”
“Knew what?” Calum looked back and forth between you and the screen. 
“I was, uh, well I’m visiting your mom at the end of the month. It’ll only be two weeks and I figured the guys will help keep you busy.”
“What the hell? I mean I don’t mind, but come on. You were just gonna up and leave,” he pouted. 
“At least she visits,” Joy shot back jokingly. “Starting to forget what my son looks like. Calum?” Calum rolled his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips. 
“We can get you a ticket too, bubba.” You gently kissed his forehead, “wouldn’t want our favorite boy to feel left out.”
“That didn’t bother you until now,” Calum grumbled, trying his hardest to maintain an upset front. An annoyed sigh fell from his lips as you raised an eyebrow at him. “Stop stealing my girl Ma. I like her too much.”
“So do I. You better put a ring on her finger soon, girls like her are a dime in a dozen. If you let her go I’m disowning you and claiming her as my child.” 
“Thanks for the vote of confidence Ma,” Calum chuckled, the sound of your own laughter making his smile grow wider. “And for your information, I’m working on it. Now you can talk to your best friend later. Love you, bye.” He quickly hung up the phone, taking it from your hands and setting it on the ground. 
“Rude, I was talking still,” you giggled quietly. 
“You can talk later.” He carefully flipped you over, laying you on top of him. “Mornings are for me and you, peach.” His hands slide down from your waist to your butt.
You playfully slapped his chest, “you say that about every part of the day.” 
“And I mean it every time.” He gently guided you down towards him before giving you a loving kiss. “It’s all part of my scheme to get you to fall for me.”
“Y'know, I still think your mom is the better catch, but I’ll settle for the next best thing.”
Calum shrugged with a small smile, “I’ll take what I can get.”
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
Walon Vau’s story
I decided to write out Walon Vau’s story, especially his home life and childhood. Why is Walon Vau the way he is? Read this and find out why. 
Notes: I used my own headcanons mixed with the small details Karen Traviss gave us in the Republic Commando books. Please don’t steal this because you think it’s all hers! 
Warnings: Bad childhood, abuse, child abuse, wounds, whipping, exile, royal drama, evil in the form of a man, thoughts of suicide, angst, 
Let’s start this off with a little bit of planet information and backstory! 
 The planet Irmenu is a small ocean world, the only land masses being large rocky islands. Most seem like mountains, with dangerous cliffs leading into the cold unforgiving sea. The ocean is riddled with beasts and monsters, but the only way of life is to sail. There are some valleys for livestock or farming, but not many. The valleys usually flood anyways, the storms always ruthless. So the Irmenu people fish and sail, searching for months on end just to survive and feed their family. 
Sailing is easy enough. The winds are strong and the seas rough. It’s cold year around, but the people have learned to adapt and survive. Wearing the fur of the air breathing sea beasts, making larger boats, etc. 
The kingdoms are clusters of islands, not one large land mass. Many islands are in large clusters, huge oceans between each cluster. The islands are all under the rule of the religious leaders, but sometimes there is still conflict. Conflict never lasts long on Irmenu though. 
This oceanic planet is in the Outer Rim, in the Belsmuth sector. Their planet is in the middle of the Crombach Nebula, which is extremely hazardous. This gives Irmenu a very good excuse to be so isolated. The leaders of the world use this to their advantage.  
This planet is a Feudal world, which means it’s controlled by a strict religion that also runs the powerful military. This means his world is very close minded and far behind on certain technologies and such. They still have spaceships and holopads, yes, but they’re out of date and ancient. 
The Imperius Priesthood runs the planet under very strict rules. They control what leaves and goes, along with who. They control the nobles and their money, using the Count’s as their marionettes. If you didn’t follow their rules/beliefs, you were either publicly executed, exiled, or sent to a nunnery. All depends on the situation. 
They’re everywhere, spying on their people and arresting whoever they please. Being so strict and ruling by fear affected the Irmenu people terribly. Most were religious fanatics, which means religion dictates every single part of their lives. They read the Irmenu Bible over and over instead of other books, and they follow the rules like good puppets. 
This planet is clearly terrible on it’s own, which only made Walon Vau’s childhood even worse. 
Walon Vau was born around 79 BBY on the planet Irmenu. He was the first and only son of the Count of Gesl, who was also an admiral in the very large Irmenu navy. Walon was raised like any royal, so he didn’t have much of a childhood.
Every second of every day was planned out by his father. He was highly educated, classes every day of the week and all day long. He rarely saw his parents, and when he did it was never under good circumstances. 
Walon learned proper etiquette, dancing, poetry, politics, and many other things he’d need to know for his future as a ruler. He was taught by a number of tutors, each brutal and cruel. He either learned, or was beaten. 
Once he reached the age of ten he began to work harder, practicing and studying for the navy. He didn’t want to follow in his fathers footsteps, but Walon had no choice. Plus he loved sailing, the ocean was calming and vast. The navy was his only hope for a better life. 
Pa Vau, Walon’s father was a harsh man. He was described as domineering, cold hearted, and unpleasable. He beat Walon when he didn’t do perfect on his lessons or training. He wanted Walon to be like him, so he tried to beat all emotion and feeling from his son. He almost succeeded. 
 A good ruler in Irmenu has no heart or soul in Pa’s eyes. 
He would never hit Walon on the face or anywhere visible, he had to have a good face as a royal. As Walon got older the beatings became more often and more brutal, because he wasn’t doing good enough in Pa’s eyes. 
When Walon was fourteen and tried out for the navy his own father rejected him, saying he was not good enough. Walon continued to train, the beatings even worse. The training didn’t help, Walon never made it into the navy. Pa was so unpleasable his only child was never good enough for him. This caused Walon to quickly lose hope, the thought of suicide seeming more appealing by the day. 
Walon only ever got to see his mother at nights, when she would come clean up his bloody lashing marks and other wounds. She was a soft gentle woman, but timid. Pa beat her as well, making sure she didn’t see her son for too long. She was never allowed to see Walon alone, because Pa didn’t want Vau to go soft by a mothers love. 
She was a religious fanatic just like his father, so she would lecture him as well. He had to be better, he had to. He was royalty, he was better than how he acted. Her words were often more cruel than intended. 
When she finished cleaning his wounds she’d read him a chapter of the Irmenu Bible, a book Walon was forced to know every last word to. He never listened though, he would always zone out and dream of a better life…….Or even of ending his life.  
His parents were never in love, their marriage arranged. His father married his mother because of her wealth and bloodline. His mother had rare golden eyes, a symbol of high status to his people. He got her eyes, but his father said that the color of his eyes meant nothing compared to how much of a failure he is. 
When Walon turned sixteen he was at a ball for some religious holiday, where we meant a beautiful princess of a neighboring province. After a few dances they quickly hit it off, and grew close rather fast. She basically saved his life, keeping him from ending it once and for all. She also changed his future for the better. 
He would sneak out as often as he could to meet her under the stars, but more often than not they wrote love letters on flimsy back and forth. Each letter, written with the finest penmanship and finest poetic words was kept by the princess. Walon kept hers as well, in a box under his bed.  
When Walon was eighteen, he asked his father if he could marry the princess. His father and her father both rejected the marriage, along with the Priesthood. Not because of politics or religion, but because Walon was not good enough or worthy to marry such a beautiful woman. 
His father was enraged that he had dared to ask such a question, so he was beaten worse than ever and nearly died. All because his father was embarrassed. When Walon healed a little he learned his love had been shipped away across the planet, to a nunnery. She would learn her lesson for sneaking out and falling in love with someone who was not of an arranged marriage. 
He knew he’d never see her again. 
Walon was exiled temporarily aftwards, being sent to some neighboring shit hole of a planet. He was eighteen and alone, with no idea of the outside world. His mother sobbed for days, her only child and her last hope gone. She prayed every night that he would be allowed back soon. 
Luckily for Walon Vau, he used to sneak out to the large library every night to read books. They had no fiction books, so he just learned about other societies and their ways. Most books pointed out how “bad” they were, but Walon always thought they were so much better than his planet's society. 
Thanks to reading, he knew a bit about the real galaxy. 
Walon had nothing but the clothes on his back. He had no money or possessions. No title, no name. So he wandered. 
Soon he ran into a group of Mandalorians, one by the name of Jaster Mereel. They quickly took in a teenage Walon, teaching him a new way. The way of the Mandalorian warriors. He never believed his home world's ludicrous ideas, so switching religions and cultures was very easy for Walon.
His family found out and disowned Walon for giving up his culture and religion. He lost his title and broke his mothers heart. His mother apparently died of a broken heart, after she heard the news that he would never return. But he knows deep down that his father finally snapped and killed her.
Walon became a perfect warrior, his body and mind already scarred from years and years of abuse. He was cold, calm, and calculated. Walon was also highly educated and very intelligent. So much so that some other Mandalorians taught him how to torture and dismember. He learned about the medical field and could have even been a doctor, but he preferred dead bodies and torturing. 
Jedi could hardly sense him in the force, his soul too broken. He was a perfect Mandalorian Warrior, fighting along with his friend Jango Fett and many others for years.  He fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars, killing Jedi with no issue. 
Early in his time with the Mandalorians, Walon met a Strill. The Strill could sense Walon’s shattered soul and broken mind, so it adopted him. The Strill was named Lord Mirdalan, jokingly after his favorite uncle. The uncle that had beaten him the less, and had been executed when Walon was ten. Walon did not miss him, or anyone from his home world. 
That’s Walon Vau’s childhood story. He’s ice cold, calm, and utterly detached for a reason. His body is scarred, as is his shattered soul. He was so traumatized and beaten down into the way of the soulless that he had a hard time trying to escape that pit. 
He was cruel to his Clone Commandos, but every day he would be up all night thinking. He wanted them to survive the war, that's all he wanted. He didn’t want them to be failures like him, he couldn’t allow it. Failures never survived.
Walon Vau hardly ever sleeps at night, his mind plagued by nightmares. Not of the wars, but of his home life. 
Mird held Vau together a little better, but his soul never healed. He could never escape the hole of his traumatic past, and it ruined his life forever. 
They call him a psychopath but he really isn’t. Walon Vau can still feel, he just doesn’t know how to. Walon Vau is just a shattered and traumatized man, one who never got proper help. One who never had a childhood. 
(Please reblog this if you like it! I worked very hard on it!) 
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @mxndalorians @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @hounding-around @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @strangebroadwaykinks @jedi-nila-rhyn @crimson-dxwn @detroitbydark @passionofthesith
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So here’s a thing that happened, tumblr.
Many moons ago, I was in the Neuro ICU for a while. I was actually in there twice--for a week at first, then out, then in again for about two weeks. In between: “Nothing’s wrong! It’s resolved!” As you might imagine, given the spoiler there about how I went to the Neuro ICU twice: in fact, Something was wrong, and it was not resolved (then).
(it is resolved now, thank you)
This post is not actually ABOUT that, but we must start there, out of order.
This is a post about art and rivers and boys in cars. But we start in the Neuro ICU.
I don’t like talking about this time in my life. I would have been skittish and mysterious ANYWAY--I was raised like that--but I’m extra skittish and vague about my timeline because I don’t want to talk about it, you know? I survived something I had no business surviving. I had to relearn how to walk. That took months and that was the easy part. Because I am a big tiddy goth girl, and because I was very young then, people love to assume that the problem was drugs, and I did it to myself, as if that somehow makes anything less tragic.
I was 23 years old with a brain bleed due to a congenital defect, and even at the time, I had to defend myself: no, I’m not on drugs, I don’t do drugs, I didn’t do coke, I’ve never done coke.
I am also Colombian, which, I suppose, might play into their calculus about the coke, but WHO KNOWS. I was busy gibbering and almost dying at the time, which left little energy for noticing potential microaggressions.
Is it a microaggression, I guess, when you’re dying? Who knows.
I have never even been drunk, tumblr. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t snort. I never have. This is mostly because I’m a paranoid loon with an off again, on again anorexia, ya know, thing, so occasionally I get really hung up on irrational concepts of bodily purity. People think it’s a flex when I try to explain this, that I’m relishing in some kind of moral superiority. I’m not. I admitting to SEVERAL defects (“quirks”) of personality there. The eating disorder. The deep distrust: I will not be vulnerable in the presence of others, I will not dull my senses, I will not allow myself to be weak. A certain perfectionism. A certain tendency towards slow burn self harm. Grand ideas made of nothing that sometimes take hold.
My point is that this big disruptive thing happened.
I survived, which is AWESOME. And yeah, I had to relearn how to walk, and some other things, but you guys know that I do yoga and aerial silks and lyra and ran off to Thailand to train kickboxing for a summer on fighter street and I STILL do not shut the fuck up about it.
So, cool, cool cool cool cool.
And I don’t even want to talk about that part, the medical drama, the body horror, the institutional whatever. My neurosurgeon was fantastic and like a week after my discharge I was high as SHIT on prescribed painkillers my caregivers insisted I take and wrote him a gushing effusive letter about how he was MY HERO because I was ALIVE and anyway that basically makes you BATMAN, DOCTOR LEWIS, I FUCKING LOVE BATMAN.
Again: high as fuck, ok.
 My point is: I hate talking about this.
Because once you’re a survivor in people’s minds, that’s all you are. You are reduced to this one event that had very little to do with you. You are defined by this thing that happened to you.
And this isn’t even the weirdest thing that’s happened TO me! But still. Happened TO me. Not something I did. Not my action. Barely even my reaction.
But again, personality flaws. What does it say about me that I look at social norms about comfort and inwardly I snarl that I want no one’s pity?
Except I’m not actually that mean. I don’t snarl.
I just withdraw.
This is a tactic that has served me well in life a BUNCH of times. Is it always the answer? No. Is it often worth a shot? Listen. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Sometimes you flee an abusive home life because that’s the only option, and you don’t want to die. Hypothetically speaking: sometimes all you can do is run.
But sometimes you flee people with mostly good intentions, maybe.
This is all very high minded but what’s prompting me to write this isn’t exactly the upcoming (many year) anniversary of the event. It’s something way more mundane and dumb.
I have not logged into my facebook account since this happened. I never bothered deleting the account(s), either. I presume they still exist. I have no idea HOW to log back onto them, and, more importantly, no desire.
“So what?”
So, okay, back when I had my first stint in the Neuro ICU? Like, totally out of nowhere, I just disappeared from people’s feeds. (you all know I do this) Somehow part of the story got out and SOMEHOW, I have no idea how, a small group of my friends managed to independently track down the hospital I was at. And this is on next to no info, across state lines, like--I have no idea how the fuck they did it.
I also don’t fucking know who they were.
I was told, at the time. I have a vague idea of who two out of (I think) four were, or might have been. I was kind of busy at the time, with the dying.
And when I say I don’t like talking about this time: I don’t like even THINKING about it. I avoid it.
Fleeing. See?
So I don’t have a memory of the names. I don’t have memories of the memory.
“So what?”
So, I know from groups other than this one, groups less dedicated than this one, that people actually get REALLY fucking mad at you for not accepting their get better soon wishes. And like, I get it! You were very worried and I did nothing to reassure you.
I was busy dying. Almost dying. Not dying. I was busy sleeping 20 hrs a day. I was busy being unable to walk. I was busy re-learning to walk. I was busy relearning how to write with pen and paper and for months I COULD NOT DO IT, do you have any idea how that feels to someone who is and has always been and has always wanted to be a writer? Fuck it. Fuck you.
The initial disappearance. I am not to blame.
But then doing nothing to reach out to anybody for YEARS and YEARS--
Okay, maybe a dick move on my part.
“So what?”
So I think one of the people who managed to track me down in the hospital was my best friend from high school, a terribly sweet Brazilian boy who mostly called me not by my name, but simply: The Devil.
I dig it. Always did.
And it’s high school, right. Everybody is thirsty as fuck for their friends, one way or another. We never dated--we were both always dating or pursuing other people--but we had the typical high school bestie unresolved romantic tension deal going on.
This is important so remember it for later: the problem was not attraction. The problem was not one sided unresolved sexual tension. I had a particular thing for how he looked while driving, shades on, one arm slung over the wheel in that terribly and typically male lounging driving pose that’s probably a safety hazard.
We spent a lot of time in his car.
I didn’t drive, at the time, because my mother didn’t allow me to learn, and I got kicked out of my house and disowned when I was 17. This dude spent a LOT of time driving me places. Boys in cars is practically a genre of erotic poetry, thanks to Richard Siken. This is because boys look Cool driving cars, wearing sunglasses, pretending they’re not paying attention to you while you know they are.
So he was fun.
More importantly, I guess, the fact that he picked my ass up at like 6 AM over and over and over again for a big chunk of my senior year is one of the few reasons I managed to graduate despite being technically homeless.
He was not a morning person. I am not a morning person. He did it anyway.
Why didn’t we date, I wondered, years later, for a fraction of a second, and then I forgot about it.
So I’m grown up and happy and fulfilled and in a lovely long term relationship (remember! we’re buying a house!), so it’s not about “what if?” It’s that I’m happy and grown up and I write books sometimes.
But there it is.
I write books sometimes.
Artists are constantly stealing ideas from everywhere and this is good. Artists also steal from themselves, grubby little hands on secret parts of our hearts.
So I’m writing this book, right. My Great Work. My Break Out Novel. My SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS book. My “this is the thing I’ve worked the hardest on in my whole entire LIFE” book.
And in this book there is a male love interest. He is a political statement. I’m writing him as sexy and heroic as possible. I want this to be the MOST attractive man I’ve ever written.
Latino. Sexy as fuck. Not a criminal. Overly responsible. Action ready, and terribly nurturing.
Hot Single Dad and Reluctant Necromancer is my masterpiece. A passionate statement and stance against the depiction of Latino men in media. A war cry to examine our own subconscious biases. A weapon raised against an unjust system.
I stole parts of him from Frank Castle. I stole parts of him from Geralt. I stole (MANY) parts of him from this one IRL hot dad former Army Ranger guy, Mexican American with a tattoo on his arm of a jack o lantern one of his kids drew. I stole parts of him from this cute Marine in my DMs who gave me story advice about guns and gear. I stole parts of him from indigenous leaders from centuries ago, from the peoples he is descended from. I stole parts of him from every man I’ve met who worked in dog rescue. I stole parts of him from myself, hiding secret parts of my heart in the male character so that no one will know.
Lovely. All good so far.
I got like two whole drafts in before I was thumbing through some printed out pages, idly thinking: how funny that I don’t have any real life, personal to me models for this guy.
All my prior male love interests, you see, are based on someone. In the werewolf trilogy, they’re BOTH based on someone--different someones. The villain, too, is jokingly referred to as the “evil werewolf ex boyfriend” for a reason.
Everybody is someone.
So how funny, I thought, that necromancer hot dad lacks any references from my own--
OH, wait, fuck--
Overly responsible brown dude with sad dog eyes drives the female lead/occult specialist around while good naturedly complaining that she’s weird as shit.
