#the silmarillion kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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self care for : celebrimbor with stim stuff, silver jewelry, and cozy/atmospheric things requested by @hands-of-silver
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kincalling · 1 year
Aredhel Ar-Feiniel aka Írissë from the Silmarillion. Looking for anyone who remembers me but especially Celegorm and Curufin who I was very close with. 18+ only pls, I'm 19. DM me here or like the post pls 🥺
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tanoraqui · 9 months
I don’t get all the Tolkien gender and sexuality discourse—it’s clear that the genders according to Tolkien are:
gets trapped in a very high (or potentially very low) place, gets rescued, loses part of or entire hand
finds loved one who is trapped in very high (or potentially very low) place by singing and their beloved sings back; rescues them despite the impossible odds against this
person singing, dancing, or just kinda vibing in the woods
person who comes to the woods from elsewhere, sees the singer/dancer/viber, and falls in love instantly
everyone else
…and an ideal relationship, romantic, sexual and/or otherwise, is between genders 1 and 2 or 3 and 4. Genders CAN overlap.
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the-werewithal · 4 months
I kinda want a Smallville-esque take on the Silmarillion. It's set exclusively back in Aman with the implication that Feanor's gonna start shit aaaany second now. He's working on some very impressive jewels in his workshop, Morgoth's looking pretty suspicious, and is that a giant spider I hear scuttling in the south? But its all fake outs, and it's just seven seasons of the messiest family drama imaginable. Noldor scandals and brewing rifts between them and the Valar. Maglor breaks a lute string and suspects sabotage. Aredhel steals a horse and gets lost in the woods. Feanor spends a really moving episode visiting the garden of his Mother's body. Finwe tries to be a good father and accidentally triggers a huge fight at least once a season. The Ambarussa make problems on purpose. Finrod befriends a wild dog. Nerdanel's latest statue of Maedhros gets its arm smashed off at the elbow. Finarfin collects novelty pens. Galadriel pretends she's above it all while being nothing of the sort. Gandalf stirs trouble. The very last shot is Feanor finishing the silmarils.
It wouldn't be good, but it'd be funny
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sesamenom · 7 months
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co-high kings galadriel & celeborn
since elrond doesn't want the kingship, galadriel & celeborn are the eldest in middle-earth of the lines of Olwe and Elmo respectively. olwe is older but hes the king of the teleri not specifically doriath sindar so there might be some dispute between which line the sindarin high kingship jumps to, but they very conveniently happen to already be married and so can skip all that and just be twice the headache for sauron
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fistfuloflightning · 10 months
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An argument in progress—Salgant and Rog
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Finrod in my opinion is one of the most ruthless Finweans. He puts on a good front I think but in my mind he hold great capacity for cruelty and unkindness. His sister is Galadriel “all shall love me and despair” Nerwen Artanis. There’s no way someone whose little sister is that driven and ambitious is any less than that. And I think it’s neat. I really want to see the man who challenged Sauron to a battle of song and ripped the throat of a werewolf with his teeth go apeshit politically. I want to see him cruel. I want to see him unleash his cruelty onto his kinslaying cousins after the first kinslaying, I want him to find his goodness and kindness even in the face of his cruelty so he could accept C+C into his kingdom. I think that would be very neat ngl.
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Just learnt ‘Findis’ is a combination of ‘Finwë’ and ‘Indis’—
they were that sort of sappy parent.
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overlord-of-fantasy · 5 months
Feanor just wants to kill...
Feanor: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Nerdanel: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. Feanor: I said within reason, Nerdanel. How about I murder that guy? *points at Fingolfin* Nerdanel: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't? Feanor: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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averagenolofinwean · 4 months
Fingon, watching the tapestries of the third kinslaying: Oh. Oh that's- Oh shit- Uhhhh well. Yup that's- that sure is a lot of blood. Oh no. That doesn't look good. Augh. That tall child looks terrible. Yeah that sure is a tragedy. Welp. Oh no. Oh. Oh. That sure aged like fine wine. Well. It is what it is. That's all i'm saying. Can't do anything about it, can we?
*his whole family is staring at him with shock in their eyes*
Finrod: Findekano, what the fuck.
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
As an archivist, thinking about the right to be forgotten in a specifically archival context, and the idea that not everyone wants their stories or their records to be made available to anyone/for everyone; that often, what a community judges to be the best preservation for their own histories and culture is not what is beneficial to outsiders, especially outside academics.
More specifically, thinking about this in the context of Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/The Silmarillion/other Legendarium books as “historical” texts.  Thinking about maybe the “authors” not writing everything down because they understand the power of stories and how the telling of a thing grants a certain power over it, over how it is known and spread, and positions the teller as a figure of authority over what (and who) is depicted.
