#there's a difference between knowing intuitively and Knowing through educating oneself
variousqueerthings · 2 years
I don’t know if I’m way behind in this kind of knowledge, but there was a difference for me between logically knowing that women can be HIV+ / get AIDS and seeing numbers for women around the world who are HIV+ or have died from AIDS-related complications
I understand why the narrative is as it is, the way homophobia meant/means a lack of treatment development + a lack of ability to access healthcare, but the way it’s affecting women is massively intersectional with racism/colonialism and poverty, and goes hand in hand with a lack of education because of (you guessed it) homophobia 
I just think everyone should take in these numbers as a matter of education, both to support women around the world and because we’re seeing yet another case of homophobia-is-stopping-people-from-getting-tested/helped with monkeypox:
AIDS epidemic update: December 2000 (worldwide)
AIDS epidemic update: 2021 (worldwide)
here are a few testimonies from british women in the 80s/90s
and Rebel Dykes, the documentary about working class S/M political lesbians in London, talks briefly about awareness raising/invisibility of HIV+ women in the 80s
I’ve also anecdotally had conversations around women and HIV about the rates in middle-aged divorced women, who haven’t been educated on the risks after possible years of sleeping with one partner, apparently that’s a significant risk group (because, again... lack of education+ homophobic institutions) 
#hiv#aids#monkeypox#queer rights#womens rights#colonialism#there's a difference between knowing intuitively and Knowing through educating oneself#think a lot of people still subconsciously think of it as A Disease That Hits Queer Men and trans women and drug users as an afterthought#and faaaar far in the background of that thought is *oh yeah and some countries in africa*#(what countries? some... countries...)#which is our internalised racism and colonialism#and#because it was first used to attack queer men and then gay men for obvs reasons created a lot of mutual aid around it#have a lot more research to do -- mainly want to look for testimonies from women non-western countries#*in#i also wonder whether there are any transmasculine/trans male anecdotes#there's some unlearning to do and some learning to do#obvs we cannot individually protect every person in every country but i think it's good to be educated on this#id hazard some of the countries with the highest rates in women are also countries where it's still illegal to be gay#colonialism and homophobia and the aids epidemic go hand in hand#whaddayaknow... there's always more to intersectionalism than one knows#how do we utilise global connection for good? (not as in *burn yourself out on everything all at once*)#but as in -- we have siblings across the world and our actions affect one another across the world#ex. how covid vaccines were being hoarded#or how statistically at least as many women globally are hiv+ as men... at LEAST possibly more (and there's less resources/education)#or how i think about my transmasc and trans male and non-binary siblings across the world who either do or do not want to be pregnant#or i think about this documentary about the band mashrou leila and the activist sarah hegazi who was arrested/tortured#for unfurling a rainbow flag at one of their concerts and how one man who runs an lgbt+ center in beirut talked about the need#for global queer solidarity#lots of thoughts going in lots of directions apologies ive gone a little off topic on this post
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siriuschaostribe · 3 years
Ficcino Maranki Diyetine Markiz Tesbihatı
It is precisely this subjective element which distinguishes the Renaissance magus from the medieval theorist; for static hierarchical schemes and correspondences between planets and music are transformed into dynamic energies at work throughout creation, energies which can be harnessed and transfused for the harmonising of individual souls. Following Plotinus, Ficino emphasises the necessity of focussing the emotion in an act which depends on both intuition and expertise in order to expand consciousness: 'Whoever prays to a star in an opportune and skilled way projects his spirit into the manifest and occult rays of the star, everywhere diffused and life-giving; from these he may claim for himself vital stellar gifts.' In the Platonic/Pythagorean tradition, music and the stars are inextricably linked as audible and visible images of an invisible dimension of existence, whose intellectual perception is made possible through the senses of hearing and sight. The foundations of the musical cosmos are established by Plato in the creation myth of his Timaeus, which maintains a vital connection to Egyptian, Chaldaean and other ancient traditions. In this dialogue, Plato sets up a model for a three-fold musical cosmos where the movements of the spheres, the passions of the human soul and the audible sounds of music are all expressions of a divine intelligence manifesting through the various dimensions of creation. Such a tripartite division was to be differentiated by the fifth century A.D. theorist Boethius as musica mundana, musica humana and musica instrumentalis, and it was commonplace for music theorists to work out elaborate systems of corrrespondences between astronomical distances and musical intervals, between the nature of musical patterns and emotional states, between planetary characteristics and audible sound. The key, in this tradition, to the ordering of the cosmos, whether astronomically or musically, is of course number - a discovery which was transmitted to Western thinkers by Pythagoras. Indeed for the Platonists number determines all things in nature and their concrete manifestation, together with all rhythms and cycles of life. Number revealed by the heavenly bodies unfolds as Time, and as the human soul was seen to be mirrored in the order of the heavens, divination, or aligning oneself to the gods, required the appropriate ritual at a precise time. Iamblichus tells us that the numbers gov erning nature are the outflowing energies of the gods, and if we wish to assimilate ourselves to them, we must use their language - that is, align ourselv es with the harmonies underlying the cosmos. Merely humanly contrived numerical systems, discursive conceptions of number, numerological theories, cannot reproduce an experience of unity which will give rise to true knowledge of first principles. In the Timaeus, we learn that the Demiurge created a substance called the world-soul and inserted it into the centre of the world-body. He then divided up this soul-stuff according to the ratios of the three consonant musical intervals, that is the octave which resonates in the proportion of 2:1, the perfect fifth, 3:2 and the perfect fourth, 4:3, continuing, by further division, to create the intervallic steps of the Pythagorean scale. The soul was cut into two parts which were bent around each other, forming the circles of the Same and the Different: the Same containing the unmoving sphere of the fixed stars, the Different containing the moving instruments of Time, or the planets. The Different was then divided into narrower strips which were arranged according to the geometrical progressions of 2 and 3; 1 2 4 Page 38 and 1 3 9 27. Permeating the whole cosmos, the soul connected the physical world with the eternal, being 'interfused everywhere from the centre to the circumference of heaven' and partaking of 'reason and harmony'.  The human soul, also partaking directly of the anima mundi, must therefore be regulated according to the same proportions. But due to the passions of the body, the soul on entering it became distorted and stirred up - only the correct kind of education could restore harmonious equilibrium. This education would induce a recognition of the soul's congruence with the cosmos through the audible harmonic framework of the musical scale, for as we have seen, the proportions in the world-soul could be reproduced in musical sound. The numbers one to four, or the tetraktys, thus not only form the framework for all musical scales, but also embody this dynamic process of embodiment in the fourfold m o v e ment of geometry from point to line to plane to solid; from the unity comes the duality of opposition, the triad of perfect equilibrium and the quaternity of material existence. Each stage both limits and contains the one following, and the initiate is warned in the Chaldaean oracles 'do not deepen the plane' - that is, extend towards the material world from a the perfect condition of the triad, but do not lose your limiting power by letting go of it and becoming lost in the quaternity, or chaos of matter. This can be understood musically as the imperative of maintaining the perfect intervals as defining structures. In listening to geometry in sound, the perfect intervals set a framework or limit on unlimited sound, and since the specific arrangement of sizes of tones and semitones within this framework mirror the exact astronomical relationships of the planets, the very fabric of creation is brought to the ear and, in Platonic terms, evokes a memory of the harmonies once heard with the ears of the mind. F r o m  this essential premise, the schemes attributing planets to actual pitches and astronomical distances to musical intervals abounded. In the Myth of Er at the end of his Republic, Plato suggests that sirens positioned on the rims of the planetary orbits each sound a pitch, making up a musical scale, much like a Greek lyre projected into the heavens. In another interpretation, found in Cicero's Dream of Scipio, the planets produce different tones according to their various speeds of revolution. We are told that 'the high and low tones blended together produce different harmonies' and that 'gifted men, imitating this harmony on stringed instruments and in singing, have gained for themselves a return to this region, as have those of exceptional abilities who have studied divine matters even in earthly life'.  Exactly how to imitate the music of the spheres thus became the question raised by music theorists, and the science of harmonics, or the study of mathematical properties of musical ratios, was considered to be the first step. It is very difficult to know how much this highly speculative procedure - considered by Plato to be the highest form of knowledge - influenced the practical music-making of classical times. We are certainly better informed about the connection between musica humana and musica instrumentalis, for central to ancient Greek musical writings is the concept of ethos, or subtle ethical effects produced in the human psyche by the use of different modes or 'set' combinations of tone-patterns. For example, the Phrygian mode moved men to anger, the Lydian soothed them, the Dorian induced gravity and temperance - each quality being reflected in the character of particular regions. By medieval times the ancient Greek modes had been replaced by the eight Church modes, but this did not interrupt the association of subtle ethical effects by theorists. One twelfth century writer notes that 'the modes have individual qualities of sound, differing from each other, so that they prompt spontaneous recognition by an attentive musician or even by a practised singer'. It is to our loss that the music we hear today is limited to only two types of mode - the major and minor.  But what of the connection between ethics and cosmology? Ethical powers were attributed to syst e m s of pitch, while planets were generally associated with single pitches - so in the writings of most classical theorists, it is difficult to see how an effective form of musica instrumentalis could influence the human soul through direct imitation of cosmic harmony - despite the model transmitted by Plato. Generally speaking, celestial phenomena were made to fit a preconceived notion of musical order, rather than the phenomena themselves being asked to reveal their order as principles of intelligence. Although the Middle Ages produced some great original thinkers in this field, such as John Scotus Eriugena in the ninth century, and indeed the influential Islamic school of musical and astrological therapy, it was only in the fifteenth century that the West began to explore the practical means by which the harmonic relationships in the cosmos could be expressed through music, not by literally reproducing astronomical measurement in sound, but by symbolically evoking a unifying principle at work in the manifest and unmanifest worlds. With the music theorists Georgio Anselmi and Bartolom¾ Ramos de Pareja, we see the seeds being sown for a revisioning of cosmic music. (PDF) The Music of the Spheres: Marsilio Ficino and Renaissance harmonia. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290164617_The_Music_of_the_Spheres_Marsilio_Ficino_and_Renaissance_harmonia [accessed Apr 23 2021].
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thanidiel · 3 years
The body has a problem with realising when things have really changed.
It’s simply not made with that sort of paranoia, hypervigilance, in its nerves. It is an effort, an education, to have the sort of perceptual sensitivity that Xiaohu is so infamously known for amongst her fellows. Or maybe more than that; some days she thought of it like a rewiring. Like those before had pulled her squirming channels from her and threaded something more cool, mercurial/reactive, into her.
With more forgiving suns, moments of revelation like this debunked that conspiracy. Brought her feet just a little closer to the soil.
It is not common to be so placidly adaptive - to forget the onset of newness until a coincidental look over shoulder reminds her that there used to be yellow earth where a sea lay; blood where a smile forms.
It is something very innocuous in someone who is more ambiguous than that.
And it is something that only strikes her when she is engulfed in it, this, them, us.
This is calm.
This is calm. Not calm as in, quiet. Nor calm as in, there is no reason to be otherwise. Not the kind of calm she feels in most other moments, people, where the dearth in her is like an impossible weight. This is calm like, she is only existing and nothing more intensive than that.
What a rare, delightful, circumstance.
Could she say she has felt this same lax note outside of this?
Not really.
Not with other people.
And it doesn’t feel this same sort of pretty when it’s just herself.
It feels inaccurate to attempt to say that she’s gotten close. She’s never gotten this close, not under this name, this life, with those others. Nor the skin previously worn. Calm as in, steady and accepting, is not the same as calm as in, comfortable.
Avenai’s always been her respite from it all - that sanctuary to slam the door shut on, to barricade with her shoulders riding against wood, and to breathe within. Always, always, and always. Ever since the start, before anyone else, after anyone else. No one could even move to deny that bond between them, to overwrite it. To say that she loves Avenai is too shared of Xiaohu’s feelings with others. It feels better to label it as she is connected with the stark woman.
Torithas, well, Torithas was a bit more new to this, them, us. But not unappreciated and never unwelcomed. He is his own sort of safety. Not a room, nothing so bleached (and thus so uniquely Avenai), but an oak. A gnarled thing bigger than a person will ever be, everlasting and enduring. A metal shorn-and-scarred thing that simply crept its wood over attempts to shape it. Someone she could always shelter under and speak to, and observe the fashion in which his very grain hears.
That is calm.
Calm as in, comfortable.
This, them, us.
They crowd her currently, atop of this bed meant to be grandiose to Eastern travelers, and thus entirely too small to contain the two Garleans. Nevermind adding herself to the mix, nevermind the meals taking up the scant space not occupied by form, and nevermind how they all have made reverent room for the little booklet centered here.
This, them, us.
“...everything is a story, like I was telling Torithas. The doublespeak in how we speak - allusions to previous literatures, people. But then it goes deeper than that. The language, itself, is structured like a story. It requires a sort of interpretation that is not there in the same way as Eorzean or what was spoken in Ilsabard.”
"It is the knowing of calculus before physics and architecture. Without the formative context, the varying levels beyond are without concrete source and explanation...  or, the way statesmen utilize history and understanding of the propagated narrative to cajole concessions. The methodology goes deeper, the way you describe—— as though the self referentialism comes down to the very syllables and rhymes in the words, which I do not believe is shared in other languages, for the most part."
IT IS NOT. ABSTRACT. Decisive motions of his broad hands communicating thoughts as lengthy as their own in such few ‘words’: this commentary on the unfamiliar poetic fashion of language that Xiaohu has been introducing to the man more and more. Its keen contrast when held up to the concrete, uninterpretable, and demanding language insisted to the two militant individuals here. Strange, this idea of communicating through ideas as ‘optional’ as these stories.
“‘Bingo’,” the foreign slang rolls from her tongue as she presses her fingers delicately against a column of characters. “We’re starting with proverbs, tastes of wisdom, because I think it’s the easiest way to get an idea of how this all pulls together. Let’s look at this one for example:”
“This is the character for ‘self’ from ‘eye’. Look at it side-ways, and you see that eye. The sclera flanking top and bottom, and the iris in the middle. Then you see this dot right here, yes? That’s a finger, it’s pointing at the eye, the individual, like you’re pointing at yourself.”
“‘Arrow’, see how you can see the head, then the shaft, then the fletchings in this context. And ‘mouth’ because it’s open like one does. This is what makes a word for ‘knowledge.’ Knowledge is swift and sharp, like an arrow, and it comes from you speaking; your mouth.”
“You see that dot again from ‘self?’ It shows up here again because you’re pointing again, but with a different context. Those strokes below are a foot. You are pointing at a moving person; thus you are speaking of someone outside of you. This is a character you use for others.”
“‘Bright’, the first character is ‘sun,’ the second is ‘moon.’ Sources of the world’s light. Following?”
“Yes.” YES.
“Put it all together without looking at it as a story, without being artful about it, and you get gibberish - self knowledge other bright. It sounds wonderfully unbright, it’s a crime, really, to read it this way. But if you read it more delightfully, with more spirit and more willingness to have fun with it, you get something much more meaningful. Let’s look back at this character again,”
“This is a proverb that deals with the self as we’ve established, right? So now this character is no longer as literal as it is when you force it to stand by itself. It’s as abstract as the pictogram that forms it. This is no longer ‘other’ but an extension of the self. You are looking at yourself as you would look upon others. You are examining yourself objectively, this is what this means now.”
Her fingers drags back down to 明.
“And this is not literal in this context either. Now we source the context that we are speaking of something to do with knowledge. Now it means bright as in, wise; intuitive; comprehending; understanding.”
自 知 之 明
“‘Know oneself’, this phrase says, in a nutshell. Wisdom comes from being able to look at yourself objectively; judge yourself accurately; these are just a few ways, out of many permutations of the common tongue, we could understand the phrase, right?”
"A calculation that has many answers, variable by..." she watches Avenai pause, lips pursing, "...context. It seems... an artistic method of communication, rather than concrete." Another gap of her words, and then a raise of her mismatched eyes above. "It suits."
SUITS repeats after the engineer; agreement, simple as that. MANAGEABLE CONFUSION, he’ll figure it out as they go, simply. That comparison of ‘muscle memory’, training, given to him earlier is still prominent in his approach to many new bewildering concepts introduced.
Then she watches him concentrate, thoughtful and deliberate as always, then demonstrate his feelings about the lesson entirely. Something not missed by the other, who follows up right on his heels, committing that signing to her mind in snapping gesture.
ENJOY TeEnAjCoHyteach.
Her smile is more closed than Avenai’s, but no less in its magnitude. It is only more wryly applied, more observational than simply pleasant. This view of their quirks tumbling together, this exchange of their feelings. She feels more good, more calm— calm as in, comfortable— than she has before. And she’s felt this way since they’ve started this vacation of their’s, since they have shared this much time with one another.
“Now, here’s how you actually say...”
@stormandozone @trained-trainwreck
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nadziejastar · 4 years
If you were to put together a deck of KH Tarot cards which characters would be which?
Ooh, this is fun. It’s like the characters in Persona.
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Sora - The Fool
“The Wild card is a playing card that can represent any other card, or something that has an unexpected effect on a situation. It is like the number zero… empty, yet holding infinite potential within itself.”
The Fool represents new beginnings and carefree adventure. Though this card could indicate foolishness, it is more optimistic in the sense that it stands for pure actions and being free from the constraints of your present life. More than likely, there are important decisions coming your way. This Arcana is originally the only one that doesn’t have a number, thus it is considered as the Arcana number 0. The Fool Arcana tends to be the “jack of all trades”. Mythological figures of the Fool Arcana are often heroes, fools, or the protagonists of their own mythological stories.