Oh, damn.
And suddenly a bunch of teensy little backstory details made sense.
“So what?”
Bonus round of self realization: my own understanding of this time in my life radically shifted, turning, lurching, sickly rotating on a new axis.
Why didn’t we date?
Somewhere between then and now, post ICU but pre novel writing time--
This one time I overheard somebody talking to somebody else and it had nothing to do with me but sight unseen, on the other side of the stacks in a used bookstore, one dude said to another: “you know that if you were lighter, you’d have a chance with her, right?”
How terrible, I thought, and I forgot about it.
Why didn’t we date?
Because my mother told me, when I was very young, that boys from Brazil were all very wild, and I should avoid them. And she told me this so early and so plainly that I never thought to question it. When I was older she took harder stances that I easily ignored because I knew they were wrong--don’t you dare bring a black boy into this house. You’re dating a Jew? I can’t believe you did this to me. What are you going to do next, kiss a girl?
WELL, Ma, as it turns out, I mean, not til college, but yes.
But the smaller, more mild statement was so much more insidious.
I wonder if he knew. I don’t think he did. I wonder if he figured it out later. I have no idea, because we were friends when we were still essentially children, and now we are grown. Not everybody thinks about this kind of thing, and I don’t blame them.
How much damage did I do?
Does it matter?
Does he know?
I know.
I know, now, that my rallying cry against a system’s unfairness is also a cry wrenched wetly from my own subconscious depths. YOUR biases against? Yes. But more accurately: my biases against.
“So what?”
So this kind of epiphany shit leaves you breathless about it and you wanna scream. You wanna SHARE it. You must infect others with this knowledge.
But you can’t out of nowhere foist this apology on someone. That’s selfish. That’s about redeeming yourself in your own eyes AND asking someone else to confront unpleasant emotions on your behalf, even though they’re the wronged party. Selfish. Tell me I’m not a bad person, baby. Tell me I never hurt you, not even a little. Forgive me if I did. Wade through this pile of astral shit for me just to make me feel better. Reassure me. Hurt yourself for me in the here and now.
So I’m not going to do that, obviously.
“So what?”
But there’s that other part of it, right? Not the apology. The surge of emotion. The realization that all those morning drives back then added up to something deep within me, something so foundational to my concept of care and maybe even the start of something like love--the knowledge that this person gently carved some ideals for you, so long ago, so subtly that you never questioned it, never even realized, because it felt so natural, because something about it is so inherently good and right.
Despite everything--despite society, propaganda, colonialism, the prejudice of my upbringing, my own unexamined complicity, ALL of it--
Despite everything, this person taught me something so deeply about love and the shape of it, something so foundational that I built all my art on it and didn’t even see the beams of it until halfway through my most ambitious and soul bearing undertaking.
This is how you care for another, went the lesson, and I wrote pragmatic actions over words romantic male leads all the way down.
This is what love might look like, and in my own life, ever ambitious, I chose a poet talented with words and actions and good fight choreography, because I think that’s sexy and dichotomies are mostly bullshit, or at least things that happen to other people.
But I didn’t learn what love looked like from my childhood home life, obviously. How could I?
Without you, though, without you and your mirror sunglasses at 6 AM and your exasperated teasing, devil, witch, bruja, without any of those, where would I have learned? How long would it take me, to find someone who would teach me a wholesome lesson?
I’m small and cute and predators love a victim with a lack of context. I give myself and my wit some credit, but what’s pattern recognition worth if you never get any good data points?
Deep lessons.
Again: this kind of epiphany makes you wanna scream. Who to infect, with all this new knowledge?
Maybe no one. Probably no one.
But maybe, just a little, you wonder--
How would that conversation even go?
Hey, so I wrote this book--no, it’s my fifth, not my first, but thanks--so I wrote this book, and there’s this character, right, and he’s--well, hahah, I mean, he’s not exactly--I just--funny story, really--no, god, no, you don’t have to read it--it’s just--he’s just--I mean, no, you, you’re just--forget it, actually, just--
Like, what the fuck is there to say?
“I couldn’t have written this without you.”
“Did you check on me? When you thought I was dead?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice, at the time, that I meant anything to you.”
or is it really
“I’m sorry I didn’t realize until now that you meant something to me.”
What to do with all this emotion? Or more accurately--like rivers carve out gorges, here is the shape of something that once was. This shape will always be here. Even without a single drop of water ever again: we see the river.
What to do with the shape of all this emotion?
I consult the great Richard Siken via a feat of bibliomancy. Advise me, O Oracle. The oracle is War of the Foxes (2015), turned over blindly in my hands, opened randomly to The Worm King’s Lullaby, pg 45, verse 1:
The holes in this story are not lamps, they are not wheels. I walked and walked, grew a beard so I could drag it in the dirt, into a forest that wasn’t there. I want to give you more but not everything. You don’t need everything.
This advice is too good. I close the book.
The advice does not tell me what to do, but it’s too good. The verse reaches into my chest and carves out my heart, slices it open. Inside my heart: pomegranate seeds. Tiny jewels, fit for a dragon, snacking on garnets and rubies, and the apple of Eden wasn’t an apple, because it was the desert, wasn’t it? It was a pomegranate. Something with scales, maybe snakes. The serpent, the devil.
What to do with all this love?
I swallow the pomegranate seeds. I buy myself some time. I want to give you more, but not everything. Do you need everything? I don’t know. I don’t have it to give to you, in any case. Does it matter?
Why are you doing this, me?
Because art is messy. Art is cutting yourself open over and over again. You clean up most of the mess, try to bottle the fluids and label them nicely or deliberately misleadingly, fit for someone else’s consumption, but either way, you’re bleeding.
Maybe this urge is bleed with me or maybe it is oh, you already did.
I swallow the seeds. I buy some time.
I’m not done yet. I’m not.
Maybe all this adds up to nothing.
Maybe if I do this right, it adds up to a lot.
Maybe if I do this right it will feel real, maybe what I want is to gift the shape of these rivers to somebody else, all emotionally intimately with strangers. This is a shape that love can be. This is a silhouette you may recognize.
Maybe that’s a tribute, or a tributary.
But it’s not about you, not really, so don’t get too big headed about it. This is about Art and something like Justice. Big things. This is a book about big things, about history and dogs, history and gods, crimes and lies, slaughter and slander.
Right, yeah.
An act of faith, an act of will.
I swallow the pomegranate seeds. I buy myself some time.
It’s not harvest season yet. Not yet, not now, not yet.
If not now, then when?
When it’s ready.
There is no ready. Perfection is an illusion.
Yeah, sure, but page count is REAL.
You’re evading. That’s another word for fleeing. Do you know that?
Yes. I do.
How long will you run?
Just a little bit more. Just a little. I promise.
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neakco · 4 years
TNA - Ch. 3
Ch. 2
This is the last chapter I will be posting online unless there is any interest in it. I love constructive criticism. I probably should have mentioned this earlier but my computer is broken and everything was typed up on my phone.
Chapter 3
Briar and Azalea entered the Godfrey Enterprises Lobby fifteen minutes before their meeting with Theodore and looked around.
"This place sure has a lot of gold and marble." Briar muttered quietly in Russian.
"You would think this was some cash grab of a casino or hotel." Azalea responded in Urdu.
Approaching the reception Azalea continued to speak in Urdu. "We would like to rent a suite please."
Briar had to turn away so he wouldn't laugh and the poor receptionist's expression.
"I am sorry, but would you be able to repeat that in English?"
Azalea kept her face remarkably straight. "Apologies. We have a meeting with the COO."
The man sighed in relief that she spoke English, "May I please get your names?"
Azalea answered since Briar had barely managed to stop silently laughing. "Briar and Azalea Willowbirch."
The man typed their names into the system before his face paled and his hands began to shake. He slowly looked up at them with false cheerfulness, "I am terribly sorry but you are both banned from the building and I must ask you to leave."
"No worries. Do you mind if we stay just inside the doors as I call our ride?" Azalea smiled brightly but Briar caught the glint of steel in her eyes.
The receptionist visibly relaxed, "Please go ahead."
Briar switched into combining multiple languages once they were close enough to the door, "You would think we were the worst of murderers. So what is our plan?"
"I am going to call our ride." She answered as she pulled out her phone. She then switched over to English for the conversation. "No, I promise we are not running late. In the lobby actually. Apparently we are banned entrance."
Briar heard the sigh.
"We were graciously allowed to stay here while calling for a ride. Though we are now being glanced at suspiciously."
Briar heard a ding and looked towards the opening elevator doors. He grinned as he watched Theo step out and hang up his phone.
"Ms. Willowbirch, I am happy to see you made it. Please grant me a moment to resolve this issue before we head up to my office." He then walked up behind reception and looked over the screen.
Azalea just grinned as she put away her own phone.
"Some ride you called us." Briar smirked.
"I think an elevator ride is still technically a ride, no?" She laughed as the strolled towards the desk.
They were close enough now to hear Theo's quiet conversation with the receptionist.
"You are new so please don't worry about it. Just now you know to check next time."
"Yes sir. Sorry sir."
Theo joined them near the elevator and swiped his badge to call it.
Once the door closed Theo relaxed,
"Apparently you two are highly dangerous and top security is to be called at any sign of you being uncooperative."
"Your father?" Briar asked.
"Just be thankful for the board ruling that he isn't allowed to make any company decisions after an event." The elevator began to slow and Theo again stood straighter, "Follow me and try not to stop."
The twins shared a look but followed silently. They quickly understood as various strong perfumes assailed their senses. A fast look around showed them multiple women wearing heavy masks of makeup and all positioning themselves within Theo's sights. Some seemed enthusiastic in their attempts to garner attention while others seemed like they would rather be doing anything else.
They were almost at their apparent destination when a women physically blocked their path to the door.
"Coffee for your meeting." She fluttered her very long and clearly false lashes.
Azalea blinked slowly, while others wore masks of makeup this women's face appeared to be sculpted of it. She switched to a mix of French and Spanish, "Brother, did we enter a horror cinematic?"
Theo accepted the tray of drinks and ushered them through the door before closing it hastily. "Sadly not a horror, just my life." He then stopped Briar from grabbing one of the drinks. "That women likes to lace things with aphrodisiacs."
Rob laughed from his seat on a side couch near the desk. "Is that the one that tried to feed you bright blue Viagra cookies and claimed they were blueberry?"
Theo sighed wearily as he collapsed in his chair, "That is the one. She just needs one more instance of time fraud and I can finally fire her."
The twins shared a look of concern before taking seats in front of the desk.
"Why can't you just fire her for harassment?" Briar asked with a suppressed shudder.
Rob answered from the couch, "Father's policy, Theo can't fire anyone that father directly hired unless they have 3 non-HR infractions of the same type."
"That isn't fair!" Azalea looked furious and was slipping into an unrecognizable accent, "How did the board allow that?"
"Father has the same restrictions on anyone I hire." Theo passed over a folder, "But you are here to talk business, not hear my problems. I managed to locate your parents arrival to Lattuck after I received your message last night with the date and time your parents initially boarded their train."
Azalea and Briar carefully studied the images as Rob stood up and pointed one out.
"Cameras lost 'em there at Bismark St. Tried to get the cab transcripts but they only uselessly keep those for two months."
"This is more than enough, thank you both greatly." Briar stated as he pulled up a map on his phone and started to marking locations.
Azalea looked at the brothers with a little suspicion, "How did you get this all done in one night?"
Rob grinned, "I stayed up a little late but Theo here came to work at 3 am."
Briar stopped what he was doing and both twins glared slightly at the brothers.
"Trust me you two, it was work on this or spend more time at Godfrey Mansion. We both jumped on the excuse to leave."
"The more I learn about Mr. Godfrey the more I contemplate trace less poisons." Azalea muttered into Briar's shoulder.
"Wait until we locate our own parents before you cause other people's to disappear. I refuse to finish this without you."
Theo chose to ignore the comments, "I am sorry we couldn't find anything more."
Briar laughed, "Are you kidding? We are used to following tattered wisps of month old gossip. This is a great lead."
Rob sat back on the couch, "So why didn't you two just hire a detective? Surely you can afford it."
"There are more than a few reasons but two main ones." Azalea started.
"The first is that our grandfather taught us it is wrong to spend our money for purely selfish reasons. For everything we spend we match it with a doubled donation to charities when we can. It is surprising a lot cheaper to travel and accommodate ourselves compared to hiring a detective." Briar stated.
"And the second is that there were no detectives that took our 16 year old selves seriously enough. Those that did try to humour us were very untrustworthy." Azalea finished.
Rob nodded but before he could respond there was a knock on the door and Roisin entered.
"I know I came in early today Mr. Sapphirus, but I gathered the employee pay statements for you."
"Thank you Ms. Ballantyne. If you wish you can compare them to the time statements online and look for inconsistencies, or you can choose to help the admin staff with their tasks."
Her eyes widened in fright, "I shall work on the comparisons." She smiled briefly at Briar before leaving to return to her tasks.
Rob looked at the door confused, "Shouldn't she be in here working with you?"
"Yes but that requires a desk, and even though I have the space for it I was informed that I am not allowed to move the secretary's desk she is now using in here." Theo let out a growl of frustration, "She apparently has her own desk arriving later today and under no instance shall I bring that one in because it will soon be in use again."
"I may not be an expert, but why does the news of help make you look like you would welcome death?" Azalea asked as Briar began packing away the photos in a small bag.
"Because Father is just going to hire another useless secretary." He sighed.
Rob chose to elaborate for her, "Father got the stupid idea in his head that if he hires enough women that eventually one will seduce Theo here."
Briar looked up rapidly, "What? Why?"
"A few reasons; he wants Theo to work less and figures if he is distracted then he can probably slip some more selfish policies in. He also wants Theo to provide an heir to our family legacy. I don't like women so I am useless to him."
"But adoption is a thing. He adopted both of you." Azalea looked offended.
"True, but he can't have kids. Plus i am sure he adopted Theo because I was such a disappointment.  He would probably disown me if the media wouldn't have a field day."
Theo was face down on the desk and mumbled out, "I just wish father could understand that the restrictions he has placed on those women in their contracts causes me more work instead of less. I spend hours after everyone else has left just doing their jobs." Theo lifted his head to look at Rob, "and I don't care what Father says, you are the best older brother I could ask for."
Rob started to jokingly tear up, "Awww, you are adorable little bro, I love you too."
Azalea looked thoughtful and spoke without thinking, "Why do you not just hire your own secretary?"
She jumped as Theo suddenly leapt up and grabbed her hands, "Please say you want a job!"
Azalea looked towards her giggling twin then back towards Theo's hope-filled eyes. "I wasn't, but I have never been a secretary before. What would the job entail?"
Theo let go of her hands and sat back down to start typing, "You are the perfect fit. I saw first hand that you are skilled at data entry, You have told me before that you helped with your family’s own company when you could, you can be polite to the point that you could probably insult someone and they would thank you. Plus I feel I can trust you not to gossip about company secrets." He grinned as he handed her the contract he just printed off. "And the best part is that hiring you would annoy my father and he can't do anything about it."
Azalea looked up from the paperwork, "Administrative Assistant / Bodyguard?"
"Brilliant right?" Theo grinned, "You would be in charge of the entire Administrations Department, thus granting you access to the whole company’s files. Then by doubling as my bodyguard I get to take you to all my off-site meetings with high-end clients and contacts."
"You are granting me opportunities to find my parents while assisting you?" She looked a little stunned.
"Yes and if you look here," Theo came to her side of the desk to point some things out.
Rob took the opportunity to tap Briar on the shoulder, "While Petal is getting an offer I have one for you."
Briar looked at Rob curiously, "What kind?"
He pulled out a business card, "I own and run Umbra Security. I am need of an eye in the sky. Someone I can trust to run cameras and comms for me and my crew."
"I feel special, but you only met me last night. Why trust me?"
Rob pulled Briar over to the couch and sat him down. "I didn't last night, thought you were pulling a long game. So I did a bit of digging and found your family over in Germany. Your story checked out. The main reason though is that the job will give you access to all the public cams in town and some private ones when we got a special job. A handful of cash won't be enough to bribe you to look away and potentially lose that access."
Briar looked carefully at Rob's face, "Do you seriously not have anyone on cameras already? I refuse to put anyone out of a job just for a golden egg."
Rob took a moment to puzzle out Briar's meaning. "Just another reason you are trustworthy. Now normally I run 'em but sometimes I need to watch my crew around higher paying jobs. Last night could 'ave been avoided if I had an eye. Sometimes I get my man on cams but he is a twig and couldn't win a fight with a kitten." Rob's look grew more serious. "It is rare but sometimes thugs go after the cams. I know that I won't have to worry about anyone getting the drop on you."
"I will take the job on two conditions." Briar held up a finger, "I refuse to use a gun." He held up a second, "I am allowed to upgrade or change the room's security and equipment to suit me."
"What kind of changes?"
"Currently I am only thinking adding a pin pad and hand scanner combo that only looks like it will unlock the door." Briar grinned, "I will probably think of more things once I see the space."
"A red herring." Rob muttered before exclaiming, "I approve." He then held out his hand to shake, "All I ask is that you don't install anything deadly."
Briar shook, "You have a deal Mr. Umbra."
"Excellent, I can start you with Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tonight can be the first shift if you want."
"Sounds good to me, where am I going?"
"It's a little hard to find, so tell me your address and I will swing by before 1900 to lead ya."
"Tranquil Estate." Briar laughed as Rob's eyes widened, "I know I know, my grandfather has the good taste not to name his properties after himself."
Rob laughed with him, "At least one business tycoon in the world does."
Briar looked over to see Azalea trying to fit a large bundle of papers into her bag.
Theo spotted his questioning look and explained, "Welcome package. It has everything she needs in order to annoy my father by following all the rules to a tee. It also includes her own badge so she doesn't need me to call the elevator."
Azalea stood up after succeeding in making everything fit. "If that is everything then I believe I shall go prepare for the battle to make your tower more bearable princess."
"Just don't stab any of the guards, they are prisoners too." Theo spoke through barely restrained laughter.
"No promises." Azalea waved, "See you tomorrow Theo."
Rob left first followed by Azalea and Briar. The latter leaned on his twin and whispered in Italian, " Grandfather would approve."
She chose not to respond verbally and instead shoved him off and went to wait for the elevator with Rob.
Briar chose that brief moment to greet Roisin and see if she would be free that Thursday.
Azalea waved him over when the doors opened and he rushed over with a large grin.
Azalea shook her head, "Come on Romeo, straighten your head back on, we have work to do."