We already know that Bilbo is an unreliable narrator, that he changes things and leaves things out.  There were a few posts and fics years ago, when the Hobbit movies came out, about Bilbo befriending a young Estel in Rivendell and deliberately leaving that out of his stories at Gandalf/Elrond’s request.  What other things might he have left out, perhaps, out of respect for his friends in the Company and their desire to keep their culture and language private and closed? 
Pengolodh compiling the Annals of Beleriand from which came the greater part of The Silmarillion - but he was in Gondolin for much of the First Age, and would have had to rely on other sources to give an account of the rest of Beleriand.  Who did he talk to?  What might they have said and not said, and what might they have requested he include or keep out? 
Anyways, the Legendarium as an archive, something actively created and shaped by the different people in and around it, who both added things and left things out unintentionally or by design or on request. 
#lotr#silmarillion#ironically this would make the archivists of middle-earth more respectful and conscious of this than many irl archivists#i jest; there are many excellent archivists who are putting the time and the effort in to do the work right and to spearhead change#not that there aren't still a great many traditionally trained archivists who are being absurdly obstinate about this#but there is progress; however slow; being made in the archival field about recognizing people's rights to their own records#writing this instead of my personal archives paper asdfghjkl;#this isn't the main point of this post but i also like to headcanon post war of wrath burgeoning loremaster elrond#travelling around and meeting different communities and hearing their stories#and sometimes they ask him to share those stories with others and many other times they ask him not to spread them#he meets a kindi tribe in the east who have no desire to be involved in any of the bullshit happening over in the west#they are fine with him as a friend but explicitly ask that he not let anyone else know about their existence#he befriends dwarves living in the blue mountains who wish people to remember the glory of tumunzahar and gabilgathol#but who don't want their culture and language widely spread for outsiders to know#he reestablishes contact with the silvan elves in the greenwood who are eager to hear news of their long sundered kin#and request that he bring news of them to the survivors of ossiriand
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aureentuluva70 · 11 months
How come nobody ever talks about that one draft of the Dagor Dagaroth where instead of Feanor breaking the silmarils, its Maedhros breaking the silmarils.
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kincalling · 2 years
Fictive of Fingon from the Silmarillion, I am looking for anyone, especially my family. Not looking for Maedhros. 17+ please, I am 18. Please message me on my blog @fingonastaldo and we can talk :D
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tanoraqui · 4 months
the Kinslaying at Alqualondë is sooo interesting because it is both the Noldor's original sin (everything before that was just family drama and/or dramatic, if binding, rhetoric) and the LEAST of their great crimes. Eonwë literally does not name it when saying why the House of Fëanor has lost their right to the Silmarils; he highlights the other two Kinslayings - "and most of all because of their slaying of Dior and their assault upon the Havens" - but not Alqualondë. It is a BLATANTLY obvious parallel to Morgoth coming in the Darkness, killing Finwë and stealing the Silmarils, for "these [ships] are to us as are the gems of the Noldor; the work of our hearts, whose like we shall not make again." The Noldor did NOT plan to start killing: "[Fëanor] went to the Haven of the Swans and began to man the ships that were anchored there and to take them away by force. But the Teleri withstood him, and cast many of the Noldor into the sea. Then swords were drawn, and a bitter fight was fought upon the ships..." [emphasis mine] It's not clear who made the first killing blow, but actual weapons were clearly drawn only AFTER the Teleri proved themselves willing and able to fight. Did Fëanor mean to simply intimidate them into giving him the ships? Did he think Olwë only refused because he was cowed by the Valar, and would surely give aid with a nod and a wink if he had an excuse? Every single one of these people had grown up in blessed peace, except those who had Journeyed, who still (so far as we know) had no experience of battle. The only person other than Fëanor named as playing a key part in the whole mess is Fingon, "rush[ing] in before they knew rightly the cause of the quarrel", portrayed in all the rest of the text as the closest the Silmarillion gets to an archetypal hero. It was the greatest loss of peace and collective innocence that Aman ever faced, and it was such a MESS.
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kitcat22 · 1 month
The steps to her father’s chamber are steep and winding and by the time Luthien reaches the top she thinks she must have been climbing for hours. She doesn’t really mind though, she is in no particular hurry to see her father anyway and she is grateful for the time to think.
