#they didnt fact check I guess!
llycaons · 1 year
Misconceptions about lemmings go back many centuries. In 1532, the geographer Jacob Ziegler of Bavaria proposed the theory that the creatures fell out of the sky during stormy weather and then died suddenly when the grass grew in spring. This description was contradicted by natural historian Ole Worm, who accepted that lemmings could fall out of the sky, but claimed that they had been brought over by the wind rather than created by spontaneous generation...
Lemmings have become the subject of a widely popular misconception that they are driven to commit mass suicide when they migrate by jumping off cliffs. It is not a deliberate mass suicide, in which animals voluntarily choose to die, but rather a result of their migratory behavior. Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great. They can swim and may choose to cross a body of water in search of a new habitat. In such cases, many drown if the body of water is an ocean or is so wide as to exceed their physical capabilities. Thus, the unexplained fluctuations in the population of Norwegian lemmings, and perhaps a small amount of semantic confusion (suicide not being limited to voluntary deliberation, but also the result of foolishness), helped give rise to the popular stereotype of the suicidal lemmings, particularly after this behaviour was staged in the Walt Disney documentary White Wilderness in 1958. The misconception itself is much older, dating back to at least the late 19th century. In the August 1877 issue of Popular Science Monthly, apparently suicidal lemmings are presumed to be swimming the Atlantic Ocean in search of the submerged continent of Lemuria.
an incredible couple of paragraphs from the lemming wikipedia but my favorite is the last one
Another myth may have roots in the fiercely aggressive nature of lemmings during population booms, and the corresponding leftovers of predatory frenzies: lemmings do not explode.
of all the small creatures in the world lemmings get THE most insane myths
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puppyeared · 2 months
adhd is when you shoot for the moon but you forgot the rocket fuel and by the time you realize it everyones already on the moon and then you panic and crash into the sun and it explodes
#my meds stopped working and i didnt know thats something that can fucking happen apparently???#like i knew eventually my body can get used to medicine that the effect kind of dulls but for some reason this time around i thought#that my body just decided to become lazier since the meds were already working anyway. cuz thats the thing as soon as smth is made#easier for me even if its the thing thats supposed to make the disability less disabling i get too relaxed and end up fucking up anyway#so i assumed my fucking cells worked the same way LMAO. they still technically work like i can feel my energy spike when it kicks in#but everything else like focus and memory went down and i thought oh so its just a me problem then. my habits are getting worse#even though ive been doing everything the same like setting reminders checking my schedule. hell ive been setting MORE reminders#to make up for the memory thing and i didnt even realize i just knew i had to compensate since it feels like my memory is getting#worse again. and i only figured this out bc my brother showed me an icecreamsandwich video with him talking about the EXACT FUCKING#THING IM GOING THRU WORD FOR WORD#i have to bring this up with my doctor next week so maybe i have to take different meds. i wonder if this will be a recurring thing#i guess one thing that hasnt changed is that im still slow as hell and stuff only comes to me 5 hours after the fact#its 6 in the morning and i only JUST realized that the word froyo is probably short for frozen yogurt#yapping#adhd
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torchstelechos · 9 months
You know those "do not separate"/"often bought together" memes that people did for the Submas plushies? I like to think Immortal Volo found out that Ingo had a twin fully because he saw one of these memes and went, Ah fuck I separated them :(
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Oh oh I've got an idea for a poll, here's one for the dub enjoyers
If you are going to be mean about the dubs in general just simply don't do that
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marsixm · 5 months
im trying to wrap my head around why i dont get enthusiastic about reddit style fiction (not a dig but a descriptor) like scp and shit like that, bc its not that i can’t enjoy them but i think its like… when stuff is framed as if it were real, but its fiction, its like, well KNOWING its fiction eliminates a huge element of the intrigue, but also, crucially, i like character-driven stories, or at least stories WITH characters. but i also like it when things are interesting for said characters to experience, like, i want the ghosts and monsters and conspiracies but i want the characters to be character-ing, yknow? not that i dont enjoy slice of life and… what would u call the first thing, non-character specific horror? idk? but i prefer when its both. its like i love kirk and spock but also i do enjoy watching them Experience Situations when i watch star trek. i enjoy the idea of spooky national forest monsters that arent real but experiencing it alongside a character would be better, and i want more trans and gay characters whose lives are clearly trans and gay but i want a plotline to unfold too