And that is it. This honestly started as a maribat fanfic with Briar as Adrien and  Azalea as Marinette. Rob was Jason and Theodore was Tim. Since I made it into an original I changed a lot of personalities and background characters. All because I wanted to twist the fake dating idea completely. Somehow it turned into a commentary on stereotypes and how it is okay to just be how you are. This covers gender stereotypes and relationship stereotypes. My favourite chapters I have written so far are chapter 7 because I have never written anything like it before and chapters 11 to 14 because they are the serious ones that made me decide to turn this into an original. So again, if you want to see more let me know, if I don’t hear anything you will just have to wait the ten plus years it takes me to get this published.
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eugenesmorphine · 4 years
Savior // Buck Compton Imagine
Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, swearing, Rape
We had just arrived in Belgium. Here we were in Bastogne. Snow covered the ground and our foxholes. I don't think I have ever felt this cold in my entire life. And I had just gotten to this forest along with the rest of Easy Company. Sitting in foxholes, watching the line, running from German artillery in the freezing cold down, day in and day out, was going to the companies and I's life for what seems a while. 
I sighed as I trudged around Bostogne, walking past destroyed foxholes and perfectly fine ones that my closest friends sat in. I smiled and talked with a few, not really paying attention to where I was going. I slammed head on into someone, which this person was big and sturdy enough that I fell completely backwards and right onto my ass. My helmet fell in front of my face. I was a stupid female replacement that just bumped into a big guy that I had no idea who he was. I lifted the front of my hard helmet out of my line of vision and looked up. I was met with the piercing blue eyes of what I believe to Lieutenant. Oh god. Oh shit. I stood up faster than I ever have in my life, my twenty year old mind running faster than it had ever ran before. I gulped, picking up my rifle and standing in front of the officer. 
"Sir, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that, I just wasn't paying attention. Oh god I'm going to be written up for insubordination," I rambled, my anxiety levels rising. I scanned over his body quickly for any injuries out of spite, even though I was the one who fell back and he still stood there built like a stone wall. I looked back into his face, a small smile was there and a soft chuckle left his lips. My anxiety decreased slightly as I stopped rambling and swallowed.
"No need to panic Corporal L/N," he said, raising his hand slightly in a way to tell me to relax. How did he even know who I was, I was just another replacement. "Say, aren't you the new Female replacement that was the top of her class?" He asked, he seemed pretty nice. I smiled softly. I stood at attention to answer the officer, but before I could speak a word he stopped me. "Relax L/N, no need to be like that with me," he said kindly. I relaxed my body, slinging my rifle's strap back over my shoulder.
"Yes sir, I am the first female to be in the airbourne sir, and I graduated top of my basic training and airborne school sir," I had a proud look on my face. I was really proud of myself. I defied the minds of hundreds of thousands of people. Being a woman in this world, it was thought that I belonged in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, having kids and being a stay at home wife. I wanted nothing to do with that future. I had my own future. I was meant to be different and change the futures for people. Not just women in America, but the poor people suffering in this war. I made it through Basic Training and Airbourne, getting away from the mistreatment and denial for my gender. Hell, my family disowned me for making my decision to join. But, being true to myself and many others around the world and going into the future, I was proud of myself. 
"I'm Buck Compton, it is nice to meet you Miss L/N. But I gotta get going, I'll see you around," he said nicely and respectfully. He gave my hand a shake and slight nod and carried on walking past me. My hand tingles for a few moments after his hand left mine. It was a strange feeling that I didn't quite understand at that moment. And without the understanding of the feeling, I just pushed the thought away, not thinking anything of it.
A week has passed since we have been in Bastogne. German Artillery has been the worst thing on our Company as of right now. So many casualties. But with the rate of how many times they kept blowing up the fucking trees around all of us, it became almost normal. Sad to say right? Either way, I had gotten close with a good amount of men now. I've gotten close with Buck, Leibgott, Malarkey, Muck, Penkala, Babe Hefferon, and a few others. They were all very kind to me. Of course they flirted, but it was all in good fun. I hope.
I was currently in a foxhole with Babe. Him and I got close together, no in any weird way, but only to keep warm. We had been awake and talking for most of the night. Babe and I often did this, it cured out large feelings of boredom. Most of the time. In the middle of this conversation, I had the sudden urge to pee. I groaned slightly, not wanting to get up and get out of the foxhole to walk to wherever. I sighed as I moved away from Babe, I heard him whine and look up at me. The harsh cold air hit me as the heat from Babe's body left mine. I stretched slightly, soon grabbing my rifle and placing my helmet on my head. 
"Where are you going Y/N?" Asked Babe, he began to get up to. "I have to pee Babe, you can stay here. Plus I want my privacy," I responded, getting ready to step out of my foxhole. I looked over to Babe who stood up, looking at me. "You sure you don't want a battle buddy?" He asked nicely. He wasn't trying to be creepy, but his voice had a hint of protectiveness in his voice. I chuckled slightly. "I'm sure Babe. And if you don't leave me alone so I can go pee, I'm going to throw my shovel at you," I said jokingly. He laughed slightly and put his hands up in surrender. I shook my head slightly, chuckling once more before stepping out of the foxhole.
I began walking into the woods, keeping a mental note of where I was walking and where I walked from. I kept trudging through the slow, rubbing my hands on my upper arms in attempts to keep myself warm. It seemed to be much colder deeper into the forest, which I thought was strange or just a stupid thought. I realized that I was pretty much far enough that no one could see me. I did one more scan of the area, making sure. And once I was confident that no one would be able to see me doing my business, I began undoing ny belt. My focus was on my belt, so much so I didn't realize the lone German soldier creeping up in front of me. And when I realized him, it was too late.
The Kraut charged at me, but not with his weapon. He tackled me to the ground, but didn't aim to shoot me or stab me. What the hell was he doing? I struggled underneath him, my helmet falling off and rolling to the side in the struggle. I felt his knuckles connect with my temple. It put me into one hard daze. Everything was fuzzy and I couldn't even fight off or comprehend the fact that he was fumbling and pulling off my belt. Oh my god. Oh my god. He-he is, oh my god, I'm so fucked. 
I cried out, wanting, needing help. The Kraut looped on hand in the hem of my trousers and one slapped harshly on my mouth, blocking out my screams. And with that action of his, i bit his hand. I bit so hard I could feel the blood leave his hand and stick to my lips. When he yanked his hand away and swore in German, I screamed. I've never screamed louder in my life. Crying out for help. The German's already knew our positions. If they didn't, they wouldn't be bombing us as often or as bad. My screams and cries were cut short by another hard punch to the temple. This time, it was much harder. I could feel my world spinning. My struggling became weaker. And with this, the Kraut's grasp became stronger and vicious. His lips connected with my neck, oh how disgusting it felt. I couldn't get myself out of that dazed state. I could feel the Kraut begin to slide off my pants, but a loud shot rang off, leaving a loud ringing in my ears. It was all I could hear. And all I could see was a bullet enter the side of the German Soldier's head and exit out on the other side. As if it was in slow motion. I could feel the splatter of blood spray across my face, making me flinch as the warm, thick liquid of a young German soldier dripped down my face. The Kraut's now lifeless body fell limply on my body. On hand still gripped tightly on the hem of my bands, and his head still in the crook of his neck. I laid stiff in still. I laid in shock. Tears welled in my eyes, but I wanted to keep them contained. This all started and ended so quickly. My head was still pounding and my world was still spinning. What had happened. What was going on. I couldn't get my strength or the will power to push the dead Kraut off of me. I could hear the shouts of a few men, the voices all sounded familiar. They screamed to get the godforsaken Kraut of my small frame and get me to Doc Roe. 
I felt the weight of the dead man be lifted off of me. I just stared straight into the sky, my mouth moving as if words were leaving my lips, but no words came out. I was still frozen. That was until a loud, booming voice that was calling my name. "Y/N! Y/N look at me, you're okay! Come on, let's get you up," it was Leibgott. I could tell by his unique voice and when he went to help me up, I could see his sincere face. My legs were weak, I could barely stand. Perhaps the Kraut had done much more than I thought he was doing. Shock does some crazy things. I felt him hike up my trousers and pick me up, carrying me gently. "Buck and some others could hear you screaming there Y/N, you shouldn't have gone off by yourself. You're fine Y/N, everything is where it should be," he said softly. You could hear the concern in his voice as he whipped off the now nearly dried blood off my face using his thumb. I heard him let out a soft chuckle. I placed my now very sore temple on his chest softly. "Buck was so worried about you. You have no idea how mad and angry he was, he was the one that shot that Kraut. He told me to get you while he sprinted to go get Doc," Leibgott said. My mind finally began to process what had happened. What was done to me? A few quiet and sniffled sobs left my lips as my tears couldn't be contained any longer. Maybe this is why they didn't want women in the army. Or any branch of that matter. Maybe this is why they didn't want me in the field. Oh god. I got to stop thinking.
I was carried to the medical tent and I stayed there alone for a while after I had been questioned by Winters and such and Doc Roe came and did all of the things needed for this type of “problem”. I sat alone and just sat quietly, still trying to process what had just happened to me. I was pulled right out of my thoughts by a softer, but loud voice that said my name. I turned my head to meet the man who had exclaimed my name, meeting the gaze of Buck. I smiled slightly, trying to act as if I was completely fine and I wasn’t just as confused and drained as I was. He gave me a nod as his lips pressed together into a line. He took off his helmet and walked towards the cot I had been sitting on. My legs swung to one side as I had been swinging my legs back and forth as I sat and continued thinking.
“Hey Y/N, how are you holding up?” Buck asked, his voice slightly awkward. But it had a tinge of sincerity laced in his words. I nodded slightly, not really knowing about how I was holding up. Hell, I was still trying to figure out what happened to me. I can’t remember half of the things. The shock of it all kind of just made me blank out. 
"I'm fine,"I stated, looking over at him. He looked over at me and gave me a look that said; 'Seriously?' I chewed on my lip and looked away. I didn't know if I wanted to talk about how I truly felt or not. At this moment, I just didn't know how to express anything. With the time of me silently staring off at a wall, I thought I would hear Buck's boots leave the Medic tent. But to my surprise, I felt his arms wrap around my small frame. I was shocked by the action at first, but I slowly placed my arms around his neck. And I think in that moment, I think everything that had happened, really hit me. Tears welled in the brims of my eyes. I wanted to cry out, but instead I just placed my face into his neck and tears quietly slipped down my cheeks. He just made his grasp tighter. In these moments, Buck and I grew closer in different ways. Ways I couldn't yet understand or explain.
A couple weeks had passed. It may have been a month. I don't really know in all honesty. It was difficult to keep track of the days that passed within Bastogne. But oh well. Buck and I have gotten much closer throughout the weeks. I have grown a little crush on him. But, I know he has a girl back in his hometown, so I didn't try anything. Even though I was a little sad. Buck and I didn't flirt, unless I didn't notice certain things, but after the German Soldier Incident, he has an eye on me at all times. He isn't too far to which he can't see me I've noticed. Either that or he has trusted men like Joe Leibgott or Toye, or one of those guys tk be with me at all times. Which I appreciated, but I was also embarrassed in the slightest. 
So it was currently a Tuesday night, the already frigid temperatures of Bastogne have dropped even lower. I was going to replace Malarkey who was in his foxhole. Winters needed to see him for whatever reason. I walked to the foxhole and saw Crompton lying curled up next to Malarkey, I could feel my heartbeat raise. I swallowed hard as I told Malarkey where he was needed and watched as the paratrooper jumped out of the foxhole and walked in the directions where most of the officers were. I hopped into the foxhole and sat down, shivering slightly at the brisk air that hit my face. I glanced over at Buck, his eyes and face seemed slightly sad. He looked straight in front of him, not really looking over at me. He usually is nice and talkative when it was just me and him. There was something wrong and or something happened. I gave him a slight concerning look. He looked over at me and I watched as a small chuckle left his lips and how he closed his eyes softly.
“I guess you are a little worried about me?” he said, his voice sounded sad. My face softened. The day after he found me and killed that German soldier, he was always in sight of me. Now, these past couple days, he was just distant. Not even just from me, but from his other close friends as well. It was making us all a little sad. I just stared at him, not answering his question. The look I was giving him seemed to answer his question well enough. “My girl, she sent me a letter. She says she is done with me,” He chuckled sadly. I saw tears in his eyes, he looked so broken. I could feel my heart slowly breaking. He kept his gaze away from mine, staring off into the dark and cold forest. I scooted closer to him. Understanding the heartbreak he was going through. I had a boyfriend of four years before I joined the Airbourne. And right before I left for Bootcamp, he broke things off with me. I know the feeling he was getting. I didn’t know what words to use, so I just wrapped my arms around the shivering man. I rubbed his shoulder slightly, showing that I was feeling bad for him. 
A week has passed since Buck and I had that moment in the foxhole. And recently, to my knowledge and others as well, Buck began flirting with me. Which my dumbass couldn’t comprehend until someone had mentioned and pointed it out to me. I was actually quite happy with finding out this information, I had been interested in Buck for a while now. Now here we were, flirting and such. I was scared he was just using me as a rebound, but maybe we will have to wait and see. 
Buck and I walked together through Bastogne, laughing softly at each other’s jokes. I noticed some of the looks the two of us were receiving. I ignored them and continued walking and talking. We had reached a foxhole. It was quiet for once, we were slightly away from everyone else, it was quite relaxing. Buck and I continued talking for a while, just happily enjoying our own company. It was all going well until an all too familiar sound began. German artillery. The ground shook, the trees fell, screams and shouts rang off, my heart raced and my head pounded, when was this going to end? When could we leave? I wanted out. I clung onto Buck, my nails digging into his jacket. My face was buried in his chest. My eyes kept flashing between the days of the Artillery fire and the day that Kraut attacked me. My eyes brimmed with tears as I gripped tighter to Buck. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me, his warm body radiating onto mine. My tears began to drip down my face, my cries not being able to be heard from the loud Artillery fire. Buck’s grip on my torso had tightened.
Once the bombs had stopped, my low cries could be heard. Buck was trying to hush my soft cries. It was working slightly. I pulled away from his hug, wiping my eyes, sniffling as I looked around. Some bodies were littered on the ground. I want to go home. I want my mom. I want my dad. I miss my dogs. Buck held me as I shivered. Not just from the cold air, but from the anxiety. 
“Relax Doll, You’re safe,” he spoke softly. My breathing slowed as I began to relax. I started to realize where I was. I was in Bastogne, in a foxhole with Buck Compton. I looked up at him, my eyes softened. His eyes looked just as scared as mine. I watched as he slowly leaned down. What was he doing. Oh my god. I watched his eyes close. It was happening. I closed my eyes and felt his lips press against mine. And oh my god was it worth it coming to fight this stupid, awful war for the feeling it gave me to kiss this man. My heart was full, my face was burning, my hands cupped his face. He pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms tight around his neck. I felt safe here with Buck. He pulled away and gave me a soft smile. I returned the smile.
“I’m okay.”
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- Age 10 -
10 years old was an important age for young trainers and that they could take the first step into choosing what they wanted to be. Many chose to be Pokemon Trainers, Coordinators, etc. while others chose to be Pokemon Breeders, Doctors, etc. Growing up in Hoenn, Juliet was a massive fan of Pokemon Contests and try to attend as many rounds as she could with what her parents would allow. Shining brightly on stage with Pokemon, she wanted nothing more than to stand on the same stage with her future Pokemon standing behind her as they brought smiles and laughs to the audience watching them.
She begged every day to her parents to let her pursue this path, but due to money problems and lack of faith from her parents, she never got to see this dream realized. To give her parents a little bit of credit, it’s not that they didn’t want her to pursue what she wanted, but in their eyes, being something other than a Doctor was financially unpredictable so it was a case of parents doing what was best for their kid.
- Age 11 -
Juliet spent a year deciding what she really wanted to do if being a Pokemon Coordinator was out of the question. She knew in her heart that she wanted to have a Pokemon team of her own, which is then she entertained the idea of being a Pokemon Trainer. Her parents wouldn’t have to spend money on costumes, and she’d have the freedom to explore her region to the fullest all on her own. It took a lot of convincing since her parents were over-protective, but seeing as how they couldn’t support her dream of being a Pokemon Coordinator, they thought it was only fair to let her try to be a Pokemon Trainer.
With new found support and confidence at finally being able to do what she wanted, she received her starter Pokemon who would go on to be her companion for life and best friend - a Mudkip who had been disowned by an abusive trainer, whom she named Hajime. Needless to say, he didn’t behave well, either ignoring commands or lashing out angrily when she would scold him lightly. But, she kept her cool and was patient with him. After all, they weren’t that different from each other. They both knew how it felt to have people not believe in them. So, they spent weeks bonding as a Trainer to Pokemon until slowly, Hajime was able to shake off his disobedience and follow commands. He eventually evolved into a Marshstomp and then a Swampert, and by the time they reached the Elite Four, Juliet developed a strong bond with her team that consisted of Swampert (Hajime), Flygon (TIki), and Pikachu (Odin). It was pretty unconventional to have a small party of Pokemon for the Elite Four, but she believed they were strong enough to overcome the odds and they trusted her in turn for believing in them. This was her way of proving to her parents that she was strong and that she could prevail if they just believed in her.
And they succeeded. After a close battle, she had become Champion of the Hoenn region, much to the delight of her family and friends. But above all else, she was the most proud of her Pokemon - they were the reason she was able to get this far. But the initial glamour of being a Champion didn’t last very long.
- Age 12 -
Her rise to Champion was mostly positively regarded, but it was hard to ignore the people who accused her of cheating or showing off because of how many Pokemon she used and how young she was on top of it to pull it off. She has always believed that it’s not how many Pokemon you have, it’s how you use them that matters, but that didn’t stop the naysayers from twisting her words in a way where it sounded like she was calling those who had a full team were weak or not smart. Her family, friends, and people who were her fans tried to remind her to not listen to what they had to say, but every challenger she beat who wanted to take her title made her feel defeated instead of accomplished. Keep in mind, she’s still a kid. Any kid on the cusp of puberty is already so vulnerable to comments that bring their self-esteem into question. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t take it anymore. Not only was she being doubted, but her Pokemon by extension were feeling it too and she didn’t want them to feel awful anymore because of her. She unsurprisingly lost and lost her title as Champion.
She thought she was finally free of being under the spotlight, but her loss still brought about comments saying they were glad there was a new Champion and how glad they were that she was ‘finally put into her place’.
Juliet spent weeks isolated in her room and she would refuse to come out even if her friends wanted to invite her to play or her relatives were visiting. Especially with family, she always dreaded questions of what her plans for her future were, or telling her to suck it up and move on. She didn’t know if her family would actually say those things, but in her wallowing of self-pity, that’s what her mind thought. The only company that she allowed was her Pokemon, because just like her, they were feeling depressed as well.
The only one who was able to bring her back to her normal self, was her aunt, who invited her to travel with her around the world. Her aunt was one of the few family members who supported her unconditionally and always looked out for her happiness. Travelling brought back her carefree spirit, but it wasn’t enough to dispel the doubt in her heart that showed itself every now and again.
