#the onion is cute and ticklish and we love him
cantsaythetword · 1 year
As always you want the answer tickled out of you 🙄. Can you tell us your melt spots? No reason at all, not gonna tease you about it. Never would do that (call me a bigger dork than you one more time and I'll call the tickle monster myself to wreck your adorable ass)
I'll never spill 😠😠 spots are SECRETS SHUSH (ifeelliketheanswerisvobviousyoureasmartmanyoucandoit)
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Home (Sequel to Vision’s Powers)
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Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes
Word Count: 4,912
There was actually a lot that could have gone better in the situation you were in. You could have moved your feet a little quicker or maybe steadied your breathing so help your balance; but to your dismay, it proved useless. While Bucky swung unimaginably hard fists at the punching bag a few feet away from you, Natasha took you by surprise once again, knocking you off of your feet and onto the mat with a hardy slap. Your back hit the floor and sent a wave of discomfort through you. You were sweaty, thirsty, and worst of all, you were getting frustrated with the work that you were doing. Once again, you and Natasha had decided to stay late to practice your training. The consistent thwacks to the poor punching bad to the left of you echoed in the room. Bucky was barely breaking a sweat.
When your head hit the mat again, you let out a hardy groan and turned your head upwards to face Natasha. She had a light gleam of sweat around her face, but she still looked stunning. The black t-shirt she was wearing clung to her skin and her grey shorts dangled from her hips. Had it been any other situation, you may have been able to admire how she looked and how effortlessly she landed her punches and attacks. Alas, your line of sight was blurred from your eyelashes catching your sweat. It may have been a signal to stop, but your determination was a force to be reckoned with. You knew that Nat was able to see that, so you also knew she was just pushing as hard as you were willing to go. Even so, a break wouldn’t have killed you.
“Always keep your eyes on your opponent,” Nat stated. “Never look away.” Nat offered you her hand to get up and you took it. As she pulled you off the ground, you grimaced at a new pain in your lower back and groaned standing up. She dusted you off and gave you a once over before nodding. “You okay?”
You nodded and reached around to hold the lower portion of your back. “Yeah, I think I probably pulled something. I’ll be fine, but do you think we can take a but of a break for now? I should probably put some ice on this so I can be better by tomorrow.”
Natasha’s eyes furrowed and she gestured to your back. “Do you want me to take a look?” She asked. She looked concerned.
“If you could, I’d appreciate it,” You said and turned your back to her.
Nat gingerly took ahold of the back of your shirt and lifted it up. It was a little nerve-wracking, feeling her small movements, especially facing away from her. Even so, you had been through the same situation a week prior to this with Vision. Perhaps you were getting more comfortable being the newest Avenger, and the team was finally beginning to see you as an equal. With that thought in mind, you made a note of the fact that Natasha had offered to do this herself; you didn’t even really have to ask. That must show some amount of trust if she’s checking you for injuries. She placed a palm on the small of your back and pushed lightly. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel comfortable. Your breathing hitched and you controlled a sigh.
“Does that hurt?” She asked.
You shook your head and chuckled. “It doesn’t feel great.”
She hummed a bit and placed her hand on your side. It was a shocking feeling at first, and if you were honest, reminded you a little too much of the Vision situation that unfolded last week. She pushed her hand into your side and her fingers curled a bit. Of course you didn’t mean to, but you jumped and let out a surprised noise.
“Sorry,” Natasha said. “Just had to see for myself.”
She must have been talking about your pain, right? You smiled and pulled down your shirt, turning to face her. She had a small smirk on her lips, but she looked more curious than devious. “See my pain?” You joked, trying to feign some sort of innocence in hope that she hadn’t figured out your little weakness. “That’s a bit sadistic of you, Nat.”
You heard Bucky chuckle to the left of you. He never missed a beat with his punches, so you decided to stay about fifteen feet out of range of the wildly swinging punching bag. Nat glanced over at him but redirected her attention to you. “Tony mentioned yesterday at the monthly debrief that you and Vision had worked on an experiment together,” She said. “Remind me to tell Tony that it’s time to include you in those meetings. It’s only fair.”
Your heart dropped. You had known that of anyone, Tony would have been the one to tell. He was just that petty. To be honest, the fear of them finding out had slipped your mind until now. You knew that Vision knew (obviously) and so did Tony, but when you asked Tony not to tell, it would have been hard enough to keep that a secret for him. Tony loved to have his fun at the tower, especially if there wasn’t some world-wide-threatening catastrophe in place. However, with a “weakness” of the sort, you felt as though you couldn’t afford to have the rest of the Avengers know about something as childish as that. Even so, you noticed that Natasha didn’t say anything. There was still a chance that, maybe, by the grace of the Gods, just maybe he hadn’t told them. You made sure not to keep that hope to close to you. It was unlikely.
You chuckled nervously. “Yeah, they needed help,” You said. It was inconspicuous enough.
Nat chuckled and wiped off dust from the sides of your arms before giving you a look-over. Besides your hunched stance because of the discomfort in your back, you looked fine. Sweaty, but fine. “Don’t worry about it too much. Everyone has something that can knock them back a few pegs,” Natasha teased. She winked at you and folded her arms. You felt your heart sink once again. Guess Tony told them after all. “Besides, it’s cute. Actually, if we wanted to use it during your training to help you build up a tolerance to it, we could.”
Of course, Nat was all business and little play. Her and you had a very close bond and you knew that she wasn’t someone to push past a friend’s comfort-zone. You appreciated it but chuckled nonetheless and shook your head. “So, I guess everyone knows at this point?” You asked.
“Yeah,” She said chuckling. “Pretty much.”
           After your training with Natasha, you decided to go back to your room to hopefully shower and relax. Your arms and legs were sticky with dried sweat, and you felt completely exhausted. As much as you loved working with Nat, you knew that she tended to push you to your limit. It was necessary, but it still left you feeling drained.
You threw your bag of equipment to the side of your bed and collapsed into your sheets. You planned to stay there for a few minutes before going to shower; if you spent any more time on your feet, you were sure that you’d probably end up falling in the shower. That is certainly the last thing you needed now that your secret was out to the rest of the team. Fucking Tony. You groaned at the thought and rolled over to face the ceiling of your room with your arm draped over your eyes. Okay, so they know your secret. Now what? You stumbled through possible reactions and encounters that could take place because of it. You didn’t think they’d kick you off the team because of it, but it was still embarrassing and, to you, felt a little unbecoming of a superhero. Were you considered a super-hero at this point? Were superheroes ticklish? You chuckled at the thought and tried to imagine the big and mighty Thor rolling on the floor laughing with glee. It was a little ridiculous, but it made you giggle.
About an hour had passed since you had gotten to your room. You finally managed to get up and take a shower and resumed your original position of lying on your bed with your phone in your hand. To be honest, you had started to get hungry and remembered that you hadn’t eaten since lunch. Probably not the best course of action. You glanced at the time and grimaced: 8:27. It wouldn’t be too late to have dinner, but Natasha always advised you against eating after 8. It always made training less bearable. However, since your blood sugar was getting low, you stood up from your bed, your muscles still exhausted. It took just about everything in you to open your door and walk to the kitchen.
The last thing you had expected was to see Vision and Wanda in the kitchen together, Wanda cooking in a large saucepan. From where you stood, it looked like she was making some sort of fried rice, and a ton of it too. You took a step into the room and smiled at Wanda, who in turned smiled at you. The kitchen was brimming with the smell of fresh cooked onions and garlic and plumes of pillowy steam wafted up from the food. “Hey, (Y/N),” Wanda spoke. “Can you do me a quick favor and hand me that bowl of peppers?” You nodded, but before you were able to take it, she made a small noise which sounded surprised. “Actually, never mind,” She said. She had a smile on her face and with her powers, the small bowl of chopped green peppers floated towards her and finally spilled over into the sauce pan. “I forget I can do that sometimes.”
You chuckled. “Anything that I can help with?”
Vision at the opposite end of the island in the middle of the kitchen smiled and waved at you, “Hello (Y/N).”
“Hey, Vis,” You responded and waved.
“Listen, I’m sorry about Mr. Stark. I did my best to dissuade him from telling anyone. I didn’t expect him to say anything at our conference. I hope you can forgive me.”
You appreciated Vision’s apology. To be fair, it wasn’t even Vision’s fault, it was Tony’s. That being said, you weren’t mad at Tony either, nor were you at Vision. “Don’t worry about it,” You said, waving off his apology. “What are you guys doing in here? It’s a bit late to be making dinner.”
“We can ask you the same question!” A voice that you immediately recognized as Steve said from the couches in the corner of the room. You glanced over to see Steve, Natasha, Tony, Sam, Peter, and Thor pressed up against the couches, the light of the television screen lighting up all of their faces with a dim blue light that was ever shifting. “We were waiting on you,” Steve said, resting his arm on the back of the couch.
You smiled but became suddenly aware of your presence in the room compared to all of them. You felt meek and a bit shy suddenly. You opted to take a stool at the kitchen island rather than try to find a seat for yourself in the middle of everyone. “I’m surprised that Bucky isn’t here. Is he okay?” You asked, looking to Natasha for an answer. Just an hour ago or so, he had been with you both in the training room, knocking the hell out of those poor punching bags. “Should I go try to find him?”