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
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#see my blog was never intended to be . like . seen by people? thats why its so gross#i tag Nothing. i only tag what i want to tag. i still have the mindset of what i used to be *checks watch* 9 months ago? i think?#i had under 100 followers most if not all being friends and mutuals#and then i made the mistake of posting art. sigh#this still carries over to the fact id Like to move blogs because this ones gotten. way too big#lesson learned for anyone on tumglblr: if you post anything like art or fanfic MAKE IT A SIDE BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!#do NOT do what i did. not the main blog. mistake#i used to make sideblogs everytime i got a new main interest but when i got into toh i stopped. idk why. but im stuck here now#if i DO move blogs i'll post about it. it'll prob be a quieter move but yeah it'll happen#im just procrastinating cus all my junk is already HERE#so like. why move. yknow?#i do genuinely love & appreciate the support. people have been very kind to me#i appreciate it a lot#i also just know from experience i am not someone that should have any sort of following on anything. i take it horribly#like. i used to be an active twitter artist for a year and that was HORRIBLE. ppl didnt just want art they wanted my opinions and my biases#i couldnt breath without 5 people asking me things#horrible life to live lol i like tumblr more#i started on tumblr and i moved back. im glad#anywhoo enough rambling i guess. if i move ill let people know! if i dont. well youll know cus im still here#ugh if i move i have to reblock my tags n people blaaaaugh#okey ill talk to you people later
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toastsnaffler · 9 months
its actually nuts how missing a single vaccination has shaped my entire fucking life. like not only would I not be deaf if I had gotten it on time but I probs wouldn't have adhd either 🫣
#like yeah I have a family history of adhd but im pretty sure the current model suggests u can be genetically *predisposed* but the actual-#development of adhd is thought to be closely linked to environmental 'triggers' like childhood stress or head injuries lol#or in my case brain trauma. fun fact: a suspected 62% of kids who survive hib meningitis later develop adhd symptoms#vs. 5% incidence in the general population.....#when I first heard that I was still in denial bc i thought of adhd as a 'natural' condition like ur just born that way#so if meningitis survivors displayed symptoms that didnt mean they were ACTUALLY adhd. except literally all adhd is-#is a collection of symptoms its not some tangible 'switch' thats flipped in some ppl and not others. maybe thats a rly obvious statement-#but I found it kinda hard to get my head around. i guess just bc of how a lot of psychology is viewed by the public innit#anyway being deaf + nd kinda fucking sucks yall better be jabbing ur babies with every vaccination possible or im coming for ur knees#its funny bc it sounds like im saying watch out !! vaccination may PREVENT neurodivergence NOT cause it !!#*andrew wakefield voice* u wouldnt want a child with autism#but thats not what i meaaaannn obvs ur kid not getting xyz disease that could kill them is the number 1 most important thing#its so cringe actually bc hib b incidence has been down to abt 2 in every 100 000 babies since the vax was introduced in 1985#so I was one of like. probably less than 10 babies to get it in the fucking country and they misdiagnosed me a bunch of times#bc it was so uncommon + I had some rarer symptoms plus the only way to actually CHECK is to test spinal fluid which is a faff#if theyd realised earlier then i also wouldnt be deaf bc it wouldnt have been as severe. just a series of unfortunate events i guess#anyway. immunology is so fascinating i wish id focused on it more in my degree tbh#over and OUT#.diaries
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
overanalyzing haruna and tsubaki's conversation in the my prince event bc i got nothing else to do.
their conversation begins after aoi goes to get some beverages for her and haruna. before that though, aoi says that she's been getting better and better at acting as romeo ever since she started practicing with her. aoi praises her, tells her that everything feels right, but she says that the only problem she has is that it lacks authenticity; it lacks motivation.
haruna, right after aoi notes this, says and i'll quote: "Focus on my motivation, on authenticity over an idealized role...."
then aoi goes to get beverages and tsubaki appears with boxed lunches, telling her that it tastes better than it seems.