- Age 15 -
Over the three years of travelling with her aunt, Juliet eventually started to travel on her own but not before at least repaying her aunt back by helping her around her inn in Lavaridge Town in Hoenn for a few months. She earned quite a bit and set off on a world-wide journey of self-discovery. During her travels with her aunt, she learned to be independent and self-sufficient, which made it easy for her to adapt to the wild life in between towns.
- Age 17 -
Juliet was joined by three more travel friends and companions who were from Kanto and Johto. During their travels, they participated in many tournaments at the Battle Frontier, Battle Subway, Battle Tree, etc. Her love for competitive battling came back, but not to a point where she thought about pursuing greater heights like becoming Champion again due to her anxiety over the outcome of what happened when she was younger. She had thought about becoming a Pokemon Coordinator like she wanted all those years ago now that she made a decent living through her winnings, but she wasn’t quite ready to be in the spotlight after all these years.
Her Pokemon team eventually filled out with Chandelure, Decidueye, and Sylveon, on top of her Pikachu evolving into an Alolan Raichu during her time in Alola.
- Age 19 -
Her friends traveled to the Galar region after hearing about the famous Wild Area, a huge untouched stretch of land in the middle of the region that flourished with different habitats and ecosystems of Pokemon, but riddled with these markers called Power Spots. They had a basic idea of what Dynamaxing was and that activated Power Spots housed wild, Dynamaxed Pokemon that trainers could challenge themselves against in an event called Max Raid Battles.
After completing a few, and seeing how there were countless of Power Spots still scattered all over the massive Wild Area, their mutual excitement over Max Raids gave them motivation to stay in Galar much longer than when they stayed in other regions. Juliet jokingly created a Pokegram account as a means to document their Raids, which unexpectedly blew up with supporters and followers all over the world. On one hand, it made her happy to see the sheer amount of support people had over their teamwork and synergy, but on the other hand it made her afraid that people from the past would catch up with what she was doing to ridicule her. Luckily, no such thing happened but there were a few trolls and the like who insulted their strategies or would personally insult one of them - but now that she was older and had close friends who had her back, it was easier to dismiss the negativity that came their way. They were just having fun and it made them even happier knowing they had fans who were having fun vicariously through their streams and recordings.
They eventually named their team, Prism.
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- Age 20 -
Their booming popularity caught the attention of Professor Magnolia, who specializes in the Dynamax phenomenon with her grand-daughter Sonia. In order for her to strengthen her research into Dynamax and Gigantamax, Magnolia hires the group to be her field researchers, where they’re tasked with sending her specific Pokemon or Pokemon that are capable of Gigantamax. As a result of their new job, they settled down in neighbouring flats in Wyndon.
Since the Pokemon that appear in Power Spots are random, they don’t spend time in the Wild Area for days on end, which means they have days in between of free time. As a result, Juliet works part-time at the Battle Cafe as a Barista to fill in her days off and oversee the Cafe Master’s battles. Over her time at the Battle Cafe, she has lent an ear to the troubles and struggles of her customers to the point that regulars refer to her as the ‘Cafe Therapist’. She’s not too fond of the title considering she doesn’t have any formal training as a therapist, but she let’s it slide because she finds comfort in knowing that people trust and rely on her enough to talk to her about their bad days. She also saves her tips for any trainers and kids who can’t afford a drink or snack so she can treat them.
The culmination of self-doubt, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, etc. molded her into a trainer with a caring and generous heart who just wants everyone to know that there’s someone out there who is always looking out for them and wants them to be happy. Carrying other people’s burdens is her way of coping with her own insecurities. Even though she is happy to be in a place where she’s financially secure and is making a positive impact on people’s lives, it might take a bit more time until she can look at herself in the mirror and say, “I’m proud of how strong I’ve become”.
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stickfigureandfang · 5 years
Harry potter Avatar the last airbender crossover headcannons
Aang and Sokka are Gryffindor
Katara is a Ravenclaw
Toph is a Slytherin (and also the unofficial queen of the house)
Draco is afraid of Toph
Benders are treated like purebloods even if they are muggleborn
The Avatar is treated like royalty
Zuko is Hufflepuff (you can't change my mind)
Zuko is the grupiest Hulffelpuff ever
Zuko and Azula are pureblood wizard/benders
Aang is a muggleborn
Sokka and Katara are half bloods
Snape teaches potions but is not the head of Slytherin (he is happier this way and thus less of a git)
Iroh is the head of Slytherin
Iroh is THE reason Slytherin's reputation is not ruined by Voldmort
Iroh teaches Wizarding etiquette to the first and second years
Third years and up are taught philosophy by Iroh
Wizarding etiquette and muggle studies are mandatory classes
Muggles are aware of benders, not wizards
Iroh and Zuko can talk to dragons
Zuko does not realise this
Azula (Slyrherin) does
She is jealous of Zuko as she does not have Dragon speach
Iroh has a mini turtle-dragon (it is allowed because he can understand it and thus train with better efficiency than ANYONE else)
The turtle-dragon is small enough to fit on his shoulders
Zuko talks shit with his uncle's turtle-dragon
Zuko just thinks the thing can straight up talk
Iroh taught his mini turtle-dragon how to perform tea ceremonies
He shows this off during staff meetings
Aang and Sokka are good friends with the Weasly twins
Aang and the twins laugh at gravity together
Aang and Sokka carry on the twins' pranks after they leave during fifth year
Zuko finds out he can talk to dragons when someone asks him why he is growling at his uncle's turtle-dragon
When this becomes public knowledge Zuko is immediately popular
The sudden fangirls/boys make him avoid the general populace as much as he can
Even if it means tea ceremonies with his uncle
Toph occasionally joins them
Azula ends up joining the death eaters
Her father supports this
Zuko is disowned when he is sorted into Hufflepuff
Iroh then assumes full custody of him
Bender familiars tend to be larger than wizard ones
There are stables on the school property for this very reason
Toph has a badger mole
Zuko ends up with a dragon (herbivore and about the size of a horse)
He is allowed to keep it for the same reason Iroh is allowed to keep his
Aang has Apa (obviously)
Draco admires Iroh and does not take the dark mark on his advice
Draco's father disowns him
However when Malfoy Sr. realises just how bad things are he ends up proud of Draco for not making his mistakes and welcomes him back into the family after the war is over
He then steps down as head of the family giving that title to Draco
While Draco is disowned Iroh takes care of him
Azula is given the task Draco would have received if he was a death eater
She fails
Iroh jokingly flirts with McGonagall
She neither accepts or denies his advances
This sparks a rumor that they're dating
They're not
Iroh was disowned from his family when he refused the dark mark during the first war
The boulder(Hufflepuff) is still in school
He has failed every grade AT LEAST once
He is seventh year and refuses to quit until he takes his N.E.W.T.s
The teachers respect his determination and help him out when they can
Snape gives him detention cleaning culdrons during his Gryffindor-Slythrin class of the same grade
Sprout arranges a tutor for him
McGonagall lets him sit and work on homework while other students are in detention whenever he wants
He is the beater for Hufflepuff
Please feel free to add your own
And if anyone knows of or writes one like this please let me know
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hyunmintae · 6 years
Why are you so Mean?
A/N: Thank you to @kloudbun again for helping me come up with this!
Pairing: Mark x Reader
Mark from Got7 as known for being quiet and sometimes playful. He was especially known for his good looks and charms. As far as anyone knew, Mark was the sweetest guy around. Y/N however, thought the opposite. From the day she met him he had been nothing but mean and rude to her. If she asked him why, he would always tell her it was because he didn’t like her. But one day, Y/N had been having a exceptionally bad day with her own problems and when Mark decides he’s gonna be extra rude today Y/n finally looses her cool and goes off on him more than anyone expected. Will Mark finally realizes that his approach to rid himself of his feelings for her wasn’t the best idea? Or will he lose her completely this time?
Warnings: Angst, smut, fluff
As long as Y/N could remember knowing the boys of GOT7, she could never remember a day where Mark was anything but rude and mean to her. He always had a snide comment to make about her appearance or the clothes she wore. Even when BamBam, the most stylish boy in GOT7, helped her pick her outfits, Mark made it his duty to let her know she didn’t look as good as she thought the boys were just being nice.
Mark was determined, secretly, to make Y/N believe he hated her so he wouldn’t have to deal with how he really felt about her. It pained him when the harsh words left his mouth, each time he insulted her bile would rise in his throat and he had to choke it down and act like he actually meant what he said.
Y/N however, had been in love with Mark far before the day Jackson had introduced her to the boys. She had been a fan of GOT7 for years, knowing Jackson way before their debut. Mark was Y/N’s bias, every time he smiled she swooned, each time he laughed, her heart beat at a rapid pace. At each time he spoke so harshly to her, her heart broke a little more. She had grown so soft for this boy before she met him that when Jackson said he wanted her to meet them, she was so excited. Excited to meet the other boys and excited to finally meet Mark.
However, it didn’t go as planned. The moment she walked into the dorm all of the boys and smiles on their faces and were greeting her with hugs and the shake of their hands. All except one, Mark, he not once smiled at her, all he did was give a small wave and shake her hand before almost immediately pulling his hand away and leaving the room.
Jackson could see the hurt in Y/N’s eyes as Mark payed her no mind and so rudely, walked out of the room. Jackson always complained when Y/N would gush over his friend, her bias, and he would jokingly say how he should be her bias considering he was her best friend. Y/N would always hug him and tell him that even though Mark was her bias, Jackson would always have a special place in her heart.
At this moment though, Jackson was angry. Angry at Mark for being this way and angry at himself for not asking Mark to at least stay and visit. Mark and Jackson were closer than most of the group, but right now Jackson had never felt more torn from Mark. As he watched Y/N chat with the other boys the best she could, trying her hardest to not show how hurt she was that her bias had basically rejected her. Jackson frowned before putting on a smile, telling himself he’d talk to Mark later about it. He joined in the conversation and soon everyone was laughing and playing.
Later that night after Jackson had taken Y/N home, he had no sooner walked into the dorm had Mark walked by with a smile on his face.
“Hey Jackson, wanna join the movie?” Mark asked, smiling,
All Jackson could do was frown at his best friend, “Not until you explain to me what the hell was wrong with you when I brought Y/N over to meet you all?”
Mark’s smile faded at the thought as he looked at Jackson, “What? I met her? I said Hello and was nice like you asked us to be, what else did you want me to do?”
“I at least expected you to get to know her some, the others did with no problem. But you ignored her and even left the room and didn’t come back out until I said I was taking her home.” Jackson retorted, his face heating up with anger.
Mark could only look at Jackson, “We just met her and you actually expect me to be all excited and happy and jumping around and hugging her like I’ve known her for years?”
Jackson scoffed at Mark’s answer, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I at least expected you out of everyone to try and become friends with her. Your her bias after all. She was so expected to meet everyone, of course, but you mostly. You’ve been her bias, hell, since before we even debuted, and this is how her first time meeting you goes? You may not have seen it, but I sure as hell did. She was trying her hardest not to be hurt by your actions when you basically rejected her. She asked me the whole way to her apartment if she did or said something wrong. Oh, but then she put it off and you were just shy or something. No, you were just being an asshole.” Jackson explained, his voice raising 2 octaves upon speaking the last sentence.
All of the boys stared at Jackson, a little in shock and a little in understanding. Y/N had come with Jackson to meet them all, everyone. She only got to meet five of them, not including the one person she wanted to meet most and now she was left feeling bad thinking she had done something wrong for Mark to not want to meet her.
After Jackson’s initial statement he shook his head, “I’m going to take a shower and then I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
The boys watched as Jackson walked to his room and then into the bathroom, anger fuming from his ears the whole time. Mark was looking down at his feet the whole time. 
“I’m her bias? And I treated her that way? Now she thinks it’s her fault?” Mark thought to himself as he stared at his feet.
“No wonder she looked so sad when Mark wouldn’t even look at her.” BamBam’s voice broke his train of thought.
“I just thought it was because Jackson wasn’t joining the conversation for a little bit.” Yugyeom spoke.
‘Why’d you act that way Hyung?” Youngjae asked, looking toward Mark.
Mark clenched his teeth, putting on his tough guy façade again, “Why is it such a big deal? I didn’t know just because she was Jackson’s friend that I had to be nice to her? Maybe I just don’t like her?”
“How can you say you don’t like her? You don’t even know her.” BamBam questioned, he was utterly confused by Mark’s behavior.
“Maybe I don’t want to know her. Ever think of that, maybe? You guys are acting like I committed a crime and are treating me like I’m the maknae.” Mark retorted, attitude coating over his words.
The boys stared at Mark wide eyed, “Hyung. You can't just use your age to get out of this. It wasn’t fair to Y/N to treat her like that upon just meeting her and you know it.” Jaebum’s assertive voice broke through the intense silence. Everyone’s eyes going to their leader.
Mark just scoffed and got up, going to his room that unfortunately shared with Jackson.
Almost two and half years later, Y/N and the rest of the boys, excluding Mark, had grown significantly closer in the past years they had gotten to know her. She was regularly at the dorm or at the studio. She always brought them food or gifts or little snacks. She cooked for them when no one else felt like it and didn’t want to order out. The situation between Mark and Y/N had stayed the same, but Mark had grown harsher towards her. 
Y/N, unknown to the boys even Jackson, had recently gone through some tough times in her life, she lost her best friend over a petty fight about her friend’s boyfriend cheating on her. Her friend didn't believe her and accused her just being jealous, the guy Y/N was dating broke up with her because he had found someone “better” as he put it, and her parents had recently disowned her because she didn’t want to be a reporter or a doctor, all she wanted to do was work in a floral shop. Flowers were her natural calling and she loved it, but upon that decision her parents thought of her as a no good disappointment to their family and disowned her.
Y/N was facing many things on her own, inside and out. She had trouble with her appearance because of her ex and so called friends. Y/N was a beautiful girl and she knew that, but lately she had been having a harder time at keeping that thought. More specifically, every time she visited the boys, Mark had something bad to say about her outfit or her body.
Like last week, she had come to the dorm in just sweatpants and a hoodie her hair up in a messy bun. Mark took it upon himself to tell her that she looked disgusting and should be ashamed for leaving her house looking like she hadn't brushed her hair in a week. He also informed her that the next time she came to see the boys, she might want to actually dress nice, because they at least deserve that decency. 
Jackson and Mark’s relationship had strained a lot more after that. Jackson overheard every word Mark had said to Y/N, and when Y/N left not even  minutes after, apologizing for it. Jackson had taken it upon himself to shove Mark into the couch and scream in his face about how he had no right to say things like that to her. She was here for a movie day, not to go out with them to dinner or something.
Jaebum had to split them up before anything bad could happen and that night Jackson had packed an over night bag and left to go to Y/N’s apartment, Youngjae, BamBam, and Yugyeom following suit. Jaebum and Jinyoung shared a look with each other as they watched the four boys leave. 
“Guys, we have practice tomorrow, you can’t leave.” Jaebum told them.
“Don’t worry. We’ll be there. Just not at the same time as you.” Jackson told him, walking out of the door, the three maknaes following.
About an hour later, there was a knock on Y/N’s door and as she got up to see who it was she was surprised to see Jackson, BamBam, Youngjae, and Yugyeom outside her door.
“What are you guys doing here? Don’t you all have practice in the morning?” She asked as she let them in.
“Yes, but we wanted to come and watch a movie with you as we planned.” Youngjae had spoke up, coming to hug Y/N.
Y/N smiled as she hugged him back, “Um, okay then. Where are the others?” 
“At the dorm. With Mark.” Jackson spoke, anger taking over his features at the mention of Mark.
Y/N simply nodded and went to make the popcorn as the boys settled in on the couch.
Movie night had since started.
The next morning the boys woke up early, along with Y/N and got dressed for practice. The boys begged Y/N to come with them and watch their practice and she finally agreed with Yugyeom attached himself to her.
“Okay, fine, fine.” She said, going to get dressed. The boys waited for her to finish getting dressed before they all left for the studio.
The four of them arrived at the studio before Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Mark arrived so when they stepped in and saw the four of them Jaebum was a bit surprised.
“Huh, you guys are actually early.” Jinyoung smiled, going over to hug Y/N hello.
“Hi, Jinyoungie. Hi Jaebummie.” She smiled at them.
Mark rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch and sat down.
Soon after practice started and Y/N was in charge of playing, pausing, and replaying the songs after Jaebum had taught her how.
After about four or five hours into their practice, Jackson walked over to Y/N when Jaebum called for a break and plopped down beside her on the floor, his head going into her lap. Y/N smiled down at him and ran her fingers through his sweaty hair, handing him a water bottle.
“Thank you.” Jackson mumbled, opening the water and jugging the whole bottle in one gulp.
“Slow down, you’ll give yourself a stomach ache.” Y/N scolded him, smacking his arm slightly.
Jackson sneered up at her before leaning up and pressing a kiss to her cheek, “Yeah, yeah. What are you, my Noona now?” Jackson joked. He got up quickly to run off when Y/N raised her hand to smack him again.
“Fine then, get a stomach ache. I don’t care. I won’t be babying you when you do.” Y/N said to him, watching as his smile went to an instant frown and it held intense shock.
“No! I’m sorry!” Jackson yelled, running to her but she turned and hid behind Jaebum.
Jaebum laughed at her as she hid, moving around each time Jackson tried to grab her. Yugyeom had snuck up behind her as she hid behind Jaebum and wrapped his arms around her quickly and picked her up, carrying her away from Jackson.
“Ha! Now I get all Y/N’s attention!” Yugyeom yelled, wrapping his arms around the girl tightly, still holding her above the ground.
“You squeeze her any tighter and her head is gonna pop off.” Jinyoung laughed, pointing to Y/N’s slightly red face.
Yugyeom put her down gently then and apologized for being a little too rough. She smiled at him and told him it was fine.
Mark was scowling at all of them, wanting to be in Yugyeom’s place, but also wishing Y/N would just leave. He had grown fond of the girl, but he would never let the boys know that and to him a girlfriend was just too stressful. He did his best to push her as far away from him as he could.
Y/N would glance at Mark every now and then from the corner of her eye, wishing he didn’t hate her and be the bias she always dreamed he would be. She had tried to hard the past few years to forget her feelings for the older boy. Sadly, they only grew stronger even when he was breaking her heart slowly.
After everything he’d ever said to her he was still her bias and frankly he always would be. For the time being though, she had the boys thinking, hoping they bought her lie, that Jaebum was her bias. At least now they didn’t argue about who her bias was now, although Jackson still wouldn’t accept her answer until she said it was him.
Mark was broke from his thoughts when Y/N screamed, BamBam had popped up behind her and scared her. He hadn’t meant to scare her as bad as he did, but they had forgotten how Jackson had told them she was a bit skittish. 
“Do you have to be so damn loud? He didn’t even do anything to you.” Mark mumbled, looking at the group in the middle of the room.