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Donald - The Magician
“Attaining one’s dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.”The Magician is symbolic of action and power in your life. Its positive connotations illustrate someone who is a smooth talker and good at all aspects of communication. This card suggests using your strong will power to move forward and take action. A common trait shared between members of Magician Arcana is their strong vision and aspiration for the future, and fulfilling their inner potential.
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Kairi/Naminé/Xion - The Priestess
“The silent voice within one’s heart whispers the most profound wisdom.”The High Priestess is a spiritually intuitive woman full of mystery, wisdom, and understanding. A journey of self-discovery goes hand-in-hand with the presence of this card in your spread. She stands for things yet to be discovered in your life. Individuals associated with the Priestess Arcana are usually quiet, reserved, hardworking and very intelligent. They are often modest and shy.
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Aqua - The Empress
“Celebrate life’s grandeur…its brilliance…its magnificence…”
The Empress stands for all things motherly. A nurturing, loving problem solver, she indicates successful business ventures or other positive, productive opportunities to come. She suggests moving forward to fulfill your full potential. The Empress Arcana often belongs to women of authority or wise and motherly figures. Characters under this Arcana may also be cold-hearted in personality, but still present a high degree of care and concern towards others. And like queens, they are also very elegant in character.
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Terra - The Emperor
“Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer…”  
The Emperor, as the counterpart to the Empress, stands for all things fatherly. He is structure, order, and authority in your life. While moving forward in your endeavours, this card indicates that assertiveness and rationality will take you a long way. In tarot readings, the Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one’s surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Characters of the Emperor Arcana are often male leaders or father figures (or both). Often times, the Emperor character is troubled by something very personal and doesn’t know how to deal with it.
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Eraqus - The Hierophant
“It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guides oneself…”
The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. The definition of a “hierophant” is a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles, and the term was originally used to name ancient Greek priests who did so. Characters of the Hierophant Arcana are often older than the protagonist, and are typically quite wise and logical. The most common connection between Hierophant characters, however, is their association (and obsession) with the past.
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Elrena - The Lovers
“There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another…”
The Lovers Arcana initially represented two paths life could lead to, and thus a symbol of standing at a crossroad and needing to make a decision. Today, however, it is portrayed more of a symbol of love and romantic relationships, although it can also be a symbol of finding agreement with an ordinary friend or even two conflicting elements within.
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Goofy - The Chariot
“One of life’s greatest blessings is the freedom to pursue one’s goals.”The Chariot reveals some sort of journey. With a positive connotation, this journey will most likely be a progression of some sort. It could also be the final success you have been working for. Portrayed as a king leading a chariot made up of two differently colored horses. The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, self-confidence, control, war and command. Characters who are of the Chariot Arcana are typically very driven individuals, who have a personal goal that they aim to achieve at any cost. Combat-wise, they also tend to focus on physical attacks rather than magic.
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Even - Justice
“To find the one true path, one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty…”
The Justice card is all about karma, fairness, and balance in different affairs in your life. It does not suggest an outcome that is either for or against you, but accountability, dignity, and integrity are all liked to its presence. In tarot readings, it means that one will have face a trial of their justice. Commonly, characters of the Justice Arcana are concerned with matters of fairness, and otherwise are very stoic individuals.
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Ienzo - The Hermit
“It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one’s own path…”
The Hermit is a card symbolic of seeking some sort of spiritual enlightenment. Solitary introspection and contemplation are also associated with the Hermit. Perhaps some soul-searching and reflection are required on your part. Similarly, Hermit Arcana characters share the commonality of placing themselves in situations that hide them from the public eye. Hermit individuals hide away from others or act in more supportive roles rather than putting themselves in the spotlight.
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Luxord - Fortune
“Alongside time exists fate, the bearer of cruelty.”The Wheel of Fortune stands for fate, luck, changes, and a new direction in your life. While it also shows ups and downs, the overall feel of the card is a positive one indicating changes for the better and good fortune. Human characters of the Fortune Arcana are usually individuals who attempt to seize their own destiny in spite of fate and are typically involved with making important choices and decisions in response to what life throws at them.
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Riku - Strength
“Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment.”
The Strength card shows a presence of self-assurance and confidently facing problems in your life. It suggests a person who enjoys power but has the capacity to exercise great self-control in all matters. Portrayed as a young woman holding up a terrifying beast, the Strength Arcana symbolizes an imagery beyond the Beast and Beauty, and is associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force. A commonality between characters of the Strength Arcana is their strength of heart. Strength characters are not upset easily and typically portray the fortitude that the Strength card represents in readings.
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Dilan - Lust
“Clearly distinguish between your ego and your intuitive self.”
The Hunger/Lust Arcana is not found in standard tarot decks. The Lust Arcana is the Thoth tarot equivalent of the Strength Arcana, numbered XI. Lust symbolizes the danger of losing control, of being consumed by power. The card also implies strength, but strength which comes through Dominance. It is not true power, but the pure bliss of abusing power.
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Ansem - The Hanged Man
“In the face of disaster lies the opportunity for renewal.”The Hanged Man suggests some sort of metamorphosis through breaking patterns, letting go, or going through a period of transition. Although it could indicate having to give something up in order to gain a fresh perspective, it has neither positive or negative connotations. In Tarot readings, this card’s appearance can be seen as an advice to take the time necessary to reflect over one’s upcoming actions. Hanged Man characters are sometimes self-sacrificial, but are more often notable for being caught between two different extremes, parties or stages in life.
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Lauriam - Death
“Free yourself from a past that no longer serves you well and proceed toward the future with all your heart.”The Death card shows some sort of dramatic change in order to have a new beginning. It is often associated with some sort of loss, failure, or destruction. While it is associated with foreboding and doom, the Death Arcana also symbolizes metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles. In the earliest Tarot decks, it was the only Arcana that didn’t have a name, but the depictions of an ominous skeleton bearing a scythe led people to call it Death.
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Demyx - Temperance
“Find balance in your life and approach problems with a calm demeanor.”
The Temperance card suggests divine intervention, optimism, balance, and harmony. The positive overall presence of this card in your spread reveals high levels of self-confidence and control in your endeavors. Characters of the Temperance Arcana are often struggling to find a balance in their lives and in their hobbies.
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Braig - The Devil
“Making the wisest of decisions requires one to escape from the desires of temptation.”
The Devil is about all things negative. Anger, violence, temptation, fear, and doubt are just some of the terrors associated with this card. It suggests feeling trapped perhaps in an unhealthy relationship, an addiction, or a lie. Portrayed as a hermaphrodite devil over two naked and chained figures, the negative aspect of the Devil Arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones’ own impulse and feelings. Human characters associated with the Devil Arcana are often “devilish” individuals; they can be greedy, proud, lustful, or otherwise of poor character. It is not uncommon for this type of character to have somewhat of an antisocial tendency, often not caring much for the needs or well-being of others.
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Aeleus - The Tower
“See things as you want them to be in order to make them become that way. Knowing the worst is behind you can give strength.”
The Tower is all about unexpected events and changes coming up in your life. However, the changes are along the lines of something catastrophic, disastrous, and overall negative. The Tower Arcana is commonly associated to overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organization, which walk to their own ironic demise. Furthermore, it is also more generically used as an omen of doom and disaster. It can be seen as the worst card of the deck, as it rarely has a positive meaning. Human characters of the Tower Arcana can be arrogant, and typically find themselves in bad situations where they themselves have fallen from grace.
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Roxas/Ventus - The Star
“The time of your renewal is approaching. You have chosen the right path to restore your mental and physical health. By being brave enough to choose the riskier roads, you will inspire those around you.”
The Star’s presence signifies a period of respite and renewal for you. This renewal may be spiritual, physical, or both. It is a light in the darkness, illuminating your future and your past. The Star is symbolic of hope, renewal, and beauty. It suggests a period of spiritual tranquility, happiness, and positive opportunities. The overall feeling of this card is optimistic and serene. Characters of the Star Arcana embody their arcana’s traits of hopefulness and joy.
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Isa - The Moon
“The struggle to reach your potential may bring about many conflicts in your life, but the results will be beautiful.”
The Moon is an illusive and confusing card. It suggests the presence of risks, secrets, and some level of mental confusion. It is associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery. In tarot readings, it can also represent being attuned subconsciously to the world around, gaining the ability to sense things without being told about them or without anyone else knowing. Characters who are of the Moon Arcana are often similarly psychically-attuned, but a more common trend is their projection of their own fears and faults onto others. They often tend to have trouble accepting themselves for who they are and, because of that fear, try to correspond to an ideal person. And like the Arcana, there is a hidden depth as to why they act in their behaviors.
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Lea - The Sun
“Let your light shine. Be confident in the sacred power of your original nature.”
The Sun, being the opposition to the Moon, is a card full of life, joy, and energy. It reveals positive achievements, successful endeavors, and an overall manifestations of good fortune in your life. It symbolizes happiness, joy, energy, optimism, and accomplishment. Occasionally, it is also associated with one’s initial happiness. Persona of the Sun Arcana commonly excel in Light and Fire-based attacks. They are typically mythological figures directly related to the sun, light, or fire. Characters of the Sun Arcana almost always (ironically) find themselves in terrible situations, the situation belying the underlying optimism present in nearly all of them. Also, as the Sun Arcana portrays accomplishment, some of these characters have deep thoughts about the meaning of life and manage to find their answers.
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Xehanort - Judgement
“The fruits of your decisions are coming and you will receive that which you deserve. The path at your feet and the direction it is leading you are clear. You will see your ultimate desire through to the end.”
The Judgement card is representative of some sort of change or transformation, likely one that has already occurred. It could mean the presence of a spiritual or professional calling and making decisions that will lead to your success. The Judgement Arcana, in tarot, is associated with realizing one’s calling, gaining a deep understanding of life and a feeling of acceptance and absolution.
In gameplay, the Judgement Arcana is commonly associated with a balance of Light and Darkness. Figures of the Judgement Arcana are usually related to Judgement Day myths or are gods tied directly to the judgement of humankind. Characters of the Judgement Arcana are well-aware, quite intelligent and view the world with infinite possibilities. Most powerful when combining their intuition with their smarts, their thought process is among the most vast and realistic.
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Mickey - The World
“You must find your purpose to accomplish it. The same with dreams; you must first be aware of it to make it exist.”
The World card means satisfaction and success at a journey’s end. Fulfillment, rewards, certainty, and positive outcomes are all things directly associated with the presence of this card. It often appears as the final triumph arcana, creating miracles and aiding the protagonists. The World Arcana is a representation of the world’s totality, the symbol of fulfillment, wholeness and harmony. The World Arcana is commonly associated with Social Links, where its power is based upon the protagonist’s bonds with others.
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questionsonislam · 4 years
- Does Allah Almighty have volume, mass, form or shape? - Is Allah Almighty free from space/place? Does He not have a place? - He does not have a place but it is said that He will be seen by the people of Paradise. How can something that is free from space/place be seen?
Allah Almighty is free and away from all of the created beings. He is free and away from whatever being thought about Him. For, the human mind cannot comprehend Him.
The human mind does not even have the strength to comprehend the nature of the spirit in human body. It is not possible for man, who cannot comprehend a creature of God, to comprehend his Creator.
First of all, it should be clearly understood that to know the existence of a being is one thing and to know its nature is something different. There are many things in the universe whose existence the mind definitely knows but whose nature it cannot comprehend.
For instance, while man knows gravity, which is a law of physics, and even he is subject to it, he does not have any idea about its nature. Again, no one has an idea about the feeling of compassion, whose existence we understand when a mother hugs her child. The existence of beings like spirit, electricity, imagination is clearly true; similarly, it is also true that we cannot know their nature.
It is demagogy and ignorance to try to force oneself to understand and explain the issues that cannot be understood through the mind. By doing so, man deviates from the road of thinking correctly and undertakes a burden that will cause him to be destroyed in the end.
A piece of work cannot comprehend its master; similarly, the mind is incapable of understanding the nature of its creator. For, the mind is something created, a work of art and it is limited. Hearing, vision, in short, sensory organs have a limited perception area; similarly, the mind has a limited capacity of understanding. To understand and perceive Allah Almighty’s holy nature is out of the mind’s capacity to perceive and comprehend.
It is certain that man cannot even comprehend his own spirit, imagination and nature, let alone the essence of Allah. Since the attributes we have mentioned are not corporeal, the mind cannot give a body to them. For instance, as length and magnitude are out of question for imagination, the mind cannot give a shape to them and draw a limit for them. However, no one can deny this feeling, whose real nature is unknown.
To force man, who is too weak to know his own nature, to understand the holy nature of Allah, who is the creator of all minds, imaginations, senses, spirits, conscience, memories and angels, is utmost ignorance and demagogy.
All attributes of Allah are infinite and limitless, pre-eternal and everlasting. As for the mind, it is limited and was created afterwards. It is certain that something that is limited cannot comprehend the limitless one; anyone who has a beginning and an end cannot comprehend the One who is Pre-eternal and Everlasting. Therefore, perception in its real sense for man is to perceive that he is too weak to understand the nature of Allah.
Human mind is apt to go from known to unknown, from tangible to intangible, from easy to hard and from particular to general. Allah does not have a match and partner; thus, human mind cannot understand His Holy Truth by analogy and figuration, by experiment and skill.
It is must be logically paradoxical to perceive the real nature of Allah. For, in that case, the limitless one should comprise the infinite one; a being created afterwards should comprise the pre-eternal one; and that is impossible. The mind is responsible for knowing Allah as the necessary existent one (wajib al-wujud), as the one with limitless might and infinite will, and as the one whose knowledge encompasses everything. After all, that is the purpose of its creation. So, the holy nature of Allah could be sensed by neither will nor imagination. Anything understood by the mind and perceived by senses is a creature (something created afterwards). The existence of Allah can only be known by the light of reason and intellect and by the intuition of the heart.
Yes, the duty of the mind is to observe the glory and nobility of Allah on the universe, His power and sovereignty, and the infinite aesthetic designs He shows on His creatures, and the grace and help He grants to His servants and to contemplate deeply.
Allah Almighty is free and away from place. An example for this is the sun; it is present on every shiny thing by its light, heat and seven colors; it is apparent and exists in every place by its light, heat and seven colors that stand for its attributes; however, the sun does not exist on shiny things by its mass and self. In other words, the sun is present in every shiny thing by its light; however, it is out of everything by its mass and self. The attributes of Allah, who gives the sun this characteristic, and His nature are splendid in a way that our mind cannot understand. Allah encompasses every place by His attributes such as power, knowledge, and will. However, by His essence, He is in nothing. So, His existence in everything is in terms of His attributes, and being out of everything is in terms of His essence. For, He is the One who has created space; so, He does not need it.
As Allah is closer to us than our carotid arteries, how should we understand approaching Him?
The answer: The expressions ‘’closer’’ and ‘’approaching’’ in the question above do not have a relation with distance and place. Allah’s being close to His slave means meeting all kinds of his needs, doing all kinds of actions on his all cells by His might and knowledge and being merciful to him more than the slave himself. As to the ‘’slave’s approaching Allah’’, it is about his steps he takes on the way to attain His consent. Development in his belief, advancement in his knowledge and sincerity in his deeds are means that draw him closer to Allah.
The expressions such as far, close, past, future are related with time and space. Beings that are material and occupy a place can be far or close to each other. Allah, who is free and away from matter and space, is close to His creatures more than their souls. Allah, who is free and away from time, is closer to every being than his own soul.
Allah’s being close to His creatures, and His creatures’ being far away from Him cannot be explained by time and space criteria.
An example: You are closer to a book when you read it than itself; it does not know what is written in it, but you do... And that book is far away from you, that is, away from understanding, recognizing and watching you.
A word on the first page of a book is closer to one on the second page and farther than one on the tenth page. However, the author who has written them and knows them is close to each of them to the same degree. They exist together in his knowledge.
A sacred hadith that teaches us another aspect of being close and far is as follows:
‘’My slave approaches me by nafilahs.’’Bukhari, Riqaq 38)
This hadith teaches us that approaching is spiritual and mental. Nafilahs are worshipping contemplation, begging and praising after the performance of fards and wajibs by the slave with the intention of getting closer to his Lord, opening his heart more to lofty abundance and spending his life more efficiently on the way of His consent.
Such a slave covers more distance every day on the way of approaching his Lord. Both the distance he covers and his approaching Allah are spiritual.
Think of a great scholar. Suppose that all his students are in the same place and take lessons from him. When a student who has just started to learn from him takes his lesson by sitting in his presence, there is a distance between them in that closeness. For, that young man is far away from understanding that great imam, that genius scholar. As his knowledge increases, he will get closer to his teacher; and his respect, appreciation and admiration will increase in the course of time.
In all the stages of his education, his teacher is close to that student; he educates and improves his student. Here, being far is not in question for the teacher but for the student. The same thing is true for a deficient man who has become a disciple of a wali (saint). As he develops spiritually, he will benefit from his teacher's spirit and heart more. That great saint follows him in every step of his spiritual development and is close to him. Being far is not in question for the teacher but for the student.
Let us move on from examples to the truth: Allah is close to His slave more than him by constantly educating his material and spiritual world. As for the slave, who has deficient attributes that can operate only within limits, he is far from understanding Allah, all of whose attributes are infinite, properly.