she thanks tsubaki for the boxed lunches and tsubaki asks haruna how practicing is going, haruna answers that she's getting better and better thanks to aoi. she also adds the fact that aoi memorized the lines to help. tsubaki says that it sounds like something aoi would do, and asks if aoi was acting as juliet.
haruna says that tsubaki is correct, but she believes that aoi should've been acting as romeo, with how charming and prince-like she is, she believes that role would suit her more.
tsubaki's face, as soon as she hears this, turns serious. she hesitates before answering with "i see".
right after, haruna says that she has been copying aoi's mannerisms whenever she plays as romeo because to her she is the perfect image for romeo.
now, before this episode in the story, aoi and haruna met up in a cafe and aoi opened up a little bit about herself, she told haruna about the fact that she likes making jam, that she's afraid of bugs, and the reason she started djing. (im not adding more to this because it isnt connected, as much as i want to do it though.)
back to what was happening, haruna says that she pales in comparison to aoi, who is, "so confident, so cool, so..."
tsubaki, hearing this, says and i'll quote: "you haven't learned anything, haruna. you've only seen aoi on a superficial level."
haruna tells tsubaki that it wasnt her intention, but she then remembers aoi saying that "everyone seemed to like it" and it hits her that aoi was just going with what people told her.
tsubaki tells her that aoi isnt sensitive enough to be bothered by it, but there is more to what haruna sees. she says that aoi is deeper than that and that she would appreciate it if she haruna could see every part of her.
incomes the quote of tsubaki saying that she loves likes every facet of aoi and then aoi herself shows up. tsubaki gets flustered, tells her she made boxed lunches, and runs away.
after aoi chuckles about how she got them boxed lunches, haruna apologizes for seeing her just for her looks and actions, not what was under it. aoi tells her that she shouldn't be sorry and that she appreciates the compliments with a smile. haruna wonders in her head if what she was saying was true, if she truly meant every word she said.
now, since tsubaki and haruna's conversation is done, im gonna go to aoi's initial 3* card story "the girl with the long hair".
tsubaki and aoi were going to meet up in a cafe and tsubaki was late, after aoi says that she just got there too because she took a walk to pass the time tsubaki apologizes and says that she "made a reservation online but the beauty salon made her wait", aoi assures her that it's alright because she doesnt mind. she also notes that tsubaki has long hair, so it must be a bit harder to take care of.
tsubaki asks if that's the reason why aoi has hers short and aoi answers with "not really no. i just think it suits me."
tsubaki then asks if she ever wore her hair long and aoi answers that she used to in high school, tsubaki chuckles and aoi asks her what's funny about it so tsubaki answers that she has a hard time believing it.
aoi then tells her that she can show her a photo from before, and tsubaki agrees, i will add the fact that tsubaki sounds excited here compared to aoi who sounds nervous when she was about to show the picture.
tsubaki looks at it and notes that it isn't how she imagined and kind of freezes for a moment, aoi asks her if she was alright and that she was right there. tsubaki then says that that's what makes it so hard to believe and aoi says that was the reaction she usually got, she also says that the others photos of herself at those times werent as cute. after she says that, she tells tsubaki about how people saw her as a crossdressing boy and tsubaki's face relaxes to a serious one and she asks aoi if it ever bothered her. aoi replies that she just tries to stay positive and says that she tells herself that she looks better in short hair and that it was more manageable.
tsubaki tells aoi that she's envious of her, maybe talking about the fact that aoi can manage to stay positive about something for so long, then aoi then changes the subject -- and attention -- to tsubaki, telling her that she hopes tsubaki keeps her long hair (making it seem that aoi thought she was talking about hair) because it suits her and then while she's flustered, asks her what she thought of the lyrics.
there is a only a slight difference in the card story because u cant read their thoughts, but u can tell that tsubaki caught on the fact that aoi has difficulty seeing herself as cute because of how her classmates treated her in high school, while for haruna's case, when she saw aoi's photo properly knowing who it is, she doesnt catch it, she doesnt see it. all because aoi managed to hide it well. thanks to that, it goes to haruna thinking that aoi was being kind and considerate because she was acting like how she should be, but aoi tells her that she just does it to be considerate and that she cares for them. haruna then says a note to herself saying that "to play a romeo convincingly, one must sincerely care for others." and that she must be kind and considerate to juliet because that will make her role feel natural.