The boys turned toward Mark, frowns on their faces at his harsh tone. Y/N simply pursed her lips together, he smile turning to a frown.
“Sorry Mark.”. She whispered, looking toward the floor
“Don’t apologize to me, loud mouth.” Mark mumbled again, a scowl forming.
Y/N nodded, looking back up at the boys for a moment, “I think I should get going... You guys have to practice. I’m only distracting you.” She mumbled.
“No! You promised you’d stay and watch us practice!” BamBam said, grabbing her hands.
“Yeah!” Jackson and Yugyeom yelled together.
Before Y/N could speak Mark’s voice beat her to it, “No. She should leave, she’s only a distraction. We’ve been here for hours and only practiced like three times, and some of you still can’t get it right because you keep making faces at her and playing around.” 
“I mean honestly, all she does is distract you guys. I don’t get why she’s so important to you guys, she’s so easily replaceable. Why get hung up on her being your friend when you can have someone better, prettier.” Mark sneered.
“She’s not that great if you ask me. She’s not even that funny, he laugh is annoying. Her voice is even worse. Of course I understand you all want her around and stuff because she’s Jackson’s friend, but don’t you think it’s a bit hurtful to her to keep her around because you feel bad that she doesn’t have any of friends so you pretend to be that for her?” Mark continued. 
“Mark.. don’t...” Jaebum whispered, noticing the way Jackson had grown quite angry, his breathing had quickened and Y/N had tears in her eyes as she stared at Mark.
“Don’t what? Tell her the truth? Come on! Stop leading her on and letting her think you’re actually friends with her! Look at her, she’s not even that pretty.” Mark spoke again, looking right at Y/N.
He had just realized the tears in her eyes and how his words had truly affected her. He hadn't meant for the words to even leave his mouth, but once they started he couldn’t stop them. He didn’t believe a single word that come from him, but all he could think was to get her to hate him so he wouldn’t have to deal with his true feelings. By the looks of Y/N’s face, he had done more than just that, she looked at him as though he had broken her spirit. 
Jackson, however, was far from crying he was angry. Livid at Mark and he intended to inflict as much pain on Mark as Mark had to Y/N. Jackson didn’t realize the depth of Mark’s words on Y/n though. He knew they hurt but he hadn’t realized just how much they hurt.
Before Jackson could even step close to Mark, Y/N spoke, softly, quietly, “You know, I once looked up to you. I once thought of you as the best person I knew, before I even met you. You were my bias, simply because you were comfortable with being yourself, something I never could do. From the day I found out Jackson was going to be in a group with you, I begged him to let me meet you, just so I could finally be able to say, “Yeah, I met Mark, and he was just as we all imagined. But I was wrong, everyone was wrong. You aren’t nice, you aren’t sweet, or charming, or even the least bit a good person. You’re horrible and harsh and just mean. So mean. What did I ever do to you to make you hate me? To make you say such horrible things? From the day Jackson introduced me to you guys, you shoved me aside and wouldn’t even look at me. Not even a smile.”
Everyone in the room was quiet, not knowing if she was finished or just getting started.
Y/N took a deep breath, choking back her sobs, “I’m sorry I’m not the person you want me to be. Hell, I’m sorry I’m not some super gorgeous model.  I have my own demons to fight, and I’ve been fighting them for years on my own, and each time you insult me, make fun of my outfits, or the way I look with or without makeup. It only makes those demons bigger. More horrible for me. I don’t need you feeding them, making them eat away at me. I don’t need you breaking my heart anymore than it already is.” 
After Y/N was finished, she grabbed her things and left the studio. She left all of the boys stunned and dumbfounded. Jackson watched her with wide eyes as she left, he didn’t know anything about these “demons” of hers. 
Jackson turned to Mark and all he saw was red and before anyone could react, Jackson lunged at Mark punching him right across his jaw. Mark fell to the ground in surprise but no faster than he fell he was on his feet. Mark lunged back at Jackson, his fist connecting with Jackson’s face just under his eye. 
The boys tried to break them up but they were to far into the altercation for anyone to be able to pull them apart. By the time they stopped, Jackson had Mark pinned to the floor, his nose was broken, he had a black eye, and his cheek was bruised. Jackson had a bruised cheek, a busted lip, and his knuckles were busted. 
They were breathing heavily, Mark had Jackson’s shirt fisted into his hand. Jackson had Mark’s collar the same way. Jaebum stepped toward them cautiously, everyone in the room knew this was bound to happen.
“Jackson, let go.” Jaebum spoke low, but assertively.
Jackson held onto Mark’s shirt for just a few seconds longer before he let him go, pushing him down on the ground fully. He yanked himself out of Mark’s grip and stepped a few feet back from him.
“If you ever, and I mean ever come near her again. This will end worse, I promise you that. You were my best friend but now I don’t even know who you are.” Jackson spat, venom dripping with every word.
Mark held himself up on his elbows, watching Jackson has he grabbed his stuff and left the studio. Mark fell back lying fully on his back as he breathed in, his chest hurting from the punches he gotten from Jackson.
BamBam, Yugyeom, and Youngjae stood to the side glaring at Mark and with a shake of their heads they all ran out to find Jackson. They knew where he’d be going anyway, so it didn’t take them long to catch up with him outside the building.
Jaebum held out his hand to Mark, “Get up.”
Mark grabbed his hand and pulled himself up stumbling a bit once he was up right. His head was spinning slightly and his body ached, but his heart ached more than he thought it could. Because not only had he truly lost the one person he loved, he had also costed himself his friendship with Jackson. Markson for the time being, was no more.
Several months later, Y/N never came back to the studio or the dorm. She just rather stay in her own apartment than going to the dorm. Jackson, BamBam, Yugyeom, and Youngjae were always at Y/N’s apartment on their off days or just when they didn’t want to be with the older boys or at the dorm. 
“You know, ever since that day Mark hasn’t been himself. I mean he wasn’t himself that day either. He’s been extra quiet lately.” BamBam whispered to Y/N one day, they were walking down the side walk on there way back from the store.
“Why are you telling me this?” Y/N asked, looking over at BamBam and then back in front of her.
BamBam sighed, “Because I know why he was the way he was when you were around. No, he didn't have a good reason for it. No one ever does to treat someone like that, but I understand why he thought he had to,” BamBam had stopped walking then, and was looking at Y/N.
Y/N turned around and looked at the taller boy, “Then why?” Y/ stood in front of BamBam. 
“He’s in love with you.” BamBam told, watching her face go from emotionless to shocked.
“What?” Y/N muttered.
“He’s been in love with you since the first time her met you, but with Mark how he handles his feelings are different. The last time he fell for someone so hard, she left him without a second thought. She didn’t spare his feelings the slightest, she just packed up and left him. No goodbye, nothing. About a year later, she came back, married.” BamBam spoke slowly.. 
“He felt horrible every time he insulted you and made you feel bad. It tore him apart to do it, but he thought that if you got him to hate him that he wouldn’t have to deal with his feelings. He was scared and he just didn’t know what to do. I’m not saying this was right of him, but I’m saying he wasn’t just horrible to you for no reason.” After BamBam finished explaining, he smiled sadly at Y/N and started walking again.
“That still doesn’t make up for what he did. The things he said, the things he did. If he wanted me to hate him, all he had to do was tell me he just didn’t like me or something.” Y/N said.
“And what actually happened to Jackson that day? When you guys came to my apartment?” Y/N questioned.
BamBam scratched the back of his neck at her question, “Well uh, after you left Jackson kind of lunged at Mark and well, well, they got into a huge fist fight. If it means anything, Mark got the worse end of it.” 
“So Jackson lied to me? I told him not to get into a fight with Mark. I told him not ruin his friendship over me.” Y/N sighed, shaking her head. Reminding her self to scold Jackson later about it.
BamBam sighed and smiled toward her, “Do you think you could ever forgive him? If he asked or proved himself worthy?” BamBam asked.
“Who? Mark? Yeah, maybe.” She nodded. 
After a few more minutes they were back at her apartment and when they walked in, BamBam froze. 
Y/N frowned at his frozen state and when she turned around, the last person she expected was standing in her dinning room a shy smile on his face
“Hi, Y/N.” Mark muttered.
Y/N looked to Jackson and Yugyeom, who were standing behind Mark. Yugyeom walked over and took the groceries from Y/N’s arms, he, BamBam, and Jackson walked into the kitchen.
“Why are you here Mark?” Y/N asked, putting her purse down on her dinning table. 
“I wanted to talk to you and apologize for everything I said to you.” Mark spoke softly.
Y/n turned around and looked at him, “Okay?”
Mark hesitated for a moment and then continued, “I’m sorry, really, really sorry. I was just, just an ass.”
“No. You weren't just an ass. You were a jerk, a rude jerk. Nonetheless, you were being horrible to me based off of some other girl breaking your heart.” Y/N said, looking at him.
“What?” Mark muttered, his anger was rising at the mention of his past.
“You heard me. I know why you did what you did. I just don’t see how, because of that girl, you had to treat me as if I was her? Not all girls are the same and just because you don’t want to deal with your feelings doesn’t mean you have to treat someone so horribly.” Y/N finished, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I wasn’t mean to you simply because I can’t handle my own feelings, Y/N.” Mark spat at her, losing all of his first intention to apologize and try and win her forgiveness and hopefully her love.
“Then tell me, Mark. Why were you so rude and mean to me?” She asked, stepping slightly closer to him.
Mark looked at her for a moment before he lunged forward and kissed her, roughly. He cupped her face quickly with one hand and the other going around her waist tightly. He pulled her as close to him as he could.
Before Y/N could react, Mark had backed them up into her bedroom, he locked the door behind him and then pushed her up against the door. Y/N gave into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her roughly, their lips moving in sync.
He moved, and walked Y/N backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed and they fell backwards, His hand cradled the back of her head as they fell against the mattress. Mark trailed kisses along Y/N’s jawline before moving to kiss her neck, sucking and nibbling certain places roughly. Y/N tried to keep in her moans as she cupped her hand over her mouth.
“Don't.” Mark warned, breaking away from her neck and hovered above her, looking into her eyes.
“Why?” Y/N asked, referring to why he went from being so hateful to this.
Mark leaned down to press a kiss to her shoulder, moving so he rested between her legs, “Because I was an idiot and I didn’t want to try and pursue you, and just have you reject me. It wasn’t the smartest idea and I truly am sorry for it. I really do like you though, maybe even love.”
Y/n smiled at him shyly, “Well, for the record, I wouldn’t have rejected you. You are my bias after all.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Mark smiled at Y/N again, pressing another kiss to her shoulder before softly nibbling her skin back to her neck, leaving a trail of his marks along it. Y/N ran her fingers through his hair as he marked his way around her collarbones, he pulled her shirt over her head. He kiss along her collarbones a few more times before kissing down the valley of her breasts, sucking softly on the soft skin.
Y/N’s hands trailed down Mark’s shirt, unbuttoning the buttons as they went until the last one was undone and Mark sat up on his knees and took it off. He leaned back down over her and captured her lips with his. His hand trailed down to unbutton and unzip her jean shorts, his hand moving a little too quickly than he meant.
He slipped his hand into her pants and cupped her mound, slowly rubbing her heat slowly. Y/N moaned quietly, her fingers in Mark’s hair. Mark smiled into her neck, kissing it softly before biting down on her skin. After a couple of more small strokes to her heat over he panties, Mark slipped his hand into her panties. He slowly stuck a finger inside of her folds, rubbing her clit with his thumb.
“So wet for me and I’ve barely touched you.” Mark whispered into her ear before biting down on it. 
Y/N moaned at his words and his touch, her back arching slightly. Mark teased her for a while, slipping his finger slowly in and out of her, listening to her whine quietly.
“Stop teasing..” Y/N whispered, her lips parted as she licked them slowly.
Mark chuckled at her neediness, he slid her shorts and panties down her legs and tossed them on the floor somewhere. After she was completely naked, her bra going somewhere in the room, Mark sat up and slipped his pants and boxers off. He crawled back between her legs, kissing her lips in a sweet kiss. 
Y/N wedged her hand between their bodies, beginning to stroke Mark’s length. Mark grunted in the kiss, biting her bottom lips as he did. Y/N stroked him some more, Mark was groaning into her mouth as he kissed her. He then grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, lacing his fingers with hers.
“Enough of that.” He whispered, he looked down as he gripped his length in his hand and slowly guided it into her entrance. Grunting when he was fully inside of her, Y/n’s legs wrapped around his waist. 
Y/N’s moans grew a little in volume when Mark began to move, slowly thrusting his hips into hers, Mark leaned down and kissed along her neck. His thrusts turned from soft and sweet to rough and hard after a few whines slipped from Y/N’s lips.
“M-Mark.” Y/N moaned out, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her.
Mark was now laid completely on top of her, his head in the crook of her head, breathing heavily into it. Y/N buried her head into his neck also. Mark’s thrusts got rougher over time. He was pounding into to her so hard the headboard to the bed banged against the all every few minutes.
“M-Mark, slow down. The boys.” Y/N mumbled out, her breath hitching when he shifted their position and he began to hit her g-spot over and over again.
“O-oh god.” Y/N moaned louder than she wanted.
Mark moaned into Y/N’s ear when she moved her hips against him, he held himself up so Y/N could thrust her hips against him herself. He looked between them as each time Y/N moved her hips he heat swallowed his length. 
“Oh shit.” Mark muttered, his body shook slightly. He could feel the pressure building, waiting to be let loose.
Y/N’s trembled a little as well as her orgasm was on the brink of tipping over, Mark let himself sink lower again, beginning to pound into Y/N again. A few more sloppy thrusts and they came together. Mark held Y/N tightly as her body shook from the pleasure, her eyes were closed and she was biting her bottom lip. He took everything in Mark not close his eyes from the pleasure erupting from him.
After their highs were gone, they were both breathing heavily as Mark slowly slid out of Y/N. He rested his head against her chest for a moment before his eyes went wide and his head shot up, “I forgot the condom. Shit!”
Y/N only smiled at him and shook her head, “I’m on birth control. It’s okay.” She told him, lifting her hand up to run her fingers through his sweaty hair.  Mark huffed out a breath, sighing in content. He laid his head back on her chest, kissing it softly.
“All these Hickies, now I’m gonna have to use extra concealer.” Y/N whined, not being able to see the ones on her neck but knowing they were there and dark purple.
Mark smiled, “No need to cover them up baby.”
Y/N smacked the back of his head lightly before Mark got up and ran to the bathroom connected to her room and soon came back with a warm, wet wash cloth. Mark cleaned Y/N up softly, looking up at her when she left a soft hiss from the contact.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Mark asked, concern evident in his voice.
“No, I’m still sensitive.” Y/N told him, giving him a reassuring smile.
Mark nodded and cleaned her up before cleaning himself up, he threw the rag into the dirty clothes basket and laid back down beside Y/N. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him.
“We should get up and get dressed, the boys are probably wondering what the hell is going on in here.” Y/N muttered, sitting up to look at Mark.
Mark smirked at the idea, “I’m sure they know exactly what happened.”
Y/N scoffed at him, smacking his leg before she got up and pulled on her clothes, tying her hair up in a ponytail. 
She walked out of the room only to walk right into a group of boys with their arms crossed and smirks on their faces.
“What?” Y/N asked innocently.
“Nice marks Y/N/N.” Jackson laughed, pointing to her neck.
Y/N only shrugged and walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, before going to the living room and sitting on the couch.
Soon after Mark walked in and plopped down right beside her, head going to rest on her thighs. 
“I take it everything is good between you two?” Jaebum asked.
Y/N nodded but then looked between Mark and Jackson, “So, I heard something. About the both of you on the day of the whole argument.” She spoke, a small smile on her lips.
Jackson and Mark both went wide eyed as they looked between each other, knowing exactly what she meant.
“And Jackson lied to me about the real reason he showed up all bruised.” She continued.
“Care to explain why, for one, why you lied to me, and why the hell you both fought?” She asked, looking between the boys.
Jackson stammered at her, trying to give an explanation, but Mark just shrugged and pulled her down and kissed her softly.
‘We were being stupid. Enough said, we’re moving on now.” Mark said.
Y/N stared at him for a moment and then shrugged. She began laughing at Jackson’s dumbfounded expression.
At the end of the day, everyone stayed at Y/N’s apartment, laying around in the living room six of the boys on the floor and in the love seat and recliner, while Y/N and Mark snuggled on the couch.
Mark kissed the side on Y/N’s head as he took role of the big spoon, Y/N was laying between Mark and the back of the couch. Everyone else had fallen asleep. Y/N smiled at the boy before snuggling her face into his chest and falling asleep.
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ficswithrimi · 6 years
Mine (Chapter 2)
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First: Chapter 1
Next: Chapter 3
Title: Mine
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader
Genre: Angst, Romance
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood, violence, depression, minor sexual content, and suicide attempt
Synopsis: Daughter of a Niflheim soldier, you were sent out to Tenebrae to spy on the Nox Fleuret family and their involvement with the Lucis Caelum family. However, after learning the truth about Niflheim, you betray them. Your journey of revenge begins after learning of the death of your adoptive sister, Lunafreya, and your childhood friend Noctis Lucis Caelum.
A/N: This long ass, took me forever to write, too much in one day, I’m tired as hell, finals got me bent outta shape chapter. WHEW! Finally, I can start the story line. So basically, this story will be in the POV of you (my reader) and Noctis. Also, they’ll be time skips, cuz like, who got time to go through every chapter of the game via a story? Not I. So yeah. Enjoy chapter two and leave thoughts and comments, please! 
You lazily laid in the sunroom of the Nox Fleuret castle, casually stroking the back of Umbra’s head. He had just returned from yet another journey from Insomnia to deliver a message to Lunafreya from Noctis. Letting out a sigh, you used your free hand to cover your eyes from the blinding sun that shone within the room. At any moment now, Lunafreya would come waltzing into the room, notebook pressed tightly to her chest, and a bright smile upon her face. She usually walked around the castle with a gloomy look but on the days Umbra returned with a new message, it was almost as if the world was once again a better place for the 21-year-old woman despite being under lockdown in her own home by Niflheim forces.
At least she was happy, however. You would give anything to continue to see that smile on her face. The Gods and everyone who has ever run into you knew that you thought of the world of Lady Lunafreya. She was your best friend – your sister. Technically, you weren’t supposed to communicate with the oracle as often as you did. However, Lunafreya often stood up for you against the soldiers and commanded that you still be treated the same as when you were nine and living happily with her and her family. You both still shared a room, ate meals together, tended the garden, and strolled the castle hallways just as you did as children. Niflheim wanted you dead, there was no doubt in your mind, but as long as the oracle protected over you, they couldn’t do anything.