“Don’t worry about it,” A voice said from behind you while a hand placed itself on your head, messing your hair around. You spun on the stool to see Bucky’s smiling face. “Glad to know that someone missed me,” He said. You felt good for a bit, knowing that you made him feel good. His black leather jacket stretched around his body and creaked with all of his movements. Maybe he had gone out for a drive or to go to the bar; it had become his main place to be since finding his own apartment. He put his hand down and looked at the rest of the group.
You turned away from Bucky to get a look at everyone else. They were all in casual clothing, a sight you normally would not have ever gotten to see. Under usual circumstances, everyone would be dressed in their “super-hero” attire, consisting of flashy colors, hard metal shields and weapons, and especially form fitted so everything went where it needed to and they wouldn’t have to worry about anything but the fighting. Seeing everyone in pajamas, sweats, and t-shirts certainly was not the first thing you expected to see. Even so, it felt homely and welcoming to see everyone relaxed. There were several bright red (courtesy of Tony, of course) leather couches and a dark wood table set in front of the three seater, and a few recliners in the same color sat in a large “U” shape around the flat screen television. You recalled the first day you arrived at the facility:
           You had arrived hand in hand with Natasha who had been giving you a guide around the tower. Your past was not something that you were ready to discuss with anyone, all they had known is that you were found during a series of raids in Russia. Natasha had been assigned to work undercover for a terrorist organization. You were grateful, but to be honest, you weren’t necessarily ready to deal with your past either. Your raggedy clothes had been stripped away and replaced with a clean and ironed out t-shirt that Steve had offered you. You were in no position to say no, especially considering that your clothes were just about ready to fall off. After the tour and getting your first shower in weeks, Natasha had lead you to the room you were in now: the living room. You both sat there for hours, watching Disney movies and bad rom-coms while eating take-out. Natasha had been the first one there for you, and even helped you begin your training. She was the person you trusted the most, and every ounce of you was grateful.
           Currently, Natasha was sat on the left side of the couch furthest from the television, Steve on the right side. On the other couch furthest to the back wall, Peter sat on the ottoman in front of Tony and Sam, while Thor sat comfortable in his own recliner. There were also three more recliners available, but you made a point in your head to save those for Bucky, Vision, and Wanda. But…where would you sit? I mean, you thought, I don’t mind sitting on the floor. The floor was completely clean, of course. It wouldn’t make for that much of an issue. However, scanning over the room again, you noticed a wide gap between Steve and Natasha. Natasha glanced at you and smiled, patting the open space with her hand. She gestured to come over to her with her head, and you gladly did so, making sure to be quiet and polite about sitting down. Honestly, it didn’t seem like anyone was paying much attention to the movie, whatever it was. Everyone was either chatting or on their phone. Maybe they had done this…for you? You had never seen them gather like this, and Steve did mention that they had been waiting on you. Even with that thought in mind, you pushed it off and stared straight at the television. There was a subtle fear in you over making eye contact with the others, so you kept your gaze away from the others faces.
           Peter was too lost in a one-sided conversation with Thor to notice your presence in the room. You watched how his hands flailed when he was excitedly speaking and how he barely ever broke eye contact except to think. It was admirable, especially for someone his age in comparison to everyone around you. He seemed to be speaking about this new experiment that Vision, Tony and him had been working on, but something about it seemed a little too familiar. Something about his words made your ears perk up, until…
           “Yeah!” Peter exclaimed, nodding eagerly. “I thought it would have been painful, it just tickled.”
           You froze and looked at Tony, who was smirking. He shifted his gaze to you and bumped his eyebrows. In reaction, you immediately cast your gaze down to your knees and felt your face heat. You guessed that it had been possible that Tony did need more “test-subjects” rather than just yourself…but did he need to be so obvious about it?
           “Oh, uh, that reminds me,” Tony said. Peter instantly hushed. “(Y/N), you worked on the experiment with us. Did you enjoy it?”
           The fact that no one paid any attention to Peter’s indirect admission into being ticklish made you a little bit more comfortable, but it was still embarrassing. Your eyes darted to everyone in the room as they looked at you with soft smiles. You nodded and let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah,” you said. “It really wasn’t painful. Ah, pretty much just what Peter said.”
           “Oh?” Tony said, jerking his head up. “Did it feel weird or anything?” Tony shook his head with each word he spoke with pursed lips.
           You knew exactly what he was trying to do. You went through the list of scenarios that were in your head, mostly possible outcomes of different responses, but some were images of you being scorned, excluded, or mocked because of this little weakness of yours. You cleared your throat and nodded with a nervous laugh. “Yeah, same as Peter, really,” you said. Tony looked at your to further elaborate on your answer. “Just tickled.”
           Next to Tony, Sam let out a rather loud groan and threw his head back onto the back of the couch. A pit immediately grew in your stomach; these were the kinds of reactions that you had been hoping to avoid. “Tony, leave the kid alone. She doesn’t need you being a creep on top of everything else.”
           Tony put his hand to his chest in mock surprise. “Me?” He asked overzealously. “Come on, this place could use a little excitement.”
           “She’s had enough excitement to last her a lifetime,” Natasha chimed in from next to you. You smiled at her, but she stared directly at Tony. “Plus, her skills in combat are getting impressive. I imagine she’d be able to take you on.”
           Once again, the pit in your stomach grew and your heart rate spiked. There was no rhyme or reason why you would want to take on any one of these people in a fight. Natasha was the only person you had sparred with in the past few days, and thus, the only person you felt comfortable even beating in a fight. Your mouth spoke before your head was able to catch up, simply because of the panic. “No, no,” You said, your hands up in defense. “I don’t think I-”
           “Sure you can!” Thor chimed in with a grin from his recliner (that he looked way too large for). “We’ve trained and battled warriors even smaller than you across the nine realms. Some of them put up a very good fight.” It was supposed to be a compliment, so you smiled at him in thanks.
           “What do you think, (Y/N)?” Steve asked. You looked over to Bucky and watched his eyes dart between you, Steve, and Natasha. It was normal for Bucky, Steve, Nat and you to have lengthy conversations in the training room but truth be told, you had never participated in a larger group discussion with them. The feeling in the room felt devious, but you kept your cool and did you best to steel your face the way that Natasha had taught you. “Think you’d be able to take us in a fight?”
           You smiled and gathered up the courage to be apart of the conversation, rather than the shy feelings that you displayed. “I think I’d rather fight next to you guys than against you.”
           “Good answer,” Bucky said with a smile and patted your shoulder.
           “Kiss ass,” Tony remarked. You chuckled but decided to ultimately ignore it.
           Once the energy of the room had died down, you returned your gaze to see exactly what movie had been put on for you. Maybe if you had had time in the last few years to sit down and watch television, even just the commercials, you would have had an idea of what it could be. A large gymnasium filled to the brim with teenage girls was on screen, the camera focusing on a particular one who seemed nervous to be there. There wasn’t much point in asking what you were watching; no one was really paying much attention anyways. Peter went back to excitedly explaining his latest science project and how a test that he had coupling the project was coming up in a few days. He was confident, but a little on edge. He mentioned how studying would probably help him---
           Your thoughts were cut off by a quick jab to both of your ribs, and your body flung backwards into the couch to guard yourself. A little giggle escaped your lips and your elbows flew to your sides. You looked behind you to see Bucky with a rather devious smirk as he leaned onto the headrest of the couch. You didn’t even notice him stand up, let alone get behind you.
           “Had to test the waters,” he said, his smile not leaving his face. “Oops.”
           “Lot worse than we thought, huh?” Steve said and smiled at you. You looked up at Bucky who was hovering directly over your face, barely even a foot away. Your stomach fluttered with nerves and you turned away to make sure he wouldn’t be able to see the blush on your cheeks. Before you could utter out a response to this not-so-sudden attack, you felt fingers on your side give a light squeeze. You squeaked, pushed further into the couch, and fell into a short burst of giggling before opening your eyes to see Steve’s hand inches from your torso. “Guess so!” He exclaimed, laughing.
           There wasn’t really much time to be able to compose yourself between Bucky’s little attach and Steve’s. Soft giggles already flowed from your lips and your eyebrows furrowed up into a worried look. Your body smushed itself into the couch as far as you could possibly go and pinned your arms to your sides to prevent anymore attacks. With your hands in front of you, you attempted to steady your giggles, however, your words were interlaced with the subtle shake of mirth. “Wait, wait, wait, this isn’t a great idea—”
           Peter turned to face you from his ottoman and laughed, giving your knee a squeeze which didn’t do anything to help your cause. If anything, it just made you jolt and your giggles get louder. He smiled at you with raised eyebrows. “I’m just glad I’m not on the receiving end of this,” He stated.
           “Don’t get your hopes up, boy genius,” Tony said, standing up from his seat. “Just because we have a new victim doesn’t mean you don’t exist anymore.”
           Peters face flushed but he chuckled. “Trust me,” he said. “I’m grateful.”
           Between your nerves from having three people tickle you, it took you a second to register what Peter had just conversed about. Had something like this happened before? To be fair, it was easier to imagine Peter getting tickle-attacked here than anyone else. After all, he was still a bit childish. Granted, so were you so… that didn’t necessarily leave you in a good spot.
It was interesting though; when you had first heard of the Avengers, you saw them on television when you were younger. Watching them fight side by side against the Chitauri was inspiring, but this was years later. Of course, you never would have guessed that you would have been part of the team yourself. Let alone, you never would have guessed that the Avengers were actually quite playful.