now then. when aoi was going to show haruna the photo, her face was blank, no emotion, just a polite smile. comparing that with tsubaki's, she was nervous looking and nervous sounding: hesitant. this probably connects to the fact that she had her poker face on when she isnt with rondo.
aoi changing the subject by telling both of them that she doesnt mind or compliments them is something people do in real life, (take it from me, who does this all the time) she knows how to avoid and take away the attention from herself or the subject of the conversation. that's why in most event stories, unless theyre focused on rondo or aoi herself, she almost doesnt talk at all.
oh yeah, tsubaki saying that her boxed lunches are tastier than they seem is connected to the whole thing of the event, which is trying not to judge the book by its cover.
i honestly have no idea how to end this so just. like. take this. my mind is fried and i cant word my thoughts on it anymore.
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coldflasher · 2 years
you know what’s a scam? at the end of last year i just severely stopped giving a fuck at work and i was literally spending so much time doing fuck all, messing around on my phone for most of the day only to then edit like 30k in the space of 2-3 hours after lunch, and somehow i got away with it and my quality scores were fine. this year i was like okay this is not cool, i’m gonna make a determined effort to do this properly. so now i actually focus and don’t procrastinate, and yet i’m now consistently underperforming and i’m about to be put on performance review for the second quarter in a row which is... not great
i personally think our scoring system is stupid and needs an overhaul because in spot checks, they take off the same number of points for everything. so if i were to completely fail to edit a sentence and left it in a completely unreadable state, i would only lose one point, but then i also lose a point if i misplace a hyphen. so like. last year i somehow managed to fully miss this massive sentence that ended up making no sense whatsoever, and that was fine, apparently, because i didn’t lose points in other areas, but now i’m about to be put on performance review because i missed a few commas and accidentally used a mixture of single and double speech marks in a quote
the worst part is the way they do checks is so annoying because they just pull two random papers from the past 3 months and you can GUARANTEE they will pull a shit one. you can be on top form for ages and then have one bad day and somehow they always manage to pick the one paper you made mistakes on. i’m aware that they do this on purpose to put the fear of god into you because the idea is obviously that every paper should have no mistakes but let’s be real, that’s not realistic. human error is a thing. everyone makes mistakes. and somehow they have a sixth sense for finding the papers you made those mistakes on.
the problem is that last time i went on performance review, they monitored me for a bit and then did an extra spot check and the papers they pulled that time were basically perfect. one literally had no errors and the other had like. two. so i got a near-perfect score. which probably made me look great, like i’d worked really hard to fix the issue, which to be fair, i did. and they were really happy with that. except this quarter they pulled two more and i got the exact same bad score i got last time. so now it looks like i only started putting in effort when i was being monitored and then just immediately stopped trying again as soon as i wasn’t under review which ISN’T EVEN TRUE. i’m genuinely trying, here. but i’m very aware of how bad this looks and now i’m gonna have to do another one of those awful meetings where they bring up the fact that i’m Underperforming (*already shaking and crying at the mere prospect. once again i am about to get a bad grade in having a job*) and they literally have a senior manager who just. sits in the meeting in silence. watching. and nodding. while some other guy points out all the mistakes i’ve made. because that isn’t unnerving at all
i hate employment, i want to go live in a little hobbit hole and never have to receive another performance review again
#im genuinely just not cut out for this#because like here's the thing: i clearly am capable of getting those scores#but i have not yet figured out a way to do so that doesn't involve me being so stressed and burned out#that i want to put my head through a wall#like sure i can fix all your commas but also i have to spend an hour doing unpaid overtime every day to make up for the time i spent crying#and im not being funny but IT'S COMMAS. IS IT THAT DEEP#like yes ideally i would catch them all. im aware that it's my job to do so and i'm doing my best#but when you have to edit 40k a day every single day for 5 days a week. that's a LOT of work#im starting to realize why we have such a rapid staff turnover actually#i keep thinking that it's me and im the problem and maybe i just can't hack it... but actually#looking at how many people have quit in the year i've worked there#and the fact that someone recently applauded one of my coworkers for her long service and she's literally worked there for 3 years...