Still, you sometimes wanted to be the one to protect Lunafreya. You were perfectly capable. When you were 12, Ravus came to you one day in secret, offering to train you in combat. He said it was to not only defend yourself, but Lunafreya as well, in case Niflheim ever turned back on their word of keeping you and the oracle out of harm. You picked up his lessons well and was fully capable of taking down an army of about 15 men by the age of 15. Sometimes, you’d sneak out of your bedroom at night to practice to become stronger.
“Y/N!” The sound of Lunafreya’s delicate voice filled your ears as she shuffled her way towards you. You uncovered your eyes and sat up and, sure enough, that bright smile was plastered on her face and the notebook was being hugged tightly against her chest.
“Ah, hello!” You grinned at her as she plopped down beside you, now resting the notebook in her lap. She turned towards and you could’ve sworn you saw her blue eyes twinkle. “Another message from the royal brat?”
Lunafreya’s smile dropped at your comment. “I think the only royal brat here is you.”
You shrugged as you tossed your head back on the couch. “Mh, last time I checked, I’m only a disowned child.”
“Kidding, kidding. What did lover boy say this time?”
“We’re not lovers, simply friends,” Lunafreya playfully hit you in the leg, causing you to bring your head back up.
“Oh Luna,” You mocked a young Noctis’s voice, “How I miss you dearly in these dreaded walls of Insomnia! When will we be reunited, my love?”
“Y/N, that is not nice.”
“Make sure to invite me to the wedding,” You jokingly smirked at her as her pale face turned a vibrant red.
“I came here to simply show you a picture!”
“A picture? Of what?” You arched a brow as you watched Lunafreya pull a photograph from the notebook. “Oh Gods, what did he send you a picture of?”
“See for yourself,” She grinned as she handed you the picture. Taking the picture from her hand, your eyes scanned over it. It was two boys – one blond and the other with raven hair – standing in front of a schoolyard in uniform. The blond held up a peace sign as his other arm wrapped around the raven-haired boy’s neck whom was smiling shyly at the camera. Your eyes widened at the darker haired boy. Though you haven’t seen him in nine years, you immediately recognized him as Prince Noctis. Your heart leapt at his picture. He had surely grown into a handsome young man.  
Shaking the thoughts of Noctis from your head, you nonchalantly handed the picture back to Lunafreya. “Why’d he dye his hair blond?”
“No, silly, he’s the darker haired one. Isn’t he handsome…” The smile returned to Lunafreya’s face as she mentioned the prince. “What I wouldn’t give to see him again…”
“Then let’s go,” You turned your body to face her. Her eyes widened before shaking her head and placing the photo gently back into the notebook.
“It’s impossible. We’re both stuck here until who knows when!”
“We can make it possible,” You smirked.
“Y/N no… it’d put our lives in danger…”
“Don’t you want to see Noctis again? I mean, you’re obviously infatuated with him-“
“Am not!” Lunafreya gasped.
“Lunafreya…” You frowned deeply as she denied her feelings.
“I mean… I don’t even know what I mean…”
“Exactly,” You snapped your fingers at the blonde woman. “So, let’s go to Insomnia.”
“I’m afraid I cannot…” Lunafreya sighed.
“What are you afraid of?”
“They won’t kill me for trying to escape… but you?” She looked over at you, tears appearing in the corner of her eyes.
You let out a heavy sigh at her words. It was true, if caught sneaking out – especially with Lunafreya – then it’d be the end of you. You were useless. A disgraced citizen to Niflheim who failed her country and leader. With you gone, they’d probably be able to have more control over Lunafreya. Honestly, they were probably waiting for you to mess up.
“They won’t kill me… I promise you…” You smiled gently at her as you placed a hand over hers. However, she still shook her head at you.
“I will not comply… I’m sorry. If the Gods want Noctis and I together… then it will happen in due time…”
Letting out a defeated sigh, you leaned back into the couch. “If you say so…”
Two years later…
           A 19-year-old you casually walked the hall back to your bedroom. It was late in the afternoon and you wanted to take a short nap before Lunafreya and you were called to dinner. Lunafreya was already in the room, studying up on some oracle notes her ancestors left for her. As you got closer to the bedroom, you passed a group of Niflheim soldiers, armed with guns, walking in unison down the hall. As you passed one of them, you saw him glare slightly at you through the opening for his eyes on his helmet. Feeling slightly taken aback, you returned the frowned and sharply turned your head away from the soldier. It seemed as the years progressed, tensions between Niflheim and Lucis were increasing and that meant stricter enforcements for Lunafreya and you. Now, you two weren’t even allowed in Lunafreya’s garden after sundown. When leaving a room, you were required to inform a solder on duty where your next destination was. You, personally, was also banned from traveling with Lunafreya on her activities as oracle, where’d she heal the infected people across the countries. Ravus claimed it was because they feared you’d turn against them again and try to escape with Lunafreya to Insomnia. You laughed grimly when he told you this and mentioned if you wanted to kidnap Lunafreya, you would’ve done so years ago.
As you reached the doors to your bedroom, you stopped as you heard the voices of Gentiana and Lunafreya inside. Deciding to eavesdrop, you gently pressed an ear against the door.
“What would I do to see him again. I miss him so much. The messages… they’re not enough. I want to hear his voice, embrace him, tell him how much he means to me…”
“It’s only a matter of time…” Gentiana replied to the oracle.
“But when? You’ve been saying that for the past three years now and nothing! My heart yearns for someone I cannot be with. Wasn’t it you that said the oracle was to stand beside the chosen king? Then why am I not beside him?” Lunafreya’s voice began to rise as frustration overtook her.
“It is the duty of the oracle to stand beside the chosen one. You will know when that time comes…” Gentiana gently replied.
“Why us… why? Why can’t we just be normal people and live normal lives together? I’m tired of being cooped up in this castle as if I’m some prisoner! Why? I just want to be with Noctis… it’s all I ever wanted…”
Your heart dropped at the sound of frustration and sadness in Lunafreya’s voice. You wish there was something you could do to make her feel better but there was nothing. Nothing and no one could make her happy besides being beside the one she loved. Letting out a heavy sigh, you walked away from the door.
Lunafreya has given you so much in your lifetime. You wanted to return the favor and if that meant risking your life to see her happiness then so be it.
“Lunafreya Nox Fleuret…” You said as you solemnly walked towards your next destined area in the castle. “I guess you’re… no longer mine.”
           “I’ll be back in a couple of days. Make sure to eat properly and try not to anger the guards,” Lunafreya slightly scolded you as she closed her suitcase. You were lounging on her bed, watching the oracle and former princess pack for yet another trip to rid people of the plague. This time she was just going to the city in Tenebrae but she wouldn’t be back for a couple of days because of the long distance it was from the city to the castle. You had asked one of the leaders of the Niflheim soldiers if you could possibly tag along this time since, technically, you weren’t leaving the country and it was your 20th birthday tomorrow. You hoped they’d take this into consideration and let you travel along with Lunafreya, however, they just laughed in your face.
           “Me? Anger the guards? Why, Lady Lunafreya, I’d never!” You playfully smirked at her. The frown that was already plastered on Lunafreya’s face deepened.
           “Y/N, I’m serious,” she said as she looked towards the closed bedroom door. Swiftly, she leaned in closer to you and lowered her voice. “I have a feeling Niflheim is planning something and I don’t know what it is. However, I do know I fear for your life…”
           “I can handle myself. Our big bro taught me all the tricks, did he not?” You patted the slight bulge on the waist of your pants. Lunafreya’s eyes glanced at it and immediately knew you were keeping one of your many daggers hidden there.
           “Still, I don’t want to come back to here you’ve passed at their hands. And Ravus… he works for them… be careful on how much you trust him… I fear they’ve brainwashed my – our ­– brother.”
           “Lunafreya,” You let out a heavy sigh as you hopped off her bed and placed both hands on the petite woman’s shoulders and turned her to face you. “I will be fine. Stop being so protective of me. When will you let me protect you for a change?”
           “Y/N, you’ve-“
           “Besides, if you just leave your little messenger here with me, won’t I be okay,” You looked past Lunafreya and at Gentiana who stood next to the large window in your shared bedroom. Gentiana simply stared back at you with no expression. Typical of the divine messenger.
           “I would if I could, but it’s her duty to stay by my side.”
           “That’s okay,” You let go of Lunafreya’s shoulders and shrugged. “I don’t wanna hear her nag to me about how much the Gods hate me anyway.
           “The Gods do not hate you. They simply want what’s best for you as they do everyone else…” Gentiana spoke.
           You just rolled your eyes. “Did Shiva tell you this?”
           “Tell Shiva she needs to worry about her love affair with Ifrit-“
           “Y/N!” Lunafreya raised her voice at you, causing you to jump slightly. Sometimes what you said to Gentiana were out of line and that’s when Lunafreya would turn motherly-like on you. Gentiana simply bowed to you both before disappearing. She normally did that when trying to not lose her composure. You were positive if she wasn’t a messenger for the Gods and didn’t mind losing the respect of Lunafreya, she’d kick your ass.
           “Sorry, sorry. I just enjoy getting under her skin, is all,” You smiled apologetically at Lunafreya who slowly began to soften her frown. Shaking her head at you, she reached into her breast pocket of her dress and cupped something in her hand without you noticing.
           “I’m afraid I won’t be able to wish you a happy birthday until I come back from the city.”
           “It’s okay. I know you’ve got duties to fulfil as oracle,” You shrugged as you sat back on the bed, avoiding her eye contact. Secretly, you were upset Lunafreya would be missing your birthday tomorrow. It was only once that you’d turn 20. You would officially become an adult tomorrow. No longer a teen that people looked down upon. No longer someone Lunafreya would feel she’d have to protect often. You hoped that, finally, it’d be your turn to protect Lunafreya in your adult years. You owed so much to her. You loved her so much.
           “I sincerely apologize… but, I got you a present!” She smiled at you as she rushed over to you, grabbing your hands and placing a small object. You looked at her unsurely as she nodded towards your hands. Glancing down at your hands, you noticed a beautiful ring in the shape of the flowers of Tenebrae – the flowers Lunafreya and you often tended in her garden – sylleblossoms. Your mouth fell open as you admired the ring’s beauty.
           “Remember when we were kids and you wished you had your own crown weave from sylleblossoms like us? Well, even though we’re no longer royalty, I thought this ring weaved from the flowers would work just as well! It took some time to make but I do hope you like it!”
           A tear fell from your face as you immediately stood up and engulfed Lunafreya in a hug. “I love it. Thank you so much.”
           Lunafreya embraced you back as a tear of her own fell from her face. “With this ring, know that I am with you always; that I look over you, no matter how far apart we are from one another. You are my dear sister. Our bond will never be broken.”
           “This sucks, all I gave you for your birthday was a lame homemade card,” You laughed as tears continued to fall down your face.
           “And I cherish that card,” Lunafreya hugged you tighter before letting you go. “I’m afraid I must go now.”
           “Be safe. Come back in one piece,” You smiled at her.
           “You be safe, too,” She returned the smile before grabbing her suitcase and exiting the room. As she shut the door, you glanced down at the ring. Another tear rolled down your face as you gripped it tightly.
           “Our bond will never be broken. I’ll never betray you. I’ll make sure you’ll always be happy… even if I lose my life in doing so,” You gulped as you placed the ring on your right ring finger. “You are my only family…”
A year later (Four days before Lunafreya’s 24th birthday and six days before your 21st)
             “I see you’ve been practicing,” Ravus tried to regain his breath as he laid sprawled on the grassy field underneath him. You used the edge of your t-shirt to wipe the sweat dripping down your face before running over to the 28-year-old. Grinning, you held your hand out for him to grab onto. Grabbing onto your hand, he hoisted himself up.
           “You never know when I might have to go into battle,” You shrugged.
           “Battle? With whom?” Ravus arched a brow.
           You laughed nervously while rubbing the back of your neck. Sometimes when training with Ravus, you forgot he was a high commander for the Imperial army. He considered you his sister and looked after you but deep down, you knew he’d been somewhat brainwashed by Niflheim and Aldercapt. Sometimes when you mentioned the army around you, he’d give you an unsure look. You knew that they told him not to trust you; that you could turn on him at any given moment.
           “I’m just messing…” You smiled at him before letting it fall. Nervously, you began to fiddle with your ring as you watched Ravus pack his things up. “So, um, can I ask a favor of you?”
           “I have to return to Niflheim. I do not have time for another spare,” He said without looking over at you.
           “No, no, not that! It’s um… kind of a birthday present…”
           Ravus immediately turned around to look at you as you said this. “Oh yeah, your birthday is a few days after Lunafreya’s, isn’t it?”
           “Yeah!” You grinned at him, happy he remembered your birthday this year. He’s forgotten a few times in the past.
           “What is it that you wish for?”
           “Well,” You continued to fiddle with your ring and look away from him. “I’d like to see the city-“
           “Of Tenebrae? I can manage that.”
           “No… the city as in… Insomnia.”
           “Absolutely not!” Ravus shouted at you, causing you to jump in fear slightly. It frightened you slightly at how the simple mention of the city’s name sent a fire into the man’s eyes.
           “B-but,” You stuttered over your words. The courage that you mustered up a few minutes ago had completely vanished. “I’ve always wanted to see the city and me going isn’t technically for me… but for Lunafreya.”
           “Lunafreya? What business does she have with Insomnia?”
           “Noctis is there!”
           “Oh, here we go again. Just the sound of that boy’s name pisses me off,” Ravus shook his fist angrily.
           “Listen, Ravus! It’s all I ask for my birthday! Lunafreya has done so much for me since I’ve arrived here twelve years ago! I just want to see her happy and Noctis makes her happy! Please, it’s all I want. I just want Lunafreya to be happy…”
           Ravus undid his fist as he looked away from you. You straightened your posture as he looked back in your direction. You noticed his eyes softened as you gave him a pleading look. Lunafreya’s happiness meant the world to you and if you could give her the world, you would.
           “I’ll… talk to Aldercapt about it…”
           A grin immediately broke out on your face as you ran up to Ravus and wrapped your arms around his waist. “Thank you so, so much!”
           “This doesn’t mean you’re going for sure. You know Aldercapt has a grudge against you as do all of the Imperial army…”
           “I know, I know but I can only pray to the Gods that he’ll let me go!” You smiled up at the man.
           “Hm…” Was all Ravus said as he gently patted your head.
           You closed your eyes as a smile enlightened your face. This was it. Your chance to make Lunafreya happy. The chance to temporarily escape Tenebrae. Everything would work out in your favor. Everything would be okay.
           Your eyes widened as the city of Insomnia filled your eyes. You were finally here. After waiting an agonizing week of hearing Aldercapt’s response to you visiting Insomnia; he finally agreed to let you go. The city was even more beautiful in person than what you’ve seen on television or heard on radio stations. Nonchalantly, you scratched behind Umbra’s ear as he sat beside you on the train. Lunafreya made you take the dog along as he was carrying another message for Noctis from her. You begged her to let you deliver the message personally to the 20-year-old prince, but she said he would be expecting Umbra and not you. Besides, she said it was a chance for Umbra to keep you company on the long journey to Lucis.
           “Welcome to the capital of Lucis. Please enjoy your visit!” The intercom spoke as the train came to a stop in front of the station.
           “This is it… happy birthday to me,” You grinned as you nervously tugged at the tights you were wearing. It felt so nice to be in casual clothes for once instead of the formal attire you had to wear around Tenebrae. You wore black tights that were cutout in the front and tied into tiny bows from the calf of your leg to your upper thigh. Along with it, you wore a cropped, sleeveless beige hoodie and simple black slip-on shoes. An arm bracelet with the symbol of Tenebrae wrapped around your arm and, of course, the ring Lunafreya gave you for your birthday last year occupied your right ring finger. Letting out a sigh as you stood up to gather your things, you shifted your hair to cover the scar on your neck. You considered the scar an eyesore and a grim reminder of where you really came from even if you represented Tenebrae now.
           “Arf!” Umbra barked excitedly at you as he ran off the train.
           “Wait! Umbra!” You called after the dog as you hauled your bags and tried to run after the dog the best you could. The train station was highly packed with people getting on and off trains. You quickly lost sight of the dog and let out a heavy sigh as you looked around the station. Deciding that you first destination should probably be to find your hotel, you shifted the strap of your bag securely on your shoulder, and made your way to the exit of the station.
           After hours of getting lost and asking people for help around the city, you ended up at the hotel you were staying at for the week. It was a grand hotel and you were surprised Aldercapt managed to get you into such an expensive looking place despite his obvious dislike for you. The hotel was in the heart of the city, literally in front of the Citadel. You assumed Ravus must’ve recommended this as he knew your true motives for coming to the city. Tomorrow, you would go to the Citadel and book a tour in hopes of running into Prince Noctis in the process. You couldn’t help but wonder what the man looked like now. Lunafreya hadn’t shown you a photo of him since he was about 16 and you knew his features had to of have drastically changed since then. Was he even more handsome now? Or had he had been at his prime at 16 and now his looks were going down the drain. You snickered at the idea of a possible unattractive prince. It’d be an insult to his father who was a good-looking man. It’d be an insult to Lunafreya if she knew her prince charming didn’t match her good looks. You didn’t mean to be shallow, but Lunafreya deserved the best in your eyes and if Noctis wasn’t it then…
           “Last name?” The hotel receptionist interrupted you from your thoughts.
           “Ah,” The question took you by surprise. You hadn’t been asked your last name since you were a kid. “Um… Nox Fleuret…?”
           The receptionist’s eyes widened as he stared at you in awe. Feeling slightly uncomfortable under his gaze, you cleared your throat.
           “Ah sorry! It’s just… are you related to Lady Lunafreya?” He whispered the last part to you.
           “Um… in a way, yes?” You tilted your head in confusion at the man. You knew Lunafreya had a huge impact across Eos but you never thought you’d get recognized for simply knowing her.
           “Ah! Why are you here?! Shouldn’t you be in Altissia in support?”
           “In support?” You asked. “Why would I be in Altissia?”
           “The wedding! It’s Saturday! The prince and-“
           “Jerr! Why is there a line? What’s the hold up? Is there a problem with this guest’s reservation?” A tall man you assumed was the supervisor asked.
           “Ah, no! This is a No-“
           “I don’t want to hear your excuses. Check her in and keep the line moving! This is a busy weekend for us because of the signing!”
           Signing? What was going on in Insomnia this weekend? And who was getting married in Altissia? What did Lunafreya have to do with anything?
           “Sorry for the wait, ma’am. If you just sign here, you’ll be all set,” The receptionist, now known as Jerr, nervously slid a paper for you to sign and your room key over to you. You nodded cautiously as you signed your name and took the key.  You walked over to the elevators where you were able to board along with a couple chatting excitedly. You couldn’t help but overhear their conversation as the elevator slowly climbed to your respective floors.
           “She’s gonna be so beautiful! Oh, honey, can we marry in Altissia also?”
           “Altissia is expensive,” The man chuckled. “I think here in Insomnia is nice.”