The confusion slipped your mind as Bucky fluttered his fingers on the side of your neck, which automatically renewed your giggles. You scrunched up your shoulders and grabbed at his wrists, which ultimately did nothing. It was also a very strange sort of tickle, considering that one hand, or arm rather, was completely made of metal. He had cold (literally) and calculated movements, and his fingers fluttered up to the back of your ears. You squealed and held your hands up to your ears in a less than desperate attempt to stop the attack. Had it been another situation, a noise coming like that from an Avenger would have been embarrassing, but your mind was too busy focusing on the feeling.
“Bucky!” You shouted, dissolving further into your laughter, and sinking further in the couch.
Not slow enough for your mind to register what was happening, a new squeezing tickle sparked to life on your left side and you hunched over. You let out a small involuntary scream and hunched your body towards the left. You realized that Steve had taken it upon himself to help Bucky out, and really, you shouldn’t be surprised. The zapping sort of feeling in your sides and the light fluttering on your neck were almost too much to bear, and your laughter hitched. You debated on taking your hands away from your ears and neck, but that would only help Bucky. However, if you didn’t, then that would just give Steve more of an opening. Instead, your body took control, and slid down even further until your head was placed a few inches on Steve’s lap. You curled in on yourself as Steve moved his hand to your right side, which was now exposed. Bucky’s fingers switched to what he could get at in your position, which happened to be your ribs. You rolled onto your back in a feeble attempt to stop their fingers, but it only made them switch to your stomach. Once again, your laughter hitched. Deep belly laughs mixed with squeals echoed over the sound of the television. There were few thoughts bouncing around your head as you were tickled to pieces. Don’t kick Nat. Can everyone hear the movie over me? PLEASE don’t kick Nat. How long have they been going? How long are they planning this? Was anyone paying attention anymore? Guard yourself. If this was an enemy, you’d be screwed. Oh god, please don’t let Natasha use this in training. This is embarrassing. Who’s that laughing? Why is this…kind of fun?
“Guys, PLEHEHEASE!” You begged. You could hear a few scattered chuckles over your own laughter, but it was hard to focus on who they were coming from.
“Alright, alright,” Steve said, stopping his movements and resting his palm on your forehead. Bucky stopped as well. “I think she’s had enough for one day.”
You were grateful for the air that flooded its way into your lungs. You were panting, but scattered giggles escaped from your lips. To be honest, you didn’t care much about the fact that your head was resting on one of the founding members of the Avengers. If anything, he was the one who decided to tickle you, so he had to deal with the consequences that came with it. When you opened your eyes, the team around you were in giggle fits themselves. Bucky was still peering over at you from behind the couch, his arms hoisting him up on the back rest. He had a wide smile on his face. Scattered conversations here and there let you know that most of the attention was off of you at this point, which you were kind of grateful for. You pushed yourself off of Steve’s lap and playfully pushed Bucky’s head out of the way so you could sit up. He laughed and ruffled your hair, before finding his own recliner and sitting down. Steve let out a laugh and looked you up and down.
“You look like you just got out of training,” he said.
Grateful for the playfulness of his tone, you laughed at what he said. “I feel like it too.”
Next to you, Natasha poked you in the ribs. Your defenses automatically went up again before she placed her hand on your shoulder. It was her way of telling you that you could relax now. At least, that’s what she did during training. “Welcome to the real Avengers.”
“Real?” Sam said from his seat. “If I remember correctly, we’ve saved the world too many times to count. That’s real.”
“Lighten up, hotshot,” Tony spoke. “We can still be the Avengers without having a stick in our ass. Maybe you need the America dream team over there to teach you how to do that too.”
“You touch me and I’ll kill you,” Sam said with a smile on his face.
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe this place was a lot more familial than you thought. And maybe, just maybe, you could find this place becoming a permanent home for you.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Sleepovers {Reki, Langa, and Miya}
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A/N: Hope you don’t mind, but I decided to merge these two together because I just love the idea of Reki and Langa messing around with Miya hehe. I think this is my first Sk8 fic?? Im so excited to write for this bunch of cute characters, I’ve been itching to try them out. Hope everyone enjoys! :D
Summary: Reki, Langa, and Miya are sleeping over at Reki’s house. They decide to play some video games, but when Miya wins and starts acting smug, how will Reki and Langa react?
Word Count: 1.6k (under the cut)
“I got the chiiiips!” Reki sang, dropping a bag of doritos and a bag of sour cream and onion chips onto the table that was currently already overloaded with goodies and snacks.
Candies, soda, popcorn, everything you could imagine that definitely wasn’t good for you was on that table, and Miya only looked up with Reki with a slight cringe on his face.
“You’re gonna get way sick,” he said, turning his attention back to his little DS, tapping away at the buttons as he cleared level after level.
“Everyone knows if you drink a soda with it it cancels out, right Langa?” Reki said confidently, sitting down on the couch next to Miya and reaching across to fist bump Langa, who hesitantly fist bumped him back.
“I don’t think that’s how it works, but sure,” He said, picking up the remote that sat nestled between a bag of chocolates and a box of gummy worms, turning on the TV.
The three of them had been practicing their skateboarding at the skate park all day, practicing ollies and whatnot until the sun had almost set. Now, they were at Reki’s house, where they planned to sleepover… er, less of a sleepover, and more hanging out. With all that sugar they were about to consume, there was no way they’d be falling asleep anytime soon. 
Reki popped open the bag of sour cream and onion chips and stuffed his hand in, grabbing a few and munching on them before offering them to Miya and Langa. Langa took a handful and ate one at a time while Miya only took one, too focused on his DS game to grab any more.
“Miya, did you bring the switch?”
“I always bring the switch, slime.”
Miya hopped off the couch and dug into his bag, pulling out the console and setting it up on the television set, handing controllers to Reki and Langa before sitting down between them, his own controller in hand.
“What games do you have?” Langa asked as Miya switched from the cable to the switch on the television set with the remote, shrugging.
“I have stuff like Animal Crossing and Super Mario, but we should probably play Mario Kart or something, since those are multiplayer games.”
“What’s the difference between Super Mario and Mario Kart?” Reki asked curiously, and Miya scoffed.
“Of course a slime like you wouldn’t know the difference.”
Miya grinned smugly as he booted up the game and Reki grumbled, turning to Langa who only shrugged. Langa reached for the box of gummy worms, taking a few and popping them in his mouth, Reki reaching for the chocolates.
“Which buttons do I press?” Langa asked, inspecting the controller.
“Nothing right now, but this button helps you accelerate and you steer with the joystick,” Miya explained, pointing at the controller as Langa nodded. He showed it to Reki as well and they selected their characters and karts, Miya finally starting the race once they were all ready.
They took off, Miya almost immediately taking first place while Langa and Reki struggled to stay anywhere close to him. Reki and Langa moved their controllers around as they moved, strained looks on their faces while Miya remained completely calm and just moved his thumbs on the controller, easily retaining his winning spot.
“How are you so good at this?!” Langa cried out, running into a wall.
“He’s probably cheating!” Reki whined, getting hit by a red shell.
“I’m not cheating, I’m just better than you slimes,” Miya said cockily, and Reki sent him a glare, which turned out to be a mistake as he got stuck in last place. He groaned in frustration as Miya chuckled, taking first easily as Langa came in seventh, with Reki in dead last.
Miya looked at Reki and Langa one at a time, the same cocky grin on his face as he looked at them before he reached to the table, pulling out a few chips and munching on them, the grin never leaving his face. 
Reki glared at Miya as he started the next race, and an idea popped into Reki’s head. He glanced over at Langa and winked at him, Miya too busy focusing on winding up his kart, and Langa looked at Reki confused. Reki pointed at Miya and winked twice, hoping that Langa would catch on, but the race was already underway, and Langa was now too busy trying to catch up to Miya to figure out what Reki had been suggesting.
Langa weaved through racers, obviously having learned from the previous race and was now right behind Miya. Miya looked over at Langa quickly before throwing a banana behind him that he had been saving, knocking Langa out who groaned in frustration.
“That was just rude!” Langa said, trying to regain his second place status and failing.
Miya only chuckled, and Reki decided to put his plan into action. He waited until he was at a part of the race where he was going straight, not needing to steer, and reached over to scribble his hand up Miya’s side. Miya squeaked, jumping up and nearly dropping his controller. A few people passed him, including Langa who now took first place, grinning happily from ear to ear. 
“Okay, now that was cheating!” Miya complained, quickly catching up to Langa once more when he felt a prod at his other side from Langa. Miya squealed, twisting away and falling behind again, now Reki having passed him. Miya grumbled, trying to catch up but only managing to squeak and flail as Langa and Reki poked him every so often.
The race eventually finished, Langa in first, Reki in second, and Miya in dead last. Miya puffed his cheeks and turned to Reki, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“You’re such a cheater! I totally would’ve beaten you slimes if you didn’t cheat!”
“Hmm, but you still lost Miya… Do you know what happens when you lose~?” Reki sang, wiggling his fingers at Miya. Miya started to back away from Reki, only bumping into Langa, who was also wiggling his fingers.
“Grab him.”
Miya was about to jump off the couch and run but Langa already had his hands on Miya’s hips, squeezing as he pulled him back down, making him squeak. As soon as he was back on the couch Langa hooked his arms under Miya’s, holding them up and exposing Miya’s torso. Reki grinned, pouncing on the dark-haired boy as his screeching laughter immediately began to echo throughout the room.
“STAHAhahahap! Stuhuhuhupid slime! Let me gohohoho!”