#maybe. this isn't a sustainable pace for a normal person to keep up with#every now and then i think about trying to get a new job but i don't handle change well#when i made the transfer to this job from my supermarket job i literally had crying meltdowns every day for the whole training period#...are we sensing a theme here?#but i got away with it cos it was all remote so they didnt know that i was handling it so badly#but the thought of getting a new job and having to learn how to do something else is just. awful. genuinely hideous#i guess im just gonna have to deal with being extremely stressed for the entire rest of this year. no matter what i have to do#make sure my next two spot checks are all perfect and hope that i also don't end up succumbing to the urge to eat my laptop#oh yeah anon if you read this im afraid i do not care if i sound like a wanker#im allowed to be a little bit of a bitch about capitalism actually. as a treat#long post for ts
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mrfoox · 2 years
Just remembered how after my autistic diagnose every offical person was so careful to approach me about it at first. I know that's probably standard bc not everyone will like those news or know how to handle it but I legit just had doctors go 'hey... So... Are you okay? How do you feel?' and I was like 'haha, nice, so I haven't just been faking/now I know why I'm so different'
#miranda talking shit#And i mean... I wouldnt be diagnosed at all if i didnt personally call for it. I wouldn't have been able to see anyone unless i brought it#Up. Bc ive always been good at masking no one even considerd i was on the spectrum. And it wasnt until i got friends who was diagnosed and#Discussed it with me and their experiences + me reading up on it myself ... Where i was like wait uh ... Actually lol that's me haha#But i know plenty of people probably don't like to get the diagnosis. For me personally it was 90% a gopd thing#It felt a lot like... Ive always known i was 'diffrent' and ive always felt something was so wrong with me bc i didny work like other peope#And then it was like .... No im different but this is the thing that makes me different and its not something 'wrong' with me#For me it felt very freeing to get i guess a label or name on why im different. Before iy was all just... On me?#Like it was my own fault. Why couldnt i do this or just act normal why couldnt i just handle things others could? It all felt very. ...#Personal. Like it was my own fault ? Idk man. It was just great to get a reason to why i was diffrent and that it actually ... Made sense?#There were reasons behind why i got so overwhelmed or behaved weirdly etc yeah#My relationship with my own autism is the weirdest shit ever bc i dont personally think there's many positives with this diagnose#I can think of 10 cons per 1 pro basically but i also... Never had any bad feelings about getting it on paper that i have it?#I know my life would be much easier if i didnt have it. But i also know it cant be cured and is just part of me so#I have a fairly good or at least neatrul general feeling about it. Before i was diagnosed I'd cry and have breakdowns as to#Why i was so weird and why i couldnt be like everyone else. I got that on an weekly basis. After my diagnose? Very rarely.#I guess thats why im so... Supporting and maybe pushing others who think they are on the spectrum to check it out#Many will think oh but it doesnt DO anything. It doesnt change anything. It doesnt help to get it on paper ya know ?#And well yeah i guess technically that's true but man idk. If you have ever felt alienated like ive been my entire childhood and teen years#Getting the diagnose was so nice. And i got to learn about myself in much different ways than before. And understand that i am in fact not#Alone and not so misunderstood by everyone on earth lol.#@anyone who think they might be autistic give me an message and lets talk tbh if you want and need someone to discuss that with#Autism tag
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isaacathom · 2 months
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finally! the last hornblower books i needed to complete my set! 😭
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gibbearish · 6 months
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harmonizedhero · 1 year
Anyone else thought about how in fantasy, despite in irl history spears being more common due to it having more range and is easier to get into gaps of armor, swords are more prevalent because they are seen as cooler.
Wouldnt it happen to wizards, witches, and other spellcasters too? Because in fantasy staffs are very common to see, despite the fact that wands are easier to carry, and to conceal. Hell, if i Remember right. in actual past stories, witches basically used fuckin soul guns that are made of wood or whatever. Which is close to a wand i think. Then again, ig a wand would be to a staff user what a dagger/shortsword is to a spearmen, something to switch to in cqc.
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
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chefboyard-bag · 2 years
Fuck dude is it too much to ask that an airline figures out how to run their own fucking flights?
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