           “But Altissia is the city of love!” The young girl whined as she gripped onto the man’s arm.
           “Enough about Altissia. What time should we arrive at the Citadel to get a good spot for the signing event tomorrow?” The man asked as the woman shrugged. You immediately turned your attention to them as you heard this. Another mentioning of a wedding and signing event. What was going on?
           “Um… excuse me…?” You asked as they both turned to look at you. The woman looked you up and down before her eyes landed on your bracelet. She gasped as she discreetly tried to get the man to notice the Tenebrae symbol on your arm. “What signing even is taking place?”
           “The coming together of Niflheim and Lucis, of course! How could you not hear about it! It’s all everyone’s been talking about since it was announced along with the wedding last week!”
           “Last week…?” You scratched your head as you tried to remember what happened last week. All you remembered was Lunafreya being excited for something but worried at the same time. Imperials also escorted her to Tenebrae’s tailor several times that week and even caused her to miss your birthday again. You just assumed she was getting so new outfit to travel in or a late birthday present from Ravus. Wait…
           “Niflheim and Lucis are ending the feud?” You gasped as the first part of the information finally sunk in. “What? Since when?”
           “Since announced last week. Do you live under a rock?”
           “Honey,” The woman tugged on the man’s shirt and blatantly pointed at the Tenebrae symbol on your arm. He looked from her over to you. His eyes widened as he straightened his posture.
           “You’re from Tenebrae?” He asked suddenly, catching you off guard.
           “Uh yeah,” You lifted your arm to better display the symbol to them. Confused, you dropped it back down. “Why?”
           “How do you not know of your former princess getting married to our prince?”
           At the mention of that, the bag that was sliding off your shoulder dropped to the floor as the elevator dinged. The couple looked at the number displayed on the elevator’s screen before pushing past you.
           “Sorry, this is our stop! Nice talking to you!”
           You ignored them as the doors shut behind you and the elevator began to climb again. Lunafreya was marrying Noctis? Since when? And when did Lucis and Niflheim decide to put aside their differences? Did this mean… you could return home after this? The elevator reached your destined floor and you quickly hopped off it and ran to your room. You found the room and immediately unlocked it. Tossing your bags to the side, you ran towards the tv and immediately turned it on.
           “Hotels are filling up fast people prepare for the signing event celebration tomorrow. Finally, after centuries of feuding, Lucis and Niflheim will put aside their differences and bring peace to all the lands. In light of the signing, Prince Noctis and Lady Lunafreya will marry the following day to officially conceal the peace treaty. What a wonderful time it is for all of Eos-“
           You immediately switched off the television as your heart pounded inside your chest. Lunafreya was getting married… to Noctis? More importantly, Niflheim was putting aside their differences with Lucis? Would they make you return home after this? Where would you go? You haven’t spoken to your father in twelve years. You’d be alone in Niflheim. Was Niflheim really going to go through with this? They were shady people who couldn’t be trusted. Was Lunafreya in danger? She did warn you multiple times of the Niffs planning something, was it this? Was she secretly aware of everything that was happening? And if so, why didn’t she tell you? Why didn’t she tell you she was marrying Noctis? Something was going on. Something was off. It’d explain why Aldercapt agreed to let you go to Insomnia and give you such nice reservations at a hotel directly in front of the Citadel the same weekend as the signing event and wedding. You had to get out of here and back to Lunafreya.
           You reached over to the hotel phone and dialed the front desk. “Hi… um… I would like to have an early checkout tomorrow morning, and if possible, purchase a train ticket back to Tenebrae tomorrow morning. The earliest time, please. Thank you…”
           You were on a train the next morning back to Tenebrae. You only prayed to the Gods that you’d get back in time before Lunafreya left for Altissia. The ceremony would be taking place later today in Insomnia. Your knee bounced nervously as the train began to slowly pull out of Insomnia’s station. Looking around, you couldn’t help but notice how empty the trains were. Everyone must be going into the city for the ceremony instead of out. Nerves getting the best of you, you stood up from your seat and made your way to the train’s small bar. As you walked down the aisles, two Imperial soldiers coming your way caught your eye.
           “Shit,” You mumbled as you immediately went to take cover in the nearest seats. You listened as the took a seat in front of yours. What were they doing on the train? Shouldn’t they be on guard at the ceremony or something? Worse, what would happen if they saw you? Every soldier was aware of you being in Insomnia for the weekend. They’d grow suspicious if you they caught you on a train back home so early.
           “What time is the signing taking place?” You heard one of the soldiers ask.
           “Around 12pm this afternoon.”
           “Think we’ll succeed?”
           “No doubt. I highly doubt that old king and his son can defend themselves from what’s going to happen,” the other soldier chuckled.
           “What about the girl?”
           “No, the traitor. She’s skilled in combat and smart. She’ll definitely side with Lucis and try to stop things.”
           “She’s located in the designated bombing areas. She’ll be blown to bits before she can even realize what’s going on. Aldercapt is a genius, I tell you. No need to worry!”
           “Yeah, you’re ri-“
           “What the fuck?!” The soldier beside him immediately stood up and drew his sword as he watched in horror as a dagger entered through his friend’s neck before being plunged back out, instantly killing him and causing blood to splatter everywhere.
           “Quick! Call for back –“ The soldier called in his walkie talkie before dropping it at the sight of you. You gripped tightly onto your now bloodied dagger as you glared furiously at the soldier who nervously aimed his sword at you.
           “What the fuck is going on? Why are Prince Noctis and King Regis in danger? Where is Lunafreya right now!?” You yelled angrily as you positioned your dagger, ready to attack the soldier.
           “Who are you?!” He asked nervously, his sword trembling in his hand.
           In a swift movement, you high kicked the sword from the soldier’s hand, causing it to land on the floor and slide under the seats. He gulped nervously as you slowly approached him. You brushed aside your hair to reveal the ‘x’ scar on the side of your neck. The soldier’s eyes widened at it.
           “Y/N Nox Fleuret…”
           “I’ll ask again,” You looked past the soldier as you saw a group of more Imperials making their way towards you. “Where is Lunafreya?”
           “She’s on her way to-“ Bang! You gripped your arm in pain as a bullet grazed past it. Glaring, you saw the others had arrived and were armed. The soldier in front of you immediately dropped to the floor to retrieve his sword. Noticing this, you switched the blade you held to your uninjured arm and stepped on the soldier’s back, causing him to yell out in pain. Bullets flew past you as the other imperials began making their way towards you.
           “I don’t have time for this shit! I need to get to Lunafreya!” You yelled as you plunged the blade into the soldier’s neck and swiftly removed it. Looking up at the other soldiers, fire raged in your eyes. They’d be tougher to kill since they wore their helmets but with your skills, you could get it done. Yelling out in rage, you began to take on the soldier’s one by one, aiming for the weak spots of their armor that you learned after examining one of the suits one day. You knew that there’d be a day like this and you prepared yourself with Ravus’s help. Ravus…
           He betrayed you. Ravus was aware that Niflheim was going to attack Lucis. He was aware that you would be killed while in Insomnia and he was okay with it. You tried to shake those thoughts from your head as you killed soldier after soldier. He wouldn’t condone the death of Lunafreya, however. She was safe. She had to be. Then again, was she? Would Ravus turn on her as he did you? As you approached the last soldier who was fallen on the ground, you enclosed him with your legs and removed his helmet. He was a young man – about the same age as you. Fear took over his eyes as he looked at your blood splattered outfit and knife, the only blood belonging to you being the one from the bullet wound from earlier.
           “P-please! Spare me!”
           “Where is Lunafreya?!” You spat in his face.
           “I-In Insomnia! She went there for the signing!”
           You gasped at the information. Ravus would condone the murder of his own sister.
           “S-she’s safe! I promise you!”
           “How can I trust you!” You placed the tip of your dagger to his neck. One quick plunge and he’d be done for.
           “Ravus! He wouldn’t hurt her! She’s a Nox Fleuret! She’s his blood! He loves her!” He pleaded with you. Meanwhile his words resonated within you. She’s a Nox Fleuret. You weren’t a Nox Fleuret to Ravus. You weren’t his sister by blood. You were never a Nox Fleuret. You were just an orphaned child abandoned by her father and country. Someone who betrayed the ones who cared for her. And now, Ravus was the one who betrayed you; a taste of your own medicine. Tears fell from your eyes on the soldier’s face. Having a blurred vision, you sunk the dagger into the man’s neck and yanked it back out. Sniffing, you wiped the tears from your face with your arm, smearing blood on it in the process. Putting yourself together, you realized you had to get back to Insomnia. Walking seemed to be the only way to get back and you knew you wouldn’t arrive until later the next day. Praying to the Gods to look after Lunafreya, King Regis, and Noctis until you got there, you opened a window and jumped from the moving train. Landed on the hard gravel, the wind was knocked out of you as you groaned in pain. You collectively got your thoughts together before forcing yourself to sit up. You were in front of a car repair shop that read Hammerhead. The place looked deserted as you assumed everyone was already in Insomnia or watching their televisions to witness the soon destruction of the city. Coughing, you stood up and began to limp your way to the direction of Insomnia.
           It was nightfall by the time you reached Insomnia and fear had already set in your heart. Niflheim ships soared above you to the way of the city. As you reached the bridge that led into the city, you gasped as Imperials guarded the gates. Explosions and smoke could be seen arising from the city. Tears streamed down your face as your biggest fear sat in the back of your mind: Lunafreya was dead; The Lucis Caelum family was dead. Trying to still think positive, you limped weakly towards the city, not noticing a daemon appearing behind you. Hearing the snarl of the daemon behind you, you turned your attention away from the city and drew your blade. Exhaustedly, you ran towards the goblin-like daemon and swiftly stabbed it in its head, killing it instantly. To your unfortunate, more daemons began to surround you. You let out a bitter laugh. This was just your luck.
           After taking out the daemons, your body collapsed to the ground. Your energy was gone. You just needed to close your eyes for five minutes before continuing onward. Just five… minutes…
           “Hey! Hey! Are you okay?!” You heard the distance voice of the man. “Hey! Come help me, guys! I think she’s a survivor of the attack!”
           Unable to open your eyelids, you felt your body be lifted from the ground and into the back of a vehicle.
           “Is she dead, mama?” A small child’s voice was heard.
           “No, sweetie. She’s going to be fine,” a soothing woman’s voice said.
           “Damn, she’s covered in blood! Let’s get to Hammerhead quickly!” The sounds of doors closing were heard as you felt the vehicle begin to move in the opposite direction of the city.
           “What’re we gonna do now that everyone’s gone, mama? Prince Noctis, King Regis, and Lady Lunafreya… they’re gone.”
           At the sound of this, your eyes snapped open.
           “Insomnia has fallen. Reports of King Regis, Prince Noctis, and Lady Lunafreya not surviving the attacks are coming in. We, the people of Lucis, must come together in this time of despair and remain calm! The Gods will protect us!”
Noctis’s POV
           “I suggest we get curatives before hitting the road…” Ignis suggested as the boys pulled into Hammerhead’s station.
           “Nice idea, Iggy! While you do that, I’m gonna get some food! Comin’ Noct?” Prompto asked his raven-haired best friend. The prince – now King – looked off into space as he sat in the Regalia. His father was dead. His fiancée was dead. Hell, even he was dead according to the media. What was going on?
           “We’re not sure about Lady Lunafreya so do not let that get to you,” Gladiolus said as he slapped Noctis on his back before exiting the car. Noctis just casually nodded his head before exiting the car. “Go grab some grub with Prompto and we’ll meet back here before meeting up with Cor at the hunter’s HQ.”
           “Right…” Noctis said as he walked beside Prompto. Prompto placed a comforting arm around his best friend’s shoulder as they walked towards the diner together.
           “Hey, what about Umbra? I’m sure he’ll appear any moment now to confirm that Lady Lunafreya is okay!”
           “Maybe…” Noctis said as they entered the diner. The smell of breakfast foods engulfed their nostrils, causing Noctis’s stomach to growl. After a long day, it was no doubt he was hungry.
           “Whoa…” Prompto’s arm fell from his best friend’s shoulder.
           “Whoa is right! It smells amazing in here!” Noctis agreed.
           “Not whoa that but whoa her!” Prompto pointed to a booth where a woman sat. Her arm was bandaged and clothes were battered. She looked like she had just come back from a raging war. She was fiddling with something on her hand as a plate of food that appeared untouched sat in front of her. “She’s a beauty…”
           “Huh?” Noctis looked where Prompto was pointing. Noctis tilted his head slightly as he the woman looked familiar from afar – as if he’s seen her before. He watched her carefully as she brushed some of her hair back, revealing the ‘x’ scar on her neck. As Noctis blinked, her hair fell back into place, covering up the mark. However, it only took a glance for him to remember who she was.
           “Y/N…” Noctis mumbled your name causing the blond man beside him to repeat it.
           “Y/N. What a beautiful name – wait – how do you know that’s her name?” Prompto turned to face Noctis only to find the man had already made his way over to the woman. He watched as the woman’s head swiftly looked up at him, eyes widening. Before Prompto could get his thoughts together, the woman had stumbled out of her booth and wrapped her arms around Noctis’s neck, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. Noctis stood frozen for a while before hesitantly wrapping his arms around the crying woman, attempting his best to console her.
           “What’s going on?” Gladio asked as he and Ignis entered the shop and caught sight of Noctis comforting the woman.
           “Y/N…” Ignis said as he recognized the woman. Noctis had mentioned another girl with Lunafreya whenever he talked about the oracle and his time spent in Tenebrae. She would be the only other woman Noctis would act this way towards. It had to be Y/N.
           “I don’t know why we’re giving this woman a name but… I think we should plan to make room for one more on our journey for her…”
           “Agreed,” Gladiolus and Ignis said simultaneously as they watched the woman continue to grip onto Noctis for dear life. He turned towards his group for help but they simply shrugged much to the prince’s despair.
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Bleach Headcanons For The Wounded Soul
ALL RIGHT I KNOW THE ENDING WAS ALL KINDS OF JUST.....WHAT??? AND A LOT OF UNANSWERED THINGS So to make MYSELF and hopefully the fandom feel better I'm gonna dump alllllll the headcanons here for you ( if it's ship specific stuff u want just send an ask I ship a ton of things my friends ) SPOILER WARNING TURN BACK NOW IF U DO NOT WANT SPOILING - Toshiro babysits Kazui and Ichika quite often and demands payment of either watermelon or dragon themed decor Renji bought him a dragon shirt and Toshiro got super excited over it Ichigo , secret art guy , managed to one up this by making a drawing of Hyorinmaru's human form and gave it to Toshiro as a cheer-up gift one day. Ichigo got free babysitting for a whole YEAR - Byakuya and Toshiro become close friends after the Quincy war ( they were friends before but at some point Toshiro ends up with Byakuya's scarf in the manga so they musta been best bros ) and Toshiro is named god-father of Ichika - Uryuu and Ichigo become much closer and Uryuu has dinner at Ichigo's every week and they catch up. Uryuu teaches Ichigo about Quincy stuff and Ichigo teaches Uryuu the good things about shinigami . They visit their mothers graves together every year. - IZURU MADE A FULL RECOVERY HE'S FINE HE JUST RETIRED - JUSHIRO IS FINE THAT little sad scene was just a nightmare sequence okay haha ( JUSHIRO IS F I N E) - Kurotsuchi eventually becomes a decent damn father to Nemu and checks himself once he realizes how much evil he's wrought ( BUT REALLY THOUGH GIVE HIM A REDEMPTION ARC SOMEONE) I mean I used to hate him so much but I hate him a little less because he DID save Toshiro and Rangiku He does good things by accident sometimes I mean maybe he has a tiny heart -Ikkaku marries Keigo's big sister and Keigo is so scared but so happy for them too - Grimmjow gets a happy ending ( just let my angry cat be happy please) - KISUKE AND YORUICHI GET MARRIED AND ADOPT GINTA AND URURU - Yuushiro Shihouin is FINE, he's F I N E - Toshiro and Momo start dating soon after Kazui and Ichika are born , Byakuya is the best man at the wedding Toshiro names their first son Hyorinmaru ( Nicknamed Hyorin ) And Hyorinmaru is of course god-father Toshiro is the CUTEST dad . He brings baby Hyorin with him everywhere , wrapped in one of his scarves . It's very distracting at Captain's meetings because who's gonna scold Hitsugaya when his son is so cute ? Plus Nemu pretty much adopts all of the Hitsugaya babies the minute she sees them so Kurotsuchi will fight anyone who tells Toshiro to leave the baby at home , because he LOVES to see Nemu happy ( and is secretly fascinated by the super strong reishi of the Hitsugaya kids) All of Squad Ten adore the Hitsugaya babies , anyone who so much as makes a Hitsugaya frown gets a beat down from the tenth AND fifth division ( Shinji is the most ecstatic god-father ever and Hiyori thinks it's adorable) They have like six or seven ( or more ) kids and every one of them is super strong in fighting Their third child Shiromo actually challenged Zaraki to a fight when he was seven , and Zaraki LOST. To a seven year old. Momo tells everyone about it for centuries . Zaraki never lives it down . Shiromo Hitsugaya gains his first rival before puberty. They have a winter home in Karakura town and visit often . Ichigo adores their youngest child , and not just because he's named Ichigo! Little Ichigo Hitsugaya thinks Big Ichigo is the coolest thing since his dad , and listens to Ichigo talk about old fights all day. They do art projects together and play soccer and Ichigo makes sure Little Ichi learns first aid because obvi his folks are gonna need it one day - Mizuiro becomes a profitable business man who helps exiled Shinigami adjust to the human world and helps humans who see spirits learn how to stay safe from Hollows - Tatsuki helps Mizuiro with his business and eventually he's the best man at her wedding when she marries her girlfriend , and SHE'S the one who gives him away a year later when he marries his boyfriend - Orihime is a Full-Bringer , the Full-Bringer group just didn't know about her yet. They find out pretty soon after the Quincy War and soon start training her and she becomes best friends with Riruka . ( I mean if Kubo ain't gonna tell me why she can do the thing I'm making up my own thing ) - Kyoryaku marries Nanao and they have four daughters ( Shunshui doesn't die from the Ise curse he lives well into old age he's fine ) - Chad runs a nonprofit orphanage / children's home devoted to finding kids loving families . Kisuke and Yoruichi adopt four to begin with and adopt more over time as their children grow up and move out. Tatsuki and her wife adopt twin girls that can see ghosts . They become a famed ghost medium family Mizuiro and his husband adopt a blind boy , a deaf girl , and a nonbinary kid. - Kisuke eventually figures out how to remove the Hogyoku from Aizen and Aizen finally gets executed for his crimes - Keigo runs a blog of conspiracy theories , most of which actually happen to come true at some point. Turns out Keigo's family is descended from a runaway Quincy and Keigo is the first in generations to develop any type of Quincy power. He has glimpses of the future but can't control it. Uryuu is stunned ( and mildly annoyed) that Keigo is a Quincy but helps him out nonetheless. - Tatsuki gets famous worldwide for punching a sexist on national television and soon every corner store has souvenir Tatsuki shirts - KOMOMURA IS FINEEEEE - Shuuhei becomes the next captain of squad 9 -Soi Fon gets a girlfriend - UNCLE BYAKUYA BYAKUYA IS THE UNCLE TO THE CHILD OF ANYONE HE'S FRIENDS WITH And he gives all the kids scarves and flowers and etiquette lessons ( and plushie Mr.Seaweed dolls ) - OKAY BUT IN THE MANGA BYAKUYA LOVES TO DRAW THIS LITTLE CHARACTER THAT'S JUST A HUMANOID SEAWEED It's amazing and adorable and I love artist Byakuya - Karin introduced Toshiro to ice puns and puns in general. He gets a tumblr and an instagram. He posts pics of defeated enemies and lots of sweet stuff about Momo . And memes The memes haven't stopped since You think he was sarcastic in fights before? ICE try , bitches ( Rangiku tries to disown him three times ) - OH YEAH SHINJI ADOPTED HIYORI OKAY - There's a betting pool in the Gotei 13 over who Zaraki challenges to a fight most often that week. Toshiro wins regularly ( he bets on himself and Soi Fon ) Once Toshiro actually takes up Zaraki's challenge , because he's stressing out over having his first child and Momo is sick and there's been weird Hollow activity and Zaraki just hit a nerve . He ends up getting hurt pretty bad but managed to win and now there's a new betting pool over when Zaraki is gonna beat Toshiro ( or if anyone CAN beat Hitsugaya anymore ) - Whenever Toshiro looks sad , Momo makes it a rule that you have to hug him every time you see him and give him a compliment. Rangiku and Byakuya enforce this rule , doubly so when Toshiro is recovering from injury. One time Kensei tried to refuse to hug Toshiro and Byakuya glared at him from the shadows for a solid hour while a very concussed and confused Toshiro just watched from his hospital bed . Kensei lost the staring contest and gave Toshiro an awkward hug and for lack of a better idea just went " Your Bankai is very artistic to watch , good job " Toshiro smiled for about an hour and later Kensei got a thank you card from Byakuya " You made Toshiro smile today , I can like you now " - Whenever shit hits the fan in a battle and Byakuya is by Toshiro he just picks him up and books it for home while Toshiro protests and tries to go Bankai -When Momo swears in front of Shinji for the first time he hugs her like a smug parent and she is confused - Toshiro jokingly leaves a jar labelled " Zaraki's Swear Jar " in the Captain's Meeting room and no one tells Zaraki it's not official so in meetings Zaraki just drops whatever's in his pocket at the beginning of the meeting in the jar The prices range depending on severity and vulgarness " Damn " is a nickel " Fuck " is a dollar Anything sexually overt is three dollars The money goes toward whatever is most pressing at the time - repairs , medical supplies , equipment .... - Once in a war Momo is kidnapped and Toshiro just decimates a whole army to rescue her and from then on the enemy was terrified of Toshiro , who's unaware of it for a few weeks while he recovers from injuries. But when he shows back up at the front the leader just surrenders like " DON'T MURDER US WE DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS YOUR WIFE " Uhhhhh that's it for now I'm tired , but enjoy! @hitsuhinahappiness @xxhanabifireworksxx
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todokori-kun · 7 years
The fix was quicker than I expected! Dad’s bringing it (the computer) home today :D
someone needs to photoshop smiling cherubs and flowers around them
OH whoops, sorry about the misunderstanding ^^;; Idk what I even want to happen to the Touken baby, I just don’t want it to die in the womb.