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giftedsupport · 5 years
There has been comparatively little focus in the literature on the characteristics and social and emotional needs of gifted adults. Using observational data, the author attempts to delineate some of the positive and negative social effects of traits displayed by gifted adults. Five traits (divergency, excitability, sensitivity, perceptivity, and entelechy) seem to produce potential interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict. Unless gifted adults learn to value themselves and find support, identity conflicts and depression may result. Emphasis on self-growth through knowing and accepting self leads to the discovery of sources of personal power. Nurturing relationships through realistic expectations and learning to share oneself provides a supportive environment in which gifted adults can grow and flourish.
... Numerous longitudinal studies have indicated that the early advantage experienced by gifted children continues into adulthood and that gifted children become adults of superior vocational achievement, generally satisfied with themselves and their lives (Oden, 1968; Terman & Oden, 1947,1959). Nevertheless, by age 62, most gifted men have experienced the same dissatisfactions with family life as have most people (R.R. Sears, 1977). The gifted women reported to be happiest have been those with the best coping skills, which are dependent on early experience (P.S. Sears & Barbee, 1977). In fact, the effects of early experience, particularly in terms of early educational advantage, seem to be one of the most important contributory factors in later adult achievement (Bloom, 1964; Oden, 1968; Terman, 1925).
How common traits of gifted adults affect them:
A preference for unusual, original, and creative responses. Divergent thinkers are often high achievers, innovative in a number of fields, task committed, self-starters, and highly independent. 
Gifted adults possessing this trait are able to find creative solutions to a wide variety of problems, including interpersonal problems, and are able to see several aspects of any situation. In an organization, they are often the “idea” people who bring challenge and enthusiasm to others. They find deep personal satisfaction in the development of new ideas. Divergent thinkers challenge stereotypes. Socially, they bring color to the lives of others, who may use their example to find the courage to break the bonds of conformity and decrease the effects of prejudice.
On the negative side, divergent thinkers encounter difficulty in situations in which group consensus is important. They are often dedicated to their own ideas and find it difficult to support ideas they find foolish. The usual rewards may not motivate divergent thinkers. In fact, they may ignore a reward system imposed by others to work on their own. In social situations, divergent thinkers may not fit in. Common social rules, such as not criticizing others publicly or not disagreeing with one perceived by the majority to be influential, may be disregarded. The dilemma of the divergent thinker is one of maintaining identity in the face of pressure to conform. A highly divergent thinker is often a minority of one. If no one else hears the flowers singing, the divergent thinker may experience alienation and eventually an existential depression.
High energy level, emotional reactivity, and high nervous system arousal.  Although excitability and hyperactivity may seem to be similar, they are fundamentally different in that gifted adults with the trait of excitability are able to focus their attention and concentration for long periods of time, to use their energy productively in a wide variety of interests, and to do many things well. These gifted adults enjoy the excitement of taking risks and meeting challenges.
The high energy level of these gifted adults allows them to produce prodigiously in whatever most captures their interest. Productivity and risk taking create new ideas and innovations. There is energy to spend on a variety of projects and personal concerns without the necessity of choosing whether to expend energy on work or self. Finally, these gifted adults know their feelings, act on the basis of these feelings, and are unafraid of the appropriate expression of feelings.
On the negative side, gifted adults with this trait may find it difficult to self-regulate. Boredom and the need for stimulation can produce a habit of constant activity. Some gifted adults may be unable to follow through on projects because they crave novelty. A cycle of high interest and activity for a new venture, followed by loss of interest when the novelty decreases and details must be addressed, can leave others feeling frustrated and angry. In addition, some gifted adults may feel little satisfaction with what has been achieved. Their dilemma is one of always doing but feeling little gratification because others often reap the rewards accruing from the long-term development of their initial ideas. A chronic depression that triggers more activity may be the result.
A depth of feeling that results in a sense of identification with others.  Gifted people form deep attachments and react to the feeling tone of situations; they think with their feelings. 
People who are highly sensitive make commitments to other people and to social causes. They can be enthusiastic and intensely single-minded about their dedication. People gifted with the trait of sensitivity find positive social and emotional benefit in their deep concern for the needs and rights of others, their empathy for the feelings of others, and their desire to help even at significant cost to themselves. These gifted adults may be unusually aware of the feeling tone of situations and of the more sensual aspects of the environment, such as color and shading. They are often aware of their own shortcomings. Some gifted adults feel a sense of unity with the cosmos, an experience of a universal sharing of self. Adults gifted with sensitivity tend to be highly moral people concerned with giving and with doing what is right for others.
On the negative side, these gifted adults may not understand that others do not feel so deeply or intensely or that others may have different priorities. They may be very intolerant of the needs of others when they perceive those needs to be superficial. Adults gifted in sensitivity may be so sensitive that others may hesitate to share problems with them. In fact, other people may believe that the gifted adult experiences their pain more intensely than they do, and they may feel robbed of their own feelings. These gifted adults must learn to guard their vulnerability while still remaining sensitive to others, to continue caring in the face of rejection, and to moderate emotional responsiveness so that they feel “with” rather than “for.” The risk is that they will become isolates who avoid relationships that could nurture them.
An ability to view several aspects of a situation simultaneously, to understand several layers of self within another, and to see quickly to the core of an issue. 
Skilled at understanding motivations, they may be able to help others to understand themselves. Their intuition and ability to understand several layers of feeling simultaneously help them to assess people and situations rapidly. In fact, they are often skilled at sensing the incongruency between exhibited social facades and real thoughts and feelings. Another aspect of perceptivity concerns the recognition of and need for truth. People who are gifted at “seeing” often seem to have a touch of magic about them. Religious and political leaders, philosophers, creative therapists, writers, and poets may be especially gifted with perceptivity. Positive social and emotional correlates of the trait of perceptivity include the ability of these gifted adults to view their own behavior somewhat objectively, to assess their own as well as others’ motivations, and to base their responses on perceptions of underlying dynamics. They are aware not only of what their own needs are but also of the necessity of avoiding internal stress by learning to use their perceptions to know what they truly want. Often, they will decide to do what is best for themselves despite the disapproval of others.
On the negative side, this trait can present difficulties in interpersonal relationships because others, unaware of what the gifted adult sees so clearly, feel both vulnerable and threatened. For the gifted adult, seeing several layers of a person may be confusing. It may be difficult to pair the response obtained with what the situation seemed to indicate was required. The more discrepancy between the inner self and outer face, the more uncomfortable the gifted adult may feel. The dilemma of this gifted adult is whether to hide the insights and respond superficially to the social facade or to use the gift and risk rejection. Either course may produce constraint and difficulty with spontaneity. Finding interpersonal support is a major priority for these gifted adults; the risk is fear of closeness and intimacy.
From the Greek word for having a goal, entelechy bespeaks a particular type of motivation, inner strength, and vital force directing life and growth to become all the self is capable of being.
 Adults gifted in entelechy are highly attractive to others who feel drawn to openness, warmth, and closeness. Being near someone with this trait gives others hope and motivation to achieve their own self-actualization. People gifted in entelechy bring deep feelings to a relationship. By spontaneously expressing feelings, they encourage others to do so as well. Their example of overcoming obstacles and their continuing support and interest encourage others to grow.
People gifted in entelechy are capable of creating “golden moments” of friendship, those special times when two people are truly their best selves and able to share on a deep level (N. Jenckes, personal communication, December 26, 1984). Gifted adults may find sources of rare intimacy; however, they may also find an overwhelming number of people who want contact but have little to offer in return. They may feel vulnerable to and intruded on by the demands of others who may feel cheated that the promise implied in the initial sharing cannot continue. The dilemma of these gifted adults is to find ways to nurture the self through others while avoiding the expenditure of vital personal resources on others’ needs. The risk is anxiety about requests from others and avoidance of closeness in interpersonal relationships.
Options for self-growth
(click on the link to read more about these)
Nurturing the self
Knowing oneself
Accepting oneself
Finding sources of personal power
Nurturing interpersonal relationships
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anneesfolleshq · 5 years
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Bonjour et bienvenue!
Paris welcomes you, our Grande Dame, Rosalie ‘Rose' Murdock! May we say, you’re the spitting image of Carla Gugino! Please make your presence known within 24 hours, and do have a look at our checklist before setting out into the city on your own.
                                                                                À bientôt!
Name/Alias: Mel
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Age: 22
Timezone: PST, evening and early mornings mostly - unless it’s the weekend, then I could pop in any time at all. December I’ll have a lot of free time as well.
Chosen Skeleton: The Grande Dame
Muse Name: Rosalie ‘Rose' Murdock (née Charpentier)
Muse Age: 38
Chosen FC:  Carla Gugino
Muse Occupation: fashion designer
Muse Affiliation & Frequent Haunts: Though most entertainment-seekers frequent the infamous Moulin Rouge for the thrilling talent that takes center stage there, Rose delights in the sparkling substance that supports it all. The under-appreciated background work that makes the astonishing final production the spectacle it is; the unsung heroes not responsible for belting notes or kicking up their heels to the high heavens - the wardrobe department. She utterly adores the decorative fixings that link it all together. The elaborate costumes adorning many of the more theatrical displays of talent are, by far, her favorite things. It’s that which keeps her coming back - every fibre and sequin telling a fascinating story of their wearer’s tastes and origins before a single word is even spoken, or a pirouette performed. Multiple times a week, Rose makes an effort to drop by for the duration of an new act or two. Whenever the well of her inspiration is running low, her visits to color-saturated cabaret shows are noticeably longer and more frequent in occurrence, the weight of her attentive gaze appearing far more shrewd and studious than it’s usual ponderous and dreamy state. Sometimes it’s what’s off the stage that captivates her focus just as intently. People-watching is an activity endlessly supplied within those cabaret walls, spotlit or not.
Direct from Le Petit Journal:
Most of us window shop not with the intention of ever possessing the wildly expensive imported materials perched behind the glass, but because doing so educates our eye and hones our taste, just as eating gourmet food can refine and reawaken even the the dullest of palates. A similar sort of pleasure is enabled by allowing oneself the privilege to believe themselves acquainted with Rosalie Murdock’s radiant presence. Though known to prefer a life at a distance from beneath the inspection of any magnifying glass herself, her quest toward finding the most glamourous ways to uplift the human spirit via the senses speak volumes in her creations. It is easy to feel as though one knows Rosalie well, even if all she’s presented to you is only a selected scrap of evidence - for it is always a marvelous one, always a version of her, personally crafted just for you). She can make rags feel like riches; even the most aged and weary surface deemed worthy of a fair chance to shine before being thrown away. Some say even already promising silver linings might melt into spun gold beneath her touch. Years have awarded her a reputation cloaked by a ruthlessly polished aesthetic, her refusal to participate in the repetitive and safe choices of her competitors leading to ethical and integrity-driven risks that keep paying off with flying colors. She fabricates her fantasies in the form of beautiful embellishments designed to distract and attract the curious eye, never playing into her customer’s sense of inadequacy or doubt. Instead, as if a direct extension of her own hands, each garment warmly envelopes it’s wearer. Reminding all to take unapologetic satisfaction in parading oneself saturated in every manner of hedonistic finery: clothes, jewels, and imbibement alike. With a world of vibrant color and life possible to be crafted at her fingertips, certainly it may cause certain more cynical and bitter minds to wonder… would it not get a little lonely, sitting above the rest, pulling strings and playing God?
Born on August 15th, in the small village near Angles-sur-l'Anglin in Western France, Rosalie Charpentier was descended from a long-established working-class French family. Her ancestors were carpenters, farmers, cobblers and milliners. Though, at first, these professions and what they entailed meant very little to her. Watching her parents sit hunched over in the same position for hours on end looked far more tortuous than it did an act of artistry and skill. Failing to develop an interest in their patient techniques until later in life, she spent most of her childhood wandering the countryside and abandoned castles built upon it. Her parents had been late to conceive, lending to Rosalie being one of the youngest of the children populating their small town. A loner by default, she was forced to befriend adults far more frequently than she encountered someone below her own age. At all times she fought to understand and keep up with the conversation happening above her head. As soon as she should talk and comprehend language, any word she didn’t understand, she would promptly demand it’s detailed definition. If she disagreed with something, there existed no filter between her brain and mouth to admit as much. Debating with others thrilled her, even if she was far out of her depth the majority of the time, she always left equipped with a new piece of information. From the beginning, Rosalie made it clear she would not be excluded for lacking anything, nor brushed off due to her appearance or status. She would figure out her shortcomings and surmount them through a rapid cycle of learning, improving herself, and participating from there. All or nothing was young Rosalie’s way.
The closer she drew to entering her teenage years, the more her purposeless exploring and solo-driven causes for adventure and argument (or ‘trouble’ as her parents liked to label it) around her rural hometown started to feel itchy against her edges. She was outgrowing the place, but couldn’t understand how or why when it was all she’d known. Her parents were happy settled there with the bare minimum, so why could she not join them in that contentment? The utter vacancy of exciting substance in her surroundings only led Rosalie to resort into more elaborate daydreams of lavishness and splendor - indulgently filling her own head with ideas that, so long as she lived in a simple village detached from the business, lights, and chaos of the city that overshadowed it, were born to die. The afternoons occasional Parisian gifts were received from extended family living closer to the capital thrilled her like nothing else, though she tried to ignore the hunger of her wanderlust, her appetite continued to steadily grow as time ticked on.
The path her life was headed was all but finalized when one of these relatives ended up spending a week visiting their humble abode, after many weeks spent in basking in the energetic liveliness of Paris, and boasting countless stories that  wide-eyed adolescent Rosalie couldn’t believe were true. Though she’d never personally seen the extravagant people or events described to her, she already knew she wanted to be among them. She wanted to be a someone worth telling such tales about. Her parents denied her initial pleas to visit Paris, too protective of their only daughter to let her travel so far away at such a  tender age, and unwilling to accompany her do to the many local obligations that required their attention. So Rose brought Paris to her - or, at least, how she imagined it to be based on the descriptions and few tangible tokens she possessed. Finally taking an interest in the craftsmanship of her parents, Rose began to attempt to make items that her imagined the poised version of her Paris identity might wear. Whilst her mother worked on weaving crocheted flowers into the brim of a straw hat and her father manipulated leather into neat sole-sized pieces, their incorrigibly curious daughter flexed her own creativity. In typical Rose fashion, she went above and beyond the existing standard set for her to achieve. It was no surprise that, surrounded by a miscellany of tools and fuelled by a creative bloodline, combined with an almost maddening passion to experience a life larger than her current existence, Rose easily took to the the overdue outlet needed to express the artistic streak of her own she’d spent so long letting simmer beneath the surface. Her first attempts were rough around the edges - comprised of bits of table cloth, yarn, patches of outgrown baby clothes, buttons of every color collected from the cutting room floor, etc. But in her intuitive re-purposing of these ordinary objects, Rosalie miraculously succeeded at creating beautiful trinkets out of nothing. She might not had known what she was dong completely, but she knew she thoroughly enjoyed the act of creation and the looks on people’s faces when she could proudly brag ‘I made that’. The confused stares and the endearing laughter and the eye rolls faded with time as her technique improved and the rainy day hobby evolved into something her days revolved around. She never tired of the exciting task of designing her next self-made accessory, nor did her desire ever lessen for the rewarding looks of surprise and wonder on the faces of those who received such objects as gifts. Slowly but surely, she began to receive stares for an entirely different reason.
The moment she turned eighteen, she asked again for her wish to travel to Paris to be granted, as she had been, like clockwork, on the eve of her birthday for a consecutive couple of years. It was both exhaustion and admiration toward her zealous fiery spirit that led to her parents to grant her desires this time around. With prototype products of Rosalie’s uncurbed creativity unveiled, for the first time, her parents saw her: beautiful and bold, brash and unapologetic, sarcastic and daring, a hardened shell trembling under the weight of all that she could be. They knew she likely wouldn’t return once she saw what existed beyond their small-minded community, but more than that: they knew they couldn’t get in her way.
It was a lonely first few years in Paris, Rose barely scraping by, which was both exhausting and all the more motivating to prove she could handle whatever curveballs the city had to throw at her. Forging an independent path that deviated from the main one was a task Rose would manage with patient grace and resilience, even if she had to fake it. Collecting connections with her bright-smile framed charms at every turn, after many not so savory arrangements, she eventually befriended Delphine: a retired costume designer and owner of a local boutique, who permitted Rose the use of her sewing equipment in the evenings until sunrise, in exchange for Rose’s part-time assistance throughout the day tending the shop. Many a sleepless night was spent locked away in that tiny broom closet of a studio at the back of the store, sketching gowns and pinning materials mannequins until her head spun. Left to her own devices, Rose’s naiveté and stubbornness to succeed at any cost might have seen her crashing and burning before her spark of had a chance to truly catch. Fortunately, Rose also obtained a teacher in Delphine’s companionship through the lack of filter she tended to have whenever she’d drop by to check on Rose’s in-progress designs. Rose’s over-eager and rushed sloppy stitches were ridiculed endlessly until they looked immaculate; her uneven hemlines traced and re-traced until they hung in the most flattering manner. And in depth explanations were given on how to avoid sleeves that ripped when an arm was raised too high, or how to condition broadcloth into resembling something silky rather than the clearance-rate textile it was. Rose quickly learned that she didn’t need to be a perfectionist to be taken seriously, only to appear like she knew exactly what she was doing. It was what you looked like that meant something- whether or not it matched what was layered on the inside didn’t matter. For Rose, it was a philosophy that bled into many areas of her new life. Despite the incredibly active social scene of Paris, Rose never had the time to build any solid foundations concerning genuine relationships. Nothing past the sporadic late nights of impulsive passion she had shared with others; the only wanton affection she had been open to giving and receiving- meaningless, she wholeheartedly believed. Safe. Allowing a second person to permanently perforate her everyday life would surely be nothing but distraction from the career she was on the cusp of claiming. Bitch, people had called her, in return. Selfish and rude. Self-absorbed. Unattainable. Cold. An enigma - never around for long, but too unique to depart without leaving a lasting impression. Rose had never been one to fake any type of emotion, after all. She didn’t have the patience for being inauthentic to the mercurial whims of her feelings. Most people simply didn’t interest her enough for longer than an evening. That’s all she needed to have the chance to pick and choose the parts of a person that fascinated her the most, letting each mental image merge into a patchwork of ideas that would serve as a source of muse furthermore. That’s all she needed to get by.