“This is what happens when you lose to a bunch of slimes!” Reki teased, scribbling his fingers all over Miya’s ribs, poking and prodding between each one as Miya kicked his legs around, nearly hitting Reki.
“Whoa there, almost hit me!” Reki said, grabbing Miya’s legs and squeezing his knees, only making him kick more as he cackled.
“Not thehehehehere! I hahahahate you!” Miya wailed, Reki traveling back to Miya’s torso and digging his hands under his arms, making Miya squawk as he kicked furiously, knocking Reki in the gut. 
“Oof! Alright, you asked for it!”
Reki got up slightly positioning Miya’s legs in a leglock, sitting down on them so he couldn’t kick anymore. Langa let go of Miya, who instantly started to try and claw at Reki before Langa buried his hands under Miya’s arms, making him screech and fall back against the blue-haired skater.
“NOHOhohoho! Not yohohohohou too!” Miya exclaimed, squirming from side to side and flopping like a fish out of water as Langa continued to scribble under his arms as Miya practically screamed with mirth.
“Tickle tickle, Miya,” Langa teased, his voice sounding unenthused despite the huge, amused grin on his face as Miya thrashed beneath him, his face bright pink as Reki grabbed onto his socked foot, scribbling up and down as Miya yelled.
“NahahahaHAHAHA!! Reheheheki, not thehehehere!”
“You’ll say that no matter where we tickle you! Langa, try his tummy!”
“Ahahahahanywhere but thehehere!” Miya wailed, but Langa didn’t listen. He raised his hands above Miya, who squeaked in fear through his hysterical laughter. Finally, Langa’s fingers dove down, clawing at his tummy as Miya shrieked loudly, bucking wildly and laughing harder than before if that was even possible.
“Wow, looks like someone’s got a ticklish tummy!” Reki teased from his spot as he switched back to kneading Miya’s knees as he tried to kick his legs and get away from the horrible sensations, but he couldn’t. 
“LEHEHeheheave me alohohoHONE! Stuhuhupid slimes!” Miya cackled, his face almost red now as tears started to trickle down his cheeks from the sheer intensity of the tickling.
Langa slowed his fingers on Miya’s tummy, now just tracing light circles as he looked over at Reki.
“Think he’s had enough?” Langa asked, slightly concerned with how Miya was wheezing and laughing as hard as he was.
Reki glanced over at the feline-like boy, who was clearly exhausted by the tickling he had just endured. Reki shrugged and nodded, figuring he had definitely sustained more tickling than needed and got off of him, Miya panting heavily between them.
“Y-You two are the wohorst,” he said, a few giggles still escaping his lips as he laid between Langa and Reki, who only chuckled at him. Langa ruffled his hair and Reki poked his tummy a few more times, making Miya whine.
“Let’s play one more round, and no cheating this time!” Miya finally said, picking up his controller. Reki and Langa nodded, picking up theirs as well before Miya started their final race, winner takes all!
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Dating (also having sex with) Sebastian Stan would include...
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader (Is that correct. I have no idea)
Warnings: 18+ obviously Sex? I mean come on it's in the title. Otherwise just fluff and some swearing.
Word count: around 1300 ( I did not plan for it to be so long.. )
A/N: My second attempt at these, I’ve done one with Chris Evans. And people seemed to enjoy it?? so I thought why not make one with the ever so dashing Sebastian. I did get carried away and it became longer than planned haha. Whoops.
Also, this was giving me anxiety just sitting in a document staring at me, so here it is!
I’ve written a more detailed version of the Sebastian SMASH thing since people seemed to love that part of it, so if you are interested, here’s the link. 
Want to read my new series? Here’s the link.
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(Gif is not mine - found it on giphy. But look how cute he is)
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Him wanting to keep you out of the spotlight, but is also more than okay with PDA.
In fact, he can't seem to stop himself from kissing you or touching you at all times.
Him not taking you to walk the red carpet, but going with him to the after parties.
Will bring you to as many places as possible, photoshoots, travel destinations etc.
But still trying to protect you from the paps.
 Meeting your families and him having a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
Sebastian: “I know you haven’t done anything, but can you please stop looking so goddamn kissable, my parents are here.”
TEASING is his favorite thing ever. He just loves mischief, especially when it comes to you.
Will use your sweet spots as a way of teasing.
Will randomly just poke your side or smack your butt, you glaring at him and he just grins.
Has an obsession with your butt. Loves touching it, stroking it, smacking it, squeezing it. Looking at it, a lot.
Also has an obsession with just placing his hands on your lower back, just above your butt and just resting his hands there. He did have a tendency to sneak his hands up under your shirt to stroke your skin, which drove you mad. And he knew.
 Blushing whenever you complimented him.
Will try to help in the kitchen, and is a good cook, but he will spend most of his time annoying you instead of helping.
Sebastian grabs a meat hammer, looking over at you. “Do you want the onions SMASHED or chopped?”
“Sebastian! Don't you dare!” You scold him, but it's too late.
Sebastian yells “SEBASTIAN SMASH” as he slams the hammer on the poor innocent onion, sending bits of onion flying everywhere, even hitting you in the face. You glare at him and he just laughs so hard that he has to hold onto the table so that he won't fall over.
“You are cleaning that up yourself, asshole.” You say and turn to your food.
He feels bad and comes over trying to soothe you, kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you. You ignore him. More kisses.
“I'm sorry, kitten. Forgive me”
Ignoring him
More kisses and apologies.
More ignoring him until you get an idea
You lather your hands in tomato sauce, without him noticing, and turn to him.
Leaning in to kiss him, but instead, you smear the tomato sauce all over his face.
his eyes widen.
“Oh no, you didn't kitten. This means war” And then a food battle happened.
Calling you kitten, sweetcheeks - mainly to annoy you. Darling, and babe a lot.
He is a very chill dude.
Fun and a goofball, but also just a very relaxed and calm person.
Very mature, but also a five-year-old at the same time.
you: “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
Sebastian smirks and shrugs.
Sebastian keeps saying I want a divorce whenever anything mildly inconvenient happens or you annoy him.
You aren't married though.
Sebastian: “I want a divorce”
You: “Um, we aren't even married?”
“I still want one. I can't live this way y/n.”
“Then sign the papers. But I get to keep the bed”
“What? No way. Not fair “
“Well, life isn't fair Hollywood. Live with it. You want a divorce, then live with the consequences”
He pouts and mumbles as he wraps his arms around you, holding you into his chest from behind.
“Please don't divorce me. I love you.”
“Wouldn't dream of it, silly man. But you are going to have to marry me first big guy.”
All the kisses.
The giddy silly kisses, the deep kisses, knee-buckling kisses, quick kisses in the food aisle as you meet over the tomatoes.
He had a tendency to kiss the corner of your mouth a lot and you freaking loved it.
Also nose kisses, and nose nuzzling.
Just all the really gross and sweet little gestures, he was all for them.
Has a particular spot on his back that is very ticklish. Whenever you touched it he would collapse or squirm. Also practically scream out loud.
So you, of course, made it a habit to touch it often.
He also giggled like crazy when you tickled his feet, especially his toes.
And his knee pits, you knew all his weak spots and you loves tickling him.
Just the idea of making this sexy hunk of a man turn into a giggling little boy begging for mercy drove you mad and you loved it.
He secretly did too, the fact is he could very easily overpower you but he let you tickle him.
SEXY TIMES (woop woop)
Loves sex and will always be up for it, unless he is literally so exhausted that he physically can't.
Loves to make you writhe underneath him, torturing you in the best way.
Calls you kitten a lot, especially during sex.
Talks a lot during sex, mainly praise and exclamations of pleasure and such.
Not afraid to guide you or tell you exactly what he wants, and will encourage you to do the same.
Which you do and he loves it when you take control over your own pleasure.
He fucking loves when you are in control, surrendering to you is like a drug that he can't get enough of.
Seeing you explore his body, feeling your fingers on his skin, your tongue licking and tasting him.
God, he would have that every hour if he could.
His weak spots are, just underneath his belly button, his hips, his neck just under his left ear - the earlobe is one as well, and just beside his Adam's apple.
and you will use those to your advantage.
Loves going down on you and just exploring your body with his mouth and fingers.
Would spend all his time between your legs if he could.
Very open to different toys, being tied up, blindfolded, maybe some light spanking.
Generally just a bit of a kinky dude.
Will not use degrading words or anything like that, he wants you to feel good and loved.
But will come home sometimes after a hard day and just ask you to suck his cock.
Which you do. And you could do the same and he would gladly return the favor.
He could never resist your pleads and would be on his knees in seconds.
Sometimes you would just sit down, spread your legs at him and he would frantically run over to you and take care of you.
Sometimes he would want to fuck you hard, pounding into you in a ruthless way.
Other times it will be all slow and sweet lovemaking.
I think he would be a nice mix of hard, brutal sex and gentle, loving sex
Whispering love you’s between kisses as he thrusts into you, his face so close and his whole body resting on you. His hands in your hair. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands in his hair and stroking his neck.
A very varied sex life, that, of course, isn't always mind blowing because he is only human but it's good don't get me wrong.
Hair pulling kink and praise kink- or are those more my kinks? who knows.
VOCAL AS FUCK - growls, moans, swearing, groans, he would make so many noises during sex, and loves when you do the same.
 OKAY DONE WITH THAT ( I could keep going, but I don't want it to be too long) ((TOO LATE))
I think he would be very supportive and sweet boyfriend.
He has his faults, of course, just like any others, but I feel like he would work hard on being a very loving partner.