The door at the top the landing is made of hard thick wood painted the colour of nightshade. She raises her hand to knock and drops it again. Seeing her father is always an uncomfortable, unhappy experience and she wishes that her mother had just sent one of their servants to speak to him instead. But no Luthien was told to and Luthien is an obedient daughter. She knocks, lightly and first and then two harder knocks but no answer comes. Annoyance stirs inside her but she maintains her smile and knocks harder again until a quiet, melodic voice calls out
Luthien does as instructed and pushes the heavy door open and stepping into the large room. He has been re decorating again she thinks. Candles line the walls casting the room in a faint, golden glow. In the centre of the floor stands a large circular bed with pale curtains surrounding it. There to the right sits her father at his desk. He does not bother to look towards her. She can see his pale hand moving around and realises he is sketching again. He is very talented at it she admits. Many pieces of his artwork hang gracefully from the stone walls. Some depict beautiful places Luthien has never seen before, wide open grasslands and shimmering lakes. Others depict faces with long pointed ears and with hair of molten gold, coal black and white-silver not unlike her father’s own long locks. She wonders if they were people he knew once but doesn’t bother to ask. She doesn’t think he would respond anyway.
‘Father’ she greets him and then feeling gracious,
‘i like the new layout’
There is no response at first and she stands uncomfortable and annoyed until the quiet voice responds.
‘It has been like this for quite some time. I find it dull to stay in one room that never changes. Perhaps it is time i do it again’
Luthien holds herself back from responding ‘maybe you should just leave your room more often’. It would be unkind and unmannerly to speak to her father like that and mother would be displeased.
Her mother is too kind to him, Luthien thinks, too gracious for her own good.
‘ you must not blame him, my beauty’ she would cry ‘your father loves you dearly but ever does his heart bemoan the loss of his kinsmen.’ Luthien thinks Melian gives him too much credit. It has been millennia since the Dark Valar wiped out the Eldar children of Eru and no matter how tragic that may have been, he cannot mourn for them forever.
At least not at the expense of his current family, she thinks darkly.
Grief has left her father a cold and bitter man. Rarely does he smile and rarer yet at Luthien or her siblings.
‘His kinsmen’ she remembers with a startle. That is why she came.
‘Father’ she says ‘there is news. Eol is to be wed’
There was a pause before he spoke back.
‘Eol’ he repeated sounding no more interested than before. ‘Is that so’
‘That is your son’ she thought ‘at least pretend to care’
‘Indeed’ she replied instead with a fake smile ‘but that is not the only news. The maiden he weds is of the eldar’
Now that got his attention.
Her father puts his charcoal down suddenly with a clacking noise and makes no effort to stop it as it rolls onto the floor. he turns to face her for the first time since she entered his room.
‘An elleth?’ He said ‘are you certain?’
‘I have seen her with my own eyes. A fair lady dressed in white clothing, structured and complicated in a way i have not seen before. Dark is her skin and darker her hair. Eol found her lost and confused and injured, when he realised what she was, he lead her further in the forest where it is safer’ The story slides of her tongue quickly, it is not often she has this much of his attention ‘My brother has found himself quite enamoured with her and mother has given them permission to wed. She couldn’t very well say no considering she herself married an ellon’
He did not respond immediately. His silver grey eyes were unblinking and searched Luthien’s face eagerly as if searching for a hint of lies or mockery. His pale hands smudged from his sketching were clutched tightly around the frame of his chair.
‘An elleth’ he repeated ‘your mother said i was the last of my kind, are you telling me that my lady wife is a liar?’
Any strange spark of joy she felt at his attention vanished and she bristled. How dare he imply her mother was a liar. Only he would twist her words in such a way. She spoke again in a more curt, biting tone.
‘Not at all. Mother believes that the girl must have been kept prisoner by the dark lords in Mordor. Poor thing. Otherwise mother would have seen her and told you of her’
‘Of course’ said her father, blank faced again as he pushed back his chair and stood ‘take me to this girl. I should very much like to meet her’
‘The maiden still rests from her weariness, you will meet her at the ceremony. Your presence there is required, I shall send the servants up with appropriate garments for the occasion, until then you may remain here if you so wish’
And with that Luthien turned from him and made her way out of the chambers leaving her father standing alone behind her.
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istaricelebelasse · 6 months
WIP Sneak Peek…
“The King is our cousin and you will be polite to him.” Celebrimbor sighed, for what felt like the thousandth time.
Elrond crossed his arms, stuck out his lower lip, and refused to look at him.
Unfortunately for him it was a look that Celebrimbor had no sympathy for. Just as his Grandmother had had no sympathy for him.
“But why do we have to be polite?” Elros asked with narrowed eyes, “If he is our cousin that makes him family and you have said many times that we don’t need to be too polite to family.”
Elros had the makings of a politician in him. The sort that would have run rings around the courts of Tirion and made Maedhros laugh with glee to see. At present though it was mostly just infuriating.
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