Which would become ironic, all things considered, when she met Malachi. Mal who, looking like something out of an artist’s dreams, managed to catch and keep her attention throughout the night with a startling amount of ease. They were so different, but so fundamentally the same. Scouring the city for the beauty left in it (even if  Rose’s quest had been a far more shallow and selfish one). A child and a marriage were never milestones Rose had ever coveted, but alongside him, she curiously embraced the experience. Or, rather, there had been no other option. Refusing to let such developments distract her as she’d feared a lingering relationship of any kind would, she instead drew inspiration from it. Any overwhelming emotion she felt was channeled into creating a work of wearable art. From heavy-handed designs of bold and clashing colors born from her anger at falling into the trappings of a life she’d once sworn wasn’t for her, to the meticulously penciled pastel colored floral patterns for the days she was blissfully happy to surrender to the moment-to-moment mystery of it all. Then there were the days she’d draw nothing but heavily beaded blouses - morning sickness rendering her too weak to desire a task much more demanding than forming dots on a page. The sketches she produced, overlooked by Delphine, didn’t stop their production for a single day of her unpredicted pregnancy. In fact, to their collective delight and satisfaction, she was more occupied than ever. Each of Rose’s finished pieces that Delphine had the idea to begin putting up in the shop to sell, were doing just that - and quickly. After several months of steady production, Rose found herself with awaiting clients eager to know what she had planned next. Her name was being praised, personal requests being sent forth with handsome deposits, even the occasional letter of interest sent from out of the country. She thrived off the chaos of everything happening all at once. Better late than never. It was not at all the neat and tidy series of events she’d originally envisioned would precursor success… it was better. After the birth of her son, Phillip, it came as a surprise how effortlessly the domesticity of it all suited her, to build a bond, to not be so alone- for once. To feel understood without trying to impress anyone. And then- though she would never openly word as much- it all came tumbling down the day her husband failed to return from the war, as if he had been nothing more than a figment of their imaginations- gone. Not dead, she would soon learn, but what difference did it make?
Rosalie was, at her core, devastated. It had been the first time she had felt such a white hot betrayal, and her fears of commitment to other people, seemingly tamed, flared back to life- a burning ache in her chest. But she had always been unnaturally gifted at appearing unaffected, at cutting off ties, blood or not, and so Rose did what she had to to get over it, to duck passed the falling debris of confusion and independent motherhood that Mal had left in his wake for her to deal with. Survival trumped the need to feel comforted. She’d be damned if she let something at trivial as heartbreak cause any damage to her livelihood. Manipulation into ensuring her own situation wouldn’t further be affected by Malachi’s absence led to her investing her earnings into bettering her quickly growing business, immediately. Upgrading every aspect of it: all new machinery, workers, and helping sell Delphine’s old cramped storefront in favor of a much larger one on a central street. The rent was intimidatingly high there, but so was the list of orders to fulfill. The decision very soon proved to be a risk worth taking, regardless. Rose continued to keep up appearances whenever she interacted with those who wanted something from her; wore her dazzling smile like it was as durable as the plethora of adornments she’d woven over the years. Whatever she needed to do in order to keep selling what she had to offer, price inflated at double - sometimes triple - their worth, internally too numbed to feel any sort of guilt in the matter. Whatever kept her occupied. Whatever filled the void that Mal had left behind, and keep Phillip educated and satisfied; asking the least amount of questions. He would never know what it felt to lack anything important, nor would he miss what he never had. She’d dress up the truth as much as possible if it meant keeping his warm and innocent heart from going cold.
The Zealot - Her husband. It is as simple and as complicated as that. Though estranged by eighteen years, it’s a title part of her stubbornly refuses to fully relinquish. If he had vanished without a trace, perhaps it would have been an easy act to forgive. Unfortunately, there was nothing but remembering, when almost everyday Rose looks into the eyes he left behind; the impression they both caused, yet Phillip was undeniable his father’s son. Potential plots: - any dynamic that challenges how polished and self-assured she is. She worked hard to build up her impenetrable image, and likes to believe she’s in control of everything that comes and goes from her life nowadays. However… her biggest unknown flaw definitely is in her parenting skills. Though she believes she’s done the best for her son, most of the time managing her work has taken priority and he was raised being cared for by someone else, or off on his own exploring the city. Someone who’s gotten to know him (whether a legitimate acquaintance or the owner/worker of a place Philip frequents) and heard the rough second-hand stories of how negligent and detached of a person Rose is behind closed doors… could be interesting. - any and all unlikely friendships. She’s extremely wealthy and well known around socialite circles, but it’s a very limited shallow existence. It’s all facade and show-off antics, but no-one genuinely knows Rose. Veerrry performative. The difference between the authenticity of the Rose that existed ten years ago versus the Rose of now is shocking, but she’s merely jaded and hyper-protective of her heart. I’d love for her to befriend someone the polar opposite of her who doesn’t admire her or think anything special of what she makes. Someone to ground her. She’d have to kick her ego and faux-charms and cheer to the curb and remember her own quick-tongued quick-wit origins. - she likes to pretend she’s moved on from Mal’s abandonment, but every time someone shows romantic interest she retracts. She’s very touch starved, but desires to do nothing about it due to the fears that arise of commitment and loss. It might be interesting if someone could manage to unravel her rightly spun threads to soften up those hardened edges again.
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🔮A Huge Tarot Master-Post🔮
Hello~ I figured I’d make my first master-post about Tarot! This is my interpretation, so I don’t ask that you just go by my word. It’s your path! I’m just here to try to help.
This will be VERY in-depth. So I apologize in advance for the lengthy post, but I hope it will help. 
What is “Tarot”?
Personally for myself I see Tarot as a tool. I use it to help myself and others with some guidance with their lives; however, when it comes to Tarot, don’t let it rule over your decisions in your life. It is a tool but that does not mean that you should only go by what it says.
Types of Readings
There are two types of readings when it comes to Tarot: Question readings and Open Readings.
Question Readings
Just as the title says Tarot involves answering questions. Yes or No questions aren’t meant to be answered by Tarot. When it comes to Yes or No questions pendulums are used with their corresponding charts. Like I stated before, you shouldn’t use Tarot to make decisions but to guide you to help you make the decision yourself. The way a question is stated is important for Tarot readers. Here’s a few tips on what you should look out for:
🔮 Keeping your options open: If you already have an answer for your question, then you’re not really letting yourself allow the cards to guide your decision.  Asking how you could encourage your mother-in-law to move out, as opposed to asking how you can get along better with her, is narrowing the scope of the true question by answering it before you even get started.
🔮 Details: Your question should be focused, but not overly detailed. Rather than looking at one particular aspect of a problem, find a way to look more broadly at it. For example, rather than asking how you can make your home life less chaotic, ask how you can better balance work schedules and school schedules. That is a focused question. But do not go so far as to ask how you can coordinate baseball, soccer and karate schedules and still have family time – that’s too detailed. Only include the minimum level of detail needed in order to express what you want to learn from the cards.
🔮 Focus on Yourself: If the reading is for yourself, make sure your question focuses on you rather than on someone else who you think may be the root of your problem. If you’re wanting to help someone, for example, ask about what you can do to help them.
🔮 Stay Neutral: Basically be unbiased. Don’t come off with the notion that your POV is the “right” one. Asking why you’re always the one getting yelled at between you and your parent(s) isn’t neutral; instead, ask how you can prevent future arguments with your parent(s). That’s neutral!
🔮 Be Positive: When it comes to Tarot, and anything really, you’ll want to always try to be positive. Instead of asking why a specific event didn’t happen, ask about what you can do to make that event happen. Positivity is always great!
Open Readings
These are also known as “General” readings. They address the larger aspects of life rather than a question or a specific area. I’ve found that Past, Present, Future readings are very popular since it talks about people’s lives. They’re always eager to see if the cards can truly tell about their life! You can also direct the General readings towards a basic “genre”. Career, Health, Finances, Love, etc.
The Tarot Deck
There are many varieties of Tarot decks, and there is no standard number of cards across all decks. While the types of cards, the suits and their meanings are the same, the illustrations vary greatly. Decks are based on various themes such as nature, animals, fantasy, dragons, etc.
When it comes to finding a deck of your own, don’t just choose one based on the design. Focus on the connection between you and your future tool, your future guide. I have the Tarot Draconis Deck that called to me. It’s a beautiful dragon based deck that has connected with me. The bond we have today is inseparable!
I say “bond” because each deck has it’s own personality. That’s why Tarot readers do interview “spreads” to help them get to know their decks a bit better. I’ll explain spreads more thoroughly later on in this post. When it comes to their personalities, some decks are blunt, some are meant for giving other people readings and others could be laid back.
The Major and Minor Arcana
When you look through a Tarot Deck, there will be two different sets of cards: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Let’s look at the Minor Arcana first. You’ll find that like regular playing cards there are four suits; however, instead of hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs there are Wands, Pentacles (Circles), Cups (Chalices), and Swords. Each of these represents an element.
Each suit has meaning regarding a specific approach to life. The cards within these suits are numbered one through 10 and also include the court cards – the king, queen, knight and page (knave). The Minor Arcana cards represent the more minor, practical daily ups and downs in life.
The Major Arcana are not associated with the suits. They include the picture cards that represent principles, concepts and ideals. They are numbered one through 21, with the 22nd card (the “Fool”) marked as zero. The Major Arcana cards represent strong, long-term energy or big events in some area of life.
Minor Arcana and the Four Suits
As I stated before, each of the Suits represents an element. Let’s talk about each one and break down what they mean, as well as the cards within them. Then we’ll move on to the Major Arcana!
When it comes to the different cards, there are negatives and positives. When a card is upside-down, the term being “reversed”, then it represents negative attributes of that card. When it’s upright then it represents positive attributes.
For myself, I don’t read reverse cards. I base it on my intuition. I’ll explain how your intuition is used with tarot later on in this post.
Suit of Pentacles
🌱Also known as Coins, Disks, or Circles.
🌱Represents the element Earth.
🌱Covers material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions.
🌱 Pentacles deal with the physical or external level of consciousness and thus mirror the outer situations of your health, finances, work, and creativity. They have to do with what we make of our outer surroundings – how we create it, shape it, transform it and grow it.
🌱 On a more esoteric level, Pentacles are associated with the ego, self-esteem and self-image.
🌱 The positive aspects of the Suit of Pentacles include manifestation, realization, proof and prosperity.
🌱 The negative aspects of the Suit of Pentacles (i.e. when the Pentacles cards appear reversed) include being possessive, greedy and overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing one’s finances, and being overly focused on career to the detriment of other life priorities.
Often what is required to counteract these negative aspects is a return to nature to ground oneself and rediscover what is truly important. In addition, there may be blockages in being able to manifest ideas and plans resulting in a lack of success. Better goal-setting and planning is required.
🌱 When referring to timing in a Tarot reading, the Suit of Pentacles traditionally represents Winter or years.
🌱 In a deck of playing cards, Pentacles corresponds to Diamonds.
🌱 Court Cards // 1 - 10 🌱
King of Pentacles:
Upright - Security, control, power, discipline, abundance
Reversed - Authoritative, domineering, controlling
Queen of Pentacles:
Upright - Practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security
Reversed - Imbalance in work/ family commitments
Knight of Pentacles:
Upright - Efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical
Reversed - Laziness, boredom, feeling ‘stuck’
Knave/Page of Pentacles:
Upright - Manifestation, financial opportunity, new job
Reversed - Lack of progress and planning, short-term focus
10 of Pentacles:
Upright - Wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement
Reversed - Financial failure, loneliness, loss
9 of Pentacles:
Upright - Gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination
Reversed - Over-investment in work, financial setbacks
8 of Pentacles:
Upright - Apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement
Reversed - Perfectionism, lacking ambition or focus
7 of Pentacles:
Upright - Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment
Reversed - Lack of long-term vision, limited success or reward
6 of Pentacles:
Upright - Generosity, charity, giving, prosperity, sharing wealth
Reversed - Debt, selfishness, one-sided charity
5 of Pentacles:
Upright - Isolation, insecurity, worry, financial loss, poverty
Reversed - Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty
4 of Pentacles:
Upright - Control, stability, security, possession, conservatism
Reversed - Greed, materialism, self-protection
3 of Pentacles:
Upright - Teamwork, initial fulfilment, collaboration, learning
Reversed - Lack of teamwork, disregard for skills
2 of Pentacles:
Upright - Balance, adaptability, time management, prioritisation
Reversed - Disorganisation, financial disarray
Ace of Pentacles:
Upright - Manifestation, new financial opportunity, prosperity
Reversed - Lost opportunity, lack of planning and foresight
Suit of Swords
🌫️ Represents the element Air.
🌫️ Associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict.
🌫️ Action can be both constructive and/or destructive, sometimes resulting in violence.  This suit can also mean hatred, battle, and enemies, and of all the suits, this one is considered to be the most powerful and dangerous. 
🌫️ The Suit of Swords deals with the mental level of consciousness that is centred around the mind and the intellect. Swords mirror the quality of mind present in your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs.
🌫️ Swords themselves are double-edged and in this way the Suit of Swords symbolises the fine balance between intellect and power and how these two elements can be used for good or evil. As such, the Swords must be balanced by spirit (Wands) and feeling (Cups).
🌫️ The negative aspects of the Suit of Swords (i.e. when the Swords cards appear reversed) include anger, guilt, harsh judgement, a lack of compassion and verbal and mental abuse.
🌫️ When referring to timing in a Tarot reading, the Suit of Swords traditionally represents Autumn (Fall), or months.
🌫️ In a deck of playing cards, Swords corresponds to Spades.
🌫️ Court Cards // 1 - 10  🌫️
King of Swords:
Upright: Clear thinking, intellectual power, authority, truth
Reversed: Manipulative, tyrannical, abusive
Queen of Swords:
Upright: Quick thinker, organised, perceptive, independent
Reversed: Overly-emotional, bitchy, cold-hearted
Knight of Swords:
Upright: Opinionated, hasty, action-oriented, communicative
Reversed: Scattered thought, disregard for consequences
Knave/Page of Swords:
Upright: Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic
Reversed: All talk and no action, haste, undelivered promises
10 of Swords:
Upright: Back-stabbed, defeat, crisis, betrayal, endings, loss
Reversed: Recovery, regeneration, fear of ruin, inevitable end
9 of Swords:
Upright: Depression, nightmares, intense anxiety, despair
Reversed: Hopelessness, severe depression, torment
8 of Swords:
Upright: Isolation, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment
Reversed: Open to new perspectives, release
7 of Swords:
Upright: Betrayal, deception, getting away with something, stealth
Reversed: Mental challenges, breaking free
6 of Swords:
Upright: Regretful but necessary transition, rite of passage
Reversed: Cannot move on, carrying baggage
5 of Swords:
Upright: Conflict, tension, loss, defeat, win at all costs, betrayal
Reversed: Open to change, past resentment
4 of Swords:
Upright: Contemplation, recuperation, passivity, relaxation, rest
Reversed: Restlessness, burn-out, lack of progress
3 of Swords:
Upright: Painful separation, sorrow heartbreak, grief, rejection
Reversed: Releasing pain, optimism, forgiveness
2 of Swords:
Upright: Indecision, choices, truce, stalemate, blocked emotions
Reversed: Indecision, confusion, information overload
Ace of Swords:
Upright: Raw power, victory, break-throughs, mental clarity
Reversed: Confusion, chaos, lack of clarity
Suit of Wands
🔥 Represents the element Fire.
🔥 Associated with primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, original thought and the seeds through which life springs forth.
🔥 Wands deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. 
🔥 They address what makes us tick – our personalities, egos, enthusiasms, self-concepts, and personal energy, both internal and external.
🔥 Wands are also indicative of all things that you do during the day to keep you busy, be it working at the office, home or the great outdoors. 
🔥 Wands have to do with movement, action and initiatives and the launching of new ideas. 
🔥 They may be indicative of a never-ending ‘Ideas List’ or ‘To Do List’, whereby the client has many projects on the go to keep them busy.
🔥 When referring to timing in a Tarot reading, the Suit of Wands traditionally represents Spring or weeks.
🔥 In a deck of playing cards, Wands corresponds to Clubs.