Sorry - I’m absolutely not sorry.
Hope you liked it!
Don’t be afraid to leave any sort of feedback, I would love to hear your thoughts xx
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Permanent TAGLIST: Is there a line through your name it means I couldn't tag you for some reason. Message me and I will try to fix it.
@bibegone / @holland-stan-posts / @sergeantjbuckybarnes
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My favorite hero
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), MCU (if you want to imagine timeline CA:WS will be good)
summary: Tony and Steve have a free evening for each other until Tony receives a certain letter that can change everything Steve thought about his boyfriend.
length: 2 049 words
a/n: first fic on the new blog, aaaah!! inspired by this art by @steve-sketchbooks . and also dedicated to the person behind the blog, because Yuki helped me set up this account and drew the adorable mini me you can see in my avatar and at the side of this of this blog, and I am super grateful for having her as a friend! love you, loser!! this is also influenced by CA:WS, because I was rewatching the movie for the museum scene and somehow made myself sad, blah. hope you like this fic!!
My favorite hero
"Babe, I am back! Got the tomatoes!"
"Great! Bring them over here!"
Steve turned light steps into the kitchen. It was one of those sweet days when no disaster had happened, and Tony and Steve could spend the evening together, deciding on cooking a meal instead of ordering it. And somehow it was so like Tony to come up with an idea of preparing spaghetti and Neapolitan sauce and forgetting to buy the main ingredient. He didn't forget some fancy parmesan for garnish, expensive olive oil for garlic bread, but he forgot the basic ingredient for the sauce. Somehow, Steve wasn't even surprised and just went out for a quick run to the nearest supermarket.
"How is it going?" he asked, walking to Tony and standing behind his boyfriend's back, peering into the pots.
"Bread in the oven, water for pasta boiling, garlic and onion almost translucent," Tony listed, stirring the bits of chopped onion and crushed garlic in a skillet, filling the kitchen with a yummy scent. "You can open the tomatoes and chop some basil."
Steve smiled, feeling that those were not the words Tony got to say too often, but it did sound good in his mouth. Domestic.
"By the way, there is a letter addressed to you," Steve remembered, putting the can with chopped tomatoes on the table and pulling out, a slightly crumpled, letter from his pocket.
"A letter?" Tony asked, deciding that onions and garlic got golden enough and snapped fingers into his palms, urging Steve to hand him the tomatoes faster. "I don't get letters."
Steve couldn't help but smile at the comment. Of course, his futurist boyfriend didn't get any letters. Tony was a strict email person or handled everything via video calls. Regular post was too slow for his liking.
"But you did," Steve put the opened can into Tony's hand, watching the brunet tip it and dump the red pulp into the skillet, making the oil sizzle. Soon the kitchen started to smell like tomatoes and garlic.
"Hmmm. Open it," Tony said, using the spatula to crush the tomatoes chunks.
"Are you sure?" Steve asked, halfway to prepare a basil cutting station. Somehow it felt too invasive.
"Sure, I am sure. It is probably an invitation somewhere and you won't have a different choice than to go with me, so it's better for you to prepare in advance."
"You are probably right," Steve agreed, holding back a chuckle at the way Tony scoffed out 'probably', mocking him. He took the letter. "It is from the Smithsonian Museum."
"Smithsonian…" Tony repeated thoughtfully. What did the museum want from him?
After opening the letter, Steve started to read out loud. "Dear Mr Stark. On the behalf of the Smithsonian museum, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your generous donation of priceless memorabilia to---"
Oh, that's what.
"NOO!!" Tony wailed, dropping the spatula into the sauce and darting to Steve, wrenching the letter out.
Too late.
"--- the Captain America exhibit," Steve ended, even if the letter wasn't in front of him any longer, his expression of pure surprise.
’Captain America - the living legend and symbol of courage’. He remembered that exhibit. It contained all the things from his life in the army, basically every item that was ever promoted with his image, and original tapes of his gigs from selling war bonds.
"Tony," Steve looked at his boyfriend, who was angrily scrunching the letter in his hands, muttering something about medieval methods of communication. "That exhibit belongs to you?"
Tony paused and dropped his head in shame. It was a talk he never hoped to happen. "I --- I just sponsor it. And donated some things from my collection---"
"Your collection?"
"You didn't hear anything!" Tony snapped his head up, brown eyes narrowing in anger at Steve's stretching smile. "Don't even---"
"Your collection," Steve repeated, his smile taking almost half of his face. "You mean there is more?"
"There is more!" Steve laughed cheerfully, slapping his hands on his thigh in triumph. "I am your favorite superhero!"
"Oh for the--- No, you are not! And I was young and stupid when I collected those things!"
"Oh, really?"
Tony winced at how quickly and quietly Steve suddenly appeared in front of him. Stupid super soldier serum.
"Then how come you still sponsor that exhibit?" Steve asked, smiling brightly.
"Stop it," Tony chocked out, looking to the side, planning his escape before his face would completely get consumed by red color and resemble the tomato sauce.
"That's so cute."
"Shut up."
"You are adorable. You always had a crush on me, didn't you?"
"Oh please! If I had a crush on anyone, it was Captain America, you, you I barely tolerate!"
"But I am Captain America," Steve teased further, trying to get a reaction out of Tony and gently poking his stomach. "How does it feel to date your favorite hero?"
"St-stop it!" Tony ordered, his face finally becoming red as he tried to slap Steve's hands away and wriggle out. "St-STEVE!"
"Not until you admit that you are my biggest fan," Steve insisted with a huge grin, deciding to cut the teasing already. He used both hands to pin into Tony's sides and wriggled fingers into the soft skin.
"NO!" Tony managed to yell out before laughter took over him. He was trapped between Steve's body and the counter, and while it wasn't a bad situation in itself, he would hope for different circumstances. "Staahahahap!"
"Not until you tell me what I want to hear," Steve kept smiling, enjoying as always the ticklish secret about his boyfriend. Which everyone knew. Which didn't make it a secret anymore. Still, it was incredibly sweet and he loved making Tony squirm.
"Fahahaahaahack!" Tony laughed, pushing on blond's chest uselessly, unable to defend himself from the attack. "Steve, Steve, no, please!" he managed to get out incoherently, when fingers clawed at his stomach, just in that spot where it was particularly unbearable. "BWAHAHAHA!!"
In such moments, Steve was incredibly grateful that Tony was so stubborn. It made the fun longer for both of them.
"Tooonyyyyy," Steve sang, drilling his fingers into the slightly pudgy belly, before delivering another ticklish attack, "you know what I want to hear. Just say it and I will stop."
It was either utter humiliation or die laughing. At least in Tony's eyes. From Steve's perspective, the situation was a whole less serious and a whole lot sweeter.
"Ohkahahahay!!" Tony gave up, barely able to stand anymore. The assault was not long, but precise and focused on his weakest spots, which made it too devastating. Stupid Steve and his expert strategy.
True to his words, Steve stopped. He kept his hands over Tony's sides, just in case. "Well?" he asked, lightly drumming fingers over the skin.
"You said you will stooahahp!" Tony wriggled, pressing arms down to his sides, nose scrunching as the last word was laced with a giggle.
Steve only smiled at the cute reaction. Someone was too ticklish for words to describe. "I will stop," he made a decision and took a step back, raising hands up so Tony could see them. "Now, spill it."
Tony huffed out a puff of air, trying to calm himself down. He would prefer if Steve stayed closer to him so he could hide into his boyfriend's chest and mutter out the embarrassing confession and end this sorry moment. But noo, Steve had to look at him.
With a sorry whine, Tony dropped his head into his palms, hiding. "I… I…"
Steve waited, watching the other man with a fond smile. Flustered Tony was a rare sight.
"Hey," Steve stepped closer and wrapped his boyfriend in a hug. "If it's too difficult, you don't have to say it," he smiled into Tony's hair, seeing how much effort the confession cost him.
"But I want to say it!" Tony burst out, looking at Steve with stubborn eyes and a blush on his face. A weirdly adorable combo, that made Steve blink in confusion.
"Steve, I---" Tony started, reaching for blond's hand and rubbing his knuckles with his thumb, focusing his eyes there for now. "This… This was going on for as long as I remember. And I didn't want you to know, because I didn't want you to think I am some kind of stalker or a freak, and like you for the Captain America part---"
"--- because I like you!" Tony looked back at the stunned soldier. "I like you as you, and--- I never thought I would have a chance to like you as you and I had this whole image of you as Captain America, but you are not like Captain America---"
"I am not?" Steve asked, getting confused.
"No! I mean, you kinda are, you have to be, but--- but this is you. Stubborn and sweet and caring and--- this is the you I like," Tony rambled, getting closer and finally hiding into Steve's chest, holding to his shirt and bunching it in his fist. "And I like you and I still like Captain America, but I know you are two different people and it was hard to say for me at first where Captain America ends and where Steve Rogers starts, but now I know and---"
"Babe, it is okay, really---"
"--- and I love you."
The silence was stretching. Before Tony could slip away, feeling that his confession was unrequited, Steve held him close.
"I love you too," he whispered into brunet's ear.
"You better, we are dating for two months," Tony muttered into Steve's shoulder, hiding that his heart started to flutter from emotions.
Steve snorted. "Try two years, babe."
"Huh. That long?"
"That long."
"How come we never said it before?"
"Because we are idiots."
Tony burst into laughter, looking up at the soldier. "And brutally honest. Should have added that to the list of what I love in you," he grinned.