Uta/Touka child might also be pretty attractive, now that I think about it ;)
(Uta/Rize or Uta/Itori child would look even better though)
I was in a nice, fluffy mood when I wrote that. Unfortunately, as I’m going to get my computer back and will be able to start working on the Heathers AU again tonight, this will probably be the last you’ll see of Cinnamon Roll Evans for a while :) 
YES I read the new Kuro chapter! Honestly I disliked the 2CT for various reasons  but now that it’s actually become canon I think I feel a little better about it (also, is it just me or does ‘real’ Ciel look a bit different from 'our’ Ciel on the last page? His face looks too…perfect, if that makes sense). I’m excited to see what this means for Lizzy’s relationship with both Ciels and Undertaker’s connection to the Phantomhives!
Oh, actually I agree with you there? What I meant by 'op’ is more of a really strong character, not an overpowered one ^^;; sorry, I’ll try to explain myself better:
Super strong characters like Levi, Mikasa, the Titan Trio, Kaneki, Eto, Arima, Sebastian…they are all technically 'op’ (especially Sebastian, dude has literally no weaknesses so far). However, they work because they also have traits that interest us beyond just their strength. Kaneki is a lonely child, a selfish person with a fear of being left behind, drifting and unable to find a reason to live. Levi is an orphan who was raised by a serial killer- he clawed his way up to where he is now. Annie is a sixteen-year-old trained into a killing machine from childhood, she went through life believing that the only person she could trust was her father, and she was desperate to return to him.
(It’s also difficult because everyone seems to have a different definition of 'op’; I personally just use it to jokingly refer to powerful characters or when I talk about strong characters whose power levels are inconsistent with canon to the point where it gets ridiculous (example: we know titan shifters take some time to heal, so if a titan shifter came along who could be behaded then have their head instantly stick back onto their neck like some sort of AoT version of Noro, I’d consider them OP).)
I guess what I was trying to say was that it’s fine to have strong characters, just make sure that they have an actual personality (readers need a reason to care about the characters, after all!) and that their powers make sense? ^^;;
(Also, I think I might have sounded a bit passive-aggressive or rude during this convo about op characters, I'm really sorry if I did OTL I didn’t mean to, but when I reread my comments I realized they could come off that way)
I agree with you about the AoT OCs though. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of good ones…actually, most OCs I see for popular fandoms aren’t very interesting. Other than the powers or character designs the thing that bothers me is the lack of proper personality (why do so many people think 'happy’ is a personality trait???).
And definitely agree 100% on the angsty backstory. Like, that’s just overkill. There’s a difference between tragedy and being edgy. (It also sort of depends on how good the writer is at conveying emotion and handling the angst, but for the most part stuff like that is
That’s a great way to do things! :D I’m really, really disorganized when it comes to making characters…usually a concept pops into my head and I run with it, adding in details along the way. Tatsuo was created when I wanted to make a male TG OC and suddenly this image of a smug-looking guy with a long black ponytail popped into my head, Naomi started from the idea of making a character with the themes of 'self-discovery’ 'identity’ and 'lies’ woven into their arc. Louisa was literally born from an outfit- I randomly thought of an outfit that looked really pretty and traditionally feminine, yet was actually very practical when you looked closer. Then I tried to imagine what kind of person would wear these clothes and that was Louisa…
idk, I’m bad at explaining stuff haha
(also: Tatsuo was also inspired by various vampire characters I saw in anime/manga, books and TV shows. He’d be so offended if he knew LOL in fact, he just might serve me for dinner at the restaurant or something ;-;)
TYSM! I’m really glad you’ve liked all three of my OCs so far, thank you for listening to me ramble about my babies (actually only Naomi is my baby, Tatsuo and I disowned each other and Louisa moved out) <33333
As for Lou, I’ll send you some more info about her after I develop her a bit more if you like? :) For now, a few random things:
-rarely shows emotions like anger or sorrow
-not because she’s bottling them up, but because she’s learned how to handle them in a healthy way
-always smells like mint for some reason
-maybe because she’s addicted to mint tea
-her bodyguard suspects she doesn’t drink water at all and lives on the stuff
-she also likes strong flavors
-has the kind of bright, pretty smile that makes you want to trust her
-so you do
-and you (probably) get killed
-had a girlfriend named Iris once, a nice, sensible girl who managed to keep her from getting too buried in her work and various plans for her family and took care of her in ways that her bodyguard couldn’t (AKA somehow got her to realize that mint tea does not equal a proper meal)
-unfortunately Iris did not know that Lou can be a bit terrible
-she walked in on Lou casually wiping the blood off of her knife with the dead body of a certain businessman on the floor in front of her
-“Oh, Iris. What are you doing here, darling? I thought I asked the servants to keep you upstairs, my private meetings can be a bit messy… Iris? Love, are you quite alright? You look a little pale…”
-Well, that was the end of that relationship
XD the titan designs are one of the best things about AoT, in my opinion. You could make a gallery out of all the pictures of them that that have appeared in the anime and the manga so far lol
Oh, really? Hope you enjoy/ed the list then :D was it ok??? (Part 2 was intended to smash feels)
Sweet! That wasn’t so long ^^
I know you meant Voldy and Draco by the flower statement but...
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I’m this close to finding a physical copy of the manga and throwing it in the fire while yelling ‘Lighten the fuck up’.
Gimme the Uta/Itori love child now, pretty please. Damn, that would be one attractive baby. 
And now I fear for my life. Great. Well, more for my hear than for my life, but whatever.
Well, I never really had a formed opinion on the 2CT theory, but I did read a few things about it. I didn’t expect it to be true, though. Welp, now we can assume it is true, and I am SHOOK Here’s an accurate description of me during the chapter.
I think that might be since he’s a tiny bit more similar to Vincent, while Our Ciel is more similar to Rachel. I mean, we know that there are physical differences between the two (if we assume that Real Ciel is the one who was previously Lizzy’s fiancé), because Real Ciel is taller than Our Ciel.
Yep, I definitely can’t wait to see where it’ll go from now. I remember seeing a post that said ‘This is the biggest shock to the fandom since we found out Undertaker was fuckable’
Also: Our!Ciel: three years ago I lost my dear twin brother to some cultists and a demon. Real!Ciel: Quit telling everyone I'm dead! Our!Ciel: Sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Oh, I see! I always think of OP as OverPowered, that’s why I got a bit defensive ^^;;;;;
Well, like you said, everyone has their own definition of OP.  Sometimes, I’ll even think of OCs who have trait that’s already specific to another character as OP, like Titan-Shifter OCs, or OCs with a plot basically the same to a canon character (not OP but very irritating) And don’t get me started on Demon-Contracted OCs in the Kuro fandom. Those make me want to defenestrate myself.
Yup, I have no problems with strong characters as long as they’re not ridiculously strong and aren’t there purely because of that power, but they also have personality.
Don’t worry, I reread my original statement about OP characters and was like ‘man this sounds so bitchy and high and might hnnnngh’ but couldn’t find a way to rephrase it properly ^^;; So, no worries, I know how you feel ^^
Well, for some reason, it seems that the people who make believable OCs are either lazy or scared to post theirs. Or they simply don’t care. The ones with Mary Sues like to holler at people with ‘LOOK AT MY BAE CHARACTER AREN’T THEY PERFECT???’
There’s this blog I follow (it’s gone inactive, unfortunately) that takes Mary Sues and breaks them down (well, the correct term would be make fun of, but they do offer some advice on how to improve them), and you wouldn’t believe the shit I found there.  Here’s the link if you want.
For some reason, people seem to think that the edgier the backstory, the ‘more original’ the character, which (of course) isn’t true, because that means everyone will have a super tragic backstory that no longer makes sense.  Another thing I’ve noticed is that they sometimes avoid some pretty important details like ‘Character was born into a healthy, happy family. One thing led to another and the family was killed, while character was molested (a very common backstory theme) and taken in by a cult’ and I’m like ???
My character usually start out like this: *luna is watching a show*  OK BUT WHAT IF THERE WAS A CHARACTER WHO-
And so a new character is born. 
But your ways of starting a character are also quite interesting ^^ Especially by looking at an outfit!  I ALWAYS WANNA LISTEN TO YOU RAMBLE ABOUT CHARACTERS! 
Titans make me laugh, honestly. Like, these are supposed to be the main bad creatures? Steampunk zombies (kabaneri) look scarier than that.
It was the hulk smash of feels :-))))
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theonewithglee-blog · 6 years
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KITTY WILDE is TWENTY-FIVE years old and a JOURNALIST. She lives BY HERSELF. She is currently SINGLE, and her endgame is WILDETON.
Kitty is based primarily on Emily Waltham, and partly Barry Farber.
“Well, up yours, too.”
Katherine Wilde was born in England with a silver spoon in her mouth to two very well-off parents. She and her two older sisters were spoiled rotten, and boy, did the rest of the world know it. Stephen and Andrea Wilde made sure their three little girls had the world in their tiny little hands. But there were also family values set in place, specifically their parents making sure that Kitty and her sisters used their manners. They traveled all across Europe and eventually moved to the states, and wherever they went, people were floored by the kind girls with her sweet smiles. They were well-versed in their pleases and thank yous. Kitty especially made people swoon with big, bright eyes and the most delightful expressions. She loved the way people tended to fall all over themselves to give her what she wanted when she acted a certain way. It wasn’t all an act, either; she understood the genuine importance of having a good attitude and using her manners. She quickly learned when it was most important to turn on the charm, though.
The Wildes were also a religious bunch. Going to church every week and having a Bible in every room of the house was simply Kitty’s normal. When she was older, people would tell her that it was uncool that her parents had pushed it on her, but Kitty didn’t understand what the big deal was. She loved it. Having her faith to rely on whenever she needed it was a great comfort to her. She never felt like she was forced into it. Her parents were great in that regard. They had strict expectations that Kitty and her sisters knew they had to follow, but she never felt like she was living under a dictatorship or anything crazy. It was just the life she had been given and she knew she was blessed.
As Kitty grew older, she found that she could continue to get what she wanted just like when she was a little girl, only she had other methods now. When things didn’t go as planned, Kitty could flip a switch and turn into what seemed like a completely different girl. She went from the saccharine little Wilde to…well, wild. She was cunning and smart. She could be manipulative, dramatic, and controlling to get her way. She was generally subtle about it, though. She didn’t like to boast her skills. She would lose her edge if she did that, and she was raised to be polite beyond everything. Even when Kitty found herself turning on that calculating side of herself more of than not, she never let her dear sweet mother and father see it; after all, she loved them. And she also had an inheritance that she just couldn’t lose.
Kitty went on to pursue a degree in creative writing, followed by a master’s degree in journalism. She met Hunter Clarington along the way, and though they never made it past the...experimental level, she wonders what her parents would have thought of him. Regardless, New York has proven to be exactly Kitty Wilde’s speed. Since growing out of her life as a sweet little girl who could do no wrong, Kitty has had plenty of new experiences that have shaped her into a strong-willed, caring individual — including several failed relationships where Kitty felt like her partners weren’t completely in it, helping her to understand what she truly deserves. She kept these relationships to herself, for the most part. That’s why her parents thought they were breaking some sort of seal or whatever when they introduced her to Sebastian Smythe. He had just graduated college while she was in her final year. Kitty had never pegged her parents as the type of people who would legitimately try to arrange a marriage for her, but here they were. The realization hit her like a train when she came to understand why her sisters had married men from wealthy families so quickly after meeting. This was what you did when you were from a high-profile family. Kitty didn’t like it, not one bit, but it was who she was. She couldn’t escape the life she was blessed with. So she went with it.
Well, she would have, if the moron hadn’t run away at the last minute. Kitty never imagined being in an expensive white gown, pacing back and forth in her dressing room well past the time she was supposed to walk down the aisle while people went searching for her escaped groom. She was absolutely humiliated. She hadn’t even wanted this wedding to begin with, and for Sebastian to embarrass her like that was just uncalled for. Her protected side unveils itself nowadays more than ever before. It’s what causes her to lash out when things don’t go exactly according to plan. The fact of the matter is that Kitty loves order and having things work out the way they do in her head. And when that doesn’t happen, well, Lord help whoever is there to bear the brunt of her wrath. As for her future, she intends to be wildly successful and to do things on her terms because dammit, Kitty Wilde deserves better.
I’ll be there for you…
HUNTER CLARINGTON → Kitty and Hunter weren’t in the same academic programs, but they attended the same higher education institutions, so it makes sense that they crossed paths a few times. Kitty has gotten to know him pretty well as a result. Okay, very well. Maybe they hooked up once. But Kitty never mentions it because Hunter gets all smug about it, and she hates how it makes her want to smile when he jokingly hits on her in private. It’s all in good fun because he’s getting married and she knows he doesn’t actually want to get with her again. They keep it PG in front of other people. For all anyone else knows, they’re nowhere beyond acquaintances level. Kitty thinks it’s kind of fun that way. Though whatever is really going on between Hunter and Quinn is kind of weird to her, but maybe it’s none of her business to be worrying about.
SEBASTIAN SMYTHE → Sebastian Smythe is one sorry son of a bitch. Or he will be, more accurately, if Kitty ever gets to sink her claws into him. Kitty knows that he’s around since their whole wedding mishap because his dad practically disowned him and he has no idea what he’s doing. Good. Serves him right, as far as Kitty is concerned. She’s not okay with being publicly humiliated to that extent. Sebastian owes her big time, or maybe Kitty will just get him back in her own way someday. She doesn’t exactly know how yet but she’s fairly great at coming up with some sort of petty revenge. Only time will tell.
QUINN FABRAY → Quinn is a member of Kitty’s church. From the first moment Kitty saw her, Quinn has given off HBIC vibes, and Kitty can so appreciate that. At first, their bond was based solely on the fact that they grew up religious. Then Kitty learned that Quinn really is a boss ass bitch. She was the only person Kitty could even think to understand her feelings about the wedding fiasco, and she’s indebted to Quinn for having her back the way she did (and keeping all the emotional garbage under wraps). Now they’re close friends, a dream team made up of cutting words and icy glares that are not to be messed with.
MARLEY ROSE → Marley is something of an unlikely ally to Kitty. She has made it clear that Marley is the kind of girl that Kitty would have been pretty terrible to in high school. She knows it’s messed up, but Kitty wasn’t a very nice girl back then. In that way, she’s glad she didn’t know Marley until now. It look losing a bit of herself for Kitty to understand that some things are out of your control, which is the case for the things Marley has gone through. She wouldn’t have chosen to struggle with her weight or be as obsessively clean as she is, but she goes through it anyway. Marley has supported her and the least Kitty can do in return is be a good person.
RYDER LYNN → Ryder was one of Kitty’s failed relationships during college. He was a good enough guy, but Kitty is almost positive that the only reason they got together is because they’re both pretty and Ryder was sort of a goof, so he would do anything for her. It’s not that Kitty thinks she was too good for him or anything like that; it’s just that she doesn’t feel like Ryder was completely into her. His mind seemed to be in other places at all times and she just couldn’t let that fly. While she wasn’t too good for him, she was too good to not be treated like a queen. She’s not one for making things awkward so she doesn’t think twice about it nowadays when she and Ryder cross paths.
…‘cause you’re there for me too.
✔ Kitty is currently OPEN.
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