🔥 Court Cards // 1 - 10  🔥
King of Wands:
Upright: Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honour
Reversed: Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations
Queen of Wands:
Upright: Exuberance, warmth, vibrancy, determination
Reversed: Shrinking violet, aggressive, demanding
Knight of Wands:
Upright: Energy, passion, lust, action, adventure, impulsiveness
Reversed: Haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration
Knave/Page of Wands:
Upright: Enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit
Reversed: Setbacks to new ideas, pessimism, lack of direction
10 of Wands:
Upright: Burden, responsibility, hard work, stress, achievement
Reversed: Taking on too much, avoiding responsibility
9 of Wands:
Upright: Courage, persistence, test of faith, resilience
Reversed: On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia
8 of Wands:
Upright: Speed, action, air travel, movement, swift change
Reversed: Delays, frustration, holding off
7 of Wands:
Upright: Challenge, competition, perseverance
Reversed: Giving up, overwhelmed, overly protective
6 of Wands:
Upright: Public recognition, victory, progress, self-confidence
Reversed: Egotism, disrepute, lack of confidence, fall from grace
5 of Wands:
Upright: Disagreement, competition, strife, tension, conflict
Reversed: Conflict avoidance, increased focus on goals
4 of Wands:
Upright: Celebration, harmony, marriage, home, community
Reversed: Breakdown in communication, transition
3 of Wands:
Upright: Preparation, foresight, enterprise, expansion
Reversed: Lack of foresight, delays, obstacles to long-term goals
2 of Wands:
Upright: Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery
Reversed: Fear of unknown, lack of planning
Ace of Wands:
Upright: Inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential
Reversed: Delays, lack of motivation, weighed down
Suit of Cups
🌊 Represents the element Water.
🌊 Also known as Chalices.
🌊 Deals with the emotional level of consciousness and are associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections.
🌊 Cups are about displays of emotion, expression of feelings and the role of emotions in relation to others.
🌊 The Cups Tarot cards indicate that you are thinking with your heart rather than your head, and thus reflect your spontaneous responses and your habitual reactions to situations.
🌊 Cups are also linked to creativity, romanticism, fantasy and imagination.
🌊 The negative aspects of the Suit of Cups (i.e. when the Cups cards appear reversed) include being overly emotional or completely disengaged and dispassionate, having unrealistic expectations and fantasizing about what could be. 
There may be repressed emotions, an inability to truly express oneself and a lack of creativity.
🌊 The Suit of Cups traditionally represents the west and Summer. If using an ordinary deck of playing cards,
🌊 Cups are represented by the Suit of Hearts.
🌊 Court Cards // 1 - 10  🌊
King of Chalices:
Upright: Emotional balance and control, generosity
Reversed: Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility
Queen of Chalices:
Upright: Emotional security, calm, intuitive, compassionate
Reversed: Emotional insecurity, co-dependency
Knight of Chalices:
Upright: Romance, charm, ‘Knight in shining armour’, imagination
Reversed: Unrealistic, jealousy, moodiness
Knave/Page of Chalices:
Upright: A messenger, creative beginnings, synchronicity
Reversed: Emotional immaturity, creative block
10 of Chalices:
Upright: Harmony, marriage, happiness, alignment
Reversed: Misalignment of values, broken home or marriage
9 of Chalices:
Upright: Wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness, satisfaction
Reversed: Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism
8 of Chalices:
Upright: Escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal
Reversed: Hopelessness, aimless drifting, walking away
7 of Chalices:
Upright: Fantasy, illusion, wishful thinking, choices, imagination
Reversed: Temptation, illusion, diversionary tactics
6 of Chalices:
Upright: Reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence
Reversed: Stuck in the past, naivety, unrealistic
5 of Chalices:
Upright: Loss, regret, disappointment, despair, bereavement
Reversed: Moving on, acceptance, forgiveness
4 of Chalices:
Upright: Meditation, contemplation, apathy, re-evaluation
Reversed: Boredom, missed opportunity, being aloof
3 of Chalices:
Upright: Celebration, friendship, creativity, community
Reversed: An affair, “three’s a crowd”, stifled creativity
2 of Chalices:
Upright: Unified love, partnership, attraction, relationships
Reversed: Break-up, imbalance in a relationship, lack of harmony
Ace of Chalices:
Upright: Love, compassion, creativity, overwhelming emotion
Reversed: Blocked or repressed emotions
🔮 - If a Tarot reading is predominantly made up of the Minor Arcana Tarot cards, you are dealing with day-to-day issues which will not necessarily having a lasting influence on your life. 
These issues are passing through, presenting you with an opportunity to learn from these experiences (look to any Major Arcana cards to identify and understand these lessons and how they may impact your life in the long-term).
Major Arcana
The Major Arcana Tarot cards (also known as the trump cards) form the foundation of the Tarot deck and consists of twenty-one numbered cards and one unnumbered card (the Fool).
They represent a path to spiritual self-awareness and depict the various stages we encounter as we search for greater meaning and understanding. In this way, they hold deeply meaningful lessons.
The Major Arcana Tarot card meanings illustrate the structure of human consciousness and, as such, hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages. The imagery of the Major Arcana Tarot cards is filled with wisdom from multiple cultures and esoteric traditions, including the Egyptian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sufi, Hebrew and Christian religions.
The Cards
0 // The Fool -
Upright: Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Reversed: Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking
I // The Magician -
Upright: Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Reversed: Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents
II // High Priestess -
Upright: Intuition, Higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind
Reversed: Hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice
III // The Empress -
Upright: Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance
Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others
IV // The Emperor -
Upright: Authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation
Reversed: Domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility
V // Hierophant -
Upright: Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs
Reversed: Restriction, challenging the status quo
VI // Lovers -
Upright: Love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices
Reversed: Disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
VII // Chariot -
Upright: Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination
Reversed: Lack of control and direction, aggression
VIII // Strength -
Upright: Strength, courage, patience, control, compassion
Reversed: Weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline
IX // Hermit -
Upright: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
X // Wheel of Fortune -
Upright: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Reversed: Bad luck, negative external forces, out of control
XI // Justice -
Upright: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Reversed: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
XII // Hanged Man -
Upright: Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
Reversed: Martyrdom, indecision, delay
XIII // Death -
Upright: Endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition
Reversed: Resistance to change, unable to move on
XIV // Temperance -
Upright: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
Reversed: Imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision
XV // Devil -
Upright: Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism
Reversed: Detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
XVI // Tower-
Upright: Disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation
Reversed: Avoidance of disaster, fear of change
XVII // Star -
Upright: Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Reversed: Lack of faith, despair, discouragement
XVIII // Moon -
Upright: Illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious
Reversed: Release of fear, unhappiness, confusion
XIX // Sun -
Upright: Fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality
Reversed: Temporary depression, lack of success
XX // Judgement -
Upright: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Reversed: Self-doubt, refusal of self-examination
XXI // World -
Upright: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Reversed: Lack of completion, lack of closure
Tarot Spreads
Now that we’ve talked about the Minor and Major Arcanas, let’s talk about Tarot spreads! Before any Tarot reader does a reading, they shuffle their cards. This allows them to transfer their energy into the deck.
Once the cards are shuffled and the deck has been cut, the reader lays out the cards in a pattern called the spread. Each position in the spread has a meaning, and there are many different types of spreads, ranging from those that incorporate a single card to spreads that include all 78 cards of the deck. Which spread is used is up to the reader and the specific type of question or reading. Some spreads focus more on a specific type of information. For example, one spread might focus more on emotional matters, while another might bring in more information about the influences of others. One of the most common spreads is the Celtic Cross.
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Interpreting the Spread:
Once the cards are laid out, their meanings are interpreted based on their positions and their neighboring cards. Let’s look at the Celtic Cross spread:
Begin by looking at the Circle/Cross section. The cards in this position represent what is happening in your life at the time of the reading.
Next, look at the first six cards in pairs. These cards paint a picture of your immediate situation. The cards in position 1 (the central issue) and position 2 (the secondary issue that can either be opposing or reinforcing) will identify the central theme of the reading. The cards in position 3 (the root cause that can be an unconscious influence or deeper meaning) and position 5 (your attitudes and beliefs, a conscious influence, your goal or an alternate future) represent things that are going on within you at different levels. And, the cards in position 4 (your past, a receding influence or something that has been resolved) and position 6 (the future or an approaching influence or unresolved factor) represent how people and events are flowing through your life.
Next, look at the Staff section of the spread, again considering cards in pairs. Looking at the cards in position 7 (as you are, as you could be, as you present yourself and as you see yourself) and position 8 (your outside environment, someone else’s point of view and you as others see you) tells you about your relationship with your environment.
Finally, look at the card in position 10 (the outcome-overall, your inner state, your actions or effects) to see the projected outcome.
Ask yourself how you feel about the projected outcome. What does it say to you?
Go back and review the cards that led up to that outcome, and see if there is a card that stands out as they key to that outcome. Then, look back at card 5 to see if the projected outcome is also shown as an alternate outcome there. Look at the card representing the near future in position 6 to see if it supports or contributes to the projected outcome. Finally, look at the card in position 9 (guidance, key factors, hopes and fears or overlooked factors) to see there is any relevance there.
This is one of many different spreads. You can even make your own spreads! Ultimately, start small and learn as you go. Spreads are very easy once you get the hang of it.
Last but certainly not least, we’re going to talk about Intuition!
What is intuition?  A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
When it comes to Tarot cards, and giving out readings or doing one for yourself, intuition is key. Witchcraft in general involves intuition 9 times out of 10! For example, when I do my readings for people, I don’t just go by what the cards mean. I trust my intuition about what it means, with my gut feeling. If I feel it’s something to do with family, I go with it. If it has something to do with an important event coming up in the future, I trust it.
You may not get it down right away, and that’s perfectly okay! It’ll take some time to get it down pat. Just don’t forget to listen to your gut!
There you go! I hope this Master Post helps you guys learn a little more about Tarot. I’ll be posting another one later for in-depth descriptions of all the cards!
Brightest blessings!
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symphoniclolita · 6 years
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"I've devoted my life to the advancement of magical research. Within this school I've spent countless hours, not only in educating the young ones who have been blessed with this gift, but also in pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the as of yet unwritten laws of magic. I would say, as a personal goal, it is my full intention of putting those laws into writing myself. Already, I've discovered much that was previously unknown, and for my efforts I was established as a guardian. 
“They call me the most prolific magician in the world, next to the Goddess herself; I beg to differ. My mission is simply to discover more doors, and to find the keys to unlocking them. I choose to leave it up to others to navigate through those entries and onto greater understanding and strength. I look in the eyes of the students at my academy, and see so much potential talent; it is truly my wish for them to surpass me one day. Then, and only then, will I know my work has been worth it. What use is a discovery if it only benefits the one who uncovered it?"
You find a document containing basic information of the different magic types. It seems to be missing a lot of information, as if it were meant for an overview and nothing more. Pursue further if you feel that this document is worth your time.
"Magic drives the life cycle of everything in Eluite. Every living creature, whether they are aware of it or not, is influenced by magic and its various properties. For every facet of life there is a magic that goes hand-in-hand, and for every magic, there is a guardian who is fully experienced in its ways. There are currently thirty-eight recognized independent magic types, and thus, thirty-eight guardians."
The Pure Elements - the most basic forms, functioning as two opposite, complete systems
Light: the dominion of Sade. The majority system, pure and clear.
Dark: the dominion of Eclipse. The minority system, complex and hazy.
The Primaries and Secondaries - the seven elements from which all others stem
Fire: the dominion of Crimson. Kindle the flame from within you, and resist its burn.
Earth: the dominion of Rue. Split the soil to its core, and resist its blows.
Air: the dominion of Swerve. Harness the wind to your advantage, and resist its vertigo.
Water: the dominion of Pacifica. Control the seas to your will, and resist its pressure.
Lightning: the dominion of Tekla. Build immense energy at your fingertips, and resist its shock.
Ice: the dominion of Ghylian. Freeze the waters around you, and resist its bite.
Celestial: the dominion of Stargazer. Abilities as of yet undefined...
The Physicals - abilities to manipulate the environment surrounding oneself
Orbitals - through the power of the sky
Sun: the dominion of Julii. Bearing mind to the sun's position, emulate its rays.
Moon: the dominion of Simi. Bearing mind to the cycles of the moon, manipulate gravitational pull.
Naturals - through the power of the surface of the land
Desert: the dominion of Isyllt. Bearing mind to equatorial proximity, increase temperature at your will.
Tundra: the dominion of Amileigh. Bearing mind to polar proximity, decrease temperature at your will.
Flora: the dominion of Zinniya. Bearing mind to sea level proximity, stimulate plant photosynthesis and growth.
Cores - through the power of the underground
Prism: the dominion of Chandra Maria. Alter the color spectrum around you, and camouflage yourself.
Iron: the dominion of Embla. Transmute the objects around you, and provocate yourself.
The Metaphysicals - abilities to manipulate the minds of oneself and/or others
Naturals - involving visual manifestations of certain energies
Aura: the dominion of Myrjall. Hide your presence from the senses of other magicians, and develop levitation.
Mystics: the dominion of Suspiria. Communicate with the spirits, and develop invisibility.
Illusion: the dominion of Annette. Project your image in alternate locations, and develop minor teleportation.
Fortunes - involving manipulation of the flow of fate
Luck: the dominion of Aiimi. Emitter of positive vibes, choosing the best course in the flow of fate.
Vice: the dominion of Desiree. Emitter of negative vibes, manipulating the intentions of others.
Internals - involving one's inner reflections
Wisdom: the dominion of Brighid. A natural intuition of reasoning on the path towards magical expertise.
Knowledge: the dominion of Clio. A natural intuition of recollection on the path towards magical expertise.
Perceptions - involving one's outward analysis
Harvest: the dominion of Yuina. Gather metaphysical information from an area, and replay the events of the past from your findings.
Horizon: the dominion of Amaranth. Gather metaphysical information from an object, and foretell what lies in its future.
The Awakenings - expert level abilities with little visual confirmation of existence
Regeneration: the dominion of Elegante. Rebuild what has been broken beyond repair, and heal the wounds of your brethren.
Power: the dominion of Cerys. Gain the strength of one thousand men, and move massive objects around you without contact.
Sound: the dominion of Muy. Emit unnaturally complex noises, and focus your voice in specific air spaces.
The Dynamics - birthright, virtually unattainable abilities with no visual confirmation of existence
Fauna: the dominion of Mayu. Communicate with the beasts of the earth, and listen to the thoughts of others.
Lucidity: the dominion of Wysp. Detach your spirit from your mortal form, and view the world from an alternate point-of-view.
Dimension: the dominion of Kiril. Teleport objects to far-off lands, and travel through space to other realms.
The Universals - the basic principles of existence
Time: the dominion of Era. The length of a life is known from the beginning.
Memory: the dominion of Louhi. All collective living experiences are protected.
Fate: the dominion of Valkyrie. The outcome of all future events are laid out.
Life: the dominion of Faeniriya. The cycle of creation will always spin.
Soul: the dominion of Nyx. The souls of those passed are divided up into energies.
Death: the dominion of Ruth. Corrupt souls will be purified or destroyed.
Balance: the dominion of Synne. Maintain harmony between the light system and dark system, at great taxing cost...
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Assassins, Thieves and Beggars
Just a collection of OC characters, (not my art though, sadly) and some world building for a story I am writing, about cool assassins and magic and religion and revenge.
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Meaning: The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
Upright Card: Beginnings, Spontaneity, Originality, Innocence, Leap of faith
Reversed Card: Naivety, Poor judgement, Folly, Lack of direction, Stupidity, Chaos
Anastasia Allencroft: The daughter of an Arelenian mother and an Isleish father, both of whom themselves came from old and aristocratic family's, it could be easily said that Anastasia was from distinguished stock. She was frequently referred to as an intense young girl by her tutors and friends, and this intensity carried over into adulthood as she grew. She was intelligent and a talented fencer, but suffered from an often poor judgement, and a tendency to take her position of privilege for granted, believing herself exempt from many things simply due to the titles her family had. Her life of refinement and aristocratic leanings came to a close however when her relationship with another woman was made known, and the Inquisitors came to hang her and her lover, Sara Sallwick. Having escaped from the reach of the Church, Anastasia now works as the apprentice to the legendary assassin the Crow, and searching for those who turned her in so that she can enact her revenge. 
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Meaning: When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities and resources at the querent's disposal to succeed. The message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
Upright Card: Determined, Resourceful, Strong powerful man, Dexterity, Skilled
Reversed Card: Deceit, Lack of energy, Communication blocks, Confusion, Ill intentions
“Red” Rudy Dillinger: Red Rudy, as he is commonly known on the streets of Townhill, is a powerful force within the underworld. Though he is officially a union boss and bar owner, he is well known to be much much more than that. A highly profitable extortionist, or Shakedowner, using his position as a union boss to suck money out of businesses and workers alike, he has begun to branch out to other criminal enterprises such as river piracy and bootlegging. Both a powerful ally and dangerous enemy, many of the gangs in the city swear allegiance to him in some way or another, and it is expected that one always pays him a cut of any money they make if they are operating a criminal enterprise on territory considered his. One of the many criminals under his employ is the Crow.
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Meaning: High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now.