Steve kept looking at Tony with a doting expression. He could write poems about what he loved in Tony. His determination. Generosity. That when he set his mind on something, he always achieved that. His good heart. He could go on and on, just like Tony could go on and on about him.
But still...
"So can you say it? Just for me?" Steve asked with a shy smile.
Tony grunted, rolling his eyes. Stubborn. He should have crossed that out from the list of things he liked about Steve. Sometimes it wasn't so good. Deep breath. "I am Captain America's biggest fan," he said in a slow voice just for Steve to savor the moment, even if his smile was more on the mocking smirk side. It was good enough, and Steve brightened, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend. "And I am lucky to date my hero," Tony continued, becoming more courageous and hoping for some more sweet rewards.
"Aw, babe," Steve kissed Tony again, feeling that he was head over heels in love with Tony Stark. "I am lucky too. I got to dine with my favorite hero," he gave his own confession, looking deep into brunet's eyes.
"Oh yeah?" Tony asked in a teasing voice, but eyes sparkling with love gave away his true feelings.
"Oh yeah," Steve repeated and nodded vigorously, squeezing Tony closer by putting his hands on the round butt. "So… Do you think we can invite Falcon over? Because he is really great and my favorite and---"
"You asshole!" Tony laughed, attempting to swat the already laughing blond, but Steve was faster and zoomed out of the kitchen, Tony closely following. And it didn't matter, that the sauce got burnt and the pasta overboiled and their kitchen became a nightmare, all that mattered was that when before it had happened, they both collapsed on the couch and made out because they both were their biggest fans and were head over heels in love with the other.
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benadrul · 7 years
VictuuriWeek Day 5: Domesticity (Family)
Title: Family, Hopefully
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Yuri is momentarily staying with Viktor and Yuuri. The couple decides to invite Yuri's friend over, hoping it will make him feel more at home.
Warnings: Yuri swears
AO3 Link
“Let’s see… We have meats, cheese, vegetables… I could grill anything up for you. Do you like omelets?” Yuuri asked, peering into their refrigerator. It was chockfull, so Yuri must have been able to think of something he wanted to eat, right?
Being the obstinate teen he was, the young Russian leaned further into the couch and scoffed, not bothering to look behind him. “Just get me instant ramen. I’m used to it.”
Yuuri scowled, unable to help the spark of parental concern flaring in his chest. Not that he was the expert on healthy eating, but Yuri’s comment made him worry, so he grabbed some vegetables from the fridge. “I’ll be making you a quick stir-fry; how does that sound?”
Though he groaned first, Yuri shrugged. Yuuri took that as a “fine.”
The boy had been staying with him and Viktor for a few days now. His grandfather needed to fly to Croatia to meet with his sister and discuss the will of her husband who recently passed away, and Yuri, barely knowing them, did not need to be a part of that visit. Viktor was the one who made the suggestion to Yuri’s grandfather, and the man happily accepted his offer, much to Yuri’s aggravation.
During the first day, Yuri was stubborn and pissy, groaning when he saw that the two older men already had an extra room saved “just for him,” as Viktor said. Yuuri worked on warming the frosty teenager up, though, and it surprisingly worked a little—maybe just because of how intensely Yuuri’s parental instincts had kicked in, seeing how messy and careless the boy was. He’d had some experience with “child-rearing” in rooming with Phichit, to put it frankly, so Yuri’s habits simply sparked old instincts in him to help out.
By now, Yuuri knew not to take the kid’s ungrateful whining to heart, or let it bother him. He was going to make sure Yuri got a healthy diet if it killed him. And if Yuri ever truly made him upset, well, Viktor would no doubt take care of it.
So, he focused on preparing the meal, unaware of Viktor coming into the living room-kitchen area, stretching the sleep out of his muscles. Habitually, he made his way to Yuuri and wrapped his arms around his unsuspecting fiancé’s midsection, catching the younger man mid-stir and causing him to jolt slightly.
“V-Viktor! Don’t surprise me like that when I’m cooking, please.”
Said man only answered by mumbling into Yuuri’s neck, sluggish and adoring. Yuuri sighed in exasperation—his fiancé would never give him a moment of peace, he knew it—before giggling suddenly when Viktor blew on his neck, where he was ticklish.
“Vi-Viktor, st-stop it!” he exclaimed between laughs, trying to dislodge the clingy man.
“Can you two go be gross somewhere else, please? I’m so sick of this!” Yuri groaned from the couch, rolling his eyes and gagging dramatically. He’d put on such a performance in front of them before. Viktor sighed, while Yuuri kept his expression neutral.
“Why do you need to be so mean, Yurio…” Viktor mumbled, long and drawn out, causing Yuri’s face to redden in anger.
“And why do you always need to be so fucking gross?”
“Alright, alright, enough you two…” Yuuri decided to end it there before it got any worse, as he usually was forced to do. As much as he loved his boys, they could get ridiculous when fighting.
Yuri grunted in annoyance, turning back to the television, and Viktor sighed happily into Yuuri’s shoulder.
After he finished cooking, Yuuri dislodged his fiancé and took the dish to Yuri, making sure he ate every last bite. The boy grumbled throughout, but Yuuri assumed that he felt loved deep down, as he didn’t actively refuse the food. When he finished, he made to give the plate back to Yuuri but was stopped by a hand.
“Now, go do the dishes that are left to be done.”
“What? You don’t get to tell me what to do, katsudon!” Yuri growled out.
Knowing that he’d gotten the teen to do quite a few chores during his stay here, Yuuri persisted in a no-nonsense tone, “Actually, I do get to tell you what to do right now. Go ahead, I know you can handle washing a few dishes. Don’t you want the place to look it’s best for when your friend gets here tonight?”
Wide-eyed, Yuri stared for a few seconds before huffing and heading to the sink. Yuuri was glad that worked, because he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done had Yuri kept being stubborn.
Luckily for him, Otabek Altin was coming over to visit; he was temporarily in Russia and accepted their invitation to spend a dinner and night. Yuuri and Viktor wouldn’t offer many skaters to spend a whole night, but Otabek was Yuri’s friend—one of his only friends, from what Yuuri could tell—and the couple hoped that having him here would help relax the teenager. He’d been wound tight these past few days, likely due to living in close proximity with Viktor.
So, Yuri tidied up, and Yuuri occasionally helped him despite his earlier fervor in getting the teen to do it by himself. He just couldn’t help it when Yuri kept huffing and puffing at him, as if Yuuri had ruined his life by making him clean a plate. Though as Yuuri made dinner he still forced the younger to help him. He needed to learn responsibility some way.
Yet again, as Yuuri was cooking, Viktor snuck up behind him to cling. Only this time, Yuri was even closer to see it.
“Ugh, quit groping each other and be useful!” Yuri immediately grouched, taking his anger out on the onions before him by chopping them up rapidly. Yuuri blinked blankly, and Viktor merely continued to nuzzle into Yuuri’s neck, unbothered.
“…Babe, how about you set the table for us? When Otabek gets here he’ll want to eat, I think,” Yuuri finally answered, gently detaching Viktor’s arms from him and giving him a parting, chaste kiss. Viktor nodded and got to work, seemingly satisfied. Yuri rolled his eyes but quieted.
Otabek arrived as soon as Yuuri finished placing the main dish on the table, much to everyone’s relief. Yuri was the one who greeted him first, of course, the friends exchanging short hugs before Yuuri and Viktor welcomed the visitor fully in. Otabek answered their greetings with a nod, removing his shoes and offering a short compliment about the state of the apartment. He was quiet as always, but Yuuri sensed that he was truly happy to be here and thanked him delightfully before having everyone take their seats at the dinner table, one on each side.
“…This fish is good,” surprisingly, Otabek was the first one to speak once they had started eating, though Yuuri figured he wanted to be polite. He smiled at the compliment, about to thank him, but Yuri answered first while looking down at his plate, busy cutting the fish into pieces.
“I helped cook it.”
“You’re such a good helper, kotyonok,” Viktor reacted first, smirking around his fork, and Yuuri sighed. Here they went.
“Don’t call me that, old man,” Yuri snarked, glaring daggers at the man across the table. Otabek and Yuuri glanced at each other, resigned to their fates.
“But it’s the truth, and I’m sure your friend would be proud of you. See, Otabek, Yurio even helped clean today! I guess he was excited for you to visit,” Viktor now faced Otabek, grinning like a pleased Cheshire cat.
“Stop patronizing me and stop fucking telling him that!” Yuri now shouted, raising in his seat with a blazingly red face. Yuuri sighed again, holding his hand out to keep him at bay.
“Now, calm down—“
“Don’t tell me to calm down, pig!”
The dinner continued in the same manner, and though Yuuri was used to it, he was worried that Otabek might be too taken aback. However, the boy didn’t seem concerned, merely watching the proceedings while eating as if it were a show—and, it sort of was, Yuuri had to admit. Viktor knew exactly how to push Yuri’s buttons, and the outcome usually proved to be hilarious.
After dinner they decided to pop in a movie, Yuuri forcing Viktor and Yuri to sit as far away from each other as possible to prevent any angry outbursts which would steal everyone’s attention. Yuri grumbled, pulling Otabek with him to take the other end of the couch, Otabek and Yuuri thus sitting in the middle with Viktor and Yuri on the ends.
“If you idiots start making out right next to us at any point, I’m going to my room and locking myself in,” Yuri muttered solemnly right as the movie started, causing Yuuri to blush profusely and Viktor to cough around a laugh. Hearing “my room,” though, caused both adults to secretly smile to each other afterwards.
Just because of Yuri’s comment, Yuuri made sure to not let Viktor near his lips throughout the whole movie, no matter how much the Russian man groped and pouted.
By the time the movie ended, it was rather late, so Viktor showed Otabek to the futon where he would be sleeping, pulled out from a couch Yuri’s room—or the guest room, though it seemed everyone had finally stopped with that pretense. Yuuri made to get up from the couch as well, but realized Yuri was staring at him as if he had something to say, and faltered.
“…Um, thanks for letting my friend come over, katsudon,” the teen mumbled, acting as if it was painful for the words to come out of his mouth. For all Yuuri knew, it was.
It was cute, though. Yuuri smiled, facing him and resisting the urge to pinch his cheek. “Of course. Viktor and I both wanted you to be more comfortable here and thought that having a friend here would help. Viktor teases you a lot, I know, but he means well, and he cares. Otabek can fit into our little family just fine—we have plenty of room.” It was true; Yuuri felt as if he were Yuri’s father these past few days, giving him chores and looking out for his wellbeing. He didn’t hate the idea, especially knowing that Viktor also held parental affection for the boy. They weren’t conventional, but they were still a family of some sort, Yuuri felt.
As expected, Yuri sputtered and blushed, glaring back at him. “What do you mean, family? You’re crazy…” He tried to sound angry, but couldn’t quite make it, something hopeful in his eyes. Yuuri took it as the boy accepting them, and grinned happily, unable to help himself from reaching over and pulling Yuri into a tight hug, much to the boy’s shock.
“Aw, I’m so happy… You can stay with us any time, even after this, you know that, right? We want to look out for you.”
“…I-I know, katsudon. Now get off me.”
Yuuri obeyed, but not before ruffling the teen’s hair. Yuri acted as if he didn’t appreciate it, but Yuuri knew otherwise—the delight at being a part of something so precious still shone in his eyes.
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eriwrites · 7 years
Dinner Date
Pairing: Kim Seokjin | Jin - Reader
Rating: G
Summary: A dinner date with BTS’s beautiful pink prince~ need I say more?
“Make sure you don’t forget the bell peppers, we need red and yellow.”
  “And red onions! Not the ones you got last time!”
  “Ok, I got i-“
 “And don’t forget we need more bay leaves!”
 “Jin, if you don’t stop back seat shopping I swear I will leave this store immediately.” You hissed into the phone, one had holding it to your ear, the other trying to maneuver the shopping cart through the aisles.
 A laugh sounded on the other end of the phone, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you know how I get. I just want this to be perfect! It’s been so long since I got to cook for you; just the two of us.”
 You hummed in agreement, a smile spreading across your face. The boys had been really busy the past couple weeks, leaving very little time for just you and Jin, and every time you were able to have dinner together it was always crashed by the others, desperate for some home cooking and gobbling up all your food in record times. You chuckled at the memories, funny now though annoying at the time.
 “What are you laughing about?” Jin’s curious voice asked.
 “Just thinking about the boys… And praying none of them come over tonight.”
 He laughed, an adorable twinkling sound that set your heart fluttering. “I’ll be sure to lock the door tight after you get back.”
 You gave an agreement and said your good-byes, fully focused on getting the ingredients for dinner and getting back to the apartment as quickly as possible. A night with your boyfriend! Alone! It had been way too long and now all of your thoughts were full of him. You raced through the aisles, picking up everything he had delicately written on the list (‘no, no not those ones, he said red onions… oh god I almost forgot the bay leaves’) and stood in line at the counter. A happy conversation with the cashier and a swipe of your card later, you were on the road home.
 “Did you carry all of those by yourself?!” Jin’s cry echoed in the apartment hallway as you kicked at the door to get his attention to open it.
 “I didn’t want to bother with two trips! Two trips are for the weak, darling.”
  He shook his head, a light grimace crossing his face at the little scuff mark your shoes had made on the door when you kicked it, before rushing to your side to take some of the bags off your hands, mumbling about how you should have called him and he should have carried them up. You laughed and patted his head, giving him a short peck to wipe that adorable pout off his face. Sudden realization crossed your features and you gasped loudly, startling your boyfriend.
 “I almost forgot! There’s something else in the car—hang on a second!” You rushed out, ignoring Jin’s cries of ‘wait! What is it? Should I help you?!’ , sprinting down the hallway with a wide grin on your face.
  When you came up a couple minutes later (locking both locks on the door, can’t forget that!) Jin had already set up some water on the stove and had begun cutting up the vegetables.
 His head inclined towards the sound of your feet on the floor, but didn’t look up from his knife-work. “Did you get it? Whatever you forgot?”
 “Yes! I did, can you get me a vase down from the shelf?”
 He set the knife down and turned towards you, a brow lifted in confusion. “A vase? What do you need that fo--!” He let out a gasp as you held up the pink roses. His mouth fell open in surprise and he gently caressed one of the bright pink petals almost in wonder at their softness.
 You giggled at his cuteness. “I saw them while standing in line to pay and thought you’d like them.”
 A bright smile zoomed across his face, eyes practically disappearing with how wide it was. “They’re amazing!! Such a wonderful color- and the smell! I love them, thank you.”
 He petted the petals a moment longer before spinning around and grabbing a tall vase off of the top shelf. While he carefully cut the ends off of the stems, you washed your hands and resumed cutting the vegetables on the counter, dropping them into the now boiling water. He placed the flowers on the table with a giggle before encasing you from behind, strong arms tight around your middle. You laughed as he placed butterfly kisses along your neck, finally turning and giving him a proper kiss. He grinned, a light blush of embarrassment dusting his cheeks as he pulled away to start seasoning the meat. You pulled out your phone and synced up to the Bluetooth speakers, giving the two of you some music to work by. He swayed his hips into yours as the beat picked up and you bumped him back, a battle beginning.
  “Wait, wait!” Jin breathed out a laugh, “careful, the pan is hot!”
 You laughed and tickled his sides as he let out a squeak of laughter, quickly placing the hot pan on the stove before turning and shaking a disapproving finger at you. You shot forward and tickled his sides again before dashing into the living room, a nimble Jin jumping after you. A play fight ensued on the couch, neither side giving in. One of his hands hit a particular ticklish spot on your ribs and you shot off the couch onto the floor, hitting it with a loud thump. Jin immediately stopped and leaned over you, worry on his face.
  “Are you ok?! I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
 You let out a wheezing giggle as you tried to get your breath back. “No, no, I’m fine. The fall just surprised me!”
 He gave a sigh of relief, “Good, I don’t think I could stand it if you got hurt.”
 You looked up at him, lips turning up in a loving smile before you jumped up and nudged him with your knee. “Move over a little and lay back.”
 He obliged and you crawled on top of him, arms pressed between your bodies and head resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head, settling back into the cushions.
 “How long till the food is ready?”
 He hummed and lifted a hand to check his watch. “Hmmm, about 25 minutes.”
 You curled your fingers into his sweater and pressed yourself tighter against him. “Can we just stay here like this until it’s ready then?”
 A hand carded through your hair, fingernails lightly scratching at your scalp. “Absolutely.”
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
Giggles in the Dark
~A/N  - It was my day of birth! (29th of the June babeyyyy... damn this is late lmao)
So I wanted to write this cause its v cute andiwouldn'tmindithappeningtome. It took me a while to think of a fandom to write this for but I finally realised it should be heartstopper!!! It's perfect!!!
Kinda dedicated to the anon who asked if I would write for heartstopper, and also dedicated to the birth of me. (I sound like some medieval king being like HAH TIS MY DAY OF BIRTH HOLD A FEAST IN MY HONOUR and I'm so sorry lmao)
I'm also tagging the onion man @ticklepinions cause his heartstopper fics are absolutely fcking adorable and I love them
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link
"Our Colony depends on you, ranger." The video echoed dramatically.
"Alright troopers!" The lazer tag attendant bubbled in very obviously fake enthusiasm. "Any questions about our safety rules?"
"I know we can't hit each other with the phasers, but fists are fair game right?" Tao grinned, getting a chuckle from Elle and Tara.
The attendant tried to stifle a laugh. "With some of the kids I've had to deal with today I wish they were."
"We're good to go, thanks." Charlie smiled.
It was his 17th birthday, and his 6 favourite people had all assembled for a battle of lazer tag at their local arcade. While Charlie, Tao, Elle, and Issac were all well versed in the game, the others were less confident. But their lack of skill did not result in a lack of playful arrogance and boasting.
The group, now alone in the 'training' room, were constantly engaging in teasing challenges and joking threats, until Tao added an interesting extra rule.
"Let's change this up a little..." He smirked. "For extra points, you can tickle our birthday boy-" he ruffled the hair on Charlie's blushing head - "while singing happy birthday as loudly as possible."
"Awww, Charlie's ticklish?!" Tara beamed at the newfound information.
Nick chuckled, nodding eagerly. He was one of the few in the group who knew just how much Charlie both loved getting tickled, and how embarrassed he got by it.
At the encouraging smiles and comments from his friends, Tao's voice took on a dramatic inflection. "If you finish the song, you automatically and instantly win the game..."
"Sounds easy enough, as long as we can be heard over Charlie's giggles." Elle smiled playfully.
"But! If someone shoots you then you're unable to tickle or sing 'til you're back online. And, if Charlie is shot then he can't be tickled 'til he's online."