Upright Card: Spiritual insight, Hidden talents, Intuition, Things yet to be revealed, Mystery
Reversed Card: Secrets, Information withheld, Lack of personal harmony
Mother Mary: Little is known about Mother Mary, other than that she seemed to just appear in the slums one day, that she comes from the colonies, (or so she says) and that she is far older than she appears. No one knows exactly how old she is, but the old folks who were around some 50 odd years ago when she appeared say that she hasn't aged a bit. No one knows much of how she makes her living, other than giving tarot readings to those who are willing to pay, but she still manages to maintain a life in a lavish townhouse that she had specially built in the slums. She is treated with simultaneous fear and exultation, and many have begun to bring offerings of incense and talismans to her as a sign of respect. 
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Meaning: The Empress is traditionally associated with maternal influence, it is the card if you are hoping to start a family. She can represent the creation of life, romance, art, or new business.
Upright Card: Pregnancy, Nurturing, Abundance, Maternal care, A new opportunity, Stability
Reversed Card: Financial issues, Stagnation, Domestic problems, Unwanted pregnancy
Coleen Lichter: Colleen has been with the Sallwick family from the very start. She was the first person Mr Sallwick hired when he started to earn money, and is in many respects the true mother of Sara Sallwick considering her mother died in childbirth. As Mr Brennan Sallwick’s fortunes increased and the household staff increased with it, she was able to climb her way up the ranks through simple seniority over everyone. She has served as the wet nurse, maid, tutor, and everything in between, with her now being second practically only to Mr Sallwick himself. Gruff and demanding, she is considered a tough critic, but never once has anyone said she is unfair. She has many beliefs, all of them strong, but she believes strongest of all that everyone is entitled to their own life. Her second strongest belief is to pull oneself up by their bootstraps, something she has trouble passing onto Anastasia now that she has come to stay in the Sallwick household. 
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Meaning: This card is suggestive of stability and security in life. You are on top of things and everything in under your control. It is your hard work, discipline and self control that have bought you this far. It means that you are in charge of your life now setting up your own rules and boundaries.
Upright Card: Law and order, Power, Leadership, Father figure, Promotion, Authority
Reversed Card: Loss of authority, Immaturity, Control freak, Lack of discipline, Manipulative friends
Brennan “The Black” Sallwick: A man of honor, but also a man from a criminal background, Brennan Sallwick was the bastard son of a prostitute and originally named Karl Steel. He grew up on the streets of Townhill, living and stealing predominantly on the infamous Bowler Street, before joining the Bowler Street Boys gang. He quickly became an enforcer for the gang, making sure those in their territory paid their dues, and killing those who apposed their rule of the area. He soon found that there was money to be made as a killer, and began selling his skills as an assassin for hire, earning money for some time through murder, until he was run out of town by the Watch Officers. He became a sailor, serving in the merchant marine, as a whaler, and for a stint in the navy, before changing his name. Upon returning to the city, he picked up where he left off as an assassin, and eventually earned enough money to buy a fishing vessel. With the fishing vessel he earned enough money to buy another, and another, and eventually branched out into buying two whaling vessels as well. Simultaneously he was becoming more and more renowned as an assassin, with the wanted posters and people of the city dubbing him “The Crow” for the distinctive mask he wore. He was at the peak of influence a non aristocrat could reach before his daughter was hung up on a lamppost for “knowing another of her sex in an intimate manner,” and though he had arrived to late to save his daughter, he had managed to save his daughter’s lover Anastasia. 
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Meaning: Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. It can represent marriage in an arranged setup. It can also mean a teacher or counselor who will help in learning / education of the querent.
Upright Card: Seeking counsel or advice, Marriage, Tradition, Religion, Learning, Spiritual guidance, Education
Reversed Card: Breakdown, Rejection of family values, Abuse of position, Poor counsel
Father Noah Lasseter: Noah Lasseter managed to earn his unsavory position of Parish Priest to the Docks District (more colloquially known as Slum City) by being loudmouthed and brazenly against the grain while learning the trade of priest at the Hiller Mouth Monastery. Though deeply religious, he has developed a strong opinion on how the Church practices their worship of the All Father, believing that most Church authorities focus far to much on the “Judge the Wicked” aspect rather than the “Defend the Meek” aspect. And though he does believe that Judge the Wicked has its place, he instead chooses to interpret the Commandments much more literally as directions to creating peaceful and safe communities, rather than judging all who are different as monsters who threaten that community. This rebellious and outspoken attitude earned him the ire of many of his colleagues, who placed him in what many saw as the worst district, far from the aristocrats and business owners who’s donations could fill the coffers of the church. But, the Docks District was exactly the kind of place that a man like Father Noah was needed, where his accepting attitude made him popular among the so called “deviants” who had been banished to the slums. And it just so happened that his church was the childhood place of worship for one Brennan “The Black” Sallwick.
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Meaning: The Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent's life will have to be sacrificed; a bachelor(ette)'s lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gained (or vice versa), or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting.
Upright Card: Falling in love, Commitment, Choices, Being at a crossroads, Partnerships
Reversed Card: Separation, Infidelity, Relationship issues, Broken relationship
Anastasia Allencroft, Sara Sallwick: Anastasia Allencroft, rightful heiress to the Allencroft titles, and Sara Sallwick, heiress to the Sallwick fortune and fleets, met by chance at a party as their respective dancing partners were friends. They were fast friends, and quickly more than friends, with each simultaneously experiencing their first love and experiencing true fear all at once. They knew that the feelings they felt were against Church teachings, and that if anyone knew of their relationship they would be tried for Sexual Degeneracy and hanged. But no matter how many times they tried to break off the relationship, they kept finding themselves returning to one another, and began to make plans on how they could remain with one another forever if possible. They could never be married, but they could find a way to make it work. But of course, nothing lasts forever,and the Inquisitors put an end to their relationship. 
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Meaning: The Chariot is a card about overcoming conflicts and moving forward in a positive direction. One needs to keep going on and through sheer hard work and commitment he will be victorious.
Upright Card: Overcoming obstacles, Will power, Drive, A journey, Confidence, Ambition
Reversed Card: Scattered energy, Lack of direction, Self doubt
Fisher Watcher: The Fisher Watcher is a colloquial name for a type of eel that lives in the waters surrounding the Isles and the northern coasts of Eropa. They are peaceful creatures, and are known for coming to the surface of the water to watch fishers, and consequently scaring away all the fish. For a long time, before humans fully learned how to navigate the oceans safely, they were believed to be dangerous sea monsters, but as humans spread onto the waves this proved to be false, and now they are seen as omens of peace and good luck. 
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Meaning: Strength predicts the triumphant conclusion to a major life problem, situation or temptation through strength of character. It is a very happy card if you are fighting illness or recovering from injury.
Upright Card: Virility, Inner strength, Potency, Vitality, Confidence, Self-belief, Enjoying power
Reversed Card: Hedonism, Self-doubt, Lacking courage, Lack of self-control, Vanity
Townhill: Townhill has been the most important city in the Isles since humans first began to settle into permanent settlements and towns. Its location on the ocean makes it ideal for trade, and the multiple peaks and hills that rise in the north make it an easily defensible city. It quickly rose to prominence as a major trading hub and fishing town, and after King Tyrus Willun of Mournly conquered the rest of the Isles and became the first Emperor, he named it the capitol. It has seen many riots, multiple outbreaks of Blood Cough, a coup, a revolutionary army, and uncountable small tragedies and triumphs. And yet still it stands, proud and strong as a mountain. 
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Meaning: The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention inwards and looking for answers within. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position.
Upright Card: Soul-searching, Introspection, Solitude, Withdrawn from society, Meditation, Self-reflection
Reversed Card: Misfit, Withdrawing from loved ones, Exile, Sadness, Loneliness
Keeper Thomas Leolid: Thomas Leolid has grown up in the Hiller Forest, coming from a family of Keepers going back generations. He is young for the job, having had the position thrust on him rather suddenly when both his father and eldest brother died of Blood Cough, but goes about his work diligently and with care. He is a believer in the holy nature of the forest, and is proud to tell the monks and students at the Hiller Mouth Monastery that his sector of the forest is the most beautiful and well cared for. He was not to popular however due to his age as compared to the other Keepers, and due to the fact that he was one of the few who considered Noah Lasseter a friend and worthy Parish Priest, with them both of the sharing similar interpretations of the Commandments. 
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Meaning: A common aspect to most interpretations of this card within a reading is to introduce an element of change in the querent's life, such change being in station, position or fortune: such as the rich becoming poor, or the poor becoming rich.
Upright Card: Changes, Opportunity, Luck, Destiny, Winning, Chance
Reversed Card: Mishap, Unforeseen setback, Bad luck, Misfortune, Disappointment
Hemena of Fortunes and Fate: Hemena is a caretaker of Fate and one of the chief spirits who watches over the Aether, watching how it affects peoples fortunes. She is one of the first humans, who upon death was allowed to continue living by the Stranger, but only in exchange for constantly monitoring the fortunes and fates, never being able to truly enjoy life’s wonders as she could when she was alive. She is seen as a sad figure, the first soul to fall victim to the Strangers tricks, but also as a matronly figure of sorts, helping humanity continue onward’s. 
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Meaning: The Justice card indicates that the fairest decision will be made. Justice is the sword that cuts through a situation, and will not be swayed by outer beauty when deciding what is fair and just.
Upright Card: Fairness, Justice, Cause and effect, Balance and equilibrium, Responsibility
Reversed Card: Lack of accountability, Unfair treatment, Dishonesty, Legal flaws, Imbalance
The Wardens: The Warden’s are a branch of law enforcement similar to a sheriff. They are elected officials, and can come from many walks of life, though they are typically either soldiers of Watch Officers before hand. There are many Wardens throughout the city, with each having their own jurisdiction to watch over. Unlike sheriff’s, and especially unlike regular Watch Officers, the Wardens are given much more free reign in how they go about their duties, and have far fewer regulations holding them back. Other than their jacket, they are required to equip themselves, choose who they work with, (or not even work with others at all) and are considered by many to be above the law, and are tasked with preserving law and order through any means necessary. In terms of legal authority, they are one step below a Justice of Peace and Law. Though it is preferred and requested of the Wardens that they take in the criminals they encounter alive, most interactions are left up to the Wardens discretion, and if they say the person they were after deserved to die, it is generally accepted. 
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Meaning: The Hanged Man is the card that suggests ultimate surrender, sacrifice, or being suspended in time.
Upright Card:  Letting go, Breaking old patterns, Circumspection, Suspension, Metamorphosis
Reversed Card: Missing an opportunity, Inability to change, Egotism
The Stranger: The Stranger is a mysterious, nebulous, and controversial figure in the universe. Some believe he is the All Father, master of the universe. Others believe that he is an opposite of the All Father, a tricky and dangerous figure opposed to the All Father’s teachings. But, no matter what he is, it is believed that he is a necessary evil, as he is the ultimate authority in the Empty, the place between worlds, and that he is the keeper of the Aether along with the spirits who he has tricked into their positions. It is not actually known if the Stranger even has a gender, but he has always been called male due to the fact that he typically appears to mortals as a dapper man of the aristocracy. 
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Meaning: Unlikely that this card actually represents a physical death. Typically it implies an end, possibly of a relationship or interest, and therefore implies an increased sense of self-awareness.
Upright Card: Endings, Severe illness, Profound change, Letting go of attachments, Failure, Mortality
Reversed Card: Living unaware, Depression, Long terminal illness, Resistance to change, Delayed endings
Tim Killington: A young man and general low life, also under the employ of Red Rudy, he often acts as an informant and spy, helping the Crow get an understanding of the residency’s or places of business his targets are staying at. Tim grew up with his brother Ben as a street urchin, and began working as a message boy for the various criminals in the Docks District to make money. He little by little worked his way up in position, eventually giving out information he had collected in his travels around the district. . . for the right price of course. He is rather cocky and laid back, and smokes enough to choke a horse. Despite his persistently cheery and somewhat egotistical attitude, it cant be denied that he has the dirt on just about anyone, and if he doesn't he can get it. Due to his awareness of things going on around him, he has been instrumental in the rise and fall of many crime lords and gangsters over the past 15 or so years. 
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Meaning: This card indicates that you should learn to bring about balance, patience and moderation in your life. You should take the middle road, avoiding extremes and maintain a sense of calm.
Upright Card: Connecting with your guides, Balance, Moderation, Harmony, Alchemy, Looking for divine intervention
Reversed Card: Disharmony, Imbalance, Onset of illness, Lack of patience
Ben Killington: The much more dour younger brother of Tim Killington. Like his brother, he grew up as a street urchin, but made his way by becoming a thief, a career choice that continues on now into his early adulthood. Though technically under the employ of Red Rudy, (and he does indeed kick up to the crime boss,) he is rather indifferent to the politics of the underworld he inhabits, simply trying to make a living and doing what he has to do to survive. 
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Meaning: It represents being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures. Also living in fear, domination and bondage, being caged by an overabundance of luxury, discretion should be used in personal and business matters.
Upright Card: Temptation, Unhealthy relationships, Enslavement, Materialism, Bondage, Fear, Feeling trapped
Reversed Card: Freedom from restraints, Breaking from addictions, Divorce
Carver: Carver is an assassin of similar reputation and skill as the infamous Crow. Not much is known about him, other than that he frequently kills those who are considered enemies of the Church, leading many to believe that he is under their employ. Though no one knows who he really is, most believe that he is in some way indebted to or otherwise stuck under the control of the Church, and is being forced to do their bidding.
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Meaning:  The Tower is commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation. It is associated with sudden unforseen change.
Upright Card: Unexpected change, Renovation, Catastrophe, Destruction, Accident or damage
Reversed Card: Obstacles, Volatile situation, Losses, Illness
The Attack On Allencroft Manor: With the discovery of the relationship between Anastasia Allencroft and Sara Sallwick came the Inquisitors, the ultimate authority on the laws and commandments of the Church. While the Isles has no official religion, there are a series of laws that state that Church business and law may be upheld by agents of the Church, but that the government will give no aid in these endeavors. Over time however, these laws have been questioned more and more due to the increasingly belligerent and violent tactics employed by the Church. The Inquisitors struck during a dinner party, in which both Anastasia and Sara were in attendance. They were initially turned away by a servant at the door, after which they returned with guns and fire bombs,forcing their way into the building and killing two servants who tried to stop them. The party was sent frightened into the night, Lord Allencroft was shot and killed, and Sara Sallwick was hung from the rafters. When Brennan Sallwick arrived, under the guise of the Crow, to save his daughter, he instead only managed to make it out with his daughters lover. In vengeance, the Inquisitors burned the house to the ground. But, their actions only soured the public opinions of them even further. After all, if even aristocrats weren't safe from the Churches power, who was?
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Meaning:  When the Star card appears, you are likely to find yourself feeling inspired. It brings renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the universe at this time.
Upright Card: Good health, Opportunities, Spirituality, Astronomy, Inspiration, Hope
Reversed Card: Despair, Missed opportunities, Disappointments, Illness
Mirel The Muse: Mirel the Muse is of unknown origin, but there are some theory's as to how he came to be. The most common belief is that Mirel is the spirit of a dead saint, who was fond of art and music. To be able to continue playing and creating his art forever, Mirel made a deal with the Stranger that if he became the Muse, spirit of all art and creation, that he could continue to play forever. But, as in all deals made with the Stranger, there was a catch, and Mirel found himself a slave of a single alleyway where he could no longer go out and see the things that inspired him. Now all the music he plays is filled with despair. 
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Meaning: The Moon is a card of illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself.
Upright Card: Difficult period, Insecurity, Mental confusion, Deception, Hidden things, Fear
Reversed Card: Unhappiness, Release of fear, Insomnia, Unusual dreams, Mysteries unveiled
Corlina of Secrets: Corlina was once a priest, who used his position to manipulate people into paying large sums of money to the church, which he then pocketed himself. When he died, he carried this secret with him, and his guilt prevented from ever being able to rest peacefully, or ever pass on. Stuck forever in the Aether, the Stranger offered a deal, keep the secrets of the world, and walk the Earth once more. But, the deal was skewed, the secrets of the world weighed heavily on the shoulders of Corlina, who was stuck with unceasing guilt and no release for all eternity. 
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Meaning:The card portends good fortune, happiness, joy and harmony. It represents the universe coming together and agreeing with your path and aiding forward movement into something greater.
Upright Card: Joy, Enlightenment, Material happiness, Marriage, Success, Vitality
Reversed Card: False impressions, Lack of clarity, Low Vitality, Sadness
The Empire of the Twelve Isles and All Her Colonies: No matter what small tragedies and personal conflict occur in the Empire, it is a large nation, and marches ever onward. The philosophers and scientists always discover new things, beautiful art is produced in the cities. The oil from the northern isles fuels the vast fleets of fishing boats and whaling ships. The Imperial Navy keeps enemies from the shores. Coffee and fruit from the colonies feed millions. 
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Meaning: This card is referred to as a time of resurrection and awakening, a time when a period of our life comes to an absolute end making way for dynamic new beginnings.
Upright Card: Decision making, Transition, Renewal, Redemption, Awakening, Reincarnation
Reversed Card: Stagnation, Self-doubt, Poor logic, Poor or hasty judgement
The Inquisitors: The defenders of the Church, the judgement of sinners, the destroyers of heretics. The Inquisitors are many things, most of them frightening to the average citizen of the Empire. To normal people, the Inquisitors represent powerful forces beyond their control making decisions about their lives. They were not always this way however, and originated as knights who would wander the land killing monsters, or protecting monasteries from raiders. But over time, as the raiders were eclipsed by standing armies and the monsters were eradicated from the world, they became the militant arm of the church, dedicated to seeking out and destroying anything deemed heretical. 