Chuckles of agreement blended with the group's footsteps as they made their way into the armoury. Donning their obnoxious flickering vests and grasping their phasers, they maneuvered into the almost pitch black darkness.
Charlie's heart thumped as his eyes adjusted to the low light around him. Lazer tag adrenalizes him enough without the added threat of tickles. The somewhat cringy announcement countdown began, as Charlie settled himself in a corner of the arena. The wait began.
Sounds of lasers, shrieks and triumphant cries echoed around him as Charlie sat impatiently. Waiting to hear footsteps or muttering walk past. He managed to sniper Nick a few times, silently giggling to himself at his boyfriend's confusion.
His giggles grew to a squeal as hands wrapped around his body.
"Happy Birthday to you~!" Issac sang loudly, wriggling his fingers into Charlie's armpits. "Happy bir- damnit..."
Darcy's laugh from the darkness revealed Charlie's saviour, as Issac slunk away waiting for his jacket to reilluminate.
There was barely a minute of reprieve before someone else's claws latched to his sides.
Tara began to sing, and usually Charlie would enjoy her voice, but her slender fingers were absolutely agonizing squeezing against him. She barely got through the first two happy birthdays before a shot deactivated her suit.
"Aww... I was enjoying that." Tara frowned teasingly. "Your laugh is really cute Char."
The poor boy blushed, clinging to his gun and stumbling away in a giggly mess.
As much as Charlie was enjoying it (though he'd never admit it), he did still want to win. He was on the hunt, shooting anything that moved along with the extra lights scattered around the arena which gave bonus points. The satisfying groans from Tao or Darcy made him smile each time he hit them, and of course it was hilarious to continuously shoot Nick from behind. There was something cartoonishly comical about just how long it took him to realise where the shots were coming from.
He was about to shoot Nick for the fourth time, before Elle grabbed him under the arms. He let out a shriek, muffling the sounds of the first line of her Happy Birthday song.
"Happy birthday to you~! Isn't it great that Tao knew exactly how to make you smile on your birthday!" She beamed, holding up an absolutely limp giggly Charlie. "Happy birthday dear gigglesss~ and the absolute cutest giggles at that."
Her soft teasing throughout, though it completely won over Charlie's nervous system, took just too long for her to win overall, as Tao managed to whip round the corner and shoot Elle in the shoulder.
"Tao! I almost had him!" Elle groaned, a smile still stuck on her face.
Tao didn't respond, fully focused on running straight towards a still giggly Charlie collapsed on the floor. Somehow the two ended up in an awkward seated bear hug, giving Tao the perfect position to reach Charlie's stomach from behind. Tao sped through the birthday song, fingers scribbling at double the speed of his words. He was about to finish the final line when.
Elle's victorious face peeked over her blaster as Charlie's vest powered down.
"Ugh no! I was so close!" Tao grumbled. "This is your fault!" He directed at Charlie with playful annoyance, fingers still wiggling against the man. "If you didn't squirm so much I would have finished that song!"
"Consider it revenge for getting shot!" Tao grinned, finishing his friend off before running around the corner.
Once Charlie was back online, he weakly shot a rapidly approaching Elle. He couldn't take another round just yet.
Footsteps thudded eagerly behind him. In his giggle-drunk fear his 3 blind shots that he fired as he turned ricocheted off the walls around him. He let out a yelp of confusion as Darcy shot him in the chest and practically tackled him to the ground.
The 10 seconds of waiting for him to come back online were some of the longest and most fear-inducing of his life.
The moment the lights on his jacket came on again Darcy plunged her fingers towards his stomach and began singing (or, more accurately, yelling) Happy birthday.
"DAHAHAHARCY!" Charlie begged, squealing and thrashing from side to side.
"Shh!" She laughed, continuing the song. "Happy birthday dear charlieeeee!"
"You could just shoot me..." She smirked. "Unless, you're having just as much fun as we are..."
Charlie's eyes shot to the ground, right as Tara shot Darcy. In his embarrassment he almost became Tara's victim once more but managed to scramble to his feet and shoot her before running away.
The nimble and still-giggly Charlie managed to shoot Tao as he escaped, dodging through cracks in the walls and around pillars. He spotted Elle slinking past him, oblivious to her soon-to-be attacker. Lining up his shot, he guided the red laser light through several holes in the arena before firing. The satisfying noise of the LED vest deactivating was almost distracting enough for Tara to sneak up behind him.
The second Tara's hands slithered around his waist he instinctively whipped around and shot her phaser. Thank god the guns count as target points.
Groaning, Tara shuffled onwards. Charlie moved backwards, facing the open hallway in front of him to avoid another person sneaking up beh-
"Hey Char." Nick smirked, grabbing his boyfriend and trapping him in a ready-to-be-tickled hug.
"Nick!" Charlie squeaked, squirming in his grasp. "Nononono please!"
"Haaaaaaaaaaa~" Nick drawled it out, letting the anticipation of the first syllable of the happy birthday song work it's magic.
"-aaaaappy birthday to you~" He sang, giving Charlie's neck a few kisses as his hands squished his boyfriend's hipbones. "Happy birthday to you!"
"Uhh... umm..." Nick stuttered playfully. "Oh damnit Charlie I've forgotten the lyrics. Let's start again!"
"NOHOHOHO!" Charlie begged, the hands still torturing his hips were short-circuiting his brain.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear..." Nick paused once more. "What was your name again?"
"No I'm pretty sure that's my name..." He continued to tease. "Yours was... Connor? Chris?"
"Charlie! I remember now!" Nick beamed, hands continuing to practically massage his boyfriend's hips. "What I don't remember though, is where I was in the so-."
"Let's go again!"
Nick's relentless teasing, mixed in with the odd neck kiss or ear nibble just to keep Charlie guessing, was enough to absolutely destroy the man.
"Happy birthday dear Charlieeee~" Nick nuzzled into his boyfriend's neck as he said his name. "Happy birthdaaaaaaaay toooooooooo...........!"
"GAME OVER!" The intercom boomed.
"Awwwww, what a shame. Saved by the bell I guess." Nick winked, before giving Charlie a genuine kiss (on his lips this time, though Charlie wasn't any less giggly) and slipping their hands together to exit.
"YES!" Darcy exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air.
"I take it you won then?" Nick grinned as he and Charlie joined the rest of the group in front of the final scoreboard. "I almost had an instant win."
Charlie blushed further, face still stuck in that endearing post-tickle smile. A buzz from his pocket interrupted the group's teasy questions of the last minute of the game.
"Dad's here, you guys ready for cake?" Charlie asked.
Eager nods led the way back to the carpark, where Tara, Elle, and Darcy hopped into Tara's car to meet the rest of the group back at Charlie's house.
Issac hopped into the front seat next to Charlie's dad, while Nick, Charlie, and Tao squished into the backseat.
With Charlie trapped in the middle, Tao and Nick were at the perfect position to poke and tease Charlie's sides the entire car ride home - not to mention squeeze juuuust above his kneecaps every time they hit a speed bump so Charlie would jump a little more than usual.
The gang gathered on the couch. Nick, Charlie, and Tao all sat on the floor, with Tara, Darcy, Elle, and Issac on the couch behind them. Charlie's Mum brought out his cake - a very tasty looking vanilla cake with rainbow sprinkles. With the lights out, and the blue candles flickering in the dim living room, all that was left was to sing.
Charlie's mum began, and no sooner had voices filled the room did the hands start. 12 hands found their ways to Charlie's sides and neck, one or two ruffling his hair as they went.
Halfway through the song was when Charlie couldn't hold his giggles any more. His eyes squeezed shut and his arms curled around himself to try to protect himself.
The singing finished, but the tickles did not. Tara laughed something about all of them winning the game, as Nick whispered in his ear about blowing out the candles.
The hands lessened, but were still very very tickly. Charlie took a deep, shaky breath, before all the air came out in a stream of breathy laughter. The candles wiggled, some even seemed to go out, but all came back in full flame.
"Come on Charlie! It's not that hard." Tao teased.
"I cahahahan't!" Charlie giggled, before trying again.
Nothing changed. The breath turned to laughter and the candles remained aglow.
Charlie gave it one last shot, rapidly taking in a breath and immediately blowing it all out. The candles faded one by one leaving only smoke behind.
He laughed both in relief and at the residual ghost tickles left behind.
"You guys suhuhuck." He glared, much of the sting taken out by the bright smile still on his face.
"You love us." Elle smiled, giving his hair one final ruffle before the group stood up to leave. Nick moved to the kitchen to help Charlie's Mum clean up, while Charlie helped their friends grab their coats.
After saying a very cuddly goodbye, Charlie returned to the living room to find his Mum and Nick chuckling endearingly at his Mum's phone.
"What's that?" Charlie asked genuinely.
"Only the best photo ever taken." His mum grinned, turning the phone towards him.
The picture, taken only a few minutes earlier, showed him and his friends gathered around the freshly extinguished cake. Each person smiling at the birthday boy, who was a giggly post-tickle mess.
"It's adorable Char." Nick smiled, zooming in on Charlie's red beaming face.
"Noooo!" Charlie tried to cover the phone screen, battling Nick's and his monther's hands for a moment. "It's so embarassing!!"
"It's so cuuuute!" Nick teased, poking his boyfriend and putting the phone in front of him every time he turned.
"Nihihick stop!" Charlie laughed. "You guys are so mean!"
And yet, as much as he complained about it, he did ask his Mum to send it to him.
And that photo remains his phone's home-screen to this day.
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