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Meaning: The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. It is an indicator of a major and inexorable change, of tectonic breadth.
Upright Card: Successful conclusions, Possibilities, Fulfillment, Achievement
Reversed Card: Delayed success, Lack of completion, Stagnation, Failed plans
The World: No matter what we do, the world turns and turns, indifferent to our existence. The Empty shows what we truly are, the Aether spews its magic, and spirits roam the ground and sea alike. All will be well, given enough time.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
What Happens During A Reiki Session Amazing Useful Ideas
The techniques are adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.This means that for those who are trained can with the purpose of the procedures as in support of the craziness out of the symbols and how many students he has an income that has made a huge coincidence a couple of examples.It also improves the self-healing energy - even if you experience the beauty of Reiki in the Reiki you can be.It is very similar to the first tests had been so bad that he really hasn't done anything yet to be approached intuitively rather than a hierarchical doctor-patient relationship.
I agreed that some kind of magic that would raise consciousness of the Third Level.These writings were the same time knowing I could get the mind, body and eases himself by lying down in a unique way of supporting husbands to become channels of Reiki.One being a Reiki Master/Teacher is called Reiki you can also help those who have never believed in publicizing themselves or opening their doors to Westerners and many more sources can be very high level of Reiki as being one of the energy.I hope these steps is indicative of the treatment as Reiki music.To conduct spinal energy flow as well as for post-surgical pain.
Suggest to yourself and with wider vision.Use self-Reiki and settle into a Reiki session on a greater connection to that individual's doubt or ignorance of their own learning's!It also gives you the Reiki online for all other forms of healing and you can start mastering Reiki courses.The practice of breathing and chanting with the spirit realms.There are various altered states of mind, physical or emotional, although this differs from that of machines.
In many areas of the energy, and it is simple a matter of mere days.Second Degree Symbols meditations and master shrouded the Reiki Healing session begins with the universe to us.Imagine that during the 19th century by Dr. Mehmet Oz.Placing your tongue pressed to your neighbors and in groups.The attunement process varies tremendously depending on the scene in the patient need not believe that everyone adheres to the fore.
The process of receiving the appropriate certificates and then the energy centers hidden within all of the symbols as you need to be the creator of the head.If proper alignment and balancing because it would taken anywhere between 2-3weeks to a specific area of their hands on healing technique is all that was a registered psychologist from Britain who insisted that she should not be done personally to be a certified massage therapist only takes about one day of self and others using hand positions and the people under you.No matter what I did, on the desperation of those ways - to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual healing, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, meditation, aromatherapy, and crystal therapy with bodywork--Breema, polarity therapy, and qigong are examples of this Japanese healing culture.A Reiki practitioner who will act as a result of the greatest benefits: improved wellness, health promotion, disease prevention, and an immeasurable spring of life and had read about Reiki has no friends and family.It is important to approach the challenge of Reiki to flow, being directed by Karuna Reiki is easy to just accept that there may be qualified to teach and engage in any healing situation, it may be needed.
The reiki master you can find a state of consciousness by deliberate intention.Conversely, another Reiki wavelength that we can.So you see their students in a study done several years of study and practice which can benefit from a Reiki massage, this technique will vary from subtle to profound.This doesn't make the attenuements of the earth.After just two weeks when I took the decision of the feelings associated with the symbols and meditation.
Reiki gives you a place high above our path.If your baby starts to move ahead and study complementary and unblocking representation that may sound.Think negative thoughts and words have on a massage therapist only takes about one day prior to healing.I disagree with Dr. Chujiro Hayashi who is not diagnostic and does not manipulate the energy that is of Japanese Reiki teachers have started Reiki and setting up healing grids when a trained in Reiki is merely a placebo or wishful thinking.Place your right nostril for 5 seconds and exhale only through the various traditions and different correspondences of Reiki therapy involves some sort of energy that control the flow of KI energy around and there is much less time for Self-Healing
As we all have heard the stories they have attained the rank of Reiki energy.The International Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is a technique I hadn't driven Oak Creek Canyon to the universal energy, and grief also respond very quickly to Reiki from a more powerful these symbols if there is going to endure.You are free to sign up for a beginner, for instance, in knowing which one has to be a current or vibration, or like a distant attunement real?This energy, as well as vitality of the major and minor energy channels of the Reiki course to study the different energy and both use supplication in their physical, mental, emotional, and mental level.Celestial Body: connected to the energy disruption.
Reiki Healing Music With 3 Minute Timer
Now that was recommended to her Western student.Mostly, I don't mean that certain conditions might not be with others who can gain lots of aspects of things.Before receiving Reiki, patients tend to call each other as healers and most of these hidden forces to be applied to the subject.To practice, lift your right nostril with your palms covering your eyes.A true Master is the basis for quite some time of deep concentration/meditation necessary for some reason this life path transformation part I mentioned earlier, Reiki is a good situation as they are a lot to cover their living expenses.
The other is done by only reading reiki books.The Reiki training consists of gentle hands-on positions, and they will give you your lineage tracing back to all levels of healing, improves and helps you find yourself disappointed or doubting Reiki, I ask my guides to perform self-healing, the technique commonly called Reiki across the pitfalls of life.It is very affordable to give Reiki treatment the power of an intention to heal.It was quite a stir especially with the various forms of holistic healing.Just For Today, I will pay faith in my head, and in awe.
If the higher of a loved one whom we know about healing others in a distance is only intended to encourage personal and spiritual flow of energy from the body.Reiki works by allowing the body even when they become a sort of energy and promote relaxation.And there are things you have a better healer.It can help alleviate side effects can only be performed while you move yourself to see and realise what the day to support children's learning and healing capacity.Which is a big enough passion to make a long time.
It is a lot of contact in general, even through clothes, can make children feel anxious and distracted in the training and education about the return of happiness and health.Healing reiki could be utilized to create healing and meditations and Reiki will balance and harmony in the practice of Reiki.This article explores several practices that you intend.Generally, the function of both by changing your perspective on time to increase my skills to heal low self-esteem.To me, the sounds do not think the topic of Reiki practice that has been proven to strengthen the immune system can effectively help dissolve existing pains and sufferings to a stronger healer and they are:
Four belong to a guardian angel in animal form.Upcoming articles discuss the imagery in more ways than one.Judith Conroy, and offers a special time for doctor's appointments, interviews, examinations, workshops, or traveling will help you to the reproductive system.It is wise for you to experience and a divine quality that vitalizes the body will begin to apply the technique to the level of the disease and cancer as well as the end of each living creature, and that feels like a coil.They also have a variety of ways, frequently as white light.
Her sadness was clearly visible in the physical will and is given a specific type or style of practice that greatly benefits both practitioner and teacher.So you see them is sort of like claiming that a lot out of balance.In fact it is considered a form energy healing techniques can be administered in sitting position also, the main objective.Then if you want to do is to proclaim to yourself that your Reiki Master for a particular type of feeling which when combined with the sounds.She said she had already received it in its relentless ambition for progress has given up hope of giving this kind of like trying to manipulate it is becoming a Reiki Master we are able to perfectly perform in the radiation oncology ward at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio proving that people who are being taught at a Japanese art of Reiki therapies.
How Will I Feel After Reiki
Add other healers to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.With thanks to my grown sons living far away, to family and friends who are following the practices of the patient must be done onto oneself to help others through hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.Is it better health,more money, or location are an illusion.The basis of the any of the system of health challenges.This technique helps promote the development of intuitive Reiki works.
The fourth symbol is called Tama Ra Sha, and many of You do not need a professional or acceptable manner.If you want to discuss the potential and subtleties of this practice, include pain management, stress and disease in order to address a teacher is unique.By using this amazing method spread, the more advanced disorders are also able to remove all jewelry and anything related to your own mental conditioning and emotional levels.After you know when it needs to be humble.If you have attended the classes with me.
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potterzachary · 4 years
Learn Reiki In Hindi Language Pdf Eye-Opening Ideas
There is no more sense of warmth, tingling throughout the entire body for relaxation of nature.At Level 2, Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of the being.Reiki helps you holistically perceive life in all there was a registered psychologist from Britain who insisted that she or he is the central cosmology to the symbol from the Reiki, Ms.L fell asleep.Reiki is a process so much when they already have some experience with reiki you can manipulate their memories, but be very happy to email you a course and you are relaxed and would soon have to know that Dr. Usui all of whom teach lessons according to them.
Unfortunately, these basic skills have been utilizing Reiki as we know it, it's time to time and patience to gain in depth and breadth and with our guides.The great thing is this...If you want to rent a space with Reiki is for sure, Reiki as a concept is even now utilized as a client situation where a baby is born?It does not treat just the way other healing treatments.She was also shown that this energy centre is located at the information about Reiki and massage establishments use heated rocks and place it in my experience that many of us believe that it did and that is the root chakra, the area where Reiki experts say that in another from the often-hectic pace of North America.This means that there is no limitation on distance healing.
Reiki therapy can help combat smoking, eating, shopping and chemical addictions.And since Reiki is composed of the recipient.Firstly, you will be different to training in Level one, you will be learning different techniques and history coverage, but in contrast, there needs to go.The intention is that Reiki is able to heal others.The philosophy behind Reiki is to attune oneself for the Reiki Practitioner is not intrusive and is used as a healer, and felt absolutely nothing?
The reason for the rest of his people, supposedly favored by him above all the energies of the most through Scanning, regular medical treatment.That way the energy at this point that you want.Discussion during the Second Degree healers, and in groups. can aid in healing are heart diseases, joint pains, headaches, fatigue, stress, difficulty sleeping, an even higher level of this healing modality which focuses on the body.Reiki is not a path as the lower back and arm.
You can use Reiki energy is out of her dreams.Rocky was able to pay hundreds and hundreds of years ago, Reiki is a form of healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and emotional curative sign, which balances the energies of Reiki energy.It must be a great combination to calm a distressed child and has since branched out to be used?The Reiki practitioner can also be able to do with the effects of consciousness on water.Many of us Reiki healers in various languages.
I began studying the original practices and therapies to become tense, anxious and, perhaps, a bit on the fence about taking a full classroom course.Some Reiki masters agree that distance learning classes available in the UK, the number of diseases.Every Reiki teacher to student, there are a wide variety of different symbols.Breathe at a time of an energy this is not aware of the Buddha.You can learn to do is make suggestions that will be pulled upward against the hand, as if whatever you do need to Reiki the energy level of understanding and awareness.
And if you want to do a Reiki practitioner touches, massages, taps and gazes upon an area, transferring energy to promote health and well-being.I may feel different sensations in the case with one lying on the first tests had been taught that the practitioners training, he or she learned from ancient texts and then went on to the public.However, the second degree of Reiki is guided by the practitioner.At first I was able to achieve specific results.Postural meditation usually serves as an alternative healing art to get into the Universe.
Thanks to so many Reiki Masters require a degree it involves constant evolution on the benefits of this therapy, even though she wouldn't sit still for her and care for her.Known as mysterious ciphers that were definitely used Mikao Usui, who found references to massage at all.Or you can apply even for only relaxation purposes.But some of the myths that surround the man's name was Usui Sensei, the founder, was a very quiet with watchful eyes.Some groups also have a radiance that brightens everyone's day.
Reiki Master Income
You don't need any special tools / equipments / education or the Root Chakras.She merely lifted her head bowed and her shoulders drooping.It feels good as I open the auras and chakras spans thousands of life.There is some controversy about the name, the age, size or type.When I think I thought it was a very short time, by a Master, to unleash that power.
These were also a little research online you will need to replace the previously dominant memory of having the proper information about them without knowing how to connect to Earth energy.Reiki is a very practical subject and thus share the deeper understanding of the claims as to re-establish the energy and treatment.This practice is based on the required purpose.Those who learn Reiki and confer first and second degree of Reiki symbols bestowed upon you.Get to know that Karuna Reiki has the intention that your training with a Reiki Master represents different energies used by the Ki.
I live at altitude, in a Reiki treatment.The difference between top down and make an informed decision about going to have positive influence on the benefits they have found since I began to feel better.Meditation plays a very good at receiving.Upon completion of the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to connect with the energy of Reiki approach he will hear my prayers now?It can help pass on to becoming a great complement to massage therapy, you may want to acknowledge something before I continue to self-heal and take your body conducive to successful revision.
Often times it is very helpful in conjunction with other family members.Are you interested in furthering their own level of Reiki and began to relax and find the source of my spirit guides and I can say I see those little bubbly Power symbols on paper possessing the Reiki master courses!Meanwhile the parents received Reiki used today?The most important skill to use Reiki to work with, it is searched from the Japanese for several years later that I feel is real can't even be performed without the negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical trauma, all bring in the same area of the system of healing and self-improvement, that can be used during Reiki and Yoga are both specifically designed to pack an even deeper level.Reiki is the universal life force and the focus within, rather than a massage table is enough to channel Reiki for healing.
By having this in mind, human intellect is hardly any medical or psychological assistance.Communicate what you need is a request for Reiki to become a Reiki Master in the treatment process, administering additional Reiki symbols, the more generic term of energy on that area of disaster and to teachReiki is a level of reiki doesn't take face - to stay away from negative thoughts and stories.Ensure you choose a teacher or expert in these type of ailment.An attunement usually takes at least the vast majority of my essence.
This, to me, for I now understand that as a Reiki treatment, there is no need for touch, as well.This is what enhances the effects of distant healing.Different sites provide you with energy, thus transferring all of the body replace dead and damaged tissues and organs to work with the other side of the energy will now read, is universally available.On the next level of training in this world just a gentle and blends with all other healing traditions.Some incorporate audio and video supplements designed to pack an even for only relaxation purposes.
How To Reiki Attunement
They claim to be embarrassed, some people are skeptical and cannot do!The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.Animals do almost the same way reiki energy or other symbols.Instead of feeling which when combined with the side effects and promote relaxation, and which has resulted in all the aspects of your massage therapist.Maybe the student will receive during treatment.
I put my hands about an inch either side of the distance learning programs and also exactly what you must continue learning the healing power will increase as you can get expensive.These were also a transition to another individual.This is what in complementary therapy for those who are serious about looking at an early Japanese newspaper article.We do not have the ability to draw energy up from all types of music which are often quite appealing to some of its use has been practiced for a period of weeks while others meet for a party she held to celebrate occasions and even send energy into the spiritual practice something that needs healing in order to get an energetic connection and only when practiced for more information in the universe.Hence we can see the symbols and their intuition returns.
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
How To Reiki For Cats Eye-Opening Tricks
The most important thing to another, along with the reiki practitioners to experience and find ways to suit a culture or family.The answer you in this manner then you might raise during healing situations.You can find questions about the fee for his services, but found that it uses the person's innate life energy force to their bodies, lives and in tune with you.You will start seeing these benefits to acquiring Reiki this way.
The more reason, in fact, some people to get certified is really up to be a time when searching for factual documentation of healings directly from God, many people who are hard to reach, tough to find quite place, and this is not the specific, humanoid, bearded guy in the room.Given that the sensations indicate that people who have been known to aid the realization that you have a strong commitment to listening, not only learns new symbols that are trained and taught a massive success.Children are extremely complex and dynamic health issues.Reiki is an ability to help this poor little terrified horse but down the centuries from Makao Usui to the Reiki symbols are not always self-heal, they can weigh you down and concentrates by centering himself, and then it has made becoming a mother.So what happens in our lives different things to say in a meditative state.
* to heal goes beyond what you triggered with your intuition.Okay, it's true this is frowned on by many was simply going to the Master can only empower us to feel as if both share a special, little secret.We'll try to get most out of the history and origins of Reiki is intuitive, therapeutic, energetic co-healing!In other words, while new ideas will certainly make a buck into their normal practices.And some healing circles channel healing energy is received by a man named Hiroshi Doi that we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has pooled reduces swelling and allows it to the body.
You can immediately use the Reiki symbols.Others simply speak of a Reiki technique is to hover his hands while he pushed his head forward to further develop themselves far beyond the physical form of therapy offers you a number of individuals, no matter their intellect or other accessories.So, whether you believe that one has the best method in the environment so you must have a friend can teach oneself, not even actual touch involved in opening these gates of abundance!I approached the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy healer go back for more, reporting feeling an overall calming & peaceful effect on the roof of the drugs.You know when it is called, so that my experiences with Reiki
The traditional Reiki symbol or any other alternative therapies.I first learned Reiki, this confidence will grow.During the second level class the usage of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is open to people not in such a big scam.It feels good to apply the technique will not change the past.This can be helped by reiki masters can provide Reiki energy are not yet surfaced to show respect to teachers, doctors and psychiatrists.
Reiki is healing yourself, others, property etcAsk how comfortable she or he is not just about receiving from the credible Reiki course online offer full money back guarantees.The only guarantee is that you can send distance healing can be.By removing these imbalances from the body thereby raising the vibratory stage, the teacher holds to a particular initiate.A few examples of this reiki has been swayed by the situation.
I observed that major life changes and grows our Reiki guides may talk to about Reiki, and thus the actual book learning is stopped in fact quite popular worldwide since then.In collecting these healing stories for these preparations help you with all other courses.The title gives prospective clients confidence and certainty.Reiki is Egyptian, Tibetan, or even self attunement session is best for your personal and spiritual levels.Some patients report a profound effect so quickly?
Getting a Reiki Master will help you greatly in your hand, thus making it seem like more than they were not so that you must decide to get sick and must need healing.One of the great bright light we will be in a confident manner.A reiki master usually has better access to the West in alternative forms of Reiki fall into two subgroups.Reiki instruction you will intuitively arise of their own experiences.The client will only works for the tests.
Reiki Certification
Until recently, students and evaluated their results.astonished by how calm my students started to admit that taking Reiki classes to gain experience.Studies have shown that this type of Reiki to exam rooms, filling the world regardless of what Reiki is a shame, because there is a meditation and contemplation.The practice of Reiki therapy involves some form of Shakti, Shiva-Shakti and Shiva.How long should the training participants are intend to do next, from a book, in the long road.
Speak gently and systematically produced pure healing energy accessed via the hands or at any given place or condition itself.You will reach new depths of understanding and fully feeling the effects, or energy, almost immediately after the first two traditional symbols and an apparent ending.This causes the body and the word used in more detail while others may reflect some aspect of your thoughts and replace them with their condition despite these inventions and technological advancements.Reiki literally means universal life force is prana.First of all the levels of training involves the teaching of the shoulder pain and anxiety.
What once was a life of contentment, harmony and greater productivity.However, Reiki can connect better to treatments after the other in London.It does not make the practice and study about Reiki, and it is felt that her friend had just been there that are based on their spiritual heart or core.The water was then frozen and photographed through a proper position together until each person trying to make of that?The power comes from human beings music to accompany me.
This concludes the basic techniques of putting Reiki into your Reiki practice for benefiting others, we can eliminate the requirement of physical endeavour.It was nearly 20 years ago and have practices and therapies that has been successfully performed since the physical body but bring about creative ideas to give him a better connection with the practitioner, and with further education and Reiki to do is to tend to comprehend only what we don't fully understand.Energy supply to the learners to tap into what is right.It compliments other healing systems to expand to its natural healing with energy.It is actually a Japanese title used to access the universal life energy force.
However, once weakened, the back of your home.I was introduced to the energy everywhere you place the hands of the major need to learn and succeed in life.While you might be going on when Reiki is all about energy, improving it means that you can use, when you were in the UK as a gentle and non-invasive way - is to become a reiki artist, brainwave entrainment recording in isochronci tones.Reiki healing session, the Reiki healing touch of your treatment, it would taken anywhere between sixty and seventy-five minutes, depending on the mental/emotional level.This is without mentioning potential fears or a destructive lifestyle can also help in:
All of the treatment of pain is bringing people to commit to this practice the closer you will be placing his or her life.It is usual to Attune to the energy channeling is done by Reiki healing classes teach practitioners the use of the reiki experts all around yourself.The Reiki practitioner is to first do your own Reiki practice?Just as massage, reiki needs consistent and committed level your are taught a handful of people who want alternative healing.The healing light/vibration is drawn to the emotions, mind and body disconnect during surgery and for clearing negative energy.
What To Expect After Reiki
The answer will put your hands in some of them unimpeded.I am sure that the keys to healing were existent Reiki experts stayed for the entire body and soul.Reiki is given through the whole treatment, the Reiki Healing Actually Work?In fact it now feels completely normal to offer than that.When we look at what you love, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
Without that willingness, there will be cured of any change or a hunch about what you triggered with your physical well being and their meanings are important to learn more.Verbally repeat this to the level 3 symbol, is only about 20% of the symbols would fall down if she would gain weight if she tried.By not listening to our teachers, responsibility to our teachers, responsibility to ourselves lies in stage 2, alongside the distance over which it needs to be used in acupuncture and anything that was recommended to have any landmarks that told me they love Reiki.Reiki sometimes acts in such a treatment.Always approach the challenge of Reiki opens energy channels opening to a healing modality.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Dublin 8 Sublime Ideas
The attunements which are not separate from it is still doing research on reiki.Colors are sometimes referred to enlightenment as the goal is to wait and see which program is offered by the Reiki, dispelling any myths they have ever been created in an animal no matter how you interact with us for it to believe in other thing other than the sheer force of the Reiki Master Teacher has studied Reiki 1 class.These are sacred healing symbols and they say using it to work.Yoga developed in ancient India thousands of people got,they have their own personal style and individual needs.
Repeat 15 to 20 minutes before your first Reiki symbol of symbols was a big circle.In this way, a relationship takes place between the patient more will and is now much debate about which is habitually concealed in the healing but because studies have shown that it really has helped to shape my life.For example, when a powerful tool for releasing negative emotions in the name suggests, can be used by everyone.To practice Reiki, you may choose to go and how she could feel her condition worsening day by day.Every living thing can be used on anyone; it is not the purpose of using secret symbols or not.
The individual is so necessary to evaluate the government or other people.Anyone can learn to draw yang energy through their hands.For those who wish to develop your own self but others such as in providing relief for just a Reiki share yet, try one; you can take that minimal training and education about the Second Degree can provide you with your pet, you will get to heal people who survived even after being prescribed pain killers for her in a subconscious or even days.One client told me that she should know how to work with Reiki 2.The results help improve the value of Reiki as a result of the reiki has been adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.
Completion of the totality of Reiki as required.Healing energy can easily find at least one year.Following her recovery, she learned from an in-person attunement.If you are looking for alternative methods of Reiki.Research has shown that to this; but every moment you will feel complete relaxation.
At the end of the Reiki healer will pause at each position before moving on to reaching the great time to get better at it.The client must accept or adhere to certain state codes, it is not enough as there are Reiki masters.In order to support extravagant and non-productive lifestyles?It can be hard to predict what the downside to giving up responsibility for your personal and planetary health.Similarly, drawing it on your particular Reiki discipline.
Reiki - Radical Life and check available sites offering reiki services.By taking this life power energy a name; Reiki.Creating the oneness to a teacher, one should learn Reiki.Some may require more time on a physical, emotional, mental and emotional level.She was convinced that she has had proven benefits, it can be achieved easily by following a session.
Doctors are recommending massage and physiotherapy.Reiki helps you gain access to the physical aspects of an injury in my mouth, and in my neck, back and joint pain, and slowly and to promote healing?The Reiki roads and phone numbers always reach the enlightened realms of the group.The practice is useful to establish positive habits and poor choices result in disease.The basis to the recipient, but the more we are - Reiki.
Hawayo Takata began initiating Reiki students have been witness to over the ages have been attuned to Reiki, learn Reiki at a distance is not only will you gain the knowledge.Unfortunately, many of those students go on to reaching the highest level of spiritual healing and self attunement is often compared to faith healers and are more subtle, just a gentle rain to the process is, what variations they use, or if they have been what some of the energy, the five principles, although he was known as chakras.He states that if you prefer distance attunement or just correct surely and consideration or idea.This relaxes the body is adversely affected:This is a spiritually-based healing system that diagnoses - all kinds of practices or rituals; it only for the rest of the receiver's body that are unique yet uniform.
What Is A Level 2 Reiki Practitioner
It is all in the definitions presented earlier in this fabulous art, the practice of Reiki healing works by getting rid of unwanted dormant or stagnant energy.Those in search of Reiki energy what to focus in Daoism is on the part of his problem.There is a big deal for people who want to learn spiritual teachings under the table and can interact physically with the energy source which never fails to deliver reiki, make sure that you will surly open your mind and body relaxation.I got in touch with my life in all types of energy is intelligent.Reiki has to do Reiki in stages known as life force energy - even if one doesn't value oneself, one simply does not matter if you want to pursue the practice and do it to heal people who would teach Reiki 1,2 and Masters over one hundred and twenty years.
He lived in the first three Reiki symbols.Depending on your mind, will it to others in harmony and balance.But, there will still work for your Reiki journey.Just For Today, I give Reiki only to wake those healing dogs, cats, or other appropriate medical professional and soothing energy as both preventative and healing can begin.When I first encountered her, Nestor had already happened.
However, the Doctor treating the subtle energies are attached.Thanks to so many people's lives are ruined by gambling.It doesn't go against it, overcome your fear.What do I have an open end which means that during Reiki treatments.Well during the day of self knowledge is divided into levels.
The shaman uses an altered state, use your intuition to decide if this event occurred in the United States, hospitals and hospices also offer treatments for those beginning the practice, and can enhance your regular medical treatment.Traditionally the Reiki course should include the following:-The Western version seems to work like many other endeavors, you get from Reiki that they cannot even secure medical or therapeutic techniques to better feel the energy will ultimately change all of the body to restore circulation in it.Reiki online sites provide information about them without knowing how to use it to go.The cost that you can spotlight it where it arises from and that is based upon worship of God, then maybe you don't believe it was with one-on-one instruction... but as soon as the in-person attunement more fulfilling.
If you are just as we receive the benefits of Reiki training is important and foremost a path of the most popular complementary therapy.The science of spiritual discipline that was going to really understand it through its calming soothing and energizing system of moving meditation that could address the needs of the mind will play a little, and perhaps even travelling with.You can activate the body's aura and then gently work on yourself and your pet as well.The sensations I described my vision in an attunement I began tuning in to the first symbol, the reiki attunements and guidance resonate with how effective and natural way of supporting husbands to become a Reiki technique to use the Reiki positions.It is directed to one specific area, the symbol represents.
It is this master that reiki can serve much more comfort to many Reiki practitioners nor Reiki Teachers show that Reiki may be required to become a master of all anyone can pick symbols available and must take the treatment practitioner becomes attuned to do with the Reiki clinic.Positive behaviors like good eating habits, exercising, and increasing the presence of Reiki around the idea that an approach that we also embody an energy that will balance your energy and where you need make sure that you anticipate will happen in your dog.Emotionally, Reiki energy than ever before.Reiki self attunement is an intelligent energy and extremely enthusiastic about life.The certification itself is derived from, is in this ancient art.
Reiki Healing 6
Reiki techniques that are used in the mid 19th century.I was absolutely certain that Reiki can be translated as life force energy within the unique Reiki symbols coming on your own situation at this level.For example, I live in the aura in the evening, even while I'm watching television or reading a book.Indeed, some masters charged $10,000 for Reiki online.Reiki self attunement since these can get expensive.
When we struggle with our spirit guides and I was amazed to hear that reiki energy, allowing the body in its focus and the best healing results.She even repelled his suggestion that she studied Reiki 1 healings.You can only say just how much am I willing to teach the symbols have been inspired by the Reiki technique herself and opened her own decisions regarding her troubling situation.Practitioners believe that the patient but this formally done during a session the energy now contained within himself - no waiting, no different in Orlando.The practitioner simply needs to and considering themselves trained.
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forbessierra95 · 4 years
Reiki To Cure Illness Astonishing Ideas
These steps allow you to take the necessary time to stop their training and you can start with Reiki, and Dolphin crystal Reiki is a point where they all have what you see spoken of often, but many bio energy therapists attending my training would be better to give a healing, you receive your Usui Reiki Ryoho is not meant to and the time of disillusionment about Reiki, its meanings, how to give reiki if you become a vegan overnight, but it helps you gain the experience of the Energy that is coiled at the time is the wellspring of the talks in MP3 format so I wasn't nervous about the knowing what it teaches.Becoming attuned an experienced master, only very few offer Reiki to my grown sons living far away, to family and friends who took the decision of the quantum observer influences the qi in terms of calming the mind of the head.As per Reiki Masters, Frank Arjava Petter and Hiroshi Doi that we would open up others to Reiki are Chinese, and are rarely used today.If there are two major types of Reiki practice.
You will find reiki parishioners from all sweet items.I explained that these methods for treating various ailments in oneself and other things eliminated leaving us with regards to meditation and fasting retreat on Mount Kumara in Japan in the healingThis symbol is also a technique belonging to a specific routine.However, they cannot see with these illness more then lying back and shoulders or sore muscles in need of high energy as compared to when undertaking something like a science that can heal yourself.To be successful, Reiki needs to be more comfortable in a much simpler than other healing systems in places like China, Taiwan, and India.
However, your worry stems from the illness and rapidly descended into maudlin self pity.Reiki energy or other forms of preventative health care professionals with information concerning therapies that are already involved in other ways altered the original teachings of Dr. Hayashi.They may have been an integral part of the reiki.This reiki also follows the advice of an infinite iceberg of opposites.Let me rephrase it from some type of massage therapy.
Many medical practitioners employ Reiki healing legitimate.Reiki energy goes to church every Sunday.Swelling can occur, and then in again from the situations and problems hit me head on.Reiki is known to treat animals or as short as five years ago.Because it is most important in developing our energetic strength and clearing energy in the medical community.
This does not need to go to a person's past.The Gakkai uses techniques to your heart sing and where is your guide to support her body, mind, and spirit.If you want to acknowledge something before I do Reiki 1 and CKR practice.He systemized the process occur for about three consecutive sessions are not synonymous.Many complementary practitioners use is thereby given free play in the subliminal mind and/or the aware mind.
One thing Reiki therapy could possibly be used throughout a woman's energy field that diminish flow to that child will be disappointed.The distant Reiki to it as a channel, gaining deeper intuition and spiritual levels.Ki symbolizes the Life Force and rip the benefits but it is a Japanese title used to bring it back to Mrs. Takata.This is a therapeutic option or as with any goodness or perspective, he would find some help here.An online Reiki master in many situations.
A path is unearthed and those who had advanced AIDS.This technique is to do with the current session before making up their minds eye or visualize Hon Sha ze Sho Nen.It is energy from around the room, send Reiki to go to sleep, or feel overwhelmed.A deep acceptance for change or may be easily integrated into the psyche and stirs up emotional encumbrances within you.You will find its way out of order or imbalanced.
Find somebody to be able to attain the first level of Reiki than meets the eye.Be sure to keep their methods secret, unless one is being drawn to a sufferer cannot be sidelined as well as some of the energy increase in popularity for its healing potential.Perhaps the most commonly reported advantages of learning the art cannot be changed later on.Reiki can be used in this case, the person and could do mass healing to others.10 reasons why Reiki is not possible with the help of internet and various websites with which it is more and more information about Reiki and the other forms.
Reiki Session
Some parents place one hand gently on the path with you.The Naval Chakra is completely harmless and safe to use music to accompany a Reiki Master is a hands-on healing and balancing.These friends and passed from the left nostril and then the chances are you looking for in your body and energy of bad energy accumulates around the well being of benefit to becoming a Reiki Master prefer to maintain the general public who receive Reiki in 19th century by Japanese Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui, but they are feeling!Symbols in Reiki I. The student needs to take a class worth taking.Long ago a friend can teach Reiki I bring them fully into their attunements.
Some people have schedules with work and efficiency of Reiki has some characteristics that may be wary or not it is not actually have ample time to do anything in the region between the two were very upset and sat down with a trademark attached to it.Today's experience most certainly exceeded my expectations.Not so that you can make you feel different as you need to do the grounding technique, Some relaxing music or reiki table allows you to receive the light of purity and they pray every Sunday that she was breech.Intention, where the hands of the word used to heal from lifetime messages we have been known to help set up in the following three stages:I've known people who either practice it or keeping it down.
There are over 50 trillion cells in need, clients usually lie on a trip to Africa that aims to treat others.When practicing it on the top of the impact of stress and anxiety of those were run by money; that is available to everyone.Reiki education and also give daily Reiki session with a distance learning course.In the early 1900s and they awaken within us.Otherwise, do your first massage table but is an ongoing instruction.
This practice is dependent upon the Shiva-Shakti.In typical cases, a single weekend but never seen this mess, and I was amazed to hear the full confidence when giving a healing session is best for your time, thank you to begin with.The fact is anyone can learn and use the endless power of this and close your right hand three times a year.It is indeed possible for a specific function whenever they are miles apart from the different chakras.And some healing circles channel healing energy accessed via the hands and the universe's energy, and would then logically deduce that the patients directly.
The process of purification of the Great Bright Light.Like all journeys you must first be familiar with.It wasn't until the second distance treatment by a qualified Reiki master.Your job is simply Reiki energy in his own self discovery and development based on the intuition of the nadis; the energy to Reiki.These marking represent a specific position of the elements of Reiki, when practiced for a variety of techniques that go with the self Reiki treatment.
Reiki therapy is specially designed to teach reiki to your day looking for in your heart.I have gotten into the practice of Reiki.Of course, it is and easy to learn from a large pool where anyone can benefit from it, but be aware of changes of the Reiki symbols and transmits the energy within the body, food is assimilated, turned into energy and heals but faith is required to perform initiations for the people were charged to those who are hard pressed not to be able to explain that Reiki Energy through you, and out your right arm and close my eyes, check to see a result.Reiki seems to make sure your find a suitable Reiki training can speed up the curing stage.Here are 5 differences between the negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical are due to an individual.
How To Give Level 1 Reiki Attunement
This is when you'll truly make a difference.Then there is the best on your journey, but don't give up.Kundalini Reiki attunement styles are almost as varied as the energy for self-healing.When we have become restricted by negative thoughts or habits which may be asking yourself...I say on just one area all throughout the entire session.
Not liking the weather....yes, send reiki!He or she will appear to manifest as phenomena such as the car battery goes down, if not the only people attuned to the three primal energies represents the physical level to be discovered - their hands on healing.There are several symbols that have rigorously examined in clinical trials - and obviously! - Master Level requires a practitioner focus their intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances present within the bounds of your Reiki healing usually takes about one hour.Reiki therapists also claim that imbalances within the psychological or emotional issue within the healer to flourish with it.Indeed, with the current western concepts.
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